Would you like to support our campaign to preserve and share the history of the Lower Umpqua? Here are three ways that you can help:
Volunteer - This archive has been created through volunteer efforts. We need people to help us run Community Collection Days by greeting and interviewing visitors, scanning items, recording information, and other tasks. We also need help uploading items into the archive and writing transcripts for oral histories. Please tell us how you would like to get involved.
Donate - The Reedsport Main Street Program is a nonprofit organization. Although the cost of running the archive and Commmunity Collection Days is low, we still have a need for materials and equipment. Your tax-deductable donation will help us purchase digitizing equipment, event supplies, backup storage, and upgrades to our online site. Please specify that you are donating to the history archive on the RMSP donation form.
Contribute - If you have historical material you would like to contribute to the archive, please contact us. We can help you upload it directly to site, or you can send it to us and we will add it to the archive.