Reedsport City Council Minutes 1919

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Reedsport City Council Minutes 1919


The City of Reedsport council minutes from 1919, its first year of incorporation, in searchable PDF format. Some pages may be illegible due to file compression. Please contact the Reedsport Main Street Program if you need access to high-quality scans. See below for a computer-generated transcript. Originals are held at Reedsport City Hall.


City of Reedsport


City of Reedsport


Reedsport Main Street Program




City of Reedsport
Wes Lockard


Public Domain

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First City Election in Reedsport
JULY 21, 1919.
Report of Number of Votes Cast for
Each Candidate — Opposition
Tlckcl Api>enrecl Lnte; Was
Ovei-wlicbiiiiigly Defeated.
W. P. Reed.
J. 11. Browne.
R. J. Hubbard.
Will. McF'arland.
Jos. Lyons.
CJyde C. Chase.
C. JIcC. Johnson.
O. A. Johnson.
Geo. W. Staples.
)•:. E. Collins.
At the city election held Inst .Mon
day the foregoing were the success
ful candidates.
following is the vote cast in» de
tail, leaving out a few scattering
For Mayor:
W. P. Reed H4
J. W. Mackintosh H
For Aldchiinii:
J. R, Browne • 144
C. McC. Johnson 90
R. J. Hnbbard .120
Joa. I.rons 103
rnydo C. Chase 07
Wm. McFHVland . 11 T
H. C. >lorH{? -10
M. J. Krantz .I.'J
..w A .T.Rvp..\ace.. . .. . ..
A. J. nrews
J. ,\. 'l
n. V. Klein
For Tren5?iireJ':-
npo. \V. Staples !?:
Karl Chapman
H. E. Kennedy ! • • ^
For Recorder:
f}. A. Johnson •
.T. W. Kobiet j'
Ctoorge Walker
For Marshiu:
R. E. Collins
Con. a. Allen
• n
Reedsport, which has recently
been incorporated and will from
now on be known as a town under
municipal government, heldits first
city election on Monday, July 21st,
1919, electing a mayor, six council-
men, a recorder, a treasurer and a
Considerable interest was taken
by the citizens of the place in the
election of councilmen and marshal,
two tickets being in the field. The
regular ticket, which carried by a
vote of about two to one, was placed
before the public at a mass meeting
held a week before the day of elec-
tion, at which a mayor, 11 councilmen,
three for recorder, three for
treasurer and two for marshal were
nominated, to be chosen from by
the voters on the day of election.
This, apparently, did not satisfy Ui
ffjw wluj secretly met and made uiii
a complete ticket for each office,
calling themselves a "citizens'-com-'
mittce" for ihc avowed purpose as
stated in posters quietly and secret
ly dintri'jiifefl during the night be
fore election or early in the morn
ing of that day, in which the "citizens'
committee*' stated that they
were considering the "moral" and
,the "financial" welfare of Reeds'-
port. The result was that the
hathcrs oi" this ticket were beaten atj
the election over two to one, which;
jM-oves that "star chamber" proceed-!
Ings of would-be politicians, even in
the government of as small a town
as Reedsport, is not popular, and
the great majority of the citizens
last Monday at the polls declared by
their ballots that those chosen to
administer the affairs of the town
in its infancy are the ones to trust
to take care of the town's financial
iilfair.'?, its morals, and c.stabli.«?Ii n
good, .s'tnblo government. Now that!
tho election is over all good- citizens!
should put their shoulders to the
wheel and assist the newly elected
officers in the duties which liiny
have assumed.
Port Umpqua Courier
July 26. 1919
/ 1
Town of Reedsport,Douglas County,Orogoji»
September 15»X919.
At a regular meeting of the Commoin Council of the Town of Roedsport»Oregonf
this day^regularly called and held at the time and place and in th« manner as
provided for by law,at which there were present the following:
Mayor W.P.ReedjRecorder Pro Tem George W.Staples and Councilmen Wm.McFar-
Joeeph Lyons,Clyde Chase»0.McC.Johnson and J.R.Browne*
the following businest v/as transactedJ
Proposed Ordinance No.l-entitled "An Ordinance To Provide The
Carrying Into Effest In The Town Of Reedspoft»Douglas
County»Orogon,The Initiative And Referendum Powers
Reserved To The Legal Voters Of Municipalities By
Section 1-A 0f Article IV Of The Constitution Of The
State Of Oregon,And To Enact And Amend Their Municipal
Charters Reserved To Legal Voters Of Cities And Towns
By Section 2 Of Article XI Of The Constitution Of The
State Of Oregon,And Providing Penalties For Violation
Of This Act And Repealing All Ordinances And Parts Of
Ordinances In Conflict Herewith#And Declaring An Emer
gency" -
was introduced by Councilman Wm.McFarland.
Upon motion of Councilman Clyde Chase,seconded by Councilman J.R«
Browne,said proposed Ordinance No.l,above rsferred to,was then read.
Upon motion of Councilman J.R.Browne,seconded by Councilman Jociopk
Lyons,said Proposed Ordinance No.l was adopted on first reading as read by
the following votes
Ayes-Councilman McFarland,Lyons»Chase»Johnson and Browne.
Upon Motion of Councilman Johnson^secondad by Councilman McFarland and the !
unanimous vote of tha Council#said proposed Ordinance No.l was then read
a second time.
It was moved by Councilman Chase and seconded by Councilman Browne
that said proposed Ordinance No.l be adopted as read on second reading with~the
following votes
Ayes'Councilmen McFarland,Lyons,Chase,Johnson and Browne.
Upon motion of Councilman Chase,seconded by Councilman McFarland eMd by
by unanimous vote of the Council,said proposed Ordinance No.l,was then laid
over until the next regular meeting of the Council,Sept.22,1919,for final
adoption and passage,being substantially in words and figures as follows?
giiiillSlisti Biunloipal charters reLrvel tn loLi 2
?.«•;? ss;! infElEi «
of rpetltion shall be substantially the form
pr^osedjDy the Initiative^^°°^ amendment to the charter
It is a felony for any one to sign any Intiative or
Referendum petition vjith any other name other than his
own, or to knowingly sign ris name more than once for the
same measure, or to sign such petition when he is not a
legal voter.
To the Honorable
Recorder of Reedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon.
We, the undersigned., citizens and legal voters of Reedsport,
Douglas,County, Oregon, respectfully demand that the
following proposed Ordinance, or amendment to the charter,
shall be submitted to the legal voters of Reedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon for their approval or rejection at the regu
lar for special) city election to be held on the day of
. 19 , and each for himself says: I have
personally signed this petition; I am a legal voter of Reeds
port, Douglas County, Oregon, and my residence and street
number are oorrectly written after my name:
(Here follow twenty numbered lines for signatures).
Section 2. The following shall be substantially the form
of petition for Referendum to the people on any ordinance
passed by the Common Council,
It is a felony for any cne to sign any Initiative or
Referendum petition with any other name than his own or
to knowingly sign his none more than cnce for the same
voter^^* not a legal
To the Honorable
Recorder of Reedsport, *
Douglas County, Oregon.
We, the undersigned, legal voters of Reedsport, Douglas
demand that Ordinance llo.
title of ordlnanoe on rhich the referendliS—
itR mof+s hy the Oommcn Council of Eeedeport, at
hssibeiice strest utjubsh
(Here follow twenty nunbered lines for signatures).
Section 3. Each and every sheet of everv DQtitior -Pa-..
( 88 •
, being; first duly sworn, Eay
that fhereshall be legibly written or typewritten the names
of the signers of the sheet) signed this sheet of the fore
going petition, and each of them signed his name thereto in
my presence; I believe that each has ^rtated his name, resi
dence and street number correctly anc" that eech signer is
a legal voter of Reedsport.
Subscribed and sviorn to before me this day of
A. D. 19 .
^ (Signature and title of
officer and his residence)
, , Section 4. The forms herein given are not mandatory and if
'—' substantially followed in any petition it shall be sufficient,
disregarding clerical and technical errors.
Section 5. ITot more than tirenty signatures shall be sign
ed to one sheet of a petition, and a full and correct copy
of the title and text of the measure demanded for submission
by the Initiative or Referendum petition, as the case may be,
shall be attached to each sheet circulated for signature,
and such full and correct copy of the title and text shall
be shown to the voter before his signature is attached.
Section 6, The Recorder of Reedsport shall accept for
filing any petition for the Initiative or for the Refer
endum, subject to the verification of the number and genuine
ness of the signatures and voting qualifications of the per
sons signing the same by reference to the registration books
in the office of the County Clerk of Douglas County, and if
a sufficient number of qualified voters be found tc have
signed said petition, he shall file same within ten days
after presentation thereof to him.
Section 7. Initiative petitions for any proposed ordi
nance, charter amendment or measure shall be signed by a
number of legal voters eqral to fifteen per centum of the
votes cast for Mayor at the lest preceding municipal elec
tion. Referendum petitions agairist any ordinance or measure
proposed by the Common Council shall be signed by a number
of leg&l voters equal to twenty per centum of the votes
cast for Mayor at the last regular preceding municipal elecui
0 n •
Section 8. An amenament to the charter of Reeaeport may
be proposea ana submlttea to the legal voters thereof hv
° the Commcn Council 7;ilhout an Initiative peti-
^ ? resolution shall he filea vrlth the Heooraer for ^ at which It le to vh"e" voteatwuoecnntyanaaeysnobaemfoerneamtehnet etolecthtieon
j cohf atrhteervsohteasllobaestetfhfeercetoivnebyunthtiel lIetgaisl vepopterorsveaofbysaaiamtoawjonr.ity
Section 9. V/here en anenament to the charter of Reeasport
nay be proposea anc" submlttea to the lepal voters
by resolution of the Cornmcn Council without an InithP
flit resolution shall therein state
fi election, or the aate of L+r = ? election at which saia resolution will be sub mlttea to be voted on.
Section 10. When any measure for Initiative or Referenflum
legislation shall be filed by the Recorder after the
number ana genuineness of signatures thereto, as provided
by Section 6 supra have been atcertained, or when any re-
Recorder °as provCidoemdncninCSoeucntclcilnsh8ahllerbeeinf, iltehae RweitchordtLer
Shall forthwith transmit to the Attorney of eeid mnnici- .
pality a copy of such measure, vrho shall rithin five days
provide and return to the Recorder a hallot title for such
measure. The hallot title shall he printed with the num
ber of the measure on the official ballot. In making such
ballot title said Attorney shall tc the best of his ability
g-ive a true and impartial statement of the purpose of the
measure and in such language that the ballot title shall
not be an argument for, or liable to create prejudice against
such measure. Any person who is dissatisfied with
the hallot title provided by the said Attorney for any
such measure may within five days after said ballot title
is returned to the Recorder appeal to the Common Council
asking a different title and giving the reesons therefor,
and stating why the title prepared by the seid Attorney
is improper and the Common Cour.cil shall be resolution
approve the ballot title prepared by said Attorney, or shall
by resolution prescribe another ballot title therefor and
the ballot title so approved or so prescribed by the Common
Council shall he the title placed upon the ballot, auch
ballot title shall in nc case exceed one hundred words, and
shall not resemble insofar as possible, any other ballot
title filed for any measure. The Recorder of Reeflsport
shall number such measures and ballot title in the most
convenient and consecutive manner. The affirmetlbe of
the first measure shall be numbered 100 end the negative
101 in numerals, and the succeeding measures shall be numbered
102, lOS, 104, 105 and so on. It chall be the duty
of the Recorder to prirt said ballot titles and numbers
upon the official callot. lu'easures referred to t>e voters
designated "Referendum ordered by
petition of the people", leasures proposed by the Initiapetitioni
. Charter amednedmsiegnntas tesdub"mPirtotepdosebdy tbhyeinCiittivative
initiative petition shall te designated,
Council" Bi-tmltted to the voters ty the Coimncn
te -utmlttefl charter amendments are to
o ^ voters by resolution of the Common
said rLol„tin^ ordinance provided, the Council may in L S ^ ®tellot title for the measure
t?TR event of such provisions of til itto the filing Of the mfasure ^th
hallot tin preparation hy said Attorney of a
tne oaiiot title so prepared shall not apply.
nr, l^Tiere a special election is called either ty thrininitiitfitaitvivr°eo, ro®r ffoor submitting"orcdhinaarntecresambvendments
Any person signing- any name other than his own to a peti
tion, or kncwinp-ly signing his name more than once for
the same measure at one election, vrho is net at the time
of signing the sane a legal voter of Heeflsport, or any
officer or other person violating any cf the provisions of
this Ordinance, shall upnn conviction thereof, be punished
"by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or "by ira-
- prisonment in the city jail not exceeding six months, or
by "both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the
municipal court.
Section 12. The manner of voting upon r^easures sub
mitted to the le^al votor*^ shall be the sane as novr is or
may hereafter be, provided by law. ITo measure shall be
adopted unless it shall receive the affirmative majority
of the total number of legal votes cast on such measure and
entitled tc be counted thereon. If two cr more laws on the
I same subject or containing provisions that are conflicting
shall be approved by the voters at tie sane election, the
measure receiving the greatest number of affirmative votes
W shall be proclaimed to be the lav adopted.
Section 14. The votes on measures and charter amend
ments shall be counted, canvassed and returned as votes
for candidates are counted, canvaiised and returned.
Section 15. The Mayor shall rithln fifteen days from
the time of eleoticn proclsir:] by publication thereof
in lull, once in a naviEpoper published in the City of Reeaeposting
printefi or type\:ritter, copies of suoh
proclamaticn in at least tv;o conspicucue places in said
which Ishhaalll^lhHhavv^e®received +the affirmmaetaievueremaanldoralntvendomf etnhte
tt?loonn, such measures and amer.dcients shallubpeocnom^uechinpf?uolcllaLforce
and effect, except in cases provided for in Section
to tv;o or more laws on the same subiect
nT provisions that are conflictinr. In cases
8rd°voierSpoVb''ref®'® CcuLil n^' V •' referenoum, proclamation o-r the rpsiilt
ty ?hrrequir;d num^L'ofL^'rv^ters'^'•'"f' passed by the 'Common Council^ sar^shlll^b^nie^rl^h'^r®®®
Recorder within fh-ir-hv ^otto xn ® iiied with the Of the ordinance i^oteXn!"®' ^^^oval
pthroirvVelaabyyst^healtHeary'^oirt,sopr l-pLepeela^pbev^btyheI'^ ^•become operative until
the veto of the Msvor two-thirds vote over for the immediate preserv^ion of^'thf^ raeasiires necessary of the city; and n? sLremSe°cy'^L|?®"safety
mediately operative until ^ shall become im- J UMl the^^o^^L^n'Lunc^IJi^rfLo ,
present^time^no ^inEnce^Sr cha^t*^^ Reedsport has at the pfoowr etrhsereesxeerrvceidse tothtehreeinvo'otefrstheby?thne'cofn?rtitlu^'ioP^ro'avriddi'n"g" ,
atomethnedmvoentetrss'aftLhcetrienfgf°tahte^ahfLLlttr^lovf^a^'^d^«^t" proposedsucbhmairttteedr
^Ctty Limifs
.1 11
Tim of R9edsp*rt»X)««glai CvoatytOragda*
Soptembor 22»1920
At a regular meeting of the Common Council of tke Town of ReedsportfOregon*
this day,regularly called and held at the time and place and in the manner as
provided by law,at which there were present the followings
Mayor W•t'.Reed;Re6order Pro Tern George W.Staples and Councilmen Clyde
Cka8etWm*McFarland,C»MoC*JohnBon>Jo6eph Lyons and J«R.Browne:
Absent- R«J»Hubbard«
the following bUBintsa among other tkingsywas transactedt
It was moved by Councilman Browne and seconded by Councilman Chase that
proposed Ordinance No-l^entitled
"An Ordinance To Provide The Carrying Into Effect In The
Town Of Reedeport,Douglas County,Oregon,The Initiative and
Referendum Powers Reserved To The Legal Voters Of Municipal
ities By Section 1-A of Article IV Of The Constitution Of The State Of
Oregon,And To Enact And Amend Their Municipal Charters Re
served To Legal Voters Of Cities And Towns By Section 2 of
Articl# XI Of The Conbtitution Of The State Of Oregon^And
Providing Penaltioe For Violation Of This Act And Repealing
All Ordinances And Parts Of Ordinances In Conflict Herewith,
And Declaring Ar; Emergency"-
read and adopted on first and second readings at a regular meeting of
the Council on Sept«15#19I9,be and the same is hereby adopted and passed
on third and final readin^twith the following votes
Ayes-Councilman Chase»Lyon&*McFarland,Browne and Johnson.
Ordinance No.l was then declared to have been passed and was signed
by Mayor W.P.Reed and Attested by Recorder Pro Tem George V/.Staples in open
Thereupon the City Recorder was instructed to post three copies.of
Ordinance No.l in Three public places of said Town of Reedsport in lieu of
publication thereof .which was done iniir.ediately.
^SEAL) yi. P Mayor
I - Gifeo. W.
\/ Recorder Pro Tem
' •
Thereixpcn, on motion duly made, seconded and unanimoTisly
carried the certified copy of the "Proceedings
of the Incorporation of the Town of Reedsport" vsas
ordered spread upon the minutes, which is as follows:
It IS a felony for any one to sign any Initiatl
Referendum petition with any name other than his owxi or
to ^owingly sign ^is name more than once for the measure
or to sign suoh petition ^heii he is net a legal voter!
Countj' cf Douglas Ststp nf- s office in the
Addition to Reedsport snfl the Reilroad
also to include all territory r?t?l^ 1:>>^reof, and
tounded as follcwe to-™it^ ti=\ " Is
SeoticnE 24 and 25'Township £1 to
mette Iferidian, Douglac- P.Lt ^Bnge 1£ lygst, 17iiia-
Owfestthe300Scfheoeftie, ldmoRreiveor.r^'Ilhe^es^"ce^t^d'o^£^^f• ^nd runnintSg^tShe?n|^clee
.•ve or
own, or
' W-
of said channel, westerly 2800 feet, more or less, to a
point v:hich is ITcrth 140 feet, more or less, from the
corner betvveen Lo^s 1 and 2 Section 3 Township 22 Soiith,
Hange IE V'est; thence Sonth 1500 feet, more or less, to
the center of saii? section 3, thence V/est one half mile;
thence Uorth one half mile to the corner of section 3
and 4, 32 and 24, which point is on the ^^-est boundary of
the Plat cf Reedsport; thence along sf^id "boundary IJorth
17 degrees 14 minutes ',7est, 284»4 feet; thence along eaid
bour:dary North 72 decrees, 46 miniates.East, 2,246.3 feet
to the left "bank of the Schofield River; thence Sast 140
feet, more or less, to the middle of the channel of the
Schofield River; thence along the middle of said chanrel,
northeasterly 4700 feet, more or less, to the Hsrhor line
on the left bank of the Umpqua River; thence llorth 26
degrees East 300 feet, more or less, to the middle of the
Ship channel of the Umpqua River; thence upstream along
the middle of said ship channel 10,000 feet, more or less
to a point which is at right angles to the left river hank
line at the Meander corner of the Township line, between
section 36, Township 21 F'-uth, end section 1 Township 22
South, thence Southwesterly 500 feet, more or less to
said Meander Oorner; thence west along said Township line
between sections 36, 35, 1 and 2, one and one half miles *
more or less to the place of beginning, at a special
whether or no!t cthaalltedpobrytiosnaidofCDouonutgylssCoCuortu,nttyh,eOqreugeosntion
M shall be incorporated as a^SSnipetition;
I am a legal
inhabitants resldi^e within number of
J. R. Browne
G. A, Johnson
H. E. Kennedy
VI, T. Dewar
James K. Cavers
Clyde Chase
Karl R. Chapmen
• M. Varrelman
A. Lovelace
J. C. ?-liitney
12 A. F, Edrards
J. A. 2achary
Roy Peterson
J* il- Austin
!«• S. Leach
C« A. Cobb
Agnes B. Lovelace
Ray Cunningham
T. P. Bierly
V/. A. Graham
Chas. H. Clemans
Prank P. Malloy
Mrs. ITick Brown
Paul Bernhardt
A. J. Drews
I>. A. Smith
Winnie ^rewe
Mabel c. Kennedy
H. J. Miller
H. D. Butler
Reedsport, Ore
Reedsport, Ore
29 .
k . Olson
A. Rogers
E. Kelson
W. V/. Millee
Fre6 Shaftner
11. M. Chase
B. 0. Roberts
Reedsport, Ore.
H. J. Erantz
Mary S.X.L.Chapman
lUrs* Alice ClRmans
Harry S. Benson
Alice Yarrelman
Frank Stevenson
Wm. A. Pugh
I. II. Mackintosh
G. "V?. McHargue
T/m. Shaftner
H. E. Temple ton
T. !',1. Borgham
t'i'os. Lyons
ITicholes 3rov;n
M. LieCar ty
Grant I.'cClellan
^.7m. IlcFerland
Reedsport, Ore
Endorsed: iroposed Incorporation of Town of Reedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon. Petition for Incorporation.
Piled April 17, 1919 at 11:30 A. M. E.E.Lennox, Clerk,
By Blanche Reed, Deputy.
Be it remembered that at a Regulat Session 6'f the
County Court, for Douglas County, Oregon, held at the
Court House in Roseburg, Oregon, on '"eanesday the 7th
day of May, A. D. 1919, at vrhich were present:
Hon. R. W. Marsters
W. E. St. John
Edrin V/eaver
E. H. Lenox
George Keuner, Jr.
Geo. K. Quine
Among other proceedings the following was had, to-wit:
In the matter of a Tetition )
of )
J. H. Browne and more than forty )
others for the incorporation of )
the Torn of Reedsport. )
Now at this time it appearing to the Court that a petition
was filed in the office of the 'ounty Clerk, on April
ftiJon Of the Town of Reeleedcstpioornt. toDobueglhaseldCofuonrty.theOriengooonr,pora.
= appearing to the Court that eaid letition oonof
tL Cou5^?r^ qualified electors corporation^ ^he limits of such proposed
And It also appearing to the Court that said portion of
Douglas County, Oregon, sought to he incorporated as a
municipal corporation, contains not lees than 150 inhabi
tants and is not elready incorporated,
V/HEREFOHT: it is COTTSIDERET), ordered AITD adjudged that
said petition he accepted and that the County Clerk is
hereby instructed to call an Slectior to he held on the
19th day of June, 1919, within said territory described
as follOTcs, to-'v?it:
The Platted Tcwn of Reecspo-^^t, Douglas County, Oregon,
as on file in the County Clerk's office of the County of
Douglas, State of Oregon, including the Railroad Addition
to Reecsport, and the corrected maps thereof, ar.d also to
include all territory \cithin the area vhich is bounded
as follovjs, to-iRit: Beginning at the cormer to sections
£4 and Z5 Township 21 South Range 12 West, V/illamette
Meridian, .and sections 2 and 2, Township 22 South Range
12 West, "l^illamette Meridian, Douplas County, Oregon, and
running thence V/est 200 feet more or less, tc the middle
of the channel of the Schofield River, thence dov?n stream
along the middle of said channel westerly 2800 feet, more
or less, to a point which is North 140 feet, more or less,
from the corner between Lots 1 and 2 Section Z Township
22 South, Range 12 West; thence South 1500 feet, more or
less, to the center cf said section Z, thence 'i7est one
half mile, thence Nother one half mile to the corner of
sections Z and 4, ZZ and £4, v:hich point is on the West
boundary of the 21at of Reedsport. thence along said bound
ary ITorth 17 degrees 14 minutes Wett 284.4 feet; thence
along said bcnndary IJorth 72, 46 minutes Ssst
2,246.3 feet to the left bank of the Schofield River*
thence East 149 feet, more or less, to the middle of*the
channel of t e Schofield River; thence along the middle of
eeid channel, northeasterly 4700 feet, more or less, to
the Barbor line or the left hark of the Umpqua Riverthe
miaaie of the sMp channel 10,000 feet, omroreleosrs,'lteoss
to 8 point which is 6t rlfht sneles to the left river hank
Mssnder corner of t> e Tov-nship line, between
oout+hv°+thve''nce^osio^nuEthhwipes21terSlyou5th00enffel est,ecrtaioorne 1orTloewsnsshipto22said
Lesncer corner; thence Vest along eaia TomnBhlp line be
tween sections 26, 25, 1 anfl 2, one ane one-half
more or less, to the place of beginning, *
v-hether that portion of said County eminf>
n^-nn^^f limits described as aforesaid, shall be
thr^^w^of incorporation to be known as
of ^hactPr ^ aocorflance with the provisions organization snd^incorporrti^fof^cUieran^toSL
electors residi^gtilhi^saw'described territo?f b^an"®^
Won.'ttwuf'' and Clerks of said /let
Dated May 7, 1919, J.R.Browne Clerk
R. Harsters
Endorsed: In the County Court of the County of Douglas, for
the State of Oregon. In the Matter of the Incorporation of
the Town of Reedsport. Order: Piled May 7, 1919. E. H.
^nox, County Clerk. Recorded Vol. 10 Page 594 County Court
•'liiibitei' 'i
- >
notice is hereby given th^t on the 19th 6ay of June,
1919, at the lolling' Place, to-Tcit; Moose Hall, Reedsport,
vjithin the following described boundaries:
The Platted Tov:n of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon,
as on file in the County Clerk^s office of the County of
Douglas, State of Oregon, including the Railroad Ad^'itlon
to Reedsport and the corrected maps thereof, and also to
include all territory vrithin the area which is bounded as
follows, to-wit: Beginning at the corner to sections £4
and £5, Township 21 South, Rarge 12 V.'est, Willamette Meri
dian, and sections £ and 3, ToTvnship 22 South, Range 12
VVett, V.'illaraette Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon, and
running thence west 200 feet, more or less, to the middle
of the channel of the Schofield River, thence dcv:n stream
along the middle of said channel, westerly 2800 feet, more
or less, to a point which is north 140 feet, more or less,
from the corner between lets 1 and 2, section 2, Township
22 South, Range 12 West; thence south 1500 feet, more or
less, to the center of said section S, thence west one
half mile, thence north one half mile to the corner of
sections 3 and 4, and 34, which point is on the west
boundary of the Plat of Reedsport, thence along said bound
ary JJJorth 17 degrees 14 minutes west, 284 .4 feet; thence
along said boundary North 72 degrees 46 minutes East,
2246.3 feet to the left bank of the Schofield River;
thence Sast 140 feet, more or less, to the middle of the
channel of the Schofield River; thence along the middle of
said channel northeasterly 4700 feet,' more or less, to the
Earbor line cn the left bank of the Umpqua River, thence
north 26 degrees East 300 feet, more or less, to the middle
of said svip channel 10,000 feet, more or less, to a point
which is at right angles to the left river bank line at the
meander corner of the township line, between sections 36,
^^cwnship 21 South, and section 1, "ownsbip 22 bouth, thence
west along said township line, betwoen sections 36, 36, 1 and
ginning^" one-half miles, mere or le-s, to the plsce of be-
,neTld to determCinoeunwtyh,etSlet£r tetheof teOrrreigtoonr,yanemEblreaccteidonwiwthiilnl bthee
foregoing described boundaries, shall be incorporated as
0 clock in the mcrning and wielllecctoinotninuweilul nbteilheelidgbat toe'cilgohctk
in the afternoon of the said day. cj-ocic
Dated this 19th day of May, 1919,
S. K» Lenox,
Election for Incorporation of the '"own
1ly9i1y^, ^E. n. Lenox, CouCntoyunCtyl,erOk.regon. Filed Tiay 20th,
State of Oregon )
County of Douglas -) ss.
Election appointed .Tuflge or Clerk of
Or;!"6ne°"o%?°e'8? port. Ore., and telnp rlthin thp Seeas-
Incorporation of the -ov.n of Reedsport^ .
E. Austin.
Olerk or »3uage
Subscribed end Bv;orn to "before me this £8th day of May,1919
J. R. Brov^ne
(Seal) notary Public for Oregon
My commission expires October 16, 1920.
notice is hereby given thst on the 19th day of Jure,
1919, at the iolling place, to:T?it: Moose Hall, Reedsport.
vfithln the follov;lng described boundaries:
The Platted ^OTr, of Heedsport, Douglas County, Oregon,
as on file in the bounty •'^lerk^s office of the County of
Douglas, State of Oregon, incli'ding the Railroad Addition
to Reedsport and the corrected maps thereof, and also to
include all territory vrithln the area which is bounded as
follows, to-'wit: Beginning at the corner tc sections 34
and 35, Township £1 South, Range 1£ V;est, TJillamette Meri
dian, and sections 2 and 3, Tcv^nship 2£ Soiith, Range 12
V/eet, 'Villamette LJeridian, Doiiglss County, Oregon, and
running thence west SCO feet, more or lets, to the middle
of said channel, westerly 2800 feet, more or less, to a
point which is north 140 feet, more or less, from the cor
ner betweem lots 1 and 2, section 3, Tovnship 22 South,
Range 12 "Vest; thence south 1500 feet, more or less, to
the center cf said section 3, thence west one half mile,
thence north cne-half mile to the corner of sections 3 and
4,. 33 and 34, which point is on the west boundary of the
riat of Reedsport, thence along said boundary ITorth 17
degrees 14 minutes west, 284 .4 fp-et: thence along said
boundary LVrth 72 degrees 46 minutes East, 2246.3 feet to
the left bank of the Schofield River; thence East 140 feet
more or less, to the middle of the channel of the Schotield
Hiver; thence alon^ the middle of said channel northeasterly
4700 feet, more or less, to the Kerbor line on
I Umpoua River, thence Ilorth 26 degrees
V ? middle of the svip
middle oZf said UshmippqucahRaninveelr, 1.0th.0e0n0ce feupet,strmeaorme oalronlgestsh'e
tDLanvk line aJt the meanasr corner of the Toinnship lriirveer' be-
21 South, ana Section i!'tov„-
tn Lifl ^^®"oe.southviesterly 500 feet, more or less
iliLneT ibet^^een se°ct"inonesr,3t6h,en2c5e, V1.eaintdal2o,ngonesaaidnd toornneshhiaplf
miles, more or less, to the place of beginning.
State of Oregon, an 31eotion null he
srs "r?" r-"- oin^othloeTalf^ternno™^ ^L^salfdealye!c"ti"o"n"''®will he Lid at eLht
Dated this 19th day cf May, 1919.
E. H. Lenox,
(Seal) County Clerk
Endorsed: In the County Court of the Stntc a-p n
Douglas County, m the .Matter n-r +L t Oregon for
leno^! oStnty
State of Oregon )
( 88.
County of Douglas )
I, Wm. HcParland, the duly appointed Judge or Clerk of
Election for the Incorporation of the Town of Beedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon, to "be held on the 19th day of June
1919, depose iand say that I posted tT:o notices fa copy of
Y?hich is hereto attached) of said 31ection on the 20th day
of May, 1919, in the following public places, to-wit:
Post Office and Bank in Town of Reedsport, Oregon, and
being within the limits of the proposed Incorporetion of
the Town of Reedsport, "Douglas County, Oregon.
Vim, McParland,
Clerk or Judge
Subscribed and sv.'orn to before me this 20th day of May 1919,
J. R. Brown,
Notary Public for Oregon
My Commission expires October 16, 1920.
Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of June,
1919, at the Polling place, to-wit; Moose Hall, Reedsport,
within the following described boundaries;
The Platted. Town of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon,
as on file in the County Clerk's office of the County of
Douglas, State of Oregon, including the Railroad Addition
to Reedsport and the corrected maps thereof, and also to
include all territory within the area which is bounded as
follows, to-wit; Beginning at the corner to sections 34
and £5, Tov.nship 21 South, '".ange 12 ;7est, V/illamette Meri
dian, and sections 2 and S, Township 22 iiouth. Range 12
West V/illamette Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon, and run
ning thence west 200 feet, more or less, to the middle of
the channel of the Schofield River, thence down stream
along the middle of said channel, westerly 2800 feet, more
or less, to a point whicb is north 140 feet, more or lees
from the corner between lots 1 and £, section 3, Township'
22 South, Range 12 V/est; thence south 1500 feet, more or
less, to the center of said section 3, thence west one half
mile thence north one half mile to the corner of sections
the PlaZt of Reedsp*orwt,htihcehncpeoianltonigs osanidthebowunesdtarbyoNuno^d-athry1o7f
degrees 14 minutes v:est, 284.4 feet; thenoe along- said
boundary North 72 degrees 46 minutes 3ast, 2246.S feet to
the left tank of the Schofield T^iver- thence Past +
RItp miedle of the channel of the Schofield
4V0n along the middle of said channel northeasterly
ooff the nU^m'pqua Riverl,esthse,notoe BtheerthHa2r6bodr eleirneeeson'i'stshte '?lnen f-tFoboatnk
In Douglas County, State of Oregon, an Election viill be
held to determine vshether the territory embreced vrithin
the foregoing- described boundaries., shall be incorporated
as the ToT:n of Reedsport, which election v:ill be held at
eight o'clock in the nornlng en5 r,±ll continue urtil eight
o'clock in the afternoon of the said day.
Dated this 19th day of IJay, 1919.
S. H. Lenox,
(Seal) County Clerk.
Endorsed: In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Douglas Oounty. In the liatter of the Incorporation of
the Tct:n of Reedspcrt, Douglas County, Oregon. Proof of
Posting by Wm. I-icParland, Filed May 28th, 1919, B. H.
lenox. County Clerk.
State of Oregon )
( S8.
County of Douglas )
I, G. A. Johnson, the duly appointed Judge or Clerk of
Election for the Incorporation of the Torn of Reedspcrt,
Douglas County, Oregon, to be held on the 19th day of
June, 1919, depose and say that I posted t\70 notices fa
copy cf Trhich is "^ereto attached) of said Election on the
£Oth aay of May. 1919, in the following public places,
to-'wit; Bulletin Boerd - M.J. Krsntz's Mess House; C. McC.
Johnson's Saw Mill; and being within the linits of the pro
posed incorporation of the Tov:n of Reedsport, Douglas Co.,
G. A. Johnson,
Clerk or Judge
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of Hay 1919 .
J. H. Austin,
notary Public for Oregon
My Cornmissicn expires December 12, 1920.
ITotice is hereby given that on the 19th day of June,
1919, at the Polling place, to-wit: Moose Hall, Reedsport,
within the following described boundaries:
The Platted Town of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon,
as on file in the County Clerk's office of the County of
Douglas, State of Orefon, including' the Railroad Addition
to Reedsport and the corrected maps thereof, anc" also tc
include ell territory within the area which is bounded as
follows, to-wit; Beginning at the corner to sections 54
and 25, Township 21 South, Renge IE "est, Willamette I.lerldian,
and sections 2 and 2, Township 22 ^outh. Range 12
T/est, Tillamette Heridian, Douglas County, 'Oregon, and
running thence west 20*^ feet, more or less, to the middle
of the channel of the Schofleld River, thence down stream
along the middle of said channel, westerly 2800 feet, more
or less, to a point which Is north 140 feet, more or less,
from the corner betweem lots 1 and 2, section 2, Township
£2 South, Range 12 V.'est; thence south 1500 feet, more or
lees, to the center of said section 2, thence west one
half mile, thence north one half mile to the corner of
sections 2 and 4, 22 and 24. which point is on the 7est
boundary of the Hat of Reedsport, thence along said boundary
rjorth 72 degrees 46 minutes .^ast, 2246.2 feet to the
left bank of the Schofield River; thence East 140 feet, more
or less, to the middle of the channel of the Schofield Riv- er; thenoe along the middle of said channel northeasterly
4700 feet, raore or less, to the Harbor line on the left bank
of the Umpqua River, thence ITorth £6 degrees East 200 feet,
more or less, to the middle of the ship channel of the umpqua
Hiver, thence up stream along- the middle of said ship channel
10,000 feet, more or less, to a point which is at right angles
to the left river bank line at the meander corner of the Town
ship line, between sections 56, To^'^nship £1 South, and Sec
tion 1, Tov.nship ££ South, thence southwesterly 500 feet,
more or less, to said meander corner, thence "'est along said
towns-hip line, between sections 36,35, 1 and 2, one and one
half miles, more cr less, to the place of beginning.
In douglas County, State of Oregon, an Election will be
held to determine whether the territory embraced within the
foregoing described boundaries shall be incorporated as the
Town of Reedsport, which election will be held at eig>'t ©*
clock in the morning and will continue until eight o'clock
in the afternoon of the said day.
Dated this 19th day of May, 1919
E E. Lenox,
County Clerk
Endorsed; In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Douglas County. In the Hatter of the Incorporation of the
Town of Keedsport, Dougles Cour.ty, Oregon. Proof of post
ing by G. A. Johnson. Filed May £8th, 1919. E. H. Lenox,
County Clerk.
State of Oregon )
Coiirty of Douglas } ss.
I, E. R. Chapman, the duly appointed Judge or Clerk of
Election for the Incorporation of- the ToVJn of Reecsport,
Douglas County, Oregon, to be held on the 19th day of Jur:e
1919, depose and say that I posted two notices fa copy of
which is hereto attached,) of said Election on the 21st day
of May, 1919, in the following public places, to-wit:
Umpqua Hotel and Reedsport,Creamery, and being within the
limits of the proposed incorporation of the Town of Reeds
port, Lougles County, Oregon.
E. R. Chapman,
Clerk or Judge
Subscribed and svorn to before me this 2lBt day of May 1919
My commission expires March 11th, 1923.
George a Johnson,
notary public for Oregon
ITotice is hereby given that on the 19th day of June 1919
IthIe follroowlliinnggdpeslaccrieb,edto-bwouitn:daMroieosse: Hall, Reedsport, within
The Platted Town of ReedsportDouglas County, Oregon
as on file in the County Clerk's office of the County of'
Dou|las, State of Oreeori, inolucHng tho ReilroeS Addition
correoted mars thereof, and also to
territory within the area v;hloh is hounded as'
Beginning' at the corner to sections Z4
dian, ;and-O's^e^ncsthiiopn2s1 2Seonudlh3, . RTanogwens1h£i-o-e22st, V/illa-nd^ev,tt.e Mtoeri-
VJest, TVillamette Meridian, Douglas Jour-ty, Orego^nf^an^
running thence west 300 feet, more or less, to the middle
of the channel of the Schofield River, thence down stream
elong the middle of said channel, vresterly 280C feet, more
irom the cor®neprobinettv7rehenichloitss n1oarnthd 1Z4,0 sfeecetito, nm3oreToovrmslheipes,ks
South, Range 12 ^est; thence south 1500 feet, more or less,
to the conter of said section 3, thence west one half mile|
thence north one half mile to the corner of sections 3 and
4, 23 and 34, which point is on the v:est boundary of the
Plat of Reedsport, thence elong said boundary North 17 de
grees 14 minutes v:est, 284.4 feet; thence slong said bound
ary North 72 degrees 46 minutes East, 2246.3 feet to the
left bank of the Schofield River; thence East 140 feet, more
or less, to the midcle of the channel of the ochofield River*
thence alon^ the middle of said channel northeasterly 4700 *
feet, more or less, to the Harbor line on the left bank of
the Umpqua River, thence North 26 degrees East 300 feet,
more or less, to the middle of the svip channel of the Umpaua
River, thence up stream along tl e middle of said ship chan
nel 10,000 feet, more or less, to a point which is at right
angles to the left river,bank line at the meander corner of
the Tovjnship line, between sections 36, Tov;nship 21 South,
and Section 1 Tovrnship 22 South, thence Southwesterly 500
feet, more or less, to said meander corner, thence west alons
said township line, between sections 36, 36, 1 and 2, one and
one naif miles, more or less, to the place of beginning.
In Douglas County, State of Oregon, an iilecticn will be
held to determine whether the territory embraced within the
foregoing described boundaries, shell be Incorporated ae
the xOViTi of Reedsport, which election will be held at eight
o'clock in the norninf end will continue until eight o'clock
in the afternoon of the said day.
Dated this 19th day of May, 1919.
E. H. Lenox,
(Seal) County Clerk.
3ndors©d: In the County Court of the State of Oregon for
Douglas County. In the T^^atter of the Incorporati n of the
Town of Reedsport, DcnflcE County, Oregon. Proof of rostirg
by K. R. Chapman. Filed May 26th, 1919. E. H. Lenox,
County Clerk.
State of Oregon )
County of Dougles ) ss.
I, J. R. Browne, the duly appointed Judge or Clerk of
Election for the Incorporation of the Town of Reedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon, to be held on the 19th day of
Ji-ne, 1919, depose and say that I posted two notices fa
copy of which is hereto attached) of said iUection on the
£Oth day of I^y, 1919, ir, the following public places towit:
Kennedy &Browne Store, Reedsport, Oregon,
Co^psriy Wharf, Reedsport, Oregon
of t-hve Town of Reedsploimrt,itsDooufglathse Cporuonptoys,edOriengcoon.rporation
J. R. Browne,
Clerk or Judge
Subscrltea and sworn to tefore ne this 20th flay of May, 1919
J. H. Austin,
Notary Public for Oregon
My comraission expires December 13th, 1920.
Hotioe is hereby given that on the 19th day of June 1919
8t the Polling place, to-vvit: Moose Hall, Reedsport, vdthin
the follovJing described boundaries:
The Platted Tovm of Reedsport. Dcuglas County, Oregon,
as on file in the County Clerk's office of the County of
Douglas, State of Oregon, including the Railroad Addition
to Reedsport and the corrected maps thereof, and also to
include all territory vsithin the area which is bounded as
follovfls, to--wit: Beginning at the corner to sections 24
end S5, Tornship 21 Sorth, Rarge IE V/est, Willamette Meri
dian, and sections 2 and 3, Tov?nship 22 South, Range 12
V/est, Willamette Merif', Douglas County, Oregon and
running thence vuest 200 feet, more or less, to the middle
of the channel of the Schofieia River, thence dovjn stream
along the middle of said channel, vresterly 2800 feet, more
or less, to a point Y/hich is north 140 feet, more or less,
from the corner betvjeen lets 1 and 2, section 2, Township
22 South, Range 12 V/est; thence south 1500 feet, more or
less, to the center of said section 2, thence west one half
mile, thence north one half mile to the corner of sections
Z ana 4, ZZ and 34, v;hich point is on the west boundary of
the Plat of Reedsport, thence along said boundary north 17
degrees 14 minutes west, 284.4 feet; thence along said
boundary i^orth 72 degrees 46 minutes East, 2246.3 feet to
the left bank of the Schofield River; thence East 140 feet,
more or less, to the middle of the channel of the Schofield
River; thence along the middle of said c>anne^ northeasterly
4700 feet, more or less, to the Harbor line on the left oank
of the Umpqua River, thence ITorth 26 degrees East 300 feet
more or less,to the middle of the ship channel of the Umpqua
River, thence up stream along the middle of said Ship chan
nel 10,000 feet, more or lees, to a point v:hich is at right
angles to the left river bank line at the meander corner
of the Township line, between section 36, Township 21 South
and section 1, ^^ownship 22 South, thence soughwesterly 500
feet, more or less, to said meander corner, thence west along
said township line, between sections 36, 35, 1 and 2, one
and one half miles, more or less, to the place of beginning.
In Douglas County, State of Oregon, an Election will be
held to determine whether the territory embraced within the
foregoing described boundaries, shall be incorporated as
the Town of Reedsport, which election will be held at eight
o'clock in the morning and will continue until eight o'clock
in the afternoon of the said day.
Dated this 19th day of Hay, 1919.
E. I:. Lenox,
(Seal) County Clerk
Endorsed; In the County Court of the St&te of Oregon for
n^i-»v»+TT T-n •fr'ho of the Incorrjoration of
ijnaorseQ: xn i/ne uuux u vj. wx j
Douglas County. In the Matter of the Incorporation of
the Town of Reedsport, Douglas bounty, Oregon. Proof <
iosting by J. R. Browne. Piled May 28th, 1919. E.H.Lenox,
County Clerk.
To be torn off by Chairman To be torn off by First Clerk
Make an X between the ITumber and Question voted for.
Shall that portion of Douglas County, State of Oregon,
described as. The Platted Town of Reedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon, as on file in the County Clerk's office
of the County of Douglas. State of Oregon, including the •
Railroad Addition to Reedsport and the corrected maps
thereof, and also to include all territory within the area
which is bounded as follows, to-wit:
• 33
Beginning at the corner to sections 24 and S5, Tov^nehip
21 South, Ranpe 12 West, Willamette Meridian, and sections
2 and 3, ToTunshlp 22 South, Range 12 West, ^/illamette Meri
dian, Douglas County, Oregon, and running thence west 300
feet, more or less, to the middle of the channel of the
Schofield River, thence dovn stream along the middle of
said channel, westerly 2800 feet, more or lees, from the
corner between lots 1 and 2, section 3, Township 22 South,
Range 12 West; thence south 1500 feet, more or less, to the
center of said section 3, thence west one half mile, thence
north one half mile to the corner of sections 3 and 4, 33
and 34, which point is on the west "boundary of the Plat of
Reedsport, thence along said boundary uorth 17 degrees 14
minutes west, 284.4 feet; thence along said boundary Korth
72 degrees 46 minutes East, 2246.3 feet to the left bank of
the Schofield River; thence East 140 feet, more or less,
to the middle of the channel of the Schofield River; thence
along the middle of said channel northeasterly 4700 feet,
mere or less, to the Harbor line cn the left bank of the
Umpqua River, thence Horth 26 degrees Sast 300 feet more
or less, to the middle of the ship channel of the Umpqua
River, thence up stream along the middle of said ship chan
nel 10,000 feet, mere or less, to a point which is at right
angles to the left river bank line at the meander comer of
the Tov.nship line, between sections 36, Tov.nship 21 South,
and section 1, Township 22 South, thence southwesterly 500
feet, more or less, to said meander corner, thence V/est
alonp said township line, between sections 36, 35, 1 and
2, one and one half miles, more or less, tO the place of
beginning; be incorporsted se a Municipal Corporation to
be known as the TOV/IT 07 REEDSPORT in accordance with tl:e
provisions of that certain Act of the Legislative Assembly
of the State of Oregon, passed at its reg^^la^ session held
in 1913, entitled, "An act to provide for the Organization
and Incorporation of Cities and Towns, and to legalize such
corporations as heretofore have attempted to be incorporated
under Chepter 1 of Title XXVI of Lord's Oregon Laws and are
now exercising the functions of incorporated cities and
towns under such attempted incorporation
Vote Yes or Ho
300 Yes
301 Ho
Endorsed: Election Ballot for Incorporation of the Town
of'Reedsport. Filed Jxine 10, 1919, S.H.Lenox, County Clerk
Be It Remembered that at a special Session of the County
Court for Douglas Coiinty, Oregon, held at the Court House
in Roseburg, Oregon, on V'ednesday the 25th day of June A.D«
1919, at which were present:
Hon. R. V/. Marsters Judge
W.E.St.John Commissioner
Edwin Weaver Commiseioner
E. H. Lenox Clerk
George Ileuner, Jr. Dist. Atty.
Geo. E. Quine Sheriff
Among other proceedings the following was had, to-wit:
In the Matter of the Incorporation of the )
Town of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon )
V/EEREAS, at a Bpeclal election duly and regularly held
on the 19th day of June, A. D. 1919,-within that portion of
Douglas County, State of Oregon, described as'The Flatted
Town of Reedeport, Douglas County, Oregon,as on file in the
County Clerk*B office of the County of Douglas, State of
Oregon, inclxiding the Railroad /Iddition to Reedsport, and
the corrected maps thereof, and also to include all terri
tory within the area which is hounded as follows, to-wit;__^
Beginning at the corner to sections 24 and 35, Township 21
South, Range 12 '..est, V.illamette Meridian, Douglas Coimty,
and Sections £ and 3 7ownsVip 22 ^.outh. Range 12 V.est,
7/illaraette Meridian, Doubles County, Oregon, and running
thence V/est 300 feet, more or less, to the inlddle of the
channel of the ^^chofield River, thence down stream along
the middle of said channel, westerly 2800 feet more or
less, from the corner between lots 1 and 2, Section 3,
Township 22 South, Range IS V/est; thence South 1500 feet,
more or less, to tl-e center of said Section 3, thence west
one half mile, thence ITorth one half mile to the corner of
sections 3 and 4, 33 and 34, which point is on the '"est
boundary of the ilat of Reedsport, thence along said bound
ary North 17 degrees 14 minutes 'Vest 284.4 feet, thence
along said boundary ITorth 72 degrees 46 minutes ?]ast 2246.3
feet to the left bank of the ?;chofield River; thence East
140 foot, more or less, to the middle of the channel of the
Schofield River, thence along the middle of said channel
northeasterly 4700 feet, mere or less, to the Harbor line
on the left bank of the Umpqua River, thence ITorth 26
degrees East 300 feet, more or less, to the middle of the
ship channel of the Umpqua River, thence up stream alonpthe
middle of said sl-ip channel 10,000 feet mere or less,
to a pcint which is at right angles to the left river
bank line at the meander corner of the Township line, be
tween Sections 36, Tcwnsl'ip 21 South, Range 12 i,eEt, and
Section 1, Township 22 South, Range 12 VeBt, thence south
westerly 500 feet, more or less, to said meander corner,
thence T'est along said Township line, between Sections 36,
35, 1 and 2, one and one hiilf miles, more or less to the
plsce of beginning-, there was submitted to the legal voters
thereof V e qxiesticn whether all that portion of Douglas
County, State of Oregon, described as The Platted Town of
Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, as on file in the County
Clerk's office of the County of Douglas, State of Oregon,
including the Railroad Addition to Reedsport, and the cor
rected maps thereof, and also to include all territory
within the area which is bounded as follows, to-wit: Be
ginning at the corner to sections 34 and 35, Township 21
South, Range 12 V/est, Willamette Lleridian, and Sections
2 and 3, Township 22 South Range 12 v:est, V/illaraette lleri
dian, Douglas County, Oregon, and running thence V/est 300
feet, more or less, to the middle of the channel of the
Schofield River, thence down stream elonf the middle of
said channel, westerly 2800 feet, more or less, to a point
which is Horth 140 feet, more or less, from t'^.e corner
between lots 1 and 2, Section 3, Township 22 South, Range
12 "Zest; thence South 1500 feet more or le^s, to the center
of said Section 3, thence Vest one half mile, thence ]?orth
one half mile to the corner of secticns 3 and 4, 33 and 34,
which point is on the V/est boundary of the Plat of Reec-sport,
thence along said boundary Ucrth 17 degrees 14 minutes
v;est 284.4 feet, thence along said boundary north 72 degrees
46 minutes East 2246.3 feet to the left bank of the Scho
field River; thence Sast 140 feet, more or less, to the
middle of the channel of the Schofield River, thence along
the middle of said channel northeasterly 4700 feet, more or
less, to the Earbor line on the left bank of the Umpqua
River, thence North 26 degrees East 300 feet more or less,
to the middle of the ship channel of the Umpqua River,
thence up stream along the middle of said channel 10,000
feet, more or less, to a point which is at right angles to
the left river bank line at the meander corner of the Town
ship line, between Section 36, Township 21 South, Range 12
v/est, and Section 1, Township 22 South, Range 12 "'est,
thence southwesterly 500 feet, more or less, to said meander
corner, thence Vest along said township line, between Seetions
36, E5, 1 and a, one and one half miles, more or less
to the place of beginning,^shall be incorporated as the
Tovrn of Eeedsport, under and pursuant to the provisions
of thet certain act of the Leglslati-ve Assembly of the
State of Oregon, passed at its regular session helc" in
1913, entitled "An act to provide for the organization
and incorporation of cities and tovpns and to legalize
such corporations as heretofore have attempted to be in
corporated under Chapter 1 cf Title XXVI of Lord's
Oregon Laws and are nov: exercising the functions of in
corporated cities and to'wns under such attempted incor
poration, and
WHSHSAS, at such election so held 151 votes were oast
in favor of such incorporation and 4 votes were cast against
such incorporation, and,
WHER3AS, the incorporation of such Town of Reedsport
received the affirmative vote cf the majority cast at
such election; Now, Therefore,
^ The County Court cf Douglas County, State of Q-^egon,
does hereby proclaim and declare thst all that part of
Douglas County, Stste of Oregon, described as The Platted
Town of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, as on file in
the County Clerk's office of the County of Douglas, State
of Oregon, Including the Railroad Addition to Reedsport,
and the corrected maps thereof, and also to include all
territory v:ithin the area which is bounded as follows,
to-wit: Beginning at the corner to sections 34 and 35,
Township 21 South, Range IE V/est, V.'illaraette Ivleridien,
and Sections £ and 3, Township 2Z South, Range 12 V/illamette
Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon, and running
thence West 300 feet more or less to the middle of the
channel of the Schofield River, thence down stream along
the middle of said channel ' esterly £800 feet, more or
less, to a point which is ITorth 140 feet, more or less,
from the corner between lots 1 end £, Section 3, Town
ship 2£ South, Range IE Vest, thence South 1500 feet,
more or less, to the center of said Section 3, thence
West one half mile, thence Forth one half mile to the
corner of secticns 3 and 4. 33 and 34, which point is on
the V/est boundary of the Plat cf Reedsport, thence along
said boundary North 17 degrees 14 minutes IVest £84.4
feet, thence along said boundary North 7£ degrees 46
minutes iijest £246«3 feet, thencp along said boundary
;left bank of the SchomfiienludteRs iEvaesr,t nth£e4n6c.Se fEeaestt 1to40thfeeet
^re or less, to the midfll© of the channel of the Scholield
River, thence alon£ the middle of said channel
northeasterly 4700 feet, more or less, to the Harbor
line on the left bank of the Umpqua River, thence Ilorth
£6 degrees Bast 3oo feet more or less, to the middle of
the ship channel of the Umpqua River, thence up stream
along the middle of said ship channel 10,000 feet more
or less, to a point which is at right angles to the
left river bank line a-f the meander corner of the Town
ship line, between Section 36, Township £1 South, Range
1£ V/est, and Section 1, Township £2 South, Range 12
West, thence southwesterly 500 feet, more or less to
said meander corner, thence V/est along said township
line, between Sections 56, 35, 1 and £, one and one
half miles, more or less, to the place of beginning..' t/
has been 'duly and legally incorporated as a municipal
corporation under the corporate name of the Town of
Reedsport, under end pursuant to, and with the powers
vested in such corporation, by virtue of Chapters 2.
3, and 4 of Title XXVI of Lord's Oregon LawB«
Deted June £5, 1919 R. w. Marsters
County Judge
fSeal) W. E. St. John
Attest: E. H. Lenox,
County Clerk
Edwin F/eaver
Endorsed; In the Courty Court of the State of Oregon for
Douglas County. In the T.jatter of the Incorporation of
the Town of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon. Order De
claring the Town of Reedsport an Incorporated Town. Filed
June 25, 1919. E. E, Lenox, Clerk, hy Blanche Reed, Deputy.
Recorded Vol. 10 Page 516-517 County Court Journal.
Be It Remenihered that at a Regular Session of the County
Court for Douglas County, State of Oregon, held at the
Court House in Rose"burg, Oregon, on ".'ednesday the 7th day
of July A. D. 1919, at vthich were present:
Hon. R. Yi, Harsters Judge
W.B.St.John Commissioner
Ed7;in V/eaver Commiseioner
^ ' S. H. Lenox Clerk
George lIeuner,Jr Dist. Atty.
Geo. K. Quine Sheriff
Among other proceedings the follovjing v;aB had, to-v:it;
In'the Matter of an Election for the ^ es.
Tov:n of Reedsport, Douglas County,Ore.)
pursuant to a notice heretofore given and entered of
record calling for an Election to he held for the incor
poration of the Toiwn of Reedsport, cn the 19th day of
June, 1919, and.
It appearing to the court that an Election Tjfss held
and the returns made to this court showing thnt 151 votes
were cast for inccrpcraticn and 4 votes against said dn- •
corporation, and the Court heving made an order dx"ily en
tered cf record on the"25th day of June, 1919, declaring
the territory set cut In Baii3 order to he a Iluricipal ^
corporation known as the Town of Reedsport, and
How et this time heing more than 10 days and less than
20 days after the making of said order or proclamation
and pursxiant to Sec. 7 of Chapter 24 5 of the laws of Oregon
of 1912,
It is hereby considered, ordered and adjudged that an
Election "be held in the said Town of Reedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon on the 21st day of July A. D. 1919 for the
election of One Mayer, Six Aldermen, One Recorder, One
Treasurer end One Marshal, and that the County Clerk pro
ceed to give notice as provided hy law.
^ And it is further ordered that the following he and
are hereby appointed as Judges and Clerks to hold said
election, to-wlt; Judges: J.H.Austin, V/m. McParland;
Clerks: G.A.Johnson, J.R.Browne and K.R.Chapman.
Deted this 7th day of July, 1919. R.W.Marsters,
County Judge
Edwin V^eaver
W. E. St. John
Attest; E. H. Lenox, Clerk Commissioner
Endorsed; In the Courty Court of the State of Oregon for
Douglas County. In the Hatter of the Incorporation of the
Town of Reedsport. Douglas County, Oregon. Order calling
Election. Piled July 7, 1919. E. K. Lenox, County Clerk.
Recorded Vol. 10 Page 629 County Court Journal
notice is hereby given thet on the 21st day of ^uly, 1919,
at the Polling place, to-v?it: Moote Eall, Reedsport, v:ithin
the folloring described boundaries: The Platted ToTrn of
Reedsport, Douglas bounty, Oregon, as on file in the County
Clerk's office of the County of Douglas, State of Oregon,
including the Railroad Addition to Heedsport and the cor
rected maps thereof, and also to inclxide all territory "within
the area v.hich is bounded as folloT.'S; to-v:it; Beginning at
the comer to sections 24 and 35, Tov.'nehip 21 South, Range
12 '.Vest, V'illamette Meridian, and sections 2 and 2, Township
£2 South, Range 12 ""est, V/illaraette },!eridian, Douglss County,
Oregon, and running thence 'Vest 200 feet, more or less,to
the middle of the channel, of the Schofield River, thence
dov.'n stream along the middle of said channel resterly 2800
feet, more or less, to a point which is north 140 feet, more
or less, from the corner hetTveen lots 1 and 2, section S,
Tov.nship 22 South, Range 12 West; thence South IfOO feet,
more or less, to the center of said section 2, thence West
one half mile, thence north one half mile to the corner of
sections 2 and 4, 22 and 24, which point is on the^^est
boundary of the Plat of Reedsport, thence along said bound
ary north 17 degrees 14 minutes V/est, 284.4 feet; Whence
along said boundary Horth 72 degrees 46 minutes Sast, 2246.3
feet to the left banh of the Schofield River; thence East
140 feet, more or lees, to the m-^ddle of the channel of the
Schofield River; thence along the middle of said channel
northeasterly 4700 feet, more or less, to the Karbcr line
on the left bank of the Umpqua River, thonce Horth 26 de-^
grees Sest 200 feet more or less, to the middle of the ship
channel of the Umpqua River, thence up stream along the
middle of said ship channel 10,000 feet, more or less, to a
point v.hich is at right angles to the left river bank line
at the meander corner of the Township line, between sections
26, township 21 South, and section 1, Township 22 South,
thence Southwesterly 500 feet, more or less, to said meander
corner, thence 'Vest along said Township line, between sec
tions 26, 25, 1 an^ 2, one and one half miles, more or less,
to the place of beginning.
In Douglas County, State of Oregon, and Election will be
held for the Election of 1 Mayor, 6 Aldermen, 1 Recorder,
1 Marshal and 1 Treasurer for the Town of Reedsport, which
election will be held at eight o'clock in the morning end
will continue until eight o'clock in the afternoon of the
said day
By Order of the County Court.
E. E. Lenox, County Clerk.
Dated this 7th day of July, 1919
Endorsed: Election Notice for election of Officers for the
Town of Reedsport. Filed July 7, 1919. S. H. Lenox, County
State of Oregon )
County of Douglas ) ss.
I, We, and each of us, the duly appointed Judges and
Clerks of T^lection for the '"own of Reedsport to be held on
the 21st day of July, 1919, being first duly sworn, depose
and say that I nested two election notices, a copy of which
is attached hereto in public and conspicuous places within
the limits of the incorporated Town of Reedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon, 10 days before said election, to-wit; on
July 9th, 1919.
Signed; J. H. Austin Judge
V7m. McParland Judge
G. A. Johnson clerk
Ksrl R. Chapman Clerk
J. R. Browne (jlerk
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10th day of July,
Belle ?/ade
(Seal) ITotary Public for Oregon
My commission expires May 4, 1921.
Endorsed: Proof of Posting. Filed July 11, 1919, at 9;50
A. 11. E. H. Lenox, County Clerk. Hecorded Vol. 10 Page
629 County Court Journal".
Kotice is hereby given that on the 21st day of July,
1919, at the lolling place, to-viit; Moose Hall, Heedsport,
with the follovring described boundaries; The Platted Town
of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, as on file in the
County Clork*s office of the Coiinty of Douglas, State of
Oregon, including the Hailroad .Addition to Reedsport and
the corrected maps thereof, and else to include all terri
tory within the area which is bounded as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the corner to sections 34 and S5, Township
21 South, Range 12 V'eet, V/lllamette Meridian, and sections
2 and 3, Township 22 South, Range 12 V/est, Willamette Meri
dian, Douglas County, Oregon, and running thence V/eet 300
feet, more or less, to a point which is north 140 feet,
more or less, from the corner between lets 1 and 2, Section
3, Township 22 South, r.enge 12 V/est; thence South 1500 feet,
more or less, to the center of said section 3, thence West
cne half mile, thence nortV one half mile to the corner of
sections 3 and 4, 3?, and 34, which point is on the West
boundary of the Plat of Reedsport, thence along said bound
ary llorth 17 degrees 14 minutes ".'eet, 284.4 feet; thence
along said boundary tTorth 72 decrees 46 minutes, £246.3
feet to the left bank cf the Schofield River, thence Ea-ot
140 feet, more or less, to the middle of the channel of the
Schofield River; thence along the middle of sai(? channel
northeasterly 4700 feet, more or less, to the Harbor line
on the left bank cf the Umpqua River, thence Horth 26 de
grees East 300 feet more or less, to the middle of the ship
channel of the Umpqua River, thence up stream along the
middle of said ship channel 10,000 feet, more or less, to a
point which is at right angles to the left river bank line
at the meander corner of the Township line, between sections
36, Township 21 South, and section 1, Township 22 South,
thence southwesterly 500 feet, more or less, to said meander
corner, thence ""eet along said Township line, between sec
tions 36, 35, 1 and 2, one and one half miles, more or less,
to the place of beglrining.
In Douglas County, State of Oregon, an Election will be
held for the lection of 1 Mayor, 6 Aldermen, 1 Recorder,
1 Marshal, and 1 Treasurer for the Town of Reedsrort, which
election will be held at eight o'clock in the morning and
will continue until eight o'clock in the afternoon of the
said day.
By order of the County Court.
E. H. Lenox, County Clerk.
Dated this 7th day of July 1919.
To "be torn off "by the Chslrmsn To he torn off "by the ?irst
For Ivisyor Vote for One
For Aldermen Vote for Six
For Recorder Vote for One
For Treasurer •""ote for One
For riarshal "''ote for One
Endorsed: In the flatter of the Election of Officers for the
Tovin of Heedsport. Ballot. Filed Tuly 14th, 1919 .".H.Lenox
Co- Clerk.
Be it remembered that at a Regular Session of the County
Court, for Douglas County, Oregon, held at the Court house in
P.osehurg, Oregon, on T^ednes(?ay the 6th day of August, 1919,
at Vvhich T5ere present:
Eon. R. W. IJarsters, Judge
71. E. St. John, Commissioner
Tildvjin TVeaver, Commissioner
Sv-Jj. -JieiiGK . ' 'Olerk
George I^euner, Jr Diet. itty.
Geo. K* Quine, Sheriff
Among other proceedings the follovring r^as had, to-v>it:
In the matter of the .^lection of Officers )
for the '^OKn of Pe~dsport, ^ouglas County, Oregon )
HovB at this time it appearing to the Court, that pur
suant to an order heretofore made and entered on the 7th day
of July 1919, calling an election in the Town of Recdsport'
( heretofore duly incorporated as a municipal corporation)
for the election of officers for said T:07?n of Reedsport.and
and it appearing that due notice v:as given as provided by
Ibt:, and said election v^as held on the 21st day of Tuly 1919,
as appears from the return of said election filed v.ith the ^
County Clerk,
And it further appearing by said returns that the follovjing
officers having received the highest vote cast et said
election, v.ere ouly ^"lected,
For Liayor, , p. Reed. ?or Aldermen, J.E. BroY;ne,
C. M. Johnson, R.J. Eubberd, Jos. Lyons, Clyde C. Chase
and I7m. McFarland. ]^or "reasurer, Geo. Staples. For
Recoraer, G.A. Johnson. ?or I^Iarshal, E .E. Collins.
V/herefore, it is ordered that the Clerk iseue Cert
ificates of JSlection to each of said persons so elected to
the respective offices and to serve until the first Monday
in January, 1920, as provided by law. "Dated et Roseburg,
Oregon. t>is 6th day of 'ugust, 1919.
Attest: B. H. Lenox
County Clerk.
R. W. Marsters
County Judge
Endorsed: Order declaring results of Election for Officers
for the Rown of Reedsport, Oregon. Filed Aug. 6th, 1919.
E. E. Lenox, Go. Clerk.
Recorded Vol. 11, page 2, County Court Journal.
:^OTjn of ?.eedsport, Douglas "bounty, Oregon
Sept. .22, 1919.
iSt a Special :.:eeting of the Oomnon Council this day reg
ularly called and held, at the tiiie and place and in the manner
provided by la^v, Tvith Layer W. P. I^eed, Recorder Pro tern Ceo.
W. Staples and the folloTiing raemhers of. the :^omrr)on Council,
to-wit: Mo?arland, Toseph Lyolie, Clyde Chase, C. Hc'C.
Johnson, R. Browne in attendance, I.'ayor P. Heed pres
iding and Recorder Ire teim Oep, IT. Staples acting as Rscorder,
the follov^ing business vbb trajisacted:
Eesignaticn of Mr. G. A* Johnson, City Recorder was read
and upon motion duly made and secorded, I,:r. ^TohnBon's resig
nation T?8e eccepted. J£r. James Z. Cavers was nomineted to •»
fill the vacancy, nominations v.ere closed and I*r. Cavers was
duly elected as City Recorder.
i.otion was duly made and seconded, and Mayor ap^jointed
Aldermen Chase, McFarland E. Browne a Committeo of 3 to look
up the matter of City iittborney and report at next meeting.
Proposed Ordinance IIo. 1 was regularly introduced and
read the first time.
Thereupon, on motion duly made, seconded, and unan
imously carried, said proposed Ordinance was pas£-:ed to its
second reading and read the second tirne.
After said proposed Ordinance had been read the sec
ond time, motion was diily made, seconded, and unanimously
carried that said proposed Ordinance be pastred to its third
ifter saifl proposeci Ordinance had been reed the third
time, motion tseb duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried
that said proposed Ordinance be placed upon its final pasEape
which said proposed Ordinonce vras thereupon numbered "CRDIHt
AKCE ITO. I" and which said Ordinance with the vote thereon
is in T.ords and figures as follows:
0?.DmKCE ITO. I.
AH ORDINAIICE to provide the carrying into effect in the
ToT?Bn of Heedeport, TOougles County, Oregon, the Initistive
and Referendum .pOTvers reserved to the legal voters of Llunicipalities
by Section I-a of Jirticle IV of the Constitut
ion of the State of Oregon, and to enact and amend their
municipal chartersfreserved to legal voters of cities and
tOT^ns "by Section £ of Jirticle XI of the Constitution of the
State of Oregon, "and providing for violation of this act
and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in con
flict: herewith and declaring an emergency.
EECTIOIT I. The following shell "be suhstantially the
form of a petition for any ordinance or amendment to the
charter proposed by the Initiative.
it Is r -^elony for ?ny. one to sign "ny Initiative
or Referendum petition v:ith any other name other than l-iis
ovm, or to knoT:ingly sign his name more than once for the
same measure, or to sign such petition V;hen he is not a
legal voter.
To the Honorable
Recorder cf Reedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon.
V/e, the undersigned, citizens and legal voters of
Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, respectfully demand that
the folloTTlng proposed Ordinance, or amendment to the chart.-r
shall be submitted to the legal voters of I^eedsport, :nouglas
County, Oregon, for their apiroval or rejection at the
regular for special) city election to be held on the
of 19 , and each for himself says:
I have personally signed this petition; I am a legal voter
of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, and my residence
and street number are correctly Tvritten after my name.
(Here follOT? tv.'enty numbered lines for signatures).
SSC^IOU 2. The follovring shell he suhstantially the
form of petition for r:eferendum to the people on any ord
inance pas£;e(? by the Common Council.
It is felony for any one to sign any Initiative or
Eeferendum petition "with any other name than his own, or
to knovringly sign his name more than once for the same
measure, or to sign such petition T/hen he is not a legal
?..:PE:.EiTIiUll lETITIOH.
Co the Honorable
Recorder of P.eedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon.
XlQ, the undersigned, legel voters of Reedsport, "T^ouglas
^^ounty, Oregon, respectfully demand that Ordinance Ko.
entitled fthe title of ordinance on which the ref
erendum is sought), passed by the '^omr':on Council of Reedsport,
at its meeting on the day of 19
shall be submitted to tjie legal voters of Reedsx-ort, for
their approval or rejecticn at the regular for special)
city election to be held on the asy of
t and each for himself says: I have personally
signed this petition; I am a legal voter of r^eedsport,
"Douglas County, Oregon, and my residence and streot num
ber are correctly v:ritten sfter my "name .
17ATJE • r.EIDElICE •'TRE':? 1TUI-3.-::R
(Here follow tv/enty numbered lines for signatures).
SECTION S. Each and every sheet of every petition
for either initiative or referendum containing signatures
shall .yerified on the back thereof in substsntially
the following form by the person who circulated such sheet
of said petition by affidavit thereon as follows:
I, , "being first duly sworn
Esy tliat (here shsll be legibly v;ritten or typeviritten the
names of the signers of the sheet) signed this sheet of the
foregoing petition, and each of them signed his name there
to in my presence; I believe that each has stated his name
residence and street number oorreotly and that eech signer
is a legal voter of Reedsport.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of
. A. D. 19
{Signature and title oi" oi±'lcer
end his residence)
SSCTIOIT 4. The forms herein given are not asndstory
and if substantially folloTied in any j,,etition it shall be
sufficient, disregarding clerical and technical errors.
SSCTIOIJ 5'. Hot more than twenty signatures shall be
signed to one sheet of s petition, and a full end c.orrect
copy of the title end text of the measure demanded for
EubmisLion by the Referendum or Initiative petition, as
the case may be, shall be attached to eech sheet circul
ated for signature, and such full and correct copy of the
title and text shall be shown to the voter before his sig
nature is attached.
SSCTIOH 6. The Hecorder of Reedsport thall accept
for filing any petition for the Initiative cr for the
Referendum, subject to the verificction of the member
and genuineness of^the signatures and voting qualific
ations of the persons signing the same by reference to the
registration books in the office of the County Clerk of
Douglas County, and if a sufficient number of qualified
voters be found to have signed said petition, he shall
file same within ten days after presentation thereof to
^ECTIOJT 7. Initiative petitions for any proposed
ordinance, charter amendment or measure shall be signed
by a number of legal voters ecuel to fifteen per centum of
the votee cast for Llayor et the last preceding municipel
election. Referendum petitions against any ordinance or
measure proposed by the •:;ommon Council shell be signed by ^
a rrumber of legal voters equal to tv.'enty f£0) per centum of
the votes oast for mayor at the last regular preceding mun
icipal election.
SECTIOl? 8. An amendment to the charter of Heedsport
may be proposed and submitted to the legal voters thereof
by resolution of the aommon Council without an Initiative
petition; said resolution shall be filed V7ith the Hecorder
for submission not later than tv/enty days before the elect
ion et which it is to be vot6d upon and no amendment to the
charter shall be effective until it ie a^^proved by a major
ity of the votes cast thereon by the lagal voters of said
SEGTIOK 9. en amendment to the charter of jieedeport
may be propesed and submitted to the legal voters there
of by roEOlution of the Gom!7.on Council \7ithout an "Initiative
petition, the said resolution shall therein state the date
of the regular municipal election, or the date of a special
election at which said resolution will be submitted to be
voted on.
SKC:r'IOII 10. UTien any measure for Initiative or Heferendum
legislation shall be filed by the Recorder -after the
numter and genuineness of eignatures thereto, as providea ty
Section 6 snpra have teen ascertained, or when any resolut
ion of the Comraon Council shall be filed with the Pecorger
as provided in Section 8 herein, the Heoorder shall forth
with transmit to the .Utorney of said nunlolpality a copy
of such measure, mho shall within five days provide and re
turn to the Recorder a hallot title for such measure. The
tallot title shall be priiited with the number of the measure
on the Offlclai:ballot. In making such ballot title said
Attorney shall to the best of his ability give a true and
in^partial statement of the purpose of the measure and In
such language that the "ballot title shall not be an argum
ent for, or lia.ble to create prejudice against such neasure.
Any person who is dissatisfied T^ith the ballot title prov
ided by the seid Attorney for any such measure may vfithin
five days after said ballot title is returned to the Rec
order appeal to the Corainon Council asking a different title
and friving the reasons therefor, and stating rhy the title
prepared by the said Atlorney is improper and The Common
Council shall by resolution approve the ballot title prep
ared by said Attorney, or shall by resolution prescribe
another ballot title therefor and the bellot title so app
roved or so prescribed by the Common Council shall be the
title placed upon the ballot. Such ballot title shall in
no case exceed one hundred i?vords, and shall not resemble
in so far as possible any other ballot title filed for any
measure. The Recorder of Reedsport shell number such mea
sures and ballot title in the most convenient and consec
utive manner. The affirmative of the firet measure shall
be numbered 100 and the negative 101 in numerals, and the
succeeding measutes shall be numbered 102, lOS, 104, 105
and so on. It shall be the duty of the Recorder to print
said ballot titles and numbers upon the official ballot.
Measures referred to the voters by petition shall be des
ignated "Referendum ordered by petition of the people",
measures propesed by the Initiative petition shall be
designated "£r6posea by Initiative petition." Charter
amendme nts subritted by the City Council 77ithout Init
iative petition; shall be designated "Charter amendments
submitted to the voters by the Common Co uncil."
PROVIDED HOWSVER, that when charter amendments are
to be sutmitted to the voters ty resolution of theCoanon
Counoil as In this crdinanoe proviaed, the Counoil may in
seid resolution provled for a ballot title for the meas
ure so to he suhMttea and in the event of stfeh provision
teing .ade by the Council the hareihable provisions of this
ion relative to the filing of the measure Tsith the City
Attorney, the prepara tion by said .attorney of a ballot
title therefor and the appeal to the Council from the ball
ot title so prepared shall not ap;ly.
EECTIOSI II. V/here a special election is ca lied
either on petition for proposed ordinances or charter amend
ments by the Initietl-ve, or for submitting ordinances by
the Referendum, or on charter amendments proposed by resol
ution of the Oomtr,op Council, the I^ecorder shall publish
such proposed Ordinances, referendum measure, or charter
amendment v?lth the b£3l lot title and number iii full in a
newspaper published in P.eedeport to be designated by the
Common Council in the resolution submitting such measure,
for two consecutive publications -within the twenty days
immediately preceding the spedial election at which said
proposed ordinance, referendum measure, or charter amend
ment, is to be voted on. Alike rule as to publication
shall be observed where proposed ordinances, referendum
measures, or charter amendments are to be submitted at
the regular election.
SHCTIOl! 12. Legal voters of Hoedsport are qualif
ied to sign a petition for the referendum or for the init
iative for any meisure which they are entitled to vote upon.
5ny person signing an" name other than his own to a pet
ition, or knov;ingly signing his nfii-ne more than once for
the same measure at one election, who is, not at the time
of signing the same a legal voter of Reedsport, or any
officer or other person violating any of the provisions of
this ordinance, shall upon conviction thereof be punished
by a fine not,exceeding five hundred dollars, or by im
prisonment in the city jail not exceeding six months, or
by both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of t>e
municipal court.
SECTIOU 13. The manner of voting upon measures
submitted to the legil voters shall be the same as nois
or may hereafter be, provided by law. TTo measure r..
shall be adopted unless it shall receive the affirmatiie
majority of the totM number of legal votes oast on such
measure and entitled to be counted thereon. If t^vo or
more la'SJB on the same subject or containing provisions
that are conflicting, shall be approved by the voters at
the same election, the measure reoeivinf the greatest
number of affirmative votes shall be j^^roclaimed to be
the lai/v adopted. ^
SJ5GTI01T 14- The votes on measures and charter
amendmen,ts shall be counted, canvasses 8 nd returned as
votes for candidates are counted, and returned.
ESCTIOIT 15. The mayor shall viithin fifteen days
from the time of such election proclaim by publication
thereof in full, once in a ne-wspaper published in the
City of Reedsport, or by posting printer" or typewritten
copies of such proclamation in at least tv?o conspicuous
places in soid municipality, the adoption of such measure
and amendment Tshich shall he ve received the affirmative
majority of the total number of votes cast thereon, and
upon such proclamation, such measure and amendments shall
become in full force and effect, except in cases provided
for in Section 12 v?it> reference to two or more lavrs on
"the same subject or containing provisions that are con
flicting. In cases o " ordinances vrhlch have been passed
by the Gommon Council and voted upon by referendum, pro
clamation of the result of such vote shall also be made,
and siich ordinance shall continue effect or cease to
be in effect, ecoording to such result from the time of
such proGlamation.
ESCTIOU 16. Where referendum petitions shall be
signed by the required member of legal voters against
any ordina- nces passed by the Qomron Soun'cil, same shall
be filed with the Hecorder v^ithin thirty days after the
passage and ap roval of the ordinance in question.
Ilo ordinance shall take effect and become operative
until thirty days after its passage by the Common
Council and approval by the mayor, or lassage by e tv^othiras
vote over the veto of the :.:ayor. except emergency
measures necessary for the immediate preserTation of the
peaoe, healtli or safety of the city; and no such emergency
measure shall become immediately operati;*re until same is
passes by a t730-thir§'s majority of all the members of the
Common Council end also approved by the mayor,
EECTICU 17. All ordiriances and parts of ordinances
^n conflict herevjith be, and ^he same hereby are repealed.
SECTION 18. V/'EaHEA£, the ?ov:n of Reedsport has at
the present time no ordinance or charter amendment, pro
viding for the exercise therein of the initiative and ref-
^erendum xovvers reserved to the voters by the Constitution;
V.'HSREAS, it is necessary that certain proposed chart-
^er amendments affecting the health of said Toun be submitted
to the voters thereof at as early a date as possible and in
order so to do it is necessary to enact this ordinance; nov:.
AIT SSffiRGSFCy is hereby declared, to exist and this ord
inance shall immediately go into force end effect u^.on its
adoi'tion and. apj-roval.
Passes by the Council this the 22nd day of September
1919, by the follovring vote:
TBAE; Five (5)
rays: Hone.
Submitted to the Mayor this 22nd day of September,
Approved by the llayor this £2nd day of September,
(Signed) W.P. Reed
Ceo. V/. Staples
Recorder (i-ro tem)
Thereupon the Mayor duly signed and approved the
aforesaid ordinance in open meeting.
* Thereupon the Recorder pas instructed to post three
copies thereof in at least three public p^aoes in said City,
same to he in lieu of the iUhlicstion thereof.
There being no further business the moeting adjourned,
until next call of the Ivlayor
Tsigned) Geo* T7. Staples.
Recorder (Pro tern)
(signed) V.P. Heed.
Mayor .
Tov:n of Heedsport, Douglas County, Oregon
September £9, 1919.
At 8 regular meeting of the Comon Council this day
regularly called and held at the time and place and in the
manner provided by lav?, v:ith ::8yor 17. p. Reed, Recorder
themes K* Cavers, and the following members of the Comrrion
tJouncil, to-v;it; Clyde Chaee, r/m. LlcParlanc', C. McC. John
son, R. Browne and R, J, Hubbard, in attendance, luayor
V;. P. Reed presiding, and Recorder James K> Cavers acting
as Recorder, the following business was transacted;
^.inutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
Motion was duly made and seconded that the I.:ayor
appoint s committee, which committee with r.:r, J. K. Ilapier,
W8S to examine the proposed Charter and report on same.
Mayor appointed Browne, C.McC,i Johnson, and ;:oParland ,
Vith Instructions to report T/ednesdey Oct. 1, 1519, at
7 P. K.
There being no further business t;
:ovjn of Heedsport, Douglas County, Oregon
October 1, 1919.
At a special me-ting of the Common Council this day
regularly called aid held at the tine and place and in the
n^anner provided by lav., with ::ayor W.P. Reed, _-^.eoorder
.^an,es K. Cavers, ^and the following .embers of the Coanon
attendance, l,:ayor Reed presiding, and .-Recorder James
K. cavers acting as -ecorder, the following business was
rroposed Ordinances Ho. 2 & 3 were regularly introd
uced as emergency ordinances and read the first time.
'"hereupon, on rao'^ion duly made, seconded and iinsns
iroously carried, said proposed Ordinance "was pasr.ed to its
second reading a nd read the second time.
^•fter said prCT;osed Ordinance had been read the sec
ond time, motion vjas duly made, seconded, and unanimously
carried that said reposed Ordinancesbe passed to its third
.After eaid proposed Ordinanoeshad been read the third
motion was duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried
tha t said proposed Ordinances be placed upon their final
pas&age, which said proposed. Ordinances were thereupon num
bered "ORDIHAKCE BO.a and ORDIMUCE ITO. S" and which said
Ordinances with the vote thereon are in words and figures
as follows:
ORDmilCE UO. 2.
-AIT OP.DIJIAITCE fixing the time and place for holding
re'gular meetings of the Common Council of Reedsport, and
the manner of celling and holding special meetings of the
Common Council of P.eodsport, Oregon, and declaring an 3niergency.
CECTIO0 1, Regular meetings of the Common Cciirioil
of the Town of ?Leedsport shall "be held at Rainbow Build
ing, 14th Street, within the corporate limits of said
Town of -.Reedsport, Oregon, on the second Tonday of each
month and shall be convened at the hour of 8 o'clock r.M.
SECTIOH 2. All special meetings of the Common "
Council of the Town of Reedsport shell be held at the
place designated in Section 1 of this ordinance, and may
be called at any time by the r,!ayor or three -Jouncilmen
by written notice delivered to each member then present
within eaid town at least three hours before the time
specified for the proposed meeting, which notice shall
specify the object and purpose of said me ting, hut no
other business than that mentioned in ssid notice or bus
iness incidental thereto shall be transacted at any such
special meeting.
SSCTIOJT 3. V/HERE.^S, the Town of ?eedsport has, at
this time, no ordinance providing a time or place, or time
and place for meotin-s of the ""ommon Council, nor any ordinance
providing the manner of calling and holding any spec- ,
ial me ting of said "'ouncil; and, ^
T/KSR3AS, it is necessary :^"or purposes of completing
the organization of said to^^n in ell particulars that
such be provided by at the earliest ;'possible
now, THSREFORS, AI SMEHG3EGY is hereby declared to
exist and this ordinance shall immediately go into effect
and be of full force upon its adoption and approval.
Passed by the Council thiz Ist day of October, 1919
by the foll-woing vote:
V&AS: 5
lUYS: 0
Submitted to the r.ayor this 1st day of October, 1919,
Approved by the "..ayor this 1st day of October, 1919.
::hereupon the ::ayor duly signed and ap-roved the
aforesaid ordinance in open meeting.
Thereupon the Recorder tscs instructed to post three
C0j,ies thereof in at least three public places in ssid
City, same to be in lieu of the publication thereof.
AI7 OF.DITTAJJCE fixing the of:^iGiEl bonds of the -^.ecorder
end 3x-©fficio /ustice of the :eace, the I^arshel,
and the 7reasi;rer and Tax Collectors of the Town of
Reefsport and Declaring an Emergency.
SSCTI015 1. The I^ecorder of the Town of reedsport
shall extiGute s good end sufficient bond, vJith one or more
sureties, before entering upon the discharge of his euties,
to the Tovsn of Reedsport in the penal sum Of lOCO.OO^
^ laiipful money of tjie United States of Imerioa, conditioned
for the faithful perforraance of his duties f;S "Recorder and
3z-Officio tustice of the j^eace of said toT.n, Tvhich bond
shall be api_.roved by the Common Council and filed ^rith the
SSCTIOII 2. The Marshall of the Tov;n of Reedsport
^ shall ezecuts a f^ood and sufficient bond, vrith one or more
sureties to the "own of Reeds ort in the penal sum of
loco.00, lawful money of the United States of .America,
before entering ux.on the discharge of his duties ae such
i,..arshall, which said bond shall be app2;(^y,Qd py the "^omnion
Council and filed with the Recorder of said torn.
SSGTiOU 3. The Treasurer of the Town of Reedsport
shall execute a ^ood and sufficient bond, 7"ith one or more
sureties, to the Town of Reedsport in the penal sum of
$ 2500.00, lawful money of the United States of America,
conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties
as such Treasure? and Tax Collector of said Town of Reed
SECTIOII 4. V;EERSi\S. the Town of Reedsport has, at
this time no ordinance providing the amount of bonds for
the Recorder, Kershell er.c' Treasxirer of said town; and,
'.VEERKAS, it is necessary that such ordinance be
passed as soon as possible so that said officers may qual
ify ae such o-Tficers and enter uyot the discharge of their
duties, so that said tox-^n may have the benefit of their
ire«. THERSPOEE, AU EMERGEIICY is hereby declared to
e^ist and this ordinance shell imediately go into effect
and be of full force ui^on its adoption and approval.
Pastes "by the Council this the 1st day of Octoher,
1919, "by the following vote:
r-AYS: 0
Submitted to the Mayor this 1st day of Octoher,1919.
Approved "by the Mayor this 1st d.ay of Octoher, ^19.
Attest *
Thereupon the liayor duly signed end approved the
aforesaid ordiinance in open me- ting.
Thereupon the Recorder vsas instructed to post threo
copies thereof in at least three public places in said
City, same to he in lieu of the publication thereof.
There being no further business the meeting adj
ourned. until next call of the liayor.
TOTDn of Rerdsport, rouglas County, Oregon'^
October 10, 1919.
;it a special meeting of the Common Council this day
regularly called and held at the time am? place and in the
manner provided by lav?, vjith Ilayor V/. P. Reed, Recorder
•James K. Cavers, e nd the follov:ing members of the Com
mon Council, to-V7it: Clyde Chase, J. R< Browne, V'illian
MoFarlsnd, C. McC. Johnson, Joseph Lyons, and R, J, Hubbard
in.attendance, Mayor W. P. Reed, presiding, and Rec
order James E< Cavers acting as Recorder, the following
business was transacted:
Ipon motion of Alderman McFarland seconded by .llderman
Chase the following resolution t?es introduced and
passed, to-wit:
To\vn of Reedsport, Bougies Coimty, Oregon,
"ovember 11, 1919.
At 8 special meeting of the Coranon 'ouncil this
d8y regularly celled and held et the time and piece end
in the manner provided by ler, Tith Llayor P. Heed, Rec
order James K* Cavers, and the follo7?ing members of the
Comaon Council, Clyde Chase, vnn. McFarland, C. MoC.
Johnson and J.R. Brov;ne in attendance, Mayor W. P. Reed
presiding, and Recorder James X. Cevers acting as Record
er, the folloTJing business was transacted;
The returns of the special electicn held in the
Town of Reedsport, on the 10th day of November, 1919,
for the purpose of rejection or adoption of the Charter
toendments and the euthorizeticn of the Common Council
to issue $ 100,000.00 of V/ater Bonds of the Town of
Reedsport, theretofore submitted to the legsl voters
of seid tov;n at said special election being in, same
v;ere canvasted, whereupon it vras found that 153 votes
were cast; of vvhich 153 votes were cast for the adopt
ion , and none for the rejection of said Charter Amend
ments end issuance of said 0 100,000.00 Water -onds of
the Town of Reedsi-ort, whereupon said Charter Amend
ments were declared carried by a unanimous vote.
There being no further business the meeting adj
-.own of Eeedsi';ort, Doubles County, Oregon.
ITovember 17, 1919.
At;a speoial meeting of th& Comraon Oounoll this
asy regularly csllefl and held at the tine and ploce and
In the manner provided by l.w, ^ith llayor T/. P. Reed,
-Eedorder Tames K. Cavere and the following members of
the Common Oouncil, t o-vvit: Chase, Lyons, I/iOFsrland, C.
MeC. Johnson: and J.R. Br07?ne in attendance, Ilayor W.P. Reed
presiding and Recorder James K. Cavers acting as T^ecorder,
the following business "was transacted:
Proposed Ordinance Ko- 4 Tsas regularly introduced
end read the first time.
' Thereupon, on motion duly made, seconded, and unan
imously carried, said proposed Ordinance was passed to its
second reading and read the second time.
After said proposed Ordinance had "been read the sec
ond time, motion v^as fuly made, seconded, and unanimously
carried that said proposed Ordinance he passed to its
third ^reading.
After said proposed Ordinance har" been read the third
time, motion vjbb duly made, seconded, and unanimously carr
ied that said proposed Ordinance be placed upon its final
passage, v:hich said proposed Ordinance was thereupon num
bered "OHLIITANCS ITO. 4." and T^hich said ordinance with the
vote thereon is in v^ords and figures as- folloT?s:
All ORDIUANCa to provide for the issuance of bonds
by the City of Reedsport, ^ougles County, Oregon, in the
sum of 5 100,000.00 for the purx.ose of providing funds
for the construction and installation of a v;ater system
for said City, providing for the form of the bonds to
be iss ued and the coupons a-ttached thereto, ratifying,
confirming and approving the sale of said bonds and dec
laring an Smergency*
WHEREAS, at an election heretofore duly celled
and held in the City of He^dsport, Douglas County, Oreg
on, on the lOth ca y of ITovember, 1919, the -ouncil of
said City v;as duly authorized end emporered to issue
bonds in the sum of ; 100.000.00 for the purpose of prcvifling
funds for the oonstruotion and installation of s
water system for said City; end,
l.KEREAS, no bonds have been heretofore authorized
or issued for said purpose and it now becomes necessary
to procure funds in the aforesaid amount therefor|^; now,
( •
SECTIOK I. [i'hat the City of Reedeport do issue
"bonds in the name of and under the corporate seal of arid
City in the sum of ^ 100,000. par "value in amount, said
"bonds to "be in denominations of 1000 each, to be dated
IJovember 1st, 1919, and to mature serially in numerical
order without option of prior payment as follows, to-wit:
$ 2000 IJov.1,1929 $ 7000 TTov. 1, 1930
" " 1921
" ",192-
" ",1925
" ",1937
" ",1939
" ",1941
" ",1943
7000 "
7000 "
7000 "
7000 "
7000 "
7000 "
", 1938
", 1942
said bonds to bear interest at the rate of six per cent
per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of
l^ay and Kovember in each year, principal s nd interest
to be payable in United States golc" coin of the present
standard of value at the ?iscal Agency of the State of
Oregon in York City, said bonds to be signed by the
i'ayor and countersigned by the Recorder under the corp
orate seal of said City, the interest cn said bonds to
be represented by semi-annual interest coupons theretorattached
bearing the ohgraved fac-slmile signatures of
said Hayor and Recorder, which seid bonds shall be known
as"Cityof Reedsport IVater Bonds".
uiiiCTIOIT £. That the said City of Reedsport ^ater
Bonds end the coupons attached thereto shall be in sub
stantially the following form;
value received hereby promises to pay to bearer the sum of:
on the first day of Tfovember, 19 . with interest thereon
at the rate of six percent (6fo) per annum payable semlsnmially
on the first days of May and Jfoveraher to the hear
er of the respective coupons therefor hereto attached upon
presentation end surrender thereof as they mature, hoth
principal and interest thereon being payable in United
States gold coin of the present standard value at the "Fis
cal Agency of the Stfite of Oregon in llev! York City.
This bond is one of a series of like date aggreg
ating one hiindred thousand dollars (§100,000) par value
in amount, oumbered 1 to 100 inclusive, authorized by an
amendment to the charter of said City duly submitted to
and approved by the voters of said City at an election
held for said purpose on the 10th day of ITovember, 1919,
after due notice given, at T!7hich election an indebtedness
in said sum v;sb authorized by the legal voters of ssld
City to be created for the construction and installation
of a vsater system for said City.
And it is hereby certified that every requirement, of
laTT relating to the issue hereof has been duly complied
TBith and that this bond is within every debt and other
limit prescribed by the Constitution or lars of the State
of Oregon 6r the charter of said City.
And for the punctual payment of the principal here
of and the interest hereon the full faith and credit of
the City of Keedsport is hereby irrevocably pledged.
IE" l/ITEESS Y/HEREOF, the City of 7.eedBport has caused
this bond to be signed by the Ivlayor aiad countersigned by
the Recorder under the corporate seal of the City, and
the interest coupons attached hereto to bear the fac
simile engraved signatures of said Llayor and Recorder as
of the first day of November, 1919.
f Coupon)
On the first day of I.:ay 19
r-HE CITY Of REBBSPORT, Douglas -lounty, Oregon, will
pay to the beerer
in United Stares gold coin of the present standard of Tslue
st the '^iscal Agency of the State of Oregon in I'ev: York City
for six month's interest then due on the City of Reedsport
Vvater Bond, dated I'Ovemher 1, 1919, Tlo.
yv Renorfier.
SECTIOII 2. That the sale of the aforesaid issue of
bonde to Horris Brothers, Inc. of Portland, Oregon, here
tofore made, be end the seme is hereby ratified, approved
and confirmed and the proper city officials are hereby
authorized, empowered and directed to see to the proper
execution of said bonds and to the delivery thereof to
said purchaser upon payment of the purchase price therefor.
SECriOn 4. In asmuch as the present Twater supply or
system is inadequate to properly supply the City of Reedsport
and the inhabitants thereof v^ith a supply of pure
and TJholesome T^ater, thereby involving the health of the
City, and inasmuch as. it is necessary that funds for said
i-urpoee be procured at as early a date as possible and in
order so to do, it is necesEery that this ordinance go into
imiLediate force and effect upon its adoption and approval;
ITotc , Therefore, an .emergency is hereby declared to exist
end this ordinance shall go into immediate effect upon
its 8do_[.ticn by the council and approval by the Mayor.
Passed by the Council this )j day of T'ovember,
1919, by the following vote:
Submitted to the IJayor the day of IToveober, 1919.
Approved by the liayor the '
Ordinance ITo. 4 published one time in the Port Umpqua
Courier, a nevvspaper published in the City of Reedsport.
further business:
Motion v:£S duly made and seconded and carried that
the I-Iayor employ S. l. Bobinson to make the" necessary sur
veys and estimates on proposed 7?ater system, end report to
the council.
luotion also duly made snd seconded , and the "T^ecorder
v:es instructed to procure stationery and office equii-nent.
The matter of renumeratlon of R ecorder, "lity Att
orney-, and Marshsll was also discr-esed, and it v^as res
olved that an ordini:nce be prepared stipulating re^umeration
as follows: Kecorder $ 75.00, Marshall "50, and City
attorney •:50.00 etc.
There being no further business the meeting Tjpas
adjourned until next call of the Mayox.
Town of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
November 25, 1919.
At 8 special meeting of the ^onnon Council this day
regularly called and held at the time end place and in the
manner provided by lar. v.ith :.ayor V/. P. Reed, Recorder
James Cavers, end the folloviing members of the Common
Cornell, .
£. ..
in ettendacnyoe:, I.Iayor IV. p. Re a presiding snd Recorder
James K. Cavers actine ss Kecorder. the following busines;
was transacted:
Bills Intrifuced : rort Umpqua Courier $ 162.,
.0 C.G. -Allen
-^Oii.OO JOnn L:anville 419,01
69 .40
• obC/.'4r
i f
TJotion duly made and seconded that H ecorder isf:ue warrants
for same and bills paid.
Thereupon Xroi osed Crdinanoes No. 5: and 6, -were reg
ularly introduced and read the first time.
Thereupon, on motion duly made, seconded and unaninously
carried, said proposed Ordinance inas passed to its
second re^.ding and read the second time.
After said proposed Ordinances had been read the
second tine, motion v:cLy duly made, seconded, and unan
imously carried that seid proposed Ordinances be passed
to their third reeding.
/ifter said proposed Ordinances hat? been reed the
third time, notion tvcs duly made, seconded, end unanim
ously carried that seid proposed Ordinances be placed
upon their final passage, which said proposed Ordinances
were thereupon numbered "ORDIHAHGB IT0.5, and ORDIITAUCE
HO. 6" and which said Ordinances with the vote s;!(hereon
are in words and figures as follows:
'K ORDIKAITCE prohibiting gaming or gam.bling with
cards, dice, or other device for money, checks, credits
or any other representetive fo value, in the :!ity of
Peedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, end providing a pen
alty for its violation, and declaring an i^mergency,
SECTION 1, That each and every person iBho shall
deal, play, or crr^y on, open or cause to be opened, or
who shall conduct either as orner, proprietor, or emp
loye, whether for hire or not, any game of faro, monte,
roulette, rouge et noir, lanquenet, rondo, vingtun
for twenty three), poker, draw poker, brag, bluff,
thaw, or any banking or any other game played with cards
dice, or other device, whether the same be played for
money, checks, credits, or any other representetive of
value, shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance,
and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine
of not more than 100.00, and shall be imprisoned in the
City Jail until such fine ond costs are paid: provided
that such person so convicted shall be imprisoned one day
for every J 2.00 of such fine and costs; and provided
further that such imx-risonment shall not exceed sixty days.
SSGTION 2. Inasmuch as it has been rumored, to .the
detriment of the City's good neme, that gambling and gam-'
ing vrith various and sundry devices, have been going on in
the City and various games ere said to be running at this
time in said City;and inasmuch ss it apiieers necessary,
in order to preserve the peace, health and safety of
said City, that this Ordinance be force and effect - *
iraneaietely after its adoption by the Council and approv
al by the IJayor; TTow, therefore,
Al] E?JERG;1I:CY is hereb- declared to exist, and this
Ordinance shall go into effect and be of force immediately
Uj. on its ado;, tion by the Council end approval by the L'ayor.
lassed by the Council this £5th day cf '"ovember,1919»
by the follovring vote:
'T.AYS: 0
Submitted to the Llayor this 25th day of ITovember, 1919
Ap-roved by the Llayor this 25th day of ''ovember,/>1919.
Kecbrde r.
hereupon the Mayor duly signed and approved the
aforesaid ordinance in o;,;en me-ting.
Thereupon the I^ecorder vras instructed to i.ost three
oor.ies thereof in at least three ijublic places in si:id
City, same to be in lieu of the lublication thereof.
OHmiT-AITCS 1-^0.6.
11 ORDIUAHCE fixing the time and place for liolding
regular meetings of the Common Council of the c'^ty of
Heedsport, end providing for the calling of special
ings of same.
.ECTIOI 1. All regular meetings of the Common
.:v: . J
Council of the '^ity of Heedcport shall be held at the Oity
Hell in the !;'abn0y Block Y:ithin the corporote lirnits of
said Cityj on the second "ondsy of esch end every month,
and.shall be convened st the hour of 8:00 o'clock ?. on
said date.
rECTIOB 2. All special meetings of the '^ommon '::oxin-
-cil of said City shall be held at said City Hall fat such
times and uf-on the call and notice required by law) as
shall be decided, upon and for vihich proper legal notice
has been given theretofore.
ESCTIOIT 3. r^RSAE, the City of Heedsport has lat
ely arranged for its office and City Hall in the Dsbney
Block and has no permanent arrangement at this time for a
City Hall and meeting place for its Common Council tnd
for the transection of its business; and,
'7HEEEAS, in order to transact ita seid- business, it
is necessary to have a regular CJity Hall and office in
order to properly preserve the health, peace snd safety
of seifl City that this Ordinance be in force dnd effect
from and after its passage and ap roval by the Mayor;
IIOTfr; therefore-,
All 2MERGEIJ0Y is hereby declared to exist and this
Ordinance shall immediately go into force and effect
upon its ad-0i,ti0n and approval!
Passed by the Council this 25th day of ITovember,
1919, by the follcvfing vote:
Submitted to the I.Tayor this 2£th day of Tovember
% Approved by the Mayor this 25th day of November,
Thereiii:on the I^ayor duly signed snf approved the
aforesaid ordinanoe in open meeting.
Thereupon the Heoorder vras instructed to post three
copies thereof in at least three public places in said
City, same to he in lieu of the publication thereof.
There being no further business the meeting adj
ourned until further call of the mayor. _ /I
Tov.'n of P.eodsport, Douglas County, Oregon.
December 3, 1919 »
At a special meeting of the Common Council this
day regularly called and held at the time and place and
in the manner provided by lav:, Kith Mayor P. Reed,
Hecorder James K. Cavers end the following members of the
Common Council, to-v;it; Chase, Lyons, ::ubbard. :.:oFarland,
C. HcC. Johnosn and 3rov?ne in attendance, Hayor 17. P.
Heed presiding, and Hecorder James ir. Cavers acting es
recorder, the foll-o^ing'business v:8s transacted:
Iroposed Ordinance ITo. 7, was regularly introduced
and read the first time.
'•^hereupon, on motion duly made, seconded, and unsnin^
ously carried, said proi-osed Ordinance was passed to its
&econd reading and read the se^cond tinje.
After said proposed Ordinance had. been read the '•
Second: time, motion was duly mad.e, seconded, and unan
imously carried that said i^roposed Ordinance be passed
to its third reading.
After said proposed Ordinance had been read the third
time, motion was duly made, seconded, and unanimously
carried that said proposed Ordinance be placed upon its
final passage, which sadd proj^osed Ordinance be placed
upon its final passage, which said proposed Ordinance
was thereupon numbered "ORHnTABCE TTO. 7" anfl which said
Ordinanoe with the vote thereon is in chords and figures
as follows:
-AH 0RDII7AITCE, fi>:ing the amount of money to "be
rslaec "b;; taxetion upon the taxable x.roperty, real and
personal, in the Gity of Heedsport, T^ouglas County, Oreg
on, for the ensuing year, for payment of interest coming
due in the ye^r 19£0 on outstanding ""ity Vater Bonds,
end providing a fund for running expenses of said City
for ensuing year.
SECTION 1. That the amount of money to he raised
during the current year upon the taxable property in the
City of Reedsport shall "be as foi:o'ws:
"or payment of semi-annual interest coupons of -water
bonds noTV outstanding, of the Cityof Reedsport, coming due
and being payable in;the year 19£0 $ 6000.00.
General fund to pay the running expenses anfi salaries of
officers anc" employes of the City during year 1920-$ 2000*
r:EGTI0IT 2. That inasmuch as the peoi le d'f the Gity •
of Reedsiort have only recently voted the charter of the
Gity of Heedsport, and said Gity has not long been org
anized as a Tity; and inasmuch as seid City has not been
able before this day to get the data and information to
gether necessar:' to enaole it to make the necesisry est
imate of its financial needs for the ensuing year; and
inasmuch as it is necessary for said Gity to certify
said amount of said levy of taxes to the proper County
Office rs of "ouglas County for consideration of the
I^ecember term of the County Court of Douglas County for
the purpose of having said levy made and provided for.
andin order to do this it is necessary that this ordin
ance go into immediate force and effect upon its adopt
ion and approval; :^otc, fjierefore,
HMERCEUTCY is hereby declared to exist, and this
ordinance shall go into immediate effect upon its adopt
ion by the Council and ap-^rovel by the IJayor,
Passed by the ouncil this 2rd day of Tecember, 1919
Approved by the IJayor the 3rd day of December, 1919.
74 .
Mayor *
Thereupon the I.iayor duly sigbed and spproved the
aforesaid Ordinance in open meeting.
Thereupon the ?;ecorder vcas instructed to post
three coi-ies thereof in at least three public places in
ssid City, seme to be in lieu of the publication thereef.
Further business:
Ivlotion duly made, seconded and carried, and a comni
ittee of three, Cos. lyons, V/m. McFarland, and Olyde Chase,
v^as api^ointed to investigate the proposition of erecting
8 city Jail, and report at nest meeting.
There being no further business the meeting adj
ourned until next call by the I.ayor.
Town of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon-
December 6, 1919.
At a special meeting of the Common Council this
day reguli:rly called and heia at the time end ilace and
in the manner provided by law, Tvith : ayor W.P. Reed,
I^ecorder James K/. Cavers and the follovving members of
the Common Council, to-v,lt: McFarland, "hase, Lyons,
Browne in attendancei^ lieyor r.?. Reed presiding, and
Recorder James K. Oa vers acting as recorder, the follovring
business t78S transacted:
HominationB made for Chairman of the Common coun
cil, iJcFarlanc', end C. McC/i Johnson nominated, vote by
ballot, with the following results:
IJoFarland 111.
Johnson 1
Lyons 1.
McParland having received the majority of all the votes
08st, was thereuj'on duly elected Chairman of said Comraon
I'otion made and duly Eeconded. and I'jr, llapier was
apj^olnted a committee of one to take up matter of obtain
ing adc'itiont.l room for City at $ 10 per month.
Petition fl duly read, "but upon motion "being made
and seconded it t.ds laid upon the table ind.efinitely.
There being no further businesE the meeting adj^
To^?n of P.eedsport, ::ouflas County, Oregon.
December 15, 1919.
a special meeting of the 'omnonCouncil this day
regularly called, and held at the time and place and in
the manner provided by lav;, ' ayor Heed, Heoorder
James K. Ca-^ers, and the following members of tie
Common Council, to-wit:
in attendance, Liayor Reed presiding, and r.ecorder
Tames Z, Ca-vers acting as "ecorder, the follovjing busin
ess was transacted:
'."roposed Ordinance "'o. 8 was regulrrly introduced
and reed for the first time.
hereuj-on, on motion duly made, seconded, end unan
imously carried, said proi:osed Ordinance v?as passed to its
second reading and read the sedond time.
After said proposed Ordinance had been read, the
Eecond time, notion ^-es duly made, seconded, and unanim
ously carried that said proposed Ordinance be passed to
its third reading.
•fter said proposed Ordinance had been reed the third
time, motion 'was duly made, seconded, and unanimously
carried that said proposed Crdina noe "be pieced upon its
final passage, TJhich said proposed Ordinance •wj s thereiii.on
numbered "ORDIOllGE IT0.8", and vihich seid Ordinance -with
the vote thereon is in v:ords and figures as follovjs:
Om)II;-AKCE requiring the 7ity Trecsure** to execute
additional "bonds in favor of the "^ity, as additional offic
ial bonds as such officer, in the sum of $ 8,000.00. ^
•SSatClOT 1. That the treasurer of the City of Reed- O
sport execute, or have executed, in favor of the City of V
eedsport, additional bonds in the stun of eight thousand
dollars, ($8,000.00), conditioned in the usual manner,
guaranteeing the faithful performance of his duties ss
"lity Treasurer.
SECTIOU £. That inasmuch as the City has collected
a large sum of ncney v?hich hst ccrne into the hands of the
City Treasurer and his present bonds are for no more than
$ 2,000.00, and in order to properly protect the City*s'
financial interests, it is necessary that this Ordinance
go into force and be in effect immediately; ITow, Therefore,
iiU EMERGENCY is hereby declared to exist and this
ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately
upon its passage and approval by the Llayor.
Passed by the Council this 15th d?:y of December,
1919, by the follwoing vote:
YEAS: 3 * ^
SUBMITTED TO THE Mayor the 15th day of December, 1919, '
Approved by the Kayor the 15th day of Decflmb/l-, 1919^
- -
^Thereupon the Mayor duly signed end approved the
aforesaid Ordinance in open meeting.
thereupon the recorder vras instructed to post three
copies thereof in at least three public places in said
City, same to be in lieu of the publication thereof.
Therebeing no further business the meeting adj

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