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Reedsport City Council Minutes 1960-1969
The City of Reedsport council minutes from 1960-1969 in searchable PDF format. Some pages may be illegible due to file compression. Please contact the Reedsport Main Street Program if you need access to high-quality scans. See below for a computer-generated transcript. Originals are held at Reedsport City Hall.
City of Reedsport
City of Reedsport
Reedsport Main Street Program
City of Reedsport
Wes Lockard
Public Domain
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Present were mayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Urben, Herra,
Brainard, Hurl«i6ker and Murphey,
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Annual report read and discussed at length.
Library reports read and discussed.
read in full for third and final reading and ppon proper
motion made^ Seconded it was passed by vote of Aye 6 ^^ay 0. Mayor
declared the Ordinance in full effect as of this dat^.
Letter from State Highway Commission relating to State Aid was read.
The state did not grant the request of the City iBor the paving of
certain streets within the City,
Letter from League of Oregon Cities regarding the city's request for
Federal Aid under H HF A for city planning was read. The City
renewed their application for $ 3000.00 of Federal matching money for
this grant.
The problem of Diagonal parking in the vicinity of 19th and Winchester Avenue was discussed at length. It was turned over to
the Street Committee to examine and make necessary corrections as they
saw fit.
Letter from George McCulloch requesting the leasing of the city
ground known as the flat iron area was read. After much discussion
it was decided to place this jidK^perty up for bids to lease same
and part of the consideration of the lease will be the use and terms
of the offer to lease from the City. Bids to be called for and chhsxx
considered at the next Council meeting.
Motion waa made, seconded and passed not to charge T4r Tucker the
water rent for the three months during the summer which he says that
he did not have any v;ater.
Mr Esslestrom appeared before the council requesting that he be grantee
the privilege to increase his monthly rental by 20?^ as is provided
under the temmsof the franchise. After much discussion on this
it was made a motion to allow the increase in rate to 75cents per
month per residence.
Councilman Urben brought up the question of using Floride in the
water supply to the city and others areas now using city water.
City Recorder to contact the L^ajue of Oregon Cities on
this question and make report later.
The question of the statement for the Hse of propane gas to heat
the Scout hall located on the City pafck property was brought before
the Council. It was decided that this bill is not a responsibility of
the City.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following statements:
Payroll F^d ' 1900.00 Andytg shoe Shop I.50
Ore Phys Ser 12.50 Berge « Wally 2.55 Payroll Fund 1000.00 Babker's sL^Shop 43.14
Payroll Fund 32^4.33 PUD 62^.71 Water Fund 10000.00 l^o Carv SO 76
City Nat'l Bank I9SO.OO Chamber of Commerce 15.00
John Dye
Gawley's Hdwe
City NoEth Bend 10 .00
Pannsqlt Chen Corp 37 -50
Paramount Pest 3 .00
Reedsport Mach Wks 24 .93
Reedsport ^nion Ser 13 .95
Std gil Co 20 .65
SIAC 153 .00
Thompson-Epperhart 14 .39
John Stephens 35 .00
Ump Drug 5 .26
Everett Wright 171 .00
Kat?Xmann Bros 3 .55
Union Oil 429 .21
H M McCabe 60 .00
Ray Church 60 .00
Fyr-Fyter co 127.12
W A Karcher 213*70
OK Rubber Welders 76.36
Pub Emp Ret Sys 37.67
Reedsport Mtr Frt 6.7^
Reedsport Auto Parts 5.89
Reedsport Auto Blect 14«97
Bob Sund, Ins 251.S5
Taylor Hdwe 24-21
Ump Bldg Sup 4^*92
Ump Ind Sup 7.^0
West Coast Tele 105-45
Port ^rap Courier 1,00
Reedsport Rlumbing 4-35
W A Burdick 37-50
Ray Hass 60'«00
Walter Miller 60,00
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned,
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Brainard, Hurlooker,
Murphey, Herra and Urben.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Bids for the advertising of leases on the Flat Iron property
were opened with the following bids received:
1. Paul Bernhardt $ 151.00 per year for 3 years#
2. Reedsport Saddle Club 100.00 " "
3* George McCullluch SO.OO " "
Motion was made, secondjd and passed to laccept the high bid of
Paul Bernhardt for the lease at a lease for three years
and cancelleable upon 30 days notice by the City,
Permission was granted to send two men to the Water Works Operator
short course at Corvallis on March 21 and 22nd.
Mr. Collier ajjpeared before the Council relative to the
improvement of relocated Cedar Street between iSth and 19th
Streets. He was informed that any improvement as to the
purchasing of gravel was up to the property owners and as soon
as this street was brought up to City Specifications consisting
of 3 inches of base rock and 2 inches of fine rock , the city
would accept the street for maintenance.
Motion was made, seconded and passed by vote of 6 any 0 nay
to proceed with the proposed improvement of the north side of
Wades flat from iSth street to 22nd street.
Police rep'ort for the Month of January was given by the
Police Chief.
Motion made, seconded and passed authorizing the City Attorney
to write to the state highway commission regarding the 2m
suggewstion received by the City as regarling the no left
turns in the intersecti )n of 19th and Winchester Aven^ie.
Mayor Unger gave a report on the meeting with the State
Game Commission and Douglas County Park Department on the
proposed boat launching ramp in the vicinity of Rainbow
Motion raade, ssoonded
Oregon Phys Service
Payroll Fund
Umpqua Mat^l Bank
Tt If tf
Payroll Fund
Ival Martin
Karthyn Karcher
Charles Dow
Ralph Wagner
Ray Chambers
Zack Turner
Robt ^ aimer
Elmer Price
Dan V/headon
Ump Banjj
Andy^s hoe Shop
and passed to pay the follov^ing bills;
13.62 American Rmbber Mfg 20.00
1300.00 Baker's Saw^hop 40.55
2011.25 PUD 659.72
1296.25 General Fund Trans 3525.00
4379.35 John Dye 364.89
$.00 City Eugene 30.00
3.00 Gawley^s ^Mwe 4.00
3.00 V/ A Karcher 281.04
3.00 City i^orth Bend 10.00
3.00 News ?ress 2.00
3.00 Port Ump Courier 77.53
50.00 PERS 189.72
3.00 Paramount Pest 8.00
6.00 101 Service 21.09
IS.75 OK Rubber Welders 6.50
3.40 Reedsport Garage 114.40
Ray's TV Ser 17.40
Reedsport Auto Elect 2S.S9
Heedsport Fire Dept 250,00
Heedsport Auto ^arts 5^.15
Reedsport %ch ^s 46.09
Reedsport ^''Itr Frt 7.35
Skylark Cafe 15-45
SIAC 14^.13
Thompson-Epperhart 2S.73
Taylor ^dwe 17.56
Umpqua Drug Co
Union Oil
AjWfcft Elect
Umpqua Nav C©
Ump Bldg Sup
West Coast Tele
Everett Wright
John SJjephens
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned
aigned y ^
" MayoF
Special Council and planning Commission meeting held this
16th day of February I960.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Herra, Murphey, Hurlocker.
Planning Commission Tom Lille]®^, Dr ^owitt, E C Daily,
Clarence^'^ahn and Hoy Henderson, J C Diehl, William Tugman,
George Williams, H E "ickels, E G Dunn, and ^^arry Ludwig also present
Meeting called for the purpose of meeting with Kenneth V. ^ames
Field Representative for H H F A. to talk Urben Renewal.
Mr. James stressed the importance of the Citizens advisory committee
in the first stages of planning and suggestions.
Also advance suddying should be done to determine the advisability
o^ need for urben renewal. Also a workable program should be
decided upon by the people..
He stressed the completion or the start of study for a somraunity
project before a urben renewal project should be initiated.
Meeting duly adjourned.
Attest Recorder
Present were i'^Iayor Unger and Councilmen Hurlocker, '^^rra, Boe,
Brainard, Murphey aid Urben.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
The request from the Greyhound Bus Company to relocate their
freight and passenger depot at 313 ^^srth Fourth was approved.
New reutes of the Busses were also approved,
Orin Collier brought the question of a stop and go sigj/ at
the intersection of Winchester and 19th avenues. After considerable
discussion a motion was made by Councilman Boe that the stop
sign be installed in cooperation with the State Highway Comm
provided that the City*s election for a new tax base is approved.
Councilman Llrbin made a amendment to the motion that the
stop light be installed v/ith cooperation of the state whenever
money is availabe either thrcugh budget or donations — oca
motion to amend was paased by vote of aye u any 0. Motion to
pass the motion as amended was passed by vote of aye .6 aay 0,
Motion was made, seconded and passed for ths City Attorney to
notify the Highway Dept fehat the City is withdrawing their request
for no left turn signs at the intersection of Winchester andlfth.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to paint crosswalks
at the intersection of VJinchester and 19th avenues and to jfs
police this area more often.
Mr, VJillingham appeared before the Council relative to the
installation of a sewer line in the Rowe Addition. The install
ation of a sewer line in this area is up to the property owners
as was the installation of the water line.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to install a street light
in the intersection of Forth and greenwood avenues on the side
adjacent to the Horseshoe cafe.
Dr Boe appointment to the Library board was confirmed by Council
Request to purchase the City owned property in Block S3 was
brought before the Council and the setting of a price i^as y
asked. City Attorney and City blkks Recorder with the Mayor V
are to contadt Mr. Hinsdale on a fair price for this pooperty '
to be considered as a unit with the rest of the property in
the same block.
Motion made, seconded and passed to adopt a resolution calling
^or the establishment of a new City tax base in the amount of
I 52,000.00 and calling for a City Election was passed by vote
of aye 6 aay O.Atxika:
At the request of Councilman Urbin a Committee is to be appointed
by the i'^iayor to study City Zoning, Building requirements and
the construction within the fire zone. Committee is to make
report at the next council meeting,
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills:
Payroll Fund lSOO',00 Fire Equip Co 20,65
OPS 13.62 Gawley^s Hdwe 6.55
Payroll F\md 42O7.SI International ^aper 45.^0
PUD 64^.15 Koke^Chapman 14-33
Dr Courtney 7-50 WA ^^archer 209,©9
John Dye 259.90 Geo Melville 7-50
H M McCabe 8.05
City Worth B.end 10.00
OK Rubber Welders 6S.4I
Paramount Pest 8,00
PERS 175.97
Pftnnasalt 37«50
Pacific Telephone 5*55
R & L Shell 6,00
Reedsport i-ogging Sup 10.2S
Reedsport Mach Wks 7-23
Reedsport Auto Pts 5"19
Reedsport Mtr Frt 7-53
xieedsport Auto ^lect 4^.37
Standard *^11 21.99
Simmons Carbon 11.33
SIAC 145.46
Truman Electronics 56.32
Meeting was duly adjourned
Taylor Hdwe
Union Oil
Umpqua Bldg Sup
Ump Riv i^av Co
West Coast Tele
Everett Wright
Reedsport Fire Dept
John Stephens
Minutes of special meeting called for the purpose of hearing
objections to tho porposed street improvement district north of
Wihchester Avenue between l3th and 22nd streets.
Present were ^*^ayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Hurloaker, Murphey,
Herra and Brainard. Absi^i^was Councilman Urtfin.
Meeting called for purposes to hear any objections to the
proposed street improvement program. There appearing from the
petitions as filed against the project that the required
percentage of objections lo stop the improvements, the city
by motion voted to abandon the project as provided in the
ordinance if the required percentage in the petitions
checked out coreectly.
Motion made, sec33)nded and passed to approve the final /
plans for the boat launching ramp as prepared by the Game Comm
and to notify them that the city would support the program
in the amount of $ 2000.00 and would accept the finished ramp for
future maintenance.
Beer application for transfer from A1 Stahel to Wayne Williams was
approved by council actions.
Motion made, seconded and passed for the Street and Sewer
committee to look into varojQus methods of street mmprovement
and to report back to the coimcil later.
Meeting adjourned.
Pl^esent were i^ayor Unger, C^micilmen Herra, Murphey, B»e, Brainard, and
Hurl#cker* Councilman Urban absent,
^inutes of previous meeting were read and apfreved as read.
^t request of Ceimcilman Urben, The ^y»r appointed the fellowing te
a committee to study zoning and building regulations within the business
area Robert ^und, ^r. ^owitt, J C Diehl, Gordon Talley and A1 ^rben.
Mayor Unger gave report on the meeting with Mr, ^ftnsdale on the ite
development and sale of city property in 2i»ck 83# ^t was suggested that
this block be developed as a unit and that the price for city lots be
discussed with the complete council at a later date i^en the plans for
complete development will be presented to the owners of the property x
A petition to post Bowman ^ad with signs limiting the speed to 25 miles
per hour was read and discussed by signers of the petition who ,were
present. After discussing the problem, it was decided to post the read
to 25 miles per h«tr and post signs "Children at pla^*«
Motion made^ seconded and passed to sign agreement for Mutual Aid to cover
Millijagton Rural ^'ire District,
'^e question of the boom ri^t lease on the city property known as the
"Flat ^ron" was brought up for discussion and after considerable
opinions were expressed it was voted to table this until the next
meeting of the Council,
City Secorder reported that the members of the City Budget that would
bo carried over from laftt year were ^1 ^etcham, Dr Mackenzie, Roger
Love and A1 Herra,
'^e resignation of Policeman Church was reported to the Council by
the ^olice Chief, He also reported that a application ha9 been received
but that the party wa$living at Florence and would like to continue tO
livd there until after this school term because of children in school.
The members of the C^^mcil thaught that the request to remain in Florence
until after the close of the school year was not unreasonable
and granted it.
Motion made^ seconded and
Gee McCullouch
Pyyroll Fund
Petty Cash
Umpqua Nat*l Bank
Payroll Fxmd
Payroll Fund
E K Stingley
H^ McCabe
Ray Hass
Walt ^iller
Ray Church
Andy's Shoe Shop
^erican Rubber Mfg Co
Baker's S aw Shop
John Dye
Gen ^'und Trans
^^^s TV
^ "^ourtney
C5os i^ay Stat
R, H. Srichsen
passed to pay the following bills:
PERS 183.37
City Bugene 40,00
^'ederal Sign C#!^ 11,00
Fire Equip C» 5.00
Hansen ^lectric 3.00
«JohBS-Manvme 7205,71
W A Karcher 214,33
H M McCabe 2.90
H E Nickels 12,50
Neep Equip Co 500,00
101 Sei^ce 13.42
OK Rubber V/elders 15.45
City North Bend 10.00
Paramount Pest 8,00
Port Ump Courier 51.30
Reedsport Mach Wks 245.40
Reedsport Lagging ^p 12.71
Reedsport Union Ser 4.95
Reedsport -^lect 55.01
^eedsport Auto Parts 25.01
Reedsport Fire I^ept 408,00
Reedsport Mrt Frt 13.12
Standard OH 10.U3 Umpqua Bldg 48.90
Skylark Cafe 8.75 Ump Riv Nav Co 30.00
mkC U7.59 Ump Ind ^p 4.98
Taylor ^dwe 42.40 West Coast Tele
Thompson-Epperhart 57.90 Watei*works Supplies 81.49
Union ^il 352.33 E L Wri^t 163.50
Umpqua ^Vug 11.53 John Stephens 45.00
There being no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
MAY I960 IN 1HE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M. .
Present were Mayor Unger Councilmen Hurlottker, Herra, B»e, Urben, and
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read*
Mr, Lengacher and Mr. Bryant aid ^Wger were present t® bring the
problem of drainage in the 2® foot t^iiity easement in the Highland
addition. After considerable discussion it was agreed that a committee
consisting ©f Dr. Boe, G#rdon ^rphey and Ai Urben would insjject this
area and report to -Uw Council at a liter date.
"^he recommoidation of the Planning •Commission ttiat the blocks 2 and 3 'f
Umpqua addition be changed to industrial zone § 4 was received by the
Council, Councilman Murphey made motion to accept the recommendation
and to proceed with the necessary steps to call for a hearing to affect
the change Af agreeable with persons involved. Motion was seconded by C^imcilman
Urben* i^tion passed by vote of Aye 5 ^^'ay 0, Scaring was set for the 23rd
day of May in the City hall at 8;00P.M.
The request for a reduction in the water rent of ^est Apartments was denied
by motion properly made> seconded and passed*
Letter from a group of citizens regarding a tree growing in the sidewalk area
in front of property owned by ^over Woods was read* After considerable dis
cussion it was decided that the tree was not a hazard to life and limb at thie
time and that the city would not asked to have it removed.
The question of the boom lease of the flatiron property was brought upfor
discussion, ^t was decided that this property would not be leased but that
the mill now using the same would |iay $ 40,00 per m®nth rental for each month
or part of month that it is used. This was passed by motion.
M#tion was made, seconded and passed to purchase 2000 feet of 18" transite
water pipe and pay for the same out of savings bond money.
The question ^f erecting a guard rail along Winchester Avenue in vicinity of
12 and 13th streets was referred to the Street Committee for their recommendation.
Motion made, seconded
Oregon Physicians Ser
Payroll ^und
Earl Smith
Fred Lengacher
Lee Epperhart
Lois Dickson
Louise Esselstrom
Audrey %ith
Virginia fiary
Ray Church
J* M, Adams
George Hutter
Nonna ^^aily
L F Swain
Zack Turner
Jean Beriihardt
Ray Church
Virginia Rose
Pajiiroll FUND
Edwards & Marshall
Lynne McNutt
Ben Gawley
Mabel Andrews
Qarl Carlson
Standard ^11 C®
and passed t® pay
the following bills:
R®y Koch
Orrin ^everson
H E Birdsall
American ^aFranee
J H Baxter "^o
Baker Saw Shop
John ^ye
Gawley Hardware
W A Karcher
Leavitt Frt Service
H M McCabe
OK Rubber ^elders
101 Service
Pennsalt Co
Paramount Pest Ser
Reedsport ^lumbing
Reedsport Ser
Reedsport ^\itp ^arts
Reedsport %to "'^lect
Reedsport ^ach Wks
Reedsport ^ire Dept
RUeeeeddssppoort Mbr Frt
^ity ^o'orth Bend
Skylark ^afe
News ^ress
Unio^ Oil
Umpqua Bidg Sup
Umpqua River Nav
148 #53 Unipqua Onig
18,40 Ump Ind
42.46 Waterworks ^p 0#
32.00 West Coast Tele
112.35 Everett Wright
218.47 Clyde ^\innally
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Minutes of puhlic meeting held this 23rd day of ^y I96O in the City hall at
8:00 P.M.
Present were ^ayor ^nger, Councilmen Boe, ^rben, Hurlocker, ^erra, and ^rphey.
Meeting called for purpose to hear and abjections to proposed *22 zone changing
of blocks 2 & 3 Umpqua addition.
question of fire insurance and values of adjactefe property was brought up.
Discussion was had regarding the effect of the zone changing without any of the
affected property owners present objecting to the »ne changing.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to change the zoning to industrial zone
OF zones in Blocks 2Sc3 Umpqua Addition was read and passed to second reading and passed
to tnird reading and finally passed by vote of Aye 5 ^ay 0.
Meeting adjourned.
Attest vV
May 27, i960
Councilman Mur|ihey and Recorder *^©hnson. canvassed theballots for the city
election to increase the tax base and found the result correct as shown by the
Clerks report.
Present were ^ayor ^nger, G»uncilmen Murphey, B»e, Brainard, Urben, and
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
The plans and specifications for the proposed Rainbow basin boat launching
ramp were examined and approved by the Council.
George Williajns and Ben Gawley were appointed for a 3 year term to the
Budget Committee.
The question for state aid for street improvement under the city extra
improvement was brought before the C^tmcil. The Street committee will
recommend what streets to include in the request for extra aid.
Police Actitity report for the month of May was presented for examination.
Councilman Boe gave report for Street Committee on the Utility Easement in
the highland Area. Amotion was made, seconded and passed to clean out the
drainage ditch and to extend the present culvert on Gardens ^venue about
25 feet.
Mayor '^ngelf brought up the question of '^lean up week. After considerable
discussion it was decided by motion to give the Mayor authority to
proclaim "Clean Up Week" if a sponcer can be found.
Representatives of the i^eedsport JayCees presented a sum of money $ 118.^5
collected XHxkarioSdbcEfxjsicB for a stop and go light in the intersection
of 19th and ''Winchester Aveiue. This is in memory to the late Mr. Johnston
who was killed^in a traffic accident in this intersection. Mr. «^ayne,
City Attorney was instructed to write the State Highway Commission
requesting a engineering survey made of thie intersection and to make
recommendations as to the proper traffic control.
Motion was made, seconded and passed for the Police Department to enforce
the one hour parking in areas so posted.
attorney Jayne was asked to write to priiper County officials for hel^ in
dog control in the City.
The question of an answering service to be offered by the Police Department
was brought before the Council, attorney Jayne to investigate the problems
involved and to make report at later date.
Motion made, seconded apd passed to pay the following bills:
Ore Phys Ser 13.42 John Dye 192.34
Payroll Fund 1800.00 Fire Equip 0» 20.00
County ^lerk 350.00 Verden Hockett 50.00
Payroll Fund 4848.40 Vi A Karcher 158.04
Anna Lehn 4.00 Koke->ChapiQan 14.98
Juanita Halladay 4.00 OK Rubber "''elders 74.31
Alice Halse 4.00 City North Bend 10.00
Gertie ^'arren 4.00 Port Ump Courier 44.44
American-LaFrance 122.02 Paramount Pest 8.00
PUD 410.83 PEKS 194.32
Coos Bay Stationery 15.21 Reedsport Fire Dept 222.00
Water Dept 75.00 Reedsport Plumbing 3.75
Reedsport Auto ^lect 1.50 Reedsport -^uto ^arts 19.49
^eedsport ^agging ^pply
Reedsporb Autdoor Stort
Std Oil C#
Tayl»r Hdwe
Unien Oil
5,27 Umpqua ^ndxistrial
85.25 Van Water ^ Redgers
8.49 Umpqua lldg Sup
142.33 Umpqua J^g 6*
14.89 Ujnp River ^^7
6.79 West Coast Tele
240•54 Everett Wright
H M Mc^abe
There being no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
Minutes of the Budget Committee Meeting held the thirteenth day of June 1940
in the City Hall at 7-30 P*M.
Present were '^l ^etcham, Ben ^wley, Rodger Love, George Williams, and Dr Mackenatle
of the Budget Committee and Mayor "nger, C^uncilann ^oe, Murphey, Brainard, and
Urben of the City Council.
Meeting called for the purpose of compiling a city budget for the years 4f *^uly 1
1940 to June 30, 1941.
Evening spent compiling the ^dget and the budget as finally adopted was for a tax
levy ©f $ 81,744.27. ^eorge Williams made motion to adopt the budget as compiled
and motion was seconded by Dr Mackenzie and said motion was passed without any
negative vote.- Motion was made, seconded and passed that wages and salaries
remain the same as previous budget.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to adopt the Budget as recommended by the
budget committee and proceed with the publication calling fot a hearing on
July 11, 1940. Meeting Adjourned.
Present were Mayor ^^nger and Councilmen Murphey and Boe. Also present were Tom
Lillebo, Frank Taylor, ^r ftowitt, and Ike Daileyof the Planning Commission.
J^ick Ivey of the-^eague of Oregon Cities who is working on the base map and other
information to be compiled by the stidy as authorized by Federal Grant presented
information and maps fts compiled to date. Since there wase not a quorum present
antTir no action was taken. A planning commission meeting was set for the
Jtaly ISthhto study the plans further.
Present were ^aypr Unger, Councilman ^erra, Hurlocker, Murphey, and Boe.
Meeting called f©r the purpose ©f discussing street maintenance of the
recently improved streets.
A joint meeting of the Piianning Commission and the City ^©uncil was set for
«^uly 18th at 8:00 PM.M,
Councilman Boe made motion that the City maintain the recently blacktopped
streets the same as they are maintaining the other city blabkedtopped streets.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Herra, Motion was brought t© a vote an^
councilmen Boe and ^erra voted yes and Councilmen Hurf^ey and H\irolcker voted
no. The Mayor c ast an affirmative vote to lass the motion.
Motion made by Councilman Boe and seconded by Councilman Hurlocker that the
City take care of the extra U feet of width in fourth street between Fir and
Greenwood Avenue. Motion Passed by vote of Ay© 3 Nay 0. Council man Herra did
not cast a vote.
Meeting duly adjourned.
IW THifi CITY HiiLL AT 7:30P.M.
Present were Mayer ^nger, C^uncilmen Herra, Hurlecker, Urben, Murphey,
£•6 and Brainard.
Minutes of preyieus meeting were read and approved as read.
Ordinance # 433 AN ORfiliMANCE LEVYING A TaX IN ME AMDUNT OF $ $1,744,2?
FOR the fiscal YEAa 1960-1941 AN DBCLARING aN EMERGENCY ^d "pasaed-byl-d^te
©f lye 4 May 0.
Letter frem State Game '^•mraission regarding the beat launching ramp was read.
Letter frem County Judge regarding deg centrel fer the ^^eedspert area was
read and discussed. Pessible centrol by the ^ity and the problem ©f financing
cost ef pound was discussed.
Discussing ef a possible answering service by the police department was had—
ne action was taken regarding this.
The police activity report for the month was examined by the Council members.
Fire ^hief requested that the City purchase a used bus from Diamond Martin
to be used for a salvage unit by the Fire Department. He stated that the
cost of painting and other changes was pledged by industry t© the department.
The net cost to the ^ity would be $ $00.00 plus the pickup now being used
for a salvage truck. Motion was made seconded and passed to purchase this
unit for $ 500.00 and that the Fire pepartment would renovate the unit
at their own expense.
A discussion had regarding the traffic problem on the north side of
Vfedes flat now that the streets were paved. It was felt that the traffic
was going in a speed unsafe for a residential area. A motion was made
that the city install stop signs in this area to curb the Speed. Motion was
seconded and passed by vote of Aye 5 ^fi-y 1. 6ounciljiian Murphey voted Nay,
Police Department and the Street Department is to desiginate the locations
of the Stop Signs.
The question of parking in the iowntown area was brought before the 0®uncil
for discussion. City to repaint and replace and install adequate number of
signs limiting parking to one hour during the day and adequate policing to
be done. Councilman Boe made motion that partine hel^ be hired to mark cars •
and issue tickets for any violations for overtime parking. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Herra-— motion passed by vote ofq aye $ Nay
Motion made,seconded and passed ti
OPS 13,42
Payroll Fund 1950,00
Ray Church 3.00
Fred ungwirth 3.00
Annette IVestcott 3,00
Frances Murphey 3.00
Mildrd Webb 3,00
Sidney Sacchi 3.00
Bawn ^^elly 3,00
iirdis "itaker 3,00
Deuglfls County Clerk 250,00
Payroll Fund 4820,34
MArse_Brothers 4471.25
Penns^lt Mfg 37.50
pay the following bills:
Andy's Shoe Shop
American Rubber Mfg
Albert's Electronics
Berg & Waiiy
John Dye
Gawley Hdwe
Hale's Equip 0»
W A Karcher
H M McCabe
1)1 Service
Oity North Bend
Paramount Pest Service
Reedsp»et Fire Dept
Reedsp®rt ^lumbing
Reedsport ^•giing
Reedsport Union Ser
Reedsport ^uto Parts
Reedsport Mach Wks
Reedsport Mtr Frt
Reedsport Auto Elect
Reedsport Outdovr Shop
Skylark Cafe
Taylor Hdwe
198,84 Thompso n-Epperhar t 50.29
578.00 Union tfiil 237.43
2.97 Ump 31dg Sup 99.72
2.40 Umpqua River Nav 32.00
10.95 Ump Ind Sup 4.53
29.09 West Coast Tele 110.85
55.18 Waterworks Supplies 99.84
21.14 Everett .Vright 143.50
3.42 Petty Cahh 48.04
There being n® further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Ulnutes of combined Council- Planning Commission meeting held this nVg
18l^ day of "^uly in the City ^all at 7i30 P.M.
Present were Mayor ^nger, CouncilBBn Herra, Mur^hw, Urben, Boe and Hegga,
Planning Commission members present were Howitt, illebo, Daily, and Taylor
Meeting called to order by Chairman ^hwitt and minutes of previous meeting
were read and approved as read.
L, W. Thompson presented several proposals to the ^o\incil in behalf of
the ^mpqua Shopping Center in regard to the recently filled area in the
vicinity of the ^mpqua Bowing Lanes.
Section A——-— -"Approved by Planning Commission by vote of Ay^ 4
Nay 0 and recommend same to the Council,
Motion by Hurlocker and Seconded bv Boe to accept the recommendation of
the Planning Commission zrai*
Motion was made by Hurlocker and Seconded by Boe that a Oeed to the ^
Proposed New Plat of ^locks 28,29,3ft3i+*3^ and vacated streets and alleys
and 40 & 47 with vacated streets and alleys or the filled area less the
portion comprising the dike and adequate area for a road by issued to
the ^mpqua ^hopping Center as soon as the proposed vacationing of Streets
and plats and the replatting of the area is accomplished. Also that the
rest of the area owned by the City excepting the parcels needed for a
dike and road by deeded in escrow for 5 years vdth a reversionary provision
to the city if prot^isions of the escrow is not fulfilled within the five year period.
All motions passed by vote of Aye 5 Hay 0.
Dick ^vey of "^e Bureau of ^inicipal Research ^ave report of the progress of
the survey and planning under the league program. Next meeting ©n this program
to be in Sept^ber.
July 18, 1960
The Common Council of the City
oi Heedsport and the City of
Reedsport l-lanning Commission
We are appearing before you at this special meeting this
evening for your approval and consideration of severe.! items in *
regards to the development of the property lying between Scho- *
field River on the north, 13 Street on the east, 15 Street on the
west, and Highway 101 on the south.
We would like to obtain approval from both bodies for the ***-
(a) Vacation of the following streets and alleys: vacation ^
of 15 Street from its intersection with U. S. Highway 101 to its
intersection with Hawthorne Avenue; vacation of Fir Avenue from
16 Street to its intersection with 15 Street; vacation of the alley
in Blocks 66 and 67; vacation of Greenwood Avenue from 16 Street
to 14 Street; vacation of the alley in Blocks 61 and 60.
(b) Vacation of the plat, streets and alleys in Blocks 28,
29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36 of the Amended i-lat of Railroad
Addition; the vacation of 15 Street from Schoj^cld River to Haw
thorne Avenue; and the vacation of the westfeet of 13 Street between Schofield River and Hawthorne Aveauer*"^A'
(c) The approval by the City of Reedsport's Planning Com
mission and the Reedsport City Council of the replatting of the
above nine blocks as shown on the map to be presented to the
Council and planning Comraission and comprising a total of fortytwo
lots to be developed for homesites.
(d) Consideration ox the City Council after said vacations '
to the immediate transfer to Umpqua Shopping Center of a deed con
veying title to Umpqua Shopping Center of the property described
as Blocks 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 60 and 67 of tiie Amended Plat of
Railroad Addition to the City of Reedsport and the balance of said
property comprising Blocks 30, 31, 32, 33, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and
66 to be placed in escrow under an agreement for five years after
which time if Umpqua Shopping Center has not filled said property,
the title to the same to revert to the City of Reedsport free of
any claim of Umpqua Shopfcijing Center.
(e) The rezoning to business zone or commercial zone all
property in said area lying south of Hawthorne Avenue and between
Schofield River and 12 Street and all property north of Hawthorne
Avenue between Schofield River and 12 Street to be zoned to resi
dential .
Respectively submitted by Umpqua Shopping Center.
Lester W. Thompson
I960 IN m Dm HAIL AT 7;^ P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger and Gouncilmen Murp^ey, Boe, Brainard, Hurlttker,
Herra, and Urben.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read.
C»unclljnan %rp&ey as^ed t« be excused as h« was not feeling well.
Motion made by Ctuncilman Hurl®cker and seconded by Councilman Bfe that
the City accept the recommendation of the planning Qommission to accept
a dedication of a 20' alley in the westerly side of Johnson addition
which motion was passed by vote of Aye 5 ^'ay 0»
Motion made, seconded and passed to accept the license granted by Menasha
Company to usd access road to the City Pipelinan sections 13 & ^8.
Motion made, seconded and passed to purchase used street sweeper from
Feenaughty Machinery C#mpany for price of $ 5,000.00.
Police activity report for the month of July was presented for examination,
Motion made by Councilman ^e and Seconded by Hurlocker for the City to
procedd with the rdcoramendation of the State Highway ^onmission for the
type of traffic control signal to be erected at intersection of 19tn
and Winchester Avenue of ^i^way 101, City Attorney Jayne to write letter
authorizing the installation and cooperation with the State ^i^way Conm,
Mayor ^nger state that several members of the Planning Consnission wished
to feander their resignation because of lack of time to properly serve
on the Conaission, The members resigning arej 0 H Hinsdale, William
Andrews, and Clarence Hahn, Mayor Unger stated that new members would
be appointed at a later meeting.
No action was taken on the request of the Fire Chief to attend a a
convention to be held at Los Vegas,
Councilman Boe brought up the question of 6ivilian Defense for discussion.
Father study will be made by 'Councilman Boe on this and a report and
recommendation will be made later.
Motion mdde, seconded
Umpqua Nat*l Bank
H M McCabe
^liza Burdick
Johns-Manville Corp
Raymond Hass
Walt Millbpy
Payroll Fund
l"'illiam ford
Payroll Fund
Opal i^aylor
Rosalie Reeder
Richard ^iles
Geo I'ey
Ray 'Chambers
Marguerite Brown
Ump ^^at'l^Bank
American Rubber
American llaFrance
Alberts Electronics
Berg ^ Wally
and passed to pay the following bills:
35324,25 Dr ^ourtney 5.00
40,00 Coos Bay Statio nery A.O?
2037.50 John Dye 90,55
22B0$*kk Treasurer Douglas 2000,00
40.00 Gawley's Hdwe 14.71
40,00 Koke-Chapman 14.37
1800,00 League ^r^ Cities 272,44
13.42 Johns^Manville 7000,00
14,20 OK Rubber '^'elders 19.25
5245*58 101 Service 55*50
3.00 PiiES 8.50
3.00 Simmons Carbon 12,94
3#00 ^#rt Ump Courier 178,48
3*00 City North i^end 10,00
3,00 PERS 207.13
3,00ULKay*&'tV'Service 29.80
2280,00 Reedsport Mach Wks 5*25
1149*24 i^eedsport Auto Parts 14*49
187*44 Reedsport Mtr Frt 17*52
84.25 Reedsport ^dre Dept 542,00
70.35 Reedsport Auto ^lect 87,95
433*84 ReedsportOutdoor Shop 13*40
Bob ^und, Ins 2702.11
SliiC 156.99
Traffic Safety Sup 47.91
'^aylor Hdwe 19.33
Ump -iSlect 43.37
Union Oil Co 2a.67
Ump Ind Sup 123.00
Ump. '^rug Co 34.71
Ump Bldg -^p
V/est C»ast Tele
Waterworks Supplies 755.38
Everett Wright 128.50
There being n • flither business the meeting vas duly adjeurned;
Present were Mayor ^nger, ^euncilnien Hurlpcker, ^^erra, Brainard, Murphey,
and Boe* Ceunciiman ^rben absent.
Mayor Unger appointed J • M. Mams to the Planning Commission. "Hie appointment
was approved by Council action.
Motion made by Councilman Hurlocker and Seconded by "Councilman Murphey to
renew the Lease to Diamond ^rtin for a period of 5 years with a thirty
day cancellation clause. Motion was paased by vote of ^ye 5 Nay 0»
The condition of the facilities provided for a bus depot was brought before
the Council for discussion, after considerable opinions were expressed, a
motion was made and passed to ask the ovmer t© celan up the premises and
provide a suitable place for a depot and give her one week to do so. A
letter is to be written to the Greyhound popple regarding these facilities
expressing the dissatification of the 0ity.^
Report was made to the Council that the Highway Commission had approved the
installation of traffic signals in the 19th' and V^inchester intersections
as requested by the ^ity.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to install 6 stop signs on the North
Side of Viiades Fiat, "'locations picked are: •
Greenwood and Hawthorn avenues to be stpps »n 2®th Street#
19th Avenue to be stops on Greenwood Avenue.
Motion made, seconded and passed
Ore Phys Ser 13»42
Payroll Fund 1835.00
Ted Hansen 874.59
Geo McCuHooh 300.00
Payroll Fund 5684.74
Albert's Electronics 70.20
Baker's Saw Shop 42.55
PUD 637.68
Coos i^ay Stat 4.05
John Dye 129.02
to pay the* following bills:
Fire Eqi^n C©
Gawley's ^dwe
A & W Drive in
K & MLogging C®
League of Ore Cities
Morse Bros
H MMcCabe
Melville Plumbing
City N®rth Bend
101 Service
Pennsalt Chemicals
i^aram®unt ^^est Ser
Reedsport ^nion ^er
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedsport i^chine
Reedsport ^ut© •'^ect
Reedsport -^aundry
Reedsport Mtr Frt
Reedsport ^ire Dept
State^f ^re
Skylark Cafe
Taylor Hdwe
Wews Press
3.50 Union Oil 352.03
37.50 Umpqua i^rug 7.78
221.32 Ump Bldg Sup 227.53
8.00 Ump Ind sup 168.86
8,35 West Coast ^ele 110,80
46.53 Wray ^ Vaughn 500.00
177.78 Sverett Vifright 128,50
28,46 Thompson-Eppe rhart ^ts 528.93
Meeting was duly adjoxirned.
Present were ^ayor linger Councilmen Boe, Murphey, Herra, Hurlocker, and Urben,
Present also were members cifi the Planning Comniission Tom Lillebo, Robert
Sund, ^r Howitt, H Nickels, Frank Taylor and Mose Adams.
Minutes of previous meeting were rsad^arid approved as read.
The appointment of H ii ^''ickels and Robert Sund t® the Planning 'Commission v:as
approved by Council Action,
I^lanning Commission called their meeting to Order and considered the |)roposed
plat of the CCC Tract, After discussing the various easements etc on the proposed
Plat, it was recommended that the plat be accepted and that the proposed
plat be presented to the Council firr their consideration. The Plat was accepted
by proper motion made, seconded and passed. The Planning Commission then adjourned
their meeting. Planning Commission action approved and plat approved
by Council action.
Councilman Urben gave report on the Recreation Qommittee and recommending
tiis certain things to be done by the City« the question of adequate lighting
at the entrance was brought up. City Rgcorder to contact the PUD for
their recommendation for better lighting.
^ Boe reported that the Counfcy Civil Defense Director 'vould be ^ Reedsport for
a meeting on the seventeenth day of this month at Pioneer Grade ^chool.
Councilman Murphey brought up the question of overtime parking in the downtown
area, After considerable discussion it was moved that the folice Qommittee
study the puDblem and see that ,'?it--b6 .cafried -t^' a solution.
City Recorder instructed to write letter to Southern Pacific asking them to
clean up their right of way jdossiiks through tovm.
Councilman ^rben brou^t up the question of Florddation of the water supply
for discussion. Considerable interest was expressed regarding this by
persons present at the meeting. ^ Mackenzie and Dr McLean both gave a report
expressing their viws on this. More research on this problem or solution
will be made by Councilman Urben.
Metioh was made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills:
Obq Phys Service 13.^ Loggers.^ Contractors 198.58
i^ayrell ^'und 1830.00 C&ty North Ben^ 13.00
Feenaughty Mach C© 2400.00 0 i^rth 224.20
Payroll Fund 4895.56 OK Rubber '"'elders 22,00
H M McCabe 60.00 Pennsalt Corp 37.50
Ray Hass 60.00 Paramount Pest Control 8.00
ViJalter Miller 60.00 PHIS 193.63
William ^©rd 60.00 Reedsport ^nion Ser 40.35
American LaFrance 168.56 R adio ^ TV Center 1.50
Burrough Corp 28.25 Reedsport Aut© Parts 20.79
Bureau of Labor 12.00 Reedsport Mach Vilks 36.84
^erg Wally 50.62 Skylark Cafe 10.35
PUD 615.15 Reedsport ^ire ^ept 326.00
Cliffs ^bil Ser 3.88 ReedsDort Frt
Sund Ins C®
Dr Courtney 7.50 117.57
Coos Bay Stat Co 1.07 SIAC 160.02
John Dye 139.78 Taylor Hdwe 91.97
Qawley's Hdwe 5.51 Thompson Motors
Ump ^nd Sup
W ^ Karcher 53.51 10.70
Union Cn Co 269.85 Ump River Wav 16.00
Umpqua Electric 36.95 Umpqua Bldg Sup 117.93
Umpqua Drug 2.39 V^est Coast Tele 138.07
Everett Vn'right 131.15 Ray S^odln 50.00
There being no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
i960 IN CITY HALL AT 7*30 ?UM
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Murphey, Urban, Herra, Hurlocker,
and Brainard, Councilman Boe was absent.
kinutea of previous meetings were read and approved as read.
i'lans and proposed cooperative agreemhnt for the installati©n<,and
maintenance of the Winchester ^venue and 19th Street signals were
examined and discussed. Motion was made, seconded and passed authorizing
the signing of the agreement and the approval of the specifications
as outlined by the Stat4 ^igipvay '-'ommissi^^j.
Dan "''^headon appeared before the '•'ouncil relative to dances to be given
by the teen-age ^lub. He was informed that prdvate dances were not
regulated by the City as were Public dances.
•f^rchie Mustoe appeared relative to the barking of dogs at night. He
was told that this would constitute an nuisance under City Ordinances
and that he would have to sign a complaint and then the City could
try to solve the problem.
Motion was made, seconded and passed authorizing the City Recorder te
sign and approve liquor license renewals in the City,
A discussion was held regarding traffic entering Winchester afenue from
the street serving the depot and Reedsport ^ill Company. It was decided
to install a stop sign for traffic entering ^'inhhester Avenue..
Motion made, seconded and
Ore Phys Service
Payroll 'und
Geo McCulloch
Payroll Fund
•^Ibert' s Electronic Ser
Cliff* s %bile Ser
Leo Cary, Ins
Geo Cake C©
John Dye
Fire Equip Co
Gawley's Hdwe
Vii A Karcher
Loggers ^ Oo^traatbrss
City i^orth Bend
News Press
101 Service
OK iiubber ^''elders
Union Oil Co
Ump i^rug C©
V/est Coast Tele
Western Stores
Mary Ann Thorton
Julianne V/illiams
Brisliaa Martin
Meeting Adjourned.
passed to pay the following bills:
13.62 PliliS - 8.16 &
1830.00 Pennsalt ^fg 37.50 $sn
49.60 Pacific Waterv'orks 17.25
4293.49 pms 160.e4
5.02 Paramount Pest Control 8.00
577.04 John C, Pollard 50.00
5.50 iieedsport ^uto P^rts 17.18
100.00 Reedsport ^ch Wks 29.33
10.47 Reedsport Auto Elext 64.58
219.34 Reedsport Fire Dept 304.00
70.45 R L Service 9.75
3.69 Reedsport Union Ser 13.15
177.00 Reedsport Mtr ^'rt 8.81
82.95 Std Oil C© 13.90
13.00 Byron Smith 7.86
24.00 SIAC U3.63
29.19 Taylor Hitwe 33.24
10.50 Thompson Ford Co 31.18
269.37 Ump Bldg ^p 69.05
1.49 Waterworks Supplies 282,26
108.85 Everett Wright 136.50
34.14 Doris Plov 3.00
3.00 H J Lyster 3.00
3.00 Dorothy Schweitzer 3.00
3.00 Ray Chmrch 3.00
I960 THii cm AT 7:30 P^M.
Present were May»r ^nger Councilmen Hurlocker, Boe and Brainard.
Meeting called for the purposes of holding a pmblic hearing on the proposed
Street, a Hey, and Block vacations as published in the notice of
public hearing in the Port Umpqua Courier.
After considerable discussion a motion was made, seconded and passed ts
instructing the Gity attorney to prepare the necessary Ordinances etc to
perfect the proposals as outlined in the NCDTICS OF EUBUC HJiiiBiG,
Proper Ordinances will be pregared and presented at .alater meeting for
•N-T' - •
OF DiiCiiiiBER 196O IN THE GITY H^iLL aT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Hiirlocker, Imrphey, Brainard,
Urben, and Councilmen elect I)unn and Swain.
Minutes previous meeting read and approved as read.
BLOCKS IN RAIEROAD ADDITION was read for first reading and upon
motion made by counciLnan Urben arid seconded by Councilman l^Iurphey
it was Jiassed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0 to second reading.
Read by title only for second readimg and motion by Councilman Kurlocker
seconded by Councilman Urben it was passed by vote of Aye 5 ^ay 0 to
third and final reading. Ordinance 434 was read in full for final
reading and upon motion made by Councilman Kurlocker and seconded by
Jouncilman Murphey it v/as passed by vote of Aye 5 ^ay* 0. Mayor
Unger stated that the Qrdinance was in full effect as of this dat^
since it contained the required emergency clause.
The question of the payi.ng for the heating gas used in the Scout hall
located in City Park Block on Vifades Flat was brought before the Council.
It was decided that the City could not assume this obligation and it
was referred byck to the Scouts.
State 4igineer 8.00 Paramount Pest Ser 8.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Patty Cash 44.56
PajToll Fund 1830,00 P£RS 146.79
I, 0, Johnson 53.95 Pannsalt C© 37.50
Ore State Hwy Dept 2700.00 Reedsport Logging Sup 3.00
Payroll Fund 4650.71 Reedsport Pirs Dept 1078.00
Berg "St Wally 105.05 Reedsport Plumbing 36.51
PUD 593.14 Reedsport Auto -^arts 33.35
Water Dept 75.00 R & L Service 9.10
Geo Cake Cq 8.91 Reedsport Mach '"'ks 21.81
Dr Courtney 5.00 Reedsport Auto Elect 12i86
John Dye 212,02 Reedsport Auto Parts 29.55
Daily Mtr Co 15.45 SIA.C 150.35
Coast Stores 1.79 Sund Ins C© 143.60
Fire Equip C© - 124.46 SIAC 7.50
Cawley's Kciwe 1.33 Thompson Motors 479.78
V/illiam Ford 40.00 Taylor Hdwe 51.95
iV A Karcher a8.78 West Coast ^ele 119.70
Koke-Chapmpn 120.33 The News Press 19.00
Geo Melville 69.40 Union Oil 230.13
City North Bend 13.00 Ump Bldg Sup 61.37
iSorthwest Equip SupplJ* 11.73 Ump Drug ^0- 12.59
C JEO'Neil 67.78 Vfestcoast Marine 3.95
OK Rubber Welders 113.00 Evebett Vsj'right 128,50
Standard Oil Co 10.42 Jack Dunn & A1 Urben 27.05
Umpqua Electric 36.62
There bring no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
Attest' >
Xy Recorder
Newly elected Councilman and ^yor were sworn in by the City Recorder.
Present were iiayor ^nger, Couhcilmen Hurlocker, Murphey, ^oe, ^ain, ^nn ^ Urben
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
The following committees were appointed by the llayor and appointments
were confirmed by Council action.
Finance Committee
Vifaljer "
Street ^ Sewer
Police & Fire
Bldg, Playground^ & ^ight
Dr. B©e, Jack ^\inn
Gordon Murphey, 8r ^oe, Lin Swain
Paul Hurlocker, Al Urben, Jack ^\inn
Lin Swain, Paul Hurlocker
Al Urben, Gordon Murphey
City Recorder I^ Johnson
Water Commissioner Arthur Tollefson
Police Chief H MMcCabe
Fire Chief James Thornton
Health Officer Dr. *^ourtney
Civil Defnes Administrator
Planning Commission F, L, Taylor, J. i'
S. i^aily, H, E. Nickels, Tom Lillebo.
Boxing ^ Wrestling "^omm Dr. McLean, Bill Fullhart, ^ay Brandon
Recreation Committee Ed ^arks, Jerry Larson, Earl Plagmann, ^larence
Hahn, John Svoboda, Stanley Furman, Harold Faircloth, iiiartin ^andon,
Gilbert Pointer, John -Stevens, Leo Tucker.
The problem o:^ trucks and their To - - '-est side of "ades Flat
which has been recently paved v/as discussed. ^lotion was made, and passed
to table this until more information could be gotten from the ^eague of
^regon ^''ities research dept.
George -^arks made a report on the Garbage being dumped in the vicinity
of the nevfly completed boat ramp on Puainbow P]kza,
U • ^ayor nger appointed the follovring committee to look over the trailer
court Ordinance and make any suggestions for additions or changes, Committee
iijipoihted consisting of Lin Swain, Gordon M^rjiey, AIJ. ^rben.
^dams, i^r Howitt, Robert ^und.
Motion, made, seconded and passed
Gordon Murphey 27.00
Ore Phys Ser 13*62
Payroll Fund 1800.00
John V^arren Hdwe C© 63.80
^kylark Cafe 26.95
Payroll Fund 3978.07
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 3716.25
First iVat'l Bank 452.50
Airkac 95.30
Berg ^ Wally 2.00
Cliff's Mobil Ser 52.78
DR Courtney 5.00
Chamber of Commerce 15.00
PUD 613.26
John Dye , .215.21
Fire Equip ^o 206.78
Hale's Stationery Co 4.95
Vif A Karcher 221.27
Eeo Melville Plumbing 2.90
idl Service 209.43
Pannsalt ^o 37.50
PERS 93.84
Paramount Pest Ser 8.00
Ray Church 20.00 H MMcCabe 60
Meeting Adjourned.
to pay the following bills:
i^eedsport ^nion Ser 7.08
Petty Cash. 45.84
iteedsport flumbing 2185.19
Ray's TV Sgr 8.80
Reedsport Auto Parts 10.87
Reedsport 4uto "^lect 107*00
Reedsport j^ch 17.78
Reedsport ?ire ^ept 498.00
Reedsport Motor Frt 3.11
Standard Oil 8.49
Sund ^s Co 371.09
SIAC 133.51
Byron Smith 3,95
News Press 86.00
Taylor Hdwe 48.59
Thompson Motors 61.12
Union Oil 334.89
Umpqua Bldg ^p 61.51
Ump Drug ^ 2.30
Ump River ^^av Go 38.00
Ump Ind ^up I65.O4
West Coast Tele 113.15
./right Cleaning 128.50
.00 Vi E Miller 6O.OO Ray ^ass 60.p0
1961 IN THE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, CounciLmen Urben^ Boe, Murphey, Dunn,
Kurlo^.er .and Swain. Council man Swain arrived at 95OO P.M.
MSnutes of the prev4ums meetings were r.ead and approved as read.
Paul Hurlocker was elected president of the Council.
Clyde Numally appeared before the Council relative to the pay&ng
of the paving of street adjacent to property owned by the PUD. He
v;as infornjed that since this was an extra width street and that only the
extra vddth portion which was an obligation .of the City , was paved
and that Ehe PUD vfould have to pay v.'hen their normal portion of the
street was paved at a later date. Also he informed the Council that
the PUD was offering for sale their v/arehouqe building and lot at the
depfceciated value of about $ 35>300.00,
Mr Nunnally also outlined an improved street lighting program. He x
suggested^increasing the size of the of the .residential lights from
2500 lumen to 6OOO lumen at an additional cost of about $ 1,000.00 per
year. He,stated that the lumination would be increased by about 2^
LICENSING OF DOGS was read for first reading after revisions and
passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0. Ordinance v;ill be revised as read and
be ready for second reading at next regular .council m.efeting,
Rbb^rt Sund appeared before the Council relative to the new
insurance .plan available to the City. He was authorized to submit a sworn
statement_of values of the insur able buildings for a determination
of insurance cost c:nd coverage.
The .question of a suitable place to hgld Municipal Court trials
was brought before the Council by the Mayor» After considerable discussion
and opinions v/ere expressed, a committee was appointed consisting of
the Police and Fire commAttee, Ra±iKExaH±xFire Chief, City Attorney
and City Recorder to consider this \juestion and make a recommendation
to the Council.
Gordon Myrphey informed the Council that he was elected chairman
of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal,
Kenneth Kent appeared before the Council relative to the purchase
of city property outside of the City Limits, Council took this under
advis.'iient and referred it to the planning Committee.
Councilman Swain stated that he would have a report and suggestion
on trailer parking in the City of Reedsport.
The request of the City Attorney for an additional $,50.00 per
case fcr trials held in the Municipal Court and additional compensation
for cased referred by appeal to the Circuit Court. Referred to the
Finance Committee for their consideration.
Motion was mads, seconded and passed authorizing the City Recorder
to purchase ani mirnmograph machine by bids for like machines.
The question of parking on Rainbovr Plaza for cars and trailers using
the Rainbovr Flaza Boat Ramp was brought up for discussion. It was decided
to place a parking log down the center of the street which could be driven
across for conveniences of parking a boat trailer and car together.
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Leo Cary 115.45
Payroll Fund 1800.00 John Dye 286.11
E R Levins 3.00 Joe^s Appl Ser 2.50
Virginia Joseph 3.00 W A Karcher 240.04
Karry Ludwig 3.00 Loggers & Contr 29.28
Dolly Sylvester 3.00 Geo Melville 5.00
Alice Halse 3.00 OK Rubber Welders 22.28
Gladys McCulloch 3.00 City North Bend 26.00
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 1968.75 Paramount Pest 8.00
Eva Smiley 16.25 Port Ump Courier 1.87
Ore Assn Fin Officers 2.00 PERS 195.96
James DeWitte 300.00 Reedsport Loggir^ Sup 9.88
Viilet Musii^.ger 3.00 Reedsport Auto ^lect 61.28
Maurine I^owles 3.00 Reedsport Autp $1.69
Bobbie McKinney 3.00 Reedsport Mach Wks 3.13
Maybelle Barton 3.00 Byron Smith 3.95
Charles Walls 3.00 Skylark Cafe 9.45
Marguerite Brown 3.00 SIAG 158.95
Dorothy ?/alker 3.00 News Press 20.00
Payroll Fund 4874.99 Ump Bldg Sup 176.17 •
Dolores Kittle son 3.00 Ump River Nav 264.00
Crystal Abel 3.00 Ump Drug Co 8.94
Lois Bickson 3.00 Ump Ind Sup 11.71
Liargerifee Richardson 3.00 West Coast Tele 110.75
Lennie Unfeerwegner 3.00 Waterworks Supplies 116.06
Charolette Brandon 3.00 Wrights Ind Cleaning 134.00
C L Wells 300.00 V/estern Stores 4.14
American LaFrance 155.60 Cliff's Mobil Ser 2.00
AlbertAs Rlftctronic Ser 11.44 -R & L SheU 179.63
Berg & Wally 31.72 Sundbaums 24.00
PUD 682.45 Coos Bay Stat 1.44
General Fond Trans 3600.00 Reedsport Mtr Frt 5
D L Courtney 7.50 Thompson Mtrs 20.07
Union Oil 230.30 Reedsport Fire Dept 630.00
There biang no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Hurlocker, Boe, Murphey, Dunn.
Meeting called for purpflise of opening bids for a new police car.
Bids were opened and tabled for futher consideration.
Pl?6sant--;were:iteyor Unger Councilmen Boe, Murphey, Dunn, Hurlocker, & Swain,
Minutes of prevdams meeting were read and approved as read.
DOGS was read for second reading and passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay o to
haird and final reading to be at the ^April council meeting.
Police committee recommend that the City purchase the do^ge for a police
car according to the bids as received by the Council, Motion was made
seconded and passed to purchase the Dart Do^ge Car for the price of $ 2200
as per bid. After considerable discussion by the members of the Council
it was recommend that the Police committee see that an adequate
service program is installed and put into ase for the servicing of the
new police car.
A Recommendation was received from the Planning Commission that no action
by taken by the Council regarding the controlimgg of trailers parked within
the City limits because adequate provisions under the state trailer law
applied to the construction of a temporary trailer court.
Plannigg Commission recommendation that no future water service tre
extended outside of City limits until an adequate map or plat, Bse,
size, access etc by filled and approved by the Planning Commission
was accepted by motion made by Councilman Boe and Seconded by Councilman
Murphey. The Council futher stipulated that the Planning Commission would
not unnecessarily withhold their approval if it was reconmedded by the
Motion was made, seconded, and passed that the fire department do not
answer any fire calls outside of the city limits unless it is a mutual aid
call. This v;as due to a xiuestion of adequate coverage on 6he City
liability policy.
Planning commmssion recommendation that the City annex city owned
property now outside of city limits was taken under advisement.
The question of rezoning of city property was tabled until this is
discussed with the Bureau of Municipal Research representative noi?
making a study of the City land uses.
Motion was madd, seconded and passed that the area of dining room now
used as a pool room b^ cleaned up and the tables removed so that it can
be used for city functions other hhan recrdation.
The finance committed recommended that the City pay their attorney for
trials at the following rate; Municipal Cases $ 50.00 per case. On
appeal to a higher circuit Court at the rate of $ 100.00 per case. This
recommendation was accepted by proper motion made, s edonded and passed.
Motion made to pay the following bills;
P E R S 7.70 OPS 13.62
S ally Berglund 3.00 Umpqua Nat'l Bank 18.75
Marlene Kaufmann 3.00 Payroll Fumd 4063.02
Ruth Baxter 3oOO Bureau of Mun Res 1500.00
Ida Cory 3.00 D L Courtney 7.50
Alice Goldgn 3.00 PUD 665.00
Edward Bakke 3.00 Coos Bay Stationery 25.00
Kathryn Ketcham 3.00 John Dye 244.77
Stanley Esselstrom 300.00 Chas Doerner 6.93
Payroll Fund 1800.00 Feenaughty Mach Co 2400.00
Fire 5§quip Co .2.50 Standard ©il Co 16.60
W A Karcher 216.33 SIAC 139.31
Loggers & Contractors 106.84 Thompson Service 84o98
H M McCabe 3.70 Umpqua Drug Co 5.42
Munnell & Sherrill 36.48 Umgqua Nat'l Bank 15000.00
City North Bend lioOO Union Oil Co 178,39
• OK Tire Shop 1.25 Umpqua River Wav 91.00
Pennasalt Co 37o50 Ump Bldg Sup 143.15
Paramount Pest . 8.00 Umpqua Electric' 36o72
PERS 171.60 Wkerworks Supplies 225.99
Reedsport Mtr Frt 5o53 Vilst Coast Tele 105.30
Reedspoart Fire Dept 292.00 VJrights ind Cleaning 128.50
Reedsport Union Ser ^6.70 West Coast Marine 4.20
Reedsport Loggirg Supply 2.98 Allen Smith 12.50
Reedsport Auto Parts 28.36
Reedsport Logging Suppl^ 2.60
Reedsport Mach Wks 2.64
Alfred Richardson 11.50 .
Reedsport Auto Elect 84.52
There being no futher business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Present were Mayor Unger, Coxmcilmen Urben, Boe, Murphey, Hurlocker,
Dunn, and Swain.
Minutes of previous meeting read and apprw^d as read,
was read for third and final reading and passed by vote of Aye 6 Nay 0»
Mayor dedlared that the Ordinance was in full effect as of this date.
Suggestions for the location of a dog pound were made and the Port
Officials will be contacted regarding the port Property.
DANCING was read for first reading and passed to second and third xa
reading by title only and then was passed by vote of Aye 6 Nay 0.
Since this Ordinance contained an emergency clause, the Mayor declS-ted
the ordinance in full3effect as of this date.
Motion made, seconded and passed to have a joint meeting with the pi
Planning Commission regarding their proposed zone changes.
Motionmade, seconded and passed to call for a public hearing for a
proposed zone change adjacent to S^i§tlsideDs>fv?£o@gwood Drive from
22nd Street to Highland drive. Proposed change is from Zone 3 Business
to Zone 2 Residential and also to remove said area form the Fire Zone.
Motion was made, seconded and passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay ^ not to
grant an easement to Central Lincoln pUD for the electrial service tO
serve additional float houses in the Schofield Area.
Motion made, seconded and passed authorizing the Library Board to
install electric heat in the Library. Amount specified is $ 341.78i
A request was brought before the Council by IJr. Burdick to increase
the speed on Winchester avenue to 35 mph. R quest was referred to the
Street Commitfefee for their study.
Approval to lease space in the city building at rental of 55*00 per
month . Lease to be a 5 year lease with a non cancellable cause for
the first year. Cancellable after one ye^r by 6o day notice by either
pasty. Repairs of tile and paint to be paid by renter and deducted frcan
A proposal for the development of reservoirrhill was presented to 'the
Council. Tabled for futher study.
Motion made, seconded
Payroll Fund
Ore Phys Ser
Geo Webb
Gordon Murphey
Payroll Fund
American Rubber Mfg
Bernhardt's Furn
Geo Cake Co
Coos Bay Stationery
apd passed
to pay the following bills;
John ^ye
Fire Equip Co
G^wley*s Hdwe
Hale*s Stat Co
W A Karcher
City North Bend
lOI Service
OK Tire Shop
Paramount Pest Control
Reedsport Fire Dept 540.00 Waterworks Supplies U3.80
Reedsport Mtr Frt 11.26 Wright's Cleaning Ser 136.50
Reedsport Union Ser 101.37 H M McCabe 60.00
Reedsport Auto Parts 34.56 Ray Hass 60.00
Reedsport Auto Elect 19.71 Walter Miller 60.00
SIAC 141.03 Ray Church 60.00
Taylor Hdwe 49.22 Walter Miller 32.40
Thompson Ford 2.93 H M McCabe 2.45
Union Oil 2eo.86
Umpqua Bdlg Supply 541.15 •
Ump River Nav Co 66.00
West Coast Tele 109.90
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned,
. /
OF APRIL 1961 ^IN 1HE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M. *
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Hurlocker, Murphey and Urben,
Present of the Planning Commission were Frank Taylor, Mose Adams, Ike Daily and Dr,
Howitt. . ^
Meeting called for bhe purpose of discussing the suggested rezoiiig of
parts of the City. •
Blocks 102 to 107 Amended Railroad Additicaia to the City was suggested
to be re zoned i'rom Business to Residential zone # 2 and removed from the fire
zone. Dick Ivey was present and reviewed the progress of the land use and
zoning study for the city as a whole. After considerable discussiorig
on the proposed chiange a motion was made by Councilman Hurlocker and seconded
by Councilman Urben that this area be rezoned as suggested. Vote was 'Aye 3
Nay 0. Since Councilman Boe did not vote. The motion died for a lack of a
Meeting Adjourned.
rijpm l$6l IN THE CITY HALL AT 7:^ P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, C ouncilmen Hurlocker, Dunn, Boe, Urben and
Hearing on the rezoning of the aeea from 22nd Street along Ldg^cd
Drive south to the Highland Addition to the City of Reedsport. Area
to be rezoned is 100 feet in width parallel to the old highway 101.
I Since there were no objections to the proposed rezoning, the City
Attorney was instructed to draw up the neaessary ordinances to
i I affect the rezoning as advertised.
Frank Taylor appeared before the Souncil relative to the develojanent
of possible park iites or the beautification of City owied property in
various aree|s of the City. Hb stated that several persons were interested
in a program of this type and would be glad to offer their time and a
advise on a program of this sort. The Mayor appointed Frank Taylor,
Lillian Hahn, Clarence Hahn, Kelson Hogan, H E Nickels, and the
president of the Garden club as a commdrttee to start the program rolling.
Councilman Boe stated that he would contact the members of the Junior
Chamber of Commerce in regard to their hel^ and suggestions on the
problem of Civil Defense Coordinator.
Ordinance # 437 An ordinance outlining the proceedure for subdivision
regulations was read for first reading and passed by vote of Aye' 5 Nay 0.
The following were appointed fo serve for a three year term on the
City Budget; James McCuUough, William Humphrey, and tiarwin Berhhardt.
Hold over members of the committee are George Williams, Roger Love,
arid Ben Gawley.
The question of the location for a city dog pound was brought up for
discussion. Since the S-^nitary dupp operated by Mr Hahn was suggested;
and since Mr Hahn and Mr Hubbard were both present, this suggestion was
relayed to them. Various problems immediately presented themselves
and it was decided by Mr Hubbard and Mr Hahn tiiat they would get together
at a later date and decide whether the pperation of a dog pound would
be compatable with the* operation of a sanitary dump.
Councilman Boe brought up the peiliiig or offering to sell by bids of
block 102 Amended Railroad Addition, iince this area is included in
the area Suggested to be ressoned, it was felt that the change of zone
should be accomplished before the salfe of the property.
Aiodmbined Council and Planning Commission meeting is to be held on the
22nd day of May in the Council Chambers. .
' Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills;
Payroll Fund I65O.OO
^ Ore Phys Ser 13.62
Edwards & Marshall 105.18
Payroll Fund 3865.93
Doris Davis 300.00
B.A. & Berg Borrevi^ 22.72
Baker*s Saw Shop 17.25
PUD 703.95
General Fund Trans 15825.00
D L Courtney 12.50
John Dye 150.02
Hiles Stationery Co 27.00
W A Karcher lltl.75
Johns Manville ^61$.55
City North Bend 13.00
Paramount Pest 8.00
Pennsalt Corp 37.50
PERS 161.22
Reedsport Mtr Frt 24.79
Reedsport Fire Dept 418.00
Reedsport Lpgg.^ng Sup 2.98
Reedsport Auto Parts 8.05
Reedsport Mach Wks 64.45
Reedsport Auto Elect 135.20
Standard Oil 7.72
SIAC 121.25
Taylor Hdwe 45.91
Thompson Ford 8 les 55.50
U^ion oil 311.69
Umpqua Drug 25.92
Umpqua Ind Sup 4*00
West Coast Tele 101.75
Wrights Cleaners 136.50
Hydrotex Industries 55.13
PERS 7.26
Umjiqua Bldg Supply
Waterworks Supplies
Western Auto
H M McCabe
Reedsport Garagd
There biing no fiirther business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Special Couniil MEETING HELD THIS 22nd
AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor linger, Councilmen Urben Hurlocker, Boe, Muiphey, Dunn and
Meeting called for purpose of Having a joint meeting with the planning commission.
A Recommendation was recei^Jed from the planning Conmissionthat blocks
102 tol07 inclusive be rezoned to a new acne known a C2 Resident-Commercial,
Motion was made by Councilman Murphey and seconded by Councilman Swain
that the recommendation of the planning commission be appreved and that the
the necessary steps be made calling for the hearing. Motion passed by vo;^e of
Aye 6 Nay 0. Property purcftiased by Mr Clements adjacent to 22nd and Hwy lol
zoned to Business zone § 3/ Included in mettoaendation of planning comm.
Application for water seri^ce received from Mr. Frank Brucker. Since the
arda to be serviced is outside the city limits, the request was referred to the
Planning Commission for their action.
Applications Sot Package license for beer was redeived from Safwway and
a request for a change of location for ajfihange of location for a package
license was received from Fir Gi»ove Grocery, Both applications were
approved by motion made and passed.
Councilman Swain brou^t before the council' the questdcn of trailer parking
regualtions and again this was referred to the planning Commission for
their study and recommendation.
Meeting was duly adjourned. ' " *
Attest^ R^(6^raer
8:00 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Hurlocker, Murphey, Swain and Dunn
also William umphrey, Roger ^ve, George Williams, Ben Gawley, and Sliaffles
McGullou^ of the- Budget Committee.
William i^»umphrey was electi^d Chainnan of the Budget Committee and James
Mc CoilLLough was elected Secretary. Recorder Johnson was appointed recording
Estimates of receipts and expenditures were worked out and a budget was
approved by the Budget committee and recommended that th^ Council accejA
the budget ss agreed upon by the Committee.
Councilman Swain brou^t up the xjuestion of adequate budget to hire
professional services such as engineering or planning if needed. The
Budget will be flexible enou^ to cover this was the opinion of the
members present.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the budget as compiled and
to print the same and call for a public hearing as prescribed by law.
1961 IN THE CITY HALL AT 7^30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Swain, Murphey,
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Mayor Unger declared himself as a Councilman so that there would be a quorum
Mayor ^nger thanked various Council Comnifetfefes fofoth^ir interest and work
shown in their various duties.
REEDSPORT was read for final reading and approved by vote of Ays k Nay 0.
The Mayor then declared the Ordinance in full effect as of this date.
The request for the purchase of City owned property by the Umpqua Little
Theatre was tabled for future action because the location they requested is
in the process of being placed in a different buSlding zone if approved.
Mayor Unger started that some interest has been shown in paving on the south
side of Wades-Flat.
Dr. Hewitt, Chairman of the Planning Commission, Reported that the planning
commission would make a futher study on the parking of trailers within
the City limits and make futher suggestions on this.
Motion was made by Councilman Murphey and seconded by Councilman Boe that
the city call for bids for the furnishing of gas and oil and d&fisel for the
coming year. Motion was passed.
Motion was granted for the use of tennis court for a dog training program
for one hour a week for a period of 12 weeks. User is to clean up the area
after each training lesson.
Permission was granted to the Fleet Day Conmittee for the use of the City
Park in line with'their program for fleet day.
Councilman Murphey to see the ©addle Club regarding the construction of dog
pound on their leased property.
Motion irade, seconded and
Payroll Fund
Daily Mjn? Co
FkyroU Fund
American L^ France
General Electric
Albert's Electronics
Comminity Bldg Trsms
Dr ^ourtney
CoHvers Cleaners
Daily Mtr Co
John Dye
Dunn's Outfitting
Fireequipment C©
Gawley's Hdwe
Hale*s Office Equip
W A Karcher
Los Angeles Stamp Co
George Melville
passed to pay following bills:
1650.00 City North Bend
101 Service
OK Rubber Welders
Pennasalt Co
Port Ump Courier
tt ti It
Paramount Pest
Reedsport fogging
Reedsport nion Ser
Ray*s TV Ser
•Reedsport Auto •'^lect
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedsport Mach <^Mcs
Reedsport Mtr Frt
Reedspcrt Fire Dept
Reedsport Outdoor Shop
Standard Oil Co
12.50 Byron Smith
Sund Ins Co 321.63 SIAC 133.78
Taylor Hdwe 14.29 Thompson Ford Sales 9.88
Union Oil Co 168590 Umpqua Bldg Sup 101.87
West Coast Tele 104.70 Wilco Fire Equip 18.45
Waterworks Supplies 438.35 Western Union 1.82
Wrights IndiB trial 126.00 Petty Chdi 26.74
H M McCabe 4.90
Meeting was d ly adjourned,
Attested \
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Murphey and Dunn.
Mayor linger declared himesif as Councilmen to make a quorum present,
Sincisethere ^as not any objection to the proposed City budget as
printed in the paper calling for the hearing. It was moved and passed
that the Budget as published be adopted and the City Redorder was
instructed to draw up a Ordinance leving a tax in the amount of
$ 86,536«67 and have it ready for the next council meetirg.
Present v/ere Mayor Unger, Councilmen Murphey, Boe, Hurlocker, & Dunn.
Minutes of previous meeting here read and a|)proved as read,
Carl Uggen, representing the Southern Pacific Railroad, spoke to the Council
reigarding the proposed merger of the Southern Pacific and the Western S.
Pacific, He explained the benefits to the people now served by the S P
etc. After considerable discussion on thie, the Council adopted a resolution
supporting the merger.
Letter was read from the Southern Pacific regarding the request from the
City fofc the Railroad to dlean up their right of way.
and declaring an emergency was read and passed by the council for all three
reading by vote of Aye 4 Nay 0. The Ordinance was then signed and placed
in effect by the Mayor,
Motion was made, eeconded and passed to rent the space formerly occupied
by the City Finance Co to the Douglas County Health Department at a rental
of $ 60,00 per month, Counfcy to do all redecorating.
Motion was made to change the zone in blocks 101 to 10? as advertised and
create a new zone known ad zone 2C, motion was seconded- and passed. City
Attorney insti*ucted to proceed with the necessary ordinances to affect the
zone chmges ad advertised.
Motion made, seconded and passed to furnish water to Frank Brucker on Bowman
Road for one residence only,
City Attorney instructed to prepare the necesaary legal advertising or x
notices to be published in the paper that the City of Reedsport would not
answer any fire calls outside of the City liniits of Reedsport.
Motion made, secooded and passed to pay the itemized statement of the expenses
of the Fire Chief Convention of the fire Chief and one firemen.
Motion made, seconded and pazaed authorizing the park committee to prifjceed
with the investigation of the park area as to size and other problems.
Motion made, second ;d and passed for the city to assume the maintenance of
the Hahn Park.
Diehl and Serfling appeared before the Council relative to the development
of Crestview Hill. Final outcome of the discuswsion wr.d the retaining of
an engineer to work out the cost of a sewer and water system to serve the
area in question.
Motion made, sedonded and passed to pay tlie fillowing bills:
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Edwards Marshall 233o96
Payroll Fund 1650.00 League ore Cities 20.00
Payroll Fimd 4488,16 H M McCabe 5.85
Air Mac 50,15 City North Bend 13.00
Arcade First Aid 28,32 OK Tire Store 24.20
PUD 654.55 Port Ump Courier 35.06
Geo Cake Co 34.41 Pacdfic Pumping 7.13
Coast To Coast 13.14 Paramount Pest 8.00
Viater Dept 75.00 pms 179.88
Coos Bay Stationery 8.30 Reedsport Outdoor Shop 6.80
D^L Courtney 20,00 Reedsport Logging Sup 11172
D ily Motors 65.36 Reedsport Auto -^lect 71.51
RSedsport ..Auto Parts 19.33 Reedsport Mach Viks 42 .©0
Reedsport Union Ser
Reedsport Frt
Thompson Ford Ser
News Press
Taylor Hdwe
Union Oil
H M McCabe
Walter Miller
Dunn's Store
Meeting Adjiaurned.
22o90 Ump Bldg Sup
27.17 Ump Riv Nav
139•35 Ump Drug Co
2.00 Ump Ind Sup
12»00 V^est Coast Tele
61 a23 Waterworks Supplies
153o99 Wrights Ind Cleaning
60,00 Ray Hass
6O0OO Ray Church
32,13 Reedsport Fire Dept.
290 ..00
1961 IN THE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor ^nger C©uncilmen Murphey, Boe, Dunn, Hurlaocker and
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as reqd.
Letter was read from Cornell, Howland and Hayes regarding the proposed study
of the water and sewer installations as suggested for Crestview Heights.
Steve Henault requested that the City offer for sale Lots 1 & 2 Block
2 of Reedsport Addition, Council members are to inspect this property and
advise at latfer meeting.
Letter of resignation was EBS^ived from Councilman Urben. Hw has
moved outside of the City iiiid can no longer serve. Motion was made,
seconded and passed to accept the letter with regrets.
Motion made, seconded and passed accepting the recommendrtion of the
Mayor for Mr. Curt Baker to assume the duties of Civilian Defense Director
for the Reedsport Area.
The poor condition of the water pipe serving the Port of Umpcua property
was discussed. This pipe is the property of the port and they will be informed
of the needed replac^ent of pipe.
Motion madd, seconded and passed to write letter to Greyhound Bus
Company on their facilities in this area.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay following bille:
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 21,838.75 Clyde Wunnally 36.00
James Thornton 320.08 City NoBth Bend 13.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 lol Service 11.40
Payroll Fund 1650.00 Port Umpqua Courier 146.^
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 13768.75 Pennsalt Co 37.50
Doug Co Sheriff 36.20 Pamamount Pest 8.00
II II 127.83 Reedsport Logging Sup 93.05
Pioneer Grade School 204.74 PEES 187.62
Union Dist U 13 99.55 Reedsport Auto Parts 1.65
Lower Ump Hosp Dist 24.88 Reedsport Mach IVks
Reedsport ^utdoor Shop
Geo McCulloch 101.60 9.40
Payroll Fund 4746.24 Reedsport Mtr Frt 2.50
Geo McCnlTouch 300.00 Reedsport ^nion Ser 6.70
Albert's Electronic 86.36 Sund Ins Co 2294.60
Berg & Wally 6.20 State Forrester 27.20
PUD 674.32 SIAC 138.65
Dr Courtney 5.00 Ndws Press 166.00
General Fund Trans 10220.00 Taylor Hdwe 32.45
Coos Bay Stationerjr 3.73 Thompson Ford Sales 29.67
John Dye 48.22 Ump Bldg Sup 16.11
Daily Mtr Co 10.50 Ump Nat'l Bank ^98.75
Dunn's Outfitting Store 15.91 Ump Nav Co 44.00
Fire Equip Co 18.78 Ump Ind Sup 24.13
Gawley Hdwe 1.69 H M McCabe 2.30
Roy Henderson 92.00 Reedsport Fire Dept 334.00
A Karcher 57.46 Waterworks Supplies 53.80
League ^re Cities 149.90 Vifilco Fire Equip Co 114.00
Melville Plumbing 113.78 y/est Coast Tele 117.85
Wright's Ind Cleaning 128.50
Meeting duly a^gourned.
Rec( >rder
I 1
Present were Mayor Unger, CouncDjnen Kurnhey, Eoe, Hurlocker, Dunn
and Swain o.
lanutes of the p revmous meeting v/ere rea^ and approved as read.
Mrs Robert'Benson appeared before the Council regarding the intersection
of 22nd street vrith the State Highway # 101. 3he ^y^as representing the
P.T.A. and" asked City help to get more adequate warning signs, or some
better traffic control for this area. School childjren ^d pedistrians
crossing street was the primary concern. City llecorder instructed to
contact the State Highway Commission regarding this.
Mr. Frank Grates appeared regarding the possibility of opening the ponl
hall adjacent to his business for minors. He was told that if the ;
premises was modified to conform to State Liquor Control Regulations
regarding doors and access to the building, that it v/ould be approved by
the City,
M, A» Smith appeared regarding the transfer of liquor license of the
Silver Moon to a new location in a building to be constructed. The
request for the transfer was apprwed by vote of Aye 5 Nay Oo
Letter was read from the State -industrial Accident Comm stating that Vol
Firemen answering calls outside of the City at the Direction of the City
Council WQQld be covered by them otherwise they would not be covered.
Letter read from the Greyhound Bus lines stating that they v/ere attempting
to get a new bjts a||d freight depot in the City.
City Attorney instructed to advertise lots 1 &" Block 2 for sale by
sealed bids to be opened at the next regular Council meeting.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to purchase digger for the City and
to make a down payment of 30^ balance to be paid over two annual instal
lments over a 24 month period.
Ray Halladay was hired as a dog catcher at rate of $ 2.50 per hour and
to work a 4 hour day five days per wfeek. Pay for use of car is to be at
ratd of 9*^cents per mile* employmentto continue at this rate until
next council meeting.
Rental for use of Gym for daytime meeting in the morning for batan instruction
was set at ^ 5*00 per meeting.
was -read for first time and second and third tines by title only and passed
by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0, Mayor then stated that the orjiinance was in fulll
effect as of this date.
Police Committee reported that the «Jail is being renovated and other
conditions corrected to make it more usable as suggested by the Police
Fire T^ck is to be examined and repaired and kept for service at the
present time.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pa.y following bills:
John C, Rowe 3.00
OPS 13o62
Payroll Fund I65O.OO
Payroll Fund 5390.00
Jerry Liebrant 100.00
Lillian Hahn 3,00
Ellen Oliver 3,00
Helen Hedhus 3,00
Daily Mtr Co 10.50
Cecil Bennett 3.00
June Butler 3«00
Maurine i^nowles 3.00
Alberts Electronics 22,02
Baker Saw Shop 4o95
PUD 705.21
Coos Bay Stationery 1,08
Port Ump Courier 8.88
John Djcj^ 50.40
General Fund 2380J00 Reedsport Mackine Wks 53.$6
Ray Henderson 2.49 Reedsport Auto Parts 22.97
P L Hurlocker 461.08 Reedsport Union Ser 3.00
W A Karcher 18,43 Reedsport Sluto Elect 61.95
K & M Logging Co 910.00 Bryon Smith 7.18
J ohns-Manville 48.00 Bob Sund 534.65
J ohns-Manville 15309.22 SIAC 155.76
City North Bend 13.00 Skylark Cafe 9.25
101 Service 8.00 Taylor Hdwe 39.92
OK Rubber V/elders 80,74 News Press 50.00
Pacific Mtr Frt 2.72 Thompson Ford Sales 3.00
Paramount Pest Ser 8.00 Bureau of iabor 18.00
PERS 206.95 Union Oil Co 358.83
II 7.26 Urngqua Ind Sup 46.65
Reedsport Log Sup Co 103.30- Umpqua Bffldgj^up 6.50
A1 Richardson, 2.25 West Coast Tele 104.60
Reedsport ^aundry 3.06 Waterworks Sup 61.37
Reedsport lumbing 25.59 Wilco Fire Cquip Co 32.50
V/rights Ind gfer 128.50 Umpqua Drug 2.76
Motion rmdade^ Second and passed to adjourn meeting.
Mayor y
1961 IN THE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, Ce^cilmen Murphey, Dunn, Swain, Bee and
Minutes of previeus meeting were read and approved as read.
Public Auction, as advertised was held fer the sale of lots lSe2 Block 2
of Reedsport Addition* 0„ly bid was received from Steve Renault for 60.00
per lots for each lot* Motion was made, seconded and passed to sell the lots
as bid. Passed by vote ©f Aye 4 Niay 1.
Bids for the furnishing of Gasoline and oil for the ensuing year were
opened and read. Motion made, seconded and passed to study the bids as received
and to accept the a^owest bids received. Vote was JC^e 4 Nay 1.
Letter read from the Lower Umpqua Little Theatre Group asking for
infoimation regaivting their offer to purchase City owned property. After
considerable discussion a motion ^s made by Councilman Hurlocker and seconded
by Cotmcilman Bee that the City sell this property at the price offered.
Motion was defeated by fote of Aye 2 Nay 3.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to advertise for sale by sealed b^ds
all City owned property in Blocks 102 & 103* Parttof the consideration for
the sale will be the intended use of property and time of development. City
to reserve the right to reject any and all bids»
Letter was read requesting the using of the Community Building for a
pre school training program nxs Motion was made, seconded and passed not
to rent the building for this purpose.
City Recorder instructed to have crosswalks painted on the highway crossing
on the intersection of 22nd and Highway 101.
Permission was granted for the dredging on certain lots in Block 1
and to place some of the spoils on city street adjacent to the project.
Motion was made, seconded and passed instructing the City Recorder to write
letters to the Southern Pacific Company and The Cascade Plywood Corporation tag.
thanking them for their efforts to clean up the debris on their property.
Motion made, seconded and passed authorizing the Rec Committee to spend
$ 360.00 of their money fer the refinishing of the gym floor in the
Community Building.
Coos Bay Supply Co. 2654.48 Mrs. Chet Brunner 200.00
Payroll fund 1650.00 Oregon Physicians Service 13.62
Clifford V. Freude 8.40 Richard L. Simark 300.00
Roselyn D. Fitzgerald 3.00 Bristina Martin 3.00
Colleen L. Toppings 3.00 Virginia Boyd 3.00
Charlotte Brandon 3.00 Velma Barth 3.00
Payroll fund 4664.43 State of Oregon 25.00
Alberts Electronic Service 25.00 Baker's Saw Shop 10.95
PUD 655.36 Cornell, Rowland, Hagres 194.97
Callaghan & Co. 35.00 Coos Bay Stationery Co. 4.77
John A. Dye 89.54 Dunn's Outfitting Store 12.86
Daily Motor Co. 46.64 Ray Holliday 23.59
City of North Bend 13.00 OK Tire Store 4.25
101 Service 44.30 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 37.50
Paramount Pest Control 8.00 PERS 181.26
Reedsport Motor Freight 19.71 Reedsport Fire Dept. 260.00
Reedsport Auto Electric 24.00 Reedsport Machine Works 180.03
Byron L. Smith 4.09 Reedsport Aut© Parts 16.25
Stults & Jayne 100.00 Standard Oil Co. 3.20
SIAC 138.90 Taylor Hardware 34.38
Union Oil Co. Calif. 270.40 Gayiord Vaughn, CPA 500.00
Umpqua Industrial Supply 20.95 Umpqua Bldg. Supply 40.64
Umpqua River Navigation
Wri^t*s Industrial Sleaning
W. A. Karcher
122.50 Waterworks Supplies Co. 584.23
128,50 West Coast Telephone Co. 107.20
92.73 Reedsport Volunteer F.D. 788.00
Motion made, seconded, f»nd passed to adjourn.
I. G. Jefnnson, City Recorder
Signed jl
J</A. Unger, Mi
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Murphey, Boe, Dunn, Hurlocker,
and City Attorney Jayne.
Bids for sale of City Property a s advertised wer4 opened for consideration •
Mayor Unger and Councilaan Dunn were called from the meeting bec^se of
illness in the Dunn Fajidly; since there was not any'qommnipresent, the meeting
was adjounned until November 13> 1961.
ON NOlJEMm 13, 1^6l |T 7s30 P.M. 1961 HELDIN THE CITY HALL
Present were Mayor ^nger, Councilmen Mj^rphey Boe, Duzm^ Hurlocker, and Smiii
Bids for the sale of City Property were opened and read*
1. Bid for $ 1275*00 received from Umpqua %itle Theatre for Lots 7> 81 and
W^ lot 9 Block 103.
2. Bid for lots 28t3 Block 103 for $ 1250.00
3* Proposal from Library Board for the exchange of present Library i»^perty
for lot 8 Block 102.
4* Proposition from Diehl Agency for development of various properties
plus $ 1.00 for Deeds in escrow,options, ete.
Con8ideraU.e discussion was held Regarding Bids and propositions.
final decision was as follows:
Motion made by Councilman Swain and seconded by C^undilman Murphey that City
reject all bids received. Motion passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0.
Motion was made seconded and passed to table proposal of property exhhange
received fj^om the Library Board.
Diehl, and Serfling proposition will be given further consideration when
the proposal as changed by verbal propositions is put into writing and a
definite plan submittM.
Motion made, seconded and passed to approva liquor application renewals.
Motion made, by Boe and Seconded by Murphey to notify owners of recently
fire damaged buildings to remove the same in accordance with City Ordinances.
Letter from Rev Bellsiiy regarding the glass breakage in the Church located on
Arthur Drive and Longwood Drive. More adequate lighting of the
area was suggested as well as futher police patrol. Problem to be studied.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to notify George Melville to clean debris
on his property located in block 75. Apetition has been received regarding
this condition.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the report of Mr. Dick Ivey on
the study of a General Plan for City Development.
Motion was made by Councllisan Hurlocker and seconded by Councilman Murphey
that Delhi and SerfUng That before and consideration be glvto to any plan
of development l^at a definite plan be presented In ivrltlns for consideration*
Motion passed by v>»tp of Aye 5 Nay 0.
Resignation #f Dr Bowitt fl*om planning Coinm^sslon accepted and the Mayors
appointment of William Schneider to the Planning Coismisslon was approved by
JUU9&il Motion made^ and passed*
Consideration for the appointment of a Councilman wiil* be given a next
council meeting*
L* Thompson appeared before the Council relative to the development for
residence of property in the vicinity of the Umpqua Shopping Center. He
explained the views of F*H*A. on this site for hkusing. Also he asked an
opinion of the City Attorney and Council relative to the eatabllshment of
a trailer park in this area. The area in question is zoned for residence
use as zone 2 redldentlal. It is the opinion of the Coiuicll that trailer
parks would be a uss pemitted under the restrictions of zone 2,
Motion made^ seconded and passed
Curt Baker ' 52.24
H M McCabe 60.00
Ray Hass 60.00
Walt Miller 60.00
Ray Church 60.00
Payroll Fund 17S0.00
OPS 13.62
P ayroU Fund 4706.29
?American Rubber Co 1410.50
PUD 601.15
Port Ump Courier 32.47
John Dlehl 100.00
Daily Mtr Co 9.75
Ray Holliday 35.87
I. G. Johnson 85.00
W A Karcher 51.24
Geo Melville 6.07
Jihns-4Sanvllle 63.0.03
Paul Hurlocker 93.38
City Morth Bend 13.00
to pay following bills:
OK Tire Shop 6.50
Pannasalt Chem Co 37.50
Paramount Pest 8.00
PERS 167.08
Ray's T7 Service 13.30
Reedsport ^^lumbing 20.50
Reedsport ^nion Ser 56.35
Reedsport Mach Wks 160.95
Reedsport Auto Parts 116.16
Reedsport Fire Dept 288.00
State Industrial Accident 140.93
Byron L. Smith 10.77
Thompson Ford Sales 147.47
Taylor Hardware 4.69
Union Oil Co. of Calif 210.45
Umpqua Bldg. Supply Co. 100.44
Umpqua River Navigation 13*75
Waterworks Supplies Co. 74.16
Wright's Industrial Clean 128.65
Lin Swain 86.88
Jason Boe 20.00
Motion made, seconded, and passed to adjourn.
Attest; .
City Re/^order, I. G. Johnson
Present were Mayer Unger, Ceuncilmen Bee, Murphey, Dunn, Swain
and ^urlecker.
Minutes ef previous meeting were read and approved as read*
Mr. Serfling ef Diehl & Serfling Agency appeared before the Council
with a Land Purchase agreement consisting of Five pages legal size*
Agreement had to do with Blocks 102 & 103 plus the land known as szb
Crestview hill* Many proposals, conditions, options etc were contained
within the proposal* After much discussion on the Proposal a motion
was made by Councilman Hurlocker and Seconded by Councilman Murphey
that the proposal, as written, be rejected* Motion was passed by vote
ef Aye 5 Nay 0*
Letter was rdad regarding Lot 1 Block 102* County deeded this
lot to the City at the request of the City Attorney* This lot was
believed to have belonged to the City until a search ©f the records
proved otherwise* Lot was fomerly partEcfi3ddc of the Veterns Property*
Letter was read from the State Hi^way Department regarding aid tfor
improvement of 10th Avenue*
Motion was made, seconded and passed approving the pxoposed vacation
of aportion of 4th Street as advertised in the paper* City Attorney
to prepare necessary ordinances affecting this vacationing*
Motion made, seconded and passed authoring the payment of following:
West Coast Tele 103*28 City North Bend 13.00
PESS 7.35 Ore Pac Co 26.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 0 R North 220.00
Payroll Fund 1650*00 OK Tire Shop 90.01
Alice Davies 3.00 News Press 18.00
Bette Hilli«r 3.00 Paramount Pest Ser 8.00
Rose Barge 3.00 FEES 145.08
Clarence hahn 3.00 Reedsport Garage 52.29
William Todd 3.00 Reedsport Mach Wks 82*47
Mildred Martalla 3.00 Reedsport Logging Sup 5.52
Payroll Fund 4745.94 Reedsport ^lumbing Co 126*51
A^-berts Electronics 47.49 Reedsport a.'otp parts 28.18
American LaFrance 119.66 Reedsport Union ser 71.40
American Rubber Mfg 79.50 R & L Shell 3.00
Air ^c Inc 288.50 Reedsport Fire Dept 3ie.00
Berg & Wally 52*40 Reedsport Auto fiLect 42.49
BakerSs Saw Shop 30*60 v^^iith Blair Co 15.82
PUD 631.89 SIAC 7.50
Water Dept 75.00 Sund Ins Co 672.00
Daily Mtr Co 51.99 SIAC 136.31
Hale*s Stationery 6*89 Skylark Cafe 10.05
Ray Halliday 35.78 Taylor Hdwe 14.71
Melville Plumbing 1.48 Union Oil 231.22
Umpqua Bldg Sup 229.89 Ump River Nav 76*50
Ump Blect 5.50 West Coast Tels 108*30
Wilco Fire Co 484.72 Waterworks Supplies U2*57
Wrights Ind Ciaaners 126*00*
Meeting duly .adlournedi
Present wore May»r Unger and C»uncilnien B»e, Mupphey, Swain,& Hpplecker
Minutes previous meeting read and approved as read,
declaring an emergency was read and passed by vete ©f Aye 5 Nay 0.
M»ti«n made, and seconded bf appoint Gr«ver '^Ve#ds te fill the tm^pired
term farmer C»uncilman A1 Urben— mktien was approved by v#te ef aye ^any 0. Gr»ver W»»ds was then swern in as a Councilman.
The fellw^ng cemmitfeee appointments were made by the ml^y»r and approved.
Finance Dr Boe & Jack Dunn
Water Murphey, Boe & Swain
Street & Sewer Hurlocker, Murphey, & Woods
Police ^ Fire Depts Hurlocker & Swain
Building, Playground
& ^ights Woods & Dunn
Recorder I G «^ohhson
Water Commissioner Arthur Tollefson
City Attorney William Jayne
Police Chief H M McCabe
Fire Chief James Thornton
Health Officer Dr Courtney
Civil Defense Dir Curt Baker
Planning Commission F. L. Taylor, Wm Schneider, H E HicKeik, Tom Liiiebo
J M Adams, Bob Sund, & E C Daily.
Library Board Alice Knutsen, Emma Seabloom, W A Burdick, George
Plov Dr Boe.
Recreation Committed Ed Marks, Jerry Larson, Earl Plaggman, Clarence
Hahn, John Svoboda, Stan Furman, Harold Faircloth, Martin
Brandon, Gilbert Pointer, John Stephens, Leo Tucker.
Motion made, seconded and passed approving the application of Cascades
Plywood to fill some of their profjerty as outlined in the application.
Request to purchase alder stumpage from the City was tabled because of
If^ck of Vacation of desired stumpage.
Letter from the State Highway Commission regard!^ the feasability of a
traffic control signal on Highway 101 and 22nd Street intersection was
Dog Control agreement with dDouglas County was signed.
Motion was made, seconded and passed not to allow any change in the water
rates as requested by mr. Schroeder for his apartments.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to raise mter tap connections S 10.00
for each size of taps.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills:
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Henderson 9,55
Payroll Fund 1650.00 ^rs Mackenzie 32.98
Bdw^rds &Marshall 61.33 City of North Bend 13^00
Curt Baker 48.72 News Press 22.00
Payroll Fund 4456.13 Ore, Wash, Lawman Assn 5*00
Baker*s Saw Shop 51,25 Pennsalt Chem 37.50
Chamber Of C.mm ^15.'oo Pfram»unt Pest C.ntr.l 8.00
T3»v.f TTm« ni cn Simmons Carbon Co 12.96
teily Mtr I'lo
tKeayyHL.llaSdayy 3399*.7733 Rr^e^ekdesyp-.srtFLur.gnging Sup 19866..1180
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedsport Mach Wks
Reedsport Auto Elect
Reedsport Plumbing
Std Oil Co
Taylor Hdwe
Umpqua Drug
Umpqua Drug
Umion Oil
Ump HLdg Sup
Ump River Nav
Ump Ind Sup
West Coast Tele
Wright's Cleaners
Fire Dept
Motieh mdde> seconded and passed to adjourn meeting.
' Recj^rder
Present were Mayor Unger, and C^uncilmen Hurl4cker, Bee, Murphey,
Dunn, Swain and Woods*
Minutes of previovis meeting werJ^ read and approved as read. ^
Letter r^d from the SouthweBtem Coimmmity College explaining I
their Schflorship program.
Permission was granted to Fir Grove Motel to use part of 22nd '
Street for the storage of lumber duning the construction of the
addition to their motel.
Letter from Councilman Boe regarding the offer to purchase city
property was read. Coxmcilman Bow requested that this letter be made
a pennanent part of the Minutes of this Council meeting and the letter
is attached to the minutes of February 12, 1962.
Letter from Umpqua ^ttle Theatre offering 1275*00 for the piirchase
of lots 7>8, &W1/2 lot 9 Block 103 Amended Railroad Addition was read*
Letter and proposal from Grant Dunn for the Purchase of lots 1
to 9 Inclusive Block 102 Read* Purchase price of 1000.00 per lot.
Mayor Unger read an estimate prepared by the City Attorney,
Recorder and himself as follows:
Block 84 lots 7 to 12 incl 1,750.00 perlot.
Block 102 Lots 1 to 7 incl 2,300.00 per lot
lot 8 3,300.00
Lot 9 950.00
Block 103 Lots 7 & 8 700.00 per lot
Wl/2 lot 9 400.00
Councilman Dunn and Councilman Murphey disqualified themselves
to act en the proposal submitted by Grant Dunn because of either
family or business ties.
Motion was made by Councilman Hurlocker and seconddd by Murphey
that the City accept the offer from the Little theatre and sell them
lots 7,8 ic m;2 lot 9 Block 103 Amended Railroad Addition for the
total price of $ 1275.00. Motion was passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0.
One Councilman did not vote.
The offers to purchase other City Property by Grant Dunn and Jason O
Boe was tabled until the Council meeting on the 26th. I
Motion was made seconded and pa ssed to continue the Council '
on February 26th after the payment for the bills was approved.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills:
Umpqua Nat*1 Bank 1902.50 Mary Ann Petersdorf,Jerry Leach,
HMMcCabe 60.00 Gertrude Warren, Dora Jackson,
Raymond Hass,Walter Miller Rachel Baldridge,Ida Cory 3.00
Ray Church 60.00 Bob Murray 3.00
N4rthern Trust Co 700.00 William Ford 39.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 siAC 149.00
Payroll Fund 1650.00 pers 205.18
Dept of Finance Ore 36.00 gangs ^ Dick 276 00 Umpqua Nat«l Bank 2^.75 sakfr's Saw shop
Payroll Fund 1000.00 Berge &Wally 2.15 Payroll Fjmd 4^.^ Coof Bay Stationery sSo
& 688.71
General Fund Tr^ns 3420.00 Reedsport Auto Parts 68.74
Dr Courtney 7.50 Reedsport Fire Dept 774.00
Daily Mtr Co 30^39 Stults & Jayne 6.50
Elliott Industries 5.23 Standard Oil Co 151.86
Fire fiquip Co 170;00 Bryon Smith 7.18
Hale ^ Rudin 2.52 News Press 12.60
Legislative C ouncftl Ser 5.75 Taylor Hdwe 14.62
Loggers & Contractors 28.25 Umpqua River Nav Co 628.75
H M McCabe 3.25 Utilities Supiplies 40.10
Geo Melville 1.89 Umpqua Drug 3.18
City of North Bend 13.00 Umpqua Industrial Supplies 36.00
Ore-Pacific Co ' 4.00 Umpqua Bldg So 42.68
101 Service 8.40 West Coast Tele 107.95
PEHS 7.35 Wilco Fare Co 594.09
Paramount Pest Ser 8.00 Wrights Ind Cleaer 136.50
Reedsport ^tr Frt 22.07 Union On G« 357.75
Reedsport Mach Works 105.08
Reedsport Gargge 193.28
MBKkiHgxxafcSKKEHri 5^689
Motion made^ seconded and passed for the City Recorder to send fvr
information on rdj^lation for the installation and use i£ Liquified
Petroleum Gasses.
Motion made, seconded and passed to purchase up to 1100 feet of 18**
transite wat6r pipe»
Discussion was had rel^itive to using sonie of t|ie downtown^streets
for cart racing during salmon harbor celebration.
to be contscted on this.
State ^ighway Comnission
Motion was made, seconded and passed for the City to participate in the
summer recreation program including the schools in this area. City share
to be in the amount of ^ 700*00»
Arequest for a vacationing of a street by the ^mpqua River Navigation
Comjiany was referred to the Planning Commission for their action.
Motion was made to write a letter to the Douglas County Court seeking their
help to establish a County owned and operated dump for the surrounding
Meeting continued tntil Febraary 26, 1962
Present were Mayor ^nger. Councilman Boe, Murphey, Swain, Dunn ^ Woods,
and ^urlocker. Councilm^ "urlocker arrived late. Acting City Attorney
Stults also present.
The question of Cart Racing on City Streets again came before the Council.
City Attorney read State Statute prohibiting the ssing of any public streets
for purposes of racing or speed contests. Action on the .request was posponed
until the State had made their position regarding this known.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to contact the State Highway Commission
regarding the development of a four lane highway from the intersection ofit
Highway Avenue and Winchester Street to the ^mpqxia River Bridge.
Dr. Jason Boe Withdrew his bid because of his connection and interest in
city property that was wanted by the Library Board for the expansion of a
future library.
After Discussion of the Library needs etc a motion was made by Councilman
Swain and Seconded by Councilman Boe to draw up Resolution setting aside
lot 8 Block lOjLAmended Railroad Addition for ths use of the Library
Board for future expansion. Motion passed aye 5 nay 0.
C®unt7 Librarian sp®ke befare the C#uncil about the C#\inty library
and the local library stressing the needs for additional space for
proper use of the books and periodicals.
The offer to purchase city property by Grant Dunn was brought up for A
discussion. Since lot 8 was set aside for library use and lot 9 had a cloud
on the title, his original offer was changed to to include lot one to seven
block 102 inclusive. Motion was made by councilman Swain and seconded by C
Councilman Woods to accept the offer for development of. the lots as outlined
in the attached letter* Motion passed by vote of
6oe did not vote because of his prev4mas to
in the Dunn Proposal* £(0^
Motion made^ seconded and passed to adjourne:
Recover 4^
'nay 0. Councilman
ise part of the lots
dsport, a-c§on
.cQl-DentQl Bidg. Florence, Oregon
JStview 1-2312 Medical-Dental Center
DR. JASON D. BOE Phone 339
Feb. 12, 1962
Common Council
City of Reedsport
Reedsport, Oregon
Sirs: _ p
I hereby submit the following offer for your consideration: ;
$1,500.00 for lot # 6, Block 102
$1,500.00 for lot # 7, Block 102
$ 500.00 for lot # 9, Block 102
Making a total of $3,500.00 for the two lots facing Winchester
Avenue and the undeveloped lot immediately behind these two lots,
facing onto Elm Street.
I would agree to start construction within a period of fifteen(15)
months on either a professional office building or multiple family
rental units. Either or both of these types of units will become
necessary if any population growth occurs in our city within the
next several years. If, for any reason, construction is not started
within the agreed upon time limits, I would agree to the city, at
its option, repurchasing the above described property at 80% of
the original purchase price, thus insuring for the city a profit
on the transaction.
I hereby request, because of my position as a councilman in the
City of Reedsport, that I be allowed to disqualify myself from
any vote that might arise from the council's consideration of
this proposal. I also request that this letter be included with
the permanent records of this meeting and that this request for
disqualification be included in the permanent minutes of this
meeting at this time.
Ver; truly yours.
'asph D. Boe, O.D.
Reedsport, Oregon
February 12, 1962
Common Council
City of Reedsport
Reedsport, Oregon
Attn: Irving Johnson, Recorder
I, Grant Bunn being a resident of Reedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon hereby submit to you the following
offer to purchase from the City of Reedsport, certain
city owned pro'oertj'- as follows; and under the following
terms and conditions:
1. The real property that I desire to purchase
is described as Lots 1 through' inclusive, 31ock 102,
amended plat of Railroad Addition to the City of Reedsport,
2. Hie total purchase price offered for said
property is $1,000,00 per lot.
3. The terms of purchase would be Ji^jOOO.OO
down, iirith the title to ^ lots being given to the under
signed at the time of payment o^ the doim payment and a
contract to purchase the other ^lots with the final
payment being due not later than one year from date of
the contract,
if. Enclosed herewith is a certified check for
$^00,00 as earnest money for this bid. In the event the
City Council should accept this offer the enclosed money
will apply against the down payment \>rith the balance of
the down payment being paid immediately. In the event the
offer is rejected, the earnest money is to be returned to
the undersigned,
5, Further consideration offered for the property
is the promise to develope the property for housing,
either single or raultifamily as approved by city building
codes and zones and by FHA. or FFA for square footage
requirements, the first ^ lots to be fully developed within
one year from the date of the contract of sale and the
remainder of the lots to be developed within 3 years of
the date of the contract of sale. Construction to commence
on the first U lots within 180 days.
6, In the event agreement is reached in this
matter, the undersigned would expect to receive a deed to
each lot when the full purchase price of $1,000,00 is
paid for each lot.
1962 IN THE CITY HhLL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Linger, Gouncilmen Hurlocker, Boe,
xjuqoksy, Dunn, Swain and V/oods.
Minutes read and approved changed.
Hearing on proposed vacationing of a portion of
First street was held. There were no objections raised to
the T^roposed vacationing and a motinn -was made to read
STREET was read for first reading and motion was made, seconded
and passed to adopt ordinance. Ordinance then was read
by title only and passed by vote to the third and final
reading. Ordinance read for third reading and motion was
made, seconded and passed to adipt the ordinance. Mayor
then declared the Ordinance in full effect as of this date.
read and motion was made, seconded and passed to adopt
ordinance by vote of Aye § Nay 0. Ordinance was then read
by title only and passed to third reading by motion made,
seconded and passed. Ordinance read for third reading and
passed by vote of Aye $ Nay 0, The Mayor then declared the
ordinance in full effect as of this dote.
Block 102 Amended Railroad Addition as reserved for Library
use. Passed by vote af Aye 5 nay 0.
Letter was reed from the State Highwya Commission
denying the use of State Highway for Go^Cart Racing ^JiuciHg
For reason that ife is against State i-aw to use public Streets
for rading purposes. Djie to the letter from the State Highway
Commission regarding use of streets for racing purposes and
by advise of City Attorney, the Council went on records as
not favoring go cart racing on public streets.
I>^otion made, seconded and passed to install mercury
vapor street light by the alley in Slock 76 en Fifth ^treet.
GASES was read for first t?eading and passed to second reading
by vote of Aye 5 '"ay 0. Second reading by title only was
passed by vote of aye 5 nay 0. Third and final reading
was passed by vote of aye nay 0. The Mayor then stated
that Ordinance # 443 was in full effect as of this date.
New application for Retail Malt Beverage Class A License
by H E. Smith of Rftedsport Tavern 346 N 4th was tabled until
the April 9th Meeting. Vote to table was lye 4 Nay 0 one
not voting.
Question of State Daylight time and Standard time was
discussed. No action was taken by the Council.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to/high test, or
ethyl gas in the police cars.
Motion made, seconded
Ore Phys Ser
Payroll Fiind
James Thornton
Ore Phys Ser
Payroll Fund
Circuit Court Clerk
B erg & Wally
Community Bldg Trans
Geo Cake Co
Cliff's ^'bbil Ser
gaily Mtr Ser
Feenaughty Mach Co
Loggers & Contr Co
City North Bend
0 R North
OK Tire Ser
Pennsalt Chem Co
Paramount Pest Ser
Pub ^mp Ret Sys
Reedsport Plumbing
Reedsport Logging
Reedsport Auto Elect
and passed
to J>ay the following bills;
ReedsportAuto Parts 12.44
Reedsport Mach Wks 27.^0
Ray's Tv Ser 10.95
Reedsport Mtr Frt 6.00
R & L Ser 4^.2^
Reedsport Union Ser 3.65
Standard Oil Co 177.96
Byron Smith 3.59
Skylark Cafe IS.65
SIA0 130;94
Bureau of Labor 9.00
Taylor Hdwe . 137.45
Union Oil Co 351.^9
Utilities Supplies 12.65
Umpqua Bldg Sup IS.4S
Umpqua River Nav J37*^S
Waterworks Supplies 91.32
Wrights Ind Cleaners I36..5O
There being no further business, the meeting was closed.
Present were Oojaiacilmen Hurlooker, B®e, Murphey, Dunn, Woods and
Swain, In absence of Mayor Unger, Councilman Har^ocker, President
of the Council, acted as chairman.
Minites of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Motion made, seconded and passed to approve the. application for class
"a" Malt. Beverage license for Mr, Smith at 346 N. 4th Avenue,
^harles Ross, Administrator of the ^ower Umpqua Hospital District
appeared, relative to the installation of utilities to serve the
proposed. Hospital. After considerable discussion it was decided by
motion to the following;
1, Hospital district to install ibeir own sanitary sewer to connect
to a manhole located in teh intersection of Scott Street and Arthur
Drive, Sewer line to be of 8" concrete and. laid to city specifications
2, Water Service—- Hospital District to bear cost of construction of
6" Transite Line Class 150 from present location in Scott Street
to a location as determined by their Engineer and a 6" fitting with
a valve installed. The district will also extend this service line
with 4" transite Class 150 to the South Boundary of their property.
All work on this line to be done by the City on a Cost basis. City
will connect the line from the south boundary of Hospital
property to connect to existing 4"line on Bowman Road,
The proposal of Superior Oil Company to lease City land for
possible oil exploration was refused.
Bill T^lor, Representing Central Lincoln PUD appeared before the
Council relative to installing some power poles in the City dike for
service to float houses on the South Side of Highway Bri&dge over
Schofield River, After considerable discussion it was decided by motion
to approve the installation of two poles in dike. The Power Company is
not to connect any more new services other than the existing ones and a
list of the power users and connections to be furnished at this time.
Motion madd, seconded and passed to grant a 6 months use for parking
one trailer on Highland School property by the Murphey Construction
Company while addition is being built on th |iresent facilities.
Grover Woods asked the Council for permission to install an
additionalaatenna for a private radio service. It was decided to allow
the use of City Pole for the additional antenna if the installation is
approved by FCC and does not interfere with city services,
Robert Sund presented a annexation petition from E E Morris and Paul
Bemhardt for area in the Bowman Road District, Motion made, seconded,
and passed to accept petition and call for a hearing as required by law.
Petition for annexation from RaJjph PauU and John Hicks also
presented for annexation and it was accepted and a hearing will be held
at same time as petition from E E Morris.
The problem of Oiling and dust control referred to Street Committee
for their action.
Motion made, seconded and passed to take Grader, and roller to
the R ^ L Service for clean up, A bid for overhauling this equipment
will be secured later.
Consensue of ^pinion amongg the Councilmen that the speading of firemen
answering fire calls in private cars constitutes a hazard on the streets
and should be ciu*tailed. Referred to the Fire committee for their
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay following bills:
Reedsport Fire Dept 298•CX)
James Thornton 11.51
Payroll Fimd 1650.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.62
Bob Miarray 18.76
Payroll Fund 4456.35
Baker's Saw Shop 75*05
Altie Circle 25.00
PUD 716.56
DL Courtn^ 10.00
Glass Boat Works 225.53
The Courier 2.25
Daily Mtr Co 33.19
FlexiblB Pipe C® 24.30
International Paper Co 5.00
City North Bend 13.00
Nat»l Fire Xet Co 14.00
OR North 128.00
H E Nickels 17.07
OK Tire Shop 148.77
Pennasalt Chem Co 37.50
PERS 186.54
Paramount Pest Ser 8.00
Reedsport Garage
Reedsport Logging Sup
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedsport Auto ^lect
Reedsport Mach liVks
Reedsport Mtr Frt
Reedsport Plumbing Co
Reedsport Union Ser
Standard ^il Co
Bryon Smith
News Press
Thompson Ford Sales
Frank Taylor
Union Oil.
Ump Bldg Sup
Umpqua River Nav
West Coast Tele
Waterworks Supplies
Wrights Ind Cleaning
Henderson Grocery
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Present'were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Woods, Dunn, Boe, Murphey, Swain
and Hurlocker,
Minutes'of previous meeting were read arid approved as read.
Petitions for annexation were received from E. E, Morris and Paul
BQimhardt and Ralph Paull, Motion was made to dcceptpthe petitions and
to call'for a hearing as prescribed by law. Hearing was set for May 7
and brought before the Council by the City Attorney, Since there were
not any'objections received to the proposed annexations an Ordinance #
444 was presented by the City Attorney affecting the annexations.
Ordinance # 444 accepting the Petitions for annexation was read in full
and Motion was mde to adopt the ordinance and motion passed by vote of
Aye 6 Nay 0, Ordinance read for sedond reading°by title and motion
was made seconded and passed by vote of aye 6 nay 0. Third readding ©f
ordinance Q 444 v/as had and motion to adopt the ordinane^ was passed by
vote of Aye 6 Nay 0, The Mayor then signed the Ordinance and declared
in in f\ill effect as of this day.
Petition for annexation v/as redeived from John and June Unger,
Motion was made to accept the petition and t® call for a hearing
iB accordance to the annexation law. Hearing to be on next Council :•
Letter was read from the Oregon Fire Insurance Rating Bureau
notifying the City that their insurande rating was lowered from Class 6
to class 5,
"^etter was read from Reverend Bellamy regarding glass breakage in
the Church located on Arthur drive and Highland Avenue,
Request for water service to serve a proposed trailer court
now located outside of the city limits was received from WA Karcher
who is one of the partners in the development. The City requested that
the developers give consideration to annexation prior to the granting
of water service, Mr, Karcher is to contact his partner regarfliiig
Motion was made, seconded and passed to waiver the condition of r
their^ersion clause regarding lots 1 & 2 in Block 102 which was
property recently sold to Grant Dunn, This property is now in the
process of being developed.
Discussion was held regarding paving on 10th avenue. After considerable
time was spent, it was decided by vote of Aye 5 Nay 1 (Councilman Swain
voted against) to do a penetrating job of 2 coats at 50Cents per yard.
City will pay for intersections.
The question of the insurance program for the City was discussed.
It was decided that the need for adequate insurance could be better
determined by the insurance gi'oup as it now stands rather than the city
to ask for bids for insurance.
Motion made, seconded and passed to adopt a resolution to appoint
committees as required in the Workable plan for the City,
Motion made, seconded and passed to fix up the city grader and roller
at eatimate of cost from the R & L Shell Service for $ 350,00 for
grader and $ 250,00 for the roller.
Motion made, seconded and passed for the City to make application for
assistance for the development of Crestview Hill axi on a Community
cooperative basis,
Motion made,seconded and passed to pay the foUovdng bills:
H M McCabe 60.00 Reedsport Fire Dept 418.00
Raymond Hass 60.00 Reedsport^^Auto Parts 19.38
Walt Miller 60.00 Rogers & uni 42.50
Ray Chiirch 60.00 Reedsport'Mach Viftcs 35.40
Payroll Fund 1650.00 Reedsport Mtr Frt 9.68
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Reedsport Auto Elect 37.69
Payroll Fund 4279.28 Reedsport ^lumbing 4.00
PUD 712.38 Standard Oil * 93.18
Coos Byy Supply 280.27 SIAC 119.23
Coos Bay Stationery 26.64 James Thoriiton a.06
Dr Courtney 10.00 Union Oil 273.73
Daily Mtr C© 29.05 Saylor Hdwe 12.18
Dunn's Outfitting 12.85 Umpqua Drug 1.29
Fire Equip Co *41.87 Umpqua River Nav 100.00
Lillebo Const Co 199.95 Umpqua Bldg Su^ 41.12
City North Bend 13.00 ' West Coast tele 219.70
Pennsalt Co ' 37.50 Waterworks Sup 186.03
PERS 7.00 Wrists Ind Gleaners 146.75
Paramouilt 0est . 8.00
PERS 181.04
Reedsport Garage 541.90
There beMg no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
Attest /
Ei*esent were Mayor Unger, ^ouncilmen Boe, Swain, Dunn, Woo'ds, and
Hurlocker ©f the Council and Bill HumpAirey, Roger Love, Goerge Williams,
Ben Gawley, James McCullough, and Wes Hillier of the Budget Connnittee.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to adopt a resolution prhhibiting
trespassing withijH the water shed of Clear lake' Reservoir and to post
signs at both roads into the area.
The quefetion of playing hard ball on the park block was brought b
before the Coiincil, Councilman Dunn stated that hard ball had been played
on this park last year and that the age grbup was limited to younger
players thus limiting the hazards. City to check into the liability.
Petition for annexation receivdd from Wa A. ^archer and C A Petherick
and motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the petition and to
call for a hearing.
The question of installing and furnishing water to the area to be
developed as a trailer Coutt. After considerable discussing of the
issue it was decided to do the following:
^yelsper to pay cost of materials including fittings as outlined by the
OXi 8O" p?i®pe. P^P® fittings to be figured as 6" instead
City to stand the cost of the labor involved#
Pstition for annexation from Heinz and Louise Kaufmann received. Petition was
accepted and hearing will be called for next council meeting.
Frank Taylor brou^t up the question of a development as a park in
block 74* Since this property is owned by the State highway Goimnission,
the question of a proposed development whould be directed to them.
Motion made, seconded and passed t© contact Cornell, Rowland, ^ ^ayes
to make estimate of engineering cost as outlined by the City Attorney
as requested to meet the requirements of FHA in the proposed development
on a cooperative basis.
The discussion and study of the city budget proceeded* KoMnat±ons
tEoi^eQhaajKmaii. andnSecEefeacy of the Budget Committee were opened. William
Humphrey was nominated for Chairman and Wes Hillier was nominated for
Secretary, Nominations were ciosed and the two as nominated were elected.
After considerable problems were discussed and many solutions offered
the budget was finally compiled. Motion by City Council was made, seconded
and passed to raise salaries as fo2ilows. Hourly Men 20cents per hour
and employees paSd by the month 8^ increase.
Motion was made, seconded and passed by the budget committee to recommend
to the City Council that they accept the budget as compiled and to
publish the same as required calling for a hearing. Motion was made by
Couijcilman Boe and Seconded by Councilman Woods to accept the recommendation
of the Budget Committee iadaccept the budget and publish the same. Motion
was passed,
Cljrde ^unnally brought up the question of leasing city firoperty
adjacent to old highway #38, Motion was made, seconded and passed
to grant a lease for a period of 10 years at rental of | 10,00 per month
and to write letter to hi^way commission recommending that k restricted
access be given to the PUD on Highway # 38, This access to be gated and
locked at all times when hot in use by the PUD.
Meeting adjourned:
Present were Llayor Unger C^uncilmen Dunn, Murphey, ^ip^ds, Boe, Swain,
and Hurl«cker.
Minutes read and approved as read.
Hearing on annexations held, No •bjections were heard regarfling snne
proposed annexations. City Attorney read Ordinance # 445 An Ordinance
annexing property to the City limits as belonging to John & June Unger,
and Heinz & L©uise Kaufmann read for first time and passed by vote of
Aye 6 Nay 0. Second and Third readings were passed by vote of Aye 6 Nay 0.
Jhfe Mayor stated that Ordinance § 445 was in full effect as of this date.
Petition for annexation received from Floyd Lengacher and Dewey Abbott &
Nina Abbott-. Motion was mde, seconded and passed to accept the petition
and call for a public hearing.
Mr, PeJ>per, of Bumble Bee Brand Sea Foods, appeared regarding the leasing
of portions of lots 1 & 2 Block 47 for fish processing plant. Terms of 1
lease to be 10 to 15 years and details to be worked out by negotiation.
Motion was madd to accept offer and City Officials to negotiate the terms
for subsequent Coxmcil action. Motion made, second and passed for the City
Attorney to proceed with eviction of present tenant.
Motion made, seconded and passed for City attorney to prepaid waiver of
reversion clause on Lots 3 4 Block 102 recently sold to Grant Dunn.
Condition of sale has been met by the pxirchaser.
Motion made, seconded and passed to post area of water shed in Clear Lake
at the north and south entrances and the City Attorney and Recorder
authorized to t%ke and legal action to post this area to trespass.
Motion made, seconded and passed to ask for state aid on streets as
outlined: Fir Svenue from seventh Street to intersection with V/inchester
Avenue to the South.
City Attorney to take necessary legal action to see that the debris from
the Chaffee apartments recently burned and partially torn down, is removed
as soon as legally possible.
Motion made, seconded and passed to post 12th street from
Schofield fiiver to 10 mile for trucks. Passed by vote of
Motion made, and passed to pay following bills:
Ore Phys Ser 13.62
Payroll Fund I65O.OO
Shell Oil Co 105.10
Patty Cash 55.23
Kelly's Body Shop 80.00
Reedsporf Fire Dept 362.00
Payroll Fund 4654.56
Albert's Electronics 6,00
Berg & Wally 82,16
PUD 681.50
Baker's Saw Shop 7.50
Vfater Dept 75.00
Coos Bay Stat 3.15
Port Ump Courier 77.99
Commercial Abstract 3.00
Daily Mtr Co 34.78
Elliott Ind Inc 25,00
Hale & Rudin 3.20
Knight's 14.85
Kelly's Body Shop 12,00
Melville Plumbing 27.40
City North Bend 13.00
Ump River Nav 18.00
highway 101 to
Aye 4 ^ay 2.
OK Tire Store 3.00
Pacific Trucking 4.00
Pacific Pumping Co 96.00
Police & Sheriff Assoc 5.65
Paramount Pest 8.00
Pennsalt Chem 37.50
PERS 192.77
Reedsport Logging Sup 6.53
Reedsport Union Ser 16.95
Reedsport Auto Elect 53.40
Reedsport Uach VJks 75.5$
Reedsport Auto Parts 34.45
Reedsport Mtr Frt 6.00
Reedsport Dept 350.00
Reedsport Garage 30.42
Standard Oil Co 77.95
SIAC 137.a
James Thornton 5.63
Taylor Hdwe 29.66
News Press 21.00
Ump Drug 2,19
Ump Bldg Sup 9.92
V/est Coast Tele 105.80
Waterworks Supplies
Gee McCuUoch
381.33 Wright's Ind Cleaners 151.50
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Attest C/
June 18, 1962 Budget Hearing
Since there vfas not any one present objecting to proposed bjKiget
as printed in paper, the meeting was not held.
HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilraen Swain, Murphey, Boe, V«oods,
Councilman Dunn arrived at 8:00 P.M.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Motion was made to accept the City budget as printed calling for a
hearing, by Councilman Murphey and seconded^ Councilman Woods. Motion
passed by vote of Aye 3 Nay 1«
first reading and passed by vote of Aye 4 Nay 0«
Second aeading passed by vote of Aye 4 Nay 0
Third and final reading passed by vote of Aye 4 ^y 0. Mayor declared the
ordinance in full effect as of this date.
Notice of a hearing for annexation of the L D Abbott and Floyd ^enga"Bcher
property was brou^t up for action. Since there was not any objections
The City attorney v/as instructed to proceed with the necessary ordinances
to affect the annexation,
for first reading and passed by vote of Aye 4 Nay 0
Second and third readings Jjassed >y votes of Aye 4 Nay 0. The Mayor declared
that the ordinance was in full effect as of this meeting.
City Attorney Jayne read letter from Cornell, Howland, ^ayes regarding the
preliminary estimate for the engineering work as needed to make an
survey of the possibility of developing Crestview Heights. Motion was made, ss.
seconded aAd passed authorizing the Mayor to sign the necessary papers and
application to H H F A to underwrite the cost of f 9,100.00 as estimated
in the preliminary report from the Engineering fim.
The request for the refunding of the building permit from Murphy Construction
Company on the Hospital building was refused.
Letter from Forrester Taylor regarding cable T V service to the Johnson
Trailer Court was referred to the City Attorney for action.
Petition for annexation was received from Paul Bernhardt and F, M, Mackenzie
and was a ccepted and motion was made to acce|it the petition and call for
a hearing.
Motion was made, seconded and passed setting specifications for tenth street pa
paving as are required to meet itate Higjiway Standards.
Councilman ^'oods brought up the question of placing an caBtle across the
entrance to the Boat Ramps on the river. After considerable discussion no action
was taken.
Motion made, seconded apd passed to pay following bills;
nfred Richardson 15.00 Berg &WaUy 12 70
R& L Shell Service 46.95 pud
Payroll Funl Trans I65O.OO oCioeahslt &StSatgiornfleirSy 8010 60?0
Koke-Chapman 75.00 Shell Oil C© 103.13
Knight*s 6.00 SIAC 139.56
Melville Plumbing 9.A4 Pete Toftdahl 20.78
Ore State highway Geinni 590,96 Taylor Hardware 83.72
City North Bend 13.00 News Prdss 62.00
Ore Pacific Co 26.00 James Thornton 209.17
Paramoiint Pest s.po Thompson Ford sales 14.43
PERS 1BB.21 Union Oil 408.24
Reedsport Plumbing 1.70 Umpqua Bldg Sup 21.33
Reedsjport Blumbing 23.24 Umpqua River Nav 37.50
Reedsport Auto Pairts a.8i West Coast Tele 107.30
Reedsport Mtr Frt 18.78 Waterworks Supplies 268.10
Reedsport ^ire Dept A12.00 Wrights Ind Cleaners 141.00
Standard Oil C© 226.50
Skylark Cafe 11.65
Meeting ourned;
Present were Mayor Unger, Gounciimen Swain, Woo(J,Dunn,
Hurlocker and Murphey. Councilman Boe .was absent.
Minutes of previous meeting read .and approved as read. i i
I !
Hearing for the annexation of prdperty owned by Paul Bernhardt \ |
and F. M. M^cKenzie was called. Since there were no objectioB '
to proposed annexation, An 0rdinance # 44^ was prepared and
read for first reading. Second and third reading was passed
by vote of Aye 5 ^^^ay 0. The Mayor then declared that Ordinance
44^ was in full ei'fect and the annexation of the above
property was complete.
Motion made, and passed to c hech the water in the
Ketel addition on 22nd street because of dirty water.
Motion made, seconded and passed to clean up the debris
left on the Umpqua Hotel Annex because of being partially
destroyed by fire. Property is to be billed for the cost.
Letter from Murphy construction company r egarding building
permit tabled.
After considerable discussion, a motion was made, seconded
and passed setting sewer hookup charges at $ 225.00 per house.
This applies t® property a nnexed to the City of Reedsport
and who have not paid on the sewer assessment.
Motion made, seoDnded and passed to adopt resolution
to entdr into contract for Federal Aid on the proposed
engineering study on Crestview Heights.
Motion made, seconded and passed to enter into a fire
protection agreement with the Reedsport Mill Company for
$ 100.00 per year which includes one fire call only.
Motion made, seconded aid passed to sell the City roller
to Morse Brothers for J 2500.00.
Motion was made, seconded aid passed for the City Attorney
to write letter to the Lower Umpqua Hospital Dsitrict offering
the cooperation ©f the City in tegard to future needs for !
land and to ^iSfer 8ity owned land a nominal figure. ! ^
Discussion per^taingng to fire trucks was held. A represent- -
ative from the Pirsch Company spoke t© the Council relative
to the merits of the pumper now being demonstrated in the City.
Fire Chief Thornton spOke regarding the need for the pumper
and his pleasure at the perfomrance of the unit now being tried
out. Motion was made, seconded passed to purchase the
unit. Vote way Aye4 Naj'-l Councilman Woods voted against the
Metion was made, seconded andpassed t© pay the follewing
Umpqua Nat'l Bank
Johns ^''•^anville
Geo McCulloch
Ore ^hys Ser
Payroll Piond
Umpqua Nat*l Bank
Payroll Fund
The Courier
Gen Fund Tr^ns
D L Courtney
Geerge Cake
JCDiehl C©
Daily Mtr Co
FirE Equip Co
Hale ^ Hudin
Radio KRAF
League ^re Cities
City North Bend
OK Tire Store
Pennsalt C©
Paramount Pest
Meeting was duly adjsurBBd;
Reedsport Mtr Frt 16. 32
A1 Richariison 45. 33
Reedsport Plumbing 32. 25
Reedsport Mach Wks 21. 13
Reedsp®rt Auto elect 33. 63
Reedsport Aut® Parts 10. 70
Reedsport Fire Dept • 614. 00
Sund Ins C© 2131. 03
Crawford Sale 34. 70
Stultz ^ ^ayne 273. 42
Shell Oil Go 93. 36
STAG 250. 53
Pete Toftdahl 45. 30
News Press 43. 00
Taylor Kdwe 3. 40
Ump Bldg bup 41. 45
Ump River Nav C© 292. 50
V/aterworks Supplies 597. 64
V/est Coast Tele 110. 05
Wrights Ind Cleaners 151. 50
1962 IN THE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Majror Unger, Councilmen Boe, Murphey, Swain, Hurlocker,
Woods, Dunn.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Mrs. Seabloom spoke before the council regarding the need for additional
space for library books and reading rooms. After considerable discussion
regarding building program. Councilman Swain made a motion for the City to
have a special election to approve a bond issue in the amoixnt of $ 25,©00
for the construction of a Library on city owned property. Motion was seconded
by Cbu^Jcilman Woods and upon being brought to a vote, the motion was passed
by vote of Aye 4 Nay 2. Councilman Murphey and C©uncilman Hurlocker voted
against the motion. Councilman Hurlocker stated his objection on the ground
that a definite need for other city buildings also exist and that the overall
needs should be considered and studied before any building program be entered
upon at this time. Election set for October 12, 196ft.
Motion made by Gbuncilraan Swain and seconded by Councilman Hurlocker
for the City to advertise for applications to be received for a City EJngineer.
Advertising in League publications to be made with reguirement that engineer
be registered and question of salary left open. Motion passed by vote af Aye 5
Nay 0.
Petitions for annexation received from John Scott and Elarl Payton.
Motion made, seconded and passed to accept the petitions and to call for a
hearing on the same at the next Cou^Jcil meeting.
OF 4Th Street was read and ^ssed for first reading vy vote af aye 6 aay 0
Second and third reading passed by vote af aye 6 nay 0.
Motion was made, secooded and passed by vote of aye 6 Nay 0 to purchase
new fire truck on a Lease Purchase Agreement. Amount of $ 3000.00 is to be
paifl out of thB emergency fiind and balance to be in equal installment over
a four year period.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to make hookup charges
anneaating to city subsequent to Sewer assessment on the tax roll,
would be for hooking on to thOrtQits; sewer as installed. Vote Aye
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills;
PERS 7.70
Payroll Fund 1650*00
OPS 13.62
Unqpqua Nat'l Bank 2280.00 *
Morse Brothers Paving 6000.00
School Dist U 13 700.00
Payroll Dund 6094*46
American LaFrance 402.13
Albert's j^ectronics 36.15
PUD 686.63
J I Case Co 3287.74
The Courier 72.99
County Surveyors 2,50
Gneral Fund 2280.00
Chapman Bros 104.85
Coos Bay Stationery 16.83
Chas Doerner 7.15
Daily Motor Co 11.55
for property
5 Nay 0.
C D Furlott • 48.00
Feenaughty Mach Co 87.56
Reedsport Vol Fire Dpt 350.00
Goiinty Clerk 32.00
City North Bend 13.00
Permapftst Products 245.50
OK Tire Shop 25.45
Paramount Pest 8.00
Pennsalt 37.50
PERS 237.75
Petty Cash 49.00
Reedsport Garage 100.70
R & L Shell 637.90
Reedsport ^lumbing 9.00
ReedsportAuto Elect 3.75
Reedsport Auto Parts 128.56
Stults & Jayne 226.25
Standard Oil Co 176.a
Shell Oil C®
Skylark Cafe
Thempsen Ford Sales
Pete Toftdahl
Taylor Hdwe
Ump River Nav
Meeting Adjourned
Unien Oil C®
Ump Bldg Sup
West C®ast Tele
Wrights Cleaners
Present iijere Mayor Unger, Councilmen Bee., Dunn, Swain, Woods, and
Murphey, Councilman Hur3^ker was
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Hearing for annexation of John Scott and Earl Payton was ealled by
Mayor and since there was not any objections to proposed annexation, the
petition for annex ation was approved and City Attorney instructed to pre
pare the necessary ordinances to affect the same.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to call for bids for the leaping
of City owned land commonly known as the Flat Iron, Bids to be called
for Opening at the next regular council meeting.
District Sales Representative for Greyhound Lines appeared before the
Council relative to the need for a locition for a bus depot. Locationx
proposed waseThe Umpqua Cafe located on 19Th and Highway 101, Considerable
concern was expressed regarding the traffics firoblem that would be caused by
the location of a bus depot at this location. Other locations were
suggested and these will b: e investigated by the Greyhound Sompany. Council approval
for lacation of depot at Reedsport Shoe Repair 310 N A-th.
Bill for the replacemfent of burned out water heater elements was
received from Mr. Ernest Kaufhiann. The water line was broken on the Paul B
Bernhardt property by a gravel tiuck belonging tb a paving company and the
damagd to the water heater was cfaiased by the break in the water line. Bill
was referred to the City Attorney for dispossal.
Council approval for aerial photog of the Heights was given. ^
The question of street naming and house numbering was brou^t before the
Co^cil be Councilman Murphey. Concern was expressed regarding recent plats
and street naming in the Bowman Road area. Street naming and plat approval
is a pBEogative of the Planning C®niinission and -tehis will be referred to them
for their consideration.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay following bills;
iimerican Fire Protection Co3000.00 Reedsport Outdoor Shop 2.30
0re Phys Ser 13.62 Reedsport Laundry 9.00
Payroll Fund 1650.00 Reedsport Union Ser 50.85
Payroll Fund 5682.89 Reedsport Auto Elect 223.45
The Courier 114.78 ReedsportAuto Farts 71.24
PUD 645.61 Rogers &^Wi 39.00
Coos Bay Welders 9.45 E N Payton 30.00
H M McCabe 60.00 State Forester 27.94
Ray Hass,Ray Church. SIAC 181.14
Walter Miller, Ray HoUiday 60.00 Sund Ins Co 146.78
Daily Mtr C© 85.24 Shell Oil Co 168.71
Geo Melville 100.72 PIRS 213.35
Motorola Comm 166.00 Taylor Hdwe 156.03
Oregon Pacific C© 17.00 Union Oil Co 231.76
City North Bend 13.00 Utilities Supplies 720.02
Pennsalt 37.50 Ump Bldg Sup 155.02
Paramount Pest Ser 8.00 Umpqua Drug 29.91
Reedsport Mtr Frt 27.4^ Ump Ind Sup 5.32
R & L Shell 207.15 Ump River Nav 35.00
Reedsport Mach Wks 3.63 West Coast Tele 104.45
Reedsport Logging Sup 11.54 Waterworks Suptpiloes 532.01
Wright •s Ind Sup 151.50
Meeting Adjourned:
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilman Swain, Dunn, Murphey, Hurlcoker, Woods,
and Bee.
Minutes of prveious meeting were read and"approved,
O Bids for the leasing of City Property known as the "Flat Iron" were
opened as follows:
1; Ray Halliday I 176.50 pef- year.
1 2i E. L. Wright 123.50 "* »
3: Dan Struvenga 120.00
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept'the hi^est bid offered
by Ray Holliday and to lease the property with "a 30 d^y cancellation
clause for period of one year.
Letter from Southern Pacific stating their opposition t© a street
impr©vement plan consisting of Asphalt paving <3n streets abutting
property owned by the company.
Letter from Tom Heubner, Supt of the School District 105C) expressing
the appreciation of the School board for the extra policing by City
on School crossing on 22nd street.
Motion made, seconded and passed to approve for renewals all current
liquor licenses in the City.
'Motion was made, seconded and passed to call for bids for the furnishing
of petroleum p roducts for the next fiscal year. Bids to be opened at the
next Council meeting.
Councilman Swain stated his position regarding the need for additional
city help. He st ated that the need for expanding city facilities
requires professional help in addition to city forces. No aation was
Planing Commission members present were Chairman Lillebo, Daily,
Nickels, Sund also present was the coadiriatarosfoth&bDouglas County
Planning Comm^ission.
CoBHideration of a proposed annexation, subdiarzsion of a portion
of land adjacent 6o the Hospital Area was brought up for discussion.
The problem of extension of City facilities to serve the area was
discussed. The sanitary sewer system was considered. It was decided that
the feasability of the presaat sewer system serving the area was discussed,
j It was dedided that a study of the present system whould be made to see if
the present line has the required capacity to serve the contemplated
area to be developed. After considerable discussion regarding the hiring
©I ohn Cunningham and associates and Erickson & Company it was decided
to hire Erickson to make flow test and decided af present dewers could
serve the proposed area. Motion passed by vote of Aye 4 NayO;
j Motion made, seconded and passed to write to the County Court regarding
the establishment of a County Garbage Dump to serve this end of Douglas C
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the foMowing bills:
George's Paint Ser 632,70 Reedsport Fire Dept 892.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.^2 Reedsport Mach Wks 13.98
Payroll Fund 1650.00 Alfred Richardson 3.00
Belle Thornton 15.00 Reedsport Plumbing 19.80
Qnma Seabloom 13.00 R & L Service 42.95
Alice %utes0n ia.oo Reedsport Auto Parts 30.16
Donna ^ve m.oo Reedsport Garage 127.63
Gertie Warren 12.00 Standard Oil Co 10.15
Payroll Fimd 5819.25 Shell Oil Co 107.46
Bunting Traa tor Co 128.35 Sund Ins Co 499.49
Baker Saw Shop 39-25 Skylark Cafe 19.50
Dr Courtney 15.00 Byrton Smith 11.22
Coos Bay Stationery SIAC 189.55
PUD 651.16 Traffic Safety Supply 30.10
George Ckke G® 15.22 Pete Toftdahl 10.62
Coast Comm Co 13.58 Taylor Hdwe • ' 3i:i8
Daily Mtr C© • 22.25 Union Oil Co 161.61
State ©f Or^g 30,00 Utilities Supplies Co 12.63
Fire Equip 80 106.06 Gaylord Vaughn 500.00
Tom Liliebo 59.i»0 Umpqua Drug Co 18.10
Motorola Comm 770;00 Umpqua Bldg Sup 34.57
MeliPille Plumbing 1.48 Wrists Ind Cleaners 14L.00
City North Bend 13.00 West Coast Tele 114.40
OK Tire Co 22.95 Ira Byrd 351.47
Paramonnt Pest 8.00
PERS 203.79
Reedsport Logging Supply AI.25
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 3k. kO
Reedsport Fire Dept 280.00
There being n© further business, the meeting was duly adjoiirned.
Present were Mayor Unger, Cou^cilinen Boe, Hurlooker, Dunn, Swain,
Woods and Murphey.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Statei Industrial Accident Conmission plaJ^ue was presented to the City
for continuous service for 41 years.
Bids for the furnishing of Fuel Oil and Gasoline for the year of 1963
was opened with the following received:
Standard Oil Gasoline .2219 per gallon
Oil .1254 " "
Shell Oil Gasoline .2229
Oil .1244
Union Oil Gasoline .2209
Oil .1219
Motion v/as made, secjonded and passed to awarii bid to lowest bidder.
Motion was made by Councilman Hurlocker and seconded by Councilman M
Muprhey to refund the cost of the Building permit for the hospital to
Murphy Construction Company. Motion passed.
Letter from County regarding the loeation of a county dump was read.
They stated that their man would be in this area to make a survey for
possible sites,
Roy Ericksen appeared find discussed the sewer problems and flow
test c©ndia3ted on the Wades Flat Sewer outfall truck line. After
much discussion it was decided that sewer flow tests should be made
©n the downtown portion of the outfall line serving the flat.
Report regarding this will be made by Mr. Ericksen later.
Motion made by Councilman Swain and seconded by Councilman
Murphey to annex city owned property known as the hill area or
Crestview Hwights. Motion was passed. City attorn^ to take necessary
stepfe to annex this property.
Permission was granted to Reedsport Logging Company to install
Radio and Antenae on site now used by the City for the Police Radio.
An offer to purchase city iwned property located on Schofield Road
by Ralph Coy was tabled because the City feels that no sale of this
will be made because of the Engineering study now in progress on this
Motion was made seconded and passed to accept offers to purchase the
City ambulance and to sell the same.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills;
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Daily Mtr Co 83.64
Payroll Fund 1650.00 R H Erickson 243.00
Morse Bros Paving 6196.63 Fire Equip Ce 255.28
Payroll Fund 5664.24 Charles Greenblatt 58.91
Air Mac 288.50 P L Hurlocker 89.75
Alberts Electronics 21.30 I G Johnson 62.00
American Rubber Mfg ^79.30 Harry Lyster 30.00
Baker*s Saw Shop 207.05 H M McCabe 2.35
Geo Cake Co 29.10 City North Bend 13.00
PUD 627.04 OK Tire Stord 23.85
The Courier 78.50 News Prf^ss 3.75
Cliff's Mobil Ser 2.75 PERS 7.26
Penna Salt Chem
Paramount Pest Ser
Reedsport Fire Dept
Reedsport Union Ser
Reedsport Logging Sup
Water Dept
Reedsport Plumbing
Reedsport Auto Wreckers
R & L Shell
ReedsportAuto Elect
Reedsport Auto Parts
Shell Oil Co
Sund Ins Co
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hdwe
Union Oil Co
Meeting was duly adjoumed.
Umpoua Bldg Sup
Ump River Nav
Utilities Supplies
Ump Ind Supplies
Ump Elect Co
Ump Drug So
irtfestern Auto
T/est Coast Tele
Waterworks Supplies
VJrights Ind 6ilieaners
Jason Boe
William Jayne
18 .20
Pl'esent were Mayor Unger Councilmen Boe, Murphey, Dunn.
Swain, & Hurlocker,
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved a's read.
The following committee appointments were made:
Finance Dr. "'^oe &. Jack limn
Water Dr. Boe Gordcfn Murphey, Lin §wain
Streets & Sewer Paul Hurlocker, Gordon Murphey, Gflnf¥Br Woods '
Police'^ Fire Paul Hurlocker, Lin Swain
Building, Playground & Lights Grover Woods, Jack Dunn
Paul Hurlooker was elected as president of Counci^L.
City officials appointed by Mayor and approved by Council are:
Recorder I. G. Johnson *
Water Commissioner Arthur Tollefson
City Attorney William Jsgrne
Chief of ^'olice H MMcCabe
Fare Chief LeRoy Shenoweth
Health Officer Dr. D. L. Courtney
Civil Defense Dir Curtis Baker
Planning J^ommission
F.. L. Taylor, YifiTliam Schneider, H E %ckels, Tom Lillebo, Roy Henderson,
William Andrews, and E C Daily.
Library Board
Alice K-nutesen, Snma Seabloom, WA Burdick, George Plov, Dr. Boe.
Recreation Committee
( No appointments as yet)
Request of the ^theren Church to build within the required set back
lines referred to the planning Commission.
Report ©£ the possibility of develoj^jent of the Commanity Building
was ^iven by Architect from Kruse & Fitch Firm.
Letter was read from Fish Commission requesting the use of the waters
of Clear ^^e for the rearing of silver salmon fry. Motion was made , s
seconded and passed to invite members of th« fish commission to next bhk
Council meeting to discuss their plan with the Council.
Roy Erichsen gave report on the City's sewer System stressing the
need for future pmprsvements.
Letter was read friom H H F A rejecting the City's application for
matching funds on the planning survey on the possibility of development
of Crest-^iew Heights, Also request for matching funds for the New ^ibrary
building was turned down.
Zoning in recently annexed areas referred to the filanning Gomraiasion
for their action.
Bids for new city car were opened, ^otion was made, seconded and
pa.ssed to study the bids and accept the lowest bids as per specifications.
Motion madej, seconded and passed t© have a council meeting in two
weeks to discuss Crestview Heights.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills:
Lin Swain 84.50 Reedsport Motor Freight 3.00
liurphey Gonstr, Co. 577.00 Reedsport Fire Dept 280.00
Frank !^ite 20.00 Reedsport Garage 3.45
Payroll fund 1650.00 Reedsport Machine Works 18.20
Oregon Physicians Serv. 13.62 Reedsport Auto Parts 1.10
State Industrial Ceinin, 185.63 Reedsport Plumbing Co. 16.00
payroll fund 5560.29 Reedsport Auto Electric 27.35
American LaFrance 340.63 Reedsport Laundry 1.96
Callaghn & Co, 37.50 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 463.93
Coos Bay Stationery C©, 7.20 Shell Oil Co. 97.89
PUD 680.08 State Industrial Accid Comm. 171.09
The Courier 14.30 Thompson Ford Sales 134.95
Daily I'otor 11.55 Taylor Hardware, Inc. 1.40
n. H. Ericksen & Assoc. 95.00 Utilities Supply Co. 122.21
H, LI. LloCabe 3.40 Umpqua Building Supply Co. 7.68
OK Tire Store 27.85 Umpqua Drug Co. 1.42
City of North Eend 13.00 West Coast Telephone 115.75
Paramount Pest Control Se'rv. 8.00 West Coast Marine 80.77
Public Employes Ret, System 101.71 Wright's Industrial Cleaning 151.50
Reedsporfc Legging Supply Co. 5.00 H. M. McCabe 60.00
. Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter E. Miller 60.00
Ray Church 60.00
Ray Holliday 60.00
Meeting was duly adjourned.
City Recof^der
Present were Mayer Unger, Councilmen Boe Miorph^, Swain, Dunn, Woods, &
Mayor Unger opendid the meeting and proposed these two questions to be do
decided or discussed;
I 1, Does the City of Reedsport wish t© participate in the cost of land
development for housing.
2. If'City wishes to p articipate. How much and how to govern the am
amount of participation and how to finance.
Much discussion was had regarding these questions with the thought
that each proposal ©f development will have to be acted upon accord
ing to its metits.
Mr. Thomas Kruse of the Fish Commission appeared before the Council relative
to the planting of silver fish fry in Clear Lake. After discussing their
program it was decided to allow the planting of salmon fry in amount of
one to one and half million fingerlings for the year of I963 only. Copy
of the success of the fish return from the planting to be sent to the City.
Mr. Fitzpatrick appeared before the Council requesting a zone change
in Block 71 to allow for the building of a fourplex. The request was
referred to the Planning Commission.
The request from the Game Commission t© be allowed to issue a deer
permit kill for two deer to Paul Bernhardt was approved by vote of Aye 5
Nay 1.
The request for Stop Signs for traffic control was referred t©
Police Chief McCabe for his recommendation and study.
Councilman Dunn brou^t the question of the development of Crestview
Heights before the Council. This brought forth a lively discussion.
Problems discussed were City's participation in the water instaUation
also discussed was the sewer problem and asked for considerationo^'fihis
Meeting was duly adjourned.
Atteat r
Present were Mayor Unger Councilmen Boe, Murphey, Hurlocker, Dunn,
Swain and Woods, ®
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Request of Lutheran Church to build withdm rdetrictive area on
Lot 7 Biick 26 was approved by motion made, seconded and passed.
Request of owners had been referred to the Planning Commission for their
approval and they approved plans to allow the proposed building to
be built within 6' of the street line on 22nd Street only.
Planning Commission recommended that Block 71 amended Railroad
Addition be zoned to # 2 Residental to allow for construction of ms.
Motion was made, seconded and passdd to call for a hearing on the
proposed zone change.
Property owners adjacent to York Street on South Side afipeared
before the Council relative to dedicating additional property on
their side of the street so as to gain access to their property. This
request made in an attempt to get the property owner of a strip of
land 6" wide to also dedicate his property making the street usable
for residents on the South Side of York Street. City Attorney will
write to the owner of this property explaining the situation and
find out ±f he will willing to so dedicate his land.
Question of the zoning of area in Bowman Road recently annexed
was tabled until futher annexations are perfected.
Aft^E discufefeing the truck problems on Lai^el Street between H
Highway 101 and Highway # 38 a motion was made," seconded and passed
to restrict this street for use af any through truck traffic. Signs
are to be post/^d to this effect.
City Attorney presented the proposal of the Hubbard Subdivision
as outlined by their attorney Jack Grant to the effect:
Developer to pay all cost for development of project including pump
Property annexed to have a tax relief of 50 %of normal city tax (Tax
within the 6% limitation). Tax relief to start from date of annexation
and continue for 5 years). City Council stated that this action on
fehe city's part does not constitute a precident but that each
development is to be considered on its merit.
Discussion waslhaii on Crestview heists:
Proposal as foMows:
30 to 50 houses to be built ha hill as needed.
Refund in the amount up to S 40.00 per year to be paid out of
revenue from project t© pay for pump station.
Developer expense suggested to be limited to 20,000 on pumping
installation-— rest to be born by city.
Develpoer to stand all other cost of development
Area involved is roughly all area east 2if lime of 3rd street from
city platted area to schofield river also a strip along ridge
road to the west of top of hill
City Attorney and developers attorney to draw up proposal to be
submitted at later meeting.
Motion made, seconded and passed authorizing the City Attorney to draw
up ordinance for the issuance of bonds for the Construction of the Liarary. Mayor U„ger,City C.unoil^n Hurlocker on Cen^ttee
to go over Library plans.
Mayor Unger announced that next Gouncijjii meeting vrauld be on February 25th,
Motion made, seconded and passed t© pay the following bills5
Oregon Physicians Service 13.62
Payroll fund 1650.00
Urapqua National Bank 667.50
Rudolph Sherych 3.00
Maybelle J. Barton 3.00
Mary E. Young 3.00
Rozella Rosa 3.00
Anna Burling 3.00
Nils Kling 3. 00
Clifford Washington 3.00
Keith Thompson 3. 00
Umpqua Nat'l Bank '281,25
Petty Cash 49.22
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 1980.00
Payroll fund 5753.46
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 400.00
Southwestern Oregon College 24.07
Union High School Dist U-13 107.00
Reedi^ort Grade School Dist 105-Q 232.07
Sheriff & Tax Collector 143.78
Lower Umpqua Hospital Dist 38.12
PUD 719.07
Geo, F. Cake Co. 46.86
Coast Stationery 1.40
County Surveyor 4.50
D. L. Courrtney 7.50
General Fund 2860.00
Daily Motor Co, 30.70
Fire Equipment Co, 160.09
Chamber ©f Commerce, Inc. 15.00
Geo. Melville, Plumbing 36.00
City ©f North Bend 13.00
News Press, Inc. 20.00
Meeting was duly adjourned.
Oregon Assoc. City Finance Off. 2,00
OK Tire Store 3.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 37.50
Paramount Pest Control Service 8.00
?ms 263.18
Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 8.40
Reedsport Plumbing Co, 5.95
Reedsport Auto Electric 39.38
RL Shell Service 149.38
Reedsport Auto Pa-rts 25.15
Reedsport Garage • 42.50
P5RS 7.26
Simmons Carbon Co, 11.33
Sund Insurance 400.67
Shell Oil Co. 141.99
Stults & Ja/ne 3.50
SIA0 190.87
Reedsport Fire Dept, 444.00
Pete Toftdahl 3.33
Thompson Fo.d Sales 11.46
Taylor Hardware 30.42
Umpqua Drug 1«50
Utilities Supply Co. 11.55
Umpqua Buildir^ Supply Co, 2.74
Umpqua Drug 1*^4
VJest Coast Telephone Co, 101.95
Umpqua National Bank , 300,00
Union Oil Co. ©f Calif, 1025.15
Present were Mayor Unger, G©uncilrnen Murphey, Swain, W®©ds, Boe,
Dunn & Hurlocker.
Mayor called the meeting t© ordar.'
Hearing on prop©sed zone change for block jr 71 Railroad Addition was
olened without any opposition t© the proposed chnage to Residenal zone"
DECLARING AN EMERGEICY was read for first reading and passed by vote of O
aye 6 to any 0, Ordinance was then rdad by title only and passed by vote j
of aye 6 aay 0. Third and final reading in full was then finished and the j
ordinance was passed by vote of aye 6 nay 0, Then Mayor then declared that i J
the ordinance was in full effect as of this date.
LetterrffsminJohn Purvis read reg .rding a parcel ®f property he owns
adijacent the south edge of York Street in the Bowman Read area. He
Did not express anjt desire to dedicate his parcel ©f property for street
Jjurposes at this time.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept petition for annexation
from John Hubbard for a portion of land fronting on Highv/ay 101 south of
22nd street contained in a tentative plat of the area. City Attorney ina
instructed tp prepare necessary advertising calling for a hearing at the
next Cjotbicil meeting. Councilman Murphey called the attention°to the Council
that a portion of pr ©posed sewer tmnh 'line and the piamping planil was '
outside pf the area proposed t© be annexed. Mr. Hubbard assured the
Council that the trunk line and pump plant when finally established
would be annexed t©_ the 0ity.
Discussion v;as had on Crestview Heists with a consmses of apinion that
a engineering survey whould be made and costs tabulated on the water supply
system to include a tank of about 50,000 gallons with a 2000 gallon pressure
tank. System designed to serve a minimum ©f 75 houses.
Motion made, secooded and passed to table a request for a zone
change in block 23 fc© allov/ construction of multiple dwellings.
Discussion was had regarding the need for s studgr on the sewer problem
and the possible federal grant for the study. An engineering firm
will be contacted regafifling this.
Meeting adjourned:
OF i.IARCH 1963 Iti THE GITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger and Councmlmen ISsffi§in?:or. Boe, Dunn, Murphey,
and V/oods,
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Hearing for the annexation ©f property known as the Forest Hills 3
Subdivision was called for by Mayor Unger. Since there were no objections
voiced at the hearing, an ordiaance # 452 AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CITY
AI^' ELiERGENCY was read by the City. Attorney for the first reading and v/as
passed by vote af ane 5 Nay 0, Second and'thirii reading by title only
was passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0. The Mayor, then declared that the
Ordinance was in full: force and effedt as of this meeting.
A report v/as given on the traffic problems at the intersection of
22nd Street and Plighway 101. Also mentioned ivas the problems created by
school childred crossing the highway south'of 22nd street,
A committee was appointed by the Mayor to study traffic problems in this
general"area. Committee consist of the present-Street Conmittee and
the Mayor, City attorney and City Reosrdery
Motion v/as made, seconded and passed to install stop signs on the
south side of Wades Flat as shown in the sketch prepared by Chief McCabe.
Motion made, seconded and passed to write letter to Heinz Kaufmann
notifying him to comply with the requirements of the Building code in
the construction of his motel. Also to malce some arrangements for the
use of City owned property that is being developed along with the motel.
Motion made, seconded and passed to hatee the City Ordinances enforced
by the City Recorder to the best of his ability,
l^otion made, seconded and passed to table offer for purchase of Flat
Iron property from the Laskey Clifton Comply for $ 3500,00. Additional
information on use of property was reqSested,
Motion made, seconded and passed for city crews to clean up two lots
# 4 & 15 in Renbrook Addition and file Imen for cost against the property.
Request for the use of the Conmunity Building for a hot rod car
show was referred to the Fleet Day Gocmittee of Salmon Harbor because the
time will be during fleet day.
Jim Hovdand, Howland Hayes, & Herrffield firm, appe-ired and gave
report on the various water systems that could be used t© serve the
contemplated imjbrovement on Crestview Hwights.Prices quoted ram all the
way from 20,000 to 34,700 depending on the type of syst^ used.
Motion made, by Murphey and seconded by.^Dunn to acdept the Diehl ^
Serfling proposition with the following reservations-
Not include the propoef^ leased t© K &: MLogging Company and the
house located adjacent thereto and to give an easement for access in this
same area for a road to the hill. Also adeiquate area aroun^ the Reservoir
v;ill not be included in the property to be conveyed to the developers.
Motion passed by votd of Aye 4 Nay 0, Councilman S-wain did not vote,
Moti^ made, and seconded to accept offer of Mr, 0 H Hinsdale offer to
purchase six lots in Block 84 from City for $ 10,000, Also he is to
confer ivith the City Council before he sells or ievelopes this block.
Motion passed by vote of Aye 3 Nay 1, v^ouncilman Murphey Md not vote.
March 11, 1963
Councilman Swain gave reporf on the condition of the jail,
that some repairs seem to be in order.
He stated
J^m Rowland was instructed to draw up a set of plans for the best
system to serve water to the Crestview Develppmemt for a sost under $
§ 20,000.00.
Motion was made, secoided and passed for the City to make application
for federal assistance for a overall study of sewer daspessal system and
have the firm of Cornell, Hov/iand, J'^eyes, &Merryfield to do the study.
Motion niade, seconded and passed t© have the bonds to be issued
for the construction of the Idbrary, retired in three tax levy years.
Motion made, seconded and passed to
Oregon Phys Ser 13.62
Payroll Fund 1650,00
Ump Nat'l Bank 75.00
Payroll Fund 4991.0?
Reedsport Garage 1546,14
Allen Smith Co 15,00
Baker Saw Shop 4.00
PUD 720,15
County Serveyor 18.53
Gen Fund Trans 300,00
Daily Mtr Co 16;34
Fire Equip C© 28,65
Kruse & Fitch 310.00
City North Bend 13.00
ijDl Service 8,00
OK Tire Shop 50,20
H E Nickels 21.50
The Courier 9.76
Pennsalt Chem 37,50
Paramount Pest 8,00
PERS • 235.55
Reedsport Logging Supply 520,96
Reedsport Ivlill Co 61.44
R Sc L Shell • • 5.50
pay the following bills:
Alfred Richardson 32,25
Reedsport Auto 44.14
Reedsport Ifeich IVks 69.77
Reedsport Auto Elect 5.30
Reedsport Mtr Frt 5446
Reedsport Fire Dept 356.00
B yron Smith 14.96
Skylark 6afe 11.95
SIAC 177.82
Standard Oil - 11,15
Shell Oil 112.14
Taylor Hdwe 28,17
Pete Tiftdahl 21.62
News Press 68,00
Union Oil 469.27
Utilities Supplies 123.54
Umpqua ind Sup 4.80
Ump Durg 5.70
Umpqua Bldg Sup 3.60
Umpqua River Nav 13.75
Vieat Coast Tele 104.70
VJright's Ind Cleaning 151.50
Meeting will be continued on March 18th, 1963
THE CITI H;UJ. at 7:30 P.M.
Present were Msyor Unger, Councilmen B©e, Murphey, Dtjnn^ Woods, & Hurlocker
Mayor Unger reported to the Council that Mr, ^ee Clements v/as interested
in developing the city property known as the flat iron and asked if the
City was interested. Members of the Council expressed interest in his
request and he will meet v/ith the Council at their next meeting.
Latest proposal of a system to serve water to the Grestv^.ew Development ^
was presented by a member of the firm of Cornell H, H, & M. This
system WQuld be a pressure system without any reservior and would use
two pumps. One pump for domestic uoe and an larger pump for fire use.
Motors v/ould be electric. Cost of 19,520.00 for installation.
Question of a gas pperated pump for fire protection instead of the e^-ectric
was discussed. Addition cost in amount of-1,500 would be needed. Affeer
much discussion a motion was made by councilman Murphey and Seconded by
Councilman Dunn to accept the new water system proposal with the Gas o
operated pump. Motion passed by votd of Aye 4 Nay 1. Councilman
Hurloeker voted no because he expressed bis fefefedesire for more fire t
protection — namely a reservoir.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to add $ 2,00 to the monthly charge
on all v;ater users in the proposed Creirtview development and money to be
used for eventual water stora ge for this area.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to tentatively accept the offer to purchase city
property in location of Kaufmann motel if Mr. Kaufmann complies with building
code in his construction of the motel, Mr, KauiBmann offer was $,2499,50,
Meeting Dajourned:
Reco]^ er
OF APRIL, 1963 IN TH3 CITY HALL AT 8:00 p.m.
Present v/ere Mayor Unger, Counoiljnen Boe, Hurlocker, '.Yoods. 3nd
Liinutes were read and approved as read.
Forrester Taylor and H. Ericksen discussed the Kaufmann Motel
issue on what could be done to bring it up to building code specifi
cations ,
Motion wa3 made and seconded for Kaufmann to operate as is for 60 days,
while City Planning Comiaission go over the present Building Code and
see if they wish to revise it. Aye 3 No-Grover.V/oods
Also a motion was made and seconded to accept Kaufmann's offer of
^2499.50 for the half lot the City owns next to the motel. Aye 3
no-Grover Woods
Dr, 3oe questioned the last two motions and votes as to the point
of order with onily 4 councilmen present.
Lee Clements request to purchase the fiat-Iron was dj-scussed and
letter readj quote
llr. Clements wishes to purchase all of City-owned property in blocks
94, 95, 96, 97, 114, 115, II6, 117, and 118 of the Amended Plat of
Railroad Addition to the City of Reedsport^ subject to the slope ease
ments and restricted access provided in that certain deed to the Oregon
State Highway Commission,
I herewith make an offer of $350,00 per acre for the above described
real property.
It is my intention to dredge fill the property, and I agree to have
the property fill on, or before, December 31, 1963,
I herewith submit a certified check in the amount of $2,000,00 made
payable to the City of Reedsport to be forfeited in the event that I
have not dredge filled the property by the above date. Unquote
The price is to be based on the present acreage and details to be r/orked
out by attornej's. This motion was made Seconded and passed Aye-Zi No-0
Also instructed City Recorder to notify Ray Holliday that he has 30 days'
in which to remove all the horses now on the Fiat-Iron.
A letter from the Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau was read by Fire Chief
LeRoy Chenoweth about the proposed Crestview Water Supply. They said
that they could not determine very much from the Engineer's report as
to whether it v/ould have any bearing on future gradings. as per last
paragraph of the letter, "Apparently some of the Council members believe
the proposal is inadequate. If this is the caiSe then v/e suggest that the
design be changed to meet their thinking." i^uite a bit of discussion
but no action taken, -
A letter from R, H. Ericksen asking the City to retain him as City
Engineer to attend all Council and Planning Commission meetings, llr.
Ericksen is to be asked to attend the r^xt regular council meeting
to discuss fees;;fer this service as none was stated in letter.
Hurlocker made a motion to instruct City attorney to take steps to
float a bond for ^0,000 to build jail on property adjacent to fire hall.
Motion seconded by Lincoln Svjain, Aye-4 No-0
Lincoln Swain stated that this building would include not only the Jail
but telephone facilities, and offices.
Discussed the neglect of .District Attorney's office to notify us of jail
inspection results given to them by the Grand Jury before giving them
for publication in the paper.
Orin Colliery -representing Wayne Kaylor and Grant Dunn for vacation of street
on 21st and Greenwood, asked the- C-ity to |ive its okay on the petition to
be presented next week at Council meeting as property owners of the Park area
that is within 300 feet of the property to be vacated. This is just to put
their name on the petition, not okaying the vacation of the street,
A motion was made by Doctor Boe to refer this to the Planning Commission, second
by Grover VJoods. Motion mthdrawn, until petition presented to Council.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the follov/ing bills:
Payroll fund
Oregon Physicians Service
Bangs ik Dick Logging Co.
Payroll Fund
American Rubber Mfg. Co.
H, M. McCabe
Raymond Hass
U'alter E. Miller
Ptay Church
Ray Holliday
Baker's Saw Shop
County Clerk ©f Douglas Co.
Community Building
Coast Stationery Co.
Daily Motor Go.
Roy Henderson
K, L. McCabe
H. 1.1, McCabe
Melville Plumbing
City of Worth Bend
101 Service
1650,00 Reedsport Plumbing Co. 19.29
13.62 Police &. Sheriffs Assoc. 5.60
67.50 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 37.50
5376,34 Paramount Pest Control • 8,00
2779.28 PERS 245.51
60,00 Reedsport Garage 76,07
60,00 Reedsport Machine »Vorks 31.86
60,00 Reedsport Logging Supply Go. 3.24
60,00 Reedsport Auto Parts 6,89
60,00 Reedsport Auto Electric 41.12
27.50 Standard Oil Co, of Calif. 14.51
4.50 Shell Oil Co. 110,27
697.42 SIAC 186,42
5000,00 Traffic Safety Supply Co. 133.00
44.39 Taylor Hardware 7.31
215.99 Umpqua Drug Co, 8.93
308,89 Umpqua Building Supply 14.60
1,50 West Coast Telephone 105.00
74.40 Wright's Industrial Cleaning 141.00
3.75 V/allace &. Tieman Inc. 8,00
22.63 .
Meeting recessed until Monday h'ight, April 15, 19^3
Continuation of the regular meeting of the City Council was brought to order by
the Mayor vdth Councilmen Boe, Woods, Murphey, Dunn, Swain, and Hiu'locker came
in later.
Bids on library bonds opened- Only bid was from Umpqua National Bank of Reedsport
to purchase all but no part of $25,000.00 obligation bonds, to be dated May 1, 1963
and maturing as follows: $8,000,00 on May 1st, 19665 ?.8,000.0t) on Kay 1st, 196?;
$9,000.00 on May 1st, I968; said bonds to bear interest as follows: 3% per annum to
maturity of each bond, interest payable semi-annually May 1st and November 1st of
each year; principal and*interest payable at the office of the City Recorder, Reeds
port, Douglas County, Oregon,
We (Umpqua National B^.nk) v/ill pay you at the rate of $100,00 for each ,^100,00 on
the value of bor.ds bid for, plus an additional premium of ^"'101,00 on $25,000.00 bond
issue, plus accrued interest from May 1st, I963, to the date of Delivery of the
bonds to us in Reedsport, Oregon.
A good faith deposit of $1250,00 was included with the bid.
It was moved and seconded to accept the Bank's offer for the bonds, Aye 5, No 0
Application for beer license transfer from Soren Buus of the Silver Moon to
Lee K. and Ruth Tanner.
Motion made and seconded to accept transfer. Aye 5, No-0,
Letter from Jaycees was read wishing to use City Park on flat betv/een 20th Ci 21st
on V/inchester for the carnival during Fliet Days, June 25 through June 29th,
This :vas tabled until they see if they can find a more suitable^
%ree petitions were referred to the Planning Oonmission for action. They
Block 84; Rnezoni•ng orf®Lots 8, 9, 10, B21losctkan2d3,GCreietynwoofodR; eAedllsepyorvt,acOatrieognono. n
Library Bids opened at 8:30 p.m.
Attorney Jayne suggested going ahead with opening of the bids and delay making
an avfard of the bid at this time.
calendar days
Bids'..we£6-opened in this order-Baughraan & Sons $22,550 base sum 100
Coos Bay,
R. 0, Pallia C'25,075 " " 120
Karsh Construction $23>921:. V' ' ' no time
James & Stritzke _ $22,364 " " n m
Li 11 ebo Construction .'i?2056J?0 '' '' 90
Llayor thanked all bidders and vdll let you know selection at later date.
Proposal in form of a letter was read from the Umpqua National Bank offering to
sell the present Umpqua National Fank Building to the City for t'35jOCO.OO to be
used as a library and city offices. The parking lot behind the bank was also
included in this price. Other suggestions were made as to moving the jail and
police offices into the Comunity Building,building the jail on the Northeast
corner of the present b'oilding.
Mr. Burdick spoke for the library board suggesting that an architect be contacted
to see if the Bank hvilding could be used for a library, and it would be well worth
looki:ig into, :
When asked how much v;e had to be worry^.about Douglas County, he stated that the
City is to furnisjr adequate housing for the library.
Hurlocker made th ? rotion to I'.c.ve rchn r study for recorder L 'v n^'^ioes
and library in Ur.nq'ia National Bank building.
Amendment also made by Kurlocker to include the study and survey of cost for trans
forming Community building into jail and police offices. Also to compare price to
separate ^ail.
Seconded by Boe. Vote Aye 6, No 0.
Survey is to be made by Kruse 6; Fitch, present library architects and to be finished
in tv/o ;vebks, April 29> 1963.
R. K. Ericksen explained that to be retained to attend Council meetings v/ould he
$50.00 per month, ©r to attend both Council and Planning Commission meetings,
1^100,00, Any ©utside work that ^vould need the survey crew or field crew would be
extra on hourly basis.
This is to be discussed in the next years budget, whether or net it will be feasible
to retain him on this basis.
Applicatien for funds and study for sewage trafetment plant to be made to the Housing
k Home Finance Agency. Resolution read by ikttorney Jayne, l.urphey moved to pass
resolution as read, seconded, and voted Aye 5^ No 0, Hurlocker did not vote.
Motion was made and seconded to give letter to Diehl and fjerflin?^ stating that
the City has entered into agreement with them for certain City property, as per
Attopn^ Jayne. nye 5j No-Lincoln Swain
Leeting v/as adjourned, with a.'Special meeting called for i^)ril 29^ 1963
Signed // /j yypnA^j^—^
I. G. ,^;^?6Knson,
City Recorder Recording Sec.
Special Council meeting was called to order by t}\e liayor nt 8 p.m., ^pril 29, 1963,
v/ith Co'oncil-nen Eoe, Dunn, V.'oods, Uurphey, Hurlocker ^ Svvain present.
Reedsport Tavern application by Harold E. Smith vfas presented to the council
for action. Lotion was irede .k,seconded to okay application. Aye k No 0
Swain "c Hurlocker were not present vAien this vote was taken.
ed Plans for library &city offices in Bank Building were present/by Kruse &
Fitch Architects, lifter much discussion, Swain maved to instruct the City
Attorney to find ways to buy the Bank Building: seconded .by I'urnhev
iiye - 6 No - 0 ' ^ i ^
Meeting adjourned.
Signed ^
Attest:^s2Ly^l:±=_- ^ A. Un3e^i;.ayor K ipimson
City R^eferder ^ y
Recording Sec*.
RESDSPOFuT, OHH>ON, MY 6, 1963^ 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor J. A. Unger, with Councilinen
Boe, Uurphey, V/oods, Hurlockerj & Swain present.
Llinutes read and approved as read.
Vacation of the Alley in Block 84, Amended Railroad Addition was discussed.
xt was moved and seconded to grant the petition to vacate this alley.
Aye 5 No 0
Also discussed the responsibility of the expense the City goes to in vacation
of streets and alleys. Decided that this should fall on the property ov/ners
involved. "
Petition to vacate a portion/North 21st Street between Greemvood and alley
to IJorth be denied as recommended by the Planning Commissioh ivith the set
backs ;Taived for that portion of Lot 8 fronting on Horth 21st St, Block ?.
Motion made and seconded to pass as recommended by Planning Coirxiission.
Aye 5 No - 0
Lincoln Swain stated that was not setting a precedent but was done in this
jnanner due to the circumstances of the area.
Afjiotlon was made and seconded to call a hearing for the proposed zone change
if Lots 8 through 14, Block 24, Reedsport addition to Reedsport from Residential
#1 to Residential #2 to allow multiple d^vellings. Aye 5 No -0 This hearing is to
be Lay 20, I963 at 8 p.m. . ,
William Jayne, City Attorney, received permission by phone from the Bondigg Att'ys
to use the moneys bonded for the library towards the piiTChasing of the Bank Bldg.
lloved and Seconded to notify contractors on library bids that all bids have been
rejected. Also to thank them for the bids. Aye 5 no 0
Request for State aid for streets to be made as soon as application arrives.
For same area as beibre.
Vj'illiam Jayne asked for the authority to file suit against the Douglas County i
Tax Assessor for refusing to accdj)t the tax differential in Ordinance ^452 of f
City of Reedsport.
Lotion made and seconded to give JajTie this authority. Aye 5 No 0
The-Llayeri; requested Clyde-Nunnal-ly to give; estimates on.^increas'irig re^dential
lighting for the forthcom3.ng budget consideration.
iit present, the street light bill is $496.70 per month with 85 Incandescent,
24-6,000, and 49 Uercury vapor lights.
To increase lighting 22^, change all incandescents to 6,^00, keep sajne Mercury
Vapor-Cost $583^00, 17% over present cost. ^ ^ uiy
lighting 54^, go to 10,900 luminous, keep llerctmy Vapor, V/6uld increase
cost 40^, or ^695.00 per month
For the best possible light, U2« increase, all Keroury Vapor lights (l6l), cost
of $829.00 per month, 6?^ over present cost. (8^ times more light)
If ^povements in the annexations and subdivisions all go through, there
1^11 have to be 30 lights for Forest Hills, 5-10 for Crestviev/ Fill, 10
for Bowman Road, and 5 for The Hospital.
Hear^g for the zone chan-e vdll be May 20, at Bp.m., also a
preliminary budget meeting. Next regular meeting June 10, 1%3
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the follo^dng bills:
Oregon Physicians Service
Payroll fund
Rcedsport Fire Dept.
Payroll fund
Alberts Electronic Serv.
Ealcer's Savi Shop
Coos Bay Stationery Co.
Daily Journal of Geimnerce
Daily Ilotor Go.
City of North Bend
OK Tire Store
Petty Gash
Paramount pest Control
Heedsport Mill C©.
Reedsport Logging Supply
Reedsport Auto Pai'ts
R & L Shell
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Shell Oil Co.
Byron "L. Smit^
State Industrial Accident Com.
Kleeting adjourned.
I. G. Johnson^Lrity Recorder
13.62 PERS 249.51
1650.00 Taylor Hardware 20.35
454.00 Thompson Ford Sales 5.10
5747.34 Union 0^1 Co. of Calif. 416.52
46.00 Umpqua Bldg. Supply 7.79
3..-:5 Umpqua River Navigation 25.00
685.44 ^Vest Coast Telephone 112.95
7.15 'Vest Coast Marine 37.50
20.25 '.fright's Industrial Gl. 151.50
14.35 Temple V. Ehmsen 5.00
118.95 '
A. Unger,^^^^yor
Recording Sec
Meeting was called to order at a]»proximately S:30 p.m., May 20, 19^3
by Mayor Unger with Councilmen Boe, Swain, and Dunn present.
The Mayor declared himself a councilmen to make a quorum for voting
on the change of zone for L®t S through 14, inclusive, Block 23,
Reedsport Addition to Reedsport, from Residential Zone 1, fo
Residential Zone 2, to permit multiple dwellings.
Motion made and seconded to accept zone change-Aye k Nay-©
V/illiam Jayne asked that the emergency clause be included so
that the change would be in effect immediately.
The Library bonds were signed by the Mayor and City Recorder
and the City Seal applied. They will' be taken to the bank tomorrow
and a check for the same deposited in the bank under City of
Reedsport Library Fund.
Because of the absence of three of the councilmen, it^as decided
to call another meeting: Cerhtho priftlimiriary work on the budgel;.
It was decided to hold it May 27^h at 8:30 after the Planning
Commission meeting. Mr. Johnson is to contact the budget committee.
Also discussed and to be discussed at the budget meeting is
the buying of merchandise by requisiti®n slip, as per ordinance.
Kruse & Fitch, Architects and Police Chief McCabe are to meet
to get preliminary survey and estimate for jail and remodeling of
Community Building for offices for the Police De]»t«
William Jayne also statei the tax Suit against the County
Assessor, Svarerud has been filed in Circuit Court.
Meeting was adjourned.
Atte st *
'l. G. (JAhnson Recording See
City Recorder
1963 IN IHE CITY HALL AT 8:00 P.M.
Pr4>sent were James McCull«ch, Jim Bagley, R»g«r L»ve, Ben Gawley, Wes
Hillier ©f the Budget Committee and Paul Hurl»cker, Jack Dunn, Jas^n B#©
and May*r Unger the City Council* May*r ^nger declared himself as smol
Councilman t» make a quorum. Ben Gawley elected Chiirman and L*ve SecretaxT*.
Evening was spent in compiling and prepareing the budget. After
considerable discussion^ it vas adopted within the six percent limitation*
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the bu^etaas compilied be presented
to the Council for their action.
The Council members made a motion v^ich was seconded and passed to 8
accept bhe budget, have it printed in the local paper and c all for a Ihearing
as perscribed by law* Motion passed by vote of Aye A Nay 0.
Motion was made to adjouan the meeting—^ said motion was duly passed*
Attest Ma Recording Sec*
^ Reader
REEDSPORT, OREGON, June 10, I963 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor J. A. Unger, with Councilmen Boe, Murphey,
Woods, Swain, and Dunn present*
Minutes read and approved as read*
Ordinance #454, Vacation of alley. Block 84, Amended Plat of Railroad Addition
was read. Motion made and seconded to approve Ordinance Aye 5 No 0
Second reading of Ordinance Motion made and seconded to approve said
Ordinance. Aye 5 No 0
ackniwledging receipt »f applloati.n for State
Mrs. Dm Hansen sp.ke f.r gn»up abeut sewer in E. K. W»»d h»use area where it
inU Sohefield. Agreater v»lume Is being dumped in this area all the time
and preblem vdll get w»rse as weather gets warmer. Mr. J«hns©n is !• contact
Ctrnell, Kawland, Hayes, and Merryfield abeut the prevailing cenditi»ns and
see if the pump that was •riginally planned f»r this sp®t could be installed.
- Councilman Hurlocker appeared-
Marge Brown, Mr. McV/illis, and Mrs. Alexander Olson were here about the
Laurel Street NO TRUCK TRAFFIC. Chief McCabo said that now school is out,
more patrolling will be done in that area^ and tickets will be given.
Paul Bernhardt wishes to plat his ground and cannot do so until some arrangement
is made to be sure of adequate water for the new dwellings. The City agreed to
reimburse Mr. Bernhardt $100.00 of water revenue for each lot over a period of
3 years, that is, each lot vrith a dwelling on' iti A motion was made and seconded
to have William Jayne draw up such an agreement,
Mr. Johnson stated at this time the Planning Com mission did not recconunend
any changes in the building code. After some discussion, it was decided that
Bill Jayne and Irving Johnson would try and reach some decision which is
satisfactory for both the City and Kaufinann*s«
Purchase by requisition was discussed and as of July 1, 1963 when thefiscal
year starts, it is to be enforced in all departments as per ordinance #346.
OrcJinance #454, vacating alley in Block 84, Amended Railroad addition was read
for the third time. Motion made and seconded to approve same Aye 6 No 0
Motion was made and seconded to pay the following bills;
Payroll fund 1400,00 Reedsport Garage 257.34
OPS 13.62 Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 9.95
Henry Carl Williamson 42.50 Reedsport Plumbing Co. 2.50
Payroll Fund 5996,66 Reedsport Machine Works 2,50
A & V/ Drive In 1.65 Reedsport Auto Parts 25.25
Baker's Saw Shop 28.80 Reedsport Auto Electric 17.91
The Courier 17.60 Reedsport Fire Dept. 372,00
Coos Bay Stationer 19.16 Reedsport Motor Freight 3.00
Central Lincoln PUD 715.65 Reedsport Outdoor Store 2.00
Coos Bay Supply 108.18 Stults & Jayne 250.00
City of Reedsport 75.00 Byron L. Smith 11.22
D.L. Courtney 10.00 Shell Oil Co. 144.58
Daily Motor Co, 36.55 Shell Oil Co. 114.71
Fire Equipmnt Co. 17.15 Standard Oil Co, 11.15
Hansen Electric Co, 48.75 Skylark Cafe 7.00
Roy Henderson 35.75 SIAC 193.?5
Irvdn-Hodson Co. 94.35 News Press 18.00
OK Tire Store 31.00 Thompson Ford Sales 6.e;o
PERS 6.72 Taylor Hardware 7.55
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 37.50 Union Oil Co, 877.73
Kruse & Fitch AIA 848.00 Utilities Supplies 379.89
It It 64.00 Umpqua Electric 10.85
PERS 267.33 Umpqua Building Supply Co. 17.28
Reedsport Union Station 30.65 Umpqua Industrial Supply 8.78
Umpqua Drug 1.56
Umpqua River Navigation 13.85
V/est Coast Telephone 106.90
Western Auto Associate 3.22
Wright's Industrial Cleaning 141.00
Motion was made adjoucn-said motion was duly passed.
I. G. John'son
City Recorder
Recording Sec.,,
BUDGET HEARING JULY 1, -1963, 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order By ;Mayor Jack Unger, with councilmen
Boe, Murphey, Dunn, Hurlocker, and Swain present.
Mayor Unger asked if there were any objections to the budget as
published in'the Courier?^ As there were none, a motion was made
and seconded to adopt ±)Udget as as prepared and authorize Ordinance
to establish tax. Aye 5 no 0
Ordinance was read and approved.
Mr. Cliff Furlott and Mr. Warren Kimber requested a letter from
the City to the effect that it will serve water adequately to the
Bowman Road area. This letter to be for the FHA.
The City asked them iitioinform I^HA that they would like a letter
stating exactly what they expect.
Quite a bit of discussion was held on the width and other draw
backs on the roads in the Bernhardt plat. No decisions were
made as to how to solve the problems.
Butch Thompson discussed perhaps the vacation of lyth Street
since it has no highway access. The city decided to make a field
inspection and when Butch has some concrete plan as to use, the
city will considerjvacating it. Also on the unfilled portion of
the Umpqua Shopping Center area, if the option"runs out before it=
is filled, they would like an extension of time.
Next Monday night is regular Council Meeting, so Budget hearing was
Signed /
•/^hn A.'Uh^^,' Mayor
I. G. Jol^son
City Recorder Recording Sec.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor J. A. Unger, with councilmen
Swain, Murphey, Dunn, Hurlocker, and Woods present.
Minutes read and approved as corrected.
Ordinance #l\5G to amend Ordinance #336 effecting buildings in the
fire,zone was read and a motion was made and seconded to approve
and accept 1st reading. Aye I4. No 1
Mrs. Joe Butler and Mrs. Bob Cams asked for something to be done
about the traffic hazard as well as the dust problem on East Rail
road. Street is only about I8 feet wide from Butler-x-s down to
Lillebo Construction Co.
The City is to contact Mr. Angell about paving a 3" lift I8' feet,
and maybe getting the Hardwoods Co., Menasha, Union Oil,, and Standard
Oil to help with this as they are the ones using the road.
A letter was read from Oregon State Game Commission about the Boat
ramp on Rainbow Basin stating that the ramp is to be lenthened with
gravel at first opportunity (low'tides) by 0. H. Hinsdale.
A letter was read from Central Lincoln PUD with the new street light
rates/ This is quite an increase. Was decided to ask PUD for
estimate for best lighting within budget.
Mr. Johnson reported on the water line. It is a little over l/2
done. Only the tunnel is left and should be finished in about 3
Also that Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, & Merryfield man is to come down
as soon as tide is low enough to investigate condition of box where
pump is to be installed and see how much of the work is complete.
Umpqua National Bank proposes to use water for heating and cooling
their new bank which is to be built at 6th and Pir. They estimate
useing 325,000 cu feet a month, or [|0 gal. per min. in their system
which would be approximately $14.5.00 per month. They also requested
a 30 year guarantee of water usage because of the cost of installing
such units. They would use the sanitary sewer for disposal of
the water. Mr. Johnson told them that they might be required to be
metered. Checking to be done by City Attorney before answer is
given to proposal.
Bargain & Sale Deed received from Lee Clements along with, a check
for $3^3.00 for 10.58 acres of the flat-iron which he purchased in
April, '1963 from the City. A motion was made and seconded authorizing
Mr. Johnson & Mayor Unger to sign deed. Also that it should
read any suitable dirt fill, because it only mentioned a dredge^
fill in the letter and it Is understood that Mr. Clements is going
to truck fill the property. Aye 5 No 0
Mr. Clements also wishes to get dirt from up Schofield Road on City
owned propoerty (hogback on East side of road)
Motion made and seconded to give Mr. Clements permission to use this
dirt, but he is to leave reasonable slope and clean up the debris,
as per Mr. Johnson-x-s specifications. Aye 5 No 0
Discussion was held again on the problem of trucks and Laurel Ave.
The Mayor said that bigger signs, more enforcement, or whatever it
takes to handle the situation should be done or take the signs
down. It was decided to have 3 214x30" signs made stating NO TRUCK
TRAPPIC, NO TRUCK PARKING ^hd pa3't£.them on this street.
Bob latest & Howard Young were here to ask what is to be done about
the drainage on 13th street where Bob Sund is processing only l/2
the road. Mr. Johnson stated thafexfefeSsci'ty will put in bublle jS/v?s/'n/,r
that should take care of most of the/water problem. The street
committee is to look at this.
The Mayor stated that Harry Ludwig had to pay a plumber $6.00 to
take a water dog & fish out of his water line. There have been one
or two other complaints of this nature, but the intake pipe is so
far QinaeiDf water that a new screen cannot be put on nor can they
tell whether the one on it has any holes. New ones are to be in
stalled as soon as possible.
Ordinance #i|.56 was read for the 2nd time,
to accept same. Aye I4. No 1
Motion made and seconded
Fire department requisitdions were presented for the Council-^-S
action: #1^1 & 1^2 $114.66.60
#153 1199.26
#l$l+ 105.00
These were signed by the Fire Depa±?ment committe and a motion made
and seconded to accept same. Ay^ 5 No. 0
Mr. Swain asked if it wasnf-t time that the cnnty have a complete
insurance survey/ Mr Johnson stated that each year the insurance
companies go over the policies to see if everything is covered
adequately and if anything is to be deleted.
Mr. Leo Tucker asked for refund on his water bill for the month
of June as he had no water for at least two weeks. This was left
up to Mr. Johnson.
Ordinance #\\56 read for third time. Motion made and seconded to
accept. Aye • i|. • No 1
Mr. Hurlocker was asking if any word had been received from Kruse
& Pitch regardding estimate on neW' jail. Mr. Johnson stated that
a letter was supposed to be sent to us with the estimate and so
far none had been received. Mr. Hurlock^ Mr. Swaa&^.l^and Chief
McCabe are to go see Mr. Kruse and see if some amount cannot be
decided on before the end of the month. If so, a special meeting
will be called the 22nd of this month.
Motion made and seconded to pay the following bills:
P(fyroll fund IJ450.OO'
OPS.- 13.62
Douglas County Clerk 34-00
Payroll fund 6111.58
American Seating-Co. 677.30
Brown Steel Equipment' Co. i4.7.95'
PUD 721.72
Callaghan & Co. 20.00
Courier 9.2l|.
Douglas County 36.00
Coos Bay Stationery 1.12
C, H, H, & M hk5'71
Daily Motor Co. 32.05
Fire Equipement Co. 11.00
City of North Bend 26.00
H. M. McCabe 60.00
Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter E. Miller 60.00
Ray Church 60.00
Ray Holliday 60.00
SIAC 203.i4.0
iBE Tire Store i|.7.70
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 37.50
Paramount Pest Control 16-.00
PERS 276.47
Reedsport Fire Dept. 54^".00
Reedsport Logging Supply 762.98
Reedsport Plumbing Co. 3.^2
Reedsport Outdoor Store 6.60
Reedsport Auto Parts 39.67
ReedJaport Machine Works 165.37
Reedsport Motor Freight 3.00
Meeting adjourned.
iT G. 'J6hnson. City Recorder
Pete Toftdahl 3.87
Taylor Hardward IpL.GG
Thompson Ford Sales 11.70
Union Oil Co. 262.22
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 26.37
Utilities Supply Co. 329.22
Umpqua Industrial Sup. 49.38
Umpqua River Nav. • 10.00
West Coast Telephone 105.70
WrightSs Indastrial l5l.50
Petty cash • 42.93
Signed / (7 /yV
K' A. Ung^^ Mayor
Recording SecJ^
Present were May»r Unger anal Ciuncilmen Murphey, Bee, Dunn, ^^9^3,
Hurlecker and Swain.
Minutes ef ^^ieus meting were read and approved as read*
Official netificatien ef the appreval ef the City's application fer
a grant frem H.H.F.A. in the amount of $ 8,932*00 was received. Mtien
was made, seconded and passed to sign contract accepting the granl.
Firm of Cornell, Howland aiAd Hayes will make the overall complete sewer
study as outlined in the application for the grant.
Motion was,made,seconded and passed to approve the application for
a "Dine & Dance'* liquor license received from the Hiinbow Tavern & Cafe*
A estimate in the amount of $ 1,372*50 was presented to the Council
by Councilman Swain for a base station for tiie fire department* It was
decided that the City Recorder would see if other estiiaates or bids
could be secured for this installation. The bid received covered a
used base station along with other equi|^ent as itemized. Money for this
installation will come out of the Snergency fund of the General Fund
as this was not included in the Fire Department budget.
Mr. Stone and Mr Richie appeared before the Council concerning the
Forest Hills Subdivision as proposed by the International Paper Company.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the developer would be
required to finance the complete water installation to city's Specifications
and be allowed to recover part of their cost ais follows:
1* Repayment be allowed to developer at rate of $100*00 per
developed lot out of revenue at rate of 1/3 per year. Time
limit to be of 5 year duration from date of plat filing.
Motion made, seconded and passed to amerid ordinance # 452 v^ich
allows a tax differential to property included in Hubbards proposed
Gorest Hills Subdivision* The amendment would rescind the previous
tax differential. Motion passed by vote of Ay© 5 Nay 0. Councilman
Swairi abstained from voting*
Motion made, seconded and passed for the City to Contract the
water service installation on a cost Stasis with International Paper
Company in their proposed plat of the first unit of Forest Hills Subdivision.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to tentatively accept the
proposed plat as outlined in the letter submitted by International
Paper Compnay for the Forest Hills Area.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to allow the use of the
Community Building Dance hall to the Blazers for a monthly dance.
Rental to be $ 35*00 a dance. Policing in the hall by City i^olice is
to b e arranged by the persons giving the dance. $ 10*00 of the rent
charged will be used to pay for policing the hall.
The question of the 22nd Avenue Street crossing on Highway 101
was brought up for discussion. It was decided that a committed
consisting of the Mayor, Police Chief, and City Recorder w»uld arrange to
have a meeting vdth School personnel and the Contractor for bus transportation
('hief McCabe expressed his concern over the congestion of foot traffic
and car traffic expected when school starts.
Motion made, seconded and passed to write letter to county officials
rdgarding the use of city land for a proposed dumping area. Councilman
Hurlocker abstained from voting.
M*ti»n was made seconded and passed t» write letter te Seuthem Pacific
in care ©f their lecal agent regarding the cenditi»n ef the crossing tn
Winchester Avenue by the Depet* Alse the lack ef maintenance •n the spur
tract en First Street serving the Umpqua River Rsvigati*n Cempany*
Meti*n was made seconded and passed fer the City Attorney t« write
letter te OieBd & Serfling en their intentions en the proposed develepnent
•f Crestview Hill* Metion passed by v»te ef Aye h Nay 2. Ceuncilmen
Swain ^ ^urltcker voted Nay,
Mayor linger asked for a discussion on the proposer^ Jail and Police
building and a location for the same, Mr Kruse, Architect, presented plans
and discussed the location of the Commimity Building arid the Fire Hall
to be incorporated in the proposed building. Estimates of the construction
are; $ 35>000.00 for jail facilities.
12,000.®® for remodelling of the present city offices to a police
He estii&ated that it vould cost about $ 11,000*00 more to use
the site by the Fire ^all and attach the building to the Fire Hall.
Motion was made, seconded and passed by vote •€ aye 6 nay 0 to build the
Jail & Police Station at %he Cojamuriity Building site.
City Attorney was instructed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 1 to proceed with
the necessary requirements calling for an election to issue bonds in the
amount of $ 47,500.00 to build the Police find *^ail Buildings as presented
in plans by Mr. Kinise,
Motion was made, seconded
Payroll Fund 1650,00
Ore Physicians Service 13.62
Umpcrua Nat'l Bank 39948.75
Payroll E)und 6437.08
Umpqua Nat*l Bank 700.00
Geo McCulloch 400.00
Ore Phys Service 13.62
Payroll Bund 1650.00
American Rubber Mfg 837.90
Bery & Wally 2.20
Central ^incoln PUD 677.32
Dr Ceurtney 10.00
The Courier 151.36
Coos Bay Stationery 3.37
Daily Hr Co 10.88
Diehl Agency 100.00
Roy Henderson 1.50
Johns-Manville 13.80
Knight's 24.94
Koch*s Upholstery 18,00
League Oregon Cities 240.43
Feo Mglville 6.^
City North Bend 13.00
Ore Fin Officers 2.00
The News press 12.00
OK Tire Store 14.96
Pub Bnp Ret System ' 287.95
Paramount Pest Control 8,00
Pub finp Ret System 8,32
Reedsport Auto F&rts 44*66
Reedsport Garage 7.95
Reedsport Lagging Co 76,58
AL Richardson 30.00
Reedsport Outdoor Store 4.35
Reedsport ^ch \Vks 55.12
Reedsport Fire Dept 388.00
and passed '^o pay the follkowing bills:
Reedsport Mtr Frt 3.00
Reedsport Union Sear 64.00
Sund ins Co 2987.33
Shell (Dil Co 100.73
State Ind Acc Comm 114.15
Frank L, Taylor 103.25
Thompson Ford Sales 60.50
Union Oil Co 181.72
Umpoua Industrial Supply Co 14.78
Umpqua Bldg Supply 47.28
West Coast Tele 113.25
Wrights Ind Cleianers 141.00
Lower ^mp Rec Dist 1100.00
Meeting was duly adjourned*
Recording Sec',
lieeting called by Mayvr Uhger fagr written request received frem
Ceuncilmen W##ds^ IXinn, Muri^ey and Bee.
Meeting called fer purposes ef discussing the 6restvie«r Hills
Present were Mayer ^nger, Ceunciljaien Swain, Hurlecker, Murphey
Dunn, W*»ds and Bee.
Mr. Serfling represei^ting the firm ef Diehl ^ Serfling with
his atterney Mr« William C#llver was alse present •
A letter received tvm Diehl ^ Serfling was discussed* The
tlfflB limit placed en the installatien the wa^er system was disectssed
witheut any actien taken en it. The pittpesad development as eutlined
in the letter finm Diehl & Serfling dated March 11, I963 was accepted
by ceuncil actien en that date and as far as the City was cencemed
this is still in effect* This was the epinien ef the City Attemey
and the rest ef the Ceuncil. Their is net anything stepping the
develeper frem geing ahead with his plans.
Thequestien ef a letter that was te have been written te the
develeper was discussed. Tb» eriginal need fer the letter was te help
e3qpediate getting the appreval ef^the preject frem F.H.A* ^tter was
te state that the City and Bi^l ^ Serfling was in agreement with the
later developing certain City property under certain conditions for
houBing. Afier the revest for the letter was received, the project
was approved by F.H.A. and the City Attorney rightfully believed that
the need for the letter was solved. VUkkMK City Attorney will write
letter stating the agreement was in effect as accepted by the March
nth action of the Council as is requested by the developer at this
Meeting was duly adjourned*
r- ) An f).
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Murphey, Dunn,
W»ods, Boe, Swain and Hurl»cker and City Attorney William
Minutes the previous meeting were read and appr©ved
as read.
Mayer linger reperted that he had centacted Gordon Brummett
©f the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. regsrding repairs needed
at the Winchester railroad crossing. Brummett had stated
that repairs v/ould be made as soon as the necessary materials
arrived, Mr, Brummett will consult City Recorder, Irving
Johnson to agree ©n a suitable time as the repairs will
necessitate closing the crossing for three or four days.
Mayor linger als® reported that Southern Pacific has
agreed to make repairs to their spur on first street. If
property ©wners will agree to pave their part, the railroad
will black top theirs. Otherwise the railroad will re-plank
the spur. Property owners are being contacted to decide which
method will be used.
Mayor Unger reported that the highway crossing at twentysecond
street had bean under discussion. Mayor Unger, Chief
©f Police McCabe, and City Recorder Irving Johnson had met
with the school board to discuss the traffic problem. No
decision was reached. Chief McCabe is again directing traffic
at 22nd during school crossing hours which seems to be the only
solution at present.
City Attorney William Jayne reported that he had sent the
letter requested by Diehl and Serfling at the previous council
meeting regarding the development of the Crestview Hills Area,
Councilman Swain suggested that the Mutual Aid Agreement
be given to City Attorney William Jayne for study and con
sultation with the Fire Chief.
Mayor Unger reported that the water system was
completed ©r nearly completed for the Bernhardt Addition.
Councilman Swain introduced Mr. Kurt Daniel from the
Rockwell Manufacturing Company in Portland wha spent some time
explaining the advantages to be gained b3- installing water
meters. He quoted an estimate of |50 per meter including
installation. This price would vary somewhat depending upon
the number installed. City Attorney William Jayne stated
that all revenues are committed on bonds at present, but
possibly in the future the matter could be considered.
Councilman Soe suggested that possibly the time to take up
this matter might be when the City bonds for a sewage disp®sal
Mayor Unger reported that Kenny Kent has accepted a
position on the County Planning Board.
Councilman Dunn reported that the American Legion
requested that the City prune or cut down the trees on the City
property near the Legion Hall, Consensus of opinion was
that the Legion be given permission to do as they wished
with these trees.
Motion was made seconded and passed that gravel be put
on the walkway on East Railroad. Unanimous vote.
Motion made seconded and passed that Irving Johnson be
instructed to see that street paving that had to be torn
into for sewer or water chan,^es be repaired with permanent
type mixture rather than the temporary method now used.
Unanimous vote.
City Attorne: Wil'iam Jayne reminded the council oi the
election September 20 from ^ A.M. to 8 P.P/I. ©n the bond issue
for the new jail.
The matter of needed repairs oh the wooden walk near
Pete Toftdahl*s home was discussed. Mayer Unger said that
he would see if this can be attended to.
Councilman Swain brought up the matter of the radio
station for the Fire Department. No decision was made.
Motion was made seconded and passed to pay the
following bills;
Umpqua National Bahk 19^0.00
Douglas L. Hay, Attorney 150.00 •
Umpqua Nat*l Bank 4^75.00
Payroll Fund 673^.13 ;
Abbott & Lind 30.00
Central Lincoln PUD §5.92
Consolidated Supply Co. ^§.55
General Fund 17160.00
Callaghan & Co. 20.00
Central Lincoln PUD 536.41
Fire Equipment Co. I466.6O
City of North Bend 13.00
Paramount Pest Control §.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 75.00
Pacific Motor Trucking 3.00
Public Emp. Ret. System 29§.^9
Reedsport Mill Co, Inc. 101.53
Reedsport Motor Freight 21.17
Reedsport Logging Supply 1^.9§
Reedsport Auto Parts 6.42
Reedsport Auto Electric 9.SO
Sund Ins Co. 235.^9
Smith Blair Co. 122.20
Shell Oil C©1 125.^9
Byron L. Smith 11.5§
State Ind Accident Comm. 115.76
The News Press 55.50
Utilities Supplies Co. 763.39
Umpqua Drug Co. 5.2S
West Coast Telephone Co. 123.30
Meeting was duly adjourned.
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Council
of the City of Reedsport Held this sev^hth
day of October, 1963
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger, with the following
Council men present: D, J, Dunn, Gordon Murphey, Grover Woods,
Jason Boe, Paul Hurlocker, and Lin Swain.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Mayor reported he had not as yet done anything about the sidewalk
at Toftdahl!'-s. Still a promise.
Suggested agreement of Crestview Addition was read by Att*y, Bill
Jayne. After considerable discussion. Jack Dunn moved and Gfordon
Murphey seconded a motion tjhaththe land proposal made by Diehl a^id
Serfling for Crestview Addition be apcepted. Aye k- No 2, Paul
Hurlocker and Lin Swain.
Jack Dunn thinks action should be taken tomorrow to contact C,H2, &
M to begin immediately on the plans and specification for pumping
plant for Crestview Addition.
Mayors Conference formed last Spring—Paul Hurlocker read minutes
from i^.th meeting held at Riddle, November li?.th is date set for meeting
to be held in Reedsport.
League of Oregon Cities Convention October 20th thru 22nd,
Mutual Aid agreement discussion-Bill Jayne says agreement is short &
simple but he has not as yet had a chance to discuss it with LeRoy
Chenoweth, but will do so right away.
The City of Reedsport can enter into
outside City limits.
contracts for fire protection
Rundown on reasons for frequency changes for Police & Fire Dept.
was made by Prank Jackson whfehis wit^i Motorola. He stated that Nov.
1st is deadline, He explained that if the whole City of,Reedsport
stayed on one frequency, they would not be able to contact any other
city, but that thefire dept. i^ould be on separate freq, and the City
remain as is. , . r. .
Motorola's bid for changing the freq, for the Fire Dept.$1362.50>^
does not include changing crystals of present sets-i That would be
$[).0.00 per set, that includes labor s crystals.
Estimated time to Binish'ifcdontracted by Motorola would be at least
3 weeks, possibly ij., would be hard-pressed to finish by November 1st,
Mr. Jackson also said that,a taller pole might be needed for the
antennas as so much space is require^! between each antenna. At this
time there are k. •
It was moved and seconded to puchase,equipment from Motorola if okay
with Chief, Recorder, Police and Fire Dept. comj?iittees, A-yie 6
no 0
Lincoln Swain mentioned WATER METERS]il
Troy Ladd, next to last house on 12th St, would like setback changed
from l5f3aet from the property line to 5 feet, as they are wanting to
make improvements on their house. It would not interfer with any
view of other property owners. Moved and seconded that request
be granted. Aye 6 No 0
Lot 9, Collver Addition would, like setback reduced to 5 feet. Moved
and seconded to grant reduced setback. Aye 6 No 0
Bill Jayne suggests following payments on Jail Bonds:
$8,000,00 March 1, 196^
J)8,000,00 every year thereafter thru 1969^ &ne in 1970^> $7500^00,,
Moved and seconded to accept proposed payments. Aye 6 No 0
Mr. Lorenz asked for the possibility of depositing of City funds
in the Pacific Security Bank.
Bids for the new police car were discussed and it was decided that
a new list of specifications be made and a copy given each of the
dealers for new bids(sealed). , . .
Mr. Nunnally presented the proposed lifting for the Forest Hills
Subdivision. There will be ij. more lights on Bowman Road.
Mr. Nunnally also stated that by next Spring, the life of a Mercury
Vapor light will be 16,000 hrs or approximately ij. years. Each new
|.ight will have its own photo-electric cell as cost of same has
reduced. "
Mr. Nunnally requested permission to replace ligihts in groups whehter
burned out or not, after new system for City is installed.
Moved & seconded that council give verbal ggreement on this.
Aye . 6" No 0
Lester Thompson representing the Umpqua Shopping Center requested
title to the rest of the swamp area. They are filling by truck
and the expense is more than they expected so they need title to
get financing on the portion being filled. As there were no specific
objection^, it was moved and seconded to give title to Umpqua Shopping
Center for the rest of the swamp area. Aye 5 1 abstained.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills;
Payroll fund 1900.00
OPS 13.62
Sullivan & Kling 920.00
Reedsport Fire Dept 2i|4.00
J. I. Case Corp. 3355.92
Payroll fund 5^1-93.19
Ira-C. Byrd 382.9^
Bay Paver, Inc. . ^ I4.3.70
C, H2, & M. 378.02
PUD ~ 536.1^-1
Port Umpqua Courier 119.ii-6
Dr. Courtney 7.50
Daily Motors Co. 87.li^.
Douglas Co..Clerk 6.O5
Fire Equipment Co. 91i^-. 03
Roy iHenderson 5.18
Hinds Supply Co. l6l|..00
Mackey Laboratories 31.50
City of North Bend 13.00
OK Tire Store IJ4.I.75
Petty Cash 45.71
Pennsalt, Chemicals Corp. 37.50
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 236.65
Ray-«-s TV Service • 5.00
Reedsport Fire Dept. * . l|.3l|..00
Reedsport Logging Supply 2li..77
Reedsport Mill Co. 20.L|.2
Reedsport Plumbing ^6,58
Meeting was adjourned.
on. City Recorder
Reedsport Auto Parts .
Reedsport Outdoor Store
Reedsport Machine Works
Reedsport Auto Electric
Sigi^ipms Carbon Co.
State Forester
Sund Insurance Agency
Shell Oil Co. .
Taylor Hardware
Thompson Ford Sales
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Building Supply'
Umpqua River Navigation
Umpqua Industrial Supply
West Coast Telephone
Umpqua Drug
r. 00
Wrightl:-s Industrial Cleaning
H. M. McCabe - 60.00
Raymond: Hass r - 60.00
Walter E. Miller 6O.OO
Ray Holliday 60.00
Ernest Wentworth 20.00
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Council of
the City of Reedsport held this l8th day of
November, 1963
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger, with the following
councilmen present: Grover Woods, Lincoln Swain, Jack Dunn, Dr.
Jason Boe, and Paul Hurlocker. Murphey absent.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Jail Bond Bids were opened:
Pacific Security-Bank-Interest at rate of 3.ij-133^
Umpqua National Bank-Interest at rate of 3.397^
^ Moved and seconded to accept Umpqua National Bank as lowest bidder
on Jail Bonds. Aye 5 No 0
A copy of the letter from International Paper Co. written to Clarence
Hahn stating that the property he is now using as a dump will not be
available after December 31» 1963, for that purpose. Mr. Poster was
here representing IP stating that they did not want to be in the
garbage business, but if property was not available by that time,
they would not cut him off without a place to dump.
William Jayne stated that the County wants the City of Reedsport to
furnish property for a free County Dump, but that he doubts the legality
of this. The County would run the dump.
A motion was made that a franchise tax of 3^ be paid by Hahn, but died
for lack of a second. At this time. West Coast Telephone, Cable TV,
and PUD pay this amount.
William Jayne is to meet with the County Wednesday to state that the
City does not believe that Reedsport City money should be used for a
County dump, but that the City is willing to pay its share towards
a County dump...
The site of the Umpqua Shake Mill has been vacated completely and the
City Attorney suggested that we tear the building down. The council
instructed Mr. Johnson to do so.
There is a drainage problem on 13th Street since Mr. Sund has put in
curb on the South side of the street. The North side was not curbed so
the water has no place to go but on that side. Mr. Jayne was instructed
to write a letter to Mr. Sund requesting that the ditch he had dug be
Mr. Poster of International Paper Co. presented from the Woodland Dept.
a Bii7ch tray for each councilmen,
A petition signed by all the people who live in the Juniper and Laurel
area asked that the drainage ditch be taken care of as it is open and
dangerous. After a discussion of the amount^ and the best way to take
care of the problem, (approximately $25,000,^it was decided that it
would be legitimate improvement to the property and could be chaged
against the property. Mr Jayne is to taik with the Douglas County
Housing Authority. Also an estimate for a cyclone fend^ (gable type)
be obtained.
Ben Henderson bought property from Nelson Hogan along the depot.
Interest in getting Reed house condemned so it can be burned or torn
down. Mr.Henderson is to call Robin Reed and ask for his cooperation
in getting rid of this building, and if. he gets nowhere, condem
nation proceedings will be instigated. MoVed, seconded, and passed
aye 5 noo 0
Gless Connoy, representing KRAP, told about the Santa Claus pAra^e
to be at 1 p.m. November 30th. The Council gave him the go-ahead,
to put banners at 22nd & Winchester & Junction of Highway 38 & 101.
Letter from Oregon State Sanitary Authority regarding Crestview
Addition was read and not action taken until report from Cornell,
Howland, Hayes, and Merryfield is received, on the sewer survey
they are making.
The State Highway Dept. wanted to know the Keeling of the council
toward the curbing of Highway 101 between Highway 38 and Schofield
River Bridge. The council aaked Mr. Johnson to write to Mr. Gunter
stating that the City is in favor of this project.
Specifications for the water and sanitary sewer for International
Paper*s Forest Hill Subdivision were read and accepted but materials
must meet City Specifications as veil as State Specifications.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to acGspt the above- Aye ^ no 0
H. D. Fowler people would like to show a film on December 2nd on the
construction of their pipe and its qualification. The council at
this time can see no purpose served as they are satisfied with what
pipe is being used now.
^fter some discussion, a motion was made and seconded that we do
not participate in Mutual Aid this year with the present set-up.
Aye - 5 no -0
Also to notify Gardiner Fire Dept. and International Paper of this
1961| Liquor licenses recieved for action of the council. Same as
last year, so motion was made and seconded to accept them. Aye 5
No 0
Motion was made, seconded and passed for Mr. Jayne to see what
plans Mr. Kaufmann has for fixing the back of the Western Hills
Motel to meet specifications. Aye 5 no 0
At 10:114 p.m., water meters was mentioned by Lincoln Swain.
Meeting was adjourned, after motion was made, seconded, and passed
to pay the following bills;
Payroll fund 2^00.00
Consolidated Freightways 11.75
Heedsport Outdoor Store 335.6$
OPS 13.62
Akron Brass Co. 105.95
Mrs. Cliford Jorgensen 12.00
Mrs. Merle Warren 12,00
Donna Love 12.00
Ann Wilson 12.00
George McCulloch, Postmaster 238.00
Coos Bay Stationery 2l|.0.00
Payroll fund 6109.31
Umpqua National Bank 375.00
American Rubber Co-./ 344.26
Bunting Tractor Co. 1^47--
Bay Eaver, Inc. 36.88
PUD 123.65
Coos Bay Supply Co. 84.21
Geo. F. Cake Co. 49.95
Daily Motor Co. 20.94
Fire Equipment Co. 563.50
Geo.-JS-s Paint Service 12.00
Hinds Supply Co, 32.78
Paul HuriocK.er ll8.50
Koch's Upholstery & Repair 8.49
Legislative Counsel Domm. 7.50
101 Service 139.j4
City of North Bend 13.00
OK Tire Store 87.45
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 55.50
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 8.00
PERS 256.26
Reedsporu Garage 24.90
RL Shell service 17.80
Reedsport Plumbing 50.35
Lin Swain 6b.00
Reedsport Logging 9.29
Reedsport Machine Wks 5.25
Reedsport Auto Elect,167.93
Reedsport Auto Parts 21.32
Skylark Cafe- 6.85
Shell Oil Co. 152,Ob
State of Oregon 9,00
Sund Insuransio 26,l4l
Standard Oil i4..:?2
Taylor Hardware 50,99
News Press 16,00
Union Oil Co, 331.30
Utilities Supply 65.85
Umpqua Industrial 4-92
Umpqua River Nav, 13.75
lUmpqua Bldg. Supply 74*79
West Coast Telephonel04.40
Wright's Industrial
Sorvice 153.75
Reedsport Fire Dept.4.20.00
SIAC 7.50
Recording Sec
I. G. "^^nson. City Recorder
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Council of
the City of Reedsport held this 9th day of
December, ^963
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger, with Councilmen
Hurlocker, Woods, Murph.ey, Swain present. Jack Dunn is ill,
and Doctor Boe is out of town.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Crestview Addition plans and specifications for utilities were
presented by Mr. Serfling. After some discussion it was moved,
and seconded to accept this proposal for location of water and
sewer lines. Aye 3 No 1
Ralph Paull requested a letter be sent to/bank stating that the
City accept for maintainence and as a street the portion of South
Hill Drive that has been paved. It was moved, seconded, and passed
aye I4., no 0, to write such letter.
Letter from Attorney Collver requesting return of money paid for a
fire call outside City limits. It was stated in the letter that the
fire dept. was called unbeknownst to the party owning the car. The
car would have been completely burned had not the dept. answered the
call. Mr. Swain moved that Mr. Collver sue the City for the $100.00.
Seconded and passed aye 3 abstained 1
Pacific Security Bank wrote letter requesting the deposit of some of
the City^s funds. Moved, seconded and passed -aye i|. no 0, that
the Finance Committee investigate Pacific Security Bank for invest
ment of City moneys and report back to the council. Mr. Lorenz in
favor of appearing before finance committee,
A letter was written to Mr. John Schaefer on Arthur Drive regarding '
the constructing of a building that does not meet with the setbackk
requirements. Also he has no building permit. A motion was made
and seconded for the City Recorder to enforce the ordinance per
taining to this matter, aye i|. no 0
An annexation petition from Ernest & Anna Kaufmann for their property
on 20th St. was read. A motion was made to present it to the Planning
Commission for their action. Seconded and passed--aye l|. no 0
Mrs. Sarah Buus asked for permission for package and draft beer licence
for the Silver Moon. Moved, seconded, and passed to grant this license
aye Ij. no 0
William Jayne reported that Western Hills Motel has complied with the
fire Ruling regarding buildings constructed to the property line.
Letter from William Jayne to the Mayor stating he had contacted
Douglas County Housing Authority regarding the fencing or tiling
of the drainage ditch was read.
Mr. Johnson had prices on a tripod fence, approximately $800.00
with $200.00 labor.
Mr. Payne of International Paper asked for reconsideration on the
pipe for the Forest Hills Subdivision (2), stating that when one
specific pipe like Johns-Manville was specified, it cut out com
petitive bids; also Johns-Manville could set any price and they
would have to pay it. The price they were quoted was approximately
7% higher than the AC pipe they purchased^ (KM-AC pipe), Mr. Payne stated.
The Mayor appointed a committee, Boe, Murphey, Swain, and Johnson,
to contact cities who have used more than one type pipe and see
how it is working out for them.
Water meters was mentioned by Mr. Swain.........
A letter with a check of $120.00 was received as a contribution to
defray costs of answering service i^»omi"th©iWinchester Bay Rural
Fire District. It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to
write a letter thanking them.
December 9, 1963
William Jayne met with the County Court about County dump.
Also talked with Esselstrom, he wants the operation of the
dump and be reimbursed for same, if his property is used.
It was suggested that Mr. Jayne contact Esselstrom for figure
to lease dump with no strings attached at ^2\^00,00 per year.
Part from City, part from County.
Mr, Jayne was instructed to write a letter to International
Paper asking for an extension of time on the closure of the
present dump site.
Grover Woods mentioned that since more janitorial services
are going into business, he feels that the City should ask
for bids.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills:
Payroll fund
Leroy Chenoweth
Payroll fudd
Sec. of State
Bunting Tractor Co.
Baker's Saw Shop
Callaghan & Go.
CH2 & M
Coos Bay Stationery
Coast Comm. Co.
Dr. Courtney
Daily Motor Go.
Fire Equipt, Co,
Hale & Rudin
Motorola Comm.
City of North Bend
101 Service
OK Tire Store
lews Press, Inc.
3'I V'"
Pennsalt Chem, Corp. 37-50
PERS 163.36
Reedsport MachineWks 19.00
Reedsport Auto Elect.25.^2
Meeting was Adjourned.
nson. City Recorder
Reedsport Auto Parts 63.1^4
Reedsport Logging Supply 18.13
Reedsport Plumbing 13.60
Reedsport Union Serv. 35.5Q
Sund Insurance Agency 9i|.75
Shell Oil Co. b 1122,7k
Byron Smith 11.5^
SIAC 105.32
Taylor Hardware 10.99
Utilities Supply Co. 277-20
Gaylord Vaughn, CPA 600.00
Umpqua guilding Supply 7-18
West Coast Telephone Co, 118.65
Wright's Industrial Cl. lIil.OO
Reedsport Motor Prt. 10.80
Shell Oil Co. 96.20
SIAC 14.0.28
Umpqua River Navigation Co.10.00
Reedsport Fire Dpt. 362.00
Union Oil Co. of Calif. I|.36.i^.6
Recording S0c,^
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with councilmen
Murphey, Boe, Dunn, Swain, and Hurlocker present.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Fuel bid.? for the year of 196ij. were opened, with a motion and second
to accept low bids; Union Oil for fuel Oil and Shell Oil for Gas.
Fuel oil, .1197 per gas, and gasoline for .2179 per gal. Aye 5 no 0
Retail Malt & draft beer license for Reedsport Tavern was presented
for Council approval by Mrs. H, E. Smith. Moved and seconded that
we accept this Class A Beer license in her name. Had already been
accepted in her husband's name before. Aye $ No 0
Rates for water should be set for the hospital. Motion made and seconded=
that rate would be $[4.0.00 a month or the hospital could install a meter
at regular meter rates of the City at present time. Aye 5 No 0
Letter was read from Oregon State Board of Health requesting a letter be
sent by the City stating that the city can furnish sufficient water for
the Crestview Addition. Mr. Meier of C, H2, & M will take care of this
for the City.
Mr. Meier discussed the pumping station for the Crestview addition.
Would like to advertise for bids on January 8, 19614. in the Daily Journal
of Commerce, The World, and The Courier. Want to give contractorat
least calendar days to build pump.
Opening of the bids to be January 27, 19614. at 8 p.m., notification
and awarding of the bids to be January 30, 196I4-.
Mr. Johnson stated that a chlorinator ia needed as outs is not adequate.
Estimated prices were obtained from C,H2, & M with the total cost using
same basic pump- 1st alternate $2,760,00-2nd alternate $2,990.00 a
difference of $230.00.
Dr. Boe stated that it might be well at this time to think of flouridation
and maybe put it to a vote of the people.
It was moved and seconded to order chlorinator as suggested by Mr.
Johnson. Aye 5 No 0
$20,000 check from Diehl & Serfling to put in bank for construction of
pump to Crestview Addition.
Deed was presented to be signed for Umpqua Shopping Center property
excluding dike area.
Permission was asked of the council to deposit the $20,000 check from=
Diehl & Serfling in the Pacific Security Bank.
Lincoln Swain tendered his resignation due to business obligations.
Mr. Swain was presented with a water meter to show that all his time
on the council had not been in vain, in appreciation for his long
Motion was made, seconded, and passed to pay the following bills:
OPS 13.62
Payroll Fund 1650.00
Reedsport Garage II67.O3
Charles Abel 38.UO
Tom Lillebo 2037.50
Payroll Fynd 5953.23
Bay Paver^i" Inc. 8I.OO
Be]g & Wally
PUD 6I45.59
C, H2, & M 222.30
City of Reedsport 75.00
Gallaghan & Co. 20.00
Coast Comm. Co. 71.3l|
Hale & Rudin 5.33
Hinds Supply Co. 165.51+
City of North Bend 13,00
OK Tire Store 3.75
Paramount Pest 0ont. 8.00
Pennsalt Chem, Corp. 37.50
PERS 129.27
Reedsport Plre Dpt. 30I+.OO
Reedsport Log Sup. 10.79
Prank Rose 205.92
Reedsport Plumbing 140,75
R & L Shell 27.95
Rdspt. Machine Wka, 1[|.,50
Rdspt Auto Parts 50,89
Rdspt Auto Electric 85.75
Skylark Cafe 8,30
Byron L. Smith 11.58
Sund Insurance Ag'y. ll.i|-$
State Industrial Accid. 111,29
Prank L. Taylor Hdware 35^1k-
Pete Toftdahl
Union Oil Co. 3^^-8.29
tJinpqua Drug Co. 8,63
Umpqua Bldg. Supply Co. 33.6^
Wright's Industrial Cl. li^^l.OO
West Coast Telephone 106.15
Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter VJ. Miller 60.00
Ray Holliday 60.00
Ernest H. Wentworth 60.00
H. M. McCabe 60.00
Meeting was adjourned with special meeting called for Jan. 27» 1961|.
for opening of bids.
I. G.'Joh^on, Recorder
Recording Se
DAY OP JANUARY, 1961+ AT -:J-8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Hurlocker, Woods,
Murphey, Boe present.
Bids on the pumping station for Crestview Addition wEre opened.
There were two bids: Prank T. Matthews of Portland and Tom Lillebo
Construction Co. of Reedsport.
Motion was made,seconded, and passed to accept bbth bids and refer
them to the engineers for analysis.
P6U1 Hurlocker wanted it stated that his feeling is that the system
is inadequate for the hill. Aye 3 No l-Hurlocker
Mr, Kruse of Kruse & Pitch presented the plans for the jail. Estimated
figure for the jail, $36,000 with special Equipment $10.00 per square
It was moved, seconded, and passed-Aye i+,No 0, that they advertise ^
for bids in the Daily Journal of Commerce, World, and The Courier,
to be opened in the last Monday in February.
Winchester Bay Pish Co. water was shut off due to the fact that
four times now they have pumped salt water into the fresh water
line. The Council unanimously agrees that they should be kept
shut off until State Board of Health okays system.
Meeting adjourned.
J, A. Unger, Mayor
f.-^G. 'JoAin
— Recording Sec/2^^'
on. City Recorder
3rd DAY OP FEBRUARY, 196i|. AT & p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Dunn, Murphey, Boe,
and Hurlocker present.
It was moved, seconded, and passed to accept Lillebo*s/bid on
the pumping station for Cresttiew Addition.
A request for change in setback regulations for lot 2, block 2,
Bernhardt Addition was referred to the Planning Commission for
. Uhger,' Mflf^or
At(b,est: ^
I, G, Joh^bn, Recorder
Recording Sec
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with Councilmen Murphey,
Hurlocker, Dunn, Boe, and Woods present.
Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved as read.
The Mayor welcomed the group of girl scouts and their leaders to
the meeting,
Mayor Unger asked the council/approve Curly (L.E.) Paull's appoint
ment as councilman to replace Lincoln Swain. Motion was made, seconded
and passed. Aye 5* No none, to accept Mayors appointment.
The petition that was presented to the City for a zone change of
property on Winchester and Schofield Drive was returned to persons
presenting petition for lack of enough signatures.
The name Crestview Addition to be changed to Diehl & Serfling Addition
due to another area already recorded by that name. Mr. Serfling
Introduced R. H. Erichsen as their engineer, Mr, Erichsen presented
the sewer plans to be tentatively approved by the City. It was moved,
seconded, and passed Aye No 1, to approve sewer plans subject to the
final approval by the State.
Petition for annexation of the proposed second addition of Forest
Hills Subdivision was presented, approved, and a hearing called for.
Aye 6, No 0,
Action on Crestview Addition (Diehl & Serfling Addition) parcel one
to be taken February 21^, 1961;..
The $2,000.00 bond for the filling of the Plat-Iron by Lee Clements
was discussed; the filling was to be completed .by December 31> 1963.,
or this bond would be forfeited. Mr. Hurlocker states that Mr. Clements
has shown willingness to fill property, so an extension of 6 months
should be given. It was moved, seconded, and passed to do so, 7/I/6I4..
Aye 6, No 0 Letter to be written to Mr. Clements notifying him of this
Mr. Johnson has requested permission to attend the Oregon Finance
Officers Ass*n. annual meeting in Eugene on Feb. 20, and 21st, The
new budget laws will be expi^^r^®^* Permission granted.
Chief McCabe*s resignation as Chief of Police of Reedsport was
read to become effective March 1, 196i|.. It was moved, seconded,
and passed to accept with regret his resignation. Aye No 1.
Permission was requested by the Watson Logging Co., and Reedsport
Mill Co. to use jointly with the City our antennae on the hill.
They stated that they would gladly stand their share of cost of
installing new pole when moved. The Mayor appointed Grove^^Woods
and Gordon Murphey on committee for Radio tower.
Mr. Nunnally presented plans for street lighting on Crestview,
also the plan the City approved sometime ago will be started in
about 10 days. Will startein Bowman Road area as it is poorest
lighted and work towards town.
Franchise with the PUD expires ©s of March 8, 196i|.. Will be present
at the February 2l^, 196i|. meeting to take up this matter.
A request from the Umpqua National Bank for access for drive-in
banking on Fir & Highway 38 intersection was presented. It was
moved, seconded, and passed. Aye 6, No 0, that Attorney Jayne
draft letter to take care of this.
Mr. Swain brought his water meter over to add a little color
to the meeting.
Meeting was recessed until February 2l\., 196I|., 8 p.m., after
motion made, seconded, passed to pay following bills:
Umpqua Nat'l Bank
« ft It II
Umpqua Nat*l Bank
General Fund
The Courier
Cornell, H2, & M.
D. L. Courtney, M.D.
Daily Journal of Comm.
Hgle & Rudin
Lillebo Constr. Co.
H. M. McCabe
City of North Bend
OK Tire Store
News Press
Oregon Assoc of Finance
Officers 2.00
PERS 7.1^8
Petty Cash 48.72
fennsalt Chemicals Corp 37-50
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 279.03
Reedsport Plumbing Co. 7l+. 11
February 10, 196i|.
M^ryor Unger and Councilmen Paull, Dunn, Murphey, Woods & Hurlocker present
Bids for the Jail were opened:
Base Bid Alt. #1 Alt #2 Time
Jack Bruer i+3>779.00 4,7^2.00 .00 120 cal. days
Fred Jensen iil^,000.00 Ii.jl58.00 6,^89.00 120 cal. days
Tom Lillebo 1+4,713.00 3,710.00 5,564.00 120 dal. days
Don Thompson 45,107.00 3,896.00 6,477.00 l50 cal. days
Mr. Hurlocker stated that we should reject all bids because we don*t
have the funds. s-Moved, .^seconded and passed that all bids be rejected
due to lack of funds. Aye 5 No 0
31^-. 23
Reedsport Garage 66.84^
Reedsport Motor Frt. 3.00
Reedsport Fire Dept. 252.00
Reedsport Logging Sup. 20.ij.0
Reedsport Auto Parts 13.70
Reedsport Machine Wks. 6/6O
Reedsport Auto Electric66.50
R L Shell Service
Jim Shanelec*s
Shell Oil Co.
Byron L. Smith
The World
Thompson Ford Sales
Pete Toftflahl
Taylor Hardware
Umpqua River Nav. Co.
Union Oil Co. of Calif.557.87
Umpqua Industrial Supp. 6.53
Umpqua Bldg. Supply Co. 80.90
West Coast Telephone
Wright's Industrial
Appointment of police chief set aside.
Central Lincoln PUD franchise was discussed. Mr Jayne is to look
into new franchise and have it ready for March 9, 196I(. council
Lot 2, Block 2, Bernhardt Addition granted setback change by Planning
Commission. Wanted council action to assure okay. Moved, seconded,
passed-Aye 5> No 0, to accept Planning Commission's reccomendation.
Mr. Johnson showed plans for library and city recorder's office
to be in the bank building. Recorder's office too small. Mr.
Kruse and Mr, Johnson to discuss what the city needs, then submit
to the library.
Mr. Hurlocker stated that maybe a building inspector should be put
on the payroll even if for part time. Maybe one of the city crew
could do this job. Mr. Johnson is to report on this next mmeting.
There was some discussion.about the wrecking yard behind the West
Apts. and the enforcing of the building code.
H. M. McCabe requested permission to rent Gay Vaughn's old office
in the City Building. Mr. Johnson stated that $75-00 has been
the set price and if to be rented for less, should be by council
action. The amount of $14.0.00 was okayed by the council.
The condition of the community clothing rooms in the City building
were discussed. They are to be notified that they either clean it
up or get out.
Meeting adjourned.
ir-dr Johnson
City Recorder
. "Ungeryor
Recording Sec.
MARCH, 19^)4. at 8 p.m.
The mayor called the meeting to order with Boe, Murphey, Paull,
Woods, Hurlocker present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Ordinance annexing International Paper parcels {Porest Hills
Subdivision) and Ernest Kaufraann property at 20th & Ivy, waS read
by.Attorney Wm. Jayne. It was moved, seconded, and passed aye 5*
no 0 to adopt Ordinance ,
Ordinance #1^.57 read for second time. Moved, seconded, and passed
Aye $, no 0. to adopt ordinance
Ordinance Central Lincoln PUD Franchise was read, extending
franchise for 10 years to March 6, 197ij-» with same provisions.
Moved, seconded, passed. Aye No 0, to adopt Ordinance #14-58-
Ordinance #1^58 read for second time. Moved, seconded, passed.
Aye 5, No 0. to adopt same,
A recommendation from Mr. Johnson requesting change or amendment
to Section 2, Ordinance #ij-31, regarding vacation time for part-time
employes. It was mOV^ed, seconded, and passed-Aye 5, No 0, that it
be amended to read-Regular part-time employes working a minimum of
600 hours during calendar year be granted one day vacation for each
1^.00 hours of work; but not to exceed vacation time granted to regular
full-time employes.
Jack Dunn<came in during discussion of next item,
Lester Thompson stated that the Methodist Church of Gardiner
has asked for a piece of ground in the Umpqua Shopping Center
area. Before they can sell them this property, some street
vacations and other changes need to be made. It was moved, seconded
and passed to refer this to Planning Commission,
The new Budget Law requix*es that a budget officer be appointed to
prepare the budget document. The council appointed by unamimous
vote Mr. I. G. Johnson as Budget Officer.
Ordinance #1+57 of annexation read for third time. Moved, seconded,
passed. Aye 6, No 0.
Ordinance PUD franchise read for third time. Moved, seconded,
passed. Aye 6, No 0.
Mr. A1 Ketcham gave a report on last summer's recreation program
and made suggestions for comming summer. Would like to use park
between Pir and Greenwood in 700 block for baseball diamond, but
it would'have to leveled due to roughness of ground. Members of
recreation committee to look into this to see if it could be
accomplished without taking the grass off as it is more or less
swamp and stands with water on it all winter, Mr, Ketcham also
dated that Gardiner refused last year to donate to recreation
program and there is a question as to whether or not they will
donate this year,
Dr, Boe stated that Mr, Ketcham should be commended for running
the program so well last summer.
Ray Willard would like to cut 8 or 9 trees by his property,
committee to look into this.
After much discussion on the jail, Mr. Johnson is to contact Jack
Bruer, who was low biddgr^" to see if with alterations he would still
be interested. It was moved, seconded, passed Aye 6, No 0, to ask-
Mr. Baflier to come up.
Acting Police Chief Hass requested that Mary Warren be made Policelaoraan
Sargeant with a 10 cent an hour raise. She would have the
responsibility of seeing that the girls are broken in correctly,
ordering of supplies^p^nd see that filing is taken care of.
It was moved, seconded, and passed Aye 6, No 0 to do this,
Mr, Johnson stated that Lee Teitzel was willing to become the
building inspector,
Mr, Johnson .^3=8© reported that Kaufmann is about 10 feet in the
street on Bowman Road with concrete. Has been notified of this.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills:
Noble Drug
Pennsalt Chemical Corp.
Paramount Pest Control
Reedsport Garage
Pire Dept.
Reedsport Motor Prt.
Rdspt Plumbing Co..
Rdstp Machine Works
Rdspt Auto Electric
Reedsport Outdoor Shop
Rdspt Auto Parts
Skylark Cafe
City of North Bend
Shell Oil Co,
Bob Sund
Shell Oil Co,
Shell Oil Co.
Byron Smith
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co,
Rdspt Union Service
398 ^
37.50 n
8.00 ! ;
259.09 ' I
go.67 (50.67)
7.lit. .
OPS 13.62
Payroll fund 1950,00
Prank Albert aBoye 100,00
Cleone I, Gawley 3.00
Jessie R, Hansen 3.00
Rayna Smiley 3.00
David Monson 3.00
Jo Anne Wigle 3.00
Belva L, Mustoe 3.00
Donna Love 3.00
Wm, C, Todd 3.00
Payroll fund 5314-0.08
Porrester G, Taylor 230,00
Air Mac, Inc, 288,50.
Berg & Wally's Sta. 9.20
PUD 689.99
C, H2, & M 819.82
Courier 1J4-97
Coast Comm, Co, 19.03
Coos Bay Stationery Co. I1..32
Johns-Manvile 576.38
Independent Pitting Co.122.31
H, M, McCbbe 75.00
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 76^2?
Utilities Supply Co. = 8k.92
Umpqua Industrial Supply I4.0.OO
Umpqua Building Supply Co. i|.l«67
Wright5s Industrial Cleaning lli-l.OO
The World 13.i|-2
Meeting Adjourned
r, J. A. UiSger
L Recording
I. G. Jbhnson
CITY OP REEDSPORT, MARCH 1?, 196i|., 8 p.m.
Meeting called to order toytMayor Unger, with councilmen Dunn,
Boe, Murphey, Paull, & Hurlocker present.
Water for Scott refused until he annexes.
Application for package beer license was presented for Henderson's
grocery. Motion made, seconded, and passed, aye 5* no 0 to accept
Dunn made motion to build jail adjoint to fire hall; use present
heafihg system, if possible; kitchen as shown; eliminate refurbishing
of one juvenile cell and one woman's cell/ use bunks out of present
jail, as practical. Seconded by Hurlocker-Aye U., Nay 1-Gordon Murphey,
Meeting adjourned.
1. Joh^on
City Recorder
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger, with councilmen
Murphey, Woods, Dunn, Paull, Boe, and Hurlocker present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved §§ read. Woods
stating that water does not stand on park all winter. Park is
okay as is for ball playing without removing turf,
Ray Williard can go ahead and cut the trees by his property.
A letter from the City Record/in North Bend stating that the
price for teletype service had been raised last July, 196&,
to $23.00 per month instead of $13-00 which we had been paying
Also stating this raise had been discussed between the police
chiefs and agreed upon. Mr. Hass had looked into the matter
to see what the cost of having our own teletype service, would
run about $83.00 per month. Council instructed Mr. Johnson
to pay $80.00 owing from last July and to start paying $23.00
per month. Motion made, seconded, and passed to do so. Aye $
no 0.
A letter ^as read from Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, & Merryfield
stating that the contract for the pumping station was past
due for Crestview Addition. This loss of time is the responsi
bility of the contractor, and they should be notfied to this
affect. William Jayne was instructed to write such letter^
Petition for annexation of property owned by the Latter Day
Saints was read. Since this is to be tax free property, the
regular sewer hook-up and water connection charges will be
Moved, seconded, and passed Aye 5, No
accepted and.advertised.
p, this annexation be
The 2nd Addition of Forest Hills water system was discussed.
The city will be reimbursed by International Paper for labor,
materials, and installation of same. Motion made, seconded,
and passed to make it a matter of record that the City agrees
to do this. Aye 5 No 0
Acceptance of Ordinance for extension of franchise was
received from Central Lincoln PUD.
The report of the legality of carports and setbacks to be made
at continuation of this meeting on April 13, 196[|..
Clayton Mekelburg from the Par-T asked for a possible franchise
on public dances, also for a pool and snooker license. The
City did not feel they could give a franchise but okayed the
pool and snooker license.
Recessed until April 13, 196ij. at 8 p.m, after motion made to
pay bills.
Payroll fund 1750.00
OPS 13.62
West Coast Telephone III.I4.0
Lincoln Swain,Postmaster
Payroll Fund 5339.80
Ed Bakke 25.00
Baker's Saw Shop 105.50
PUD 691.18
C, H2 & M 2317.81
Coast Comm. Co. 22.25
Coast Sheet Metal 9.00
Coos Bay Stationery 62.93
The Courier
Fire Equipment Co. li.0.92
Roy Henderson 5.70
OK Tire Store lif8.26
Hiot i^fg/ Co. 218.10
Pennsalt Chem. Corp. 37.50
Pacific Motor Trk. Co. 9.U-0
BERS 251.01
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Reedsport Motor Frt. 6.I3
Reedsport Fire Dept. I1.3O.OO
Reedsport Garage 7.89
Reedsport Auto Parts 50.OI4.
Reedsport Machine Wks. 7.30
Reedsport Logging Sup. 21.57
Bureau of Labor 9.00
Shell Oil Co. 158.20
SIAC 106.19
Stults, Jayne, & Murphey I8.6O
Taylor Hardware %'29
Union Oil Co. of Calif. 14.70.9ft
Utilities Supply Co. 307.73
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 2.08
Umpqua Drug l.i].0
Wright's Industrial Cl. llj.1.00
West Coast Telephone 112.30
Waterworks Supply I8I.66
Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter E. Miller 60.00
Ernest H. Wentworth 60.00
Ed Bakke 33.33
H. M. McCabe ii.0.00
Council meeting was resumed ibith the Mayor calling the meeting to
order on April 13, 19614-, at 8 p.m. with councilmen Dunn, Paull,
Murphey, Wodds, and Hurlocker present.
Jail bids were opened.. They were as follows::
Jack Bruer
Fred Jensen
Tom Lillebo
Base Bid
ft If tt It
ft ft 11 If
no time limit
120 calendar days
100 calendar days
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept low bid. Aye 5, No 0
A letter requesting an extension of time (if.5 days) starting April
13, 1961). for completion of pumping station was requested by Tom
Lillebo Construction.
William Jayne suggests completion date be extended. Moved, seconded
and passed to do so. Aye 5 No 0.
Letter from Multnomah County Commissioner requesting donations for
Alaska. This is to be passed to the service clubs in this area.
Report on carports by Attorney Jayne, stating that a carport is a
building and those closer than l5 feet to the front property line
are in violation. That we should either enforce the ordinance
as is, or change it.
It was moved, seconded, and passed Aye $, No 0, to enforce building
code regarding carports, and setback regulations. Authorize the
City Attorney to take steps necessary to do so.
Two representatives from C, H2, &Mwere here to make their report
on the sewage collection and treatment facilities asked for by the
City. Pour different plans were shown with the first two being the
most feasible. The Mayor commended them on the report as being
very good, and that they would like to study the report and its
recommendations before taking any action. They also stated that
the existing system could handle some expansion and that they
are not recommending any building at this time, but action should
be taken to start acquiring moneys for this project.
Meeting adjourned.
<au-c- I. G. Johnsc&J/ City Recorder
Recording Secretary
I96I4., 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with all members
of the council present.
Byron Smith of the Pire Department asked for the use of the
City Park for a circus. May 11th. They are to clean up grounds.
Also asked for the use of the Community Bldg. for a dance
18th, during Pleet Days. Motion made, seconded and passed Aye 6
No 0.
Motion made, seconded,.!and passed Aye 6, No 0, to call for bids
on puchase of new police car; to be opened at next regular council
meeting. May 11th.
Health Officer Dr. Greg Osborn and Saritirian Kershel appeared to
discuss a County Dump. Mr. Kershel stated that about 100 acres
would be needed and the County would like a deed to the property.
He would talk with County Court about a lease.
Dr. Boe and Gordon Murphey are to negotiate with County Court on
long term lease and cr deed with reversion clause in total or as
parcels of ground are completed and finished as dump-as long as
the reversion clause is compatable. Aye 6, No 0
M^fc^lberg^ asked-fbr lease on Bommunity Bldg. or agreement for use.
City Attorney to investigate and have answers at next meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTESTA Mayor J. A. Unger
^ —
I. G. Johnsoft'^ City Recorder
THE CITY OP REEDSPORT, MAY 11, 1961^., 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with councilmen Paull,
Dunn, Woods, and Boe present.
The mayor asked for the councilJs approval for the appointment
of Raymond Hass as Chief of Police. Motion was made, seconded,
and passed Aye No 0, to do so.
Hearing for Annexation of property owned by the Latter Day Saints.
There were no objections. Motion made, seconded, and passed that
annexation be allowed. Aye l\. No 0
Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved as read. Aye Ij.
No 0
Earl Marks appeared before the council requesting water service for
a subdivision South of Winchester Bay to be called Harbor Heights.
A water district will be formed.^ They, will put in their own
and master meter. Building is to be done by Save-on Constr.
Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye 1^., No 0, that Mr. Johnson work
with the Construction Co. and find mofet measible p]sac^^. Aye i\.. No 0
William Jayne read lease' for dump site. Motion made, seconded, and
passed. Aye ij.. No 0, that lease be negotiated as read.
Pirst budget meeting is scheduled for May 18, 196i|. at 8 p.m.
Present budget committee members are: Ben Gawley, Roger Love,
James McCulloch, and Wesley Hiller. Two more were needed.
George Marks and Roy Henderson were appointed with approval of
the Council. Aye Lj., No 0.
Bank deed was presented, but was tabled to be brought up at first
budget hearing.
Properties that have been annexed and not zoned were referred to
Planning Commission for recommendations.
Motion made, seconded, and passed. Aye i^.. No. 0, to adopt resolution
of sewer study made by C, H2 & M to be sent to Pederal Government
so that they can get their money for the survey.
Discussion of the leasing of the Community Building by the Par T;
due to the summer recreation ppogram, decided no steps could be
taken until Pall. Mr. Mekelburg is to make survey and set up
type of program he is going to have and participation of area
(approximate number).
Police car bids were opened: Thompson Pord Sales-$21l8.35
Daily Motors 23l|-2.82
Motion made, seconded, and passed to accept low bidw : r-Aye l\.. No 0
Hass thank the Mayor and members of the council for his appointment
as Chief of Police and stated that he would do his best.
Meeting was adjounned after motion was made to pay the bills:
City of North Bend
Payroll fund
Utilities Supply Co.
Petty Cash
Payroll fund
Umpqua National Bank
Umpqua National Bank
Bay Printers
Berge & Wally*s
Central Lincoln PUD
The Courier
The Courier
Coos Bay Supply
Coast Communications
Comm. Bldg. Pund
Pire Equipment Co.
63.00 Kruse & Pitch 1770.30
17$0.00 OK Tire Store 4^.86
13.62 Pennsalt Chem. 56.25
727.00 City of North Bend 23.00
U-7.78 Paramount Pest Cont. 8.00
51^.79.114- PERS 256.87
375-00 Reedsport Garage 28.70
55ft.32 Reedsport Plb. Co. 66.50
53.00 Prank Rose 1|1.99
1.91 Rdspt Auto Parts 36.22
675.i]-2 Rdspt Machine Wks. 11+..35
10.28 Rdspt Log Supply 32.14.5
15.62 Rdspt Mttor Prt. 2l|..96
12.90 Pire Dept. 512.00
llf-.OO Stults, Jayne &
5000.00 Murphey 762.50
151.55 Shell Oil Co. Ii|l4..91
111.33 SIAC 106.77
Byron L. Smith
Shell Oil Co.
Skylark Cafe
Thompson Pord Sales
Pete Toftdahl
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Utilities Supply Co.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply Co.
Umpqua River Navigation
West Coast Telephone
Waterworks Supplies Co.
The World
Wallace & Tiernan, Inc.
Assoc. Janitorial Servibe
Wright*s Industrial Cleaning
I. G. Johnsoifr, City Recorder
Mayor J. A. Unger
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Secretary
MEETING HELD MAY I8, 19611. 8 jj^.m.
Mayor Unger called the meeting to order with councilmen Hurlocker,
Murphey, Boe, and Paull present, also Budget members McCulloch,
Ben Gawley, Roy Henderson, Roger Love, Geo. Marks, and Wesley
James McCulloch was elected Budget Chairman, and Ben Gawley,
Budget Secretary.
During the evening, the/budget was compiled and the next meeting
called for May 25, 1961^., at 8.p.m.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to adjourn.
I. G. Johnson
City Recorde
Mayor J. A. Unger
HELD pnJE 1, 19611., at 8 p.m.
Mayor Unger chilled the meeting to order with Councilmen Boe,
Woods, PaullJ with the Mayor declaring himself as a councilman.
All Budget Committee members were present.
After some discussion of the budget, George Marks move that we
apprpoB the budget, seconded by^iWesley Hillier. Passed Aye 6 No 0
Budget is to be published in the Courier June 11, l8th with the
hearing June 29th, 1961]., 8 p.m.
Meeting adjourned.
Mayor J. A. Unger
TTIT. son. City Recorder Recording Secretary
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with councilmen, Qunn,
Paull, ^urlocker present.
Minutes of previous meetings read^ approved as read. Aye No 0
Bank deed was presented and method of payment discussed.
il5,000.00 to be paid now,
;10,000.00 out of 196i^.-1965 budget.
;10,000,00 within 6 months 1965-1966 budget, on or before 7/15/66.
Interest free
Motion made, seconded, and passed that non-interest bearing warrants
be signed to purchase old bank building. Aye No 0
Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye I4., No 0, to okay 2 requisitions
from the librar;"'.'for Garyloapdi*a/ahd'Northern School Supply ($517.35)
( ^157.00)
The Mayor had a letter from the Oregon State Board of Health concerning
terminal baiting for rodents at the present dump before it is abandoned,
so that rodent migration will not occur.
Ordination #U59, Annexation of Latter Day Saints property accepted into
City limits.
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept Planning Commission's reccommendation
for a change of setback requirements for Reedsport Church of
God for their new church at 22nd and Birch, Aye i|.. No 0
Water line installation on Crestview Hill completed, and Mr, Johnson
reccommended that we bill Blehl:& Serfling in full XK0txXi£X|cx]RXHXKaE5£HK
Street and drains on Ivy and 13th to be taken care of as soon as we
are sure the rains have stopped for awhile.
Mr. Johnson was asked if there was any information on the valve to be
put in line to up pressure on Bowman Road? Mr, Johnson stated that
90% of the equipment is here, but essential pieces have to come
from back East. Engineer thinks it will boost pressure 15 pounds.
This valve is to be installed in the 16" line in front of the High
School instead of by Schofield Bridge. Will take at least a month
to install.
Mr, Swain requested that crosswalks be painted. This will also
be taken care of if and when it quits raining for more than one day,
Mr, Hurlocker stated that new bafekstops were needed for the basebfill
field on 21st & Elm, Labor to be donated if City will pay for material.
Discussion on dust control anticipated on E, Railroad and Rainbow Plaza
if it ever quits raining.
Mr. Paull asked whether or not when 2 fire trucks are on flat, could a
red light be installed on 20th & Winchester to be activated by girls at
police station. Would have to contact State. .Cost might be prohibitive
Discussion on the old Eagles Hall being a fire trap.
Flat-iron mention about being mosquito nest.
New police car will be in service by end of the week.
Chief Hass discussed the hiring of another man; stated he was having
meeting with the Mayor and the Police committee. Jack Dunn suggested
that he be brought before council or committee before he is hired.
Budget hearing to be Monday, June 29, 196i|., at 8p,m.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills:
OBS 13.62
Payroll Fund 1750.00
Payroll Fund 51+27.39
Berg & Wally's 13.95
Bay Pavers, Inc. 66.33
PUD 762.51
Water Dept 75-00
Courier 3.1+8
Coast Comm. Co. - 8.58
Coos Bay Stat. Co. 27.73
Fire Equipment Co. 26.314-
Hinds Supply Co. 378.00
Roy Henderson lL|.3.95
Iowa State U. 2.38
JOHNS-ManvilleSales Corp.[|.088.l5
Geo. W. Melville 5.95
City of North Bend 2^.58
OK Tire Store 18.72
Pol. Chief Bureau 5-50
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 251.38
Pennsalt Chem. Corp. 56.25
Reedsport Fire Dept. 290.00
Reedsport Machine Works l+.OO
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. Johnson, City Recorder
Reedsport Auto Parts 3.36
Reedsport Union Service 17.00
Reedsport Motor Freight 6.79
Shell Oil Co. 96.13
Byron L. Smith 7.72
SIAC 103.68
Peter C. Toftdahl 3.33
Frank L. Taylor Hardware 70.88
Union Oil Co. of Calif. 238.51+
UmpquQ Industrial Supply 8.14.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 63.71
Umpqua Drug 8.78
Umpqua River Navigation 36.00
West Coast Telephone Co. 98,i]-0
Waterworks Supplies Co. 3035.1+2
Wright's Industrial Cln. ll+l.OO
Ray Holliday 1+1+.l5
J. A. Unger, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Sec*y.
29, 1961+ at 8/.m.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger, with councilmen
Woods, Paull and Murphey present. The Mayor declared him
self a councilman so there would be a quorum.
Ordinance #ft60 was read to establish tax for the 196i|.-J965
As there were no questions, a motion was made, seconded, and
passed Ay# i+. No 0, to adopt Ordinance #1^60.
Hurlocker and Dunn mame after vote for budget was taken.
There was discussion on E. Railroad avenue and was decided
fhBt the City would put on first coat of Sulphite Wafefee to
control the dust and if a second coat is needed, it will
be up to the property owners to pay for it.
Meeting adjourned.
Johns^, City Mecorder
J. A. Unger, Mayor
Nettie Be. Glasser
Recording Sec'y.
Meeting was called to order at 8 p.m. by the Mayor with Councilmen
Dunn, Paull, Murphy, and Woods present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Aye I4., No 0
Application for packaged Beer License for Hugh M. or Celeste Smith
for (STackleboxL*i. Police Chief Okayed. Motion made, seconded,
and passed that we approve beer license. Aye Ij., No 6
Requisition for $1716.8? to be signed for the Fire Department was
presented to the council for their okay. Amount already okayed
in 61^-65 budget, but council okay needed for any purchase over
$200.00. Motion made, seconded, and passed Aye 4., No 0, to okay
New County dump is now open and Hahn is baiting at old dump now
before it is covered.
Discussion on Log trucks using 11th St., Greenwood and Hawthorne
instead of 10th. Mr. Johnson is to post signs for £og trucks to
stay on 10th. Motion made, seconded, and passed Aye Ij., No 0
for Mr. Johnson to do so.
Mr. Dunn is to talk to Mr. Ketcham about the lack of supervision
during the recreation periods at the Community Building.
Mr. Murphey wanted to know if something couldn't be done about
Winchester Avenue between 2nd and 3rd? Mr. Johnson is to see
if the County equipment will do an oil penetration coat on this
area when they are here.
Chief Hass requests that 1 wall be eliminated in the new jail
and a door be put in another spot so that they can have maximum
security. Cost of change is to be looked into.
Grover Woods reported that one of the slides on the park down
by the Railroad tracks befween Pir and Greenwood is broken
and the rail should be fixed before"some child is hurt.
Transfer of beer license from Mrs. H. E. Smith to Sam and Joan
Wigle okayed by councilmen by phone between meetings. Mention
of this is just for a record.
Stacks at the U,S. Plywoods should be higjier. After some disqdssion
it was decided to write to the County Sanitarian for
right procedure of what to do about the smoke and soot coming
from these stacks. A^copy is to be sent to U.S. Plywood.
Grover Woods suggested that we have a Clean-up Month since
we have a new dump. The Mayor will declare fOperation Clean
up" and Grover Woods will donate service of wrecker to help
clear alleys of heavy stuff. Mayor appointed Grover Woods
Chairman. So be it.
Chief Hass asked for the installation of a phone to be put
in at ticket office of the Community^Buildings to be used at
the dances in case of an Emergency. It was decided to have
a jack put in and phone to be there only during the dances.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills:
Oregon State Highway Dept. 95*81|.
Umpqua National Bank 1^000.00 /
Kruse & Pitch 97*91
C, H2, & M 8932.00
Payroll Pund 1750.00
OPS 13.62
Lillebo Constr. Co. 653i|-*00
Payroll Pund 5630.81).
American Seating 538.3p
Berge & Wally*s 7«7?
Bay Pavers, Inc 50.73
PUD 7i|-5.96
G. D. Myllenbeck, County Clk. 7.00
Courier 13*70
D. L, Courtney, M,D. 7«?0
Fire Equipment Co. 29.58
Gaylord Bros., Inc. 165.00
Roy Henderson 3*95
Motorola Comm. 63$.00
City of North Bend 23.00
OK Tire Store 61.3k
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 262.35
Petty Cash ij-9.03
Reedsport Logging Supply 9.65
Reedsport Plumbing 5*^5
RL Shell Service 89.88
Reedsport Machine Works 6l•i^.0
Reedsport Auto Parts lj.0.96 .
Reedsport Fire Dept. 1^1^.2.00
Reedsport Auto Electric 15.00
Reedsport Motor Freight i|-.90
Meeting adjourned,
Shell Oil Co.
Byron L. Smith
Skylark Cafe
Thompson Ford Sales
Pete C. Toftdahl
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Industrial Sup.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua Drug Co.
Umpqua River Navigation
West Coast Telephone
Waterworks Supplies Co.
Wright's Industrial C.
Raymond Hass
Walter E. Miller
Ernest H. Wentworth
Ed Bakke
J. A. Unger, Mayor
I. Sv ^ohn^on. City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording Sec'y.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with Councilmen Paull,
Boe, and Woods present. Hurlocker came later.
Minutes of pre ^ffiQus meeting read and appro-«ed as read. Aye 3 No 0
Grover Woods reported that the Cleanup Committe and program was going
pretty good,
Mr, Johnson reported that the County will blacktop Winchester between
2nd and 3rd and bill us for materials.
The PUD has set the new pole for radio antenna on Crest view Hill.
Carport Situation on Arthur Drive was discussed. Complaint is in
the basket. Attorney Jayne stated.
A discussion was held on the pump of IP's for the Forest Hills
Subdivisions. The City was to take it ov^r today. Mr. Johnson
believes that a test over a period of time should be made to be
sure that operation is as it should be.
Steps have been taken to take Bank Building off tax roles.
Valve to up pressure on Bowman Road to be installed right away.
A group of property owners were here to see about getting Elm Ave.
Mr. Hahn requested use of ^)x 100 feet on the big curve before the
County dump for a truck wash. This would be on City property.
Mr. Hahn stated that they would use about l^Jt) gals of water a day.
This storage to be covered. Moved, seconded, and passed to give
use permit with 30 day cancellation clause. Aye I4 No 0
There was a discussion about the roadbed on Elm Ave. not being
centered. At present time the City has no Intentions of moving
the roadbed either way. If a 36 foot strip was paved, property
owners would be paying for 18 foot wide and iength of their
Dr. Boe reported that the Library'Board is getting impatient'
about whether or not they are going to have a new library and
where it is to be located.
Mr. Johnson is to call Mr. Kruse about a date to meet with the
council and present planfe.-^for librajj^ in old bank building.
Two requisitions were approved for fire dept.
A letter is to be sent to Hardwoods, Inc. offering our condolensess
for their loss of the mill by fire.
Their has been a call from Gardiner asking to use Reedsportas a base
station until theii;' license comes through or their equipment comes
for the fire department. Mr. Pau^l is to tell them to write the
City requesting these things.
A discussion was held on 22nd and Winchester and the danger now
that school is about to begin.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to paythe following bills:
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank 1^200.00
Payroll fund 2000.00
OPS 13.62
Thompson Ford Sales 2118.
J. D. Diehl Agency 100.00
League of Oregon Cities 248.15
Leroy Chenoweth 277.62
Jack Schweitzer 285.27
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank 2380.00
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank 300.00
Payroll Fund 6537.911-
Bay Paver^, Inc. 79.62
General Fund I788O.OO
PUD 74-7.57
Courier lli.8.13
Coast Comm., Co. 8.8O
County Surveyor 19.35
Coast Sheet Metal 46.55
Courier 7.80
Friden, Inc. 68.34
Frenchies' 1.49
Hinds Supply Co. 349.85
City of North 26.05
Oregon Finance Officers 2.00
OK Tire Store 1.75
101 Service ' l4.20
PERS 7.44
PERS 394.. 22
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 56.25
Paramount Pest Control Service 8.00
Reedsport Logging Supply 5.68
Reedsport Auto Electric 7.68
Reedsport Auto Parts 35.00
Reedsport Machine Works 14.45
Reedsport Garage 2.10
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Sund Ihsurange Ag'y.
Hhell Oil Co.
Shell Oil Co.
Byron L. Smith
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua River Navig.
Utilities Supply
West Coast Telephone
Wright's Industrial C1
Melville Plumbing
Meeting adjourned.
o^ysorTT"City Recorder"
J. A. Unger, Mayor
Nettle B.'Glasser, Recording Sec'y.
8 p.m.
The Mayor called the meeting to order with Councilmen Murphey,
Woods, Dunn, Paull, Hurlocker, and Dr. Boe came later.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Aye5 No 0
Grover Woods reported Cleanup Week enough for him.
Vacation of alley in Block Rainbow Addition #2 was requested by
J. C, Diehl and Central Lincoln PUD. The Council referred this to
the Planning Commission for action.
A group of property owners from Rowe St. were here to complach about
the dust being caused by the hauling of dirt ^feing excavated on
some of Prank Rose's property. The City told them that blacktopping
would solve their pro{)lem but that it mip;ht be better to wait until
next summer to have it donu until they see how :all the excavating
affects the drainage. Mr. Jayne is to write letter to Labkey-Clifton,
and Prank Rose requesting the watering of Rowe St. as long as they
are still hauling dirt. Moved, seconded, and passed Aye 6, No 00
to do so.
Dr. Boe also believes that Bowman Road should be.restricted to
parking on one side only. Every-one agreed that/is dangerous,
Mr. Johnson reported that' the man from C, H2, & M will be here
next Monday, September 21, 196i| at 9 a.m. to check out the water
pump on Crestview Hill and would like to have Councilmen there
to watch if they want.
Kruse and Pitch will be here to discuss plans for the library
in the bank bldg. next Monday night at 8p.m.
The Street committee is to look at Rowe St. and give report
next Monday night.
While the man from C, H2, & M is here, he will also hheck on the
valve being put in at the High School to up pressure in the
Bowman Road area.
The City Attorney requested permission to hire-,a surveyor to
get legal description of all the property outside the city limits
but is contiguous to city property, so that it can be brought into
the city limits. Mr. Jayne is to contact Mr. ErJchsen and get an
estimate to present at next week's meeting.
Beonard Mix is interested in putting a trailer court on the old
hospital property and wanted the City's reaction before he put
too much time and money into it. This area is Zone 2-Residential,
which allows multiple dwellings and would allow a trailer court.
The council did not object at this time, as long as it meets State
specifications. When asked how big it would be, he stated between
50 and 75 to make it pay.
A discussion was held about burglar alarm in the police station for
McKay's Market and other services being gust installed at the police
station without coming to the city for an okay. Mr. Jayne is to
write a letter to McKay's to removed the burglar alarm immediately,
Mr. Paull thinks the extendion on the fire hall should be started right
away. Mr. Chenoweth, fire chief, is to ask for bids and present them
at next week's meeting.
Grover Woods reported that the tower has been moved and has quite a
bit more elevation.
Since there is no longer a dog pound, it was decided to release Mr.
Toftdahl. Also some discussion on maybe making the old jail into
a dog pound.
There was some discussion about getting the old houses owned by
Albert Mundt down by the Shell Oil condemned. Mr. Jayne is to
write to Mr. Mundt.
Mr. Jayne reported that the Douglas County Housing Authority
believed there is a definite need for housing for the elderly,
in this area. They need a letter from the City requesting
that a survey be made before they can take any action. Motion
made, seconded, and passed Aye 6, No 0 to write such letter.
The status of the Railroad spur that runs to the Umpqua River
Navigation was discussed. Railroad cars are being left there
for 2 or 3 days at a time creating a hazard for traffic. Mr.
Jayne is to write letter to Mr. Hinsdale to see if these cars
could not be moved onto Navigation property.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay the following bills;
Payroll Fund
Umpqua National Bank
Payroll Fund
Lower Umpqua Rec. Dist/
Abar TV Cable Co.
Bob Albertus
American Rubber Mfg. Co.
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Coast Comm. Co,
Callaghan & Co,
State Forester
Fire Equipment Co.
Kruse & Fitch
Littreil Supply
Lillebo Constr. Co.
Munnell & Sherrill, Inc.
OK Tire Store
City of North Bend
Paramount Pest Control
Pacific Motor Trk. Co.
Meeting adjourned.
13.62 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 56.25
2^50.00 PERS 2914-. ?9
i|faij3.9^3 Fire Department 7^0.00
1|.671,66 Reedsport Machine Works 197.^7
6306.66 Reedsport Auto Parts 6.76
1100;00 Reedsport Logging Supply 9.63
675.00 Reddsport Auto Electric 10.66
130.00 RL Shell Service 71+.65
1682.53 Shell Oil Co. ll|5.12
575,54 Shell Oil Co 15^.92
ti|3.56 Shell Oil Co. 27.09
BO6.9O Skylark Cafe 7.^0
3.16 Byron L. Smith 6.0l|.
20.00 SIAC 103.29
21.73 Thompson Ford Sales 7«05
696.146 Peter C. Toftdahl 6.33
197.91 Frank L. Taylor Hardware 22.1+6
2.I4O Umpqua Bldg. Supply 632.146
1319I1.OO Union Oil Co. of Calif. 9.10
659.30 Utilities Supply Co. 309.15
1.25 Umpqua River Navigation 51.00
3I4.35 Umpqua National Bank 177.00
6.00 West Coast Telephone I36.I9
3.72 Waterworks Supplies 20i|.69
Wright*s Ind. Cleaners 1^1.00
Umpqua National Bank 260.00
I. G, Johhso^, City Recorder
J. A. Unger, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recor"ai<ig Sec^y>
8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Councilmen
Paull, Murphey, Woods, Hurloc^er, and Boe present.
The alley behind Fir Grove, Umpqua Motors and Shell Station
was discussed to try and find some way to get rid of the
water standing on the street. The grader is to go out
and see what he can do.
Instead of building 6 feet closer to the side line on 22nd
Street as okayed by the Planning Commission for the Lutheran
Church, they request a foot closer to the alley line. Moved,
seconded, and passed to present to the Planning Commission
for their action. Aye S, No 0,
Bid on Fire Hall extension held due to the fact that all
the builders, hadn't been asked for bids.
Bill Jayne stated that the State would blacktop 21^.* on
Frontage Road with a roadbed of 26* if the City would adopt
an ordinance for maintainence. Moved, seconded, and passed
tc have Mayor and City Recorder to sign such ordinance.
Aye No 0
Mr. Kruse of Bruse & Pitch Architects presented the plans
for the library in the old bank building. Estimated a cost
of $6500 for the complete painting of exterior and interior
and the installation of two restrooms. The library plans
to use the present fixtures.
Mr. Kruse was instructed to prepare plans for advertisement
for bids Aye 5? No 0 Bids to be called for the ninth of
November, 196i|, the regular council meeting.' .
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST) ^ IT. A. Unger, Mayor
I. G. Johfisph "N^^tYe B. Glas^r
City REcor'der Recording Sec*y.
October 12, 196I|., 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with councilmen
Woods, Murphey, Paull, Hurlocker present.
Minutes of previous meetings read and approved as read. Aye
No 0
Letter read from State Highway Department to Chief Hass stating
that they would, with the participation of the City, install
the same type stop light at 22nd and Winchester, as already
at 19th and Winchester. The approximate cost to the City would
be around $[j.,000.00
Bids for the addition to the Fire Hall on the Plat were opened:
C. D. Purlott $3287.00
Prank Rose $3330.00 $3000.00 approxiaate amount in
Ralph Paull $il533.00 budget.
Kenneth Kent a.$3i^80.00
alternate b.$2750.00
Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye 1|, No 0, to refer bids to Pire
C6mmittee and Chief for them to go over bids and give their
recommendation to the Council.
There will be a Mayor's meeting at Myrtle Creek, October 22nd
at 6i30 p.m. at Nutshell Restaurant.
Mr. Johnson asl ed what charges should be made to Umpqua River
Navigation Co. for the Bolen Island dock fire? There was hours
for 25 men, 2 pumpers and 1 salvage truck. Moved seconded, and
passed to bill them at cost. Aye I|., No 0.
Franchise for Cable TV expired. After discussion with Mr. Esselstrom
and council, it was moved, seconded, and passed. Aye i|.. No 0, to
grant franchise renewal and add charges as requested by Mr.
Esselstrom with 30 day cancellation clause.
After quite a bit of discussion, it was moved, seconded, and passed.
Aye ii. No 0, to accept Planning Commission's recommendation for
change in setback for George DeCloedt house on 17th and Greenwood.
Also moved, seconded, and passed to accept Commission's recommendation
for setback change for Luteran Church. Aye No 0.
Petition for Annexation of Reedsport Masonic Cemetery by the Aurora
Lodge #59 AP-AM was read. Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye NoO,
to accept annexation petition. Hearing to be November 9th, next
council meeting.
A telegram was read from the company that installed the Mrglar
alarm for McKay's Mar et in the Police station. He is to be in
town next week. States that there are other stores in town would
like to hook on to this system. They were asked to remove it
last month as the City had not been contacted before it was installed.
After seeing a demonstration of a Portable Radar set, Paul Hurlocker
recommends that the police be allowed to puchase a set from Geo. P.
Cake Co. Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye i|, NoO, to do so.
It was reported that there is speeding on 22nd and over into the
Forest Hills Subdivision #2. This is to be watehed more closely.
Mr. Johnson and street committee are to check into bulkhead over
by Mickey Micheil's house.
Representatives from the Gardiner Pire Department were here to
see if arrangements could be made for the city to handle their
plectron sets? Theycould pay some. Committee, Attorney, City
Recorder to get together. Would also like to discuss it at the
League of Oregon Cities convention to see how it is handled by
other cities. As it is now, Reedsport takes their fire calls
and blows the siren.
Kenneth Kent Is building a waah-a-matic to be
Hawthorne. The sewer will have to be brought to 13th and Hawthorne
to hook into the City sewer. He was wondering if something could
be done to help cut the cost for the owner. It has been the policy
of the City that the buildEsg come to the sewer. Stated that he
might contact the property owners in between 13th and 14th to see
if they hiight help.
Ben Gawley discussed the West Coast Telephone service or I should
saw lack of it, and when their franchise comes up, which will not
be until 1968, that Pacific Northwest Telephone Co. be asked to
come in,
Mr. Bruce Eddy of the West Coast Telephone Company was here and
explained the; problems of the company with the fast growth that
has been taking place here. following
After motion made, seconded, and passed, to pay/bills, meeting
was adjourned.
OPS 13.62
Payroll Fund 2000.00
Umpqua Natl.Bank i|.20.00
Payroll Fund 6126,36
Donovan Carncross 100,00
Abbott & Lind 6.80
Bept. of State 1^0.00
Baker*s Saw Shop 3-95
PUD 786.96
Chapman Bros 36.73
Coast Comm. Co. 7.00
Ira C, Byrd,taxes 339.66
Meter Co. 1288.99
Littrell Supply Co. 10.50
OK Tire Store 1|5.03
101 Service ^^.^5
City of North Bend 26.9$
Pennsalt Chem. Corp. $6.25
Paramount Pest Con. 8.00
PERS 26$.6$
Rdspt Plumbing Co. 2.13
Rdspt Auto Parts l8,66
Rdspt Machine Wks 71.60
Fire Department ]4.8i^.,00
Rdspt Motor Frt. 6.00
• ^ I,V G.^ilohnain, City Recorder
Reedsport Garage
Shell Oil Co,
Shell Oil Co.
Shell Oil Co.
Byron L, Smith
Simmons Carbon Co.
Taylor Hardware
Walter Tresler
Thompson Ford Sales
Utilities Supply Co.
Umpqua Drug
Gay Vaughn, CPA
Umpqua Bldg. SQpply
Umpqua River Nav. Co,
West Coast Telephone
Waterworks Supply
Wright*s Ind. Cleaning
0, R. North
188. i|0
J. A, Unger, Mayor
Nettie B, Glasser
Recording Secretary
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with councilmen.
Woods, Murphey, Boe, Hurlocker, and Paull present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Aye 5
No 0
Bids for the remodeling of the Old Bank Building for Library
use were opened. The^- Bree as follows;
Kent $5728.00 l|5 calendar days
Jensen $5583.00 90 days
Lillebo $1^.662.00 35 calendar days
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept low bid. Aye 5# No 0.
Hearing on petition for annexation of property, Reedsport Masonic
Cemetery. ORDINANCE #U6l was read for the first time. Moved,
seconded, and passed to accept annexation. Aye 5> No 00.
Liquor renewals were submitted for renewal or rejection. No new
ones, just renewals. Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye 5» no 0,
to accept renewals.
Mr. Johnson stated the intention for annexation of Countyy Club
House and Tennis Court, now in process of being prepared by Inter
national Paper Co. Water service has been installed on strength
of letter received.
Written acceptance for MaintanaQce of Frontage Road from the City
requested by State Highway Dept. It has been paved 2if feet wide,
with a 26 foot road base, as per agreement. So moved that such
letter be signed for the State. Aye 5» No 0
A letter was read from Diehl and Serfling requesting the acceptance
of street in Diehl-Serfling Addition so they will meet PHA speci
It was moved, seconded, and passed to accept the blac kfcopped streets
in Diehl-Serfling Addition in platted area. Aye 5> No 0.
Water rates for the new US Coast Guard Station in Winchester Bay
were set at $5.00 per month. Moved, Seconded, Passed, Aye 5> No 0.
Replacement of approximately 800 feet of water pipe in Winchester
Bay needs talten care of, Mr. Johnson states. Thfere is also a
fire hydrant to be replaced. The cost of hydrant should be the
Winchester Bay Pire Districtl^s/
Mr. Johnson is to contact W.B. Pire District to see if they want
a hydrant or standpipe put in. Moved, seconded, and passed for
Mr. Johnson to take necessary steps.
I j
Dr. Boe believes that Winchester Bay should be charged one amount |
and they should form a water district.
A letter to the Shell Oil Co. has been written stating that the
City does not feel justified in vacating Alley in Block 5> Rainbo
® Addition #2 at this time, as water and sewer lines are in the
alley. Shell Oil Co. can fill and pave alley and city authorizes
overhang roof for customer parlfeing. If water or wewer maintenance
is necessary, it will be taken care of at no cost to the city.
Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye 5> No 0
Ordinance #14.61 was read for the second time. Annexation of Reedsport
Masonic Cemetery property. Moved, seconded, passed. Aye 5> No 0
to accept annexation.
Mr. Jayne reported that the District Attorney was investigating mal
practice of electioneering on election day.
After letters were read from Board of Directors of Reedsport
Union High School U-l|, argifog the installation of a stop-light
at 22nd and Winchester, and petitions presented requesting same,
also rereading of letter of Chief Hass from State Highway Dept.
stating cost of such light to State and City, a motion was made,
seconded, and passed to instruct the State to install such light.
Aye 5, No 0. There were approximately 800 signatures on the
petitions, presented.
There was a delegation here and also a petition presented,
requesting a change in the zoning of the old hospital ground
on Scott St. and Bowman Road. It is now Zone 2 Residential,
which permits multiple dwellings, and they would like it changed
to Zone 1, Residential. Moved, seconded, and passed, after
quite a bit of discussion to refer it to the Planning Commission.
Aye 5, No. 0 The Council also requests action on this by the
December Council meeting.
ORDINANCE #i|.6l was read for the 3rd time. Moved, seconded, and
passed to accept the annexation of the Reddsport Masonic Cemetery.
Aye 5, No 0.
Mr. Jayne reported that the compalint has been filed on the
Building Code violation.
Mr. Johnson requested that the Council o\^j 90fo of thepayment
on the Jail and 90% of the payment on the Crestview Pump.
Moved, seconded, passed. Aye No 0, to make payment.
Fire Department and Paul Hurlocker agree to recommend Cliff
Purlott's bid be accepted for the addition to the Fire Hall
on Wade*s Plat. His bid was $3287.00. Moved, seconded, and
passed to do so. Aye No 0.
Grover Woods stated that the users on the antennae would like
to know if they have a certain time or any guarantee of how
long they can use the City's antennae? The council would not
set any time limit.
Chief Hass announced that a new Blice man had been hired to
replace Ernest Wentworth. He is Glenn Allen, i|2 yrs, married, .
with 2 childred. He is from the North Bend, Coos Bay, area..
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills:
Payroll Fund
Raymond Hass
Ray Church
Fred Jungwirth
Ernest Wentworth
Walter E. Miller
Payroll Fund
Umpqua Nat*l Bank
Assoc. Janitorial Serv.
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Berge & Wally*s Sta.
Baker's Saw Shop
Bunting Tractot Co.
Coast Comm. Co.
Geo. F. Cake Co.
Coos Bay Stationary
Daily Journal Commerce
Roy Henderson
Hale & Rudin
Kruse & Fitch
Meeting adjourned.
13.62 Lillebo Constr. Co.
1900.00 Lillebo Constr. Co.
60.00 City of North Bend
50.00 PERS
60.00 Pacific Pumping Co.
60.00 Paramount Pest Control
60.00 PERS
5795.Reedsport Garage
375.00 Reedsport Logging Supply
2ii..00 Reedsport Auto Parts
66.83 Reedsport Machine Works
20.60 Reedsport Auto Electric
3.90 Shell Oil Co.
57.23 Shell Oil Co.
34.95 Shell Oil Co.
768.52 SIAC
i|.6.20 Taylor Hardware Co.
965.00 Union Oil Co. of Calif.
160.65 Utilities Supply Co.
28.70 Umpqua River Navigation
2.50 Umpqua Building Supply
9.60 West Coast Telephone
235.17 Waterworks Supplies
The World
Wright's Ind. Cleaning
Williams Pharmacy
Reedsport Fire Dept.
On November 12, 196iVi the council was polled by phone for
a change in the ownership and liquor application for the
Silver Moon, E. H. Meece is purchasing same. Okayed by
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with councilmen
Paull, Woods, Hurlocker, Dr. Boe, and Murphey present.
Minutes of previous minutes read and approved as read.
Mr. Purlo(bt was asked when the addition to the Pire Hall
on the Plat was to be started;?^ He stated until now he
did not know that hishbid'was the one chosen.
The Mayor welcomed Mr. Wilson from the High School and a"
group of Young Democsats.
ORDINANCE #i|.62, the annexation of the Porest Hills Country
Club and Tennis Court was read for the first time. Moved,
seconded, and passed. Aye No 0, to accept annexation.
ORDINANCE #462, was read for the second time. Moved, seconded
and passed. Aye No 0, to accept annexation.
Letters of the agreemfeot for the installation of the signal
light at 22nd and Highway 101 were presented for the signatures
6f' the Mayor and Recorder. The Council so moved that the
agreement be signed. Aye 5 No 0
Change Order #1 of $1560.00 to level floor in old bank building
was read for action of the council. Moved, seconded, and passed
to accept change order #1, as requested by Mr. Lillebo. Aye 5, No 0.
Dr. Boe*s resignation was read and is to become effective as of
January 1, 1965. Moved seconded, and passed. Aye i|.. No 0 to accept
The plans for the New Shell Station to be built on 12th and Highway
101 were presented for approval. It was moved, seconded, and passed
that the street committee meet with the State on this when Mr. Gunter
is in town. Aye 5> No 0.
Mr. Brubaker from the Highland Mobile Park, asked the council for
permission to hook on to the City sewer, but has to cross IP property
to get to it. He stated that IP expresses the intention of deeding
this property to the City, which was verified by Mr. Jayne, but
that until the property did belong to the City, they could not
give an easement to anyone to cross it. No action was taken.
Recommendations of the Planning Commission were read for Council
a. Old hospital property be zoned #1 Residential. Hearing to be
called. Aye 5> No 0.
b. Porest Hills Subdivisions #1 & #2, be zoned #1 Residential,
Accept Planning Commissions recommendation, hearing called.
Aye 5» No 0.
c. Bernhardt Addition be zoned #1 Residential. Hearing to be
called. Aye 5* N© 0.
d. South Hill Subdivison be zoned #1 Residential. Hearing to be
called. Aye 5» No 0.
e. Morris Addition be zoned #1 Residential. Hearing to be called.
Aye 5, No 0.
f. Church of Latter Day Saints be zoned #1 Residential. Hearing
to be called. Aye 5, No 0.
g. Request for the vacation of portion of Ivy between l8th and 19th
streets refused. After much discussion by Mr. Hodges, representing
On November 12^ the comncil was pollod by phono for—
a change In tho ownership and liquor application for the
Silver Moon.—E* Meece is purchasing same, 0 layed by—
the Assembly of God Church members, who requested the vacation,
Mr. Krug and Mr. Hennault, property owners Involved, and the
Council, it was moved that the recommendation be referred back
to the Planning Commission and discussed at a time when the
Council, Planning Commission, and the parties involved could
all meet together. Seconded, and passed Aye No, 0.
ORDINANCE #l+.62 was read for the third time. Moved, seconded,
and passed to accept the annexation of the Forest Hills Country
Club and Tennis Court. Aye $, No. 0
An application for a liquor license for the Forest Hills Country
Club was presented for acceptance by the Council. After Chief
Hass*s approval, it was moved, seconded, and passed to okay
said license. Aye 5* No 0.
Mr, Paull requested that gravel be put on the areas on the flat
that are not paved and are in need of repair. Moved, seconded,
and passed to do so. Aye No 0,
It was stated that the Bowman Road area needs a better drainage.
The Street Committee and Mr. Johnson are to look this over and
recommend an answer to the council. Aye No.O
Mr., Woods suggested a project flbr next year, getting the portions
of the unpaved streets on the Flat paved.
After motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills,
meeting was adjourned.
OPS ' 13,62
Payroll fund 1900,00
Lillebo Constr, Co, 19l|61|,30
IG, Johnson ?0,33
Reedsport Motor Frt, 13.81
Payroll fund 5876.03
Assoc, Janitorial Serv liO.OO
Dr, Jason Boe ii9.40
Berge & Wally*s 5.pO
Bay Pavers, Inc. 720.00
PUD 828.23
Cliff's Mobil Serv. 5.00
City of Reedsport 75.00
Callaghan & Co. 20,00
Coos Bay Stationery
Coast Comm. Co, 53.20
Chapman Bros 12,1^2
Fire Equipment Co, 5i^6,03
Feenaughty Machinery 79.16
Hale & Rudln 9.32
Raymond Holllday 20,75
Hinds Supply Co 5?*4l
Raymond Hass 12,02
City of North Bend 28.I4.O
OK Tire Store 120,ii6
Purkey Furniture 255.00
Paramount Pest Cont, 8,00
PERS 163.77
I. G, Johnson, ^ty Recorder
Petty Cash 35.05
Reedsport Plumbing Co. 11+.95
Ray Church 11.00
Reedsport MachlBB Works 1|5.3U
Reedsport Auto Parts 23.11
Reedsport Auto Electric 7.00
Reedsport Outdoor Store 3.20
Reedsport Fire Dept. 30l|..00
SIAC 102.87
Shell Oil Co. 216.26
Stults & Jayne 3.50
Shell Oil Co. 130.1i^
Shell Oil Co. i|.73
SIAC 7.50
Skylark Cafe 13.8O
Byron L. Smith 8,0[j-
Taylor Hardware 32,26
Thompson Ford Sales 10,65
Union Oil Co. of Calif, 637.17
Umpqua Electric 112,00
Umpqua Bldg, Supply
West Coast Telephone II0.9O
Wright »s Ind, Cleaning li^_1.00
fauX Hurlocker 77.95
Mayor J, A, Unger
yieMu. i
Recording Secretary
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with councilmen
Murphey, Paull Boe, Woods, and Dunn.
Due to the City Charter, the new mayor cannot take office until
first regular meeting of the year which will be January 11, 196$.
The Mayor asked for reports on the flood.
Dr. Countney, Health Officer for this area:
1. 62$0 typhoid shots were given.
2. State Pood and Drug Administration inspected stores: |
Bottled foods flooded to be disposed of. !
Canned foods sanitixed. No food sold unless sanitized.
3. City dump worst situation. People scavenging right
from trucks. Armed guards put on dump for 2 days,
ij.. No epidemics as yet.
Representation from the Red Cross:
Mr, Haws, from Salt Lake City, Utah, Sent to direct Coos-Curry
County, but also covering Reedsport & Scottsburg areas, A Miss
Ellington is to direct facilities here with Mrs. Brocksmith to
Mr. Haws stated that the Red Cross operates in an emergency.
They aid individual families in food, clothing and shelter.
They have dispensed mattresses, food orders, and household
goods. So far have tallied $35>000,00 in Reedsport and
Scottsburg areas,
Mr. Burg, with the Small Business Association will have money
available through local banks to repair homes and businesses
damaged by the flood. Red Cross and SBA work closely together.
Cur Baker, Civilian Defense Co-ordinator, reported that a receiving
center and dispersing center for the refugees was setup. There were
lots of volunteers and a lot of hard work but people were well taken
care of. They were placed in homes and a Christmas dinnerefixed at
the Highland School for them,
Mr. Johnson, City Recorder, stated that the Sikes were bkay just not
high enough. Streets are in bad shape. Water is all right according
to tests sent to the Oregon State Board of Health, Water pipe supply
will have to be rennovated but haven*t even started it yet.
Mayor Unger reported that a group of doctors, police, and councilmen
met to see if the National guard was need. The Mayor called Governor^
Hatfield and requested they come in to prevent looting. Wiiihin !
an hour and forty-five minutes they were here in town. Only one
life was lost but could have been worse.
Mr, Jack Burg, field representative for the SBA stated that the
basic purpose of SBA as to disaster loans are to restore to
pre-disaster condition. 90^ of: the loans will be at SBA interest,
and the other 10^ at Bank interest, as the SBa is out of funds
and the local banks have agreed to loan bhis mondy. Pield inspections
will be made to verify losses.
After some discussion on loans and announcement by Mr. Burg that
he will have his office in the City Hall between the hours of 9
and 5, the meeting was adjourned.
Mayor J. A. Unger
I>i}. '"joj^nL^jon', City'' Recorder RNeectotiredinBg. SGelcarsestearr,y
11, 196$
Mayor Unger called the meeting to order with Councilmen Murphey
Paull, Woods, and Hurlocker present.
The Mayor declared it a privilege and an honor to turn the gavel
and meeting over the new Mayor, Gaylord Vaughn. The Mayor also
turned over the charter given to him by Roy Henderson when he
took office and a key to the city. He also thank the council
for their cooperation during his time in office.
City Recorder Johnson read the oaths of office for the new
Mayor and Councilmen. They are Mayor Vaughn, Councilmen L. E.
Paull, STames E.,Thornton, Raymond E. Holliday, and Paul Hurlocker
was appointed by unamimous ballot to take the place of Dr. Boe,
who resigned as of the first of January.
Paul Hurlocker was also app6a-iated «nd unamimousiy made President
of the Council.
The Mayor reccommended the following appointive offices for approval
of the Council: Recorder, I. G. Johnson; Water Commissioner, Arthur
L. Tollefson; Chief of Police, Raymond Hass; Fire Department, Lero^
Chenoweth. Chief./ The reccomendations were approved unamimousiy.
Health Ofricer, I^. Courtney, Divil Defense, Curt Baker.
The Mayor appointed the following seven men to the City Planning
Commission to draw lots for the length'of their terms: Tom Lillebo,
Prank L. Taylor, William Andrews, E. C. Daily, H. E. Nickels,
Roy Henderson, and Prank Rose. These were also approved unanimously.
The committes were appointed by the Mayor:
Finance Committee-Chairman Paul Hurlocker, Grover Woods.
Water,-Chairman Murphey, Holliday, Woods.
Streets & Sewers-Chairman Woods, Thornton, Murphey.
Building, Playgrounds, and li^ts-Chairman Holliday, Hurlocker, Paull.
Police-Chairman"Paull, Murphey.
Fire Department-Chairman Thornton, Paull.
Mayor Vaughn appointed Raymond E. Holliday to the Library Board to
represent the City, and James Thornton to the Recreation Committee
to represent the City.
The Mayor introduced Dr. Courtney who suggested that we have a
"Weekend Cleanup" this weekend to get rid of the contaminated
debris and to help those who aren't able to do their own yards.
The Jaycees,':Lions, Firemen, and other organizations are going
to be contacted for their help and the loan of trucks, pickups,
and services to pickup the debris that is to placed on the side
walks .
The Mayor declared January 16, 17> CIEANUP WEEKEND.
Dr. Courtney also stated that roughly i^-BOO typhoid shots were
given at the second clinic^ January 10, 1965. Final shot to be
January 17th.
When asked if anything had been decided on the dikes, the Mayor
stated that the City of Reedsport was first to make application
for funds for the disaster.
Letter from Pacific Security Bank was read requestinp; deposit of
funds from City. It was unamimousiy reccomended that this be
referred to the Finance Committe and they are to have their
recommendation at the next council meeting.
Two letteis from the State Highway Dept. concerning the traffic
l^ht at 22nd and Winchester,A'e. The first stating that tlHe
sigA^sd agreenrertt: woul^T; Highway Comm.
for their consideration at ""its January 26th meeting. The second
a copy of the State Highway Commission's "Notice to Contractors"
for bids to be received on January 12, 1965 on the traffic light.
Mr. Johnson presented the bid on 1100 feet of pipe (transite)
to be installed this summer in the tunnel that goes into
Clear Lake. This is the only pipe that is not transite in the
water system at this time. If we order now, we do not have to
pay until we start using it. Motion made, seconded, and passed
to prdetjpipe. Aye 6, No 0.
A report of the building permits for the year of was also fiven by Mr. Johnson. There were permits for 69 houses at
668,000, 1 Pourplex at $2ij.,000, 2 churches, $55,000, and
Commercial buildings, $247*000. Also over i|.0 additions
for around $60,000.
Due to the state of our disrepair, the State Employment Commission
has been using the High School to take their claims. By next time
they should be able to be batek here.
The Mayor believes that the committees should be made to function
more, and that a committee reccommendation should be made before
any action is taken by the council, unless it is an emergency.
Stated that he or Mr. Johnson should be contacted at least 10
days before the council meeting by anyone wanting action taken,
and then they can relay it to the proper committees. This is
a new policy and are going to give it a try.
Wesley Herbison, Federal Automatic Alarm, would like the alarm
for McKay's Market in the police station reconnected. Mayor
referred to Police Committee for their recommendation.
Chief of Police Hass gave his report for the year. They have
2 new cars, have put ij.8,000 miles of patroling. Had first
armed robbery and kidmapping in the history of Reedsport, 2
unsolved breakings. Now have 5 rnen, and a new jail.
Mr. Jack Burg, of the SBA, reported his activities for the
week. He commendediithe people of the community and the personnel
in the banks for the extra work it has taken to already have
processed applications and they are now ready to go to the
SBA for eligibility. Money should be available in perhaps a week.
Mr. Hahn offered the Information Booth of the Lions Club for a
headquarters for the Cleanup Weekend.
The City received a letter from League of Oregon Cities to keep
record on cost as far as city is concerned from the flood.
Mr. Purlofet, the contractor for the extension on the fire hall on
the Plat, recommends that a slab be poured to rai'se the floor of
the fire hall, so that water will not run into it. It would cost
approximately $500.00 to do this. Referred to Pire Dept. Committee,
for their recommendation. The council also stated that if he could
watt until the weather is better, the building would definitely
be better because it is block and cement work. O
After some discussion, the council set $20.00 as the amount per
month to charge for services of the police department regarding
the sirens and phone answering for the Gardiner and Winchester
Bay Pire Departments. This is to start July 1, 1965 to give
them time to set it up 6n their budgets. By unanimous ballot.
A question about the hearing called for the zone change of the
old hospital property. No hearing has been called as yet, too
many more demanding problems have had to be taken care of since
the flood.
The formal okay from State for the New Shell Station on Highway
101 has not come back,
of previous meetings
Meetirg adjourned with the minutes/to be read next time.
f] Mayor Girylord /yaughn
I. i'^nson. City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording Sec'y.
Bills .okayed for
payment . 'a at Jaaaary 11, 196? meeting:
State Highway Commission 14.,000.00
Gordon Murphey 55.95
Payroll Fund 1900.00
OPS 13.62
Postmaster 14.00.00
Payroll Fund 5916.14-5
Associated Janitorial Serv. 14-0,00
Bunting Tractor Co., Inc. 9U*U0
Berge & Wally 5»00
PUD . 816.86
Qounty Surveyor 31»50
Courier 20.26
Chapman Bros 20.12
Coast to Coast Store 1.29
Coos Bay Stationery 2.i^7
Highland Shell 1|3.00
Hall & Rudin .Stationery 3.20
Kaufmann*s Chevron Station 60,52
Gerald Lewis 10.I8
City of North Bend 30.35
101 Service 6.55
OK Tire Store 140,56
Pennsalt Chemicals Sorp. 56,25
Paramount Pest Control 6,00
PERS 132.20
Reedsport Logging Sup. 14.6.21
Reedsport Plumbing 71-^0
Fire Equipment Co. 28.66
Reedsport Fire Dept. 5^2.00
Rdspt Outdoor Store l8,00
Rdspt Auto Parts 7.77
Rdspt Auto Electric 3.50
Shell Oil Co. 116.58
Shell Oil Co, I6I1.97
Bob Sund [41,62
Bob Sund 114,00
SIAC 105.514
Taylor Hardware 23.37
Union Oil Co. of Calif 221.56
Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter E. Miller 60.00
Fred Jungwirth 60.00
Ray Church 60.00
Glenn Allen 20.00
Umpqua Drug Co. 1.95
Umpqua Bldg. Supply U'57
Umpqua River Navigation 390.00
West Coast Telephone 112.20
Western Auto 6.25
Wright *s Industrial Cl. li|1.00
Mayor G^ylord Vaughn
T]G. Johnson, Recorder
2k Nettie B^, Glasser, Rec^xsi^lng Sec^y
6, 1965
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with all the councilmen
present. Hurlocker, Murphey, Paull, Woods, Holliday, and Thornton,
The Mayor called for a motion to accept the minutes of the regular
meeting of the council in December, 196I4, and January, 1965, which
instead of being read, were copied by machine from the minute book
and sent to each councilman. If this me_ets with the council's
approval, this will be done each month, so as to save time at the
meetings. A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously
to accept above-mentioned minutes.
The Mayor brought to the attention of the councilmen that it is
against the law for the Mayor or Councilmen to do any type business
with the city. This is to begin as of now.
Under Public Law 875, Mr. Johnson hopes to have a claim to repair
this building. This is for Federal Assistance from a natural
disaster. »
Mayor Vaughn appointed a new committee-Dike-which he hopes will
be a temporary one, but it is to help our case with the Corps of
Engineer and the Federal Government, This is a joint project
at present with the County, Port, and City. Gordon Murphey,
Chairman, and Raymond Holliday.
The Mayor referred to the Finance Committee the request for
an additional fee to be paid to Mrs. Glasser for attending the
council meetings and taking minutes, retroactive to January of
this year.
Jl^Ppointed L. E. (Curly) Paull, committee of one, to review the
City*s insurance. Is to report at next regular meeting.
The County Tax assessor will be here Wednesday and Thursday of
this week to confer with people about their flood damage.
Mayor Vaughn stated that Mr. Jack Burg of the Small Business
Association stated that loans of between k and$500,000.00 have
been okayed. He will keep his office open here through February.
He has commended the banks highly for their excellent help at
this time.
A hearing vias called for by the Mayor on a zoning change. This
hearing to be held at next regular council meeting. Notices
are to be published as per ordinance requirement. Motion made
seconded, and passed unanimously to ball hearing.
A letter from Governor Hatfield to LeRoy Chenoweth, Fire Chief j
was read commending the fire department on their work and aid |
to people during the flood.
FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman Paul Hurlocker-Quote
Subject-Bank Deposits of City Funds: After considerable study
of the banking procedures, the Finance Committee recommends that
the General Fund and checking account remain at the Umpqua
National Bank for the coming year. We would also recommend that
any special or ear-marked funds be deposited at the Pacific
Security Bank. If these funds fail to materialize, we would
recommend that we review the sitaition again in regards to deposits.
Motion made, seconded, and passed unamimously to accpet recommen
dation of the Finance Committee.
WATER COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman Gordon Murphey-No complaints.
SEWER COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman Grover Woods-Problems at Juniper
Pump Station. They pumped it out and went down into it. Lee
Clements states it is too valuable an installation to just throw
it away as C, H2, and M recommend. Believes that the walls could
be repaired. It will be a link in the disposal system when it
is put into operation. We should have a cost figure soon.
Mr. Woods asked for a motion to send the pump motors in to be
cleaned right away, as they were in the warehouse and under water
during the flood. A motion to do so was made, seconded, and passed
Discussion of future planning and sewer user*s monthly charge
The Sewer Committee recommends that a $2.00 sewer charge be
attached to the water bill. This money to be put in a special fund
for a treatment plant.
The Mayor beli.gves this should be done right away. This should i
raise approximately $25,000 a year.
A motion was, seconded, and passed unanimously to put a $2.00
sewer charge on a single residence with a sliding scale to be
worked out on other occupancies.
Comments were asked for from Taxpayers:
Dr. Courtney stated that all residences inside the City Limits
should be fiooked to city sewers, by ordinance if necessary, to
force users to hook onto city sewers. He stated it is a MUST
whether or not people approve.
Curt Baker asked if the charge would temporary or permanent?
Mr. Johnson stated that it is all according to what kind of plant
is put in.
Mr. Johnson will get copies of all charges and how they are set
up for other cities, from the Bureau of Municipal Research. The
sewer committee and Mr. Johnson are to work together on this, to
figure charges for other than the single residences.
Abill has been introduced into the Senate that after July, 1966
no raw sewage can be put into any river, lake, or stream without
being treated. If this passes, we should have started 10 years
BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman Raymond Holliday-Justice of
the Peace McCabe would like to use the office in the City Bldg.
he has just vacated, free of charge for his trials. This was
okayed unanimously by the council for use until rented.
Earl Plagmann's barber shop needs some repairs. Had a bid from
Purlott for $1|76.00. Mr. Johnson stated that it has not been the
policy of the city to remodel for their tenants. We have not
had the bank building long enough to set up a policy. They turned
this back to the committee to wait for th:ir recommendation.
POLICE COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman Leon Paull-Upon recommendation of
the police committee, the burglar alarm for MCKay's Market will
be hooked back up. Mr. Paull wrote to different cities for their
opinions on this and they all felt it was well worth the few
false alarms they had, to maybe apprehend a thief in the act.
Recommendation approved unanimously.
Also recommended that the Chief of Police be allowed to spend up
to $50.00 without approval of the Council. It is already set up
by ordinance, so no further action was needed,
A police man bought a pair of waders during the flood for $16,90.
Mr. Johnson did not think the city should pay for these. They
are to be left at the police station so it was recommended this
bill be paid. Unanimously accepted recommendation,
A written request from Cliff Purlott to raise floor 6 inches when
he adds on to the fire hall on the Plat. This would add $500.00
to the bid already accepted. Motion passed unanimously to add
this to the original accepted bid.
There are no school signs posted on Longwood D^'ive, or on Prontage
Road. One is a County road, the other outside the City Limits.
Also reported congestion .at Rainbow Plaza and i^th by the Silver
Moon Tavern. Both parallel parking and vertical parking cause a
hazard. The committee and Chief of Police recommend that the
curb be painted yellow and no parking signs be posted at Rainbow
Plaza for the length of 2 cars. Acepted the committee*s recom
mendation unanimously.
Key TV, Liquor Store, Sears, would like street light put in back.
This private property and the alley has been vacated,
FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman James Thornton-Discussion
of the Mutual Aid Agreement for Pire Protection was held and upon
recommendation of the committee, agreed unanimously to sign an
agreement for Mutual Aid. Mayor, Councilmen, and Firemen all
agree they should go back into this agreement, Mr, Thornton to
get the agreements and mail to different cities.
Through the Fire Department, building inspections firewise has
been done for several years. The committee believes that their
inspector should be recognized by the city, brought up to date
on the building codes, and also be sppointed the city building
inspector. Upon recommendation of the committee, George Grassl
was appointed City Building Inspector, to receive $2.00 an hour
same as with his volunteer inspection on the Pire Department.
The West Apartments and a house at 83I Laurel, have been inspected
and committee recommends that immediate action be taken by the
City to condemn these two places. Unanimously agreed for the
attorney to take the necessary steps for this, and report at the
next council meeting,
PLANNING COMMISSION-No meeting-no report.
CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR-Curt Baker. There should be an overall
command post in time of emergency, preferrable above flood level.
Believes there should be direct communication with the Douglas
County Sheriff's office. Would recommend that a letter be written
directly to the county court and commissioners requesting their
consideration in this matter. Motion, made, seconded, and passed
to writer letter toward this aim.
The Mayor stated that this could not all be accomplished overnight
but when his plans are complete, turn a copy into him and he will
see that the councilmen all get copies.
Report from Recorder-The city received a letter from the students
of the North Bend High School just after the cleanup weekend
offering their aid and assistance in any way possibel. The Em
ployment office also called offering workers, and the Mayor
reported that the BLM offered help.
A letter from the State asking for application for street aid
was referred to the street committee. These applications have been
turned in every year, and it has been about nine years since Reedsport
has received any funds from this source.
Mr. Johnson asked for permission to call for bids on a new pickup
for the water department. Also permission to purchase a light
generator for use this summer in putting pipe in the tunnel.
This would be between $275 and $300. Permission to call for these
bids was given unanimously.
Under New Business, the Mayor again explained that it is necessary,
for any business to Tbe taken up at the regular council meetings,
should be turned iniat least 10 days before the meeting so it
can be turned over to the proper committees for their action.
LeRoy Chenoweth, Fire Chief, asked if an ordinance could be put
in effect so that during a hazard apartments, and second stories
of buildings could be vacated and power shut off for 'fire pro
tection. The City Attorney is to check into this.
There is an ordinance now in effect that all lots within the city
limits be hooked on to the sewer, Sewqr Committee to make a report
at next regular meeting or at special meeting, whichever comes
Dr. Mackenzie was wondering if a storm sewer could not be put in
on Winchester to handle the excess water from Crestview Hill. A
letter has already been written requesting an engineer to stop
here as soon as possible to look the situation over and decide
the best solution to our problem,
Wallace Sabin suggested the city present a plaque to the Fire
Department and Police Department for work above and beyond the
call of duty during the flood. The Mayor referred this to the
proper committees.
Also reminded the street committee of the report to be presented
soon on the drainage problem on Bowman Road.
Bills approved for payment are:
Mast Bros, Chevron 19.23 Bay Printers 56,00
Alice Robinson l8,85 Bay Pavers, Inc 66,00
Chuck»s FlyingsA 16,81 pud 95I|..08
Mast Chevron Sta, l6i|.,79 Geo, F, Cake Co. 2.30
Payroll fund 1900,00 Qen, Fund 2580.00
OPS 13.62 Coos Bay Stationery 6.25
Umpqua Nat*l Bank 10000,00 Fire Equipment Co, 198.Ii5
"" "" 2280.00 Cliff Furlott 50.39
Payroll fund „ 5672,02 Interstate Camera Serv. 143.78
Umpqua Nat»l Bank 3OO.OO Kruse & Fitch 209:^79
Berge & Wally*s 2,00
Lillebo Conatraotion Co. 2162.70
City of North Bend 29.20
101 Service 3^.58
PERS 270.00
Pacific Pumping Go, 216.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 56.25
Reedsport Motor Freight 6.i+l
Reedsport Auto Electric 79.26
Reedsport Machine Works 26.10
Reedsport Auto Parts 8.73
Reedsport Logging Supply 2.01
Reedsport Outdoor Store 1.25
Prank Rose 323-
Reedsport Fire Dept. 68i;,00
Reedsport Plumbing Co. 287-11
Kenneth Sherwood 5»00
SIAC 9k'3k
Byron L. Smith 8.01+.
Meeting adjourned.
I, UT/Johnson, City Recorder
Bob Sund Ina. 10ij..00
Shell Oil Co. 186.77
Taylor Hardware 29.35
Thompson Ford Sales 5U*29
Union Oil Co. 57^-86
Utilities Supply Co, 252.00
Umpqua Drug Co. 5.33
Umpqua River Navigation 23.50
Umpqua Bldg, Supply 10.90
Umpqua Electric 139.05
Umpqua Rental & Supply 7.37
West Coast Telephone 106,90
Wright's Ind. Clean li+l.OO
West Coast Marine 39.85
Kruse & Fitch 275.5i4
Lillebo Construction ij.383.iio
L. E. Paull 56.00
GayloM Vaughn, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
Sec *y.
REEDSPORT, March 8, 1965
8 p.m.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Councilmen Woods,
Murphey, Holliday, Thornton, Paull, and Hurlocker present,
IlJoved, seconded, and passed unanimously to approve minutes of the
previous meeting.
The Mayor switched Grover Woods from the Finance Committee to the
Fire Department Committee, and L, E. Paul from the Fire Department
Committee to the Finance Committee, as Mr. Paull has decided to
stay on the Fire Department as a member.
A new Committee has been named-Inventory eoalpment & control-
Chairman, Grover Woods, and James Thornton named to this committee.
The Mayor mentioned that Mr. Hurlocker attended a meeting in Roseburg
with the airport commission. Asl^ed that his report be given
later in the meeting.
Reported that he and Gordon Murphey had attended a meeting with the
Corps of Engineers in Portland today.
Announced that Mr. Burg with the Small Business Association would
keep the office in Reedsport open until April 2, 1965.
An IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION was formed of downtown business men
Friday night> at a meeting and dinner held at the Rainbow. Mr.
Lillebo and the Planning Commission are to work with this group.
Mayor suggested we sell the City Building and use funds for build
ing a new Police Department office. ' He asked that the Planning
Commission work on this also. Referred it to the Building Committee
for their recommendations.
Mayor Vaughn has beer in touch with Charles A. Dondero, Douglas
County Housing Authority, He has requested the cooperation of the
City in planning another low-rent housing area. A Mr. Pedersen
with the Bureau of Municipal Research, will be in Reedsport to meet
with the Council and Planning Commission on March 17th, at 7 p.m.
The Hearing for Zone Change for the old Hospital Property from
Re3idential#2 to Residential #1:
John Whittey, Attorney, was here on Mr. Frederick's behalf. As
owner of the property, Mr. Frederick stated that at this time, he
has no plans for the property. Mr, Whitty stated that Mr. Grant,
Mr. Frcderick*s attorney, felt that this could be considered Spot
Zoning" and if this zone was changed, would sue the City.
on a suit such as this,
When asked by the Mayor for his opinion,/City Attorney Jayne
said that no definite rule had been set down by the Supreme Court.
They have been dealing with each case separately,
Mr. Frederick stated that before the property was acquired, he was
told that he could put anything on it he wanted. He feels that
the zoning should have been changed during the two years after it
was decided that the hospital would hot be built there, instead of
waiting until he purchased the property.
Several of the property owners in this area were asked their reasons
for signing the petition that prompted the rezoning of this area.
Mr. Sabin and Mr, Ludwig both stated that they felt it would lower
the value of their property if a factory or trailer court were to
be put on this property.
Mr. Selle, owner of the wrecking yard, outside the city limits, but
in view of this property, stated that he could see no reason to
change this zone as there was to be an R-#2 in the Forest Hills
Mr. Hurlocker felt that it was because of a trailer court being
built on the property that most people signed the petition.
Mr. Johnson stated that this property was not zoned while under city
ownership, but was zoned R-#2 to allow the building of the hospital.
After much discussion pro and con, the Mayor suggested that it be
referred back to the Planning Commission. Thefe was a motion, se
cond to that effect. Aye i+, No-1, Grover Woods, and 1 abstained,
James Thornton.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Chairman Paul Hurlocker:
Recommend that Mrs. Glasser be paid $6r.00 per meeting and that she
attend and be recording secretary for the Planning Commission at
the same rate of pay. Retroactive to the first of the year.
Motion to accept Finance Committee's recommendation, seconded, and
passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson stated that he would have all the necessary data by^
the end of the week and mailed for reimbursement under the Public
Law 875 for flood expenditures.
I. G. Johnson was appointed Budget Officer unanimously for the year.
Mr. Hurlocker recommended the appointment of Lincoln Swain and
George Hutter to fill the two vacancies on the budget committee.
Carry-over members are: Roy Henderson, James McCulloch, Ben Gawley,
and George Marks. Swain and Hutter approved unanimously. Mr.
Hurlocker suggested we leave the setting of the budget meetings to
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, Chairman:
After much discussion and consideration, the Water Committee
recommends a raise of 30% to Winchester Bay and out of City
Limits water users. They feel this is necessary because of the
improvements and repairs being made to the water system.
It will raise the resident rate from $3*63 to $i|.7® month.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved unanimously to amend
the ordinance raising Winchester Bay and outside City Limits
water rates
Mr. Holliday reported on the Water Committee's inspection of the
tunnel. Lee Clements, Arthur Tollefson, Cordon Murphey, I. G.
Johnson, and myself made the inspection. ; There was a slide in the
tunnel at the time, and Mr. Clements stated that he could^not maice
an estimate at the time. Mr. Holliday stated that he believes that
the City can install the new pipe.
STREET & SEWER OOMMITTEE-Grover Woods, Chairman:
Sewer Charge Schedule-Each resident up to and including a 3-plex,
trailer houses, $2.00 each per month. All others, l^-plex or over
60^ of water bill, or $2.00. School-$1.00 per year per census child,
^ a 12 month basis.
Motion made, seconded, and passed unanimously including Mayor's
Aye to adopt Sewer Charge Ordinance and declare an emergency. Mr.
Jayne is to draw Ordinance and a Special Meeting will be called
for the proper signatures and adoption so that it can be put into
effect April 1, 1965.
Mr. Woods recommends that the City Crew keep cleaning and pumping
the Juniper Street Pumping Station.
Two bids were received on the repairing of the barber shop in the
old bank building. Mr. Purlott's bid was the lowest. This is to
paint interior, new front door, fix louver for ventilation. After
some discussion with Mr. Plagmann, authorization was given unanimous
ly for Mr. Johnson to get this fixed.
POLICE COMMITTEE-L, E. Paull, Chairman:
Committee recommends that an Ordinance be drawn to prohibit park
ing on Laurel to 10th St. Motion, second, and passed Aye i|, No-2,
Thornton, Hurlocker, to draw up such ordinance.
Monthly Police Report was noted.
Drill Tower-It was left at budget time; that if any funds were left
from the Jail and Library buildings, would see about it. Mr.
Johnson is to give a report on this.
Mr. Thornton presented contract agreements for fire protection on
Umpqua River Navigation Holdings on Bolen Island, the dock and
house where Albert Lewis lives; 0. H. Hinsdale property, house on
Spruce Reach Island, and ranch across highway (old McAllister ranch);
Gless Connoy Radio KRAP.
The price was $100.00 each on Umpqua River Navigation Co., and
0. H. Hinsdale; $50.00 on Gless Connoy, with $50.00 per call after
^ 2nd call.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept contracts.
The Fire hydrant at Scott Street and Bowman Road is not in operation
at this time. Mr. Johnson stated that when the hospital did not
build, there was no reason to hook it up. Will do so now.
A new fire hydrant should be installed at the New Tropicana Motel,
(Hutter's location). Mr. Chenoweth suggests that it be put by the
new Courier office, Mr. Johnson stated that the line in the swamp
has been broken 3 times. The marsh is moving since it has been
filled in so much. They will have motfe information on this at
next meeting.
The gas tank to be installed on SP right-of-way by Unigas, Inc.,
was given unanimous approval with Fire Marshall OKAY.
DIKE COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, Chairman:
Prom the meeting with the Corps of Engineers, attended by the
Mayor and myself, today in Portland, a survey has been authorized
and plans drawn for the possible raising of the dike to 2 feet
114 3/8/65
above the flood level in December. Prom Highway 38 East of County
Barn, raise highway. First St, to Standard Oil, 21^ foot roadbed
with surfaced top. Railroad Ave, around Slough, meet 101 at Bridge
10 foot roadbed. Intersection #3^, U. S. Plywood Road to Schofield
to Bridge around Platiron to Winchester Ave,, raise to height of
Schofield Drive, Three pumping stations will be put in.
The Corps of Engineers will be here the last week in March and the
Mayor promised them i| qualified appraisors, to be paid for by the
authorized survey.
Mr. Paull's insurance report was deferred until the next meeting.
The City Attorney reported that Mr. John Scheaffer^has retained
council. There is one case pending in/8oi5?t, and it is to be tried
Thursday. Has written for different city ordinances for condemnation
because he was skeptical of ours, but is dissatisfied with them,
and decided to stick ^ithours. Recommended that an item be put
in the Budget for modernizing and bringing our ordinances and
building codes up to date. Would be loOO to $2500.00.
Under NEW BUSINESS, Mickey Micheel wanted to know what the city was
going to do about the bulkhead by her property? This was referred
to Mr. Johnson and Mr. Woods to investigate.
Mr. Thornton asked for a cost and rundown on the Crestview Heights
water users. Mr. Murphey is to see that he gets this information.
Mr. Jayne suggested that an ordinance be drawn up to help protect
Cable TV from people stealing use of the cable, etc. This could be
treated as a misdemeanor. Mr, Jayne is to draw up such ordinance.
A letter from Doris and Allen Knight for rezoning of back half of
Fir Avenue between l8th and 19th so that they may put their apart
ment house on it was referred to the Planning Commission.
Chief Hass requested that something be done about skate boards. This
is to be taken under advisement by the Police Committee.
Mr. Johnson opened the bids on the pickup for water department.
They are as follows:
1. Umpqua Motors-GMC PU $2526,00
2. Thompson Ford Sales 2381|..00
3. Reedsport Garage 2932.00
5. Daily Motors 2310,93
The council authorized the purchase of pickup from the low bidder
if bid meets specifications,
G, Bud Compton who is building home on Decker Point, was asking for
City Water. Since it has been the policy not to give service to homes
outside the city limits, this was referred to the water committee for
their recommendation.
There was a deed to a house on Crestview Hill to be signed.
The traffic signal is being installed on 22nd and Winchester Ave,
The library books will be moved tomorrow.
A letter from Ben Irving of the Water Resources Survey is investigating
the problem of better communications during a disaster and hopes to
come up with a solution.
Mr. Hurlocker represented the City of Reedsport at an Airport Commission
meeting. He has also been named on the advisory committee to the
County Court from this meeting. He believes we should at least
give our moral support towards getting an airport in this area. Wbuld
add to the City's progress.
It was suggested that we endorse the Chamber of Commerce's appeal
to the County for a Branch office in Seedsport of Douglas County
Records. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously.
A1 Herra requested permission to build a carport on on of his
building. This is City property at present time.
Planning Commission.
Referred to
Mr. Paull reported that Mr. Purlott is ready to start building
the addition to the fire Hall on the Plat as soon as the fountain
is moved.
A press release from the office of the Mayor was given councilmen
and press reporting on the meeting with the Corps of Engineers in
Bills approved for payment were as follows:
Lincoln Swain, Postmaster iiOO.OO
OPS ^13.62
Payroll Fund 17$0.00
Reedsport Pire Dept. 3212,00
Payroll Pund
Joseph Michael Johnson 50.00
A & C Janitor Service 16.00
Al*s Market 1.3^
Bay Pavers, Inc 96.07
Baker*s Saw Shop 562.3^
PUD 667.16
Chambers Heating, Inc. 21.52
Johns-Manville Sales Corp. 60.00
Oregon Pire Chief*3 Assoc. 10.00
Wm. A. Holmin Corp. 91-1|2
OK Tire Store 76.30
101 Service 95.96
pacific Motor Trucking 42.2i|
PERS 6.00
PERS 2lj.l.i;U
Paramount Pest Control 6.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 56.25
Petty Cash 141.22
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 16.90
Reedsport Garage 11.75
Reedsport Logging Supply 2.25
Reedsport Plumbing 9.25
Reedsport Auto Parts 113.30
Meeting adjourned
Reedsport Machine Works 2.00
Reedsport Auto Electric 107.11
Reedsport Pire Dept. 376.00
Stults, Jayne & Murphy 3-50
SIAC 87.99
Byron L. Smith 6.OJ4
Thompson Ford Sales 21.00
Traffic Safety Supply 617.76
P. L. Taylor Hdware 12.i|.7
News Press, Inc 27-30
TTmpqua National Bank 8[|_20.00
TJnion Oil Co. 691.12
ITmqpau Rental & Supply 27*75
Gaylord Vaughn 20.00
Umpqua Electric 212.53
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 6.05
West Coast Telephone Co. 50.l5
Waterworks Supply 220.67
Wright's Industrial Cl. II4I.OO
Shell Oil Co. l50.i|6
Shell Oil Co. 67.23
I. G. JqMTSon
City Recorder
Gaylord Vaughn, Mayor
N'ettie B. Glasser, Recording S6c*y
Mayor Vaughn called the joint meeting to order with Councilmen
Woods, Murphey, Holliday; Planning Commission Lillebo, Taylor,
Henderson, Andrews, Daily, Nickels, and Frank Rose.
Charles A, Dondero and Mel Pedersen were here to discuss a workable
program for another low cost housing area in the City.
Mr. Dondero of the Douglas County Housing Authority introduced Mr.
Pedersen, with the Bureau of Municipal Research, who is to make the
survey, if an agreement is entered into with the City.
He explained the requirements for a workable program:
1. Codes & Ordinance^
2. Comprehensive Community Plan
3. Neighborhood Analysis
I4. Administrative Organization
5. Financing
6. Housing for Displaced Families
7. Citizen Participation.
Potential cost of City for this workable plan would be less
than $500.00.
Mr. Dondero explained that the Housing Authority pays for the
property, buildings, and does not envolve local funds.
This would be for the elderly, and the survey would determine
the number of units needed.
The number of active applications (eligible) for a 90 day period
12-1 bedroom for the elderly
6 -2 bedrooms for families
6 -3 bedrooms for families
At this time there are 70 applications from around Reedsport,
but all are not eligible.
The Douglas County Housing Authority is self-sustaining, and this
is the first year they are going to get government aid for housing
the elderly.
At this time they own 10| acres between Highway 101 and 3^> hut
would have to be filled before it could be used. They would explore
other locations before using that site.
Recommend that the Mayor appoint a cross-section of people on the
Citizen's Committee so that the City would be well represented.
The Mayor referred this to the Planning Commission for their
reoommendation to the Council, There will be a Planning
Commission meeting March 29, 1965 at TOO p.m. The Mayor also
requests a list of the names from the Planning Commission
for the Citizen*s Committee,
Mayor Vaughn announced that the Corps of Engineer representatives
will be here Wednesday morning, March 2I4,, 1965* at 9A.M. for a
preliminary survey to look over the dikes and flooded area.
Anyone interested is welcome to come.
There will also be a Special Council meeting Monday Night, March
22, 196^5 at 8p,m. fo put the Sewer Charge Ordinance into effect
for April.
Meeting adjourned.
Recalled to order,
Mr. Pedersen is also the man the Downtown Improvement Association
would need to make a study of what needs to be done to Rejuvenate
this area.
After much discussion, a meeting has been tentatively set for
April 6, 1965, 7:30p.m, for Mr. Pedersen to meet the Association.
Gaylord Maughn, Mayor
son. City Recorder ^ yiMUjL.
Nettie B. Glasser, RecordingSec*y.
OP REEDSPORT, MARCH 22, 1965, 8p.m.
Meeting was called to order with the following councilman
present; Grover Woods, Paul Hurlocker, and Gordon Murphey.
To make a quorum, the Mayor declared himself a councilman.
Mr. Johnson read ORDINANCE #1463, providing for the establishment,
operation and maintenance within the limits of the City of Reedsport
of sewage disposal plant or plants, sewers, equipment and appurte
nances necessary, useful or convenient for a complete sewer system
and disposal plant, including maintenance and extension of the
present sewer system of the city; establishing and imposing just
and equitable charges upon water users from the City of Reedsport
water system; providing for the manner of collection of said
charges; providing for the establishment of a sinking fund for
said purposes; declaring cert^ acts unlawful, and imposing pen
alties; and declaring an emergency.
It was moved, seconded and passed unanimously for the first reading.
Title reading of ORDINANCE #i|63 for the second time.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously for the second reading.
TITLE reading of ORDINANCE #1^63 for the third time.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously for the third reading.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance now in effect.
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. Jo son. City Recorder
MayoiCGaylorQ' Vaughn
N'ettie B. Glasser,
Recording Secretary
April 12, 1965
Mayor Vaughn called the regular meeting of the Council of the City
of Reedsport to order with councilmen Thornton, Murphey, Paull, Woods,
and Hurloclfeer present.
Motionraade, seconded, and passed to approve minutes of previous meet
Recommendations from the City Planning Commission are as follows:
1. Twenty acres formerly owned by the Hospital District, in the
Bowman Road area be rezoned Zone 1-Residential from Zone 2-Residential. j
i i
Motion from Mr. Thornton that zone remain as is, until some concrete i !
offer be made to the council. Seconded
The Mayor expressed that we have an excellent Planning Commission and
they recommended that this be zoned #1-Residential.
E. C. Daily, Planning Commission member, gave what he felt were
the Planning Commission's reasons for their recommendation.
Prank Rose, PC member, is against the zone change. Pedls that as
soon as the hospital abandoned the site, the zone should have been
H. E. Nickels, PC member, feels it should be zoned #1 to protect
against the building of a trailer court.
Dr. Courtney is for Zone 1-Residential.
Harry Ludwig asked if there was a hearing on the property behind the
Umpqua Shopping Center before the trailer court was built?
Tom Payne agrees that this should be rezoned and the city should
decide which course it is going to follow.
The Mayor called for a vote. It was Aye 5* unanimous, to leave
zone as it. Mayor expressed himself against the vote.
2. Allen Knight requests permission to move his apartment house
to the back'half of Block 19. As this would require a zone change,
the Planning Commission recommends that the regular procedure by
the property owner be followed.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept the recommendation
of the Planning Commission and notify Mr. Knight of the procedure
to follow,
3- n
Recommends that the following pieces of property not nov; zoned,
be zoned #1-Residential:
a. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that Porest Hills
Subdivisions #1 & #2 be zone #1-Re3idential as recommended.
b. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that the Latter Day
Saints be contacted and see if they go along with the recommendation
of the Planning Commission for the Church property to be zJoned
c. Bernhart*s Addition
d. South Hills Subdivision
e. Morris Subdivision
f. Block 1 and Block 2, except Lots 1 through 6 inclusive,
Crestivew Addition
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept recommendations
on 3c, d, e, and f.
i|. Pollowing property to be zoned #2-Residential:
a. Lots 1 to 6, Bloclk 2 Grestview Addition. Also unplatted
part of Grestview as shown.
After quite a bit of discussion on the fact that the fire depart
ment did not believe that there was adequate water pressure for
multiple dwellings, it was moved, seconded, and passed for this
(1\q) to be sent back to the Planning Commission for further
study. Unanimous.
Mr. Seffling did not realize that water would enter into the
picture, but that they will go along with this decision, and
he was sure that Mr. Gawley would.
b. Moved, seconded, passed unanimously that accept recommendation
on Lower TJmpqua Hospital District property, to be zond #2-
I ; Residential.
I ;
- ' i|,c. Property owned by R. J. Hubbard shown on map as Parcel #3.
$a. Parcels #1, 2, & 4, in Forest Hills Area as shown on map.
Moved^ seconded, and passed unanimously that aopub.lipshearing be
called for I^g and 5a.
Mayor stated that the hearing would be called for the next regular
council meeting.
5b. Are in shopping center bounded by Hawthorne Ave. between
Highway 101 and Schofield River. Blocks 60 to 66 inclusive.
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept recommendation of Planning
Gommission, that it be zoned #3-Business, (5t>).
5c, Area bounded by exteni^ion of 10th Ave. South to section line
between Sections 3l| & 35, SP Right-of-way, Winchester Ave.
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept Planning Gommission*s
recommendation that 5c be zoned #3-Business,
Douglas Gounty Low-cost Housing Project Proposal. Motion made
that we apply for more low-cost housing, seconded, and passed.
This will instigate a survey to be made determining the need,
at no cost to the city, other than their cooperation, for more
lost-cost housing. The mayor recommended that we agree to the
proposal. Aye 5, No 0, unanimous.
The Mayor stated that he will appoint the Gitizens* Committee
needed for this project at a later date.
Bumble-Bee Seafoods presented a Lease-proposal; a building to be
set on Gity property, (old Umpqua Shake site). They would pay
$25.op per month, with a 5 year lease with 5 year option. There
would be a concrete alab to put the building on and a dock out
i to deeptwater. Would like to remove building if it has to be
' i abandoned before lease is up. There is to be a 50 foot reservation
: for the pumping station.
^ Moved, seconded, we accept this proposal with the reservation for
the pumping station. rPassed unanimously.
Wally .Bol^revik, Gecil Bennett, Byron Serfling, were here represent
ing the Downtown Improvement Area. Wally Borrevik, spokesman for
the group, stated that they would like to secure an option on the
lots where the city building now stands. Believed that 60 days
would be enough if the city would not entertain any other bids
during that time.
The Mayor stated that he was in favor of giving them 90 days, but
that to sell, the building and property would have to be put up
for bid.
It was moved that the Gity ^ve :the: Downtown Improvement Group
90 day waiting period (not receive any offers for city building
property) to put package sale together. Seconded, and passed
119 :
1. 1965-1966 Budget. Mr. Hurlocker asked Mr. Johnson for a
report on this as he is the budget officer, Mr, Johnson stated
that the material is altogether except for police and fire
department budgets. There is still quite a bit unknown from the
State Senate and Leg^slatur^l There are 5 bills still unsettled
that might add to the City*s finances. He stated that July l^th
is the deadline,
2. A new City auditor will be needed and Mr, Hurlocker has asked
the Mayor to do some inquiring.
Mr, Thornton asfeed the cost of pumping water to Crestview Hill.
Mr. Johnson stated that it runs between $60.00 to $^;0.00 per
month and there are now I4. dwellings paying $5,30 each.
Mr. Thornton believes this is too racccLh cost to the City, but the
Mayor states that we are alre^ady committed.
1. Bud Compton, whose dwelling is on Decker Point and is not
contiguous to any city property, so can not annex, is requesting
city water.
It was'moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to grant Bud Compton
use of city water with the stipulation that he pay all the bills for
the pipe and installation, and that he be the only user,
No complaints.
1, Sk^ate Boards-Lettetsrhave been received from Lower Umpqua
Hospital District, Pioneer School, Reedsport Union High School,
requesting that skste boards be banned.
Dr. Courtney was asked for his opinion and he stated that "a
man is not King in his own home". Believes that something should
be done about skate boards, but his own children hardly speak to
him because of the stand he has taken against them.
Dean Hodges and Ann Westberg were here representing the High School
students. They are in favor of regulafeiri^ their ^use,
When asked, what he believed should be done', Chief Hass stated that
he would like to see the skate boards banned from hazardous areas.
Police Committee recommends that we bann dangerous areas, and not
take any action,
Wallace Sabin was appointed a committee of one by the Mayor to
look into setting up student court and jury, when he (Mr. Sabin)
stated that this would be a good thing,
Dewey Golden asked about the road, Doyle Street? Would like to
see all property annexed on Doyle Street, sewer put in and charged
against the property, Doyle Street itself, is outside the City
Police Department would like for the council to consider buying a
new car. Both right now are *6i| models. Want to trade the chev
off now and the Ford next year. Mr. Johnson stated that there is
no money in the budget now for a car.
It was moved that the Chief draw up Specifications with the Police
Committee and sealed bidgs be called for the next regular council
meeting. Seconded and passed unanimously. This money is to come
out of the 65-66 budget.
Stated that there should be better pressure on Crestview Hill
The Mayor gave an oral tentative agreement between International
Paper Co. and the City of Reedsport for fire protection. A sum
of $7$0*00 was mentioned, and the Mayor recommended that this v
agreement be entered into.
After some discussion, it was moved, seconded, and passed to accept
this agreement. Aye 3, No 2, James Thornton and L, E. Paull.
The Mayor reported that he and Mr. Johnson met with the Corps of
A^my Engineers regarding dikes for flood control. They will start
their survey Monday, April 20th, with offices over Bob Sund*s.
; Each department will inventory own equipment on cards given them,
i Are now in the process.
Mr. Hurlocker gave a report of a Douglas County Airport Advisory
Committee meeting. They are now waiting to see if funds will be
made available in the County Budget for building the airport on
South Beach, Myrtle Creek airport is #1, and Reedsport #2 on the
list. If money is made available, the landing strip will be
started in March of 1966, and finished in July, 1966,
It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to write a letter
to Congressman Duncan requesting reservation of this site for the
Chief Hass introducedLoyd Stone as the new policeman on the force.
He is from Coquille and has 10 years experience.
Mr. Paull reviewed the City*s Insurance Policies and stated that
they are in pretty good shape. The only coverage he finds we do
not have is "Products Coverage" for ,the water department. Said
that it would cost about $60',00, Moved, seconded, and passed to
purchase this insurance. Aye 5, No 0,
The Mayor reported that Mr. Holliday had told him that the Library
Board was very happy with the new library quarters.
Mr. Jayne stated that he had written John Scheaffer*s attorney,
but had nothing concrete to report.
He aslted for the condemnation reports from the fire department
on the property to be condemned by the city.
For the annexation of areas surrounded by the city, legal descriptions
must be given, and is still waiting for the engineer to survey this
There is one case pending, date is set for trial,
A petition for annexation of property directly behind the cemetery
owned by the Latter Day Saints, was read by Mr, Johnson, Moved,
seconded, and passed unanimously that this annexation be advertised
and a hearing called for the next regular council meeting,
Application for a Class "B" Liquor license presented for the council*s
action. This is for the Eagles Lodge, The Chief of Police had not
been approached on this and would not okay it without looking the
property over.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to grant this ^application
subject to Chief's approval.
Coos Head Timber Co, requests permission for use of S, 19th St, for
hauling logs out of Decker Point,
Mr. Johnson was instructed to write tham a letter informing them
they will be required to furnish a Bond to leave streets in same
condition as before they started hauling.
The people in the Forest Hills Subdivisions have been asking
about their street lights. They have been inform by the PUD that
they know nothing about them. Mr. Johnson understood that this
was all to be taken care of in the plan presented to the council
by Mr. Nunnally.
The owner of Shorty*s Trailer Sales was here to request permission
to put a live-in trailer on his.lot. There is a City Ordinance
against parking a trailer anywhere except in a trailer court.
The County Sanitarian recommends that they wait a year because
of the fill. Stated thia area can only handle this office septic
tanfe- at this time.
It was referred to the proper committee for a recommendation to be
presented at the next council meeting,
A letter to the council from the American Legion was read concerning
the old library building. They asked for the redsurn of this property
as it was deeded to the city when they were looking for a location
to put the library. Moved, seconded, and passed that we sell this
property back to the American Legion for the price of $1.00,
ORDINANCE #14.614. was read prohibiting certain acts detrimental to
television facilities within the City of Reedsport and providing
penalties for its violation and declaring an emergency.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to second reading.
Ordinance read for second time by Title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously to third and final reading.
Ordinance #14.614. read for third time by Title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 2^6 relating to the regulating
of traffic, by the addition of two sections, to be numbered I4.3, and ij-if,
regulating parking upon a portion of 10th Street, Laurel Avenue and
U. S. Highway 101, within said City and Declaring an emergency.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to second reading.
Ordinance #[[6^ read. ^7 Title only for the second time. Moved, - :
seconded, and passed unanimously to third and final reading.
Ordinance #i|65 read by Title only for the third time. • Moved, seconded^
and passed unanimously.
The High School has requested use of the Park on the Plat for
infield practice. Mr. Johnson is to give them an okay.
Mr. Thornton discussed the baclfestops on two-.of the parks. They
were okayed at a previous meeting, stating the city would buy
the lumber, recreation to build.
Bills olfeayed for payment are as follows:
Payroll Fund 1900.00 Al*s Signs 3l4.$0
OPS 13.62 A & C Janitor Serv. 32.00
Daily Motors 2310.93 Bunting Tractor Co. 514.92
Umpqua National Bank 280.00 Bay Printers 53.00
Kay Creed 3.00 Edward Bouchillon 22.00
V. E. Fullterson 3.00 |UD 868.147
Gloris Landon 3.00 The Courier 8.67
Cecil Bennett 3-00 Qeo. P. Cake Co. I48.85
Margaret A. Chisholm 3.00 Coos Bay Stationery 3I.I43
Harry Lyster 3.00 Chapman Bros 2.214-
Coast Comm. Co. 19.69
Coos Bay Welders 1,95
! f
Pire Equipment Co, 1001,77
Cliff Furlott 1|103.00
Hansen Electric Co, 71.0^
Roy Henderson 1.65
Geo. Melville Plumbing 555-^1
101 Service 60.33
City of North Bend 55.75
OK Tire Store 66.61|
Paramount Pest Control 6.00
Reedsport Fire Dept 14140,00
Reedsport Garage 22,1|3
PERS 2I46.68
Reedsport Logging Supply 00,15.14^4
Reedsport Motor Freight 17-93
Reedsport Auto Parts 33-70
Reedsport Auto Electric 16.12
Reedsport Machine V/or'ls 106,21
Reedsport Union Station 3.14-0
Shell Oil Co, 72,26
Shell Oil Co, 162.11
SIAC 63.10
Byron L. Smith 20,10
SKylarkCafe 6.00
Allen Smith Co, 15.00
Reedsport Laundry 2.I45
Thompson Ford Sales I48.05
Taylor Hardware 26,56
Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter E, Miller 60,00
Ray Church 60,00
Fred Jungwirth 60.00
Glenn Allen 6O.OO
Union Oil Co, 3O6.66
Utilities Supply Co. 30,03
Umpqua Rental & Sup. 6.10
Gaylord Vaughn 63.00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 13.914
Umpqua Ind, Supply 6,53
Umpqua Drug 5-72
West Coast Telephone 101.50
Waterworks Supply Co, li4ij.88
Wright's Ind. Clean, li4l,00
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that meeting be adjourned
I, G, Jo^son, City Recorder
Gaylci^J^aif^'^, Mayor
5'ettie B, Glasser, Rec. S.c
HELD APRIL 26, 1965, AT S P,M,
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Councilmen Paull,
Murphey, Thornton, Holliday, Hurlocker, and Woods present.
The Mayor stated that the meeting had been called for the purpose
of deciding whether or not to negotiate with one party for the
purchase of the City Building, or to advertise for bids? Also
whether or not to hire Kruse & Fitch, Architects, to give a coat
estimate on construction of a new police station?
Mr. Serfling, representing the Downtown Improvement Group presented
their proposal. It included the purchase of the City Building, the
leasing or buying of the pari-ring lot (from the jail over to the
Community Building),
Mentioned that it is a grocery concern, that they wanted this site
and this site only. Also stated that they have a verbal option on
the theatre building. Their paclrage deal will require the purchase
of the theatre. City Building, Vacation of alley, leasing or purchase
of parking lot. Will be approximately $100,000 investment. Pur
chaser's name to be withheld until time of purchase.
The City would require adequate time for their tenants to get places
to move, and to build a new police station,
Mr. Serfling stated that before a lease with option can be signed,
they have to linow the price, and that they can have the property.
Asked that if it were put up for bids, could a small amount of cash
with balance to be paid later (option) be made.
When asked if rest of City was going to be cleaned up, he said that
co-operative advertising and shopping center type thing was going to
be put together.
Mr, Hurlocker said that we are the only city in Oregon without a G^^y
Hall, and that we would be relinquishing property we may need in the
near future, if we lease or sell this area wanted for the parking lot,
Mr. Johnson stated that the alley could not be vacated. Sewer line is
in the center.
Mayor asked the City Attorney if it is possible to negotiate without
advertising for bids?
Mr. Jayne says that the City is allowed by State Statute to sell without
advertising, but the City has always asked for bids before, and he be
lieves that it would be setting a precedent. Also believes it could
be advertised for bids, with the right to accept the bid with the
best plans to improve the city,
Mr. Murphey believes that we should do all we can to help, Mr,
Thornton thinks we should take a long look at the parking area. Mr,
Woods stated that we cannot lose this parking area, may need it to
build on.
When asked by A1 Herra if this would be private parking, Mr, Serfling
said yes, and Mr. Herra stated that this would not be helping the
other merchants,
Mr. Jayne mentioned that a trade for other property might be possible.
Mr. Murphey moved that we negotiate with this Downtown Improvement
Group exclusively in place of putting property up for bid, Second-
Mr, Thornton asked if the motion passed, would the council as a whole
act on the negotiations? Mayor Vaughn stated that he had planned to
appoint a Negotiating Committee, but if the Council felt it should be
done as a whole, so be it.
Hr. Holliday suggested an appraisor to determine how much the City
Building and property is worth,
Mr, Borrevik, one of the Improvement Committee, said that they had
presented their proposal, and believed that the city should be able
to negotiate,
Mr, Johnson mentioned the fact that at first the City Building was
all they wanted to purchase, but now it includes the parking lot.
Roy Henderson said that for years, the City has reserved this half
block for City Buildings, and he does not believe that we should
relinquish all the property.
The mayor asked for a vote on the motion. Unanimous to negotiate.
#2, After some discussion on whether or not to hire Kruse & Fitch,
architects to give cost estimate on new police station, and Chief Hass
saying that he has tentative plans drawn so that they will have some
idea of what they need, it was decided unanimously to have a cost esti
mate made by Kruse & Pitch,
Motion made, seconded, and passed unanimously to adjourn.
ATTEST: Gayl^Jrd Vaughn, Mayor
I.N?. J IThson, City Recorder
"Wettie B. Glasser, Recording
Sec *y.
MAY 10, 1965, 8p.m.
Mayor Vaughn (Jailed the meeting to order with councilmen Paull, Thornton,
Hurlocker, and Holliday present.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
The Planning Commission recommended to the Council that Lots 1 through
6 inclusive, Crestview Addition, and unplatted part of Crestview, be
zoned #1-Residential as long as there is inadequate water pressure for
multiple dwellings.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept Planning Commission's
IThe Mayor announced his Citizens' Advisory Committee on Low-Cost Housing,
iThey are as follows;
Dr. Robert Lewis, Chairman
Lloyd Richardson
Mrs. Edith Suller
Mrs. Lois DeVelbiss
Harley Gray
Reverend Robt.
Dave Wootton
Dr. Lewis was asked for comments, but did not want to say too much until
another meeting has been held with Mr. Pedersen.
Mayor Vaughn stated for the benefit of those that didn't know, negotiations
for the sale of the City Building were terminated after 2 hoursi' when it
was decided that no terms could be reached.
Gaylord Vaughn, L. E. Paull, Dawn Peseau, Paul Hurlocker, Ray Holliday, and
Bill Burdick went to Crescent City to observe Urban Renewal in action.
As each pointed out the parts that impressed them, a feeling that this might
be the answer for Reedsport was prevalent.
The Mayor stated that it shows what determination can do. All groups were
unanimous in wanting the disaster area rebuilt. Also that if Reedsport
shows that it is in favor of Urban Renewal, It will be pursued.
Tom Payne has requested a hearing before the council on the rezoning of the
old Hospital property. He quoted the Lane-use Plan book compiled by the
Bureau of Municipal Research in 1961. Suggested that enforcement of a
zoning plan be set in motion.-
Laia^-use book stated that 1^0% of people that work in Reedsport, live outside
city limits. No organized planning in City even though there is an ordi
nance, but is not enforced. Also that trailer courts, apartment houses,
should be next to Commercial zones. At time of survey, houses in Reedsport,
were sub-standard.
First proposal-consider changing that parcel to Zone 1-Residential.
Second proposal-review zoning laws and bring them up to current specifi
cations. Especially as owners in this area, would like to see no
trailer courts allowed in Zone #2-Residential.
Plans are already in the process of having all our ordinances reveiwed
and Mr. Jayne is getting an estimate for this. Mayor referred to the
Planning Commission for their action whether or not Trailer courts
should be restricted from Zone-2 Residential.
No action taken on the changing of the zone from Zone 2-Residential to
Zone 1-Residential on the Hospital property.
A letter was ready by the Mayor from W. A. burdick, resigning ^rom the
library board. The council thanked him for his service these many years.
Mr. Johnson believes the library board should be contacted to see if they
have any recommendations for the new member, before one is appointed.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Paul Hurlocker, Chairman
1965-66 Budget-First budget meeting will be May 17th, 8p.m.
PAGE 2, 5/10/65
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, Chairman
No report-Murphey absent
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, Chairman, absent
Mr. Johnson believes that the Juniper Street pump station will be water
tight when the floor la poured, but all valves will have to be replaced
as they have corroded. No decision has been made to put it in use, until
it is know that it can be made water-tight.
POLICE COMMITTEE-L. E. Paull, Chairman
Bids for the new police car were collected and opened, with Thompson
Ford Sales being low bidder by $2.00. The price of the new car, $1052.00.
FIRE DEPARTMENT-James Thornton, Chairman
A group from the Winchester Bay Fire Department were here to see if price ^
for operating their fire calls could be lowered. Their request was
referred to Mr. Thornton and he is to bring his recommendation to the
next council meeting.
DIKE COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, Chairman
Mayor announced that the engineers have finished their first (economic)
survey, and are not read to start the second phase, which will be the
cost specifications, for new dike construction. Wished to thank Loren
Gerhard, Dwight Ritchie, Omar Bresland, Lowell Cooper, Ralph Wagner,
and Jack Hodge for their help to the engineers in the economic survey.
Mr. Schaefer's attorney has recommended to his client to bring his carport
to meet city specifications.
Talked to Mr. Duncan about the reservation of the airport property, but
he felt no action need be taken.
The hearing on the Hubbard property in the Forest Hills area cannot be
called without a meets and bounds description in the advertising, and is
waiting for this from the engineers.
Progress on condemnations reported.
New fuel oil bids should be called for. Other contracts expired December
It was discussed pro and con as to whether any of the council members can
legally do business with the City. The City attorney is to look into this
and send a letter out to the councilmen. Some instances of this being done
in other cities was told. The councilmen do not feel that they should be
penalized for being a councilmen.
Mr. Thornton brought up the setting of the power pole on the hill for
the radio costing Grover Woods $500.00, This, Mr. Johnson, said is a
long story. Mayor Vaughn believed.that this had all been taken care
of as he and Mr. Johnson had discussed this with Mr. Woods for about
an hour. No action was taken.
A letter from the City of Kodiak, Alaska, was read by Mr. Johnson.
A check for $2807.2? was enclosed as their contribution to assist us
from out disaster as they were aided by Oregon after theirs. Reedsport
was chosen as the city in Oregon to receive these funds.
The Mayor has asked Governor Hatfield to write.ithanking them for their
A letter from the State Highway Department to CMef Hass was read. This
was in answer to a letter written by Hass requesting that the existing
flashers for school crossing at 21st and Winchester be moved to the
Pioneer School on the Highway 101 and Umpqua Bowling Lanes.
They stated that it would be undesirable due to a mid-block location.
VlO/65, page's
Mr. Johnson believes that if 13th,is brought up to specifications
from Hawthorne to the Highway, it will no longer be a mid-block
situation and the State will approve the location. States that a
manhole will have to be raised and some fill put in. Council
okayed immediate action for this fill.
As to the traffic signals at 22nd and Winchester; they are not what
they should be. So until the State decides what to do to correct
the situation, will keep the one covered, so as not to have too
much confusion. The highway is not standard width seems to be the
Mr. Holliday believes that the backstops on the parks should be
fixed so that they will be a permanent installation. After discussion,
Holliday moved that the City take on the backstop repairs for $1000.00
to $1100.00. Seconded. This money would have to be budgeted for
*65-f66. The amount set aside for the Recreation Budget Is $3000.00,
with $1100.00 of this to go toward the summer recreation program.
Mr. Plagmann turned over the recreation committees' books and there is
$200 balance.
Vote on motion-unanimous.
Mr. Thornton reported on the Recreation Committee meeting-There has
been quite an increase in the activities of this group. Reedsport
Union High School, Pioneer School, and the City have been denat.ing
$1100.00 toward this, and Gardiner. School, $1000.00 They would like
to see this raised to $1^00.00 each or $1^.00.00 rriore apiece. The
school cannot raise theirs until next year, but Mr. Thornton would
like to see the bity budget the full $1^00.00 for this summer. Decided
to table this until the budget meeting next Monday night. Budget
Committee might have suggestions.
Ben Gawley approached the council for approval to curb Crestview Drive
by his property on Crestview Hill. He would add 6 feet of blacktop,
curb, and would like permission to build a retaining wall next to the
curb where the sidewalk usually goes. Would put sidewalk on top of
retaining wall.
Mayor referred this to street committee for their recommendation.
Bill Burdick asked for the City's help to get the undercrossing by
Forest Hills and the Highland School back on the Legislative agenda.
The council so moved.
Mr. Hurlocker reported it wouldn't be wise to try and land at the air
port until '68.
The Shanelec's of the Riverview Hotel were here asking for a change in
the rate (water, sewer) for the hotel. Believe it is too Kgh since the
sewer charge has been added. Referred to proper committee.
Mr. Paull feels the City has an unjust policy and should be looked into
where a man who hool s up to the sewer has to pay to run. the line, maybe
a block or half block, then when the people in-between hook on they
don't pay any of the cost of the initial installation. Should be some
way of putting a lien against the property to take care of this. Re
ferred to sewer committee.
Bills approved for payment are as follows:
Payroll fund . 1750-00
OPS 13.62
Payroll fund $235.60
A & C Janitor Service 55.00
Associated Janitorial Serv. $i|,.00
Air Mac 268.50
Bunting Tractor Co., Inc. 3^9.16
Baker's Saw Shop 3-75
Bay Printers 2.25
City of Reedsport Comm. Bldg.
Coos Bay Stationery
Geo, P. Cake Co,
Douglas Co, Clerk
Coast Stationery
Cable TV Corp
Dairy Queen
Daily Motor
Fyr-Pyter Co,
Fire Equipment
Eruse & Fitch,
Construction Co.
Construction Co.
Littrell Supply Co.
Melville Plumbing
City of Nonth Bend
101 Service
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
0. R. North
Pacific Motor Trucking Co
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp.
Sewer Reserve
Paramount Pest Control
Shell Oil
Bob Sund Ins.
Byron L. Smith
Taylor Ha];[dware
Gaylord Vaughn
Union Oil~Co. of
Union Oil Co, of
Umpqua Drug
Umpqua Building Supply
Umpqua River Navigation
Umpqua National Bank
West Coast Telephone
Wright's Industrial Cl,
Western Auto Assoc. Store
Fire Dept,
Union Station
Auto Parts
Machine Works
Auto Electric
199. 3(|
Meei-ing adjourned by Mayor.
hnson, City Recorder
5/10/65, page
Gaylord Vaugkn7 Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
MEETING HELD May 17, 1965 AT 6 p.m.
Mayor Vaughn called meeting to order with Budget members Ben Gawley,
James McCulloch, George Marks, Roy Henderson, George Hutter, and
Lincoln Swain present. Council members present Gordon Murphey, James
Thornton, Raymond Holliday, and Paul Hurlocker.
Nominations were open for the election of a budget chairman- Roy
Henderson nominated, nominations closed, and Henderson elected by
Nominations were open for the elction of a secretary-Irving Johnson
nominated, nominations closed, elected by acclamation.
Mr. Johnson announced there were some changes from last year.
Have to be 2 public meetings, and budget cannot be adopted at
the first meeting.
Went through the budget starting with the water department.
Shows an increase of 6^ raise for all City employes as suggested
by the Mayor.
LeRoy Ghenoweth presented a budget for the Fire Department which
included a paid chief and 3 firemen. Also a ladder trucU:. Mr.
Johnson is to go over budget, run off copies and give to each
budget com.mittee member, and councilman.
Next budgst meeting changed to June 1, 1965 at 6 p.m., as May
is a holiday.
Meeting adjourned.
I. iff, 'Joir^on, City Recorder
and Budget Sec'y.
Roy Henderson, Chairman
Budget Committee
Nettie B.Glasser,Recording
8p.m., for city of REEDSPORT
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Budgst Committee
members Lincoln Swain, James McCulloch, Ben Gawley, George Marks,
and George Hutter. Roy Henderson, Chairman, was absent so Mayor
VaUt^hn conducted the meeting,
Councilmen Woods, Paull, Holllday, and Murphey were present.
A paid Fire Dept. was discussed, and decided that it is a matter
for the council.
After going over the budget page by page, it was moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously to accept budget as prepared.
The Budget Committee recommended to the council that City purchase
small roller. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously.
Mayor stated that the millage for the City would be 20 mills at the
Meeting adjourned.
I, G. Joh^on, "City Recorder
& Budget Sec'y.
• / -
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
AT 6 p.m.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with councilmen Paull, Murphey,
Thorton, Holliday, Woods, and Hurlocker present.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
made, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept annexation.
ANNEXATION read second time by title only. Moved, seconded, and passed
unanimously to accept same.
ANNEXATION read for third time by title only. MOved, seconded, and passed
unanimously to accept same.
Mayor presented the annexation of the Reedsport Assembly of God Church
property. This was referred to the Planning Commission for their
meeting this month and their recommendation.
A letter from the new committee of the Downtown Improvement Group was
presented concerning the re-opening of negotiations for the purchase of
the City Bldg., and parking lot. Moved by Gordon Murphey that negotiations
be re-opened, seconded by L. E. Paull, and passed unanim.ously to do so.
Mayor called a special meeting open to the public for Wednesday night,
8 p.m., June 9, 1965, at the City Recorder's office.
A letter from the Citizens' Advisory Committee asking the City to re
quest a survey form Urban Renewal to determine area to apply for. This
survey would be cost-free to the city. Also petitions were presented
requesting the survey. This survey would determine the feasibility of
Reedsport entering into an Urban Renewal project.
The Mayor will contact Mr. McKay and request survey.
Gordon Murphey requested that a discussion of the radio antennae pole
construction, in particular, the unpaid portion of the bill to the PUD .
which is being billed to Grover Woods. After some discussion on this,
Murphey moved that the City pay this unpaid portion of approximate $551.00.
Seconded by L. E. Paull, with a vote of 5Ayes, 1 Abstained (Grover Woods),
and Mayor voiced against payment by the city.
ORDINANCE #1|66, amending Ord. §\\11, governing location of trailer courts.
That it >jhall be unlawful to construct and operate a trailer park within
the City of Reedsport unless after public hearing, the written consent
of the Common Council of the City of Reedsport has first been obtained.
Moved to adopt Ordinance #i|66, second, and passed unanimously.
Second reading of Ordinance #i|66 by title only. Moved, seconded, and
passed unanimously to accept same.
Third and final reading of Ordinance #[|66 by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously to accept same.
PINANCE COMMITTEE-Paul Hurlocker, chairman:
Budget has been approved by the Budget Committee. The official budget
hearing is set tentatively set for June 28, lf65, Mr. Johnson reports.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, Chairman:
Report on request by Shanelec to Iwer water arid sewer charges for the
Riverview Hote. Would like to wait and give recommendation at next
Mr. Johnson reports that about 3/k of the brush is cut and then will be
ready to lay new line along the highway in Winchester Bay.
Mr. Murphey reports that he has had complaints about the charge made to
motels for their svjimming pools. They are charged $5.00 a month while
pool is in use, yet they only fill them once a year. Peel they should
only pay the initial $5.00 when p'ool is filled. No recommendation was
turned in backstops at the parks have been finished and the bill
f.age 2
STREET S: SEWER-Grover Woods, chairman:
Recommended that Mr. Gaviley^s request to blacktop 6 feet on side of
Crestview Drive and put a retaining wall along his property be okayed.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept recommendation.
Recommended that floor be poured in the Juniper Street pumping station.
Moved, seconded, and passed to proceed on the pumping station to put it
in working order.
POLICE COMMITTEE-L, E, Paull, chairman:
A dog pound was discussed, as to need, permanertlpy, and location. After
some discussion, it was mentioned that the County is contemplating a
permanent caretaker at the dump. If this goes through, it would be the
logical place for the dog pound. Police Chief stated that a man had
inquired about being the dogcatcher.
instructed Mr, Johnson to write to the County to see if they are planning
for a caretaker at the clump.
FIRE C0r4MITTEE-James Thornton, chairman:
Met with the fire department in Winchester Bay to discuss the charges
starting in July for ansv;ering service on their fire calls. Looked over
their budget, recommend to the council that their charges be only $10.00
per month. The Mayor and Fire Chief both believe the decrease is justi
fied, so Council accepted unanimously the committee^s recommenda•ion.
Paid Pire Department personnel discussed. Mayor is in favor of paid
department, but would require tax base increase, and cannot be done before
66-67 budget.
Chief of Police Hass believe a paid Pire Chief is needed now, and money
surely could be found for this.
Thornton is to discuss a paid chief with his comm.itte and the fire dept,
and give recommendation at hext meeting.
Ladder Truck proposal for the fire dept. was presented. Sixty-five foot
aerial, in excess of $20,000 was discussed. This could be purchased
on a 6 year lease-rental contract, and x%'ould not require an immediate
cash outlay of $20,000.00. Referred to fire committee for their recom
To get drill tower built, must hurry as it is in this yearns budget.
When asked about the TP Pire protection agreement, Mr, Jayne stated that
he had not been asked to draw up any contract for this, Mr. Paull and
Mr. Thornton both believe a long loo!: should be taken at a contract
between IP and the City before any agreement is signed. " Mayor stated
that no hasty action will be taken.
DIKE COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman:
^fo report.
No Report.
Report on suit against Mr, John Schaefer. Will come up in the Douglas
County Circuit Court, Mr. Schaefer was present and made several comments
about his carport.
It was reported that another illegal carport had been built,
Goerge Grassl, building inspector, asked the papers and the radio to put
announcements out urging people to buy building permits before their
house is started, so that they will know they conform. Ordinances are
to be enforced, and police are to check for permits in their patroling.
Also brought up were annexations. Should not annex any parcel that does
not comply with building codes and ordinances,
Still waiting for legal descriptions on Hubbard property that is to be
zoned in Forest Hills Subdivisions. About ready for court order on the
fage 3, 6/7/65
Bids for fuel oil opened. They are as folios:
Union Oil Co. Regular 76 gas, 5^.2154
Shell Oil Co. •217i|
diesel uniflame $.ll8
Movdd and seconded that low bid be accepted. Passed unanimously. To take
effect July 1, 1965. Union Oil Co. lox^f bidder.
Mayor announced that Jact; Burg, SEA representative that had been here during
the months after the flood netting up loans, is in a Veterans hospital
in Montana vjith a heart attack. Had a nice letter from him.
Grover Woods said that he had heard that jet fighter planes were available
for $1.00 that could be put in parks for kids to play on. Thought Ray ^
Holliday should look into it.
Following bills okayed for payment:
OPS 13.62
Payroll fund 1730.00
Payroll fund 5656.98
Shell Oil Co. 139.93
A & C Janitor Serv. I4O.OO
Baker^s Saw Shop 6I4.6O
J. H. Baxter ^ Co. 650.00
Berge & VJall^.'. s 11.90
The Courier 38.7l4
PUD 609.40
Coos Bay Stationery 20,3^
V/ater Dept 75.00
Coast Communications 1|7.50
D. L. Courtney, M.D. 7-50
Sevjer Reserve Fund 2922.16
Ray Holliday 15.00
Industrial Iron ¥ks 118.72
Kruse & Fitch 100.00
OK Tire Store 3.00
ICl Service 72.6lj
City of North Bend 23.00
Paramount Pest Control 6.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 56.25
PERS 263.26
Meeting adjourned.
)Tnson, City Recorder
Reedsport Fire Dept. 1466,00
Rdspt Logging Supply 7.62
Rdspt Auto Electric & Sup 3.12
Rdspt Auto Parts 25.71
Rdspt Machine Works IO.I4O
Skylark Cafe 6.05
Sund Insurance 75.00
Standard Oil Co. 22.20
Sund Insurance 137.00
Pacific Motor Trk. Co. 12.8I4.
SIAC 90.85
Thompson Ford Sales 8.68
Frank L. Taylor Hdware 8.28
Union Oil Co, of Calif. 21^0.1^1
Utilities Supply Co. 181.56
Union Oil Co. of Calif. 178.23
Umpqua Building Supply ll|.35
Wright*s Ind. Cleaning ll|1.00
West Coast Telephone "'111.67
Cliff Furlott 1083.11
Gayl^^rd Vaughn, Mayor
NSttie B. Glasser, Recording sec^y
jmm'9, 1965, 8p,m.
Mayor called meeting to order with councilmen Murphey, Paull, Woods,
Thornton, and Holliday present. Hurlocker absent.
Before getting started on the meeting, the Mayor mentioned that there
had been some criticism of the City for not getting the Community
Bldg. ready for use since the flood. The reason for this is a very
good one. The City has applied for a disaster loan to repaid the
building. They have also requested an advance for this and as soon
as it is forth-coming, work will be started on its repairs.
Also, Mr. McKay and 2 Urban renewal representatives will be here some
time this month to start the survey that the City has requested.
Mayor introduced H. E, Nickels, chairman of the negotiating committee
of the Downtown Improvement Group. He introduced the members of his
committee, Lloyd Richardson, Bill Burdick, George Melville, and
Tom Lillebo, absent.
Mr. Nickels presented plans that had been drawn to show what is necessary
in a market such as is proposed. Tentatively, the building will be^
9000 square feet. They required 3 to 1 parking, but this is only 2^ to 1.
Want 2-way driveway between jail and market. There will be parking also
in front of building-where present City bldg, is. Market will be on
Theatre property facing I^th St.
Proposal-pay City $12,000 for the City Building.
pay Baltazar $8000 for old theatre
Parking area-lease, or outright purchase-$l|0,00 per month
15 year with option to renew for 5 y^srs. To purchase, same
price as lease.
This plan is basically the same as proposed at" the first negotiating
meeting, other than a price has been set.
Mr. Nickels stated that they still have Mr. Baltazar's committment for
the theatre. Mentioned a figure of $i|3,300 that would be spent before
the mart.et building is even started. This figure includes cost of
City building, theatre, filling and blacktopping. Also the tearing
down of the two buildings.
New building will cost approximately $7.00 per square foot. Maximum
rent for a building that size is $1000,00 a month at the most.
When asked how all this was going to be accomplished, Mr. Nickels
said that several people propose to form a corporation, and they are
asking for an option on City Building and parking area.
Also that they had not discussed the amount they would be prepared to
pay. Said that he felt no large amount of money should be involved.
Have operated on faith with Mr, Baltazar so far, would think they
could with the City,
Parking area is where negotiations ceased before.
Mr. Nickels reviewed proposal-$12000 for the City Building, $140.00 per
month on l5 year lease for parking area with 5 year renewal, parking
for patrons only.
Mayor staged that these restrictions would also be in agreement-property
would be for a supermarket only, otherwise, revert back to the City.
A time limit to be set on building being finished. Also a reasonable
time for a police office to be built and tenants to find places to move.
Mr. Paull felt that the full cash amount of $21,600 was needed to build
police offices,
Gordon Murphey moved to accept proposal for a 90 day option on City bldg,
and parking lot, and cash to be paid in the amount of $21,600 unless the
lease with the supermarket doesnH go through. Seconded by Grover Woods,
passed Aye i;, No-1, James Thornton,
I. G, JoWi^on, City Recorder
"K6t t i e Glasser, Recording
Sec ^V/
8 P.M.
Mayor called the meeting to order T^ith Councilmen L. E.
Paull, Gordon Murphey, Paul Hurlocker present. Mayor declared
himself a councilman to make a quorum.
Hurlocker moved to accept Budget, seconded by Murphey. Vote
ORDINANCE #1{67 levying a tax upon all property withir the City
of Reedsport for the Fiscal year 1965-1966, for all purposes, In
the sum of $99,190.90, and declaring an emergency, was r::ad by
Mr, Johnson,
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously for first reading.
Ordinance #i|67 read for second timo by title only. Moved,
seconded, and passed unanimously to accept same.
Ordinance #14.67 read for third time by title only. Moved,
seconded, and passed unanimously to accept same.
Budget accepted. Mayor adjourned the meeting.
Gaylo^ Vaugl-fff^ Mayor
City Recorder j^'-—
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
1965, 6 P.M.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Councilmen Paull,
Murphey, Thornton, Woods, and Holliday present.
Minutes of previous meetings approved.
Motion made, seconded, and passed unanimously to formally accept
Paul Hurlocker's resignation from the council.
Dr. Robert L. Lewlis was accepted unanimously to replace Mr. Hurlocker
Mr. Johnson administered the oath of office to same.
Dr. Lewis appointed chairman of the Finance Committee, and is to
be a member of the Buildings, Parks, & Playground Committee. Also
in charge of the proposed Urban Rene\\'al Program.
Mayor elimJ.nated the Equipment Inventory fic Control Committee, but
Woods and Thornton are to continue the project on a Special Assign
ment basis.
The Planning Commission has requested the Assembly of God Church
to present a plat of the Property they have petitioned to annex.
It is understood that an engineer has been hired by them and a plat
will be presented shortly.
Mr. H. E, Nickels reported on the Option-Puchase of the City Bldg.
Progress is slow, and as yet, nothing concrete har beeh settled,
Mr. Johnson reported on the Federal Funds received to repair the
damage done to the Com.munity Building during the flood, A check
for thp sum of $10,572.00, 75^ of the full amount, has been deposited
It was decidec" unanimously that an engineer or architect b- hired to
draw specs for the purpose of calling for bids for the repairs.
July 12, 1965
The lease on the barber shop in the Library building expired as
of 7/1/65. Mr. Plagmann previously stated that he vjas not interested
in another lease, but would rent from month to month, with time to
move if the^.City wanted the building* Moved to leave rent as is, $75.00
per month, and rent without a lease. Seconded, and passed unanimously.
Pire Protrection Contract with International Paper Co. discussed. Mayor
stated that he feels badly that the Council is in disagreement about
this agreement, since they have already taken $250.00 from IP.
Mr. Thornton does not believe that the City will gain by this contract.
Gardiner will lose l/2 the money now paid them by IP. Under Mutual
Aid, other trucks move in to protect Reedsport, but if they are under
contract to IP and they have a big fire. Mutual Aid will not respond.
I I Attorney Jayne feels that the whole thing should be re-negotiated.
I That Gardiner, IP, City representatives, and all concerned should get
Re-negotiation is to be set-up.
Future development of the property donated to the City by International
Paper Co. was discussed. This property is in the Forest Hills Sub
division area. Referred by the Mayor to the Parks Committee, Holliday,
Lewis, and Paull, for their consideration and recommendation.
The Mayor reported on the proposed Urban Renewal program. An 8 block
area has been chosen, from 3^^ St. to and from Elm Ave. to Hawthorne
Ave. Reedsport Garage, Umpqua Building Supply, and the Post Office
have been eliminated. Will send cost estimate.
James Thornton reported on the Summer Recreation Program. It is in
full swing. Mr. Thornton thought the City had raised the amount
of the City's portion $1400.00, and this money has already been
put to use. Upon checking the minutes of previous meetings, no
motion had been made or passed. A motion was made and passed unanimously
at this time, to add an additional $1|.00.00 to the original $1100 usually
donated, thus bringing the total to $l500.00 per year.
V/ATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman:
Committee's recommendation on Shanelec (Riverview Hotel) ^^7ater and
sevjer charge being lowered, was to leave it as is. Ordinance would
have to be changed if price was lovjered. Mrs. Shanelec to be notified
of decision.
Complaints have been received from Motel owners on the amount of the
charge for their swimming pools. Previously it has been $5.00 per month
the pool is in use, plus the sewer charge, which is 60^ of the $5.00.
After some discussion, it i-jas moved, seconded, and passed unanimously
to charge $15.00 per season for a pool, plus the sewer charge.
'O STREET & SEVJER-Grover Woods, chairman:
i Discussion of complaints received by the committee on street maintenance.
I The grader is not in working order at this time, but they are expecting
i the piece needed for the clutch anytime.
Mr. Woods believes another grader should be puchased, or check comparative
Mr. Holliday suggests we rent a grader and get the streets back in shape.
There is also a roller in Portland for $l800.00 with trailer. This is to
be looked into as soon as possible.
Mr. Johnson reported that the floor has been poured in the Juniper St.
pump station. There are 2 minor leaks. Would like to go to Portland
and get revised plans on the installation of the pumps.
POLICE COMMITTEE-L. E. Paull, chairman:
DOGS-International Paper has consented to let the City use the property
where the old City Dump used to be, to build the dog pound-year to year
County Sanitarian suggested vje call it a Rabies Control Officer
instead of a dogcatcher, and maybe a better class of people would
apply for the job.
The committee had received several applications, but it was decided
unanimously to hire a man from the Coos Bay area on a year round
basis of $300.00 per month, and he would work the parks along with
•being the dogcatcher. This amount would be Plus Mileage.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously for the City crew to immediately
build a dog pound, and the dog (Rabies Control Officer)catcher to be
hired tb begin work August 1st. (The pound to be built on IP property).
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman:
Had not had time to discuss with the Fire Department, a paid Fire
Releases for burning buildings for other people should be checked,
to be sure it relieves the City and Fire Department of any responsibil
ity if a fire gets away.
Mr. Paull reported that a nex\' policeman had been hired, A local man,
Michael James Lanegan-23 years of age. He is to replace Eoyd Stone.
DIKE COMMITTEE-Mayor reported that Gordon Murphey. I. G. Johnson,
and himself met with the Corps of Engineers-promised they will finish
economic and physical damage reports by the end of the month, and they
x^ill meet with them again.
Another illegal carport has been built and the oi\mer has been notified
Mr. Jayne stated that he has been notified that the West Apartments
are being torn down. This is one of the buildings that is in the pro
cess of being condemned.
Also reported that John Schaefer has been notified that he is to tear
down his carport.
Asked permission to call engineer on pump station to get the plans •
revised on the placement of the motors. As it is now, they would be
under water part of the time. Is to do so.
Also asked permission to buy an SCM-copy machine, $995*00. Could
either be leased or puchased outright.
Moved, seconded, and passed to purchase copy machine. Unanimous.
Mr, Woods brought up a letter that had been received from the County
Sanitarian, asking that the City consider letting the Sewage Disposal
trucks dump the sludge from septic tanks into one of the manholes to
the City sewer. A charge is usually made, .and at this time, they are
dumping at the dump x^hich makes it very unsanitary and conducive to
•germs and bacteria and becomes a health hazard.
City Attorney is opposed to this now, but a letter is to be written
to the County Sanitarian stating that the City will consider this
if it is feasible when they put in their disposal plant."
Bills approved for payment are as follox>Js:
OPS 13.62 ^
Payroll Fund 17$0.00-
Oregon Vol. Firemans
Association 10.00 .
Payroll Fund $1^22,22 '
Al's Signs 50.00
A & C Janitor Serv. IjO.OO
J. H, Baxter & Co. 10lj..00
Baker's Saw Shop [|07.96
Ira C. Byrd II4.OO
PUD 81^3.01
Geo. F, Cake-iCo. 10.80
Hox^ard Cooper 39.35
PUD 551.10
Coast Communications, Co. 27.30
Fire Equipment Co. 223.01
Hinds Supply Co, 7711.13
Lillebo Constr. Co. 6I4.3O
Geo Melville Plb. 65.13
101 Service 69.75
OK Tire Store 32.00
Petty Cash J47.38
Coos Bay Stationery 30.86
Sewer Res. Savings #00722 2867.38
PERS -25)4.77
Paramount Pest Control ^ 8,00
Reedsport Fire Dept. 396.00
Rdspt. Logging Supply 1914.79
Reedsport Fire Dept. l^OO.OO
Rdspt Suto Electric &
Supply 26.81
Ray*3 TV Service 6.00
Reedsport Auto Parts 3«36
Rdspt Machine Works 1.88
Reedsport Pluir.bing Co. 2,75
Rdspt Motor Freight, Inc. 6.7O
Sinit^^-Blair, Inc.
Byron L. Smith o.Oij
Union Oil of Calif. 190,22
Jack Schvjeitzer 256.8i4
SIAC 85.56
Shell Oil Co. . -169.93
Taylor Hardware Co, 11.16
City of North Bend 23.00
Thompson Ford Sales 23.90
Union Oil of Calif. 3014.75
Utilities Supply Go. 33-00
Gaylord Vaughn .88.00
XJmpqua Ind. Supply Co. 6.52
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 13.2ij
Umpqua Drug 2.06
Umpqua River ITa >;igation li|.75
"eetlng adjourned,
I. G. Job^^on, City Recorder
West Coast Telephone Co,
Western Auto S ore
Wright's Ind. Cleaning
Gayi-llorS'Vau#n, May or
NetrttTiea BW.. fil asser
8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn with councilmen
Thornton, Paull, Holliday, Lewis, and Murphey present.
Meeting was called for the purpose of acting on the annexation
of the Assembly of God Church property, previously approved at
a Special Meeting of the Planning Commission. They unanimously
approved the Annexation, with the stipulation that the Church
file with the annexation, a letter, stating that they will be
responsible for any earth slippage or drainage problem t^t may
come up. Mayor read the letter of responsibility presentanby church.
J, M. Adams, Cecil Bennett, Dale Krug, Frank Barth, immediate
area property ovjners, were very concerned with the slides and
drainage problems they feel certain will occur this winter with
the rains. All stated that they were not against the annexation
in itself.
The Mayor explained that the reason the meeting was called, was
the immediate need for utllltiea, water and sewer, by the church.
Motion was made to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation
for the annexation of this property. Seconded.
Aye ii. No 0, Abstained 1, James Thornton, unfamiliar with area.
Hearing will be held at next regular council meeting, August 9, 1965.
Meeting adjourned.
I, G. Jc^nson, City Recorder
Gaylo/d Vsij^^hn, Mayor
_ __
Mettl"e B. Glasser, Rec'y. Sec'y
MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1965 6P.M.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with councilman Murphey,
Thornton.,- Paull, Holliday,-^^ ' i j and Woods present.
Minutes of previous meetings approved.
Annexation hearing on the Assembly of God Church property was held.
Some discussion on the setbacks as to legality.
Move to approve annexation, seconded, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #1468, extending the corporate limits of the City of ^ "
Reedsport by annexing New Territory (Assembly of God Church Property)
and declaring an emergency, was read by Attorney William Jayne.
Move to accept Ordinance #1468 for the first reading. Seconded,
and passed unanimously.
Ordinance read for second time by title only. Moved, seconded, and
passed unanimously to accept same.
Ordinance read for third time. Moved, seconded, and passed, unanimously
to accept same.
REPAIR OP COMMUNITY BUILDING-Reconsideration of action taken.at last
meeting of Council to call for bids for repair work. Letter from
Kruse & Fitch Architects recommending that the work should be done on
a time and material basis.
Letter from Tom Lillebo Construction read, discussing what they believed
should be done to repair the building,
Kenneth Kent was present and agreed with Lillebo's letter. Mentioned
two ways building could be fixed, and believe the only thing at this
time was to decide whether or not to spend $6000 or full amount of
Government Grant to get floor repaird. He and Lillebo are the only
twO' contractors who have shown any interest the the building repair.
After much discussion, a motion t'jas made to rescind the action taken
at last months council meeting to have specifications made up by an
architect to call for bids for repairs on the Community Building
flood damage. Seconded, and passed unanimously.
Mayor called a Special Council Meeting for Monday night, August I6,
196$, 8 p.m.," for opening of proposals from contractors on Community
Building repair. City Attorney stated that a Performance Bond will
have to be posted.
PROPOSED URBAN•RENEWAL PROGRAM-Mr. Godron McKay met with the Planning
Commission Thursday night, with the PC requesting the Council.to
apply for the survey necessary for Urban Renewal. Met with the
Citizens' Advisory Board Friday night, and they also recommend that
the Council apply for this survey.
Mayor announced that at the September Council meeting, the council
will decide whether or not to apply for the survey for Urban Renewal.
Also that the Planning Survey will not cost City any money. Government
• puts up the funds for this.
DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT GROUP-met with an SBA man. Mayor Vaughn, I. G.
Johnson, and L. E. Paull. The SBA man gave a brief resume of the
moneys available under this type of a program.
Mr. Nickels was nof present, but had stated to the Mayor that they
may approach the council for more time on their option, as the 90
days are almost up.
Dr. Lewis present now.
SPECIAL CENSUS COUNT-According to the Post Office, they estimate
5100 population for Reedsport, Central Lincoln PUD, [|900. According
to the State, it is around 3900. Mayor and Mr, Johnson believe
it would be to our advantage to have a Special Census taken. After
some discussion, moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to have
Mr. Johnson proceed with Census Count and draw funds for same. This
census v.'iil be taken by the State.
Mayor believes v.'e should ask for a Nevj Tax Base for the nexi. fiscal
year. Would have to be done at a primary election, which falls^in
May of '66. As a growing tovm, will need more moneys for expanding.
Wants the council to be considering this very seriously.
FINANCE-Dr. Lewis, chairman-Request for exclusive Taxi Franchise.
M Dr. Lewis stated he has discussed this with others, and they feel
! it.would be setting a precedent,, and is the consensus of committee
! not to approve request.
Moved to accept committee's recommendation. Seconded, passed unanimously,
WATER-Gordon Murphey, chairman-Fred Thacker's request for water service
outside City Limits. Murphey voiced^the policy of^the City on such requests
that annexation is necessary to receive water service.
Mr. Thacker is contiguous, but does not wish to annex due to the fact
that he wants to put a trailerhouse on part of his property.
Water committee recommends we refuse water service. Moved, seconded
and passed unanimously to accept water committee's recommendation.
PARK &PLAYGROUNDS-Ray Holliday, chairman-Planning for property donated
to City by IP Co.-Contacted Hardwards, Inc., to see if they wanoed to
log the Alder. They believe it will be all pulp.
Mr. Paull feels that the City crew should cut the alder, then-let
people know they can get winter wood.
Bill Hardy stated that at one time. Menasha was interested, ,but..believe
a gyP9 might go in and log.
Moved that a faller be hired, if city crew too busy, to work weekends,
endeavor to remove the alder from this property. Seconded, passed
"22nd St. Park-Letter read from Junion Guild Gardeners, written by
Mrs. Serf ling, telling of the dis-repair. of the park. Would like to
see it put back in shape.
Council agrees that itwhould be repaired and moved unanimously to
have Mr. Johnson put the park in good shape.
STREET & SEV/ER-Grover Woods, chairman-Juniper St. pump staoion-
Mr. Johnson is still in process of getting original plans.changed
so that pumps will set above water level.
Mr. Woods recommend that the patching of blacktop be done before
Setpember l^th-should be rolled. Also^stated that the City shoul
be able to use County Roller, or rent it.
So moved that Mr. Johnson should see that patching is done. Unanimous.
Mr. Woods also believes that the property needed for the Sewage Disposal
Plant should be puchased now.
Mayor stated that the type of plant to be built will have^to be decided
first, and believes that the committee should be looking^into^this and
give city their recommendation. Also c.onsider X\'ays of financing.
POLICE-L. E. Paull, chairman-Letter read from Mrs. Bsn Eitel requesting
space for loading zone in front of her store at 511 Greenwood.
Mr. Paull felt that this would again set a precedent as at this time,
there are no authorized loading zones in the City.
After much discussion, it i^as moved that because of this special
circumstance or condition, a 2I4 foot yellow zone be painted in front
of her store. Died for lack of a second.
Another motion was made, that City erect a 30 minute parking sign,
9am to 6p.m. at this location. Seconded. Vote-Aye No 1, James
It was announced that the dog pound is in business.
Mayor brought to the attention of the council the fact that the County
has puchased the property between the Umpqua National Bank and the
Reedsport Professional Bldg. for a branch County Courthouse. He believes
the City should consider the police station going into the County Bldg, ^
when built. i
Chief of Police Hass is g^nst this, as he feels the jail and station I
should be connected.
Mayor still feels this should be considered, and decided upon, so^if
favorable, the County could be contacted while the building is still
in the planning stage.
FIRE-James Thornton, chairman-No progress reported on the IP and Reedsport
Fire~Protection Agreement.
After some discussion, Mr. Paull moved that IP be informed by letter or
by the Mayor that the City 'does not, at this time, wish to enter into
any contract for fire protection. Seconded, passed unanimously.
A requisition for a boat, motor, trailer, oars, and life preservers
was presented by the fire department for okay by the council.
Mr. Thornton believes it should be puchased from-Roy Henderson and
not ask for bids, as the Reinell is the boat they want.
Moved by Ray Holliday to sign requisition for purchase from Roy
Henderson. Seconded by Dr. Lewis. 'Vote, Aye 3, No 2, Woods, Murphey,
1 abstained, L. E, Paull.
After vote was tallied, Thornton changed vote from yes to no, making
No-3, Ayes-2, and 1 abstained.
Thornton then moved that we authorize the purchase of a boat by Fire
Department, with Fire Chief drawing thfe specifications. Bids to be
opened at September meeting. Seconded, Vote Aye-3j Thornton, Lewis,
and Holliday; No, Woods; Abstained, Murphey and Paull. Motion carried.
Mr.' Thornton reported that fire trucks still cannot make the corner
at 14th & Rainbow Plaza. Recommend making parallel parking in that
area. Mayor referred this to Police Committee for their recommendation.
Discussed a paid Fire Chief with Mr. Chenoweth and the Fire Dept., ;
and they do not feel one is needed at this time. j |
L. E. Paull wanted the council to know his reasons for abstaining ^
on vote for purchase of boat for the fire department. Does not
feel there is a need, and did not feel-that he could vote against
the department, being a member. Therefore he is going to tender his
resignation to the department.
Mayor then announced that he is reappointing Mr. Paull to the Fire
Committee, and Grover Woods back on Finance Committee.
.George Grassl, Building inspector, said that he had understood that
the West Apartments was to be torn down, but nothing has been done
in the last couple of weeks. Is more of a hazard than ever, since
the fire.
DIKE COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman-Corps of Engineers to be here
sometime this month to go over their studies, and will keep council
and press informed of their progress?, Mayor'-st&ted.
CITY ATTORNEY*S REPORT-Schafer's attorney haa been informed that the
city intends to enforce court order.
City Recorder Johnson ill, no report.
Following bills approved for payment:
Lower Umpqua Rec. Assoc
Umpqua National Bank
League of Oregon Cities
Johns-Manville Sales Corp
Thompson Ford Sales
Payroll Fund
Lower Umpqua Rec. Assoc.
Umpqua NationsQ. Bank
Glenn Allen
Fred Jungwirth
Walter F, Miller
Raymond Hass
Umpqua National Bank
Forest Hills Country Club
Payroll Fund
I. G. Johnson
Umpqua National Bank
Al's Signs
Pavers, Inc.
;r ' s Saw Shop
The Courier
Howard Cooper
County Surveyor, Printing
Coast Sheet Metal 11.75
Coast Communications, Co, 13.26
Coos Bay Stationery 1013.06
John C. Diehl Agency 100,00
Douglas Co. Shsrif/ & Tax. l6[^.09
Pioneer School 105-c 232.J4I
Reedsport Union High School 171*52
swoc 33.^1
Lower Umpqua Hospital 51.98
Meeting adjpurned. ATTE.^^^
Daily Motor Go.
Hinds Supply Go.
Duncan Jones
Kruse & Fitch Ar-chitects
Lillebo Constr. Co.
Los Angeles Stamp &
Stationery Co.
OK Tire Store
101 Service
City of North Bend
Pacific Motor Trk, Go.
Pennsalt Chcmicals Corn
Sewer Res. Savings #00722
Paramount Post Control
Pacific Motor Trucking Co.
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedliport Machine Works
Log, Supply 78.67
Electric & Sup. 6.37
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Bob Sund
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Umpqua Drug
Union Oil Co, of Calif.
Union Oil Co. of Calif.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua River Navigation
West Coast Telephone
Wright's Ind.
Western Auto
General Fund
V^u-l Mayor
I. G. J itv Recorder
Nbttie B. Glasser, Recording Sec*y
eP.M., AUGUST 16, 1965
Mayor called the meeting to order with cauncilmen Murphey, Paull
Thornton, Holliday, Woods, and Levjis prest,nt.
Meeting called to consider proposals for repairs to Community Bldg,
flood damage.
There are two written proposals, one from Kenneth Kent, and the other,
the original, from Lillebo Construction Go.
Cliff Furlott and Frank Rose were present, but did not have written
proposals. After some discussion, Mr. Furlott and Mr. Rose decided
against making proposals, so the only two to be considered were
the writt-n ones. No one was present from Lillebo's.
Mr. Kent v^;<plained his proposal stating there arc two vgys th •
floor can be fixed, one repairing the old at a coS' of $2086,00
and the other, putting a complet--- new floor at a cost o"^ 1^360h.00
Mr. Johnson beli-^-vea tha*- the ni^w floor should be put in, as that
is the way the engineer makir.s the specs figured it, and balio^-es
it should be dons as close to these specifications as possible.
There was some discussion on salvage of the old floor, and several
reasons for completely reflscir-g the flooring,
Noved, seconded, and passed unanimously thai Mr. Kent *s proposal
be acceptijd, subject to ; osting a performance bond, and the beginning
and finishing of the job in as sfort a time as possible.
Mr. Johnson informed Mr. Kent that itemized statements will be
needed from him to be presenicd to the government. Mayor appointed
Mr. Paull to work with Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kent, in seeing that
this is carried out as soon as possible.
Since council was all f;resent, Mr, Johnson requested permission
to get roof of the Community Building repaired, also take care
of the Fire Hall at the same time.
Also asked for permission to order culvert pipe to install in the
area around the Bank, Dr, McLean's office, and the property where
the new County Branch Courthouse is to be built. For several years
now, drainage in that area has been a problem.
The council unanimously gave Mr. Johnson the go-ahead on both counts.
G2y1i'V0.^!.^1 , Mayor
nsoTijCI ^-'ocorder ^
Het'.-ie B. G"! o?scr, TTocording Scc'y.
Mayor called the meeting to order with Councilmen Murphey, Paull, Woods,
Lewis, Holliday present, James Thornton absent.
By unanimous approval of the City Council "lembers and the Mayor, the
following reorganization of City personnel and functions has been adopted
effective September 1, 196$:
1. Irving Johnson will retain his present position of City Recorder and
City Judge, In addition, overall responsibility for carrying out City
functions will be assigned to him.
The Souncil has designated specific authority to Mr. Johnson to over
see day-to-day operations of City activities without prior approval of the
Council, in situations where policy has been established by Council action, '
by budget authority, and by existing ordinances.
Mr. Johnson will assume responsibility for carrying out policies and
tasks set by the Council and will be required to report progress to the
Council at each meeting.
A pay increase of $50«00 per month has been authorized for Mr. Johnson,
effective Septem.ber 1, 1965.
2. Bert Bartow will assume a new position of City Foreman. His responsibility
will be the day-to-day direction of the city crew, and he will have author
ity for this function. He will be answerable to Irving Johnson, who will
set general work policy (under the Council's direction).
Mr. Bartow is granted a pay increase of 25^ P®^? hour, effective
September 1, 1965.
3. Art Tollefson will retain the title and functions of Water Sup't. In
addition, he will assume responsibility for street maintenance (including
grader work).
Gaylorc^/augh;/, ?^^yor
AT 8:00 P.M.
Meeting called to order by Fayor Vaughn, v;ith cour-cilr^^r Thornton,
Gordon Murphey, Grover Woods, and Dr. Lswis camc latar. Mayor
declared himself a councilman to make a quorum.
Mayor stalled that tho meeting was call3d at the roques^ of
Corps of Engineers, for the purpose of discussing the City's
request for raising of the dike.
Lee Clements, of the U-13 School Board, spo'-e for the board as
to their feelings about the need for the di'.:e.
Ma^or introduced Fred Ingram, Chief, Planning Brancn of Corps of
Engineers, Pay Jaren, Engineer of the Corps of Engineers, Lloyd E.
McKennsy, Jr., Southern Pacific, and Lloyd Chandler, Division
Engineer, State Highway Deportment.
Mr, Ingram-stated that he was substituting for Mr. Henry Stewart,
v;ho is ill. That he Isn't as well acquainted with the situation
as Mr. Stewart but would explain what was going on to the best of
his ability.
The Corps is working on a reconn report for the Peedsport area.
If this report is favorable and shows the njed for d".:e be5ng
raised, then a detailed report will be made. They are striving
to get the reconn report out by the end of "^he year, '^her , are
many problems that have to be solved. R'ja"!5ze that time is a
factor, but he nor Mr. Jaren have control of the fTOject, Mr.
Ingram s'tated. The averagj time for a project of this^type Is
normally three years. This is the Crash Project, but is not a
fast project. In so far as it Is possible, will do everything
to push project along,
Mr. Jaren stated that ho Is about 3A of the way through his^
report, but cannot make any definite statements. The Economic^
Survey is complete, but awaiting a summary report, which shoula
be finished about the middle of September.
Mr, McKenney, of the Southern Pacific, feels that SP will work
right along with the Corps of Engineers.
Mr. Jaren and Mr. Chandler discussed changes Highway-wise that
will ha.e to be made. Mr, Chandler stated, that in principal
he did not believe that the Highway Department would disagree
with the Corps' idaaS
Mr. Jarfen stated that sketches will be presented to both the
State Highway Dept. and the Southern Pacific.
There v.'as much discussion as to what is to be done on Second S^.,
Winchester Avo., along Highway 2^ East of town. During this
discussion, it was brought to the City's attention^that it will
be up to thera to furnish the right-of-ways ne^ided if and when
the dike Is to be built.
Mayor is to write and request a copy of the Economic Survey for
the City from the Corps of Enlgneers.
Mr. Hinsdale feels that the City, Port, should put pressure where
needed to get construction started by Summer of 1966.
Mr. Chandler, Highvjay Department, feels that 1^ these ^men^ present
a favorable report, the City is halfway there for their dike.
Meeting adjourned.
son 7?iUgtfn, Mayor
City Fecorder
felT^.ie B. Glasser, Rec'y Sec y
1965, 6:00 P.M.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Council Murphey,
Woods, Thornton, Paull, and Lewis present.
W, V. ¥hitcomb requests a zone change on the property better known
as the West Apartments, from Residential #2 Unrestricted, to Busi
ness #3.
Mayor referred this to the Planning Commission for their action or
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
PURCHASE-OPTION OP CITY BUILDING-H. E. Nickels reported that the
Downtown Improvement Group is actively working with one firm. Mr.
Baltazar is meeting with them in Portland today, and they hope
something develops.
They are requesting another 90 day option.
Lloyd Richardson, a member of this group, stated that a corporation
has been formed.
L. E. Paull said he felt the City should take a long look at this
before another option is given, about where: the police station is
to be built.
After some discussion on size and footage, Mr. Paull and Mr. Thornton
are to do some measuring with Mr. Nickels, about distances from fire
hall corner to alley.
Unanimously gave a 90 day option for purchase of City Building, with
exactly same terms as before, with restriction that plans must be
approved by the Council.
After discussing whether or not to ask.for survey to see if Urban
Renewal is feasible in Reedsport; with Citizens* Advisory Group
and The Planning Commission requesting same, Gordon Murphey moved
that the Survey be applied for. Seconded by "James Thornton, and
passed unanimously. Mayor to contact Gordon McKay.
Tentative vjorkable program plan.= copies have been given to Councilmen,
Planning Commission, and the Citizens' Advisory Group. A meeting of
the Citizens' Advisory Group is to be held Thursday night, Sept.
16, with Mr. Dondero to explain plan.
Mayor believes that a raise in the tax base is needed. Asks that
each department peer into the future and determine, if possible,
the needs that x^/ill be forthcoming.
Asks that the Finance Comm.ittee study the cffoct the raise xvould
have on the Tax Levy over-a11.
The Tax Base Raise would be on the May ballot.
A letter from Mrs, A1 Ketcham was read, requesting that the City's
water supply be fluoridated.
Dr. Dave Morgan and Dr, Prank Mackenzie were both present to discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of this.
Dr. Morgan believes that only benefits can be derived from the water
being fluoridated; above and beyond the cost of having it installed.
Dr, Mackenzie feels that the improvement of children's teeth is most
important and this could be taken care of by tablets dispensed at
school, is interested not only in Reedsport children, but Smith
River, Deans Creek, Schofield, and Scottsburg children.
Mayor has set up a debate for next regular Council meeting, between
Dr. Morgan and Dr. Mackenzie, not on Pluoridization itself, but
Method of Distribution.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman. No reports,
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman. Harold Buck appeared
before the council to protest water and sewer use monthly billing.
Peels it is illegal to bill the water and sewer on the same bill.
(Mr. Buck's wife has a beauty shop on the back of their lot, and
receive two separate bills, one for the house and the other for
1 the shop, each vjith a se^^fer charge.) He has refused to pay sewer
; ' use charge on shop, as feols it is on one sewer and only one should
be paid.
After discuppion. Water Committee recommend;d that the Ordinance
stand as is, and moved discussion be ended.
PARK & PLAYGROUND COMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman. Mr. Paull
reported that no progress has been made so far on the planning for
the property donated by IP Co. Some people havo been savjing up the
fallen logs along the road. He also stated that only the alder is
to be removed, when asked if all the trees were to be taken out.
STREET & S®"/ER COMI'^ITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman. Still getting calls
on the approaches on 12th and Highway 101 and Ivy and Highway 101.
Mr. Johnson reported that the grader has been working on them,
POLICE COMMITTEE-L. E. Paull, chairman. Reported that the Police
Departm.ent is down to three men, with two new ones to start about
the middle of the month. It has been hard to keep a man on the
graveyard shift, so committee recommends that $25.00 more a month
be added to the wages of the man working that shift. Also that
the Chief be paid when working a shift other than his own. Committee
feels that a policy should be set.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept the Police
Committee's recommendations.
Mr. Paull feels that pressure should be put on the PUD to get the
street lights in the Forest Hills area before winter.
Mayor will contact Mr. Nunnally and the Nex^Jport officc, if necessary.
Mr. Johnson and Chief Hass are to check into putting some stop signs
in the Forest Hills #2 area, also on 22nd and Arthur Drive.
FIRE C0MI4ITTEE-James Thornton, chairman. Oregon Hotel and West
Apartments have been burned by the Fire Dept. Also asked for' the
I I status of the old Eagles Building on Greenwood. City Attorney is
I to get this information.
^ / DIKE COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman. Wants to assure you that
they will do all they can to get the dikes.
Mr. Thornton would like to see some sort of Retirement Program set
up for the City Employes. Over and above Social Security.
Mr. Johnson to write the State for information on this.
COMT^TITY BUILDING PR0GRESS-90:^ of the floor complete. Corner to
be strapped, and tile in foyer, yet to be finished.
R-commends that a new (complete) floor be laid in the kitchen,
throw the old relic stove away, get two new ones, new dishes, and
put building to use.
SPECIAL CENSUS COUJIT-The starting date for the consas Is Octob-?r
11th. Each house has to be listed separately and quite a bit of
preliminary work: has to be coir^pletsd, before actual census can be
DOC-POUTID-is working.
"22nd STREET PARK CLEAN-UP~A week has been spent cleaning^up
debris, and buring up logs, Restroorn.s have been locked till
Spring, at least. Complete new toilets will have to be installed
Park is now usable.
JUNIPER PUMP STATION-Complete and final plans have been received,
A block building will have to be built first, to house equipment.
The following, bills okay ad for payment:
Payroll Fund 20^0
OPS 13
Umpqua National Bank '4:'468
Oregon State Hghway Dept. 2^0
Payroll Fund
Alfred Richardson
Kent's Construction
A & C Janitor Service
Baker*s Saw Shop
Coos Bay Stationery
John W. Cunningham Assoc5l3
Coast Stationery
Fire Equipr.er.t Co.
Forest Hills Country Club
Hinds Supply Co.
Int^rnat'l. Conf, of Bldg.
Duncan Jones
Stev^i Laam
City of North Bend
OK Tiro Store
Paramount Pest Control
Petty Cash
Melville Plumbing
C sfe
Meeting adjourned.
Rcedsport Repair Shop
Reedsport Uni>n Service
He:,dsport Logging Supply
Rdspt, Auto Parts
Rdspt. Motor Freight
Rdspt. Machinc Works
Sewer Peasrve Savings
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Umpqua NatM Bank
Uriifqu? Building Supply
Union Oil Go. of Calif.
Uii.pqua Rental Sr. Supply
Umpqua River Navigation
Gaylord Vaughn
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Waterworks Supply Co.
West Coast T^^icphone
V/right's Tnd. Cleaning .
Gaylord Gfan-
I~. G"i 7at:nson, City Recorder
N.vttie" 3. Glasser,
R cordlr:g Secretary
^601}. 27
OCTOBER 11, 1965 8P.M.
Meeting v^as called to order by the Mayor with Councilmen Paull,
Lewis, Holliday, Woods, and Thornton present. Murphey absent.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
Mayor announced a Committee change; made L. E. Paull chairman of
Playgrounds and Parks Committee; and Ray Holliday, chairman of
R>lice Committee,
William Jayne, City Attorney, read ORDINANCE #1469 for the first
^ time, declaring a need for an Urban Renewal Agency to function in the
I City of Reedsport,
I Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ordinance.
ORDINANCE #1|69 read for second time, by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously to accept same,
ORDINANCE #1469 read for third, time, by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously to accept same.
Resolution for City to act as Urban Renewal Agency was read by City
Attorney. To be called Urban Renewal Agency of City of Reedsport.
Resolution adopted unanimously.
Mr, Johnson stated that he is waiting for some papers to come from
Mr. McKay before he can start on the application.
Mayor announced that after application is filed, a trip to San
Prancisco will be needed to finish it up. Also that for Urban
Renewal and Low-Cost Housing, a Housing Code needs to be adopted.
He has named a committee of 3 to prepare a tentative code to be
presented first to the Citizens* Advisory Group; then to the
Planning Commission, and then to the Council, Dr. Lewis explained
that the Housing Code applies to houses already built, sets minimum
standards for condition a house must be'in to be inhabited.
Mr. Johnson reported that the gym floor is finished and the inspector
is to be here some time this month, then building can be used by the
A question as to whether or not the building will be used again for
skating was referred to the proper committee for their recommendation,
A band group called "Little John and the Monks" request the use of
the building for the night of November 6th for a dance. Moved,
seconded, and pass>d unanimously to let group use building; $35.00
(1 for building, $2^.00 for policing, making a total of $60.00.
The Annual League of Oregon Cities Convention is to be held November
II4, 15, 16. Councilmen going should let Mr. Johnson know so he can
- make reservations by October 25th.
BEN GAWLEY REQUESTED by letter, additional lights(one or two), to
be installed by the PUD on Crestview Drive, in the proximity of his
property. After some discussion, it was unanimously moved to notify
Mr. Nunnally of the okay for the installation of these lights.
PUD*S REQUEST by architects, for curb cut variance .of 110' on 11th
and Ivy in the Tentative Plans for the building of a new office
on the same site as present building,
Mr, Nunnally explained that they x^anted covered parking for the
customers as well as the employees, and are trying to build for the
future.• Also that this curb cust is a factor as to whether or not
building will be built. Expect to be finished by Spring, if built.
Moved and seconded that a letter be sent to the PUD allowing such
curb cut as requested, for perios of one year. Passed unanimously.
That street (30 feet) at 19th and Ivy be vacated and turned back
to him, since this property when deeded for a street, was part of
the land he now owns.
After much discussion, during which tim.e the Assembly of God Church
minister. Dale Johnson, stated that the Church would be against this
street being vacated, the Mayor referred this to the Planning Commissio:
for their recommendation, with unanimous approval of the council.
A lively and interesting discussion on fluoridation was held, with
Dr. Morgan, Dr. Mackenzie, and Dr. Weber, Reedsport dentists, and
Dr. D. L. Courtney, Health Officer for the City, each giving their
opinions on this issue. D.mtists from Coos Bay and Coquille were
also here to lend their support to the definite benefits of
fluoridation of the City's water supply. The Mayor referred
this to the Water Committee for further-study'andoconsideration.
FINANCE-Dr. Lex^/is, chairman. None.
WATER-Gordon Murphey, chairman. None.
PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS-Ray Holliday, chairman. Bill Lillebo repre
senting the Jaycees, stated that they are interested .in invfestigat^ng
the development of the park (IP donation) as a project. They would
like to do some clearing and preliminary planning. Bill Hardy is
already working on some plans, and they would be happy to work with
Moved that City give Jaycees permission to investigate the park
development. Seconded and passed unanimously.
STREETS & SEWER - Grover Woods, chairman. None.
POLICE-L. E. Paull, chairman. None.
PIRE DEPARTMENT-James Thornton, chairman. Presented requisition
for portable 2-way radio, total price, $657-75, for okay by the
council. Some discussion held, with committee recommending
that requisition be signed. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously
to purchase radio equipment.
1. Proposed Underpass. A 3-way agreement to cover underpass
is being prepared. Also drawings are being prepared.
2. A letter has been written to Mr. Buck informing him that
unless his sewer charge is paid, the City has no choice but to
enforce the ordinance.
Mr. Buck was present and stated that if his water service to his
home was shut off, he inteded sueing the City.
Mr. Jayne reported that he has all the decriptions necessary to
bring outlying properties into the city.
A written report of activities of the crew was presented each
councilmen. Mr. Johnson also announced that the census would
start Monday, the l8th.
Following bills approved for payment:
OPS 13.62
Payroll Fund l500.00
US Postmaster 126.10
Umpqua National Bank 260.00
Payroll Fund 500.00
K. M. Kent i|S65.52
Payroll Fund 6609.5'|
A & C Janitor Serv. I4O.OO
Bay Printers 53.00
Bay Pavers, Inc 305»80
PUD 887.88
Coast Stationery I.08
Coos Bay Stationery Co 50.25
Coast Comm. Co.
Chapman Bros
Dynamic Instr.
Daily Motors
Fire Equipm Co.
Hinds Supply Co.
League of Oregon
Steve Laam
Melville Plumbing
101 Service
OPC Tire Store
Pennsalt Chemicals
• 5.95
Sewer Reserve Fund
F. Morton Pitt Co.
Paramount Pest Control
City of North Bend
Eeodsport Auto Parts
Reedsport Motor Frt,
Reedsport Machine Works
Reedsport Auto Electric 2
Rdspt Fire Dspt 5^6
Rdspt Repair Shop 6I4
Smith Blair o2
STAC 105
Frank L. Taylor Edvare 91
Thompson Ford Sales 219
Union Oil Co.
ITmpqua Bldg, Supply 82
Umpqua Drug 6
Umpqua River Navigation .'46
Umpqua River Navigation 3i
Raymond Hass 60
Walter E. Miller 60
Michael J. Lanegan
Charles Marone
James C a s s e1ma n
West Coast Telephone
VJright's Tnd. Cleaning lL(l
Western Auto 9
Meeting adjourned.
I. G . ,^^nson
City Recorder
. 66
Gaylord^/aughr^ Mayo
Nettie 3, Glasser
Recording Secretary
1965, 8P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn with Councilmen Thornton,
Murphey, Paull, Lewis, Woods, and Holliday present.
Minutes of previous meeting approved unanimously.
Letter from James P. Shanelec has been received requesting reduction of
auctioneer's fee. Mayor referred this to proper committee.
Petition from property owners on Rowe Street for correction of a drainage
problem received, Somthing immediate should be done. After some dis
cussion, decided the street commlt^-e^, Mr. Johnson, Mayor Vaughn, a;:d Mr.
Bartow are to look at it and try to help solve the problem.
Mayor reported on meeting with Governor Hatfield in Coos Bay on the Di-.s.
Explained to Hatfield what the City has done toward getting di'-zes raised
and requested that he go on record as supporting our need.
Governor Hatfield stated that he would take immediate steps to speed thir.gs
up with the Corps of Engineers.
Mayor announced that Mr. Krug withdrew application for vacation of Ivy betivsei
18th and 19th Streets.
Planning Comruission felt no action should be taken as it left City open
for suit.
Housing Code is in process of being put together for submission ho Planning
Rough draft almost complete.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman: Interested in knowing why
janitorial services are so high,*/ Committee feels that since Wri
do not live in Reedsport, this service should be put up for bids on
all city work.
Moved that janitorial services be given a chance to beat Mr. Wright's
price for cleaning. Seconded, and passed unanimously.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: FLUORIDATION-Committee^s
Mayor gave resume of preceeding meetings on fluoridation: D^', McLean, Dr.
Amick, Dr. Hox^7itt, Dr. Weber are all for city's water supply being
fluoridated. Also Dr. Morgan.
A letter from Dr. Mackenzie read against fluoridating City's water supply.
An imcomplete survey being made by the Jaycees shows 63 for; 2? against;
5, no comment.
Dr. Courtney went on record as for fluoridation.
Comments from Audience: Harold Johnson, Winchester Bay, in favor, also
believes most of the people in Winchester Bay are for it.
County Sanitarian -for-
Dr. Walter Norby read an article stating that there is no relationship
between Fluorine and Chlorine. Fluorine is medicine, and also a potent
Committee recommends: After being discussed pretty thoroughly, Mr, Murphey
said, that two feel they, should have a vote of the people; one f,eel.s should
be done without a vote. Committee recommeds that it be put to a vote of
the people.
Each Councilmen's feelings:
Thornton-Feelings schoolwise-principals are for it.
Dr. Lewis-does not believe an education program will reach the adults.
Suggests it not be put to vote of the people.
Grover Woods-believes its a big enough issue that it should come to a vote
of the people.
Ray Holliday-don't know anything about it, but in favor, because of
experts' opinions.
Leon Paull-who is right? We dont know coat of equipment or per capnts
cost. Don't believe I was elected to give medicine. Feels he is not'
well enough informed.
Mayor Vaughn-believes a vote should be taken (council-wise). There has
been no refute that it helps reduce tooth decay.
Gordon Murphey-bothers him because Eugene council voted for fluoridation,
and after only two months, people voted it out.
Mayor stated that he would like to see the council pass it as of July, 1966
This would give time for opposition, also time to be budgeted for in 1966-
Moved and seconded, ' on ..Water Committees' recommendation, that we put
fluoridation up to a vote of the"people. Aye-3, Murphey, Paull, Woods;
No-3, Dr. Lewis, Holliday, Thornton, with Mayor casting Ijth No ballot
to break. tie% Motion not carried.
Moved and seconded that City adopt fluoridation of City's vjater supply as
of July, 1966. Aye-3, Dr. Lewis, Holliday, Thornton; No-3, Paull, Murphey,
Woods. Mayor cast 14th Aye ballot breaking the tie,' Motion passed,
PARKS, PLAYGROTOD, & BUILDING COMTTEE~L. E. Paull, chairman-Jaycees are
out falling trees and can sell all wood they cut. Jaycees have not taken
over park as' project yet officia3.1y. They want to know x^jho much is expected
of them.
Mr, Paull is wondering about the liability, VJill check with city attorney.
Under discussion of policy and future use of Community building, the
recommendation of the committee is to allow skating. Recommendation of
committee to allow skating passed unanimously by council.
; , After discussion on renting building for dances, trying to define a
« responsible group, it was decided that Mr, Johnson was to take cary of it,
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman-Same complaint-repairing
streets. Mr, Woods stated that he will not vote to spend any money (city's)
until a roller has been purchased,
A bitter and personal airing of differences was voiced, during which time
several motions to purchase a roller were made, but I'jero not seconded
because they couldn't be heard.
Was moved and seconded that a roller be purchased and Grover Woods and
Bert Bartow be responsible for purchase up to $2000.00. Aye No-1,
Thornton. Opposed to motion, not to purchase of roller-.
POLICE C0T4MITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman-have been approached on the forming
of a Police Auxiliary in Reedsport. Bill Ueland was introduced to explain
the needs before such a group could be formed. Police Reserve Officers
are paid $1.00 per, so as to be covered by SIAC; would consist of 5 menand
a captain. Weed the sanction of the council. Only expense to city
other than $1,00 per man, would be cost of the uniforms, estimated at
about $300.00. Will be in the company of a regular officer at ail times.
To use police cars, not private cars.
Police Committee recommends that this group be formed.
Moved and seconded that we follow Police Committees' recommendation.
FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman-An intercom has been
ordered ($95.00), • .
Fire Department has been asked to burn Hayes Apts,- Mr, Johnson mentioned
that a rider had been received stating that insurance^does not cover
firemen when buring buildings. They are to ask Mr. Hinsdale for same
coverage as they had for the burning of the -Oregon Hotel.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously, to allow firemen to burn old
I I Hayes Apartments.
! i CITY ATTORNEY REPORT-Bill Jayne ill,
CITY RECORDERS^ REPORT-Alcohols license applications need to-be renewed.
Moved and seconded, that after review and approval by the Chief of Police,
licenses be approved by city. Unanimous.
League of Oregon Cities' Convention will start this Sunday through Tuesday,
November Iij.-l5-l6.
Copies of worksheets for crew for month of October-were given each
-Following bills okayed for payment:
OPS 13.62
Payroll fund 1750.00
payroll fund 6I4I2.12
Umpqua" National" Bank ^06,2$
Umpqua National Bank 262.50
A1*3 Signs
A & C Janitor Service
Bay Printers
Ira C. Byrd
Baker's Saw Shop
Baker *s SavJ Shop-
Bay Pavers, Inc.
The Courier
Central Lincoln PXID
Geo, P. Cake Co.
State of Oregon
V-jr-Fi-t^r Co.
Hinds Supt-ly Go.
Industrial Iron Works
Steve C. Laam
Geo, Kelvilli
City of North Bend
Oregon Assoc.
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
Ponnsalt Chemicals Corp.
Paramount Pest Control
Pacific Motoi' Trk. Co.
Sewer Res Fund Savings
Reedsport Logging Supply
Reedsport Machine Works
Meeting adjourned.
City Recordei'
of City Fin
261j. 87
Reedsport Auto "Electric & Sup.
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Bob Sund Insurance
Reedsport Auto Parts
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co. of Calif.
TJmpqua Bldg. Supply
TJmpqua River Navigation
Umpqua Electric
Western Auto Associate S'-ore
West Coast T lephone Co,
Waterworks Supplies Co.
Wr-ight*s Indu. Cleaning
Govloru Vaughn, Mayor
202. ">0
^59. 36,
Ik 1.00
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording.Sec'y
NOVEMBER 29, 1965 &:00P.M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Vaughn with councilmen Murphey,
Paull, Holliday, Lewis present. Woods and Thornton absent.
Mayor announced that the State has approved the Underpass from Ranch
Road to Hubbard road through to Longwood Drive. International Paper
and City to pay $2,000 each and the County and State to match funds.
Traffic will be closed on Highway 101 and will be routed over old
Highway (Longwood DriveJ.
Resolution ready by Mr. Johnson for approval of building the ^
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously the Resolution.
Approval of Workable Program for Community Improvement is needed.
Moved, seconded and passed unanimously to adopt Workable Program,
Resolution was read setting City up as Urban Renewal Agent of; the
Urban Renewal Agency.
Moved, seconded, and passes unanimously that the Resolution be adopted.
Mefeting adjourned.
J. D
I. G, Jo^son, City Recorder
Gayl^rd Vau^ih, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
8:00 p.m.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Councilmen Thornton, Paull,
Holliday, and Woods present; Murphey absent
Mayor announced that a Civil Defense meeting in Roseburg was to be
held on December 1,0, 1965, at 10 a.m. Curt Baker will attend repre
senting the City.
Rudy Johnson has been appointed to the Community Action Committee, INC.
to represent the City. Group has been formed so that they can take
advantage of any opportunity that arises under the Poverty Program.
Do not know whether or not we are eligible.
There will be a special council meeting Wednesday night, December 1th,
with the Corps of Engineers. Their survey on the dike is complete and
they want to go over the construction plans and get written letter of
cooperation from the city.
Petitions on Pluoridation are being circulated. Trying to get measure
put on May ballot.
City complied at last Monday's special meeting for the building of the
Underpass from Ranch Road to Hubbard Road, and through to Longwood Drive.
Traffic is to be routed over Longwood Drive during construction. School
has expressed concern over safety of children walking.
Mayor appointed Gordon Murphey to represent the City on the Douglas
County Water Resources Board.
Urban Renewal Application for Survey funds went in Monday. Need more
Mayor asked for decision for trip to San Francisco as to who and how the
trip is to be made.
Moed that Mayor decides who shoul go and how to make the trip. Seconded
and passed unanimously.
Workable Program has been submitted.
Housing Code-Lloyrd Richardson stated that they had studied other codes
and had inserted a Board of Appeals to protect the property owner.
Gordon McKay has looked it over and believes it okay. Is being compiled
to go back to Citizens' Advisory Committee, then to the Planning
Commission, then to the Council.
H. E. Nickels, representing the Downtown Improvement Group, asked for
another 90 day extension on the purchase of the City Building and
property. The prospective buyer, Mr. Nickels stated, is still interested.
Does not feel they should try to push too much, or may push ourselves
right out of business.
MOved that another 90 day extension to Downtwon Group, with same
stipulations, be given. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Resolution on Sewer Bond Funds to be transferred to General Fund as of
1965 was read. So moved to do so.
Mr. Thornton believes a more exacting method should be used to handle
magazine salesmen. Maybe they should be asked to put up a bond.
Referred to Police Committee for their recommendation.
PINANCE-Dr. lewis, chairman-James Shanelec requested by letter a
reduction in the auctioneer's license fee. Committee believes it should
be left as it is.
Letter read from Shanelec so all would know his request.
After some discussion, during which time, it was found that most auction
houses are outside the city limits, there was a motion to accept the
committee's recommendation. Seconded and passed Aye 5; No-1, Ray
WATER-Gordon Murphey, chairman absent. The request for lowering of
Tropicana Motel's water rates tabled until more information is
Mayor and water committee met with motel owners.
PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS-L. E. Paull, chairman-Mayo has appointed a Parks
Board to act as advisory to council for IP Park. It is a five man
board-L. E. Paull, chairman, William Hardy, Wayne Bengtilla, Bill
Miller, and Mrs. Lillian Hahn.
STREET & SEWER-Grover Woods, chairman-Jim Thornton report on meeting
in Roseburg with Farm Home Agency about Sewage Disposal Plant grant.
If we meet their qualifications, can get a $0% grant on disposal ^
plant. Site as well as construction costs. M
Woods stated that he had complaints on drainage at Hutter's. I
Mr. Johnson reported that there is some concern as outfall pipe
is full of holes-decided not to fool with it, becauseosection is
in dike that needs replaced. Will he no problem when pumping
station is in operation.
Water in front of Umpqua Industrial Supply caused Ujy Boe building.
Eight inch pipe necessary to handle drain. Mayor will talk with
Discussion on the mud and drainage from Crestview Hill where Ben
Gawley is bulldozing. Do not feel it is City's responsibility
to clean it up.
Bill Jayne and Street committee to check and make sure the ordinance
we have takes cares of this condition and Mr. Jayne is to notify
them that they are expected to take care of this problem.
Have not decided whether the seage disposal will be a pond or treatment
type plant.
POLICE-Ray Holliday, chairman-Police Auxillaryvhas been meeting every
Monday night. They have Ij. members, be able to put them in uniform
within 6lweeks instead of 3 months.
They are: David Wright, Arnold Patterson, Bill Tuck, Bill Ueland,
and Paul Chudy.
Press and radio to emphasize that applications are still being
received by Chief and Holliday.
Fire Department would like 2 men appointed to them to handle traffic at
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman-
GITY ATTORNEY-would like to see stop sign put at 22nd and Fir Ave.
Authorization to install stop sign with Chief and Street Committee's
okay given Mr. Johnson.
It was annoumfid that a stop sign has been install at Ridgeway Drive
and Ranch Road. Another will be put on the other side (Forest Hills
#1) and make Ranch Road a througji-street to the hospital.
CITY RECORDER-Crestview pump had a relay burned out, but is in working
order now.
Have received a letter from CH2 & M, stating they are going to call
this week about our sewer system application (grant). They have there
are 3 different ways to apply for matching funds to build sewage
disposal plant.
Special counc:^ meeting will be called as soon as we hear from them.
Fifteen cities in Oregon have already made application.
Grover Woods says there have been complaints from Dunn's tenants
about the Reedsport Repair shop working and making noise at night.
It is in Residential C-2 for non-conforming use.
He was informed that there should be a specific complaint.
Dr. Lewis asked if there was an ordinance about riding bicycles at
Chief of Police asked that the radio and press emphasize the danger and
that it is against the law, and if found riding at night, the bicycles
might be impounded.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund
Payroll fund
Payroll fund
Allen Smith Go.
State Highway Comm.
A & C Janitor Service
A1*3 Signs
Bunting Tractor Co.
Coast Comm. Co.
Coast Stationery
Dr. Courtney
Coos Bay Stationery
Dally Motor Co.
Fice Equipment Co,
Hinds Supply Co.
Raymond Hass
Hanaen Electric Co.
Duncan Jones
Koch's Upholstery
Steve baam
City of North Bend
101 Service
Pennsalt Chemicals
Meeting adjourned.
mn nson City Recorder
Nat'} Pol Chiefs Bureau 6.50
PERS 175.19
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Reedsport Fire Dept. 610,00
RL Richfield Service 8.50
Bill's C. B. Supply 77.70
Royal Typewriter Co. 209.25
Reedsport Auto Parts 59.8ti
Ray's TV Service 8,00
Reedsport Auto Electric 13.79
Skylark Cafe 12.95
SIAC 93.25
Taylor Hardware 13.10
Umpqua River Navigation 111.00
Univac 115.00
Gaylord Vaughn 55-00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 5.^9
West Coast Telephone 103.30
Wright's Ind. Cleaning 126.00
Western Auto Assoc. 5.62
GaylWd Vaugtfn, Mayor
isser. Recording
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn with Councilmen Paull,
Thornton, Woods, present,. Murphey, Holliday, and Lewis absent.
Mayor announced that a Special Council Meeting would be held
next Wednesday, December 22, 1965* at 7^30 P.M. to meet with C,
H2, & M on the Sewage Disposal Plant. Will be a public meeting.
Mentioned trip to Prisco on Urban Renewal Survey, ^75,000 for
b block area. Workable program presented also. Short but interesting ^
At January meeting. If all is in ijeadineaa, will pass resolution I
for Low-Cost Housing,
Mayor introduced Joe Heidel and Ray Jarin of the Corps of Engineers
to discuss improvements on present levy system,
Mr. Heidel explained that the studies they have been doing, were
initiated by the City-have chosen method which will be the fastest,
but still certain procedures must be followed. This will not
have to go to Congress for authorization.
Corps of Engineers have fir^ahed survey and are ready to submit their
finds to Washington to high/authorities. Need signature of City
saying that they will cooperate and hold up their endj ig not contract.
Prom an aerial photo, Mr. Heidel described and showed haw the dike
would be raised, in detail.
The width of the dike will be 12 feet. I f it is a street and needs
to be wider, this will have to be paid for by the City. Moving of
utility poles, right-of-ways, will be up to the City.
An estimated amount of f5ii.,000 was mention/for Winchester Ave.
and 2nd Street. This included the ramps that would be built for
the streets coming into 2nd St. Also the raising and blacktopplng
of Winchester over the 12 foot width^ and ramps.
The Corp does not like to estimate the cost of these items, because
it is the City's place to have them taken care of. The widening
of the streets can be done by the government contractor, or the
city can let it to Withers. Government must be paid in full before
contract is let, if they are to do the work.
After much discussion on whether or not to sign agreement immediately
or wait, a motion was made to sign agreement saying the city wouldcooperate
with the Corp. The Mayor declared himself a councilman,
there was a second, and the motion was passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
Kajcf^ Gayio^ Vaughn
DECEMBER 22, 1965, 7:30P.M.
Meeting was called to order with Councilmen Paull, Lewis, and
Holliday present.
Mayor introduced Mr. Sid Laswell, with Cornell, Rowland, Hayes,
and Merryfield, who was present to discuss the grant (federal)
for the sewage disposal plant and discuss the different and
best methods for Reedsport*s use.
Mr. Laswell explained that there were ij. different Pederal Grants
^ that could be applied for.
Under Public Law 660-30% grant-Sewage treatment,only draw-back
is funds are limited to the State and there are more applications
than money.
Other three are-Housing & Urban Development-$0% grant-water and
sewer-This program has not been formally set-up, no applications
or procedure arranged as yet. Expected in about a month.
Mr. Laswell stated that this plan may be, but does not believe it
is for the City.
Farmer's Home Administration-50% grant for $^00 or less population.
Not developed yet, basically for city's preceding on master plan.
Community must show it cannot finance any other way.
Economic Development Act.-$0% grant-hazy and vague criteria. This
is set up in high unemployment areas.
My suggestion is if you have decided to go ahead is-Take all steps
to make yourself best eligible.
Can get everything done without any funds (planning study loans),
final designs, everything but the building itself. Are not committed
to repay fund unless contracts are let.
Construction could not start before July *66, when funds will be
available, and with proper applications, am almost sure in *66
or next will be eligible for 30% grant. Have 3 or ii- months to get
final planning loan and get set up. Only thing for this loan,
you must show in the application that you either own or have an
option on the property or site.
Discussed the types of sewage plants and ponds. Stated that the
availability of land in this areas for a pond system is liot good.
Proposes before any final design is picked, more study be made on
type to be used.
Mr. Laswell was informed that Urban Renewal requires that city have
separate storm sewers.
Mr. Laswell was asked for a rough outline on New State Law on Pollution,
l^e stated that they are really no different, and to his knowledge
does not believe th^ are after the City. Believes it is only a
matter of time, and is good that we are going ahead on our own to
get set up for facilities. Believes the State would look on what
we have done with favor.
Bids for th^se facilities are above the 6% limitations.
All according to availability of funds, how soon might it be done,
was asked?
We should schedule this project so that it will fit into what the
City already has going, since we are not on crash program.
Could not justify a pond system from information at hand when
study was made. New aeration system should be looked at. It would
take same area as for Plan A, approximately 6 acres. System must
be chosen before you get into final design.
Was decided that Mr. Laswell is to take 2 weeks to look at New Aeration
plan dnd compare with other ajstema, then come back and let us know
which is beat. In the meantime, talk to the Port Commission about
Meeting adjourned.
I. G.i^ohnson, City Recorder
GaylofQ Vaughn^ Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
Mayor called the meeting to order with councilmen Lewis, Woods, Thornton,
Murphey, Paull, and Holliday present.
Minutes of previous meeting approved unanimously.
Dave Taylor, representing the Jaycees, made the announcement that the
week of January 21^-29 has been declared "Jaycee's Week". As a climax
there will be a D3A Banquet honoring those receiving the Distinguished
Service Awards, There will ben an award for the outstanding citizen,
age 13-20; one for 21-35j arid one for 35 and over.
Emergency procedures taken by the City and Mayor were taken with full
agreement of the council (polled).
Hatfield has written another letter to the Corps of Engineers for immediate
help in getting dikes built.
Curt Baker announced that there were 3^1-7 work hours, excluding the hours put
in by the Fire Department and the Police Department.
Money spent to-date has been taken care by the Red Cross emergency fund.
LeRoy Chenoweth, Fire Chief, stated that he couldn<t possibly report the
number of man-hours put in by the Fire Dept.
Raymond Hass, Chief of Police, reported that they had probably doubled
their patrol hours, besides checking river, and etc,
A letter has been received from Howard Hinsdale enumerating what was done
during the emergency and what they would like to see the Sity accomplish
at this time.
Mr. Hinsdale was here, explained and reviewed the letter. Expressed
hope that the City would Immediately buy a pump or pumps to alleviate
the surface water problem in the downtown area; since during the flood
scare, pumps were used and it was dried up in 2i\. hours.
Mr. Hinsdale presented an estimate for a 20 horsepower pump installed
from the Pump, Pipe and Power Co. for $5$00.00. Believes the purchase
and installation of this pump would be the first step to take toward
solving this problem.
Also stated that he had not been able to complete bill from the Navigation
Co., but will be approximately $2^00.00, without rental of the pumps.
Mayor stated that whether or not to authorize the purchase of this pump
and portable pumps is the question at this time.
Thornton-believes we should get into the permanent pump now, portable
pumps later.
Mayor asked if anyone was opposed in principal?
Thornton moved, under emergency conditions prevailing, that motor
be purchased and installed at a cost of approximately $5500.00,
with approval of U. S. Plywood Corp. for location. Seconded by
Grover Woods, and passed unanimously.
City Attorney to contact U. S. Plywood.
On the recommendation for purchase of portable pumps, believe
surplus should be checked into and get best price available.
Authorized Mr. Johnson to check into these portable pumps and
Mr. H. E. Nickels feels action on pumps is good, has been his feeling
for many years that water draining off hill into city has been
contributing factor to this Surface water problem.
Mayor announced that Earl Baltazar has deed^the theatre property
to the City.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept property deed from
Mr. Baltazar.
Letter from Downtown Improvement Group to City withdrawing option
pending negotiations with the PUD for the property.
Mr. Nunnally reported that the PUD has been looking for property for
the last 2 months and have looked at ll^. different sites, but have
come up with no definite deal. Even met with town people to get
sentiments of the people as to location.
Board met this afternoon and as yet, nothing concrete has been brought
before us from the City in the way of an offer.
Mayor asked for motion that City offer PUD City property-swap, trade,
sell, or what-have-you? Also recommend that Ray Holliday handle it,
but final action and negotiation be with Council.
Murphey moved that we negotiate with the PUD for City Building
and Theatre building property, with Holliday and Paull as representa
tives of City. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Have been notified that the cost of the Underpass is to be $1^0,000
instead of the $12$,000, but State and County are going to split the
difference. Bids to be let in February.
All forms are completed for Urban Renewal and Workable Program.
Has been accepted and should get $7$>000 grant in Mid-February.
^ Low-Cost Housing is ready to have us execute a Cooperation Agreement.
Read by the City Attorney, with his explanation of the one new section
which was not in prior cooperation agreement.
Moved that we sign Cooperation Agreement with Low-Cost Housing.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Resolution for approval of Low-Cost Housing in Reedsport for survey
and building of low-cost houses read.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that Resolution be adopted.
Resolution renewing consent for Douglas County Housing Authority to
operate in the City of Reedsport read.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt resolution.
Check into possibility of the cost of the pumps through the SEWERUSE
Dr. Lewis-quite obvious we are operating on a low-budget, and if
we continue to grow and offer services, are going to need to raise
the tax-base.
LeRoy Chenoweth, Pire Chief, presented a budget for 66-6? as requested
by the Mayor to show need for tax-base increase. Turned it over to
Pire Committee for their study.
The Tax-Base is now $70,000, the Mayor stated, which would operate a
City our size nicely in 1936. Believe now is the time if we are going
to go for a raise. Recommend a base of $1^0,000.
Our taxes per capita are: 1965 .16 mills.
Comparatively speaking: Elkton, Sutherlin 1|.0.6; Winston 29.8;
Glendale, 37.8; and Florence, , with Reedsport, 21.1.
Effect would probably be 30 mills combined.
Move we instruct City Attorney to take necessary steps to put taxbase
increase for $150,000 on May ballot.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
When asked how he had arrive at the $1^0,000 figure. Mayor Vaughn
stated it was on comparable towns and need, and based primarily to
make us comparable with other cities.
WATER RIGHTS DISCUSSION: Dr. Courtney believes that since our water
supply is tied up primarily in Clear Lake, thfet the rights on Loon
Lake and possibly the Umpqua River might be obtained.
Referred to committee and attorney for action and recommendation.
NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH PROGRAM deferred to another meeting.
22nd STREET TRAPPIC CONTROL LIGHT: Request for change in operation
of timing devices on control by Reedsport Union High School.
Letter read by Mayor from Mr. Clark, Traffic Division Engineer, with
the State, of request for change of length of time for walk of
students during lunch hour by the school.
Mayor asked Chief of Police for his opinion. Chief Hass sees no
reason to change it.
Wally Borrevik gave the school boards* feeling on the subject
More walk time needed by dtudents during lunch hour.
Mr. Paull stated that it wasn't too long ago that the problem
was no light, and now its because there is one.
Moved and seconded that no action be taken at this meeting, and
it be referred to the Police Committee for their study and
recommendation. Passed unanimously.
The paving of East Railroad Ave. from Highway 38 to 2nd Street was
discussed. Has been approved by the State under Special City
Allotment Projects. Cost to City will be $20,000. Mr. Johnson
said that we should begin negotiations with the SP to get them to
take care of their spur line.
It is to be 10" base, with 2lj.' width paved.
Authorize City Attorney to get in touch with SP and see if they
will help pay for paving, since most of the property on one side
of the street is their*s.
Grover Woods is to contact other property owners to see if they
will help in the cost.
1966 APPOINTMENTS; William Hardy to the Planning Commission with
the Council's approval.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept Mayor's appoint^
ment of William Hardy to P,C.
Mayor called a Planning Commission meeting for Monday, January 17th,
at 8p,m. for purpose of electing chairman.
FINANCE-Chairman Dr. Robert E. Lewis-none,
WATER-Chairman Gordon Murphey, rate changes for motels. Reedsport
double to Florence and Coquille's charges. Make them same as hotel
except for owners apartment,^330 for water, $2.00 for sewer; $1.00
each for first 10 units; $.75 each for next 5; $.50^for rest.
Sewer charge to be 60% of toal water for units.
Mr. Johnson stated that the water budget is set up to cover bonds and
repairs, pipe, and etc. Do not believe at cut should be made at this
Mayor does not believe a cut should be made, asking for a tax-base
raise and cutting water rates all at one time^ when we are trying
to show the need for an increase.
Mr. Paull moved we accept water committees' recommendation.
Attorney is not sure rates can be cut according to our Bond Ordinance.
Move we declare an emergency and accept water committees' recommendation
for change of rate, for i|. specified motels to same as hotels, subject
to attorney okay, after reading Bonding Ordinance.
Rates as of December, 1965 Rates as recommended by water comm,
Tropicani Motel: 110.20 Total '$1|^6'^50 ' • ' '
water^7.00 sewer$14-3.20 water $29.05, sewer $17.14.5
Reedsport Motel: $61)..00 — — —Total $3^.00
water i4.0.00, sewer $2^.00 water $20.05, sewer $114-.03
Western Hills Motel: $61.60 _ _ _ -Total $30.50
water $38.50, sewer $23.10 water $19.05, sewer $11.14-5
Fir Grove Motel: $56.80— _ _ _ — Total $34.20
water $35.50, sewer $21.30 water $21.35, sewer $12.85
Loss in revenue per month, $11^.7.32; loss'per year, $1767.8^4..
Motion seconded and passed unanimously, with Mayor going on record
as against the rate reduction.
PARKS &PLAYGROUNDSj^Chairman L. E. Paull: Reports the Kiwani's
Club, as a project, want to clean up the kitcKen in the Community
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept club's proposal.
There will be a Park Board Meeting Thursday, 7 00 p.m., public
STREET & SEWER-Chairman Grover Woods: Report on special council
meeting with Mr, Sid Laswell, of C, H2, & M, on sewage disposal
plant, and grant.
Mr. Laswell basically recommended that we get an option on property
specified in C, H2, & M plans for disposal plant.
Mayor reports that a 5 year-option has been obtained the the property,
$600 down, with $6000 total price.
POLICE-Chairman Ray Holliday, reports there are 6 members in the Police
Auxiliary, Complaints on book salesmen-peddlers. Way to curtail is
to ask for a bond. Draw resolution, pass next meeting.
Bicycle menace-report by Chief of Police on Bikes being ridden at
night. Thirty-two have been stopped. Believe situation is better.
Need ordinance for Police Auxiliary,
FIRE-Chairman James Thornton: Bids presented on boat, trailer and
motor for Fire Department. They are as follows:
Roy Henderson $629.90 Harvgy Peterson $681^.00:
Moved, seconded, and passed to take lowest bid,
CITY ATTORNEY REPORT-everything already taken care of.
CITY RECORDER: Bids opened on new police car. They are as follows:
Umpqua Motor3-$2593-66
Daily Motor3-$2766.97
Meier Chev Garage-$2596.06
Daily Motora-$2557.8l
Thompson Pors Sales-?2591.06
Move accept low bid that meets specifications and authorize Mr.
Johnson and Chief Hass to purchase vehicle.
Authorize purchase of car out of emergency fund, as there is not
enough in Police Budget.
seconded, and passed unanimously.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Sewer Reserve Savings Acc*t. 3499.61
I. G. Johnson 100.00
Globe Travel Service 23^-. 60
OPS 13.62
Payroll Fund 1750.00
Laurence V. Anderson $0.00
Supt. of Documents 12.00
Petty Cash 55.^8
Payroll Fund 6865.11]-
A & C Janitor Service 132.^0
Berg & Wally's 33.65
Bay Printers i4.3.00
PUD 961.25
Coos Bay Stationery 3.33
Daily Motors 5-75
Douglas County Jail 80.00
Cliff Furlott 81.00
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank 10000.00
Fire Equipment Co. U9.01
Steve Laam Ul.93
101 Service 21.70
Oregon Fire Chief Dues 10.00
OK Tire Stores U9.25
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 56.25
Purkey Furniture 25.00
Umpqua River Navigation 51.25
West Coast Telephone 113.35
George W. Melville 250.76
Williams Pharmacy 22.75
C. W. Wray 600.00
Western Auto Assoc. Store U-«95
Meeting adjourned.
i; G./Jbhnson, City Recorder
Paramount Pest Control 8. 00
Reedsport Logging Sup. 7. 90
Rdspt Plumbing Co. 27. 15
Rdspt Auto Parts k. 72
Rdspt Machine Works 19. 78
Rdspt Motor Frt. 3. 50
Rdspt Fire Dept. 566. 00
City of North Bend 23. 00
SW Oregon Fireman's
Assoc. 10. 00
SW Oregon Fire Chief's 10. 00
SIAC lOi^.. 06
PERS 157. 23
Division of Audits Il-O. 00
Sewer R©s. Savings 3561. 55
SIAC 5. 00
SIAC 10.
Thompson Ford Sales 570. 18
Traffic Safety Supply 110. 90
Taylor Hardware 17.k3
PTA-census 300. 00
James Thornton 108. 00
Union Oil Co, of Calif. 1103. 92
Utilities Supply Co. 195. 38
Umpqua Drug 2. 87
Hass, Ray 60. 00
Walter E. Miller 60. 00
Michael J. Lanegan 60. 00
Jim Casselman 60, 00
Charles R. Marone 60. 00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 38. 81
^ayiord Vaughn, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
PEBRUARY 7, 1966
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Coancilmen Murphey,
Lewis, Holliday, Woods, Paull, and Thornton present.
Mayor announced that he had been contacted by the Real Estate Planning
Division of Corps of Engineers. Will start actual engineering
survey for construction of the dike.
Mayor believes that the City Attorney should make arrangements for
the Pluoridation issue to be on the May ballot, since so much interest
has been shown. Moved by Dr. Lewis and seconded by James Thornton
and passed unanimously to be on primary ballot.
On status of ambulance situation, was contacted by Mr. Strowbridge,
concerned about lack of service. Mayor took poll and was unanimous
that City assume insurance until some permanent decision could be
made as t© who- vould be handling ambulance service.
Announced that the hospital has assumed the responsibility.
City Attorney stated that in an emergency City could take resonsibility,
but as a permanent arrangement, no.
Mr. Johnson could not be here so Neighborhood Youth Work Program
discussion postponed.
in original plans okayed by State. Project to be stopped at i^.th St.
Bids to be let April 26th.
PROPOSED SALE CITY BUILDING TO PUD: Holliday and Paull met with the
PUD. Offered 90'byl00' for $12,500, City to clear and bring to street
Group met later with PUD at a Board meeting and they wanted the whole
piece of property. Mr, Hinsdale offered the PUD $i|0,000 for their
property on Highway 101. Mr. Paull stated that a price of $16,$00
had been set on the old City Building property and theatre building
Mr. Jayne stated that the Council should authorize the committee to
send written proposal to the PUD: Clear deed to property, $l6,$00.
There is about $1700.00 back taxes due on theatre property.
Murphey moved we authorize Mr. Paull & Mr. Holliday to put offer
in writing to PUD as proposed tonight. Seconded by Woods, and
passed unanimously.
PINANCE-Lewis, chairman-Encourage councilmen to start getting items
together for campaign for tax-base increase.
City is going out of town with their printing. Believe Courier should
be allowed to make bids.
Moved Courier be given first chance on printing as long as price is
competitive. Seconded and passed unanimously.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman-no complaints.
PARKS, PLAYGROUND & BUILDINGS-L. E. Paull, chairman-Park Board has
had several meetings. They are trying to run down government money,
but having a little trouble. Was referred to the County and they
only received $16,000.
Smith River Grange wants to rent skates and use them at the grange.
These skates belong to the Recreation Committee, and they will meet
sometime this week and discuss this matter.
Believes we should be thinking about some place to puTthe police station;
PUD will want fdst action if and when deal goes through.
Fire Chief stated that he thought City Building should be knocked
down before it was burned.
Will also take Mr. Baltazar some time to move his equipment from
the theatre.
STREET AND SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman-Work on pump station
going along all right. Should be working by end of the week.
Mr. Johnson reported that the grader should be here shortly.
Mayor announced that the option oil Port property has been obtained ,
for sewage disposal plant.
Surface water pump to be delivered by 2/lI|-/66, control and paneling
not here.
Resolution read by Mr. Johnson applying for grant for Survey for
Construction of Sewage Collection and Treatment Facilities, and
authorizing Mayor to apply for such grant.
Moved and seconded that resolution be adopted. Unanimous.
As to be a matter of record, Mr, Johnson itemized the cost of the
recent flood scare. To-date, the total is $14608.[;6, but will probably
reaca $5000 when complete. They are as follows:
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 2391.20
Tom Lillebo Construction Co. 672.30
City Labor 892.02
St, Johns Motor Express 63^.3^+
The Council has authorized up to $5^001^ for surface water pump and
Installation, There are several things that should be done to do
the job right. Estimates are: pump and motor, $1973; controls,
electrical installation, $200; gate and flapper, $5^0;
piling and installation, $3538; seal for floor, $l800; making
a total of $8506.
Hinsdale believes it should be fixed so a truck can get to it, which
would be another $2500. Ramp could be deferred for now.
Moved, seconded that authorization be given Mr. Johnson to spend
the extra over the ^5500 to install the pump. Unanimous.
Mr. Thornton brought discussion of the dirt coming off the hills
and into the sewer, such as Rowe St. and Crestview Hill.
Murphey believes persons responsible should be billed for the city
cleaning this up.
Mr. Johnson stated that it was hard to say on Rowe St., which
persons were responsible. Did mention that the owners of the
Rower St, area are looking Into Bancroftlng and other means of
getting the street paved.
More complaints have been received on the corner by the Silver
Moon. Chief Hass suggested taking middle parking divider out and
making vertical parking.
After some discussion, it was moved that center barricade on Rain
bow Plaza be removed and provision for diagonal parking on side of
street next to curb be made. Unanimous,
Complaints on alley by Reedsport Tavern. Referred to committee for
their recommendation.
Discussion on sidewalk for Ranch Road, and on 22nd St. into the 2nd
Forest Hills Subdivision. Dangerous for children walking. Decided to
fill outside curve on the 22nd St. area to Forest Hills after weather
dries out. Believe some of that will be taken care of when Underpass
is completed on Ranch Road.
Mr, Woods mentioned that someday soon something would have to be
done about the year-round storage of boats and trailerhouses on the
Mr. Jayne stated that an ordinance is now in effect, if enforced that
would take care of this.
POLICE GOMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman-Ordinance amending Ordinance
#269, substituting new section, on peddlers, read for first time by
Mr. Johnson.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ORDINANCE ,
ORDINANCE #14-70 read by title only for second time.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt same,
ORDINANCE #i|70 read by title only for third time.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt same.
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman-presented Requisition #136
for purchase of hose, reducers, foam, as in budget, $8[|2.00
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously purchase of same.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT; Requested City's permission to burn building
on City property, where Sam's had been living, so Fire Dept. can
build drill tower. They are completely moved out.
Request granted.
In process of annexing all property, outside city limits that is
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: Request for transfer from the Emergency
Fund to the Police Fund, $3000; and to the Recreation Fund, $2000.
They are running out of funds budgeted to them.
Moved and seconded that these funds be transferred. Unanimous.
Discussion of Steve Laam's wages. Motion to raise his pay to
$i|00.00 a month as of February 1, 1966. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson announced that the Mayor and 3 councilmen (Woods, Lewis, and
Murphey) would be up for election in May on primary ballot, but after
some discussion with City Attorney, decided it would not be until
Hardwoods Co., Inc. have requested space on our antennae for a 2-way
Before any action is taken, believe an engineer should be contacted
to be sure no interference of any kind will develop. Also if they
are allowed to hook on, should pay amount City paid Grover Woods.
Move Mr. Johnson check with engineer and use dis^e"3^S^fi*|. Unanimous.
Letter read by the Mayor from the downtown business men, asking to
use space on the sidewalks for cement forms for the planting of trees
to beautify the streets.
E. C. Daily stated that Gordon Murphey and Wally Borrevik have
collected about $800 toward this. In the plans are 3 forms for around
the library; thought maybe City would like to donate some money so
Community Building could be included. They are about $20.00 each
Moved and seconded that permission be given to use sidewalks for this
purpose. Unanimous,
Moved and seconded that city pay our share and also have 5 for City
park on the Flat, to make EVERYBODY HAPPY, Aye 5. 1 abstained.
Planning Commisaion Chairman, E. C, Daily announced there will be a
meeting at the end of the month.
Jim Thornton asked if there were any official complaints about Uptown
and Downtown Reedsport? Mayor stated that he would not give names at
the meeting but would afterward to him. Mr.^Thornton stated that
as far as he was concerned there were no official complaints if
they could not come to council meeting and put forth their complaints.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Feenaughty Machinery Co. 2265.00
Payroll fund 1750.00
Petty Cash
State Engineer 6.00
US Plywood Corp 10.00
Assembly of God Church 700.00
Port of Umpqua Commission 600.00
Payroll Fund 6962.00
Glen Allen 200.00
Andrews & Andrews Equipment 6i|3.34
A & C Janitor Service 132.50
Baker's Saw Shop 1.25
C. L. Baker 18.3O
Berg & Wally's Chevron Sta. 138.IO
PUD 1165.02
Coast Communications, Co. 19.96
PUD 107.99
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 20.63
Coast Stationery l.i|0
Roy Henderson 629.90
Duncan Jones 12.51
Loggers & Contractors U5.26
Steve Laam 36.11
Lillebo Construction Co, ij72.32
Motorola Communications 657.75
Melville Plumbing & Heating 31-^3
City of North Bend 23-55
101 Service 1.50
PERS 5.26
PERS 360.6U
Paramount Pest Control 6,00
L, E. Paull 37.00
Reedsport Repair Shop I6.OO
Ray*3 TV
Fire Dept
Auto Repair
Machine Works
St Johns Motor Express
Standard Oil Co.
Sewer Reserve Savings
State of Oregon
Sea Cliff
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Drug Co,
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua River Navigatbn
West Coast Telephone
Waterworks Supplies Co.
Utilities Supply Co.
Meeting adjourned.
Gaylord 00//aauugshhnn,, !H%eyyoi ~r
I". Aohnson, City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Secrstary
108 ..53
WEDNESDAY, PEBRUARY 23, 1966, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor with Councilmen Woods, Thornton,
Holliday, Paull, Murphey, present with Dr. Lewis absent.
Mayor stated that he had committed the City to have the old City
Building site ready for the PUD to start building April 1, 1966.
State Highway Dept. and City have discussed the required offset
by theatre and building (City). State will bear cost, all City has
to do is declare 10 feet a public street. This will be done (work)
^ within 2 months.
Moved, seconded, and pass to declare 10* a public street, if not
already. City Attorney to take care of necessary items. Unanimous.
Relocation of Police Station; Beofre City building can be torn down,
police station must be relocated.
During the discussion, question of whether or not bids can be asked
for without advertising the prescribed length of time. Mayor discussed
this with the City Attorney and it can be done by declaring an
William Jayne stated that is an emergency was declared, can build
without bids, but believes it should be let for bids.
Mr. Paull would like to see police move directly into their new
building without setting up temporary quarters.
Millard Martin, PUD Board representative, believes if plan is satis
factory will be adopted, and hope to be ready by May 1st to start
Mr. Jayne advised the council against hurrying. Believe they are
asking for a lot of criticizm.
Mr. Paull believes that if every local builder is given a chance to
bid, doesn't believe there will be any criticizm.
Dr. Lewis arrived.
Grover Woods moved we move Police in Community Building (recorder's
officeO on temporary basis and advertise for bids (regular procedure)
on station with I4.5 days for building. S^^conded.
Aye 2, Woods & Lewis; No 3, Thornton, Murphey, Paull; abstained 1,
Holliday. Motion defeated
Holliday moved construction be started immediately on these plans
after giving local builders a chance (1 week) to make sealed bids
with 30 days building time. Also declare emergency.
Thornton seconded the motion. Aye I4, No 2, Woods & Lewis. Motion
Dr. Lewis informed the council that he was only notified i| hours
before the meeting h§.ld to draw the plans for the police station
and was unable to attend. Since he is Chairman of the Police
Committee, felt it his place to call the meeting. Explained what
procedure he would have taken.
Holliday, Murphey, Paull, and Thornton met with the Pire Dept.
Mr. Thornton told the Pire Dept. what he wanted as Pire Commissioner.
Building be burned as it stands and include Southwestern Piremen's
Association. Pire Department does not want them, will burn building
at $2.00 an hour per man, with minimum of $500.00.
^uld decide whether we will tear building down or burn it as it
168 ^/23/66
Ben Henderson could knock it down, then Pire Dept. burn and city
Mr. Thornton gave his personal opinion that this will he the biggest
fire Reedsport has ever seen, would feel safer if more than our own
fire dept. was here. Biggest danger will be flying ashes.
Mr. Johnson said the PUD would have to move lines a day ahead of time.
William Jayne believes City is sticking neck out a mile. Building
should be torn down, then burned.
Ben Henderson stated that in 3 days he could have the building
down to one story ($800.00). ^
Mayor suggested that we have Special Meeting Wednesday nightopen
Burn theatre as soon as Baltazar is out.
About only salvage is glass and furnace.
Moved that Henderson pull down buildings approximate cost of $800,00.
Seconded by Paull, and passed unanimously.
Discussed putting electric furnace in jail. Mr. West to get prices.
Dr. Courtney brought to the City^s attention the sidewalk being built
on Longwood Drive. Part from Highland School to Bowman Road not to
be put in. Believes something should be done immediately to have this
taken care of. Going to be very dangerous during the construction
of the underpass, when all the traffic is detoured along Longwood Drive.
William Jayne is to check into this.
Dawn Peseau brought up the fact that we do not know the details of the
underpass. Suggest representative of contractor meet with the council
and see hb^?.itis going to be completed through the underpass.
William Jayne also concerned, definitely should be a sidewalk.
Believe Lillebo would present these plans and discuss them.
Meeting adjourned.
Gaylcj^d vsu^hn, Mayor
mson. City Recorder '
Nettie B. Glasser, Kecording
S cretary
Meeting called to order by the Mayor with council men Thornton,
Paull, Holliday, Murphey, and Lewis present. Woods absent.
Bids on police station opened. They are as follows:
Frank Rose Cabinet Shop-$1|820 plus $1^.00 plumbing with fixtures,
$300 without fixtures; wiring, $8i|6.
Clif^ Purlott-$5396.80, metal front door, $55 extra.
R. L. Jensen-$6,353.
Walt Tresler-^^^ j925-
Kaivfmann,. Heiaz-$6,650.
Kent's Con3truction-$6,987»
Lillebo Construction Go.-$5j768.
Moved and seconded that bid be given to lowest bidder. Passed
unanimously. Cliff Purlott
Dr. Courtney presented again to the Council the fact that no
sidewalk is being constructed from Highland School to the Bowman
Road entrance, and a dangerous.situation is going to prevail during
the construction of the underpass when traffic is all detoured to
Longwood Drive. Here to discuss the feasibility of the City pro
viding a semi-permanent type of sidewalk.
Mayor asked the City Attorney if it is legal for City to participate
since this road is outside the City limits.
City Attorney will look into legality and have it for the council
Monday night.
Dr. Lewis forsees more of the same if the City sets precedent of
putting in sidewalk.
Thomas Huebner believes it can be justified.
Dawn Peseau-another problem developing in Underpass, As she under
stands it, there are no sidewalks there either,
Albert Lewis, with Umpqua River Navigation stated that the Underpass
is to be approximately 28 feet in width, with 2l| feet paved.
Mayor stated that first we should find out if we can participate, then
decide what kind and the cost?
Chief Hass commented that the danger will be there after the road is
finished, always lots of kids. Believe fence or guard rail should be put
between road and walk.
Several different methods discussed: concrete walk, blacktop walk,
graded and filled with 3/1^ minus gravel. If filled, would take 90 days
to settle. Move to other side of road, where there is already a
Mr. Johnson is to get estimates on diferrent types of walk to present
Monday night, at which time the City attorney will know whether or
not the City can enter into such a project.
Meeting adjourned,
jyl^d Vaoghn,
X. u. tti dn / ^
city Recorder
fiayl^Vatfghn, Mayor
^N6ttie B, Glasser
7, 1966, 8p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor, with councilmen Paull,
Murphey, Lewis, and Woods present. Thornton reported sick, and
Holliday out of town.
Mayor reported on the special meeting of the council held the 2nd
of March. Negotiations for right-of-way for the school children in
the Bowman Road area has been obtained from George Decloedt, Jr. and
Cliff Purlott. City to gravel walk-way.
Dr. Courtney commended Mr, DeCloedt and Mr. Purlott for their un
William P. Miller was here to discuss the Underpass situation. !
Is not known.for sure at this time, whether or not a sidewalk will
be put through the Underpass. Mayor to call and find out first
thing in the morning. City Attorney believes there will be a
sidewalk if just given time. City has agreed to take the Underpass
for maintenance after it is finished.
Mayor also announced that Cliff Purlott was low bidder on the Police
Annex, and that as soon as the Police are moved, burning and demolition
of the City Bldg. will begin.
Police Dept.^. and City Crew reports for month of February presented.
San Francisco has been satisfied for Urban Renewal and the ne°d for
Low-Cost Housing, feel matter will be expedited. The $80,000 for
Urban Renewal Survey will be available about the first of April.
First thing City will do at that time, is appoint a Director, Assistant
Director, and Secretary. Mayor announced that an application has
already been received for the Director's job, complete with resume'.
Copies of the Housing Code given to councilmen. Has been approved
unanimously by the Citizen's Advisory Board, Planning Commission
and tentatively approved by Urban Renewal in Frisco. Will be on
agenda for the next regular meeting.
FINANCE-Grover Woods, chairman-Has been studying pump deal-basin
and pump, believes its going to get out of hand, finance-wise, before
its finished.
Dr. Lewis believes we should get plans drawn and get a bid. Since
it has gone sky-high, do not believe go wild about the time.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Council had okayed the revised plans
and Lillebo has orderalthe piling. Have gone ahead as per council
action. f
Mayor stated City still obligated and in an emergency, you do the *
best you can.
Dr. Lewis suggests that we retain professional help, not primarily
involved, find out cost of whole thing and get bids on the dredging.
Understood whole cost to be $5500; now it is $8506, and a figure
of four or five thousand dollars mentioned for the dredging. Where
will it end?
Mr. Murphey asked how much Mr. Johnson thought it would cost for an
engineer to draw specs for bids on dredging? Suggest we turn it over
to the Sewer Committee for their recommandation.
Mayor stated that we ratify whats been done, and sewer committee to
recommend next step.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: None
PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND BUILDING-L. E. Paull, chairman-nothing new.
Have had complaints about lack of lighting on Frontage Road. Dr. Lewis
called PUD and talked to Mr. Nunnally, and he said he would take
care of it. Ambulance has had near misses in this area. Mayor
and Dr. Lewis to see PUD-Tuesday.
Mr. Paull announced that the floor would be poured tomorrow on the
Police Annex and still feel we did the right thing, even though there
has been a lot of criticism.
Asked if money was budgeted to put sidewalk around the downtown park?
Mr. Johnson stated "no".
After some discussion, was moved that bids be let for sidewalks (West
Railroad & Fir), two sides of park. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Kent felt that sidewalks should be considered between the grade
school and Thompson Ford Sales on Winchester Avenue.
Report on the East Railroad paving, Mr. Johnson said that the Staters
estimate is less than $20,000; but it will be all according to the
SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman-Dr. Lewis asked that now it was
almost Tourist time, if the/junk yard by the railroad tracks (Grover
Wood's) couldn't be cleaned up, or at least stuff put inside? Very
little discussion before subject was changed.
Mrs. Walter Keating and Ivan Allen were present to put their sewer
problem before the council to see if they couldn't help solve it?
They live in the area in the 200 block on Winchester Ave., where the
property owner has always been responsible for his sewer hookup
clear to the main which runs down the street. Since Winchester Ave,
is used by logging trucks, the heavy traffic has caused their lines
to break just before they go into the main line. This is the second
time, Keating's and Allen's stood the full expense the first time.
Feel that since the rest (Flat) are only responsible from their
property line, maybe the City could help fix theirs?
After much discussion pro and con, a motion that the City take on
the responsibility of existing problem and fix (Allen, Keating,
Bloomquist). Seconded and passed unanimously.
Holes in the blacktop near Highland Market were discussed. Mr.
Johnson reported that the last blacktop they had gotten, had been
frozen and wouldn't hold.
Mr. Woods asked how the water and sewer charges were set up on an
apartment and groucery store. Mr. Johnson informed him that
they are set up by ordinance.
Mr. Murphey asked about writing a letter to see if where the West
Apartments were burned couldn't be cleaned up? Mayor believes he
may have committed the City to clean it up.
Discussion of a clean-up week-end followed. Mayor appointed Dr.
Courtney, a committee of one, to work on this. Dr. Courtney thought
about the First of May would be a good time. The help of all the
service clubs, fire department, and city crev: will be needed.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman-nothing.
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman-absent: Chief Chenoweth
announced that when the department agreed to burn the City Building,
they understood it was going to be standing; now that it is going
to be knocked down, will take longer, want a straight $2.00 an hour
per fireman.
No action taken as committee chairman not here.
Petition of annexation from Roy Koogler read. Area is at end of
Doyle Street. Referred to Planning Commission for their recommendation.
DETERMINATION AND CERTIFICATE to establish a new tax base was read by
the Mayor,
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to sign certificate.
ORDINANCE #U7I, providing for the calling of a City Tax Base
election in the City on May 2i|, 1966, was ready by Dr. Lewis, for
the first time.
Moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded, and passed unanimously.
Ordinance #i|71 read for second time, by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously that ordinance be adopted. ^
Ordinance #I|.71 read, for third time, by title only. Moved, seconded, :
and passed unanimously, |
Mayor announced that an application number has been asigned for the
Sewage Disposal final study, but not fully ap^iroved.
Dr, Courtney asked if there was going to be any discussion about the
ultimatum issued by the fire department? He does not feel City should
have to bargain with the Fire Department.
Mayo did not feel any discussion should be held, since fire department
reprentatives had left and chairman was not present.
Following bills paid:
Umpqua National Bank
Payroll fund
Lincoln Swain, Postmaster
Thompson Ford Sales
Louella Blanche Larsen
Loggers & Contractors
Payroll Fund
Howard Cooper Corp.
Umpqua National Bank,
Clifford Washington
Donald Lee Hedges
Al^s Signs
A & C Janitor
Bishop's Coast Stationery
Berge & Wallas Chevron Sta
Coast Communications
Sewer Res, Savings #00722
General Fund
Feenaughty Machinery Co.
Fire Equipment Co.
Hinds Supply Co,
Roy Henderson
Loggers & Conferactos
League of Oregon Cities
Steve Laam
G. D. Myllenbeck
Melville Plumbing
101 Service
OK Tire Store
Portland Stamp & Seal Co.
Paramount Pest Control
Meeting adjourned.
tion 239.61
Reedsport Fire Dept. 392.00
Reedspoi't Machine Works 19.514-
Rdspt Logging Supply 57.53
Rdspt Auto Parts 114-.56
Jaycettes 27.00
Rdspt Motor Freight 3-50
Bureau of Labor 20,00
Bob Sund Insurance 115.00
Skylark Cafe 10,30
Sea Cliff ll4.1|5
PERS 325.19
State Compensation 100,13
Taylor Hardvjare 25. 20
Thompson Ford Sales 21I4, 21
Umpqua National Bank 280.00
Gaylord Vaughn 25-00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 22.52
Umpqua Drug Co. 1,50
Umpqua Rental & Supply 25.83
Umpqua River Nav, 17.50
Western Auto Store 7.07
West Coast Telephone 136,70
Gaylord Vaughn, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
hnson. City Recorder
1966, 8:00P.M.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Councilmen Thornton,
Murphey, Paull, Holliday, Woods, and Lewis present.
Mayor announced that the Chamber of Commerce has taken Cleanup :
Weekend as a project.
Report on Progress: William Jayne stated that everything is ready
to go, soon as taxes are paid. City owns lots plus 1/2 vacated alJey.
Do not believe City should give up alley.
Mr. Johnson said that alley was restricted anyway.
Mr. Jayne instructed to deed lots and not alley, 90' by l81|' to the
The burning of the City Bldg. and Theatre ^as discussed. Firemen
felt they could get cleaner burn if city building not pulled down.
Will burn Sunday if weather permits.
After some discussion, decided to go ahead as planned and have Ben
Henderson pull building down ahead of time.
Bids opened by Mr. Johnson, They are as follows:
Walt Tresler: Kenneth Kent:
Alt. #1--$3.90 per lineal ft. Alt. #1--$1005.1|0
Alt. #2--?3.60 per linela ft. Alt. #2--?23334o
Tom Lillebo Construction Co.: Cliff Furlott:
Alt. #l--$190i|.00 Alt. #1--$109$.00
Alt. #2--?i|l53.60 Alt. #2--^239\.00
Frank Rose:
Alt. #1--$1206.00
Alt. #2--?28iU.OO
Moved and seconded to accept low bid (Kent) and do Alternate #2.
Decision unanimous.
Application has been accepted for 36 units. Do not know when
construction will be started.
Everything okay until grant is made.
Dr. Lewis felt it was not feasible to vote to hire Erickson until
he explained his proposition to the Council.
After some discussion. Mayor suggested Ericksen be invited to the
next regular meeting. Okayed by council, also that any firms
interested may come.
Rudy, Johnson, City's representative in group, explained that it was
composed of Western Douglas County, Coos County, and now included
Curry County.
Bill Williams, Gardiner, Reverend Frank Burget, and Mr. Rudy Johnson
are the area representatives.
Mr. Johnson introduced George Jenkins of the Federal Agency administer'
ing the program.
Mr. Jenkins explained that the goal of the program is to eliminate
the causes of poverty and help people help themselves. Also went
into detail as to how the program works.
Mayor agreed that a local committee is the next logical step
and appointed James Thornton, the City'Council's representative.
Mr. Williams, Mr. Burget, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Thornton to request
the 5 nien they want to complete committe. Set up as soon as
Vacation of a portion of Fir Aven. by the ITmpqua River Navigation
Co. was okayed unanimously by the Planning Commission.
Moved, seconded and passed that City advertise for hearing on
Vacation called for next regular meeting. Unanimous.
Housing Code drawn up by the Citizens' Advisory Group, okayed
unanimously by the P. C., now ready for action of the Council.
Motion to accept Housing Code with one change (page 6, Paragraph
1, lines 2 & 3; to read 5^ instead of 10^ of openable window
space per habitable room, was seconded and passed unanimously.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Ray Holliday, chairman, discussed TJmp.qua Electric
bill for ^1576.10 on police annex. Mr. Johnson explained' that
this was not part of the bid work.
Mr. Holliday recommmended thfet we have special meeting and go over
City's insurance.
Mayor feels that Managing Agent is good for City, and we should stay
with this concept. Does recommend that City change agents.
Letter has been received from Bob Sund that liability is running out
in July.
Mayor believes a manager is needed to keep abreast of things where
insurance is constantly changing. Recommends Mr. Jim Neilson of
the Reedsport Insurance Service be hired as City's managing agent.
Moved that Jim Neilson be appointed managing agent for City of Reedsport's
insurance program, effective immediately. Seconded and
passed, aye-^, no-O, Thornton abstained.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: Good.
William Hardy presented the recommendations to the counci"" from the
Park Board.
Among the recommendations mentioned, there was a Work Day for the
new City Park, requesting the Mayor to proclaim the morning of May
21st this special Work Day; request for signed for existing parks,
launching ramps. Park name signs, and a Welcome to Reedsport.
Would like 2 benches for each of the following parks: Hahn,
Triangle, Lions, and also sand boxes and san under existing
play facilities.
Enforce LITTER ORDINANCE around the schools.
Some of these recommendations can be taken care of now, but the
more expensive will have to wait until the new budget year.
Grover Woods requested the Mayor to write for a Surplus Jet Plane
for the park.
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman: Making study, separatingsurface
water and sewer.
Talked to Gawley, and Diehl & Serfling about running surface water
to Schofield and not into City from Crestview Hill. Hope to have
information for next meeting, on dredging for the surface water
pump installation.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman:
FIRE GOMMITTEE-J a mea Thornton, chairman:
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT-have 5 cases to prosecute,
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT-Contract between State and City East
Railroad paving here for signatures. Will not cost CiJ:;' any
Request resolution dated prior to meeting that all expenses and
receipts relative to transaction with PUD be pul in Building Fund,
Also transfer $3000 to Police Fund from Emergency Fund.
So moved, Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson listed the Budget Committee: Lincoln Swain, George
Hutter, George Marks, and Roy Henderson. Wv^lJ^ and
off this year. ^
Mayor asked Finance Committee for recommendations for two men to
take liifHdojraQn and Hillier's places,
I. G. Johnson appointed Budget Director unanimously.
May 2i^.th Primary Election.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Umpqua National Bank 271.25
OPS 13.62
Payroll fund 1750.00
Petty Cash 36.08
Umpqua National Bank II4O.OO
Payroll fund 6657.22
C. D. Furlott 5000.00
A & C Janitor Service 132.50
A1's Signs 12,00
Bay Pavers, Inc. 66.69
Baker's Saw Shop 12.60
Bill's C. B. Supply 32.65
Berge &Wally's Chevron 236. li|.
PUD 1113.16
Courier 20,60
Commercial Abstract Co. 1.50
Coast Communications 6.9i4.
G. D, Myllenbeck 2.50
Coos Bay Stationery li+.57
Coast Shell Metal 350.00
D. L. Courtney, M. D. 22.50
General Fund 9257 .91^-
Douglas County Sheriff & Tax, 2l60,65
Daily Motors l6,59
Cliff Furlott ]266.8r
Fire Equipment Co. l57»10
West Coast Telephone Go. 126.10
George's Paint Service 32.00
Hansen Electric Co, 62.70
Raymond Hass 10.33
Duncan Jones 6.3i|-
Ross' Florists l8,I|0
Lillebo Constr. Go. l42J47.ii3
Loggers & Contractors Mach. I4.OO.OO
Steve Laam 53-01
Meeting adjourned.
Mackey Lab.
Melville Plumbing
Oregon State Hway
OK Tire Store
Pacific Pump. Co.
Pump Pipe & Power
City of North Bend
Paramount Pest
R& L Towing
Rdspt Repair Shop
Ray's TV
Rdspt Auto Parts
Rdspt Machine Wks
Rdspt Plumbing
Rdspt Logging
Rdspt Motor Frt,
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Sund Insurance
Control 6
Sewer Res. Savings
Raymond Hass
Michael Lanegan
Jim Casselman
Charles Marone
Paul Chudy
Sea Cliff
Taylor Hardware
Thompson Ford Sales
Umpqua River Nav.
Union Oil Go,
Umpqua Electric
Utilities Supply
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua Drug
Umpqua Rental & Sup.
p2jJ U»^-
Gaylom Vaughi, Mayor
/TaZZ —-
I. G. J^nson, City Recorder Nettie B. Glasser, Recording Sec'y
MONDAY, 8:00 P.M., MAY 9, 1966
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Councilmen Holliday,
Lewis, Murphey, Paull, present; Woods and Thornton absent.
Mayor announced that Harlan Mann, with the Urban Renewal, will be
here sometime next week. Mr. Mitchell, also with Urban Renewal,
is going to Wa'shington, D. C,, and will see what is holding up the
Tom Murray, representing the port, has been to Washington, D. C,,
requesting immediate action on the dike.
Talked with Robert Duncan and he is going to report on the dike
the first of the week.
Mayor appointed Charles Poster and Archie Mustoe to fill the
vacancies on the Budget Committee. Council approved the appoint
ments unanimously.
Announced that May 26th will be the first budget meeting.
League of Oregon Cities Regional meeting to be held Wednesday night
at the Courtel in Coos Bay, There will be seventeen representing
Corps of Engineers report that the surface water pump will have to
be moved. Mayor and Mr. Johnson to go to Portland later this month.
Have stopped work on pump installation and Corps is working on
alternate plans.
Have been attending Service Club meetings to present reasons for taxbase
increase need,
There were no objections to the vacating of Pir Ave, (Southeasterly
llij feet of Lots J4 and together with that portion of the vacated
alley adjacent to the above described property; all in Block 79,
Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to the City of Reedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon.
ORDINANCE #1472 read for the first time by Mr. Johnson. Moved and
seconded to adopt ordinance vacating street. Unanimous.
ORDINANCE #1472 read for the second time, by title only. Moved and
seconded to adopt ordinance. Unanimous.
ORDINANCE #U72 read for the third time, by title only. Moved and
seconded to adopt ordinance. Unanimous.
ORDINANCE #1|73 "was read for the first time. This ordinance
amends Ordinance #202, as amended, of the City of Reedsport,
relative to the zoning of said City: providing for the extension
of Zone-1 Residential, Zone-2 Residential, Zone-3 Business, to
certain areas not heretofore zoned, and declaring an emergency.
Section 1. That the following described areas within the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport and not heretofore zoned, shall be
included in and become a part of Zone One, Residential District #1,
as set out in Ordinance #282, Section l\, thereof:
Porest Hills Subdivisions Number One and Number Two
Bernhardt*s Addition
South Hills Subdivision
Morris Subdivision
Block One (l)and Block Two {2) excepts Lots One (1) through Six (6)
inclusive of said Block Two (2), Crestview Addition,
Section 2, That the follovjing described areas within the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport and not heretofore zoned, shall be
included in and become a part of Zone Two Residential, as set out in
Ordinance #202, Section I4, thereof:
Property owned by the Lower Umpqua Hospital District
Section 3. That the following described area within the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport and not heretofore zoned, shall be
included in and become a part of Zone Three Business District as set
out in Ordinance #282, Section i|, thereof:
That area bounded by extension of Tenth Avenue South to Section
line between Sections Thirty-four (31+) and thirty-five (35)>
Southern Pacific Right-of-way and Winchester Ave.
Blocks Sixty (60) to Sixty-six (66) inclusive. Amended Plat of
Railroad Addition to the City of Reedspoi?^:.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt Ordinance #1473.
Second reading of ORDINANCE #1473 by title only. Moved and seconded
to adopt ordinance. Unanimous.
Third reading of ORDINANCE #1473 by title only. Moved and seconded
to adopt ordinance. Unanimous,
Mayor referred the unzoned property (latter Day Saints Church and
Hubbard property) inside the City Limits to the Planning Commission
for a zoning recommendation.
PLANNING COMMISSION'S REPORT: Recommended that Roy Koogler»s Petition
for annexation be accepted, with the restriction that a I4O* utility
easement be dedicated on each side of Doyle St.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to call for hearing on above
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman: none.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: requests permission
for the hiring of an engineer to draw specs and give cost estimate
for water line installation through the tunnel. Believe city crew
has enough to do without this.
Mr. Johnson informed the council that C, H2, and M have done survey
work on the water lines before and are familiar with it.
Moved that City retain C, H2, & M to make survey and cost estimate
on installing new water transmission line through tunnel, also
on intake and tressel. Also explore the possibility of obtaining
Federal Aid.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Several requests were made by men on the Recreation Committee for
help in getting the baseball field in condition, also the
seeding to be done after the season is oner.
Mr. Paull reported that there will be no work day in May, as alders
are not down. Called Park Board meeting for this Thursday, 7:30P.M.
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman: none.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Robert Lewis, chairman: none.
FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman: Mr. Paull
reported that John Scott would like for the Fire Department to burn
his house down, that he has also hired an engineer to survey his
property for platting and annexation.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that City authorize the fire
department to burn Scott's house.
Mayor announced that he had received a report from the fire dept.
stating that the theatre and city building were no longer a fire
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Minor problem with PUD property, Cij:y
and Mr. Baltazar are going to maintain 12' driveway by Dr. Courtney's
office, . Money will be coming shortly,
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: City has an old grader that I recommend
they sell. Have had two offers, one ^12^.00, the other, $200,00.
Council authorized Mr. Johnson to sell the best offer in next 7 days.
Pouring cement sidewalk by jail discussed.
They are to drive test piling Tuesday or Wednesday on PUD property
(old City Building site).
Following bills approved for payment:
Downtown Improvement Aaaoc
Payroll fund
Petty cash
Kenneth Kent
Ralph Paull
Diehl & Serfling
Payroll fund
Kenneth Kent
Ben Henderson
Umpqua National Bank
J. Walter Barham
Berge & Wall's Chevron
Bay Printers
Bishop's Coast Stationery •
Bill's C', B, Supply
Baker's Saw Shop
Geo. P. Cake Co. .
County Surveyor
Coos Bay Stationery Co.
Coast Comm., Co.
Dunn's Dept. Store
Daily Motor Go.
International Paper Co.
Jim's Umpqua Drug
Koch's Upholstery
Knight's Flower &
& Repair
Gift Shop
Ley's Variety Store
Legislative Counsel Comm.
Lesiglative Counsel Comm.
Loggers & Contractors Machinery
101 Service 10l\.
OK Tire Stores 26
PERS 355
Paramount Pest Control 8
Reedsport Fire Dept. 838
Rainbow Cafe I^O
Reedsport Mill Co. Inc. 90
Meeting adjourned
I. G. «^hnson
City Redorder
Sewer Res, Fund 3^87
SIAC 109
Simmons Carbon Co, 25
Taylor Hardware 50
Thompson Ford Sales • 73
Union Oil Co. 285
Gaylord Vaughn 20
Umpqua Bldg. Supply :$C
Umpqua Drug 1
Umpqua River Navigat1onl05
VJest Coast Telephone ' X23
City of North Bend 23
Steve Laarr. I4I
Umpqua National Bank 8OOO
Auto Parts 52
Machine Works 58
Repair Shop $6
Gayi2)rd Vaughn, Mayor
Nettie 8. Glasser, Recording
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vau^n, with Council members
Paull, Thornton, Murphey, Holllday, and Lewis present. Woods
absent♦ Budget Committee members present were Charles Foster,
Archie Mustee, George Marks, Roy Henderson, George Hutter, and
Lincoln Swain.
Mayor feels that since the vote for a tax base increase was defeated
by two to one, another budget should be made, just taking b%. Also
announced that June 7th, 8:00P.M. will be second budget meeting.
Chairman of the Budget Committee was elected by acclamation, Roy
Henderson; and George Marks, secrdtery by acclamation.
Chairman Henderson asked Mr. Johnson to go over the budget department
by department for the committee.
Mr. Swain believes that the City is running about $25,000 short, and
believes that we should vote to go over the hf limitation. After
much discussion, moved to accept budget as is, till next meeting.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST: Ga^^d Vai*^5hn, Mayor
TfSTjSEnson ^ ^
City Recorder Roy Henderson, cnairman
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Secretary
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn, with Councllmen
Thornton, Lewi^Paull, Holllday present. Woods and Murphey
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
Mayor announced that on Thursday, June 9, 1966, at 1:30 P.M,
the State Aeronautics Board will hold a public meeting in the
City Recorder's office, to discuss the location of an airport.
Miss Rouletta LaPleur, Youth Employment secretary, explained the
program and how It Is being set-up, Mrs. Nona Dunaway accompanied
her and helped answer any questions that were asked.
Mr. Beaver, with a Sweeping Co. in Florence, is interested in
sweeping the streets for the City. Said charges would be $1^.50.00
per month to sweep residential streets once a month, and buslneas
areas twice a week.
His proposal was referred to the Street and Sewer Committee for
their recommendation.
A letter was read by the Mayor, from a Mrs, Sharon Argo, about the
crosswalk for school children by the old West apts on Highway 36
and the railroad tracks. Believes this should have more petroling
and more care taken of It (painted), and signs put up.
A discussion was held and a motion was made to contact the State
Highway Dept. and request that the crosswalk be painted and signs
Installed. Request the school district to also contact them.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr* & Mra. Bob 01strom were present to request a permit to kill
deer that are ruining their garden and flowers. This was referred
to the police committee and City Attorney for their Tecommendation,
KOOGLER ANNEXATION HEARING: Mayor asked if there were objections to
the annexation of this property. As there was none, it was moved,
seconded, and passed unanimously to annex this property.
DIKE PROGRAM: City Council met last Thursday afternoon with the
Corps of Engineers, who presented plans for the dike, with 3 alter
nates for City to choose method of diking 2nd St.
Alternates "AV: raise 2nd St.
"B": raise spur line f]
**C": concrete flood wall-only disadvantage, high coat,
but will protect the most people.
A public meeting was also held Thursday night.
Each alternate was discuss, with Mr. Tom Lillebo and Mr. Kenneth
Kent speaking in favor of Plan "C".
Moved, seconded, and passed, that Plan "C be approved. Unanimous.
Schedule for bond election would be as aoon as project is accepted
in Washington, D.C.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman: Budget meeting Tuesday
night, 8:00 P.M, June 7» 1966.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: Mr. Murphey attending
Water Resources meeting.
after all the chasing around, decided to go through HHPA on beautification
program. That would be 505^ matching money from the govern
ment. Lots of the City's share could be done with our own equipment
and men.
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman:
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman:
PIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman: Would like to see a bill
sent to U. S. Plywood for last fire. Pire season is on and no
open fires are permitted without a burning permit.
City Attorney to send letter to U. S. Plywood#
Dr. Lewis introduced R. H. Ericksen, Consulting Engineer, who
presented his proposal to the City to be retained as a consulting
Mr. Erichsen stated that since he did not know and the City did not '
know to what extent he would be needed, maybe it would be beat to go
on a triAl basis for 6 months, charging by the hour, but not to
exceed $100.00 any one month. If some large project came up for
the City that envolved a lot of time, the $100.00 would be dropped
for that month, and only be charged for the project.
Mayor explained the budget limitation since the tax base increase
was defeated, and after much discussion, a motion was made to table
the hiring of a consulting engineer at this time. Motion died for
lack of a seooad.
Moved that Erichsen be retained for trial period of six months, subject
to Budget Committee's putting it in as a line item in the general
Seconded, passed Aye-3» No-Thornton.
Petition for annexation of J. R. Holland property referred to the
Planning Commission for their reoommendation.
Request for moving of the Greyhound Depot to the old mortuary, and
rerouting the buses was presented to the council by Mr, Johnson*
Moved, seconded, and passed that this request be granted.
Mr. Johnson asked for permission to make a transfer from the Building
Construction Fund to other funds In the General Fund, approximately
Moved, seconded, and passed to do so unanimously.
Ev;C. Dally,' Planning Commission chairman, brought to the Council's
attention that the PC recommended that the council paint white
side lines and center line on Bowman Road and put signs "No parking
on Pavement,"
A discussion pro and con on this finally ended in referring it to the
Street and Sewer committee for their recommendation at the next
council meeting.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund
Reedsport Plumbing
Petty Cash
A & C Janitor
Payroll fund
A & C Janitor
Baker's Saw Shop
Berge & Wally's Chevron
Baker's Saw Shop
Louis Bachmeler
Chapman Bros
Coos Bay Stationery Co,
The Courier
Community Bldg,
The Courier
Pioneer School Plat,
Reedsport Union High Sch.
Lower Umpqua Hospital
H, G. Chlckerlng, Jr.
Forest Hills Country GLub
Fire Equipment Co.
Hinds Supply Co.
Hale & Rudln
Loggers & Contractors
Ley's Variety
Llllebo Constr, Co.
H. £. Nickels
City of North Bend
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
City' of North Bend
National League of Cities
Meeting adjourned.
City ieclcorder
Paramount Pest Control
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp
Reedsport Plumbing Co.
Reedsport Motor Freight
Reedsport Machine Works
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Reedsport Logging Supply
Melville Plumbing
Reedsport Repair Shop
Reedsport Auto Parts
SanFax Corp.
State Compensation Dept.
State Compensation Dept.
Douglas Co. Sheriff & Tax.
Steve Laam
Taylor Hardware
Umpqua River Navigation
Umpqua Bldg, Supply
Umpqua Electric
Utilities Supply Co.
West Coast Telephone Co.
West Coast Marine
Young's Repair & Parts
Sewer Reserve Savings Acc'
yor ffaylord' V
Mayor 0aylor<r Vaughn
Nettie B. GXasser, Re cording
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Henderson, with the following
budget members present: George Marks, Archie Mustoe, Lincoln Swain;
George Hutter and Charles Poster absent. The following council
members were present: L. E. Paull, Grover Woods, Ray Holliday,
and Dr. Lewis. Absent were Gordon Murphey (ill) and James Thornton.
The hiring of a consulting engineer was explained by Dr. Lewis.
Council has approved hiring R. H. Erichsen on a six month trial
basis, if the budget committee will make it a Line Item In the
There was considerable discussion as to the need for an engineer
at this time, and naturally the lack of funds to hire him.
It was moved that they transfer $1200 from the Community Bldg,
Pund to retain a consulting engineer. Seconded and pass unanimously.
Moved that the budget be adopted. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
I. 0. John/on
Roy Henderson
City Recoj^der ^ ^
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Sec*y.
6:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Councllmen Paull,
Woods, Murphey, and Lewis present. Thornton and Holliday absent.
Gordon Murphey introduced Mr. Youngquist, District water man in
this area, who explained that Reedsport is in real good shape as
far as water and water rights are concerned. Have enough for
a town times this size.
Stated that you can apply for water reserve rights without actually
taking out an application, but must show need,
Joe Heldel was introduced by the Mayor to show the changes in alignment
from original plans for the flood dike. The new excludes the area
known as the Plat Iron and runs along liide of Winchester AVe, from the
Schofield Bridge. The new plan reduced the cost to $119,000; {p205>000
less than old plan.
Explained thit the Plat Iron being undeveloped la reason for change.
They are already drilling for preparation of test fill in new area
near the Umpqua Mobile Villa. It will become a permanent part of
the dike.
Mr. Heldel stated that if plans go right, bids will ba let for test
fill in about 3 weaks.
Moved and seconded that council approve site of the test fill and
change of plans, and City will furnish necessary easements and rightof-
ways. Parsed unanimously.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Recommend to the council the annexation
of the J. R. Holland property.
Recommend okay of variance in setback for Dr. Boe's new house
on Hawthorne Ave.
After discussion of setback, moved, seconded, and passed unanimously
to accept the Planning Commission's report*
ORDINANCE #i|.7if-Roy Koogler annexation read for the first time by Mr.
Moved, seconded, and passed uaanimously that Ordinance ^7^. be adopted.
ORDINANCE #14.714- read for 2nd time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ordinance.
ORDINANCE #i|.7l4- read for the 3rd time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that ordinance be adopted.
following property;
Parcel A: Portion between Purvis Addition & Rowe St. (Doyle St.)
Parcel B: Whitcomb property
Parcel C: Brucker property
Parcel D: Holland prop^rt:y^
Moved that City of Reedsport annex property described as Parcels
A, B, & C (since they are surrounded by City property) as set
forth in public notice, July 11th, and call for public hearing,
August 6, 1966, at 6:00 P.M.
Seconded, and passed unanimously.
Request from Douglas County Fair requesting permission to place
2 banners over streets of Reedsport advertising the Fair.
Moved, seconded and passed that permission be granted.
FINANCE-Ray Holliday, chairman: not here.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: commended the City crew
and Irving Johnson for working Father's Day on water line. Did a
good job.
Working on application for Federal Funds for Park project. Have
until next July to get application in and approved. Mr. Jayne
to have Ordinance for next meeting.
Would like to see if extra help could be had so Mr. Johnson
could have more time for public relation and looking into the
making of these appllications.
£B?&EJ'dhhsdii'vstated that since the ta^ bdse increase was ^^ted
down, had kind of given up the idea of getting extra help.
SDHSBIT & SEWER-Grover Woods, chairman; Recommendation for contracting
street sweeping. Committee believes it is a little high and that we
should keep doing it ourselves.
Brought up as to whether or not there was any way to make the people
pave that didn't before when their street was paved, as it is a
hazard. City Attorney stated not without bancrofting.
Discussed Bowman Road parking situation and street hazard in general.
PiiiQnIng Commission's recommendation was to paint a center line and
two outside lines and permit no parking on the inside of the lines*
Mr. Johnson stated that he had been questioned as to where to put
the curb on a new house on Bowman Road; one neighbor tells the man
one place and another tells him some place else. Believes a map
of this area would help.
They are also getting ready to pave Rowe St. and Maple Drive, Study
should be made on drainage of Rowe St., and sanitary and storm sewer
on Maple Drive.
Moved that Erickson be instructed to do complete street study,
drainage plan, with cost estimate of the Bowman Road area. Seconded
and passed unanimously.
Discussed the installation of the storm pump. Council authorized
unanimously the immediate engineering and installation of the pump
A letter from Oregon State Sanitary Authority has been received
requesting the City to plan and provide for a minimum of secondary
treatment including disinfection with chlorine, or equivalent control,
of our sewage wastes prior to discharging them into the Umpqua River
system. Also stating that this should be done with all possible
Chief Hass introduced William Ueland, Lt. of the Reedsport Police
Reserve. Mr. Ueland read a report on the 6 months activities of the
reserve. Three hundred hours have been put in, averaging 60 hrs.
per man, including guard duty at the hospital, traffic duty on fires
and regular routine patrol, stake outs for possible burglaries, rr
JIen;haire had 12 weeks training at 3 hrs per wesk before they were
Hom^asioned and went on active reserve work.
Permission of the council was asked for expanwlon of the reserve.
This was okayed with $300.00 additional fopsexp^nses.
Recommendations to street committee from Police Department for Stop
signs and speed zone signs. Stop signs to be placed at 19th & Fir,
21st & Fir, Scotts St. and Arthur Drive. Speed zone on Ranch Road.
Also that illegal parking will not be tolerated*
Mr. Johnson stated that he believes all perpendicular streets on
both sides of the flat should be thru streets except Alder 8c Hawthorne,
and make all parallel streets to the Highway (Winchester Ave.) Stop
Streets* Also that the City is going to start clearing hedges, trees
and whatever so that intersections will be clear*
Chief of Police recommends that there be 2 policemen at the teen-age
After some discussion, was referred to the Building Committee to look
into fees and schedules-set policy and fee schedule^' Until that time
leave to Mr* Johnson's discretion* Moved, seconded, and passed to do so*
Also moved, seconded, and passed for Mr* Johnson to repair restrooms
(with 3/k^ plywood).
Authorized Mr* Johnson to put up stop signs on Avenues and have Streets
be thru streets on both sides of the Flat* Put them ap at his discretion.
By motion, seconded, and passed unanimously.
BUDGET HEARING 1966-6?: Resolution adopting budget read. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously that we adopt budget.
ORDINANCE #li75 was read for the first time by Mr. Johnson, levying tax
for the 1966-67 Budget (f3#68l.lU).
Moved to adopt Ordinance, se^Oonded, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE read for the second time, by title only. Moved,
seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt aaid ordinance.
ORDINANCE #U75 read for the third time, by title only. Moved,
seconded, and paaaed unanimously to adopt ordinance.
Petition from John M. & Gertrude Scott for the annexation of
their property^on Bowman Road was read. Mayor referred it to the
Planning Commiaaion for their recommendation.
Mr. Johnson stated that they would like a water hook-up at this
time, and since there is a valid petition filed, believe usual
procedures should be waived. Okayed,
Letter from Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, and Merryfield read giving
reasons for slow progress in reporting on the replacement of
the tunnel water pipe.
ORDINANCE #1^.76, Schedule on Salaries, was read by Mr. Johnson
for the coming fiscal year.
Moved, seconded, and paaaed to adopt Ordinance.
ORDINANCE #kl^9 read for the second time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed to adopt Ordinance.
ORDINANCE #14-76, read for the third time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed to adopt Ordinance.
Copies of monthly report of city crew given to councllmen.
Following bills approved for payment;
Coi^Brclal Abstract Co. l^k-,05
Payroll fund 1900.00
OPS 13.62
Earl Baltazar i^OOO.OO
Payroll fund 779U»6l
Petty Cash 33.29
A & C Janitor Service li^.2.50
American Rubber Mfg« Co. 55^*68
Bishop^a Coast Stationery 4»07
Bay Pavers, Inc. 92.26
Baker's Saw Shop 105-10
Berge & Wally's 250.88
pUD 1076.98
PUD 5{i..99
Coos Bay Stationery 338.03
George P. Cake Co. 2k,51
Coast Communications Co. 16.00
D. L. Courtney, M.D. 17*50
Fire Equipment Co. 128,14.9
Steve Laam 1^6.13
Llllebo Construction Co, 908,08
Geo. Melville Plumbing 3^»36
Johns-Manvllle 2623.92
Nudelman Brothers 52.25
101 Service 7*75
OK Tire Stores 7.00
City of North Bend 23.00
North's Paint Store 11.68
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Pump, Pipe & Power Co. 66.37
PERS U01.13
Reedsport Insurance Co. 90.00
Reedaport Logging Co. Ul'71
Reedsport Auto Parts 9.1|9
Reedsport Motor Prt. 17.02
Ross* Flowers & Gifts l5.76
Rdspt Machine Works 398.914
Baker's Saw Shop 5.00
Rdspt Fire Dept. 35U.OO
Sewer Res. Fund
Savings Accout #00722 3373*10
Skylark Cafe 8.00
State of Oregon 9.00
Sea Cliff
Jack Schweitzer 188.L0
State Compensation Deptl21.o3
Taylor Hardware IOO.I4.7
Union Oil Co. 598.7^
Umpqua Riwer Navigation
Co. 203.50
Umpqua Rental & Supply 36.70
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 126.114-
Umpqua Drug 3.90
Umpqua Industrial Supply
Western Union 23.01
West Coast Telephone Co.
Waterworks Supply Co. 1|8.27
Meeting adjourned.
Gffyl<»d VaugSh, Mayor
nson, City Recorder
ft Lfi .
6:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn with Councllmen Thornton,
Murphey, Paull, and Holliday present. Dr, Lewis and Grover Woods
Mr. James Cunningham, of the State duced and explained what the department is doing to try and alleviate
the lay-off at TI. S, Plywood Corp.
They contacted companies in the area to see f^out openings, then
checked with employers to see If recruiters from their companies
could come here for Interviews. They are not trying to send people
out of the area, but trying to place them in jobs.
He thanked KRAP, the World, KCBY and the Pj.
Basic objective is to at least attempt to find work those laid off.
1. Shell Oil Co., maximum 12,000 gal. f,
maximum 2^,000 gal. furnace oil, $.1220 per gal.
2. Standard Oil Co., gasoline. Chevron, $.251 per gal.
furnace oil, $.1215 per gal.
3. Union Oil Co., gasoline $.2135 P«r gal.
furnace oil, $.117 gal.
Moved, seconded and passed unanimously to accept low bids.
Shell on gasoline ($.2129) and Union Oil Co. on furnace oil ($.117).
Grover Woods and Dr. Lewis now present.
Mr. Johnson presented the plans for the surface water pump . (drawn up by consulting englnor). Stated that we have 5®^
Lcept piling to put It In. Will use piling already installed for
the pipe.
Asked for the council's wishes as to whether to call for bids or work
on it outselves?
After some discussion, moved, seconded, and
for bids, setting completion date for October 31, 1966. Bid opening
to be August 22, 1966, 8:00 P.M., at a special council meeting.
ANNEXATION HEARING: City Attorney and Mayor asked if there were any
objections by property owners to the annexation of this property
advertised for annexation.
As there were no objections. City Attorney read ORDINANCE #14.77, for
the first time.
Ordinance extending the Corporate limits of the City of Reedsport
by annexing new territory thereto and declaring an emergency.
Descriptions of parcels as follows:
Parcel A: Beginning at a point marked ^7
which point is the initial point of Rowe
Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon; Thence South 1 i|0
feet to a point; Thence North 88 00' East 209 feet to a
Thence North l^kO' West 665.0 feet to a point; Thence South 66 00
West 209 feet to the point of beginning, all In the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, (NE4 of the SE4), Section four (U),
Township 22 South, Range 12 West, Willamette Meridian, Douglas
County, Oregon.
Parcel B; Beginning at an iron pipe pn the right of way line of the
old Roosevelt Highway which point is 1+76.55 feet
feet West of the i corner between Se^lons 3 and a
Range 12 Westy Willamette Meridian; Thence South k9 H' 30 East a
distance of 115.5 feet to an iron pipe; Thence South 25oij.9'30' West
page 2, 8/8/66
a distance of 103.5 feet to an iron pipe; Thence i|.9 12* West a
distance of feet to an iron pipe on the right of way line of
said highway; Thence North East along right of way line a
distance of 101,0 feet to the point of beginning, being in Douglas
County, Oregon,
Parcel C: Beginning at a point on the Southerly shoulder of old
Highway 101, said point being feet South and 2277.89 feet
West of the J corner common to Sections 3 and ii.. Township 22 South,
Range 12 West, Willamette Meridian, Reetiport, Douglas County,
Oregon; Then South 2®5$' East 138.39 feet to the most Westerly
corner of a tract of land contracted to Harold and Elinor Metsker;
Then North i|.0®1^.8* East 100.0 feet; Thence South I4.9 12' East 120.00
feet; Thence North East 103.50 feet; Thence North 1<.9®12*
West 155.50 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line of
the Old Highway 101; Thence Southwesterly along the said Highway
right of way line to the point of beginning.
Parcel D: Beginning at a point on the edge of the old Roosevelt
Highway right of way line, which point is 336.614. feet South and
1968.3I1. feet West of the ^ corner between Sections 3 and Town
ship 22 South, Range 12 West, Willamette Meridian, thence South
i|.5°08* West a distance of 172.5 feet; thence South East
§2distance of I30 feet; thence North 22*^15* East a distance of
226.6 feet, to a point on the right of way line of Bowman Road;
thence South 87°08' West, a distance of 62 feet to the point of
beginning, all in Section ij.. Township 22 South, Range 12 West,
Willamette Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ORDINANCE #14-77.
ORDINANCE #1|.77 read for the second time by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ORDINANCE #1|.77.
ORDINANCE #i|.77 read for the third time by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ORDINANCE #^17a
Recommendation of committee for policy on renting Community Bldg.
and use of building.
Suggest that the back room be converted into a council chamber
and place for trials. After some discussion, decided to have Mr.
Johnson get an estimated cost on this conversion, and report at
next meeting. Recreation will be through with building by 20th
of this month.
Discussion for the amount of rent to be charged for dances put on
Moved that we charge groups $100.00 rent (cash), with $100 cash ^
bond for repairs; City pays first 2 policemen, renter to pay for
additional policemen.
This motion was withdrawn, with Dr. Lewis making new motion:
^ove we charge $100 rent, plus $100 cash bond to cover 2 policemen
and repairs . Renter to pay for extra policemen, if police on duty
feel need for more help.
^Seconded and passed unanimously.
City Attorney stated that a master plan is needed before anything
can be done on the applications.
PINANCE-Ray Holliday, chairman:
WATER-Gordon Murphey, chairman:
Discussed the money appropriated to build a drill tower for the
page 3» 8/6/66 189
Plre Dept. The money waa set aside out of last year's budget for
•this^ but when not used by the end of the fiscal year, goes back
into the General Fund. Plre Department wants to build'the:tower
themselves. Were informed that it would have to come out of this
(66-67) year's budget.
Mr. Johnson informed the council, due to collections end experience
in the past, budget Bxpenditures should be limited to porportions
(^f taxesjas received.
Mr. Thornton is to check with Fire Department on the drill tower.
STREETS & SEWERS-Grover Woods, chairman: Crestview Drive will be
having same trouble with dirt and mud coming down when the rains
start as last year. Recommend that ditch be lined,
Mr. Johnson to contact Diehl & Serfling to se« if something can't
be worked out. City has not as yet accepted Crestview Drive for
POLICE-Dr. Lewis, chairman:
Chief Hass says that Mr. Burdick would like the stop signa switched
that are up on l6th and Greenwood, Believes they should be on the
l6th St, instead of Greenwood side.
Chief Haas la satisfied with them as they are, also council and Mr.
Johnson agree they should stay as they are.
Mr, Thornton brought to the attention of the council that all offenders
for wrong side parking should be given tickets, not show favoritism.
Also that he believes any local kids that are picked up for curfew
should not be reported to the juvenile authority, but the parents
called and asked to pick them up. Should handle ou^ own Juveniles
on curfew.
City Attorney to check the legality of this and report at the special
meeting to be held the 22nd of this month.
FIRE-James Thornton, chairman:
Mayor brought to the council's attention Erlchsen's bill for the
month of July. $1200 was set aside as a line item In the budget
and the first month's bill was $1022.
Mr. Erichsen explained the work that has been completed to-date:
Rowe St. complete location survey: Estimate for curbs, storm sewers,
pavement-$19,200; $16.00 per front foot.
Pump Station already explained.
Maple Drive Sewer: Cost $9,690 presented City with 3 sets of plans.
This would bring the sewer up to State specifications. City Attorney
to draft letter to Maple Drive property owners and advise them of
sewer situation.
Bowman Road Street survey not complete.
Council to decide whether or not to keep Mr. Erichsen as consulting
engineer, because of shortage of money.
Council wanta Bowman Road survey finished, and Mr. Erichsen set a price
of $25.00 per month for one of his men to attend meeting. Council
Mr. Jayne states that he has had a request for the condemnation of the
Schroeder Apartments. Believe the engineer should give written report
of his inspection to the council.
Mr. Erichsen said he would include this in his $25.00 per month charge.
Water line and Bernhardt storm drain on edge of Lot 1, Morris Addition,
page i(., 8/6/66
P. H. Barney property. Line should be lowered and Barney's are
willing to grant an easement to the City ao line can be lowered.
Council agreed to sign agreement. Mr. Johnson stated that the City
is to pay Mr. Bernhardt $100 per lot on water line, so will deduct
cost of lowering before he is paid.
This is due to failure to receive easement from Bernhardt.
Mr. Johnson announced that August 31at; la the last day to file
for Mayor or councilmen to be on the November 6th ballot.
Following bills approved for payment:
Pacific Security Bank 16000.00 Pacific Motor Trk. 7.00
Douglas County Clerk 2.50 Pennaalt Chemicals 56.2$
Ray Haas 60.00 Sewer Rsa. Savings 3261.31
Michael J. Lanegan 60.00 Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Paul Chudy 60.00 PERS hk3-72
Charles R. Marone 60.00 Rdspt Insurance Serv. $35.38
Jim E* Casselman 60.00 Rdspt Auto Parts 25.97
OPS 13.62 Rdspt Garden & Feed 8.65
Payroll fund 1900.00 Rdspt Logging Supply 366i|..83
Jack C. Kelley 3.00 Rdspt Machine Works 75.61
Daisy Roth 3.00 Rdspt Motor Prt. 7.00
Ruby M. Lantx 3.00 Rdspt Fire Dept. 1^02.00
Lucille S. McQueen 3.00 Stults, Jayne &
Ellen M. Pratt 3.00 Murphey 160.00
Marian Kiesow 3.00 Sanderson Safety
Sidney G, Holder 3.00 Supply Co. 8O.I4O
Nancy Ruth Jennings 3.00 Steve Laam 60.30
Luana E, Myers 3.00 U. S. Post Office 661+. IjO
Eva T. Tollefson 3.00 Traffic Safety Supply
Rilla M. Brewster 3.00 Company l4lt7.50
Milo M. Griffith 3.00 Thompson Ford Sales 10.1+5
Penny Lyn Taylor 3.00 Taylor Hardware 59.93
Bernlce Hagner 3.00 Union Oil Co. of Calif.
Mabel Andrews 3.00 11+6.05
Mary Mae l&avis 3.00 Umpqua Rental & Sup. 7g.75
Anna B. Hoile 3.00 Utilities Supply Co. 28a.87
Henneth R, Hathaway 3.00 Umpqua Bldg. Supply 350.32
William Doernback 33.00 Umpqua Hiver Navig. I4.5.75
Umpqua National Bank 1980.00 West Coaat Telephone 136.25
Payroll fund 8816.03
ITmpqua National Bank 300.00
A & C Janitor Service 114.2.50
Al's Signs 5U.00
Bey Printers 55.00
Berge & Wally's 202.I4.9
Baker's Saw Shop 1.95
Bill's Auto Paint & Metal 21,00
PUD 10i|.0.62
The Courier lllj-.U!;
General Fund 18280.00
Coos Bay Supply Co. 560.i|i|
Royal Carter Roofing 1000.00
Fire Equlppent Co. 32.83
Highland Shell Service 8.70
Jim's Umpqua Drug 1.10
Duncan Jones 6.88
General Fund 1807.96
League of Oregon Cities 292.11
Meter Box Equipment Co. m.85
City of North Bend 23.00
OK Tire Store ii+5.09
101 Service 92.75
PERS 7.80
Meeting adjourned.
!• G.f^ohnson, City Recorder
Gaylwd Vau^n7 Mayor
£^2^1^ (3'f ^
Nettle B. Glasser, Recording Sec'y.
OP REEDSPORT, AUGUST 22, 1966, 8:00P,M.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayoy, with councilmen Paull,
Thornton, Murphey, and Holliday present. Woods and Lewis absent.
Mayor introduced Miss Boucheau, with the Douglas County Welfare
office. She explained the work project for welfare receipients.
Could be employed by the city for special projects, such as
park program, with wages paid bjuitcbf Pederal Funds, and the city
only being responsible for State Compensation. Miss Boucheau
presented an agreement that has already been accepted by several
cities in the county, agreeing to hire suitable workers for these
special projects. She explained that if these workers prove
responsible, she is then able to place some of them in training
^ for better jobs.
Mayor believes City should sign agreement and see if we can help
some of these welfare receipients.
Paull moved that mayor sign agreement, seconded by Murphey, and
passed unanimously;.
She anticipates between 1*0 to 80 workers in this area.
Woods now present,, and Lewis.
Bids on Storm Sewer Pump Station held up until engineer arrives.
Discussion of policy to be set for handling of Juveniles. As
discussed at previous meeting, councilmen believe should be handled
at home as much as possible, without calling in Juvenile officers.
Chief Hass introduced Ted Gordon, with the Juvenile Authority in
Roseburg, who explained the curfew (state law) and the way it
is handled when juveniles are picked up, not only here but all over
the county and state.
Explained that the record for first offender is a card placed in
a file, curfew offender dismissed. After juvenile is lo, if no
more offenses, card is thrown away.
Mr. Morgan also explained that 80^ of the crimes committed by
juveniles occur between the hours of midnight and four a.m.
Sgt. Casselman explained one incident.
City Attorney stated that the City is not set up to handle curfew
offenders, is a municipal court only.
Murphey went on record as being in favor of handling first offenders
Continue to cooperate with the County but set policy for the future.
Bids on Storm Sewer Pump:
1. $31^.20.00, Tom Lillebo Construction.
Bid less than engineer's estimated cost.
Moved accept bid. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Maple Drive paving:
Mr. Murphey reported that Paul Bernhardt had been in and taped
to him, stating that he had a man from the State down and okayed
his sewer Saystem.
Mr. Erichsen, engineer, explained the requirements for a in
this area, or any subdivision, and the state required an 8 line.
Also that 2 seta of plans be sent to the State, and if they
okayed, they will be' stamped and signed and one copy returned to
the owner (Mr. Bernhardt.)
Mr. Bernhardt put sewer line In, on owdt^f•opfe^tyv;:thett;-subaeque^tly
dbaicated^theoat^bet^ Thla la .a 6 Inch line.
Dr. Lewis stated that if sewer meeta apeciflcationa, can go ahead and
pave; if not, can't.
Mrs. Therman Tuttle appeared before the council asking that the
hedges, trees, and shrubs that block and hinder vision of the
drivers be cut or taken out.
Mr. Johnson reported to her that this has already been discussed,
but will t6ke time.
Mayor referred this to the police committee for their recommendation.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST; Ga^llooMrn VVaauuffnnnn,, Mayor
iV G. JibMnson Ifettl© B. Glasaer
City Reorder Recording Sec'y.
Meeting waa called to order by the Mayor with Councilmen Woods,
and Lewis present.
Holliday, Paull, Thornton, end Murphey absent.
This meeting waa called for the purpose of discussing the police
department, but due to the lack of a quorum, no action can be
City R€^rder
G¥yTS^ Vaughn, Mayor
N'ettie B. Glasser, Recording
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor with the following
councilmen present: James Thornton, Gordon Murphey, L. E. Paull,
Grover Woods, Raymond Holliday, with Dr. Lewis out of town.
Before getting into the agenda, there is a routine request from
Western Douglas Republican Women to hang a banner across Pir Ave.
Mr. Johnson is to notify them that as far as the City is concerned,
it is okay, but they should contact the State Highway Dept. also
for permission.
Also have a request from the Onstage Dance Studio in Coos Bay. Wish
to use the Community Bldg. (gym) every Priday night from 7p.m.-9p.m.
for $5-00 to give dancing lessons.
After stating that $5-00 would not take care of the heat, lights,
and cleaning, with Priday a bad night to tie up the building, was
moved, seconded, and passed to reject the Dance Studio's offer.
MAPLE DRIVE SEWER AND PAVING: Letter from the City Attorney was read
by the Mayor, stating that even though City Recorder Johnson informed
the council that this sewer did not meet City or State requirement,
the council did nothing to make Mr. Bernhardt bring this up to meet
In Mr. Jayne's research he finds that private sewers and drains can
become the property of a City by purchase, dedication accepted by
municipal authority, and in some cases, private sewer lines are
regarded as becoming municipal lines merely through connection and
integration with the city sewer.
He states, quote, "Since the City Council and Planning Commission were
put on notice of the condition of this line and failed to take any
action and subsequently charged connection fees and service charges,
I feel that the Court could reasonably hold that the sewer line in
question is a part of the City sewer and a City responsibility.
To avoid costly litigation and as a way of compromise, I would suggest
the City install several man holes in locations selected by the City
Recorder at City expense and put in lamp holes as provided for in the
lines, and allow the property owners to pave the street. Unquote.
Mr. Johnson stated that he did not feel qualified to tell them where to
put the manholes. Part lies on privatB property and does not know
our responsibility.
Paull moved that people on Maple Drive be given okay to go ahead and
pave. Seconded.
Por a matter of record, the Mayor requested that the Council accept
the part of the sewer system that is in the street.
An easement through E. P. Stone's property will be needed. Main thing
is to let people know, that if the street is paved, it will have to be
torn up when manholes are installed.
Motion withdrawn.
Paull moved we accept sewer underneath City street (Maple Drive);
give permission to blacktop, but be sure they know it will have to
be torn up when manholes are put in (at City's expense)^
Seconded and passed unanimously.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Recommend that Scott petition for annexation
be accepted.
City Attorney to advertise with hearing called for next regular
council meeting October 10th.
Chairman E. C. Daily explained briefly the plans of setting up a group
to compile data to present to diversified industries to interest them
in our area.
Bill Jayne to go ahead and check on easement through Stone property.
PINANCE-Holliday, chairmHn:
WATER-Murphey, chairman: Jack Himebaugh of Winchester Bay, has
complained that he is being charged too much on his water bill
for his traiir court.
Mr. Johnson stated that you would have to change the charges on
all trailer courts if you changed his.
Committee recommends it be left as is,
Mr. Murphey presented a list of persons in floathouses that are
approximately $1^7*00 behind in their water bills. After some
discussion, it was recommended that these bills be turned over
to Associated Adjusters for collection (at discretion of City
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to do so.
BUILDINGS, PARKS, AND PLAYGROUNDS-Paull, chairman: Man in charge
of workable program said that only one project would be all the City
would get, but don^t know if his say is official as far as park
application is concerned.
Mayor stated that he and Mr. Paull had met with Pitch, architect for
the Douglas County Courthouse Annex.
Mr. Paull recommends that City Council give Mr. Johnson okay to remodel
room at other end of Community Building for Council Chambers with a
limit of $1000 for materials.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to do so.
Discussed the need for stoves for the kitchen; also that a place is
needed with kitchen facilities for groups to meet. Building committee
to discuss kitchen repair.
STREETS & SEWERS-Woods, chairman: Requested discussion on streets
(sections that were not paved when rest of street was paved.
City Attorney to check into possibility of filing a Nuisance Complaint,
also lien types to get these sections paved.
There are 2 areas that need special attention where kids cross to
go to school. By Koch's and by the park at Greenwood where it does
not drain. Also by Dunn's at shopping center.
Pump will help when installed.
Mr. Johnson informed the council that the pump is in, and they are
building the house for it.
Kenneth Kent requested a street light for his apartments on 10th and
After somet.disoussion, request was referred to L. E. Paull, chairman
of the light's committee, for their recommendation.
POLICE COMMITTEE-James Thornton: Council has approved 5 more reserved.
This makes a total of ten, having first meeting tonight.
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman:
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Has hedrd nothing yet from Erlchsen on con
CITY RECORDER•REPORT: Has had a complaint about trailers being
parked in the street at the trailer sales at ll+th St,
Council recommends ordinance be enforced,
A group of women has requested the use of the gym to play Volley
Ball, Ok'ajed by the council for Tuesday nights.
Agreement presented for signatures accepting the $2$,000 for the
final planning of the disposal plant.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that agreement be signed.
Letter from Cornell, Rowland, Hayes & Merryfield for laying pipe
in the tunnel to the lake. They have 2 suggestions:
1, 16" transite pipe pulled through 2l|" pipe, (ruled out)
2. Same as originally recommended by Mr» Johnson, replace each
section at a time.
It is a summer show because of the dirt road access.
Shorty's Trailer Sales, now on Septic tank, referred to proper
committee, for possible connection to existing sewer.
Following bills okayed for payment;
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
payroll fund
Petty cash
Reedsport Logging Supply
payroll fund
Lower TJmpqua Rec.
payroll fund
TJmpqua National Bank
Umpqua National Bank
Al's Signs
A & C Janitor Service
Bishop's Coast Stationery
Bay Printers
Berge & Wally's Chevron
Baker's Saw Shop
The Bristol Co,
The Courier
Reedsport Motor Freight
Coast Communications
Sheriff & Tax collector
Pioneer School Dist lO^-c
Reedsport Union High School
Lower Umpqua Hospital
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
Fire Equipment Go.
Highland Shell Service
Melville Plumbing
0. R, North
City of North Bend
OK Tire Store
Meeting adjourned.
I, G, Jbiins
City REcorder
1022,00 101 Service
1900.00 Pennsalt Chemical,®
12.66 Portland State College
65-00 Paramount Pest Control
6$0.00 PERS
100.00 Steve Laam
1^00,00 Rdspt Fire Dept.
9201.30 Rdspot Repair Shop
280,00 Rdspt Logging Sup,
271.25 Rdspt Auto parts
93.00 RL Towing & Garage
ll|2.50 Thompson Ford Sales
225.00 James Thornton
53.00 Taylor Hardware
190.2^ Union Oil Co.
75.57 Utilities Supply
11.56 Umpqua Ind, Supply
1056.6U Umpqua Rental & Sup.
9.67 Jim's Umpqua Drug
3.50 Umpqua Bldg. Supply
I1O.I4.3 Rdspt Machine Wks
1U7.77 Gaylord Vaughn
197.23 West Coast Telephone Co.
127.26 lUO.30
36.38 Williams Pharmacy i^..93
Gayrlloonfil VaugMn, Mayor
2k. 52
Nettie B. Glasser, recording
1966, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn with the following
Councilman present: James Thornton, Gordon Murphey, L. E. Paull,
Grover Woods, Dr. Lewis, with Ray Holliday absent.
SCOTT ANNEXATION HEARING: Since there were no remonstrances, it was
moved that annexation be accepted. Seconded and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE was read for the first time by I. G. Johnson extending
the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport by annexing new territory
(John & Gertrude Scott property) thereto and declaring an emergency.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt Ordinance #14-78.
ORDINANCE #i|.78 read by title only for the second time. j
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt said ordinance.
ORDINANCE #i|.78 read by title onl:,' for the third time.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt said ordinance.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT; Chairman Daily reported that several
of the members of the Planning Commission attended the Port Meeting
and discussed the possibilities of how to get diversifed industries
interested in our area.
Mayor announced that our application for an Urban Renewal Survey
had been granted for $82,01^. Stated that this is an outright grant
until Urban Renewal itself is started, and then it becomes a part of
the program. It is an estimated 13 months program. Harlan Manml
will be here Thursday, and a special meeting of the Urban Renewal
Agency will be held. This agency consists of the council and the
First thing will be to select a director, clerical assistant, office
girl, and later an assistant director.
All personnel is selected by the Urban Renewal Agency. The Mayor
appointed a Screening Committee composed of Gordon Murphey, CounciBi;
E. C. Daily, Planning Commission chairman; and City Attorney William
Jayne. They will also screen the consulting firms when needed.
Contracts are in the mail. A budget will be submitted and should be
able to start within a month.
PINANCE COMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman absent:
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman:
STREETS & SEWERS COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman: inquired as ^
to whether or not the sewer could back up in the Juniper Street |
pump house area? Mr. Johnson informed him that it is gated in
the pump house. |
Dr. Lewis brought to the council's attention a tree at the corner
of Bowman Road & Longwood Drive that is a hazard. Mr. Johnson
believes this is on private property but will check on it.
William Jayne was asked to look into the possibility of making
Laskey-Clifton repair Rowe St. & Bowman Road, damages incurred
while hauling dirt in that area.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman:
PIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman:
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: three bail bonds ahve been revoked, first
time in City's history.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT; Request for liquor license from the Eagles
Lodge. After some discussion, moved, seconded, and approved ttnanimously
their application.
Announced that the League of Oregon Cities convention will be at the
Hilton Hotel in Portland, November 13-15.
Reported that the storm pump station ia all installed.
Discussed the condemning of house by railroad depot, owned by Robin
Reed, but half is on Ben Henderson property, Ben Henderson would like
to burn his half.
Also houses across from the Waterfront Tavern.
Bill Jayne to contact Erichsen on these.
Dawn Peseau stated that the Dike Sample is complete
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund
Payroll fund
TJmpqua Nat*l Bank
Special Sewer Res.
Payroll fund
Assembly of God Church 300.00
American Pire Protection Co,
A & C Janitor 1U2.50
Baker *s Savj Shop k.OO
Berge & Wally's Chevron 6.36
Bay Pavers 196,20
PTJD 1038.52
The Courier 20.66
Geo, P. Cake Co, 5-50
Sewer Reserve Savings 3210,77
Coast Comm, Co. 56,96
Del Chemical Corp. 62,3^1
Diehl & Serfling 17U.90
Fire Equipment Co, 300.18
Hinds Supply Co, 5^.50
Highland Shell Service 19ii.05
Lillebo Construction Co,36l9.20
McKay's Market 5.26
Meter Box Equipment Co. 60,96
Melville Plumbing 8,65
City of North Bend 1^9.11
Oregon Assoc of
City Finance Officers 2,00
Oregon State Hiway U^.73
OK Tire Store 73-11
Pacific Motor Trucking ll,ij-2
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 5^.25
Paramount Pest Control 8,00
Meeting adjourned,
I. G. J^nson
City Recorder
Petty Cash i|2,99
Rdspt Logging Supply 8.05
Rdspt Insurance Serv, 1^.216,00
Rdspt Auto Parts 62.60
Rdspt Mill Co., Inc. 31.90
Rdspt Pire Dept. 378,00
Shell Oil Co.' 128.17
Sec*y of State 3-88
Stults, Jayne, & Murphey 3.00
Skylark Cafe 8,70
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware 23.07
Raymond Hass 60,00
Michale J, Lanegan 60,00
Charles R, Marone 60.00
Jim Casselman 60,00
Pqul Chudy 60,00
Union Oil Co, of Calif. 57.35
Umpqua Bldg, Supply 295.13
Umpqua Rental & Supply 35.09
Umpqua River Navigation 14-7.50
West Coast Telephone 123.10
Charles David Meade 25.00
Steve Laam 88,50
Gaylor Mayor
''Nettie B^; Glasser, Recording
NOVEMBER 10, 1966, AT 8:Q0 P.M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Vaughn, with councilmen Thornton,
Murphey, Paull, Woods, Lewis, and Holliday present.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman:
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairmanj
PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND BLDG, COMM.-L. E. Paull, chairman: some |
top soil is needed on 22nd and Greenwood. Mr. Johnson to take
cafe of it.
STREET & SESTERS-Grover Woods, chairman: Letter received from Diehl
and Serfling stating that the Crestview Drive road has been brought
up to the specifications requested by the City to stop drainage
Mr. Woods and Mr. Johnson both have inspected and believe it will
be okay.
Woods recommends that Crestview Drive be accepted for maintenance.
Murphey moved that Crestview Drive be accepted for maintenance,
seconded by Paull.
Vote Aye 5 no 1, Thornton
Surface water pump is ready as soon as Mr. Zallee comes from
Portland to check installation.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman: Hass explained that a new
car had to be purchased or the. '65 Ford overhauled. It has i^.7,000
miles on it.
At a meeting of the committee, agreed that it would be cheaper to
have motor overhauled, thab purchase new car. No firm figure on
price of overhauling received yet.
Moved that when firm figure is received from Thompson Ford Sales,
that repairs be made. Seconded and passed.
Mr. Thornton understood that the Reserve could not work alone or
write tickets. Believe it is being done.
Chief Hass explained that Ueland is working as a paid police man, ^
Understands this did happen once, but has it taken care of.
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman: Erichsen was up to see
Bill Jayne, was supposed to have condemnations for tonight. Bill
3"ayne not present.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT; Request for neneisal of liquor licenses have
been requested. All same expect the deleting of one name from the
Rainbow Cafe & Tavern.
Authorize the renewal of the liquor licenses, unanimous.
Letter read from Veterans' of Foreign War Commander, thanking the
City for its hospitality during their meeting held here and in
Mr. Murphey left copy of the Flood Warning Instructions for this
year. Mr. Johnson to see that Police Dept. and Curt Baker get
Announced the League of Oregon Cities Convention starts Sunday.
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund 1900.00
OPS 13*li4-
Stat© Compensation Dept. lk6.9o
State Comp. Dept. 16i4..Ij.7
State Comp. Dept. 11^.7.91
Douglas County Clerk 3*00
Payroll fund TW.W
Umpqua National Bank o5*00
A & C Janitor Serv. lii.2.50
Assoc. Adjusters 25*00
Berge & Wally 1.50
Baker's Saw Shop 3?*65
Louis Bachmeir 10i4..60
PUD 1055.611.
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 2.^7
PUD 267.0$
Geo. P. Cake Co. 11.30
Coast Comm. Co. 5^^*66
Fire Equipment Co, 190.90
Highland Shell Serv. 223-55
Ore, Vol. Fire Assoc. l5»00
Steve Laam 70.97
Nudelman Bros. 3-00
City of North Bend [|.8.25
OK Tire Stores li-9.50
Sewer Res. Savings 32o0,66
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 353-95
PERS 6.6i4-
Rdspt Fire Dept. 35^*00
Rdspt Machine Works 326.52
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. Jonn^n
City Recoi^er
Rdspt Repair Shop 193.55
Rdspt Logging Supply 31-79
Rdspt Motor Frt. 11,01
Rdspt Auto Parts 39-32
RL Towing l[|-.00
State Forester 91-i].8
Shell Oil Co. 89.1^-2
Taylor Hardware 13-9i|
Union Oil Co. 88.85
Utilities Supply Ij.7'.|-.l6
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 160.20
Umpqua River Navigation 22.50
Umpqua Rental & Supply l\.7,2k.
West Coast Telephone 130.90
Waterworks Supplies 25.11
Westinghouse 209-i^O
augcn. Mayor
fettle B. Glasser,
Recording Secretary
Meeting was called to order by the President of the Council, L. E,
Paull, with following council present: James Thornton, Gordon Murphey,
Raymond Holliday, Dr. Robert Lewis.
Mr. Paull stated that there was talk after the election that the dike
would not be built. When in Portland to the League of Oregon Cities
Convention, Reedsport representatives including the Mayor-elect
and Councilmen-elect met with the Corps of Engineers. As soon as
Hatfield returns to the State, project will be okayed, then plans
will be received by the City so they can get right-of-ways. By January
they will be able to tell us approximately the City's share.
Maybe after the Platiron is inproved, it can be diked by the owners
to meet Corp's specifications and the dike along Winchester would
be removed.
Discussed clearing of brush on the dike. Believe crew can take care
of this.
Mr. Paull believes the test dike is not part of the permanent dike.
It l3 the Port's obligation to keep dike clean, but they are way behind.
All easements must be complete before project can be started.
Believe should show how many openings are needed on the Platlron. Also
no opening is snown for Water Ave, (to Machine Shop;,
Mr. Johnson to call to check about clearing the dikea
Meeting called to clarify that DIKE WILL BE BUILT,
Mentioned construction will start as early as possible this coming ^
summer. May be able to do it all In one year.
If easemfenta are not forthcoming, has right of condemnation, and
under new statute, can start after it is filed.
Future disposal lines will be on outside of the dike,
Mr. Johnson stated tbat the crew can make changes in the water lines,
Mrs. Peseau asked how many condemnation actions are contemplated?
Mr. Paull stated that they did not know. Easements will be non-exclusive
for maintenance and army engineers.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST. /-> L.^ Er Paull, President
i, G, Jciinson
City Recorder
Nettle B. Giasser
Recording Secretary
DECEMBER 12, 1966
The meeting was called, to order by the President of the Council,
L, E. Paull, in the absence of the Mayor, with councilmen Murphey,
Thornton, Woods, and Lewis present, Holliday absent.
Minutes of previous meetings approved,
FINANCE-Holliday, chairman:
WATER-Murphey, chairman: Okay
PARKS, PLAYGROmiPS, AND BLDG., LIGHTS-L, E, Paull, chairman:
Discussion of light installation from Longwood Drive to the
Underpass. Mr, Johnson to contact Mr, Nunnally tomorrov;.
STREETS & SEWERS-Grover Woods, chairman: Pump (surface water)
doing good job.
POLICE-Dr. Lewis,- chairman: George C, Walker, Jr. has been
hired as new policeman, was formerly a reserve,
FIRE-Jim Thornton, chairman:
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Still no report from Erlchsen on con
Insurance agent hounding him on deal of slide from Assembly of
God Church. Part of the repairs made was on City.street. Lillebo
did the work, but insurance company insists on making check out to
the City.
Motion made and seconded to sign release and endorse check payable
to Lillebo Construction.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: Mr. Johnson gave a summary report of the cost of
installation of the surface water pump. Estimated cost of installation
(complete) by local firm was
Pump $3099.05
Pipe 2125.00
Platform 690?.11
In addition, $6500 in drain pipe has been installed,
Lt, Ueland made a report on the Police Reserve, introducing Stanley
Miller who has juat finished his training. Also tendered his
resignation, effective immediately. The Reserve has put In 8IO
hrs. for the City.
Mr. Johnson read a copy of a letter addressed to Colonel Talbott,
Corps of Engineers, from the Governor, endorsing their dike
report and project.
Mr. Paull also stated that he wrote to the Corps, for clarification
on the cleaning of dikes. They estimate a cost of $!|0C0 for this
and if the City does not do It, will add It to cost of project,
Mr. Johnson reported that some of the cleaning has been taken care
of, but Schofleld cannot get equipment on it, have to be done by hand.
Under charter, Mr. Johnson stated that the abstract of election is to
be entered in the minutes.
November 8, 1966 election:
Mayor Council
Hurlocker (^67*^ Purlott CEQ2^
Vaughn 0^9 Hanson ^313^
write-ins 6 Hutter i|.94
Lewis "102g>
New Mayor and Councilmen to Miller
be inatalled next regular Murphey 588
council meeting. v/rlte-lns 6
Brought to the Council's attention that the Eagles Lodge did not
get their liquor license, but did get beer license. Turned dov.'n
by liquor commission.
Mr. Nunnally requested lights (2) for the South Hill Drive area.
Committee recommended that Mr, Nunnally put those in and take care
of the road to the Underpass.
Following bills approved for payment:
OPS 13.14 Baker's Saw Shop 5-80
Payroll fund 2000.00 Bay Printers 21.00
IGJohnson 67.05 PTO 1122.61
Portland Hilton 101.00 PUD 39.3o
Payroll fund 7916.93 Jirri E. Casselman 20.00
American Rubber 77ij.,20 Coos Bay Stationery 11^-5.20
A & C Janitor Serv. lIi-2.50 Coast Communications, Co,
Berge 3c Wally i^..60 State of Oregon Il-C.OO
Fire Equipment Co. 76.3^
Highland Shell 236.89
Hinds Supply 2125.00
Ronald 0. Hanson 72.00
Hale & Rudin 3*75
Steve LaaiTi 70.97
Laskey-Glifton 320.00
Ore. State Highway 26.11
City of North Bend 2i|..30
OK Tire Store 7.^0
Pennsatt Chemicals $6.2$
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 367.8$
Pape* Bros,, Inc. 2506.l8
Prank Rose 10.00
Reedaport Logging ll|.0.82
Rdspt Auto Parts 28.79
Rdspt Plumbing 20.00
RL Towing 1.39
Rdspt Machine Works 30.77
Rdspt Insurnace Ser. 66.00
Shell Oil Co. 131.57
Reedsport Repair
Shop 188,62
Sewer Res. Savings 2975.614-
Meeting adjourned,
City Recorder
Bob Sund Agency
Thompson Pord Sales
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Rental & Supply
Umpqua Industrial
Umpqua Electric
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua River Nav.
West Coast Telephone
C, W. Wray
Waterworks Supply
Al's Signs
L.'E. Paull, President
Nettie B. Glasser,
Recording Secretary
AT 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Gaylord Vaughn, with Gouncilmen
Thornton, Paull, Holliday; Councilmen-elect Ronald 0, Hanaon, Cliff
Purlott, Dr. Robert Lewis, and Mayor-elect Paul Hurlocker present.
As last official duty. Mayor Vaughn stated, to turn meeting over to
the new Mayor and Council, but first asked that City support committee
for getting Diversified industries interested in our area.
Second, keep pressure on for completion of the dike. Hade following
recommendations; keep pressure on the Corps of Engineers. Secure
active support of Governor KcCall and Dellenbeck. Make a complets
resum^e and meet with both bringing them up to date.
Congratulated Mayor and New Council, offered his complete cooperation.
Mayor Paul Hurlocker, Councllmen Cliff Furlott and Ronald 0. Hanson
sworn in by outgoing Mayor Vaughn as last official duty.
Mayor Hurlocker accepted Mr. Vaughn's offer of help and stated that
everything in our power will be done toward the completion of the dike
High School students requested time to speak. Sandra Rose stated that
they would like to rent the Community Bldg. for 2 nights a week for
dancing and general recreation, througiiout school year. Stated there
would be chaperones, and organizations in town considering sponsoring
Recorder Johnson stated that if charges were made for the dances,
they would run into trouble (tax-wise). If no rent is charged,
should do own janitor work.
James Thornton stated that lack of sponsors and chaperones was one
reason Recreation Group had never opened the building during the
The number of chaperones has not been discussed by the group as yet.
Chief Hass said it could be arranged to have one of the Reserves in
Councilman Paull moved to let group use building starting this Friday
with Chaperones and Reserve Police,
List of responsible chaperones to be left at Recorder's office.
Motion seconded and^passed unanimously.
FINANCE-Chairman Dr. Robert Lewis, Raymond Holliday
WATER-Chairman Raymond Holliday, Ronald 0. Hanson, Dr. Robert Lewis
STREET & SEWER-Chairman Ronald Oo Hanson, James Thornton, Cliff Furlott
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, & LIGHTS-Chairman L. E. Paull, Raymond Holliday,
Cliff Furlott
POLICE-Chairman Cliff Furlott, Dr. Robert Lewis
FIRE-Chairman James Thornton, Ronald 0. Hanson
City Recorder I. G. Johnson
Water Commissioner Arthur L. Tollefson
City Attorney William Jayne
Chief of Police Raymond Hass
Fire Chief LeRoy Chenoweth
Health Officer Dr. D. L. Courtney
Civil Defense Curtis Baker
Pfenning Commission-R.eappointed Frank'Rose, E. P. Stone, new member.
Councilman Thornton stated that before final appointments were made.
Department heads and committees should have a get-together. Because
of dissention in the past, believe discussions should be had.
After some discussion. Mayor's appointments were accepted, with each
appointment voted on separately.
Recommendations for Planning Commission accepted unanimously.
To represent the City on the Library Board, Ray Holliday; Recreation
Committee, James Thornton; Citizens' Advisory Group, Dr. Robert Lewis;
Douglas County Water Resources Board, Gordon Murphey; and Community
Action Comm., Inc., Rudy Johnson.
Reedsport Citizens' Advisory Group-Chairman Lloyd Richardson; Harley Gray,
Dave Wootton, Mrs. Lois DeVelbiss, Mrs. Edith Stuller, and Dr. Dave
Garbage Franchise expired in December, 1966. Clarence Hahn here to
present plans for renewing franchise, including a 25 .cent raise on
first can, and requesting renewal for 10 years. Has not had a raise
Since I960.
Councilman Thornton felt Council should wait until City Attorney is
present before any decision is made. Since most City Services are
put out for bid, feels maybe this should be too. Believes City Attorney
should check terms of franchise before it is accepted.
After much discussion on procedures for renewing franchises, it was
moved, seconded, and passed. Aye Opposed, 1, Thornton, to take
action on franchise tonight.
Councilman Lewis moved that City Attorney be authorized to dr0W
ordinance (for Council approval at next meeting) for renewal of
garbage franchise for 10 years, raising rate to $1.75 for 1st can;
$1.25 additional for hauling appliances, and $1.^0 for hauling
burning barrels. Also duties for the City should be outlined. ^
Motion seconded and passed. Aye 5» Opposed 1, Thornton.
Dr. Lewis gave yearly police report for 1966. City prisoners
booked in jail, li|5; State & County prisoners booked in jail, $6;
Juveniles taken into protective custody, 68; 38? traffic citations
issued; 138 parking tickets issued. Mileage on two patrol cars,
Chief Hass also reported that he had made Glenn Uries Lt. of the
Councilman Paull reported he had had an irate citizen in his office,
complaining about the loaded trucks using Laurel Ave. again. This
street is posted "No trucks and No Truck Parking". Police to patrol
this area more closely.
Baull asked about the Welfare Workers for the Park? Mr. Johnson stated
that the County had not sent any as yet.
Also a small area is being cleared on 22nd and Greenwood. The Hahn's
are going to landscape it.
Mr. Johnson reported on the dike situation as it stands. Last letter
with draft and outline for easements is not exact enough for obtaining
Mr. Vaughn thinks that letters of intent for the right-of-ways should
be gotten from people like Southern Pacific, US Plywood and the State
of Oregon.
Also City heeds to appoint E. C. Daily as City*s representative to the
Port on the Industrial Development Committee. Send letter to Port
appointing same.
Chief Hass reported floathouse loose on Schofield Creek; Mr. Johnson
to check into means of getting rid of it.
Mayor and Mr. Johnson to pursue completion of dike with Governor and
Tom Tymchuk wished the MaycR and new coucil a good year and thanked i
Gay for the 2 years he has been Mayor.
City Foreman*s report passed to the council.
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund 1900.00 Coast Comm. Co. I|.0.32
OPS 13. li; PTO 12.28
Rdspt Fire Dept. 190.20 Sewer Res. Savings 2995*20
Payroll fund 7876.52 The Courier 2l|..50
American Fire Protection I|-.75 Coos Bay Stationery. 7.33
A & C Janitor Service II4.2.5O Courtney 10.00
B-y Pavers, Inc. kl'kl Cliff Furlott 90.00
Bill's C. B. S\xpplj 21|.20 Fire Equipment Co. 218.23
Berge & Wally»s Sta. 35.28 Cliff Furlott 1^06.0$
Baker's Saw Shop 9.00 Highland Shell Serv. 265.05
PUD 1132.3i| Raymond Holliday 110.00
P. L. Hurlocker
W, E. Hardy
Jim'3 Umpqua Drug
Rdspt Peed & Garden
Oregon State Highway
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
lloble Drug
Petty cash
L. E. Paull
Paramount Pest Control
Rdspt Repair Shop
Rdspt Auto Parts
Rdspt Logging Supply
Rdspt Motor Freight
Rdspt Outdoor Shop
Rdspt Machine Works
Rdspt Pire Dept.
State Compensation
State Corfipensation
State Compensation
Shell Oil Go.
Raymond Hass
Meeting adjourned,
. 6U.50
{Jl,. ^hnson. City Recorder
Michael J. Lanegan 60.00
Paul Chudy 60.00
Charles R. Marone 60.00
Geo. C. Walker 20.00
Union Oil Co. 295.11
City of North Bend 23.00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 32.13
Umpqua River IJavigation
Prank L. Taylor Hdware 32.76
Paul L. Hurlock.
Ne'Ltla B. C-lasser, Recording Sec*y,
FEBRUARY 6, I967, 8;0GP,M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with councilmen
Paull, Purlott, Hanson, Holliday, and Thornton present.
Minutes of previous meetings approved.
Mayor commented on the new chambers, and hope they are appreciated
by all, .
STOP SIGNS AT 18tH & GREEM'/OOD: Mr. & Mrs. Denver Wear cited to the
Council, the danger to the children,of the people traveling at excessive
speeds along l8th St, At this time the signs are on Greenwood aide,
request they be changed to l8th. •
After discussion, moved, seconded and passed that stops signs be
reversed so l8th is the stop street.
Other areas of concern were discussed, but were tabled for further
A meeting with the County Commissioners and Architects on the lli.th
of February at 7:30 p.m. with the council and interested parties on
the uses of new proposed County Bldg, is to be held at the Recorder's
James Thornton announced that the Fire Department had purchased a 1930
Mack truck for display purposes. Has added insurance to City policy.
Police Department, •with -bicycle season coming on, are going to stop
children on bicycles for violations and report to their parents.
Mr. Paull stated there have been lots of complaints on big dogs in
Forest Hills.
Mr, Johnson reported that a vehicle for hauling dogs is needed, and
requested permission to secure bids for a pickup for hauling dogs and
for park work. Vehicle being used'^'now is not safe. A second-hand
vehicle had been discussed, but with discount and no tax, better to
buy new.
After discussion as to best type of vehicle for job, moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously for Mr. Johnson to secure bids for pickup.
After Mr. Jayne returns, will have legal complaints drawn for the
owners of dogs running loose.
Also request permission to secure bids on l| or 2 ton chassis truck i |
for a flatbed. Would be paid for out of water fund. —
. i % •
Moved, seconded and passed that'Mr. Johnson secure bids on truck
chassis. Unanimous ballot.
No Parks report.
Mr. Johnson reported that Governor McCall, Rep. John Dellenbach, and
Senator Hatfield had been contacted and work received that we have
their support toward the construction of the dike and they will help
all they can.
Construction is to begin this summer, the Corps of Engineers report.
Delegation from Winchester Bay Fire Department were supposed to attend
meeting, but sincje none were here, Mr. Johnson informed the council
that new water lines are being installed to serve the new trailer park
in Winchester Bay. Would like permission to install fire hydrants as
they go, probably take 10. Winchester Bay Fire Dept.^s budget will
only stand 2 hydrants a year; had discussed paying for 2 a year plus
Mr. Johnson to negotiate with the Department for satisfactory manner
of payment and installation. Hoived, . seconded, and passed.
Mr. Johnson brought to the attention of the Council, an outstanding
agreement with the developers of Crestview Hill to repay $20,00 used
to put in water system. Believes City should pay $^000 plus
interest at present time.
After much discussion, during which Mr. Thornton felt the legality
of this should be checked into. City has never paid any other developer
with taxpayers money to put in a development. It was moved, seconded
and passed. Aye ![., Opposed 1, Thornton, to pay the ^$000 plus 6%
interest. , ^
Hiring of Auditor for 1966-6? Budget should be taken care of as
he helps in preparing..; the budget for 67-68 as well as audi.t-i:ng
the 66-67 books. Mr, Johnson recommends that Gaylord Vaughn be
Biired for this purpose. He had audited the books for the twelve
years before he became a public official.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that Gaylord Vaughn be hired
as auditor.
Mayor Hurlocker read two letters from Dale 0', Johnson, minister for the
Assembly of God Church, reimbursement to the church
^ for the City*s failure to file/with the County when their property
was annexed, and they were forced to carry #10 Fire insurance during
this time.
Dale 0. Johnson read letter from his insurance company stating that
they had written City about this, but no answer had been received.
Both City Recorder Johnson and Mrs. Glasser stated that no such letter
had been recieved.
Dale 0. Johnson also read letter from Myllenbeck, dated May 3s lf66,
stating no annexation had been filed in his office.
Will have City Attorney check into this.
Second letter: Requesting reimbursement for repair of street
($26.55) from City. States they have checked into this and it
is City^s responsibility to keep streets repaired.
This also is a matter for City Attorney.
Mrs. Pat Hardy from the High SchooJ. requests exclusive use of the
gym for 3 weeks prior to the production of Camelot on April 21, 22, and
23rd. Need time for the building of stage.
After discussion, James Thornton moved that I4rs. Hardy be granted the
use of the building, but a letter should be written bo us by the
High School, accepting responsibility for any damages that might
be done to the building. Seconded and passed.
Mayor stated that the City has received a lot of criticizra from the
public for not letting kids use the building. Permission v?as given
a band for practice. They abused this privilege by doing approximately
$50.00 worth of damages.
Various departments should start'getting their needs ready for the
coming budget.
Amount for dike is not yet known. Corps is concerned about the 2 foot
settlement in test dike. Local support is needed now.
Clarence Hahn requested permission to plant lilac tress on 20th St,
this side of tennis court. Permission granted,
ORDINANCE #b.79 (G-arbage Franchise) read by I, G, Johnson for the first
Error made (only 1 year, should be 10 years.) Mr-. .Johnson cbprected
and initialed change.
Motion made and seconded to accept ORDINANCE Passed,
ORDINANCE #i|-79 read for second time, by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed to adopt ordinance.
ORDINANCE #1^-79 read for third time, by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed to adopt ordinance.
There are some trouble spots on the streets. Mr, Hanson to look at.
Some will need major repairs.
Following bills approved for payment:
Paul Bernhardt 593.80
Waterworks Supplies ' 31^»78
West Coast Telephone 120.95
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 280.l8
Umpqua River Nav. 98.10
Union Oil Co. 246.90
Frank L. Taylor 13.27
Thompson Ford Sales 366.97
Shell Oil Co. I23.I4.8
Reedsport Auto Parta 31.23
Rdspt Motor Frt. 11.58
Rdspt Plumbing 8.50
Rdspt Repair Shop 300.59
Sewer Res. Savings 3617.^9
General Fund 300.00
PERS i}.l6,5l
Purkey Furniture ' 90,00
City of North Bend 23.00
Paramount Pest Control 8,00
Pennsalt Chemicals 58.50
Pacific Motor Trucking 12,814.
101 Service 10.25
Nudelman Bros.
Ley^s Variety Store 4»98
Industrial Iron Works 139.80
William A, Holmin Corp 91.i|-2
Highsmith Co., Inc. k-l'Ik
Highland Shell Service 308.53
Feenaughty Machinery Co. 229.25
Fire Equipment Co. 215.32
Coos Bay Stationery 23067
The Courier 52.80
PUB 12,28
CH2&M 377.15
PUD 1218.96
The Courier I4..OO
Assoc. Adjusters 7.50
A & C Janitor Serv,
Umpqua National Bank 300,00
Payroll Fund 7719.83
John J. Pickett 18.00
OPS 1,3. lU
Payroll Fund l^OO.OO
Richard N. Hert 25.00
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. jpfenson
City "Recordar
l1 L, K'urlocker ^
/fa ii
Nettie 3. Glasser, Recording Sec'y
8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Eurlocker, with Councilmen
Furlott, Lewis, Paull, and Hanson present, Thornton and Holliday
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
Meier Chev-3uick:
PU- del, price
Truck chassis
Thompson Ford Sales:
Truck chassis
Daily Motors:
Truck chassis
Umpqua Motors:
Truck chassis
Mr, Paull moved that Mr. Johnson be authorized to purchase low bid,
after specifications are checked, (Meier-Chev-Buick) Seconded and
passed unanimously.
Rodman Pell, Work Release and Job Placement in the Corrections Division
was present to explain how system works and the possibility of the
City participating.
After a very interesting explanation and question period, agreements
were left for the council to study. Mr, Peil to call back in about ^
3 weeks to see if City is interested.
FINANCE-Chairman Lewis-none
WATER-Chairman Holliday-absent
STREET Sc SEViTER-Chairman Hanson: Dr. Lewis interested in knowing
how or who is going to repair the damage done to the Bowman Road
paving while heavy trucks were hauling in that area. Trucks were
Mr, Johnson explained that the City has no way to weigh the trucks and
the State Police were not checking them either. Believes it is a
question of enforcement.
Winchester Ave, aas a heavier lift but has spots that will need an
BUILDING, PLAYGROUNDS & LIGHTS-Chairman Paull: Senior Citizens still
want to use the building twice a month. Mayor Hurlocker explained
that we are still trying to locate a place for them to meet.
POLICE-Chairman Purlott: A. J. Ayers, Oregon State Arson Squad,
met with the PD giving a very interesting speech.
Mr. Johnson brought to the PD*s attention that they have used over;
two-thirds of their budget, only $2l|00 left for the next 5 months. Half
of that will go for gas.
Fire Dept. has only $2900 left.
Mr. Hanson believes that more attention should be paid to the distance
j the cars are parked away from the curb as well as parking on the wrong
I side of the street.
PIRE-Chairman Thornton-absent
CITY ATTORNEY*S REPORT-plans from the Corps of Engineers for securing
easements and right-of-ways have arrived. Need help so requested a
man from Erichsen*s office attend meeting.
Introduced Bob Wade; Explained that it is going to b© very expensive.
Easenient-title;;searches first. Need up to-date plats which City has
in office.
Mr. Jayne stated that we understood that the Corps was supposed to give
us all the needed information (which to us meant legal descriptions
of the easement and right-of-ways) which they have not.
Mr. Johnson requested permission to order 12 prints from Erichsen's
office of the Corps plans.
Moved Mr. Johnson be given discretionary power to have Erichsen do
what work is necessary to be able to go ahead with dike easement and
right-of-ways. Also have 12 prints made of plans. Seconded and passed.
Mr. Jayne read letter to Mayor from the Corps of Engineers asking
for resolution giving local cooperation.
Mr. Jayne. Moved Resolution be adopted. Passed unanimously.
Corps of Engineers to let us know in April iv'hat City^s share will be.
Than as soon as we guarantee our share, they will call for bids.
Mr. Johnson asked the City Attorney about the PUD Franchise. The way
he understands, it, on improvements for the City, The PUD will "move
poles at own expense. Mr. Jayne to check franchise.
Mayor Hurlocker announced that the City has received extension of time I requested on our Sewage Disposal Plant.
i I CITY RECORDERfS REPORT-nothing to add.
Following bills autho'rized for payment:
Diehl & Serfling 7321.50
Umpqua National Bank 1660.00
Payroll fund 2050.00
OPS 13.1^4-
City of Reedsport 138.1|2
Cliff's Mobil Service 13.35
State Comp. Dept. ll|.0.68
Payroll fund 7^61.02
Umpqua National Bank 420.00
A & C Janitor Service li|2.50
Baker's Saw Shop 1.90
Bay Pavers, Inc. ' i|3»J+8
PUD k&SSxSx 1203.97
Coast Comm., Co. l|6.00
Dr. D. L. Courtney 7.50
Coo3 Bay Stationery Co.
Douglas County Sheriff
Fire Equipment Co,
George's Paint Service
Hinds Supply Go,
Highland Shell Service
Jim^s TJmpqua Drug
Melville Plumbing
City of TTorth Bend
OK Tire Store
Oregon State Highway Dep-
Pennsalt Chemicals
Paramount Pest Control
Reedsport Insurance
Meier Chev-Buick
Rdspt, Motor Freight
Rdspt. Logging Supply
Sewer Reserve Savings
Rdspt Auto Parts
R& L Towing
Rainbow Cafe
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Meeting adjourned,
City Recorder
8.U2 Rdspt, Machine Works
26I4.OO Rdspt Repair Shop
U6.13 Shell Oil Co.
210 ,.00 Skylark Cafe
Ul.30 Std. Oil Co.
2fc2,30 Sanfax Corp.
7.35 Taylor Hardware
5.lie Union Oil Co,
23.00 Utilities Supply
ho.00 Umpqua Bldg, Supply
Umpqua River Mavi.
k.ho Umpqua Electric
iiii.71 West Coast Telephone
58.50 Steve Laam
57. 3k
Paul L. Hurlocker, MtJf QaTyr or
flettie B. Glasser, R-cordlr.g
HELD MONDAY, MARCH 21, 196?, 12;U5P.M.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with the following Councilmen
present: L, E. Paull, Clifford Furlott, Dr. Robert Lewis, Ray Holliday,
and Ronald 0. Hanson,
Council approval needed^for Workable Program to be submitted*
Dr. Lewis moved that Workable Program be accepted. Seconded by
L* E. Paullj and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson informed the council of a complication Eriksen has
run into on the specs of the Corps on the dike. Are off a degree
and trying to clarify. All paper work is done.
Mayor stated a problem that needs to be settled; policies should
be set as to dogcatcher^s duties, and other items pertaining to
problems arising from dogs running at large.
Police Committee, Police representative, dogcatcher, and Mr. Johnson
to meet to set policy.
Meeting adjourned.
Paul L. HuiT.ocker, Mayor
^^ttie B'. Glasser,
8s00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with Coancilmen
Hanson, Thornton, Paull, Holliday and Purlott present. Dr. Lewis
was absent.
Minutes of piEvious meeting approved.
Chairman of the Citizens' Advisory Committee, Lloyd Richardson, reported
on the condition of different districts in town in regard to the condition
of the property and buildings. A map was presented that had been
worked out by the committee for use as part of the Workable Program.
Area #6 was recommended as the one to start with.
Councilman L. E. Paull was nominated and elected president of the
Representatives from Erichsen*s Engineering firmed explained maps
which they had prepared for the dike program to have the council decide
if they want meets and bounds descriptions for the property involved.
City Attorney William Jayne offered to take the maps to the Title
Co. immediately to get the necessary descriptions and the engineers
are to prepare the maps xvith meets and bounds descriptions and feed
them back to the City just as soon as each one is finished so that
easements can be obtained. Engineers are to concentrate on problem
area first.
PITTANCE-Chairman Lewis absent: Councilman Thornton questioned the
$2^.00 charge made by Erichsen for atbehdance at council meeting.
No action taken.
WATER-Chairman Holliday: Nothing to report.
STREETS AND SEWER-Chairman Ronald Hanson; Stan Esselstrom reported
that the parking problem in front of the Cable TV offices had been
solved with the cooperation of the Police Department in enforcing
one hour parking there.
Mr. Knight requested that pipe be put in on 22nd St. by his residence
to solve the drainage problem there. Councilman Thornton suggested
that this matter be turned over to the Street and Sewer Committee
and that they make a study of areas needing drainage and report back
to the council,
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, AND LIGHTS-Chairman Paull: reported that work
is being done by the city crew in the area of the golf course,
POLICE-Chairman Purlibtt: The policy on dog catching was explained.
A complaint must now be signed at the city office by the complainant.
The Police Dept. then serves the complaint on the guilty party.
Minimum charge first offense-$10.005 Minimum charge second offense-
Police Chie? Ray Kass made the recommendation that the City take one
prisoner as outlined under the program of the-Work Relase and Job
Placement program. He would be under the supervsision of the Police
Motion was made, seconded, and passed that the City take such a
PIRE COMMITTEE-Chairman Thornton: Recommended that a Pire Prevention
Code be adopted as required for the Workabl'? Program. Motion was made,
seconded, and passed that the code be adopted.
Also recommended that two men from the Pire Department be sent periodi-
.cally to fire schools, when such schools are held.
Cliff Purlott, Chairm'an of the Police Committee recomjuended that Paul
Chudy be sent to a three weeks police training school in July and that
the City pay his tuition $75.00* and wages. ^ •.
page 2,
Police Chief Haas reported that three men had completed the League
of Oregon Cities Police school.
Mayor Hurlocker reported that he and Councilman Purlott and Hanson
will attend the League of Oregon Cities school for newly elected
Discussion was held on appointing a Building Inspector to comply with
the requirements for a Workable Program.
CITY RECORDER-I. G. Johnson: Reported on a request for street vacation
on 18th Street made by Thomas Trees. No action was taken.
Report was made on the request by the Coast Guard for the City to
supply water for the homes of vie Coast Guard Families. Estimated
cost of such a project would be around $12,000 for pipe. The cost ^
would have to be met by the developer.
The matter of renewing the Cable TV franchise was discussed. Rates
and revisions are to be filed with the City Council. The City is to
get 3 cent of the total collections. Motion was made, seconded,
and passed that the Cable TV franchise be renewed.
Mr, .Johnson reported that Mr. Dondero, Douglas County Housing Authority,
had requested that legal steps be taken to clear the title of the property
to be used for the Douglas County Housing.
Mayor Hurlocker recommended that the Senior Citizens* be allowed to use
the council room and the kitchen twice a month for their meetings with
the understanding that they would be pre-empted if the area is needed
for trials.
Motion was made, seconded, and carried that the Senior Citizens* group
be allowed to use the room.
The request from Ray Church that he be allowed to build a carport for
the ambulance on his property was discussed. It was decided that he
should be instructed to present a plan to the council and planning
commission for them to study and decide as to whether to grant variance
or not.
Following bills were approved for payment:
Umpqua National Bank
Payroll Fund
Umpqua National Bank
State Compensation
Dick Hoile
Paul Chudy
B, A. Bartow
Alfred Richardson
City "Petty Cash"
Payroll Fund
John J,. Pickett, Att*y
Meier's Chev-Buick
Al*s Service
A & C Janitor Serv,
Baker's Saw Shop
Bishop's Coast Sjtat,
Bill's CB Supply
Berge & Wally's Chev;
Bay Pavers, Inc.
The Courier
Geo. F. Cake Co.
Consolidated Chemical
Comm. Bldg,
Gene-ral Fund
Div, of Continuing Ed,
13. lit-
Co. 39.50
Feenaughty Machinery Co.
Fire Equipment Co.
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Cliff Furlott
Golden Rule Dept.
Highland Shell Service
Hinda Supply Co.
Jim's Umpqua Drug Co".,
Steve Laam
John's Manville Sales
Melville Plumbing Co.
City of North Bend
Nudelman Brothers
OK Tire Store
Paramount Pest Control
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp
Rdspt Machine Works
Rdspt Auto Parts
RL Towing
Rdspt Motor Freight
Shell Oil Co,
Sanderson Safety Supply
Sewer Reserve Savings
The Sea Cliff
State Comp. Dept. • :
Thompson Ford Sales
IfO. l|5
Frank L. Taylor Hdware L^6,06
TJnloa Oil Co. 3^2.69
TJiiipqua Rdiv. Kav- Co, 175.00
TJnipqua Electric 12,30
TTiupqus Rental S: Supply 3.00
TTtllities Supply Go. 26.97
TTmpqua Bldg. Supply 226.68
Hay Hass 60.00
Kichael Lanegan 60.00
Paul Ciiudy 60,00
Charles Naroae 60.00
G^rge Walker 60.00
'i^Gt Coast Telephone li6.55
Wallace & Tleraan, Inc. 69.00
Willlanis Pharnaacy 1,7^1
riarlan, Gesriford, Erichsan
: 1110.75
TJimpqua Ind, Supply 16.70
Kfesting adjourned.
u C, ^
I, G. John?
Citv Recordrer
page 3
a/.-. —
Paul Hurlocicer, Mayoi'
Alice 5. Nc01ay,^ecordlL;g
REEDSPORT, m.J 1, 1967, 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
Councilmea present: L. E, Paull, Ronald 0, Hanson, James Thornton,
C. D. Furlott, Dr, Robert LewiSj and Raymond Holliday.
Mayor read letter froii: Rhododendron Festival Parade chairman
requesting the Mayor and councilmen to ride in the pards. Since
no one can attend, letter to be written thanking them for the
invitation, and v;ishing them a successful festival,
Mr,'Johnson reported .that he had called Erich?en; working on easements
12 more being proofread, thru Win-Sund, starting Juniper,
Mr, Ash'jorth real estate man with Corps of Engineers called Monday,
big push is on. Suggested (Johnson) that we have a meeting with
Corps to discuss easements, then have public meeting , with rep
resentative from Corps here to answer questions. Corps in agreement.
Easements were read and found on maps as near as possible, and after
much discussion, Mayor Hurlocker to see if meeting can be arranged
with Lillebo to discuss the easement on the Flat-iron,
Council is in agreement that the easements should be obtained
as soon as possible, so a figure can be decided on for voting on
a bond issue.
Meeting adjourned.
1. G, Johnson, City Recorder Paul Hurlocker, Mayor
MAY 8, 1967, 8sOO P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called ths meeting to order with. Gouncilmen Hanson,
Purlott, Paull, Lewis present. Thornton and Holliday absent.
Minutes of previous meeting approved unanimously.
Mr. Johnson gave rundown on progress of the dike to-date. Erichsen
has completed work on easements up to US Plywood.
Grade School is concerned about amount of ground needed for the dike,
Mr. Taylor, Corps of Engineers, to .be here Tuesday or Wednesday, to -^1
meet with the City and perhaps ^^^ith the School Board Wednesday night,
Mr. Johnson received a figure for the paving of the parking lot by
the Community Bldg. from Bay Pavers, ll|..6^ per square foot paving
only; $1^.00 per hour for grading, with gravel extra. Approximately
Pirst Budget Meeting will be May 23^ 1967 at 8:00 P,M,
George Marks and Roy Henderson are the two retiring budget committee
men, with the Mayor reappointing them for another three years.
Other members are Charles Poster, Archie Mustoe, George Hutter, and
Lincoln Swain,
Mayor asked Dan Hanson if he had any remarks to make about the dike
before we started the agenda.
He stated that he didn^t know why they have to come 100 feet inside
the dike when they can go the other way.
Mr. & Mrs, Clarnece Johnson were also present and asked several questions
pertaining to their property on Juniper & 13th.
Mr, Paull does not believe that progress on the easements for the dikes
is-;as fast as it should be and believe Erichsen's office should be told
to put every available man on the job.
He is willing to take the easements around for signatures of the owners
and believes it should be started immediately. Also believes that
that letters of intent could be gotten as long as they can guarantee
it won't touch their houses.
Twenty-six or twenty-seven descriptions are to be in tomorrow's mail
from Erichsen.
William Jayne to hire extra help if necessary to get easements out as
soon as possible. ^
1. Contract from CorrBction's Division ready for signature of Mayor
and Chief of Police, William Jayne read over contract to make sure
it was all right.
2, Request for change of charge for sewer use on trailer courts;
Mr. Brubaker, representing the trailer court owners, believes it should
be referred to the proper committee for their recommendation.
PINANCE-Lewis, chairman, none:
STREET & SEWER-Chairman Hanson: Have looked into situation on 22nd
St, and Arthur Drive, Allen Knight's drainage problem. Recommend City
fix and fill before winter.
Street light by Ben Henderson and Dean Wooley's. Mr. Johnson to
check into situation.
Mr. Johnson also reported that the PUD had to replace lights 3 mornings
in a row by the Burdick Underpass. These lights cost $25.00 p piece.
Chief Hass reported that 2 more were broken over the week end.
Move City crew be instructed to put draining pipe in on 22nd and
Arthur Drive, Seconded and passed unanimously.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND AND LIGHTS-L. E. Paull, chairman: City should
commend High School; building has been used finally for a good purpose.
Also have a request for light at street (alley) at Cedar and 19th.
It is the Clty*s policy to put lights at intersections. Cost to
City is about per month,
Paull moved that if pole-.is there, believe light should be installed.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
i I Mrs. Denver Wear is to have a work party of Cub Scounts at the park
i ; this Saturday, also a cook-out.
Mayor recommends T\'e vjelcome this sort of thing. Instructed Mr.
Johnson to see that they will be covered by insurance and take care
of other arrangements.
Passed unanimously.
Jehova]^ Witness complaining that kids playing in park are breaking
T^jindoxvs. Would like fence built on that corner of playground.
Referred to proper committee.
POLICE -C. D. Furlott, chairman: Highland Market problem with hole
in paving.
Mr, Johnson stated that it Xi/as to be repaired as soon as mix could
be obtained.
Chief of Police asks permission to get bids on car in June, for
delivery In July, instead of waiting to call for bids until July.Vi-.';
Gar is in bad shape.
Moved specs be put out for bid on new police car, for regular June
meeting, with delivery to be in July, Seconded and passed unanimously.
Speed signs on Burdick Underpass. Chief recommends they be installed,
committee too.
Two signs are to be installed stating 25 mph, one at Longxvood Drive
and other at Ranch Road and Underpass.
FIRE-James Thornton. Chairman: absent;
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Jayne read resolution pertaining to sewer
application requesting a Federal Grant for the construction of the
•'l Sex^'age Disposal Plant,
! I Dr. Lewis moved that resolution be adopted. Seconded and passed.
j I
Mayor Hurlocker also stated that the State Sanitary Authority has
informed him that we will be in violation as of September 1, 196?.
Bill Jayne stated that V/inchesLer Bay is forming a Sanitary District.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: Thought this item would be of interest to the
people as well as the council. Of the $173,00 it takes to operate
the City's General Fund, exclusive of the Water Fund, 3li% is paid
by taxes. This amounts'to $l5.i|0 a year per capita. Another $[4.00 for
bonded indebtedness, making a total of $19.1|0 a year per capita.
Ben Henderson was asking about the water being shut off during the
time the pipe through the tunnel is being replaced. Mr. Johnson loformed
him that they would be notified ahead of time and it would only be off
during the day unless they ran into some difficulty.
Discussed the paving of Maple Drive and Maple Court. This is up to the
property owners.
Mr. Purlott asked the City Attorney to explain how Bancroft works
on City iniprovements•
Vern Collver appoare{? before the- coiirxj-il to discuss the developir^ont
of Block 1, li| years.Stated thtt he put in own viator line and
hydrants at a cost of about $1800. Was led to believe that someday
he iiiight get some of that rr.oney back. Was asking for consideration
of the council.
Was referred to the water cotiirr.ittee for study and recomrrxendation.
Pollov.'ing bills okayed for payment:
Payroll Fund
T'eier Chev-Euick
Guy Hark Holliday
Payroll Fund
I. Cr. Johnson
TTiiipqua Nat'3-. Bank
Elijah r'eece
Cliff Wilson
A 5: C Janitor Service
BakerSaw Shop
Eerge ^ Wally's
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Gee. F. Cake Co,
Bishop^s Coast Stet,
Special Sewer P©s, Sav.
Coos Bay Ststioaery Co.
Cor;:i;.erclal Abstract Co.
Rarlan, Gessford, Frich
Fire Equipment Co.
Paul Hurlocker
Hinds Supply Co.
highland Shell Serv.
Paul Hurlocker
Stults, Jayne & Murphey
Jim-'s TTnipqua Drug
Melville PIunib i ng
Meter Box Equipment Co,
Meeting adjourned.
Citv K/cordar
13. lU
• nV nU
3^!. 99
The Courier
OK Tire Stores
Ore. Fire Chiefs* Assoc.
City of TTorth Bend
101 Service
Petty Cash
Paramount Pest Control
Pacific Pumping Co.
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Rdspt, Motor Frt.
Rdapt Machine Works
Rdspt Auto Parts
Ross* Flowers Gifts
Rdspt. Union Station
Sanderson Safety Supply
State Coii.p. Dept.
Thorapson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co,
Urapqua River Navigation
Umpqua Rental 5c Supply
US Post Office
Umpqua Eldg. Supply
West Coast Telephone
Western Auto Assoc.
Assembly of God Church
Faul L. Hurl
25. UO
8. 0^
Nettie B."
Glasser, Re^rding
8:0.0 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with following
Councilmen present: L. E. Paull, C, D. Furlott, and Ronald ©.
Hansen. Holliday, Thornton and Lewis absent.
Following Budget Committee members present: Archie Mustoe,
George Marks, George Hutter, Lincoln Swain, Roy Henderson, with
Charles Foster absent.
Mayor asked if there were any questions about his message on the
budget, and since there were none, turned meeting over to Mr.
Jhhnson, as budget officer, to explain budget item by item.
Roy Henderson was elected Chairman and Lincoln Swain, Secretary
of the Budget Committee by acclamation.
Mr. Johnson started with the General Fund Receipts and Expenses,
explaining each figure.
Proposed the City participating in the League of Oregon Cities
Hosjiitalization and Insurance plan for the employes by paying
the employes' share. This would cost the City $8,26 per man
for 22 employes. Would give hospital, medical and $100 life
Mr, Johnson suggested this instead of the raise this year,
Lincoln Swain felt it was a shame the City has n®t had this coverage
in prior years.
Under Water Expenditures, $30,000 labor is to cover the expense of
putting the pipe in the tunnel, which will be started this summer.
The $3000 Miscellaneous Expense (water fund) takes the place of an
emergency fund.
As of July 1, 19^7, there will be $85,600 in the Special Sewer Reserve
Library bonds will be paid off during 1967-68, Three more years on
the Jail bonds.
Total tax levy to be $98,506.61^^.
Budget can be adopted at one meeting now instead of two as in
previous years.
George Marks moved that the budget be adopted as is. Seconded by
Archie Mustoe,
Mayor asked Mr. Furlott if he had talked with Chief Hass. Furlott
stated that Chief Hass wanted another patrolman. Mr. Furlott
believes another man is needed.
Mr. Johnson said it would cost at least $10,000 a year for wa^ea,
gas, etc. Suggested that they consider hiring man in Fall, Funds
would have to come out of the Emergency Fund.
After much discussion. Budget Committee feels should leave
policy of policeman to council.
Approved prior motion to accept budget as it and advertise for
the hearing, unanimously.
Mayor thanked the Budget Committee for the time and effort spent
on the budget.
Meeting adjourned, noy ^^derson. Chairman
Lincoln Swain, Sec'y. ^ ^
. 12, 1967, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor, with the following Councilmen
presetib: James Thornton, Ronald ©. Hanson, C. D. Purlott, and
L. E. Paull.
Minutes of previous meetings approved.
Thompson Pord Sales $l6i|^.00
M«ier Chev-Buick ll4.5i|.. 714-
Daily Motors and Umpqua Motors did not bid because they could
not meet specifications. Chief Hass stated.
Mr. Thornton asked that deicision be tabled until next meetin until
he could talk to Daily and Umpqua Motors to see why they hadn't bid.
Chief Hass stated Daily told him he couldn't compete with Pord or Chev
Mr. Johnson recommended specs be checked and approve low bid.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to do so.
STREET & SEWER-Hanson: Committee has checked into a reduction on
trailer court sewer-use charge. Recommends 2,0% reduction to take
affect July 1st.
Moved, seconded, and passed to reduce trailer court sewer-use rates
20% as of July 1st, as recommended by committee.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, & LIGHTS-Paullt Note from Mrs. Denver Wear was
read thanking the City for the Hot Dog Peed for the Cub Scouts and hope
their work helped.
PIRE DEPT.-Thorntoni-Believes Pire Department should get some recognition
for their open house. A lot of work and cleaning went into it to make
it a success.
Mayor recommends letter be written to Deparment commending them.
Moved letter be written. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Thornton stated that people have called him wanting to know
what the police car is doing parked on Bolen Island? ^
Haas stated that the council had given permission for this.
Thornton also stated that he knows that the car was parked there over
two hours at one time.
Hass stated that while he was in the hospital and on sick leave, ILanegan
was acting chief and did have the car at his place, as he as on
call 21^. hours a day.
Letter from Chief Hass stating signals for RR Crossing might be obtained
for Winchester Ave. if council puts pressure on Southern Pacific.
Move letter be written to Southern Pacific and request signal on RR
crossing for Winchester and E. Sailroad. Unanimous.
Thornton stated he doesn't believe the Police car should be outside the
City limits unless in service. Do not furnish car for any City employee
except Irving.
After much discussion. Mayor referred this to the Police Committee for
their recommendation.
Adopt resolution authorizing Mayor to make application for Federal Funds
for construction of sewerage and disposal plant, $li;3» 580 or $239»300
in event of State participation.
Move Resolution be adopted, seconded and passed unanimously.
State had set December, 1968 as completion date for disposal plant.
Ninety per cent of the dike easements are in.
Explained new hoapitalization plan through the League of Oregon Cities.
The amount for huaban d and wif© is $20.214., which I recommend the City
pay, in lieu of the usual 6^ raise, to go into affect July 1st.
The Councilmen & Mayor are also eligible if 75^ will participate (Ij. of 7)-
Dr. Lewis came.
Moved and seconded we adopt and pay $20,214- husband and wife in
lieu of 65^ raise on the League of Oregon Cities hoapitalization plan.
Unanimous ballot cast.
Ordinance should be amended to read Veteran's Day instead of Armistice
and also put in hospital plan before next council meeting.
Received monies from government on flood damages. When first money
was received, a Flood Disaster Fund was set up at the TJmpqua National
Bank. Repairs made on the Community Bldg, have been paid out of this.
The last monies was deposited to tht general fund.
Mr. Johnson requests okay for transfer of balance of Flood Disaster Fund
into General Fund. Moved, seconded, and passed. This is the amount of
Prisoner working out okay. Due for parole in August.
Howard Lentz-Oregon Coast Association sent here by Executive Committee to
see if City will join with un in our push for Oregon. Explained that
they are a non-profit organization. Most cities are members; Bandon
pays $200 a year, plans on $2^0 in 1943, Coos Bay, $600.
Would like the council's consideration for membership. Explained that
recognition is received whether a member or not.
Fee us based on whatever you can afford.
Mayor explained that he did not believe we could give an answer tonight,
but will consider city's participation.
Dr. Lewis asked if between Bowman Road and the old highway, something
couldn't be done about the loose gravel. Mr. Johnson stated that the
street sweeper had been out there today, and since it was a County Road
maybe they would fix it.
Paull-Lots of talking, going to have to go pretty quick.
Mayor suggests we very shortly get started on Bond Issue, if we don't get
at it, may lose Federal Funds that are available.
Bill Jayne stated 3 weeks are needed to get set for an election.
A tentative date of July 11, 19^7 set for Bond Issue, figure of $320,000
discussed. Know $19^,000 is needed, figure Corps has given us for
construction;irelocation of water and sewer lines, easements and other
contingencies figure in the rest.
Move we go for Bond Issue of $320,000 to be 7/11/67. Have an appointed
delegation to meet with Hinsdale and the Lillebo's and try and arrive at a
feasible figure.
Motion withdrawn.
Not have special meeting, recess and continue this one 8:00 P.M. Thursday
night. Hurlocker, Purlott, and Paull to contact Hinsdale and Lillebo
in the mean-time.
Following bills approved for payment:
©PS 13.114.
Payroll Fund 215©.00
Harry Slack, Att'y.
Payroll Fund 827l|..17
A & C Janitor l\,Q.QO
Al*s Market 9.35
Bay Pavers 14-5.19
Baker's Saw Shop III-.20
PUD 1190.18
Geo. P. Cake Co. 23.60
Coos Bay Stationery 8.95
The Courier 27.11|-
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
C. B. Purlott 30.00
Fire Equipment Co. 12.80
Western Union 2.20
Hinds Supply Co. 11.88
Hale & Rudin 35.85
Ronald ®. Hanson 10.00
Jim*f Umpqua Drug 12.14-5
Melville Plumbing 39.15
City of North Bend 24/60
OK Tire Stores 26.50
Nudelman Bros. 127-00
101 Service 188.02
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Pennsalt Chemicals 58.50
Purkey Furniture 6I4..8O
Pacific Pumping 124-00
PERS 14.51.88
Reedsport Fire Dept. 3144*©©
Rdspt Outdoor Store 75.10
Joe J. Reeves 225.97
Rdspt Motor Freight 11.77
Rdspt Insurance Serv.
Rdspt Logging Supply
Rdspt Auto Parts
Shell Gil Co.
State Comp. Dept.
State Comp. Dept.
Skylark Cafe
Ivar Stavig
Sea Cliff
Thompson Ford Sales
Prank L. Taylor
Rdspt Union Service
Umpqua River Navi.
Union ©il Co. Calif.
Umpqua Rentals & Supply
Utilities Supply Co.
Umpqua Electric
Umpqua Industrial
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
West Coast Telephone
Waterworks Supply
Welcome Hotel
Geo. C. Walker, Jr.
Rdspt Repair Shop
Del Chemical Corp.
3®. 00
Meeting receased until Thursday night, June 15th, 8:00 P.M.
THURSDAY NIGHT, 8:00 P.M. June 15, 1967 r"
Mayor again called meeting to order after recess, with following
councilmen presebt: Ronald 0. Hanson, C. D. Furlott, L. E. Paull,
and Ray Holliday. Dr. Lewie ceme late.
Main issue is to determine the amount for the Bond Issue.
Mayor asked Mr. Paull for his report on his meeting with Mr. Hinsdale.
Mr. Paull reported thatthe and Mr. Johnson met Tuesday afternoon with
John Shfeaffer, Umpqua River Navigation Co., to discuss the easement.
While they were there, Mr. Hinsdale call; Mr. Sheaffer stated that
he foresees no problems and led them to believe there would be no cost.
Mayor Hurlocker stated that he has had several visitations with the
Lillebo's and still negotiating. Nothing concrete so far. Have several
directions to go, even considering the purchase of the Plat-Iron back
from the Lillebo's, although no price has been set.
Believe all this can be done within the $320,000 figure.
Mayor stated that the ana»»r might be to purchase the property.
Suggests we still use the $320,000 for Bond Issue and if possible
whin written up on ballot, that if bids come in under 1 million figure
and any portion is not used, will be used to retire the bonds.
Jayne believes serious consideration should be given to just selling
$200,000 and sell rest if needed.
Explained that money cannot be spent for anything but the dike if
Bond Issue passes.
True cash value of flooded area before the flood ^3»700,000^1owered
approximately 10^ after flood.
Corps stated that they were not worried about the Southern Pacific
or Highway easements. Knew they would take time,
Hurlocker feels that If we do not cooperate shortly, might lose whole
Good talking point. City's millage one of lowest in the state.
L. E. Paull moved we set Bond Issue Election for $320,000 for the 11th
day of July, 1947- Dr. Lewis seconded and the motion passed unanimously
City Attorney to set the wheels in motion immediately.
Schofield Road easement for construction for improvement of the road up
to the dump has been presented to the City by the County.
After some discussion, moved, seconded, and passed that Mr. Johnson
and Mr. Jayne be given power to negotiate with the County on the
Meeting adjourned.
I. Jotr'n^on
fi /cJa
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
City Recorder
IJettie B. Glasser, necoraing
8:00 P.M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with following Councilmon
presents Dr. Lewis, L. E. Paull, and C. D. Purlott.
Mayor declared himself a councilman to constitute a quorum.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
BUDGET HEARING: There were no questions or discussion.
Moved, seconded, and passed that Budget be accepted.
H. E. Nickels believes there should be an item such as Dike Maintenance
in the budget.
Mayor Hurlocker believes next year's budget will be in plenty of time
for such an item.
ORDINANCE #1^.81 was read by I. G. Johnson for the first time to levy
tax for the 1967-68 budget, $98,506,614- on property of City of Reedsport
Moved Qrdinance #14-81 be adopted. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Ray Holliday present.
ORDINANCE #l|.8l was read for the 2nd time, by title only. Moved,
seconded, and passed that Ordinance be adopted.
ORDINANCE #1^.81 read for 3rd time. Moved, seconded, and passed that
Ordinance be adopted.
WHEREAS, it was the intent of the Council in adopting Ordinance #i|.8l
to make appropriations in accordancejwith the 1967-^8 Budget Expendi
tures, and WHEREAS, no actUBii appropriations were included in this
ordinance, BE IT RESOLVED that the amounts for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 196? and ending July 3®, 1968, and for the purposes
shown in the budget as prepared by the Budget Committee and as M
printed in the notice of Budget Hearing on June 22 and June 29,
1967, are hereby appropriated as follows:
GENERAL FUND $l8l,l|.71.56
WATER FUND 92000. 0®
Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Reedpport, Oregon,
this lOth day of July, 1967
STREET & SEWER-Mr. Furlott asked if the area at Knights had been
fixed yet? Mr. Johnson stated it would be taken care of by winter.
PgLICE-New car is in operation. New man is needed. A Darrell P.
Jolley, Jr. has been pretty well decided upon. Has had nine years
wi th Multnomah County. Able to go to work anytime.
CITY ATTORNEY^'S REPORT: Dike Bond Issue election tomorrow morning
8:00 A.M. to 8:00P.M. Everything ready.
I. G. Johnson, L. E. Paull, and William Jayne to canvass ballots
Wednesday morning.
ORDINANCE #i|.80 read b^yWWlliam Jayne covering Hospital and Medical
plus Vacation for City personnel for the first time.
Moved Ordinance #14.8© be adopted, seconded, and passed.
ORDINANCE read for the 2nd time, by title only. M®ved, seconded,
and passed that ordinance be adopted.
ORDINANCE #i|.8© read for the 3rd time. Moved, seconded, and passed
that ordinance be adopted.
Passed out to Council copies of the Suburban Zone in Roaeburg area,
also to the Planning Commission. To create new zone just takes
Council action. Not urgent.
Mayor referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation.
Intended to have petition for annexation of new property to City of
Reedsport, but engineer requested more time to check bearings, k
Would like council to give Mr
for hearing for annexation.
Johnson permission to start advertising
The area is 6 lots along Ranch Road adjacent to Forest Hills #2,
40 foot width street, across from the hospital.
It was moved that authorization be given Mr. Johnson to accept Plat
when presented and advertise for hearing for annexation. Seconded
and passed.
Cliff Purlott brought to the attention of the Council, the property
of Thomas Trees at l8th and Ivy. Mr. Trees Is interested in getting
l8th St. vacated. Wanted to know the feeling of the council before
going to the work of getting the petition signed.
Mr. Johnson believes the Planning Commission and Council should take
a look at this area before making any decisions. Is also up to the
people in the area whether this is vacated or not.
Mr. Johnson read a letter from Southern Pacific Railroad answering
our letter in regard to a RR Crossing at Winchester Ave. and East
Railroad. They would be willing to signalize with financial aid
of the City, half and half.
Mr. Johnson has no idea of the cost of an installation such as this.
Mayor Hurlocker feels that the Oregon Coast Association would be a
worthwhile project for the City to participate up to $20©.©©.
Dr. Lewis in favor.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that $20® be sent (bb the
Oregon Coast Association for City participation for year 67-68.
Mayor Hurlocker asked if there were any questions on the Dike Bond
Issue coming up tomorrow:
Dawn Peseau asked that the ballot be read. William Jayne did this.
Mayor stated that the letter mailed out to the people was quite
enlightening. Hoped people will read and take heed.
Also explained that City is still in process of procuring easements,
no definites answers yet on the major easements.
L. E. Paull stated that a lot of hours have been put in on these.
Following bills okayed for payment:
payroll fund
(Try Slack, Att*y
Pa>5^11 fu
A &^Janiibor
Ai^s y
Bay Pave
Baker's S
Geo. F.
Coos Bay
The Cour
C. Furlott
F^e Equipment Co.
Testern IT
111.. 2®
y 23.60
OPS 13. Ill-
Payroll fund 2l5©.®®
Laague of Oregon
Cities 533.35
Payroll fund 200.00
Petty Cash I4.8.2I
Payroll fund 9028.714-
American Rubber Mfg. 823.2©
Allen Smith Co. 15.00
Al»s Mkt. 15.60
A & C. Janitor 1|.0.00
Bay Printers 1.5®
Borge & Wally's 20.00
Baker's Saw Shop 30.70
Bay Pavers 88.5i|-
PUD 1167.80
Geo. F. Cake C/i^. 52.05
Coast Sheet Metal 6.0©
Coast Comm., Co. 52.50
Coos Bay Stationery 3.00
Coast to Coast 5.50
General Fund 686.1|.8'^
Daily Motor Co. 3.5©
Highland Shell 6.00
International Paper Co, 1(.750.00
Jim*3 Umpqua Drug 14-.99
Meter Box Equipment 237*90
City of North Bend 25-50
OK Tire Stores 152.99
101 Service i4..60
Paramount Peat Control 6.00
fennsalt Chemicals 117.00
Sewer Reserve 6701.52
PERS " ^^93.92
Rdspt Logging Supply 21. ll^.
Rdspt Insurance Serv. 37.00
Rdapt Auto Parts ^3.^2
Rdspt Fire Dept. 137-75
Golden Rule Dept. 29.9©
Rdapt Motor Prt. 27.25
Rdapt Fire Dept. i4.5i4-.OO
I®ar Stavig 102.50
Shell Oil Co. 140.31
State Comp. Dept. 191.33
Taylor Hardware 52.63
Thompson Ford Sales 1.50
Umpqua River Navigation I8I.OO
Union Oil Co. 614..9i4-
Umpqua Electric 5.70
Utilitiea Supply Co.- 373.
Umpqua Bldg, Supply 5^0,68
Umpqua Rental & Supply
Umpqua Industrial 5-70
Raymond Hasa 60.00
Michael J. Lanegan 60.00*
Paul Chudy i4-3.i4-6
Eugene Thomaa 20.00
Wallace & Tiernan 17.9i4-
West Coaat Telephone li4.9.35
Paul Hurlocker 17.50
Councilman Paull, City Attorney William Jayne, and City Recorder
I. G. Johnson canvaaaed the ballota for the Bond Isaue on the Dike,
with the following results; Aye i4.32. No ll5; total votes, 547.
Meeting adjourned.
I. G./J*hnson
City Recorder
t-. k
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Neittie B. Glasser, Recording
6:00 P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
Councilmen present: Ray Holliday, L. E. Paull, and C. D. Purlott.
Mayor declared himself a councilman to make quorum.
ORDINANCE #i(.82 was read by City Attorney William Jayne authorizing
sale of Bonds to pay City's portion to build dike. General Obligation
1st $16,000 will be paid 9/1/6®
Last year $28,000, 9/l/Si|.
Will come due 9/1 and 3/I each year until maturity.
William Jayne stated that if the bid to the Corps was over two
million, do not believe way ordinance is written. City could use
funds to build their own dike.
Believes a good prospectus will mean a good bid.
Alao stated that If necessary, perhaps money could be borrowed before
the bonds are sold. The $196,000 cannot be sent until all eaaementa
are ready.
Believes that options could be obtained on property that is to be torn
down or destroyed with payment when bonds are sold,
Ray HSlliday moved that Ordinance #14.82 be adopted. Seconded by C. D.
Purlott, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #li-82 read for second time, by title only. C. D. Purlott
moved Ordinance #1^.82 be adopted; seconded by Ray Holliday, and passed
ORDINANCE #14-82 read for third time. L. E. Paull moved Ordinance be
adopted, seconded by Hurlocker and passed unanimously,
MaYor Hurlocker reported that it was stated in a Wednesday night
paper that the City was considering hiring an engineer to "©rk as
liason officer between the Corps and the City. This is ® .
considered and has not been considered. Als« the raising of Winchester
Ave. was at one time considered but was dropped. This also was
stated in the paper.
Dawn Peseau said that nowhere in the article did it state that
the Mayor or City had said either of these things.
There was very little discussion before the meeting was adjourned,
A*mTmTr'^QTrn., ^ ^ Paul L. HurioS^tcer,
I. G. iohnson
City Recorder
•{jfetti^ bT Glassed Recording
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Hurlocker with the following
members of the council present: L. E, Paull, Ronald ©. Hanson, Ray
Holliday, C. D. Purlott, Dr, Robert Lewis.
Howard Hinsdale presented a letter from the Port Commission requesting
that consideration be given to the re-routing the dike across Macintosh
Slough on Port Commission property. The Port Commission would give
easement across this property and pay any additional cost added by
taking this suggested course. Advantages given were:
1, Make the dike some 600 feet shorter.
2o Eliminate the big problem of obtaining easements from the Southern
Pacific Railway.
3. Eliminate the necessity for damaging the yards of several homes
along the railroad spur,
14.. Macintosh Slough could be used as a catch basin for the Douglas
County Housing Project,
5, Save the City some $10,000 on the proposed sewage disposal plant.
Mr, Hinsdale stated that according to a CHgM estimate these changes
could represent as much as a savings of $85,000. His request was that
the City submit a written request asking the Army Engineers t® study
the dike plan at this point.
Mr. Hinsdale also proposed a change In the plans in the area of the
Platiron and Pioneer school. This proposal was:
1. Put dike around the Platiron.
2. Eliminate encroachment on lO^-C property by either raising
Winchester Avenue or by building an embankment on the outside of
Winchester Avenue,
©ther proposed changed included:
1. Pill at the foot of Juniper.
2. Building of stopwater to allow use of Hinsdale property at all
/ times.
Mr. Hinsdale stated that these changes could bring about a realistic
savings. He also stated that Ray Doerner, County Commissioner had
stated that County Funds could be made available to improve streets
or access.
Discussion was held on various ways of handling the Platiron situation.
1. Leave the property in the ownership of Lillebo with the City
diking and filling the property with a 1© ft. fill.
2. City buying the property from Lillebo and filling and diking the
No decision could be made without investigating further the cost of
putting a fill in this area.
Mr. Hinsdale was requested to write a letter incoroporating the suggested
changes and requesting estimates of such changes from the Army Engineers.
Meeting adjourned.
Mayor Paul L. Hurlocker
I. G./'J^nson
City Recorder ^ o
Alice B. McClay, Recording
6:00 P.M.
Meeting was eallei to order by Mayor Hurlocker
council membera present; Ronald 8. Hanaon, Ja®?®. Robert
Lewis, Ray Holliday, L. E. Paull, and C. D. Parlott was absent.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
STREET «c SEWER-Mr. Thornton brought to the °ottnoil'a attention
that a drain is needed by the old West Apartments. Would take 100
to 150• of pipe.
Mr. Johnson and committee to look into this.
Mr. Hanaon to talk with J. L. Sullivan about an alley problem.
P®LICE-Dr. Lewis read a letter from Chief Haas stating that he had been contLted by a number people in the Forest Hills area requesting
speed limits signs be placed on Ridgeway Drive and Greenbriar.
Chief requests that 1|. speed limit signs be placed in this area.
There was no objection by the council. Mr. Johnson to see to this.
Chief Haas requested that the alley behind the Reedsport Motel be
graded so they can patrol through there.
FIRE CeMMITTEE-Mr. Thornton reported that the Fire Department
like a N0 PARKING Z@NE in front of the auditorium at the High Sehool.
A20' strip whferethe auditorium enda on Longwood Drive.
Also the. Fire Department has been raked over
the #ire Department's fault the sprinkling system had to be installed
at the HighSohool. Said the Fire Department recommended it and it
ran the cost of the building way up.
According to Mr. Thornton, the City nor the Fire Department had anything
to do with the sprinkling system installation.
Mr. Paull mentioned that he had had complaints
that had been torn down but not burned,
Tavern. Also the Police are having a problem at the old Shroeder
Thornton is to inform the Fire Department That they are to burn the
buildings across from £he Waterfront Tavern.
The Fire Department alao requested the installation of 3 one S thVli^ school at 22nd St., one at the Tropicana Motel, and
the other one at the Highland School.
Mr. Johnson to check into this.
Prospectus handed out to council for Bond sale.
am-nsktirw was read for the first time, amending Ordinance iSfI pert^ininrt/ Serial Numbers and Maturity Dates, and
declaring an emergency.
Moved, seconded, and passed that (Ordinance #1^83 be adopted.
ORDINANCE #1|.83 read for the. second time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed that Ordinance #1|.63 be adopted.
ORDINANCE #i|.83 read for the third time, amending ©rdinance #14.82,
section 1, pertaining to Bond Serial Numbers and Maturity Dates, and
declaring an emergency.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #i|.8l4. read for the first time, defining larceny and shoplifting
in the City of Reedsport, Douglas County, ©regon, providing punishment
therefor, and declaring an emergency. ^
Moved, seconded, and passed that Ordinance be adopted. ^
ORDINANCE #14.814. read for the second time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed that Ordinance #14.814^ be adopted.
ORDINANCE #14.814. read for the third time.
Moved, seconded, and passed that Ordinance #14.814. be adopted.
Mayor sent 2 letters, one to the Corps of Engineers, other to 0. H.
First July 27» 1967^ to the Corps., requesting the possibility of change
of dike, to include Port property; Johnson & Hanson change, eliminate the
ramp approach on West Second Street; construct two additional stoplog
structures, one at Water Ave. and the second at a location to be
selected by your office as an access to IJmpqua River Navigation Company
Second letter to 0. H* Hinsdale and Port Commission acknowledging the
request to the Corps of Engineers to include Port property, with the
Port Commission assuming the expense.
By including the Port property, would get away from easement with
Southern Pacific and others.
Mayor Hurlocker informed the council that the Corps of Engineers are here,
soil testers will be in tomorrow and survey crew next week.
Corps of Engineers suggested alignment be given them. Mr. Hinsdale
did this as chairman of the Port Commission.
On the Johnson & Hansen request-feel it is possible they may be able to
toe in.
Flatiron survey on additional cost-if fill was in, thought cost would
be approximately same as for Winchester Ave.
L. E. Paull, William Jayne, I. 6. Johnson, and William Jayne met
with the Corps in Portland on July 25th.
Bonds for Dike to be sold August 28, 1967, 8:00 P.M.
Mayor discussed the Civil Defense meeting in Roseburg Friday, that
he and Curt Baker attended. County has been trying to put together
an emergency plan. Changing name to Emergency Services. Sixteen
working committees appointed.
Mr. Norvin Ashby, Urban Renewal Director, requested that the Council
pass on acceptance of the general lani-uae plan as outlined by the
Urban Renewal Planners already accepted by the Planning Commission.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that the Land-use plan be
Lester Thompson and Diamond Martin would like patroling of the Shopping
Center to try and stop the squirreling. City Attorney to look into this,
as it is private propoerty.
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund
Charles R. Marone
TJmpqua National Bank
Meier Chev-Buick
Portland State College
Umpqua Rec. Assoc.
TJmpqua National Bank
Payroll Fund
Petty cash
League of ©regon Cities
Al's Signs
A & C Janitor Service
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Baker's Saw Sh«p
The Courier
Coast Communications
Chapman Bros
Coos Bay Stationery
Sewer Reserve
General Fund
Harlan, Gessford, Erichs
Golden RulffS Dept. Store
Hinds Supply Co,
Highland Shell Service
Umpqua Drug
League of Oregon Cities
Ley*s Variety Store
Melville Plumbing
Meier Chev-Buick
Oregon Coast Assoc
H. E. Nickels Jeweler
101 Service
Pennsalt Chemicals
Paramount Pest Control
Rdspt Insurance Service
Rdspt Union Service
Rdspt Logging Supply
Rdspt Auto Parts
City of North Bend
Register Guard
Ross* Flowers & Gifts
Rdspt Fire Dept. 330.00
Ivar Stavig 117.50
Stults, Jayne &
The Sea Cliff
Thompson Ford Sales
Umpqua River Navigation
Co. 221)., llv
Umpqua Building Supply
Union fill Co.
Umpqua Overhead Door
Utilities Supply Co.
Umpqua Electric
Umpqua Industrial
Umpqua Rental & Supply 12.95
Umpqua Nat*l. Bank 1660.00
West Coast Telephone l50.35
City Foreman-^s monthly report passed t© councilmen. Also
monthly report from Police Chief.
Meeting adjourned,
1. &. 'Jot
City Recorder
L. ^HUr Mayor
J ^ 3-1
fettle B. Glasser, Recoraing
230 '
AUGUST 28, 1967,8:00 P.M., M®N®AY NIGHT
Meeting waa calleA to order by Mayor Hurl®ck©r, with the following
Councilmen present; Ronald 0. Hanfl^G. D. Purlott, L. E. Paull,
James Thornton, and Dr. Robert Lewis.
City Recorder Irving Johnson opened the Bids for the Bonds far
Dike Construction as they had been received.
(2) Pacific Security Bank:
Coupons $153,^714-.00
Leas Interest -nene
Net $l53,67il-.00
Interest rate:
Umpqua National Bank:
Coupons $114.8,955.00
Interest rate
Douglas National Bank:
Roseburg, Oregon
Interest rate: 1^..314+39^
After all bids were checked, it was moved to accept low bid
(Umpqua National Bank) by James Thornton; seconded by C, D. Purlott.
Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson returned checks to unsuccessful bidders and meeting
was adjourned.
r. 13. /CTjbhnsen
City Itecorder
Pauull L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser^ Rec'ording
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with the following
Councilmen present: Dr. Robert Lewis, C. D# Purlott, and L. E.
Paull, James Thornton, Ronald 0. Hanson, and Raymond Holliday
Mayor declared himself a, councilman to constitute a quorum.
Minutes of previous meetings approved.
Edward J. Konka, with the Department of Employiaant, thanked the
Council and the City for the use of their faxsilities over the years,
and announced they would be at the American Legion Hall starting
the l8th of this month.
As there were no objections, Mr. Johnson read ORDINANCE full,
extending the City limit; for the first time.
Lewis moved that Ordinance #1^85 be adopted; seconded by Paull, and
passed unanimously*
ORDINANCE #1|.85 read by title only, for the second time.
Purlott moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Lewis, and passed
ORDINANCE read by title only, for the third time.
Paull moved that Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Purlott, and passed
ORDINANCE #li86, creating a new Zone-Rural Suburban Zone(RA), relating
to the new area just annexed, read in full for the first time by
Mr. Johnson.
Lewis moved that Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Paull, and pass
ORDINANCE #14.86 read by title only for the second time.
Paull moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Purlott, and pass
ORDINANCE #1|.86 read by title only, for the third time.
Purlott moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Lewis, and passed
POLICE-C. D. P\irlott, chairman: Allen Stevens and Harley Dodge
were present to question the policy on dogs.
Dr. Lewis and Mr. Purlott explained that their committee had met and
a new policy set up.
The following is the policy on dogs:
1. Dogcatcher can only investigate dog complaints routed throught
the police station and duly noted there.
2. No patrolling by dogcatcher.
3. Pirst complaints are investigated and
a. if dog found in violation,E;may be picked up , -
b. if not found in^violation, owners should be notified or
' c. if"^found^in violation, but cannot be picked up, the vi«a."^%ion
should be noted at station and owners notified.
Jj.. If 2 violations are verified on same dog, a citation will be
Issued to the owners,
5. If owners fail to appear for citation, a warrant for immediate
arrest will be issued*
Chief Hass stated that there had beeen 23 dog complaints during the
month of August. They have set up a special book just for dog
Hass also announced that the County Juvenile Officer will be holding
a monthly meeting at the Country Club, with the Chief of Police, f]
School officials, and parents who are having problems with their
juveniles. The one this month will be at noon on the 19th of
September. 1
Also that Radar is going to be used on Bowman Road, for traffic
A1 Nimmler has asked permission to put in burglar alarm for store
in Gardiner, with buszer in police station. Has been referred to
City Attorney.
Mr. Purlott stated that the committee still felt that another patrol
man is needed. It was discussed at budget time and was felt that
maybe by Pall it could be managed,
Mr. Johnson stated if another man is hired, should pass ordinance for
handling of vacations.
Dr. Lewis feels 2 patrolmen at night are needed.
Cliff Purlott moved that Chief Hass be authorized to hire another man.
Seconded by Lewis.
Mayor Hurlocker questioned Mr. Johnson as to whether or not there were
funds available for the hiring of another man?
Discussion-will cost approximately $i|.,000 for wages for the rest of
the year.
Mr. Johnson stated that it would have to come out of the Emergency
Pund; just means less for other things.
Dr. Lewis feels it will be worth it to take it out of the Emergency
Pund; we are shortchanging ourselves.
There was a unanimous ballot cast to hire another policeman.
Chief Hass would like someone on the Street Committee to go out to O
Ridgeway Drive with him to check on where to paint a No Parking strip. I
Patching of the streets at Highland Market, Tropicana Motel and l6th '
Bay Pavers have presented a bid on a 2[|.® wide street on Pir from
intersection of 6th to Winchester of $2661.10.
Mr. Johnson says he proposes to lower super about 2 feet. Would
like Council's permission to go ahead with this major overhaul
and paving.
Paull moved to fix, seconded by Purlott, and passed unanimously.
Also has a bid on the parking lot by the Community Building from
Bay Pavers. A little over $3,000 without any gravel.
Mr. Johnson informed the council that they were going to start on
Bowman Road and widen it to its full width of 30'» It is now 20*
wide. Owners will be notified to remove mail boxes, shrubs, and
flowers that will be in the way. Going to cut it down with the
grades and gravel.
BUILDING, PLXyGROUND, AND LITES-L. E. Paull, chairman: kids are tearing
the Rhododendrons up in the park.
Mr Johnson announced that on September l5th, at 3:0° P-M-. new
SmithTver Road will be dedicated. Council is invited.
Following bills okayed for payment;
State Compensation Dept.
Gertrude Warren
Donna Lover
Dorothy Schweitser
Anna Burling
Payroll Fund
League of Oregon Cities
Payroll Fund
Petty Cash
Armo Metal Products
A & C Jafiiitor Serv.
Baker*3 Saw Shop
Geo. F. Cake Co.
Coos Bay Stationery
Sewer Res. Fund
Coast Comm.f Co.
Consolidated Supply Co.
Daily Journal of Commerce
Fire Equipment Co.
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
Paul Hurlocker
Hinds Supply Co.
Jim*s Umpqua Drug
Melville Plumbing
Melville Plumbing
City of North Bend
Rdspt. Auto Parts
Shell Oil Co.
State Comp. Dept.'
Sec. of State
S.W. Fireman's Assoc.
Simmons Carbon Co.,Inc.
Thompson Ford Sales i i
Frank L. Taylor Hdwre. 7^.4-2
Umpqua Building Sup. 596.1|
Umpqua River Navigation2U.0.92
Union Oil Co. U3'^>
Umpqua Industrial
Umpqua Rental & Sup.
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank
General Telephone
Ivar A. Stavig
Oregon State Board of HealthlO.OO
State Highway Dept.
101 Service
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp.
Paramount Pest Control.
C. D. Washington
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Ross* Flowers & Gifts
Rdspt. Logging Supply
Meeting adjourned.
I. G.
City Recor
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
2^^ Nettie &. Giasser, Recording
8:00 P.M.
Eoun^l was assembled at the Recorder's office but due t/S lack
of quoWm, re-convened at the home of Councilman fa\xYl}9, who
was ill>^nd could not come to the meeting.
President ^ismll called the meeting to order with G^uncilmen James
Thornton, Roo^d 0, Hanson, and Ray iHolliday pre^nt.
ORDINANCE #1|.87 ratifying and affirming the passage and adoption of
Ordinance fi|.02 anosOrdinance #1|.83 and ratifying the sale of City of
Reedsport Bike Construction Bonds, and ilec^ring an emergency? was
read in full for theN^rst time by City ^^orney William Jayne.
It was moved by James Ti^rnton that o»<iinance be adopted; seconded by
Ronald 0. Hanson and passM Aye 1|., lief, none.
ORBINANCE #k.Q7 read for the\ecor^bime, by title only.
Moved that Ordinance be adopteidS:)y Thornton, seconded by Hanson,
and passed Aye 1|., No, none. ^ ^ ^ »
ORBINANCE #1|.87 read in t\x^f for thii^d time.
Hanson Moved that ©rdl^nce be adopted;\econded by Holliday. and
passed Aye l|.. No, nor^ ^
night, October ^ 1967,®aSt p8e:c0i0alPM.Me.etinAgllbw^Nerskalilnedagforeremneexntt,MoNndoatyict
to be sent out >ln writing. uicuu. ivoiiicc
Ronald 0. H^son moved meeting be adjourned, secon^^ by Thornton.
Meeting ^journed.
Y* G. Johnson
City Recorder
L. E. Paull,
Nettie B. Glasser,
Recording Secretary
OCTOBER 9, 1967
The Common Council of the City of Reedsport met in regular^
session at the Reedsport City Hall, Reedsport, Oregon, on the
9th day of October, 1967, and there were present the following
council members: Leon Paull, James Thornton, Ronald 0. Hansen
and Raymond Holliday. Absent were councilmen: Clifford Purlott,
Robert Lewis, and Mayor Hurlocker.,
The first order of business was the consideration of ORDINANCE
# 1l87 concerning the ratification of certain action of the Council
Members pertaining to the bond issue for the
Bonds, After discussion by the City Attorney, ORDINANCE #l<.o7
was read in its entirety for the first time and upon motion by
Jamea Thornton and seconded by Ronald Hanson was passed by
the Council by a unanimous vote of:
Aye k Nay 0
On motion of James Thornton and seconded by Ronald 0. Hanson,
ORBINANCE #^87 was read by title only and was passed for second
reading by a unanimous vote of:
Aye U- Hay 0
Upon motion of Ronald 0. Hanson and seconded by Raymond Holliday,
ORDINANCE #lj.67 was read in its entirety for the third time and was
passed by a unanimous vote of:
Aye Ij. Nay 0
The Council then went on to other business and was late duly
lated this 10th day of October, 1967
ATTEST: -—-—_
L. E. Paull
Nettie B. Glasser
City Recorder ProTem
The Common Council of the City of Reedsport met in regular
session at the Reedsport City Hall, Reedsport, Oregon, on the 9th
day of October, 1967, and there were present the following council
members: Leon Paull, James Thornton, Ronald O. Hanson and Raymond
Holliday- Absent were councilmenr Clifford Furlott, Robert Lewis
and Mayor Hurlocker. - ^
The first order of business was the consideration of
Ordinance No. 487 concerning the ratification of certain action of
the Council members pertaining to the bond issue for the Dike Con
struction Bonds. After discussion by the City Attorney, Ordinance
No. 487 was read in its entirety for the first time and upon motion
by James Thornton and seconded by Ronald 0. Hanson was passed by
the Council by a unanimous vote of:
Aye __4_ Nay __0_
On motion of James Thornton and seconded by Ronald 0. Hanson,
Ordinance No. 487 was read by title only and was passed for second
reading by a unanimous vote of:
Aye 4 Nay 0
Upon motion of Ronald O. Hanson and seconded by Raymond
Holliday Ordinance No. 487 was read in its entirety for the third
time and was passed by a unanimous vote of:
Aye 4' Nay
The Council then went on to other business and was later
duly adjourned.
DATED this 10th day of October, 1967.
President of the Common Council
City Recorder Pro Tem
OCTOBER 16, 1967, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting waa called to order by the Mayor, with all the Councilmen
present! James Thornton, Hay Holllday, L. E, Paull, Ronald 0.
Hanson, C. B. Purlott, and Dr. Robert Lewis,
City Attorney, William Jayne, read ORDINANCE #1|.86, ratifying and
affirming passage of Ordinance #1^.82 and #1|.83 for Dike Construction
Bonds, for the first time.
Br. Lewis moved Ordinance be adopted, seconded by L. E. Paull, and
^as sed unanimously.
Mr, Jayne read ORBINANCE #14.88 for the second time, by title only,
Ronald 0. Hanson moved for adoption, seconded by Br. Lewis, and
passed unanimously.
Mr. Jayne read ORBINANCE #14.88 for the third time, in full.
C. D. Purlott moved for adoption, seconded by Dr. Lewis and passed
ORBINANCE #l|.89, adopting State Pire Code was read by Mr. Jayne in
full for the first time,
Dr, Lewis moved for adoption, seconded by Ray Hoiliday, and passed
ORBINANCE #i(.69 read for the second time, by title only,
Ronald 0, Hanson moved for adoption, seconded by C, B, Purlott and
passed unanimously,
ORBINANCE #1|.90, regulating construction and repair of buildings in the
City of Reedsport was read in full by Mr, Jayne for the first time,
James Thornton moved for adoption, seconded by Dr. Lewis, and passed
ORBINANCE #U.90 read for the second time, by title only,
Br. Lewis moved for adoption, seconded by Ray Hoiliday, and passed
Chief Haas introduced Michael Maynard, new policeman,
Mr, Bob Mackenzie, General Telephone Co,, here to discuss telephone
franchise which comes up for renewal early in January, 1968, Three
per cent is now being paid, and waa advised that is a higher rate
was demanded, it would be charged back to the users.
After much discussion, a copy of proposed ftoanchise left for review,
Mr, Johnson announced that the annual League of Oregon Cities
Convention will be held in Portland, November 12th through the
li4.th. Please let him know this week if you plan to attend,
W, D. Palmer was here to protest a water bill charged to him becauses^
one of his tenants did not pay.
Mr. Johnson explained that we cannot charge a deposit such as PUB
and telephone co. require, and the property owner, by our ordinance,
is responsible for the bill if it is not paid by the tenant.
The Council stated that he had their sympathy but could not set
a precedent,
ORBINANCE #14.89 read in full for the third time, adopting the State
Pire Code,
Ray Hoiliday moved for adoption, seconded by Thornton, and passed
BP. Lewia moved for adoption, seconded by Thornton, and passed
Ronald Hanson asked if Jack Sullivan needed special permission to pour
a sidewalk across an alley.
Mr. Johnson informed him that it T^ttst had to meet specifications.
The scouts want to use the Community Building April 26th and 27th, for
a Skill Show.
After much discussion, did not feel once a week necessary; left to
committee to handle.
it was the Chief's job if he wanted it done.
L.«,r fro. tt. Oorp; S'SwjS SimlSI'iL'SSr.Sa
cSntactefal yet on the estimate on the Platiron.
Mayor Hurlocker stated whether or not the Port Interested is the . Si ««naiHfii.fltlon Prom results of new survey, very unlikely tnat fort will be interested. If any change is ^
will have to go to higher authority for justification.
Port to be contacted and told decision is needed.
James Thornton, L. E. Paull, RoBld 0. Hanson on committee to check
on Hansen and Johnson property easements.
reports that Cornell, Howland, Hayes, and Merrvfield
tomLr^:! thi ?reaS"la"t
^do*epsKnootodb!e®lieXve! HthaenysonareL%be^icnogmopvaeirrcehfraargteLd."VdlttTe^ and ^
^;n'?fjurto ah': tLrt\efIL°r"elng"ovL:ha%^^ 1
Mel®Brl?rn."|lnerar®M8nagerf ''nsy.er; also meet with
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund
League of Oregon Cities
umpqua National Bank
P^ank Robert Angel
Umpqua National Bank
Payroll fund
A & C Janitor
Baker*a Saw Shop
Berg^ & Wally»3
Bay Pavers
Bradbury & Assoc.
Sewer Res. Fund
Chapman Bros
Coast Comm., Co.
Pipe Equipment Co.
Barren P. Jolley Jr.
Jim's Umpqua Srug
Industrial Iron Works
Radio KHAP
Melville Plumbing
Meier Chev-Buick
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
National League of Cities
City of North Bend
Pennsalt Chem. Corp.
Paramount Pest Control
Reeaport Auto Parts
Reedsport Pire Dept.
Reedsport Logging Sup,
Ross' Flowers & Gifts
Reedsport Motor Prt.
Reedsport Repair Shop
Reedsport Ins. Service
Reedsport Ins. Service
Shell Oil Co.
State Comp. ©ept.
Ivar A. Stavig
Skylark Cafe
Oregon State Highway
Stults, Jayne & Murphy
Stults, Jayne & Murphy
Prank L. Taylor
Taylor Hardware
Thompson Pord Sales
Meeting adjourned,
TT"j. jghnson
City Recorder
39. Oil.
Lincoln Swain, Postmaster 200.00
Umpqua River Navigation 255.50
Union Oil Co. 2i|.5.5lj.
Utilities Supply Co. 14-03.13
Umpqua Rental & Supply 22.25
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 261.^7
Raymond Hass 60.00
Michael J. Lanegan 60,00
©arrel P. Jolley, Jr. 60.00
Charles R. Marone 60.00
Eugene Thomas 60.00
General Telephone Co. 136.35
C. B. Washington 217.38
Paui ill. Hurl^^ker^^M^or
Nettie B. Glasser, Re^rding Sec*y,
•» •
WHEREAS, in the development of the city of there
have "been enacted over a period of years many ordinaiices imcn, by reason
of the passage of time, are obsolete, or which, by reason of subsequent
state statutes and constitutional provisions, are now invalid, or which
duplicate or conflict with previously enacted ordinances, resulting in a
confusion of city records; and
WHEREAS, it is the belief of the common coiuicil that a systematic
con^jilation of the city's ordinances is botli desirable and necessary so
that city officials and employes, as well as attorneys and citizens,
shall at all times have ready access to the existing ordinances of the
city; and
WHEREAS, the preparation of an ordinance compilation involving the
elimination of all obsolete, invalid, and conflicting ordinances and the
classification of all general and valid ordinances is a technical and timeconsuming
task beyond the scope of work of the present regular officers eind
employes of the city; and
WHEREAS, the League of Oregon Cities, in its effort to promote better
municipal government, has developed a procedure for the compilation of
ordinances; now, therefore,
BE IT RISOLVED, that the city of Reedaport hereby
authorizes and requests the League of Oregon Cities to compile the ordi
nances of the city of Reedaport , and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the city of Rftftdapo-pt:
hereby authorizes payment to the League of Oregon Cities of a sum not to
exceed^ $ 2g800o00 for personal services and supplies to carry out the
ordinance compilation work.
Approved by the city of Reedaport this f,th day
of ^ZNovember , 19 6?
^4 d-d^
NOVEMBER 6, 196?, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
Council members present: Br. Robert Lewis, Ronald 0. Hanson, C. B.
Purlott, Ray Holliday, and L. E. Paull. James Thornton absent.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
Hanberg and Williamson, Certified Public Accountants, presented
the 1966-67 Audit for the Council's approval.
WATER-US Plywood water users rate discussed. L. E. Paull stated
that Mapleton and Reedsport water rates are approximately the same;
is the 60^ sewer-users charge that makes the bill high.
Mayor Hurlocker stated.that he did not believe the 60^ figure should
be changed, but believe a limit should be set, maximum of $100.00
per month.
After some discussion, L. E. Paull moved that amend ordinance to
limit sewer users fees on metered water users to $100.00 per month.
Seconded by Holliday, unanimous ballot cast.
Mri Johnson to send corrected bills for last 2 months.
STREETS & SEWER-Dr. Lewis questioned what had been done on the paving
of Rowe St.?
Mr. Johnson informed him that the price had been given to the owners of
the property on Rowe St. and nothing had materialized.
Would cost around $li|..00 a running foot for curbs, sidewalks, and
Charles Letts had complained to Ray Holliday about the condition of
Cedar Ave.
It was an alley, made into a street. Needs to be brought up to
meet specifications or paved.
Dr. Lewis asked whether or not the City intended to pave the
strip widened on Bowman Road?
Mr. Johnson stated they intend to finish other side next Spring, but
paving would be up to property owners.
i Cliff Purlott presented a request from the Pire Department, that the
Elm and Crestview Hill stop signs be reversed. Several of the
firemen use Elm Ave. when going to a fire.
Mr. Johnson believes they are as they should be.
BUILDINGS, PLAYGROUND AND LIGHTS-Pive or six people have commented
on LeRoy Chenoweth's boat building and the house moved in across
from the Community Building, whether or not they meet building code.
LeRoy Chenoweth's permit is for a temporary building for a year,
other house okay.
POLICE-Mr. Purlott stated that Chief Hass has received severeal
letters and comments favorable on patrolling since the new man
had been hired.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Jayne read a Resolution authorizing the '
compilation of the Ordinances of the City of Reedsport by the
League of Oregon Cities, at cost of between $2,000 and $2800,
for 10 to 25 copies.
Paull moved that resolution be adopted,
passed unanimously.
Seconded by Hanson and
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: Annual liquor licenses are up for approval.
Mr. Johnson requested a blanket okay to sign them. Have already been
okayed by the Police Chief.
Holliday moved Mr. Johnson be given okay to sign liquor licenses.
Seconded by Paull and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson requested permission to transfer back to the General
Fund from the Dike Construction Fund outright expenditures used
before Dike Construction Fund monies were received.
Paull so moved, seconded by Furlott, and passed unanimously.
Announced the Annual League of Oregon Cities Convention for November
12, 13, and llj.th, at Portland.
Mayor discussed the Dike situation at the moment.
Corps of Engineers have been informed that the City is about ready to
fulfill our participation. Description on Flatiron property is
needed. Port property is apparently out because of high cost.
Port to meet tomorrow and will take official action.
Mr. Filbert of C, H2, and M will be at the Port meeting tomorrow
to discuss sewage disposal site.
Mr. Hanson and Mr. Paull met with Dan Hansen and Clarence Johnson
about their dike easements. Want to think situation over.
Mr. Jayne to accompany them when they go to see them again.
Everything should be in readiness by December 1st.
When questioned about whether or not the dike monies were still
availalie (government funds), the Mayor said that Dellenbeck had
told him that if the funds had been a Line Item, then they were
still intact. Checking into it.
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund 2300.00
IGJohnson 1|.5.60
League of Oregon Cities 579.69
Nettie B. Glasser 10.20
Petty Cash 5i4-«22
Payroll Fund Q?\\}\ .78
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 135-00
A & C Janitor Service ij^O.OO
American Ins. Assoc. 25.10
Baker*s Saw Shop 51-60
Bay Printers II8.OO
Bay Pavers, Inc. 262.33
Berge & Wally's 6.50
D. L. Courtney 7.50
PUD 1076.18
Coast Sheet Metal 13*50
The Courier II3.I8
Coos Bay Stationery 20.12
State Comp. 198.12
Feenaughty 200.00
General Telephone 116.15
Irwin-Hodson Co. 299.70
Jim's Umpqua Drug 22.30
Melville Plumbing 16.85
Meier-Chev 35-00
City of North Bend 23.00
Nat»|. Iplice Chififs 7.50
101 Service 26.i|.0
OK Tire Stores 732.1;.6
Pacific Pumping Co. 1^8.50
PERS k25.2k
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Rdspt Fire Dept. 1|.66.00
Rdspt Logging Supply 22.56
Rdspt Auto Parts 52.82
Rdspt Motor Frt. 3.50
Ross' Florisjts 9.60
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50
Shuler, Rankin, Myers
and Walsh 500.00
Stults, Jayne, & Murphy2100.00
Thompson Ford Sales 163.OO
Taylord Hardware 22.26
Umpqua River Navig. i|-0.25
Union Oil Co. 103.56
Utilities Supply 105.99
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 202.55
C. D. Walahington 235.5-6
Waterworks Supplies 101.82
Wallace & Tiernan Inc.
Spacial Sewer Reserve Fund
Meeting adjourned,
1. 6. John^cm, Ulty Recorder
Paul Hurlocker, Mayor
I&ttie B. Glasser, Recording
8:00 P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
Council members present: Ronald 0. Hanson, C. D. Purlott, Jamea
Thornton, Dr. Robert Lewis, and L. E. Paull.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
TELEPHONE COMPANY PRANCHISE: City Attorney has written Mr. Mackenzie,
manager, requesting that certain items be included in the new fran
chise. As yet, has had no answer.
Mayor tabled acceptance of franchise until Mr. Mackenzie is heard
1. Union Oil Co.: Regular gas, $.220$ per gallon
Puel Oil, $.118 per gallon
2. Standard Oil Co.: Gas, $.2225
Puel Oil, $.1221
3. Shell Oil Co.: gas, $.2279
Puel Oil, $.123
L. E. Padll moved accept low bid, seconded by James Thornton.
Union Oil Co. low bidder on both gas and fuel oil.
Passed unanimously.
Letter from Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, and Merryfield concerning
treatment plant. Is of prime importance that creamery be excluded
due to the extra cost of handling the whey and buttermilk if allowed
to dump into sewage treatment plant. That the creamery would have
to be charged at least $7300 a year for sewage charge, if allowed, and
would cost an extra $50,000 for the plant itself to handle this
waste material.
After some discussion as to other types of plants that should not
be allowed to dump into treatment plant and different ways to handle
situation. Dr. Lewis moved that the creamery and such other plants
not be allowed by Ordinance to use the sanitary plant for dumping
waters, that would be detrimental to its working efficiently.
Seconded by Hanson and passed unanimously.
Bill Jayne to write Reedsport Creamery letter.
PETITION POR ZONE CHANGE: 1 parcel of property, old wrecking yard
at 9th and Winchester Ave. Is now Residential Zone, request be
changed to business zone.
Moved by Purlott to refer to Planning Commission for their recommendation.
Seconded by Lewis, and passed unanimously.
PTWANGE-Lewis* Mr. Ashby, Urban Renewal Administrator, has complained t^Dr Le^!s! tha^ in a bill and had not been reimbursed.
Mr. Johnson stated that if this was money for the League of Oregon
Cities Convention, this was first meeting we have had.
Also Mr. Ashby had asked if a slush fund had been set up
Urban Renewal Agency by the City to take of expenditur
not be reconciled through the Federal Funds? ^
This was discussed at an Urban Renewal meeting, but never at a |
Council meeting, and was not set up. |
WATER-Steve Laam has requested water be piped from a spring to the
dog pound and also to be used for plants he has started there.
Council authorized Mr. Johnson to take care of it.
STREET &SEWER: Mr. Johnson stated that as soon as mix is available,
holes in the streets will be repaired.
Mr, Hanson reported that the people who park their car by their house
at 360 'EE.Railroad should be asked to park it off the street, as
ITJILBING, PLAYGROUND, &LIGHTS; Methods of getting property owners
to clean UD their property and vacant lots was discussed. City i?t,orney fLiftL orLnaLe we have sufficient if just enforced.
Council feels now is a good time to encourage property owners to
clean up their property.
Mayor discussed thia along with the Federal Projects such as the
Workable Program, Nei^borhood Analysis. No building inspections
have been made as yet.
The Workable Program has $ years to be carried out. Nei^borhood
Analysis and luilding Inspections are part of this. To have the
program renewed each year, building inspections must be made.
POLICE: none
FIRE: Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau getting concerned over
number of empty buildings. Old Eagles Hall, Courier, Machine
Shop, and 2nd hand store objects of discussion.
Rubble on water front property discussed. Fire Department does
not want to burn. Other places when buildings are torn down,
they are hauled away, Mr. Thornted stated. 1.
Mr. Jayne to check ordinance, maybe City Building Inspector can
inspect and save expense of engineer for condemnations. Mr.
Jayne to give report at next meeting.
In August 7. 1967 minutes, Thornton was to inform the fire depart- m^t tSey were to burn th^ rubble across from the Waterfront Tavern.
Hanson moved motion be rescinded on burning of rubble for Jim BeWitte
(August 7, 1967 meeting). Seconded and passed unanimously.
can send notice for removal, than City clean, bill against property
owners, way Ordinance reads.
BuildlBB Inspector to check on property and make reports.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Maps from Corps of Engineers for
Highway #38 sent to State Highway Engineers. Picked up two or three
easements in last month. There may be a couple of condemnations.
J2/11/67 243
Mr. Johnson talked with Bill Taylor, Corps of Engineering, processing
Platiron description.
State Highway Bept. asked for breakdown on Schofield Bridge as per
dike. Maps to come to be sent to the State Highway Bept.
Mr, Johnson informed the Council that a section of the dike by the
Schofield Bridge went out on one of the high tides. ' Sandbagged, and
put in about 125 yards of rock.
Dike Committee, Thornton, Paull, Hanson, met with Clarence Johnson
and Dan Hansen, about easements. Think they are through with their
disucssions, now ap to Bill Jayne.
Mr. Jayne said that the dike can still be built, if condemnations are
filed on the property for the easements they can't get. As soon as
Platiron easement is straightened out, then will put pressure on
Discussion of the Sewer Treatment Plant: State has put us on the bottom
of the list for funds, so do not feel we will be pused, Mr. Jayne
informed the Council that the City has filed a permit for disposal of
waste until we can get our system built. Boes not forsee any trouble wilbh
the State Sanitary Bept. yet.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Hanberg & Williamson 650.00
I. G. Johnson 200.00
Payroll fund 2300.00
League of Oregon Cities 600.13
John Clifford Snider 100.00
Sheriff & Tax Collector 135.2?
Reedsport Grade School 167.20
Union High School IT-13 l52.l8
SWOC lf2.99
Lower Umpqua Hospital 39.5I|-
A & C Janitor Service l|.0.00
Berge & Wally's 8.26
Baker's Saw Shop 6.20
Bay Pavers, Inc. 1<.7.79
PUD 1158.66
Coos Bay Stationery 11,1|.0
D. L. Courtney, M.D. 30.00
George P. Cake Co. 23.70
Congress Hotel 814..00
Harold M. Due 35-00
Del Chemical Corp. 888.7l|.
Pyr -Pyt er 61|i|.. 20
General Telephone II4.2.IO
Hansen Electric Go. li.7.00
Portland Hilton 55.10
Jim's Umpqua Brug 22.50
League of Oregon Cities 76.00
Melville Plumbing i|-5-90
MuniChem Corp. 212.00
Meier Chev-Buick
OK Tire Stores 12o.62
Oregon Pire Chiefs' Assoc.
E. L. Burgess 15.00
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 60.75
PERS 1^26.26
Rdspt Logging Supply 10.50
Ross' Plorists 14-9.25
Rdspt Pire Dept. 1|.10.00
Rdspt Auto Parts 52.88
Sewer Reserve Savings 3582.81
City of North Bend 23.00
Meeting adjourned.
I. 6.^ JoiinacMS City Recorder
Rdspt Repair Shop 129
State Comp. Dept. 208
Oregon State Highway 58
Sherwood Shell Service 2l|.l
Ivar Stavig 112,50
Shell Oil Co. 172
Division of Audits 30
Thompson Pord Sales 1
Taylor Hardware ''103
Union Oil Co. ll|.8
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 5li2
Umpqua River Navigation 139
Umpqua Rental & Supply l5
Norvin Ashby 106
Paul L. Hurlocker 63
Paul L, Hurlocker, Mayor
w hi /I ", a leu ".Y
MONDAY, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
members present: Ronald 0. Hanson, C, D. Purlott, Raymond Holliday,
James Thornton, Dr. Robert Lewis, and L. E. Paull.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
TELEPHONE CO. PRANCHISE-previously tabled, now read by City Attorney
for the first time, ORDINANCE #1^.91, for council*s approval.
Moved that ORDINANCE #1|.91 be adopted; seconded and passed unanimously.
STREET & SEWER-a request from Kenneth Kent to connect to Outfall Line i
belonging to City for basement use for Lot 6, Block 6, Porest Hills
#2 addition.
Mr. Johnson believes this is a matter for the City Attorney, and
recommend if he is allowed to do so, he be required to hook into a
manhole, and that he use Johns-Manville (transite) pipe. This
Outfall Line is on property donated to the City by International
Paper for the park, but retained as an easement.
Bill Jayne to check into a release from IP.
Clifford Purlott moved if okay by International Paper, connection be
put in according to Mr. Johnson*s specifications.
seconded by Hanson and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson informed the council of the receipt of a temporary sewer
discharge permit from the Sttite which allows dumping of sewage into the
river. Expires 5/31/68.
A letter has been received from Cornell, Rowlands, Hayes, and Merryfield
stating that the plans for the City*3 Seage Disposal Plant have been
sent to the State for their approval. Letter mentions completion date
of I|./20/68, but believe means construction would start then.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, AND LIGHTS-Mr. Paull brough to the Council's
attention that there is no place on the waterfront to tie up a private
Mayor stated that this would be something to work on. There is to be
a Park meeting Tuesday in Roseburg to review programs available for
recreation. Mayor appointed L. E. Paull to look into this.
Request for the Scouts to use the Community Building, April 27th,
1968, for a Skill Show granted. O
POLICE-Letter read from Glen Urie, Lt. of the Police Reserves, giving
a resume of the reserves activities for the past year.
PIRE-LeRoy Chenoweth resigned as Pire Chief; Thornton introduced
Zack Turner as the new chief.
Moved that Mayor appoint Zack Turner as the new chief, seconded, and
passed unanimously.
Mayor also commended the Pire Department on their excellent work.
Chief Turner made a short speech thanking the City of the appointment
and offering the departments cooperation.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Jayne read ORDINANCE #U91, telephone
franchise, for the second time, by title only.
Purlott moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Paull, passed Aye 5,
Nay 1, Thornton (poor service readon for negative vote).
Third and final reading of ORDINANCE #i|.91, telephone franchise,
by title only.
Hanson moved Ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Dr. Lewis.
Motion passed A^e 5, Nay 1, Thornton.
City Attorney reported there would be some hearings on the condemnations
at the February meeting.
Mayor believes there should be 2 meetings a month for several months
to keep up with the work ahead. Would be best to just recess the
^ regular meeting instead of calling a special. Mayor stated that he
would appoint his committees at the meeting on the 22nd.
Mr. Hanson woikld like a committee appointed that would look into= the
advantages and the disadvantages of a City Manager typo government.
Mr. Jayne stated that the Charter would have to be changed by election
to another type of government for City Manager.
Mayor appointed Dr. Lewis Chairman, with Ronald 0. Hanson, and L. E.
Paull to check on this.
Mr. Jayne has written Southern Pacific to set up meeting pertaining
to the dike, has received no answer as yet. Lillebo's have easement?,
and all indications are that they will be signed. Also letters to
Hansen and Johnson have been written. Several more easements have
been signed.
A meeting with Dan Hansen and Clarence Johnson has been set up for
Sunday at 1:00 P.M. by Mr. Jayne.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: a year end report was presented by Mr. Johnson.
Reported that a relay in the surface pump had been replaced. Pump only
out of service 3 days. Tidegates renewed, and in good shape. Building
Inspector doing fine, going to school and attending meetings.
A1 Clinton, Leach, Building Inspector, reported on the meetings he
has attended and asked the council how deep into this building
inspecting they wanted to go?
Mayor stated that we have to have a building inspector working and
showing results of inspections to keep our workable program active.
Also needed for Neighborhood Analysis.
Mr. Johnson informed the council that if Mr. Leach is to do this
job full time, they will need another man to replace him; also a
tax base increase. We already have a policeman's wages coming out of
the Emergency Fund.
^ Finance Committee to look into going for a Tax Base Increase for General
Election in May. Departments are to submit 1968-69 budgets to the
Finance Committee right away so committee can make recommendation to the
Letter from Mr. Ashby was read with idea for a contest naming our area.
Mayor and Paull on committee. No action taken at this time.
Mr. Ashby reported that the Urban Renewal Agency had their Annual
meeting today. Hurlocker reappointed Chairman and Paull reappointed
Foreman's report passed to council members.
Following bills okayed for payment;
Payroll fund 2300.00
League of Oregon Cities 600.13
James Wm. Byers kO.OO
Raymond Hass 60.00
Payroll fund 8819.92
Michael J. Lanegan 60.00
Eugene Thomas 60.00
Darrell P. Jolley, Jr. 60.00
Michael D. Maynard 60.00
A & C Janitor ij.0.00
Blinkhorn Assoc. 250.00
Berge & Wally*s
Baker*s Saw Shop 2.10
PUD iiMxaa 1180.88
Sewer Reserve Fund 3186.10
Coos Bay Stationery 26.35
Courier 5»10
Douglas County Jail 186.00
Harlan, Gessford,
Erichsen 1^0.00
Fire Equipment Co. 27.85
General Telephone Co. 133.7?
P. L. Hurlocker 191.00
Henderson's Grocery 126.68
Hansen Electric 1+3.63
Jim*s Umpqua Drug l5.^3
A1 Clinton Leach 15.00
League of Oregon Cities 10.00
Melville Plumbing 5^.82
Robert Miniers 16.25
Meier Chev-Buick 6.i^.5
Oregon Fire Chiefs Assoc.10.00
Office State Forester 95-81
Oregon State Highway 22,ll\.
City of North Band 23.00
101 Service l.^O
Petty Ciash 50.22
PERS 322. i|5
Pennsalt Chemicals 60.75
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Rdspt Motor Freight 3U»03
Meeting recessed until January 22, 1968, at 8:00 P.M.
ihnson. City Recorder
Rdspt Logging Supply
Rdspt Auto Parts
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Rdspt Auto Wreckers
Ross* Flowers
Sherwood*s Shell
Ivar A. Stavig
State Comp. Dept.
Taylor Hardware
Thompson Ford Sales
Umpqua River Navigation
Umpqua Industrial Sup.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
D. L. Courtney, M.D.
Union Oil Co.
J. D. Williamson
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettle Glasser,"Recording Sec»y.
8:00 P.M.
Mayor reconvened the meeting of the council from the January 8th
recess with the following council members present: L. E. Paull,
Dr. Robert Lewis, Ronald 0. Hanson, James Thornton, C. D. Purlott,
with Ray Holliday absent.
Mayor had letter from the State Tax Commission notifying the City
that there would be no representatives from their office here to
help with the filing of State Tax Returns this year, due to a cut
in traveling expenses. Sent list to post of where they will be.
As yet, there is no answer from the Southern Pacific Co. setting up
a meeting to discuss dike easements. No other easements have been
Nothing yet from the Corps of Engineers on the acceptance of the
Platiron in the dike project.
Mr. Johnson and William Jayne met with Lillebo to discuss easement
on Platiron. Until project has been approved, do not expect easement
to be signed.
Mayor announced that he was not going to make his appointments until
the Pebruary meeting; had been unable to contact all his committees.
Did open nominations for President of the Council. L. E. Paull reelected
by acclamation.
Purther appointments were made:
City Recorder-I. G. Johnson; Water Commissioner, Arthur L. Tollefson;
Police Chief, Ray Hass, Pire Chief, Zack Turner; City Attorney, William
Jayne; Health Officer, Dr. D. L. Courtney; Civil Defense, Curtis Baker.
Council Committees same as in year 1967» with addition of James Thornton
to Police Committee.
Discussion of the next meeting falling on Lincoln*s birthday.
Meeting to be held.
Planners on Urban Renewal to be here Pebruary 5th. Mayor feels
Council, Planning Commission, Pire Chief, Police Chief, and Citizens'
Advisory Committee should all be notified and requested to attend.
Gerald Chirrick, new policeman, introduced to the Council by Chief Hass.
Dr. Lewis, Ronald 0. Hanson, and L. E. Paull made a report on the
feasibility of City-Mgr. type government for Reedsport.
^ Letter was read by Dr. Lewis stating reasons for the recommendation that
a new charter be submitted to a vote of the people in the general election
to change our city government to a Council-Manager or City Manager form
of government.
Also stated in the letter was the fact that adopting this form of
government has been under discussion among the council members for over
a year and we have all been in favor of a change.
When questioned by Dawn Peseau, The World correspondent, as to where
this has been under discussion, was told that it had not been discussed
in public until last council meeting when committee was appointed; had
been discussed at coffee breaks.
Also informed that charter must be changed, still in planning stage;
funds must be available, then advertise for man. No one man in mind,
should be a well-trained individual.
Peseau then questioned whether or not effective action can be taken until
charter has been changed?
Was informed that Council could hire a City Manager at this time, but
the way the charter reads, could not be given the responaibilities that
a City Manager type government would require.
Mayor stated that at this time funds are aot available for a City
Mr. Johnson stated that if you*re going to go for a City Manager
type government, at least go for a tax base increase for money for
something for him to work with. Brought to the Council*s attention
the commitments the City already has for the next fiscal year,
amounting to over $16,000.
Mr. Paull would like to see the Council as a committee to act on ^
changing the charter.
Dr. Lewis felt a smaller committee would be easier to get together
but felt they should all set in if they want.
Mr. Johnson stated that the charter could be amended by a vote of the
people, but to make a wt^ole new charter would take a lot of study.
After more discussion, Paull moved that a City Mgr. type charter be
submitted to the people at the May election. Seconded by Purlott,
and passed unanimously.
PETITION for zone change on the Old Arthur Wrecking Yard from
Residential #1 to Zone 3, Business has been okayed by the Planning
Is now a non-conforming use, Mr. Johnson recommends that if zone is
changed, should be whole block, not just 2 lots as petition requests.
After discussion, Thornton moved this be tabled until February meeting.
Died for lack of motion, but Mayor tabled it until next meeting.
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Paull attended a meeting in Roseburg to discuss
possibility of a dock on the waterfront for the boats to use; at
present all is private property.
A letter thanking Mr. Johnson for attending the meeting and his interest
in community development was received from Tom Keel, Douglas County
Liason Officer between the County and State for recreational funds.
At present there is $19,000 available. Last year the amount of $1$,000
went entirely to the City of Roseburg, for installation of a sprinkling
system in the park. This is only half finished; word has been received
that their project is approved, so the $19,000 will be used to finish
this project. They expect to receive approximately $21,000 next jear.
Applications should be sent as soon as possible, as deadline is 3/15/68.
Suggested that we put in for the 69-70 budget; have to be able ^
to match funds; might be a good way to get our park. j
Was mentioned that Steve Laam wanted a riding mower.
Announced that a representative from Small Business Administration
will be here to meet with the business people to be affected by
Urban Renewal.
Zack Turner asked if the Building Inspector could make fire inspections.
Some discussion, was: held; Mayor believes this could be worked out.
Meeting adjourned.
Pain L. Hurlocke'r, Mayor
hnson :tie B. Glasser, Recording
PEBRUARY12, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with the following
Council members present: James Thornton, L. E. Paull, C. D. Purlott,
Ronald 0. Hanson, with Ray Holliday and Dr. Robert Lewis coming in
Mayor appointed Cliff Purlott and L. E. Paull to okay bills for
^ Minutes of previous meeting approved,
PETITION FOR ZONE CHANGE tabled from last meeting-old Arthur wrecking
yard from Residential #1 to Zone #3, Business. Planning Commission
recommended change.
Paull moved zone changed be granted as Planning Commission recommended.
Seconded by Hanson. Passed Aye-3» No-1, Thornton.
Mayor introduced John Filbert from Cornell, Howland, Hayes, and Merryfield
who had been down all day with another man at the Sewage Disposal
Site. Status at this time, complete; April 20th, deadline on HUD
financing. Construction will not be underway, if waiting for Federal
and State funds until Pall of 1969.
Money is allocated on basis of need, financing, and planning. As you
complete final planning, you move up on the list.
First estimate for entire package was approximately $378,000; now
about $14.00,000 tctal around $500,000. Constructions costs are up
Some changes have been made. In 1961). Qtsly p'rfelimlnWy^
was needed; now require secondary treatment.
Plant has been increased about 35^ in organic capacity.
Mr. Jayne asked Mr. Filbert what was being done with creameries in
other places. He stated that Tillamook has a condenser for the whey,
but haul the buttermile away. Is not very practical.
The plant itself will be on fill. Ground must be weighted down. In
order to get water through plant, must be above the river.
will Within another month, will have plans, will be'down again. There/be
one building 30 feet square with roof somewhat like the bank.
his wife to take over.
Thornton moved transfer be okayed; seconded by Paull, and passed
WATER-change of rate for. Colonial Apts. has been requested. To report
at meeting on the 26th.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, AND LIGHTS-Mr. Paull read a letter from a fraternity
in Corvallis requesting the rental of the Community Building for a
private party in May.
After some discussion. Council directed Mr, Johnson to write letter
refusing request,
POLICE-Mr. Purlott announced that the police department have a
tentative budget prepared.
Steve Laam was here requesting a change in the policy set on dogs.
After some, discussion, was decided to stay with the policy set a
few months ago, which is:
1. Dogcatcher can only investigate dog complaints routed through
the police station and duly noted.there.
2. No patrolling by Pogcatcher.
3. First complaints are investigated and
a. if dog found in violation, may be picked up
b. if not found in violation, owners should be notified of
complaint fl
c. if found in violation, but cannot be picked up, the violation 1
should be noted at station and owners notified,
1|.. If 2 violations are verified on same dog, a citation will be
issued to the owners,
5. If owners fail to appear for citation, a warrant for immediate
arrest will be issued.
Papers are to be asked to run dog policy again.
PIRE-Pire Chief announced that Clinton Leach had been doing some
fire inspecting, and has been making the people fire conscious.
Also hydrant by Lillebo®s Construction is broken. Needs fixed, short of
water by bulk tanks.
Mr. Johnson said another hydrant can be installed.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: There are 8 buildings in the City to be
inspected prior to condemnation precedings. One house on Laurel
Pire Department can burn. Also 2 garages to be inspected.
Clinton Leach, building inspector. Bill Jayne, City Attorney,
and Zack Turner, Pire Chief, to get together.
On the dikes, approval has been granted as far as Portland and Seattle
offices are concerned regarding the Platiron being included, Pinal
approval must come from Washington, D. C, Hope to hear any day,
Lillebo easements signed contingent on Corps approval.
International Paper's easement through City Park. Company did not
intend to keep sewer easement; being looked into.
Bill Taylor, Corps of Engineers, sees no sense meeting with Southern
Pacific until he can satisfy their requests. As far as he understands
all decisions are being made in San Prancisco. ^
As soon as Platiron is approved, believe we are ready to go, stated
Mr. Jayne, not later than middle of March.
As far as the changing of the charter, checked with League of Oregon
Cities; of the opinion, technically could do by Ordinance, but believe
charter should be amended or made over.
By next council meeting, should have model of a charter to look at,
Dr, Lewis believes we should have public meetings to discuss pros and
cons of changing type of government.
Planning Commission to meet tomorrow night.
Letter from Lillebo Construction requestion vacation of all streets
and alleys on the Platiron except l6th St. Will allow more flexible
Moved by Holliday that letter be referred to Planning Commission for
their recommendation. Seconded by Paull and passed unanimously.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: Mr. Johnson has terrible cold. Mayor Hurlocker
read letter from Chamber of Commerce in Coos Bay, asking for our
cooperation in getting Ocean Beach signs placed in strategic places
on Highway 38, ^2, and Interstate 5. Believes the state is showing
discrimination by having them in some locations but none in our area.
Important to get done before coming tourist season.
j^oved that city cooperate, want consistency in this. Mr. Johnson to
write letter. - Seconded and passed.
Mayor brought up Mr. Ashby's contest to identify this area. Junior
Chamber of Commerce is donating Chamber of Commerce, $25.00,
would like City to donate $2^.00.
Lewis moved that $25.00 be donated; seconded by Purlott, and pass
unanimously. To be sponsored by Chamber of Commerce.
Letter from Housing Development, get Workable Program in order by
adopting Uniform Building Code, 196? ^addition.
To adopt at next meeting, so can get Workable Program re-certified.
Anytime you are getting Federal Funds, must have Workable Program.
^Following bills approved for payment:
Charles R. Marone 60.00
Payroll fund 21^0.00
Adrian Hamrick 100.00
League of Oregon Cities 623.37
Umpqua National Bank 2^0,00
Petty Cash 57.72
Payroll fund 8796.68
Umpqua National Bank 13)t|.0.00
David Roberts 25.00
Keith Wm. Cory 25.00
.Petty Cash
Harley Roth l50.00
Amos Lee Rounds 3^5.00
A & C Janitor Service 1|.0.00
Bay Pavers, Inc. 103.00
Berge &;^Wally*s 68.65
Bay Printers 39.50
PUD 12U5.2i+
Coos Bay Stationery I|..27
Consolidated Supply Co. 3193.52
The Courier I4..OO
The Courier I6I.68
Community Bldg. 38OO.OO
Sewer Res, Savings 3782.09
Del Chemical Corp. 569.25
Fire Equipment Co. 65.25
General Telephone 137.76'^
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
Hansen Electric Co.
Meeting released for two weeks
at 8:00 P.M.
I. G. JohMon
City Recorder
Jim's Umpqua Drug
Kaufmann's Chevron
A1 Clinton Leach
Meier Chev-Buick
F. Morton Pitt Co.
MuniChem Corp
OK Tire Stores
City of North Bend
Oregon Fire Chief's
Pennsalt Chem.
Paramount Pest
Fire Dept.
Repair Shop
Motor Frt.
Rdspt. Logging Supply20.89
Rdspt. Laundry 7.37
Rdspt. Outdoor 2.25
Rdspt Union Service 9.9l|.
Eugene Register-Guardl6.9li
Rdspt. Medical Clinicl2.50
Rdspt. Auto Parts 9k,
Oregon State Bureau
of Labor 35.00
Ivar A. Stavig 112.50
Seacliff 9.50
Seacliff li|..05
00 Kenneth Sherwood ii.35
62 State Comp 208.36
Frank Taylor Hdware 135.29
Thompson Ford Sales 10.80
Union Oil Co. 1171.95
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 214.0.70
Utilities Supply 36QOO
Umpqua River Nav. I68.63
Water & Seiage Wks. 10.00
until the 26th of February,
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
rettie B. Glasser, Recording
AT 8:00 P.M. ^
Meeting was reconvened by Mayor Hurlocker, with L. E. Paull,
Ronald 0. Hanson, C. D. Purlott, and Ray Holliday present.
City Attorney Jayne asked Clinton Leach, Building Inspector, to
give a report on the first of the condemnations, 970 Highway Ave.,
belonging to Melvin Miller.
He stated that the buildings were in very bad shape.
Mr. Miller agreed that the stores were in bad shape, also the n
house, but would like inspector to go over the building that
the Tacklebox had used, to see what could be done to bring it
up to meet specifications. Has a renter for it.
Agreed to tear three of the buildings down.
A time limit of i|.5 days was given Mr. Miller to tear or burn
these buildings down, and Mr. Leach is to meet with him Monday
about the other building.
The Old Courier Office on Greenwood, owned by Mr. Sykes, discussed.
A time limit of 1^5 days was also given Mr. Sykes to dispose of his
Whitcomb garage discussed. Location behind where old West apartments
used to be. Mr. Leach to meet with Mr. Whitcomb on this.
Cristler*s Second Hand Store discussed. Has been listed as condemned
by State Pire Marshall's office for some time.
Mr. Cristler stated that it would take him 1|.5 days just to move the
stuff out of the building. Discussed having an auction if he was
going out of business.
Purlott stated that in Mr. Cristler's case, would like to see what
Urban Renewal is going to do. His is the bnly building on the list
that is occupied.
Purlott moved that Cristler's condemnation be tabled for 30 days;
seconded by Hanson, and passed unanimously.
J'. C. Knight house to be burned by Pire Department. Location,
770 Elm.
Reeds' hearing next council meeting after March 2$, 1968, as they
are out of the country.
Reed &Henderson house, by SP Depot, next meeting after 25th. ^
Shroeder building to be burned 9:00 A.M. Sunday by the Pire
Old Machine Shop, at Ifth and Rainbow Plaza, and Taxi stand
discussed. This building is owned by W. B. Glover and L.
Hanson moved that kS days be given Strong & Glover to remove or burn
this building. Seconded by Paull, passed unanimously.
Harold E. Kruse garage at 3©tii=8e=EXm: Purlott moved be given §.5 days
to removed or burnj seconded by Hanson, passed unanimously.
Chief Zack Turner, of the Pire Department, stated that this was just
the beginning of the condemnations. More to come. Pire Department has
spent^years trying to get a classified rating-finally made it-could lose
it quicker than that.
Dan Kolander, representing a new Teen Club that has just been
formed, asked for the use of the community building for a dance
on the ninth of March. Also asked the council for a volunteer
James Thornton here.
Group has two police officers who v.'ill work the dance; 2 chaperones
and student police.
Mayor stated that if done in a satisfactory manner,.perhaps can be
Also suggested that the PTA might be able to help the group.
After some discussion, Hanson moved that Irving have authority for
letting use of the building on the 9th, if they bring in a suitable
list of chaperones.
Seconded by Holliday and passed unanimously.
Lillebo Construction Co. recommended by the Planning Commission.
Thornton moved streets and alleys requested vacated in Platiron be
vacated. Seconded by Paull, and passed unanimously.
CHARTER tabled till next meeting.
Letter from State Sanitary Authority suggesting preliminary proposed
permit conditions. City invited to submit any comments in writing before
3/15/68. After that date, final proposed conditions will be prepared
and copies forwarded to us.
Friday, March 29, 1968, the Sanitary Authority will take action on
permits containing the final proposed conditions, at a meeting held
in Room 36, State Office Bldg., II4.OO S. W. 5th Ave., Portland, beginning
at 10:00 A.M. Mr. Johnson to attend.
Mayor had a call from the Corps of Engineers, Bill Taylor, stating
thaty they had the final okay from Washington, D. C., to include the
Platiron in the dike project, and that we can expect a letter down here
in about 10 days telling us how much our participation will be. Gave
a rough estimate of $230,000.
Zack Turner requested the use of the City Fire equipment on burning
these condemned buildings. Mr. Thornton believes City should have
control. Mr. Jayne to make up a form contract.
Mr. Johnson told of the main water line break a week ago Monday night.
^ Crew worked until after midnight.
Steve Laam, requested that blacktop, sand, or sawdust be put under the
swings, slides; and merry-go-rounds; that the kids are in mud a food
deep at Triangle Park.
Council against blacktop. Too dangerous. Mr. Johnson to handle.
Mayor announced that the Urban Renewal Agency has not been having
secret meetings; are luncheon meetings held the first Monday after
the fifth of every month.
Mayor appointed Prank L. Taylor and Bill Andrews to the Planning
Commission for l\. year terms.
W. V. Whitcomb would like to get hooked to the city sewer. House is
on Longwood Drive and Maple Drive.
Referred to Street & Sewer Committee for their recommendation.
Next regular meeting March 11, 1968. / /\ ^ //
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
Councilmen presents Ronald 0. Hanson, James Thornton, L. E. Paull,
and Ray Holliday. Dr. Lewis and C. D. Parlott absent.
Mayor anxious to take care of 19^7 Uniform Bldg. Code, 1968 Uniform
Housing Code.
ORDINANCE #i|.92 read for the first time by City Attorney adopting the
1967 edition of the Uniform Building Code as prepared by the Inter
national Conference of Bldg. Officials and such amendments as are
made by said International Conference of Building Officials. Volume ]
I and Volume III of said Uniform Building Code of I967 edition are
hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance.
That all ordinances of theCity of Reedsport or parts there-of in con
flict with this Ordinance are hEreby repealed.
Paull moved Ordinance #^^2 be adopted; seconded by Holliday; and
passed Unanimously,
ORDINANCE #1^92 read., byCity Attorney for the second time, by title
Hanson moved ordinance be adopted;;seconded by Paull, and passed unani
Dr. Lewis here,
ORDINANCE #14-92 read for the third time, by title only. Holliday
moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Lewis, and passed unanimously.
Aye 5, Nay 0,
PINANCE-discussed having budget meeting with just council to discuss
budgets turned in by different departments. To have meeting next
Also Charter change combined with budget should be discussed, if tax
ba"se increase is to be requested at primary election.
Pinance committee to make recommendation at next regular meeting.
Paull asked if any change should be made in the new charter about
the number of days for petitions for office to be turned in? Also
when charter is to go into effect. It is 65 days for petitions
for office.
WATER COMMITTEE-Colonial Apartments bill; committee still working
on it. I
STREET & SEWER-Whitcomb sewer connection; problem is his to run line
to City sewer.
Paull stated that he has had complaints about surface water line at
20th & Alder, Mr, Johnson informed him that it was a bubble basin only.
Mr. Robert Jensen has 3 lots Igft across from Collvers, and would
like to dredge a boat basin at the lower edge.
No action taken after some discussion.
Discussed the cleaning up of the underpass from kids painting signs
all over it. Mr. Johnson stated that the City spends about two days
a month painting them out (two men).
To talk to State about putting fence around that area. Cost to City
would be half the total cost.
POLICE-dance the teenagers had was real well attended, and they were
well behaved except for one incident.
Mayor stated that he thought the dance was for the local teenagers
and yet he had had a letter from a man in North Bend that had 500
advertisements for the dance thrown on his lawn. Is not in favor of
importing out of town kids in to the dances.
PIRE-Pire Chief Zack Turner said they were ready for more burning.
Discussed Hayes Burgess pickup being involved in 5 wrecks above the
Schofield Bridge. Request they put no night time parking between
6:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M.
This would just move the cars farther up the street. Mr. Johnson to
talk with the PUD about *putting in another street light.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND & LIGHTS-Mr. Paull says we have less buildings.
Mr. Johnson informed the council that the crew is building a boat to
be used on Clear Lake. They have worn out one of Mr. Johnson*s boats,
now using Clinton Leach*s; time we had one of our own.
Requested permission to buy motor. Approximately $1|00.00 for motor,
life preservers, and tanks.
Hanson moved okay purchase of motor and equipment; seconded by Paull
and passed unanimously.
Clinton Leach discussed the school he attended in Corvallis. Building
Inspection working out real well.
Discussed the TURNKEY METHOD the Douglas County Housing Authority is
putting into action to get their housing for the elderly.
City Attorney said nothing yet has been heard from Southern Pacific
on their dike easement; State okay, he thinks.
Mayor attended a meeting at Tillamook; dealt primarily with the future
of the Oregon Coast. Bill Hardy and Bill Lillebo accompanied the
Advertisements for bids on dike expected 2nd week in May.
Dr. Lewis asked about the possibility of having a gas tank to pump
Ethel gas for the police cars. Peel as committee it should be
Mr. Johnson says they have found by going to the station feel better
care is taken of the cars.
Mr. Hanson asked if Cliff Furlott had resigned as a councilman?
Mayor Hurlocker stated Furlott is going to resign.
Mr. Hanson feels should be acted upon at next council meeting.
Have Checked on OCEAN BEACHES signs on Highways #1|2 and #38. One
on 38 not in very good location.
Mr. Paull reported he had gone through the tunnel with Bert (tunnel
to Clear Lake).
Zack Turner reported that the Southwestern Chief's Assoc. visited the
Pire Department, examed the trucks, checked out the pumping. Have a
little trouble with oldest truck.
Mr. Ashby asked what had been done about getting a public dock on the
waterfront. Was informed that the Port is now interested.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund 2300.00
Mrs Ruth King & Terry II4.3.OO
League of Oregon Cities 591+.95
Stanley Esselstrom 2^.00
Petty Cash 5l.80
I. G, Johnson 58.00
Payroll fund 8364.67
US Postmaster 141|.80
US Postmaster 500.00
Umpqua Nat*l. Bank 8250.00
Oregon Assoc of City
Finance Officers 2.00
A & C Janitor Service ifO.OO
Baker* s Saw Shop I8.OI4.
Bay Printers 17.00
Berge & Wally*s 15.00
PUD 1210.28
Coos Bay Stationery 9.06
PUB 15.9U
The Courier 75.60
Greo. F. Cake Co. 12.50
Fire Equipment Co. i|9.20
General Telephone Co. 115.75
Hinds Supply Co. 7U.10
Roy Henderson 683.70
Int*5-. Conference of
Bldg. Officials 5l.l5
Jim's Umpqua Drug 19.90
K3ufmann*s Chevron Sta. 253.35
Lay's Variety 5.28
Legislative Counsel Comm 7.50
A. C. Leach 109.83
Meter Box Equipment Co. 3^9.91
Geo Melville Plumbing . 18.28
Meeting adjourned,
I. G. J^inson
City Recorder
Meier Chev-Buick 1;6.03
City of North Bend 23.00
Oregon Coast Fire
Extinguisher Serv. 10.50
OK Tire Stores i[9U.83
Paramount Pest Con. 8.00
Reedsport Logging 3.23
Rdspt Auto Parts 22.68
Roaa» 23.36
State Comp. Dept. 215.10
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50
Stults, Jayne & Murphy88.50
901+. 23
Shell Oil Co.
Smith Blair
Sherwood Shell Ser.
Taylor Hardware
Thompson Ford Sales
Zack Turner
Umpqua River Nav.
Union Oil Co.
Paul Hurlocker
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Utilities Supply
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank
Edspt Fire Dept.
Paul L. HulrroSker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
councilmen present: L. E. Paull, Ronald 0. Hanson, James Thornton,
Ray Holliday, and Dr. Robert Lewis.
Description read. by. Mr. Johnson:
The following streets lying and being in the Amended Plat of Railroad
Addition to the Gity of Reedspprt, Douglas County, Oregon:
1. That part of Dogwood Street lying between the South line of Block
117 and the North line of Block ll8. Amended Plat of Railroad
Addition, City of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
2. That part of li|.th, l^th, and 17th Streets lying South of the South
right of way line of Winchester Avenue.
3. That part of Elm Street lying between the South line of Block 9U
and the North line of Block 116 Amended Plat of Railroad Addition,
City of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
I|.. That part of Elm Street lying between the South line of Block 95
and the North line of Block 11$, Amended Plat of Railroad Addition,
City of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
5. That part of Elm Street lying between the Southerly line of Block 96
and the Northerly line of Block lll^.. Amended Plat of Railroad Addition
Gity of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon,
Mayor asked if there were any objections to the vacations?
It was moved that said streets and alleys be vacated; seconded by Holli
day, and carried Aye Nay o.
CONDEMNATION POR REED*S PROPERTY: location-house by Southern Pacific
Depot and old Eagles Hall; also building right next to it (East).
Bill Jayne had phone call from the Reed*s requesting a postponement
until next meeting on the 22nd.
Mr. Thornton believes condemnations on the house by the depot should
proceed. Has been that way for years and they know what it is.
At this time, the old Eagles Hall is being torn down; has also been
sold to Bud Clark. He has requested permission to bring the building
East of the Eagles Hall up to meeting building specifications. This
is to be done within 120 days.
Mr, Thornton also reminded the Council that Mr, Cristler*s 30 days
extension of time had expired on the condemnation of the 2nd hand
Bill Jayne is to write letter, asking for report in 2 weeks.
Dr. Lewis thinks Reed's should be given the two weeks to appear.
Discussed starting condemnation proceedings on the old Chase house
on 2nd and E, Railroad Ave. To be condemned.
Discussion on repairing the City Warehouse, A cement floor and foundation
has been put in the building, but other repairs are needed.
Mayor feels should take good look before rebuilding in that location;
especially if Urban Renewal includes that area.
y page 2,
Mayor referred, tiiis to jthe Planning Coimnission for their suggestion
for the Rainbow Plaza area.
Mayor asked Bud Clark if he had any questions^ but he stated that all
was clarified.
Hearing on Reed property at next meeting, April .22, 1968.
State Penitentiary contacted Chief Hass; have another work release
rpisoner they want to send down to us for about 6 weeks.
Council has already okayed this participation, but Hass believes we should
receive $2.00 er day instead of the $1.00 we have been receiving
for room.
Mayor stated that he is sure that the dollar is all the program is
set up to pay, but Hass can ask when he talks to them.
FINANCE-Dr. Lewis reported that the Council met informally and went
over the budget to decide what was to be put in or taken out. f
Believe should schedule another such meeting, this week to decide what
is to be recommended.
Wednesday night, 8:00 P.M. date set.
Also called PUBLIC MEETING for next Monday night, 8:00 P.M. to discuss
City Manage type government and explain new charter.
L. E. Paull presented a program to the Rotary which Dr. Lewis said
was well received,
WATER-Holliday: introduced Mr. Hugh Smith of the Tacklebox, who
requested cooperation of the City to get coverage in the papers,
namely Eugene Register Guard and the Oregonian, on the good fishing
in our area. Believes that needling the right people would help.
Mayor agrees that we are missing the boat, but our job is government
and it is really the job of the Chamber of Commerce to promote
Chamber at this time is trying to get a fish hatchery,
Norvin Ashby, former resort owner, stated that the City should write
these papers to promote the City,
Mayor feels we have a certain responsibility in this realm, but it
should be a number one service club, or sports club.
Bill Jayne reported than an OCEAN BEACHES sign has been put at the
Sutherlin junction.
Watj&r 1C'iDgimittee is to come up with recommendation for the Colonial
Apt, water bill at the next meeting,
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, AND LIGHTS-Paull: Jensen is still waiting for
council action on the property by Schofield, Hawthorne, and Ivy
/ (river)
Planning Commission did not act on this.
Mr. Jensen should submit plans to the City where he is going to dredge,
because the City could be liable.
Mr. Johnson stated thia is really up to the Port and Corps of Engineers
to giver permission to dredge this area.
Mr. Jayne to check into.
Permission to deepen trough given.
page 3, I4./8/68
This is to be for temporary use only.
Building Inspector brought to the council's attention that no
set regulations have been made on the heighth of fences, and whether
or not they should be put on the property line, or next to the side
Some policy should be set; vision at intersections is expecially
hazardous in some cases.
Mayor referred this to Building, Playground, and Lights Committee for
their recommendation.
POLICE-Purlott: Chief Hass attended a meeting at SWOG in Coos Bay;
they are workin g on plans to train officers; classes to start
this Pall.
FIRE COMMITTEE-wait two weeks till next council meeting.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT-filed condemnation suit today on Dan and Jessie
Hansen property on Juniper.
Mr. Johnson has been working with the Corps; may change some easements.
Expecting letter from State Highway, and havent yet heard from Southern
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT; Contacted PUD about another light across
intersection at end of Schofield Bridge, PUD does not believe another
light would help.
Talked with Mr. Taylor, Corps of Engineers; ready to call for Bids:
May IS, 1968, for the dike.
Has map for poles that PUD will have to move for construction of the
Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, & Merryfield believe they will meet the
I4./20/68 deadline with HUD on the sewer plans.
Mayor met with HUD explaining we may need another extension. Was
assured there will be no problem.
Granted until December, 1969^ right to dump sewage, as is, into the
Umpqua River,
Mr, Ashby, Urban Renewal Administrator, reported there has been
pressure from the merchants downtown on the early acquisition of
property. Have had word directly from Washington, D. C,, and there
will be none.
New allocation to come through July 1st.
Mayor reported that he has Cliff Furlott's resignation from the
Thornton moved that Furlott's resignation be accepted. Seconded by
Paull and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson reported for the benefit of the committee heads the
amount of funds left in the following departments for the
next four months of the budget:
Police Dept. $2910.00 Fire Dept. $3260.00
Budget Members are now: Archie Mustoe, George Marks, Roy Henderson,
Charles Foster, Lincoln Swain, and George Hutter, Hutter and Swain
will go off, two need to be appointed.
Following Bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund 2300.00
Lester Yearous 22.50
Umpqua National Bank
Petty Cash
League of Oregon Cities
Umpqua National Bank
Clarence E. & Hazel
Payroll fund
Umpqua National Bank
I. G. Johnson
A & C Janitor Serv.
Baker*s Saw Shop
Bert Bartow
Bay Printers
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Berge & Wally•s
The Courier
Sewer Reserve Savings
Ray Hass
Charles R. Marone
Darrell P. Jollye, Jr.
Eugene E. Thomas
Gerald G. Chirrick
Bill Winfield
General Fund
D. L. Courtney, M.D.
City of North Bend
Coos Bay Stationery Co.
Fire Equipment Co.
General Telephone
Jim's Umpqua Drug
Kaufmann's Chevron
Meier Chev-Buick
George Melville
Meter Bos Equipment
OK Tire Store
page I4, i|/8/68
I6I4O.OO Oregon Coast Fire Equip
57.22 PERS
623.37 Pennsalt Chemicals
2535.00 F. MolJton Pitt
Purkey Furniture
1500.00 Paramount Pest Control
82I4.9.32 Rdspt Auto Parts
106.25 Rdspt Repair Shop
56.65 Rdspt Logging Supply
1|0.00 Alfred Richardson
115.15 A. C. Leach
3k,15 Rdspt Outdoor Shop
5i|.00 Ivar Stavig
3U.75 Thompson Ford Sales
60.70 Taylor Hardware
1188.36 Union Oil Co.
53.i4-3 Umpqua Bldg. Supply
2937.17 Umpqua Rental & Supply
60.00 Umpqua River Navig.
60.00 Umpqua industrial
60.00 Rdspt Fire Dept.
25i|.;2i' 2\.kl
Meeting recessed until April 22, 1968.
I, GT^JZTohnson
City ifecorder
Paul L. Hurlooker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
22, 1968, 8:30 P.M.
Meetinr^ was re-convened by the Mayor with the following Council
members present: Dr. Robert Lewis, James Thornton, L. E. Paull,
and Ronaid 0. Eanson.
RESOLUTION from Urban Renev/al read for the approval of council to
extend to January 1, 1969, the Urban Renewal Agency in Reedsport,
and raise to $115,017, the approximate total cost to finish work
already started.
Dr. Lewi.s moved resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hanson, and
passed unanimously.
City Attorney requested the City Charter change to be put on the
Primary Election ballot. May 26, 1968, to become effective 1/1/69,
be reaffirmed.
This brought about quite an extensive discussion as to whether or^
not to put charter change on the ballfct, due to the large in
the budget.
Dr. Lewi.<^ and Mr. Hanson felt the budget should have no effect on the
Charter change, and should be put before the people now.
The Mayor, after studying the budget, is hesitant about it being the
proper tiirie.
Dr. Lewis moved that charter change for City Manager type government
be placed on ballot of primary election. May 28, 1968, with the City
using the same voting places as County has set up. Seconded by Mr,
Paull, and passed unanimously.
During the discussion, Mr. Ashby announced that he was not, and would
not be, at any pricey .-.be applying for the City Manager's job, as was
the scuttlebutt around town.
Also during this ti :e, Mr. Paull expressed concern about sotne notes he
has made for an. article to be written and published in the papers.
Stated that these were only notes, not to be published as they were.
The article was not published,
A letter and plans for the sewage disposal plant from Cornell, Rowland,
Hay-s, and Merryfield have been received. If convenient, Mr. John
Filbert will be he-^e to explain plans and show slides on this tyne
sewage disposal plant. Will be the first of this kind in Oregon.
Letter from, the Corps of Engineers requesting $23^^,070 to be deposited
with them bv May 1, 1968, before dike is advertised for bids. May 15,
Mr. Johnson informed the council of the $750^ interest the dike money
has earned on time deposit for six months.
Mr. Thornton moved the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to send
$230,070 to the Corps at the proper ti-^e. Seconded by Mr. Hanson
and passed unanimously.
Mayor said that the Council had been criticized about dra,gging their
feet on the dike. As of now, is on schedule; project was approved
December, 1966, and if 360 day construction is met, v/ill be ^.ead of
Harold E. Kruse was in and talked with Mr. Johnson about the easement
for the dike on the Judy Apartments. Has requested map showing location
of apartment and distance dike will be from apartment house. He is
worried about access for his tenants.
Mr, Paull moved that this be done. Seconded by Mr. Thornton and passed
Mr. Jayne to call State Highway Department tomorrow as no worfi; at
all has been received from, them on easement.
WATKR COMMITT^^E REPORT: Mr. Hanson stat d that the committee recommends
that apartment houses pay full water bill on each occupied apartment,
with the Building Inspector having the right to inspect at any time for
validity of occupancy.
Mr. Jayne to set up somf^thing in an ordinance to handle this.
Mr. Johnson recommends that steps be taken to appoint a Citizens Committee
to investigate water ordinance. We are only City in the state that
hasn't had a raise in the last 20 years.
The water department is helping run the City and last year was the first
year it was not self-supporting.
Ron Reed was not nresent for the hearing on the condemnation. Mr.
Jayne instructed to proceed with condemnation on old house by the
Mo report from Mr. Cristler on Second Hand Store. Mr. Jayne to request
report at next council meeting.
April 30, 1966, 8:00 P.M. will be first Budget Meeting.
Budget ComTTiittee-George Hutter, Grant Dunn, Lincoln Swain, Roy
Henderson, Charles Foster, and Archie Kustoe.
Mr. Johnson believes Budget Qoimittee should have a meeting before
any action is taken, so the budget will be fully understood.
Mr. •'^'hornton asked about appointing a councilman to replace C. D.
There is .^120,0">0 in the sewer reserve fund, with Mr. Johnson
explaining how the account has been handled. As money is received,
is deposited in the Umpqua National Bank, then onpe a month, is
transferred to a Savings Account at the Pacific Security Bank.
V/hen 010,000 or more is collected, a Certificate of Deposit is
puchased for a year, usually drawing interest.
A letter has been received from the :>tate informing us to figure
on paying the full cost of the sewage disposal plant. The City
has anolied for Federal and State grants, but so far they have
not been ar^proved. Full cost of plant, around ^5^0,000.
i'hornton moved meeting be adjourned.
Mayor adjourned the meeting.
I. '-^./jS^hnson
City recorder
Mayor Paul L. Hurlocker
Nettie B. G-lasser,
Recording Secretary
OP REEDSPORT, APRIL 26, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Mayor called the meeting to order with the following Councilmen
present: Ray Holliday, Ronald 0. Hanson, James Thornton, and L.
E. Paull.
William Jayn, City Attorney, explained that he heeded verification
and authorization on three matters.
1. Explained that the Highway Commission is not going to let us
have the property we need for the dike unless we get them the
right of way they need on the other side of the Highway (County
Shop side).
Has investigated about right of way; County is willing, but
already have half equipment on the State right of way; if they
take 2§ feet more, will have no property left.
Other piece is owned by Hubbard. Called Hubbard about price on
property. It is $7*000.
After discussion, Thornton moved Hubbard property be purchased
at price of $7*000. Seconded by Paull, and passed unanimously.
2. Mr. Jayne has also had many extensive calls with the Southern
Pacific in the last few days.
Army Engineers legal counsel will not lot contract until we have
possession of property.
Authorized Mr, Jayne to write letter to gain Right of Entry.
3* The apartment owned by Mr. Harold E. Kruse will be 6 feet
from the edge of the dike^
Will try to ^et hold of him Monday; if won*t sign, want to file
condemnation same day.
Hanson moved that authorize condemnation if needed. Seconded by
Thornton, and passed unanimously.
About replacement on Council; Mr. Thornton had called Rudy Ruppe
to see if he would take the appointment. Said he would be glad
Thornton moved appoint Rudy Ruppe to fill Furlott^s term. Seconded
by Paull, and passed unanimously.
Mr. Ruppe to be sworn in before the Budget Committee meeting
Tuesday night.
Meeting adjourned.
Paul L. Hurlooker, Mayor
kt^Re^dor Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
APRIL 30, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following Council
members present: Ronald Hanson, Dr. Robert Lewis, L. E. Paull,
Ray Holliday, James Thornton, and newly appointed Rudy Ruppe.
The following Budget Committee members were present: Grant Dunn,
George Hutter, Roy Henderson, Lincoln Swain, and Archie Mustoe.
Charles Foster absent.
Mayor asked if there were any questions on the Budget Message?
Opened motions for a Budget Chairman: Roy Henderson elected by
Opened motions.for a Secretary. Lincoln Swain elected by acclamation..
Chairman Henderson suggested that Mr. Johnson take the budget, item
by item, as done in the past.
When wages for the Police Department discussed, James Thornton
believes Fire Chief and Assistant Chief should be paid according to
wages paid in other Cities, if going to meet competitive wages in
other departments.
Mayor stated that this is still a volunteer fire department, and not
competing because of that fact.
Also Mr, Thornton does not believe the City needs the patrolman that
was hired in October, and his wages should be taken off the budget.
Chairman Henderson explained that this was Council business and not
that of the budget committee. They are there to check and approve
or disapprove the budget presented to them by the City, not the firing
of any help.
As Mr. Johnson went through the budget, questionable items were marked
for further discussion.
Grant Dunn believes if Budget Committee thinks budget is too h|,gh.
Council should cut and present again to the committee for action.
Meeting adjourned until Wednesday night at 8:00 P.M., since did not
feel enough discussion had been held to vote on budget tonight.
G/ JolMson, City Recorder
5 m.
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
Chairman Roy Henderson
Secretary Lincoln Swain
APRIL 30, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Mayor called the meeting to order with Council members L. E. Paull,
Ronald Hanson, Dr. Robert Lewis, Ray Holliday, and James Thornton.
Rudy Ruppe was sworn in as Councilman by I. G. Johnson, City Recorder,
to replace C. D. Purlott, and serve out the rest of his term.
Meeting adjourned.
aul L, Hurlocker, Mayor
rhnson. City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
MAY 1, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Chairman Henderson called the meeting to order with the following
Budget Committee members present: George Hutter, Lincoln Swain,
Grant Dunn, and Archie Mustoe. Charles Foster absent.
Council Members present: -L. E. Paull, Dr. Robert Lewis, Ronald 0.
Hanson, James Thornton, lay Holliday, and Rudy Ruppe.
Chairman Henderson felt that he would like to see new Tax Base set
rather than going for over the 6^ limitation.
Swain moved we accept Police Department budget as proposed. Seconded
by Hutter, and passed by a majority vote.
Mr. Hutter does not feel they are going to be able to cut the budget
enought to do any good; believes it whould be put to the people as is.
Mr. Johnson was asked to explain the bonded indebtedness, also the
amount to be within the 6^ limitation and the amount to be in excess
of the 6^ limitation.
Dike and Jail bonds
Within 6^ limitation
$1.1|8 on the thousand
Excess of 6^ limitation 3.27 oh the thousand
Discussion on cutting budget down in some areas; such as the
recreation; building construction; miscellaneous expense; emergency
fund; and city manager's salary.
Some pro and con discussion on the hiring of a City Manager.
Mr. Mustoe moved that we submit Budget to the people for their
approval less $6000 off the City Manager's salary since it does
or would not go into effect until January 1, 1969 with charter
Motion died for lack of a second. .
After more discussion^ Mr. Swain moved that Budget Committee recommend
to the Council that the Budget be accepted, less $2^00 off Building
Construction, $$000 off Emergency Fund, $2000 off Hydrant rental,
and $$000 off City Manager's Salary, making a total of $15,500 to be
subtracted from the total budget.
Seconded by George Hutter, and passed with a Aye Ij., 1 Opposed (Mustoe)
Meeting adjourned.
I. JoJlnson, City Recorder
[ettie B. Glasser, Recording
Roy Henderson, Chairman
Lincoln Swain, Secretary
Mayor Hurlocker declared the City Council in session, and thanked
the budget committee for their work and consideration of the budget.
Lewis moved we accept Budget Committee's recommendations. Seconded
by Paull and was approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
t: , City Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
1968, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following _
Councilmen present: Ronald 0. Hanson, L. E. Paull, Dr. Robert Lewis,
Rudy Ruppe, James Thornton; with Ray Holliday absent.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
John Filbert, of Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, and Merryfield, present
slides of the plans for the sewage disposal plant which should be
large enough to serve the City until 1985 or serve a population of
approximately 20,000 people.
There will be applications down to us next week to fill out for State
and Federal funds. The amount beliig applied'fdu is $266,32?.91*
Federal; $133,162.9?, State, with the City matching amount applied
fou from the State. Overall cost estimated to be $538,6$l.o2.
RESOLUTION read by Mr. Johnson to apply for the Federal funds for
the Sewage Disposal Plant.
A letter should accompany application stating our situation.
Paull moved Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Thornton, and passed
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, &LIGHTS-Harvey Peterson had written a letter to
L. E. Paull complaining of the kids playing hard ball in the park across
from hia Outdoor Shop. Has had quite a bit of damage (glass and
other) and noticed how dangerous it is for the small childredn. Be
lieves this should be stopped.
Referred to committee for recommendation in two weeks; in the meantime
a NO HARD BALL sign is to be placed at the park, and patrolmen are to
check and see that it is being obeyed.
After more discussion, Paull moved that sign'be placed at parks
reading NO HARD BALL ALLOWED. Seconded by Hanson, and passed
Paull reported that his committee has had no time to put in on the
fence study, too many budget meetings and other activities.
Mr. Johnson send for Ordinances from the League of Oregon Cities
on fences.
Ihornton asked if the housing inspections were being made and if the
City was going to bring this up to date?
Mr. Leach is to start the inspections in Area 6, recommended by the
Citizens Advisory Committee,
Workable Program will not be re-certified unless Housing Inspections
are started.
Mayor feels letters should be written to persons in area informing them
of the Housing Inspections to be made.
Also announced that May is Fire Prevention and City Cleanup Month.
Scouts would like to help clean up the park again; city to furnish
food as last year.
Hanson requested that the platform be rebuilt so that the Councilmen
can see each other.
Mayor referred this to the Building Committee for recommendation of
FIRE-Zack Turner, Fire Chief, requests 2 more man hours per man during
the months of May, June, July, and August to allow more training.
Cost to the City would be $lj.80 for a full crew. There is plenty of
money left for May, June. If budget passes, will be money for June,
July, and August.
Hanson moved Fire Department be granted right to have extra practices
during summer months. Seconded by Paull and passed unanimously.
Chief Turner also asked about the garbage hauling. Stated that he
! had called Hahn several times and still the garbage at the fire ahll
had not been picked up. Mr. Johnson to call Hahn about this.
CITY ATTORNEY*S REPORT-Paull reported that Mr. Furlott had told him
he would have Second Hand store down in i|5 days.
^r. Jayne will have water ordinance for next meeting.
RESOLUTION read by Bill Jayne for permit of entry agreement with the
State Highway Commission.
Believes Erichsen should be asked for his opinion on some of the
details of the agreement.
Dr. Lewis moved that Mr. Johnson contact Erichsen, Seconded by Ruppe
and okayed unanimously.
"PERMIT OF ENTRY" read by Bill Jayne, stating that drainage is to be
the City's responsibility.
#]\ of agreement-was stated that highway has been subsiding for years,
-means a blank check on drainage.
To ask Erichsen to make report on highway.
Thornton moved resolution be adopted. Seconded by Paull. Passed
Bill Jayne stated that he was in Portland today. Southern Pacific
knows of no reason why we shouldnH get okay on the dike easement
this week.
Check for $230,070 was sent last week to the Corps of Engineers for
City's share of the dike money.-
^ Mr. Johnson informed the council of two different meetings to be
I held. One Thursday, May 9th, on Pollution of Coastal Waters in
j I Newport at 10:00 A.M. As many as possible should attent.
I j
' The other^. May 16, 17, l8th in Eugene, Annual convention Service and
Public affairs.
Mayor stated that the Federal Government has appropriated $96,000 for
airstrip in Winchester Bay. Meeting in Roseburg, Thursday, May 9th .
Discussed the debris still on tJhe site where the Schroeder apts. was
burned. A letter has already been written to Mr. Schroder.i
Following bills okayed for payment:
Treasurer of U. S. 230070.00
State Compensation Dept. 163-73
Dan & Jessie Hansen 3750.00
Payroll Fund 2300.00
Umpqua National Bank 106.25
Holly Hickey 25.00
League of Oregon Cities 596.65
Lincoln Swain, Postmaster 3^»k5
Petty Cash 56.22
I. G. Johnson 59.05
Umpqua National Bank 318.75
Douglas County Title Co. 7000.00
Payroll Fund 8i|.09.10
Umpqua National Bank 9135.00
A & C Janitor [|.0.00
Al's Market 10. ij-O
Bob^s 66 Service 239. 72
Commercial Title Co. 50.00
Berge & Wally's 2,65
Baker's Saw Shop 11.65
Bay Paver's, Inc. 29.03
City of North Bend 23.00
Coast to Coast Stores 6. 98
PUD 1200.85
PUD . 15.^0
.Crazy Otto's i|1.10
Coos Bay Stationery 31.65
Delta Pacific, Inc. 12.00
General Telephone Co. 127.00
Highland Shell Service 2.50
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen 27l|.00
Jim's Umpqua Drug 7.12
Kaufmann's Chevron 1.90
A1 Clinton Cleach 38.90
Geo. W. Melville 70.78
Munichem Corporation 31.14-8
Oregon Coast Fire Equipment Co. 13.50
C. J. O'Neil & Co. 12.15
101 Service 76.1I|.
OK Tire Stores 7ll-.92
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 60.75
Paramount Pest Control, Inc. 8.00
PERS i|61|.lj2
Ross' 30.11
Rdspott Fire Dept. 37i|.00
Rod CrealSer 25.00
Rdspt Auto Parts 30.11
Sewer Reserve Savings 3237.1+0
Rdsport Fire Dept. lli|..90
Ivar A. Stavig 112.50
Sargent-Sowell, Inc. l+.9l|.
Stults, Jayne, Murphey & Anderson 2li.00
Douglas County Sheriff's Off. 2.95
Taylor Hardware 37.52
Thompson Ford Sales 8.80
Union Oil Co. 355.65
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 13|f.2B
Utilities Supply Co. 69.98
Umpqua River Navigation 25.95
Wallace & Tiernan, Inc.
Williams Pharmacy 7.50
Meeting recess until May 20, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
P^l L. Hurlocker. Mayor
I, GT JohyTson, City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
8:00 P.M, JUNE 3, 1968
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
Councilmsn present: Ronald 0. Hanson, L. E. Paull, Ray Holliday,
Rudy Buppe, James Thornton, and Dr. Robert Lewis.
Since there were no objections to the budget, James Thornton
moved that the budget be accepted as is, and an election be called
for as soon as possible.
Motion seconded by Ronald 0. Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Election to be held June 17, 1966.
Meeting adjourned
I. a. jogmson.
City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
May 28, 1966
To amend the presently existing Charter of the City of Reedsport
by adoption of a new, revised Charter, that, among other
things, repeals substantially all exifeting Charter provisions;
provides for the appointment of a Municipal Judge, City Attorney
and at the option of the City Council a City Manager; limits
voluntary floating indebtedness to $25#000»00; provides street
and sewer improvement procedure
special assessment procedure to
different Council procedure for
eliminates redundant provisions
to be fixed by Ordinance and
be fixed by Ordinance; provides
enactment of Ordinances; generally
of the present Charter and adopts
a City Manager type of government for the City of Reedsport; and
provides effective date of amendment (new Charter) as of January
1, 1969, with present Charter to continue in force until that
Counting Board consisted of Donna Love, Chairman, Gertrude Warren,
Annabelle Rodgers, and Doris Baker. Ballots were canvassed by I. G.
Johnson, City Recorder, and City Attorney, William Jayne, with the
count Aye 796, No ^82,
P^ul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
-®:00 P.M.•
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following councilmen
present: Ronald 0, Hanson, L. E. Paull, Br, Robert Lewis, and Ray
Holliday. Rudy Ruppe and James Thornton were absent. 2
Bob Sund presented Mr. Plhodes, architect for Vik Construction, who
presented petitions for the vacation of l|.th St. between Elm and
Winchester Avenues; also the North 20 feet of Elm between 3rd and
4th, also the North 20 feet from l|th up Elm 13$ feet. Also petition
for the vacation of N. 8th, between Greenwood and Juniper Avenues.
After some discussion, was referred to the Planning Commission for ^
their recommendation. Mr. Sund to try and contact PC members for
special meeting tomorrow.
Mayor felt if PC met, then the Council could have a special meeting
to take action,
CONDEMNATION HEARINGS: Robin Reed house out by the Depot. No one
was here to represent Reed's interest, so City Attorney was instructed
to preceed.
Glover & Strong were both here on the condemnatin of their property
on the waterfront. Requested that if they clean up, believe that
Lillebo should be requested to do the same.
Pire Department stated that they would burn the Glover and Strong
house on a practice night, so there would be no cost.
City Attorney to instruct Lillebo*s to clean.
RESOLUTION on revision ofcriginal application for approval of Sewer
Treatment plant to the State read ,by Mr. Johnson.
Paull moved to adopt resolution; seconded by Lewis, and passed
CHANGE in hospitalization plan. Increased benefits considerably;,
with small raise in premium.• Total cost to city will -be just under
Mr. Johnson recommends we take additional coverage. Lewis so moved.
Seconded by Paull, and passed Unanimously.
Mr. Johnson presented agreement for Council approval for Block Statistics
in the 1970 census. This would be at a total cost of $875*00 to the
City, with $200.00 down payment due now, and other $675.00 due in 1970
at time of the census.
Explained that this was information that could not be obtained unless
paid for and would be very valuable in our city planning. Also
recommended that we participate.
Paull moved $200.00 be sent so City can receive this information. • ,
Seconded by Hanson and passed unanimously.
INSPECTION reports by the State Pire Marshal®s office on the
City Warehouse and the Community Building were discussed.
Warehouse needs new wiring, and Community Building needs furnace
room enclosed. Mr. Johnson believes chapest way to handle the situation
in the Community Bldg, is to install 3 sprinkler heads in the furnace
Mayor stated that it should be taken care of. Mr. Johnson to go ahead
on the sprinkler heads and get an estimate on the warehouse work.
RESOLUTION for State aid on Special Street program.
Mr. Johnson believes we have an© street elibible at this time.
Council wants to try for East Railroad, which is the street applied,
for the last two years.
TWO audit proposals presented. Both for same price, Gaylord Vaughn
and Hanberg & Williamson.
Dr. Lewis believes we should keep it local. Paull agrees,
Lewis moved Vaughn be hired to do audit. Seconded by Hanson and
passed unanimously.
^ Mr. Jonnson announced a meeting at the Willama University on Economic
: Growth on June 21st. Also a Douglas County Water Resources meeting
June 28th in Roseburg; Gouncilmen should go.
^ i Copy of letter from State Sanitary Authority to V7. A. Karcher about
a health hszard at his duplex on Bowman Road. There is also another
problem in the Collver area.
Letter discussed but no action taken, as Mr, Karcher has access to
a sewer line, although it is approximately 200 feet from the duplex,
cussed at great length by the City Attorney. Explained to the Council
that he had only received the agreement, but from what he had read, did
not believe City should sign as it would bind them for moneys they
did not have and maybe could not raise.
Although Mr. Ashby insisted that it would not bind them to anything, Mr.
Jayne stated that it did not say this in the agreement, and at this
time he would not recommend that the council sign it. Would meet with
Mr, Ashby Wednesday, then could have special council meeting to present
his legal opinion.
Paull suggests Ashby & Jayne get together, then call special meeting,
^r. Johnson brought to the Council*s attention the fact that there
were going to be some decisions to be made on the Dike and he wanted
to know how the council wanted this handled?
Paull believes Mr. Johnson has been closer to this than any of the
Council and should go ahead with what should be done.
PETITION present by H. E. Nickels from businesses within Urban Renewal
area to expedite matter if possible to brings things to a head.
Bob Mix, Ward's Place, asked to be heard. He stated that he is against
Urban Renewal and that at least 80^ of the people in his block are too.
Believes that if it is printed in the papers that he has appeared
against Urban Renewal, that more people will speak up against it.
There has been a request for a DEAD END STREET sign on Schofield
Mr. W, V. Whitcomb has stopped making his sewer users charge payments.
City has sent out a shut-off notice,
Mr. Hanson informed the Council that he had gone through the tunnel
with Bert Bartow, Also showed some pictures that he had taken.
Discussed different ways of putting pipe through the tunnel. City has
had studies made of the most feasible and most economic way to do
this. To be undertaken this summer.
Following bills okayed for payment
League of Oregon Cities 596,65
Payroll fund 2300,00
State Compensation Dept. 2OI4.2I
University of Oregon 12.00
Roy S, Cook 100.00
Unipqua National Bank 2^0.00
Petty cash 68.56
Payroll fund . 8912.73
Donna Love 6.00
Gertrude Warren 6.00
Annabelle Rodgers 6.00
Doris Baker 6.00
I. G. Johnson 5^'75
A & C Janitor Service iiO.OO
Al*s Market 19.55
Berge & Wally's Chevron 15-95
PUD 1190.38
Commercial Title Co. 10.00
The Courier 2k7.82
Sewer Res. Savings 3388.11
Coos Bay Stationery 22.70
Del Chemical Corp 31.^+8
Douglas County Title Co. I.50
Delta Brush & Truck Repair I3O.OO
Fire Equipment Co.
Peenaughty Machinery Co. ol|.l6
General Telephone 168.25
Roy Henderson 219.95
Hansen Electric Co. 33-03
Highland Shell Service 9.58
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen 318.OO
Jim's Umpqua Drug 25.16
A. C. Leach i|5.17
Melville Plumbing 6.10
Oregon Coast Fire Extinguisher
Service 3.00
City of North Bend 23.00
OK Tire Store l5.50
101 Service 17.75
State of Oregon 10.00
Petty Cash 33-25
F. MOrton Pitt
Paramount Pest Control o.OO
Rdspt Outdoor Shop i|28.l5
Rdspt Auto Parts 53'kk
Rdspt Logging Supply 20.59
Rdspt Fire Dept. 1^^6,00
Rdspt Motor Frt. 7-36
Ross* 80.12
Stults, Jayne, Murphy
& Anderson 7-15
State Compensation Dept.10.00
Ivar A. Stavig 112.50
State Compensation De^|j.173-92
Taylor Hardware 67-8[[
Thompson Ford Sales 2.75
Union Oil Co. 289.77
Umpqua Rental & Supply 13.51
Umpqua Building Supply 7U-33
Umpqua Tacklebox, Inc. 8.25
Umpqua Industrial 2!|.53
Umpqua River Navigation 82.96
PERS i|86.57
Meeting recessed until the 2[j.th of June, 1968, at 8:00 P.M.
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
I. G.^)^ohnson
City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
13, 1968
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
councilmen present: Ronald 0. Hanson, L. E. Paull, James Thornton,
Ray Holliday, and Rudy Ruppe. Dr. Lewis absent.
Planning Commission recommended the vacation of two streets as
requested by petition. The vacation of 8th St. N. between
Greenwood and Juniper. Also the North 20 feet of Elm Ave. between
3rd".ahd^[l.th Sts. plus 135 i'eet of Elm intb "lith"..;. c ..
Holliday moved a hearing be called for the vacation of these streets;
seconded by Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Recommendation on Urban Renewal Cooperation Agreement by Bill Jayne,
City Attorney.
Recommend that you don*t sign- cooperation agreement; send dovm
unsigned. - :
Have talked with their legal men and can go in unsigned as there
will undoubtedly be changes.
Bob Mix presented a petition against Urban Renewal with 122 names.
Mayor informed Mr, Mix that he would accept the petition but could
not be discussed at a special meeting; would be later on.
Also that it had been announced on KRAF that the Urban Renewal would
be voted upon at this meeting. False information
Meeting adjourned,
I. G. tT
City Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocke3rr, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
JUNE 17, 1968
PURPOSE: To increase the tax levy for the fiscal year 1968-1969
over the six per cent limitation set by law in the amount of
$61,282.30 because of increased costs and inadequate tax
Shall the Common Council of the City of Reedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon, be-authorized to levy for the operation
of the City during the year 1968-1969 the sum of $6l,2o2.30
in excess of the limitation provided by Article XI, Section
11, of the Constitution of the State of Oregon,^said amount,
if approved, to required an additional levy estimated at the
rate ®f $2.53 thousand dollars of true cash value of tax-
• able property within the City?
Counting Board and Election Board consisted of Gertrude Warren,
Chairman, Donna Love, Mabel Andrews, and Bernice.Jorgensen.
Ballots were canvassed by I. G. Johnson, City Recorder, and
James Thornton, Councilman, with the No vote 2I4.3, Aye o5.
City" Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocker,Mayor
Nfettie B. Glasserr^cordlng
NIGHT, 8sOO P.M., JUNE 21^, 1$68
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
Council members present: Ray Holliday, James Thornton, Ronald
0. Hanson, L. E. Paull. Dr. Lewis and Rudy Ruppe absent.
Pollowing Budget Committee members present: Grant Dunn, Archie
Mustoe, George Hutter, Lincoln Swain, and Shairman Roy Henderson.
Charles Poster absent.
PROCLAMATION on Charter change voted on May 28, 1968, stating it
received an affirmative majority of the total numbers of votes
cast and that the same have been duly adopted by the legal voters
of the City of Reedsport as amendments to the Charter thereof,
Thornton moved for adoption of the Proclamation. Seconded by
Paull and passed unanimously.
Motion for authorization of Mayor & City Recorder's signatures on
the Workable Program made by Paull and seconded by Hanson. Passed
City has received preliminary renewal of Waste Discharge permit
for Sewage Disposal Plant. Expiration date, 6/30/7O, also a
schedule to be followed, such as begin fill and preloading of
treatment plant site by not later than 7/31/68. 2. Complete
financing arrangements by not later than March 1, 1969. 3. Start
construction of sewage treatment plant by not later than 6/30/69.
1|. Start construction of Interceptor sewers by not later than 9/30/69.
Complete construction of facilities and commence operation
by not later than 6/30/70.
BUDGET MEETING called to order by Roy Henderson, Chairman, stating
that the voters didn*t seem to be too happy with the budget.
Committee here to help decide what should be done.
Hutter stated he had talked with some that were against the City
Dunn said the people didn't feel like they should be faced with this
extra tax.
Mayor Hurlocker requested that they think of a Serial Levy for
the purchase of equipment. These usually run for a period of five
years. That way, purchase of equipment would not come out of
operating funds. r
Henderson felt that they should try and reduce the budget of the
Dunn felt it was voted down very soundly. What we are faced with is
to cut to what we think will pass.
Mr. Johnson stated that he could cut the budget down, but they
wouldn't like.it. Listed different items amounting to $I|1,000
that would put us right where we have been for years.
After much discussion. Budget Committee was against these cuts.
City has been falling behind the last few years, will just be that
much harder next year if Budget is cut to the bone.
Mr. Johnson also felt Water Rates should be increased, but Budget
Committee did not feel that this was in their category.
When asked for suggestion from tax payers, Zack Turner, Fire Chief, .
felt that the council should go and explain the budget to civic
groups; to try and sell it.
Lee Clementa felt that the City Manager was one of the items causing
the "budget not to pass.
Chairman Henderson suggested that they cut out the $6,000 for the
City Manager; $10,000 equipment purchase; •. and $3,000 for parks.
Then in November have on ballot Serial Levy for Equipment Purchase.
Paull thinks the Council has 2 votes to weigh. Charter Change for
City Manager, and the Budget Vote. Wants to go on record, that even
if the $6,000 for City Manager is taken off, as of the first of the
year, can still hire one.
O Mr. Johnson informed the Council that this might be questionable,
according to the interpretation of the Budget Lavjs.
Mr, Johnson asked the council if they knew the toal amount of mills
the tax would be x\'ith everything totaled. It x^jould be about 10[|.
mills, quite high.
Will be ten days after publication before budget can be voted on
again, 8th of July.
Recommends thSt a Serial Levy or Tax Base be on the November ballot.
Swain moved that they remove from the budget the following items
and present to the people for their approval; $I}.,000 off Recreation;
$6,000 off City Manager; $10,000 Off Equipment Purchase; $2,000
off Dike Maintenance; and $2$00 off Building Construction; making
a total of $214.,500.
Seconded by Dunn.
After Mr. Johnson explained the legal procedure, that the Budget
Committee is here as Advisory Board to the Council, Mr. Swain
resubmitted his motion to the council that they recommend the
above procedure to the council. Seconded by Dunn and passed
unanimously by the Budget Committee.
Budget Committee meeting adjourned.
Mayor Hurlocker reconvened the Council mssti^^g* Stated that Council
has responsibilities and they are hampered by lack of funds.
All councilmen received letter from City Attorney putting the
responsibility of selling the budget up to the councilmen.
Ten minute recess requested.
Council has heard Budget Committee's recommendation; what is your
Thornton-believes it should be put to the people like it was; if it
doesnVt' pass, cut and stay within limitation.
Lee Clement's personal opinion-not in favor of City Manager and believes
generally that the people wanted something cut out of the budget.
Would like question answered by council. Was stated that if the City
Manager was not funded for in the budget, they could hire him anyway.
Was told that this is not true.
As a word of constructive criticizm, Mr. Clements stated that the
Council should listen close to the people when they tell them
Hanson-still have to weigh 2 votes, charter change and budget.
Mr. Clements added that he did not believe the ballot on the
charter was worded to mean a City Manager would be hired.
Mrs. Peseau stated that she thought the charter change authorized
the hiring of a City Manager but did not make it mandatory.
Mayor Hurlocker stated that it was the desire of the council to hire a
City Manager if possible.
In the opinion of the Mayor that they are desirous of hiring a City
Manager but cannot afford to at this time.
Paull moved that they accept the Budget Committee*s recommendation.
Seconded by Holliday,
Thornton asked about the purchase of the fire truck. More discussion
on the Serial Levy, and Chairman Roy Henderson of the Budget Committee,
stated that he did not believe it was the intention of the Budget
Committee to knock the fire department out of the purchase of a ^ truck. .fj
Aye - 3f Abstained - 1, Thornton
July 8th will be next Budget Election and regular council meeting
set over until the l^th of July.
Dike discussed. No word yet received on lettthg of the bid. Expect
word by end of the week.
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. ^\^J;t>ftnson
City Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Roy Henderson, Chairman of
Budget Committee
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
July 8, 1968
PURPOSE: To increase the tax levy for the fiscal year 1968-1969
over the six per cent limitation set by law in the amount of $33j291.05
because of increased costs and inadequate tax base. ^
Shall the Common Council of the City of Reedsport, Douglas County,
Oregon, be authorized to levy for the operation of the City during
the year 1968-1969 the sum of $33j291.05 in excess of the limi
tation provided by Article XI, Section 11, of the Constitution of
the State of Oregon, said amount, if approved, to require an
additional levy estimated at the rate of $1.37 per thousand
dollars of true cash value of taxable property within the City?
Counting Board and Election Board consisted of Gertrude Warren,
Chairman; Berniece Jorgensen, Lorna Johnson, and Sharen Glasser.
Ballots were canvassed by proper officials, with the No vote
215, Yes 190.
>-City Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
'Tiziu./. ^
Slettie B. Glasser, Recording
6:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Hurlocker, with the
following Councilmen present: Dr. Robert Lex%'is, Ray Holliday, Ronald 0.
Hanson, L. E. Paull, and James Thornton, Rudy Ruppe Was absent,
STREET VACATION HEARING: J^th St. between Winchester and Elm; also
Northerly 20 feet of Elm between 3rd and i|th. 8th Street between
Greenwood and Juniper.
Thornton all for vacating if necessary, but believe County should
|i. reimburse us foP: moving of water line and fire hydrant.
I It will cost the City around $500.00 to install a fire hydrant at
I j 3i'd and Elm, according to Mr. Johnson.
Thornton moved grant street vacation with exception of trying to
get hydrant paid for. Seconded by Paull, and passed unanimously.
PETITION FROM INTERNATIOWAPER CO, to vacate a portion of l8th St.
105 feet at Ivy and l8th. After some discussion, Ray Holliday moved
petition be presented,to the Planning Commission for their recommen
dation, Seconded by Thornton and passed unanimously.
OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION approving plans for drainage along Highway 38
from the State Highway Department,
permit. Date for certain items to.be done on disposal site specified.
Must start work by end of this month.
Have approval from HUD for additional cost.
Mayor Hurlocker reported on meeting with Corps of Engineers on the
3rd of July. Presented letter of agreement for council's signatures
for certain items for City to be responsible for to reduce cost of
dike construction. Will reduce cost of construction approximately
After some discussion, Paull moved accept terms set forth by the
Corps and sign letter. Seconded by Thornton and passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION to cover July payroll since we do not have an accepted
Hanson moved Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Thornton and passed
Mr. Johnson informed the council of $1657.00 interest earned on
Dike Funds through investments in Certificates of Deposits.
BUDGET VOTED down on July 6th, 1968, 215 votes No, to 190 Yes.
Mayor's personal feeling that we are asking for a good budget. Reluctant
to cut any item.
Discussed putting purchase of police car on special serial levy.
Lewis suggested cutting extra help in water office and letting one
policeman go. Put $6000 for City Manager back in.
After heated discussion on firing extra help in water office,
Thornton moved these items be revised in budget and be put back up
for vote as soon as possible: Cashier $i|770,00. Police car $2,000,
Policeman $6503.36, and fringe benefits be deleted and $6000.00 be
readded to the budget for City Manager.
Seconded by Dr. Lewis and passed unanimously.
- Election to be July 29, 1968 from S:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. with
continuation of Council meeting thft night at 8:30 P.M.
Following bills okayed for Cpaymerit
Payroll fund
Bureau of Census
League of Oregon Cities
Gertrude Warren
Donna Love
Berniece Jorgensen
Mabel Andrews
I. G. Johnson
Petty Cash
Donald W. Maples
Payroll fund
A Janitor
Berge & Wally
Bay Printers
Jack Schweitzer
Kenneth Brookhart
Don Baker
Zack Turner
Bob*s 66 Service
Bob's 66 Service
Coos Bay Stationery
Coos Bay Supply
Douglas County Jail
Fire Equipment Co.
General Telephone
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
Highland Shell Service
Umpqua Drug
I. G. Johnson
League Of Oregon Cities
Oregon State Highway
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
Pacific Water Works Supply
Paramount Pest Control, Jnc
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp
Pacific Pumping Co,
City of North Bend 23.00
Rdspt Fire Dept. l4.6i4.OO
Rdspt Repair Shop 2k,kk
Ross' 1.75
Rdspt Logging Supply 22.21
Rdspt Auto Parts 1|0.32
Ray's TV 2.85
Sewer Res Savings 33614.95
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50
State Comp. Dept. 1914.73
Taylor Hardware 103.30
Thompson Ford Sales 147.79
Zack Turner 22.32
Charles Collins 5.00
Union Oil Co. 1431^.39
Utilities Supply ll|7.91
Umpqua Tacklebox 21.00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 198.90
Ray Hass 60.00
Charles R. Marone 60.00
Eugene E. Thomas 60.00
Gerald G. Chirrick 60.00
Bill Winfield 60.00
Arthur C. Chirrick 20.00
Umpqua Rentals & Supply
Umpqua Ind. Supply II4.5O
Umpqua River Nav. 79.95
Wallace & Tiernan 17.61
A1 Clinton Leach 77.10
National Chemsearch I8I4.O7
Meeting recessed until July 29, 1968 8:30 P
I. G-. .(o^a^rson
City Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocker,
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
WHEREAS, the Budget Committee of the City of Reedsport has
adopted a budget for said City within the six per cent limitation,
WHEREAS, the Budget Committee has also recommended a budget
outside the six per cent limitation, and
WHEREAS, the City of Reedsport has held two elections on the
question of levying a tax in excess of the said limitation and the
voters have not approved said excess, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City of Reedsport to provide
funds with which to pay its City employees.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Council of the
City of Reedsport that there is appropriated from the funds within
the six per cent limitation sufficient fxmds to meet the July 1968
payroll of said City,
BE IT FURTEIER RESOLVED, that the City Recorder is hereby
authorized and directed to draw on said funds within the six per
cent limitation a sufficient sum to meet the payroll expenses.
Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Reedsport this
15th day of July, 1968.
/a/ 1. Q> Johnson
City Recorder
ul L* Hurlock^
Meeting was called to order "by Mayor Hurlocker, with the following
Councilnisn present: L. E. Paull, James Thornton, Dr« Robert Lewis,
Ray Holliday, and Rudy Rupps. Ronald 0. Hanson absent.
Reason Tor meeting; Some sort of action needs to be taken since
they have the resignation of almost all the Police Force. Is a
possibility that some resignations will be palled,
Dr, Lewis stated that he had been contacted by one officer. Felt
he might want his resignation pulled.
Gerald Chirrick, police officer, stated it was his general opinion
that all wanted resignations pulled.
Resignations at Recorder's office to be picked up by officers if they
want them withdrawn.
Eugene Thomas to be talked to when returns ,f]?om vacation.
Need to appoint a temporary Chief. Have facilities to pay J officers
including Chief, at this time. No change at this time.
Mayor Hurlocker assumed Sgt. Marone should be the officer in charge
until new Chief is hired. Appointed same.
Mayor happy policemen and police women reconsidered and withdrew
resignations. Harmony is needed. Applications for Chief to be taken,
Mr, Johnson asked the council the method to use for paying Chief Hass?
Since there is no budget, no set wage has been okayed although there
is a 6% raise in the budget.
Mayor Hurlocker, also City Attorney Jayne feel the 6% raise should stay
in the budget even if it is defeated on July 29th,
Dr. Lewis moved thatChief Rass be paid at new rate, 2 weeks severance
pay, and 3 weeks vacation. Seconded by Thornton, and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned,
I. G, J6fthson, City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
. j
Mayor Hurlocker reconvened the meeting with the following council
member present: Ray Holliday, Ronald 0. Hanson, Dr. Rooert Lewis,
L. E. Paull, .and James Thornton. Rudy Ruppe absent.
City Attorney Jayne announced the outcome of the Budget elction held
on this day. Count No. 353, yss 175, total of 528 votes cast. Ballots
canvassed by proper authorities.
Mr. Johnson read the tentative list of reductions from the budget
to put us within the $fo limitation. They were as follows:
Piremen's wages
office expense
sewer maintenance
community building
dog control
storm drains
radio operators
dike maintenance
City Manager
After discussion on most of the items above. Dr. Lewis moved we accept
the following Resolution; seconded by Thornton, and passed unanimously.
1. BE IT RESOLVED that the Coiriraon Council hereby adopts
the budget approved by the budget committee of the City of Reedsport
on May...l, 1966, and revised by the Common Council on July 29, 1968
now on file in the office of the City Recorder.
2. BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Reedsport hiereby levies
the taxes provided for in the budget adopted in Paragraph 1 of this
Resolution in the aggregate amount of $lllj.,596.19 and that^ these
taxes are hereby levied upon all taxable property within the City
of Reedsport as of 1:00 A.M., January 1, 1969.
3. BE IT RESOLVED that the amounts for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 1^68, and for the purposes shown below are
hereby appropriated as tabulated in the revised budget as adopted
and attached to and made a part of this Resolution.
T 7
[j.. BE IT RESOLVED that the City Recorder certify to the
County Clerk, County Assessor of Douglas County, Oregon and the
State Tax Commission at its office in Saleiu, Oregon the tax levy
made by this Resolution and shall file with them a copy of the
budget as finally adopted.
ADOPTED by the Common Council this^^^2Smi^day o^f «^ly, 1968.
ATTEST : LHurlocker, Mayor
/s/ I. Q. Johnson, City Recorder
City Attorney Jayne wanted instructions from the council before
answering a letter on Urban Renewal received by Mr. Ashby requesti
reiteration of the initial application, stating that General
Obligation Bonds would be used if needed, also date of election for the
Urban Renewal project.
After some discussion, Lewis moved that City Attorney Jayne be
instructed to answer letter in the affirmative. Seconded by Hanson
and passed unanimously.
Also Jayne stated that he did not know whether or not all the council
were familiar with the terms of the Waste Discharge Permit that expires
6/30/70, Certain specifications and plans are to be follox<ed with
completion date set for 6/30/70. Should be thinking seriously about
financing of the sewage disposal plant. Method of financing must
be known by March, 1969. V/ould mean approximately a $l|00,000 bond
Mayor suggsts we wait till after the November election to decide
Word has been received from HUD; that revised plans have been approved.
Also received $25^000 which goes to Cornell, Howland, Hayes, and Merryfielc
for engineering.
Financing of Sewage Disposal Plant to be discussed at next meeting.
Mayor also suggested that we try to get across what the 1^-% limitation
will do to cities, schools, and hospitals if it passes. People do not
realize- the consequences of such an action.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST: P^l L. HuMocker, Mayor
I. Ct. ^^hnson ^.7
City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
Councilmen present: Ronald 0. Hanson, Dr. Robert Lewis, Rudy Ruppe,
L. E. Paull, and James Thornton. Ray Holliday absent.
Planning Commission report: Recommended against the vacation of 18th
and Ivy.
Moved Planning Commission's recommendation be accepted on street
vacation. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Planning Commission recommended adoption of the Urban Renewal Plan
as presented.
Planning Commission also recommended that pending Urban Renewal project
be brought to a vote of the people at earliest practical date.
Dr. Lewis moved that Urban Renexval plan be adopted. Seconded by Hanson
and passed unanimously.
Announced that dike bids were to be opened Thursday, August l5th, at
2:00 P.M.
City Recorder Johnson read ORDINANCE #1|93^ repealing certain general
ordinances, in full for. the first time.
Paull moved adopt ordinance. Seconded by Thornton, and pass unanimously.
ORDINANCE #i|93 read for the second time, by title only.
Hanson moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Lewis and passed
Read ORDINANCE #1|93 for the third time, by title only, Rudy Ruppe
moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Paull, and pass unanimously.
ORDINANCE defining nuisances, was read in full for the first time.
Paull moved adopt ordinance, seconded by Thornton, and passed unanimously,
ORDINANCE read for the second time, by title only. Moved adopt
by Hanson. Seconded by Ruppe and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #l+9l|, read for the third time, by title only. Thornton
moved adopt ordinance. Seconded by Ruppe, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #i|95, read for the first time in full, regulating traffic.
Thornton moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Lewis and passed
ORDINANCE #1495j read for the second, time, by title only. Lewis moved
ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Hanson and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #1|.95, read for the third time, by title only, Hanson
moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Lewis and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #i|96, defining offenses, was read for the first time in full.
Rujipe moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Thornton, and passed
ORDINANCE #1^96 was read for the second time, by title only. Lewis
moved ordinance be adopted, seconded by Rupoe, and passed unanimously.
All -chese ordinance are in line with the re-codification of all our
ordinances by the League of Oregon Cities, Bureau of Municipal
Foremen's report available in office.
WATER_-Hanson reported on the water Line and believes that vie are
approaching our maximum gallonage and recommended that the Mayor appoint
a committee to look into our water system, maybe raise water rate, to
set aside a fund to build'a larger line.
Mr. Johnson reported that there is no surplus in the water funds.
Different methods of increasing intake of water from lake discussed,
Ray Holliday, Ronald 0, Hanson, and Dr. Lewis, water committee
appointed by Mayor to check into this,
POLICE-Lewis stated that police department is operating with Ij. men
at the present time. Feel city should pay time and a half for the
overtime the men are putting in.
Have sent ads for Chief to various newspapers.
A public meeting was requested to discuss the firing of Ray Hass, but
Mayor stated that no meeting is slated.
Lewis moved that we pay time and a half for time over regular time
until a"man is hired. Seconded by Thornton, and passed unanimously.
A time limit of [j.5 days or less was name to choose a chief.
Louis Matthews asked if the council vjould consider an open meeting on
the dismissal of Ray Hass?
Mayor stated that they did not want to get inljb this.
Thornton raoved vie adjourn if this keeps up.
Mayor informed spectators that this was not a public meeting on the
discharge of Ray Hass.
•R'IRE COMMITTEE-Fire Chief Turner informed the council that the fire
hydrants are being painted a bright yellox^j, because they can be seen
better at night. Top cap will be marked according to amount of flow
from hydrant as they are checked.
Wesley Hillier questioned the intent of the council not to bring
Urban Renewal to a vote of the people.
Was stated that there were two separate motions from the Planning
Commis sion.
Mayor said at this time there was Nothing to vote on. To get financing
will have to go to a vote of the people.
Ronald Hanson brought to the council's attention the images being paid
to the two young men working this summer for the city. Had been
questioned by a taxpayer. These are both experienced." men, one working
for his second summer and the other for his third. The minimum rate
is $3.25 an hour.
Mr. Johnson requested a recommendation regarding Bowman Road. Believes
it should be improved 5 feet on each side. City should take this
improvement upon itsself. V/ould come out of State Tax Street moneys.
Is dangerous as it is. Has ordered pipe for drainage in that area.
Moved and seconded that Bowman Road be improved. Passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson also to get yardage and prices to blacktop the places on the
Flat that were not paved when rest of the streets were improved.
Mr. Trees discussed with the councilmen the l8th & Ivy vacation that
was turned down.
Following bills approved for payment:
ITmpqua National Bank 17000.00
Payroll Fund , 2600.00
Edward M. Bartholomew 12.^0
Gertrude Warren 26.00
Berniece Jorgensen 26.00
Lorna Johnson 26.00
Sharen Glasser 26.00
ITmpqua National Bank 300.00
League of Oregon Cities 636.89
Payroll fund 1110i|.l5
Umpqua National Bank 13i|0.00
I : Kenneth J. Hofdahl 15.00
Jerry Dee Tankersley l5.00
Vern Peek 3OO.OO
Al's Market )|7.60
American RuUser Mfg. Co. 710.00
A & C Janitor IjO.OO
Bay Printers 23.00
Baker's Saw Shop 1.U5
Berge & Wally's 11.20
The Courier 2^0.28
PTJD 110^.52
G-enersl Fund 8Ii.09.5l
C, H2 M. 25000.00
Coos Bay Supply 65*23
Coast Communications llj.62
Coos Bay Statioeery 12.95
General Fund 13lj.0.00
Del Chemical Corp lli.5.97
Lower ITmpqua Hospital li0.06
Douglas Co. Sheriff 136.6I
School Distr. 105 321.83
SWOC ijli.Ol
Fire Chief Magazine 6.00
State of Oregon 30.00
Fire Station Digest 7.00
Fire Equipment Co. . 99.65
General Telephone 119.60
Gertrude Warren 26.00
Berniece Jorgensen 26.00
Donna Love 26.00
Shaken Glasser 26.00
Ray Hass 20.00
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
Robert E. Jones, Attorney
Jim's TJrapqua Drug 2i|.85
A1 Clinton Leach 33«21
League of Oregon Cities 3^0*00
Lower Umpqua Rec. l^OO.OO
Geo. Melville 55.39
City of Morth Bend 23.CO
Oregon State Highway Comm.
OK Tire Store 59.16
Oregon Coast Fire Equipment 112.30
101 Service II43.85
Earl Plagmann 20.25
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 60.75
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Sewer Reserve Savings 2638.97
PERS 592.92
Rdspt Insurance 5587.68
Rdspt Repair Shop 1432.Ii6
R & L Richfield 252.dO
Rdspt Logging Supply 28.7^1
Rdspt Fire Department t|98.00
Rdspt Auto parts ,lli
Rdspt Hotor Freight 3.68
Ross' Florists
Rdspt Outdoor Shop 88.25
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50
Meeting adjourned.
:riSon, City Recorder
Elections Division 25.29
State Comp, Dept. 265.22
Taylor Hardware 88,99
Thompson Ford 30.00
Union Oil Co. 369.16
TTtillties Sup£:ly 147.08
IJmpqua Bldg. Supply 115.01'
Umpqua Tacl-ilebox, l5U*50
Umpqua Rental 12.95
Umpqua River Nav. 59.71
Umpqua Electric 18,30
Umpqua Ind. Supply 10.91-1
Bill Winfield 20.00
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Sec'y.
6:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
Councilmen present: Ronald 0. Hanson, James Thornton, L. E. Paull,
Ray Holliday, and Rudy Ruppe,
Minutes of previous meeting approved unanimously.
Letter of resignation from Dr. Robert Lewis Accepted.
Ray Holliday moved we officially accept Robert A, Cantrell as
councilman to replace Dr. Lewis,. Seconded by James Thornton
and passed unanimously,
Mr. Cantrell sworn in by I. G, Johnson, City Recorder,
WATER-report on committee on water rate Increase. Have had first
POLICE-James Thornton announced a personnel meeting Wednesday night
on appointeient of new chief,
FIRE-Chief Turner asked what was being done about the old Reed
bouse by the railroad track. City Attorney Jayne informed him that
a complaint has to be filed,
Also a garage at Juniper and house at 1st & Elm should be
Ron Hanson voiced complaints he had received on the misuse of
property at 20th and Dogvjood and the late hours for running equipme
CITY SECORDER'S KEPORT-Thers is $1702.12 in delinquent taxes in
the Library Bond Ratireraent fund that should be transferred to the
General Fund.
Move permission be given Mr. Johnson to. transfer these funds# Seconded
by Ruppe and passed unanimously.
Letter from Cornell, !Icv;larid, Hayes, and Merryfield-changed design on
Sewage Disposal Plant, Grant of $25,000 not enough to cover engineering
V7ould like the balance of $5,000. Requested that we tatce this out of
Sewer Reserve Fund.'
Mr, Johnson inforirj-u council that all sewer monies are Invested at this
time; will see if bill can be paid so much a month.
Thornton moved that Mr. Johnson take care of this as he sees fit.
Seconded by Ruppe, and passed unanimously.
Steel has been brought in for flood wall of the dike. Stockpiled
across from the post office.
Marking of the fire hydrants discussed: green tope, 1000 gals, per
minute; orange top, between gals, per minutes; and re top,
under ^OC gals, per minute.
Urban Renewal passed a resolution at noon meeting that Urban Renewal--"
wants separate board other than council.
Five Man Board ^fice October 1st: Reverent Ted Hulbert, Carlene --
Maxwell, T. G. Johnson, E. C. Daily, and Lincoln Swain.
Bill Winfield asked if personnel meeting Wednesday night woulS be
open meetfcng?
Thornton informed him that it has been more or less set policy that
personnel meetings are closed.
Will have press release after meeting if appointment is made.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payfoll fund 1600.00 Meier Ghev-Buick 13*95
League of Oregon Cities City of North Bend 23.00
596.Ul OK Tire Store 1;.00
Petty Cash 31.86 101 Service llij.I+O
Paul L. Hurlocker 2^.00 National League of
Paul L. Hurlocker 61.00 Cities
Payroll fund 100l|6.68 llat^l. Police Chiefs 0.5O
TTmpqua National Bank 250.00 Paramount Pest Control 8,00
A C Janitor I4.O.OO Pennsalt Chemicals 60.7^
Armco Steel Corp. 1193.^5 PERS ^32.25
Bay Printers 22.00 Petty Cash k6.c9
Baker's Saw Shop 2.10 R/L Richfield 2ei|.L|0
The Courier 67*97 Rdspt Fire Dept. 3p2,00
PtTD 1107.5U Rdspt Auto Parts i|6.7
General Fund 300.00 Rdspt Insurance !435.00
Fire Equipment Co, 175.55 Rdspt Logging Supply
General Telephone l!{1.95 Rdspt Motor Freight 3.6^
Jim's Umpqua Drug 23-82 Smith Radio Comm. ^6.05
Lower Umpqua Hospital 7.50 State Comp. Dept. 241.39
A1 Clinton Leach l!4.58 Ivar A. Stavig
^'ueller Co. 17.18 Smith Blair , 'Jy
Geo. W. Melville 115*36 Thompson Ford Sales 234*55
Taylor Hdware 23.1?
ITrupqua River "Mavigation
UnioQ Oil Co. 2^9.23
Urripqua Nat'l Bank 6628.75
Utilities Supply Co. 283.62
Urapqua 31dg. Supply 382.66
Urnpqua Rental Supply
Umpqua Tacklebox 13.60
V/illiam3 Pharmacy 2.38
Meeting adjourned.
T'. GT JohnsorT
City Recorder
Pauil L. Hurlbcker, Mayor
Nfettie B. Glasser, Recording
SEPTEMBER 2l+, 1968, 7:9© P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
council members present: Ronald 0. Hanson, L. E, Paull, Rudy Ruppe,
and James Thornton. Ray Holliday and Robert Cantrell absent.
Mr. Paull introduced Litch Morello, who has purchased bowling alley
equipment from Kellison and is locking for place for lanes. The 60
X 90 gym floor would handle 8 lanes.
Hurlocker questioned the City Attorney about any legal problems.
Jayne stated th6t he would like for Mr. Morello to make the City an
Mr. iJohnson askeduifl-h^ would consider buying the whole building
and lease back to the City for a City Hall.
Mr. Morello stated that it could not possibly be a cash deal on that
basis, but would like a price for the sale and also the leasing of
the building.
Mr. Ruppe feels it is logical to try and work something out.
Mayor appointed Paull, Jayne and Johnson committee to try and come '
up with some sort of figure.
Three bids were received on the Pord Police car for a short block.
After some discussion as to whether or not to repair old car or
puchase new one, was moved by Thornton to accept low bid. Seconded
by Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Mayor presented City with recertification of Workable Program from HUD.
Good until September 1, 1970.
New agency meeting set for October 7, 1968.
Discussed putting Serial Levy on November election ballot. Committee
heads to get bu^y and bring estimate for equipment for next five years
to the October meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
bhnson. CitvBecorder
i §JLl^ Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasaer, Recording sec»^
OCTOBER 7, 1968
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with the following
Councilmen present: Ronald 0. Hanson, Robert A. Cantreil, Rudy
Ruppe, and L. E. Paull; Ray Holliday and James Thornton absent.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND &LIGHTS-L. E. Paull, Chairman: don't know
shape budget is in, but would like study, look into parks plan.
- Mr. Johnson to see Tom Keel, might be able to do plan outselves.
There will be $20,000 available to the County.
POLICE-Hale nothing.
PIRE-Chief Turner mentioned that October 6th through 12th was Pire
Prevention Week.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT-Had phone call from Clara Herra requesting
City to purchase 16' strip between market and building supply.
Does not belong to City as assumed for years.
Referred to Building, Playground, and Lights Committee. Mr. Johnsonu
to looK for deed.
RESOLUTION transferring Library Bond Retirement monies to General
Pund ($1702.12) read. Paull moved resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Ruppe and passed unanimously.
Request from Roaa' Florist for loading zone on 19th St. Mr. Johnson
believes they should receive favorable consideration as they do have
a problem.
Move Grant 25' NO PARKING for loading at rear of Ross*. Seconded by
Cantrell, and passed unanimously.
RECODIPICATION ORDINANCE #U97. relating to Business Licenses read for
the first time.
Paull moved we adopt Ordinance #1|97. Seconded by Hanson, and passed
ORDINANCE #i|.97 read for the second time, by title only. Moved ^e
adopt Ordinance by Hanson, seconded by Paull, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #h.97 read for the third time, by title only. Moved by
that Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Cantrell and passed unanimously.
^ ORDINANCE #k98 read in full for the first time, relating to
and referendum procedures. Ruppe moved adopt ordinance, seconded y
Hanson and passed unanimously.
BRDINANCE #li.98 read for the second time, by title only. Hanson
moved adopt ordinance, seconded by Paull and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #i|.98 read for the third time, by title only- Paull moved
for adoption, seconded by Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Request for street lights on Ranch Road by Symington's house. Really
too far back from road to do much good. Referred to light committee.
Thursday to be ground-breaking ceremony for the Dike.
Mr. Johnson presented the estimates of the Police , Pire,
Stree Departments for their needs in equipment for the next five
years as requested by the council in considering a Serial Levy.
Fire truck oomplete
Chief's Utility car (fd)
Dump Truck '
Street Sweeper 16,000
Police cars (5) 11,000
Total amount $73,800 with a levy for $75,000 to be requested.
Discussion on Serial Levy. Would add less than a mill a year,
William Jayne drafted Resolution to add new chapter to Charter
to be voted on in November election. $l5»000 for each year,
1969-1970, 1970-1971, 1971-1972, 1972-1973, 1973-197U.
Hanson moved resolution be adopted. Seconded by Cantrell and
unanimous ballot cast.
Paull stated that Mr. Morello wanted to know if offer to store
lanes still stands?
Should put time limit on it and find out how much apace he will
Resolution pledging cities cooperation and approving Plan #1
of Urban Renewal read for Cities approval. City Attorney does not
believe it binding.
Hanson moved we adopt resolution,
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund
Payroll fund
Petty Cash
Wilma Matthews
League of Oregon Citie
TJmpqua National Bank
General Fund
Payroll fund
A & C Janitor
Bay Pavers
Berge k Wally's
Baker*s Saw Shop
Coos Bay Stationery
General Fund
C, H2, M.
Del Chftmicals
Ed*s Electric
Fire Equipment
General Telephone
Jim* a Umpqua Drug
A1 Clinton Leach
Melville Plumbing
Oregon State Highway
North Bend Wheel Shop
OK Tire Stores
Petty Cas^
Paramount Pest Control
RL Towing
Rdspt Auto Parts
Rdspt Laundry
Meeting adjourned,
3 576.ir
^ G. ^tonson, ClTEy Recorder
Seconded by Ruppe and passed
Rdspt Logging Supply li|
Rdspt Motor Freight 6
Ivar Stavig 102
Smith Radio Comm. lij.9
Sa-Sp, Inc. 21
State Comp. 230
Thompson Ford Sales l5
Taylor Hardware 28
Charles R, Marone 60
Eugene E. Thomas 60
Gerald G. Chirrick i^O
Arthur C, Chirrick 60
TJmpqua Plumbing 7
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 3i<-8
Umpqua Rental 5
Umpqua Industrial 17
Rdspt Fire Dept. ^34
Oregon Coast Fire 13
Union Oil Co. 7U
Ross' Flowers 6
Rdspt Outdoor Shop 215
Utilities Supply 322
City of North Bend 1|5
Umpqua Tacklebox 8
Umpqua River Navigation627
fettle fe. Glasser, Recording
Hurlocker. Mayor
NOVEMBER 12, 1968
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the followins
council members present: James Thornton, L. E. Paull, Robert
Cantrell, Ron Hanson. Ray Holllday and Rudy Ruppe were absent.
Minutes of the previous meeting of October 7, 1968 were approved
FINANCE - none
¥ATER - none
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, & LIGHTS - Paull reported that both Cliff
Purlott and A1 Herra had inquired concerning purchasing the strip
of city owned land between Taylor Hardware and Umpqua Building
Supply. After some discussion the council decided that it would
be best to leave it .as it is, city owned and open for access by
fire trucks etc.
POLICE - Police Chief Hale requested that a stop sign be put on
Fir Avenue at Sixth. Motion made by Hanson, seconded by Paull
that this Stop sign be installed. Motion carried.
Earl Birdsill requested permission to build a shed on his lot on
11th and Winchester although he would then be covering more of the
lot than is allowed by the Building Code. Clinton Leach reported
that Mr. Birdsill*s lot is in ZiOne 1 and he is allowed to cover
1500 sq. ft. He now has li|ij.6 sq. ft. covered. Mr. Johnson stated
that this will be a variance and should be referred to the Planning
Commission. Mr. Birdsill was instructed to make his request in
writing to the Planning Commission.
FIRE - Fire Chief Z'ack Turner reported that the two buildings
condemned on Elm Street have been burned, also one owned by DeWitt.
City Attornej^ William Jayne reported that papers are being filed
on the building owned by Reed and Henderson.
Thornton stated that he believed that an election should be held
to approve bonds for the purchase of a fire truck since in his
opinion this item is a necessity. The closest figure that he had
been able to figure that it would take was $36,000. Ron Hanson
stated that he felt more time should be taken to explain to the
people the need for equipment and then re-submit the entire levy
to the vote of the people since all the items listed are necessary.
Discussion followed favoring re-submitting the serial levy.
Motion was made by Thornton, seconded by Cantrell, that the City
hold a serial levy election on March 1^, 1969 to purchase equipment
for an amount to be determined at the next council meeting.
Hanson requested an explanation as to where the money came from
to hire another city employee. Mr. Johnson explained that the
wages are not paid from tax money but from street and water funds.
CITY ATTORNEY - Bill Jayne presented a request from the Wooley
Lumber Company requesting fire protection for the mill on Bolon
Island and also for the Wooley home on Dean's Creek. This would
be provided on two separate contracts requiring an initial payment
of $100 and an hourly rate based upon the type of equipment and
the number of men required if fire should occ\ir.
M^otion by Thornton, seconded by Paull that contracts of this type
be drawn up and that Mayor Hurlocker and City Recorder Irving
Johnson be authorized to sign the contract.
CITY RECORDER - Mr. Johnson presented the applications for annual
renewal of liquor licenses and recommended blanket approval.
Motion made, seconded and carried that these licenses be granted.
Letter from the Urban Renewal Agency was presented and read by
Mayor Hurlicker recommending that a city-wide election be held
in January to approve or disapprove the $200,000 bond issue to
finance the Urban Reneweil project.
Thornton expressed his opinion that the matter should not even
come to an election but should be disapproved by the council.
Mayor Hurlocker stated that the City has a contract with the
Federal Government and that the City is obligated to present the
matter to the people for approval or disapproval.
Motion was made by Hansen, seconded by Cantrell, that an election
be held on January 23, 1969 for a $200,000 bond issue to finance
the Urban Renewal project. Motion carried. Aye 3 Nay 1 - Thornton
Mayor Hurl6cker stated that the council should bear in mind that
the City will have non-cash credits from the building of the dike
for a year's project under the Neighborhood Development plan and
that this is worth looking into.
Mr. Johnson presented the Corps of Engineers report on two Umpqua
Basin projects (Tiller and Days Creek).
Petition for annexation from the Catholic Church was presented.
Motion was made, seconded and carried that this matter be referred
to the Planning Commission for their study.
Mayor Hurlocker reminded departments that the League of Oregon
Cities convention will be held in Portland on November 17, 18, 19-
Following bills were okayed for payment
Payroll fund 2350
League of Oregon Cities 632
Cecil Lane l8
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 31®
Dennis VT. Severy 100
David R. Bender i|.3
Payroll Fund 9630
A & C Janitor Service iJ^O
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen,
Architects i^.0
Bay Printers 25
Berge & Wally* s 2I|.0
Baker's Saw Shop 57
Central Lincoln PUD 1168
The Courier 235
Cleveland Cotton Prod. 55
Cbast Sheet Metal 2
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 3
Elections Division 13
Golder Co. 16
Hansen Electric 63
Int'l Paper Co. lij-OO
General Telephone 180
Jim's Umpqua Drug l8
Kale Uniforms 23
A. C. Leaoh 1^.3
Meier Chev-Buick, Inc. 7
Melville Plumbing C^o. l8
Oregon State Highway Dept.35
Bureau of Labor 7
Meeting adjourned.
I.~G. Johns^h', City Recorder
H. E. Nickels 10.35
101 Service 818.6I
City of North Bend 35.12
Pennsalt Chemicals " 63.00
OK Tire Store 23k'9k
Thompson Ford Sales 38.95
Paramount Pest Control 8.0©
Petty Cash i|4.36
Pub. Employees Ret. 516.13
Reedsport F. D. 155.13
Reedsport Auto Parts 128
S.W. Fire Chiefs Assoc. 10.00
S.W. Ore. Fireman *** 10.0®
Ray's TV 13.00
Reedsport Logging Sup. 15
Reedsport' Laundry 5.15
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 7.65
Reedsport FD 396.00
Ivar Stavig 112.50
Allen Smith Co. 17.5©
Smith Comm. Inc. kl'^5
State Comp. Dept. 267.14.3
Charles Thomas 137*60
Taylor Hardware 103.09
Union Oil Co. il.93.8l4.
Utilities Supply 67.92'
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 93.72
Umpqua River Nav. Co. 293.36
P^ui L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Bernell McClay^'Recording
NIGHT, DECEMBER 12, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with the following
Councilmen presefcit: James Thornton, Rudy Ruppe, Ronald 0. Hanson, L.
E. Paull, and Robert Cantrell. Ray Holliday absent.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
RESOLUTION POR RIGHT OP ENTRY from State for Highway 101 was read
by Mr, Johnson.
^ Hanson moved that right of entry be signed by the City. Seconded
!^ by Thornton and passed unanimously.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Requests for variance in zoning ordinances
were made by Earl Birdsall and James Perguson. Both were denied.
Planning Commission approved petition for annexation for the Catholic
Council discussed a hydrant that should be place to serve the church.
Thornton moved Planning Commission's report be accepted with Mr.
Johnson to see church about the hydrant.
Seconded by Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Annexation hearing set for next regular council meeting.
Mayor presented recommendation of the Urban Renewal Agency to the
Council; that the General Obligation Bond for $200,000 not be voted
on in January as planned, but change to Neighborhood Development
Plan instead; as UR will not accept the Reedsport original UR plan.
Mayor stated that the Housing Project (Douglas County) is at a stand
still due to the lack of funds. Believes through NDP can purchase
this property for the County.
Mr. Johnson questioned the Mayor as to the status of the Urban Renewal
Mayor stated that Ashby has received confitrmation of extension of time.
That funds were available until approximately Pebruary.
It is the plan of the agency. Mayor Hurlocker said, to get all the
information on NDP out they possibly can.
James Thornton Believes Urban Renewal is hurting Reedsport more every
^ Hanson moved that they strike the Bond Issue Vote for January.
Seconded by Thornton, and passed unanimously.
Hanson asked if it were pertinent to decide on the NDP vote tonight?
It was decided to meet with the Urban Renewal Agency, new council and
Mayor, next Monday night, 8:00 P.M., December 16, 1968, as no repre
sentation from the Urban Renewal Agency was at the council meeting.
PINANCE COMMITTEE-comment of appreciation to Mr. Johnson from Mr.
Cantrell for receipt of copies of the expenditures to-date for the
different departments, Mr, Johnson also answered several questions
pertaining to the budgets.
Hanson feels that the City should be taking care of the lubing of the
Police Cars. Would be less expensive. Was decided to inform the
Police Chief of this decision.
PLAYGROUND, AND LIGHTS-Ranch Road dark. Discussion type of
lighting for this area.
Also no street sign for Gardens Avenue,
COMMITTEE-Chief requests permission to gas up at service station
after a night fire instead of going to the warehouse. Problem at
night with backing trucks into the area.
Permission granted,
Chief turner also discussed the fire Saturday night at the Ned
Nelson dwelling,
Mr. Johnson read the abstract of votes from the November 1968
election. It was as follows:
Thomas Tymchuk for Mayor 1088
Other 395
Oscar Anderson 689 Oscar Anderson, Ben Henderson,
Doreen Benson 1|22 and Clifford Plov elected as
George Grassl 468 new councilmen.
Treslin Halse h^7
Ben Henderson 1050 ^
Joe McGowan 235 Thomas Tymchuk, Mayor.
Clifford Plov 661
Ray Rookard U25
Denver 0. Wear 4OI
Others 6
A Certificate of Election will be made and the new Mayo and Councilmen
will be sworn in at the regular January meeting.
City has received permit from the State Highway Department for
pipeline installed in 1958*
BRDINANCE #1+99> regarding filing of petitions for office read in
full for the first time.
Paull moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Hanson, and passed
ORDINANCE #l|.99 read for the second time, by title only.
Hanson moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Cantrell, and passed ^
ORDINANCE #1|99 read for the third time, by title only.
Thornton moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Ruppe, and passed
New Charters are being printed and should be here by January.
Mayor gave short report on League of Oregon Cities Convention.
One of the largest they have ever had. Reedsport had godd repre
sentation. Lack of communication between the people and the council seemi
to be the problem in all cities.
Wished the new Mayor and Council Good Luck.
Continuation of meeting to be December l6y., 1968, at 8:00 P.M.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund
C, Hp, M
Roaeburg Printing Co.
George T. Gant
League of Oregon Cities
Paul L. Hurlocker
Congress Hotel
Petty Cash
Payroll fund
A & C Janitor Service
Oscar Anderson
Audiovisual Instr.
Baker's Saw Shop
Berge & Wally's
Bay Printers
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Coos Bay Stationery
Coast to Coast Stores
C, H2, M
Geo. P. Cake Co.
Commercial Title Co.
Decorating Center
E & H Machine Works
General Telephone
Billie R. Hale
Portland Hilton
A1 Clinton Leach
League of Oregon Cities
Geo. Melville Plumbing
Meter Box Equipment
Meier Chev-Buick
City of North Bend
Ore. Assoc Chief's
of Police
OK Tire Stores
I. G. Joh&at)n
City Recorder
101 Service 231.52
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Pennsalt Chemicals 63.00
PERS U70.83
Rdspt Pire Dept. 1^.00
Rdspt Motor Prt. 3.68
Rdspt Auto Parts I63.O6
Ross' 8.i|.8
Rdspt Auto Wreckers 1|..00
State of Oregon
Dept. of Porestry 96.36
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50
State Compensation 228.97
Taylor Hardware 53.27
Thompson Pord Sales 11.50
Union Oil Co. 353.07
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 135.54
Umpqua Industrial 69.01
Jim's Umpqua Drug 19.1+0
Utilities Supply 1+0.72
Umpqua Blumbing 117.67
Umpqua Plumbing 185.10
Stults, Jayne
& Murphy 5•20
Rdspt Outdoor Shop 93.20
Umpqua River Navigation
The Courier 49.37
Umpqua Rental & Supply 5»75
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
8:00 P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
councilmen present: L. E. Paull, James Thornton, Ronald 0. Hanson,
Ray Holliday, and Robert Cantrell. Rudy Ruppe absent.
Also present was Mrs. Carlene Maxwell, E. C. Daily, I. G. Johnson,
of the Urban Renewal Agency. Mayor-Elect Thomas Tymchuk and
Council-elect Clifford Plov, Oscar Anderson, Jr., and Ben Henderson
were present. Norvin Ashby of the Urban Renewal Office,
Meeting was continued from regular meeting so that Council could meet
with the Urban Renewal Agency to discuss changing from Urban Renewal
to Neighborhood Development Plan.
Mayor read the resignation of Lincoln Swain, arid appointed Sam Wigle
to take his place.
Mayor informed the Urban Renewal Agency that the Council had decided to
accept the agency's recommendation not to have election to bond for
$200,000 but since there was no representative from the Agency at the
Council meeting, did not decide about the Neighborhood Development
Aahby informed the Council of the Douglas County Housing Authority
going ahead with their Turnkey project.
Also received a call from Hatfield»a office in Portland, telling of
the approval of Part 1 of the Urban Renewal Plan. Will only approve
the initial project, which is approximately $532,000.
Also telling us to go on NDP (year to year). Up to the City to
decide on improvements to be made.
In the discussion as to the people voting NDP or UR down, the Mayor
question Mr. Ashby as to whether or not it would be finished?
Mr. Ashby stated. In essence, yes. Only one can stop it is the
Council; only one can go ahead is the Council. But if voted down,
believe it would be a mandate to the council to turn it down.
Mayor stated that cuts have been made in the Douglas County Housing
Authority plans that will hot be to the City's best interests.
Thornton felt until they let us know what they are going to do or
what changes have been made, we must assume they will be going by
the original plans.
Mr. Johnson said that there was no indication on the original plans
of the Douglas County Housing to ever pave streets on the outside
of the project. No streets will be vacated until plans are presented.
Mayor decided maybe we should wait till we hear from Douglas County
Housing Authority.
Mr. Hanson asked that if an election is to be held in January, will some
kind of program be set up to educate the people, so they can cast an
intelligent ballot?
Urban Renewal Agency Board will decide what first year's project area
will be at next meeting.
Money cannot be used to build the sewage disposal plant.
Part 1 pertains to the original 8 block area.
Mr. Jayne was hsked how the ballot for the NDP would be worded?
Offhand he was not sure. Mr. Ashby stated that it should be on the
ballot that it could operate for 2 years without costi6g-thfe City
a cent.
Mr. Johnson informed Mr. Ashby that the City has nothing in writing
to this effect.
Mr. Thornton asked for the opinions of the incoming Councilmen
and Mayor to be.
Mr. Tymchuk spoke, not as the incoming Mayor, but as a prive
citizen. Several questions were put to Mr. Ashby such as whether
or not there is a deadline on credits we have for the project?
That is 3 years from date of start of the dike project.
Also that he read an article in the paper stating definitely that
the Douglas Housing Authority and Urba n Renewal are in no way
This was answered by Mr. Ashby stating that they are not connected but
try to help each other.
Tymchuk stated that they have had a 2 year study at a cost of
$115»000 plus interest. Unflerstand thtit Reedsport is responsible for
I/I4 cost of project at any given time they enter into any one of several
different plans.
Survey is complete, has been turned down because of cost. Have
talked with many people in Reedsport. It is my feeling that if this
is voted on, it will be turned down. Personalities and emotions
are involved. Would suggest that no decision be made now and be
postponed for an indefinite time.
Propose board be retained and possibly extedned, and a long time
look taken.
Do believe NDP has merit but will not go now
present plan could be sold to the public.
Do not believe
Mayor Hurlocker is against waiting any long. Other areas are moving
and Reedsport is losing more and more business.
Ted Hansen believes something is going to have to be deicded. No
one is going to repair their buildings or anything else as long as
the project is hanging.
Government did not turn down whole project, allowed us
start with the first year, Mr. Ashby reminded. Vote does not have
to be in January, just so it is before March 6th.
L. E. Paull does not feel the council now in office should saddle
the new council with their decision, should wait and let them decide;
After all, it is just two weeks.
Mr. Cantrell believes shouls have a description of area to be the
project before it is voted on. By waiting until the next council
meeting, it will give the URA time for a meeting and they will have
come up with the project for the first year.
Peel that if there is a good project area, and there is time for edu
cating the people, has a good chance for the first year.
Next meeting is January 6th.
Building Inspector is to see Leroy Chenoweth about tearing down
his boat shed now that the boat is finished. Had several complaints
about it.
Meeting adjourned
I. G. John^
City Recorder
Paul t. Ifturlocker, Mayor
kettle fe. Glasser, Recording
JANUARY 6, 1969
Meeting was called to order by Mayor PauliHurlocker for the swearing
in of the newly elected Mayor Thomas A. Tymchuk and Councilmen ^aear
Anderson, Jr., Clifford Plov, and Ben Henaerson^ by I. G. Johnson,
City Recorder.
After being given the oath of office, Hurlocker presented the new
Mjryor with the gavel and a key to the City (offices).
Following councilmen present, Ben Henderson, Oscar Anderson, Jr.,
Clifford Plov, Robert Cantrell, Rudy Ruppe, and Ronald 0. Hanson.
Mayor Tymchuk informed the Council and attendance that the City is
now operating under the new Charter.
APPOINTMENTS made by the Mayor on committees for the following year:
PINANCE-Robert Cantrell, Chairman; Clifford Plov.
WATER-Ronald 0. Hanson, Chairman; Oscar Anderson, Jr.
STREET & SEWER-Ben Henderson, Chairman; Clifford Plov.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND &LIGHTS-Oscar Anderson, Jr., Chairman; Ben
POLICE-Rudy Ruppe, Chairman; Ronald 0. Hanson.
PIRE-Clifford Plov, Chairman; Rudy Ruppe.
A new Committee has been formed-YOUTH COMMITTEE-Robert Cantrell,
Chairman. Mr. Cantrell outlined the program. Committee is to con
sist of 1 councilman (chairman), 2 high school students and 1 person
from the community. Purpose is to develop better relationship between
youth and adults and to include youth in city government. Will
hold monthly meetings with youth attending council meetings. Also
initiate activities that would be beneficial to the youth.
Mayor informed council that there would be a layment appointed on each
committee and would be named when they had been chosen. Rudy Ruppe,
Chairman of the Police Committee, named Ralph Stiiller as the layman to
act on the Police Committee.
Mayor appointed city officials for the coming year:
City Recorder, I, G. Johnson
Water Superintendent, Arthur L. Tollefson
City Attorney, William Jayne
Police Chief, Billie R. Hale
Pire Chief, Zack Turner
Health Officer, Dr. D. L. Courtney
Civil Defense, Curt Baker
Hanson moved appointments be approved. Seconded by Ruppe and ^
passed unanimously.
The separation of the City Recorder and Municipal Judge has been
considered. Mayor asked City Attorney if another man could be
hired to act as Municipal Judge?
Jayne stated that he felt the City would be better off to have
separate Municipal Judge. Has been discussed with Mr. Johnson, and
Mayor Tymchuk, and also with the different attorneys in town, and
Forrester G. Taylor has agreed to take job if council agrees. Will
hold court minimum of 2 days a week and 1 night.
City Attorney Jayne recommends that the Council hire Mr. Taylor and
at a salary of $l50.00 a month subject to negotiation later when it is
known how much time is required to handle job.
When asked for his opinion, Mr. Johnson stated that in all fairness
believe it will be better to have a legal attorney for a judge.
Mayor Tymchuk highly recommended we hire Mr. Taylor on year to year
Mr. Johnson stated that he believes his wages can legitimately be
taken from the Emergency Fund.
Mr. Ruppe requested no reduction in wages for Mr. Johnson.
Ruppe moved we approve Mr. Taylor to be Municipal Judge. Seconded by
Anderson and passed unanimously.
Personnel policy for City Employes to be looked into later.
Mayor requested that any items to come before the council, if possible,
please present to him or any of the council or city recorder at least
ten days prior to the council meeting it can be properly investigated
by committees and an intelligent answer can be given at the council
meeting. Realize this isn't always possible and will be taken into
consideration when problems are presented.
ELECTION OP PRESIDENT OP COUNCIL: term of office is for 2 years.
Ruppe nominated Ronal 0. Hanson for this office. Seconded by Anderson
and passed unanimously.
HEARING ON CATHOLIC CHURCH ANNEXATION; Share in cost of fire hydrant
installation to provide sufficient fire protection stipulation of
Planning Commission. Has been discussed with officials of the church,
but have not yet had a meeting, so do not believe any formal action
should^ be taken until Church is heard from.
Hanson moved property be annexed subject to stipulation of fire hydrant.
Seconded by Ruppe and passed unanimously.
Mayor appointed Jack Unger and Grant Dunn to take E. C. Daily and
Roy Henderson's places on the Planning Commission.
A letter from Dale Warkentin was read for the variance of coverage of
lot on South Hill Drive where he plans on building a duplex.
Building Inspector Leach inspected the property and the setbacks would
be proper but the amount of coverage allowed would be exceeded, so would
not issue permit. ^ ^
Letter read by City Attorney William Jayne from the Urban Renewal
Agency Chairman E. C. Daily, requesting that the City hold a hearing
on the proposal of the agency which is a request that the City Council
designate the triangular area bounded by the hill on the South, the
railroad on the West and the Umqqua River on the North and East as our
NDP project area. The Agency's plan calls for initial rebuilding to be
confined to Block 76.
Mayor questioned Ashby as to who would own the parking lots after they
are built? Will belong to City and will be maintained by city after they
_ are built.
Also questioned Ashby as to whether or not they had in writing that somepne
wpuld rebuild in this area. He stated that they had had for a long
time. Also all that they are asking for is a Public Hearing to see if
a plan like this is feasible.
Will be up to the Council whether or not it be brougtt to a public vote.
Ruppe moved they have public hearing on January 27th as proposed. Seconde(
by Cantrell and passed unanimously.
SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT discussed. We are supposed to begin construction
by June, 1969. Area has to be preloaded. Hanson asked whether or not
we will meet this deadline? Mr. Johnson said no, that this date was
set prior to the dike construction. Anything we spend before approved
for State or Federal participation, will be our own.
Move that City Attorney request the Port Commission to build an access
road to Sewage Disposal Plant on Port Property. Seconded "and passed
City Attorney brought to the Council's attention the fact that the City
1/ 6/69
has entered into previous agreements for Fire Protection on property
outside the City limits. Dean Wooley of the Hardwoods on Bolon Island
wishes protection for his plant, also for his property on Deans Creek,
Cost has previously been $100,00 per year plus $100.00 for each fire
call for first hour, with $$0.00 each additional pumper.
City will not be without service. Fire Chief is in favor of contract,
Cantrell moved contract be entered into; seconded by Anderson and
passed unanimously,
Ruppe stated that we should be cognizant of the fact that the previous
council and Mayor spent may hours and did their best in the past two ^
year in not alway pleasant conditions, and it has been appreciated. M
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund 2300.00
League of Oregon Cities i|.8i|.03
Charles R. Marone I4.O.OO
Portland Motor Motel 31-00
U. S. Post Office 500.00
Payooll fund 9$68,86
Baker's Saw Shop 3.60
Berge & Wally*s 283,22
PUD 1232,50
Courier li|..88
Coast to Coast Hardware 7.19
E-H Machine Works 1+1.08
Fire Equipment Co. 52.20
General Telephone li+l.liO
Jim*s Umpqua Drug 2^,65
A1 Clinton Leach 25.83
Union Oil Co, i|13.08
Medical Arts Lab. 35.10
Oregon Vol, Firemen's Assoc, 15.00
Oregon Fire Chiefs* Assoc, 10,00
City of North Bend 25.98
101 Service U3.95
Oregon Coast Fire Equipment 2,85
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp, 63.00
PERS i|72,97
Rdspt Outdoor Shop 17.55
Meeting adjourned.
nson. City Recorder
Rdspt Fire Dept. 620,00
Ross* Florists 12.35
Rdspt Auto Parts 112.28
Rudy Ruppe 37.80
Rdspt Logging Supply 12i|..32
Standard Oil Co, 5-95
Sims Electric, Inc. l8,50
Ivar A. Stavig 112,00
State Comp, Dep, 233.9l|
Taylor Hardware 61,49
Umpqua Rental & Supply289.55
Umpqua Building 308,28
Utilities Supply 10i|.,li|
Umpqua Industrial 18,73
Billie R, Hale 60,00
Robert G, Stratton 60,00
Arthur C, Chirrick 60,00
Jan R. Northey 60,00
Ger61d Chirrick 20.00
A & C Janitor i+O.OO
Thomas Tymchuk', Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
Public Hearing, held by the Coinmon Council of the City of Reedsport, Oregon
February 3, 1969 8:00 P.M.
Council Members present: Mayor Tymchuck, Clifford Plov, Ben Henderson, Ronald
H^son, Robert Cantrell, Rudy Ruppe and Oscar Anderson
The Public Hearing was opened by Mayor T^chuck to hear arguments for and
against ttie approval of a Neighborhood Development Program as presented to
the Common Council by the Urban Renewal Agency Board for their (Council)
Mayor Tymchuck s^ted the three alternate decisions that could be made by
the Cornmoh Council:
1. Common Council approval of the NDP Project
2. Common Council approving a popular vote by the people of
Reedsport on the acceptance of the NDP Project
its Board from further work on the Project.
He then asked for questions from the floor, preferably from the concerned
merchants within the project area as selected by the Urban Renewal Agency
1. 11 persons spoke against further work on the project
2. 8 persons spoke for Council approval of the NDP Project
3* 5 persons r^uested a popular vote by the electorate
U* lU persons asked questions but expressed no opinions
Mayor Tymchuck read the names on a petition presented to him by B.C. Daily,
Chairman of the Urban Renewal Board. This petition, signed by fifteen (l5)
businessmen, asked the Common Council to approve the proposal as presented
by the Urban Renewal Board. Councilman Ronald Hanson asked Mr. Ashby what
action the Agency needed the Common Council to take. Mr. Ashby stated that
the Agency would like the Council to approve the proposed project.
More discussion followed. Irving Johnson, City Recorder, stated that b'eeause
the attachments, as referred to in the Resolution presented to the Common
Council, were not included, no decision could be made until these attachments
had been filed in the City Recorder's office.
The Council unanimously agreed to make a decision at the next regular meeting
of the Common Council to be held Monday, February 10, 1969.
As there were no further questions or comments. Mayor T^ymchuck adjourned the
Public Hearing.
FEBRUARY 10, 1969p 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Thomas S. Tymchuk, with the
following councilmen present: Oscar Anderson, Jr., Clifford Plov,
Ronald 0. Hanson, Robert Cantrell, and Ben Henderson. Rudy
Ruppe absent.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT-request for variance in size of building
on lot in South Hill Drive by Delbert Warkentin. Only 30% of the
lot is allowed to be covered by ordinance. He plans on building
duplex that would cover 33^.
Planning Commission recommended Mr. Warkentin be allowed this
Cantrell moved Planning Commission's recommendation be approved.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mayor announced that Prank Rose was elected Chairmail of the Planning
Mr. Johnson gave report on Copy of Order regarding change in telephone
rates by the Public Utility Commission. The petition was denied for
a raise in rates by an overwhelming majority.
A report of 1968 Building Permits was given by Mr. Johnson. There
was a total of #$79,353.00 for year of 1968, compared with $278,9^1.00
for year 1967.
CONSIDERATION of^Neighborhood Development Plan for first year's project.
Letter received from Urban Renewal Agency requesting that Council table
action at this meeting as the block of the area has been changed from
76 to 81, and requested a hearing be called for February 21+, 1969 at
8:00 P.M.
Hanson moved accept proposal of Urban Renewal, seconded by Cantrell,
and passed unanimously.
Hearing on NDP called for the 2l4.th.
It was announced that Dale Krug will serve as lay member on the
Water Committee.
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE^^Henderson announced that Dave Wootton will
serve as lay member on this committee.
The council and Bert Bartow, City Foreman, are .going to try and
get togehter to go thcough water tunnel.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND &LIGHTS-Jack Blum will serve as lay member on
this committee.
Permission has been requested to build a War Memorial in Hahn Park,
by the Lions* Club.
Building Committee has looked into this and Chairman Oscar Anderson
believes approval should be given.
Was moved we give Lions' Club permission to build this memorial.
Seconded by Hanson and passed unanimously. Building is to be 20*xl|0
under a rood, but with breezeway.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Commended people who volunteered tire chains during
the snowstorm. Thank radio station for their participation, also
the press.
Chief Hale requested that a stop light should be installed at school
crossing on Hi^way 101 and Pioneer School. One that the children
can jbush and turn red to stop traffic instead of the flashing
amber light.
Also recommends that a 30 mile per houB sign be put on Winchester
Avenue between Thompson Ford and Railroad track instead of the
20 miles school zone and 25 mile zone. Have the 20 mile school
zone only during schbbl year.
Referred to the Police Committee by the Mayor for their recommen
FIRE COMMITTEE-Chief Turner stated that it had been I4.2 days since
they had had a fire call. Had been on call al night during snowstorm.
YOUTH COMMITTEE-Mr. Cantrell introduced Mark Norby, Junior High
representative and Bill Thompson as the High School representative,
also Kathy Lyon who was unable to attend. Louis Matthews is to be
the lay member of this committee.
Cantrell announced that they have not had a meeting as yet.
Minutes of previous meeting approved,
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: LeRoy Chenoweth has been contacted again
about tearing down the old shed where he built his boat. He has
been ill with the flu but will get it down as soon as he is able.
There is a deadline of March, 1969, for financing of the Sewage
Disposal Plant. Have drafted a resolution calling for a Bond Issue
for the amount of $500,000.
RESOLUTION read by Attorney Jayne calling for special election on
March 10, 1969, &;00 A.M.-8:00P.M. requesting a charter change setting
up $$00,000 bonds for Sewage Disposal Plant.
Motion to adopt resolution seconded and passed.
The $2.00 Sewer Charge will be used to operate the plant. Over and
above will be used to retire the bonds.
State & Federal programs are not definite at this time.
Chief Turner asked what happens if City turns down bond issue:
Attorney Jayne explained that the State Sanitary Authority has the
authority to build plant and bill the City if we cannot finance
it ourselved.
Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, and Merryfield, Engineers of the disposal
plant gave us a breakdown of the cost of building at this time,,
Plant is supposed to be in operation by December, 1970. Port to
build road after dike is built. Dike supposed to be finished by
October, 1969.
Hanson asked City Attorney about the house over by the railroad
tracks that is being condemned. There is still some action to be
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: L. G. Chaffee has presented the City with
a bill for some plumbing caused by S. D, Spencer & Sons -driving
sheet piling through the sewer line. Do not believe this should
be City bill. Should go to Spencer.
After some discussion, Mr. Jayne to write letter to Spender and Sons
and send copy to Mr. Chaffee.
Bob Sund loaned us chains for the grader. They are pretty well worn
out. Would like permission to purchase new one or settle payment
to his satisfaction.
Hanson moved City Recorder be given authoiity to negotiate for
chains loaned to City.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mayor has been receiving two phone calls daily from the Sheriff's
office in Roseburg giving water levels. Do not expect Hood.
CURT BAKER gave a report on a meeting of the Civil Defense-tried to
take all precautionary measures necessary to evacuate in case of
a flood. Different Committees appointed. Very possible that a
budget for Civil Defense should be considered in the next budget.
Letter received from the Real Estate Brokers in Reedsport read by
City Attorney Jayne, requesting the zoning of a portion of Hubbard
property along Ridgeway Drive and to Ranch Road joing Forest Hills
#2. They believe this would be suitable for housing for employes
of the local mills. Zoning ffrom minutes of Planning Commission
meeting, March 29, 196$.
Johnson stated that is any of that property was zoned, it all should
Hanson moved that Planning Commission recommendation be adopted from
Planning Commission minutes of the meeting held March 29> 1965.
Seconded by Oscar Anderson and passed unanimously.
Dog Control Officer to meet with committee.
Mayor received a call from Municipal Judge Taylor. Believes
everything is going okay. Will be here to give report next month.
Lions* Club Awards Banquet will be Saturday celebrating Reedsport»s
50th Anniversary,
There has been a lapse in using the requisitions for purchasing. This
is set up by Ordinance. City Attorney to check into correct pro
Hanson moved City abide by Ordinance for requisition purchasing.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Harold Johnson of Winchester Bay asked if there was any possible way
to reduce the pressure (water) in Winchester Bay to 60-70 lbs?
They have between 90-100 lbs, blows out hoses.
City Recorder Johnson stated that he was afraid the State Fire Marshall's
office might object to that.
No action taken on the Catholic Church annexation as yet.
Ordinances will be back this month. All zoning to be looked into
and brought up to date.
Chief Turner asked about considering a vote ^ain in March on the
Serial Levy.
To be discussed at next month's meeting.
Following bills approved for payment;
H. A. Curry 150.00
Payroll fund 2300.00
League of Oregon Cities 623»91
Eldon S. Crook 15.00
Umpqua National Bank 300.00
Payroll fund 9800.80
A & G Janitor i|.0.00
Baker's Saw Shop 5.25
Bay Printers 89.00
Berge & Wally's 2.^5
The Courier
Sewer Reserve Savings 8380.12
The Courier
Geo. F. Cake Co. 8.50
Coos Bay Stationery 5.86
Department of
State Police
State of Oregon
Douglas County
Fire Equipment
General Telephone ll|7.10
Henderson's Groc. 1.7U
William Jayne
Kaufraann's Chevron
A1 Clinton Leach
Geo. Melville Plumbing
George Melville Plumbing
City of North Bend
OK Tire Stores
101 Service
Oregon State Highway
Petty Cash
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp.
Paramount Pest Control
Rdspt Insurance Service
Rdspt Outdoor Shop
Rdspt Logging Supply Co.
Rdspt Luto Wreckers
Ross' Flowers & Gifts
Rdspt Auto Parts
Smith, Radio Comm., Inc.
Ivar A. Stavig
Umpqua National Bank
State Comp. Dept.
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua River Navigation
Umpqua Industrial Supply
Utilities Supply Co.
Wray & Scoville
Williams Pharmacy
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Crazy Otto
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. Jolyiaon
City RecoVaer
1+81+. 22
Thomas S. Tyrac^g, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser,
Recording Secretary
FEBRUARY 2k, 1969
Hearing was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk with following Councilmen
present: Ronald 0, Hanson, Clifford H, Plov, Oscar Anderson, Jr.,
Robert A. Cantrell, Rudy Ruppe, and Ben Henderson.
Purpose of meeting: Requested by Urban Renewal Agency to hold public
hearing on this date, changing NDP block number from 76 to 8l for
first year's project.
On February i|., had hearing on Block 76. Next day, received letter from
Agency requesting change in Block to 8l.
Wally Borrevik requested brief run down on block 8l before questions
Mr. Ashby suggests Block 8l instead of 76 as there were too many
objections raised against Block 76 at hearing.
Fairway Garage is going to move. Could help them in relocating if
in area, would be eligible for SBA loan. Would be easier for them
to build if could get loan.
Ed Tillis asked Mr. Ashby as to what they invisioned going into Block 8l?
Mr. Ashby explained that present owners have first choice at property.
Has never been the intention of agency to have vacant land, taxwise.
If Fairway Garage goes back into that area, will want more property.
Wesley Hillier-have present owners presented willingness to sell to the
Ashby-Not all of them. Only objection they have had is from owner of
vacant lots. Dr. Marvin Amick.
Mayor Tymchuk has received letter from Dr. Amick who owns this land.
Does not wish to sell, but if went to a vote of the people, woiild go
by decision of the voters, but would fight it otherwise.
Fields and Schneider other property involved in block.
Ashby stated that the liquor store and Sears Store were not included
in original plan.
Ashby was asked whether or not he had heard from the prime operator
who had said he would take Block 8l? Stated that he had not personally
heard from them. Fairway Motors only sure prospect, but other still
a possibility.
William Hardy questioned the reason for the change from Block 76 to 8l?
Ashby answered in this manner. To do Block 76, and do it adequately,
one of prime businesses in block was a department store. Got as far
as hearing and Mr. ^unn changed his mind about rebuilding. Only way
would be to change uses. In Block 8l, we are considering entire block.
Do not know ultimate use of whole block as yet.
Ashby explained that in the original plan, the City Hall was to be
in Block 8l. Is not as essential to-stick to plan in this block.
Duard Story asked for the Council's opinions.
Mr. Johnson explained that this was a hearing to get pros and cons
to help Council decide proper action to be taken and to get people's
feeling on this area.
When questioned as to what would go where Fairway Motors is now if they
moved across the street, Ashby stated that he did not know.
Fairway Motors has been offered the Hinsdale property across from the
Post Office. They (Fairway Motors) understood that a National Company
wanted the whole of Block 8l»
Walter Murphey expressed opinion that if Fairway Motors did buil4 and
use property that is now vacant would be an improvement.
Roy Henderson believes the credits from the dike should be used to
offset taxes. To have meeting Thursday to discuss new approach.
Should not make any decision until have considered storm sewers and
such. If credits go to small Urban Renewal area, only few will benefit.
Walter Murphey feels that any improvement on vacant property helps the
tax payers. ^
William Hardy asked if we have any insurance that anything will be
built on property that has been vacant for years?
' i
Denver Wear believes should use credit to separate storm sewer
from sewage disposal .
Ronald Hanson explained that this was just a hearing, that nothing
would be decided until Thursday night meeting.
Lester Thompson asked if there is some credit that could be used
toward storm sewer?
Once credits are spent, they are gone. If triangle is area used
for NDP, will have credit of $121^.,000. Govern4\ent will put up $3
for every dollar City will spend.
Hanson felt credits could be used for storm sewers first year, but
follow up second year with something above the ground.
AUHerra asked when Urban Renewal had been accepted?
Mayor Tymchuk explained that the Council or a vote of the people
would decide on Urban Renewal or Neighborhood Development Plan as it
is now called.
Ben Henderson asked if we didn't have enough credits for storm sewers
and first block too?
March 6, 1969, is end of time for agency unless NDP is set up.
When questioned as to whether or not Low Cost Housing in the Urban
Renewal area would give the City any credits, Ashby said no.
Wear stated that $100,000 has already been spent in study, believe
storm sewers would help everybody.
Rudy Ruppe stated that everyone would benefit from any improvements
Mrs. Burdick feels they have been kept in the dark. What possible
right have we to take Dr. Amick's property?
Tillis asked if it was too late for a vote of the people?
Was told yes, unless they asked for an extension which would extend
the life of the agency to submit a feasible plan.
Hanson said that after the meeting with Nile Paull, HUD believes they
should ask for an extension.
George Marks said he would not go for an extension Unless they could
assure them they would go ahead with the project.
Hanson questioned whether or not the people of Reedsport could vote
intelligently on Urban Renewal?
Mr. Marks said whether it was an intelligent vote ( to Mr. Hanson)
or not, it would be the wishes of the people.
Mr. Johnson said that under the original plan, we have an 8 block area
approved. Now under the Neihgborhood Development Plan, no longer
Urban Renewal, has opened naw avenues for improvements. Should look
at it thoroughly before throwing it away.
Dawn Peseau asked if it would be possible to consider Block 8l without
condemnation? This was answered with a yes.
Walter Murphey feels that if it is put to a vote now, it will be turned
down, but if they could see them doing something, believe they would
go for a project. Should use what we have available.
^ George Williams feels it makes sense if we spend credits toward storm
; sewers. Lot better to tear down old buildings and have land available.
Peseau asked how essential the storm sewers were to the City?
Mr. Johnson explained that during high water, the sewage disposal plant r '
cannot possibly treat all the sewage, so what they could not treat, would
be pumped into the river as raw sewage.
This plan has been approved by the State Sanitary Authorities, but do
not believe they would let us do it for possibly more than one year
before they would say we are polluting the river. At this time, we
are not required to separate the storm sewers from the sewage.
Ruppe asked for a show of hands of those for using portion of credits
for storm sewers, curbs, streets, and other credits earmarked for land
acquisition by agency for people who want to rehabilitate their buildings.
As yet. Urban Renewal area is only 8 blocks. Triangle must be desig
nated by Counc//as NDP before the full $1214.,000 credit is due. Will be
eligible for major portion of #320,000 credits next year.
Mrs. Burdick asked why all the appraisals have been kept secret?
Alden Paull stated that this was government policy.
Henderson .asked if it would be possible to relocate the liquor store?
Ashby stated that the Triangle for NDP is ninety-some acres, 8 block
approved area, nineteen plus some acres and area protected by the
dike is seventy-six point ine acres.
Mr. Ruppe *s question again was brought"up as to show hands that would
be for using 50^ of the credits toward storm sewers, curbs, sidewalks,
and streets and the other 50^ being used for land acquisition by the
agency for those who want to rehabilitate their buildings?
Although the count is not listed, several raised their hands when the
part was added that the land acquisition was for those who wanted to
^ rehabilitate their buildings.
Don Bowers questioned Mr. Ashby as to how the property owners in Block
81 feel?
Mrs. Fields is willing to sell (no stipulations).
Dr. Amick, no unless by vote of people.
Mrs. Boyfes, yes but with certain specifications or qualifications.
Mr. Grubb not contemplated.
A:J.so was told by Mr. Ashby that no specific figures had been discussed
with anyone.
Mr. Henderson asked when and if council votes in the Triangle, will
Fairway Motors be eligible for SBA loan?
Fairway Motors (Mr. Bratten) informed the Council that they are
already eligible for an SBA loan to build anywhere in Reedsport.
Want 60,000 square feet.
Ashby stated that the agency will not purchase any block, unless
something is there to go back. They are required by law to hold
Hearing adjourned.
ATTEST: Thomas S, Tymch^, Mayor
Ia. JohnD^on Nettie B. Glasser, Recording ^
, City Recorder Secretary
PEBRUARY 27, 1969, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk with the following
couhcilmen present; Oscar Anderson, Jr., Clifford H. Plov, Robert A.
Cantrell, RonSid 0, Hanson, Rudy Ruppe, with Ben Henderson coming
in late.
Mayor thanked people for coming and the interest shown at the 2 hearings
on Urban Renewal.
Mayor feels there are many programs available to the City through Urban
Renewal and wished to recommend with the Council's approval:
Application for extension of program,
RESOLUTION read by Bill Jayne, City Attorney, as follows:
WHEREAS, UNDER Title I of the Housing Act of 191+9, as amended, the
Housing and Home Pinance Administrator is authorized to entend financial
assistance to a locality for the planning and undertaking of an urban
renewal project in an urban area which the governing body of the locality
certifies, and the administrator finds, is in need of redevelopment or re
habilitation as a result of a catastrophe which the President has de
termined to be a major disaster; and
WHEREAS, i&e-iUrbattiRehiwainiigencJhofpthSieitytofoHfeed!3p<)rt^f.0^Bgon,
ev46ti§S^ §£t^!^@d^ih^ooi B06^l*acttfo^7FlannlngnAd9aaiae3gtidei^&S&ction
tn of Title I; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the Urbau^
Renewal Agency of the City of Reedsport, Oregon amend such agreement t<|
make surveys and complete plans, presently estimated to cost
approximately One Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand Pive Hundred and !
Porty ($137,51+0). dollars, in order to undertake and carry out an
Urban Renewal Project of the character contemplated by Section III of
Title I, in that area proposed as an Urban Renewal Area, situated
in the City of Reedsport, County of Dpuglas, and State of Oregon,
which is described as follows:
Bounded on the north by Hawthorne Avenue; on the east by
Lot 9, Block I4.8, Railread Addition, and by North and South
Third Street; on the south by Elm Avenue; and on the west
by North and South Fifth Street.
1. That the proposed Urban Renewal Area is an urban area in need of
Special Meeting
redevelopment or rehabilitation as a result of a catastrophe which the
President, pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 875, 8lst Congress,
as amended^ has determined to be a major disaster, and is appropriate
for an urban renewal project; that the undertaking by the Urban
Renewal Agency of the City of Reedsport of surveys and plans for an
urban renewal project of the character contemplated by section III of T1tl(
I of the Housing Act of 19l|9» as amended, in the proposed Urban Renewal
Area is hereby approved.
2. That the financial assistance available under Title I is needed
to enable the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Reedsport, Oregon
to finance the Survey & Planning of the proposed project.
3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the
undertaking and carrying out with Federal financial assistance of an,
urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section III'of
t Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race,
color, creed, or national origin; and also the following requirements:
(a) that the contract for temporary loan or capital grant for the project
shall specify a date for compliance with the workable program for
community improvement requirements of Section III of Title I; (b) that
the urban renewal plan shall be approved by this body; (c) that local
grants-in-aid, consisting of donations of cash, land, demolition or
removal work, and the installation, construction or reconstruction
of streets, utilities, parks, playgrounds, or other improvements or
the provision of other public buildings or facilities, necessary for
carrying out in the Urban Renewal Area the objectives of the urban
renewal plan, shall be provided in an amount which, together with the
Federal capital grant, will be generally equ&l to the difference be
tween Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project land
sold, leased, or retained for use in accordance with the urban re
newal plan; and (d) that there shall be prepared and carried out a
plan for the encouragement, to the maximum extent feasible, of the
provision of dwellings suitable for the needs of indivisuals and
families displaced in connection with the Project; and it is the
sense of this body that such conditions can and will be complied with.
if. That the filing of an application by the Urban Renewal Agency of
the City of Reedsport, Oregon for an advance of funds from the United
States of America to enable it to defray the cost of the surveys and
plans for an urban renewal project in the proposed Urban Renewal
Area described above is hereby approved.
ADOPTED by the Common Council the 27th Day of February, 1969
ss/Thomas S, Tymchu^, Mayor
ss/l. G. Johnson, City Recorder
Robert A. Cantrell moved Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Rudy
Ruppe and carried unanimously.
Ben Henderson moved to adopt Triangle area as Urban Renewal Area as
advertised, without specifying Block 8l as specific block for coming
project. This is approximately 98 acres.
Seconded by Ronald 0. Hanson and passed unanimously.
Roy Henderson asked if there will be a lot of engineering required?
Sam Wigle wondered if October (end of extension) would be long enough
to finish study?
City Attorney Jayne understands there will be enough time.
RESOLUTION read by City Recorder I. G. Johnson on Safe Street Act
proposed by Congress: Purpose is to assist states and locan units of
government to strengthen and improve law enforcement through a compre
hensive program of planning grants, action grants, trainingj,) education
and research.
Special meeting
Would mean approximately a $51^00 grant at no cost to the City.
Robert A. Cantrell moved we cast unanimous ballot to adopt resolution.
Seconded by Ronald 0, Hanson.
Rudy Ruppe asked for more discussion. Forrester Taylor has been named
City Representative. Chief of Police will be asked for reports from
which studies will be made.
Passed unanimously.
Building Inspector A1 Clinton Leach requested permission to attend
a Building Inspector's school in Corvallis for four days. 1 After
being advised by the City Recorder that funds were available, Oscar
Anderson, Jr. moved he attend the school. Seconded by Ronald 0.
Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Mayor Tymchuk announced a meeting with the Urban Renewal Agency
immediately following the meeting tonight; will be a closed meeting
on personnel.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST: ^ Tfcoma s sTrymchj^, Mayor
City'Reefer —
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Reedsport
was called to order by the Mayor, Thomas Tymchuk#
Present: Mayor Tymchuk, Councilmen Cliff Plov, Oscar Anderson,
Ron Hanson, Rudy Ruppe, Robert Cantrellr City Recorder Irving
Johnson and City Attorney, William Jayne
Fuel oil bids for supplying oil for the City of Reedsport for
the period March 1, 1969 to February 28, 1970 were opened.
The following bids were submitted:
STANDARD OIL CO. Gasoline .22
Fuel Oil .128
UNION OIL CO. Gasoline .2199
Fuel Oil .1229
SHELL Gasoline .2159
Fuel Oil .1362
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the contract be
awarded to Union Oil Company
The matter of whether to present a serial levy for a vote
was discussed. It was decided to postpone the matter until
time to present the new budget.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the council approve
a request by the Girl Scouts for storage space in the library
building with the final decision to be left up to the Library
Municipal Judge Taylor reported the following:
1. A master control record is now being set up for
traffic records.
2. A policy that there will be no dismissal of cases
without a court hearing with the involved persons
and the arresting officer present is being followed.
3. The court had handled 19 traffic cases in January
and 26 cases in February. There were ii non-jury
trials. Night court will no longer be held because
there are not sufficient cases to warrant it.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, LIGHTS - Oscar Anderson presented a
request from the Teen Center for the pool tables in the Community
Building. Oscar Anderson was appointed to look into the matter.
POLICE - Rudy Ruppe reported that the possibility of leasing^
police cars was being studied but as yet not enough information
has been obtained to make a decision.
Mr. Ruppe reported that plans were under discussion with
the principal of Highland School, Mrs. Larson to eliminate one
of the crosswalks at that school thus making it easier and
safer for the children involved on patrol duty there.
Police Chief Hale protested restrictions on the use of
reserve officers. He stated that reserve officers were never
allowed to work unless accompanied by a regular police officer
or allowed to write citations until they had had. six months
of training. Mr. Ruppe agreed to study the matter.
FIRE - Cliff Plov reported that the fire hydrant would be
installed on High Street behin^d the high school during spring
YOUTH - Robert Cantrell introduced the members of the Youth
Committee who were present - Kathy Lyon and Mark Norby. He
reported that an organizational meeting had been held and
that another meeting is scheduled to be held after school
on March 25.
WATER - Ronald Hanson reported that members of the council
had made a tour of the water facilities.
City Attorney William Jayne reported on the election for the
sale of bonds for the amount of $500*000 for the building of
the sewage disposal plant •
The ballots were officially canvassed by the City Recorder,
City Attorney and members of the council with the following
results officially tabulated:
328 ballots cast
29k Yes
3k No
Passed by a majority of 260.
CITY RECORDER - A letter was read from the Lower Umpqua
Hospital thanking the city for help and cooperation during
and after the snow storm.
A letter of commendation was read from the State Board of
Health commending the city on its water system. A Certificate
of Merit accompanied the letter for satisfactory water reports
for the entire year.
City Recorder, Irving Johnson read in its entirety Ordinance 500.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that Ordinance 500 be
approved as written.
Ordinance 500 read a second time by title only.
Motion made, seconded and passed that Ordinance 500 be accepted
as written.
Ordinance 500 read a third ahd:ifinal time by title only.
Motion made, seconded and passed that Ordinance 500 be adopted.
Mr. Johnson brought up the need for a second pump for the
Crestview Heights pump station to relieve the pump which has
been in continuous use there for 2^ years. Mr. Johnson
reported that he had been able to purchase electric controls
at a price of $350.00 and that he figured the entire pump
system could be installed for $2200. Information was turned
over to Ron Hanson and the Water Committee instructed to make
a decision as to the course to follow and go ahead without delay.
The re-codified ordinances are ready to be picked up in Eugene.
Arrangements have been made for more help in the office.
Irving Johnson and City Attorney William Jayne will go to
CH2M and to the State Sanitary Board and discuss, plans for
the sewage disposal plant. Mr. Johnson stated that it is
impossible to meet the deadline set by the State Sanitary
Authority because work on the sewage disposal plant cannot
be started until the dike is completed.
Building Inspector, Clinton Leach reported on the four day
school on Building Codes which he attended in Corvallis.
Planning Commission Chairman, Frank Rose stated that a
Planning Commission meeting will be held on the fourth Monday
of March.
Mayor Tymchuk announced the appointment of Lloyd Richardson
to the Urban Renewal Board. Approved by the council.
Steve Laam reported that he needs more help in the parks
and also suggested the formation of a Park Board.
The following bills were approved for payment:
fund 2500.00
Curt Baker 56.97
E. P. Ishmael 9.9$
Larry Meyer 9*95
Robert Stratton 9.9$
League of Oregon Cities 623.91
Donald George Barnhart 1$.00
Harry A. Slack 100.00
City of Reedsport Payroll Fund 9014.1.27
Alfred D. Handsaker 20.00
Ronald D, Handsaker 20.00
Reedsport Fire Department 97*00
Umpqua National Bank 2$0.00
A & C Janitor Service [|.0.00
Berge & Wally^s 2.50
Central Lincoln PUD 1296.61
Coos Bay Supply Co. 257*90
The Courier 2:7.37
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 11.29
Del Chemical Corporation 14.99•iUl-
Bay Pavers, Inc. 65.92
Fire Equipment Co. 197-00
General Telephone Co. 1614-.10
Hansen Electric Company 350.00
Kaufmann*s Chevron 193-72
MuniChem Corporation 914-7-36
Pfeter Box Equipment Co. 173-30
Melville Plumbing Co. 119-99
101 Service 152.25
Noble Drug 6.14.5
OK Tire Stores 6.00
North Bend Wheel Shop 8.50
City of North Bend 29-60
Sewer Reserve Savings # 00722 3128.68
Paramount Pest Control, Inc. 16.00
A1 Clinton Leach 2I4..92
Perry Electric & Plumbing Supply 66.2I4.
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 63-00
Public Employees Retirement System53t*77
Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 52.20
Reedsport Auto Parts 126.29
General Fund I3OO.OO
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 5-70
Ivar A. Stavig 112.50
Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 10.80
Standard Oil Co. of California 16.28
State Compensation Department 211.68
Taylor Hardware 2l|..93
Thompson Ford Sales 66.14.8
Cleveland Cotton Products Co. 135-00
Umpqua Rental & Supply 161.14-7
Umpqua NationaliBank 12105-00
Union Oil Co. of California 559-79
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 806.79
Umpqua Industrial Supply Co. 32.51|-
Umpqua Building Supply Co. 91-14-7
VTilliams Pharmacy 14-7.10
Reedsport Fire Department 276.00
Meeting adjourned
Thomas S. Tymchuk, Mayor
I. G. J^Jms on. City Recorder Bernell McClay, Rec6rrddiing Sec.
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Reedsport
was called to order by the Mayor, Thoinas Tymchuk,
Present: Mayor Tymchuk, Councilmen Ron Hansen, Oscar Anderson,
Robert Cantrell, Cliff Plov, Rudy Ruppe, Ben Henderson; City
Recorder, Irving Johnson and City Attorney, William Jayne.
The Sea Scouts under the direction of Denver Wear presented
the colors and led with the pledge of allegiance.
Mayor Tymchuk appointed Bud Gibbons to the Budget Committee to
replace outgoing member Chack-c Foster and re-appointed Archie
Mustoe to the committee. Motion was made by Hansen and seconded ^
Budget Cantrell that the appointment of these men be approved.
Committ^ William Jayne read a letter from the Urban Renewal Board stating
G. Dunn that the Urban Renewal Agency proposed to acquire lot 16 of
G. Hutter Block 51 and lots 10 and 11 of Block [|.9 and to construct a
A. Mustoe storm drain to be detailed by an engineering study for its
r! Hender- iJ^itial work within the Neighborhood Development Program.
The Agency requested that the City Council call a special meeting
L. Swain Q:00 P. M., April 21, 1969 for the purpose of holding a
b! Gibbons Hearing on* this proposal and to take any action pertinent
Motion was made by Hen^lerson, seconded by Cantrell to hold such a
public meeting on April 21, 1969 for the purpose of hearing the
Urban Renewal proposal and to take necessary action on this
proposal. Motion passed.
William Jayne read a letter from Vik Construction regarding
vacation of Elm street between third and 5th and N. 8th street.
for the low cost housing for the elderly. Vacation will be
made when a satisfactory plan is presented on the housing for
this area. Time was spent with Mr. Vik, Mr. Plants, engineer
for Vik Construction Co. and other representatives of the company
trying to work out a satisfactory solution on Elm Street. Mr.
Johnson stated that he would recommend to the Planning Commission
that the width of Elm street remain as at present. Mayor Tymchuk
called a meeting for noon, Thursday April 10 for all those members
of the City Council and the Planning Commission who can be present
to go over the site of the proposed housing and try to work out
some solution for the problems there.
Ron Hanson, Chairman, stated that the Water Committee has inspected
the water facilities and gone over the engineering studies of
March 19i^-9* He recommended that the City of Reedsport hire a
qualified engineering firm to bring the studies up to date and ^
that no further work be done in the tunnel until these studies have
been made.
City Attorney William Jayne was requested to write a letter to
CH2M asking for an estimate of the cost of such a study.
Oscar Anderson, chairman, reported that this committee has considered
the matter and decided to deny the request by the Teen Center for
the pool tables.
POLICE - Rudy Ruppe, chairman, presented a letter from the Principal
of Highland School recommending one crosswalk and a caution light
at that school rather than the two crosswalks that are used at
present. They requested a letter stating that the council would
agree to back this suggestion.
Mr. Ruppe also stated that he had received complaints that the
city dog pound did not meet state standards. Mr. Jayne agreed to
try to get the information on standards for dog pounds.
FIRE - Fire Chief Zack Turner requested permission to hold two
hour fire practices two nights a month for the four summer months
as was done last year. Motion was made by Ruppe, seconded by Anderson
that permission be given for the firemen to put in the two extra
hours of practice for the four months of summer.
YOUTH - Mr. Cantrell, chairman, stated that a planning meeting
was held on March 2I4., 1969.
City A'ttorney, William Jayne stated that recommendations for
personnel policy are being put into shape for adoption.
William Jayne, Mayor Tymchuk and City Recorder, Irving Johnson,
are to meet with State Sanitary Authority on April 8 and try^
to get recommendations from their engineers for a proposed time
schedule for work on the sewage disposal plant.
Mr. Johnson stated that the city has replaced two fire hydrants.
Mayor Tymchuk read the resignation of City Recorder, Irving
Johnson from the Urban Renewal Board. Reason for resignation
is that Mr. Johnson feels that as an official of the city, acting
on this board represents a conflict of interest and responsibility,
A letter from Lillebo Construction Company was turned over to
the Planning Commission for consideration and will then be
returned to the City Council.
Mr. Ashby-.urged iriore action toward getting a dock on the waterfront
and also requested that the City Council initiate action to improve
the turn-off from Highway 101 to Highway 38•
The following bills were approved for payment:
City of Reedsport - Payroll 21^.00.00
League of Oregon Cities 623.91
Umpqua National Bank 2$23.75
Mrs. Gertrude DeCloedt 25*00
Mrs. G-ertrude DeCloedt 25-00
Lorna Johnson 26.00
G-ertrude Warren 26.00
Sharen Glasser 2L|..00
Berniece Jorgensen 2I4..OO
Ernie Elmlund 6.00
Oldie M. Letts 6.00
Virginia Clardy 6.00
Fred Sankey 6.00
Earl Hale 6.00
Donald Holesapple 6.00
Lester Thompson 6.00
Vivian Hansen 6.00
Bette Hillier 6.00
John Webb 6.00
City of Reedsport - Payroll 9i;7i;.3i4.
A & C Janitor Service I4.O.OO
Al»s Market 1.65
Bureau of Governmental Research 1167*91
Bergen's Nursery Florist 2[|..00
Baker*s Saw Shop 26.1^.5
Coos Bay Supply Co. 68.38
City of Reedsport transfer to Savings
#00722 3192.61
Central Lincoln PUD 128k.23
Fyr-Fyter 68.20
General Telephone l59.I}-0
Hansen Electric Company 191+.51
Johnson Cement Products 7*35
Jim*s Umpqua Drug 14..20
A. C. Leach 96.14.2
George Melville Plumbing & Heating I|.1.06
0. K. Tire Store 9*00
Oregon State Highway Dept. 32.16
101 Service 1^-0.
City of North Bend 3lj-«80
Jan Northy 36.18
Pape Bros, Inc. 33*32
Simmons Carbon Co. II4..OI
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. .63*00
Paramount Pest Control, Inc. 8.00
Public Employees Retirement System 550.77
Mrs. Clarence Hahn 30*00
Reedsport Auto Parts
Ray's T, V. Service
Reedsport Logr^ing Supply
Ross* Flowers & Gifts
Reedsport Outdoor Shop
Reedsport Fire Department
Stults, Jayne, Murphy & Anderson
Bookstore SWOCC
Ivar A. Stavig
Sherwood Shell Service
Director of Elections
State Compensation Dept.
Taylor Hardware
Z'ack Turner
Thompson Ford Sales
Union Oil Company
Umpqua National Bank
Umpqua Building Supply Co.
Umpqua Industrial Supply Co.
Utilities Supply Co.
Umpqua Rental & Supply
Umpqua River Navigation Co.
Williams Pharmacy
Bill Hale
Arthur C. Chirrick
Robert G. Stratton
Jan R. Northy
Gerald G. Chirrick
Meeting adjourned
"Thomas S. Tymchukj/Wayor
I. G.^^J^nson, City Recorder Bernell McC1 ol-a,ryU/Recording Sec
Mayor Tymchuk, Councilmen Ron Hansei> Oscar
Anderson, Cliff Plov, Robert Cantrell, Ben
Henderson; City Attorney William Jayne and
City Recorder, Irving Johnson
Rudy Ruppe
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk.
Purpose of the meeting was to hold a public hearing to
consider the proposal of the Urban Renewal Agency to
acquire lot 16 of Block 5l and lots 10 and 11 of Block
14.9 and to construct storm drains to be detailed by an
engineering study for its initial work within the
Neighborhood Development Program.
Norvin Ashby stated that the tentative plan is to use
lot 16 of Block 15 as a parking lot and lots 10 and 11
of Block l\.9 for storage of lumber or other materials.
Estimate of the storm drain cost is roughly $60,000.
Bob Sund inquired as to what relation the acquiring of
the land had to the construction of the storm sewer
system. Mr. Jayne stated that it is necessary to acquire
some Urban Renewal property in order to qualify for
the public works of the storm sewers. Mr. Hillier asked
if the housing for the elderly being contemplated would
not qualify the project in this respect. Mr. Jayne stated
that it would not as the projects are completely separate.
Bill Humphreys asked for a target date on starting the storm
sewer project, Mr. Ashby gave September 1, 1969 as a possible
date for calling for the contract.
Motion was made by Cantrell, seconded by Hanson that the Council
approve the Urban Renewal Agency proposal to acquire lot 16
of Block 5l s^nd lots 10 and 11 of Block I4.9 and to construct
storm drains to be detailed by an engineering study for its
initial work within the Neighborhood Development Program.
Motion carried. Ayes 5
Mr. Pitcher, representing Vik Construction Co. reported that
Mr. Dondero, Douglas County Housing, and Vik Construction
^ Company are agreeable to the points outlined in the letter
j written by William Jayne on April 1$, 1969 outlining the
recommendations of the Planning Commission. The Planning
Commission recommendations are:
"'That the Reedsport City Council approve site plan "B"' as
presented subject to the builder completing and bringing
Railroad Avenue and Juniper Street up to City specifications
asfter which the City will assume maintenance.
That the Council approve site plan "A" sheet L-1 dated
February 7th as amended subject to Vik Construction Co, making
the following revisions and agreements:
(a) That an additional four foot set back be provided on
Winchester Avenue for the two structures facing
Winchester Avenue.
(b) Provide a 12 inch drain through vacated Ijth Street
to hook into existing catch basin on Winchester Avenue.
(c) Install an approved fire hydrant on the North side
of Elm Street at approximately the intersection of
i+th and Elm."'
Motion made by Hanson, seconded by Anderson that site Plan B
be approved as outlined. Motion carried. Ayes 5
Motion made by Hanson, seconded by Plov that the Council
approve site Plan A subject to the revisions outlined in
the letter of April 15> 1969« Motion carried. Ayes $
Ordinance No. 501 requiring the vacation of a portion of
8th Street, 16 feet of Elm and i].th Streets as previously
agreed was read in full by William Jayne.
Motion was made by Hanson, seconded by Cantrell that Ordinance
No. 501 be approved as read. Motion carried. Ayes 5
Ordinance No. 501 read by title only.
Motion was made, seconded that Ordinance No. 501 be approved.
Motion carried. Ayes 5
Ordinance No. 501 read by title only for the third time.
Motion made by Cantrell, seconded by Hanson that Ordinance
No. 501 be adopted. Motion carried. Ayes 5
In the absence of Chairman Ruppe, Ron Hanson read a recommendation
of the Police Committee that $6,000 be transferred from the
General Fund to the Police Fund.
Motion was made by Hanson, seconded by Cantrell that a resolution
be adopted transferring $6,000 to the Police funds from the
following General Fund appropriations:
Extra Help
Misc. Expense
Storm Drains
Dike Maintenance
Motion carried. Ayes 5
City Recorder, Irving Johnson, handed out proposed budgets
to be studied before the first budget meeting.
Mayor Tymchuk appointed Charles Letts to the Urban Renewal
Board to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of City
Recorder, Irving Johnson. Motion made, seconded and passed
that the appointment be approved.
Mayor Tymchuk recommended that the City Council give all
possible encouragement and backing to the Port Commission
in encouring that body to purchase property on the waterfront
now owned by the Eillebo Construction Co, This land is to
be offered for sale on May 27, 1969.
Motion made by Cantrell, seconded by Henderson that the Council
encourage the Port Commission to look into the matter and
purchase this property if it is at all possible. Motion
carried. Ayes 5
Mayor Tymchuk announced that on April 28, 1969 the County
Commissioners will meet in the Central Lincoln PUD building
in Reedsport to discuss usage of the new Court House building.
On Wednesday, April 30, 1969 Mayor Tymchuk will go to Roseburg
to meet with other Mayors of Douglas County to discuss problems
of the area.
Meeting adjourned.
Thomas S. Tymchuk, M.a^or
on, C Lty Recorder 5ernell McClay, Recordiinr-: Sec
NIGHT, 6:00 P. M. May 6, 1969
Council Members present: Mayor Thomas Tymchuk; Ch., Ron
Hanson^ Rudy Ruppe^ Oscar Anderson
Cliff Plov, Ben Renderson^ and
City Recorder, Irving Johnson
Absent : Robert Cantrell
Budget Committee present: Grant Dunn, Roy Henderson, George
Hutter, Bud Gibbons, Archie Mustoe,
Lin Swain
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk.
Nominations were opened for chairman of the Budget Committee.
Archie Mustoe nominated Roy Henderson for chairman of the Budget
Committee. Motion was made, seconded and carried, that nominations
be closed. Roy Henderson was elected Budget Committee chairman
by a unanimous vote.
Nominations were opened for secretary of the Budget Committee.
Grant Dunn was nominated for secretary. Motion was made,
seconded and passed that nominations be closed. Grant Dunn
was elected secretary by a unanimous vote.
City Recorder, Irving Johnson, presented the Fire Department
Budget and explained the items included.
Rudy Ruppe expressed the feeling that the Fire Chief-?.s
ddlary was not enough as listed and suggested a. figure of
$1000 yearly. Roy Henderson made the recommendation that
this salary be raised to $1,000. Recommendation approved..
Budget Committee members were in agreement as to the need
for raising the firemen's wages to $2.$0 per hour. Fire
Chief Zack Turner explained the need for additional reimburse
ment for two Assistant Fire Chiefs, stating that the additional
responsibility placed upon these two men made this necessary.
After some discussion decision was made to recommend that
these two men be paid an additional amount hourly rather than
a set yearly salary. Fire Chief Zack Turner explained the
need for another two-way radio, an item listed in the budget.
He stated that he was in general agreement with the budget
as presented.
Police Budget was discussed. Mr. Johnson explained items
in the budget and the amounts listed.
Mr. Ruppe expressed concern over the listing of just one new
police car in this budget due to the condition of the present
police cars. Grant Dunn suggested that the one police car
be purchased as listed on the budget and that the possibility
of a serial levy for purchase of the second might be the bfest
Rudy Ruppe asked for an explanation of the item listed by
Police Chief Hale for $600 for police reserves. Roy Henderson
made the recommendation which was agreeable to the group that
this item be left!in the budget but be reduced to $300.
Rudy Ruppe stated that he believed further adjustment in the
Police Chief^^s salary should be made. A figure of $5700
was recommended.
Mayor Tymchuk requested a recess to discuss the matter of
salary for City Recorder, Irving Johnson. Mr. Johnson was
asked to leave the meeting while this matter was under
Mr. Tymchuk stated that he felt Mr. Johnson^s salary was
long overdue for an adjustment considering the responsibilities
of the position and the number of years Mr. Johnson has been
with the City. Similar statements were made by past mayors
Roy Henderson and Gaylord Vaughn, Mr. Ruppe stated that
he has been in, fact doing the work of' a City Manager and
yet not being paid for that position. The group was in
agreement that this was the case. Gaylord Vau^n suggested
the figure of $12,000, Motion was made, seconded and
passed by a unanimous vote that the Budget Committee
recommend thatJ^Mr. Johnson*s salary be raised to $12,000.
City Recorder, Irving Johnson, went through the entire
proposed budget explaining items as listed.
Concern was expressed by Ron Hanson that the budget did
not include enough money to take care of needed repairs
to streets. All agreed that for the present it was best
to stay within the six percent limitation but that the
need for these repairs should be kept in mind and that
plans should be laid for meeting these needs in the future.
The need for another policeman was discussed with Chief
Hale. There was general agreement as to the need and
discussion followed as to how this man could, be hired
and still keep within the budget amount. No decision was
reached. Grant Dunn expressed his belief that the Council
should set the number of police to be hired and that it
should not keep, coming up each year as a problem for the
Budget Committee to decide.
Some time was spent discussing the $8925 item in Capitiil
Outlayt. This was originally set aside for paving the
parking lot adjacent to the Community Building and Police
Station. It was decided that another effort should be
made to reach an agreement with the PUD regarding this
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST: Thomas S. Tymc^k, Mayor
I. G. Jph^on, City Recorder Bernell McClay, Rectording Sec
CITY OP REEDSPORT, MONDAY Wy 12, 1969 8:00 P. M.
Council Members present; Mayor Thomas Tymohuk
Councilmen Ron Hanson^ Oscar Andersonf
Cliff Plov, Robert Cantrell, Rud# Ruppe,
Ben Henderson
City Attorney, William Jayne
City Recorder, Irving Johnson
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk followed by the
presentation of the flag by Boy Scout Troop 10.
^ The month of May was proclaimed "Clean Up Month" by Mgyor
Tymchuk# City Recorder, Irving Johnson, reported that letters
had been sent to several property owners requesting them to
clean up their property.
Mr« Johnson stated that a letter had been written to the State
Sanitary Authority requesting an extension of time tor comm
pletion of the sewage disposal facility here. A meeting will
be held in Coos Bay on May 23 at 9:30 A. M. at which time requests
will be brought up for consideration* Councilmen who can are
urged to attend*
The revised Budget was presented by City Recorder,, trving Johnson
with changes noted and explained.
Motion was made by Cantrell, seconded by Ruppe that the revised
budget be adopted. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Bids for auditing the City books were opened with the folll^wing
bids submitted:**'—
Gaylord Vaughn
Wray & Scoville
Mr. Johnson recommended that the contract be given to a local
Motion was made by Hanson, seconded by Henderson that Gaylord
Vaugihn be awarded the contract for the City auditii]^«
City Recorder Irving Johnson explained the proposed changes
in the drainage system on Higjhway 38 relating to the dike
construction. The proposals will be presented to the State
Hi^way Department for approval before giving them to the Corps
of Engineers for their approval or rejection. Mr. J<^nson stated
that the cost of the drainage is an expense to the city above
and beyond that of the cost of the dike. The proposed changes
will result in a considerable cut in this cost. It will be
^ necessary to set up a meeting with the State Highway Depart
ment in order to get the project going.
PINANCE - Robert Cantrell, Chairman
WATER - Ron Hanson, Chairman stated thi|£the and Irving Johnson
had met with representatives from CH2M and discussed the updating
of the city water system. Information will be available within
the next two weeks.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, LIGHTS - Oscar Anderson, Chairman, asked
what was to be done with the bowling equipment stored in the
Community Building. Mr. Johnson stated that it will be removed
this month before start of the summer recreation pro£^m.
Oscar Anderson stated that this committee will make a check
of the city warehouse to determine needs there.
STREETS & SEVifERS - Ben HeadorsoD, ChalrmaQ, reported that
there is still some misunderstanding uith Mr, Whitoomb regarding
connecting hia home to the city sewer system. Mr« Henderson
requested that a dead end sign be ptit up on Maple Drive.
POLICE - MR* Ruppe, Chairman stated that Police Chief Hale
would like to have some changes made in the police office.•
Thefe is need to install another burglar alarm system and
another telephone lino.
Mr. Johnson stated that the possibility of getting the bank
to finance the installation should be considered. City Attoinney
William Jayne stated that he will look into the liability of
the City in this matter. Mr. Huppe will report on the matter
at the next council meeting. ' |
The matter of directing traffic for the coming auction to be
held by Lillebo Construction Co. was discussed. Arrangements
had already been made with the police department.
YOUTH COMMITTHIE - Robert Cantrell. Chairman^ presented the
recommendation that the council give approval to the request
of the Teen Club for use of the Comonunity Building for dances
with the following stipulations:
1. Two off-duty policemen to be hired for each dance
2. Two adult couples to act as chaperones
3. Teen Club to be. responsible for cleaning up thes
hall by 6:00 P. M. the following day if the hall
is not needed that day for some other purpose.
If the hall is needed the following day, it must
be cleaned immediately following the dance.
Teen Club to pay for any damage
No beer or other liquor to be allowed on the premises
6. Teen Club to pay the stipulated use fee if any
7. Performance bond of $2$ to be deposited before
each dance to be forfeited in the event of failure
to comply with the provisions.
6. List of adult chaperones to be filed in the
City Recorder's office before each dance.
Teen Club activities are separate from the summer recreation
program and the summer recreation program will have priority.
Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Henderson that the
Council accept the recommendation of the Youth, Committee
and give permission tor the Teen Club to hold dances in the
Community Building with the stipulations as stated. Motion
passed 1^ a unanimous vote.
FIRE COMMITTEE - Cliff Plov, Chairmanr— Fire Chief Zack
Turner stated that he had been approached by a representative ^
of Vik Construction Company requesting the Fire Department
to put in a bid for burning the buildings that must be removed
from the property on which hou&ing for the elderly is to be
City Attorney stated that it would not be advisable for the
Fire Department to do the job. Permission denied.
CITY ATTORNEY - William Jayne presented each councilman with
a copy of the new personnel policy for them to study before
the next council meeting.
CITY RECORDER • Mr. Johnson stated that he is to attend a
meeting in Roseburg on MA|i 13 to look into the possibility^
of getting money under the Safe Street Crime Act.
The folloulng bills were approved for payment:
City of Reedsport - Petty Cash
City of Reedsport - Payroll
League of Oregon Cities 546.13
Delia Saltzman
Dave Mays
Ester Speaks
Winona Hollibaui^
City of Reedsport - Payroll
Bonneville Power Administration 3320#00
Edgar MeConkey
J. R. Jordan loop
. City of Reedsport - Petty Cash aO.d^
Edward Allen Gheer
John Robert Hoskins 25* 00
A & C Janitor Service kO.OO
Courier 501.70
Central Lincoln PUD 1227.37
City of Reedsport - Water Fund 1^79.5o
Comm-Tronics, Inc. ^23'tS
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 157*39
Claekamas Community College ^§*^5
Douglas County Pair ?r*22
The Decorating Center» Inc. 14^5
A. C. Leach
Meter Box Equipment Co* 1^5*4^
George W. Melville 71*23
Noble Drug l*9o
OK Tire Stores |oO
City of North Bend
Pacific Water Works Supply . 54*12
Paramount Pest Control Inc. ^ o.OO
Public Employees Retirement System 529.59
City of Reedsport - transfer to savings 32Q2.U1
PirJ? Department
Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 10.61
Ross* Flowers k Gifts 55*70
Reedsport Motor Freight
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 133*03
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedsport Auto Wreckers 2.00
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50 kerwood Shell Service 29^79
State Compensation Department 210.01
Thompson Ford Sales 2o.60
Umpqua Building Supply Co.
Umpqua Building & Hardware 32.07
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 275•51 umpqua Cafe ||.0|
Utilities Supply Co. 57.3o
Umpqua Rental & Supply ,21.10
Union Oil Co. 1I5*06
Umpqua Industrial Supply Co. 50.feo
General Telephone 1^3*oj
Waterworks Supplies Co. in
Williams Pharmacy 14*40
Meeting adjourned.
Following adjournment Steve Cary presented an arrangement
of slides with narration showing different departments of
the City at work and aldo pictures of the different industries
of the area. These slides are to be left in the City office
and are available for use by any organization interested
in showing them.
otin^ny city kecorcier •L e^eii kcciayt aecoraing Sec.
cm- OP REEDSPORT, MONDAY JUNE 9, 1969 at biOO P. M«
Council Members present: Mayor Thomas Tymohuk
Counoilmen Ron Hanson^ Oscar Anderson^
Cliff Plov, Rudy Ruppe, Ben Henderson
City Recorder Irving J^nson
City Attorney William Jayne
Absent: Robert Cantrell
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Thomas Tymohuk«
Minutes of the May 12, 1969 meeting were approved.
City Recorder Irving Johnson read a letter from the State Highway .
Department regarding the traffic signals on 22nd street and M
Highway 101 which have never operated efficiently. This letter
suggested changes in parking^ possible striping and parking j
prohibition iihich would allow redesigning of the easterly loop; I
and provide improved signal operation. The diagram accompanying
the letter was studied by the council,
Mr« Johnson was instructed to advise the State Highway office
in Roseburg that this matter has been referred to the proper
committee for investigation and conference with the affected
landowners (Grassl and Clements),-
A letter from the State Sanitary Authority regarding the City's
Waste Discharge Permit was read. The Authority agreed to extend
the deadline for completion of the sewage treatment plant to
October 19 1970, A letter was written to the Authority by City
Attorney, William Jayne, protesting the early date for calling
for bids on this project, (June 30, 1969)
City Recorder, Irving Johnson read the Waste Discharge Permit
which set forth the standards and-requirements of the State
Sanitary Authority,
RESOLUTION was read authorizing the signatures of the Mayor
and City Council to make application to the Pederal Government
for one half the cost of building the sewage disposal plant
($293,500) and to the state for one fourth of the coat or all
that the state can give;
Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Hanson that the Council
adopt the resolution as read. Motion carried - unanimously,
A letter was read by Irving Johnson announcing a League of Oregon
Cities workshop to be held in Coos Bay on June 16, Mayor Tymchuk
will attend in the afternoon.
The new Personnel Policy and Procedures for City Employees was
discussed and a few matters clarified.
Motion was made by Ruppe, seconded by Henderson that the personnel
policy be adopted as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous
RESOLUTION ON URBAN RENEWAL was read by William Jayne authorizing
approval of a Neighborhood Development program, annual increment
thereof and the filing of an application for financial assistance.
Motion was made by Hanson, cieconded by Ruppe that the Council
approve the resolution for the Ndii^borhood Development program.
Motion carried unanimously,
Mr, Ashby stated thUt the application for the NDP project has
cleared Seattle and will now be sent to San Prancisco for
approval and then to Washington, D, C, to apply for the money
for the project. Estimated time to clear the application through
these three places is ninety days.
Mr, Ashby stated that the Ruban Renewal Agency now has approximately
$2500 for esagineerias studies on the proposed storm drain projeot*
This ia not at&ffieient to oover the ooat* The eounoil indicated
that they would eonsider the matter of furnishing additional
money needed to complete the project bat could not make a definite
commitment since the amount needed is not known at present.
resolution was read from Mr* Slattery^ Planning Coordinator for
the Douglas County Planning Commission pledging the participation
of the City of Reedsport in establishing a comprehensive Health
Planning Committee for Douglas County.
Motion was made by Hanson, seconded by Plov tha^tthis resolution
be adopted. Motion carried unanimously.
WATER - Chairman Ron Hanson reported that the had met with a
representative from CH2M to discuss the study of the water system.
A representative from CH2M will be here again on June 16.
STREET & SEWER- Chairman Henderson reported that he had received
complaints about a plugged drain on I^ple Drive which creates
problems when-it vliins. Also there were reports of a hole whi6h
needs fixing on 10th street. This hole teas found to be on private
property rather than on the city street. Ron Hanson reported
that a catch basin on Ridgeway Drive was creating a problem.
BUILDING^ PLATOROUND ae LIGHTS - Oscar Anderson, ^airman, reported
that MTo Morello had been given a deadline of June 15 to ibemove
the bowling equipment from the Community Building.
The name of Clarence Hahn was suggested for a place on the
Park Committee.
POLICE - William Jayne stated thQt^he had talked with the firms
requesting burglar alarm protection and thoug^it that they might
react favorably to contributing $2S0 each toward the expense
of installing the needed equipment at the police station for the
operation of burglar alarms to these two places.
CIT7 RECORDER - Some time was spent discussing the 12 protective
devices which' the Corps of Engineers plan to install to prevent
electrolysis on materials used in the dike. This would cost
the City around $250 monthly to maintain. The cost seemed
prohibitive in view of the fact that a definite need for such
a system has not been established. It was decided that Mayor
Tymchulc and City Recorder Irving Johnson idkxould make a trip
to Portland to discuss the matter with the Corps of Engineers.,
Mr. , Johnson stated that the present rate of sewer isharge will
be more than adequate to support maintenance of the sewage
disposal plant.
A1 Richardson' had been requested to find out if contractors^
for demolishing the buildings where the Douglas County Housing
units are to be built would be given permission t;6 burn on the
site of the proposed sewage disposal plant. City Attorney
William Jayne* recommended that these contractors contact Charles
Dondero, head of the Douglas County Housing project, to see if
permission would be given for burning on the county dump.
Mayor Tymchuk appointed Brent Davis to the City Planning
Commission to replace Bill Andrews. Motion was made by Henderson
seconded by RUppe that this appointment be approved. Motion
carried unanilBioualy.
The following bills were approved for payment:
City of Reedaport Payroll Kund 9259.64
John Webb 6«00
Eleanor Kooh 6.00
George Hutter o-OO
James Gray 5-00
William C. Todd 6.00
Nellie G. Edaon 6.00
Mary Ann Thornton 6.00
Harry Spragae 6.00
Genevieve L* Boyles 6.00
Pauline Winston 6.00
James Symington 6.00
S. J. Gary
League of Oregon Cities 623.31
tJmpqua National Bank 31o.75
Umpqua Taoklebox^ Inc. 32.70
City of Reedaportt Payroll Fund 2500.00
A & C Janitor Service I4.O.OO
Al'a Market 14*36
Berge &Wally^s Chevron Station 4*40
Baker's Saw Shop
Courier 90»8l
Coos Bay Supply Co. 67*29
CoasiJ Pyr Fyter
Coos Grange Supply 15*00
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 10.36
Central Lincoln PUD 1203.45
DEL chemical Corporatiton 221.43
Fire Department 5^9
Friden^ Inc. 5lQ*75
General Telephone 161.33
Bill Hale 33.00
Hansen Electric Company 62.30
Frank's Jiger Sales 14*73
Jim*s TJmpqua Drug 9.00
A. g. Leach 33*74
Meier Chevrolet-Buick Inc.
George W. Melville 16.65
101 Service 305.71
Oregon Assoc. of City Finance Officers 5*00
0, Ke Tire Stores 77*12
Pennsalt Chemicala Corp 63*00
F. Morton Pitt Co. 3*60
Paramount Pest Control^ Inc. 8.00
Pacific Pumping Co. 148.80
Pape Bros.f Inc* 141*30
Public Employees Retirement System 5U5*26
City of Reedsport Community Building 1800,00
Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 6*25
Reedsport Auto Parts 244*69
Reedsport Barracks 619 22.10
Reedsport Auto Wreckers 1.00
Reedsport Motor Freight 7*36
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 6.00
Fire Department 82.90
Ross* Flowers & Gifts 6.25
Reedsport Police Department 23*25
State Compensation Department 221.76
William Jayne 144*50
Skylark Cafe 77*05
State Compensation Department 10.00
Thompson Ford Sales 23*37
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 137*63
Umpqua Building & Hardware 121.66
Umpqua Tacklebox 3*75
Umpqua Industrial Supply o*??
Umpqua Cafe 8.55
Williams Pharmacy 16.30
Ivar Stavig 92.50
City of Reedsport Payroll Fund 2400.00
I. JohnlBon, fitity Recorder
Thomas S. 'JSymdhuk
MONDAY, June 16, 1969 at 8:00 P» M.
Council Members present: Ron Hanson, Robert Cantrell, Ben
Henderson, Rudy Ruppe, Oscar Anderson,
Cliff Plov
City Recorder Irving Johnson
City Attorney William Jayne
Absent: Mayor Thomas Tymchuk
Meeting was called to order by Ronald Hanson, President of the
Common Council, City of Reedsport.
Motion was made by Hanson, seconded by Cantrell that the Council
approve the budget as presented. Motion carried unanimously*
Mr. Harmes from the firm of Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfleld
reported on his preliminary studies of the City of Reedsportt
water system. He had reviewed previous studies made on the
water system and felt that some conflicting statements had
been made. He proposed that the City consider having a com
prehensive study made on the water system comparable to that'
made for the sewerage system In 1964* Such a study would carry
at least 20 years into the future. He felt that there was need
to consider other lakes or sources of supply for the future.
Estimated cost of such a study would be in the neighborhood of
ip6500 to $7$00. Mr. Harms suggestion was that the City consider
making application to HUD for financial assistance for a long
range study.
For the present Mr» Harms proposed that a study be made of the
supply and the size of the pipeline needed for the tunnel.
They would also consider an alternate plan of putting a pipe
line over the hill. His estimated cost of this study would be
5P500. CH2M will submit a letter to the City with their suggestions.
Ron Hanson reported that the Police Committee had decided to
postpone opening bids for a police car and return the one bid
submitted by Thompson Pord Sales, Bids will be called for a
1970 model instead of 1969 and it will probably be September
before bids can be opened.
William Jayne recommended that the City open bids for the
sewage disposal plant and sale of bonds on August 11, 1969.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that this recommendation
be adopted. (Bid opening and bond advertising same day)
City Recorder Irving Johnson reported on the meeting he and
Mayor Tymchuk had with the Corps of Engiseers in Portland.
They requested that the Corps delay any constuctlon on the
protective devices until after the dike is finished and that "
they make tests this summer checking those that have been
installed to find out the amount of electrolysis and the
need for protective devices.
Meeting adjourned.
Mayor Thoma? s.
^ ^ _<r
I. (K Johi^^n, City Recorder B'ernell Mcciay, Rectftrdlng Sec.
Ordinance No. 502 "An ordinance authorizing the issuance, sale
and retirement of City of Reedaport Sewer Construction Bonds
for ($500,000.00) was read and passed unanimously on this date.
Council Members present: Mayor Thomas Tymchuk
. ' {/Ottncilmen-Ron-Hanson, Ose«r-Anderson-^—
Cliff Plov, Rudy Ruppe, Ben Henderson
City Recorder Irving Johnson
City Attorney William Jayne
Absent: Robert Cantrell
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Thomas Tymchuk,
Minutes of the June 9, 1969 meeting were approved.
Report by Mayor Tymchuk on trip to San Prancisco regarding Urban
Renewal. Mayor Tymchuk stated that he had met with several
Urban Renewal Officials and Mr. Richardson felt that several
outstanding problems could be ironed out. Mayor Tymchuk ask Mr.
Ashby to explain what has taken place at the meetings. Mr, Ashby
stated that at the 2 O"clock meeting in San Prancisco the
application for the NDP project was approved and the money would
be funded in August. Mr. Ashby said, Doyle Long Pederal Regenal
Representative is part of reason application was approved.
It was the feeling among members of the council that the storm
dizains should be in before the rains and if we are sure of money
is it possible to start work now or do we have to wait? Mr.
Ashby reported that we could not go ahead and do it legally. Mr.
Ruppe ask when next stage of the Urban Renewal could be started
and Mayor Tymchuk stated that the City is obligated to present
this to the public.
The matter of the 22nd street traffic signal was brought up and
Mayor Tymchuk sugested it be posponed in order to meet with Mr.
Clements and that it be brou^t up at the August meeting.
Bids were submitted for a 1970 Police car.
Bids as follows:
Pair Way Motors $2,276.91
Daily Motor Company 2.356.00
Thompson Pord Sales 2,03l|.97
Motion was made and passed to accept the bid from Thompson Pord
WATER--— Ronald 0. Hanson--No report
Pinance Robert A. Cantrell--No report
Street & Sewer--Chairman Henderson expressed concern over water
drains in the Gardens & Bowman Road area not being able to handle
the surface water. Mr. Johnson assured him the City is going to
install catch basins and this would take care of any excess
surface water in the future.
Pire------Clifford Plov, Chairman reported-Zack Turner would
like to block off 21st & dogwood & Cedar & Elm in order to get
a place to park floats to be judged. Permission was granted.
City Attorney--—--William Jayne read a letter from the Corps of
Army Engineers and the Corps continues to believe the necessity
for the cathodic protection system. They would be happy to defer
the provision of that system until the existing contract has been
completed. At that time they hoped to be able to provide mbre
definitive evaluation of cost and alternatives.
City Recorder----Mr. Johnson explained the need for a marquee in
front of the barber shop on Pir Ave. estimated cost $^00. Work
will also have to be done on the library, the City office roof and
the City would ask for bids for this work.
Mr. Johnson read resolution--that the Common Council adopt the
budget approved by the Budget Committee for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 1969 and ending June 30, 1970/ Motion was made
and passed that Resolution be adopted.
The following bills were approved for
City of Reedaport - Payroll Fund 2l|00.00
City of Reedsport - Payroll Fund 10015.51^
Albert R. Delaunay 5.00
Mrs. Albert R. DeLaunay 5.00
I. G. Johnson U9-l[0
League of Oregon Cities 616.35
Stan Hoy 3.65
Hazel Lee Zimprick la.oo
City of Reedsport - Petty Cash ^.07
Jury Fees 66.00
A & C Janitor Service Uo.oo
Sam Wigle 183.10
Ken Brookhard 176.98
Baker*s Saw Shop 7.75
Berge and Wally*s Chevron 2.50
Coos Bay Stationery Co, 6.16
Central Lincoln PUD 1179.16
A. B. Daly & Co. 6.6k
Fire Chief Magazine 6.00
General Telephone 172.70
jgill Hale 21.80
A. C. Leach k3.31
Meier Chevrolet-Buick Inc. 15.82
George Melville 9.25
OK Tire Stores 393.15
101 Service 216.98
Noble Drug Co. 3.98
Oregon State Highway Dept. 10.63
Reedaport Police Dept. 13.9k
City of Reedsport - Sewer Reserve 6252. i|3
Pape Bros., Inc. 11.42
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 63.
Paramount Pest Control, Inc. 8.00
Public Employees Retirement System 576.72
Reedsport Fire Department U92.00
Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 233.59
Reedsport Auto Parts 158.U3
Stults, Jayne, Murphy & Anderson 6^.60
Robert G. Stratton 20.50
State Compensation Department 231.73
Thompson Ford Sales .23.60
Union Oil Company 230.92
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 35.30
Umpqua Industrial Supply Co. 6.61
Utilities Supply Co. 261.25
Umpqua Tacklebox 3.75
Umpqua Cafe 17.1»5
Umpqua Building Supply Co. 72.27
Williams Pharmacy 1+14. It9
Meeting adjourned.
caroma ayor
ecording Sec
Council Members present: Mayor Thomas Tymchuk
Councilmen Ron Hanson, President
Oscar Anderson, Cl<Jff Plov, Rudy Ruppe
Ben Henderson
City Recorder, Irving Johnson
City Attorney, William Jayne
Absent: Robert Cantrell
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk,
Minutes of the July 7: , 1969 meeting were approved.
City Attorney William Jayne opened the bids for the sale of general ^
obligation bonds for the building of the sewage disposal plant f]
in the amount of $500,000.
The following bids were submitted:
effective interest rate
Blythe & Co & Atkinson & Co. 6.i|121
Umpqua National Bank 6.i4i|68
Pacific Security & Associates 6.596
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the bid made by Blythe
& Co. and Atkinson & Co iiith the lowest effective interest rate
of 6.i|121 be accepted for the bonds for the building of the
sewage disposal plant.
Bids were opened by City Attorney William Jayne for the construction
of the sewage disposal plant with the following bids submitted:
Richard L. Martin - Lake Oswego Schedule T $395>070.00
Lord Bros. Contractors Inc. Schedule S 120,84!4.50
Schedule T l|i|8,200.00
Teeples & Thatcher Schedule S lli9,761|.00
Schedule T 384*620.00
Laskey Clifton Schedule S 89,923.38
Mr, Filbert from the engineering firm of Cornell Rowland, Hayes
and Merryfield will analyze the bids and report his findings
to the council at a special meeting to be called. At this time
the council will make the decision on awarding the contracts.
City Recorder Irving Johnson opened bids for furnishing of gas
and oil to the City for the police cars for the year 1969-1970.
Bids were submitted by Thompson Ford Sales, 101 Service, Highland
Shell, Sherwood Shell, R & L Service, Kaafmann Service Station
and Chevron Station.
Motion was made seconded and passed that R & L Service with the
following low bid of
Ethel 36.75
Regular 33.9
Reg. Oil .50 per qt j
Premium .55 per qt |
be awarded the contract for furnishing gasoline and oil to the ' 1
City of Reedsport for the police cars for the year 1969-1970.
A letter from CH2M previously mailed to all members of the City
Council outlining recommendations for updating the Reedsport
water system was discussed.
The ppssibility of having other engineering firms make studies
of the water system was discussed.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the City spend $750
to have the firm of CH2M make the study as outlined in the first
six items of the letter.
FINANCE - none
WATER - none
STREET & SEWER - Chairman B©n Henderson brought up a problem
on Elm street regarding the slope of the street adjacent to
the housing for the elderly now under construction there. No
action was taken# There was some discussion about the location
of the sidewalk in front of the new home of Prank White. The
matter was referred to the Building Inspector.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that permission be granted
to the Smith River Grange to sponsor a dance in the Community
Building on Friday August 1$, the proceeds of which are to go to
the recreation committee.
A request that the recreation program be extended through the
winter in the form of roller skating was tabled Until further
study could be made of the matter
POLICE - none
FIRE - Fire Chief Zack Turner requested that Councilmen come
to the Fire Hall and look at the fire truck which he feels
urgently needs to be replaced. He requested that the Council
consider the possibility of presenting a serial levy to the
people for,the purchase of this piece of equipment.
YOUTH - none
City Attorney William Jayne read a resolution for the Urban
Renewal reaffirming the land use within the boundaries of the
Neighborhood Development Program Phase No, 1,
Motion was made, seconded and passed that this resolution be
yilliam Jayne read a resolution to further the Workable Program
and assign priorities.
Motion was made, seconded and ppssed that this resolution be
Mr. Johnson stated that he had contacted George Parker, owner
of lots adjacent to city owned property which could be purchased
for $5000. The purchase of this property would give the city
ample area for the future building of suitable shop and ware
house facilities - possibly ih acres. , , , , ^ ^ ^
Motion was made, seconded and passed that this land be purchased,
Some residents on Alder street brought up the matter of a
bubble basin which causes an unsanitary., nuisance in the vicinity
of Alder and 20th. Mr. Tymchuk agreed to study the problem..
TBE following bills were approved for payment:
Sooking Soo 10^00
Umpqua National Bank 1000.00
Cornell Manufacturing Co. 826.^3
A & C Janitor Service 1+0.00
Al*3 Market 1.06
Baker's Saw Shop 6.50
Courier 261.69
Central Lincoln PUD 1165«26
Comm-Tronics 36.00
Coos Bay Stationery * 160.2L|
Douglas County Sheriff's Office 6,00
Department of Motor Vehicles I53»9ii
General Telephone l5S.9lj
International Paper Company 1300.00
W. A. Karcher 93-^0
Kaufmann^s Chevron 3-35
A. C* Leach 26.26
League of Oregon Cities
Muni-Chem Corporation
Muni-Chem Corporation
101 Service
National League of Cities
Noble Drug
0. K. Tire Stores
Public Employees Retirement System
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp.
Pape Bros,, Inc.
Pacific Water Works Supply of Oregon
Paramount Pest Control, Inc.
Reedsport Police Department
City of Reedsport Sewer Reserve Savings
Reedsport Fire Department
Ross* Flowers & Gifts
Reedsport Insurance Service
Reedsport Auto Parts
Rochon Portraits
Reedsport Auto Wreckers
Reedsport Motor Freight
Reedsport Outdoor Shop
Stults, Jayne Murphy & Anderson
Smith-Blair, Inc.
Ivar A. Stavig
Union Oil Company
Forrester G. Taylor
Peter Toftdahl
Thompson Ford Sales
Umpqua River Navigation Co.
Utilities Supply Co.
Jim*s Umpqua Drug
Umpqua Cafe
Umpqua Industrial Supply Co.
Umpqua Building & Hardware
Waterworks Supplies Co.
Western Auto Store
Williams Pharmacy
Meeting adjourned.
61;. 21
"Thomas S. Tymohute/Mayor
son. City Recorder Bernell McClay, Hecordlng Sec
REEDSBOliZ^-OREGON ON,MONMY AUGUST l8, 1969 ...at 8:00
Council Members present: Mayor Tymchuk
Councilmen Ron Hanson, President
Oscar Anderson, Cliff Plov, Rudy Ruppe
Ben Henderson
City Recorder Irving Johnson
City Attorney William Jayne
Absent: Robert Cantrell
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk.
City Attorney William Jayne read a letter from Cornell Rowland
Hayes and Merryfield which analyzed the bids submitted on the
sewage disposal plant for the City of Reedsport, Recommendations
were made for makes of equipment which the firm considered -best
for specific purposes and the bids adjusted to include these
changes. Their final recommendation was that contracts be
awarded to the firms of:
Teeples & Thatcher, Portland, Oregon Schedule T $1^51,200
Laskey-Clifton, Reedsport, Oregon Schedule S 89,000
Breakdown of the complete cost of the sewage disposal facility
was made as follows:
Contracts $5i|0,200
Technical services 78,000
Legal & fiscal i|,000
Administration 6,000
Contingencies 1$,000
Site 6,000
Total cost $649,200.00
City Attorney William Jayne read a resolution accepting the
proposals of Teeples and Thatcher for Schedule T and Laskey
Clifton for Schedule S according to the specifications of
CH2M subject to approval by the State Department of Environmental
Quality of the State of Oregon, completion date of the contract
to be 390 days from the time the contract is signed.
Motion made by Ruppe, seconded by Plov that this resolution be
adopted as read. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
CH2M recommended that the City of Reedsport apply to the State
of Oregon for an increase in their last application for funds to bring
the amount to $192,960. The City Recorder and the Mayor were
authorized to take care of this matter.
Motion was made and seconded that the City Attorney and the
City Recorder be authorized to contact the float house owners,
the landowners and the PUD requesting the removal of the
walkways, water lines and power lines from the area adjacent
to the dike above the Schofield Bridge. Motion carried -
unanimous vote.
Meeting adjourned.
Thomas S. "Tymch^/^^yor
ok^on. City Recorder Bernell McClay, Rebording Sec
Council Members present: Mayor Thomas Tymchuk ^ ^
Councilmen Ron Hanson, President
Cliff P3.dv, Oscar Anderson, Robert
Cantrell, Rudy Ruppe, Ben Henderson;
City Attorney William Jayne
City Recorder I, G. Johnson
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk,
Minutes of the August 11, 1969 regular meeting and the August^lS,
1969 special meeting were approved.
PINANCE - Mayor Tymchuk presented a petition signed by thirty>
five Reedsport businessmen requesting that fees for "hawkers
and peddlers" be raised. The matter was referred to the Pinance
Committee for investigation and recommendations.
STREETS & SEWERS - Ben Henderson, Chairman, brought up the
matter of how to establish the boundary of the Lillebo property
bordering the Schofield River. City Recorder Irving Johnson
stated that this was determined by a meets and bounds description
and not by water line.
The matter of connecting some property owners on Scott Street
and Bowman Road to the city sewer line was discussed. Mr.
Johnson stated that the cost of bringing the sewer to where
such connections could be made would cost the City approximately
$2,062.50. The matter was referred to the Street and Sewer
Committee for study and recommendations and the establishment
of a policy as to the charge to be made for such hook-ups.
POLICE - none
PIRE - Recommendation was made by Councilman Rudy Ruppe that
the City immediately enter into a serial levy for the purchase
of fire equipment as requested by Fire Chief Zack Turner. He
further recommended that a contingency fund be set up to take
care of future equipment needs.
City Attorney William Jayne stated that it is his opinion that
a serial levy over a period of five years is the best method
but that the levy should not be brou^t up for election before
the end of the year. The time prior to that should be spent
educating the public on the need for such a levy. Mr. Johnson
recommended that the Pire Committee present figures to the
next council meeting showing the difference in insurance costs
between a Class 5 and a Class 6 rating. Such figures could then
be presented to the public.
YOUTH COMMITTEE - Chairman Cantrell reported that he will have
the youth committee formed by the n6xt council meeting.
CITY ATTORNEY - William Jayne reported that the City had
purchased the property from George and Lillian Parker that
had been discussed at the previous meeting.
CITY RECORDER - Mr. Johnson stated that 11th street is being
processed for paving and that he has written to the State
Highway Department requesting that they contribute $275 as
their share.
Mr. Johnson reported that 91+ million gallons of water were used
by the City in August which is the higjiest figure ever. Clear
Lake is about normal for this time of year.
Men will be available in about a «eek to repair the bubble
basin causing a problem on Alder Street.
Mayor Tymohuk reported that he had met with Mr, Richardson from
the Urban Renewal Agency and had been
Present were mayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Urben, Herra,
Brainard, Hurl«i6ker and Murphey,
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Annual report read and discussed at length.
Library reports read and discussed.
read in full for third and final reading and ppon proper
motion made^ Seconded it was passed by vote of Aye 6 ^^ay 0. Mayor
declared the Ordinance in full effect as of this dat^.
Letter from State Highway Commission relating to State Aid was read.
The state did not grant the request of the City iBor the paving of
certain streets within the City,
Letter from League of Oregon Cities regarding the city's request for
Federal Aid under H HF A for city planning was read. The City
renewed their application for $ 3000.00 of Federal matching money for
this grant.
The problem of Diagonal parking in the vicinity of 19th and Winchester Avenue was discussed at length. It was turned over to
the Street Committee to examine and make necessary corrections as they
saw fit.
Letter from George McCulloch requesting the leasing of the city
ground known as the flat iron area was read. After much discussion
it was decided to place this jidK^perty up for bids to lease same
and part of the consideration of the lease will be the use and terms
of the offer to lease from the City. Bids to be called for and chhsxx
considered at the next Council meeting.
Motion waa made, seconded and passed not to charge T4r Tucker the
water rent for the three months during the summer which he says that
he did not have any v;ater.
Mr Esslestrom appeared before the council requesting that he be grantee
the privilege to increase his monthly rental by 20?^ as is provided
under the temmsof the franchise. After much discussion on this
it was made a motion to allow the increase in rate to 75cents per
month per residence.
Councilman Urben brought up the question of using Floride in the
water supply to the city and others areas now using city water.
City Recorder to contact the L^ajue of Oregon Cities on
this question and make report later.
The question of the statement for the Hse of propane gas to heat
the Scout hall located on the City pafck property was brought before
the Council. It was decided that this bill is not a responsibility of
the City.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following statements:
Payroll F^d ' 1900.00 Andytg shoe Shop I.50
Ore Phys Ser 12.50 Berge « Wally 2.55 Payroll Fund 1000.00 Babker's sL^Shop 43.14
Payroll Fund 32^4.33 PUD 62^.71 Water Fund 10000.00 l^o Carv SO 76
City Nat'l Bank I9SO.OO Chamber of Commerce 15.00
John Dye
Gawley's Hdwe
City NoEth Bend 10 .00
Pannsqlt Chen Corp 37 -50
Paramount Pest 3 .00
Reedsport Mach Wks 24 .93
Reedsport ^nion Ser 13 .95
Std gil Co 20 .65
SIAC 153 .00
Thompson-Epperhart 14 .39
John Stephens 35 .00
Ump Drug 5 .26
Everett Wright 171 .00
Kat?Xmann Bros 3 .55
Union Oil 429 .21
H M McCabe 60 .00
Ray Church 60 .00
Fyr-Fyter co 127.12
W A Karcher 213*70
OK Rubber Welders 76.36
Pub Emp Ret Sys 37.67
Reedsport Mtr Frt 6.7^
Reedsport Auto Parts 5.89
Reedsport Auto Blect 14«97
Bob Sund, Ins 251.S5
Taylor Hdwe 24-21
Ump Bldg Sup 4^*92
Ump Ind Sup 7.^0
West Coast Tele 105-45
Port ^rap Courier 1,00
Reedsport Rlumbing 4-35
W A Burdick 37-50
Ray Hass 60'«00
Walter Miller 60,00
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned,
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Brainard, Hurlooker,
Murphey, Herra and Urben.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Bids for the advertising of leases on the Flat Iron property
were opened with the following bids received:
1. Paul Bernhardt $ 151.00 per year for 3 years#
2. Reedsport Saddle Club 100.00 " "
3* George McCullluch SO.OO " "
Motion was made, secondjd and passed to laccept the high bid of
Paul Bernhardt for the lease at a lease for three years
and cancelleable upon 30 days notice by the City,
Permission was granted to send two men to the Water Works Operator
short course at Corvallis on March 21 and 22nd.
Mr. Collier ajjpeared before the Council relative to the
improvement of relocated Cedar Street between iSth and 19th
Streets. He was informed that any improvement as to the
purchasing of gravel was up to the property owners and as soon
as this street was brought up to City Specifications consisting
of 3 inches of base rock and 2 inches of fine rock , the city
would accept the street for maintenance.
Motion was made, seconded and passed by vote of 6 any 0 nay
to proceed with the proposed improvement of the north side of
Wades flat from iSth street to 22nd street.
Police rep'ort for the Month of January was given by the
Police Chief.
Motion made, seconded and passed authorizing the City Attorney
to write to the state highway commission regarding the 2m
suggewstion received by the City as regarling the no left
turns in the intersecti )n of 19th and Winchester Aven^ie.
Mayor Unger gave a report on the meeting with the State
Game Commission and Douglas County Park Department on the
proposed boat launching ramp in the vicinity of Rainbow
Motion raade, ssoonded
Oregon Phys Service
Payroll Fund
Umpqua Mat^l Bank
Tt If tf
Payroll Fund
Ival Martin
Karthyn Karcher
Charles Dow
Ralph Wagner
Ray Chambers
Zack Turner
Robt ^ aimer
Elmer Price
Dan V/headon
Ump Banjj
Andy^s hoe Shop
and passed to pay the follov^ing bills;
13.62 American Rmbber Mfg 20.00
1300.00 Baker's Saw^hop 40.55
2011.25 PUD 659.72
1296.25 General Fund Trans 3525.00
4379.35 John Dye 364.89
$.00 City Eugene 30.00
3.00 Gawley^s ^Mwe 4.00
3.00 V/ A Karcher 281.04
3.00 City i^orth Bend 10.00
3.00 News ?ress 2.00
3.00 Port Ump Courier 77.53
50.00 PERS 189.72
3.00 Paramount Pest 8.00
6.00 101 Service 21.09
IS.75 OK Rubber Welders 6.50
3.40 Reedsport Garage 114.40
Ray's TV Ser 17.40
Reedsport Auto Elect 2S.S9
Heedsport Fire Dept 250,00
Heedsport Auto ^arts 5^.15
Reedsport %ch ^s 46.09
Reedsport ^''Itr Frt 7.35
Skylark Cafe 15-45
SIAC 14^.13
Thompson-Epperhart 2S.73
Taylor ^dwe 17.56
Umpqua Drug Co
Union Oil
AjWfcft Elect
Umpqua Nav C©
Ump Bldg Sup
West Coast Tele
Everett Wright
John SJjephens
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned
aigned y ^
" MayoF
Special Council and planning Commission meeting held this
16th day of February I960.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Herra, Murphey, Hurlocker.
Planning Commission Tom Lille]®^, Dr ^owitt, E C Daily,
Clarence^'^ahn and Hoy Henderson, J C Diehl, William Tugman,
George Williams, H E "ickels, E G Dunn, and ^^arry Ludwig also present
Meeting called for the purpose of meeting with Kenneth V. ^ames
Field Representative for H H F A. to talk Urben Renewal.
Mr. James stressed the importance of the Citizens advisory committee
in the first stages of planning and suggestions.
Also advance suddying should be done to determine the advisability
o^ need for urben renewal. Also a workable program should be
decided upon by the people..
He stressed the completion or the start of study for a somraunity
project before a urben renewal project should be initiated.
Meeting duly adjourned.
Attest Recorder
Present were i'^Iayor Unger and Councilmen Hurlocker, '^^rra, Boe,
Brainard, Murphey aid Urben.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
The request from the Greyhound Bus Company to relocate their
freight and passenger depot at 313 ^^srth Fourth was approved.
New reutes of the Busses were also approved,
Orin Collier brought the question of a stop and go sigj/ at
the intersection of Winchester and 19th avenues. After considerable
discussion a motion was made by Councilman Boe that the stop
sign be installed in cooperation with the State Highway Comm
provided that the City*s election for a new tax base is approved.
Councilman Llrbin made a amendment to the motion that the
stop light be installed v/ith cooperation of the state whenever
money is availabe either thrcugh budget or donations — oca
motion to amend was paased by vote of aye u any 0. Motion to
pass the motion as amended was passed by vote of aye .6 aay 0,
Motion was made, seconded and passed for ths City Attorney to
notify the Highway Dept fehat the City is withdrawing their request
for no left turn signs at the intersection of Winchester andlfth.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to paint crosswalks
at the intersection of VJinchester and 19th avenues and to jfs
police this area more often.
Mr, VJillingham appeared before the Council relative to the
installation of a sewer line in the Rowe Addition. The install
ation of a sewer line in this area is up to the property owners
as was the installation of the water line.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to install a street light
in the intersection of Forth and greenwood avenues on the side
adjacent to the Horseshoe cafe.
Dr Boe appointment to the Library board was confirmed by Council
Request to purchase the City owned property in Block S3 was
brought before the Council and the setting of a price i^as y
asked. City Attorney and City blkks Recorder with the Mayor V
are to contadt Mr. Hinsdale on a fair price for this pooperty '
to be considered as a unit with the rest of the property in
the same block.
Motion made, seconded and passed to adopt a resolution calling
^or the establishment of a new City tax base in the amount of
I 52,000.00 and calling for a City Election was passed by vote
of aye 6 aay O.Atxika:
At the request of Councilman Urbin a Committee is to be appointed
by the i'^iayor to study City Zoning, Building requirements and
the construction within the fire zone. Committee is to make
report at the next council meeting,
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills:
Payroll Fund lSOO',00 Fire Equip Co 20,65
OPS 13.62 Gawley^s Hdwe 6.55
Payroll F\md 42O7.SI International ^aper 45.^0
PUD 64^.15 Koke^Chapman 14-33
Dr Courtney 7-50 WA ^^archer 209,©9
John Dye 259.90 Geo Melville 7-50
H M McCabe 8.05
City Worth B.end 10.00
OK Rubber Welders 6S.4I
Paramount Pest 8,00
PERS 175.97
Pftnnasalt 37«50
Pacific Telephone 5*55
R & L Shell 6,00
Reedsport i-ogging Sup 10.2S
Reedsport Mach Wks 7-23
Reedsport Auto Pts 5"19
Reedsport Mtr Frt 7-53
xieedsport Auto ^lect 4^.37
Standard *^11 21.99
Simmons Carbon 11.33
SIAC 145.46
Truman Electronics 56.32
Meeting was duly adjourned
Taylor Hdwe
Union Oil
Umpqua Bldg Sup
Ump Riv i^av Co
West Coast Tele
Everett Wright
Reedsport Fire Dept
John Stephens
Minutes of special meeting called for the purpose of hearing
objections to tho porposed street improvement district north of
Wihchester Avenue between l3th and 22nd streets.
Present were ^*^ayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Hurloaker, Murphey,
Herra and Brainard. Absi^i^was Councilman Urtfin.
Meeting called for purposes to hear any objections to the
proposed street improvement program. There appearing from the
petitions as filed against the project that the required
percentage of objections lo stop the improvements, the city
by motion voted to abandon the project as provided in the
ordinance if the required percentage in the petitions
checked out coreectly.
Motion made, sec33)nded and passed to approve the final /
plans for the boat launching ramp as prepared by the Game Comm
and to notify them that the city would support the program
in the amount of $ 2000.00 and would accept the finished ramp for
future maintenance.
Beer application for transfer from A1 Stahel to Wayne Williams was
approved by council actions.
Motion made, seconded and passed for the Street and Sewer
committee to look into varojQus methods of street mmprovement
and to report back to the coimcil later.
Meeting adjourned.
Pl^esent were i^ayor Unger, C^micilmen Herra, Murphey, B»e, Brainard, and
Hurl#cker* Councilman Urban absent,
^inutes of previous meeting were read and apfreved as read.
^t request of Ceimcilman Urben, The ^y»r appointed the fellowing te
a committee to study zoning and building regulations within the business
area Robert ^und, ^r. ^owitt, J C Diehl, Gordon Talley and A1 ^rben.
Mayor Unger gave report on the meeting with Mr, ^ftnsdale on the ite
development and sale of city property in 2i»ck 83# ^t was suggested that
this block be developed as a unit and that the price for city lots be
discussed with the complete council at a later date i^en the plans for
complete development will be presented to the owners of the property x
A petition to post Bowman ^ad with signs limiting the speed to 25 miles
per hour was read and discussed by signers of the petition who ,were
present. After discussing the problem, it was decided to post the read
to 25 miles per h«tr and post signs "Children at pla^*«
Motion made^ seconded and passed to sign agreement for Mutual Aid to cover
Millijagton Rural ^'ire District,
'^e question of the boom ri^t lease on the city property known as the
"Flat ^ron" was brought up for discussion and after considerable
opinions were expressed it was voted to table this until the next
meeting of the Council,
City Secorder reported that the members of the City Budget that would
bo carried over from laftt year were ^1 ^etcham, Dr Mackenzie, Roger
Love and A1 Herra,
'^e resignation of Policeman Church was reported to the Council by
the ^olice Chief, He also reported that a application ha9 been received
but that the party wa$living at Florence and would like to continue tO
livd there until after this school term because of children in school.
The members of the C^^mcil thaught that the request to remain in Florence
until after the close of the school year was not unreasonable
and granted it.
Motion made^ seconded and
Gee McCullouch
Pyyroll Fund
Petty Cash
Umpqua Nat*l Bank
Payroll Fxmd
Payroll Fund
E K Stingley
H^ McCabe
Ray Hass
Walt ^iller
Ray Church
Andy's Shoe Shop
^erican Rubber Mfg Co
Baker's S aw Shop
John Dye
Gen ^'und Trans
^^^s TV
^ "^ourtney
C5os i^ay Stat
R, H. Srichsen
passed to pay the following bills:
PERS 183.37
City Bugene 40,00
^'ederal Sign C#!^ 11,00
Fire Equip C» 5.00
Hansen ^lectric 3.00
«JohBS-Manvme 7205,71
W A Karcher 214,33
H M McCabe 2.90
H E Nickels 12,50
Neep Equip Co 500,00
101 Sei^ce 13.42
OK Rubber V/elders 15.45
City North Bend 10.00
Paramount Pest 8,00
Port Ump Courier 51.30
Reedsport Mach Wks 245.40
Reedsport Lagging ^p 12.71
Reedsport Union Ser 4.95
Reedsport -^lect 55.01
^eedsport Auto Parts 25.01
Reedsport Fire I^ept 408,00
Reedsport Mrt Frt 13.12
Standard OH 10.U3 Umpqua Bldg 48.90
Skylark Cafe 8.75 Ump Riv Nav Co 30.00
mkC U7.59 Ump Ind ^p 4.98
Taylor ^dwe 42.40 West Coast Tele
Thompson-Epperhart 57.90 Watei*works Supplies 81.49
Union ^il 352.33 E L Wri^t 163.50
Umpqua ^Vug 11.53 John Stephens 45.00
There being no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
MAY I960 IN 1HE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M. .
Present were Mayor Unger Councilmen Hurlottker, Herra, B»e, Urben, and
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read*
Mr, Lengacher and Mr. Bryant aid ^Wger were present t® bring the
problem of drainage in the 2® foot t^iiity easement in the Highland
addition. After considerable discussion it was agreed that a committee
consisting ©f Dr. Boe, G#rdon ^rphey and Ai Urben would insjject this
area and report to -Uw Council at a liter date.
"^he recommoidation of the Planning •Commission ttiat the blocks 2 and 3 'f
Umpqua addition be changed to industrial zone § 4 was received by the
Council, Councilman Murphey made motion to accept the recommendation
and to proceed with the necessary steps to call for a hearing to affect
the change Af agreeable with persons involved. Motion was seconded by C^imcilman
Urben* i^tion passed by vote of Aye 5 ^^'ay 0, Scaring was set for the 23rd
day of May in the City hall at 8;00P.M.
The request for a reduction in the water rent of ^est Apartments was denied
by motion properly made> seconded and passed*
Letter from a group of citizens regarding a tree growing in the sidewalk area
in front of property owned by ^over Woods was read* After considerable dis
cussion it was decided that the tree was not a hazard to life and limb at thie
time and that the city would not asked to have it removed.
The question of the boom lease of the flatiron property was brought upfor
discussion, ^t was decided that this property would not be leased but that
the mill now using the same would |iay $ 40,00 per m®nth rental for each month
or part of month that it is used. This was passed by motion.
M#tion was made, seconded and passed to purchase 2000 feet of 18" transite
water pipe and pay for the same out of savings bond money.
The question ^f erecting a guard rail along Winchester Avenue in vicinity of
12 and 13th streets was referred to the Street Committee for their recommendation.
Motion made, seconded
Oregon Physicians Ser
Payroll ^und
Earl Smith
Fred Lengacher
Lee Epperhart
Lois Dickson
Louise Esselstrom
Audrey %ith
Virginia fiary
Ray Church
J* M, Adams
George Hutter
Nonna ^^aily
L F Swain
Zack Turner
Jean Beriihardt
Ray Church
Virginia Rose
Pajiiroll FUND
Edwards & Marshall
Lynne McNutt
Ben Gawley
Mabel Andrews
Qarl Carlson
Standard ^11 C®
and passed t® pay
the following bills:
R®y Koch
Orrin ^everson
H E Birdsall
American ^aFranee
J H Baxter "^o
Baker Saw Shop
John ^ye
Gawley Hardware
W A Karcher
Leavitt Frt Service
H M McCabe
OK Rubber ^elders
101 Service
Pennsalt Co
Paramount Pest Ser
Reedsport ^lumbing
Reedsport Ser
Reedsport ^\itp ^arts
Reedsport %to "'^lect
Reedsport ^ach Wks
Reedsport ^ire Dept
RUeeeeddssppoort Mbr Frt
^ity ^o'orth Bend
Skylark ^afe
News ^ress
Unio^ Oil
Umpqua Bidg Sup
Umpqua River Nav
148 #53 Unipqua Onig
18,40 Ump Ind
42.46 Waterworks ^p 0#
32.00 West Coast Tele
112.35 Everett Wright
218.47 Clyde ^\innally
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Minutes of puhlic meeting held this 23rd day of ^y I96O in the City hall at
8:00 P.M.
Present were ^ayor ^nger, Councilmen Boe, ^rben, Hurlocker, ^erra, and ^rphey.
Meeting called for purpose to hear and abjections to proposed *22 zone changing
of blocks 2 & 3 Umpqua addition.
question of fire insurance and values of adjactefe property was brought up.
Discussion was had regarding the effect of the zone changing without any of the
affected property owners present objecting to the »ne changing.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to change the zoning to industrial zone
OF zones in Blocks 2Sc3 Umpqua Addition was read and passed to second reading and passed
to tnird reading and finally passed by vote of Aye 5 ^ay 0.
Meeting adjourned.
Attest vV
May 27, i960
Councilman Mur|ihey and Recorder *^©hnson. canvassed theballots for the city
election to increase the tax base and found the result correct as shown by the
Clerks report.
Present were ^ayor ^nger, G»uncilmen Murphey, B»e, Brainard, Urben, and
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
The plans and specifications for the proposed Rainbow basin boat launching
ramp were examined and approved by the Council.
George Williajns and Ben Gawley were appointed for a 3 year term to the
Budget Committee.
The question for state aid for street improvement under the city extra
improvement was brought before the C^tmcil. The Street committee will
recommend what streets to include in the request for extra aid.
Police Actitity report for the month of May was presented for examination.
Councilman Boe gave report for Street Committee on the Utility Easement in
the highland Area. Amotion was made, seconded and passed to clean out the
drainage ditch and to extend the present culvert on Gardens ^venue about
25 feet.
Mayor '^ngelf brought up the question of '^lean up week. After considerable
discussion it was decided by motion to give the Mayor authority to
proclaim "Clean Up Week" if a sponcer can be found.
Representatives of the i^eedsport JayCees presented a sum of money $ 118.^5
collected XHxkarioSdbcEfxjsicB for a stop and go light in the intersection
of 19th and ''Winchester Aveiue. This is in memory to the late Mr. Johnston
who was killed^in a traffic accident in this intersection. Mr. «^ayne,
City Attorney was instructed to write the State Highway Commission
requesting a engineering survey made of thie intersection and to make
recommendations as to the proper traffic control.
Motion was made, seconded and passed for the Police Department to enforce
the one hour parking in areas so posted.
attorney Jayne was asked to write to priiper County officials for hel^ in
dog control in the City.
The question of an answering service to be offered by the Police Department
was brought before the Council, attorney Jayne to investigate the problems
involved and to make report at later date.
Motion made, seconded apd passed to pay the following bills:
Ore Phys Ser 13.42 John Dye 192.34
Payroll Fund 1800.00 Fire Equip 0» 20.00
County ^lerk 350.00 Verden Hockett 50.00
Payroll Fund 4848.40 Vi A Karcher 158.04
Anna Lehn 4.00 Koke->ChapiQan 14.98
Juanita Halladay 4.00 OK Rubber "''elders 74.31
Alice Halse 4.00 City North Bend 10.00
Gertie ^'arren 4.00 Port Ump Courier 44.44
American-LaFrance 122.02 Paramount Pest 8.00
PUD 410.83 PEKS 194.32
Coos Bay Stationery 15.21 Reedsport Fire Dept 222.00
Water Dept 75.00 Reedsport Plumbing 3.75
Reedsport Auto ^lect 1.50 Reedsport -^uto ^arts 19.49
^eedsport ^agging ^pply
Reedsporb Autdoor Stort
Std Oil C#
Tayl»r Hdwe
Unien Oil
5,27 Umpqua ^ndxistrial
85.25 Van Water ^ Redgers
8.49 Umpqua lldg Sup
142.33 Umpqua J^g 6*
14.89 Ujnp River ^^7
6.79 West Coast Tele
240•54 Everett Wright
H M Mc^abe
There being no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
Minutes of the Budget Committee Meeting held the thirteenth day of June 1940
in the City Hall at 7-30 P*M.
Present were '^l ^etcham, Ben ^wley, Rodger Love, George Williams, and Dr Mackenatle
of the Budget Committee and Mayor "nger, C^uncilann ^oe, Murphey, Brainard, and
Urben of the City Council.
Meeting called for the purpose of compiling a city budget for the years 4f *^uly 1
1940 to June 30, 1941.
Evening spent compiling the ^dget and the budget as finally adopted was for a tax
levy ©f $ 81,744.27. ^eorge Williams made motion to adopt the budget as compiled
and motion was seconded by Dr Mackenzie and said motion was passed without any
negative vote.- Motion was made, seconded and passed that wages and salaries
remain the same as previous budget.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to adopt the Budget as recommended by the
budget committee and proceed with the publication calling fot a hearing on
July 11, 1940. Meeting Adjourned.
Present were Mayor ^^nger and Councilmen Murphey and Boe. Also present were Tom
Lillebo, Frank Taylor, ^r ftowitt, and Ike Daileyof the Planning Commission.
J^ick Ivey of the-^eague of Oregon Cities who is working on the base map and other
information to be compiled by the stidy as authorized by Federal Grant presented
information and maps fts compiled to date. Since there wase not a quorum present
antTir no action was taken. A planning commission meeting was set for the
Jtaly ISthhto study the plans further.
Present were ^aypr Unger, Councilman ^erra, Hurlocker, Murphey, and Boe.
Meeting called f©r the purpose ©f discussing street maintenance of the
recently improved streets.
A joint meeting of the Piianning Commission and the City ^©uncil was set for
«^uly 18th at 8:00 PM.M,
Councilman Boe made motion that the City maintain the recently blacktopped
streets the same as they are maintaining the other city blabkedtopped streets.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Herra, Motion was brought t© a vote an^
councilmen Boe and ^erra voted yes and Councilmen Hurf^ey and H\irolcker voted
no. The Mayor c ast an affirmative vote to lass the motion.
Motion made by Councilman Boe and seconded by Councilman Hurlocker that the
City take care of the extra U feet of width in fourth street between Fir and
Greenwood Avenue. Motion Passed by vote of Ay© 3 Nay 0. Council man Herra did
not cast a vote.
Meeting duly adjourned.
IW THifi CITY HiiLL AT 7:30P.M.
Present were Mayer ^nger, C^uncilmen Herra, Hurlecker, Urben, Murphey,
£•6 and Brainard.
Minutes of preyieus meeting were read and approved as read.
Ordinance # 433 AN ORfiliMANCE LEVYING A TaX IN ME AMDUNT OF $ $1,744,2?
FOR the fiscal YEAa 1960-1941 AN DBCLARING aN EMERGENCY ^d "pasaed-byl-d^te
©f lye 4 May 0.
Letter frem State Game '^•mraission regarding the beat launching ramp was read.
Letter frem County Judge regarding deg centrel fer the ^^eedspert area was
read and discussed. Pessible centrol by the ^ity and the problem ©f financing
cost ef pound was discussed.
Discussing ef a possible answering service by the police department was had—
ne action was taken regarding this.
The police activity report for the month was examined by the Council members.
Fire ^hief requested that the City purchase a used bus from Diamond Martin
to be used for a salvage unit by the Fire Department. He stated that the
cost of painting and other changes was pledged by industry t© the department.
The net cost to the ^ity would be $ $00.00 plus the pickup now being used
for a salvage truck. Motion was made seconded and passed to purchase this
unit for $ 500.00 and that the Fire pepartment would renovate the unit
at their own expense.
A discussion had regarding the traffic problem on the north side of
Vfedes flat now that the streets were paved. It was felt that the traffic
was going in a speed unsafe for a residential area. A motion was made
that the city install stop signs in this area to curb the Speed. Motion was
seconded and passed by vote of Aye 5 ^fi-y 1. 6ounciljiian Murphey voted Nay,
Police Department and the Street Department is to desiginate the locations
of the Stop Signs.
The question of parking in the iowntown area was brought before the 0®uncil
for discussion. City to repaint and replace and install adequate number of
signs limiting parking to one hour during the day and adequate policing to
be done. Councilman Boe made motion that partine hel^ be hired to mark cars •
and issue tickets for any violations for overtime parking. Motion was
seconded by Councilman Herra-— motion passed by vote ofq aye $ Nay
Motion made,seconded and passed ti
OPS 13,42
Payroll Fund 1950,00
Ray Church 3.00
Fred ungwirth 3.00
Annette IVestcott 3,00
Frances Murphey 3.00
Mildrd Webb 3,00
Sidney Sacchi 3.00
Bawn ^^elly 3,00
iirdis "itaker 3,00
Deuglfls County Clerk 250,00
Payroll Fund 4820,34
MArse_Brothers 4471.25
Penns^lt Mfg 37.50
pay the following bills:
Andy's Shoe Shop
American Rubber Mfg
Albert's Electronics
Berg & Waiiy
John Dye
Gawley Hdwe
Hale's Equip 0»
W A Karcher
H M McCabe
1)1 Service
Oity North Bend
Paramount Pest Service
Reedsp»et Fire Dept
Reedsp®rt ^lumbing
Reedsport ^•giing
Reedsport Union Ser
Reedsport ^uto Parts
Reedsport Mach Wks
Reedsport Mtr Frt
Reedsport Auto Elect
Reedsport Outdovr Shop
Skylark Cafe
Taylor Hdwe
198,84 Thompso n-Epperhar t 50.29
578.00 Union tfiil 237.43
2.97 Ump 31dg Sup 99.72
2.40 Umpqua River Nav 32.00
10.95 Ump Ind Sup 4.53
29.09 West Coast Tele 110.85
55.18 Waterworks Supplies 99.84
21.14 Everett .Vright 143.50
3.42 Petty Cahh 48.04
There being n® further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Ulnutes of combined Council- Planning Commission meeting held this nVg
18l^ day of "^uly in the City ^all at 7i30 P.M.
Present were Mayor ^nger, CouncilBBn Herra, Mur^hw, Urben, Boe and Hegga,
Planning Commission members present were Howitt, illebo, Daily, and Taylor
Meeting called to order by Chairman ^hwitt and minutes of previous meeting
were read and approved as read.
L, W. Thompson presented several proposals to the ^o\incil in behalf of
the ^mpqua Shopping Center in regard to the recently filled area in the
vicinity of the ^mpqua Bowing Lanes.
Section A——-— -"Approved by Planning Commission by vote of Ay^ 4
Nay 0 and recommend same to the Council,
Motion by Hurlocker and Seconded bv Boe to accept the recommendation of
the Planning Commission zrai*
Motion was made by Hurlocker and Seconded by Boe that a Oeed to the ^
Proposed New Plat of ^locks 28,29,3ft3i+*3^ and vacated streets and alleys
and 40 & 47 with vacated streets and alleys or the filled area less the
portion comprising the dike and adequate area for a road by issued to
the ^mpqua ^hopping Center as soon as the proposed vacationing of Streets
and plats and the replatting of the area is accomplished. Also that the
rest of the area owned by the City excepting the parcels needed for a
dike and road by deeded in escrow for 5 years vdth a reversionary provision
to the city if prot^isions of the escrow is not fulfilled within the five year period.
All motions passed by vote of Aye 5 Hay 0.
Dick ^vey of "^e Bureau of ^inicipal Research ^ave report of the progress of
the survey and planning under the league program. Next meeting ©n this program
to be in Sept^ber.
July 18, 1960
The Common Council of the City
oi Heedsport and the City of
Reedsport l-lanning Commission
We are appearing before you at this special meeting this
evening for your approval and consideration of severe.! items in *
regards to the development of the property lying between Scho- *
field River on the north, 13 Street on the east, 15 Street on the
west, and Highway 101 on the south.
We would like to obtain approval from both bodies for the ***-
(a) Vacation of the following streets and alleys: vacation ^
of 15 Street from its intersection with U. S. Highway 101 to its
intersection with Hawthorne Avenue; vacation of Fir Avenue from
16 Street to its intersection with 15 Street; vacation of the alley
in Blocks 66 and 67; vacation of Greenwood Avenue from 16 Street
to 14 Street; vacation of the alley in Blocks 61 and 60.
(b) Vacation of the plat, streets and alleys in Blocks 28,
29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36 of the Amended i-lat of Railroad
Addition; the vacation of 15 Street from Schoj^cld River to Haw
thorne Avenue; and the vacation of the westfeet of 13 Street between Schofield River and Hawthorne Aveauer*"^A'
(c) The approval by the City of Reedsport's Planning Com
mission and the Reedsport City Council of the replatting of the
above nine blocks as shown on the map to be presented to the
Council and planning Comraission and comprising a total of fortytwo
lots to be developed for homesites.
(d) Consideration ox the City Council after said vacations '
to the immediate transfer to Umpqua Shopping Center of a deed con
veying title to Umpqua Shopping Center of the property described
as Blocks 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 60 and 67 of tiie Amended Plat of
Railroad Addition to the City of Reedsport and the balance of said
property comprising Blocks 30, 31, 32, 33, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 and
66 to be placed in escrow under an agreement for five years after
which time if Umpqua Shopping Center has not filled said property,
the title to the same to revert to the City of Reedsport free of
any claim of Umpqua Shopfcijing Center.
(e) The rezoning to business zone or commercial zone all
property in said area lying south of Hawthorne Avenue and between
Schofield River and 12 Street and all property north of Hawthorne
Avenue between Schofield River and 12 Street to be zoned to resi
dential .
Respectively submitted by Umpqua Shopping Center.
Lester W. Thompson
I960 IN m Dm HAIL AT 7;^ P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger and Gouncilmen Murp^ey, Boe, Brainard, Hurlttker,
Herra, and Urben.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read.
C»unclljnan %rp&ey as^ed t« be excused as h« was not feeling well.
Motion made by Ctuncilman Hurl®cker and seconded by Councilman Bfe that
the City accept the recommendation of the planning Qommission to accept
a dedication of a 20' alley in the westerly side of Johnson addition
which motion was passed by vote of Aye 5 ^'ay 0»
Motion made, seconded and passed to accept the license granted by Menasha
Company to usd access road to the City Pipelinan sections 13 & ^8.
Motion made, seconded and passed to purchase used street sweeper from
Feenaughty Machinery C#mpany for price of $ 5,000.00.
Police activity report for the month of July was presented for examination,
Motion made by Councilman ^e and Seconded by Hurlocker for the City to
procedd with the rdcoramendation of the State Highway ^onmission for the
type of traffic control signal to be erected at intersection of 19tn
and Winchester Avenue of ^i^way 101, City Attorney Jayne to write letter
authorizing the installation and cooperation with the State ^i^way Conm,
Mayor ^nger state that several members of the Planning Consnission wished
to feander their resignation because of lack of time to properly serve
on the Conaission, The members resigning arej 0 H Hinsdale, William
Andrews, and Clarence Hahn, Mayor Unger stated that new members would
be appointed at a later meeting.
No action was taken on the request of the Fire Chief to attend a a
convention to be held at Los Vegas,
Councilman Boe brought up the question of 6ivilian Defense for discussion.
Father study will be made by 'Councilman Boe on this and a report and
recommendation will be made later.
Motion mdde, seconded
Umpqua Nat*l Bank
H M McCabe
^liza Burdick
Johns-Manville Corp
Raymond Hass
Walt Millbpy
Payroll Fund
l"'illiam ford
Payroll Fund
Opal i^aylor
Rosalie Reeder
Richard ^iles
Geo I'ey
Ray 'Chambers
Marguerite Brown
Ump ^^at'l^Bank
American Rubber
American llaFrance
Alberts Electronics
Berg ^ Wally
and passed to pay the following bills:
35324,25 Dr ^ourtney 5.00
40,00 Coos Bay Statio nery A.O?
2037.50 John Dye 90,55
22B0$*kk Treasurer Douglas 2000,00
40.00 Gawley's Hdwe 14.71
40,00 Koke-Chapman 14.37
1800,00 League ^r^ Cities 272,44
13.42 Johns^Manville 7000,00
14,20 OK Rubber '^'elders 19.25
5245*58 101 Service 55*50
3.00 PiiES 8.50
3.00 Simmons Carbon 12,94
3#00 ^#rt Ump Courier 178,48
3*00 City North i^end 10,00
3,00 PERS 207.13
3,00ULKay*&'tV'Service 29.80
2280,00 Reedsport Mach Wks 5*25
1149*24 i^eedsport Auto Parts 14*49
187*44 Reedsport Mtr Frt 17*52
84.25 Reedsport ^dre Dept 542,00
70.35 Reedsport Auto ^lect 87,95
433*84 ReedsportOutdoor Shop 13*40
Bob ^und, Ins 2702.11
SliiC 156.99
Traffic Safety Sup 47.91
'^aylor Hdwe 19.33
Ump -iSlect 43.37
Union Oil Co 2a.67
Ump Ind Sup 123.00
Ump. '^rug Co 34.71
Ump Bldg -^p
V/est C»ast Tele
Waterworks Supplies 755.38
Everett Wright 128.50
There being n • flither business the meeting vas duly adjeurned;
Present were Mayor ^nger, ^euncilnien Hurlpcker, ^^erra, Brainard, Murphey,
and Boe* Ceunciiman ^rben absent.
Mayor Unger appointed J • M. Mams to the Planning Commission. "Hie appointment
was approved by Council action.
Motion made by Councilman Hurlocker and Seconded by "Councilman Murphey to
renew the Lease to Diamond ^rtin for a period of 5 years with a thirty
day cancellation clause. Motion was paased by vote of ^ye 5 Nay 0»
The condition of the facilities provided for a bus depot was brought before
the Council for discussion, after considerable opinions were expressed, a
motion was made and passed to ask the ovmer t© celan up the premises and
provide a suitable place for a depot and give her one week to do so. A
letter is to be written to the Greyhound popple regarding these facilities
expressing the dissatification of the 0ity.^
Report was made to the Council that the Highway Commission had approved the
installation of traffic signals in the 19th' and V^inchester intersections
as requested by the ^ity.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to install 6 stop signs on the North
Side of Viiades Fiat, "'locations picked are: •
Greenwood and Hawthorn avenues to be stpps »n 2®th Street#
19th Avenue to be stops on Greenwood Avenue.
Motion made, seconded and passed
Ore Phys Ser 13»42
Payroll Fund 1835.00
Ted Hansen 874.59
Geo McCuHooh 300.00
Payroll Fund 5684.74
Albert's Electronics 70.20
Baker's Saw Shop 42.55
PUD 637.68
Coos i^ay Stat 4.05
John Dye 129.02
to pay the* following bills:
Fire Eqi^n C©
Gawley's ^dwe
A & W Drive in
K & MLogging C®
League of Ore Cities
Morse Bros
H MMcCabe
Melville Plumbing
City N®rth Bend
101 Service
Pennsalt Chemicals
i^aram®unt ^^est Ser
Reedsport ^nion ^er
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedsport i^chine
Reedsport ^ut© •'^ect
Reedsport -^aundry
Reedsport Mtr Frt
Reedsport ^ire Dept
State^f ^re
Skylark Cafe
Taylor Hdwe
Wews Press
3.50 Union Oil 352.03
37.50 Umpqua i^rug 7.78
221.32 Ump Bldg Sup 227.53
8.00 Ump Ind sup 168.86
8,35 West Coast ^ele 110,80
46.53 Wray ^ Vaughn 500.00
177.78 Sverett Vifright 128,50
28,46 Thompson-Eppe rhart ^ts 528.93
Meeting was duly adjoxirned.
Present were ^ayor linger Councilmen Boe, Murphey, Herra, Hurlocker, and Urben,
Present also were members cifi the Planning Comniission Tom Lillebo, Robert
Sund, ^r Howitt, H Nickels, Frank Taylor and Mose Adams.
Minutes of previous meeting were rsad^arid approved as read.
The appointment of H ii ^''ickels and Robert Sund t® the Planning 'Commission v:as
approved by Council Action,
I^lanning Commission called their meeting to Order and considered the |)roposed
plat of the CCC Tract, After discussing the various easements etc on the proposed
Plat, it was recommended that the plat be accepted and that the proposed
plat be presented to the Council firr their consideration. The Plat was accepted
by proper motion made, seconded and passed. The Planning Commission then adjourned
their meeting. Planning Commission action approved and plat approved
by Council action.
Councilman Urben gave report on the Recreation Qommittee and recommending
tiis certain things to be done by the City« the question of adequate lighting
at the entrance was brought up. City Rgcorder to contact the PUD for
their recommendation for better lighting.
^ Boe reported that the Counfcy Civil Defense Director 'vould be ^ Reedsport for
a meeting on the seventeenth day of this month at Pioneer Grade ^chool.
Councilman Murphey brought up the question of overtime parking in the downtown
area, After considerable discussion it was moved that the folice Qommittee
study the puDblem and see that ,'?it--b6 .cafried -t^' a solution.
City Recorder instructed to write letter to Southern Pacific asking them to
clean up their right of way jdossiiks through tovm.
Councilman ^rben brou^t up the question of Florddation of the water supply
for discussion. Considerable interest was expressed regarding this by
persons present at the meeting. ^ Mackenzie and Dr McLean both gave a report
expressing their viws on this. More research on this problem or solution
will be made by Councilman Urben.
Metioh was made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills:
Obq Phys Service 13.^ Loggers.^ Contractors 198.58
i^ayrell ^'und 1830.00 C&ty North Ben^ 13.00
Feenaughty Mach C© 2400.00 0 i^rth 224.20
Payroll Fund 4895.56 OK Rubber '"'elders 22,00
H M McCabe 60.00 Pennsalt Corp 37.50
Ray Hass 60.00 Paramount Pest Control 8.00
ViJalter Miller 60.00 PHIS 193.63
William ^©rd 60.00 Reedsport ^nion Ser 40.35
American LaFrance 168.56 R adio ^ TV Center 1.50
Burrough Corp 28.25 Reedsport Aut© Parts 20.79
Bureau of Labor 12.00 Reedsport Mach Vilks 36.84
^erg Wally 50.62 Skylark Cafe 10.35
PUD 615.15 Reedsport ^ire ^ept 326.00
Cliffs ^bil Ser 3.88 ReedsDort Frt
Sund Ins C®
Dr Courtney 7.50 117.57
Coos Bay Stat Co 1.07 SIAC 160.02
John Dye 139.78 Taylor Hdwe 91.97
Qawley's Hdwe 5.51 Thompson Motors
Ump ^nd Sup
W ^ Karcher 53.51 10.70
Union Cn Co 269.85 Ump River Wav 16.00
Umpqua Electric 36.95 Umpqua Bldg Sup 117.93
Umpqua Drug 2.39 V^est Coast Tele 138.07
Everett Vn'right 131.15 Ray S^odln 50.00
There being no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
i960 IN CITY HALL AT 7*30 ?UM
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Murphey, Urban, Herra, Hurlocker,
and Brainard, Councilman Boe was absent.
kinutea of previous meetings were read and approved as read.
i'lans and proposed cooperative agreemhnt for the installati©n<,and
maintenance of the Winchester ^venue and 19th Street signals were
examined and discussed. Motion was made, seconded and passed authorizing
the signing of the agreement and the approval of the specifications
as outlined by the Stat4 ^igipvay '-'ommissi^^j.
Dan "''^headon appeared before the '•'ouncil relative to dances to be given
by the teen-age ^lub. He was informed that prdvate dances were not
regulated by the City as were Public dances.
•f^rchie Mustoe appeared relative to the barking of dogs at night. He
was told that this would constitute an nuisance under City Ordinances
and that he would have to sign a complaint and then the City could
try to solve the problem.
Motion was made, seconded and passed authorizing the City Recorder te
sign and approve liquor license renewals in the City,
A discussion was held regarding traffic entering Winchester afenue from
the street serving the depot and Reedsport ^ill Company. It was decided
to install a stop sign for traffic entering ^'inhhester Avenue..
Motion made, seconded and
Ore Phys Service
Payroll 'und
Geo McCulloch
Payroll Fund
•^Ibert' s Electronic Ser
Cliff* s %bile Ser
Leo Cary, Ins
Geo Cake C©
John Dye
Fire Equip Co
Gawley's Hdwe
Vii A Karcher
Loggers ^ Oo^traatbrss
City i^orth Bend
News Press
101 Service
OK iiubber ^''elders
Union Oil Co
Ump i^rug C©
V/est Coast Tele
Western Stores
Mary Ann Thorton
Julianne V/illiams
Brisliaa Martin
Meeting Adjourned.
passed to pay the following bills:
13.62 PliliS - 8.16 &
1830.00 Pennsalt ^fg 37.50 $sn
49.60 Pacific Waterv'orks 17.25
4293.49 pms 160.e4
5.02 Paramount Pest Control 8.00
577.04 John C, Pollard 50.00
5.50 iieedsport ^uto P^rts 17.18
100.00 Reedsport ^ch Wks 29.33
10.47 Reedsport Auto Elext 64.58
219.34 Reedsport Fire Dept 304.00
70.45 R L Service 9.75
3.69 Reedsport Union Ser 13.15
177.00 Reedsport Mtr ^'rt 8.81
82.95 Std Oil C© 13.90
13.00 Byron Smith 7.86
24.00 SIAC U3.63
29.19 Taylor Hitwe 33.24
10.50 Thompson Ford Co 31.18
269.37 Ump Bldg ^p 69.05
1.49 Waterworks Supplies 282,26
108.85 Everett Wright 136.50
34.14 Doris Plov 3.00
3.00 H J Lyster 3.00
3.00 Dorothy Schweitzer 3.00
3.00 Ray Chmrch 3.00
I960 THii cm AT 7:30 P^M.
Present were May»r ^nger Councilmen Hurlocker, Boe and Brainard.
Meeting called for the purposes of holding a pmblic hearing on the proposed
Street, a Hey, and Block vacations as published in the notice of
public hearing in the Port Umpqua Courier.
After considerable discussion a motion was made, seconded and passed ts
instructing the Gity attorney to prepare the necessary Ordinances etc to
perfect the proposals as outlined in the NCDTICS OF EUBUC HJiiiBiG,
Proper Ordinances will be pregared and presented at .alater meeting for
•N-T' - •
OF DiiCiiiiBER 196O IN THE GITY H^iLL aT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Hiirlocker, Imrphey, Brainard,
Urben, and Councilmen elect I)unn and Swain.
Minutes previous meeting read and approved as read.
BLOCKS IN RAIEROAD ADDITION was read for first reading and upon
motion made by counciLnan Urben arid seconded by Councilman l^Iurphey
it was Jiassed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0 to second reading.
Read by title only for second readimg and motion by Councilman Kurlocker
seconded by Councilman Urben it was passed by vote of Aye 5 ^ay 0 to
third and final reading. Ordinance 434 was read in full for final
reading and upon motion made by Councilman Kurlocker and seconded by
Jouncilman Murphey it v/as passed by vote of Aye 5 ^ay* 0. Mayor
Unger stated that the Qrdinance was in full effect as of this dat^
since it contained the required emergency clause.
The question of the payi.ng for the heating gas used in the Scout hall
located in City Park Block on Vifades Flat was brought before the Council.
It was decided that the City could not assume this obligation and it
was referred byck to the Scouts.
State 4igineer 8.00 Paramount Pest Ser 8.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Patty Cash 44.56
PajToll Fund 1830,00 P£RS 146.79
I, 0, Johnson 53.95 Pannsalt C© 37.50
Ore State Hwy Dept 2700.00 Reedsport Logging Sup 3.00
Payroll Fund 4650.71 Reedsport Pirs Dept 1078.00
Berg "St Wally 105.05 Reedsport Plumbing 36.51
PUD 593.14 Reedsport Auto -^arts 33.35
Water Dept 75.00 R & L Service 9.10
Geo Cake Cq 8.91 Reedsport Mach '"'ks 21.81
Dr Courtney 5.00 Reedsport Auto Elect 12i86
John Dye 212,02 Reedsport Auto Parts 29.55
Daily Mtr Co 15.45 SIA.C 150.35
Coast Stores 1.79 Sund Ins C© 143.60
Fire Equip C© - 124.46 SIAC 7.50
Cawley's Kciwe 1.33 Thompson Motors 479.78
V/illiam Ford 40.00 Taylor Hdwe 51.95
iV A Karcher a8.78 West Coast ^ele 119.70
Koke-Chapmpn 120.33 The News Press 19.00
Geo Melville 69.40 Union Oil 230.13
City North Bend 13.00 Ump Bldg Sup 61.37
iSorthwest Equip SupplJ* 11.73 Ump Drug ^0- 12.59
C JEO'Neil 67.78 Vfestcoast Marine 3.95
OK Rubber Welders 113.00 Evebett Vsj'right 128,50
Standard Oil Co 10.42 Jack Dunn & A1 Urben 27.05
Umpqua Electric 36.62
There bring no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
Attest' >
Xy Recorder
Newly elected Councilman and ^yor were sworn in by the City Recorder.
Present were iiayor ^nger, Couhcilmen Hurlocker, Murphey, ^oe, ^ain, ^nn ^ Urben
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
The following committees were appointed by the llayor and appointments
were confirmed by Council action.
Finance Committee
Vifaljer "
Street ^ Sewer
Police & Fire
Bldg, Playground^ & ^ight
Dr. B©e, Jack ^\inn
Gordon Murphey, 8r ^oe, Lin Swain
Paul Hurlocker, Al Urben, Jack ^\inn
Lin Swain, Paul Hurlocker
Al Urben, Gordon Murphey
City Recorder I^ Johnson
Water Commissioner Arthur Tollefson
Police Chief H MMcCabe
Fire Chief James Thornton
Health Officer Dr. *^ourtney
Civil Defnes Administrator
Planning Commission F, L, Taylor, J. i'
S. i^aily, H, E. Nickels, Tom Lillebo.
Boxing ^ Wrestling "^omm Dr. McLean, Bill Fullhart, ^ay Brandon
Recreation Committee Ed ^arks, Jerry Larson, Earl Plagmann, ^larence
Hahn, John Svoboda, Stanley Furman, Harold Faircloth, iiiartin ^andon,
Gilbert Pointer, John -Stevens, Leo Tucker.
The problem o:^ trucks and their To - - '-est side of "ades Flat
which has been recently paved v/as discussed. ^lotion was made, and passed
to table this until more information could be gotten from the ^eague of
^regon ^''ities research dept.
George -^arks made a report on the Garbage being dumped in the vicinity
of the nevfly completed boat ramp on Puainbow P]kza,
U • ^ayor nger appointed the follovring committee to look over the trailer
court Ordinance and make any suggestions for additions or changes, Committee
iijipoihted consisting of Lin Swain, Gordon M^rjiey, AIJ. ^rben.
^dams, i^r Howitt, Robert ^und.
Motion, made, seconded and passed
Gordon Murphey 27.00
Ore Phys Ser 13*62
Payroll Fund 1800.00
John V^arren Hdwe C© 63.80
^kylark Cafe 26.95
Payroll Fund 3978.07
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 3716.25
First iVat'l Bank 452.50
Airkac 95.30
Berg ^ Wally 2.00
Cliff's Mobil Ser 52.78
DR Courtney 5.00
Chamber of Commerce 15.00
PUD 613.26
John Dye , .215.21
Fire Equip ^o 206.78
Hale's Stationery Co 4.95
Vif A Karcher 221.27
Eeo Melville Plumbing 2.90
idl Service 209.43
Pannsalt ^o 37.50
PERS 93.84
Paramount Pest Ser 8.00
Ray Church 20.00 H MMcCabe 60
Meeting Adjourned.
to pay the following bills:
i^eedsport ^nion Ser 7.08
Petty Cash. 45.84
iteedsport flumbing 2185.19
Ray's TV Sgr 8.80
Reedsport Auto Parts 10.87
Reedsport 4uto "^lect 107*00
Reedsport j^ch 17.78
Reedsport ?ire ^ept 498.00
Reedsport Motor Frt 3.11
Standard Oil 8.49
Sund ^s Co 371.09
SIAC 133.51
Byron Smith 3,95
News Press 86.00
Taylor Hdwe 48.59
Thompson Motors 61.12
Union Oil 334.89
Umpqua Bldg ^p 61.51
Ump Drug ^ 2.30
Ump River ^^av Go 38.00
Ump Ind ^up I65.O4
West Coast Tele 113.15
./right Cleaning 128.50
.00 Vi E Miller 6O.OO Ray ^ass 60.p0
1961 IN THE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, CounciLmen Urben^ Boe, Murphey, Dunn,
Kurlo^.er .and Swain. Council man Swain arrived at 95OO P.M.
MSnutes of the prev4ums meetings were r.ead and approved as read.
Paul Hurlocker was elected president of the Council.
Clyde Numally appeared before the Council relative to the pay&ng
of the paving of street adjacent to property owned by the PUD. He
v;as infornjed that since this was an extra width street and that only the
extra vddth portion which was an obligation .of the City , was paved
and that Ehe PUD vfould have to pay v.'hen their normal portion of the
street was paved at a later date. Also he informed the Council that
the PUD was offering for sale their v/arehouqe building and lot at the
depfceciated value of about $ 35>300.00,
Mr Nunnally also outlined an improved street lighting program. He x
suggested^increasing the size of the of the .residential lights from
2500 lumen to 6OOO lumen at an additional cost of about $ 1,000.00 per
year. He,stated that the lumination would be increased by about 2^
LICENSING OF DOGS was read for first reading after revisions and
passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0. Ordinance v;ill be revised as read and
be ready for second reading at next regular .council m.efeting,
Rbb^rt Sund appeared before the Council relative to the new
insurance .plan available to the City. He was authorized to submit a sworn
statement_of values of the insur able buildings for a determination
of insurance cost c:nd coverage.
The .question of a suitable place to hgld Municipal Court trials
was brought before the Council by the Mayor» After considerable discussion
and opinions v/ere expressed, a committee was appointed consisting of
the Police and Fire commAttee, Ra±iKExaH±xFire Chief, City Attorney
and City Recorder to consider this \juestion and make a recommendation
to the Council.
Gordon Myrphey informed the Council that he was elected chairman
of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Urban Renewal,
Kenneth Kent appeared before the Council relative to the purchase
of city property outside of the City Limits, Council took this under
advis.'iient and referred it to the planning Committee.
Councilman Swain stated that he would have a report and suggestion
on trailer parking in the City of Reedsport.
The request of the City Attorney for an additional $,50.00 per
case fcr trials held in the Municipal Court and additional compensation
for cased referred by appeal to the Circuit Court. Referred to the
Finance Committee for their consideration.
Motion was mads, seconded and passed authorizing the City Recorder
to purchase ani mirnmograph machine by bids for like machines.
The question of parking on Rainbovr Plaza for cars and trailers using
the Rainbovr Flaza Boat Ramp was brought up for discussion. It was decided
to place a parking log down the center of the street which could be driven
across for conveniences of parking a boat trailer and car together.
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Leo Cary 115.45
Payroll Fund 1800.00 John Dye 286.11
E R Levins 3.00 Joe^s Appl Ser 2.50
Virginia Joseph 3.00 W A Karcher 240.04
Karry Ludwig 3.00 Loggers & Contr 29.28
Dolly Sylvester 3.00 Geo Melville 5.00
Alice Halse 3.00 OK Rubber Welders 22.28
Gladys McCulloch 3.00 City North Bend 26.00
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 1968.75 Paramount Pest 8.00
Eva Smiley 16.25 Port Ump Courier 1.87
Ore Assn Fin Officers 2.00 PERS 195.96
James DeWitte 300.00 Reedsport Loggir^ Sup 9.88
Viilet Musii^.ger 3.00 Reedsport Auto ^lect 61.28
Maurine I^owles 3.00 Reedsport Autp $1.69
Bobbie McKinney 3.00 Reedsport Mach Wks 3.13
Maybelle Barton 3.00 Byron Smith 3.95
Charles Walls 3.00 Skylark Cafe 9.45
Marguerite Brown 3.00 SIAG 158.95
Dorothy ?/alker 3.00 News Press 20.00
Payroll Fund 4874.99 Ump Bldg Sup 176.17 •
Dolores Kittle son 3.00 Ump River Nav 264.00
Crystal Abel 3.00 Ump Drug Co 8.94
Lois Bickson 3.00 Ump Ind Sup 11.71
Liargerifee Richardson 3.00 West Coast Tele 110.75
Lennie Unfeerwegner 3.00 Waterworks Supplies 116.06
Charolette Brandon 3.00 Wrights Ind Cleaning 134.00
C L Wells 300.00 V/estern Stores 4.14
American LaFrance 155.60 Cliff's Mobil Ser 2.00
AlbertAs Rlftctronic Ser 11.44 -R & L SheU 179.63
Berg & Wally 31.72 Sundbaums 24.00
PUD 682.45 Coos Bay Stat 1.44
General Fond Trans 3600.00 Reedsport Mtr Frt 5
D L Courtney 7.50 Thompson Mtrs 20.07
Union Oil 230.30 Reedsport Fire Dept 630.00
There biang no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Hurlocker, Boe, Murphey, Dunn.
Meeting called for purpflise of opening bids for a new police car.
Bids were opened and tabled for futher consideration.
Pl?6sant--;were:iteyor Unger Councilmen Boe, Murphey, Dunn, Hurlocker, & Swain,
Minutes of prevdams meeting were read and approved as read.
DOGS was read for second reading and passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay o to
haird and final reading to be at the ^April council meeting.
Police committee recommend that the City purchase the do^ge for a police
car according to the bids as received by the Council, Motion was made
seconded and passed to purchase the Dart Do^ge Car for the price of $ 2200
as per bid. After considerable discussion by the members of the Council
it was recommend that the Police committee see that an adequate
service program is installed and put into ase for the servicing of the
new police car.
A Recommendation was received from the Planning Commission that no action
by taken by the Council regarding the controlimgg of trailers parked within
the City limits because adequate provisions under the state trailer law
applied to the construction of a temporary trailer court.
Plannigg Commission recommendation that no future water service tre
extended outside of City limits until an adequate map or plat, Bse,
size, access etc by filled and approved by the Planning Commission
was accepted by motion made by Councilman Boe and Seconded by Councilman
Murphey. The Council futher stipulated that the Planning Commission would
not unnecessarily withhold their approval if it was reconmedded by the
Motion was made, seconded, and passed that the fire department do not
answer any fire calls outside of the city limits unless it is a mutual aid
call. This v;as due to a xiuestion of adequate coverage on 6he City
liability policy.
Planning commmssion recommendation that the City annex city owned
property now outside of city limits was taken under advisement.
The question of rezoning of city property was tabled until this is
discussed with the Bureau of Municipal Research representative noi?
making a study of the City land uses.
Motion was madd, seconded and passed that the area of dining room now
used as a pool room b^ cleaned up and the tables removed so that it can
be used for city functions other hhan recrdation.
The finance committed recommended that the City pay their attorney for
trials at the following rate; Municipal Cases $ 50.00 per case. On
appeal to a higher circuit Court at the rate of $ 100.00 per case. This
recommendation was accepted by proper motion made, s edonded and passed.
Motion made to pay the following bills;
P E R S 7.70 OPS 13.62
S ally Berglund 3.00 Umpqua Nat'l Bank 18.75
Marlene Kaufmann 3.00 Payroll Fumd 4063.02
Ruth Baxter 3oOO Bureau of Mun Res 1500.00
Ida Cory 3.00 D L Courtney 7.50
Alice Goldgn 3.00 PUD 665.00
Edward Bakke 3.00 Coos Bay Stationery 25.00
Kathryn Ketcham 3.00 John Dye 244.77
Stanley Esselstrom 300.00 Chas Doerner 6.93
Payroll Fund 1800.00 Feenaughty Mach Co 2400.00
Fire 5§quip Co .2.50 Standard ©il Co 16.60
W A Karcher 216.33 SIAC 139.31
Loggers & Contractors 106.84 Thompson Service 84o98
H M McCabe 3.70 Umpqua Drug Co 5.42
Munnell & Sherrill 36.48 Umgqua Nat'l Bank 15000.00
City North Bend lioOO Union Oil Co 178,39
• OK Tire Shop 1.25 Umpqua River Wav 91.00
Pennasalt Co 37o50 Ump Bldg Sup 143.15
Paramount Pest . 8.00 Umpqua Electric' 36o72
PERS 171.60 Wkerworks Supplies 225.99
Reedsport Mtr Frt 5o53 Vilst Coast Tele 105.30
Reedspoart Fire Dept 292.00 VJrights ind Cleaning 128.50
Reedsport Union Ser ^6.70 West Coast Marine 4.20
Reedsport Loggirg Supply 2.98 Allen Smith 12.50
Reedsport Auto Parts 28.36
Reedsport Logging Suppl^ 2.60
Reedsport Mach Wks 2.64
Alfred Richardson 11.50 .
Reedsport Auto Elect 84.52
There being no futher business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Present were Mayor Unger, Coxmcilmen Urben, Boe, Murphey, Hurlocker,
Dunn, and Swain.
Minutes of previous meeting read and apprw^d as read,
was read for third and final reading and passed by vote of Aye 6 Nay 0»
Mayor dedlared that the Ordinance was in full effect as of this date.
Suggestions for the location of a dog pound were made and the Port
Officials will be contacted regarding the port Property.
DANCING was read for first reading and passed to second and third xa
reading by title only and then was passed by vote of Aye 6 Nay 0.
Since this Ordinance contained an emergency clause, the Mayor declS-ted
the ordinance in full3effect as of this date.
Motion made, seconded and passed to have a joint meeting with the pi
Planning Commission regarding their proposed zone changes.
Motionmade, seconded and passed to call for a public hearing for a
proposed zone change adjacent to S^i§tlsideDs>fv?£o@gwood Drive from
22nd Street to Highland drive. Proposed change is from Zone 3 Business
to Zone 2 Residential and also to remove said area form the Fire Zone.
Motion was made, seconded and passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay ^ not to
grant an easement to Central Lincoln pUD for the electrial service tO
serve additional float houses in the Schofield Area.
Motion made, seconded and passed authorizing the Library Board to
install electric heat in the Library. Amount specified is $ 341.78i
A request was brought before the Council by IJr. Burdick to increase
the speed on Winchester avenue to 35 mph. R quest was referred to the
Street Commitfefee for their study.
Approval to lease space in the city building at rental of 55*00 per
month . Lease to be a 5 year lease with a non cancellable cause for
the first year. Cancellable after one ye^r by 6o day notice by either
pasty. Repairs of tile and paint to be paid by renter and deducted frcan
A proposal for the development of reservoirrhill was presented to 'the
Council. Tabled for futher study.
Motion made, seconded
Payroll Fund
Ore Phys Ser
Geo Webb
Gordon Murphey
Payroll Fund
American Rubber Mfg
Bernhardt's Furn
Geo Cake Co
Coos Bay Stationery
apd passed
to pay the following bills;
John ^ye
Fire Equip Co
G^wley*s Hdwe
Hale*s Stat Co
W A Karcher
City North Bend
lOI Service
OK Tire Shop
Paramount Pest Control
Reedsport Fire Dept 540.00 Waterworks Supplies U3.80
Reedsport Mtr Frt 11.26 Wright's Cleaning Ser 136.50
Reedsport Union Ser 101.37 H M McCabe 60.00
Reedsport Auto Parts 34.56 Ray Hass 60.00
Reedsport Auto Elect 19.71 Walter Miller 60.00
SIAC 141.03 Ray Church 60.00
Taylor Hdwe 49.22 Walter Miller 32.40
Thompson Ford 2.93 H M McCabe 2.45
Union Oil 2eo.86
Umpqua Bdlg Supply 541.15 •
Ump River Nav Co 66.00
West Coast Tele 109.90
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned,
. /
OF APRIL 1961 ^IN 1HE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M. *
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Hurlocker, Murphey and Urben,
Present of the Planning Commission were Frank Taylor, Mose Adams, Ike Daily and Dr,
Howitt. . ^
Meeting called for bhe purpose of discussing the suggested rezoiiig of
parts of the City. •
Blocks 102 to 107 Amended Railroad Additicaia to the City was suggested
to be re zoned i'rom Business to Residential zone # 2 and removed from the fire
zone. Dick Ivey was present and reviewed the progress of the land use and
zoning study for the city as a whole. After considerable discussiorig
on the proposed chiange a motion was made by Councilman Hurlocker and seconded
by Councilman Urben that this area be rezoned as suggested. Vote was 'Aye 3
Nay 0. Since Councilman Boe did not vote. The motion died for a lack of a
Meeting Adjourned.
rijpm l$6l IN THE CITY HALL AT 7:^ P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, C ouncilmen Hurlocker, Dunn, Boe, Urben and
Hearing on the rezoning of the aeea from 22nd Street along Ldg^cd
Drive south to the Highland Addition to the City of Reedsport. Area
to be rezoned is 100 feet in width parallel to the old highway 101.
I Since there were no objections to the proposed rezoning, the City
Attorney was instructed to draw up the neaessary ordinances to
i I affect the rezoning as advertised.
Frank Taylor appeared before the Souncil relative to the develojanent
of possible park iites or the beautification of City owied property in
various aree|s of the City. Hb stated that several persons were interested
in a program of this type and would be glad to offer their time and a
advise on a program of this sort. The Mayor appointed Frank Taylor,
Lillian Hahn, Clarence Hahn, Kelson Hogan, H E Nickels, and the
president of the Garden club as a commdrttee to start the program rolling.
Councilman Boe stated that he would contact the members of the Junior
Chamber of Commerce in regard to their hel^ and suggestions on the
problem of Civil Defense Coordinator.
Ordinance # 437 An ordinance outlining the proceedure for subdivision
regulations was read for first reading and passed by vote of Aye' 5 Nay 0.
The following were appointed fo serve for a three year term on the
City Budget; James McCuUough, William Humphrey, and tiarwin Berhhardt.
Hold over members of the committee are George Williams, Roger Love,
arid Ben Gawley.
The question of the location for a city dog pound was brought up for
discussion. Since the S-^nitary dupp operated by Mr Hahn was suggested;
and since Mr Hahn and Mr Hubbard were both present, this suggestion was
relayed to them. Various problems immediately presented themselves
and it was decided by Mr Hubbard and Mr Hahn tiiat they would get together
at a later date and decide whether the pperation of a dog pound would
be compatable with the* operation of a sanitary dump.
Councilman Boe brought up the peiliiig or offering to sell by bids of
block 102 Amended Railroad Addition, iince this area is included in
the area Suggested to be ressoned, it was felt that the change of zone
should be accomplished before the salfe of the property.
Aiodmbined Council and Planning Commission meeting is to be held on the
22nd day of May in the Council Chambers. .
' Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills;
Payroll Fund I65O.OO
^ Ore Phys Ser 13.62
Edwards & Marshall 105.18
Payroll Fund 3865.93
Doris Davis 300.00
B.A. & Berg Borrevi^ 22.72
Baker*s Saw Shop 17.25
PUD 703.95
General Fund Trans 15825.00
D L Courtney 12.50
John Dye 150.02
Hiles Stationery Co 27.00
W A Karcher lltl.75
Johns Manville ^61$.55
City North Bend 13.00
Paramount Pest 8.00
Pennsalt Corp 37.50
PERS 161.22
Reedsport Mtr Frt 24.79
Reedsport Fire Dept 418.00
Reedsport Lpgg.^ng Sup 2.98
Reedsport Auto Parts 8.05
Reedsport Mach Wks 64.45
Reedsport Auto Elect 135.20
Standard Oil 7.72
SIAC 121.25
Taylor Hdwe 45.91
Thompson Ford 8 les 55.50
U^ion oil 311.69
Umpqua Drug 25.92
Umpqua Ind Sup 4*00
West Coast Tele 101.75
Wrights Cleaners 136.50
Hydrotex Industries 55.13
PERS 7.26
Umjiqua Bldg Supply
Waterworks Supplies
Western Auto
H M McCabe
Reedsport Garagd
There biing no fiirther business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Special Couniil MEETING HELD THIS 22nd
AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor linger, Councilmen Urben Hurlocker, Boe, Muiphey, Dunn and
Meeting called for purpose of Having a joint meeting with the planning commission.
A Recommendation was recei^Jed from the planning Conmissionthat blocks
102 tol07 inclusive be rezoned to a new acne known a C2 Resident-Commercial,
Motion was made by Councilman Murphey and seconded by Councilman Swain
that the recommendation of the planning commission be appreved and that the
the necessary steps be made calling for the hearing. Motion passed by vo;^e of
Aye 6 Nay 0. Property purcftiased by Mr Clements adjacent to 22nd and Hwy lol
zoned to Business zone § 3/ Included in mettoaendation of planning comm.
Application for water seri^ce received from Mr. Frank Brucker. Since the
arda to be serviced is outside the city limits, the request was referred to the
Planning Commission for their action.
Applications Sot Package license for beer was redeived from Safwway and
a request for a change of location for ajfihange of location for a package
license was received from Fir Gi»ove Grocery, Both applications were
approved by motion made and passed.
Councilman Swain brou^t before the council' the questdcn of trailer parking
regualtions and again this was referred to the planning Commission for
their study and recommendation.
Meeting was duly adjourned. ' " *
Attest^ R^(6^raer
8:00 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Hurlocker, Murphey, Swain and Dunn
also William umphrey, Roger ^ve, George Williams, Ben Gawley, and Sliaffles
McGullou^ of the- Budget Committee.
William i^»umphrey was electi^d Chainnan of the Budget Committee and James
Mc CoilLLough was elected Secretary. Recorder Johnson was appointed recording
Estimates of receipts and expenditures were worked out and a budget was
approved by the Budget committee and recommended that th^ Council accejA
the budget ss agreed upon by the Committee.
Councilman Swain brou^t up the xjuestion of adequate budget to hire
professional services such as engineering or planning if needed. The
Budget will be flexible enou^ to cover this was the opinion of the
members present.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the budget as compiled and
to print the same and call for a public hearing as prescribed by law.
1961 IN THE CITY HALL AT 7^30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Swain, Murphey,
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Mayor Unger declared himself as a Councilman so that there would be a quorum
Mayor ^nger thanked various Council Comnifetfefes fofoth^ir interest and work
shown in their various duties.
REEDSPORT was read for final reading and approved by vote of Ays k Nay 0.
The Mayor then declared the Ordinance in full effect as of this date.
The request for the purchase of City owned property by the Umpqua Little
Theatre was tabled for future action because the location they requested is
in the process of being placed in a different buSlding zone if approved.
Mayor Unger started that some interest has been shown in paving on the south
side of Wades-Flat.
Dr. Hewitt, Chairman of the Planning Commission, Reported that the planning
commission would make a futher study on the parking of trailers within
the City limits and make futher suggestions on this.
Motion was made by Councilman Murphey and seconded by Councilman Boe that
the city call for bids for the furnishing of gas and oil and d&fisel for the
coming year. Motion was passed.
Motion was granted for the use of tennis court for a dog training program
for one hour a week for a period of 12 weeks. User is to clean up the area
after each training lesson.
Permission was granted to the Fleet Day Conmittee for the use of the City
Park in line with'their program for fleet day.
Councilman Murphey to see the ©addle Club regarding the construction of dog
pound on their leased property.
Motion irade, seconded and
Payroll Fund
Daily Mjn? Co
FkyroU Fund
American L^ France
General Electric
Albert's Electronics
Comminity Bldg Trsms
Dr ^ourtney
CoHvers Cleaners
Daily Mtr Co
John Dye
Dunn's Outfitting
Fireequipment C©
Gawley's Hdwe
Hale*s Office Equip
W A Karcher
Los Angeles Stamp Co
George Melville
passed to pay following bills:
1650.00 City North Bend
101 Service
OK Rubber Welders
Pennasalt Co
Port Ump Courier
tt ti It
Paramount Pest
Reedsport fogging
Reedsport nion Ser
Ray*s TV Ser
•Reedsport Auto •'^lect
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedsport Mach <^Mcs
Reedsport Mtr Frt
Reedspcrt Fire Dept
Reedsport Outdoor Shop
Standard Oil Co
12.50 Byron Smith
Sund Ins Co 321.63 SIAC 133.78
Taylor Hdwe 14.29 Thompson Ford Sales 9.88
Union Oil Co 168590 Umpqua Bldg Sup 101.87
West Coast Tele 104.70 Wilco Fire Equip 18.45
Waterworks Supplies 438.35 Western Union 1.82
Wrights IndiB trial 126.00 Petty Chdi 26.74
H M McCabe 4.90
Meeting was d ly adjourned,
Attested \
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Boe, Murphey and Dunn.
Mayor linger declared himesif as Councilmen to make a quorum present,
Sincisethere ^as not any objection to the proposed City budget as
printed in the paper calling for the hearing. It was moved and passed
that the Budget as published be adopted and the City Redorder was
instructed to draw up a Ordinance leving a tax in the amount of
$ 86,536«67 and have it ready for the next council meetirg.
Present v/ere Mayor Unger, Councilmen Murphey, Boe, Hurlocker, & Dunn.
Minutes of previous meeting here read and a|)proved as read,
Carl Uggen, representing the Southern Pacific Railroad, spoke to the Council
reigarding the proposed merger of the Southern Pacific and the Western S.
Pacific, He explained the benefits to the people now served by the S P
etc. After considerable discussion on thie, the Council adopted a resolution
supporting the merger.
Letter was read from the Southern Pacific regarding the request from the
City fofc the Railroad to dlean up their right of way.
and declaring an emergency was read and passed by the council for all three
reading by vote of Aye 4 Nay 0. The Ordinance was then signed and placed
in effect by the Mayor,
Motion was made, eeconded and passed to rent the space formerly occupied
by the City Finance Co to the Douglas County Health Department at a rental
of $ 60,00 per month, Counfcy to do all redecorating.
Motion was made to change the zone in blocks 101 to 10? as advertised and
create a new zone known ad zone 2C, motion was seconded- and passed. City
Attorney insti*ucted to proceed with the necessary ordinances to affect the
zone chmges ad advertised.
Motion made, seconded and passed to furnish water to Frank Brucker on Bowman
Road for one residence only,
City Attorney instructed to prepare the necesaary legal advertising or x
notices to be published in the paper that the City of Reedsport would not
answer any fire calls outside of the City liniits of Reedsport.
Motion made, secooded and passed to pay the itemized statement of the expenses
of the Fire Chief Convention of the fire Chief and one firemen.
Motion made, seconded and pazaed authorizing the park committee to prifjceed
with the investigation of the park area as to size and other problems.
Motion made, second ;d and passed for the city to assume the maintenance of
the Hahn Park.
Diehl and Serfling appeared before the Council relative to the development
of Crestview Hill. Final outcome of the discuswsion wr.d the retaining of
an engineer to work out the cost of a sewer and water system to serve the
area in question.
Motion made, sedonded and passed to pay tlie fillowing bills:
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Edwards Marshall 233o96
Payroll Fund 1650.00 League ore Cities 20.00
Payroll Fimd 4488,16 H M McCabe 5.85
Air Mac 50,15 City North Bend 13.00
Arcade First Aid 28,32 OK Tire Store 24.20
PUD 654.55 Port Ump Courier 35.06
Geo Cake Co 34.41 Pacdfic Pumping 7.13
Coast To Coast 13.14 Paramount Pest 8.00
Viater Dept 75.00 pms 179.88
Coos Bay Stationery 8.30 Reedsport Outdoor Shop 6.80
D^L Courtney 20,00 Reedsport Logging Sup 11172
D ily Motors 65.36 Reedsport Auto -^lect 71.51
RSedsport ..Auto Parts 19.33 Reedsport Mach Viks 42 .©0
Reedsport Union Ser
Reedsport Frt
Thompson Ford Ser
News Press
Taylor Hdwe
Union Oil
H M McCabe
Walter Miller
Dunn's Store
Meeting Adjiaurned.
22o90 Ump Bldg Sup
27.17 Ump Riv Nav
139•35 Ump Drug Co
2.00 Ump Ind Sup
12»00 V^est Coast Tele
61 a23 Waterworks Supplies
153o99 Wrights Ind Cleaning
60,00 Ray Hass
6O0OO Ray Church
32,13 Reedsport Fire Dept.
290 ..00
1961 IN THE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor ^nger C©uncilmen Murphey, Boe, Dunn, Hurlaocker and
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as reqd.
Letter was read from Cornell, Howland and Hayes regarding the proposed study
of the water and sewer installations as suggested for Crestview Heights.
Steve Henault requested that the City offer for sale Lots 1 & 2 Block
2 of Reedsport Addition, Council members are to inspect this property and
advise at latfer meeting.
Letter of resignation was EBS^ived from Councilman Urben. Hw has
moved outside of the City iiiid can no longer serve. Motion was made,
seconded and passed to accept the letter with regrets.
Motion made, seconded and passed accepting the recommendrtion of the
Mayor for Mr. Curt Baker to assume the duties of Civilian Defense Director
for the Reedsport Area.
The poor condition of the water pipe serving the Port of Umpcua property
was discussed. This pipe is the property of the port and they will be informed
of the needed replac^ent of pipe.
Motion madd, seconded and passed to write letter to Greyhound Bus
Company on their facilities in this area.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay following bille:
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 21,838.75 Clyde Wunnally 36.00
James Thornton 320.08 City NoBth Bend 13.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 lol Service 11.40
Payroll Fund 1650.00 Port Umpqua Courier 146.^
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 13768.75 Pennsalt Co 37.50
Doug Co Sheriff 36.20 Pamamount Pest 8.00
II II 127.83 Reedsport Logging Sup 93.05
Pioneer Grade School 204.74 PEES 187.62
Union Dist U 13 99.55 Reedsport Auto Parts 1.65
Lower Ump Hosp Dist 24.88 Reedsport Mach IVks
Reedsport ^utdoor Shop
Geo McCulloch 101.60 9.40
Payroll Fund 4746.24 Reedsport Mtr Frt 2.50
Geo McCnlTouch 300.00 Reedsport ^nion Ser 6.70
Albert's Electronic 86.36 Sund Ins Co 2294.60
Berg & Wally 6.20 State Forrester 27.20
PUD 674.32 SIAC 138.65
Dr Courtney 5.00 Ndws Press 166.00
General Fund Trans 10220.00 Taylor Hdwe 32.45
Coos Bay Stationerjr 3.73 Thompson Ford Sales 29.67
John Dye 48.22 Ump Bldg Sup 16.11
Daily Mtr Co 10.50 Ump Nat'l Bank ^98.75
Dunn's Outfitting Store 15.91 Ump Nav Co 44.00
Fire Equip Co 18.78 Ump Ind Sup 24.13
Gawley Hdwe 1.69 H M McCabe 2.30
Roy Henderson 92.00 Reedsport Fire Dept 334.00
A Karcher 57.46 Waterworks Supplies 53.80
League ^re Cities 149.90 Vifilco Fire Equip Co 114.00
Melville Plumbing 113.78 y/est Coast Tele 117.85
Wright's Ind Cleaning 128.50
Meeting duly a^gourned.
Rec( >rder
I 1
Present were Mayor Unger, CouncDjnen Kurnhey, Eoe, Hurlocker, Dunn
and Swain o.
lanutes of the p revmous meeting v/ere rea^ and approved as read.
Mrs Robert'Benson appeared before the Council regarding the intersection
of 22nd street vrith the State Highway # 101. 3he ^y^as representing the
P.T.A. and" asked City help to get more adequate warning signs, or some
better traffic control for this area. School childjren ^d pedistrians
crossing street was the primary concern. City llecorder instructed to
contact the State Highway Commission regarding this.
Mr. Frank Grates appeared regarding the possibility of opening the ponl
hall adjacent to his business for minors. He was told that if the ;
premises was modified to conform to State Liquor Control Regulations
regarding doors and access to the building, that it v/ould be approved by
the City,
M, A» Smith appeared regarding the transfer of liquor license of the
Silver Moon to a new location in a building to be constructed. The
request for the transfer was apprwed by vote of Aye 5 Nay Oo
Letter was read from the State -industrial Accident Comm stating that Vol
Firemen answering calls outside of the City at the Direction of the City
Council WQQld be covered by them otherwise they would not be covered.
Letter read from the Greyhound Bus lines stating that they v/ere attempting
to get a new bjts a||d freight depot in the City.
City Attorney instructed to advertise lots 1 &" Block 2 for sale by
sealed bids to be opened at the next regular Council meeting.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to purchase digger for the City and
to make a down payment of 30^ balance to be paid over two annual instal
lments over a 24 month period.
Ray Halladay was hired as a dog catcher at rate of $ 2.50 per hour and
to work a 4 hour day five days per wfeek. Pay for use of car is to be at
ratd of 9*^cents per mile* employmentto continue at this rate until
next council meeting.
Rental for use of Gym for daytime meeting in the morning for batan instruction
was set at ^ 5*00 per meeting.
was -read for first time and second and third tines by title only and passed
by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0, Mayor then stated that the orjiinance was in fulll
effect as of this date.
Police Committee reported that the «Jail is being renovated and other
conditions corrected to make it more usable as suggested by the Police
Fire T^ck is to be examined and repaired and kept for service at the
present time.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pa.y following bills:
John C, Rowe 3.00
OPS 13o62
Payroll Fund I65O.OO
Payroll Fund 5390.00
Jerry Liebrant 100.00
Lillian Hahn 3,00
Ellen Oliver 3,00
Helen Hedhus 3,00
Daily Mtr Co 10.50
Cecil Bennett 3.00
June Butler 3«00
Maurine i^nowles 3.00
Alberts Electronics 22,02
Baker Saw Shop 4o95
PUD 705.21
Coos Bay Stationery 1,08
Port Ump Courier 8.88
John Djcj^ 50.40
General Fund 2380J00 Reedsport Mackine Wks 53.$6
Ray Henderson 2.49 Reedsport Auto Parts 22.97
P L Hurlocker 461.08 Reedsport Union Ser 3.00
W A Karcher 18,43 Reedsport Sluto Elect 61.95
K & M Logging Co 910.00 Bryon Smith 7.18
J ohns-Manville 48.00 Bob Sund 534.65
J ohns-Manville 15309.22 SIAC 155.76
City North Bend 13.00 Skylark Cafe 9.25
101 Service 8.00 Taylor Hdwe 39.92
OK Rubber V/elders 80,74 News Press 50.00
Pacific Mtr Frt 2.72 Thompson Ford Sales 3.00
Paramount Pest Ser 8.00 Bureau of iabor 18.00
PERS 206.95 Union Oil Co 358.83
II 7.26 Urngqua Ind Sup 46.65
Reedsport Log Sup Co 103.30- Umpqua Bffldgj^up 6.50
A1 Richardson, 2.25 West Coast Tele 104.60
Reedsport ^aundry 3.06 Waterworks Sup 61.37
Reedsport lumbing 25.59 Wilco Fire Cquip Co 32.50
V/rights Ind gfer 128.50 Umpqua Drug 2.76
Motion rmdade^ Second and passed to adjourn meeting.
Mayor y
1961 IN THE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, Ce^cilmen Murphey, Dunn, Swain, Bee and
Minutes of previeus meeting were read and approved as read.
Public Auction, as advertised was held fer the sale of lots lSe2 Block 2
of Reedsport Addition* 0„ly bid was received from Steve Renault for 60.00
per lots for each lot* Motion was made, seconded and passed to sell the lots
as bid. Passed by vote ©f Aye 4 Niay 1.
Bids for the furnishing of Gasoline and oil for the ensuing year were
opened and read. Motion made, seconded and passed to study the bids as received
and to accept the a^owest bids received. Vote was JC^e 4 Nay 1.
Letter read from the Lower Umpqua Little Theatre Group asking for
infoimation regaivting their offer to purchase City owned property. After
considerable discussion a motion ^s made by Councilman Hurlocker and seconded
by Cotmcilman Bee that the City sell this property at the price offered.
Motion was defeated by fote of Aye 2 Nay 3.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to advertise for sale by sealed b^ds
all City owned property in Blocks 102 & 103* Parttof the consideration for
the sale will be the intended use of property and time of development. City
to reserve the right to reject any and all bids»
Letter was read requesting the using of the Community Building for a
pre school training program nxs Motion was made, seconded and passed not
to rent the building for this purpose.
City Recorder instructed to have crosswalks painted on the highway crossing
on the intersection of 22nd and Highway 101.
Permission was granted for the dredging on certain lots in Block 1
and to place some of the spoils on city street adjacent to the project.
Motion was made, seconded and passed instructing the City Recorder to write
letters to the Southern Pacific Company and The Cascade Plywood Corporation tag.
thanking them for their efforts to clean up the debris on their property.
Motion made, seconded and passed authorizing the Rec Committee to spend
$ 360.00 of their money fer the refinishing of the gym floor in the
Community Building.
Coos Bay Supply Co. 2654.48 Mrs. Chet Brunner 200.00
Payroll fund 1650.00 Oregon Physicians Service 13.62
Clifford V. Freude 8.40 Richard L. Simark 300.00
Roselyn D. Fitzgerald 3.00 Bristina Martin 3.00
Colleen L. Toppings 3.00 Virginia Boyd 3.00
Charlotte Brandon 3.00 Velma Barth 3.00
Payroll fund 4664.43 State of Oregon 25.00
Alberts Electronic Service 25.00 Baker's Saw Shop 10.95
PUD 655.36 Cornell, Rowland, Hagres 194.97
Callaghan & Co. 35.00 Coos Bay Stationery Co. 4.77
John A. Dye 89.54 Dunn's Outfitting Store 12.86
Daily Motor Co. 46.64 Ray Holliday 23.59
City of North Bend 13.00 OK Tire Store 4.25
101 Service 44.30 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 37.50
Paramount Pest Control 8.00 PERS 181.26
Reedsport Motor Freight 19.71 Reedsport Fire Dept. 260.00
Reedsport Auto Electric 24.00 Reedsport Machine Works 180.03
Byron L. Smith 4.09 Reedsport Aut© Parts 16.25
Stults & Jayne 100.00 Standard Oil Co. 3.20
SIAC 138.90 Taylor Hardware 34.38
Union Oil Co. Calif. 270.40 Gayiord Vaughn, CPA 500.00
Umpqua Industrial Supply 20.95 Umpqua Bldg. Supply 40.64
Umpqua River Navigation
Wri^t*s Industrial Sleaning
W. A. Karcher
122.50 Waterworks Supplies Co. 584.23
128,50 West Coast Telephone Co. 107.20
92.73 Reedsport Volunteer F.D. 788.00
Motion made, seconded, f»nd passed to adjourn.
I. G. Jefnnson, City Recorder
Signed jl
J</A. Unger, Mi
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Murphey, Boe, Dunn, Hurlocker,
and City Attorney Jayne.
Bids for sale of City Property a s advertised wer4 opened for consideration •
Mayor Unger and Councilaan Dunn were called from the meeting bec^se of
illness in the Dunn Fajidly; since there was not any'qommnipresent, the meeting
was adjounned until November 13> 1961.
ON NOlJEMm 13, 1^6l |T 7s30 P.M. 1961 HELDIN THE CITY HALL
Present were Mayor ^nger, Councilmen Mj^rphey Boe, Duzm^ Hurlocker, and Smiii
Bids for the sale of City Property were opened and read*
1. Bid for $ 1275*00 received from Umpqua %itle Theatre for Lots 7> 81 and
W^ lot 9 Block 103.
2. Bid for lots 28t3 Block 103 for $ 1250.00
3* Proposal from Library Board for the exchange of present Library i»^perty
for lot 8 Block 102.
4* Proposition from Diehl Agency for development of various properties
plus $ 1.00 for Deeds in escrow,options, ete.
Con8ideraU.e discussion was held Regarding Bids and propositions.
final decision was as follows:
Motion made by Councilman Swain and seconded by C^undilman Murphey that City
reject all bids received. Motion passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0.
Motion was made seconded and passed to table proposal of property exhhange
received fj^om the Library Board.
Diehl, and Serfling proposition will be given further consideration when
the proposal as changed by verbal propositions is put into writing and a
definite plan submittM.
Motion made, seconded and passed to approva liquor application renewals.
Motion made, by Boe and Seconded by Murphey to notify owners of recently
fire damaged buildings to remove the same in accordance with City Ordinances.
Letter from Rev Bellsiiy regarding the glass breakage in the Church located on
Arthur Drive and Longwood Drive. More adequate lighting of the
area was suggested as well as futher police patrol. Problem to be studied.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to notify George Melville to clean debris
on his property located in block 75. Apetition has been received regarding
this condition.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the report of Mr. Dick Ivey on
the study of a General Plan for City Development.
Motion was made by Councllisan Hurlocker and seconded by Councilman Murphey
that Delhi and SerfUng That before and consideration be glvto to any plan
of development l^at a definite plan be presented In ivrltlns for consideration*
Motion passed by v>»tp of Aye 5 Nay 0.
Resignation #f Dr Bowitt fl*om planning Coinm^sslon accepted and the Mayors
appointment of William Schneider to the Planning Coismisslon was approved by
JUU9&il Motion made^ and passed*
Consideration for the appointment of a Councilman wiil* be given a next
council meeting*
L* Thompson appeared before the Council relative to the development for
residence of property in the vicinity of the Umpqua Shopping Center. He
explained the views of F*H*A. on this site for hkusing. Also he asked an
opinion of the City Attorney and Council relative to the eatabllshment of
a trailer park in this area. The area in question is zoned for residence
use as zone 2 redldentlal. It is the opinion of the Coiuicll that trailer
parks would be a uss pemitted under the restrictions of zone 2,
Motion made^ seconded and passed
Curt Baker ' 52.24
H M McCabe 60.00
Ray Hass 60.00
Walt Miller 60.00
Ray Church 60.00
Payroll Fund 17S0.00
OPS 13.62
P ayroU Fund 4706.29
?American Rubber Co 1410.50
PUD 601.15
Port Ump Courier 32.47
John Dlehl 100.00
Daily Mtr Co 9.75
Ray Holliday 35.87
I. G. Johnson 85.00
W A Karcher 51.24
Geo Melville 6.07
Jihns-4Sanvllle 63.0.03
Paul Hurlocker 93.38
City Morth Bend 13.00
to pay following bills:
OK Tire Shop 6.50
Pannasalt Chem Co 37.50
Paramount Pest 8.00
PERS 167.08
Ray's T7 Service 13.30
Reedsport ^^lumbing 20.50
Reedsport ^nion Ser 56.35
Reedsport Mach Wks 160.95
Reedsport Auto Parts 116.16
Reedsport Fire Dept 288.00
State Industrial Accident 140.93
Byron L. Smith 10.77
Thompson Ford Sales 147.47
Taylor Hardware 4.69
Union Oil Co. of Calif 210.45
Umpqua Bldg. Supply Co. 100.44
Umpqua River Navigation 13*75
Waterworks Supplies Co. 74.16
Wright's Industrial Clean 128.65
Lin Swain 86.88
Jason Boe 20.00
Motion made, seconded, and passed to adjourn.
Attest; .
City Re/^order, I. G. Johnson
Present were Mayer Unger, Ceuncilmen Bee, Murphey, Dunn, Swain
and ^urlecker.
Minutes ef previous meeting were read and approved as read*
Mr. Serfling ef Diehl & Serfling Agency appeared before the Council
with a Land Purchase agreement consisting of Five pages legal size*
Agreement had to do with Blocks 102 & 103 plus the land known as szb
Crestview hill* Many proposals, conditions, options etc were contained
within the proposal* After much discussion on the Proposal a motion
was made by Councilman Hurlocker and Seconded by Councilman Murphey
that the proposal, as written, be rejected* Motion was passed by vote
ef Aye 5 Nay 0*
Letter was rdad regarding Lot 1 Block 102* County deeded this
lot to the City at the request of the City Attorney* This lot was
believed to have belonged to the City until a search ©f the records
proved otherwise* Lot was fomerly partEcfi3ddc of the Veterns Property*
Letter was read from the State Hi^way Department regarding aid tfor
improvement of 10th Avenue*
Motion was made, seconded and passed approving the pxoposed vacation
of aportion of 4th Street as advertised in the paper* City Attorney
to prepare necessary ordinances affecting this vacationing*
Motion made, seconded and passed authoring the payment of following:
West Coast Tele 103*28 City North Bend 13.00
PESS 7.35 Ore Pac Co 26.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 0 R North 220.00
Payroll Fund 1650*00 OK Tire Shop 90.01
Alice Davies 3.00 News Press 18.00
Bette Hilli«r 3.00 Paramount Pest Ser 8.00
Rose Barge 3.00 FEES 145.08
Clarence hahn 3.00 Reedsport Garage 52.29
William Todd 3.00 Reedsport Mach Wks 82*47
Mildred Martalla 3.00 Reedsport Logging Sup 5.52
Payroll Fund 4745.94 Reedsport ^lumbing Co 126*51
A^-berts Electronics 47.49 Reedsport a.'otp parts 28.18
American LaFrance 119.66 Reedsport Union ser 71.40
American Rubber Mfg 79.50 R & L Shell 3.00
Air ^c Inc 288.50 Reedsport Fire Dept 3ie.00
Berg & Wally 52*40 Reedsport Auto fiLect 42.49
BakerSs Saw Shop 30*60 v^^iith Blair Co 15.82
PUD 631.89 SIAC 7.50
Water Dept 75.00 Sund Ins Co 672.00
Daily Mtr Co 51.99 SIAC 136.31
Hale*s Stationery 6*89 Skylark Cafe 10.05
Ray Halliday 35.78 Taylor Hdwe 14.71
Melville Plumbing 1.48 Union Oil 231.22
Umpqua Bldg Sup 229.89 Ump River Nav 76*50
Ump Blect 5.50 West Coast Tels 108*30
Wilco Fire Co 484.72 Waterworks Supplies U2*57
Wrights Ind Ciaaners 126*00*
Meeting duly .adlournedi
Present wore May»r Unger and C»uncilnien B»e, Mupphey, Swain,& Hpplecker
Minutes previous meeting read and approved as read,
declaring an emergency was read and passed by vete ©f Aye 5 Nay 0.
M»ti«n made, and seconded bf appoint Gr«ver '^Ve#ds te fill the tm^pired
term farmer C»uncilman A1 Urben— mktien was approved by v#te ef aye ^any 0. Gr»ver W»»ds was then swern in as a Councilman.
The fellw^ng cemmitfeee appointments were made by the ml^y»r and approved.
Finance Dr Boe & Jack Dunn
Water Murphey, Boe & Swain
Street & Sewer Hurlocker, Murphey, & Woods
Police ^ Fire Depts Hurlocker & Swain
Building, Playground
& ^ights Woods & Dunn
Recorder I G «^ohhson
Water Commissioner Arthur Tollefson
City Attorney William Jayne
Police Chief H M McCabe
Fire Chief James Thornton
Health Officer Dr Courtney
Civil Defense Dir Curt Baker
Planning Commission F. L. Taylor, Wm Schneider, H E HicKeik, Tom Liiiebo
J M Adams, Bob Sund, & E C Daily.
Library Board Alice Knutsen, Emma Seabloom, W A Burdick, George
Plov Dr Boe.
Recreation Committed Ed Marks, Jerry Larson, Earl Plaggman, Clarence
Hahn, John Svoboda, Stan Furman, Harold Faircloth, Martin
Brandon, Gilbert Pointer, John Stephens, Leo Tucker.
Motion made, seconded and passed approving the application of Cascades
Plywood to fill some of their profjerty as outlined in the application.
Request to purchase alder stumpage from the City was tabled because of
If^ck of Vacation of desired stumpage.
Letter from the State Highway Commission regard!^ the feasability of a
traffic control signal on Highway 101 and 22nd Street intersection was
Dog Control agreement with dDouglas County was signed.
Motion was made, seconded and passed not to allow any change in the water
rates as requested by mr. Schroeder for his apartments.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to raise mter tap connections S 10.00
for each size of taps.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills:
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Henderson 9,55
Payroll Fund 1650.00 ^rs Mackenzie 32.98
Bdw^rds &Marshall 61.33 City of North Bend 13^00
Curt Baker 48.72 News Press 22.00
Payroll Fund 4456.13 Ore, Wash, Lawman Assn 5*00
Baker*s Saw Shop 51,25 Pennsalt Chem 37.50
Chamber Of C.mm ^15.'oo Pfram»unt Pest C.ntr.l 8.00
T3»v.f TTm« ni cn Simmons Carbon Co 12.96
teily Mtr I'lo
tKeayyHL.llaSdayy 3399*.7733 Rr^e^ekdesyp-.srtFLur.gnging Sup 19866..1180
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedsport Mach Wks
Reedsport Auto Elect
Reedsport Plumbing
Std Oil Co
Taylor Hdwe
Umpqua Drug
Umpqua Drug
Umion Oil
Ump HLdg Sup
Ump River Nav
Ump Ind Sup
West Coast Tele
Wright's Cleaners
Fire Dept
Motieh mdde> seconded and passed to adjourn meeting.
' Recj^rder
Present were Mayor Unger, and C^uncilmen Hurl4cker, Bee, Murphey,
Dunn, Swain and Woods*
Minutes of previovis meeting werJ^ read and approved as read. ^
Letter r^d from the SouthweBtem Coimmmity College explaining I
their Schflorship program.
Permission was granted to Fir Grove Motel to use part of 22nd '
Street for the storage of lumber duning the construction of the
addition to their motel.
Letter from Councilman Boe regarding the offer to purchase city
property was read. Coxmcilman Bow requested that this letter be made
a pennanent part of the Minutes of this Council meeting and the letter
is attached to the minutes of February 12, 1962.
Letter from Umpqua ^ttle Theatre offering 1275*00 for the piirchase
of lots 7>8, &W1/2 lot 9 Block 103 Amended Railroad Addition was read*
Letter and proposal from Grant Dunn for the Purchase of lots 1
to 9 Inclusive Block 102 Read* Purchase price of 1000.00 per lot.
Mayor Unger read an estimate prepared by the City Attorney,
Recorder and himself as follows:
Block 84 lots 7 to 12 incl 1,750.00 perlot.
Block 102 Lots 1 to 7 incl 2,300.00 per lot
lot 8 3,300.00
Lot 9 950.00
Block 103 Lots 7 & 8 700.00 per lot
Wl/2 lot 9 400.00
Councilman Dunn and Councilman Murphey disqualified themselves
to act en the proposal submitted by Grant Dunn because of either
family or business ties.
Motion was made by Councilman Hurlocker and seconddd by Murphey
that the City accept the offer from the Little theatre and sell them
lots 7,8 ic m;2 lot 9 Block 103 Amended Railroad Addition for the
total price of $ 1275.00. Motion was passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0.
One Councilman did not vote.
The offers to purchase other City Property by Grant Dunn and Jason O
Boe was tabled until the Council meeting on the 26th. I
Motion was made seconded and pa ssed to continue the Council '
on February 26th after the payment for the bills was approved.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills:
Umpqua Nat*1 Bank 1902.50 Mary Ann Petersdorf,Jerry Leach,
HMMcCabe 60.00 Gertrude Warren, Dora Jackson,
Raymond Hass,Walter Miller Rachel Baldridge,Ida Cory 3.00
Ray Church 60.00 Bob Murray 3.00
N4rthern Trust Co 700.00 William Ford 39.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 siAC 149.00
Payroll Fund 1650.00 pers 205.18
Dept of Finance Ore 36.00 gangs ^ Dick 276 00 Umpqua Nat«l Bank 2^.75 sakfr's Saw shop
Payroll Fund 1000.00 Berge &Wally 2.15 Payroll Fjmd 4^.^ Coof Bay Stationery sSo
& 688.71
General Fund Tr^ns 3420.00 Reedsport Auto Parts 68.74
Dr Courtney 7.50 Reedsport Fire Dept 774.00
Daily Mtr Co 30^39 Stults & Jayne 6.50
Elliott Industries 5.23 Standard Oil Co 151.86
Fire fiquip Co 170;00 Bryon Smith 7.18
Hale ^ Rudin 2.52 News Press 12.60
Legislative C ouncftl Ser 5.75 Taylor Hdwe 14.62
Loggers & Contractors 28.25 Umpqua River Nav Co 628.75
H M McCabe 3.25 Utilities Supiplies 40.10
Geo Melville 1.89 Umpqua Drug 3.18
City of North Bend 13.00 Umpqua Industrial Supplies 36.00
Ore-Pacific Co ' 4.00 Umpqua Bldg So 42.68
101 Service 8.40 West Coast Tele 107.95
PEHS 7.35 Wilco Fare Co 594.09
Paramount Pest Ser 8.00 Wrights Ind Cleaer 136.50
Reedsport ^tr Frt 22.07 Union On G« 357.75
Reedsport Mach Works 105.08
Reedsport Gargge 193.28
MBKkiHgxxafcSKKEHri 5^689
Motion made^ seconded and passed for the City Recorder to send fvr
information on rdj^lation for the installation and use i£ Liquified
Petroleum Gasses.
Motion made, seconded and passed to purchase up to 1100 feet of 18**
transite wat6r pipe»
Discussion was had rel^itive to using sonie of t|ie downtown^streets
for cart racing during salmon harbor celebration.
to be contscted on this.
State ^ighway Comnission
Motion was made, seconded and passed for the City to participate in the
summer recreation program including the schools in this area. City share
to be in the amount of ^ 700*00»
Arequest for a vacationing of a street by the ^mpqua River Navigation
Comjiany was referred to the Planning Commission for their action.
Motion was made to write a letter to the Douglas County Court seeking their
help to establish a County owned and operated dump for the surrounding
Meeting continued tntil Febraary 26, 1962
Present were Mayor ^nger. Councilman Boe, Murphey, Swain, Dunn ^ Woods,
and ^urlocker. Councilm^ "urlocker arrived late. Acting City Attorney
Stults also present.
The question of Cart Racing on City Streets again came before the Council.
City Attorney read State Statute prohibiting the ssing of any public streets
for purposes of racing or speed contests. Action on the .request was posponed
until the State had made their position regarding this known.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to contact the State Highway Commission
regarding the development of a four lane highway from the intersection ofit
Highway Avenue and Winchester Street to the ^mpqxia River Bridge.
Dr. Jason Boe Withdrew his bid because of his connection and interest in
city property that was wanted by the Library Board for the expansion of a
future library.
After Discussion of the Library needs etc a motion was made by Councilman
Swain and Seconded by Councilman Boe to draw up Resolution setting aside
lot 8 Block lOjLAmended Railroad Addition for ths use of the Library
Board for future expansion. Motion passed aye 5 nay 0.
C®unt7 Librarian sp®ke befare the C#uncil about the C#\inty library
and the local library stressing the needs for additional space for
proper use of the books and periodicals.
The offer to purchase city property by Grant Dunn was brought up for A
discussion. Since lot 8 was set aside for library use and lot 9 had a cloud
on the title, his original offer was changed to to include lot one to seven
block 102 inclusive. Motion was made by councilman Swain and seconded by C
Councilman Woods to accept the offer for development of. the lots as outlined
in the attached letter* Motion passed by vote of
6oe did not vote because of his prev4mas to
in the Dunn Proposal* £(0^
Motion made^ seconded and passed to adjourne:
Recover 4^
'nay 0. Councilman
ise part of the lots
dsport, a-c§on
.cQl-DentQl Bidg. Florence, Oregon
JStview 1-2312 Medical-Dental Center
DR. JASON D. BOE Phone 339
Feb. 12, 1962
Common Council
City of Reedsport
Reedsport, Oregon
Sirs: _ p
I hereby submit the following offer for your consideration: ;
$1,500.00 for lot # 6, Block 102
$1,500.00 for lot # 7, Block 102
$ 500.00 for lot # 9, Block 102
Making a total of $3,500.00 for the two lots facing Winchester
Avenue and the undeveloped lot immediately behind these two lots,
facing onto Elm Street.
I would agree to start construction within a period of fifteen(15)
months on either a professional office building or multiple family
rental units. Either or both of these types of units will become
necessary if any population growth occurs in our city within the
next several years. If, for any reason, construction is not started
within the agreed upon time limits, I would agree to the city, at
its option, repurchasing the above described property at 80% of
the original purchase price, thus insuring for the city a profit
on the transaction.
I hereby request, because of my position as a councilman in the
City of Reedsport, that I be allowed to disqualify myself from
any vote that might arise from the council's consideration of
this proposal. I also request that this letter be included with
the permanent records of this meeting and that this request for
disqualification be included in the permanent minutes of this
meeting at this time.
Ver; truly yours.
'asph D. Boe, O.D.
Reedsport, Oregon
February 12, 1962
Common Council
City of Reedsport
Reedsport, Oregon
Attn: Irving Johnson, Recorder
I, Grant Bunn being a resident of Reedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon hereby submit to you the following
offer to purchase from the City of Reedsport, certain
city owned pro'oertj'- as follows; and under the following
terms and conditions:
1. The real property that I desire to purchase
is described as Lots 1 through' inclusive, 31ock 102,
amended plat of Railroad Addition to the City of Reedsport,
2. Hie total purchase price offered for said
property is $1,000,00 per lot.
3. The terms of purchase would be Ji^jOOO.OO
down, iirith the title to ^ lots being given to the under
signed at the time of payment o^ the doim payment and a
contract to purchase the other ^lots with the final
payment being due not later than one year from date of
the contract,
if. Enclosed herewith is a certified check for
$^00,00 as earnest money for this bid. In the event the
City Council should accept this offer the enclosed money
will apply against the down payment \>rith the balance of
the down payment being paid immediately. In the event the
offer is rejected, the earnest money is to be returned to
the undersigned,
5, Further consideration offered for the property
is the promise to develope the property for housing,
either single or raultifamily as approved by city building
codes and zones and by FHA. or FFA for square footage
requirements, the first ^ lots to be fully developed within
one year from the date of the contract of sale and the
remainder of the lots to be developed within 3 years of
the date of the contract of sale. Construction to commence
on the first U lots within 180 days.
6, In the event agreement is reached in this
matter, the undersigned would expect to receive a deed to
each lot when the full purchase price of $1,000,00 is
paid for each lot.
1962 IN THE CITY HhLL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Linger, Gouncilmen Hurlocker, Boe,
xjuqoksy, Dunn, Swain and V/oods.
Minutes read and approved changed.
Hearing on proposed vacationing of a portion of
First street was held. There were no objections raised to
the T^roposed vacationing and a motinn -was made to read
STREET was read for first reading and motion was made, seconded
and passed to adopt ordinance. Ordinance then was read
by title only and passed by vote to the third and final
reading. Ordinance read for third reading and motion was
made, seconded and passed to adipt the ordinance. Mayor
then declared the Ordinance in full effect as of this date.
read and motion was made, seconded and passed to adopt
ordinance by vote of Aye § Nay 0. Ordinance was then read
by title only and passed to third reading by motion made,
seconded and passed. Ordinance read for third reading and
passed by vote of Aye $ Nay 0, The Mayor then declared the
ordinance in full effect as of this dote.
Block 102 Amended Railroad Addition as reserved for Library
use. Passed by vote af Aye 5 nay 0.
Letter was reed from the State Highwya Commission
denying the use of State Highway for Go^Cart Racing ^JiuciHg
For reason that ife is against State i-aw to use public Streets
for rading purposes. Djie to the letter from the State Highway
Commission regarding use of streets for racing purposes and
by advise of City Attorney, the Council went on records as
not favoring go cart racing on public streets.
I>^otion made, seconded and passed to install mercury
vapor street light by the alley in Slock 76 en Fifth ^treet.
GASES was read for first t?eading and passed to second reading
by vote of Aye 5 '"ay 0. Second reading by title only was
passed by vote of aye 5 nay 0. Third and final reading
was passed by vote of aye nay 0. The Mayor then stated
that Ordinance # 443 was in full effect as of this date.
New application for Retail Malt Beverage Class A License
by H E. Smith of Rftedsport Tavern 346 N 4th was tabled until
the April 9th Meeting. Vote to table was lye 4 Nay 0 one
not voting.
Question of State Daylight time and Standard time was
discussed. No action was taken by the Council.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to/high test, or
ethyl gas in the police cars.
Motion made, seconded
Ore Phys Ser
Payroll Fiind
James Thornton
Ore Phys Ser
Payroll Fund
Circuit Court Clerk
B erg & Wally
Community Bldg Trans
Geo Cake Co
Cliff's ^'bbil Ser
gaily Mtr Ser
Feenaughty Mach Co
Loggers & Contr Co
City North Bend
0 R North
OK Tire Ser
Pennsalt Chem Co
Paramount Pest Ser
Pub ^mp Ret Sys
Reedsport Plumbing
Reedsport Logging
Reedsport Auto Elect
and passed
to J>ay the following bills;
ReedsportAuto Parts 12.44
Reedsport Mach Wks 27.^0
Ray's Tv Ser 10.95
Reedsport Mtr Frt 6.00
R & L Ser 4^.2^
Reedsport Union Ser 3.65
Standard Oil Co 177.96
Byron Smith 3.59
Skylark Cafe IS.65
SIA0 130;94
Bureau of Labor 9.00
Taylor Hdwe . 137.45
Union Oil Co 351.^9
Utilities Supplies 12.65
Umpqua Bldg Sup IS.4S
Umpqua River Nav J37*^S
Waterworks Supplies 91.32
Wrights Ind Cleaners I36..5O
There being no further business, the meeting was closed.
Present were Oojaiacilmen Hurlooker, B®e, Murphey, Dunn, Woods and
Swain, In absence of Mayor Unger, Councilman Har^ocker, President
of the Council, acted as chairman.
Minites of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Motion made, seconded and passed to approve the. application for class
"a" Malt. Beverage license for Mr, Smith at 346 N. 4th Avenue,
^harles Ross, Administrator of the ^ower Umpqua Hospital District
appeared, relative to the installation of utilities to serve the
proposed. Hospital. After considerable discussion it was decided by
motion to the following;
1, Hospital district to install ibeir own sanitary sewer to connect
to a manhole located in teh intersection of Scott Street and Arthur
Drive, Sewer line to be of 8" concrete and. laid to city specifications
2, Water Service—- Hospital District to bear cost of construction of
6" Transite Line Class 150 from present location in Scott Street
to a location as determined by their Engineer and a 6" fitting with
a valve installed. The district will also extend this service line
with 4" transite Class 150 to the South Boundary of their property.
All work on this line to be done by the City on a Cost basis. City
will connect the line from the south boundary of Hospital
property to connect to existing 4"line on Bowman Road,
The proposal of Superior Oil Company to lease City land for
possible oil exploration was refused.
Bill T^lor, Representing Central Lincoln PUD appeared before the
Council relative to installing some power poles in the City dike for
service to float houses on the South Side of Highway Bri&dge over
Schofield River, After considerable discussion it was decided by motion
to approve the installation of two poles in dike. The Power Company is
not to connect any more new services other than the existing ones and a
list of the power users and connections to be furnished at this time.
Motion madd, seconded and passed to grant a 6 months use for parking
one trailer on Highland School property by the Murphey Construction
Company while addition is being built on th |iresent facilities.
Grover Woods asked the Council for permission to install an
additionalaatenna for a private radio service. It was decided to allow
the use of City Pole for the additional antenna if the installation is
approved by FCC and does not interfere with city services,
Robert Sund presented a annexation petition from E E Morris and Paul
Bemhardt for area in the Bowman Road District, Motion made, seconded,
and passed to accept petition and call for a hearing as required by law.
Petition for annexation from RaJjph PauU and John Hicks also
presented for annexation and it was accepted and a hearing will be held
at same time as petition from E E Morris.
The problem of Oiling and dust control referred to Street Committee
for their action.
Motion made, seconded and passed to take Grader, and roller to
the R ^ L Service for clean up, A bid for overhauling this equipment
will be secured later.
Consensue of ^pinion amongg the Councilmen that the speading of firemen
answering fire calls in private cars constitutes a hazard on the streets
and should be ciu*tailed. Referred to the Fire committee for their
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay following bills:
Reedsport Fire Dept 298•CX)
James Thornton 11.51
Payroll Fimd 1650.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.62
Bob Miarray 18.76
Payroll Fund 4456.35
Baker's Saw Shop 75*05
Altie Circle 25.00
PUD 716.56
DL Courtn^ 10.00
Glass Boat Works 225.53
The Courier 2.25
Daily Mtr Co 33.19
FlexiblB Pipe C® 24.30
International Paper Co 5.00
City North Bend 13.00
Nat»l Fire Xet Co 14.00
OR North 128.00
H E Nickels 17.07
OK Tire Shop 148.77
Pennasalt Chem Co 37.50
PERS 186.54
Paramount Pest Ser 8.00
Reedsport Garage
Reedsport Logging Sup
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedsport Auto ^lect
Reedsport Mach liVks
Reedsport Mtr Frt
Reedsport Plumbing Co
Reedsport Union Ser
Standard ^il Co
Bryon Smith
News Press
Thompson Ford Sales
Frank Taylor
Union Oil.
Ump Bldg Sup
Umpqua River Nav
West Coast Tele
Waterworks Supplies
Wrights Ind Cleaning
Henderson Grocery
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Present'were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Woods, Dunn, Boe, Murphey, Swain
and Hurlocker,
Minutes'of previous meeting were read arid approved as read.
Petitions for annexation were received from E. E, Morris and Paul
BQimhardt and Ralph Paull, Motion was made to dcceptpthe petitions and
to call'for a hearing as prescribed by law. Hearing was set for May 7
and brought before the Council by the City Attorney, Since there were
not any'objections received to the proposed annexations an Ordinance #
444 was presented by the City Attorney affecting the annexations.
Ordinance # 444 accepting the Petitions for annexation was read in full
and Motion was mde to adopt the ordinance and motion passed by vote of
Aye 6 Nay 0, Ordinance read for sedond reading°by title and motion
was made seconded and passed by vote of aye 6 nay 0. Third readding ©f
ordinance Q 444 v/as had and motion to adopt the ordinane^ was passed by
vote of Aye 6 Nay 0, The Mayor then signed the Ordinance and declared
in in f\ill effect as of this day.
Petition for annexation v/as redeived from John and June Unger,
Motion was made to accept the petition and t® call for a hearing
iB accordance to the annexation law. Hearing to be on next Council :•
Letter was read from the Oregon Fire Insurance Rating Bureau
notifying the City that their insurande rating was lowered from Class 6
to class 5,
"^etter was read from Reverend Bellamy regarding glass breakage in
the Church located on Arthur drive and Highland Avenue,
Request for water service to serve a proposed trailer court
now located outside of the city limits was received from WA Karcher
who is one of the partners in the development. The City requested that
the developers give consideration to annexation prior to the granting
of water service, Mr, Karcher is to contact his partner regarfliiig
Motion was made, seconded and passed to waiver the condition of r
their^ersion clause regarding lots 1 & 2 in Block 102 which was
property recently sold to Grant Dunn, This property is now in the
process of being developed.
Discussion was held regarding paving on 10th avenue. After considerable
time was spent, it was decided by vote of Aye 5 Nay 1 (Councilman Swain
voted against) to do a penetrating job of 2 coats at 50Cents per yard.
City will pay for intersections.
The question of the insurance program for the City was discussed.
It was decided that the need for adequate insurance could be better
determined by the insurance gi'oup as it now stands rather than the city
to ask for bids for insurance.
Motion made, seconded and passed to adopt a resolution to appoint
committees as required in the Workable plan for the City,
Motion made, seconded and passed to fix up the city grader and roller
at eatimate of cost from the R & L Shell Service for $ 350,00 for
grader and $ 250,00 for the roller.
Motion made, seconded and passed for the City to make application for
assistance for the development of Crestview Hill axi on a Community
cooperative basis,
Motion made,seconded and passed to pay the foUovdng bills:
H M McCabe 60.00 Reedsport Fire Dept 418.00
Raymond Hass 60.00 Reedsport^^Auto Parts 19.38
Walt Miller 60.00 Rogers & uni 42.50
Ray Chiirch 60.00 Reedsport'Mach Viftcs 35.40
Payroll Fund 1650.00 Reedsport Mtr Frt 9.68
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Reedsport Auto Elect 37.69
Payroll Fund 4279.28 Reedsport ^lumbing 4.00
PUD 712.38 Standard Oil * 93.18
Coos Byy Supply 280.27 SIAC 119.23
Coos Bay Stationery 26.64 James Thoriiton a.06
Dr Courtney 10.00 Union Oil 273.73
Daily Mtr C© 29.05 Saylor Hdwe 12.18
Dunn's Outfitting 12.85 Umpqua Drug 1.29
Fire Equip Co *41.87 Umpqua River Nav 100.00
Lillebo Const Co 199.95 Umpqua Bldg Su^ 41.12
City North Bend 13.00 ' West Coast tele 219.70
Pennsalt Co ' 37.50 Waterworks Sup 186.03
PERS 7.00 Wrists Ind Gleaners 146.75
Paramouilt 0est . 8.00
PERS 181.04
Reedsport Garage 541.90
There beMg no further business, the meeting was duly closed.
Attest /
Ei*esent were Mayor Unger, ^ouncilmen Boe, Swain, Dunn, Woo'ds, and
Hurlocker ©f the Council and Bill HumpAirey, Roger Love, Goerge Williams,
Ben Gawley, James McCullough, and Wes Hillier of the Budget Connnittee.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to adopt a resolution prhhibiting
trespassing withijH the water shed of Clear lake' Reservoir and to post
signs at both roads into the area.
The quefetion of playing hard ball on the park block was brought b
before the Coiincil, Councilman Dunn stated that hard ball had been played
on this park last year and that the age grbup was limited to younger
players thus limiting the hazards. City to check into the liability.
Petition for annexation receivdd from Wa A. ^archer and C A Petherick
and motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the petition and to
call for a hearing.
The question of installing and furnishing water to the area to be
developed as a trailer Coutt. After considerable discussing of the
issue it was decided to do the following:
^yelsper to pay cost of materials including fittings as outlined by the
OXi 8O" p?i®pe. P^P® fittings to be figured as 6" instead
City to stand the cost of the labor involved#
Pstition for annexation from Heinz and Louise Kaufmann received. Petition was
accepted and hearing will be called for next council meeting.
Frank Taylor brou^t up the question of a development as a park in
block 74* Since this property is owned by the State highway Goimnission,
the question of a proposed development whould be directed to them.
Motion made, seconded and passed t© contact Cornell, Rowland, ^ ^ayes
to make estimate of engineering cost as outlined by the City Attorney
as requested to meet the requirements of FHA in the proposed development
on a cooperative basis.
The discussion and study of the city budget proceeded* KoMnat±ons
tEoi^eQhaajKmaii. andnSecEefeacy of the Budget Committee were opened. William
Humphrey was nominated for Chairman and Wes Hillier was nominated for
Secretary, Nominations were ciosed and the two as nominated were elected.
After considerable problems were discussed and many solutions offered
the budget was finally compiled. Motion by City Council was made, seconded
and passed to raise salaries as fo2ilows. Hourly Men 20cents per hour
and employees paSd by the month 8^ increase.
Motion was made, seconded and passed by the budget committee to recommend
to the City Council that they accept the budget as compiled and to
publish the same as required calling for a hearing. Motion was made by
Couijcilman Boe and Seconded by Councilman Woods to accept the recommendation
of the Budget Committee iadaccept the budget and publish the same. Motion
was passed,
Cljrde ^unnally brought up the question of leasing city firoperty
adjacent to old highway #38, Motion was made, seconded and passed
to grant a lease for a period of 10 years at rental of | 10,00 per month
and to write letter to hi^way commission recommending that k restricted
access be given to the PUD on Highway # 38, This access to be gated and
locked at all times when hot in use by the PUD.
Meeting adjourned:
Present were Llayor Unger C^uncilmen Dunn, Murphey, ^ip^ds, Boe, Swain,
and Hurl«cker.
Minutes read and approved as read.
Hearing on annexations held, No •bjections were heard regarfling snne
proposed annexations. City Attorney read Ordinance # 445 An Ordinance
annexing property to the City limits as belonging to John & June Unger,
and Heinz & L©uise Kaufmann read for first time and passed by vote of
Aye 6 Nay 0. Second and Third readings were passed by vote of Aye 6 Nay 0.
Jhfe Mayor stated that Ordinance § 445 was in full effect as of this date.
Petition for annexation received from Floyd Lengacher and Dewey Abbott &
Nina Abbott-. Motion was mde, seconded and passed to accept the petition
and call for a public hearing.
Mr, PeJ>per, of Bumble Bee Brand Sea Foods, appeared regarding the leasing
of portions of lots 1 & 2 Block 47 for fish processing plant. Terms of 1
lease to be 10 to 15 years and details to be worked out by negotiation.
Motion was madd to accept offer and City Officials to negotiate the terms
for subsequent Coxmcil action. Motion made, second and passed for the City
Attorney to proceed with eviction of present tenant.
Motion made, seconded and passed for City attorney to prepaid waiver of
reversion clause on Lots 3 4 Block 102 recently sold to Grant Dunn.
Condition of sale has been met by the pxirchaser.
Motion made, seconded and passed to post area of water shed in Clear Lake
at the north and south entrances and the City Attorney and Recorder
authorized to t%ke and legal action to post this area to trespass.
Motion made, seconded and passed to ask for state aid on streets as
outlined: Fir Svenue from seventh Street to intersection with V/inchester
Avenue to the South.
City Attorney to take necessary legal action to see that the debris from
the Chaffee apartments recently burned and partially torn down, is removed
as soon as legally possible.
Motion made, seconded and passed to post 12th street from
Schofield fiiver to 10 mile for trucks. Passed by vote of
Motion made, and passed to pay following bills:
Ore Phys Ser 13.62
Payroll Fund I65O.OO
Shell Oil Co 105.10
Patty Cash 55.23
Kelly's Body Shop 80.00
Reedsporf Fire Dept 362.00
Payroll Fund 4654.56
Albert's Electronics 6,00
Berg & Wally 82,16
PUD 681.50
Baker's Saw Shop 7.50
Vfater Dept 75.00
Coos Bay Stat 3.15
Port Ump Courier 77.99
Commercial Abstract 3.00
Daily Mtr Co 34.78
Elliott Ind Inc 25,00
Hale & Rudin 3.20
Knight's 14.85
Kelly's Body Shop 12,00
Melville Plumbing 27.40
City North Bend 13.00
Ump River Nav 18.00
highway 101 to
Aye 4 ^ay 2.
OK Tire Store 3.00
Pacific Trucking 4.00
Pacific Pumping Co 96.00
Police & Sheriff Assoc 5.65
Paramount Pest 8.00
Pennsalt Chem 37.50
PERS 192.77
Reedsport Logging Sup 6.53
Reedsport Union Ser 16.95
Reedsport Auto Elect 53.40
Reedsport Uach VJks 75.5$
Reedsport Auto Parts 34.45
Reedsport Mtr Frt 6.00
Reedsport Dept 350.00
Reedsport Garage 30.42
Standard Oil Co 77.95
SIAC 137.a
James Thornton 5.63
Taylor Hdwe 29.66
News Press 21.00
Ump Drug 2,19
Ump Bldg Sup 9.92
V/est Coast Tele 105.80
Waterworks Supplies
Gee McCuUoch
381.33 Wright's Ind Cleaners 151.50
There being no further business, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Attest C/
June 18, 1962 Budget Hearing
Since there vfas not any one present objecting to proposed bjKiget
as printed in paper, the meeting was not held.
HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilraen Swain, Murphey, Boe, V«oods,
Councilman Dunn arrived at 8:00 P.M.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Motion was made to accept the City budget as printed calling for a
hearing, by Councilman Murphey and seconded^ Councilman Woods. Motion
passed by vote of Aye 3 Nay 1«
first reading and passed by vote of Aye 4 Nay 0«
Second aeading passed by vote of Aye 4 Nay 0
Third and final reading passed by vote of Aye 4 ^y 0. Mayor declared the
ordinance in full effect as of this date.
Notice of a hearing for annexation of the L D Abbott and Floyd ^enga"Bcher
property was brou^t up for action. Since there was not any objections
The City attorney v/as instructed to proceed with the necessary ordinances
to affect the annexation,
for first reading and passed by vote of Aye 4 Nay 0
Second and third readings Jjassed >y votes of Aye 4 Nay 0. The Mayor declared
that the ordinance was in full effect as of this meeting.
City Attorney Jayne read letter from Cornell, Howland, ^ayes regarding the
preliminary estimate for the engineering work as needed to make an
survey of the possibility of developing Crestview Heights. Motion was made, ss.
seconded aAd passed authorizing the Mayor to sign the necessary papers and
application to H H F A to underwrite the cost of f 9,100.00 as estimated
in the preliminary report from the Engineering fim.
The request for the refunding of the building permit from Murphy Construction
Company on the Hospital building was refused.
Letter from Forrester Taylor regarding cable T V service to the Johnson
Trailer Court was referred to the City Attorney for action.
Petition for annexation was received from Paul Bernhardt and F, M, Mackenzie
and was a ccepted and motion was made to acce|it the petition and call for
a hearing.
Motion was made, seconded and passed setting specifications for tenth street pa
paving as are required to meet itate Higjiway Standards.
Councilman ^'oods brought up the question of placing an caBtle across the
entrance to the Boat Ramps on the river. After considerable discussion no action
was taken.
Motion made, seconded apd passed to pay following bills;
nfred Richardson 15.00 Berg &WaUy 12 70
R& L Shell Service 46.95 pud
Payroll Funl Trans I65O.OO oCioeahslt &StSatgiornfleirSy 8010 60?0
Koke-Chapman 75.00 Shell Oil C© 103.13
Knight*s 6.00 SIAC 139.56
Melville Plumbing 9.A4 Pete Toftdahl 20.78
Ore State highway Geinni 590,96 Taylor Hardware 83.72
City North Bend 13.00 News Prdss 62.00
Ore Pacific Co 26.00 James Thornton 209.17
Paramoiint Pest s.po Thompson Ford sales 14.43
PERS 1BB.21 Union Oil 408.24
Reedsport Plumbing 1.70 Umpqua Bldg Sup 21.33
Reedsjport Blumbing 23.24 Umpqua River Nav 37.50
Reedsport Auto Pairts a.8i West Coast Tele 107.30
Reedsport Mtr Frt 18.78 Waterworks Supplies 268.10
Reedsport ^ire Dept A12.00 Wrights Ind Cleaners 141.00
Standard Oil C© 226.50
Skylark Cafe 11.65
Meeting ourned;
Present were Mayor Unger, Gounciimen Swain, Woo(J,Dunn,
Hurlocker and Murphey. Councilman Boe .was absent.
Minutes of previous meeting read .and approved as read. i i
I !
Hearing for the annexation of prdperty owned by Paul Bernhardt \ |
and F. M. M^cKenzie was called. Since there were no objectioB '
to proposed annexation, An 0rdinance # 44^ was prepared and
read for first reading. Second and third reading was passed
by vote of Aye 5 ^^^ay 0. The Mayor then declared that Ordinance
44^ was in full ei'fect and the annexation of the above
property was complete.
Motion made, and passed to c hech the water in the
Ketel addition on 22nd street because of dirty water.
Motion made, seconded and passed to clean up the debris
left on the Umpqua Hotel Annex because of being partially
destroyed by fire. Property is to be billed for the cost.
Letter from Murphy construction company r egarding building
permit tabled.
After considerable discussion, a motion was made, seconded
and passed setting sewer hookup charges at $ 225.00 per house.
This applies t® property a nnexed to the City of Reedsport
and who have not paid on the sewer assessment.
Motion made, seoDnded and passed to adopt resolution
to entdr into contract for Federal Aid on the proposed
engineering study on Crestview Heights.
Motion made, seconded and passed to enter into a fire
protection agreement with the Reedsport Mill Company for
$ 100.00 per year which includes one fire call only.
Motion made, seconded aid passed to sell the City roller
to Morse Brothers for J 2500.00.
Motion was made, seconded aid passed for the City Attorney
to write letter to the Lower Umpqua Hospital Dsitrict offering
the cooperation ©f the City in tegard to future needs for !
land and to ^iSfer 8ity owned land a nominal figure. ! ^
Discussion per^taingng to fire trucks was held. A represent- -
ative from the Pirsch Company spoke t© the Council relative
to the merits of the pumper now being demonstrated in the City.
Fire Chief Thornton spOke regarding the need for the pumper
and his pleasure at the perfomrance of the unit now being tried
out. Motion was made, seconded passed to purchase the
unit. Vote way Aye4 Naj'-l Councilman Woods voted against the
Metion was made, seconded andpassed t© pay the follewing
Umpqua Nat'l Bank
Johns ^''•^anville
Geo McCulloch
Ore ^hys Ser
Payroll Piond
Umpqua Nat*l Bank
Payroll Fund
The Courier
Gen Fund Tr^ns
D L Courtney
Geerge Cake
JCDiehl C©
Daily Mtr Co
FirE Equip Co
Hale ^ Hudin
Radio KRAF
League ^re Cities
City North Bend
OK Tire Store
Pennsalt C©
Paramount Pest
Meeting was duly adjsurBBd;
Reedsport Mtr Frt 16. 32
A1 Richariison 45. 33
Reedsport Plumbing 32. 25
Reedsport Mach Wks 21. 13
Reedsp®rt Auto elect 33. 63
Reedsport Aut® Parts 10. 70
Reedsport Fire Dept • 614. 00
Sund Ins C© 2131. 03
Crawford Sale 34. 70
Stultz ^ ^ayne 273. 42
Shell Oil Go 93. 36
STAG 250. 53
Pete Toftdahl 45. 30
News Press 43. 00
Taylor Kdwe 3. 40
Ump Bldg bup 41. 45
Ump River Nav C© 292. 50
V/aterworks Supplies 597. 64
V/est Coast Tele 110. 05
Wrights Ind Cleaners 151. 50
1962 IN THE CITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Majror Unger, Councilmen Boe, Murphey, Swain, Hurlocker,
Woods, Dunn.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Mrs. Seabloom spoke before the council regarding the need for additional
space for library books and reading rooms. After considerable discussion
regarding building program. Councilman Swain made a motion for the City to
have a special election to approve a bond issue in the amoixnt of $ 25,©00
for the construction of a Library on city owned property. Motion was seconded
by Cbu^Jcilman Woods and upon being brought to a vote, the motion was passed
by vote of Aye 4 Nay 2. Councilman Murphey and C©uncilman Hurlocker voted
against the motion. Councilman Hurlocker stated his objection on the ground
that a definite need for other city buildings also exist and that the overall
needs should be considered and studied before any building program be entered
upon at this time. Election set for October 12, 196ft.
Motion made by Gbuncilraan Swain and seconded by Councilman Hurlocker
for the City to advertise for applications to be received for a City EJngineer.
Advertising in League publications to be made with reguirement that engineer
be registered and question of salary left open. Motion passed by vote af Aye 5
Nay 0.
Petitions for annexation received from John Scott and Elarl Payton.
Motion made, seconded and passed to accept the petitions and to call for a
hearing on the same at the next Cou^Jcil meeting.
OF 4Th Street was read and ^ssed for first reading vy vote af aye 6 aay 0
Second and third reading passed by vote af aye 6 nay 0.
Motion was made, secooded and passed by vote of aye 6 Nay 0 to purchase
new fire truck on a Lease Purchase Agreement. Amount of $ 3000.00 is to be
paifl out of thB emergency fiind and balance to be in equal installment over
a four year period.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to make hookup charges
anneaating to city subsequent to Sewer assessment on the tax roll,
would be for hooking on to thOrtQits; sewer as installed. Vote Aye
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills;
PERS 7.70
Payroll Fund 1650*00
OPS 13.62
Unqpqua Nat'l Bank 2280.00 *
Morse Brothers Paving 6000.00
School Dist U 13 700.00
Payroll Dund 6094*46
American LaFrance 402.13
Albert's j^ectronics 36.15
PUD 686.63
J I Case Co 3287.74
The Courier 72.99
County Surveyors 2,50
Gneral Fund 2280.00
Chapman Bros 104.85
Coos Bay Stationery 16.83
Chas Doerner 7.15
Daily Motor Co 11.55
for property
5 Nay 0.
C D Furlott • 48.00
Feenaughty Mach Co 87.56
Reedsport Vol Fire Dpt 350.00
Goiinty Clerk 32.00
City North Bend 13.00
Permapftst Products 245.50
OK Tire Shop 25.45
Paramount Pest 8.00
Pennsalt 37.50
PERS 237.75
Petty Cash 49.00
Reedsport Garage 100.70
R & L Shell 637.90
Reedsport ^lumbing 9.00
ReedsportAuto Elect 3.75
Reedsport Auto Parts 128.56
Stults & Jayne 226.25
Standard Oil Co 176.a
Shell Oil C®
Skylark Cafe
Thempsen Ford Sales
Pete Toftdahl
Taylor Hdwe
Ump River Nav
Meeting Adjourned
Unien Oil C®
Ump Bldg Sup
West C®ast Tele
Wrights Cleaners
Present iijere Mayor Unger, Councilmen Bee., Dunn, Swain, Woods, and
Murphey, Councilman Hur3^ker was
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Hearing for annexation of John Scott and Earl Payton was ealled by
Mayor and since there was not any objections to proposed annexation, the
petition for annex ation was approved and City Attorney instructed to pre
pare the necessary ordinances to affect the same.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to call for bids for the leaping
of City owned land commonly known as the Flat Iron, Bids to be called
for Opening at the next regular council meeting.
District Sales Representative for Greyhound Lines appeared before the
Council relative to the need for a locition for a bus depot. Locationx
proposed waseThe Umpqua Cafe located on 19Th and Highway 101, Considerable
concern was expressed regarding the traffics firoblem that would be caused by
the location of a bus depot at this location. Other locations were
suggested and these will b: e investigated by the Greyhound Sompany. Council approval
for lacation of depot at Reedsport Shoe Repair 310 N A-th.
Bill for the replacemfent of burned out water heater elements was
received from Mr. Ernest Kaufhiann. The water line was broken on the Paul B
Bernhardt property by a gravel tiuck belonging tb a paving company and the
damagd to the water heater was cfaiased by the break in the water line. Bill
was referred to the City Attorney for dispossal.
Council approval for aerial photog of the Heights was given. ^
The question of street naming and house numbering was brou^t before the
Co^cil be Councilman Murphey. Concern was expressed regarding recent plats
and street naming in the Bowman Road area. Street naming and plat approval
is a pBEogative of the Planning C®niinission and -tehis will be referred to them
for their consideration.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay following bills;
iimerican Fire Protection Co3000.00 Reedsport Outdoor Shop 2.30
0re Phys Ser 13.62 Reedsport Laundry 9.00
Payroll Fund 1650.00 Reedsport Union Ser 50.85
Payroll Fund 5682.89 Reedsport Auto Elect 223.45
The Courier 114.78 ReedsportAuto Farts 71.24
PUD 645.61 Rogers &^Wi 39.00
Coos Bay Welders 9.45 E N Payton 30.00
H M McCabe 60.00 State Forester 27.94
Ray Hass,Ray Church. SIAC 181.14
Walter Miller, Ray HoUiday 60.00 Sund Ins Co 146.78
Daily Mtr C© 85.24 Shell Oil Co 168.71
Geo Melville 100.72 PIRS 213.35
Motorola Comm 166.00 Taylor Hdwe 156.03
Oregon Pacific C© 17.00 Union Oil Co 231.76
City North Bend 13.00 Utilities Supplies 720.02
Pennsalt 37.50 Ump Bldg Sup 155.02
Paramount Pest Ser 8.00 Umpqua Drug 29.91
Reedsport Mtr Frt 27.4^ Ump Ind Sup 5.32
R & L Shell 207.15 Ump River Nav 35.00
Reedsport Mach Wks 3.63 West Coast Tele 104.45
Reedsport Logging Sup 11.54 Waterworks Suptpiloes 532.01
Wright •s Ind Sup 151.50
Meeting Adjourned:
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilman Swain, Dunn, Murphey, Hurlcoker, Woods,
and Bee.
Minutes of prveious meeting were read and"approved,
O Bids for the leasing of City Property known as the "Flat Iron" were
opened as follows:
1; Ray Halliday I 176.50 pef- year.
1 2i E. L. Wright 123.50 "* »
3: Dan Struvenga 120.00
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept'the hi^est bid offered
by Ray Holliday and to lease the property with "a 30 d^y cancellation
clause for period of one year.
Letter from Southern Pacific stating their opposition t© a street
impr©vement plan consisting of Asphalt paving <3n streets abutting
property owned by the company.
Letter from Tom Heubner, Supt of the School District 105C) expressing
the appreciation of the School board for the extra policing by City
on School crossing on 22nd street.
Motion made, seconded and passed to approve for renewals all current
liquor licenses in the City.
'Motion was made, seconded and passed to call for bids for the furnishing
of petroleum p roducts for the next fiscal year. Bids to be opened at the
next Council meeting.
Councilman Swain stated his position regarding the need for additional
city help. He st ated that the need for expanding city facilities
requires professional help in addition to city forces. No aation was
Planing Commission members present were Chairman Lillebo, Daily,
Nickels, Sund also present was the coadiriatarosfoth&bDouglas County
Planning Comm^ission.
CoBHideration of a proposed annexation, subdiarzsion of a portion
of land adjacent 6o the Hospital Area was brought up for discussion.
The problem of extension of City facilities to serve the area was
discussed. The sanitary sewer system was considered. It was decided that
the feasability of the presaat sewer system serving the area was discussed,
j It was dedided that a study of the present system whould be made to see if
the present line has the required capacity to serve the contemplated
area to be developed. After considerable discussion regarding the hiring
©I ohn Cunningham and associates and Erickson & Company it was decided
to hire Erickson to make flow test and decided af present dewers could
serve the proposed area. Motion passed by vote of Aye 4 NayO;
j Motion made, seconded and passed to write to the County Court regarding
the establishment of a County Garbage Dump to serve this end of Douglas C
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the foMowing bills:
George's Paint Ser 632,70 Reedsport Fire Dept 892.00
Ore Phys Ser 13.^2 Reedsport Mach Wks 13.98
Payroll Fund 1650.00 Alfred Richardson 3.00
Belle Thornton 15.00 Reedsport Plumbing 19.80
Qnma Seabloom 13.00 R & L Service 42.95
Alice %utes0n ia.oo Reedsport Auto Parts 30.16
Donna ^ve m.oo Reedsport Garage 127.63
Gertie Warren 12.00 Standard Oil Co 10.15
Payroll Fimd 5819.25 Shell Oil Co 107.46
Bunting Traa tor Co 128.35 Sund Ins Co 499.49
Baker Saw Shop 39-25 Skylark Cafe 19.50
Dr Courtney 15.00 Byrton Smith 11.22
Coos Bay Stationery SIAC 189.55
PUD 651.16 Traffic Safety Supply 30.10
George Ckke G® 15.22 Pete Toftdahl 10.62
Coast Comm Co 13.58 Taylor Hdwe • ' 3i:i8
Daily Mtr C© • 22.25 Union Oil Co 161.61
State ©f Or^g 30,00 Utilities Supplies Co 12.63
Fire Equip 80 106.06 Gaylord Vaughn 500.00
Tom Liliebo 59.i»0 Umpqua Drug Co 18.10
Motorola Comm 770;00 Umpqua Bldg Sup 34.57
MeliPille Plumbing 1.48 Wrists Ind Cleaners 14L.00
City North Bend 13.00 West Coast Tele 114.40
OK Tire Co 22.95 Ira Byrd 351.47
Paramonnt Pest 8.00
PERS 203.79
Reedsport Logging Supply AI.25
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 3k. kO
Reedsport Fire Dept 280.00
There being n© further business, the meeting was duly adjoiirned.
Present were Mayor Unger, Cou^cilinen Boe, Hurlooker, Dunn, Swain,
Woods and Murphey.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Statei Industrial Accident Conmission plaJ^ue was presented to the City
for continuous service for 41 years.
Bids for the furnishing of Fuel Oil and Gasoline for the year of 1963
was opened with the following received:
Standard Oil Gasoline .2219 per gallon
Oil .1254 " "
Shell Oil Gasoline .2229
Oil .1244
Union Oil Gasoline .2209
Oil .1219
Motion v/as made, secjonded and passed to awarii bid to lowest bidder.
Motion was made by Councilman Hurlocker and seconded by Councilman M
Muprhey to refund the cost of the Building permit for the hospital to
Murphy Construction Company. Motion passed.
Letter from County regarding the loeation of a county dump was read.
They stated that their man would be in this area to make a survey for
possible sites,
Roy Ericksen appeared find discussed the sewer problems and flow
test c©ndia3ted on the Wades Flat Sewer outfall truck line. After
much discussion it was decided that sewer flow tests should be made
©n the downtown portion of the outfall line serving the flat.
Report regarding this will be made by Mr. Ericksen later.
Motion made by Councilman Swain and seconded by Councilman
Murphey to annex city owned property known as the hill area or
Crestview Hwights. Motion was passed. City attorn^ to take necessary
stepfe to annex this property.
Permission was granted to Reedsport Logging Company to install
Radio and Antenae on site now used by the City for the Police Radio.
An offer to purchase city iwned property located on Schofield Road
by Ralph Coy was tabled because the City feels that no sale of this
will be made because of the Engineering study now in progress on this
Motion was made seconded and passed to accept offers to purchase the
City ambulance and to sell the same.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills;
Ore Phys Ser 13.62 Daily Mtr Co 83.64
Payroll Fund 1650.00 R H Erickson 243.00
Morse Bros Paving 6196.63 Fire Equip Ce 255.28
Payroll Fund 5664.24 Charles Greenblatt 58.91
Air Mac 288.50 P L Hurlocker 89.75
Alberts Electronics 21.30 I G Johnson 62.00
American Rubber Mfg ^79.30 Harry Lyster 30.00
Baker*s Saw Shop 207.05 H M McCabe 2.35
Geo Cake Co 29.10 City North Bend 13.00
PUD 627.04 OK Tire Stord 23.85
The Courier 78.50 News Prf^ss 3.75
Cliff's Mobil Ser 2.75 PERS 7.26
Penna Salt Chem
Paramount Pest Ser
Reedsport Fire Dept
Reedsport Union Ser
Reedsport Logging Sup
Water Dept
Reedsport Plumbing
Reedsport Auto Wreckers
R & L Shell
ReedsportAuto Elect
Reedsport Auto Parts
Shell Oil Co
Sund Ins Co
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hdwe
Union Oil Co
Meeting was duly adjoumed.
Umpoua Bldg Sup
Ump River Nav
Utilities Supplies
Ump Ind Supplies
Ump Elect Co
Ump Drug So
irtfestern Auto
T/est Coast Tele
Waterworks Supplies
VJrights Ind 6ilieaners
Jason Boe
William Jayne
18 .20
Pl'esent were Mayor Unger Councilmen Boe, Murphey, Dunn.
Swain, & Hurlocker,
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved a's read.
The following committee appointments were made:
Finance Dr. "'^oe &. Jack limn
Water Dr. Boe Gordcfn Murphey, Lin §wain
Streets & Sewer Paul Hurlocker, Gordon Murphey, Gflnf¥Br Woods '
Police'^ Fire Paul Hurlocker, Lin Swain
Building, Playground & Lights Grover Woods, Jack Dunn
Paul Hurlooker was elected as president of Counci^L.
City officials appointed by Mayor and approved by Council are:
Recorder I. G. Johnson *
Water Commissioner Arthur Tollefson
City Attorney William Jsgrne
Chief of ^'olice H MMcCabe
Fare Chief LeRoy Shenoweth
Health Officer Dr. D. L. Courtney
Civil Defense Dir Curtis Baker
Planning J^ommission
F.. L. Taylor, YifiTliam Schneider, H E %ckels, Tom Lillebo, Roy Henderson,
William Andrews, and E C Daily.
Library Board
Alice K-nutesen, Snma Seabloom, WA Burdick, George Plov, Dr. Boe.
Recreation Committee
( No appointments as yet)
Request of the ^theren Church to build within the required set back
lines referred to the planning Commission.
Report ©£ the possibility of develoj^jent of the Commanity Building
was ^iven by Architect from Kruse & Fitch Firm.
Letter was read from Fish Commission requesting the use of the waters
of Clear ^^e for the rearing of silver salmon fry. Motion was made , s
seconded and passed to invite members of th« fish commission to next bhk
Council meeting to discuss their plan with the Council.
Roy Erichsen gave report on the City's sewer System stressing the
need for future pmprsvements.
Letter was read friom H H F A rejecting the City's application for
matching funds on the planning survey on the possibility of development
of Crest-^iew Heights, Also request for matching funds for the New ^ibrary
building was turned down.
Zoning in recently annexed areas referred to the filanning Gomraiasion
for their action.
Bids for new city car were opened, ^otion was made, seconded and
pa.ssed to study the bids and accept the lowest bids as per specifications.
Motion madej, seconded and passed t© have a council meeting in two
weeks to discuss Crestview Heights.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the following bills:
Lin Swain 84.50 Reedsport Motor Freight 3.00
liurphey Gonstr, Co. 577.00 Reedsport Fire Dept 280.00
Frank !^ite 20.00 Reedsport Garage 3.45
Payroll fund 1650.00 Reedsport Machine Works 18.20
Oregon Physicians Serv. 13.62 Reedsport Auto Parts 1.10
State Industrial Ceinin, 185.63 Reedsport Plumbing Co. 16.00
payroll fund 5560.29 Reedsport Auto Electric 27.35
American LaFrance 340.63 Reedsport Laundry 1.96
Callaghn & Co, 37.50 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 463.93
Coos Bay Stationery C©, 7.20 Shell Oil Co. 97.89
PUD 680.08 State Industrial Accid Comm. 171.09
The Courier 14.30 Thompson Ford Sales 134.95
Daily I'otor 11.55 Taylor Hardware, Inc. 1.40
n. H. Ericksen & Assoc. 95.00 Utilities Supply Co. 122.21
H, LI. LloCabe 3.40 Umpqua Building Supply Co. 7.68
OK Tire Store 27.85 Umpqua Drug Co. 1.42
City of North Eend 13.00 West Coast Telephone 115.75
Paramount Pest Control Se'rv. 8.00 West Coast Marine 80.77
Public Employes Ret, System 101.71 Wright's Industrial Cleaning 151.50
Reedsporfc Legging Supply Co. 5.00 H. M. McCabe 60.00
. Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter E. Miller 60.00
Ray Church 60.00
Ray Holliday 60.00
Meeting was duly adjourned.
City Recof^der
Present were Mayer Unger, Councilmen Boe Miorph^, Swain, Dunn, Woods, &
Mayor Unger opendid the meeting and proposed these two questions to be do
decided or discussed;
I 1, Does the City of Reedsport wish t© participate in the cost of land
development for housing.
2. If'City wishes to p articipate. How much and how to govern the am
amount of participation and how to finance.
Much discussion was had regarding these questions with the thought
that each proposal ©f development will have to be acted upon accord
ing to its metits.
Mr. Thomas Kruse of the Fish Commission appeared before the Council relative
to the planting of silver fish fry in Clear Lake. After discussing their
program it was decided to allow the planting of salmon fry in amount of
one to one and half million fingerlings for the year of I963 only. Copy
of the success of the fish return from the planting to be sent to the City.
Mr. Fitzpatrick appeared before the Council requesting a zone change
in Block 71 to allow for the building of a fourplex. The request was
referred to the Planning Commission.
The request from the Game Commission t© be allowed to issue a deer
permit kill for two deer to Paul Bernhardt was approved by vote of Aye 5
Nay 1.
The request for Stop Signs for traffic control was referred t©
Police Chief McCabe for his recommendation and study.
Councilman Dunn brou^t the question of the development of Crestview
Heights before the Council. This brought forth a lively discussion.
Problems discussed were City's participation in the water instaUation
also discussed was the sewer problem and asked for considerationo^'fihis
Meeting was duly adjourned.
Atteat r
Present were Mayor Unger Councilmen Boe, Murphey, Hurlocker, Dunn,
Swain and Woods, ®
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Request of Lutheran Church to build withdm rdetrictive area on
Lot 7 Biick 26 was approved by motion made, seconded and passed.
Request of owners had been referred to the Planning Commission for their
approval and they approved plans to allow the proposed building to
be built within 6' of the street line on 22nd Street only.
Planning Commission recommended that Block 71 amended Railroad
Addition be zoned to # 2 Residental to allow for construction of ms.
Motion was made, seconded and passdd to call for a hearing on the
proposed zone change.
Property owners adjacent to York Street on South Side afipeared
before the Council relative to dedicating additional property on
their side of the street so as to gain access to their property. This
request made in an attempt to get the property owner of a strip of
land 6" wide to also dedicate his property making the street usable
for residents on the South Side of York Street. City Attorney will
write to the owner of this property explaining the situation and
find out ±f he will willing to so dedicate his land.
Question of the zoning of area in Bowman Road recently annexed
was tabled until futher annexations are perfected.
Aft^E discufefeing the truck problems on Lai^el Street between H
Highway 101 and Highway # 38 a motion was made," seconded and passed
to restrict this street for use af any through truck traffic. Signs
are to be post/^d to this effect.
City Attorney presented the proposal of the Hubbard Subdivision
as outlined by their attorney Jack Grant to the effect:
Developer to pay all cost for development of project including pump
Property annexed to have a tax relief of 50 %of normal city tax (Tax
within the 6% limitation). Tax relief to start from date of annexation
and continue for 5 years). City Council stated that this action on
fehe city's part does not constitute a precident but that each
development is to be considered on its merit.
Discussion waslhaii on Crestview heists:
Proposal as foMows:
30 to 50 houses to be built ha hill as needed.
Refund in the amount up to S 40.00 per year to be paid out of
revenue from project t© pay for pump station.
Developer expense suggested to be limited to 20,000 on pumping
installation-— rest to be born by city.
Develpoer to stand all other cost of development
Area involved is roughly all area east 2if lime of 3rd street from
city platted area to schofield river also a strip along ridge
road to the west of top of hill
City Attorney and developers attorney to draw up proposal to be
submitted at later meeting.
Motion made, seconded and passed authorizing the City Attorney to draw
up ordinance for the issuance of bonds for the Construction of the Liarary. Mayor U„ger,City C.unoil^n Hurlocker on Cen^ttee
to go over Library plans.
Mayor Unger announced that next Gouncijjii meeting vrauld be on February 25th,
Motion made, seconded and passed t© pay the following bills5
Oregon Physicians Service 13.62
Payroll fund 1650.00
Urapqua National Bank 667.50
Rudolph Sherych 3.00
Maybelle J. Barton 3.00
Mary E. Young 3.00
Rozella Rosa 3.00
Anna Burling 3.00
Nils Kling 3. 00
Clifford Washington 3.00
Keith Thompson 3. 00
Umpqua Nat'l Bank '281,25
Petty Cash 49.22
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 1980.00
Payroll fund 5753.46
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 400.00
Southwestern Oregon College 24.07
Union High School Dist U-13 107.00
Reedi^ort Grade School Dist 105-Q 232.07
Sheriff & Tax Collector 143.78
Lower Umpqua Hospital Dist 38.12
PUD 719.07
Geo, F. Cake Co. 46.86
Coast Stationery 1.40
County Surveyor 4.50
D. L. Courrtney 7.50
General Fund 2860.00
Daily Motor Co, 30.70
Fire Equipment Co, 160.09
Chamber ©f Commerce, Inc. 15.00
Geo. Melville, Plumbing 36.00
City ©f North Bend 13.00
News Press, Inc. 20.00
Meeting was duly adjourned.
Oregon Assoc. City Finance Off. 2,00
OK Tire Store 3.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 37.50
Paramount Pest Control Service 8.00
?ms 263.18
Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 8.40
Reedsport Plumbing Co, 5.95
Reedsport Auto Electric 39.38
RL Shell Service 149.38
Reedsport Auto Pa-rts 25.15
Reedsport Garage • 42.50
P5RS 7.26
Simmons Carbon Co, 11.33
Sund Insurance 400.67
Shell Oil Co. 141.99
Stults & Ja/ne 3.50
SIA0 190.87
Reedsport Fire Dept, 444.00
Pete Toftdahl 3.33
Thompson Fo.d Sales 11.46
Taylor Hardware 30.42
Umpqua Drug 1«50
Utilities Supply Co. 11.55
Umpqua Buildir^ Supply Co, 2.74
Umpqua Drug 1*^4
VJest Coast Telephone Co, 101.95
Umpqua National Bank , 300,00
Union Oil Co. ©f Calif, 1025.15
Present were Mayor Unger, G©uncilrnen Murphey, Swain, W®©ds, Boe,
Dunn & Hurlocker.
Mayor called the meeting t© ordar.'
Hearing on prop©sed zone change for block jr 71 Railroad Addition was
olened without any opposition t© the proposed chnage to Residenal zone"
DECLARING AN EMERGEICY was read for first reading and passed by vote of O
aye 6 to any 0, Ordinance was then rdad by title only and passed by vote j
of aye 6 aay 0. Third and final reading in full was then finished and the j
ordinance was passed by vote of aye 6 nay 0, Then Mayor then declared that i J
the ordinance was in full effect as of this date.
LetterrffsminJohn Purvis read reg .rding a parcel ®f property he owns
adijacent the south edge of York Street in the Bowman Read area. He
Did not express anjt desire to dedicate his parcel ©f property for street
Jjurposes at this time.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to accept petition for annexation
from John Hubbard for a portion of land fronting on Highv/ay 101 south of
22nd street contained in a tentative plat of the area. City Attorney ina
instructed tp prepare necessary advertising calling for a hearing at the
next Cjotbicil meeting. Councilman Murphey called the attention°to the Council
that a portion of pr ©posed sewer tmnh 'line and the piamping planil was '
outside pf the area proposed t© be annexed. Mr. Hubbard assured the
Council that the trunk line and pump plant when finally established
would be annexed t©_ the 0ity.
Discussion v;as had on Crestview Heists with a consmses of apinion that
a engineering survey whould be made and costs tabulated on the water supply
system to include a tank of about 50,000 gallons with a 2000 gallon pressure
tank. System designed to serve a minimum ©f 75 houses.
Motion made, secooded and passed to table a request for a zone
change in block 23 fc© allov/ construction of multiple dwellings.
Discussion was had regarding the need for s studgr on the sewer problem
and the possible federal grant for the study. An engineering firm
will be contacted regafifling this.
Meeting adjourned:
OF i.IARCH 1963 Iti THE GITY HALL AT 7:30 P.M.
Present were Mayor Unger and Councmlmen ISsffi§in?:or. Boe, Dunn, Murphey,
and V/oods,
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Hearing for the annexation ©f property known as the Forest Hills 3
Subdivision was called for by Mayor Unger. Since there were no objections
voiced at the hearing, an ordiaance # 452 AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CITY
AI^' ELiERGENCY was read by the City. Attorney for the first reading and v/as
passed by vote af ane 5 Nay 0, Second and'thirii reading by title only
was passed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 0. The Mayor, then declared that the
Ordinance was in full: force and effedt as of this meeting.
A report v/as given on the traffic problems at the intersection of
22nd Street and Plighway 101. Also mentioned ivas the problems created by
school childred crossing the highway south'of 22nd street,
A committee was appointed by the Mayor to study traffic problems in this
general"area. Committee consist of the present-Street Conmittee and
the Mayor, City attorney and City Reosrdery
Motion v/as made, seconded and passed to install stop signs on the
south side of Wades Flat as shown in the sketch prepared by Chief McCabe.
Motion made, seconded and passed to write letter to Heinz Kaufmann
notifying him to comply with the requirements of the Building code in
the construction of his motel. Also to malce some arrangements for the
use of City owned property that is being developed along with the motel.
Motion made, seconded and passed to hatee the City Ordinances enforced
by the City Recorder to the best of his ability,
l^otion made, seconded and passed to table offer for purchase of Flat
Iron property from the Laskey Clifton Comply for $ 3500,00. Additional
information on use of property was reqSested,
Motion made, seconded and passed for city crews to clean up two lots
# 4 & 15 in Renbrook Addition and file Imen for cost against the property.
Request for the use of the Conmunity Building for a hot rod car
show was referred to the Fleet Day Gocmittee of Salmon Harbor because the
time will be during fleet day.
Jim Hovdand, Howland Hayes, & Herrffield firm, appe-ired and gave
report on the various water systems that could be used t© serve the
contemplated imjbrovement on Crestview Hwights.Prices quoted ram all the
way from 20,000 to 34,700 depending on the type of syst^ used.
Motion made, by Murphey and seconded by.^Dunn to acdept the Diehl ^
Serfling proposition with the following reservations-
Not include the propoef^ leased t© K &: MLogging Company and the
house located adjacent thereto and to give an easement for access in this
same area for a road to the hill. Also adeiquate area aroun^ the Reservoir
v;ill not be included in the property to be conveyed to the developers.
Motion passed by votd of Aye 4 Nay 0, Councilman S-wain did not vote,
Moti^ made, and seconded to accept offer of Mr, 0 H Hinsdale offer to
purchase six lots in Block 84 from City for $ 10,000, Also he is to
confer ivith the City Council before he sells or ievelopes this block.
Motion passed by vote of Aye 3 Nay 1, v^ouncilman Murphey Md not vote.
March 11, 1963
Councilman Swain gave reporf on the condition of the jail,
that some repairs seem to be in order.
He stated
J^m Rowland was instructed to draw up a set of plans for the best
system to serve water to the Crestview Develppmemt for a sost under $
§ 20,000.00.
Motion was made, secoided and passed for the City to make application
for federal assistance for a overall study of sewer daspessal system and
have the firm of Cornell, Hov/iand, J'^eyes, &Merryfield to do the study.
Motion niade, seconded and passed t© have the bonds to be issued
for the construction of the Idbrary, retired in three tax levy years.
Motion made, seconded and passed to
Oregon Phys Ser 13.62
Payroll Fund 1650,00
Ump Nat'l Bank 75.00
Payroll Fund 4991.0?
Reedsport Garage 1546,14
Allen Smith Co 15,00
Baker Saw Shop 4.00
PUD 720,15
County Serveyor 18.53
Gen Fund Trans 300,00
Daily Mtr Co 16;34
Fire Equip C© 28,65
Kruse & Fitch 310.00
City North Bend 13.00
ijDl Service 8,00
OK Tire Shop 50,20
H E Nickels 21.50
The Courier 9.76
Pennsalt Chem 37,50
Paramount Pest 8,00
PERS • 235.55
Reedsport Logging Supply 520,96
Reedsport Ivlill Co 61.44
R Sc L Shell • • 5.50
pay the following bills:
Alfred Richardson 32,25
Reedsport Auto 44.14
Reedsport Ifeich IVks 69.77
Reedsport Auto Elect 5.30
Reedsport Mtr Frt 5446
Reedsport Fire Dept 356.00
B yron Smith 14.96
Skylark 6afe 11.95
SIAC 177.82
Standard Oil - 11,15
Shell Oil 112.14
Taylor Hdwe 28,17
Pete Tiftdahl 21.62
News Press 68,00
Union Oil 469.27
Utilities Supplies 123.54
Umpqua ind Sup 4.80
Ump Durg 5.70
Umpqua Bldg Sup 3.60
Umpqua River Nav 13.75
Vieat Coast Tele 104.70
VJright's Ind Cleaning 151.50
Meeting will be continued on March 18th, 1963
THE CITI H;UJ. at 7:30 P.M.
Present were Msyor Unger, Councilmen B©e, Murphey, Dtjnn^ Woods, & Hurlocker
Mayor Unger reported to the Council that Mr, ^ee Clements v/as interested
in developing the city property known as the flat iron and asked if the
City was interested. Members of the Council expressed interest in his
request and he will meet v/ith the Council at their next meeting.
Latest proposal of a system to serve water to the Grestv^.ew Development ^
was presented by a member of the firm of Cornell H, H, & M. This
system WQuld be a pressure system without any reservior and would use
two pumps. One pump for domestic uoe and an larger pump for fire use.
Motors v/ould be electric. Cost of 19,520.00 for installation.
Question of a gas pperated pump for fire protection instead of the e^-ectric
was discussed. Addition cost in amount of-1,500 would be needed. Affeer
much discussion a motion was made by councilman Murphey and Seconded by
Councilman Dunn to accept the new water system proposal with the Gas o
operated pump. Motion passed by votd of Aye 4 Nay 1. Councilman
Hurloeker voted no because he expressed bis fefefedesire for more fire t
protection — namely a reservoir.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to add $ 2,00 to the monthly charge
on all v;ater users in the proposed Creirtview development and money to be
used for eventual water stora ge for this area.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to tentatively accept the offer to purchase city
property in location of Kaufmann motel if Mr. Kaufmann complies with building
code in his construction of the motel, Mr, KauiBmann offer was $,2499,50,
Meeting Dajourned:
Reco]^ er
OF APRIL, 1963 IN TH3 CITY HALL AT 8:00 p.m.
Present v/ere Mayor Unger, Counoiljnen Boe, Hurlocker, '.Yoods. 3nd
Liinutes were read and approved as read.
Forrester Taylor and H. Ericksen discussed the Kaufmann Motel
issue on what could be done to bring it up to building code specifi
cations ,
Motion wa3 made and seconded for Kaufmann to operate as is for 60 days,
while City Planning Comiaission go over the present Building Code and
see if they wish to revise it. Aye 3 No-Grover.V/oods
Also a motion was made and seconded to accept Kaufmann's offer of
^2499.50 for the half lot the City owns next to the motel. Aye 3
no-Grover Woods
Dr, 3oe questioned the last two motions and votes as to the point
of order with onily 4 councilmen present.
Lee Clements request to purchase the fiat-Iron was dj-scussed and
letter readj quote
llr. Clements wishes to purchase all of City-owned property in blocks
94, 95, 96, 97, 114, 115, II6, 117, and 118 of the Amended Plat of
Railroad Addition to the City of Reedsport^ subject to the slope ease
ments and restricted access provided in that certain deed to the Oregon
State Highway Commission,
I herewith make an offer of $350,00 per acre for the above described
real property.
It is my intention to dredge fill the property, and I agree to have
the property fill on, or before, December 31, 1963,
I herewith submit a certified check in the amount of $2,000,00 made
payable to the City of Reedsport to be forfeited in the event that I
have not dredge filled the property by the above date. Unquote
The price is to be based on the present acreage and details to be r/orked
out by attornej's. This motion was made Seconded and passed Aye-Zi No-0
Also instructed City Recorder to notify Ray Holliday that he has 30 days'
in which to remove all the horses now on the Fiat-Iron.
A letter from the Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau was read by Fire Chief
LeRoy Chenoweth about the proposed Crestview Water Supply. They said
that they could not determine very much from the Engineer's report as
to whether it v/ould have any bearing on future gradings. as per last
paragraph of the letter, "Apparently some of the Council members believe
the proposal is inadequate. If this is the caiSe then v/e suggest that the
design be changed to meet their thinking." i^uite a bit of discussion
but no action taken, -
A letter from R, H. Ericksen asking the City to retain him as City
Engineer to attend all Council and Planning Commission meetings, llr.
Ericksen is to be asked to attend the r^xt regular council meeting
to discuss fees;;fer this service as none was stated in letter.
Hurlocker made a motion to instruct City attorney to take steps to
float a bond for ^0,000 to build jail on property adjacent to fire hall.
Motion seconded by Lincoln Svjain, Aye-4 No-0
Lincoln Swain stated that this building would include not only the Jail
but telephone facilities, and offices.
Discussed the neglect of .District Attorney's office to notify us of jail
inspection results given to them by the Grand Jury before giving them
for publication in the paper.
Orin Colliery -representing Wayne Kaylor and Grant Dunn for vacation of street
on 21st and Greenwood, asked the- C-ity to |ive its okay on the petition to
be presented next week at Council meeting as property owners of the Park area
that is within 300 feet of the property to be vacated. This is just to put
their name on the petition, not okaying the vacation of the street,
A motion was made by Doctor Boe to refer this to the Planning Commission, second
by Grover VJoods. Motion mthdrawn, until petition presented to Council.
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the follov/ing bills:
Payroll fund
Oregon Physicians Service
Bangs ik Dick Logging Co.
Payroll Fund
American Rubber Mfg. Co.
H, M. McCabe
Raymond Hass
U'alter E. Miller
Ptay Church
Ray Holliday
Baker's Saw Shop
County Clerk ©f Douglas Co.
Community Building
Coast Stationery Co.
Daily Motor Go.
Roy Henderson
K, L. McCabe
H. 1.1, McCabe
Melville Plumbing
City of Worth Bend
101 Service
1650,00 Reedsport Plumbing Co. 19.29
13.62 Police &. Sheriffs Assoc. 5.60
67.50 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 37.50
5376,34 Paramount Pest Control • 8,00
2779.28 PERS 245.51
60,00 Reedsport Garage 76,07
60,00 Reedsport Machine »Vorks 31.86
60,00 Reedsport Logging Supply Go. 3.24
60,00 Reedsport Auto Parts 6,89
60,00 Reedsport Auto Electric 41.12
27.50 Standard Oil Co, of Calif. 14.51
4.50 Shell Oil Co. 110,27
697.42 SIAC 186,42
5000,00 Traffic Safety Supply Co. 133.00
44.39 Taylor Hardware 7.31
215.99 Umpqua Drug Co, 8.93
308,89 Umpqua Building Supply 14.60
1,50 West Coast Telephone 105.00
74.40 Wright's Industrial Cleaning 141.00
3.75 V/allace &. Tieman Inc. 8,00
22.63 .
Meeting recessed until Monday h'ight, April 15, 19^3
Continuation of the regular meeting of the City Council was brought to order by
the Mayor vdth Councilmen Boe, Woods, Murphey, Dunn, Swain, and Hiu'locker came
in later.
Bids on library bonds opened- Only bid was from Umpqua National Bank of Reedsport
to purchase all but no part of $25,000.00 obligation bonds, to be dated May 1, 1963
and maturing as follows: $8,000,00 on May 1st, 19665 ?.8,000.0t) on Kay 1st, 196?;
$9,000.00 on May 1st, I968; said bonds to bear interest as follows: 3% per annum to
maturity of each bond, interest payable semi-annually May 1st and November 1st of
each year; principal and*interest payable at the office of the City Recorder, Reeds
port, Douglas County, Oregon,
We (Umpqua National B^.nk) v/ill pay you at the rate of $100,00 for each ,^100,00 on
the value of bor.ds bid for, plus an additional premium of ^"'101,00 on $25,000.00 bond
issue, plus accrued interest from May 1st, I963, to the date of Delivery of the
bonds to us in Reedsport, Oregon.
A good faith deposit of $1250,00 was included with the bid.
It was moved and seconded to accept the Bank's offer for the bonds, Aye 5, No 0
Application for beer license transfer from Soren Buus of the Silver Moon to
Lee K. and Ruth Tanner.
Motion made and seconded to accept transfer. Aye 5, No-0,
Letter from Jaycees was read wishing to use City Park on flat betv/een 20th Ci 21st
on V/inchester for the carnival during Fliet Days, June 25 through June 29th,
This :vas tabled until they see if they can find a more suitable^
%ree petitions were referred to the Planning Oonmission for action. They
Block 84; Rnezoni•ng orf®Lots 8, 9, 10, B21losctkan2d3,GCreietynwoofodR; eAedllsepyorvt,acOatrieognono. n
Library Bids opened at 8:30 p.m.
Attorney Jayne suggested going ahead with opening of the bids and delay making
an avfard of the bid at this time.
calendar days
Bids'..we£6-opened in this order-Baughraan & Sons $22,550 base sum 100
Coos Bay,
R. 0, Pallia C'25,075 " " 120
Karsh Construction $23>921:. V' ' ' no time
James & Stritzke _ $22,364 " " n m
Li 11 ebo Construction .'i?2056J?0 '' '' 90
Llayor thanked all bidders and vdll let you know selection at later date.
Proposal in form of a letter was read from the Umpqua National Bank offering to
sell the present Umpqua National Fank Building to the City for t'35jOCO.OO to be
used as a library and city offices. The parking lot behind the bank was also
included in this price. Other suggestions were made as to moving the jail and
police offices into the Comunity Building,building the jail on the Northeast
corner of the present b'oilding.
Mr. Burdick spoke for the library board suggesting that an architect be contacted
to see if the Bank hvilding could be used for a library, and it would be well worth
looki:ig into, :
When asked how much v;e had to be worry^.about Douglas County, he stated that the
City is to furnisjr adequate housing for the library.
Hurlocker made th ? rotion to I'.c.ve rchn r study for recorder L 'v n^'^ioes
and library in Ur.nq'ia National Bank building.
Amendment also made by Kurlocker to include the study and survey of cost for trans
forming Community building into jail and police offices. Also to compare price to
separate ^ail.
Seconded by Boe. Vote Aye 6, No 0.
Survey is to be made by Kruse 6; Fitch, present library architects and to be finished
in tv/o ;vebks, April 29> 1963.
R. K. Ericksen explained that to be retained to attend Council meetings v/ould he
$50.00 per month, ©r to attend both Council and Planning Commission meetings,
1^100,00, Any ©utside work that ^vould need the survey crew or field crew would be
extra on hourly basis.
This is to be discussed in the next years budget, whether or net it will be feasible
to retain him on this basis.
Applicatien for funds and study for sewage trafetment plant to be made to the Housing
k Home Finance Agency. Resolution read by ikttorney Jayne, l.urphey moved to pass
resolution as read, seconded, and voted Aye 5^ No 0, Hurlocker did not vote.
Motion was made and seconded to give letter to Diehl and fjerflin?^ stating that
the City has entered into agreement with them for certain City property, as per
Attopn^ Jayne. nye 5j No-Lincoln Swain
Leeting v/as adjourned, with a.'Special meeting called for i^)ril 29^ 1963
Signed // /j yypnA^j^—^
I. G. ,^;^?6Knson,
City Recorder Recording Sec.
Special Council meeting was called to order by t}\e liayor nt 8 p.m., ^pril 29, 1963,
v/ith Co'oncil-nen Eoe, Dunn, V.'oods, Uurphey, Hurlocker ^ Svvain present.
Reedsport Tavern application by Harold E. Smith vfas presented to the council
for action. Lotion was irede .k,seconded to okay application. Aye k No 0
Swain "c Hurlocker were not present vAien this vote was taken.
ed Plans for library &city offices in Bank Building were present/by Kruse &
Fitch Architects, lifter much discussion, Swain maved to instruct the City
Attorney to find ways to buy the Bank Building: seconded .by I'urnhev
iiye - 6 No - 0 ' ^ i ^
Meeting adjourned.
Signed ^
Attest:^s2Ly^l:±=_- ^ A. Un3e^i;.ayor K ipimson
City R^eferder ^ y
Recording Sec*.
RESDSPOFuT, OHH>ON, MY 6, 1963^ 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor J. A. Unger, with Councilinen
Boe, Uurphey, V/oods, Hurlockerj & Swain present.
Llinutes read and approved as read.
Vacation of the Alley in Block 84, Amended Railroad Addition was discussed.
xt was moved and seconded to grant the petition to vacate this alley.
Aye 5 No 0
Also discussed the responsibility of the expense the City goes to in vacation
of streets and alleys. Decided that this should fall on the property ov/ners
involved. "
Petition to vacate a portion/North 21st Street between Greemvood and alley
to IJorth be denied as recommended by the Planning Commissioh ivith the set
backs ;Taived for that portion of Lot 8 fronting on Horth 21st St, Block ?.
Motion made and seconded to pass as recommended by Planning Coirxiission.
Aye 5 No - 0
Lincoln Swain stated that was not setting a precedent but was done in this
jnanner due to the circumstances of the area.
Afjiotlon was made and seconded to call a hearing for the proposed zone change
if Lots 8 through 14, Block 24, Reedsport addition to Reedsport from Residential
#1 to Residential #2 to allow multiple d^vellings. Aye 5 No -0 This hearing is to
be Lay 20, I963 at 8 p.m. . ,
William Jayne, City Attorney, received permission by phone from the Bondigg Att'ys
to use the moneys bonded for the library towards the piiTChasing of the Bank Bldg.
lloved and Seconded to notify contractors on library bids that all bids have been
rejected. Also to thank them for the bids. Aye 5 no 0
Request for State aid for streets to be made as soon as application arrives.
For same area as beibre.
Vj'illiam Jayne asked for the authority to file suit against the Douglas County i
Tax Assessor for refusing to accdj)t the tax differential in Ordinance ^452 of f
City of Reedsport.
Lotion made and seconded to give JajTie this authority. Aye 5 No 0
The-Llayeri; requested Clyde-Nunnal-ly to give; estimates on.^increas'irig re^dential
lighting for the forthcom3.ng budget consideration.
iit present, the street light bill is $496.70 per month with 85 Incandescent,
24-6,000, and 49 Uercury vapor lights.
To increase lighting 22^, change all incandescents to 6,^00, keep sajne Mercury
Vapor-Cost $583^00, 17% over present cost. ^ ^ uiy
lighting 54^, go to 10,900 luminous, keep llerctmy Vapor, V/6uld increase
cost 40^, or ^695.00 per month
For the best possible light, U2« increase, all Keroury Vapor lights (l6l), cost
of $829.00 per month, 6?^ over present cost. (8^ times more light)
If ^povements in the annexations and subdivisions all go through, there
1^11 have to be 30 lights for Forest Hills, 5-10 for Crestviev/ Fill, 10
for Bowman Road, and 5 for The Hospital.
Hear^g for the zone chan-e vdll be May 20, at Bp.m., also a
preliminary budget meeting. Next regular meeting June 10, 1%3
Motion made, seconded and passed to pay the follo^dng bills:
Oregon Physicians Service
Payroll fund
Rcedsport Fire Dept.
Payroll fund
Alberts Electronic Serv.
Ealcer's Savi Shop
Coos Bay Stationery Co.
Daily Journal of Geimnerce
Daily Ilotor Go.
City of North Bend
OK Tire Store
Petty Gash
Paramount pest Control
Heedsport Mill C©.
Reedsport Logging Supply
Reedsport Auto Pai'ts
R & L Shell
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Shell Oil Co.
Byron "L. Smit^
State Industrial Accident Com.
Kleeting adjourned.
I. G. Johnson^Lrity Recorder
13.62 PERS 249.51
1650.00 Taylor Hardware 20.35
454.00 Thompson Ford Sales 5.10
5747.34 Union 0^1 Co. of Calif. 416.52
46.00 Umpqua Bldg. Supply 7.79
3..-:5 Umpqua River Navigation 25.00
685.44 ^Vest Coast Telephone 112.95
7.15 'Vest Coast Marine 37.50
20.25 '.fright's Industrial Gl. 151.50
14.35 Temple V. Ehmsen 5.00
118.95 '
A. Unger,^^^^yor
Recording Sec
Meeting was called to order at a]»proximately S:30 p.m., May 20, 19^3
by Mayor Unger with Councilmen Boe, Swain, and Dunn present.
The Mayor declared himself a councilmen to make a quorum for voting
on the change of zone for L®t S through 14, inclusive, Block 23,
Reedsport Addition to Reedsport, from Residential Zone 1, fo
Residential Zone 2, to permit multiple dwellings.
Motion made and seconded to accept zone change-Aye k Nay-©
V/illiam Jayne asked that the emergency clause be included so
that the change would be in effect immediately.
The Library bonds were signed by the Mayor and City Recorder
and the City Seal applied. They will' be taken to the bank tomorrow
and a check for the same deposited in the bank under City of
Reedsport Library Fund.
Because of the absence of three of the councilmen, it^as decided
to call another meeting: Cerhtho priftlimiriary work on the budgel;.
It was decided to hold it May 27^h at 8:30 after the Planning
Commission meeting. Mr. Johnson is to contact the budget committee.
Also discussed and to be discussed at the budget meeting is
the buying of merchandise by requisiti®n slip, as per ordinance.
Kruse & Fitch, Architects and Police Chief McCabe are to meet
to get preliminary survey and estimate for jail and remodeling of
Community Building for offices for the Police De]»t«
William Jayne also statei the tax Suit against the County
Assessor, Svarerud has been filed in Circuit Court.
Meeting was adjourned.
Atte st *
'l. G. (JAhnson Recording See
City Recorder
1963 IN IHE CITY HALL AT 8:00 P.M.
Pr4>sent were James McCull«ch, Jim Bagley, R»g«r L»ve, Ben Gawley, Wes
Hillier ©f the Budget Committee and Paul Hurl»cker, Jack Dunn, Jas^n B#©
and May*r Unger the City Council* May*r ^nger declared himself as smol
Councilman t» make a quorum. Ben Gawley elected Chiirman and L*ve SecretaxT*.
Evening was spent in compiling and prepareing the budget. After
considerable discussion^ it vas adopted within the six percent limitation*
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the bu^etaas compilied be presented
to the Council for their action.
The Council members made a motion v^ich was seconded and passed to 8
accept bhe budget, have it printed in the local paper and c all for a Ihearing
as perscribed by law* Motion passed by vote of Aye A Nay 0.
Motion was made to adjouan the meeting—^ said motion was duly passed*
Attest Ma Recording Sec*
^ Reader
REEDSPORT, OREGON, June 10, I963 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor J. A. Unger, with Councilmen Boe, Murphey,
Woods, Swain, and Dunn present*
Minutes read and approved as read*
Ordinance #454, Vacation of alley. Block 84, Amended Plat of Railroad Addition
was read. Motion made and seconded to approve Ordinance Aye 5 No 0
Second reading of Ordinance Motion made and seconded to approve said
Ordinance. Aye 5 No 0
ackniwledging receipt »f applloati.n for State
Mrs. Dm Hansen sp.ke f.r gn»up abeut sewer in E. K. W»»d h»use area where it
inU Sohefield. Agreater v»lume Is being dumped in this area all the time
and preblem vdll get w»rse as weather gets warmer. Mr. J«hns©n is !• contact
Ctrnell, Kawland, Hayes, and Merryfield abeut the prevailing cenditi»ns and
see if the pump that was •riginally planned f»r this sp®t could be installed.
- Councilman Hurlocker appeared-
Marge Brown, Mr. McV/illis, and Mrs. Alexander Olson were here about the
Laurel Street NO TRUCK TRAFFIC. Chief McCabo said that now school is out,
more patrolling will be done in that area^ and tickets will be given.
Paul Bernhardt wishes to plat his ground and cannot do so until some arrangement
is made to be sure of adequate water for the new dwellings. The City agreed to
reimburse Mr. Bernhardt $100.00 of water revenue for each lot over a period of
3 years, that is, each lot vrith a dwelling on' iti A motion was made and seconded
to have William Jayne draw up such an agreement,
Mr. Johnson stated at this time the Planning Com mission did not recconunend
any changes in the building code. After some discussion, it was decided that
Bill Jayne and Irving Johnson would try and reach some decision which is
satisfactory for both the City and Kaufinann*s«
Purchase by requisition was discussed and as of July 1, 1963 when thefiscal
year starts, it is to be enforced in all departments as per ordinance #346.
OrcJinance #454, vacating alley in Block 84, Amended Railroad addition was read
for the third time. Motion made and seconded to approve same Aye 6 No 0
Motion was made and seconded to pay the following bills;
Payroll fund 1400,00 Reedsport Garage 257.34
OPS 13.62 Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 9.95
Henry Carl Williamson 42.50 Reedsport Plumbing Co. 2.50
Payroll Fund 5996,66 Reedsport Machine Works 2,50
A & V/ Drive In 1.65 Reedsport Auto Parts 25.25
Baker's Saw Shop 28.80 Reedsport Auto Electric 17.91
The Courier 17.60 Reedsport Fire Dept. 372,00
Coos Bay Stationer 19.16 Reedsport Motor Freight 3.00
Central Lincoln PUD 715.65 Reedsport Outdoor Store 2.00
Coos Bay Supply 108.18 Stults & Jayne 250.00
City of Reedsport 75.00 Byron L. Smith 11.22
D.L. Courtney 10.00 Shell Oil Co. 144.58
Daily Motor Co, 36.55 Shell Oil Co. 114.71
Fire Equipmnt Co. 17.15 Standard Oil Co, 11.15
Hansen Electric Co, 48.75 Skylark Cafe 7.00
Roy Henderson 35.75 SIAC 193.?5
Irvdn-Hodson Co. 94.35 News Press 18.00
OK Tire Store 31.00 Thompson Ford Sales 6.e;o
PERS 6.72 Taylor Hardware 7.55
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 37.50 Union Oil Co, 877.73
Kruse & Fitch AIA 848.00 Utilities Supplies 379.89
It It 64.00 Umpqua Electric 10.85
PERS 267.33 Umpqua Building Supply Co. 17.28
Reedsport Union Station 30.65 Umpqua Industrial Supply 8.78
Umpqua Drug 1.56
Umpqua River Navigation 13.85
V/est Coast Telephone 106.90
Western Auto Associate 3.22
Wright's Industrial Cleaning 141.00
Motion was made adjoucn-said motion was duly passed.
I. G. John'son
City Recorder
Recording Sec.,,
BUDGET HEARING JULY 1, -1963, 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order By ;Mayor Jack Unger, with councilmen
Boe, Murphey, Dunn, Hurlocker, and Swain present.
Mayor Unger asked if there were any objections to the budget as
published in'the Courier?^ As there were none, a motion was made
and seconded to adopt ±)Udget as as prepared and authorize Ordinance
to establish tax. Aye 5 no 0
Ordinance was read and approved.
Mr. Cliff Furlott and Mr. Warren Kimber requested a letter from
the City to the effect that it will serve water adequately to the
Bowman Road area. This letter to be for the FHA.
The City asked them iitioinform I^HA that they would like a letter
stating exactly what they expect.
Quite a bit of discussion was held on the width and other draw
backs on the roads in the Bernhardt plat. No decisions were
made as to how to solve the problems.
Butch Thompson discussed perhaps the vacation of lyth Street
since it has no highway access. The city decided to make a field
inspection and when Butch has some concrete plan as to use, the
city will considerjvacating it. Also on the unfilled portion of
the Umpqua Shopping Center area, if the option"runs out before it=
is filled, they would like an extension of time.
Next Monday night is regular Council Meeting, so Budget hearing was
Signed /
•/^hn A.'Uh^^,' Mayor
I. G. Jol^son
City Recorder Recording Sec.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor J. A. Unger, with councilmen
Swain, Murphey, Dunn, Hurlocker, and Woods present.
Minutes read and approved as corrected.
Ordinance #l\5G to amend Ordinance #336 effecting buildings in the
fire,zone was read and a motion was made and seconded to approve
and accept 1st reading. Aye I4. No 1
Mrs. Joe Butler and Mrs. Bob Cams asked for something to be done
about the traffic hazard as well as the dust problem on East Rail
road. Street is only about I8 feet wide from Butler-x-s down to
Lillebo Construction Co.
The City is to contact Mr. Angell about paving a 3" lift I8' feet,
and maybe getting the Hardwoods Co., Menasha, Union Oil,, and Standard
Oil to help with this as they are the ones using the road.
A letter was read from Oregon State Game Commission about the Boat
ramp on Rainbow Basin stating that the ramp is to be lenthened with
gravel at first opportunity (low'tides) by 0. H. Hinsdale.
A letter was read from Central Lincoln PUD with the new street light
rates/ This is quite an increase. Was decided to ask PUD for
estimate for best lighting within budget.
Mr. Johnson reported on the water line. It is a little over l/2
done. Only the tunnel is left and should be finished in about 3
Also that Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, & Merryfield man is to come down
as soon as tide is low enough to investigate condition of box where
pump is to be installed and see how much of the work is complete.
Umpqua National Bank proposes to use water for heating and cooling
their new bank which is to be built at 6th and Pir. They estimate
useing 325,000 cu feet a month, or [|0 gal. per min. in their system
which would be approximately $14.5.00 per month. They also requested
a 30 year guarantee of water usage because of the cost of installing
such units. They would use the sanitary sewer for disposal of
the water. Mr. Johnson told them that they might be required to be
metered. Checking to be done by City Attorney before answer is
given to proposal.
Bargain & Sale Deed received from Lee Clements along with, a check
for $3^3.00 for 10.58 acres of the flat-iron which he purchased in
April, '1963 from the City. A motion was made and seconded authorizing
Mr. Johnson & Mayor Unger to sign deed. Also that it should
read any suitable dirt fill, because it only mentioned a dredge^
fill in the letter and it Is understood that Mr. Clements is going
to truck fill the property. Aye 5 No 0
Mr. Clements also wishes to get dirt from up Schofield Road on City
owned propoerty (hogback on East side of road)
Motion made and seconded to give Mr. Clements permission to use this
dirt, but he is to leave reasonable slope and clean up the debris,
as per Mr. Johnson-x-s specifications. Aye 5 No 0
Discussion was held again on the problem of trucks and Laurel Ave.
The Mayor said that bigger signs, more enforcement, or whatever it
takes to handle the situation should be done or take the signs
down. It was decided to have 3 214x30" signs made stating NO TRUCK
TRAPPIC, NO TRUCK PARKING ^hd pa3't£.them on this street.
Bob latest & Howard Young were here to ask what is to be done about
the drainage on 13th street where Bob Sund is processing only l/2
the road. Mr. Johnson stated thafexfefeSsci'ty will put in bublle jS/v?s/'n/,r
that should take care of most of the/water problem. The street
committee is to look at this.
The Mayor stated that Harry Ludwig had to pay a plumber $6.00 to
take a water dog & fish out of his water line. There have been one
or two other complaints of this nature, but the intake pipe is so
far QinaeiDf water that a new screen cannot be put on nor can they
tell whether the one on it has any holes. New ones are to be in
stalled as soon as possible.
Ordinance #i|.56 was read for the 2nd time,
to accept same. Aye I4. No 1
Motion made and seconded
Fire department requisitdions were presented for the Council-^-S
action: #1^1 & 1^2 $114.66.60
#153 1199.26
#l$l+ 105.00
These were signed by the Fire Depa±?ment committe and a motion made
and seconded to accept same. Ay^ 5 No. 0
Mr. Swain asked if it wasnf-t time that the cnnty have a complete
insurance survey/ Mr Johnson stated that each year the insurance
companies go over the policies to see if everything is covered
adequately and if anything is to be deleted.
Mr. Leo Tucker asked for refund on his water bill for the month
of June as he had no water for at least two weeks. This was left
up to Mr. Johnson.
Ordinance #\\56 read for third time. Motion made and seconded to
accept. Aye • i|. • No 1
Mr. Hurlocker was asking if any word had been received from Kruse
& Pitch regardding estimate on neW' jail. Mr. Johnson stated that
a letter was supposed to be sent to us with the estimate and so
far none had been received. Mr. Hurlock^ Mr. Swaa&^.l^and Chief
McCabe are to go see Mr. Kruse and see if some amount cannot be
decided on before the end of the month. If so, a special meeting
will be called the 22nd of this month.
Motion made and seconded to pay the following bills:
P(fyroll fund IJ450.OO'
OPS.- 13.62
Douglas County Clerk 34-00
Payroll fund 6111.58
American Seating-Co. 677.30
Brown Steel Equipment' Co. i4.7.95'
PUD 721.72
Callaghan & Co. 20.00
Courier 9.2l|.
Douglas County 36.00
Coos Bay Stationery 1.12
C, H, H, & M hk5'71
Daily Motor Co. 32.05
Fire Equipement Co. 11.00
City of North Bend 26.00
H. M. McCabe 60.00
Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter E. Miller 60.00
Ray Church 60.00
Ray Holliday 60.00
SIAC 203.i4.0
iBE Tire Store i|.7.70
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 37.50
Paramount Pest Control 16-.00
PERS 276.47
Reedsport Fire Dept. 54^".00
Reedsport Logging Supply 762.98
Reedsport Plumbing Co. 3.^2
Reedsport Outdoor Store 6.60
Reedsport Auto Parts 39.67
ReedJaport Machine Works 165.37
Reedsport Motor Freight 3.00
Meeting adjourned.
iT G. 'J6hnson. City Recorder
Pete Toftdahl 3.87
Taylor Hardward IpL.GG
Thompson Ford Sales 11.70
Union Oil Co. 262.22
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 26.37
Utilities Supply Co. 329.22
Umpqua Industrial Sup. 49.38
Umpqua River Nav. • 10.00
West Coast Telephone 105.70
WrightSs Indastrial l5l.50
Petty cash • 42.93
Signed / (7 /yV
K' A. Ung^^ Mayor
Recording SecJ^
Present were May»r Unger anal Ciuncilmen Murphey, Bee, Dunn, ^^9^3,
Hurlecker and Swain.
Minutes ef ^^ieus meting were read and approved as read*
Official netificatien ef the appreval ef the City's application fer
a grant frem H.H.F.A. in the amount of $ 8,932*00 was received. Mtien
was made, seconded and passed to sign contract accepting the granl.
Firm of Cornell, Howland aiAd Hayes will make the overall complete sewer
study as outlined in the application for the grant.
Motion was,made,seconded and passed to approve the application for
a "Dine & Dance'* liquor license received from the Hiinbow Tavern & Cafe*
A estimate in the amount of $ 1,372*50 was presented to the Council
by Councilman Swain for a base station for tiie fire department* It was
decided that the City Recorder would see if other estiiaates or bids
could be secured for this installation. The bid received covered a
used base station along with other equi|^ent as itemized. Money for this
installation will come out of the Snergency fund of the General Fund
as this was not included in the Fire Department budget.
Mr. Stone and Mr Richie appeared before the Council concerning the
Forest Hills Subdivision as proposed by the International Paper Company.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the developer would be
required to finance the complete water installation to city's Specifications
and be allowed to recover part of their cost ais follows:
1* Repayment be allowed to developer at rate of $100*00 per
developed lot out of revenue at rate of 1/3 per year. Time
limit to be of 5 year duration from date of plat filing.
Motion made, seconded and passed to amerid ordinance # 452 v^ich
allows a tax differential to property included in Hubbards proposed
Gorest Hills Subdivision* The amendment would rescind the previous
tax differential. Motion passed by vote of Ay© 5 Nay 0. Councilman
Swairi abstained from voting*
Motion made, seconded and passed for the City to Contract the
water service installation on a cost Stasis with International Paper
Company in their proposed plat of the first unit of Forest Hills Subdivision.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to tentatively accept the
proposed plat as outlined in the letter submitted by International
Paper Compnay for the Forest Hills Area.
Motion was made, seconded and passed to allow the use of the
Community Building Dance hall to the Blazers for a monthly dance.
Rental to be $ 35*00 a dance. Policing in the hall by City i^olice is
to b e arranged by the persons giving the dance. $ 10*00 of the rent
charged will be used to pay for policing the hall.
The question of the 22nd Avenue Street crossing on Highway 101
was brought up for discussion. It was decided that a committed
consisting of the Mayor, Police Chief, and City Recorder w»uld arrange to
have a meeting vdth School personnel and the Contractor for bus transportation
('hief McCabe expressed his concern over the congestion of foot traffic
and car traffic expected when school starts.
Motion made, seconded and passed to write letter to county officials
rdgarding the use of city land for a proposed dumping area. Councilman
Hurlocker abstained from voting.
M*ti»n was made seconded and passed t» write letter te Seuthem Pacific
in care ©f their lecal agent regarding the cenditi»n ef the crossing tn
Winchester Avenue by the Depet* Alse the lack ef maintenance •n the spur
tract en First Street serving the Umpqua River Rsvigati*n Cempany*
Meti*n was made seconded and passed fer the City Attorney t« write
letter te OieBd & Serfling en their intentions en the proposed develepnent
•f Crestview Hill* Metion passed by v»te ef Aye h Nay 2. Ceuncilmen
Swain ^ ^urltcker voted Nay,
Mayor linger asked for a discussion on the proposer^ Jail and Police
building and a location for the same, Mr Kruse, Architect, presented plans
and discussed the location of the Commimity Building arid the Fire Hall
to be incorporated in the proposed building. Estimates of the construction
are; $ 35>000.00 for jail facilities.
12,000.®® for remodelling of the present city offices to a police
He estii&ated that it vould cost about $ 11,000*00 more to use
the site by the Fire ^all and attach the building to the Fire Hall.
Motion was made, seconded and passed by vote •€ aye 6 nay 0 to build the
Jail & Police Station at %he Cojamuriity Building site.
City Attorney was instructed by vote of Aye 5 Nay 1 to proceed with
the necessary requirements calling for an election to issue bonds in the
amount of $ 47,500.00 to build the Police find *^ail Buildings as presented
in plans by Mr. Kinise,
Motion was made, seconded
Payroll Fund 1650,00
Ore Physicians Service 13.62
Umpcrua Nat'l Bank 39948.75
Payroll E)und 6437.08
Umpqua Nat*l Bank 700.00
Geo McCulloch 400.00
Ore Phys Service 13.62
Payroll Bund 1650.00
American Rubber Mfg 837.90
Bery & Wally 2.20
Central ^incoln PUD 677.32
Dr Ceurtney 10.00
The Courier 151.36
Coos Bay Stationery 3.37
Daily Hr Co 10.88
Diehl Agency 100.00
Roy Henderson 1.50
Johns-Manville 13.80
Knight's 24.94
Koch*s Upholstery 18,00
League Oregon Cities 240.43
Feo Mglville 6.^
City North Bend 13.00
Ore Fin Officers 2.00
The News press 12.00
OK Tire Store 14.96
Pub Bnp Ret System ' 287.95
Paramount Pest Control 8,00
Pub finp Ret System 8,32
Reedsport Auto F&rts 44*66
Reedsport Garage 7.95
Reedsport Lagging Co 76,58
AL Richardson 30.00
Reedsport Outdoor Store 4.35
Reedsport ^ch \Vks 55.12
Reedsport Fire Dept 388.00
and passed '^o pay the follkowing bills:
Reedsport Mtr Frt 3.00
Reedsport Union Sear 64.00
Sund ins Co 2987.33
Shell (Dil Co 100.73
State Ind Acc Comm 114.15
Frank L, Taylor 103.25
Thompson Ford Sales 60.50
Union Oil Co 181.72
Umpoua Industrial Supply Co 14.78
Umpqua Bldg Supply 47.28
West Coast Tele 113.25
Wrights Ind Cleianers 141.00
Lower ^mp Rec Dist 1100.00
Meeting was duly adjourned*
Recording Sec',
lieeting called by Mayvr Uhger fagr written request received frem
Ceuncilmen W##ds^ IXinn, Muri^ey and Bee.
Meeting called fer purposes ef discussing the 6restvie«r Hills
Present were Mayer ^nger, Ceunciljaien Swain, Hurlecker, Murphey
Dunn, W*»ds and Bee.
Mr. Serfling represei^ting the firm ef Diehl ^ Serfling with
his atterney Mr« William C#llver was alse present •
A letter received tvm Diehl ^ Serfling was discussed* The
tlfflB limit placed en the installatien the wa^er system was disectssed
witheut any actien taken en it. The pittpesad development as eutlined
in the letter finm Diehl & Serfling dated March 11, I963 was accepted
by ceuncil actien en that date and as far as the City was cencemed
this is still in effect* This was the epinien ef the City Attemey
and the rest ef the Ceuncil. Their is net anything stepping the
develeper frem geing ahead with his plans.
Thequestien ef a letter that was te have been written te the
develeper was discussed. Tb» eriginal need fer the letter was te help
e3qpediate getting the appreval ef^the preject frem F.H.A* ^tter was
te state that the City and Bi^l ^ Serfling was in agreement with the
later developing certain City property under certain conditions for
houBing. Afier the revest for the letter was received, the project
was approved by F.H.A. and the City Attorney rightfully believed that
the need for the letter was solved. VUkkMK City Attorney will write
letter stating the agreement was in effect as accepted by the March
nth action of the Council as is requested by the developer at this
Meeting was duly adjourned*
r- ) An f).
Present were Mayor Unger, Councilmen Murphey, Dunn,
W»ods, Boe, Swain and Hurl»cker and City Attorney William
Minutes the previous meeting were read and appr©ved
as read.
Mayer linger reperted that he had centacted Gordon Brummett
©f the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. regsrding repairs needed
at the Winchester railroad crossing. Brummett had stated
that repairs v/ould be made as soon as the necessary materials
arrived, Mr, Brummett will consult City Recorder, Irving
Johnson to agree ©n a suitable time as the repairs will
necessitate closing the crossing for three or four days.
Mayor linger als® reported that Southern Pacific has
agreed to make repairs to their spur on first street. If
property ©wners will agree to pave their part, the railroad
will black top theirs. Otherwise the railroad will re-plank
the spur. Property owners are being contacted to decide which
method will be used.
Mayor Unger reported that the highway crossing at twentysecond
street had bean under discussion. Mayor Unger, Chief
©f Police McCabe, and City Recorder Irving Johnson had met
with the school board to discuss the traffic problem. No
decision was reached. Chief McCabe is again directing traffic
at 22nd during school crossing hours which seems to be the only
solution at present.
City Attorney William Jayne reported that he had sent the
letter requested by Diehl and Serfling at the previous council
meeting regarding the development of the Crestview Hills Area,
Councilman Swain suggested that the Mutual Aid Agreement
be given to City Attorney William Jayne for study and con
sultation with the Fire Chief.
Mayor Unger reported that the water system was
completed ©r nearly completed for the Bernhardt Addition.
Councilman Swain introduced Mr. Kurt Daniel from the
Rockwell Manufacturing Company in Portland wha spent some time
explaining the advantages to be gained b3- installing water
meters. He quoted an estimate of |50 per meter including
installation. This price would vary somewhat depending upon
the number installed. City Attorney William Jayne stated
that all revenues are committed on bonds at present, but
possibly in the future the matter could be considered.
Councilman Soe suggested that possibly the time to take up
this matter might be when the City bonds for a sewage disp®sal
Mayor Unger reported that Kenny Kent has accepted a
position on the County Planning Board.
Councilman Dunn reported that the American Legion
requested that the City prune or cut down the trees on the City
property near the Legion Hall, Consensus of opinion was
that the Legion be given permission to do as they wished
with these trees.
Motion was made seconded and passed that gravel be put
on the walkway on East Railroad. Unanimous vote.
Motion made seconded and passed that Irving Johnson be
instructed to see that street paving that had to be torn
into for sewer or water chan,^es be repaired with permanent
type mixture rather than the temporary method now used.
Unanimous vote.
City Attorne: Wil'iam Jayne reminded the council oi the
election September 20 from ^ A.M. to 8 P.P/I. ©n the bond issue
for the new jail.
The matter of needed repairs oh the wooden walk near
Pete Toftdahl*s home was discussed. Mayer Unger said that
he would see if this can be attended to.
Councilman Swain brought up the matter of the radio
station for the Fire Department. No decision was made.
Motion was made seconded and passed to pay the
following bills;
Umpqua National Bahk 19^0.00
Douglas L. Hay, Attorney 150.00 •
Umpqua Nat*l Bank 4^75.00
Payroll Fund 673^.13 ;
Abbott & Lind 30.00
Central Lincoln PUD §5.92
Consolidated Supply Co. ^§.55
General Fund 17160.00
Callaghan & Co. 20.00
Central Lincoln PUD 536.41
Fire Equipment Co. I466.6O
City of North Bend 13.00
Paramount Pest Control §.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 75.00
Pacific Motor Trucking 3.00
Public Emp. Ret. System 29§.^9
Reedsport Mill Co, Inc. 101.53
Reedsport Motor Freight 21.17
Reedsport Logging Supply 1^.9§
Reedsport Auto Parts 6.42
Reedsport Auto Electric 9.SO
Sund Ins Co. 235.^9
Smith Blair Co. 122.20
Shell Oil C©1 125.^9
Byron L. Smith 11.5§
State Ind Accident Comm. 115.76
The News Press 55.50
Utilities Supplies Co. 763.39
Umpqua Drug Co. 5.2S
West Coast Telephone Co. 123.30
Meeting was duly adjourned.
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Council
of the City of Reedsport Held this sev^hth
day of October, 1963
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger, with the following
Council men present: D, J, Dunn, Gordon Murphey, Grover Woods,
Jason Boe, Paul Hurlocker, and Lin Swain.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Mayor reported he had not as yet done anything about the sidewalk
at Toftdahl!'-s. Still a promise.
Suggested agreement of Crestview Addition was read by Att*y, Bill
Jayne. After considerable discussion. Jack Dunn moved and Gfordon
Murphey seconded a motion tjhaththe land proposal made by Diehl a^id
Serfling for Crestview Addition be apcepted. Aye k- No 2, Paul
Hurlocker and Lin Swain.
Jack Dunn thinks action should be taken tomorrow to contact C,H2, &
M to begin immediately on the plans and specification for pumping
plant for Crestview Addition.
Mayors Conference formed last Spring—Paul Hurlocker read minutes
from i^.th meeting held at Riddle, November li?.th is date set for meeting
to be held in Reedsport.
League of Oregon Cities Convention October 20th thru 22nd,
Mutual Aid agreement discussion-Bill Jayne says agreement is short &
simple but he has not as yet had a chance to discuss it with LeRoy
Chenoweth, but will do so right away.
The City of Reedsport can enter into
outside City limits.
contracts for fire protection
Rundown on reasons for frequency changes for Police & Fire Dept.
was made by Prank Jackson whfehis wit^i Motorola. He stated that Nov.
1st is deadline, He explained that if the whole City of,Reedsport
stayed on one frequency, they would not be able to contact any other
city, but that thefire dept. i^ould be on separate freq, and the City
remain as is. , . r. .
Motorola's bid for changing the freq, for the Fire Dept.$1362.50>^
does not include changing crystals of present sets-i That would be
$[).0.00 per set, that includes labor s crystals.
Estimated time to Binish'ifcdontracted by Motorola would be at least
3 weeks, possibly ij., would be hard-pressed to finish by November 1st,
Mr. Jackson also said that,a taller pole might be needed for the
antennas as so much space is require^! between each antenna. At this
time there are k. •
It was moved and seconded to puchase,equipment from Motorola if okay
with Chief, Recorder, Police and Fire Dept. comj?iittees, A-yie 6
no 0
Lincoln Swain mentioned WATER METERS]il
Troy Ladd, next to last house on 12th St, would like setback changed
from l5f3aet from the property line to 5 feet, as they are wanting to
make improvements on their house. It would not interfer with any
view of other property owners. Moved and seconded that request
be granted. Aye 6 No 0
Lot 9, Collver Addition would, like setback reduced to 5 feet. Moved
and seconded to grant reduced setback. Aye 6 No 0
Bill Jayne suggests following payments on Jail Bonds:
$8,000,00 March 1, 196^
J)8,000,00 every year thereafter thru 1969^ &ne in 1970^> $7500^00,,
Moved and seconded to accept proposed payments. Aye 6 No 0
Mr. Lorenz asked for the possibility of depositing of City funds
in the Pacific Security Bank.
Bids for the new police car were discussed and it was decided that
a new list of specifications be made and a copy given each of the
dealers for new bids(sealed). , . .
Mr. Nunnally presented the proposed lifting for the Forest Hills
Subdivision. There will be ij. more lights on Bowman Road.
Mr. Nunnally also stated that by next Spring, the life of a Mercury
Vapor light will be 16,000 hrs or approximately ij. years. Each new
|.ight will have its own photo-electric cell as cost of same has
reduced. "
Mr. Nunnally requested permission to replace ligihts in groups whehter
burned out or not, after new system for City is installed.
Moved & seconded that council give verbal ggreement on this.
Aye . 6" No 0
Lester Thompson representing the Umpqua Shopping Center requested
title to the rest of the swamp area. They are filling by truck
and the expense is more than they expected so they need title to
get financing on the portion being filled. As there were no specific
objection^, it was moved and seconded to give title to Umpqua Shopping
Center for the rest of the swamp area. Aye 5 1 abstained.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills;
Payroll fund 1900.00
OPS 13.62
Sullivan & Kling 920.00
Reedsport Fire Dept 2i|4.00
J. I. Case Corp. 3355.92
Payroll fund 5^1-93.19
Ira-C. Byrd 382.9^
Bay Paver, Inc. . ^ I4.3.70
C, H2, & M. 378.02
PUD ~ 536.1^-1
Port Umpqua Courier 119.ii-6
Dr. Courtney 7.50
Daily Motors Co. 87.li^.
Douglas Co..Clerk 6.O5
Fire Equipment Co. 91i^-. 03
Roy iHenderson 5.18
Hinds Supply Co. l6l|..00
Mackey Laboratories 31.50
City of North Bend 13.00
OK Tire Store IJ4.I.75
Petty Cash 45.71
Pennsalt, Chemicals Corp. 37.50
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 236.65
Ray-«-s TV Service • 5.00
Reedsport Fire Dept. * . l|.3l|..00
Reedsport Logging Supply 2li..77
Reedsport Mill Co. 20.L|.2
Reedsport Plumbing ^6,58
Meeting was adjourned.
on. City Recorder
Reedsport Auto Parts .
Reedsport Outdoor Store
Reedsport Machine Works
Reedsport Auto Electric
Sigi^ipms Carbon Co.
State Forester
Sund Insurance Agency
Shell Oil Co. .
Taylor Hardware
Thompson Ford Sales
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Building Supply'
Umpqua River Navigation
Umpqua Industrial Supply
West Coast Telephone
Umpqua Drug
r. 00
Wrightl:-s Industrial Cleaning
H. M. McCabe - 60.00
Raymond: Hass r - 60.00
Walter E. Miller 6O.OO
Ray Holliday 60.00
Ernest Wentworth 20.00
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Council of
the City of Reedsport held this l8th day of
November, 1963
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger, with the following
councilmen present: Grover Woods, Lincoln Swain, Jack Dunn, Dr.
Jason Boe, and Paul Hurlocker. Murphey absent.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Jail Bond Bids were opened:
Pacific Security-Bank-Interest at rate of 3.ij-133^
Umpqua National Bank-Interest at rate of 3.397^
^ Moved and seconded to accept Umpqua National Bank as lowest bidder
on Jail Bonds. Aye 5 No 0
A copy of the letter from International Paper Co. written to Clarence
Hahn stating that the property he is now using as a dump will not be
available after December 31» 1963, for that purpose. Mr. Poster was
here representing IP stating that they did not want to be in the
garbage business, but if property was not available by that time,
they would not cut him off without a place to dump.
William Jayne stated that the County wants the City of Reedsport to
furnish property for a free County Dump, but that he doubts the legality
of this. The County would run the dump.
A motion was made that a franchise tax of 3^ be paid by Hahn, but died
for lack of a second. At this time. West Coast Telephone, Cable TV,
and PUD pay this amount.
William Jayne is to meet with the County Wednesday to state that the
City does not believe that Reedsport City money should be used for a
County dump, but that the City is willing to pay its share towards
a County dump...
The site of the Umpqua Shake Mill has been vacated completely and the
City Attorney suggested that we tear the building down. The council
instructed Mr. Johnson to do so.
There is a drainage problem on 13th Street since Mr. Sund has put in
curb on the South side of the street. The North side was not curbed so
the water has no place to go but on that side. Mr. Jayne was instructed
to write a letter to Mr. Sund requesting that the ditch he had dug be
Mr. Poster of International Paper Co. presented from the Woodland Dept.
a Bii7ch tray for each councilmen,
A petition signed by all the people who live in the Juniper and Laurel
area asked that the drainage ditch be taken care of as it is open and
dangerous. After a discussion of the amount^ and the best way to take
care of the problem, (approximately $25,000,^it was decided that it
would be legitimate improvement to the property and could be chaged
against the property. Mr Jayne is to taik with the Douglas County
Housing Authority. Also an estimate for a cyclone fend^ (gable type)
be obtained.
Ben Henderson bought property from Nelson Hogan along the depot.
Interest in getting Reed house condemned so it can be burned or torn
down. Mr.Henderson is to call Robin Reed and ask for his cooperation
in getting rid of this building, and if. he gets nowhere, condem
nation proceedings will be instigated. MoVed, seconded, and passed
aye 5 noo 0
Gless Connoy, representing KRAP, told about the Santa Claus pAra^e
to be at 1 p.m. November 30th. The Council gave him the go-ahead,
to put banners at 22nd & Winchester & Junction of Highway 38 & 101.
Letter from Oregon State Sanitary Authority regarding Crestview
Addition was read and not action taken until report from Cornell,
Howland, Hayes, and Merryfield is received, on the sewer survey
they are making.
The State Highway Dept. wanted to know the Keeling of the council
toward the curbing of Highway 101 between Highway 38 and Schofield
River Bridge. The council aaked Mr. Johnson to write to Mr. Gunter
stating that the City is in favor of this project.
Specifications for the water and sanitary sewer for International
Paper*s Forest Hill Subdivision were read and accepted but materials
must meet City Specifications as veil as State Specifications.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to acGspt the above- Aye ^ no 0
H. D. Fowler people would like to show a film on December 2nd on the
construction of their pipe and its qualification. The council at
this time can see no purpose served as they are satisfied with what
pipe is being used now.
^fter some discussion, a motion was made and seconded that we do
not participate in Mutual Aid this year with the present set-up.
Aye - 5 no -0
Also to notify Gardiner Fire Dept. and International Paper of this
1961| Liquor licenses recieved for action of the council. Same as
last year, so motion was made and seconded to accept them. Aye 5
No 0
Motion was made, seconded and passed for Mr. Jayne to see what
plans Mr. Kaufmann has for fixing the back of the Western Hills
Motel to meet specifications. Aye 5 no 0
At 10:114 p.m., water meters was mentioned by Lincoln Swain.
Meeting was adjourned, after motion was made, seconded, and passed
to pay the following bills;
Payroll fund 2^00.00
Consolidated Freightways 11.75
Heedsport Outdoor Store 335.6$
OPS 13.62
Akron Brass Co. 105.95
Mrs. Cliford Jorgensen 12.00
Mrs. Merle Warren 12,00
Donna Love 12.00
Ann Wilson 12.00
George McCulloch, Postmaster 238.00
Coos Bay Stationery 2l|.0.00
Payroll fund 6109.31
Umpqua National Bank 375.00
American Rubber Co-./ 344.26
Bunting Tractor Co. 1^47--
Bay Eaver, Inc. 36.88
PUD 123.65
Coos Bay Supply Co. 84.21
Geo. F. Cake Co. 49.95
Daily Motor Co. 20.94
Fire Equipment Co. 563.50
Geo.-JS-s Paint Service 12.00
Hinds Supply Co, 32.78
Paul HuriocK.er ll8.50
Koch's Upholstery & Repair 8.49
Legislative Counsel Domm. 7.50
101 Service 139.j4
City of North Bend 13.00
OK Tire Store 87.45
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 55.50
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 8.00
PERS 256.26
Reedsporu Garage 24.90
RL Shell service 17.80
Reedsport Plumbing 50.35
Lin Swain 6b.00
Reedsport Logging 9.29
Reedsport Machine Wks 5.25
Reedsport Auto Elect,167.93
Reedsport Auto Parts 21.32
Skylark Cafe- 6.85
Shell Oil Co. 152,Ob
State of Oregon 9,00
Sund Insuransio 26,l4l
Standard Oil i4..:?2
Taylor Hardware 50,99
News Press 16,00
Union Oil Co, 331.30
Utilities Supply 65.85
Umpqua Industrial 4-92
Umpqua River Nav, 13.75
lUmpqua Bldg. Supply 74*79
West Coast Telephonel04.40
Wright's Industrial
Sorvice 153.75
Reedsport Fire Dept.4.20.00
SIAC 7.50
Recording Sec
I. G. "^^nson. City Recorder
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Council of
the City of Reedsport held this 9th day of
December, ^963
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger, with Councilmen
Hurlocker, Woods, Murph.ey, Swain present. Jack Dunn is ill,
and Doctor Boe is out of town.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Crestview Addition plans and specifications for utilities were
presented by Mr. Serfling. After some discussion it was moved,
and seconded to accept this proposal for location of water and
sewer lines. Aye 3 No 1
Ralph Paull requested a letter be sent to/bank stating that the
City accept for maintainence and as a street the portion of South
Hill Drive that has been paved. It was moved, seconded, and passed
aye I4., no 0, to write such letter.
Letter from Attorney Collver requesting return of money paid for a
fire call outside City limits. It was stated in the letter that the
fire dept. was called unbeknownst to the party owning the car. The
car would have been completely burned had not the dept. answered the
call. Mr. Swain moved that Mr. Collver sue the City for the $100.00.
Seconded and passed aye 3 abstained 1
Pacific Security Bank wrote letter requesting the deposit of some of
the City^s funds. Moved, seconded and passed -aye i|. no 0, that
the Finance Committee investigate Pacific Security Bank for invest
ment of City moneys and report back to the council. Mr. Lorenz in
favor of appearing before finance committee,
A letter was written to Mr. John Schaefer on Arthur Drive regarding '
the constructing of a building that does not meet with the setbackk
requirements. Also he has no building permit. A motion was made
and seconded for the City Recorder to enforce the ordinance per
taining to this matter, aye i|. no 0
An annexation petition from Ernest & Anna Kaufmann for their property
on 20th St. was read. A motion was made to present it to the Planning
Commission for their action. Seconded and passed--aye l|. no 0
Mrs. Sarah Buus asked for permission for package and draft beer licence
for the Silver Moon. Moved, seconded, and passed to grant this license
aye Ij. no 0
William Jayne reported that Western Hills Motel has complied with the
fire Ruling regarding buildings constructed to the property line.
Letter from William Jayne to the Mayor stating he had contacted
Douglas County Housing Authority regarding the fencing or tiling
of the drainage ditch was read.
Mr. Johnson had prices on a tripod fence, approximately $800.00
with $200.00 labor.
Mr. Payne of International Paper asked for reconsideration on the
pipe for the Forest Hills Subdivision (2), stating that when one
specific pipe like Johns-Manville was specified, it cut out com
petitive bids; also Johns-Manville could set any price and they
would have to pay it. The price they were quoted was approximately
7% higher than the AC pipe they purchased^ (KM-AC pipe), Mr. Payne stated.
The Mayor appointed a committee, Boe, Murphey, Swain, and Johnson,
to contact cities who have used more than one type pipe and see
how it is working out for them.
Water meters was mentioned by Mr. Swain.........
A letter with a check of $120.00 was received as a contribution to
defray costs of answering service i^»omi"th©iWinchester Bay Rural
Fire District. It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to
write a letter thanking them.
December 9, 1963
William Jayne met with the County Court about County dump.
Also talked with Esselstrom, he wants the operation of the
dump and be reimbursed for same, if his property is used.
It was suggested that Mr. Jayne contact Esselstrom for figure
to lease dump with no strings attached at ^2\^00,00 per year.
Part from City, part from County.
Mr, Jayne was instructed to write a letter to International
Paper asking for an extension of time on the closure of the
present dump site.
Grover Woods mentioned that since more janitorial services
are going into business, he feels that the City should ask
for bids.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills:
Payroll fund
Leroy Chenoweth
Payroll fudd
Sec. of State
Bunting Tractor Co.
Baker's Saw Shop
Callaghan & Go.
CH2 & M
Coos Bay Stationery
Coast Comm. Co.
Dr. Courtney
Daily Motor Go.
Fire Equipt, Co,
Hale & Rudin
Motorola Comm.
City of North Bend
101 Service
OK Tire Store
lews Press, Inc.
3'I V'"
Pennsalt Chem, Corp. 37-50
PERS 163.36
Reedsport MachineWks 19.00
Reedsport Auto Elect.25.^2
Meeting was Adjourned.
nson. City Recorder
Reedsport Auto Parts 63.1^4
Reedsport Logging Supply 18.13
Reedsport Plumbing 13.60
Reedsport Union Serv. 35.5Q
Sund Insurance Agency 9i|.75
Shell Oil Co. b 1122,7k
Byron Smith 11.5^
SIAC 105.32
Taylor Hardware 10.99
Utilities Supply Co. 277-20
Gaylord Vaughn, CPA 600.00
Umpqua guilding Supply 7-18
West Coast Telephone Co, 118.65
Wright's Industrial Cl. lIil.OO
Reedsport Motor Prt. 10.80
Shell Oil Co. 96.20
SIAC 14.0.28
Umpqua River Navigation Co.10.00
Reedsport Fire Dpt. 362.00
Union Oil Co. of Calif. I|.36.i^.6
Recording S0c,^
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with councilmen
Murphey, Boe, Dunn, Swain, and Hurlocker present.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
Fuel bid.? for the year of 196ij. were opened, with a motion and second
to accept low bids; Union Oil for fuel Oil and Shell Oil for Gas.
Fuel oil, .1197 per gas, and gasoline for .2179 per gal. Aye 5 no 0
Retail Malt & draft beer license for Reedsport Tavern was presented
for Council approval by Mrs. H, E. Smith. Moved and seconded that
we accept this Class A Beer license in her name. Had already been
accepted in her husband's name before. Aye $ No 0
Rates for water should be set for the hospital. Motion made and seconded=
that rate would be $[4.0.00 a month or the hospital could install a meter
at regular meter rates of the City at present time. Aye 5 No 0
Letter was read from Oregon State Board of Health requesting a letter be
sent by the City stating that the city can furnish sufficient water for
the Crestview Addition. Mr. Meier of C, H2, & M will take care of this
for the City.
Mr. Meier discussed the pumping station for the Crestview addition.
Would like to advertise for bids on January 8, 19614. in the Daily Journal
of Commerce, The World, and The Courier. Want to give contractorat
least calendar days to build pump.
Opening of the bids to be January 27, 19614. at 8 p.m., notification
and awarding of the bids to be January 30, 196I4-.
Mr. Johnson stated that a chlorinator ia needed as outs is not adequate.
Estimated prices were obtained from C,H2, & M with the total cost using
same basic pump- 1st alternate $2,760,00-2nd alternate $2,990.00 a
difference of $230.00.
Dr. Boe stated that it might be well at this time to think of flouridation
and maybe put it to a vote of the people.
It was moved and seconded to order chlorinator as suggested by Mr.
Johnson. Aye 5 No 0
$20,000 check from Diehl & Serfling to put in bank for construction of
pump to Crestview Addition.
Deed was presented to be signed for Umpqua Shopping Center property
excluding dike area.
Permission was asked of the council to deposit the $20,000 check from=
Diehl & Serfling in the Pacific Security Bank.
Lincoln Swain tendered his resignation due to business obligations.
Mr. Swain was presented with a water meter to show that all his time
on the council had not been in vain, in appreciation for his long
Motion was made, seconded, and passed to pay the following bills:
OPS 13.62
Payroll Fund 1650.00
Reedsport Garage II67.O3
Charles Abel 38.UO
Tom Lillebo 2037.50
Payroll Fynd 5953.23
Bay Paver^i" Inc. 8I.OO
Be]g & Wally
PUD 6I45.59
C, H2, & M 222.30
City of Reedsport 75.00
Gallaghan & Co. 20.00
Coast Comm. Co. 71.3l|
Hale & Rudin 5.33
Hinds Supply Co. 165.51+
City of North Bend 13,00
OK Tire Store 3.75
Paramount Pest 0ont. 8.00
Pennsalt Chem, Corp. 37.50
PERS 129.27
Reedsport Plre Dpt. 30I+.OO
Reedsport Log Sup. 10.79
Prank Rose 205.92
Reedsport Plumbing 140,75
R & L Shell 27.95
Rdspt. Machine Wka, 1[|.,50
Rdspt Auto Parts 50,89
Rdspt Auto Electric 85.75
Skylark Cafe 8,30
Byron L. Smith 11.58
Sund Insurance Ag'y. ll.i|-$
State Industrial Accid. 111,29
Prank L. Taylor Hdware 35^1k-
Pete Toftdahl
Union Oil Co. 3^^-8.29
tJinpqua Drug Co. 8,63
Umpqua Bldg. Supply Co. 33.6^
Wright's Industrial Cl. li^^l.OO
West Coast Telephone 106.15
Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter VJ. Miller 60.00
Ray Holliday 60.00
Ernest H. Wentworth 60.00
H. M. McCabe 60.00
Meeting was adjourned with special meeting called for Jan. 27» 1961|.
for opening of bids.
I. G.'Joh^on, Recorder
Recording Se
DAY OP JANUARY, 1961+ AT -:J-8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Hurlocker, Woods,
Murphey, Boe present.
Bids on the pumping station for Crestview Addition wEre opened.
There were two bids: Prank T. Matthews of Portland and Tom Lillebo
Construction Co. of Reedsport.
Motion was made,seconded, and passed to accept bbth bids and refer
them to the engineers for analysis.
P6U1 Hurlocker wanted it stated that his feeling is that the system
is inadequate for the hill. Aye 3 No l-Hurlocker
Mr, Kruse of Kruse & Pitch presented the plans for the jail. Estimated
figure for the jail, $36,000 with special Equipment $10.00 per square
It was moved, seconded, and passed-Aye i+,No 0, that they advertise ^
for bids in the Daily Journal of Commerce, World, and The Courier,
to be opened in the last Monday in February.
Winchester Bay Pish Co. water was shut off due to the fact that
four times now they have pumped salt water into the fresh water
line. The Council unanimously agrees that they should be kept
shut off until State Board of Health okays system.
Meeting adjourned.
J, A. Unger, Mayor
f.-^G. 'JoAin
— Recording Sec/2^^'
on. City Recorder
3rd DAY OP FEBRUARY, 196i|. AT & p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Dunn, Murphey, Boe,
and Hurlocker present.
It was moved, seconded, and passed to accept Lillebo*s/bid on
the pumping station for Cresttiew Addition.
A request for change in setback regulations for lot 2, block 2,
Bernhardt Addition was referred to the Planning Commission for
. Uhger,' Mflf^or
At(b,est: ^
I, G, Joh^bn, Recorder
Recording Sec
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with Councilmen Murphey,
Hurlocker, Dunn, Boe, and Woods present.
Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved as read.
The Mayor welcomed the group of girl scouts and their leaders to
the meeting,
Mayor Unger asked the council/approve Curly (L.E.) Paull's appoint
ment as councilman to replace Lincoln Swain. Motion was made, seconded
and passed. Aye 5* No none, to accept Mayors appointment.
The petition that was presented to the City for a zone change of
property on Winchester and Schofield Drive was returned to persons
presenting petition for lack of enough signatures.
The name Crestview Addition to be changed to Diehl & Serfling Addition
due to another area already recorded by that name. Mr. Serfling
Introduced R. H. Erichsen as their engineer, Mr, Erichsen presented
the sewer plans to be tentatively approved by the City. It was moved,
seconded, and passed Aye No 1, to approve sewer plans subject to the
final approval by the State.
Petition for annexation of the proposed second addition of Forest
Hills Subdivision was presented, approved, and a hearing called for.
Aye 6, No 0,
Action on Crestview Addition (Diehl & Serfling Addition) parcel one
to be taken February 21^, 1961;..
The $2,000.00 bond for the filling of the Plat-Iron by Lee Clements
was discussed; the filling was to be completed .by December 31> 1963.,
or this bond would be forfeited. Mr. Hurlocker states that Mr. Clements
has shown willingness to fill property, so an extension of 6 months
should be given. It was moved, seconded, and passed to do so, 7/I/6I4..
Aye 6, No 0 Letter to be written to Mr. Clements notifying him of this
Mr. Johnson has requested permission to attend the Oregon Finance
Officers Ass*n. annual meeting in Eugene on Feb. 20, and 21st, The
new budget laws will be expi^^r^®^* Permission granted.
Chief McCabe*s resignation as Chief of Police of Reedsport was
read to become effective March 1, 196i|.. It was moved, seconded,
and passed to accept with regret his resignation. Aye No 1.
Permission was requested by the Watson Logging Co., and Reedsport
Mill Co. to use jointly with the City our antennae on the hill.
They stated that they would gladly stand their share of cost of
installing new pole when moved. The Mayor appointed Grove^^Woods
and Gordon Murphey on committee for Radio tower.
Mr. Nunnally presented plans for street lighting on Crestview,
also the plan the City approved sometime ago will be started in
about 10 days. Will startein Bowman Road area as it is poorest
lighted and work towards town.
Franchise with the PUD expires ©s of March 8, 196i|.. Will be present
at the February 2l^, 196i|. meeting to take up this matter.
A request from the Umpqua National Bank for access for drive-in
banking on Fir & Highway 38 intersection was presented. It was
moved, seconded, and passed. Aye 6, No 0, that Attorney Jayne
draft letter to take care of this.
Mr. Swain brought his water meter over to add a little color
to the meeting.
Meeting was recessed until February 2l\., 196I|., 8 p.m., after
motion made, seconded, passed to pay following bills:
Umpqua Nat'l Bank
« ft It II
Umpqua Nat*l Bank
General Fund
The Courier
Cornell, H2, & M.
D. L. Courtney, M.D.
Daily Journal of Comm.
Hgle & Rudin
Lillebo Constr. Co.
H. M. McCabe
City of North Bend
OK Tire Store
News Press
Oregon Assoc of Finance
Officers 2.00
PERS 7.1^8
Petty Cash 48.72
fennsalt Chemicals Corp 37-50
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 279.03
Reedsport Plumbing Co. 7l+. 11
February 10, 196i|.
M^ryor Unger and Councilmen Paull, Dunn, Murphey, Woods & Hurlocker present
Bids for the Jail were opened:
Base Bid Alt. #1 Alt #2 Time
Jack Bruer i+3>779.00 4,7^2.00 .00 120 cal. days
Fred Jensen iil^,000.00 Ii.jl58.00 6,^89.00 120 cal. days
Tom Lillebo 1+4,713.00 3,710.00 5,564.00 120 dal. days
Don Thompson 45,107.00 3,896.00 6,477.00 l50 cal. days
Mr. Hurlocker stated that we should reject all bids because we don*t
have the funds. s-Moved, .^seconded and passed that all bids be rejected
due to lack of funds. Aye 5 No 0
31^-. 23
Reedsport Garage 66.84^
Reedsport Motor Frt. 3.00
Reedsport Fire Dept. 252.00
Reedsport Logging Sup. 20.ij.0
Reedsport Auto Parts 13.70
Reedsport Machine Wks. 6/6O
Reedsport Auto Electric66.50
R L Shell Service
Jim Shanelec*s
Shell Oil Co.
Byron L. Smith
The World
Thompson Ford Sales
Pete Toftflahl
Taylor Hardware
Umpqua River Nav. Co.
Union Oil Co. of Calif.557.87
Umpqua Industrial Supp. 6.53
Umpqua Bldg. Supply Co. 80.90
West Coast Telephone
Wright's Industrial
Appointment of police chief set aside.
Central Lincoln PUD franchise was discussed. Mr Jayne is to look
into new franchise and have it ready for March 9, 196I(. council
Lot 2, Block 2, Bernhardt Addition granted setback change by Planning
Commission. Wanted council action to assure okay. Moved, seconded,
passed-Aye 5> No 0, to accept Planning Commission's reccomendation.
Mr. Johnson showed plans for library and city recorder's office
to be in the bank building. Recorder's office too small. Mr.
Kruse and Mr, Johnson to discuss what the city needs, then submit
to the library.
Mr. Hurlocker stated that maybe a building inspector should be put
on the payroll even if for part time. Maybe one of the city crew
could do this job. Mr. Johnson is to report on this next mmeting.
There was some discussion.about the wrecking yard behind the West
Apts. and the enforcing of the building code.
H. M. McCabe requested permission to rent Gay Vaughn's old office
in the City Building. Mr. Johnson stated that $75-00 has been
the set price and if to be rented for less, should be by council
action. The amount of $14.0.00 was okayed by the council.
The condition of the community clothing rooms in the City building
were discussed. They are to be notified that they either clean it
up or get out.
Meeting adjourned.
ir-dr Johnson
City Recorder
. "Ungeryor
Recording Sec.
MARCH, 19^)4. at 8 p.m.
The mayor called the meeting to order with Boe, Murphey, Paull,
Woods, Hurlocker present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
Ordinance annexing International Paper parcels {Porest Hills
Subdivision) and Ernest Kaufraann property at 20th & Ivy, waS read
by.Attorney Wm. Jayne. It was moved, seconded, and passed aye 5*
no 0 to adopt Ordinance ,
Ordinance #1^.57 read for second time. Moved, seconded, and passed
Aye $, no 0. to adopt ordinance
Ordinance Central Lincoln PUD Franchise was read, extending
franchise for 10 years to March 6, 197ij-» with same provisions.
Moved, seconded, passed. Aye No 0, to adopt Ordinance #14-58-
Ordinance #1^58 read for second time. Moved, seconded, passed.
Aye 5, No 0. to adopt same,
A recommendation from Mr. Johnson requesting change or amendment
to Section 2, Ordinance #ij-31, regarding vacation time for part-time
employes. It was mOV^ed, seconded, and passed-Aye 5, No 0, that it
be amended to read-Regular part-time employes working a minimum of
600 hours during calendar year be granted one day vacation for each
1^.00 hours of work; but not to exceed vacation time granted to regular
full-time employes.
Jack Dunn<came in during discussion of next item,
Lester Thompson stated that the Methodist Church of Gardiner
has asked for a piece of ground in the Umpqua Shopping Center
area. Before they can sell them this property, some street
vacations and other changes need to be made. It was moved, seconded
and passed to refer this to Planning Commission,
The new Budget Law requix*es that a budget officer be appointed to
prepare the budget document. The council appointed by unamimous
vote Mr. I. G. Johnson as Budget Officer.
Ordinance #1+57 of annexation read for third time. Moved, seconded,
passed. Aye 6, No 0.
Ordinance PUD franchise read for third time. Moved, seconded,
passed. Aye 6, No 0.
Mr. A1 Ketcham gave a report on last summer's recreation program
and made suggestions for comming summer. Would like to use park
between Pir and Greenwood in 700 block for baseball diamond, but
it would'have to leveled due to roughness of ground. Members of
recreation committee to look into this to see if it could be
accomplished without taking the grass off as it is more or less
swamp and stands with water on it all winter, Mr, Ketcham also
dated that Gardiner refused last year to donate to recreation
program and there is a question as to whether or not they will
donate this year,
Dr, Boe stated that Mr, Ketcham should be commended for running
the program so well last summer.
Ray Willard would like to cut 8 or 9 trees by his property,
committee to look into this.
After much discussion on the jail, Mr. Johnson is to contact Jack
Bruer, who was low biddgr^" to see if with alterations he would still
be interested. It was moved, seconded, passed Aye 6, No 0, to ask-
Mr. Baflier to come up.
Acting Police Chief Hass requested that Mary Warren be made Policelaoraan
Sargeant with a 10 cent an hour raise. She would have the
responsibility of seeing that the girls are broken in correctly,
ordering of supplies^p^nd see that filing is taken care of.
It was moved, seconded, and passed Aye 6, No 0 to do this,
Mr, Johnson stated that Lee Teitzel was willing to become the
building inspector,
Mr, Johnson .^3=8© reported that Kaufmann is about 10 feet in the
street on Bowman Road with concrete. Has been notified of this.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills:
Noble Drug
Pennsalt Chemical Corp.
Paramount Pest Control
Reedsport Garage
Pire Dept.
Reedsport Motor Prt.
Rdspt Plumbing Co..
Rdstp Machine Works
Rdspt Auto Electric
Reedsport Outdoor Shop
Rdspt Auto Parts
Skylark Cafe
City of North Bend
Shell Oil Co,
Bob Sund
Shell Oil Co,
Shell Oil Co.
Byron Smith
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co,
Rdspt Union Service
398 ^
37.50 n
8.00 ! ;
259.09 ' I
go.67 (50.67)
7.lit. .
OPS 13.62
Payroll fund 1950,00
Prank Albert aBoye 100,00
Cleone I, Gawley 3.00
Jessie R, Hansen 3.00
Rayna Smiley 3.00
David Monson 3.00
Jo Anne Wigle 3.00
Belva L, Mustoe 3.00
Donna Love 3.00
Wm, C, Todd 3.00
Payroll fund 5314-0.08
Porrester G, Taylor 230,00
Air Mac, Inc, 288,50.
Berg & Wally's Sta. 9.20
PUD 689.99
C, H2, & M 819.82
Courier 1J4-97
Coast Comm, Co, 19.03
Coos Bay Stationery Co. I1..32
Johns-Manvile 576.38
Independent Pitting Co.122.31
H, M, McCbbe 75.00
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 76^2?
Utilities Supply Co. = 8k.92
Umpqua Industrial Supply I4.0.OO
Umpqua Building Supply Co. i|.l«67
Wright5s Industrial Cleaning lli-l.OO
The World 13.i|-2
Meeting Adjourned
r, J. A. UiSger
L Recording
I. G. Jbhnson
CITY OP REEDSPORT, MARCH 1?, 196i|., 8 p.m.
Meeting called to order toytMayor Unger, with councilmen Dunn,
Boe, Murphey, Paull, & Hurlocker present.
Water for Scott refused until he annexes.
Application for package beer license was presented for Henderson's
grocery. Motion made, seconded, and passed, aye 5* no 0 to accept
Dunn made motion to build jail adjoint to fire hall; use present
heafihg system, if possible; kitchen as shown; eliminate refurbishing
of one juvenile cell and one woman's cell/ use bunks out of present
jail, as practical. Seconded by Hurlocker-Aye U., Nay 1-Gordon Murphey,
Meeting adjourned.
1. Joh^on
City Recorder
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger, with councilmen
Murphey, Woods, Dunn, Paull, Boe, and Hurlocker present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved §§ read. Woods
stating that water does not stand on park all winter. Park is
okay as is for ball playing without removing turf,
Ray Williard can go ahead and cut the trees by his property.
A letter from the City Record/in North Bend stating that the
price for teletype service had been raised last July, 196&,
to $23.00 per month instead of $13-00 which we had been paying
Also stating this raise had been discussed between the police
chiefs and agreed upon. Mr. Hass had looked into the matter
to see what the cost of having our own teletype service, would
run about $83.00 per month. Council instructed Mr. Johnson
to pay $80.00 owing from last July and to start paying $23.00
per month. Motion made, seconded, and passed to do so. Aye $
no 0.
A letter ^as read from Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, & Merryfield
stating that the contract for the pumping station was past
due for Crestview Addition. This loss of time is the responsi
bility of the contractor, and they should be notfied to this
affect. William Jayne was instructed to write such letter^
Petition for annexation of property owned by the Latter Day
Saints was read. Since this is to be tax free property, the
regular sewer hook-up and water connection charges will be
Moved, seconded, and passed Aye 5, No
accepted and.advertised.
p, this annexation be
The 2nd Addition of Forest Hills water system was discussed.
The city will be reimbursed by International Paper for labor,
materials, and installation of same. Motion made, seconded,
and passed to make it a matter of record that the City agrees
to do this. Aye 5 No 0
Acceptance of Ordinance for extension of franchise was
received from Central Lincoln PUD.
The report of the legality of carports and setbacks to be made
at continuation of this meeting on April 13, 196[|..
Clayton Mekelburg from the Par-T asked for a possible franchise
on public dances, also for a pool and snooker license. The
City did not feel they could give a franchise but okayed the
pool and snooker license.
Recessed until April 13, 196ij. at 8 p.m, after motion made to
pay bills.
Payroll fund 1750.00
OPS 13.62
West Coast Telephone III.I4.0
Lincoln Swain,Postmaster
Payroll Fund 5339.80
Ed Bakke 25.00
Baker's Saw Shop 105.50
PUD 691.18
C, H2 & M 2317.81
Coast Comm. Co. 22.25
Coast Sheet Metal 9.00
Coos Bay Stationery 62.93
The Courier
Fire Equipment Co. li.0.92
Roy Henderson 5.70
OK Tire Store lif8.26
Hiot i^fg/ Co. 218.10
Pennsalt Chem. Corp. 37.50
Pacific Motor Trk. Co. 9.U-0
BERS 251.01
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Reedsport Motor Frt. 6.I3
Reedsport Fire Dept. I1.3O.OO
Reedsport Garage 7.89
Reedsport Auto Parts 50.OI4.
Reedsport Machine Wks. 7.30
Reedsport Logging Sup. 21.57
Bureau of Labor 9.00
Shell Oil Co. 158.20
SIAC 106.19
Stults, Jayne, & Murphey I8.6O
Taylor Hardware %'29
Union Oil Co. of Calif. 14.70.9ft
Utilities Supply Co. 307.73
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 2.08
Umpqua Drug l.i].0
Wright's Industrial Cl. llj.1.00
West Coast Telephone 112.30
Waterworks Supply I8I.66
Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter E. Miller 60.00
Ernest H. Wentworth 60.00
Ed Bakke 33.33
H. M. McCabe ii.0.00
Council meeting was resumed ibith the Mayor calling the meeting to
order on April 13, 19614-, at 8 p.m. with councilmen Dunn, Paull,
Murphey, Wodds, and Hurlocker present.
Jail bids were opened.. They were as follows::
Jack Bruer
Fred Jensen
Tom Lillebo
Base Bid
ft If tt It
ft ft 11 If
no time limit
120 calendar days
100 calendar days
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept low bid. Aye 5, No 0
A letter requesting an extension of time (if.5 days) starting April
13, 1961). for completion of pumping station was requested by Tom
Lillebo Construction.
William Jayne suggests completion date be extended. Moved, seconded
and passed to do so. Aye 5 No 0.
Letter from Multnomah County Commissioner requesting donations for
Alaska. This is to be passed to the service clubs in this area.
Report on carports by Attorney Jayne, stating that a carport is a
building and those closer than l5 feet to the front property line
are in violation. That we should either enforce the ordinance
as is, or change it.
It was moved, seconded, and passed Aye $, No 0, to enforce building
code regarding carports, and setback regulations. Authorize the
City Attorney to take steps necessary to do so.
Two representatives from C, H2, &Mwere here to make their report
on the sewage collection and treatment facilities asked for by the
City. Pour different plans were shown with the first two being the
most feasible. The Mayor commended them on the report as being
very good, and that they would like to study the report and its
recommendations before taking any action. They also stated that
the existing system could handle some expansion and that they
are not recommending any building at this time, but action should
be taken to start acquiring moneys for this project.
Meeting adjourned.
<au-c- I. G. Johnsc&J/ City Recorder
Recording Secretary
I96I4., 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with all members
of the council present.
Byron Smith of the Pire Department asked for the use of the
City Park for a circus. May 11th. They are to clean up grounds.
Also asked for the use of the Community Bldg. for a dance
18th, during Pleet Days. Motion made, seconded and passed Aye 6
No 0.
Motion made, seconded,.!and passed Aye 6, No 0, to call for bids
on puchase of new police car; to be opened at next regular council
meeting. May 11th.
Health Officer Dr. Greg Osborn and Saritirian Kershel appeared to
discuss a County Dump. Mr. Kershel stated that about 100 acres
would be needed and the County would like a deed to the property.
He would talk with County Court about a lease.
Dr. Boe and Gordon Murphey are to negotiate with County Court on
long term lease and cr deed with reversion clause in total or as
parcels of ground are completed and finished as dump-as long as
the reversion clause is compatable. Aye 6, No 0
M^fc^lberg^ asked-fbr lease on Bommunity Bldg. or agreement for use.
City Attorney to investigate and have answers at next meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTESTA Mayor J. A. Unger
^ —
I. G. Johnsoft'^ City Recorder
THE CITY OP REEDSPORT, MAY 11, 1961^., 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with councilmen Paull,
Dunn, Woods, and Boe present.
The mayor asked for the councilJs approval for the appointment
of Raymond Hass as Chief of Police. Motion was made, seconded,
and passed Aye No 0, to do so.
Hearing for Annexation of property owned by the Latter Day Saints.
There were no objections. Motion made, seconded, and passed that
annexation be allowed. Aye l\. No 0
Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved as read. Aye Ij.
No 0
Earl Marks appeared before the council requesting water service for
a subdivision South of Winchester Bay to be called Harbor Heights.
A water district will be formed.^ They, will put in their own
and master meter. Building is to be done by Save-on Constr.
Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye 1^., No 0, that Mr. Johnson work
with the Construction Co. and find mofet measible p]sac^^. Aye i\.. No 0
William Jayne read lease' for dump site. Motion made, seconded, and
passed. Aye ij.. No 0, that lease be negotiated as read.
Pirst budget meeting is scheduled for May 18, 196i|. at 8 p.m.
Present budget committee members are: Ben Gawley, Roger Love,
James McCulloch, and Wesley Hiller. Two more were needed.
George Marks and Roy Henderson were appointed with approval of
the Council. Aye Lj., No 0.
Bank deed was presented, but was tabled to be brought up at first
budget hearing.
Properties that have been annexed and not zoned were referred to
Planning Commission for recommendations.
Motion made, seconded, and passed. Aye i^.. No. 0, to adopt resolution
of sewer study made by C, H2 & M to be sent to Pederal Government
so that they can get their money for the survey.
Discussion of the leasing of the Community Building by the Par T;
due to the summer recreation ppogram, decided no steps could be
taken until Pall. Mr. Mekelburg is to make survey and set up
type of program he is going to have and participation of area
(approximate number).
Police car bids were opened: Thompson Pord Sales-$21l8.35
Daily Motors 23l|-2.82
Motion made, seconded, and passed to accept low bidw : r-Aye l\.. No 0
Hass thank the Mayor and members of the council for his appointment
as Chief of Police and stated that he would do his best.
Meeting was adjounned after motion was made to pay the bills:
City of North Bend
Payroll fund
Utilities Supply Co.
Petty Cash
Payroll fund
Umpqua National Bank
Umpqua National Bank
Bay Printers
Berge & Wally*s
Central Lincoln PUD
The Courier
The Courier
Coos Bay Supply
Coast Communications
Comm. Bldg. Pund
Pire Equipment Co.
63.00 Kruse & Pitch 1770.30
17$0.00 OK Tire Store 4^.86
13.62 Pennsalt Chem. 56.25
727.00 City of North Bend 23.00
U-7.78 Paramount Pest Cont. 8.00
51^.79.114- PERS 256.87
375-00 Reedsport Garage 28.70
55ft.32 Reedsport Plb. Co. 66.50
53.00 Prank Rose 1|1.99
1.91 Rdspt Auto Parts 36.22
675.i]-2 Rdspt Machine Wks. 11+..35
10.28 Rdspt Log Supply 32.14.5
15.62 Rdspt Mttor Prt. 2l|..96
12.90 Pire Dept. 512.00
llf-.OO Stults, Jayne &
5000.00 Murphey 762.50
151.55 Shell Oil Co. Ii|l4..91
111.33 SIAC 106.77
Byron L. Smith
Shell Oil Co.
Skylark Cafe
Thompson Pord Sales
Pete Toftdahl
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Utilities Supply Co.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply Co.
Umpqua River Navigation
West Coast Telephone
Waterworks Supplies Co.
The World
Wallace & Tiernan, Inc.
Assoc. Janitorial Servibe
Wright*s Industrial Cleaning
I. G. Johnsoifr, City Recorder
Mayor J. A. Unger
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Secretary
MEETING HELD MAY I8, 19611. 8 jj^.m.
Mayor Unger called the meeting to order with councilmen Hurlocker,
Murphey, Boe, and Paull present, also Budget members McCulloch,
Ben Gawley, Roy Henderson, Roger Love, Geo. Marks, and Wesley
James McCulloch was elected Budget Chairman, and Ben Gawley,
Budget Secretary.
During the evening, the/budget was compiled and the next meeting
called for May 25, 1961^., at 8.p.m.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to adjourn.
I. G. Johnson
City Recorde
Mayor J. A. Unger
HELD pnJE 1, 19611., at 8 p.m.
Mayor Unger chilled the meeting to order with Councilmen Boe,
Woods, PaullJ with the Mayor declaring himself as a councilman.
All Budget Committee members were present.
After some discussion of the budget, George Marks move that we
apprpoB the budget, seconded by^iWesley Hillier. Passed Aye 6 No 0
Budget is to be published in the Courier June 11, l8th with the
hearing June 29th, 1961]., 8 p.m.
Meeting adjourned.
Mayor J. A. Unger
TTIT. son. City Recorder Recording Secretary
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with councilmen, Qunn,
Paull, ^urlocker present.
Minutes of previous meetings read^ approved as read. Aye No 0
Bank deed was presented and method of payment discussed.
il5,000.00 to be paid now,
;10,000.00 out of 196i^.-1965 budget.
;10,000,00 within 6 months 1965-1966 budget, on or before 7/15/66.
Interest free
Motion made, seconded, and passed that non-interest bearing warrants
be signed to purchase old bank building. Aye No 0
Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye I4., No 0, to okay 2 requisitions
from the librar;"'.'for Garyloapdi*a/ahd'Northern School Supply ($517.35)
( ^157.00)
The Mayor had a letter from the Oregon State Board of Health concerning
terminal baiting for rodents at the present dump before it is abandoned,
so that rodent migration will not occur.
Ordination #U59, Annexation of Latter Day Saints property accepted into
City limits.
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept Planning Commission's reccommendation
for a change of setback requirements for Reedsport Church of
God for their new church at 22nd and Birch, Aye i|.. No 0
Water line installation on Crestview Hill completed, and Mr, Johnson
reccommended that we bill Blehl:& Serfling in full XK0txXi£X|cx]RXHXKaE5£HK
Street and drains on Ivy and 13th to be taken care of as soon as we
are sure the rains have stopped for awhile.
Mr. Johnson was asked if there was any information on the valve to be
put in line to up pressure on Bowman Road? Mr, Johnson stated that
90% of the equipment is here, but essential pieces have to come
from back East. Engineer thinks it will boost pressure 15 pounds.
This valve is to be installed in the 16" line in front of the High
School instead of by Schofield Bridge. Will take at least a month
to install.
Mr, Swain requested that crosswalks be painted. This will also
be taken care of if and when it quits raining for more than one day,
Mr, Hurlocker stated that new bafekstops were needed for the basebfill
field on 21st & Elm, Labor to be donated if City will pay for material.
Discussion on dust control anticipated on E, Railroad and Rainbow Plaza
if it ever quits raining.
Mr. Paull asked whether or not when 2 fire trucks are on flat, could a
red light be installed on 20th & Winchester to be activated by girls at
police station. Would have to contact State. .Cost might be prohibitive
Discussion on the old Eagles Hall being a fire trap.
Flat-iron mention about being mosquito nest.
New police car will be in service by end of the week.
Chief Hass discussed the hiring of another man; stated he was having
meeting with the Mayor and the Police committee. Jack Dunn suggested
that he be brought before council or committee before he is hired.
Budget hearing to be Monday, June 29, 196i|., at 8p,m.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills:
OBS 13.62
Payroll Fund 1750.00
Payroll Fund 51+27.39
Berg & Wally's 13.95
Bay Pavers, Inc. 66.33
PUD 762.51
Water Dept 75-00
Courier 3.1+8
Coast Comm. Co. - 8.58
Coos Bay Stat. Co. 27.73
Fire Equipment Co. 26.314-
Hinds Supply Co. 378.00
Roy Henderson lL|.3.95
Iowa State U. 2.38
JOHNS-ManvilleSales Corp.[|.088.l5
Geo. W. Melville 5.95
City of North Bend 2^.58
OK Tire Store 18.72
Pol. Chief Bureau 5-50
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 251.38
Pennsalt Chem. Corp. 56.25
Reedsport Fire Dept. 290.00
Reedsport Machine Works l+.OO
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. Johnson, City Recorder
Reedsport Auto Parts 3.36
Reedsport Union Service 17.00
Reedsport Motor Freight 6.79
Shell Oil Co. 96.13
Byron L. Smith 7.72
SIAC 103.68
Peter C. Toftdahl 3.33
Frank L. Taylor Hardware 70.88
Union Oil Co. of Calif. 238.51+
UmpquQ Industrial Supply 8.14.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 63.71
Umpqua Drug 8.78
Umpqua River Navigation 36.00
West Coast Telephone Co. 98,i]-0
Waterworks Supplies Co. 3035.1+2
Wright's Industrial Cln. ll+l.OO
Ray Holliday 1+1+.l5
J. A. Unger, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Sec*y.
29, 1961+ at 8/.m.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger, with councilmen
Woods, Paull and Murphey present. The Mayor declared him
self a councilman so there would be a quorum.
Ordinance #ft60 was read to establish tax for the 196i|.-J965
As there were no questions, a motion was made, seconded, and
passed Ay# i+. No 0, to adopt Ordinance #1^60.
Hurlocker and Dunn mame after vote for budget was taken.
There was discussion on E. Railroad avenue and was decided
fhBt the City would put on first coat of Sulphite Wafefee to
control the dust and if a second coat is needed, it will
be up to the property owners to pay for it.
Meeting adjourned.
Johns^, City Mecorder
J. A. Unger, Mayor
Nettie Be. Glasser
Recording Sec'y.
Meeting was called to order at 8 p.m. by the Mayor with Councilmen
Dunn, Paull, Murphy, and Woods present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Aye I4., No 0
Application for packaged Beer License for Hugh M. or Celeste Smith
for (STackleboxL*i. Police Chief Okayed. Motion made, seconded,
and passed that we approve beer license. Aye Ij., No 6
Requisition for $1716.8? to be signed for the Fire Department was
presented to the council for their okay. Amount already okayed
in 61^-65 budget, but council okay needed for any purchase over
$200.00. Motion made, seconded, and passed Aye 4., No 0, to okay
New County dump is now open and Hahn is baiting at old dump now
before it is covered.
Discussion on Log trucks using 11th St., Greenwood and Hawthorne
instead of 10th. Mr. Johnson is to post signs for £og trucks to
stay on 10th. Motion made, seconded, and passed Aye Ij., No 0
for Mr. Johnson to do so.
Mr. Dunn is to talk to Mr. Ketcham about the lack of supervision
during the recreation periods at the Community Building.
Mr. Murphey wanted to know if something couldn't be done about
Winchester Avenue between 2nd and 3rd? Mr. Johnson is to see
if the County equipment will do an oil penetration coat on this
area when they are here.
Chief Hass requests that 1 wall be eliminated in the new jail
and a door be put in another spot so that they can have maximum
security. Cost of change is to be looked into.
Grover Woods reported that one of the slides on the park down
by the Railroad tracks befween Pir and Greenwood is broken
and the rail should be fixed before"some child is hurt.
Transfer of beer license from Mrs. H. E. Smith to Sam and Joan
Wigle okayed by councilmen by phone between meetings. Mention
of this is just for a record.
Stacks at the U,S. Plywoods should be higjier. After some disqdssion
it was decided to write to the County Sanitarian for
right procedure of what to do about the smoke and soot coming
from these stacks. A^copy is to be sent to U.S. Plywood.
Grover Woods suggested that we have a Clean-up Month since
we have a new dump. The Mayor will declare fOperation Clean
up" and Grover Woods will donate service of wrecker to help
clear alleys of heavy stuff. Mayor appointed Grover Woods
Chairman. So be it.
Chief Hass asked for the installation of a phone to be put
in at ticket office of the Community^Buildings to be used at
the dances in case of an Emergency. It was decided to have
a jack put in and phone to be there only during the dances.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills:
Oregon State Highway Dept. 95*81|.
Umpqua National Bank 1^000.00 /
Kruse & Pitch 97*91
C, H2, & M 8932.00
Payroll Pund 1750.00
OPS 13.62
Lillebo Constr. Co. 653i|-*00
Payroll Pund 5630.81).
American Seating 538.3p
Berge & Wally*s 7«7?
Bay Pavers, Inc 50.73
PUD 7i|-5.96
G. D. Myllenbeck, County Clk. 7.00
Courier 13*70
D. L, Courtney, M,D. 7«?0
Fire Equipment Co. 29.58
Gaylord Bros., Inc. 165.00
Roy Henderson 3*95
Motorola Comm. 63$.00
City of North Bend 23.00
OK Tire Store 61.3k
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 262.35
Petty Cash ij-9.03
Reedsport Logging Supply 9.65
Reedsport Plumbing 5*^5
RL Shell Service 89.88
Reedsport Machine Works 6l•i^.0
Reedsport Auto Parts lj.0.96 .
Reedsport Fire Dept. 1^1^.2.00
Reedsport Auto Electric 15.00
Reedsport Motor Freight i|-.90
Meeting adjourned,
Shell Oil Co.
Byron L. Smith
Skylark Cafe
Thompson Ford Sales
Pete C. Toftdahl
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Industrial Sup.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua Drug Co.
Umpqua River Navigation
West Coast Telephone
Waterworks Supplies Co.
Wright's Industrial C.
Raymond Hass
Walter E. Miller
Ernest H. Wentworth
Ed Bakke
J. A. Unger, Mayor
I. Sv ^ohn^on. City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording Sec'y.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with Councilmen Paull,
Boe, and Woods present. Hurlocker came later.
Minutes of pre ^ffiQus meeting read and appro-«ed as read. Aye 3 No 0
Grover Woods reported that the Cleanup Committe and program was going
pretty good,
Mr, Johnson reported that the County will blacktop Winchester between
2nd and 3rd and bill us for materials.
The PUD has set the new pole for radio antenna on Crest view Hill.
Carport Situation on Arthur Drive was discussed. Complaint is in
the basket. Attorney Jayne stated.
A discussion was held on the pump of IP's for the Forest Hills
Subdivisions. The City was to take it ov^r today. Mr. Johnson
believes that a test over a period of time should be made to be
sure that operation is as it should be.
Steps have been taken to take Bank Building off tax roles.
Valve to up pressure on Bowman Road to be installed right away.
A group of property owners were here to see about getting Elm Ave.
Mr. Hahn requested use of ^)x 100 feet on the big curve before the
County dump for a truck wash. This would be on City property.
Mr. Hahn stated that they would use about l^Jt) gals of water a day.
This storage to be covered. Moved, seconded, and passed to give
use permit with 30 day cancellation clause. Aye I4 No 0
There was a discussion about the roadbed on Elm Ave. not being
centered. At present time the City has no Intentions of moving
the roadbed either way. If a 36 foot strip was paved, property
owners would be paying for 18 foot wide and iength of their
Dr. Boe reported that the Library'Board is getting impatient'
about whether or not they are going to have a new library and
where it is to be located.
Mr. Johnson is to call Mr. Kruse about a date to meet with the
council and present planfe.-^for librajj^ in old bank building.
Two requisitions were approved for fire dept.
A letter is to be sent to Hardwoods, Inc. offering our condolensess
for their loss of the mill by fire.
Their has been a call from Gardiner asking to use Reedsportas a base
station until theii;' license comes through or their equipment comes
for the fire department. Mr. Pau^l is to tell them to write the
City requesting these things.
A discussion was held on 22nd and Winchester and the danger now
that school is about to begin.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to paythe following bills:
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank 1^200.00
Payroll fund 2000.00
OPS 13.62
Thompson Ford Sales 2118.
J. D. Diehl Agency 100.00
League of Oregon Cities 248.15
Leroy Chenoweth 277.62
Jack Schweitzer 285.27
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank 2380.00
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank 300.00
Payroll Fund 6537.911-
Bay Paver^, Inc. 79.62
General Fund I788O.OO
PUD 74-7.57
Courier lli.8.13
Coast Comm., Co. 8.8O
County Surveyor 19.35
Coast Sheet Metal 46.55
Courier 7.80
Friden, Inc. 68.34
Frenchies' 1.49
Hinds Supply Co. 349.85
City of North 26.05
Oregon Finance Officers 2.00
OK Tire Store 1.75
101 Service ' l4.20
PERS 7.44
PERS 394.. 22
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 56.25
Paramount Pest Control Service 8.00
Reedsport Logging Supply 5.68
Reedsport Auto Electric 7.68
Reedsport Auto Parts 35.00
Reedsport Machine Works 14.45
Reedsport Garage 2.10
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Sund Ihsurange Ag'y.
Hhell Oil Co.
Shell Oil Co.
Byron L. Smith
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua River Navig.
Utilities Supply
West Coast Telephone
Wright's Industrial C1
Melville Plumbing
Meeting adjourned.
o^ysorTT"City Recorder"
J. A. Unger, Mayor
Nettle B.'Glasser, Recording Sec'y.
8 p.m.
The Mayor called the meeting to order with Councilmen Murphey,
Woods, Dunn, Paull, Hurlocker, and Dr. Boe came later.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Aye5 No 0
Grover Woods reported Cleanup Week enough for him.
Vacation of alley in Block Rainbow Addition #2 was requested by
J. C, Diehl and Central Lincoln PUD. The Council referred this to
the Planning Commission for action.
A group of property owners from Rowe St. were here to complach about
the dust being caused by the hauling of dirt ^feing excavated on
some of Prank Rose's property. The City told them that blacktopping
would solve their pro{)lem but that it mip;ht be better to wait until
next summer to have it donu until they see how :all the excavating
affects the drainage. Mr. Jayne is to write letter to Labkey-Clifton,
and Prank Rose requesting the watering of Rowe St. as long as they
are still hauling dirt. Moved, seconded, and passed Aye 6, No 00
to do so.
Dr. Boe also believes that Bowman Road should be.restricted to
parking on one side only. Every-one agreed that/is dangerous,
Mr. Johnson reported that' the man from C, H2, & M will be here
next Monday, September 21, 196i| at 9 a.m. to check out the water
pump on Crestview Hill and would like to have Councilmen there
to watch if they want.
Kruse and Pitch will be here to discuss plans for the library
in the bank bldg. next Monday night at 8p.m.
The Street committee is to look at Rowe St. and give report
next Monday night.
While the man from C, H2, & M is here, he will also hheck on the
valve being put in at the High School to up pressure in the
Bowman Road area.
The City Attorney requested permission to hire-,a surveyor to
get legal description of all the property outside the city limits
but is contiguous to city property, so that it can be brought into
the city limits. Mr. Jayne is to contact Mr. ErJchsen and get an
estimate to present at next week's meeting.
Beonard Mix is interested in putting a trailer court on the old
hospital property and wanted the City's reaction before he put
too much time and money into it. This area is Zone 2-Residential,
which allows multiple dwellings and would allow a trailer court.
The council did not object at this time, as long as it meets State
specifications. When asked how big it would be, he stated between
50 and 75 to make it pay.
A discussion was held about burglar alarm in the police station for
McKay's Market and other services being gust installed at the police
station without coming to the city for an okay. Mr. Jayne is to
write a letter to McKay's to removed the burglar alarm immediately,
Mr. Paull thinks the extendion on the fire hall should be started right
away. Mr. Chenoweth, fire chief, is to ask for bids and present them
at next week's meeting.
Grover Woods reported that the tower has been moved and has quite a
bit more elevation.
Since there is no longer a dog pound, it was decided to release Mr.
Toftdahl. Also some discussion on maybe making the old jail into
a dog pound.
There was some discussion about getting the old houses owned by
Albert Mundt down by the Shell Oil condemned. Mr. Jayne is to
write to Mr. Mundt.
Mr. Jayne reported that the Douglas County Housing Authority
believed there is a definite need for housing for the elderly,
in this area. They need a letter from the City requesting
that a survey be made before they can take any action. Motion
made, seconded, and passed Aye 6, No 0 to write such letter.
The status of the Railroad spur that runs to the Umpqua River
Navigation was discussed. Railroad cars are being left there
for 2 or 3 days at a time creating a hazard for traffic. Mr.
Jayne is to write letter to Mr. Hinsdale to see if these cars
could not be moved onto Navigation property.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay the following bills;
Payroll Fund
Umpqua National Bank
Payroll Fund
Lower Umpqua Rec. Dist/
Abar TV Cable Co.
Bob Albertus
American Rubber Mfg. Co.
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Coast Comm. Co,
Callaghan & Co,
State Forester
Fire Equipment Co.
Kruse & Fitch
Littreil Supply
Lillebo Constr. Co.
Munnell & Sherrill, Inc.
OK Tire Store
City of North Bend
Paramount Pest Control
Pacific Motor Trk. Co.
Meeting adjourned.
13.62 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 56.25
2^50.00 PERS 2914-. ?9
i|faij3.9^3 Fire Department 7^0.00
1|.671,66 Reedsport Machine Works 197.^7
6306.66 Reedsport Auto Parts 6.76
1100;00 Reedsport Logging Supply 9.63
675.00 Reddsport Auto Electric 10.66
130.00 RL Shell Service 71+.65
1682.53 Shell Oil Co. ll|5.12
575,54 Shell Oil Co 15^.92
ti|3.56 Shell Oil Co. 27.09
BO6.9O Skylark Cafe 7.^0
3.16 Byron L. Smith 6.0l|.
20.00 SIAC 103.29
21.73 Thompson Ford Sales 7«05
696.146 Peter C. Toftdahl 6.33
197.91 Frank L. Taylor Hardware 22.1+6
2.I4O Umpqua Bldg. Supply 632.146
1319I1.OO Union Oil Co. of Calif. 9.10
659.30 Utilities Supply Co. 309.15
1.25 Umpqua River Navigation 51.00
3I4.35 Umpqua National Bank 177.00
6.00 West Coast Telephone I36.I9
3.72 Waterworks Supplies 20i|.69
Wright*s Ind. Cleaners 1^1.00
Umpqua National Bank 260.00
I. G, Johhso^, City Recorder
J. A. Unger, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recor"ai<ig Sec^y>
8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Councilmen
Paull, Murphey, Woods, Hurloc^er, and Boe present.
The alley behind Fir Grove, Umpqua Motors and Shell Station
was discussed to try and find some way to get rid of the
water standing on the street. The grader is to go out
and see what he can do.
Instead of building 6 feet closer to the side line on 22nd
Street as okayed by the Planning Commission for the Lutheran
Church, they request a foot closer to the alley line. Moved,
seconded, and passed to present to the Planning Commission
for their action. Aye S, No 0,
Bid on Fire Hall extension held due to the fact that all
the builders, hadn't been asked for bids.
Bill Jayne stated that the State would blacktop 21^.* on
Frontage Road with a roadbed of 26* if the City would adopt
an ordinance for maintainence. Moved, seconded, and passed
tc have Mayor and City Recorder to sign such ordinance.
Aye No 0
Mr. Kruse of Bruse & Pitch Architects presented the plans
for the library in the old bank building. Estimated a cost
of $6500 for the complete painting of exterior and interior
and the installation of two restrooms. The library plans
to use the present fixtures.
Mr. Kruse was instructed to prepare plans for advertisement
for bids Aye 5? No 0 Bids to be called for the ninth of
November, 196i|, the regular council meeting.' .
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST) ^ IT. A. Unger, Mayor
I. G. Johfisph "N^^tYe B. Glas^r
City REcor'der Recording Sec*y.
October 12, 196I|., 8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with councilmen
Woods, Murphey, Paull, Hurlocker present.
Minutes of previous meetings read and approved as read. Aye
No 0
Letter read from State Highway Department to Chief Hass stating
that they would, with the participation of the City, install
the same type stop light at 22nd and Winchester, as already
at 19th and Winchester. The approximate cost to the City would
be around $[j.,000.00
Bids for the addition to the Fire Hall on the Plat were opened:
C. D. Purlott $3287.00
Prank Rose $3330.00 $3000.00 approxiaate amount in
Ralph Paull $il533.00 budget.
Kenneth Kent a.$3i^80.00
alternate b.$2750.00
Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye 1|, No 0, to refer bids to Pire
C6mmittee and Chief for them to go over bids and give their
recommendation to the Council.
There will be a Mayor's meeting at Myrtle Creek, October 22nd
at 6i30 p.m. at Nutshell Restaurant.
Mr. Johnson asl ed what charges should be made to Umpqua River
Navigation Co. for the Bolen Island dock fire? There was hours
for 25 men, 2 pumpers and 1 salvage truck. Moved seconded, and
passed to bill them at cost. Aye I|., No 0.
Franchise for Cable TV expired. After discussion with Mr. Esselstrom
and council, it was moved, seconded, and passed. Aye i|.. No 0, to
grant franchise renewal and add charges as requested by Mr.
Esselstrom with 30 day cancellation clause.
After quite a bit of discussion, it was moved, seconded, and passed.
Aye ii. No 0, to accept Planning Commission's recommendation for
change in setback for George DeCloedt house on 17th and Greenwood.
Also moved, seconded, and passed to accept Commission's recommendation
for setback change for Luteran Church. Aye No 0.
Petition for Annexation of Reedsport Masonic Cemetery by the Aurora
Lodge #59 AP-AM was read. Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye NoO,
to accept annexation petition. Hearing to be November 9th, next
council meeting.
A telegram was read from the company that installed the Mrglar
alarm for McKay's Mar et in the Police station. He is to be in
town next week. States that there are other stores in town would
like to hook on to this system. They were asked to remove it
last month as the City had not been contacted before it was installed.
After seeing a demonstration of a Portable Radar set, Paul Hurlocker
recommends that the police be allowed to puchase a set from Geo. P.
Cake Co. Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye i|, NoO, to do so.
It was reported that there is speeding on 22nd and over into the
Forest Hills Subdivision #2. This is to be watehed more closely.
Mr. Johnson and street committee are to check into bulkhead over
by Mickey Micheil's house.
Representatives from the Gardiner Pire Department were here to
see if arrangements could be made for the city to handle their
plectron sets? Theycould pay some. Committee, Attorney, City
Recorder to get together. Would also like to discuss it at the
League of Oregon Cities convention to see how it is handled by
other cities. As it is now, Reedsport takes their fire calls
and blows the siren.
Kenneth Kent Is building a waah-a-matic to be
Hawthorne. The sewer will have to be brought to 13th and Hawthorne
to hook into the City sewer. He was wondering if something could
be done to help cut the cost for the owner. It has been the policy
of the City that the buildEsg come to the sewer. Stated that he
might contact the property owners in between 13th and 14th to see
if they hiight help.
Ben Gawley discussed the West Coast Telephone service or I should
saw lack of it, and when their franchise comes up, which will not
be until 1968, that Pacific Northwest Telephone Co. be asked to
come in,
Mr. Bruce Eddy of the West Coast Telephone Company was here and
explained the; problems of the company with the fast growth that
has been taking place here. following
After motion made, seconded, and passed, to pay/bills, meeting
was adjourned.
OPS 13.62
Payroll Fund 2000.00
Umpqua Natl.Bank i|.20.00
Payroll Fund 6126,36
Donovan Carncross 100,00
Abbott & Lind 6.80
Bept. of State 1^0.00
Baker*s Saw Shop 3-95
PUD 786.96
Chapman Bros 36.73
Coast Comm. Co. 7.00
Ira C, Byrd,taxes 339.66
Meter Co. 1288.99
Littrell Supply Co. 10.50
OK Tire Store 1|5.03
101 Service ^^.^5
City of North Bend 26.9$
Pennsalt Chem. Corp. $6.25
Paramount Pest Con. 8.00
PERS 26$.6$
Rdspt Plumbing Co. 2.13
Rdspt Auto Parts l8,66
Rdspt Machine Wks 71.60
Fire Department ]4.8i^.,00
Rdspt Motor Frt. 6.00
• ^ I,V G.^ilohnain, City Recorder
Reedsport Garage
Shell Oil Co,
Shell Oil Co.
Shell Oil Co.
Byron L, Smith
Simmons Carbon Co.
Taylor Hardware
Walter Tresler
Thompson Ford Sales
Utilities Supply Co.
Umpqua Drug
Gay Vaughn, CPA
Umpqua Bldg. SQpply
Umpqua River Nav. Co,
West Coast Telephone
Waterworks Supply
Wright*s Ind. Cleaning
0, R. North
188. i|0
J. A, Unger, Mayor
Nettie B, Glasser
Recording Secretary
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with councilmen.
Woods, Murphey, Boe, Hurlocker, and Paull present.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Aye 5
No 0
Bids for the remodeling of the Old Bank Building for Library
use were opened. The^- Bree as follows;
Kent $5728.00 l|5 calendar days
Jensen $5583.00 90 days
Lillebo $1^.662.00 35 calendar days
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept low bid. Aye 5# No 0.
Hearing on petition for annexation of property, Reedsport Masonic
Cemetery. ORDINANCE #U6l was read for the first time. Moved,
seconded, and passed to accept annexation. Aye 5> No 00.
Liquor renewals were submitted for renewal or rejection. No new
ones, just renewals. Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye 5» no 0,
to accept renewals.
Mr. Johnson stated the intention for annexation of Countyy Club
House and Tennis Court, now in process of being prepared by Inter
national Paper Co. Water service has been installed on strength
of letter received.
Written acceptance for MaintanaQce of Frontage Road from the City
requested by State Highway Dept. It has been paved 2if feet wide,
with a 26 foot road base, as per agreement. So moved that such
letter be signed for the State. Aye 5» No 0
A letter was read from Diehl and Serfling requesting the acceptance
of street in Diehl-Serfling Addition so they will meet PHA speci
It was moved, seconded, and passed to accept the blac kfcopped streets
in Diehl-Serfling Addition in platted area. Aye 5> No 0.
Water rates for the new US Coast Guard Station in Winchester Bay
were set at $5.00 per month. Moved, Seconded, Passed, Aye 5> No 0.
Replacement of approximately 800 feet of water pipe in Winchester
Bay needs talten care of, Mr. Johnson states. Thfere is also a
fire hydrant to be replaced. The cost of hydrant should be the
Winchester Bay Pire Districtl^s/
Mr. Johnson is to contact W.B. Pire District to see if they want
a hydrant or standpipe put in. Moved, seconded, and passed for
Mr. Johnson to take necessary steps.
I j
Dr. Boe believes that Winchester Bay should be charged one amount |
and they should form a water district.
A letter to the Shell Oil Co. has been written stating that the
City does not feel justified in vacating Alley in Block 5> Rainbo
® Addition #2 at this time, as water and sewer lines are in the
alley. Shell Oil Co. can fill and pave alley and city authorizes
overhang roof for customer parlfeing. If water or wewer maintenance
is necessary, it will be taken care of at no cost to the city.
Moved, seconded, and passed. Aye 5> No 0
Ordinance #14.61 was read for the second time. Annexation of Reedsport
Masonic Cemetery property. Moved, seconded, passed. Aye 5> No 0
to accept annexation.
Mr. Jayne reported that the District Attorney was investigating mal
practice of electioneering on election day.
After letters were read from Board of Directors of Reedsport
Union High School U-l|, argifog the installation of a stop-light
at 22nd and Winchester, and petitions presented requesting same,
also rereading of letter of Chief Hass from State Highway Dept.
stating cost of such light to State and City, a motion was made,
seconded, and passed to instruct the State to install such light.
Aye 5, No 0. There were approximately 800 signatures on the
petitions, presented.
There was a delegation here and also a petition presented,
requesting a change in the zoning of the old hospital ground
on Scott St. and Bowman Road. It is now Zone 2 Residential,
which permits multiple dwellings, and they would like it changed
to Zone 1, Residential. Moved, seconded, and passed, after
quite a bit of discussion to refer it to the Planning Commission.
Aye 5, No. 0 The Council also requests action on this by the
December Council meeting.
ORDINANCE #i|.6l was read for the 3rd time. Moved, seconded, and
passed to accept the annexation of the Reddsport Masonic Cemetery.
Aye 5, No 0.
Mr. Jayne reported that the compalint has been filed on the
Building Code violation.
Mr. Johnson requested that the Council o\^j 90fo of thepayment
on the Jail and 90% of the payment on the Crestview Pump.
Moved, seconded, passed. Aye No 0, to make payment.
Fire Department and Paul Hurlocker agree to recommend Cliff
Purlott's bid be accepted for the addition to the Fire Hall
on Wade*s Plat. His bid was $3287.00. Moved, seconded, and
passed to do so. Aye No 0.
Grover Woods stated that the users on the antennae would like
to know if they have a certain time or any guarantee of how
long they can use the City's antennae? The council would not
set any time limit.
Chief Hass announced that a new Blice man had been hired to
replace Ernest Wentworth. He is Glenn Allen, i|2 yrs, married, .
with 2 childred. He is from the North Bend, Coos Bay, area..
Motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills:
Payroll Fund
Raymond Hass
Ray Church
Fred Jungwirth
Ernest Wentworth
Walter E. Miller
Payroll Fund
Umpqua Nat*l Bank
Assoc. Janitorial Serv.
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Berge & Wally*s Sta.
Baker's Saw Shop
Bunting Tractot Co.
Coast Comm. Co.
Geo. F. Cake Co.
Coos Bay Stationary
Daily Journal Commerce
Roy Henderson
Hale & Rudin
Kruse & Fitch
Meeting adjourned.
13.62 Lillebo Constr. Co.
1900.00 Lillebo Constr. Co.
60.00 City of North Bend
50.00 PERS
60.00 Pacific Pumping Co.
60.00 Paramount Pest Control
60.00 PERS
5795.Reedsport Garage
375.00 Reedsport Logging Supply
2ii..00 Reedsport Auto Parts
66.83 Reedsport Machine Works
20.60 Reedsport Auto Electric
3.90 Shell Oil Co.
57.23 Shell Oil Co.
34.95 Shell Oil Co.
768.52 SIAC
i|.6.20 Taylor Hardware Co.
965.00 Union Oil Co. of Calif.
160.65 Utilities Supply Co.
28.70 Umpqua River Navigation
2.50 Umpqua Building Supply
9.60 West Coast Telephone
235.17 Waterworks Supplies
The World
Wright's Ind. Cleaning
Williams Pharmacy
Reedsport Fire Dept.
On November 12, 196iVi the council was polled by phone for
a change in the ownership and liquor application for the
Silver Moon, E. H. Meece is purchasing same. Okayed by
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with councilmen
Paull, Woods, Hurlocker, Dr. Boe, and Murphey present.
Minutes of previous minutes read and approved as read.
Mr. Purlo(bt was asked when the addition to the Pire Hall
on the Plat was to be started;?^ He stated until now he
did not know that hishbid'was the one chosen.
The Mayor welcomed Mr. Wilson from the High School and a"
group of Young Democsats.
ORDINANCE #i|.62, the annexation of the Porest Hills Country
Club and Tennis Court was read for the first time. Moved,
seconded, and passed. Aye No 0, to accept annexation.
ORDINANCE #462, was read for the second time. Moved, seconded
and passed. Aye No 0, to accept annexation.
Letters of the agreemfeot for the installation of the signal
light at 22nd and Highway 101 were presented for the signatures
6f' the Mayor and Recorder. The Council so moved that the
agreement be signed. Aye 5 No 0
Change Order #1 of $1560.00 to level floor in old bank building
was read for action of the council. Moved, seconded, and passed
to accept change order #1, as requested by Mr. Lillebo. Aye 5, No 0.
Dr. Boe*s resignation was read and is to become effective as of
January 1, 1965. Moved seconded, and passed. Aye i|.. No 0 to accept
The plans for the New Shell Station to be built on 12th and Highway
101 were presented for approval. It was moved, seconded, and passed
that the street committee meet with the State on this when Mr. Gunter
is in town. Aye 5> No 0.
Mr. Brubaker from the Highland Mobile Park, asked the council for
permission to hook on to the City sewer, but has to cross IP property
to get to it. He stated that IP expresses the intention of deeding
this property to the City, which was verified by Mr. Jayne, but
that until the property did belong to the City, they could not
give an easement to anyone to cross it. No action was taken.
Recommendations of the Planning Commission were read for Council
a. Old hospital property be zoned #1 Residential. Hearing to be
called. Aye 5> No 0.
b. Porest Hills Subdivisions #1 & #2, be zoned #1 Residential,
Accept Planning Commissions recommendation, hearing called.
Aye 5» No 0.
c. Bernhardt Addition be zoned #1 Residential. Hearing to be
called. Aye 5* N© 0.
d. South Hill Subdivison be zoned #1 Residential. Hearing to be
called. Aye 5» No 0.
e. Morris Addition be zoned #1 Residential. Hearing to be called.
Aye 5, No 0.
f. Church of Latter Day Saints be zoned #1 Residential. Hearing
to be called. Aye 5, No 0.
g. Request for the vacation of portion of Ivy between l8th and 19th
streets refused. After much discussion by Mr. Hodges, representing
On November 12^ the comncil was pollod by phono for—
a change In tho ownership and liquor application for the
Silver Moon.—E* Meece is purchasing same, 0 layed by—
the Assembly of God Church members, who requested the vacation,
Mr. Krug and Mr. Hennault, property owners Involved, and the
Council, it was moved that the recommendation be referred back
to the Planning Commission and discussed at a time when the
Council, Planning Commission, and the parties involved could
all meet together. Seconded, and passed Aye No, 0.
ORDINANCE #l+.62 was read for the third time. Moved, seconded,
and passed to accept the annexation of the Forest Hills Country
Club and Tennis Court. Aye $, No. 0
An application for a liquor license for the Forest Hills Country
Club was presented for acceptance by the Council. After Chief
Hass*s approval, it was moved, seconded, and passed to okay
said license. Aye 5* No 0.
Mr, Paull requested that gravel be put on the areas on the flat
that are not paved and are in need of repair. Moved, seconded,
and passed to do so. Aye No 0,
It was stated that the Bowman Road area needs a better drainage.
The Street Committee and Mr. Johnson are to look this over and
recommend an answer to the council. Aye No.O
Mr., Woods suggested a project flbr next year, getting the portions
of the unpaved streets on the Flat paved.
After motion made, seconded, and passed to pay following bills,
meeting was adjourned.
OPS ' 13,62
Payroll fund 1900,00
Lillebo Constr, Co, 19l|61|,30
IG, Johnson ?0,33
Reedsport Motor Frt, 13.81
Payroll fund 5876.03
Assoc, Janitorial Serv liO.OO
Dr, Jason Boe ii9.40
Berge & Wally*s 5.pO
Bay Pavers, Inc. 720.00
PUD 828.23
Cliff's Mobil Serv. 5.00
City of Reedsport 75.00
Callaghan & Co. 20,00
Coos Bay Stationery
Coast Comm. Co, 53.20
Chapman Bros 12,1^2
Fire Equipment Co, 5i^6,03
Feenaughty Machinery 79.16
Hale & Rudln 9.32
Raymond Holllday 20,75
Hinds Supply Co 5?*4l
Raymond Hass 12,02
City of North Bend 28.I4.O
OK Tire Store 120,ii6
Purkey Furniture 255.00
Paramount Pest Cont, 8,00
PERS 163.77
I. G, Johnson, ^ty Recorder
Petty Cash 35.05
Reedsport Plumbing Co. 11+.95
Ray Church 11.00
Reedsport MachlBB Works 1|5.3U
Reedsport Auto Parts 23.11
Reedsport Auto Electric 7.00
Reedsport Outdoor Store 3.20
Reedsport Fire Dept. 30l|..00
SIAC 102.87
Shell Oil Co. 216.26
Stults & Jayne 3.50
Shell Oil Co. 130.1i^
Shell Oil Co. i|.73
SIAC 7.50
Skylark Cafe 13.8O
Byron L. Smith 8,0[j-
Taylor Hardware 32,26
Thompson Ford Sales 10,65
Union Oil Co. of Calif, 637.17
Umpqua Electric 112,00
Umpqua Bldg, Supply
West Coast Telephone II0.9O
Wright »s Ind, Cleaning li^_1.00
fauX Hurlocker 77.95
Mayor J, A, Unger
yieMu. i
Recording Secretary
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Unger with councilmen
Murphey, Paull Boe, Woods, and Dunn.
Due to the City Charter, the new mayor cannot take office until
first regular meeting of the year which will be January 11, 196$.
The Mayor asked for reports on the flood.
Dr. Countney, Health Officer for this area:
1. 62$0 typhoid shots were given.
2. State Pood and Drug Administration inspected stores: |
Bottled foods flooded to be disposed of. !
Canned foods sanitixed. No food sold unless sanitized.
3. City dump worst situation. People scavenging right
from trucks. Armed guards put on dump for 2 days,
ij.. No epidemics as yet.
Representation from the Red Cross:
Mr, Haws, from Salt Lake City, Utah, Sent to direct Coos-Curry
County, but also covering Reedsport & Scottsburg areas, A Miss
Ellington is to direct facilities here with Mrs. Brocksmith to
Mr. Haws stated that the Red Cross operates in an emergency.
They aid individual families in food, clothing and shelter.
They have dispensed mattresses, food orders, and household
goods. So far have tallied $35>000,00 in Reedsport and
Scottsburg areas,
Mr. Burg, with the Small Business Association will have money
available through local banks to repair homes and businesses
damaged by the flood. Red Cross and SBA work closely together.
Cur Baker, Civilian Defense Co-ordinator, reported that a receiving
center and dispersing center for the refugees was setup. There were
lots of volunteers and a lot of hard work but people were well taken
care of. They were placed in homes and a Christmas dinnerefixed at
the Highland School for them,
Mr. Johnson, City Recorder, stated that the Sikes were bkay just not
high enough. Streets are in bad shape. Water is all right according
to tests sent to the Oregon State Board of Health, Water pipe supply
will have to be rennovated but haven*t even started it yet.
Mayor Unger reported that a group of doctors, police, and councilmen
met to see if the National guard was need. The Mayor called Governor^
Hatfield and requested they come in to prevent looting. Wiiihin !
an hour and forty-five minutes they were here in town. Only one
life was lost but could have been worse.
Mr, Jack Burg, field representative for the SBA stated that the
basic purpose of SBA as to disaster loans are to restore to
pre-disaster condition. 90^ of: the loans will be at SBA interest,
and the other 10^ at Bank interest, as the SBa is out of funds
and the local banks have agreed to loan bhis mondy. Pield inspections
will be made to verify losses.
After some discussion on loans and announcement by Mr. Burg that
he will have his office in the City Hall between the hours of 9
and 5, the meeting was adjourned.
Mayor J. A. Unger
I>i}. '"joj^nL^jon', City'' Recorder RNeectotiredinBg. SGelcarsestearr,y
11, 196$
Mayor Unger called the meeting to order with Councilmen Murphey
Paull, Woods, and Hurlocker present.
The Mayor declared it a privilege and an honor to turn the gavel
and meeting over the new Mayor, Gaylord Vaughn. The Mayor also
turned over the charter given to him by Roy Henderson when he
took office and a key to the city. He also thank the council
for their cooperation during his time in office.
City Recorder Johnson read the oaths of office for the new
Mayor and Councilmen. They are Mayor Vaughn, Councilmen L. E.
Paull, STames E.,Thornton, Raymond E. Holliday, and Paul Hurlocker
was appointed by unamimous ballot to take the place of Dr. Boe,
who resigned as of the first of January.
Paul Hurlocker was also app6a-iated «nd unamimousiy made President
of the Council.
The Mayor reccommended the following appointive offices for approval
of the Council: Recorder, I. G. Johnson; Water Commissioner, Arthur
L. Tollefson; Chief of Police, Raymond Hass; Fire Department, Lero^
Chenoweth. Chief./ The reccomendations were approved unamimousiy.
Health Ofricer, I^. Courtney, Divil Defense, Curt Baker.
The Mayor appointed the following seven men to the City Planning
Commission to draw lots for the length'of their terms: Tom Lillebo,
Prank L. Taylor, William Andrews, E. C. Daily, H. E. Nickels,
Roy Henderson, and Prank Rose. These were also approved unanimously.
The committes were appointed by the Mayor:
Finance Committee-Chairman Paul Hurlocker, Grover Woods.
Water,-Chairman Murphey, Holliday, Woods.
Streets & Sewers-Chairman Woods, Thornton, Murphey.
Building, Playgrounds, and li^ts-Chairman Holliday, Hurlocker, Paull.
Police-Chairman"Paull, Murphey.
Fire Department-Chairman Thornton, Paull.
Mayor Vaughn appointed Raymond E. Holliday to the Library Board to
represent the City, and James Thornton to the Recreation Committee
to represent the City.
The Mayor introduced Dr. Courtney who suggested that we have a
"Weekend Cleanup" this weekend to get rid of the contaminated
debris and to help those who aren't able to do their own yards.
The Jaycees,':Lions, Firemen, and other organizations are going
to be contacted for their help and the loan of trucks, pickups,
and services to pickup the debris that is to placed on the side
walks .
The Mayor declared January 16, 17> CIEANUP WEEKEND.
Dr. Courtney also stated that roughly i^-BOO typhoid shots were
given at the second clinic^ January 10, 1965. Final shot to be
January 17th.
When asked if anything had been decided on the dikes, the Mayor
stated that the City of Reedsport was first to make application
for funds for the disaster.
Letter from Pacific Security Bank was read requestinp; deposit of
funds from City. It was unamimousiy reccomended that this be
referred to the Finance Committe and they are to have their
recommendation at the next council meeting.
Two letteis from the State Highway Dept. concerning the traffic
l^ht at 22nd and Winchester,A'e. The first stating that tlHe
sigA^sd agreenrertt: woul^T; Highway Comm.
for their consideration at ""its January 26th meeting. The second
a copy of the State Highway Commission's "Notice to Contractors"
for bids to be received on January 12, 1965 on the traffic light.
Mr. Johnson presented the bid on 1100 feet of pipe (transite)
to be installed this summer in the tunnel that goes into
Clear Lake. This is the only pipe that is not transite in the
water system at this time. If we order now, we do not have to
pay until we start using it. Motion made, seconded, and passed
to prdetjpipe. Aye 6, No 0.
A report of the building permits for the year of was also fiven by Mr. Johnson. There were permits for 69 houses at
668,000, 1 Pourplex at $2ij.,000, 2 churches, $55,000, and
Commercial buildings, $247*000. Also over i|.0 additions
for around $60,000.
Due to the state of our disrepair, the State Employment Commission
has been using the High School to take their claims. By next time
they should be able to be batek here.
The Mayor believes that the committees should be made to function
more, and that a committee reccommendation should be made before
any action is taken by the council, unless it is an emergency.
Stated that he or Mr. Johnson should be contacted at least 10
days before the council meeting by anyone wanting action taken,
and then they can relay it to the proper committees. This is
a new policy and are going to give it a try.
Wesley Herbison, Federal Automatic Alarm, would like the alarm
for McKay's Market in the police station reconnected. Mayor
referred to Police Committee for their recommendation.
Chief of Police Hass gave his report for the year. They have
2 new cars, have put ij.8,000 miles of patroling. Had first
armed robbery and kidmapping in the history of Reedsport, 2
unsolved breakings. Now have 5 rnen, and a new jail.
Mr. Jack Burg, of the SBA, reported his activities for the
week. He commendediithe people of the community and the personnel
in the banks for the extra work it has taken to already have
processed applications and they are now ready to go to the
SBA for eligibility. Money should be available in perhaps a week.
Mr. Hahn offered the Information Booth of the Lions Club for a
headquarters for the Cleanup Weekend.
The City received a letter from League of Oregon Cities to keep
record on cost as far as city is concerned from the flood.
Mr. Purlofet, the contractor for the extension on the fire hall on
the Plat, recommends that a slab be poured to rai'se the floor of
the fire hall, so that water will not run into it. It would cost
approximately $500.00 to do this. Referred to Pire Dept. Committee,
for their recommendation. The council also stated that if he could
watt until the weather is better, the building would definitely
be better because it is block and cement work. O
After some discussion, the council set $20.00 as the amount per
month to charge for services of the police department regarding
the sirens and phone answering for the Gardiner and Winchester
Bay Pire Departments. This is to start July 1, 1965 to give
them time to set it up 6n their budgets. By unanimous ballot.
A question about the hearing called for the zone change of the
old hospital property. No hearing has been called as yet, too
many more demanding problems have had to be taken care of since
the flood.
The formal okay from State for the New Shell Station on Highway
101 has not come back,
of previous meetings
Meetirg adjourned with the minutes/to be read next time.
f] Mayor Girylord /yaughn
I. i'^nson. City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording Sec'y.
Bills .okayed for
payment . 'a at Jaaaary 11, 196? meeting:
State Highway Commission 14.,000.00
Gordon Murphey 55.95
Payroll Fund 1900.00
OPS 13.62
Postmaster 14.00.00
Payroll Fund 5916.14-5
Associated Janitorial Serv. 14-0,00
Bunting Tractor Co., Inc. 9U*U0
Berge & Wally 5»00
PUD . 816.86
Qounty Surveyor 31»50
Courier 20.26
Chapman Bros 20.12
Coast to Coast Store 1.29
Coos Bay Stationery 2.i^7
Highland Shell 1|3.00
Hall & Rudin .Stationery 3.20
Kaufmann*s Chevron Station 60,52
Gerald Lewis 10.I8
City of North Bend 30.35
101 Service 6.55
OK Tire Store 140,56
Pennsalt Chemicals Sorp. 56,25
Paramount Pest Control 6,00
PERS 132.20
Reedsport Logging Sup. 14.6.21
Reedsport Plumbing 71-^0
Fire Equipment Co. 28.66
Reedsport Fire Dept. 5^2.00
Rdspt Outdoor Store l8,00
Rdspt Auto Parts 7.77
Rdspt Auto Electric 3.50
Shell Oil Co. 116.58
Shell Oil Co, I6I1.97
Bob Sund [41,62
Bob Sund 114,00
SIAC 105.514
Taylor Hardware 23.37
Union Oil Co. of Calif 221.56
Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter E. Miller 60.00
Fred Jungwirth 60.00
Ray Church 60.00
Glenn Allen 20.00
Umpqua Drug Co. 1.95
Umpqua Bldg. Supply U'57
Umpqua River Navigation 390.00
West Coast Telephone 112.20
Western Auto 6.25
Wright *s Industrial Cl. li|1.00
Mayor G^ylord Vaughn
T]G. Johnson, Recorder
2k Nettie B^, Glasser, Rec^xsi^lng Sec^y
6, 1965
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with all the councilmen
present. Hurlocker, Murphey, Paull, Woods, Holliday, and Thornton,
The Mayor called for a motion to accept the minutes of the regular
meeting of the council in December, 196I4, and January, 1965, which
instead of being read, were copied by machine from the minute book
and sent to each councilman. If this me_ets with the council's
approval, this will be done each month, so as to save time at the
meetings. A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously
to accept above-mentioned minutes.
The Mayor brought to the attention of the councilmen that it is
against the law for the Mayor or Councilmen to do any type business
with the city. This is to begin as of now.
Under Public Law 875, Mr. Johnson hopes to have a claim to repair
this building. This is for Federal Assistance from a natural
disaster. »
Mayor Vaughn appointed a new committee-Dike-which he hopes will
be a temporary one, but it is to help our case with the Corps of
Engineer and the Federal Government, This is a joint project
at present with the County, Port, and City. Gordon Murphey,
Chairman, and Raymond Holliday.
The Mayor referred to the Finance Committee the request for
an additional fee to be paid to Mrs. Glasser for attending the
council meetings and taking minutes, retroactive to January of
this year.
Jl^Ppointed L. E. (Curly) Paull, committee of one, to review the
City*s insurance. Is to report at next regular meeting.
The County Tax assessor will be here Wednesday and Thursday of
this week to confer with people about their flood damage.
Mayor Vaughn stated that Mr. Jack Burg of the Small Business
Association stated that loans of between k and$500,000.00 have
been okayed. He will keep his office open here through February.
He has commended the banks highly for their excellent help at
this time.
A hearing vias called for by the Mayor on a zoning change. This
hearing to be held at next regular council meeting. Notices
are to be published as per ordinance requirement. Motion made
seconded, and passed unanimously to ball hearing.
A letter from Governor Hatfield to LeRoy Chenoweth, Fire Chief j
was read commending the fire department on their work and aid |
to people during the flood.
FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman Paul Hurlocker-Quote
Subject-Bank Deposits of City Funds: After considerable study
of the banking procedures, the Finance Committee recommends that
the General Fund and checking account remain at the Umpqua
National Bank for the coming year. We would also recommend that
any special or ear-marked funds be deposited at the Pacific
Security Bank. If these funds fail to materialize, we would
recommend that we review the sitaition again in regards to deposits.
Motion made, seconded, and passed unamimously to accpet recommen
dation of the Finance Committee.
WATER COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman Gordon Murphey-No complaints.
SEWER COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman Grover Woods-Problems at Juniper
Pump Station. They pumped it out and went down into it. Lee
Clements states it is too valuable an installation to just throw
it away as C, H2, and M recommend. Believes that the walls could
be repaired. It will be a link in the disposal system when it
is put into operation. We should have a cost figure soon.
Mr. Woods asked for a motion to send the pump motors in to be
cleaned right away, as they were in the warehouse and under water
during the flood. A motion to do so was made, seconded, and passed
Discussion of future planning and sewer user*s monthly charge
The Sewer Committee recommends that a $2.00 sewer charge be
attached to the water bill. This money to be put in a special fund
for a treatment plant.
The Mayor beli.gves this should be done right away. This should i
raise approximately $25,000 a year.
A motion was, seconded, and passed unanimously to put a $2.00
sewer charge on a single residence with a sliding scale to be
worked out on other occupancies.
Comments were asked for from Taxpayers:
Dr. Courtney stated that all residences inside the City Limits
should be fiooked to city sewers, by ordinance if necessary, to
force users to hook onto city sewers. He stated it is a MUST
whether or not people approve.
Curt Baker asked if the charge would temporary or permanent?
Mr. Johnson stated that it is all according to what kind of plant
is put in.
Mr. Johnson will get copies of all charges and how they are set
up for other cities, from the Bureau of Municipal Research. The
sewer committee and Mr. Johnson are to work together on this, to
figure charges for other than the single residences.
Abill has been introduced into the Senate that after July, 1966
no raw sewage can be put into any river, lake, or stream without
being treated. If this passes, we should have started 10 years
BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman Raymond Holliday-Justice of
the Peace McCabe would like to use the office in the City Bldg.
he has just vacated, free of charge for his trials. This was
okayed unanimously by the council for use until rented.
Earl Plagmann's barber shop needs some repairs. Had a bid from
Purlott for $1|76.00. Mr. Johnson stated that it has not been the
policy of the city to remodel for their tenants. We have not
had the bank building long enough to set up a policy. They turned
this back to the committee to wait for th:ir recommendation.
POLICE COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman Leon Paull-Upon recommendation of
the police committee, the burglar alarm for MCKay's Market will
be hooked back up. Mr. Paull wrote to different cities for their
opinions on this and they all felt it was well worth the few
false alarms they had, to maybe apprehend a thief in the act.
Recommendation approved unanimously.
Also recommended that the Chief of Police be allowed to spend up
to $50.00 without approval of the Council. It is already set up
by ordinance, so no further action was needed,
A police man bought a pair of waders during the flood for $16,90.
Mr. Johnson did not think the city should pay for these. They
are to be left at the police station so it was recommended this
bill be paid. Unanimously accepted recommendation,
A written request from Cliff Purlott to raise floor 6 inches when
he adds on to the fire hall on the Plat. This would add $500.00
to the bid already accepted. Motion passed unanimously to add
this to the original accepted bid.
There are no school signs posted on Longwood D^'ive, or on Prontage
Road. One is a County road, the other outside the City Limits.
Also reported congestion .at Rainbow Plaza and i^th by the Silver
Moon Tavern. Both parallel parking and vertical parking cause a
hazard. The committee and Chief of Police recommend that the
curb be painted yellow and no parking signs be posted at Rainbow
Plaza for the length of 2 cars. Acepted the committee*s recom
mendation unanimously.
Key TV, Liquor Store, Sears, would like street light put in back.
This private property and the alley has been vacated,
FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE REPORT-Chairman James Thornton-Discussion
of the Mutual Aid Agreement for Pire Protection was held and upon
recommendation of the committee, agreed unanimously to sign an
agreement for Mutual Aid. Mayor, Councilmen, and Firemen all
agree they should go back into this agreement, Mr, Thornton to
get the agreements and mail to different cities.
Through the Fire Department, building inspections firewise has
been done for several years. The committee believes that their
inspector should be recognized by the city, brought up to date
on the building codes, and also be sppointed the city building
inspector. Upon recommendation of the committee, George Grassl
was appointed City Building Inspector, to receive $2.00 an hour
same as with his volunteer inspection on the Pire Department.
The West Apartments and a house at 83I Laurel, have been inspected
and committee recommends that immediate action be taken by the
City to condemn these two places. Unanimously agreed for the
attorney to take the necessary steps for this, and report at the
next council meeting,
PLANNING COMMISSION-No meeting-no report.
CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR-Curt Baker. There should be an overall
command post in time of emergency, preferrable above flood level.
Believes there should be direct communication with the Douglas
County Sheriff's office. Would recommend that a letter be written
directly to the county court and commissioners requesting their
consideration in this matter. Motion, made, seconded, and passed
to writer letter toward this aim.
The Mayor stated that this could not all be accomplished overnight
but when his plans are complete, turn a copy into him and he will
see that the councilmen all get copies.
Report from Recorder-The city received a letter from the students
of the North Bend High School just after the cleanup weekend
offering their aid and assistance in any way possibel. The Em
ployment office also called offering workers, and the Mayor
reported that the BLM offered help.
A letter from the State asking for application for street aid
was referred to the street committee. These applications have been
turned in every year, and it has been about nine years since Reedsport
has received any funds from this source.
Mr. Johnson asked for permission to call for bids on a new pickup
for the water department. Also permission to purchase a light
generator for use this summer in putting pipe in the tunnel.
This would be between $275 and $300. Permission to call for these
bids was given unanimously.
Under New Business, the Mayor again explained that it is necessary,
for any business to Tbe taken up at the regular council meetings,
should be turned iniat least 10 days before the meeting so it
can be turned over to the proper committees for their action.
LeRoy Chenoweth, Fire Chief, asked if an ordinance could be put
in effect so that during a hazard apartments, and second stories
of buildings could be vacated and power shut off for 'fire pro
tection. The City Attorney is to check into this.
There is an ordinance now in effect that all lots within the city
limits be hooked on to the sewer, Sewqr Committee to make a report
at next regular meeting or at special meeting, whichever comes
Dr. Mackenzie was wondering if a storm sewer could not be put in
on Winchester to handle the excess water from Crestview Hill. A
letter has already been written requesting an engineer to stop
here as soon as possible to look the situation over and decide
the best solution to our problem,
Wallace Sabin suggested the city present a plaque to the Fire
Department and Police Department for work above and beyond the
call of duty during the flood. The Mayor referred this to the
proper committees.
Also reminded the street committee of the report to be presented
soon on the drainage problem on Bowman Road.
Bills approved for payment are:
Mast Bros, Chevron 19.23 Bay Printers 56,00
Alice Robinson l8,85 Bay Pavers, Inc 66,00
Chuck»s FlyingsA 16,81 pud 95I|..08
Mast Chevron Sta, l6i|.,79 Geo, F, Cake Co. 2.30
Payroll fund 1900,00 Qen, Fund 2580.00
OPS 13.62 Coos Bay Stationery 6.25
Umpqua Nat*l Bank 10000,00 Fire Equipment Co, 198.Ii5
"" "" 2280.00 Cliff Furlott 50.39
Payroll fund „ 5672,02 Interstate Camera Serv. 143.78
Umpqua Nat»l Bank 3OO.OO Kruse & Fitch 209:^79
Berge & Wally*s 2,00
Lillebo Conatraotion Co. 2162.70
City of North Bend 29.20
101 Service 3^.58
PERS 270.00
Pacific Pumping Go, 216.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 56.25
Reedsport Motor Freight 6.i+l
Reedsport Auto Electric 79.26
Reedsport Machine Works 26.10
Reedsport Auto Parts 8.73
Reedsport Logging Supply 2.01
Reedsport Outdoor Store 1.25
Prank Rose 323-
Reedsport Fire Dept. 68i;,00
Reedsport Plumbing Co. 287-11
Kenneth Sherwood 5»00
SIAC 9k'3k
Byron L. Smith 8.01+.
Meeting adjourned.
I, UT/Johnson, City Recorder
Bob Sund Ina. 10ij..00
Shell Oil Co. 186.77
Taylor Hardware 29.35
Thompson Ford Sales 5U*29
Union Oil Co. 57^-86
Utilities Supply Co, 252.00
Umpqua Drug Co. 5.33
Umpqua River Navigation 23.50
Umpqua Bldg, Supply 10.90
Umpqua Electric 139.05
Umpqua Rental & Supply 7.37
West Coast Telephone 106,90
Wright's Ind. Clean li+l.OO
West Coast Marine 39.85
Kruse & Fitch 275.5i4
Lillebo Construction ij.383.iio
L. E. Paull 56.00
GayloM Vaughn, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
Sec *y.
REEDSPORT, March 8, 1965
8 p.m.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Councilmen Woods,
Murphey, Holliday, Thornton, Paull, and Hurlocker present,
IlJoved, seconded, and passed unanimously to approve minutes of the
previous meeting.
The Mayor switched Grover Woods from the Finance Committee to the
Fire Department Committee, and L, E. Paul from the Fire Department
Committee to the Finance Committee, as Mr. Paull has decided to
stay on the Fire Department as a member.
A new Committee has been named-Inventory eoalpment & control-
Chairman, Grover Woods, and James Thornton named to this committee.
The Mayor mentioned that Mr. Hurlocker attended a meeting in Roseburg
with the airport commission. Asl^ed that his report be given
later in the meeting.
Reported that he and Gordon Murphey had attended a meeting with the
Corps of Engineers in Portland today.
Announced that Mr. Burg with the Small Business Association would
keep the office in Reedsport open until April 2, 1965.
An IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION was formed of downtown business men
Friday night> at a meeting and dinner held at the Rainbow. Mr.
Lillebo and the Planning Commission are to work with this group.
Mayor suggested we sell the City Building and use funds for build
ing a new Police Department office. ' He asked that the Planning
Commission work on this also. Referred it to the Building Committee
for their recommendations.
Mayor Vaughn has beer in touch with Charles A. Dondero, Douglas
County Housing Authority, He has requested the cooperation of the
City in planning another low-rent housing area. A Mr. Pedersen
with the Bureau of Municipal Research, will be in Reedsport to meet
with the Council and Planning Commission on March 17th, at 7 p.m.
The Hearing for Zone Change for the old Hospital Property from
Re3idential#2 to Residential #1:
John Whittey, Attorney, was here on Mr. Frederick's behalf. As
owner of the property, Mr. Frederick stated that at this time, he
has no plans for the property. Mr, Whitty stated that Mr. Grant,
Mr. Frcderick*s attorney, felt that this could be considered Spot
Zoning" and if this zone was changed, would sue the City.
on a suit such as this,
When asked by the Mayor for his opinion,/City Attorney Jayne
said that no definite rule had been set down by the Supreme Court.
They have been dealing with each case separately,
Mr. Frederick stated that before the property was acquired, he was
told that he could put anything on it he wanted. He feels that
the zoning should have been changed during the two years after it
was decided that the hospital would hot be built there, instead of
waiting until he purchased the property.
Several of the property owners in this area were asked their reasons
for signing the petition that prompted the rezoning of this area.
Mr. Sabin and Mr, Ludwig both stated that they felt it would lower
the value of their property if a factory or trailer court were to
be put on this property.
Mr. Selle, owner of the wrecking yard, outside the city limits, but
in view of this property, stated that he could see no reason to
change this zone as there was to be an R-#2 in the Forest Hills
Mr. Hurlocker felt that it was because of a trailer court being
built on the property that most people signed the petition.
Mr. Johnson stated that this property was not zoned while under city
ownership, but was zoned R-#2 to allow the building of the hospital.
After much discussion pro and con, the Mayor suggested that it be
referred back to the Planning Commission. Thefe was a motion, se
cond to that effect. Aye i+, No-1, Grover Woods, and 1 abstained,
James Thornton.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Chairman Paul Hurlocker:
Recommend that Mrs. Glasser be paid $6r.00 per meeting and that she
attend and be recording secretary for the Planning Commission at
the same rate of pay. Retroactive to the first of the year.
Motion to accept Finance Committee's recommendation, seconded, and
passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson stated that he would have all the necessary data by^
the end of the week and mailed for reimbursement under the Public
Law 875 for flood expenditures.
I. G. Johnson was appointed Budget Officer unanimously for the year.
Mr. Hurlocker recommended the appointment of Lincoln Swain and
George Hutter to fill the two vacancies on the budget committee.
Carry-over members are: Roy Henderson, James McCulloch, Ben Gawley,
and George Marks. Swain and Hutter approved unanimously. Mr.
Hurlocker suggested we leave the setting of the budget meetings to
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, Chairman:
After much discussion and consideration, the Water Committee
recommends a raise of 30% to Winchester Bay and out of City
Limits water users. They feel this is necessary because of the
improvements and repairs being made to the water system.
It will raise the resident rate from $3*63 to $i|.7® month.
A motion was made, seconded, and approved unanimously to amend
the ordinance raising Winchester Bay and outside City Limits
water rates
Mr. Holliday reported on the Water Committee's inspection of the
tunnel. Lee Clements, Arthur Tollefson, Cordon Murphey, I. G.
Johnson, and myself made the inspection. ; There was a slide in the
tunnel at the time, and Mr. Clements stated that he could^not maice
an estimate at the time. Mr. Holliday stated that he believes that
the City can install the new pipe.
STREET & SEWER OOMMITTEE-Grover Woods, Chairman:
Sewer Charge Schedule-Each resident up to and including a 3-plex,
trailer houses, $2.00 each per month. All others, l^-plex or over
60^ of water bill, or $2.00. School-$1.00 per year per census child,
^ a 12 month basis.
Motion made, seconded, and passed unanimously including Mayor's
Aye to adopt Sewer Charge Ordinance and declare an emergency. Mr.
Jayne is to draw Ordinance and a Special Meeting will be called
for the proper signatures and adoption so that it can be put into
effect April 1, 1965.
Mr. Woods recommends that the City Crew keep cleaning and pumping
the Juniper Street Pumping Station.
Two bids were received on the repairing of the barber shop in the
old bank building. Mr. Purlott's bid was the lowest. This is to
paint interior, new front door, fix louver for ventilation. After
some discussion with Mr. Plagmann, authorization was given unanimous
ly for Mr. Johnson to get this fixed.
POLICE COMMITTEE-L, E. Paull, Chairman:
Committee recommends that an Ordinance be drawn to prohibit park
ing on Laurel to 10th St. Motion, second, and passed Aye i|, No-2,
Thornton, Hurlocker, to draw up such ordinance.
Monthly Police Report was noted.
Drill Tower-It was left at budget time; that if any funds were left
from the Jail and Library buildings, would see about it. Mr.
Johnson is to give a report on this.
Mr. Thornton presented contract agreements for fire protection on
Umpqua River Navigation Holdings on Bolen Island, the dock and
house where Albert Lewis lives; 0. H. Hinsdale property, house on
Spruce Reach Island, and ranch across highway (old McAllister ranch);
Gless Connoy Radio KRAP.
The price was $100.00 each on Umpqua River Navigation Co., and
0. H. Hinsdale; $50.00 on Gless Connoy, with $50.00 per call after
^ 2nd call.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept contracts.
The Fire hydrant at Scott Street and Bowman Road is not in operation
at this time. Mr. Johnson stated that when the hospital did not
build, there was no reason to hook it up. Will do so now.
A new fire hydrant should be installed at the New Tropicana Motel,
(Hutter's location). Mr. Chenoweth suggests that it be put by the
new Courier office, Mr. Johnson stated that the line in the swamp
has been broken 3 times. The marsh is moving since it has been
filled in so much. They will have motfe information on this at
next meeting.
The gas tank to be installed on SP right-of-way by Unigas, Inc.,
was given unanimous approval with Fire Marshall OKAY.
DIKE COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, Chairman:
Prom the meeting with the Corps of Engineers, attended by the
Mayor and myself, today in Portland, a survey has been authorized
and plans drawn for the possible raising of the dike to 2 feet
114 3/8/65
above the flood level in December. Prom Highway 38 East of County
Barn, raise highway. First St, to Standard Oil, 21^ foot roadbed
with surfaced top. Railroad Ave, around Slough, meet 101 at Bridge
10 foot roadbed. Intersection #3^, U. S. Plywood Road to Schofield
to Bridge around Platiron to Winchester Ave,, raise to height of
Schofield Drive, Three pumping stations will be put in.
The Corps of Engineers will be here the last week in March and the
Mayor promised them i| qualified appraisors, to be paid for by the
authorized survey.
Mr. Paull's insurance report was deferred until the next meeting.
The City Attorney reported that Mr. John Scheaffer^has retained
council. There is one case pending in/8oi5?t, and it is to be tried
Thursday. Has written for different city ordinances for condemnation
because he was skeptical of ours, but is dissatisfied with them,
and decided to stick ^ithours. Recommended that an item be put
in the Budget for modernizing and bringing our ordinances and
building codes up to date. Would be loOO to $2500.00.
Under NEW BUSINESS, Mickey Micheel wanted to know what the city was
going to do about the bulkhead by her property? This was referred
to Mr. Johnson and Mr. Woods to investigate.
Mr. Thornton asked for a cost and rundown on the Crestview Heights
water users. Mr. Murphey is to see that he gets this information.
Mr. Jayne suggested that an ordinance be drawn up to help protect
Cable TV from people stealing use of the cable, etc. This could be
treated as a misdemeanor. Mr, Jayne is to draw up such ordinance.
A letter from Doris and Allen Knight for rezoning of back half of
Fir Avenue between l8th and 19th so that they may put their apart
ment house on it was referred to the Planning Commission.
Chief Hass requested that something be done about skate boards. This
is to be taken under advisement by the Police Committee.
Mr. Johnson opened the bids on the pickup for water department.
They are as follows:
1. Umpqua Motors-GMC PU $2526,00
2. Thompson Ford Sales 2381|..00
3. Reedsport Garage 2932.00
5. Daily Motors 2310,93
The council authorized the purchase of pickup from the low bidder
if bid meets specifications,
G, Bud Compton who is building home on Decker Point, was asking for
City Water. Since it has been the policy not to give service to homes
outside the city limits, this was referred to the water committee for
their recommendation.
There was a deed to a house on Crestview Hill to be signed.
The traffic signal is being installed on 22nd and Winchester Ave,
The library books will be moved tomorrow.
A letter from Ben Irving of the Water Resources Survey is investigating
the problem of better communications during a disaster and hopes to
come up with a solution.
Mr. Hurlocker represented the City of Reedsport at an Airport Commission
meeting. He has also been named on the advisory committee to the
County Court from this meeting. He believes we should at least
give our moral support towards getting an airport in this area. Wbuld
add to the City's progress.
It was suggested that we endorse the Chamber of Commerce's appeal
to the County for a Branch office in Seedsport of Douglas County
Records. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously.
A1 Herra requested permission to build a carport on on of his
building. This is City property at present time.
Planning Commission.
Referred to
Mr. Paull reported that Mr. Purlott is ready to start building
the addition to the fire Hall on the Plat as soon as the fountain
is moved.
A press release from the office of the Mayor was given councilmen
and press reporting on the meeting with the Corps of Engineers in
Bills approved for payment were as follows:
Lincoln Swain, Postmaster iiOO.OO
OPS ^13.62
Payroll Fund 17$0.00
Reedsport Pire Dept. 3212,00
Payroll Pund
Joseph Michael Johnson 50.00
A & C Janitor Service 16.00
Al*s Market 1.3^
Bay Pavers, Inc 96.07
Baker*s Saw Shop 562.3^
PUD 667.16
Chambers Heating, Inc. 21.52
Johns-Manville Sales Corp. 60.00
Oregon Pire Chief*3 Assoc. 10.00
Wm. A. Holmin Corp. 91-1|2
OK Tire Store 76.30
101 Service 95.96
pacific Motor Trucking 42.2i|
PERS 6.00
PERS 2lj.l.i;U
Paramount Pest Control 6.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 56.25
Petty Cash 141.22
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 16.90
Reedsport Garage 11.75
Reedsport Logging Supply 2.25
Reedsport Plumbing 9.25
Reedsport Auto Parts 113.30
Meeting adjourned
Reedsport Machine Works 2.00
Reedsport Auto Electric 107.11
Reedsport Pire Dept. 376.00
Stults, Jayne & Murphy 3-50
SIAC 87.99
Byron L. Smith 6.OJ4
Thompson Ford Sales 21.00
Traffic Safety Supply 617.76
P. L. Taylor Hdware 12.i|.7
News Press, Inc 27-30
TTmpqua National Bank 8[|_20.00
TJnion Oil Co. 691.12
ITmqpau Rental & Supply 27*75
Gaylord Vaughn 20.00
Umpqua Electric 212.53
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 6.05
West Coast Telephone Co. 50.l5
Waterworks Supply 220.67
Wright's Industrial Cl. II4I.OO
Shell Oil Co. l50.i|6
Shell Oil Co. 67.23
I. G. JqMTSon
City Recorder
Gaylord Vaughn, Mayor
N'ettie B. Glasser, Recording S6c*y
Mayor Vaughn called the joint meeting to order with Councilmen
Woods, Murphey, Holliday; Planning Commission Lillebo, Taylor,
Henderson, Andrews, Daily, Nickels, and Frank Rose.
Charles A, Dondero and Mel Pedersen were here to discuss a workable
program for another low cost housing area in the City.
Mr. Dondero of the Douglas County Housing Authority introduced Mr.
Pedersen, with the Bureau of Municipal Research, who is to make the
survey, if an agreement is entered into with the City.
He explained the requirements for a workable program:
1. Codes & Ordinance^
2. Comprehensive Community Plan
3. Neighborhood Analysis
I4. Administrative Organization
5. Financing
6. Housing for Displaced Families
7. Citizen Participation.
Potential cost of City for this workable plan would be less
than $500.00.
Mr. Dondero explained that the Housing Authority pays for the
property, buildings, and does not envolve local funds.
This would be for the elderly, and the survey would determine
the number of units needed.
The number of active applications (eligible) for a 90 day period
12-1 bedroom for the elderly
6 -2 bedrooms for families
6 -3 bedrooms for families
At this time there are 70 applications from around Reedsport,
but all are not eligible.
The Douglas County Housing Authority is self-sustaining, and this
is the first year they are going to get government aid for housing
the elderly.
At this time they own 10| acres between Highway 101 and 3^> hut
would have to be filled before it could be used. They would explore
other locations before using that site.
Recommend that the Mayor appoint a cross-section of people on the
Citizen's Committee so that the City would be well represented.
The Mayor referred this to the Planning Commission for their
reoommendation to the Council, There will be a Planning
Commission meeting March 29, 1965 at TOO p.m. The Mayor also
requests a list of the names from the Planning Commission
for the Citizen*s Committee,
Mayor Vaughn announced that the Corps of Engineer representatives
will be here Wednesday morning, March 2I4,, 1965* at 9A.M. for a
preliminary survey to look over the dikes and flooded area.
Anyone interested is welcome to come.
There will also be a Special Council meeting Monday Night, March
22, 196^5 at 8p,m. fo put the Sewer Charge Ordinance into effect
for April.
Meeting adjourned.
Recalled to order,
Mr. Pedersen is also the man the Downtown Improvement Association
would need to make a study of what needs to be done to Rejuvenate
this area.
After much discussion, a meeting has been tentatively set for
April 6, 1965, 7:30p.m, for Mr. Pedersen to meet the Association.
Gaylord Maughn, Mayor
son. City Recorder ^ yiMUjL.
Nettie B. Glasser, RecordingSec*y.
OP REEDSPORT, MARCH 22, 1965, 8p.m.
Meeting was called to order with the following councilman
present; Grover Woods, Paul Hurlocker, and Gordon Murphey.
To make a quorum, the Mayor declared himself a councilman.
Mr. Johnson read ORDINANCE #1463, providing for the establishment,
operation and maintenance within the limits of the City of Reedsport
of sewage disposal plant or plants, sewers, equipment and appurte
nances necessary, useful or convenient for a complete sewer system
and disposal plant, including maintenance and extension of the
present sewer system of the city; establishing and imposing just
and equitable charges upon water users from the City of Reedsport
water system; providing for the manner of collection of said
charges; providing for the establishment of a sinking fund for
said purposes; declaring cert^ acts unlawful, and imposing pen
alties; and declaring an emergency.
It was moved, seconded and passed unanimously for the first reading.
Title reading of ORDINANCE #i|63 for the second time.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously for the second reading.
TITLE reading of ORDINANCE #1^63 for the third time.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously for the third reading.
The Mayor declared the Ordinance now in effect.
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. Jo son. City Recorder
MayoiCGaylorQ' Vaughn
N'ettie B. Glasser,
Recording Secretary
April 12, 1965
Mayor Vaughn called the regular meeting of the Council of the City
of Reedsport to order with councilmen Thornton, Murphey, Paull, Woods,
and Hurloclfeer present.
Motionraade, seconded, and passed to approve minutes of previous meet
Recommendations from the City Planning Commission are as follows:
1. Twenty acres formerly owned by the Hospital District, in the
Bowman Road area be rezoned Zone 1-Residential from Zone 2-Residential. j
i i
Motion from Mr. Thornton that zone remain as is, until some concrete i !
offer be made to the council. Seconded
The Mayor expressed that we have an excellent Planning Commission and
they recommended that this be zoned #1-Residential.
E. C. Daily, Planning Commission member, gave what he felt were
the Planning Commission's reasons for their recommendation.
Prank Rose, PC member, is against the zone change. Pedls that as
soon as the hospital abandoned the site, the zone should have been
H. E. Nickels, PC member, feels it should be zoned #1 to protect
against the building of a trailer court.
Dr. Courtney is for Zone 1-Residential.
Harry Ludwig asked if there was a hearing on the property behind the
Umpqua Shopping Center before the trailer court was built?
Tom Payne agrees that this should be rezoned and the city should
decide which course it is going to follow.
The Mayor called for a vote. It was Aye 5* unanimous, to leave
zone as it. Mayor expressed himself against the vote.
2. Allen Knight requests permission to move his apartment house
to the back'half of Block 19. As this would require a zone change,
the Planning Commission recommends that the regular procedure by
the property owner be followed.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept the recommendation
of the Planning Commission and notify Mr. Knight of the procedure
to follow,
3- n
Recommends that the following pieces of property not nov; zoned,
be zoned #1-Residential:
a. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that Porest Hills
Subdivisions #1 & #2 be zone #1-Re3idential as recommended.
b. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that the Latter Day
Saints be contacted and see if they go along with the recommendation
of the Planning Commission for the Church property to be zJoned
c. Bernhart*s Addition
d. South Hills Subdivision
e. Morris Subdivision
f. Block 1 and Block 2, except Lots 1 through 6 inclusive,
Crestivew Addition
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept recommendations
on 3c, d, e, and f.
i|. Pollowing property to be zoned #2-Residential:
a. Lots 1 to 6, Bloclk 2 Grestview Addition. Also unplatted
part of Grestview as shown.
After quite a bit of discussion on the fact that the fire depart
ment did not believe that there was adequate water pressure for
multiple dwellings, it was moved, seconded, and passed for this
(1\q) to be sent back to the Planning Commission for further
study. Unanimous.
Mr. Seffling did not realize that water would enter into the
picture, but that they will go along with this decision, and
he was sure that Mr. Gawley would.
b. Moved, seconded, passed unanimously that accept recommendation
on Lower TJmpqua Hospital District property, to be zond #2-
I ; Residential.
I ;
- ' i|,c. Property owned by R. J. Hubbard shown on map as Parcel #3.
$a. Parcels #1, 2, & 4, in Forest Hills Area as shown on map.
Moved^ seconded, and passed unanimously that aopub.lipshearing be
called for I^g and 5a.
Mayor stated that the hearing would be called for the next regular
council meeting.
5b. Are in shopping center bounded by Hawthorne Ave. between
Highway 101 and Schofield River. Blocks 60 to 66 inclusive.
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept recommendation of Planning
Gommission, that it be zoned #3-Business, (5t>).
5c, Area bounded by exteni^ion of 10th Ave. South to section line
between Sections 3l| & 35, SP Right-of-way, Winchester Ave.
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept Planning Gommission*s
recommendation that 5c be zoned #3-Business,
Douglas Gounty Low-cost Housing Project Proposal. Motion made
that we apply for more low-cost housing, seconded, and passed.
This will instigate a survey to be made determining the need,
at no cost to the city, other than their cooperation, for more
lost-cost housing. The mayor recommended that we agree to the
proposal. Aye 5, No 0, unanimous.
The Mayor stated that he will appoint the Gitizens* Committee
needed for this project at a later date.
Bumble-Bee Seafoods presented a Lease-proposal; a building to be
set on Gity property, (old Umpqua Shake site). They would pay
$25.op per month, with a 5 year lease with 5 year option. There
would be a concrete alab to put the building on and a dock out
i to deeptwater. Would like to remove building if it has to be
' i abandoned before lease is up. There is to be a 50 foot reservation
: for the pumping station.
^ Moved, seconded, we accept this proposal with the reservation for
the pumping station. rPassed unanimously.
Wally .Bol^revik, Gecil Bennett, Byron Serfling, were here represent
ing the Downtown Improvement Area. Wally Borrevik, spokesman for
the group, stated that they would like to secure an option on the
lots where the city building now stands. Believed that 60 days
would be enough if the city would not entertain any other bids
during that time.
The Mayor stated that he was in favor of giving them 90 days, but
that to sell, the building and property would have to be put up
for bid.
It was moved that the Gity ^ve :the: Downtown Improvement Group
90 day waiting period (not receive any offers for city building
property) to put package sale together. Seconded, and passed
119 :
1. 1965-1966 Budget. Mr. Hurlocker asked Mr. Johnson for a
report on this as he is the budget officer, Mr, Johnson stated
that the material is altogether except for police and fire
department budgets. There is still quite a bit unknown from the
State Senate and Leg^slatur^l There are 5 bills still unsettled
that might add to the City*s finances. He stated that July l^th
is the deadline,
2. A new City auditor will be needed and Mr, Hurlocker has asked
the Mayor to do some inquiring.
Mr, Thornton asfeed the cost of pumping water to Crestview Hill.
Mr. Johnson stated that it runs between $60.00 to $^;0.00 per
month and there are now I4. dwellings paying $5,30 each.
Mr. Thornton believes this is too racccLh cost to the City, but the
Mayor states that we are alre^ady committed.
1. Bud Compton, whose dwelling is on Decker Point and is not
contiguous to any city property, so can not annex, is requesting
city water.
It was'moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to grant Bud Compton
use of city water with the stipulation that he pay all the bills for
the pipe and installation, and that he be the only user,
No complaints.
1, Sk^ate Boards-Lettetsrhave been received from Lower Umpqua
Hospital District, Pioneer School, Reedsport Union High School,
requesting that skste boards be banned.
Dr. Courtney was asked for his opinion and he stated that "a
man is not King in his own home". Believes that something should
be done about skate boards, but his own children hardly speak to
him because of the stand he has taken against them.
Dean Hodges and Ann Westberg were here representing the High School
students. They are in favor of regulafeiri^ their ^use,
When asked, what he believed should be done', Chief Hass stated that
he would like to see the skate boards banned from hazardous areas.
Police Committee recommends that we bann dangerous areas, and not
take any action,
Wallace Sabin was appointed a committee of one by the Mayor to
look into setting up student court and jury, when he (Mr. Sabin)
stated that this would be a good thing,
Dewey Golden asked about the road, Doyle Street? Would like to
see all property annexed on Doyle Street, sewer put in and charged
against the property, Doyle Street itself, is outside the City
Police Department would like for the council to consider buying a
new car. Both right now are *6i| models. Want to trade the chev
off now and the Ford next year. Mr. Johnson stated that there is
no money in the budget now for a car.
It was moved that the Chief draw up Specifications with the Police
Committee and sealed bidgs be called for the next regular council
meeting. Seconded and passed unanimously. This money is to come
out of the 65-66 budget.
Stated that there should be better pressure on Crestview Hill
The Mayor gave an oral tentative agreement between International
Paper Co. and the City of Reedsport for fire protection. A sum
of $7$0*00 was mentioned, and the Mayor recommended that this v
agreement be entered into.
After some discussion, it was moved, seconded, and passed to accept
this agreement. Aye 3, No 2, James Thornton and L, E. Paull.
The Mayor reported that he and Mr. Johnson met with the Corps of
A^my Engineers regarding dikes for flood control. They will start
their survey Monday, April 20th, with offices over Bob Sund*s.
; Each department will inventory own equipment on cards given them,
i Are now in the process.
Mr. Hurlocker gave a report of a Douglas County Airport Advisory
Committee meeting. They are now waiting to see if funds will be
made available in the County Budget for building the airport on
South Beach, Myrtle Creek airport is #1, and Reedsport #2 on the
list. If money is made available, the landing strip will be
started in March of 1966, and finished in July, 1966,
It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to write a letter
to Congressman Duncan requesting reservation of this site for the
Chief Hass introducedLoyd Stone as the new policeman on the force.
He is from Coquille and has 10 years experience.
Mr. Paull reviewed the City*s Insurance Policies and stated that
they are in pretty good shape. The only coverage he finds we do
not have is "Products Coverage" for ,the water department. Said
that it would cost about $60',00, Moved, seconded, and passed to
purchase this insurance. Aye 5, No 0,
The Mayor reported that Mr. Holliday had told him that the Library
Board was very happy with the new library quarters.
Mr. Jayne stated that he had written John Scheaffer*s attorney,
but had nothing concrete to report.
He aslted for the condemnation reports from the fire department
on the property to be condemned by the city.
For the annexation of areas surrounded by the city, legal descriptions
must be given, and is still waiting for the engineer to survey this
There is one case pending, date is set for trial,
A petition for annexation of property directly behind the cemetery
owned by the Latter Day Saints, was read by Mr, Johnson, Moved,
seconded, and passed unanimously that this annexation be advertised
and a hearing called for the next regular council meeting,
Application for a Class "B" Liquor license presented for the council*s
action. This is for the Eagles Lodge, The Chief of Police had not
been approached on this and would not okay it without looking the
property over.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to grant this ^application
subject to Chief's approval.
Coos Head Timber Co, requests permission for use of S, 19th St, for
hauling logs out of Decker Point,
Mr. Johnson was instructed to write tham a letter informing them
they will be required to furnish a Bond to leave streets in same
condition as before they started hauling.
The people in the Forest Hills Subdivisions have been asking
about their street lights. They have been inform by the PUD that
they know nothing about them. Mr. Johnson understood that this
was all to be taken care of in the plan presented to the council
by Mr. Nunnally.
The owner of Shorty*s Trailer Sales was here to request permission
to put a live-in trailer on his.lot. There is a City Ordinance
against parking a trailer anywhere except in a trailer court.
The County Sanitarian recommends that they wait a year because
of the fill. Stated thia area can only handle this office septic
tanfe- at this time.
It was referred to the proper committee for a recommendation to be
presented at the next council meeting,
A letter to the council from the American Legion was read concerning
the old library building. They asked for the redsurn of this property
as it was deeded to the city when they were looking for a location
to put the library. Moved, seconded, and passed that we sell this
property back to the American Legion for the price of $1.00,
ORDINANCE #14.614. was read prohibiting certain acts detrimental to
television facilities within the City of Reedsport and providing
penalties for its violation and declaring an emergency.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to second reading.
Ordinance read for second time by Title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously to third and final reading.
Ordinance #14.614. read for third time by Title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 2^6 relating to the regulating
of traffic, by the addition of two sections, to be numbered I4.3, and ij-if,
regulating parking upon a portion of 10th Street, Laurel Avenue and
U. S. Highway 101, within said City and Declaring an emergency.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to second reading.
Ordinance #[[6^ read. ^7 Title only for the second time. Moved, - :
seconded, and passed unanimously to third and final reading.
Ordinance #i|65 read by Title only for the third time. • Moved, seconded^
and passed unanimously.
The High School has requested use of the Park on the Plat for
infield practice. Mr. Johnson is to give them an okay.
Mr. Thornton discussed the baclfestops on two-.of the parks. They
were okayed at a previous meeting, stating the city would buy
the lumber, recreation to build.
Bills olfeayed for payment are as follows:
Payroll Fund 1900.00 Al*s Signs 3l4.$0
OPS 13.62 A & C Janitor Serv. 32.00
Daily Motors 2310.93 Bunting Tractor Co. 514.92
Umpqua National Bank 280.00 Bay Printers 53.00
Kay Creed 3.00 Edward Bouchillon 22.00
V. E. Fullterson 3.00 |UD 868.147
Gloris Landon 3.00 The Courier 8.67
Cecil Bennett 3-00 Qeo. P. Cake Co. I48.85
Margaret A. Chisholm 3.00 Coos Bay Stationery 3I.I43
Harry Lyster 3.00 Chapman Bros 2.214-
Coast Comm. Co. 19.69
Coos Bay Welders 1,95
! f
Pire Equipment Co, 1001,77
Cliff Furlott 1|103.00
Hansen Electric Co, 71.0^
Roy Henderson 1.65
Geo. Melville Plumbing 555-^1
101 Service 60.33
City of North Bend 55.75
OK Tire Store 66.61|
Paramount Pest Control 6.00
Reedsport Fire Dept 14140,00
Reedsport Garage 22,1|3
PERS 2I46.68
Reedsport Logging Supply 00,15.14^4
Reedsport Motor Freight 17-93
Reedsport Auto Parts 33-70
Reedsport Auto Electric 16.12
Reedsport Machine V/or'ls 106,21
Reedsport Union Station 3.14-0
Shell Oil Co, 72,26
Shell Oil Co, 162.11
SIAC 63.10
Byron L. Smith 20,10
SKylarkCafe 6.00
Allen Smith Co, 15.00
Reedsport Laundry 2.I45
Thompson Ford Sales I48.05
Taylor Hardware 26,56
Raymond Hass 60.00
Walter E, Miller 60,00
Ray Church 60,00
Fred Jungwirth 60.00
Glenn Allen 6O.OO
Union Oil Co, 3O6.66
Utilities Supply Co. 30,03
Umpqua Rental & Sup. 6.10
Gaylord Vaughn 63.00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 13.914
Umpqua Ind, Supply 6,53
Umpqua Drug 5-72
West Coast Telephone 101.50
Waterworks Supply Co, li4ij.88
Wright's Ind. Clean, li4l,00
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that meeting be adjourned
I, G, Jo^son, City Recorder
Gaylci^J^aif^'^, Mayor
5'ettie B, Glasser, Rec. S.c
HELD APRIL 26, 1965, AT S P,M,
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Councilmen Paull,
Murphey, Thornton, Holliday, Hurlocker, and Woods present.
The Mayor stated that the meeting had been called for the purpose
of deciding whether or not to negotiate with one party for the
purchase of the City Building, or to advertise for bids? Also
whether or not to hire Kruse & Fitch, Architects, to give a coat
estimate on construction of a new police station?
Mr. Serfling, representing the Downtown Improvement Group presented
their proposal. It included the purchase of the City Building, the
leasing or buying of the pari-ring lot (from the jail over to the
Community Building),
Mentioned that it is a grocery concern, that they wanted this site
and this site only. Also stated that they have a verbal option on
the theatre building. Their paclrage deal will require the purchase
of the theatre. City Building, Vacation of alley, leasing or purchase
of parking lot. Will be approximately $100,000 investment. Pur
chaser's name to be withheld until time of purchase.
The City would require adequate time for their tenants to get places
to move, and to build a new police station,
Mr. Serfling stated that before a lease with option can be signed,
they have to linow the price, and that they can have the property.
Asked that if it were put up for bids, could a small amount of cash
with balance to be paid later (option) be made.
When asked if rest of City was going to be cleaned up, he said that
co-operative advertising and shopping center type thing was going to
be put together.
Mr, Hurlocker said that we are the only city in Oregon without a G^^y
Hall, and that we would be relinquishing property we may need in the
near future, if we lease or sell this area wanted for the parking lot,
Mr. Johnson stated that the alley could not be vacated. Sewer line is
in the center.
Mayor asked the City Attorney if it is possible to negotiate without
advertising for bids?
Mr. Jayne says that the City is allowed by State Statute to sell without
advertising, but the City has always asked for bids before, and he be
lieves that it would be setting a precedent. Also believes it could
be advertised for bids, with the right to accept the bid with the
best plans to improve the city,
Mr. Murphey believes that we should do all we can to help, Mr,
Thornton thinks we should take a long look at the parking area. Mr,
Woods stated that we cannot lose this parking area, may need it to
build on.
When asked by A1 Herra if this would be private parking, Mr, Serfling
said yes, and Mr. Herra stated that this would not be helping the
other merchants,
Mr. Jayne mentioned that a trade for other property might be possible.
Mr. Murphey moved that we negotiate with this Downtown Improvement
Group exclusively in place of putting property up for bid, Second-
Mr, Thornton asked if the motion passed, would the council as a whole
act on the negotiations? Mayor Vaughn stated that he had planned to
appoint a Negotiating Committee, but if the Council felt it should be
done as a whole, so be it.
Hr. Holliday suggested an appraisor to determine how much the City
Building and property is worth,
Mr, Borrevik, one of the Improvement Committee, said that they had
presented their proposal, and believed that the city should be able
to negotiate,
Mr, Johnson mentioned the fact that at first the City Building was
all they wanted to purchase, but now it includes the parking lot.
Roy Henderson said that for years, the City has reserved this half
block for City Buildings, and he does not believe that we should
relinquish all the property.
The mayor asked for a vote on the motion. Unanimous to negotiate.
#2, After some discussion on whether or not to hire Kruse & Fitch,
architects to give cost estimate on new police station, and Chief Hass
saying that he has tentative plans drawn so that they will have some
idea of what they need, it was decided unanimously to have a cost esti
mate made by Kruse & Pitch,
Motion made, seconded, and passed unanimously to adjourn.
ATTEST: Gayl^Jrd Vaughn, Mayor
I.N?. J IThson, City Recorder
"Wettie B. Glasser, Recording
Sec *y.
MAY 10, 1965, 8p.m.
Mayor Vaughn (Jailed the meeting to order with councilmen Paull, Thornton,
Hurlocker, and Holliday present.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
The Planning Commission recommended to the Council that Lots 1 through
6 inclusive, Crestview Addition, and unplatted part of Crestview, be
zoned #1-Residential as long as there is inadequate water pressure for
multiple dwellings.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept Planning Commission's
IThe Mayor announced his Citizens' Advisory Committee on Low-Cost Housing,
iThey are as follows;
Dr. Robert Lewis, Chairman
Lloyd Richardson
Mrs. Edith Suller
Mrs. Lois DeVelbiss
Harley Gray
Reverend Robt.
Dave Wootton
Dr. Lewis was asked for comments, but did not want to say too much until
another meeting has been held with Mr. Pedersen.
Mayor Vaughn stated for the benefit of those that didn't know, negotiations
for the sale of the City Building were terminated after 2 hoursi' when it
was decided that no terms could be reached.
Gaylord Vaughn, L. E. Paull, Dawn Peseau, Paul Hurlocker, Ray Holliday, and
Bill Burdick went to Crescent City to observe Urban Renewal in action.
As each pointed out the parts that impressed them, a feeling that this might
be the answer for Reedsport was prevalent.
The Mayor stated that it shows what determination can do. All groups were
unanimous in wanting the disaster area rebuilt. Also that if Reedsport
shows that it is in favor of Urban Renewal, It will be pursued.
Tom Payne has requested a hearing before the council on the rezoning of the
old Hospital property. He quoted the Lane-use Plan book compiled by the
Bureau of Municipal Research in 1961. Suggested that enforcement of a
zoning plan be set in motion.-
Laia^-use book stated that 1^0% of people that work in Reedsport, live outside
city limits. No organized planning in City even though there is an ordi
nance, but is not enforced. Also that trailer courts, apartment houses,
should be next to Commercial zones. At time of survey, houses in Reedsport,
were sub-standard.
First proposal-consider changing that parcel to Zone 1-Residential.
Second proposal-review zoning laws and bring them up to current specifi
cations. Especially as owners in this area, would like to see no
trailer courts allowed in Zone #2-Residential.
Plans are already in the process of having all our ordinances reveiwed
and Mr. Jayne is getting an estimate for this. Mayor referred to the
Planning Commission for their action whether or not Trailer courts
should be restricted from Zone-2 Residential.
No action taken on the changing of the zone from Zone 2-Residential to
Zone 1-Residential on the Hospital property.
A letter was ready by the Mayor from W. A. burdick, resigning ^rom the
library board. The council thanked him for his service these many years.
Mr. Johnson believes the library board should be contacted to see if they
have any recommendations for the new member, before one is appointed.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Paul Hurlocker, Chairman
1965-66 Budget-First budget meeting will be May 17th, 8p.m.
PAGE 2, 5/10/65
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, Chairman
No report-Murphey absent
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, Chairman, absent
Mr. Johnson believes that the Juniper Street pump station will be water
tight when the floor la poured, but all valves will have to be replaced
as they have corroded. No decision has been made to put it in use, until
it is know that it can be made water-tight.
POLICE COMMITTEE-L. E. Paull, Chairman
Bids for the new police car were collected and opened, with Thompson
Ford Sales being low bidder by $2.00. The price of the new car, $1052.00.
FIRE DEPARTMENT-James Thornton, Chairman
A group from the Winchester Bay Fire Department were here to see if price ^
for operating their fire calls could be lowered. Their request was
referred to Mr. Thornton and he is to bring his recommendation to the
next council meeting.
DIKE COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, Chairman
Mayor announced that the engineers have finished their first (economic)
survey, and are not read to start the second phase, which will be the
cost specifications, for new dike construction. Wished to thank Loren
Gerhard, Dwight Ritchie, Omar Bresland, Lowell Cooper, Ralph Wagner,
and Jack Hodge for their help to the engineers in the economic survey.
Mr. Schaefer's attorney has recommended to his client to bring his carport
to meet city specifications.
Talked to Mr. Duncan about the reservation of the airport property, but
he felt no action need be taken.
The hearing on the Hubbard property in the Forest Hills area cannot be
called without a meets and bounds description in the advertising, and is
waiting for this from the engineers.
Progress on condemnations reported.
New fuel oil bids should be called for. Other contracts expired December
It was discussed pro and con as to whether any of the council members can
legally do business with the City. The City attorney is to look into this
and send a letter out to the councilmen. Some instances of this being done
in other cities was told. The councilmen do not feel that they should be
penalized for being a councilmen.
Mr. Thornton brought up the setting of the power pole on the hill for
the radio costing Grover Woods $500.00, This, Mr. Johnson, said is a
long story. Mayor Vaughn believed.that this had all been taken care
of as he and Mr. Johnson had discussed this with Mr. Woods for about
an hour. No action was taken.
A letter from the City of Kodiak, Alaska, was read by Mr. Johnson.
A check for $2807.2? was enclosed as their contribution to assist us
from out disaster as they were aided by Oregon after theirs. Reedsport
was chosen as the city in Oregon to receive these funds.
The Mayor has asked Governor Hatfield to write.ithanking them for their
A letter from the State Highway Department to CMef Hass was read. This
was in answer to a letter written by Hass requesting that the existing
flashers for school crossing at 21st and Winchester be moved to the
Pioneer School on the Highway 101 and Umpqua Bowling Lanes.
They stated that it would be undesirable due to a mid-block location.
VlO/65, page's
Mr. Johnson believes that if 13th,is brought up to specifications
from Hawthorne to the Highway, it will no longer be a mid-block
situation and the State will approve the location. States that a
manhole will have to be raised and some fill put in. Council
okayed immediate action for this fill.
As to the traffic signals at 22nd and Winchester; they are not what
they should be. So until the State decides what to do to correct
the situation, will keep the one covered, so as not to have too
much confusion. The highway is not standard width seems to be the
Mr. Holliday believes that the backstops on the parks should be
fixed so that they will be a permanent installation. After discussion,
Holliday moved that the City take on the backstop repairs for $1000.00
to $1100.00. Seconded. This money would have to be budgeted for
*65-f66. The amount set aside for the Recreation Budget Is $3000.00,
with $1100.00 of this to go toward the summer recreation program.
Mr. Plagmann turned over the recreation committees' books and there is
$200 balance.
Vote on motion-unanimous.
Mr. Thornton reported on the Recreation Committee meeting-There has
been quite an increase in the activities of this group. Reedsport
Union High School, Pioneer School, and the City have been denat.ing
$1100.00 toward this, and Gardiner. School, $1000.00 They would like
to see this raised to $1^00.00 each or $1^.00.00 rriore apiece. The
school cannot raise theirs until next year, but Mr. Thornton would
like to see the bity budget the full $1^00.00 for this summer. Decided
to table this until the budget meeting next Monday night. Budget
Committee might have suggestions.
Ben Gawley approached the council for approval to curb Crestview Drive
by his property on Crestview Hill. He would add 6 feet of blacktop,
curb, and would like permission to build a retaining wall next to the
curb where the sidewalk usually goes. Would put sidewalk on top of
retaining wall.
Mayor referred this to street committee for their recommendation.
Bill Burdick asked for the City's help to get the undercrossing by
Forest Hills and the Highland School back on the Legislative agenda.
The council so moved.
Mr. Hurlocker reported it wouldn't be wise to try and land at the air
port until '68.
The Shanelec's of the Riverview Hotel were here asking for a change in
the rate (water, sewer) for the hotel. Believe it is too Kgh since the
sewer charge has been added. Referred to proper committee.
Mr. Paull feels the City has an unjust policy and should be looked into
where a man who hool s up to the sewer has to pay to run. the line, maybe
a block or half block, then when the people in-between hook on they
don't pay any of the cost of the initial installation. Should be some
way of putting a lien against the property to take care of this. Re
ferred to sewer committee.
Bills approved for payment are as follows:
Payroll fund . 1750-00
OPS 13.62
Payroll fund $235.60
A & C Janitor Service 55.00
Associated Janitorial Serv. $i|,.00
Air Mac 268.50
Bunting Tractor Co., Inc. 3^9.16
Baker's Saw Shop 3-75
Bay Printers 2.25
City of Reedsport Comm. Bldg.
Coos Bay Stationery
Geo, P. Cake Co,
Douglas Co, Clerk
Coast Stationery
Cable TV Corp
Dairy Queen
Daily Motor
Fyr-Pyter Co,
Fire Equipment
Eruse & Fitch,
Construction Co.
Construction Co.
Littrell Supply Co.
Melville Plumbing
City of Nonth Bend
101 Service
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
0. R. North
Pacific Motor Trucking Co
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp.
Sewer Reserve
Paramount Pest Control
Shell Oil
Bob Sund Ins.
Byron L. Smith
Taylor Ha];[dware
Gaylord Vaughn
Union Oil~Co. of
Union Oil Co, of
Umpqua Drug
Umpqua Building Supply
Umpqua River Navigation
Umpqua National Bank
West Coast Telephone
Wright's Industrial Cl,
Western Auto Assoc. Store
Fire Dept,
Union Station
Auto Parts
Machine Works
Auto Electric
199. 3(|
Meei-ing adjourned by Mayor.
hnson, City Recorder
5/10/65, page
Gaylord Vaugkn7 Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
MEETING HELD May 17, 1965 AT 6 p.m.
Mayor Vaughn called meeting to order with Budget members Ben Gawley,
James McCulloch, George Marks, Roy Henderson, George Hutter, and
Lincoln Swain present. Council members present Gordon Murphey, James
Thornton, Raymond Holliday, and Paul Hurlocker.
Nominations were open for the election of a budget chairman- Roy
Henderson nominated, nominations closed, and Henderson elected by
Nominations were open for the elction of a secretary-Irving Johnson
nominated, nominations closed, elected by acclamation.
Mr. Johnson announced there were some changes from last year.
Have to be 2 public meetings, and budget cannot be adopted at
the first meeting.
Went through the budget starting with the water department.
Shows an increase of 6^ raise for all City employes as suggested
by the Mayor.
LeRoy Ghenoweth presented a budget for the Fire Department which
included a paid chief and 3 firemen. Also a ladder trucU:. Mr.
Johnson is to go over budget, run off copies and give to each
budget com.mittee member, and councilman.
Next budgst meeting changed to June 1, 1965 at 6 p.m., as May
is a holiday.
Meeting adjourned.
I. iff, 'Joir^on, City Recorder
and Budget Sec'y.
Roy Henderson, Chairman
Budget Committee
Nettie B.Glasser,Recording
8p.m., for city of REEDSPORT
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Budgst Committee
members Lincoln Swain, James McCulloch, Ben Gawley, George Marks,
and George Hutter. Roy Henderson, Chairman, was absent so Mayor
VaUt^hn conducted the meeting,
Councilmen Woods, Paull, Holllday, and Murphey were present.
A paid Fire Dept. was discussed, and decided that it is a matter
for the council.
After going over the budget page by page, it was moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously to accept budget as prepared.
The Budget Committee recommended to the council that City purchase
small roller. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously.
Mayor stated that the millage for the City would be 20 mills at the
Meeting adjourned.
I, G. Joh^on, "City Recorder
& Budget Sec'y.
• / -
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
AT 6 p.m.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with councilmen Paull, Murphey,
Thorton, Holliday, Woods, and Hurlocker present.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
made, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept annexation.
ANNEXATION read second time by title only. Moved, seconded, and passed
unanimously to accept same.
ANNEXATION read for third time by title only. MOved, seconded, and passed
unanimously to accept same.
Mayor presented the annexation of the Reedsport Assembly of God Church
property. This was referred to the Planning Commission for their
meeting this month and their recommendation.
A letter from the new committee of the Downtown Improvement Group was
presented concerning the re-opening of negotiations for the purchase of
the City Bldg., and parking lot. Moved by Gordon Murphey that negotiations
be re-opened, seconded by L. E. Paull, and passed unanim.ously to do so.
Mayor called a special meeting open to the public for Wednesday night,
8 p.m., June 9, 1965, at the City Recorder's office.
A letter from the Citizens' Advisory Committee asking the City to re
quest a survey form Urban Renewal to determine area to apply for. This
survey would be cost-free to the city. Also petitions were presented
requesting the survey. This survey would determine the feasibility of
Reedsport entering into an Urban Renewal project.
The Mayor will contact Mr. McKay and request survey.
Gordon Murphey requested that a discussion of the radio antennae pole
construction, in particular, the unpaid portion of the bill to the PUD .
which is being billed to Grover Woods. After some discussion on this,
Murphey moved that the City pay this unpaid portion of approximate $551.00.
Seconded by L. E. Paull, with a vote of 5Ayes, 1 Abstained (Grover Woods),
and Mayor voiced against payment by the city.
ORDINANCE #1|66, amending Ord. §\\11, governing location of trailer courts.
That it >jhall be unlawful to construct and operate a trailer park within
the City of Reedsport unless after public hearing, the written consent
of the Common Council of the City of Reedsport has first been obtained.
Moved to adopt Ordinance #i|66, second, and passed unanimously.
Second reading of Ordinance #i|66 by title only. Moved, seconded, and
passed unanimously to accept same.
Third and final reading of Ordinance #[|66 by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously to accept same.
PINANCE COMMITTEE-Paul Hurlocker, chairman:
Budget has been approved by the Budget Committee. The official budget
hearing is set tentatively set for June 28, lf65, Mr. Johnson reports.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, Chairman:
Report on request by Shanelec to Iwer water arid sewer charges for the
Riverview Hote. Would like to wait and give recommendation at next
Mr. Johnson reports that about 3/k of the brush is cut and then will be
ready to lay new line along the highway in Winchester Bay.
Mr. Murphey reports that he has had complaints about the charge made to
motels for their svjimming pools. They are charged $5.00 a month while
pool is in use, yet they only fill them once a year. Peel they should
only pay the initial $5.00 when p'ool is filled. No recommendation was
turned in backstops at the parks have been finished and the bill
f.age 2
STREET S: SEWER-Grover Woods, chairman:
Recommended that Mr. Gaviley^s request to blacktop 6 feet on side of
Crestview Drive and put a retaining wall along his property be okayed.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept recommendation.
Recommended that floor be poured in the Juniper Street pumping station.
Moved, seconded, and passed to proceed on the pumping station to put it
in working order.
POLICE COMMITTEE-L, E, Paull, chairman:
A dog pound was discussed, as to need, permanertlpy, and location. After
some discussion, it was mentioned that the County is contemplating a
permanent caretaker at the dump. If this goes through, it would be the
logical place for the dog pound. Police Chief stated that a man had
inquired about being the dogcatcher.
instructed Mr, Johnson to write to the County to see if they are planning
for a caretaker at the clump.
FIRE C0r4MITTEE-James Thornton, chairman:
Met with the fire department in Winchester Bay to discuss the charges
starting in July for ansv;ering service on their fire calls. Looked over
their budget, recommend to the council that their charges be only $10.00
per month. The Mayor and Fire Chief both believe the decrease is justi
fied, so Council accepted unanimously the committee^s recommenda•ion.
Paid Pire Department personnel discussed. Mayor is in favor of paid
department, but would require tax base increase, and cannot be done before
66-67 budget.
Chief of Police Hass believe a paid Pire Chief is needed now, and money
surely could be found for this.
Thornton is to discuss a paid chief with his comm.itte and the fire dept,
and give recommendation at hext meeting.
Ladder Truck proposal for the fire dept. was presented. Sixty-five foot
aerial, in excess of $20,000 was discussed. This could be purchased
on a 6 year lease-rental contract, and x%'ould not require an immediate
cash outlay of $20,000.00. Referred to fire committee for their recom
To get drill tower built, must hurry as it is in this yearns budget.
When asked about the TP Pire protection agreement, Mr, Jayne stated that
he had not been asked to draw up any contract for this, Mr. Paull and
Mr. Thornton both believe a long loo!: should be taken at a contract
between IP and the City before any agreement is signed. " Mayor stated
that no hasty action will be taken.
DIKE COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman:
^fo report.
No Report.
Report on suit against Mr, John Schaefer. Will come up in the Douglas
County Circuit Court, Mr. Schaefer was present and made several comments
about his carport.
It was reported that another illegal carport had been built,
Goerge Grassl, building inspector, asked the papers and the radio to put
announcements out urging people to buy building permits before their
house is started, so that they will know they conform. Ordinances are
to be enforced, and police are to check for permits in their patroling.
Also brought up were annexations. Should not annex any parcel that does
not comply with building codes and ordinances,
Still waiting for legal descriptions on Hubbard property that is to be
zoned in Forest Hills Subdivisions. About ready for court order on the
fage 3, 6/7/65
Bids for fuel oil opened. They are as folios:
Union Oil Co. Regular 76 gas, 5^.2154
Shell Oil Co. •217i|
diesel uniflame $.ll8
Movdd and seconded that low bid be accepted. Passed unanimously. To take
effect July 1, 1965. Union Oil Co. lox^f bidder.
Mayor announced that Jact; Burg, SEA representative that had been here during
the months after the flood netting up loans, is in a Veterans hospital
in Montana vjith a heart attack. Had a nice letter from him.
Grover Woods said that he had heard that jet fighter planes were available
for $1.00 that could be put in parks for kids to play on. Thought Ray ^
Holliday should look into it.
Following bills okayed for payment:
OPS 13.62
Payroll fund 1730.00
Payroll fund 5656.98
Shell Oil Co. 139.93
A & C Janitor Serv. I4O.OO
Baker^s Saw Shop 6I4.6O
J. H. Baxter ^ Co. 650.00
Berge & VJall^.'. s 11.90
The Courier 38.7l4
PUD 609.40
Coos Bay Stationery 20,3^
V/ater Dept 75.00
Coast Communications 1|7.50
D. L. Courtney, M.D. 7-50
Sevjer Reserve Fund 2922.16
Ray Holliday 15.00
Industrial Iron ¥ks 118.72
Kruse & Fitch 100.00
OK Tire Store 3.00
ICl Service 72.6lj
City of North Bend 23.00
Paramount Pest Control 6.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 56.25
PERS 263.26
Meeting adjourned.
)Tnson, City Recorder
Reedsport Fire Dept. 1466,00
Rdspt Logging Supply 7.62
Rdspt Auto Electric & Sup 3.12
Rdspt Auto Parts 25.71
Rdspt Machine Works IO.I4O
Skylark Cafe 6.05
Sund Insurance 75.00
Standard Oil Co. 22.20
Sund Insurance 137.00
Pacific Motor Trk. Co. 12.8I4.
SIAC 90.85
Thompson Ford Sales 8.68
Frank L. Taylor Hdware 8.28
Union Oil Co, of Calif. 21^0.1^1
Utilities Supply Co. 181.56
Union Oil Co. of Calif. 178.23
Umpqua Building Supply ll|.35
Wright*s Ind. Cleaning ll|1.00
West Coast Telephone "'111.67
Cliff Furlott 1083.11
Gayl^^rd Vaughn, Mayor
NSttie B. Glasser, Recording sec^y
jmm'9, 1965, 8p,m.
Mayor called meeting to order with councilmen Murphey, Paull, Woods,
Thornton, and Holliday present. Hurlocker absent.
Before getting started on the meeting, the Mayor mentioned that there
had been some criticism of the City for not getting the Community
Bldg. ready for use since the flood. The reason for this is a very
good one. The City has applied for a disaster loan to repaid the
building. They have also requested an advance for this and as soon
as it is forth-coming, work will be started on its repairs.
Also, Mr. McKay and 2 Urban renewal representatives will be here some
time this month to start the survey that the City has requested.
Mayor introduced H. E, Nickels, chairman of the negotiating committee
of the Downtown Improvement Group. He introduced the members of his
committee, Lloyd Richardson, Bill Burdick, George Melville, and
Tom Lillebo, absent.
Mr. Nickels presented plans that had been drawn to show what is necessary
in a market such as is proposed. Tentatively, the building will be^
9000 square feet. They required 3 to 1 parking, but this is only 2^ to 1.
Want 2-way driveway between jail and market. There will be parking also
in front of building-where present City bldg, is. Market will be on
Theatre property facing I^th St.
Proposal-pay City $12,000 for the City Building.
pay Baltazar $8000 for old theatre
Parking area-lease, or outright purchase-$l|0,00 per month
15 year with option to renew for 5 y^srs. To purchase, same
price as lease.
This plan is basically the same as proposed at" the first negotiating
meeting, other than a price has been set.
Mr. Nickels stated that they still have Mr. Baltazar's committment for
the theatre. Mentioned a figure of $i|3,300 that would be spent before
the mart.et building is even started. This figure includes cost of
City building, theatre, filling and blacktopping. Also the tearing
down of the two buildings.
New building will cost approximately $7.00 per square foot. Maximum
rent for a building that size is $1000,00 a month at the most.
When asked how all this was going to be accomplished, Mr. Nickels
said that several people propose to form a corporation, and they are
asking for an option on City Building and parking area.
Also that they had not discussed the amount they would be prepared to
pay. Said that he felt no large amount of money should be involved.
Have operated on faith with Mr, Baltazar so far, would think they
could with the City,
Parking area is where negotiations ceased before.
Mr. Nickels reviewed proposal-$12000 for the City Building, $140.00 per
month on l5 year lease for parking area with 5 year renewal, parking
for patrons only.
Mayor staged that these restrictions would also be in agreement-property
would be for a supermarket only, otherwise, revert back to the City.
A time limit to be set on building being finished. Also a reasonable
time for a police office to be built and tenants to find places to move.
Mr. Paull felt that the full cash amount of $21,600 was needed to build
police offices,
Gordon Murphey moved to accept proposal for a 90 day option on City bldg,
and parking lot, and cash to be paid in the amount of $21,600 unless the
lease with the supermarket doesnH go through. Seconded by Grover Woods,
passed Aye i;, No-1, James Thornton,
I. G, JoWi^on, City Recorder
"K6t t i e Glasser, Recording
Sec ^V/
8 P.M.
Mayor called the meeting to order T^ith Councilmen L. E.
Paull, Gordon Murphey, Paul Hurlocker present. Mayor declared
himself a councilman to make a quorum.
Hurlocker moved to accept Budget, seconded by Murphey. Vote
ORDINANCE #1{67 levying a tax upon all property withir the City
of Reedsport for the Fiscal year 1965-1966, for all purposes, In
the sum of $99,190.90, and declaring an emergency, was r::ad by
Mr, Johnson,
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously for first reading.
Ordinance #i|67 read for second timo by title only. Moved,
seconded, and passed unanimously to accept same.
Ordinance #14.67 read for third time by title only. Moved,
seconded, and passed unanimously to accept same.
Budget accepted. Mayor adjourned the meeting.
Gaylo^ Vaugl-fff^ Mayor
City Recorder j^'-—
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
1965, 6 P.M.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Councilmen Paull,
Murphey, Thornton, Woods, and Holliday present.
Minutes of previous meetings approved.
Motion made, seconded, and passed unanimously to formally accept
Paul Hurlocker's resignation from the council.
Dr. Robert L. Lewlis was accepted unanimously to replace Mr. Hurlocker
Mr. Johnson administered the oath of office to same.
Dr. Lewis appointed chairman of the Finance Committee, and is to
be a member of the Buildings, Parks, & Playground Committee. Also
in charge of the proposed Urban Rene\\'al Program.
Mayor elimJ.nated the Equipment Inventory fic Control Committee, but
Woods and Thornton are to continue the project on a Special Assign
ment basis.
The Planning Commission has requested the Assembly of God Church
to present a plat of the Property they have petitioned to annex.
It is understood that an engineer has been hired by them and a plat
will be presented shortly.
Mr. H. E, Nickels reported on the Option-Puchase of the City Bldg.
Progress is slow, and as yet, nothing concrete har beeh settled,
Mr. Johnson reported on the Federal Funds received to repair the
damage done to the Com.munity Building during the flood, A check
for thp sum of $10,572.00, 75^ of the full amount, has been deposited
It was decidec" unanimously that an engineer or architect b- hired to
draw specs for the purpose of calling for bids for the repairs.
July 12, 1965
The lease on the barber shop in the Library building expired as
of 7/1/65. Mr. Plagmann previously stated that he vjas not interested
in another lease, but would rent from month to month, with time to
move if the^.City wanted the building* Moved to leave rent as is, $75.00
per month, and rent without a lease. Seconded, and passed unanimously.
Pire Protrection Contract with International Paper Co. discussed. Mayor
stated that he feels badly that the Council is in disagreement about
this agreement, since they have already taken $250.00 from IP.
Mr. Thornton does not believe that the City will gain by this contract.
Gardiner will lose l/2 the money now paid them by IP. Under Mutual
Aid, other trucks move in to protect Reedsport, but if they are under
contract to IP and they have a big fire. Mutual Aid will not respond.
I I Attorney Jayne feels that the whole thing should be re-negotiated.
I That Gardiner, IP, City representatives, and all concerned should get
Re-negotiation is to be set-up.
Future development of the property donated to the City by International
Paper Co. was discussed. This property is in the Forest Hills Sub
division area. Referred by the Mayor to the Parks Committee, Holliday,
Lewis, and Paull, for their consideration and recommendation.
The Mayor reported on the proposed Urban Renewal program. An 8 block
area has been chosen, from 3^^ St. to and from Elm Ave. to Hawthorne
Ave. Reedsport Garage, Umpqua Building Supply, and the Post Office
have been eliminated. Will send cost estimate.
James Thornton reported on the Summer Recreation Program. It is in
full swing. Mr. Thornton thought the City had raised the amount
of the City's portion $1400.00, and this money has already been
put to use. Upon checking the minutes of previous meetings, no
motion had been made or passed. A motion was made and passed unanimously
at this time, to add an additional $1|.00.00 to the original $1100 usually
donated, thus bringing the total to $l500.00 per year.
V/ATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman:
Committee's recommendation on Shanelec (Riverview Hotel) ^^7ater and
sevjer charge being lowered, was to leave it as is. Ordinance would
have to be changed if price was lovjered. Mrs. Shanelec to be notified
of decision.
Complaints have been received from Motel owners on the amount of the
charge for their swimming pools. Previously it has been $5.00 per month
the pool is in use, plus the sewer charge, which is 60^ of the $5.00.
After some discussion, it i-jas moved, seconded, and passed unanimously
to charge $15.00 per season for a pool, plus the sewer charge.
'O STREET & SEVJER-Grover Woods, chairman:
i Discussion of complaints received by the committee on street maintenance.
I The grader is not in working order at this time, but they are expecting
i the piece needed for the clutch anytime.
Mr. Woods believes another grader should be puchased, or check comparative
Mr. Holliday suggests we rent a grader and get the streets back in shape.
There is also a roller in Portland for $l800.00 with trailer. This is to
be looked into as soon as possible.
Mr. Johnson reported that the floor has been poured in the Juniper St.
pump station. There are 2 minor leaks. Would like to go to Portland
and get revised plans on the installation of the pumps.
POLICE COMMITTEE-L. E. Paull, chairman:
DOGS-International Paper has consented to let the City use the property
where the old City Dump used to be, to build the dog pound-year to year
County Sanitarian suggested vje call it a Rabies Control Officer
instead of a dogcatcher, and maybe a better class of people would
apply for the job.
The committee had received several applications, but it was decided
unanimously to hire a man from the Coos Bay area on a year round
basis of $300.00 per month, and he would work the parks along with
•being the dogcatcher. This amount would be Plus Mileage.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously for the City crew to immediately
build a dog pound, and the dog (Rabies Control Officer)catcher to be
hired tb begin work August 1st. (The pound to be built on IP property).
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman:
Had not had time to discuss with the Fire Department, a paid Fire
Releases for burning buildings for other people should be checked,
to be sure it relieves the City and Fire Department of any responsibil
ity if a fire gets away.
Mr. Paull reported that a nex\' policeman had been hired, A local man,
Michael James Lanegan-23 years of age. He is to replace Eoyd Stone.
DIKE COMMITTEE-Mayor reported that Gordon Murphey. I. G. Johnson,
and himself met with the Corps of Engineers-promised they will finish
economic and physical damage reports by the end of the month, and they
x^ill meet with them again.
Another illegal carport has been built and the oi\mer has been notified
Mr. Jayne stated that he has been notified that the West Apartments
are being torn down. This is one of the buildings that is in the pro
cess of being condemned.
Also reported that John Schaefer has been notified that he is to tear
down his carport.
Asked permission to call engineer on pump station to get the plans •
revised on the placement of the motors. As it is now, they would be
under water part of the time. Is to do so.
Also asked permission to buy an SCM-copy machine, $995*00. Could
either be leased or puchased outright.
Moved, seconded, and passed to purchase copy machine. Unanimous.
Mr, Woods brought up a letter that had been received from the County
Sanitarian, asking that the City consider letting the Sewage Disposal
trucks dump the sludge from septic tanks into one of the manholes to
the City sewer. A charge is usually made, .and at this time, they are
dumping at the dump x^hich makes it very unsanitary and conducive to
•germs and bacteria and becomes a health hazard.
City Attorney is opposed to this now, but a letter is to be written
to the County Sanitarian stating that the City will consider this
if it is feasible when they put in their disposal plant."
Bills approved for payment are as follox>Js:
OPS 13.62 ^
Payroll Fund 17$0.00-
Oregon Vol. Firemans
Association 10.00 .
Payroll Fund $1^22,22 '
Al's Signs 50.00
A & C Janitor Serv. IjO.OO
J. H, Baxter & Co. 10lj..00
Baker's Saw Shop [|07.96
Ira C. Byrd II4.OO
PUD 81^3.01
Geo. F, Cake-iCo. 10.80
Hox^ard Cooper 39.35
PUD 551.10
Coast Communications, Co. 27.30
Fire Equipment Co. 223.01
Hinds Supply Co, 7711.13
Lillebo Constr. Co. 6I4.3O
Geo Melville Plb. 65.13
101 Service 69.75
OK Tire Store 32.00
Petty Cash J47.38
Coos Bay Stationery 30.86
Sewer Res. Savings #00722 2867.38
PERS -25)4.77
Paramount Pest Control ^ 8,00
Reedsport Fire Dept. 396.00
Rdspt. Logging Supply 1914.79
Reedsport Fire Dept. l^OO.OO
Rdspt Suto Electric &
Supply 26.81
Ray*3 TV Service 6.00
Reedsport Auto Parts 3«36
Rdspt Machine Works 1.88
Reedsport Pluir.bing Co. 2,75
Rdspt Motor Freight, Inc. 6.7O
Sinit^^-Blair, Inc.
Byron L. Smith o.Oij
Union Oil of Calif. 190,22
Jack Schvjeitzer 256.8i4
SIAC 85.56
Shell Oil Co. . -169.93
Taylor Hardware Co, 11.16
City of North Bend 23.00
Thompson Ford Sales 23.90
Union Oil of Calif. 3014.75
Utilities Supply Go. 33-00
Gaylord Vaughn .88.00
XJmpqua Ind. Supply Co. 6.52
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 13.2ij
Umpqua Drug 2.06
Umpqua River ITa >;igation li|.75
"eetlng adjourned,
I. G. Job^^on, City Recorder
West Coast Telephone Co,
Western Auto S ore
Wright's Ind. Cleaning
Gayi-llorS'Vau#n, May or
NetrttTiea BW.. fil asser
8 p.m.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn with councilmen
Thornton, Paull, Holliday, Lewis, and Murphey present.
Meeting was called for the purpose of acting on the annexation
of the Assembly of God Church property, previously approved at
a Special Meeting of the Planning Commission. They unanimously
approved the Annexation, with the stipulation that the Church
file with the annexation, a letter, stating that they will be
responsible for any earth slippage or drainage problem t^t may
come up. Mayor read the letter of responsibility presentanby church.
J, M. Adams, Cecil Bennett, Dale Krug, Frank Barth, immediate
area property ovjners, were very concerned with the slides and
drainage problems they feel certain will occur this winter with
the rains. All stated that they were not against the annexation
in itself.
The Mayor explained that the reason the meeting was called, was
the immediate need for utllltiea, water and sewer, by the church.
Motion was made to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation
for the annexation of this property. Seconded.
Aye ii. No 0, Abstained 1, James Thornton, unfamiliar with area.
Hearing will be held at next regular council meeting, August 9, 1965.
Meeting adjourned.
I, G. Jc^nson, City Recorder
Gaylo/d Vsij^^hn, Mayor
_ __
Mettl"e B. Glasser, Rec'y. Sec'y
MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1965 6P.M.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with councilman Murphey,
Thornton.,- Paull, Holliday,-^^ ' i j and Woods present.
Minutes of previous meetings approved.
Annexation hearing on the Assembly of God Church property was held.
Some discussion on the setbacks as to legality.
Move to approve annexation, seconded, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #1468, extending the corporate limits of the City of ^ "
Reedsport by annexing New Territory (Assembly of God Church Property)
and declaring an emergency, was read by Attorney William Jayne.
Move to accept Ordinance #1468 for the first reading. Seconded,
and passed unanimously.
Ordinance read for second time by title only. Moved, seconded, and
passed unanimously to accept same.
Ordinance read for third time. Moved, seconded, and passed, unanimously
to accept same.
REPAIR OP COMMUNITY BUILDING-Reconsideration of action taken.at last
meeting of Council to call for bids for repair work. Letter from
Kruse & Fitch Architects recommending that the work should be done on
a time and material basis.
Letter from Tom Lillebo Construction read, discussing what they believed
should be done to repair the building,
Kenneth Kent was present and agreed with Lillebo's letter. Mentioned
two ways building could be fixed, and believe the only thing at this
time was to decide whether or not to spend $6000 or full amount of
Government Grant to get floor repaird. He and Lillebo are the only
twO' contractors who have shown any interest the the building repair.
After much discussion, a motion t'jas made to rescind the action taken
at last months council meeting to have specifications made up by an
architect to call for bids for repairs on the Community Building
flood damage. Seconded, and passed unanimously.
Mayor called a Special Council Meeting for Monday night, August I6,
196$, 8 p.m.," for opening of proposals from contractors on Community
Building repair. City Attorney stated that a Performance Bond will
have to be posted.
PROPOSED URBAN•RENEWAL PROGRAM-Mr. Godron McKay met with the Planning
Commission Thursday night, with the PC requesting the Council.to
apply for the survey necessary for Urban Renewal. Met with the
Citizens' Advisory Board Friday night, and they also recommend that
the Council apply for this survey.
Mayor announced that at the September Council meeting, the council
will decide whether or not to apply for the survey for Urban Renewal.
Also that the Planning Survey will not cost City any money. Government
• puts up the funds for this.
DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT GROUP-met with an SBA man. Mayor Vaughn, I. G.
Johnson, and L. E. Paull. The SBA man gave a brief resume of the
moneys available under this type of a program.
Mr. Nickels was nof present, but had stated to the Mayor that they
may approach the council for more time on their option, as the 90
days are almost up.
Dr. Lewis present now.
SPECIAL CENSUS COUNT-According to the Post Office, they estimate
5100 population for Reedsport, Central Lincoln PUD, [|900. According
to the State, it is around 3900. Mayor and Mr, Johnson believe
it would be to our advantage to have a Special Census taken. After
some discussion, moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to have
Mr. Johnson proceed with Census Count and draw funds for same. This
census v.'iil be taken by the State.
Mayor believes v.'e should ask for a Nevj Tax Base for the nexi. fiscal
year. Would have to be done at a primary election, which falls^in
May of '66. As a growing tovm, will need more moneys for expanding.
Wants the council to be considering this very seriously.
FINANCE-Dr. Lewis, chairman-Request for exclusive Taxi Franchise.
M Dr. Lewis stated he has discussed this with others, and they feel
! it.would be setting a precedent,, and is the consensus of committee
! not to approve request.
Moved to accept committee's recommendation. Seconded, passed unanimously,
WATER-Gordon Murphey, chairman-Fred Thacker's request for water service
outside City Limits. Murphey voiced^the policy of^the City on such requests
that annexation is necessary to receive water service.
Mr. Thacker is contiguous, but does not wish to annex due to the fact
that he wants to put a trailerhouse on part of his property.
Water committee recommends we refuse water service. Moved, seconded
and passed unanimously to accept water committee's recommendation.
PARK &PLAYGROUNDS-Ray Holliday, chairman-Planning for property donated
to City by IP Co.-Contacted Hardwards, Inc., to see if they wanoed to
log the Alder. They believe it will be all pulp.
Mr. Paull feels that the City crew should cut the alder, then-let
people know they can get winter wood.
Bill Hardy stated that at one time. Menasha was interested, ,but..believe
a gyP9 might go in and log.
Moved that a faller be hired, if city crew too busy, to work weekends,
endeavor to remove the alder from this property. Seconded, passed
"22nd St. Park-Letter read from Junion Guild Gardeners, written by
Mrs. Serf ling, telling of the dis-repair. of the park. Would like to
see it put back in shape.
Council agrees that itwhould be repaired and moved unanimously to
have Mr. Johnson put the park in good shape.
STREET & SEV/ER-Grover Woods, chairman-Juniper St. pump staoion-
Mr. Johnson is still in process of getting original plans.changed
so that pumps will set above water level.
Mr. Woods recommend that the patching of blacktop be done before
Setpember l^th-should be rolled. Also^stated that the City shoul
be able to use County Roller, or rent it.
So moved that Mr. Johnson should see that patching is done. Unanimous.
Mr. Woods also believes that the property needed for the Sewage Disposal
Plant should be puchased now.
Mayor stated that the type of plant to be built will have^to be decided
first, and believes that the committee should be looking^into^this and
give city their recommendation. Also c.onsider X\'ays of financing.
POLICE-L. E. Paull, chairman-Letter read from Mrs. Bsn Eitel requesting
space for loading zone in front of her store at 511 Greenwood.
Mr. Paull felt that this would again set a precedent as at this time,
there are no authorized loading zones in the City.
After much discussion, it i^as moved that because of this special
circumstance or condition, a 2I4 foot yellow zone be painted in front
of her store. Died for lack of a second.
Another motion was made, that City erect a 30 minute parking sign,
9am to 6p.m. at this location. Seconded. Vote-Aye No 1, James
It was announced that the dog pound is in business.
Mayor brought to the attention of the council the fact that the County
has puchased the property between the Umpqua National Bank and the
Reedsport Professional Bldg. for a branch County Courthouse. He believes
the City should consider the police station going into the County Bldg, ^
when built. i
Chief of Police Hass is g^nst this, as he feels the jail and station I
should be connected.
Mayor still feels this should be considered, and decided upon, so^if
favorable, the County could be contacted while the building is still
in the planning stage.
FIRE-James Thornton, chairman-No progress reported on the IP and Reedsport
Fire~Protection Agreement.
After some discussion, Mr. Paull moved that IP be informed by letter or
by the Mayor that the City 'does not, at this time, wish to enter into
any contract for fire protection. Seconded, passed unanimously.
A requisition for a boat, motor, trailer, oars, and life preservers
was presented by the fire department for okay by the council.
Mr. Thornton believes it should be puchased from-Roy Henderson and
not ask for bids, as the Reinell is the boat they want.
Moved by Ray Holliday to sign requisition for purchase from Roy
Henderson. Seconded by Dr. Lewis. 'Vote, Aye 3, No 2, Woods, Murphey,
1 abstained, L. E, Paull.
After vote was tallied, Thornton changed vote from yes to no, making
No-3, Ayes-2, and 1 abstained.
Thornton then moved that we authorize the purchase of a boat by Fire
Department, with Fire Chief drawing thfe specifications. Bids to be
opened at September meeting. Seconded, Vote Aye-3j Thornton, Lewis,
and Holliday; No, Woods; Abstained, Murphey and Paull. Motion carried.
Mr.' Thornton reported that fire trucks still cannot make the corner
at 14th & Rainbow Plaza. Recommend making parallel parking in that
area. Mayor referred this to Police Committee for their recommendation.
Discussed a paid Fire Chief with Mr. Chenoweth and the Fire Dept., ;
and they do not feel one is needed at this time. j |
L. E. Paull wanted the council to know his reasons for abstaining ^
on vote for purchase of boat for the fire department. Does not
feel there is a need, and did not feel-that he could vote against
the department, being a member. Therefore he is going to tender his
resignation to the department.
Mayor then announced that he is reappointing Mr. Paull to the Fire
Committee, and Grover Woods back on Finance Committee.
.George Grassl, Building inspector, said that he had understood that
the West Apartments was to be torn down, but nothing has been done
in the last couple of weeks. Is more of a hazard than ever, since
the fire.
DIKE COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman-Corps of Engineers to be here
sometime this month to go over their studies, and will keep council
and press informed of their progress?, Mayor'-st&ted.
CITY ATTORNEY*S REPORT-Schafer's attorney haa been informed that the
city intends to enforce court order.
City Recorder Johnson ill, no report.
Following bills approved for payment:
Lower Umpqua Rec. Assoc
Umpqua National Bank
League of Oregon Cities
Johns-Manville Sales Corp
Thompson Ford Sales
Payroll Fund
Lower Umpqua Rec. Assoc.
Umpqua NationsQ. Bank
Glenn Allen
Fred Jungwirth
Walter F, Miller
Raymond Hass
Umpqua National Bank
Forest Hills Country Club
Payroll Fund
I. G. Johnson
Umpqua National Bank
Al's Signs
Pavers, Inc.
;r ' s Saw Shop
The Courier
Howard Cooper
County Surveyor, Printing
Coast Sheet Metal 11.75
Coast Communications, Co, 13.26
Coos Bay Stationery 1013.06
John C. Diehl Agency 100,00
Douglas Co. Shsrif/ & Tax. l6[^.09
Pioneer School 105-c 232.J4I
Reedsport Union High School 171*52
swoc 33.^1
Lower Umpqua Hospital 51.98
Meeting adjpurned. ATTE.^^^
Daily Motor Go.
Hinds Supply Go.
Duncan Jones
Kruse & Fitch Ar-chitects
Lillebo Constr. Co.
Los Angeles Stamp &
Stationery Co.
OK Tire Store
101 Service
City of North Bend
Pacific Motor Trk, Go.
Pennsalt Chcmicals Corn
Sewer Res. Savings #00722
Paramount Post Control
Pacific Motor Trucking Co.
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedliport Machine Works
Log, Supply 78.67
Electric & Sup. 6.37
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Bob Sund
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Umpqua Drug
Union Oil Co, of Calif.
Union Oil Co. of Calif.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua River Navigation
West Coast Telephone
Wright's Ind.
Western Auto
General Fund
V^u-l Mayor
I. G. J itv Recorder
Nbttie B. Glasser, Recording Sec*y
eP.M., AUGUST 16, 1965
Mayor called the meeting to order with cauncilmen Murphey, Paull
Thornton, Holliday, Woods, and Levjis prest,nt.
Meeting called to consider proposals for repairs to Community Bldg,
flood damage.
There are two written proposals, one from Kenneth Kent, and the other,
the original, from Lillebo Construction Go.
Cliff Furlott and Frank Rose were present, but did not have written
proposals. After some discussion, Mr. Furlott and Mr. Rose decided
against making proposals, so the only two to be considered were
the writt-n ones. No one was present from Lillebo's.
Mr. Kent v^;<plained his proposal stating there arc two vgys th •
floor can be fixed, one repairing the old at a coS' of $2086,00
and the other, putting a complet--- new floor at a cost o"^ 1^360h.00
Mr. Johnson beli-^-vea tha*- the ni^w floor should be put in, as that
is the way the engineer makir.s the specs figured it, and balio^-es
it should be dons as close to these specifications as possible.
There was some discussion on salvage of the old floor, and several
reasons for completely reflscir-g the flooring,
Noved, seconded, and passed unanimously thai Mr. Kent *s proposal
be acceptijd, subject to ; osting a performance bond, and the beginning
and finishing of the job in as sfort a time as possible.
Mr. Johnson informed Mr. Kent that itemized statements will be
needed from him to be presenicd to the government. Mayor appointed
Mr. Paull to work with Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kent, in seeing that
this is carried out as soon as possible.
Since council was all f;resent, Mr, Johnson requested permission
to get roof of the Community Building repaired, also take care
of the Fire Hall at the same time.
Also asked for permission to order culvert pipe to install in the
area around the Bank, Dr, McLean's office, and the property where
the new County Branch Courthouse is to be built. For several years
now, drainage in that area has been a problem.
The council unanimously gave Mr. Johnson the go-ahead on both counts.
G2y1i'V0.^!.^1 , Mayor
nsoTijCI ^-'ocorder ^
Het'.-ie B. G"! o?scr, TTocording Scc'y.
Mayor called the meeting to order with Councilmen Murphey, Paull, Woods,
Lewis, Holliday present, James Thornton absent.
By unanimous approval of the City Council "lembers and the Mayor, the
following reorganization of City personnel and functions has been adopted
effective September 1, 196$:
1. Irving Johnson will retain his present position of City Recorder and
City Judge, In addition, overall responsibility for carrying out City
functions will be assigned to him.
The Souncil has designated specific authority to Mr. Johnson to over
see day-to-day operations of City activities without prior approval of the
Council, in situations where policy has been established by Council action, '
by budget authority, and by existing ordinances.
Mr. Johnson will assume responsibility for carrying out policies and
tasks set by the Council and will be required to report progress to the
Council at each meeting.
A pay increase of $50«00 per month has been authorized for Mr. Johnson,
effective Septem.ber 1, 1965.
2. Bert Bartow will assume a new position of City Foreman. His responsibility
will be the day-to-day direction of the city crew, and he will have author
ity for this function. He will be answerable to Irving Johnson, who will
set general work policy (under the Council's direction).
Mr. Bartow is granted a pay increase of 25^ P®^? hour, effective
September 1, 1965.
3. Art Tollefson will retain the title and functions of Water Sup't. In
addition, he will assume responsibility for street maintenance (including
grader work).
Gaylorc^/augh;/, ?^^yor
AT 8:00 P.M.
Meeting called to order by Fayor Vaughn, v;ith cour-cilr^^r Thornton,
Gordon Murphey, Grover Woods, and Dr. Lswis camc latar. Mayor
declared himself a councilman to make a quorum.
Mayor stalled that tho meeting was call3d at the roques^ of
Corps of Engineers, for the purpose of discussing the City's
request for raising of the dike.
Lee Clements, of the U-13 School Board, spo'-e for the board as
to their feelings about the need for the di'.:e.
Ma^or introduced Fred Ingram, Chief, Planning Brancn of Corps of
Engineers, Pay Jaren, Engineer of the Corps of Engineers, Lloyd E.
McKennsy, Jr., Southern Pacific, and Lloyd Chandler, Division
Engineer, State Highway Deportment.
Mr, Ingram-stated that he was substituting for Mr. Henry Stewart,
v;ho is ill. That he Isn't as well acquainted with the situation
as Mr. Stewart but would explain what was going on to the best of
his ability.
The Corps is working on a reconn report for the Peedsport area.
If this report is favorable and shows the njed for d".:e be5ng
raised, then a detailed report will be made. They are striving
to get the reconn report out by the end of "^he year, '^her , are
many problems that have to be solved. R'ja"!5ze that time is a
factor, but he nor Mr. Jaren have control of the fTOject, Mr.
Ingram s'tated. The averagj time for a project of this^type Is
normally three years. This is the Crash Project, but is not a
fast project. In so far as it Is possible, will do everything
to push project along,
Mr. Jaren stated that ho Is about 3A of the way through his^
report, but cannot make any definite statements. The Economic^
Survey is complete, but awaiting a summary report, which shoula
be finished about the middle of September.
Mr, McKenney, of the Southern Pacific, feels that SP will work
right along with the Corps of Engineers.
Mr. Jaren and Mr. Chandler discussed changes Highway-wise that
will ha.e to be made. Mr, Chandler stated, that in principal
he did not believe that the Highway Department would disagree
with the Corps' idaaS
Mr. Jarfen stated that sketches will be presented to both the
State Highway Dept. and the Southern Pacific.
There v.'as much discussion as to what is to be done on Second S^.,
Winchester Avo., along Highway 2^ East of town. During this
discussion, it was brought to the City's attention^that it will
be up to thera to furnish the right-of-ways ne^ided if and when
the dike Is to be built.
Mayor is to write and request a copy of the Economic Survey for
the City from the Corps of Enlgneers.
Mr. Hinsdale feels that the City, Port, should put pressure where
needed to get construction started by Summer of 1966.
Mr. Chandler, Highvjay Department, feels that 1^ these ^men^ present
a favorable report, the City is halfway there for their dike.
Meeting adjourned.
son 7?iUgtfn, Mayor
City Fecorder
felT^.ie B. Glasser, Rec'y Sec y
1965, 6:00 P.M.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Council Murphey,
Woods, Thornton, Paull, and Lewis present.
W, V. ¥hitcomb requests a zone change on the property better known
as the West Apartments, from Residential #2 Unrestricted, to Busi
ness #3.
Mayor referred this to the Planning Commission for their action or
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
PURCHASE-OPTION OP CITY BUILDING-H. E. Nickels reported that the
Downtown Improvement Group is actively working with one firm. Mr.
Baltazar is meeting with them in Portland today, and they hope
something develops.
They are requesting another 90 day option.
Lloyd Richardson, a member of this group, stated that a corporation
has been formed.
L. E. Paull said he felt the City should take a long look at this
before another option is given, about where: the police station is
to be built.
After some discussion on size and footage, Mr. Paull and Mr. Thornton
are to do some measuring with Mr. Nickels, about distances from fire
hall corner to alley.
Unanimously gave a 90 day option for purchase of City Building, with
exactly same terms as before, with restriction that plans must be
approved by the Council.
After discussing whether or not to ask.for survey to see if Urban
Renewal is feasible in Reedsport; with Citizens* Advisory Group
and The Planning Commission requesting same, Gordon Murphey moved
that the Survey be applied for. Seconded by "James Thornton, and
passed unanimously. Mayor to contact Gordon McKay.
Tentative vjorkable program plan.= copies have been given to Councilmen,
Planning Commission, and the Citizens' Advisory Group. A meeting of
the Citizens' Advisory Group is to be held Thursday night, Sept.
16, with Mr. Dondero to explain plan.
Mayor believes that a raise in the tax base is needed. Asks that
each department peer into the future and determine, if possible,
the needs that x^/ill be forthcoming.
Asks that the Finance Comm.ittee study the cffoct the raise xvould
have on the Tax Levy over-a11.
The Tax Base Raise would be on the May ballot.
A letter from Mrs, A1 Ketcham was read, requesting that the City's
water supply be fluoridated.
Dr. Dave Morgan and Dr, Prank Mackenzie were both present to discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of this.
Dr. Morgan believes that only benefits can be derived from the water
being fluoridated; above and beyond the cost of having it installed.
Dr, Mackenzie feels that the improvement of children's teeth is most
important and this could be taken care of by tablets dispensed at
school, is interested not only in Reedsport children, but Smith
River, Deans Creek, Schofield, and Scottsburg children.
Mayor has set up a debate for next regular Council meeting, between
Dr. Morgan and Dr. Mackenzie, not on Pluoridization itself, but
Method of Distribution.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman. No reports,
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman. Harold Buck appeared
before the council to protest water and sewer use monthly billing.
Peels it is illegal to bill the water and sewer on the same bill.
(Mr. Buck's wife has a beauty shop on the back of their lot, and
receive two separate bills, one for the house and the other for
1 the shop, each vjith a se^^fer charge.) He has refused to pay sewer
; ' use charge on shop, as feols it is on one sewer and only one should
be paid.
After discuppion. Water Committee recommend;d that the Ordinance
stand as is, and moved discussion be ended.
PARK & PLAYGROUND COMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman. Mr. Paull
reported that no progress has been made so far on the planning for
the property donated by IP Co. Some people havo been savjing up the
fallen logs along the road. He also stated that only the alder is
to be removed, when asked if all the trees were to be taken out.
STREET & S®"/ER COMI'^ITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman. Still getting calls
on the approaches on 12th and Highway 101 and Ivy and Highway 101.
Mr. Johnson reported that the grader has been working on them,
POLICE COMMITTEE-L. E. Paull, chairman. Reported that the Police
Departm.ent is down to three men, with two new ones to start about
the middle of the month. It has been hard to keep a man on the
graveyard shift, so committee recommends that $25.00 more a month
be added to the wages of the man working that shift. Also that
the Chief be paid when working a shift other than his own. Committee
feels that a policy should be set.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept the Police
Committee's recommendations.
Mr. Paull feels that pressure should be put on the PUD to get the
street lights in the Forest Hills area before winter.
Mayor will contact Mr. Nunnally and the Nex^Jport officc, if necessary.
Mr. Johnson and Chief Hass are to check into putting some stop signs
in the Forest Hills #2 area, also on 22nd and Arthur Drive.
FIRE C0MI4ITTEE-James Thornton, chairman. Oregon Hotel and West
Apartments have been burned by the Fire Dept. Also asked for' the
I I status of the old Eagles Building on Greenwood. City Attorney is
I to get this information.
^ / DIKE COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman. Wants to assure you that
they will do all they can to get the dikes.
Mr. Thornton would like to see some sort of Retirement Program set
up for the City Employes. Over and above Social Security.
Mr. Johnson to write the State for information on this.
COMT^TITY BUILDING PR0GRESS-90:^ of the floor complete. Corner to
be strapped, and tile in foyer, yet to be finished.
R-commends that a new (complete) floor be laid in the kitchen,
throw the old relic stove away, get two new ones, new dishes, and
put building to use.
SPECIAL CENSUS COUJIT-The starting date for the consas Is Octob-?r
11th. Each house has to be listed separately and quite a bit of
preliminary work: has to be coir^pletsd, before actual census can be
DOC-POUTID-is working.
"22nd STREET PARK CLEAN-UP~A week has been spent cleaning^up
debris, and buring up logs, Restroorn.s have been locked till
Spring, at least. Complete new toilets will have to be installed
Park is now usable.
JUNIPER PUMP STATION-Complete and final plans have been received,
A block building will have to be built first, to house equipment.
The following, bills okay ad for payment:
Payroll Fund 20^0
OPS 13
Umpqua National Bank '4:'468
Oregon State Hghway Dept. 2^0
Payroll Fund
Alfred Richardson
Kent's Construction
A & C Janitor Service
Baker*s Saw Shop
Coos Bay Stationery
John W. Cunningham Assoc5l3
Coast Stationery
Fire Equipr.er.t Co.
Forest Hills Country Club
Hinds Supply Co.
Int^rnat'l. Conf, of Bldg.
Duncan Jones
Stev^i Laam
City of North Bend
OK Tiro Store
Paramount Pest Control
Petty Cash
Melville Plumbing
C sfe
Meeting adjourned.
Rcedsport Repair Shop
Reedsport Uni>n Service
He:,dsport Logging Supply
Rdspt, Auto Parts
Rdspt. Motor Freight
Rdspt. Machinc Works
Sewer Peasrve Savings
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Umpqua NatM Bank
Uriifqu? Building Supply
Union Oil Go. of Calif.
Uii.pqua Rental Sr. Supply
Umpqua River Navigation
Gaylord Vaughn
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Waterworks Supply Co.
West Coast T^^icphone
V/right's Tnd. Cleaning .
Gaylord Gfan-
I~. G"i 7at:nson, City Recorder
N.vttie" 3. Glasser,
R cordlr:g Secretary
^601}. 27
OCTOBER 11, 1965 8P.M.
Meeting v^as called to order by the Mayor with Councilmen Paull,
Lewis, Holliday, Woods, and Thornton present. Murphey absent.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
Mayor announced a Committee change; made L. E. Paull chairman of
Playgrounds and Parks Committee; and Ray Holliday, chairman of
R>lice Committee,
William Jayne, City Attorney, read ORDINANCE #1469 for the first
^ time, declaring a need for an Urban Renewal Agency to function in the
I City of Reedsport,
I Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ordinance.
ORDINANCE #1|69 read for second time, by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously to accept same,
ORDINANCE #1469 read for third, time, by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously to accept same.
Resolution for City to act as Urban Renewal Agency was read by City
Attorney. To be called Urban Renewal Agency of City of Reedsport.
Resolution adopted unanimously.
Mr, Johnson stated that he is waiting for some papers to come from
Mr. McKay before he can start on the application.
Mayor announced that after application is filed, a trip to San
Prancisco will be needed to finish it up. Also that for Urban
Renewal and Low-Cost Housing, a Housing Code needs to be adopted.
He has named a committee of 3 to prepare a tentative code to be
presented first to the Citizens* Advisory Group; then to the
Planning Commission, and then to the Council, Dr. Lewis explained
that the Housing Code applies to houses already built, sets minimum
standards for condition a house must be'in to be inhabited.
Mr. Johnson reported that the gym floor is finished and the inspector
is to be here some time this month, then building can be used by the
A question as to whether or not the building will be used again for
skating was referred to the proper committee for their recommendation,
A band group called "Little John and the Monks" request the use of
the building for the night of November 6th for a dance. Moved,
seconded, and pass>d unanimously to let group use building; $35.00
(1 for building, $2^.00 for policing, making a total of $60.00.
The Annual League of Oregon Cities Convention is to be held November
II4, 15, 16. Councilmen going should let Mr. Johnson know so he can
- make reservations by October 25th.
BEN GAWLEY REQUESTED by letter, additional lights(one or two), to
be installed by the PUD on Crestview Drive, in the proximity of his
property. After some discussion, it was unanimously moved to notify
Mr. Nunnally of the okay for the installation of these lights.
PUD*S REQUEST by architects, for curb cut variance .of 110' on 11th
and Ivy in the Tentative Plans for the building of a new office
on the same site as present building,
Mr, Nunnally explained that they x^anted covered parking for the
customers as well as the employees, and are trying to build for the
future.• Also that this curb cust is a factor as to whether or not
building will be built. Expect to be finished by Spring, if built.
Moved and seconded that a letter be sent to the PUD allowing such
curb cut as requested, for perios of one year. Passed unanimously.
That street (30 feet) at 19th and Ivy be vacated and turned back
to him, since this property when deeded for a street, was part of
the land he now owns.
After much discussion, during which tim.e the Assembly of God Church
minister. Dale Johnson, stated that the Church would be against this
street being vacated, the Mayor referred this to the Planning Commissio:
for their recommendation, with unanimous approval of the council.
A lively and interesting discussion on fluoridation was held, with
Dr. Morgan, Dr. Mackenzie, and Dr. Weber, Reedsport dentists, and
Dr. D. L. Courtney, Health Officer for the City, each giving their
opinions on this issue. D.mtists from Coos Bay and Coquille were
also here to lend their support to the definite benefits of
fluoridation of the City's water supply. The Mayor referred
this to the Water Committee for further-study'andoconsideration.
FINANCE-Dr. Lex^/is, chairman. None.
WATER-Gordon Murphey, chairman. None.
PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS-Ray Holliday, chairman. Bill Lillebo repre
senting the Jaycees, stated that they are interested .in invfestigat^ng
the development of the park (IP donation) as a project. They would
like to do some clearing and preliminary planning. Bill Hardy is
already working on some plans, and they would be happy to work with
Moved that City give Jaycees permission to investigate the park
development. Seconded and passed unanimously.
STREETS & SEWER - Grover Woods, chairman. None.
POLICE-L. E. Paull, chairman. None.
PIRE DEPARTMENT-James Thornton, chairman. Presented requisition
for portable 2-way radio, total price, $657-75, for okay by the
council. Some discussion held, with committee recommending
that requisition be signed. Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously
to purchase radio equipment.
1. Proposed Underpass. A 3-way agreement to cover underpass
is being prepared. Also drawings are being prepared.
2. A letter has been written to Mr. Buck informing him that
unless his sewer charge is paid, the City has no choice but to
enforce the ordinance.
Mr. Buck was present and stated that if his water service to his
home was shut off, he inteded sueing the City.
Mr. Jayne reported that he has all the decriptions necessary to
bring outlying properties into the city.
A written report of activities of the crew was presented each
councilmen. Mr. Johnson also announced that the census would
start Monday, the l8th.
Following bills approved for payment:
OPS 13.62
Payroll Fund l500.00
US Postmaster 126.10
Umpqua National Bank 260.00
Payroll Fund 500.00
K. M. Kent i|S65.52
Payroll Fund 6609.5'|
A & C Janitor Serv. I4O.OO
Bay Printers 53.00
Bay Pavers, Inc 305»80
PUD 887.88
Coast Stationery I.08
Coos Bay Stationery Co 50.25
Coast Comm. Co.
Chapman Bros
Dynamic Instr.
Daily Motors
Fire Equipm Co.
Hinds Supply Co.
League of Oregon
Steve Laam
Melville Plumbing
101 Service
OPC Tire Store
Pennsalt Chemicals
• 5.95
Sewer Reserve Fund
F. Morton Pitt Co.
Paramount Pest Control
City of North Bend
Eeodsport Auto Parts
Reedsport Motor Frt,
Reedsport Machine Works
Reedsport Auto Electric 2
Rdspt Fire Dspt 5^6
Rdspt Repair Shop 6I4
Smith Blair o2
STAC 105
Frank L. Taylor Edvare 91
Thompson Ford Sales 219
Union Oil Co.
ITmpqua Bldg, Supply 82
Umpqua Drug 6
Umpqua River Navigation .'46
Umpqua River Navigation 3i
Raymond Hass 60
Walter E. Miller 60
Michael J. Lanegan
Charles Marone
James C a s s e1ma n
West Coast Telephone
VJright's Tnd. Cleaning lL(l
Western Auto 9
Meeting adjourned.
I. G . ,^^nson
City Recorder
. 66
Gaylord^/aughr^ Mayo
Nettie 3, Glasser
Recording Secretary
1965, 8P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn with Councilmen Thornton,
Murphey, Paull, Lewis, Woods, and Holliday present.
Minutes of previous meeting approved unanimously.
Letter from James P. Shanelec has been received requesting reduction of
auctioneer's fee. Mayor referred this to proper committee.
Petition from property owners on Rowe Street for correction of a drainage
problem received, Somthing immediate should be done. After some dis
cussion, decided the street commlt^-e^, Mr. Johnson, Mayor Vaughn, a;:d Mr.
Bartow are to look at it and try to help solve the problem.
Mayor reported on meeting with Governor Hatfield in Coos Bay on the Di-.s.
Explained to Hatfield what the City has done toward getting di'-zes raised
and requested that he go on record as supporting our need.
Governor Hatfield stated that he would take immediate steps to speed thir.gs
up with the Corps of Engineers.
Mayor announced that Mr. Krug withdrew application for vacation of Ivy betivsei
18th and 19th Streets.
Planning Comruission felt no action should be taken as it left City open
for suit.
Housing Code is in process of being put together for submission ho Planning
Rough draft almost complete.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman: Interested in knowing why
janitorial services are so high,*/ Committee feels that since Wri
do not live in Reedsport, this service should be put up for bids on
all city work.
Moved that janitorial services be given a chance to beat Mr. Wright's
price for cleaning. Seconded, and passed unanimously.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: FLUORIDATION-Committee^s
Mayor gave resume of preceeding meetings on fluoridation: D^', McLean, Dr.
Amick, Dr. Hox^7itt, Dr. Weber are all for city's water supply being
fluoridated. Also Dr. Morgan.
A letter from Dr. Mackenzie read against fluoridating City's water supply.
An imcomplete survey being made by the Jaycees shows 63 for; 2? against;
5, no comment.
Dr. Courtney went on record as for fluoridation.
Comments from Audience: Harold Johnson, Winchester Bay, in favor, also
believes most of the people in Winchester Bay are for it.
County Sanitarian -for-
Dr. Walter Norby read an article stating that there is no relationship
between Fluorine and Chlorine. Fluorine is medicine, and also a potent
Committee recommends: After being discussed pretty thoroughly, Mr, Murphey
said, that two feel they, should have a vote of the people; one f,eel.s should
be done without a vote. Committee recommeds that it be put to a vote of
the people.
Each Councilmen's feelings:
Thornton-Feelings schoolwise-principals are for it.
Dr. Lewis-does not believe an education program will reach the adults.
Suggests it not be put to vote of the people.
Grover Woods-believes its a big enough issue that it should come to a vote
of the people.
Ray Holliday-don't know anything about it, but in favor, because of
experts' opinions.
Leon Paull-who is right? We dont know coat of equipment or per capnts
cost. Don't believe I was elected to give medicine. Feels he is not'
well enough informed.
Mayor Vaughn-believes a vote should be taken (council-wise). There has
been no refute that it helps reduce tooth decay.
Gordon Murphey-bothers him because Eugene council voted for fluoridation,
and after only two months, people voted it out.
Mayor stated that he would like to see the council pass it as of July, 1966
This would give time for opposition, also time to be budgeted for in 1966-
Moved and seconded, ' on ..Water Committees' recommendation, that we put
fluoridation up to a vote of the"people. Aye-3, Murphey, Paull, Woods;
No-3, Dr. Lewis, Holliday, Thornton, with Mayor casting Ijth No ballot
to break. tie% Motion not carried.
Moved and seconded that City adopt fluoridation of City's vjater supply as
of July, 1966. Aye-3, Dr. Lewis, Holliday, Thornton; No-3, Paull, Murphey,
Woods. Mayor cast 14th Aye ballot breaking the tie,' Motion passed,
PARKS, PLAYGROTOD, & BUILDING COMTTEE~L. E. Paull, chairman-Jaycees are
out falling trees and can sell all wood they cut. Jaycees have not taken
over park as' project yet officia3.1y. They want to know x^jho much is expected
of them.
Mr, Paull is wondering about the liability, VJill check with city attorney.
Under discussion of policy and future use of Community building, the
recommendation of the committee is to allow skating. Recommendation of
committee to allow skating passed unanimously by council.
; , After discussion on renting building for dances, trying to define a
« responsible group, it was decided that Mr, Johnson was to take cary of it,
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman-Same complaint-repairing
streets. Mr, Woods stated that he will not vote to spend any money (city's)
until a roller has been purchased,
A bitter and personal airing of differences was voiced, during which time
several motions to purchase a roller were made, but I'jero not seconded
because they couldn't be heard.
Was moved and seconded that a roller be purchased and Grover Woods and
Bert Bartow be responsible for purchase up to $2000.00. Aye No-1,
Thornton. Opposed to motion, not to purchase of roller-.
POLICE C0T4MITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman-have been approached on the forming
of a Police Auxiliary in Reedsport. Bill Ueland was introduced to explain
the needs before such a group could be formed. Police Reserve Officers
are paid $1.00 per, so as to be covered by SIAC; would consist of 5 menand
a captain. Weed the sanction of the council. Only expense to city
other than $1,00 per man, would be cost of the uniforms, estimated at
about $300.00. Will be in the company of a regular officer at ail times.
To use police cars, not private cars.
Police Committee recommends that this group be formed.
Moved and seconded that we follow Police Committees' recommendation.
FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman-An intercom has been
ordered ($95.00), • .
Fire Department has been asked to burn Hayes Apts,- Mr, Johnson mentioned
that a rider had been received stating that insurance^does not cover
firemen when buring buildings. They are to ask Mr. Hinsdale for same
coverage as they had for the burning of the -Oregon Hotel.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously, to allow firemen to burn old
I I Hayes Apartments.
! i CITY ATTORNEY REPORT-Bill Jayne ill,
CITY RECORDERS^ REPORT-Alcohols license applications need to-be renewed.
Moved and seconded, that after review and approval by the Chief of Police,
licenses be approved by city. Unanimous.
League of Oregon Cities' Convention will start this Sunday through Tuesday,
November Iij.-l5-l6.
Copies of worksheets for crew for month of October-were given each
-Following bills okayed for payment:
OPS 13.62
Payroll fund 1750.00
payroll fund 6I4I2.12
Umpqua" National" Bank ^06,2$
Umpqua National Bank 262.50
A1*3 Signs
A & C Janitor Service
Bay Printers
Ira C. Byrd
Baker's Saw Shop
Baker *s SavJ Shop-
Bay Pavers, Inc.
The Courier
Central Lincoln PXID
Geo, P. Cake Co.
State of Oregon
V-jr-Fi-t^r Co.
Hinds Supt-ly Go.
Industrial Iron Works
Steve C. Laam
Geo, Kelvilli
City of North Bend
Oregon Assoc.
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
Ponnsalt Chemicals Corp.
Paramount Pest Control
Pacific Motoi' Trk. Co.
Sewer Res Fund Savings
Reedsport Logging Supply
Reedsport Machine Works
Meeting adjourned.
City Recordei'
of City Fin
261j. 87
Reedsport Auto "Electric & Sup.
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Bob Sund Insurance
Reedsport Auto Parts
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co. of Calif.
TJmpqua Bldg. Supply
TJmpqua River Navigation
Umpqua Electric
Western Auto Associate S'-ore
West Coast T lephone Co,
Waterworks Supplies Co.
Wr-ight*s Indu. Cleaning
Govloru Vaughn, Mayor
202. ">0
^59. 36,
Ik 1.00
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording.Sec'y
NOVEMBER 29, 1965 &:00P.M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Vaughn with councilmen Murphey,
Paull, Holliday, Lewis present. Woods and Thornton absent.
Mayor announced that the State has approved the Underpass from Ranch
Road to Hubbard road through to Longwood Drive. International Paper
and City to pay $2,000 each and the County and State to match funds.
Traffic will be closed on Highway 101 and will be routed over old
Highway (Longwood DriveJ.
Resolution ready by Mr. Johnson for approval of building the ^
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously the Resolution.
Approval of Workable Program for Community Improvement is needed.
Moved, seconded and passed unanimously to adopt Workable Program,
Resolution was read setting City up as Urban Renewal Agent of; the
Urban Renewal Agency.
Moved, seconded, and passes unanimously that the Resolution be adopted.
Mefeting adjourned.
J. D
I. G, Jo^son, City Recorder
Gayl^rd Vau^ih, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
8:00 p.m.
Mayor Vaughn called the meeting to order with Councilmen Thornton, Paull,
Holliday, and Woods present; Murphey absent
Mayor announced that a Civil Defense meeting in Roseburg was to be
held on December 1,0, 1965, at 10 a.m. Curt Baker will attend repre
senting the City.
Rudy Johnson has been appointed to the Community Action Committee, INC.
to represent the City. Group has been formed so that they can take
advantage of any opportunity that arises under the Poverty Program.
Do not know whether or not we are eligible.
There will be a special council meeting Wednesday night, December 1th,
with the Corps of Engineers. Their survey on the dike is complete and
they want to go over the construction plans and get written letter of
cooperation from the city.
Petitions on Pluoridation are being circulated. Trying to get measure
put on May ballot.
City complied at last Monday's special meeting for the building of the
Underpass from Ranch Road to Hubbard Road, and through to Longwood Drive.
Traffic is to be routed over Longwood Drive during construction. School
has expressed concern over safety of children walking.
Mayor appointed Gordon Murphey to represent the City on the Douglas
County Water Resources Board.
Urban Renewal Application for Survey funds went in Monday. Need more
Mayor asked for decision for trip to San Francisco as to who and how the
trip is to be made.
Moed that Mayor decides who shoul go and how to make the trip. Seconded
and passed unanimously.
Workable Program has been submitted.
Housing Code-Lloyrd Richardson stated that they had studied other codes
and had inserted a Board of Appeals to protect the property owner.
Gordon McKay has looked it over and believes it okay. Is being compiled
to go back to Citizens' Advisory Committee, then to the Planning
Commission, then to the Council.
H. E. Nickels, representing the Downtown Improvement Group, asked for
another 90 day extension on the purchase of the City Building and
property. The prospective buyer, Mr. Nickels stated, is still interested.
Does not feel they should try to push too much, or may push ourselves
right out of business.
MOved that another 90 day extension to Downtwon Group, with same
stipulations, be given. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Resolution on Sewer Bond Funds to be transferred to General Fund as of
1965 was read. So moved to do so.
Mr. Thornton believes a more exacting method should be used to handle
magazine salesmen. Maybe they should be asked to put up a bond.
Referred to Police Committee for their recommendation.
PINANCE-Dr. lewis, chairman-James Shanelec requested by letter a
reduction in the auctioneer's license fee. Committee believes it should
be left as it is.
Letter read from Shanelec so all would know his request.
After some discussion, during which time, it was found that most auction
houses are outside the city limits, there was a motion to accept the
committee's recommendation. Seconded and passed Aye 5; No-1, Ray
WATER-Gordon Murphey, chairman absent. The request for lowering of
Tropicana Motel's water rates tabled until more information is
Mayor and water committee met with motel owners.
PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS-L. E. Paull, chairman-Mayo has appointed a Parks
Board to act as advisory to council for IP Park. It is a five man
board-L. E. Paull, chairman, William Hardy, Wayne Bengtilla, Bill
Miller, and Mrs. Lillian Hahn.
STREET & SEWER-Grover Woods, chairman-Jim Thornton report on meeting
in Roseburg with Farm Home Agency about Sewage Disposal Plant grant.
If we meet their qualifications, can get a $0% grant on disposal ^
plant. Site as well as construction costs. M
Woods stated that he had complaints on drainage at Hutter's. I
Mr. Johnson reported that there is some concern as outfall pipe
is full of holes-decided not to fool with it, becauseosection is
in dike that needs replaced. Will he no problem when pumping
station is in operation.
Water in front of Umpqua Industrial Supply caused Ujy Boe building.
Eight inch pipe necessary to handle drain. Mayor will talk with
Discussion on the mud and drainage from Crestview Hill where Ben
Gawley is bulldozing. Do not feel it is City's responsibility
to clean it up.
Bill Jayne and Street committee to check and make sure the ordinance
we have takes cares of this condition and Mr. Jayne is to notify
them that they are expected to take care of this problem.
Have not decided whether the seage disposal will be a pond or treatment
type plant.
POLICE-Ray Holliday, chairman-Police Auxillaryvhas been meeting every
Monday night. They have Ij. members, be able to put them in uniform
within 6lweeks instead of 3 months.
They are: David Wright, Arnold Patterson, Bill Tuck, Bill Ueland,
and Paul Chudy.
Press and radio to emphasize that applications are still being
received by Chief and Holliday.
Fire Department would like 2 men appointed to them to handle traffic at
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman-
GITY ATTORNEY-would like to see stop sign put at 22nd and Fir Ave.
Authorization to install stop sign with Chief and Street Committee's
okay given Mr. Johnson.
It was annoumfid that a stop sign has been install at Ridgeway Drive
and Ranch Road. Another will be put on the other side (Forest Hills
#1) and make Ranch Road a througji-street to the hospital.
CITY RECORDER-Crestview pump had a relay burned out, but is in working
order now.
Have received a letter from CH2 & M, stating they are going to call
this week about our sewer system application (grant). They have there
are 3 different ways to apply for matching funds to build sewage
disposal plant.
Special counc:^ meeting will be called as soon as we hear from them.
Fifteen cities in Oregon have already made application.
Grover Woods says there have been complaints from Dunn's tenants
about the Reedsport Repair shop working and making noise at night.
It is in Residential C-2 for non-conforming use.
He was informed that there should be a specific complaint.
Dr. Lewis asked if there was an ordinance about riding bicycles at
Chief of Police asked that the radio and press emphasize the danger and
that it is against the law, and if found riding at night, the bicycles
might be impounded.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund
Payroll fund
Payroll fund
Allen Smith Go.
State Highway Comm.
A & C Janitor Service
A1*3 Signs
Bunting Tractor Co.
Coast Comm. Co.
Coast Stationery
Dr. Courtney
Coos Bay Stationery
Dally Motor Co.
Fice Equipment Co,
Hinds Supply Co.
Raymond Hass
Hanaen Electric Co.
Duncan Jones
Koch's Upholstery
Steve baam
City of North Bend
101 Service
Pennsalt Chemicals
Meeting adjourned.
mn nson City Recorder
Nat'} Pol Chiefs Bureau 6.50
PERS 175.19
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Reedsport Fire Dept. 610,00
RL Richfield Service 8.50
Bill's C. B. Supply 77.70
Royal Typewriter Co. 209.25
Reedsport Auto Parts 59.8ti
Ray's TV Service 8,00
Reedsport Auto Electric 13.79
Skylark Cafe 12.95
SIAC 93.25
Taylor Hardware 13.10
Umpqua River Navigation 111.00
Univac 115.00
Gaylord Vaughn 55-00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 5.^9
West Coast Telephone 103.30
Wright's Ind. Cleaning 126.00
Western Auto Assoc. 5.62
GaylWd Vaugtfn, Mayor
isser. Recording
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn with Councilmen Paull,
Thornton, Woods, present,. Murphey, Holliday, and Lewis absent.
Mayor announced that a Special Council Meeting would be held
next Wednesday, December 22, 1965* at 7^30 P.M. to meet with C,
H2, & M on the Sewage Disposal Plant. Will be a public meeting.
Mentioned trip to Prisco on Urban Renewal Survey, ^75,000 for
b block area. Workable program presented also. Short but interesting ^
At January meeting. If all is in ijeadineaa, will pass resolution I
for Low-Cost Housing,
Mayor introduced Joe Heidel and Ray Jarin of the Corps of Engineers
to discuss improvements on present levy system,
Mr. Heidel explained that the studies they have been doing, were
initiated by the City-have chosen method which will be the fastest,
but still certain procedures must be followed. This will not
have to go to Congress for authorization.
Corps of Engineers have fir^ahed survey and are ready to submit their
finds to Washington to high/authorities. Need signature of City
saying that they will cooperate and hold up their endj ig not contract.
Prom an aerial photo, Mr. Heidel described and showed haw the dike
would be raised, in detail.
The width of the dike will be 12 feet. I f it is a street and needs
to be wider, this will have to be paid for by the City. Moving of
utility poles, right-of-ways, will be up to the City.
An estimated amount of f5ii.,000 was mention/for Winchester Ave.
and 2nd Street. This included the ramps that would be built for
the streets coming into 2nd St. Also the raising and blacktopplng
of Winchester over the 12 foot width^ and ramps.
The Corp does not like to estimate the cost of these items, because
it is the City's place to have them taken care of. The widening
of the streets can be done by the government contractor, or the
city can let it to Withers. Government must be paid in full before
contract is let, if they are to do the work.
After much discussion on whether or not to sign agreement immediately
or wait, a motion was made to sign agreement saying the city wouldcooperate
with the Corp. The Mayor declared himself a councilman,
there was a second, and the motion was passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
Kajcf^ Gayio^ Vaughn
DECEMBER 22, 1965, 7:30P.M.
Meeting was called to order with Councilmen Paull, Lewis, and
Holliday present.
Mayor introduced Mr. Sid Laswell, with Cornell, Rowland, Hayes,
and Merryfield, who was present to discuss the grant (federal)
for the sewage disposal plant and discuss the different and
best methods for Reedsport*s use.
Mr. Laswell explained that there were ij. different Pederal Grants
^ that could be applied for.
Under Public Law 660-30% grant-Sewage treatment,only draw-back
is funds are limited to the State and there are more applications
than money.
Other three are-Housing & Urban Development-$0% grant-water and
sewer-This program has not been formally set-up, no applications
or procedure arranged as yet. Expected in about a month.
Mr. Laswell stated that this plan may be, but does not believe it
is for the City.
Farmer's Home Administration-50% grant for $^00 or less population.
Not developed yet, basically for city's preceding on master plan.
Community must show it cannot finance any other way.
Economic Development Act.-$0% grant-hazy and vague criteria. This
is set up in high unemployment areas.
My suggestion is if you have decided to go ahead is-Take all steps
to make yourself best eligible.
Can get everything done without any funds (planning study loans),
final designs, everything but the building itself. Are not committed
to repay fund unless contracts are let.
Construction could not start before July *66, when funds will be
available, and with proper applications, am almost sure in *66
or next will be eligible for 30% grant. Have 3 or ii- months to get
final planning loan and get set up. Only thing for this loan,
you must show in the application that you either own or have an
option on the property or site.
Discussed the types of sewage plants and ponds. Stated that the
availability of land in this areas for a pond system is liot good.
Proposes before any final design is picked, more study be made on
type to be used.
Mr. Laswell was informed that Urban Renewal requires that city have
separate storm sewers.
Mr. Laswell was asked for a rough outline on New State Law on Pollution,
l^e stated that they are really no different, and to his knowledge
does not believe th^ are after the City. Believes it is only a
matter of time, and is good that we are going ahead on our own to
get set up for facilities. Believes the State would look on what
we have done with favor.
Bids for th^se facilities are above the 6% limitations.
All according to availability of funds, how soon might it be done,
was asked?
We should schedule this project so that it will fit into what the
City already has going, since we are not on crash program.
Could not justify a pond system from information at hand when
study was made. New aeration system should be looked at. It would
take same area as for Plan A, approximately 6 acres. System must
be chosen before you get into final design.
Was decided that Mr. Laswell is to take 2 weeks to look at New Aeration
plan dnd compare with other ajstema, then come back and let us know
which is beat. In the meantime, talk to the Port Commission about
Meeting adjourned.
I. G.i^ohnson, City Recorder
GaylofQ Vaughn^ Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
Mayor called the meeting to order with councilmen Lewis, Woods, Thornton,
Murphey, Paull, and Holliday present.
Minutes of previous meeting approved unanimously.
Dave Taylor, representing the Jaycees, made the announcement that the
week of January 21^-29 has been declared "Jaycee's Week". As a climax
there will be a D3A Banquet honoring those receiving the Distinguished
Service Awards, There will ben an award for the outstanding citizen,
age 13-20; one for 21-35j arid one for 35 and over.
Emergency procedures taken by the City and Mayor were taken with full
agreement of the council (polled).
Hatfield has written another letter to the Corps of Engineers for immediate
help in getting dikes built.
Curt Baker announced that there were 3^1-7 work hours, excluding the hours put
in by the Fire Department and the Police Department.
Money spent to-date has been taken care by the Red Cross emergency fund.
LeRoy Chenoweth, Fire Chief, stated that he couldn<t possibly report the
number of man-hours put in by the Fire Dept.
Raymond Hass, Chief of Police, reported that they had probably doubled
their patrol hours, besides checking river, and etc,
A letter has been received from Howard Hinsdale enumerating what was done
during the emergency and what they would like to see the Sity accomplish
at this time.
Mr. Hinsdale was here, explained and reviewed the letter. Expressed
hope that the City would Immediately buy a pump or pumps to alleviate
the surface water problem in the downtown area; since during the flood
scare, pumps were used and it was dried up in 2i\. hours.
Mr. Hinsdale presented an estimate for a 20 horsepower pump installed
from the Pump, Pipe and Power Co. for $5$00.00. Believes the purchase
and installation of this pump would be the first step to take toward
solving this problem.
Also stated that he had not been able to complete bill from the Navigation
Co., but will be approximately $2^00.00, without rental of the pumps.
Mayor stated that whether or not to authorize the purchase of this pump
and portable pumps is the question at this time.
Thornton-believes we should get into the permanent pump now, portable
pumps later.
Mayor asked if anyone was opposed in principal?
Thornton moved, under emergency conditions prevailing, that motor
be purchased and installed at a cost of approximately $5500.00,
with approval of U. S. Plywood Corp. for location. Seconded by
Grover Woods, and passed unanimously.
City Attorney to contact U. S. Plywood.
On the recommendation for purchase of portable pumps, believe
surplus should be checked into and get best price available.
Authorized Mr. Johnson to check into these portable pumps and
Mr. H. E. Nickels feels action on pumps is good, has been his feeling
for many years that water draining off hill into city has been
contributing factor to this Surface water problem.
Mayor announced that Earl Baltazar has deed^the theatre property
to the City.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept property deed from
Mr. Baltazar.
Letter from Downtown Improvement Group to City withdrawing option
pending negotiations with the PUD for the property.
Mr. Nunnally reported that the PUD has been looking for property for
the last 2 months and have looked at ll^. different sites, but have
come up with no definite deal. Even met with town people to get
sentiments of the people as to location.
Board met this afternoon and as yet, nothing concrete has been brought
before us from the City in the way of an offer.
Mayor asked for motion that City offer PUD City property-swap, trade,
sell, or what-have-you? Also recommend that Ray Holliday handle it,
but final action and negotiation be with Council.
Murphey moved that we negotiate with the PUD for City Building
and Theatre building property, with Holliday and Paull as representa
tives of City. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Have been notified that the cost of the Underpass is to be $1^0,000
instead of the $12$,000, but State and County are going to split the
difference. Bids to be let in February.
All forms are completed for Urban Renewal and Workable Program.
Has been accepted and should get $7$>000 grant in Mid-February.
^ Low-Cost Housing is ready to have us execute a Cooperation Agreement.
Read by the City Attorney, with his explanation of the one new section
which was not in prior cooperation agreement.
Moved that we sign Cooperation Agreement with Low-Cost Housing.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Resolution for approval of Low-Cost Housing in Reedsport for survey
and building of low-cost houses read.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that Resolution be adopted.
Resolution renewing consent for Douglas County Housing Authority to
operate in the City of Reedsport read.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt resolution.
Check into possibility of the cost of the pumps through the SEWERUSE
Dr. Lewis-quite obvious we are operating on a low-budget, and if
we continue to grow and offer services, are going to need to raise
the tax-base.
LeRoy Chenoweth, Pire Chief, presented a budget for 66-6? as requested
by the Mayor to show need for tax-base increase. Turned it over to
Pire Committee for their study.
The Tax-Base is now $70,000, the Mayor stated, which would operate a
City our size nicely in 1936. Believe now is the time if we are going
to go for a raise. Recommend a base of $1^0,000.
Our taxes per capita are: 1965 .16 mills.
Comparatively speaking: Elkton, Sutherlin 1|.0.6; Winston 29.8;
Glendale, 37.8; and Florence, , with Reedsport, 21.1.
Effect would probably be 30 mills combined.
Move we instruct City Attorney to take necessary steps to put taxbase
increase for $150,000 on May ballot.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
When asked how he had arrive at the $1^0,000 figure. Mayor Vaughn
stated it was on comparable towns and need, and based primarily to
make us comparable with other cities.
WATER RIGHTS DISCUSSION: Dr. Courtney believes that since our water
supply is tied up primarily in Clear Lake, thfet the rights on Loon
Lake and possibly the Umpqua River might be obtained.
Referred to committee and attorney for action and recommendation.
NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH PROGRAM deferred to another meeting.
22nd STREET TRAPPIC CONTROL LIGHT: Request for change in operation
of timing devices on control by Reedsport Union High School.
Letter read by Mayor from Mr. Clark, Traffic Division Engineer, with
the State, of request for change of length of time for walk of
students during lunch hour by the school.
Mayor asked Chief of Police for his opinion. Chief Hass sees no
reason to change it.
Wally Borrevik gave the school boards* feeling on the subject
More walk time needed by dtudents during lunch hour.
Mr. Paull stated that it wasn't too long ago that the problem
was no light, and now its because there is one.
Moved and seconded that no action be taken at this meeting, and
it be referred to the Police Committee for their study and
recommendation. Passed unanimously.
The paving of East Railroad Ave. from Highway 38 to 2nd Street was
discussed. Has been approved by the State under Special City
Allotment Projects. Cost to City will be $20,000. Mr. Johnson
said that we should begin negotiations with the SP to get them to
take care of their spur line.
It is to be 10" base, with 2lj.' width paved.
Authorize City Attorney to get in touch with SP and see if they
will help pay for paving, since most of the property on one side
of the street is their*s.
Grover Woods is to contact other property owners to see if they
will help in the cost.
1966 APPOINTMENTS; William Hardy to the Planning Commission with
the Council's approval.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to accept Mayor's appoint^
ment of William Hardy to P,C.
Mayor called a Planning Commission meeting for Monday, January 17th,
at 8p,m. for purpose of electing chairman.
FINANCE-Chairman Dr. Robert E. Lewis-none,
WATER-Chairman Gordon Murphey, rate changes for motels. Reedsport
double to Florence and Coquille's charges. Make them same as hotel
except for owners apartment,^330 for water, $2.00 for sewer; $1.00
each for first 10 units; $.75 each for next 5; $.50^for rest.
Sewer charge to be 60% of toal water for units.
Mr. Johnson stated that the water budget is set up to cover bonds and
repairs, pipe, and etc. Do not believe at cut should be made at this
Mayor does not believe a cut should be made, asking for a tax-base
raise and cutting water rates all at one time^ when we are trying
to show the need for an increase.
Mr. Paull moved we accept water committees' recommendation.
Attorney is not sure rates can be cut according to our Bond Ordinance.
Move we declare an emergency and accept water committees' recommendation
for change of rate, for i|. specified motels to same as hotels, subject
to attorney okay, after reading Bonding Ordinance.
Rates as of December, 1965 Rates as recommended by water comm,
Tropicani Motel: 110.20 Total '$1|^6'^50 ' • ' '
water^7.00 sewer$14-3.20 water $29.05, sewer $17.14.5
Reedsport Motel: $61)..00 — — —Total $3^.00
water i4.0.00, sewer $2^.00 water $20.05, sewer $114-.03
Western Hills Motel: $61.60 _ _ _ -Total $30.50
water $38.50, sewer $23.10 water $19.05, sewer $11.14-5
Fir Grove Motel: $56.80— _ _ _ — Total $34.20
water $35.50, sewer $21.30 water $21.35, sewer $12.85
Loss in revenue per month, $11^.7.32; loss'per year, $1767.8^4..
Motion seconded and passed unanimously, with Mayor going on record
as against the rate reduction.
PARKS &PLAYGROUNDSj^Chairman L. E. Paull: Reports the Kiwani's
Club, as a project, want to clean up the kitcKen in the Community
Moved, seconded, and passed to accept club's proposal.
There will be a Park Board Meeting Thursday, 7 00 p.m., public
STREET & SEWER-Chairman Grover Woods: Report on special council
meeting with Mr, Sid Laswell, of C, H2, & M, on sewage disposal
plant, and grant.
Mr. Laswell basically recommended that we get an option on property
specified in C, H2, & M plans for disposal plant.
Mayor reports that a 5 year-option has been obtained the the property,
$600 down, with $6000 total price.
POLICE-Chairman Ray Holliday, reports there are 6 members in the Police
Auxiliary, Complaints on book salesmen-peddlers. Way to curtail is
to ask for a bond. Draw resolution, pass next meeting.
Bicycle menace-report by Chief of Police on Bikes being ridden at
night. Thirty-two have been stopped. Believe situation is better.
Need ordinance for Police Auxiliary,
FIRE-Chairman James Thornton: Bids presented on boat, trailer and
motor for Fire Department. They are as follows:
Roy Henderson $629.90 Harvgy Peterson $681^.00:
Moved, seconded, and passed to take lowest bid,
CITY ATTORNEY REPORT-everything already taken care of.
CITY RECORDER: Bids opened on new police car. They are as follows:
Umpqua Motor3-$2593-66
Daily Motor3-$2766.97
Meier Chev Garage-$2596.06
Daily Motora-$2557.8l
Thompson Pors Sales-?2591.06
Move accept low bid that meets specifications and authorize Mr.
Johnson and Chief Hass to purchase vehicle.
Authorize purchase of car out of emergency fund, as there is not
enough in Police Budget.
seconded, and passed unanimously.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Sewer Reserve Savings Acc*t. 3499.61
I. G. Johnson 100.00
Globe Travel Service 23^-. 60
OPS 13.62
Payroll Fund 1750.00
Laurence V. Anderson $0.00
Supt. of Documents 12.00
Petty Cash 55.^8
Payroll Fund 6865.11]-
A & C Janitor Service 132.^0
Berg & Wally's 33.65
Bay Printers i4.3.00
PUD 961.25
Coos Bay Stationery 3.33
Daily Motors 5-75
Douglas County Jail 80.00
Cliff Furlott 81.00
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank 10000.00
Fire Equipment Co. U9.01
Steve Laam Ul.93
101 Service 21.70
Oregon Fire Chief Dues 10.00
OK Tire Stores U9.25
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 56.25
Purkey Furniture 25.00
Umpqua River Navigation 51.25
West Coast Telephone 113.35
George W. Melville 250.76
Williams Pharmacy 22.75
C. W. Wray 600.00
Western Auto Assoc. Store U-«95
Meeting adjourned.
i; G./Jbhnson, City Recorder
Paramount Pest Control 8. 00
Reedsport Logging Sup. 7. 90
Rdspt Plumbing Co. 27. 15
Rdspt Auto Parts k. 72
Rdspt Machine Works 19. 78
Rdspt Motor Frt. 3. 50
Rdspt Fire Dept. 566. 00
City of North Bend 23. 00
SW Oregon Fireman's
Assoc. 10. 00
SW Oregon Fire Chief's 10. 00
SIAC lOi^.. 06
PERS 157. 23
Division of Audits Il-O. 00
Sewer R©s. Savings 3561. 55
SIAC 5. 00
SIAC 10.
Thompson Ford Sales 570. 18
Traffic Safety Supply 110. 90
Taylor Hardware 17.k3
PTA-census 300. 00
James Thornton 108. 00
Union Oil Co, of Calif. 1103. 92
Utilities Supply Co. 195. 38
Umpqua Drug 2. 87
Hass, Ray 60. 00
Walter E. Miller 60. 00
Michael J. Lanegan 60. 00
Jim Casselman 60, 00
Charles R. Marone 60. 00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 38. 81
^ayiord Vaughn, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
PEBRUARY 7, 1966
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Coancilmen Murphey,
Lewis, Holliday, Woods, Paull, and Thornton present.
Mayor announced that he had been contacted by the Real Estate Planning
Division of Corps of Engineers. Will start actual engineering
survey for construction of the dike.
Mayor believes that the City Attorney should make arrangements for
the Pluoridation issue to be on the May ballot, since so much interest
has been shown. Moved by Dr. Lewis and seconded by James Thornton
and passed unanimously to be on primary ballot.
On status of ambulance situation, was contacted by Mr. Strowbridge,
concerned about lack of service. Mayor took poll and was unanimous
that City assume insurance until some permanent decision could be
made as t© who- vould be handling ambulance service.
Announced that the hospital has assumed the responsibility.
City Attorney stated that in an emergency City could take resonsibility,
but as a permanent arrangement, no.
Mr. Johnson could not be here so Neighborhood Youth Work Program
discussion postponed.
in original plans okayed by State. Project to be stopped at i^.th St.
Bids to be let April 26th.
PROPOSED SALE CITY BUILDING TO PUD: Holliday and Paull met with the
PUD. Offered 90'byl00' for $12,500, City to clear and bring to street
Group met later with PUD at a Board meeting and they wanted the whole
piece of property. Mr, Hinsdale offered the PUD $i|0,000 for their
property on Highway 101. Mr. Paull stated that a price of $16,$00
had been set on the old City Building property and theatre building
Mr. Jayne stated that the Council should authorize the committee to
send written proposal to the PUD: Clear deed to property, $l6,$00.
There is about $1700.00 back taxes due on theatre property.
Murphey moved we authorize Mr. Paull & Mr. Holliday to put offer
in writing to PUD as proposed tonight. Seconded by Woods, and
passed unanimously.
PINANCE-Lewis, chairman-Encourage councilmen to start getting items
together for campaign for tax-base increase.
City is going out of town with their printing. Believe Courier should
be allowed to make bids.
Moved Courier be given first chance on printing as long as price is
competitive. Seconded and passed unanimously.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman-no complaints.
PARKS, PLAYGROUND & BUILDINGS-L. E. Paull, chairman-Park Board has
had several meetings. They are trying to run down government money,
but having a little trouble. Was referred to the County and they
only received $16,000.
Smith River Grange wants to rent skates and use them at the grange.
These skates belong to the Recreation Committee, and they will meet
sometime this week and discuss this matter.
Believes we should be thinking about some place to puTthe police station;
PUD will want fdst action if and when deal goes through.
Fire Chief stated that he thought City Building should be knocked
down before it was burned.
Will also take Mr. Baltazar some time to move his equipment from
the theatre.
STREET AND SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman-Work on pump station
going along all right. Should be working by end of the week.
Mr. Johnson reported that the grader should be here shortly.
Mayor announced that the option oil Port property has been obtained ,
for sewage disposal plant.
Surface water pump to be delivered by 2/lI|-/66, control and paneling
not here.
Resolution read by Mr. Johnson applying for grant for Survey for
Construction of Sewage Collection and Treatment Facilities, and
authorizing Mayor to apply for such grant.
Moved and seconded that resolution be adopted. Unanimous.
As to be a matter of record, Mr, Johnson itemized the cost of the
recent flood scare. To-date, the total is $14608.[;6, but will probably
reaca $5000 when complete. They are as follows:
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 2391.20
Tom Lillebo Construction Co. 672.30
City Labor 892.02
St, Johns Motor Express 63^.3^+
The Council has authorized up to $5^001^ for surface water pump and
Installation, There are several things that should be done to do
the job right. Estimates are: pump and motor, $1973; controls,
electrical installation, $200; gate and flapper, $5^0;
piling and installation, $3538; seal for floor, $l800; making
a total of $8506.
Hinsdale believes it should be fixed so a truck can get to it, which
would be another $2500. Ramp could be deferred for now.
Moved, seconded that authorization be given Mr. Johnson to spend
the extra over the ^5500 to install the pump. Unanimous.
Mr. Thornton brought discussion of the dirt coming off the hills
and into the sewer, such as Rowe St. and Crestview Hill.
Murphey believes persons responsible should be billed for the city
cleaning this up.
Mr. Johnson stated that it was hard to say on Rowe St., which
persons were responsible. Did mention that the owners of the
Rower St, area are looking Into Bancroftlng and other means of
getting the street paved.
More complaints have been received on the corner by the Silver
Moon. Chief Hass suggested taking middle parking divider out and
making vertical parking.
After some discussion, it was moved that center barricade on Rain
bow Plaza be removed and provision for diagonal parking on side of
street next to curb be made. Unanimous,
Complaints on alley by Reedsport Tavern. Referred to committee for
their recommendation.
Discussion on sidewalk for Ranch Road, and on 22nd St. into the 2nd
Forest Hills Subdivision. Dangerous for children walking. Decided to
fill outside curve on the 22nd St. area to Forest Hills after weather
dries out. Believe some of that will be taken care of when Underpass
is completed on Ranch Road.
Mr, Woods mentioned that someday soon something would have to be
done about the year-round storage of boats and trailerhouses on the
Mr. Jayne stated that an ordinance is now in effect, if enforced that
would take care of this.
POLICE GOMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman-Ordinance amending Ordinance
#269, substituting new section, on peddlers, read for first time by
Mr. Johnson.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ORDINANCE ,
ORDINANCE #14-70 read by title only for second time.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt same,
ORDINANCE #i|70 read by title only for third time.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt same.
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman-presented Requisition #136
for purchase of hose, reducers, foam, as in budget, $8[|2.00
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously purchase of same.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT; Requested City's permission to burn building
on City property, where Sam's had been living, so Fire Dept. can
build drill tower. They are completely moved out.
Request granted.
In process of annexing all property, outside city limits that is
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: Request for transfer from the Emergency
Fund to the Police Fund, $3000; and to the Recreation Fund, $2000.
They are running out of funds budgeted to them.
Moved and seconded that these funds be transferred. Unanimous.
Discussion of Steve Laam's wages. Motion to raise his pay to
$i|00.00 a month as of February 1, 1966. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson announced that the Mayor and 3 councilmen (Woods, Lewis, and
Murphey) would be up for election in May on primary ballot, but after
some discussion with City Attorney, decided it would not be until
Hardwoods Co., Inc. have requested space on our antennae for a 2-way
Before any action is taken, believe an engineer should be contacted
to be sure no interference of any kind will develop. Also if they
are allowed to hook on, should pay amount City paid Grover Woods.
Move Mr. Johnson check with engineer and use dis^e"3^S^fi*|. Unanimous.
Letter read by the Mayor from the downtown business men, asking to
use space on the sidewalks for cement forms for the planting of trees
to beautify the streets.
E. C. Daily stated that Gordon Murphey and Wally Borrevik have
collected about $800 toward this. In the plans are 3 forms for around
the library; thought maybe City would like to donate some money so
Community Building could be included. They are about $20.00 each
Moved and seconded that permission be given to use sidewalks for this
purpose. Unanimous,
Moved and seconded that city pay our share and also have 5 for City
park on the Flat, to make EVERYBODY HAPPY, Aye 5. 1 abstained.
Planning Commisaion Chairman, E. C, Daily announced there will be a
meeting at the end of the month.
Jim Thornton asked if there were any official complaints about Uptown
and Downtown Reedsport? Mayor stated that he would not give names at
the meeting but would afterward to him. Mr.^Thornton stated that
as far as he was concerned there were no official complaints if
they could not come to council meeting and put forth their complaints.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Feenaughty Machinery Co. 2265.00
Payroll fund 1750.00
Petty Cash
State Engineer 6.00
US Plywood Corp 10.00
Assembly of God Church 700.00
Port of Umpqua Commission 600.00
Payroll Fund 6962.00
Glen Allen 200.00
Andrews & Andrews Equipment 6i|3.34
A & C Janitor Service 132.50
Baker's Saw Shop 1.25
C. L. Baker 18.3O
Berg & Wally's Chevron Sta. 138.IO
PUD 1165.02
Coast Communications, Co. 19.96
PUD 107.99
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 20.63
Coast Stationery l.i|0
Roy Henderson 629.90
Duncan Jones 12.51
Loggers & Contractors U5.26
Steve Laam 36.11
Lillebo Construction Co, ij72.32
Motorola Communications 657.75
Melville Plumbing & Heating 31-^3
City of North Bend 23-55
101 Service 1.50
PERS 5.26
PERS 360.6U
Paramount Pest Control 6,00
L, E. Paull 37.00
Reedsport Repair Shop I6.OO
Ray*3 TV
Fire Dept
Auto Repair
Machine Works
St Johns Motor Express
Standard Oil Co.
Sewer Reserve Savings
State of Oregon
Sea Cliff
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Drug Co,
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua River Navigatbn
West Coast Telephone
Waterworks Supplies Co.
Utilities Supply Co.
Meeting adjourned.
Gaylord 00//aauugshhnn,, !H%eyyoi ~r
I". Aohnson, City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Secrstary
108 ..53
WEDNESDAY, PEBRUARY 23, 1966, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor with Councilmen Woods, Thornton,
Holliday, Paull, Murphey, present with Dr. Lewis absent.
Mayor stated that he had committed the City to have the old City
Building site ready for the PUD to start building April 1, 1966.
State Highway Dept. and City have discussed the required offset
by theatre and building (City). State will bear cost, all City has
to do is declare 10 feet a public street. This will be done (work)
^ within 2 months.
Moved, seconded, and pass to declare 10* a public street, if not
already. City Attorney to take care of necessary items. Unanimous.
Relocation of Police Station; Beofre City building can be torn down,
police station must be relocated.
During the discussion, question of whether or not bids can be asked
for without advertising the prescribed length of time. Mayor discussed
this with the City Attorney and it can be done by declaring an
William Jayne stated that is an emergency was declared, can build
without bids, but believes it should be let for bids.
Mr. Paull would like to see police move directly into their new
building without setting up temporary quarters.
Millard Martin, PUD Board representative, believes if plan is satis
factory will be adopted, and hope to be ready by May 1st to start
Mr. Jayne advised the council against hurrying. Believe they are
asking for a lot of criticizm.
Mr. Paull believes that if every local builder is given a chance to
bid, doesn't believe there will be any criticizm.
Dr. Lewis arrived.
Grover Woods moved we move Police in Community Building (recorder's
officeO on temporary basis and advertise for bids (regular procedure)
on station with I4.5 days for building. S^^conded.
Aye 2, Woods & Lewis; No 3, Thornton, Murphey, Paull; abstained 1,
Holliday. Motion defeated
Holliday moved construction be started immediately on these plans
after giving local builders a chance (1 week) to make sealed bids
with 30 days building time. Also declare emergency.
Thornton seconded the motion. Aye I4, No 2, Woods & Lewis. Motion
Dr. Lewis informed the council that he was only notified i| hours
before the meeting h§.ld to draw the plans for the police station
and was unable to attend. Since he is Chairman of the Police
Committee, felt it his place to call the meeting. Explained what
procedure he would have taken.
Holliday, Murphey, Paull, and Thornton met with the Pire Dept.
Mr. Thornton told the Pire Dept. what he wanted as Pire Commissioner.
Building be burned as it stands and include Southwestern Piremen's
Association. Pire Department does not want them, will burn building
at $2.00 an hour per man, with minimum of $500.00.
^uld decide whether we will tear building down or burn it as it
168 ^/23/66
Ben Henderson could knock it down, then Pire Dept. burn and city
Mr. Thornton gave his personal opinion that this will he the biggest
fire Reedsport has ever seen, would feel safer if more than our own
fire dept. was here. Biggest danger will be flying ashes.
Mr. Johnson said the PUD would have to move lines a day ahead of time.
William Jayne believes City is sticking neck out a mile. Building
should be torn down, then burned.
Ben Henderson stated that in 3 days he could have the building
down to one story ($800.00). ^
Mayor suggested that we have Special Meeting Wednesday nightopen
Burn theatre as soon as Baltazar is out.
About only salvage is glass and furnace.
Moved that Henderson pull down buildings approximate cost of $800,00.
Seconded by Paull, and passed unanimously.
Discussed putting electric furnace in jail. Mr. West to get prices.
Dr. Courtney brought to the City^s attention the sidewalk being built
on Longwood Drive. Part from Highland School to Bowman Road not to
be put in. Believes something should be done immediately to have this
taken care of. Going to be very dangerous during the construction
of the underpass, when all the traffic is detoured along Longwood Drive.
William Jayne is to check into this.
Dawn Peseau brought up the fact that we do not know the details of the
underpass. Suggest representative of contractor meet with the council
and see hb^?.itis going to be completed through the underpass.
William Jayne also concerned, definitely should be a sidewalk.
Believe Lillebo would present these plans and discuss them.
Meeting adjourned.
Gaylcj^d vsu^hn, Mayor
mson. City Recorder '
Nettie B. Glasser, Kecording
S cretary
Meeting called to order by the Mayor with council men Thornton,
Paull, Holliday, Murphey, and Lewis present. Woods absent.
Bids on police station opened. They are as follows:
Frank Rose Cabinet Shop-$1|820 plus $1^.00 plumbing with fixtures,
$300 without fixtures; wiring, $8i|6.
Clif^ Purlott-$5396.80, metal front door, $55 extra.
R. L. Jensen-$6,353.
Walt Tresler-^^^ j925-
Kaivfmann,. Heiaz-$6,650.
Kent's Con3truction-$6,987»
Lillebo Construction Go.-$5j768.
Moved and seconded that bid be given to lowest bidder. Passed
unanimously. Cliff Purlott
Dr. Courtney presented again to the Council the fact that no
sidewalk is being constructed from Highland School to the Bowman
Road entrance, and a dangerous.situation is going to prevail during
the construction of the underpass when traffic is all detoured to
Longwood Drive. Here to discuss the feasibility of the City pro
viding a semi-permanent type of sidewalk.
Mayor asked the City Attorney if it is legal for City to participate
since this road is outside the City limits.
City Attorney will look into legality and have it for the council
Monday night.
Dr. Lewis forsees more of the same if the City sets precedent of
putting in sidewalk.
Thomas Huebner believes it can be justified.
Dawn Peseau-another problem developing in Underpass, As she under
stands it, there are no sidewalks there either,
Albert Lewis, with Umpqua River Navigation stated that the Underpass
is to be approximately 28 feet in width, with 2l| feet paved.
Mayor stated that first we should find out if we can participate, then
decide what kind and the cost?
Chief Hass commented that the danger will be there after the road is
finished, always lots of kids. Believe fence or guard rail should be put
between road and walk.
Several different methods discussed: concrete walk, blacktop walk,
graded and filled with 3/1^ minus gravel. If filled, would take 90 days
to settle. Move to other side of road, where there is already a
Mr. Johnson is to get estimates on diferrent types of walk to present
Monday night, at which time the City attorney will know whether or
not the City can enter into such a project.
Meeting adjourned,
jyl^d Vaoghn,
X. u. tti dn / ^
city Recorder
fiayl^Vatfghn, Mayor
^N6ttie B, Glasser
7, 1966, 8p.m.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor, with councilmen Paull,
Murphey, Lewis, and Woods present. Thornton reported sick, and
Holliday out of town.
Mayor reported on the special meeting of the council held the 2nd
of March. Negotiations for right-of-way for the school children in
the Bowman Road area has been obtained from George Decloedt, Jr. and
Cliff Purlott. City to gravel walk-way.
Dr. Courtney commended Mr, DeCloedt and Mr. Purlott for their un
William P. Miller was here to discuss the Underpass situation. !
Is not known.for sure at this time, whether or not a sidewalk will
be put through the Underpass. Mayor to call and find out first
thing in the morning. City Attorney believes there will be a
sidewalk if just given time. City has agreed to take the Underpass
for maintenance after it is finished.
Mayor also announced that Cliff Purlott was low bidder on the Police
Annex, and that as soon as the Police are moved, burning and demolition
of the City Bldg. will begin.
Police Dept.^. and City Crew reports for month of February presented.
San Francisco has been satisfied for Urban Renewal and the ne°d for
Low-Cost Housing, feel matter will be expedited. The $80,000 for
Urban Renewal Survey will be available about the first of April.
First thing City will do at that time, is appoint a Director, Assistant
Director, and Secretary. Mayor announced that an application has
already been received for the Director's job, complete with resume'.
Copies of the Housing Code given to councilmen. Has been approved
unanimously by the Citizen's Advisory Board, Planning Commission
and tentatively approved by Urban Renewal in Frisco. Will be on
agenda for the next regular meeting.
FINANCE-Grover Woods, chairman-Has been studying pump deal-basin
and pump, believes its going to get out of hand, finance-wise, before
its finished.
Dr. Lewis believes we should get plans drawn and get a bid. Since
it has gone sky-high, do not believe go wild about the time.
Mr. Johnson stated that the Council had okayed the revised plans
and Lillebo has orderalthe piling. Have gone ahead as per council
action. f
Mayor stated City still obligated and in an emergency, you do the *
best you can.
Dr. Lewis suggests that we retain professional help, not primarily
involved, find out cost of whole thing and get bids on the dredging.
Understood whole cost to be $5500; now it is $8506, and a figure
of four or five thousand dollars mentioned for the dredging. Where
will it end?
Mr. Murphey asked how much Mr. Johnson thought it would cost for an
engineer to draw specs for bids on dredging? Suggest we turn it over
to the Sewer Committee for their recommandation.
Mayor stated that we ratify whats been done, and sewer committee to
recommend next step.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: None
PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND BUILDING-L. E. Paull, chairman-nothing new.
Have had complaints about lack of lighting on Frontage Road. Dr. Lewis
called PUD and talked to Mr. Nunnally, and he said he would take
care of it. Ambulance has had near misses in this area. Mayor
and Dr. Lewis to see PUD-Tuesday.
Mr. Paull announced that the floor would be poured tomorrow on the
Police Annex and still feel we did the right thing, even though there
has been a lot of criticism.
Asked if money was budgeted to put sidewalk around the downtown park?
Mr. Johnson stated "no".
After some discussion, was moved that bids be let for sidewalks (West
Railroad & Fir), two sides of park. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Kent felt that sidewalks should be considered between the grade
school and Thompson Ford Sales on Winchester Avenue.
Report on the East Railroad paving, Mr. Johnson said that the Staters
estimate is less than $20,000; but it will be all according to the
SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman-Dr. Lewis asked that now it was
almost Tourist time, if the/junk yard by the railroad tracks (Grover
Wood's) couldn't be cleaned up, or at least stuff put inside? Very
little discussion before subject was changed.
Mrs. Walter Keating and Ivan Allen were present to put their sewer
problem before the council to see if they couldn't help solve it?
They live in the area in the 200 block on Winchester Ave., where the
property owner has always been responsible for his sewer hookup
clear to the main which runs down the street. Since Winchester Ave,
is used by logging trucks, the heavy traffic has caused their lines
to break just before they go into the main line. This is the second
time, Keating's and Allen's stood the full expense the first time.
Feel that since the rest (Flat) are only responsible from their
property line, maybe the City could help fix theirs?
After much discussion pro and con, a motion that the City take on
the responsibility of existing problem and fix (Allen, Keating,
Bloomquist). Seconded and passed unanimously.
Holes in the blacktop near Highland Market were discussed. Mr.
Johnson reported that the last blacktop they had gotten, had been
frozen and wouldn't hold.
Mr. Woods asked how the water and sewer charges were set up on an
apartment and groucery store. Mr. Johnson informed him that
they are set up by ordinance.
Mr. Murphey asked about writing a letter to see if where the West
Apartments were burned couldn't be cleaned up? Mayor believes he
may have committed the City to clean it up.
Discussion of a clean-up week-end followed. Mayor appointed Dr.
Courtney, a committee of one, to work on this. Dr. Courtney thought
about the First of May would be a good time. The help of all the
service clubs, fire department, and city crev: will be needed.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman-nothing.
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman-absent: Chief Chenoweth
announced that when the department agreed to burn the City Building,
they understood it was going to be standing; now that it is going
to be knocked down, will take longer, want a straight $2.00 an hour
per fireman.
No action taken as committee chairman not here.
Petition of annexation from Roy Koogler read. Area is at end of
Doyle Street. Referred to Planning Commission for their recommendation.
DETERMINATION AND CERTIFICATE to establish a new tax base was read by
the Mayor,
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to sign certificate.
ORDINANCE #U7I, providing for the calling of a City Tax Base
election in the City on May 2i|, 1966, was ready by Dr. Lewis, for
the first time.
Moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded, and passed unanimously.
Ordinance #i|71 read for second time, by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously that ordinance be adopted. ^
Ordinance #I|.71 read, for third time, by title only. Moved, seconded, :
and passed unanimously, |
Mayor announced that an application number has been asigned for the
Sewage Disposal final study, but not fully ap^iroved.
Dr, Courtney asked if there was going to be any discussion about the
ultimatum issued by the fire department? He does not feel City should
have to bargain with the Fire Department.
Mayo did not feel any discussion should be held, since fire department
reprentatives had left and chairman was not present.
Following bills paid:
Umpqua National Bank
Payroll fund
Lincoln Swain, Postmaster
Thompson Ford Sales
Louella Blanche Larsen
Loggers & Contractors
Payroll Fund
Howard Cooper Corp.
Umpqua National Bank,
Clifford Washington
Donald Lee Hedges
Al^s Signs
A & C Janitor
Bishop's Coast Stationery
Berge & Wallas Chevron Sta
Coast Communications
Sewer Res, Savings #00722
General Fund
Feenaughty Machinery Co.
Fire Equipment Co.
Hinds Supply Co,
Roy Henderson
Loggers & Conferactos
League of Oregon Cities
Steve Laam
G. D. Myllenbeck
Melville Plumbing
101 Service
OK Tire Store
Portland Stamp & Seal Co.
Paramount Pest Control
Meeting adjourned.
tion 239.61
Reedsport Fire Dept. 392.00
Reedspoi't Machine Works 19.514-
Rdspt Logging Supply 57.53
Rdspt Auto Parts 114-.56
Jaycettes 27.00
Rdspt Motor Freight 3-50
Bureau of Labor 20,00
Bob Sund Insurance 115.00
Skylark Cafe 10,30
Sea Cliff ll4.1|5
PERS 325.19
State Compensation 100,13
Taylor Hardvjare 25. 20
Thompson Ford Sales 21I4, 21
Umpqua National Bank 280.00
Gaylord Vaughn 25-00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 22.52
Umpqua Drug Co. 1,50
Umpqua Rental & Supply 25.83
Umpqua River Nav, 17.50
Western Auto Store 7.07
West Coast Telephone 136,70
Gaylord Vaughn, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
hnson. City Recorder
1966, 8:00P.M.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Councilmen Thornton,
Murphey, Paull, Holliday, Woods, and Lewis present.
Mayor announced that the Chamber of Commerce has taken Cleanup :
Weekend as a project.
Report on Progress: William Jayne stated that everything is ready
to go, soon as taxes are paid. City owns lots plus 1/2 vacated alJey.
Do not believe City should give up alley.
Mr. Johnson said that alley was restricted anyway.
Mr. Jayne instructed to deed lots and not alley, 90' by l81|' to the
The burning of the City Bldg. and Theatre ^as discussed. Firemen
felt they could get cleaner burn if city building not pulled down.
Will burn Sunday if weather permits.
After some discussion, decided to go ahead as planned and have Ben
Henderson pull building down ahead of time.
Bids opened by Mr. Johnson, They are as follows:
Walt Tresler: Kenneth Kent:
Alt. #1--$3.90 per lineal ft. Alt. #1--$1005.1|0
Alt. #2--?3.60 per linela ft. Alt. #2--?23334o
Tom Lillebo Construction Co.: Cliff Furlott:
Alt. #l--$190i|.00 Alt. #1--$109$.00
Alt. #2--?i|l53.60 Alt. #2--^239\.00
Frank Rose:
Alt. #1--$1206.00
Alt. #2--?28iU.OO
Moved and seconded to accept low bid (Kent) and do Alternate #2.
Decision unanimous.
Application has been accepted for 36 units. Do not know when
construction will be started.
Everything okay until grant is made.
Dr. Lewis felt it was not feasible to vote to hire Erickson until
he explained his proposition to the Council.
After some discussion. Mayor suggested Ericksen be invited to the
next regular meeting. Okayed by council, also that any firms
interested may come.
Rudy, Johnson, City's representative in group, explained that it was
composed of Western Douglas County, Coos County, and now included
Curry County.
Bill Williams, Gardiner, Reverend Frank Burget, and Mr. Rudy Johnson
are the area representatives.
Mr. Johnson introduced George Jenkins of the Federal Agency administer'
ing the program.
Mr. Jenkins explained that the goal of the program is to eliminate
the causes of poverty and help people help themselves. Also went
into detail as to how the program works.
Mayor agreed that a local committee is the next logical step
and appointed James Thornton, the City'Council's representative.
Mr. Williams, Mr. Burget, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Thornton to request
the 5 nien they want to complete committe. Set up as soon as
Vacation of a portion of Fir Aven. by the ITmpqua River Navigation
Co. was okayed unanimously by the Planning Commission.
Moved, seconded and passed that City advertise for hearing on
Vacation called for next regular meeting. Unanimous.
Housing Code drawn up by the Citizens' Advisory Group, okayed
unanimously by the P. C., now ready for action of the Council.
Motion to accept Housing Code with one change (page 6, Paragraph
1, lines 2 & 3; to read 5^ instead of 10^ of openable window
space per habitable room, was seconded and passed unanimously.
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Ray Holliday, chairman, discussed TJmp.qua Electric
bill for ^1576.10 on police annex. Mr. Johnson explained' that
this was not part of the bid work.
Mr. Holliday recommmended thfet we have special meeting and go over
City's insurance.
Mayor feels that Managing Agent is good for City, and we should stay
with this concept. Does recommend that City change agents.
Letter has been received from Bob Sund that liability is running out
in July.
Mayor believes a manager is needed to keep abreast of things where
insurance is constantly changing. Recommends Mr. Jim Neilson of
the Reedsport Insurance Service be hired as City's managing agent.
Moved that Jim Neilson be appointed managing agent for City of Reedsport's
insurance program, effective immediately. Seconded and
passed, aye-^, no-O, Thornton abstained.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: Good.
William Hardy presented the recommendations to the counci"" from the
Park Board.
Among the recommendations mentioned, there was a Work Day for the
new City Park, requesting the Mayor to proclaim the morning of May
21st this special Work Day; request for signed for existing parks,
launching ramps. Park name signs, and a Welcome to Reedsport.
Would like 2 benches for each of the following parks: Hahn,
Triangle, Lions, and also sand boxes and san under existing
play facilities.
Enforce LITTER ORDINANCE around the schools.
Some of these recommendations can be taken care of now, but the
more expensive will have to wait until the new budget year.
Grover Woods requested the Mayor to write for a Surplus Jet Plane
for the park.
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman: Making study, separatingsurface
water and sewer.
Talked to Gawley, and Diehl & Serfling about running surface water
to Schofield and not into City from Crestview Hill. Hope to have
information for next meeting, on dredging for the surface water
pump installation.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman:
FIRE GOMMITTEE-J a mea Thornton, chairman:
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT-have 5 cases to prosecute,
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT-Contract between State and City East
Railroad paving here for signatures. Will not cost CiJ:;' any
Request resolution dated prior to meeting that all expenses and
receipts relative to transaction with PUD be pul in Building Fund,
Also transfer $3000 to Police Fund from Emergency Fund.
So moved, Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson listed the Budget Committee: Lincoln Swain, George
Hutter, George Marks, and Roy Henderson. Wv^lJ^ and
off this year. ^
Mayor asked Finance Committee for recommendations for two men to
take liifHdojraQn and Hillier's places,
I. G. Johnson appointed Budget Director unanimously.
May 2i^.th Primary Election.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Umpqua National Bank 271.25
OPS 13.62
Payroll fund 1750.00
Petty Cash 36.08
Umpqua National Bank II4O.OO
Payroll fund 6657.22
C. D. Furlott 5000.00
A & C Janitor Service 132.50
A1's Signs 12,00
Bay Pavers, Inc. 66.69
Baker's Saw Shop 12.60
Bill's C. B. Supply 32.65
Berge &Wally's Chevron 236. li|.
PUD 1113.16
Courier 20,60
Commercial Abstract Co. 1.50
Coast Communications 6.9i4.
G. D, Myllenbeck 2.50
Coos Bay Stationery li+.57
Coast Shell Metal 350.00
D. L. Courtney, M. D. 22.50
General Fund 9257 .91^-
Douglas County Sheriff & Tax, 2l60,65
Daily Motors l6,59
Cliff Furlott ]266.8r
Fire Equipment Co. l57»10
West Coast Telephone Go. 126.10
George's Paint Service 32.00
Hansen Electric Co, 62.70
Raymond Hass 10.33
Duncan Jones 6.3i|-
Ross' Florists l8,I|0
Lillebo Constr. Go. l42J47.ii3
Loggers & Contractors Mach. I4.OO.OO
Steve Laam 53-01
Meeting adjourned.
Mackey Lab.
Melville Plumbing
Oregon State Hway
OK Tire Store
Pacific Pump. Co.
Pump Pipe & Power
City of North Bend
Paramount Pest
R& L Towing
Rdspt Repair Shop
Ray's TV
Rdspt Auto Parts
Rdspt Machine Wks
Rdspt Plumbing
Rdspt Logging
Rdspt Motor Frt,
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Sund Insurance
Control 6
Sewer Res. Savings
Raymond Hass
Michael Lanegan
Jim Casselman
Charles Marone
Paul Chudy
Sea Cliff
Taylor Hardware
Thompson Ford Sales
Umpqua River Nav.
Union Oil Go,
Umpqua Electric
Utilities Supply
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua Drug
Umpqua Rental & Sup.
p2jJ U»^-
Gaylom Vaughi, Mayor
/TaZZ —-
I. G. J^nson, City Recorder Nettie B. Glasser, Recording Sec'y
MONDAY, 8:00 P.M., MAY 9, 1966
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Councilmen Holliday,
Lewis, Murphey, Paull, present; Woods and Thornton absent.
Mayor announced that Harlan Mann, with the Urban Renewal, will be
here sometime next week. Mr. Mitchell, also with Urban Renewal,
is going to Wa'shington, D. C,, and will see what is holding up the
Tom Murray, representing the port, has been to Washington, D. C,,
requesting immediate action on the dike.
Talked with Robert Duncan and he is going to report on the dike
the first of the week.
Mayor appointed Charles Poster and Archie Mustoe to fill the
vacancies on the Budget Committee. Council approved the appoint
ments unanimously.
Announced that May 26th will be the first budget meeting.
League of Oregon Cities Regional meeting to be held Wednesday night
at the Courtel in Coos Bay, There will be seventeen representing
Corps of Engineers report that the surface water pump will have to
be moved. Mayor and Mr. Johnson to go to Portland later this month.
Have stopped work on pump installation and Corps is working on
alternate plans.
Have been attending Service Club meetings to present reasons for taxbase
increase need,
There were no objections to the vacating of Pir Ave, (Southeasterly
llij feet of Lots J4 and together with that portion of the vacated
alley adjacent to the above described property; all in Block 79,
Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to the City of Reedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon.
ORDINANCE #1472 read for the first time by Mr. Johnson. Moved and
seconded to adopt ordinance vacating street. Unanimous.
ORDINANCE #1472 read for the second time, by title only. Moved and
seconded to adopt ordinance. Unanimous.
ORDINANCE #U72 read for the third time, by title only. Moved and
seconded to adopt ordinance. Unanimous.
ORDINANCE #1|73 "was read for the first time. This ordinance
amends Ordinance #202, as amended, of the City of Reedsport,
relative to the zoning of said City: providing for the extension
of Zone-1 Residential, Zone-2 Residential, Zone-3 Business, to
certain areas not heretofore zoned, and declaring an emergency.
Section 1. That the following described areas within the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport and not heretofore zoned, shall be
included in and become a part of Zone One, Residential District #1,
as set out in Ordinance #282, Section l\, thereof:
Porest Hills Subdivisions Number One and Number Two
Bernhardt*s Addition
South Hills Subdivision
Morris Subdivision
Block One (l)and Block Two {2) excepts Lots One (1) through Six (6)
inclusive of said Block Two (2), Crestview Addition,
Section 2, That the follovjing described areas within the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport and not heretofore zoned, shall be
included in and become a part of Zone Two Residential, as set out in
Ordinance #202, Section I4, thereof:
Property owned by the Lower Umpqua Hospital District
Section 3. That the following described area within the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport and not heretofore zoned, shall be
included in and become a part of Zone Three Business District as set
out in Ordinance #282, Section i|, thereof:
That area bounded by extension of Tenth Avenue South to Section
line between Sections Thirty-four (31+) and thirty-five (35)>
Southern Pacific Right-of-way and Winchester Ave.
Blocks Sixty (60) to Sixty-six (66) inclusive. Amended Plat of
Railroad Addition to the City of Reedspoi?^:.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt Ordinance #1473.
Second reading of ORDINANCE #1473 by title only. Moved and seconded
to adopt ordinance. Unanimous.
Third reading of ORDINANCE #1473 by title only. Moved and seconded
to adopt ordinance. Unanimous,
Mayor referred the unzoned property (latter Day Saints Church and
Hubbard property) inside the City Limits to the Planning Commission
for a zoning recommendation.
PLANNING COMMISSION'S REPORT: Recommended that Roy Koogler»s Petition
for annexation be accepted, with the restriction that a I4O* utility
easement be dedicated on each side of Doyle St.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to call for hearing on above
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman: none.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: requests permission
for the hiring of an engineer to draw specs and give cost estimate
for water line installation through the tunnel. Believe city crew
has enough to do without this.
Mr. Johnson informed the council that C, H2, and M have done survey
work on the water lines before and are familiar with it.
Moved that City retain C, H2, & M to make survey and cost estimate
on installing new water transmission line through tunnel, also
on intake and tressel. Also explore the possibility of obtaining
Federal Aid.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Several requests were made by men on the Recreation Committee for
help in getting the baseball field in condition, also the
seeding to be done after the season is oner.
Mr. Paull reported that there will be no work day in May, as alders
are not down. Called Park Board meeting for this Thursday, 7:30P.M.
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman: none.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Robert Lewis, chairman: none.
FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman: Mr. Paull
reported that John Scott would like for the Fire Department to burn
his house down, that he has also hired an engineer to survey his
property for platting and annexation.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that City authorize the fire
department to burn Scott's house.
Mayor announced that he had received a report from the fire dept.
stating that the theatre and city building were no longer a fire
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Minor problem with PUD property, Cij:y
and Mr. Baltazar are going to maintain 12' driveway by Dr. Courtney's
office, . Money will be coming shortly,
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: City has an old grader that I recommend
they sell. Have had two offers, one ^12^.00, the other, $200,00.
Council authorized Mr. Johnson to sell the best offer in next 7 days.
Pouring cement sidewalk by jail discussed.
They are to drive test piling Tuesday or Wednesday on PUD property
(old City Building site).
Following bills approved for payment:
Downtown Improvement Aaaoc
Payroll fund
Petty cash
Kenneth Kent
Ralph Paull
Diehl & Serfling
Payroll fund
Kenneth Kent
Ben Henderson
Umpqua National Bank
J. Walter Barham
Berge & Wall's Chevron
Bay Printers
Bishop's Coast Stationery •
Bill's C', B, Supply
Baker's Saw Shop
Geo. P. Cake Co. .
County Surveyor
Coos Bay Stationery Co.
Coast Comm., Co.
Dunn's Dept. Store
Daily Motor Go.
International Paper Co.
Jim's Umpqua Drug
Koch's Upholstery
Knight's Flower &
& Repair
Gift Shop
Ley's Variety Store
Legislative Counsel Comm.
Lesiglative Counsel Comm.
Loggers & Contractors Machinery
101 Service 10l\.
OK Tire Stores 26
PERS 355
Paramount Pest Control 8
Reedsport Fire Dept. 838
Rainbow Cafe I^O
Reedsport Mill Co. Inc. 90
Meeting adjourned
I. G. «^hnson
City Redorder
Sewer Res, Fund 3^87
SIAC 109
Simmons Carbon Co, 25
Taylor Hardware 50
Thompson Ford Sales • 73
Union Oil Co. 285
Gaylord Vaughn 20
Umpqua Bldg. Supply :$C
Umpqua Drug 1
Umpqua River Navigat1onl05
VJest Coast Telephone ' X23
City of North Bend 23
Steve Laarr. I4I
Umpqua National Bank 8OOO
Auto Parts 52
Machine Works 58
Repair Shop $6
Gayi2)rd Vaughn, Mayor
Nettie 8. Glasser, Recording
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vau^n, with Council members
Paull, Thornton, Murphey, Holllday, and Lewis present. Woods
absent♦ Budget Committee members present were Charles Foster,
Archie Mustee, George Marks, Roy Henderson, George Hutter, and
Lincoln Swain.
Mayor feels that since the vote for a tax base increase was defeated
by two to one, another budget should be made, just taking b%. Also
announced that June 7th, 8:00P.M. will be second budget meeting.
Chairman of the Budget Committee was elected by acclamation, Roy
Henderson; and George Marks, secrdtery by acclamation.
Chairman Henderson asked Mr. Johnson to go over the budget department
by department for the committee.
Mr. Swain believes that the City is running about $25,000 short, and
believes that we should vote to go over the hf limitation. After
much discussion, moved to accept budget as is, till next meeting.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST: Ga^^d Vai*^5hn, Mayor
TfSTjSEnson ^ ^
City Recorder Roy Henderson, cnairman
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Secretary
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn, with Councllmen
Thornton, Lewi^Paull, Holllday present. Woods and Murphey
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
Mayor announced that on Thursday, June 9, 1966, at 1:30 P.M,
the State Aeronautics Board will hold a public meeting in the
City Recorder's office, to discuss the location of an airport.
Miss Rouletta LaPleur, Youth Employment secretary, explained the
program and how It Is being set-up, Mrs. Nona Dunaway accompanied
her and helped answer any questions that were asked.
Mr. Beaver, with a Sweeping Co. in Florence, is interested in
sweeping the streets for the City. Said charges would be $1^.50.00
per month to sweep residential streets once a month, and buslneas
areas twice a week.
His proposal was referred to the Street and Sewer Committee for
their recommendation.
A letter was read by the Mayor, from a Mrs, Sharon Argo, about the
crosswalk for school children by the old West apts on Highway 36
and the railroad tracks. Believes this should have more petroling
and more care taken of It (painted), and signs put up.
A discussion was held and a motion was made to contact the State
Highway Dept. and request that the crosswalk be painted and signs
Installed. Request the school district to also contact them.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr* & Mra. Bob 01strom were present to request a permit to kill
deer that are ruining their garden and flowers. This was referred
to the police committee and City Attorney for their Tecommendation,
KOOGLER ANNEXATION HEARING: Mayor asked if there were objections to
the annexation of this property. As there was none, it was moved,
seconded, and passed unanimously to annex this property.
DIKE PROGRAM: City Council met last Thursday afternoon with the
Corps of Engineers, who presented plans for the dike, with 3 alter
nates for City to choose method of diking 2nd St.
Alternates "AV: raise 2nd St.
"B": raise spur line f]
**C": concrete flood wall-only disadvantage, high coat,
but will protect the most people.
A public meeting was also held Thursday night.
Each alternate was discuss, with Mr. Tom Lillebo and Mr. Kenneth
Kent speaking in favor of Plan "C".
Moved, seconded, and passed, that Plan "C be approved. Unanimous.
Schedule for bond election would be as aoon as project is accepted
in Washington, D.C.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman: Budget meeting Tuesday
night, 8:00 P.M, June 7» 1966.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: Mr. Murphey attending
Water Resources meeting.
after all the chasing around, decided to go through HHPA on beautification
program. That would be 505^ matching money from the govern
ment. Lots of the City's share could be done with our own equipment
and men.
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman:
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman:
PIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman: Would like to see a bill
sent to U. S. Plywood for last fire. Pire season is on and no
open fires are permitted without a burning permit.
City Attorney to send letter to U. S. Plywood#
Dr. Lewis introduced R. H. Ericksen, Consulting Engineer, who
presented his proposal to the City to be retained as a consulting
Mr. Erichsen stated that since he did not know and the City did not '
know to what extent he would be needed, maybe it would be beat to go
on a triAl basis for 6 months, charging by the hour, but not to
exceed $100.00 any one month. If some large project came up for
the City that envolved a lot of time, the $100.00 would be dropped
for that month, and only be charged for the project.
Mayor explained the budget limitation since the tax base increase
was defeated, and after much discussion, a motion was made to table
the hiring of a consulting engineer at this time. Motion died for
lack of a seooad.
Moved that Erichsen be retained for trial period of six months, subject
to Budget Committee's putting it in as a line item in the general
Seconded, passed Aye-3» No-Thornton.
Petition for annexation of J. R. Holland property referred to the
Planning Commission for their reoommendation.
Request for moving of the Greyhound Depot to the old mortuary, and
rerouting the buses was presented to the council by Mr, Johnson*
Moved, seconded, and passed that this request be granted.
Mr. Johnson asked for permission to make a transfer from the Building
Construction Fund to other funds In the General Fund, approximately
Moved, seconded, and passed to do so unanimously.
Ev;C. Dally,' Planning Commission chairman, brought to the Council's
attention that the PC recommended that the council paint white
side lines and center line on Bowman Road and put signs "No parking
on Pavement,"
A discussion pro and con on this finally ended in referring it to the
Street and Sewer committee for their recommendation at the next
council meeting.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund
Reedsport Plumbing
Petty Cash
A & C Janitor
Payroll fund
A & C Janitor
Baker's Saw Shop
Berge & Wally's Chevron
Baker's Saw Shop
Louis Bachmeler
Chapman Bros
Coos Bay Stationery Co,
The Courier
Community Bldg,
The Courier
Pioneer School Plat,
Reedsport Union High Sch.
Lower Umpqua Hospital
H, G. Chlckerlng, Jr.
Forest Hills Country GLub
Fire Equipment Co.
Hinds Supply Co.
Hale & Rudln
Loggers & Contractors
Ley's Variety
Llllebo Constr, Co.
H. £. Nickels
City of North Bend
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
City' of North Bend
National League of Cities
Meeting adjourned.
City ieclcorder
Paramount Pest Control
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp
Reedsport Plumbing Co.
Reedsport Motor Freight
Reedsport Machine Works
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Reedsport Logging Supply
Melville Plumbing
Reedsport Repair Shop
Reedsport Auto Parts
SanFax Corp.
State Compensation Dept.
State Compensation Dept.
Douglas Co. Sheriff & Tax.
Steve Laam
Taylor Hardware
Umpqua River Navigation
Umpqua Bldg, Supply
Umpqua Electric
Utilities Supply Co.
West Coast Telephone Co.
West Coast Marine
Young's Repair & Parts
Sewer Reserve Savings Acc'
yor ffaylord' V
Mayor 0aylor<r Vaughn
Nettie B. GXasser, Re cording
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Henderson, with the following
budget members present: George Marks, Archie Mustoe, Lincoln Swain;
George Hutter and Charles Poster absent. The following council
members were present: L. E. Paull, Grover Woods, Ray Holliday,
and Dr. Lewis. Absent were Gordon Murphey (ill) and James Thornton.
The hiring of a consulting engineer was explained by Dr. Lewis.
Council has approved hiring R. H. Erichsen on a six month trial
basis, if the budget committee will make it a Line Item In the
There was considerable discussion as to the need for an engineer
at this time, and naturally the lack of funds to hire him.
It was moved that they transfer $1200 from the Community Bldg,
Pund to retain a consulting engineer. Seconded and pass unanimously.
Moved that the budget be adopted. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
I. 0. John/on
Roy Henderson
City Recoj^der ^ ^
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Sec*y.
6:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with Councllmen Paull,
Woods, Murphey, and Lewis present. Thornton and Holliday absent.
Gordon Murphey introduced Mr. Youngquist, District water man in
this area, who explained that Reedsport is in real good shape as
far as water and water rights are concerned. Have enough for
a town times this size.
Stated that you can apply for water reserve rights without actually
taking out an application, but must show need,
Joe Heldel was introduced by the Mayor to show the changes in alignment
from original plans for the flood dike. The new excludes the area
known as the Plat Iron and runs along liide of Winchester AVe, from the
Schofield Bridge. The new plan reduced the cost to $119,000; {p205>000
less than old plan.
Explained thit the Plat Iron being undeveloped la reason for change.
They are already drilling for preparation of test fill in new area
near the Umpqua Mobile Villa. It will become a permanent part of
the dike.
Mr. Heldel stated that if plans go right, bids will ba let for test
fill in about 3 weaks.
Moved and seconded that council approve site of the test fill and
change of plans, and City will furnish necessary easements and rightof-
ways. Parsed unanimously.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Recommend to the council the annexation
of the J. R. Holland property.
Recommend okay of variance in setback for Dr. Boe's new house
on Hawthorne Ave.
After discussion of setback, moved, seconded, and passed unanimously
to accept the Planning Commission's report*
ORDINANCE #i|.7if-Roy Koogler annexation read for the first time by Mr.
Moved, seconded, and passed uaanimously that Ordinance ^7^. be adopted.
ORDINANCE #14.714- read for 2nd time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ordinance.
ORDINANCE #i|.7l4- read for the 3rd time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that ordinance be adopted.
following property;
Parcel A: Portion between Purvis Addition & Rowe St. (Doyle St.)
Parcel B: Whitcomb property
Parcel C: Brucker property
Parcel D: Holland prop^rt:y^
Moved that City of Reedsport annex property described as Parcels
A, B, & C (since they are surrounded by City property) as set
forth in public notice, July 11th, and call for public hearing,
August 6, 1966, at 6:00 P.M.
Seconded, and passed unanimously.
Request from Douglas County Fair requesting permission to place
2 banners over streets of Reedsport advertising the Fair.
Moved, seconded and passed that permission be granted.
FINANCE-Ray Holliday, chairman: not here.
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman: commended the City crew
and Irving Johnson for working Father's Day on water line. Did a
good job.
Working on application for Federal Funds for Park project. Have
until next July to get application in and approved. Mr. Jayne
to have Ordinance for next meeting.
Would like to see if extra help could be had so Mr. Johnson
could have more time for public relation and looking into the
making of these appllications.
£B?&EJ'dhhsdii'vstated that since the ta^ bdse increase was ^^ted
down, had kind of given up the idea of getting extra help.
SDHSBIT & SEWER-Grover Woods, chairman; Recommendation for contracting
street sweeping. Committee believes it is a little high and that we
should keep doing it ourselves.
Brought up as to whether or not there was any way to make the people
pave that didn't before when their street was paved, as it is a
hazard. City Attorney stated not without bancrofting.
Discussed Bowman Road parking situation and street hazard in general.
PiiiQnIng Commission's recommendation was to paint a center line and
two outside lines and permit no parking on the inside of the lines*
Mr. Johnson stated that he had been questioned as to where to put
the curb on a new house on Bowman Road; one neighbor tells the man
one place and another tells him some place else. Believes a map
of this area would help.
They are also getting ready to pave Rowe St. and Maple Drive, Study
should be made on drainage of Rowe St., and sanitary and storm sewer
on Maple Drive.
Moved that Erickson be instructed to do complete street study,
drainage plan, with cost estimate of the Bowman Road area. Seconded
and passed unanimously.
Discussed the installation of the storm pump. Council authorized
unanimously the immediate engineering and installation of the pump
A letter from Oregon State Sanitary Authority has been received
requesting the City to plan and provide for a minimum of secondary
treatment including disinfection with chlorine, or equivalent control,
of our sewage wastes prior to discharging them into the Umpqua River
system. Also stating that this should be done with all possible
Chief Hass introduced William Ueland, Lt. of the Reedsport Police
Reserve. Mr. Ueland read a report on the 6 months activities of the
reserve. Three hundred hours have been put in, averaging 60 hrs.
per man, including guard duty at the hospital, traffic duty on fires
and regular routine patrol, stake outs for possible burglaries, rr
JIen;haire had 12 weeks training at 3 hrs per wesk before they were
Hom^asioned and went on active reserve work.
Permission of the council was asked for expanwlon of the reserve.
This was okayed with $300.00 additional fopsexp^nses.
Recommendations to street committee from Police Department for Stop
signs and speed zone signs. Stop signs to be placed at 19th & Fir,
21st & Fir, Scotts St. and Arthur Drive. Speed zone on Ranch Road.
Also that illegal parking will not be tolerated*
Mr. Johnson stated that he believes all perpendicular streets on
both sides of the flat should be thru streets except Alder 8c Hawthorne,
and make all parallel streets to the Highway (Winchester Ave.) Stop
Streets* Also that the City is going to start clearing hedges, trees
and whatever so that intersections will be clear*
Chief of Police recommends that there be 2 policemen at the teen-age
After some discussion, was referred to the Building Committee to look
into fees and schedules-set policy and fee schedule^' Until that time
leave to Mr* Johnson's discretion* Moved, seconded, and passed to do so*
Also moved, seconded, and passed for Mr* Johnson to repair restrooms
(with 3/k^ plywood).
Authorized Mr* Johnson to put up stop signs on Avenues and have Streets
be thru streets on both sides of the Flat* Put them ap at his discretion.
By motion, seconded, and passed unanimously.
BUDGET HEARING 1966-6?: Resolution adopting budget read. Moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously that we adopt budget.
ORDINANCE #li75 was read for the first time by Mr. Johnson, levying tax
for the 1966-67 Budget (f3#68l.lU).
Moved to adopt Ordinance, se^Oonded, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE read for the second time, by title only. Moved,
seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt aaid ordinance.
ORDINANCE #U75 read for the third time, by title only. Moved,
seconded, and paaaed unanimously to adopt ordinance.
Petition from John M. & Gertrude Scott for the annexation of
their property^on Bowman Road was read. Mayor referred it to the
Planning Commiaaion for their recommendation.
Mr. Johnson stated that they would like a water hook-up at this
time, and since there is a valid petition filed, believe usual
procedures should be waived. Okayed,
Letter from Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, and Merryfield read giving
reasons for slow progress in reporting on the replacement of
the tunnel water pipe.
ORDINANCE #1^.76, Schedule on Salaries, was read by Mr. Johnson
for the coming fiscal year.
Moved, seconded, and paaaed to adopt Ordinance.
ORDINANCE #kl^9 read for the second time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed to adopt Ordinance.
ORDINANCE #14-76, read for the third time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed to adopt Ordinance.
Copies of monthly report of city crew given to councllmen.
Following bills approved for payment;
Coi^Brclal Abstract Co. l^k-,05
Payroll fund 1900.00
OPS 13.62
Earl Baltazar i^OOO.OO
Payroll fund 779U»6l
Petty Cash 33.29
A & C Janitor Service li^.2.50
American Rubber Mfg« Co. 55^*68
Bishop^a Coast Stationery 4»07
Bay Pavers, Inc. 92.26
Baker's Saw Shop 105-10
Berge & Wally's 250.88
pUD 1076.98
PUD 5{i..99
Coos Bay Stationery 338.03
George P. Cake Co. 2k,51
Coast Communications Co. 16.00
D. L. Courtney, M.D. 17*50
Fire Equipment Co. 128,14.9
Steve Laam 1^6.13
Llllebo Construction Co, 908,08
Geo. Melville Plumbing 3^»36
Johns-Manvllle 2623.92
Nudelman Brothers 52.25
101 Service 7*75
OK Tire Stores 7.00
City of North Bend 23.00
North's Paint Store 11.68
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Pump, Pipe & Power Co. 66.37
PERS U01.13
Reedsport Insurance Co. 90.00
Reedaport Logging Co. Ul'71
Reedsport Auto Parts 9.1|9
Reedsport Motor Prt. 17.02
Ross* Flowers & Gifts l5.76
Rdspt Machine Works 398.914
Baker's Saw Shop 5.00
Rdspt Fire Dept. 35U.OO
Sewer Res. Fund
Savings Accout #00722 3373*10
Skylark Cafe 8.00
State of Oregon 9.00
Sea Cliff
Jack Schweitzer 188.L0
State Compensation Deptl21.o3
Taylor Hardware IOO.I4.7
Union Oil Co. 598.7^
Umpqua Riwer Navigation
Co. 203.50
Umpqua Rental & Supply 36.70
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 126.114-
Umpqua Drug 3.90
Umpqua Industrial Supply
Western Union 23.01
West Coast Telephone Co.
Waterworks Supply Co. 1|8.27
Meeting adjourned.
Gffyl<»d VaugSh, Mayor
nson, City Recorder
ft Lfi .
6:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn with Councllmen Thornton,
Murphey, Paull, and Holliday present. Dr, Lewis and Grover Woods
Mr. James Cunningham, of the State duced and explained what the department is doing to try and alleviate
the lay-off at TI. S, Plywood Corp.
They contacted companies in the area to see f^out openings, then
checked with employers to see If recruiters from their companies
could come here for Interviews. They are not trying to send people
out of the area, but trying to place them in jobs.
He thanked KRAP, the World, KCBY and the Pj.
Basic objective is to at least attempt to find work those laid off.
1. Shell Oil Co., maximum 12,000 gal. f,
maximum 2^,000 gal. furnace oil, $.1220 per gal.
2. Standard Oil Co., gasoline. Chevron, $.251 per gal.
furnace oil, $.1215 per gal.
3. Union Oil Co., gasoline $.2135 P«r gal.
furnace oil, $.117 gal.
Moved, seconded and passed unanimously to accept low bids.
Shell on gasoline ($.2129) and Union Oil Co. on furnace oil ($.117).
Grover Woods and Dr. Lewis now present.
Mr. Johnson presented the plans for the surface water pump . (drawn up by consulting englnor). Stated that we have 5®^
Lcept piling to put It In. Will use piling already installed for
the pipe.
Asked for the council's wishes as to whether to call for bids or work
on it outselves?
After some discussion, moved, seconded, and
for bids, setting completion date for October 31, 1966. Bid opening
to be August 22, 1966, 8:00 P.M., at a special council meeting.
ANNEXATION HEARING: City Attorney and Mayor asked if there were any
objections by property owners to the annexation of this property
advertised for annexation.
As there were no objections. City Attorney read ORDINANCE #14.77, for
the first time.
Ordinance extending the Corporate limits of the City of Reedsport
by annexing new territory thereto and declaring an emergency.
Descriptions of parcels as follows:
Parcel A: Beginning at a point marked ^7
which point is the initial point of Rowe
Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon; Thence South 1 i|0
feet to a point; Thence North 88 00' East 209 feet to a
Thence North l^kO' West 665.0 feet to a point; Thence South 66 00
West 209 feet to the point of beginning, all In the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter, (NE4 of the SE4), Section four (U),
Township 22 South, Range 12 West, Willamette Meridian, Douglas
County, Oregon.
Parcel B; Beginning at an iron pipe pn the right of way line of the
old Roosevelt Highway which point is 1+76.55 feet
feet West of the i corner between Se^lons 3 and a
Range 12 Westy Willamette Meridian; Thence South k9 H' 30 East a
distance of 115.5 feet to an iron pipe; Thence South 25oij.9'30' West
page 2, 8/8/66
a distance of 103.5 feet to an iron pipe; Thence i|.9 12* West a
distance of feet to an iron pipe on the right of way line of
said highway; Thence North East along right of way line a
distance of 101,0 feet to the point of beginning, being in Douglas
County, Oregon,
Parcel C: Beginning at a point on the Southerly shoulder of old
Highway 101, said point being feet South and 2277.89 feet
West of the J corner common to Sections 3 and ii.. Township 22 South,
Range 12 West, Willamette Meridian, Reetiport, Douglas County,
Oregon; Then South 2®5$' East 138.39 feet to the most Westerly
corner of a tract of land contracted to Harold and Elinor Metsker;
Then North i|.0®1^.8* East 100.0 feet; Thence South I4.9 12' East 120.00
feet; Thence North East 103.50 feet; Thence North 1<.9®12*
West 155.50 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way line of
the Old Highway 101; Thence Southwesterly along the said Highway
right of way line to the point of beginning.
Parcel D: Beginning at a point on the edge of the old Roosevelt
Highway right of way line, which point is 336.614. feet South and
1968.3I1. feet West of the ^ corner between Sections 3 and Town
ship 22 South, Range 12 West, Willamette Meridian, thence South
i|.5°08* West a distance of 172.5 feet; thence South East
§2distance of I30 feet; thence North 22*^15* East a distance of
226.6 feet, to a point on the right of way line of Bowman Road;
thence South 87°08' West, a distance of 62 feet to the point of
beginning, all in Section ij.. Township 22 South, Range 12 West,
Willamette Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ORDINANCE #14-77.
ORDINANCE #1|.77 read for the second time by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ORDINANCE #1|.77.
ORDINANCE #i|.77 read for the third time by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt ORDINANCE #^17a
Recommendation of committee for policy on renting Community Bldg.
and use of building.
Suggest that the back room be converted into a council chamber
and place for trials. After some discussion, decided to have Mr.
Johnson get an estimated cost on this conversion, and report at
next meeting. Recreation will be through with building by 20th
of this month.
Discussion for the amount of rent to be charged for dances put on
Moved that we charge groups $100.00 rent (cash), with $100 cash ^
bond for repairs; City pays first 2 policemen, renter to pay for
additional policemen.
This motion was withdrawn, with Dr. Lewis making new motion:
^ove we charge $100 rent, plus $100 cash bond to cover 2 policemen
and repairs . Renter to pay for extra policemen, if police on duty
feel need for more help.
^Seconded and passed unanimously.
City Attorney stated that a master plan is needed before anything
can be done on the applications.
PINANCE-Ray Holliday, chairman:
WATER-Gordon Murphey, chairman:
Discussed the money appropriated to build a drill tower for the
page 3» 8/6/66 189
Plre Dept. The money waa set aside out of last year's budget for
•this^ but when not used by the end of the fiscal year, goes back
into the General Fund. Plre Department wants to build'the:tower
themselves. Were informed that it would have to come out of this
(66-67) year's budget.
Mr. Johnson informed the council, due to collections end experience
in the past, budget Bxpenditures should be limited to porportions
(^f taxesjas received.
Mr. Thornton is to check with Fire Department on the drill tower.
STREETS & SEWERS-Grover Woods, chairman: Crestview Drive will be
having same trouble with dirt and mud coming down when the rains
start as last year. Recommend that ditch be lined,
Mr. Johnson to contact Diehl & Serfling to se« if something can't
be worked out. City has not as yet accepted Crestview Drive for
POLICE-Dr. Lewis, chairman:
Chief Hass says that Mr. Burdick would like the stop signa switched
that are up on l6th and Greenwood, Believes they should be on the
l6th St, instead of Greenwood side.
Chief Haas la satisfied with them as they are, also council and Mr.
Johnson agree they should stay as they are.
Mr, Thornton brought to the attention of the council that all offenders
for wrong side parking should be given tickets, not show favoritism.
Also that he believes any local kids that are picked up for curfew
should not be reported to the juvenile authority, but the parents
called and asked to pick them up. Should handle ou^ own Juveniles
on curfew.
City Attorney to check the legality of this and report at the special
meeting to be held the 22nd of this month.
FIRE-James Thornton, chairman:
Mayor brought to the council's attention Erlchsen's bill for the
month of July. $1200 was set aside as a line item In the budget
and the first month's bill was $1022.
Mr. Erichsen explained the work that has been completed to-date:
Rowe St. complete location survey: Estimate for curbs, storm sewers,
pavement-$19,200; $16.00 per front foot.
Pump Station already explained.
Maple Drive Sewer: Cost $9,690 presented City with 3 sets of plans.
This would bring the sewer up to State specifications. City Attorney
to draft letter to Maple Drive property owners and advise them of
sewer situation.
Bowman Road Street survey not complete.
Council to decide whether or not to keep Mr. Erichsen as consulting
engineer, because of shortage of money.
Council wanta Bowman Road survey finished, and Mr. Erichsen set a price
of $25.00 per month for one of his men to attend meeting. Council
Mr. Jayne states that he has had a request for the condemnation of the
Schroeder Apartments. Believe the engineer should give written report
of his inspection to the council.
Mr. Erichsen said he would include this in his $25.00 per month charge.
Water line and Bernhardt storm drain on edge of Lot 1, Morris Addition,
page i(., 8/6/66
P. H. Barney property. Line should be lowered and Barney's are
willing to grant an easement to the City ao line can be lowered.
Council agreed to sign agreement. Mr. Johnson stated that the City
is to pay Mr. Bernhardt $100 per lot on water line, so will deduct
cost of lowering before he is paid.
This is due to failure to receive easement from Bernhardt.
Mr. Johnson announced that August 31at; la the last day to file
for Mayor or councilmen to be on the November 6th ballot.
Following bills approved for payment:
Pacific Security Bank 16000.00 Pacific Motor Trk. 7.00
Douglas County Clerk 2.50 Pennaalt Chemicals 56.2$
Ray Haas 60.00 Sewer Rsa. Savings 3261.31
Michael J. Lanegan 60.00 Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Paul Chudy 60.00 PERS hk3-72
Charles R. Marone 60.00 Rdspt Insurance Serv. $35.38
Jim E* Casselman 60.00 Rdspt Auto Parts 25.97
OPS 13.62 Rdspt Garden & Feed 8.65
Payroll fund 1900.00 Rdspt Logging Supply 366i|..83
Jack C. Kelley 3.00 Rdspt Machine Works 75.61
Daisy Roth 3.00 Rdspt Motor Prt. 7.00
Ruby M. Lantx 3.00 Rdspt Fire Dept. 1^02.00
Lucille S. McQueen 3.00 Stults, Jayne &
Ellen M. Pratt 3.00 Murphey 160.00
Marian Kiesow 3.00 Sanderson Safety
Sidney G, Holder 3.00 Supply Co. 8O.I4O
Nancy Ruth Jennings 3.00 Steve Laam 60.30
Luana E, Myers 3.00 U. S. Post Office 661+. IjO
Eva T. Tollefson 3.00 Traffic Safety Supply
Rilla M. Brewster 3.00 Company l4lt7.50
Milo M. Griffith 3.00 Thompson Ford Sales 10.1+5
Penny Lyn Taylor 3.00 Taylor Hardware 59.93
Bernlce Hagner 3.00 Union Oil Co. of Calif.
Mabel Andrews 3.00 11+6.05
Mary Mae l&avis 3.00 Umpqua Rental & Sup. 7g.75
Anna B. Hoile 3.00 Utilities Supply Co. 28a.87
Henneth R, Hathaway 3.00 Umpqua Bldg. Supply 350.32
William Doernback 33.00 Umpqua Hiver Navig. I4.5.75
Umpqua National Bank 1980.00 West Coaat Telephone 136.25
Payroll fund 8816.03
ITmpqua National Bank 300.00
A & C Janitor Service 114.2.50
Al's Signs 5U.00
Bey Printers 55.00
Berge & Wally's 202.I4.9
Baker's Saw Shop 1.95
Bill's Auto Paint & Metal 21,00
PUD 10i|.0.62
The Courier lllj-.U!;
General Fund 18280.00
Coos Bay Supply Co. 560.i|i|
Royal Carter Roofing 1000.00
Fire Equlppent Co. 32.83
Highland Shell Service 8.70
Jim's Umpqua Drug 1.10
Duncan Jones 6.88
General Fund 1807.96
League of Oregon Cities 292.11
Meter Box Equipment Co. m.85
City of North Bend 23.00
OK Tire Store ii+5.09
101 Service 92.75
PERS 7.80
Meeting adjourned.
!• G.f^ohnson, City Recorder
Gaylwd Vau^n7 Mayor
£^2^1^ (3'f ^
Nettle B. Glasser, Recording Sec'y.
OP REEDSPORT, AUGUST 22, 1966, 8:00P,M.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayoy, with councilmen Paull,
Thornton, Murphey, and Holliday present. Woods and Lewis absent.
Mayor introduced Miss Boucheau, with the Douglas County Welfare
office. She explained the work project for welfare receipients.
Could be employed by the city for special projects, such as
park program, with wages paid bjuitcbf Pederal Funds, and the city
only being responsible for State Compensation. Miss Boucheau
presented an agreement that has already been accepted by several
cities in the county, agreeing to hire suitable workers for these
special projects. She explained that if these workers prove
responsible, she is then able to place some of them in training
^ for better jobs.
Mayor believes City should sign agreement and see if we can help
some of these welfare receipients.
Paull moved that mayor sign agreement, seconded by Murphey, and
passed unanimously;.
She anticipates between 1*0 to 80 workers in this area.
Woods now present,, and Lewis.
Bids on Storm Sewer Pump Station held up until engineer arrives.
Discussion of policy to be set for handling of Juveniles. As
discussed at previous meeting, councilmen believe should be handled
at home as much as possible, without calling in Juvenile officers.
Chief Hass introduced Ted Gordon, with the Juvenile Authority in
Roseburg, who explained the curfew (state law) and the way it
is handled when juveniles are picked up, not only here but all over
the county and state.
Explained that the record for first offender is a card placed in
a file, curfew offender dismissed. After juvenile is lo, if no
more offenses, card is thrown away.
Mr. Morgan also explained that 80^ of the crimes committed by
juveniles occur between the hours of midnight and four a.m.
Sgt. Casselman explained one incident.
City Attorney stated that the City is not set up to handle curfew
offenders, is a municipal court only.
Murphey went on record as being in favor of handling first offenders
Continue to cooperate with the County but set policy for the future.
Bids on Storm Sewer Pump:
1. $31^.20.00, Tom Lillebo Construction.
Bid less than engineer's estimated cost.
Moved accept bid. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Maple Drive paving:
Mr. Murphey reported that Paul Bernhardt had been in and taped
to him, stating that he had a man from the State down and okayed
his sewer Saystem.
Mr. Erichsen, engineer, explained the requirements for a in
this area, or any subdivision, and the state required an 8 line.
Also that 2 seta of plans be sent to the State, and if they
okayed, they will be' stamped and signed and one copy returned to
the owner (Mr. Bernhardt.)
Mr. Bernhardt put sewer line In, on owdt^f•opfe^tyv;:thett;-subaeque^tly
dbaicated^theoat^bet^ Thla la .a 6 Inch line.
Dr. Lewis stated that if sewer meeta apeciflcationa, can go ahead and
pave; if not, can't.
Mrs. Therman Tuttle appeared before the council asking that the
hedges, trees, and shrubs that block and hinder vision of the
drivers be cut or taken out.
Mr. Johnson reported to her that this has already been discussed,
but will t6ke time.
Mayor referred this to the police committee for their recommendation.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST; Ga^llooMrn VVaauuffnnnn,, Mayor
iV G. JibMnson Ifettl© B. Glasaer
City Reorder Recording Sec'y.
Meeting waa called to order by the Mayor with Councilmen Woods,
and Lewis present.
Holliday, Paull, Thornton, end Murphey absent.
This meeting waa called for the purpose of discussing the police
department, but due to the lack of a quorum, no action can be
City R€^rder
G¥yTS^ Vaughn, Mayor
N'ettie B. Glasser, Recording
The meeting was called to order by the Mayor with the following
councilmen present: James Thornton, Gordon Murphey, L. E. Paull,
Grover Woods, Raymond Holliday, with Dr. Lewis out of town.
Before getting into the agenda, there is a routine request from
Western Douglas Republican Women to hang a banner across Pir Ave.
Mr. Johnson is to notify them that as far as the City is concerned,
it is okay, but they should contact the State Highway Dept. also
for permission.
Also have a request from the Onstage Dance Studio in Coos Bay. Wish
to use the Community Bldg. (gym) every Priday night from 7p.m.-9p.m.
for $5-00 to give dancing lessons.
After stating that $5-00 would not take care of the heat, lights,
and cleaning, with Priday a bad night to tie up the building, was
moved, seconded, and passed to reject the Dance Studio's offer.
MAPLE DRIVE SEWER AND PAVING: Letter from the City Attorney was read
by the Mayor, stating that even though City Recorder Johnson informed
the council that this sewer did not meet City or State requirement,
the council did nothing to make Mr. Bernhardt bring this up to meet
In Mr. Jayne's research he finds that private sewers and drains can
become the property of a City by purchase, dedication accepted by
municipal authority, and in some cases, private sewer lines are
regarded as becoming municipal lines merely through connection and
integration with the city sewer.
He states, quote, "Since the City Council and Planning Commission were
put on notice of the condition of this line and failed to take any
action and subsequently charged connection fees and service charges,
I feel that the Court could reasonably hold that the sewer line in
question is a part of the City sewer and a City responsibility.
To avoid costly litigation and as a way of compromise, I would suggest
the City install several man holes in locations selected by the City
Recorder at City expense and put in lamp holes as provided for in the
lines, and allow the property owners to pave the street. Unquote.
Mr. Johnson stated that he did not feel qualified to tell them where to
put the manholes. Part lies on privatB property and does not know
our responsibility.
Paull moved that people on Maple Drive be given okay to go ahead and
pave. Seconded.
Por a matter of record, the Mayor requested that the Council accept
the part of the sewer system that is in the street.
An easement through E. P. Stone's property will be needed. Main thing
is to let people know, that if the street is paved, it will have to be
torn up when manholes are installed.
Motion withdrawn.
Paull moved we accept sewer underneath City street (Maple Drive);
give permission to blacktop, but be sure they know it will have to
be torn up when manholes are put in (at City's expense)^
Seconded and passed unanimously.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Recommend that Scott petition for annexation
be accepted.
City Attorney to advertise with hearing called for next regular
council meeting October 10th.
Chairman E. C. Daily explained briefly the plans of setting up a group
to compile data to present to diversified industries to interest them
in our area.
Bill Jayne to go ahead and check on easement through Stone property.
PINANCE-Holliday, chairmHn:
WATER-Murphey, chairman: Jack Himebaugh of Winchester Bay, has
complained that he is being charged too much on his water bill
for his traiir court.
Mr. Johnson stated that you would have to change the charges on
all trailer courts if you changed his.
Committee recommends it be left as is,
Mr. Murphey presented a list of persons in floathouses that are
approximately $1^7*00 behind in their water bills. After some
discussion, it was recommended that these bills be turned over
to Associated Adjusters for collection (at discretion of City
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to do so.
BUILDINGS, PARKS, AND PLAYGROUNDS-Paull, chairman: Man in charge
of workable program said that only one project would be all the City
would get, but don^t know if his say is official as far as park
application is concerned.
Mayor stated that he and Mr. Paull had met with Pitch, architect for
the Douglas County Courthouse Annex.
Mr. Paull recommends that City Council give Mr. Johnson okay to remodel
room at other end of Community Building for Council Chambers with a
limit of $1000 for materials.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to do so.
Discussed the need for stoves for the kitchen; also that a place is
needed with kitchen facilities for groups to meet. Building committee
to discuss kitchen repair.
STREETS & SEWERS-Woods, chairman: Requested discussion on streets
(sections that were not paved when rest of street was paved.
City Attorney to check into possibility of filing a Nuisance Complaint,
also lien types to get these sections paved.
There are 2 areas that need special attention where kids cross to
go to school. By Koch's and by the park at Greenwood where it does
not drain. Also by Dunn's at shopping center.
Pump will help when installed.
Mr. Johnson informed the council that the pump is in, and they are
building the house for it.
Kenneth Kent requested a street light for his apartments on 10th and
After somet.disoussion, request was referred to L. E. Paull, chairman
of the light's committee, for their recommendation.
POLICE COMMITTEE-James Thornton: Council has approved 5 more reserved.
This makes a total of ten, having first meeting tonight.
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman:
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Has hedrd nothing yet from Erlchsen on con
CITY RECORDER•REPORT: Has had a complaint about trailers being
parked in the street at the trailer sales at ll+th St,
Council recommends ordinance be enforced,
A group of women has requested the use of the gym to play Volley
Ball, Ok'ajed by the council for Tuesday nights.
Agreement presented for signatures accepting the $2$,000 for the
final planning of the disposal plant.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that agreement be signed.
Letter from Cornell, Rowland, Hayes & Merryfield for laying pipe
in the tunnel to the lake. They have 2 suggestions:
1, 16" transite pipe pulled through 2l|" pipe, (ruled out)
2. Same as originally recommended by Mr» Johnson, replace each
section at a time.
It is a summer show because of the dirt road access.
Shorty's Trailer Sales, now on Septic tank, referred to proper
committee, for possible connection to existing sewer.
Following bills okayed for payment;
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
payroll fund
Petty cash
Reedsport Logging Supply
payroll fund
Lower TJmpqua Rec.
payroll fund
TJmpqua National Bank
Umpqua National Bank
Al's Signs
A & C Janitor Service
Bishop's Coast Stationery
Bay Printers
Berge & Wally's Chevron
Baker's Saw Shop
The Bristol Co,
The Courier
Reedsport Motor Freight
Coast Communications
Sheriff & Tax collector
Pioneer School Dist lO^-c
Reedsport Union High School
Lower Umpqua Hospital
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
Fire Equipment Go.
Highland Shell Service
Melville Plumbing
0. R, North
City of North Bend
OK Tire Store
Meeting adjourned.
I, G, Jbiins
City REcorder
1022,00 101 Service
1900.00 Pennsalt Chemical,®
12.66 Portland State College
65-00 Paramount Pest Control
6$0.00 PERS
100.00 Steve Laam
1^00,00 Rdspt Fire Dept.
9201.30 Rdspot Repair Shop
280,00 Rdspt Logging Sup,
271.25 Rdspt Auto parts
93.00 RL Towing & Garage
ll|2.50 Thompson Ford Sales
225.00 James Thornton
53.00 Taylor Hardware
190.2^ Union Oil Co.
75.57 Utilities Supply
11.56 Umpqua Ind, Supply
1056.6U Umpqua Rental & Sup.
9.67 Jim's Umpqua Drug
3.50 Umpqua Bldg. Supply
I1O.I4.3 Rdspt Machine Wks
1U7.77 Gaylord Vaughn
197.23 West Coast Telephone Co.
127.26 lUO.30
36.38 Williams Pharmacy i^..93
Gayrlloonfil VaugMn, Mayor
2k. 52
Nettie B. Glasser, recording
1966, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Vaughn with the following
Councilman present: James Thornton, Gordon Murphey, L. E. Paull,
Grover Woods, Dr. Lewis, with Ray Holliday absent.
SCOTT ANNEXATION HEARING: Since there were no remonstrances, it was
moved that annexation be accepted. Seconded and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE was read for the first time by I. G. Johnson extending
the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport by annexing new territory
(John & Gertrude Scott property) thereto and declaring an emergency.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt Ordinance #14-78.
ORDINANCE #i|.78 read by title only for the second time. j
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt said ordinance.
ORDINANCE #i|.78 read by title onl:,' for the third time.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously to adopt said ordinance.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT; Chairman Daily reported that several
of the members of the Planning Commission attended the Port Meeting
and discussed the possibilities of how to get diversifed industries
interested in our area.
Mayor announced that our application for an Urban Renewal Survey
had been granted for $82,01^. Stated that this is an outright grant
until Urban Renewal itself is started, and then it becomes a part of
the program. It is an estimated 13 months program. Harlan Manml
will be here Thursday, and a special meeting of the Urban Renewal
Agency will be held. This agency consists of the council and the
First thing will be to select a director, clerical assistant, office
girl, and later an assistant director.
All personnel is selected by the Urban Renewal Agency. The Mayor
appointed a Screening Committee composed of Gordon Murphey, CounciBi;
E. C. Daily, Planning Commission chairman; and City Attorney William
Jayne. They will also screen the consulting firms when needed.
Contracts are in the mail. A budget will be submitted and should be
able to start within a month.
PINANCE COMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman absent:
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairman:
STREETS & SEWERS COMMITTEE-Grover Woods, chairman: inquired as ^
to whether or not the sewer could back up in the Juniper Street |
pump house area? Mr. Johnson informed him that it is gated in
the pump house. |
Dr. Lewis brought to the council's attention a tree at the corner
of Bowman Road & Longwood Drive that is a hazard. Mr. Johnson
believes this is on private property but will check on it.
William Jayne was asked to look into the possibility of making
Laskey-Clifton repair Rowe St. & Bowman Road, damages incurred
while hauling dirt in that area.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman:
PIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman:
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: three bail bonds ahve been revoked, first
time in City's history.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT; Request for liquor license from the Eagles
Lodge. After some discussion, moved, seconded, and approved ttnanimously
their application.
Announced that the League of Oregon Cities convention will be at the
Hilton Hotel in Portland, November 13-15.
Reported that the storm pump station ia all installed.
Discussed the condemning of house by railroad depot, owned by Robin
Reed, but half is on Ben Henderson property, Ben Henderson would like
to burn his half.
Also houses across from the Waterfront Tavern.
Bill Jayne to contact Erichsen on these.
Dawn Peseau stated that the Dike Sample is complete
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund
Payroll fund
TJmpqua Nat*l Bank
Special Sewer Res.
Payroll fund
Assembly of God Church 300.00
American Pire Protection Co,
A & C Janitor 1U2.50
Baker *s Savj Shop k.OO
Berge & Wally's Chevron 6.36
Bay Pavers 196,20
PTJD 1038.52
The Courier 20.66
Geo, P. Cake Co, 5-50
Sewer Reserve Savings 3210,77
Coast Comm, Co. 56,96
Del Chemical Corp. 62,3^1
Diehl & Serfling 17U.90
Fire Equipment Co, 300.18
Hinds Supply Co, 5^.50
Highland Shell Service 19ii.05
Lillebo Construction Co,36l9.20
McKay's Market 5.26
Meter Box Equipment Co. 60,96
Melville Plumbing 8,65
City of North Bend 1^9.11
Oregon Assoc of
City Finance Officers 2,00
Oregon State Hiway U^.73
OK Tire Store 73-11
Pacific Motor Trucking ll,ij-2
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 5^.25
Paramount Pest Control 8,00
Meeting adjourned,
I. G. J^nson
City Recorder
Petty Cash i|2,99
Rdspt Logging Supply 8.05
Rdspt Insurance Serv, 1^.216,00
Rdspt Auto Parts 62.60
Rdspt Mill Co., Inc. 31.90
Rdspt Pire Dept. 378,00
Shell Oil Co.' 128.17
Sec*y of State 3-88
Stults, Jayne, & Murphey 3.00
Skylark Cafe 8,70
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware 23.07
Raymond Hass 60,00
Michale J, Lanegan 60,00
Charles R, Marone 60.00
Jim Casselman 60,00
Pqul Chudy 60,00
Union Oil Co, of Calif. 57.35
Umpqua Bldg, Supply 295.13
Umpqua Rental & Supply 35.09
Umpqua River Navigation 14-7.50
West Coast Telephone 123.10
Charles David Meade 25.00
Steve Laam 88,50
Gaylor Mayor
''Nettie B^; Glasser, Recording
NOVEMBER 10, 1966, AT 8:Q0 P.M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Vaughn, with councilmen Thornton,
Murphey, Paull, Woods, Lewis, and Holliday present.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
FINANCE COMMITTEE-Ray Holliday, chairman:
WATER COMMITTEE-Gordon Murphey, chairmanj
PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND BLDG, COMM.-L. E. Paull, chairman: some |
top soil is needed on 22nd and Greenwood. Mr. Johnson to take
cafe of it.
STREET & SESTERS-Grover Woods, chairman: Letter received from Diehl
and Serfling stating that the Crestview Drive road has been brought
up to the specifications requested by the City to stop drainage
Mr. Woods and Mr. Johnson both have inspected and believe it will
be okay.
Woods recommends that Crestview Drive be accepted for maintenance.
Murphey moved that Crestview Drive be accepted for maintenance,
seconded by Paull.
Vote Aye 5 no 1, Thornton
Surface water pump is ready as soon as Mr. Zallee comes from
Portland to check installation.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Dr. Lewis, chairman: Hass explained that a new
car had to be purchased or the. '65 Ford overhauled. It has i^.7,000
miles on it.
At a meeting of the committee, agreed that it would be cheaper to
have motor overhauled, thab purchase new car. No firm figure on
price of overhauling received yet.
Moved that when firm figure is received from Thompson Ford Sales,
that repairs be made. Seconded and passed.
Mr. Thornton understood that the Reserve could not work alone or
write tickets. Believe it is being done.
Chief Hass explained that Ueland is working as a paid police man, ^
Understands this did happen once, but has it taken care of.
FIRE COMMITTEE-James Thornton, chairman: Erichsen was up to see
Bill Jayne, was supposed to have condemnations for tonight. Bill
3"ayne not present.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT; Request for neneisal of liquor licenses have
been requested. All same expect the deleting of one name from the
Rainbow Cafe & Tavern.
Authorize the renewal of the liquor licenses, unanimous.
Letter read from Veterans' of Foreign War Commander, thanking the
City for its hospitality during their meeting held here and in
Mr. Murphey left copy of the Flood Warning Instructions for this
year. Mr. Johnson to see that Police Dept. and Curt Baker get
Announced the League of Oregon Cities Convention starts Sunday.
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund 1900.00
OPS 13*li4-
Stat© Compensation Dept. lk6.9o
State Comp. Dept. 16i4..Ij.7
State Comp. Dept. 11^.7.91
Douglas County Clerk 3*00
Payroll fund TW.W
Umpqua National Bank o5*00
A & C Janitor Serv. lii.2.50
Assoc. Adjusters 25*00
Berge & Wally 1.50
Baker's Saw Shop 3?*65
Louis Bachmeir 10i4..60
PUD 1055.611.
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 2.^7
PUD 267.0$
Geo. P. Cake Co. 11.30
Coast Comm. Co. 5^^*66
Fire Equipment Co, 190.90
Highland Shell Serv. 223-55
Ore, Vol. Fire Assoc. l5»00
Steve Laam 70.97
Nudelman Bros. 3-00
City of North Bend [|.8.25
OK Tire Stores li-9.50
Sewer Res. Savings 32o0,66
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 353-95
PERS 6.6i4-
Rdspt Fire Dept. 35^*00
Rdspt Machine Works 326.52
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. Jonn^n
City Recoi^er
Rdspt Repair Shop 193.55
Rdspt Logging Supply 31-79
Rdspt Motor Frt. 11,01
Rdspt Auto Parts 39-32
RL Towing l[|-.00
State Forester 91-i].8
Shell Oil Co. 89.1^-2
Taylor Hardware 13-9i|
Union Oil Co. 88.85
Utilities Supply Ij.7'.|-.l6
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 160.20
Umpqua River Navigation 22.50
Umpqua Rental & Supply l\.7,2k.
West Coast Telephone 130.90
Waterworks Supplies 25.11
Westinghouse 209-i^O
augcn. Mayor
fettle B. Glasser,
Recording Secretary
Meeting was called to order by the President of the Council, L. E,
Paull, with following council present: James Thornton, Gordon Murphey,
Raymond Holliday, Dr. Robert Lewis.
Mr. Paull stated that there was talk after the election that the dike
would not be built. When in Portland to the League of Oregon Cities
Convention, Reedsport representatives including the Mayor-elect
and Councilmen-elect met with the Corps of Engineers. As soon as
Hatfield returns to the State, project will be okayed, then plans
will be received by the City so they can get right-of-ways. By January
they will be able to tell us approximately the City's share.
Maybe after the Platiron is inproved, it can be diked by the owners
to meet Corp's specifications and the dike along Winchester would
be removed.
Discussed clearing of brush on the dike. Believe crew can take care
of this.
Mr. Paull believes the test dike is not part of the permanent dike.
It l3 the Port's obligation to keep dike clean, but they are way behind.
All easements must be complete before project can be started.
Believe should show how many openings are needed on the Platlron. Also
no opening is snown for Water Ave, (to Machine Shop;,
Mr. Johnson to call to check about clearing the dikea
Meeting called to clarify that DIKE WILL BE BUILT,
Mentioned construction will start as early as possible this coming ^
summer. May be able to do it all In one year.
If easemfenta are not forthcoming, has right of condemnation, and
under new statute, can start after it is filed.
Future disposal lines will be on outside of the dike,
Mr. Johnson stated tbat the crew can make changes in the water lines,
Mrs. Peseau asked how many condemnation actions are contemplated?
Mr. Paull stated that they did not know. Easements will be non-exclusive
for maintenance and army engineers.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST. /-> L.^ Er Paull, President
i, G, Jciinson
City Recorder
Nettle B. Giasser
Recording Secretary
DECEMBER 12, 1966
The meeting was called, to order by the President of the Council,
L, E. Paull, in the absence of the Mayor, with councilmen Murphey,
Thornton, Woods, and Lewis present, Holliday absent.
Minutes of previous meetings approved,
FINANCE-Holliday, chairman:
WATER-Murphey, chairman: Okay
PARKS, PLAYGROmiPS, AND BLDG., LIGHTS-L, E, Paull, chairman:
Discussion of light installation from Longwood Drive to the
Underpass. Mr, Johnson to contact Mr, Nunnally tomorrov;.
STREETS & SEWERS-Grover Woods, chairman: Pump (surface water)
doing good job.
POLICE-Dr. Lewis,- chairman: George C, Walker, Jr. has been
hired as new policeman, was formerly a reserve,
FIRE-Jim Thornton, chairman:
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Still no report from Erlchsen on con
Insurance agent hounding him on deal of slide from Assembly of
God Church. Part of the repairs made was on City.street. Lillebo
did the work, but insurance company insists on making check out to
the City.
Motion made and seconded to sign release and endorse check payable
to Lillebo Construction.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: Mr. Johnson gave a summary report of the cost of
installation of the surface water pump. Estimated cost of installation
(complete) by local firm was
Pump $3099.05
Pipe 2125.00
Platform 690?.11
In addition, $6500 in drain pipe has been installed,
Lt, Ueland made a report on the Police Reserve, introducing Stanley
Miller who has juat finished his training. Also tendered his
resignation, effective immediately. The Reserve has put In 8IO
hrs. for the City.
Mr. Johnson read a copy of a letter addressed to Colonel Talbott,
Corps of Engineers, from the Governor, endorsing their dike
report and project.
Mr. Paull also stated that he wrote to the Corps, for clarification
on the cleaning of dikes. They estimate a cost of $!|0C0 for this
and if the City does not do It, will add It to cost of project,
Mr. Johnson reported that some of the cleaning has been taken care
of, but Schofleld cannot get equipment on it, have to be done by hand.
Under charter, Mr. Johnson stated that the abstract of election is to
be entered in the minutes.
November 8, 1966 election:
Mayor Council
Hurlocker (^67*^ Purlott CEQ2^
Vaughn 0^9 Hanson ^313^
write-ins 6 Hutter i|.94
Lewis "102g>
New Mayor and Councilmen to Miller
be inatalled next regular Murphey 588
council meeting. v/rlte-lns 6
Brought to the Council's attention that the Eagles Lodge did not
get their liquor license, but did get beer license. Turned dov.'n
by liquor commission.
Mr. Nunnally requested lights (2) for the South Hill Drive area.
Committee recommended that Mr, Nunnally put those in and take care
of the road to the Underpass.
Following bills approved for payment:
OPS 13.14 Baker's Saw Shop 5-80
Payroll fund 2000.00 Bay Printers 21.00
IGJohnson 67.05 PTO 1122.61
Portland Hilton 101.00 PUD 39.3o
Payroll fund 7916.93 Jirri E. Casselman 20.00
American Rubber 77ij.,20 Coos Bay Stationery 11^-5.20
A & C Janitor Serv. lIi-2.50 Coast Communications, Co,
Berge 3c Wally i^..60 State of Oregon Il-C.OO
Fire Equipment Co. 76.3^
Highland Shell 236.89
Hinds Supply 2125.00
Ronald 0. Hanson 72.00
Hale & Rudin 3*75
Steve LaaiTi 70.97
Laskey-Glifton 320.00
Ore. State Highway 26.11
City of North Bend 2i|..30
OK Tire Store 7.^0
Pennsatt Chemicals $6.2$
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
PERS 367.8$
Pape* Bros,, Inc. 2506.l8
Prank Rose 10.00
Reedaport Logging ll|.0.82
Rdspt Auto Parts 28.79
Rdspt Plumbing 20.00
RL Towing 1.39
Rdspt Machine Works 30.77
Rdspt Insurnace Ser. 66.00
Shell Oil Co. 131.57
Reedsport Repair
Shop 188,62
Sewer Res. Savings 2975.614-
Meeting adjourned,
City Recorder
Bob Sund Agency
Thompson Pord Sales
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Rental & Supply
Umpqua Industrial
Umpqua Electric
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua River Nav.
West Coast Telephone
C, W. Wray
Waterworks Supply
Al's Signs
L.'E. Paull, President
Nettie B. Glasser,
Recording Secretary
AT 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Gaylord Vaughn, with Gouncilmen
Thornton, Paull, Holliday; Councilmen-elect Ronald 0, Hanaon, Cliff
Purlott, Dr. Robert Lewis, and Mayor-elect Paul Hurlocker present.
As last official duty. Mayor Vaughn stated, to turn meeting over to
the new Mayor and Council, but first asked that City support committee
for getting Diversified industries interested in our area.
Second, keep pressure on for completion of the dike. Hade following
recommendations; keep pressure on the Corps of Engineers. Secure
active support of Governor KcCall and Dellenbeck. Make a complets
resum^e and meet with both bringing them up to date.
Congratulated Mayor and New Council, offered his complete cooperation.
Mayor Paul Hurlocker, Councllmen Cliff Furlott and Ronald 0. Hanson
sworn in by outgoing Mayor Vaughn as last official duty.
Mayor Hurlocker accepted Mr. Vaughn's offer of help and stated that
everything in our power will be done toward the completion of the dike
High School students requested time to speak. Sandra Rose stated that
they would like to rent the Community Bldg. for 2 nights a week for
dancing and general recreation, througiiout school year. Stated there
would be chaperones, and organizations in town considering sponsoring
Recorder Johnson stated that if charges were made for the dances,
they would run into trouble (tax-wise). If no rent is charged,
should do own janitor work.
James Thornton stated that lack of sponsors and chaperones was one
reason Recreation Group had never opened the building during the
The number of chaperones has not been discussed by the group as yet.
Chief Hass said it could be arranged to have one of the Reserves in
Councilman Paull moved to let group use building starting this Friday
with Chaperones and Reserve Police,
List of responsible chaperones to be left at Recorder's office.
Motion seconded and^passed unanimously.
FINANCE-Chairman Dr. Robert Lewis, Raymond Holliday
WATER-Chairman Raymond Holliday, Ronald 0. Hanson, Dr. Robert Lewis
STREET & SEWER-Chairman Ronald Oo Hanson, James Thornton, Cliff Furlott
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, & LIGHTS-Chairman L. E. Paull, Raymond Holliday,
Cliff Furlott
POLICE-Chairman Cliff Furlott, Dr. Robert Lewis
FIRE-Chairman James Thornton, Ronald 0. Hanson
City Recorder I. G. Johnson
Water Commissioner Arthur L. Tollefson
City Attorney William Jayne
Chief of Police Raymond Hass
Fire Chief LeRoy Chenoweth
Health Officer Dr. D. L. Courtney
Civil Defense Curtis Baker
Pfenning Commission-R.eappointed Frank'Rose, E. P. Stone, new member.
Councilman Thornton stated that before final appointments were made.
Department heads and committees should have a get-together. Because
of dissention in the past, believe discussions should be had.
After some discussion. Mayor's appointments were accepted, with each
appointment voted on separately.
Recommendations for Planning Commission accepted unanimously.
To represent the City on the Library Board, Ray Holliday; Recreation
Committee, James Thornton; Citizens' Advisory Group, Dr. Robert Lewis;
Douglas County Water Resources Board, Gordon Murphey; and Community
Action Comm., Inc., Rudy Johnson.
Reedsport Citizens' Advisory Group-Chairman Lloyd Richardson; Harley Gray,
Dave Wootton, Mrs. Lois DeVelbiss, Mrs. Edith Stuller, and Dr. Dave
Garbage Franchise expired in December, 1966. Clarence Hahn here to
present plans for renewing franchise, including a 25 .cent raise on
first can, and requesting renewal for 10 years. Has not had a raise
Since I960.
Councilman Thornton felt Council should wait until City Attorney is
present before any decision is made. Since most City Services are
put out for bid, feels maybe this should be too. Believes City Attorney
should check terms of franchise before it is accepted.
After much discussion on procedures for renewing franchises, it was
moved, seconded, and passed. Aye Opposed, 1, Thornton, to take
action on franchise tonight.
Councilman Lewis moved that City Attorney be authorized to dr0W
ordinance (for Council approval at next meeting) for renewal of
garbage franchise for 10 years, raising rate to $1.75 for 1st can;
$1.25 additional for hauling appliances, and $1.^0 for hauling
burning barrels. Also duties for the City should be outlined. ^
Motion seconded and passed. Aye 5» Opposed 1, Thornton.
Dr. Lewis gave yearly police report for 1966. City prisoners
booked in jail, li|5; State & County prisoners booked in jail, $6;
Juveniles taken into protective custody, 68; 38? traffic citations
issued; 138 parking tickets issued. Mileage on two patrol cars,
Chief Hass also reported that he had made Glenn Uries Lt. of the
Councilman Paull reported he had had an irate citizen in his office,
complaining about the loaded trucks using Laurel Ave. again. This
street is posted "No trucks and No Truck Parking". Police to patrol
this area more closely.
Baull asked about the Welfare Workers for the Park? Mr. Johnson stated
that the County had not sent any as yet.
Also a small area is being cleared on 22nd and Greenwood. The Hahn's
are going to landscape it.
Mr. Johnson reported on the dike situation as it stands. Last letter
with draft and outline for easements is not exact enough for obtaining
Mr. Vaughn thinks that letters of intent for the right-of-ways should
be gotten from people like Southern Pacific, US Plywood and the State
of Oregon.
Also City heeds to appoint E. C. Daily as City*s representative to the
Port on the Industrial Development Committee. Send letter to Port
appointing same.
Chief Hass reported floathouse loose on Schofield Creek; Mr. Johnson
to check into means of getting rid of it.
Mayor and Mr. Johnson to pursue completion of dike with Governor and
Tom Tymchuk wished the MaycR and new coucil a good year and thanked i
Gay for the 2 years he has been Mayor.
City Foreman*s report passed to the council.
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund 1900.00 Coast Comm. Co. I|.0.32
OPS 13. li; PTO 12.28
Rdspt Fire Dept. 190.20 Sewer Res. Savings 2995*20
Payroll fund 7876.52 The Courier 2l|..50
American Fire Protection I|-.75 Coos Bay Stationery. 7.33
A & C Janitor Service II4.2.5O Courtney 10.00
B-y Pavers, Inc. kl'kl Cliff Furlott 90.00
Bill's C. B. S\xpplj 21|.20 Fire Equipment Co. 218.23
Berge & Wally»s Sta. 35.28 Cliff Furlott 1^06.0$
Baker's Saw Shop 9.00 Highland Shell Serv. 265.05
PUD 1132.3i| Raymond Holliday 110.00
P. L. Hurlocker
W, E. Hardy
Jim'3 Umpqua Drug
Rdspt Peed & Garden
Oregon State Highway
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
lloble Drug
Petty cash
L. E. Paull
Paramount Pest Control
Rdspt Repair Shop
Rdspt Auto Parts
Rdspt Logging Supply
Rdspt Motor Freight
Rdspt Outdoor Shop
Rdspt Machine Works
Rdspt Pire Dept.
State Compensation
State Corfipensation
State Compensation
Shell Oil Go.
Raymond Hass
Meeting adjourned,
. 6U.50
{Jl,. ^hnson. City Recorder
Michael J. Lanegan 60.00
Paul Chudy 60.00
Charles R. Marone 60.00
Geo. C. Walker 20.00
Union Oil Co. 295.11
City of North Bend 23.00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 32.13
Umpqua River IJavigation
Prank L. Taylor Hdware 32.76
Paul L. Hurlock.
Ne'Ltla B. C-lasser, Recording Sec*y,
FEBRUARY 6, I967, 8;0GP,M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with councilmen
Paull, Purlott, Hanson, Holliday, and Thornton present.
Minutes of previous meetings approved.
Mayor commented on the new chambers, and hope they are appreciated
by all, .
STOP SIGNS AT 18tH & GREEM'/OOD: Mr. & Mrs. Denver Wear cited to the
Council, the danger to the children,of the people traveling at excessive
speeds along l8th St, At this time the signs are on Greenwood aide,
request they be changed to l8th. •
After discussion, moved, seconded and passed that stops signs be
reversed so l8th is the stop street.
Other areas of concern were discussed, but were tabled for further
A meeting with the County Commissioners and Architects on the lli.th
of February at 7:30 p.m. with the council and interested parties on
the uses of new proposed County Bldg, is to be held at the Recorder's
James Thornton announced that the Fire Department had purchased a 1930
Mack truck for display purposes. Has added insurance to City policy.
Police Department, •with -bicycle season coming on, are going to stop
children on bicycles for violations and report to their parents.
Mr. Paull stated there have been lots of complaints on big dogs in
Forest Hills.
Mr, Johnson reported that a vehicle for hauling dogs is needed, and
requested permission to secure bids for a pickup for hauling dogs and
for park work. Vehicle being used'^'now is not safe. A second-hand
vehicle had been discussed, but with discount and no tax, better to
buy new.
After discussion as to best type of vehicle for job, moved, seconded,
and passed unanimously for Mr. Johnson to secure bids for pickup.
After Mr. Jayne returns, will have legal complaints drawn for the
owners of dogs running loose.
Also request permission to secure bids on l| or 2 ton chassis truck i |
for a flatbed. Would be paid for out of water fund. —
. i % •
Moved, seconded and passed that'Mr. Johnson secure bids on truck
chassis. Unanimous ballot.
No Parks report.
Mr. Johnson reported that Governor McCall, Rep. John Dellenbach, and
Senator Hatfield had been contacted and work received that we have
their support toward the construction of the dike and they will help
all they can.
Construction is to begin this summer, the Corps of Engineers report.
Delegation from Winchester Bay Fire Department were supposed to attend
meeting, but sincje none were here, Mr. Johnson informed the council
that new water lines are being installed to serve the new trailer park
in Winchester Bay. Would like permission to install fire hydrants as
they go, probably take 10. Winchester Bay Fire Dept.^s budget will
only stand 2 hydrants a year; had discussed paying for 2 a year plus
Mr. Johnson to negotiate with the Department for satisfactory manner
of payment and installation. Hoived, . seconded, and passed.
Mr. Johnson brought to the attention of the Council, an outstanding
agreement with the developers of Crestview Hill to repay $20,00 used
to put in water system. Believes City should pay $^000 plus
interest at present time.
After much discussion, during which Mr. Thornton felt the legality
of this should be checked into. City has never paid any other developer
with taxpayers money to put in a development. It was moved, seconded
and passed. Aye ![., Opposed 1, Thornton, to pay the ^$000 plus 6%
interest. , ^
Hiring of Auditor for 1966-6? Budget should be taken care of as
he helps in preparing..; the budget for 67-68 as well as audi.t-i:ng
the 66-67 books. Mr, Johnson recommends that Gaylord Vaughn be
Biired for this purpose. He had audited the books for the twelve
years before he became a public official.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that Gaylord Vaughn be hired
as auditor.
Mayor Hurlocker read two letters from Dale 0', Johnson, minister for the
Assembly of God Church, reimbursement to the church
^ for the City*s failure to file/with the County when their property
was annexed, and they were forced to carry #10 Fire insurance during
this time.
Dale 0. Johnson read letter from his insurance company stating that
they had written City about this, but no answer had been received.
Both City Recorder Johnson and Mrs. Glasser stated that no such letter
had been recieved.
Dale 0. Johnson also read letter from Myllenbeck, dated May 3s lf66,
stating no annexation had been filed in his office.
Will have City Attorney check into this.
Second letter: Requesting reimbursement for repair of street
($26.55) from City. States they have checked into this and it
is City^s responsibility to keep streets repaired.
This also is a matter for City Attorney.
Mrs. Pat Hardy from the High SchooJ. requests exclusive use of the
gym for 3 weeks prior to the production of Camelot on April 21, 22, and
23rd. Need time for the building of stage.
After discussion, James Thornton moved that I4rs. Hardy be granted the
use of the building, but a letter should be written bo us by the
High School, accepting responsibility for any damages that might
be done to the building. Seconded and passed.
Mayor stated that the City has received a lot of criticizra from the
public for not letting kids use the building. Permission v?as given
a band for practice. They abused this privilege by doing approximately
$50.00 worth of damages.
Various departments should start'getting their needs ready for the
coming budget.
Amount for dike is not yet known. Corps is concerned about the 2 foot
settlement in test dike. Local support is needed now.
Clarence Hahn requested permission to plant lilac tress on 20th St,
this side of tennis court. Permission granted,
ORDINANCE #b.79 (G-arbage Franchise) read by I, G, Johnson for the first
Error made (only 1 year, should be 10 years.) Mr-. .Johnson cbprected
and initialed change.
Motion made and seconded to accept ORDINANCE Passed,
ORDINANCE #i|-79 read for second time, by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed to adopt ordinance.
ORDINANCE #1^-79 read for third time, by title only. Moved, seconded,
and passed to adopt ordinance.
There are some trouble spots on the streets. Mr, Hanson to look at.
Some will need major repairs.
Following bills approved for payment:
Paul Bernhardt 593.80
Waterworks Supplies ' 31^»78
West Coast Telephone 120.95
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 280.l8
Umpqua River Nav. 98.10
Union Oil Co. 246.90
Frank L. Taylor 13.27
Thompson Ford Sales 366.97
Shell Oil Co. I23.I4.8
Reedsport Auto Parta 31.23
Rdspt Motor Frt. 11.58
Rdspt Plumbing 8.50
Rdspt Repair Shop 300.59
Sewer Res. Savings 3617.^9
General Fund 300.00
PERS i}.l6,5l
Purkey Furniture ' 90,00
City of North Bend 23.00
Paramount Pest Control 8,00
Pennsalt Chemicals 58.50
Pacific Motor Trucking 12,814.
101 Service 10.25
Nudelman Bros.
Ley^s Variety Store 4»98
Industrial Iron Works 139.80
William A, Holmin Corp 91.i|-2
Highsmith Co., Inc. k-l'Ik
Highland Shell Service 308.53
Feenaughty Machinery Co. 229.25
Fire Equipment Co. 215.32
Coos Bay Stationery 23067
The Courier 52.80
PUB 12,28
CH2&M 377.15
PUD 1218.96
The Courier I4..OO
Assoc. Adjusters 7.50
A & C Janitor Serv,
Umpqua National Bank 300,00
Payroll Fund 7719.83
John J. Pickett 18.00
OPS 1,3. lU
Payroll Fund l^OO.OO
Richard N. Hert 25.00
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. jpfenson
City "Recordar
l1 L, K'urlocker ^
/fa ii
Nettie 3. Glasser, Recording Sec'y
8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Eurlocker, with Councilmen
Furlott, Lewis, Paull, and Hanson present, Thornton and Holliday
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
Meier Chev-3uick:
PU- del, price
Truck chassis
Thompson Ford Sales:
Truck chassis
Daily Motors:
Truck chassis
Umpqua Motors:
Truck chassis
Mr, Paull moved that Mr. Johnson be authorized to purchase low bid,
after specifications are checked, (Meier-Chev-Buick) Seconded and
passed unanimously.
Rodman Pell, Work Release and Job Placement in the Corrections Division
was present to explain how system works and the possibility of the
City participating.
After a very interesting explanation and question period, agreements
were left for the council to study. Mr, Peil to call back in about ^
3 weeks to see if City is interested.
FINANCE-Chairman Lewis-none
WATER-Chairman Holliday-absent
STREET Sc SEViTER-Chairman Hanson: Dr. Lewis interested in knowing
how or who is going to repair the damage done to the Bowman Road
paving while heavy trucks were hauling in that area. Trucks were
Mr, Johnson explained that the City has no way to weigh the trucks and
the State Police were not checking them either. Believes it is a
question of enforcement.
Winchester Ave, aas a heavier lift but has spots that will need an
BUILDING, PLAYGROUNDS & LIGHTS-Chairman Paull: Senior Citizens still
want to use the building twice a month. Mayor Hurlocker explained
that we are still trying to locate a place for them to meet.
POLICE-Chairman Purlott: A. J. Ayers, Oregon State Arson Squad,
met with the PD giving a very interesting speech.
Mr. Johnson brought to the PD*s attention that they have used over;
two-thirds of their budget, only $2l|00 left for the next 5 months. Half
of that will go for gas.
Fire Dept. has only $2900 left.
Mr. Hanson believes that more attention should be paid to the distance
j the cars are parked away from the curb as well as parking on the wrong
I side of the street.
PIRE-Chairman Thornton-absent
CITY ATTORNEY*S REPORT-plans from the Corps of Engineers for securing
easements and right-of-ways have arrived. Need help so requested a
man from Erichsen*s office attend meeting.
Introduced Bob Wade; Explained that it is going to b© very expensive.
Easenient-title;;searches first. Need up to-date plats which City has
in office.
Mr. Jayne stated that we understood that the Corps was supposed to give
us all the needed information (which to us meant legal descriptions
of the easement and right-of-ways) which they have not.
Mr. Johnson requested permission to order 12 prints from Erichsen's
office of the Corps plans.
Moved Mr. Johnson be given discretionary power to have Erichsen do
what work is necessary to be able to go ahead with dike easement and
right-of-ways. Also have 12 prints made of plans. Seconded and passed.
Mr. Jayne read letter to Mayor from the Corps of Engineers asking
for resolution giving local cooperation.
Mr. Jayne. Moved Resolution be adopted. Passed unanimously.
Corps of Engineers to let us know in April iv'hat City^s share will be.
Than as soon as we guarantee our share, they will call for bids.
Mr. Johnson asked the City Attorney about the PUD Franchise. The way
he understands, it, on improvements for the City, The PUD will "move
poles at own expense. Mr. Jayne to check franchise.
Mayor Hurlocker announced that the City has received extension of time I requested on our Sewage Disposal Plant.
i I CITY RECORDERfS REPORT-nothing to add.
Following bills autho'rized for payment:
Diehl & Serfling 7321.50
Umpqua National Bank 1660.00
Payroll fund 2050.00
OPS 13.1^4-
City of Reedsport 138.1|2
Cliff's Mobil Service 13.35
State Comp. Dept. ll|.0.68
Payroll fund 7^61.02
Umpqua National Bank 420.00
A & C Janitor Service li|2.50
Baker's Saw Shop 1.90
Bay Pavers, Inc. ' i|3»J+8
PUD k&SSxSx 1203.97
Coast Comm., Co. l|6.00
Dr. D. L. Courtney 7.50
Coo3 Bay Stationery Co.
Douglas County Sheriff
Fire Equipment Co,
George's Paint Service
Hinds Supply Go,
Highland Shell Service
Jim^s TJmpqua Drug
Melville Plumbing
City of TTorth Bend
OK Tire Store
Oregon State Highway Dep-
Pennsalt Chemicals
Paramount Pest Control
Reedsport Insurance
Meier Chev-Buick
Rdspt, Motor Freight
Rdspt. Logging Supply
Sewer Reserve Savings
Rdspt Auto Parts
R& L Towing
Rainbow Cafe
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Meeting adjourned,
City Recorder
8.U2 Rdspt, Machine Works
26I4.OO Rdspt Repair Shop
U6.13 Shell Oil Co.
210 ,.00 Skylark Cafe
Ul.30 Std. Oil Co.
2fc2,30 Sanfax Corp.
7.35 Taylor Hardware
5.lie Union Oil Co,
23.00 Utilities Supply
ho.00 Umpqua Bldg, Supply
Umpqua River Mavi.
k.ho Umpqua Electric
iiii.71 West Coast Telephone
58.50 Steve Laam
57. 3k
Paul L. Hurlocker, MtJf QaTyr or
flettie B. Glasser, R-cordlr.g
HELD MONDAY, MARCH 21, 196?, 12;U5P.M.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor with the following Councilmen
present: L, E. Paull, Clifford Furlott, Dr. Robert Lewis, Ray Holliday,
and Ronald 0. Hanson,
Council approval needed^for Workable Program to be submitted*
Dr. Lewis moved that Workable Program be accepted. Seconded by
L* E. Paullj and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson informed the council of a complication Eriksen has
run into on the specs of the Corps on the dike. Are off a degree
and trying to clarify. All paper work is done.
Mayor stated a problem that needs to be settled; policies should
be set as to dogcatcher^s duties, and other items pertaining to
problems arising from dogs running at large.
Police Committee, Police representative, dogcatcher, and Mr. Johnson
to meet to set policy.
Meeting adjourned.
Paul L. HuiT.ocker, Mayor
^^ttie B'. Glasser,
8s00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with Coancilmen
Hanson, Thornton, Paull, Holliday and Purlott present. Dr. Lewis
was absent.
Minutes of piEvious meeting approved.
Chairman of the Citizens' Advisory Committee, Lloyd Richardson, reported
on the condition of different districts in town in regard to the condition
of the property and buildings. A map was presented that had been
worked out by the committee for use as part of the Workable Program.
Area #6 was recommended as the one to start with.
Councilman L. E. Paull was nominated and elected president of the
Representatives from Erichsen*s Engineering firmed explained maps
which they had prepared for the dike program to have the council decide
if they want meets and bounds descriptions for the property involved.
City Attorney William Jayne offered to take the maps to the Title
Co. immediately to get the necessary descriptions and the engineers
are to prepare the maps xvith meets and bounds descriptions and feed
them back to the City just as soon as each one is finished so that
easements can be obtained. Engineers are to concentrate on problem
area first.
PITTANCE-Chairman Lewis absent: Councilman Thornton questioned the
$2^.00 charge made by Erichsen for atbehdance at council meeting.
No action taken.
WATER-Chairman Holliday: Nothing to report.
STREETS AND SEWER-Chairman Ronald Hanson; Stan Esselstrom reported
that the parking problem in front of the Cable TV offices had been
solved with the cooperation of the Police Department in enforcing
one hour parking there.
Mr. Knight requested that pipe be put in on 22nd St. by his residence
to solve the drainage problem there. Councilman Thornton suggested
that this matter be turned over to the Street and Sewer Committee
and that they make a study of areas needing drainage and report back
to the council,
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, AND LIGHTS-Chairman Paull: reported that work
is being done by the city crew in the area of the golf course,
POLICE-Chairman Purlibtt: The policy on dog catching was explained.
A complaint must now be signed at the city office by the complainant.
The Police Dept. then serves the complaint on the guilty party.
Minimum charge first offense-$10.005 Minimum charge second offense-
Police Chie? Ray Kass made the recommendation that the City take one
prisoner as outlined under the program of the-Work Relase and Job
Placement program. He would be under the supervsision of the Police
Motion was made, seconded, and passed that the City take such a
PIRE COMMITTEE-Chairman Thornton: Recommended that a Pire Prevention
Code be adopted as required for the Workabl'? Program. Motion was made,
seconded, and passed that the code be adopted.
Also recommended that two men from the Pire Department be sent periodi-
.cally to fire schools, when such schools are held.
Cliff Purlott, Chairm'an of the Police Committee recomjuended that Paul
Chudy be sent to a three weeks police training school in July and that
the City pay his tuition $75.00* and wages. ^ •.
page 2,
Police Chief Haas reported that three men had completed the League
of Oregon Cities Police school.
Mayor Hurlocker reported that he and Councilman Purlott and Hanson
will attend the League of Oregon Cities school for newly elected
Discussion was held on appointing a Building Inspector to comply with
the requirements for a Workable Program.
CITY RECORDER-I. G. Johnson: Reported on a request for street vacation
on 18th Street made by Thomas Trees. No action was taken.
Report was made on the request by the Coast Guard for the City to
supply water for the homes of vie Coast Guard Families. Estimated
cost of such a project would be around $12,000 for pipe. The cost ^
would have to be met by the developer.
The matter of renewing the Cable TV franchise was discussed. Rates
and revisions are to be filed with the City Council. The City is to
get 3 cent of the total collections. Motion was made, seconded,
and passed that the Cable TV franchise be renewed.
Mr, .Johnson reported that Mr. Dondero, Douglas County Housing Authority,
had requested that legal steps be taken to clear the title of the property
to be used for the Douglas County Housing.
Mayor Hurlocker recommended that the Senior Citizens* be allowed to use
the council room and the kitchen twice a month for their meetings with
the understanding that they would be pre-empted if the area is needed
for trials.
Motion was made, seconded, and carried that the Senior Citizens* group
be allowed to use the room.
The request from Ray Church that he be allowed to build a carport for
the ambulance on his property was discussed. It was decided that he
should be instructed to present a plan to the council and planning
commission for them to study and decide as to whether to grant variance
or not.
Following bills were approved for payment:
Umpqua National Bank
Payroll Fund
Umpqua National Bank
State Compensation
Dick Hoile
Paul Chudy
B, A. Bartow
Alfred Richardson
City "Petty Cash"
Payroll Fund
John J,. Pickett, Att*y
Meier's Chev-Buick
Al*s Service
A & C Janitor Serv,
Baker's Saw Shop
Bishop's Coast Sjtat,
Bill's CB Supply
Berge & Wally's Chev;
Bay Pavers, Inc.
The Courier
Geo. F. Cake Co.
Consolidated Chemical
Comm. Bldg,
Gene-ral Fund
Div, of Continuing Ed,
13. lit-
Co. 39.50
Feenaughty Machinery Co.
Fire Equipment Co.
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Cliff Furlott
Golden Rule Dept.
Highland Shell Service
Hinda Supply Co.
Jim's Umpqua Drug Co".,
Steve Laam
John's Manville Sales
Melville Plumbing Co.
City of North Bend
Nudelman Brothers
OK Tire Store
Paramount Pest Control
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp
Rdspt Machine Works
Rdspt Auto Parts
RL Towing
Rdspt Motor Freight
Shell Oil Co,
Sanderson Safety Supply
Sewer Reserve Savings
The Sea Cliff
State Comp. Dept. • :
Thompson Ford Sales
IfO. l|5
Frank L. Taylor Hdware L^6,06
TJnloa Oil Co. 3^2.69
TJiiipqua Rdiv. Kav- Co, 175.00
TJnipqua Electric 12,30
TTiupqus Rental S: Supply 3.00
TTtllities Supply Go. 26.97
TTmpqua Bldg. Supply 226.68
Hay Hass 60.00
Kichael Lanegan 60.00
Paul Ciiudy 60,00
Charles Naroae 60.00
G^rge Walker 60.00
'i^Gt Coast Telephone li6.55
Wallace & Tleraan, Inc. 69.00
Willlanis Pharnaacy 1,7^1
riarlan, Gesriford, Erichsan
: 1110.75
TJimpqua Ind, Supply 16.70
Kfesting adjourned.
u C, ^
I, G. John?
Citv Recordrer
page 3
a/.-. —
Paul Hurlocicer, Mayoi'
Alice 5. Nc01ay,^ecordlL;g
REEDSPORT, m.J 1, 1967, 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
Councilmea present: L. E, Paull, Ronald 0, Hanson, James Thornton,
C. D. Furlott, Dr, Robert LewiSj and Raymond Holliday.
Mayor read letter froii: Rhododendron Festival Parade chairman
requesting the Mayor and councilmen to ride in the pards. Since
no one can attend, letter to be written thanking them for the
invitation, and v;ishing them a successful festival,
Mr,'Johnson reported .that he had called Erich?en; working on easements
12 more being proofread, thru Win-Sund, starting Juniper,
Mr, Ash'jorth real estate man with Corps of Engineers called Monday,
big push is on. Suggested (Johnson) that we have a meeting with
Corps to discuss easements, then have public meeting , with rep
resentative from Corps here to answer questions. Corps in agreement.
Easements were read and found on maps as near as possible, and after
much discussion, Mayor Hurlocker to see if meeting can be arranged
with Lillebo to discuss the easement on the Flat-iron,
Council is in agreement that the easements should be obtained
as soon as possible, so a figure can be decided on for voting on
a bond issue.
Meeting adjourned.
1. G, Johnson, City Recorder Paul Hurlocker, Mayor
MAY 8, 1967, 8sOO P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called ths meeting to order with. Gouncilmen Hanson,
Purlott, Paull, Lewis present. Thornton and Holliday absent.
Minutes of previous meeting approved unanimously.
Mr. Johnson gave rundown on progress of the dike to-date. Erichsen
has completed work on easements up to US Plywood.
Grade School is concerned about amount of ground needed for the dike,
Mr. Taylor, Corps of Engineers, to .be here Tuesday or Wednesday, to -^1
meet with the City and perhaps ^^^ith the School Board Wednesday night,
Mr. Johnson received a figure for the paving of the parking lot by
the Community Bldg. from Bay Pavers, ll|..6^ per square foot paving
only; $1^.00 per hour for grading, with gravel extra. Approximately
Pirst Budget Meeting will be May 23^ 1967 at 8:00 P,M,
George Marks and Roy Henderson are the two retiring budget committee
men, with the Mayor reappointing them for another three years.
Other members are Charles Poster, Archie Mustoe, George Hutter, and
Lincoln Swain,
Mayor asked Dan Hanson if he had any remarks to make about the dike
before we started the agenda.
He stated that he didn^t know why they have to come 100 feet inside
the dike when they can go the other way.
Mr. & Mrs, Clarnece Johnson were also present and asked several questions
pertaining to their property on Juniper & 13th.
Mr, Paull does not believe that progress on the easements for the dikes
is-;as fast as it should be and believe Erichsen's office should be told
to put every available man on the job.
He is willing to take the easements around for signatures of the owners
and believes it should be started immediately. Also believes that
that letters of intent could be gotten as long as they can guarantee
it won't touch their houses.
Twenty-six or twenty-seven descriptions are to be in tomorrow's mail
from Erichsen.
William Jayne to hire extra help if necessary to get easements out as
soon as possible. ^
1. Contract from CorrBction's Division ready for signature of Mayor
and Chief of Police, William Jayne read over contract to make sure
it was all right.
2, Request for change of charge for sewer use on trailer courts;
Mr. Brubaker, representing the trailer court owners, believes it should
be referred to the proper committee for their recommendation.
PINANCE-Lewis, chairman, none:
STREET & SEWER-Chairman Hanson: Have looked into situation on 22nd
St, and Arthur Drive, Allen Knight's drainage problem. Recommend City
fix and fill before winter.
Street light by Ben Henderson and Dean Wooley's. Mr. Johnson to
check into situation.
Mr. Johnson also reported that the PUD had to replace lights 3 mornings
in a row by the Burdick Underpass. These lights cost $25.00 p piece.
Chief Hass reported that 2 more were broken over the week end.
Move City crew be instructed to put draining pipe in on 22nd and
Arthur Drive, Seconded and passed unanimously.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND AND LIGHTS-L. E. Paull, chairman: City should
commend High School; building has been used finally for a good purpose.
Also have a request for light at street (alley) at Cedar and 19th.
It is the Clty*s policy to put lights at intersections. Cost to
City is about per month,
Paull moved that if pole-.is there, believe light should be installed.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
i I Mrs. Denver Wear is to have a work party of Cub Scounts at the park
i ; this Saturday, also a cook-out.
Mayor recommends T\'e vjelcome this sort of thing. Instructed Mr.
Johnson to see that they will be covered by insurance and take care
of other arrangements.
Passed unanimously.
Jehova]^ Witness complaining that kids playing in park are breaking
T^jindoxvs. Would like fence built on that corner of playground.
Referred to proper committee.
POLICE -C. D. Furlott, chairman: Highland Market problem with hole
in paving.
Mr, Johnson stated that it Xi/as to be repaired as soon as mix could
be obtained.
Chief of Police asks permission to get bids on car in June, for
delivery In July, instead of waiting to call for bids until July.Vi-.';
Gar is in bad shape.
Moved specs be put out for bid on new police car, for regular June
meeting, with delivery to be in July, Seconded and passed unanimously.
Speed signs on Burdick Underpass. Chief recommends they be installed,
committee too.
Two signs are to be installed stating 25 mph, one at Longxvood Drive
and other at Ranch Road and Underpass.
FIRE-James Thornton. Chairman: absent;
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Jayne read resolution pertaining to sewer
application requesting a Federal Grant for the construction of the
•'l Sex^'age Disposal Plant,
! I Dr. Lewis moved that resolution be adopted. Seconded and passed.
j I
Mayor Hurlocker also stated that the State Sanitary Authority has
informed him that we will be in violation as of September 1, 196?.
Bill Jayne stated that V/inchesLer Bay is forming a Sanitary District.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: Thought this item would be of interest to the
people as well as the council. Of the $173,00 it takes to operate
the City's General Fund, exclusive of the Water Fund, 3li% is paid
by taxes. This amounts'to $l5.i|0 a year per capita. Another $[4.00 for
bonded indebtedness, making a total of $19.1|0 a year per capita.
Ben Henderson was asking about the water being shut off during the
time the pipe through the tunnel is being replaced. Mr. Johnson loformed
him that they would be notified ahead of time and it would only be off
during the day unless they ran into some difficulty.
Discussed the paving of Maple Drive and Maple Court. This is up to the
property owners.
Mr. Purlott asked the City Attorney to explain how Bancroft works
on City iniprovements•
Vern Collver appoare{? before the- coiirxj-il to discuss the developir^ont
of Block 1, li| years.Stated thtt he put in own viator line and
hydrants at a cost of about $1800. Was led to believe that someday
he iiiight get some of that rr.oney back. Was asking for consideration
of the council.
Was referred to the water cotiirr.ittee for study and recomrrxendation.
Pollov.'ing bills okayed for payment:
Payroll Fund
T'eier Chev-Euick
Guy Hark Holliday
Payroll Fund
I. Cr. Johnson
TTiiipqua Nat'3-. Bank
Elijah r'eece
Cliff Wilson
A 5: C Janitor Service
BakerSaw Shop
Eerge ^ Wally's
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Gee. F. Cake Co,
Bishop^s Coast Stet,
Special Sewer P©s, Sav.
Coos Bay Ststioaery Co.
Cor;:i;.erclal Abstract Co.
Rarlan, Gessford, Frich
Fire Equipment Co.
Paul Hurlocker
Hinds Supply Co.
highland Shell Serv.
Paul Hurlocker
Stults, Jayne & Murphey
Jim-'s TTnipqua Drug
Melville PIunib i ng
Meter Box Equipment Co,
Meeting adjourned.
Citv K/cordar
13. lU
• nV nU
3^!. 99
The Courier
OK Tire Stores
Ore. Fire Chiefs* Assoc.
City of TTorth Bend
101 Service
Petty Cash
Paramount Pest Control
Pacific Pumping Co.
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Rdspt, Motor Frt.
Rdapt Machine Works
Rdspt Auto Parts
Ross* Flowers Gifts
Rdspt. Union Station
Sanderson Safety Supply
State Coii.p. Dept.
Thorapson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co,
Urapqua River Navigation
Umpqua Rental 5c Supply
US Post Office
Umpqua Eldg. Supply
West Coast Telephone
Western Auto Assoc.
Assembly of God Church
Faul L. Hurl
25. UO
8. 0^
Nettie B."
Glasser, Re^rding
8:0.0 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with following
Councilmen present: L. E. Paull, C, D. Furlott, and Ronald ©.
Hansen. Holliday, Thornton and Lewis absent.
Following Budget Committee members present: Archie Mustoe,
George Marks, George Hutter, Lincoln Swain, Roy Henderson, with
Charles Foster absent.
Mayor asked if there were any questions about his message on the
budget, and since there were none, turned meeting over to Mr.
Jhhnson, as budget officer, to explain budget item by item.
Roy Henderson was elected Chairman and Lincoln Swain, Secretary
of the Budget Committee by acclamation.
Mr. Johnson started with the General Fund Receipts and Expenses,
explaining each figure.
Proposed the City participating in the League of Oregon Cities
Hosjiitalization and Insurance plan for the employes by paying
the employes' share. This would cost the City $8,26 per man
for 22 employes. Would give hospital, medical and $100 life
Mr, Johnson suggested this instead of the raise this year,
Lincoln Swain felt it was a shame the City has n®t had this coverage
in prior years.
Under Water Expenditures, $30,000 labor is to cover the expense of
putting the pipe in the tunnel, which will be started this summer.
The $3000 Miscellaneous Expense (water fund) takes the place of an
emergency fund.
As of July 1, 19^7, there will be $85,600 in the Special Sewer Reserve
Library bonds will be paid off during 1967-68, Three more years on
the Jail bonds.
Total tax levy to be $98,506.61^^.
Budget can be adopted at one meeting now instead of two as in
previous years.
George Marks moved that the budget be adopted as is. Seconded by
Archie Mustoe,
Mayor asked Mr. Furlott if he had talked with Chief Hass. Furlott
stated that Chief Hass wanted another patrolman. Mr. Furlott
believes another man is needed.
Mr. Johnson said it would cost at least $10,000 a year for wa^ea,
gas, etc. Suggested that they consider hiring man in Fall, Funds
would have to come out of the Emergency Fund.
After much discussion. Budget Committee feels should leave
policy of policeman to council.
Approved prior motion to accept budget as it and advertise for
the hearing, unanimously.
Mayor thanked the Budget Committee for the time and effort spent
on the budget.
Meeting adjourned, noy ^^derson. Chairman
Lincoln Swain, Sec'y. ^ ^
. 12, 1967, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by the Mayor, with the following Councilmen
presetib: James Thornton, Ronald ©. Hanson, C. D. Purlott, and
L. E. Paull.
Minutes of previous meetings approved.
Thompson Pord Sales $l6i|^.00
M«ier Chev-Buick ll4.5i|.. 714-
Daily Motors and Umpqua Motors did not bid because they could
not meet specifications. Chief Hass stated.
Mr. Thornton asked that deicision be tabled until next meetin until
he could talk to Daily and Umpqua Motors to see why they hadn't bid.
Chief Hass stated Daily told him he couldn't compete with Pord or Chev
Mr. Johnson recommended specs be checked and approve low bid.
Motion made, seconded, and passed to do so.
STREET & SEWER-Hanson: Committee has checked into a reduction on
trailer court sewer-use charge. Recommends 2,0% reduction to take
affect July 1st.
Moved, seconded, and passed to reduce trailer court sewer-use rates
20% as of July 1st, as recommended by committee.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, & LIGHTS-Paullt Note from Mrs. Denver Wear was
read thanking the City for the Hot Dog Peed for the Cub Scouts and hope
their work helped.
PIRE DEPT.-Thorntoni-Believes Pire Department should get some recognition
for their open house. A lot of work and cleaning went into it to make
it a success.
Mayor recommends letter be written to Deparment commending them.
Moved letter be written. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Thornton stated that people have called him wanting to know
what the police car is doing parked on Bolen Island? ^
Haas stated that the council had given permission for this.
Thornton also stated that he knows that the car was parked there over
two hours at one time.
Hass stated that while he was in the hospital and on sick leave, ILanegan
was acting chief and did have the car at his place, as he as on
call 21^. hours a day.
Letter from Chief Hass stating signals for RR Crossing might be obtained
for Winchester Ave. if council puts pressure on Southern Pacific.
Move letter be written to Southern Pacific and request signal on RR
crossing for Winchester and E. Sailroad. Unanimous.
Thornton stated he doesn't believe the Police car should be outside the
City limits unless in service. Do not furnish car for any City employee
except Irving.
After much discussion. Mayor referred this to the Police Committee for
their recommendation.
Adopt resolution authorizing Mayor to make application for Federal Funds
for construction of sewerage and disposal plant, $li;3» 580 or $239»300
in event of State participation.
Move Resolution be adopted, seconded and passed unanimously.
State had set December, 1968 as completion date for disposal plant.
Ninety per cent of the dike easements are in.
Explained new hoapitalization plan through the League of Oregon Cities.
The amount for huaban d and wif© is $20.214., which I recommend the City
pay, in lieu of the usual 6^ raise, to go into affect July 1st.
The Councilmen & Mayor are also eligible if 75^ will participate (Ij. of 7)-
Dr. Lewis came.
Moved and seconded we adopt and pay $20,214- husband and wife in
lieu of 65^ raise on the League of Oregon Cities hoapitalization plan.
Unanimous ballot cast.
Ordinance should be amended to read Veteran's Day instead of Armistice
and also put in hospital plan before next council meeting.
Received monies from government on flood damages. When first money
was received, a Flood Disaster Fund was set up at the TJmpqua National
Bank. Repairs made on the Community Bldg, have been paid out of this.
The last monies was deposited to tht general fund.
Mr. Johnson requests okay for transfer of balance of Flood Disaster Fund
into General Fund. Moved, seconded, and passed. This is the amount of
Prisoner working out okay. Due for parole in August.
Howard Lentz-Oregon Coast Association sent here by Executive Committee to
see if City will join with un in our push for Oregon. Explained that
they are a non-profit organization. Most cities are members; Bandon
pays $200 a year, plans on $2^0 in 1943, Coos Bay, $600.
Would like the council's consideration for membership. Explained that
recognition is received whether a member or not.
Fee us based on whatever you can afford.
Mayor explained that he did not believe we could give an answer tonight,
but will consider city's participation.
Dr. Lewis asked if between Bowman Road and the old highway, something
couldn't be done about the loose gravel. Mr. Johnson stated that the
street sweeper had been out there today, and since it was a County Road
maybe they would fix it.
Paull-Lots of talking, going to have to go pretty quick.
Mayor suggests we very shortly get started on Bond Issue, if we don't get
at it, may lose Federal Funds that are available.
Bill Jayne stated 3 weeks are needed to get set for an election.
A tentative date of July 11, 19^7 set for Bond Issue, figure of $320,000
discussed. Know $19^,000 is needed, figure Corps has given us for
construction;irelocation of water and sewer lines, easements and other
contingencies figure in the rest.
Move we go for Bond Issue of $320,000 to be 7/11/67. Have an appointed
delegation to meet with Hinsdale and the Lillebo's and try and arrive at a
feasible figure.
Motion withdrawn.
Not have special meeting, recess and continue this one 8:00 P.M. Thursday
night. Hurlocker, Purlott, and Paull to contact Hinsdale and Lillebo
in the mean-time.
Following bills approved for payment:
©PS 13.114.
Payroll Fund 215©.00
Harry Slack, Att'y.
Payroll Fund 827l|..17
A & C Janitor l\,Q.QO
Al*s Market 9.35
Bay Pavers 14-5.19
Baker's Saw Shop III-.20
PUD 1190.18
Geo. P. Cake Co. 23.60
Coos Bay Stationery 8.95
The Courier 27.11|-
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
C. B. Purlott 30.00
Fire Equipment Co. 12.80
Western Union 2.20
Hinds Supply Co. 11.88
Hale & Rudin 35.85
Ronald ®. Hanson 10.00
Jim*f Umpqua Drug 12.14-5
Melville Plumbing 39.15
City of North Bend 24/60
OK Tire Stores 26.50
Nudelman Bros. 127-00
101 Service 188.02
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Pennsalt Chemicals 58.50
Purkey Furniture 6I4..8O
Pacific Pumping 124-00
PERS 14.51.88
Reedsport Fire Dept. 3144*©©
Rdspt Outdoor Store 75.10
Joe J. Reeves 225.97
Rdspt Motor Freight 11.77
Rdspt Insurance Serv.
Rdspt Logging Supply
Rdspt Auto Parts
Shell Gil Co.
State Comp. Dept.
State Comp. Dept.
Skylark Cafe
Ivar Stavig
Sea Cliff
Thompson Ford Sales
Prank L. Taylor
Rdspt Union Service
Umpqua River Navi.
Union ©il Co. Calif.
Umpqua Rentals & Supply
Utilities Supply Co.
Umpqua Electric
Umpqua Industrial
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
West Coast Telephone
Waterworks Supply
Welcome Hotel
Geo. C. Walker, Jr.
Rdspt Repair Shop
Del Chemical Corp.
3®. 00
Meeting receased until Thursday night, June 15th, 8:00 P.M.
THURSDAY NIGHT, 8:00 P.M. June 15, 1967 r"
Mayor again called meeting to order after recess, with following
councilmen presebt: Ronald 0. Hanson, C. D. Furlott, L. E. Paull,
and Ray Holliday. Dr. Lewie ceme late.
Main issue is to determine the amount for the Bond Issue.
Mayor asked Mr. Paull for his report on his meeting with Mr. Hinsdale.
Mr. Paull reported thatthe and Mr. Johnson met Tuesday afternoon with
John Shfeaffer, Umpqua River Navigation Co., to discuss the easement.
While they were there, Mr. Hinsdale call; Mr. Sheaffer stated that
he foresees no problems and led them to believe there would be no cost.
Mayor Hurlocker stated that he has had several visitations with the
Lillebo's and still negotiating. Nothing concrete so far. Have several
directions to go, even considering the purchase of the Plat-Iron back
from the Lillebo's, although no price has been set.
Believe all this can be done within the $320,000 figure.
Mayor stated that the ana»»r might be to purchase the property.
Suggests we still use the $320,000 for Bond Issue and if possible
whin written up on ballot, that if bids come in under 1 million figure
and any portion is not used, will be used to retire the bonds.
Jayne believes serious consideration should be given to just selling
$200,000 and sell rest if needed.
Explained that money cannot be spent for anything but the dike if
Bond Issue passes.
True cash value of flooded area before the flood ^3»700,000^1owered
approximately 10^ after flood.
Corps stated that they were not worried about the Southern Pacific
or Highway easements. Knew they would take time,
Hurlocker feels that If we do not cooperate shortly, might lose whole
Good talking point. City's millage one of lowest in the state.
L. E. Paull moved we set Bond Issue Election for $320,000 for the 11th
day of July, 1947- Dr. Lewis seconded and the motion passed unanimously
City Attorney to set the wheels in motion immediately.
Schofield Road easement for construction for improvement of the road up
to the dump has been presented to the City by the County.
After some discussion, moved, seconded, and passed that Mr. Johnson
and Mr. Jayne be given power to negotiate with the County on the
Meeting adjourned.
I. Jotr'n^on
fi /cJa
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
City Recorder
IJettie B. Glasser, necoraing
8:00 P.M.
Meeting called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with following Councilmon
presents Dr. Lewis, L. E. Paull, and C. D. Purlott.
Mayor declared himself a councilman to constitute a quorum.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
BUDGET HEARING: There were no questions or discussion.
Moved, seconded, and passed that Budget be accepted.
H. E. Nickels believes there should be an item such as Dike Maintenance
in the budget.
Mayor Hurlocker believes next year's budget will be in plenty of time
for such an item.
ORDINANCE #1^.81 was read by I. G. Johnson for the first time to levy
tax for the 1967-68 budget, $98,506,614- on property of City of Reedsport
Moved Qrdinance #14-81 be adopted. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Ray Holliday present.
ORDINANCE #l|.8l was read for the 2nd time, by title only. Moved,
seconded, and passed that Ordinance be adopted.
ORDINANCE #1^.81 read for 3rd time. Moved, seconded, and passed that
Ordinance be adopted.
WHEREAS, it was the intent of the Council in adopting Ordinance #i|.8l
to make appropriations in accordancejwith the 1967-^8 Budget Expendi
tures, and WHEREAS, no actUBii appropriations were included in this
ordinance, BE IT RESOLVED that the amounts for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 196? and ending July 3®, 1968, and for the purposes
shown in the budget as prepared by the Budget Committee and as M
printed in the notice of Budget Hearing on June 22 and June 29,
1967, are hereby appropriated as follows:
GENERAL FUND $l8l,l|.71.56
WATER FUND 92000. 0®
Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Reedpport, Oregon,
this lOth day of July, 1967
STREET & SEWER-Mr. Furlott asked if the area at Knights had been
fixed yet? Mr. Johnson stated it would be taken care of by winter.
PgLICE-New car is in operation. New man is needed. A Darrell P.
Jolley, Jr. has been pretty well decided upon. Has had nine years
wi th Multnomah County. Able to go to work anytime.
CITY ATTORNEY^'S REPORT: Dike Bond Issue election tomorrow morning
8:00 A.M. to 8:00P.M. Everything ready.
I. G. Johnson, L. E. Paull, and William Jayne to canvass ballots
Wednesday morning.
ORDINANCE #i|.80 read b^yWWlliam Jayne covering Hospital and Medical
plus Vacation for City personnel for the first time.
Moved Ordinance #14.8© be adopted, seconded, and passed.
ORDINANCE read for the 2nd time, by title only. M®ved, seconded,
and passed that ordinance be adopted.
ORDINANCE #i|.8© read for the 3rd time. Moved, seconded, and passed
that ordinance be adopted.
Passed out to Council copies of the Suburban Zone in Roaeburg area,
also to the Planning Commission. To create new zone just takes
Council action. Not urgent.
Mayor referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation.
Intended to have petition for annexation of new property to City of
Reedsport, but engineer requested more time to check bearings, k
Would like council to give Mr
for hearing for annexation.
Johnson permission to start advertising
The area is 6 lots along Ranch Road adjacent to Forest Hills #2,
40 foot width street, across from the hospital.
It was moved that authorization be given Mr. Johnson to accept Plat
when presented and advertise for hearing for annexation. Seconded
and passed.
Cliff Purlott brought to the attention of the Council, the property
of Thomas Trees at l8th and Ivy. Mr. Trees Is interested in getting
l8th St. vacated. Wanted to know the feeling of the council before
going to the work of getting the petition signed.
Mr. Johnson believes the Planning Commission and Council should take
a look at this area before making any decisions. Is also up to the
people in the area whether this is vacated or not.
Mr. Johnson read a letter from Southern Pacific Railroad answering
our letter in regard to a RR Crossing at Winchester Ave. and East
Railroad. They would be willing to signalize with financial aid
of the City, half and half.
Mr. Johnson has no idea of the cost of an installation such as this.
Mayor Hurlocker feels that the Oregon Coast Association would be a
worthwhile project for the City to participate up to $20©.©©.
Dr. Lewis in favor.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that $20® be sent (bb the
Oregon Coast Association for City participation for year 67-68.
Mayor Hurlocker asked if there were any questions on the Dike Bond
Issue coming up tomorrow:
Dawn Peseau asked that the ballot be read. William Jayne did this.
Mayor stated that the letter mailed out to the people was quite
enlightening. Hoped people will read and take heed.
Also explained that City is still in process of procuring easements,
no definites answers yet on the major easements.
L. E. Paull stated that a lot of hours have been put in on these.
Following bills okayed for payment:
payroll fund
(Try Slack, Att*y
Pa>5^11 fu
A &^Janiibor
Ai^s y
Bay Pave
Baker's S
Geo. F.
Coos Bay
The Cour
C. Furlott
F^e Equipment Co.
Testern IT
111.. 2®
y 23.60
OPS 13. Ill-
Payroll fund 2l5©.®®
Laague of Oregon
Cities 533.35
Payroll fund 200.00
Petty Cash I4.8.2I
Payroll fund 9028.714-
American Rubber Mfg. 823.2©
Allen Smith Co. 15.00
Al»s Mkt. 15.60
A & C. Janitor 1|.0.00
Bay Printers 1.5®
Borge & Wally's 20.00
Baker's Saw Shop 30.70
Bay Pavers 88.5i|-
PUD 1167.80
Geo. F. Cake C/i^. 52.05
Coast Sheet Metal 6.0©
Coast Comm., Co. 52.50
Coos Bay Stationery 3.00
Coast to Coast 5.50
General Fund 686.1|.8'^
Daily Motor Co. 3.5©
Highland Shell 6.00
International Paper Co, 1(.750.00
Jim*3 Umpqua Drug 14-.99
Meter Box Equipment 237*90
City of North Bend 25-50
OK Tire Stores 152.99
101 Service i4..60
Paramount Peat Control 6.00
fennsalt Chemicals 117.00
Sewer Reserve 6701.52
PERS " ^^93.92
Rdspt Logging Supply 21. ll^.
Rdspt Insurance Serv. 37.00
Rdapt Auto Parts ^3.^2
Rdspt Fire Dept. 137-75
Golden Rule Dept. 29.9©
Rdapt Motor Prt. 27.25
Rdapt Fire Dept. i4.5i4-.OO
I®ar Stavig 102.50
Shell Oil Co. 140.31
State Comp. Dept. 191.33
Taylor Hardware 52.63
Thompson Ford Sales 1.50
Umpqua River Navigation I8I.OO
Union Oil Co. 614..9i4-
Umpqua Electric 5.70
Utilitiea Supply Co.- 373.
Umpqua Bldg, Supply 5^0,68
Umpqua Rental & Supply
Umpqua Industrial 5-70
Raymond Hasa 60.00
Michael J. Lanegan 60.00*
Paul Chudy i4-3.i4-6
Eugene Thomaa 20.00
Wallace & Tiernan 17.9i4-
West Coaat Telephone li4.9.35
Paul Hurlocker 17.50
Councilman Paull, City Attorney William Jayne, and City Recorder
I. G. Johnson canvaaaed the ballota for the Bond Isaue on the Dike,
with the following results; Aye i4.32. No ll5; total votes, 547.
Meeting adjourned.
I. G./J*hnson
City Recorder
t-. k
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Neittie B. Glasser, Recording
6:00 P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
Councilmen present: Ray Holliday, L. E. Paull, and C. D. Purlott.
Mayor declared himself a councilman to make quorum.
ORDINANCE #i(.82 was read by City Attorney William Jayne authorizing
sale of Bonds to pay City's portion to build dike. General Obligation
1st $16,000 will be paid 9/1/6®
Last year $28,000, 9/l/Si|.
Will come due 9/1 and 3/I each year until maturity.
William Jayne stated that if the bid to the Corps was over two
million, do not believe way ordinance is written. City could use
funds to build their own dike.
Believes a good prospectus will mean a good bid.
Alao stated that If necessary, perhaps money could be borrowed before
the bonds are sold. The $196,000 cannot be sent until all eaaementa
are ready.
Believes that options could be obtained on property that is to be torn
down or destroyed with payment when bonds are sold,
Ray HSlliday moved that Ordinance #14.82 be adopted. Seconded by C. D.
Purlott, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #li-82 read for second time, by title only. C. D. Purlott
moved Ordinance #1^.82 be adopted; seconded by Ray Holliday, and passed
ORDINANCE #14-82 read for third time. L. E. Paull moved Ordinance be
adopted, seconded by Hurlocker and passed unanimously,
MaYor Hurlocker reported that it was stated in a Wednesday night
paper that the City was considering hiring an engineer to "©rk as
liason officer between the Corps and the City. This is ® .
considered and has not been considered. Als« the raising of Winchester
Ave. was at one time considered but was dropped. This also was
stated in the paper.
Dawn Peseau said that nowhere in the article did it state that
the Mayor or City had said either of these things.
There was very little discussion before the meeting was adjourned,
A*mTmTr'^QTrn., ^ ^ Paul L. HurioS^tcer,
I. G. iohnson
City Recorder
•{jfetti^ bT Glassed Recording
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Hurlocker with the following
members of the council present: L. E, Paull, Ronald ©. Hanson, Ray
Holliday, C. D. Purlott, Dr, Robert Lewis.
Howard Hinsdale presented a letter from the Port Commission requesting
that consideration be given to the re-routing the dike across Macintosh
Slough on Port Commission property. The Port Commission would give
easement across this property and pay any additional cost added by
taking this suggested course. Advantages given were:
1, Make the dike some 600 feet shorter.
2o Eliminate the big problem of obtaining easements from the Southern
Pacific Railway.
3. Eliminate the necessity for damaging the yards of several homes
along the railroad spur,
14.. Macintosh Slough could be used as a catch basin for the Douglas
County Housing Project,
5, Save the City some $10,000 on the proposed sewage disposal plant.
Mr, Hinsdale stated that according to a CHgM estimate these changes
could represent as much as a savings of $85,000. His request was that
the City submit a written request asking the Army Engineers t® study
the dike plan at this point.
Mr. Hinsdale also proposed a change In the plans in the area of the
Platiron and Pioneer school. This proposal was:
1. Put dike around the Platiron.
2. Eliminate encroachment on lO^-C property by either raising
Winchester Avenue or by building an embankment on the outside of
Winchester Avenue,
©ther proposed changed included:
1. Pill at the foot of Juniper.
2. Building of stopwater to allow use of Hinsdale property at all
/ times.
Mr. Hinsdale stated that these changes could bring about a realistic
savings. He also stated that Ray Doerner, County Commissioner had
stated that County Funds could be made available to improve streets
or access.
Discussion was held on various ways of handling the Platiron situation.
1. Leave the property in the ownership of Lillebo with the City
diking and filling the property with a 1© ft. fill.
2. City buying the property from Lillebo and filling and diking the
No decision could be made without investigating further the cost of
putting a fill in this area.
Mr. Hinsdale was requested to write a letter incoroporating the suggested
changes and requesting estimates of such changes from the Army Engineers.
Meeting adjourned.
Mayor Paul L. Hurlocker
I. G./'J^nson
City Recorder ^ o
Alice B. McClay, Recording
6:00 P.M.
Meeting was eallei to order by Mayor Hurlocker
council membera present; Ronald 8. Hanaon, Ja®?®. Robert
Lewis, Ray Holliday, L. E. Paull, and C. D. Parlott was absent.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
STREET «c SEWER-Mr. Thornton brought to the °ottnoil'a attention
that a drain is needed by the old West Apartments. Would take 100
to 150• of pipe.
Mr. Johnson and committee to look into this.
Mr. Hanaon to talk with J. L. Sullivan about an alley problem.
P®LICE-Dr. Lewis read a letter from Chief Haas stating that he had been contLted by a number people in the Forest Hills area requesting
speed limits signs be placed on Ridgeway Drive and Greenbriar.
Chief requests that 1|. speed limit signs be placed in this area.
There was no objection by the council. Mr. Johnson to see to this.
Chief Haas requested that the alley behind the Reedsport Motel be
graded so they can patrol through there.
FIRE CeMMITTEE-Mr. Thornton reported that the Fire Department
like a N0 PARKING Z@NE in front of the auditorium at the High Sehool.
A20' strip whferethe auditorium enda on Longwood Drive.
Also the. Fire Department has been raked over
the #ire Department's fault the sprinkling system had to be installed
at the HighSohool. Said the Fire Department recommended it and it
ran the cost of the building way up.
According to Mr. Thornton, the City nor the Fire Department had anything
to do with the sprinkling system installation.
Mr. Paull mentioned that he had had complaints
that had been torn down but not burned,
Tavern. Also the Police are having a problem at the old Shroeder
Thornton is to inform the Fire Department That they are to burn the
buildings across from £he Waterfront Tavern.
The Fire Department alao requested the installation of 3 one S thVli^ school at 22nd St., one at the Tropicana Motel, and
the other one at the Highland School.
Mr. Johnson to check into this.
Prospectus handed out to council for Bond sale.
am-nsktirw was read for the first time, amending Ordinance iSfI pert^ininrt/ Serial Numbers and Maturity Dates, and
declaring an emergency.
Moved, seconded, and passed that (Ordinance #1^83 be adopted.
ORDINANCE #1|.83 read for the. second time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed that Ordinance #1|.63 be adopted.
ORDINANCE #i|.83 read for the third time, amending ©rdinance #14.82,
section 1, pertaining to Bond Serial Numbers and Maturity Dates, and
declaring an emergency.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #i|.8l4. read for the first time, defining larceny and shoplifting
in the City of Reedsport, Douglas County, ©regon, providing punishment
therefor, and declaring an emergency. ^
Moved, seconded, and passed that Ordinance be adopted. ^
ORDINANCE #14.814. read for the second time, by title only.
Moved, seconded, and passed that Ordinance #14.814^ be adopted.
ORDINANCE #14.814. read for the third time.
Moved, seconded, and passed that Ordinance #14.814. be adopted.
Mayor sent 2 letters, one to the Corps of Engineers, other to 0. H.
First July 27» 1967^ to the Corps., requesting the possibility of change
of dike, to include Port property; Johnson & Hanson change, eliminate the
ramp approach on West Second Street; construct two additional stoplog
structures, one at Water Ave. and the second at a location to be
selected by your office as an access to IJmpqua River Navigation Company
Second letter to 0. H* Hinsdale and Port Commission acknowledging the
request to the Corps of Engineers to include Port property, with the
Port Commission assuming the expense.
By including the Port property, would get away from easement with
Southern Pacific and others.
Mayor Hurlocker informed the council that the Corps of Engineers are here,
soil testers will be in tomorrow and survey crew next week.
Corps of Engineers suggested alignment be given them. Mr. Hinsdale
did this as chairman of the Port Commission.
On the Johnson & Hansen request-feel it is possible they may be able to
toe in.
Flatiron survey on additional cost-if fill was in, thought cost would
be approximately same as for Winchester Ave.
L. E. Paull, William Jayne, I. 6. Johnson, and William Jayne met
with the Corps in Portland on July 25th.
Bonds for Dike to be sold August 28, 1967, 8:00 P.M.
Mayor discussed the Civil Defense meeting in Roseburg Friday, that
he and Curt Baker attended. County has been trying to put together
an emergency plan. Changing name to Emergency Services. Sixteen
working committees appointed.
Mr. Norvin Ashby, Urban Renewal Director, requested that the Council
pass on acceptance of the general lani-uae plan as outlined by the
Urban Renewal Planners already accepted by the Planning Commission.
Moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that the Land-use plan be
Lester Thompson and Diamond Martin would like patroling of the Shopping
Center to try and stop the squirreling. City Attorney to look into this,
as it is private propoerty.
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund
Charles R. Marone
TJmpqua National Bank
Meier Chev-Buick
Portland State College
Umpqua Rec. Assoc.
TJmpqua National Bank
Payroll Fund
Petty cash
League of ©regon Cities
Al's Signs
A & C Janitor Service
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Baker's Saw Sh«p
The Courier
Coast Communications
Chapman Bros
Coos Bay Stationery
Sewer Reserve
General Fund
Harlan, Gessford, Erichs
Golden RulffS Dept. Store
Hinds Supply Co,
Highland Shell Service
Umpqua Drug
League of Oregon Cities
Ley*s Variety Store
Melville Plumbing
Meier Chev-Buick
Oregon Coast Assoc
H. E. Nickels Jeweler
101 Service
Pennsalt Chemicals
Paramount Pest Control
Rdspt Insurance Service
Rdspt Union Service
Rdspt Logging Supply
Rdspt Auto Parts
City of North Bend
Register Guard
Ross* Flowers & Gifts
Rdspt Fire Dept. 330.00
Ivar Stavig 117.50
Stults, Jayne &
The Sea Cliff
Thompson Ford Sales
Umpqua River Navigation
Co. 221)., llv
Umpqua Building Supply
Union fill Co.
Umpqua Overhead Door
Utilities Supply Co.
Umpqua Electric
Umpqua Industrial
Umpqua Rental & Supply 12.95
Umpqua Nat*l. Bank 1660.00
West Coast Telephone l50.35
City Foreman-^s monthly report passed t© councilmen. Also
monthly report from Police Chief.
Meeting adjourned,
1. &. 'Jot
City Recorder
L. ^HUr Mayor
J ^ 3-1
fettle B. Glasser, Recoraing
230 '
AUGUST 28, 1967,8:00 P.M., M®N®AY NIGHT
Meeting waa calleA to order by Mayor Hurl®ck©r, with the following
Councilmen present; Ronald 0. Hanfl^G. D. Purlott, L. E. Paull,
James Thornton, and Dr. Robert Lewis.
City Recorder Irving Johnson opened the Bids for the Bonds far
Dike Construction as they had been received.
(2) Pacific Security Bank:
Coupons $153,^714-.00
Leas Interest -nene
Net $l53,67il-.00
Interest rate:
Umpqua National Bank:
Coupons $114.8,955.00
Interest rate
Douglas National Bank:
Roseburg, Oregon
Interest rate: 1^..314+39^
After all bids were checked, it was moved to accept low bid
(Umpqua National Bank) by James Thornton; seconded by C, D. Purlott.
Motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson returned checks to unsuccessful bidders and meeting
was adjourned.
r. 13. /CTjbhnsen
City Itecorder
Pauull L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser^ Rec'ording
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with the following
Councilmen present: Dr. Robert Lewis, C. D# Purlott, and L. E.
Paull, James Thornton, Ronald 0. Hanson, and Raymond Holliday
Mayor declared himself a, councilman to constitute a quorum.
Minutes of previous meetings approved.
Edward J. Konka, with the Department of Employiaant, thanked the
Council and the City for the use of their faxsilities over the years,
and announced they would be at the American Legion Hall starting
the l8th of this month.
As there were no objections, Mr. Johnson read ORDINANCE full,
extending the City limit; for the first time.
Lewis moved that Ordinance #1^85 be adopted; seconded by Paull, and
passed unanimously*
ORDINANCE #1|.85 read by title only, for the second time.
Purlott moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Lewis, and passed
ORDINANCE read by title only, for the third time.
Paull moved that Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Purlott, and passed
ORDINANCE #li86, creating a new Zone-Rural Suburban Zone(RA), relating
to the new area just annexed, read in full for the first time by
Mr. Johnson.
Lewis moved that Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Paull, and pass
ORDINANCE #14.86 read by title only for the second time.
Paull moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Purlott, and pass
ORDINANCE #1|.86 read by title only, for the third time.
Purlott moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Lewis, and passed
POLICE-C. D. P\irlott, chairman: Allen Stevens and Harley Dodge
were present to question the policy on dogs.
Dr. Lewis and Mr. Purlott explained that their committee had met and
a new policy set up.
The following is the policy on dogs:
1. Dogcatcher can only investigate dog complaints routed throught
the police station and duly noted there.
2. No patrolling by dogcatcher.
3. Pirst complaints are investigated and
a. if dog found in violation,E;may be picked up , -
b. if not found in^violation, owners should be notified or
' c. if"^found^in violation, but cannot be picked up, the vi«a."^%ion
should be noted at station and owners notified.
Jj.. If 2 violations are verified on same dog, a citation will be
Issued to the owners,
5. If owners fail to appear for citation, a warrant for immediate
arrest will be issued*
Chief Hass stated that there had beeen 23 dog complaints during the
month of August. They have set up a special book just for dog
Hass also announced that the County Juvenile Officer will be holding
a monthly meeting at the Country Club, with the Chief of Police, f]
School officials, and parents who are having problems with their
juveniles. The one this month will be at noon on the 19th of
September. 1
Also that Radar is going to be used on Bowman Road, for traffic
A1 Nimmler has asked permission to put in burglar alarm for store
in Gardiner, with buszer in police station. Has been referred to
City Attorney.
Mr. Purlott stated that the committee still felt that another patrol
man is needed. It was discussed at budget time and was felt that
maybe by Pall it could be managed,
Mr. Johnson stated if another man is hired, should pass ordinance for
handling of vacations.
Dr. Lewis feels 2 patrolmen at night are needed.
Cliff Purlott moved that Chief Hass be authorized to hire another man.
Seconded by Lewis.
Mayor Hurlocker questioned Mr. Johnson as to whether or not there were
funds available for the hiring of another man?
Discussion-will cost approximately $i|.,000 for wages for the rest of
the year.
Mr. Johnson stated that it would have to come out of the Emergency
Pund; just means less for other things.
Dr. Lewis feels it will be worth it to take it out of the Emergency
Pund; we are shortchanging ourselves.
There was a unanimous ballot cast to hire another policeman.
Chief Hass would like someone on the Street Committee to go out to O
Ridgeway Drive with him to check on where to paint a No Parking strip. I
Patching of the streets at Highland Market, Tropicana Motel and l6th '
Bay Pavers have presented a bid on a 2[|.® wide street on Pir from
intersection of 6th to Winchester of $2661.10.
Mr. Johnson says he proposes to lower super about 2 feet. Would
like Council's permission to go ahead with this major overhaul
and paving.
Paull moved to fix, seconded by Purlott, and passed unanimously.
Also has a bid on the parking lot by the Community Building from
Bay Pavers. A little over $3,000 without any gravel.
Mr. Johnson informed the council that they were going to start on
Bowman Road and widen it to its full width of 30'» It is now 20*
wide. Owners will be notified to remove mail boxes, shrubs, and
flowers that will be in the way. Going to cut it down with the
grades and gravel.
BUILDING, PLXyGROUND, AND LITES-L. E. Paull, chairman: kids are tearing
the Rhododendrons up in the park.
Mr Johnson announced that on September l5th, at 3:0° P-M-. new
SmithTver Road will be dedicated. Council is invited.
Following bills okayed for payment;
State Compensation Dept.
Gertrude Warren
Donna Lover
Dorothy Schweitser
Anna Burling
Payroll Fund
League of Oregon Cities
Payroll Fund
Petty Cash
Armo Metal Products
A & C Jafiiitor Serv.
Baker*3 Saw Shop
Geo. F. Cake Co.
Coos Bay Stationery
Sewer Res. Fund
Coast Comm.f Co.
Consolidated Supply Co.
Daily Journal of Commerce
Fire Equipment Co.
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
Paul Hurlocker
Hinds Supply Co.
Jim*s Umpqua Drug
Melville Plumbing
Melville Plumbing
City of North Bend
Rdspt. Auto Parts
Shell Oil Co.
State Comp. Dept.'
Sec. of State
S.W. Fireman's Assoc.
Simmons Carbon Co.,Inc.
Thompson Ford Sales i i
Frank L. Taylor Hdwre. 7^.4-2
Umpqua Building Sup. 596.1|
Umpqua River Navigation2U.0.92
Union Oil Co. U3'^>
Umpqua Industrial
Umpqua Rental & Sup.
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank
General Telephone
Ivar A. Stavig
Oregon State Board of HealthlO.OO
State Highway Dept.
101 Service
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp.
Paramount Pest Control.
C. D. Washington
Reedsport Fire Dept.
Ross* Flowers & Gifts
Rdspt. Logging Supply
Meeting adjourned.
I. G.
City Recor
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
2^^ Nettie &. Giasser, Recording
8:00 P.M.
Eoun^l was assembled at the Recorder's office but due t/S lack
of quoWm, re-convened at the home of Councilman fa\xYl}9, who
was ill>^nd could not come to the meeting.
President ^ismll called the meeting to order with G^uncilmen James
Thornton, Roo^d 0, Hanson, and Ray iHolliday pre^nt.
ORDINANCE #1|.87 ratifying and affirming the passage and adoption of
Ordinance fi|.02 anosOrdinance #1|.83 and ratifying the sale of City of
Reedsport Bike Construction Bonds, and ilec^ring an emergency? was
read in full for theN^rst time by City ^^orney William Jayne.
It was moved by James Ti^rnton that o»<iinance be adopted; seconded by
Ronald 0. Hanson and passM Aye 1|., lief, none.
ORBINANCE #k.Q7 read for the\ecor^bime, by title only.
Moved that Ordinance be adopteidS:)y Thornton, seconded by Hanson,
and passed Aye 1|., No, none. ^ ^ ^ »
ORBINANCE #1|.87 read in t\x^f for thii^d time.
Hanson Moved that ©rdl^nce be adopted;\econded by Holliday. and
passed Aye l|.. No, nor^ ^
night, October ^ 1967,®aSt p8e:c0i0alPM.Me.etinAgllbw^Nerskalilnedagforeremneexntt,MoNndoatyict
to be sent out >ln writing. uicuu. ivoiiicc
Ronald 0. H^son moved meeting be adjourned, secon^^ by Thornton.
Meeting ^journed.
Y* G. Johnson
City Recorder
L. E. Paull,
Nettie B. Glasser,
Recording Secretary
OCTOBER 9, 1967
The Common Council of the City of Reedsport met in regular^
session at the Reedsport City Hall, Reedsport, Oregon, on the
9th day of October, 1967, and there were present the following
council members: Leon Paull, James Thornton, Ronald 0. Hansen
and Raymond Holliday. Absent were councilmen: Clifford Purlott,
Robert Lewis, and Mayor Hurlocker.,
The first order of business was the consideration of ORDINANCE
# 1l87 concerning the ratification of certain action of the Council
Members pertaining to the bond issue for the
Bonds, After discussion by the City Attorney, ORDINANCE #l<.o7
was read in its entirety for the first time and upon motion by
Jamea Thornton and seconded by Ronald Hanson was passed by
the Council by a unanimous vote of:
Aye k Nay 0
On motion of James Thornton and seconded by Ronald 0. Hanson,
ORBINANCE #^87 was read by title only and was passed for second
reading by a unanimous vote of:
Aye U- Hay 0
Upon motion of Ronald 0. Hanson and seconded by Raymond Holliday,
ORDINANCE #lj.67 was read in its entirety for the third time and was
passed by a unanimous vote of:
Aye Ij. Nay 0
The Council then went on to other business and was late duly
lated this 10th day of October, 1967
ATTEST: -—-—_
L. E. Paull
Nettie B. Glasser
City Recorder ProTem
The Common Council of the City of Reedsport met in regular
session at the Reedsport City Hall, Reedsport, Oregon, on the 9th
day of October, 1967, and there were present the following council
members: Leon Paull, James Thornton, Ronald O. Hanson and Raymond
Holliday- Absent were councilmenr Clifford Furlott, Robert Lewis
and Mayor Hurlocker. - ^
The first order of business was the consideration of
Ordinance No. 487 concerning the ratification of certain action of
the Council members pertaining to the bond issue for the Dike Con
struction Bonds. After discussion by the City Attorney, Ordinance
No. 487 was read in its entirety for the first time and upon motion
by James Thornton and seconded by Ronald 0. Hanson was passed by
the Council by a unanimous vote of:
Aye __4_ Nay __0_
On motion of James Thornton and seconded by Ronald 0. Hanson,
Ordinance No. 487 was read by title only and was passed for second
reading by a unanimous vote of:
Aye 4 Nay 0
Upon motion of Ronald O. Hanson and seconded by Raymond
Holliday Ordinance No. 487 was read in its entirety for the third
time and was passed by a unanimous vote of:
Aye 4' Nay
The Council then went on to other business and was later
duly adjourned.
DATED this 10th day of October, 1967.
President of the Common Council
City Recorder Pro Tem
OCTOBER 16, 1967, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting waa called to order by the Mayor, with all the Councilmen
present! James Thornton, Hay Holllday, L. E, Paull, Ronald 0.
Hanson, C. B. Purlott, and Dr. Robert Lewis,
City Attorney, William Jayne, read ORDINANCE #1|.86, ratifying and
affirming passage of Ordinance #1^.82 and #1|.83 for Dike Construction
Bonds, for the first time.
Br. Lewis moved Ordinance be adopted, seconded by L. E. Paull, and
^as sed unanimously.
Mr, Jayne read ORBINANCE #14.88 for the second time, by title only,
Ronald 0. Hanson moved for adoption, seconded by Br. Lewis, and
passed unanimously.
Mr. Jayne read ORBINANCE #14.88 for the third time, in full.
C. D. Purlott moved for adoption, seconded by Dr. Lewis and passed
ORBINANCE #l|.89, adopting State Pire Code was read by Mr. Jayne in
full for the first time,
Dr, Lewis moved for adoption, seconded by Ray Hoiliday, and passed
ORBINANCE #i(.69 read for the second time, by title only,
Ronald 0, Hanson moved for adoption, seconded by C, B, Purlott and
passed unanimously,
ORBINANCE #1|.90, regulating construction and repair of buildings in the
City of Reedsport was read in full by Mr, Jayne for the first time,
James Thornton moved for adoption, seconded by Dr. Lewis, and passed
ORBINANCE #U.90 read for the second time, by title only,
Br. Lewis moved for adoption, seconded by Ray Hoiliday, and passed
Chief Haas introduced Michael Maynard, new policeman,
Mr, Bob Mackenzie, General Telephone Co,, here to discuss telephone
franchise which comes up for renewal early in January, 1968, Three
per cent is now being paid, and waa advised that is a higher rate
was demanded, it would be charged back to the users.
After much discussion, a copy of proposed ftoanchise left for review,
Mr, Johnson announced that the annual League of Oregon Cities
Convention will be held in Portland, November 12th through the
li4.th. Please let him know this week if you plan to attend,
W, D. Palmer was here to protest a water bill charged to him becauses^
one of his tenants did not pay.
Mr. Johnson explained that we cannot charge a deposit such as PUB
and telephone co. require, and the property owner, by our ordinance,
is responsible for the bill if it is not paid by the tenant.
The Council stated that he had their sympathy but could not set
a precedent,
ORBINANCE #14.89 read in full for the third time, adopting the State
Pire Code,
Ray Hoiliday moved for adoption, seconded by Thornton, and passed
BP. Lewia moved for adoption, seconded by Thornton, and passed
Ronald Hanson asked if Jack Sullivan needed special permission to pour
a sidewalk across an alley.
Mr. Johnson informed him that it T^ttst had to meet specifications.
The scouts want to use the Community Building April 26th and 27th, for
a Skill Show.
After much discussion, did not feel once a week necessary; left to
committee to handle.
it was the Chief's job if he wanted it done.
L.«,r fro. tt. Oorp; S'SwjS SimlSI'iL'SSr.Sa
cSntactefal yet on the estimate on the Platiron.
Mayor Hurlocker stated whether or not the Port Interested is the . Si ««naiHfii.fltlon Prom results of new survey, very unlikely tnat fort will be interested. If any change is ^
will have to go to higher authority for justification.
Port to be contacted and told decision is needed.
James Thornton, L. E. Paull, RoBld 0. Hanson on committee to check
on Hansen and Johnson property easements.
reports that Cornell, Howland, Hayes, and Merrvfield
tomLr^:! thi ?reaS"la"t
^do*epsKnootodb!e®lieXve! HthaenysonareL%be^icnogmopvaeirrcehfraargteLd."VdlttTe^ and ^
^;n'?fjurto ah': tLrt\efIL°r"elng"ovL:ha%^^ 1
Mel®Brl?rn."|lnerar®M8nagerf ''nsy.er; also meet with
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund
League of Oregon Cities
umpqua National Bank
P^ank Robert Angel
Umpqua National Bank
Payroll fund
A & C Janitor
Baker*a Saw Shop
Berg^ & Wally»3
Bay Pavers
Bradbury & Assoc.
Sewer Res. Fund
Chapman Bros
Coast Comm., Co.
Pipe Equipment Co.
Barren P. Jolley Jr.
Jim's Umpqua Srug
Industrial Iron Works
Radio KHAP
Melville Plumbing
Meier Chev-Buick
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
National League of Cities
City of North Bend
Pennsalt Chem. Corp.
Paramount Pest Control
Reeaport Auto Parts
Reedsport Pire Dept.
Reedsport Logging Sup,
Ross' Flowers & Gifts
Reedsport Motor Prt.
Reedsport Repair Shop
Reedsport Ins. Service
Reedsport Ins. Service
Shell Oil Co.
State Comp. ©ept.
Ivar A. Stavig
Skylark Cafe
Oregon State Highway
Stults, Jayne & Murphy
Stults, Jayne & Murphy
Prank L. Taylor
Taylor Hardware
Thompson Pord Sales
Meeting adjourned,
TT"j. jghnson
City Recorder
39. Oil.
Lincoln Swain, Postmaster 200.00
Umpqua River Navigation 255.50
Union Oil Co. 2i|.5.5lj.
Utilities Supply Co. 14-03.13
Umpqua Rental & Supply 22.25
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 261.^7
Raymond Hass 60.00
Michael J. Lanegan 60,00
©arrel P. Jolley, Jr. 60.00
Charles R. Marone 60.00
Eugene Thomas 60.00
General Telephone Co. 136.35
C. B. Washington 217.38
Paui ill. Hurl^^ker^^M^or
Nettie B. Glasser, Re^rding Sec*y,
•» •
WHEREAS, in the development of the city of there
have "been enacted over a period of years many ordinaiices imcn, by reason
of the passage of time, are obsolete, or which, by reason of subsequent
state statutes and constitutional provisions, are now invalid, or which
duplicate or conflict with previously enacted ordinances, resulting in a
confusion of city records; and
WHEREAS, it is the belief of the common coiuicil that a systematic
con^jilation of the city's ordinances is botli desirable and necessary so
that city officials and employes, as well as attorneys and citizens,
shall at all times have ready access to the existing ordinances of the
city; and
WHEREAS, the preparation of an ordinance compilation involving the
elimination of all obsolete, invalid, and conflicting ordinances and the
classification of all general and valid ordinances is a technical and timeconsuming
task beyond the scope of work of the present regular officers eind
employes of the city; and
WHEREAS, the League of Oregon Cities, in its effort to promote better
municipal government, has developed a procedure for the compilation of
ordinances; now, therefore,
BE IT RISOLVED, that the city of Reedaport hereby
authorizes and requests the League of Oregon Cities to compile the ordi
nances of the city of Reedaport , and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the city of Rftftdapo-pt:
hereby authorizes payment to the League of Oregon Cities of a sum not to
exceed^ $ 2g800o00 for personal services and supplies to carry out the
ordinance compilation work.
Approved by the city of Reedaport this f,th day
of ^ZNovember , 19 6?
^4 d-d^
NOVEMBER 6, 196?, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
Council members present: Br. Robert Lewis, Ronald 0. Hanson, C. B.
Purlott, Ray Holliday, and L. E. Paull. James Thornton absent.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
Hanberg and Williamson, Certified Public Accountants, presented
the 1966-67 Audit for the Council's approval.
WATER-US Plywood water users rate discussed. L. E. Paull stated
that Mapleton and Reedsport water rates are approximately the same;
is the 60^ sewer-users charge that makes the bill high.
Mayor Hurlocker stated.that he did not believe the 60^ figure should
be changed, but believe a limit should be set, maximum of $100.00
per month.
After some discussion, L. E. Paull moved that amend ordinance to
limit sewer users fees on metered water users to $100.00 per month.
Seconded by Holliday, unanimous ballot cast.
Mri Johnson to send corrected bills for last 2 months.
STREETS & SEWER-Dr. Lewis questioned what had been done on the paving
of Rowe St.?
Mr. Johnson informed him that the price had been given to the owners of
the property on Rowe St. and nothing had materialized.
Would cost around $li|..00 a running foot for curbs, sidewalks, and
Charles Letts had complained to Ray Holliday about the condition of
Cedar Ave.
It was an alley, made into a street. Needs to be brought up to
meet specifications or paved.
Dr. Lewis asked whether or not the City intended to pave the
strip widened on Bowman Road?
Mr. Johnson stated they intend to finish other side next Spring, but
paving would be up to property owners.
i Cliff Purlott presented a request from the Pire Department, that the
Elm and Crestview Hill stop signs be reversed. Several of the
firemen use Elm Ave. when going to a fire.
Mr. Johnson believes they are as they should be.
BUILDINGS, PLAYGROUND AND LIGHTS-Pive or six people have commented
on LeRoy Chenoweth's boat building and the house moved in across
from the Community Building, whether or not they meet building code.
LeRoy Chenoweth's permit is for a temporary building for a year,
other house okay.
POLICE-Mr. Purlott stated that Chief Hass has received severeal
letters and comments favorable on patrolling since the new man
had been hired.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Jayne read a Resolution authorizing the '
compilation of the Ordinances of the City of Reedsport by the
League of Oregon Cities, at cost of between $2,000 and $2800,
for 10 to 25 copies.
Paull moved that resolution be adopted,
passed unanimously.
Seconded by Hanson and
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: Annual liquor licenses are up for approval.
Mr. Johnson requested a blanket okay to sign them. Have already been
okayed by the Police Chief.
Holliday moved Mr. Johnson be given okay to sign liquor licenses.
Seconded by Paull and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson requested permission to transfer back to the General
Fund from the Dike Construction Fund outright expenditures used
before Dike Construction Fund monies were received.
Paull so moved, seconded by Furlott, and passed unanimously.
Announced the Annual League of Oregon Cities Convention for November
12, 13, and llj.th, at Portland.
Mayor discussed the Dike situation at the moment.
Corps of Engineers have been informed that the City is about ready to
fulfill our participation. Description on Flatiron property is
needed. Port property is apparently out because of high cost.
Port to meet tomorrow and will take official action.
Mr. Filbert of C, H2, and M will be at the Port meeting tomorrow
to discuss sewage disposal site.
Mr. Hanson and Mr. Paull met with Dan Hansen and Clarence Johnson
about their dike easements. Want to think situation over.
Mr. Jayne to accompany them when they go to see them again.
Everything should be in readiness by December 1st.
When questioned about whether or not the dike monies were still
availalie (government funds), the Mayor said that Dellenbeck had
told him that if the funds had been a Line Item, then they were
still intact. Checking into it.
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund 2300.00
IGJohnson 1|.5.60
League of Oregon Cities 579.69
Nettie B. Glasser 10.20
Petty Cash 5i4-«22
Payroll Fund Q?\\}\ .78
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 135-00
A & C Janitor Service ij^O.OO
American Ins. Assoc. 25.10
Baker*s Saw Shop 51-60
Bay Printers II8.OO
Bay Pavers, Inc. 262.33
Berge & Wally's 6.50
D. L. Courtney 7.50
PUD 1076.18
Coast Sheet Metal 13*50
The Courier II3.I8
Coos Bay Stationery 20.12
State Comp. 198.12
Feenaughty 200.00
General Telephone 116.15
Irwin-Hodson Co. 299.70
Jim's Umpqua Drug 22.30
Melville Plumbing 16.85
Meier-Chev 35-00
City of North Bend 23.00
Nat»|. Iplice Chififs 7.50
101 Service 26.i|.0
OK Tire Stores 732.1;.6
Pacific Pumping Co. 1^8.50
PERS k25.2k
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Rdspt Fire Dept. 1|.66.00
Rdspt Logging Supply 22.56
Rdspt Auto Parts 52.82
Rdspt Motor Frt. 3.50
Ross' Florisjts 9.60
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50
Shuler, Rankin, Myers
and Walsh 500.00
Stults, Jayne, & Murphy2100.00
Thompson Ford Sales 163.OO
Taylord Hardware 22.26
Umpqua River Navig. i|-0.25
Union Oil Co. 103.56
Utilities Supply 105.99
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 202.55
C. D. Walahington 235.5-6
Waterworks Supplies 101.82
Wallace & Tiernan Inc.
Spacial Sewer Reserve Fund
Meeting adjourned,
1. 6. John^cm, Ulty Recorder
Paul Hurlocker, Mayor
I&ttie B. Glasser, Recording
8:00 P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
Council members present: Ronald 0. Hanson, C. D. Purlott, Jamea
Thornton, Dr. Robert Lewis, and L. E. Paull.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
TELEPHONE COMPANY PRANCHISE: City Attorney has written Mr. Mackenzie,
manager, requesting that certain items be included in the new fran
chise. As yet, has had no answer.
Mayor tabled acceptance of franchise until Mr. Mackenzie is heard
1. Union Oil Co.: Regular gas, $.220$ per gallon
Puel Oil, $.118 per gallon
2. Standard Oil Co.: Gas, $.2225
Puel Oil, $.1221
3. Shell Oil Co.: gas, $.2279
Puel Oil, $.123
L. E. Padll moved accept low bid, seconded by James Thornton.
Union Oil Co. low bidder on both gas and fuel oil.
Passed unanimously.
Letter from Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, and Merryfield concerning
treatment plant. Is of prime importance that creamery be excluded
due to the extra cost of handling the whey and buttermilk if allowed
to dump into sewage treatment plant. That the creamery would have
to be charged at least $7300 a year for sewage charge, if allowed, and
would cost an extra $50,000 for the plant itself to handle this
waste material.
After some discussion as to other types of plants that should not
be allowed to dump into treatment plant and different ways to handle
situation. Dr. Lewis moved that the creamery and such other plants
not be allowed by Ordinance to use the sanitary plant for dumping
waters, that would be detrimental to its working efficiently.
Seconded by Hanson and passed unanimously.
Bill Jayne to write Reedsport Creamery letter.
PETITION POR ZONE CHANGE: 1 parcel of property, old wrecking yard
at 9th and Winchester Ave. Is now Residential Zone, request be
changed to business zone.
Moved by Purlott to refer to Planning Commission for their recommendation.
Seconded by Lewis, and passed unanimously.
PTWANGE-Lewis* Mr. Ashby, Urban Renewal Administrator, has complained t^Dr Le^!s! tha^ in a bill and had not been reimbursed.
Mr. Johnson stated that if this was money for the League of Oregon
Cities Convention, this was first meeting we have had.
Also Mr. Ashby had asked if a slush fund had been set up
Urban Renewal Agency by the City to take of expenditur
not be reconciled through the Federal Funds? ^
This was discussed at an Urban Renewal meeting, but never at a |
Council meeting, and was not set up. |
WATER-Steve Laam has requested water be piped from a spring to the
dog pound and also to be used for plants he has started there.
Council authorized Mr. Johnson to take care of it.
STREET &SEWER: Mr. Johnson stated that as soon as mix is available,
holes in the streets will be repaired.
Mr, Hanson reported that the people who park their car by their house
at 360 'EE.Railroad should be asked to park it off the street, as
ITJILBING, PLAYGROUND, &LIGHTS; Methods of getting property owners
to clean UD their property and vacant lots was discussed. City i?t,orney fLiftL orLnaLe we have sufficient if just enforced.
Council feels now is a good time to encourage property owners to
clean up their property.
Mayor discussed thia along with the Federal Projects such as the
Workable Program, Nei^borhood Analysis. No building inspections
have been made as yet.
The Workable Program has $ years to be carried out. Nei^borhood
Analysis and luilding Inspections are part of this. To have the
program renewed each year, building inspections must be made.
POLICE: none
FIRE: Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau getting concerned over
number of empty buildings. Old Eagles Hall, Courier, Machine
Shop, and 2nd hand store objects of discussion.
Rubble on water front property discussed. Fire Department does
not want to burn. Other places when buildings are torn down,
they are hauled away, Mr. Thornted stated. 1.
Mr. Jayne to check ordinance, maybe City Building Inspector can
inspect and save expense of engineer for condemnations. Mr.
Jayne to give report at next meeting.
In August 7. 1967 minutes, Thornton was to inform the fire depart- m^t tSey were to burn th^ rubble across from the Waterfront Tavern.
Hanson moved motion be rescinded on burning of rubble for Jim BeWitte
(August 7, 1967 meeting). Seconded and passed unanimously.
can send notice for removal, than City clean, bill against property
owners, way Ordinance reads.
BuildlBB Inspector to check on property and make reports.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Maps from Corps of Engineers for
Highway #38 sent to State Highway Engineers. Picked up two or three
easements in last month. There may be a couple of condemnations.
J2/11/67 243
Mr. Johnson talked with Bill Taylor, Corps of Engineering, processing
Platiron description.
State Highway Bept. asked for breakdown on Schofield Bridge as per
dike. Maps to come to be sent to the State Highway Bept.
Mr, Johnson informed the Council that a section of the dike by the
Schofield Bridge went out on one of the high tides. ' Sandbagged, and
put in about 125 yards of rock.
Dike Committee, Thornton, Paull, Hanson, met with Clarence Johnson
and Dan Hansen, about easements. Think they are through with their
disucssions, now ap to Bill Jayne.
Mr. Jayne said that the dike can still be built, if condemnations are
filed on the property for the easements they can't get. As soon as
Platiron easement is straightened out, then will put pressure on
Discussion of the Sewer Treatment Plant: State has put us on the bottom
of the list for funds, so do not feel we will be pused, Mr. Jayne
informed the Council that the City has filed a permit for disposal of
waste until we can get our system built. Boes not forsee any trouble wilbh
the State Sanitary Bept. yet.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Hanberg & Williamson 650.00
I. G. Johnson 200.00
Payroll fund 2300.00
League of Oregon Cities 600.13
John Clifford Snider 100.00
Sheriff & Tax Collector 135.2?
Reedsport Grade School 167.20
Union High School IT-13 l52.l8
SWOC lf2.99
Lower Umpqua Hospital 39.5I|-
A & C Janitor Service l|.0.00
Berge & Wally's 8.26
Baker's Saw Shop 6.20
Bay Pavers, Inc. 1<.7.79
PUD 1158.66
Coos Bay Stationery 11,1|.0
D. L. Courtney, M.D. 30.00
George P. Cake Co. 23.70
Congress Hotel 814..00
Harold M. Due 35-00
Del Chemical Corp. 888.7l|.
Pyr -Pyt er 61|i|.. 20
General Telephone II4.2.IO
Hansen Electric Go. li.7.00
Portland Hilton 55.10
Jim's Umpqua Brug 22.50
League of Oregon Cities 76.00
Melville Plumbing i|-5-90
MuniChem Corp. 212.00
Meier Chev-Buick
OK Tire Stores 12o.62
Oregon Pire Chiefs' Assoc.
E. L. Burgess 15.00
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 60.75
PERS 1^26.26
Rdspt Logging Supply 10.50
Ross' Plorists 14-9.25
Rdspt Pire Dept. 1|.10.00
Rdspt Auto Parts 52.88
Sewer Reserve Savings 3582.81
City of North Bend 23.00
Meeting adjourned.
I. 6.^ JoiinacMS City Recorder
Rdspt Repair Shop 129
State Comp. Dept. 208
Oregon State Highway 58
Sherwood Shell Service 2l|.l
Ivar Stavig 112,50
Shell Oil Co. 172
Division of Audits 30
Thompson Pord Sales 1
Taylor Hardware ''103
Union Oil Co. ll|.8
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 5li2
Umpqua River Navigation 139
Umpqua Rental & Supply l5
Norvin Ashby 106
Paul L. Hurlocker 63
Paul L, Hurlocker, Mayor
w hi /I ", a leu ".Y
MONDAY, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
members present: Ronald 0. Hanson, C, D. Purlott, Raymond Holliday,
James Thornton, Dr. Robert Lewis, and L. E. Paull.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
TELEPHONE CO. PRANCHISE-previously tabled, now read by City Attorney
for the first time, ORDINANCE #1^.91, for council*s approval.
Moved that ORDINANCE #1|.91 be adopted; seconded and passed unanimously.
STREET & SEWER-a request from Kenneth Kent to connect to Outfall Line i
belonging to City for basement use for Lot 6, Block 6, Porest Hills
#2 addition.
Mr. Johnson believes this is a matter for the City Attorney, and
recommend if he is allowed to do so, he be required to hook into a
manhole, and that he use Johns-Manville (transite) pipe. This
Outfall Line is on property donated to the City by International
Paper for the park, but retained as an easement.
Bill Jayne to check into a release from IP.
Clifford Purlott moved if okay by International Paper, connection be
put in according to Mr. Johnson*s specifications.
seconded by Hanson and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson informed the council of the receipt of a temporary sewer
discharge permit from the Sttite which allows dumping of sewage into the
river. Expires 5/31/68.
A letter has been received from Cornell, Rowlands, Hayes, and Merryfield
stating that the plans for the City*3 Seage Disposal Plant have been
sent to the State for their approval. Letter mentions completion date
of I|./20/68, but believe means construction would start then.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, AND LIGHTS-Mr. Paull brough to the Council's
attention that there is no place on the waterfront to tie up a private
Mayor stated that this would be something to work on. There is to be
a Park meeting Tuesday in Roseburg to review programs available for
recreation. Mayor appointed L. E. Paull to look into this.
Request for the Scouts to use the Community Building, April 27th,
1968, for a Skill Show granted. O
POLICE-Letter read from Glen Urie, Lt. of the Police Reserves, giving
a resume of the reserves activities for the past year.
PIRE-LeRoy Chenoweth resigned as Pire Chief; Thornton introduced
Zack Turner as the new chief.
Moved that Mayor appoint Zack Turner as the new chief, seconded, and
passed unanimously.
Mayor also commended the Pire Department on their excellent work.
Chief Turner made a short speech thanking the City of the appointment
and offering the departments cooperation.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Jayne read ORDINANCE #U91, telephone
franchise, for the second time, by title only.
Purlott moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Paull, passed Aye 5,
Nay 1, Thornton (poor service readon for negative vote).
Third and final reading of ORDINANCE #i|.91, telephone franchise,
by title only.
Hanson moved Ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Dr. Lewis.
Motion passed A^e 5, Nay 1, Thornton.
City Attorney reported there would be some hearings on the condemnations
at the February meeting.
Mayor believes there should be 2 meetings a month for several months
to keep up with the work ahead. Would be best to just recess the
^ regular meeting instead of calling a special. Mayor stated that he
would appoint his committees at the meeting on the 22nd.
Mr. Hanson woikld like a committee appointed that would look into= the
advantages and the disadvantages of a City Manager typo government.
Mr. Jayne stated that the Charter would have to be changed by election
to another type of government for City Manager.
Mayor appointed Dr. Lewis Chairman, with Ronald 0. Hanson, and L. E.
Paull to check on this.
Mr. Jayne has written Southern Pacific to set up meeting pertaining
to the dike, has received no answer as yet. Lillebo's have easement?,
and all indications are that they will be signed. Also letters to
Hansen and Johnson have been written. Several more easements have
been signed.
A meeting with Dan Hansen and Clarence Johnson has been set up for
Sunday at 1:00 P.M. by Mr. Jayne.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: a year end report was presented by Mr. Johnson.
Reported that a relay in the surface pump had been replaced. Pump only
out of service 3 days. Tidegates renewed, and in good shape. Building
Inspector doing fine, going to school and attending meetings.
A1 Clinton, Leach, Building Inspector, reported on the meetings he
has attended and asked the council how deep into this building
inspecting they wanted to go?
Mayor stated that we have to have a building inspector working and
showing results of inspections to keep our workable program active.
Also needed for Neighborhood Analysis.
Mr. Johnson informed the council that if Mr. Leach is to do this
job full time, they will need another man to replace him; also a
tax base increase. We already have a policeman's wages coming out of
the Emergency Fund.
^ Finance Committee to look into going for a Tax Base Increase for General
Election in May. Departments are to submit 1968-69 budgets to the
Finance Committee right away so committee can make recommendation to the
Letter from Mr. Ashby was read with idea for a contest naming our area.
Mayor and Paull on committee. No action taken at this time.
Mr. Ashby reported that the Urban Renewal Agency had their Annual
meeting today. Hurlocker reappointed Chairman and Paull reappointed
Foreman's report passed to council members.
Following bills okayed for payment;
Payroll fund 2300.00
League of Oregon Cities 600.13
James Wm. Byers kO.OO
Raymond Hass 60.00
Payroll fund 8819.92
Michael J. Lanegan 60.00
Eugene Thomas 60.00
Darrell P. Jolley, Jr. 60.00
Michael D. Maynard 60.00
A & C Janitor ij.0.00
Blinkhorn Assoc. 250.00
Berge & Wally*s
Baker*s Saw Shop 2.10
PUD iiMxaa 1180.88
Sewer Reserve Fund 3186.10
Coos Bay Stationery 26.35
Courier 5»10
Douglas County Jail 186.00
Harlan, Gessford,
Erichsen 1^0.00
Fire Equipment Co. 27.85
General Telephone Co. 133.7?
P. L. Hurlocker 191.00
Henderson's Grocery 126.68
Hansen Electric 1+3.63
Jim*s Umpqua Drug l5.^3
A1 Clinton Leach 15.00
League of Oregon Cities 10.00
Melville Plumbing 5^.82
Robert Miniers 16.25
Meier Chev-Buick 6.i^.5
Oregon Fire Chiefs Assoc.10.00
Office State Forester 95-81
Oregon State Highway 22,ll\.
City of North Band 23.00
101 Service l.^O
Petty Ciash 50.22
PERS 322. i|5
Pennsalt Chemicals 60.75
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Rdspt Motor Freight 3U»03
Meeting recessed until January 22, 1968, at 8:00 P.M.
ihnson. City Recorder
Rdspt Logging Supply
Rdspt Auto Parts
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Rdspt Auto Wreckers
Ross* Flowers
Sherwood*s Shell
Ivar A. Stavig
State Comp. Dept.
Taylor Hardware
Thompson Ford Sales
Umpqua River Navigation
Umpqua Industrial Sup.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
D. L. Courtney, M.D.
Union Oil Co.
J. D. Williamson
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettle Glasser,"Recording Sec»y.
8:00 P.M.
Mayor reconvened the meeting of the council from the January 8th
recess with the following council members present: L. E. Paull,
Dr. Robert Lewis, Ronald 0. Hanson, James Thornton, C. D. Purlott,
with Ray Holliday absent.
Mayor had letter from the State Tax Commission notifying the City
that there would be no representatives from their office here to
help with the filing of State Tax Returns this year, due to a cut
in traveling expenses. Sent list to post of where they will be.
As yet, there is no answer from the Southern Pacific Co. setting up
a meeting to discuss dike easements. No other easements have been
Nothing yet from the Corps of Engineers on the acceptance of the
Platiron in the dike project.
Mr. Johnson and William Jayne met with Lillebo to discuss easement
on Platiron. Until project has been approved, do not expect easement
to be signed.
Mayor announced that he was not going to make his appointments until
the Pebruary meeting; had been unable to contact all his committees.
Did open nominations for President of the Council. L. E. Paull reelected
by acclamation.
Purther appointments were made:
City Recorder-I. G. Johnson; Water Commissioner, Arthur L. Tollefson;
Police Chief, Ray Hass, Pire Chief, Zack Turner; City Attorney, William
Jayne; Health Officer, Dr. D. L. Courtney; Civil Defense, Curtis Baker.
Council Committees same as in year 1967» with addition of James Thornton
to Police Committee.
Discussion of the next meeting falling on Lincoln*s birthday.
Meeting to be held.
Planners on Urban Renewal to be here Pebruary 5th. Mayor feels
Council, Planning Commission, Pire Chief, Police Chief, and Citizens'
Advisory Committee should all be notified and requested to attend.
Gerald Chirrick, new policeman, introduced to the Council by Chief Hass.
Dr. Lewis, Ronald 0. Hanson, and L. E. Paull made a report on the
feasibility of City-Mgr. type government for Reedsport.
^ Letter was read by Dr. Lewis stating reasons for the recommendation that
a new charter be submitted to a vote of the people in the general election
to change our city government to a Council-Manager or City Manager form
of government.
Also stated in the letter was the fact that adopting this form of
government has been under discussion among the council members for over
a year and we have all been in favor of a change.
When questioned by Dawn Peseau, The World correspondent, as to where
this has been under discussion, was told that it had not been discussed
in public until last council meeting when committee was appointed; had
been discussed at coffee breaks.
Also informed that charter must be changed, still in planning stage;
funds must be available, then advertise for man. No one man in mind,
should be a well-trained individual.
Peseau then questioned whether or not effective action can be taken until
charter has been changed?
Was informed that Council could hire a City Manager at this time, but
the way the charter reads, could not be given the responaibilities that
a City Manager type government would require.
Mayor stated that at this time funds are aot available for a City
Mr. Johnson stated that if you*re going to go for a City Manager
type government, at least go for a tax base increase for money for
something for him to work with. Brought to the Council*s attention
the commitments the City already has for the next fiscal year,
amounting to over $16,000.
Mr. Paull would like to see the Council as a committee to act on ^
changing the charter.
Dr. Lewis felt a smaller committee would be easier to get together
but felt they should all set in if they want.
Mr. Johnson stated that the charter could be amended by a vote of the
people, but to make a wt^ole new charter would take a lot of study.
After more discussion, Paull moved that a City Mgr. type charter be
submitted to the people at the May election. Seconded by Purlott,
and passed unanimously.
PETITION for zone change on the Old Arthur Wrecking Yard from
Residential #1 to Zone 3, Business has been okayed by the Planning
Is now a non-conforming use, Mr. Johnson recommends that if zone is
changed, should be whole block, not just 2 lots as petition requests.
After discussion, Thornton moved this be tabled until February meeting.
Died for lack of motion, but Mayor tabled it until next meeting.
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Paull attended a meeting in Roseburg to discuss
possibility of a dock on the waterfront for the boats to use; at
present all is private property.
A letter thanking Mr. Johnson for attending the meeting and his interest
in community development was received from Tom Keel, Douglas County
Liason Officer between the County and State for recreational funds.
At present there is $19,000 available. Last year the amount of $1$,000
went entirely to the City of Roseburg, for installation of a sprinkling
system in the park. This is only half finished; word has been received
that their project is approved, so the $19,000 will be used to finish
this project. They expect to receive approximately $21,000 next jear.
Applications should be sent as soon as possible, as deadline is 3/15/68.
Suggested that we put in for the 69-70 budget; have to be able ^
to match funds; might be a good way to get our park. j
Was mentioned that Steve Laam wanted a riding mower.
Announced that a representative from Small Business Administration
will be here to meet with the business people to be affected by
Urban Renewal.
Zack Turner asked if the Building Inspector could make fire inspections.
Some discussion, was: held; Mayor believes this could be worked out.
Meeting adjourned.
Pain L. Hurlocke'r, Mayor
hnson :tie B. Glasser, Recording
PEBRUARY12, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with the following
Council members present: James Thornton, L. E. Paull, C. D. Purlott,
Ronald 0. Hanson, with Ray Holliday and Dr. Robert Lewis coming in
Mayor appointed Cliff Purlott and L. E. Paull to okay bills for
^ Minutes of previous meeting approved,
PETITION FOR ZONE CHANGE tabled from last meeting-old Arthur wrecking
yard from Residential #1 to Zone #3, Business. Planning Commission
recommended change.
Paull moved zone changed be granted as Planning Commission recommended.
Seconded by Hanson. Passed Aye-3» No-1, Thornton.
Mayor introduced John Filbert from Cornell, Howland, Hayes, and Merryfield
who had been down all day with another man at the Sewage Disposal
Site. Status at this time, complete; April 20th, deadline on HUD
financing. Construction will not be underway, if waiting for Federal
and State funds until Pall of 1969.
Money is allocated on basis of need, financing, and planning. As you
complete final planning, you move up on the list.
First estimate for entire package was approximately $378,000; now
about $14.00,000 tctal around $500,000. Constructions costs are up
Some changes have been made. In 1961). Qtsly p'rfelimlnWy^
was needed; now require secondary treatment.
Plant has been increased about 35^ in organic capacity.
Mr. Jayne asked Mr. Filbert what was being done with creameries in
other places. He stated that Tillamook has a condenser for the whey,
but haul the buttermile away. Is not very practical.
The plant itself will be on fill. Ground must be weighted down. In
order to get water through plant, must be above the river.
will Within another month, will have plans, will be'down again. There/be
one building 30 feet square with roof somewhat like the bank.
his wife to take over.
Thornton moved transfer be okayed; seconded by Paull, and passed
WATER-change of rate for. Colonial Apts. has been requested. To report
at meeting on the 26th.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, AND LIGHTS-Mr. Paull read a letter from a fraternity
in Corvallis requesting the rental of the Community Building for a
private party in May.
After some discussion. Council directed Mr, Johnson to write letter
refusing request,
POLICE-Mr. Purlott announced that the police department have a
tentative budget prepared.
Steve Laam was here requesting a change in the policy set on dogs.
After some, discussion, was decided to stay with the policy set a
few months ago, which is:
1. Dogcatcher can only investigate dog complaints routed through
the police station and duly noted.there.
2. No patrolling by Pogcatcher.
3. First complaints are investigated and
a. if dog found in violation, may be picked up
b. if not found in violation, owners should be notified of
complaint fl
c. if found in violation, but cannot be picked up, the violation 1
should be noted at station and owners notified,
1|.. If 2 violations are verified on same dog, a citation will be
issued to the owners,
5. If owners fail to appear for citation, a warrant for immediate
arrest will be issued.
Papers are to be asked to run dog policy again.
PIRE-Pire Chief announced that Clinton Leach had been doing some
fire inspecting, and has been making the people fire conscious.
Also hydrant by Lillebo®s Construction is broken. Needs fixed, short of
water by bulk tanks.
Mr. Johnson said another hydrant can be installed.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: There are 8 buildings in the City to be
inspected prior to condemnation precedings. One house on Laurel
Pire Department can burn. Also 2 garages to be inspected.
Clinton Leach, building inspector. Bill Jayne, City Attorney,
and Zack Turner, Pire Chief, to get together.
On the dikes, approval has been granted as far as Portland and Seattle
offices are concerned regarding the Platiron being included, Pinal
approval must come from Washington, D. C, Hope to hear any day,
Lillebo easements signed contingent on Corps approval.
International Paper's easement through City Park. Company did not
intend to keep sewer easement; being looked into.
Bill Taylor, Corps of Engineers, sees no sense meeting with Southern
Pacific until he can satisfy their requests. As far as he understands
all decisions are being made in San Prancisco. ^
As soon as Platiron is approved, believe we are ready to go, stated
Mr. Jayne, not later than middle of March.
As far as the changing of the charter, checked with League of Oregon
Cities; of the opinion, technically could do by Ordinance, but believe
charter should be amended or made over.
By next council meeting, should have model of a charter to look at,
Dr, Lewis believes we should have public meetings to discuss pros and
cons of changing type of government.
Planning Commission to meet tomorrow night.
Letter from Lillebo Construction requestion vacation of all streets
and alleys on the Platiron except l6th St. Will allow more flexible
Moved by Holliday that letter be referred to Planning Commission for
their recommendation. Seconded by Paull and passed unanimously.
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: Mr. Johnson has terrible cold. Mayor Hurlocker
read letter from Chamber of Commerce in Coos Bay, asking for our
cooperation in getting Ocean Beach signs placed in strategic places
on Highway 38, ^2, and Interstate 5. Believes the state is showing
discrimination by having them in some locations but none in our area.
Important to get done before coming tourist season.
j^oved that city cooperate, want consistency in this. Mr. Johnson to
write letter. - Seconded and passed.
Mayor brought up Mr. Ashby's contest to identify this area. Junior
Chamber of Commerce is donating Chamber of Commerce, $25.00,
would like City to donate $2^.00.
Lewis moved that $25.00 be donated; seconded by Purlott, and pass
unanimously. To be sponsored by Chamber of Commerce.
Letter from Housing Development, get Workable Program in order by
adopting Uniform Building Code, 196? ^addition.
To adopt at next meeting, so can get Workable Program re-certified.
Anytime you are getting Federal Funds, must have Workable Program.
^Following bills approved for payment:
Charles R. Marone 60.00
Payroll fund 21^0.00
Adrian Hamrick 100.00
League of Oregon Cities 623.37
Umpqua National Bank 2^0,00
Petty Cash 57.72
Payroll fund 8796.68
Umpqua National Bank 13)t|.0.00
David Roberts 25.00
Keith Wm. Cory 25.00
.Petty Cash
Harley Roth l50.00
Amos Lee Rounds 3^5.00
A & C Janitor Service 1|.0.00
Bay Pavers, Inc. 103.00
Berge &;^Wally*s 68.65
Bay Printers 39.50
PUD 12U5.2i+
Coos Bay Stationery I|..27
Consolidated Supply Co. 3193.52
The Courier I4..OO
The Courier I6I.68
Community Bldg. 38OO.OO
Sewer Res, Savings 3782.09
Del Chemical Corp. 569.25
Fire Equipment Co. 65.25
General Telephone 137.76'^
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
Hansen Electric Co.
Meeting released for two weeks
at 8:00 P.M.
I. G. JohMon
City Recorder
Jim's Umpqua Drug
Kaufmann's Chevron
A1 Clinton Leach
Meier Chev-Buick
F. Morton Pitt Co.
MuniChem Corp
OK Tire Stores
City of North Bend
Oregon Fire Chief's
Pennsalt Chem.
Paramount Pest
Fire Dept.
Repair Shop
Motor Frt.
Rdspt. Logging Supply20.89
Rdspt. Laundry 7.37
Rdspt. Outdoor 2.25
Rdspt Union Service 9.9l|.
Eugene Register-Guardl6.9li
Rdspt. Medical Clinicl2.50
Rdspt. Auto Parts 9k,
Oregon State Bureau
of Labor 35.00
Ivar A. Stavig 112.50
Seacliff 9.50
Seacliff li|..05
00 Kenneth Sherwood ii.35
62 State Comp 208.36
Frank Taylor Hdware 135.29
Thompson Ford Sales 10.80
Union Oil Co. 1171.95
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 214.0.70
Utilities Supply 36QOO
Umpqua River Nav. I68.63
Water & Seiage Wks. 10.00
until the 26th of February,
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
rettie B. Glasser, Recording
AT 8:00 P.M. ^
Meeting was reconvened by Mayor Hurlocker, with L. E. Paull,
Ronald 0. Hanson, C. D. Purlott, and Ray Holliday present.
City Attorney Jayne asked Clinton Leach, Building Inspector, to
give a report on the first of the condemnations, 970 Highway Ave.,
belonging to Melvin Miller.
He stated that the buildings were in very bad shape.
Mr. Miller agreed that the stores were in bad shape, also the n
house, but would like inspector to go over the building that
the Tacklebox had used, to see what could be done to bring it
up to meet specifications. Has a renter for it.
Agreed to tear three of the buildings down.
A time limit of i|.5 days was given Mr. Miller to tear or burn
these buildings down, and Mr. Leach is to meet with him Monday
about the other building.
The Old Courier Office on Greenwood, owned by Mr. Sykes, discussed.
A time limit of 1^5 days was also given Mr. Sykes to dispose of his
Whitcomb garage discussed. Location behind where old West apartments
used to be. Mr. Leach to meet with Mr. Whitcomb on this.
Cristler*s Second Hand Store discussed. Has been listed as condemned
by State Pire Marshall's office for some time.
Mr. Cristler stated that it would take him 1|.5 days just to move the
stuff out of the building. Discussed having an auction if he was
going out of business.
Purlott stated that in Mr. Cristler's case, would like to see what
Urban Renewal is going to do. His is the bnly building on the list
that is occupied.
Purlott moved that Cristler's condemnation be tabled for 30 days;
seconded by Hanson, and passed unanimously.
J'. C. Knight house to be burned by Pire Department. Location,
770 Elm.
Reeds' hearing next council meeting after March 2$, 1968, as they
are out of the country.
Reed &Henderson house, by SP Depot, next meeting after 25th. ^
Shroeder building to be burned 9:00 A.M. Sunday by the Pire
Old Machine Shop, at Ifth and Rainbow Plaza, and Taxi stand
discussed. This building is owned by W. B. Glover and L.
Hanson moved that kS days be given Strong & Glover to remove or burn
this building. Seconded by Paull, passed unanimously.
Harold E. Kruse garage at 3©tii=8e=EXm: Purlott moved be given §.5 days
to removed or burnj seconded by Hanson, passed unanimously.
Chief Zack Turner, of the Pire Department, stated that this was just
the beginning of the condemnations. More to come. Pire Department has
spent^years trying to get a classified rating-finally made it-could lose
it quicker than that.
Dan Kolander, representing a new Teen Club that has just been
formed, asked for the use of the community building for a dance
on the ninth of March. Also asked the council for a volunteer
James Thornton here.
Group has two police officers who v.'ill work the dance; 2 chaperones
and student police.
Mayor stated that if done in a satisfactory manner,.perhaps can be
Also suggested that the PTA might be able to help the group.
After some discussion, Hanson moved that Irving have authority for
letting use of the building on the 9th, if they bring in a suitable
list of chaperones.
Seconded by Holliday and passed unanimously.
Lillebo Construction Co. recommended by the Planning Commission.
Thornton moved streets and alleys requested vacated in Platiron be
vacated. Seconded by Paull, and passed unanimously.
CHARTER tabled till next meeting.
Letter from State Sanitary Authority suggesting preliminary proposed
permit conditions. City invited to submit any comments in writing before
3/15/68. After that date, final proposed conditions will be prepared
and copies forwarded to us.
Friday, March 29, 1968, the Sanitary Authority will take action on
permits containing the final proposed conditions, at a meeting held
in Room 36, State Office Bldg., II4.OO S. W. 5th Ave., Portland, beginning
at 10:00 A.M. Mr. Johnson to attend.
Mayor had a call from the Corps of Engineers, Bill Taylor, stating
thaty they had the final okay from Washington, D. C., to include the
Platiron in the dike project, and that we can expect a letter down here
in about 10 days telling us how much our participation will be. Gave
a rough estimate of $230,000.
Zack Turner requested the use of the City Fire equipment on burning
these condemned buildings. Mr. Thornton believes City should have
control. Mr. Jayne to make up a form contract.
Mr. Johnson told of the main water line break a week ago Monday night.
^ Crew worked until after midnight.
Steve Laam, requested that blacktop, sand, or sawdust be put under the
swings, slides; and merry-go-rounds; that the kids are in mud a food
deep at Triangle Park.
Council against blacktop. Too dangerous. Mr. Johnson to handle.
Mayor announced that the Urban Renewal Agency has not been having
secret meetings; are luncheon meetings held the first Monday after
the fifth of every month.
Mayor appointed Prank L. Taylor and Bill Andrews to the Planning
Commission for l\. year terms.
W. V. Whitcomb would like to get hooked to the city sewer. House is
on Longwood Drive and Maple Drive.
Referred to Street & Sewer Committee for their recommendation.
Next regular meeting March 11, 1968. / /\ ^ //
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
Councilmen presents Ronald 0. Hanson, James Thornton, L. E. Paull,
and Ray Holliday. Dr. Lewis and C. D. Parlott absent.
Mayor anxious to take care of 19^7 Uniform Bldg. Code, 1968 Uniform
Housing Code.
ORDINANCE #i|.92 read for the first time by City Attorney adopting the
1967 edition of the Uniform Building Code as prepared by the Inter
national Conference of Bldg. Officials and such amendments as are
made by said International Conference of Building Officials. Volume ]
I and Volume III of said Uniform Building Code of I967 edition are
hereby incorporated and made a part of this ordinance.
That all ordinances of theCity of Reedsport or parts there-of in con
flict with this Ordinance are hEreby repealed.
Paull moved Ordinance #^^2 be adopted; seconded by Holliday; and
passed Unanimously,
ORDINANCE #1^92 read., byCity Attorney for the second time, by title
Hanson moved ordinance be adopted;;seconded by Paull, and passed unani
Dr. Lewis here,
ORDINANCE #14-92 read for the third time, by title only. Holliday
moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Lewis, and passed unanimously.
Aye 5, Nay 0,
PINANCE-discussed having budget meeting with just council to discuss
budgets turned in by different departments. To have meeting next
Also Charter change combined with budget should be discussed, if tax
ba"se increase is to be requested at primary election.
Pinance committee to make recommendation at next regular meeting.
Paull asked if any change should be made in the new charter about
the number of days for petitions for office to be turned in? Also
when charter is to go into effect. It is 65 days for petitions
for office.
WATER COMMITTEE-Colonial Apartments bill; committee still working
on it. I
STREET & SEWER-Whitcomb sewer connection; problem is his to run line
to City sewer.
Paull stated that he has had complaints about surface water line at
20th & Alder, Mr, Johnson informed him that it was a bubble basin only.
Mr. Robert Jensen has 3 lots Igft across from Collvers, and would
like to dredge a boat basin at the lower edge.
No action taken after some discussion.
Discussed the cleaning up of the underpass from kids painting signs
all over it. Mr. Johnson stated that the City spends about two days
a month painting them out (two men).
To talk to State about putting fence around that area. Cost to City
would be half the total cost.
POLICE-dance the teenagers had was real well attended, and they were
well behaved except for one incident.
Mayor stated that he thought the dance was for the local teenagers
and yet he had had a letter from a man in North Bend that had 500
advertisements for the dance thrown on his lawn. Is not in favor of
importing out of town kids in to the dances.
PIRE-Pire Chief Zack Turner said they were ready for more burning.
Discussed Hayes Burgess pickup being involved in 5 wrecks above the
Schofield Bridge. Request they put no night time parking between
6:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M.
This would just move the cars farther up the street. Mr. Johnson to
talk with the PUD about *putting in another street light.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND & LIGHTS-Mr. Paull says we have less buildings.
Mr. Johnson informed the council that the crew is building a boat to
be used on Clear Lake. They have worn out one of Mr. Johnson*s boats,
now using Clinton Leach*s; time we had one of our own.
Requested permission to buy motor. Approximately $1|00.00 for motor,
life preservers, and tanks.
Hanson moved okay purchase of motor and equipment; seconded by Paull
and passed unanimously.
Clinton Leach discussed the school he attended in Corvallis. Building
Inspection working out real well.
Discussed the TURNKEY METHOD the Douglas County Housing Authority is
putting into action to get their housing for the elderly.
City Attorney said nothing yet has been heard from Southern Pacific
on their dike easement; State okay, he thinks.
Mayor attended a meeting at Tillamook; dealt primarily with the future
of the Oregon Coast. Bill Hardy and Bill Lillebo accompanied the
Advertisements for bids on dike expected 2nd week in May.
Dr. Lewis asked about the possibility of having a gas tank to pump
Ethel gas for the police cars. Peel as committee it should be
Mr. Johnson says they have found by going to the station feel better
care is taken of the cars.
Mr. Hanson asked if Cliff Furlott had resigned as a councilman?
Mayor Hurlocker stated Furlott is going to resign.
Mr. Hanson feels should be acted upon at next council meeting.
Have Checked on OCEAN BEACHES signs on Highways #1|2 and #38. One
on 38 not in very good location.
Mr. Paull reported he had gone through the tunnel with Bert (tunnel
to Clear Lake).
Zack Turner reported that the Southwestern Chief's Assoc. visited the
Pire Department, examed the trucks, checked out the pumping. Have a
little trouble with oldest truck.
Mr. Ashby asked what had been done about getting a public dock on the
waterfront. Was informed that the Port is now interested.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund 2300.00
Mrs Ruth King & Terry II4.3.OO
League of Oregon Cities 591+.95
Stanley Esselstrom 2^.00
Petty Cash 5l.80
I. G, Johnson 58.00
Payroll fund 8364.67
US Postmaster 141|.80
US Postmaster 500.00
Umpqua Nat*l. Bank 8250.00
Oregon Assoc of City
Finance Officers 2.00
A & C Janitor Service ifO.OO
Baker* s Saw Shop I8.OI4.
Bay Printers 17.00
Berge & Wally*s 15.00
PUD 1210.28
Coos Bay Stationery 9.06
PUB 15.9U
The Courier 75.60
Greo. F. Cake Co. 12.50
Fire Equipment Co. i|9.20
General Telephone Co. 115.75
Hinds Supply Co. 7U.10
Roy Henderson 683.70
Int*5-. Conference of
Bldg. Officials 5l.l5
Jim's Umpqua Drug 19.90
K3ufmann*s Chevron Sta. 253.35
Lay's Variety 5.28
Legislative Counsel Comm 7.50
A. C. Leach 109.83
Meter Box Equipment Co. 3^9.91
Geo Melville Plumbing . 18.28
Meeting adjourned,
I. G. J^inson
City Recorder
Meier Chev-Buick 1;6.03
City of North Bend 23.00
Oregon Coast Fire
Extinguisher Serv. 10.50
OK Tire Stores i[9U.83
Paramount Pest Con. 8.00
Reedsport Logging 3.23
Rdspt Auto Parts 22.68
Roaa» 23.36
State Comp. Dept. 215.10
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50
Stults, Jayne & Murphy88.50
901+. 23
Shell Oil Co.
Smith Blair
Sherwood Shell Ser.
Taylor Hardware
Thompson Ford Sales
Zack Turner
Umpqua River Nav.
Union Oil Co.
Paul Hurlocker
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Utilities Supply
Umpqua Nat'l. Bank
Edspt Fire Dept.
Paul L. HulrroSker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
councilmen present: L. E. Paull, Ronald 0. Hanson, James Thornton,
Ray Holliday, and Dr. Robert Lewis.
Description read. by. Mr. Johnson:
The following streets lying and being in the Amended Plat of Railroad
Addition to the Gity of Reedspprt, Douglas County, Oregon:
1. That part of Dogwood Street lying between the South line of Block
117 and the North line of Block ll8. Amended Plat of Railroad
Addition, City of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
2. That part of li|.th, l^th, and 17th Streets lying South of the South
right of way line of Winchester Avenue.
3. That part of Elm Street lying between the South line of Block 9U
and the North line of Block 116 Amended Plat of Railroad Addition,
City of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
I|.. That part of Elm Street lying between the South line of Block 95
and the North line of Block 11$, Amended Plat of Railroad Addition,
City of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
5. That part of Elm Street lying between the Southerly line of Block 96
and the Northerly line of Block lll^.. Amended Plat of Railroad Addition
Gity of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon,
Mayor asked if there were any objections to the vacations?
It was moved that said streets and alleys be vacated; seconded by Holli
day, and carried Aye Nay o.
CONDEMNATION POR REED*S PROPERTY: location-house by Southern Pacific
Depot and old Eagles Hall; also building right next to it (East).
Bill Jayne had phone call from the Reed*s requesting a postponement
until next meeting on the 22nd.
Mr. Thornton believes condemnations on the house by the depot should
proceed. Has been that way for years and they know what it is.
At this time, the old Eagles Hall is being torn down; has also been
sold to Bud Clark. He has requested permission to bring the building
East of the Eagles Hall up to meeting building specifications. This
is to be done within 120 days.
Mr, Thornton also reminded the Council that Mr, Cristler*s 30 days
extension of time had expired on the condemnation of the 2nd hand
Bill Jayne is to write letter, asking for report in 2 weeks.
Dr. Lewis thinks Reed's should be given the two weeks to appear.
Discussed starting condemnation proceedings on the old Chase house
on 2nd and E, Railroad Ave. To be condemned.
Discussion on repairing the City Warehouse, A cement floor and foundation
has been put in the building, but other repairs are needed.
Mayor feels should take good look before rebuilding in that location;
especially if Urban Renewal includes that area.
y page 2,
Mayor referred, tiiis to jthe Planning Coimnission for their suggestion
for the Rainbow Plaza area.
Mayor asked Bud Clark if he had any questions^ but he stated that all
was clarified.
Hearing on Reed property at next meeting, April .22, 1968.
State Penitentiary contacted Chief Hass; have another work release
rpisoner they want to send down to us for about 6 weeks.
Council has already okayed this participation, but Hass believes we should
receive $2.00 er day instead of the $1.00 we have been receiving
for room.
Mayor stated that he is sure that the dollar is all the program is
set up to pay, but Hass can ask when he talks to them.
FINANCE-Dr. Lewis reported that the Council met informally and went
over the budget to decide what was to be put in or taken out. f
Believe should schedule another such meeting, this week to decide what
is to be recommended.
Wednesday night, 8:00 P.M. date set.
Also called PUBLIC MEETING for next Monday night, 8:00 P.M. to discuss
City Manage type government and explain new charter.
L. E. Paull presented a program to the Rotary which Dr. Lewis said
was well received,
WATER-Holliday: introduced Mr. Hugh Smith of the Tacklebox, who
requested cooperation of the City to get coverage in the papers,
namely Eugene Register Guard and the Oregonian, on the good fishing
in our area. Believes that needling the right people would help.
Mayor agrees that we are missing the boat, but our job is government
and it is really the job of the Chamber of Commerce to promote
Chamber at this time is trying to get a fish hatchery,
Norvin Ashby, former resort owner, stated that the City should write
these papers to promote the City,
Mayor feels we have a certain responsibility in this realm, but it
should be a number one service club, or sports club.
Bill Jayne reported than an OCEAN BEACHES sign has been put at the
Sutherlin junction.
Watj&r 1C'iDgimittee is to come up with recommendation for the Colonial
Apt, water bill at the next meeting,
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, AND LIGHTS-Paull: Jensen is still waiting for
council action on the property by Schofield, Hawthorne, and Ivy
/ (river)
Planning Commission did not act on this.
Mr. Jensen should submit plans to the City where he is going to dredge,
because the City could be liable.
Mr. Johnson stated thia is really up to the Port and Corps of Engineers
to giver permission to dredge this area.
Mr. Jayne to check into.
Permission to deepen trough given.
page 3, I4./8/68
This is to be for temporary use only.
Building Inspector brought to the council's attention that no
set regulations have been made on the heighth of fences, and whether
or not they should be put on the property line, or next to the side
Some policy should be set; vision at intersections is expecially
hazardous in some cases.
Mayor referred this to Building, Playground, and Lights Committee for
their recommendation.
POLICE-Purlott: Chief Hass attended a meeting at SWOG in Coos Bay;
they are workin g on plans to train officers; classes to start
this Pall.
FIRE COMMITTEE-wait two weeks till next council meeting.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT-filed condemnation suit today on Dan and Jessie
Hansen property on Juniper.
Mr. Johnson has been working with the Corps; may change some easements.
Expecting letter from State Highway, and havent yet heard from Southern
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT; Contacted PUD about another light across
intersection at end of Schofield Bridge, PUD does not believe another
light would help.
Talked with Mr. Taylor, Corps of Engineers; ready to call for Bids:
May IS, 1968, for the dike.
Has map for poles that PUD will have to move for construction of the
Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, & Merryfield believe they will meet the
I4./20/68 deadline with HUD on the sewer plans.
Mayor met with HUD explaining we may need another extension. Was
assured there will be no problem.
Granted until December, 1969^ right to dump sewage, as is, into the
Umpqua River,
Mr, Ashby, Urban Renewal Administrator, reported there has been
pressure from the merchants downtown on the early acquisition of
property. Have had word directly from Washington, D. C,, and there
will be none.
New allocation to come through July 1st.
Mayor reported that he has Cliff Furlott's resignation from the
Thornton moved that Furlott's resignation be accepted. Seconded by
Paull and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson reported for the benefit of the committee heads the
amount of funds left in the following departments for the
next four months of the budget:
Police Dept. $2910.00 Fire Dept. $3260.00
Budget Members are now: Archie Mustoe, George Marks, Roy Henderson,
Charles Foster, Lincoln Swain, and George Hutter, Hutter and Swain
will go off, two need to be appointed.
Following Bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund 2300.00
Lester Yearous 22.50
Umpqua National Bank
Petty Cash
League of Oregon Cities
Umpqua National Bank
Clarence E. & Hazel
Payroll fund
Umpqua National Bank
I. G. Johnson
A & C Janitor Serv.
Baker*s Saw Shop
Bert Bartow
Bay Printers
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Berge & Wally•s
The Courier
Sewer Reserve Savings
Ray Hass
Charles R. Marone
Darrell P. Jollye, Jr.
Eugene E. Thomas
Gerald G. Chirrick
Bill Winfield
General Fund
D. L. Courtney, M.D.
City of North Bend
Coos Bay Stationery Co.
Fire Equipment Co.
General Telephone
Jim's Umpqua Drug
Kaufmann's Chevron
Meier Chev-Buick
George Melville
Meter Bos Equipment
OK Tire Store
page I4, i|/8/68
I6I4O.OO Oregon Coast Fire Equip
57.22 PERS
623.37 Pennsalt Chemicals
2535.00 F. MolJton Pitt
Purkey Furniture
1500.00 Paramount Pest Control
82I4.9.32 Rdspt Auto Parts
106.25 Rdspt Repair Shop
56.65 Rdspt Logging Supply
1|0.00 Alfred Richardson
115.15 A. C. Leach
3k,15 Rdspt Outdoor Shop
5i|.00 Ivar Stavig
3U.75 Thompson Ford Sales
60.70 Taylor Hardware
1188.36 Union Oil Co.
53.i4-3 Umpqua Bldg. Supply
2937.17 Umpqua Rental & Supply
60.00 Umpqua River Navig.
60.00 Umpqua industrial
60.00 Rdspt Fire Dept.
25i|.;2i' 2\.kl
Meeting recessed until April 22, 1968.
I, GT^JZTohnson
City ifecorder
Paul L. Hurlooker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
22, 1968, 8:30 P.M.
Meetinr^ was re-convened by the Mayor with the following Council
members present: Dr. Robert Lewis, James Thornton, L. E. Paull,
and Ronaid 0. Eanson.
RESOLUTION from Urban Renev/al read for the approval of council to
extend to January 1, 1969, the Urban Renewal Agency in Reedsport,
and raise to $115,017, the approximate total cost to finish work
already started.
Dr. Lewi.s moved resolution be adopted. Seconded by Mr. Hanson, and
passed unanimously.
City Attorney requested the City Charter change to be put on the
Primary Election ballot. May 26, 1968, to become effective 1/1/69,
be reaffirmed.
This brought about quite an extensive discussion as to whether or^
not to put charter change on the ballfct, due to the large in
the budget.
Dr. Lewi.<^ and Mr. Hanson felt the budget should have no effect on the
Charter change, and should be put before the people now.
The Mayor, after studying the budget, is hesitant about it being the
proper tiirie.
Dr. Lewis moved that charter change for City Manager type government
be placed on ballot of primary election. May 28, 1968, with the City
using the same voting places as County has set up. Seconded by Mr,
Paull, and passed unanimously.
During the discussion, Mr. Ashby announced that he was not, and would
not be, at any pricey .-.be applying for the City Manager's job, as was
the scuttlebutt around town.
Also during this ti :e, Mr. Paull expressed concern about sotne notes he
has made for an. article to be written and published in the papers.
Stated that these were only notes, not to be published as they were.
The article was not published,
A letter and plans for the sewage disposal plant from Cornell, Rowland,
Hay-s, and Merryfield have been received. If convenient, Mr. John
Filbert will be he-^e to explain plans and show slides on this tyne
sewage disposal plant. Will be the first of this kind in Oregon.
Letter from, the Corps of Engineers requesting $23^^,070 to be deposited
with them bv May 1, 1968, before dike is advertised for bids. May 15,
Mr. Johnson informed the council of the $750^ interest the dike money
has earned on time deposit for six months.
Mr. Thornton moved the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to send
$230,070 to the Corps at the proper ti-^e. Seconded by Mr. Hanson
and passed unanimously.
Mayor said that the Council had been criticized about dra,gging their
feet on the dike. As of now, is on schedule; project was approved
December, 1966, and if 360 day construction is met, v/ill be ^.ead of
Harold E. Kruse was in and talked with Mr. Johnson about the easement
for the dike on the Judy Apartments. Has requested map showing location
of apartment and distance dike will be from apartment house. He is
worried about access for his tenants.
Mr, Paull moved that this be done. Seconded by Mr. Thornton and passed
Mr. Jayne to call State Highway Department tomorrow as no worfi; at
all has been received from, them on easement.
WATKR COMMITT^^E REPORT: Mr. Hanson stat d that the committee recommends
that apartment houses pay full water bill on each occupied apartment,
with the Building Inspector having the right to inspect at any time for
validity of occupancy.
Mr. Jayne to set up somf^thing in an ordinance to handle this.
Mr. Johnson recommends that steps be taken to appoint a Citizens Committee
to investigate water ordinance. We are only City in the state that
hasn't had a raise in the last 20 years.
The water department is helping run the City and last year was the first
year it was not self-supporting.
Ron Reed was not nresent for the hearing on the condemnation. Mr.
Jayne instructed to proceed with condemnation on old house by the
Mo report from Mr. Cristler on Second Hand Store. Mr. Jayne to request
report at next council meeting.
April 30, 1966, 8:00 P.M. will be first Budget Meeting.
Budget ComTTiittee-George Hutter, Grant Dunn, Lincoln Swain, Roy
Henderson, Charles Foster, and Archie Kustoe.
Mr. Johnson believes Budget Qoimittee should have a meeting before
any action is taken, so the budget will be fully understood.
Mr. •'^'hornton asked about appointing a councilman to replace C. D.
There is .^120,0">0 in the sewer reserve fund, with Mr. Johnson
explaining how the account has been handled. As money is received,
is deposited in the Umpqua National Bank, then onpe a month, is
transferred to a Savings Account at the Pacific Security Bank.
V/hen 010,000 or more is collected, a Certificate of Deposit is
puchased for a year, usually drawing interest.
A letter has been received from the :>tate informing us to figure
on paying the full cost of the sewage disposal plant. The City
has anolied for Federal and State grants, but so far they have
not been ar^proved. Full cost of plant, around ^5^0,000.
i'hornton moved meeting be adjourned.
Mayor adjourned the meeting.
I. '-^./jS^hnson
City recorder
Mayor Paul L. Hurlocker
Nettie B. G-lasser,
Recording Secretary
OP REEDSPORT, APRIL 26, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Mayor called the meeting to order with the following Councilmen
present: Ray Holliday, Ronald 0. Hanson, James Thornton, and L.
E. Paull.
William Jayn, City Attorney, explained that he heeded verification
and authorization on three matters.
1. Explained that the Highway Commission is not going to let us
have the property we need for the dike unless we get them the
right of way they need on the other side of the Highway (County
Shop side).
Has investigated about right of way; County is willing, but
already have half equipment on the State right of way; if they
take 2§ feet more, will have no property left.
Other piece is owned by Hubbard. Called Hubbard about price on
property. It is $7*000.
After discussion, Thornton moved Hubbard property be purchased
at price of $7*000. Seconded by Paull, and passed unanimously.
2. Mr. Jayne has also had many extensive calls with the Southern
Pacific in the last few days.
Army Engineers legal counsel will not lot contract until we have
possession of property.
Authorized Mr, Jayne to write letter to gain Right of Entry.
3* The apartment owned by Mr. Harold E. Kruse will be 6 feet
from the edge of the dike^
Will try to ^et hold of him Monday; if won*t sign, want to file
condemnation same day.
Hanson moved that authorize condemnation if needed. Seconded by
Thornton, and passed unanimously.
About replacement on Council; Mr. Thornton had called Rudy Ruppe
to see if he would take the appointment. Said he would be glad
Thornton moved appoint Rudy Ruppe to fill Furlott^s term. Seconded
by Paull, and passed unanimously.
Mr. Ruppe to be sworn in before the Budget Committee meeting
Tuesday night.
Meeting adjourned.
Paul L. Hurlooker, Mayor
kt^Re^dor Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
APRIL 30, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following Council
members present: Ronald Hanson, Dr. Robert Lewis, L. E. Paull,
Ray Holliday, James Thornton, and newly appointed Rudy Ruppe.
The following Budget Committee members were present: Grant Dunn,
George Hutter, Roy Henderson, Lincoln Swain, and Archie Mustoe.
Charles Foster absent.
Mayor asked if there were any questions on the Budget Message?
Opened motions for a Budget Chairman: Roy Henderson elected by
Opened motions.for a Secretary. Lincoln Swain elected by acclamation..
Chairman Henderson suggested that Mr. Johnson take the budget, item
by item, as done in the past.
When wages for the Police Department discussed, James Thornton
believes Fire Chief and Assistant Chief should be paid according to
wages paid in other Cities, if going to meet competitive wages in
other departments.
Mayor stated that this is still a volunteer fire department, and not
competing because of that fact.
Also Mr, Thornton does not believe the City needs the patrolman that
was hired in October, and his wages should be taken off the budget.
Chairman Henderson explained that this was Council business and not
that of the budget committee. They are there to check and approve
or disapprove the budget presented to them by the City, not the firing
of any help.
As Mr. Johnson went through the budget, questionable items were marked
for further discussion.
Grant Dunn believes if Budget Committee thinks budget is too h|,gh.
Council should cut and present again to the committee for action.
Meeting adjourned until Wednesday night at 8:00 P.M., since did not
feel enough discussion had been held to vote on budget tonight.
G/ JolMson, City Recorder
5 m.
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
Chairman Roy Henderson
Secretary Lincoln Swain
APRIL 30, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Mayor called the meeting to order with Council members L. E. Paull,
Ronald Hanson, Dr. Robert Lewis, Ray Holliday, and James Thornton.
Rudy Ruppe was sworn in as Councilman by I. G. Johnson, City Recorder,
to replace C. D. Purlott, and serve out the rest of his term.
Meeting adjourned.
aul L, Hurlocker, Mayor
rhnson. City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
MAY 1, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Chairman Henderson called the meeting to order with the following
Budget Committee members present: George Hutter, Lincoln Swain,
Grant Dunn, and Archie Mustoe. Charles Foster absent.
Council Members present: -L. E. Paull, Dr. Robert Lewis, Ronald 0.
Hanson, James Thornton, lay Holliday, and Rudy Ruppe.
Chairman Henderson felt that he would like to see new Tax Base set
rather than going for over the 6^ limitation.
Swain moved we accept Police Department budget as proposed. Seconded
by Hutter, and passed by a majority vote.
Mr. Hutter does not feel they are going to be able to cut the budget
enought to do any good; believes it whould be put to the people as is.
Mr. Johnson was asked to explain the bonded indebtedness, also the
amount to be within the 6^ limitation and the amount to be in excess
of the 6^ limitation.
Dike and Jail bonds
Within 6^ limitation
$1.1|8 on the thousand
Excess of 6^ limitation 3.27 oh the thousand
Discussion on cutting budget down in some areas; such as the
recreation; building construction; miscellaneous expense; emergency
fund; and city manager's salary.
Some pro and con discussion on the hiring of a City Manager.
Mr. Mustoe moved that we submit Budget to the people for their
approval less $6000 off the City Manager's salary since it does
or would not go into effect until January 1, 1969 with charter
Motion died for lack of a second. .
After more discussion^ Mr. Swain moved that Budget Committee recommend
to the Council that the Budget be accepted, less $2^00 off Building
Construction, $$000 off Emergency Fund, $2000 off Hydrant rental,
and $$000 off City Manager's Salary, making a total of $15,500 to be
subtracted from the total budget.
Seconded by George Hutter, and passed with a Aye Ij., 1 Opposed (Mustoe)
Meeting adjourned.
I. JoJlnson, City Recorder
[ettie B. Glasser, Recording
Roy Henderson, Chairman
Lincoln Swain, Secretary
Mayor Hurlocker declared the City Council in session, and thanked
the budget committee for their work and consideration of the budget.
Lewis moved we accept Budget Committee's recommendations. Seconded
by Paull and was approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned.
t: , City Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
1968, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following _
Councilmen present: Ronald 0. Hanson, L. E. Paull, Dr. Robert Lewis,
Rudy Ruppe, James Thornton; with Ray Holliday absent.
Minutes of previous meetings approved unanimously.
John Filbert, of Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, and Merryfield, present
slides of the plans for the sewage disposal plant which should be
large enough to serve the City until 1985 or serve a population of
approximately 20,000 people.
There will be applications down to us next week to fill out for State
and Federal funds. The amount beliig applied'fdu is $266,32?.91*
Federal; $133,162.9?, State, with the City matching amount applied
fou from the State. Overall cost estimated to be $538,6$l.o2.
RESOLUTION read by Mr. Johnson to apply for the Federal funds for
the Sewage Disposal Plant.
A letter should accompany application stating our situation.
Paull moved Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Thornton, and passed
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, &LIGHTS-Harvey Peterson had written a letter to
L. E. Paull complaining of the kids playing hard ball in the park across
from hia Outdoor Shop. Has had quite a bit of damage (glass and
other) and noticed how dangerous it is for the small childredn. Be
lieves this should be stopped.
Referred to committee for recommendation in two weeks; in the meantime
a NO HARD BALL sign is to be placed at the park, and patrolmen are to
check and see that it is being obeyed.
After more discussion, Paull moved that sign'be placed at parks
reading NO HARD BALL ALLOWED. Seconded by Hanson, and passed
Paull reported that his committee has had no time to put in on the
fence study, too many budget meetings and other activities.
Mr. Johnson send for Ordinances from the League of Oregon Cities
on fences.
Ihornton asked if the housing inspections were being made and if the
City was going to bring this up to date?
Mr. Leach is to start the inspections in Area 6, recommended by the
Citizens Advisory Committee,
Workable Program will not be re-certified unless Housing Inspections
are started.
Mayor feels letters should be written to persons in area informing them
of the Housing Inspections to be made.
Also announced that May is Fire Prevention and City Cleanup Month.
Scouts would like to help clean up the park again; city to furnish
food as last year.
Hanson requested that the platform be rebuilt so that the Councilmen
can see each other.
Mayor referred this to the Building Committee for recommendation of
FIRE-Zack Turner, Fire Chief, requests 2 more man hours per man during
the months of May, June, July, and August to allow more training.
Cost to the City would be $lj.80 for a full crew. There is plenty of
money left for May, June. If budget passes, will be money for June,
July, and August.
Hanson moved Fire Department be granted right to have extra practices
during summer months. Seconded by Paull and passed unanimously.
Chief Turner also asked about the garbage hauling. Stated that he
! had called Hahn several times and still the garbage at the fire ahll
had not been picked up. Mr. Johnson to call Hahn about this.
CITY ATTORNEY*S REPORT-Paull reported that Mr. Furlott had told him
he would have Second Hand store down in i|5 days.
^r. Jayne will have water ordinance for next meeting.
RESOLUTION read by Bill Jayne for permit of entry agreement with the
State Highway Commission.
Believes Erichsen should be asked for his opinion on some of the
details of the agreement.
Dr. Lewis moved that Mr. Johnson contact Erichsen, Seconded by Ruppe
and okayed unanimously.
"PERMIT OF ENTRY" read by Bill Jayne, stating that drainage is to be
the City's responsibility.
#]\ of agreement-was stated that highway has been subsiding for years,
-means a blank check on drainage.
To ask Erichsen to make report on highway.
Thornton moved resolution be adopted. Seconded by Paull. Passed
Bill Jayne stated that he was in Portland today. Southern Pacific
knows of no reason why we shouldnH get okay on the dike easement
this week.
Check for $230,070 was sent last week to the Corps of Engineers for
City's share of the dike money.-
^ Mr. Johnson informed the council of two different meetings to be
I held. One Thursday, May 9th, on Pollution of Coastal Waters in
j I Newport at 10:00 A.M. As many as possible should attent.
I j
' The other^. May 16, 17, l8th in Eugene, Annual convention Service and
Public affairs.
Mayor stated that the Federal Government has appropriated $96,000 for
airstrip in Winchester Bay. Meeting in Roseburg, Thursday, May 9th .
Discussed the debris still on tJhe site where the Schroeder apts. was
burned. A letter has already been written to Mr. Schroder.i
Following bills okayed for payment:
Treasurer of U. S. 230070.00
State Compensation Dept. 163-73
Dan & Jessie Hansen 3750.00
Payroll Fund 2300.00
Umpqua National Bank 106.25
Holly Hickey 25.00
League of Oregon Cities 596.65
Lincoln Swain, Postmaster 3^»k5
Petty Cash 56.22
I. G. Johnson 59.05
Umpqua National Bank 318.75
Douglas County Title Co. 7000.00
Payroll Fund 8i|.09.10
Umpqua National Bank 9135.00
A & C Janitor [|.0.00
Al's Market 10. ij-O
Bob^s 66 Service 239. 72
Commercial Title Co. 50.00
Berge & Wally's 2,65
Baker's Saw Shop 11.65
Bay Paver's, Inc. 29.03
City of North Bend 23.00
Coast to Coast Stores 6. 98
PUD 1200.85
PUD . 15.^0
.Crazy Otto's i|1.10
Coos Bay Stationery 31.65
Delta Pacific, Inc. 12.00
General Telephone Co. 127.00
Highland Shell Service 2.50
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen 27l|.00
Jim's Umpqua Drug 7.12
Kaufmann's Chevron 1.90
A1 Clinton Cleach 38.90
Geo. W. Melville 70.78
Munichem Corporation 31.14-8
Oregon Coast Fire Equipment Co. 13.50
C. J. O'Neil & Co. 12.15
101 Service 76.1I|.
OK Tire Stores 7ll-.92
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 60.75
Paramount Pest Control, Inc. 8.00
PERS i|61|.lj2
Ross' 30.11
Rdspott Fire Dept. 37i|.00
Rod CrealSer 25.00
Rdspt Auto Parts 30.11
Sewer Reserve Savings 3237.1+0
Rdsport Fire Dept. lli|..90
Ivar A. Stavig 112.50
Sargent-Sowell, Inc. l+.9l|.
Stults, Jayne, Murphey & Anderson 2li.00
Douglas County Sheriff's Off. 2.95
Taylor Hardware 37.52
Thompson Ford Sales 8.80
Union Oil Co. 355.65
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 13|f.2B
Utilities Supply Co. 69.98
Umpqua River Navigation 25.95
Wallace & Tiernan, Inc.
Williams Pharmacy 7.50
Meeting recess until May 20, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
P^l L. Hurlocker. Mayor
I, GT JohyTson, City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
8:00 P.M, JUNE 3, 1968
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
Councilmsn present: Ronald 0. Hanson, L. E. Paull, Ray Holliday,
Rudy Buppe, James Thornton, and Dr. Robert Lewis.
Since there were no objections to the budget, James Thornton
moved that the budget be accepted as is, and an election be called
for as soon as possible.
Motion seconded by Ronald 0. Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Election to be held June 17, 1966.
Meeting adjourned
I. a. jogmson.
City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
May 28, 1966
To amend the presently existing Charter of the City of Reedsport
by adoption of a new, revised Charter, that, among other
things, repeals substantially all exifeting Charter provisions;
provides for the appointment of a Municipal Judge, City Attorney
and at the option of the City Council a City Manager; limits
voluntary floating indebtedness to $25#000»00; provides street
and sewer improvement procedure
special assessment procedure to
different Council procedure for
eliminates redundant provisions
to be fixed by Ordinance and
be fixed by Ordinance; provides
enactment of Ordinances; generally
of the present Charter and adopts
a City Manager type of government for the City of Reedsport; and
provides effective date of amendment (new Charter) as of January
1, 1969, with present Charter to continue in force until that
Counting Board consisted of Donna Love, Chairman, Gertrude Warren,
Annabelle Rodgers, and Doris Baker. Ballots were canvassed by I. G.
Johnson, City Recorder, and City Attorney, William Jayne, with the
count Aye 796, No ^82,
P^ul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
-®:00 P.M.•
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following councilmen
present: Ronald 0, Hanson, L. E. Paull, Br, Robert Lewis, and Ray
Holliday. Rudy Ruppe and James Thornton were absent. 2
Bob Sund presented Mr. Plhodes, architect for Vik Construction, who
presented petitions for the vacation of l|.th St. between Elm and
Winchester Avenues; also the North 20 feet of Elm between 3rd and
4th, also the North 20 feet from l|th up Elm 13$ feet. Also petition
for the vacation of N. 8th, between Greenwood and Juniper Avenues.
After some discussion, was referred to the Planning Commission for ^
their recommendation. Mr. Sund to try and contact PC members for
special meeting tomorrow.
Mayor felt if PC met, then the Council could have a special meeting
to take action,
CONDEMNATION HEARINGS: Robin Reed house out by the Depot. No one
was here to represent Reed's interest, so City Attorney was instructed
to preceed.
Glover & Strong were both here on the condemnatin of their property
on the waterfront. Requested that if they clean up, believe that
Lillebo should be requested to do the same.
Pire Department stated that they would burn the Glover and Strong
house on a practice night, so there would be no cost.
City Attorney to instruct Lillebo*s to clean.
RESOLUTION on revision ofcriginal application for approval of Sewer
Treatment plant to the State read ,by Mr. Johnson.
Paull moved to adopt resolution; seconded by Lewis, and passed
CHANGE in hospitalization plan. Increased benefits considerably;,
with small raise in premium.• Total cost to city will -be just under
Mr. Johnson recommends we take additional coverage. Lewis so moved.
Seconded by Paull, and passed Unanimously.
Mr. Johnson presented agreement for Council approval for Block Statistics
in the 1970 census. This would be at a total cost of $875*00 to the
City, with $200.00 down payment due now, and other $675.00 due in 1970
at time of the census.
Explained that this was information that could not be obtained unless
paid for and would be very valuable in our city planning. Also
recommended that we participate.
Paull moved $200.00 be sent so City can receive this information. • ,
Seconded by Hanson and passed unanimously.
INSPECTION reports by the State Pire Marshal®s office on the
City Warehouse and the Community Building were discussed.
Warehouse needs new wiring, and Community Building needs furnace
room enclosed. Mr. Johnson believes chapest way to handle the situation
in the Community Bldg, is to install 3 sprinkler heads in the furnace
Mayor stated that it should be taken care of. Mr. Johnson to go ahead
on the sprinkler heads and get an estimate on the warehouse work.
RESOLUTION for State aid on Special Street program.
Mr. Johnson believes we have an© street elibible at this time.
Council wants to try for East Railroad, which is the street applied,
for the last two years.
TWO audit proposals presented. Both for same price, Gaylord Vaughn
and Hanberg & Williamson.
Dr. Lewis believes we should keep it local. Paull agrees,
Lewis moved Vaughn be hired to do audit. Seconded by Hanson and
passed unanimously.
^ Mr. Jonnson announced a meeting at the Willama University on Economic
: Growth on June 21st. Also a Douglas County Water Resources meeting
June 28th in Roseburg; Gouncilmen should go.
^ i Copy of letter from State Sanitary Authority to V7. A. Karcher about
a health hszard at his duplex on Bowman Road. There is also another
problem in the Collver area.
Letter discussed but no action taken, as Mr, Karcher has access to
a sewer line, although it is approximately 200 feet from the duplex,
cussed at great length by the City Attorney. Explained to the Council
that he had only received the agreement, but from what he had read, did
not believe City should sign as it would bind them for moneys they
did not have and maybe could not raise.
Although Mr. Ashby insisted that it would not bind them to anything, Mr.
Jayne stated that it did not say this in the agreement, and at this
time he would not recommend that the council sign it. Would meet with
Mr, Ashby Wednesday, then could have special council meeting to present
his legal opinion.
Paull suggests Ashby & Jayne get together, then call special meeting,
^r. Johnson brought to the Council*s attention the fact that there
were going to be some decisions to be made on the Dike and he wanted
to know how the council wanted this handled?
Paull believes Mr. Johnson has been closer to this than any of the
Council and should go ahead with what should be done.
PETITION present by H. E. Nickels from businesses within Urban Renewal
area to expedite matter if possible to brings things to a head.
Bob Mix, Ward's Place, asked to be heard. He stated that he is against
Urban Renewal and that at least 80^ of the people in his block are too.
Believes that if it is printed in the papers that he has appeared
against Urban Renewal, that more people will speak up against it.
There has been a request for a DEAD END STREET sign on Schofield
Mr. W, V. Whitcomb has stopped making his sewer users charge payments.
City has sent out a shut-off notice,
Mr. Hanson informed the Council that he had gone through the tunnel
with Bert Bartow, Also showed some pictures that he had taken.
Discussed different ways of putting pipe through the tunnel. City has
had studies made of the most feasible and most economic way to do
this. To be undertaken this summer.
Following bills okayed for payment
League of Oregon Cities 596,65
Payroll fund 2300,00
State Compensation Dept. 2OI4.2I
University of Oregon 12.00
Roy S, Cook 100.00
Unipqua National Bank 2^0.00
Petty cash 68.56
Payroll fund . 8912.73
Donna Love 6.00
Gertrude Warren 6.00
Annabelle Rodgers 6.00
Doris Baker 6.00
I. G. Johnson 5^'75
A & C Janitor Service iiO.OO
Al*s Market 19.55
Berge & Wally's Chevron 15-95
PUD 1190.38
Commercial Title Co. 10.00
The Courier 2k7.82
Sewer Res. Savings 3388.11
Coos Bay Stationery 22.70
Del Chemical Corp 31.^+8
Douglas County Title Co. I.50
Delta Brush & Truck Repair I3O.OO
Fire Equipment Co.
Peenaughty Machinery Co. ol|.l6
General Telephone 168.25
Roy Henderson 219.95
Hansen Electric Co. 33-03
Highland Shell Service 9.58
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen 318.OO
Jim's Umpqua Drug 25.16
A. C. Leach i|5.17
Melville Plumbing 6.10
Oregon Coast Fire Extinguisher
Service 3.00
City of North Bend 23.00
OK Tire Store l5.50
101 Service 17.75
State of Oregon 10.00
Petty Cash 33-25
F. MOrton Pitt
Paramount Pest Control o.OO
Rdspt Outdoor Shop i|28.l5
Rdspt Auto Parts 53'kk
Rdspt Logging Supply 20.59
Rdspt Fire Dept. 1^^6,00
Rdspt Motor Frt. 7-36
Ross* 80.12
Stults, Jayne, Murphy
& Anderson 7-15
State Compensation Dept.10.00
Ivar A. Stavig 112.50
State Compensation De^|j.173-92
Taylor Hardware 67-8[[
Thompson Ford Sales 2.75
Union Oil Co. 289.77
Umpqua Rental & Supply 13.51
Umpqua Building Supply 7U-33
Umpqua Tacklebox, Inc. 8.25
Umpqua Industrial 2!|.53
Umpqua River Navigation 82.96
PERS i|86.57
Meeting recessed until the 2[j.th of June, 1968, at 8:00 P.M.
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
I. G.^)^ohnson
City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
13, 1968
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
councilmen present: Ronald 0. Hanson, L. E. Paull, James Thornton,
Ray Holliday, and Rudy Ruppe. Dr. Lewis absent.
Planning Commission recommended the vacation of two streets as
requested by petition. The vacation of 8th St. N. between
Greenwood and Juniper. Also the North 20 feet of Elm Ave. between
3rd".ahd^[l.th Sts. plus 135 i'eet of Elm intb "lith"..;. c ..
Holliday moved a hearing be called for the vacation of these streets;
seconded by Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Recommendation on Urban Renewal Cooperation Agreement by Bill Jayne,
City Attorney.
Recommend that you don*t sign- cooperation agreement; send dovm
unsigned. - :
Have talked with their legal men and can go in unsigned as there
will undoubtedly be changes.
Bob Mix presented a petition against Urban Renewal with 122 names.
Mayor informed Mr, Mix that he would accept the petition but could
not be discussed at a special meeting; would be later on.
Also that it had been announced on KRAF that the Urban Renewal would
be voted upon at this meeting. False information
Meeting adjourned,
I. G. tT
City Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocke3rr, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
JUNE 17, 1968
PURPOSE: To increase the tax levy for the fiscal year 1968-1969
over the six per cent limitation set by law in the amount of
$61,282.30 because of increased costs and inadequate tax
Shall the Common Council of the City of Reedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon, be-authorized to levy for the operation
of the City during the year 1968-1969 the sum of $6l,2o2.30
in excess of the limitation provided by Article XI, Section
11, of the Constitution of the State of Oregon,^said amount,
if approved, to required an additional levy estimated at the
rate ®f $2.53 thousand dollars of true cash value of tax-
• able property within the City?
Counting Board and Election Board consisted of Gertrude Warren,
Chairman, Donna Love, Mabel Andrews, and Bernice.Jorgensen.
Ballots were canvassed by I. G. Johnson, City Recorder, and
James Thornton, Councilman, with the No vote 2I4.3, Aye o5.
City" Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocker,Mayor
Nfettie B. Glasserr^cordlng
NIGHT, 8sOO P.M., JUNE 21^, 1$68
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
Council members present: Ray Holliday, James Thornton, Ronald
0. Hanson, L. E. Paull. Dr. Lewis and Rudy Ruppe absent.
Pollowing Budget Committee members present: Grant Dunn, Archie
Mustoe, George Hutter, Lincoln Swain, and Shairman Roy Henderson.
Charles Poster absent.
PROCLAMATION on Charter change voted on May 28, 1968, stating it
received an affirmative majority of the total numbers of votes
cast and that the same have been duly adopted by the legal voters
of the City of Reedsport as amendments to the Charter thereof,
Thornton moved for adoption of the Proclamation. Seconded by
Paull and passed unanimously.
Motion for authorization of Mayor & City Recorder's signatures on
the Workable Program made by Paull and seconded by Hanson. Passed
City has received preliminary renewal of Waste Discharge permit
for Sewage Disposal Plant. Expiration date, 6/30/7O, also a
schedule to be followed, such as begin fill and preloading of
treatment plant site by not later than 7/31/68. 2. Complete
financing arrangements by not later than March 1, 1969. 3. Start
construction of sewage treatment plant by not later than 6/30/69.
1|. Start construction of Interceptor sewers by not later than 9/30/69.
Complete construction of facilities and commence operation
by not later than 6/30/70.
BUDGET MEETING called to order by Roy Henderson, Chairman, stating
that the voters didn*t seem to be too happy with the budget.
Committee here to help decide what should be done.
Hutter stated he had talked with some that were against the City
Dunn said the people didn't feel like they should be faced with this
extra tax.
Mayor Hurlocker requested that they think of a Serial Levy for
the purchase of equipment. These usually run for a period of five
years. That way, purchase of equipment would not come out of
operating funds. r
Henderson felt that they should try and reduce the budget of the
Dunn felt it was voted down very soundly. What we are faced with is
to cut to what we think will pass.
Mr. Johnson stated that he could cut the budget down, but they
wouldn't like.it. Listed different items amounting to $I|1,000
that would put us right where we have been for years.
After much discussion. Budget Committee was against these cuts.
City has been falling behind the last few years, will just be that
much harder next year if Budget is cut to the bone.
Mr. Johnson also felt Water Rates should be increased, but Budget
Committee did not feel that this was in their category.
When asked for suggestion from tax payers, Zack Turner, Fire Chief, .
felt that the council should go and explain the budget to civic
groups; to try and sell it.
Lee Clementa felt that the City Manager was one of the items causing
the "budget not to pass.
Chairman Henderson suggested that they cut out the $6,000 for the
City Manager; $10,000 equipment purchase; •. and $3,000 for parks.
Then in November have on ballot Serial Levy for Equipment Purchase.
Paull thinks the Council has 2 votes to weigh. Charter Change for
City Manager, and the Budget Vote. Wants to go on record, that even
if the $6,000 for City Manager is taken off, as of the first of the
year, can still hire one.
O Mr. Johnson informed the Council that this might be questionable,
according to the interpretation of the Budget Lavjs.
Mr, Johnson asked the council if they knew the toal amount of mills
the tax would be x\'ith everything totaled. It x^jould be about 10[|.
mills, quite high.
Will be ten days after publication before budget can be voted on
again, 8th of July.
Recommends thSt a Serial Levy or Tax Base be on the November ballot.
Swain moved that they remove from the budget the following items
and present to the people for their approval; $I}.,000 off Recreation;
$6,000 off City Manager; $10,000 Off Equipment Purchase; $2,000
off Dike Maintenance; and $2$00 off Building Construction; making
a total of $214.,500.
Seconded by Dunn.
After Mr. Johnson explained the legal procedure, that the Budget
Committee is here as Advisory Board to the Council, Mr. Swain
resubmitted his motion to the council that they recommend the
above procedure to the council. Seconded by Dunn and passed
unanimously by the Budget Committee.
Budget Committee meeting adjourned.
Mayor Hurlocker reconvened the Council mssti^^g* Stated that Council
has responsibilities and they are hampered by lack of funds.
All councilmen received letter from City Attorney putting the
responsibility of selling the budget up to the councilmen.
Ten minute recess requested.
Council has heard Budget Committee's recommendation; what is your
Thornton-believes it should be put to the people like it was; if it
doesnVt' pass, cut and stay within limitation.
Lee Clement's personal opinion-not in favor of City Manager and believes
generally that the people wanted something cut out of the budget.
Would like question answered by council. Was stated that if the City
Manager was not funded for in the budget, they could hire him anyway.
Was told that this is not true.
As a word of constructive criticizm, Mr. Clements stated that the
Council should listen close to the people when they tell them
Hanson-still have to weigh 2 votes, charter change and budget.
Mr. Clements added that he did not believe the ballot on the
charter was worded to mean a City Manager would be hired.
Mrs. Peseau stated that she thought the charter change authorized
the hiring of a City Manager but did not make it mandatory.
Mayor Hurlocker stated that it was the desire of the council to hire a
City Manager if possible.
In the opinion of the Mayor that they are desirous of hiring a City
Manager but cannot afford to at this time.
Paull moved that they accept the Budget Committee*s recommendation.
Seconded by Holliday,
Thornton asked about the purchase of the fire truck. More discussion
on the Serial Levy, and Chairman Roy Henderson of the Budget Committee,
stated that he did not believe it was the intention of the Budget
Committee to knock the fire department out of the purchase of a ^ truck. .fj
Aye - 3f Abstained - 1, Thornton
July 8th will be next Budget Election and regular council meeting
set over until the l^th of July.
Dike discussed. No word yet received on lettthg of the bid. Expect
word by end of the week.
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. ^\^J;t>ftnson
City Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Roy Henderson, Chairman of
Budget Committee
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
July 8, 1968
PURPOSE: To increase the tax levy for the fiscal year 1968-1969
over the six per cent limitation set by law in the amount of $33j291.05
because of increased costs and inadequate tax base. ^
Shall the Common Council of the City of Reedsport, Douglas County,
Oregon, be authorized to levy for the operation of the City during
the year 1968-1969 the sum of $33j291.05 in excess of the limi
tation provided by Article XI, Section 11, of the Constitution of
the State of Oregon, said amount, if approved, to require an
additional levy estimated at the rate of $1.37 per thousand
dollars of true cash value of taxable property within the City?
Counting Board and Election Board consisted of Gertrude Warren,
Chairman; Berniece Jorgensen, Lorna Johnson, and Sharen Glasser.
Ballots were canvassed by proper officials, with the No vote
215, Yes 190.
>-City Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
'Tiziu./. ^
Slettie B. Glasser, Recording
6:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Hurlocker, with the
following Councilmen present: Dr. Robert Lex%'is, Ray Holliday, Ronald 0.
Hanson, L. E. Paull, and James Thornton, Rudy Ruppe Was absent,
STREET VACATION HEARING: J^th St. between Winchester and Elm; also
Northerly 20 feet of Elm between 3rd and i|th. 8th Street between
Greenwood and Juniper.
Thornton all for vacating if necessary, but believe County should
|i. reimburse us foP: moving of water line and fire hydrant.
I It will cost the City around $500.00 to install a fire hydrant at
I j 3i'd and Elm, according to Mr. Johnson.
Thornton moved grant street vacation with exception of trying to
get hydrant paid for. Seconded by Paull, and passed unanimously.
PETITION FROM INTERNATIOWAPER CO, to vacate a portion of l8th St.
105 feet at Ivy and l8th. After some discussion, Ray Holliday moved
petition be presented,to the Planning Commission for their recommen
dation, Seconded by Thornton and passed unanimously.
OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION approving plans for drainage along Highway 38
from the State Highway Department,
permit. Date for certain items to.be done on disposal site specified.
Must start work by end of this month.
Have approval from HUD for additional cost.
Mayor Hurlocker reported on meeting with Corps of Engineers on the
3rd of July. Presented letter of agreement for council's signatures
for certain items for City to be responsible for to reduce cost of
dike construction. Will reduce cost of construction approximately
After some discussion, Paull moved accept terms set forth by the
Corps and sign letter. Seconded by Thornton and passed unanimously.
RESOLUTION to cover July payroll since we do not have an accepted
Hanson moved Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Thornton and passed
Mr. Johnson informed the council of $1657.00 interest earned on
Dike Funds through investments in Certificates of Deposits.
BUDGET VOTED down on July 6th, 1968, 215 votes No, to 190 Yes.
Mayor's personal feeling that we are asking for a good budget. Reluctant
to cut any item.
Discussed putting purchase of police car on special serial levy.
Lewis suggested cutting extra help in water office and letting one
policeman go. Put $6000 for City Manager back in.
After heated discussion on firing extra help in water office,
Thornton moved these items be revised in budget and be put back up
for vote as soon as possible: Cashier $i|770,00. Police car $2,000,
Policeman $6503.36, and fringe benefits be deleted and $6000.00 be
readded to the budget for City Manager.
Seconded by Dr. Lewis and passed unanimously.
- Election to be July 29, 1968 from S:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. with
continuation of Council meeting thft night at 8:30 P.M.
Following bills okayed for Cpaymerit
Payroll fund
Bureau of Census
League of Oregon Cities
Gertrude Warren
Donna Love
Berniece Jorgensen
Mabel Andrews
I. G. Johnson
Petty Cash
Donald W. Maples
Payroll fund
A Janitor
Berge & Wally
Bay Printers
Jack Schweitzer
Kenneth Brookhart
Don Baker
Zack Turner
Bob*s 66 Service
Bob's 66 Service
Coos Bay Stationery
Coos Bay Supply
Douglas County Jail
Fire Equipment Co.
General Telephone
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
Highland Shell Service
Umpqua Drug
I. G. Johnson
League Of Oregon Cities
Oregon State Highway
101 Service
OK Tire Stores
Pacific Water Works Supply
Paramount Pest Control, Jnc
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp
Pacific Pumping Co,
City of North Bend 23.00
Rdspt Fire Dept. l4.6i4.OO
Rdspt Repair Shop 2k,kk
Ross' 1.75
Rdspt Logging Supply 22.21
Rdspt Auto Parts 1|0.32
Ray's TV 2.85
Sewer Res Savings 33614.95
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50
State Comp. Dept. 1914.73
Taylor Hardware 103.30
Thompson Ford Sales 147.79
Zack Turner 22.32
Charles Collins 5.00
Union Oil Co. 1431^.39
Utilities Supply ll|7.91
Umpqua Tacklebox 21.00
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 198.90
Ray Hass 60.00
Charles R. Marone 60.00
Eugene E. Thomas 60.00
Gerald G. Chirrick 60.00
Bill Winfield 60.00
Arthur C. Chirrick 20.00
Umpqua Rentals & Supply
Umpqua Ind. Supply II4.5O
Umpqua River Nav. 79.95
Wallace & Tiernan 17.61
A1 Clinton Leach 77.10
National Chemsearch I8I4.O7
Meeting recessed until July 29, 1968 8:30 P
I. G-. .(o^a^rson
City Recorder
Paul L. Hurlocker,
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
WHEREAS, the Budget Committee of the City of Reedsport has
adopted a budget for said City within the six per cent limitation,
WHEREAS, the Budget Committee has also recommended a budget
outside the six per cent limitation, and
WHEREAS, the City of Reedsport has held two elections on the
question of levying a tax in excess of the said limitation and the
voters have not approved said excess, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City of Reedsport to provide
funds with which to pay its City employees.
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Common Council of the
City of Reedsport that there is appropriated from the funds within
the six per cent limitation sufficient fxmds to meet the July 1968
payroll of said City,
BE IT FURTEIER RESOLVED, that the City Recorder is hereby
authorized and directed to draw on said funds within the six per
cent limitation a sufficient sum to meet the payroll expenses.
Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Reedsport this
15th day of July, 1968.
/a/ 1. Q> Johnson
City Recorder
ul L* Hurlock^
Meeting was called to order "by Mayor Hurlocker, with the following
Councilnisn present: L. E. Paull, James Thornton, Dr« Robert Lewis,
Ray Holliday, and Rudy Rupps. Ronald 0. Hanson absent.
Reason Tor meeting; Some sort of action needs to be taken since
they have the resignation of almost all the Police Force. Is a
possibility that some resignations will be palled,
Dr, Lewis stated that he had been contacted by one officer. Felt
he might want his resignation pulled.
Gerald Chirrick, police officer, stated it was his general opinion
that all wanted resignations pulled.
Resignations at Recorder's office to be picked up by officers if they
want them withdrawn.
Eugene Thomas to be talked to when returns ,f]?om vacation.
Need to appoint a temporary Chief. Have facilities to pay J officers
including Chief, at this time. No change at this time.
Mayor Hurlocker assumed Sgt. Marone should be the officer in charge
until new Chief is hired. Appointed same.
Mayor happy policemen and police women reconsidered and withdrew
resignations. Harmony is needed. Applications for Chief to be taken,
Mr, Johnson asked the council the method to use for paying Chief Hass?
Since there is no budget, no set wage has been okayed although there
is a 6% raise in the budget.
Mayor Hurlocker, also City Attorney Jayne feel the 6% raise should stay
in the budget even if it is defeated on July 29th,
Dr. Lewis moved thatChief Rass be paid at new rate, 2 weeks severance
pay, and 3 weeks vacation. Seconded by Thornton, and passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned,
I. G, J6fthson, City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
. j
Mayor Hurlocker reconvened the meeting with the following council
member present: Ray Holliday, Ronald 0. Hanson, Dr. Rooert Lewis,
L. E. Paull, .and James Thornton. Rudy Ruppe absent.
City Attorney Jayne announced the outcome of the Budget elction held
on this day. Count No. 353, yss 175, total of 528 votes cast. Ballots
canvassed by proper authorities.
Mr. Johnson read the tentative list of reductions from the budget
to put us within the $fo limitation. They were as follows:
Piremen's wages
office expense
sewer maintenance
community building
dog control
storm drains
radio operators
dike maintenance
City Manager
After discussion on most of the items above. Dr. Lewis moved we accept
the following Resolution; seconded by Thornton, and passed unanimously.
1. BE IT RESOLVED that the Coiriraon Council hereby adopts
the budget approved by the budget committee of the City of Reedsport
on May...l, 1966, and revised by the Common Council on July 29, 1968
now on file in the office of the City Recorder.
2. BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Reedsport hiereby levies
the taxes provided for in the budget adopted in Paragraph 1 of this
Resolution in the aggregate amount of $lllj.,596.19 and that^ these
taxes are hereby levied upon all taxable property within the City
of Reedsport as of 1:00 A.M., January 1, 1969.
3. BE IT RESOLVED that the amounts for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 1^68, and for the purposes shown below are
hereby appropriated as tabulated in the revised budget as adopted
and attached to and made a part of this Resolution.
T 7
[j.. BE IT RESOLVED that the City Recorder certify to the
County Clerk, County Assessor of Douglas County, Oregon and the
State Tax Commission at its office in Saleiu, Oregon the tax levy
made by this Resolution and shall file with them a copy of the
budget as finally adopted.
ADOPTED by the Common Council this^^^2Smi^day o^f «^ly, 1968.
ATTEST : LHurlocker, Mayor
/s/ I. Q. Johnson, City Recorder
City Attorney Jayne wanted instructions from the council before
answering a letter on Urban Renewal received by Mr. Ashby requesti
reiteration of the initial application, stating that General
Obligation Bonds would be used if needed, also date of election for the
Urban Renewal project.
After some discussion, Lewis moved that City Attorney Jayne be
instructed to answer letter in the affirmative. Seconded by Hanson
and passed unanimously.
Also Jayne stated that he did not know whether or not all the council
were familiar with the terms of the Waste Discharge Permit that expires
6/30/70, Certain specifications and plans are to be follox<ed with
completion date set for 6/30/70. Should be thinking seriously about
financing of the sewage disposal plant. Method of financing must
be known by March, 1969. V/ould mean approximately a $l|00,000 bond
Mayor suggsts we wait till after the November election to decide
Word has been received from HUD; that revised plans have been approved.
Also received $25^000 which goes to Cornell, Howland, Hayes, and Merryfielc
for engineering.
Financing of Sewage Disposal Plant to be discussed at next meeting.
Mayor also suggested that we try to get across what the 1^-% limitation
will do to cities, schools, and hospitals if it passes. People do not
realize- the consequences of such an action.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST: P^l L. HuMocker, Mayor
I. Ct. ^^hnson ^.7
City Recorder
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
Councilmen present: Ronald 0. Hanson, Dr. Robert Lewis, Rudy Ruppe,
L. E. Paull, and James Thornton. Ray Holliday absent.
Planning Commission report: Recommended against the vacation of 18th
and Ivy.
Moved Planning Commission's recommendation be accepted on street
vacation. Seconded and passed unanimously.
Planning Commission recommended adoption of the Urban Renewal Plan
as presented.
Planning Commission also recommended that pending Urban Renewal project
be brought to a vote of the people at earliest practical date.
Dr. Lewis moved that Urban Renexval plan be adopted. Seconded by Hanson
and passed unanimously.
Announced that dike bids were to be opened Thursday, August l5th, at
2:00 P.M.
City Recorder Johnson read ORDINANCE #1|93^ repealing certain general
ordinances, in full for. the first time.
Paull moved adopt ordinance. Seconded by Thornton, and pass unanimously.
ORDINANCE #i|93 read for the second time, by title only.
Hanson moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Lewis and passed
Read ORDINANCE #1|93 for the third time, by title only, Rudy Ruppe
moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Paull, and pass unanimously.
ORDINANCE defining nuisances, was read in full for the first time.
Paull moved adopt ordinance, seconded by Thornton, and passed unanimously,
ORDINANCE read for the second time, by title only. Moved adopt
by Hanson. Seconded by Ruppe and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #l+9l|, read for the third time, by title only. Thornton
moved adopt ordinance. Seconded by Ruppe, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #i|95, read for the first time in full, regulating traffic.
Thornton moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Lewis and passed
ORDINANCE #1495j read for the second, time, by title only. Lewis moved
ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Hanson and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #1|.95, read for the third time, by title only, Hanson
moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Lewis and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #i|96, defining offenses, was read for the first time in full.
Rujipe moved ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Thornton, and passed
ORDINANCE #1^96 was read for the second time, by title only. Lewis
moved ordinance be adopted, seconded by Rupoe, and passed unanimously.
All -chese ordinance are in line with the re-codification of all our
ordinances by the League of Oregon Cities, Bureau of Municipal
Foremen's report available in office.
WATER_-Hanson reported on the water Line and believes that vie are
approaching our maximum gallonage and recommended that the Mayor appoint
a committee to look into our water system, maybe raise water rate, to
set aside a fund to build'a larger line.
Mr. Johnson reported that there is no surplus in the water funds.
Different methods of increasing intake of water from lake discussed,
Ray Holliday, Ronald 0, Hanson, and Dr. Lewis, water committee
appointed by Mayor to check into this,
POLICE-Lewis stated that police department is operating with Ij. men
at the present time. Feel city should pay time and a half for the
overtime the men are putting in.
Have sent ads for Chief to various newspapers.
A public meeting was requested to discuss the firing of Ray Hass, but
Mayor stated that no meeting is slated.
Lewis moved that we pay time and a half for time over regular time
until a"man is hired. Seconded by Thornton, and passed unanimously.
A time limit of [j.5 days or less was name to choose a chief.
Louis Matthews asked if the council vjould consider an open meeting on
the dismissal of Ray Hass?
Mayor stated that they did not want to get inljb this.
Thornton raoved vie adjourn if this keeps up.
Mayor informed spectators that this was not a public meeting on the
discharge of Ray Hass.
•R'IRE COMMITTEE-Fire Chief Turner informed the council that the fire
hydrants are being painted a bright yellox^j, because they can be seen
better at night. Top cap will be marked according to amount of flow
from hydrant as they are checked.
Wesley Hillier questioned the intent of the council not to bring
Urban Renewal to a vote of the people.
Was stated that there were two separate motions from the Planning
Commis sion.
Mayor said at this time there was Nothing to vote on. To get financing
will have to go to a vote of the people.
Ronald Hanson brought to the council's attention the images being paid
to the two young men working this summer for the city. Had been
questioned by a taxpayer. These are both experienced." men, one working
for his second summer and the other for his third. The minimum rate
is $3.25 an hour.
Mr. Johnson requested a recommendation regarding Bowman Road. Believes
it should be improved 5 feet on each side. City should take this
improvement upon itsself. V/ould come out of State Tax Street moneys.
Is dangerous as it is. Has ordered pipe for drainage in that area.
Moved and seconded that Bowman Road be improved. Passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnson also to get yardage and prices to blacktop the places on the
Flat that were not paved when rest of the streets were improved.
Mr. Trees discussed with the councilmen the l8th & Ivy vacation that
was turned down.
Following bills approved for payment:
ITmpqua National Bank 17000.00
Payroll Fund , 2600.00
Edward M. Bartholomew 12.^0
Gertrude Warren 26.00
Berniece Jorgensen 26.00
Lorna Johnson 26.00
Sharen Glasser 26.00
ITmpqua National Bank 300.00
League of Oregon Cities 636.89
Payroll fund 1110i|.l5
Umpqua National Bank 13i|0.00
I : Kenneth J. Hofdahl 15.00
Jerry Dee Tankersley l5.00
Vern Peek 3OO.OO
Al's Market )|7.60
American RuUser Mfg. Co. 710.00
A & C Janitor IjO.OO
Bay Printers 23.00
Baker's Saw Shop 1.U5
Berge & Wally's 11.20
The Courier 2^0.28
PTJD 110^.52
G-enersl Fund 8Ii.09.5l
C, H2 M. 25000.00
Coos Bay Supply 65*23
Coast Communications llj.62
Coos Bay Statioeery 12.95
General Fund 13lj.0.00
Del Chemical Corp lli.5.97
Lower ITmpqua Hospital li0.06
Douglas Co. Sheriff 136.6I
School Distr. 105 321.83
SWOC ijli.Ol
Fire Chief Magazine 6.00
State of Oregon 30.00
Fire Station Digest 7.00
Fire Equipment Co. . 99.65
General Telephone 119.60
Gertrude Warren 26.00
Berniece Jorgensen 26.00
Donna Love 26.00
Shaken Glasser 26.00
Ray Hass 20.00
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen
Robert E. Jones, Attorney
Jim's TJrapqua Drug 2i|.85
A1 Clinton Leach 33«21
League of Oregon Cities 3^0*00
Lower Umpqua Rec. l^OO.OO
Geo. Melville 55.39
City of Morth Bend 23.CO
Oregon State Highway Comm.
OK Tire Store 59.16
Oregon Coast Fire Equipment 112.30
101 Service II43.85
Earl Plagmann 20.25
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 60.75
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Sewer Reserve Savings 2638.97
PERS 592.92
Rdspt Insurance 5587.68
Rdspt Repair Shop 1432.Ii6
R & L Richfield 252.dO
Rdspt Logging Supply 28.7^1
Rdspt Fire Department t|98.00
Rdspt Auto parts ,lli
Rdspt Hotor Freight 3.68
Ross' Florists
Rdspt Outdoor Shop 88.25
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50
Meeting adjourned.
:riSon, City Recorder
Elections Division 25.29
State Comp, Dept. 265.22
Taylor Hardware 88,99
Thompson Ford 30.00
Union Oil Co. 369.16
TTtillties Sup£:ly 147.08
IJmpqua Bldg. Supply 115.01'
Umpqua Tacl-ilebox, l5U*50
Umpqua Rental 12.95
Umpqua River Nav. 59.71
Umpqua Electric 18,30
Umpqua Ind. Supply 10.91-1
Bill Winfield 20.00
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser
Recording Sec'y.
6:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
Councilmen present: Ronald 0. Hanson, James Thornton, L. E. Paull,
Ray Holliday, and Rudy Ruppe,
Minutes of previous meeting approved unanimously.
Letter of resignation from Dr. Robert Lewis Accepted.
Ray Holliday moved we officially accept Robert A, Cantrell as
councilman to replace Dr. Lewis,. Seconded by James Thornton
and passed unanimously,
Mr. Cantrell sworn in by I. G, Johnson, City Recorder,
WATER-report on committee on water rate Increase. Have had first
POLICE-James Thornton announced a personnel meeting Wednesday night
on appointeient of new chief,
FIRE-Chief Turner asked what was being done about the old Reed
bouse by the railroad track. City Attorney Jayne informed him that
a complaint has to be filed,
Also a garage at Juniper and house at 1st & Elm should be
Ron Hanson voiced complaints he had received on the misuse of
property at 20th and Dogvjood and the late hours for running equipme
CITY SECORDER'S KEPORT-Thers is $1702.12 in delinquent taxes in
the Library Bond Ratireraent fund that should be transferred to the
General Fund.
Move permission be given Mr. Johnson to. transfer these funds# Seconded
by Ruppe and passed unanimously.
Letter from Cornell, !Icv;larid, Hayes, and Merryfield-changed design on
Sewage Disposal Plant, Grant of $25,000 not enough to cover engineering
V7ould like the balance of $5,000. Requested that we tatce this out of
Sewer Reserve Fund.'
Mr, Johnson inforirj-u council that all sewer monies are Invested at this
time; will see if bill can be paid so much a month.
Thornton moved that Mr. Johnson take care of this as he sees fit.
Seconded by Ruppe, and passed unanimously.
Steel has been brought in for flood wall of the dike. Stockpiled
across from the post office.
Marking of the fire hydrants discussed: green tope, 1000 gals, per
minute; orange top, between gals, per minutes; and re top,
under ^OC gals, per minute.
Urban Renewal passed a resolution at noon meeting that Urban Renewal--"
wants separate board other than council.
Five Man Board ^fice October 1st: Reverent Ted Hulbert, Carlene --
Maxwell, T. G. Johnson, E. C. Daily, and Lincoln Swain.
Bill Winfield asked if personnel meeting Wednesday night woulS be
open meetfcng?
Thornton informed him that it has been more or less set policy that
personnel meetings are closed.
Will have press release after meeting if appointment is made.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payfoll fund 1600.00 Meier Ghev-Buick 13*95
League of Oregon Cities City of North Bend 23.00
596.Ul OK Tire Store 1;.00
Petty Cash 31.86 101 Service llij.I+O
Paul L. Hurlocker 2^.00 National League of
Paul L. Hurlocker 61.00 Cities
Payroll fund 100l|6.68 llat^l. Police Chiefs 0.5O
TTmpqua National Bank 250.00 Paramount Pest Control 8,00
A C Janitor I4.O.OO Pennsalt Chemicals 60.7^
Armco Steel Corp. 1193.^5 PERS ^32.25
Bay Printers 22.00 Petty Cash k6.c9
Baker's Saw Shop 2.10 R/L Richfield 2ei|.L|0
The Courier 67*97 Rdspt Fire Dept. 3p2,00
PtTD 1107.5U Rdspt Auto Parts i|6.7
General Fund 300.00 Rdspt Insurance !435.00
Fire Equipment Co, 175.55 Rdspt Logging Supply
General Telephone l!{1.95 Rdspt Motor Freight 3.6^
Jim's Umpqua Drug 23-82 Smith Radio Comm. ^6.05
Lower Umpqua Hospital 7.50 State Comp. Dept. 241.39
A1 Clinton Leach l!4.58 Ivar A. Stavig
^'ueller Co. 17.18 Smith Blair , 'Jy
Geo. W. Melville 115*36 Thompson Ford Sales 234*55
Taylor Hdware 23.1?
ITrupqua River "Mavigation
UnioQ Oil Co. 2^9.23
Urripqua Nat'l Bank 6628.75
Utilities Supply Co. 283.62
Urapqua 31dg. Supply 382.66
Urnpqua Rental Supply
Umpqua Tacklebox 13.60
V/illiam3 Pharmacy 2.38
Meeting adjourned.
T'. GT JohnsorT
City Recorder
Pauil L. Hurlbcker, Mayor
Nfettie B. Glasser, Recording
SEPTEMBER 2l+, 1968, 7:9© P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the following
council members present: Ronald 0. Hanson, L. E, Paull, Rudy Ruppe,
and James Thornton. Ray Holliday and Robert Cantrell absent.
Mr. Paull introduced Litch Morello, who has purchased bowling alley
equipment from Kellison and is locking for place for lanes. The 60
X 90 gym floor would handle 8 lanes.
Hurlocker questioned the City Attorney about any legal problems.
Jayne stated th6t he would like for Mr. Morello to make the City an
Mr. iJohnson askeduifl-h^ would consider buying the whole building
and lease back to the City for a City Hall.
Mr. Morello stated that it could not possibly be a cash deal on that
basis, but would like a price for the sale and also the leasing of
the building.
Mr. Ruppe feels it is logical to try and work something out.
Mayor appointed Paull, Jayne and Johnson committee to try and come '
up with some sort of figure.
Three bids were received on the Pord Police car for a short block.
After some discussion as to whether or not to repair old car or
puchase new one, was moved by Thornton to accept low bid. Seconded
by Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Mayor presented City with recertification of Workable Program from HUD.
Good until September 1, 1970.
New agency meeting set for October 7, 1968.
Discussed putting Serial Levy on November election ballot. Committee
heads to get bu^y and bring estimate for equipment for next five years
to the October meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
bhnson. CitvBecorder
i §JLl^ Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasaer, Recording sec»^
OCTOBER 7, 1968
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with the following
Councilmen present: Ronald 0. Hanson, Robert A. Cantreil, Rudy
Ruppe, and L. E. Paull; Ray Holliday and James Thornton absent.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND &LIGHTS-L. E. Paull, Chairman: don't know
shape budget is in, but would like study, look into parks plan.
- Mr. Johnson to see Tom Keel, might be able to do plan outselves.
There will be $20,000 available to the County.
POLICE-Hale nothing.
PIRE-Chief Turner mentioned that October 6th through 12th was Pire
Prevention Week.
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT-Had phone call from Clara Herra requesting
City to purchase 16' strip between market and building supply.
Does not belong to City as assumed for years.
Referred to Building, Playground, and Lights Committee. Mr. Johnsonu
to looK for deed.
RESOLUTION transferring Library Bond Retirement monies to General
Pund ($1702.12) read. Paull moved resolution be adopted. Seconded
by Ruppe and passed unanimously.
Request from Roaa' Florist for loading zone on 19th St. Mr. Johnson
believes they should receive favorable consideration as they do have
a problem.
Move Grant 25' NO PARKING for loading at rear of Ross*. Seconded by
Cantrell, and passed unanimously.
RECODIPICATION ORDINANCE #U97. relating to Business Licenses read for
the first time.
Paull moved we adopt Ordinance #1|97. Seconded by Hanson, and passed
ORDINANCE #i|.97 read for the second time, by title only. Moved ^e
adopt Ordinance by Hanson, seconded by Paull, and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #h.97 read for the third time, by title only. Moved by
that Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Cantrell and passed unanimously.
^ ORDINANCE #k98 read in full for the first time, relating to
and referendum procedures. Ruppe moved adopt ordinance, seconded y
Hanson and passed unanimously.
BRDINANCE #li.98 read for the second time, by title only. Hanson
moved adopt ordinance, seconded by Paull and passed unanimously.
ORDINANCE #i|.98 read for the third time, by title only- Paull moved
for adoption, seconded by Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Request for street lights on Ranch Road by Symington's house. Really
too far back from road to do much good. Referred to light committee.
Thursday to be ground-breaking ceremony for the Dike.
Mr. Johnson presented the estimates of the Police , Pire,
Stree Departments for their needs in equipment for the next five
years as requested by the council in considering a Serial Levy.
Fire truck oomplete
Chief's Utility car (fd)
Dump Truck '
Street Sweeper 16,000
Police cars (5) 11,000
Total amount $73,800 with a levy for $75,000 to be requested.
Discussion on Serial Levy. Would add less than a mill a year,
William Jayne drafted Resolution to add new chapter to Charter
to be voted on in November election. $l5»000 for each year,
1969-1970, 1970-1971, 1971-1972, 1972-1973, 1973-197U.
Hanson moved resolution be adopted. Seconded by Cantrell and
unanimous ballot cast.
Paull stated that Mr. Morello wanted to know if offer to store
lanes still stands?
Should put time limit on it and find out how much apace he will
Resolution pledging cities cooperation and approving Plan #1
of Urban Renewal read for Cities approval. City Attorney does not
believe it binding.
Hanson moved we adopt resolution,
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund
Payroll fund
Petty Cash
Wilma Matthews
League of Oregon Citie
TJmpqua National Bank
General Fund
Payroll fund
A & C Janitor
Bay Pavers
Berge k Wally's
Baker*s Saw Shop
Coos Bay Stationery
General Fund
C, H2, M.
Del Chftmicals
Ed*s Electric
Fire Equipment
General Telephone
Jim* a Umpqua Drug
A1 Clinton Leach
Melville Plumbing
Oregon State Highway
North Bend Wheel Shop
OK Tire Stores
Petty Cas^
Paramount Pest Control
RL Towing
Rdspt Auto Parts
Rdspt Laundry
Meeting adjourned,
3 576.ir
^ G. ^tonson, ClTEy Recorder
Seconded by Ruppe and passed
Rdspt Logging Supply li|
Rdspt Motor Freight 6
Ivar Stavig 102
Smith Radio Comm. lij.9
Sa-Sp, Inc. 21
State Comp. 230
Thompson Ford Sales l5
Taylor Hardware 28
Charles R, Marone 60
Eugene E. Thomas 60
Gerald G. Chirrick i^O
Arthur C, Chirrick 60
TJmpqua Plumbing 7
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 3i<-8
Umpqua Rental 5
Umpqua Industrial 17
Rdspt Fire Dept. ^34
Oregon Coast Fire 13
Union Oil Co. 7U
Ross' Flowers 6
Rdspt Outdoor Shop 215
Utilities Supply 322
City of North Bend 1|5
Umpqua Tacklebox 8
Umpqua River Navigation627
fettle fe. Glasser, Recording
Hurlocker. Mayor
NOVEMBER 12, 1968
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker with the followins
council members present: James Thornton, L. E. Paull, Robert
Cantrell, Ron Hanson. Ray Holllday and Rudy Ruppe were absent.
Minutes of the previous meeting of October 7, 1968 were approved
FINANCE - none
¥ATER - none
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, & LIGHTS - Paull reported that both Cliff
Purlott and A1 Herra had inquired concerning purchasing the strip
of city owned land between Taylor Hardware and Umpqua Building
Supply. After some discussion the council decided that it would
be best to leave it .as it is, city owned and open for access by
fire trucks etc.
POLICE - Police Chief Hale requested that a stop sign be put on
Fir Avenue at Sixth. Motion made by Hanson, seconded by Paull
that this Stop sign be installed. Motion carried.
Earl Birdsill requested permission to build a shed on his lot on
11th and Winchester although he would then be covering more of the
lot than is allowed by the Building Code. Clinton Leach reported
that Mr. Birdsill*s lot is in ZiOne 1 and he is allowed to cover
1500 sq. ft. He now has li|ij.6 sq. ft. covered. Mr. Johnson stated
that this will be a variance and should be referred to the Planning
Commission. Mr. Birdsill was instructed to make his request in
writing to the Planning Commission.
FIRE - Fire Chief Z'ack Turner reported that the two buildings
condemned on Elm Street have been burned, also one owned by DeWitt.
City Attornej^ William Jayne reported that papers are being filed
on the building owned by Reed and Henderson.
Thornton stated that he believed that an election should be held
to approve bonds for the purchase of a fire truck since in his
opinion this item is a necessity. The closest figure that he had
been able to figure that it would take was $36,000. Ron Hanson
stated that he felt more time should be taken to explain to the
people the need for equipment and then re-submit the entire levy
to the vote of the people since all the items listed are necessary.
Discussion followed favoring re-submitting the serial levy.
Motion was made by Thornton, seconded by Cantrell, that the City
hold a serial levy election on March 1^, 1969 to purchase equipment
for an amount to be determined at the next council meeting.
Hanson requested an explanation as to where the money came from
to hire another city employee. Mr. Johnson explained that the
wages are not paid from tax money but from street and water funds.
CITY ATTORNEY - Bill Jayne presented a request from the Wooley
Lumber Company requesting fire protection for the mill on Bolon
Island and also for the Wooley home on Dean's Creek. This would
be provided on two separate contracts requiring an initial payment
of $100 and an hourly rate based upon the type of equipment and
the number of men required if fire should occ\ir.
M^otion by Thornton, seconded by Paull that contracts of this type
be drawn up and that Mayor Hurlocker and City Recorder Irving
Johnson be authorized to sign the contract.
CITY RECORDER - Mr. Johnson presented the applications for annual
renewal of liquor licenses and recommended blanket approval.
Motion made, seconded and carried that these licenses be granted.
Letter from the Urban Renewal Agency was presented and read by
Mayor Hurlicker recommending that a city-wide election be held
in January to approve or disapprove the $200,000 bond issue to
finance the Urban Reneweil project.
Thornton expressed his opinion that the matter should not even
come to an election but should be disapproved by the council.
Mayor Hurlocker stated that the City has a contract with the
Federal Government and that the City is obligated to present the
matter to the people for approval or disapproval.
Motion was made by Hansen, seconded by Cantrell, that an election
be held on January 23, 1969 for a $200,000 bond issue to finance
the Urban Renewal project. Motion carried. Aye 3 Nay 1 - Thornton
Mayor Hurl6cker stated that the council should bear in mind that
the City will have non-cash credits from the building of the dike
for a year's project under the Neighborhood Development plan and
that this is worth looking into.
Mr. Johnson presented the Corps of Engineers report on two Umpqua
Basin projects (Tiller and Days Creek).
Petition for annexation from the Catholic Church was presented.
Motion was made, seconded and carried that this matter be referred
to the Planning Commission for their study.
Mayor Hurlocker reminded departments that the League of Oregon
Cities convention will be held in Portland on November 17, 18, 19-
Following bills were okayed for payment
Payroll fund 2350
League of Oregon Cities 632
Cecil Lane l8
Umpqua Nat'l Bank 31®
Dennis VT. Severy 100
David R. Bender i|.3
Payroll Fund 9630
A & C Janitor Service iJ^O
Harlan, Gessford, Erichsen,
Architects i^.0
Bay Printers 25
Berge & Wally* s 2I|.0
Baker's Saw Shop 57
Central Lincoln PUD 1168
The Courier 235
Cleveland Cotton Prod. 55
Cbast Sheet Metal 2
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 3
Elections Division 13
Golder Co. 16
Hansen Electric 63
Int'l Paper Co. lij-OO
General Telephone 180
Jim's Umpqua Drug l8
Kale Uniforms 23
A. C. Leaoh 1^.3
Meier Chev-Buick, Inc. 7
Melville Plumbing C^o. l8
Oregon State Highway Dept.35
Bureau of Labor 7
Meeting adjourned.
I.~G. Johns^h', City Recorder
H. E. Nickels 10.35
101 Service 818.6I
City of North Bend 35.12
Pennsalt Chemicals " 63.00
OK Tire Store 23k'9k
Thompson Ford Sales 38.95
Paramount Pest Control 8.0©
Petty Cash i|4.36
Pub. Employees Ret. 516.13
Reedsport F. D. 155.13
Reedsport Auto Parts 128
S.W. Fire Chiefs Assoc. 10.00
S.W. Ore. Fireman *** 10.0®
Ray's TV 13.00
Reedsport Logging Sup. 15
Reedsport' Laundry 5.15
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 7.65
Reedsport FD 396.00
Ivar Stavig 112.50
Allen Smith Co. 17.5©
Smith Comm. Inc. kl'^5
State Comp. Dept. 267.14.3
Charles Thomas 137*60
Taylor Hardware 103.09
Union Oil Co. il.93.8l4.
Utilities Supply 67.92'
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 93.72
Umpqua River Nav. Co. 293.36
P^ui L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Bernell McClay^'Recording
NIGHT, DECEMBER 12, 1968, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hurlocker, with the following
Councilmen presefcit: James Thornton, Rudy Ruppe, Ronald 0. Hanson, L.
E. Paull, and Robert Cantrell. Ray Holliday absent.
Minutes of previous meeting approved.
RESOLUTION POR RIGHT OP ENTRY from State for Highway 101 was read
by Mr, Johnson.
^ Hanson moved that right of entry be signed by the City. Seconded
!^ by Thornton and passed unanimously.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT: Requests for variance in zoning ordinances
were made by Earl Birdsall and James Perguson. Both were denied.
Planning Commission approved petition for annexation for the Catholic
Council discussed a hydrant that should be place to serve the church.
Thornton moved Planning Commission's report be accepted with Mr.
Johnson to see church about the hydrant.
Seconded by Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Annexation hearing set for next regular council meeting.
Mayor presented recommendation of the Urban Renewal Agency to the
Council; that the General Obligation Bond for $200,000 not be voted
on in January as planned, but change to Neighborhood Development
Plan instead; as UR will not accept the Reedsport original UR plan.
Mayor stated that the Housing Project (Douglas County) is at a stand
still due to the lack of funds. Believes through NDP can purchase
this property for the County.
Mr. Johnson questioned the Mayor as to the status of the Urban Renewal
Mayor stated that Ashby has received confitrmation of extension of time.
That funds were available until approximately Pebruary.
It is the plan of the agency. Mayor Hurlocker said, to get all the
information on NDP out they possibly can.
James Thornton Believes Urban Renewal is hurting Reedsport more every
^ Hanson moved that they strike the Bond Issue Vote for January.
Seconded by Thornton, and passed unanimously.
Hanson asked if it were pertinent to decide on the NDP vote tonight?
It was decided to meet with the Urban Renewal Agency, new council and
Mayor, next Monday night, 8:00 P.M., December 16, 1968, as no repre
sentation from the Urban Renewal Agency was at the council meeting.
PINANCE COMMITTEE-comment of appreciation to Mr. Johnson from Mr.
Cantrell for receipt of copies of the expenditures to-date for the
different departments, Mr, Johnson also answered several questions
pertaining to the budgets.
Hanson feels that the City should be taking care of the lubing of the
Police Cars. Would be less expensive. Was decided to inform the
Police Chief of this decision.
PLAYGROUND, AND LIGHTS-Ranch Road dark. Discussion type of
lighting for this area.
Also no street sign for Gardens Avenue,
COMMITTEE-Chief requests permission to gas up at service station
after a night fire instead of going to the warehouse. Problem at
night with backing trucks into the area.
Permission granted,
Chief turner also discussed the fire Saturday night at the Ned
Nelson dwelling,
Mr. Johnson read the abstract of votes from the November 1968
election. It was as follows:
Thomas Tymchuk for Mayor 1088
Other 395
Oscar Anderson 689 Oscar Anderson, Ben Henderson,
Doreen Benson 1|22 and Clifford Plov elected as
George Grassl 468 new councilmen.
Treslin Halse h^7
Ben Henderson 1050 ^
Joe McGowan 235 Thomas Tymchuk, Mayor.
Clifford Plov 661
Ray Rookard U25
Denver 0. Wear 4OI
Others 6
A Certificate of Election will be made and the new Mayo and Councilmen
will be sworn in at the regular January meeting.
City has received permit from the State Highway Department for
pipeline installed in 1958*
BRDINANCE #1+99> regarding filing of petitions for office read in
full for the first time.
Paull moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Hanson, and passed
ORDINANCE #l|.99 read for the second time, by title only.
Hanson moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Cantrell, and passed ^
ORDINANCE #1|99 read for the third time, by title only.
Thornton moved Ordinance be adopted; seconded by Ruppe, and passed
New Charters are being printed and should be here by January.
Mayor gave short report on League of Oregon Cities Convention.
One of the largest they have ever had. Reedsport had godd repre
sentation. Lack of communication between the people and the council seemi
to be the problem in all cities.
Wished the new Mayor and Council Good Luck.
Continuation of meeting to be December l6y., 1968, at 8:00 P.M.
Following bills okayed for payment:
Payroll fund
C, Hp, M
Roaeburg Printing Co.
George T. Gant
League of Oregon Cities
Paul L. Hurlocker
Congress Hotel
Petty Cash
Payroll fund
A & C Janitor Service
Oscar Anderson
Audiovisual Instr.
Baker's Saw Shop
Berge & Wally's
Bay Printers
Bay Pavers, Inc.
Coos Bay Stationery
Coast to Coast Stores
C, H2, M
Geo. P. Cake Co.
Commercial Title Co.
Decorating Center
E & H Machine Works
General Telephone
Billie R. Hale
Portland Hilton
A1 Clinton Leach
League of Oregon Cities
Geo. Melville Plumbing
Meter Box Equipment
Meier Chev-Buick
City of North Bend
Ore. Assoc Chief's
of Police
OK Tire Stores
I. G. Joh&at)n
City Recorder
101 Service 231.52
Paramount Pest Control 8.00
Pennsalt Chemicals 63.00
PERS U70.83
Rdspt Pire Dept. 1^.00
Rdspt Motor Prt. 3.68
Rdspt Auto Parts I63.O6
Ross' 8.i|.8
Rdspt Auto Wreckers 1|..00
State of Oregon
Dept. of Porestry 96.36
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50
State Compensation 228.97
Taylor Hardware 53.27
Thompson Pord Sales 11.50
Union Oil Co. 353.07
Umpqua Bldg. Supply 135.54
Umpqua Industrial 69.01
Jim's Umpqua Drug 19.1+0
Utilities Supply 1+0.72
Umpqua Blumbing 117.67
Umpqua Plumbing 185.10
Stults, Jayne
& Murphy 5•20
Rdspt Outdoor Shop 93.20
Umpqua River Navigation
The Courier 49.37
Umpqua Rental & Supply 5»75
Paul L. Hurlocker, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
8:00 P.M.
Mayor Hurlocker called the meeting to order with the following
councilmen present: L. E. Paull, James Thornton, Ronald 0. Hanson,
Ray Holliday, and Robert Cantrell. Rudy Ruppe absent.
Also present was Mrs. Carlene Maxwell, E. C. Daily, I. G. Johnson,
of the Urban Renewal Agency. Mayor-Elect Thomas Tymchuk and
Council-elect Clifford Plov, Oscar Anderson, Jr., and Ben Henderson
were present. Norvin Ashby of the Urban Renewal Office,
Meeting was continued from regular meeting so that Council could meet
with the Urban Renewal Agency to discuss changing from Urban Renewal
to Neighborhood Development Plan.
Mayor read the resignation of Lincoln Swain, arid appointed Sam Wigle
to take his place.
Mayor informed the Urban Renewal Agency that the Council had decided to
accept the agency's recommendation not to have election to bond for
$200,000 but since there was no representative from the Agency at the
Council meeting, did not decide about the Neighborhood Development
Aahby informed the Council of the Douglas County Housing Authority
going ahead with their Turnkey project.
Also received a call from Hatfield»a office in Portland, telling of
the approval of Part 1 of the Urban Renewal Plan. Will only approve
the initial project, which is approximately $532,000.
Also telling us to go on NDP (year to year). Up to the City to
decide on improvements to be made.
In the discussion as to the people voting NDP or UR down, the Mayor
question Mr. Ashby as to whether or not it would be finished?
Mr. Ashby stated. In essence, yes. Only one can stop it is the
Council; only one can go ahead is the Council. But if voted down,
believe it would be a mandate to the council to turn it down.
Mayor stated that cuts have been made in the Douglas County Housing
Authority plans that will hot be to the City's best interests.
Thornton felt until they let us know what they are going to do or
what changes have been made, we must assume they will be going by
the original plans.
Mr. Johnson said that there was no indication on the original plans
of the Douglas County Housing to ever pave streets on the outside
of the project. No streets will be vacated until plans are presented.
Mayor decided maybe we should wait till we hear from Douglas County
Housing Authority.
Mr. Hanson asked that if an election is to be held in January, will some
kind of program be set up to educate the people, so they can cast an
intelligent ballot?
Urban Renewal Agency Board will decide what first year's project area
will be at next meeting.
Money cannot be used to build the sewage disposal plant.
Part 1 pertains to the original 8 block area.
Mr. Jayne was hsked how the ballot for the NDP would be worded?
Offhand he was not sure. Mr. Ashby stated that it should be on the
ballot that it could operate for 2 years without costi6g-thfe City
a cent.
Mr. Johnson informed Mr. Ashby that the City has nothing in writing
to this effect.
Mr. Thornton asked for the opinions of the incoming Councilmen
and Mayor to be.
Mr. Tymchuk spoke, not as the incoming Mayor, but as a prive
citizen. Several questions were put to Mr. Ashby such as whether
or not there is a deadline on credits we have for the project?
That is 3 years from date of start of the dike project.
Also that he read an article in the paper stating definitely that
the Douglas Housing Authority and Urba n Renewal are in no way
This was answered by Mr. Ashby stating that they are not connected but
try to help each other.
Tymchuk stated that they have had a 2 year study at a cost of
$115»000 plus interest. Unflerstand thtit Reedsport is responsible for
I/I4 cost of project at any given time they enter into any one of several
different plans.
Survey is complete, has been turned down because of cost. Have
talked with many people in Reedsport. It is my feeling that if this
is voted on, it will be turned down. Personalities and emotions
are involved. Would suggest that no decision be made now and be
postponed for an indefinite time.
Propose board be retained and possibly extedned, and a long time
look taken.
Do believe NDP has merit but will not go now
present plan could be sold to the public.
Do not believe
Mayor Hurlocker is against waiting any long. Other areas are moving
and Reedsport is losing more and more business.
Ted Hansen believes something is going to have to be deicded. No
one is going to repair their buildings or anything else as long as
the project is hanging.
Government did not turn down whole project, allowed us
start with the first year, Mr. Ashby reminded. Vote does not have
to be in January, just so it is before March 6th.
L. E. Paull does not feel the council now in office should saddle
the new council with their decision, should wait and let them decide;
After all, it is just two weeks.
Mr. Cantrell believes shouls have a description of area to be the
project before it is voted on. By waiting until the next council
meeting, it will give the URA time for a meeting and they will have
come up with the project for the first year.
Peel that if there is a good project area, and there is time for edu
cating the people, has a good chance for the first year.
Next meeting is January 6th.
Building Inspector is to see Leroy Chenoweth about tearing down
his boat shed now that the boat is finished. Had several complaints
about it.
Meeting adjourned
I. G. John^
City Recorder
Paul t. Ifturlocker, Mayor
kettle fe. Glasser, Recording
JANUARY 6, 1969
Meeting was called to order by Mayor PauliHurlocker for the swearing
in of the newly elected Mayor Thomas A. Tymchuk and Councilmen ^aear
Anderson, Jr., Clifford Plov, and Ben Henaerson^ by I. G. Johnson,
City Recorder.
After being given the oath of office, Hurlocker presented the new
Mjryor with the gavel and a key to the City (offices).
Following councilmen present, Ben Henderson, Oscar Anderson, Jr.,
Clifford Plov, Robert Cantrell, Rudy Ruppe, and Ronald 0. Hanson.
Mayor Tymchuk informed the Council and attendance that the City is
now operating under the new Charter.
APPOINTMENTS made by the Mayor on committees for the following year:
PINANCE-Robert Cantrell, Chairman; Clifford Plov.
WATER-Ronald 0. Hanson, Chairman; Oscar Anderson, Jr.
STREET & SEWER-Ben Henderson, Chairman; Clifford Plov.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND &LIGHTS-Oscar Anderson, Jr., Chairman; Ben
POLICE-Rudy Ruppe, Chairman; Ronald 0. Hanson.
PIRE-Clifford Plov, Chairman; Rudy Ruppe.
A new Committee has been formed-YOUTH COMMITTEE-Robert Cantrell,
Chairman. Mr. Cantrell outlined the program. Committee is to con
sist of 1 councilman (chairman), 2 high school students and 1 person
from the community. Purpose is to develop better relationship between
youth and adults and to include youth in city government. Will
hold monthly meetings with youth attending council meetings. Also
initiate activities that would be beneficial to the youth.
Mayor informed council that there would be a layment appointed on each
committee and would be named when they had been chosen. Rudy Ruppe,
Chairman of the Police Committee, named Ralph Stiiller as the layman to
act on the Police Committee.
Mayor appointed city officials for the coming year:
City Recorder, I, G. Johnson
Water Superintendent, Arthur L. Tollefson
City Attorney, William Jayne
Police Chief, Billie R. Hale
Pire Chief, Zack Turner
Health Officer, Dr. D. L. Courtney
Civil Defense, Curt Baker
Hanson moved appointments be approved. Seconded by Ruppe and ^
passed unanimously.
The separation of the City Recorder and Municipal Judge has been
considered. Mayor asked City Attorney if another man could be
hired to act as Municipal Judge?
Jayne stated that he felt the City would be better off to have
separate Municipal Judge. Has been discussed with Mr. Johnson, and
Mayor Tymchuk, and also with the different attorneys in town, and
Forrester G. Taylor has agreed to take job if council agrees. Will
hold court minimum of 2 days a week and 1 night.
City Attorney Jayne recommends that the Council hire Mr. Taylor and
at a salary of $l50.00 a month subject to negotiation later when it is
known how much time is required to handle job.
When asked for his opinion, Mr. Johnson stated that in all fairness
believe it will be better to have a legal attorney for a judge.
Mayor Tymchuk highly recommended we hire Mr. Taylor on year to year
Mr. Johnson stated that he believes his wages can legitimately be
taken from the Emergency Fund.
Mr. Ruppe requested no reduction in wages for Mr. Johnson.
Ruppe moved we approve Mr. Taylor to be Municipal Judge. Seconded by
Anderson and passed unanimously.
Personnel policy for City Employes to be looked into later.
Mayor requested that any items to come before the council, if possible,
please present to him or any of the council or city recorder at least
ten days prior to the council meeting it can be properly investigated
by committees and an intelligent answer can be given at the council
meeting. Realize this isn't always possible and will be taken into
consideration when problems are presented.
ELECTION OP PRESIDENT OP COUNCIL: term of office is for 2 years.
Ruppe nominated Ronal 0. Hanson for this office. Seconded by Anderson
and passed unanimously.
HEARING ON CATHOLIC CHURCH ANNEXATION; Share in cost of fire hydrant
installation to provide sufficient fire protection stipulation of
Planning Commission. Has been discussed with officials of the church,
but have not yet had a meeting, so do not believe any formal action
should^ be taken until Church is heard from.
Hanson moved property be annexed subject to stipulation of fire hydrant.
Seconded by Ruppe and passed unanimously.
Mayor appointed Jack Unger and Grant Dunn to take E. C. Daily and
Roy Henderson's places on the Planning Commission.
A letter from Dale Warkentin was read for the variance of coverage of
lot on South Hill Drive where he plans on building a duplex.
Building Inspector Leach inspected the property and the setbacks would
be proper but the amount of coverage allowed would be exceeded, so would
not issue permit. ^ ^
Letter read by City Attorney William Jayne from the Urban Renewal
Agency Chairman E. C. Daily, requesting that the City hold a hearing
on the proposal of the agency which is a request that the City Council
designate the triangular area bounded by the hill on the South, the
railroad on the West and the Umqqua River on the North and East as our
NDP project area. The Agency's plan calls for initial rebuilding to be
confined to Block 76.
Mayor questioned Ashby as to who would own the parking lots after they
are built? Will belong to City and will be maintained by city after they
_ are built.
Also questioned Ashby as to whether or not they had in writing that somepne
wpuld rebuild in this area. He stated that they had had for a long
time. Also all that they are asking for is a Public Hearing to see if
a plan like this is feasible.
Will be up to the Council whether or not it be brougtt to a public vote.
Ruppe moved they have public hearing on January 27th as proposed. Seconde(
by Cantrell and passed unanimously.
SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT discussed. We are supposed to begin construction
by June, 1969. Area has to be preloaded. Hanson asked whether or not
we will meet this deadline? Mr. Johnson said no, that this date was
set prior to the dike construction. Anything we spend before approved
for State or Federal participation, will be our own.
Move that City Attorney request the Port Commission to build an access
road to Sewage Disposal Plant on Port Property. Seconded "and passed
City Attorney brought to the Council's attention the fact that the City
1/ 6/69
has entered into previous agreements for Fire Protection on property
outside the City limits. Dean Wooley of the Hardwoods on Bolon Island
wishes protection for his plant, also for his property on Deans Creek,
Cost has previously been $100,00 per year plus $100.00 for each fire
call for first hour, with $$0.00 each additional pumper.
City will not be without service. Fire Chief is in favor of contract,
Cantrell moved contract be entered into; seconded by Anderson and
passed unanimously,
Ruppe stated that we should be cognizant of the fact that the previous
council and Mayor spent may hours and did their best in the past two ^
year in not alway pleasant conditions, and it has been appreciated. M
Following bills approved for payment:
Payroll fund 2300.00
League of Oregon Cities i|.8i|.03
Charles R. Marone I4.O.OO
Portland Motor Motel 31-00
U. S. Post Office 500.00
Payooll fund 9$68,86
Baker's Saw Shop 3.60
Berge & Wally*s 283,22
PUD 1232,50
Courier li|..88
Coast to Coast Hardware 7.19
E-H Machine Works 1+1.08
Fire Equipment Co. 52.20
General Telephone li+l.liO
Jim*s Umpqua Drug 2^,65
A1 Clinton Leach 25.83
Union Oil Co, i|13.08
Medical Arts Lab. 35.10
Oregon Vol, Firemen's Assoc, 15.00
Oregon Fire Chiefs* Assoc, 10,00
City of North Bend 25.98
101 Service U3.95
Oregon Coast Fire Equipment 2,85
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp, 63.00
PERS i|72,97
Rdspt Outdoor Shop 17.55
Meeting adjourned.
nson. City Recorder
Rdspt Fire Dept. 620,00
Ross* Florists 12.35
Rdspt Auto Parts 112.28
Rudy Ruppe 37.80
Rdspt Logging Supply 12i|..32
Standard Oil Co, 5-95
Sims Electric, Inc. l8,50
Ivar A. Stavig 112,00
State Comp, Dep, 233.9l|
Taylor Hardware 61,49
Umpqua Rental & Supply289.55
Umpqua Building 308,28
Utilities Supply 10i|.,li|
Umpqua Industrial 18,73
Billie R, Hale 60,00
Robert G, Stratton 60,00
Arthur C, Chirrick 60,00
Jan R. Northey 60,00
Ger61d Chirrick 20.00
A & C Janitor i+O.OO
Thomas Tymchuk', Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
Public Hearing, held by the Coinmon Council of the City of Reedsport, Oregon
February 3, 1969 8:00 P.M.
Council Members present: Mayor Tymchuck, Clifford Plov, Ben Henderson, Ronald
H^son, Robert Cantrell, Rudy Ruppe and Oscar Anderson
The Public Hearing was opened by Mayor T^chuck to hear arguments for and
against ttie approval of a Neighborhood Development Program as presented to
the Common Council by the Urban Renewal Agency Board for their (Council)
Mayor Tymchuck s^ted the three alternate decisions that could be made by
the Cornmoh Council:
1. Common Council approval of the NDP Project
2. Common Council approving a popular vote by the people of
Reedsport on the acceptance of the NDP Project
its Board from further work on the Project.
He then asked for questions from the floor, preferably from the concerned
merchants within the project area as selected by the Urban Renewal Agency
1. 11 persons spoke against further work on the project
2. 8 persons spoke for Council approval of the NDP Project
3* 5 persons r^uested a popular vote by the electorate
U* lU persons asked questions but expressed no opinions
Mayor Tymchuck read the names on a petition presented to him by B.C. Daily,
Chairman of the Urban Renewal Board. This petition, signed by fifteen (l5)
businessmen, asked the Common Council to approve the proposal as presented
by the Urban Renewal Board. Councilman Ronald Hanson asked Mr. Ashby what
action the Agency needed the Common Council to take. Mr. Ashby stated that
the Agency would like the Council to approve the proposed project.
More discussion followed. Irving Johnson, City Recorder, stated that b'eeause
the attachments, as referred to in the Resolution presented to the Common
Council, were not included, no decision could be made until these attachments
had been filed in the City Recorder's office.
The Council unanimously agreed to make a decision at the next regular meeting
of the Common Council to be held Monday, February 10, 1969.
As there were no further questions or comments. Mayor T^ymchuck adjourned the
Public Hearing.
FEBRUARY 10, 1969p 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Thomas S. Tymchuk, with the
following councilmen present: Oscar Anderson, Jr., Clifford Plov,
Ronald 0. Hanson, Robert Cantrell, and Ben Henderson. Rudy
Ruppe absent.
PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT-request for variance in size of building
on lot in South Hill Drive by Delbert Warkentin. Only 30% of the
lot is allowed to be covered by ordinance. He plans on building
duplex that would cover 33^.
Planning Commission recommended Mr. Warkentin be allowed this
Cantrell moved Planning Commission's recommendation be approved.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mayor announced that Prank Rose was elected Chairmail of the Planning
Mr. Johnson gave report on Copy of Order regarding change in telephone
rates by the Public Utility Commission. The petition was denied for
a raise in rates by an overwhelming majority.
A report of 1968 Building Permits was given by Mr. Johnson. There
was a total of #$79,353.00 for year of 1968, compared with $278,9^1.00
for year 1967.
CONSIDERATION of^Neighborhood Development Plan for first year's project.
Letter received from Urban Renewal Agency requesting that Council table
action at this meeting as the block of the area has been changed from
76 to 81, and requested a hearing be called for February 21+, 1969 at
8:00 P.M.
Hanson moved accept proposal of Urban Renewal, seconded by Cantrell,
and passed unanimously.
Hearing on NDP called for the 2l4.th.
It was announced that Dale Krug will serve as lay member on the
Water Committee.
STREET & SEWER COMMITTEE^^Henderson announced that Dave Wootton will
serve as lay member on this committee.
The council and Bert Bartow, City Foreman, are .going to try and
get togehter to go thcough water tunnel.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND &LIGHTS-Jack Blum will serve as lay member on
this committee.
Permission has been requested to build a War Memorial in Hahn Park,
by the Lions* Club.
Building Committee has looked into this and Chairman Oscar Anderson
believes approval should be given.
Was moved we give Lions' Club permission to build this memorial.
Seconded by Hanson and passed unanimously. Building is to be 20*xl|0
under a rood, but with breezeway.
POLICE COMMITTEE-Commended people who volunteered tire chains during
the snowstorm. Thank radio station for their participation, also
the press.
Chief Hale requested that a stop light should be installed at school
crossing on Hi^way 101 and Pioneer School. One that the children
can jbush and turn red to stop traffic instead of the flashing
amber light.
Also recommends that a 30 mile per houB sign be put on Winchester
Avenue between Thompson Ford and Railroad track instead of the
20 miles school zone and 25 mile zone. Have the 20 mile school
zone only during schbbl year.
Referred to the Police Committee by the Mayor for their recommen
FIRE COMMITTEE-Chief Turner stated that it had been I4.2 days since
they had had a fire call. Had been on call al night during snowstorm.
YOUTH COMMITTEE-Mr. Cantrell introduced Mark Norby, Junior High
representative and Bill Thompson as the High School representative,
also Kathy Lyon who was unable to attend. Louis Matthews is to be
the lay member of this committee.
Cantrell announced that they have not had a meeting as yet.
Minutes of previous meeting approved,
CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: LeRoy Chenoweth has been contacted again
about tearing down the old shed where he built his boat. He has
been ill with the flu but will get it down as soon as he is able.
There is a deadline of March, 1969, for financing of the Sewage
Disposal Plant. Have drafted a resolution calling for a Bond Issue
for the amount of $500,000.
RESOLUTION read by Attorney Jayne calling for special election on
March 10, 1969, &;00 A.M.-8:00P.M. requesting a charter change setting
up $$00,000 bonds for Sewage Disposal Plant.
Motion to adopt resolution seconded and passed.
The $2.00 Sewer Charge will be used to operate the plant. Over and
above will be used to retire the bonds.
State & Federal programs are not definite at this time.
Chief Turner asked what happens if City turns down bond issue:
Attorney Jayne explained that the State Sanitary Authority has the
authority to build plant and bill the City if we cannot finance
it ourselved.
Cornell, Rowland, Hayes, and Merryfield, Engineers of the disposal
plant gave us a breakdown of the cost of building at this time,,
Plant is supposed to be in operation by December, 1970. Port to
build road after dike is built. Dike supposed to be finished by
October, 1969.
Hanson asked City Attorney about the house over by the railroad
tracks that is being condemned. There is still some action to be
CITY RECORDER'S REPORT: L. G. Chaffee has presented the City with
a bill for some plumbing caused by S. D, Spencer & Sons -driving
sheet piling through the sewer line. Do not believe this should
be City bill. Should go to Spencer.
After some discussion, Mr. Jayne to write letter to Spender and Sons
and send copy to Mr. Chaffee.
Bob Sund loaned us chains for the grader. They are pretty well worn
out. Would like permission to purchase new one or settle payment
to his satisfaction.
Hanson moved City Recorder be given authoiity to negotiate for
chains loaned to City.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Mayor has been receiving two phone calls daily from the Sheriff's
office in Roseburg giving water levels. Do not expect Hood.
CURT BAKER gave a report on a meeting of the Civil Defense-tried to
take all precautionary measures necessary to evacuate in case of
a flood. Different Committees appointed. Very possible that a
budget for Civil Defense should be considered in the next budget.
Letter received from the Real Estate Brokers in Reedsport read by
City Attorney Jayne, requesting the zoning of a portion of Hubbard
property along Ridgeway Drive and to Ranch Road joing Forest Hills
#2. They believe this would be suitable for housing for employes
of the local mills. Zoning ffrom minutes of Planning Commission
meeting, March 29, 196$.
Johnson stated that is any of that property was zoned, it all should
Hanson moved that Planning Commission recommendation be adopted from
Planning Commission minutes of the meeting held March 29> 1965.
Seconded by Oscar Anderson and passed unanimously.
Dog Control Officer to meet with committee.
Mayor received a call from Municipal Judge Taylor. Believes
everything is going okay. Will be here to give report next month.
Lions* Club Awards Banquet will be Saturday celebrating Reedsport»s
50th Anniversary,
There has been a lapse in using the requisitions for purchasing. This
is set up by Ordinance. City Attorney to check into correct pro
Hanson moved City abide by Ordinance for requisition purchasing.
Seconded and passed unanimously.
Harold Johnson of Winchester Bay asked if there was any possible way
to reduce the pressure (water) in Winchester Bay to 60-70 lbs?
They have between 90-100 lbs, blows out hoses.
City Recorder Johnson stated that he was afraid the State Fire Marshall's
office might object to that.
No action taken on the Catholic Church annexation as yet.
Ordinances will be back this month. All zoning to be looked into
and brought up to date.
Chief Turner asked about considering a vote ^ain in March on the
Serial Levy.
To be discussed at next month's meeting.
Following bills approved for payment;
H. A. Curry 150.00
Payroll fund 2300.00
League of Oregon Cities 623»91
Eldon S. Crook 15.00
Umpqua National Bank 300.00
Payroll fund 9800.80
A & G Janitor i|.0.00
Baker's Saw Shop 5.25
Bay Printers 89.00
Berge & Wally's 2.^5
The Courier
Sewer Reserve Savings 8380.12
The Courier
Geo. F. Cake Co. 8.50
Coos Bay Stationery 5.86
Department of
State Police
State of Oregon
Douglas County
Fire Equipment
General Telephone ll|7.10
Henderson's Groc. 1.7U
William Jayne
Kaufraann's Chevron
A1 Clinton Leach
Geo. Melville Plumbing
George Melville Plumbing
City of North Bend
OK Tire Stores
101 Service
Oregon State Highway
Petty Cash
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp.
Paramount Pest Control
Rdspt Insurance Service
Rdspt Outdoor Shop
Rdspt Logging Supply Co.
Rdspt Luto Wreckers
Ross' Flowers & Gifts
Rdspt Auto Parts
Smith, Radio Comm., Inc.
Ivar A. Stavig
Umpqua National Bank
State Comp. Dept.
Thompson Ford Sales
Taylor Hardware
Union Oil Co.
Umpqua Bldg. Supply
Umpqua River Navigation
Umpqua Industrial Supply
Utilities Supply Co.
Wray & Scoville
Williams Pharmacy
Rdspt Fire Dept.
Crazy Otto
Meeting adjourned.
I. G. Jolyiaon
City RecoVaer
1+81+. 22
Thomas S. Tyrac^g, Mayor
Nettie B. Glasser,
Recording Secretary
FEBRUARY 2k, 1969
Hearing was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk with following Councilmen
present: Ronald 0, Hanson, Clifford H, Plov, Oscar Anderson, Jr.,
Robert A. Cantrell, Rudy Ruppe, and Ben Henderson.
Purpose of meeting: Requested by Urban Renewal Agency to hold public
hearing on this date, changing NDP block number from 76 to 8l for
first year's project.
On February i|., had hearing on Block 76. Next day, received letter from
Agency requesting change in Block to 8l.
Wally Borrevik requested brief run down on block 8l before questions
Mr. Ashby suggests Block 8l instead of 76 as there were too many
objections raised against Block 76 at hearing.
Fairway Garage is going to move. Could help them in relocating if
in area, would be eligible for SBA loan. Would be easier for them
to build if could get loan.
Ed Tillis asked Mr. Ashby as to what they invisioned going into Block 8l?
Mr. Ashby explained that present owners have first choice at property.
Has never been the intention of agency to have vacant land, taxwise.
If Fairway Garage goes back into that area, will want more property.
Wesley Hillier-have present owners presented willingness to sell to the
Ashby-Not all of them. Only objection they have had is from owner of
vacant lots. Dr. Marvin Amick.
Mayor Tymchuk has received letter from Dr. Amick who owns this land.
Does not wish to sell, but if went to a vote of the people, woiild go
by decision of the voters, but would fight it otherwise.
Fields and Schneider other property involved in block.
Ashby stated that the liquor store and Sears Store were not included
in original plan.
Ashby was asked whether or not he had heard from the prime operator
who had said he would take Block 8l? Stated that he had not personally
heard from them. Fairway Motors only sure prospect, but other still
a possibility.
William Hardy questioned the reason for the change from Block 76 to 8l?
Ashby answered in this manner. To do Block 76, and do it adequately,
one of prime businesses in block was a department store. Got as far
as hearing and Mr. ^unn changed his mind about rebuilding. Only way
would be to change uses. In Block 8l, we are considering entire block.
Do not know ultimate use of whole block as yet.
Ashby explained that in the original plan, the City Hall was to be
in Block 8l. Is not as essential to-stick to plan in this block.
Duard Story asked for the Council's opinions.
Mr. Johnson explained that this was a hearing to get pros and cons
to help Council decide proper action to be taken and to get people's
feeling on this area.
When questioned as to what would go where Fairway Motors is now if they
moved across the street, Ashby stated that he did not know.
Fairway Motors has been offered the Hinsdale property across from the
Post Office. They (Fairway Motors) understood that a National Company
wanted the whole of Block 8l»
Walter Murphey expressed opinion that if Fairway Motors did buil4 and
use property that is now vacant would be an improvement.
Roy Henderson believes the credits from the dike should be used to
offset taxes. To have meeting Thursday to discuss new approach.
Should not make any decision until have considered storm sewers and
such. If credits go to small Urban Renewal area, only few will benefit.
Walter Murphey feels that any improvement on vacant property helps the
tax payers. ^
William Hardy asked if we have any insurance that anything will be
built on property that has been vacant for years?
' i
Denver Wear believes should use credit to separate storm sewer
from sewage disposal .
Ronald Hanson explained that this was just a hearing, that nothing
would be decided until Thursday night meeting.
Lester Thompson asked if there is some credit that could be used
toward storm sewer?
Once credits are spent, they are gone. If triangle is area used
for NDP, will have credit of $121^.,000. Govern4\ent will put up $3
for every dollar City will spend.
Hanson felt credits could be used for storm sewers first year, but
follow up second year with something above the ground.
AUHerra asked when Urban Renewal had been accepted?
Mayor Tymchuk explained that the Council or a vote of the people
would decide on Urban Renewal or Neighborhood Development Plan as it
is now called.
Ben Henderson asked if we didn't have enough credits for storm sewers
and first block too?
March 6, 1969, is end of time for agency unless NDP is set up.
When questioned as to whether or not Low Cost Housing in the Urban
Renewal area would give the City any credits, Ashby said no.
Wear stated that $100,000 has already been spent in study, believe
storm sewers would help everybody.
Rudy Ruppe stated that everyone would benefit from any improvements
Mrs. Burdick feels they have been kept in the dark. What possible
right have we to take Dr. Amick's property?
Tillis asked if it was too late for a vote of the people?
Was told yes, unless they asked for an extension which would extend
the life of the agency to submit a feasible plan.
Hanson said that after the meeting with Nile Paull, HUD believes they
should ask for an extension.
George Marks said he would not go for an extension Unless they could
assure them they would go ahead with the project.
Hanson questioned whether or not the people of Reedsport could vote
intelligently on Urban Renewal?
Mr. Marks said whether it was an intelligent vote ( to Mr. Hanson)
or not, it would be the wishes of the people.
Mr. Johnson said that under the original plan, we have an 8 block area
approved. Now under the Neihgborhood Development Plan, no longer
Urban Renewal, has opened naw avenues for improvements. Should look
at it thoroughly before throwing it away.
Dawn Peseau asked if it would be possible to consider Block 8l without
condemnation? This was answered with a yes.
Walter Murphey feels that if it is put to a vote now, it will be turned
down, but if they could see them doing something, believe they would
go for a project. Should use what we have available.
^ George Williams feels it makes sense if we spend credits toward storm
; sewers. Lot better to tear down old buildings and have land available.
Peseau asked how essential the storm sewers were to the City?
Mr. Johnson explained that during high water, the sewage disposal plant r '
cannot possibly treat all the sewage, so what they could not treat, would
be pumped into the river as raw sewage.
This plan has been approved by the State Sanitary Authorities, but do
not believe they would let us do it for possibly more than one year
before they would say we are polluting the river. At this time, we
are not required to separate the storm sewers from the sewage.
Ruppe asked for a show of hands of those for using portion of credits
for storm sewers, curbs, streets, and other credits earmarked for land
acquisition by agency for people who want to rehabilitate their buildings.
As yet. Urban Renewal area is only 8 blocks. Triangle must be desig
nated by Counc//as NDP before the full $1214.,000 credit is due. Will be
eligible for major portion of #320,000 credits next year.
Mrs. Burdick asked why all the appraisals have been kept secret?
Alden Paull stated that this was government policy.
Henderson .asked if it would be possible to relocate the liquor store?
Ashby stated that the Triangle for NDP is ninety-some acres, 8 block
approved area, nineteen plus some acres and area protected by the
dike is seventy-six point ine acres.
Mr. Ruppe *s question again was brought"up as to show hands that would
be for using 50^ of the credits toward storm sewers, curbs, sidewalks,
and streets and the other 50^ being used for land acquisition by the
agency for those who want to rehabilitate their buildings?
Although the count is not listed, several raised their hands when the
part was added that the land acquisition was for those who wanted to
^ rehabilitate their buildings.
Don Bowers questioned Mr. Ashby as to how the property owners in Block
81 feel?
Mrs. Fields is willing to sell (no stipulations).
Dr. Amick, no unless by vote of people.
Mrs. Boyfes, yes but with certain specifications or qualifications.
Mr. Grubb not contemplated.
A:J.so was told by Mr. Ashby that no specific figures had been discussed
with anyone.
Mr. Henderson asked when and if council votes in the Triangle, will
Fairway Motors be eligible for SBA loan?
Fairway Motors (Mr. Bratten) informed the Council that they are
already eligible for an SBA loan to build anywhere in Reedsport.
Want 60,000 square feet.
Ashby stated that the agency will not purchase any block, unless
something is there to go back. They are required by law to hold
Hearing adjourned.
ATTEST: Thomas S, Tymch^, Mayor
Ia. JohnD^on Nettie B. Glasser, Recording ^
, City Recorder Secretary
PEBRUARY 27, 1969, 8:00 P.M.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk with the following
couhcilmen present; Oscar Anderson, Jr., Clifford H. Plov, Robert A.
Cantrell, RonSid 0, Hanson, Rudy Ruppe, with Ben Henderson coming
in late.
Mayor thanked people for coming and the interest shown at the 2 hearings
on Urban Renewal.
Mayor feels there are many programs available to the City through Urban
Renewal and wished to recommend with the Council's approval:
Application for extension of program,
RESOLUTION read by Bill Jayne, City Attorney, as follows:
WHEREAS, UNDER Title I of the Housing Act of 191+9, as amended, the
Housing and Home Pinance Administrator is authorized to entend financial
assistance to a locality for the planning and undertaking of an urban
renewal project in an urban area which the governing body of the locality
certifies, and the administrator finds, is in need of redevelopment or re
habilitation as a result of a catastrophe which the President has de
termined to be a major disaster; and
WHEREAS, i&e-iUrbattiRehiwainiigencJhofpthSieitytofoHfeed!3p<)rt^f.0^Bgon,
ev46ti§S^ §£t^!^@d^ih^ooi B06^l*acttfo^7FlannlngnAd9aaiae3gtidei^&S&ction
tn of Title I; and
WHEREAS, it is desirable and in the public interest that the Urbau^
Renewal Agency of the City of Reedsport, Oregon amend such agreement t<|
make surveys and complete plans, presently estimated to cost
approximately One Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand Pive Hundred and !
Porty ($137,51+0). dollars, in order to undertake and carry out an
Urban Renewal Project of the character contemplated by Section III of
Title I, in that area proposed as an Urban Renewal Area, situated
in the City of Reedsport, County of Dpuglas, and State of Oregon,
which is described as follows:
Bounded on the north by Hawthorne Avenue; on the east by
Lot 9, Block I4.8, Railread Addition, and by North and South
Third Street; on the south by Elm Avenue; and on the west
by North and South Fifth Street.
1. That the proposed Urban Renewal Area is an urban area in need of
Special Meeting
redevelopment or rehabilitation as a result of a catastrophe which the
President, pursuant to the provisions of Public Law 875, 8lst Congress,
as amended^ has determined to be a major disaster, and is appropriate
for an urban renewal project; that the undertaking by the Urban
Renewal Agency of the City of Reedsport of surveys and plans for an
urban renewal project of the character contemplated by section III of T1tl(
I of the Housing Act of 19l|9» as amended, in the proposed Urban Renewal
Area is hereby approved.
2. That the financial assistance available under Title I is needed
to enable the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Reedsport, Oregon
to finance the Survey & Planning of the proposed project.
3. That it is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed in the
undertaking and carrying out with Federal financial assistance of an,
urban renewal project of the character contemplated by Section III'of
t Title I, including those prohibiting discrimination because of race,
color, creed, or national origin; and also the following requirements:
(a) that the contract for temporary loan or capital grant for the project
shall specify a date for compliance with the workable program for
community improvement requirements of Section III of Title I; (b) that
the urban renewal plan shall be approved by this body; (c) that local
grants-in-aid, consisting of donations of cash, land, demolition or
removal work, and the installation, construction or reconstruction
of streets, utilities, parks, playgrounds, or other improvements or
the provision of other public buildings or facilities, necessary for
carrying out in the Urban Renewal Area the objectives of the urban
renewal plan, shall be provided in an amount which, together with the
Federal capital grant, will be generally equ&l to the difference be
tween Gross Project Cost and the proceeds or value of project land
sold, leased, or retained for use in accordance with the urban re
newal plan; and (d) that there shall be prepared and carried out a
plan for the encouragement, to the maximum extent feasible, of the
provision of dwellings suitable for the needs of indivisuals and
families displaced in connection with the Project; and it is the
sense of this body that such conditions can and will be complied with.
if. That the filing of an application by the Urban Renewal Agency of
the City of Reedsport, Oregon for an advance of funds from the United
States of America to enable it to defray the cost of the surveys and
plans for an urban renewal project in the proposed Urban Renewal
Area described above is hereby approved.
ADOPTED by the Common Council the 27th Day of February, 1969
ss/Thomas S, Tymchu^, Mayor
ss/l. G. Johnson, City Recorder
Robert A. Cantrell moved Resolution be adopted. Seconded by Rudy
Ruppe and carried unanimously.
Ben Henderson moved to adopt Triangle area as Urban Renewal Area as
advertised, without specifying Block 8l as specific block for coming
project. This is approximately 98 acres.
Seconded by Ronald 0. Hanson and passed unanimously.
Roy Henderson asked if there will be a lot of engineering required?
Sam Wigle wondered if October (end of extension) would be long enough
to finish study?
City Attorney Jayne understands there will be enough time.
RESOLUTION read by City Recorder I. G. Johnson on Safe Street Act
proposed by Congress: Purpose is to assist states and locan units of
government to strengthen and improve law enforcement through a compre
hensive program of planning grants, action grants, trainingj,) education
and research.
Special meeting
Would mean approximately a $51^00 grant at no cost to the City.
Robert A. Cantrell moved we cast unanimous ballot to adopt resolution.
Seconded by Ronald 0, Hanson.
Rudy Ruppe asked for more discussion. Forrester Taylor has been named
City Representative. Chief of Police will be asked for reports from
which studies will be made.
Passed unanimously.
Building Inspector A1 Clinton Leach requested permission to attend
a Building Inspector's school in Corvallis for four days. 1 After
being advised by the City Recorder that funds were available, Oscar
Anderson, Jr. moved he attend the school. Seconded by Ronald 0.
Hanson, and passed unanimously.
Mayor Tymchuk announced a meeting with the Urban Renewal Agency
immediately following the meeting tonight; will be a closed meeting
on personnel.
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST: ^ Tfcoma s sTrymchj^, Mayor
City'Reefer —
Nettie B. Glasser, Recording
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Reedsport
was called to order by the Mayor, Thomas Tymchuk#
Present: Mayor Tymchuk, Councilmen Cliff Plov, Oscar Anderson,
Ron Hanson, Rudy Ruppe, Robert Cantrellr City Recorder Irving
Johnson and City Attorney, William Jayne
Fuel oil bids for supplying oil for the City of Reedsport for
the period March 1, 1969 to February 28, 1970 were opened.
The following bids were submitted:
STANDARD OIL CO. Gasoline .22
Fuel Oil .128
UNION OIL CO. Gasoline .2199
Fuel Oil .1229
SHELL Gasoline .2159
Fuel Oil .1362
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the contract be
awarded to Union Oil Company
The matter of whether to present a serial levy for a vote
was discussed. It was decided to postpone the matter until
time to present the new budget.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the council approve
a request by the Girl Scouts for storage space in the library
building with the final decision to be left up to the Library
Municipal Judge Taylor reported the following:
1. A master control record is now being set up for
traffic records.
2. A policy that there will be no dismissal of cases
without a court hearing with the involved persons
and the arresting officer present is being followed.
3. The court had handled 19 traffic cases in January
and 26 cases in February. There were ii non-jury
trials. Night court will no longer be held because
there are not sufficient cases to warrant it.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, LIGHTS - Oscar Anderson presented a
request from the Teen Center for the pool tables in the Community
Building. Oscar Anderson was appointed to look into the matter.
POLICE - Rudy Ruppe reported that the possibility of leasing^
police cars was being studied but as yet not enough information
has been obtained to make a decision.
Mr. Ruppe reported that plans were under discussion with
the principal of Highland School, Mrs. Larson to eliminate one
of the crosswalks at that school thus making it easier and
safer for the children involved on patrol duty there.
Police Chief Hale protested restrictions on the use of
reserve officers. He stated that reserve officers were never
allowed to work unless accompanied by a regular police officer
or allowed to write citations until they had had. six months
of training. Mr. Ruppe agreed to study the matter.
FIRE - Cliff Plov reported that the fire hydrant would be
installed on High Street behin^d the high school during spring
YOUTH - Robert Cantrell introduced the members of the Youth
Committee who were present - Kathy Lyon and Mark Norby. He
reported that an organizational meeting had been held and
that another meeting is scheduled to be held after school
on March 25.
WATER - Ronald Hanson reported that members of the council
had made a tour of the water facilities.
City Attorney William Jayne reported on the election for the
sale of bonds for the amount of $500*000 for the building of
the sewage disposal plant •
The ballots were officially canvassed by the City Recorder,
City Attorney and members of the council with the following
results officially tabulated:
328 ballots cast
29k Yes
3k No
Passed by a majority of 260.
CITY RECORDER - A letter was read from the Lower Umpqua
Hospital thanking the city for help and cooperation during
and after the snow storm.
A letter of commendation was read from the State Board of
Health commending the city on its water system. A Certificate
of Merit accompanied the letter for satisfactory water reports
for the entire year.
City Recorder, Irving Johnson read in its entirety Ordinance 500.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that Ordinance 500 be
approved as written.
Ordinance 500 read a second time by title only.
Motion made, seconded and passed that Ordinance 500 be accepted
as written.
Ordinance 500 read a third ahd:ifinal time by title only.
Motion made, seconded and passed that Ordinance 500 be adopted.
Mr. Johnson brought up the need for a second pump for the
Crestview Heights pump station to relieve the pump which has
been in continuous use there for 2^ years. Mr. Johnson
reported that he had been able to purchase electric controls
at a price of $350.00 and that he figured the entire pump
system could be installed for $2200. Information was turned
over to Ron Hanson and the Water Committee instructed to make
a decision as to the course to follow and go ahead without delay.
The re-codified ordinances are ready to be picked up in Eugene.
Arrangements have been made for more help in the office.
Irving Johnson and City Attorney William Jayne will go to
CH2M and to the State Sanitary Board and discuss, plans for
the sewage disposal plant. Mr. Johnson stated that it is
impossible to meet the deadline set by the State Sanitary
Authority because work on the sewage disposal plant cannot
be started until the dike is completed.
Building Inspector, Clinton Leach reported on the four day
school on Building Codes which he attended in Corvallis.
Planning Commission Chairman, Frank Rose stated that a
Planning Commission meeting will be held on the fourth Monday
of March.
Mayor Tymchuk announced the appointment of Lloyd Richardson
to the Urban Renewal Board. Approved by the council.
Steve Laam reported that he needs more help in the parks
and also suggested the formation of a Park Board.
The following bills were approved for payment:
fund 2500.00
Curt Baker 56.97
E. P. Ishmael 9.9$
Larry Meyer 9*95
Robert Stratton 9.9$
League of Oregon Cities 623.91
Donald George Barnhart 1$.00
Harry A. Slack 100.00
City of Reedsport Payroll Fund 9014.1.27
Alfred D. Handsaker 20.00
Ronald D, Handsaker 20.00
Reedsport Fire Department 97*00
Umpqua National Bank 2$0.00
A & C Janitor Service [|.0.00
Berge & Wally^s 2.50
Central Lincoln PUD 1296.61
Coos Bay Supply Co. 257*90
The Courier 2:7.37
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 11.29
Del Chemical Corporation 14.99•iUl-
Bay Pavers, Inc. 65.92
Fire Equipment Co. 197-00
General Telephone Co. 1614-.10
Hansen Electric Company 350.00
Kaufmann*s Chevron 193-72
MuniChem Corporation 914-7-36
Pfeter Box Equipment Co. 173-30
Melville Plumbing Co. 119-99
101 Service 152.25
Noble Drug 6.14.5
OK Tire Stores 6.00
North Bend Wheel Shop 8.50
City of North Bend 29-60
Sewer Reserve Savings # 00722 3128.68
Paramount Pest Control, Inc. 16.00
A1 Clinton Leach 2I4..92
Perry Electric & Plumbing Supply 66.2I4.
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp 63-00
Public Employees Retirement System53t*77
Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 52.20
Reedsport Auto Parts 126.29
General Fund I3OO.OO
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 5-70
Ivar A. Stavig 112.50
Sanderson Safety Supply Co. 10.80
Standard Oil Co. of California 16.28
State Compensation Department 211.68
Taylor Hardware 2l|..93
Thompson Ford Sales 66.14.8
Cleveland Cotton Products Co. 135-00
Umpqua Rental & Supply 161.14-7
Umpqua NationaliBank 12105-00
Union Oil Co. of California 559-79
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 806.79
Umpqua Industrial Supply Co. 32.51|-
Umpqua Building Supply Co. 91-14-7
VTilliams Pharmacy 14-7.10
Reedsport Fire Department 276.00
Meeting adjourned
Thomas S. Tymchuk, Mayor
I. G. J^Jms on. City Recorder Bernell McClay, Rec6rrddiing Sec.
The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Reedsport
was called to order by the Mayor, Thoinas Tymchuk,
Present: Mayor Tymchuk, Councilmen Ron Hansen, Oscar Anderson,
Robert Cantrell, Cliff Plov, Rudy Ruppe, Ben Henderson; City
Recorder, Irving Johnson and City Attorney, William Jayne.
The Sea Scouts under the direction of Denver Wear presented
the colors and led with the pledge of allegiance.
Mayor Tymchuk appointed Bud Gibbons to the Budget Committee to
replace outgoing member Chack-c Foster and re-appointed Archie
Mustoe to the committee. Motion was made by Hansen and seconded ^
Budget Cantrell that the appointment of these men be approved.
Committ^ William Jayne read a letter from the Urban Renewal Board stating
G. Dunn that the Urban Renewal Agency proposed to acquire lot 16 of
G. Hutter Block 51 and lots 10 and 11 of Block [|.9 and to construct a
A. Mustoe storm drain to be detailed by an engineering study for its
r! Hender- iJ^itial work within the Neighborhood Development Program.
The Agency requested that the City Council call a special meeting
L. Swain Q:00 P. M., April 21, 1969 for the purpose of holding a
b! Gibbons Hearing on* this proposal and to take any action pertinent
Motion was made by Hen^lerson, seconded by Cantrell to hold such a
public meeting on April 21, 1969 for the purpose of hearing the
Urban Renewal proposal and to take necessary action on this
proposal. Motion passed.
William Jayne read a letter from Vik Construction regarding
vacation of Elm street between third and 5th and N. 8th street.
for the low cost housing for the elderly. Vacation will be
made when a satisfactory plan is presented on the housing for
this area. Time was spent with Mr. Vik, Mr. Plants, engineer
for Vik Construction Co. and other representatives of the company
trying to work out a satisfactory solution on Elm Street. Mr.
Johnson stated that he would recommend to the Planning Commission
that the width of Elm street remain as at present. Mayor Tymchuk
called a meeting for noon, Thursday April 10 for all those members
of the City Council and the Planning Commission who can be present
to go over the site of the proposed housing and try to work out
some solution for the problems there.
Ron Hanson, Chairman, stated that the Water Committee has inspected
the water facilities and gone over the engineering studies of
March 19i^-9* He recommended that the City of Reedsport hire a
qualified engineering firm to bring the studies up to date and ^
that no further work be done in the tunnel until these studies have
been made.
City Attorney William Jayne was requested to write a letter to
CH2M asking for an estimate of the cost of such a study.
Oscar Anderson, chairman, reported that this committee has considered
the matter and decided to deny the request by the Teen Center for
the pool tables.
POLICE - Rudy Ruppe, chairman, presented a letter from the Principal
of Highland School recommending one crosswalk and a caution light
at that school rather than the two crosswalks that are used at
present. They requested a letter stating that the council would
agree to back this suggestion.
Mr. Ruppe also stated that he had received complaints that the
city dog pound did not meet state standards. Mr. Jayne agreed to
try to get the information on standards for dog pounds.
FIRE - Fire Chief Zack Turner requested permission to hold two
hour fire practices two nights a month for the four summer months
as was done last year. Motion was made by Ruppe, seconded by Anderson
that permission be given for the firemen to put in the two extra
hours of practice for the four months of summer.
YOUTH - Mr. Cantrell, chairman, stated that a planning meeting
was held on March 2I4., 1969.
City A'ttorney, William Jayne stated that recommendations for
personnel policy are being put into shape for adoption.
William Jayne, Mayor Tymchuk and City Recorder, Irving Johnson,
are to meet with State Sanitary Authority on April 8 and try^
to get recommendations from their engineers for a proposed time
schedule for work on the sewage disposal plant.
Mr. Johnson stated that the city has replaced two fire hydrants.
Mayor Tymchuk read the resignation of City Recorder, Irving
Johnson from the Urban Renewal Board. Reason for resignation
is that Mr. Johnson feels that as an official of the city, acting
on this board represents a conflict of interest and responsibility,
A letter from Lillebo Construction Company was turned over to
the Planning Commission for consideration and will then be
returned to the City Council.
Mr. Ashby-.urged iriore action toward getting a dock on the waterfront
and also requested that the City Council initiate action to improve
the turn-off from Highway 101 to Highway 38•
The following bills were approved for payment:
City of Reedsport - Payroll 21^.00.00
League of Oregon Cities 623.91
Umpqua National Bank 2$23.75
Mrs. Gertrude DeCloedt 25*00
Mrs. G-ertrude DeCloedt 25-00
Lorna Johnson 26.00
G-ertrude Warren 26.00
Sharen Glasser 2L|..00
Berniece Jorgensen 2I4..OO
Ernie Elmlund 6.00
Oldie M. Letts 6.00
Virginia Clardy 6.00
Fred Sankey 6.00
Earl Hale 6.00
Donald Holesapple 6.00
Lester Thompson 6.00
Vivian Hansen 6.00
Bette Hillier 6.00
John Webb 6.00
City of Reedsport - Payroll 9i;7i;.3i4.
A & C Janitor Service I4.O.OO
Al»s Market 1.65
Bureau of Governmental Research 1167*91
Bergen's Nursery Florist 2[|..00
Baker*s Saw Shop 26.1^.5
Coos Bay Supply Co. 68.38
City of Reedsport transfer to Savings
#00722 3192.61
Central Lincoln PUD 128k.23
Fyr-Fyter 68.20
General Telephone l59.I}-0
Hansen Electric Company 191+.51
Johnson Cement Products 7*35
Jim*s Umpqua Drug 14..20
A. C. Leach 96.14.2
George Melville Plumbing & Heating I|.1.06
0. K. Tire Store 9*00
Oregon State Highway Dept. 32.16
101 Service 1^-0.
City of North Bend 3lj-«80
Jan Northy 36.18
Pape Bros, Inc. 33*32
Simmons Carbon Co. II4..OI
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. .63*00
Paramount Pest Control, Inc. 8.00
Public Employees Retirement System 550.77
Mrs. Clarence Hahn 30*00
Reedsport Auto Parts
Ray's T, V. Service
Reedsport Logr^ing Supply
Ross* Flowers & Gifts
Reedsport Outdoor Shop
Reedsport Fire Department
Stults, Jayne, Murphy & Anderson
Bookstore SWOCC
Ivar A. Stavig
Sherwood Shell Service
Director of Elections
State Compensation Dept.
Taylor Hardware
Z'ack Turner
Thompson Ford Sales
Union Oil Company
Umpqua National Bank
Umpqua Building Supply Co.
Umpqua Industrial Supply Co.
Utilities Supply Co.
Umpqua Rental & Supply
Umpqua River Navigation Co.
Williams Pharmacy
Bill Hale
Arthur C. Chirrick
Robert G. Stratton
Jan R. Northy
Gerald G. Chirrick
Meeting adjourned
"Thomas S. Tymchukj/Wayor
I. G.^^J^nson, City Recorder Bernell McC1 ol-a,ryU/Recording Sec
Mayor Tymchuk, Councilmen Ron Hansei> Oscar
Anderson, Cliff Plov, Robert Cantrell, Ben
Henderson; City Attorney William Jayne and
City Recorder, Irving Johnson
Rudy Ruppe
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk.
Purpose of the meeting was to hold a public hearing to
consider the proposal of the Urban Renewal Agency to
acquire lot 16 of Block 5l and lots 10 and 11 of Block
14.9 and to construct storm drains to be detailed by an
engineering study for its initial work within the
Neighborhood Development Program.
Norvin Ashby stated that the tentative plan is to use
lot 16 of Block 15 as a parking lot and lots 10 and 11
of Block l\.9 for storage of lumber or other materials.
Estimate of the storm drain cost is roughly $60,000.
Bob Sund inquired as to what relation the acquiring of
the land had to the construction of the storm sewer
system. Mr. Jayne stated that it is necessary to acquire
some Urban Renewal property in order to qualify for
the public works of the storm sewers. Mr. Hillier asked
if the housing for the elderly being contemplated would
not qualify the project in this respect. Mr. Jayne stated
that it would not as the projects are completely separate.
Bill Humphreys asked for a target date on starting the storm
sewer project, Mr. Ashby gave September 1, 1969 as a possible
date for calling for the contract.
Motion was made by Cantrell, seconded by Hanson that the Council
approve the Urban Renewal Agency proposal to acquire lot 16
of Block 5l s^nd lots 10 and 11 of Block I4.9 and to construct
storm drains to be detailed by an engineering study for its
initial work within the Neighborhood Development Program.
Motion carried. Ayes 5
Mr. Pitcher, representing Vik Construction Co. reported that
Mr. Dondero, Douglas County Housing, and Vik Construction
^ Company are agreeable to the points outlined in the letter
j written by William Jayne on April 1$, 1969 outlining the
recommendations of the Planning Commission. The Planning
Commission recommendations are:
"'That the Reedsport City Council approve site plan "B"' as
presented subject to the builder completing and bringing
Railroad Avenue and Juniper Street up to City specifications
asfter which the City will assume maintenance.
That the Council approve site plan "A" sheet L-1 dated
February 7th as amended subject to Vik Construction Co, making
the following revisions and agreements:
(a) That an additional four foot set back be provided on
Winchester Avenue for the two structures facing
Winchester Avenue.
(b) Provide a 12 inch drain through vacated Ijth Street
to hook into existing catch basin on Winchester Avenue.
(c) Install an approved fire hydrant on the North side
of Elm Street at approximately the intersection of
i+th and Elm."'
Motion made by Hanson, seconded by Anderson that site Plan B
be approved as outlined. Motion carried. Ayes 5
Motion made by Hanson, seconded by Plov that the Council
approve site Plan A subject to the revisions outlined in
the letter of April 15> 1969« Motion carried. Ayes $
Ordinance No. 501 requiring the vacation of a portion of
8th Street, 16 feet of Elm and i].th Streets as previously
agreed was read in full by William Jayne.
Motion was made by Hanson, seconded by Cantrell that Ordinance
No. 501 be approved as read. Motion carried. Ayes 5
Ordinance No. 501 read by title only.
Motion was made, seconded that Ordinance No. 501 be approved.
Motion carried. Ayes 5
Ordinance No. 501 read by title only for the third time.
Motion made by Cantrell, seconded by Hanson that Ordinance
No. 501 be adopted. Motion carried. Ayes 5
In the absence of Chairman Ruppe, Ron Hanson read a recommendation
of the Police Committee that $6,000 be transferred from the
General Fund to the Police Fund.
Motion was made by Hanson, seconded by Cantrell that a resolution
be adopted transferring $6,000 to the Police funds from the
following General Fund appropriations:
Extra Help
Misc. Expense
Storm Drains
Dike Maintenance
Motion carried. Ayes 5
City Recorder, Irving Johnson, handed out proposed budgets
to be studied before the first budget meeting.
Mayor Tymchuk appointed Charles Letts to the Urban Renewal
Board to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of City
Recorder, Irving Johnson. Motion made, seconded and passed
that the appointment be approved.
Mayor Tymchuk recommended that the City Council give all
possible encouragement and backing to the Port Commission
in encouring that body to purchase property on the waterfront
now owned by the Eillebo Construction Co, This land is to
be offered for sale on May 27, 1969.
Motion made by Cantrell, seconded by Henderson that the Council
encourage the Port Commission to look into the matter and
purchase this property if it is at all possible. Motion
carried. Ayes 5
Mayor Tymchuk announced that on April 28, 1969 the County
Commissioners will meet in the Central Lincoln PUD building
in Reedsport to discuss usage of the new Court House building.
On Wednesday, April 30, 1969 Mayor Tymchuk will go to Roseburg
to meet with other Mayors of Douglas County to discuss problems
of the area.
Meeting adjourned.
Thomas S. Tymchuk, M.a^or
on, C Lty Recorder 5ernell McClay, Recordiinr-: Sec
NIGHT, 6:00 P. M. May 6, 1969
Council Members present: Mayor Thomas Tymchuk; Ch., Ron
Hanson^ Rudy Ruppe^ Oscar Anderson
Cliff Plov, Ben Renderson^ and
City Recorder, Irving Johnson
Absent : Robert Cantrell
Budget Committee present: Grant Dunn, Roy Henderson, George
Hutter, Bud Gibbons, Archie Mustoe,
Lin Swain
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk.
Nominations were opened for chairman of the Budget Committee.
Archie Mustoe nominated Roy Henderson for chairman of the Budget
Committee. Motion was made, seconded and carried, that nominations
be closed. Roy Henderson was elected Budget Committee chairman
by a unanimous vote.
Nominations were opened for secretary of the Budget Committee.
Grant Dunn was nominated for secretary. Motion was made,
seconded and passed that nominations be closed. Grant Dunn
was elected secretary by a unanimous vote.
City Recorder, Irving Johnson, presented the Fire Department
Budget and explained the items included.
Rudy Ruppe expressed the feeling that the Fire Chief-?.s
ddlary was not enough as listed and suggested a. figure of
$1000 yearly. Roy Henderson made the recommendation that
this salary be raised to $1,000. Recommendation approved..
Budget Committee members were in agreement as to the need
for raising the firemen's wages to $2.$0 per hour. Fire
Chief Zack Turner explained the need for additional reimburse
ment for two Assistant Fire Chiefs, stating that the additional
responsibility placed upon these two men made this necessary.
After some discussion decision was made to recommend that
these two men be paid an additional amount hourly rather than
a set yearly salary. Fire Chief Zack Turner explained the
need for another two-way radio, an item listed in the budget.
He stated that he was in general agreement with the budget
as presented.
Police Budget was discussed. Mr. Johnson explained items
in the budget and the amounts listed.
Mr. Ruppe expressed concern over the listing of just one new
police car in this budget due to the condition of the present
police cars. Grant Dunn suggested that the one police car
be purchased as listed on the budget and that the possibility
of a serial levy for purchase of the second might be the bfest
Rudy Ruppe asked for an explanation of the item listed by
Police Chief Hale for $600 for police reserves. Roy Henderson
made the recommendation which was agreeable to the group that
this item be left!in the budget but be reduced to $300.
Rudy Ruppe stated that he believed further adjustment in the
Police Chief^^s salary should be made. A figure of $5700
was recommended.
Mayor Tymchuk requested a recess to discuss the matter of
salary for City Recorder, Irving Johnson. Mr. Johnson was
asked to leave the meeting while this matter was under
Mr. Tymchuk stated that he felt Mr. Johnson^s salary was
long overdue for an adjustment considering the responsibilities
of the position and the number of years Mr. Johnson has been
with the City. Similar statements were made by past mayors
Roy Henderson and Gaylord Vaughn, Mr. Ruppe stated that
he has been in, fact doing the work of' a City Manager and
yet not being paid for that position. The group was in
agreement that this was the case. Gaylord Vau^n suggested
the figure of $12,000, Motion was made, seconded and
passed by a unanimous vote that the Budget Committee
recommend thatJ^Mr. Johnson*s salary be raised to $12,000.
City Recorder, Irving Johnson, went through the entire
proposed budget explaining items as listed.
Concern was expressed by Ron Hanson that the budget did
not include enough money to take care of needed repairs
to streets. All agreed that for the present it was best
to stay within the six percent limitation but that the
need for these repairs should be kept in mind and that
plans should be laid for meeting these needs in the future.
The need for another policeman was discussed with Chief
Hale. There was general agreement as to the need and
discussion followed as to how this man could, be hired
and still keep within the budget amount. No decision was
reached. Grant Dunn expressed his belief that the Council
should set the number of police to be hired and that it
should not keep, coming up each year as a problem for the
Budget Committee to decide.
Some time was spent discussing the $8925 item in Capitiil
Outlayt. This was originally set aside for paving the
parking lot adjacent to the Community Building and Police
Station. It was decided that another effort should be
made to reach an agreement with the PUD regarding this
Meeting adjourned.
ATTEST: Thomas S. Tymc^k, Mayor
I. G. Jph^on, City Recorder Bernell McClay, Rectording Sec
CITY OP REEDSPORT, MONDAY Wy 12, 1969 8:00 P. M.
Council Members present; Mayor Thomas Tymohuk
Councilmen Ron Hanson^ Oscar Andersonf
Cliff Plov, Robert Cantrell, Rud# Ruppe,
Ben Henderson
City Attorney, William Jayne
City Recorder, Irving Johnson
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk followed by the
presentation of the flag by Boy Scout Troop 10.
^ The month of May was proclaimed "Clean Up Month" by Mgyor
Tymchuk# City Recorder, Irving Johnson, reported that letters
had been sent to several property owners requesting them to
clean up their property.
Mr« Johnson stated that a letter had been written to the State
Sanitary Authority requesting an extension of time tor comm
pletion of the sewage disposal facility here. A meeting will
be held in Coos Bay on May 23 at 9:30 A. M. at which time requests
will be brought up for consideration* Councilmen who can are
urged to attend*
The revised Budget was presented by City Recorder,, trving Johnson
with changes noted and explained.
Motion was made by Cantrell, seconded by Ruppe that the revised
budget be adopted. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Bids for auditing the City books were opened with the folll^wing
bids submitted:**'—
Gaylord Vaughn
Wray & Scoville
Mr. Johnson recommended that the contract be given to a local
Motion was made by Hanson, seconded by Henderson that Gaylord
Vaugihn be awarded the contract for the City auditii]^«
City Recorder Irving Johnson explained the proposed changes
in the drainage system on Higjhway 38 relating to the dike
construction. The proposals will be presented to the State
Hi^way Department for approval before giving them to the Corps
of Engineers for their approval or rejection. Mr. J<^nson stated
that the cost of the drainage is an expense to the city above
and beyond that of the cost of the dike. The proposed changes
will result in a considerable cut in this cost. It will be
^ necessary to set up a meeting with the State Highway Depart
ment in order to get the project going.
PINANCE - Robert Cantrell, Chairman
WATER - Ron Hanson, Chairman stated thi|£the and Irving Johnson
had met with representatives from CH2M and discussed the updating
of the city water system. Information will be available within
the next two weeks.
BUILDING, PLAYGROUND, LIGHTS - Oscar Anderson, Chairman, asked
what was to be done with the bowling equipment stored in the
Community Building. Mr. Johnson stated that it will be removed
this month before start of the summer recreation pro£^m.
Oscar Anderson stated that this committee will make a check
of the city warehouse to determine needs there.
STREETS & SEVifERS - Ben HeadorsoD, ChalrmaQ, reported that
there is still some misunderstanding uith Mr, Whitoomb regarding
connecting hia home to the city sewer system. Mr« Henderson
requested that a dead end sign be ptit up on Maple Drive.
POLICE - MR* Ruppe, Chairman stated that Police Chief Hale
would like to have some changes made in the police office.•
Thefe is need to install another burglar alarm system and
another telephone lino.
Mr. Johnson stated that the possibility of getting the bank
to finance the installation should be considered. City Attoinney
William Jayne stated that he will look into the liability of
the City in this matter. Mr. Huppe will report on the matter
at the next council meeting. ' |
The matter of directing traffic for the coming auction to be
held by Lillebo Construction Co. was discussed. Arrangements
had already been made with the police department.
YOUTH COMMITTHIE - Robert Cantrell. Chairman^ presented the
recommendation that the council give approval to the request
of the Teen Club for use of the Comonunity Building for dances
with the following stipulations:
1. Two off-duty policemen to be hired for each dance
2. Two adult couples to act as chaperones
3. Teen Club to be. responsible for cleaning up thes
hall by 6:00 P. M. the following day if the hall
is not needed that day for some other purpose.
If the hall is needed the following day, it must
be cleaned immediately following the dance.
Teen Club to pay for any damage
No beer or other liquor to be allowed on the premises
6. Teen Club to pay the stipulated use fee if any
7. Performance bond of $2$ to be deposited before
each dance to be forfeited in the event of failure
to comply with the provisions.
6. List of adult chaperones to be filed in the
City Recorder's office before each dance.
Teen Club activities are separate from the summer recreation
program and the summer recreation program will have priority.
Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Henderson that the
Council accept the recommendation of the Youth, Committee
and give permission tor the Teen Club to hold dances in the
Community Building with the stipulations as stated. Motion
passed 1^ a unanimous vote.
FIRE COMMITTEE - Cliff Plov, Chairmanr— Fire Chief Zack
Turner stated that he had been approached by a representative ^
of Vik Construction Company requesting the Fire Department
to put in a bid for burning the buildings that must be removed
from the property on which hou&ing for the elderly is to be
City Attorney stated that it would not be advisable for the
Fire Department to do the job. Permission denied.
CITY ATTORNEY - William Jayne presented each councilman with
a copy of the new personnel policy for them to study before
the next council meeting.
CITY RECORDER • Mr. Johnson stated that he is to attend a
meeting in Roseburg on MA|i 13 to look into the possibility^
of getting money under the Safe Street Crime Act.
The folloulng bills were approved for payment:
City of Reedsport - Petty Cash
City of Reedsport - Payroll
League of Oregon Cities 546.13
Delia Saltzman
Dave Mays
Ester Speaks
Winona Hollibaui^
City of Reedsport - Payroll
Bonneville Power Administration 3320#00
Edgar MeConkey
J. R. Jordan loop
. City of Reedsport - Petty Cash aO.d^
Edward Allen Gheer
John Robert Hoskins 25* 00
A & C Janitor Service kO.OO
Courier 501.70
Central Lincoln PUD 1227.37
City of Reedsport - Water Fund 1^79.5o
Comm-Tronics, Inc. ^23'tS
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 157*39
Claekamas Community College ^§*^5
Douglas County Pair ?r*22
The Decorating Center» Inc. 14^5
A. C. Leach
Meter Box Equipment Co* 1^5*4^
George W. Melville 71*23
Noble Drug l*9o
OK Tire Stores |oO
City of North Bend
Pacific Water Works Supply . 54*12
Paramount Pest Control Inc. ^ o.OO
Public Employees Retirement System 529.59
City of Reedsport - transfer to savings 32Q2.U1
PirJ? Department
Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 10.61
Ross* Flowers k Gifts 55*70
Reedsport Motor Freight
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 133*03
Reedsport Auto Parts
Reedsport Auto Wreckers 2.00
Ivar A. Stavig 102.50 kerwood Shell Service 29^79
State Compensation Department 210.01
Thompson Ford Sales 2o.60
Umpqua Building Supply Co.
Umpqua Building & Hardware 32.07
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 275•51 umpqua Cafe ||.0|
Utilities Supply Co. 57.3o
Umpqua Rental & Supply ,21.10
Union Oil Co. 1I5*06
Umpqua Industrial Supply Co. 50.feo
General Telephone 1^3*oj
Waterworks Supplies Co. in
Williams Pharmacy 14*40
Meeting adjourned.
Following adjournment Steve Cary presented an arrangement
of slides with narration showing different departments of
the City at work and aldo pictures of the different industries
of the area. These slides are to be left in the City office
and are available for use by any organization interested
in showing them.
otin^ny city kecorcier •L e^eii kcciayt aecoraing Sec.
cm- OP REEDSPORT, MONDAY JUNE 9, 1969 at biOO P. M«
Council Members present: Mayor Thomas Tymohuk
Counoilmen Ron Hanson^ Oscar Anderson^
Cliff Plov, Rudy Ruppe, Ben Henderson
City Recorder Irving J^nson
City Attorney William Jayne
Absent: Robert Cantrell
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Thomas Tymohuk«
Minutes of the May 12, 1969 meeting were approved.
City Recorder Irving Johnson read a letter from the State Highway .
Department regarding the traffic signals on 22nd street and M
Highway 101 which have never operated efficiently. This letter
suggested changes in parking^ possible striping and parking j
prohibition iihich would allow redesigning of the easterly loop; I
and provide improved signal operation. The diagram accompanying
the letter was studied by the council,
Mr« Johnson was instructed to advise the State Highway office
in Roseburg that this matter has been referred to the proper
committee for investigation and conference with the affected
landowners (Grassl and Clements),-
A letter from the State Sanitary Authority regarding the City's
Waste Discharge Permit was read. The Authority agreed to extend
the deadline for completion of the sewage treatment plant to
October 19 1970, A letter was written to the Authority by City
Attorney, William Jayne, protesting the early date for calling
for bids on this project, (June 30, 1969)
City Recorder, Irving Johnson read the Waste Discharge Permit
which set forth the standards and-requirements of the State
Sanitary Authority,
RESOLUTION was read authorizing the signatures of the Mayor
and City Council to make application to the Pederal Government
for one half the cost of building the sewage disposal plant
($293,500) and to the state for one fourth of the coat or all
that the state can give;
Motion was made by Anderson, seconded by Hanson that the Council
adopt the resolution as read. Motion carried - unanimously,
A letter was read by Irving Johnson announcing a League of Oregon
Cities workshop to be held in Coos Bay on June 16, Mayor Tymchuk
will attend in the afternoon.
The new Personnel Policy and Procedures for City Employees was
discussed and a few matters clarified.
Motion was made by Ruppe, seconded by Henderson that the personnel
policy be adopted as presented. Motion carried by a unanimous
RESOLUTION ON URBAN RENEWAL was read by William Jayne authorizing
approval of a Neighborhood Development program, annual increment
thereof and the filing of an application for financial assistance.
Motion was made by Hanson, cieconded by Ruppe that the Council
approve the resolution for the Ndii^borhood Development program.
Motion carried unanimously,
Mr, Ashby stated thUt the application for the NDP project has
cleared Seattle and will now be sent to San Prancisco for
approval and then to Washington, D, C, to apply for the money
for the project. Estimated time to clear the application through
these three places is ninety days.
Mr, Ashby stated that the Ruban Renewal Agency now has approximately
$2500 for esagineerias studies on the proposed storm drain projeot*
This ia not at&ffieient to oover the ooat* The eounoil indicated
that they would eonsider the matter of furnishing additional
money needed to complete the project bat could not make a definite
commitment since the amount needed is not known at present.
resolution was read from Mr* Slattery^ Planning Coordinator for
the Douglas County Planning Commission pledging the participation
of the City of Reedsport in establishing a comprehensive Health
Planning Committee for Douglas County.
Motion was made by Hanson, seconded by Plov tha^tthis resolution
be adopted. Motion carried unanimously.
WATER - Chairman Ron Hanson reported that the had met with a
representative from CH2M to discuss the study of the water system.
A representative from CH2M will be here again on June 16.
STREET & SEWER- Chairman Henderson reported that he had received
complaints about a plugged drain on I^ple Drive which creates
problems when-it vliins. Also there were reports of a hole whi6h
needs fixing on 10th street. This hole teas found to be on private
property rather than on the city street. Ron Hanson reported
that a catch basin on Ridgeway Drive was creating a problem.
BUILDING^ PLATOROUND ae LIGHTS - Oscar Anderson, ^airman, reported
that MTo Morello had been given a deadline of June 15 to ibemove
the bowling equipment from the Community Building.
The name of Clarence Hahn was suggested for a place on the
Park Committee.
POLICE - William Jayne stated thQt^he had talked with the firms
requesting burglar alarm protection and thoug^it that they might
react favorably to contributing $2S0 each toward the expense
of installing the needed equipment at the police station for the
operation of burglar alarms to these two places.
CIT7 RECORDER - Some time was spent discussing the 12 protective
devices which' the Corps of Engineers plan to install to prevent
electrolysis on materials used in the dike. This would cost
the City around $250 monthly to maintain. The cost seemed
prohibitive in view of the fact that a definite need for such
a system has not been established. It was decided that Mayor
Tymchulc and City Recorder Irving Johnson idkxould make a trip
to Portland to discuss the matter with the Corps of Engineers.,
Mr. , Johnson stated that the present rate of sewer isharge will
be more than adequate to support maintenance of the sewage
disposal plant.
A1 Richardson' had been requested to find out if contractors^
for demolishing the buildings where the Douglas County Housing
units are to be built would be given permission t;6 burn on the
site of the proposed sewage disposal plant. City Attorney
William Jayne* recommended that these contractors contact Charles
Dondero, head of the Douglas County Housing project, to see if
permission would be given for burning on the county dump.
Mayor Tymchuk appointed Brent Davis to the City Planning
Commission to replace Bill Andrews. Motion was made by Henderson
seconded by RUppe that this appointment be approved. Motion
carried unanilBioualy.
The following bills were approved for payment:
City of Reedaport Payroll Kund 9259.64
John Webb 6«00
Eleanor Kooh 6.00
George Hutter o-OO
James Gray 5-00
William C. Todd 6.00
Nellie G. Edaon 6.00
Mary Ann Thornton 6.00
Harry Spragae 6.00
Genevieve L* Boyles 6.00
Pauline Winston 6.00
James Symington 6.00
S. J. Gary
League of Oregon Cities 623.31
tJmpqua National Bank 31o.75
Umpqua Taoklebox^ Inc. 32.70
City of Reedaportt Payroll Fund 2500.00
A & C Janitor Service I4.O.OO
Al'a Market 14*36
Berge &Wally^s Chevron Station 4*40
Baker's Saw Shop
Courier 90»8l
Coos Bay Supply Co. 67*29
CoasiJ Pyr Fyter
Coos Grange Supply 15*00
Coos Bay Stationery Co. 10.36
Central Lincoln PUD 1203.45
DEL chemical Corporatiton 221.43
Fire Department 5^9
Friden^ Inc. 5lQ*75
General Telephone 161.33
Bill Hale 33.00
Hansen Electric Company 62.30
Frank's Jiger Sales 14*73
Jim*s TJmpqua Drug 9.00
A. g. Leach 33*74
Meier Chevrolet-Buick Inc.
George W. Melville 16.65
101 Service 305.71
Oregon Assoc. of City Finance Officers 5*00
0, Ke Tire Stores 77*12
Pennsalt Chemicala Corp 63*00
F. Morton Pitt Co. 3*60
Paramount Pest Control^ Inc. 8.00
Pacific Pumping Co. 148.80
Pape Bros.f Inc* 141*30
Public Employees Retirement System 5U5*26
City of Reedsport Community Building 1800,00
Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 6*25
Reedsport Auto Parts 244*69
Reedsport Barracks 619 22.10
Reedsport Auto Wreckers 1.00
Reedsport Motor Freight 7*36
Reedsport Outdoor Shop 6.00
Fire Department 82.90
Ross* Flowers & Gifts 6.25
Reedsport Police Department 23*25
State Compensation Department 221.76
William Jayne 144*50
Skylark Cafe 77*05
State Compensation Department 10.00
Thompson Ford Sales 23*37
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 137*63
Umpqua Building & Hardware 121.66
Umpqua Tacklebox 3*75
Umpqua Industrial Supply o*??
Umpqua Cafe 8.55
Williams Pharmacy 16.30
Ivar Stavig 92.50
City of Reedsport Payroll Fund 2400.00
I. JohnlBon, fitity Recorder
Thomas S. 'JSymdhuk
MONDAY, June 16, 1969 at 8:00 P» M.
Council Members present: Ron Hanson, Robert Cantrell, Ben
Henderson, Rudy Ruppe, Oscar Anderson,
Cliff Plov
City Recorder Irving Johnson
City Attorney William Jayne
Absent: Mayor Thomas Tymchuk
Meeting was called to order by Ronald Hanson, President of the
Common Council, City of Reedsport.
Motion was made by Hanson, seconded by Cantrell that the Council
approve the budget as presented. Motion carried unanimously*
Mr. Harmes from the firm of Cornell, Howland, Hayes & Merryfleld
reported on his preliminary studies of the City of Reedsportt
water system. He had reviewed previous studies made on the
water system and felt that some conflicting statements had
been made. He proposed that the City consider having a com
prehensive study made on the water system comparable to that'
made for the sewerage system In 1964* Such a study would carry
at least 20 years into the future. He felt that there was need
to consider other lakes or sources of supply for the future.
Estimated cost of such a study would be in the neighborhood of
ip6500 to $7$00. Mr. Harms suggestion was that the City consider
making application to HUD for financial assistance for a long
range study.
For the present Mr» Harms proposed that a study be made of the
supply and the size of the pipeline needed for the tunnel.
They would also consider an alternate plan of putting a pipe
line over the hill. His estimated cost of this study would be
5P500. CH2M will submit a letter to the City with their suggestions.
Ron Hanson reported that the Police Committee had decided to
postpone opening bids for a police car and return the one bid
submitted by Thompson Pord Sales, Bids will be called for a
1970 model instead of 1969 and it will probably be September
before bids can be opened.
William Jayne recommended that the City open bids for the
sewage disposal plant and sale of bonds on August 11, 1969.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that this recommendation
be adopted. (Bid opening and bond advertising same day)
City Recorder Irving Johnson reported on the meeting he and
Mayor Tymchuk had with the Corps of Engiseers in Portland.
They requested that the Corps delay any constuctlon on the
protective devices until after the dike is finished and that "
they make tests this summer checking those that have been
installed to find out the amount of electrolysis and the
need for protective devices.
Meeting adjourned.
Mayor Thoma? s.
^ ^ _<r
I. (K Johi^^n, City Recorder B'ernell Mcciay, Rectftrdlng Sec.
Ordinance No. 502 "An ordinance authorizing the issuance, sale
and retirement of City of Reedaport Sewer Construction Bonds
for ($500,000.00) was read and passed unanimously on this date.
Council Members present: Mayor Thomas Tymchuk
. ' {/Ottncilmen-Ron-Hanson, Ose«r-Anderson-^—
Cliff Plov, Rudy Ruppe, Ben Henderson
City Recorder Irving Johnson
City Attorney William Jayne
Absent: Robert Cantrell
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Thomas Tymchuk,
Minutes of the June 9, 1969 meeting were approved.
Report by Mayor Tymchuk on trip to San Prancisco regarding Urban
Renewal. Mayor Tymchuk stated that he had met with several
Urban Renewal Officials and Mr. Richardson felt that several
outstanding problems could be ironed out. Mayor Tymchuk ask Mr.
Ashby to explain what has taken place at the meetings. Mr, Ashby
stated that at the 2 O"clock meeting in San Prancisco the
application for the NDP project was approved and the money would
be funded in August. Mr. Ashby said, Doyle Long Pederal Regenal
Representative is part of reason application was approved.
It was the feeling among members of the council that the storm
dizains should be in before the rains and if we are sure of money
is it possible to start work now or do we have to wait? Mr.
Ashby reported that we could not go ahead and do it legally. Mr.
Ruppe ask when next stage of the Urban Renewal could be started
and Mayor Tymchuk stated that the City is obligated to present
this to the public.
The matter of the 22nd street traffic signal was brought up and
Mayor Tymchuk sugested it be posponed in order to meet with Mr.
Clements and that it be brou^t up at the August meeting.
Bids were submitted for a 1970 Police car.
Bids as follows:
Pair Way Motors $2,276.91
Daily Motor Company 2.356.00
Thompson Pord Sales 2,03l|.97
Motion was made and passed to accept the bid from Thompson Pord
WATER--— Ronald 0. Hanson--No report
Pinance Robert A. Cantrell--No report
Street & Sewer--Chairman Henderson expressed concern over water
drains in the Gardens & Bowman Road area not being able to handle
the surface water. Mr. Johnson assured him the City is going to
install catch basins and this would take care of any excess
surface water in the future.
Pire------Clifford Plov, Chairman reported-Zack Turner would
like to block off 21st & dogwood & Cedar & Elm in order to get
a place to park floats to be judged. Permission was granted.
City Attorney--—--William Jayne read a letter from the Corps of
Army Engineers and the Corps continues to believe the necessity
for the cathodic protection system. They would be happy to defer
the provision of that system until the existing contract has been
completed. At that time they hoped to be able to provide mbre
definitive evaluation of cost and alternatives.
City Recorder----Mr. Johnson explained the need for a marquee in
front of the barber shop on Pir Ave. estimated cost $^00. Work
will also have to be done on the library, the City office roof and
the City would ask for bids for this work.
Mr. Johnson read resolution--that the Common Council adopt the
budget approved by the Budget Committee for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 1969 and ending June 30, 1970/ Motion was made
and passed that Resolution be adopted.
The following bills were approved for
City of Reedaport - Payroll Fund 2l|00.00
City of Reedsport - Payroll Fund 10015.51^
Albert R. Delaunay 5.00
Mrs. Albert R. DeLaunay 5.00
I. G. Johnson U9-l[0
League of Oregon Cities 616.35
Stan Hoy 3.65
Hazel Lee Zimprick la.oo
City of Reedsport - Petty Cash ^.07
Jury Fees 66.00
A & C Janitor Service Uo.oo
Sam Wigle 183.10
Ken Brookhard 176.98
Baker*s Saw Shop 7.75
Berge and Wally*s Chevron 2.50
Coos Bay Stationery Co, 6.16
Central Lincoln PUD 1179.16
A. B. Daly & Co. 6.6k
Fire Chief Magazine 6.00
General Telephone 172.70
jgill Hale 21.80
A. C. Leach k3.31
Meier Chevrolet-Buick Inc. 15.82
George Melville 9.25
OK Tire Stores 393.15
101 Service 216.98
Noble Drug Co. 3.98
Oregon State Highway Dept. 10.63
Reedaport Police Dept. 13.9k
City of Reedsport - Sewer Reserve 6252. i|3
Pape Bros., Inc. 11.42
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp. 63.
Paramount Pest Control, Inc. 8.00
Public Employees Retirement System 576.72
Reedsport Fire Department U92.00
Reedsport Logging Supply Co. 233.59
Reedsport Auto Parts 158.U3
Stults, Jayne, Murphy & Anderson 6^.60
Robert G. Stratton 20.50
State Compensation Department 231.73
Thompson Ford Sales .23.60
Union Oil Company 230.92
Umpqua River Navigation Co. 35.30
Umpqua Industrial Supply Co. 6.61
Utilities Supply Co. 261.25
Umpqua Tacklebox 3.75
Umpqua Cafe 17.1»5
Umpqua Building Supply Co. 72.27
Williams Pharmacy 1+14. It9
Meeting adjourned.
caroma ayor
ecording Sec
Council Members present: Mayor Thomas Tymchuk
Councilmen Ron Hanson, President
Oscar Anderson, Cl<Jff Plov, Rudy Ruppe
Ben Henderson
City Recorder, Irving Johnson
City Attorney, William Jayne
Absent: Robert Cantrell
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk,
Minutes of the July 7: , 1969 meeting were approved.
City Attorney William Jayne opened the bids for the sale of general ^
obligation bonds for the building of the sewage disposal plant f]
in the amount of $500,000.
The following bids were submitted:
effective interest rate
Blythe & Co & Atkinson & Co. 6.i|121
Umpqua National Bank 6.i4i|68
Pacific Security & Associates 6.596
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the bid made by Blythe
& Co. and Atkinson & Co iiith the lowest effective interest rate
of 6.i|121 be accepted for the bonds for the building of the
sewage disposal plant.
Bids were opened by City Attorney William Jayne for the construction
of the sewage disposal plant with the following bids submitted:
Richard L. Martin - Lake Oswego Schedule T $395>070.00
Lord Bros. Contractors Inc. Schedule S 120,84!4.50
Schedule T l|i|8,200.00
Teeples & Thatcher Schedule S lli9,761|.00
Schedule T 384*620.00
Laskey Clifton Schedule S 89,923.38
Mr, Filbert from the engineering firm of Cornell Rowland, Hayes
and Merryfield will analyze the bids and report his findings
to the council at a special meeting to be called. At this time
the council will make the decision on awarding the contracts.
City Recorder Irving Johnson opened bids for furnishing of gas
and oil to the City for the police cars for the year 1969-1970.
Bids were submitted by Thompson Ford Sales, 101 Service, Highland
Shell, Sherwood Shell, R & L Service, Kaafmann Service Station
and Chevron Station.
Motion was made seconded and passed that R & L Service with the
following low bid of
Ethel 36.75
Regular 33.9
Reg. Oil .50 per qt j
Premium .55 per qt |
be awarded the contract for furnishing gasoline and oil to the ' 1
City of Reedsport for the police cars for the year 1969-1970.
A letter from CH2M previously mailed to all members of the City
Council outlining recommendations for updating the Reedsport
water system was discussed.
The ppssibility of having other engineering firms make studies
of the water system was discussed.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that the City spend $750
to have the firm of CH2M make the study as outlined in the first
six items of the letter.
FINANCE - none
WATER - none
STREET & SEWER - Chairman B©n Henderson brought up a problem
on Elm street regarding the slope of the street adjacent to
the housing for the elderly now under construction there. No
action was taken# There was some discussion about the location
of the sidewalk in front of the new home of Prank White. The
matter was referred to the Building Inspector.
Motion was made, seconded and passed that permission be granted
to the Smith River Grange to sponsor a dance in the Community
Building on Friday August 1$, the proceeds of which are to go to
the recreation committee.
A request that the recreation program be extended through the
winter in the form of roller skating was tabled Until further
study could be made of the matter
POLICE - none
FIRE - Fire Chief Zack Turner requested that Councilmen come
to the Fire Hall and look at the fire truck which he feels
urgently needs to be replaced. He requested that the Council
consider the possibility of presenting a serial levy to the
people for,the purchase of this piece of equipment.
YOUTH - none
City Attorney William Jayne read a resolution for the Urban
Renewal reaffirming the land use within the boundaries of the
Neighborhood Development Program Phase No, 1,
Motion was made, seconded and passed that this resolution be
yilliam Jayne read a resolution to further the Workable Program
and assign priorities.
Motion was made, seconded and ppssed that this resolution be
Mr. Johnson stated that he had contacted George Parker, owner
of lots adjacent to city owned property which could be purchased
for $5000. The purchase of this property would give the city
ample area for the future building of suitable shop and ware
house facilities - possibly ih acres. , , , , ^ ^ ^
Motion was made, seconded and passed that this land be purchased,
Some residents on Alder street brought up the matter of a
bubble basin which causes an unsanitary., nuisance in the vicinity
of Alder and 20th. Mr. Tymchuk agreed to study the problem..
TBE following bills were approved for payment:
Sooking Soo 10^00
Umpqua National Bank 1000.00
Cornell Manufacturing Co. 826.^3
A & C Janitor Service 1+0.00
Al*3 Market 1.06
Baker's Saw Shop 6.50
Courier 261.69
Central Lincoln PUD 1165«26
Comm-Tronics 36.00
Coos Bay Stationery * 160.2L|
Douglas County Sheriff's Office 6,00
Department of Motor Vehicles I53»9ii
General Telephone l5S.9lj
International Paper Company 1300.00
W. A. Karcher 93-^0
Kaufmann^s Chevron 3-35
A. C* Leach 26.26
League of Oregon Cities
Muni-Chem Corporation
Muni-Chem Corporation
101 Service
National League of Cities
Noble Drug
0. K. Tire Stores
Public Employees Retirement System
Pennsalt Chemicals Corp.
Pape Bros,, Inc.
Pacific Water Works Supply of Oregon
Paramount Pest Control, Inc.
Reedsport Police Department
City of Reedsport Sewer Reserve Savings
Reedsport Fire Department
Ross* Flowers & Gifts
Reedsport Insurance Service
Reedsport Auto Parts
Rochon Portraits
Reedsport Auto Wreckers
Reedsport Motor Freight
Reedsport Outdoor Shop
Stults, Jayne Murphy & Anderson
Smith-Blair, Inc.
Ivar A. Stavig
Union Oil Company
Forrester G. Taylor
Peter Toftdahl
Thompson Ford Sales
Umpqua River Navigation Co.
Utilities Supply Co.
Jim*s Umpqua Drug
Umpqua Cafe
Umpqua Industrial Supply Co.
Umpqua Building & Hardware
Waterworks Supplies Co.
Western Auto Store
Williams Pharmacy
Meeting adjourned.
61;. 21
"Thomas S. Tymohute/Mayor
son. City Recorder Bernell McClay, Hecordlng Sec
REEDSBOliZ^-OREGON ON,MONMY AUGUST l8, 1969 ...at 8:00
Council Members present: Mayor Tymchuk
Councilmen Ron Hanson, President
Oscar Anderson, Cliff Plov, Rudy Ruppe
Ben Henderson
City Recorder Irving Johnson
City Attorney William Jayne
Absent: Robert Cantrell
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk.
City Attorney William Jayne read a letter from Cornell Rowland
Hayes and Merryfield which analyzed the bids submitted on the
sewage disposal plant for the City of Reedsport, Recommendations
were made for makes of equipment which the firm considered -best
for specific purposes and the bids adjusted to include these
changes. Their final recommendation was that contracts be
awarded to the firms of:
Teeples & Thatcher, Portland, Oregon Schedule T $1^51,200
Laskey-Clifton, Reedsport, Oregon Schedule S 89,000
Breakdown of the complete cost of the sewage disposal facility
was made as follows:
Contracts $5i|0,200
Technical services 78,000
Legal & fiscal i|,000
Administration 6,000
Contingencies 1$,000
Site 6,000
Total cost $649,200.00
City Attorney William Jayne read a resolution accepting the
proposals of Teeples and Thatcher for Schedule T and Laskey
Clifton for Schedule S according to the specifications of
CH2M subject to approval by the State Department of Environmental
Quality of the State of Oregon, completion date of the contract
to be 390 days from the time the contract is signed.
Motion made by Ruppe, seconded by Plov that this resolution be
adopted as read. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
CH2M recommended that the City of Reedsport apply to the State
of Oregon for an increase in their last application for funds to bring
the amount to $192,960. The City Recorder and the Mayor were
authorized to take care of this matter.
Motion was made and seconded that the City Attorney and the
City Recorder be authorized to contact the float house owners,
the landowners and the PUD requesting the removal of the
walkways, water lines and power lines from the area adjacent
to the dike above the Schofield Bridge. Motion carried -
unanimous vote.
Meeting adjourned.
Thomas S. "Tymch^/^^yor
ok^on. City Recorder Bernell McClay, Rebording Sec
Council Members present: Mayor Thomas Tymchuk ^ ^
Councilmen Ron Hanson, President
Cliff P3.dv, Oscar Anderson, Robert
Cantrell, Rudy Ruppe, Ben Henderson;
City Attorney William Jayne
City Recorder I, G. Johnson
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Tymchuk,
Minutes of the August 11, 1969 regular meeting and the August^lS,
1969 special meeting were approved.
PINANCE - Mayor Tymchuk presented a petition signed by thirty>
five Reedsport businessmen requesting that fees for "hawkers
and peddlers" be raised. The matter was referred to the Pinance
Committee for investigation and recommendations.
STREETS & SEWERS - Ben Henderson, Chairman, brought up the
matter of how to establish the boundary of the Lillebo property
bordering the Schofield River. City Recorder Irving Johnson
stated that this was determined by a meets and bounds description
and not by water line.
The matter of connecting some property owners on Scott Street
and Bowman Road to the city sewer line was discussed. Mr.
Johnson stated that the cost of bringing the sewer to where
such connections could be made would cost the City approximately
$2,062.50. The matter was referred to the Street and Sewer
Committee for study and recommendations and the establishment
of a policy as to the charge to be made for such hook-ups.
POLICE - none
PIRE - Recommendation was made by Councilman Rudy Ruppe that
the City immediately enter into a serial levy for the purchase
of fire equipment as requested by Fire Chief Zack Turner. He
further recommended that a contingency fund be set up to take
care of future equipment needs.
City Attorney William Jayne stated that it is his opinion that
a serial levy over a period of five years is the best method
but that the levy should not be brou^t up for election before
the end of the year. The time prior to that should be spent
educating the public on the need for such a levy. Mr. Johnson
recommended that the Pire Committee present figures to the
next council meeting showing the difference in insurance costs
between a Class 5 and a Class 6 rating. Such figures could then
be presented to the public.
YOUTH COMMITTEE - Chairman Cantrell reported that he will have
the youth committee formed by the n6xt council meeting.
CITY ATTORNEY - William Jayne reported that the City had
purchased the property from George and Lillian Parker that
had been discussed at the previous meeting.
CITY RECORDER - Mr. Johnson stated that 11th street is being
processed for paving and that he has written to the State
Highway Department requesting that they contribute $275 as
their share.
Mr. Johnson reported that 91+ million gallons of water were used
by the City in August which is the higjiest figure ever. Clear
Lake is about normal for this time of year.
Men will be available in about a «eek to repair the bubble
basin causing a problem on Alder Street.
Mayor Tymohuk reported that he had met with Mr, Richardson from
the Urban Renewal Agency and had been