Reedsport City Council Minutes 1920-1929

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Reedsport City Council Minutes 1920-1929


The City of Reedsport council minutes from 1920-1929 in searchable PDF format. Some pages may be illegible due to file compression. Please contact the Reedsport Main Street Program if you need access to high-quality scans. See below for a computer-generated transcript. Originals are held at Reedsport City Hall.


City of Reedsport


City of Reedsport


Reedsport Main Street Program




City of Reedsport
Wes Lockard


Public Domain

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Town of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon
January 12, 1920.
At a regular meeting of the Common Council this day
regularly called and held at the time and place and in the
manner provided "by 1st:, with V.ajor W. P. Reed, Recorder
James K. Cavers, end the follo^'ning members of the Common
Council, to-Ti'it; McParland, Chase, Lyons, Huhbard, 3rov:ne,
in attendance, :.xyor V/. ?. Reed presiding and Jamea
Cavers acting as I^eoorder, the f0ll0T;7ing hussinesE was '
Ivlinutes of previous me'^'ting read and approved.
notion duly made ans seconded that meeting he con
tinued on Thursday night.
I^otion duly made and seconde that Ilaydr adjoint a
?inance Committee of three; Chase, McFarland and ITubhard
^rere duly ep ointed.
rrojosed Orcinsnce To. 9 was regularly introduced
and read the first time.
[Thereupon, on motion duly madg seconded, a nd unanimoufcly
csrried, seid x-^rox^osed Ordinance T:as pasred to its
second reading and read the second time.
Aftersaid proposed Ordinance had "been read the se cond
time, notion v^as duly made, seconded, and unanimously
(Serried that said pr oposed Ordinance he passed to ±ts
third readin g.
After S8id proposed Ordinance hafi heen read the third
time, motion was duly made, seconded, and Tinanimously carr
ied that said proposed Ordinance he placed upon its final
passage, T?hich said proposed Ordinance •was thereupon numb
ered "0RI3I1IAKGE NO.9" and i^vhich said Ordinance v;ith fhe
vote thereon is in VvOrds end figures as follows;
ORDIHAITCE 110 . 9 .
AU ORDINANCE fixing the salary and compensation of
the City Recorder, City Attorney, and Ilarshall of the City
of Reedsport:
?m CITY OF RE:^DS^0RT does ORDAIII as ?0LI0?/S:
ESC7I0IJ 1. That the salary of the C4ty Recorder
shall "be, end the same is hereby fixed at the sum of Sev
enty -five Dollars {'4 75.00) per month, payable out of the
general funds of the ^ity Treasury.
SECTIOIT E, That the salary of the •:'ity Attorney
shall be and is hereby fixed at the sura of ?ifty Dollars
f§ 50.00) per month, layable out of the general funds of
the City freasury, and the use of Rooms 2, S, and 5, of
_8bney Block, rent free; and also such stenographer hire
as may be necessary vvhen handling the City's Business.
SECTIOU 3. The salary of the City Marshall shall
be and is hereby fixed at the sura of ^ifty Dollars (S50)
per month, payable ou t of the general funds of the :ity
EECTIOJI 4. That all ordinances i.nd parts of ord
inances in conflict herewith be, and the same are her-" by
Passes by the Council this the l£th da y of January
19S0, by the folloTving vote:
^•EAS; 5.
Submitted to the ::ayor the l£th day of January, 1920.
-Approved by the "ayor the 12th day Janua^, 1920.

Thereupon the Layer duly signed and axjj-ro-ved the aforesald
ordinance in o^.en meeting.
Thereupon the Recorder ras instructed to post three
copies at least three public places in said Oity
same to be in lieu of publication thereof.
Thereupon the mee t ing adjcurned until Thursday
Thursday night fCont)
The follOTving bills rere presented:
Pecific Stat, § 2^1.50
?.eedsport wTisle. S.50
Cavers 107,50
J.H. llapier 159.00
Eope Tiffany 68.30
Re-vievr Pub- Co. 2.00
i'ort Umpqua Courier 10.00
I^eedsiOrt Electric Co. 7.90
Mr. Chapipan 6.00
Motion duly made and seconded that Z^ecorder be instructed
to istue Trarrsnt to tre8surer:-for payment of bills.
Business of Thursday night should
begin here, a nd not above.
-ill of Peo. Staples read and ap roved 5.00)
^rcposfil of Clear Lake ".Vater Company read, and motion
duly made and secondec, that .'ttorney and Recorder be in
structed to investigate ssid proposal, titles etc, and re
port soon as possible.
* *
^ropcsal by the executive committee of the Light and
Pov;er "^o. mas reefi as folloviis, and duly discussed by the
Reedsport, Greg. Jan? 15, 1920
The Hon. Ha yor and Common Council of the City of
r/e, the executive committee, heretofore appointed
by the Heedsport Light and roT;er Company rith authority
so to act. do hereby offer for sale to the City of Heed-
-sport 8ll the proj^erty of said ?.eedsport Tight Povrer
Company, including the plant and all machinery, poles,
v>'ires, transformers, end all appurtenances of scid 'ight
and J ov;er Company, together with all property, "both real
and personal, of seid Company, of v;h8tever kind or nat
ure, free and clear of all encumbrances, at and for its
apiraised valuation to the ssid company, v?hich said first
and actual cost is estimated by this comrittee to be >
about $ 27000«00 at this date, but same to be verified !
by you.
:iespectfully submitted,
Sxecutive Committee of
r.eedsport light F: Co.
By ^
Meeting continued on 16th.
. At a continued meeting of the Common Council this
day regularly cell ed and held at the time and place end
in the manner prov:ded by lav:, Tsith !,ayor 7. P. Reed,
Recorder Tames K. Cavers, and the follovring- members of the
Common Council, to-v;it: Johnson, rhase, I^roTvne, !3d?£tla nd
in at^-endence, :.:aycr '.V. p. Heed presiding, and P.eoorder
James Z* -avers acting as r.ecorder, the follovring busin
ess wes transacted:
Linutes of meeting of directors of Clear lake
rater Co. v.ere read as follows:
-"eef"sport, Creg. Jan. 16, 1920.
.^t a Epecicl meeting of the stockholders of the ^
Clear "eke •.••ater o. refularly called anfl heia acoordine
to lar, thf: :'olloT;lng stookholders T!ere present; v;. r. Reed J
''•elle ade, and, p. eed holding the full proxy of ,
•..•alter Laokay, said parti?® holdine and o\Tnin£- all of the
stock of this ccrporetlon,r;;Thereui„on the follor-ing- presmne
and resolution v^es read and unanimously ..ascea,
V;EEE3JiS. this Company is the orner of the -.'ater
Right uBder permit To. 1149, on and to the meters of
Clear r.ske, also r all rcSrk, tunnels and other property
belonging to or on aooount said water right, and,
delivery by said Clear Lake V'ater Company and said 7/, p.
Heed, et al, of the deec!s and ot her muniments of title
necessary to convey ssid property to ssid city and upon
the same having- "been pasted upon end delivered to the
cityHecorder in the usual and customary manner in such
V/ESREAS, the Clear Lake .."ater Company, a corporation
end i7. P. Reed, have heretofore made propositions to the
Gity to sell, transfer, and convey unto it, the said City
of Reedsport, the water rights and property, work,' and
rights of v?ay and easements ovme^ by it and him, as ?:ell
as Ten Springs (the v;ater right in same) in the City of
Reedsport to said city for the sum of 30,000.00 oash,
"/HERBAS, upon investigatinn said offer is found to
he a" fair one and said property found to he vrorth the
money asked as T?ell as "being property absolutely essen
tial to be acquired" by said city for the use of its
inhabitants and in order to. enable it to install the prop
er wst-r system needed for said city, ITOV/*- TH':]RSFORS,
IT RlilSOLYBD by the ":ommon Council of the City of Reedsport
that acting i:ayor V/illiam I.loFarland be and he is hereby
authorized snd instructed to accept ssid proposition; to
enter into contract VJith said parties binding them to sell
and convey ssid property to said city; to furnish necess
ary muniments of title to the property offered for sale; »
to execute said contract on behalf of the said city; to
accept the titles, deeds and other muniments of title from
said parties conveying said property offered and hereby
accepted, to the Gity, and ^
BE IT FITRTKER RSS0LY3D, that the *^.ecorder is hereby
ordered to draw a vjarrant upon •'.he Treasurer of the city
in the sum of ^ 5000.00, payable out of feny 7;ater funds
belonging to said city as a first payment to 1e paid upon
execution of seid contract to sell and convey ssid prop
erty to said city, and the seid ecorder is further instr
ructed to drarr his ^sarr-nt on th® said "reasurer of said
vjity in i^he sum of 25,000.00 payable out of any water
funds belonging to said cit- in full payment of the pur
chase price for said property, upon the execution and
ITHSHZAS, the City of "^eedsport is degirpus of acq
uiring soid Tester right, tu.nnela, other rork, propertyend
improvements "belonging to this Company for the pur-
pose of acquiring, "building and operating a municipal
Tjater supply for esld city, T;ow, Therefore,
BE IT EESOI'VSD, that this Company sell end trans
fer its said rater right on said Clear Lake, as ^ell as
all tunnels, T^ork and other pr operty "belonging to this
Company for the sum of $ 20,000.00 cash. Be It Further
Hesolved, fhr.t VJ, P. Heed he and he is hereby authori-zed
to contract vrith said Oity for the sale of said prop
erty, ecoepting such payment upon the execution of a
contract of ssle as he shall see fit, and he is hereby
further authorizec enS empov.'ered to exociite all deeds of
conveyance, other muniments of title and all other pap
ers necesL^cry t o complete said sale, and is further
hereby authorized to collect from the City the purchase
irice of said x-'^operty.
"herebeing no further business the meeting adj
^ president
> Attest:
/ Secretary.
City Recorder and City iittorney duly reported that
^ titles of Clear Lake TVater Co. were OiC,
r-otion duly made, seconded and carried that City '
Issue warrants for $ 20,600.00 to Clear lake l^^eter Co.
for their holdings.
Proposed Ordinance •ITo. 10, was regularly introduc
ed and read the first time.
Thereupon, on motion duly made, seconded,and unan
imously carried, seid,.proposed i^rdinance v;os passed to
its second reading and read the Eeccnd time.
•fter said proposed Ordinance had been read the second
time, mot ion Tras duly made, seconded, and unanimously
carried that said proposed Ordinance be pscsed to its third
-'fter S8id x-^oposed Ordinance had "been read., the
third ti'-ne, motion r.cs duly nede, seconded, end unanim
ously carried th-.t said ^-roposed Ordinance "be placed
upon its final passage, which saic" proposed Ordinance
"be. placed upon its final pasEage, 7:hich said ^^roposed
Ordinance was thereu^.on nrmhered •' ORDIIIABCE "0.10".,
and vrhich said rdinance vrith the vote thereon is in
words and figures as follows:
AH ORDIITAHGE prohibiting the service of any civil
procesE, within the corporate limits of the City of Heed-
Si^ort, on Sunday, and providing a penalty for its violat
ion .
SECTIOH 1. That if any person shall serve or exec
ute any civil process, T;ithin the corporate limits of the
City of Heedsport, on Sunday or the Lord.*s Day, cuch per
son shall be guilty of s violation of this ordinance and
upon conviction thereof shall he fined not less, than 5.00
ncr more then $ 20.00.
J:ECTIOiy 2. This ordinance shall "be in force and
effect thirty days after its passage and ai>prov8l by the
Passes by the Council this 16 day of ranuary
1920, by the following vote:
YEAS: 4.
HAYS: 0.
Submitted to the Mayor this 16^ day of January 1920.
Approved by the Llayor this i6th day of January,^ 1920.
Thereupon the I.Iayor duly signed and sppr oved the
aforesaid ordinance in Oj..en meeting.
Thereupon the Recorder was instructed to post three
copies thereof in at least three puhlic pieces in esid
City, same to "be in lien of the puhliostion thereof.
Lio tion duly made and seconded that resolution to
Tote 0 40,000. "boncls he put before the peOi:le . Vote "by
hallot Tivitji result as follows:
YEAS: '5.
MYB: 0.
I.:otion duly made and seconded that franchise of
Coos & Curry Tel. Co. "be laid upon the tahle until Mr.
Gates suhmits proposed nevv franchise.
Llotion made, seconded, and carried that 0 500.00
he transferred from the general fxind to the 16th Street
lilotion also made, seconded and carried that C. McC.
Johnson *s hill £5"Ef.$ 500;. for lumber used for 16th street,
he allov^ed.
Motion duly made and seconded that hill for $ 8.50,
due ;H'red lohuelte he allovted and paid.
There heing- no further hufciness the meeting adjour
Attest I
Town of Heedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
February 4, 19 20.
At a speoia 1 meeting of the Common Council this
day regularly called and held at the time and place and
in the manner provided by Isv?, ^ith liayor W. P. Reed, Eeoorder
James K. Cavers, and the folloTuing members of the
Common Council, to-viit: Brot?ne, Chase, Kubhard, Lyons
i n attendance, Idayor r. P. Reed presiding, and Recorder
James X, CAvers acting as Recorder, the follcin/ing husir.ess
was transacted:
proposed Ordinance Fo/ 11 vi'as regularly introduced
and reed the first time.
. A
thereupon on motion duly made, seconded, ana unan
imously carried, said proxosec" Ordinance was passed to
its fefeccnd reading; and read the decond time.
i\fter said proposed Ordina- nee had "been read the
second time, motion duly made, seconded, and unanim
ously carried that said proposed Ordinance "be passed to
its third reading.
After said proposed Ordinance had "been read the third
time, motion tas duly made, seconded, snd unanimously carr
ied that said proposed Ordinance be placed upon its final
passage, v^hich said i-roLOsed Ordinance was thereupon number
ed " ORDIII^ITCE HO. 11", and T^hich said Ordinance v^ith the
"vote thereon is in vi'ords and figures as follows:
All OEDIIIAITCE granting to the Coos & Gurry Telephone
Company, its successors and assigne, the right to place,
erect and maintain poles, viires and other appliances and
conductors, and to lay undergtound -rires for the transmiSEion
of electricity for telephone and telegraph purposes in
upon and under the streets, alleys, avenues, thoroughfares
and public highvia.vs of the City of Reedsport, Douglas County
Oregon, together viith the privilege of operatin g and main
taining the same therein.
SECTION 1. ^he City of Reedsport hereby f-ran';s to
the Coos 8c Ourry Telephone Company, its succesEors and
assigns, the right and privilege to place, erect, lay,
maintain and operate in the streets, alleys, avenues, thor
oughfares and public high^fays ^:ithin said City, poles,
Tfires and other appliances and conductors for the trans
mission of electricity for telephone and telegraph pur
poses. such v.dres or conductors may be strung upon poles
or other fixtures above ground, or at the option of the
said grantee, its successors and assigns, may be laid
underground in pipes or conduits or otherwise protected,
and such other apparatus may he used as may he necessary
or proper to operate and maintain the same.
SEOTIOIT 2. It shall he lai^ful for the Coos & Curry
Telephone Company, its succeEsors and asBlgne, to make all
needful e2GSVstlon& in any of Ecid streets, alleys, avenues
thoroughfares and public high7;eys in said City, for the pur
pose of erecting and maintaining xOl®s or other supports
for said wireE , or other conductors, or for repairing the
same, or for the purpose of laying do-wn, neintaining and
operating said wires or other conductors underground, or
for repairing the same. Said -mork shall he done in comp
liance 77ith the necesEary and re8SonaT:le rules, regulat
ions and orders ishich have heretofore and which may here
after, during the continuance of this franchise, he req
uired hy the ordins nee of the said City of Beedsport.
SSCTIOIT 3. nothing in this ordinance shall he con
strued in any way to prevent the City of Reedsport from
sev;ering, grading, planking, improving, repairing, or
alter ing any of the stre^-ts or highi^ays herein mentioned,
hut all v;ork shall he done so that the same shall not
unnecessarily ohstruot or prevent the free use of said i
poles, v;ires, conductors, >ipes or other apparatus hy the
Company in the ordinary conduct of its business.
SEGTIOU 4. The rights, privileges and franchises
herein granted shell continue and he in force for a per
iod of forty years from the date of the passage of this
5. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty
days from and r.fter its passage.
Passed hy the Council this the 4th day of '^ehruary,
1920, hy the folio ¥;ing vote:
YSiiS: 4.
MYS: 0,
Submitted to the Mayor the 4th day of February, 1920,
Apyroved b;/ the -ayor the 4th day of Pebruary^920
Attest; TM.fflaTyTCo\ yr V
Thereupon the llayor duly signed and approved the
aforesaid ordinance in open meeting.
Thereupon the Recorder was instructed
te-ditoanae 0 BO:/" lit'int t"he Umpqua Courier, a news
paper publ ished in the City of Reedsport.
rroposed Ordinances IJo's 12, IS, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, 23 v/ere regularly introduced and read the
-first time.
Bills of S. L. Robinson, engineering for | 289.00,
and llr. Chapman § 8.00 T;ere introduced. rJotion mare
and seconded that Recorder issue warrants to Treasurer
and pay "bills.
Motion duly made and seconded that a Committee of
three be appointed by the I.iayor to meet with Attorney
with reference to licenses. Committee duly appointed-
Kubbard Browne, I.ycns.
There being no further business the meeting adj
ourned .
• Mayor.
e c 0 ? .
Town of P.eedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
February 9, 1920,
it a regular meeting of the "'oramon Council this day
regularly colled and held at the tirae and ; lace and in the
manner provided by law, with Liayor 7/.p. Reed, Recorder
James K. Cavers and the following members of the Common
Council, to-wit: Chase, Johnson, Browne, Eubbard in atten
dance, : aycr Reed presiding, and ^^ecorder James K". Cavers
acting as Recorder, the follwoing business was transected:
Kinutes of previous meeting isere read and ep -roved.
"Dr. Eastland addressed "Council with reference to guar-'
ant ine and heelth of community, sn d advised that Uayor and
Council constitute for prevention and osre of sickness, but
particularly the 'Influenza* at present. Thereupon a
comnittee of three tsss duly appointed, said committee to
lae astanding committee of Health in the City of Vceedsport,
and vrhich committee consisted of J.R. Brovvne, Clyde Chase,
and C. HcO. Johnson.
The follov?ing reeolutlon v:8s read, ana upon motion
duly made and seconded and carried the following resolution
was 8(3cpted:
V.'HEREAS, the physician reports that, in his Judgment,
we are on the verge of an ei:idemic of influenza and grippe
and other contagious end infectious diseases, and,
"HEREAS, it has been held by medical authority that
all public meetings or gatherings, as well as crowds of
any kind are -very dangerous and are said to spread said
diseases, and
it is believed that all crowds and gather
ings ere conducive to the spread of said disease, *ow,
3E IT RZ-^SCLYED, that all cases and suspicious cases
of influenza, grippe and other contagious or infectious
deseases discovered within the coTi-orate limits of the
City of r.eedsport be placed in and kept in quarantine so
long as is hecessary or required by law, and
BE IT l^URTEER RSSOLYED that all picture shows, pool
halls, public dances, the congregation of crowds of any
kind, as well as all public meetings within the corporate
limits of the City of ReedSiOrt, be, srn? the same are
hereby ordered closed and kept closed and dispersed dur
ing the prevalence or threatened prevalence of said dis
eases above named in said City, and,
BE IT FUETHBR ESSOLVaD that the Marshall 136 and he
18 hereby instruotefl to eee thst the provisioiis of this
resolution be car-^ied out fully.
BE IT RESOIVBD that this provision of this resolution
be effective »t once.
BE IT FURTHER HEE0L7ED that the word 'oromd' shall
"be construed as meaning more than five people orovcded near
to eaoh other.
PasEsd "by the Council this the 9th day of ?e'bruary,
1920, "by the following vote:
YEAS: 4.
Submitted to the Mayor this 9th day of yehruary,19 20.
Approved hy the Mayor this 9th day of :^e'bruary, 1920.
Attest: Mayo^
Proposed Ordinances llo's. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 20,
31, 22, 22, 24, v?ere regularly introduced and read the
first time.
Resolution regarding Light and Povrer Co., rer.d and
diSQUSsed, motion duly made and seconded that same be
adopted, vote "by "ballot with results a follows:
Thereupon motion was duly made and seconded t hat
e committee be apiointed to Confer with Light Co. and re
port at next Council Meeting. Committee appointed was-
Hubbard, Browne, Johnson.
February 10, Continuance.
In reference to reto, Light plant thought that City
pay § 1.50 per drop and furnish fixti:res.
Motion duly made and seconded that a committee be
appointed to work with City Attorney to work up build
ing permits, and also motion made and seconded that
someone be apj.ointed $5 building inspector.
Thereupon motion was dui^y made and seconded that
proposed resolution regarding Light Co. be introduced
and read. After telng read notion 4a8 duly made and
seconded that said resolution be adopted, notion carr
ied with vo,to as follows:
TO Olttg of DR.
Water rent is due and payable on the first day of each month
in advance and become* delinquent on the 15th. A penalty of
$1.00 will be collected for turning on the water discontinued
for deUnqaency.
Pa-yable at the Office of the City Recorder
YSi^S; 5.
MYS: 0.
Thereupon the aforesaid resolution was adopted as
resd, to-viit:
BE IT RESOLYSD, by the Common Oounoil of the City of
Reedsport, that the follovjing charter amendment to the chart
^ ter of said city "be and the same hereby ie proposed for sub
mission to the legal voters of said city, at a special el-
^ ection to be held as in this resolution provided, to-i^it;
To provide for another Section, to be numbered Sect
ion 108, to be added to the Charter of the Oity of Heedsport
that the following section, to be numbered Section 108 of •'
the charter of the City of Reedsport, under end by virtue
of ^hich said city is noTv organized and existing, be and
the same hereby is proposed and submitted to the legal
voters of said city as and for an amendment to said chart
er ad^ed to the same and numbered and knovtn as Section
108, to-wit:
SECTION 108. (1) ^'or the purpose of providing
^ funds for the purchase, construction, installation, oper-
^ ation. and maintenance of electric light and electric
power Tvorks, and plant or plants for said city, the
Common Council is hereby authorized and erapovjered to
" issue and dispose of general obligation bonds of said
City in an amount not to exceed Forty Thousand Dollars
40,000.00), said bonds to be in denominations of
# AV 100.00 each , duly signed by the Mayor and countersig
ned by the ?.ecorder under the corporate -ceal of the City,
having semi-annual interest coupons attached thereto bear
ing the fecsiralle engraved signature of the Mayor and Rec
order, Vi'hereby the Oity shall be held in substa noe and
effect to undertake and promise to pay the bearer of each
of seid bonds at maturity thereof, the &iud named therein
in ^old coin erf the United States of the present stenflard
of value ^r'ith interest thereon in like g-old coin at the
rate of six percent per annum payable semi-annually, each
of said bonds to be e direct general obligation of the Oity
of Reersport and to be kno^tn as City of Reedsport Light
and ?ov:er Bonds. Said bonds shall be dated at a conven
ient time to be fixed by the Council, meturityor maturities
to be likewise fixed by the Council,,but not to exceed
Tv.enty fSO) years from date and the principal and inter
est of said bonds shall be made payable at the Fiscal
. Agency of the State of Oregon in TTew York City.
(2) The bonds hereby authorized shall be sold by
the Council as in its Judgment may be best.
fS) The debt limitations contained in the charter
of said City shall not apply to the bonds hereby authori
(4) The Council shall each year at the time of mak
ing the annual tax levy for City purposes, include in such
levy a sum suffic ient to pay interest due on outstanding
bonds of this isiiue 6nd to retire the principal amount
thereof at maturity.
RESOLYBD FURTHER, that this resolution for said
proposed amendment to the charter of the City of Reedsport
submitted to the legal voters by the Common Council, be
filed T;ith the Recorder upon its approval by the Ivlayor,
for submission to the legal voters of the City of Reeds
port for their rejection or approval to "be voted upon at
a special election to be held as herein provided:
3ES0LYSD FURTHER, that the Common Council of the
City of Reedspcrt deems it advisable and does hereby and
herein call end make necessary provision for the holding"
of a special election v-'hioh shall be and hereby is called
to te held on the 14th flay of April, 1920, -between the
legal voting hours on said date st Hoose Hall In said
-1 ii-tem '"tfih
oity, which is hereby aesignsted as the polling place
for said election;
aESOLVED FURTHEH, that J. H. Austin, J. A* Zachery
end R, W. Klein, are hereby apx^ointed Judges of said el
ection, and Stanley Ghapin and Olare Hubberd are hereby
appointed to sot as Cler].'s therefor;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following as hereby ad
opted by the Council as and for the ballot title for said
proposed amendment to the ssid charter of the Git y of
Reedsport, to-vjit:
To provide for the adoption of an additional sect
ion to the charter of the Oity of Reedsport to be num
bered Section 108, and authorizing the CJommon Council
of the City of Reedsport to issue and disxjose of tv.'enty
year general obligation bonds tff 'he Clity in an amount
not to exceed 9 40,000.00, for the purpose fo acquiring
constructing. Installing, operating and inalntaining
Electric Light & Povier T?orks or plants.
100 Yes.
101 iio.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Recorder be and he
is hereby instructed to publish the hereinabove proposed
amendment to the charter of the Oity of Reedsport submitt
ed to the voters by the Council in the manner provided by
lavi, viz; by publication of this Resoltition in full for
two consecutive::publioatlcnB within tv/enty flays immediat
ely preceding said special election in the Tort Umpqua
Courier, same being a newspaper published in the City of
Reedsport and hereby deElgnated for said purpose.
Passed by the Council this 9th day of February,
19S0 by the following vote;
SiilDmitted to the Ilayor the /O day of :^£^. 19S0
Approved by the lioyor THE /Q day of . 1920
Attest: Mayor
Thereupon, on motion duly made, seconded;- and unan
imously carried, said proposed Ordinance&: vierer passed'tb!:^:
their second readings and reed thesecond time.
After said proposed Ordinances had been read the
second time, motion Tsas duly made, seconded, and unanim
ously carried that said proposed Ordinances be passed to
their third readings.
After said proposed Ordinances had been read the
third tinie,motion vfas duly made, seconded, and unanim
ously carried that said proposed Ordinances be placed
upon their final passage, vrhich said proposed Ordinances
were thereupon numbered "ORDIMNCE ITO. IE, 13, I4;vi 15, -16,
17. 18. 19. 20.21, 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 25.28. 29. 30, 31.
32. 33. 34", and which said Ordinances with the votes
thereon are in words and figures asfolloi/vs:
ORDIMUCE iro. 12,
AIS OEDIMNGS prescribing the rules of evidence and of
presumption applying to and governing procedure in the
Recorder's Oourt, City of Reedsport.
SSGTIOIT 1. I'hat t he rules of evidence and the
presumptions governing procedure in the State Courts of
the state of Cregon as set out and prescribed in the Code
of Civil irocedure fepora as lord's Oregon LaY.'s, shall in
811 things he apflioahle in ollvtrials, natters, and pro
ceedings in the -eoorder's Court, City of Heedsport.
.-ECTIOIJ 2. -hat ell ordinances and parts of ord
inances in conflict herewith he and the same hereby are,
SEGTIOIT 3, This ordinance shall "be in force and
effect thirty days after its passage and approval "by the '
Passed "by the Council this 10th day of Tebruary,
1920, hy the folloTcing vote:
YSA£; §
MYS ! 0
Submitted to the Llayor the 10th of February, 1920,
Approved by the r'ayor the 10 th day of "ebruar^i^O
A\ utotweestu :;
0HDII!A1ICE lyo. 12.
.•iU ORDIlTAxTCS prohibiting the setting up er prom
otion of lotteries "ithin the City of ;':eed£i.ort and pre
scribing a penalty for its violstion.
SECTIOIT 1/,' That if any person shall promote or set
up any lottery for money or other valuable thing, or shall
dispose of any property of value, real or i-ersonal/ by
Y;ay or means of lottery, or shall aid or be in any way
concerned in. setting up, managing or dravjing such lott:ry
or shall in any house, shop, boat, shed or building OTTned
or occupied by him or under his control Imovjingly permit
or su'fer the- setting up or management or dra^Ting of any
such lot +ery or the sale of cny lottery tickets, share of
the tic]s:et ,or any viritiiig, token or other device j.urporting
or intending to entitle the holder or bearer thereof,
or any other person, to any prize or interest or share
thereof to be drav;n in any lottery v^ithin the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport, such person shall be
guilty of a violation of this ordinanne, and,
SECTIOIT 2. That any person found guilty of viol
ating the provisions of Section 1 of this Ordinance shall
be punished by a fine of not exceeding $ 100.00 or 4®|?i§=
onment In the city jail for not exceeding thirty days, or
"by both such fine and iraprisonmejit; provided th;;t in default
of payment of the fine imposed hereunder the said person so
convicted shall "be confined in the city jail one day for
every $ 2.00 of the fine imposed and no more,
SSCTIOK 3. This ordinance shall be in forfie and
effect thirty days after its passage and approval by the
Passed by the Council this the 10th day of February,
19£0, by the folio-vring vote;
YEAS; '5
T.AYB: 0.
Submitted to the IJsypr the 10th day of 7ebruery, 1910.
Approved by the l-layor the 10th day of Zebruarj),
.AH ORDIITANCE prohibiting the sale of lottery tickets
for oneself or another vcithin the corporate limits of the
City of Heedsportand providing a penalty for its violation.
"ECTJOIT 1. That if any person shall sell either
for himself or for another, or shall offer for sale or
shall have in his josEesclon rith intent to sell or offer
for sale or to exchange or negotiate a ticket or a share ^
of a tiokej in any.lottery named or mentioned in OxQina ' j
ance Uo. 13, or any writing, token or other device as J
mentioned in said Ordinance llo. IS, within the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport, such person shall be
guilty of the violation of this ordinance.
SECTIOIT 2. Any person found guilty of .the viola
ation Pf the provisions or any pert of them of Section 1,
of this ordinance, shall be fined not less than $ 5.00
nor more than $ 50.00. and in default of payment of such
fine shell be imtrisoned in the city jail for one day
for every $ 2,00 of seid fine.
SECTIOH S. This ordinance shall be in force end effect
thirty days after its passage and approval hy the I^ayor.
Passed "by the Council this 10th day of February,
1920, Tyith the following vote:
YSJiS: 5.
Submitted to the Hayor the 10th day of 7ebruary, 1920.
Api-Toved by the Mayor the 10th day of February, 1920
Attest: TiayOr'
Ml OEDIJIAITCE prohibiting the disturbance of assem
blies or congregations met for religious v^orship within
the corporate limits of the City of Heedsport, and prov
iding a penalty for its violsticn.
::he city of rsedsport does ordai]:t as i'Ollov/s:
^ECTION'-l. If any person shell vrilfully disturb
interrupt or disquiet any assemblage or congregation of
people met for religious v:orship, v^hether in a houee or
the open eir, vcithin the corporete limits of the city of
Reedsport, by either uttering any profane discourse, com
mitting any rude or indecent act or making any unnecessary
noise Vvithin the plade Tshere such meeting is held or so
near it as to disturb the order and solemnity thereof,
shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance.
SECTIOTT 2. Any person foi;nd guilty of violating
the provisions of Sectionl of this ordinaftce shall be fined
not less than y 10.00 nor more than § 50.00, and in de
fault of payment of such fine shall be imprisoned in the
city jail one day for each $ 2*00 of said fine.
S3CTI0IT 2. This ordinal nee shall be in force and
effect thirty der.s after its passage and approval by -the
Passed by the Council this the 10th day of February,
1920, TTCith the follovsing vote;
YEAS: ^5-
KAYS: 0•
Submlttea to the Mayor the 10th day of ?ebruary, 1920.
Approved ly the IJsyor the 10th day of^hruar^
ORDirAlTGE 110. 16.
ATJ OPDINAIICE prohibiting the cisturhing or bresking
up of any public meeting or asi^embly of people other than
those mentioned in Ordinance ITo. 15, and providing a pen
alty for its violation.
SECTION 1. If any person shell wilfully disturb
or break up any public meeting or r.seembly of people other
than those mentioned in Ordinance ITO. 15 l8v:fully met
together for a la-wful purpose v:ithin the corporate limits
of the City of Heedsport, vv" ether such meeting or ass
embly be met in a house or the op en sir, such ^o^son :
shall be guilty of violation of t?.is ordinanne.
SECTIOII 2. Any person found guilty of e violation
of any of the provisions of Section 1 of this orflinancc
on conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than 3 5.
nor more thtinrj 40.00 and upon default of payment of such
fine, shall be imprisoned in city ;}ail one day for every
-5 2.00 of said fine.
SECTIOH 3. This ordinance shall be in force and
effeat thirty days after its passage and approval by the
Passed by the Council this the 10th day of February
1920, Tvith the following vote:
YEAS: '6.
KAYS: 0.
Submitted to the Hayor the 10th day of February, 1920.
Approved by the I>Iayor the 10th day of February, 192D.
Attest: Mayor
/W Recorder»
©RDIMGE W. 17 ♦
AH ORDIITAUCE prohibiting rithin the oorporrte limits
of the City of R eefsport the receiving, Importing. posLessing,
transporting, delivering, raanufecturing, selling, giv4-
ing er-sy or bertering of any intoxicating liquor, anfi prov
iding 8 penalty for its violation.
SECTIOIT 1. That the receiving, irr^portlng, possess-
•ing. trsnsi orting, delivering, manufsctiirlng", selling,
giving avrey or bartering of any intoxicjiting liquor v^ithin
the corporate limits of the City of Reei^eport be and
thB same is herf^by prohibited; provided that it shall not
be unlav:ful for any person to have in his possession intox
icating liquor lav:ful^ y procured and in the ^-ossessicn of
such person v.ithin the Ltate of Oregon on the date of the
prohibition by the ^tete of Oregon of the acts and things
named prohibited in this section s nd provided further
that the i:rohibition on this section hereinbefore cont
ained shall not spjly to tr e pcseesj icTn of i;se roco^nlzea
by the lars of the State of Oregon under vrhst ere knovrn
as the I'rohibition L8v:s.
SECTION 2. That any, f.erson found e.uilfy of viol
ating any of the.irovisions of Section 1 of this ordinance,
shall be fined in a sum not less than J 25.00 nor nore than
$ 100,00, or inprisoned in the city ^eil one day for each
$ 2G00 of such fine, provided that ss' Id imprisonment
shall be for not exceeding fifty days at all events.
SECTION 3. Thsi ordinance shell be in force and effect
thirty days after its passage and approval by the
Passed by the Council this the 10th day of "ebruary/,
1920, by the foll^v;ing vote;
ihil ft* i
TEAS: 5.
Submitted to the I.isyor this lOtb day of "February, 1920
Approved by the IJeyor this 10th day of February, 192
9>./ '
Attest: I.:eyor
Ret} order. ;
AK OB':^Il:TAr^C.r; prohibiting the ov;ner, lessee, proprieter,
or ffimploye of cigsr stores and other plsoee, per
mitting monors to engage In any game of cards, billiards,
pool, bagatelle, dice- throwing or other game* of chenoe
TTithin the corporate limits of the '^ity of Reedsport, and
providing a pens Ity for its violation.
SECTIOIJ 1. That any person being the ovjner, lessee,
proprieter or employe of any cigar store, public card r;c
room, nubic billiard room, public pool room, soft" drink
establishment or other public place of amusement within
the corporate li-:its of the City of Reedsport shall suffer
or permit any minor to engage in any game of cards, bill
iards, pool, begstelle, dice-thro-wing or other game of
chance in such cigar-store, public card room, public bill
iard room, public pool room, soft drink establishment or c
other place of amusement either ofr amusement or ot her-
T?i'ise, such person shall be deemed guilty of a violation of
this ordinance.
EECTIOIT 2. Any person found guilty o^ violating any
of the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance shell be
fined in s sum not less then 0 10.00 or more that $ 50.00
and in default of payment 6f such fine shall be imprisoned
in the city jail o ne Say -or each $ 2.00 of said fine
provided stid imprisonment shall not exceed in all more
thS". SO days.
SECTION 3, This ordinance shell "be Ip force and
effect thirty days after its jassage and approval by the
Passed "by the Council this the 10th day of Behruary,
1920, with the folloring vote :
HAYS: 0,
Submitted to the Layor this 10th day of "^ebruary, 1920.
Approved by the Ileyor this 10th day of ""ebruary, 1920.
AH ORDIITAIJCE defining and prohibijiing vagrancy within
the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport and providing
punishment for its violation.
CEGTIOI? 1. That every person, within the corpor
ate limits of the Cit y of Reedsport, vvithout visible
means of living, who have the physicsl ability to T7ork
and who does not for a space of ten days seek employment
nov; labor when employment is offerer" hlra; every healthy
beggar who solicits alms as e business,; every idle or
diB£:ol ute person or associate of loiown thieves who wan
ders about the streets or highways at late and unus^ial
hours of the night or who lo dges in any barn, shed, or
shop, out-house, vessel, car or place other than suoh as
is kept for lodging purposes, rit^-out the permisE;;ion of the
owner or party entitled to the posseSE:lcn thereof; and
every lewd and dissolute person who lives in or about
houses of ill-fame; and every prostitute a nd every
person who shall conduct himself in r violent or riot
ous or disorderly manner or use any abusive or obscene
language in any street, highway, house or place, whereby
the peace or quiet of the neighhorhoofl or the Tioinity may
"be disturbed, shall be deemed guilty of vagrancy, and shall
be punished as provided in r.ection 2 of this ordinance.
SSOTIOU 2. .'.ny person upon conviction under this ord
inance shall be punished by Imi'risonmGnt in the city Jail
for s period not e:xceeding sixty days or by a fine of not
more- than V 100.00 or by both such fine end imprisonmeiit..
r:ECTIOK 3. This ordinance shall be in force and . * ! j''
effect thirty days after its j-ascage and approval by the .
Passed by the Council this the 10th day of "^ebruary,
1920, by the follovfing vote:
V.AY3: 0
Submitted to the I.layor the 10th day of ?ebruary, 1920<
Approved by the :..ayor the 10 th day of February, 1920
^ tr\y
or:diiuece 110.20.
M ORDIUAIICS prohibiting assault or asf.ualt and batt
ery without being armed -vrith a dangerous weapon, v;ithin the
corporate limits of the 'ity of Reedsport, and ].roviding a
punishment for its violation;
CEOTION 1.. That if any person not helng armed vath
a dangerous weapon shall vrithin the corporate limits of
the 'ity of Heedpsort/ assault another,, or shall commit
assault and battery upon any other, such person xzpon con
viction thereof, shall be punished as provided in Eeotion
2 of this ordinance/
SSCTIOiT 2. Any person found guilty of violating
any of the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance,
shall be fined not less than 5,00 nor more than $ 50.00.
SECTIOJT Z. This ordinance shall be in f orce and
effect thirty deys after its pasBsge anfl apj.rovel by the
rassed h: the Council this the 10th day of February,
1920, TJith the following vote:
YEAS: 5,
HAYS: 0.
Submitted to the Mayor this 10th day of "ebruary, 1920-
Approved by the I.:ayor this 10th day of "ebruary
)Ti 0RDIHAITG3 prohibiting the pointing of a gun at
another v?ithin the corporete limits of the City of ?.eedsport,
and providing a pehalty for its violation.
CECTIOU 1. That if any i-erson over the age of six
teen years, v;ith or without malice, shall purposely point
or aim any pistol, gun, revolver or other firearm i/^ithin
the range of said firearr;, at another, either loaded or
empty, within the corporate limits of the Git y of H:^easf
port, or tovrards any other person except in self- defense
he shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance.
SSCTIOU 2. Any person found guilty of violating
any of the provisions of •-"eotion 1, of this ordinance,
shall be fined in any sura not less than $ 5.00 nor more
than $ 50.00.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and
effect thirty days after its passage and approval by the
Passed by the Council this the 10th day of February,
1920, with the following vote:
YEAS: 5.
KAYS: 0.
Submitted to the I.5ayor this 10th day o-T February, 1920
Approved by the Mayor this 10th day of February19
AU ORDIUAHCE prohibiting the use of lliokel-in-theslot
machines in the City of Reedsport, and providing a
penalty for its viola- tion.
SECTIOIT 1. iny person or persons v^ho shall conduct,
maintain or operate, either as ov^ner or ov:ners, propriet
or or proprietors, lessee or lessees, eraplcye or employees
agent or egents, or -nho shall play or use any nickel-inthe-
slot machine or other device of li];e character vrherein *
there enters any element of chance, vjhether the seme he
played for money, checks, credits, or other thing or rep
resentative of value, v;ithin the corporate limits of the
City of reedsport, he shall he deemed guilty of a violat
ion of this ordinance.
SECTIOIT 2. That any person found guilty of the viol
ation of any of the i-rovisions of iZection 1 of this ord
inance shall he punished hy a fine erf not les; than ^10.00
or more than J 100.00," end in default of paymoht of fine
imposed, shall he confinee in "he 5ity jail for one day
for each | 2.00 thereof.
"EGC'IOII 3. This ordinance shall he in force and
effect thirty dt ys after its passage and apf.rovel hy the
.asses by the Council this the 10th day of "ebruary
1920, by the follcising vote:
HAYS: 0.
Submitted to the I.ayor this day of ?ebruery, 1920.
Approved ?)y the ::ayor this 10th day of February. 1920,
Attest: Mayor,
0RDiri\l;C3 i;0. £2.
ai ORDIIT.AITC.-: prohititlng cruelty to aninsls, ana pron:
Tiding a penalty for its .violation.
SECTIOII 1. V.Tioe'ver overdrives or overloads, 'drives
when overloaded, overworks, tortures, torments, deprives
of necessary sustenance, cruelly heats, mutilates or cr
uelly >ills or cause or x^rocures to he so overdriven or
overloaded, driven vvhen overloaded, OTervJorkefi, tortured,
tormented , deprived of necessary sustenance, cruelly
heaten, mutilated or cruelly killed any animal; and vihoever
ha ving the charfe of or custody cf any animal, either
as o.T;vner or othervrise inflicts cruelty upon the seme, shall
for every such of-'ense, he guilty of a violation of this
"•SGTIOII 2. Every ov;ner, losressor, or person hav
ing the charge or custody of any animal, v:ho cruelly
drives or TTorks the same v^hen unfit for lahor, or cruelly
abondons the same, or rho carries the same or causes same
to he carried in or upon any vehicle or otherv;ise in a
cruel inhuman manner, or anyone v;Jio wilfully authorizes
or permits the seme to "be suh;Jected to torture, suffering
or cruelty of any kind, shall he guilty of the violation
of thisordinanoe.
SEC!;10K 3. Any person, firm or corporation found
guilty of the violation of either Section 1, or Section
2 of this ordine.nce, shell he punished hy a fine of not
less than $ 5.00 nor more than $ 50.00 and in default of
payment of such fine, shall he imprisoned in the city
Jsil one day ofr every § 2.00 of such fine.
SECTIOIJ 4. This ordinance shall he in force and
effect thirty days a--fter its passage and a pproval hy
the Kayor.
Passed hy the Council this the 10th day of February
1920, hy the follov-ing vote:
Y3AS: 5.
Submitted to the I-iayor this 10th day of February, 1920.
.approved by the Liayor this 10th day of -uary^^
Attest: fh
OEDIMCE 110. £4.
ilJ ORDIITAITGS prohibiting: the gi-ving of checks or
drafts on ®ny l^ank or other depositary Tfhen the person
so giving such check or draft shall not have sufficient
funds or credit for the payment of the sum, and providing
a penalty therefor.
SEG'TIOIT 1. That any person, v?ho, v;it h intent to
defrsucl , shall make O:- drev:, u ter or deliver an:; check,
draft, or order for the payment of money, upon any hank
or other depositary,-rkno-^?ing at.:th6 time of such making,
dra^ving, uttering or delivering, that the maker or dreT:er
has not sufficient fund or credit vvith such hank or other
depositary for the payment of such check, draft, or order
in full upon its presentat: on, shall "be deemed guilty of c
misdemeenor and punished hy imprisonment in the city jail
for not more than sixty days, or hy fine not to exceed
$ 50.00, or hy hoth such fine and imprisonment.
S3CTI0E H. This ordinance shall he in force and
ef-^'ect thirty days after its passage and api.rovsl hy the
Tastes hy the Council this the 10th day of Pehruary/,
1920, hy the follovi'ing vote:
YS.AS: 5'
MYS: 0.
Submitted to the Hayor this lOtT: c..ay of ^^ehruary, 1020.
Approved ty "the iteyor this 10th dey of Fehrusry, 1920.
OEDmiTCE HO. 25.
AH OKBIHilTCE prohititing the possescing', exhihiting,
shovjing, pu •listing, Belling, 19r,fling, giving aviay.or
distributing eny articles or instr^iment of indecent or immorel
use, or eny obscene or indecent bock, paper, writing
printed matter, pictxire, draving, photograph or engraving,
within the corporate limits o:^ the City of Reedsport, and
providing a penalty for its violation.
SECTION 1. That ^ny person, vjithin the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsxort, v:ho shall import, print,
design, copy , drav;, photograph, prepare, publish, sell,
lend, give avrey, distribute, show or exhibit, or have in
his possession ^Tith intent to publish, sdll, lend, give
avray, distribute, show or exhibit, any article or instrum
ent of indecent or ir^moral use or any obscene or indecent
book, paper, vrriting, printed matter, picti:!re, drev/ing,
photograph or engraving; or if any person shall give or
publish, or qc-. use to be given or published to any person,
any T,ritten or printed notice or advertisement of, or con
cerning any such article or instrument, or obscene or
inde cent article or thing; or if any person shall hire,
use, employ, or permit any per son to sell, give av-'sy or
distribute any such article or instrument or obecen6 or
indecent article or thing; or if any person shall print,
publish, advertise, sell, lend, give av-ey or shoT;, or
have in his poscession v:ith intent to publish, advertise,
sell, lend, give a\:ey or show any book, paper or other
publication that purports to relate or narrate the crim
inal exploits of any desperado-or convicted felon, or any
boo£, paper, or other publicstio n that is principally
devoted to or con.tcjins , or is mese up in pert of accounts
or stories of crime or lust or deeds of blo&dshed; or iit'
any per'feon shall present or exhibit in any public place
by vjsy of show or drama or play what purports to be the
oriminsl exploits of any desperado or convicted felon,
such person shall, upon conviction, be punished by ±r^
prisonment in the city jail of not more.than
or by a fine of not more thar.'-J 50.00, or by both
fine snd imprisonr-ent in the discretion of the Recorder's
SECITIOIT 2. This ordinance shall "be in force and
effect thirty deys after its jsssege and approval "by the
Passed by the Council this 10th day of February,
1920, hy the follov;ing vote;
YSAS: 5.
lUYS: 0.
Submitted to the Hayor this 10th day of February, 1920.
Approved by the llayor this lOth day of February, 19g]Q.
f A
0RDIITAirC3 KO. 26.
AH OHDIMITC' prohibiting the furnishing of tobacco
to minors v^^ithoui the giierc^ian's consent, v;ithin the cor
porate limits of the "ity of Reedsport, and providing s
penalty for its violation.
SiilGTIOIT 1. [?hat the selling, bertering, trading,
giving or in any manner furnishing to any minor under the
age of eighteen years, T7ithin the corporate limits of the
City of Reedsport, any tobacco, cigars, ci^jarettes in any
form, or any compound in r;hich tobjccco forms s component
part, rithout the T:^ritten conser.t or order of such minor's
parents or guardian, shall be and is hereby prohibited;
provided, hov;ever, that the selling, bartering, trading,
giving or furnishing such articles to e&±6 minors hereinaib6Ye:^
raemtioned, vrhen othervrise done according to the
-provisions of Section 2148 Lords Oregon Lavrs, shall not
be prohibited.
SECTIOU E. That any person found guilty of violating
the provisions of this ordinance shall upor oonviotion, he
fined in any sum not less then $ 5.00 nor more than § 25.00
rEGTIOH 3. This ordinance shall he in force and
effect thirty days after its passage an^ approval hy the
lassed hy the Council this 10th day of 5'ehruary,
1920, ty the follovring vote:
YEAS: 5.
Submitted to the :.Iayor this 10th day cf "Pehruary, 1920.
Approved by the Uayor this 10th day of PebruaTy, 1920.
OBDIHAIICE" 110. 27.
AK OHDIITAITCE prohibiting a minor smoking in publie,
and providing a penalty for its violation.
S2CTI01T 1. That 6ny minor under the age of eight
een years, v;ho, vrithin the corpoerate limits o" the City
of Reedsport, smokes or in any Trey uses any cigar, cigar
ette or tobacco in any form v:h8rsoeveT, on sny public
highway, street, place, or square, sidewa Ik, or v^ithin
eny public building in said city, shall be guilty"of a
violation of this o. rdinance.
SECTIOU 2. Any minor found guilty of violating
the provisions of Section. 1 hereof, upon cinviction,
shall be fined not more than $ 5.00, or be imprisoned
at the option of the Recorder's Court, two days for each
offense hereunder.
SSCTIOH 2. This ordinance shall be in forde and
effect thirty days after its passage and appovel .by the
Passed "by the Council this 10th day of ''ehruary,
19E0, "by the follc\7ing vote:
YEAS: 5.
V.AY3: 0.
Submitted to the I.layor this 10th day of February, 1920
Approved "by the TJayor this 10th dey^of ^e^ua^^l920
AIT GRDIHAITCE prohibiting the contributing to the del
inquency of a child, Tvithin the corporate liraits of the
City of Reodsport, end providing a penalty for its violetion.
SECTIOIT 1. In all cases, vsithin the corporate limits
of the uity of Reedsport, vrhere a child shell he a delin
quent child as defined by any statute of the rtate of Oreg
on, any person responsible for, or by any act encouraging,
causing or contributing to the delinquency of such child,
or any person r;ho shall by threats or persuasion endeavor
to induce any child to do or perform any act or follcvi'
any course, of conduct which \70uld cause such child to'be
come a delinquent child; or any person -who shall do any
set T^hich manifestly tends to cause c child to become
a delinquent child, shall be guilty of a violation of
this ordinance, and upon conviction thereof, shall be
punishef by a fine of not more then ^ 50.00 or by impris
onment in the city jail not exceeding sixty days, or by both
such fine and impriBonment.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be in force and
effect thirty days after its passage and ap] roval b^ the
Passed by the Council this the 10th day of ?ebruEry,
1^)20, by the follov:ing vote:
YE^S: 5
0. •
Submitted to the Mayor this 10th of February, 1920.
Approved by the Mayor this 10th day of-^ebruary. 19;

Air ORDIHAiiOK prohibiting, uvithin the corporate limits
of the City of Reedsport, the contributing to the depen
dency of any child under the age of eighteen years, and
providing a penalty for its "violation.
SSG^IOIT 1. .^ny person, -rho, v:ithln the corporate
limits of the 0 ity, of Reedsport, shall -wilfully fio 8ny
act v.hich causes or tends to cause any chi^d under the
age of eighteen years to become a dependent child, as
defined by fcny ststute of the *:tete of Oregon, or to so
live and conduct himself as to be or remain such a dep
endent child, shell be guilty of a violation of this ord
inance and shall, izpon conviction thereof, be punished
by fine of not more then $' 50.00, or by imprisonment in
the oity ;|ail for a period not exceeding sixty days or
by botXsuch fine end imprisonment.
SS'^TICU'2. This ordinance shall be- in force and
.effect thirty days after its passage and approval by
the Mayor.
Prsses by the Council this the 10th day of Febr
uary, 1920, by the follov;ing vote:
YMS: 5
NAYS: 0.
Submitted to the Mayor this 10th day of February, 1920
Approved by the lilayor this 10th day of February, 1920. -
AH OBDIIUAjJiCE prohibiting, vrithin the corporate limits
of the City of Reedsport, the poesesEion, cerrylng or use
of any hlEckJack, slungshot, "billy, sand-club, sonfl-bag,
metal knuckles, dirk, dagger or stiletto, and regulating
the C8rr;;ing of certain fireerms, and defining the duties
of the Uershall, and froviding a penalty for its violation.
CITY OF RE7:!)SiORT DOES ORBAilT AS 70jj,0rs: ' |
SECTI^lj 1. ITo person shall, v;it'"ln the corporate
licits of the City of Reedsport, carry any pistol, revol
ver, or othe^ firearm concealed upon his or her person, or
of a size "Bhich may be concealed upon his or her person,
"Without s license or permit therefor issued to him or her
by the Chief of Police or City Marshall of some city in
the said State of Oregon, or the Sherrif of some county in
said state»
:rhis section, hov.-ever, shall not apply to sherif's,
their deputies, constables, marshalls, police of^'icers or
any other duly appointed peace officials, not to any person
surr-moned by such officers to asrlst in making arrest or
j)re£erving the peace v.hile said person or persons ere en- •
gaged in asfuisting such officers; not to duly authorized
military organizations v;hen parading; nor to members thereof
vjhen going to en d from places of meeting of their respect
ive organizations.
SECTIOIT 2. An^ person TJho carries or posresses an
instrument or weapon commonly l-movrn as s blackjack, slung-
^Ehot, bill:;, sand-bag, sand-club, metallknuckles, or v;ho
carries a dirk, or dagger or stiletto, Tvithin the corpor
ate limits of the City of Reedsport, is guilty of a viol
ation of this ordinance.
SECTIO]v| 3. Any person v:ho violates the provisions
of Section 1 or Section 2 of this ordinance shell be fined
In a sun no greater then $ 50.00 or Imprisoned in the City
^jail for a term not longer than thirty flays, or ty toth
such fine and imi>risonment.
EECTI03? 4* The Marshall of the City of Beedsport
may grant permits to csrry a ooncealed pistol, revolver or
other firearm under and pursue nt to the provisions of
Chapter 277 of the General JjQt.s of Oregon for the year of
1917, and none other; end it is the purpose of this ord
inance to recognize all of the provisions of said Chapter
277 of the Oeneral laws of Oregon for 1917.
SSCTIOIT 5. This ordina nee shall "be in forde and
effect thirty days after its passafe and. approval hy the
rassed "by the Council this 10th day of February,
19201 hy the folliraolng vote:
MYS: 0,
Submitted tit) the Mayor this 10th day of February,; 1920.
Approved by the Mayor this 10th day of "'ebruary, 1920.
.Ml Or"DIIT,A TTC;:; prohibiting vrithin the corporate
limits of the City O"^^ Heedsport, the prevention by any
person of any other person from continuing'or perforning
his rork, or their accepting any ner rork, by threats,
foree or 'ntii^idation, end prohibiting any person from
circulating false i??rlt+en of printed matter, or being
CO ncerned in the same, for the purpose or v:ith the in
tent of preventing any person from enx'^oying any other
person, or fording him to employ atycother person, or
.preventing any person from dealing, or forcing any per
son to deal wit h, any other person; and providing a
penalty for its violation.
&EGTIOU 1. That if,any person shall, v;ithin the
corporate limitt of the City of Reedeport, by force,
threats or intimidation, prevent or endeavor to prevent
any person employed "by another, from continuing or performin
g his work, or from accepting any nev; rork or
emjjloyraent; or if any person shall circulate any false
,v?ritten or printed natter, or he conderned in the cir
culation of any such matter to induce others not to buy
from or sell to, or have dealings \*:ith any person, for
the purpose or vrith the intent to prevent such person
from employing any" person, or to force or compel him to
discharge from his employment anyone, or to alter his
mode of carrying or. his businese, or to limit or increase
J:he number of his employees or their rate of -wages or
time of services, such person shall be guilty of a viol
ation of this ordinance, and upon conv-'cticn thereof shall
. imprisoned in t he city jail for net more than 30 cays
or by a fine of not mere than $ 50.00, or by both such fine
and imprisonment.
- SEOTin?T 2. Ihis ord inance shall "be in force and
^effect thir,ty days after its passage and approv£.l by the
Passed by'the Council this the 10th day of February,
1^20, by the follovring vote;
YEj:E : 5.
Submitted to the Uayor this 10th of Eebruary, 1920,
^Approved by the I^aypr this 10th of February "''^EO
0RDIIT^?rCi5 IJO. 22
Af ORDIMirCE to protect the public secret and frat
ernal societies from fraud and from iraposters, and prov
iding a penalty for its violation,
• JIB.
SSGTIOH 1. V.'lthin the corporate limits of the City
of Recdsport, it is a violation of this ordinance for any
person not a member thereof, to Tvear er display any badge,
button, insignia, rosette or other emblem of any order,
... society or organization.
EEOTIOU 2. ITithin the corporate limits of the City
of Reedsport, it is a violation of this ordinance for any
person not a member of sny order, society, or organization
to use the name of any such public society or orgenization,
to seek or obtain aid or aSEistariCe from any member thereof
or from the public by virtue of caliming or representing
himself, herself Or ittelf to be entitled thereto as a
member of any such order, society, or organization, v:hen not
a member thereof.
SECTIOII 2. That the provisions end prohibitions
contained in Chapter IZ of the General Xai^rs of Oregon for
1911 be, and the same are hereby f:d0};ted as applying to
the construction of this ordinance.
SSGTIOIT 4. iiny person found guilty of violating
^the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by im
prisonment in th e City Jail for a term not to excerd 60
. .days 6r by a fine not to exceed $ 50.00 or by both such
fine and imprisonment.
SECTIOIT 5. This ordinance shall be in force and
effect thirty days after its passage and approval by the
^ " Passed by the Council this 10th day of February.
19E0, by the follcvring vote:
.. , MYB: 0.
"Submitted to the Mayor this 10th of February, 1920.
Approved'by the Ma yor this 10th of February,^92i
I rinBlriU'i
ORDmiJCE iro. 33.
iiU OBDIITATICE prohibiting, rithin the corporate limits
of the city of Reodsport, the unauthorized vieering of uni
form, end providing a penalty for its violation.
SECTIOII 1. KV'ry person other 'than an officer or
enlisted man of the llational Guard or Ilaticnal Guard Veterans
of the Etate of Oregon, or of any other state or of
the United States Army. ITavy, Marine Corps, Revenue Serv
ice or Forest Service, or inmate of any Veteran's or Sold
iers Home, or Veterans of the Greet or V/orld rar, rho at
any time vjesre the uniform of the United States Jirmy or
Kavy or National Guard or anu part of such i niform similar
thereto, viithin the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport,
is guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and
upon conviction thereof, shall "be punished "by a fine of
not less than | 5.00 nor more than $ 25.00
SSGTIOIT S. This ordinance shall "be in force and
effect thirty days efter its passage and approval ty the
rsssed h;; the Council this the 10th day of ••::bruary,
19 20, "by the follot.'ing vote:
YT^AS: 5
Submitted to the Mayor this 10th of J^ebruery, 1920.
Approved by the Mayor this 10th of ?e"bj:u8ry, L92(^
AN ORDIIIANCE prohibiting, within the corporate limits
of the City of Reedsport, the keeping,setting up, sufferingpermitting,
to be y.oct or set up, bav/dy houses, end prov
iding a penalty for its violation.
TES.CITY 0? R}33D£i'f)H? DOi!jS OKD.'ilH A3 FOLLO^'S:
SECTION 1. Any person 79ho shell keep or set up or
suffer or permit to "be kept or set upk either in a house ,
"boat, ship or vessel, e house of ill-fame, brothel, ba^wdy
house, v;ithin the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport
for the purpose of prostitution, fornication or lev;dness,
in any house, room or shop or other building whatsoever;
or any boat, booth or other place of T;hich he is ov;ner,
lessor, lesree, or to the possesrion of vjhich he is en
titled, shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance
end upon conviction thereof, slall be punished by a fine
of not lesc then $ 10.00 nor more than $ 50*00, or by
imprisonment in the city Jail for not more than SO days.
SSGTIOIT 2. This ordinence shell be in force and.
effect thirty days after its pasrsge and approval by the
Passed by the Council this the lOth day of February,
vrith the above vote:
Submitted to the I^ayor this lOth of Tebruary, 1920.
Approved by the Liayor this lOth day of Feb^ary, 1920
Thereupon the Mayor duly signed and approved the
foregoing ordinances and each of them in open meeting.
rhereuuon the Recorder vres instructed to post
three copies thereof Jthelforfegoing.^-ordinances. and each
of them in at least three public places in said City,
seme to be in lieu of the publication thereof .
7URTEER 3USI1TSSS, motion duly msde and seconded,
end unanimously car-ied that ".J, Hubbard be appointed
committee of one to take up matter-Tvith Continental pipe
Co. regarding pipe for water system.
There being no further businesEL the meeting adjourned
Town of E®e,ia'fe$)Ort, DonglaB County, Oregon,
March 16, IS20.
At s special meeting of the Coranon Council this day
regularly called and held etthe time and place and in the
manner provided by lav:, v;ith T'aypr- Reed, Recorder Cavers,
and the follov:ing members of ';.he Common ""ouncil, to-T;it:
Johnson, Lyons, LIcParlsnd, Browne in e 1 tendance, "^ayor
V/.P. Heed presiding, and Recorder J.K. Cavers acting as
recorder, the follov^ing business tvcs transacted:
The bills v:ere introduced and read, and ep:^^-
C. McC. Johnson . 492.05
Kennedy : Brorne 45.00
Port Unqpqua Courier 11.00
" " " 5.00
Reedsport Iron V/orks 7.14
Staples Investme nt 17.50
Reed Janelle £3.00
Clear Lake V/ater Co. 190.00
Robinson Engineer ISO.00 )
fS.A. Ivey Chainmanr: 27.50)
fRoy Redfield j'ixeraan SE.50)
Dr. ."^astland 2 Bills lC/50
rroposefi resolution "o. 1 v:ss regularly introduced
and read the first time. : oticn made, seconded and carr
ied unanimously that "esolution To. 1 be adopted as read,
v,hiGh resolution is in vrords epd figures as follows:
T/HSREiS, the City of Reedsport is incurring daily
pay roll expense in preparing for installing the City
, V.a^ter System, a part of which i^jayroll is for transient
and irregular, .and,
17HSRSAS, in order to^ save expense, it is necessary
.that this irregular transient labor be pa id promptly
^without the necessity of celling the Common "^ouncil to
pasE on same, rov:, THrjRiilFORS,
3S IT RliSCLTSD that the City "ecorder be and he is
hereby authorized to draw his vrarrsnt on the IVater Fund of
the City, upon the recommendation and ok. of said "bills "by
the City illngineer, and refer said "bills to the next meeting
of the Council.
thereupon Resolution To. 2 v;es duly introduced and
^resd, Tiotion duly made end seconded that pLesolution To. 2
"be adopted and passed as read, T:hich resolution is in vrords
and fifujres as follov.'s;
B3 IT ?.Ei.lEI3ER:3D CHAT TES City P.ecorder he and is
here"by instructed to drav? his T;arr8nt on" the Ceneral Tund
of theClty in payment of stenographic hills on ok. of same
"by the City Attorney.
Llotion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried
that $ 650.00 he transferred from the reneral Fund to the
l&th Street fund.
Continiied Liaroh 18, 1920.from 16th.
At a special me^ ting of the ComDon ouncil this d.ay
'regularly called and held at the time and place and in
the manner provided hy lavv, v;ith i.iayor "eed, ; uocrfcr
acting recorder and the folloring memhers of the Comron
Council, to-?:it: Mc^arland, Johnson, ^rorne, ?'-yons,
in attendance, the follov:ing business ras transacted;
I.'.e-'ting called to ciecide the question of rater
I',:ayor ":eed suggested that at the present City
purchase and install £2C00 ?t. '(4 mi.) of IS" pipe,
and consider the balance needed at a future date.
2]stimate£ as submitted:
Redn^ood 4 mi. 12'' S4,S7£
Fir 4 mi. 12" 29,917
Council adjourned to private for consultstion. and dec
ided to meet at 9 AM. of Friday the 19th and have report
ready for a gent by lCi:Al.l, of that day.
There being no further discussion the meeting adj
ourned until the >19th, at 9 AM.
•j h'
March 19th (continuation)
At a continued special meeting of the Common Council
this day regularly celled and held at the time and place
ai\d in the manner provided "by lev?, Tcith Mayor V/.P. Reed
Recorder J.K. CeYers and the folioT:ing members of the
Common Council, to-v^it: Lyons, BroTcne, Johnson, McFarland,
in attendsnce, Mayor Reed presiding', and Recorder Cevers
acting as fecorder, the following businesr t.cs transacted:
Further discussion of pipe for V/ater Line: Motion
duly made end seconded thct they accept Reedwood iripe,
v;hich motion carried by the foIlov:ing vote:
Yeas: 4
•Hays: 0.
Motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried
that McFarland be permitted to erect fence along Winchester
Ave. to a point west of Echoolhouse, also adjoining platted
townsite from Hill to River in to?;nsite boundary. The
same being subject to immediate removal upon order of the
Common Council.
There being no f urther discussions the meeting
ad^^ourned until next cell of the Mayer,
March £2, 1920.
At a special meeting of the Comfnon Council this day
regularly called and held 4t the time and place ana in the
manner provided by lar:, v.ith Mayor V/.P. Reed, Recorder
J.K. Cavers end the follov^ing members of the Common Council
to-T?it: Lyons, Brorne, Chase, Tohneon, Hubberd, in atten
dance, Mayor Reed presiding, and Recorder Cavers acting
as recorder, the follo77ing business vsas transected:
V/ater Line lator vJas disoust;e§ snd the follT?oingresolution
vrss drav?n up inrregards to same:
SAID resolution rritten on i^age 116.
Iviotion duly made snd seconded that approximately
4 mi. of pipe "be laid, £ miles to Bert IToble and 2 miles
to H.C. Morris, snd upon the drav:ing of lots to deter
mine which man should TJork at the Borth and the South
ends of seid pipe line, H.C. Morris drew Horth Snd or
Beedsport, and Mr. ITohle drew T/inchester Bay end, each
snd hoth on s lofc "basis, eaid being 10% of all payroll,
as their reimbursement as a superintendent.
Their "being no further "business the meeting adj
ourned until further call of the Mayor.
Recorder. '
Llarch £6, (Continuation)
At a meeting of the Common Council this day reg
ularly celled and held at the time snd plsce and in the
manner provided by Isv;, with Lisuor Reed , Recorder Cavers
snd the folio win£- members of the Common Council, to-wit:
rohnson. Chase, Hubbsrd, "Browne, in sttendanre, Mayor
Reed presiding, Recorder Cavers acting es recorder, the
following business wet transacted:
retition of Coos and Curry Telephone Co. to
rutlio Service Comnission rith reference to Inorease of
rates, was reed,
Ji'etition of City of Re'dsport to Public Service t Commission in regards to changing of railroad crossing,
was read. Motion duly made and seconded that 0 St.
Crossing be vacated, snd the matter of a new cror^sing to
replace the old one be taker, up wit> the Public Service
Comm. on their next visit ta the City in April.
Motion duly made and seconded that matter of Street
lighting be left inthe hands of a committee, which comm
ittee is to arrange for purchase and installation of said
necestities. Comittee appointed, 3ohnson, Browne, Eubbard,
^Yiere "being no furtherbusinesG the rneetiiig adjourned
until further call of the Uayor.
March SI, ISSO* (Continuation^
Acfc-:a: coiitinued meeting of the Coninon Council this
day regularly called and held at the time and place and
in the manner provided "by lav:, 7;ith Llayor Reed., Recorder
Cavers, and the folloTPing memhers of the Common Council
to-v;itr Xyons Browne, Ohase, in attendance^ tiayor Reod
presiding, Recorder Cavers acting as, the follov?
ing business T7as transacted:
Contract between City and iaoific Tank <5: Pipe Co.,
TC8S read, and- upon motion duly made, seconded and carr
ied, it Tvas resolved to accept agreement, and the Hayor
and Recorder v?ere authorized to sign said contract, pro
vided said Company T30uld change in the Section "?erms
of Igtyment" that 2^ discount he allowed after arrival
and inspection of material.
The matter of the resolution of calling a special
election for the purpose of submitting an amendment to
the City Charter, to he known as Section 108, authoriz
ing the Common Council to isrue bonds in the sum of
$ 40,000.00 for the purpose of providing funds for the
purchase, construction, 0|.erati0n and meintainance of
Elictric Light I-ov^er Co v^orks, on coming up for con
sideration, motion v;as dul-y made and seconded, and the
folloring resolution was unanimously pas.ed, to-wit:
Resolution Ho. 1.
BE IT RSE0LV:2D that the resolution passed br the
Com-^^;On Council on the 9th day of ^'ebruary, 1920, calling
said special election -or the purpose of submitting the
question of the amendment to the City Charter of said
City, and to he loiown as Section 108 thereof, as well as
the resolution; and the whole thereof be and the seme is
hereby repealed.
There "being no further "busliiess the meeting adjcTirned
Reedsport, Oregon, April 12, 1920.
At a regular meeting of the Common Counoil this
day regularly cclled. and held at the time and plaoe,
and in the manner provided hy lavs, v;ith r.:ayor Reed,
Recorder Ccvere, and the folloT^ing members of the Common
Council, to-v/it; Lyons, McFfirland, Chase, "y^rovme, Huhbsrd
and C. UoC.Johnson, in attendance, Llayor V/. P.
Heed presiding. Recorder Cavers acting as Recorder, the
folloTJing "business was transacted:
Llinutes of the prev ious meeting read and approved,
luotion duly mfide, seconded and unanimously carried
tha^jb the following routine of 'bp.siness he follov:ed here
after; form as fo3.1ov?s:
1. Roll call.
2. Reading and ajprovel of minutes of prev
ious meeting.
S. Communications.
4. Unfinishec"! business;
fa) Report of ComnittecL.
fh) Tahlod resolutions £, ordinances
for second ^ third readings.
5. IJevj Business;
fa) Ordinances first reading.
fh) Bills.
. j'll'.
fo) Other new business.
6. Miscellanous business.
7. Adjournment, Trith or without date.
Resignatio of Alderman Lyons reed as follors:
the "on. TJayor
and City Council,
Reedspor t, Oregon.
I hereby tender my resignation as a member of the
fSigned) Jos. Lyons. '
;rhereupon on motion duly made, seconded and carried
it V.8C resolved to a ccept the resignation of /Mderman
i.:otion m^de and seconded and carried that V/m. Love
lace "be appointed to fill the vacancy in the Common Council
of the City of Reedsport, causecVby the resignation of llr.
Upon motion heing duly made and seconded, it v:aB
resolved that the Council ez^tend a vote of thanks to Lir.
Lyons for his untiring efforts and his vork on the Coun
cil. lir. Lyons responded to this vote of thanks in fitt
ing Tjords.
Liotion made, and seconded that I.'r. Lovelace collect
all possihle donations to the 16th street fund.
Bill of Kllham Staty' Co. vies duly introduced, and
motion made, seconded and carried that said bill be all-
OTfed and paid.
I.'otion made, seconded and carried that C. HoC. John
son be appointed a comnilttee of one to investigate freight
rates on pipe.
Proposed Ordinances Ko. 35, Z6, 27, 28, 39, 40, 41,
4£/ 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51 v?ere regularly intro.
duoed and re^d the first time.
rpon motion being duly made end seconded it v:ss reeclveo
that City Ilngineer be esked to make a report of the
vreter conditiori in the City'.
Thereupon the notion ras made, Eecon(?ed end csrrieci
that meeting adjourn until Tuesclsy Tlvening, April IS, at
8 0 'clock I' .M.
rJeefsi^ort, Oregon, ^prll 17^ ICSO.
At a continued neoting of t're Comncn Coiincil this
day rogulerly csllecl and held et the time and lace and
the rjanner ],rovided by lar, vrith llayor Iteed, Hecoreer
Cs'vers, end the follcv;lng members cf the Comrcn Council
to-vrit: lacFsrlanS, Hiibbarci, Chese in st'^endanoe, lleyor
Reed presiding, end Beoorder Cevers acting as Hecorder,
the follovang btisinesE trsnssoted;
?here "being nc quorum the meeting adjourned until fur
ther cell of the Mayor.
April 19, 1920.
At a special meeting of the Common Council this day
regularly called and held at the time and place and in the
manner provided by law, with Hayor V?.P. Reed, Recorder
J, K. Cavers and the following members of the Common Coun
cil to-wit: Chase, Browne, Lovelace, I^^cFarlend and C. MoC.
Johnson, in attendance, Mayor Reed presiding, end Recorder
Cavers acting as recorder, the following business was
Freight rates on pipe from San Francisco to Reedsport
was discussed with reference to rates by boat. The follow
ing rates were submitted by recorder;
By Rail $14.20 per ton
" Boat 10.00 " "
The difference in favor of boat in handling after ar
rival §2.00 p er ton working a difference of |6.20 per ton
on 270 tons or total of $1674.00, less insurance which
would be approximately a saving of $1200.00 to $1500.00.
Upon motion duly made and seconded it was "unanimously
resolved that Recorder wire Pacific Tank & Pipe Company to
ship load of pipe by next trip of schonner "Ruby" also that
C. McC. Johnson wire Parr !.!oCormick S. S. Co. to the same
Upon motion duly made and seconded it wss unanimously
resolved that the city make a change in the present water
system and out in a separate line to the Reedsport Fish
Company enabling the city to use all the present supply of
water and give the Reedsport i'ish Company water from what
is known as the small tank and which is not at present in
use, end that the Mayor appoint e oommittee of three to hire
the necessary labor to ma ke said change. Alderman Lovelace,
McParland and Ohase were appointed•
There being no further busiAess the meeting adjourned
until the 26th,
Attest; Mayor
iBfefiiiafiiiriiifc; iT liff' i
April 26, 1920 (Continuation)
At a continued meeting of the Common Council this day
regularly called and held at the time and place and in the
manner provided "by law, vfith Mayor Heed, Recorder Cavers,
and the following members of the Common Council to-wit:
Alderman, Brovne, Johnson, Hubherd, McFarland, Chase and
Lovelace, in attendance, Mayor Reed presiding, Recorder
Cavers acting as recorder, the following "business "VTas trans
The proposition of Light and Power Bonds was discussed
hut no definite action taken.
Upon motion duly made seconded and unanimously carried
it was resolved that the recorder draw a warrant on the
treasurer on the Water Fund for $2000.00 to pay first 1/2
yearly interest on $100,000.00 "bond issue.
Ordinances Eumhers S5 to 51 inclusive were introduced,
and real for the second time, thereupon, on motion duly made
seconded and unanimously carried, said ordinances v;ere passed
to the third reading and read the third time. After said pro
posed ordinances hand been read the third time motion was
duly made seconded and unanimously carried that said proposed
ordinances be placed upon their final passage thereupoin said
ordinances rere numbered, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, '40, 41, 42, 42,
44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 and 51, and which s^;id with the
voters thereon are in words and figures.
AU 0RDINA3IDE prohibiting trespassing on enclosed lands
within the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport, and
providing a penalty for its violation.
Section 1. That if any person, within the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport, other than on lawful busi
ness, shall go 01! trespass upon any enclosed lands or pre
mises not his own, and shall fail, neglect or refuse to de
part therefrom immediately, and remain away until permitted
to return upon the verbal or printed or written notice of
the owner or person having lawful occupation of said lands
or premises, such trespasser shall "be deemed guilty of a
violation of this ordinance and upon conviction thereof,
shall be punished "by a fine of not less than $5.00, nor
more than $25.00.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and ef
fect thirty days after its passage and approval by the Mayor.
Passed by the Council th's the goth day of May 1920, by
the follovjing vote:
Submitted to the Mayor this £6th day of May 1920.
Approved by the Mayor this 26th day of May 1920.
AV. ORDINjUTG?. prohibiting trespassing on the improved
lands, within the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport,
and providing a penalty for its violation.
Section 1. That if any persons, within the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport, shall Twilfully enter upon
the garden, orchard or other improved lands of another or
in his possession, v:ith intent to cut, take, carry away,
destroy or injure the trees, grain, grass, hay, fruit or
vegetable products there growing or being, such person, on
conviction thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a violation
of this ordinance and shall fee finedrriot less than $5.00
nor more than $50.00.
' Section 2-. This or'Sinanee shall b'e in force and ef^
feet thirty days after its passage end approval by the L^ayor
Xassedc'b.y the Council this 26th day of May 1920, by
the follov;ing vote:
TEAS: 6 •
I^AYS: 0
Submitted to the Mayor this £6th day of May 1920.
Approved "by the Mayor this E6th day oi May 1920.
AK ORDIK'AFGE prohibiting trespassing upon the lands of
another, within the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport,
and providing a penalty for its violation.
Section 1. ^hat anp person, vcithin the corporate limits
of the City of Reedsport, «ho shall uvilfudly cut donn, destroy,
or injure any standing or growing tree upon the lands of an
other, or shall wilfully take or remove from any such lands
any timber or wood previously cut or separate from the same,
or shbll wilfully dig. take, quarry or remove from any sudh
lands any mineral, earth or stone, such person, upon convic
tion thereof, shall "be deemed guilty cf a violation of this
ordinance and shall be fined in a sum not less than ;;?5.00
nor more than ^iSO.OO.
Section 2. "Jhis Ordinance shall be in force and effect
thirty days after Ixa passage and approval by the Mayor.
Passed by the Council this 26th day of May 1920, by the
ffollowing vote:
Submitted to the Mayor this 26th day of May 1920.
•Approved by the Mayor this Ebth day of May 1920.
// Recorder.
r iT^ri
AH ORDIMKCE prohibiting the tearing dovin of posted
noticed, TRithin the oorporete limitB of the City of Reedsport,
end providing 8 penalty for its violation.
Section 1. That if any person, Tcithin the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport. shall T?ilfully tear down,
alter or deface any posted, vrritten or printed notice
poEted or put up in pursuance of any law, required or
authorising the sane to be done before the time for which
such notice is given has expired, such person shall be
deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance and upon
conviction thereof, shall be punished "by a fine of not
more then $5.00 nor more than |E5.00.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in force and ef
fect thirty days after its passage and approval by the
Passed by the Council this £6th day of May 1920, by
the following vote:
Submitted to the Mayor this 26th day of May 1920.
Approved by the Mayor this 26th day of May 1820.
AH ORDIIIAITCE prohibiting, vrithin the corporate limits
of the City of Reedsport, the injuring or moving or des
troying of any monument or any tree maifcked for that purpose;
or the wilful breaking dOT^n, injuring or destroying any
mileetone, post cr any guide or finger-board erected or
placed on any of tr.e streets or highv^eys of said City; or
the wilfiil alteration or defacing of the inscription on
any such stone, post or "board; or the vfilful extinguishing
of any lamp, es well as the breaking, injuring, destroying
or moving of any lamp, lamp-post, sign or sign-board, or
any railing or post erected, upon any street, highway, sid.ewalk
or passage; and providing a penalty for its violation. •
Section 1. That if any person, within the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport, shall wilfully break down,
^ injure, remove or destroy any monument erected or used
for the purpose of designating the boundary of any town,
tract or parcel of land, or eny tree marked for that pur
pose; or shall wilfully break down, injure, remove or
> destroy any milestone, board or post or any guide or
finger-board erected or placed, upon any road or highway;
or shell wilfully alter or deface the inscription upon
such stone, post or board; or shall wilfully extinguish
eny lamp or break, injure, destroy or remove any lamp,
lamp-post, sign or sign-board, or any railing or posts
erected upon any street, highway, sidewalk or passage,
such person shall be deemed guilty of a violation of
this Ordinance, and upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished by a fine of not less tha n ^5-00 nor more than
2 5 • 0 0 •
Section £. This Ordinance shall be in force end ef
fect thirty days after its passage and approvel by the Mayor
Jfassed by the Council this E6th day of May, 1920, by
the following vote:
Submitted to the Mayor this 26th day of May, 1920.
Approved by the Mayor this 26th day of Hay, 19E0*
AN ORDIHAHOE prohibiting, within the corporate limits
of the City of Reedsport, the defrauding of a lodging-house,
apartment house, boarding house or restaurant, hotel or inn,
enfi providing a penalty for its violation.
Section 1. That if any person shall, within the corpor
ate limits of the City of Reedsport, with intent to defraud,
obtain food, lodging or any other accommodation at any hotel,
apartment house, any boarding house or restaurant, or who.
after having' ohtelned such foo3, lodging or other accoraraodations
in any such hotel, apartment house, any "boarding houte
or restaurant; or vho ehall surreptitously remove his bafegage
end clothing from such hotel, apartment house, any
boarding house or restaurant, without first paying or ten
dering payment for such food, lodging or other accommodstionB,
he shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this Ordinance
and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than
Section 2. This Ordinance shall he in force and effect
thirty days after its pssssge and approval hy the Mayor.
Passed by the Council this 26th day of May, 1920, by
the fol lO'Vfing vote:
Submitted to the T'ayor this 26th day of May, 1920.
Approved by the Mayor this £6th day of May. 1920.
AK ORDIrlAIJCE prohibiting the -vianton or malicious jury
to animals or other personal property, •within the corporate
li&its of the City of Reedsport. end providing a penalty
for its violation.
Section,1. That if any person shall, T?tithin the cor
porate limits of the City of Reedsport, maliciously or
T?8ntonly kill, Tsound, disfigure or injure any animal the
property of another; or shell wilfully administer any
poison to anjr aniffial, or shall msliciouLly expose any
poison with the intent thet sa me shall be taken by any
suoh animal; or shall maliciously or vsantonly, by any
manner or by any means not otherwise particularly
specified in this chapter, destroy or injure any personal
property of another, sucli person ehall "be deemed
guilty of 8 "violation of this ordinance, and upon con
viction thereof Tvill he punished by a fine of not less
than $10-00 nor acre then r;;50.00 therefore.
Section 2. This Ordinance shell be in force and ef
fect thirty days after its passage and epprov&l by the
Passed by the Council this 26th day of Hay, 1920, by
the follOTving vote:
Submitted to the :.:a yor this 26th day of May, 1920.
Approved by the Llayor this 26th day of i:ay, 1920.
ORDIMGE 5rO. 42.
AU ORriEAUCE prohibiting indecent and immoral acts
not otl.erT.'ise mede punlshsble uni?er any other ordinance
of this City, within the corporate limits of the City of
Reedsport, and providing a penalty for its violation.
Section l.- That if any person shall, vjithin the cor
porate limits of the City of Reedsport, wilfully and
v.rongfully commit, any act ^'hich grossly injures the per
sonal property of another, or which openly outrages the
public peace or health, or which openly outrages the
public decency and i& injurious to. public morals, such
person, if no punishment is expressly prescribed there
fore by'any ordinanee of this City, such person shall be
deemed guilty of a violation of tris Ordinance, and shall,
upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not
less than $5.00 or more than §50.00.
Section 2. This Ordinance shall "be in force end effect
thirty days after its passage and approval "by the Mayor.
Passed "by the Council this 26th day of May, 1920, "by
the f0ll0T?ing v6te:
lUYS: 0
Submitted to the Mayor this 2btr day of May, 1920.
Approved by the Llayor this 26th day of May, 1920".
AN CHBIPJAHOE prohibiting the vjilful breaki-ig do^tn,
injuring, undermining, obstruoting, remo-ving, destroying,
of any free or toll bridge, railroad, railway, plank road,
maoadaTnized road, highTR^y, canal, telegreph or telephone
posts or riree; or injuring or destroying of any materials
being used in the construction or repair of such road,
highway, railtray, bridge; or the T?ilful arranging of tele
phone or telegraph wires so as to interfere with their
efficiency; or tVe wilful obstruction of the service of
such telephone or telegrsph wires, within the corpor£:te
limits of the City of Reedsport, and providing a penalty
for its viol ation.
Section 1. If any person shall, within t^.e corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport, wilfully break down,
injure, undermine, obstruct, remove or destroy any free
or toll bridge, railroad, railv^ey, plank road, macadamized
road, highway, canal, telegraph or telephone posts or
wires; or any gate upon such road or lot, or any erabankment
of any canal; or shell injure or destroy any materials
being used in the construction or repair ol such road,
highway, railway, canal or bridge, or shall willully ar
range telephone or telegraph wires so as to interfere wixn
their efficiency; or shall wilfiilly obstruct in any manner
the service of such telephone or telegraph wires, such
person shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordi
nance and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a
fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than 2p50.00.
Section 2. This Ordinance shell be in force and effect
thirty days after its passage and approval by the Mayor.
Passed by the Gounoil .this S6th day;of Hay, 1920, "by
the follovang vote;
Yees; 6
Kays: 0
Submitted to the Mayor this £6th day of May, 19£0/
Approved by the Mayor this 26th day of Hay, 1920.
AIT ORDIITAIiOE prohibiting the depositing of injurious
si^bstanoes on any streets, roeds or highv.'8ys TJithin the
oorporate limits of the "Ity of Reedsport, and providing
a penalty for Its viol ation.
Section 1. That if any person shall, within the cor
porate limits of the City of Reedsport, wilfully throm,
pltioe or deposit on any hlghvv'sy, street, alley or ease
ment used by the public for public travel, any gless
bottles, glass, nails, tacks, hoops, cans, tin, sheet-iron,
boards, refuse, carcass of any dead animal, or other sub
stance Tshich \fould mar the appearance or detract from the
cleanliness or safety of such high7:8y, street, alley or
easement, or be likely to in^Jure any horse, stock, vehicle
or person travelling upon such highv;ay, street, alley or
easement, such person shall be guilty of a violation of
this Ordinance, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined
not more than $25.00.
Section 2. This ordinance shall ce in force end effect
thirty days after its passage a d approval by the Llayor.
Passed by the Council this 2 6th day of Hay. 1920, by
the folloTjing vote;
NAfS; 0
submitted to the Ka;-or thie £&th day of aay. 1920.
Approved by the Mayor this E6th day of May, 1920.
AIT ORDINANCE prohiciting the breaking, injuring or
destroying of a "bcoiB or wh; rf vrithin the corporate limits
of the 'ity of Heefisport, end providing a penalty for its
Section 1. That if any perbon, vjithin the corporate
limits of the City of Reedeport, shall break, cut away,
injure or destroy any "boom or wharf lawfully established
and being upon and by any river or other water, within the
corporate limits of the City of Reedsport, such person
shall be guilty of a violation of this Ordinance, and
upon conviction thereof shall be fined in 8 sum not less
than $5.00 nor more than $50.00.
Section 2. This OrSinance shell be in force and effect
thirty days after its passage and approval by the ::ayor.
Passed by the Council this the 26th day of Liay, 1920,
by the following vote:
I'AYS: 0
Submitted to the "_ayor this 26th day of May, 1920*
Approved by the Iviayor this 2t)th day of May, 1920.
Mayo r
• Recoraer.
AK ORDIIIAHCE prohibiting, within the corporate limits
of the City of Reedsport, the fn^uty to any water-pipe,
trench, reservoir or ditch, end prohibiting the malicious
drawing off of wrter flowing fror.i such v.ater-pipe or
ditch, end providing e penalty :or its violation.
Section 1. Thet If any person shall, within the cor
porate limits of the City of Reedsport, malioionsly, wan
tonly arid wilfully cut. hreak down, injure, destroy or remcve
any water, ditch, canal, flume, trench, pipe or re
servoir, or any otl-er used for conveying, receiving
or holding water used or designed for manufacturing or
domestic purposes; or any dam, reservoir, gate, flume,
flashhoerd or other appurtenance used or designed for any
of said purposes; or shall maliciously or without color of
right, obstruct, or use any portion of the water
flowing through or contained in such ditch, canal, trench,
pipe, dam or reservoir or other receptacle used for con
taining- such water, such person shall be guilty of a vio
lation of this ordinance and upon conviction thereof, shall
"be punished by a fine of not more than ^50.00.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect
thirty days after its passage and approval by the rayor.
Passed by the Council this tl-.e 26th day of Kay, 1920,
by the following vote:
?AYS: 0
Submitted to the I.layor this 26th day of I.iay, 1220.
Approved by tfee Mayor this 26th day of lilay, 1920•
ORDIMCE irO. 47.
AH OHDINAiTCE prohibiting, within the corporate limits
of the City of Reedsport, malicious or wanton injury to
fruit trees, ferices, buildings, hedges, the leaving open or
d own of any bars, gates.or fences, and providing a penalty
for its violation.
Section 1. That if any person shall, \yithin the cor
porate limits of the City of Reedsport, malicionsly or
wantonly cut dOTvn, destroy or gather any btzsh, shrub»
fruit or other tree not his own, standing and grovfing for
fruit, ornament or other useful purpose; or shall wilfully
break the glass in or deface any building not his own; or
shall wilfully break down or destroy any fence, hedge be
longing to or enclosing land not his own, or shall wilfully
throw down or open a leave down, or open any doors, gate
or fence or hedge belonging to or enclosing lend not his
own; or shall maliciously or wantonly, sever from the land
of another any produce thereof; such person shall be deemed
guilty of a violation of this ordinance, and upon convic
tion lihereof shall be fined in any sum not more than $25.60.
Section 2. This ordinance shell be in force and effect
thirty days after its passage end approval by the Mayor.
Passed by the Council this the 26th day of Ilay, 1920,
by the following vote:
Submitted to the I'ayor this 26th day of iiay, 1920.
Approved by the Mayor this 26th day of :!ay, 1920.
Recorder »
All ORDIITAKCE prohibiting indecent exposure and all
exhibitions, within the corporate limits of the City of
Reedsnort, and providing a penalty for its violation.
Section 1. That if any person shall wilfully and
lewdly expose his person or tr.e private parts thereof in
any public place where there are present other persons to
be offended or annoyed thereby, or shall take any part in
any model artist' exhibition, or make any other exhibition
of himself to public vieiB or to the view of any number of
persons, suuh as is offensive to decency or is adapted to
excite vicious or lewd thoughts or acts, such person shall
be guilty of a violation of this ordinsnoe snd upon con
viction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment in the
city jail for not less than ten days nor more than twenty
days, or by a fine not less than $10.00 or mere than |50.00.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and effect
thirty days after Its passage and approval by the Mayor.
Passed by the Council this 26th day of May, 1920, by
the following vote;
MYS: 0
Submitted to the r^/layor this 26th day of luay, 1920-
Approved by the Mayor this 26th day of May, 1920.
Kayo r
• ^ .A
AU ORDIHANOS prohibiting the visiting of a house of
prostitution by a minor, within the corporate limits of
the "ity of Heedsport, and providing a penalty for its
Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any minor
to go into or visit, under any pretext or for any purpose
whatever, within the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport,
any house of prostitution, or any room or place in
habited or frequented by any prostitute or used for purposes
of prostitution.
Section 2. Any person found guilty of violating the
provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance, shall be, upon
conviction thereof, fined in e sum of not more than $10.00.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in force and ef
fect thirty days after its passage arid approval by the Mayor.
Passed "by the Council this 26ih day of Llay, 1920, by
tl^e follo|fing vote:
MYS: 0
Submitted to the llayor this 26th day of Hay, 1920«
Approved "by the Mayor this 26th day of May, 19E0»
AN ORDIl^AJICE prohibiting- the inducing, by another
pex'bon, a minor to visit a house of prostitution, within
the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport, and provid
ing a penalty for its violation.
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation, to procure, request, order or to in any
Tfise induce any minor to go into or visit any house,
room or place, v?itMn tre corporate limits of the City
of Reedsport, such as is described in Ordinance No,* 49,
and any person found guilty of Tiolating the provisions
of this ordinance, shall be fined not less tran $10.00
faor more than $25.00.
Section 2. This ordinance shall "be in force and ef
fect thirty days after its passage and approval "by the
Tassed by the Council this 26th day of Ila y, 1920,
by the follovjing vote:
Submitted to the -ayor this £6th day of Kay, 1920.
Approved "by the :!5ayor this 26th day of Hay, 1920.
Attest: Mayor
7r^.- i'l.
There "being nc further "business the meeting adjourned
tmtil further call of the Mayor.
April S^, 1920.
At a special meeting of the Common Council this day
regularly called and held at tie time and place and in the
manner provided by law, v:ith Mayor W. P. Reed, Hecorder
J. K. Cavers and the following members of the Common Council
to-wit: Alderman, Eubhard, Brow ne, Johnson, Lovelace and
Ghase, in attendance, Mayor Reed presiding, and Hecorder
Cavers acting as recorder, the follovJing business was trans
The matter of Light and Power bonds vias discussed but^) cnrw^
no definite action taken.
The matter of additional -water bonds was discussed and
the following resolution was introduced, read and passed.
ITotice is hereby given that the Comaon Council of the
City of Reedsport, Oregon, has submitted to the-legal voters
of said City for their adoption or rejection at the Primary
Election to be held in said City on the £lst day of May, 1980,
proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of Reedsport,
to be numbered Section 101-A and lOE-A, which said proposed
araendmenti-was adopted by resolution of the Common Council on
the 29th day of April 1920, and approved by the Mayor on the
sama date and ordered submitted to the legal voters at said
election for their adoption or rejection, and which said reso
lution embodying said amendments is in words and figures as
follows, to-wit:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of
Reedsport, that the following charter amendments of the
charter of the City of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon,
be and the same hereby are proposed for submission to the
legal voters of said City for adojjtion or rejection at the
primary election to be held in said City on I,lay Slst, 1920
as in this resolution provided, ^hich amendments are as
follov7S, to-wit:
OEARTSR AM3NTC5E1TTS (to the existing charter of the
said Gity of Heedsport> SUBMITTi^D TO THE VOTERS BY THE
To provide for tvio additional sections, to be numbered
Section lOl-A and Section 102-A to be edded to the existing
municipal charter of the City of Reedsport, Douglss County
Oregon, so as to authorize the Gity of Reedsport to finish
the construction of the municipal water system from Clear
Lake into the City of Reedsport, and construct a distri
buting system of viater mains and reservoir or reservoirs as
an auxiliary to said system; providing for the issuance
of the negotiable coupon bonds of said City in the sum
of fifty thousand dollars (§50,000.00) to provide the
sums therefore; providing a tax for paying the int'^-rest
on the said bonds end a sinking fund to pay said bonds
at maturity; and authorising the Oommon Council to pro
vide for the management, operation and maintenance of
said system when completed, and providing for the modi
fication or repeal of the charter and ordinances or parts
thereof in conflict V3ith these charter amendments.
that the following sections to be numbered Section 101-A
arifi ^^ection 102-A of the existing charter of the City of
Reedsport adopte d by the legal voters of said City at a
special election called and helfl for that purpose in said
City on the 10th day of November 1919, under and by virtue
of vtnich said City of Reedsport is noYi organized and ex
isting as a municipal corporation, be, and the same here
by are proppsed and submitted to the legal Voters of
said City a s and for an amendment to ssid charter, added
to tr.e same and numbered and known as .'.ection 101-A and Sec
tion 102-A thereof, to-TJuit:
SECTIOU 101-A. fl) For the purpose of providing funds
for the completion of the municipal warer system of said City,
providing proper difetributlng mains enc laterral, and properly
installing and equipping a reservoir or reservoirs as an
auxiliary supply to said system; to provide for the mainten
ance and operation of said system, the Common Council is
hereby authorized and empowered to issue and dispose of gen
eral obligation bonds of said City in amount not to exceed
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), ssid bonCs to be in
denominations of ;;plOO, $500 or J^IOOO each, duly signed by
the I^ayor and countersigned by the ^^ecorder under the cor
porate seal of the City, having semi-annual interest coupons
attached thereto bearing tl e facsimile engraved signature of
the J^ayor and Recorder, vihereby the City shall be held in sub
stance and effect to undertake and promise to pay the bearer
of each of said bonds at maturity thereof, the sum named
therein, in gold coin of the United states of America of the
present standard of value with interest thereon in like gold
coiii. at the rate of six percent per annum, payable semiannually,
each of saia bonds to be s direct obligation of
the City of Eeedsport, and to be known ss CITY OF ?.E.^I)S~OHT
WATSR BOIinS SECOND ISSUE. Said bonds shall be dated at a
convenient time to be fixed by the Common Council, maturity
or maturities to be likewise fixed by the Council, but not
to exceed twenty-five (25) years from date; and the princi
pal and interest of said bonds shall be made payable at the
Fiscal iigency of the State of Oregon in ITew York City. All
bonds issued herein shall be deemed concurrent and shall be
without priority as to each other. In addition to paying a
general obligation of the City, there shall be a first lien
on all of the municipal water system constructed with the
funds obtained by the City from their sale.
(2) The bonds hereby authorized shall be advertised,
by the Council for sale to the highest Didder for at
least two weekly issues in some ne\5ppaper or nevjpapers
to be selected by the Common Council, but the Coiincil
shall reserve the right to reject any and all bonds,
and after one such said adTertlsement, if said bonds
are not then sold on any of said bids, the same shall be
sold by the Council in such manner es in its Judgment
may be deemed best.
(3) The indebtedness authorized by this amend
ment to the municipa]. charter of the City of Reedsport
is in addition to all indebtedness heretofore author
ized and incurred by said City, snd is not to be con
sidered as effected by any limits of indebtedness in
said charter or elsewhere.
(4) The Council shall and is hereby authorized
and directed to levy taxes annually in addition to the
taxe s authorized by Section 40 and Section 101 of the
charter of the City of Reedsport, and in addition to
all other taxes authorized to be levied and collected
by this charter or any of the amendments thereto, suf
ficient to pay the interest accruing on the bonds au
thorized by lubdivlsion 1 of this Section, and after
ten (10) years from t>ie date of tie issuance of said
bonds, such further levy as sball be necessary to
provide a sinking fund sufficient in amount to pay
seid bonds at maturity; and the Council may cause said
sinking fund to be loaned at intereEt upon approved
s ecurity, or invested in a};proved Interest bearing
securities in tiie same of the City, pending the ma
turity of said bond 8.
SSCTIOH 102-A. All p arts of the charter of the
City of Reedsport, and all ordinances and parts of
ordinances of said City in conflict with the p revi
sions of this charter amendment, are hereby amended
and modified or repealed, as the case may require, in
order that this arrendment may be in effect.
BE IT KESOLVED FURTHER that this resolu.tion for said
proposed amendments to the charter of this City of Reedsport
to be subraitted to the legal voters by the Conimon Council, be
filed T.ith the Recorder upon its approval by the Mayor, for
submission to the legal voters of the City of Reedsport, for
their rejection or approval, to be voted upon et the primary
election to be held within the corporate limits of the City
of Reedsport on the 21st day of May, 1920.
BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Common Council deems
It advisable to, end does hereby and herein call and make
necessary provision for the holding of a special election
\7hi«h shall be and hereby is called, to be held at the
Primary Election to be held in the City of Reedsport on the
21st day of May, 1920, and said Primary Election is hereby
deslg-nated as the Special Election for the purpose of sub
mitting to the legal voters of the said City of Reedsport
for approval or rejection, said proposed charter amendments,
to be numbered tectlon lOl-A and Section 102-A, to the char
ter of said City.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the fudges and Clerks appointed
to conduct said Special Election are Judges and Clerks ap
pointed by the proper authorities of Douglas County, Oregon,
to conduct said primary election and the voting place for
holding said Special Election in said City is the voting
place designetea by the praper authorities of said County
for seld Primary Election.
RESOLVED FURTHJIR, that the following Is adopted by
the Common Councii as and for the ballot title and the form
in ^hich said aiT,endraents shall appe&r on oifiolal ballots
at said election, to-xsit:
Shall the proposed amendments submitted by the Council
"by Resolution Ko. 1 to authorize the issuance and sale of
not e:cceedliig |50,000 twenty-i'ive year six percent bonds for
the completion of municipal vrater system, distributing systems
and reservoir auxiliaries, for maintenance and operation of
same, levying taxes to pay interest, for sinking fund to pay
principal thereof and providing for the modification or re
peal, as the case may req uire, of charter and ordinances or
parts thereof, in conflict vjith these amendments, be adopted,
added to the charter of City of Reedsport, number Sections
101-A and 102-A thereof?
Vote "Yes" or "Ko".
100 YSS
101 m
BE IT FURTH?:R resolved, that the City fiecorder be. and
he is hereby instructed, to publish the hereinabove proposed
amendments of the charter of the City of Reedsport, submit
ted to the voters by the Common Council in the manner pro
vided by la-w, viz: by publication of this resolution in full
for r-wo consecutive publications viithin ti^venty days immedi
ately preceding said election in the lort Umpqua Courier,
same being a ne wspaper published in the City of Reedsport
and hereby designated for said purposes and that s aid City
Recorder be insttuc-ted further to publish at the same time
and place, notice of this election so designated as a part
of said resolution and intr.dduo.tory thereof.
Passed by the Coiincil on this the 29th day of April,
1920, by the follov-ing vote;
YS.'^E: 6 ITAYS: 0
Submitted to theMayor on the 29th day of Jipril 1920,
Approved by the I^ayor on the 29th day of April 1920.
V j
Attest: Mayor
, ,
Recorder. ^
U|)on motion duly made seconded end carried it was re
solved that City Engineer Robinson, Alderman, MoParland and
lovelace were appointed by the Mayor to draw up plans of
City Jail and to stay within a cost of §1000.00.
There being no further ciscussions the meeting adjourned
until naxt call of the Mayor.
May 10, 19£0.
At a regular meeting of t' e Common Council this day
regularly called end held et the time and place and in the
menner provided "by lavj, with Mayor W. P. Reed, Hecorder
J.E. Cavers ana the folloring memhers of the Common Council
to-wit; Aldermen, l^oFsrland, Chese, Johnson, Browne, Love
lace and Huhhard, in attendance, Mayor Reed presiding, and
Recorder Cavers acting as recorder, the following business
was transacted.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Jail committee reported and submitted plans with an
estimate cost of $1100.00.
Upon motion duly mede and s econded it was resolved
that same committee be refrainec" and report some definite coet
of construction et next meeting.
The following bills were introduced and read and upon
motion duly mede seconded end carried the bills v^ere allowed;
Kilham Stationery 150.24
Union Iron T'orks 20.55
E. A. Ivey 246.06
ft n n 66.66
Winchester Say Lumber Co. 460.16
Jete Morin 2.SO
W. T. Dewar 46.50
J. C. Klein S: Son 23V.05
MoJ'arlend f^eat "blllt 140.50
Unlcn Iron ^orks 164.50
Schrseder S: Hilentrsnd 2.75
Upon motion duly made seconded and carried it was
resolved that City Attorney be instructed to draw up or
dinances covering comraunications from Winchester Bay Lum
ber Company*
Upon motion duly made seconded and carried it Tsas res:
olved that City Hecorder communicate v;ith Umpqua River
Steam ITavigation Company, informing them that Schofield
bridge be put in as good condition at their own expense
as it wss before their Launch "Queen" butted into said
There being no further business meeting adjor.rned
until Ma y 11th.
May 11, 1920. (OontlnuatioH)
At a continued regular meeting of the Common Council
this day r egularly called and held at the time and place
and in the manner provided by law, v.ith Llayor W.2. Reed,
Hecorder J.K. Cavers and t" e follov^irg members of the Com- ^
mon Council to-v?it: Alderman, I'darland, Chase, Johnson,
Brovme, Eubbard and Lovelace, in attendance, IJayor Reed ?
presiding, and Recorder Cavers acting as recorder, the
following business was trsnsaci.ed:
Ordina' noe s ]jos. 52, 5S, 54, 6fid 55 were regularly
introduced ano read for the firgt time.
Upon motion duly made Beconded and carried said Or
dinances T?:ere passed to the second reading and read for
the second time. After ssld ordinancfis had been read the
second ti?^e, motion tbs duly made seconded and carried
that said ordinances be passed to the third reading.
There being- no emergency declared the third reeding
v^as postponed to some fixture meeting: of fhe Common Council.
There being no ftirther business meeting adjoi-rned until
further call of the Ivlayor.
• Record<er
I^ay 2£, 1920.
At 8 srecial meeting of the Common Council this day
regularly called and held at the time end place and in the
manner provided by lav^ T^ith I.iayor W.P. Reed, Recorder
J.Z. Cavers and the folloT^ing members of the Common Couhcll
to-TClt: Broisne, tohnson, HcFarland and Chase, in attendence,
I£aye'Reed presiding, and Recorder Cavers acting as recorder.
Acv/t^a e/er/^s 3^ ryrorT^fefS Atrrethe
follcT? ing business 7.'as trsnsac tedt^/;
^ U/er^ c-djiVirssec/r^'Su// a-s/o//ow^
-7% <ju' /: '•
Abstract of ^otes cast at a Special General Election
held in the City of Reedsport, Oregon May Slet, 19S0.
State of Oregon )
County of Douglas) ss.
, Town of Reedsport)
We, the undersigned I ^0 hereby certify that the follow
ing Is 8 true and correct abstract of the votes cast at the
Special General 3lect1on in said torn of Reedsport, Oregon,
>K for tne rejection or Adoption of certain charter amendments
then voted upon, entitled.
To Provide for two additional sections, to be numbered
101-A and 102-A to be added to the existing municipal charter
of the City of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, so ob to
• authorir.e the City of Reedsport to finish the construction of
th4,e municipal water s ystem from Clear Lake into the City of
Reedsport; and construct a distributing systdm of water mains
and reservoir or reservoirs as sn auxiliary to said system;
providing for the issuance of the negotiable coupon bonds of
said ity in the Sum of FIFTY THOUS/.in) DOLLARS (g50,000.00)
to provide the sums therefore, oroviding a tax paying the In
terest on the said bonds and a sinking fund to pay seid bonds
at mati^rity, and authorizing the Common Council to provide
for the management, operation and maintenance of said system
when completed, and providing for the modification or repeal,
as tne case may require of charter and ordinances, or forts
thereof in conflict with these amendments.
Cenvessed by ue this 2£nd day of Uay, 1920 to-wit:
For the adoption of ssid charter amendments 359 votes
For rejection of said charter aniendwents 17
V/hereupon the foregoing cenvess of votes cast v;8S
ordered spread upon the minutes.
There heing no further business the meeting adjourned.
Jtine 14, 1 920.
At a regular meeting of the Common Council this day
regularly called and held et the time and pla ce and In
the manner provided by laf?, rith Mayor W. P. Heed, Record
er C. Diehl and the follovdng member of the Common
Council to-v;it: Alderman, Browne, C. McC. Johnson, Chase
and Lovelace, in attendance; r.ubbard and MoFarland absent;
Icayor Reed presiding, and Recorder Diehl acting as record
er, the follov/ing business-, tjse transacted:
Minutes of previous meetings re ad and approved.
Regular monthly lillft were read and upon motion duly
made seconded and carried,*
Bills \sere ordere^'peid;
E. A. Ivey ^24.00
Peoples Supply House 486,07
Geo. Hichols 8.75
F. Davis 1.50
H. S. Reader 4.15
Pete Morin 5.46
Axtel Taylor 21.50
Continental Pipe Co. 3S0.60
Electric 'pplisnce Co. 28.94
Union Iron V/orks 45.55
Josep' Lyons 15.65
Reed-Janeile Co. 118.77
Southern pacific Co. IS. 10
Port Umpqua Courier 66.50
Umpqua Drug Co. 20. 92
J. C Klein & Son 74.65
W. Tf. Cha se 1.75
J. J. Eert-hey IS. 60
W. r. Reed 4.OS
C. Ik^C. Johnson 75.00
Coos Bay Mattress Co. 51.60
Uorth Coast Electric Co. 53,20
Eoke tiffany 12.40
Kennedy 5- Brown 7.20
Reed & McParland 102.75
n n 146.50
Mrs. ^.'eeks 235.55
Dt* Billinfton adaresi.ed the ':ouDcil T?ith reference to
RainuoT: lilough suggesting that tliis slough "be properly drained
and also suggested that ad^oirjing property to Umpqua Hotel
and Apartment house be cleaned of any and all rubbish made
and caused by said Hotel and j\partment house OTrmers and tensnts
and thet water tank supplying oity with water be in
spected, and if found in an unsanitary condition, that pro
per action be taken to see that sanitary conditions exist in
and around said tank.
The above suggestions vjere then put in form of a mo
tion TAfhich vas seconded and carried.
Thereupon the Llayor appointed a committee of three to
investigfite said conditions and report at next meeting.
Committee appointed -were: Y/m. Lovelace, John Broi/fne,
C. Chase and Dr. Billington.
The following resolution ^as introduced and read and
upon motion dul y made seconded and unanimously carried,
said resolution, wliich is in T?ords and figures as follows
T?S!8S adopted:
Notice is hereby given that the Common Ooxincil of the
City of Reedsport, Oregon, has submitted to the legal voters
of said city for their adoption or rejection at a special
Election to be held in said City on the 14th day of August
19£0, proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of
Reedsport, to be numbered Section 108 which said proposed
amendment was adopted by resolution of the Common Council
on the 14th day of June 1920, and approved by the llayor on
the same date and ordered submitted to the legal voters at
said election for their adoption or rejection, and which
said resolution embodying said amendments is in words and
figures as follows, to-wit:
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Reeds
port, that the folloTi'ing charter amendment to the charter of
said City be and the sar.e hereby is proposed for submission
to the legal voters of said city, at a special election to
be held as in this resolution provided, to-wits
To provide for another section, to be numbered Section
108 to be added to the Charter of the City of Reedsport.
the folloTving section to he numbered Section 108 of the Charter
of the City of Reedsport. under and by virtue of T?hiGh said City
is now organized and existing, be and the same is hereby proposed
and submitted to the le^al voters of said City es and for an am
endment to said cherter, added to the same and numbered and known
as Section 108, to-wit: ^
- Section 108. (1) For the purpose of providing funds for the
purchase, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance
of electric light end electric power works, and plant or plants
for said city, the Common Council is hereby authorized and em
powered to issue and dispose of general obligation bon^.s of said
City in an amount not to exceed }?ifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00
said bonds to be in deaoainations of ^100«00 each, duly signed
by the Mayor and countersigned by the Hecorder under the corpor
ate seal of the City, having semi-annual interest coupons at
tached thereto bearing the facsimile engraved signature of
the lilayor and Hecorder, whereby the City shall be held in sub
stance end effect to undertake and promise to pay the bearer
of each of said bonds at maturity thereof, the sum named there
in in gold coin of the ;,nited States of the present standard
of value with interest thereon in like gold coin at the rate
ol six percent per annum payable semi-annually, each of said
bonds to be direct general obligation of the City of Reedsport
and to be known as City of Reedsport Light and power Bonds.
Said bonds shall be dated at a convenient time to be fixed
by the Council, maturity or maturities to be likewise fixed
by the Council, but not to exceed Twenty (£0) Years from
date and tlie principal and interest of said bon^.s shall be
made payable at the Fiscal Agency of the ^:tate of Oregon
in i;ew York City.
(2) The bonds hereby authorized shall be sold by the
Council as in its judgment may be best.
(3) The debt liifaitations contained in the Charter of
saia City shall not apply to the bonds hereby authorized.
(4) The Council shall each year at the time of mak
ing the annual tax levy for City purposes, include in such
levy a sum sufficient to pay interest due on outstanding
"bonds at this issue and to retire the principal amount there
of at maturity.
RESOLVED PURTHSR, that this resolution for said proposed
amendment to the Charter of the City of Reedst:ort, submit
ted to the legal Voters "by the Common Council, be filed
with the Hecorder upon its approval by the llayor, for sub
mission to the legal voters of the City of Reedsport for
their rejection or approval to be voted upon at a special
election to be held as herein provided;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Common Council of the City
of Reeflsport deems it advisable and doe s hereby and here
in call and make necessary provision for the holding of a
special election vchlch shall be and is hereby called to be
held on the 14th day of August 19S0, between the legal vot
ing hours on said date at !:oose Kali in said City, Tfshich is
hereby designated as the polling place for said election;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that 3d V/illiams, Glen Galey and •
Harry Boviman are hereby appointed Judges of said election
and John Diehl and Herbert Butler are hereby appointed to
act as Clerks therefore;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that the follov;ing as hereby adopted
by the Council as and for the ballot title for said proposed
amendment to the said Charter of the City of Reedsport,
TO CHART:'R or the city 0? REEDSr-ORT
act •
To provide for the adoption of an additional section
to the charter of the City of Reedsport to be numbered
Section 108 and authorising the Common Council of the
City of Reedsport to issue and dispose of twe nty-year gen
eral obligation bonds of the City in an amornt not to ex
ceed $50,000.00, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing,
installing, operation and maintaining 21ectric Light and
IOT?er T/orks or plants.
BE IT FURTHER RKSOLVSD, that the Recorder he and he is
hereby instructed to publish the hereinebove proposed amendment
to the charter of the City of Reedsport submitted to the voters
by the Common Council in the provided by law, viz: by
publication in full of this Resolution for ti;vo consecutive pub
lications vrithin twenty days immediately preceding said special
election in the ?ort TJmpqua Courier, same being a ne^uspaper
published in the City of Reedsport and hereby designated for
said purposes.
passed by the Council on this the 14th day of June 1980
by the following vote:
Submitted to the Hayor 1920.
Approved by the !5ayor 1920.
Recorder 7
The folloijving proclamation of the Mayor was read and
ordered spread upon the minutes.
R:3ET)S.?0RT - - !'.''^YOR'S OFFICE
Wn}5?.SAS, the Common f^ouncil of "^he City of Heddsport
preparea, proposed and sntoittea to the legal voters of
the territoey embraoed in the said City of Heedsport, cer
tain Charter Amendments e ntitled as follows, to-isiti
A H A 0 T
To provide for two additional sections, to "be numbered
Section 101-A end lection 102-A to T:'e added to the exist
ing municipal charter of the City of Reedsport, Douglas
Coiinty, Oregon, so as to authorize the City of Heedsport
to finish the construction of the municipal water system
from Clear Lake into the City of Reedsport, and construct
a distributing system of water meins ana reservoir or
reservoirs as an auxiliary to said system; providing for
the issuance of the negotiable coupon bonds of said City
in the sum of FIFTY THOUEAHD ($50,000) DOXJiARS to provide
the sums therefore; providing a tax for paying the interest
on the said bords and a sinking ^nd to pay said bonds at
maturity, and authorizing the Common Council to provide
for the^management, operation and maintenance of said
system when completed; end providing for tl;e mo-flification
or repeal, as the case may reqiure, of charter and ordi
nances, or parts thereof, in conflict with these amend
ments .
AlID, r/TT:CP.EAS, the Common Council of the said City of
Heedsport siibmitted said Charter .'Amendments snd matter
to the said legel voters of seid territory embraced in
said City of Reedsport, for reflection or adoption at a
special election regularly called and held in said City
of P.eedsport in conformity with ORDINAITC?! IfO . 1 of said
City, end in conformity with the lew in such oeses made
end provided, on the 21st dey of I-Iay A.D. 1920, AND,
K'HEREAS, it is provided among other tilings by said
ORDITTATTCE ITO. 1 of said City, that the result of any
such election shall be announced by Iroclaraation of the
Mayor, AHD,
WHEREAS, on the 24th day of May, 192©, the Common
Council of the Gity of Heeds/ort, pursuant to law end
in my presence es Mayor of said City, did canvass the
votes cast for end against tlie edcptidn of said charter
amendments, /ITD,
WKJ'RSAS, it was ascertained tnd determined upon can
vass that there w ere cast at said election in favor of the
adoption of seid charter emendments - 229 votes, end against
the adoption of said charter amendments - 17 votes, end
that there were cast a majority of 322 legel votes at
said election in favor of the adoption of said amendments^
TESREFORS, I, Warren 2. Reed, as Llayor of the City of
Reedsport, County of Douglas, Oregon, In obedience to ancf
"by virtue of the Penerel "^evjs of the f-tate of Oregon, do
hereby make and issue this Proclamation, and do announce
and declare that the number of votes required by la'w for
the adoption of said charter amendments, have been oast in
favor of the adoption of the same; and that said proposed
Sections 101-A and 102-A, to be added to t'.e charter of the
City of Reedsport, are hereby declared to be adopte'd and ad
ded to the charter of the said City of Heedsport, Eouglafi
County, Oregon, and made a part thereof.
lU TESTIMOITY V/ESREOF, I have hereunto set my hend and
caused the municipal seal of the City of Reedsport to be
hereunto affixed.
Done at Reedsport, Oregon, this the E6th day of May
A. D. 1920.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned
until further call of the Mayor.
July 1£, 19£0.
At a regular meeting of the Common Council this day
regularly called and held at the time and place and in the
manner provided by law, T."ith 'eayor V;. P. Reed, Hecorder
J. K. Cavers and the follov;ing members of the Common Cotmcil
to-viiit: iilderman, J. R. BroTtne, Wm. Lovelace, Clyde Chase
and 0. McC. Johnson, in attendance. Mayor P.eed presiding,
end Hecorder Csvers scting as recorder, the following busi
ness wes transacted:
Regular r-onthly bills v.ere introduced and read, and
upon motion duly mode seconded and carried bills v:ere ordered
After discussion, City Engineer Hobinson vjas requested
to look over the sidev^'alk frotij l£th to 14th street.
Water system "was discussed to some extent and upon
motion duly made seconded and carried a coramittee of three
v?8S appointed to look iiito the present city suppl y and
report at next meeting. Engineer i-'obinson, Alderman, Chase
and Browne v.ere appoint.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
July 19, 19£0.
At a special meeting of the Common Council this day
regularly called and held at the time and place and in
the manner provided by lave, with -.iayor W.?. Reed, Re
corder J.K. Oavers and the follovring members of the Com
mon Council to-wit: Alderman, J. R. Browne, Clyde Chase,
C. McC. Johnson and T/m. Lovelace, in attendance. Mayor
Peed presiding, and Recorder Cavers acting as recorder,
the follov.'ing buEineee ^'as transacted:
Engineer Robinson made report on irater line, stating
vrfhat had been done in construction of Clear Ij8ke-?.eedsport
Water System.
Upon motion duly made seconded and carried it was
resolved that :.:ayor IV. I. Reed and Olty Attorney J. H.
IJapier proceed to Salem and Portland and endeavor to sell
from i:^25,000.oo to $S0',000.oo of the :ip50,000*00 bond is
sue, at the best price procurable.
City Engineer and Recorder v-ere instructed to have
vjc.rk started on culvert on 14th Street in from of Rain
bow Building.
There being no further busineSL the meeting adjourned.
^ Recor'de'r. i
i^ugrast 9, 1920 4
At 8 regular neeting cf the Cornrpon Counoil this day
regularly called and held at t e time aijd place and in the
manner provided, "by la-w, v;ith Mayor W.P. Reed, Record.eip
J.E.Cavers and the follovring menberB of the Common Council
to-TJit: Alderman, Eubbard, Chase, KcFarlend and. Lovelace,
in attendance. Mayor Reed presid-ing, and -:ecorder Cavers
acting as recorder, the following business v^ss transacted;
Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved.
The regular monthly bills ^ere re&d and men being
0. K'l. by finance committee motion vjas made seconded and
carried that bills be allov,ed..
Proposed Ordinance #51 7?ss ire^larly introduced and
read for the first tirne-
Thereupon, on motion duly made seconded ar^d unAnimously
carried, said proposed ordinance res passed to its sec
ond reading and read the second time.
After said proposed ordirarce had been reed •'"'he second
time, motion v^as duly made seccnoed and unsnimouely carried
tht^t said proposed ordinance be passed to its third reading
and read the third time.
After said proposed ordinance had been read, the third
time, motion VJas duly made, seconded, and uxisnimoucly car
ried, that said prciof.ed ordinance lie placed upon its final
passage, v?hich said X'TOposed ordinance v.'as thereu^ion number
ed Ordinance Ko . 51 £:'r,d rhich said ordinance v,lth the vote
thereon is in Vr-ords and figures as follovps:
AK ORDIEAUCE fixing a license tax on travellinf; amuse
ments companies sho\TS and shooting galleries Y"ithin the cor
porate limits Qf the City of Ree dsport.
Section 1. That all travelling emuseg^ent^ companies, shoTrs,
shov: troupE an^ shooting galleries shall, before being permit
ted to do business in the corporate limits of Reedsport, take
out a license for doing business in said city ?rd pay into
the city ::reasury the license tax hereinafter levied and fix-
6d to-T?it;
For each shov: trpup .performing in said city $5.00 for
each performance given "by teid Ehcr^ troiip;
For each shooting gallery operatl g in said tovi^n v^.OO
per eaeh day said gallery shall he
•?or each travelling amrserent
forming end doirg "business in said
each flay said Company shall he set
Bet up for operaticnj
company shoring, percity,
§5.00 pep day for
up for operation in said
Section 2. That a failure or reiueal on the part of
any person or corporstion or company, showing, performing,
or attempting to shov,' or perform or carry on its husiness
v:ithin the corporate limits of said ':ity, v7ithout first
having taken out s license therefore as hereinbefore pro
vided shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this or
dinance and shall upon conviction thereof be fined not
less than double the amount of the license due for one
weeks oper&tion of such said business in said city and
not more than three time such amount.
Section 3. That it shall be, and it is hereby de
clared to be the special dnty of the city Marshall to look
after all such said business, callings snd cor.panies here
inbefore named and report same to the Oity Recorder for
lice^"j^e as in this ordirance provided.
Section 4. Inasmuch as the city has no ordinance reg
ulating such said business and the regulation cl" the
sacie appears necessary for the protection of the peace,
health and safety of the community an Emergency is hereby
declared to exist and this ordinance shall become and be
of force and effect imraed-^ ately upon its passage by the
Cocm^on Council and approval by the ::ayor.
Passed by the Council on the 9th day of August,^ 1920,
by the follovring vote;
Submitted to the Mayor August the 9th, 1920.
Approved by the Hayor August the 9th, 1920.
Recoroer i
Upon motion duly made seconded and unanimously car
ried, the Mayor appointed a Sanitation eommittee to look
into the matter of toilets and other buildings vjhich may
menace to the sanitary conoitions of the City. Alderman,
Lovelace, Chase end T:cParland vrere appointed,
IJo further business the meeting adjourned until fur
ther call of the Tlayor.
Town of Reedsport* Douglas Oounty, Oregon*
August 20, 1920.
At a spiclal TTieetinp; of the uOTrjnon uounoil of the uity
of Reedsport, regularly called and held in the manner provided
"by law at its offices in tho said City on this aoth. day of
August A.D." 19S0.- There were prosont Mayor W.P.Roed,Recorder
J.K.Oavors, Alderraan Brovai, Ohase, Hubbord, 0. iv'oO. Johnson,
Wm- Lovelaoe and MoParland.
Pursuant to oall therefore the matter of oanvass of tho
votes of the spoGir.l elootion held in the Oity of Eoed:jport,
on the I'ith. day of A.n. 1930. for the purpo:?e of the
ado-:)-^,ion or rCy^oMon. oa an additional aoot:.on to •':b-0 -pro^OAt
o::i3tl:'i3 ohari.orj -gyo-Tidlni;; for tho _G3up of .i-SOyOOO.OO City
Bonds for the piirpose of Constructing, Operating? and raaintainin£^
aji electric Li^t Plant.
Upon a oanvass of the votes ca3t at oleotion: and
of the returns made by the Judges and Clerks of said election
to this body, xtiis found that 112 votes were cast at said
special-.election of v/hioh number 75 votes v/ere cast in favor
of said additional section to present existing charter and
33 votes wore oast a^aiist said additional section to present
ei::i:3tino charter.
•t* t)-oon notion duly iiade Jecond^d put and oa"''riod the fore-
-oiiia v/as dollar 3d th-s result o:!* the canvass of said votes and
an abstract of same was ordered spread upon the minutes and filed
with the Recorder.
Re-Dort of oommittSe on sanitation was read in .whioh^
GOinraittee reconnnended that several of the Toilets on 16th. St-r
reat in the vicinity of L.Street be removed.
Upon motion duly made seconded and imanimously carried
Report of said Gornmittee v;as accepted and Oommittee discharged.
Upon motion duly made eecondod put end cai'ried. The City
marshall v;n,s. instructed by the Ooininon Council, to carry out
instructions fulfilling the recomi.iondc?.tions of Committoe.
Upon motion duly made seconded, put and carried,the
Mayor was appointed a Oommitte© of ono to ascertain tho coast
of s'^ing gato at north ond of Rainbow Slough, and roporc at
ne::t neeting,
Thoi-'o boiiir no business neetins adjoijrned.
September 13th. 19S0.
At the regulp.r meotinc of the Oonmion Coimcel of
the City of RoodBportj re^lafcljrtoaail'^dcaHdiheid;! oLn the
manner provided by law at its offiooB in tho eaid Oity
cr this loti- day of Hopterber, A.D. 1030. Thore were
present Mayor W.P.Reed Oounoilnen Mo Farland, Ghaso,
Bro^vne, Hubbord and Johrson, the follovfino businoss
*,79.3 transactod:
iiiniiton of previous meeting read 8^6. approved
Thersj being no oonsnun". cations and no reports
of womm:! tt'^e the regular Bills iJ.K*d by yinanoe Oommittee
~ere ordered paid.
The bills of the umpqua Steam rjavigation oo,
and i^eed,Janolle ^o, were rejected on account of over
charge on dcow rental.
Ordinance #56 was ry^ularly introduce and read
for the first time ( yeo previous emergency urdenancs )
Thereupon, on motion duly mads seconded and
unanimously carried, said propose Ordinance was
passed to its second reading and read the second
After said proposed Ordinance had been read for
the second time, motion was duly made seconded and
unaniffiously oarried that said proposed Ordinance be
passed to its third reading and read the third time.
upon motion duly made seconded put and carried
a Committee of three was appointed by the Mayor to
draw up an Ordinance named Privileg-' xax, Ordinance
committee Aldermen Ohase, iiovelace and i>iCFarland.
xher© being no I'.jrth'?:''" i
T-.i'-:: v-'Sr
'OV tri6
llier© being no further business meeting adjoined.
uotober 11, 1920.
At a regular meeting of the common Counoel Of:!the
uity Of Keedsport, regularly called and held in .the manner
provided by law at its offices in the said Oity on this
lltf', i.ay of uotober A.D. 1980. ihere were present
Mayor W.P.Reed Aldermen HUbbard, Brown, j^ioFarland and
L,ov6laoe. Absent u.McO.Johson and Ohase.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved,
no reports being made by the ordinance ooimittee,motion
was duly made and seconded, put and carried tliat same com
mittee report at the next meeting.
Estimates with plans and specifications as follows
was prepared by the city Engineer,suid read by the Recorder.
jMOtice is hereby given that.
Sealed bids will be recieved up to 8 P.M. on the third day
of march ii.D. 1920, by the uity of Reed3port,uouglas Go. Ore.
to furnish the following materials,and to perform the labor
of installi'-g the same,according to the plans and specifi
cations now on file in the office of the Recorder,of the
oity of Reedsport,for a water pipe line from ulear Lake
to Reedsport,and distributiiig mains in said town.
Bids will be considered eitheras including all material
and installing,and also in seperate units of water pipe,
pipe fittings,hydrants,clearing line,trenching,pipe laying
and back filling. KPices of materials to be F.O.b.
Reedsport,and a certified check for the amoxint of the bid
shall accompany the proposal. The Oity reserves the right
to reject any or all bids.
List of materials.
wood pipe,
1500 feet 12 inch for 50 foot head
1700 feet 8 inch for 50 foot he
900 ft ft ft tt 100 n It
2000 If n ft u 150 II H
27600 tf n ti tt 200 tt tt
4200 It 6 n n 200 tf . H
5300 n 4 tt n 200 tt tt
1 Reducer joint 12 inch to 8 inch,
4 8 W s 8 F - uoupllngs, 3 8W x 8W x 6W Tee«»
5 8W X 8W s 4:W I'oes, 5 6W x 6W x 6W ,
8 6W X 6W X 4W " , 6 4W X 4W X 4W " ,
5 8W X- 8W X 45d elbows,5 6W x 6w x 45d elbows,
1 Bw X 6w X 6w X"6Wy.'Cros8es
4 8W X 8W X 4W X 4W :
2 6W X 6W X 6W X 6W
4 i inoh. arn relief valves
1 12 • " h.E. low pressure Uate valve
3 8 " li.E. hi:-h n n n
g 0 n :t n It n ti a tt
ijr IT « n ti
5 6 " l^team riydrants with 1-4 inoh.& 2-fc:^2v.ino- nozzle.
7 4 " hydrants v.'ith 2-2/2 Inoh, wozzles#
12 liydrant bridles
Labor on main line*
Pipe to lay in xunnels 1500 feet
Pipe to lay on xrestles 500
" . " " alongside Bridge 300
" " " in Trench 25200
" " " on Stakes 5000
Clearing line 16 feet in Width- 20il00 feet
Trestles to carry T)ipe line 500 "
Trench 1 /2 foot'-deep 25.200 "
Stake support to carry pipe line 5 000 "
back filling xrench 25 200
Disbrtuting ^Jystem- 6 ani 4 inch. Pipe
Pipe to lay in rrenoh 9 500 ^eet
Trench 1 foot deep 9 500 "
i^aokfilling xrenoJ-i 9 500 "
Hydrants to install 12
dumber of line fittings to place 53
This labor does not include intake works at
Clear Lake, but begins at iiingineer Station 2x00 which
is about 50 feet i^ast from the west endJ.of ulear Lake
Tunnel .
For the reason that changes may be made in amounts
on distances, it is disirable that proposals be made for
units of foot on per 100 feet, Etc.
upon motion duly made seconded put and carried
Estimate was accepted and xteoorder was instructed to
advertise same in the rort umpqua Courier and ask
for bide to be opened Monday 1st, iNOvember 1920.
ihis meeting continued untill the 12th. day
of uctober.
uctober ISth. 1920.
Kt a regular meeting of the common uouncel of
the Oity of i^eedsport, regularly called and held in
the manner provided by law at its offices In the said
^ity on this 12th- day of <^otober a.D. 1920.
There were present Mayor ri. .Reed, Aldermen
MCi-arland, riubbard, browne, Lovelace and uhase.
Upon motion duly made seconded put and carried
the offer of iveeler bros. was accepted for the purchase
of the ijity water bonds in the sum of $50,000 to wit«
wctober isth.1920.
rion. iiiayor and oit^ uouno^l,
^leedsport, Oregon;
i*or^50.000,00 of your water Extention
bonds uated May 1, 192t> due,jMay 1st. 1931, with prin
cipal and semi-annual interest payable in JNew York Oity
we will upon delivery of the bons to us in ir-ortland,
Oregon, or Denver,uolorado, at our option, when accom
panied by a certified transcript of proceedings had
and taken evideroing their legality in form satisfact
ory to our iittorneys pay you f50.000.00 { fifty
thousand dollars). All coupons, including coupon
number one, to be attached to the said bons«
Frier to the issuance of th bons to us, it is
mutually understood an.l agreed that your council will
take such steps, adopt su^h proceedings as our attorneys
may direct or prepare to the end that said bonds are
duly authorized to be nssued and are issued and awarded
and delivered to us without un-due or unnecessary delay.
e agree to furnish you such additional prooeed^n
ingfl as m:iy be required to complete tho issuance of the
bonds, and to furnish you the blank bonds themselves
with fao-simlle signature coupons attached ready for
signiTient, for and in consideration of the ah^ve
services and as fiscal agent's fees it is understood
and agreed that we are to be allowed the sum of 21%
of the face value of the "bonds payable in cash on
demand therefore-
This offer is for immediate acceptance only.
State of Oregon )
County of Douglas )ss
City of Keedeport )
itespectfully submitted,
iieeler Brothers,
i,y n.L. Shaffer
The above offer of Aeeler isrothere of rortland,
Oregon* is hereby accepted for and on behalf of the s^ity
of Keedsportj uregon, by order of its L;ity Oouncil
and entered of record at s lawful meeting held this
13th« day of uctober a.D. 1920.
( Seal )
Gity Kecoi^er
by the following vote,
leas 4
Naes 1
upon motion duly made seconded put and
carried, xhe Mayor was requested to call a special meet
ing on the 14th. day of uctober A«D. 1920.
October 14th. 1920
At a special meeting of the uommon Council
of the uity of Headsport, regularly called and held
in the manner provided by law at its offices in the
said Uity on this 14th. day of October A.D. 1920.
> There were present i^iayor W«P«Reed,
Aldermen, £,ioKarland, x^rown, Uhase, Lovelace and
Fiirsuant to call therefore the matter of
improvement of the road from vjades i^late to ii-eedsport j
was diBOUssed and Upon motion duly made seconded
put and carried the following resolution numbered
Hesolution # X was unanimousley ad,opted.
Kesolution providing for improvement of
Ei^th Ave» from center of L street to center of
Winchester Ave. and of Winchester Ave^ from last
said point to right bank of bohofield Kiver, and
adopting plans> specifications, estimated cost
of same and list of properties to be benefitted
and peroenta^e each should pay on account there
Whereas the Uommon Council of the uity *
of jxeedsport, heretofore examined and approved the
plans, specifications and estimates of the prebable
oostm-of its oity Engineer for the improvement
of 8th iive. from the center of h street to the center
Winchester Ave. and Winchester ayq* from that point
on the same and at the center of same where said
8th Ave. intersects s-i'.id Winchester iive- to the
right bank of Schofield river, said iivenue above
described being designated in the Amend Plant of
Kallroad Addition to the Gity of Reedsport, and
which said plans, specifications and estimated
cost of said uity Jiingineer aforesaid, are now on files
with the ^ity Recorder, and
Whereas said Oity Engineer did furnish
with said plane, specificaticT-s and estimated
cost of said improviment, a list of properties.
lots and parts of lots to be benefitted by such im
provements, the percantage each said property, lot
or part of lot, shoul-i pay on account of said
improvement, and has filed same, with said plans,
specifications and estimated cost of said improv
ement, with uity Recorder, and whichrs&id^ liSt<;efpr•.^no^'ty
properties, lots and parts of lots^ together with
the percentage each said property should pay on
account of such said improvement of said avenues
aforesaid, has been heretofore examined, duly
and regularly approved and adopted by the said
oommon council,
ivow Therefore,
it is resolved by the Lfity of Reedsport
that it iB its purpose to make theiraprovements of
said iivenues in said Oity in the preamble of this
resolution set out, as peB the plans, specifications
and City Engineer's estimated cost of same,
as follov/s, to Wit;
TO build, construct and furnish '
materials therefor, a 16 foot wide rrestle
roadway or Streetway, extending from the present roadway
at the intersection of 8th- AVe. and L btreet and
extending along 8th. Ave. to the center of
Winchester Ave. thence westerly along Winchester
ave. a distance of 95 feet, more or less, and a
total distance from point of'beginning of 378
feet; to bring to grade between last name point on
Winchester Ave* and 5th ^jtreet, by excavatingnot to
exceed 200 cubic yards of earth; to place on sub
grade on Winchester Ave. between end of said
trestle last named 3.nd said 5th street, 220 cubic
yards of gravel; to bring to sub grade withiToad
grader ano place thereon, on v/inchosterAve« between
5th street and east end of bchofield .-.ridge on said
Winchester Ave. 300 cubic yards of gravel and 50
cubic yards of earth, said Improvement to bo done
and according to the -said plans a^d Bpeoifioaition^.
with said Oity .^eoorder therefor, and the said estimated
costs of which are as follows.
Estimate of materials for xrestle
iiabor of constructing trestle
Excavation, j.restle to 5th, street
Three road culverts
220 cubic yards of gravel
Bringing to sub grade and placing 300 cubic
yards of gravel and 50 cubic yards of
earth between 5th. St« and iSchofield#
Total UOBt 2170.40
It is resolved, further, by the City of
Keedsport, that the list of properties, parcels,
xraots, lots and parts of lots of real estate to
be benefitted by said improvement, and the esti
mated percentage of the cost of said improvement
to be paid by each said property, parcel, Tract,
lot or part of lot of said realestate, according to
list so furnished by said oity Engineer and on file
with said City Recorder are as follows, xo- Wit:
DeSiail of assessment for improvement Qistrict.
Zone 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Blook 86
Lot 5
block 87
Lot 1
olook 88
Lot 7-i
Block 89
Lot 7-1
Blook 90
Lots 7-8
8th Ave.
12 "
12 "
6 5
$ .00
Block 91
ijOtS 7-8-'
block 92
Lots 7-8-'
block 93
Lots 7
Lotsli 8-9
block 64
Lot 5
Block 117
8th. Ave. Win. Ave. rotal
idsia t23.00 $138.00
la each 23.00 138.00
12 eaoh 23.00 115.00
joioojs; XX (1 f'-.ol
Block 94 lot 6
Lots 1-2-3-4-5 each 23.00 1115.00
Block 95 uotB 1-2-3-4-5-6 eaoh 23.00 138.00
Block 96 Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6 Tt 23.00 • 138.00
Block 97 1-2-3
tl 46.09 138.00
Tract Mrs.Margery M.Reed, 700 feet front unplatted 322.00
Total AeeeBBment ^ 2170.74
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED by the Oity Of Reedsport that
the boundaries of the district to be benefitted by said
improvement is hereby declared to be and is hereby
fixed as and does hereby include and is hereby made
the properties,lots,parts of lote,tracts,and parcels
of real estate herein above designated and set out,
and is hereby constituted,made and declared as the
properties constituting and being the properties to be
assessed for said improvement aforesaid, and constitu
tes the assessment uistrio to be known as " btreot
Assessment i^istric Humber #1." of the LJity of Reed
sport, anl that said properties, and the percentage
of cost of nr?ld improvern^nt to be assessmed and
paid for each said property herein before listed is
and shall bearthe same proportion of the entire cost
of such proposed improvement when actually made as
Said list of"i:.stiraated oosts"of eaoh said lot, part
of lot, parcel or track of real instate listea, bears
to the total "Estimated oosts!* of such improvement
now on file with the oity Recorder, and
it is further ivesolved by the vity of Keedeport, tliat
the oity Recorder be and he is hereby instructed to
publish this resolution in the "Port umpqua Courier",
a newspaper publiahsd in the tjity of Reedsport, for
10 days from date of first publication, to-'.Vit:
In two weekly issues of said newspaper, together
wif-viotioe that -ingineer's estimate of the propor
tion df costs of such improvement to be charged and
assessed against ^ach property to bebenefitted thereby
as well as the plans and specifications of such
improvement, is op file in the office of said Oity
Passed by the uommon council this 14th. day of
uotober, 1920, by the following vote:
xeas. 5.
Hays, 0.
Submitted to the ;..ayor, October 14, 1920.
Approved by the Mayor, uctober 14, 1920.
Recorder /
Theregular bills vj,K*d by finance ^.ommittee
were ordered paid.
There being no further business mestinr adjourned,
iNOvember ist. 1920*
At a special mooting of the Goinmon coimcil of
the City of Keedsport, regularly called and held in the
menner provided by law at its offices in the said Oity
on this 1st- day of rjovember A.D, 1920.
lliere were present i^ayor V/- P. need Aldermen
i.ici^'arland, Hubbord, ohase, Lovelace, brown and
C. Mc,0. Johnson.
bids for the construction and furnishing
materals for completion of water system were open and
read and-
Upon a motion duly made seconded put and carried
bids were laid on the table untill November 10th. at
8: o'clock P.M.
Thsre being no further busness meeting adjourned.
Meeting Recalled.
Meeting recalled same evening for the purpose
of considering proposition of Keeler bros- with
refemce to sail of bonds .
Whereupon the following proposal was read and
upon motion duly made seconded put and carried
proposal was accepted by !he following Vote.
1eas• 5.
i^aes. 1. ( R.J.iiubbord)
There being no further buseness meeting adjourned.
November lst« 1920.
io the Hon. Mayor and City OoimoiLl,
O'ity of Keedsport, uregon-
Supplementing our contract for the purchase
of fp50.000.00 ^io water bonds of the uity of Heedsport,
uregon, we submit the following offee for
your oonsileration and aooeptanoe:
We will agree to pay off an installment
of interest amounting to 3,000, 00 due November
1st. 1920 on 100.000>00 outstanding 6^ water Bonds
of the Oity of Reedsport, Oregon, you agreeing to
give us a warrant crediting us with this amount
( 3,000,00 ). provided;
ihat for and in consideration of this,
you agree to give us the privilege of furnishing
you with Pipe and materials of the "Jontiinental
Pipe uanufacturing uompany of Portland under terms
and quotations of thier bid of i\ovember Ist, 1920,
less llO.OO to be delivered to you when and as
delivered to us by said continental Pipe iJompany
at Keedsport, uregon, with the landerstanding that we
shall pay them in cash for deliveries made as per confirmation
by you and benefit by su'^h cash discount as they may
allow; we reserving the ri^t under said arrangement
to pay cash for such deliveries as might be mad© before
ooinpletion of yoLir bond issue can be effected.
xt is further agreed and understood that costs to
us for such uontinental I'ip© and material as you
order , shall ba deducted from our settlement for
said £>onds in aooordanoe with the above mentioned
terms and conditions.
btate of ureon )
County of Douglas )ss
Oity of Keedsport )
itespeotfully oubmitted,
jxeeler ^jrothera.
•dV W. K. Ohellgard
I'lie above offer of KeoXer brothers of Jr^ortland,
uregon is hereby aoo^pted for and in behalf of the uity
of Keedsport, uregon, by order of its ulty Council in
lawful meeting assembled and entered of lawful reoord
this let, day of ^.ovember 1920.
(Soal) Mayor
v>ity Clerk.
i-jovember 4th. 1920
At a special meeting of the-vG^Bmiofi council of
the uity of Keedsport. regularly called and held in
the manner provided by la'/.' at; its offices in the said
city on this 4th, day of iMOvember a.D. 1920,
There were present Mayor /. P* Reed Racorder
JamaslK^iiQaveBBegjadcuouBoilmefi Ohaee, orown, Lovelace
and isaoFarland,
Pursuant to call therefore the matter of the
uanvass of the votes cast at the General election
held in the City of Reedsport, on the 2nd. day of
iMOvember a.D., 1920 for the purpose of lilecting
1 Mayor.
1 Recorder.
1 TTeaexirev-
6 Ootmcilmen.
And for the rejection or adoption of special
ivieasure submitted to the legal voter of said City
of Reedsport.
Stub titub
To be torn off by chairman to be torn off by first Glerk
oandidates and question to be voted for at next
(jeneral Election to be neld November 2, 1920.
idark an X between the mjunber and name of candidate to be
voted for
i^or Mayor vote for one ror Counoilmen Vote for 6
IS W..^iteed 19 j.r:.Brown
13 20 ul in Caley
For Recorder 21 u.Chase
14 J.K.Ga^^ers vote for one 22 j.S#Connolly
15 IV.V.Klein 23 R.J.Hubbard
16 24 0.1.1oO.Johnson
i^or Treasurer vote for one 25 •»A.Lovelace
17 Geo. W«Staples 26 Wm. faoFacland
18 27
Shall the Gommon Council of the Gity of Reedsport,
Douglas Ootmty, Oregon, be authorized to levy a tax
for purposes of a general fund for said Gity for the
years 1920 and 1921 on ail the taxable property in the
coroorate limits in the Gity of Reedsport not exceeding
fifteen (15) mills on the dollar for each year, in
adition to the insterest pajnnents to be levied and
provided for on any and all bonded indebtedness of
said Gity then outstanding?
100 £0S
101 i'iO
was taken up.
upon a canvass of the votes oast at said election
and of the returns made by the Judge and Clerks of
said election to this body it is found that there
were cast at said election for Mayor 307 votes
of which numbered 302 were oast for W.P.Heed
2 for j.A.Zachary, 1 for jim Johnson, 1 for
riick Brown and 1 for John Brown, for Recorder
there were oast^335 votes of fthich 2^3 were cast in
favor of James K Cavers,ctnd 92 in favor of R V Klien*
^or Speasurer thsee were cast 307 votes of which
nijmber were oast 305 were oast in favor of Goo. W Staples
and two in favor of R G Woodruff#
For Oounoilmon the following is a list of oanditates with
the votes oast in favor of eaoh sot opposite their names,
John H. Browne 319
Glen Coloy 202
Clyde Chase 351
j.O.Connolly 136
R.J.Hubbard S25
0. MoO.Johnson 280
W.A.Lovelace 239
Wm-Moi'Taland 215
Hay Oionningliam 1
W.F.Peok 2
iOid for the speoial measure sumitted to the legal
vote of said uity of Reedsport, there were S30 votes oast
of whioh nximber 169 notes were oast in favor of adoption
said measure, and 61 votes oast for the rejection of said
hereupon W.P.Heed was declared elected Mayor
James Cavers Keoorder, Geo W Stoples TreasurifiT and
the following uouncilmen declared electedj*
iJrowne, S* MoO. Jolmson,
olyde Chase, w* A* Lovelace,
R. J. Hubbard, Wm. McS*Brland,
and that the speoial measure was declared adopted.
Upon motinn duly made seconded put and
carried the foregoing was declared the result of
the canvass of said voices, and an abstract of same spread
on the minutes..and filed with the jxecorder.
There no further business meeting adjouned*
Attesjb. Mayor
November, 8th. 1920.
at a regular meeting of the uommon jjounoll of
Olty of Keedsport, regularly called and held In the manner
provided by law at its offices in the said c;ity on
this 8th day of November A.D. 1920.
xhere were present Mayor \7. P. Reed, Aldermen
ijrown, Moi-arland, there being no (Quorum meeting adjouim^
d untill the 10th. of x^iovember 1920.
Attest. _____
i^ovember 10th. 1920.
At a special meeting of the uommon Council of
the uity of Reedsport, regularly called held in
the manner provided by law at its offices in the said
uity on this 10th, day of i>ioveinber A.D. 1920.
There were present Mayor W. P. Heed alderman
MoFarland, cihase, Browne, iiovelaoe, and johnson.
with ii. J. Hubbard, absent. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved.
Upon motion duly made seconded put and carried
jxecorder and treasurer were ordered to submit finan
cial statement of oity affairs at regular meeting in
December 1920.
Upon motion duly made seconded put and carried
the improvementcon Winchester Ave. eto. as advertised
was ordered done as per plans and specifications on
file with Keoorder and as called for in resolution
.#1 passed on act 14.
Upon motion duly made seconded put and carried
urdinance #58 be adopted as read on first reading.
Upon motion duly made seconded put and carri ^d
Preveledge rax Ordinance was laid on the table untill
next meeting.
Upon motion duly made seconded put and carried
. r ^r-Wiifgi
tilo jviayor appointed a oommittee of three to draw up
budget and tax levy eind report at next meeting
O.Mo 0. Johnson, ti. Hubbard and Wm« Moi^'arland
were appointed.
No futher "business appeaaSing meeting ad
journed untill the 15th. of r^ovember 1920.
. .
e ;•> i^iovember 15, 1920.
Ther0 being no quorum no meeting was held.
uecember 7, 1920.
Jit a special meeting of the oommon ooimoil of the
uity of Reedsport, regularly held in the manner provided
by law and called by the acaypr pxarsuant tp the following
call to wit:-
uall #1
i^iotioe of special meeting of the Uommon Oounoil
Of Reedsport,
Galled by the Mayor.
TO J.R.urown, Clyde Chase, R.J.Hubbard, W.A.Lovelace,
^TTi. MoFetrland and 0.Mc,0-Johnson, members of the common
Council is hereby called to be held in the Uhamber of
Commerce room, uabney Block, at. 7:G'Clook,t^.M. on this
the 7th day of December, 1920, for the purpose of levy
ing Taxes, and passing the necessary ordinances, and
final passage of same with emergency Clause, for the year
1920, for the followingpurposes and the amounts following,
TO Wit:-
16000.00 for the purpose of paying semi-annual
interest on Reedsport Water Bonds-First issue; #3000.00
for the purpose of paying semi-annual interest on Seedsport
Water Bonds-Second issue; |7400.00 for general
fund purposes.
iiayor of the City of
state of Oregon {
(Jounty of uouglas )sg
City of R0©dsport(
ihiB IS I'O OEktXFY, that I received the
above sind foregoing J^otioe and served the same upon the
following named^0jjit)9rs of the Gommon Goionoil, by delivering
to each of them in person a copy of said notice, "before
the hotir of 4:0''Jlook P.M. on the 7th day of December,
1920, xo wit:- j.R.Brown, ulyde Ghase, H.J,Hubbard,
W.A.Lovelace, wm McFarland and u.Mc,G.Johnson.
Marshall of the City of Reedsport
ihe following were present Mayor W.P.Reed,
Recorder james K.Cavers acting recorderand the following
Councilnien to witt— Wm McKarlajid, G.McG.Johnson,
Clyde Chase, W.A.Lovelace, J.A.brown and K.J.Huhbard.
ihe following buisness was transacted.
Ordinance #58 was Introduced and read for the fiSootidod
time and upon motion duly mad© seconded and carried
said proposed ordinance #58 was passed to third reading
and read the third time. Upon motion duly made seconded
put and carried said propose Ordinance #58 was placed for fin
al passage by the following Vote
Teas 6
Neas 0
iind which said ordinance #58 is in words and
figures as follows.
Ordinanceijo 58
iiN ORDIWAwGE of the City of Reedsport, Douglas Gounty
Oregon levying, the year 1920, a special tax. in the
sum of #9000.00 for the purpose of paying the semi-annual
interest due and to become due on its Water Bonds-i--irst
and second Issues thereof, and 17400.00, for the purposes
of its general fund, upon all the property, both real
and personal, situate within its houndaries, subject to
taxation for atato and county imposes.
Total levy for all piirposes $16,400.00
l/Thereas, That Gonmion Oounoil of the City of Reedsportdid
to authority vested in Itso to do by the legal voters in
said Gity, at -;leotions duly and regularly called and held
and had for thatpurpose, issue and sell its ^io municipal
Water Bonds, to wit:- FIRS'f ISSuE, ^100,000.00 and SECOHD ,
I;<SUE, 5^50,000.00. interest payable semi-annually,and;
Whereas, said uommon Council was, by the legal voters
of said Oity at said Electionsrso called and held for that
purpose, authorized, empowered and reqoired to levy a spec--
ial tax upon all the real and personal property situate in
its corporate boundaries sufficient to take care of, meet
and pay of, among other things, said interest charges,
said taxes to be levied upon and collected from all real
and personal property within its boundaries subje'ct to
taxation for titate and Ooxmty pxirposes, and;
Whereas, the Oommon Oouncil was, heretofore, by the
legal voters of said Oityj at an election dul^t and reg
ularly held within its boundaries for that purpose and upon
and after the question of sUch autherization had first been
duly and regularly submitted by said common tjouncil to
said legal voters for their approval or disapproval in the
manner provided by lay, autherized and empowered to levy
a tax upon all real and personal property situate within the
the boundaries of said Gity subject to taxation for state
and Coxinty Taxes, of not over 15 mills on the dollar of such
property so situate according to its assessed valuation, for
its general fund, for the years 1920, 1921, and;
WHEREAS, $7400.00 is less than, and does not exceed, 15
mills on the dollar, assessed valuation, of all real and
personal property situate within the boundaries of said Oity
subject to taxation for state and County purposes,
The Oity pf Heedeport Does Ordain Ascfollows:
Section 1, That a special tax in the sum of |9,000.00 for the
purpose of providing for the payment of the semi-annual inter
est on the city of Heedsport's Water Bonds-i^'irst Issue,
^100,000.00, and second ;inssue, |50.000.00 be and the same is
hereby levied for the year 1920, upon all the property subject
to taxation for State and County purposes, both real and
personal, situate within the boundaries of said City of Reedsport.
Section 2. That a general tax of ^7400.00 for the year 1920
for the purposes of the general fund of said City of Reedsport
be and same is hereby levied upon all property* subject to
taxation for the State and County purposes, both real and
personal, sitiatS vwithin the boundaries of said city of Reed
Section 3, That this levy is made and this Ordinance passed
and enacted in pursuance of Sectiions 3664 and 3665 of Lords
Oregon Laws and Chapter 225 of the General La^rs of Oregon for
the year 1917, and the Recorder is hereby i^istructed and dir
ected to file with the County Clerk and uounty Assessor of
Douglas County* Oregon, each a certfied copy of this 03?dinanoe
that the same may be extended upon the Assessment rolls of said
county and the taxes hereby levied, collected by the proper
officers of said County.
Section 4, THat the entire levy of taxes for both special and
gener&'l funds for th© year 1920, hereby made and levied upon
all of the property, both real and personal, subject to taxation
for State and County purposes, situate within the corporate
boundaries of the city of eedsport, in dollars and cents
is hereby declared to be the sum of $16,400.00.
Section 5, Whereas, the City of Heedeport has not heretofore,
been able, for lake of certifictJ;© of assessable values, and
total founts noeded by it for piirposes of meeting its obli
gations for the ensuing year, and;
Whereas, it is necessary for the proper preser
vation of the peace, health and safty of the City and its
citizens that this ordinance be in force and effect immediatly
uponits passage and approval by the Mayor;
M EMERGEInOY is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance
shall iinmediatly go into effect and be of full fofcce and e:;
effect upon its adoption by th^ Council and approval by the
Passed by the vounoil, third reading, this 7th day of
uecember, 1920, by the following vote;
^eas: 5
Naes 0
Submitted to the mayor this 7th day of December, 1920.
Approved by the Mayor this 7th day of December, 1980.
There being no further business meeting adjoined.
^ ^
December 8, 1920-
At a special meeting of the Common council of the
City of Heedsport, regularly held in the manner provided
by law pursuant to the following call of the Mayor
To Wit:-
To E.J.Hubbard, G.Mc.C.Johnson, W-A.Lovelace,
Wm.McFarland, Clyde Ghase and J.R.brown, members of the
Common Council of the City of Reedsport.
You and each of you will please take notice that
a special meeting of the Common Council has been called
to be held at the Chamber of uommerco rooms in the Dabney
Bldg, this L;ity at StO^ulocii on this the 8th day
of Qecember, 1920. for the purpose of considering the re
pair of break in levey in Rainbow Slough on i4th btreet
and taking such stepr, with reference to same as may be
decided upon; for opening bids for the improvement of the
streets and parts of streets included in improvement
district i^o# Q, as advertised, and to take such action v/ith
reference to making sucii improvements and awarding bids
therefor as may be decided upon by the Coimoil*
State of Oregon )
Coianty of Douglas )ss
City of Reedsport )
THIS IS 'i'O CE^iTI^i, that xreceived the above
and foregoing notice and served the same upon the following
named members of the uommon Council, by delivering to each
of them in person a copy of said notice befor the hour of
4:0'Clock on the 8th day of December, 1920. TO WIT:-
J.R.browne, Clyde Chase, tv.J.Hubbard, w.A.Lovelace,
vvm. McFarland and C*Mo«C.Johnson.
larshall of the oity of Beedsport
The following were present ifiayor W.P.Reed Mayor,
Recorder James K, Cavers acting Heoorder. and the following
uounoilmen to Wit:-
Olyde Chase J.R.Browne, Wm.MoFarland tfv.A.Lovelace, ii.J.Hubbard
and o.Mo.O.Johnson.
Therfollowing business was transacted. Council called
upon iiugineer Robenson, for advice with reference to break
in levy on 14th street at Rainbow Building where upon
ijiiigineer Robinson espressed opinion that box in the levy at
that point should be left out and the box at thesouth end
of Rainbow slough should b© lowered.
upon motion duly made seconded put and carried it was
resolved to leave the matter in the hands of the City Engineer
and that he be given authority ^o have this break in the levy
fixed as he may adjudge best .
Bids for improvement which was advertised as follows.
notice to contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received
by the Common Cotmcll . of the City of Reedsport, up to the
8th. day of December, a.D. 1920, at 6:00 u'Clock P.M. at the
offices of said City in the Dabney liuilding, for the foll
owing street improvement to wit:-
Item #1 To furnish all materials necessary for a 16 feet wide
^restle, extending from the present roadway at the intersect
ion of 8th. nvenue to the center of ..inchester ^^venue: thence
W0st3rly along ..inchester *^venue for a distance of 95 feet
more or less, a total distance of 378 feet;
item, #2. .ilso for the oonstmiction of the same.
item, #3. J.0 bring to grade between the erd of above descr
ibed trestle on Winchester Avenue and 5th. Street, excavation
not to exceed 200 cubic yards.
Item, #4. To place on sub grade on Winchester Avenue, between
the end of trestle near 8th. Avenue and 5th. Street, 220
cubic yards of gravel.
Item, #5. TO bring to sub grade with road grader c^nd place
thereon, on Winchester Avenue between 5th. Street and east
end of ochofield i^ridge 300 cubic "Sards of gravel, and 50
cubic yards of i.a'-th.
All of the above to be done under the direction
of the uity Engineer, and according to the plans and speci
fications on file with the ^ity -.ecorder.
xhe following bids received from A.Kino,
F.i,anoelot, .ii,plu, Lloyd Harrison, J.K.Bruggeman, Wels Kydell
M. Carty, Reedsport Lumber uo. Schulte, ivlein and Winchester
Bay Lumber Co.
Upon motion duly made seconded put and carried bids were
laid on the table untill monday 13th.
There being no further business meeting adjoined.
December 13, 1920.
At a regular meeting of the Conanon Coimcil of the
Oity of Reedsport, this day regularly called and held In
manner provided by law with Mayor VI.P.Reed absent-
Re-order James K. Cavers acting rooorder, and the following
Coionollmon to wit:-
V/m.MoFarland, R.J.Hubbard, Olydo Ohase, W«A.LovelaGQ>
and J.R.Brovme. Alderman /.^oFarland Acting Mayor.
ITie minutes of the last regular and special meetings
road and approved.
Report of Oity Treasure was road and approved the
folloTTing pj-as report of Oity Treasure.
Office Of The Oity Treasure,
Reodsport, Ore^^on.
; • •. Decenber 15th. 1920.
P|port of tho Oity Treasvire atldroGsed to the City Peoorder
to be reported by hiir together with his own report to the
uity uounoil at a meeting to be held this date, the'13th.
day of uecember, 1920•
ueneral .imd.
xotal moneys received from ^^ity Keoorder -$ • S42-00
*» « ti n county xreasvire- $ 2,675.68
interest on uank deposit credited to this fund 1.89
I'otal # 2,919.57
raid oil warrants presented for payment 2,917.68
oalanoe jxemaning on hand 1.89
water i?Tind,
xotal moneys received fr.oin sale of §100,000 i^onds $93,220.00
xi^terest received on ^ank balance credited
to this fund 764.36
j;i.ebate of freif^t on pipe shipments received from
the ^ity Kecorder 773.95
uxiil. $ 94,758.31
raid on warrants dram on water fund presented
for payment 94,732.45
i^alance ^.emaning on hand 25.86
ivoad rxind.
Total moneys received from ^Ity Kecorder for
this account f 148.S2
Paid vTarrants drawn on this fund 10.98
x.alance ^.emamning on hand 137.24
."V- lA."
balance on (jeneral rttnd 1 1.89
" " »ater rtuid — 25*86
" " Road Kund 137.24
xOl'AL 164.99
oust received from wO\inty j.reasure an'l on which
instruotiona for distribution havernot been
received |l,36S#a7
xotal moneys iN HAi-^DS Oi'" CITY 'i'^^EASuRE ^ 1,535.86
I, Geo.W.Staples, uity Treasure of the oity of Reedsport, do
hereby oertj-fy that the above is true and correct statement of
all moneys of the uity of Reedsport which have oome into my
v-»ity xreasure.
#2. Keport of ^ity xreasure
.jubcribed and sworn to before me this 13th. day of i^ecember,
A.i). 1920.
i^otary i-oiblio for Oregon.
My Oommision expires i^ay 4th.l92(f.
upon motion duly made seconded, put and carried
report was accepted.
Report of Kecorder read from Kecorder Worrant itegister
and upon motion duly made seconded, put and carried
repoCib was accepted.
^pon motion duly made seconded put and carried
all expenditures were ordered by v^ouncil to be authorized
at a oounoil meeting by said uouncil before same oould be
Engineer Robinson, reported that a tree or trees had
fallen across pipe line and that he had two men working 6uid
that he thou^t it necessary to retain these two men for
emergency work of this kind and for back fillings.
upon motion duly made seconded put and carried the
Kngineer was authorized to retain these two men for time
necessary in judgement of said i^ngineer#
upon motion duly made seconded put and carried i^t*2
(> '•>. ST ,
and #9 be amended to read as follows.
That the salary of the ^ity Attorney be and ia hereby
fixed at the exm of month payable out of the
iiunds of the uener&i'eEunde of the uity Treasure, and the use--
of Rooms #2 and #3 of the Datney Block rent Free and also
such stenographer here as need "be necessary v;hen handling
aity*s business sciae to take effoot January 1st. 1921.
Resignation of Olty Recorder James K. Cavers and
City Engineer Robinson, wero read and upon motion duly
made seaonded put and carried resignations were laid on
table untill next meeting of the Oommon Oounoil to v/it:-
Deoember 20,1920. Bills of Reedsport Light and Pov/^'^Oo.
^36«00. two bills of Koke Tillany oo. for $54-50 and
§48.50 were road and approved for payment-.
Upon motion duly made seconded put and carried
salary of City Treasiore bo and is as hereby set at 525.00
per month.
Upon motion duly made seconded put and carried
Bids for street improvement as advertised were rejected
checks roftmned and recorder instructed to readvertlsed
same stating that this improveirent would be paid in
omprovement Bonds at par value if necessary.
There being no further business meeting adjourned,
DECEMBER 20, 1920,
At ft continued regular meeting ol the Coioiiion Council of the City of
Re'edsport this day regularly called and held in the manner provided by law with
Mayor W. P. Read preiidiog. Recorder James K. Cavers* Acting Recordart and the
'following Councilman* te*wit:-
Wm« McFarland > C. McC* Johnson* Clyde Chase*, W. A* Lovelace and J.R.
The following busine&s w»b transactedi
Minutes of previous meeting were road and approved*
Bills O.K-d by Finance ^onnaittea were ordered paid.
Matter of Fourteenth £^treet repair in dyke was discussed and upon motion
duly made/ seconded* put and carried this matter was laid an the tkbla until some
future meeting of the Council.
Resignation of City Recorder and City Enginear were read and upon motion
duly made* seconded, put and carried they were laid on the table until next
Motion duly made* seconded, put and carried Recorder was instructed to
write Kesler Brothers, stating that as their Attorneys had apparently turned dowm
the $50,C(X}.C0 bond issue and that the Council did not feel that they wanted to go
to the expanse of havicig a special measure pujb through legislature, and that in
the face of Uiese facts the ^ouncil coasidared the contract between themselves and
Eaelar Bros* cancelled* Motion was carried by the follewing vete - yeas 5* naea 0/
Ordinance #59 was regularly introduced and read for the first time and upon
motion duly made* aeconded* put and carried said Ordinance was accepted as read*
Upon motion duly made* seconded, put and carried bids for completion of
City Water Works were rejected and certified checka ordered returned*
Upon motion duly made* seconded, put and carried Recorder was instructed
to instruct City Marshall to turn on City Street lights and report any lights out of
order and give same his general attention,
Upon motion duly made* seconded, put and carried W. T. N. Boone was retained
to look after City water line, provided ha could carry his warrants fcr two ar
three months*
There being no further businsss the meeting adjourned*
DECEMBER 24, 1920*
% - - %
At a SPECIAL mooting of tho Common Council this day callod
and hold in tho manner provided by law with Mayor W. P. Read* Mayor»
Jamae K. Cavars* Acting Recordar and tha following Aldermon, to-wits-
Wm* McFarland, A. LoTelace« Clyde Chase* C«Mc C* JohnsOB#
and J. R. Browne*
The follawing business was transacted:
Matter of break in dyke on Fourteenth St« was discussed
and upon motion duly mada,. seconded > put and carried Recorder Cavers
was appointed Engineer to look after the work with authority to uso
the money in tha Road Fund and hire such men as was deemed necessary*
There being no further business meeting adjourned*
DECEMBER 29, 1920#
At a SHICIAL meeting of the Common Council this day regu
larly called and held in the manner provided by law with Mayor W. P*
Reed, Mayor* Recorder James K. havers. Acting Recorder* and the
following '^ounciImen» to-wit:-
WiQ* UcF&rland, Clyde Chase, R* J« Hubbard* W. A. Lovelace*
Meeting called for the purpose of considerisg bids for
improvement No«l«
Bids of Winchester Bay Lumber Company and Ntle Rydell were
reopened end read* Upon motion duly made, seconded, put and carried
ofeeting adjourned until SCth*
• i~ >a'lnri'^fii 'i A III' I •
V. J
^ —— — —•—^—"—
'• ^^185
* *
At a regular meeting of ths Oojxuion Council regularly held in the
maaner provided by law with Mayor W. P, Reed abeeat, Jametj K, Gavers.Recorder,
and the following Councilioen proeeat, to-wit«-
Clyde Chase, Acting ^hairmanr C. Mc.C«Johnson, R. J. Hubbard, W. A,
Lovelace, and J* R> Browne*
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved#
Resignation of Engineer Robinson was r-fd and upon motion duly made*
seconded, put end carried same was accepted.
Resignation of James K. Cavers, City Recorder, was read, and upon
motion duly made, seconded, put and carried same was accepted*
Bills introduced and O.K-d by Finance Committee were ordered, paid.
There being ao further busiaess laeeting adjourned until January 17,1921.
JANUARY 17, 1920.
At a continued regular meeting of the Common Council of the ^ity of
Reedsport this day regularly called aad held in the manner provided by law with
W# P. Reed, Mayor, aad James K. Cavers, Acting Recorder, and the folllowing
Councilmea present, to wit:>
Wm. McParland# Clyde Chase, W. A. Lovelace, and J. R. Browne.
Minutes of previous meeting were read aad approved.
Communicatioa from A. £. Heath read, offering to back filling on pipe
• *
line at $3.00 per 100 feet. Upon motion duly made, seconded, put and carried
seme was accepted and included in motion that Mr. T. N. Boon be laid off.
Upon motion duly made, seconded, put and carried the ^hair appointed
a committee of three to make best possible deal with Mills to procure lumber
for walk from School Hoib e Hill to Schofield Bridge, the people of Wade's Flat
having volunteered to construct same.
Committee* Clyde Chase, W. A. Lovelace, Wm. McFarland.
Upon motion duly made, seconded, put and carried, bids were rejected.
Bills regularly introduced and OK-d by Finance Committee were ordered
paid. -Nels Peterson.
Ballot was cast for office of Recorder as followst
Bensom 4*
i .
Whoreupoii W. G. Bon&oa wa8 dsclared sl^oteda
I'l Ir .0
AppolAtffi«iit of Marshall laid upoB the table until Mxt meeting*
Upom motion duly made* Beconded* put aAd carried, meeting
was continued until January 18th» 1921 at 7i30«
JAKUART 18, 1921. . .
At a continued regular meeting'of the Common Counoil of the
City of Reedsport this day regularly"called and held in the manner pro
vided by law, with W, P, Reed, Ma.yor, Wallace G» Benson Recorder, and
the following Counciljnen, to-wit;-
Wm« McFarland, W* A« Lovelace, J« R* Browne and Clyde Ohase*
Election Certificates for Wm* fi^Farland, W* A* LovelAOe,
J* R# Browne and Clyde Chase, l^yor F« Reed and Recorder Wallace Benson
were executed.
Report c£ Ccsmnittee on purchase of lumber for walk to
School house was submitted* Bids for supplying lumber were as follcwa:
$17-50 per Hubtard L'dll
20*00 per M* McJohnson ^lill
14»00 per M* Reedsport Lumber Co*
Upon motion duly made, seconded, put and carried bid of
Reedsport Lumber Company was accepted f • o* b* Mill*
Upon order from Ifctyor nominations for City Marshall were
called for* E«E*Collins, • Zachary, and F* G* Schulte nominated*
Moved and carried that nominations be closed. Ballot being taken the
result was announced by Recorder as follows: Schulte 2, Zachary 1,
Collins 1* Whereupon the Mayor appointed F, C# Schulte City Marshall
for the ensuing year*
City Recorder instructed by Major to secure list of City
property nc«T on hand that has been used in construction of pipe line*
' There 'being no further Ixisiness the meeting adjourned*
February 14, 1921.
At a regular meeting of the Common Council held this
date, there were present the following:
Mayor W. P. Eeed, presiding, W. G, Benson., Recorder, Oouncilmen
Hubbard, Lovelace, McFarland, Browne and Chase.
Absent, Johnson,
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Finance Committee was appointed by .the Mayor for the ensuing
year. Chase, McFarland and Hubbard appointed.
Upon call of Mayor nominations were made for election of
president of council. Chase and McFarland nominated. Where
upon the Mayor declared the nominations closed and upon
election by ballot McFarland received 3 votes - Chas'e 2.
McFarland was declared elected.
It was duly moved, seconded, put and carried that the Mayor
appoint a street co.'umission, Browne, McFarland and Chase appoint
It was duly moved, seconded, put and carried that the City
Marshal be instructed to attend all council meetings#
It was duly moved, seconded, put and carried that Ordinance
Ho. 57 be passed at first meeting. It was duly moved, seconded,
put and carried that Ordinance Ko. 57 be passed t6 second "
reading and it was thereupon read for the second time. Duly
moved, sedonded, put and carried that said Ordinance be
passed to third reading and l&d upon the table.
It was duly moved, seconded, put and carried that City Recorder
be authorized to occupy as recorders office, room #16 in
Dabney Block.
Moved and carried that this meeting be continued until Thurs
day evening, Feb. 17th. at 8 o'clock, at which time committee
on ta^i: and privilege ordinance shall submit said ordinance.
There being no further business the meeting was continued to
Feb. 17th.
r •— — f IIM !"• fif
February 17th, 19 21.
At a continued meeting of the Comon Council
regularly held this date, there were present Mayor Reed,
Recorder Benson, Councilmen Lovelace, McJ'arland, Browne
and Chase.
Absent, Hubbard and Johnson.
It was duly moved, seconded, put and carried that bonds
of City Treasurer, City Recorder and City Marshal
be accepted and filed*
Moved and carried that hill of Ghapin-Staples Investment
Co. for said bonds be paid.
It was duly moved, seconded, put and carried that Ordinance
Ho. {Tax and Privilege) be passed to first reading.
Moved and carried that said ordinance be passed at first
reading. Said ordinance beinf pead for the second time
it was duly moved, seconded, put and carried that said
ordinance be passed at second reading.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
March 14th, 1921.
Ataa regular meeting of the Common Council regularly
held this date, there were present Mayor Reed, Recorder
Bendon, Councilmen Lovelace, McFarland, Browne, Hubbard,
and Chase.
Absent Johnson.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The Recorder was instructed by Mayor tc write to Pioneer
Hdv/. Co., Marshfield, with reference to bill for goods not
The following bills as O.K-d. by finance committee, were
ordered paid;
J. H. Napier, City Atty. $100.00
W. G. Benson, " Recorder 75.00
Geo. Staples, " Treas. 25.00
Fred Schulte, " Liarshall 50.00
Rent, City offices, March 32.50
W, G. Benson, stands, telegram 1.46
Jack Connelly, 2.50
Umpqua Electric Supply House 4.40
Port Umpqua Courier 3.00
J. R. Browne, 3.60
Lloyd Harrison 6.00
Wm. Vincent 33.00
Reedsport Light & Power Co. 36.00
A. 3. Heath 229.14
Resolution and agreement with S. P. Co. re crossing read.
Upon motion duly made, put and carried, said resolution was
adopted by vote 5 aye. 0 no. City attorney instructed to
provide resolution of abandonment to be presented at next
regular meeting.
Moved and carried that Mr. Schutle, City Marshall be instruc
ted to build a city jail, with the least possible expense
to city.
Moved and carried that City Ordinance #60 (Tax & Privilege)
be passed to third reading. Oreinance #60 being duly read
and discussed, it was duly moved, seconded and carried that
said ordinance be adopted as read, the vote being Aye 4 Ho. 0,
iir. Hubbard present but not voting.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #61 be passed to third reading,
Moved and carried that said ordinance be tabled.
There being no further business the Council adjourned.
March 21, 1921.
At a Special meeting of the Common Council regularly
called this date at 9.00 A.M. by Mayor W. P. Reed in the
manner provided by law, to negotiate with Joseph Lyons in
reference to completion of City water system, there were
Mayor Reed, Recorder Benson, Councilman McFarland,
Hubbard, Chase, Browne, Lovelace and Johnson.
Absent None.
The following resolution was read;
Resolution No. 1
Whereas, Jos. Lyons of the City of Reedsport, Oregon,
has submitted a proposal to the City of Reedsport whereby he
shall complete the water sys'^^em of said city by laying pipe line
and laterals into said city in accordance with plans and estimates
of the City Engineer, and whereby the said Jos. Lyons agrees t^.
accept in full payment therefore the amount of $40,000.00 in
second issue City Water Bonds of the City of Reedsport,
the said Jos. Lyons paying for all labor and matetials entering
into said system, and
Whereas, the said Jos. Lyons agrees to accept said bonds
less interest accrued to date of delivery of said bonds; that is
to say ^0,000.00 of said bonds with no interest except as shall
accrue after delivery, and
Whereas, the said proposal of the said Jos. Lyons seems
in all respects advantageous to the City of Reedsport as re
presented by its Common Council,
J30W, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved, that the «aid proposi
tion of the said Jos. Lyons as hereinafcove set out be and is
hereby accepted by the Common Council of the City of Reedsport,
in full council gathered this 2l3t day of March, 1921.
Aye - 6
Ho, - 0
Motion being made that said Resolution Ho. 1 be
adopted, it was seconded, duly put and carried by the following
vote: Aye - 6. Ho.- 0.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
MAYOR. imeoEBi^'
April 1, 1921.
At a special meeting of the Common Coimcil convened upon the
call of ^ayor W. P. Eeed, there were present: Mayor Reed,
Recorder Benson, Councilmen Lovelace, McFarland, Chase, Browne
and Johnson.
Absent, Councilman Hubbard not in City.
The following business was transacted.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #62 be read.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #62 be passed at 1st reading.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #62 be passed to second meeting
and read second time. Moved and carried that Ordinance #62 be
passed at second reading. Moved and carried that said ordinance
be laid on table.
Moved and carried that Jos. Lyons be appointed agent of the City
of Reedsport, to negotiate for the sale of $10,000 water bonds,
second issue, at the agreed price of 90 (10^ below par value of
bonds), interest on the said $10,000 bonds to begin April 1,
1921, and accrue to benefit of purchaser.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
April 11, 1921.
At a Regular meeting of the Common Council, Mayor W.
P. Reed presiding; the following Councilman were present:
McS'arland, Lovelace, Chase, Browne, and Johnson. Recorder
Absent, Councilman Hubbard.
Communications read from A. T. Mercier of S. P. Co., and
from City Treas.
Moved, seconded, duly put and carried that City Marshall
be instructed by Street Commission to have holed in board
walks repaired.
Resignation of Councilman Hubbard read. Moved, seconded,
duly put and carried that said resignation be accepted.
Moved, seconded, duly put and carried that Resolution abandon
ing certain grade crossing within City limits be adopted, and
Mayor and Recorder directed to execute same.
Ordinance #62 read for third time. Upon motion, duly seconded,
said ordinance was adopted by vote of 5 Aye. Ho-0.
Bonds of Jos^ Lyons in.^emnifying City for propej: disposal of
§10,000 bonds, and for con^letion of water system, read.
Moved, seconded, duly put and carried that said bonds be
accented by City.
The following bills were read:
City Atty. $100.00
Recorder 75.00
" Marshall 50.00
" Treasurer 25.00
" Offices . 45.00
Reedsport Light & Power Co. 36.00
W. P. Reed 15.12
Coos & Curry Tele. Co. 2.95
Upon motion, duly seconded, put and carried bills as OE'd. by
Finance Committee were ordered t>aid by warrant.
Upon motion duly seconded, put and carried Special meetings of
March 21st and April 1st were ratified.
Upon motion duly seconded, put and carried the First Bank of
Eeedsport was redesignated custodian of City Funds.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
say 16, 1921.
At a Regular Meeting of the Common Council held this
.'f.ate, the following were present: Mayor Reed, Recorder Benson,
•'.ouncilmsn Chase, Lovelace, Browne, Johnson.
' absent, MoFarland.
M•mW ^3A3H3HW
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.0 toV.
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communications from 3* P. Go. and State Industrial Accident CommlS'
•^.ion read. Moved, seconded, duly put and carried that warrant
f.e drawn in favor of State Ind« Acci. Comm. for $194*82 in
^.ayment on Sept. 1920 payrolls.
1esignation of Mayor Reed read. Moved, seconded, duly put and
f£arried that resignation of Mayor Reed be laid on table.
©solution #2 relative to declaring office of Councilman IvIcFarland
^cant read. Moved, seconded put and carried that resolution #2
3 adopt ed\J^^Vbte:«e^ Aye - 4 - Ko. 0.
•330luti0n #3 relative to bond interest read. Moved, seconded
uxt and carried that said resolution be adopted. Vote 4 - ayo.
D - 0.
oved and carried that council proceed to ballot to elect two
•Duncilmen to take places of R. J. Hubbard and Wm. McFarlandj
, F. Edwards and F. W. Varrelmann te6eiving 4 votes each.
ayor declared Edwards and Varrelmann elected.
• :Dved and carried that Council ballot to elect president of
Quncil, Chase receiving 3 votes - Browne 1.
aase declared elected by Mayor.
Dved and carried that Recorder be Instructed to write varicus
inicipalities re v/ater rates.
-^ved and carried tihat Recorder prepare advertisement for bids
for said of building at Winchester Bay. Bids to be fxled with
Recorder. Check for lOfo of bid to accompany same. Bids to be
filed before next regular meeting.
Moved and Carried that matter of stationery, licenses, receipts,
etc., Eer carrying on work of City Recorder be left in hands of
City Attorney and City Recorder.
Following bills O.K'd. by Finance Committee.
City Attorney, $100.00
" Recorder 75.00
" Treasurer 25.00
" Marshall 50.00
" Offices ' 45.00
Coos & Curry Tele. Co. .80
Reedsport Light & Power Co. 8.40
Coke Tiffany 216. 49
I A* a - RESOLUTION #2/;. Paia»d,Miy. 16^-1921.
llhJ? fcilu^v ;..•> V :• •
IAbe; ;^jjg City of Reedsport Charter provides that the absence of any
Q-^gg-ti-ve officer* without ther consent of the Council* for thirty dayE. ®^M isicn vo. ••_• ^
be "i--'shall creete a vacancy in such office, and ' '
' 7?HEREA5' TTm.LiCFarland, a member of the Common Council* has been absent
'Ria • •• • . ••
- from the City without the consent of the Council, for thirty days,
• NOW THEREFORE, be it reeolved by tl® Common Council of tho City of
w?..- .
Reedsport that the office of Common Councilman of the City of Reedsport
which said office v/as heretofore held by the said ^m® McFarland, pursuant
• to the provisions of the City Cherter in such CBses made and provided»
' be and the same is hereby declared vacant^
Passed by the following vote:
AWg « 4 . ^ , V
Bo! 0. , - • Signed! W. P. Reed.. ,
•••r.i' - . .i-.^1 Mayor-
•; ,f ^ ...
... ^ ' V^'
i&av' 16, 19t»l» , „ • f>' •. i. U-. ' • '-rriuv '/c'-Tiv-U. • •.
W. G> Benson. ' , : "
City Recorder.
I t\mf lii Hi!jfl.g^ Aa«:»^tiiseiir0ntr-1fOT bitts- -
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of Reedsport that all.
tax money coming into the City Treasurer's handB.(except road moneys)
be and the same is hereby designated ae bond interef.t funds up to and
incluBive of the sum of $10500^.00.
Passed by the following vote:
Aye 4
^ Signed: p. Reed
W. G. Benson _.
City Recorder.
John Krieshel $32.50
Moved and carried -fchat said bills be ordered paid and warrants
drawn for same.
Mr. A. 5*. Edwards sworn in as councilman.
Mr. Edwards appointed member of Street Commission.
Moved and carried that Mayor proclaim Clean Up Day. Whereupon
the first Saturday in June was proclaimed Glean Up Day. Councilmen
Chase & lovelace appointed co.^imittee to superintend said day.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
June 9, 1921.
At a Special meeting of the Common Council held this date, there
were present. Mayor Reed, Recorder Benson, Councilman, Browne,
Lovelace, Chase, Johnson & Varrelmann.
Absent, Edwards.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Communications read.
Hreasurer*s report read.
Recorder instructed to prepare report for next regular, meeting.
Ordinance #63 (Water Commissioner) proposed. Upon motion, duly
seconded, put and carried said ordinance was passed to first
reading. Upon motion duly seconded, put and carried said ordi
nance was passed to second reading. Upon motion duly seconded,
put and carried said ordinance was passed th third reading.
Upon motion duly seconded put, and carried said ordinance was
adopted by the following vote - Aye 5 - No 0.
Ordinance #64 (Water Rates) proposed. Upon motion, duly
seconded put and carried said ordinance was passed to first
reading. Upon motion duly seconded put and carried said ordinance
was passed to second reading. Upon motion duly seconded, put
and carried said ordinance was passed to third reading. Upon
motion duly seconded put and carried said ordinance was
adopted by the following vote. Aye - 5 - Mo 0.
Upon motion duly seconded, put and carried, secret ballot was
taken for the office of Water Commissioner. Tellers being
appointed by the Mayor the following votes were canvassed -
Harry Bowman 4 - C. C. Clark - 1. Whereupon the Mayor
declared Harry Bowman elected as Water Commissioner of the 1
City of Reedsport. ^ *
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
June 13, 1921.
At a regular meeting of the Common Council held this date, the
following were present. Mayor Eeed, Recorder Benson, Councilmen
Lovelace, Browne, Edwards, Varrelmann, Johnson,
Absent, Chase.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Communications read.
Becorder instructed to wire 3. P. Co, regarding rates.
Moved, seconded put and carried that a committee be appointed
to order supplies to complete water system. L velace, Benson and
Bowman appointed by Mayor.
Moved, seconded, put and carried that coramittee be appointed to
look into draining of Rainbow slough. Browne, Varrelmann and
Reed appointed by Mayor.
Bids for bunk-house at Winchester Bay opened and read:
Fred Schulte $125.00
Harry Morris 150.00
H. G. Reeder 76.00
Moved, seconded put and carried that bid of Harry Morris be
accepted and a contract be prepared by City Attorney whereby the
City shall be secured from loss by fire •until building is fully
paid for. The bid of the said Harry Morris contained the follow
ing terms: $25.00 down and $25.00 each month until fully paid -
total $150100.
The following amendment to Ordinance #64 was proposed and read.
Upon motion, duly seconded, put and carried, the clause "and no
interest charge shall be added to cost of said meter" was stricken
-ut of said amendment. Upon motion, duly seconded, put and
carried, said amendment was passed to first reading. Upon motion
duly seconded, put and carried, said amendment was passed to
second reading. Upon motion, duly seconded, put and carried, said
amendment was passed third reading. Upon motion duly seconded,
putand carried, said amendment was adopted by the following vote -
Aye 5 - No 0.
The follov/ing bills were O.K'd. by the Finance Committee.
City Attorney - $100.00
" Recorder 75.00
" City Marshall 50.00
" Treasurer 25.00
" Offices 45.00
Coos & Curry Tele. Co. 7.50
Burdick & Lovelace 7.50
Ed. Franklin 143.25
Koke Tiffany 36.00
Port Umpqua Courier 2.00
— — —^^
ordered paid and warrants drawn.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
June 24, 1921.
At a Special Meeting of the Common Council held this date,
the following were present: Mayor Reed, Recorder Benson,
Councilmen Johnson, Lovelace, Brovme, Chase,
Absent, Varrelmann and Edwards.
Discussion of fire hose. Moved, seconded, put and carried
that a committee of four including the City Attorney be
appointed to pick out fire hose and order same. Johnson,
Lovelace, Browne and Napier appointed.
Moved, seconded and carried that Fire Commissioner be authorized
to go ahead, hire Engineer and dredge Rainbow slou^.
Moved and carried that City go 50/50 with residents, and that
offer of Mr. Staples to take up warrant not exceeding $150.00
to forward this project, be accepted.
There being no- further business the meeting adjourned.
Hecoed^ I MAYOE,
June 29, 1921.
At a Special Meeting of the Common Council held this date,
the following were present: Mayor Reed, Recorder Benson,
Councilmen Lovelace, Browne, Chase, Varrelmann and Edwards.
Absent Johnson.
The following bills were read. Upon motion duly seconded, put
and carried the following bills were ordered paid and warrants
Walworth Co. $19.50
Richard Denhoff 50.00
Schroeder & Hildenbrand 11.25
Harry Bowman ,90
S. P. Co. 11.45
John iCriechel 48.00
Paul Bernhardt 111.72
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
RecUorSd^^^/i ^ * "EyorT
July 11, 1921.
At a regular meeting of the Common Council held this
date, the following were present: Mayor Reed, Recorder Benson,
Councilmen Johnson, Lovelace, Browne, Chase, Varrelmann and
Absent, None.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Communication read.
Moved and carried that resignation of J'. Schulte be accepted.
Moved, seconded and carried that committee be appointed with
City Attorney to make report on combination of Marshall and
Water Coiomissioner. Chase, Edwards and Varrelmann appointed.
Moved, seconded, put and carried that resignation of Mayor Reed
be accepted. Ballots on election of Mayor - Johnson 5
Browne - 1. C. McC. Johnson declared elected and thereupon was
sworn in.
Report of Committee on dredging slough by Mr. Johnson, chairman.
Present committee advised to go ahead.
Fire Committee reported. Moved and carried that action of Fire
Hose Committee in purchasing hose be approved.
Appointment of new c-uncilman. Ballot being uaken, Billington 4
Austin 1. Dr. Chas. Billington was declared elected.
Moved and carried that City advertise for bids to fix hole in
14th St., to use lumber there and such other as necessary.
Moved and carried that office hours of City Recorder be set from
3:30 to 6:30 P.M. Notice thereof to be published.
Moved and carried that City Recorder order typewriter.
Moved and carried that Report of Recorder on financial status
of City le accepted.
idoved and carried that bills as O.iC'd. by Finance Committee be
paid and warrants drawn on proper funds.
J. H. Napier, City Atty. #100.00
W. G, Benson, " Recorder 75.00
F. C. Schulte, " Marshall 50.00
G-eo. W. Staples " Treas. 25.00
W. G. Benson, Rent City Offices 45.00
" " Expenses, re water supplies 6.25
Harry Bowman, City Water Comm. 100.00
Reedsport Iron Wks., 31.20
Umpqua Drug Co., 9.50
R, Peterson .75
Port Umpqua Courier 6.25
C, C. Clark 12.00
John R. Browne 1.40
Port Umpqua Courier 1.80
Paul Bernhardt 92.67
Peerless Pacific Co. 69.84
Pioneer Hdw. Co. 5.40
Moved and carried that city of Reedsport, through its Common
Council, endorse the resolution of Chamber of Commerce relating
to rebuilding of Planing Mill.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
cX ^ ^ MAYOR.
'Aug. 8, 19S1. *
At a Regular meeting of t-ie Goinmon Council held this date,
the following were present; Mayor Johnson, Becorder Benson,
Coxmcilmen Lovelace, Browne, Edv/arde and Varrelmann*
Absent Chase.
Minutes of previous meeting read and ^proved.
Dr. Chas. Billington, elected at last council meeting to fill
vacancy croated by election of Councilman Johnson to office
of Mayor, sworn in.
Petitions of taxpayers favoring Con Allen and Ray Cuningham
Letter from Treas. showing following balances received and
General Fund $ 0.23
Water Fimd 78.75
Road Fund 642.91
Bond Interest Fund 1552.68
Special Water Fund 505.26
Total in Bank $2780.83
Moved, seconded, duly put and carried that City lilarshall be
empowered to buy nails, lumber, etc. and fix holes in the
streets, with the exception of the hole in 14th St.
Councilman Edwards appointed a Committee to oversee and assist
City Marshall in repairing streets.
Moved and carried that City Marshall be authorized to make
estimate of repairs to 14th St. and submit same to Council.
Report of Committee on coabination of offices of City Marshall
and Water Commissioner, read, and upon motion dijly adopted.
Moved and carried that present committee on draining slough be
continued until completion of project.
Moved and carried that hereafter all bills be presented to
Finance Committee before meeting and C.K*d. before presentation
to Council.
Moved and carried that offi ce house of City Recorder be
from 3:00 to 6:00 P.M. instead of 3:30 to 6:30 P.M.
Moved snd carried that City Recorder be instructed to write to
several auditing concerns relative to cost of auditing City
Moved and carried that the follov/ing bills as O.X'd. by the
Finance Com. be paid, and warrants drawn on proper funds in
payment of same.
Paul Bernhardt, $63*64
Bm. Vincent 7.50
Roy Peterson 2.45
Port Umpqua Courier 57.15
Chapin Staples Inv. Co. 50.00
Peerless Pacific Co. 26.35
D. 0. Baird 1»00
Schroeder & Hdildenbrand Co. 79.17
Rebuilt Typewriter Co. 75.00
Burdick & Lovelace 2.45
J. H. Uapier, City Atty. 100.00
W# G. Benson, " Recorder 75.00
Geo. W. Staples, " Treas. 25.00
Harry Bowman, " Water Comm. 100.00
John Krieschel, Labor July 100.00
R. Denhoff, " " 88.00
Wm. Holmes " " 10.50
Stamps, City Recorder 8o Water Com. 7.00
Moved and seconded, duly put and carried that a committee of
two be appointed to meet with Mir. Lyons, select lot, and submit
estimates on jail, fire house, etc., at nezt meeting. Lovelac©
and Billington appointed.
Moved and carried that time of paying water rents be extended
to fifteenth of each month.
Moved and carried that a committee of two be appointed to act
with City Attorney in inspecting Water System and closing con
tract with Mir. Lyons. Lovelace and Varrelmarm appointed.
Moved and carried that a committee of three be appointed
(including Mayor) to investigate water rates and report back
to council at next meeting, Browne, Lovelace appointed.
The foilov/ing resolution was, upon motion duly made, seconded
and unanimously carried, adopted, to-wit:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of
Reedsport, that the duties of Water Commissioner be added to those
of the City Marshall, and that the salary of the said City
Marshall is Hereby fixed at $100.00 per month, payable out of
Special Water S*und.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
U »
Sept. 1£, 1921.
Regular meeting called to order by Clyde Chase, President
of Council, acting mayor in absence of Mayor Johnson. Present:
C/iase, Browne, Lovelace, Billington, Varrelmann and Edwards.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Letter of J. Connolly, proposal to fix washout at 14th St.
Letter from Supt. of S. P. Co. read and agreement ordered
Letter of State Fire Marshall read. Moved and carried that
a co.-Timittee of two be appointed to meet with City Atty. and draft
ordinances for fire protection. Varrelmann and Lovelace appointed.
Resignation of J. H. Napier rsad. Moved and carried that
a coajmittee of three be appointed to go into matter of city
salaries and ascertain whether city salaries should be cut, and
to take up matter of resignation of City Atty. Billington, Browne
and Edwards appointed.
Letters from Public accountants read. Moved and carried
that matter of an audit be laid on table. City Recorder instructed
to write to W. W. Wann of North Bend.
Oral report of fire hose committee made.
Report of Water Commiiissioner read and ordered filed.
Street committee made oral report.
Jail house and fire house committee made oral report.
Moved and carried that a committee of four, including
City Atty. and City Recorder be appointed to plan for putting
City on a cash basis. Billington and Browne ai-pointed.
Moved and carried that the following men be appointed on
City Budget Cornmittee: W. P. Reed, Jos. Lyons, Wm. Burdick, Stanley
Chapin, Geo. Staples, Bert Morris, and Ed. Franklin.
Moved and carried that City accept water system and dis
charge construction bond of Jos. Lyons.
Moved and carried that Mr. Bowman, Water Commissioner, be instructad
tc repair hold in 14th St. under a $60.00 estimate.
Moved and carried that the following resolution te adopted:
(Resolution to be framed after appointment or election of Fire
Chief by the Volunteer Fire Dept.)
Moved and carried that Mr. Wm. Vincent be appointed
road supervisor or patrolman for this road district. (67).
Cit y •Recorder instructed to notify Vincent to investigate road
condition on 14th St. and to repair same where needed.
Moved and carried that the following bills, as o.K'd. by
Finance Committee be ordered paid, and warrants drawn on
appropriate funds:
Harry Bowman, $100• 00 J. R. Browne, $20.83
J. H. Hapier 100.00 Courier 5.50
W. G. Benson 75.00 Marshall Wells Co.
Geo. Staples 25.00 212.27
F. J. Kernan 65.00 Reedsport Lbr. Co. .80
Schroeder & Hildenbrand 36,00 S. f. Co. .71
Benson, rent, Aug. ^ 45.00 C. McC. Johnson 10.53
" " Sept. 35.00 J. C. Klein 3.20
Oct. 10, 1921.
Regular meeting called to order by Dr. Billington, acting
chairman. Present; Edwards, Varrelmann, Lovelace, Billington
and Chase. Absent, Browne, Johnson. Presj^t Recorder Benson.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Letter of Harry
Morris read, and upon motion, sale of household goods remain
ing in bunkhouse in Winchester Bay at $10.00 ratified. Moved
and carried that a committee of two be appointed to meet
Capt. Stokes of State Fire Marshall's office on Tues., Oct. 11,
Edwards and Billington appointed. Moved and carried that City
Recorder be instrucjred to notify Insurajace Rating Bureau at
proper time, (after Fire Dept. is functioning). Report of City
Treas. read showing mcnejrs on hand in the amount of $3129.34.
Fire Hose Committee made oral report. Moved and carried that
Fire House and Jail Com. be continued and empowered to make
arrangements for building fire house and jail. Moved and
carried that the action of the Road Supervisor in filling and
gravelling road between Schofield Bridge and 6th St. be ratified.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #71 be passed to first <
reading. Upon,motion duly seconded, put and carried said ordi
nance was passed to second reading. Upon motion duly seconded,
put and carried said ordinance was passed to third reading. j
Upon motion duly seconded put and carried, said ordinance was
adopted by the following vote - Aye 4 - No o.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #72 be passed to first
reading. Upon motion duly seconded, put and carried, said
ordinance was passed to second reading. Upon motion duly seconded,
put and carried said ordinance was passed to third reading. Upon
motion duly seconded put and carried, said ordinance was adopted
by the following vote - Aye 4 - Uo 0.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #73 be passed to first
reading. Upon motion duly seconded, put and.carried, said
ordinance was passed to second reading. Upon motion duly seconded,
put and carried said ordinance was passed to third reading. Upon
motion duly seconded put and carried, said ordinance was adopted
by the following vote - Aye 4 - I^o 0.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #74 be passed to first
reading. Upon motion duly seconded, put and carried, said
Ci. . r ,
a.0 ^• —
^b:'J :ioi;iIp
:i>3cr lo
a'28cJ'wi3rT rfo:;c;
,a:50si.t.-2 fenu
3 a*w •lO'.'itiBso';
x^ainsb ov/ iBiij
TOO bo.'lsHor.'r
sTO-tojiT/i'iO ni
^0 oorro-'IS^ri
yn^jbnor c oi"o o
; Jaej'd'A
Drdinance was passed to second reading. Upon motion duly seconded
put and carried said ordinance was passed to third reading# Upon
notion duly seconded, put and carried, said ordinance was
adopted by the following vote - Aye 4 - Ho 0.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #75 be passed to first
reading. Upon motion duly seconded, put and carried, said ordinance
jvas passed to second reading. Upon motion duly seconded, put
End carried, said ordinance was passed to third reading. Upon
•motion duly seconded, put and carried, siid ordinance was adopted
;oy the following vote - Aye 4 - Wo 0. a n
Ordinance # 77 proposed,read,Stimas and passed 4 Aye, 0 iSo.
Moved and carried that the following "bills as 0.iC*d.
roy Finance Committee be paid and warrants drawn on fmds.
'larry Bowinan, Sal. Water 100.00 Wm. Vincent (Road) $2.70
" Rep. 14t"h St Boone, Water
'i'.W.Varrelmann Road
3urdick & Lovelace "
leedsport Lbr. Co. "
Jnion Iron Wks. "
.fm. Vincent, "
), Thornton, "
5. Pindley, "
i. Dehnoff, "
F. Mattson,
iis Uhde,
,T. Reed,
J. Brcwne, "
Ira Riddle,General
P.L.Lawrence, Water
J.H.Kapier, General
W.G*Benson, "
Geo. Staples, "
I. E. Staples, "
Chamber Commerce"
The following resolution^^was read and upon motion passed
oy unanimous vote. Upon motion duly seconded ^d carried this
aeeting continued to 3 P.M. Tues., Oct. 11th, 1921#
Ct. 11th, 19 21.
•here being no quorum at continued meeting, same was not held,
'• ' ' ^ /»/•
iv:>Tc?u aiid «^8rrl:v
iaotlojs Mul;7 :--^-
rg;^^AM oT'AisimG^ wix^ ,
f;"'. "a^t-tciia- •• .. ••r.-
R^;: ''"t^ tha &•-•:•'• ' •; - ^y-'" • •
p- .. 'WIISPJSAS cer-tain newspapor;: of the State of Oregon Iiave
KCt- >^:-:
persisted for Bouetine past in publiisliing libelous articles, concerning .
: tiie City., of Reedsport, its; Industriej and citizejjs, .^tho^at attempting
to learn the truth relative to tu® natters published, and,
TTHEPJIAS tlio Common Council of the City of Tleedsport is of the
opinion that it is a system of propoganda furnished by the enemies of the
City of Hoedsport for the purpose of danaging the city, its citizens, and
enterprises, and that said publications have never attsnpted to verify any
such matters heretofore published derogatory to this city, its enterprises
• • • . X : I •
• and citizens, but on"th© contrary have eeenaed to be: in conspiracy with
Reedsport's avowed enemies to libel dama^ and injure this city, its enter-
- -pr.ises aiid citizesns. Now Tlierefore
BE IT I^ESOLVBD by the Common CoLincil of the City of Resdsport
that we demand of said newspapers that all matters and things hereafter
published concerning said city, its enterprises and inhabitants, derogatory
in character, emenating from Gardiner or Rosoburg or from or under the
influence of one, Mr. A. K. Peclr of Lfe.rshfield or the erstwhile Gardiner
•^ correspondent for the Portland Oregonian will b© considered ualicious libel.
4 1 '<
V.Ji'- _
•'tfi'iil il^TTii
t-' . ,
. iv ."i:xr-1
.V .:AeGonded, yat
.. va y-3.aJiag^
Nov. 14, 19a.
Regular meeting called to order by C. McC. Johnson, Mayor.
Present Mayor Johnson, Recorder Benson, Councilmen Browne,
Billington, Chase, Lovelaceand Edwards. Absent, Varrelraann.
Minutes of last meeting read and upon motion duly approved.
Upon motion, duly seconded, put and carried, the Mayor and
City Recorder were instructed to draw warr&nts in favor of
First Bank of Reedsport for the follov/ing amounts;
Water $2180.00 Water |5000.00
Special Water 1000.00 " 1200.00
Report of City Treas. read, showing following amounts on
hand in respective funds;
Bond Interest
Special Water
f .23
Moved and carried that Mayor appoint a committee of three to
solicit funds to build a jail and fire house. Billington,
Lovelace and Edwards appointed.
Moved and carried that City Recorder co::imunicate with Mr. Lyons
to ascertain whether he has found any market for $10,000
bond® that he has, and if not that he turn them back to City
Moved an(3 carried that Water Committee be instructed to make
resurvey and report at earliest convenience.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #60 be published in next
issue of Courier and that Marshall be instructed to collect
license fees. Due Dec. 1st quarter ending April 15, 1922.
Ordinance #76 read and passed at first and second readings.
Moved and carried that bills as G.K'D. by Finance Committee be
approved and warrants drawn on appropriate funds, as follows:
First Bank of Reedsport,
If If
H. Bowman,
If n
Sal. Oct.
Wm. Tincent, Spec. Water
" " Road
D.O.Baird Spc. Water
partial payment warrant -
ti If ft
due.water bonds
If n Tf
100.00 C.J.Thornton, S.W. 4.50
7.50 Jos.Lyons, " 4.00
8.00 Burdick & Lovelace,3W .50
8.00 Schroeder & Hildenbrand,SW3.40
1.50 Wm. Vincent, Spec. Water 2.00
" " " " 7.00 H. Bowman, " •
Johns-Manville Co, Gen. 58.08 Reedsport Lbr.Co. '
J.H.Uapier, City Atty. Sal W.G.Benson
100.00 Geo. Staples
I.E. Staples 35.00 Chamber of C.
Moved and carried that city pay $7.50 for wood.
Not, 25, 1921.
Meeting convened at special call of Mayor duly made.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. Present, Mayor
Johnson, Recorder Benson, Couhcilmen Browne, Lovelace, Billington,
Edwards, Varrelmann. Absent Chase.
Upon motion duly seconded, put and carried. Ordinance #76 was taken
from table and read for third time. Upon motion duly seconded
said ordinance was put to vote. The result on roll call
Showed: , - ^
Browne -
Aye - 5
Ho - 0
There being no further business the meeting adjourned*
Deo* 12, 1921.
Regular raeating called to order by Mayor Johnson. Present,
Mayor Johnson, Recorder Benson, Co-^cilmen Lovelace, Edwards,
Varrelmann, Chase. Absent Billington and Browne#
Minutes of meeting of Mov. 25th read and approved.
CoiTimunications read. Committees reported. Street committee
rendered oral report. Water Committee rendered following report.
Rates of City Meat Market $5.00 per mo. Reedsport Lbr. Co,
$75.00 and Pac. Fish & Cold Storage Co. $20.00, recommended'
while operating and $5.00 per month non operating. Upon motion
duly seconded it was carried that the Council accept report of
Water Committee and that the operating rate heretofore in
effect and regarding saw mills be maintained at $75.00 and
also the operating rate of Pac. Bish & Cold Storage be maintained
at $20.00 and that rate of City Meat Market be raised to $5.00.
Moved and carried that operating rate of H. K. Logging Camp
be set at $50.00.
Bills as O.K'd. by Finance Committee read and moved and carried
that said bills be paid and warrants drawn on appropriate funds
for the following:
Geo. W. Staples
H, Bowman
Marshall Wells Co.
J.C.Klein & 3ofi
Chamber of C.
I. E. Staples
First Bank of Rp.
$100.00 W.G.Benson
25.00 " "
100.00 J. R. Browne
7.10 Courier
9.15 A. F. Cook
5.00 C. McC. Johnson
35.00 Schroeder & Holdenbrand 11.75
493.06American Rubber Mfg. Co#836.00
Moved and carried that Marshall be instructed to cut walk where
necessary around fire hydrants and build platforms where nec
essary, same to be done to satisfaction of fire chief.
Moved and carried tliat City Marshall be instructed to build
jail not to exceed $250.00 in cost and that a speciil fund be
created from collection of fines and license fees. Said fund to
be a-plied on cost of jail until same is paid for.
Moved and carried that City Recorder be instructed to get
deed to lot for jail and fire house for C ^
Moved and carried that meetings of City Council be hereafter
held on 1st Monday of each month and that the Osborne Bldg.
ba hereafter designated as City Hall and that meetings of the
Council be held in said hall.
Moved and carried that a committee of three be appointed to
accept complaints in writing and to draft amendments to *
ordinance #60. Edwards, Varrelmann and Lovelace appointed.
Communication of Fire Dept. read relative to hydrants. Moved
and carried that City Fire Marshall be instructed to have two
hydrant wrenches made of steel, and that City Marshall be
instructed to order can of graphite and see that hydrants are
City Recorder instructed to get prices on 400 ft. of 1-|" hose
and 2 - 1^" tips, and prices of 1 shut off nozzle and 2 -
3/4" nozzles for 1-|" hose and 2 - reducing couplings 3 to 1^".
Ad journnent
Jan. 3, 1922.
Eagular meeting called to order. Present Mayor Johnson, Recorder
Benson, Councilmon Billington, Chase, Lovalac© and Varrelmann.
Absent, Browne and Edwards.
Minutes read and approved. Committees reported; Committee
reported on Ordinance #60. Upon motion duly seconded, put and
carried, the report of Water Commissioner was accepted and
that Eeedsport Sash & Door Go. rate be set at $40.00 when
Moved and carried that matter of purchase of ad.ditional
fire equipment be left with Fire Committde, said committee to
have power to order purchase of this equipment.
Bills read and upon motion bills as O.K'd. by Finance Committe®
were ordered paid and warrants drawn as follows:
J- H. Ilapier 100.00 Eeedsport Lbr. Col 6.17
W. Benson 75.00 Winchester Bay Lbr. Co. 4.00
Geo. W. Staples 25.00 Courier 5.50
H. Bowman 100.00 Wm. Vincent ' 6.00
W. G. Benson 3.00 W. G, Grubb ' 1.75
Wm. Vincent 25.00 P. L. Lawrence 5.75
Winchester Bay Lbr. Co. 18.32 Tom Boone 48.00
I. E. Staples 40.00 S. M. Nottage 1.75
J. C. Klein & Son 2.45 Wm. Vincent 1.50
Moved and carried that City Recorder be instructed to write
Fire Chief asking for his resignation.
Moved and carried that warrant #1169 - favor of First Bank of
Eeedsport, dated Dec. 12, 1921 in amount of $3500.00 - General
Fund, to take up general fund warrants in hands of said bank,
be ratified.
Jan. 20, 1922.
Pursuant to call of Ifeyor, a special meeting was duly called and
hfeld this date. All members present.
Moved and carried that offices of Fire Chief and Asst. Chief be .
declared vacant and that Frank L. Taylor be appointed Fire Chief *
and empowered to select own assistants and reorganize the dept.
Moved and carried that Mayor appoint committee of three to work
with Chief - formation of rules, wards, alarm. Chase, Edwards
and Lovelace appointed.
Water Oommlttde instructed to investigate tunnel with Pete
Moran. Moved and carried that Water Committee investigate
Hubbard's rates regarding camp, and partial shut down rates
of industries and report at next meeting.
Ordinance #78 being proposed, was read for first time. Moved and
carried that same be passed to second reading. Moved and carried
that same be laid on table till next meeting.
Upon motion duly sedondsd, Mr. Hubbard was granted a permit tc
build fence across mill St. in order to enclose ball park.
Moved and carried that City Atty. be instructed to draw up
dog license ordinance.
Feb. 6, 1922.
Regular meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. All members
Minutes of meetings of Jan. 3 and Jan. 20 read and approved.
Communications from W. L. Garden, City Meat Market, and L. 0. 0. M.
read. Moved and seconded that present rate of City Meat Ivlarket be
maintained. Motion lost. Moved and carried that Water Committee
investigate this and report at next regular meeting. Moved and
carried that L. 0. 0. M. be granted concession frb hold boxing and
wrestling bouts, same to comply with State Law in every particular,
rounds in boxing bouts not to exceed 4 in number.
Water Committee reported that H. L. Go. camp rate be set at
^37.50 a month while operating. The partial shut down rate of
lumber mills to be $20.00 per operating boiler while partially
shut down. Moved and carried that report of Water Committee
be accepted and said rate adopted.
fib. Taylor reported orally for Fire Committee. Moved and carried
that committee be continued and instructed to order necessary
equipment for alarms and wards.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #78 be passed to third reading.
Moved and carried that Ordinance #78 be adopted as read. Wa
Ordinance for first time. Moved and carried that said
ordinance Ibe gassed to second reading. Moved and carried that
said ordinance te laid on table.
Moved and carried that.bills as 0E*d. by Finance committee be
ordered paid and warrants drawn on respective funds as follows:
Winchester Bay Lbr. Co. J^26.94 Burdick & Lovelace $16.89
P. L. Lawrence 47.50 Frank L. Tayl^.r 23.30
W, G. Benson 75.00 J. R. Browne 1.60
J. H. Napier 100.00 L. Marquiss 2.00
I. E. Staples 30.00 J. C. Klein & Son 14.45
Geo. Staples 25.00 tf If 17.65
Harry Bowman 100.00 Reedsport Lbr. Co. 79.60
W. G. Benson 3.00 If II If 63.90
Paul Bernhardt 29.00 Wm. Vincent 10.50
If n 1.28 If If 11.00
TI If 10.00 If If 1.50
Courier 1.10 If ff 5.00
}i 9.00 Tom Boone 5.00
It 2.20 If If 32.00
Schroeder & Hildenbrand 13.90 Geo. Johnson 32.50
II n 5.95 If If 20.00
Chapin Staples Inv. Co. 52.50 Sam Parks 45.00
First Bank of Rp. .78 Fred Schulte 42.00
C. McC. Joimson 7.20 Frank Finley 5.00
Reedsport Lbr. Co. 3.15
City Recorder instructed to see that bond for City Marshall be
secured in amt. of $1000.00.
Moved and carried that committee of three, including city atty.,
be appointed by Mayor to find Ways and Means to finance Fire House,
Billington, Lovelace and Napier appointed.
Mr. Austin spoke at length regarding city expenses, with
particular stress upon City Atty, and City Recorder's salaries.
Mr. Kapier replied to Mr. Austin.
March 6, 19 22
Regular meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. All members
present except Councilman Chase.
Minutes read and approved.
Moved and carried that city purchase a 3/4" meter.
Ordinance/read for third time. Upon motion said ordinance was put
to bo!.e and adopted by a vote of 5 to 0. ^
Bills as OK*d. by Finance Committee were, upon^motion, duly secondec
and carried, ordered paid and warrants drawn on respective funds
as follows:
H• Bowman
W. 0. Benson
ir ti
J. H. Napier
Chapin Staples Inv. Co,
Isaac E. Staples
Greo. W. Staples
100.00 Schroeder & Hildenbrand 26.10
75.00 I.N.McGinness 28.00
3.00 W. C. Grubb 3.00
100.00 Tom Boone 16.00
5#00 Frank L. Taylor 3.40
30.00 R. Baigl!9y 4.00
25.00 S. J. Ely 4.50
Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, bond of city marshall
was approved.
Moved and carried that City Atty. be instructed to draf't amend
ment to tax and occupation ordinance^
April 3, 1922.
Regular meeting called to order by Mayor. All members present.
Upon motion minutes duly approved.
Resignation of Harry Bowman as Water Comrnissioner and Marshall read,
Moved, seconded, duly put and carried that said resignation be
accepted. P. L. Lawrence appointed temporarily.
Lovelace reported for Fire Committee. City Recorder instructed
to order new hose for chemical cart. Agreement with Menasha
Wooden Ware Co. re pipe line read and discussed.
Ordinance read for 1st time.
Bills as OE'd. by Finance Committee read, and upon motion duly
seconded put and carried ordered paid, and warrants drawn on appro
priate funds, as follows;
J. H. Napier 100.00 I. E. Staples • $30.00
Harry Bowman 100.00 Umpqua Drug Co. 5.60
W. G. Benson 75.00 Peerless Pac. Co. 11.79
Courier 12.00 J. R. Browne 15.00
Geo. W, Staples 25.00 Winchester Bay Co. 7.36
W. G. Benson 4.00
Ifetter of water meter for Edv/ards theatre discussed and
referred to water Committee. Upon motion duly carried, City
Recorder was instructed to order map made upon which to show
water connections.
Moved and carried that City Atty. be instructed to take steps
to secure right of way from property of Menashs Wooden Ware Co.
to City limits.
RECCRI^iti ^ ^
May 1^ 1922.
Mayor Chase.
Regular meeting cabled to order by ac.ting/ All members present
with exception of 15»5X)r-Johnson. ^ ,
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Application^ of L. Lawrence
for position of Water Commissioner read. Also application of Alex
Tate for position of City Marshall read. Report of Treasurer read.
Moved and carried l^at Road Committee be instructed to arrange with
Mr. Chapman for establishing grade, and order necessary grading and
filling done, not to exceed §450.00 in cost.
Billington reported for committee for financing City Hall.
Ordinance #8Q r^ad for second time. Moved and carried that Ordinance
#80 be accepted at second reading, and passed to third reading.
Upon third reading Ordinance f80 was put to vote. The result was
Aye 5 - Ho 0.
Upon motion duly seconded, bills as O.K'd. by Finance Committee
ordered paid and warrants drawn on proper funds, as follows:
S. Frederickson $ 9.00" W. u. Grubb ^10.50
W. G. Benson, 75.00 " " 3.50
J. H. Uapier, 100.00 Courier 6.50
I. E. Staples 30.00 Sc^roeder & Hildenbrand 14.33
Geo, Staples 25.00 W. G. Benson, 3.00
P. L. Lawrence 75.00
' ' 208
Moved aod carried that Water Committee take up matter of City's
rails with Montague-O'Reilly Co. and Douglas County, and
arrange for contract.
Adjournme:^t until Wednesday., May 3, at 8:00 o'clock P.M.
Recorder. ^ ^ <7^ "S ^ MAYOR.
Less than a quorum being present, Councilmen Lovelace, Browne
May o
d Billington met and ad journed gth, 1922.^
LO^ ^ -^rv^ (7^^
Re3coorrddee]dr.. >n y/ ^^ - mmayyohR.
May 8,M.922
Continued meeting held this date and upon roll call the follow
ing members were present. Mayor Johnson, Recorder Bendon,
Councilmen Billington, Edwards, Lovelace and Varrelmann.
Absent, Browne and Chase.
Minutes of meeting of May 1st read and upon motion approved as
read. Communications read. Application of P. L. Lawrence and
Paul Bernhardt for position of Water commissioner.
Moved and carried that Water Committee be authorized to arrange
for ^pointment of temporary night marshall and see what can be
raised by subscription from merchpr'ts, and investigate applica
tions of Water Commissioner and submit recommendation for-.permanent
water commissioner.
Moved and carried that City Recorder be instructed to draw
warrant in faovr of S'irst Bank of Reedsport for |3,000.00
in payment of Water Bond interest. (Bond interest Fund.)
Moved and carried that City Attorney be instructed to prepare
Charter Amendment for issuing $10,000 Funding"bonds, dates and
interest to be arranged latdr.
Moved and carried that J. H. Hapier be issued building permit
for construction of residence on Schofield Heights.
RECOHim. ^ Mayor.
May 26, 19 22,
Special meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. Upon roll call
those present were: Recorder Benson, Councilmen Billington,
Browne, Lovelace,Chase. Absent Varrelmann and Edwards.
Moved and carried that a warrant be drawn on Special Water Fund
for $1200.00 for interest due on Series B, - Water Bonds, in
favor of First Bank of Reedsport. Moved and carried that warrants
be drawn on road fund for several amounts as O.X'd. by Finance
Committee, as follows:
First Bank of Reedsport,$1200.OOFrank Hicks $33.00
John Compton 9.00 G, A. Blake 33.00
P. Hertel 55.00 C. H. Thornton 10.50
Frank York 56.00 John Tolar 22.50
C- Snell 55.00 W. C. Grubb 83.40
ElCO^El ^ mayor.
Jxine 5, 1922,
Recorder Benson,
Regular meeting held this data. Present/ Billington, Lovelace,
Browne and Edwards. Absent, Mayor Johnson, Chase and Varrelmann.
Upon motion, duly seconded, an adjournment untilVfeaday night
at 8;oo o'clock, was taken.
. /I ^ /
Recoedb®, ^ MAYOH.
June 7, 1922.
Continued meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. Upon Roll
call there were present: Recorder Benson, Councilmen Billington,
Chase, Edwards, Lovelace and Varrelmann. Absent, Brov/ne.
Reading of minutes dispensed with. Applications of Carl Schroeder,
Paul Bernhardt and P. L. Lawrence, for position of Water Commiss
ioner, read. Also application of Ales I'ate for position of City
Marshall read.
Moved and carried that bills as O.iC'd. by finance committee be
ordered paid and warrants drawn on respective funds, for the
P. L. Lawrence,
If If
G. A. Blake
W. Gr. Benson
If If
Geo. W, Staples
J. Hawkins Napier
I. E. Staples
Prank York
W. C. Grubb
John Tolar
} 75.00Prank Hicks $8,750
25.12 Courier 8.00
3.00 P. Hertel 7.00
75.00 C. Shell 7.00
8.00 W. C. Grubb 14,00
25.00 Wm. Lovelace 5.04
100.00 J. R. Browne 1.20
30.00 L. E. Patterson Go. 9.11
7.00 Reedsport Lbr. Co. 4.15
3.50 Prank Hicks 3.00
Adjournmei^ till Friday, June 9th, at 7:00 P..
June 9th, 1922. Continued meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson.
Present, Recorder Benson, Councilmen Billington, Browne, Edwards,
Lovelace, and Varrelmann. Absent Chase.
Application of P. C. Schulte read. Upon secret ballot Mr. Schulte
was elected City Marshall and Water Commissioner by unanimous vote.
Mr. Alex Tate appointad special night officer by Mayor. Moved and
carriod that City Marshall be instructed to notify Mr. Conger to
vacate house within sixty days.
Upon recommendation of Water Committee the rate of the Steam
Laundry running on present basis be set at $10.00.
7 XV pJAvrr c/ MAYOR.
July 10. 1922.
Pursuant to a Special call of the acting Mayor, Clyde Chaae,
a Special Meeting of the Common Council was called this date,
to consider the following mattersi
Payment of Bills.
Consider and act in reference to matters connectod with water
Consider and act in reference to sale of office Bldg. at '^in. Bay.
" " " " " to appt. of Fire Chief for City.
" " " " " to an ordinance regarding estrays.
Meeting called to order hy acting Mayor Chase. Upon roll call ,
the following councilmen were present; Billington, Browne,
Edv/ards, Lovelace and Varrelmann, and Recorder Benson. Absent,
Mayor Johnson.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Bid of Harry
Morris of Winchester Bay read. Upon motion duly seconded and
carried, said bid of $25.00 accepted.
Upon motion, duly seconded and carried the Fire Committee was
insuructed t^ confer with Frank L. Tsylor and report back at
next regular meeting recommending the appointment of some suit
able person as fire chief for the city.
Moved, seconded, duly put and carried that the ^ater Committee be
instructed to investigate the laying of a four inch main to serve
users on Wade's Flat, said Committee to report back at the next
regular meeting.
Moved, seconded, duly put and carried that City Atty. be instruct
ed to draft an ordinance prohibiting the running at large of
livestock within the city limits, same to be presented to the
Council at the next regular meeting. Upon motion, seconded, duly
put and earried, it was ordered that all bills as 01K*D. by
Finance Conimittee be ordered paid and warrants drawn on respective
funds ih payment thereof, as fo.llov/s:
J. H. Kapier, $100.00 Alex Tate, $25.00
W. G- Benson 75.00 If ir 25.00
Geo. W. Staples, 25.00 Johns-Manville Co. 22.94
F. C. Schulte, 75.00 Reedsport Lbr. Co. 14.28
C. D. McCauley 12.05 Isaac 3. Staples 30.00
C. J, Thornton, 3.50 Chapin-Staples Inv. Co. 1.65
ti rt 2.00 S. V. Klein 50.00
A. G. Long & Co. 22.50 1? IT 50.00
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
August 7, 1922.
At a regular meeting of theCommon Council held this date, there
were present: Mayor Johnson, Recorder Benson, Councilmen Billing
ton, Chase, Lovelace, Sdwards. Absent Browne, Varrelmann.
Minutes read and upon motion approved. Communicaticns read.
Letiter of H. Morris re building read. Moved and seconded that
City Recorder be instructed to notify users at Winchester Bay
to organize v/ater association and take dare of own line and
collect rents for same and deal with City of Reedsport for water
taken at city main. 'Recorder instructed to ask City Treas. for
report. Moved and Carried that City Atty. be authorized to secure
Engineer to complete rept. to State Engineer - re. water supply.
Moved and carried that City Recorder be instructed to draw warrant
for $1.00 on Special Water Fund for recording assignment.
Ordinance #90 read for 1st time. Upon motion said ordinance
was passed to second reading. Moved and carried tiiat said
ordinance be passed to third reading and laid on table until
next regular meeting.
Moved and carried that bills as O.K'd. by Finance Committee be
ordered paid and warrants drawn on respective funds, for the
W. G. BensOn $75.00 Alice R. Benson $16.40
J. H. Napier, 100.00 J. R. Browne 5.64
I. K. otaples 30.00 Schroeder & Hildenbrand 22.50
Geo. W. Staples 25. jO Courier 8.00
F. C. Schulte 75.00 Marshall Wells Co. 77.38
Alex Tate 25.00 Paul Bernhardt 60.66
fi n 25.00 F. G. Schulte 2.50
tf n 25.00 Frank Finley 9.00
It n 25.00 Burdick & Lovelace 1.70
J. I. McZay 9.00 F. C. Schulte 30.00
Moved and carried that City Atty. be instructed to draw up ordi
nance regulating speed of all cars and taxing for hire cars and
Moved and carried that City Recorder be instructed to notify
£. W. Franklin to clean up fire hazard at once.
Moved and carried that this meeting be adjourned until Monday
August 14th, at 8:00 i?.M.
August 14th, 1922
Continued meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. Upon roll
call those present were Councilmen Browne, Chase, Billington,
Lovelace, Varrelmann, and Recorder Benson. Absent, Edwards.
Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, minutes of previous
meeting read and ^proved. City Recorder instructed to advise
S* P. relative to water rates, meter, etc.
Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, building permits issued
to Jos. Lyons, Dr., Chas. Billington, W. G. Benson, Frank Taylor
and Karl R. Stone.
Letter of F. C. Schulte read.
Report of City Treasurer read.
Sept. 4, 19S2.
Regular meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. Present:
Recorder Benson, Councilmen Blllington, Browne, Chase, Edwards,
Lovelace, and V^rrelmann.
Minutes of meeting of Aug, 14th read and upon motion, duly
seconded, put and carried, approved as read. Resignation of F* C«
Schulte as City lidarshall and Water Commissioner read. Proposal
of P. W. Janney, to audit City Books, read. Upon motion duly
seconded put and carried, said proposition was accepted, audit to
be made at $20.00 per diem, total expense not to exceed $150.00.
City Recorder instructed tc notify Mr. Janney. Audit to begin
with incorporation of City, i.e. when City books were opened.
Moved and seconded that resignation of F. C. Schulte be accepted.
Upon discussion of motion, Mr- Schulte withdrew written resigna
tion, and offered verbal resignation. Thereupon, the motion being
put, the resignation of Mr. Schulte was accepted, and the office
of City Marshall and Water Commissioner was declared vacant.
Report of City Treasurer read and ordered filed.
Letter of F. J. Shorey, by A. F. Flegel, his attorney, read,
requesting a franchise for electric light plant and pipe lines
for fuel oil. Mr. Flegel addresses Council relative to the pro
posed franchise. An ordinance embodying said franchise was
submitted to the council and read for first time. Upon motion,
duly seconded, put and carried, said ordinance was passed tc
second reading. Upon its second reading, upon motion duly sec
onded put and carried, said ordinance was referred to a committee
of three members of the Council to be appointed by the Mayor.
Committee appointed, Councilmen Chase, Billinffton and Edwards.
Resolution containing Charter amendment to Charter of City of
Reedsport submitted by City Attorney. Said Resolution being read,
it was moved and seconded that said Resolution be adopted.
The motion being duly put, the Resolution was adopted by the
following vote: Aye - 6, No-O. Said resolution in its entire
ty, follows:
BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Reedsport, that tfe»
following proposed amendments tc the charter of the City of
Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, to be known and numbered
§s Sections 103a and 104a, and added to the charter of the City
of Reedsport, be and same are hereby proposed for submission
to the legal votecs of Reedsport at the general election
to be held in the State of Oregon and in said City of Reedsport
on Tuesday, November 7, 19 22, to-wit:
That two additional sections to the Charter of the
City of Reedsport, under and pursuant to which said municipal
ity is incorporated, to be known and numbered Section 103a and
Section 104a, be and the same hereby are proposed and submitted
to the legal voters of said City as and for amendments to
said charter, to-wit:
Section 103a -
1 - That the Common Council of the City of Reedsport
be and it hereby is authorized and empowered to issue and dis
pose of general obligation bonds of the City of Reedsport in
an amount not to exceed $10,000.00, said bonds to be in bunds of
$500.00 and $1000.00 each, duly signed by the Mayor and counter
signed by the Recorder, under the corporate seal of the City,
hav ing semi-annual interest coupons attached thereto, bearing
the fac simile engraved signatures of the Mayor and Recorder
whereby the City shall be held in substance and effect to
undertake and promise to pay to each of the holders of said bonds
at maturity thereof the sum named therein, in gold coin of the
United States of the present standard value, with interest
thereon in like gold coin at the rate of six per cent per annum,
payable somi annually, each of said bonds to be a direct general
obligation of the City of Reedsport to be known as "City of
Reedsport Refunding Bonds", Series 1; that said bonds shall
be dated at a convenient time to be fixed by the Council,
maturity or maturities to be likewise fixed by the Council and
not to exceed 5 years from date, and the principal and
interest of said bonds shall be met at the fiscal agency of
the State of Oregon in Hew York City.
2 - That said bonds hereby authorized shall be sold
by the Common Council as in its judgment may be deemed best.
3 - The debt limitations contained in the eharter of
said City shall not apply to the bond issue hereby authorized,
4 " That the Council shall each year at the time of
making the annual tax levy for City purposes, include in such
tax levy a sum sufficient to pay interest due on the outstand
ing bonds of this issue and to retire the principal amount
thereof at maturity.
5 - That the sums of money derived from the sale of
said bonds shall be used for the purpose of retiring and paying
off all present outstanding warrant indebtedness of both
General and Water Construction funds.
Section 104a That upon the condition that refunding
bonds of the City of Reedsport are authorized by the people and
issued by the Common Council, that upon the sale of the same and
the payment of the outstanding general fund and witer construc
tion warrants of the City of Reedsport, the Common Council of
the City of Reedsport shall be and they are hereby authorised and
instructed to cancel all of the Reedsport Water bonds. Series
IJo. 2, now on hand and not yet sold, to-wit: not exceeding
$10,000.00 worth, and destroy same.
RESOLVED, FURTHSR, that this resolution for proposed
charter amendments, submitted by the Common Council to the
voters, be filed with the Recorder upon its approval by the Mayoa;
for submission to the le.-:&.l voters of the City of Reedsport
for rejection or approval, to be voted upon at a general elec
tion' to be held Iq the City of Reedsport on the 7th day of
Hovember, 1922.
RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the General Election Board,
appointed by the County, be and they are hereby, according to
law, designated as a n election board for the City of Reedsport,
at the election to be held in said City for the purpose
of the rejection or the adoption of the charter amendments
proposed by this resolution.
REoOLVSD, FURTHER, that the following is hereby adopted
by the Council as and for the ballot title for said proposed
charter amendments, to-wlt:
Providing for Adoption or rejection of Charter Amend
ments to be numbered 103a and 104a^and added to the
charter of Reedsport, Section 103a provides for the
issuance and sale of not more then $10,000.00 general
obligation bonds of the City, to provide "funds to
pay up all outstanding water construction and general
indebtedness; Section 104a providing, in case of the
paying up of said indebtedness, that the Common Coundil
siiall cancel all water bonds, second issue, not
exceeding $10,000.00 par value, now on hand.
Shall said Sections 103a and 104a be adopted?
100 . Yes •
101 No.
.BE IT FURTHER BS30LVED that the Recorder be and he
is hereby instructed to publish the hereinabove proposed two
amendments to said charter of the City of Reedsport, submitted
to the voters by the Common Council in the manner by law,
that is to say, by the publication of this resolution in full
for two consecutive publications within the twenty days
immediately preceding the general election to be held in the
State of Oregon and in the City of Reedsport on the 7th day
of November, A. D. 19 22, and that the Port of Umpqua Courier,
a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of
Reedsport, be and the same is hereby designated for the purposes
of said publication.
Passed by the Council on this 4th day of Sept. 1922,
By the following vote - Aye - 6, Ho - 0.
Submitted to the Mayor on this 4th day of Sept. 1922. i Approved by the Mayor on this 4th day of Sept. 1922. j
C. McC. Johnson.
Attest: Benson.
Ordinance Ho. 90, being an ordinance entitled: "An
Ordinance prohibiting the running at large of any and all
livestock within the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport,
and declaring all livestoei: running at large within the City
limits in violation of this Ordinance estrays, and providing
the manner of dealing with and the disposition of the same,"
was read for the third time. Upon motion, duly seconded, the
question of the adoption of said Ordinance was put, and the
ordinance was adopted by the following vote: Aye - 6, Ho - 0.
The following bills as O.K'd. by the Finance committee
were read and upon motion duly seconded, put and carried
said bills were ordered paid and warrants drawn on the several
funds in payment thereof:
Reedsport Lbr. Co. $ 1.08 Marsiiall Wells Co. $14.33
" " " 3.96 J. H. Hapier 100.00
" " " 5.45 W. G: Benson 75.00
I, E. Staples >30.00 (Jeo. W» Staples 25.00
A. G. Long Co. 27.87 Alex Tate 50.00
Schroeder Hildenbrand C4. 1.50 F. C, Schulte 75.00
P. S. Billington - 2.25
Ordinances #89 and #93 were read for first time. Upon motion,
duly secondea put and carried, said ordinances were passed to
second reading and were thereupon read for second time. Upon
motion duly seconded put and carried, said ordinances were
passed at second reading and referred to Street Committee,
It was moved, duly seconded put and carried, that an additional
member of Street Committee be appointed by the Mayor, to
serve with Councilman Edwards, present Committeeman. Mr.
Lovelace appointed.
It was moved, seconded, duly put and carried that the City
Recorder be instructed to write to the County Court, requesting
that the County pay its deputy sheriff in this community a
monthly salary, the City of Reedsport to pay an equal amount,
not less than $75.00 per month to its City Marshail, one man
to serve in both capacities, thus enableing said officer to
give his full time to the matter of Law enforcement.
It was movedj.iand seconded, duly put and carried that the District
Attorney for Douglas County bo requested to investigate the
mqtter of violations of the Prohibition Law in this City and
community, using as a basis, data already obtained by the City.
There being no further business, "^5^ a^d;)joouu::^^eedd..
recohb:^ J7 ^(y mayor.
Sept. 11, 1928.
A special meeting was regularly held this date. Meeting called
to order by Mayor Jolinson. Present Recorder Benson, Councilraen
Edwards, Billington, Lovelace, Varrelmann, Chase and Browne.
Lbsent: Uone.
Minutes read and approved upon motion. Committee to whom Ordi
nance #91 was. referred, reported. Ordinance as amended by
Committee discussed. Moved and carried that said ordinance
be referred back to Co..jnittee.
Moved and carried that a recess be taken until 8 P.M.
Sept. 12th.
Sept. 12, 1922.
Council reconvened pursuant to recess taken, and called to order
by Mayor Johnson. Upon roll call the following Councilmen
were present: Browne, Billington, Chase, Edv/ards, Lovelace and
Varrelmann, and Recorder Benson.
The committee to v/hom Ordinance #91 was referred, reported.
Moved and carried that report of coramittee be adopted and
ordinance passed to final reading. Moved and seconded, duly
put and carried that Ordinance #91 be adopted as amended. The
question being, put, "Shall Ordinance #91 be passed as read", a
poll of the votes was taken: Aye - 6, So - 0-
Moved and carried that ballot be taken on election of Water
Commissioner. Upon ballot Mr. W. C. Grubb received 5 votes -
Mr. Edwards not voting. Mr. Grubb elected and vms thereupon
appointed City Marshall by Mayor. Upon motion, duly seconded
put and carried. Council confirmed appointment - of Mr. G-rubb
as City Marshall,
Moved and carried that a committee of two be appointed by
Mayor to confer with Mr. Janney re audit of city books -
Billington and Varrelmann appointed.
y mxoE.
October 9. 1922.
Regular meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. UpSn
roll call there were present. Recorder W* G. Benson,
Councilmen Billington, Browne, Lovelace, Edwards and
Yarrelmann. /
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Report of City Treasurer read.
Letter of acceptance of F. J. Shorey, of Ordinance 91,
read. Moved and carried that said letter be accepted
and ordered filed.
Letter of R. J. Hubbard offering plank roadway near under
grade crossing at West Railroad Ave. Moved and carried that
said street be accepted by the City.
Committee on ai5)0intment of Fire Chief reported. Mr. Chas.
McCauly appointed by mayor and confirmed by council by
motion duly seconded, put and carried.
Ordinance §92 read for first time- Upon motion duly sec
onded, put and carried, said ordinance was passed to second
reading and read for second time. Upon motion duly seconded
put and carried, said ordinance was passed to third read
ing and read for tLir d time. Upon its third reading said
ordinance #92 was put to final passage. Upon roll call
the vote on said Ordinance #92 stood; Aye 5 - Ho 0.
The ordinance was thereupon signed by the mayor.
Bills as O.K*d. by Finance committee read. Upon motion
duly seconded, put and carried said bills were ordered
paid and v/arrants drawn on the respective funds in pay
ment thereof, as follov/s:
» Warrant in amount of $50.00 on Special Water Fund, dated
Sept. 15, 1922, duly authorised by Finance Committee
and upon motion, duly made, seconded, put and carried,
issu^ince of said warrant to P. W. Janney was ratified
by Council.
Courier $11.40 Paul Bernhardt ^24.40
If 8.00 Reedsport Lbr. Co, 20.90
Reedsport Lbr. Co. 5.62 Marshall V/ells Co. 77.35
W. G. Benson 75.00 W. F. Holbert 7.00
Geo. W. Staples 25.00 W. C. Grubb 7.00
W. C. Grubb 75.00 Macomber, Walter 14.00
Alex Tate 25.OU Frank York 51.65
IT n 25.00 J. H. Napier 100.00
Courier 27.50 I. E. Staples 20.00
Geo. Stoner 15.00
Reedsport Dairy & Supply 2.50
Phillip W. Janney 100.00
Moved, seconded, duly put and carried that City Treas.
be instructed to pay current bond interest when due, and
the City Recorder be instructed to draw warrant therefore
upon request of Treas.
Moved and carried that Budget Committee be appointed for
the year 1923. The following citizens were appointed:
Jos. Lyons, R- J. Hubbard, W. A. Burdick, Geo. V/. Staples,
J.- W. Mackintosh, J. H. Austin and S. D, Chapin.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
Hovember 11, 1922.
At a special meeting of the Common Council of the City of
Reedsport, regularly called and held in the manner provided
by law, in the City Hall in said City, on this the 11th day
of November, 1922, there were present: Acting Mayor Clyde
Chase, Recorder W, Gr. Benson, and Councilmen Browne, Lovelace,
Billington and Varrelmann. Absent: Johnson and Edwards,
Pursuant to call therefore the matter of the canvas of the
votes cast at the General Election held in the City of
Reedsport, on the 7th day of November, 1922. for the purpose
of electing:
1 Mayor
1 Recorder
1 Treasurer
6 Councilmen
and for the rejection or adoption of special measure submitted
to the legal voters of said city, was taken up.
Upon a canvas of the votes cast at said election and of the
returns made by the Judges and Clerics of said election, to this
body, it is found that there were cast at said election for
liilayor, 289 votes, of which number 271 were cast for C, McC.
Johnson, 14 for R* J. Hubbard, 2 for W. E» Brewer, 1 for J.
R. Browne, and 1 for A1 Hass.
For Recorder there were cast 290 votes of which 194 were cast
for Glen Caley and 96 for W. G. Benson.
For Treasurer there were cast 159 votes, of which 76 were cast
for W. A. Burdick, 29 for E. E. Williams, 28 for Geo. W. Staples,
14 for Frank Norris, 5 for Karl R, Chapman, 3 for J. H. Roper,
2 for Fred Earl and 1 for each of the following: C. G. Allen,
J. R. Collins, Joseph Lyons and Bill Hackleff. For Councilmen
the following is a list of candidates v/ith the votes cast
for each set opposite their names:
J. H. Austin, 198
F. C, Bartlett, 154
Paul :Bernhardt, 204
Chas. Billington, 80
J. R. Browne, 170
Clyde Chase, 95
A. F. Edwards, 188
W. A. Lovelace, 136
J. C. Mohler, 170
E. C. Morris 115
F. W. Varrelmann, 258
And for the special measure submitted to the legal voters
of said City of Reedsport, there were cast 225 votes, of which
niomber 162 votes were case in favor of the adoption of said
measure and 63 votes cast for the rejection of said measure.
Whereupon C. HcC. Johnson was declared electcd Mayor, Glen Caley
Recorder, W. A. Burdick Treasurer, and the following G;.uncilmen
J. H. Austin, A. F. Edv/ards,
Paul Bernhardt, J, C. Mohler,
J. R. Browne, F. W. Varrelmann,
and the special measure, entitled "AN ACT, Providing for
adoption or rejection of Charter Amendments to be numbered 103a
and 104a and added to.the Charter of the City of Reedsport,
Section 103a provides for the issuance and sale of not more
than §10,000.00 general obligation bonds of the City to pro
vide funds to pay up all outstanding water construction and
general indebtedness; Section 104a providing, in case of the
paying up of said indebtedness, that the Common Council shall
cancel all water bonds, second issue, not exceeding §10,000.00
par value, now on hand.
Shall said sections 103d and 104a be adopted?
was declared adopted*
Upon motion, duly made, seconded, put and carried, the fore
going was declared the result of the canvass of said votes,
and an abstract of same spread on the minutes and filed with
the recorder.
Moved and carried that bills as O.Z*d. by S'inance Committee
be ordered paid and warrants drawn on respective funds
for the following:
Schroeder Sc Hildenbrand § 8.55
Prank Pinley 16»00
H. Bowman 27.50
Geo. A. Mills 2.50
Lessie McICay 2.50
Delia 3. Clarke 2.50
Sadie B. Henderson 2«50
Lucile Slattery 2.50
Prank ITorris 2.50
J. W. Wilson 2.50
Forrest Owens 2.50
Hazel Diehl 2.50
Alice R. Benson 2.50
J. A. McCully 2.50
Gei.. McHarg 2*50
Edith De Merritt 2.50
H. Etta Ziebig 2.50
Rena LIcHar? 2.50
L. R. Racklett § 2.50
Pirst Bank of Rp. 3.20
Continental Pipe
Mfg. Co. 52.20
W. li. Carden 12.32
Courier 61.10
Paul Bernhardt 29.52
Prank York 25.00
J. X. Gill Go. 3.07
J. Hawkins Hapier 100,00
W. G. Benson 75.00
I. E. Staples 30.00
Geo. W. Staples 25.00
W. C. Grubb 75.00
Ale3c Tate 25.00
" " 25.00
W. G. Benson 3.00
Pirst Bank of Rp. 3000.00
^ (_7 Mayor.
November 27, 1922.
Pursuant to call of Mayor Johnson, a Special Meeting was called
to consider and act upon the following questions:
Contract re lighting City, with P. J. Shorey.
Payment of bond interest, due Dec. 1st.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. All members present.
Llinutes of special meeting of I!Iov. 11th read and upon motion
duly seconded, put and carried, were approved as read.
Upon motion duly seconded, put and carried. Recorder was
instructed to draw warrant -in amount of ^51200.00 in "payment
of Int. due on water bonds, second issue, as follows:
Pirst Bank of Reedsport, $1200.00
Let oer of P. J, Shorey read. After discussion it v/as moved
and seconded that a committee of four, including the Llayor
'be appointed to take up matter with ^Qrey Co. and report '
tomorrow nirht. Ilessrs. Chase, Lovelace and Varrelmann appointed
Adjournraent until Tues. nig'-..t at @:00 P.M.
Eovomber 28, 19 22,
Continued Special Meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson.
Upon roll call those present were, Recorder Benson, Councilmen
Billington, Browne, Chase, Lovelace and Varrelmann. Absent
Committee appointed by Ivlayor submitted no report. Mayor
called on individual citizens for opinions. Proposition made
by Shorey Co. of §2,000.00 a year and make replacements of
lights. This proposition put to citizens present by vote.
Those in favor 18. Opposed 4. A general discussion v;as held.
Ii'Ir. Edwards now present.
Moved and seconded that Resolution #1 be adopted. Upon a
poll of the Councilmen said Resolution #1 was unanimously
J7 ' </ r / msyor:
December 4, 1922.
Regular meeting: called to order by Ii/Eayor Johnson. Upon roll
call there were present. Recorder Benson, Councilmen Billington,
Browne and L.velace. Absent, Edwards, Chase and Varrelmann.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Ordinance #95 read for first time. Upon motion duly made,
seconded, put and carried said ordinance was passed to second
reading and read for second time. Upon motion duly made, secondd
put and carried said ordinance was passed to third reading.
Moved and carried'that said ordinance #95 be laid on table
until next meeting.
Moved and carried that City Recorder be instructed to advertise
bids for bonds and order bonds,printed, bids to be called for
I Dec. 18, 1922.
Moved and carried that bills as O.K*d. by Finance Committee be paid
and warrants drawn on respective funds for the following:
H. Bowman 1103.00 Alex Tate $25.00
Geo. Y/illiams 4.12 IT n 25.00
W. Gr. Benson 75.00 W» G. Benson 9.50
J. R. Browne 4.62 ?/. L. Garden 5.00
W. C. Grubb 22.82 n n 21.40
W. C. Grubb 75.00 Burdick Lovelace 3.36
Chas. Snell 44.00 Ivlarshall Wells Co. 274.78
R. I. Hertel 27.00 J. I. McKay .50
Pete Hertel 45.00 B. C. Weaver 6.19
Reedsport Lbr. Co. 2.40 Wm. Dewar 5.00
J. H. Napier 100.00 Schroeder & Hildenbrand 3.85
Chapin Staples Inv. Co. 30.00 Courier 22.80
Geo. W. Staples 25.00 J. H. Napier 75.00
First Bank of Reedsport 3.26
RECbRM^ ^^
Resolution #1,
BE IT EESOIiVED by the Common Council of the City of Hoedsport,
that the Mayor and City Recorder of said City, execute for and
on behalf of the City of Reedsport, a contract with P. J. Shorey,
substantially as follows: The City of Reedsport to pay $166.00
per month for street lights to the number of 50 - 100 watt lights
or a proportionate greater number of lesser wattage lights, for
a period of five years, lihe said F. J. Shorey to make all
replacements of said lights during said five year period.
C* McC. Johnson >
W« Benson,
Dec. 11, 1922.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. Present
Recorder Benson, Coimcilmen Chase, Lovelace, Edwards, Browne,
Billington, Absent Varrelmarm.
Upon motion duly made, seconded, put and carried Ordinance
#95 was t^en from the table and read for the third time.
Thereupon said ordinance was put to a vote. Upon a poll
of the Council the vote stood. Aye B - Ho 0.
Moved and carried that warrant be drawn in favor of the First
3ank of Reedsport for interest on warrants held by bank,
as follows;
First Bank of Reedsport, $379.93
Dec. 18, 1922.
Special Meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. Upon roll
call there were present. Recorder Benson, Councilmen Billington
Lovelace, Edwards and Varrelmann. Absent Chase and Browne.
Movdd'iand carried that Ordinance #60 be repealed. Moved and
carried that Mr. Edwards and Recorder be appointed a committee
to receive bids on fixtures.
Moved and carried that resignation of Alex Tate, effective
Jan. 1, 1923, be accepted.
Moved and carried that warrants be drawn in payment of bills
O.K*d. by Finance Committee, as follows:
The Oregonian $ 2.10 Frank L. Taylor $ 3.00
News Review Co, .85 P. L. Lav/rence 10.65
Frank York 15.75 Reedsport Dairy & Supply
Paul Bernhardt 5.60 12.50
Schroeder-Hildenbrand Co. 3.85 « n n 4.00
Amendmtet tdi minutes of Dec. 18, 1922.
The matter of receipt of bids being considered and it ap
pearing that there were no said bids received, upon motion duly
made, seconded, put and unanimously carried, it was ordered that
said Refunding Bonds, Series 1, in the amount of :$10.000.00 be
ordered sold at private sale, under authority of the Charter
and Amendments and Ordinances of the City of Reedsport.
Speoial meeting called to install the Mayor ,six Goimcilman and
Holl Call the following were Installed as of roll oall.
llayor C.MoC-Johnson, Oonncilman, J.R.Broume, F.W.Tarrelmann,
J.H.Austin,Paul Bumhardt and J.O.Mohler. Heoorder Glen Caley.
IPhe following Business transacted.
Moved 2nd. So Ordered .
J.B.Browne Elected President of the council.
Following CominitteeE; were appointed-
Water Cororalttee
Paul Bumhardt, Jon.R.Brovme and A.P.Edwards.
Finance Gom.
J.H.Austin, J.R.Browne andP.V/.Varrelmann#
Street Cora.
jP.V/.Varrelmann, J.C.lIohler andPaul Bumhardt.
Light Com.
A.i".Sdwards,JiiH-Austin and J.O.Mohler/
Moved End So Ordered to Adopt the firiL-t monday of eachmonth for
regular meeting night.
Moved Znd So Ordered that the Recorder make Semianuel report
to the Coimcil including Tresures of June SOtli and
Moved 2nd So Ordered that ttoesures report as read be approved. '
Ehe IPollowing is an account of the various funds of the City and
the amount of money in each fund.
Special V/ater
Bond interest
Y/ater Fund
Road Fund
Jail Pund-:i
Out Standing warrents General
fi ri rr m ii v7ater
$ 11,155.61
4,026. 45
Moved 2nd So Ordered that the Appointment of City Officers "be
laid on the Tahle untill next monday night.
AJoumed untill monday I5i^t. Jan. 15.S3.
Recorder/ ^
3E3GIAL mETIIG'oalled this Of Jan. 1923. "by-Hayor C.MoC.
Johnson to consider and act upon the follOT/ing matters#
1. Organization of new Coimcil.
2. Election of President of Council-
3. Appointment of City Officers.
4. Appointment of standing and Special Committees.
5. Payment of Bills.
6. Puchaseing of 3?ixtures for City lights.
7. Designation of City Hall.
Eoll Call, Present Mayor C.MOC.Johnson Councilman,J.H.Browne,
F.W.Varrelmann, J.H.Austin,Paul Bumhardt, and J.C.Mohler.
Recorder Glen Caley. Absent A.P.Edwards.
Mored 2nd So Ordered that the Organisation as of Friday lU^t be Approved.
Minuets of last Regular meeting were read and Approved. ^
Moved 2nd. So Ordered that the Bonds of City Recorder and Tresure
Be approved.
Moved 2nd. So Ordered that the Appointment of City Marshall be laid
On the table uhtill next Heggular meeting.
Moved 2nd. So Oredred that the Appointment of City Attorney be laid
Qti the Table.
Moved 2nd. So Oredred that the Council appoint A night Marshall
Nominees were V/m.Wilson and Geo. McHargue. "bhQ ypte.w^s I.icHargiie-4-
V/ilson-l~ the Mayor declaired McHargue Elected.
Moved 2nd so ordered the S'ollowing bills as O.E. by I'inance committee
be Paid.
Rainbow Cafe
Continental Pipe Co,
Continental Pipe Co.
Coos & Curry Tele. Co.
v;. G.Benson
Geo Staples
Axel Tate
V/e C. Grubb
Moved 2nd so ordered that the light committee be authorized to purchase th
the light iiUxtures for i'ifty street'^lights.
A.F.Edwards, 5nH-Austin and J.C.Mohler.
Moved 2nd so ordered the Maypr appoint A Committee of three to secure s
suitable quarters for city hall, they are F.W.Varrelmann,J.H.Austin
and J.R.Browne,
Hight Marshall Geo-MoHargae Being duely sworn began his duties at once
Moved to Ajoum
; 2.15 IV. G.Benson $ 1.40
1.50 Harry Bowman 8.50
14.05 P.L.Lawerence 2.00
6.10 Paul Bumhardt 10.00
3.60 L.ii:.Patterson 2.00
:•100.00 E.M.Dewer 5.00
75.00 Winchester Lum. Co. 45.00
25.00 Eeedsport Lum.Go. 14.58
50.00 V/m. Garden .•^.50
75.00 Chapin Staples Inv.CO 67. BO
5^BUArvY 5/2S
Hegular meeting of tiie common Goimoil of the City of Reedsport
3?liis meeting was held in the I.O.O.]?. hall whitch will "be Ja-iown
as the City Hall as designated by the Mayor and Council of the
Cityof Reedsport Douglas, County Ore.
EollGALL 'i'hose Present Mayor G.McC.Johnson.Councilman, J.R.Browne
J^^W.Tarrelmana, A.F.Edwards, J.H.Austin,J.C.Mohler and P.Bumhardt.
Recorder Glen Caley.
. o
Minuets of last meeting were read and approved.
Communication of otate Industrial Accident Commission Conidered as
Follows Redorder instructed to send in balance V/orkmens Compensation
as of May 31,21 to Dec. 31,22 and advise the Commission that
warredt Ko.1037 will be taken up as soon as present Bonds are sold.
Pertition Carring twenty four names of Property ovmers of Rainbow
street The street Commission instructed to meet with A committee
of Rainbow street and see what could be done to build a street.
Light Comm. Reported that they had purchased light Fixtures.
Moved 2nd So Ordered that the City except the offer of mr. Elyof
12.50 for five months delinquent w&ter rent old cannery building.
Moved 2nd so ordered that the arpointment of City liarshall be as
Marshall,Street and Water Commissioner. Salery fixed at § 125.00
Per month. And to receive applications for the Office to be
considered at the continued af 19.23
Moved 2nd so ordered that an Ordinance to make the Property 0"Wner
responsible for water rents.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Mayor appoint the Fire Chieff A1
Slattery being appointed. Salary at g 10.00 Per Month.
Recorder liiven permission to exchange iiooks baught by City for
Kew Water book.
Moved 2nd so ordered that I'resures Report as read for Jan. b»
Following is an accouiit of the various funds of the (Jity and the
amount of money in each fund.
Special Water ^\md $ 1,088.58
Bond Interest Fund 3,200.00
General Fund 16.51
Water Fund 78.75
Road Fund 588.95
Jail Fund 77.55
Total f 5,050.34
Warrents outstanding General Fund § 11,404.91
Warrents outstanding Water Fund 4 .026.45
Total $ 151431.36
Sespt. Submitted
y/. A. Burdick. Tres •
Water Comm. to make report on water used by Dairy & Supply Co.
at next meeting.
It was duely Miroed 2nd & oo Ordered, that the infoannal bid of/Ooos
Bay National Bank of Marshfield Ore. for full issue of Ten Thousand
Dollars.($10,000.00) Refunding Bonds, Series One,at Par,Plus Accrude
Interest from Dec.15.22 .to be Bxcepted. LJjibject to legal Opinion
of Attorneys cfor said Bank as to legality of Proceedings, and Mayor
and Tresure of said City are hereby authorized to deliver said Bonds
to the Representative of said Ba^ upon the paymenjr of the purchase
price,at said City.
ilovou ao oraersc. or:.;,.:
koved 2nd so Ordered- that the -c'inance ^-Joram. "be authorized to
Wai:e whatever action they see xii; onbond iimrrents held by Bank,
of Heedsport
Moved 2nd so Ordered the folXowing bills aa 0-K^ by Finance b.e Paid.
i7inohest-er iTimb.Co. ^ 21#25 Glen Caley $ 37.50
Paul Bumhardt 4.15 Geo McHargue 26.65
Port Umpqua Courier 8.00 ¥/.A.Burdiok 6.25
Sam Yendall 4.40 1.0.0.P.' 15.00
The Irwin Hudson 51.22 Geo Staples > 6.25
i/.C.Grubb , 75.00 W-G.Benson • 37.50
The Bill of the Umpqua Courier being held for the fire Chieffs
Ajoumment untill Feb. 19.23.
c o V ae
Continued Meeting Called to Order Feb. 19.23 Mayor C.MoC.Johnson'
ROXL.CAIiL Those Present^ Ivlayor G.MoC.Johnson Counoilmen J.R.Browne
A.F.Sdwards, F.Vif.Varrelman^i, Ben Mohler, J.H.Austun,and "Paul Bumhardt
Rec. Glen Caley.
Minuets of Previous meeting were read and approved.
communication of Coos Bay Hational Bank,for assessed Valuation
and outstanding V/arrents.
Eecorder instructed to give assessed Valuation of §435,510i
Outstanding Warrents as of Jan. 31.23. General$11,404.91
Communication od Southei-n Pacific Co, in regard to street crossimg
of 0. street Uo action was taken.
Moved 2nd so ordered that the Council go on record as favoring
the Tacationof Streets and Alleys as put before the Council by
Jos. Lyons as Beedsport Co. And R.J.Hubbard Owners of the
affected Property.
Street Comm. Reported no plans had been agreed upon in regard to
Rainbow Street.
V/ater comm. reported favorable on the extension of pipe line up
the river bank.
Moved 2nd so ordered T/ater domm. be authorizedto make the necessary
extensionof river pipe line.
I-inaaoo Comm. Advised the City Coimoil to takeup water Wa-
-rrents held hy First Bant of Heedsport to the amount of $3,000.00
Moore or less.
Moved 2nd so Ordered the Tresure be authorized
the Hecessary Funds to the Water Fund and takeup Water Fund Warr-
-ents held by First Bank of Reedsport.
Of the seven Applications for Marshall,Street and Y/ater Commissoner
resulted the following by Vojre of the Council, A.G.Renn 4 V/.M.
Grubb 1. A1 Slattery,X.Mayor Beclairing A.G.Renn.Elected. Appointed-
Moved 2nd So Ordered that the Appointment of Marshall, Street and
\7aj?er Commissoner be approved.
PelDtiary 19.23a Continued 223
Orlinanoe IIo-97» was interduced and read for the first time.
Moved 2nd So Ordered. Ordinance 1^0.97. "be passed to second
reading and read for the second time.
Moved 2nd So Ordered, that Ordinance iJo»97. he -assed to thferd
TReoorder / / May&r
This Meeting was called to order at the regular time and plaoe
with Jno.E. Browne President rPresiding.
ROIL.OAXL. those pz^esent, Councilman, Jno.R.Browne, J.H.Austin,
and Paul Bumhardt.. Recorder Glen Oaley.
Minuets of last meeting were read and approved.
Water Committee- Reported that the pipe line up the river "bank
was heldup wateing for fittings.
Moved 2nd so Ordered, that the question as to the amount to he p
paid hy the Oity for lights now in use,, he laid on the table
untillnext meeting,
Hoved:.,2nd. So Ordered.that the following hills as ©.K. hy
Finance Committee be paid.
Umpqua ferugiQcf. $ 12.90 Jno.R.Browne '- ct'cK
Paul Bumhardt 99.47 W-C-Gruhh ?f*cn
Umpqua Courier 12.25 V/.A.Burdick ic'nn
Beedsporfe Lumh.Co. 1.68 Glen Caley
Peerless Pacific ®o. 82.11 A.G.Renn
E.C.West 14.27 Geo McHargae 50.00
Prank York 11.37 I-O.O.P. 15.00
C.A.Swatman 1.00 A1 Slattery 10.00
Umpqua Courier 11.80
Moved 2nd. So Ordered.that the Tresures report he approved.
Following is an account of the City and the amount tt money
in each Pimd.
Special Water -^'und. • $
Bond Interest Fund
Genarral ^d
Water Fund
Eoad ^85.23
V/arrenta Outstanding on General JHmd (Eegistared) $11,d24.^
Warrents Outstanding on Water Fund »
Respectfully Submitted.
Moved 2nd So Ordered, that the ^resure be instructed .to transfer
Money from the Necessary funds to the Water Fund and takeup
Water fund Warrents to the amounting to ^1,108.35.
Moved 2nd So Ordered.Shat the Council go on Record as favoring
the "Vacation of the Track of land as of Boacks 94 to97.and
114 to 118 inclusive and streets as shown on Vaction Map,
Presented by Y/.P.Reed Sole Owner-.
224 IvlarGh 5.23 . Continued
Jhe Hap of the Pole lineof the Shorey li^t and Power Co was
Received and placed on ^^ile.
Maved 2nd So Ordered that Ordinance Ho. 97. ^e removed from the
table and read for the third time.
Moved 2dn So Ordered, that Ordinance Ko. 97. Being reafl: for the
third time be adopted.
AH OBDIKAllGS amending Ordinance Uo.64.of the Ordinances of the
City of -^eedsport. Providing for the method of collectin© of
V/ater l^ents for the City of i?eedsport,placing the responsibility
for payment of same,and declaring an emergency:
SEGTIOIT l.Aii mter rents for the current month when the same
shall brcome due, shallbe assessed against the Property where
taps for the use of said watershall be located, and the Owner
of said Property shallbe liable for the prompt Payment of same.
SSGTIOIT 2.That in the event any water rent shall become delinquent
and unpaid, and said water shall be shut off by the City V/ater
Commissioner as provided i^i Section 2.of ©rdin^ce No.64.of-th§
City of Heedsport, then and in that event said Dsij.nquentJ/.>water
rent in the Amount as shown by the records of the City Recorder
shall become a charge against the property wher said taps are Located,
and the V/ater Commissioner shall turn on waterbfor use on said
property upon V/ritten notice of the City Recorder that said
Delinquent water rent is paid in full, and not other\'7ise,
SSCTIOK 3. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances of the City
of Reddsport inconflict herewith ate hereby repealed-
SBGTIOn 4. Inasmuibh as the City of Heedsport is losing revenue
from the City water system under the present system of Collection
of water rents,and the said revenue is necessary for the imiTiediate
•oeace,health ana safe:ty of the inhabitants of the City of
Keedsport, .ill ELI3KCSKCY is lierby declared to exist and this
Ordinance shall take effect and be in force Iramediatly upon its
adoption by the Council and Approved by the Mayor.
Pa^ed by the Council of the City of Reedsport, this day of
' hk
1923 By the following Vote:
• 225
Reedsport Ore. Aplir 2/1923
Thia meeting was opened in regular form with Mayor C.MoO.
Johnson presiding
Soli Call- Those Present, Mayor C-MoC.Johnson Councilman
John R.Brovme, A-F.Edwards, J.H.lustin, Ben Mohler and Paul
Bumahardt, ABSENT F.W.Tarrelmann. Recorder Glen Caley
Minuets of last Regular meeting read and approved#
Moved 2nd so Ordered thit Ordinance no.98be read for first rea
Moved 2nd so ordered that Ordinance Ho^ 98 be passed to second
reading and read for second reading,
Moved 2nd so ordered that Ordinance Ko- 98 be laid on the table
untill next regular meeting.
Moved 2nd so ordered that Ordinance Ho* 99 be read for first time.
Moved Cnd so Ordered, that Ordinance no. 99 be passed to second
and read for second reading.
Moved 2nd so ordered that Ordinance Ho. 99 be laid on the table
untill next regular meeting.
Moved 2nd so ordered, that the bills as O.E. by the finance comm.
be paid.
A.G.Renn | ! 125 .00 Kels Peterson ' \? 2 .00
Frank York 46.50 Raymond Eartel 12 .75
Frank Gomers 19 .00 Kilham Stationary Co. 3 .07
Frank Gomers 25 .50 Port ITmpqua Courier 18 .95
Paul Bumhardt 72 .40 Reedsport Lumber Cq. 5 .46
Schroeder Hilderbrand 3 • 65 Dunham Grocery 5 .00
H.D.-^enson 6 .43 bhorey Light & P.Co.
90 .00
Schroeder & Hilderbrand 1 .25 50 .00
Walworth Mfg.Co. 65 .16 W.A.Burdick 12 .50
Sam Yendahll 3 .30 Glen Caley 75 .00
Shorey li^t &P.^o. 1 .50 A1 Slattery 10.00
I.G.OF. 15.00 Pacific Fish.Sc C.S.Co. 41 .20
CJrane Co. 4i .20 * VV. G.Benson 85 .00
The latter Being put to a record vote at the req.uest of
Austin and the result is as follows.
Yes- J.R.Browne, J.C.Mohler, and Paul Bumhardt.
Eo- J.H.Austin
Mr.Edwards Uot Viiting . The I^ayor ordering the bill Paid.
Moved 2nd so ordered that the tresure be instructed to barrow
farom the special water fund to take up One thousand dollars •
General Fund warrants.
Maved |nd so ordered t^at the tresures repartfor march be
approved as read.
Following is an accoujst of the City and the amount of money
in each fund.
Special Water Fund $ 1,643.23
Bond Interest " 2,092.39
General Fund 16.51
Water Fund 674.93
Road Fu^d 763.96
Jail Fund 75.40
$ 5,366.42
Warrants Outstanding on general ^Wd f 11,767.22
Warrants outstanding on V/ater Fun.d 567.45
Respectfully Submitted
y/.A.Burdick Tres.
Moved 2nd so ordered "to refer the draw Bridge on 16th
Street to the street Comm. for investigation for cost of Com
pleting gridge so it can be raisedfor mx. Zaherys Driver.
Contimied Llarcli 31. 1923<
Mr. J.A.Zacherty notified the Co-ancil that he wanted through the
15th Street Bridge in ten days.
Recorder instructed to write the Gontential pipe Co asto what
presure the 4-6-8 pipe was made to stand.
Refered the water rate of Light Plant to the water Oommiiittee.
EeooWer r
Reedsport Ore.
May, 7. 1923
"his meeting was opened in regular form with Mayor C.MoO.
Johnson Presiding.
Roll Gill- 2?hose present Mayor C.McG.Johnson Councilmen J.R.
Browne, F.W.Varrelmann, J.H.Austin, iff.C.Mohler.and Pual
Bumhardt, Recorder Glen Caley, Absent lA'P.Edwards.
Communication of the American Rubber Co. Prices on 500ft of
It" hose Cpled.P.C. Thread @.60/ Two Shut off Hozzles.#16.00
Three 2f:sli" Reducers at |2.00 Total § 335.00
Recorder instructed to write the American Rubber Co,, as to date
delivery could be made on hose and Fixtures.
Recorder Instructed to write the following fims for prices on
Hose Carts and be refered to the winter Conamittee.
7/ater Committee Authorized to purchase Hose and Carts togather.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the fire Chief make the necessary
repairs to the Sase Catts and see that they are kept in shape.
Moved 2nd so ordered that the street Committee lok up the blue
prints of the Bridge on 16th Street and ,Petition the Pott of
Umpqua for a rightaway across Rainbow Slough.
Moved 2nd so ordered that the water rate for the Shorey Li^t
and P. Plant be fixed at |15.00 per Month.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that ©rdinance Uo.98 be removed firom the
table and read for the third time.
Moved 2nd so Ordered Ordinance Ho. 98. Be Passed
Movwd ordered that Ordinance Ho 99 be removed form the
table and read gor the Third Time.
Moved 2nd So Ordered that Ordinance Ho.99 Be passed.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Recorder be instiucted to issue
warrants to the first bank of reedsport for thre e Thousands
Dollars and One for Twelve Hundred Dollars 5*0r Bond Interest
on V/ater Bonds.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the following Bills as O.E.By finance
Committee, be Paid.
Geo. MoHargue
Glen Caley
A1 Slattery
Frani: Gomers
Prank Gomers-
$ 125,00
31.60 m
Sohroeder & Hiler"brand 5.25
^Frank York 3.75
A.G.Renn 3.50
B.H.Benson 1.50
Union Iron Wks. $ 6.65
Shorey Light &P«Co. 91.50
Grain & Co. 46.50
Pearlass Paoifid Co. 13.22
Sam Yendahl 22.20
Union Iron Wks. 6.00
Umpqxia Courier 19.50
S^irst Bank Of Reesport9,000.00
" " " 1,000.00
Paul Bumhardt 17.15
A.G.Renn 2.00
Moved 2nd so Ordered That the tresures report be exoepted as read
•^^ollwoing is an account of the City aai the amount of Money in
each fond.
Special Water Shand
Bond Interest Pond
General Fund
Water jPund
Road Pond
Jail !B\md
I 557.29
m 748.39
I 832.90
Warrants Outstanding on General Jhond
Warrants Outstanding on V7qter S^znd
# 11,027.70
Respectfully Submitted
W.A.Bxirdiok Tresure.
SPECIAL ME?":TING Reedsport Ore. June 5.1923
This meeting was held in due form wiith Mayor C-McG. Johnson Presiding
iOLL gall- Those present Mayor C-McCJohnson Councilmen J.R.Bfiowne,
!P-W.Yarrelmann, J.H.Austin and Paul Bumhardt. Reorder Glen Caley.
Absent A.P.Edwards and J.C.Mohler.
Moved 2nd so ordered that the following bills as O.K. By finance
Committee be paid.
Shorey Light & P. Go.|
Shorey Light &P. Co.
Peerless Pacific Co.
V/inchester L.Co.
n 2 ft - Tf
Sohroeder& Hilerbrand
91.60 John R.Brovme $ 22.63
621.17 A.G.Renn 126.00
1.30 Geo MoHargue 50.00
6.76 Glen Caley 75.00
16.80 W.A.Buxdick 12.60
3.00 A1 Slattery 10.00
4.06 1.0.0.P. 16.00
4.65 Paul Bumhardjr 11.00
Acting upon each application indiridully it was moved 2nd so
prdered that the following applicants be granted a license to
opperate a rooming and lodgeing House as required by Ordinance
Ho. 99
Steve- Ely
License Ho. 163
Acting upon each application individully it was noved 2nd so
Ordered that the following applicants be granted a license to opp
erate a pool and card Reom as required by Ordinance Ho. 98
Holcomb,Wermer& Ware., Ho 201
Jtme b,1923
TrtT^YiRoU- &»I^eaher Ko. 202
£?Cfranklin 203
G.A.Bunn 204
Moved 2na so Ordered that the tresures peport "be approved as read
i^ollowing is an acooTont of the City and the amoimt of money in
each fond
Special ViTater fund $ 663.97
Bond Intere st l*und 48-39
General Fund 3.^ •
vVater fund 84-20
Jail Shmd 121.90
Road ^Hind 879*24
$ 1,712.63 ^
Warrants outstanding Greneral ffund $ 11,142.69
Wan-ants Outstanding V/ater fund 36.00
Marshal 2enn Reported that the road work on Pacific aves West
Would cost ahout ^ 50.00
Mayour Recommended A speed limit on all cars and Trucks.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Recorder have an Ordinance drawn
regulating the speed, parking, lighting and heavy loading of
atos and Trucks, A committee of thsee appointed to Ordinances
are J.H.AustingiF.W.Varrelmann and Paul Bumhagdt.
Movsrd 2nd so Ordered that the Marshall A.G-.Renn be authorized
to mak arrangrments for live stock pound, that the pound he
self supporting and without cost to the City.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Committee of three draft an Ordinance
regulating Dance Halls Closing at Midnight Saturday Eights
and setting an age limit.
Movgd to a^oum;
attest^ ^
ReedspOrt OrS
July 2nd 1923
'i*his meeting was opened in due form with
Presiding President J.R.Browne
ROIL SALL-Thbse Present a.R.
Browme, P.V/.Varrelmannq;! A.F.Sdwards, and J.C.Mohler.Redorder
Glen Caley,Absent Mayor Johnson and Paul Bumhardt.
;p{0^7^/!3AZX?^/Minuets of previous Meeting read ansd approved. ^
Moved 2nd so Ordered the Matter of over reading the the w%ter
metor of the Southern Pacific Co. be refered to the Water
Committee to write the S.P.Co. and Peerless Pacific Co,
i?or ajustment.
Ordinance Eo.lOO was interduced and read for first reading
Moved 2nd so Ordered that ordinance Ho .100 be read for second
Moved 2nd so Ordered that tfirdinance Uo.lOO be placed
on the table for third Reading.
Ordinance Uo.lOl was interduced and read for first l?eading
Moved 2nd so ordereds- be read for second reading
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Ordinance Ilo.lOlbe place on the table
Iffor third reading
Ordinance Ho-102 was interditced and read for first reading
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Ordinance Bo-102 be read for 2nd reading
Moved 2nd so Ordered Ordinance Ho.102 be laid on the table for •.
second reading.
- s.
July 2ncL. iy23
Ordinance Wo. 103. was introduced and read for first reading.
Moved 2nd So Ordered Ordinance Bo.103 "be read for 2nd, reading.
Moved 2nd so Ordered Ordinance Ho.103 be placed on the table for
third reading.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Dr. H.C.Eastland be appointed seoty.
of board of Health.
The application of Hans P. somes For Rooming house License
read and approved.
Moved 2nd so Ordered Hans P. Somes be granted a License to
opperate a rooming House in the City of Reedsport. License No.154
Moved 2nd So Ordered that the following bills as O.E. by
finance Conmitte be Paid.
Peerless Pacific Co. $ 47.12 Paul. Bumhardt f 12.26
Reedsport L.Co. 10.06 O.K.transfer Co 5.16
5*.I.Taylor 7.50 Lessie MGEay 5.00
Snell & Hartel 64.00 A-G.Rennn 125.00
W.A.BurdicJc 12.50 A1 Slattery 10.00
I.0.0.P. 15.00
Moved 2nd so Ordered tha the Street Committee get the additional
Pire Hydrants and arrange for fire protection for wades Plat.
Moved 2nd so ordered that the City Marshal take one of the
Cimical carts to Wades Flat untill after the Fourth of Jtily.
Moved 2nd wo Ordered that the streets be repaired by binding one
plank on each end to prevent flopping.
Moved to ajoura.
Recorder ^
This meeting was heid due form with Mayor C.McC.Johnson presiding
ROLL SALL- Those Present- Mayor G.McC.Johnson Cotinctlmen J.R.Browne,
F.W.Tarrelmann, J.H. \'Austin, iien Mohler Recorder Glen Caley,
Absent A.F.Edwards and Paul Bumhardt.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Ordinances Wo. 100,101,102,&103. Be
removed form the table and tead for the Third Reading each
Ordinance acted upon seperatljr.
Ordinance Wo 104 heldfor Correction.
Ordinance Wo. 100
Passed by the Council on this 9th day of July, 1923 by the
following Vote.
Yeas 4
Wo* 0
Submitted to the Mayor the 9th day of July, 1922
Approved by the Mayor the 9th day of july 1923
attes Mayor
eoorder f
230 July, 9th, 1923
Passed by the Cotmoil the 9th day of Jiily 1923• hy the following
yeas, 4
nays 0
Submitted to the Mayor the 9th day of July, 1923.
ipproTed by the mayor the 9th day of july, 1923.
;ecorder /
Passed by the Council the 9th day July, 1925 by the following
Nays 0 _
Submitted t6 the Ivlayor the 9th day of July, 1923.
approved by the Mayor tjie 9tli day of July,. 1923
Passed by the Giunoil the 9th day of July, 1923 by the following
Yeas 4
Nays 0
Submitted to the Mayor the 9th day of July, 1923
Passed by the Mayor the 9th day of July, 1923
Moved 2nd so Ordered that all motor bus drilrers be given five
days to file their bond.
Recorder / ^ Mayor' -
231 Speoial Meeting Called Aug.13.1923
This meeting was opened in dme form with Mayor C.McG.Johnson presiding
Holl Call- Mayor C.MoGJohnson.Counoilmen, J.R.Browne, J.H.-Austin
Paul Bumhardt, Ben Mohler,and A.J.Sdwards.Eeoo ^en Caley.
Absent F.V/.Varrelmann.
Minuets of previous Meeting were read and approved.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that permission be granted to the Winchester
bay lumber 8o. to fence north of Blocks 9,10,11,&12 in rainbow add.
crossing 8th,9th,and 10th, Streets.
Moved Snd so Ordered- that the over charge due the Southern Pacific
Co. for water, of $ 1,022.19 Be pafiid- according to summary statement
of Mr.U.S.Attix and terms of One third in three monthly payment,
less water rent for July and August.
Moved 2nd so Oriepd-'itet the Oity purchase Two Ko. 10, Hose Garts
with 44" wheels and earring capacity of 600ft. l-i-"hase at $ 70.00
Moved 2nd So Ordered-^hat the emergency water system of Mr. R.J.
Hubbard be refered to the water committee and mr. Hubbard, to
report at a special meetin of the Coiincil Friday Aug. 17th 1924.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the matter of H.G.I>unham tearing out
Stre::!fli for pile driver be refered to the street Committee.
Move 2nd so Ordered that the following bills as finance
Committee be iDaid.
S.D.Frost 11 48.00 Chandler & IJasburg § 5.00
C.Strickler 39.85 Paul Bumhardt 23.14
K.Cl'Snell 22.50 J.X .McKay 105.00
Southern Pacific Co. 337.39 Walter Johnson 25500
A.G.Renn 125.00 Jas, Zelley 4.50
Ceo MeHargue 60.00 Roy Damille 2.25
Glen Caley 75.00 L.Childs 8.45
W.A.Burdick 12.50 R.Macbeth 13.50
A1 Slatteiy 10.00 Reedsport I.Co. 7.73
I.O.O.F. 15.00 H.D.Benson 1.75
Schreeder ^Hildenbrand 29.33 P.Jj.Lawerence 4.75
D.H.Benson 55.70 W.T.Dewar 10.25
J.R.Browne 6.75 John Fairchilds 3.00
Crane & Co. 52.70 Port IJnpqua Courier 11.75
Peerless Pacific Co. 115.04 W.R.Buck 3.36
Eugene Concrete Pipe Co§67.50 Mrs. A.Perkso^ 10.00
Shorey light & P.Co. 259.66 Americam Rubber Co. 336.00
Shorey Light & P. Cq, 338.10
Moved 2nd So Ordered- that A Committee of thereo be appointed to
investigate sewarage and garbage conditions of Hainbow Slough.
They are F.V/.Farrelman, J.R.Browane and Pqul Burohardt. to repart at
Special meeting Aug 17th, 23
Acting upon each application individuelly it was moved 2nd so
Ordered that the following were granted a Truck Licenseof the City
of Reedsport. Towit;
J.I.McEay, Walter Johnson, O.K.Transfer Co. H.P.Somes and Goo.
Hoved 2nd so Ordered- 'iTiat the taxes received from the Coiinty be
placed to there respective Funds, Effective as of July 2nd 1923
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the 0ity expend fl600.00 for lumberand
labor for repairs to Streets.
Special Meeting of the Common Coxmcil Called Ang.lSSth 1923
^or the puipose of designation of the spur of the Umpqua Mills
and Timber Co-
This Meeting was opened in dse form with Ma^ror C.MoC.Johnson
Roll Call- Thase present Mayor 0-McC.Johnson, Counoilmen
J.R.Browne,A.5".Edwards, F.V/.Varrelmann, J-H-Austin, Ben Mohlaff.
Paul Bumhardt and Eeoorder Glen Oaley^
Moved 2nd So Ordered that the water Commissioner put a 2""Iino
for water liain to Block 4, Rainhow Add.lTo.2
Moved 2nd so Ordered that a committee of threehuisness men
he appointed to assist in the designation of the spur and
rightof way for the Umpqua Mill's and Timber Co.
They are- Jos. Lyons, Goo. Stjtples and J.V/.Maokentosh.
...W -
Recorder f Mayoiu^.
For the purpose of Organization of oommittoe and Counoil.
Roll Call- Those present. Mayor C.McC.Johnson, Counoilmen
J.R.Browne, F.V/.Varrelmann, .J.H.Austin,Ben Mohler, A.F.Edwards,
Paul Bumhardt,and Recorder Glan Caley.
The Committee instructed to confer with all property Swners
effected "by the survey of spur and make new survey of new line.
Recorder instructed to write County Health Officer to make
investigation of Small Pox soas to get controle of the desease
before School starts.
•' iT [-1 >v-41.4 isiit:
Regular meetiri{; of the Oommon Coimoil iield Sept. 6th, 1923.
Lleetin^ called to order, "by P.esidont J. H. Browne. Present, Clmn*,
P. W, Varrelman, J. H. Austin and Paul Bernhardt and Bee. Glen
Iliniites of previous meetinf: v;ere read and approved.
It V7as dul^ moved, seconded and carried that t1io maishall
notify all persons throv/ing garbage and rubbish in Bainbow Slough
that same must be stopped for the peace and health of the Gity.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the bills as O.E^D.
by the finance committee be paid and that vra.rrants be drawn
on the respective ftmds for the several amounts. The bills are:
J. Kendrick $36.00 Paul Burnhardt § 7.17
J. I. IvIcEay 155.00 0-E. Transfer 31.99
Ed. Frost le^.oo O.IC. Transfer 4.14
Joe Hanning "18.00 Continental Pipe Co. 11.76
P. G. Bond 6.20 Union Iron Wks. 11.35
J. J. Donnohue 54.00 Southern Pacific Co. 337.40
A. G- Kenn 5.69 A. G. Renn 125.00
Port U. Courier 1.20 Geo. IlcSargae 50.00
Shorey Light & P. 168.16 V/. A. Bxirdick 12.50
Schroeder 5: Hilden. 2.30 Glen Caley 75.00
Peerless Pacific Co. 296.20 A1 Slattery 10.00
Electric V/elding Co. 24.00 I. 0. 0. F. 15.00
Reeds"port Lbr. Co. 4.62 Geo. S. Johnson 2.00
Paul Bernhardt 37.64
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the Treasurer's
Beport be app:i'Oved as read, ^^ollowiiig is an account of the
various funds of the City and the amount of money in each fund.
Special V/ater
Bond Interest IPund
General Fond
Street. Ij^d
Water l!\md
Hoad 5^ind
Jail ]?und
Warrants out-standing on General Fund
Warrants out-standing on Water 5'und
I?espectfully Submitted,
A. Burdick, Treasurer.
It \'ia.s duly moved, seconded and carried that t:ie quotation of
tiie Umpqua Llills & Timber Co. for lumber of long lengths for
the stroets be accepted, providing delivery of same can be
arranged to suit.
38,000 ft. 3 X 8 - 40 or better {ii)24.00 per M.-
The appointment of a Budget Committee coifiing before the Council,
the following cit/ officers appointed trie men v/Iiose names are
listed apposite, to serve as membors of the Committee.
John R. Brovm,©
.A- 3dv/ards
F. V/. Yarrelmen
Paul Bamliardt
J. H. Austin
J. E. Ilohler
liar or Jolmson
R. J. Hubbard
W. H. Buck
Joe Lyons
H. C. Morris
W. P. Heed
J. W. Machentosh
S. D. Chat)in
' ' 234
It VB.5 duly ip.oved, seconded and oa'.ried that a liconse "be grant
ed to H. Eogeli to conduct a card and pool room v/itbin the
lir-iits of the City of Reedsport.
Ilr. Ivle^y-ers of the 3. P. Oo. read cor.-nunlcation regarding
a stroet crossing on V/incheste'r Ave • Answer referred to Mr«
There "being no further "business the neeting adjourned.
Special meeting of the Common Council held Sept. 10th, 1923,
for the purpose of meeting the County Health Officer Dr. liade#
Meeting called to order by Mayor C. McO. Johnson. Those present
were: CouEicilraen John K. Browne, 5*. ¥/. Yarrelmann, Paul
3ernj?.ardt and J. C. Mohler, Mayor Johnson and ?:ecorder Caley.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that a committee
of five he appointed to act as a Health Board, the following
men "being appointed: Mayor C. McO. Johnson, irs. Billington
and Eastland, Marshall A. C-. Henn and Geo. "7. Staples. The
committee was empowerc-d to tale care of matters relating to
the health of the community.
There "being no further "business the meeting adjourned.
Special Meeting of the Common Council was called "by Mayor
Johnson of Sept. 24, 1923, to consider and act upon the follovang
1. Employment of Engineer to make setimates of Clear
S. Deed of Clear Iai:e Water Co.
3. Matter of street lights.
4. Sale of §10,000.00 Refunding Bonds.
5. Repairs on jail.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Johnson. Those p-esent were:
Council.'nen, J. R. Browne, V/. varrelmann, Paul Befnhardt and
J. C. Mohler. :ecorder Glen Caley. Absent J. H. Austin
and A. F. Edv/ards.
It v;as duly moved, seconded and, carried that the City employ
the services of Engineer D. L. Buckinghara, to maJce the necessaiy
survey and -estimates on Clear Lake and the V/ater System.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the deed of the
Clear lalie V/ater Co. to the City of Heedsport be spread upon
the minntes of this nieeting, and. that 0-3O.OO in P.evGnue
Stamps he attached thereto and oancelled and that this deed
"be recorded, of which the follovlng Is a copy, to-wlt:
• 17th DAY OF JANUARY, 1920, BY AITO BBTV/S3H 0II1A5 L;:'J33 WA2SR
\'/HEPEAS, the Clear Lake V^ater Company ovms and con
trols water rights, tunnels, certain other pi'operties and
ri^its of way, which said vrater rii^ht and properties it is
necessa-y for tZae Oity of Reedsport to acquire as a water supply
for said city, and vhich said property and rights the said
Clear Lake Water Company has heretofore enteied into contract
v/ith said city to sell and convey same to said city. And,
WHEREAS, V/. P. Reed is the owner in his own rightto
the water right of those ten certain s'orings located on
the S. l/s of H. '!J. l/4 and S. l/2 of Section 35 Tp. 21 S.
R. IS West V/. M. and certain easements necessai^/ fo^r the
"beneficial use of said water and v/ater right, vfcich'said
water and vra.ter right ujider Permit Ho. 1165 was confirmed
unto the said V/, P. Reed "by the State V/ater Board on the
fourth day of June, 1919, And,
VffiSRilAS, the said V/. P. Heed is the ovaier of the
lands in Section 7 and 8, Tp- 22 S. R. 12 West ¥/. M., over
and across which the proposed pipe line leading from said
Clear Lake into the City of Reedsport has been located, and
over and across w-:ioh it is nedessary to run said pipe line
for the purpose of briiiginc' into said oity the said waters
of Clear Lake, which said property, as well as all other
property of w:;iieh the said V/, P. Reed is possessed, ovms or .
contiols portaining to said v/ater rights, the said V/. P.
Reed heretofore Joined in a proposal v/ith the -Clear lake
Water Company to the said City of Reedsport, to sell, con
vey, and transfer all of said property to said city and
joined said Clear Lake viator comr.aay in a contract agreeing
to convey unto the said city, by proper deeds of conveyance
as well as ot^iar ana proper writton instruments, all of
said property so ovaied and controlled by both of said parties
in any way or any v;ays belonging to said Water Company or
the said W. P- Reed, necessary for the proper development of
said water supply and the bringing of the same into the said
City of Reedsport.
UOV/, ^^HEF03<E, in consideration of the premises
and the sam of §10.00, lav;ful money of the United States of
America cash in hand from second party to said first parties
paid, the receipt whereof is by said first parties hereby
aslmowledged and confessed, said first parties have bargained
and sold, and by these presents do bargain, sell, convey,
transfer and set over unto said second party all the following
described proc-erty located and situated in the County of
Bou^as and State of Oregon, to-wit:
All of our right, title and interest in tv;o f2)
certain waters of Clear Lake heretofore acquired by ua
through Application Ho. 2270, Permit Ilo. 1149 issued
by the State Engineer of the State of Oregon and here
tofore regularly assigned, transferred and set over ujito '
the said second party. Also,
The rigjit to the use of the v/aters of those
certain ten (lO) springs located in the S. l/2 of II.W.
1/4 and S. 1/2 of Section 35 Tp. 21 S- R. 12 WestUT/.M.
heretofore oonfiimed unto said V,'. P. Reed by the State
Water Board of the State of Oregon under Peimit Ho.
1165 and recorded in State Record of V/ater Right
Certificates, Yol. 3, page 2312, aiii recorded in the
record of Proceeding of the State Y/ater Board at Salem,
Oregon, in Yol. 1, page 320, and further recorded in
Yol. 1 of Water Hecords of Douglas County, Oregon,
together v;ith the easements and rights appurtaining
to said water right and to the use of the same, Also,
A right of
across Sections 7 and 8, Tp. 22
Douglas Gounty, Oregon, for the purpose of the build
ing and installation, repair and maintenance of a
pipe line or pipe lines necessary, or v^iich may become
necessary for the conveying of v/ater onto, over and
across said lands last described, from Clear Lalce to
the City of Reedsport, said right of \my as to
location, to be triat selected by the city for its
v/ater line from said Claar I:ake to said City,, separate
deeds of conveyance for same to be executed by said
first parties upon request of said second party
whon permanently suiveyed and located; said right
of way to run from a point hereafter to be designat
ed by said second party on the lands hereinbefore last
described, and across the sarae, along the pir^e line or
pipe lines hereinafter to be located and i3i:dlt across
said lands in as direct a line as is possible and
feasible tov/ard the City of Reedsport, also a right
of v/ay 50 ft. vade along t}ie line of said pipe line
or pipe- lines hereinafter to be located by the second
party, onto, over aad across the 3. l/2 of S. S. l/4
of Section 5 22 3. P;. 12 V^est Vj.I.I.; said rigiit of
way or rights of' way hereinabove granted are subject,
hov/ever, to an easement and right for the building
and operation of a log,ting road o. railroad onto,
along, or over or across tho said^ right of v/ay, as
well as tiie maintonai'joe of the sa^e , but said aaseLaent
andrigiit for the bi'dlding, operation and maintenance
of said logging road or railroad shall extend only
so far as is necessary for the proper building,
operation and maintenance of the same and shall in no
way interfere with the p:.'oper building, re-building,
maintenance or operation of said pipe linos for the
conveyance of ".nter of the party of the second part,
or of the said city to properly look after, build or r
rebuild or care and maintain said pipe line or said
pipe lines; Al:;o,
All rigyrfcs, v;orIi, tunnels, rights of v/ay or
other property heretofore acquired and nov/ held by
said Clear laJie V/ater Company, of, tlirouga or in any
wise pertaining to or aypurtaining unto Application 2270,
Permit 1149 relative to the v.ater right of the Clear
Lake V/ater Company in and to the waters of Clear lake,
and the beneficial use of the same; Also,
All and singular in, and all other rights in and
to easements or rights of v/asre heretofore ov/ned and
nov; ov/ned or reserved by either or all of said fii'st
parties for the use and purpose ol" t}:e development
and bringing of said v/aters of s-^id Clear Lake into the
sai'.i City-'-of Reedsport, whetlier speoifically in this
instniment described or not, together vttli all and
singular the tonemenr^s , hereditaments and appurtenances
unto said property above described, belonging or in
any ways appiirtaining, and also all our esta-fe, right,
title and interest in and to t'le same, including dower
'and claim of dov/er.
To liAYS AilD 'i?0 HOLD, the above desciibed and granted
pro;:erty unto the said second party or its assigns forever.
And said first parties grantors above named, do hereby cov
enant to, and vjith said second party, said grantee and its
as"signs , that it and they are lawfully seized of said
v/ay —- ft. \7ide, onto, oyq:
S. 12 V.'est ^
property'' above described and that the same is free and clear
of all encumbrance, trat the said water rights hereby and
hereinabove conveyed, transferred and assij^od, are the only
legal valid and existing water rights with reference to such
v/aters hereinabove set over to second ;.:arty, and tliat said
fi rst \:arties v;ill, and their heirs, executors and atoinistrators,
and its succefssors and assigns, shall, \m:;rant and
forever defend the above granted ::^2orjerty and every part
thereof against the lavriul claims and demands of all persons
IT IS irja?U.U:,LY AGBSED, all adcdtions. corrections,
alterations or interlineations made and entered herein,
were.made and .agreed to before the esec-aticn of this instiiiment.
IB V/i:?iIESS mSKEOI?, the said Clear Lahe V/ater
Company, in pursuance of a resolution adopted by-its-Board of
Directors, by its President, has caused this insti-u;:ient to be
signed, attested by its Secretary vrlt its corpoiate seal
attached, the said City of i.esdsr-ort, in pursuance of a
resolution adopted by its Gonanon Council by its Acting
Ilayor, has caused this instrument to be signed, attested by
its Secretary, and its mimicipal seal attached and the
said V/, P. Heed and Llargery Heed have he;.aunto set their
hands and seals, all in duplicate, and of the day and year
first above v/ritten.
Executed in the
presence of
V/. A. iovelace
Clyde Ch^se
City of ^veedsport
Eeedsport, Oregon.
Corporate Seal
Clear Lake V/ater
Company, Oregon.
By W. p. REBD
Attest: Belle Wade
By Wm* IdcFarland
Acting liayor
Attest: James IZ* Cavers
Hec order
Vj. P. ?3EXi (3SAL)
It v/as duly riioved, seconded and carried that the
question of additional, street lights be referred to the
Light Committee".
It was duly moved, seconded and carried by unanimous
vote th-at the City of Heedsport accept the offer made by
the First Banlc of Heedsport, as follows:
To the Mayor and Council of 15ie City of Zieedsport,
V/e will pay you for Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars,
par value, your "Series 1 Bonds" Dated December 15th, 19S2.
Provided yo^.i will redeem in cash at the ti/ne we pay for said
bonds the vjarrants we hold on all fund^ of the City.
First Bank of lieedsport,
Geo. V/. Staples, Cashier.
Approved by the Common Council of the City of Reedsport, this
24th da^ of September,. 1923, "by uiiaaiimous vote:
Preamble and Hesolution
^THERSAS, Mrst "bank of Keedsport has filed its offer of par,
plus accrued current interest, for Ten thousand (§10,000*00)
bollax'S "Series 1" Rsedsport Bonds, provided the Gounoil would
redeem in cash, at time of receiving payment for said Bonds,
all warrants of the City on all founds, novi held hy said bank,
iVHEBBAS, the Council is of the opinion that said offer is fair
and should be accepted,
ITOW, TH:5HS3K)?^, BS KE30LV3D, by the Go:rmon Council of the
City of Keedsport, tloat the offer of the !B^irst 'Bant of Heedsport
"of par plus accrued currect interest, for Ten thousand
t$10,000.00) Dollars par value its entire issue of its
Series 1" Bonds be and the same is hereby accepted and that
t"ie I.Iayor and City Kecorder be and they are hereby authorised
and instructed to deliver said Bonds to the Pirst'Bank of Heeds-
XDort upon payment of amount of said bid, and
BE I? SUHTHEP, HESOLTED, that the Ilayor and Recorder be and they
are hereby ordered, authorised, and directed to pay off in
full and drav; a warrant tiierefor, for a sum sufficient for
doing so of all warrants of the City of Heedsport on all funds
nov; held and ovmed by the S'irst Bank ox Heedsi^ort, roi^ardless
oC serial numbers of said warrants ;3nd accrued interest, and tliat
said vra.rrants be taken up and caiicelled in the proper city
Passed by the Common Council of tlie City of Keedsport this
24th day of Sej:tember, 1933, by unanimous vote.
It was duly moved, seconde% and carried that the Marshall be
authorised to line the Jail with galvanised sheet iron and
concrete the floor in order to make the building fire-proof.
inhere being no furtlier business, the meeting adjourned*
Llay or
^ .. *• • -.ftciia.'; i
: 239
Regalar nesting of the Common Council held Oct. 4th, 1923.
rieeting called to order by Mayor G. IIcG. JohnEon. Present,
Councilmen J. K. Bro^me, ?. V/. 7arrelmrin, J- H. Austin,
Paul Bernhardt, J. C. I-iohler and Hecorder Glen Caley.
Absent, A. P. Sdwards-
Minutes of 2"revio"':is meeting weie read and approved.
It vra,s d^ily moved, seconded and carried that the Gity Treasurer
and G. W. Staples v/rite all companies holding v/arrants against
the City for their approval before completin,^ the sale of
bonds to the First Banlc of Beedsport-
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the bills as O.E*d.
by the finance committee be paid and that v/arrants be drawn
on the respectibe fundc for the several amounts, as follows:
J - I. LIcEay S70.00 Paul Bernhardt §24.57
W. Burnett 133.25 \7. T. Dewar 2.50
Dan Patch 70.00 W. T. Dev/ar 10^75
louis Ohilds 42.50 Shorey Light Zz Pov?er Go. 195.97
Robert Jolmson 30.00 First Bai'ilc of Re.edsport 1.45
Dan ?atch 2.50 0. K. Transfer 8.23
Ed. ?rost 12.50 Port Umpqua Courier 17.20
J. J. Donohue 20.00 Sr.orey Light & Power Go 1.95
A. G. Renn" 125.00 Peerless Pacific Go. 68.70
Geo. LIcHargue 50.00 Eeedsport Lbr. Co. 3.97
W. A. Burdick 50.00 Umpqiia Gash Market 8.65
Glen Oaley 75.00 G. McG. Johjnson 8.00
A1 Slattery 10.00 Southern Pacific Go. 337.40
IV 0- 0. 7. 15.00 V/. S. Bume t 123.75
I'lascott Cafe 5.50 Dr. Glias. Billington 2.00
TOTAL 1,488.82
It v;as duly m:ved, se
Singleton for plankin
and the bidder furnis
conded and carried that the bid o± S.
g the str^-ets be accepted at $5.40 pe
h the nails.
, J.
r M.
It was duly moved, seconded and ca: ried that the Street Goimnittee
be instructed to look into the matter of building a street to the
proposed new Depot sight.
It v/as duly move:;., seconded and carried t^.at the Treasia-er* s
Ker.ort be approved as read. ?ollov7ing is an account of the
various funds of t le Gity and the amount of money in each fund.
Special Vi'ater Pund
Bond Interest lihind
General j\md
Street Fund
Water ?und
Hoad ij\md
Jail Fund
$ 3,510.95
Warrai'its Out Standing -• General 5hind
y/arrants Out Standing - Water j?Lmd
Respectfully Submitted,
W. A. BUKDIGi:, Treas.
There being no further iiusinoss the meeting adjourned.
Regular meeting of the Common Oouncil held Hov. 5, 19S3#
Meeting called to order by Mayor C. McG. Joimson. Present,
Counoilmen John J.. Browne, IT. W. Yarrelmarai, J. H. Austin,
J. C. Mohler and Paul Bemhardt, Eeoorder Caley.
Minutes of preTious riveting wer3 read and approved.
Cor:immiiGation of the Local Post, Ai:nerican Legion, requesting
^ extension of ti'iie for dancing Ilovemher 12th, 1925, read
and granted.
It v/as duly moved, seconded and carried that the Mayor appoint
a memher of the Council to neet with ^ho Budget Co:nmittee at
Hosehurg, Kov. 15th, 1923.
Question of t"'-9 stroet to be constructed to tlie nev; depot
was referred to Street Corimittee to ;Tiahe written report
at nest rieating.
'//ater Committee instructed to fix Creamery water rate with
Earl Stone.
It was diily moved, seconded and carried that the City install
a by];^asr.: at Johnson* s Mill on the City Water Main to
receive service of the large pujnp installed by Mr. Johnson
for ?ire Protection.
Messrs. Joh-nson and Meaher were notified to ap' 3ar before
City Council fo:- a hearing in regard to t-ieir license to
opeiBto a pool and card room. It was moved, seconded and
carried that t'^.is mttor be laid on the table to await the
trial novr pending in Kecorder*s Court, City of Heedsport YS'
Walter I.Ieaher.
Mr. Johnson of the Kainbow Pool Boom pi-oposed that an
Ordinance be passed to close all pool rooms at 12 o'clocli,
midnight. Moved, seconded and carried th-at the Mayor appoint
a conimittoe •of three to draft the 12 o'clock closing
Ordinarice- ihey ai-e J. H. Austin, I?. V:'. Yarrolmat-.n and J. H.
It was d^ily moved, seconded and carried that the bi]ls as
by the-Finance Co/imttoe be paid and that warrants be drawn
on tho respective iftinds for the several amounts. 0?he bills
Soutliern Tacific Co. $337.40 L. 0. Green § 2.00
S. J. Singleton 300.70 D. i Buclcingham 50.00
Shorey & Pov/erCo. 169.66 Jolin Browne 14.16
Dan -"cCartjiy 40^00 Dan McCartlo.-/ 10.00
Dan 'atch 7.50 V. G. Long 153.58
John Zari/igan 12.50 Winchestoj' Ibr, Oo. 29.83
i^ee -uedoalf o.OO i^eedsport Bakery 2.70
A» C. Renn 125.00 Schioeder Jiildenbrand 7.30
Geo. McEargue 50.00 Vaupell^s Phar. 2.00
Glen Caley 75.00 Crane 8: Co. 7.32
'V. A. Burdick 12-50 H. C. V/est 14.73
I- 0- 0. ]?. 13o. 245 15.00 Peerless i-acific 43.05
Unpqua Courier 29.00 Heedsport Lbr. Go. 9.41
i*. W. Tarrelmann 31.77 Paul Bemhardt 169.55
City Treasurer 3,000.00 Paul Bemhardt 61.10
i'irst Bank of Heedsportl,143.36 Umpqua Mills Timber 5.62
It v.-as duly moved, seconded anc sariled t/iat the Treasurer's
iieport be a};^roved as read. S'ollov/ing is an account ox the
variolas funds of tlie City and th.e amount of monev in each
3 ecial water I?und §1,118.99
Bond Interest IPund '2,478.00
General S'luid 466.31
Street Fund 782.88
-V» L"
T/ater i^md
Hoad Fund
Jail Pimd
Total in all Ponds - $5, 'SBS.SS
56 .80
Kespectfully Submitted,
V/. A. BUHDIOE, City Iraasurer. .
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the Treasurer
"be authorized to care for the Bond Interest ii^md, and fo drav;
on the various funds of the City for the amount necessaiy
to cover same.
There "being no furth^ r business the meeting adjourned.
7 LllYOE.
Hegular meeting o±' the Goimon Gouncil held Monday,
December 3rd, 1923.
There being no quorum present, the meeting v/as, continued
until Lionday, December 10th, 1923*
Continued fiegular meeting of the Goramon Gouncil, con
tinued from December 3rd, 1923, held, December 10th, 1923.
There being no quorum present, the meeting was continued
until Monday, December 17th, 1923.
7^ Recorder
I I itTiV -I'• • - 1^. . i
Continued Hegular Meeting of Dec. 3rd, 1923, , continued
this 17th day of BeGGTn"ber, 1923, llayor G. !;IgC. Johnson
Present: Councilmen, John H. Brov/ne, F. V/. Yarrelmnn, J* H.
Austin, J. C, Liohler, Paul Bernhardt and Recorder Galey.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
The following Heport of B- 1'. Buclcinghain, Civil Engineer, was
llarshfield, Oregon. Nov. 25, 1923.
To the City I-lecoidor of the City of P.eedsport, Ore.
This is to certify that I have investigated the use
of water "by the City of Reedsport.
As far as I can determine txom the size of the pipe
and the relative water pressure on the system at Reedsport
at the time of Minimum consumption in the night and the tiine of
llaximum consumption in the day-time hours, I place the minxmum
corruption at 2 to 2-l/2 second feet and the maximum con
sumption at 4 second feet.
In the a"bS3nce of meters on this line this is the
only way I can calculate t-is amount.
(signed) B, X, Buclcingham-
Clear lai:e Gaugings, Bept. 6, 1910 to July 25, 1911.
Sept. 1910 404,300 cu.. ft
Oct. 1910 49,095.800 " ir
iJoV 1910 230,947,200 " rr
Dec. 1910 219,947,200 " rt
Jan. 1911 326,556,800 " If
I?eb. 1911 245,508,200 " IT
March 1911 140,486,400 " II
Ayril 1911 83,452.400 "
92,472,800 "
Hay 1911 n
June 1911 52,021,800 " r?
July ^911 16,507,000 " n
The daily run-off for the minimum month of July
under this tahle would "be 540,000 cu. ft. of 6-1/4 second
feet, which is only one and one half ti-es the•estimated
maxi';ium consumption of Reedsport at present.
The estimated run-off for a minimum year according
to the weather records, will he 2,500,000 cii. ft. per month
if all v/ater which falls is saved.
15 second feet is 1,295,000 cu. ff. or ;ialf of the
total estimated monthly amount for a year.
(Signed) D. 1- Buckin^am, Engineer.
Co-amunication of Jo:m G. Ivlullen, attorney for the V/anacha
Y/coden Ware Co., read, in rei^:Brd to certarbi ri,v]it-of-\vay for
City V/ater Pipe line, and Hocorder instn:.cted to v/rite LIr.
Mullen in regard to articles of agreement drafted "by this
City and forv/arded to his conrcany for approval.
Request of the American Legion to dance after midni^t on the
night and January 1, 1924, read. It was duly moved, seconded
and carried that the American Legion he granted throe houi's
additional dancin;.- after 12 o*clook: on the night of January 1,
A Go iirrdttee appoirjted by the Ghanher of Go imeroe, consisting
of Dr. J. C, ^rice, ?- i. Taylor, A. Uurdock, Sr. Chas.
Billington and "sV. G. Benson, aj^peared "before the Counoil
siid ren;:'BSted that Ordinance Ho. 90 in renard to live stocli:
running: at large, "be inforc?d. It v^as moved, seconded and
carried tha.t the Street Gonmittee worli in conjtmction with
the Ivlarshal and impound all stock running at large.
Dr. J. G. Price spohe v;ith reference to drainage of rainbow
slough, su^^gesting that City Gouncil tal:e action to drain
the 'slough "before the surnmer months*
It v/as moved, seconded and carried that the Street Gor.amttee
r^repare estimate on the building of a street from Dabney or
"L" Street to the new Depot Site, 16 foot drive way and 6 ft.
side \7alk, 5 incli decking for drive wa;?"*
Recorder instructed to write the District Attorney to ascer
tain if County Court designates the County Eoad through the
City or if the Gity can designate t':.e Oounty Road*
It v;as moved, seconded and carried t'-at A1 Green' be
appointed Fire Ghief.
Recorder inst:
City Hall.
•ucted to purchase three sacks of coal for
Ordinance Ho. 105, providing certain closing hours for
certain business and calling, and i-;roviding a penalty,
v/as introduced and read for the first time.
It v/as moved, seconded and cariled that Ordinance IJo. 106
be passed to second reading and read for the second time.
Ordinance llo. 105 tabled for third reading at next regular meeting,
t was moved, seconded and carried that the"bills as Q.E'd.
by the finance Ooi^Tmittee be paid and t];at warrants be dravm
on the respective funds for the several amounts. !?he bills
are :
Shorey light 8: Power Go.
A. G. Henn
Glen Galey
I. 0. 0. IT.
C. V/. Johnson
M. I. Kline & Go,
Umpqua Gash Uarket
IT- L. Baylor
§169,66 :/alv7orth
125.00 Geo. IdcHargue
75.00 './• A. Burdiclc
15.00 Dan lIcGarthy
3.00 V;. M. Dewar
55.17 0. E. 'i'ransfer
4.70 Paul Bernhardt
11.51 Port Umpqua Courier
Ifg. Go 083.48
There being no further business the meeting adjouiTied.
Hef^ular meeting of the Coimnon ConnGil held January 7t}i, 1924,
Mayor :G. HcC. Johnson inresiding. Present: Councilmen John
R. Brovme, i?. 7,'. VarreimEiQii, J. H. Austin, Paul Bernhardt --nd
iieco-.der Glen Caley.
llinutes of Previous Heeting v/ore road and approved.
It v.'as moved, seconded and carried that the City allow the
Creamery Go. al,l v/ater rent xlv to Jamxary 1st, 1924, for the
Creamery Go's, pi-© used b; the City, v;ater rate fixed at 820.00
pel- month to start January 1st, 1924.
It Y/as m"'"ved, seconded and cariled that the Fire Marshal maize
an inspection of all tin chimneys and all fire hazards and
report at nest regular meeting.
Applications of W. T. Dewar Motor Bus license and Heedsport
Jhiel and Transfer Co. Truolc lioense presented. It was
duly moved, seconded and carried that a license "be issued
to each of tlie alDove named applicants.
It v/as raoved, seconded and carried that Ordinance lie. 105
be tai:en from the table and read at third readin,?:.
Section 1 • It shall be unlawful for any billiard or pool
room, shooting galleiy or bov/ling alley, card room or arcr
public room vihere carde, billiards or games of any kind
or sort, are played, to keep open or allov/ games of any
kind or sort, pool, billiards, or exhibition to be played
between the houi-s of 12 o'clock
in the morning of the follov/ing
midnight and 6 o'clock
day or any day.
Section 2. Any person, fizm or corporation violating any of
the provisions of this Ordinance sliall be punished by a fine
of not less than Ten Dollars nor not mo:-e than One Hundred
Section 3.
oraer and.
Inasmuch as it is difficult to enforce lav; and
'to prevent unlav;ful gamin,::, and foi' the reason that
ia Ordinance is necessar,y for the iminediate preservation
t/ie Peace, Health and Safety of the Oity of Heedsport and
inhabitants,vAiJ ^.SPGEi^CY is hereby c.eolared to exist and
this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately
upon its passage by the Gouncil and approval by the Mayor.
Passed by the Common Gouncil this 7th day of
January, 1924.
Approved by the Ivlayor this 7th day of January, 19S4
(Sipned) Glen Caley
It v/as duly moved, seconded and carried that the bills as O.E'd.
by the finance co'nmittee be paid and tliat warrants be dravm
on the respective funds for the several amounts. She. bills are:
Shorey light & Pov/er Co.
Hoy King
J. H. Broivne
Port Umpqua Courier
Geo. IdcSargue
W. A. Burdi ck
I. 0. 0. P. •
Dan UcGarthy
Crane Go.
Dan cCarthy
•'-.0. Henn
&len Caley
A. Green
J. H. IJaTnier
Street Goivimittoe authorised to investi^^ate 16th Street
advise that Llr. Kernan may use same in building of a ship yard.
Heport of Attorney J. H. Ifapier on certain conditions of the
water system read and placed on file.
Proposed Budget of the City of Reedsport, for the year 1924,
as follows:
In acoordanoe uith the provisj ons of Chai'ter 118 of the
General Iia\7S of the year 1921, the Oity of Reedsport, act
ing through its Gity Gouncil, (and Budget Gor.nnittee) "by
virtue of the pov/era vested in t'lem "by law, do Jiere^by ";jropose
for the oonsiderat ion of the tax j-.ayers of the City of
Reedsy ort, the follovring Budget and estimate of receipts and
ex}jenditures for the year 1924. Estiirated expense fot the
year 1924, together with the conounts proposed to "be raised
in Dollars and Gents for the City purpose as i^rovided "by
Section 4304 Oregon Laws, also ta] into account "balances
of several funds of the 30th da,y of June, 1923, together with
th0 estimated revenue from different sources;
TSAR 1924.
imi Bsmu.TE
Gity Attorney $ 600.00
City Recorder 900.00
City Max dial 600.00
City Treasurer 150 • 00
Total - $2,250.00
stationery and Stamps $ 50.00
Street Lights & I?ixtures 2,500.00
Lights & Heat 50.00
l^'ire AvTjaratus 500.00
Total - "IJSTIUoToU"
Rent City Hall , $ 180.00
Printing;' and Publishing 150.00
Salary S'ire Chief 120.00
Insui-ance 57.50
Repairs of Streets 3,000.00
Interest on General Fund Warrants $ 600.00
Interest on V/ater Bonds 3,400.00
Salary V/ater Gorniidssioner 1,800.00
Sinking Fund Bonds 200.00
Id::iintainar)Ge of Water System 3,000.00
Si3 rgency V/ater 'Fund 1,000.00
Total - ^15,500.00
V/ater §13,000.00
Pines 300.00
Delinquent Taxes 3,000.00
A- Total - 016.300.00
TO BE RillSED BY TAXATION $ 7,057.50
Notice is hereby given that the foregoing estimates V7ill be
discussed by the City Council of the City of Reedspoi^t,
with the taxpayers at a Special Meeting of the City Coxincil,
to "be held in the Ci;fcy Hall at Heedsport, Oregon, on the 11th
day of October, 192$^at the hour ox 8 o'clock P.M., on said
day, when and v/iBre any tasipayer subject to the above tax
levy when made, may be heard in favor of or against any of
the said tases rroposed to be made.
By Order of the Gity Council, dated Sept. 18th, 19S4L
Gity r^ecoxder of the Gity of
The matter of purcJjasTng an^addTng nkchrne v/as postponed until
the next regular meeting,
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
Special Meeting of the Common Council V7as called by Mayor
C. LIoG. Johnson on January 23rd, 1924, to consider and act
uv on petitions for filling certain sections of the -Gity.
Meeting ivas called to order by Ilayor Johnson. Those present
v;ere: Councilmen, J. K. Brovaie, W. Varrelmann, J. H.
Austin, Paul Bernhardt, J. 0. Llohler and Iiecorder Glen -Galey.
Petition presented b:/ \V. A. Lovelace v;ith 27 "names
of property oiTners,together with pledges amounting to $87.00,
for the filling of east side of S. P. railroad track.
Petition also presented by E. C. Morris with 40
names of property owners, and pledges amounting to $227.00,
for the filling of west side of S. P. railroad track.
It was moved, seconde'd and carried that a Gommitteo consisting
of four property owners and three members of City Council
employ an engineer to make preliminary survey of yardage -
and estimates of cost of filling, collect all data and
report to the council at regular or special meeting called
for that pui'TOse. The Committee consists of Mayor J-.linson,
Jo>in H. Brovme, J. H. Austin, V;. A. Lovelace, Jos. Lyons,
H. G. Morris and V^. P. Heed.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
A ^
Ileeting called to order "by llayor 0. IvIcO. Johnson. Present,
Gouncilmen F. Y/, Varrelmann, J. H. Austin, John R. Browne, J.
Hohler, Paiil Bernliardt and Recorder Glen Galey.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
Heport of Attorney John D. Goss in regard to filling of
certain seations of the city read and placed on file-
P.ecorders report of recjirts and expenditinges read and
approved- I.Ioved, seconded and carried that Hecorders Heport
he published in the roi'fc Umpqua Gourier, one issue-
It v.'as duly moved, seconded and oarried that the hills .as
OlK*d. "by the finance Gon:-'iittee "be paid and that warrants be
dravm on the respective funds for the several amounts- She
hills are:
Dan McGarthy §31.25 Prank York §19.40
A. II- Blevins 18.15 Pete Ilartel 10.00
A. 11. Blevins 20.00 M. Buss 10.00
A- S. fierce 12.50 Rainhow Gafe 5.00
M. Suss- 15.50 Llascott Cafe 1.25
G- j'roling 15.30 3. P. Go. 23.19
M. G- Llanning 7.80 First Bank of
A. M. Blevins" 7.80 Re edsp ort .70
A. G. Zierce 8.75 Union Iron Wks. 17.85
H. Kinney 7.80 Continental Pipe
•G. V/. Johnson 1.50 Go. 115.54
C. 5?ully 7.80 Reedvroort Fuel &
S. lent 5.00 [transfer Go. 3.75
A- S- Heath 6.00 V/inchester Bay
Harry I'orris 4.60 Lbr. Go. 50.89
S. Le nt 10.00 F. V/. Varrelmann 5.60
P. Be mhardt 40.00 Howard Bernhardt 11.25
D* L- Buckingham 56 .50 I. 0. O.F. 15.00
J. H. Brovme 8.70 Port Ump. Courier 27.00
A. G- Henn 125.00 Paul Bemhardt 28 .55
Geo - LIcHargue 50.00 Dan llcOarthy 25.00
Vi. A Burdick 12.50 Goss ^ Murphy 50.00
Glen Caley 75.00 Goss 8: Hurphy 32.75
A1 Green 10.00 Umpqua Mills &
W. H. Glancy 2o. ^0 Sii.iber Go • 8.95
It r;as duly moved. seccaided and oarried that the Treasurers
Following is an account of t]ie
various fands of the City and the anoimt of money in each
Special ater j^md
Bor.d Interest Pimd
General IT-und
Street Fr.nd
V/ater iB\md
Koad Shind
Jail Fund
Cotal -
Warrants Outstanding - General Fund 03,496.47
Variants Outstanding - Water Fund 56.00
Respectfully Submitted,
V/. A. Burdick, Treasurer.
It was moved, seconded and cariled that tho water Goranissioner's
salary "be raised to One utmdred Fifty ($150#00) Dollars
per month, "beginning February 1st.
2here "being no further "business tlie laeeting adjourned.
P.eguLar meeting of the Conimon C ouncil held March 3, 1924.
Meeting called to order "by Mayor G. McO. Johjison, Present,
Gouncilmen J. R. Brovme, F. W. Tarrelmann, J. H. Austin, Paul
Bei-nhardt, Ben Ilohler and Seoorder Glen Galey.
Minutes of provioiJS meeting were read and aippi'oved.
Co":riunication of District Attorn^ Guy Gorden read in regard
to designation of County Iioad through the City, and placed
on file.
It v;as duly moved, seconded and cai-ried that the "billa. as
0. E'd. "by the fina^ice oom:riittee "be paid and that warrants
"be dravm on the respectibe funds for the several amomts.
The bills are:
B. A. Duffy |3.75 D. L. BucMngliam #115.20
A. G. Ilieroe 4.40 P.. Kinney 2.50
Dan IIcGarthy 11.90 A» G. Kierce 2.50
Union I-/on'VJl:s. £.90 Dan McGartliy 25.41
Union Iron '.'hs. 5.35 A. G. Henn 150.00
Shorey Li^t & Povver Co. W. A. Burdick 12.50
169.66 Geo. McHargue 50.00
Paul Bonihardt 21.45 Glen Galey 75.00
F. L. laylor 25.55 Al. Green 10.00
0. E. 1?ra]isfor 1.50 1. 0- 0. F. 15.00
Port Umpqua. Courier 8.80 Ghapin Staples Inv.Go . 52.50
Llatte'i' of Kight-of-V/a,y for Pipe line from the l.Ienasha V/00den
V/are Go. referred to a co'^^.-dttee of four to investigate legal
phase of agreemeiit and to employ an engineer to mal:e survey and
give location of piipeline- She Committee consists of P. \7.
Yarrollmajin, John H. Brovme, J. H. Austin and Mayor G. McG.
Kiere being no fui'ther business the meeting adjourned.
Special HeGtin^; of the-Common Coxmoil called Llarcli 14tli,
1924, "by Mas^or Johnson to consider and act upon the
follOv/iiTg matters:
1. Franchise of Umpqiia Hills 8-. Timber Go.
I,Ieeting called to order "by IJayor 0. lIcC. Johnson . Those
Present were, Oouncilinen, J. Srovrae, F- V/. Yarrelmann, J.
H. Austin, A. Sdwards, Paul Bernhardt, a.nd Recorder Galey.
Ilr. Hardjj", attoniey for the Unpgua Hill's & Timher Go.
introduced Ordinance Uo« 106, or Franchise granting to the
Ui;at>qua Mills & Timher Co. tiiB right-of-v;ay for spur on
"H" Street.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance I^o. 106
be read for first time.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance ITo. 106
be passed to seconu. reading and read for second time*
It was moved, seconded and ordei-ed that Ordinance IIo. 106
be laid on the table until next reG,ular meeting.
It v;as moved, seconded and carried that tlie Recorder notify
all property ovaaors along right-of-way to mai:e their
objections in writing to the Oity Council before April 1st,
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
^ iviAi'oi?.
Regular lleeting of the Gora::ion Council held April 7th, 1924.
Lleeting called to order by Hay or C. McC. Johnson.
Those present v;ere: Councilmen J. R. Browne, F- W. Tarrelmann,
J. H. Austin, Ben Uohler, Paul Bomhardt and Recorder Caley.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
It was duly moved, seconded a::d. carried that the foil oiling
bills as 0. Z^d. by the finance co'm-flittee be paid and that
v/ariBnts be drami on the respective funds for the several
Shoi^y light Sc Povrer Co.§159.66 McCarthy & Famham- $10.00
Wm. Bei'/ar 8.00 Umpqua Drug Go. S.30
0. E. Transfer 1.00 Umpqua Courier .55
R03/ Peterson 5.28 Paul Bernhardt 40.40
Dan LieGarthy 42.50 Frank Yor^k: 7.50
J. R. Browne 2.40 Reedsport Lbr. Go. .§0
Peerless Pacific Go. 30.91 V/incheotsr Bay Lbr. Gq. 1.88
Pete Hartel 7.50 A. G. Eemi 1150.00
Glen Caley 75»00 Geo. McHargue i 50.00
V/. A. Burdici: 12.50 Al. Green 110.00
1. 0. 0. F. 15.00 1
It was moved, seconded and carried that the Water Gornrnx^sioner
talce inventory 01 tools and property of the City.
Objections to the btdlding of a spur on TE" Street were
filed by the following persons: Ilrs. L. L. Connolly,
J. D. Craig, Maud Oraig, James 0. McAdams, U- Anderson,
?/. S. Gates, C. 3. Benson, (5, 0. Walker, Echo Walker and
B. V/. SJranlclin, together ivith a petition carrying the
names of thirty-one property owners*
Petition presented by Jos. lyons of the Reedsport Garage
Co. to close all^ in block 81 owned by the Eeedsport Garage
Co. , which expects to build on the entire block.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the Reedsport
Garage Co. be granted pe miss ion to close alley in Block 81
of t ie City of iieedsport, Oregon.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the City expend the
amount of §50.00 for repairing roads in the City of Reedsport.
It was moved, seconded and carried to continue this meet
ing until April 14th, 1924 in order to furnish more date
in regard to Umpqua Mills & Timber Co. Spur Track on 16th St
/ Mgcyor,
Continued Meeting of April 7th, 1924, held April 14th, 1924.
Meeting called to order by l^Iayor 0. McC. Johnson. Present,
Counoilmen J. R. Browne, F. V/. Yarrelmann, J. H. Austin,
Ben Mohler, ::Paal Bernhardt and Recorder Glen Caley.
Mr. P. A. Feigart, Division Engineer of the Southern Pacific
Co. appeared in person before the Council and Citizens
of the City of Reedsport, and stated that his office would
not peimit a greater degree of curve than 14 degrees.
Mr. ^rdy, attomey for the Ifeipgua Mills & Timber Cg^,stated
that if there would still be objections to the Spur Track
that Company would prefer to vdthdraw the application from
the City and make application to the Public Service Covjnission.
it was moved, seconded and carried that Ordinaiice h Franchise
Ho. 105 be taken from the table.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance and Franchise
be rejected.
Opinion of Attorney John D. Goss read and placed on file.
Resolution introduced by J. H. Austin, granting to the
Umpqua Mills & Timber Co. the license and privilege to place,
construct, erect, maintain and operate a single track of standard
^age railway over and upon "H" Street and other streets
in the City of Reedsport, Oregon.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the Resolution be
accepted as read, placing the matter in the hands of the Public
Service Commission.
It was moved, seconded and carried to collect data and get
specifications for putting in a tide gate and box in the
dyje at Rainbow Slough and 14th Street.
There being no further "businees the meeting adjourned.
Regular Meeting of the Common Council held May 5, 1924.
Meeting called to order by President J. R. Browne. Present,
Councilmen :!B'. V/. "Varrelraann, Paul Bexnhardt, Ben Mohler,
J- H. Austin (late) and Recorder Glen Galey.
Minutes oi" previous meeting were read and approved.
Conrnnmication of V/. 0, Belt, County Health Officer, read and
ordered filed.
Mr. R. J. Hubbard appeared before the Council in regard to
connecting the City Water Line with the pump of the Y/inchester
Bay Ibr. Co. for emergency water supply. It was moved,
seconded and carried that the V/ater Cor-imittee investigate the
matter of connecting of Mr. Hubbard's puj'np v;ith the City pipe
line and report at earliest possible date.
It was moved, seconded and cariledi.that a committee be appointed
to be Imown as the Sev/age Committee, consisting of the six members
of the Coujicil and the Mayor as Chairman, to make plans
fot the draining of Rainbow division, the establishing of a
dumping ground for all waSte and the drafting of Ordinances for
that purpose.
Matter of cancellation ox the $60,000 Electric li^t Plant bonds
Street Coinmittee instructed to make survey of the street
in Kainb ow UTo. 1.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the follov/ing
bills as 0. Z*d. by the finance committee be paid and that
warrants "toe drawn on the respectibe funds for the several
Shorey Ll^t & Power Co.$169.66 Winchester Bay Ibr. Co.$5.05
S. A. V/eeks 14.00 J. R. Browne 2.24
A- G. Renn 150.00 Ban McCarthy 31.25
Geo. McHargue bO.OO Guy Granger 2.50
Glen Caley 7D.OO Reedsport Lbr. Co. 7.80
W. A. Burdick IS.25 Umpgua Mills & Tbr. Co. .90
Al. Green Paul Bernhardt 105.85
I. 0. 0. F. 15.00 Goss 5: Murphy 53.55
Port Umpqua Courier 3.60 Peerless Pacific Co 29.22
Y/m. Dev/ar 5.00
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Regular Meeting of the Common Council held June 2nd, 1924.
Meeting called to order Y;ith Mayor C. McC. Johnson presiding.
Present: CouQcilmen J. R. Bro\7ne, F. W. Varrelmann, J. H.
Austin, Paul Bernhardt, A- P. Edv;ards, J. G. Mohler and
Recorder Glen Galey.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
The follomng petition was introdxiced:
To the Honorable I^Iayor and Common Council of the City of Reedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon.
We, the undersigned, residents, and citizens and tax payers of
the City of Reedsport, Dou^as County, Oregon, hereby petition
your honorable body for the creation of a Boxing Commission
under and pursuant to the General lav^s of Oregon, Chapter 344,
1919, and that such commission consist of five citizens of the
City of Reedsport, to be appointed by the Mayor of the City
of Reedsport.
Dated at Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, this Snd day
of June, 1924.
(Signed) Maurice Richards, Frank ITorris, Y/. A. lovelace,
R- 0. Stevens, F. L. Taylor, R. G. Woodruff,
Geo. V/. Staples, and A. D. Thomas.
It v;as moved, seconded and carried that a commission of five
citizens be appointed. W. A. lovelace. Chairman, F. L. Taylor,
Lou Schilling, Kariy Johnson and L. A. Eeeves were appointed
as such Commission by the Mayor.
Committee reported favorable
line with the pump of Mr.
on the connection
J. Hubbard.
of the city pipe
It was moved, seconded and carried that the City accept the
offer of Mr. Hubbard for 5b4' of 4" wood pipe at $33.10
per 100 ft. for the connection of the pump for emergency
water supply.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the matter of road
between the City and the new road from Scottsburg be
referred to the Street Committee to confer with the County
It v;as moved, seconded and cariied
Rainbow Street be removed.
that the sidev/alk across
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the following
bills O.K'd. by the finance committee be paid and that
warrants be drav/n on the respectibe funds for the several
Rainbov? Cafe 010.45 Roy Smith $48.13
Ohas. Brancroft 48.13 Glen Husted 38.75
Chas. Froling 28.13 J. A. Casperson 28.13
H. V/. HcXnight 28.13 Ralph Ovmes 28.88
John Ford 26.88 J. "C. Franklin 7.50
W. Pegram 7.50 R. Richards 7.50
0. M. Pond 7.50 Ed. Park 2.50
Robert Bunch 2.50 A. G. Eenn 150.00
Geo. McHargue 50.00 01en Galey 75.00
W. A. Burdick 12.50 Al. Green 10.00
I» 0» 0. F. 15.00 P. Bernhardt 38.25
Claud Kasberg 5.00 Reedsport Lbr.Co. 9.95
Dan I.icCarthy 15.00 Port TJ-apqiia Courier 1.75
V/. T. Dewar 33.50 \'J. T. Dewar 5.25
Y/inchester Bay Ibr. Co. 11.44 Rainbow Cafe 5.00
W'. T. Dewar 5.00 Shoi-ey light & Pov;er 169.66
It was moved, seconded and carried that the Mayor "fee authorized
to tal:e up the matter of building the street from "X" Street
to the Hew Depot.
Al.'Crreen, Fire Chief, asked pennission to establish a fire
alaim and organize a volunteer fire dept. and make chart
of city, Y/hich v/as moved, seconded and unanimously carried.
It was moved, seconded and carried that a committee be
appointed to draft an ordinance amending Ordinance Ho. 75 (Build
ing of Garages) speficying the consti-uction of a fire proof
building. J. H. Austin, ?. Y/. Varrslman, and John H. Browne
were appointed a committee of three coimcilmen to confer with
Stanley D. Chapin and Jacl: Diehl as to the preparation of
such an ordinance.
It ?/as moved, seconded and carried that the Recorder
authorize the State 5*ire Llar^al to standardize all fire
equipment ovmed by the City.
It was moved, seconded and caiTied that the Water Commissioner
be au-chorized to mai:e a survey of all v;ater users of the
It vra,s moved, seconded and carried that the Umpqua Creamery
Co. be asked to appear before the Council and show reasons
why they should not pay $20.00 per month • for water.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned*
Special Meeting of the Common Council was Called by Mayor
JoltQSon on June 27t , 1924, for the purpose of considering and
acting upon the following matters:.
1. Street to Depot.
2. Purchase of iPire Hydrants.
Meeting was called to order T? Mayor C. McC- Johnson
presiding. Iresent, Councilmen J. R. Brov/ne, W. Varrelmann,
J- H. Austin, Ben Mohler and Recorder Glen Caley.
In regard to street to new depot, it was decided to have
all petitions presented at the next regular meeting.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the V/ater Committee
purchase six long J^ire Hydrants.
There being no further business the meeting adjom-ned.
^^^1111111 i I . .A.I.
Regular meeting of the Goraraon Go-uncil held July 7, 1924,
Meeting called to order by Mayor G. HcC. Johnson. Present,
Councilmen J. K. Browne, W. Tarrelmann, J. H- Austin, Ben
Llohler and Reoordor Glen Caley.
Absent Councilmen A. Edwards and Paul Bernhardt.
Minuiies of previous meeting were read and aioproved.
Gommunication of Mr- Y/alter McKay favoring ^he sewer, fill and
the construction of a street to the new Depot, read and
ordered filed.'.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried tliat the report of the
Water Gommittee be approved, fixing the v/ater rate for the
Anderson Pacicing Gompany as follows: January $10.00, Feb. §20.00,
Mar. §20.00, April §20.00, I^ay $20.00, June $20.00, July §20.00,
Aug. §20.00, Sept. §35.00, Oct. §55.00, Hov. $35.00, Dec. $10.00.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the Umpqua
Greamery Co. be allowed additional compensation for the use of
their water pipe until July 1st, 1924, and that the water rate
for said company be fixed at $20.00 per month. Bill of Sale
received and placed on file.
It v/as moved, seconded and carried that the following bills
0. K*D. by the Finance Committee be paid and that warrants be
drawn on the respective funds for the several amounts.
0. B. Walker,
Y/inchester Bay Lbr. Go.
V/inchester Bay Ibr. Go.
A. G- Renn
W- A. Burdick
A. Green
Geo. McHargue
Bill Dev;ar
Port Umpqua Courier
F. I. Taylor
J. I. McKay
Shorey light & Power
It was moved, seconded and carried that J- E. Austin be appoint
ed to conn.')ile all data in District Ho. 1 and ITo. 2 with reference
to the sewer and fill.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
$20.00 Port Umpqua Courier $3.75
20.16 Reedsport Ibr. Go. 1.92
6.61 Umpqua Mills & Timber 3.60
150.00 Glen Galey 75.00
12.50 Dan McCarthy 48.75
10.00 !• 0. 0. F. 15.00
50.00 Bill Dewar 10.25
6.25 Paul Bernhardt 83.93
15.00 F. I. Taylor 9.95
5.50 J. I. McKay 1.00
1.60 Eolie Tixfney Co. 56.75
Regular meeting of the Coiimion Gouncil held August 4th, 1924*
Meeting v;as called to order by President J. E. Brovme.
Present: President J. Browne, Counoilmen F, \7. Varrelmann,
J. H. Austin, Paul Bemhardt, Ben Mohler, A. Edwards and
Recorder Glen Caley.
Absent, Mayor C. McC. Johnson.
Minutes of previous meeting v;ere read and approved.
The following communication was read:
City of Eeedsport,
C/o Counoilmen
Y/e, each for himself, hereby molce application
for the impnovement of "I" Street and East Hailroad Ave.
from 2v;elfth Street to Winchester Avenue.
Respectfully Yours,
J OS. Lyons
V7. P. Reed
V/alter McEay
Reedsport Realty Co.,
By W. P. Reed, Pres.
Approved and placed on file.
Tae report of J. H. Austin on collection of data for fill
and sewer was approved and ordered filed.
It v;as moved, seconded and carried that the natter of street
to School House be referred to the Street Committee for re
port at the next meeting of Council.
It •pra.s moved, _seconded and carried that the bid of Mr.
H- C. V/est of §60.00 for moving planked street off his
property on V/est Railroad Ave. be accepted.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the Street Committee
make report on the grading of Winchester Ave. from the
Bridge to First Street and make specifications for same*
J. H. Austin moved that an Engineer be arpointed in order
that'all reports could be legally signed. l.Iotion seeoBded
and cannriffid l^hat an Engineer be .appointed'. ' ,
Mayor appointed B. I. Buckingham. Moved by J. H. Austin,
seconded by F. VV. Varrelmann that appointment ox" D. L. Buck
ingham be donfirmed City Engineer. Apj^roved by the follow
ing vote: Varrelman, Austin, Bernhardt, Edwards - Yes. I^ays 0.
It \n/as moved, seconded and carried that the resolutions
for Sewer Improvement Districts No. 1 and Ho. 2 be read for
the second time.
It was moved, seconded and carried that resolutions be laid
on the table.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the following
bills 0. Z*d. by the finance committee ba paid, and that
warrants be drawn on the respective funds for the several
Eainbov/ Cafe $6.00
^Geo. McHargue 50.OO
W. A. Burdick 12.50
I- 0. 0. F. 15.00
Shorey Light & Power 174.50
mnchester Bay Lbr. Co. 24.10
Dan McCarthy 27.50
Wm. Dewar 18.75
Peerless Pacific Co. 78.15
J. R. Browne 15.10
Uinpqua Courier .95
A. G. Renn §150.00
Glen Caley 75.00
A. L. Green 10.00
J • H. Aust in 50.00
Paul Bei-nhardt 98.31
ISnpqua ^ills & Timber 12.86
Ban McCarthy 42.60
Peerless Pacific Co. 65.88
S. P. Co. 12.08
Eeedsport Machine Co. 1.80
Reedsport Puel & T. Co. 4.00
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that Resolution for
District IJo. 1 he ammended to incliide alleys in BlocJcs 61, 75
and 76.
Meeting continued subject to call or the Mayor.
Regular meeting of the Common Oouncil held Serteinher 9th, 1924.
Meeting called to order by Mayor C. McC. Johnson.
Upon roll call, those present were: Mayor Johnson, Councilmem
J. E. Browne, P. V/. Varrelmann, J. H. Austin, Ben Mohler and
A. F. jiidwards and Recorder Glen Caley.
Absent: Paul Bernhardt.
Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.
Continued meeting not baring been called before next rep-ular
fixed at"l?0 Atto-xney by tbe Mayor and salary vo?fo? t^ approved by mianimous ^
seconded and carried tliat the City furni^
that the'^Bof^; ol HoLer^f
Sr the labor! of Sohool District be responsible
moved, seconded and carried that the City Snpineer
nn™eu depot onfoerit-theer seiadseieosxt atrnadckc,hetaopgeestthetermwpoitrharya ssutrrveeeyt atond
SsScnoo-jf.!ieirlid°SBridge to ^be^inncohtesotevrerA5vfoe.gbraedtweeeanndF1i6rsftt.Stwreiedet. and
It v;as moved, seconded and carried that the City Attornev make
amo^s^ drawn on the respective funds for the several
W. T. Dewar S2,76 D- L. Buckingham $105.00
A- G. Renn 150.00 G. McHargue 60.00
Glen Caley 75.00 v7. A- Burdick 12.50
Al. Green 10.00 0* 0. F. 115.00
G. W, Melville 5.95 C. R. Keenan 5.95
J- L. Dodson 6.95 J. D. Dodson 11.25
Coos & Curry ^ele. Co. 6.16 Port XJmpqua Courier .80
F. li. Taylor 1.00 Coos Bay Iron VVks. 288.00
s. p. Co. 62.2)8
•. 1 -
Continental Pip® Co. 364.00
M. I. Zline 94.52
0» H. V/est 60.00
Y/. G. Benson 13.60
Reedsporfc S^uel Go. 1.60
TJmpqua Mills & Timber 13.70
Paul Bernhardt 100^48
J. H. Browne 14.40
Reedsport iPuel Go. 2.25
Winchester Bay Lbr. 11.71
Shorey li^t & Power 176.33
Mr. Jos. lyons, representing the Eeedsport Co., stated that
the Reedsport Co. TOuld donate to the City, the following:
Lot7 in Block 49 and lots 4 and 16 in Blook 77, with the
provision that the City vjould build a street on said lots
connecting 15th street and Rainbow Slough.
Meeting continued until Friday, Seiit. 5th, 1924, at
6 o'clock.
Continued meeting oi* Sept. 2nd, 1924, held Sept. 5th, 1924.
Meeting called to order by Mayor C. McC. Johjason.
tipon-Roll Gall those preset, .sfere, Mayor-Johnson, Councilmen
J. R- Browne, P. V/. Varrelraann, A- Edwards, J. H. Austin,
Ben Mohler and Recorder Glen Galey.
Absent, Paul Bernhardt.
Engineer Buckingham's report on street to Uev/ Depot read and
placed on file.
It vs,s moved, seconded and carried that the City adopt the
street from "L" Street to new depot along West Railroad Ave.,
as location for nev; construction. It Viras moved, seconded and
carried tliat a committee of three be appointed with power to *
build street to nev; depot according to plans and specifications
on file. F. W. Varrelmann, J. R. Brovm and J. H. Austin were
It was moved, seconded and carried that the Mayor be named
a fourth member of the Street Committee to build street.
Upon motion, duly seconded Resolution Uo. 1 was adopted as
read by xmanimous vote or Hie Council. Said Resolution
WhereaSj the City Council of the City of Reedsport
deems it expedient and necessaiy to construct a sewer in said
City, to be laid as follov/s:
(A) Beginning at the Umpqua River in Lot 4, Block 47, thence ^
through the alley in Block 46, to 14th St., and along 14th St.
and East Railroad Ave., also along 16th St. to East RR. Ave., also
through the alley in Block 51 and along 13th 3t- and East RR.
Ave. and H. St.
(B) Beginning at the Umpqua River on 1. St., thence along L St.
and 15th St., M St., 14th St., the alley in Block 80, the alley
in Block 82, 13th St. the alley in Block 83, 12th St., L. St.,
M. St., 11th St., and V/inche ste r Ave -, also along 16th St.,
Rainbow Basin, the al Ifey in B lock 77, the alley in Bl&Sik 75,
^all in the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to Reedsport,
Bougias County, Oregon.
(0) Beginning at the Schofield River and 6th St., thence along
the alley adjoining Rainbov/ Slough and Block 6, thence along 7th St.,
G. Ave., H. St., 8th St., 9th St., 10th St., the alley adjoin
ing Ra^bov; Slough and Blocks 2, the alley in Block 3 and the
alley in Block 5, al§ in Rainbow Addition Humber Bwo to Reedsuort,
Douglas County, Oregon.
Also iaie alley In Block 37, thealley in Block 57, tlie alley
in block 58.;. the alley in Block 69, the alley in Block 70,
the alley in Block 71, the alley in Block 72, the alley in
Block 73, the alley in Block 86, the alley in Block 87,
the alley in Block 88, the alley in Block 89, all in the
Amended plat o±' Railroad Addition "Co Reedsport, Douglas County,
Oregon, and all according to the maps for said improvement
on file in the office of the Oity Hecorder of the City of
Heedsport, Dou^as County, Oregon.
And Y/hereas, the City Council has heretofore required •
frcm the City Engineer, and the City Engineer, has pursuant to
such requirement, surveyed out the location, and filed with the
City Recorder for such puipose, plans, and specifications and
profile for an appropriate sev;er, v/ith all necessary catch "basins,
lamp holes, manholes, branches and all things necessary and con
venient for a ccmplete sev.'er, together estimates of the work
to be dona, and" the probable total cost thereof; also the
proportion of the cost of said work to be charged against each lot,
part of lot, and parcel of land benefitted hereby.
And V/hereas, the City Council, after a careful examina
tion of the same finds such plans, specifications, profile and
estimates satisfactory in all respects, therefore
That the City of Heedsport, through its Common Council,
does hereby declare its purpose to construct a sewer, with all
necessary catch basins, lamp holes, manholes and branches to be
laid as follows:
(A) Beginning at the XMpqua River in Lot 4, Block 47, thence
throu^. tlae alley in Block 45, to 14th St., and along 14th St. and
East RR. Ave., also along 16th St. to ^ast R.R. Ave., Also throu^
the alley in Block 51, and along 13th St., and East RR. Ave., and
H« St.
(B) Beginning at the Umpqua River on L- St., thence along 1. St.
and St., M. St., 14th St., the alley in Block 80, the alley
in Block 82, 13th St., the alley in Block 83, 12th St., I. St.,
M. St., 11th St., and Vfinchester Ave., also along 16th St., Rain
bow Basin, the alley in Block 77, the alley in Block 76, and the
alley in Block 75; all in the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition
to Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
(C) Beginning at the Schofield River and 6th St., thence along the
alley adjoining Rainbow Slouj^ and Block 6, thence along 7th St.,
G. Ave., H St., 8th St., 9th St., lOth S"c., the alley adjoining
Rainbow Slough and Blocks 1 and 2, the alley in Block 3 and the
alley in Block 5, all in Rainbow Addition Bumber Two, Reedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon. Also the alley in Block 37, the
alley in Block 57, the alley in Block 58, the alley in Block 69,
the alley in Block 70, the alley in Block 71, the alley in Block 72,
the alley in Block 73, the alley in Block 86, the alley in Block
87, the alley in Block 88, the alley in Block 89, all in the
Amended tfflat of Railroad Addition to Reedsport, Douglas County,
Oregon, and all according to the llaps for said improvement on file
in the office oi" the City Recorder of the City of Reedsport,
Dou^as County, Oregon*
That the probable total cost of said sev/er is estimated
to be $34.884.05 , including five percent of said estimate for
advertising, engineering and superintendence.
That an assessment district of the property to be benefited
and assessed for the cost of the Construction of said sewer is
hereby declared and made, defined and determined to be as follows:
(a) Beginning at the Tfeipqua River in Lot 4, Block 47, thence
,through the alley in Block 46, to 14th St., and along 14th St. and
East RR. Ave. also along 16th St. to East RR. Ave., also throu^
the alley in Block 51, and. along 13th St. and East RR. Ave., and
H. St.,
(B) • Beginning at the Umpqua River on I St, thence along L# St.
and 15th St., IvI. St., 14th St., the alley in Bloclc 80, the
alley in Block 82, 13th St., ths alley in Block 83, 12th St.,
L. St., M. St., 11th St., and Winchester Ave., also alon^ 16th St.
Rainhow Basin, the alley in Block 77, the alley in Block 76,
and the alley in Block 75, all in the Amended Plat of Railroad
Addition to Reedsport, Douglas Coujatyj OregOB.
(G) Beginning at the Schoiield I^iver and 6th St., thence along
the alley adjoining Rainhov; Slough and Block 6, thence along
7th St., G. Aye., H. St., 8th St., 9th St., 10th St., the
alley adjoining Rainboiv Slough and Blocks land 2, the alley'
in Block 3, and the alley in Block 5, all in Rainbow Addition
IJumber Tv/o to Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon. Also the
alley in Block 37, the alley in Block 57, the alley in Block
58, the alley in Block 69, the alley in Block 70, the alley in
Block 71, the alley in Block 72, the alley in Block 73, the
alley in Block 86, the alley in Block 87, the alley in Block
88, the alley in Block 89, the alley in Block 87, the alley in
Block 88, the alley in Block 89, all in the Amended Plat of
Railroad Addition to Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, and all
according to the Maps i'or said improvement on i'ile in the
office of the C ity Recorder of the City of Reedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon,
And th& whole cost of the construction of said sewer shall be
bome by and shall be assessed to the lots, parts of lots
and acreage property liable therefore and benefitted by the
construction thereof in proportion to th^ benefits accruing to
each lot, paxt of lot, or acreage property as shall be ascer
tained and determined by the City Council.
2hat the plans, specifications, estimates and profile
for"the construction fif said sewer filed with the Recorder is
in all things ratified and approved.
5?hat the City Recorder is hereby directed to public
this "resolution and to post notices containing the same as
required by the Charter of the City of Reedsport.
Passed by the Conmon Council, this
5th day of September, 1924.
It v/as duly moved, seconded and oarrled that Hesolution lo. S
be tikon from the tahle ana read for third time-
Upon motion duly seconded Xlesolution l^o. 2 was adopted as read
by unanimo-vis vote'of the Council, to-v/it:
!I}hat the Common Council deem it exj^edient and
necessary to improve certain streets and parts of streets in
the City of Heedsport, described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning 3ast RR. Ave. from 16th St., to V/inchester Ave., all
of Ct. St., all ox Kainbow Basin, H. St., from Sast HE. Ave#,
to 16th St., Ij. St., from East RR. Ave., to Umpnua River,
'M. St., from ^ast R.R. Ave., to 16th St., Winchester Ave., from
East-HR. Ave., to the easterly line of Block 101, all in the
Amended ^-'lat of Railroad Addition to Reedsport.
All of 16th St., from Bast R.R. Ave., to a point 60 ft. north
erly from V.'inchester Ave., all of 15th St., from the iMpcfaa River
to V/inchester Ave., 14th St. from East HR. Ave. to Winchester
Ave., 13th St., from East BR. Ave., to '/»inchGster Ave., 12th
St. from East RR. Ave., to M. St., 11th St. from East RR. Ave.,
to V/inchester AVe., the alley in Block 46, the alley in Block
51, the alley in Block 75, the alley in Block 76, the alley
in Block 77, the alley in Block 79, the alley in Block 80,
the alley in Block 81, the alley in Block 82, the alley in
Block 83, the alley in Block 84, the allay in Block 85,
all in the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to Reedsport.
Beginning 7th St- from Rainbov; Slough to L. St., 8th St- from
Eainbov; Slough to the Southerly Line of V/inohester Ave-,
9th St. from Rainbov; Slou^i to L. St., 10th St., between
Blocks 1 and 2, of Rainbow Addition.
GAve., from 7th St., to 8th St., H St., from 7th St. to West
HR. Ave., I. Ave., from 7th St. to "./est RR. Ave., V/inchester
Ave. from Sth St., to Vjest RR- Ave., West RS. Ave., from
Rainbov; Sloug]i to V/inchester Ave.,
The alley in Block 3, Rainbow Addition, the alley in Block 56,
Amended Plat of Railroad Addition, the alley in Block 71, the
alley in Block 72, the alley in Block 73, the alley in Block
86, that portion of the alley in Block 87 fronting lots 1 and
2, and 11 and 12, all in the Amended Plat of Railroad Addi
tion of Reedsport*
That Street in Rainbo" Addition llo- 2 fronting Rainbov; Slough
from West RR. Ave. to 7th St., All in Rainbov; Addition llo. 2
and the Amended ivlat of Railroad Addition to Reedsport.
And the City Engineer is hereby required and directed to sur
vey out the location, and to prepare and file v;ith the City
Recorder, pla:is and specifications for an appropriate improve
ment, and estimtes of the v;ork to be done and t:ae probable
cost thereof, togethea' vath a statement of the lots, parts
of lots and marcels of land to be benefitted by such proposed
improvement, and the percerjtage of the total cost of improve
ment v/hich each- of such lots, varts of lots and parcels of
land should pay on account of the benefits to be derived
from such proposed impiovement♦
Passed by the Common Council this 5th day of September, 1924.
Ordinance IIo. 107 v;as introdnoed and read for the first
time, said Ordinance ITol 107 "beinr entitled "AH Oi?DIHAnCB
[UO Pr:0HI3I2 Horses, miilas, cattle, sheep, 3oats and sv/ine
from rmaning at large v.ithin the corporate limits of the
Oity of ReedspoDit, and declaring a-n emergency.
It Was duly moved, seconded and carried t \at Ordinance ITo.
107 "be v-assed to the second reading and read for the second
Upon^motion duly made, seconded and carried Ordinance
IJo. 107 was ordered laid on table-
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the Council
authorise tho Shorey Light Sa Power Go. to order on approval
One - Electric Siren costing (>250.00 plus freight.
There "being no further "business the meeting adjourned
suliject to the call of the Mayor.
GontinuGCL meetin-^ of Sept. 5th, subject to Gall of Mayor-,
was adjou^'ned "by Kayor, no call having "been made.
Kegular Ileeting of the Common Council held October 6th, 1924.
lleeting called to order by Mayor.
LJ;oon roll call the follovring were present: Mayor Jolinson,
Councilmen Bernhardt, Browne, Varrelmanh, Austin and Recorder
Caley. Absent, Mohler and Sdwards.
Minutes of last meeting wore read and approved.
designation of A- P. Edwards as Councilman read.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded the resignation of
A. f. Edwards was accepted.
Upon call by the Mayo:, for nominations for election of
councilman to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of A. F
Edwards, H. L, Chapin was nominated. There being no further
nominations, nominations were declared closed, tellers were
appointed and the council proceeded to ballot uv.on the
election of a councilman. H- L. Chapin received 4 votes.
Tiie Mayor thereup'On declared E. L* Cliaoin elected to fill the
une3j.:ired term of A. 5^. Edwards, reieigned. H. X. Cha'Din took
oath of office and v.-as seated as councilman.
Communication of D. L. Buc]£;inghara v:as read on niatter of
grading V/inchester Ave . betv;een Schofield Hiver and 1st Street,
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, said re'riort
was accepted and ordered filed.
Street Committee reported on construction of street to Depot.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried said re-ort v/as
acceptel Eind ordered filed.
Ordinance IJo. 107bv;as, upon motion, talcen from the table and
read for the third time.
Upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried Ordinance EFo. 107
ms put to a Y0t3 and was adopted by the following vote:
Aye 5.
lo. 4).
Upon motion duly made seconded and carried. Ordinance Ko. 107
vra,s ordered pulDlished one time in the Port TJmpqm Courier
and tlrree oqcies ordered posted.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, City Marshall
x^/as instiucted to "build and place three "bullitin hoards for
city use in appropriate places.
Ur.on motion duly seconded and carried, Ordinance Ho. 108,
entitled: "AH OI{DIILOJGE providing for the construction of a
sev/er in the City of Keeds^^-ort, according to the plans and
specifications adopted and approved "by resolution of the
Common Coxincil on the 5th day of Soptemher, 1924, and
on file vdth tlxi City Eecorder", v/as read for the first time.
%on motion said ordinance v/as passed to second roading and
read for the second time. Uoon motion said ordinance \ms
passed to third reading and read for third time. Said
Ordinance Ho. 108 was then, upon motion duly made and seconded
put to its final passage. A poll of the votes "being talien
said or0.inance v;as passed "by tho follov/ing vote: Aye 5. Mo 0.
The follov.lng resolutions were submitted to the Council
and read:
Resolution Eo. 1.
I? IS EES0LY3D BY THE CIl^I 0? RS3D3P0HT, that that
certain street v/ithJ.n the City of Heedsport lyins "betvfeen
Bloc): 77 and Blocli: 50, and "between Blcoi: 49 and Block 78
and extending from the intersection of 15th Street and I Street
Easterly to "the Umpnua River, all in Kailroad .Addition to
I'-eedsport, as per tlie Amended Plat of said Addition, "be
hereafter deiiiignated and Imown as L. Street; and tliat
street lying "between Blocks 50 and 80 and extending fron the
intersection of I Street and 15th Street, Easterly to the
UmT)aua Hiver be known hereafter as "H" Street.
Hesolution Ho. 2.
persons desiring a copy of plans and specifications for sewer
construction, be required to deposit the sum of §5.00
with the City Recorder for each set of such plans so withdrawn
from the office of the said Recorder, said sum to oe returned
to depositor upon retuin of plans in good condition.
Passed this 6th day of 0oto"ber, 1924*
(Si,q:r.ed) Glen Caley (Signed) G. IJcC. Johnson
Reco ider MA.YOR.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried said Resolutions
were adopted as read and ordered filed v/ith City Recorder.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the City Attorney
was instructed to prepare an ordinance to be submitted at next
regular meeting of the Council regarding tho disposal of
U-non motion duly made, seconded and carried it was ordered
that the City Attoiney prepare fomi of ballot for City Election,
to include repeal of CMrter Amendment referring to eleotrio
light bonds.
Upon motion drily made, seconded and carried, City Attorney
^-Tas instructed to take up matter of opening of V/incliester Ave-,
to traffic, ox^posite present dep-ot.
Jlie matter of aypointing a Budget Committee being brought
to the attention of t/ie Council, the following men v/ere
appointed to serve as such committee:
S- D. Ghapin, V;. P. Heed, R. J. .Hubbard, John
W. Heeder, S. \7. I'ranklin and Y/- A. Burdick. ^
(Amendment to minutes) It being found that \7. A. Burdiok was
unable to serve, H. S. Kei'aiedy v;as later aj.pointod on
said committee by Ilayor Jclmson.
Upon Liotion duly mde, seconded and carried, October 10th,
1924, visLB set as first meeting of Budget Oommittee, at 8
o'clock P.M.
Moved, seconded and carried that a commttee of three be
appointed to make report at next meeting for proposed
parking ordinance. Messrs. Austin, Chapin and Varrelmann
avpointod by Mayor to serve as said committee.
Upon motion duly ".lade, seconded and car:ied. City Attorney
was instructed to submit a fom of dog licenciiig ordincnce
at next meeting.
It "7as duly moved, seconded and carvied that the following
bills as C. II* d. by the finance committee be paid
and warrants be dravm on the respective funds for the
various amounts:
A. G. Henn §150.00 Al. Green §10;00
Geo. ilcHargue 60.00 I. 0. 0. P. 15.00
Glen Galey 75.00 V/. G. Benson 50.00
7/. A. Burdick 12.50 J. L. Dodson 43.75
S. J. Brooks 4.50 Christ Jergerson 37.50
Steve L'olan 15.50 Geo. Blake 1H.50
S. II. Roberts S . 50 \i. A. Balcer 16.90
0. Wiolrstrom 20.00 P. IJ. Peterson 17.50
J. L. Dodson 68.75 J. Zrischel 5.00
Paul Bernhardt 20.45 V/inchester Bay Lbr. Co. 6.30
Peerless Pacific Go. 29.77 Port Umr-aua Courier 41.10
V/inchester Bay ibr. Co. 4.S3 V/m. Dewar 134.25
V/m. Dev/ar 14.00 needsrort Puel Go. 2.00
Umpqua Hills lo Tirnber Co. 19.88 0. E. transfer 22.04
Union Iron V/ks.. 2.90 L. raylor 9.56 ^
B. I. Buckingham 71.50 Vjinchester Bay Ibr. Gol53.47
';/inchoster Bay Lbr. Go.1,194.28 ]?. I. Taylor 33.40
Hainbow Cafe 10.00 Shorey Xight So Pov;er 179.65 :
There being no further business the meeting was, uiion
motion, continued, subject to.the call of the Mayor.
Hec order.
Continued meeting of October 6th, 1924, for the purpose
of opening;; Bids for Sewer, held on October 20th, 19£4.
Meeting called to order "by Mayor 0. UcG. Johnson.
Present: Mayor Johnson, Councilmen J. H.Broi.TOe, P. Yh Varrelman,
J. PI. Austin, H. L.' Ghapin, J. C. Mohler, Paul Bernhardt
and Hecorder Glen Galey.
lleeting' oallsd to order and City Attomey V/. G. Benson
explained that th-3 plans and speeificatior.s did not Gor:'espond
v'ith the SiddingBlimlcs, therefore \70uld not recorrtaond
continuein:^ v;it'i saroe.
Bids of five contractors v/ere placed on the table.
It v/as moved, seconded and carried that the City Coxmcil
reject all bids and return bids "unopened to bidders.
It v/as moved, seconded and carried tliat the Gity employ the
services of Teal, V/infree, Johnson & IlcOolloch, Bond
Attorneys of Portland, to pass upon the legal proceedings
of sev/er imi:rovement.
Gity Attorney authorized to go to Portland tfi confer with
Boni Attorneys.
Taere being no further business the meeting adjourned.
Regular meeting of the Coinmon Council held Eov. 3rd, 1924.
This meeting was dtily and regtilarly held with Uayor C.
HcC. Johnson presiding.
Those present were, Mayor Johnson, Counoilmen J. R. Browne,
H. i. Ghapin, J. C, Llohler and Recorder Caley.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Petition o± the property owners of Rainhow Addition IJo. 1,
arriving for improvement district for sewer, read and
placed on file*
City Attorney Benson stated that the Southern Pacific Co.
had agreed to move the fence in the Street at Winchester Ave«
and East RR. Ave.
Ordinance. Uo. 109 was introduced and read.
It v;as moved, seconded and carried that said Ordinance No*
109 "be passed hy the Council-
Section 1. Ordinance Ho. 108 oi the Ordinances of the
City of Heedspoit, is hereby repealed.
Section 2. V/hereas said Ordinance IIo. 108 relates to
the creation of Sewer Improvement Districts within said
City and provides for certain wrlc to be done, a3ad v^iereas
the work as outlined in said ordinance and the proceedings
relative to the creation of said improvement district
have been found to be illegal, and viiereas there is con
templated that new proceedings be immediately begun, and
whereas it is necessary for the peace, health and safety
of said city that this ordinance go into immediate effect,
an emergency is hereby declared to exist and tiiis ordinance
sh-all be in effect immediately upon its passage by the
council and approval by the Mayor.
Passed by the Common Council this 3rd day of
Hovember, 1924, by the following vote:
Aye 4.
Hay 0'.
Submitted to the l^layor this 3rd day of Eov. 1924.
Approved by the LCayor this 3rd day of Eov. 1924«
Attest: (Signed) 0. McO. Johnson
(Signed) Clen Caley
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that Resolution Ho.
la be passed.
That all resolutions heretofore passed relative to sewer
constuction be, and the same are hereby declared void and
of no effect.
Passed by the Council this 3rd day of Hov. 1924.
(Signed) G-len Caley.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that Resolution Ho- 1,
for sewer district Ko. 1, requiring City Engineer to make
and tile estimates for improvement be adopted as read.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried tliat Resoluliion Ho. 2
for sewer district Uo. 2, requiring City Engineer to make
and file estimates for sewer imjirovement, "be adopted as read*
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that Resolution Ho* 3,
for sewer district l^o. 3, requiring Gity Engineer to make and
file estimates for sewer improvement:, "be adopted as read.
Resolution IJo. 4, giving notice to all property omers within
sewer districts as to amount of proposed assessments and
setting day for remonstrances, was, upon motion, duly made and
seconded, adopted as read.
Resolution Ho. 5, approving plans fi^e"! Engineer and
giving notice o±' sewer improveipent^,°'*wa&V'u;?oh motion duly made
and secorided, adopted as read.
Resolution IJo. 6, approving plans filed "by City Engineer and
giving notice of sewer improvement for District l^o. 2, was,
upon motion duly made and seconded, adopted as read.
Resolution ITo. 7, approving plans filed "by City Engineer and
giving notice of sewer improvement for District ITo. 3, v/ES,
upon motion duly made and seconded, adopted as read.
Permission granted to the American legion for dancing until
2:30 0 *clock A.M., Wednesday, Eovember 12th, 1924.
It v/as duly moved, seconded and carried that the following "bills^
0. E'd. "by the finance coinmittee, "be paid and tliat warrants
"be drawn on the respectibe funds for the several amounts.
John R. Browne
Shorey li^it & Pov/er
Geo. LIcHargue
V/. A. Burdick
Al. Green
V/inchester Bay Lhr. Co.
M. 1. Zline Co.
Crane 5b Co.
Paul Bemhardt
Wm. Dewar
J. I. Dodson
D. L. Buckingham
Goss & Murphy
$36.75 Port TJmpqua Courier $51.80
183.18 A. G. Renn 150.00
50.00 Glen Caley 75.00
12.50 W. G. Benson 50.00
10.00 01 . 0. 0. P. 15.00
61.75 Umpqua Mills & Timber 11.33
28159 Coos So Curry Tel. Co. 10.25
15.00 Peerless Pacific Co. 6.60
106.57 \7. LI. Dewar 9.25
10.50 Reedsport Fuel Co. 2.18
28.15 J. I. Dodson 46.90
125.50 Y/. G. Benson 40.75
It was duly moved, seconded and ordered that a Committee of
two be aiDpointed to make anji inspection of the Dyke, together
with the'Marshall, H. L. Chapin and Paul Bernhardt having been
.r^ion duly made, seconded, .nd parrieji, the for^
was deG!!r3635e4^he result of the canvass of said vgi-a^Tand an
abstract ofsSnjo^nread on the minutes and.j£iWa Y;ith the
Ordinance Bo. 110 Ievying-.«r''t?a5""l^a?Kj,r^^ and read for
the first time. It,„j#a;S'"raoved, secondeate4.,i2^ried that
Ordinance E2,.^-3:X0be accepted as read and reaBr'"'-&u:,..^cond time.
It , seconded and carried that Ordinance So^-ilO
aid on the table until next meeting.
Meeting continued until Hovembeir l7th, 1924
Recorder. /
Special Meeting of the Gormnon Counoil was called by Mayor
Johnson on Eovemher 10th, 1924, for the purpose of the
canvass oi" votes cast at the General Election held in the
City of Eeedsport on the 4th day of Hoveciber, 1924,
for the purpose of electing certain officers of the City •
of Eeedsport*
Those present were: liJayor C. McC. Johnson, Councilmen
J. R. Browne, F. V/. Varrelmann, H. I. Chapin, Ben Mohler
and Recorder Glen Caley.
Pursuant to call therefor, the matter of the canvass of
votes cast at the General Election held in the City of
Reedsport on the 4th day of November, 1924, for the purpose
of electing
was taken up.
Upon a canvass of the votes cast at said election and of the
returns made by the Judges and Clerks of election, to this
body, it is found that there were cast at said election
for Mayor 454 votes, of ^-lEiiGh number 566 v/ere cast for C.
i.icC. Johnson, ^ for S. D. Chapin, 11 for W. P. Reed, 1
for W. A. Lovelace, 1 for W. G. Benson, 1 for Jos. Lyons, and
1 for lew Reeves.
For Recorder there were cast 491 votes, of which 555 were
cast for Glen Caley, and 156 for Mrs. C- C. Clarke.
S'or Treasurer there v;ere cast 404 votes, of v/hich 593 were
cast ±'or V/. A. Burdick, 4 for Geo. Staples, 1 for F. 17.
Varrelmann, 1 for E- V/. Franklin, 1 for Jim Johnson, 2_
for Pal Harrison, H for Frank UqitTs.
For Councilmen the follopang is a list of candidates with
the votes cast for each set opposite their names:
J. E. Austin, 287
Paul Bemhardt 395
J. R. Browne 414
H. L. Chapin 596
W. A. Lovelace 411
Frank L. Taylor 599
J. H. Meyers 192
V/hereupon C. McC. Johnson was declared elected Mayor, Glen
Caley Recorder, W- A- Burdick, Treasurer, and the following
CouQcilmen elected: John R. Browne, H. L. Chapin, Frank
Taylor, Paul Bernhardt, V/. A. Lovelace and J. H. Austin.
Upon motion duly made, seconded, put and carried, the-fore
going was declared the result of the canvass of said votes
and an abstract of same S2-)roaa on the minutes and filed v;ith
the Recorder.
Ord1ri~inno IToi 110 lovyint"^ a Tqh wqo introdi^ood and roa(
the firit""^^!!yi----i^t--na5_raoved, at] a mi iirrrTh^.t,
Ordinance Ho. 110 be read for sejTond time
^It carried inn
Ikr^aiaT^ "the "table luatil ncsrt mcotinga
There being no further business the meeting adj*o;;rned
Recorder. 7
Continued Eegular Meeting of HoYemoer 3rd, 19S4, held lloveniber
17th, 1924.
Meeting called to order "by Mayor C. MoO. Johnson.
Those present were: l^yor Johnson, Gounoilmen J« E. Brovme,
J. H. Austin, H. L. Cliapin, J. G. Mohler, Paul Bemhaxdt
and Hecorder Caley.
This meeting was held for the purpose ot hearing objections,
to the, proposed sewer assessments. IJo written ohjeotions ^
being filed and no oral objections being made at this meet
ing, it was moved, seconded, passed and so ordered that
proposed assessments as publishedbe declared, the proposed
assessments to be levied upon the property listed in said
(/ Resolution Ho. l*Bcalling for a special election of the legal
voters of the City, to be held on the 16th day of December,
1924, for the adoption or rejection of Charter Amendment
Ho. 109, was, upon motion, daly made and seconded,
adopted as read.
Ordinance Eo. 110, being an ordinance entitled: "Alf OHDIIJANOE
I37YIKG A TAX on all of the property situate within the
corporate limits or the City of Eeedsport, for all puiposes,
in the sum of $7,527.60y was introdiiced and read for first
Ordinaiice Bo. 110 was, upon motion duly made and seconded,
passed to second reading and read for second time.
TJr)on motion duly made, seconded and carried Ordinance Ho* 110
was laid on table until next meeting.
Ordinance llo. Ill entitled: "AK OKDIilAJIOE imposing a license
tax upon dogs, providing for its collection, pro^xibiting
dogs from lunning at large in the City of Eeedsport without
a license, and imposing penalties for the violation of this
ordinance", was introduced and read for first and second
XTpon motion duly made, seconded and carried Ordinance Ho. Ill
was laid on table until next meeting.
Ordinance Ko» 112 eiititled: "AI? OEDIHAIIGE to provide for the
prevention and removal or nuisances and to punish those ?/ho
allov/ them", was introduced and read for the first time.
It was moved, seconded and cari^ied that Ordinance llo. 112
be laid on the table for further discussion-
There being no farther business the meeting adjourned.
.. ..
Special Meeting of the Common Council was called "by Presid
ent John R. Broime on llovember 24th, 1924, for the purpose
of the Passage ox Ordinance Ho. 110 levying a tax for the
year 1925.
TJ-i^on roll call those present •were: President John E. Brovnae,
CounciLmen J. H. Austin, Paul Bemhardt, H. I. Chapin,
J. C. Mohler, and Recorder Galey.
It Y/as moved, seconded emd carried that Ordinance Ho. 110
"be taken from the table and read for the third time.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance Ho» 110
be adopted as read.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried Ordinance Ho. 110
was put to a vote and v/as adopted by the following vote:
Aye 4
Hay 5
There being no farther business the meeting adjourned*
Recorder. /
Regular meeting of the Conraon Coimcil held December 1st, 1924.
Meeting called to order by Llayor 0. McC. Johnson.
Q]hose present were: Mayor Johnson, OoiuiGilmen J. K. Brovme,
F. W, Varrelmann, J. H- Austin, J. C. Ilohler, H. S)* Chapin,
and Recorder -Gflen Oaley.
Minutes of previcus meeting were read and approved.
Gorrummications of the State Board of Health approving the
outlets of the sewer were read and placed on file.
D. L. Buckingham called attention to the Roosevelt Highway
surrey running along the edge of Cleiar Lake.
The question of a li^ht at 14th and M. Streets, and at the
comer of 12th and V/inchester Ave., v;as referred to the Light
Committee on parking Ordinance asked for more time to report
which was allowed.
It v;as moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance Ho. Ill
Ije taken from the table and read for third time.
It \ms moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance Ho. Ill,
"An Ordinance imposing a license tax upon dogs", be put to a
vote and v/as adopted by the follov/ing vote:
Resolution Ho. 8 requiring all persons to deposit a fee of
$5.00 before receiving sewer plans, was, upon motion duly
made,aseconded and carried.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the bills
as 0. E*d. by the finance committee be paid and that warrants
be drawn on the respective funds for the several amounts,
'as follows:
Co. 185.00
r Co. 8.62
A. G. Renn
Glen Galey
W. A. Burdick
I. 0- 0. F.
H. Ponville
H. Fonville
Dorothy Getty
S'rariCes V/illiams
G. 0. Clark
Irwin Hods on Co.
Y/. LI. Dewar
Peerless Pacific Co.
R:?edsport Fuel Co.
V/. M, Dewar
D. X. Buckingham
Shorey Light & Power
Umpqua Mills & Timbe
Geo. McHargue
W. G. Benson
A. Green
J. L. Dodson
H. Fonville
Ituby L- Taylor
Ruby Slatteiy
Geo. Miles
Umpqua Drug Co
M. L. Eline
Reedsport Fuel Co.
Reedsport Fuel Co.
Paul Bernhardt
Chas. A. Eardey
Port Umpqua Courier
V/inchester Bay Lbr. 06. 8.40
Schroeder & Hildenbran 16.50
Bills of F. L. Taylor, J. 3. Price, Election board of East
Precinct, laid on table for further discussicm.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the City Attorney
''.7. G. Benson prepare the ballots and get pole books for
sioecial election to be held December 16th, 1924 on Charter
Amendment Ho. 109.
There being no. further business -the. meeting .adjourned, subject
to call of Mayor.
Special Meeting of the Coniinon Co-uncil held December 22,
1924, for the purpose of considering and acting upon the
following matters:
!• Umpqua Mill & Timber Co. spur;
2. Canvass of votes cast at Special Election;
3. Passage of Ordinances Ho. 113, 114 and 115.
Meeting called to order by Mayor C. McC. Johnson.
Those present were: Councilmen J. R. Browne, J. H. Austin,
H. L- Chapin, Paul Bemhardt, J. G. Mohler and Recorder
Glen Caley.
(The matter oi" franchise for the spur of the Umpgu Mills &
Ti'nber Co. was read.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried J'ranchise Ordi
nance Eo. 117 was read for first time.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance Ko. 117
be laid on the table-
Pursuant to call therefor the matter of the canvass of votes
cast at the Special Election held in the City of Heedsport
on the 16th day or December, 1924, for the puin-ose of adopt
ing Charter Amendment Ho. 109, v/as taken up.
Upon a csmvass of the votes cast at said election and of the
returns by the Judges and Clerks of election to this body,
it v/as fcund that there were cast for the amendment 23_ votes,
and against the amendment 2^ votes.
Ur)0n motion duly made, seconded and carried the foregoing
was declared the result of the caxivass of said votes and an
abstract of same ordered spread on the minutes and filed with
the Recorder.
Ordinance Uo. 113, providing for t'm construction of a sewer
in District #2, was introduced and read for the first time.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried. Ordinance Ho. 113
was passed to the second reading.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried Ordinance Ho. 113
was passed to the third reading, and read for the third time.
Upoh motion duly made, seconded and carried Ordinance Ho. 113
was put to a vote and was adopted by the following vote:
Aye 5
Hay 5
Ordinance Ho. 114, providing for the construction of a sewer
in District Ho. 3, was introduced and read for the first timet
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Ordinance Ho. 114
Was passed to the second reading.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and cairied Ordinance Ho. 114
was passed to the third reading, and read for the third time.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried Ordinance Ho» 114
v/as put to a vote and was adopted by the following vote:
Aye 5
Hay 5
Ordinance Ho. 115, providing for the construction of a sewer
in District Ho. 1, was introduced and read for the first time#
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Ordinance Uo.
115 was passed to the second reading.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried. Ordinance Ho.
115 was passed to the third reading and read for the third
Upon Motion duly made, seconded and carried. Ordinance llo.
lib was put to a vote and vra.s adopted "by the follovfing vote:
J. H. Austin v/as authorized to meet State Highway
Commission in regard to the Roosevelt Highv/ay passing along
the edge of Clear Lake, as Council deems it necessary i'or a
nev7 survey o±' Roosevelt Highway along the Lake on accoimt
of sanitaiy conditions affecting City Water Surply.
There "being no farther business the meeting adjourned*
Regiilar Meeting of the Cosmon Coxmoil held January 5th, 1925«
Meeting called to order "by Llayor C. McC* Johnson.
Ihose present were: Mayor Johnson, Cotincilnien J. R. Browne,
F. V/. Yarrelman, J. S, Austin, E. L. Ghapin, Paul Bernhardt,
J. C, Mohler and Recorder Glen Caley.
Minutes o± .previous meeting were read and approved.
J. H. Austin, Committee ox One appointed to confer v;ith the
State Ei^iv;ay Commission, reported that he had attended the
meeting of State Hig-'hway Commission at Portland and had
requested a new survey for Ro.osevelt Highway around Clear
Lake, and that the Hij^xvay CommiBsion had appeared disposed
to acceed to the City's request.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the City Engineer
go over the Clear Lake country to find a new location for the
Roosevelt Highv;ay.
"It was moved, seconded and carried th^t the hill of the
bhorey Lignt and Power Company taken from the table
for further consideration.
It Y;as moved, seconded and carried that the hUl of the
Shorey Light So Power Comply, for siren and installation
of same in the amount of J|^69.53, he paid.
It v;as moved, seconded and carried that the hills as 0- Z*d.
hy the finance committee be paid and that v/arrants he drawn
on the respective funds for th3 several amounts. [Phe
hills are:
A» G-. Renn
Y/. Gr. Benson
V/. A. Burdidk;
1. 0. 0.
Bill Karris
1- 0. Green
Hattie Traylor
J.A. LieCully
H. Stta Zeihig
Herman Q)hiel
Liahel Kennedy
Elsie ^Draylor
Loyal Order of Mooss
Lillian Brooks
I.Ir. Wm. Dewar
Umpqua Drug Co.
Port UmpQua Courier
Union Iron V/orks
Reedsport Meat Go.
Reedspoil: Lhr. Co.
F. J. Eeman
J. H. Austin
J. L. Dodson
J. HeCoy
Paul Bemhardt
Geo. McHargue
Glen Caley
A1. Green
Dan McCarthy
Frank Eorris
Mabel Kennedy
Elsie Traylor
ICenne dy
II orris
Hattie Traylor
V/est Coast Power Co.
V/m. Bell
Mrs. Geo. Divelbliss
iJell Ilapier
'Umpqua Drug
Port Umpqua
Jake Rush
VVinchesterBay Lbr.
V/m. Dewar
Umpqua Mills & Timber
Reeds port Machine V/lcs.
I. Yrera
Umpqua Mills & Timber
D. if. Benson
H. E.
Thero being no further b-usiness the meeting ad^.oumed.
Recorder. /
» 8.37
. 2.00
Special meeting of the Comon Council held January 12th,
1925, for the purpose of opening and considering bids for
sewer improvement#
Meeting called to order by Hayor C. MoC. Johnson.
Those present were: Gouncilmen J. H. Brovme, 2". ?/• "Varrelman,
J. H. Austin, H. I. Ohapin, Paul Bernhardt, Ben Mohler and
Recorder Glen Oaley.
Call'for bids read.
Bids of five bidders received at nine o*clock, as follows:•
Hugh MoClain, Inland Goiistruction Co., John Keating, Eck 5: Lind
and the United Constiuction Co.
Resolution Ho. 9 introduced and read. After careful considera
tion,, it was duly moved, seconded and carried that Resolution
Ho. 9 "be put to a vote and was adopted by the follovdng vote:
Yeas 5
Hays 0
The common Council of the City of Eeedsport, at a
meeting held at 8:30 o'clock P.M., Januaiy 12th, 1925,
having opened sealed bids for the construction of sev/ers in
the City of Reedsport, to be laid as follows:
District Uo. 1
Beginning at the Umpcma River in lot 4, Block 47, thenoe by
the alley in Block 46, 14th St., G. St., East Railroad Aye.,
the alley in Block 51, 13th St., and H. Street.
Also, beginning at the Umpqua River in L. St., thence on L.
St., 15th St., H. St., 15th St., the alley in Block 80, M. St»»
14th St., the alley in Block 82, the alley in Block 83, 13th
St., 12th St., 11th St., Winc'iester Ave., the alley in Block 76,
and the alley in Block 75, all in the Amended plat of Rail-
Road addition to Eeedsport, Oregon, and according to the Llap
on file in the office of the City Recorder.
District Ho. 2.
Beginning at the Schofield river and 6th St., thenoe along
the alley adjoinin?-'." Rainbow Slough and Block 6 thence along
7th St., GAve., H.' St., 8th St., 9th St., 10th St. ,the^alley
adjoining Rainbow Sloughi and Blocks 1 and 2, the alley in
Block 3, and the alley in Block b, all in Rainbow Addition
Ho. 2, to Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon. Also the alley
in Block 37, the alley in Block 57, the alley in Block 58,
the alley in Block 69, the alley in Block 70, the alley in
Block 71, the alley in Block 72, the alley in Block 73, the
alley in Block 86, the alley in Block 87, the alley in Block
88, the alley in Block 89, all in the Amended Plat of Rainroad
Addition to Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, and all accord
ing to the Iilaps of said improvement on file in the office of
the City Recorder.
District Ho. 3.
Beginning at the Schofield River on the Center line of Rainbow
St. of Rainbow Addition, produced from Blocks 7 and 8, thence
along said line oar Rainbov/ Street, to the West line of
Rainbow Addition, thence on Eainbov; St., 8th St., and Holliday
Street, all in Rainbow Addition to Heedsporfc and accordingto
the May on file in the oi'xice of the City Recorderf
v/hich construction and material shall be in accordance v/ith
the plans and specii'icat ions on file vdth the Gity Recorder.
Such bids shall be deposited with the Gity Recorder of
Reedsport before the hour of 8:30 o'clock P.M. of Januaiy
12th, 1925, and the Gity Council -will open said bids at the
hour of 9:00 P.M. of January 12th, 1926,
finds that the follovdng bids have been made:
Inland Construct ion Go., Concrete $ 59,346.62
Htigh McClain, Vitrified 39,617.15
John Zeating, Concrete 40,562.30
Sck & Lind, Vitrified 44,332.80
The United Construction Co., Vitrified 43,375.42
The United Construction Co., Concrete 44,502.23
and hereby awards the contract for the Gonstruotion of said
sev/ers according to the plans and specifications •on file
v/ith the Gity Recorder, as follows:
To Inland Construction Construction Co.,
Sewers to be constructed of concrete pipe.
Passed by the Common Council this 12th day of January* 1925»
It was duly moved, seccaided and carried ahat the checks of all
unsuccessful bidders be returned.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
A •%%.
fiegular Meeting ot the Connnon Oouncil as pnavided by the Ci1^y
Charter for the puripose of organization of the new Council,
held January 15th, 1925.
Meeting called to order "by Mayor C. McG, Johnson-
Those present were: Mayor Johnson, Councilmen John H. Browne,
J. H. Austin, Paul Bernhardt, H. L. Chapin, V/. A- lovelace,
Frank Ts.ylor and Recorder Glen Caley.
Communications of H- P. Somes, Pacific 5^ish & Dold Storage
Co., and Maggie Hoberts, entering in writing a protest to
the proposed franchise to the Umpqua Mills & Timber Co. spur
running on 16th St., were read and* ordered filed.
Appointment of City Officers by the Llayor, were:
City Marshal, A. G. Renn. It v;as moved, seconded and carried
that the appointment of A. G. -Renn as City Marshal, be
City Attorney, Y/. G. Benson. It was moved, seconded and
carried that the appointment of W. G. Benson as City Attorney,
be confirmed.
Pire Chief, Al. Green. It was moved, seconded and carried
that the appointment of Al. Green as Fire Chief, be confirmed-
City Engineer, B. 1. Buckingham. It vjas moved, seconded
and carried that the appointment of I). L. Buckingham as
City Engineer, be confirmed.
The council then proceeded to ballot upon the election of a
President. John R. Browne recoiving a majority of the votes
cast, was duly elected President of the Council.
Standing Committees were appointed by the Mayor, as follows:
S'inanoe-, J. H. Austin, J. H. Browne, J'. L. Taylor.
Streets, W. A. lovelace, H. I. Chapin, J- H. Austin. .
Li^ts, H. L. Chapin. P. L. Taylor, Paul Bernhardt.
V[ater, Paul BeiTihardt, V.". A. lovelace, J. R. Browne.
The matter of the appointment ox a night watchman was deferred.
It was moved, seconded and ordered that the City adopt the
night watcl-iman clock system.
iFire Chief Al. Green recoiVi^nsnded that a telephone be installed
in the engine room at Johnson's Mill for service in connecting
the -pump for fire protection.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that a telephone be
installed in said engine room for fire protection only, and
that the Mayor take the matter up v/ith the Coos 8c Curry Tele.
Co. as to the matter of cost to the City.
The Recorder instructed to write the Insurance Underwriters
in regard to insux'ance credit on the installation of a siren,
emergency pump, telephone service and regular night watchman
with clock system.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that a conmittee of
three be appointed to take up the matter of filling the streets
and to make report to the Council. Taylor, //• A.
Lovelace and H. I. Chapin were appointed.
i/ • "
It was duly moved, secorided and carried that City Attornay
Benson prepare the consta^ct with the Inland Construction
Co., for the constructiori o±' the sewer system for completion
not later than Jutie 15th, 1925.
It was moved, seconded .-and carried th^t the Franchise
Ordinance Ko. 117, "be talcen from the table and read for
the second time .
It was moved, seconded and-carried that Franchise Ordinance
Ko. Il7 be laid on the table for further consideration#
Meeting continued imtil January 4th, 1925, at 4 o^olOGk P.M.
Reco rder.
Continued meeting of the Comon Council held January 14th,
1925, at 4 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of considering
Contract for Sewer Improvement.
Those present were: Mayor C. McC. Johnson, Councilmen
_J. E. Browne, J. H. Austin, Paul Sen:thardt, H. 1. Chapin,
V/. A. lovelace, Fran]£ L. I'ayxor and Recorder Glen Caley.
It v;as moved, seconded and carried that the Mayor and
the Recorder be authorised to sign the Sewer Contract
\7ith the Inland Construction Co., for the completion
of the sewer system.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the City JSngineer
be instructed to establish tho street grade over the
entire City and place monujnents-.
There being no further .business the meeting adjourned*
Regular meetiag of the Common Oouncil held 5^ebruary 2nd, 1925«
Meeting called to order with Mayor C. McC* Johnson presiding.
Ihose present were: Mayor Johnson, Counoilmen J. R. Browne,
J. E. Austin, H. L, Chapin, Paul Beriihardt, W. A. Lovelace,
Frank I, Taylor and i.-ecorder Glen Caley.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Gommunication of the Coos & Gurry Sel© • Co., stating that
a main line tolepbone had "been installed in the "boiler room
of Jolmson's Mill, to "be used for i'ire purposes only and
without cost to the city, was i^ad and ordered filed.
Recorder instructed to express appreciation to the Coos &
Gurry Tele. Co. for its considei-ation and service rendered
this city.
Conimxmication of the United States Rahher Go* read and
placed on file.
Resolution of the Eeedsport Chamher of Gonimerce ii-dorsing the
program ol' filling the streets, read and placed on file.
Petitions of property ov/ners of Districts Kos. 1, 2, 3 and 4,
asking for street improvement, read and ordered filed.
Light Gonimittee reconrriended that street lights "be placed at
1:1. and 14th Sts., and at V/est Railroad Ave., and V/inChester Ave.
It v/as moved, seconded and carried tliat a light be placed
at corr,ers reconiTiended.
It vras duly moved, seconded and carried that the hills follovfing,
as 0. E*d. by the finance committee, be paid and that
warrants be dravm on the respective funds for the several
A. G. Renn
V/. G. Benson
W. A. Burdick
I. 0. 0. F.
V/. 5. Benson
F. J. Zernan
I. Vrem
lii• La ine Go.
V/. H. Buck
D. Buckin^am
§150.00' Geo. McHargue ^50.00
50.00' Glen Caley 75.00
12.50' Al. Green 10.00
15.00' V»m. Dewar 13.75
47.25' J. H. McGoy 33.20
2.00' Eilham Stationeiy Go. 7.64
54.28' Peerless Pacific Go. 26.80
13.42' Erebs Bros. Stamp V/ks. 9.60
2.32' Port Umpqua Courier 4.24
94.10* Paul Bemhardt 85.01
Resolution Ko. i' was introduced and read, as follows;
That the Common Oouncil of tho City of Reedsport deems, it
expedient and necessary to improve certain streets and parts
of streets v;ithin the City of Reedsport, described as follows:
Those certain streets in the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition
to the City of Reedsport embraced in that section of the City
knovm and heretofore designated as sewer Improvement District
Eo. 1, including V/inc ester Ave. , from the Southei-'n Pacific
right-of-v;ay to 16th St., and also including Rainboxv Basin,
which waid basin it is proposed to fill snd dedicate as a street.
Those certain streets included in Sewer Improvement District
• .. L
Eo. 2, including all oi" the streets and alleys east of the
V^est Line o±" Pifth St., in said Amended Plat oi" Railroad
Addition and Rainbow Addition Ho. 2.
Those certain streets included in 3ev;er Improvement District
ITo. 3, in Hainhov; Addition to Reedsport.
The following designated streets in the original townsite of
First from Union Ave., to the alley betv/een
Jarvis and Hatfield Aves.,
Second St. fro .i Pacific Ave. to Hatfield Ave.,
Third St. from Pacific Ave. to Jarvis Ave.,
Pourth St. from Pacific Ave. to Lyons Ave.,
Pacific Ave. from iH'irst St. to Fifth St.,
Winchester Ave. from First St. to Fifth St.,
Lyons Ave. to First St.,
Jarvis Ave. to Fourth St.;
and the City Engineer is hereby required and directed to
survey out the location and prepare and file with the
City Recorder, plans and ^:!eci±"ications for an appropriate
improvement, and estimates of the v;ork to be done and the
probable cost thereof, together with a statement of the
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land to be benefitted
thereby, and the percentage of the total cost of imT;rovement
vJiiich each of such lots, parts of lots and parcels of
land ^ould pay on account of the benefits to be derived from
such proposed improvement,
and the City Engineer is further directed to prepare separate
plans and specifications for each of the proposed street
improvement districts as above set out, together with separate
estimates of the cost thereof.
Passed by the Common Council by th.e following vote:
Aye ^
Hay 0
(Sit^ied) Glen Caley (Signed) C. McO. Johnson
Recorder. llayor.
Resolution Ho. 2, for the closing and filling of Rainbow
Basin, introduced and read, as follows; ^
That whereas, there is, within the Amended Plat of Railroad i
Addition to the City of Reedsport, a certain estuary laiov/n
as Rainbov? Basin, said basin being more particularly described
as follows: j
Beginning at the meander post on the northorly line of the
Umpqua River Harbor line at its intersection the out
let to said Rainbow basin, according to the U. S. Government
Survey thereof; thence South 42-|- degrees East 4.9 feet;
thence South 47 degrees 23 minutes V/est 176.9 feet; thence
Sou^h. 58 degrees 60 minutes V/est 626.21 feet; thenoe south.
19 degrees 42 minutes East 78 feet to a point v^ich is the
Northwest corner of Blocik: 49 of said Railroad Addition;
thenoe Horth 58 degrees 50 minutes East 653.66 feet; thenoe .
I^orth 42 degrees S3 minutes East 170 feet to a point at high,
water mark xrom which the meander post on the Southerly entrance
to said "basin south 42-k degrees east 145 feet.
AliJ) vTHERSAS, said Basin is not adequately drained and is
naTigable ±*or small boats only, ' f®x a short time at extreme
high tide, and
^jTBSREAS, said "basin at low tide is largely a mud flat, unsightly,
and injurious to the puiolic health, and
YHERSAS, all ot" the adjacent property ovmers, owiing property
abutting on said "basin and property abutting Rain"bow Ave.,
lying southerly and along said basin, liaye signified their
desire to fill said basin to street grade and to: constitute the
same a street, covering the present location of said basin, and
V/HSREAS, the City ox Eeedsport desires to acquire the property
now constituting said basin and to dedicate tho same to the
public for street purposes,
the City Engineer of said City be instructed to prepare drav/ings,
in triplicate, showing such basin and the contemplated improve
ment, and that he be further instra.cted to prepare plans and
specifications together with estimates showing the cost of
such fill; that the City Recorder be instructed to submit
such drawings to the Port of Umpqua xor their approval or
objection; that the City Recorder be further instructed
to submit said drav/ings, if approved by the Port of Umpoua to
the U. S. District Engineers for Rivers and Harbors at Port
land, Oregon, together v/ith a copy of this resolution, for
their recommendation; that the City Recorder be further in
structed to tal:e up the matter of closing such basin v/ith
the proper legislative officers for appropriate legislative
action; and tlrnt the City Recorder be further instructed to
take up the matter of the purchase of the tide lands so re
claimed by closing such basin, with the State Land Board,
v;ith a view to the purchase of such land by the City of Reedsport
for street purposes only.
Passed by the Common Council this 2nd day of li'ebruary, 1925,
>y the follov/ing vote:
Hay 0 •
(Signed) Glen Caley
(Signed) C. lIcG. Jolmson
It was moved, seconded and carried that the City Attorney
tako up the matter of closing Rainbov; Basin vrith legislature
for immediate action.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the Street Committee
be authorised to have all buildings moved, Y/hich are now in
streets or alleys.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the bridge on H. St.
be repaired at a cost not to exceed §35.00.
It v/as moved, seconded and ordered that the matter of graveling
and repairing of the approach to Schofield Heights be referred
to Street Co^^ittee v/ith "nower to act.
There being no further business the meetizig adjourned*
^ / Mayor.
Eegular meeting of the Gonimon Council held March 2nd, 1924-
Ivleeting called to order with Mayor Johnson presiding.
Those present were: Mayor Johnson, CouDcilmen J. 3. Brovme,
J. H- Austin, Paul Bernhardt, H. I. Ohapin, F. X. Taylor,
V/- A. LoYelace and Recorder 6lan Caley.
Minutes of previous meeting read and a-cproved.
Coramunication of Dr. G. M. IIcGlellan, favoring filling of
streets in the Oity of Reedsport, read and ordered filed.
City Engineer Buckingham reported that bill for closing Rain
bow Basin which is to be filled for street purposes, House
Bill Ko. 459, was passed by the Senate and signed by the
Light Committee repoi-ted that Street Lights had been placed
at M and 14th Sts. and Wincaester and V/est Railroad Aves.
Street Comraittee asked for additional tirje to report
on the grading of Winchester Ave. from the west end of
Schofield Bridge to !?irst St.
Ordinance ilo. 116, was introduced and read for the first time.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance ITo. 116
be passed to the second reading and read for second time.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance ]3o. 116
be passed to the third reading and read for the third time.
ORDlI^\'il-IGE HO. 116.
All OHBIlI'xKOE to establish a datuoi plane and controlling bench
mark for the Oity of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
Section 1. That for all future surveys governing City
elevations within the City of Reedsport, a datxim plane of
mean lov/er low water as established by tlce U. S. Engineers,
be, and the same is hereby ado;oted by the Oity of Reedsport;
and tlie official Bench Mark of said City is hereby established
as follov;s: A three-quarter (f) inch brass bolt sunk in the
concrete pillar of t:ie Garage Building at the comer of "L"
and 12tJh Sts. on the "L" str^^et face of said pillar, and
marked with a cross (Z), the elevation of the Center of said
cross (Z) being 14.89 feet above said mean lov;er lov; yrater.
Passed by the Council of the City of Reedsport, ti-iis
3nd dsy of ferch, 1935.
(Signed) C. IIcC. Johnson
• Mayor.
Signed by the llayor this 2nd day of Iiarch, 19S5.
_i nAT:V,Y . (Signed) C. lIcC. Johnson pignoa) —
It YT8,s duly moved, seconded and carried that the following
hills as C. Z*d, 05' the finance coniaittee, "be paid and that
viarrants be dravm on the respective funds for the several
A. G- Renn $150.00--Geo. McHargae §50.00
V/. G- Benson 50.00 Glen Caley 75.00
W. A. BurdirtV 37.50 A1 Green 10.00
I. 0. 0. F. 15.00 C. C. Clark 5.65
J. H. McCoy 30.45 I. Vrem 43.65
H. 3ov;man 6.75 L. Hawkins 4.50
D. I. Buclcinf^am 399.35 Inland Construction
Uli^qua Mills & T:imber Co. 10.00 Co • 2,087.38
Peerless Pacific Co. 5.50 Chapin-Staples
H. 1, Chapin 18.80 Inv. Co. 2.50
Reedsport Sash 62 Door Co. 20.00 P. 3. Ashburn 4.00
Jess Schulta 1.25 '.Vest Coast l-Ovver 0o372.57
P. I. Taylor 4.25 V/inchester Ibr . Co. . 4.35
V/. M. Dewar 7.25 Reedsport J^iel Co. 15.00
Union Iron V/ks. 2.50 Paul Bemhardt 37.20
Square Deal Cafe 15.00
It was moved, seconded and ordered that the Ilayor and Recorder
he authorized to purchase the tide land of Eainbovj Basin
from the State Land Board.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the City enter into
an agreement with the Umpqua Creamery Co., that the Creamery
Go. have use of the water front of Rainhow Basin until
sach time as the City would build dock to the Harbor line.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the Council create
an Improvernent fund for Sewer Districts ITos. 1, 2 and 3.
Section 1. That Sev/er Improvement ?unds be, and the same
are hereby created, for Sewer Improvement Districts as
Sewer I-.nprovement District Ifo. 1.
Sewer Improvement District llo. 2.
Sewer Improvement District Uo. 3.
Section 2. That all moneys raised or to be raised by assess
ment Ox said respective districts for sewer improvement
purposes shall be placed to the credit of said districts
in said sewer improvement funds.
Passed by the Common Council, this 2nd day of March, 1925*
fSip^ied) C. lIcC. Johnson.
(Signed) Glen Caley
It was moved, seconded and carried that the report of Engineer
D. L. Buckin^am, on the grade line of Vfinchester Ave., be
laid on the table for future consideration.
It was moved, seconded and ordered that the petition for an
improvement district of Union Ave. and 2nd St., be accepted
as read and laid on the table.
It was moyed, seconded and carried that eighty per cent
(8O3S) o±* the viTork done on Sewer Districts Eos. 1, 2, and 3,
"be allowed and warrants dra^ for same .
It was moved, seconded and carried tl^^t a committee of three
he appointed as a Sewer Gonimitteef H. I. Chapin, \1» A« lovelace
and Paul Bemhardt, being axDpoiiated.
It was moved, seconded and carried that thesalary of tlie
Oity Treasurer be increased from Ol2.50 to 025.OO per
month beginning January 1st, 1926.
It, vra,s moved, seconded and carried tliat the City Designate the
First Banlc of Reedsport, as the depository for City Funds-
Meeting continued subject to call of the Mayor.
' ^^x^Uayor.
Continued regular meeting of the Common Council, held
I^Iarch 16th, 1925.
Meeting called to order with Ife,yor Johnson presiding.
Those present were. Mayor Johnson, Councilmen J. R. Browne,
J. H. Austin, Paul Bemhardt, H. L. Chapin, F. L. Taylor,
W. A. Xovelace andRecorder Glen Caley.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the City adopt a
street grade in Districts Eos. 2 and 3 at a ten foot elevation.
It v/as moved, seconded and carried that Resolution llo. 4
be ado-[:ted as read.
RS30IU::i0XI 330. 4.
That the Mayor and City Recorder be, and they are hereby
authorized to enter into a contract v/ith the Port of Umpqua
for the rental by the City, of the Port Dredge, for the
puipose of the use 01 same by the City in filling certain
streets within the City of Reedsport.
Passed by the Common Council this 16th day of March, 1925,
by the following vote:
Aye 4.
Uay 0.
(signed) C* McC. Jplmson.
fSif^ned) Glen Caley
It was moved, seconded and carried that the City Engineer
make estimates for street Improvement of Winchester Road
from the northeasterly linit of City to 16th St.
Meeting continued subject to call of the Mayor.
Continued meeting of the Common Council held March 23rd, 1925.
Meeting called to order v;ith Mayor C. McC« Johnson presiding.
Chose present -were: Mayor Johnson, Councilmen J. R. Brovaae,
J. H. Austin, Paul Bemhardt, H. X. Chapin, F* L. Taylor,
W. A- Lovelace and Recorder Glen Calqy.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the axtplication from
the Winchester Bay Ibr. Co., to improve their port dock to the
Channel of the Schofield River, be approved.
It was moved, seconded and ordered that the City Recorder
advertise the purclaase of the Rainbow Basin Tide Lands-
Drillings of the quality of material to be used for dredge fill
were taken from the Schofield River to a depth of eiglit
feet and shown to the Council by the City Engineer.
Meeting continued subject to the call of the Mayor.
R ecorder.
/ Mayor •
Continued meeting of the Common Council held March SO, 1925.
Meeting called to order with Mayor Johnson presiding.
Those present were: Mayor Johnson, Councilmen J. R. Browne,
J. H. Austin, Paul Bemhardt, H. L. Chapin, W. A. Lovelace,
F. L. To.ylor and Recorder Glen Caley.
Plans and specifications for filling District Ho. 3 were read.
Plans and speoifications for filling District I^o. 2 were read.
Plans and specifications for S.lling District Eo. 1 were read.
It v/as moved, seconded and carried tliat the plans and specifi
cations for the filling or Districts. ITos. 1, 2 and 3 be
laid on the table until the next regular meeting Monday,
April 6th, 1926.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the Street Committee
make a survey and report at next meeting, Monday, April 6th,
1925, on the grade to be established in filling District ITo. 1
I t was moTsd, seconded and ordered that the City pass
an ordinance for the purpose of niimbering of houses, to
with zero at East Bailroad Ave. and H. St., th£
100 numbers to the block, and that Raihb'ov/,'//est of the
Southern Pacific Go. tract "be left as a block.
there be
It was moved, seconded and carried.tloat the Street Cominittee
make recommendations as to the planking and graveling of
streets after the fill.
It \7as moved, ordered and carried that the Y/ater Committee
make report as t o the amount and number of extentions
necessary to be made before filling the streets, report
to be made Monday, April 6th, 1925.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned*
•Regular meeting of the Common Gouncil heldApril 6th» 1925.
Meeting: called to order '..'ith Liayor Jolmson presiding#
Those present were. Mayor Johnson» Councilmen. J. H. Browne.
J. H. Aus"uin» Paul j3ernherdt» E. I, Chapin. P. X. Taylori
V/* A. iovelace and Hegorder G-len Caley.
Minutes of previous meeting reac and approved.
It was
movedi seconded and carried that the following
frrade» as recommonded by the Street Committee» be
12.5 ft.
and X.
f0. 8,0 14:011 St. anci
11.75 ft. at 12th a
• at
grade elevation of 13 ft.
14th St. and L.
12th St. and X.
11.0 ft. at iilast Kai2iroad
Itl. St.j 12.25 ft.
id K. Sts;
on 16th St.
ft. at 12th
ft* at Hjast
Ave. and H.
at 13 anci
to X*St.}
St. and i. St.;
Railroad Ave.»
St.; 12.75
Li.* Sts. I
V/ater -Co:.imittee v/as instructed to make estimates of cost and
amount and size of pipe to be installed before filling.
I't was moved, secvnaed ana carried that the V/ater Goi-imissioner
maize an extension of water line to the Umpgua Addition.
Liayor Johnson reporteC that an option had been secured for the
rental of the Port ox Umpoua^Dredge, at one hundred dollars
per day for first sulft and §20.00 per second shift, and
tiiat the city would receive a credit of 12p per yard for
dirt removed from the channel andturn'basin* The City to guarantee
to the Port that the Cit;. v/ould pay the Port of Unqpqua six thous
and dollars, over and above the amoimt of credit to be received
from the Port for excavating the channel.
City Attorney W. G. Benson reported that he had placed the data
before Bond Attorneys and that the Clxy would receive their
It> was move:', seconded and carried that the City Attorney
write several cities for copies of their Plumbing and Building
Ordinances, and prepare Bailding and Plumbing Ordinance suit
able for this City.
v/as moved, seconded and carried that the following bills as
K;*d. by the finance Corjmittee be paid, and that warrants
drawn on the respective funds for the several amounts:
Inland Construction Co. 2.672.65 • A. G. Renn Q150.00
IT If ft 8,937.64 ' Geo. UcHargnie 50.00 *
tl If If 3,611.81 ' V.'. G. Benson 50.00 •
1! ir !l 1.478.43 ' Glen Caley 75.00 •
V/. A. Burdick 25.00' Al. Green 10.00
I. 0. 0. 15.00 ♦ V/. G. Benson 58.70 •
J. H. iicGoy 12.40 • iiarl Baird 3.65 »
V/est Coast Pov/er Co. 187.50 ' J. H. IvIcCoy 8.45 •
J. H. LicCoy 11.25' Riley Kills 11.25 •
P. J. Kernan 8.00' A. G. long o: Co. 1.50 '
Ui.ipcxua Drug Co. 1.40« v/. R. Buck 2.80 •
Paul Bernhardt 26.62' V/. Dewar 1.25 .
V/m. 2.00» Port Umpaua Courier 29.00-
D. 1. .Buckingham 808.50- Coos S: Curry Tele. 3.65 -
Union Iron V/iis. 19.00* Glass Sc Prudhomme Co*7.31
Eesoluuion Ho. 5. Creating Improvement Punds. read and adopted.
EBSOXUTIOii 1^0. 5.
That the following street improvement funds are hereby created:
^0^ 1. Street Improvement Fund for street improvemerat of
District Ho. 1» (Business Section)
ITo. Zi Street Improveraent Jund for street improvement of
District Ho» S. (Eainbow Addition ilo. 2)
lTo« 3» Street Improvement i'tmd for Street Improvement
of District ITo* 3. (Kainbov; A. dition llo. 1)
ilo. 4* Street Improvement iuncl i'or Street Improvement of
District ITo. 4- (Prom 13th St. west)
¥o« 5i Street In^r vemen'u lund for Street Improvement of
District Ho. 5. . ( Rainbow Basin)
1^0, .6» Street Improvement Fund for Street Improvement of
District Ho» 6*( '>iinchester Ave.)
No. 7» Street Imjrovement Pund lor Street Improvement of
District Ko. 7. (Korth ox "i/inchester Aye.)
ITq*' 8» Street Improreuent iund for Street In^rovement of
District Ho. 8. (i'lat South of V/inchester Ave.)
It wa- movedi seconded and carried that "Jihe Recorder write
a number of Auditors to malce survey and file estimate
for the auditing,' of the books of the City of Heedsport»
It was moTredi seconded and carried that the Treasurers Heport'
be accepted as ^filed#
Meeting continued subject to the call of the Mayor*
Recorder. Mayor•
• [k
Continued Kegular Meeting of April 6tli held April 20th» 1925»
Meeting' called to order, with Mayor Joiirison presiding.
Thoseprebent were: Mayor Jolmsoni Coixj'icilrnen J. H, Browne,
, J, H. Austin> Paul j3ernhardt» H. 1. Chapin» F. I. Q^'a^'lor*
\/» A. lovelace and Kecorder Glen Caley#
secojaded and
It v/as moved/ ordered that the proposed street grade as filed
by the Street Committee "be adopted*' as fo llov;s:
15th and I. Sts.> 13.0 ft; 14th and Bts. 12.5 ft; 13th and X
Sts 12.0 ft; 12th and 1. Sts.» 11.5 ft; ulast Hailroad Ave.
and L. Sts. 12.0 ft; iiast Rai3xroad Ave. and H. Sts-» 11.0 ft.
It v;as movedt seconded and carried that the City Council
ad^journ until 8 o*clock P.M. V/ednesday» April 22» 1925*
' A.
Continued R.gular Meeting ox April 6th, held the E2nd day
of April* 19 25.
'Mayor and all Coimcilmen present.
Resolution Ko. o v;as read. Upon motion., duly seconded*
said resolution was adopted as read.
\'VEiiKiilAS.» at a regular meeting of theCommon Coimcil of the City
of Reedsport, held February 2nd, 1925» a Resolution, entitled
Resolution Uo. li was passed, reai:i.iring' the City i^ingir.eer
to pre}pare and file estimates with the City Recorder for the
improvement of certain streets within said City, and
subsenuent' uo the T)assag"0 of such Resoliiition Ho. 1
various ch^^ges and additions have been made in the boundaries*
plans, and estimates of the districts embraced in said Re
solution Ko. 1» and
WHiiIf:iiASi the Coi.mion Council coi^templates the immediate
passage of a resolution or resolutions in conformity with the
changes above mentioned* reouiring the City i:lnf:ineer to pre
pare plans and specifications for Improvement Districts as now
12 IS B"Y TH-ii OVfX OF R^i:3)SP0Ra::
i^hat Resolution Ho. 1 of the Resolutions ox the City of
Reedsport for the ,year 1925» be and the same is hereby
rescinded and repealed.
Passed by the Conunon Council this EEnd day of Aprilt 1925.
(Signed) GIEN CAXEY (Si^-ned) C. KCC. JOmSOH
Recorder. Mayor.
' I aflft'Bfi'it'
Eesolu\.ion Ho. 7 was read. Upon motioni duly seconded.
said Eesolution v;as adopted as read.
at the Eegular meeting oi the Goiniaon Coiaicii. April 6.
1925» there was passed a Hesolutioni numbered 5» of the
Kesolutions of the.City of Keedsport for the year 19E5»
said Resolution creating Street Improveiaent iunds for
Street Improvement Districts numbered One» Tv/o» IThreei S'our.
Five. Six. :Seven, and iiiight* and
V/EKRx^AS. subsequent to the passage of Eesolution Ho. 5
various changes were made in the -bormdaries of said Improvement
Districts) and
VffiSEiiiaS. it is desired by the Common Council that all warrants
drawn upon said Improvement Funds shall be allocated to the
proper districts as finally determined, and
V/HiiiEaiiiiS» it is desired by the Common Council that a ne?/
Eesolution creating- such Improvement Funds be made at this
t ime.
10? IS RESOXViilD BY TEiil CI'i'Y OF KiilijlD^PaRT:
That Eesolution Ho. 6 of the Resolutions of the Cit^; of
Eeedsport be* and the same is hereby rescinded and repealed.
Passed by the Common Council this 22nd day of April. 1926#
(3i^,ned) Gj .ilT CAXii^Y (Si^^ned) C. UCC.
Recorder. liayor.
Eesolution ITo. 8 was read. Upon motion, duly secon^edi said
Eesolution was adopted as read.
Shat tl-ie Common Council of the City of Eeedsport deems it
expedient and necess.iry to improve certain streets _and parts
of streets v/itnin the City of Eeedsport, described as follows
District IJo. 1.
East Hailiroad Ave. from eastorly line of Block 47 to the
westerly line of lot S of B1og>: 45, produced; C St. from the
Y/est line of this district to easterly end of G. St.; H. St.
from the west line- of this district to IJ. St.; L. St.
from tiie west line of t'lis district to Umpqiia River; li
St. from t-iewest line oi t .is district to 16th St.; 14th
St. from East E.H. Ave. to V/lno.iester Ave.;*All of the plat
ted portions of 16th St.; All of iJ.^3t.;^the alleys in
blocks 46, 77, 79, 80 and 81, and all that portion of the
'alley in blooi 51 lyinp; v'ithin this district; All that
portion of the alley in block 76 lying within this district;
all that portion of the alley in block 82 lyin^^' yd.thin
this district.
* 15th St. from L. St. to V/inchestcr Ave.
pistilot Uo. 2.
V/est Hailroad Ave., from Winchestar Ave • to Hainbo?; slough,
F Ave. from the V/est line of 5th St. to Hainbov; Slouch; G
St, from the VJest line of 5th St. to 8th Ave.; H. St. from
a point 150 ft. v;est of the west line of 6th St. to the
Hailroad right ^of 5th St. to S. P. Kight of V/ay, L. St»
from the west line of 7th St. to the Kailroad right of v;ay;
5th St. from H. St. to 100 ft. north of northerly line of
5^. Ave.; 6th St. from the alley line of Bloohs 59 and 70
to Rainbow Slough; 7th St. from L. St. to Rainbow Slough;
8th Ave. from Viinoisster Ave. to Rainbow 31ough;*10th St. fro m
Hi St. to Rainbow Slour^^; ^est Hailroad Ave. from Winchester
Ave. to Rainbow Slough; V/iriciiester Ave. from V/est Railroad
Ave. to the west liue of 8th St.; the alleys in blochs 37,
56, 57, 68, 70, 71, 7S, 73, 86, 3 and 5; the east 100 ft. of
the alley in BlocI: 87; the alley fronting Rainbow Slough.
'^9th St. from I. St. to Rainbow Slough.
District i:o. 3.
V/est Railroad Ave. fi'om the north line of ';Vater St. to the
center line of Blocl: 9, produced; 10th St. from the north
line of VJater St. to the center line of Blocks 9 and 10,
produced; 9th St. from the north line of V;ater St. to the
center line of blocks 10 and 11 produced; 8th St. from the
X'iorth line of V/ater St. to the center line of Blocks 11
and 12; Tiolliday St. from ..est Railroad Ave. to the west
line of blocks 7 and IE; Rainbov/ St. from V/est Railroad
Ave. to the west line of Blocks 7 and 8; All in Rainbov;
Addition to the Oity of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
District Ho. 4.
All of G. St. lying westerly of a line which is 150 ft.
east of the easterly line of 13th St; all of H. St. lying
westerly of a line which is 150 Pt. east of the easterly
line of 13th St.; all of M. St. lying westerly of a line
which is 150 ft. east of the easterly line of 13th St.; All
of L. St. lying v/esterly of a line v/hich is 150 ft. east
of the easterly line of 13th St.; Sast Railroad Ave. from
the easterly line of lot 3 of block 45 produced, southv/
esterly to the south line of block 101 produced; 11th St.
from Vfinch'ster Ave. to 1. St.; 12th St. fixim V/inchester
Ave. to east Railroad Ave.; 13th St. from Sast Railroad
Ave. to V/inchester Ave.; All of V/inchester Ave. fronting
on block 101 and extonrVine to the slope of the S. Rail
road; the westerly 150 ft. of the alleys in blocks 51, 76, and
32; all of the alleys in blocks 75, 85, 84, 83.
Winchester Ave. from the Sast line of Umpqua Addition to the
City of Reedsport to the dredge fill limit opposite block
102 of the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to said City.
And the Oity Engineer is hereby required and directed to
s'orvey out the location and prepare and file v;ith the City Re
corder, plans and specifications for an a-^^propriate improvement,
and estimates of the work to be done and the probable cost
thereof, together with a statement of the lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land to be benefited thereby, and the percent
age of the total cost of improvement which each of such lots,
parts of lots and parcels of land should pay on account of
the benefits to bo derived from such proposed improvement.
And the City Engineer is further directed to prepare separate
plans and specifications for each of the proposed street im
provements as above set out, together v;ith separate estimates
.Passed "by the Gomnon Coimcil this 22ii6.
day ,of Apill, 1925*
(Siprtied) Glen Oaley
Re CO rder.
(Signed) 0. IIcO. Johnson.
Resolution Uo. 9 was read. Upon motion, duly seconded,
said Resolution was adopted as read.
RS30IUTI0H no. 9.
That the, Gity Engineer "be, ano. he is hereby instructed
immediately to compute and file with the Gity Recorder, the
proT)ortionate assessments to he levied for street improve
ments within the Gity of Reedsport according: to the plans and
specifications heretofore required from the Engineer; that
said assessments he computed according to the area of the
lots, parts of lots and, parcels of land henefitted hy such
improvements in the respective improvement districts here
tofore created; further, tiiat all comer lots in said
improvement districts be assessed for such improvement in
an amount 1^ per cent greater than the assessmant of inside
lots of equal area in the same improvement district.
Passed by the Common Council of the City of
Reedsport, this 22nd day of April, 1925,
by the following vote:
(Signed) Glen Gal ey
(signed) C. HoG. Jolmson
Resolution Ho.10 was read. Upon mo"
Resolution was ado-oted as read.
ion, duly seconded, said
V/IKREAS the City Council of the Gity of Reedsport deems it
expedient and necessary to improve certain streets and parts
of streets in the City of Reedsport, described as follows,
East Railroad Ave. from easterly line of 31oc^
westerly line of lot 2 of Block 45, produced;
47 to the
G St. from the
west line of t?iis district to easterly end of G St.; H St.
from the west line of t;iis district to II St.; X St. from
the west line of this district to Umpqua River; LI St. furom
th^; west line of t"--is district to 16th St.; 14th St. from East
R.R. Ave. to Winchester Ave.; 15th St. from L. St. to Winchester
Ave. All of the platted portions of 16th St.; All of K. St.;
The alleys in bloclcs 46, 77, 79, 80 and 81, and all that
portion of tiie alley in block 51 lying \7ithin this district;
All that portion of the alley in block 76 lying v;ithin this
district; All that portion of the alley in blocl: 82
lying within this district.
AHD V/IISHEAS the City Goimoil has hsretoforo required from the
City Engineer, and the Gity Engineer has, pursuant to such
requirement, surveyed out the location, and prepared and filed
vjith the City Recorder plans and specifications for an
appropriate improveraent, and estimates of the work to he done
and the probable cost thereof together with a statement of the
lots, parts of lots and parcels of lands to he benefitted
by such proposed improvementj^, and the percentage of the total
cost of improvement v/iiich each of such lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land should pay on account of the benefits
to be derived from such proposed improvement.
AITD WHEEEAS the City Council, after a careful examination
of the foregoing, finds such plans, specifications and
estimates to "be satisfactory in all respects, [DIISZiEFORE
That the Gity of Heedsport, througli its Common Council does
hereby declare its purpose of improving, certain streets and
parts of streets in the City of Keedsport, described more
particularly as follows, to-wit:
East Hailroad Ave. from easterly line of Blocic 47 to the
westerly line of lot S of Blocik: 45, produced; G. St. from the
west line of this district to easterly end of G. St.; H. St.
from the west line of this district to II. St; 1. St. from the
V7est line of this district to TJmpoua River; M. St. from the
v/est line of this district to 16th St.; 14th St. from Bast
R. R. Ave. to Winchester Ave.; 15th St. from I. St. to V/inchestwr
Ave. All of the platted portions of l6th St.; All of IT. St.;
the alleys in blocks 45, 77, 79, 80 and 81, and all that
portion of the alley in block 51 lying mthin t'.iis district;
All that portion of the alloy in block 76 lying within this
district; all that portion of the alley in block 82 lying
within this district.
That"the probable total cost of said improvement is estimated
to be the sum of $50,430.55, including five per cent of said
estimate for advertising, en^-ineering and superintendence.
That an assessment district of the property to be benefitted and
assessed for the cost of said improvement is hereby declared and
made, defined and detexmined to be as follows:
All the portion of the Amended Jlat of Railroad Addition to
Reedsport, Oregon, lying within the following described boundaries:
Beginning at a point on trie U::ipcua River and the southerly
slope of the Southern Pacific Railway grade at the thirteen
foot elevation as per city established grade; thence along the
Southern Pacific Railway grade to a point where a line extsnded
northerly from the line between lots two and three of block
45 of said addition shall intersect, the said grade; thence
southerly along said line v;hich lies 150 feet easterly and
parallel to the line of 13th St. to the northerly line of
VJinchester Ave.; thence along trie northerly lino of V/inchester
Ave. to the line between eight and nine of block 107; thence
easterly along said line to 16th St.; thence northerly along
the easterly line of 16th St. to the^ southerly line of St.,
easterly thence along I!. St. to the Umnqu:^ river; thence
northerly along the ea Um-oqua river to the point of beginning.
And the xfaole cost of the construction of said improvement
shall be borne by and by and shall be assessed to the lots,
parts of lots and acerage property liable tlierefore and bene
fitted by the constraction thereof, in proportion to the bene
fits accruing to each lot, part of lot or acreage property,
as shall be ascertained and. deteimined by the City Engineer
and approved and adopted by the City Council.
That the plans, spet^ifications, estimates and profiles for
the constiuction of said improvement of said street, parts of street
filed with the .Recorder "by the City Snsineer, is hereby
in all things.adopted, ratified and approved.
The City Recorder is hereby authorised and directed to
publish this resolution for a period of ten days in Port
Umpqua Courier, a weekly newspaper, and to publish
therev/ith a notice that the Bngineer's estimate of the proportion
of the cost of said work to be c;.3arged against each lot, part of
lot and parcel of land is on file in the office of tlie City
Recorder"^, and stating that within ten days from, the date of
first publication thereof, the ov.ners of 80 per cent or more
of the'area of the property wit'iin the assessment district
herein deteiinined, may malie and file with the City Recorder,
a written remibnstrance, against such proposed improvement.
Passed by the Common Cotmcil, this 22nd day of April, 1925.
(Signed) Glen Caley
Inasmucli as Resolutions Numbered 11, 12, 13 and 14,
as passed by the Conmion Council April 22nd, 1925, were
pubii^ied in the Port Umpgua Courier, and such publication
has been carefully compared vdth the original Hesolutio'ns, I
have, v;ith the approval of the Council, and for the pu'i-pose
of saving time, expense and space in the minute book, clipped
said Resolutions from-the Port Umpqua Courier in their
entirety and roasted the same into the minute book as follows:
Resolution ilo. 11 was read. Upon motion, duly seconded,
said Resolution was adopted as read.
RSSOXUTIOH 1^0. 11* _
Whei-eas the Cltj' Council oT'the
City of Reed^ort deems it exped
ient and necessary to improve cer
tain streets and pans of streets
in the City of Reedsport, described
as follows, to-wit:
, West . Railroad Avenue, from
Winchester Ave to Rainbow slough
F. Ave. from the West line of
'5th St., to Rainbow Slough; G
•St. from tlie West line of 5th
St. to 8th Ave.; B St. from a point
:150 Ft. west of the west line of
5th St. to S. P. Ri<rht of Way
St. fj'ori ti>e lin<' \ of
17th St. to , the Railroad right of
;wav; 5tb St. from H St. to lOD ft.
{north of northerly line of F. Ave.;
6th St. from the alley line of
Blocks ' 69 and 70 to Rainbow
.Slough; 7th St from L St. to Rain
bow Slough; 8th Ave from Winches
ter Ave. to Rainbow Slough; 9th
St. from L St. to Rainbow Slough;
10th St. from H St.- to Rainbow
Slough; West Railroad Aye. from
Winchester Ave. ''to Rainbow
Slough: Winchester Ave. from
AVest Railroad Ave. to the west
line of 8th St.; The alleys in
blocks'37. 56. 57. 58, 70, 71, 72. 73, i
86, 3, and 5; The east 100 ft. of,
the alley in Block 87; The alliey
fronting Rmnbow Slough.
. And whereas the City douncil
bns heretofore renuived from the
pity Bnginepr, and the City Engi
neer has,, wirsnant to such re-;
nniroment, surveyed • out the loca
tion.' and; nrepnred and filed with
the City Recorder, pii«ns and spncl-
^ibiifions for an" iippronrlato im
provement, and estimates of the
M'ork to be done and tho probable
cost thereof together with a
.<?tatement of the lots, parts of
lots and parcels of lands , to be
benefitted by such proposed im
provement, and the percentage of
the total cost of improvement
which each of such lots, pai*ts of
lots and , parcels of land^ should
pay on account, of the^ benefits to:
be 'derived ;from suchiproposed.4i,m^^
j>rbVemeii£^ e/
And whereas the City Council,
after a careful examination of the
foregoing, finds such plans, speci
fications and estimates to be satis
factory. in nil respects, Therefore
/^That the City of Reedsport,.
Through its Common Council'
does hereby declare its purpose
of improving, certain streets and'
parts of streets in the City, of i
Reedsport described more partic-'
ularly as follows. tOrwit: ' !
West Railroad Avenue, from
Winchester Ave to Rainbow slough
F. Ave. fi^om the West line of
5th St. to Rainbow Slough; G
St from the West line of 5th
St. to 8th Ave.; H St. from a point
150 Ft. west of the west line of
6th St. to the Railroad right of
5th St. to S. P. Right of Way
L St. from the west line of
7th^ St. to the Railroad right of
way; 5th.St from H.St to 100 ft
north o'f northerly line of P. Ave.:
6th 'St: from the alley line of
Blocks 69 and 70 to' Rainbow
Slough ; 7th'St from L St. to Rain
bow Slough; 8th Ave from Winches
ter Ave. to Rainbow Slough;, 9th
St fronr L St to Rainbow Slough ;
10th St. from H St. to Rainbow
Slough; West Railroad Ave. from
Winchester Ave. to Rainbow
Slough; Winchester Ave. from
West Railroad Ave. to the west
line • of 8th St.; The alleys in
blocks 37, 56, 57, 58, 70, 71, 72, 73,
86, 3. and 5; The east 100 ft of
the alley in Block 87; The alley
jEronting .Rainbow Slough. .
That the probable total cost of
said improvement is estimated to
be; the sum •of ..$3f).579.96 ; includ
ing'five per cent of said iestimate
for a'dvertising, engineering" and
...That - ail -assessment district- of
thev property to be benefited and
asiSessed for the cost of said improvemient
is: hereby declared and
inade,'! defined" arid determined to
b^vjas'follows: • . , ,
; jBlocks 1;'^2. S» 4. 5. 6 and' 7 of
Rainbb^'-'Addltlon Number two of
the City of Reedsport Also Blocks
5fi.. 57 58; 70. 71. 72, 73, and
Lotaa, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6 and 12.of
"Block' 87; lots 1 and 2 of Block.
60 : lots 8. and ' 9 of \ Block 28;
lots 1 .and 8 of block 36: lots 1
and 12 of block 59;'and that: part
of the ,South«»rn Pnoiflc right of;
wj»T . from Rainbow Slough, to.
Winchester Ave. lyini? west of the."
Southern Pacific . tracks and a!
strip of land 100 feet'in depth,, an-'
proxiinately: 250 ;feet. in length;
facing on the west side of 6tli st. i
^arid lying between Lots 1 and 2 of;
'Block 7, Rainbow Addition No. 2
to Reedsjpbrt, Oregon arid Rain
bow slough; all in amended
Plat of. Railroad ' Addition
to the City of ' Reedsport;
Qlso that unplatted property with
in the city. fronting on the south
line of Winchester Ave. between
the Railroad right of, way and 8th
and the whole cost of the con-j
structlon' of said improvement
shall be borne by and shall be as
sessed to the lots, parts of' lots!
and acreage property liable there
fore and^ benefitted by the con-'
struction thereof, in proportion to;
the benefits accruing to each lot,'
part of lot or acreage property,
as shall be ascertain and determiried
by the City Engineer and
approved and adopted by the City
Council. 1
That the plans, specifications,
estimates and profiles, for the con
struction of said'improvement of ,
said street, parts of'^eet, filed
with the Recorder by the City
Engineer, is hereby in all things
adopted, ratified and approved.
The City Recorder is hereby
authorized and directed to publish
this resolution for a period of ten
days in Port Umpqua • Courier, a
weekly newspaper^ and to publish
therewith a notice- that the Engleer's
estimate of the, proportion of
the cost of said work to be charg
ed against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land is on file in
the office of the City "Recorder,
and stating that within ten days ;
from the date of first publication i
thereof, the owners of 80 p^r centj
or more of the area of the proper-,
ty within the assessment distri?.*t j
herein determiried. may make andj
'file with the City Recorder a
written remonstrance, against suchj
proposed improvement. ..
PaR<*ed by the Common Council
this 22nd day of Aprilyl925 •.
; ^ , Recorder ./y V: 1
Resolution ITo. IS vias read* Upon motion, duly seconded,
said Resolution v;as adopted as read.
• Whereas tlie City CoHncil of the
City of lleedsport deems it exped
ient and necessary to improve cer
tain streets uikI parts of streets
in the City of IJeedsport, deseiibed'
us follows, to-wit:
West Railroad Are. from the
north Un of Water St. to the cen-'
ti'r line of Rlot-k 9, produced;
10th St. from the north line of •
Water St. to the center line of
Mocks 9 and 10, produced; 0th St.
from the north line of W^ater St.
to the center lino of blocks 10 and
11 produced: Stli St. from the
North line of Water St. from the
f-enter line of blocks 11 and 12:
T-TdlHday St. from West Railroad
lAvo. to the west line nf blocks 7
!>n<l 12; Riiinbow St. from West
Railroad the west line of
I'.loclcs 7 and 8: All in Rainbow
Addition to the City of Reedsport,
Dou^rlns County, Orefion.
And whfereas the City Council
has heretofore renuired from the
City Ensineei-. and the City Enj;ineer
has, pursuant to such ' re-
'rjuirement, surveyed out the loca
tion, and prepared and filed with
the City Recorder plans and speci
fications for an appropriate im
provement, and estimates of the
work to be done and the probable
cost thereof tofiether with a
statement of the lots, parts of
lots and parcels fif hinds to be
benefitted by such proposed im
provement, and the i)ercentafre of
the total cost of iniprovement
which, each of such lots, parts of
lots and parcels of hind .should
pay on account of the benefits to
he derived from such proposed im
And whereas the City Council,
after a carefvil examination of the
•foi'ef-'oing,- finds such plans, speci
fications and estinnites to be satis-
•factorv in all r<'spects, Therefore
That the City of Reedsp<>rt.
Through its Common Council
does hereby . declare its purpose
:of improving, certain streets and.
parts of streets itin the City of i
Reedsport, described more partic- i
.ulurly as follows, to-wit: I
AYest pailr<)a<l Ave. from the,
north lin of Water St. to the cenler
line of Block 1). produced:
inth St. from the north line of
\\^ter St. to the center line of
blocks n and 10, produced: 9th St.
ifrom the north line of AVater St.
to the center line of blocks 10 and
11. produced: .Slli St. from the
North line of Water St. from the
center line of blocks 11 and 12:
Holliday St. from West Railroad
Ave. to the west line of blocks 7
and 12: Rainbow St. from West
Railroad Ave. to ihe west line of
Blocks 7 and 8: All in Rainbow
Addition to the City of Reedsport.
Douslas County, Orejion.
That the probable total cost of
said improvement is estimated to
he the sum of .'>11.3ri7.7r) includ
ing five per cent of said estimate
for adveftisinp. engineering and
That an assessment disti'ict of
the property to be benefited and
assessed for the cost of said im
provement is hereby declared and
made, defined and determined to
be as follows:
Blocks 1 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 8, the
south half of Blocks 0. 10. 11, and
112 and the Southerji Pacific right
of way fronting on Blocks 1, 2,
and 9. All in Rainbow Addition
,to Reedsport, Oregon.
and the whole cost of the con
struction of said improvement
shall be borne by and shall be as
sessed to the lots, parts of lots
and acreage property liuble there-1
fore and benefitted by the con
struction thereof, in proportion to
the benefits accruing to each lot,
part of lot or acreage property,
as shall he ascertain ami deter
mined by the City Engineer and
approved and adopted by the City
That the plans, specifications,
estimates and profiles for the con
struction of said improvement of
said street, parts of street, filed
with the Recorder by the City
Engineer, is hereby in all things
adopted, ratified and approved.
The City Recorder is hereby
authorized and directed to publish
this resolution for a period of ten
days in Port Umpqua Courier, a
weekly newspaper, and to pubiis.i
therewith a notice that the Engieers
estimate of the proportion ot
the cost of said work to be charg
ed against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land is on file in
the office of the City Recorder,
and stating that within ten days
from the <\ate of first publicaoon
thereof, the owners of 80 per ccnt
or more of the area of the proper
ty within the assessment.district
herein determined, may make and
file with the ' City Recorder, a
written remonstrance, agalns; such
proposed improvement.
Passed bv the Common Couiitll
this 22nd day of April 1925
Glen Caley
Recorder 1
ALk - Ud
Resolution Ko. 13 was read. TTpon motion, duly seconded,
said Resolution was adopted as read.
RH)30IU?I0n HO. 13.
I Wherejis tlie City Council of 't!ie
City of Kt'edsport deems it exped
ient find neciessary to improve cer-
!tajn strppfs iind parts of streets
in t)ie City of Reedsport, desciiberl i
as follows, tn-wit: ' !
All of n St. lyinjr westerly ofi
a line wliich is lilO ft. pnst of the'
easterly line of. 13th St: All of H
St. lyiim westerly "f a line which
is 150 ft. east of-the ea.'^terly line
of 13th St.; All of M St. b*ing
westerly of a Hue wliich is l.'iO ft.
east of tho easterly line of 13th
St.; All of L St. lyniK westerly of
a line which is loO ft. east of the
easterly line of ISrli St.: East
Railrosul avenue from the easterly
line of lot 8 of block 4.') prodnced.
'southwesterly to the sontli line of
jhlocb 101, produced: 11th .St. from
: Winchester Ave. to L St.: 12th
! St. from Winchester Ave. to East
!Railroad Ave. r 13th St. from East
Railroad Ave. to Winchester Ave.;
All of Winchester Avenue
f!'ontin!.r on Block 101 and
pxtendipu to the slope of
the S. r. Railroad; The westerly
1.10 ft. of the alleys in Mocks 51,
76, and 82 All of the alleys in
blocks 7ii, 85, 84, S3.
And whereas the City Council
has heretofore requh-ed from the
City Eufiineer, and the City Engi
neer lias, pursuant to such re
quirement, surveyed out the loca
tion, and prepared and filed with
the City Recorder plans and specilications
for an appropriate im
provement, and estimates of the
work tit be done and tiie probable
cost thereof together with a
statement of the lots, parts of
lots and parcels of lands to be
benefitted by such proposed im
provement, and the percentage of
tiie . total cost of improvement
Avhicli each of such lots, parts of
lots and i)arcels of land should
pay on account of the benefits to
be derived from sucli proiiosed im
And whereas the City Ccnmcil.
after :i careful examination of the, finds sucli plans, speci
fications iind estimates to he satisfactorv
in all respects, Therefore
That the City of Reedsport,
Through its Common Council
idoes herehv declare Its purpose
of iniprovinr/ certain .streets and
parts of streets in the City of
Reedsport. described more partic
ularly as follows, to-wlt;
All of O St. binp westerly of
a line which is loO ft. east of the
easterly line of 13th St; All of H
St. lying we.'terly of a line which
is 150 ft. east of the easterly line
of 13th St.; All of M St. lying
westerly of a line wliich is 150. ft.
east of the easterly line of 13th
St.: All of L St. lying westerly of
a line which is 150 ft. east of the
easterly line of 13th St.; East
Railroad avenue from the easterly
line of lot 3 of block 45 produced,
southwesterly to the south line of
block 101 produced; 11th St. from
"Winchester Ave. to L St.; 12th
St from Winchester Ave. to East
Railroad Ave.; 13th St. from East
Railroad Ave. to Winchester Ave.;
All of Winch^ter Avenue
fronting on Block 101 and
extending to the slope of
the S. P. Railroad; The westerly
150 ft, of the alleys in blocks 51,
76, and 82 All of the Jdieys In
blocks 75, 85, 84, 83.
That the probable total cost of
said improvement is estimated to
be the sum of $38,030.01 includ
ing five per cent or said estimate
for advertising, engineering and
i That an assessment district of
Ithe property to be benefited and
;asses.sed for the cost of said ini-
Iprovement is hereby declared and
made, defined and determined to
be as follows;
All of the following described
lots, blocks and parcels of land in
the Amended Plat of Railroad Ad
dition to the Citv of Reedsport.
Lot 3 of Block 45; lots 6, 7, 8, 9,
110 and 11 in block 51; lots 6, 7,
;8, 9, 10, and 11 in block 76; lots
6. 7, 8 0, 10 and 11 in block 82;
lots 6, 7, and 8 in block 105; all
'of blocks 52, 74. 75, 83, 84, 85,
101, 102. 103 and 104; a strip of
land 100 ft. in depth along the
Southern Pacific right of way. ex
tending .from the easterly line of
lot 3 in block 45 produced, south
westerly to the south line of block
1.01 produced, all of said strip
fronting on East Railroad Ave.
and tlie whole cost of the con
struction of said improvement
shall be borne by and shall he as
sessed to the lots", parts of lots
and acreage property liable there
fore and benefitted by the con
struction thereof, In proportion to
the benefits accruing to each lot,
part of lot or acreage property,
as shall be ascertain and deter
mined by the City En.cineer and
approved and adopted by the City
That the plans, specifications,
estimates and profiles for the con
struction of said improvement of
said street, parts of street, filed
with the Recorder by the City
Engineer, is hereby In all things
adopted, ratified and approved.
The City Recorder is hereby
authorized and directed to publish
this resolution for a period of ten
days in Port Umpqua Courier, a
«-eekly newspaper, and to publish
therewith a notice that the Engleer's
estimate of the proportion of
the cost of said work to be charg
ed against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land is on file, in
the office of the City Recorder,
and stating that within ten days
from the date of first punllcatioa
thereof, the owners of 80 per cent
cr more of the area of the proper
ty within the nsses«nient district
herein determined, may make and
ifile with the City Recorde-, a
.written remonstrance, against such
Iproposed improvement.
Passed by the Common Council
this 22iid day of April 1025
Glen Caley
Recorder j
Resolution IJo- 14 v;as read. Upon motion, duly seconded,
said Hesolution v.^as adopted as read.
RESOLUTIofJ^ i4*''
Whereas the City Council of the
ICity of Reedsport deems it expedjient
and necessary to improve cer-
!tain streets and parts of streets
Iin the City of Reedsport, described
as follows, to-\vit:
j Winchester Ave. from the East
lln.e of TJtnpqua Addition to the
City of Reedsport to the dredge
fill limit opposite Mock 102 of the
Amended Piat of Railroad Addi
tion to said City.
And wliereas the City Council
has heretofore requii-ed from the
City Engineer, and the City Engi
neer has. pursuant to such re
quirement, surveyed out the loca-
•tion, luid prepared an<I filed witJ:^
the City Recorder plans and speci-r
ficatlons for an appropriate impj'ovement,
and estimates of tlie
work to he done and the prohahle
cost thereof together with a
statement of the lots, parts of
llots and parcels of lands to he
|henefitted by sucli proposed im-
{provonient, and the percentage of
ithe total cost of improvement
iw!ii<'h each of such lots, parts of
;lnts and parcels of land ."hould^
Ipay on aeeount of the benefits to
ibo derived from such proposed ioijprovement.
! And whereas the City Council,
[after a careful examination of the
iforegoing, finds such plans, speci-
Ifications and estimates to be sjitis-
[factorv in all respects, Therefore
j IT "is resolved by the
i That the City of Reedsport.
!Through its Common Counrt*
idoes hereby declare its purpose
Iof improving, certain streets and
('parts of streets in the City of
Reedsport, described more particularlv
as follows, to-wit;
"Winchester Ave. from the East
line of Umpaua Addition to the
City of Reedsnort to the dredge
fill limit opposite block 102 of the
Arry?nded Plat of Railroad Addi
tion to said City.
Tha<- the probable total cost of
said improvement is estimated to
be the sum of S8.fl40.90 includ
ing five ner cent of said estimate
for advertising, engineering and
iTil. .
i That an assessment district of
the property to be benefited and
assessed for the cost of said Im
provement is hereby declared and
made, defined and determined to
be as follows:
Lots 11 12 and 13 in Block 102;
Ix)ts 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 of Block 103;
Lots 9 to 15 inclusive in Block
107; All of blocks 104, 105, 106,
108, 109, 110 111, and 112, all in
the Amended Plat of Railroad Ad
dition to the City of Reedsport,
Oregon; Lots 1, 8. 0, 10 and
II in Block 8; all of
blocks 4 and 5. all in Ump-
Qua Addition to the City of Reeds
port, Oregon; and a strip of land
in Lot 9 of Sec. 36, Twp. 21, S. R.
12, W. WM, said strip being 337.9
ft. in length, 100 ft. in depth and
fronting on Winchester Avenue,
and extending from the easterly
line of Umpqua addition to east
erly line of H St.
and the whole, cost of the con
struction of said improvement
shall be borne by and shall be as
sessed to the lots, parts of lots
and acreage property liable there
fore and benefitted by the con
struction thereof, in proportion to
the benefits accruing to each lot,
part of lot or acreage property,
as shall be ascertain and deter
mined by the City Engineer and
approved and adopted by the City
That the plans, specifications,
estimates and profiles for the con
struction of said Improvement of
said street, parts of street, filed
with the Ilpcorder by the City
Engineer, is hereby in all things
adopted, ratified and approved.
The City Recorder is hereby
authorised and directed to publish
this resolution for a period of ten
days in Port Umpqua Courier, a
weeklv newspaper, and to publish
therewith a notice that the Engieer's
estimate of the proportion of
the cost of said work to be charg
ed against each lot. part of lot
and parcel of land is on file In
the office of the City Recorder,
and stating that within ten days
from the date of first publication
thereof, the owners of 80 pci* cent
or more of the area of the proper
ty within the assessment dlstrl';t
herein determined, may make and
file with the City Recorder, a
written remonstrance, against such
proposed improvement.
Passed by the Common Council
fhls 22nd day of April 1025
Glen Caley
Recorder '
Resolution ITo. 15 was read. Upon motion, duly seconded,
said Besolution was adopted as read.
That the follov;ing na/aed Street Improvenient; 5tods "be and the
sa^'/B are hereby created;
1. Street Improveinent ITund for Street Impi-ovement
District llo. 1, accordins to the plans and estimates for
said district heretofore filed in the office of the Oity
Recorder. •
2. Street Improvement iPund for Street ImproTement Dis
trict IJo- 2, according to the plans and estimates for said
district heretofore filed in the office of the City Recorder.
3. Street Improvement Fund for Street Improvement
District Ko. 3, according to the plans and estii^ates for
said district heretofore filed in the office of the City
Rec order.
4. Street Im'^-^rovement Pund for Street Improvement
District Xlo. 4, according to the plans and estimates for
said District heretofore filed in the office of the City
6. Street Improvement Fund for Street Impitivement
District IJo. 6 aoeordin^ to the plans and estimates for said
district heretofore filed in the office of the City Recorder.
That those two certain warrants drawn by the City Recorder
and countersigned by the Mayor of the City of Reedsport,
in favor of D. L. Buckingham, said warrants "being numbered
2026, in the amount of §204.10 dravm upon Street Improvement
Fund District Ko. 1, and 2027 in the amount of $45.~45 drawn
upon Street Improvement Fund District iJo. S are hersby, in
ail respects ratified and approved and made payable out of
the respective Street Improvement Funds for Districts One and
Two by this Resolution created.
Passed by the Common Council this 22nd day of April, 1925.,
by the following vote:
(Sif^ned) Glen Caley
Reco rder.
Kay 0
(signed) C. McC. Johnson
It was duly moved, seconded, and carried that the improvement
of District 1^0. 5, bein^-A the proposed Rainbow Basin district,
be assessed to the adjacent property owners upon a frontage
It v/as duly moved, seconded, carried and so ordered that lots
1 to 6 inclusive in Bloch 104, lots 1 and 2 in Block 103,
lots 3 to 8 inclusive in Block 105, and lots 3 and 4 in Block
106, be considerod assessed as comer lots in Street
Improvement Disti\|.cts ilos. 1 and 4 respectively, but on a
one-half area "basis, farther, that said lots be assessed as
comer lots in Street Irapi-ovement District ITo. 5, but upon
a one-half area basis.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried and so ordered that
lots 1 to IS inclusive, in Block 49, and lots 5 to 10 inclu
sive, in Blocl: 48, be considered and assessed as corner lots
in Street Improvenent District Ho. 1, but on a one-half
area basis.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
Recorder* r
/ 299
RegiiLar Meeting of the Common Gounoil, held this 4th day of
May, 1925.
Upon roll-oall there v;ere present: ' President J. R- Browne,
Recorder Galey and Gouncilmen Austin, Bernhardt, Chapin,
Lovelace and Taylor#
Petition of property owners for the vacation of 'portion of
7th St. read.
Letter from umpqua Mill 8c Timber Go. i^ad, advising council
of indefinite shut-down of mill aad requesting shut-down
rate for v/ater, read-
Application of Umpqua Dredging & Construction Co. for permit
for construction of boat ways and grid-irons on v/ater front
of the S'. J. Kernan .property read and upon motion, duly
seconded and carried, the said application was approved.
Letter of lirs. G-eo. H. Peterson, relative to nuisance near
her home, read. City Marshal instructed to have the same
The Sewer Committee reported that in Sewer Districts Kos. 2
and 3 the construction of the sewers had been completed, and
recommended that said sewers be accepted by the City.
Upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried, said sev^ers
were accepted by the City.
A committee of the Parent Teachers Association petitioned the
Council orally for a curfew ordinance. The City attorney was,
by motion duly made and carried, ordered to prepare such an
ordinance for adoption at next regular meeting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was carried and so
ordered that Street Committee mai:e arrangements for the
opening of the 16th St. bridge at earliest opportunity to
permit the passage of Mr. Yewdall's float house from
Rainbow Basin to the Umpqua River.
Franchise Ordinance Ko. 118, was introduced and read ^r the
first time. U-non motion duly seconded and carried, sUd
Ordinance XIo. Il8 was passed to the second reading and
read lor the second time.
Ordinance Ho. 118.
An ordinence granting aifranchise for a period of 99 yearstb
the Umpqua mills and Timber Co. an Oregon Corporation, to const uct
maintain, operate, repair, rebuild, renew, replace, use and enjoy
lease, let, sell and despose of a railroad track within the City of
Reedsport for the purpose of transporting freight from points withi
the City of Reedsport to a junction with the railroad of the
Southern Pacific Co; within said City.
Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, said Ordinance IJo* 118
was ordered laid on the table.
Ordinance Ho. 123 was read for the first time. Upon motion,
duly seconded and carried, said Ordinance No. 122 was
passed to the second reading and read for the second time.
Upon motion duly seconded and carried, said Ordinance I^o. 122
was passed to the third reading and read for the third time.
Upon motion, duly made and seconded, said Ordinance was put
to a vote upon its final passage and was adopted by the
following vote:
Aye ^
Hay 0
0RDIHA1TC3 HO. 123.
An Ordinance providing for the improTement of certain
streets and parts of streets in the City ox Reedsport "by grading
and graveling the same, according to the plans and specifications
adopted by resolution of the Gonimon Council on the 22nd day of
April, 19E6, and providing for the letting o±" a contract for.
said work.
WHEREAS the Goaimon Council of the City of Reedsport
did on the 22nd day of April 1925, by resolution duly adopted
declare its purpose of constructing an improvement of certain
streets and parts of streets by grading and graveling the same,
being described as follows:
Winchester Ave. from the East line of Uinpgua Addition
to the City of Reedsport to the dredge fill limit opposite
Block 102 of the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to said City,
And fixing an assessment district, and approving and
adopting the plans, estimates and specifications theretofore
filed with the City Recorder by the City Engineer, and direct
ing that notice be published as required by the Charter of the
City of Reedsport,
AND WHEREAS, the period v;ithin which remonstrances
may be filed, having elapsed, and no remonstrances have been
filed against the -nroposed improvement of said street,
NOW, :;:h3ee]?ore,
!i?hat the following streets and parts of streets
in the City of Reedsport, to-v/it:
Winchester Ave. from the East line of Umpqua Addition
to the City of j^eedsport to the dredge fill limit opposite
Block 102 of the Amended Plat of Railx'oad Addition to said City,
be improved by grading and graveling, according to the plans,
specifications and rrofile of the City Engineer herstofore filed
with the City Recorder, and heretofore adopted and approved
by the Coiiimon Council.
The vfiiole cost of construction of said street improve
ments including advertising, engineering and superintendence,
shall be borne by and assessed to the lots, parts of lots and
parcels of laaid within the assessment district heretofore de
fined and determined, liable therefor and benefitted thereby,
as apportioned by the City Engineer and approved and adopted
by the Common Ooimcil, to each lot, part of lot and parcel of
land therein, as provided by the City Charter.
The Common Conncil does hereby declare that the work
or said construction for said improvement shall be let in one
or more contracts as shall be determined by the City Council.
The work of said improvement shall commence v/ithin
30 days after the letting of said contract, and shall be com
pleted within 90 days after the commencement thereof.
The contractor or contractors receiving contracts
for said work shall be required to each execute a good and
sufficient bond for said v;ork, or part thereof, with one
or more sureties to be approved by the Mayor of said City, in
the sum of seventy five per cent of the contract price, for the
faithful performance of the contract.
Each person, persons, firm, company or corporation
Who shall bid upon said work, shall deposit with each bid,
with the City Recorder of Reedsport, a certified check, pay
able to the City in the sum of five per cent of the amount bid
as an evidence o±" good faith, which shall "be retained "by the
city tmtil and "arLless the contract is si^^ied, and" the "bidder ;
shall have furnished the bond required herein, • j
and shall be forfeited to the city in case of failure to i
execute the contract and famish the required bond.
5?he City Recorder whall forthwith invite proposals .
for the construction of said improvement "by posting notices
in three public places in the Gity of Reedsport, which notices
shall call for sealed bids from contractors for said construc
tion, and direct them to the plans and specifications on file
with the Gity Recorder, and shall require said bids to be de
posited with the City Recorder within 17 days from the
date of such notice. ^
AN ElvISRGiillTGY is hereby declared to exist, and that
it is necessary for the imiaediate ;; reservation of the peace, ' •
health and safety of the Gity and the inhabitants thereof^ ,
that this ordinance take effect immediately.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in full
force as a law of said Gity upon its passage by at least a
three-fourth majority of the members of the Gouncil, and
its approval by the Mayor.
Passed by a unanimous vote of the Gouncil, this
4th day of Llay, 1925.
iigned) Glen Galey
Approved this 6th day of May, 1925.
(Slf^ned) G. McG. Johnson
Ordinances numbered 119, 120, 121 and 122 having
laeen adopted "by the Common Ooimcil May 4th, 1925, and having
"been vetoed by the Mayor, May 6th, 1925, were referred by
the Mayor back to the Council at the continued meeting
of Hay 7th, 1925. Said Ordinances, having been reconsidered
by the Council, were, upon motion, duly seconded and carried
by unanimous vote, ordered stricken from the Ordinance Book
and from the minutes of May 4th, 1926, leaving the numbers
119, 120, 1^ and 122 available as numbers for future Ordinances,
and it \ms further ordered in the same motion that the
minutes of May 4th, 1925, be corrected to show the same.
Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, it was
ordered that the Recorder be instructed to post notices of the
proposed assessments to be levied in Street Improvement
.istrict llo, 6, in three public places within said assessment
district, and that he make and file an affidavit of such
IPnon motion, duly made and seconded, it was carried
and so ordered, that Monday, May 11th,." at 8-00 o^cloclc P.M.
be set as the time for hearing objections to the assessments
in District Ho. 6*
Upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried,
it was ordered that the following bills as 0. Z'd- by
the Finance Coinmittee be paid and that warrants be drawn
upon the respective ftinds for the several amounts in
payment thereof.
A.G.Henn $ 150 .00- Geo McHargue # 50,00
W.G.Benson 50 .00' Glen Caley 75. 00
iW.A.Burdiek: 25.00' A.L.Green 10. 00
i.C.G.?. 15 • 00' Inland Construction 05,487. 59
Inland const* Co. 3 ,284 .90' INland Const. Co. 467. 52
D.L.Buckingham 299 .00' D.L .BuckinghATn 162. 00
D.L.Buckingham 5 .40' D.L.Buckingham 78. 45
D.L.Buckingham 33 .75- B.L.Buckingham 33; 75
D. 1 .BuckinghRTn 78 .45- D.L.Buckingham 32. 00
D.L.Buckingham 80 .00- J.H. McCoy 31. 50
J.H.McCoy 16 .31' Union Iron Wks. >4. 70
J.E.Browne 1 .50' y.L.Taylor 36. 65
P.L.Taylor 3 .68' Umpqua Mills & T.Co 10. 98
W.M.Dewar 1 .75' Paul Burnhardt 132. 24
Reedsport IPuel 5 .85* County Of Douglas 86. 63
Port Umpqua Couriea ;:.i2i .80.
It v^as duly moved, seconded and so ordered that
the State fire Marshal or one o±' his deputies be requested
to malie a survey ot the I'ire hazards o±' the City, and that the
members o±" the Council be called together to hear his report
on same•
I It v/as duly moved, seconded and so ordered that the
City Recorder be authorized to purchase a loc]L-bos in v/hich
to place the valuable papers o±' the City, and to place the
same in the vault of the First Bani: of Reedsport.
There being no further business, the meeting
was continued, subject to the, call or the Mayor*
Continued regular meeting of Hay 4th, held
this 7th day of May, 1925.
Upon roll call there were present: Mayor C. LIcC.
Johnson, Recorder Caley and Councilmen Austin, Browne, Chapin ,
Bemhardt and Taylor.
Upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried,
it v/as ordered that the report of the Street Improvement
Committee be accepted and that the City Engineer be instructed
to compute new estimates and to prepare nev; plans and
specifications for contemplated street imj:rovements in
Street Improvement Districts 1 and 4, in accordance with the
recommendations of the Street Coinmittee, and that he submit
the same to the Street Coinmittee prior to the continued meet
ing _of May 11th.
Resolution ITo. 16 was i-ead. Upon motion, duly"
made* and seconded, said Resolution *Ko« 16 was adopted as read.
; • • RssoLUTioirsio. "16:
V/HSREAS, Resolutions numl5ered tea an4 thirteen'
of the Resolutions of the City of Jieedsport, approving plans
and'specii'ications of the 'City Engineer for street iimrrovemente
within said City have been'found to entail a cost to the"
property oilers of the City in excess of an amount considered
advisable by the Common Council, arid
',7HBR3AS, the City Engineer has been instmcted"to
prepare new plans and speoificatioris in accordance v;ith the
recommendations of the Street Committee of the Council,
That Resolutions numbered tett.and thirteen be
declared void and of no effect.
Passed by the Common Council, this 7th day of May,
1925, by the following vote:
Aye Hay £•
(Signed) Glen Qaley (Signed) C. McC. Johnson*
Recorder. Mayor* .
Ordinances numbered 119, 120, 121 and 122, relative
to the oonstraction of certain street improvements with the City
of Re.edsport, having been vetoed by the Mayor, May 6th, 1925,
as by the Charter of the City provided, v/ere referred by the
Mayor back to the Common Cotmoil this date, for re-consideration«
Said Ordinances were thereupon re-considered by the Council.
Upon motion, diily made, seconded and carried by unanimous vote,
it v/as ordered that said Ordinances numbered 119, 120, 121 and
122, be striclsen from the book of Ordinances oi the City of
Eeedsport, and from the minutes of the regular meeting of llay 4th,
192b, leaving the numbers 119, ISO, 121 and 122 available
as numbers for future Ordinances, and i't waS" further ordered
that the minutes of said meeting of May 4:th, 1925, be corrected
to show the same.
It was moved, seconded, carried and so ordered that
the City Recorder be instructed to accept and record with the
County Cleric of Douglas County, deeds from Jos. Lyons, W. P.
Reed and V/alter IIcEay or either of them, to lot 7 in Block 49,
Lot ^ in Block q ^ and the westerly fifty feet of Lot Jl
in Block . All in the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to
the City of Reedsporfc, Oregon.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried and so ordered
that the Finance Go^:imittee investigate the inatter of an audit
of the books of the City and report back at next meeting.
Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, the meeting
was continued until Monday, May 11th, 1925, at 8 o'clock P.M#
Continued regular meeting of May 4th, 1925, held
May 11, 1925.
Upon roll call there were present: Mayor C. McC.
Johnson, Recorder Glen Caley, and councilmen J. R. Browne,
Paiil Burnhardt, H. L. Chapin, F. L. Taylor, W« A. Lovelace.
Communication of V/ill E. Moore, State Fire Marshall
In regard to the making of a survey of the fire hazards of
this city, read and placed on file.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that the recomiTiendation of the street committee on street
grade in Districts Humber 1 and 4 be adopted.
Ordinance Number 125 was introduced and read for
the first time, said Ordinance being entitled; An Ordinance
granting a franchise for a period of 99 years to the Umpqua
Mill's and Timber Co., an Oregon coiporation, to construct,
maintain, operate, repair, renew, rebuild, replace, use and
en;)oy, lease, let, sell and dispose of a railroad track
withih the City of Reedsport for the purpose of transporting
freight from points within the City of Reedsport to a
Junction with the Railroad of the Southern Pacific Co.
within said City.
Upon motion, duly seconde.., it was carried and so
ordered that Ordinance No. 125 be |iassed to second reading
and same was read for the second time.
It was duly moved seconded, and ?o ordered that
Ordinance No. 125 be laid on the table for further consid
Ordinance No. 124 was introduced and read, being
an ordinance entitled*
< I
It was duly moved, seconded and so ordered that
Ordinance Ho# 12^he passed to second reading and same was
read for second t'ime.
It was duly moved, seconded, and so ordered that
Ordinance Ko. 124 "be laid on the table for further consideration.
Upon hearing of Objections as to the tentative assesments
for the improvement of Winchester Ave» there were no
objections or remonstices filed or made orally.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that this meeting be adjourned until Thursday night, May 14, 1925.
Continued meeting of Ifey 11, 1925, held May 14, 1925
Upon roll call there were present: Mayor E. McG.
Johnson, Recorder, Glen Caley, Councilmen, John R. Brovme,
J. H. Austin, Paul Bumhardt, V/. A. Lovelace, and Prank 1.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that the application of W. P. Reed for the building of a dock
at the foot of U. st. be approved.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that- the application ox the West Coast Power Co. for right
to cross the Umpqua River below the railroad Bridge with
power line be approved.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that the application of Eva Z. Hubbard to vacate the street
betwep Block 30 and 31 from 1st st. to Schofield iiiver, and
likewise the alley in Block 30, be laid on the table for"
Street Oomoiittee's report at next meeting.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that the ap^-lication of the Winchester Bay Lumber Co. for the
vacation of the Northerly One-half of blocks Uine, Eleven and
Tv/elye of iiainbow Addition, be laid on the table for the Street
Committee*s report at next meeting.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that the Bid of 'John S. Shute & Co. of $1002.50 for each
One Thousand Dollars Street Improvement Bonds be laid on the
table for further consideration.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that the bill of City Attorney W. G. Benson expense trip to
Portland, with Street Improvement records be paid.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that this meeting be ajoumed until Monday night May 18, 1925.
Oontxnued meeting of May 14, 19S5, held May 18, 1925
Upon roll call there were present: Mayor, 0. MoC.
Johnson, Recorder Glen Caley, Cotinoilmen, J. Browne, Paul
Bumhardt, W. A. Lovelace, I. Taylor,
It was duly moyed, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that this meeting he continued to meet at a call of the Mayor.
Recorder /
1 Special meeting of the Common Council called "by the
^ • Mayor this May 22nd, 1925, for the purpose of considering and
acting upon Ordinance Ko. 126.
Upon roll call there were present: Mayor, 0. McC.
Johnson, Recorder Glen Caley, Councilmen, J. R. Brovme, Paul
Bumhardt, F. L. Taylor, W. A- Lovelace.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that Ordinance Ho. 126 he taken from the tahle for final
It was duly moved, seconded, and so ordered that
Section 4 of Ordinance Eo. 125 he amended to read as follows:
Section 4. The rights, privileges and franchise herein granted
are upon the express condition that ii at any time hereafter the
City of Seedsport shall improve said streets or said street
intersections or any part of the same over v/hich said railroad
trach extends, by planking, paving, macadam or other surfacing,
or if the said Umpgua Mills and Timber Go. its successors and
assigns, shall repair and replace any improvement that might
he damaged or torn out in constructing or repairing said track
or in operating over same.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that Section 6. of the emergency clause he stricken from
Ordinance Ho. 125 and that Section Ho. 7 he numbered Section 6.
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that Ordinance Ho. 125 be adopted as read.
The vote was as follows:
Aye 4 Hay 0
Said Ordinance as amended and adopted is as follows:
An Ordinance granting a franchise for a period of 99 years to
the Umpqua Mill's & Timber Co., an Oregon corporation, to
construct, maintain, operate, repair, renew, rebuild, replace,
use and enjoy, lease, let, sell and dispose of a railroad
track within the City of Heedsport for the purpose of trans
porting freight from points within the City oi" Keedsport to
a Junction with the Hailroad of the Southern Pacific Co.,
within said City.
Section 1- That the City of Heedsport hereby grants unto the
Umpqua Mills & Timber Co., a corporation, its successors and
assigns, for and during a term herein provided, the right,
privilege and franchise to place, construct, erect, maintain
and operate a single track of standard guage railway over and
upon property within the corporate limits of the City of
Eeedsport and described as follows:
Beginning on the S. P. House track opposite main line
station 2493 plus 21.9, thence on a Ho. 10 turnout for 80.3
feet to the point of frog which is the beginning of a 12
degree cur-e to the right, thence on said 12 degree curve to
theright thru an angle, of 12 degrees for a distance of 100 feet,
thence IJorth 55 degrees 50 minutes East 38.1 feet, thence on
a 12 degree curve to the left thru an angle of 17 degrees and
47 minutes for a distance of 148.2 feet, thence North 38 degrees
and 03 minutes East, parallel with the S.P. main line track
74.8 feet, thence on a 15 degree curve to the right for a dis
tance of 375.3 feet thru an angle of 56 degrees and crossing
East Hailroad Avenue from Station 5 plus 80 to Station 7 plus
28 of this line, in front of Lots 8 and 9 of Block 46 ox the
Amended Plat of Hailroad Addition to Reedsport, thence South 85
degrees 57 minutes East 364.8 feet, thence on a 15 degree aiirve
to the right thru an angle of 32 degrees 17 minutes for a
distance of 215.2 feet, and crossing onto 15th Street opposite
Lot 1 of Block 48 of said Addition at Station 13 plus 14 of
this line, thence South 53 degrees 40 minutes East 132.0 fee*!?,
thence on a 6 degree curve to the right thru an angle of 6
degrees and 03 minutes for a distance of 100 feet, thence
South 47 degrees 37 minutes East 62.0 feet, thence of a 12
de-gree curve to the left thru an angle of 20 degrees and 23
minutes for a distance of 169.9 feet, thence South 68 degrees
East 188.4 feet more or less to the property of the Umpqua
Mills & Ti'iber Co.
And which said railway track shall be constructed so that
the surface of the road bed for the rails for said railway
track shall be on the grade of said streets as established by
the said City of i^.esdsport. And the use of which said railway
track shall be for a spur track for the transportation of freight
for industrial purposes over siad line, between said industrial
site and the maiii line of the said Southern Pacific Co., for
the purpose o±" affording access and transportation between
said indui;trial site and the main line of the Southern Pacific
Co., in the City of Heedsport, and over which said track cars
may be operated by steam or such other motive power as may be
necessary or practical. And which said franchise is hereby
granted subject to the conditions and regulations hereinafter
set forth.
Section 2. It shall be lawful for the said Umpqua Mills &
er Go. to construct, place and erect all necessary piling
and structures on said streets and thru the intersections of
other streets with the said streets for the purpose of con
structing said railway lyr^ck at tiie aforesaid grade. But
such work shall be done in compliance with the reasonable and
necessary rules, regulations and orders v/hich have heretofore
and may hereafter during the continuance of this franchise
be required by the ordinances of said city.
Section 3. nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed in
any way to prevent the City of Heedsport from grading, planking,
paving or otherwise surfacing or improving or repairing siid
streets and the said street intersections, or constmcting
sewers in said streets or other public work; providing all
said work shall be done so that the same shall not unnecessarily
obstruct or prevent the use of said railway track in the
ordinary conduct of business over and upon the same.
Section 4. ^he rights, privileges and franchise herein granted
are upon the express coriditior; that if at any ti-ne hereafter the
City of Heedsport shall improve said streets or said street inter
sections or any part of the same over which said railway track
extends, by planking, paving, macadam or other surfacing, or if
the said Umpqua Hills & Timber Co. its successors and assiglis
shall injure or destroy any present improvement of said streets
of intersections, then the said TJmpqua Mills & Timber Co. its
successors and assigns, shall repair and replace any improvement
that might be damaged or torn out in constructing or repairing
said track or in operating over same.
And it is further provided that no cars shall be operated
over said rail?;ay on said streets at a speed to exceed IS miles
per hour. And provided itirther that no cars shall be spotted
or left standing on said streets or any portion of the right
of way hereinbefore mentioned, and that the operation of all
cars over said traci: shall be carried on with due precaution
for the protection of the public.
It is farther provided and this franchise is granted upon
the express condition that the Umpqua Mills & Timber Co., its
successo s and .ssigns, shall in no manner nor under any
circtunstances hold or attempt to render the City of Heedsport
liable for any damages for failure on the part of the City
to protect of enforce this franchise, or for any other cause
v/hatsoever arising under this franchise or the terms thereof.
sections, i'he rights, privileges and franchise hereby
granted shall continue for the period of 99 years from the date
this ordinance becomes effective.
becuion d. Acceptance of this ordinance by Zsie grantee siiall
be made in writing within thirty days from the date of its
passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor.
Passed by bhe Common Council of the City of Eeedsport
this 22nd day of May, 1925, by the following vote:
Aye. - 4.
Kay. - 0.
Approved by the Mayor this 2Srd day of May, 192£3
0. MO. C. Johnson
; 307
Glen Caley
State of Oregon. )
County of Couglas. ) SS.
City of Eeedsport. )
I, Glen Caley, the duly elected, (qualified and acting
City Recorder of the City of Reedsport, hereby certify that the
foregoing Ordinance numbered 125 of the Ordinances of the City
of Reedsport, is a full true and exact G0];y of said Ordinance
as the same appears in the i-iecord of Ordinances of said City.
Dated at Reedsport, Oregon, this ^ day of 1925
Continued Regular Meeting of May 4, 1925 held May 25,
for the purpose ox opening of oids for the grading and graveling
of Winchester Ave.
Uron roll call there were present: Mayor C. Mc.,C.
Johnson, Recorder Glen Caley, Councilmen, J. R. Brovme, J. H.
Austin, Paul Bumhardt, 5*. L Taylor, V/. A. Lovelace.
Call for Bids read at 8:30 o'clock.
The Bid ox The Inland Construction Co, for the grading
and graveling of :7inchester Ave. of 847.95 was opened and
It was duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that the Bid of the Inland Constraction Co. he rejected and
Bidder's Bond returned to the bidder.
It was duly moved, 'seconded, carried, and so ordered
that this meeting he adjourned.
PaIu/! ifiY/k ^o
Recorder/ Ma.Yor
Re^lar meeting of Jime 1, 1925
I.'Ieeting calleo. to order by Mayor Johnson.
Those present on roll call were: Oouncilmen Browne,
Bemhardt, Lovelace, Chapin, and Austin.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Oity Attorney instructed to forwara application of*
Oity for puroliase of tide lands to Clerk of State land Board
at once and to taJie up matter of purchase, hy phone.
'1 Resolution Ko. 18, instructing Oity Engineer to
prepare plans and specifications fro Street Improvement District
&o. 7, was passed.
Eesolutionj No. 19, being a resolution approving plans
and specifications for District Uo. 1 and authorizing publication
of the resolution, giving property owners notice of the v/ori; to
he done and the estimated cost of same, was passed.
Resolution IJo. 20, same as above for District Ko-. 2.
was passed.
Resolution No. 21, being a resolution approving plans
and specifications for District I^o. 3 and authorizing publication
of the resolution, giving property owners notice of the work to
be done and the estimated cost of same, was passed.
Resolution Eo. 22,-being a resolution approving vlans
and specifications for District Uo. S and authorizing publication
of the resolution, giving property owners notice of the work to
be done and the estimated cost of same, was passed.
Resolution Ho. 23, being a resolution approving, plans
and specifications for District Ho. 7 and authorizing publication
of the resolution, giving property owners notice of the work to
be done and the estimated cost of same, wass pafesed.
Resolution Ko S4, instructing Recorder to post notices
of proposed assessments within the various dist¥*icts, was passed.
Said resolution also contained notice of the date for hearing
remonstrances on same. Date set for June 8.
It was moved, seconded and duly carried that the
application of Winchester Bay Lumber Co. for vacatation of Mill
St. be approved.
It was moved, seconded, and duly carried that the
application of Bva K Hubbard for vacation of portion of Sheridan
Av®. and alley in Block 30 be approved.
Ordinance Mo. 124, being an ordinance prohibiting all
persons under 18 years of age from being on public streets after
certain hours, was, on motion, taken from table and read for
third time. Said ordinance being put upon its passage after third
reading was adopted "by the following vote:
Aye• Hay Q.
Ordlaance Uo. 126, being an ordinance dedicating Lot 7
in Block 49, lot 4 in Block 77, and the v/esterly oO ft. of Lot 17
in BlOGl: 77 to the public for street v^urposes was read for the
first time.
Upon motion said ordinance was passed to second reading
and read for second time.
Upon motion said ordinance was passed to third reading
and read for third time.
Said ordinance being put upon its final passage, same
was adopted by the following vote:
Aye.. ISay • 0*
Ordinance Ko. 1E5, being an ordinance granting a fran
chise to Umpqua Mills and Timber Go. was taken from the table and
read for third time. Certain amendments to the same were suggested,
discussed and upon motion duly adopted. Thereafter said ordinance
was put upon its final passage and was adopted, with the amendments
by the follov/ing vote:
Aya. 5- Uay. 0.
Ordinance Ho. 127, being an ordinance granting the
Standard Oil Company a permit to erect and maintain a distributing
station belov/ the S. P. Hailroad bridge was read for first time.
Said Ordinance, was, on motion referred to a committee to be named
by the Mayor. Said committee are: Austin, Lovelace, and Chapin.
'The following bills as 0. E*d by the finance committee
were ordered paid and warrants drown on the respective funds for
the several amounts:
A. G. Eenn
V/. G. Benson
V/, A Burdick
City Treasurer
West Coast Power Co.
D. L. Buckingham
Inland Construction Co.
T/in. L. Co.
Umpqua Mills & B. Co.
Peerless Pacific Co.
City Treasurer
Resolution Ho. 25, being a resolution transferring all
stims now in Jain IPund to the General Fund was read, and upon
motion, adopted by the following vote;
Aye 5
. 150.00 Geo. McHargue $ 50.00
50.00 Glen Caley 75.00
39.00 A1 Green 10.00
:300.00 X.O.O.F. 15.00
380.00 Coos Curry Tel. 7.25
• 771.00 J. H. /V^cKoy 51.65
6y209.85 J. W. Geibisch 9.00
3.96 Reedsport Fuel l.-;6.65
7.06 Paul Bumhardt 1.J89.89
93.93 W. G. Benson 6.40
4.00 Port Ump. Courier 35.90
Hay 0_
Resolution Ho. 26, being a resolution transferring all
sums now in the original Water Fund to the GeEHral Fund was read
and upon motion, adopted by the follov/ing vote
Aye £ Hay 0
There being no further business the meeting was, upon
motion, duly made, seconded, and carried, continued until June
the 8th, at 8:oo o'clock P. M.
Continued Regular Meeting oi the Common Counoil
held June 8, 1925.
Upon roll oall there were present: President, J* R.
Browne, Counoilmen J- H. Austin, Paul Bumhardt, H- X. Chapin,
W. A. ioTelace, Pran33: L. Taylor, and Eedorder Glen Caley.
This Meeting was Called for the purpose of hearing
Remonstrances to the assessments as published for proposed
street Improvements, Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and V.
There being no remonstrances filed and none made
orally, at this meeting it was duly moved, seconded, carried,
and so ordered that this meeting be continued to June 17th
at 8:00 o'clock P. M.
Continued Regiilar Meeting of the Common Council held
this 17th day of June, 1925
Upon roll call there Y/ere present: President, J. R.
Browne, Recorder Glen Caley, Councilmen J. H. Austin, Paul
Bumhardt, H. 1. Chapin, W. A. Lovelace, and F. I. Taylor.
Ordinance Uo. 119 v/as introduced and read. It was
duly moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance Uo. 119 be
passed to its second reading, and said Ordinance was read for
the second time. It was duly moved, seconded, and carried
that said Ordinance I3o. 119 be passed to its third reading.
Upon its third reading, it was duly moved, and seconded, that
said Ordinance be put uron its final passage. Said Ordinance
Uo. 119 was thereupon adopted by the following vote:
. Aye 5 IJay 0
OEDIKAKCE 110.119.
An Ordinance providing for the improvement of certain
streets and parts of streets in the City ox Reedsport b; grading
the same, according to the plans and specifications adopted by
resolution of the Common Council .on the 1st day of June 1925,
and providing for the letting of a contract for said work.
V/hereas the Common Council of the City of Reedsport did on
the 1st day of June, 1925, by resolution duly adopted declare its
purpose of constructing an improvement of certain streets and
parts of streets by grading the same, being described as follows:
East Railroad Ave. from easterly line of Block 47 to the
westerly line of lot 2 of Block 45, produced; G. St. from the
West line of this district to easterly end of G St.; H St. from
the v/est line of this district to U st.; X St. from the west
line of this district to Umpqua l^lver; M. St. from the west
line of this district to 16th St.; 14th St. from East R. R. Ave.
to V/inchester Ave.; 15th St. from V/inchester Ave. to Rainbov;
Basin. All of the plated portions of 16th St.; All of H St.:
The alleys in blocks 46, 77, 79, 80, and 81, and all that portion
oi" the alley in block 76 lying vathin this district; all that
portion of the alley in block 82 lying within this district; and
fising an assessment district, and approving and adopting the.
An Ordinance dedicating certain property of the City of lieedsport
to the public for street purposes.
Sec. 1. The following described lots and parts af lots v/ithin
the Oity of Keedsport are heroby dedicated to the public use for
street purposes forever:
Lot Seven (7) in Bloot i^orty-nine (49) Lot Four (4) in Block
Seventy-seven (77) and the westerly fifty (50) feet of Lot
Seventeen (17) in Bloclc Seventy-seven (77), all in the Amended
Plat of Hailroad Addition to Keedsport, Douglas County, Oregon,
according to the map and plat of said Addition on file and of
record in the office of the Gounty Clerk of said Douglas
County, Oregon.
Sec. S. She property above described and dedicated to the public
for street purposes shall be known as a continuation of 15th Street
from L Street to l.ainbov/ Basin.
Sec. 3. V/hereas there is contemplate^ at the present time the
improvement ox certain streots within tne City of i-ceedsport, and
whereas it is desired that the above described street be included
in such plan.of improvement, the Common Council of the City of
Reedsport finds and determines that it is necessary for the immediate
preservation of the p blic peace, healtn and safety of the City that
this Ordinance become effective immediately, and an emergency is
hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall become effective
immediately upori its passage by the Council and approval by the
Passed "by the Common Council this 1 day of June, 19S5, by the
foliovJing vote: Aye 4 Hay 0>.
Approved by the Mayor this 1st day of June, 1926.
Attest; L
plans estimates and specifications theretofore filed with the
Gity Recorder by the Gity Engineer and directing that notice be
published as required by the Charter of the City of Reedsport.
And whereas, the period within v/hich remonstrances may be
filed having elapsed, and no remonstrances have been filed against
the proposed i provement of said street, How, therefore,
That the following streets and parts of streets in the City
of Eeedsport, to wit;
East Railroad Ave. from easterly line of Block 47 to the
westerly line of lot 2 of Block 45, produced; G- St. from the west
line of this district to easterly end of G St.; H St. from the
west line of this district to H St; L St. from the west line of
this district to Umpqua River; M St. from the west line of this
district to 16th St.; 14th St. from East E. R. Ave. to V/inchester
Ave.; 15th St. from V/inchester Ave. to Rainbov/ Basin. All of the
plated portions of 16th St.; all of H St.: The alleys in blocks
46, 77, 79, 80, and 81, and all that portion of the alley in
block 51 lying within this district; all that portion of the alley
in block 76 lying vdthin this district; All that portion of the
alley in block 82 lying v.lthin this district; be impjTOved by
grading according to the plans, specifications and profile of the
Cits'- Engineer geretofore filed with the Gity Recorder, and
heretofore adopted and approved b:/ the Common Coxincil.
The whole cost of construction of said street i'iprovements
including advertising, engineering, and superintendence, shall
be borne by and assessed to the lots, parts of lots and parcels
of land within the assessment district heretofore defined and
determined, liable therefore and benefitted thereby, as apportioned
by the City Engineer and approved and adopted by the
Common Council, to each lot, part ox lot and parcel of land there
in, as provided by the Gity Charter.
The Gonmon Council does hereb./ declare that the v/ork of
said construction for said improvement shall be let in one or
more contracts as shall be determined by the City Cotmcil.
The work of said improvement smll commence within 25 days
after the letting of said contract and shall be completed within
200 days after the commencement thereof.
The contractor or contractors receiving contracts for said
work shall be required to each execute a good and sufficient bond
for said work, or part thereof, with one or more sureties to be
approved by the Mayor of said City in the sum of seventy five
per cent of the contract price, for the faithful performance of
the contract.
Each person, persons, firm, company or corporation who
shall bid upon said work, shall deposit with each bid, with the
Gity Recorder of Reedsport, a certified check or bidding bond,
payable to the city in the sum of five per cent of the amount
bid as an evidence of good faith, vAiich shall be retained by
the city until and unless the contract is signed, and the bidder
shall have furnished the bond required herein, and'"shall be
forfeited to the city in case of failure to execute the contract
and furnish the required bond.
The City Hecorder shall forthwith invite proposals for the
construction of said improvement by posting notices in three
public places in the City of Reedsport, which notices shall call
for sealed bids from ©©jit'r^ctors for said construction, and
direct them to the plaas and specifications on file with the
City Reoorder, and shall require said bids to "be deposited
with the Gity Recorder witain 17 days from the date of such
An emergency is hereby declared to ezist, and that it is
necessary for the immediate preservatio of the peace, health,
and safety of the Gity and the iiihabitants thereof, that this
ordinance take effect immediately;
This ordinance shall talce effect and be in full force as
a law of said City upon its passage by at least a three fourth
majority of the members of the Council, and its approval by the
Passed by a unamimous vote tff the Gouncil this 17th day of
June 1925.
Glen Caley
Approved this 17th day of June 1925,
J. R. Brovme
Acting Mayor.
Ordinance IJo. 120 was introduced and read. It was
duly moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance Uo. 120 be
passed to its second reading, and said Ordinance was read for
the second time. It was duly moved, seconded, and carried
that said Ordinance No. 120 be passed to its third reading.
Upon its third reading, it v;as duly moved, and seconded that
said Ordinance be put upon its final passage. Said Ordinance
Ho- 120 was thereupon adopted by the following vote:
Aye 5 May 0
ORDIHAi:CE 1)0. 120
An Ordinance providing for the improvement of certain
streets and parts of strsets in the City of Reedsport by grading
the same, according to the plans and specifications adopted by
resolution of the Common Council ofi the 1st day.of June, 1925,
and providing for the letting of a contract for said work.
Whereas the Common Council of the Gity of Reedsport did
on the 1st day of June 1925, by resolution duly adopted declare
its purpose of constructing an inprovement of certain streets
by grading the same, being described as follows:
West Railroad Ave., from V/inchester Ave. to Rainbov/ Slough
]?. Ave. from the V/est line of 5th St. To Hainbov/ Slough; G St.
from the V/est line of 5th St. To 8th Ave.; H. St. from a point
150 ft. west 01 the west line of 5th St. to 3. P. Right of Way;
L St. from the west line of 7th St. to the Railroad rignt of
way: 5th St. from H. St to 100 ft. north of northerly line of
F Ave.; 6th St. from the alley line of Blocks 69 and 70 to
Rainbow sanaugh; 7th st from L St. to Eainbow Siuugh; 8th Ave.
from Winchester Ave. to Rainbow Slough; 10th ot. from H St. to
J-ainbow Slough; West Railroad Ave. from Winchester Ave. to
Rainbow Slough; V/inchester Ave. from West Rainroad Ave. to the
v^ast line of 8th st.; Vhe alleys in bloclrs 37, 56, 57, 58, 70,
71, 72, 7^, 86, 3, and 5; The east 100 ft. of the alley in
block 87; The alley fronting Rainbow Slough
and fixing an assessment district, and approving and adopting the
plans estimates and specifications theretofore filed with the
Gity Recorder by the Oity Engineer, and Directing that notice be
published as required by the Charter of the Gity of Reedsport,
And whereas, the period within which remonstrances may be
filed, having elapsed, and no remonstrances have been filed
against the proposed improvement of said street, How, therefore,
That the follov/ing si.reets and parts ox strec^ts in the City
of Reedsport, to~wit:
pi a
i. tm. im
if- A
West Railroad Ave. from V/inchester Ave- to Rainbow slough
Ave. from the V/est line of 5th St. to Rainbov/ Slough; G St.
from the west line of 5th St. to 8th Ave.; H. St. from a point
150 ft. west of the v;est line of 5th St- to S. P. Right of way;
LoSt. from the v/est line of 5th St. to the Kailroad right of
way; 5th St. from H. St. to 100 ft. north of northerly line of
Ave.; 6th St. from the alley line of Blooks 69 and 70 to
Rainbow Slough; 7th St. from L St. to Rainbow Slough; 8th Ave.
from V/inohester Ave. to Rainbow Slough; 9th St. from I. St to
Rainbov/ SloiJgh; 10th St. from H St. to Rainbow Slough; West
Railroad Ave. furom Winchester Ave to Rainbow Slough; Winchester
Ave. from West Railroad Ave to the west line of 8th St.; The
alleys in blocks 57, 56, 57, 58, 70, 71, 72, 73, 86, 3, and 5;
The east 100 ft. of the alley in Block 87; The alley fronting
Rainbow Slough.
Be improved by grading according to the plans, specifications
and profile of ^he City Engineer heretofore filed v/ith the Oity
Recorder, and heretofore adopted and approved by the Commorj
The whole cost of construction of said street improvements
including advertising, engineering and superintendence, shall be
borne by and assessed to the lots, parts of lots, and parcels of
land within the assessment district heretofore defined and deter
mined, liable therefor and benefitted thereby, as apportioned by
the Oity Engineer and approved and adopted by the Common Council,
to eacli lot, part of lot, and parcel of land therein, as provided
by the City Charter.
The Common Council does hereby declare that the work of said
construction for said improvement shall be let in one or more con
tracts as shall be determined by the City Council.
The TTOrk of said improvement shall commence T;ithin 25 days
after the letting of said contract, and shall be completed within
200 days after the commencement thez^eof.
The contractor or contractors receiving contracts for said
work shall be required to each execute a good and sufficient bond
for said work or part thereof, with one or more sureties to be ap
proved by the Mayor of said Oity in the sujh of seventy five per
cent of the contract price, for the faithful performance of the
Each person, persons, firm, company or corporation who shall
bid upon said v/ork, shall deposit with each bid with the City
Recorder of Heedsport, a certified check or bidding bond, payable
to the city in the sum ol* five per cent of the amount "bid as an_
evidence oi good, faith, \7hich shall "be retained by the city until
and unless the contract is signed, and the bidder shall have
furnisJied the bond required herein, and shall be forfeited to
the city in case oi' failure to execute the contract and furnish
the required bond,
The City Beoorder shall forthwith invite proposals for the
construction of said improvement by posting notices in three
public places in the City of r.eedsport, which notices shall call
for sealed bids from contractors for said construction, and
direct them to the ^lans and specifications on file v/ith the
City Recorder, and shall require said bids to be deposited with
the City l^ecorder within 17 ""days from the date of such notice. ^
An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and that it is ;
necessary for the immediate preservation of the peace, health,
and safety of the Gity and the inhabitants thereof, that this
ordinance take effect immediately;
yhis ordinance shall take effect and be in full force as a
lav7 of said Gity upon its passage by at least a three fourth
majority oi the members of the Council, and its approval by the
Passed by a unanimous vote of the council this 17th day of
June 19S5.
Glen Galey,
Approved this 17th day of June 1925,
J. R. Brov/ae
Acting Mayor
Ordinance Ko. 121 was introduced and read. It v/as
duly moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance IJo. 121 be
passed to its second reading, and said Ordinance was read for
the second time. It vjas duly moved, seconded, and carried that
said Ordinance Ko- 121 be passed bo its third reading. Upon its
third reading, it was duly moved and seconded thj.t s^.iid Ordinance
be put upon its final passage. Said Ordinance Ho. 121 was there
upon adopted by the following vote:
Aye b Hay 0
An Ordinance providing for the improvement of certain streets
and parts of streets in the City of Heedsport by grading the same,
according to the pians and specifications adopted by resolution of j
the Gommon Council on the 1st day of June 1925, and providing for
the letting of a contract for said wo:tk.
V/hereas the Gommon Council of the City of Heedsport did on
the first day of June 192b, by resolution duly adopted declare its
purpose of constructing and improving certain streets and parts
of streets by grading the same, being described as follows:
West iiailroad Ave . f om the north lino oi" \)ater St. to the
center line of Bloclc 9, produced; lOth St. from the north line
of v^ater St. to the center line of block 9 and 10, produced; 9th
St. from the north line of V/ater St. to the cente.:' line ox blocks
10 and 11 produced; 8th St. from the Horth line oi' i/ater St. .
from the center of blocks 11 and 12; Holliday St. from West
Railroad Ave. to the west line of blocks 7 and 12; HainbowSt.
from j'est Railroad Ave. to the v/est line of Blocks 7 and 8;
All in Hain"bow Addition to the Oity of Heedsport, Douglas Goimty,
and fixing an assessment district, and approving and adopting the
plans estiiTiates and speoifioations theretofore filed with the Oity
Hecorder "by the City Engineer, and directing that notice published
us required by the Charter of the Oity of Keedsport,
And whereas, the period within which remonstrances may be
filed and no remonstrarjces havebeen filed against the proposed
i;;iprovement of said street, Eov/, therefore,
That the i'ollowing streets and parts of streets in the Oity
of Heedsport, to-wit:
V/est Railroad Ave. from the north line of Water St- to the
center line of Blool: 9, produced; 10th St. from the north line of
'water bt. to the center line of blool!; 9 and 10, produced; 9th St.
from the north line of ^'ater St. to the center line of blocks 10
and 11 produced; 8th St. from the North line of V/ater bt. from the
center line of blocks 11 and 12; HoHiday St. from vi'est Hailroad
Ave. to the v/est line of blocks V and 12; iTS.inbov; St. from V/est
i^ailroad Ave. to the v/est line of Blochs 7 and 8; All in Hainbow
Addition to the City of i-(eedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
be improved by grading according to the plans, specifications
and profile of the uity Engineer heretofore filed v^ith the Oity
Recorder, and heretofore adopted aad approved by the Common
The while cost of construction of said street improvements
including advertising, engineering, and superintendence, Siiall
be bome by and assessed to the lots, parts of lots, and parcels
of land within the assessment district heretofore defined and de
termined IJtable therefor an benefitted theregy as apportioned by
the city Engineer and approvea am adopueci oy the Qonriion jouncil
to each lot, part of lotJj: and parcel of land therein, as provided
iJy the Oity Charter.
The Common Council does hereby declai'e that the work of said
construction for said improvement shall be let in one or more con
tracts as shall be determined ijy the City Council.
The work of said improvement shall commence within 25 days
after the letting of said contract and shall be completed within
200 days after the commencement thereof.
The Contractor or contractors receiving contracts for said work
shall be required to each execute a good an sufficient bond for said
work, or part thereof, witii one or more sureties to be approved by
the Mayor of said Oity in the sum of seventy five per cent ofthe
contract price, for the faithful perfoxmance ox the contract,
Bach person, persons, firm, company or corporation v/ho shall
bid upon saio. work shall deposit with each bid,, with the City
Recorder of ReedsT)ort, a certified check or bidding bond, payable
to tne city in the sum of five per cent of the amount bid as an
evidence of good faith, which shall be retained by the city until
and unless the contract is signed, and the bidder shall have
furnished the bond required herein, and shall be forfeited to the
city in case of failure to execute the contract and furnish the
required bond.
The City Recorder shall forthwith invite proposals for the
construction of said improvement by posting notices in three public
places in the City of Reedsport, which notices shrill call for
sealed bids from contractors for saia construction, and direct
them to the plans and specifications on file with the City Recorder
and shall require said "olds to be deposited the Gity
Recorder within 17 days from the date oi" such notice.
An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and that it is
necessare ±'or the immediate preservation oi the peace, health,
and safety of the City and the inhabitants thereof, that this
ordiriance taice effect immediately;
This ordinance shall tai-ie effect and be in full force as a
lav^ of said Gity upon its passage by at least a three fourth
majority of the members of the Council, and its approval by the
Mayor. ^
Passed by a unani '.ous vote of the council this 17th day of
June, 1925.
Glen Galey
Approved this 17th day of June, 19S5
J. R. Brovme
Acting Liayor.
Ordinance llo. 122 was introduced and read. It was
duly moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance Ho. 122 be
passed to its second reading, and said Ordinance v;as read for
the second time. It was duly moved, seconded, and carried
that Ordinance 122 be passed to its third reading. Upon its
third reading, it was duly moved and seconded that said
Ordiriance be put upon its final passage. Said Ordinance Ko.
12S was thereupon adopted by the following vote:
Aye 5 Hay 0
ORBIIMGE 110. 122
An Ordinazice providing for the improvement of certain streets
and parts of streets in the Gity of i?e8dsport by grading the ,
same, according to the plans and specifications adopted by
resolution of the Common Council on the 1st day oi June 1925, and
providing for the letting of a contract for said work.
V/hereas the Common Council of the City of Reedsport did on
the 1st day oi June 1925, by resolution duly Adopted declare its
purpose of constructing an inprovemeno of certain streets and
parts of streets by grading the same being described as follo'^/s;
All of C St. lying v/esterly of a line vmich is 150 ft. east
of the easterly line of 15th St.; All of H St. lying westerly of
a line which is 150 ft. east of the easterly iino of 13th st.; All ^
of M. St. lying westerly of a line which is 150 ft. east of the
easterly line of I'oth St.; All of L St. lying westerly of a line
vmich is 159 ft. east of the easterly line of 15th St.; Sast
Railroad Ave. from the easterly lino of lot of block 45 produced
;30uthv7esterly to the south line of blocli 101 produced; 11 St. from
V/inchester Ave to East Railroad Ave.; 13th St. from East Railroad
Ave. to V/inchester Ave.; of V/inchuidtbr Air57~'Bxt0Tiding
S. P. —The wealleys^
in-b^xHik£L-51-,----76-;''and 82. All af.,the- ai-±eys in -'Qlogxs~7&, U5,-g^7~^«
All of the V/inchester Avenue fronting on Block 101 and extending
to the slope of the S. P. Railroad; Jhe westerly 150 ft. of the
alleys in blocks 51, 76, anu. 82. All of trie alleys in blocks 75,
85, 84, 83.
and fixing an assessment district and approving and adopting the
plans estimates and specifications theretofore filed withnthe
City Bag^rder by the City Engineer, and directing that notice be
published as required in the Charter of the Gity of Reedsport.
• f.- . . ••
And wereas, the period within which remonstrances may be
x'iled, having; elapsed, and no remonstrances have been filed
against the proposed improTemont ox said street, X^ow, therefore,
That the xollov/ing streets and parts ox* streets in the City
of Reedsport to-v;it:
All ox G st. lying westerly ox a line v/hioh is 15^ ft. east
of the easterly line ox 15th St.; All ox H St. lying westerly of
a line which is 150 ft. east oX" the easterly line ox 13 St.; All
of M St. lying v/esterly of a line v/hich is 15^ ft. east of the
easterly line ox 13th St.; All of L St. lying westerly ox a line
whic^ is 150 ft. east of the easterly line'of 13th St.; East
Railroad ave. frpni the east rly line ox lot 3 ox bloci: 45 produced
southwesterly to the south line of block 101 produced; 11th St. f
from Winchester Ave • to L St.; IStii St. from V/inchester Ave. to
East Railroad Ave.; 13th St. from East Railroad Ave. to V/inchester
ave. All of the Winchester Avenue fronting on block 101 and
extending to the slppe of the S. P. Railroad; The westerly 150 ft.
of the alleys in blocks 51, 76, and 82. All of the alleys in
blocks 75, 85, 84, 83.
be improved by grading according to the plans, specifications and
profile of the City Engineer heretofore filed with the City Recor
der, and heretofore adopted and approved by the Common Council.
The wholeooostxofiQonstrtiGtion of said street improvements
including adverising, engineering and superintending, shall be
borne by and assessed to the lots, parts of lots, and parcels of
land within the assessment district heretofore defined and
determined, liable therefor and benefittedt thereby as apportioned
by the City Engineer and approved and adopted by the Common
Council, to each lot, part of lot, and parcel of land therein,
as provided by the City Charter•
The Common Council does hereby declare that the work of
said construction for said improvement shall be let in one or
more contracts as shall be determined by the City Council.
The work ox said improvement shall commenct within 25 days
after the letting of said contract and shall be completed within
200 days after the commencement thereof.
The contractor or contractors receiving contracts for said
work shall be required to each execute a good an sufficient bond
for said work or part thereof, with one or more sureties to be
approved by the Mayor of said City in the sum of seventy five
per cent of the contract price, for the faithful performance of
the contract.
Bfeeh person, persons, firm, company, or corporation who '
shall bid upon said work, shall deposit v;ith each bid, with the
City Recorder of Reedsport, a certified check or bidding bond,
payable to the city in the siim of ^ive per cent of the amount
bid as an evidence of good faith, which shall be retained by the
city until and unless the contract is signed, and the bidder
shall have x\imished the bond required herein, and shall be
forfeited to the city in case ox failure to execute the contract
and furnish the required bond.
The City Recorder shall forthwith invite proposals for the
construction of said 1^provement by posting notices in three
public places in the City of Keedsport which notices shall call
for sealed bids form contractors for said construction and
direct them to the plans and specifications on file the
City recorder, and shall require said bids to be deposited with
the City Recorder within 17 days from the date of such notice.
An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and that it is
necessary for the immediate preservation of th- peace, health,
and safety of the City and the inhabitants thereof that this ordi
inanoe take effect i-miediatoly;
This ordinance shall talre effect and be in full force as a
law of said §ity upon its passage by at least a three fourth
majority of the members of the Council, and its approval by the
Passed by a unanimous vote of the council this 17 th day of
June 1925.
Glen Caley
Approved this 17th day of June 1925,
J. E. Brovme
Acting l^Iayor.
It was dul\~ moved, seconded, and so ordered that trie
following tiills as o'. E.ed ty the finance eommittee be ordered
paid and warrants drai.TO on the several funds for trie respective
V/. G. Benson, Exi^ense trip to Portland _ $
Hoseburg Kevrs Review Published Rainbov/ Basin Kotice 19.80
It was duly moved seconded, carried, ^d so ordered
that the Inland Construct ion Co- be given additional time for
the completion of Sev/er System*
It \ms duly mov^d, seconded, carried and so ordered
that the City Recorder be in tructed to publish eall for bids
for t 'e grading and graveling ox \vinchester Avenue, in Street
Improvement District No. 6.
There being no fui-ther business the meeting was upon
motion, continued, subject to the call ox tne Mayor.
6: {QiAUyf ^
Se66rder. / J / ^iayor
Regular meeting of the Gom;non Council held this 6th
day of July, 1925
Upon roll call there v^ere present: Mayor, 0. McC.
Johnson, Recorder Glen Caley, Oouncilmen, J. R. Browne, J. H.
Austii, Paul iiurnhardt, H. 1. Chapin, V/. A. Lovelace.
The Communications of the Standard Oil Company were
It v/as duly movei, seconded, carried, and :o ordered
that the Bids of Puget Sound Bridge and Construction Co. and
The Inland Construction Co. be opened-
It was culy moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that the City Recorder write the state fire marshall for report
on fire hasards and copies of fire Ordinances.
It v;as duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
that the following bills as 0. K.ed by the finance cor^ittee be
ordered paid, and warrants drav/n on theseveral funds for the
respective amoimts:
It was duly moved, seconded, and so ordered that this
meeting "be continued until July 7, at 9 o'clock A* M.
Recorder. .-Mayor.
Continued regular meeting of July 6, 19;;5 held this
7th day of July, 1925
Upon roll call there v;ere present: Mayor 0* McC.
Johnson, Eecorder, Glen Galey, Councilmen J. B. Bro'-vne, J. H.
Austirj, Paul Bmrnhardt, H. I. Ghapin, W. A. lovelace,
Gity Engineer Buckingham recommended that contracts
Be awarded for Districts Ko. 6 and 7 to the Inland Construction
Jos. lyons entered objection to tho improvement of
District IJo. 7 on the grounds that the price was too high.
It v;as duly moved, seconded, carried, and so ordered
tnat Resolution Ko. 27 awarding the contract for filling
Districts ITo. 1, 2, 3,-4, be adopted. The votes v;ere as
Ayes 5 Kays 0
That the Common Council fif the Gity of Heedsport, as a
continued regular meeting held this 7th day of July, 1926, at
9.00 o'clock A.M. having opened sealed bids for the grading of
certain atreets within Street Improvement Districts Uo. 1, 2, S,
and 47;y^aad City, finds that the lov/est and best bids therefor
have been made br the Inland Construction Go. and hereby
award the contracts for the construction of said streets ac
cording to the plans and specifications on file with the Gity
Recorder, and according to the unit prices in said bid con
tained as follows:
District Ko. 1. to Inland Construction Go. -ii, 7^ %•
District Ko. 2. to Inland Construction Go. ~ -
District Ho. 3. to Inland Construction Co.- --
District IIo. 4^. to Inla^nd Gonstr^uction C^o. -- —' \o. ory . o »
Passed by the Common Council this 7th day of July, 1925 by the
following vote:
Aye 6
i G It v/as duly moved, seconded, and so ordered that the "bid for 1.
the improvement of District Xv0« 7 be laid on the table xor turther
It v/as dul7/ noved seconded and so ordered that the rfidders
Certified Gheclcs be returned to the unsuccessful Bidders.
Iiesoluti n IvO. S8 v;as introduced and read.
It was c..uly tiibved, . seconded, and said Kesolution IIo. S8 was
adopted as i-ead by the fol cp^/in^ vote:
That the Com on Council of trio Ci y (f Headsport deems it
esi-edient and necessary to irntrovB certidn streets within the City
tf Eeedsport described as follows:
RaiJibov; Plaza from tlie v/esterl./ meander lirie of tVie I^pqua
River to the northeasterly line ox ij'ourteenth Street.
and the City Engineer is herebyreauired and directed to survey out
the location and prepare and file"v/ith the Oity Recorder, plans
and specifications for an appropriate improvement, and estimates
of the work to be done and the probable total cost thereof, to
gether with a statement of the lots, parts oi' lots and parcels of
land to be benefitted thereby, and the percentage of the total cost
of iriprovement v;hich each of such lots, p-irts 0:1. lots and parcels
of land feholiaid pay on accouvit of the benefits to be derived from
such proposed improvement.
Passed by the Common Council this 7th diiy of July, 19£5
Glen Caley.
A Committee was Appointed to get th3 opinion of Bond Attorneys
for -Twenty Year Bonds for Street Improvements. -They are: J. H*
Austin, V/. G. Benson, and Paul Burn|[ardt.
The Meeting v;as continues to July at 8.00 P. M.
PMji/ ^: yT
_ _ ^ . ^ . \
Recorder /
Continued meeting of the Common Council held July 23, 1925.
Upon Roll Call there were present; President John R. Brovme, "
H. L. Chapin, W. A- Lovelace, i'. E. Taylor, and Recorder Glen CJaley.
The Sewer Committee Hecommended that the Sewer in District IJo.
1 be Accepted.
It v/as duly moved, seconded and so- ordered that the Sewer
System in District Wo. 1 be accepted.
It was duly moved, seconded, and so ordered that 100 Contracts
be printed for fill in lieu of Bulkheads with tne property ovmers.
It v;as duly moved, seconded, and so ordered that the Certi- .
ficate of Ownership 01 each lot be secured from the Ohapin Inv.
Go. at 5^. per name.
t 'i.
The folioviln^ "bills were 0. E'd "by the finance ccmraittee and
ordered paid;
W. G. Benson e3n-)ense trip to Portland- | gS,,
Final Estimate for Sewer District I^o. 1 amounting to..f 7,196.'
It was duly moved and seconded that this meeting "be adjouirned.
Heoorder . / ,• / ^
Hegular meetir.g of the Common Council, held this 3rd day of
August, 19S5.
Upon roll call there were present Mayor 0. MoO. Johnson,
Oo-imcilmen J. R. Brovme, J.H. Austin,, Paul Bemhardt, H.L-Ghapin,
W.A. LoTBlace and Shrank 1.Taylor*
It was moved, seconded and carried that reading of the minutes
of the previous meetiiig be dispensed \7ith.
Petition for the creating of a street improvement district
for the improvement of L St# between 6th St. kid 7th St. and of
7th St. from i St. to Winchester Ave. was read and ordered filed.
Communications from the Council of the City of V/asco and
from the local Kiivra-nis Club were read and ordered filed.
J.H.Austin reported on trip to Portland relative to matter
of form of improvement bonds.
J.H.Austin reported for committee regarding location of Stan
dard Oil distributing station and recommended that the Standard
Oil Go. be requested to secure new location.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance Ho. 127,
"being a francjiise for the Standard Oil Go. be laid on the table
It v.'as moved, sejondeci, and carried that the bills as O.Z'd
by the finance committee be paid and that v;arrants be drawn on the
respective funds for the several amomits.
The Hecorder v;as instructed to answer the communication of the
City of Y/asco.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the communication of
the Eiv;anis Club be filed and that the matters therein contained
be referred to the street committee and that this comnittee be
given "oovrer to act in carrying out the recomendations of the
is Glut),
It was moved, seconded, and carried that t le Mayor and Hecor
der be authorised to sign contracts with the Inland Gonstmction
Co. for tne iniprovement of Improvement Districts numbered
1, 2, 3, and 4.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the Recorder be auth
orised to ifW W publish notice in the Courier
relative to the vacations of Mill St., portions of Sheridan Ave«,
the alley in BIocIj: 30, and portions of L St. and 5th St. and set
ting Monday, August 10th as a date for hearing of remonstrances
against said vacations.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that Street Improvement
Districts 7 and 8 bo consolidated into one improvement 'district,
to be kno\i?n as Street Improvement District #7, and that the specifioations
for grading and graveling be as fol ov;s:
Grading of V/inohester Ave. 24 ft.
Graveling of Winchester Ave. 16 ft.
Grading of all other streets in the district 16 ft.
Gis-veligg ox all other streets in the district 10 ^t.
It v;as moved, seconded, and so ordered that tne bid of In
land Construction Co. for tno improvement of District #7 being
the only bid received, be rejected.
It v/as moved, seconded, and carried that the necessary pipe
be ordered to install proposed extension of \mter mains on Sch'ofield
Heights, at a cost not to esceed §1200.00.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that the Li^ts Committee
be instructed to investigate the placi'.g of additional lights on
Mill St. and report bact to the Council August 10th.
It was Moved seconded and carried tliat the report of the City
Treasurer be accepted and ordered filed.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the following bills as
O.E'd by the Fina ce Committee be paid and that v;arrants be dravm
on the respeictive funds for the several amountg.
A. G. Renn
Y/. G. Benson
W. A. Burdick
L. Hav;kins
Banquet Cafe
Walter Butler
V7. R. Buck
D. I. Buckingham
J. H. Austin
B. Haaburg
Paul Bumhardt
C. Y/. Johnson
Schroeder h Hildenbrand
Walter V/alker
Ray C-fimningham
Port U:npnua Courier
1 50.00
1 25.00
T 31.06
, 6.00
. .75
, 5.00
t 31.75
1 10.00
ft 1.90
5 26.00
1 4.00
Upon motion, duly seconded
8.00 0*clock P. M. August 10th.
Geo; McHargue
Glen Cliley
L. 0. Green
L. Hawkins
F. C. &ers
Square Deal Cafe
V'/inchester lumber Go.
Pac. Sta. & Printing Co.
Douglas County
D. L. Buckingham
Union Iron Works
P. I. Taylor
Umpqua Mills
F. L. Taylor
John Burnhardt
Vvest Coast Power Go.
UmToqua Mills
$ n 50.00
] 75.00
A 10.00
, 3.50
• 3.80
if 15.27
^ 8.10
fi 15.7o
4 84.00
J} 16.45
tae meeting was continued until
Continued meeting of Ausust 3rd held this 10th day of
August, 1925.
Upon roll call there were pret:ent: President J.R.Brovme, Councilmen
Austin, Chapin, Lovelace and Taylor.
first duly swurn. say tliiir I lun the prin<'iiial
clerk of the printer of the Port Unipqua
Tliat said Port Umpqua Courier is a
weekly newspaper published and Issued
weekly and regularly at lleedsport, Douglas
County. Oregon, and Is of general circula
tion in said county and state; that said Poit
Unipqua Courier is nuiUe up of four pages
or more, of seven colunms each and with
type matter of a depth of 19% Inches, and
has more than 200 bona fide subscribers
living within Douglas County, Oregon; that
said Port Umj)qua Courier has been estab
lished and regularly and uninterruptedly
published In Douglas County, Oregon, at
least once a week during a period of move
than twelve consecutive months immediate
ly preceeding the first publication of the
lierelnafter referred to.
That the
of which the one hereto attached is a true
and correct copy, was published In said
newspaper ....
tlm^ TMnnnrnrlnir
I7f thft '^"'r
lya , and ending witir
the issue of the day of
That said
was published in the regular and entire is
sue of said newspaper during the period and
times of pul)lication, and was published In
the newspaper proper and nor In a supple
That the fee actually charged by such
newspaper for such p^)llcation
Subscribed and sv tO/ before me this
f., 11)2.^^^
Notary Public for Oregon.
My cnmniission exi>ires Vd2.^
that on Monday, August 10th, at
jthe hour of 8:00 p. m. at the Coun
cil Chaiiil)er in the City of Reedsport.
the Common Council of the
City of Reedsport will hear objec
tions of uny property owners with
in the City of Reedsport, relative
»to the following proposed vacations
of certalti streets, parts of streets
and alleys within said city:
Sheridan Avenue from First
Street to the Schofield river.
• Tlie alley In Block 30.
AH In the original townsite of
Reedsport, Douglas County, Ore
Mill Street from the Southern
Pacific Right of Way to the west
erly boundarj of Rainbow Addi
tion, also that portion of West
Railroad St., 8th St., 9th St. and
10th St. lying north of a line drawn
through the center of Blocks 9, 19
and 11. All In Rainbow Addition
to Reedsport, Douglas County, Ore
L St. from 4th St. to 6th St.
5th St. from M St. to Winchester
The alleys in Blocks 68 and 90.
All in the Amended Plat of
Railroad Addition to Eeedspoptr
Douglas County, Oregon.
By order of the Common Conncll.
.... Recorder.
Minutes oi" previous meetings were read and approved.
Ordinance Ho. 131 v/as introduced and read for the 'first time,
said Ordinance being a franchise ordinance granting a franchise to
the Standard Oil Co.' for tae installation of a distributing station
It was moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance 131 be laid
on the table and that the same oom"iittee that reported on the prevous
franchise ordinance of the Standard Oil Oo. be instructed to
investigate the now location and report to the Gouncil-
Resolution Ho. 29 v/as read. It was moved, seconded and car
ried that resolution Ho. 29 be adopted as read
Resolfi-tion ;^0 was re^d. It was moved, seconded and carried
that Besolution Ho. 30 be adopted as read.
HE30LUa?IOH HO. 30 ^ '
That the Common Ooujacil deems it expedient and necessary
to improve certain streets and parts of streets in th City of
Reedsport, described as foliov;s, to-wit:
L St. from the easterly line of 7th St. to the westerly
line of 6th St., by grading 36 ft. wide and graveling 16 ft.
wide; and the improvement of 7th St. from V.'inchester Ave. to
L St. by grading 36 ft. wide.
and the City Sngineor is hereby required and directed to survey out
the location, and to prepare and file with the City ..ecorder, plans
and specifications for an appropriate im2:>rovement, and estimates of
the Vv'orlc to be done and the probable cost thereof, together with
a statement of tno lots, parts of lots and parGel;j of lands to be
benefitted by such proposed improvement and the^ percantage of the
total cost of improvemant which eacn of such lots, i^arts of lots
and parcels oi land should pay on account of the benefits to be de
rived from such proposed improvement.
Passed dv the Gommon CoiinGil this 10th day of August, 1925.
Glen Galey
Resolution ITo. 31 v/as read. It vzas mov^d, seconded, and carried
that i\esolution Ho. 31 be adopted as read.
R5S0I1J?I0.N IJO 31 UP
Resolution Ho- 32 v/iS read. It v;as moved, seconded, and carried
that Resolution No. 32 be adopt9d as read.
Resolution Ho. 33 was read. It was moved, seconded and carried
that Resolution Uo. 33 be adopted as read. 9.
Resolution Ho. 34 was read. It was moved, seconded and carried
that Resolution No. 34 be adopted as read.
EE30LU5I0IJ HO 34.
That the City Recorder be and he i.-: hereby instructed to post
notices in three public ' laces lirtth Street Improveraant Districts Ko.
5, 7, and 8, giving the tentative assessments as prepared by the City
Engineer, and setting August 27th as a date for hearing remonstrances
Passed by the Common Council this lOtfi Day of August, 1925.
Glen Caley
Re c order.
Ordinance Uo. 132 was read being an ordinance entitled "An
The acting mayor then called upon all present who should have
remonstrances s.gainst the vacation of certain streets and alleys
within the city, to make thier objections at this time. There
being no remonstrances or objections, it was moved, seconded, and
carried that the said vacations be granted.
The lights Committee reported t.iat lights should be placed at
the Southwesterly corner of the gravel bunkei' near the Sash & Door
Plant and at t'r.e cornej. of L and 6th Sts.
The finance committee, to w.iich had been referred the matter
of an increase in the salary ox th3 Recorder was instructed to report
at the next meeting.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the matter, of securing
a city dump ground be referred to a comittee of two. The acting
Mayor a pointed on said comm\ttee: Prank Taylor, and H. I. Chapin.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the meeting he contin
ued until 8.0 o'clock, August 14th, 1925.
i^ecoraer T ,/ M§yo
Continued Hegular meeting of August 3rd, continued from
August 10th, 19;:5 and held this 14th day of August, 1925
Upon roll call there were present: President J.R. Browne,
Councilmen Chapin, Lovelace, Taylor and Bemhardt.
It was moved, seconded and carried that a permit be granted
to the o-.ners of tiie Sruare Deal Restaurant to move the same pro
viding the said -owners should assum? all responsibility for any
damanige that mi^ht accrue to public or private property by reason
of such moving.
Resolution IIo. 35 was introduced and read. Upon motion, duly
made, and seconded, said resolutiori was adopted.
xfflS^-^LUTIOII DIO 35.
That the Oity Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to
prepare and file with the Oity Heoorder, final estimates and
proportional assessments for the work to be done in Street Im- -
proYement' Districts numbered One, Two, Three and ?our, conrouted
upon the contracts heretofore entered into betv/een the City of
Seedsport and Inland Construction Oomp:my foi' sai^'; work.
Passed by the Common Council this 14th day of August, 19::5.
0. McO. Johnson
Glen Oaley
It was moved, seconded, and carried that the Recorder be
authorised to purcliase an additioaal lion docket.
The meeting was, upon motion, continued until 3.00 o^clock P.M.
August 18th, 19.^5.
Continued regular meeting of August 3r , 19:o5, continued
from August 14-th and held this 18th day of August, 19:.;£5.
Upon roll call there were prosent Mayor 0. McC. Johnson, Councilmen
Browne, Austin, Ghapin, Bernhardt, and Taylor.
It v.-as moved, seconded and carried that the application of the
Umpqua IJillc: & Timber Co. for the extension of their dock be ai^proved
and that the Llayor be authorized to sign the ap lication on behalf
of the Oity.
Ordinance Ko. 126 was introduced and read for the first time.
Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, said ordinance was ordered
passed to the second reading.
Upon its second reaaing, it was moved seconded and carried
that said Ordinance be passed to it t- third reading'.
Upon oein^^ read for ^the third time said Ordi ance \'/as, upon
motion, duly seconded, adopted by the following vote;
Aye 5 Hay 0
0?a)IIIA!JGE no. 128
An Ordinance levying assessments for the cnnstruction of a
sewer described as follavs:
Beginning at the Umpqua rive: in lot 4 Block 47, thence by the alley
in Block 46, 14th St, G St., East Ifeilroa.. Ave, the alley in Block 61
13th St. and H St. Also
Beginning at the UmpgTxa river in L St. thence on I St. 16th St. H St.,
15th St, thG all3y in Block 80, 14th St, the alley in Block 82, the
alley in Block 8.d, 1.3tn St., 12"Ch St., 11th St., Winchester Ave., the
Block 76, and the alley in Block 75 all in tho Amended Plat
of railroad Addition to Eeedsport, Oregon.
Ordinance I^o. 129 v;as introduced and read for the first time.
Upon motion, duly seconded and carried, said Ordinance was ordered
passed go "Une second reading.
Upon its second reading, it was moved, seconded, and carried
tiiat said Ordina-/ce be passed to its third reading.
Upon being read for t :q third time said Ordinance v;as, upon
motion, duly seconded, adoir^ed by tho xollov/ing vote:
Aye 5 Bay 0
An Ordinance levying assessments for the cohstiuction or a
sewer, described as follov/s:
Beginning at the Schofiel- river and 6th St. thence along the alley
adjoining Rainbow slough and Block 6 thence along Vth St. G St, H
St, 8th St., 9th St., 10th St, the alley adjoining ilainbow slough
and Blocks 1, and 2, the alley in 31oclc 5, and tho alloy in Block 5
^ all in i-:ainbov7 addition i\o. 2 to xieedsport, Douglas County, Oregon,
also tne alley in Bloc^;, 37, t alley in Block t)V, the alley in
block 69, the alley in blojk 70, the all-y in Block 71, the alloy i n
j block 72, the alley in Block 73, the alley in Block 86, i^ho alley in
^ Block 87, the alley in Block 88, the pulley in Block 89, all in the
amended riat of ^{ailro*:id Addition to Heedsport, Douglas County, Oregon
Ordinance IJo. 130 was introduced and read for the first ti;ne.
TJrjon motion, duly seconded and carried^ said ordinance was ordered
passed to the second reading.
•! Upon its second reading, it v/as moved, sec nded and carried
that said Ordinance be passed to its third reading.
Upon being read for the tUird time said Ordinance v/as, upon
motion, duly seconded, adopted by the follov,lng vote:
Aye 5 0
An Ordinance levying assessments for the construction of a
sewer dascrib--d as foliov/s:
Beginning at the Schofield river on the Center line o.J i\ainbow
St. oi" H:inbo\7 Addition, pii'Oduced foim Blocks 7 and 8, thenc": along
said line or ilainuow St. to the west lino of r-.ainbow Addition thsnce
on Hainbov/ St., 8th St. and B.olliday St., all in -iainbow Addition to
It was moved, corided and carried that the Llayor appoint two
.lien to assist the Hecorder in securing applications for bonding
under the Bancroft Bonding Act. I'ae men ap:oointe(a; are: Chapin,
It v/as mov-aa, seconded a)ia carried that the .Kecorder be instmct
ed to publish a call for bids.
It was mov d and carried that the Common Go noil go on record
^ as favoring the construction of the iossevelt Highway through the
Oity, and as favoring the creation of a super road district for
voting a special road tax.
It was moved, seconded and carried that tne
Recorder be instructor to order 500 foims for application for bond
It was moved seconded and cartied that trje Street Committee be
instructed to make the necessary rei^airs to road between 8th St. and
Schofield Bridge. {V/inchestar Ave )
It was moved, seconded and carried that the Street Committee
get estimates of cost of clearing streets before fill, and report
at nest meeting.
UT)on motion duly seconded, the meeting was continued until 8.00,
ai*clocfe, August S7th, 19£5
j'# :
Continued rogular meeting of Aiigust 3, 1925 contiimed
from August 18th and held this 2Vth day of August, 1925.
Upon Koll call thei-? were pre ent President J.H-, Gounoilmen
Austin, Taylor, Bernhardt and Lovelace.
The actin^?: mayor called for any remonstrances that mif^ht loe
made pursuant to notide published ay the liecorder, relative to tne
jirovosed assessments for improvement of Street Improvement Districts
5, 7, and inhere "being no remonstrances or objections the council
proceeded to other business.
Ordinance Ho., 135 v/as intruduoed and read for the first time.
It iraas moved, seconded, and carried tmt Ordinance No. 135 be passed
to second reading and read for second ti :e.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that Orc:.inance Ko. 135
be passed to third reading nnd read for triird time.
Upon its being read for the tnird time, Ordi ®,nce Ho« 135 was,
U'-on motion, duly seconded, Tut to its final passage and v/as adopted
by the follov/ing vote:
Aye 4 Kay 0
All ORDIHAKGE providing for the improvement of certain streets
and parts of streets in the City of Reedsport b • gr ding the same,
according to plans and specifications adopted by a resolution of
the Gomiion Goiincil on the lOth day of August 1925, and providing
for the letting: of a contra-ct for aid work.
Ordinance IJo. 136 was introduced and read for tiie first time.
It W£is moved, seconded, asid carried that Ordinance llo. 135 be passed
to second reading and'said Ordinance was read for second time.
It was moved, seconded, aad carried that Ordinano'e Ho. 135 be
passed to t;ie third reading and read for the third time*
Upon its being read for the third time, Ordinance Ho. 135, vjas,
u on motion, duly seconded, put to its final passage and \vas aaovted
by f'le followiiig vote;
Aye 4 Hay 0
AH OPDir.MIOS providing for the improvement of certain streets,
and parts of streets in the City of Reedsport by grading and gravel
ing the S-ime, according to plans and specifications adopted by res
olution of the Oommon Goimcil oi'n the 10th day of August 1925, and
providing for the letting of a contract for said y/ork.
Ordinance Ho. 137 was introduced and read for tne first time.
It v;as moved seconded and carried that Ordiraance Ho. 13B be passed
to second reading and said Ordinance was read for the second time.
It v/as moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance Ho. 137 be
passed to third reading aiad road for third time.
Upon its beir^g read for the third time. Ordinance Ho. 137 was,
upon motion, duly seconded, put to its final passage and was adOvted
by the following "ote:
Aye• 4 Hay $
Ordinance Ho. 137
AH OrLDIIIAHCE providing for the i provement of cert.-iin streets
and parts of streets in the City of Re'^dsport by gradij.g and gravel
ing th.e same, according to plans and specifications adopted by res
olution of the ComiTion Council on the lOth day of August, 1925, and
providing for the letting of a contract for said work.
Resolution Wo. 56 •••as introdiioed and read. Upon motion said
reaolution no. 36 v/as adopted as read
It \ms moved, seconded and carried that the Stre':'t Gommittee be
given power to act relative to ordering slashing of "brush v/here nec
essary in streets and alleys, "before dirt fill is made.
Resolution IJo. So-A T/as in.reduced and read. Upon motion duly
seconded, said rese)lution vj?.s adopted as read. I
V.CEGBE.'XS, the City of Reedsport is filiin - in certain streets of
the Oity by dredging, under a contract entered into mtli tne Inland
Gonstruction Company, oi" Portland, Oregon, and,
WIBRBjiS, the foregoing plan of improvement will fill to street
grade certain streets lying adjacent to the Southern Pacific Gompany*s
right of way thru saic City, and
?/I-I3HHAS, in the e^ent tne said Southern Pacific Company fails to
fill in the portions of its right; of way abutting its present grade,
there will be left a low strip of ground along each side of the
right of way, miich said low strip ox ground will accumulate water
from the railroad grade and from the filled in portions of the city,
forming standing pools, and
7/HSREAS said pools will necessarily become. unli?althful and unsiglitly,
and may, in the course of time become a menace to public health
That the Southern Pacific Company be urgent^ requested to fill
to street grade all portions ox their right of way lying within the
improvement districts oi the City of Reedsport, and that a copy of
this resolution be furnished E. I. King, to be brought to the atten
tion of the proper officials of the Southern Pacific Co.
Passed "by the Goramon Councii oi' tr.e City of i\6eds} ort this
27th day of August, 1925.
Glen Caley
J. R. Brov/ne
Acting Mayor
Resolution Ho 43 \vas introduced and read. Upon motion, duly
seconded, said resolution vra,s adopted as read.
Upon motion, duly seconded, and carried, the meeting was con
tinued subject to the cill of the llayor.
Continued Regular meeting oi August 3rd, continued from
August 27th, at the call of the Mayor, regularly made and
held this Slst day of August, 19£5.
Upon roll call there v;ere present President Bro-\-me, Gouncilmen
Austin, Bemhardt, Taylor and Lovelace.
This Lleeti p: was called by the acting ^yor, J.R. Brov/ne to
consider and act upon the matter of purchase of certain property
by the city.
nesolution I'o. 37 v]8,s read. Upon mot^ion duly seconded, said
resolution -was adopted.
\T[ffiREAS ^there is, within the City of Keediiport, a certain strip
of land, -^0 ft. in width and 500 ft. in length, connectin.% two dedi
cated portions of 16oh St. and nov; used by the general "Dublic as a st
street, and
Y/HSH2A5 said strip of land Xl. ovmed by the Anderson Pacfeine Go.
y/hereas is willing to sell said strip of land to tr.o City of
Reedsport, after t e sa.Me has been filled and brougat to stre'^t grade
ana has made and offer to ttie City to sell said strit; of land for the
agreet price of ^pSSOO.OO,
mri TIffiRE3K)RE
That the Mayor and Oity Recorder of the City ox Reedsport be and
tjrey are hereby authorized to execute General Fund Warrants of the
City ox Reedsport, in the total sum of three Thousand Six Hujidred
(13500,00) Dollars, payable to the order ox' the Arthur Anderson
packing Company, foi- the purpose ox purchasing the following nereinafter
described property.
That the I.l?.yor and City Recorder be and they are hereby authori25ed
to deliver said mrrants to the Arthur Anderson FackinR: Co., in
payment for the above property, upon receipt by the Oity of^an ab
stract ox title shov/ing a merchantable title of said property, free
of all incurn'orances ai:d the frood and sufficient '.varranty deed of the
said Arthur Anderson Paching^'Cora any conveyinr: to tue City of Reeds
port the following described property:
Beginning at the iJottherly corner of Lot 1 in Block 48
of the Amended Plat ox Hailroad Addition to Reedsport,
which poin is on the Southerly boundary of 16th St.,
running thence iJorth <;7-37* V/est a distance of SOO ft.,
thence IJorth 42-23' Bast a distance ox 60 ft. to a point
on tile Southerly boundary ox 16th St.; thence South
47-37* Bast a distance of 500 xt. to a point on the
Northerly boundary of said 16th St.; thence South 42-23' Y/est
to the place of the beginning, containing acres more
or less.
Passed by the Common Council this 31st day of August,
J. R. Brovime
ficting Mayor
Glen Caley
There being no further Buisness the meeting was Ajoumed.
Attest;^ , • y Mayor
Recorder f
Minutes of Regular meeting of the Common Council held this
1st day of September, 1925
Roll Calll Those present President , John H.Browne, ^ouncilmen
H.X.Chapin, Paul Bumhardt, v7.A.Lovelace, Prank L.Taylor and
Recorder Grlaan Caley.
This meeting falling upon Monday, S«pt. 1st anil the same being
Labor Day, the meeting v/as, upon Motion Continued untill Friday,
Sept. 4th, 1925. at 8.00 o'clock.
Recorder / JL ^ r /i ^/
u Mayor
Oontimed Hegular me9ting of Sept 1st, Held this 4th Day
of Sept, 19S5,
Roll Call- Those present Mayor C.MoC.Johnson Coxmoilmen
J.H.Austin John R. Browne, Paul Burnhardt, H.L.Ohapin, V/.A.lovelaoe
Frank I.TTaylor and Recorder Glen Galey.
Minutes of Previous meeting read and approved.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Bids on Street Improvement Districts
5,7, and 8 be opened.
Inland Construction Go. Bid Dist ITo 7
Jos Lyons " " "
Inland Construction Go Bid Dist,Uo.8
Inland Construction Go. Bid Dist IIo.5
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Resolution Ho 38 be adopted awarding the ,
Gontraot for Street Improvement Dist, 7 to Jos. Lyons. $7,196.40
See enserted Sheet.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Resolution no. 29 be adopted awarding the
Contract for street Improvement Dist ITo. 8 to Inland Construction Co.
Resolution IJo.39
See Snserted She^t
Moved 2nd so Ordered that ResolutionlTo. 40 be adopted av:arding the
Contract for Street Improvement Dist.xJo 5 to the Inland Construction Go.
Resolution Eo. 40
Sea enserted Sheet.
Engineet Buckingham Recommended that the Inland Constrection Co.
te given a Gonti-act for the Clearing of Streets in Distis. Ijo 1&4 at
$320.00 and Dist. IJo 3 at $ 80.00
Ordinance Ko. 139 read for ji'irst reading. Moved 2nd so Ordered that
ordinance Ko. 139 be passed to 2nd reading, moved 2nd so Ordered that
Ordinance IIo 139 be past:ed to 3rd reading Ordinsnce fio 139 adopted
b^ the follov/ing Vote, Yeas 6 Hays 0)
0KDIIIAHG3 fio. 139
An Ordinance levying assessments for the work and con
struction of the Improvement of certian streets and patts of
streets in the City of ReedS'Ort, b^- grading the same, which
streets are included in distrect IJo.i for which see Ordinance Book.
Moved 2nd so Ordered th'
be paid.
Glen Galey
Continental Pipe Co.
Roy Peterson
V/est Coast P.Co.
V/inchester Bay L.Co.
Coos and Curry Tel Co.
John Ungffr
Guy Murphy
Inland ^onst.Co
ReedS' Ort }j\iel
Paul burnhardt
Lee Clements
Harold Clark
Roy Peterson
it follovang bills as finance committee
Tp 150.00^ Geo McHargae
22 13j
A1 Green
;/. G.Benson
Pacific 3tat.& P.CO.
Port Ump. Courier.
J ohn Bumhardt
88^ Umpqua Mills
15^ Peerless Pacific Co,
00-^ Jack gaffney
50^ L.J.Moon
50* al green
50»i D.L.Buckingham
00<| Inland Const. Co. 2
7Zt^ County of l^ouglas
05< j.L.Taylor
90^ C.C.Clarke
OOA L.Hawkins
$ &0.00 -V
25 • 00 »\
10.00 /)
52.50 ^
10.40 n
61.00 •
30.50 ^
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Ordinance Uo 131 be amended as follows
Section 2and 4
Section 2. that the said proposed structures and improvements
shall be errected and maintained with all proper safeguards and in
conformity to the practice followed by said Company at its various
stations, and in conformity with the plans and Specifications now on file
with the
QJ-Jy Hscorder, and said Improvement shall be maintained and
4 be striolcen fron tQhrediOanraa^inceanoieJo,w existing, and that section
dairig M2ngdyesdo2Ondr.dseoredOrtdheartedO^trhdaintanOcredinKaon1c3e1Hboe1p31asbseedptaosse2dndtoret
ord reading,Orainance Bo 131 adopted be the following record
vote- Yeas, Brovme Austin Bumhardt, Chapin, Lovelace, Taylor
IJays. 0
Ordinance Ho 131
An Ordinance granting to the Standard Oil Company . a
California Coloration, permission and authority to locate
erect, maintain and operate warehouse or v/arehouses, storage tanks
and other necessary buildings and appurtanaces, together with all
necessary pipe lines and conduits on tha,t oertian tract of land
in the City of Heedsport, Oregon.
ivloved 2nd so Ordered that a store iboom be rented Erom the iri'est
Coast Power Co. for Y/ater Pipe and tools at §5.00 per Month.
Their being no further business thid meeting ad^Joumed/ Subject
to the Call of the Mayor.
Regular meeti g oi' the Common Council held this 9th day of
September, 1925.
Upon roll call taere were present: President John R. Brovme,
J.H.Austin, H.I.Chapin, W.A.Iovelace, Fran^ L.Taylor, and Recorder
Glen Oaley.
It was duly moved, seconded, and so ordered that a Budget Committee
be ap ointed. They are: S'.W.Varrelman, E.Y/.FiBnklin, Jos.Lyons,
J.C. Diehl, H.C.Morris, Geo.W.Staples, and C.S.Tyler.
It v;as moved, seconded, and carried thata meeting of the Budget
ConriittoQ be set ±'oMonday Septembsr 28, 1925.
Ordinance IJo. 140 v/as read for first time. It was moved, seconded,
and carried that Ordinance ITo. 140 bo passed to sgco id reading and
upon being real for second time it was moved, seconded and cairied
that said Ordinance be passed to third reading and Ordinance Ho.
140 ms read for third time. Upon motion, duly seconded and carried
Ordinance Bo. 140 was put upon its final passage and was adopted
by the foliov/ing vote": Yeas 4 Hays 0)
AH OEDIHAHGE providin,-.' for the issuance of City of Heedsport
Improvement Bonds in the sum of $45,i352.04 providing and approving
the foirn of the bond to be issued and the coupons attached there
to; providing for the. advertisement and sale of said bonds, and
declaring an emergency.
Ordinance To. 141, an ordinance pro/iding xor the vacation of cer
tain streots and paits o.J stre ts foi the Winchester Bay Lumber Co.
w^is read foi- the first time. It was moved, seconded and so ordered
that Ordinance Ho. 141 be passed to t :g second reading and said
Ordinance was read for second time- Upon motion, duly seconded,
Ordinance Ho. 141 vTas passea to tiie third reading- Upon tiie third
reading, -was^moved, seconded, and carriea that Ordinance Ho. 141
be put upon its final passage and said Ordinance v;as adopted by the
following vote; Yeas 4 Hays 0
Ordinance Ho. 142, an Ordinance providing for vacation of cer
tain streets and al±ey in B:-oc.- SO of tne Amended Plat for Eva E.
Hubbard was read for tne first time. It v/a^; moved, seconded and
so ordered Ordina -ce Ho. 142 be passed to the second reading
and said Ordi^iaiioe was rsg.d. for tho second.time•. U^on niotion, duly
seconaea, Orainance Bo. 142 was passea to "Ciie 'cnird reading ona reaa
for the third time. It was moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance
No. 142 be put upon its final passage and said Ordinance was adopted
by the folibwing vote: Yeas' 4 Eays 0.
Ordinance Ho. 143, an Ordinance providing for the vacation of certain
streets in blOGkS'69 and 89 for t;ie Reedsport School Grounds was read.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Ordinance Ho. 143 be passed to
second reading and said Ordinance was read for the second time. Upon
motion, duly seconded. Ordinance was passed to the tnird reading. Upon
its third reading It was moved, seconded, and carried tiiat Ordinance Ko.
143 be put upon its final passage and said Ordinance was adopted by the
following vote: Yeas 4 Hays 0.
Ordinance Ho. 14fe, an Ordinance fising '.dditional salary of the.Oity
Recorder was read. It \¥as moved seconded and carried that Ordinance
Ko. 14fe be passed to second reading and said Ordinance was read for
the second time. Upon motion, duly seconded, Ordinance Ilo. 14fe tes
pissed to tiie third reading. - Upon its third reading, it was moved,
seconded, and carried that Ordinance No. oe put upon its final
passiige and said Ordinance was adojted by the xollov;igg vote: Yeas 4
Says 0.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that the street com.nittee be auth
orised to raise walks v/here deemed necessary and v/here hey can be
raised cheaper tiian to remove the sand after filling,
It v/as moved, seconded, and carried that t:;e City Attorney have tiie
Sewer Bonds printed by the'^Trwin Hudson Co. of Portland, Oregon.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that tiie expense Bill of City
Attorney W.G.Benson of §44.75 be padi.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that this meeting be contin
ued uitil Friday September 2b, 1925.
Recorder / / Mayoy.
Gontiriued regular meeting of September 9, held this Si^th day
Ox Septmeber, 1925.
Upon roll :^all tnera were present: Mayor C.McO.Johnson, Councilmen
J.R.Brov/ne, J.H.Austiii, 7aul Burnhardt, H.I.GhaTun, W.A.Love
lace, i"".!-.Taylor, and Recorder Glen Caley.
It v/as moved, seconded, and carried that t e bid for Sewer Improve
ment Bonds be opened.
The Bid of the Inlana Construction Go. for Par plus accrued interest
\7as read.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that the bid of Par i;lus accrued •
interest for the Reedsport Sewer Bonds be accepted.
It v;as moved, seconded and carried t lat tae City Engineer make new
esti ates of the filling of District IJo. 2, ana assess the proper
proportion to Rainbow Slough.
Ordinance iJo 145, an Ordinance levying asse sments for Street Improve
ment BiB&rict Ko. 6 was read. It was moved seconded and carried that
Ordinance Ho. 145 be passed to the second reading and said Ordinance
\ms read for the second time. Upon motion, duly seconded, Ordinance
Ho. 145 v/as passed to the third reading. Upou its third reading it
vra,s moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance Ho. 145 be yut u-pon
its final passage and said Ordinance v.'as adopted by the following vote:
Ayes 5 Hays 0
Ordinance Ho. 109, an Ordinaiice correcting Garbage and Kuisanoes and
arranging for the disposal of tho same was read. It wis moved, seconded
and carried that Ordinance Ho. 109 be passe;.L to the second reading} and
said Ordinance was read for the second time. Upon motion, duly seconded,
Ordinance Ho 109 was liad on the table for further consideration.
It wag mpved,. seconded and carried that the com-.iittee pn, Building
Restrict^ions oe witnaravm ana a new G0:;anit'uee appointea to v/or£ with
interested property ovmers to '-'utline a restricted Builaing district.
'i?-ie cammittee appointed is: Lovelace and Ohapin.
At this tine the Mayor called i'or an remonstrances or objections as
to the tentative assessments as published for District Ko. 1. [inhere
being no obfections made orally and none filed, the council proceeded
to other matters*
It was moved, seconded, and carried that the meeting be adjourned*
d Chr
Recorder /• i^yox,
" t/
Special meeting of the Common Council held this 2nd day of
October, 1925.
Upon roll call there were present: Mayor G.I.icO. Johnson, Ooujicilmen,
J.R.Brovme, J.H.Austin, W.A.Lovelace, ff.Ii.'i'aylor, and Record
er Glen Oaley.
Ordinance iio. 147 was introduced and reaa. It v/as moved, seconded,
an.- carried tjiat Ordinance ITo. 147 be passed to second reading and
said ordinance was read for tiie second time. Upon motion, duly
seconded, Ordinance Eo- 147 v.'as passed to the third reading and read
for the third time. It was moved, seconded, and carried that Ordin
ance llo. 147 be put upon its final passage and said Ordinance was adopfead
by the ±'ol owing vote: Ayes 5 L'ays 0.
ORDimilGS HO. 147
An Ordinance providing for the re-advertisement of sale of
Sewer Sonds of the City of j^eeds ort, in the amount of §46,5oS.04,
and declaring an Emergency.
It was moved, seconaed, and carried that t/ie meeting be adjourned.
4 c _
Hedorder Z TOs
Regular meeting oi" the Common Council hel.i this 5th day of
Odtober, 19S5.
Upon roll call there were "oresent: President J.R.Bwowne.
Councilmen, Paul J3urnhardt, H.L'.Ghapin, \Y.A .Lovelace, i^.L.ITaylor
and Recorder Glen Oaley.
She minutes of the previous nieetin;; read and approved.
The Committee on ti:e :-estricted Building District recommend that
the folio'.ving district be made:
Wvom the Olnter Line oi M.St, from 16th St. oo ivailroad Ave.
L Street from 15th Street to Railroad Avenuei'iie
Center line oi" H Street from 16th St. ,tRailroad Ave.
It was moved, seconded and carried that tae Committee's rejport be
accepted and that an Ordinance be drav/n making a -.e^trictea Building
District with rimergency Clause.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that the City Recorder notify the
Southern Pacific Co- to drain the laiie formed on their , ight of i/ay.
Street Committee recom ended that the road East or the iiast linj of
Umpqua Addition be repaired at a cost not to exceed JjBEOO.OO. It v/as
moved, seconded, and carried that the Street Committee be authorized
to mal:e the necessary repairs Lo the road.
It was moved,
get published cind that the
Hearing oi' Remonstrances.
S'eoonded, and carried tliat the Jity Recorder have the budhearing
be set i'or Honday I;ov. 2nd i'or the
It was moved seconded, and carried that I'ollo Ing oills as O.K*d by
the finance comittee be paid and that warrants be dravm on the lespective
funds for the several amounts.
D.I;. Buckingham
D .L. Sucliiii gham
Inland Construction Oo.
Inland.Oonstruotion Go.
Inland Construction Oo.
W. Gr. Ben s on
A.D. Thomas
Winchester Lumber Co.
Reedsport Fuel T.Go.
S.E.Huwniste r
Paul Bamhardt
Reedsport Machine Shop
Ir^^/in Hudson Co.
V/est Coast Power Co. .
Union Iron Wks.
t^eo. IvIcHarfnie
It YB-s moved, seconded,
October 7, 1925.
and carried that this meeting be continued to
Inland Construction Co.
Inland Construction Co.
Glen Caley
A1 Crreen
Umpciua Mills
Frank Finley
Peerless Pacific Co.
Port Umpqua Courier
Kike '2±finey
Coos & Curry Tel. Oo.
S ^ 56.52
J 75.36
" 5.00
\ 50.00
. 50.00
^ 6.55
^ 77.50
. 23.00
/, 61.50
A 50.00
Continued regular meeting of October 5th held this 7th day 01
October, 1025.
Upon roll call taere v;era present: M;a.yor O.I.I0G. Johnson, Councilmen
J.H.Austin, Paul Burnhardt, E.L.Chapin, Y/.A.Lovelace, J.L.Taylor, and Re
corder Glen Caley.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that the bids for Reedsport Improve
ment Bonds be opened.
Hon. Mayor and City Council
Reedsport , Ordgon
October 7, 1925
or after one year from date, principal and semi-annual ivitorest payable
at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Reedsport, Oregon.
We y/ill, upon deliverer to us of the above mentioned Bonds, pay you
tiie sum of par and accured interest to date of deliveiy. We attach
hereto our certified check in the Sum of $2277.61 as required.
Respectfullv Submitted
Inland Construction Co.
per T.A.Sweeney, General manager.
That the Gonrnon Gouncil of the City of Eeedsport, at a contimied
regular meeting re^larly called and held this 7th day of
October, 19'i5, hayinn; O'^ened sealed bids for City of Heedsport
Improvement Bonds in tho sum of $45,652-04 a cording to duely
publisiied call therefor, finds tha t the following bid been
Inland Construction Go* Par plus accured interest.
and hereby av;ards said Bonds to tho Inland Gonstruction Go* accord
ing to the terms of si-id bid.
Passed by the Gommon G.:uncil this 7th day oi October, 1925#
Glen Galey
Councilman Lovelace introduced proposed Ordinance llo. 149 v/hich was
duly read the first time. After ti^e proposed ordinance has been read
the first time, it was moved and se.jonded that Ix, bo read second
time by title only, 'fhe proposed ordinance was then read the second
time. Thereupon Councilman Ghapin moved that due to the character of
the proposed ordin:ince and that an emergency esists, the proposed
ordinance immediately be put upon it final passage and read the
third time in full^ 'fhis motion was seconded by Councilm^.in Brov/ne '
and uroon being put to vote it ms unanimously adopted. I'he proposed
ordinance was then read in full and upon motion duly made, seconded,
and unanimously adopted the said or inance was put upon its final
passage, which said proposed ordinance was then numbered 149, and to
gether with the vote thereon is in v;ords and figures as follov/s:
AIT OKDIKAJJCS PDDviding for the issuance of City of Eeedsport
Iraprovament Bonds in the Sum of $22,141.58, providing and approving
the form os Bonds to be issued and the coupons attached thereto;
providing for the advertisement and sale of said Bonds and declaring
an Smergency.
Eote by Recorder:
CoiincilTian 5\I.Taylor was present at the beginning of the
meeting but was cal.ed av;ay before tne ordinance 149 was put to a
vot , henco did not vote on same.
Glen Galey
It was moved, seconded, and carried that a warrant be drawn for the •
payment of bond interest in tho sum of $3000.00.
It v;as moved seconded, and carried that the Marshall repair the tide
ga^e to Bainbov; Slough. •
It was moved, seconded, and carried, that the meeting adjourn
Hecorder /A- ^ ^la^ J
Special meeting of the Comnon Council held thiii; 19th day of
October, 19^5.
Upon roll call there were present: Mayor G.LIcG.Johnson, Gouncilmen,
J.B.Brov/ne, J.H.Austiij, H.l.Ghapii'i, V/.A.Iovelace, 5'.i.Taylor
and Kecorder Glen Caley.
It was moved seconded and carried that the City Engineer and the
Contracto. Llr. Sv/eeney get together and agree on the filling to
grade according to Bulkhead and see fiat the Bonds are ample to
cover all improvmenet.
It was move.., seconded, and carried that the meeting "be adjourned
(^AlJU^I A ^ .""yC
Recorder {7 / ^ M^jfo
Regular laeetlng Ox the Gommon Oouncil oi October oth., 1926, con
tinued to October 26th, and regularly held this S6th day ox Oct
ober, 19.^5-
U on roll call thei-e wero present: President J.R.Bro\«me, Recorder
Glen Caley, Gouncilmen Bmhardt, Lovelace, Chapin, and Taylor. Absent:
Mayor Johmson, Councilman Austin.
At a Regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Reedsport,
this date I'egularly caliod and haeld at the City Hall in said City, at
the Hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. with President of the Council, J.R.Bro\'me
presiding, the i'ollowin;;" business vias transacted:
Tne bid of the Inland Construction Company for tne Improvem'int Bonds
of the City, in the amount of $22,141.68, according to call therefor,
being the only uid received, vra.s ope. ed and read.
Said bid was as foliovs:
October 26, 1925
Hon. Mayor ano. City Council
Reedsport, Oregon.
Gentlemen: ; •
In compliai-'ce vjith your call for bids on bonds for Street
In^provement District No. 4, in the amount of 5?wenty-two Thousand One
Hundred H'orty-one Dollars and 68 cents (§22,141.68), we submit an
offer of par plus accrried interest up to the ti \e of the delivery
for the regularly and legally issued six percent (6fi) bonds of
the City of Reedi^poi?t. It is iinderstood taat this issuej^ is made
under the Bancroft Act. Thi; bid h-: contingent upon the approving
opinion of th<3 entire proceedings by Teal, Y/infree, Johnson :.aid
Accompanying this proposal and attacned hereto find a
certified check for five percent of the tmount bid.
Respectfully submitted,
Inland Construction Company
per T. A. Sweeney, General Mgr.
Councilman Chapin mover that inasmuch as the Mayor and one councilman
were absent, that tne nieetirg be continued until October 50th at 8.00
o'clock P.M. Said motion being diily seconded, 'and carried, the meeting
was continued until October 30th at 8.00 o'clock P.M.
l^ecorder Ma^^ y
Continued meeting of October 20, held this 50t.i day of October, 1925.
Upon roll call there were present: Mayor C.McO.Joixason, Coimcilmen
J.R.Brovme, J.H.Austin, Pa^il Burnhardt, H.I.Chanin, 7/.A.Lovelace F.L.Taylor
and .ecorder Glen Caley.
RaSOIUTIOU 110- 42.
That the Common Council of the City of Reedsport, having opened
se-:.led bids for City of Reedsport Improvement Bonds issued for the im
provement of certain streets and alleys in street improvement District
IJo. 4, ill the Slim of S.'jS.KL-l .68, according to tjie duely publislied
call therefor, finds that the following: bid has been made:
Inland Construction Company Bid of par plus accrued interest.
said Bid of Inland Cnnstruction Oonipany beinj the highest and best
bid received^ the Common pouncil hereb;- awares said Bondt: in the
sum of J;p22,141.68 to the Inland Construction Co. in accordance v/ith
the teiTQS of said Bid.
Passed by the C mmon Council this 30t-i day of October, 1925.
JMujJ QjiMof _
Recorder {' , •'May<3r
Hesolutiori Ko. 42 \'\iQ adopted by the folloiving record vote. Yeas:
Brovme, Austin, Burnhardt, Chapin, Lovelace, and Taylor. Nays iJone
It v?as moved, seconded, and carried tnat .lainbow Slough be assessed
in the sum of (iSOO-OO for Bullchead in district Ho. S.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that the meeting be adjourned.
^ Recorder ' t/
Regular meeting of the Common Council hela. this 2nd day of
Ilovember, 1925.
Upon roll call t-:ere v;ere present: Mayor Johnsoii, fiouncilmen
Austin, Brov/ne, Bemhardt, Lovelaci and [?aylor.
Minutes of the previous meetings read and approved.
Ordinanee iJo- 151, bei-:,g an ordiriance providing for the issuing of
bonds for Street improvement District Ho. 6, was introduced and
read for the first ti e. After tie proposed ordinance had been i-ead
t e first time, it was moved, and seconded that it be read the second
time by title only. (The proposed ordinance was then r iad the second
time. ^Thereupon Councilman Chapin mov3d that due to the character of
the proposed ordinance ar,d t at an emergency exists, the proi^osed
ordinance immediately be put upon its final passage and read the
third time in full. She motion was seconded by Oouncilm:.n faylor and
upon being put to a vote it was unanimously adopter. Vhe proposed
ordinance was then read in full and upon motion duly made, seconded,
and adopted, the said ordini .ce was put upon its final passage, which
said proposed ordinance was tiiereupon nu.ibered lol, ana togetner with
the vote thereon is in v/ords and figures as follows:
AIJ OHDI^'\J!OS prov^iding for the issuance of City of Reedsport
Improvement Vvonds in the Sum of $ 9,483.84, providing and approving
the form of bonds to be issued and the coupons attached thereto;
providing for the advertisement and sale of said Bonds and declaring
an emergency.
Ordinance ITo. 152, being an ordinance providing foi' the issuance of
bonds for District iJo. 8, ms introduced and read. After the pro
posed ordinance had been read the first time, it moved and sec
onded that it be read the second time by title only. The proposed
ordinance was then read the second ti e. Thereupon Councilman Chapin
moved that due to the character of the proposed ordinance and that an
emergency exists, the proposed orainance immediately be put upon its
final passage and read the thii'd time in full, x'he motion v.'as sec
onded by Councilman Taylor and upon oeing put to a vote it was un
animously adopted. The proposed orainance was then read in full ?-nd
upon motion duly made, seconded and adopted, the said ordinance was
put upo' its final passage, v/hich said proposed ordin nee v/as there340
Upon numbered 152, and together with the vote thereon is in words
and figures as follows:
ORDlR/llTOE HO- 152
AH OHDIHAUCE providing for the issuance of City of Reedsport
improvemont Bonds in the Sum of $ 1,S92-S0, providing and ap roving
the lorm of Bonds to "be issued and the coupons attached thereto;
providing for the advertisement and sale of said Bonds and declaring
an Emergency.
A publid hearing on the proposod budget for tj^.e year 1926 v;as :ield
at this time* The Mayor -called for any oojeotions to the budget as
published, and there being no objections, and none having been filed
the Oo"uncil proceeded to tiie consideration of Ordinance No. 155, the
same being an ordinance providing for the levying of a tax for city
purposes for the year 1926. Upon motion duly seconded and -carried
saia. Or inance Ko. 153 was passed to the second reading and r Dad for u
the second time. Upon motion, drdy seconded and carried, saia Ord
inance v;as laid on the table for final passage at the next meeting
of the Council.
Tne followin-;- bills as O.E'd by the finance Committee were, upon
motion, duly seconded, ordered paid and warrants drav/n on the respec
tive funds for the several anounts.
D.L. Buckingham
D. X.Buckingham
D.I. Bug kingham
Glen Claey
A1 Green
0 .Carrier
Inland Construction Co.
Geo.Vi. Staples
Inland Construction Co.
Inland Construction Co.
lailand Construction Co.
'H.H .luck
Winchester Lumber Co.
West Coast Power Co.
American V/ood Pipe Co.
Paul Bumhardt
Reedsport jruel & T. Go.
Port Umpqua Courier
There being no farther business the meeting was continued to Ausust
9th, at 8.00 o*clock P.M.
'4 199.60 D.L.Buckin gham s 76.40
37.50 D.L.Buckingham 20.50
124.50 A.S.Renn 150.00
50.00 Geo. McHargue 50-00
150.00 V/.A.Burdick 25.00
10.00 1.0.0.?. 15.00
34.50 L.Hav/kins 30.60
13.00 W.M.Luck 16.00
5,000.00 Inland Construction Go. 11 ,488.90
200.00 Inland Construction Co. 4 ,058.75
933.83 .'Inland Construction Co. 500.00
520.90 Inland Construction Go. 20.00
80.00 City Treasurer 3 ,000.00
81.50 L.Hawkins 79.50
10.00 C.Carrier 8.00
12.00 W.G.Benson 35.30
40.00 W.R.Buck 7.50
8.64 Umpqua Mills and T. Co. 25.64
187.66 Teal V/iniree, Johnson- 101.30
50.53 M.L.Zline Co. 16 .50
111.16 Peerless Pacific Go. 136.88
2 .05 F.L.Taylor 12.90
5.88 Hels Peterson 4.00
32.30 John Bumhardt 3.00
.7 5; L.Marquiss 1.50
98.80 W.G.Bens on 55.35
Regular meeting of November Snd, continued and held this 9th oay
01 .'ovember, 1925.
Upon roll oall there wore present: Mayor Johnson, Comicilrnen Boi-wne
chapivj, Lovelaoe, and 'faylor.
Reedoport Post Ho. 62 of tho American Legion filed a petition for per
mission to danc3 until tie hour of 2.00 o^clock A.M. following? thier
annual Armistice Bay Dance.
Upon motion the permission was granted as requested
There being no itohter business the meeting ivas oontinued until
Ilovember 16th, at 8.00 o*clocli;, P.M.
(OjMg (r. .
Kecorder ^ ^ (y
Regular continuad m-etin.^ of November 2nd, regularly called and
held this 16th day oi' iJovember, 19£5.
Upon roll call thero v;ere preser^t: Mayor Johnson, Councilmen
Austin, Br0\TOe, Earnhardt, Chapin, lovelaoe, and Q}aylor.
It vBS duly moved, s conded and carried that warrant in the su^ of
$1200.00 be drawii in favor of tho City Treasurer, for the payment
of bond interest.
Ordinance llo. 153 being an ordinance levying a tax for the year
1926 was talzenffrom the table and, upon motion, reaa for the third
time. Ordinance Ho. 153 was thereupon rut upon its final passage
and \7as adopted by the following vote: Aye 6 Ifay 0.
Ordinance-No. Io4, being an Ordinance establishing fire liviits, and
declaring an emergency, vra,s introduced and read. Upon motion, said
ordinance ms ordered passed to itu second reading and read for the
second time. Upon motion, duly seconded, said ordinance v/as ordered
passed to the third reading and ^Aas read for the t.^iird time. UiDon
its third reading said ordinance was, upon motion, put to a final
vote and was adopted by t::e following vote: Aye 6 Nay 0.
Or inance Ko. 155, levying assescments for Str et Improvement Dista?
rict No. 1 -^Tajj introduced and read. Upon motion, said Ordinance
was ordered passed to the second reading and ?/as read for tjie second
time. Upon motion, duly seconded, said ordinance No. 155 was ordered
passed to the third reading and \^s read for toe third time. IVhereupon
said ordinanc e No. 155 was put upon its fin^l passage and 7.':is
adopted by the follo^.ving vote: Aye 6 Nay 0.
Ordinance No. 156 being an ordinance levying assessments for street
Improvemenb District no 5 ms inti'oduced and read. Upon motion, said
Ordinance No. 156 was ordered passed to t e second reading and v;as
read for the second time. U on motion, duly seconded, said ordinance
wa'S ordered passed to the third reading and v/as read for the third
time. Whereupon sgzid ordinance No. 156 was put u\;.on its final pass
age and was adopteu by tae iollov/ing vote: "Aye 6 Nay 0.
It was duly moved, seconded, and cartied that the City Marshall be
instructe to flush all sewei lines.
l''iiere being no further business the meeting v/as continued to JBQ^ember
25r§, 1925.
Regular continued mee ^.ing of Nor ember 2nd, regularly called and
held this 23re day of November, 1925.
Upon roll call there v/er • present: President J.E.Brovme, Coun
cilmen Y/.A .Lovelace.
This ffleetin^: being called for the opening of bids for the sale oi
bonds for street Improvement Districts 6 and 8, the oid of Inland
Construction Co. was opened and road.
There being no quorum presen"^, tho meeting was, on motion, continued
to November 30th, at 8.00 o'clock P.ll.
^iMuA^ (mu/ (l.
He 0 order ayo^
Special meeting ox llovember S8th c.allea by the Mayor for con
sideration 01 matters relativa to garbage Ordinance.
Upon roll call tliere were present: Mayor Jolinson, Oounoilraen
Austin, lovelaco, Brovme, and Bemhardt.
Ordinance Eo. 157, being aaa Ordinance providing for the disposal
01 garbage tes introduced and read. Upon motion, duly seconded,
it was ordered that said Ordinance be passed to its second read
ing, and v;as re-ad for t]ie second tira'e. Upon motion, duly second
ed, said ordinance was passed to its third reading and was read
for the third time. Upon motion, duly seconded, said Ordinance
was put to its final massage and was adopted by the following
vote: Aye 4 Way 0.
Tiiere being no further business the meeting vra.s adjourned.
Continued regular meeting of the Common -Counoil oi November
End, continued from Hovember ^3rd and duly held this 50th
day of llovember, 1925.
Upon roll call there v/ere present: Mayor G.McC. Johnson,
Gouncilmen Ghapin, Lovelace, Bernhardt, Browne, and T-^ylor.
At a continued regular meetin^^ of tie Common Council of the City of
Reedsport, this date ragularly called and held at the City Hall in
said City, at tlio hour of 8.00 o'clocls; P.I.I, with Ifeyor Johnson pre
siding, the lollo "ing bu::;iness v.^s transacted:
The bid of the Inland Construction Co. for the improvement bonds of
the City of Haedsport, in the separate amounts of §9483.84 and §1392.3€
v/as now at this time re d again by the Recorder. Said bid is as
November 23, 1925
Hon. Mayor an City Council,
Reedsport, Oregon.
In oomplianc'5 with your call for bids on bonds for Street Improvement
Districts lumbers 6 and 8, in the amounts of rilS 'Zh-IOUSAHD S^OUR HUITDRED
pectively, v/e submit an offer of par plus accrued interest up to tne
time oi" delivery for the ragularly and legally issuer six per cent (5^)
bonds of the 'City of Reedsport. It is understood that this issue is
made under the Bancroft Act. This bid is contingent upon the approving
legal opinion of the entire proceeaings b Teal, V/infree, Jolmson and
Accompanying this proposal and attached hereto find
foi five per cent of the amount bid.
certiiiod check
Respectfully submitted.
Inland Construction Co.
Per T.A.Sweeny Gen. Mgr.
Councilman lovelace introduced proposed Resolution Ho. 44. It was
duly moved and seconded that resolution Wo. 44 be adopted as read.
Whereupon Resolution i^o. 44 was put upon its final passage and was
adopted "by the following vote: Aye 5 B&y 0.
That the Ooraraon Ooimoil of the City of Reedsport,. at a continued
regular meeting, regularly called and held this 30^;h day of llovember,
1925, having: opened sealed "bids for Oity of Reedsport •Improvorasnt
Bonds for Street ImproTremant District No. 6, inthe Surn'oi $9483-84
acGordin{; to d ly published call therefor, finds that the fol owing hid
has "been made:
Inland Construction CO. Bid of par plus accrued interest.
and hereby awards said bonds in the total sum oi §9485.84 to the In
land Construction Co., in accordance vd-th the terms of said bid.
Passed by the Oommon OoTmcil this 30th day of November, 1925.
Grler. Caley
Councilman Lovelace introduced proposed i-.esolution Ho. 4§. It was
duly moved and secondod that ii^esolution IJo. 45 be adopted as read.
Y/hereupon Resolution L'o. 46 v/as put urion its final pasage and was
adopted by the followinc: vote; Aye " 5 Hay t).
That the Oommon Council of the Oity of Reedsport, at a
continued regular mooting, regularly called anu held this
30th da/ of iJovember, 1925, having opened sealad bids for
City of i\eeds;:ort Improvement Bonds for Street Improvement
Ditsrict Ho. Ei;7ht, in the Sum of $1598.30, according to
duly published call therefor, finds thai" the following bid
hac been made:
Inland Oonstruction Go Bid of par plus accrH|d interest.
and hereby arra.rds said bonds in the \;otal sum of ijIS-.-g.SO
to the Inland Construction Company, inaccordance with the
terms of said bid.
Passed by the Uommon Council this 30t;i day oi" Hovember, 1925.
Glen Caley
There being no fur-ther business the meeting adjourned.
Recorder 7~ [y ^
Regular meeting of the Common Council held this 7th d iy of
December, 1925.
Upo - roll call t'lers were present: Mayor 0. McC. Johnson
Councilmen Browne, Bumhardt, Chapin, Lovelace, Taylor, and
Recorder G-len Ca^ley.
The minutes of the previous m:eting were read and approved.
It was moved seconded, and carried that all minuted be copied into
the minUue book and read from the book.
It iTas moved, seconded, and carried that the resignation
Hargue as l.'ight Llarshall be accepted.
51 Geo. LIc-
The petition of the property ovmer on Eainbow Ave. asking that a
ligh be placed at the i'oot of b.-SnoOYi Ave. with 14 signatures v/as read.
It v/as moved seconded, and carried that the light committee make investi
ations and report at next mee'Lirig.
.:'etitiori ox the property ovmers ox fill Districts Ko. 2 anci 3 asking
that Hainbow Slough be corjdemed, :sid to devise ..ome me-,nB of filling the
Slough fror.i tho Southern Pacific i-ight of V/ay to t/ie Schoxield Hiver ".vas
read. It was moved, seco;Tded, and carried that this matter be laid on
the table for further consideration.
It v/as movea seconded, and carried tnat the follov/ing bills as O.Z'd
by the finance committee be paid and that v/arrante be drawn on the
respective amounts for the several fuiads:
Inland Construction Go.
Inland Construction Co.
I). L • Buckingham
D.E. Buckingham
Geo. McHargue
Glen Caley
A1 Green
Robert Marpole
•x'eal v-'infree, Johnson Sc McC.
V'/.C. Packet
Peerless Pcific Co
Winchester Bay lumber Go.
West Coast Power Co.
Heedsport Garage
Reedsport Machine Shop
Banouet Cafe
' bOO.OO
•v. c:. 00
361. DO
f 5.93
I 1.00
Inland Construction Go. 3225.75
D.L.Buckingham •, 12^:.00
D.I-Buckingham 36.00
A.G.Renn /\ 150.00
W.G.Benson 50.00
V/.A.Burdick 25.00
1.0.0.^^. 15.00
Ii.Hawkins 19.50
R.E.Forrest 20.00
G.S.Richardson 1.50
L.tlawkins 13.50
V/. G.Benson 50. 0
Coos & Gurry ^el. Co. A 15.30
Crane and Co. 30.07
John Burnhardt 4.00
Paul Burnhardt 18.40
V/est Coast Power Co. 15.00
Union Iron Works 1.50
iieedspoxt i\iel and 'f. Co 4.00
Port lJm-:)aua Courier 100.00
It was moved, secor^ded, aaad carried that the bill of the vYest Coast
Power Go. for Street lights of IdIS?.'
biTOught up to standard.
I{i)187.66 be hela up ujitil the lights are
It was moved Seconded, ana carried that a committee be appointed to
investigate the matter of fire li its and the Building started by tne
Keedsyiort Bakery, fhey are: *^ovelace and Chapin.
It V/as moved seconded, and carried that the City employ Llr. ^dbbinson
to v/ork v/ith Engineer Buckingham in 'Jhecking the Sstimates for Districts
IJos. 1 and 4.
It ims moved, seconded, and carried that the Umpqua Creamery Co. and
Jos. lyons be assessed for 16 ft. less frontage and that they be giB"en
a refund as deteimined by the i:jngineer.
It was moved, seconded and carried that th&fe meeting be continued until
Monday December l£>, 1925.
He c order
Continued regular meeting of December 7th held this 15th day of
December, 1925.
Upon roll call there v/ere present: Mayor C.I-ilGC. Joimson, Councilmen,
Austin, 3rov/ne, Burnhardt, Chapin, Lovelace, i.'aylor, and
i^ecorder, Glen Caley.
Kiport of tlie committee on the Btiillding started by the Heedsport
Bakery reported umfavorably to ack that a building permit be not
i s sue d •
It v;as moY0d, seconded, and carried that the application for a build
ing peinit by the Beedsport •Balcery bo not approved.
lb v/as moved, secorided, and so ordered that a special committee be
arpoii.teO, to make an ammGndment to Ordinajjce i-jo. lo4 establishing B
building restrictions to change the liTiits and make recommendations
for the building of r^-^sidences bordering on the fire limits. I'hey
are: Austin, Lovelace, and Ohapin-
The report of the Oommitteee on the placing of a light at the foot
Oi liainbov; Ave, v/as unfavorable, and recommended that the light al
ready installed could be rearranged so as to pror-erly light that
• ortion of i^ain >ov; Ave. ana that tne lights already in use were
adequate to any other part of the Oity.
Ordinance llo. Ib8, an Ordinance foi' the issuance of Street Improve
ment Bonds for District lio. 1 vras introduced and road for the first
time. It v;as moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance no. 158
be passed to its second reading and read for the second time. Upon
motion duly i^econded, said Ordinance Ho. 158 wae; passed to its third
x'eading and v;as read for the ^hird tinie. vraereupon It v/as duly moved
amd seconded, that Ordinance Ho. 158 oe }iut upon its final passage
and sai;: Ordinance v/as adopted by the fo'llov;ing vote: Aye 5 May 0.
Ordiriance iio. 159, an Ordinance for the issuance of street Improve
ment Bonds foi- Bistrict bo. 5, ms introduced and road foi- the first
ti e. It T/as moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance IJo. 159
be passed to its second reading and read for the second time. Upon
motion, duly seconded, said Ordinance Uo.l58 was passed to its third
reading and v;as read for the third time, vrnereupon it was duly moved
and seconded, that Ordinance lio. l;;b, oe put upon its final t assage
anci said Ordinance \7a.: ado;, t-au. b the foljo.ving vote: Aye 6 i'luy 0.
•it '-a." .lov s :;ondoci, and c-.;ri-iedthat the ap, lication of tho Amer
ican Legion to ciance until S 1'clock A.M. on the f^vening of January-
1st, 1925 b; granted.
It v;as moved, seconded, and carried that this meeting be adjourned.
Reco:der ,h~ Llayoi^#
Regular meeting 01 the Common Council held this 4th day of
January, 19SB
Upon roll call there were present: President John E. Browne,
Coimcilmen, Austin, Ohapin, lovelace, ^aylo • , and Recorder
Glen Caley.
The minutes of the previous meeting weie read and ap roved.
Communication of the Inland Construction Co. asking that tho bridge
on the Schofield Hiver be raised that t ".e I'redge could go thi-ough
on January 11th, 1926, was read.
It was moved, s'^conded, and so ordered that the City Attorney com
municate -rath the County Judge in regard to tne opening of the
Schofield Bridge.
It was moved, seconded, and carried that Four ]?ive Hundred Dollar
(§600.00) v/arrants be drawn on the General i?und to take up (^^2,000.00)
Refunding Bonds.
It was Moved, seconded and carried tiiat the fol ov/in^' bills as O.Z'd "by
the finance committee he paid and that warrants he dravm on the respective
xunds I'or the several amounts.
D.L.Buckingham $ 263.00 D.L.Buckingham ' $ 32.00
D.L.Buckingham 64.00 D.L.Buckinfham 58.00
13.1.Buckingham 16.00 City Treasurer 2 ,000.00
Inlalad Construction Go. 9, 488.23 Inland Construction Co .1 ,717,06
Inland Const. Co 161.66 Inland Const. Co. 6 ,000.00
Inland Con t. Co, 158.00 Jos. Lyons 6 ,889.57
K. G. Renii 150.00 Glen Caley 150.00
Geo. I.IcI-Iargue 9.96 Geo. Blake 40.04
W.G.Benson 50.00 V/.A.Burdick 25.00
A1 Green 10.00 I.O.O.J?. 15.00
I.VanHorne .50 A.D.Thomas 3.75
V/est Coast Power Co. . 578.5S Union Iron iVorks 6.00
Paul Bernhardt 6.16 Peerless P£'.oiflc Go. 9.74
Umpqua Mills 34.£4 P.eeds-oort Fuel 12,^8
Reedsport Fuel 2.0 Umpqua.Diiug Store 7^3.48
Portland Printin,~ Go. 130.15 G.G.Clarke 12.00
C.C.Clarke 66.00 C.C.Clarke 20.00
Port Umpqua Courier 50.95 Port Unpqua Courier -SS *60
It v;as moved, seconded, and carriod that all City Officials make an An
imal Heport; Recorder, Treasurer, City Engineer, and Fire Chief.
Itv/as moved, seconded, and carried tnat the meeting be
continued, to Jan. 6tn, 1926.
Regular meeting of the Oommon Gomcil of January 4th held this
6th day of January, 19S6.
Upon roll call there v/ero present: President John K« Bro'iTOe,
Oomicilmen Austin, Bernhardt, Ohapiii, Lovelace .nd Recorder
Grlen Caley.
It v/as moved s-nd Seconded a^nd carried that t^is Sids for Bonds for Street
Improvement districts IJos. 1 an>. 5 be opened.
Resolution Ho. 46, awarding the Bonds for Street Improvement District
llo. 1 was read, and upon motion, duly seconded, was adoy.ted;
Resolution XIo. 47, awarding the Bonds for Street Improvement District
1^0. 5 was read, and upon motion, suly seconded, v/as adopted.
There being^no furMer business the moeting Y/as adjourned.
Recorder Maycpr
Regular meeting of the Coooion ^ounoll held this lit day of
Febuaty 1926•
Boll Gall- thoae present Mayor G*UoQ* Johnson Gounollnen John R*Brovne»
J«H*4u8iln» t^ul fiumbardt» H.UShapAn* W«A«Lovelaoe and 7rank L IWylor*
Reoorder Olen Caley*
Uliutet of previous meeting read and approved*
Ccnmuloatlon of the Gomfflerolal Abstraot Co* of Beoeburg read* It was moved
2nd so Ordered that the Reoorder express the appreoiatlons of this City
for their servloes In furnishing the oertlfled ownership of the lots
-i^aftjUMng Street laprovement In ^st no 7»
Communloatlon of the Portland Printing
printing Bonds Read and plaoe on file*
House Inregard to prloe of
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Bids be received for the printing of Bond from
the following printers* £oak Tlffney Go* , Irwln Hudson, and Portland
printing House*
%e Report of Engineer £*liKobbinson tbe Cheo3clng of Bstlmates of Dlstrlots
One and Pour read and approved*
Moved 2nd so Ordered tbat the Report of Engineer D*L*Buokln^bais be
approved as raad*
Moved 2nd So Ordered that the Tresures Report be approved as read*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Reoorders Report be approved as read*
Moved 2nd so Ordered tbat the arranging and Plaolng ol Street Lights
on Sohofleld Hl^te Se refered to the Light GonuDlttee with power to aot*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Committee on change of Plre Restriction
draw pland to ammend fire Ordinance So 72 encluding Plumbing Code
Blectrlct Wlrlng*The Grade of Marerlal to be used and the building of
private Garages*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the following Biiia as r0*K« by finance Goomlttee
be paid*
D*L•Buckingham 1 26*00 DL •Buckingham 1 15*00
D.LBuckinghain 197*60 D•L.Buckingham 97.50
Jos L^ns 1595*98 Inland Construction Co* 9557,00
A*G«Renn 150*00 Glen Caley 150*00
Geo Blake 50*00 W•G.Benson 50*00
WfABurdick 25*00 A1 Green 10*00
1«0«0*P* No 246* 16.00 Grand and Go* 2*00
CCClarke 8*00 £«L«Robbinson 55*00
John Burnhardt 1*00 Reedsport Fuel And T.Go* 10*58
F*L*1kiylor 19*08 L«J *Moon 4*00
W«H•Jones 4*00 C*C aOlarke 68*00
West Coast F* Co* 10.00 West Coast Power Go* 190*66
Peerless Pacific Go* 5*50 Winchester L* Go* 15*10
Cbapin Inv* Co* 2.50 Teal Wlnfree John8on,& McG« 60.00
W«0*Benson 50*00 VwmI ^mhardt 17.93
Port Umpqua Courier 9*50 Portland Printing House 60*55
Federal Pipe & l^nk Go* 57*50
Moved 2nd So Ordered tU|t the Deedspf the Arthur Anderson Pk* Go*
for a portion of 16th St* be refered to the City attorney and street conaDlttee
to make Correction Deed
Moved 2nd so Ordered tbat the petitions for the Condemlng o£ Rainbow Sxou^
be taken frcst the table for further condlderation*
Moved 2nd so Ordered tbat the City Attorney suhalt at next meeting the
method of condemlng rainbow Siougb and aqulring the property for Street
Moved 2nd So Ordered tbat the Neoes&ary Side Walk be built xinder the Railroad
on l2th Street*
Ordinance No 160 an Ordinance levying aBsessoieDte for Street Improvement
Difltriot Ko*7 read for first reading Moved 2nd so.Ordered tbat Ordinance No«160
be passed to second reading and read for 2nd reading moved 2nd so Ordered tbat
Ordinance No 160 be pasaed to third reading anf read for third reading*
Ordinance Ho 160 adopted by the folloiring record vote*
Teas Browne* Austin^ Bumhardt» Ohapin Lovelace and Ikylort Nays None*
Oontinued at the call of the Kayor
Reoorder (/
/ Mayor- J
Continued Regular meeting of Peb» list, held this lOth day of ?eb* 1926*
Boll CftlX» Those present President John KABf'owne ouncilmen Paul Burnbardtt
E«t«Obapin» W*A*Lovelacef Prank L*1kylor and Recorder Alen Caley*
Ordinance Nc»l61 an Ordinance Condening Rainbow Slough in Rainbow addition
to be filled and dedicated as a street* read for First Reading Voved 2nd
80 ordered that Ordinance No* 161 be passed to 2nd reading and read for 2nd
reading* Moved 2nd so Ordered tbat Ordinance No* 161 be laid on the table
untill next Heetlng*
Ordinance No 162 an Ofdinanoe setting the boundarys for a festrioted Building
l^istrict* read for first reading moved 2nd so ordered that Ordinance no*162
be passed to 2nd reading and read for 2nd reading* moved 2nd so ordered tbat
Ordinance No* 162 be laid on the table untillnmxt mooting*
Continued at the c®ll of the Mayor c /
Con tinu^ regular meeting of the Feb* lst» held this llth day of Peb.1926
Roll Call * Those present Mayor 0*Me0«Johnson Councilmen John B* Browne*
J*BAuetlna Aiul Bumhardt* H#Ii*Chplns W*A.Lovelace* F*L*7)Btylor
And Heoorder Clen Galey*
CoDUDunlcation of the City Engineer Regard to the Roosevelt Highway to run along
Clear Lake Read and placed on file*
Ordinance No* 163 Read for first Reading an Ordinance setting the Boundarys
for a restricted Building District • Moved 2nd so Ordered tbat Ordinance No 165
be passed to 2nd reading and read for 2nd reading* Moved 2nd so ordered tbat
Ordinance No* 163 be passed to 3rd reading^nd read for 8rd reading
Ordinance No 163 adopted by the following r«dord vote*
Teas,* Browne* lustin* Bumbardt* Chapln* Lovelace and Ikylor* Noys *none*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Street on West RH*Ave* be raised from Hubbards
fence to Rainbow Slough* before the fill*
Moved 2nd so Ordered tbat the Side walk on 8th and 0* street be raised before
the fill.
Moved 2nd so Ordered tbat the Water Coamissioner be allowed an assistant to be
paid Five Dollard {$ 5.00 ) per day while employed by the Water Commisoioner.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Office of City Recorder be kept open from 9 to 12
o'clock. A.M, and 1 to 6 0* Cxock P«U« Daily.
Continue^ &t the Call of the Mayor*
Continued Regular meeting of Feb* Ist b«ld this 15 da; of Bel* 1926
Roli Call* Those present Uayor C«UoC.JobnBon» ^ouncilBien John R*Brotmet
J*B*Au8tln» Paul Burnbardt,H«I>«Obapln and F»L.lbylor» and Recorder Slen Caley*
Moved 2nd So Ordered that Carl Fyrtz be appointed appraiser aa pete Cowan
is vtnable to serve#
Hoved 2nd So Ordered tba t Ordinance No. 161 be taken from the table for
further Consideration.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Ordinance Ho.161 be read for third reading*
Ordinance So* 161 adopted by the following record vote*
Yeas. Brovne* Austin* Barnhardt* Chapin and 12aylor« Nays none*
Moved to Ajourn*
Beoorder / Mayor
Regular Meeting of the Camnion ^oinoll held this Ist Day pf March 1926.
Rolla Call* ^ose Present* Mayor C.MoC.Johnson> Couqo12jii0q, John R*Broime«
J*H*Au6tin» Baul Burnhardt* H.l'.Chapln* W.A.Lovelacet and ReoorderOlen Oaley
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved •
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Report of E«I«Robbinson be spread upon the
Reed8port Oregon*
Jan. Ist 1926
To the Eonorable Mayor and Council
City of Reedeport,
As per Tour Instructions of Dec, 4th I have Checked over the
information as to fill Districts Nos> 1 ai^ 4 and find the estimate of qu
antities as shown by the City Engineer as being Correct*
Very truly Tours.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that The petition for the placeing of Light on
Halladay Street bo refered the Light Committee*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Tr^eurers Report Be approved as read*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that $ 100*00 be set aside for the repairing of
Winchester Ave. for the Schofield Bridge to 7th Street and for the purpose
of determining the Cost of Improvement*
Moved 2nd so Ordered tbfctthe following Bills as 0«K*By the finance Caoa&ittee
be paid.
Qeo. Blake
A1 Orecn
Inland Const Co*
Inland Const* Co*
C *C .Clarke
Reedsport Machine andShap
Harry Hardcastle
0 »C-CXarke
tTmpqua Drug Co
Schroeder & Hildenbrand
Paul Burnhardt,
Winchester L* ^o.
Winchester Bay L. Co*
Moved to A^ourn
1 90*00 D*L.Buckingham 1 42.00
172*00 A.O.Renn 150.00
50.00 Clen Caley 150.00
50.00 ff*A.Burdlck 25.00
10.00 I.O-O.F. 15*00
2905.00 Inland Const. Co* 1066.73
3452*00 Union Iron Hks. 4.55
5*00 Ceo Reat 5*00
5001 Reedspoet Fuel & T.Co» 20.30
2*50 Steve Rosier 21.55
102. 50 Ceo Beat 100* 00
*65 West Coast Pwrer 191*02
6.05 Coos &Curry,Tel Co*
Port Umpqua ^curler
27.90 37 .50
41*54 Rainbow Lunok Com^^er 5.00
37.80 Frank L* Xsylor 26. 02
SF&GIAL Meeting of the Common '^ouncil held thia 30th day of Uarch 1926
To aot upon the following* Matter of Oondemnation of Rainbow Slough*
Aooeptanoe of Daed of Atthur andereon Sacking Oo*, Authorizing of the Uaving
of Fire Siren and the installation of a Telephone in the ^ire Ghiefe Residence^
Roll Call* Those present liayor C«M oCj^nson»Counoili&en John R*Broivne»
J*H«A^tin» Bftul ^rnhardt* B«L#Chapin» W*A*iovelaoe,Pnnk L.TSaylor an<
Recorder ^len Caley«
Uoved 2nd so Ordered that the Uatter of oondemnation of Rainbow Slough be
laid on the table untill Ur* Sweeney and Mr* Hubbard have had a meeting
and to be reconsidered at next meeting*
Moved 2nd so' Ordered that the Deed of Atthur Anderson Backing Cq* be
accepted and warrants drawn in accordance with Contract* and $hat the ^
recorder have deed recorded*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Fire Chief have the Fire S^ren plave on pftle
back of Telephone Office and connected with Telephone Office
Moved 2nd bo Ordered that 4he ^ity Bave a Celephona installed in the fire
Chiefs Residence*
Moved 2]nd So. Ordered that the Report'<>f, Yifswers be accepted as read*
' - ^ « Reedsport Oregon
Viewars Report*
To the ^ty Council of the ^ity of Reedsport . ,
We» the undersigned, viewers appointed by Ordinance No* 161
to view certain property within the City of Heedsport» and to Make
report to your body of the value of such property and the tights and
interests of the various persons having interests therin> hereby
subi&it the following repott;
We bave examined the property mentioned in Ordinaance No >161
( a certain protion of rainbow Slough, lying adjacent to ^inbow Addition
to Readsport) and find as Follows;
That said property, to the best of our knowledge and belief*
is owned by W«P*Raed* of Reedsport* Oregon*
That the '^inohester fiay Lumber ^onpany* AOorporation*
has a 99 year lease on said property* which lease has approximately
91 and one half years yet to run*
That tJie abstract of said property showq. that 5564
was issued to Matt Clarke, of Portland* Oregon, for 1921 taxes, and
that 1922, 1923 and 1924 taxes were paid on said property on I>*G* 5564*
We find that the property and the values therein are
as follows 3
To W.P.Re^d * . . * • * . >500*00
Wlnohester ^y Lumber Co* •••' * 110*00
Matt Olark, • • • • * • T^a amount of Taxes paid by him
plus interest, at 6% and the further sum of ; • • 1*00
Respectfully Submitted
Arthur Walker
H«P* Marks
Moved to ajourn Viewers*
fiworder / Mayor
Ho:^o:Uit.lon IIo- 47-Aa
VJi 13 H.:a>oiT.nD BY 0:21: ciu:y of nsKDSPoi^o?:
thQ Oommn Coimoll of tie City of Heeil^tport cleenio it
and AieoGfiaary to l:.7q?yoYo certtiin streets ana partc
of atroota wlthir> tho Clt^r oj: ^eedDpoytr aoscr?.bea follo^js:
,St« t.o SOO f0*5t J?aGt of 3ecoM ot,
ICMr^ St^ fiK-om ^aryls to the ivOBt llr?o of HetfloXao
Thlr.l 3t, froTi Union toYarro^T,
Jarvls from i'oiirth at» to Fifth ^it,
J'o'jrth 3t.o from IjoviS to
iPourth tt» 3:'roi2i Union oovvirohoster*
IToi'irth i3t« .rroi i.,Un> on to Harrow#
Fifth Bt, from '^'arvl.Tj to YarroT;,
3eooii(T from i'aoific to alle^:. In Blocks 38 oM. 39 aoiitli line,
Paoific from ihird to Jyflfth.
Shc'riaaii froia IWx*^ to poiiil 100 rrt.oasit of iiocosid-,
Shciridroi froia Sliisfd to Fifth.
Uxdon froci Ohiis-ii to oai>t linu of ;jeGo»d»
Wado liTyoni li'ifth to 100 it. oast oiirhiriU
Yarroi" froii Pifth to e&st liao of
^1 in the plat of R€?odGx''or l> l-ovx^^lcis Ootinty# Or "j£;on#
fcau the Oi^y i:rig;iif)©s?r is hGreby raiXiiiroO. end directed to si'jnre^
out Uie 3.ocBt.lon -r'/t i:;T0XiaTp^ >-.d :i!ilo v:lth CVty -^"-^^oyrOor upoc;ixicti.l.ion;- for cn appropriiVtc laprovonont# a^iO
ostiiiKitoi of tho vrork to he the parohab^.vS co&t thereof»
together ivith & stcioeaeK^ of thS^iots, parts of loto c.ixd pcrccls
of lanO to bo ^onoflttod f.hov.if yy, awtl oi: tho totaj
©oat of i/Tprovcinsnt "JhioJi eo,Qh r,f sT.ah lotr.# pfirts of lots er.c
parocls of Ghov-lvl pay on tiocoriit o." o'lo to "re
derlvo.l iroLi cuch ;£)roxjonod iiiri)rov3:nont«
i'ar.sea '>7 the Co v\on Co-~noll thic iith clay of Aj>ril» X'j£6o
Oion C-alcTo
Upon beinf. put upon ita pacaage the foregoing resolution wac
adox^ted hy tht? followi^ig vote: J\yo 5. Way 0-
aiea Qflloy.
Regular maeting o£ the ^onunon ^ounoll hold this 5ih day of April 1926*
Roll Call- those present Uayor C«McC .Johnson ounoilmen. John R*Browne»
J.H«AuBtln, Bftul Bumhardt, WA.lioVelaoe, Prank L* Taylor and
Recorder ^len ®aley
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.*^ \\
The petition of the property Oirners of ~
IniprOTement read •
assing for steet
1 , , V .-,i . I - • J
Uoved 2nd so Ordered that^ the ^ity Engineer, make plans and specifications
for Street Improvement IHst No* 9
The application of The lhapqua ^redge and Construction Oo* for Spur track
to cross N street refered to street Committee for their approval*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Light Ccomittee be authorized to make £ha
folloving changed of street ll^t in Rainbov Addition Iio*l and ^ades Flat
Prom Rainbow and Idth ^t;* to Halladay and lOth St«
Prom L and 6th ^tr;* to L and 5 ^t«
from Lyons and 1st ^t;* to Lyons and Srd* St •
Prom Beioific and Ist St;, to Bucific and Srd ^t*
Prom Sherman and 3rd St« to Union and 3rd St*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the ^ftter Committee look in to the matter of
connecting the pipe line at the Spill way with power to make the connection*
Moved 2nd So Ordered that the Marshal be authorized to build a Corridor
at Jail Door*
Movod 2nd So Ordered that the PolXowing ^lls as 0* X
Comnittie be paid.
by the inance
Inland onst* o* $ 403.66 Rainbow Lunch Counter 1 10.00
Inland ®onst Co* 12,924*71 W*R»Buck 32.43
Inland Const* ^o* 3*187*26 Winchester L»C^« 1.03
DL»Buckingbam 322 *00 Reedsport ^uel & T.Go* 13*50
Walt ®^anser 3.75 Ihnpqua Mills 3*42
West Coast Power Co* 190*02 Arthur Walker 7.50
Harry Marks 7*50 Carl Pyritz 7.50
C .CCLarke 73.45 Geo Reat 57*25
C* Helson 55.20 W.M.Smith 39*70
Steve £ide 39,70 C.CQXarke 75*00
Geo Reat 60.00 K«Sear3 12.00
J *Flaok 12*00 Pred Blair 6.00
Dave Blair 6*X) Pred Johnson 2.00
M. Mohler 4.00 W,U .Smith 8.00
0 •Nelson 12*00 AG.fienn 150.00
Oeo Blake 50.00 Glen Oaley 160.00
W*ABurdiok 25*00 Al Oz-een 10.00
W.GvBenson 50.00 I*0«0*P««o*245 15.00
State Industrial Aocidect Ccmun 12*50 Reeds^rt Machine Shop
West ®oast Power
Reedsgort ^arage .20 15*00
Baul umhardt 191*04 P.LTaylor 21.63
Allen' ^lowne 7.00 Fort Umpqua ourier 17.80
Union Iron ks 1.20 P.LTaylor 12.30
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the ^ill of the Umpqua Steam &navigation Cq for
Plfty dollars dated Aug* 9 1920 be laid on the table*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the City Attorney wfcite the Public Service ^anmisBion
in regard to the City selling water out side of ^ity liBits*
Moved to Aipurn*
aA- ».
Regular meeting of th e Common ^ounoll held this third of Kay 1926,
Holla Call* ^hoee present Kayor C*1^.00Johns on Conoilmen John H,Browne, Paul
Burnhardt* E«L«Chapin9 W*A*Lovelace*and Reoorder Glen Galey.
Minutes of Previoua Ueeting Read and Approved*
Communioation of R«J»Wheoler in regari to the moving of the fire siren read
Moved 2nd so Ordered that A letter of apprioiations be ^ven Mr«H«J»Wheeler
for bis consideration and oo-opper^tion in the moving of ^Iren*
Uoved 2nd eo Ordered that the ^ity Attorney .write the State Eighvay ^oiamissioD
for protection of the City pipe line in their Contract in the construction of
highway fozm the City limits to Winchester Bay*
The City Attorney Reported, that the City would not ccme under the regulations
of the public Service ConunlBsion in the matter of the Contempulated sale of
waier to the residents of Vinohester Bay.
Ordinance Ho 164 Providing for the Issuance of Bonds for street Improvement
of District No*/read for ^irst Reading. Ifoved 2cd so Ordered that Ordinance Ko*
164 be passed to 2nd reading Uoved 2nd so Ordered that Ordinance No 164 be
passed to Srd reading.Aloved 2nd So Ordered tha t Ordinance No* 164 be adopted
by the follotrlng record vote* Teas Browne, Bumhardt* Cbapin,and Lovelace
Nays None»
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the following bills as d*K* by finance Comjuittee
be paid*
Inland Const Co* S 100*00 Inland ^onst l^o. $ 400*00
Inland Const Co* 7,715.31 Inland const. Co* 2986.90
D.L«Buokingham 93.10 D*Ij*Buckingham 52*65
DLBuc kin^iam 79*80 D*L .Buckingham 119*70
Rainbow Lunch Counter 10.00 CMoC.J^nson 45*15
E^ul ^rnhardt 68.10 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 7*16
.H»E•Kennedy 13.45 Reedsport ^uel &#T*Co« 51*75
Bumhardt ^azis ^ervlce 2*00 Port Umpqua Courier 8*90
Coos &Curry Tel ®o« 27*70 Schroeder & Hildinbrand 5.00
Prank ^inley 5*50 A.G.Renn 150*00
Olen Caley 150*00 Geo* Blake 50.00
W.GBenscm 50.00 W&Burdick 25.00
A1 Green 10.00 I.0*0*F.No*245 15.00
State Accident Commission 8*12 C .0 •Clarke 82.50
Goe Reat 28.00 B.Buchanan 4.00
?ib*Muttay 5.00 B.L.Mathers 5*00
-CyCClark 48.75 B.fiuchanan 5.00
Steve Bide 6*00 Wfa Smith 5.00
J-R.Whteler 22.50 Umpqua Mills 8.55
City 2.22 West Coast Power Co. 190.66
ifoved 2nd So Ordered that
.of Interflst*
the Tresurec draw on any an all fiinds for the payment
^Resolution No 48 Read and Adopted for the purpose of improving certain streets
to be numbered District No.9
Resolution Ho 49* Read and *dopted Il^olairing intention to improve the streets
as outlined in District No 9
No 50 Read and Adopted that the City Council will heatr RemonBtrances
sment of DiBtrictnO* 9^ on Monday May 24th 1926 at 8 o'clock.
Moved 2nd Sq Ordered that the Winchester ^y Lumber C©* be charged I /6"0 ^
Per Month for water for Mill and the other mills be charged accordingly to
be deten&ined by the Water Committee*
Moved 2nd So Ordered that the ""ater Coinmittee seoure a Six Inch Motor for
the purpose of detemining the Amount of water used by the mills*
Moved to Ajoum*
Recorder ^ Mayor
Special Meeting of the Common ^ounoil Regplary Called and held this
12 day of Ifay 1926.
Roll Oall* thoae Present Mayor C*MoG•Johnson Counoilmen» John &6roimea
J.H.AuBtin, Paul ^rnhardt, H.L.Chapin, WAlLovelace Prank L. Taylor and
Recorder ^len Caley
Moved 2nd So Ordered that the City take Steps to install a water system
at Winchester Bay providing that the neocessary arrangement can be made*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Propodition of ^olleotii^ the tapping fees,
from all property Oirners of "Winchester Bay*
The City Attorney instructed to secure a franchise from Z^cuglas County
for the Installationof a water system at Winchester Bay*
Moved to ajourn^ // i)
Special Meeting of the ^oounon ^ounoil Regulary Called and held this
22 day of May 1926*
Roll Call- Those present Mayor C.McGJohxieon ^ounoil men John R*Browne>
J*E*Austin« H«lChapin W.A.Lovelace and Recorder Clen Caley*
Ordinance No 165* an Ordinanoe Ammending OSectlon One of OrdiMce Nol25
Read for First Reading moted 2nd so Ordered that Ordinanoe No 165 be passed
to 2nd Reading, and read for 2nd reading*
move 2nd So Ordered that Ordinance No 165 Be laid on the table for Further
Conside rati on *
Ajcurnment* —
-vMa dUuj •
Recorder J
Regular Meeting of May 5rd Held this 24th» day of May 1926
Roll Cali* Those present Mayor C*McCJohn80n Councilmen, John R^Browne*
^ul Burnhardt* B«l<*Cbapin» WA*Lovelacep and Recorder (^len Caley*
This Meeting being tailed for the opening of bids for the sale of Bonds
for Street Improvement District No*7 the Bid of Jos* Lyonswas opened and
I will bid Par Plus ^ccred Interest for the entire is8«e of t 7,661*00
City of Reedsport Improvement ^onds*
enclosed Check for 5% of the ^ount ^id*
Dated May24th 1926* Signed Joseph Lyons*
RiSdolution No 51 Read and Adopted Awardint the Bonds of District no7 in ^e
amount Of t 7»561.00 to Joe* Lyons*
The Matter of hearing remonstrances on district no 9 after discussuion
refered to the City Engineer for further Difining ©f the District*
Moved to Aj^rn* ^ c ^
// JXcO' Mayor
Begulftr U«etlng of the Gommoa ^ounoil held ti ls 7tli day June 1926
Boll Call* thoee present Uayor C«MoC«John80n Counollmen John H«Brovne»
fbiul Burnhardt» W*A»Lo7elAOe F*L*Taylor and Recorder ^len Caley*
Uoved 2nd S© Ordered that the following Bill» as 0»K. By finance Conuaittee
be paid#
Inland onst Co*
Joe Lyons
Eeedsport Machine Shop
Greo Blake
Al Green
State Accident CosuQissioo
Reedaport ^uel 4 T» Co,
City Water
Umpqua Mills &T* Co*
Roy Beterson
Ci y Water
Reedsport Shoe Shop
Coos & Ourry Tel# C©,
Moved 2nd So Ordered that this meeting be contlued to Wednesday June 9th 1926
i 4,029.95 Inland Const* Co. 1 7,630.87
96.00 D*L.Buckin^iam 220*00
100.00 Lancaster Drug Co* 2.00
7*70 Faul Burnhardt 25&.96
16 .23 A.G.Henn 150.00
50.00 Glen Caley 150.00
50.00 WvABurdick 25.00
10.00 I.O.O.P. No*245 15.00
8*12 Jos Lyons 92.50
170.86 C *Q.Clarke 130.00
12.13 Peerless Pacific Go. 101.55
34.04 C .Johnson L.Co* 128,70
9*25 West Coast Power Cq. 193.06
.59 A.D.Thomas .50
1.50 W*8*Buck 7.50
1*50 Ira B*Riddle County Clefck 2.00
1.95 Port Umpqua Courier 51.00
2.60 F*L*TaylB9 22.63
S * Side
S* Bide
/yi K' V
Regular Cntiued meeting of June 7th 1926 held this 9th ^y of June 1926
Roll Call- Those present Mayor C*MoC.Johnson, Councilmen John R»Broime« JaH*
Austin^ Paul Burnhardt* H*L*Chapin* W.A«Lovelace and Recorder 6len Caley.
Minuses of Previous meeting read and Approved*
Move 2nd So Ordered that Ordinance No*165 be taken frcm th table for further
Moved 2nd So Ordered that Ordinance No*165 be read for third reading
Mdved 2nd So Ordered that Ordinance No*165 be adopted as Ammended by the foll«>
Oving record ^ote Yeas, Browne, Austin, Burnhardt, Chapin, &Lovelace*
Resolution No 52 approving the plans and specifications for Streets Improvement
Cistrici No*9 Read and approved*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the following bills as d«K* by finance Conunittee be
$ 2.00 At T.Riee
10*00 J.Hitohcook
t 12.00
Moved 2nd^o Ordered that this meeting be continued at the ^'all of th© Mayor
Recorder r. 'Mi
Mayor^ •
Regular oontineud meeting ot June 9th held this 2iat day of Jiine 1926
Rftll ^all* ^080 present President John R«6ro«ne ^ouncllmen J>H.AuBtiny
Fftul Burnhardt* H»L*Chapin> W.A.Lovelaee» and Recorder ^len Caley«
Moved 2nd S© Ordered that the %d8 for the digging of 3*400 linear Peet of
51S cubic yards of excavation, and to baclc fill the same* at linchester Bay*
Bid of Carl Helson 515 lards # 74^
* Murphy, Johnson " t 82/
" Puckett Lyons " " 75/^ y / 385.25 , ^ ^
total % 361.10
Moved 2nd So Ordered that Water CoDimieBlon be authorised to employ a orevv
and statt the digging and Laying of the "inohester Bay Water Bystma.
Moved 2nd so Ordered tliat the City Attorney write the Public oervioe Coon**
ission for a hearing on the croesing of 8*P.Co« Tracks on L Street.
Moved 2nd ^o Ordered tbat the City Beoorder Rirchase a Bond Heoord
Moved 2nd So Ordered tbat the Approach on the west side of tracks be filled
by dredge on Winchester Aye.
Moved to Ajourn.
Record^ y^r/
Regular meeting of the Common ^ounoll held this 7 the day of July 1926
/\ ^ Roll Call thos e preaent Nayor C.McC.Johnson ounoilfflen» John R«Brovne «
Bkul Burnhardt, .J. H-^stin H,L.Ohapin, W.A.Lovelace Frank L. Taylor
And Recorder Olen Ca^ey.
Minutes of previous meeting read and Approved,
Moved 2nd So Ordered that th following Bills As 0«K» by finance Cceimittee
be paid*
Inland Const. Co.
Inland ^onst. Cq.
C .Nelson
Portl and Printing House
City Water Dept.
Oeo. Blake
Qlen Caley
Al Green
State Accident Conunission
West Coast Power Co»
C.McC.Johnson L.Co.
Claud Nasburg Agency
Coos &*^rry Tel Co.
Prank L* Taylor
Beedsport ^uel i: T.Co.
Federal Pipe 4 Tank ^o.
Ordinance No. 166 Providing for the Improvement of Dist. no. 9 read for
first Reading p Moved 2nd so Ordered that Ordinance No 166 be passed to 2nd
Reading and read gor 2nd reading , Moved 2nd so Ordered that Ordinance No.l66
be read tor third reading* Ordinance No.166 adopted by the following record
Vote Yeas* Browne* Austin* Bumhardt* Cbapin* Lovelaoe»and Taylor Nays ) 0
Moved 2nd ao Ordered that a Parking Ordiananco be drawn, setting 4he time
of »0 Minutes for shoppers on tho preesnt pUnk streat beU.on the hours
of 7 o'clock AJJ. and 7 oilook P. M, and tUt parking signs be posted
without permission of the ommon Council.
This Meeting continued at the call of the Mayor.
1 230.95 D.L. Buokingham 1 48.60
36.45 D.L.Buokingham 9.50
250.00 Dsland Oonst. Co. 300.00
10447.55 Inlaid ^onst Co. 600.00
77.81 0 Sanderson 77.81
77.81 O.Anders on 77.81
30.00 P.U.Holbart 24.00
36. 00 A.Q.Renn 48.00
21.75 Peerless £^ctfio Co. 1233.95
119.40 F .Ai.Holbe rt 40.00
9.00 Winchester ^y L* Cq, 90.94
24.00 A.Q.Renn 150.00
50.00 WO.Benson 50.00
150.00 W.ABuedick 25.00
10. X) I.0*0*F.No. 245 15.00
8.12 Umpi^ua Drug Co. 1.20
191.46 West Coast Power Co. 5.00
50.00 Sohroeder & Hildenbrand 7.25
12.28 C.McC.Johnson L.Co. 29.36
5.00 Koke Tiffney Co. 23.25
18.95 Burnhardt Taxie S©rvice 6.00
5.25 Port Umpqua ourier 30.80
51.78 Paul ^mhardt 12.50
30.75 P
Regu^r Meeting of the Gommon Council held this 19th day of July«1926
Roll Call- those Present Mayor C.McCJohnson, ^ouncilraen, John R*Browne» ,
J.H* Austin, H.Ii.Chapin, W»AiLovelace and recorder t^len Caley#
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Bids be opened for the street Improvement of
^strict No«9
Resolution No 5^
THAT the City ^ouncil of the ^ity of Reedsport, at a continued regular meeting
of the Council, regularly called and held this ISthe day of July, 1926,
having openedsdaled bids for the grading and graveling of certain streets
within the city of reedsporti described as follom;
Hatfield from thid 200 ft. east of 2nd stre vt. third st* from Jarvis to the
west line of hatfield. Third st* from Union to Yarrdwj Jarvis from Fourth to
Fifth St; Fourth from Lyons to Jarvis ;Fourth from Union to Winchester Avej
Fourth frcm Union to larrowi Fifth from Jarvis to TCarrow; Second from fkoific
to the alley in block 38 and59 ^outh Line; Pacific from third to Fifth;
Sbennan to apiont lOOft.east of 2nd St; Sheridan from third to the east line
of 2nd; Wade fron ?4fth to 100 ft,. East of Third; Yarrow from fifth to the
east line of third; allin the plat of R«edsport» Douglas ounty, Oregon*
finds that the following Bids have been made;
^okett and {nns i
George UoCullouch
Oeorge UoCullouch
Inland Construction Co.
Inland onatmction Co*
Inland Constiniction Co,
and he ey awards the Contract to the grading and" graveling of said streets
to Rickett and Lyons •
in accordance with the terms of said bid and according to the Plans
and specifications on file in the office of City Recorder.
{kssed by the City ^oancil this 19th day of July, 1926
Glen Caley, Recorder.
Ordinance No 167 An Ordinance amending section one of Ordianances No. 126
and 165 read for^irat Reading. Moved 2nd So Ordered that Ordinance No.167
be laid on the Table.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the City B^ngineer set grade stakes for th grading
of L»k H St;» 8th and Cr sts; and Rainbow and Halladay ^treets.all west of bracks and the Street Committee to authorize the work to be done.
Re—corder T
• - -i- •
• -n'miliii
7 X26*54
7,665.60 ^
, -•C j3-7->>-w
Rsgulftr meeting of the Common ^ouncil held the 2zid Day of Aug« 1926*
Holl Call- Thc»e Present Uayor C»idoC# Johnson, ^ouncllmen John K«Bro«ne,
J*H*AuBtinf H*L«Obapin, W«A«Lovelace,Frank L* Baylor* and Hecorder
Glen Caley#
Uinutee of previous meeting read and approved*
Koved 2nd So Ordered that the Ordinance No* 167 be taken froci the table &nd
read for 2nd reading Uov d 2nd so Ordered that OrdiMmnoe No* 167 be read for
third reading* Ordianance No 167 be adopted by the follollowing record vote*
Yeae* Browne, Austin, Chapin, Lovelaceand Taylor Nays* None*
Ordinance No* 165 Amendatory to Ordianance No 125, was pas&ed June 9 1926
but was not accepted by the Ump^ua MilJs & timber Oo« 0rdianance No* 167
covering the same matters was pasned this date, with section providing for
'acceptance of said ordianance within 30 days•
Movec^ 2nd so Ordered that the Contract of Lyons and Rickett for the grading
and graveling of Strret improvement District No* 9 be signed by the &]ayor
and recorder.
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Oity engineer inake estimates of cost of
strreet improvement ofstreet im^ovement DisrActs No8*2&S«
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the following bills as 0*K, by finanoe coomittee
Union Iron Vks * 1 16*10 Inland Construction G* |636*96
Inland Construction Co. 277*48 D*L* Buckingham 73.30
D*LBuckingham 44*80 D.L.Buckingham 73.50
D.L.Buckingham 124.60 C.C. Clarke 42.50
P.M.Holbert 34*00 CC .Clarke 40.00
F.M.fiolbert 16»00 A.Hudkins 10*00
J.Prye 16*00 CC .Clarke 37.50
A .C .Heatb lO.OCDmpqua Dredge and Const* Co* 65*62
Federal Pipe and Tank Co. 5.75 Peerless Pacific Co, 58*95
fkul ^nhardt 65*68 Umpqua Drug Cq, 6*50
H.B.Kennedy 1*72 Burnhardt Taxie Service 15*00
Reeds port Machine Shop 11*72 C.McCJohnson L. Co* 35*76
West Coast Power Co, 190.82 Coos k Curry Tel Co* 2.30
Reedsport Fuel & T*Go» 48*25 A.G.Renn 150.00
Geo Blake 50.00 WG.Benson 50.00
Glen Caley 150.00 W.A.Burdick 25*00
A1 Green 10*00 I.O.^.F. No. 245 15*00
State Industrial Accident
Commission 8*12
Moved 2nd So Ordered that the Tresures report be accepted *
Moved 2nd so Ordered that this meeting be continued at the call of the Mayov
Begular fiontinued meeting of Aug* 2nd held this IBth Day of Aug*1926
Roll Call* htoae present Mayor Cm KCC^Johnson* Counciliren, John R*Browne,
^ul fiurnhardt, H*L«Chapin, W*A*Lovelace and Recorder Glen Caley.
Ordinance No* 168 Levying assessments for street Improvement distredt No*2
read for first reading. Moved 2nd so Ordered that Ordianance No* 168 be
pasr.ed to 2nd r ading and read* ^oved 2:^ so Ordered that Ordianance No«168
be 9aad for Third reading* Ordianance No*168 adopted by the following record
vote* Yeas. Browne, Burnhardt, Chapin,and Lovelace* Nays^None*
Ordianance No*169 Levying assessments for Street Improvement District No»5
read for rMding*Moved 2nd so Ordered that Ordiarance No*169 be passed
to 2nd reading . Moved 2nd so Ordered that Ordianoe no.l69 be read for 3rd
reading, Qc4ioa:QO0 No* .169radojpted by the following record ^ote. Yeas,
Browne, fiurnhardt, Chapin, and Lovelace*
Moved to ajourn*
t fl/C e:
Recorder {y Mayor
. • >3
Special ISeeting of the ^onunon ounoil Held tbli 19th day of JSug«1926
Roll Call* those present Uayor C.UoG. Johns on« ^ounoilmen* John H«Browne»
J«H*Au8tint ^ul Burnhardti IH.Chapin* W*A#Lovelace.Frank L« Taylor and
Recorder Glen Caley*
WHEREAS, it has pleased a devlne providence in its infinite wisdom
to remove from us our esteemed friend and fellov citizen, Joseph Lyons
WHE EAS, Mr* Lyons was endowed by nature with high intelligence and
by education* study and ezperiance has developed a wide Knowledge of
civic affairs, and
ffhereas, Mr* Lyons was one of the original founders of the City of
Reedsport, its first Merchant. First Postmaster and one of the members
of the first Common®ouncil of the City after its incorporation, aiid
WHBHEAS{because of His fine Judgement and his great fUnd of Imformation
his advise was often ask and always cheerfully given to the City, his
tioie, means and service clways at the disposal of the public and his
energies, influence and couns&l always devoted to the community betterment*
That in the death of Joseph Ly8ns the City of R eedsport suffers a
loss wihich can never be replaced: that the City of Reedsport realizes
that a dfftt friend, a willing public servant and a wise counsellor has
been lost to us forevers and that we mourn his loss both as friend and
fellow worker*
BE ITPURTHER RESOLVED, that the CcBunon Council of the City of
Beedsport tenders its fullest and deepest sympathy to the family of
Mr.Lyons, in this their hour of sarrow, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLBED,tbat this Resolution be spread upon the
.minutes of this body and that a eopy of the same be delivered to the
family of Mr« Lyons.
Bsssed by the Common Ccuncil of th e City of Reedsport, at a spsoial
meeting thereof, this 19th day of August, 1926, by unantoous Vote •
Councilmen, John Rfirowne, JH.Austin» fisul Burnhardt, H.L.Chapin
W«A«Lovelace, Praoikl L* llaylor,.
Glen Caley C*MoC. Johns on
Recorde r
Special Meeting of the Common '^ouncil held this 30 day fo Auf 1926
Roll Call- Those present Mayor C.McC*Johnson.'^ouncilmen John H.Browne,
J.H.Austin, I^ul Burnhardt, HL.Chapin, W#A.Lovelace, and Recorder
Cien Caley.
Ordinance No.l70 and Ordinance confirming Ordinances No.126 and 167 of
franchise to the Umpqua Mills and Timber Oo. read for let reading Moved 2nd
so Ordered that Ordinance No.170 be read for 2nd readln g moved 2nd so Ordered
ordinance Ho.170 be read for 3rd reading. Ordinance No«170 adopted by the
following record vote. Yeas, Brow e Austin Burnhardt, Chapin, Lovelace.
Nays None•
Moved ta^ourn.
Recorder /' Mayor
maetlng of the ^oouBOn ^ounoiX held this 13 day of sept 1926
Roll Call- Those present Mayor C*MoC«John80n ^ounoilmen, John R«Browne»
Baul ^rnhardt* H.lX#hapin, W»A«LoveIaoe Prank L« ^aylor and Recorder
Glen Oaley.
Silnutes ov previous meeting read and approved*
Itappearing tha Ordinances Numbered 168 and 169 Levying assassments for street
improvement districts No«2&3 reepectlvfty« were found to require sfxse additional
Q<»iputation8 and eorrections, the same were not approved by the Mayor and were
refered to the Street Committee for necessary altei^tion*
Moved 2nd bo Ordered that the following ^ills as 0«K« by finance CoBuaittee be
Umpqua Dredge & Const*Co* $632*64 D*L.Buckingham 164.00
DL.Buokin^am 72*00 D.LBuckingham 34.00
D.L•Buckingham 146.00 Teal Winfree, Johnson& Mc. 25.00
BbiuI ^rnhardt 20.15 Paul ^rnhardt 39.55
C.McC•Johnson L«Ce» 42*79 Port Umpqua Courier 35.90
Frank L.Taylor 13.78 A.G.Renn 150.00
Geo ^lake 50.00 W.G.Benson 50.00
W.A.Bardick 25.00 Glen Cgtley 150.00
AL*Green 10.00 I.O.O^P.No.245 15.00
State Accident Cc^igsion 8.12 'HC.Weat 0(4 - 24.03
C.W.Johnson 36.00 Allen Browne 2.00
West Coast Power Co. 10.00 West Coast Power Co. 190.66
W.PRood 22.50 Reedsport ^uel & T.Co. 41.75
Burnhardt Tszie Service 3.00 O.GClarke 45.00
F.MHolbert 6 *00 C.CClarke 77.50
P.MHolbe rt 4*00 C,.C tClarlra 15.00
P.M.Holbert 12.00 A.GRenn 12.00
Rainbow Lunch Counter 30.00 C.ooe &Curry Tel.Co. 6.00
City of Reedsport 38.83
Moved 2nd ^o Ordered that Sewer Assessment on Lot 7 Block 49, Lot 4 block 77
and on half Lot 17 ^lock 77 be paid* these lots were dedicated to the City
Subsequent to the Conatjnaction of the Sewer ^ysten
Matter of ReserVlfrDisoussed anf refered to the Stree Cooiaittae to make
reooomieDdatiOQ as to an Bight Inch Metor a Hydrftillic&nginaer for the'r:
Birpose of determining.the size and looation of Reserzior*
Moved 2nd so Ordered that the Street Committee lay a Six inch drainage form
Underhead Crossing to Sewer in district No* 3* and lay drainage in Block 5
Rainbow Addition Ro,2 and Make underhead Crossing ^^ouble Width by Planking#
Moved 2nd ^o Ordered this Meeting Be continued to Wed* eept*22 1926
Recorder f?May6r
Continued Regular Meeting of ^ept. 13 Held this 22day of ®ept»ie26
Roll Call ffhose present Mayor C*McC#John6on CounciImen» John H«Brown0|
H«HAx8tin» Paul Burnhardt* H*L«Chapini W*4Lovelace and Recorder Glen Claey
Moved 2nd So Ordered that the Water Committee Airchase Power Aimp for
Water I'ept-
The matter of appointing a Budget Committee being brought to th e attention of
the Council, the ^ollcwing men appointed to serve at Ifts such Committee.
J»C»Pichl, J«W* Mackintosh, James Bllis•W.Franklin, S.D*Chpin*
P*W*Varre3mannf Nelson Ho^n*
Moved t ourn*
Cm I
^ Mayor'^ /^ /
Regular meeting of the ^ommon ouncll held this 4th I^ay of October 1926

Roll Call those present Mayor C,i5oC#Johr«on, ounclih&en* John R.Browne
J*H.AuBtini Paul ^rnhardt, H.L.Chapin, WA Lovelace ,P Taylor and
WG»Benson Action Recorder
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved*
liioved 2nd Sq Ordered that the '^ecorder advise the '^outhern Pacific Co.
as to the amount of asaessments in fill districts No* 2 & 9«
Report of City Engineer on the CoAiiof reservoir Read and disoussed
Moved 2nd S© Orderedt that the ^^ollowlng ^llls as 0#K# By finance ^ommi ttee
be pa id •
Reedsport Fuel A.T. Co#
-Reedsport Fuel & T.Co*
Reeds port Shoe Shop
County of ^ouglas
.West ^oast Power *^o.
L« Buckingham
•Li liebo & ^Bh
Schroeder Hildenbrand
Reedsport Machine Shop
Coos Sc ^ur'y Tel Co#
City of Reedsport
Joe Fairfield
,0 #0 tClarke
.Geo Blake
Glen a ley
.L#0# Green
State Accident
Federal Pipe &
Federal Pipe &
f 20*00 •AG.Renn t 15.00
46*66 ileedsport Fuel & T# Co. 4.00
10.00 .C.W.Johnson 90.00
2.15 •Port Unpqua Courier 11.00
31.60 -P.L-Taylor 13.67
192 #42 #L•Bu ckingham 97*00
38 #00 D.LBuckin^am 157.00
131.24 Portland Printing House 45.95
12.75 .Reedsport Machine Shop 9*70
6.65 Johnson ^rooks 2.75
3.00 •Paul Burnhardt 130.41
16.51 D.Fairfield 89.45
89.45 F.M.Holbert 47.80
126.2 5 City of Reedsport 27.00
50#05 ^•G.Renn 150.00
50.00 W# G# Benson 50.00
150.00 .W.A.Burdick 25.00
10.00 .1.0.0.F# No# 245 15,00
8.12 Booe io Curry T^l Co, 3.00
155#22 Port Umpqua ^ourler 2.75
Tank ^o.
Tank C©,
Ordinance No»168* having been refered back to the Mayor for his approval
was approved this date and ordered published# /iZwt
Ordinance No#169 Having been refered back to the mayor for his approval
was approved thia date and ordered published'*
Moved 2nd bo Orderdd that copies of the bills for the repair of pipe line
be forwarded to Shell &Rhodes o#^inchester Bay, (ZjO
Moved 2nd S© Ordered that E.W.Pranklin be informed that a forman application
be filed by him before proceeding further with the luilding of Garage Building#
Moved 2nd S© Ordered that the Reorder instruct the Umpqua Mills & Timber Co
to provide some means to prevent the spreading of sparks of Fire Pit*
Moved 2nd So Ordered 1^at the C^-^y Attorney prepair Ordinance Repealing
Ordinance No*57 which said Ordinance requires a filing fee of I 6*00
when filing as candidate for City Office#
Moved 2nd Sq Ordered that City Election Notices be posted by Recorder*
Recorder Instructed to advise all members of the Budget Committee of maetlng
on October 18. 7*50 o'clock
Moved 2nd So Odered that accounts be kept by the
City Recorder showing all previous payment and Balance IHxe on Contracts with
City such accounts to be exhibited at each Council meeting when estioiated
are to be Paid*
Meeting Continued Subject to ^all of the Mayor#
Note- no further meeting were held during the month of October#
B«gul»r maeting of thg Common ^ouncil held this Znd day of Nov. 1926
Roll Call- those present Uayor C*M6C» Johnson* ^ounciImen» John Browne
^ul Burnhardti H.L. Chapin, V7*A#Lovalacei and Hecorder Qlen C^ley*
Uinutes of previous meeting read and approved*
Communioation of Engineers D*li*Buoklngham, J*W«Jone6 and Barr &Cunningham
raad and placed on file.
Ordinance No» 171 being an Ordinance Amending Ordirmnce No*57 of the Ordinances
of the City of Readsport, Read for First Reading. It was Moved 2nd Sordered that
Ordinance No. 171 be laid on the table Indefinitely
Moved 2nd ^o Ordered that a man be Employed to gather in Applications to
to bond .for diatricts 2 & 5.
Ordinance No* 172 being an Ordinance for the issuance of bonds for District
2. read for first reading, Hoved 2nd ^o Ordered that Ordinance No,172 be passed
to 2nd reading and read for 2nd reading* Moved 2nd so ordered that Ordinance ^o.
172 be read for thire reading* Ordinance ^o« 172 adopted by the follovring
record vote* Yeas; Brownei ^rn.hardt* Chapin &Lovelace Nays; 0
Ordinance No*173 being an Ordinance for the isBuance of Bonds for street
Inprovement district No*3 read flor First Reading* Hoved 2nd So Ordered that
Ordinance No* 173 be passed to 2nd reading and read for 2nd r<rading
Moved 2nd so Ordered that Ordinance no.173 be read for 3rd reading
Ordinance No*173 adopted by the folloring record vote* Yeas; Browne
Burhhardt* Chapin and Lovelace*
Moved 2nd 80 Orde ed that the following Bills as by the finaoe Commi
ttee be paid*
Inaind Const, Co. 1 535*57 First Bank of Reedsport $ 533.91
Inland Const* C©# 634.79 Inland Const. Co. 1?87.44
&*LBuckingham 36.00 D.L. Buckingham 72 .'00
D.L.Buc kin^am 208.00 C.W.Johnson 10.00
I^iokett & Lyons 7764,44 Union Iron Wks. 3.32
P.L.Taylor 24.56 Coos &Curry Tel Co. 9*^
Paul Burnhardt 50.78 Tony Mlynar 10.00
Port Umpqua Courier 33-75 Reedsport Fuel A. T.Co. 57.64
West Coast Power Cq. 1191,46 Burnhardt Taxie Service 3.75
C.McC.Johnson L.C©. 25.72 Umpq^ua Mills it T. Co* 37.31
Marshall Wells Cq, 2.99 Federal Pipe and Tank Co* 17.15
A.GBenn 150.00 Geo BlalM 60.00
W•G <Benson 50.00 Glen Caley 150.00
W.A.Burdick 25.00 A1 Gj-aen 10.00
State Industrial A.Comm. 8.12 I.O.O.F. No. 245 15.00
City of Reedsport 53.00 C.C.Clarke 98.13
J.WhipplA 23*24 P.M.Holbert 66.02
J*Kellar J. Fairfield 61.88
R.W.Pairfield 42*75 F .Sari 4.50
W* Kelly 4.50 W. Grubb 2.25
L# Dunlap 2.25 J»Whipple 7.88
B .lakti 6.19 W, Harris 3.95
L.Gething 7*03 G©. Gardiner 2.53
H.Wilder 3*38 W.H. Jones 4.50
Moved 2nd ^o Ordered that this meeting be continued at the oall of the
Recorder 7
Utor / 7
Special Meeting of the ^onimon ouncil ^alled by the Mayor on November 6th 1926
for the purpose of canvass of votes cast at the Beneral Election held in the City
of Reedsport on the 2nd Day of November 1926, for the purpose of electing certain
officers of the City of Reedsport*
Those present Mayor C.McC^Johnson Councilmen J.R.Browne, J.H. Austin, H.L,
Chapin and W.A.Lovelace* Recorder Blen Caley*
ftirsuant to the Call therefor, the mattet of the canvass of votes cast at the
General election held in the City of Reedsport on the 2nd Day of November 1926,
for the purpoee of electing, .
1 Kayor
1 Hecordei^
11 Treaurer
6 Counoilmen
tJpon the canvass of the Votes castat said election and of the returns made by
the Judges and clerks of election* to this body, it is found that there were cast
for Mayor 423 Votes of which number 250 were cast for C»McC.JohMOn 175 for
Glen Calay
For Recorded there were cast 356 Votes for Stanley D* Ghapin*
For Tresurer there were oast ^32^0tes of which 323 were cast for W.ABurdiok
9 for Herbert Ko Crea*
Por Gounoilmen the Following is a list of candidates with the votes cast for each
set opposit heir names • i
John R« Browne
J •H.Austin
Bfcul Burnhardt
H«L« ^hapin
W .Lovelace
P #ffVarrelmann
E.W. Franklin
Walter ^oak
Gus P* Johnson
d X.Thornton
Where upon C.LTlCC.Johnson was declaired elected Mayor, Stanley D.Chapin Recorder
W.A.Burdick Tresurer,and the following Councilmen Electedj John R. Browne, -
J.H» Austin, Ffeulburnhardt, W«A.Lovelace, P.ff.Varrelinann,and Walter Boak,.
Noved 2nd so Ordered that the foregoing was declaired the result of the canvass of
said votes and an abstract of the same spread upon the minutes and filed with the
Ifoved to^ a journ;
Reorder •f uzMayo?
Continued regular meeting of Nov.2nd Held this 15 day of flovember 1926
./ i
Roll thos e present Ifayor C.McC.Johnson ^ounclls)en, John R#Browne,
H;L. Chapin, W.A.L*ovelace, and Paul ^rnhardt* Recorder Glen Caley
Ordinance Ko« 174 being an Ordinance levying a tax on all of the property
within the Corporate limits of the City Reedsport, for all purposes, in the
Sum of I 13,187*50 read for first reading l/!oved 2nd 8o Ordered that Ordinance
No.174 be pesried to 2nd reading antf read for 2nd reading Koved 2nd so Ordered
tl^t Ordirance No 174 be read for third reading Ordinance No*174 adopted by the
following record Vote. Yeas Browne, Burnhardt, Chapin, &Lovelace*
Moved 21x1 so Ordered that the^inance ^anmittee have the City Books Audited.
tfoved toAJi
j •
ililhiir | ^ J >•
Special meeting of the City Coiincili December 1* 1925.
A special meeting of the City Coucnil of the City of Keedsport
» regularly called and held this 1st day of December* 1926»
for the purpose of sale of bonds. Street Improvement Districts
ITumbered 2 and 3.
Upon roll call there were present Iviayor C.McC.Johnson*
Recorder G-len Caleyi and Councilmen Taylor* Qhapini Xovelace
Bernhardti Audtin and Brov/ne.
It was duly movedi seconded and carried that bids for bonds
for Street Improvement District Ho. 2 be opened.
The bid of Inland Construction Company, being the only bid
received, v/as opened.
Dec. Is 1925.
To the liiayor and Council.
City of -i^eedsport.
Reedsport. Oregon.
In compliance with your call for bids on bonds for
Street Improvement District IJo. 2> in the amount of §37.285.89.
we submit a bid of par plus acciired interest up to the date
of delivery, for the reg-ulaxly and legally issued six per cent
bonds of the City of i^eedsport. It is understood that this
issue is made under the Bancroft Bonding' Act. This bid is con
tingent upon the approving legal opinion of the proceedings
by Teal. V/inxree. Johnson and McCulloch.
Accompanying this bid and attached hereto find a
certified check in the sum of five per cent of the amount bid.
Respectfully submitted.
Inland Construction Company
By T.ApSweeney. Pres.
Resolution Ko. 51 was introduced and read.
Resolution ITo. 61.
That the Common Council of the City of Reedsport. at a
special meeting regularly called and held this 1st day of
December. 1926. having opened sealed bdis for City of Reeds
port Improvement Bonds for i^^treet Improvement District ITo.
2. in the siim of ^37.285.89. according to duly published call
therefor, finds the follov/ing bid has been made:
Inland Oonstuction Company: Par plus accured interest.
and hereby av/ards said bonds to Inland Construction Company
in accordance with the terras of said bid.
Passed by the Common Council of the City of Reedsport this
1st day of December. 1926.
Glen Caley, -i^^ecorder.
The Council thereupon passed to the (Consideration of the
sale of bonds for iitreet Improvement District Ko. 3.
It was duly moved, seconded and carried that bids for
Street Improvement Bonds for Street Improvement District Mo.
3 "be opened sad read.
The bid of Inland Construction Gompanyi "being the only
bid received, was opened and read.
•i^ec. 1. 1925.
To the i'^yor and Councili
City of ii^eedsportr
Heedsporti Oregon.
In compliance with your call for bids on bonds
for Street Improvement Disttict Ho. 3t in the amount of |ll»189.81
we submit a bid of par plus accrued interest up to the date
of delivery, for the regularly and legally issued six per
cent bonds of the City of i^eedsport. It is understood that
this issue is made under the Bancroft Bonding Act. This bid
is contingent upon the approving legal opinion of the
proceedings by Teal» Winfree, Johnson and McCulloch.
Accompanying this bid and attached hereto find a
certified check in the simi of five per cent of the amount bid.
Kespectfully submitted*
Inland Construction Company.
By T. A. SvTeeney. Pres.
Resolution llo. 52 was introduced and read.
Eesolution Ko. 52.
That the Common Council of the City of Reedsport. at a special
meeting regularly called and held this 1st day of Decemeber.
1926» having opendd sealed bids for City of Eeedsport Improve
ment Bonds for Street Improvement District Ho. 3» in the sum
of $11»189.81. according to duly published call,thereior»
finds that the following- bid has been made:
Inland Construction Company; Par plus accured interest.
and hereby awards said bonds to Inland Construction Company*
in accordance with the terms of said bid.
Passed by the Common Council this 1st day of December* 1926.
Clen ^aley»
There being no further business* the meeting adjourned.
i^ecorder. ii^^or-.y
Regmlar meeting of the Common Council> held this 6th day
of l>eeember» 1925.
Upon roll call there were present President J.H,Brov/ne»
Recorder t^len '^aley and Councilmen Bernhardt. LoTelacei Chapin
and Taylor.
Minutes of previous meetings read and approved.
It was duly moved» seconded and carried that the City
Recorder be instructed to issue a building permit to 3)-C.
It was duly moved» seconded and carried that four air
valves be purchased for the city water system.
Resolution Ho. 69 was introduced and read.
(For Res. ilo. 69 see following sheetf))
numbered 365 - A
It was duly moved* seconded and carried that the ilayor
appoint two members of the Council to meet with a committee
of citizens relative to the matter of a zoning ordinance
for Schofiled r^eights residence district.
Ceuncilmen H.I.Chapin and Paul IbernharSt appointed to
serve on foregoing committee.
It was duly moved* seconded and carried that all bills
as O.K.*d by the-iinance Committee be ordered paid ihd that
warrants be drav/n on the several funds for the respective
Bills Paid.
Peerless Pac. Co. $ A.G.Renn § 75.00
Allen Brown 3.50 IT 75.
Reedsport Mchn.^hop. 4.65 Glen Caley 150.
TT .75 VV.G.Benson 50.
W.A.Burdick 25. li.O.Green 10.
I.O.O.F 15. State Ac.Com. 8.12
Reedsport Boat Co. 11.50 Commercial Abst.Co. 8.50
D.1.Buckingham 42.00 John Bernhardt. •:16.26
Portland Printing House 23.40 Reedsport i\iel Co. 78.59
»T Tl 59.25 Tt U
H IT 34.75 IT It 59.25
Umpqua Dr. 5: Con Co. 90.00 IT IT 8.25
Paul Bernhardt. 9.25 C.ll5r. C.Johnson 34.50
IT .65 IT 24.36
West Coast Power Co. 10. ]i\ L.Taylor 30.14
TT 1.35 tt 8.53
ir 193.36 Schroeder & Hildenb. 4.75
i'ederal Pipe cb xank Co. 119. City of Reedsport .63
Rainbow Limch 13.50 Port Umpqua Courier 24.00
Paul Bernhardt 206.61 It 54.10
Coos ^ Curry 'j.'el. 3.30 IT 43.30
City V/ater i^ept. 869.86 A.G.Rerxn 75.00
It was duly moved* seconded and carried that the Recorder
be instructed to write to the County Clerk and the City Recorder
of the City of Reseburg* relative to matter of elections.
Upon motion, duly seconded and carried* the meeting was
continued to Dec. 20th at 8.00 o'clock*^.H.
Mayor Recorder
Regular meeting of the Goimcil of ijecernebr 6th» 1926»
continued to and held, this 20th dc.y of Iiecember» 1926.
Upon roll call there were pi^resent: Ilayor C.Uc.C.
Johnson* Hecorder Glen Caley> and Councilmen Browne. Bernhardt,
Lovelace, 'i^aylor and. Chapin.
Ord.inance Ko. 175i being an Ordinance levying assessinents
for Street Improvement for Street Improvement District Uo.
9 (bchofield. Heights) was introd-uoed and. read.
It was duly moved» second.ed. and. carried that said Ordinance
be passed to its second reading.
Upon being read the second time» it v/as duly moved > seconded
and carried that said Ordinance be passed to its third reading.,
Upon being read the third time* it v/as duly moved* seconded
and carried that said ordinance be put upon its final passage.
Said Ordinance v/as thereupon adopted by the follov/ing vote:
Aye 5» Hay 0.
OEDIHAECS 1^0. 175.
(See Ordinance Book).
It v/as duly moved, seconded and carried that the bill of
W.G.Benson* Oity Attorneyi in the sum of $100.00 for preparation
of bond records for District Z and 3» and the sum of §65.00
for expense to trip to Portland for delivering bonds, be paid
and that warrants be drav/n for said sums.
Upon application, the i^eedsport Post of I'he American Legion
was granted special permission to hald a dance Hew Years eve
until the hour of 2.00 A.LI, of January 1» 1927.
I'here being no further business the meeting- adjourned.
r-i fkr365-
A Si/ 365-A
That the City of Reedsport hereby grants to Umpqua Dredging and
Construction Oompanyt a corporation* its successors and assigns* the
license and privilege to place, construct, erect* maintain and
^ operate a single track of standard guage railway* said track to be
located on Sixteenth Street and "beginning at a point on the present
\ spur track of the Umpqua Mills &Timber Company* about midway along
said street fronting Blocks Seventy-eight and Seventy-nine and arunning
thence Easterly for a distance of two hundred and three feet,
where it enters private property* the center line of said track being
particularly described as follows: Beginning at Engineer Station O/OO
which is identical with Engineer Station 19/63.4 P«T of the track
center line of the Umpqua Mills & Timber C^ompany aiid which point
is on the center line of Sixteenth Street, between Blocks Seventyeight
and Seventy-nline and is S 68 00' E 101.75 feet from the center
of Sixteenth Street where it interesects the east side of "I" Street
and which described point is considered the place of beginning* and
running thence from a tangent course of S 68 00' E by a left curve
having a radius of 397»8 feet for 61, feet; thence by a left curve
having a radius of 358.2 feet for 142. feet to the east boundary
of the street which is the east frontage of Block Seventy-n6ne»
which point is indicated as Engineer Station 2/03 and which is S
68 00' E 64. feet and N 42 23' E 25 feet from the Southeast corner
^ of Lot Five of Block Seventy-nine of the ianended Plat of Railroad
Addition to Reedsport* Douglas County* Oregon.
This license and permit is upon the express condition that
said ^ur track shall be built in a substantial and permanent
manner to conform with any improvement of said street and so as
to be at the established line and grade of said street; provided
further that said track shall be so built and maintained as not to
interfere with any sewers, drains or other in^rovements now or
hereafter installed by said Ctty of Reedsport. and that wherever
and whenever said railroad track is upon or along any in^roved
street or any portion or intersection thereof, said Umpq,ua Dredging
and Construction Company shall improve all that portion oi said
street lying between the rails of said track and for a distance
of tv/o feet outside of and on each side of said rails» in the same
manner as said adjacent portion of said street is in^jrovedi that is.
"by plankingt pavingt macadam or otherwise, and that at all times said
Umpqua Dredging and Construction Company shall maintain said portion
of said streets so improved by itt and at its own expense keep the
same in a good state of repair; provided further, that the operation
of trains, cars, engines, etc. upon and over said track shall be
subject to the ordinances of the City of Reedsport now or hereafter
enacted or applicable thereto.
Passed ty the City Council of the City of Keedaport this day
of 1926. by the following vote: Aye Kay ^ •
^ • 1. « ^
.Regular meeting of the Coimnon ouncil, held this 3rd
day of January, 19<J7.
Upon roll call there were present j'!ayor C.MoC. Johnsoni
City Recorder Galey, and Oouncilmen Brovme, Bernhardt, SX&
Taylor, and -L-ovelace.
L^ayor-elect Johnson, Recorder-elect Stanley D. Chapin,
and Councilmen-elect Browne, Boak, Bernhardt, and Lovelace
presented their certificates of election as I.^ayor,Recorder
and Councilmen,respectively, of the City of Reedsport.
Each then took and subscribed to the oath of office, and said
oaths were filed. Recorder Stanley D. Chapin filed bond in
the amount of $1000.00, as required by Ordinance Ho.3 of the
City of Reedsport.
thereupon the I'/iayor, Recorder, and Councilmen-elect
were declared to be duly qualified for their respective offices
and took their seats as such* Councilman Taylor, in the absence
of Councilman-elect Varrelmann, who v/as out of the City and had
not qualified as Councilman, continued to serve until his
successor had qualified.
Minutes of December,1926 meetings were read and approved.
The application of D.H. Benson to construct private
frame garage building on Lot 4 Block 52, was referred to a special
comiiiittee consisting of Councilmen Brovme,Boak,and Bernhardt
with authority delegated to this Committee to approve application
if satisfactory.
Communication of jilarl Peters, asking for interpretation of
dance Ordinance was read. It was interpreted that the fee of
v;25.00 covered only the use of one particular hall, and in event
another hall was desired, an additional fee of ;;^25.00 would be
Report of th33 5'ire Imrshal for the year 1926 was read and
ordered filed.
The following bills vvere presented, Oked by the Finance
Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded, and carried,
ordered paid and that warrants be drawn on the several funds for the
respective amounts:
H V/ Fairf-.eld
Joe ^airfield
T Burns
Robt. Stuart
F K Holbert
W H -^^arris
H Fonville
C Kelson
3 Brannock
C R Lev/is
C F Lewis
M. Johnson
J H Roberts
J L L-Iorris
•.V F Ilulkey
Geo Sharp
Joe I'larvin
A o Heath
31.82 •
81. OO'^
A,G, Renn § 150. 00-
V/ G Benson 50. 00«
Glen Caley 150. 00-
G H Kitchen 50. 00^
"J A Burdick 25. 00^
A1 Green 10. 00-
iE.O.O.F. 15. 00^
State Ind Acc.Com 8. 12*
Rainbow Confection 5. 00-
"ernhardt Taxi Serv 18. 75-
?ort Umpqua Courier 14. 70^
F L Taylor 5. 10-^
F Bernhardt 66. 60-
R B V/ks 6. 94^
Federal F and TankGo90. 52-
R Fuel and T Co. 27. 54-
H S Kennedy 3. 35-
Umpqua D and C Co 58. 00^
C McC Johnson LbrCo 30. 37
iJ" Hogan 2. 44
V/est Coast F Co. 202. 26-
Port Ump.Courier 2. 25 "
Coos and Curry Tel 3. 00^
total .) 1430.07
!l^ere ^>61113 no further Itusiness the meeting was adjourned^
Regular annual meeting of the Common Council of the City of
•^^eedsport,regularly called and held this 11th day of January,
upon roll-call there were present: llayor C McC Johnson,
Hecorder Stanley D. Chapin, and Councilinen ?rov/ne,Boalc,
Lovelace, and Varrelmann.
Ordinance 1^0.176, being an Ordinance providing for the issuance
and sale of bonds of the • ity of P^eedsport, for street improve
ment of certain Streets in Street'Improvement District lTo.9,
in the amount of i?8472«81, was introduced and read. Upon motion
duly seconded and carried, said ordinance was read the second
time by title only. Thereupon Councilman Browne moved that
due tp the character of the proposed ordinance and that an emer
gency exists, that said ordinance be put upon its final passage
and read for the third time in full. This motion being duly
seconded,v/as put to a vote and unanimously adopted. The ordinance
was then read in full, and upon jriotion - uly made, seconded,and
unanimously adopted, said ordinance was put upon its final
passage, which said ordinance, together with the vote thereon
in Y/ords and figures,is as follows:
ORDimTCE Ho. 176
Passed by the Council by the follov^ing vote: Yeas:4
A petition of residents of the City of Heedsport,residing west
of the Reedsport Schools,asking for the construction of a side
walk for the accoirraodation of pedestrians,from Scholfield i-'ridge
to 5th Street,on V/inchester Avenue, v/as presented, and referred
to the Street Committee for investigation and report.
There being no further business the meeting was continued to
January 26th,1927 at 8:00 P.M.
' '
Regular meeting of the Common Council,continued from
January l4rd, 1927 and regularly called and held this 26th day of
At a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City
of Heedsport, Oregon th-S date regularly called and held in the
Council Chamber in said City, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.II.
with Acting Llayor J R Brovme, Recorder Stanley D Chapin and the
follov/ing members of the 'ouncil present; J.H.A.ustin, \Talter 3oak,
Taul Bernhardt, V/.A.. Lovelace and Varrelmann: absent none,
the following business was transacted:
•rhe bid of Puclcett and Lyons for the improvement bonds
:f the City, in the amount of $8,472.81,was opened and read.
Said bid is as follows:
Heedsport, u.regon
January 26th,1927
The I.iayor and Council,
City of Heedsport,
ReedsTJort, Oregon.
In comiiiliance with your call for bids on bonds for
Street Improvement I^istrict iro.9,in the sziount of $8472.81,v/e submit
a bid of par plus accrued interest up to date of delivery, for the
regularly and legally issued six per cent bonds of the City of
Heedsport. It is understood that this bid is contingent upon the
approving legal opinion of Messrs. •real,V/infree,HcCulloch and
Accompanying this bid and attached hereto please find
a certified check in the sum of 5% of th^ par value of the bonds.
Fuckett and Lyons,
by Dame T:. Lyons.
Councilman Lovelace introduced proposed Resolution llo.l. It was
duly moved and seconded that Resolution ITo.l be ad-pted as read,
^hereupon Resolution xlo.l was otit upon its final passage and
adopted by the follov/in:; vo .e: Aye 5, I^ay 0.
Resolution ITo.l
That the Common Council of the City of Heedsport,having this 26th
day of January,1927,opened sealed bids for Street Improvement Bonds
for Street Improvement District i;o.9,in the total sum of $8472.81,
according to duly published call therefor, f:indy thjiit the following
bid lias been .lade:
3y :?uckett Lyons: Par plus accrued interest#
and hereby av/ards said bonds in the total sum of ^8472.81 to
Puckett & Lyons,in accordance with the terms of said bid*
A report of total asssssraont payments due the City to date,under
the terms of the Improvement Bonds, •pa;^rments made to date, and
assessrients due and not bonded was submitted by the City Recorder
to the Council for its information and reference, pon 'motion
re;;;ularly made, seconded, and carried it was ordered that registered
letters be sent, if necessary, to outside property owners, ow-ng
unbonded assessraents, with notice as to the amount due and payable
at once.
i^'pon motion of Councilman Austin, regularly seconded,and >:nanimously
carried any one member of the finance Committee was authorized
to emergency warrants? dravm on the special T/ater fund, for
payment of labor expense inacurred on sv e-ial repair of water system,
*to the limit of 050.00 ffir aapseeassnnKK any one repair job.
The application of ITels Peterson to remove dirt from v/inoherjter
Avenue,"btween ^Blocks 89 and 90, was approved, subject .to the
direction of the street Committee.
Counciman Austin rged im}iiediate action on the part of the City
toward the establishraent of a reserve on the water shed of Clear
Lake, for the purpose of preventing the possible pollution of
the 'ity water supply. Upon motion re-ularly madeJ.seconded, and
carried the Chairman was authorized to ai>point a member of the
Council, to go to .>alem, Oregon for the purpose of urging upon
the State Legislature the presentation and adoption of a bill
creating such a reserve. Councilman Austin was appointed.
'vater Commissioner Henn called attention to the importance of
definitely establishing certain right oi2 way for the City water
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. .
City ^ec^order
Special Meeting of the Com on Council of the City of
Heedsportjheld this 4th day of February,1927 at4:00 P.M.
Pursuant to special notice and call of the Ivtayor,
a special meeting of the Council was held at its offices in
•^"^eedsport, Oregon on Friday, February 4th,1927 at 4:00 P.M.
for the purpose of considering and passing an Ordinance granting
the oouthern lacific Corapany and the Urapqua Dredging and Construction
Coinpany a franchise and privilege to construct an industry sp;ir
l.Iayor C.IIcC Jolihson, Recorder Stanley D. Chapin and
all Councilrnen were oresent.
Ordinance lTo.177, an ordinace granting to the Southern
Pacific Compiany, a corporation, its successors, lessees and assigns,
and to U pqua Dred.:ing and Construction Company, a corporation,
its successors, lessees and assigns, the right, franchise, and
privilege to construct, maimtain and operate an industry spur track
upon,along and across a certain portion of Sixteenth Street and
"L" Street in the City of ^""^eedsport, Oregon, was introduced and
duly read for the first time, ^^iffefer the proposed Ordinance load
been read the first time, it was moved,seconded, and carried that
it be read the second time by. title only. The proposed Ordinance
./as then read the second time, opon motion regularly made, seconded
and carried the proposed ordinance was ordered laid on the table.
adj ourned.
There being no further b siness the meeting was
City Pvecorder
Regular meeting of the Gomraon "Council of the City of
Readsport, held this 7th day of February,1927.
Upon roll-cs,ll there tvere present Tayor C I-cC J'ohnson,
City Hecorder litanley B Chapin, and Councilmen Brovme,Bernhardt,
Boak, Austin, Lovelace, and Varrelmann.
I'inutes of the last reg^ilar and interveafing special
meetings* T'ero re d p.nd. approved.
The Council then proceeded to ballot upon the election
of• a -resident. Councilman John Iv Browne receiving a majority .
of the votes cast, was duly elected rresident of the Council^
Stanuin-^ Comniittees -".vere appointed by the };Iayor,
as follc^Ys:
Water and Sewer
Councilmen .-.ustin,! 3rowne, Varrelmann.
" Boak, Bernhardt, Austin*
" Lovelace,Bernhardt, Brov/ne.
Varrelmann, Boak, Lovelp.ce.
" Bernhardt, Lovelace, Austin.
Appointment of City Officers by thd L^yor, were:
City x'arshal A.(t. Henn.
City Attorney 77. G. Benson.
yive Chief L.O. Green.
Upon raotion regularly made, secon ed, and unanimously carried
the appointment of City Officers, as submitted by the I.-ayori
were confirmed,
Councilr^^an ."xistin reported-on the results o/ his trip to Salem
and rortlB.nd fcr'the pi-^-^rpose of urging introducing a bill
creating a reserve of a portion of the v/atershed of Clear Lake,
thereby preventing the possible pollution of the -^-ity v/ater
supply. l-.T. -'^ustin read Senate 'Cill'"0.162 which ho had drawn,
and had Senator Uddy introduce in the Senate. He stated that the
bill had been referred to the Public lands Committee, and
rej'orted that it would undo^ibtedly pass» and becom.e a law.
Ccuncili7ian Lovelace ur^ed taking up with the t^ighv/ay T^ngineers
at once the matter of raising the roa,&bed of the Roosevelt
Highway to 15* above the present level of Clear Lake. He rep'Orted
that according to present plans the higway roadbed will be only
10* above the lake level, and tliat in event of the later
need of raising tlie lake level for additional water storage,
the presett road location would interfere. It was ordered that
the Water Committee and Coraraissioner take up the matter with
District Engineer Sav^^er. •
Upon motion regularly made#seconded and carried,it v/as ordered
that the City contribute u^^ to 025.00 for completing a 2*
walk from the Catholic Church to the Sholfield River bridge,
on Winchester Avenue, providing that the School and Church
co-operate in the construction of a similar walk in front of
their respective proier'oies.
rhe street Committee v/as ordered to investigate the present
condition 6f the f^cholfield River Rridge and the advisability
of '-ravelin"; streets.
'i'Ue report of Baar and Cunningham, Engineers, on the
proposed reservoir, was read in full. Uxjon rnotion regula,rly
nade,seconded and carried the report was ordered filed, for
future consideration.
Applications, of Glen Caley and E S Peters, for dance
licenses were approved, with the understanding that Mr. Caleyfe
license perrait the holding of public dances at the Franklin
Hall, and ^vlr. Peters license for the Moose Hall* Pees of
i;;j25.00 Sc-oij-h accompanied each license application.
Apiplications for pool hall licenses y/ere submitted by
J H Cunningham, J. Jennings, and E H Ford. Action on these
application^ deferred until next meeting.
Upon motion regularly made,seconded, and carried
Ordina,nce Ho. 177 was ordered taken from the table and read
. for the third time. Ordinance ITo. 177,being an Ordinance
gra.nting to the Southern Pacific Company and Urnpqua Dredging
and Construction Company a franchise to coniitruct and operate
an industry spur track; was theeupon read for the third time."
.It wa.s-fa^en duly moved, seconded and carried that said Ordinance
be j.ut upon itj^s final passage. Said Ordinance •.as thereupon
.adopted by the follcv/ii-c -.ote: Aye - 6 Ho —none.
The following bills were present^ed, Oked by the Fincmce
Cormnittee, and upon motion regularly/, seconded, and carried,
were ordered paid, and that v/arrants be drawn on the several
funds for the resi^ective a^iiounts:
City Water fund
.R1 ^airfield
Joe Pairfield
C C Clarke
"Baar and Cunningham
Federal fipfe and !Papk Co
W G- Benson
Heijtune Meter Co.
Glas: & Prudho-mme
Peerless Pacific ^To.
C lIcC Johnson Lor. Co.
11 ti
C C Clarke
P M Holbert
V/ J Harris
C C Clarke
/i S Heath "
A G Resn
Geo H Kitchen
S 'D Chap in
V/ G Benson
W A Burdick
L 0 Green
I 0 0 F
State Ind A. Cora.
'F L Taylor
00 a
55 a
30 ^
J D Hall ' 1
V7 C Power Co. '192
Reedsport F & TCo 7
" ^ 15
II J' 2
Paul :3ernhardt
VI R Buck
Bernhardt Taxi
Port Urnpqua Courla:63
Union Iron V/lcs * 2
J A Ellis 5
Umpqua Drug Co. 10
Schroeder H *2
Reedsport B ^.c M tolO
Urapq ua Mi 11s &TCo ^ 5
Kilham Sta Co.
Peerless Pac.
Coos & Curry
J H Austin
Port Umpqua C.
Teal,W,J and Mc
Total :ii)
It v/as poin.ted out to the Council by the -ity Recorder that
fully half of the time of the Recorder's office is devoted to
the City water system and should properly be a charge against
v -ter system operation expense. Upon notion re ^-ularly made,
seconded, and carried it was ordered ths-t- "^75.00 of the City
Recorder's ; lonthly salary?" be chargeable to the specia.l water fund
and :";75.00 per month to ge-ieral fund expense.
TTm-nmin 'D"rftd/:'in5'
i.inutes of meeting February 7th, 1927. continued.
ISiKlfrJil'r'k"""""' p«,"S4"• •Ko.178 was then read the^second^tiA^ Proposed Ordinance
fiaal passage and adopted by the folIowLfvoIe; Yerj|fl°"yriTone?"
r.otion regularly macie, seconded, and Qaraied, it 7/as ordered
that the City be authorized to accept bonds in lieu of lost
wa.rrants, and that new v/arrants issued in lieu thereof;
the bondsmen to be passed upon by the Council.
Tine Ci^y Recorder caJAed attention to the fact that little iraproTement
v/as being/in the status of past due city asoessments.
It 7/as directed that a list of all unbonded assdssments-past due
a year or over^ turned over to the City Attorney, for
I'lr...Russell J Hubbard appeared before the ^'ouncil and called
attention to a,very considerable damage caused to the properties
of the v/inchester Bay Lumber Gonpany due to the carelessness
of the fill contractors, Inland Construction Company, in blocking
the tide gate v/here Hainbow Slough emptied into Scholfield rJiver
and substituting it i^ith a sluice box. ":'his Has re??ponsible for
the brec.l-:ing of the dike during the recent higji water. He also
complained of the lack of dra,inage on the fill area, which
resulted in flow of v^ater on his property and resulting damage.
Tho riatter was referred to the Street Committee for investigati on
and report.
Upon notion regularly made, seconded, and unanimously carried
j.Ir. '7 1- Reed was endorsed for the office of State Highway Commissioner
and-it was ordered that a communication be sent the 'xovernor ofi
the State of Oregon urging LIr. ?.eed*s appointment.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
City Hecorde'r
Regular meeting of the Cormnon Council of the
City of Heedsport :-:eld this 7th day of i'arch,1927 at S:00 P.M.
Ml members of the Counffiil were present, except liayor C Kc5 Johnson.
9ouncilman J i-^rovme presided and called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the last regular meeting v/ere reid and approved.
A petition,signed by 13 residents of south Scholfield
-i'^eights, rcquefeting thai; a light be placed near 5th .Vvenue and
T.nion Streets, was read. After consideration, ux'on :"iotion regularly
mde, seconded, and carried the light cojm^iittee"was authoris'/ed
to order the light placed, as requested,
•- letter from the Southern acific Co2:.pany,dated
February 3rd,1927 calling attention c^tontioa to lublic Service
Comj-aission Order Ho.1391, requring the City to install a red
reflector light on each side of the center"bent under the under
grade crossing, and asking if the ^ity would not also install
an electric light in addition, was read, it was ordered that
the two red reflector lights be placed, as ordered by the
Public Service Commis ion,
letter from Engineers 3aar and Cunningham yaa:
regarding vroTOsecl reservoir was read, "but n- definite action
was talien in this matter^
A comniunioation from 62.e office of State Engineer,
Water Resources Department, dated February 15th, 1927 stating tliat
notices of Completion of Construction .orlc under Permits
17os. H184 and 1149 had "been properly filed, and tliat nothrlng
further will "be necessary in order to complej^e the rights of the
city until final proof is suhmitted, was next read. The letter
stated that the usual practice was to extend the time for
complete application of water under permits of municipal corpor
ations so as to allow for future development, and suggested that
application for extension of time for period of five or ten ^
years "be made. Upon notion regularly. Made, seconded, and carried ^
it was ordered that application for a ten year extension "be made,
and that map showing i;resent Y;atorshed,Ueadworlcs, and reservoir I
be made and submitted to the State ^^ngineers office. s
Reports of.Committees:
Chairman Lovelc-ce of the water committee reported that
a considerable amoi.uit of the clearin::; and ;:rading on the I^oosevelt
^iighv;ay which touched the vrest end of Clear La,]£e was being
dumped into the lal^e. He recorcmended that the ''ity Attorney be
instructed to comm.unlcate with the ^itate Highwc.y Coromission
with a view of obtaining an aggeement with it that in event the
City raises its lake level 8 feet, that the State Highv/ay
Co'iTumnission v^guld agree to raise the road bed level -of the
Roosevelt -^ighway at least 5 feet, "^'pon motion regularly made,
seconded, and carried it was so ordered, as recoiamended.
Councilman Austin reported that Senate Sill lio.162, which
vra,s an act to protect and prevent the pollution of the waters
of Clear Lake, and to prohibit fishing in Clear Lalce, and to
provide a penalty for the violation of the provisions of the act,
had been passed and signed by the G-overnor.
Chairman Varrelmann, of the Street Cojmuittee, reported
the repair of a portion of the Scholfield River dike. Upon
motion regularly made,seconded and carried, the Street Committee
was authorized to have the Scholfield River bridge repaired
by planking, if it were considered necessary.
Reports of Employeesi
A report from City Treasurer Burdick, showing funds
on hand, as of ::arch 7th, total amount 311,980,61, was submitted.'
Reports of the '^ity Recorder on water collections, ^
total receipts and disbursements for February,1927, and f
improvement assessment collections were referred to th^-^ Council '
for its information.'
The City Attorney recorrimended that cer&iin amendj-:ients
to the present City Charter be made, for the purpose of facilitat
ing the colleci:ion of delinquent city assessments, by giving
the_Council power to re-assess, and fixing rate of interest
during tim.e between foreclosure and last date of redemption.
Acceptance of the provisions of Ordinance lIo.l77 by
•"^jouthern Pacific Comjpany, and Umpqua dredging and Construction
Company, as required under the terms of the Ordinance, was
reported by the City Recorder.
^ ''pom motion of Councilman Lovelace, seconded, and unanimously
carried the applicat,ions of ^ H Ford and J i-i iTennings fox* pool
liall licenses were approved, and licenses ordered issued.
A permit for construction of a class b^iilding on Lots
}- and 12 77 ainended of Railroad .'-ddition was granted to '.Y .'i Lovelace and ,v A IWirdick.
Ordinajice .:.o. 178, "being :in Ordinance repealing Ordinance . 0.60,
a License Tax Ocfrdinance passed Karch 14,1921, was read for the
first It was moved,seconded, an-" carried that Ordinance
iTo.'l78^"!:)e passed to the second reading and said Ordinance was
read for the second tirae. ppon motion duly made,seconded, and
carried, Ordinance "ori73°v;as passed to the third reading",Ppon
its ^third reading M: v;as moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance
-0.178®be put upon its final passage and said Ordinance was
adopted by the following vote: Yeas 5 ITays 0,
The following bills were presented, Olced by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion regularly raade, seconded, and carried, ordered
Carl ITelson 912.50-
J" H Roberts 12.50.
G D EcC0.uley 12.50'
J C Thorne 12.50*
R H Kcrnan 12.94"
'T C Thome 11.25^
Carl l'''elson ; 13.50 a
C G Clarjj:e 17.50"^
C 0 Clarke 42.50-
J '.V 1-Iarris 25.44"
3 Heath IP,. 50*
P III Holbert 12.94a
? Holbert 9.28 a
A G Henn 75.00t
n 75.00.
3 D ChaiDin 75.00a
n 75.00a
Geo Blake 50.00 A
W A Burdick - 25,00'.
V/ G Benson 50.00 ^
L 0 Green iO.OOA
I.O.O.F. 15.00'
state Tnd. .Occident Co^i, 8.12-^
V/est Coast !;-'ower Company 191.08^
Tort L"npq_::a Courier $ 10.
C ' c^ -ohn:.on Lbr Go, 6.
Coos and Curry Tel.Co, 3.
L 0 Green 7.
Sawtell ,'-7iibhington Co. 300.
Hainbow Lunch Counter 5.
v/est Coast Power Co. 1.
Portland !Ptg House 26.
IIc'^' • ohnson Lbr Co. 6.
"Sernhardt Taxi 2.
Paul !^ernh?-,rdt 17,
Heedsport I>T and B V/orks 1,
H n " 3
•» n ti

heedsport ^uel & TransfEii4.
It " 4
ti n ' II ^
?ranl: L Taylor 12.
Bert F:.!iays
25 a
^e payment of -jloO.OO to Bert I''1ays, for inj-ury to Shirley
.-ays, was authorized upon the express condition that the parents
of -Shirley Kays execute release of liability on the part of the
city, and. that all v^ater rents to date, due the city by Bert V Iots
be paid in full.
There being no further bmsiness, the meeting was adjo^^rned.
City --ecorder
.7^ ..— - -"-'A. .tri..
He^iUlai"' meetiiv^ of the Gonnion Council held this
4th day of ;-5;ril,i927 at 8:00 P.U.
All members of the .^.'oucil v/ere pres^^nt except • ayor Jolmson.
Coycili'ian "'•rovme, Pre,sident of the 'oucil presided and called
the 3;;eetin2; to order.
The minutes of.the last regulay.-raeetinf^ were read and approved.
A le-b^er from llr. P.ussell J HuVoard a. ...vising tliat he.v/ith
associa^tes,was c-rran^^ing for the constx-uction and operation of a
pulp plant in Reedsport and applying for a contract v;ith the -ity
for the supply of two rnillioij gallons of v/.-ter for each 24 hour
period the plant is in operation,v/ith further arrangement for
furnishing up to an ad-.^itional two nillion gallons for each such
twenty-four hour period, v/as,road. "."r. Hu'/oard T/as present and
supplev.-.ented tlie inf orriation .and request contained in his letter
'jy a "brief strj.te.ient. After considerable discussion a.nd careful
consideration, upon iiiotion regularly raade,seconded, and carried
it was -ordered that the firm.of Baar z-/ad Gunninghaiii,engineers,
"be employed to, roaice a preliminary report for the purpose of
presenting such data to the Council as v/ould enable it to
properly and intelligently oi^tline iossihle negotiations with
l-T, Ilubbard, and a,ct upon his request. It was ordered tliat
Ilr. Baar be requested to go over th^j ground at earliest possible
date, -,nd raahe his re- ort*
A letter fron the '.Winchester Say L nber Oosnpany calling attaention
to daitiage to its i.ropcrty c./ased f;y the drainage from the recently
filled area, and that
care of the surplus water/.
Yfas referred to the V,ater Coi-:]rn.ittee fors: investigation and report.
lat the tide boxes were not sufficient to take
3 water/, .iter due consideration this atter
A letter fromL-O. Green, his resig. atian .as ^j'ire Chief
due to chan"'G of residence to Albe^ny, .Oregon, was next read.
Upon r-'.otion regulj;.rl:- r;, s.econded cdid carried -jr. Cfreen*s resigpation
..was accepted. Acting I!ayor Brovme appointed i:elD xiogan
to fill the vacancy, anu this :.ppointncnt v/as regularly confirmed
by the Council.
A coi":i .unication fi-oi.i j V/ Harr;;G and
v/ater . .ain excavation v;as read, but no action taken#
Aeports of Goiniaittees;
'[an Lovelace, of the ..ater "Corjiittee, reported/ell
J.Hubbard, V/.A. jurdick, and he, accorripanied by Dr. foederick
D. Striclcer, State Health Officer, and J.O. Baar, :::ingineer of
Portland appeared before t}-e State Highway Gornraission,at its
meeting of la-rch 29th, 1927 at Portland to discuss the location
of the V/inchester 'Jiay-Lakeside unit of the Roosevelt Coast Iiighv/ay,
a part of which is in the watershed of Clear Lake, the. source of
water supply of the City of Heedsport. He stated that I^r.Strieker
spoke of th--"; possible contai.iination of this Wc'.ter supply,
and he was requei.:ted to look over the project in coiixoany v/ith
the Engineer and report back to the Coiixaission, :Ie also re' orted
that there v;as discussed the possilility of raising the level
of the lake 10 feet or Liore by raeans of a dam at the outlet end
to increase the storage capacity; and this would have the
effect of flooding the present road wa,y v;hich, for a distance
of 2500 feet,is about 10 feet above the present high vrater lake
level. Council:i:,.n Lovelace stated tliat the Goi^-uaission agreed
that if the City of ?ieedsport finds it necessary to raise the
water level of Clear Lake to provide greater storage, that the
btate will raise the roadway grade at its own exoense.
conta,ining bids
V.. Jolms10n/f0 r certain
-.r. Lovelace also recohTKiencled tluit tlie Jity take steps to acquire
a strip of land at the lower end of Sldna LcU:e, at the ooutht;eBt:"jaiK
HeV-orts .f -Employees:
A report of funds on h:i,nd, as of ^/3//l927, was submitted oy the
City Treasurer, as follows: ^
Gerleral ]?und :^2168.92
Special v7ater I'und 496.22
Bond Interest Pund 2061.22
Hoad ano. Street Pund 442.19
Sev/er System ?und 2155.40
3ev/er Interest Pund 199.55
Street Irr/.Fund 2945.65
Street Irrip. Interest Fund 1025.03
•;7inchester Bay Vfeter Pund 150.67
Total §11625.05
The City Treasurer re-ported the follovj-ing i ay; .ents i/.ade
since January 1st,1927, other than those authorized by v/arrants:
January,1927~for Street Imp. Interest Coupons
" Seriei.i Bonds
" Interest due on Series 3 Bomds
• I • c
Llarch, 1927 - Sev/er Imp. Interest Coupons
" Street " ^ " n
Outstanding warrants were repoi-ted c,3 follov/s:
Creneral !-'und ,;;20,42S.14
V/inchester 3s.y
Water fund
Street Imp.Punds
#32,513". 31
o 390.00
The City. Recorder presented ro. orts on water rent collections,
and all City Receipts azid wcr.rrant disburser.ients, for Ilarch, 1927,
Upon notion re jularly, seconded, c-..nd carried all reports
as submitted, were approved, and order filed.
The follov/ing bills were presented, Olced by the Finance
Coimaittee, and upon notion regularly z.-ade, seconded and carried,
were ordered -jaid:
R.P.. Heman
J V/ Harris
C C Clarice
F li Holbert
J \7 He.rris
Uripqua Drecl/^ing
Heeds'i^ort Puel c
11 i>
A (j Henn
9 tt
S D Chapin
fi ti
\v G Benson
Johii Gaffney
W A Burdick
I 0 0 F
:: Con. Co
; 6.75*
State Ind. Accident Com.
tt ii II II
L 0 Green
Fed ral iii^e c-j Tanic Co
Paul Bernhardt
Sernhardt Taxi Service
rxeeds'iort Shoe Shop
Federal Pipe and Tanl: Co
Prank L Taylor
.iest Coast
ower Co.
Reedsport Tov/boat Co.
Chapin Inv. Go.
Teal, V/infree ,Eo, Shuler
sV o
fe -.: ;
The City Attorney advised the Council that siimmons had "been
served on the City Jiirch olst,1927,in case of Inland Construction
Company, Plaintiff vs. V/j.nchester Bay Lumber Company,a cc5r;ooration,
'./arren eed, Ilargery H Heed,his v.dfe and City of Heedsport.
Upon iuotion re{5iilarly made, seconded, and carried it was ordered
tliat Councilman Austin o.ct with City Attorney Benson in preparing
answer for the City.
U_:o:-i motion regularly made, seconded:^ and ca.rried the City
-ittorney was instructed to prepare resolutions for refunding
"bond issue and cliarter ar^nc^^^nts, with a view to submitting the
proposals lor vote at the^t^p^ial State election to be held in
The following applications for licenses were ::.px:;i-oved:
Pool llall licenKse E V/ Pranlclin
Hotel and rooming Lillian Connolly-Umpqua Hotel
iy:nr2' Boye,Jr. -L^mpqua Annex
Jc-cl: Traylor -Traylor Eotel
S J lily -Comj.iercial Hotel
Ilrs H '.Vilson -Oregon Hotel
H.P. Sornes
liirs K Roberts -Heedsport Hotel
The City Recorder reported all fees in coniiection with the
above crp"plications,as required by Ordinances, 'paid* It was reported
hov;ever that no truck licenses had been paid, Tliis me.tter'was
referred to the Finance Comiratoee, for : ts consideration and
report 'at next meeting.
The bill to 3 H Pord, by the City, for electric pump rental,
v;as also referred to the Finance Comi.iittee for later report, and
with the authorization given to that Committee to recomiriend a rate
of rental to be charged for the use of this p^ump.
Councilriian I-oaic ealled attention to the necessity of a drain con
nection at ath and I^iinbov/ Streets. This matter xvc.sxreferred
to the Water and Sewer Comiiiittee for its action.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
At t e^t:
City Hec
^j^ecial nesting* of the .'.b2mo.n Comicil of
the Zlty of Heedsviort, held this 11th day of Ar-ril, 1927
at 1:00 P.]:.
•Piirstiant to Bpocinl notice and call, a special neeting of the
Council v;as held at Its offices in Reedsport, Oregon on I'ondayi
A^.ril 11th,1927 at 1:00 P.r:. for the purpose of receiving
preliminary ver'oal report of Engineer J.O. 3aar in connection
with City -water system, and tahing such action as niay deemed
All -'-ouncilraenje-cept Tayor C HcG Johnson, were present.
, ouncilioan J.R Lrovme presided and called the neeting to order.
T-T. Baar ::iade.-the follov;:'ng r8coiiU';iendations and rej;;ort, after
having e:-:a:ained .:,vailable records in the 1-lecorders office
in connection v/ith the Gity*s v/ater ri;;;hts, and, accompanied
"by Gouncilnen Austin, 3rovme,Boalc, Lovelace, Variii®:nann,
.>ater Coiiiiriissioner A.G-. Keen and City Recorder Cliapin,i;":e.l:ing
a personal iy.s;,ection of Clear Lalce, and Ednc. and Seal Lalces,
"by trip on April 10th.
1) A co2!i;":lete report and certified copies of per: .its, etc.
affecting the v;ater rights on Clear Lalce and Lalces Edna axid
Teal, as t e sane ap'pears of record in tiae offices of
the water resources dep:-.rt]^ent of the State, at Salem, Oregon.
He stated in this connection that a protest should "be filed
at once -./ith tho ^tate Iii,^hway CcSmtnission -/ith a view to
protecting theCity^s rights to the fullest extent.
2) Vliat the ity trXe steps'"lool:ing to the installation of a
chlorination ;, lant in the near future, suid se aire report
on costs,etc. lie also recoKF;!ended that a chei.iical analysis
of the water "oe iTiade.
S) Tliat a survey of dan sites,l^y test borings and actual piacing
of tenporary dam "be riade, for -^lurpose of increasing v;ater
4) That ertir-ate of cost for lowering present intake (which
is approxi:lately 7^ at present) to 12 feet he secured.
5) That estimate on costs of new pipe line, to be laid not
in low "bog, as at pvesent, but along hill side 6n east side
of canyon between Lake and V/inchester be secured.
6) That'a. scientific rate schedule :)e established.-
He also caliHed attention, in the discussion of the financing
the proposed inrirovsraents, that Hr. Kubbard oe interviewed,
for the purposes of outlining certain definite negotiations
and securing assurances,before ^ity is coixrrdtted to too
great expense ill planning the necessary improvements for the
proposed pulp nill construction s.nd operation.
Ster considers-hlc discussion and careful consideration, I'j?. 3aar
was authorised seci:re c"a,ta concerning the City w^:,te^ rights,
and nahe report 'thereon, revorts on costs of installing a
chi^irinatin:--: plant, nalie prellirdnary survey a,nd report on costs
of furnishing adequate v/ater to the City, including the require
ments as outline'd by Hubbard for the pulp nill operation,
and to interviov/ Hubbard v/ith a view to discussing
plans for financing the necessary inprovenents in the vrater
spstem. The authorisiation -given v/as upon notion re-^ularly made,
seconded, and carried.
There being no furthe-j business tlie neeting v/as adjourned.
Regular Keetinc; of the Conmion Council lield this
2nd day of Iii.y,1927.
I^^jon roll-call ti.:ere were present I.'ayor C Hc.C Joluison,
City Recorder Cliapin, and ":;ouncilr;ien ""rovme, 3ernliardt,">oak,
Austin, love lace, and Yarrelriiann.
The minu.tes of the last'regular a,nd intervening special
meetings were read and approved.
Gorii :unicat;lori3:
--i letter from the V.'inchecter 'i2ay Limoer Ooiapany
elated': ay ,ind,lG27 again .i.:.lling attention to the drainage from
the filled districts unto its property, and re;:;ulting d:.uaage, was
'read. The matter v/a's referred to the V^ater Committee for its
inVe s t igat i 0n 'and r ep ort.
Letters from Engineer Baar, directed 4;o Councilman
Lovelace, dated .'.pril 16th and April 25th, reporting on the
City water rights, and enclosing' copies. Of filings and various
proceeding affecting the City V/ater ri 'hts, ^7ere read and ordered
f;i.led« Ijr. P.ussell J Huobard a_.pea,red before the Council and ex
plained that his filings had "beeji made principally as a precautionary
measure, for the prontection of certain water rights.
A letter ?aid petition sifjned by six property ovmers
of Rainbow Addition, V/est of ^ith Avenge, reqtiesting a larger water
main, was read and referred to the ".Vater Cormnittee for its
investi :ation ar.d report.
Resignation of . Ir ?.enn a!-j ^'ity P^irshall and V.'ater
Comi-iSc;ioner, by letter dated April 15th, was read "fenyt no action
Reports of Co&mittees:
Councilman -'aistin, reporting for the I'inance Committee,
in /.onnection with revision of the Triiclc Licensing Ordinance I.'o.lOO
recoriiiiiended that the annual license on trucks, such as transfer
trucks and trucks engaged in hauling for a consideration be -jlO.OO
and all other trucks ..5-00. Vpon motion re-yiils,rly j ..ade, seconded,
and "carried the recor:mienda,tions of the Finance Committee were
a, Vroved, and the City .attorney v/as instructed to preijare a nev/
' The following report of* funds oii hand c-.s of .'-pril 30th,
1927 was submitted by the Cit'^ Treasurer, as follows:
General Fund .^3360. 02
Special V/ater Fund 'l420. 60
F-ond Interest . 2061. 22
Road and Street 712. 44
Sewerr Fund 2232. 72
Sewer Interest Fund 207. 60
" * " " Overdraitft
Street Improvement Fund 3536. 05.
V/inchester 3ay V/ater Fund 217. 12
13747. 77
Less overdraft 1184. 53
Total in banfi: 5:^2563. 24
I^ecd. from L-ouglas Cou;.ty Cor ta::es durin-;*--; A ril,lv27 ;;;>1621»76
distributed as follows: General 5\md $1151.32 Road and Street
•Fund §470.44.
Transfer of funds made I.^arch 51st, 1927:
From special water to -^ond interest fund •,?2000.00
From Sev/er Fund to Sewer Interest Fund 1500.00 ^
From otreet y.]:rg. to Street Imp. Int. Fund 1200.00-*
Tiond interest paid as follows:
V/ater "bond interest coupons
Street Irnprovei.ient ii-ond coupons
'I'otal General Fund Warrants outstanding
as of April 30tli, 1-^27
-V.A. j3urdiclc, City Treas."
ihe report.T/as approved and ordered filed.
'^he regular report of wc7.ter rent • collections and receipts
and dis'bursenents for April, 1927 were su'briitted by the
Recorder, and ordered filed.
rr-e following bills v/ere presented, Oked "by the ^Finance
Committee, and upon notion rer^ularly r.ade, seconded and carried
T/ere ordered paid;
J W Harris -) 41.06* J. • 0 • 0 • .l' • -}15.00-
y 11 ?Zolbert 7.67- \V A :^urdiclc 25.00-
Jacl: V/ilson 2.81" State Ind A Com 8.12'^
WII \7ilson (City F) 2.25',. V; Ct Benson .76^
J V/ Harris 13.50'^ V/est Coast Power Co 190.66-^
V 11 Kolbert 4.50^ Cc-os and Curry Tel. 14.00'^
City V/ater Pixnd 17.89* Hiterday Signal Co. 15.09-
J Jennings 65.00^ G Renn 30.00<v
Peoples ".7 C H Co. 20.00^ .7 R Buck .65-
State of Oregon 4.10* Pavil Bernliardt 19.35*
IT Hogan 3.24^ li It 6.25.
A G Renn 75.00* Frank L Taylor 2.04*
n II 75.00a C llcC Johnson 73.25.
S D Chs/oin 75.00a
n ii" 75.00. Total ^5996.89
J T Gaffney 50.00.
W G Benson ' 50.OO'.
John Bernhardt 10.-00.
Warrant jIo.SOOO in the anount of "13.50, issued to Rainoow
-Confectionery, and dr.ted Deceraber 7th, 1926 r.aving been
reported by the payees as never inecei'toed by thera, and
t. apparently lost, and indemnity bond hav. ng been filed with
'"'the City for its protection! upon notion re :ulariy r:iade,
seconded, and ca:ri'ied it ivas ordered that rrarrant ^'o.SOOO
be cancelled and the City Treasurer be so notified, and
tiiat new warrant be issued in lieu of the lost v/arrant ordered
Upon ]notion re,r;:ularly made, seconded, and unanimously carried
the a; pointraent nade by Acting Llayor Browne og J"olin 3ernhardt
as _7ire Marshall, was confirmed.
A Jejjition for vacation of alley in ;.:ioclc 81 ai:aended plat of
Hailro^- ^ -"iddition to -i-i^, Oregon was iDresonted by
Keed8-_:ort Garage Coripo.ny, owners of said Block. Upon I'lotion
regularly nade,seconded, and carried, the request was granted
and oune 6th,1927 at 8:00 P-II. was set as the time for
hearing objections, if any, to the proposed vacation.
A bond proceedings contract pro:.,osal, subnitted by Ti H Atkinson
^ Company, in connection v/ith the pro;;osed refunding bond
issue, was referred to the Panance Coiamittee, for its
consideration and report.
ihere being no further business, the Tneoting was adjourned.
ty ..ecorae
382 V
Regular meeting of the Coramon Council held this
6th day of June,1927, at 8:00 P.M.
' Upon roll-call there vrere present Cancilmen J H Browne,
J H Austin, Vv'alter Eoak, and V7 A Lovelace, and City Recorder
Stanley D Chapin -
Absent Tiilayor C Mc^ Johnson and Couhcilmen Bernhardt and
There "being no quorm present, upon inotion. regularly nade,
seconded, and carried the meeting was continued to Tuesday,
June 7th,1927 at 2:00 P.K.
Pursuant to published "Notice of Vacation" relative to
the alley in Elocl: 81 Amended plat of Railroad Addition to
Reedsport, Oregon,hearing was i.eld for objections, if any, of
any property owners to the proposed vacation. ITo objectors
appearing, the meeting wac ordered adjourned*
City Recoxtier
Continued meeting'of the Common Council held
this 7th day of June, 1927 at 2:00 E.J.I.
Upon roll-call there were present Conncilmen Brownei
Austin, Boak, Lovelace and Varrelmannt City Re'corder Chapin,
and City Attorney Benson.
Absent Mayor C McC Johnson and Councilman Bernhardt.
[Kayor Johnson present before conclusion of riieeting.)
Meeting wa^ called to order by Acting llayor Browne.
The minutes, of the last regular meeting were read and
Letter from the Union Oil Company,dated I'-ay 6th, 1927
petitioning the Council for the passage of an Ordinance per
mitting the construction of a warehouse and tankage, for the
storage,sale.and distribution of petroleim in the City was
read. l£r. S W" Franklin urged the importance cf properly safeguardirlg
the adjacent property and the public by requiring
concrete surfacing of the roadway and dock landing space
to be u&ed by the Union Oil' Company.
';'The application of Joseph'Roth to improve the front
of his property by facfing it with garage doors^ was approved
subject to the, favorable action of the Buildirfg Committee.
The applications of V/ A Hawarth, Empire, Oregon for
City I>.^rshali, C J Thornton, Reedsport, Oregon for Water Com
missioner, and IhH. McGinnis, Reedsport, Oregon for night
watchman were 'read and ordered filed.
Letter, dated I'ay 2nd,19;i7, from Barr and Cunningham
•relative' to the cost and recommendations for the proper type
of Chlorination plant was read, ordered laid upon the table,
for , later consideration..
Report! of Cominiibtees:
Councilman Lovelace in reporting,on the problem of
of drtanage complained of by T/inchester. Bay Lumber Company,
recommended that the 12" reclaimed pipe', approximately 300'
in all, taken from the hill immediately west of the City, be
moved for the purpose of use, as thg gccasion requires, in
: furnishing a drainage line from the under-crossing to the
sloi'gh at the rear of the Heedsport Lumber Company mill site.
Upon motion regalarly made, seconded, and eacried,it .was
authorized that this pipe be movpd to a place, convenient
to the proposed drainage line.
Councilman Austin, in reporting for the Finance Committee,
on the matter of fixing a rate for rental of the City electric
piunp, and adjustment of bill previously reniEdered to E.H.
Ford for its use, recommended that a charge of bO'^ an hour
be the established rental charge, all costs for operating
and repair other than ordinary wear and tear be borne by the
user; the use to be under the superv-ision of the V/ater Committee;
that the bill to ilr. E H Ford, on such basis, be fixed to .be
-^44*50. The report was accepted as recommended.
Resolution No. 70 was introduced and read,
EE IT RESOLVED, by the Cominon Council of the City of Kecdsport,
that the following Charter ^'jnendnient to the Charter of said City
be and the same is hereby proposed for submission to the legal vot
ers of said City, at a special State election held in
said City on the 28th day of June,1927, as in this resolution
provided, vvhich amendment is as follows,to-wit:
AU ACT to provide for an additional Section to tir.e Charter of the
City of Reedsport, by adding thereto an authorization to the
Common Council of the City, to reassess costs for sewer,stteet,
alley and other improvements when the former assessment has been
declared invalid, or the Council shall be in doubt as to its
validity, or shall deem it necessary, and to make the same a
lien upon the property abutting upon,adjacent to or benefitted
by said improvement.
following section, to be nmnbered Section 108 of the Charter of
the City of Reedsport, be and the same is hereby proposed and
submitted to the legal voters of said City as a,nd for an amendment
to said Charter, added to the same and.numbered and knovm as
Section 108,'to-wit:
1. That whenever, heretofore or hereafter, the Common Council
has caused or may cause any street or alley to be improved, or
has caused or may cause any sewer or water main to be laid, or any
local improvement whatever to be made, and has, or may hereafter
assess or attempt to assess against the property abutting upon,
adjacent to or benefitted thereby, the cost of such improvement,
•and such assessment by reason of failure to give notice, or because
of a majority remonstrance, or because of any other defect or
irregularity, juridictional or otherwise leading up to the making
of such improvement or the levying of such assessment therefor,
sliall be declared to be void by any court, or if the Council
shall be of the opinion that said assessment is illegal or doubt
ful by reason of any omission or defect, the Council may cause the
cost of such improvement, together with legal interest from the
date of the making of the same, to be reassessed against the
property abutting upon,adjacent to or benefitted by said improve
ment, which assessment shall be made in an equitable ni-nner, and
as nearly as m.ay be in • conformity v/ith the provisions of the
Charter at the time the improvement was made, or the council may
adopt a different plan of apportiomnent when in its judgment
it is essential in order to secure an equitable assessment.
2- Xhe Council shall declare "by Ordinance its intention to make ,
• sxich re-asseesm^nt, which ordinance shall "briefly describe the
improvement, and shall declare the intention of the Council t ass
ess the cost thereof against the property abutting upon, adjacent
. to or beneflitted thereby, descr-biog each parcel of property
which it Intends to so reassess, and the amount it intends to
assess against each parcel. Said ordinance shall fix a time and
piace for holding a meeting of the Council, at v/hich all protests
against such reassessment or reassessments shall be heard, i-. notice
embodying the foregoing provisions of the ordinance, and re
quiring^ all persons interested to appear at said meeting and state
their objections to such reassessment shall be published once
in a newspaper of general circulation and published in said
City, and shall be posted in three public places in said City,
all at least ten days before such meeting.
3. At the time appointed in such ordinance, the Council shall
hear and determine all objections which may have been filed, and
shall thereupon, if necessary, revise and correct such reassess
ment, and shall declare the sarae, by ordinance, to be a lien
upon the respective property assessed, and the decision of the
Common Council so ade shall be final with respect to the regular
ity, validity and correctness- of such reassessment, and such
reassessment shall be entered in the docket of city lien's and
enforced and collected in the manner that other assessments for
local improvements are entered, enJeredd and collected under the
provisions of the Charter and the lav/s governing the City of
RESSSiVSiD FURTHER, that this resolution for said proposed
amendment to the Charter of the City of Reedsport,submitted to
the legal voters of said City by the Common Council, be filed
with the RecoMer upon its passage by the Council and approval
by the I^tayor, for submission to the legal voters of said City
for approval or rejection, to be voted upon at a special State
election to be held in the City of Reedsport on the 2Sth day of
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Common Coimcil deems it advisable
to and does hereby and herein call and malce necessary provision
for the holding of a Special Election v/hich shall be and is hereby
y^called to be held at the Special State Election to be helC in the
City of Reedsport on the 28th day of June,1927, and said Special
ctate Election is hereby designated as the -pecial Election for the
purpose-of submitting to the legal voters of said City of Reedsport,
for approval or rejection, said proposed Charter .\mendFient, to
be numbered Section 108, to the Charter of said City.
RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Election Boardsijijudges and clerks,
aip)inted by the proper authorities of Douglas County, Oregon, to
conduct said Special State Election, and the polling places desig
nated by the said County authorities, are hereby designated as f
the election Boards, judges and decks, and as the polling places
for the holding and conducting of said Special City Election.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following is hereby adopted by the
'Cemraan Council as and f©r the ballet title f®r said proposed
charter amendment, t»-wit:
Shall the Charter of the Cityxmf Reedsp«rt,Gregen, be amended by
adding theret® an authorization to the Common Cduncil of the- City
to reassesi^ costs for sev/er, street,alley and other improvementsi
when the former assess ent has been declared invalid, or the
Council shall be in :d®ubt as to its validity, or shall deem it
necessary, and to make the same a lien upon"the property abutting
upon,adjacent to or benefitted by said improvement?
lO'Xr "YES
103 m '
KESOLVEB FUHTKjilR,That the City Recorder be and he is hereby
anstructed to publish the hereinabove proposed amendment to said ♦
Charter of thB City of Reedsport, submitted to the electorate by
the Council, in the mc^nner provided by lav;, that is to say, by
" the publication of this Resoli'tion in full for two consecutive
weekly publications within the twenty days immediately preceding
the Special State Election to be held in the State of 'regon and
in the City of Keedsport, on the 28th day of June,1927, and that
the Port IJiT-pqua Courier, a newspaper of general circulation pub
lished in the City of Reedsport, be and the same is hereby designated
for the purpose of such publication.
Passed by the Comaoiii Council this 7th day of June, 1927.
3. sr ' ^ ^TJ
Resolution lIo.71 was next introduced and read.-
IT RESOLVED, by the Common-Council of the City of Reedsport,
that the following Charter Amendment to the"Charter of the City of
Reedsport, 'Douglas County, Oregon, be and the same is hereby proposed
for submission to the' legal voters of the said City for adoption
or rejection at the Special Election to be held in said City June
28th,1927, as in this resolution provided which amendment is as #
follows, to-wit:
AIT ACT to provide for an additional section to the Charter of the
City "of Heedaport, under and pursuant to which said municipality
is incorporated, to be knovm and numbered bection 103-B.
. following Section to be numbered Section 103-B of the Charter
of the City of Reedsport, be,and the same is hereby proposed and
subraitted to the legal voters of said City as and for an amendment
to said Charter, added to the same and niimb red and known as
Section 103-B,to-wit:
Section 103-B.
1. That the Common Council of the City of Reedsport be and it is
hereby authorized and empowered to issue and dispose of general ob
ligation bonds o£ the City of Reedspbrt in an amount not to exceed
TWSIOT" FIVIC THOltSAlTD DOLLARS ($25,000.00), said bonds to be in
denominations of FIVE HTOIDRET- DOLLARS (5500.00) each,duly signed
^Vg^^he lifeiyor -and countersigned by the Recorder, under the corporate
of City, having semi-annual interest coupons attached thereto,
bearing the facsimile engraved signatures of the Tayor and Recorder,
whereby the "ity shall be held in substance and effect to undertake
and promise to pay t'": each of the holders of said Bonds, at maturity
thereof, the stun named therein, in Gold Coin of the T'nited States,
of the present standard value, with interest.thereon in like'Gold
Coin at the rate of Five and one-half {5-^ per cent per annum,
payable semi-annually, each of said bonds to be a direct genera.l
obligation of the City, of Reedsport, to be known as"''City of
Reedspoft Ref nding Bonds" Series 2; that said bonds shall be dated
at a convenient time to be fixed by the "ouncil, maturity or
maturities to be likewise fixed by the Council and not to exceed
Fifteen (15) years from date thereof, and the'principal and interest
of said Bonds shall be met at the office of the Treasurer of the
City of Reedsport, in Reedsport, Oregon.
2. That said bj)nds hereby authorized shall be sold by the Coimnon
Council as in its "judgment may be deemed best.
3. That the debt liirdtations contained in the Charter of the
City ®f Reedsport shall not apply to the bond issue hereby authorized
' 4. That the Coinmon Council shall each year, at the time of
malcing the annual ta^ levy fo'r City purposes, include in siich
tax levies, a sufficient sura to pay interest due on the ©utstanding
"b^nds of this issue and to retire the principal amount thereof,
at inaturity.
5. That the sums ©f money derived from the sale of said bonds
shall be used for the. purpose of retiring and paying off all
present outstanding warrant indebtedness of the general fund of
said City.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That this resolution for said proposed amend-
;:;ent to the Charter of the City of Reedsport, submitted to the legal
voters by the Com:!on Council, be filed frith the Recorder Up«A:it8
approval by the ICayor, for submission to the legal voters of . the
City of Reedsport,for approval or rejection, to voted on at a
Special State Election to be held in the City of Reedsport, on the
28th day of J\ine,1927.
rESOLVEIi FLr\THER, That the Common Council deems it advisable
to and does hereby and herein call and make necessary provision
for the holding of a Special Election which shall be and liereby
is called, to be held at the : pecial State Election,to be held
in the City of Reedsport on the 28th day of June ,1927, and said
V cpecial State Slection is hereby designated as the Special Election
\ for the purpose of submitting to "the legal voters of the said City
of Tieedsport, for approval or rejection, said proposed Charter
amendment, to be numbered Section 103-B to the Charter of Said City.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the election baardT^, judges and clerics,
appointed by the proper authorities of Douglas County, Oregon to
conduct said special otate Election, and the polling places design£.
te?d by said County authorities are hereby designated as the
election boards,judges and clerics, and as the polling places for
the holding and cottdtrcting of said Special City ^L'loction.
rCESOL'^/iilD FURTHER, ih t tlu; following is hereby adopted'by the
Comm6n Council as and for the ballot title for said proposed
charter amendiaent,to-wit:
Shall the Charter of the City of T^eedsport, r^ouglas County, Oregon
be amended by adding a new section thereto, to be numbered lOS-B,
authorissing and empowering the Common Council of the City of
Reedsport to issue and sell general ob^ligation bonds of the City
of Reedsport in the sura of not iao_-e than Twenty Five Thousand Dollas
($25,000-00), for the purpose of refunding the outstanding general
fund warrants of the City, and to expend the proceeds in retiring
Greneral 7und warrants of the City of ^^eedsport?
100 Yes
101 ITo.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the City Recorder be and he is hereby
instructed to publish the hereinabove proposed amendment to said
Charter of the City of Reedsport,submitted to the electors by the
Council in the manner provided by law, that is to say, by the
publication of this resolution in full for two consecutive weekly
publications,with:Ln the twenty days immediately preceding the
Special State Election to be held in the otate of Oregen and in the
City of Reedsport an the 28th day of JLine,1927, and that the Port
Ifcipqua Courier, newspaper ©f general circulation,published in the
City ®f Reedsport be ^nd the same is hereby designated for the pur
pose of said publication.
Passed by the Comiaon Council this 7th day of June, 1927.
,X; ST.mSY D CHSSi:^,Recorder*
Ordinance Ho.l79, an Ordinance granting to the Union Oil Company
of California i^emiiaBion to erect,operate and maintain a warehouse
and tankage,, for the sale, .storage, and distribution of petroleum
and its products, in Reedsport was read. It was moved,seconded,
and aarried that Ordinance -To. 179 be psisyed to the second reading,
and said Ordinance was read for the second time. Upon motion
regularly made,seconded, and carried, said Ordinance No.179 was
laid on the table for further consideration#
Ordinance >To. 180, an Ordinance amending Ordinance licensing
motor trucks, was neoct read. Ordinance lio.l80,UDon motion regularly
made,seconded, and carried that it be passed to'second reading,
was read for the seconiff time# TTp.on motioa, duly made, seconded,
and carried Ordinance ITo. 180 v/as passed to the third reading.
Upon its third reading it was moved,seconded, and carried that
Ordinance Ho.180 be put upon its final passage and said Ordinance
was adox-^ted by the following vote:
Ayes-4 IJays-ITone.
Ordinance lTo.181, an Ordinance amending Ordinance I:To.l54, relating
to the establishment "of Fire limits and limiting .the type of
'building construction therein, was next read. It was regularly
moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance ITo. 181 be passed to
•the second reading, and said Ordinance was read for the-second
time# Upon motion made,seconded, and carried- said Ordinance
•To.181 was laid on the table for further consideration#
Ordinance Ko.ia2i an Ordinance vacating the alley in Block 81
of the amended plat of Railroad Addition to Heedsport, Oregon
was next read# Upon motion made,seconded, and carried Ordinance
Ho.182 was passed to the second reading, and read for the second
time# Upon motion made,seconded, and carried, Ordinance
1^0.182 was .'passed to the third reading# Upon its third reading
it was moved, seconded, and carried that Ordinance lJo.182
be put upon its final passage and said Ordinance was adopted
by the;
Ayes 4 ITays- none.
The following bills v/ere presented, Oked by the Finance Corajnittee,
and upon motion regularly made, seconded, and carried, were ordered
r M Holbert $43.88
W Cj Skidmore 3.00
13 L Robinson 46.50
J Harris 59.06
J V/ Harris 38.25
J H Harris 15.75
A Cx Renn 75.00
A G Renn 75.00
3 D Chapin 75.00
S D Chapin 75.00
Winchester BLCo 2.00
R M and B Wks 2.50
H S Kennedy 1.05
? L Taylor 2.05
Federal P and TCO 53.90
•John Gaffney 50.00
I 0 0 F 15.00
W G Beiison 50.00
W A Burdick 25.00
John Bernhardt 10.00
State Ind A Com.
Koke-Tiffany Go.
V/est Coast H Co.
Union IronWlcs
Reedsport D Co.
P Bernhardt
n ti
Douglas County
Union Iron Wks
"x " "
Port Umpqua C.
Total $1,021.14
Report of Cash receipts and/disbursements for ivlay,1927, statement
of watsr income and expense for Fiay,1927, and stateMient of water
income and expense for period Jan.Ist,1920 to December 31,1926
was submitted by the City Recorder.
There being no further bmsiness, the meeting was adjourned.
r < ^ Mayor
Special meeting of the Gemmon Council
held this 21st day of June,1927 at 8:00 P.M.
Pursuant to notice, special meeting was held at the City
offices in Reedsport, for the purpose of considering and acting
on the follov/ing matters;
1. Final, passage of Ordinance ITo .179,granting to -the Union Oil
Company of California permission to erect,maintain and operate
a warehouse and tankage, for the sale,storage and distribution
of petroleum and its products.
2. Acceptance of a deed from Reedsport Company covering a strip
of land adjoining the west side of 5th Street, Plat of Reedsport,
The meeting was called to order with Acting l^yor Browne presiding,
and Councilmen Austin, Bernhardt^Boak, Varrelinann, City Recorder
Chapin, and City Attorney Benson in attendance. Deputy IFire Ivlarshal
Stokes and I.-r. A C Vestal, of the Union Oil Company were present.
ITotice ©f call for special meeting was read.
Letter of June 13th,1927 and formal application,as required fr«m
the office of State J'ire I^rshall were submitted by Union Gil
Company, and read.
Upon motion regularly made,seconded and carried Ordinance/was
ordered taken from the table, for further consideration, and
read for the third time. It was then duly moved,seconded, and
so ordered that said Ordinance Ho.179 be put upon its final
passage. Said Ordinance was thereupon adopted by the following
Ayes 4 Kays -none.
Resolution Ho.72 was next introduced and. read.
dated April-27th,1926,granting to the City of Reedsport a strip
.of land 50 feet in width parallel and adjacent to 5th Street
in said City, wherein the Reedsport Company, a corporation ,
appears as grantor and the City of Reedsport, a municipal corpora
tion, -as grantee-,- be and the saine is hereby accepted by said City
and; the City Recorder is hereby instructed to record the sstme
with the County Clerk of D©tiglas County, .Oregon.
Passed by the Goumi^n Council this 21st day of June, 1927.
Acting I'layor
•There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Special Meeting of the Comraon Council
held this 27th day of June,1927, at 4:00 P.M.
Pursuant to notice, special meeting was held at the City
offices in Heedsport, for the purpose of considering and acting
on the following matters:
1. Acceptance of resignation of A.G. Henn as water CoEuaissioner
and City l:Iarshall, and arranging for filling of vacancies
2. Consideration of Ordinance Ho.181.
3. Gonsiderar.ion of Ordinance lTo.l83«
The meeting was called to order lay J.-ayor G Mc^ Johnson, with
Gouncilmen Browne, Boak, Lovelace, and Varrelmann, and
City Recorder Ghapin aii±Jcati±3DcA in attendance.
Upon motion regularly made,seconded, and carried the resignation
of A (i Renn, as ./ater Com missioner-and City I.^arshall was accepted,
.-ifter a careful consideration, the Council unanimously
confirmed the api ointments of C C Clarke as ".vater Commissioner,
and C J Thornton as City I'arshall, each at a monthly salary
of .iJ^125.00i ihe Kayor's appointment of John riaffneyjas nightwatchman,
v/as.also confirmed.
Upon motion regularly made,seconded, and carried the meeting
was continued to Tuesday, June 28th, at 2:00 P.M.
All were present at the continued meeting except Councilman
Austin, with L'^yor C McC Johnson presiding*
Ordinance lIo.l83, an Ordinance Accepting certain deeds to lands
abutting on and adjacent to ''L" Street in Heedsport, Oregon
was next read. Upon motion regularly made, seconded, and
ca.rried Ordinance Ko.l83 was passed to the second reading,^.nd
read for the second time. Upon motion made,seconded, and
carried, Ordinance !:[o-183 was passed to the. third reading.
Upon its third reading it was moved,seconded, and aarried that
Ordinance 1:10.183 be put upon its final passage and said Ordinance
was adopted by the follov/ing vote:
Ayes 5 ^Tays none.
A general discussion of proposed Ordinance ITo.181, an Ordinance
amending Ordinance l;To.l54, relating to the establishment
of I?ire limits and the type of building construction therein
Sallowed. It was finally decided that the City Attorney be
directed to revise the Ordinance as proposed, so as to
require the constructing of fire v/alls, and certain gaps between
frame buildings.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Attes'y ^ I
City Recorder'
'to. • ..L
special meeting held this 2nd day of July,
1927, at 10:00 A.Iv::.
•rursiiant to notice, special meeting of the Common Council
of- the "ity of Recdsport was held at the City offices for
the purpose of canvass of votes cast at the Special Election
held in the City of Reedsport on the 28th day of June,
1927 for the purpose-of voting upon two Charter Amendments.
Those present were J'.gaigj; LCayor ScasacDCf and Councilmen Browne,
Boalc.Bernhardt, Lovelaoe, Varrlemann, and City Recorder
Chapin. • •
TTpon canvass of t; S-votes cast at said election'and of the re- ^
turns made "by the Judges and Clerks of election, to this
body, it was found that there were cast:
'easure Ho. 100
" Ko.lOl
For Measure lTo.102
" ];7o.l03
88 votes
41 votes
76 votes
49 votes
Whereupon I^asure l^o .100, empowering the Conmion Council
to issue and sell general obligation bonds in-the sum of
not more than 025,000, for the purpose of refunding
the outstanding warrants (general) :f the City, and
Measure llo.l02, adding an authorization to the Common
Council to .reassess costs for sewer,street,alley and other
improveiUcnts,when the former as;.essment has been declared
invalid; ot the Council shall be in doubt as to its validity
or shcill deem it necesisary, and to make the same a lien
upon the property abutting upon, or adjacent to or
benefitted by said improvement were declared passed.
It was regularly raoved, seconded, and so ordisred that the foregoing
was declared the reL^ult of the canvass of said votes and an abr.trac^
of the same spread upon the minutes and filed v^ith the recorder.
There being no further business th*: meeting was adjourned.
City RecoVae'r
li iiMii I I
Regular meeting of the Comraon .Council,City of
Reedsport held this 6th .ay of July,1927,
XBifere were present Couitcilmen Austin, Brov/ne, Bosal:, Bernhardt,
Lovelace and Varreliriann, City Recorder Chapin. Absent.
Fayor C i.-c^ Johnson.
The minutes of the last re ular and intervening special meetings
were read and approved.
Reprrts of .Committees:
Councilman Lovelace reported receipt
of the water report, submitted by Engineers Baar and Cunningham,
ilr. Lovelace also recoFjnended a survey for a drainage line sight
frori the under-rail crossing to the slough at the rear of the
Reedsport Lumber Company mill site.
Upon motion regularly made,seconded, and carried, such a
survey '-vas authorized.
The following bills were presented, Oked by the finance
Cora^iittee, and ordered paid:
A G Renn
J C Wilkinson
T Sylvia
Ray Johnson
J C Y/'il>inson
J W Harris
W P Holbert
K Petsel
C C Clarke
A S Heath
G 0 Y/alker
II ti
IT Hogan
I 11 HcGinnis
V/inchester Bay Lbr.Co. $ 12.
Reedsport Iv". & B ^.Vks 6.
Bernhardt Taxi " 4.
Schroeder-Hiidenbrand 13.
Prank L Taylor 5.
Stanley D Chapin 75.
" •" 75.
John Gaffney 93-
John Bernhardt 10.
A G Long Co:;.pany 18.
Office ICach and SupplyCo -7.
Port Um-Dqua Courier "59.
I 0 0 15.
Ira B Riddle , 1.
Peoples Vest C H Co. 204.
Koke-Tiffany Co. Sir
V/.A. Burdick 25.
W G Benson 50.
Mr •-arl H Stone presented the proposala City Bock, to be
constructed at the foot of Rainbow Ilaza, and to be financed
by contributions•from interested adjacent property ovmers,
but to be under City regulation and supervision- The matter
was referred to the street Committee for its consideration
and recommendations.
iv'r. John Gaffney, nishtwatchman, recommende«^ .certain repairs
an^-' purchase of additional equipment for the Jail. It was
authorized that a fund of not to exceed ^25.00 be allov/ed
for the repairs and equipivent as recommended.
A suitable screening to be placed over the water intake
at Clear Lake was recommended by V/ater Comaiiissioner Clarke,
and authorized guzE to be purchased,
L-etails as to the air.ount of refunding bonds to be sold,
and fixing maturity dates, were referred to the Piannace
Committee for its recommendations and report*
There being no further business the meeting was adjourn ed.
Attest Fa or
'^City Recorder
Special iriseting of the Coiainon Council, held
this 18th day of July,1927 at 8:00 P.H.
Pursuant to notice, a special meeting was held at the City
offices, for the purpose of considering and acting on the
following matters '•
!• Passage of an Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale
of refunding bonds.
2. Passage of Ordinance ifo.l81| amending Ordinance ];To.l54,
relating to the establishinent of fire limits, and limiting
and defining the classification of construction of buildings
The ineeting was called to order, with •..ayor G I-ci-! Johnson
presiding, and all Councilman present.
ITotice of call for special meetinf^ v/as read.
Ordinance ITo.164, an Ordinance authorising the issuance and sale
of the general obligation bonds of the City of Heedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon, in the sum of Twenty ]?ive Thousand (525,000.00)
Dollars, designated as "City of Heed:-port Refunding Bonds. Series •
2", providing the form and details of said bonds, and providing
the manner of sale of same, was next read.
Ordinance ":o.l84. upon ^notion regularly made, seconded, and
carried that it be passed to the second reading, was read for the
second time^ ^jpon motion made ^seconded, and carried said
Ordinance I^o.l84 was laid on the table for further consideration.
Upon ::iotion regularly made, seconded, and carried Ordinance Ko.
181, and Ordinance cimending Ordinance 1,0.154 (fire ordinance)
was ordered talcen from the table for further consideration.
--.fter considerable discussion it was suggested tha,t action
on said Ordinance be deferred until next regularly? meeting, and
that e:cpression of opinion be obtained from propertys ov/ners
abutting 14th Street and "L" Street.
There being no further business, the rieeting v/as adjourned.

City prico^dir
Regular meeting of the Coinmon Council held this
1st day of August,1927, at 8:00 P.M.
There were present Counciliien \ustin, Brovme,
Boak, Bernhardt, Lovelace, and Varrelmann. Councilman Brov/ne
presided in the absence of L^^yor .ohnson.
The minutes ox the last regular and interveming
special mee'tings were read and approved.
"ouncilman Lovelace of the ..a.ter Committee,
reported that a screen had been placed over the intake pipe
at Clear Lake. He also reported the purchase of 1500^-2" pipe,
and 600* 1" pipe, and necessary fittings, to "be used to
properly supply water users in ;est Rainbow Disjjrict.
Upon motion regularly made,seconded, and carried
Ordinance ":ro.l84, an Ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale
of the General obligation bonds of the City of Reedsport,
Douglas County, -regon, in the sum of Twenty I'ive Thousand
(•iii25,000.00) Dollars, designated as City of He'^dsport Refunding
Bonds, Series 2, providing the form and details of said bonds,
and providing the manner of sale of same, was ordered taken from
the table, for further consideration, and read for th?: third
time. It was then duly moved,seconded, and unanimously carried
that said Ordinance 1.0.184 be out upon its final passage,
^aid Ordinance Ko.l84 was" thereupon a.Iopted by the follov/ing
Ayes - 5 ITays- none.
j'r. ]..att T?iompson, ovmer of Lot 10 Block 77
amended plat of Railroad Addition to Reedsport appearec. before
the Council, and asked for permit to improve the front of his
small restaurant building, by building a sm^ill extension and
installing plate glass windows. He at first included in his
request,permission to move his building to the northwest end
of his lot, but later modified his request by agreeing to
make the improvements with the restaurant in the same location.
The permit was granted under the conditions as finally agreed
upon, and in accordance with plans and specifications filed
with the Building Committee.
A Coinmittee consisting of Councilraen Boak,
Lovelace, and Varrelmann was appointed to consider and report
on the advis.'ibility of passing an Ordinance licensing transient
peddlers,etc. at next meeting.
A Committee consisting of Councilman Boaslc,
Austin^, and 3ernhardt wlig appointed to consider and report
on the advisability of modification of Ordi. ance No.98,
regulating Tool Halls.
The foilOY/ing bills were presented, Oked by
the ^Finance Comi-dttee, and upon motion dulj made, seconded,
and carried, ordered paid:
Federal Pipe and Tank Co.
Peerless raeific Co.'
Bernhardt" Taxi
'•f VP Holbert
C C Clarke
City water fund
C L.cC Johnson Lbr Co.
Umpqua B and C Co.
Stanley L Chapin
Reedsport Puei & T Co.
•;/ A Burdick
C J" Thornton 129. 18
John Gaffney 49. 69
John Bernhardt 10. 00
W G Benson 50. 00
I 0 b F. 15. 00
state Ind A Comm 9. 73
V/ A Lovelace 25. 00
Umpqua Mills & T Co 2. 35
>ort UmpQua Courier 14. 95
$774. 67
Councilman Boak called attention to the burying of the City
water inaan along parts of the new Roosevelt Highway con
struction. Chairman Lovelace of the .7ater Committee reported
tha^t he was taking up this matter with the State H_ghv/ay
l^rank L Taylor as_-ed for a permit to store explosives
at some accessible, though well removed from "business or
residential properties, \vithin the City limits. The laatter
was referred to the building Com ittee, for its report.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
City Kecord^r
Special meeting of the Common Council, held
this 15th day of August,1927 at 8:00 P.K.
Pursuant to notice, a special meeting was
held at the City .Uall, for the purpose of considering and acting
on the follov;ing matters:
1. Receiving and opening bids, and av/arding bonds. City of
Heedsport Refunding Bonds, Series 2, in the amovint of ^25,000.
Iilayor Johns on and all Councilmen v;ere present except Councilmn
There being no to±±s sealed bids to consider at thin time, the
meeting was continued to .'ugust 16th, 1927 at 1:00 P.H.
City Re
Continued meeting of the Com::.on Council was held August 16th, 1927
at 1:00 P.Iv:. with all Councilmen and Tayor Johnson present.
Kr. R. Atkinson, of the bond firm of Atkinson and Jones,of Port
land, Oregon was present and ma-de a verbal offer of •u90 for
each C?100 par value City of Reedsport Refunding Bonds,Series 2,
and agreeing in addition to stand up to 5250.00 of the expense
incurred in connectmon with the issue. "Dhere were no other
bids received. Upon motion of Councilman Austin®, regularly
seconded, and unanimously carried, the proposal was held
under advisement. There being no further business the meeting
was adjourned.
Regular meeting of the Common Council held this 6th
of September,1927; at 8:00 P.M.
There were present Councilman J H Browne,pre siding
and Councilmen J" H Austin, Y/alter Boak. Paul ^Bernhardt, and
V/ A Lovelace. Absent JJayor C l.TcS tTohnson and Councilman F V/
The minutes of the last regular and intervening special
meetings were read and approved. .
Comir'unications from Baar and Cunningham,dated August
19th, enclosing "bill of ;:i.788.95 as partial bill for service in
connection v/ith proposed pulp and paper mill, and from Beall
Pipe and Tank Corporation,dated August 31st,v/ere read.
Reports of Connnit'Dees:
• The Committee, in reporting on the
application of Frank L T.ylor for permission to store explosives
v/ithin the City limits, stated thafe this v;ould be contrary to
states law and city .Ordinance and could not be permitted.
Ordinance lTo.185, An Ordinance Licensing,
taxing and regulating certain businesses, tro.des, occupations and
professions vrithin the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport,
Oregon, providing penalties for the violation thereof and declaring
an emergency v;as introduced by the special committee appointed
a:, last meeting to report cn same. Ordinance Uo. 185,upon motion
rer^ularly fTiade, seconded, and cari'ied that it be passed to the
second reading, vras read for the second time. Upon motion made,
seconded and carried said Ordinance j:To.l85 was readirfoE the third
time. It was then duly moved,seconded, and carried that Ordinance
1^0.185 be put upon its final passage, and v/as thereupon adopted
by the following vote: /lyes 4 Hays none.
The following bills were Oked by the Finance Oomjaittee and upon
motion duly made,seconded and carried, were ordered pair:
Peoples v/est C Kyd. Corp.-ilCuly ;ji5l95. 66^^ 7/ F Holbert 4. 49
C J Thornton 124. 69- A 3 Heath 5. 00
John Gaffney 49. 69'. G C Clatefce 124. 69
I 0 0 F 15. 00- Frank L Taylor 3. 28
W K Buck 2. 00' Reedsport Fuel & T Col9. 19
E L Robinson 25. 00- H Hogan 2. 25
Coos and Curry Tel Co 3. 40- Union Iron Works 10. 00
.7 A Burdick 25. 00" Paul Bernhardt 570. 56
V/ G Benson 100. 00. Reedsport il & B ifks 2. 65
John Bernh£irdt 10. 00- S D Chapin 150. 00
First Bank of Reedsport 1. 11. Federal Pipe &TCo 17. 15
State Ind Accident Commission 7. 30- Peerless PacificCo. 14. 47
Irv/in Hodson Co 1. 56' Bernhardt Taxi 4. go
Daily Journal of Commerce 6. 80. 1 r
Port Linpqua Courier 13. 35. Total' •$ 1651; §5 Lancaster Drug Store » 50- •. e.;. ..• r.ji
Peoples V/est C Hyd Corp-August 144.56
There beinf^ no further business, the meeting was continued
Septemb 20th,1927 at 3:00 P.M.
City, Recorder
. u' Vrf ' t -itir 111'
Liinutes of continued regular meeting of the ComiTion
Council of the City of Reedspor;^, continued from regular
meeting of Septesiber 6th, 1927 and regularly held this 20th
day of September, 1927 at the hour of 3:00 o'clock P.ll. of
said day.
Meeting called to order "by Ilayor C I.'cC Johnson. Present,
Councilmen Bennhardt,Lovelace, Soak,Browne, and Varrelmann.
Aheent Councilman .Austin# .
Resolution >To.73 was introduced and read,
WHEREAS, Section 3 and 4 of Ordinance j:To.184 of the Ordinances
of the City of Reedsport, did provide the manner of advertise
ment and ar/ard of Refunding oonds, Series 2, of the City of
Reedsport, of the par value of $25,000.00, and
V/HSRSAS said "bonds were duly advertised as in said Ordinance
provided, and the Common Council of the City of Reedsport
duly met and considered matters relative to the sale of said
bonds, but made no award thereof for the reason that no
sealed bids t'aerefor were received, and
V,(EIEKaA3, Section 5 of said Ordinance did provide that in the
event said "bonds should not be sold as in Sections 3 and 4 set
out, then.the Common Council might prodeed thereafter to sell
said bonds at private sale for the best price obtainable
therefor, and.
V/HERISAS the offer of Atkinson, Jones & Company, Inc. of Portland,
Oregon, of ^?900.00 for each $1000,00 bond, par value, plus
accrued interest, plus expenses of publication, printing and
attorney's fees,in connection with said issue, for the said
§25,000.00 City of Reedsport Refunding Bonds, Series 2, is the
"best offer received by said City for said bonds, and
V/TEilRSAS, the Common Council has carefully investigated the
matter and is of the opinion that said offer made by said
Atkinson,Jones & Co. is the best offer received or likely to be
received, for said bonds and that it is necessary to sell said
bonds at this time, for the reasons stated ivi said Ordinance,
That said bonds, designated as City of 'Reedsport Refunding Bonds,
Series 2, of the par value of $25,000.00,are hereby awarded to
Atkinson,Jones & CoInccontingent only upon acceptance
of delivery of said bonds and payment therefor v/ithin ten days
from th^ date of this resolution,- in accordance with tLie
ti;rras of the said offer*
l-assed by the Common Council this :'iOth day of September, 1927
by the following vote: Aye 5 Uay 0*
(Signed) C McC Johnson
"Stanley D Chapin
Tho foregoing resolution iTo.73 was,upon i-iotion ,duly seconded,
adopted by the following vote: Aye 5 ilay 0.
Letter from the Beall 3.-ipe and Tank Corporation,dated September
15th, addressed to Councili^n Lovelace, relative to plans for
financing the purchase of new v/ater pipe for a portion of the
distributing system within the City limits, in event such pur
chase was decided upon was read, 'r, H G HcGall, of the UmTpqua
rills and Timber Companjc and others, urged the importance
of replacing some pipe, due to the interruption in water ser
vice ca.usedMhreaks in the pipe.
h y-i-
As there appeared to he no suitable plan for financing such
a purchase, no further action was action.
The City Recorder submitted reports of Cash Receipts and
warrant disburseinents for the month of August, and for
the first 8 months of 1927* A report on unbonded, and bonded
assessments was also given» Considerable discussion follov/ed
regarding the delinquent assessments. The City Attorney was
authorized to have printed the necessary forms preparatory
to instituting foreclosure proceedings, first against proper
ty owners with delinquent unbonded assessments, and then
against those v.dth delinquent assessments which are bonded
and no payment made;
fJpon motion regularly made, seconded, and carried the resignaidnn
of G J Thornton as City Marshall was £^cccpted» Ilayor C I.IcC Johnson
appointed J.L. Dodson to fill the vacancy, and the appointment
was unanimously confirmed by the Council.
The appointment of a budget Committee, to meet v/ith the Council
on Monday, October 10th, 1927 at 8:00 P.M. was made as follov;s:
E II Franklin
C S Tyler
11 S Kennedy
Louis J Y/eidner
ITonda .Anderson
I^rl H Chapman
H u iVicCall
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Atte j&.yor
City Hec9xder
•M •'."ii
Regular meeting of tiie Coinmon
day of October, 1927 at 8:00 P.!:.
Council lield this 3rd
'Inhere were present C&uncilman BroT/ne, presiding, and
Councilmen Austin, Boak, Lovelace, and Varrelraann. '-"bsent i.iayor *
Johnson and Councilman Bernh^irdt.
The minutes of the last regular meeting T?ere read and
-^ieports of Coimnittee:
Councilman lovelace, of the V/ater Committee,
reported that no "better proposal from Beall Pipe and Tank Cor
poration for financing T)roposed purchase of pipe could "be obtained
than that suggGstefl "by letter of September 15th»
The Finance .committee, through its Chairman,
Councilman Austin, ^:eported that it had authorised the City Treas
urer to set VlV. a special fund to "be known as the"salary and labor
fund", and ordered the transfer of ^iilOOO.OO to this fund; this
transfer to permit the cash payznent of labor and salary claims
authorized paid by meeting of September 6th,1927. This action
seemed advisable in view of the discount of 5% otherwise required
for the cashing of Ceneral i'und warrants. This action on the part •
of the i''inance Committee was confirmed by the Council, upon
motion regularly made,seconded, abd carried,
T3y motion regularly made, seconded, and carried
the. Acting i'^'Iayor and City Recorder were authorized to sign
sales agreement previously submitted by Atkinson, Jones & Co.
regarding sale of refunding Bonds, dated August 12th,1927.
The following bills were presented, Oked by
the S'inance Committee, and upon motion duly made, seconded, and
carried, were ordered paid:
Paul Goddard •-eedsport Garage 4^6. 00-
Leslie Kelly 4.49- Union Iron Works 15. 80-
Yernon Helauney 2.30- Reeds'oort 3? T Co 8. 50'
Taul Goddard 2.80- S D Chapin 150. 00-
Leslie 1 elly 2.80- John Gaffney 49. 70-
John O'hara 17.96- J L Dodson 41. 57-
C J Tliornton 41.57- John Bernhardt 10. 00-
i'aul Goddard 5.60- Z' G Benson 50. 00-
Leslie Kelly 5.60- W A Burdick 25. 00-
C C Clarke 124.70- I 0 0 F 15. 00-
W ]? Holbert 50.51- Kilham Ptg Co. 43. 24-
•Raymond Jones 2.80- Port 'L pqua Courier 34. 58-
Del Sv/earinger 4.49' State Ind Ac.Com 7. 65-
Earnhardt Taxi 1.50- Peoples C Hydr C. 184. 66-
Reedsport ra.chine & B ^;Vks 8.85- .
.••.eedsport l-'uel <5: T Co. 10.75'
umpqua Liills and T Co. 15.43. §963. 53
Lhion Iron V/orks 3.50>
i aul j3ernhardt 11.19-
Llr. C H Lov/ery 5.ppeared before the CoiJincil, and asked for permit
to construct a small washing house, to- be used in connection v/ith
his cleaning and pressing establishment, at the rea.r of Lot 13
in -Block 76. 'di'ter considerable discussion the permit was granted
providing his proposed construction complied with the requirements
"of Ordinance Lo.78, and its amending Ordinances, which required
Class "C" construction or better v/ithin the Pire Limits, and
the requirements of the State Fire Iv'arshal's office.
':}he attent.^on of the Council v/as next given to the consideration
6f the case of Vj:. J Jennings, pool hall operator, who had recently
plead quilty to a^cHarge^filed against him in the Justice of the
Peace CouHrt . Upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried it v:as ordered that the City Attorney "be instructed to
serve notice on - r. Jennings, permitting him to appear "before
the Council and show why his license should not "be revoked.
Councilman Austin coinraented briefly on the enforcement of
existing City Ordinances, and insisted that the City Officers
deal v/ith violations in the proper manner, and that they
receive thorough co-o.^eration in fulfilling their duties.
T e finance Committee v/as authorized to report on the advisability
of the purchase of a light truck for city snazi:, at next meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned*
s :3"
. I
• ^ jr.-
Reedsport, Oregon
October 10th,1927
Water Bonds
V/ater Bonds -
Nos.l to lOOjbotli incl. dated ll/l/l9 It^l00,00.00
Rate of interest 6^,payable 5/1 and ll/l
Maturing ^iiSOOO on 11/1/1929 and
^i)7000.00 on ll/l of each year thereafter
Second Issue ilos. 1 to 80 incl.
Dated 6/1/1920
Rate of interest 6% .payable 12/1 and 6/1
Maturing ^ilOOO on June 1st, 1930
and ^^3500#00 on June 1st of each year
Refunding Eonds-Series 2 Hos.l to 50,incl.
Dated 8/1/1927
; Rate of Interest bjr%, with interest
payable 12/15- and 6/l5 of each year
l^iaturing ^j^lOOO on December 15th, 1928
and :ii;2000 on Dec. 15th of each year
City Recorder
3peoial meeting of tlie Common !;ouncil, with additional members
of .the Budget Corrmiittee,held this 10th day of October, 1927 at 8 P.K
There were present Councilmen lustin, Bernhardt, Boak, Lovelace,
and Varrelinann, and lionda .'-.nderson, llarl Ch'.'.pman, 13 V/ 5'ranj:lin,
H lil Kennedy, H Gordon L^cCall and S Tyler.
Absent !..ayor Johnson, Councilman BroYme, and L J V/eidner»
The Budget Goimnittee proceeded to organize, and elected Councilman
Austin as Chairman, and Recorder Chapin was appointed Secretary.
Statements of actual receipts and disburseraBnts of the City for
previous years and for the first 9 months of 1927 were submitted
for the information and guidance of the Committee# 'jfter careful
consideration of each item, the following ::roposed budget for
1928; as a whole, was adopted:
GEICjRAL PUND: T5xpenditures
ilight '.larshal
iire Chief
Kail rent
Telephone and telegraph
Office supplies,printing,stamps
Publication and filing
Fire apparatus '
Engineering and legal
Refunding bonds and interests
fines,licenses,fees and bank int.
2890.62 $11535.62
BALA;.:CE-GEiTERAL FUITD- to be raised by taxation Jjl0535.62 §10535.62
V/ATE:-: FUITD: Expenditures
Bond interest
Repair and maintenance
V/ater Commissioner $1500-00
Recorder 900.00
Office supplies,
postage,misc. 150.00
Sinking fund
from water rentals and connection service
B/iLA'TCS-WATrHR FUl^D- to be raised by taxation
1432.00^ 1682.00
ROAD AI':D STREET FUI.T): E:cpenditures
Repair a,nd maintenance
16th Street i-urchase-principal
and interest due
RECEIPTS, from truck licenses
be raised by taxation
4 1532.00 :;1532.00
By motion regularly made,seconded, and carried, the Committee
recoinmended an increase in water rentals, to produce an income
sirfficient to take care of extension and operation costs, and
sinking fund requirements*
It was regularly moved,seconded, and carried that the proposed
"budget be published October 14th and October 21st, in the }fort
Ifeipqua Courier, and that IToveraber 7th, 1927 at 8:00 P.LI.
be the date set for hearing on the proposed budget*
There bein^ no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
iiipecial meeting of the Cora^Tion Council held this 11th
day of DotoiafeEx, 1927 at 10:30^.1'.
Pursuant to notice regularly given, a special meeting was hel^
for the purpose of considersiing and acting on the following
1. Proposal for sinking fund and refunding of v/ater bonds, as
submitted by the I.'ortgage, 3ond and Acceptance Corporation*
2. Proposal for purchase of water i-ipe, as submitted by
3eall Pipe and Tank Company.
3. Amending of Fire Ordinance lTo.154.
There were present i'.^ayor Johnson, and Councilmen Austing, Boak,
Lovelace and Varrelmann.
.'ifter careful consideration of the plan • f the j.ortgage, Bond
and Acceptance Corporation, as presented by its representatives,
Mr V/atkins and lar. Comin, the matter was referred to the Pinance
Committee for its investigation and report; also toL^yorJohnson
who stated that he v/ould be in Portland the latter part of the
v;eek, and would make an investigation and call at the Companjr
The proposal of the ^eall Pipe and Tank Company was br^fly
considered, but action was deferred pending later action on the
matter of financing*
ivlr. "/ P Reed and other property owners appeared before the Council,
urging the amendment of Ordinance 110.154, so as to permit the
moving of the ''idd-Pellows building, from its present location
to Lot 9 Block 77. 'J'ter considerable discussion, the matter was
referred to the Building Cojnmittee, for its report at next
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Atte.: . lilayor
special meeting of the Common Council, held, this 21st day of ,
October,1927 at 8:00 P,M.
Pursuant to notice, regulatygiven, special meeting was held for the
purpose of considerinr^ and acting on the following matters:
1. Sinking fund 8,nd refunding proposal of the Ilottga^ge 33ond
and Acceptance Corporation,
2. Hearing of J Jennings, rela-tive to pool hall license.
3. Appoint::ient of roard of Hec-.lth.
4. Hearing of John uaffney, former Tight ;-arshal.
There v/ere present Councilman Browne, presiding, and lusting
Boak, Lovelace, and VarrSimann*
Xj:. James li '^Vatkins, representing the ICortgage Bond and .Acceptance
Corporation submitted further statements of plans for establishraent'
of a sinking fund for the C'ity water fund. I/ir. Y/atkins also
pointed out the necessity of calling a special election , as the
City^s without authority to secure the necessary funds for the
proposed water main extensions, except as approved by the voters.
Affefer careful consideration the following Resolution 110.74 was
introduced, and upon motion regularly iiiade, seconded, and
carried was unanimously adopted, to-wit:
V.'HEHSAS, the City of ^leedsoort is in immediate need of funds
for the purpose of installing additional water mains and for
other purposes connected with the water system of the City,and
T/HEPJSAS, the City has not sufficient funds on hand to be expended
for such purposes and is v;ithout authority to secure such funds
except as approved by the voters of the City, and
"WHEREAS, the iTortgage, Bond ,and Acceptance Corporation, of Portland,
Oregon is desirous of submitting to the City a plan for re-financ
ing the Y/ater system, such plan entailing the calling of an
election and the adoption of a Charter .'"imendment by vote of the
electors of the City,
That the Council employ Sidney J G-raham, of I-ortle^nd, Oregon
at a fee of not to exceed ^150.00, to prepare the necessary
resolutions and proceedings to submit to the voters tjie question
of securing funds for additional water mains and for other purposes
connected with the' water system, for electors approval or
rejection, such employment of ?.x. Graham to be contingent upon
the approval by the City Council of the Tipust .-:greement to be
submitted by the IIortgage,Bond and Acceptance C-rporation.
Ivlr. J Jennings appeared .before the Council, and I'aade a brief
statement regarding his management of pool hall on 14th street.
He asked vjarticularly that in event of revocation of his license,
he be given a reasonable time to dispose of his business.
Upon motion regularly made,seconded, and aacried the .license of
X;Lr. Jennings was ordered cancelled, effective at noon l:ovember
23nd,1927, and that the unearned portion of his license fee be • •
refunded to him.
.^.^pointment of a Board of Health was aniiounced by the Icting
3-Iayor and confirmed by the Council, as follows:
Councilinan J H Austin, Dr. Chas Billington, Dr H.C Eastland,
I'r. Oscar Gorrell, and City Iviarshal J L Dodson.
John Gaffney,until recently ITight watchman, made a statement
before the Council, in which he maintained that charges jnade
against him and leading to his recent dismissal as liightwatchman
v/ere not true, and that in all cases he had endeavored to
fulfill his duties as a police officer in a proper and faithful
manner. Upon raotion of Councilman Austin, seconded anc. carried
the matter "was taken under adviseir.ent.
There "being no further "business the meeting was adjourned.
n /
Acting J-ayor
Special meeting of the Oomuion Council,held this 2nd
day .^f IToveml^er, 1927 at 10:30 A.M.,
Pursuant to notice regularly given, a special meeting was held
for the purpose of considering and acting on the follov/ing matters:
1^ Application of A F Sprague, for card and pool- room license.
2. .'i.pplication of 1.0.0,F. for permit to- move its building from
Lot 3 Slock 49 to Lots 9 and 8,Block SB.
3. Sinking fund and refunding prov.osal of the Llortgage,3ond and
Acceptance Corporation.
4. Prarposed Ordinance ITo. 186; repeal® Ordinance ITo. 162, and
ai'nending Ordinance ]:To.l63, of the Ordinances of the City of
Heedsport, relating to Fire Limits, and construct:-on of
"buildings therein, and declaring an Emergency.
lliere were present ayor Johnson^ an, Councilmen Austin^ Brovme,
Soak, and Lovelace.
In the consideration of the application of llr. Sprague, Ar. Sprague
appeared in person before the Council, askin-; for the approval
of his appliaation, and assuring the Council of his purpose and
intent to comply with all the regulations imposed by City
Ordinances. 'Ster due consideration, upon motion regularly made,
seconded, and carried the a^plication was approved and license
The a.i-lication for permit to move the I.O.O.F. building was
next considered, ilfter considerable discussion, upon ^notion re
gularly made seconded, and carried the matter was left, with
no definite action taken, and meeting v/as continued to
I'ovember 2nd at 6:00 P.K.
Pursuant to order of adjournment, continued special meeting was
held ITovember 2nd,1927 at 8:00 P.M., with F^ayor Johnson presiding
and all Coiuicilmen present.
The sinhing fund and refinancing proposal of the mortgage,Bond
and Acceptance Corporation was first considered. The proposed
preliminary agreement v/ith the City v/as read in full, 8,nd
various parts of the agreement read and trust agreement discussed
and questioned, with V/atkins and Ljr. Comin, representing
the Bond Company.
The Bond Company was as-ked to submit a bid on ^pl00,000 5%
V/ater .Iiondg,if they desired, in order that the City might haTre
soiite definite proposal to figure on. .'^fter due consideration,upon
motion iriade, seconded, and carried the proposal was ordered
laid on the table.
The Council next considered proposed Ordina.nce Ho. 186,relating
to fire limts and constructionof buildings therein.
Numerous interested property
Chapman, .'aiderson, Tranklin,
and indicated their vievfs in
lifter careful consideration,
as first proposed, Ordinance
owners, .including Ilessrs Rer:d,
Koth and Ste^Jhens were present
the matter.
and rnodifici^ion of the boundaries
lTo.186 was read for lhe first time.
Upon motion regularly made,seconded and carried Ordinance
lTo.186 v/s,s passed to the second reading and read for the second
time. It was then moved that Or' inance Ho. 186 be passed to the
third reading,&fiK)tion was regularly carried. It was then read for
the third time. Thereupon Ordinance Ho. 186, An Ordina.nce
REPE/JLIITG ORDIH/JTCS Ho.162 of the Ordinances of the City of
ReedsT^ort, and AI.OIlirDIlTG ORDIITAHCE i:0.163 of the ORDIiT.aTCES OF SAID
AITD BECLARIITG AIT ELIERGEHCY,, wasxordered put upon Its final passage
and was thereupon adopted by the following vote:
Ayes 6 ITays Ilcne
There being nol'further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Recorder ^
ill irm iMi' I .tK-f !V..
?:egular meeting of the Coiaznon Council,held this
7th day of l^overiber,1927 at 8:00 P.l .
'All members of the City Council were present except
I.Iayor C I.'c^ Johnson.
LCinutes of the las-t regular aixl intervening special
meetings v;ere read an(i approved.
P.e-;;orts o-f Corniriittees:
Cou.ncilman Lovelac-e, chairman of the V.'ater and Sewer
CoiTU'iiittee, recoriraended the pur-chase of 300 feet of 12" seiver
pi^^e, for drainage purposes near the underground P^ilroad crossing,
in anticipation of the t.irt fill to "be inade "by the .•'outhern xacific
Company afid the V.'inchester Bay Lumber Conpany*
.-_ffetr due consideration, upon motion regularly made, seconded, and
carried the purchase of 300 feet of sewer pipe at a cost of not to
exceed -'5165.00 was authorized, as recoinmendecl*
Gounciliiian Varrelrnann; chc.irraan of the il-treet Comciittee
comiiiented on the condition of a fev; of the streets needing particular
attention, particularly ;.long V.'inchester ..".venue, a.nd the underhead
Raili'oad crossing. Upon notion Df GounciliVian Austin, regularly
seconded, and carried, the repairing of the street under the R.R.
crossing \ms left to the Street Committee, v/ith power to act, as it sav;^t.
Councilii^an Boalc, of the Light Coniiittee; called the
attention of the Council to the fa.c^ that the city contract with
the light company e;rpired ITovember 1st, 1927, anu that terms for
a new contract, if desired, v/ould be investigated.
Keports of the City Treasurer, shovang cash funds
on hand, ar of'October 31st, 1927, £:of the City Recorder showing
cash receipts and warrant disbursements for Cctober and for the
year 1927 to October 31st, 1927 x-iere read and ordered filed.
Pursuant to notice, published with the proposed
19;.^8 City of -eeasport budget, in : ort Umpqua Courier issues of
Cctober 14th and £lst, the meeting v/as next given over to the
consideration of the proposed budget. City j.'arshol J L Bodson
ur.-ed that the nightwatchman be paid the full salary by the City
instead of -.ermitting him to collect a portion by private con
tribution from proi'crty owners, as has been the custom in the
past. The suggestion received the general approval of the Council,
by it was decided not to alter this item in the Tudget, but use the
emergency fund, if such a change was adopted.
There being no other comment liiade in connection with
the budget, Ordinance Ho. 187, being an Ordinance LEVYIi-iC A TAX
FOR TI-IE "vmR 1928, v^as introduced and read for the first time.
Uwon '.r'otion regul0,rly made, seconded, s.nd carried Ordinance Lo.
187 was passed to the second reading and read for the second time
Upon motion duly ina,de, seconded, and carried said Ordinance
Lo.l87 was passed to the third reading and read for the third tine.
Sai.. Ordinance To.187 was next ordered ut ui on its final passage
and was thereu};on adopted by the following vote:
.<yes 5-i^ays ITone.
The follov;ing bills were precente-. , Clced by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion regula^rly made, seconded, and carried, were ordered
George Divelbiss $3.37-
A Sliderburg 3.37.
J Howell • 3.93-
J Eov/ell 1.02-
C C Clg,rLe 132.69-
V/ R Ciiamberlaiia 1.02-
E 1 leathers 13.47'
F Holbert 2.80-
H It 3.93-
D 0 Baird f?23.78
A S Heath 10.00
S D Chapin 150.00
J L Doi^on 224.69
Geo LIalee 17.65
John Gaffney 32.06
W A "urdiclc 25.00
John "-ernhardt 10.00
V/ G- Lenson 50.00
Standa,rd Oil .
Umpqua I.I & 1? Co.
Union Iron V/orks
City of R V/ater ?imd
Reeds'oort P & T Co
515.00- Frank L Taylor 4.10
.47- " 6.50
14.68- " " 1,48
3.00. Peoples W C H Co 190.66
17.15. Chapin Inv Co. ' 5.00
4.50- Ira B Kiddle 9.20
8.63- Fort tSnpcua Couriei7.05
Earr & Cunninglic.niVSS. 95
Upon motion regularly 3iiade, seconded, and carried It. Robin
Seed v:as granted permit to erect a one story frame building
on Lot 12 Brock 51 amended plat of Railroad Addition to
There being no further business tiie meeting was adjourned.
oity --^ecorc/Br
-i&gaiaiji '
Regular meeting of the Comnion Coiincil,lield this
5th day of December, 1927 at 8:00 B.i:.
All members of the City Council were present except I'ayor
-he liiinutes oi" the last regular meeting v/ere read and
GoiTKiunicatio-ns: «
Letter from the cltate Highvray Commission engineers
office, dated -lovember 19th, and stating that it r/ould simplify
matters greatly if the water line now c-.rried on the- • eck of the
old bridge across Scholfield River could be relaid on the bottom
of tije ri-yer, and asking if the. City is -in position financially
to mi:,lcG the proi^osed change, was read.
on motion regularly riiade, seconded, and carried
it v/asQcdered that the City Recorder advise the I;ighv;ay Commission
tliat the -City Council has no objection to the proposed change
but that the City is not in position financially to undertake
the projects
Letter of ^.ayor Johnson regarding interview with
iitate Treasurer I'&i.y, in connection with refunding of v/ater bonds
and purchase of an c.dditional 525,000.00 for improveiaent purposes
was next read. City Recorder Chapin e:':plained the na.ture of report
submitted to State Treasurer xCay, through l.'ayor Johnson, and which
was compiled at the K^yor^s request.

Reports of Committees:
Councilman loak, chairman of the Light Comraittee
reported tliat his coirjjiittee was still engaged in collecting
data relative to aty lights and light .rates, and that I'x* V/heeler,
resident Light Company manager would submit ];:ap showing the placing
of city lights, as they now exist.
Councili'ian Varrelmann, chciirif^an o;'.' the Street
Corrffiiittee reported the comipletion of a substantia,l street improve-
•.:-ent along V/inchester .".venue, by mea,ns of graveling. He also
referred the request of a nmnber of residents of the District
west 01 Scholfield River, for assistance in building a
as far as the Catholic church, to the Council for consiel^Eation.
.^ter some discussion it was duly ordered that the City furnish
not to exceed ^vSS.OO, and permit the use of all salvaged
street lumber available for this project; it being understood
that the walk v/ill be built along a:.d on the street side of the
fence, and that the offer of the City is contingent upon the completion
of the construction oi the between the Scholfield River and
the Catholic church.
GT-JDIiTAlTCE K"o.l88, being an Ordinance adopting Chapter 220 of the
General Lav/s of Oregon for the year 1927, providing an additional
method to foreclose delinqiient City liens within the City of Reedsport
vias introduced and read for the first time, '^pon motion regularly
made,seconded, and carried said Ordinance "0.I88 was passed to the
second reading and read for the second time by title only.
Upon riotion liiade, seconded, and carried said Ordinance l:o.l88 was
then ordered laid on the table, for further consideratuon.
C&uncilman .Vastin, Che.irms.n of the Board of Health, called attention
to the necessity for an Ordinance providing for means, of enforcing
regulations of the 3oard of Health.
ORDIXL'ilTCE 1:10.189, being an Ordinance providing flor the enforcem.ent
of regulations of the Board of Health of the City of -^eidsport pre
venting the introduction of contageous diseases in the City of
Reedsport and the spread of the diseases therein, providing a penalty
and declaring an emergency, was introduced and read for the first
time. It was itihen moved tiiata so ordered that said Ordinance Ho. 189
be passed to the second reading' then read for the
seconded time. It v/as then regularly moved, seconded and carried
that said Ordinance .iTo.189 be passed to the third reading, and it
was then read for the third time. Said Ordinance "o-189 ^vas then
ordered put upon its final passage, and was thereupon adopted by
the follov/ing vote; Ayes 5 ITays- none.
The following bills v/ere presented, Oked by the Finance Committee
and ordered paid:
V/ L" "V/atts
Ray Gha-rabers
J Jennings
C C Clarice
Paul -ernhardt
Union Iron V/orks
Reedsport K and S Works
Federa.1 lipe and Tank Go.
Stanley Cha/., in
Jolin -ernhardt
J L Dodson
(sBo .l:'lake
f?18. 23. •7 G -^enson •;50.00
50. 00. I C 0 F 15.00
• 85. State, Ind Ac. Com 16.48
124. 70- Coos and Curry T Co . 4.20
14. 75^ KcGeorge Gravel Co 165.00
• 75' 7; A iS'urdick 29.73
# 75' ImipouR, U & T Co. 11.16
12. 84. V/est Coast P Co. 196.66
150. 00. Reedsport Kdwe Co. 9.25
10. 00- Ira B Riddle 3.40
124. 70. A r '-"urkerson 12.95
49. 70. Kainbov? Lunch C. 5.80
Umpqua D & C Go. 605.25
V/. Johnson 27.50
Reedsport F & T Co. 22.01
\'! F I-Iolbert 23. 85
Total- 1755.51
It v/as ordered that bill be sent to the State Highv;ay Commission
for cost of damage to the iiain v/ater line, which was caused by
the'road contractors, in construction of the Roosevelt highway
between Tveedsrort and T/inchester ]5ay»
The appointment of v/ C Grubb as Deputy City iMshal was confirmedi
the occasion foi'* the appointirient being as an aid to the enforceiuent
of quarantine regulations*
There being no further business, the meeting v/3,s adjourned,
ri'fcfiii'Ti ir
Regular raeeting of the Coininon Council, held
this 3rd day of January,1928 at 8;00 P.K-
All Gouncilaen were present, v/ith Councilraan Browne presiding
in the absence of ayor Jolmson-
The luinutes .of the last re.c^ular neeting were read and approved^
Notice of hearing,served by the Public Service
Commission, in the matter of the investigation of the rates,
charges,rules,regulations, practices and service of the -.Vest
lower Company (investigation on Cormnission' s own motion) was
read; said hearing to be held Ja-nuary 24th, 1928 at xortl^nd,
Letter from the i'irst of --eedsvort,dated
.January .3rd, 1928, requesting the aiithorization of duplicate
cou.. ons due December 1st, 1927 on City of :"-eedsi:ort Water ]?.onds,
second issue,for bonds nuiabered 1,20,39,40,41,42,43,44,40,59, r
6 . ,70,and 71, r.-hich coppTans are reported to be lost, stoleni^i or
destroyed, v/as read, and referred to the Pinance Coroinittee
for investigation and report. .
Letter from I'irst "^anl: of --eedsport, d:.tea January
3rd,1928 cs,lling attention to district ITo.2 Improvement v.'arra,nts
aggregating ';4,511,12 and accr-ue'l interest of approximately
§775.00, held by the Bank, and .asiving when p:.yment might be expected,
was ne yb read. matter v;as .ordered referred to the City
Treasurer for report.
Letter from the Office of District Engineer,
.dated December ..8th, 1927, advising that the oto.te Highway Commission
had made application to that office for permission to reconstruct
the highway bridge across the Jcholfield lUver at -^eeds;-ort,
and aslcing if there Y/ere any objections to the proposed bridge
by the city authorities v/as next read. It was ordered that the
IJ. strict Engineers Office be ad-vised that the City authorities
had no objections to the proi^osed bridge, except fo./ the question
of sufficient clearance (width), as was raised by the Port of
bmprua Corm-uis'iion, hy its letter dated December 31st,1927.
The i'ort iJoimnission had req uested a minimum clearance in width
of 40. fe^t, at the water surface and for at least 10 feet above
the water surface, to permit the passing of barges and dredges.
Report of •••oi.a:iit":e"--s:
Council.-an .'.ustin, Chairman of the J^inance
Comhiittee, reported on the conference of his Committee, con
sisting of Councilvien Austin,Brovme, and Yarrelmnn, and liayor
Jolmson, with State Treasurer liay. State Industrial Accident
Coroifiissioners Laughlin and Bragg, and G-overnor Patterson relative
to ^;urchase by the otate of a ^i^roposed issue of ;i;25,000 water
bonds of the City of -eed3;)ort» Tr. Austin reported th£,t the
State agreed to purchase the bonds at par, and that considerable
legal expense in connection with the proposed issue might be saved
by referring the proceedings to the Attorney-General for his
approval. The report of the Conmiittee was regularly accepted.
Councilioan Lovelace, Chairman o.:' the ./ater
Cormnittee, recomxiended that the water main crossing the i^cholfield
Hiver :;e laid along the botton of the '!iver, in view of the
pro-'Osed new_bridge construction by the otate Highway Commission,
Action;dncthis matter v/as deferred, for further investip-ation and
Ordinance 1Tq..188, ."being an Ordinance ado-oting Chapter 220 of the
General Laws of Oregon for the 'je-cW 1927, providing an additional
method to foreclose delinquent City liens v^ithin the City of
Reedsport, v/as ordered talcen froiri the table' and read for the
third time. Said Ordinance *..'0^188 was then read for the third tiine,
and then ordered vut upon ts final passage, and was thereupon adopted
"by the following vote: /s.yes 4 iTays-none.
I'he follo'uin^' "bills were presented, Olrecl by the Finance Coinr'iittee
and ordered -.aid:
J Wallace § 3.65. V A Burdick ^25.00
•John Gaffney 9.25- J L Dodson 124.69
!3d V/ham 10.38- John Sernhardt 10.00
L F Skidinore 7.29- V/ G .'Sens on 50.00
J C Clarke 5b.00- Geo Blake 50.00
G G Lemdericing 8.22^ I.O.O.F 15.00
I' Holbert 11.78- IT Eogan .70
Geo Lippencott 4.49- Urapqua 1- & T Co. 9.60
John Christhian 28.06- Paul Bernhardt 13.50
.-V S 20.76- F L Taylor 4.05
•?o}:m Switzer 9.53- "liJ L Robinson ;^5.00
Ban V/right 15,71- State Xnd.AC Comin 10.43
Paul Goddard 2.24- A i- lurkerson 6.80
3d 'vVham 16.55- n n 1.55
Tom -Heil 2.24- Coos and CurryTel.Co 1.55
Ed lathers eo.les V/ C Tower Co 193.66
City V/ater Fund 23.21- !:3ornhardt Ta i 9.00
C C Clarke 69.69. « 11 3.00
J H Austin 35.00, R F (S: Transfer Co 3.50
S D Chaijin 150.00. n II S.75
II • « 36.50
U.;on :;otion regulo^rly ;:'.ade, seconded, and carried, it was ordereo.
that the ?ire Chief be instructed to arrange for the building of a
hose raclc. It was su{^gested that the stort^ge space in the Light
Coripany bnilding night be used.
U.-on .ion regularly niade, seconded, and carri.ed the action of the
finance CoiJiLi'ittee in ..urchasing 500 feet of 2'-" D.J. Fire Hose
from the ./Jjierican P.ubber i::anufactu-ring Company, at a price of ^575.00,
payable June 1st,1928, without interest, Y/as ratified*
•^'he City Attorney was instructed to prepare resolution preparatory
to the calling of a si.ecial election for the voting of additional
y/ater bonds, and siibmit the same to the State Treasurer for
approval. Jsti::iates of costs for the pro.oosed water .line^ iiiiprove:::ents
and extension v/ero left for the ^Yater Coiimittee^s further investigation
and report. ' ^
"There being no further business, the.neeting waS'ao^tisufd, subject
to call of the Jayor.
Continue.:, meeting of January 5rd, held this 23rd day
- of January., 1928.
All of the Council were present except layor Johnson and
Councilman Bernliardt.
_ursuant to instructions of raeeting of January 3rd, City
-Attroney ^^enson presented resolution lTo.75., as follov;s:
rol'ICE TS irlVEH that the Goimnon Council of the City of the
fisedspo'rt^^Bouglas, County,Oregon,has su-oinitted to the le-al vo
ters of said city for their adoption or rejection at a Special
Election to be held in said City on the 18th day of 5'ebruary
1928,proposed araendments to the Charter of the City of Heedsport
to "be numbered Sections lOl-B and 10^--B,Y;hich said proposed amendnents
were adopted by Resolution of '.he Common Coimcil on
^^3rd day 6f Ja,nuary, 1928,and approved by the lIa,yor on Janu^-
uar?7,25th 1928,and ordered submitted to the legal voters at said
.. election for their adoption or rejection,and which fiesolution em
bodying oai amendments is in v/ordG-anci figures ai; follov;s: to-v/it
Resolution Ho. 75
IT IS HHI30LY3D by the City of Heedsport, that the
follo^ving charter amentrnents of the charter of the City of Reesport,
Douglas County, Oregop, be and-.:the same are herby proposed
for submission to the legal voters of said City for adoption or
rejection 2.t a Special lllection to be held in City on the ISth
^ day of February , 1928, as in this resolution provided,v/hic amend
ments are a^ follows; to-v/it:
"':"r • • Rl^DSPOHT
1 -•
. "AIT "ACT to provide for two addj. tional sections, to be nui-ibered
lOl-B and ;102-B, to be added to the existing -.municipal charter of
the City, of Heedsport,Dougla;: County, Oregon, so^as to authorise
the City of Heedsport to repair,replaae and extend t::e jaunicipal
v/ater system of said .^ity;.. providing for the issuaace of nego
tiable cou-on bonds of said City in the swi of ^25-,000.00
to provide the sums therefor; providing the ta^c for paying the
interest on said bonds, and a sinking fund to pay-said bonds at
jiiatority and. providing for the modification or repeal of the
charter and^ ordinances or parts thereof in conflict \7ith these
charter amendments*
the following sections, to be numbered 101-3 and Section 102-B
of the existing Charter of the City of Heedsport,under and by
virtue of v/hich said City is noViT organized and existing as a
municipal corporation,, a,nd the same are hereby proposed and
submitted to the legal voters of said City as and for an amend
ment to iiaid Charter, added to the same and niJirribered and Iznoim
as Sections 101-:3 and Section 102-i3 thereof, to-vvit:
• Section 101-3»
(l) For the vi^rvose of providing fimds for .the repair, re::lacement
and estension .of the municipal ^mte^ system of said City, the
Common Council is hereby authorized and empowered to issue and
dispose of General Obligation bonds of said City in the amount
not to exceed -$25,000.00, said bonds to be in denominations of
,,500.00 each, duly signed "by the r:ayor and countersigne'l by the
"•ecorder tvnder the corporate seal of the. City,having seniannual
interest coupons a.ttached thereto bearing the engraved
facsimile signature of the 'i.'ayor and Recorder, v/hereby the City
sha,ll be held in substance and effect to undertal'e and promise
to pay to the bearer of eacj of said ooiids at maturity thereof,
the su2n named therein in Gold Coin aif the United otates of
-VLerica of the present standard of value, ^-vith interest thereon
in lilce Gold 'Join, ?..t the rete of 6/J per annum, payable semiannui.
i,ly, each of stiid bonds to be a direct obligation of the^
City of ->-eedsport, and. to be laiown as City of Reedsport iUSR
r30i]DS, THIRD I3SXIS. Said bonds to be ds,ted at a convenient tine
to be fixed by the Con-.::on Council, maturity or Liaturities to
be likewise fixed by the Council, but not to exceed'fifteen years
from date of issue; and the principal and interest of said bonds
shall be jiiade x^^-yable at the office of the 3ity Treasurer of
the City of Heedsport, at Reedsport, Oregon. All bonds issued
herein shall be deemed concurrent and shall be vzithout priority
as to each other# In additir^n to being a G-eneral Obligation
of the -ity said bonds s:iall be a first lien on all of the^
IMunicipal V.ater system-repaired, replaced, and extended r/ith the
funds obtained by the City from their sale* r
(2) The bonds hereby authorised sh:.-.ll be advertised by., the Council
for sale to the hir^hest bidder for at least two weolcly issues
in; the l;'ort Umpquc, Courier, a newspaper of general cmrculation
v/ithin the City of ^'^eedGport,' Gounty\ of .''OUglas, State of Oregon, the Jomicil shall reserve the right to reject any :,nd all
bids, and i-.fter one such advertisement in said two issues of
said,paper, if said bonds are not then sold on any of said bids
the same shall be sold !..y the council in such manner as in its
jtidgraent may be deemed best. , , ^
(3) The indebtedness authorised by this amendment to the Municipal
Charter of the City of -'^eedsport, is in addition to all indebted
ness '.cretofore authorised and inccurred by said City, and is not
to be considered as affected by limits of indebtedness in
said Charter, or elsewhere*
(4) The Council shall and it is hereby authorized and directed
to levy taxes annually in addition to all other taxes authorized .
to be levied and collected by thss Charter or any of the amend-"
ments thereto, sufficient to pay the interest accruing on the
bonds authorized by subdivision (ij of this Section, ai-id after
five (5) years from the date of the issuance of said bonds,
such further levy as shall be necessary to provide a sinking fund
sufficient in amomit to pay said bonds as maturity; and the"
Council may cause said sinking fund to .be loaned at intere^.t '
upon approvea security, or invested in approved interest bearing
, securities in the name of the 'ity,. pending the maturity of
said bonds*'
Section 102-B, ,
All parts of the Charter of the City of Reedsport, and- all Or'dinance
L.nd parts of Ordinances of said ;ity in conflict with 'the provisions
of this .-harter amendiaent are hereby amended, modified, or repealed,
as the circumstances may require in order that this amendiiient iiiay be
in effect*
BE IT FURTHER RSSOLVlilD that thffisiresolution for said proposed
Glio.rter Aj.Lend. .ent to the .charter of. 'Lihc. City of -^eeds 'ort, to be
submitted to legal voters by the Common .buncil bgi filed with the
i^ecorder upon its passage oy the Council, and apuroval by the
i-ayor, for subn.ission to the legal voters of the 'Jity of Reedsi.ort,
for their rejection or approval, to be voted upon at a Special
flection to be held within the corporate liifcs of'the City of
Reeasport on the 18th day of S'ebruary, 1928*
I.L X-iJijSL'L''/ED, that the -voiiauon Council deems it advisable
to and does^hereby and herein, call and make necessa.ry xirovision
for ^.he holding^ of a ST.:scial election-v/hich" shall be and hereby
of -'eoruary,1928, between the hoursof.oRf e8.e:0ds0port on thes*I0S0thPday
for tlie purpose of sutoitting to the legal voters'of tlie said"
Cffity of -^eedsport, for approval or rejection, said proposed
Charter .^mendnents, to be numbered Section 101-B and Section
102-!n, to the Charter of said City.
EE IT J'tlRTliSH RSSOLTOD, that the follov;ing nanied persons are
hereby e^ppointed jud^jes and clerics, to conduct said special
election, and thc.t the voting places for holding said Special
Election in said City are the usual voting places designated by
the 'bounty authorities of ^Jougl^is County for the holding of
elections, tiiat is to say;
ICast Heeds:;ort Precinct: Judges, 7ranlc .forris, Hazel "iernhardt,
. ildred Harrison.
-j^ast '^eedsport Precinct: Clerics, I.argaret Chapin, Vivian Ilaclileff#
•Zest Reedpport Precinct; Judges, H.L.Gha]yin, Pauline 3illington,
lay Lov/e.
V/est \eed_sport Srecinct: Clerks, Pearl V Giebisch, I;.rs,Iva,n Gay»
East -'eedsport Precinct polling place: lloose iiall in said City.
'.7est -vsedsport Precinct polling place: the V/inchester !^ay Lunber
Company Hotel in said City.
HS30LVELJ rUHTipiR, ths.t the follov/ing is adopted by the Coimiion Council
as cuid for tlae ballot title, and the form in r/hich said ^.nendinent
shall s-aear on the official ballot at said election, to-wit:
BY ti-l::: GOL-'or couxtcil.
Shall the- proposed amen^nents subnitte'.l by the Coiairion Council of
the Jity of -teeds^ort to authorize the issuance and sale of not
to expeed ^iiSS.OOO.OO fifteen year 6;- bonds for the repair,replacer,
icnt and estension of the municipal ivater system, levying
ta::e5 to pay interest; for sinking fund to pay principal to p»y
pri?»QipQl thereof, and providing for the modification or repeal,
as- the circiiiastanceE rr^ay require, of the Charter and Ordinances
or partp thereof, in conflict T/ith these a^nendirients, be adopted,
added to the Charter of the City of Reedsport, and nuiiioered
Sections LOl-B and 101^3 thereof?
VOTE "Yes or "];To"»
100 Yes
101 Hp.
BS IT FURTIIHIH RESOLVED, that the City Recorder be and he is hereby
instructed to publish the hereinabove proposed A^.iendnents to the
Ciiarter of the City of Reedsport, subnittcd to the voters by the
CoriEion Council in the ivianner provided by law, viz; by publication
of this resolution in full for two consecutive weekly publications
within twenty days iinniediately preceding said special elec.tioni
in the P-.:rt uhipqua Courier, a weekly nev/spaper publislied in the
City of Reedsport, and liereby de.signated for said purposes, and
that the said City Recorder be further instructed to publish, at the
saiiie tine and in th^ same manner-, notice of this election so
designated as a pa3^fc of sc.icl resolution and introductory thereof.
Upon i.!.otion regularly made, seconded, and unanimously carried
the above Resolution I'd.75 was adopted.
oone discussion fol owed rega.rding the placing of tiie water pipe
line across the Scholfield River., but definite action was deferr^
till next meeting.
There being no further business,, the meeting v/as adjourned.
Attestrr^y^ /?r/ / 3^^^3ipWor ^
TTtv .rec'crlMr
r.ecular nesting of the Comrion Council fefeld tliis Cth
cay of February, 1928 at 8:00 P.I..
All members of tlie Council v/ere preisent except : ayor
Jolinson and J H. .'.ustin»
The zTiinutea of the last regulai' and
meetings were read and a.pproTed,
intervening special
Informal action previously taken authorizing letter directed
to the ot?.te Highway Go!:'j;iis3ion, dated. February 3rd,
and stating: that City \^-ill provide for pi-e line crossing
indepi-;ndent of nev; bridge crossing T;as confirmed.
Tndeiiinity Tiond si.jr.ed by the r/irst "ank of l^eeds:;;ort,
as principal and C :'cC Johnson and Ceo otcL..les,as, sureties
in the sma of -jlQS.OO, and inderjiifying the ^ity against
loss for issuance of .-.n order to pay the I?irst 3ank of
Heeds,, ort .AGS.GO on account of coupons of tiie City of
Heeds,;.ort water bonds v/hich v/ere lost or destroyed
hgiving been presented and found acceptable, it i7as authorized
thc.t the order as requested, be ;g:ranted.
?.esign'..tion of V/ .l -urdick as 'ity ^^'reasurer, presentee, on
account inability to give the ti^ue \7liich the office requires
v/aB neict read, and u^jon notion duly iriade, seconded, and
carried \7c,s accepted.
Application for permit of Ilob. n Heed to .building a concrete
building on Lots 8 and 9 "-31ock 77 eiiiended plat of r-lailroad
Addition to Heedsoort vras approved.
Ordinance Jio.190, an Ordinance amending Ordinance -To.98 of
the Ordinances of iiiQ City of •, relating to the
licensing and re.r^ulating of pool halls and card rooms
Vt^as next introduced s.nd read for the first tine. Upon notion
regulc.rly hiade, seconded, iind carried it v;as ordered passed
to thev second reading and read for the second time, '."pen
riubion duly passed it v;as ordered ^assec. to the third reading
and read for the third time. It T/as thereupon-ordered thr?.t
said Ordinance l'o.l90 be ;;ut u- on its final passage and
was a^ opted by the folloi^'ing vote: S^es 4 "ays none.
Ordinance -To.191, an Ordinance providing for >.iimirjiizing radio
interferences, providing a penalty and declaring an emergency,
was next introduce^.: a.nd read for the first tim.e. Upon motion
made, seconded and carried it v;a,s passed to the second reading
and read for the second time. It v/as then ordered p-.sed to the
third rea.ding and read for the third time. Thereupon said
Ordinance i:o.l91 v;as ordered put upon its final passage
and ad:pted by the follov'ing vote: /-^yes 4 Hays L'one.
T_.e follwing bills were presented, Okeu by the finance
Committee, and upon motion regularly made,seconded, and carried
were ordered .aid:
••ave r.lair
Vxe: 7:lair
C P "^^artlett
i( ti
V Ct Skid:iiore
C 0 Clai-ke
Ud V.hain
V; ]? Holbert
J G - urphy
City water fund
i'aul :.'erah:.,rdt
Bernliardt Taxi
Pederal Pipe and Tan:
2.24. J L Dodson C?124.69-
2.24- Geo -"lake 48.67-
2.24' I! E Clark 81.02.
0.42- S L Robinson 17.00-
25.00- r Lippencott 2. so
124.69- Jolmson lo.10-
3o.67- Jack Gh::'istriian 24.69.
37.60- Dan Wright i2.35-
29.18- S D Chapin 150.00-
11.06- P L Tay-lor 11.70'
59.25- • U:ipcua K o: T Co 14.46
5.25- rort Unpqua Courier 41.95-
35.00- Liliebo and Ash .75"
H E i:ennedy ^i57.25
Reedsport F & T Go. 10.90
\'i' Gr Benson 50.00
John '''ernhardt 10.00
A Turdiclc 25.00
I.C.C.P. 15.00
liarshfield E c.; Hdwe C'. . 54.00
Coos -.nd Curry -7 4.25-
Feaples K Power Co.
State Ind..'_c.Com 17.76*
U'lpqua D &: C Co. 8.25
U^. on^ otion re,.;;ularly nado, seconded, and carried the salary
of ni2;ht\7atclir:ian v;g.s at ;,|390 . 00 per "iionth, beginning December
Councilman Lovelace was c.ppointed as a Cominittee of one
to investi^;r,te the ir.-.tter of obtaining suitable iarba/^e disposal
{•rounds, and rep&rt at next meeting of the Council.
ihere being no further business the meeting was continued
subject to the call of the Tayor or .'.cting !ayor.
Continued neetinc of I'ebruary 6th, held this 7th day
of February, 1928-at 8:00 P.LC.
ilayor Johnson raid all Councilmen were presents
Considerable ti:;ie and discussion v/as given to the plans for the
I'roposed new distributing system, and the :-ossibility of building
a reservoir.
The V.'ater '.oiir.-iissicner was instructed to : .a>e testin^^s to
the condition o;? the water pipe along VincheGter Avenue,between
8th Avenue and the i^cholfield River.
I ayor Johnson and Counciliaan "lernhc.rdt :7erG authorize'.', to secure
^-^rices on pipe from 1-ortland and San3?rancisco dealers.
Upon motion rejularly made,seconded, and carried it was ordered .
thr^t application for emit to cross under the railroad trade
with a 12" water • ipe,from street and .:^as± P.ailroad Street
to '."."-ncher^tor \venue ?.nd .'/.••.st Hailroad Street, be mde to
Southern Pacific Company.
Upon raction regularly made, seconded, and carried it was ordered
that coLTpletion of plans and specifications for the :|600,000
gallon reservoir, preparatory to the calling of bids for se^ie,
iSSDCxssoixEji be authorized, and that lilngineers Uaar and Cxmninghaiii
be directed to send report on same.
The V/ater Coi-innittee was directed to get price from the Heedsport
Coi'vany for proposed resex-voir sight; also to secure estimates
of cost for crossing Scholfield River on trestle.
There being no further usiness the neeting was continued,subject
, to the of the hayor.
-'it test
-vec order
Continued iiieeting of February 6th , lield this 20th
day of -'-'ebruary) 1928 at. li:00 A.l".
Pursuant-to call of the Acting Tayor, jneetin^ of the City Ccuncll
ms callei for the .•ur;-osc of canvassing the vote of the Special
City lllection held February lSth,1926.
All memb'ers oi the Council were v.resent except !"'ayor JohjTion.
Upon canvass of tl"ie votes cast at said election r.nd of the
returns nade by the judges and Clerks of election, to»—this
body, it was found th:.t there \7er0 cast:
lor i'easure 100. 144 votes
1^- r L^easure 101 3 votes
".Vhereupon ; easure I'o.lOO, empoTrerin^^ the CoiiTmon Council
of the City of Ileeds. ort to issue c^nd sell not to exceed
;J25,000.00,fifteen year, six _er-cent bonds for the repair,
replaceiiient and extension of the municipal v/ater systein,
levi^'-in^ ta:ces to 'cay interest; for sinking fund to pay principal
thereof, e-nd providing for 'die :;:odification or repeal,as
the circunistancepj nay require, of the charter and ordinances
or parts thereof, in conflict v;ith these ainendinents v;as
declared passed^
It wass re^^ularly }.iOve , seconded, and so ordered that the
fore^oin^; ';.'as the result of the canvass of said votes
and c-.n abstract .f sa,me 3_read on the rainutes and filed with the
Actin,% "-cuYor
',t t e s
Regular raeeting of the Council Iield this 5th day of
•arch,1923 at 8:00 P.11.
• All menders of the Council were present eiccept ••ayor
V^phnson and Councilman Boaic-
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and
Readin>q: of coirununications:
Letter dated February 23rd, urging the
construction of a reservoir and large main for the v/ater system,
"Signed "by J 0 Ulrod, 1 res; Urapqua " ills snd 'I'lraber Co-..;i'any, was
first read.
. Reports on reservoir and distributing
system, prepared by ?;a$r and Cunninghai;!, T/ere next read. •
Re'oorts of Comiittees:
Councilman Lovelace,* in reporting for the
water Co:!t'iittee, explained the plan for the distributing mains,
as worked out by .Vater Commissioner Clarke and the './:-.ter
Committee, and after comparing i^ame v;ith "those of Tiaar c: Cunning
ham,'feed that the plans of the '..ater Co. ..aittee be adopted.
I'lotion Y/as duly seconded and passed.
It v/as also regularly moved, seconded, and carried the bids
for"construction of a 600,000 gallon^ reservoir be called,
to be opened April 2nd,1928 at regular April meeting.
Ordinance o.l92, an ordinance to provide
for the issuance and sale of bonds by the City of Heedsport,
Douglas Coimty, Oregon, in the su::: of :;25,000.00, to be known
as City of• Heedsport V/ater ".l:onds, Tliird Issue', for the purpose
of providing funds for the repair, peplacement and extension of
the municipal v/ater system of said Oity; providing for the form
of bonds to be issued; providing-for the sale of said bonds and
declaring an ejn.ergency,v,'as next introducec^ and-read for the
first time-. Upon motion regularly made, seconded,and carried
it was ordered passed to the second rea-ding and read for the
S(3cond time. It was then ordered p^-ssed to the third reading and
read for the third tim.e. '.hereupon said Ordinance I.e.192 T;as
ordered p.ut upon its final passage and adopted by the following
vote; Ayes- 4
XTays- ITone
It was movec^ seconded, and carried that
be • ublihsed in the Port Tfcipqua Courier
be opened jarch 19th;a928 at~8:00 P.:,'.
notice of 'ond oale
and that Fjealed bids
The following bills were presented, 01:ed by the I'inance Committee,
a::d U: on rnotion regularly made, seconded, and carried, were ordered
paid :
David Vt' Kolliday $12.00-
vir D i«atts 7.50
City of R V/ater IPvmd 4.50-
J L Dodson 124.71.
Clark 89.79-
•V 1. Thompson . 5.00'
'.7 G Dens on 50.00-
•.'7 A u'.urdick 25.00-
John Dernhardt 10.00-
'//altdr Johnson 15.47-
State Ind. Ac. Coii. 8.98.
I.C.O.F. 15.00-
Faul Dernhardt 0 4.46*
Ray Dernhardt ii.eio-
Coos and Curry Tel. .40-
1? Hogan .45'
A Purkerson 13.10.
Peoples V/CH Cor p 197.30-
C C Clarke 124.71-
V/ 5" Holbert 15.71-
Jac< Christman 2.50-
V/haum 7.29-
- auline -illington 2.00'
-•^e liowe 3.00.
L-rs 'f^roolcs •
yrs Ivan G-ay /•
K L Char, in
Tranh 'Torris
Vivian i^clcleff
. - argaret Oli^.-oin
rs J AJlllis
ort Ur;ix:3qTae. Courier
1-teedsport Lodge I'o.lOSO
federal -.ipe c-.nd TanZ; Co.
Reedsport Ile.chine c: B V/ks
Bernliardt 'I'a::! Service
B L Hobinson
Stanley I) G]aa,;in ^5150. 00
U'apqu::. Dredg L: 0 Go 4.50
Bureau of P Road3(30'^:30.47
X Taylor .40
Heeasport C . 7.13
Umpqua 3vrug Co. 1.56
'ot;-.'l jl086 • 33
•onsideration v.'a.G next ,^iven to g_uota,tions on xr^-ter pipe and
pipe fittings, ^-r. P Lev/is, representing; the Pacific Pipe and
'Janl; Joi.ipc.ny, subuitted quotations on wood pipe, and explained
verbally various questions aricin.^ in connection v/ith the
Tlie '.'ouncil next proc eded to ...lallot for a City Tree^surer, to
fill the reiiiainder of tiie unexpired term of V/ A 3urdiclc.
Upon a canvass of the ballot, Roy C' Cairns received a total
of 4 votes, and v;as" cieclared elected.
llie follovring report of cash on hand as of February 1st,1928
\ms submitted by gx- City Treasurer I'urdicl::
'General -"und
Special 'i. t e r ^und
rioad and -:^treet "
Sev/er ^-ond ?und
Sev/er Int'; 7und
Street :^V.p. l-und
:^treet Inp. Int. .'Amd .
V/inchester '^ay ".'ater Pund
Less deficit in fund;
274.36 (del.)
5454.19 (def.)
The following report of 3ond and .'^ond Coupon payments for
1927 ^7as also submitted:
'.Vatef liiond Interest:
§/2 /27
u-eneral Ptmd
Sewer jiond interest:
• 3/1/27
9/26/27 .•;)75 9/28 ^165
City Treasurer report- forward
Street Interest I'und O.our ons:
D 18583.12
The reports as aub];]itted were accepted and all payments Made
regularly confirmed and authorized.
It was ordered that good ; nd sufficient collateral be obtained
from the --'"irst '::aiil.: of Keedsport to protect all funds to the
credit of City, of
'The v/ater Goriidttee v/as authorised to collect prices and quotations
from the varoius supply houses on pipe ..nd fittings and report
at later date for purpose of placing orders for pipe and other
The being no further business the meeting r/as continued, subject to
call of the ! ayor.
Continued jtieeting of L.'arch 5th, held this 7th day of ;arch,
1928 at 7;p0 P.I.:.
All Jounciliiien were present except ;;ayor Johnson and V;"alter joalc.
r. Hice sfi the^ l^ederal Pipe and Tanlc Gorapany v;as present,also.
i'he i.ater Cornmittee recoimnended the p^irchase of the v/ood pipe and
filings from the l^'ederal lipe a.nd Tanic Company, as per quotations
previously subidtted. j,..on lotion of Council].lan .Vastin, regularly
seconded, a.nU carried the report of the .'^ater Goiiimittee r/as
accepted, and it was ordered that one carload of 12" pipe
and the cast iron fi-:;ti:-.:;s be purchased and shipped at once.
Terras of cash discount of 2}^, with . ayiaent in 60'days or before,
pending -the natter of disposition of water b nds recently aut/ioriaed.
-liere oeing no further business, tho neeting was continued,
suoject to the call of the layer.
Continued rtieeting of ; arch 5th,held this 19th day
of ^:arch,1928, p^irsuant to call of the J r? I'roivne,Acting
"ayor, for the purpose of receiving sealed "bids on '.'/ater
Bonds~l': ird Issue,
This :r.eeting vvas
of considering
ing that a auorui.i of t]'io Council v;as not 'present, it was regu
larly laovei.l, seconded, cind ci^rried that said Meeting oe continiied
to :.£.rch'20th, at the hour of 1:00 o^clocic V,::.
re,:;ularly called and held for tUe
:)iGs for rater r>onds, Third Issue,
and it appearj.
Iinutes of meeting of I.arch 20th, 1928.
This meeting reg^ularly continued fro;: meeting of ...arch 19th,192S
for the iDurpose of considering jids for V/ater Jonds, Third Issue,
V/itris: 5.11 raWji3rs of the Council present except I'ayor Jolrmson.
'The, natter of receiv:t of bids being considered anC it appearing
th;..t there were no t;ealed bids received, it was ordered, after
motion being duly i.iade, seconded, _.v,t and carried, that said
V/ater Bonds, 'Tliird Issue, 'of the par value in the aiiMunt of
$25,000.00 be sold at privt-.te fjale, under authority of the Ghcirter,
_4zaendnients, and Crdinances of the Mty of Hee .sport,
U.-on ,.;:.tion, duly niade, .seconded, and carried, it \7as ordered
tiiat the informal offer of the St;-:te Treasurer of the ;jtate of
Oregon for the full issue of ^25,000^00 V.'ater r^onds. Third Issue,
at par plus accrued interest fro:a TTarch 1st,1928, be accepted,
subject to legal opinion of the Attorney G-eneral of. the otate of
Oregon as to legality of procee ings, and the "a.yot and "Re
corder of' the City of jleedsport be authorized to execute and
deliver said bonds to the representative of the said•State
Treasurer upon payient of the purchase price to the City»
The resignation of Council:.:an '.Valter 3oalc, submitted by him
due t- change of residence outside the City, v;as regularly
Petition si'^neci by residents r.nd taxpayers of Heedsport, urging
the appointment of Lou.'.s .T V.'eidner in lace of V/alter Toal',
resigned, v;as ••resented.
Tlio Council proceeded to ballot for Couiicil:;ian to fill the
vacancy of Coujicilman '••:oalc, a,nd u^ on canvass of the br.llot,
Louis J .Veidner ",v-s found to have received a total of 4 votes,,
and Tt'as decl^ired elected.
The application of Harold Peters to build± a frai^ie stucco
building for gasoline and oil servide station, on Lot 13
Block 86, T/as a,;:proved»
It was authorized that payment of la.bor accounts for the
nev; ivater r/orlc construction be at the end of each T/eek,
subject to the O.K of the ".'inc.; ce Coni'-ii'ttee. It T;as further
ordered the delinquent water rents be first collected from
labor accounts due froir, the City.
ihere being no further busines;;:, the meeting •..•as isd^tmnned,
subject to the ca,ll of the I'ayor.
r . ayor
City uecorder
llU'l -'Ti it ~m
Continued Meeting- of March. 29th, 1928.
-'.t the call of the Mayor, continued :ieeting was held Thursday,
Margh 29th,1928 at 1:00 r.M.. v/ith all present-
City Attorney .Zen3on reported delivery of the •••)25,000 '.Va-ter
3onds- Third Issue to th? State Treasurer, ^tate of Oregon
and receipt of chech for -525, 095..83, for principal and accrued
interest on bonds.
It ';7as resula,rly uove:', seconded, and-carried that the
Pirst iTati- :ial "anl: of Portland, Oregon be designated as an
depository, in addition to The ?irst '^lanh of i^e^, .for
these V.'ater Construction account fimds, and that the City Treasurer
be authorised to depseit^with the Pirst national Mank all
f-.nds in e::cess of those funds.on deposit wit?! the 5'irst Manic
of Heedsport, r.i^d for v/hich collateral has been furnished.
It was further ordered th-: t the City Recorder "/rite to
I'r. Zil.G. nice of the Mederal Tiye and TanM Cornpany, to see if
addition:.l discount could not be obtained, in ©izent of immediate
payment of invoices for v/ater pipe .-.nd fittings.
There being no further business, 'the irieeting v;as e.d.iourned.
- :-?70
iGv jBcoraei
ueeel sport, Oregon
•'arch. 31st, 1928
.iu"o.ount i'irst iss-Ue- iio;s.'.l^ to 100, botli incl.-dated ll/l/iyi9
of interesst'AS, payable -5/1 and 'll/l
/iaabimt of semi-annual interest :53000,00
•-> ^aturities-.)2000 on 11/1/1929
'. ; yVOOO on ll/irof eacli year "5,1930
second Issue-j>TQ;s;, I to -QO Incl. .. dated ^/i/:^1920 " -
of interest payable- 12/1 and 6/1
r.. .Azaount of semi-annual interest .'5l200,00
r :: s^'turities-yaooo on 6/1/1930
^. ;:;i350G on 6/l'. o:c' each year b,1931
Third Issue-;i;Tos. 1 to 50 Incl, dated "3/1/1928
Hs.te of Interent •&%, payable 9/1 and ,3/l
^uviount of seni-annual interest 0 750^00
J'aturities-02500 on 3/l of ej^xh year b»1933 .
oeries 2 ' - li'ps. 1 to 50,both incl. dated 3/1/1927
. Pjate of interest 5-i-^',p.ayablel2/l5and 6/15:
_-u;!ounf of semi-annual interest ;} 657»50
raturities-51000 on Cecerober '15th, 1928
2000 on 12/15 each year thereafter
. --vuf
(All Jija.ncroft jonds oear interest at ra.te of 6/i per annxat, interest''''• ••'
payable semi-annually, bonds payable on or before' 10'years from' ^
date of issue.) ^
^ -bewer Bonds, r, i7ps.,6. to^.92 ^inc.l •/.date^d.f 9/l/l925,.. . "0- 43;500V.b0^•:••
4^•. ^ ^ •-VI •>v.''2e>ui>^ ••int;ere;s-t>-"
v/.'/'';^e^til-:ahnual;''in,tere.afc^^^ i/' ''41;'7.7:
street ;iinp/pist.;,#e-SoV..266- to,y224;^ a0/i0/l925'^^;"\'''
....\,:3'emi--annual intereKt,''/^^';.:v-^,-'';/'y
: otreet lmp^;^Disi.#l,,;,Mted-;^^
; •'• ,.;Semi-annual'•' iii:t:ere'st/::':/V'^'^'''';^^./'-:^
' • .itreet>#5-;J:ibs'/:;305v-to-^g'20.;.datQd;^
' ••••• ••3treGt^^]Tip/Si,st.>;jfe';:^i;fo^i3:,.32l/;t'a^^^^^^^
' ^ v/;:/'.:oeiiiir^nnual-^'iii'teres;t'^^
' ... t. . , ^ ,j .
.1; 392.30-: •
"9 ,48-3 ,.84 •
•ptree't ii^ip-'i^4^st>.y)f2-:;^0Q-^3^3Y.,;to"';i^ii:,:. •dited'
••' • / "3eini-annual'v.:in'tere:s;;t^c;'v-^;;-':-/'-
otreef .Imp';J)ist ,#3-' Vi!;o.s>4i2r •i'b:::4;34;/ 'S^t^ .^^''A:^%l;;lS^5^^
.;'!lv':^^smi-ahiwal-ih1;-er'^ ,""'r
.street istte-• 4iiosyA;35:;;1:ip;;4;5i;.d&^
;lpmi'-a.nrmal • inhere "••/:' .•\".''254vlfeJ-:^-r
TOTii .JJiOIIDjllli irAgTIIipl.H^ISS '^afS j'p'J —--^r i'376, 070.30.
Regular meetlnc; of the "ity Council, held this
2nd day of '.pril^lCSS at 8:00 I.' .
1 E^yor vohnson and all • ^GUucil.-'^en \7ere present.
The nijiutes of t^io last regular and intervening
sTiecial r^ieetin^s \vere read and aporoved*
• t
I'lie rerji^na^ticn of C L r.l-odwo:. as Cit;. . arslial was
read, and i^pon : ction duly ..lace, -jeconded, and carried T/as
accepted. In considering the natter of filling tliis vacancy per
manently it was decided that nater Go:x.iissioner C C Clarke be
the noLiinal appointee for thi3 position,-and that S 1] Clar]:e he
transferred bad: to nightv/atch lan/
Tiie applica,tioiX of of E h "ord and A jT oprague
for pool hall licenses,-^Andrew Inutsen and .b V; ITranhlin for
dance hall licenset; \7ere .pproved, all fees in con;icction thcrev/ith
having been paid.
Heports of Goix'-ittees:
Councilimn Lovelace, in reporting upon the
prohle;:: of sectoring a garoace dioposal dui.ip, stated that he had
arranged to view certain proposed sights ?/ith Iluohard and
'others the follov/ing day, and thr.t t}ie natter wov.ld receive i D-.iediate
c.ttention. ':'e wg,s authorised to ::iahe the necessary arrangenentc
for securing a suitable place,
•3ouncil::';an V/eidner was appointee" by the
lay or to serve as "^hairi.'an of the 1-i.ght Coii^-jiittee and as a
mei-ber of the Street Coi.n-.iittee,-
ITevY l.iisiness:
follovring bills v^ere presented, C.:ed
by the Pi^iance Co::ri-aitte£ and upon •. .otion regularly, seconded,
and carrie . were orderevl paid:
E Tonville iS.OOJ
Jiar..;e o5.00*
1.." -onville 5.00-
Jai!.es Kowell 4.99-
.! • .cVeigh 5.98-
H oye,.:!-. 4.99-
Allen ':rown 4-.9'.~-
.7 Iittri3.n Ski.06-
• ±o;;i Keil 4.9:>
Pranl: Cox 4.99.
j'irst " ank of -^eedspcrt C2C.76'
V," Pittnan 5.84'
V/ ? holbert 15.4 5'
•'uOi: I'eil 5.04-
hcVeigh 5.34-
G C Clarjie .69"
1^0. V.harii 9.47*
Angie J iLirherson S.56-
I-'ranJ: L Tr.ylor 11.80-
> E.v. 1 ernhcvrd t 4.33-
I'iiion Iron b'orics 1.50.
Heedsport ITucl T vo. 50.90-
li tJ Lyster
J '6 i^oborts
P C Levens
•Gfeo Divelbiss
II H Clarh
•J L ../odson
torcy -rlosser
V. G- "ieii::oii
S B '.liia: in
?- 3 Cairns
John ^lernhardt
Gity water Pmid
(t It {(
ITorth oti.r Power Zo
V'inche'jter ~:ay LbrC'
1) hennedy
^v-pqua I- and H Go.
Port pqua Gourier
Reeds_ ort G-argge
'' K "''ucl:
"ha.-in Gnv. Go.
Consolidated Su; ply
Peo les b 0 KydE t
3aar .J Cunningjiai'.i
Standard Cdl Col
otatc'liid . .\c Con.
- P.o
Go 29.40-
;o 200.94-
i'inance CoiiHiittee was also autliori:::ed to order T)ay- snt
of i-'edei'al Pipe and lanl: Coi^ipany invoices,whicii v/ere properly
GI:ed, r.vid v/liich were held up pending receipt cf vmetlier addi
tional discount could be oTotained*
nie following report of the ^ity 'treasurer was suonitted,
and urjon ;..iotion' duly ::;ade, seconded, and carried, the rex^ort
was acce;:;ted and ordered filed;
Disburseiiieiits for : arch, 1928:
General 2?und .}660.05
opeci?.l -./c.ter l^uiid 407.07
l-.oad and Ctreet lauid 56.69
V.ater 'Jonstruction Pund 62.99
3ev;er ystem L.'imd (:2onds 1 to 5)2052.04
Sewer Interest I'und (Coupons) 15..6.56
street Ii.:p. irund( Interest
on Il-istrict l."o.2 T/^arrants) G2Q.76
:alai^ce on hand larcli 51st, 1928;
^^•erieral l^imd 2045.81
Special './ater 2?und 1546.08
',/ater ^ nd Interest r?und "95.83
Hoad and i:itreet ^'und 1707*68
V/ater Construction Tund 24957.01
Sewer „.ystein r.'und 1979.13
3ev;er " Interest i7\md-0.D.
btreet L.ip. ^vazd 7208.55
Sifereet Iiup.Interest }?und-0
".Vincliei/tBE ::.ay V.'ater ]?uiid 35'9*6'!?
.'» in rirst '?an": of -^eedsport
" " I'irst '" Portland
;J 39679. 76-S9S79.76
Pa.yr-ent of the otreet Ii.rprovenent .:ond ^-oupons on the following
Street .li-aproveuent Jistricts Y/ere authorized;
District l."o.4- due April' 1st, 1923 0O64.25
Payi:ent of ^JSOOO.OO interest-on '".ater '.-3ondrj-Pirst Se'ries- ^
due : c.yi lst,192S was alos authorised.
I'he "ity Treasurer r^portec- receipt of collateral fron its
depository in the :.:,:v.i;t of 0 irx --ity of --eedsport
I:-iproveinont warrants,2Lii± "ater "onds and School I'istrict
n tl 8- tl t! tl
II tt 6-' II 10th,1928
n n 2- 11 20th,1928
tt tr 3- n II - 20th,1928
llie 'Jity ••.ecorder was instructed", to. _ . ...
^anl'. -f Portland, res£:,.;din{-j payrr.ent of 2}' interest on ave
•;rite the l.'irst I'ational
ionthly "balance, as this is v/hat the local depository has hhee en
p)£ayin.2 the City and it appeared that the Portland depository
should do the saue.
. r. Tv J hubbard, of the "..inchester "3ay Lruiioer Conpany, spohe
about the necessity for a drain on the northwest side of '..'est
Railror.d Avenue, in view of tlio proposed fill to he roade by the
"Winchester ."^ay Lu:,.:ber Co':pany, for its spur trach. It was
authorized that Sngineer Robinson 'r/e employee to Ljahe estiiriate
of cost.
iTiere being iio fLirtiier biijjinesi::, tlic i.ieotin.:;; v/as adjourned.
'ji'G"' ^jcorcLer
r.e^iUlar neotin.;; of the ."^ity Council, held this
7th day of ay, 1928 at 6:00 T.I-*
XLl! present T:ith the excex^tion of Tayor Johnson.
T. Q nimites of the lar-t regular necting Trere read and
' Letter fron w'.:,:. ICent re^ardins v.-abonded assessi-ients
and'enclosing certain school -.arranta an Lichool -district I'o«105
and check in"pay:.9nt of balance due on Street District l"o,2 wbonde^;
e.sseoSiuGnt covering Lot 2 .'loci: 85? v;as read. t v/as reguls^rly
: .oved, seconded, and carried thc/u the payi.ient as xDresente.. be acce;?ted
providing par \7as obtained for the school warrants, and that outsta:
idin3 iin rovenent T^'arrants on Ijis'>rict I'o.S b-. reduced a lihe
Letter from l^'irst National "-'anh of Portland, in
response to request of the Oity for 2^ interest on avera^-e ?ionthly
balance, was neict read. It stated thr.t the sise of the deposit
and the short tine'for which it y/.;.,s a^t to reriain on deposit did
not. j'listify the pay:.ient of interest.
Letter from the i-ublic service Co:inis.jion, enclosing
questionaire i-e,;;- rding street crossing hazards and reco:.!lendations
for elii'iination of ccidents "-'as referred to the street Coz.niittee
for answer.
Letter froi:i 'the '.eceiver of the Astoria national
recue^ting pay eat of wc.rrant i.'^r:;ued to ".rthur .'.ndcrson
i-acl:i:i,g Cor/iiiany for .,?1000, due ".^ril 1st,1928, was next read, and
Lipon r'otion regularly • ade, seconded, and carried was ordered paid.
r.e 0 r 13 f V0yjr.g11e e s :
'Jouncil. an Lovelace re_--orted that the J-ardiner
-ill Jo::i.,any had given ^Jity perriission to -use a certain ravine
oetweon the r.ipoua ighway a.]id the Vr: qua -tiver, near the juj.iction
of v/hct is ...:own a^ the Boholxied Paver road witlrc the Trr qua Li^';;.:.v;.^y,
for a garbage duiip grounds. - - - .
^ ^ Oou.nciL.:an vreiidner reporter that he had interviev^
ed of.ricials of the light coi.;pany regarding rates for street
lights and was advised that a ruling froi.i the lublic Service
-•0 i:iis.;ion was expected -^ly 6th,- and which was in all "orobi:;.'1:11 it*/
would reivUlt in a general revisions: of this class of light costs^
and suggested that nothing be done, pending the re;:ults- of this
i.e recoM.-ended the changing in location o£' tiireR lij^I ts, Tfhicli
i7£',s duly antliorized.
-street CoLirdttee:
CouiiciliTis^n Yarrel:iann of the itreet Oorji-iittee
re;.-"•rt©''-. that various coi-ii^laints hc,d been received on the
condition of varioiio iv..proved streets, ccpccially "VincheRter
Avenue fron the cros.iinr; to Lcholfield orid^'e, ...nd portions*
of "i.-" Street and .Vest Hs^ilraad /.venue; i.lso 15th rmd 16th Streets
:LrO'"'i 'L'' otreot to '.'inchester '.venue, 'jfter considerable discuscion
the Street :3o:.i:;ittGe ^vas c.uthorir.ed to -j^rran^ce --/ith ?r. iC.-rnan
for the use of hie ;;;rac;''Gr i:; conr:ec;tion vrith certain streets
arj -the Ooi^juittee .•aa\7 fit, and th- i.urchasa.of {vravel whore .
absolutely necessary. Co^iylaint v^as also " of the location
of cert^.in end li^ht cori'jn,ny poles in the center of
streets v.nd the r.ecorder vras instructe;; to.write the res-octive
co:i-i^r.nies requerjtin^ their re:"oval.
Vfeter •:;ori-,iittee 3uoi:-:itted ai^ ro ort of
e:r enditures on it;^ T;ater construction account to date, which
vrlth. f,ccou;!-.s payable totalled Jll,472.52 to date. Appro:;iinately
7500 feet of pi. e r;as re^ :rte . laid to :\to.
Considerable discusi;ion developed ro'^ardin^ the
pu^ai:ing of \Tater fro:.i the ::ains -y the - .ills, v/ith resultant
dana.';;:e to the r.-a.ins. .t ^7as finally re-jularly r.ave'"., seconded
and carried t}iat the ;;,-:ter :;or:r.dssioner do.not pe.xiit direct
._-'Vj;'ipin{^ off tne city :v:ains, and that opening of the^ vp.l^^e on
new :iain 3C not peruitted uiitil : roper arran-e: !entd^ .vyiWhllls
-to avo:id the da:'.asins effect of direct pu:aping fron the City
-v/ater r.ains*
iiie '.^ity treasurer
subi.iitted the followin,':
•^.eceipts hisbursei.ients
—o i.'.and
"i 2787.65 ; e7£.31 4155.35
o* 2w 190.63 2238.67
l"one 3000.00 2004.170D
r.87.20 43.07 2351.81
Tone 3541.97 21395.04
11.73 I'one 1990.86
7.06 I.cne 1613.830D
23.67 9.15 7222.67
15.33 2070.27 7353.330B
74.75 I'one 434.62
4410.81 9533.40 27917.39
re ort as ci
Cx:ecial ".'ater
"Vater -ond Int.
Head and street
V.'ater . onst.
Jewer .^ystein
oev/e r -ys t enInt
Street I;;p.
Ctreet Interest
•"'inchest er'ay
".Vater /-'und
-'.1. last
•epprt. •
C5. o3
r.'alance on ha,nd do'oositeu a
5298.89 CD
s folloY/r:: rirst ISanic of Heed3-..ort3l5146.15
I?irst I."atl :i-n2: Port. 127C9.24
riie report as sub:.iitted v/as regularly accepted, and orderec. filed.
I'he Treasurer called attenti-_ni to the fact^ that street I:iiproveuent
Cou.-ffins du(& and outstanding in the aviov.nt of .";C24.52 had not yet
been presented; that ne:ct interest coupons due rere V.'ater 3ond
Inceres-t -oupons in tne ai.ioimt of ^1200.00 on June 1st, and Street
Ii:iprove;;-;ont Interest C-,upons ai.iountin^ to .:A378.29 date.
Tay.- en^ of the :'ond coupons v;as auw^orized, and the -•^•.tter of tlae
transfer of funds necessary referred to the Pinancc; Cor-uiittee.
^he City Recorder sub-atted a revised list of all unbonded and past
due .L-prover;ent asseslonts. Vhe following resolution was thereupon
larSSt4dT and oar'rxed
:'ii]S0Lr"::c7^ :o.76
'-"jio Coj'aion "-omicil ox tlic -1 b of 'vee'.;s-port levied ar-sesEi.
ients in the rejijpectivG su:!i:i and declared the Sc^u-e to be i:.-.porvej.-.erit liens
^ipon tho following- deccriosd j,:ro'oerty, to-v/it;
0 vViTSH b?.ount C rd. •^ooh Pa^^e "loci: Interest
0 t
of lien ho • !.o. ho. I'o., 0 .
-ie e d sp 0 r t Hea1 ty0 o ♦ 7.21- 12o 1 2 8 pt. 10
11 "•;oye,.7r. 54.80 128 1 14* 2 uaidi 5
h I'^isher 62.25 128 1 12 .2 6
II P Uoey 77.75 . 129 1 59 4 12
Roy Ce^tchin^' 245.73 155 2 21 5 6
Hoy Catching 107.14 139 2 41 7 4
Ilar^y :\ol:ii 151*56 144 2' 104 4 5
Hose j.oc^lier 109.67 144 •" 2 • 99 n
Florence 3ollan 41.G6- 160 • 112 6 14
G- o Raphael 55.05 160 2 115 5 5
cr r^-pjiaOl 56.05 IGO 2 1 - 6 4 3
'J Li Raphael 58.05 . 160 2 151 8 7
G S Baphasl 4.75 175 2 164 1 7
1" Cr Ilajech 58.05 160 2 i;-. 5 o 4-
li •]' hajec^i; 58.05 160 155 4 5
A ool'inson 41.86 160 V l.j5 2 7
He6'-".sport Realty Go. 4.75 175 2 168 • 4 7
Cora j'elley : 4.75 •- 175 2 161 5 1
Irving L Crooh 4.75 175 2 167 3 7
.!..0 . aiie xrom
461iR 9/1/25
76HR 9/1/26
74HK 9/1/27
71HP- 9/1/25
107RR 12, l/2c
104RR 9/4/25
4'D:p. 10/6/25
ioe?Ji 10/6/27
15 2/22/26
14 ;;/.-,£/,6
:^5 2/. 2/16
35 2/L2/26
53 1/5/26
57 2/22/26
57 2/22/26
o 2/22/26
37 1/5/26
28 1/5/26
56 1/5/26
Isaac 2 ijtc;,ples
T rian>
-n. i'.ansoii
. 3
10" 10/1/26
and did direct its r.ccorder to, and 3r-id ?.ecorder did enter a :^tate: cnt
tliei-eof i:i the ."".'ochet of Liens of said ^ity, as rjet out ab ve, and th--. owiers
thoi'eof failed to i^ahe c>pi lication for e::ten''jion of pay. .ents under the
r'ancroft 7:ondin^; Act, Chap.15, 'i'itle 27. G.L. and
SA.S, a. defaiUt has occurred in payi'.icnt of.'blie .^aid asseiHo:'Ontain that
;,ay;'e-nt thereof ic r'.ore than one yec.r pact due, and thOx-e are now due and
payable principal in. the respective uinounts sot opposite the prop^erty above
dQtjcribed, v.-ith interest fror: dates lilzewise set out above, at 6/^ per a,nnum; •
Ai^ \7IiE-^EAS, the owners of tlie.said property.have bej.. duly notified of tlio
se^id delinquency a.nd have failed, neglected and refused to pay the same,
aij.d the .lien record shows the f.bove ncu-e . as. owners of the said property
s§t opposite their nauies; therefore
IX lo HBSOL\'ED, iliat the respective svl-ls a-ovo set out, with interest O
frou the dates as indicated, at the rate of 6%' per annuiii, are declared
to be due,delinquent, unpaid a,nd i.a^'able at once, and the said liens be
forwith foreclosed in the "lanner provided by Charter and Ordinances
of the Qity of r^^eedcjport, and the laws of the State of Oregon, and the
property herein described ';:e sold and the proceeds ^.yplied to the ps,y:ient
of principal and interest, and penalties of said liens, and costs and accruing
costs of foreclosure • nd :;;ale.
- --cCall, : :r.n-:.;^"er of Lxipqua, . ills and Tir.iber Go:.i any
ash for percussion for his c^i-ipany to store lu:.iber teraporarily on the'
unir.iproved and miused portions of certain streets adjacent to their
ijicludinLj; the east portion of ''L" stree;t extended and also
loun and 1/th streets. Ke st:',ted that there was no objection on the
par u'of adjacent property owners, and would reLiove the luiaber at anv tine
upon reasonable notice from tjie Oity Co .ncil. U",, on r.otion re.-.-ularlv"'
stoodi. tliau tne paenrLd^iics,sriorinedbe threevopecra:b.ilie3saiotnthweasw^irleluiotfedt,heit .Cboeuinn^cilu. nder
Tiie follo\7ing i;ills were presented, Cl:ecl by the !7inance Co:x-;ittee,
and upon ;..otion re-:^ulai'ly i^ads, seconded, and carried v/ere ordered
3?ederal "ipe and Xanl; Co. 'J1869.18' F Levins "•28.68.
K jTonville 1.C9. liolbert 23.94--
S U "Vocdruff O.90. "V Z or.'ell 4.49-
J r-cVeigli 7.45. v; li-oetser 4.49-
Toiii i.'eil 1.99. J I.cYeigh 2G»43-
L •" Lyster ;a-„.44. J Scott 4.74-
-T 3 Roberts 22.94. Heeds, ort 1' c:TCo. 103.72-
l.enry •'.oyejJ'r 7.46. y :,.c'"illis 28.43'
C Y Wills -20.45. i: :3oye,o"r. 30.43-
3 J '..'oodriiff 20.45. II Fonville 23.94-
u - cV.'eigli 20*05' B "..oodruff 26.43.
V Kanson :8.45- i'rank Cox 28.43-
iTrank Cox 7.60. i'oLi I..'eil 24.44'
•"} L vfetts 7.16- 0 V V/ills 28.43^
CcOo Divelbiss 13.20. J Stev/art 3.99>
J E Riciiards 13.20- G L ".Vatts 18.95-
•.V 13.20- "• 1 cwell 28.43-
'.V Varrlei'Eiiin 5.00- L 3roT/n 3.99-
Tori :"eil 14.45. H Pdcliards 3.99-
'7 J.:cV;illi-s 8.96. J" kcVeigh 28.43'
IP llolbert 19.45.- v; Plolbert 28.43-
L ^ro'vm 1.59, •T V-'Oodv/ard 7.98-
I-I !7onville 19.13. T r ; cCrinnis 3.99-
S li V.' odruff 11.72- F Levens" 23.94.
Ton ::eil 9.72. J" :.:-urpliy 13.47.
K Fonville 7.73- tT II ?aci'ia.rds 1.99-
0 V Tills 9.72- G- Ca,irns 25.00-
Greo Redoing 3.00. John ^ernhardt 10.00-
v; Z"" liolbert 5.93-- Cr Benson 50.00-
X! J ly^ter 5.73- Percy '3-loG::cr 11.96.
J S ".oberts 5.73- i: E Clark 93.21.
e K "lichards 1.99- F 0 Lerens 3.25.
Pranl: .T^oal: 3.24- Port Uiipqua Courier 33.37.
3eo JiTolbisG 5.98- Peo les WCli-rdP Co. 198.04-
ran.i.. -j o^w 5.98- lOOF 15.00.
Henry ;!'0ye,Jr. 5.9G- C G Clarke 124.70-
J >: I'icliards 14.60- 3 U Chapin 150.00-
Ii Fonrille 22.45- "ieedsport Tt.ra.^ie .25 •
Ton I.'eil 17.46- Coos and Curr3'"TelCo 5.85-
Frank •"Jo:: 26.44- CityWater Fund 5.00-
•J- I V.b-tts 1.9.05. iourtons Pharraacy .25-
J StevT-art 8.98. ed sportI-37o rks 7.75'
-'ay :Uclaards 9.4C' F L Taylor 23.15*
L 3rown S.43' \ n ion I r 0 nV."o r k s 62.56-
J '..'oodTard 15.47- '.Vinclie st erJBayLbrCo« 45.35-
J O.oolcs 15.27- j3ernhardtTa::i3ervice 3.20'
I r I cGfinnis 3.08- j-'el3 Peterson 1.25.
A Chaerle 7.98- Paul :- e r nha r d t 87.92 •
K 3oye, -"r. 26.44- Federali'ipe c:Tank 5918.43-
u'eo Divelbiss 6.98- ConsolidatedSupply .806.48.
".7 i c'-'illis • 17.15. I] L :-lobinson 45.00-
3 '.Voodrufi 2G.43- standard GilCo. 9.36-
liipcua Dre-i^ins Const Co.
I.'iiiljqua I-ru^ Coi.ipany
Pacific stationery and PtgCo
•i-iere being nc ^.urtlier oiisinesB tlie ueetin'^ vras adjourned.
r i lib
HeOTlar meeting of the City Counoil, held this 4th
day 01' Jiine,19E8 at 8:00 ?.la.
^here v;ere rii-esent Acting Mayor lirowne, presiding, and
Oouncilmen Austin, Lovelace, v/eidner, and /arrelman. Ab
sent, Mayor Johnson and Councilman 3ernhardt.
The minutes oi" the last regular meeting w«ti^ read and ap
A letter from the Oregon Stats Highv/ay Commission
requested that the city establish grades by ordinance, for Winches- '
ter Avenue from the west bound3.ry of city limits to the bouthem
Pacii'ic Company railroad track, north and south for one block on ij'irst
Avenue and north for approximately 100 feet on 6th and 7th btreets-
The i'ollov/ing property ovmers avpeared before the Oounoil at this ti;ne
as this matter v/as being considered: Konda Andersen, iu Pranklin,
J.I . U-ibbons, H.O. McCall, H.J. lyster, J.S. Hoberts, llarl K. Chapman,
and hussell J. Hubbard. ringineer ?.?. V/hitmore, re?"'resenting the
State Highv/ay Com:nisi;ion, v/as also present. Careful consideration was
given to the ma^^ submitted by the Highv/ay Department, shov/ing the
proposed grades for the lieedsport section oi the Hoosevelt Highv/ay.
Hone of the property ov/ners-present voiced any objection to the pro
posed grades for Winchester-Avenue, but there \7as objection voiced as
to the deep cuts proposed for oth and 7th Streets. 5]here v;as also
some objection raise/- as to'the proposed cut south from V/inchester on
First Avenue. After considerable discussion the City Recorder v/as
instructed to write to the High\"ay Commission setting out the fact
that there were certain objections to the proposed cuts on ?irst Avenue
and 6th and 7th Streets, but that the grade as proposed for Winchester
Avenue v;as ajceptable.
Heports of Committees:
Councilman Varrelman, Chaiiman of the Street
Committee, called attention'to various complaints which had been made
from time to time as to dangerous condition of certain planked streets,
and especially H and L Streets, and that street extending from the
overhead railroad crossing and joining H and L Streets on the east
side of the track. Aftor considerable discussion, upon motion of
Councilman iVeidner, regularly secondv-d and carried, it v/as ordered
that the street planking on these streets be torn up and bladed.
it v/as'also ord--^red that the v/ater holes along
V/est Railroad Avenue be fill'ed.
Mr. Russell J. Hubbard, of the V/inchester Bay
liurtber Company, called attention to the fact that the dredge fill ^
v/hich is to be made by his company in the near future migh'i: cause some ,
deposit of dredge^material along ./est Railroad Avenue, and asked if ^
there would be any objection, it was felt that there would be no ob- |
jection to this and probably would be some help' to the street. I
A general discussion follov/ea relative to the
n^cesF^i'ty for various traffic *»"egulations. It was decided that an
ordinance should be adopted that would designate Winchester Avonue as
a through street, and it was suggested that the Street Committee look
into the matter of rocommehding certain necessary traffic regulations.
Councilman V/eidner, Chairman of the light Com
mittee, reported that the Council might at any time ask Mr. Watson,
Portrand Manager for the Peoples V/estCoast Hydro-electric CorjDoration,
to come to Reedsnort and confer with the Council relative to rates
f^or street lights. Mr. Watson had si^ified his willingness to do
this at any time at the convonience ox the Council.
Ordinance 'No. 193, being an ordinance establish429
ing certain street grades for V/inchestor Avonue from west city limits
boundary to the Southern Pacific Hight-of-v/ay, v/as introduced and read
for tlae first time. It was then moved and so ordered that said Ordin
ance i^o. 193 be passed to the second reading, and it v;as then read for
the second tifie. It v/as then regularly moved, seconded and carried,
that Ordinance Bo. 193 oe passed to the third reading, and it was then
read for the third time. Said Ordinance Ko. 193 was then ordered put
upon its final passage, and was thereupon adopted by the following
vote: Ayes 4
Eays None
Ordinance iJo. 194, oeing an ordinance designating
'^^inchester Avenue from the East Boundaiy to the //est Boundary of the
city li lits, as a through street was nest read for the first time.
It was then moved and so orderea that said Ordinance IIo. 194 be passed
to the second reading and it ?/as then read for the second time. It
was then regularly moved, seconded, ana carried that Ordinance l^o. 194
be passed to the third reading and it "^as read for the third tif'ie.
Said Ordinance iJo . 194 was then ordered put upon its final passage, and
was thoreu-oon adopted by the follov/ing vote Ayes- — 4
IJays---- Hone
The following bills were presented, OKed by the
finance Committee and ordered raid:
Harry Fonville § 9.98. 0. Goddard $23.94-
Floyd Levins 10.48. Carl Eeating 23.94'
W. Powell 16.46. I.E. McGinnis 7.97«
Sam A. Kozer 1.00- . LlcV/illis 23.94-
Harley A. Olson 5.99- Frank iiicks 1.99-
O.V. V/ills 16.46« Reedsport F and 1' 00.36.70-
Tom Heil 7.9a O.G. landerking 3.99^
Carl Heating 10.72- E. Avitt 5.98-
0. Goddard 26.19- Carl Zeating 25.94^
V/.O. V/e-ver 1.99- H.J. lyster 23.44.
J. lluin:)hy 8.48- '.7. Holbert 24.44--
J. McVeigh 41.15- 0. Goddard 5.48•
G.I. V/atts S7.18- J. I.IcYeigh 23.44.
V/. HoV/illis 6 .66 • G.I. Watts 20.94.
Henry Boye 10.97- W. HcV/illis 25.94-
3.E. Woodruff 30.68- J. V/allace 13.21.
Franic Oox 12.97- S.E. 7/oodruff 11.97-
W. Halbert 25.93-- A.S. Heath 5.00-
i.II. I.IoGinnis 7.98• G.I. Watts 4.50'
S. Berge 3.99- 1. Murray 7.98^
G • Xj. i/at b s 4.50. :eaul Goddard 11.97.
G.L. V/atts 19.44. J. Ellis 22.94.
HiJ. Lyster 25.94. J. IIcYeigh ;:2.94.
S.E. Woodruff 19.96. I. V/allace 2::.94.
J. IIcYeigh 23.94 W. McWillis 22.94.
3. S. V7oodrufi" 13.94^ R. Machine&B Works 75.89'
Oarl Eeating 22,94- Paul Bemhardt 53«60*
G.I. V/atts 22.94- U.Mills E: Timber Co. 51.14'
H.J. Lyster £2.94r S-onsolidated 3u]: .Co.167.41-
W. Holbert 21.44- Federal P & T Co . 2064.39^
Roy G. Gaims 25.00- Oity V/ater Fund 6.36^
John Bemhardt 10.00- W.G. Skidmore 4.90*
Frank Cox 71.76. State Ind.Acc. Com. 62.88-
Percy Glosser 20.93- Port Um'caua Courier 67.50*
W.G. Benson 50.00. Frank Smith 2.45'
I.O.O.F. 15.00. i?. Hogan .80'
Stanley D. Chapin 150.00. Crane Company , 44»02-
C.C. Clarke 124.69. lillebo & Ash .60-
E.I. Robinson 12.50- XJ. !Dreafcing 5; Cons.Coll.00-
Bemhardt Taxi Service 7.74. F.J. Eernan 59.43-
H.E. Kennedy 16.40- P.W.Coast H-E Corp 197.06*
Report of Oity Treasurer Hoy Cairns, was next
submitted, read, and ordered filed. Special attention was called to
over-drafts in certain acccunts and particularly that of the Street
Improvement acGoiint. Matters relative to the payment of certain
v/arrants and bond interest coupons v/ere left to the discretion oi the
Finance Committee. A quit-claiT. deed executed by nobin Heed, convey
ing to the city a certain strip of land in lot 8 of Block 77 Amended
Plat of Railroad Addition to Heedsport, was ^bmitted to the Gouncil
for acceptance. It was intended that this^^'Ceed'^be used as an alley
connecting H Street and the alley in Block 77. The Gouncil, however,
did not feel justified in accepting this property and instructed the
City Recorder to return the deed to Mr. Heed and advise him that it
had not been accepted.
Treasurers Heport
Pond Bal.Last Hei^ort Receipts Disbursements Bal.On H^d
General 4, lob .35 27.59 1, 643.77 9
» 539.17
Special Water fund 2,2<38.;.7 803.32
Tr. 2,
904.17 57.32
Water Bond Interest 2,904.17 OD 2,904.17 1. 200.00 1, 200.00 OD
Hoad <5: Street Fund 2,361.81 i;one 177.02 2, 174.79
V/ater Gonsti-uction 21,395.04 Hone 8, 078.69 13, 316.35
Sewer system 1,990.86 105.55 Hone 2. 096.41
Sewer Interest 1,613.83 OD 19.52 L'one 1, 594.31 OD
Street Improvement 7,S22.87 308.05 181.17 V, 349.75
Street Interest 7,353.83 OD 71.44 239.51 V, 521.90 OD
Winchester Bay Y/ater 434.62 57.00 Hone 491.62
Total 27,917.39 1,392.47 11, 600.66 1?',709.20
Balance on Hand Deposited as follows:
First Bank of Heedsport 14,854.87
First national Bank of Portland 2,844.33
Total $T7tW7^
The City Recorder and City Treasurer v/ore instruct'
ed to instituts foreclosure of procG©.ings against all property on
v/hich no payments had been made on Bonded Sewer Assessments.
There bein^: no further business the meeting: v^as
Acxg i.iayor
Gi t y^.P.G(To rder
Kogular Meoting of the Oity Gouiicil, held this 2nd
day of July, 1938 at 8:00 ?.ll.
All members v/ere pr?sont except i.iayor Johnson.
u?he minutes oi the last regular mesting were read and ap
Afxidavit of Engineer D.I. Buckingham regarding
sewer assessments on Lots 7,y, and Block 69, Amended Plat of Hallroad
Addition to Rsedsport v;as read. It ap;:)earing that these lots had
bnen assessed in oewor District i.'o. B, each for the regular sewer
assessment of §77.Vo and that the lots v/ere so located v/ith r.'jspect to
the sewer that there could "be no beneficial use made from the server
lino, and that it was necessary for the o^-mers of this property to con
struct individual sev/er lines at their ovm expense^ it was oritered
that the Sower assessments against these lots be cancelled, and that a
v;a:i'rant in the amount of ;,ii233.2o be dravm on the general fiind and made
payable to the sewer fund for District Eo. 2.
Heports ox Committees:
Councilman Tarrelman, Chairman of the Street Com
mittee, r^'^-'ortod briefly on the condition of certain stree-ts and call
ed particular attention to tho condition of V/inchester Avenue west of
the bchofield i^iiver, and the danger of blind comers at certain points
in that vicinity. He also recom^iended that the street be toi-n up
along the east portion of Rainbow Plaza where it was dangerous to ped
estrians. It was ordered after due consideration that the Street Com
mittee be authorized to carry out the improvemonts as rocommended. It
v.^s also ordered that the City Recorder write to the Southern Pacific
Company requesting the reconstruction of the underhead crossing and
also arrange for the iniprovement of the railroad property along 16th
Street according to the terms of its franchise.
A discussion of the disposition of the planks re
cently talien up along X. Street followed, and it was ordered that
Commissioner Ciarke serve notice that those desiring the use of the
planking for walk purposes, get them away from the business center
within a reasonable time and not later than July 14th.
Ur. Llatt Thompson appeared before the Council at
this, time and requested that he be permitted to pave that portion of
the street abutting- his frontage of 25 foot on 14-th Street. Consider
able. discussion foliowG:. concerning the necessity for establishing
street and gutter grades before work of this kind or even graveling
should be permitted. Upon motion regularly made, seconded, and ca:ried
it v/as authorized that Engineer Buckingham be employed to establish
street grades on 14 Street, H-. Street, L. Street, and '.'/est Railroad
Avenue between H. Street and v/inchester Avenue. Pemission to Mr.
Thompson for any paving -as held up j; ending a report from tho iingineei'
regarding the est?-blishing of proper street grades.
•L'ights: ^
A general discussion follov/ed with reference to
rates vihioh were being charged the city and also private users. Upon
motion 01 Councilman Austin, regularly seconded, and c-r:..-'
ordered that the City Recorder make reqxiest U")0n the Publio;-;Servic©o ,. "u
Commission for a hearing for rates on lights for the city. It was
suggested that this request be held up pending an interview v;ith Mr.
\7atr:~r;, ""o-'tland manager for the .reopies V/est Coast Hydro-Electric
PoweV- Company.
The following bills were presented, OZed by the
Finance Committee and ordered raid
L. Murray 115.96- I. ii. HcGinnis $21.94.
J. Ellis 23.94- Carl Eeating 23.94-
H. J. Lyster 13•96• I. V/allace 23.94-
'.7. Holbert 23.94- D. C. ./allace 23.94-
G. I. V/atts 23.94- V/. Kolbert 25.94-
Carl Zeating 23.94- I. IT. I.IcGinnis 27.93-
I. V/allace 23.94- S. E. V/oodruff 27.93-
J. IlcVeigh 26.93- Carl Seating 25.93*
P. Goddard 27.43- D. C. V/allace 27.93-
L. Zelly •£0.9o- V/. Holbert 27.93^
D. G. v7allac0 20.95. I. V/allace 17.96.
V/. IlG..illis £3.94- I. V/aliaco 9.97-
J. Delligan 7.98- C. H. V/est 3.99-
S. E. V/oodruff 23.94- C. 0. Clarke 49.7a
J- IIcYeigh 3.99' Hoy Caiins 2i3.00-
City •.;ater itmd 8.51- 17. G. Benson 50.00-
J. Delligan 18.45. John Bernhardt 10.OQ
S. V/oodrulf 23.94- x.o.o.?. 15.00-
V/. IlcV/iliis 23.94- Stanley i). Chapin lijO.OO-
•Jarl Ze-atjng 23.94- x'rani: Uox 'J5.68-
Paul Godiiard 23.94. V/.G. Skidmore 1.25-
Cr. X • i/at bs 23.94- City V/ater Fund D.70-
Vj. Holbert 23.94- Frank i, Taylor 30.03-
L. Kelly 21.94- Bernhardt ^axi ^^ervice 10.i:>0-
D. C. Wallace 23.94- Oonsolidat':^d Supply Go. 1361.04-
L. V/allace 23.94- Lnion Iron V/orks 46. ti-S"
!• IT. LIcGinnis 7.98- Crane Comp any u9.84-
O.C. Clarke 7O.00- •/.R. Buck .75-
S. S. V/oodruff 23,94- Paul Bemhard-t 37.28-
Paul Goddard 23.94- -ieodspoi't J^el & T. Co 42 .56-
v;. IlcV/iXlis 23.94. Port Umpqua Courier 47.64-
Ray Buyers 19.95- Coos So Curry Tel. Co. 1.40-
G. I. V/atts 15.96- btate Ind-Acc. Comraission .v5.96-
I-. Eelly 23-94 ochroeder u: Hildenbrand 29.84-
Total-- 3 ,153.59
Mr. Cairns siibmitted the follov/ing I'roasurers
report dated July 2,1928:
General 2,539.17 2,288.17 l,7u0.19 3,067.74
Special v/ater 57.32 965.76 . 106.30 916.78
V/ater Bond Interest 1,200.00 OD iione L;one 1,200.00 OD
Road 8c Street 2,174.79 947.30 62^.58 2,500.51
V/ater Construction 13,316.35 ITone 3,178.19 10,138.16
Sewer System 2,096.41 1,935.53 L'one 4,032.04
Sewer Interest 1,594.310D 1,208.29 Hone 386.02 OD
Street Improvement 7,349.75 l,128.9ci iJone 8-, 478.73
Street interest 7,521.90 OD 417.08 a one 7,104.82 OD
v/inchester Bay V/ater 491.62 L)2.75 343.84 200.o3
Total 17,709.20 8,944.55 6,010.10 20,643.65
iialance on Hand Deposited as j'o11ov;s:
j'irst iiank ox ReGdsrort
i'irst ilational Baiih oi' Portland
ZO, 4:^6.71
j?h0 I'reasurer c^liod particular attention to the
condition of the street Improvement and Street Improvement interest ac
counts, and to the fact that it hait been nscessary for him" to refuse pay
ment on certain btreet Improvement Ijaaais, bond interest coupons, lifter
considerable discu-ssion it was ordered that the street improvement funds
on hand be used tov;ard payment of. • rinciple and interest on outstanding
improvement District i-;o. 2 v/ari'ants, as these accounts r/ere' oi" longer
standing than the bond interest coupons.
The City Hecorder re<"orted on the results of the
sale of property hold June 16th, at which time all r^ro^erty adyertised
for delinguent assessments was bid in, and ^oayments made to the city.
He also reported substantial collections on trie sewer funds and that
sale 01" j^.roperty against which there were sewer ass-^ssnionts with no
}:a7ment made to data would be held on August 4th.
There heinij no further business tne meeting was
_ Actg Llayor
Special Ilseting of the Comnon Council, held this
14th day of -Tuly, 1923 at 1:00 T.M.
Pursuant to notice ro.TUlarly gi'/en, a special meet
ing was held for the /urpose of considering and acting on
the following matters:
1. The ado;-tion of an ordiranoe establishing the street grades for
1st, 6th and 7th Streets according to ma:- submitted by the Oregon State
Highway Commission in connection '.vith the ro; osed im;; rove-nsnt of ;/in-
Chester Avenue.
2. Oonsideration of a contract vrith the Peo}'les West Coast Hydro-
21f3ctric Oorp'oration for the furnishing of strer^t lighting to the city,
•i'here v;ere rresent i.layor Johnson --residing, and all
the Council'-'non except j.H. Austin.
Ordinance ilo. 195, bGin;~ an ordinance establishing
c-^rtain street grades for 1st, 6th and 7th Streets v/ithin the City of
ixe^dsport, and declaring an emergency, was introduced and re.:.d for the
first time. Llr. H. J. Lyster and H. G. McOall, o^;mers of property ad
jacent to 6th Street, objected to the passMig of this ordinance on the
groiinds that it should not bG necessary to improve 6th Street at this
time, and that the improroment created a haaard and made their ov/n
;;-rox-erty less accessible from the side street.
After considerable discussion, uyon motion of
Councilman Lovelace, seconded by Council'nan 3rov/n, and regularly carried,
^t was ordered that Ordinance LIo. 195 be y^-ssed to the second reading.
It was thereiipon read for the second tiae. It v/as t-.en moved that Ord
inance Ivo. 19o be passed to the third reading, and said motion was
regiuarly adopted. Said Ordinance .was then read for the third time.
I'hereu' on Ordinance JIo. 195, a ordinance establishing cert:iin street
grades for 1st, oth and 7th Streets the City of Iceedsport, ' and
declaring an emergence/, -as ordered put upon its final rassage, ;and
failed to -ass by the following vote: Ayes 2
i:ays 3
In the cor:aid0ration oi' the proposed li^rht contract,
I.Tr. Pardes of the Pooj^les "./os.t Coast Hydro-Electric Oorporation, \7as
Introduced to the OoTincil and sxihrnittcd a tentative contract for fiirni
shinf~ strs'^t lir.'htinr: to th":* city. I'he G0?it: act proposed the pur
chase oi* the street lir:ht fixtures v/hich the city no-.v ovmed, and fur
ther -;ro osea i-;-te of :~')3.00 per.light.
After oonsidoraolo discussion it *7as ordered that
;;ir. Pard^-'T r—oo""?::-^?t to th" city for its further c-onsideration
after iu had been'-dDteminod h;/ city records wh-t the city ir.-
Yostmenf r/as in li^ht fixtures, and --Iso after t::o city had olatained
information -.s to t/ie rates hein,:.- charged other cities of a;proximately
th'- sam-3 size.
There "beinrr no further ousiness the meetinr- v?£ss
S'-ecial lleetinp-: oi" the Oommon Council, held this
24th day of July, 19S8 at 3:00 P.LI.
Pursuant to notice rofrularly -jiyen, a srecial-raeetinfT
v/as held for the "."^ur ose of considerinij and actin^;
on t'-e follov/in^: natters:
1. Adoption of Ordinance llo. 19b, '"hich was an ordinance establisning
certr-in street grades for 1st, 6th aiid 7th .:)trests ""ithin the City of
Heeds^ort, and ceclarin.^': j,n ener5enc3".
2. The a-;proval of the June,19S8 bill of Peoples Vj'est Coast Hydro-
Slectric Coi'^-ox*ation for street, jail, and office lights^
llayor Johnson and all OouncilniGn ezceyt Paul Bern- '
hardt v;ere -resent. There were also ;; resent, Honda Anderson, H. J.
lyster, lee Bernhardt, I.Ir. and Llrs. J. '.7. Geibisch, Ilrs. George Keat
ing, andllis. D. C. V/allj.ce.
In the consideration of the proposed Ordinance Ko.
195, it was ointed out that the v/idth of the graded ^-ortion of 7th
Street be set at 40 feet instead o 48 feet as shovm in the plans
and specifications of the otate Highv;ay Commission for the Heedsport
section of the I\00sevelt Hi;;div7ay through the city. There appeared to
be no oojeotions to establishing the grade on 7th Street, nor 1st
Street, llr. H. J. lyster aho LIr. Lee Bernhardt objected to the proosed
grading of 6th Street on the same grounds as stated before at
previous ST^ecial meeting. Ilrs. ICeatlng and Ur.-and Urs. Geabisch re-
(^ueoted the proposed improvement of 6th Street as did also the High
ochool Board for Union High School for District lio.-ll.
"-'roposed Ordinance Ho. 195 '.'.'as then read for tho
first time motion regxilarlr mado, seconded and carried. U^:on
motion oi" Councilman JorolAce, seconded TD.y Councilman ;7eidner, and
unanimously carried, vrovosed Ordinance ITo. 195 vas passed to the
second and read for the second time. U/ on motion regular
ly mac;.e, seconded and carried, it was then ordered passed to the
third reading and \v;.is then read for the third time. 'Zae said Ord
inance Uo* 195, an ordin ance establishing certain street grades for
1st, 6th and 7th Streets within the City of ?.0edS"ort, and declaring
an emergency, v^as ordered put upon its final, passage and was thereu;-
on ado^'ted by the following vote: Ayes 5
ITays 0
It was called to the attention of the Council that
certain lay-ground apparatus belonging to School District IIo. 105
was placed in the -jentsr of 5th Street, and it was ordered that the
School Board for District T!o. 105 be requested to have this equipment
Bill of the People's V/est Coast Hydro-Electric cor
poration in the amount of 0195.65, for June lights, v;as ordered paid.
Jhere being no further business the meeting.was ad-
iiii HT ^ iTiirMll
He^lar Ileeting of the Oity CoimGil, held this 6th
day of August, 1928 at 8:00 P.ll.
Shore were ;;^resGiit ActiiTg IIa:/or Brovmcara Oounoilnen
Austin, Bernhardt, and V/eidner. Absent, llayor Johnson and
Oounoilrnen Loyclaoe and Varrolmnn-
There hein.'^ no ouorum present the meeting; v/as oontinued
sul^jeot to t \o. call of t::e Ilajor.
The follo'.Tin^ bills v;ere submit.,ed, OiCed by the
finance Oommittee, and ordered paid, subject to the approv:.l of the
Gouncil at its next re{Talar rneetin?^:
Oarl Keating
3. S. "./oodruff
J .• '^Vallaoe
D. G. V/allace
I. IJ. I.IoGinnis
'.V. Holbert
.00. Olarlio '
Oarl Keating
3. E.- V/oodraff
J. V/allaoe
D. C. Vi/allaoo
I. H. LIcG-ii^nis
V/. Holbert
pQOj-les V/e:.:;t Coast H P
V/. Holbert
Oarl Heating
X. li. LIoGinnis
3. E. V/oodraff
L. V/allace
D. 0. ifVallace
Oity of Heeds;'^ort SDs=2
I. K. IJcGinnis
3. S. V/oodruff
D. 0. V/allace
7/. Holbert
J.. 3. Uiller
Co: 19o
o rr
.95 •
John Bomhardt
Ro,7 G. Cairns
0. C. Clarice
3 . I). Ohap In
V/. G. Benson
Peo:';les "J-O H Corp.
Eoke-Chapman Co.
V/. G. Sliidmore
O.K. Transfer
Heedsport M&B Wks
Reedsport Co
Crane Company
iTrani: L Tar/lor
Paul Bernhardt
Oonsolida- o. Co.
H 2; E TrucI: Line
V/ater Pund
Port Urap. Courio r
P. J. ICernan
B. L. Buckingham
l^iissell J. liubbard
Coos 5: Gurry ?. Co.
State Ind.Ac. Ocr.i
J. V/allace
Total 9 2,303.28
8.25 .
There being- no further "yasiness the meeting was
0it:/ iiDcorder '
iSi'^i'teii i"r liiTi^ •' i l" tirlifc .
. -TT
Hegular Keeting of the City Council, held this 4th
day of September, 1928 at 8:00 P.M.
There Tnrere present Acting Ilajor Brown^ presiding, and Coun-
* oilmen Austin, Bernhardt, Lovelace and Weidner. Absent
^yor Johnson and Councilman-Varrelmann.
The minutes of the last meeting v/ere read and approved. It
was regularly moved, seconded and carried ths,t the payment
of the July 1928 bills as authorized by the Finance Committee
at meeting of AiAgust 6th, be-confirmed.
^ Communications;
Letter dated August 30th, 1928, from llr. T. T. Ben
nett, President of the Security Realty Syndicate, and addressed to
the City of Reedsport and the Oregon State Highway Conmiission, was
read. This letter protested against the constructing of the fence
bordering Clear Lake, and claimed that it was a case of trespass on
private property, and requested its removal. After considerable discubsion
ano. consideration, it was decided to malce no answer to this
^ Letter from Engineers Baar and Cunningham advising the City that the filing rights of Hr. Kelly had been transferred to
Russell J. Hubbard, according to state records at Salem, was next read.
It was directed that the Recorder take up this matter further with the
i»ngineers with a view to proper protection of the City's interests^
Reports of Ciommittees:
Councilman l/?eidner in making report for the Light
Committee, recommended that the City pay not to exceed $2.00 per
light for street lights. The Committee recomiaended that the contract
as submitted by the Power company be returned with this main change as
to rate, and a number of minor changes^ and that iiimiediate answer be
requesteo. from the People's V/ep^t Coast Hydro-Electric Corporation.
The report of the Light Committee was unanimously adopted'and the Re
corder was instructed to cornmimicate at once as suggested.
The Street Cormriittee c-.-.lled the attention of the
Council to the fact that the Roosevelt Highway improvement through
the City had resulted in the removal of the gravel surface from First
and Seventh Streets. Upon motion regularly made, seconded, and carried,
the street Committee was a.uthorized to arrange for the regrs,veling of
these streets. Attention v^as again called to the condition of the
underhead crossing and the City Recorder v;as instructed to va-ite the
Southern Pacific Company again requesting the improvement of the
tcestle. It was regularly moved, seconded and caxried, that the City
improve the underhead crossing as soon as it was made possible to do
so by the Railroad company.
Considerable discussion follov/ed regarding the drain
age from the underhead crossing west to the Schofield River. It was
finally decided that a fund of ^^500 be set aside from the Road and
Street Fund to provide for the construction of a drainage ditch; the
work to be done under the supervision of the V/ater and Sev/er Committee.
It was authorized that the Mayor and the City Re
corder sign the proposed agreement between the Southern Pacific Com
pany and the City of Reedsport, providing for the v/ater pipe crossing
from Winchester Avenue on the v/est side of the railroad track to M
Street on the east side of the railroad track.
The follov/ing bills were presented, .pKed;;by the
Finance Committee, and ordered paid:
s. 2D. Woodruff $19.95- W. Holbert ? 23.94-
w. Holbert 19.95- s. E. Woodruff 23.94.
D. Wallace 20.95- c. C. Clarke 50 •OO.
I. McGinnis • 20.95- w. Holbert 13.94
I. H. McGinnis 23.94- s.. E. V/oodruff 15.94
D. C. Wallace 23.94, I. McGinnis 15.94
D. C. YTallace $ 19.94- John Bernhardt ? 11.oa
D. C. v.^allace 8.00- S. D. Chapin 150.00
W1 Holbert 8.00. ^ I.O.O.F. 15.00
I. IT. McGinnis 8.00- . Howard-Cooper Corpi 4.72-
S. E. 'Woodruff 8.00. City V/ater Fund 5.00-
I. H. HcGinnis 11.97- Union Iron v/orlcs 44.35-
H, Boye, 11.97. Reedsport T.T.^'R Works 4.06-
vT- Holbert 11.97. Crane Company 116.50-
D. V/'allace 23.94- Reedsport F & T Co. 53.65-
C. C. Clarke 74.69. State Ind.Acc. Com. 12.41-
W. G- Benson 50.00. H. L. Chapin 98.01-
Fran}: Cox 89.69- Peoples W-C H-E Corp 195.94
Roy G. Cairns 25.00. A.J. LeGault 159.00-
Total § 1494.19
There being no further business the meeting was
adj ourned.
"i* >.'>
•' •• ••" "—•••
'^"li'' .• i ^
? meeting of the City Council, held this
1st day of October, 1928 at 8:00 3?.LI.
There were present Acting !'ayor IBrov/ne, presiding and Councilmen
Earnhardt, Lovelace, and Varrelmann. AlDsent I'ayor Johnson and Austin.
The Gonrnittee to assist the Council in compiling the City
Budget for the year 1929 vras announced as follows:
I^arl Chapman
V/ R Buck
K Anderson
E '.7 l^'ranklin
iTels Hogan
,H G KcCall
A \i Burton
by C LicC Johnson
" J H Austin
" J R Srowne
" Paul 3ernhardt
" 7/ A Lovelace
•' V/ V£.rrelmann
'! L J V/eidner
.Place and time for meeting -i/^as at City Council room, Odd-Pellows
Building, Reedsport, Oregon on Friday, Octoher 5th,1928 at
7:00 P.II.
There heing no quorum present, the meeting was adjourned,
su"bject t\: call of the Ilayor.
The following "bills v/ere submitted, Olced "by the Finance Committee,
and ordered paid,subject to-the approval of the Council at
its next regular meeting:
W F Holbert ^519.45- V/ G Benson .:.;50.00
I IT ICcGrinnis 19.45. Prank Cox 89.70
A E Hattan 17.46- .R G Cairns 25.00
H J l-cFarlane 17.46- S D C .apin 150.00
n C V/allace 23.44- Jolin Bernhardt 21.50
H -"Boye, Jr. .1.99- I.O.O.F. 15.00
A E Hattan 12.97- City V.ater Fund 5.25
H J LIcFarlane lS.97- Uupcua Drug Co. .75
I) C V.allace 12.97- Peoples V/.C.H P Co. 195.66
V/ Holbert 12.97- Reedsport BecoratingCo 8.00
I K KcGchnnis •7.98. Burroughs Adding T'Co 5.00
Geo Burns 10.00. \'f R Buck 2.62
V/ Holbert 19.95. State Ind.Ac.Com. 13.16
D C Wallace 19.95- Ernest Haskell /50
A S Hattan 1-rs Fra-nl: Cox 1.60
»• Hanson ll.97- A J LeGault 104.00
0 C Clarice 25.00- Baul Bernhardt 46.90
Ed Lundeen 7.98' F L Taylor 23.23
E Peaslee 11.97^ C H west 27.00
Carl Keating 11.97. Beall Pipe and TankC. 678.54
V/ Hanson 15.96. Bort tfeipqua Courier 29.56
I i' L-cGinnis 19.95- Reedsport F & T Co. 40.75
Paul Lane 19.95. G Skidmore 3.45
A Hattan 22.94. Umpcua 33 and C Co. 435.00
V/ Holbert 28.93. \7 G Benson
D C V.'allace 28.93. (175.00 previously
S P Company 67.69- distributed) -:p2570.08
C C Clarke 99.70'
adj ourned.
There being no.further business, the meeting was
Meeting of the 3929 Dudget- Conmdttee, held this 5th day
of October, 1928 at 7:30 P.It.
There were present Councilraen rrovme, '.rernhardt, Lovelace and
V/eidner, and Coiranitteeraen ITonda .'vnderson, '..V.' burton, H I!uck,
iCarl H Chapman, S V/ Franlclin, ITels Hogan, and II G ItcCall#
The Gonmiittee as a whole proceeded to organize, electing
Councilman 'v^eidner as Cliairman and I'arl H Chapiuan as Secretary*
Detailed reports of receipts and expenditures under the various
City funds for the year 1927 and first 9 months of 1928,
and the 1928 "budget estimates had "been submitted to each
coniinitteeman and councilman by the City Recorder, for information
and reference in arriving at estimates for 1929»
-Vfter careful consideration of each and every item separately,
the follov/ing proposed 1929 Ziudget was, upon motion regularly,
made,seconded, and unanimously carried adopted:
GEIIER/Jj FUKD: Expenditures
Salaries- Attorney $300.00
Recorder 900.00
Treasurer 300.00
liar shal 600.00
Hight liarshal 1080.00
J'ire Chief 120.00
Hall rent 180.00
Lights 2000.00
Office supplies,printing,
stationery,stamps 100.00
ublication and filing fees 175.00
Audit ' 200.00
Jail 25.00
Insurance. 200.00
Fire apparatus 1000.00
SeY/er and drainage 500.00
Hefunfling bonds and interei;3320.00
16th Street Purchase 1180.00 $12,180.00
PiECEIl-TS, frorii fines, licenses,
"bank interest, misc.
raised by taxation $11,180.00 $ll,180i00
7/ATEH EUItD; Expenditures:
Bond interest $9900.00
Bonds.maturing 11/1/29 2000.00
Extensions 2000.00
Repair and maintenance 500.00
V/ater Commissioner 900,00
Recorder 900.00
Office supplies, staiaps 100.00 :;;a6,3pp..pp
from v/ater rentals and connection
^L^'J..U^CE-^:-ATER ProiD-to be raised by
ROAD AI-ID STREET P"UHD-tE>:penditures
Street repair and maintenance
licenses and road district tax
si2]RaEiTCT puiro
5. ,^0Q.e
•i 2,6^0.00
Upon motion regularly made, seconded, and carried that tiae
X>roposed 1929 "budget,as adopted, "be published in the Port
Unpqua Coutier in the issues dated October 12th and October 19th,
1928 and that liovember 5th, 1928 at 8:00 , in the City
Council hall,be the time and place for the hearing on the
proposed budget*
There being no further business, the ConLmttee meeting was
Secretary /
i.'inutes of special meeting of the Common Council
held ./ednesday, Octobcr 10th, 1928.
Pursuant to notice, regularly given, special meeting of the
Council v/as held at its offices in -^eedsport on V/ednesday,
October 10th,1928 at 1:00 P.M.
There were present Councilman Srovme, presiding, and J H Austin,
Paul Bernhardt, V/ A Lovelace, and L J V/eidner. Absent L^yor
Johnson and Councilman Varrelmann.
Call of special meeting v/as read as follows:
"To Jvlayor Johnson and Councilmen Austin,^rovme, Bernhardt,
Lovelace, V/eidner and Varrelmann:
You are hereby notified that
a special meeting is called to be held at the City Hall in
-•-eedsport, Oregon on "-'ednesday, October 10th, 1928 at 1:00P.M.
to consider and act on the follov/ing matters:
1) Restraining owners of houses on Lots 1 to 6 inclusive,
r^loclc 56 amended ylat of Railroad Addition to -i-^eedsport
from moving same from property on v/hich they are located.
2) Delinquent' Street Assessments.
3y order of J R Browne
Acting Iiayor
Attest: Stanley D Chapin
Recorder "
In the consideration of the first subject outlined in the above
call, it appeared that the owners of Lots 1 to 6 inclusive,r,lock 56,
were proposing to move certain houses located on these lots to
"•.Vinchester "^ay, Oregon, and one or two houses had been uovecl;
that there v/ere delinouent assessments against each of these lots;
that the City in all probability load the right to enjoin the ov/ners
from moving the houses from the above described lots until the
assessments had been paid.
•fter duo consideration and discussion, upon motion regularly made,
seconded, and unaniiiiously carried the City Attorney was instructed
to proceed iimnediately to obtain temporary restraining order, enj.
oining the owners from the moving,as proposed.
2) In the consideration of the collection of delinquent assessments,
in view of the urgent necessity of enforcing collection in order
to obtain funds'to pay interest coupons due and coming due, the
City Recorder was instructed to start foreclosure proceec-ings
against all prope.vty against wliioh there were three or more un442
unpaid installments and where interest due to date not not been
Tjaid; the proceedings to be started after 15 days notice had been
given that the City would accept the interest to date at this
time if payments in full of the amounts due could not be made*
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned*
Attest: ^ dieting I.'ayor
Minutes of special meeting of the City Council,
held the 16th day of October, 1928 at liOOP.LC.
I'/ursuant to notice,regularly given, special meeting was
held in the City Hall, -^eedsport, Oregon on V/ednesday
October 16th, 1928 at 1:00 with i.a,yor Johnson presiding
and all -Counciliiien present except Councilmanii Varrelmann.
iiotice of call was reati as follows:
? To Ilayor Johnson, and Councilmen -.ustin,]3rov.'ne,r3ernhardt,
Lovelace, V/eidner, and Varrelmann:
You are hereby notified that
by order of the IJayor, a si-ecial meeting is hereby called,
to be held at the City Hall in Heedsport, Oregon on
Tuesday, October 16,1928 at l:OOP,IiI, for the purpose of
considering and acting on the follov/ing matter:
Suit/by City of
order enjoining
amended plat of
from moving certain houses located thereon.
i^eedsport, v/ith view to obtaining pes%a?aiHiHg
owners of Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, ^^lock 56
Railroad Addition to -^eedsport, Oregon
STJJTI^Hiy D cha: DT
J^ilr. John C Diehl, partial o^vner of the property involved in
the suit of the City.appeared before the Council and
stated the reasons of the owners in noving the dwellings;
tha,t thej^ had not been able to dispose of or rent the
property to Advantage, and that they had considered it
best business for them to have the buildings moved to
V/inchester "lay, where the demand for houses v/as grea.ter;
thai^s they were not aware that permision from the City to
move the buildings was necessary. He stated that two of
the houses v/ere already removed from the block in question,
and asked that the 2 houses so moved be released and
allowed to be moved as v.lanned, and pzaiszssaixzH assured the
Council that in such event the other 4 houses would not
be moved, .'Stex due consideration and discussion, upon
motion regularly made, seconded, and carried permission
was granted to the owners of Lots 5 and 6,'^loclc 56, in
view of^the fact that removal of buildings on these two
lots load alre. dy talcen place, that they be allowed to
complete removal of the buildings as planned; but that
no further moving of buildings mutside of or within the
liMts of the City "be permitted or allov/ed vdthout the
permission of the City Council.
There being no further Tosuiness, the meeting was adjourned*
City RecojfQ.^
Minutes of the November 1928 Meeting of the
Comon Council of th? City of Heedsport, held
this 5th day of November, 1928 at 8:00 P. M.
All members of the Council were present except
Idayor Johnson. There were also present, Recorder
Chapln, Treasurer Cairns, Y/ater Comissioner Clarice,
E. V/. FranKLin, J. V/. Reed, and L. 0. Hansen.
The minutes of the last two regular and intervening
special meetings were read and approved. The min
utes of the 1929 Budget Committee meeting were also
read and approved.
Pursuant to notice by publication of the 1929
proposed Budget, attention was given to its consideration and
adoption. Councilman Y/eidner called attention to the probable
necessity for increasing allov^ance for drainage purposes.
After considerable discussion, upon motion regularly made, sec
onded and carried, the emergency fund under the proposed budget
was increased from $2620 to $3820. There being no objections
made to the budget as modified, upon motion regularly made, sec
onded and carried it was adopted.
Thereupon Ordinance No. 196, being an Ordinance
levying a tax on all the property situate within the corporate
limits. City of Reedsport, for all purposes in the sum of
$15,000, was introduced and read for the first time. Upon motion
regularly made, seconded and carried, it was passed to the second
reading and read for the second time. Upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried, it was passed to the third reading and read
for the third time. Thereupon, Ordinance No. 196 was put on its
final passage arid adopted by the following vote: Ayes 5
Nays 0
Mr. Xi-0;. Hansen representing the V/est Coast Tele
phone Company, appeared before the Council to ask for the estab
lishment of location for telephone i^ole at the intersection of
14th and H. Streets. It was ordered that the placement of the
telejrihone pole be made in accordance with the tems of the franchi
It was regularly ordered that application to the
Public Service Commission be made at once for hearing, with view
to obtaining lowers street liiTht rates.
The attention of the Council was called to the
necessity for certain parking regulations, particularly on 14th
Street between H and L Streets. The City Marshall was instructed
to request that all oars "be parked parallel to the curb along
14th Street between H and X Streets.
Upon motion regularly made,seconded and carried,
the meeting was continued*until Hovember 8th, 1928 at 8:00 P. M
Hoc order n
Continued Meeting of the Common Council of the
City of Reedsport, was held at its offices on November
8th, 1928 at 8:00 P. M.
All members v/ere present except Mayor Johnson and
Councilman Austin. There were also present, H. GMcCall,
Er. K. X. Adams, H- I. Chapin, J. Tff. Heed,
George Beardsley, and Hay V/illard.
Mr. HcCall urged the widening of the Highway at
Winchester Avenue and Fourteenth Street on account of the present
dangerous condition as a blind corner. Other short talks sub
stantiating Mr. McCall*s statements:^followed. After some dis
cussion and due consideration, the matter was referred to the
Street Committee for investigation and report.
A petition urging action on the part of the Council
looking to the prevention of spread of sparks and cinders from the
Umpqua Mills and Timber Company burner, was next read. Mr. George
Beardsley and Mr. Hay Willard appeared before the Council and urged
some action on the petition. This matter likewise was referred to
the Street Committee for investigation and report. ' •
Some discussion followed with reference to locstion
of the water pipe line crossing the Schofield River. It was ex
plained that the Port Commission, was willing to approve an ap
plication for permit for water pipe line crossing on the bridge,
providing that satisfactory arrangements were made for couplings
v;hich would permit reasonably easy removal of that portion of the
pipe line on the draw. The V/ater Committee was authorized to em
ploy an engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the pijje
line crossing on the bridge. ^
3?he City Treasurer's and City Recorder's reports ^
of city finances were read and ordered filed. Ap]:lication of
J. H. Browne for permit t: move his bakery building to Lot 10
Block 51, Aoiended plat of Railroad Addition, was approved. • ^
Upon motion regularly made,seconded and carried, . <
the Water Committee was authorized to have made a survey of the
water system with a view to recommending equitable increase in
water rates.
The reports o-" th" election boards of East and
West Reedsport precincts, in^:Sj5:.far as the city election, was
next read and ordered spread on the minutes. The reports were
as follov/s:
' 445
Buck Mayor 155 212 367
Chapin Recorder 129 177 306
Douglas Tf 54 62 116
Caims Treasurer 161 213 374
Bemhardt Couneilmen 141 171 312
Ford w 139 167 306
Foster TT 157 209 363
Knapp rt 137 171 308
Lillebo tl 154 188 342
Weidner If 126 179 304
West TT 116 194 309
Total Tote
Cast 186 241 427
Thereupon the following v/ere declared elected: Mayor, W. R. Bug]
Recorder, Stanley Chapin
Treasurer, Roy 6, Calms
Couneilmen, Ralph L. J'oster,
Tom Illleho,
Paul BeiTihardt,
G* H. West,
Loyd Ilnapp, and
Ed Ford.
The following bills were presented, OEed by the Fingince
Committee, and ordered paid:
Carl Zeating $10.97. S. E. Woodruff $19.96-
W. Holbert 9.97' ?aul Lane 9.97-
D. C- Wallace 11.97- E. Peasley 16.96.
I- HcGinnis 10.97- A. L. Rice 15.96.
W. Hansen 22.94- H. H. Clarke 19.96'
E. ?ee(.sley 21.44- Union Iron Works 118.16-
Sd Lundeen 14.96- V/. Hanson 24.44.
Irving L. Crook 3.99- D. C. Wallace 21.44-
W. Holbert t).98- A. L. Crook 22.44-
!• H. McGinnis 3.99- S. E. Woodruff 21.44-
S- E. V'/oodru±"f 6.98* A. L. Kice 21.94-
Irving L. Cj:'ook 12.97- H. K. Clarke 21.44-
Ed Lundeen 6.98- Irving L, Crook 16.96-
E. Peasley 16.96- W. Hanson 16.96^
Paul Lane 10.97' D. C. V^allace 16.96-
D. 0. Wallace 19.96- S. E. Woodruff 16.96-
W. Hanson 19.96- A. L. Rice 16.96.
C. C. Clarke ^ 26.00- H. H. Clarke 15.96-
W. Hanson 26.94* Floyd Marpie 1.00-
D. C. Wallace 25.94- Cr. E. Hattan 11.97-
W. Holbert 16.96' Paul Lane 15.. 95-
I. L..Crook 23.94-
Frank Go3i 89.69. Re.edsport Fuel & T Go. 12.11-
Hoy. Cairns 25.00- ^ort U::pqua Courier 42.67.
V.' G- -"I'snson 50.00, . Peoples est Coast H.C. 191.06-
John '^'ernliardt 14.50' Frank iTorris 2.50-
G C Clarl;e 99.69- Haael Bernhardt 2.50'
S D Chapin 150.00- ".'ildred Harrison 2.50-
J E:Austin 6.00. Laura li^llis 2.50-
I.O.O.F. 15.00- . Lillian 'Iravis 2.50-
J L Ivodsbn 2.00- Percy lllosser 2.50-
Ira Kiddle,Go.Clerk 7.00- Emnia 'Vheller 2.50'
Isabelle :.-cFarlane 2.50^ M I'.' Chapin 2.50-
lUina L I'ou^;la6 2.50' v/m ?iell 2.50-
IMrs 0 C -Clarice 2.50- Alice Senson 2.50-
ICrs Sarah' T^ennott 2.50- l\uth Plum 2.50-
I- L Chapin 2.50' 1-rsIvan Gay 2.50-
Bauline billington 2,50- i-ae Lowe 2.50-
* I'Irs H C Eastland 2.50-
-federal, Pipe and Tank Co.
"leeCsport Towboat Co.
burton's P}aar3iiacy
"-^'ranV: L Taylor
^eecisioort Iac"-.-ne o: B '..'Ics
City "-'ater Ti'mid
Conc?lid^&^d Supply Co.
Uiiioqua I^uel Co.
'.Vincliester I^ay Lbr. Co . .^159.25'
Un.-ur, n cz Const Co. 277.50-
C H V/est .50x
i!i 2524.18
-here "being no further hti:3ineGS, the 7!ieeting ivas adjourned.
ity Keg'brder
rinutes of the regular December,1928 meeting of the
Common Council, postponed from I^onda.y, December 3rd and held
on Tuesday, j")ecember 4th,1928 at 1:00 P.1,1.
layor Johnson a-nd all Councilmen v/ere present.
i.".inutes of meetings of Jlovember 5th and iiovember 8th were read
and approved.
Letter from Lillebo and Ash Y/ith proposal for
removal of Y/hat remained of the old Bchofield River bridge,
left for the purpose of the present water main crossing,was.
referred to the V/ater Committee for more definite imderstanding
and report.
Petition of C.H. '.Vest,Paul Bernhardt, L. J, Weidner,
Tom Lillebo and H L Poster, for recount of votes cast for
offices of City Jouncilmen, on account of close vote ai;iong
five ca. didates, was next read. ..fter considerable discussion,
it v/as ordered,by motion regularly carried, that a recount
of votes for the offices of Councilmen be held on Thursday*
December 6th,1928 at 12:30 P.i.'., and tiiat City Recorder Chapin
and City Treasurer Cairns act as Clerks, and that the Council
act as Judge of the Counting ^^oard»
Letter from the Peoples .Vest Coast Kydro-electric
Corporation submitting new light contract was next brought to the
attention of. the Council, but was referred to the Hew Council
for its consideration and action.
. . Likewise letter from Dr..Iil ih Straw asking for
water rates for a proposed health resort on Lake ]..arie was
ref:£erred forzithe consideration of the_ new Council#
Letter from the Public Service Commission relative
to new grade crossing of S.P.Company tracks nea,r V.inchester
Avenue, and proposal to o.bandon present granted gESde crossings
at "L" Street and V/inchester Avenue was next read.
--'•fter consisderation, upon Liotion regularly made, seconded, s.nd
carried it tras ordered that the City Attorney and City Recorder
"be authorized to make formal application to the Fu^blic .Service
Coiier.ission that the "L" Street and '''inchester Avenue gEsd^
crossings be ahandoBed and in lieu thereof tliat the City be
granted a grade crossing iii conformity v/ith plans drawn by
the Oregon State Highway Commission, v/hich extended from
Vrinchester .'-venue on the v/est side of the track to a point
'opposite the junction of "II" Street and "ast Railroad Avenue,
and ^.:dde enough to permit approach on a gentle curve from
V/inchester Avenue and "L" Street,as v/ell as direct approach
from ''I?' Street,
Communications from Cosgrove and Co. to Ir. Ruseell J" Hubbard
regarding liability insurance for the City, and copy of
letter from the 3tate !?ire Liarshal*s Office to Umpqua Hills
and ximber Company recommending installation of a water tank
for sprinkler system and an approved burner for the burning
of sav/dust and planer shavings were read but n- action taken.
Statement of outstanding v^arrants was submitted by the City
Recorder; also report of receipts and disbursements for the
month of ITovember, and for the year 1928 to date, were submitted
and ordered filed. Treasurer's financial report for the month
of I'ovember, 1928 was also submitted and ordered filed.
Payment of interest coupons,bonds coning due and 7/arrant obligations
was left to the discret;',on of the finance Committee, in
accordance with authority previously granted.
The following bills were presented, Oked by the finance Committee,
and upon motion regularly made,seconded,and carried,were ordered
3 lii V/oodruff •iulo • 96v v;. (j. SkidmDre :5 1.50.
H H Clarke "lo.96. Joel Kiviaho 25.00.
H E Clarke 3.99- Beall Pipe £:TC 11.25.
C C Clarke 15.00- Urripqua R ITav Co - 30.50-
Reedsport Shoe Shop 3.50^ Locke-Dailey T Line 12.5a
Carl V.'imberly 50.00- V/inchester 3 LbrCo. 6.06.
3 2 '.Voodruff 1.99^ Crane Co. 92.08.
Joe .attson 7.98- Reedsport F&T Go. - 7.75.
Harold France 7.98, Ui-.ion Iron 'Vorks 67.93.
H H Clarke 9.97v ISripqua Hills&TGo. 2.15.
D C Wallace 1.99- Reedsport j^ec.Co 11.00-
V/ Hanson 1.99- H p Kennedy 8.93^
City V.ater Fund 14.97^ Frank J Kernan 10.00-
C C Clarke 109.70« Unpqua D & C Co. 255.00-^
h G- Benson - 52.00
John "ernhardt 12.75
Stanley D Chapin 150.00
Roy G Cairns 25.00
Frank Cox 89.70
I.O.O.P* 15.00
Ira B Ridi-.le .80
;."est.Coast Tel.Co. 2.00
Peoples V.'est Coast H Corp. 191.86
Port '-upqua Courier 2E.96
State Ind. Accident C051. 26.64
Separate consideration and action was taken regarding the follov/ing
bills presented 'for gravel furnished on various city streets:
iJmpqua Dredging and Const Co. -for gravel on "H"' Street §255.00.
E 17 Franklin,,for graveling on 14th,16th and"H"' Streets 361.50
L V/eidner,Seo." " on V/est R R Avenue 265.00
Upon notion of V;eidner,and seconded by Sernhardt, that all three
bills be disallowed, the vote v/as
Yes 2
Ho 4 I'otion not passed.
Upon motion of Brov/ne, seconded by Lovelace, the Unipqua I^Tedging
and Construction Compa.ny "bill for $255.00 tiiafccths: te was
allowed on the grounds that it was an authorized accoimt.
The motion carried "by the following vote: Ayes 3
Ho 2
Councilman Austin not voting*
Councilmen V/eidner moved that L/.Veidner, Sec. bill for $265.00
be allowed. Ilotion v^as seconded by Councilman Lovelace,
The n:otion was lost by the flillov/ing vote: Yes 2
ITo 3
Councilmen Austin and Varrelmann not voting.
Motion v/as next made and seconded that 3 V/ Franlclin bill for
;i361.50 be allowed. Tie motion was lost by the following
vote: • Ayes 2
'£o 3 Councilman Austin not voting.
City ''arshal Clarice was authorized to arrange for necessary
heating of the jail.
Upon motion regularly mde,seconded, and carried meeting
was continued to Thursday,I^ecember 6th,19gS at 12:30 P.Ii.
".'inutes of continued meeting of the City Council
held the 6th day of Lecember, 1928 at 12:30 V.IL,
I^yor Johnson and all Councilnen v/ere present.
Councilman Austinjj objected to proceeding with the recount as
grdered last meeting on the grounds that the Council liad no
right to order the opening of.the ballot boxes except in
case of a. formal contest, regularly presentedr according to
procedure outlined by State Lg-w.
Attorney Benson expressed the.opinion that the Council vjas valhin
its rights to hold the recount, on the basis of the petition and
stipulation, presented to the.'Council at last meeting.
."ifter due consideration,u_on motion of Councilman Austin, duly
seconded and carried the action of the Council ordering a
recount was rescinded.
.City Treasurer Cairns called the attention of the •Couiicil to letter
just received from a bond holder, setting out that apparently
due to some error in printing an interest coppon attached to
Street Iraprovement "Bond ifo.229, stipulated .";p6.72 as interest
due and 'payajDle instead of §15.00. It appearing that $15.00
v;as the correct amount due, it was regularly ordered that the
City Treasurer pay this ai>iount instead of the ^6.72.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Hinutes of Special Keeting of the Coinmon
Council_held at its offices in "eedsport,Oregon
on V/ednesd'ay, December 12th,1928 at 8:00 P.LC.
Special meeting was held pursuant to written no^tice,regularly
given, said notice reading as follo?/s:
I'^yor C McC Johnson,
Gouncilraen J.H. Austin,
' J.H. 3rov;ne,
• laul 3ern}iardt,
"I A Lovelace,
• ^ V/ Varrelr'']£.nn,
L.J. V/eidner.
December 11th,1928
You are hereby notified ths.t,by order of the I.'ayor,
a special meeting of the City Council is hereby called,to
be held at the City Hall, Reedsport, Oregon on T/ednesday,
December 12th,1928 at 8:00 for the .purpose of considering
and acting on the follovrihg matters:
1. Petition of Louis J. \Veidner concerning election contest#
Yours very truly,
City Recorder "
.'ill members of the Council v/ere present except I.Iayor Johnson.
Councilman Bro-^vne presided in the absence of the j'ayor#
ITotice of specia-1 meeting was then read»
Petition of Louis J .Veidner, conJgg:^^g:gQy|. Paul Bernhardt,
3^.E. l^ord,C.H. V/est and Lloyd I-^app,^ana alleging certain
irregularitiesand erroneous counting on the part of the
election boards, and aslcing the City Council to determine
whether or nbt sa,id Louis J. -Veidner was regularly elected
to office, y/as next read-
Copy of notice which contestant v/eidner served on each of the
contestees, setting liece. ;ber 12th,1928 at 8:00 P-i". as time
of hearing, and Council Hall as the place \7as then read;
also the stipulation entered into by Contestant and Contestees,
aslcing for re-coiint, with the Council acting as Judge, and
agreeing (subject to review by competent authority) that they
would be bound by the final decision of the Council in the
natter of recount, was read#
Request of contestees .> H V/est, Lloyd Imapp, E H i'ord,
and Taul Bernhurdt, that Contestant V/eidner and Contestee
Lernhardt be not permitted to sit in said contest as Judges;
and that Contestant v/eidner be required to post bond, as
required by law, was next read.
All ContesteeB were present at the reading of the papers
and deliberations of the Couiicil*
Upon motion of Councilman '.Veidner, regularly seconded and
carried it was ordered that Councilmen '/eidner and 3ernhardt
be excluded from the election contest, to act as judges
in case of recount.
Upon niotion ^-^ade, seconded, and carried it was ordered
that Contestant i-ost bond of 'JlSO.OO.
Upon raotion .of -ouncilman Teidner, seconded by Councilman Lovelace
and carried, it was ordered that recount be held this evening,
iriimediately upon the posting of good and sufficient bond
by Contestant Weidner. .
3on(J in the amount of -JlSO.OO, si^ne^-^ by Louis J V/eidner,
and .'xTthur V/ .Burton and Jr.G. Hinsddle as sureties, v:as
next submitted to the Council and read. Upon motion iiade,
seconded,and carried the bond of Contestant V/eidner v/as
All proceedings appearing to be in order, a.nd no objection
being raised by an^^ of the said Contestees, it was next
moved,seconded, and carried that a recount of the votes
be held at once, that City Recorder 'Ch:^;pin and City Treasur
er act as Cler]^, and that CoiAncilraen Aus'ting, ]3rovme,
Lovelace and Varrelniann act as Judges of the recount#
Hiereupon the ballot boxes -were ordered opened, first
for Vest Reedsport precinct anxi counted, and then for
3ast i^eedsport precinct, and counted#
Upon completion of the recount, the following reports
of the two clerks and four judges T/ape read and ordered
spread upon the minutes, said reports being in words
and figuEes as follows:
1T.;M.'ES OJTPIGE -iJ.R.Precinct \7.H,Precinct Total
Paul Bernhardt-Councili'ian 140 170 310
i.E.Pord " 139 166 305
Ralph L Poster " 155 209 364
Lloyd luiapp " 136 166 302
Tom Lillebo " 153 186 339
Louis J Weidner *" 124 181 305
C.H. V/est - " 113 191 304
Thereupon, it appearing tha.t Paul Bernhardt, "Vord,
Halph 1. l^oster, Hora LillebO; Louis J V/eidner, and C.H. Zest
were the six candidates receiving the highest vote for the
offices of City Councilraen, ui.on iiotion of Councilnian
Lovelace,seconded and Vouncilmen Varrelmann, and carried
it was" declared that the said Paul Bernh£.rdt,:].H. Pord,
i^lph L Foster,Tora i^illebo, Louis J 'Veidner, and C.H. V/est
be duly elected, and that the City Recorder be instructed
to £jend certificates of election to each of the Coujicilmenelect.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned^
Acting V^.yor
Minutes of the Regular Annual ICeetlng of the City
Coimcil, held the 8th day of January, 1929 at 8:00 P.Li.
In accordance ?/ith provisions of Section 52 of the
Charter of-the City of Reedsport, requiring that a meeting of the
new Council "be held on the seconfl Tuesday in January,next
following the annual City election, meeting v/as held on
Tuesday, January 8th,1929 a-t 8:00 P.M. with llayor-elect Buck
presiding, and Councilmen-elect Paul Bernhardt, Kalph L Foster,
E.H» Ford, Tom Lillebo, Louis J. \Teidner and C.H.\7est as
Councilnien._ I'ormer Councilmen J.R. Erovme, J.H. Austin, "/ A l-ovelace,
and P. V/. Yarr.lemann, ilecorder-elect Stanley D. Chapin and
Treasurer-elect Hoy G. Cairns v/ere also present.
Hecorder Chapin announced that oaths of office for
I.iayor and all new Councilmen, Treasurer, and Recorder had been
taken, and were regularly on file.
The Council next proceded to elect a President of the
Council by ballot. The results of the bc.llot showed 3 votes
for Councilman Bernhardt, 1 vote for Couiicilman Vaster, nwg 1
vote for Councilman ..eidner, and 1 vote for Councilman Lillebo.
Upon motion regu±arly made,seconded, and carried it was ordered
that the Recorder be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot
for Councilman Paul Bernhardt as President of the Council for the
year 1929, and Councilman Bernhardt was declared elected.
iv^ayor T^uck next announced the appointment of the
standing Coimnittees for the year 1929 as follows:
Finance Committee - Weidner a.nd Foster
Light " - Ford and \Teidner

Water and Sewer - Lillebo and V/est

Street " - Bernhardt and ..est
Building " - Foster and Lillebo
The :ayor announced also in connection v.'ith these appointments
that he would serve as third member of all Committees. He also
outlined in a definite and comprehensive manner recommendations
for the adminstration of the City Govermient for the year,
and its activities, stressing in particular the impiDCtance
of necessary and proper street maintenance,definite assignment
of duties and responsibilities of the various City employees,
necessary and equitable revision of v/ater rates,and continued
care in the administration of finances through the Finance
Committee and the Council as a v/hole.
Appointive officers were next nominated by the JViayor,as follows:
v/ater and Street Commissioner - C.C. Clarice
City irarshal - Frank Cox
City , ttorney - V/.G. Benson
Fire Chief - -John Bernhardt
Upon motion of Councilman Lillebo, seconded by Councilman weidner,
and unanimously carried the nominations of the Fiayor were con
•«. .I'Jii
General discussion of salaries to "be paid employees of City
next followed. After careful consideration, salaries v;ere
fixed as follov/s;
Street and ater Commissioner ^;)150.00 per month
City Iv^rshal 115.00 " "
City Recorder 150.00 " "
Fire Chief 10,00 " "
City Treasurer 30.00 « "
City Attorney 30.00 " "
in connection with salary of City Attorney it was
decided that the salary as stipulated v/as as a retainer and
ordinary services, such as dravang of minor ordlances and legal
documents, attending meetings, and the like, but that additional
allowance be made for extra services*
i.:inutes of the Decer;ber,1928 meetings were read
and appro¥«d.
Consideration v/as next given to proposal of -Lillebo
and Ash regarding v;ater pipe line crossing on old bridge.
It was ordered that the V/ater Commissioner block the old crossing
and put up Danger and ITo trespass signs. Problems in connection
with ochofield River crossing v/ere referred to the ..ater
Committee for review and report*
Councilinen V/eidner and Ford were appointed as a
special committee to investigate proposal and rates for
liability insurance.
Councilmen Lillebo and Poster were appointed as a • *'
special Committee to investigate the CoBiplaint regarding open
burner of the Un^qua Kills and Timber Company.
Upon motion regularly made,seconded, and carried ^
bondsmen on the Louis J V/eidner bond as Contestant were rei&ased.
Upon motion made,seconded,and carried it was ordered
that the Recorder obtain estimate of cost for legal opinion
by District Attorney on zeehkh legality of proceedings taken in
connection v/ith recent recount for .offices of Coimcilm.en.
Attorney Thos. Agee and }?.K. Allen appeared
before the Council and submitted for ±3is consideration a proposed
ordinance " Granting to Frank L Taylor and F.K. Allen,their
heirs, successors and assigns, for the period of Tv/enty (20)
years from the taking effect of this Ordinance, the right and
privilege to erect, construct, maintain and operate a central
station or stations and from that central station or stations
distributing or supplying the people of the City of Reedsport, ^
in Douglas County, Oregon, Radio Programs, Television Programs,
and other wire or wireless programs and any improvements or
betterments thereof, and the right and privilege to erect,main
tain,use, and remove poles,wires, cables,ducts,pipes,appliances
and apparatus for conducting and distributing such programs in,-
under,upon and over a,ny and all of the streets,alleys,roads,ways,
public parks and public grounds of said City of Reedsport '
vfithin the limits and boundaries of said City of Reedsport
as said City now is and hereafter may be bounded., constituted and
have its limits."
Said proposed Ordinance i;'o.l97 was read in full for
the first time. Upon motion regularly ruade, seconded, and
carried it was ordered paired to the second reading and read
for the second time, by title only. It was then moved,seconded,
and carried that said proposed Ordinance 110.197 be laid
upon the table imtil next regular meeting.
I5r. L-^tt Thompson appeared before the Council, protesting
against the removal of certain gravel from the street directly
in front of his restaurant building. He explained that the
gravel had been placed there at his own expense, and that in
certain private grading v/hich had been done by a grader
considerable gravel had been removed, and the street grade
lowered thereby, in front of his place, ilie matter T;as referred
to the Street Committee and Street Commissioner for attention.
Letter dated December 7th,1928 from Attorney
Jay Bowerinan,, representing the L^pqma Kills and Timber Company,
and advising the Council that he had been instructed to bring
suit against the City of Reedsport on account of allegeu gross
carelessness on the part of the City officials in connecting
i'ts v/ater system up to leaky mains and thereby rendering
entirely worthless the installation of a sprinkler system
at a cost of .#12,000.00 v/as next read. It v/as explained that
upon receipt of this letter, it was referred individually
to the :ayor and members of the 1928 Council but no action
v/as taken upon same#
The Council satisfied itself that it had at no
time, nor had. any officials representing the City, made
any representations of Guarantee of eervica to be furnished;
that, it v;as the desire of the Cpuncil to Maintain as good
service as is reasonably possible; that the City had not
authorized any Engineer to give out information as set out
in the letter from Attorney Bowerman; that the City Recorder
and City Attorney be instructed to reply to this communication,
explaining the position of the City as above expressed.
City Recorder*s report of Income and Expense
for the year 1926 was submitted as follows;
General I'und:
Bank Interest
$ 323.16
Road and Street Fund:
7/ater Fund:
City rentals
4/.B. "
Tapping fees
"Bond sale
Bonds .^lOOO.OO
Bond int. 1457.48
V/ts.out 12/31/27 1078.40
Warrant interest 125.52
Operating exp. 7825.23
Repair and maint.2498.83
Extension-imp• 20896.27
Bond Interest 9150.00
wts.outl2/3l/27 8.22
il Bay Ext. 132.59
W B V/ts out '27 616.98
V/arrant Interest 75.13
Bancroft Assess.Eund 19,631.20
Sev;er Dist. ipl 3309.62 .Ref.Sewer payt. 25.51
li II #2 1390^62 . Sev/er Bonds • 2052.04
It II 7r-3 468.78 , " Bond Int. 2671.56
t; In1?erest 2669.17
Street Dist .7fl 1627.19 Street Bond Int. 9194.94
If II #2 1063.03 [wts.out 12/31/27 4519.62
II li #3 659.60 .V/arrant Interest 978.98
It ft #4 379.31
•n II #5 577.26
It n .#6 1211.76
tt tl #7 516.72
ti H #8 41.53
11 M #9 115.50
ti Interest 5402.11
,975.54 ^$67,230.23
Total '/«'arrants outstanding as of 12/31/28
Total Outstanding Bonds as of 12/31/28
City Treasurer Cairns- submitted report of December receipts
and disbursements, and balances on hand under the various
funds as follows:
General iFiJinitt $3,007^92
Road and Street Fund 515*59
Special '\^'ater Fund 275.99
v/ater Construction "und 4,103.73
V/incheste-r Bay V/ater Funfi - 249.79
Sev/er Asses:.^ment Fund 093.40
Sev/er " Int. "
Street " FTmd 8,020.28
Street " Int. "
255.09 O.D.
8446.81 O.D.
"Eet Banl: Balance——— | 14,564.80
The Recorder and Treasurer callea the particular attention of the
Council to the condition of the City assessments, as revealed in
report submitted by the Recorder, and the imprrtance of continuing
the enforeement of at least interest to date on unpaid assessments.
Upon motion regularly made,seconded, and carried the Council
voted to continue the policy of the former Council in ordering
the starting of foreclosure proceedings against all property
vfhere assessments v;ere past due and unpaid for three years or more,
and permitting payment of at least interest to date, if further
payment cannot be made.
Af66r considerable discussion, it was ordered -that the Finance
Committee obtain prices on a truck and grader for the City.
In the consideration of the proposed improvement by graveling
of the under railroad crossing,previously authorized by the
City Council, the matter was referred to the Street Committee
Y/ith authority to act.
.applications of S.H. Ford,and Johnson and Johnson, for pool hall
licenses-and S W Franklin for dance hall licenses, were approved;
license fees having accompanied the applications in each case
in accordance v/ith provisions of the City Ordinances.
O^e following bills v/ere presented, OKed by the Finance Committee
of the 1928 Council, and ordered paid:
J. Wallace ^?3.99- i-'ainbow Cafe ^i)5.10
D.C. V/allace 17.95- . Umpqua Fuel Co. 2.00-
S.B. V(Oodruff • 15.96- S D Chapin 150.00'
C C Clarke 25.00- Frank Cox 91.69
City V.ater Fund - 5.18- R G Cairns 25.00-
M.D. Wallace 1.99- I.O.O.F. 15.00
J V.^llace 5.98- VI G Benson • 50.00
D C -ji'allace • 9.97- State Ind.Ac.Com 6.98
J Christman 7.98' John Bernhardt 10.00
Y/ Pittman 1.99- I " cGinnis 8.97-
Percy V/oodruff 1.99- Percy V/oodruff 3.99
Geo 3ohnson 1.99- Ump.Dredging & C Co .112.38.
H Johnson 1.99- C C Clarke 99.69-
A S Heath 3.99' Union Iron V/orks 4.30-
J Mattson 3.98 - Frank L Taylor 7.08
Peoples V/ C H Corp 190.26- ji'rederick Post Go. 13.29-
Port Umpqua Courier 28.38^ . D L Buckingham 21.50-
City 7:ater !Fund • 36
Heedsport Towboat Co . 16. 50
J F Lippencott 1. 00
Jas V/ Ford, Jr. 4. 50
./est Coast TelCo. 2. 40
A S Heath 3. 99
John Bernhardt 8. 75
Reedsport F &'T Co. 12. 15
Ump.Hills and T Co. 13. 85
B C V/allace 3. 99
iV Hanson 7. 98-
1032. 01
Attention of the Council was called to the inmiediate
necessity for the increase in water income, to prwide for
payment of "bond interest, operating expense, and bonds coming
due. It was finally decided to have a water cormnittee meeting
and special meeting of the Council v/ithin the following week
for the.purpose of revising the present Ordinance establishing
water rates* Instructions were also given to the Water Com
missioner and City Recorder to enforce the existing provisions
regarding the collection of delinqueAA water rents.
There being no further business, the meeting v/as adjourned.
i:inutes of special meeting of the Common Council of the
City of ^^eedsport held on r:onday, January 14th,1929 at 8:00 P.M.
lursuant to call of the L'^yor, regularly given, special meeting
of the Council was held at the City Hall for the purpose
of considering the revision of water rates.
The J/Iayor and all member.s of the Council were present.
The City Recorder submitted reports on the ^:resent rates for
Reedsport, and also existing rates for other cities,including
particularly the new schedules of the Oregon- ashington bervice ji
Company for i>Iarshfield and IJorth Bend. Rates, and rules and
regulations for the City of Hewport v/ere also submitted.
The -vecorder retorted on special interview had thin date with
V/.S. Chiene, local manager at .Varshfield i'or the Oregon-V/ashington
water Service Com^jany regarding water rates and classifications.
Affe^r considerable*discussion and a nmnber of proposals as to
new rates, it was dicided to continue this special meeting until
i-ionday evening, January 21st,1929 at which meeting the Recorder
Y/ould submit a report on rates and income under the proposed
new schedules.
There being no further business, the meetin,^ was continued to
January 21st,1928 at 8:00 P.L,.
Attest i^ayor
I-inutes of Special L'.eeting of the Comraon '^^ouncil
held on i^^onday, January 21st, 1929 at 8:00 P.I.I.
Pursuant to order of adj ourniiient of meeting
of January 14th, continued meeting was held at 8:00 1.u,
at the City liall*
i.^ayor Jiucl!: and all Councilmen were present*
Special attention of the Council was first called to the
imediate necessity of the extension and repair of the
water lines and riiains east from 16th street on .Vinchester
Avenue and along //inchester Avenue,near 11th Street* and
it v;as otdered that the necessary extension and repairs
"be made.
i'Jr. Russell J hubbard, oi' th-; .vinchestex- Bay Lumber Company
appeared before the Council, and asiced its co-operation
in connection with th.' v/ater supply for the operation
of a pulp mill on the ./inchester Bay Lum:;er Company mill
site. Ke suggested the feasiciLity of a reservoir construct
ion, at the expense of the raill company,from which the
City would take its supply,as well as the mill, allowing
certain safe guards to assure the City of first call
on the supply; and in consideration of the construction
of the reservoir, the mill company to secure free water*
Although there Y/as nothing of a definite nature to
consider and act on at this time, the members of the Council
expressed themselves aS being desirous to co-operate
to every reasonable extent possible to encourage the con
struction and operation of a pulp mill in Reedsport,
Continued consideration and study was given to the proposed
rate schedules for use of water from the Municipal v/ater
Supply and v.ater i.:ains» Total monthly income,based on the
present ilorth Bend schedules, was estimated and it appeared
that such a basis, although higher than the present rates
ap_.lying for Heedspcrt, was not quite sufficient to bring
the monthly income to an araount which would adequately
provide for bond and bond interests costs, as well as
operation and maintenance expense.
It was finally decided to instruct the Recorder to compute
the income,based upon a 25/& increase on base rates applying
to the present ITorth 3end schedule. Upon motion regularly
made,seconded and carried meeting was continued until
Monday, January 28th,1929 at 8:00 P.M.
Attes I/Iayor
CITY G0U3TGIL, held tliis 28tli day of January, 1929 at 8:00 P.M.
•i^yor Bucl: and all members of the Cou, cil were ;,-resent,
•?he continued meeting was held for the purpose of considering
further the revision of water rates, and talcing- such action in
connection therev/ith as seemed to be proper and ne'cessary.
liayor Bud: calle:' attention to a communication he had just
received concerning proposed legislation to bring municipal
utilities under regulation of the public service commission
and providing for taxing municipal plants.
After consideration "lesolution Ho.77 was submitted and unaniraously
adopted, to-v/it:
vVli'JREAS, there are no^pending before the Legislature of the
State of Oregon,certian bills numbered 247, 251, and 252,
providing ajnong other things, for the extended supervision
of the Public Service Commission over municipally owned
public util% plants, and the taxing of same, and
WHEREAS, it appears to the City of Reedsportj acting through
its City Council, that said proposed legislative acts will,
if enacted,result in serious interference with the operation,:^
plans for betterment and vested rights of the cities of
Oregon now owning and operating municipal power,light,water aiid
other utilities,
That the ^ityo-fHeedsporto protest against the enactment of said
proposed legisia'Cxve oills herein mentioned, and that copies
of the within resolution be forwarded to the Douglas County
representatives in the State Legislature, and that a copy
hereof be spread upon the minutes of the City of Aeedsport.
Pie solution ilo. 78 was next introduce.:, read and adopted, to-wit:
Y/HEHEAS, the objects of the league of uregon cities are:
1. To maintain an organization to secure co-operation
among the cities of the state in a thorough study of local
problems and the application of efficient methods of local
2. The collection and dissemination of information,
statistics, and data relative to all questions of local govern
3. The promotion of such legislation as will be beneficial
to the cities of the otate and the citizens thereof, and the
prevention of such legislation as may be injurious thereto.
4. to do any and all other things necessary or proper for
the benefit of the cities of Oregon.
Y/IIHREAS, the City of -^eedsport desires to have the of
membership in the league of Oregon cities and to give its full
share of support to the objects oi" the same, now therefore
that this city become' a member of the league of Oregon Cities
and that the City Recorder is hereby instructed to draw a warrant
for $10.00 in favor of the League of Oregon Cities for the annual
membershit) dues.
PROPOSSI! ORDIHAITCS lTo.198, an Ordinance fixing the .ater Hates
•for domestic and industrial purposes and use in and outside of
the City of Heedsport; fixing charges for connecting, and for
shutting off and turning on the water supply to and from users;
repealing Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith;
and declaring an emergency, v/as next introduced and read for the
first time.
Previous to itib first reading there load "been a careful reviev/ of
its terms, and the insertion of a number of rates, particular
under the Class C flat rate schedule, and provisions, which
corrections and additions were conti-.'.ined the said Ordinance jxo»198,
upon its first reading*
Upon motion regularly made,seconded, and unanimously carried said
Ordinance was passed to its r^nd reading and read for the 2nd time
"by title only.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded, and carriedia said Ordina.nce
1^0.198 was passed to its third reading and read,in full,for the
third time, Ihereupon said Ordinance 17o.l98 v/as ordered put
upon its final passage, and was adopted "by the following
vote: Ayes 6 Hays none, '
Said Ordinance 110.198 was thereupon approved by the Ilayor, signed
by the liiayor and attested by the City Recorder, and declared
in full force and effect,commencing February l3t,1929.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: L'layor
I^nutea of the regular February,1929 meeting of
the City Council, held Monday,February 4thil929 at 8:00 P.LI.
Ilayor Buck and all Councilmen, except I^^lph L Foster,
were presents
The minutes of the last regular and intervaing
special meetings Jiev^e read and approved*
Letter dated January 11th, from Attorney Guy Cordon,
T;as read. The letter was in response to a letter written con
cerning review of procedure on recent recount, and suggested
that the city not incure further expense in this connection
inasruuch as the Councilmen found to "be legally elected v/ere at
least de facto of the City and can function as such; and leave,
the question of validity of the action taken to "be contested
"by tliose raising that question# Upon motion regularly made,
seconded, and carried the matter was laid on the table,in
Letter from Ilepresentative I'isher,dated February 1st,
relative to resolution ITo.77, v/hich proEtested against passage
of House Bills 247,251,252, stated that the bills toad been
v/ithdrawn, and that he knew of no further legislation planned
along the line of taxing municipally owned plants, or bringing
them under the control of the Jublic Service Commission*
Upon motion regularly made,seconded, and carried
it v/as ordered that the City protest the passage of Kouse Bill
Ko.l63 which provided for an appeal to the circuit court
on all cases tried in the Recorder's court,for violation of
City Ordinances. action was in accordance with recommendation
of the League of Oregon Cities, but advised that it would add
expense to the Cities, and would not be for their best interests.
A petition froir.' the Casad Club of -Smith River
aslced the City to provide for a rest room within the City.
After due consideration it was decided that in view of the fact
that the City did not have suitable property or fimds, that
it refer the petition to the Umpoua navigation Coi.pany, and
to civic organizations with the hope that such a convenience
could be arranged for, and that the Casad Club be advised of the
action taken.
The following bills v;ere presented, Oked by the Finance
Committee and ordered paid:
R F Borton 99
Ira Brown 1.99^
League of Oregon Cities 10.00
Frank Cox 114.69
C C .Clarke 149.69
Roy G Cairns 30.00
Stanley B Chapin 150.00
W G Benson 30.00
I-O.O.F. 15.00
John Bernhardt 12.25
B L Buckingham 19.00-
City Vrater Fund 10.00-
Bunhams Grocery .45-
Peoples West C HydroC 189.66-
Port Umpqua Courier 61.29'
V/est Coast Tel Co. 1.80'
Uiipqua Drug Co. 1.40-
Southern Pacific Co.
Pac Sta and Ptg Co.
Locke-Bailey TruckLine 17.43
Urfip.River ITav Co. 5.00
State Ind.Ac.Com 5.91
P J Peterson 1.99
Jack Christman 7.98
Oscar Baird 1.99
Harcld France 1.99
Heedsport F&TCo. 12.75
Dr Sastland appeared before the Council and explained
"briefly the present unofficial and rather unsatisfactory
status of the so-called city Health Board, and due to the
various misunderstandings as to the Board and its duties,
stated that he felt it best to submit his resignation from
the ;i:'oard or Committee. He suggested that the Council a-ttempt
to make some arrangement to secure i.^ possible the services
of a Health nurse for this section of Bouglas County, v/ho
might malce her headquarters a,t Heedsport, and could be assigned
the position of official secretary to a Board of Health.
A i.-ir. Lind appeared before the Council,' and e:^:plained at
length the advantages of certain first aid fire fi=;hting a,pparatus,
-consisting of licuid in glass sealed containers, ihe ijiatter .
was referred to a special Comjiiittee consisting of Councilmen
V/eidner, Lillebo and Bernhardt.
^ j
I'T, .Jess Dennison appeared before the Council, and presented
a petition,islcing the Council to appoint, establish and grant
iwers to a Comiuission, to be Igiown as the Boxing Comi'iission,
for fieeds;:;ort. ihe petition v/as si^qned by 100 residents o£ the City.
I'pon motion regularly made, seconded, and carried the Council
granted the request, and confirmed the appointment of Louis J V.'eidner,
J.v/. Reed, and Dr H C I:]astland as members of. the Boxing Commission.
•'ouncilman Lillebo v/as appointed as a Committee of one
to investigate the condition if the c.ock on the City property
at the lower end of -'L" Stree t.
rhe Street Committee was authorized to arrange for the
placing of "Ho Parkin^-; Signs" along V/inchester Avenue,near the
Junction of 14th Street with v/inchester Cvenue. The Street
Comjnittee was also authorized to arrange for the grading of
14th and 15th streets, between -'L" Street and ./inchester Avenue.
A discussion followed concernin-^ ways and means for obtaining
better service for water users through increase in v/ater pressure.
It was authorized that 2 water gauges for the main line be
ordered at once. It was also ordered that the stand pipe near
the lov/er tunnel be raised, and that arrangements be made for
a new service connection leading to C LlcC Johnson Llill site and
adjacent property.
Hie Recorder was instructed to enforce strictly the provisions
of the new Ordinance 1^0.198 relating to shutting off delinquent
water users.
Councilman Ford reported the recommendations of the Light
Coimittee, which favored the adoption of the last Street Lighting
Agreement subm.itted by the Peoples V/est Coast Hydro-electric
Corporation, v/ith a few changes. new agreement as proposed ^
provided for uv to 100 C.P. A^nicipal Series Incandescent
Street Lamps a-t $2.50 per lamp per month; the City to own the i
fixtures and brackets; the cost- of renewal of lamps to be borne j
by the Company;, the term oV the. contract to be two years. ^
Upon motion regularly made.,seconded, and carried the I.'ayorand
City Recorder were authorized to sign the proposed agreement,
as revised according to recommendations of the Light Conmiittee.
Ihe installation of a v/atchman signal at the intersection
of 14th and K Streets was authorized.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: iviayor
Minutes of a "Special iteeting of tlie Common Council
of tile City of Heedsport held this 18th day of i'ebruary,1929
at 8:00
Pursuant to order of the ..Cayor, and by regular
notice r^iven, special meeting was held with i..ayor Buck presiding
and Councilmen 3'oru, };'oster, Lillebo and .est present.
Attention was first given to the provisiuns of
Ordinance ifo. 157,regulating the gathering,removal and disposal
of garbage,providing a penalty for the violation thereof and
declaring an emergency, j.'r. Hay Chambers appeared before the
Council and asked for permit to operate as garbage man,under
the terms of the Ordinance.
I'r. Chambers announced rnaximun rates as follows:
For residences: 50 cents per can on regular pick up trips of
once a week^ and (i)1.50 for each special load
on demand*
.For stores,restaurants and other business houses: ;i})2.50 per load,
with tv/o regalar pick-ups per week and one
additional pick-up if demanddd*
.'•SteT due consideration, upon motion regularly
made, seconded, and carried a permit was ordered granted to
P^y Chambers, contingent upon the filing of the: required bond
of $250-00.
special Coinraittee,consisting of Councilmen
-'ord, and Lillebo, and 3?ire Chief Jolm Bernhardt, was appointed
by the iiayor to investigate the matter of securing a permanent
dump ground for the City.
Councilman Lillebo reported briefly on the condition
of the City dock, at the foot of "L" Street, and recommended
immediate repair of a portion of the same which constitutes
a serious hazard to the traveling public under present conditions
and can be repaired at a reasonable cost. It was ordered that
the repair work,as recommended, be authorized.
Ipon i-iotion duly made,seconded, and carried
the seasonal rate of $15.00 per month for fmsh plants was
further defined to refer to the months of December,January,
5'ebruary, liarch an:.;. April.
There being no further business, the meeting was
adj ourned.
Minutes of the regular I5arch,1929 meeting of the
Common Council of the City of Heedsport, held on Monday,
I'larch 4th,1929 at 8:00 P.IvI.
Kayor Buclc and all Councilmen \7ere present.
The minutes of the last regular and intervening
special'meeting were read and approved.
A Street Lighting Agreement, dravm up and submitted
hy the Peoples .vest Coast Hydro-electric Corporation, in
accordance v;ith the terms approved through recommendations of
the light Committee at meeting of IB'ebruary,1929 was
This agreement dated this 2nd day of ];]arch,1929 "betv/een
organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware,
having its principal office in Portland, Oregon, herein called
the ''COllPAiTY", and the City of -^^eedsport, a municipal corpora
tion of I^eedsp .rt, iJouglas County, Oregon herein called the
" X'imTiciPAiiTy«,
1. InsQfar as reasonable diligence v/ill enable it to do so,
to furnish electric energy to the Municipality for Street light
ing every night from dusk to dawn on the btreet Lighing system
now owned by the City of Reedsport, Oregon.
2. The Company upon written order from the Municipality, will
extend its wires and poles a reasonable distance to serve ad
ditional Street Lighting fixtures with the understanding that
the iTunicipality agrees to pay the Company its initial actual
labor cost per fixture installed. Tlie Companjf to own all poles
and wires of the installation and the Municipality to own the
&x The intent of the expression " reasonable distance", appearing
ir- the paragraph immediately preceding, is that the
called for to be made by the Company in providing circuits for
additional street lighting fixtures-shall not exceed the provisions
set forth in the Company's line extension policy, as filed with
the PUBLIC SERVICE cbllTiISSIOH of Oregon.
3. To change the location of any lamp or lamps in use upon thirty
days written notice by the municipality and upon payment to the
CompanjE of the cost of the change.
4. To furnish electricity to the municipally owned street lighting
system and to renev; lamps, the cost of y/hich renewals will be ,
borne by the Company.
1. To purchase from the Company all electric energy and service
for Street Ligh/lng. The minimum demand shall at all times equal
that of the initial installation plus that of any additional
installation required by the ICunicipality.
2. The installation referred to in the paragraph,immediately
^receding, shall be 60_ street lighting fixtures arranged for
series operation, ^^ach street lighting fixture shall be equipped
with 1000 lumen (100 C.P.) modern series street lamp.
3. To pay for all energy and service on or before the 10th day
of the month following that in which it is furnished, at the
office of the Company in Heedsport, Oregon, at the follov/ing
rates, without discount;
1000 lunien (100 C.P.) ICunicipal series incandescent
street lamps §2.50 per lan^) ver month.
Konthly minimijira char :e sJlSO.OO
1. By Street lighting is meant the lighting of streets,avenues,
alleys, parks and public places other than the interior of
public buildings.
2. i'O liability to furnish or take service shall exist at any
time that either party is prevented from complying v/ith this
agreement by legal proceedings, strikes, lock-outs,fires,riots,
acts of God, or the public enemy,or any cause or causes not
under the control of the partjEs thus prevented from compliance.
3. The company shall use reasonable diligence to furnish con
tinuous service during lighting hours and hs.ving used reason
able diligence, shall not be liable for any failure of service,
nor for aiiy outrage, except to credit the rmnicipality with
the proportion or the month*s charge attributable to the
duration and extent of such failure or outrage.
4. The Company may substitute for any lamp installed, other
lamps of at least equal capacity and efficiency, as improve
ments in the art may may such lamps available, but no
chc'.nge shall be permitted or required in the size, style or
capacity of any lamp, \?ithout its consent.
5. The term of this a,greement s>iall two (2) years from the
date of commencement of service which shall be not later than
l^rch 1st,1929.
1, This a,greement shall not t^ke effect or be binding upon the
Company until it shall bear the written acceptance and approval
of its President, a Vice-President or the Operating I'anager.
2. This instrument is certified by the City Hecorder to be the
•agreement submitted to and approved by the City Council, liayor
a,nd Recorder of the City of Keedsport and referred to in the
resolution of the said- City Council and adopted on the 4th
day of I^.rch,1929 and therein authorized to be executed and
delivered on behalf of the said l:unicipality by its liayor and
In witness v/hereof the Company has executed this agreement
by its proper officer and the Hunicipality has caused the same
to be executed by its Hayor dtily countersigned, sealed and
certified to by its City Recorder, all as of the date herein
first above v/ritten.
K.V. n^tson
accepted': Ey
ountersigned and
certified to: Y/.R.
General Fanager
The following Resolution 1no.79 v/as presented in writing and
read "by Councilman E H Ford, who moved its adoption.
VvHSREAS, there has "been submitted to the Goim:ion Council of the
City of r^eedsport at a duly convened meeting a proposed
contract with the Peoples ./est Coast Hydro-electric Corporation
by the terms of v/hich said Company agrees to furnish electric
energy for Street Lighing purposes upon terms and conditions
as herein fully set forth, v/hich said contract is believed
to "be a fair one and one which it is s^dvisable fo- the Common a
Council to enter into. - I
Therefore, BE IT ?j;SGL'^/DD that the EtsimHicctoKBii of the
City of -"eedsport "be, aiid he is hereby authorized in has
official capacity to execute said contract in duplicate and
the City Recorder is hereby authorized and directed to
attest, countersign and affix the corx^orate seal to said
duplicates of said contract, ./hen said contract is so executed
and when properly executed by the proper officers of the
said Peoples -est Coast Hydro-electric Corporation, the
said City P-ecorder is instructed to retain one of said duplicates
as L-art . of the records of his office and to deliver the other
to the said Peoples V/est Coast Hydro-electric Corporation.
The motion to adopt the resolution v/as seconded by Coimcilman
L J V/eidner and after being discussed at length a yea and ,nay
vote was taken upon the adoption thereof with the follovring
Thoffi voting yea in favor of the resolution 6
Those voting nay or a@dnst the adoption
of the resolution none
Kore than a majority of the whole number of memEbers elected
to the Common Council having voted yea, the llayor declared
the motion carried, the Resolution adopted and the execution
of the contract duly authorized.
It was also regularly moved,seconded, and carried that seven
additional lights be installed at locations recommended by
the light committee, malcing 68 lights in all, and that
authorization be given to purchase fixtures for street lights
sufficient to malce nine complete sets.
Considerable discussion followed regarding the wanton and
.deliberate destruction and damage done to vacant buildings
and public property by boys. j-r. John Diehl cited examples
of damage done to som.e of his property, by the breaking of
windows, and nuanerous examples were cited by others present# ^
it v/as finally ordered that the City Recorder v/rite a
special letter to the various civic and fraternal organizations- ,
of the coraraunity, appealing to them to assist in urging i
the co-operation of all parents in impressing upon their
children the seriousness of the v/rong in damaging private and
public property.
At the request of John C Diehl, deputy assessor; a special
assessment Committee consisting of Cemncilraan V/eidner, Foster,
a.nd City Treasurer Cairns wg?ig appointed to act with iTayor
Buck as the official city representatives on the gropoBed
general assessment Committee.
Kr. Frank L Taylor appeared before the Council, in the interests
of the passage of proposed Ordinance Ho- 197, v/hich had been
passed through the first and second readings, and laid upon
the table at meeting of January 8th,1929. After considerable
discussion it v/as af^reed that no further action be taken at this
time other than assuring Kr. Taylor that in event an
application for a similar franchise is subsequently made,
he (Shrank L Taylor) will receive first consideration in
connection with his proposed ordinance.
Councilman Tom Lillebo reported verbally on the
present status of the water main crossing on .^cholfield
River bridge. Ke stated that the Jistrict Engineers had
not approved of the application for permit for crossing along
the bridge surface due to the fact that the engineer of
of the .itate Highway Commission refused to approveii
the bridge crossing. He recommended that a special committee,
with i-.r. Hussell J Hubbard as one member take up the matter
in person v;ith the otate Highv/ay Commission, in a final
effort to secure its ::ermission to allow the main line crossing
on the bridge.
A letter dated February .i5th, from ICr. ./ V Reed ,
protesting the present water rate applied to the -.eedsport
Meat ;}cet, and to his private residence and farm house,
was next read. It appearing that the rate charged was
in accordance with the provisions of the water rate Ojjdinance,
and that in the Judgment of the Council was not out of
proportion to other rates charged, it was ordered that the
Recorder so advise Mr. Reed.
A letter, dated 1/s.rch 1st, from H G-ordon HcCall,
manager of the Umpqua Hills and Timber Company, presenting
in detail the claims of his company, particularly as to
what it considered to be an inequitable rate, as compared
to the existing rate of the Winchester Bay Lumber Company and
C McC Johnson Lumber Company. Careful consideration was
given to this case, and various proposals made. Councilman
weidner made a brief report as to boiler capacity and probable
water consumption by i.inchester Bay Lumber Company. It was
also noted thj3,t every possible effort to repair leaks
in the private lines about the plant v;a3 being made, and new
lines "were being installed. It seemed to be the consensus of
opinion that meters should be installed at both the
V/'inchester Bay Lumber Company and the Umpqua Mills and
Timber Company plants in order to arrive at an equitable
basis for v.ater service: charges. It v/as ordered that the
City Recorder ask for bids on two 6 inch v/ater meters.
Financial reports were submitted by the City Treasurer and
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Atte i.;ayor
ITote: See record of bills which v;ere regularly ordered,
by action taken at meeting of :.:arch 4th,1929 but were
through error op: it ted from the minutes as noted above
'D 0 Baird ";23.94' .Virichester Bay Lbr Co. ••p5.48'
Harold Prance 21.94' Chapin Inv Co. 46.23-
C G' Landerking 19.95- 7) Thomas 12.75-
Irving Crook 14.96- 1-ort Uiapc^ua Courier 36.36-
C G Landerking 5.98- State Ind Ac Com 8.95-
Auto Pire Equipment Co. 33.00- R Puel &TCo 24.50.
B 0 Baaird 15.96- Crane Company 171.^6.
J C Diehl 6.64- Prank Kerna,n 42.00-
•,7m Hanson 7.98- Ump DreJ.ging &.0 Co 330.00.
Roy Q- Cairns 30.00- /iS Heath 2.50-
G Benson 30.00^ A S Heath 3.48.
S D Cliapin 150.00- City^ ••.mter Pund 5.00-
Prank Cox 114.72-
C 0 Clarke 149.72- $1587.83
;; G Skidmore 3.80.
John Bernhardt 18.75-
I 0 0 P 15.00-
yaul Bernhardt 59.55-
Heedsport J.T and 3 V/ks 7.77-
Peoples V; C H Corp 189.66.
^ Record/er
Mnutes of regular ineeting of the City Council,
held .on Tuesday, April 2Bd,1929 at 8:00 P.M.
l-ursuant to order of adj ourni'aent given at regular
meeting of I-onday, '.pril 1st, 1929 at a:00 F.J"., due to lac^. of a
c.uorum, meetin-; was held at the City Hall on Tuesday, April 2nd, 1929
at 8:00 J.I-'.
were present*
read and approved.
CoiTn!'iun.i cations:
to limitation of liability on the part of the/[ ire e.larm signal servi
Y.'hich the Telephone Coy.ruany v/as furnish&ng the City free of chcirge.
Under the terms of tlie agreement the City v/ould relieve the Company
Of any liability for failure to give fire alarms or signals.
The proposed agreement was authorized to be signe.. by the Ilayor and
."etition of prO; erty owners in the vicinity of
H Street,betv/een 13th and 14t]i Streets, ashing for ahange of
present fire limts so as to exclude Lots 4 to 8 inclusive,31ock 76
v/as next read« After considerable discussion as to advisability of
adopting a 3uilding Code, and repealing the present fire limit
ordinance, the matter was referred to "the Building Cominittee for
investiga.tion and report. Co^incilman jBernhardt was added to this
CoH'miittee, for the purpose of this investigation and report.
Letter,dated ...arch 5th, from \'l F Reed compiiiiining
about the cess pool or septic tank belongin:' tloie the Southern
Pacific Cor.-pany, near its H Station,was next read. It was expljraned
that this matter already been referred to the southern Pacific
I-^yor Buck and ^1.1 Councilmen, except Louis J" V/eidner,
The minutes of the last regulariy meeting were
Letter dated 'arch 21st, from
Company, relating to and enclssirig,
the ".'est Ccast
?e^^gnt pertaining
Coraoany local officials, and that they had assured the V/ater
Cornmissioner that it would receive iimneuiate attention.
Sv.-ecial invitation of Alexander Huirden, I.'Iinister of I'^eedsport
Coivii'iiunity Church inviting nieiahers of the Council and City officials
to hear addi-ess to 'be given Ai:ril 7th on the suoject
Building The City" was nest -read.
Letter of C 3 3raunce,of Drain, Oregon'asking for the work of
auditing the City records, should there 'be dsKiitet an audit
iTiade^Y/as read.
Letter of 3 L Vinton, engineer of Coquille, Oregon,advising
• of his availability for any engineering v.'ork v/hich night be done
by the City v/as next read.
iTuinerous letters and pamphlets Dn various types and costs of
. . meters, and the recomrnendations of adjacent coinmunities as to
satiofuctory types of meters them, v;ere presented for the
iniornir.tion c.nd consideration of the Council.
Rer.crts of Corrrnitteeu:
Councilman Lillebo, Chairman of the ./ater
Committee, reported that he iiad been advised by I-Ir. Hubbard
that perniission to lay the v;ater pipe line on the ocholfield
Hiver Bridge had been informally sanctioned by the State Highway
Commission,and that details of.the official permit v/ould
be secured soon*
Councilman Lillebo called the attention
of the Council to the report of ./ater Coimrassioner Clarke
resulting from an investigation of the aiviount of v;ater used
by the I'mpqua ialls a.nd Tinfoer Com^^any and tiie V/'inchester Bay
.Lumber Company. Mr. Clarke estimated that Um-prua I'-ills and
Timber Company developed 600 Steam H.P. and the Vinchester
3a;^ Lumber Coi/ipany 1300 Stecim II.P.; that 840 Steam H-P. of the
Winchester Bay Lumber Company i7as on a condensing system
which should be figured on about a 5/^ water loss. This would
leave a boiler v;ater consu: ption e: ual to approxi;:iately 500 H.P.
Llr. Clarke further estii.a^ed th-Mt due to the rels.tive -size
of the two plants and ^ards, and consequent probaole . roportionate
consumption of v;ater other than for boiler purposes,
the present tota.l proportion of rates charged the tv;o mills
wasH in his opinion EECEisEix fair and ecuitable.
ir. Lillebo reported that the V/ater Committee
was not ready at this time to make any definite recommendation
re.^a23ding •.•ate for the iTmpcua Kills and Timber Company, but
that it still had the ijiatter under advisement.
Councilman H Ford read a letter received
from the Light Company relative to prices on new light fixtures,
the cost of which approximated ;f|il6.00. After due consideration
it was s/athorized that 7 new fixtures be purchased.
-he Street Committee, with Councilman
Bernhardt as Chairiiian, recommended improvement through (grading
of 14th .itreet between ..inchester ".venue and i- Street, and
a few other places which needed this maintenance work badly.
It w:;,s finally aut orized that the grader be hired for one
day for necessary work, under the direction of the otreet
Coimnittee and .Jtreet' Comi'^iissioner.
Tlie following bills were presented, Oked
by the finance Committee, and ordered paid:
WD KcClintock 0 3.49- Jack Christman ^1.99-
I H I'cCrinnis 9.00' City V.'ater ]?und 5.00-
Oscar Baird ' C C Clarke 149.69-
3 C\7allaoe 1-^ S DGhapin 150.00-
I.O.O.P 015 .00> titate Ind Ac Com $ 6.20-
Hoy G- Cairns 50 .00- 7/ G Benson 30.00-
Peoples V.' C K Corp. • 155 .10- Cox 114.69-
Paul Bernhardt 8 .00- John Bernhardt 13.25'
Crane Company 15 .60- Ump.Dred^^ing C Co. 9.00.
Umpqua Ilills and T Co. 8 .64* Union Iron '.Torks 50.49.
HesdsportI'' &T Go 15.00-
Tort Umpnua Courier 4.25.
Heedsport Hardware Co 4.80-
Geo McCuIbch 49.38-
A considera'ble discussion follov/ed regarding the advisability
of the purchse on the part of the City of water meters for
the Umpcua j-."ills and Timber Company and V/inchester Bay Lumber
Company water supply lines, Tlie principal reasons advanced
in favor of acquiring meters v;a,s to provide means for
scientifically arriving at equitable and fairly proportioned
rates for the tv;o main industrial users, and that they would
result in less v/Mstage of water and consequently better
T/ater pressure and service* It Y/as felt ,however, on the other
hand that the large expense to the City was not justified;
also that it would invite other requests for meters, which the
City would not be in financial position to purchase. ]Io definite
action was talcen at this time*
A further discussion developed regarding the absolute necessity
for providing means for better water pressure. Consideration
was given to extension of the 12" v/ater main from 8th Acsranae
v/est to the easterly end of the present 12" water main.
It was finally decided that this matter be tal:en up for immediate
consideration and report, on the part of the ^Vater 'Committee*
It was directed that the City ?Lecorder reply to the letter of
the Umpcua ..alls and Timber Company, stating that the Council
contemplated es^jension of its 12" main with a view to
securing increase of water pressure; and that the queotion
of rate adjustment was still mider advisement*
Ilr. J C Diehl appeared before the Council, and asked for a
special committee to consider with him a proposal to
Vacate certain platted lots. A Coiii/nittee consisting of
Councilmen ./eidner and Foster, and Jlr Cairns was appointed.
This cominittee was also asked to malce report on the request
for permission to move another house to V/inchester Bay.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned*
City Hei^'brder
^'if' ir iti^ '
liinutes of Special Ifeeting of tlie City Council,
held on April 25th,1929»
r, ursuant to order of the I.Tayor, special meeting of the Cor.ariion
Council of the City of lieedsport y/gx held on Thursday, April 25th,
1929 at S:00 V.V. for the. purpose of furtherxHg considering
the request of the "Ui'^^pqua "'ills and Timber Company for a revision
•of water rates as proportioned "betweon the '^Vinchester Bay Luiaher
Co!:V'any andtheir plant; also to consider the application for
permit aske- for by the She^l Oil Company.
^ also
^ la-yor Buck and all Ccuncilraen Y;ere present# I.Ir. L '.Velles
I and H Gordon L'cCall of the Umpqua j.-ills and Timber Company, ajid
l^ussell J Hubbard of the Winchester Bay Lumber Compa-ny.
lo: \7elles stated that his Company ras not necessarily
.asking for a decrease in v/ater rate if the City Council v/ere of
the ojjinion that it needed the present rate charged and it was
fair and equitable. Ke stated farther,hov/ever, that his Company
felt ths.t the present rate cha,rged v:as out of proportion to the
present rate charged the V/inchester Bay Luiiber Company, in prop
ortion to water consmed and the size of the plants.
¥x* KcCall suggested the former rates charged the two
industries as the proper basis for computing increase in tates.
Councilman Lillebo, Chairman of the V/ater Coinriiittee,
recommended a small decrease in the present rate of the ISiipqua
Mills and Timber Company.
Yfeter ComTiiissioner Clarke referred to his report, submitted
at previous meeting, and stated th:it he felt that the present
rates charged ^vere fair and equitable.
Hayor Buck gave a detailed report on computations v/hich
he had v/orked out on probable v;ater consur ption of the Urnxjqua
Hills and Timber Company, and also the v;ater consumtion of the
industries and all users needed to arrive at the present flat
rates charged, if the meter schedule v/ere used. He recommended
some decrease in the present rate charged the Uiiipqua I.:ills and
•timber Company.
;.fter due consideration and individual 'expression from
each of the Councilmen present, upon motion of Councilman Ford,
seconded by Coimcilican -vest it was ordered that the present
rates stand as they are. The motion was carried, 4 voting in the
affirmative, and 2 voting negatively ( JToster and Lillebo).
The Recorder was instructed to advise the Umpqua llills
and Timber Company -of the action taken, and recuest rsayment of
April water rent by '.pril 29th. was grante;i the Shell Oil Company to construct an
oil depot on the southv.-esterly portion of ."mderson Packing Company
tract, in Block 40 amended plat of Railroad Addition to
Reedsport, Oregon. Tlie pe-rmit provided for compliance v:ith the
requirements of the State Fire liirshal guarding against fire hazards.
Tliere being no further business, the meeting v/as adjourned.
Attest; layor
Ilinutes of the regular lay, 1929 meeting
of the Conjmon Council of the City of Reedsport.
Regular meeting was held at the Council Kail
on I.'onday, Ifiay 6th,1929 at 8:00 P.ii. . ,
All Councilmen "^ere present except Paul 3ernhardt,
and Tayor Buclc, for opening of the meeting. Councilmen
I'ord v/as appointed temporary Cliaifman i;; the absence of
the "ayor and President of the Council. Llayor Buck joined the
meeting, shortly .;.fter the opening.
J.anmtes of the last regular meeting were
read aii/approved*
I.x. V/ A.Lovelace appeared before the Council,
asking that the City, furnish tv/o truck drivers for a two day
period, to assirit in "Clean-Up •days^'of liay.Vth and 8th. He
stated that the services of a truck had been donated by the
Standard Oil Coin;ja,ny. It was regularly move.l that this request
be granted.
Russell J Hubbard-, /.P. Heed and John C Biehl
appeared before the Council, urging the vacation of certain
alleys and platted portions of the existing plat of the
City. A map was subiaitted suggesting the areas proposed to
be vacated, which included the alley in Block 79, a portion
of the alley in the easterly portion .of -llock 77, certain
platted r ortions imraediately v.est of the school property, and
certain portions of the original plat of Reedsport, v/est of
the ^icholfield River. The Council suggested its willingness
to give the proposal its favorable consideration u on sub
mission of the same in the proper way, upon petition of the
property owners interested. The CoiniTiittBe appointed to consider
the proposed vacat. on, by action of last meeting-, reported
favorably upon the :!lan. This Committee also recominended
that permission be granted for the moving of houses providing
all City assessments on the rroperty concerned were Daid in
Councilman Lillebo explained an im;.:rovement
proposed by certain graciing of the alley in Block 88; the
proposed improvement to be r:iade at the expense of the adjacent
property owners. Permission was granted to make this improvement.
Permission was '.'.ikev/ise granted for improvement
of the alley in Block 72, under sim.ilar conditions, upon the
request of Co^cilman 'Jeidner. It was also authorized that the
City grader loaned for this improvement.
Considerable discussion followed regarding the
improvement of the .;treet on either side of the under R.R.
^,^rade crossing. It appeared that this improvement had been
authorized by action of the City Council last fall, but no
appropriation of funds had been m.ade. appropriation of
not to exceed .J75.00 v;a- finally granted for this improvement,
which called for certain fill and gra,vel. It v/as understood
that there would be substantial co-operation in this improvement
by property owners in the vicinity which this improvement
would serve. The City Recorder was instructed to advise the
Southern Pacific Company at once of the plans of the city to
make this improvement and ask it to remove the present braces
'Ahich obstructed the v-idening of the street under the track.
It was e.lso directed thw the S.P, Comrjany be ref:uested to
raise the 16th'"^s£)ur track to Street G-rade.
financial reports of the City Treasurer and
City He^jorder w. re presented a^^^arde^ed filed. The City Treasueer
called attention to receipt ot/$ receiyed from
the County ^Treasurer, and stated that he felt that there must
have "been collected by this time a much larger amount Y/hich
should be remitted to the City. City Attorney Benson stated
that he ex^jected to, be^ in Hoseburg in the near future and v;ould
undertake to securS/ffte rfinds due the City from tax monies
collected an have it sent to the City Treasurer. I:'r. Benson
was authorized to talcc this action.
Action of the Street Committee, ordering grader
and scarifier a,ttachment for the City, at a scprice of $465.00
P-C.B. Heedsport, terms spllS.OO down and balance at rate of
.;50.00 ^.er month,without interest, was confirmed.
The follov ing bills were presented, OlCed by the
Finance Committee and ordered paid:
C C Clarke J-P15.00- tfap.Dredg.&C Co. $92* 75-
(1 134.70- Hels Peterson 1. 25.
Prank Cox 114.70- Uinprdlls&TCo. 2. 88-
V/ G Benson 30.00- D.O.Baird 1. 49^
H G Cairns 30.00' P.J".Peterson 1. 99'
I.O.O.F. 15.00. ReedsportP&TCo. 3. 25-
3 D Chapin 150.00- Howard Cooper
John Bernhardt 12.50- Corporation 115. 00-
Heodsport Hardware Co 1.25^
City 'water Fund 5.50- 888. 06
Unpqua l^rug Co. .55^
RainboT/ Cafe 2»50-
Peoples V/CHCorp. 154.50.
Port Ump.Courier 3.25-
Heport from the Oregon State 3oard of Kealth, on test of water
made i-Iarch 29th, 1929 showed the bacteriological analysis
of the City water to be in "A" condition. "A" is the highest
classification given and is"safe for drinking purposes"
It was suggested that the W5>ter hydrants be flushed regularly
and that report of the number done be made at each meeting
by ^.'ater Coznraissioner a,nd Fire Chiefs
IJo further business appearing, •the meeting was adjoimed.
Attest: I'iayor
City H^corder
% -iJ*" I''
Miiiut^is of the Regular June, 1929 meeting of the
Common Coiir.cil of the City of Reedsport T7as held at the Council Hall
on IConday, June 3rd, 1929 at 8:00 P. 1^.
All Councilmen were present except Ralph Foster,
Minutes of the last regular meeting v.-ere read and
It \7as regul:;irly .r.-ved, seconded, and carried that
a receipt be given in full payment for a portion of the Arthur
Anderson Pish Company croperty assessment, if same -v/as a full propor
tional amount due for ths,t part of such property taJcen over oy the
Shell Oil Company.
The City Recorder v/as directed to write to the
ITeptune Keter Company that the Council was not interested in the pro
position made "by them at the present time.
Mr. Pranklin •. ;ade th;: stc:.tem:;nt that travellinr;
shov/s h^d given entertainments in the City of Reedsport v/ithout malcing
license fee payment, and that he objected to mal'-ing such payments un
less all others v/ho permitted s\>ch shows in their playhouse also iiialie
payment. After some discussion, Councilmen Ford and V/eidner v/ere ap
pointed a comjnittee to look into this -rjatter and report at next, meeting.
After some discussion about use of city grader and
scarr'.fier, it Y/as indicated by menfoers.of the Council and Llayor that
any public use co.^ld be nade of same, by school boards or other organi
zations, provided the otreet Commissioner was present or gave his per
mission. An extended diijcuosion tO'fjr: place concerning traffic and
parking plans, after which the Eayor appointed Councilmen ITord, .Weidner,
and Bernhardt a committee to report at the next meeting.
J. C. Diehl presented Tjetitions for vacation of cer
tain lots;, blocks and streets in the City of Reedsport. As these pe
titions were not signed _by all 'o.roi.erty owners, it was decided to con
tinue the ,regular meeting to V.'ednesday evening, June 5® for action on
this matter.
Finance Committee, and ordered paid;
D. C. Wallace 5; 8.00- Harry Lyster b 1. 99'
Delmer wllson 8.00- Dev/ey Abbott • 75.
C. L. Hansen 5.98- Harry r'arks . 75'
Delmer ^^ilson 1.74. •'m. Charribnrlcin 1. 74.
Frank Cox 114.69- J. Chri:-::tman 1. 74.
V/, G, Benson 50.00- D. C. V/allace 1. 74
Roy G. Cairns 30.00. Union Iron ^'hrlzs 7. 50.
I.O'.O.F. 15.00- Tom Lillebo c:i
my • 50.
Stanley D. Chapin 150.00. Reedsport Garage 2. 50. fy
Jo-.n Bernhardt 10.00. Roosevelt Service Sta 1. 00-
C. C. Clarke 149.69- Port • Courier r- 70- ,
Hov/ard -Cooper Corp. oO ♦ 00' :'aul Bernhardt 23. 99- ;
otate Ind. Accident Com 11.72- $ 8X)5. .
Reedsport Hardv/are Co. 1.60. rr.
Peoples '.Vest Coast H C 154.50,
W'm. Chamberlai n 5.49
Atte st:
Continued lleeting of the Coinraon Council of the
City of Reedsport, was held at its offices on V/ednesday
evening, June 5th, 1929 at 8:00
All inerifDers were present e;:.cept Councilr.ian
The petitions for the vt^cation of streets were
found to be signed "by property' ov/ners interested except tv/o parties
v/ho were fully :-:.ccounted for. It was regularly moTed, seconded, and
carried that the City Recorder in conjunction v/ith the City Attorney
have 'notices giving descriptions of propeii^ty to be vacated duly pub
lished in the Port Umpqua Courier, naming the time of Monday evening,
July 8th, 1929, as a time when any who wished might appear before the
Council and file objections to such vacations.
The following bills v;ere presented, OKed by the
^Finance Committee, and ordered "oaid:
adj ourned.
Reedsport F&T Co.
V/est Coast Tel Co«
$ 78.40
There being no further business the meeting v/as
Vbr.y or
Minutes of Special Keeting of the City Council,
held on- June 19th, 1929,. for the •;; iirpose of oonsiderin^:-the
p-urciiase or tr^'Ctor and fire Gqulpment.
A Special meeting of the Corrroion Council of the City of
Reedsport callod by the liayor, 'v^ednesday evening, June 19th, was
held in the Council Hall at 8:00 P.11. All present except Council
man Lillebo, with Mayor Buck presiding.
ilfter an ei-tendsd diocussioh of the need of fire equipment
in the City of Reedsport, a -rotion was made and seconded to jiurchase
the follov/ing:
1-ltf ton Chevrolet Truck Chassis $682»00
1-Cliampion Fire Pvimp with standard
attachiuent brackets 280.00
1-Ho. 2 Suction Hose Outfit 41.50
1-Siar:ese Connection 10.90 s|l014.40
There was also included in this motion
'Ourchase of Hinsdale Tractor for
The motion was carried by the follot/ing vote:
There being no further business the meeting v/as adjo.urned.
Attest: Hay or
City Rec
I.rimites 'rojTnl..-^r Jii:.:/, 1929 "tl^o
Ooinn:.-n Ociuicil oi" the dit" ojf ,-;eGdST:ov't.
K8^1:.r r.'iG"••tiri'3: i7i3 hold ...t ths.. Oc-irnoil Hall on
Ilorida.:^^, July 1st, 19^9 at 6:00 P-I.I.
All CoiinGllnert vrers jresent escept S.IPord.
The )r.'ViTi;toE ot fao last verxil^^v and oontiriued rneot-
Ing v/ere re'^d ?,r5d apy.rov'od. The m-rrjites o±' special rneoting v/ere read
stnd apprcrod n-rco^tir. "* th't the ur^ ose o:*' tho moetin^ should bo sho''Ti.
It was regularly moyed, seconded and carried that
the City treasurer be perr.ritted to transfer v715.00 from the Generc,l
Piuid to f",e ''oad -r.d otroot P^ind. ^ftor . aisoussiCi: of the
host -.viur-nor to f;^mi3h ..'.rl o^uiv: the firo truci:, C^v.ncili/en Lillebo,
Lorr;h_irdt V/eidiier v,'e::"e Li^'y.olnted or^nriittee rjith .^.uthority to
e^xuip the 3hoY:;olot truck and purchase - trailer.
.2ho Gity iicccrder '.tac -r:.t" ori^ou. to •vrite letter
to the ^Tublic j^ervice Gonriission, .iut]::ri;:ir,,?v the T^C'..tion cf the
c::os^i-::'^ of :j.P. xtailroad tr;.ch at L. Street. The City -Hecorder ras
directed to v:rite to Znfinoer ^a'."ors of V.i'; IIi;hvmy 3on;:ussion about
havinr danger signals or si.:;^ns i'laced -lon.^ hish-.vay at the frravel pit
i^e.,r .;est on d of ^cl^ofield bridGO. It v.'as rejnilarly T.ovod,- secor^ded,
and carried thj.t signs be placed near the old post offlc^ building, and
at t;:e easterly end of Ilinsdale doch, and -.t the roadway un'der S. p. near standard Cil Company, -sho'vinG" that all these drivev.-ays v;ere
priY".tc yroperty, to relievo the city of any responsibility of maintain
ing said driTov'ays.
The City ^lecorder ;7as dire ..ted to obtain, if 7:)osu;ible^
special : rice of urd oil for use of City triichs :ir.d tractor,"and.
waB to sea about securing for truch. It "vas regularly rnoved,
secended, .i.n: c.-rried that the City riecorder purchase necossaiy fire
pliigs as directed hj the ..'ater Gomraittee.
IDho folloT-:L:i7 frills v.^ore -resented, CEod by the
finance ^OLrnlttee, anrl ordered "oaid: .
Ho-vard-00oper Corv.orat ion 50♦ 00-
C.C. Clarhe 149*70'
J?ran]^ Cos . 114.70-
Iloy Cairns 30.00.
Stanley D. Chapin 150.66-
V/. G. Benson • 30.00.
Jcan Semh'.rlt -10.00.
I.O.Oj.i'. 15.00-
John jiJernhardt i5.bO.
r.oedsporfc Puel and Transferee. 25.50.
Hinsdale :]state 250.00.
Peedsport G.arago 696 -60.
Paul Bernhardt 152. Gs'.
p.xul Beri'ihar'-'t 32.06-
•?;ussell J. Hubbard .
laissell J. HiOobard
unp^i^'i I'«& 2?. Co.
0 K Transfer Go.
Peoples 'VestCoast IZE Cor-
Peoples V/.G. Hydro .L "
l-eslie ir^lly
0. G. Iiinderhlng •
J. V/. Harris
A. C. Haag. £; Go.
T^t.ii :
- 12.50'
th' was c
L'pon njtion re^ilr.rly raad', 'seconded and ca'^^ried
ontinued until I.::-nday, July 8th, 1929 -t 8:00 P. Ill
Li A/ or
Minutes of meeting continued from July 1st, 1929 and
held on July 8th, 1929 at 8 P.M.
Mayor and all Gounoilmen except E.H« JB^ord were present.
Meeting was opened with the reading of motion passed at
meeting of Judgr 1929 which authorized publication of certain pro
posed vacations of lots, blocks, streets, alleys, or parts of same with
in the City of Keedsport as follows:
Beginning at a point in the north line of Winchester Ave
nue, said point being the southwest cojner of bloci: 91 of Amended rail
road Addition to the City of Keedsport, Douglas county, Uregon: thence
north 19 degrees, 42 minutes west to the northwest corner of said block
91; thence north 70 degrees, 18 miimteB east to the northwest comer of
block 90j thence north 19 degrees, 42 minutes west to the northwest com
er of block 68; thence north 70 degrees, 18 minutes east to the north
east comer of block 68; thence north 19 degrees 42 minutes west along
th9 west line of 2'lfth street to the southeast comer of blocic 2d; thence
north 70 degrees, ItJ minutes east to the southwest comer of block 7, Kainbow
addition Bo. 2; thence north 19 degrees, 42 minutes west to the south
line of Sohofield river, thence up.the south line of Sohofield river by
its various crooks and turns to an intersection with the north line of
Winchester Avenue; thence north 70 degrees, 18 minutes east along the
north line of Winchester Avenue 931.43 feet to the place of beginning, all
being in the Amended Hat of liailroad Addition to the City of Reedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon, aooording to the maps and pints on file and of
record in the County Clerk's office in Douglas County, Oregon.
All of that portion of Rainbow Addition to the City of
Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, described as follows:
Lots, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Block (9) Uine.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, £>, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Block (10) Ten.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Block (11) Eleven.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, b. Block (12) Twelve.
and according to the maps and plats on file and of record in the County
Clerk's office in Douglas County, Oregon, and all being in the Amended
Plat of iriainbow Addition to the City of Reedsport, Douglas Coxmty, Oregon.
Beginning at a point in the south line of Yarrow Avenue,
said point being 17 degrees, 14 minutes east, 30 feet from the southwest
comer of block 43, Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon; thence north 72
degrees, 46 minutes east along the south line of iCarrow Avenue 1200 feet;
thence north 17 degrees, 14 minutes west t>22 feet; thence north 72 degrees,
46 minutes east 163 feet to the west line of Sohofield river; thence northly
down the west line of Schofield river to the southeast comer of lot one
(1) blook 21; thence south 72 degrees, 46 minutes west to the southwest
corner of lot seven (7) block 21 said corner being in the east line of
First street; thence south 17 degrees, 14 minutes east 176 feet to the
northwest corner of block 30; thence south 72 degrees, 46 minutes west 60
feet to the northeast comer of block 29; thence south 17 degrees, 14 min
utes east 216 feet; thence south 72 degrees 46 minutes west 3£)0 feet to the
southwest corner of block 29; thence south 17 degrees 14 minutes east 612
feet to the northwest corner of block 42; thence south 72 degrees 46 min
utes west along the south line of Wade Avenue 310 feet to the northeast
corner of lot 6 block 43; thence south 17 degrees 14 minutes east 100 feet;
thence south 72 degrees 46 minutes west 100 feet; thence south 17 degrees
14 minutes, east along the east line of Third street 146 feet to the -olace
of beginni;ng, according to the maps and plats on file and of record In the
Clerk's office in Douglas County, Oregon, all being in the plat of Reeds
port, Douglas County, Oregon.
Beginning at a point south 19 degrees, 43 minutes east 80
feet from the southeast comer of block Ninety (90); thence south 19 de
grees, 42 minutes east 30 feet to the north line of Schofield river; thence
down the line of Schofield river by its various crooks and turns to a point
in the south line of V/inchester Avenue; thence north 70 degrees, 18 minutes
east along the south line of Winchester Avenue 1618.04 feet more or less to
the place of beginning, according to the maps and plats on file and of re476
cord in the Cqunt:^ ,01e,rfc's office in Douglas County, Oregon, all "being
a part of the AmendeSd Blat of Kailroad Addition to iteedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon. , '
Beginning at the southwest comer of lot seventeen (17)
block 77 of Amended Plat, i<ailroad Addition to Heedsport, Douglas County,
Oregon; thence northerly along the east line of Fifteenth (lb) Avenue to
the south line of H Street; thence easterly along the south line of H
street to the west line of L street; thence south westerly along the line
of I street to the place of beginning, according to the maps and plats on
file and of record in the County Clerk's office in Doiiglas County, Oregon.
All being a part of the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to the City of
Keedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
All of that portion of Amended Plat, Railroad Addition to ^
the City of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, described as follows:
Towit; ^
Lots, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, Block 79 according to the
maps and plats on file and of record in the County Clerk's office in
Douglas County, Oregon. All being a part of the Amended Plat of jriailroad
Addition to City of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
Beginning at a point south 72 degrees, 46 minutes west, 80
feet from the southwest comer of block six (6) Reedsport, Douglas County,
Oregon, thence north 72 degrees, 46 minutes east, along the north line of
Jarvis Avenue, 740 feet to The west line of lot thirteen (13) block seven
(7); thence north 17 degrees, 14 minutes west 100 feet; thence north 72
degrees, 46 minutes east 100 feet to the west line of Third street; thenoe
north 17 degrees, 14 minutes west along the west line of Third street 176
feet to the north line of Hatfield Avenue; thence north 72 degrees, 46
minutes east 60 feet to the southwest corner of block three (3); thence
north 72 degrees, 46 minutes east 51600 feet to the v/est line of First street;
thence north 17 degrees, 14 minutes west 146 feet to the north line of
ferrelo Avenue; thence south 72 degrees, 46 minutes ivest along the north line
of Perrelo Avenue 1660 feet to the west line of Fifth street; thence south
17 degrees, 14 minutes east along the west line of Fifth street 522 feet to
the place of beginning, according to the maps and plats on file and of re
cord in the County Clerk's office in Douglas County, Oregon. All being a
part of the Amended Plat of Kailroad Addition to Reedsport, Douglas County,
City Attorney Benson exy^lained and pointed out on a map the
location of these several proposed vacations which were being applied for.
Mayor Buck then announced that the meeting was open and asked if there were
any remonstrances to oe heard at this time. There appearing to be no ob
jections, the petitions were grsmted upon motion duly made, seconded, and
The City Recorder was directed to check up and report on all
assessments on the property to be vacated and to send statements of amounts^,"
due to the respective owners of the property concerned.
It was further ordered that the City be furnished with
the proper maps of the proposed vacations at the next regular meeting
and before the introduction and considering of the vacation ordinances.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that th®
balance of the following June 1929 bills, which were O.E.ed by the
Finance committee be ordered paid:
R.S. Barnes 1.49] locke-Dailey
G.V/. Harris 1.49>.tf''^* Truck Line .94-
wm Hanson l#49j Reedsport M
City Water " & B V/ks
inrnd 10.00- Frank L.
Taylor 6.60'
Hal £. Hoss 2.00-
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
^ ' Minutes oX the regular August,1929 meeting
of the Oity Council held August tith, 1929 at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Buck and all Councilmen were present.
Minutes of the last regular and intervening
Special meetings were read and approved.
Mr. M.I). Wallace of the Keedsport Fire De
partment appeared before the uouncil, along with other fire de
partment members, and made certain recommendations as to certain
fire equipment needed. I'he City Hecorder also submitted quota
tions from various supply companies on rubber hose and other
fire, equipment. The matter of purchase of the equipment as
needed was left to the standing committee, consisting of Councilmen
Weidner, Bemhardt and Lillebo, with authority ,to act. Upon
motion regularly made, seconded and carried, salary for fire de
partment members was established as follows:
$1.00 each per practice or meeting night, not to exceed
three practices or meetings per month.
fl.OO each for the first hoUr of turn out per fire and'
iil.OO each for each additional hour.
It was also authorized that fire department members be covered
under the State industrial Accident Commission.
Mr. George iLeating appeared before the Council
protesting against the amount of his Streat Assessment under
Street Improvement District #2, which he claimed was excessive.
He asked either for an adustment of this assessment, or that the
alley to the rear of his property be improved to the extent that
he could use it. 'ilhis matter was referred to the street committee
for investigation and report.
Mr. J. Rush appeared before the Council and
complained of the unsanitary condition which prevailed at the
property adjacent zo him, namely Lot 7 in Block 108, due to the
^ fact that there had been no connection of plumbing to the sewer-
' The Oity Recorder reported other complaints filed under similar
conditions. Mr. ittish was assured that the Council would endeavor
to have this condition corrected by passage of an ordinance requir
ing connections to the city sewer system, and ordering enforcement
of its provisions.
Councilman Earnhardt brought to the attention of
the Council the necessity and advisability at this time of having
certain drains installed so as to take away surface water from the
streets out through the sewer system. After careful consideration,
it was finally decided that the necessary pipe be ordered and work
be aone at a total cost approximating $300i00.
Ordinance Wo. 199 being an ordinance regulating
traffic and the use of streets, alleys and sidewalks within the
City of Heedsport, providing a penalty for its violation, repeal
ing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith,
and declaring an emergency, was introduced and read for the first
time. Upon motion regularly mad^ seconded and carried, it was
ordered passed to the second reading and read for the second time.
It was then ordered passed to the third reading and read for the
third time; whereupon said Ordinance ^fl99 was ordered put on Its
final passage and adopted by the following vote: Ayea 6
Uays 0
Ordinance Ho. 200, being an ordinance compelling
sewer connections in the City of Keedsport; compelling the use of
sewers; prohibiting the severing of sewer connections; providing
a penalty for the violation of this ordinance, and declaring an
emergency, was next introduced and read for the first time. Upon •
motion regularlymade, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed
to the second reading and x-ead for the second time. It was then
ordered passed to the third reading and read for the third time;
whereupon said Ordinance IJo. 200 was ordered put on its final pass
age and adopted by the following vote: Ayes 6
Nays 0
Ordinance Uo. SOI, an ordinance vacating all of
that portion of iiainhow Addition to the uity of iteedsport, Douglas ,
County, Oregon, aescribed as follows; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 11, 12 hlOGk (9) Hine; lots 1, 3, 4, b, b, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12 Block (10) Ten; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, b. Block (11) Eleven; Lot^
1, 2, 3, 4, 0, Block (12) Twelve; and according to the maps and
plats on file and or record in the County clerk's office in Douglas
County, Oregon, was next introduced and read for the first time.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered
passed to the second reading and ±ead for the second time. It was
then ordered passed to the third reading and lead for the third
time; whereupon said Ordinance JJo. 201 was ordered put on its final
passage and adopted by the following vote: Ayea 6
Nays 0
Ordinance No. 203, an ordinance vacating the
alley in Block 79 of the Amanded Plat of iiailroad Addition to the
City of Keedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, was nezt introduced and
read ior-the first time. Upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, it was ordered passed to the second reading and read for
the second time. It was then ordered passed to the third reading
and read for the third time; whereupon said Ordinance No. 202 was
ordered put on its final passage and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes 6
Nays 0
Ordinance No. 203, an ordinance vacating that
portion of the alley in Block 77 of the Amended Plat of milroad
Addition to the City of -Keedsport, lying easterly of Ibxh Avenue
in said City of Keedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, was next intro
duced and x-ead for the first time. Upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the second reading
and read lor the second time. It was then ordered passed to the
third reading and read for the third time; whereupon said Ordinance
No. 203 was ordered put on its final passage and adopted by the
following vote: Ayes 6
Nays 0
Ordinance No. 204, an ordinance vacating cdrtain
lots, streets and alleys situated in the southeasterly section of
the original plat of the City of lieedsport, lying west of the
Sohofield itiver, was next introduced and read for the first time.
Upon motion regularly made, aeconded and carried, it was ordered
passed to the second reading and xead for the second time. It was
then tirdered passed to the third reading and xead for the "ohird
time; whereupon said Ordinance No. 204 was ordered put on its
final passage and adopted by the following vote: Ayes 6
Nays 0
Ordinance No. 205, an ordinance vacating all of
Blocks 94,90,96,97.114,115,116,117,118: All ot Ist Street from
the southerly boundary of Winchester Avenue southerly to the Soho
field River: All of 2nd Street from the southerly boundary of
Winchester Avenue southerly to the Schofield River: All of 3rd
Street from the southerly boundaty of Winchester Avenue southerly
to the Sohofield River: ^11 of 4th Avenue from the southerly
boundary of Winchester Avenue southerly to the Schofield River:
All of "N" Street from the east boundary of 1st Street to the west
boundary of 3rd Street: All of that unnamed Street lying between
the east houndaiy of 3rd. Street and the West boundary of 4th Avenue
and abutting upon Blocks 96 and 114: All of that unnamed Street
lying between Blocks 117 and 118 and extending frmrn the westerly
line of 1st btreet westerly to the Sohofield River in the City of
Reedsport, Bouglas Coimty, Oregon, was nest introduced and read for
the first time. tJpon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
it was ordered passed to the second reading and read for the second
time. It was then ordered passed to the third reading and read for
the third time; whereupon said Ordinance Uo. SOb was ordered put on
its final passage and adopted by the following vote;
Ayes 6
Nays 0
The following bills were presanted, OKed by the
Finance Committee, and ordered paid:
leslie Kelly §32.91^ Howard-Coox^er Corporation $50.00-
Southern Pacific Co. lt>.38- City Water Fund 5.00.
Royce Lookhart 15.96 A I> Thomas 4.00-
Ivan Gay 15.96" Roosevelt-Pacific Serv Co 13.20.
W Hines 15.96' Reedsport Garage 66.90-
Bill Johnson 21.44- State Ind Acc Commission 15.90'
Leslie Jolrneon 21.44- ReedsporC Garago 155.00'
Leslie Kelly 21.44- Western Union 1.80-
J K Peterson 5.48 - Umpqua Mills & T Co 11.00-
P J Peterson 19.95- Peoples W Coast Hydro C 164.60-
C G Landerking 1.99- Frank L Taylor 19.70-
John Bemhardt 10.00- Fed Pipe & Tank Co 148.59'
Roy G Cairns 30.00- Southern Pacific Co 17.30'
Frank Cox 114.69- Paul Bemhardt 322.34-
Stanley D Chapin 150.00- Leslie Kelly 7.98-
C C Clarke 149.69- W Hanson 19.95-
W G Benson 30.00- V/ J Harris 20.45-
Leslie Eelly 3.99-
I.O.O.F. 15.00. 1 1734.89
It was also authorized that Paul Bemhardt be refunded the amounts
advanced by him for certain sewer and street improvements on lots
17 and 18 in Block 46 Amended plat of ifellroad Addition to Reeds
port. This property had been foreclosed on August 4th, 1928 and
the City Recorder had oust announced the ezercise of the ri^t of
redemption by T. A. Sweeney, original owner, and receipt of funds in the amount of $322.34.^
Financial reports of collections, disbursements,
current bonds and interest obligations, and funds on hand were sub
mitted by the City Treasurer and City Recorder, and reports ordered
There being no further business the meeting was
Minutes of the regular September, 1929 meeting
of the Common Council of the City of Keedsport, held Thurs
day, September 5th, 1929 at 8:00
Mayor Buok and all oounoilmen except Paul Bernhardt
and S. H. ^'ord were present.
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read
and approved.
Mri and Mrs. Geprge Keating appeared "before the
Council, protesting the amount of assessment charged them on their
lot 8 in Block 70, under Street Improvement District Ho. 2 in the
amount of §65.74. As previously contended by them they claimed that f
this amount was unreasonable and requested adjustment of approximate- •
ly fifty per cent of the account. This matter had received the at
tention of the Council at previous meeting at which time it had been !
referred to the Street Committee. Councilman West was the only mem- s
ber of this committee prepared to report. He stated that bit ap
peared to him that sufficient fill had not been made in the alley
adjacent to this lot. After considerable discussion it was decided ,
to postpone any action on this protest pending further report from '
the other committeemen.
Mr. J. R. Rash again appeared before the Council
requesting that some action be taken with respect to the tenancy to
the west of his home. Upon motion of Councilman Lillebo, duly sec
onded and caried, it was ordered that the city officials take appro
priate action toward declaring this property a nuisance.
The Umpqua Highv/ay Improvement District through one
of its members and representatives, Nels Hogan, submitted maps and
proposals for the construction of the Umpqua Highway from the Southern
Pacific Company railroad track northeasterly along Sast i^ilroad and
1 Street to 15th Street. The route confomed to amended order ifF—
1478 of the Public Service Commission in the matter of the application
of the City of Eeedsport, Oregon for permission to construct a city
street over and across the right of way and tracks of the Southern
Pacific Comrany at grade to Bast Railroad Avenue on the east of said
right of way, as per certain maps attached thereto and previously ap
proved by the City Council. The Ifcipqua Highway Improvement District
in cooperation with the State Highway Cominission proposed to construct
or to continue the highway as above outlined at an approximate cost
of $10,000. It was represented that contract for the work would be
let in the very near future providing that certain rights of way
across part of lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 85 and 8 and 9 in Block
102, both of the amended plat of Railroad Addition to Reedsport, Oreg.,
could be secured free of cost to the Highway Improvement District and
to the state. It appeared that Reedsport Realty Comi-any were owners
of lots 2 and 6 in Block 85, and lot 9 in Block 102, and that Mr.
Russell J. Hubbard and the Reedsport Company were owners of lots 3
and 4 in Block 85 and lot 8 in Block 102; that the owners in considera- ^
tion for the right of way requested, had asked for payment in full of
taxes due Douglas County in the total amount of $610.28, and assessments
to the City of Reedsport in the total amount of ;gji2295.80. It was noted
that the proposed right of v/ay took only a very small portion of lots
2 and 3 in Block 85 and lot 9 in Block 102. After considerable dis
cussion and careful consideration the Council upon motion of Council
man Lillebo, duly seconded and carried, agreed to assume payment of
taxes to Douglas County on all lots in the amount of $610.28, and city
assessments on lots 4 and 5 in Block 85 and 8 in Block 102 in the total
amount of $1494.68. Councilman V/eidner was appointed as a committee of
one to arrange with Douglas County for the financing of tax payment due
it, and was authorized to request on the- part of the City, remission of
the City millage applied against these lots, thereby reducing the actual
amount of taxes to be paid to the County by approximately twenty-five
per cent.
The following bills were presented, OEed by the Finance
Committee, and ordered paid:
Southern Pacific Go. 121.64. State Industrial Ao. Com. $16.04'
Leslie Kelly 11.97- Peoples West Coast H-E Corp.
J. V/. Harris 44.39. 164.60
Wm. HaJison 36.43' J. W. Harris 55.86.
leslie Eelly 6.98- Carl Keating 53.86-
Southern Pacific Co. 1.62- Umpqua Mills & T Go. 24.22'
R. Hedges 7.98- Frank L. Taylor 11.12-
Prank Cox 114.69' Reedsport Garagd 92.33'
C. C. Clarke 149.69- Howard-Cooper Gfcrp. 50.00'
Roy Cairns 30.00- General Fire Equip. Co. 113.40-
Stanley D. Chapin 150.00- Coos Bay Iron V^orks 6.70-
W. G. Benson 30.00- City Y/ater Fund 9.50
I.O.O.F. 15.00- Federal Pipe & Tank

John Bemhardt 10.97- Union Iron Works 6.30-
Pete Kelson s.oo- Paul Bernhardt 455.71-
M. D. Wallace 3.00- Winchester Bay Lbr. Co. 30.18-
Chas. Hanson 3.00- Eoke-Chapman Co. 5.86-
Ward Powell 3.00- Port TMrqua Courier 78.00-
Harold Prance 1.00^ Umpqna Drag Comrany .25-
Fred Sanburn. 3.00. Roosevelt Service Stati on .25'
L. Gibbons 3.00. W. S. Darley & Company 332.40-
f! $2170.09
Gommunication of Attorney E- L. MoDotigal, rep
resenting the Royal Indemnity Company, making a demand upon the
City of Reedsport and individual counoilmen and officers of the
former Council for payment of $8094.08 as reimbursement for funds
advanced "by the Royal Indemnity Company to the Port of Uinpqua as
settlement for dredge rental and other items involved in a cer
tain contract between the City of Reedsport and Inland Construc
tion Company during the time of the City fill- Attorney Benson
explained briefly and in ,.a ^goiieway the facts involved in the
case and recommended that^i^fe-^^^&SLracted to write a general let
ter of denial. Attorney Benson also explained that it would prob
ably be necessary for him to looJc up various points in regard to
the case and suggested that he would prefer to secure the ser
vices as associate of Attorney Y/imberley of Roseburg in event
that the City was sued. Attorney Benson was authorized to answer
by letter as suggested and the Council indicated its approval^of
employment of additional legal advice of Mr. Wimberley in case it
became necessary later on.
The City Treasurer and City Recorder submitted
financial reports of receipts and disbursements, which were order
ed filed.
September ^rd, 1929 at 8:00 P. Ivl. was selected
as date for a meeting with the 1930 Budget Committee for purpose
of compiling budget for 1930. Llembers of this Budget Committee
in addition to members of the City Council were selected as follov;
E. W. Franklin
Sari R. Chapman
H. I. Chapin
V/. A. Burdick
E. G. Dunn
by Mayor Buck
by 1. J. V/eidner
by C. H. V/est
by Tom Lillebo
by Ralph 5'oster
There being no further business the meeting was contined till Monday, September a^th.
City Recorder
Minutes of the Continued Meeting of the ComTnon
Gouncil of the Oity of ReedS"oort held September 9th, 1929 at 8:00
Mayor Buok and all Counoilraen except 1. J.
V/eidner, were present.
Minutes of the regular mediing of September 5th
were read and approved except as to the passage of that certain
motion by Councilman lillebo, by which the City agreed to assume
payment of certain taxes to Douglas County in the amount of
$610.28, and assessments in the amount of $1494.68. It was not
ed that there was lack of a quorum at the time of the passing of
this motion, Councilman Poster having left the meeting^and con
sequently action taken by less than a majority of the Council was
Communication dated September 9th, from Mr.
0. P- Douglas, trustee and building manager for Eeedsport Lodge
llo. 245 I.O.O.F. building, was nest read. 0?lais letter called
attention to the illegallsr constructed buildings to the west and
adjacent to the I.O.O.F. Building, the serious fire hazard that
existed, and requested that the City Council declare the build
ings a nuisance and have them removed, in accordance withe the
provisions of Ordinance Bo. 78. After due consideration, it was
suggested that Mr. Douglas first notify the owners of the tres
pass which had very apparently been committed on the'.
property, and in case action was taken by them, that the mat
ter be again referred to the Council.
Coxincilman Ford reported that there were no
li^t sockets on hand for light fixtures, and recommended that
the City purchase ten, at an approximate price of 80^ each.
This purchase was duly authorized by the City Council.
Bills due Tom lillebo in the amount of $34.95
for certain improvement or reconstruction of ^4^ truck, and
$12.50 for barrel of roof pitch and sawing certain brackets,
were approved and ordered paid.
Consideration was next given to a general dis
cussion of the proposed highway development through the city aa
outlined and discussed at last meeting. A considerable number
of citizens and tax payers in addition to City Councilmen and
other officers v/ere present for this discussion. Mr. W. A.
Lovelace explained briefly the general proposal and expressed
his desire that the Council would act favorably upon th© matter
of securing rights of way. Mayor Buck explained in detail the
proposals as submitted to the Coujicil at the last meeting and
stated that he was opposed at that time to paying anything for^
rights of way, in view of the fact that he considered that a
highway location would be of much more benefit to the adjacent
property than the loss ibf portion of the lots v/hich would be
crossed by it. Several others spoke for and against the pro
L. J. Weidner took his seat as Councilman dur
ing the late part 6f the meeting, and moved that the proposal as
adopted by a minority group of the Council at last meeting be
adopted. Motion was seconded by Councilman Lillebo and the vote
polled as follows:
Councilman Bernhardt no
Pord no
Lillebo yes
J'oster yes
Weidner yes
Y/est no
Mayor Buck voted 330, it appearing that
an equal nijinber of Councilraen iiad voted for o.nd against the motion.
The Mayor thereupon declared the motion lost.
It was then moved and seconded, and carried that the proposition of
the Umpqua Highway Improvement District regarding the payment of
taxes on Lots 2,3,4 and 5 in Block 85 and Lots 8 and 9 in Block 102,
anB. the assumption of assessments against lots 4 and 6 in Block 85
and 8 in Block 102, as approved by a minority of the Council members
at regular meeting of September 5th, 1929, be reconsidered, and that
the Umpqua Highway Improvement District be notified that the proposi
tion as presented at the meeting of September 5th has been disapprov
ed; further,that the County Court be requested to disregard the request
of the Gity for remission of City taxes; further, that the
Eeodsport Realty Company, the Reedsporrt Company, and Mr. R. J. Hubbard
be advised that the proposition as previously outlined, has been
^ Coxmcilman Bernhardt appointed J. fi. Browne as
Budget Committeeman, and Councilman Ford appointed A. W. Burton as
Budget Sommitteeman, to meet with the Budget Committee and Council on
September 23rd.
There being no farther business the meeting was
Minutes of Special Meeting of the Common Council
of the City of Reedsport, Oregon held [Tuesday evening,
September lOth, 1929 at 8:00 P. M.
Pursuant to call of the Mayor and notice regular
ly given. Special Meeting of the Common Council of the City
of Reedsport was held on !j?uesday evening, September 10th,
1929 at 8:00 P.M. in the Gity Hall for the purpose of con
sidering and acting on the following matters:
1. Rental of grader to Johnson & Company, Con
tractors at Scottsburg, Oregon.
2. Authorisation to order sewer map blue prints.
3. Reconsideration of proposed highway improve
ment as outlined at previous meeting.
Mayor Buck and all Councilmen were present.
X. In considering the proposal to rent the Gity
grader to Johnson & Company, road contractors, it v/as finally author-
' ized that the grader be rented at a daily rental of $5.00, to start
from the time it is turned over by the Street Commissioner at Reeds
port and ending with the acceptance of the grader by the Street Com-
• - missioner upon its return to Reedsport, the road contractors to
stand cost of any damage or repairs necessary to be made to the grad
er, ordinary wear and tear excepted.
n It v;as regularly authorized that two sets of sewer
maps be purchased from D. L. Buckingham.
3. Attention was next given to reconsideration of
the proposal previously outlined for construction of the Itoipqua
Highway from the Southern Pacific Company track along East Railroad
Street and L. Street to Fifteenth Street. Mr. Kels Hogan appeared
before the Council and stated that he had secured sufficient sub
scriptions to raise the amount of $445.57, which was the amount nec
essary for the Gity to advance to the County in payment of taxes,
and was willing to personally guarantee this payment to the City in
event of its acceptance of the proposal to secure right of v/ay as
previously suMitted. !Phe Mayor called for expression of opinion
on the new proposal from various citizens and tax payers present
in the Council Hall, including J.A. Ellis, E.G. Dunn, Dr. K.E.
Adams, Robin Reed, J.R. Rash, P.G. levins, all of whom expressed
themselves favorable to acceptance of the new proposal. Mr. B.Vif.
Franklin objected to the City undertaking any of the cost of se
curing right of v/ay, as did also Mr. R. Dehnhoff.
Upon motion of Councilman Weidner, seconded by
Councilman Poster and carried, it was ordered that the new pro
posal, namely, that the City assume payment of taxes to Douglas
County on lots 2,3,4 and 5 in Block 85, and Lots 8 and 9 in Block
102; both of the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to Reedsport,
Oregon, in the amount of ^46.57; also City assessments on Lots
4 and 5 in Block 85 and 8 in Block 102, including interest to
date, in the amount of $1432.58; that the City request of Douglas
County remission of City millage applied against all lots above
mentioned in the amount of fl63.71; that the City be reimbursed
by Mr. K. Hogan in the sum of $446.57, which is the amount to be
paid out to Douglas Coiinty for taxes, be accepted. Vote on the
proposed motion was as follows:
Councilman Bemhardt yes
Pord yes
Foster yes
lillebo yes
West no
Weidner yes
The motion was declared carried.
The following resolution was next introduced,
and upon motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried,
v;as regularly adopted, as follows:
WSSREAS, the City of Reedsport has entered into an agreement
with the Umpqua Highway Improvement District, whereby said City
has agreed to ray delinquent taxes for the years, 1925, 1926, 1927
and 1928 upon Lots numbered 2,3,4 and 5 in Block 85 and Lots 8 and
9 in Block 102, of the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to the
City of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, and
V7HEREAS, a certain portion of said taxes now payable^, is the
proceeds of the city levy for said years, and it is desired that
said portion of said taxes be remitted,
said City, acting through it s Common Council, petition the County
Court of Douglas County, Oregon, that said portion of said taxes,
in the sum of $163.71 be remitted, and that upon the payment of
the balance due thereon, the proper officers of said County be
instructed to issue receipts in ftill for said taxes upon said above
described lots.
Passed by the Common Council of the City of Reedsport, this
loth day of September, 1929, by the following vote:
Aye 6
Uay 0
Motion was next made, seconded, and carried that
the grades and specifications of the proposed highway as submitted
by maps of the State Highway Commission, be accepted and adopted by
the City of Reedsport.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that tax and city assessment receirts by placed in escrow at the
First Bank of Reedsport to be delivered to the proper parties upon
•t I
V /
delivery to the City of deeds for rights of way, as previously out
lined, and tha^-^K^o^-Jjgj^ei^es^ "bearing warrantz be drawn on the
general fund,'°''^th0'"first,,^Jt3^f^l^§^'^m3,§.e ee>eii in the_ amount of f260,00
and the sixth in the amountof $044Vc^, the first;.^-''--'^'"'^^^ - • -
:St. • -..-i- - -
yfc to "be pay
able October 1st, 1930, and the remaining five'wa%^St¥ to be payable
respectively on the first of October of each successive year, until
the full amount shall have been paid, said warrantsr to be issued in
payment of the sewer and street assessments on the lots above des
There being no further business, the meeting was
Gity Rept)rder
Minutes of the 1930 Budget Gommittee Meeting
held in the City Hall, Reedsport, Oregon on Monday,
September 23rd, 1929 at 8:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor Buck, Goiinoilmen
V/eidner, Foster and West, and Committeemen W. A. Burdick,
J- R. Browne, Earl R. Chapman, E. G- Dunn and E. W. Frank
Upon motion regularly made, seconded, and unani
mously carried. Mayor Buck was elected chairman, and City Recorder
Stanley B. Chapin was elected secretary of the Committee.
1930 Budget Data sheets which had previously been
sent to each member of the Council and each Oommitteeman, were used
for reference and estimates for 1930 for various items of expendi
ture and receipt were tentatively adopted. After careful considera
tion of various items and particularly a proposed water system ex
tension and road reDair and maintenance, the following Budget was
unanimously adopted, to wit:
Attorney §360.00
Fire Chief ISO.00
Fire Dept. Members 450.00
Marshal 1380.00
Recorder 900.00
Treasurer 360.00
Hall rent 180.00
Lights 2000.00
Electric Fixtures 100.00
Telephone and telegraph 25.00
Office supplies 75.00
Publication andfiling fees 175.00
Insurance 150.00
Fire apparatus 750.00
Special engineering, & legal 180.00
Sewer and drainage 750.00
Refunding Bonds and interest 3210.00
•./arrant-16th St. purchase 744.00
Warrant-Umpqua Highway right
of way purchase 250.00
from fines,licenses,
bank interest, miscellaneous
raised by taxation
Bond Interest
Bonds maturing in 1930
Repair and maintensince
Y/ater Commissioner
11,159.00 11,159.00
Recorder 900*00
Office supplies 150.00
TOCAL WAtSR mJHD DISB. 26,250.00
Water Rentals, Con
nection oervice 23,250.00
Balance on hand,
Construction account 5,000.00
TOTAI ESTniilTSD REC'TS 26,250.00
raised by taxation
Street Commissioner 600.00
Road repair & maint. 2275.00
DlSBURSaSn^S 2875.00 2,875.00
Truck licenses 100.00
Road District Tax 1100.00 1,200.00
raised by taxation 1,675.00
Monday evening, November 4th, 1929 at 8:00 P, M.
at the City Hall was the date and time established for the hearing
on the proposed Budget. It v/as also regularly ordered that the
proposed Budget be published in the Port Umpqua Courier in the is
sues of September 27th and October 4th, 1929.
There being no further business the meeting was
• -- ~ -
Himtes of the Hegular IJeeting of the Common
Cotmoil of the City of Heedsport held at the City Hall
Monday, October 7th, 1929 at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Buck and all Councilmen were present.
Minutes of the lajt' regular and intervening
special meetings were read and approved.
A request from Mr. J.E. Solherg, representing the
Eeedsport Post Ko. 52 of the American Legion, asliig that the legion
"be granted permission to continue time of their Armistice danoe
from 12:00 to 2:00, was approved.
A communication from Union High School District Ho.
11, requesting additional street light on street corner in front of
i the Grade School building, was referred to the Light Committee for
investigation and report.
A letter under date of September 26th from the
Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau, setting out deficiencies in the city
v/ater pressure and making certain definite recommendations for im
provement of fire hazards, was read and deferred for later action.
A letter from D.L. Buckingham, former City Engineer,
calling attention to certain tracings and field notes which he had
returned to the City under separate cover aad explaining in detail
some of the field notes, was read and ordered filed.
Heport of the ^^ire Department for the month of
September was read and ordered filed.
Financial reports submitted by the City (Treasurer
and the City Recorder were ordered filed. Jhe reports showed a
balance on hand under the various funds as of September 30th, of
Mr. & Mrs. George Keating again appeared before
the Council urging their claim for adjustment on street fill under
District Ro. 2. The Street Com-nittee reported that their investiga
tion showed that sufficient fill had not been made and reoommended
that an adjustment of 50fo reduction in the as^sessment originally
charged Mr. Seating be allowed^ and that warrant be drawn on the
general fund in favor of Street Improvement District Ko. 2 fund for
$32.87, and that this, amount be credited on the assessment of George
Eeating. The Hecorder called attention to the fact that Ethel
Weatherly, the owner of an adjacent lot, made a similar claim, but
the Council took no definite action on this matter except to state
that the owner should make a separate proposal or request of the
J Mr. C.M. Daniels on, resident manager for the Peoples
j V/est Coast Hydro-Electric Coiporation, appeared before the Council
j and explained the principal cause for interruption of power and
^ light. He stated that the interruption had been due mainly to breakages
along the tr^smission line from Heedsport south to Eorth Bend
from falling trees, breaking of insulators by hunters, and in other
ways. He stated that he fully recognized the necessity for stand-by
service and that in his opinion his company was doing all possible
to make satisfactory arrangements for it- Mayor Buck criticized the
laxness of the company management in not notifying its office as to
approximate time of shut down and cause of the break, so that users
could plan their operations and business accordingly. Mr. Hubbard
appeared before the Council during the discussion and stated that he
had heard that the V/inchester Bay Lumber Company was not open to any
proposal for giving stand-by service. He stated that these state
ments were not true, and that his compariy v/as open to negotiation at
any time. It appeared to be the opinion of all present that in view
of the possibility of frequent interruptions from time to time, it
was of vital importance that some arrangement be made for stand-by
service, and that appropriate action should be taken to secure same.
It was authorized that a six volt, heavy duty
fifteen plate batteiy he purchased for the new fire truck and the
Recorder was authorised to get prices on the same and purchase on
the best basis possible for the City.
A general discussion followed regarding the water
"oipe line crossing over the Schofield River. Mr. Hubbard explained
briefly that the Highway ComjTiission had authorised a crossing on
the ne\v highway bridge, and that he was of the opinion that this -
authorization v/ould appear in the minutes of the Hi^way Oommission/
although such a crossing had been opposed by the Highway Engineer.
He also stated that District Engineer Lukesh had indicated that he
would issue a temporary permit revo-cable after three years, pro
vided the sanction of the Highway Commission had been obtained.
Water Commissioner Clarke outlined briefly a proposal for reconstme^
ing the pipe line from the east end of the Schofield Hiver bridge,
west across the bridge and oil up to Second Street. After consid
erable discussion and consideration, it was ordered that City Re
corder Chapin be directed to interview the Secretary of the State
Highway Commission at Salem and the District Engineer at Portland
with a view to obtaining the necessary permission for the watermain
crossing on the bridge; that fingineer IJichols be employed to matee
tracings of the proposed crossing; that reconstruction of the wa,ter
pipe line from an 8" to a 12" main as recommended by V/ater Commissicner
Clarke, be authorized, provided the permission to cross the bridge
was obtained, and that authorization be given to order the necessary
additional pipe line and other supplies.
Attention was next given to the suit which has been
filed against the City of Reedsport and former city officials by the
Royal Indemnity Company. Attorney Benson explained briefly the case
which confronted the City, and rocommended that he be authorized to
employ the legal assistance of a law form in Portland. He v;as also
authorized to take the neceBsary steps to protect the interests of
the Oity in defending the suit-
A report of finances as of September 30th, 1939
was submitted by the Recorder at the request of the State 'treasur
er's office and was ordered to be forwarded for their information
and reference.
Liability and property damge insurance for the
two city trucks was authorized.
The following bills were presented, OKed by the
ITlnanoe Committee and ordered paid;
J. W. Harris
Carl Eeating
City V/ater Ii\md
Carl Zeating
C.C. Clarke
Stanley D. Chapin
Hoy Gr. Cairns
W. Gr. Benson
John Bemhardt
]?raak Cox
Pete Kelson
M.D. Y/allace
Chas. Hansen
Ward Powell
Fred Sanberg
J. I. Gibbons
Harold France
G. 3. Hatton
C. K. V/allace
City Water Fond
§31.92. I.0»0«F. $15.00
31.92- Pa:ples West C H-S 0. 164.50
1.SC State Ind.Ac. Com. 19.39
SI.92- Port Umpqua Courier 30.25
149.70- Reedsport M & B 'jVks 7.47-
150.00- Reedsport Garage 8.93
30.00- Umpqua 11 & T Co. 2.80
30.00- Howard-Cooper Corp. 50.00
10.00. Frank L. Taylor 18.47
114.7a VJinc-iester Bay Lbr Co 1.25
4.00- Burroughs Add.1,1. Co. 5.00
4.00- Walters Service Sta. 2.25
4.00. J. V/. Harris 59.10
4.00. D. C. V/allace 2.99
4.00. Wm. Hansen 59.10
4.00. $1 ,069.21
There being no further business the meeting was
Minutes of the Regular DJoYember, 1929 Meeting
' of the Common Council of the City of Reedsport held on
Monday, Uovember 4th, 1929 at 0:00 P. M.
Mayor Buok and all Oouneilmen except Paul Bemhardt
were present.
Minutes of the 1930 Budget Committee meeting and
the regular October meeting were read and approved.
Mr- M. D. Wallace, secretary of the Heedsport
Volunteer S'ire Department, appeared before the Council and recommend
ed a revision of wards for the purpose of siniplifying the district
boundaries and also the signals in giving alarms- The new plan was
approved, and Mr- V/allace announced that the Fire Department would
secure new cards and post them up about the city so that all possible
publicity could be given to the new aoning. The Pire Department was
authorized and directed to answer fire alaims given by any mill
whistle. The question as to v/hether the fire department with its
equipment should answer any calls from Winchester Bay was left to
the discretion of the Fire Chief. It was the opinion of the Council
that although it was perfectly willing to lend its fire fighting
equipment to Winchester Bay in event of a serious fire, that it
should not be used there for small blazes-
In accordance with published notice, "Dublic hear
ing was held on proposed 1930 Budget. Mr. E. '.7. Pranklin was pres
ent, and although he filed no protest, he urged the apportionment
of a small amount for driving piling at the foot of Rainbow Plaza
for eventual use as a city dock. Although it was generally conced
ed that something of this kind should be done, in view of the very
decided lack of funds no action was taken on this matter. There
being no protest to the 1930 Budget as proposed. Ordinance Bo. 206
an ordinance levying a tax on the property situate within the cor-*
City of Reedsport, for all purposes in the sum
of vlb,334.00 for the year 1930, was next introduced ard read for
the first time. Upon motion regularly made, seconded, and carried
it was ordered passed to the second reading and read for the second
time. I^on motion regularly made, seconded and carried said Ordi
nance ITo. 206 was passed to the third reading and read for the third
time, xnereupon said ordinance was ordered put upon its final -oassage
and was adopted by the following vote:
Sc, aid Ordinance J?o. 205 was thereupoAnyeaspSproveKdabyys t0he Mayor, signed
by the Mayor and attested by the City Recorder and declared in full
force and affect.
Councilman Pord, Chairman of the Light Committee
recommended that six new li^ts be authorized, five of which be
placed along the new portion of the ISnpqua Highway on "L" Street
^d one near the grade school as rec^men.^d by the School Boards.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded, ''fSar^commendations of the
approved, and purchase and installation of the new lights authorized. Councilman Ford also was instructed to pet
price on the proper installation of the light at the telephone ofconnected
in on the meter of the West Coast elephone Comply and in such event the cost assumed by that company
with consequent saving to the city.
-n was next given to communications from
snti, Pacific Company imder date or October loth aad Ootober
South^^ cpn?!-® r 1 F/inehester Avenue at tfee and across
to the Public SqervtriaccekCs,ommmisesiocnomomrduenricaUtioo.n17o4f7Oncntdoboeirl Iibintoh- ore+ferred to the fact that it had been ordered thfrthlfc^^LS be^madfat
estimate showinr^ total of ^543.00 W.5.S also enclosed, and it was reauested fH«t tvio a -j. this amount with the Southern Pacific SSbefore it could von^yawourkndoenrsttohoadt itmhaptroTtheimsencth.angIet aap^Td^eraei^lodctahLat'Lt'hoel sCt°o"^eci?'arniafhflfg«hnway
be made without expense to the city, and the City i^eoorder and City
Attorney were instructed to write the Public Service Commission,
Southern" Pacific Company, and Umpqua Highway Improvement District
to this affect.
Councilman Weidner called the attention of the
Council to the poor condition of the street and walk along West
Hailroad Avenue near the under railroad crossing, and Councilman
Xillebo suggested certain improvement by means of a gravel walk
crossing on "1" Street at Sizth, which was leading to the school
prorerty. After due consideration, upon motion reg^ilarly made,
seconded, and carried, it was ordered that the necessary grading
and filling on West Railroad Avenue be made, and that gravel for
walk crossing be obtained and placed by the Street Commissioner.
Councilman V/eidner stated that gravel might be obtained from the ^
gravel pit of Reedsport Company without cost to the city except
the hauling expense, and the Street Commissioner v;as authorized
and instructed to secure as much gravel as was needed and haul it j
in place the city truck. j
City Attorney Benson reported briefly on trip to
Portland with regard to the suit of the Royal Indemnity Company vs.
the City of Reedsport, and stated that he had employed the legal
firm of Dey, Hampson, and IJelson of Portland as legal counaAl in
defence of this action. He submitted a copy of brief v/hich that
firm will submit to the court at the time of the argument of the
Demurrer in this case. He stated that the matter of fee to be paid
Dey, Hampson and IJelson would be not less than §500 and not to ex
ceed i:i)1000; that this legal firm had requested that a resolution
be passed giving the proper authorization of the Council /for its
employment. In accordance with this request, the following resolu
tion was, upon motion regularly made, seconded, and carried duly
adopted,to-wit: '
'/raSREAS, suit has been brought by Royal Indemnity Com
pany, against the City of Reedsport and certain officers and
former oi'ficers of said 8ity, and ^
'^?HEREAS, it has been considered advisable by the present
Council of the City of Reedsport, to employ additional legal
counsel to assist in the defense of said suit, and
VffiSREAS, pursuant to action duly taken at the regular
October meeting of said Council, W.G.Benson, City Attorney
add^itiotnoalgcoeunstehl feorrandwiothn bSetahnallefyoDf . sCaihdapCinit,y,toansdecure'said
^RSAS, the said W.G.Benson and Stanley D. Chapin, City
Recorder, di on or about the 11th day of October, 1929, retain,
for an on behalf of said City, the legal firm of Dey, Hampson
& lielson, of Portland, Oregon, f'
HOW THEREFORE, confirming said action so taken by said 1
above named officers of said City, j
do employ said legal firm of Dey, Hampson &IJelson, of Portland
Oregon, as legal counsel, for the defense of said action, at a '
fee of not less than $b00.00 nor over $1000.00, said fee to be
set by said fixm at the conclusion of said action.
Passed by the Common Council of the City of Reedsnort a.t re^lar meeting, this 4th day of Hovember, 1929, by thr?oilowxng
vote \
Aye 6
Hay 0
Attest* _W. R. BUCK • Mavor
City Recorder
It was noted that appearance was made for all the defendeuata "but
that the appearance was amended soaato except Mr. C« McO. Johnson,
inasmuch as separate answer had been filed by Attorney liljeqvist
in "behalf of Mr. Johnson,
Upon motion regularly made, seconded, and tmanimop-Sly
carried, license to sell pistols, revolvers, and other fire aims
at retail, under the provisions of Section 11 Chapter 260, General
laws of Oregon, 1925, was granted to Frank L. Taylor.
City Recorder Ohapin reported "briefly on results
of his appearances before the State Highway Engineers and District
Engineer regarding the securing of permission for the City of fleedsport
to construct its water main on the Schofield Idver bridge. He
stated that this permission had been granted previously at regular
meeting of the State Highway Commission held Hay 29th, 1929; that
he secured certified copy of these minutes and had secured approval
of the Port Commission and District Engineers Office for the proposed
Deed from Isaac E. Staples and Pearl A. Staples
for a ten foot strip adjacent to and parallel to "1" Street through
and across Lot 13 Block 75, Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to
Reedsport, was submitted to the Council for its acceptance. The at
tention of the Council was called to the fact that the ten foot strip
across Lots 14 and 16 had not yet been secured. In v(ew of the fact
that the deedC.from Mr. Staples might involve the city in event that
the building on his lot had not been moved to his satisfaction, it
was deoieded not to accept t-is deed until Mr. Staples had accepted
his building as it now stood as satisfactory,(in writing^ The finan
cial reports of the City Treasurer and City Recorder were submitted
and ordered filed.
Some discussion followed regarding general policy
of the Council in connection with foreclosure on account of delin
quent assessments. Ho change in the general policy, hov;ever, was
sugrrested, it being felt generally that foreclosure proceedings
should be instituted where no payments whatever had been made on
assessments and a period of three years or more had elapsed.
The following bills were presented, OiCed by the
Finance Committee and ordered paid:
Street Imp Dist irZ $32 .87-
Southern Pacific Co 2 .91-
Southern Pacific Go 127 .42-
Art Peterson 13.96-
H J Woodward 11 .97-
Frank Deering 5 .98-
Andrew Scott 3 .99-
Uno Leppanen 42 .44-
M Johnson 42 .44-
V/m Hanson 42 .44.
D C vVallace 42 .44-
Carl Keating 41 .89-
Floyd Levins 37 .90-
Art Peterson 14 .96'
Andrew Scott 18 .90'
Frank Deering 15 .96-
Floyd Levins 26 .93-
Carl Keating 19 .95-
Roy G Cairns 30 .00-
Frank Cox 114 .69'
Fire Dept Members 27 .00-
Gity Water Fund 9 .38-
John Bemhardt 10 .00-
D L Buckingham 19 .90-
I 0 0 F 15 .00'
0 L Hichols 32 .50*
C C Cl-arke 149 .69>
J H Woodward 27 .93-
M Johnson 35 .91.
D C Wallace 35 .91.
Uno Leppenan 33 .91-
WHanson $21.92.
Stanley D. Chapin 170-00-
W G Benson 106.00-
Peoples V/ C H-B Corp 164.430-
Reedsport Garage 185.76-
Ray Agee 16.80-
7/estern Union 1.97-
West Coast Tel Co .25-
Rensselaer Talve Co 77.00*
Beall Pipe & Tank Go 134.45-
State Ind Ac Com 26.80-
Rainbow Cafey 11.75.
Portland Boltt & Mfg Co 23.18-
Soward-Cooper Corp 50.00"
V/inchester Bay Ibr Co 6.20*
Chapin Invt Co O4.00-
Reedsport M & B V/ks 12.67-
Federal Pipe & Tank Co 398.60*
Uinpqua M & T Co 2t).74'
Paul Bemhardt 20.70-
Tom Lillebo 69.19-
I'om Lillebo 126.53*
Union Iron Works 46.03^--
Union Iron Works 45.40
Total $3,026.26 "
Bill ot the Union Iron Works for ^5225.00 for certain welding and
other work in connection with the water main crossing on Schofield
Kiver bridge was ordered paid in the amoxmt oX ^170.00 at this time,
the balance of ^bO.OO to be withheld xmtil proper test is made by
the Water Oommissioner to determine that the work has been satis
factorily done- A second bill of the Union Iron Works in the total;^
amount of $121.03 was approved except for a labor item of f7t>.00,
which was for labor in installing the truck body on the new Chevro
let truck. It was ordered that this bill be paid except for that
item and that a comnittea consisting of Oouncilmen Lillebo and Weidner
be appointed to check this item in detail before allowing payment.#
There being no further business, the meeting was
llinutes of t'lQ Regular December, 1929 Ueeting
of the Common Council of the City of ileedsport held on
December 2nd, 1929 at 8:00 P. LI.
Mayor Buck and all councilmen were present ex
cept L. J- Weidner.
Iliniites of the last regular meeting were read
aad approved.
Oo::im-ani cat ions ;
letter from Colonel Gr.H. lukesh, District
i!]ngineer, under date of Ilovember ist, 1929, advised the City that
the iiingineers Oi'fice had no objection to the instalIj-tion of water
main on the Schofield Kiver bridge. It did request, hov/ever, that
tjiat ofiTica be advised v/hen the temporary bridge was removed so
that an infection and report coiild be nude to that department as
required. Water Comaissioner Clarke and Councilman lillebo. Chair
man of the V/ater ComnittGe,reported that tlie temporary bridge
structure had been removed and that the District -i^npineers Office
co'ijld be so advised.
letter dated I-lovember 11th, from Llr. I. H- V/el]?a,
yice-president of the Umpqua Mills Timber Company, and addressed
to the Heedsport Volunteer J?ire Department, v/as read. 3he letter
partment wj,s commended veiy highly for its effectiveness and the
professional wuy in which all members performed their duties.
letter dated Kovember 5th from tlB legal firm
Dey, Hampson jnd Kelson, explained action taJisn to date by that
firm in connection v/ith the case of t-ie Koyal Indeirmity Company
versus the City of i^eedsport, et al. It explained that demurrer
in the above case was argued L*ovember 4th before Judge Bean; that
a decision cannot oe expected for about threa weeks or more. At
torney Benson explained that he Inad received another letter from
Dey, Han^son & Selson advisinj;r that fni-ther briefs had been submitoed
by ooth plaintiffs and defendents and that decision would
probably not be given foir another week or so.
^ Telegrams dated Hove^iiber 11th, and Ilovember 13th
from //. P. Miller and E. L. King, respectively, addressed to Mr.
S.II. Crimp, Southern Pacific local agent, were ne:-:t read. These
telegrams referred to correspondence and orders of the Public Ser
vice Commission concemins the new highway crossing at the rail
road tracks and stated that they could not see v&ere the Southern
Pacific Company would be justified in standiA^ an expense which the
^blic bei'Vice Commission load ruled to be undertaken by the City of
xieedsport. It was explained to the Council that this new crossing
was applied for technically in the name of the City but at the re
quest of the highway officials and that
the argument as to cost was one for the
Umpqua Highway Improvement District and
pany to settle between themselves. It
of the Council to tal® no further action in the mtter at this time,
except to authorize ti:s street Coriimission to see that barricades
were placed on either side of the proposed crossing to prevent pos
sible accidents that mi^t occur.
Financial report of City Treasurer Caixus was
read and recommendations noted. A transfer of §2000.00 from the ^
V/inchester Bay V/ater liMnd to the General li^d to be used for the
purpose of paying general refunding bonds maturing Dec. 15th, 1929,
was authorised.
Some discussion followed regarding the comparative
ly low vrater level at Clear Lake and it vras 3UgA:ested th^t the V/ater
Commissioner establish a mark of the low water level in order to
have a permnent record as to "Variances in supply. It was also sug
gested that tv/o samples of trie water, one taken from the surface of
the lake near tSie int.^ake, and the other from the irain at V/inchester
Bay, be taken and sent to the State Board of Health for analysis.
This action was suggested merely as a precautionary -.iBasure.
Councilman Pord called attention to the urgent
necessity for standby seivice on the part of the V/'est Coast Hydro-
Slectric Power Company in order to provide properly for the needs
and convenience of local users of li^_t ?and pov;er. Considerable
discuLsion followed regarding advisability of filing complaint with
the Public bervice Commission. It was finally decided that the
City Recorder be instructed to write a le1:ter to the Power Company
protesting .against frequent interruptions to service, urging the
installation of standby service as a public necessity in view of
the fact that it ms very apparent that t;iere would be frequent in
terruptions on acount of the long transmission line. The Recorder
was also directed to send a copy of this letter to the local tiaper
for publication.
The City Hecorder v;as directed to advise the
Hi£fo'''iay Commission again of the danger occasioned bv' the open
gravel pit near the west end of the"schofisId River'bridge and to
request that it take sane action towards placing a barricade at
that point.
Brief report v/as ;nade by Attorney Benson of the
org^isation and ,general plans of the Reedsport Garden Club. Upon
motion regularly, made, seconded, and carried, the Council gave
its unanimous endorsement to tlie movement, anO. assured it its co
operation to every posyible extent.
it was very apparent that
highway department or the
the southern Pacific Cornappeared
to be the opinion
V/ater Commissionor Clarke reported comi:)letion of
all work on^^Schofield Bridge crossing, aiH recommended payment of
balance of ^50.00 to iJ. S. Jones. Upon motion regularly made seC'
onded and carried, this payment was allov/ed. '
following bills were presented, OEed by the
Finance Committee and ordered paid;
Carl Keating
Uno Xeprenan
Floyd levins
D. C. V/allace
Wm. Han so n
City V/ater Pund
C. C. Clarke
Hoy G. Cairns
Stanlerj D. Chapin
$7.98- W. 6. Benson $30.00
5.99* Pranl: Cox 117.70
7.98- John Bemhardt 10.00
36.41- Pete Kelson 5.00
52.42. I.I. D. ,.'allace 6.00
19.28- Clias. Hansen 2.00
149.70- v/ar§ Po\^Bll 6.00
30.00- Pred Sanbarg 5.00
150.00' G. T. Gibbons 6.00
Harold France
Guy Hattaa"
0# S. V/allace
West Coast Tel. Go.
State Ind.AQ* Com.
City ./ater 5^d
Floyd Levins
Heedsport Garage
City V/'ater F,-Jnd
Prank L. Taylor
Portiani Bolt & Mfg
E. I. Heyser
Consolidated Supply
Tom 11110130
Ho'w'ard-Coope r Coiid.
Peoples V(8st G H-iil '
Paul Semhardt
Union Iron V/orlis
5 .00
Go. 26.25
3 16C.50
The City J:eGorder was authorised to purchase a
ledger for use in con: ection v/ith the city records. The P^eoorder
also submitted report of receipts and disbursements to date and a
detailed report of investment, repair and operation costs in con
nection v/ith city grader, fire trucl: and Ghevrolet truck. i:o fur
ther action v;as t^ken on balance of bill of IT. S. Jones in connec
tion v/ith construction of dump body and hoist for Ghevrolet trucl-:.
adjourne d.
There being no further business the meeting was
lu" i->:ecoraer

Original Format

Print on legal paper