Reedsport City Council Minutes 1930-1939

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Reedsport City Council Minutes 1930-1939


The City of Reedsport council minutes from 1930-1939 in searchable PDF format. Some pages may be illegible due to file compression. Please contact the Reedsport Main Street Program if you need access to high-quality scans. See below for a computer-generated transcript. Originals are held at Reedsport City Hall.


City of Reedsport


City of Reedsport


Reedsport Main Street Program




City of Reedsport
Wes Lockard


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Minutes of the Regular Annual 1930 Meeting of
the Common Council of the City of Reedsport, held at the
City Hall on January 6th, 1930 at 8:00 P. M.
Mayor Buck and all Councilmen were presents
The minutes of the last regu3ar meeting were read and ap
nominations for President of the Council for the
ensuing year were called for, and Paul Bernhardt was nominated*
There "being no further nominations, the City Recorder was instruct
ed to cast a unanimous hallot for Paul Bernliardt to succeed himself,
and he was declared elected for the year 1930.
Attorney Benson read a lengthy letter from V.
Watson, of the Peoples V/est Coast Hydro-Electric Corporation, con
cerning the electric service in Reedsport, and after considerable
discussion over the matter, Councilmen Y/eidner and Ford were ap
pointed by the liiayor to meet v;ith C. M. Banielson, local manager of
the corporation, and instructed to work out, if possible, a plan
that would be feasible for a standby service•
The IJIayor then read two letters from E. A. Collier,
Division Engineer of the Oregon State Highv/ay Commission, concerning
the niatter of guardrail at the gravel pit on the v;est side of
Schofield River. It seemed to be the general opinion of the Council
that something should be done, but no definite action was taken*
In accordance vath. instructions of previous meet
ing for Water Commissioner and City Recorder to send in samples of
drinking water to the Oregon £^tate Board of Health for testing, it
was reported that samples had "been collected as of December 9th and
for¥/arded to the Board; that two w.:.ter reports had been received,
one on the sample taken near the intake at the lake, and the other
from faucet in the bank building; that both reports showed the water
to be in "C" condition, which was polluted and unsafe for drinking
purposes. It was also stated th;;t the Recorder had forwarded another
sample on December 31st but that the report from the Board of Health
had not yet been received. ITo definite action was taken on this
matter at the time.
Councilman Ford then read a memorandum from G. E.
Krieger, District Llanager of the West Coast Telephone Company, show
ing tliere v/ould be a cost of $46.50 for installing a Police Light,
after which there would be a monthly rent of $1»50. After a full
discussion of the matter it was moved, seconded, and carried that
the light be installed, location of which was to be determined by
the Light Committee.
Reports of the City Recorder and City Treasurer
were submitted to the Council*
Under the order of new business, applications
for licenses for operating pool halls for the ensuing year, v/ere
presented by E. H. Fij^rd and Jolinson & Johnson, together with fees
in the amount of §37.50 and ^1)25^00 respectively. It was regularly
moved, seconded and carried, that the applications be accepted .and
the licenses granted.
Application of J". R. Browne for permit to erect
a one story concrete building on Lot 15 of Block 76, Amended Plat
of Railroad Addition to Reedsport, was approved.
It was moved, seconded, and carried, that tfine
City-Recorder write a forml letter to the officers of the Koose
Lodge demanding to know who is responsible for the dances that
are now being held in the Moose Hall, and also to incorporate in
the letter a statement to the effect that many complaints have
come to various members of the Council of disorderly conduct at
the dances, with a view to liaving same properly regulated and con
The following resolution was read by Attorney
Benson, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, was
adopted, to-wit:
"WHEREAS, on the 6th day of June, 1927, Reedsport Garage, a
corporation, conveyed unto the City of Reedsport, for street pur
poses and for public use, a strip of land, ten feet in width,
across certain lands ovmed by said Reedsport Garage, grantor
therein, and
WHEREAS, said deed recites, among other lands, "A strip of
land Ten (lO) feet in width, adjacent to and parallel v.l th "L"
Street, which said strip of land is through and across Lot Two (2(
in Block Eighty-one of Railroad Addition to the City of Reedsport,
according to the Araended Flat thereof" and
V/HEREAS, said strip of land so conveyed is not adjacent to
said "L" Street, and it was the intention of said Reedsport Garage
to convey a strip of land ten feet in width, parallel'to and ad
jacent to **L" Street, in Lot Five (5) of said Block Eighty-one (81)
of said Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to Said City, and
".'HSREAS, said Reedsport Garage, by instrument of even date
herewith, has conveyed unto said City of Reedsport said strip of
land across said Lot Five of said Block Ei^ty-one, of said Amended
Plat of Railroad Addition to said City,
That the City of Reedsport do and its Ilayor and Recorder are
hereby authorized to malce, execute and deliver unto Reedsport Garage,
a corporation, a deed of conveyance, conveying unto said Reedsport
G-arage a strip of land, tea feet in width, over and across Lot Two
of Block Eighty-one of the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to the
Sity of Reedsport, for the purpose of correcting the error hereinabove
set out, and
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that said City accept a deed from said
Reedsport Garage, conveying unto said City a strip of land over and
across Lot five of Block Eighty-one of said Railroad'Addition to said
City; and the Recorder is hereby authorised to record said deed for
ani on behalf of said City.
Passed and adopted at regular meeting of the Common Council of
the City of Reedsport, this 6th day of January, 1930, by the follow
ing vote:
Aye 6
Kay 0
_ Y/. R. BUCK
City Recorder
The ilayor and City Recorder were instructed to
execute deed mentioned in the resolution.
It was moved, seconded and carried that 500 index
cards to be used for water and sewer service location, be purchased,
givir^ the Port Ifepqua Courier a chance to bid on. same.
It was moved, seconded and carried that Cily
Warrants K"ob. 2624, 2625, and 2907 be paid.
. The following bills were presented, OKed by the
Finance Bommittee and ordered paid:
Estate of Jos- Lyons
Union Iron Works
Leslie Kelly
City ^^^^ater -^\und
City V/ater •^imd
Secretary of State
C. C. Clarke
W. G. Benson
Roy Cairns
S. D. "^hapin
Prank Cox
John Bemhardt
A.C. Haag & Co(Bank)
Pete i^elson
M. D. ^Vallace
Chas. Han sen
Ward Powell
Fred i^anb^rg
adj ourned.
$3.66 . J. L. Gibbons |3.00'
45.00. Harold Prance 3i00-
7.98- Guy Hattan 2.00-
1.95. C. E, Wallace 1.00-
5.00' Peoples W Coast H-E Corp 229.64-
1.00- Reedsport Garage 12.99.
149.69- Utnpqua Dredging & C Cq 58.50.
30.00. Reedsport M & B V/orks 24.46-
30.00. Frank L. Taylor 25.01.
150.00. Y/est Coast Tel. Co .65'
114.69- W. R. -^uck 7.30'
10.00. Chapin Inv't Company 55.00,
15.00. J. R, Browne 15.00.
60.18. Rainbov/ Cafe 6.30.
3.00. Russell J. Hubbard 7.50.
3.00- Burroughs Adding M*^o 1.50-
3.00. Paul Bernhardt 19.30.
3.00. Pacific Stationery Co 7.06 -
3.00. $1115.36
There being no further business the meeting was
Ci^y Recorder
Minutes of the regular Pebruary, 1930 Meeting
of the Common Coimcil of the City of Seedsrport held on
5'e'briiaiy 3rd, 1930 at 8:00 ?• M.
Mayor Buci: and all Counoilmen were present.
" I.Iinutes of the last regular meeting v/ere read
and approved-
A petition signed "by eighty-three citizens and
taxpayers of the Gity of Reedsport, urging that the City Council
take up vath the Puhlio Service Commission the proposal to raise
the railroad track at least four feet at the underorossing on
12th Street, and provide for the widening of the underorossing to
3S feet inside clearance, was presented. After due consideration
j it was decided that a letter be directed to the Southern Pacific
Company asking for the improvement as requested in the petition,
except that the width requested be 40 feet instead of 32 feet.
It v/as ordered that the Gity Kecorder v;rite this letter to the
Southern Pacific Company.
The annual report of the ?ire Department for
1929 v/as read and ordered filed. The Department recommended the
purchase of 250 feet of 2-i-" hose and the installation of five ad
ditional hydrants on Schofield Heights in accordance with plans
attached to the report- Upon motion of Councilman sec
onded and carried, the purchase of 300 feet of 2g-" hose was
authorised, subject to securing of suitable price and teims.
Water Commissioiier Clarke called attention to the fact that the
installation of the hydrarjts as reconmended could not be made to
advantage until the larger water main proposed along .Vinchester
Avenue was installed.
letter from Governor ilorblad addressed to Mayor
Buck under date of January 27th, relative to an Oregon Sconomic
Conference to be held JTebruaiy 11th, 1930 at Portland, v;as sub
letter from Oregon state Board of Health under
date of January 2nd, explaining the v/ator test reports, was next
read. The City Recorder called attention to the water report on
last water test sent, which showed water to be in "C" condition.
The Council appeared to be of the opinion that it was not neces
sary to take any action towards chlorination at this time.
financial reports from the City Treasurer and
the City Hecorder v;ere submitted and ordered filed.
Considerable discussion followed regarding the
present status of the Umpqua Highway crossing at the railroad
track. Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, it was
ordered that the Ilayor appoint two councilmen and the city attor
ney to interview the engineer of tbe Highway Commission and the
3?ablic Service Commission ?/ith a viev/ to securing the completion
of the short stretch across the railroad track without expense
to the city. It was suggested that this interview be arranged
with the cooperation of the Umpqua Highv/ay Improvement District
Commission. I.'ayor Buck appointed Councilmen V/eidner and Pord
and Gity attorney Benson to represent the City in this matter.
Councilman 5'ord, Chairman of the light Commit
tee, recommended the installation of an additional light in
Hainbov; Addition Ho. 2 in the vicinity of the C. C. Clarke dwell
ing. Upon motion daly made, seconded and carried, this additional
light was authorized.
Attention of 1iie Council was called to the
fact that a number of young boys have been loitering about the
streets and stores late at ni^t in violation of the curfew ord
inance of the city. After some discussion it was authorized that
the siren be sounded a short blast at 9:00 o^clock as a curtoT;
signal, and that a stricter enforcement of the Our^ew Ordinance be
carried out "by the Llarshal.
:?he follovang bills were presented, OEied by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried,v/ere ordered paid:
Leslie ^elly §3.99
A. IP. Anderson 8.48
Secretary of iitate 1*00
Kermit Kirby 1.99
A. Trankle 1.99
B. V/. Hatfield 5*98
City V/ater Fimd 5.00
B. V/. Hatfield 3.99
A- Trankle 3.99
E. V/. Owens 3.99
C. C. Clarke 149.69
Roy Cairns 20.00
V/. G-. Benson 30.OC
Stanley D« Chapin 150.00
J?rank Cox 114# 6v
I-O.O.F. 15.00
John Beinhardt 10.00
M» D. V/allace 5.00
J. L. Gibbons 7.00
Pete Kelson 7.0C
Chas. Han sen 7.00
V/ard Powell $7.00
Pred Sandberg 5.00
Harold Iterance 16.45
Guy Hattan 5.00
Arnold li'armer 6.00
PecDles V/est Coast H 0 177.95
Eermit Eirby 49
J. Garberson 3.99
State Ind. Ac. Commission 26«95
V/estem Union
\'Vest Coast Tel. Con^any
Port TJmpqua Courier
Geo. Bovvmn
Heedsport Garage
Frank I. Taylor
Roy Agee, County Clerk
Union Iron ^Vorks
Reedsport & B V/oik s
League of Oregon Cities'
'iVest Chicago Press
Ifcipq^ua Dredging & C Co
• • 65
There being no further Imsiress, the meeting was
Minutes of
the Common Council
Monday, Llarch 3rd,
the regulsur March 1930 Ueeting of
of the City of Reedsport, held on
1930 at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Buck and all Gouncilmen were present.
The minutes of the last regular me-^ting were
read and approved.
Coifflauni cati ons:
Letter under date of February 24th from V/est
Coast Telephone Company, stating tmt the company yjould be glad to
cooperate with the city in operation of a curfev/ signal, under con
ditions as outlined in the Recorder's letter to it of February 21st,
ms read.
Letter from Mr. S. L. Mng, bupelintendent of the
Southem Pacific Company, dated February 27th, in answer to letter
of the Recorder dated February 21st, requesting tkat certain im
provements including raising ox the track approximately four feet at'
the under orossiiig at intersection of H Street and .liast Railroad
Avenue, was next read. Xing stated that it v/as not the intention
of the Southern Pacific Company to raise its tracks for the yeason
that such work would involve a large expenditure. However, if ohe
City felt that the work was necessazy and was willing to assume entire
expense and file sufficient bond to cover such an expen^-.e, the Southem
Pacific Company would give the matter consideration.
Mr. M. D. V/allace, J. X. GilDbons, Guy Hattan,
and J'red Sandbei^g, appeared before the Council on "behalf of the
I'ire DepartnBnt and asked the Council *s pernission to hold a
carnival or some similar form of attraction for the i^ourth of
July. It was stated that' the intent of the iPire Depo-rtment was
to utilize any funds derived from such a carnival for the improve
ment or addition of fire fighting apparatus. The Got^cil was ask
ed to remit any license fees which might "be normally/chargea for
the carnival, or that they go to the credit of the i-^ire Department
in some way or other. After due consideration, upon motion of Obun-
(3ilman "iveidner, the Mayor was authorized to appoint a committee to
cooperate with the B^ire Department on the plan as proposed; also^
that the regular license fees be charged but vTith the t^derstanding
that thesa fees bo turned over to the iUre Department. Councilman
i'ord and T/ere appointed on this committee.
Some discussion followed regarding advisability
of peimitting I.Ir. Hubbard to bid in Lots 10 in Block 8, and 8 in
Block SO. It appeared that the sale of these lots on Llarch 1st
had been overlooked by him. It also appeared thjit Heedspoii; Com
pany asked autluorization of the Council to redeem certain lots,
namely, Lot 3, Block 30, Lot 5 Block 80, Lot 5 Block 82, Lot 17
Block 77, Lot 1 Block 78, by the payment of interest to date and
publication costs. These lots to date of xoreclos"ure, March 16th,
1929, v;ere ovmed by the Lyons £lstate, and acquired by the City,
subject to the redemption right. This redemption light had been
subsequently acquired by the Heecsport Company. After considerfull
indebtedness against these properties.
Recorder Chap in called attention to a proposal
under way to move the dwelling formerly owned by Mr. C. 3. Benson,
from Lot 7 in Block 77 to Lot 11 in Block 80. The proposal was
for the City to authorize transfer of all its rights to Lot 11 in
Block 80 in exchange for Lot 7 in Block 77. It was pointed out
that there had been no assessment payments I'.-hatever made on Lot
11 in Block 80, and that there had been ^92.75 paid in assessments
on Lot 7 in Block 77; that original assessments on both lots had
been the same when levied. After due consideration,upon motion
regularly made, seconded and carried, lalr.Chapin was authorized to
negotiate such a transfer if possible, -^th tiie arrangenBnt that
any excess in state and county taxes on Lot 7, Block 77 over Lot
11, Block 80, be assumed by present or/ner of Lot 7, Block 77; also
that' Lot 7 in Block 77 be filled to present grade of adjacent
property after the dwelling was removed.
Attention of the Council was nest called to toe
fact that the City would acquire final title to Lot 5 Block 49,
Amended Plat of Railroad Addition', #iich was commonly i:noi?/n as
the George V.'alker property. The Mayor appointed Councilman
Lillebo and Bemhardt to act with him as a committee to look over
tho building with a view to using it for a city store room-
Considerable discussion followed regarding the
present unsightly condition of the city garbage dump along the
IJmpqua Highv;ay. Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried.
Street Commissioner Clarke was authorized to construct a gate at
the entrance to this dump and padlock the entrance; also it was
ordered that the incinerator located on Block 77 be torn down and
that the blocks be retunaed to Mr. Buck, and the refuse be hauled
Coujioilrnan V/eidner, on behalf of tSne V/incliester
Bay Lumber Company, offered to rent the city pump for three dol
lars a day for the puipose of pumping out water from the Tug
Sampson. Upon motion regularly,made, seconded and cariied, this
offer was accepted.
Councilman Lillebo submitted an estimateof
0224.95 as cost for completing tbe crossing at the railroad track
and TJmpqua Highway. The estimate of the Southern Pacific Company
for this work and the moving of a certain svri.toh, amounted to
|543.00, Mr. lillebo called attention to the fact that if it
was not required to plank solidly from one side of the track to
the other, that his estimate would be reduced to approximately
;j?lS5.00. It was ordered that the revised Gstiraate,l with a sketch
and outline of the proposal and v/ork to be done be submitted to
the Southern Pacific Company with a letter requesting its approval
on this basis. The Council'G attention ms called to the fact
that the Ifcip{p.a Highway Improvement District had ^125.00 on hand
for the purpose of completing this work.
It v/as regularly moved, seconded and cariied that
the ^'ire Department be authorised to cut the small fire house to
suitable size to house one chemical and hose cart and move the
same to Bchofield Heigints; also that both chemicals be recharged,
and that one hose cart and one chemical be l3pt permanently in
the bchofield Heists district-
Oity Treasurer Calms and Hecorder Ghapin submitted
regular monthly report of receipts and disbursemsnts and fund
balances as of ]?ebruary 28th, 1930. Attention was called to the
fact that present ^^alance in Hoad and street snind was only SIS.68.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried it was authorised
that transfer of (pSOO.OO from '//inchester Bay Water Fund to Hoad
and street Pund be made.
The following bills were presented, OZed by the
S'inance Committee, and ordered paid :
Jimmy Hawkins §1.74
J. Garberson 7.98
V. liandsaker 7.98
City V/ater l^ujad 2.10
A iP Anderson 2.49
Oity Viater i^und 3.99
C. C. Clarke 149.72
Roy G. Cairns 30.00
Stanley D. Ohapin 150.00
\7. G. Benson 30.00
3?rank Cox 114.72
John Bernhardt 10.00
I.C.O.?. 15.00
Peoples WC H-S Corp 1711.18
Pete I'ielson 4.00
M- D. Wallace 3.00
Ghas. Hansen 4.00
V/ard Powell 4.00
ji-red Sandberg 3.00
J. L. Gibbons
Harold 5'ian ce
Guy Hatt an
Arnold ITarrner
State Ind. Ac
American ilibber
Umjpqua Dredging .
Harold J^ranoe
J. Hav/kins
City V/ater iihnid
Uhapqua Hills T Go
Erank L- Taylor
B. K. '^i'erner
Paul Bernhardt
R Machine Boiler V'/ks
Port Umpqua Courier
Heedsport Garage
Mfc Go 242
; 0 Co
There being no fiirther business the meeting was
i.iayo r
Minutes of tlie regular April, 1930 Meeting of the
Common Council of the City of Beedsport, held on Monday,
April 7th, 1930 at 8:00 P. MMayor
Buck and all Councilmen were present except
Councilman Lillebo.
The minutes of the last rega.lar meeting vsere read
and approved.
Letter from the Southern Pacific Company under date
of March 27th was read, stating that that conipany will have no objec
tion to the Gity performing the work necessary to completing the cross
ing at the junction of the Roosevelt and Umpqua Hi^ways; that it will
not require the removal of the switch, and instructed that the city
may proceed with ti© work as soon as it wished, in conformance with
certain plans which were attached. Mayor Buck announced that the
construction work would start just as soon as funds were either re
ceived from the Highway DepartnBnt or until some definite assurance
that funds would be forwarded was submitted to the city.
Letter from Umpqua Dredging & Construction Company
requesting that the City replace water |ipe which was originally laid
to the property of the Umpqua Dredging & Construction Con^any, was
next read. After due consideration it was ordered that the City
Recorder write the Reedsport Building Company or other interested
parties, requesting that they replace the water line which had been
removed last fall within three days time; otherwise that the Gity
V/ater Commissioner would be ordQred to do this work and clBrge the
proper parties for the expense involved.
Letter from J.O. Diehl, member of the Bureau of
Agriculture, Chamber of Commerce, requesting ti^t the city offer a
part of the property which it has recently acquired to those interest
ed in using it for gardening purposes, was read. It was decided that
any request of this nature which might be made on the part of an in
dividual or individuals would be granted, reserving the rights of the
city to subsequent sale or lease.
Letter from Chas. Billington, Chairman of Bureau of
Civics, Chamber of Commerce, was next read, in which it was urged that
the city establish some method of numbering the houses in the city^
for the purpose of fa^cilitating delivery of mail, telegrams and
urgent messages. The Water Gorraiissioner also called attention to the
fact that such a plan would assist greatly in identifying various
houses for purposes of water records. After due consideration it was
ordered that the Recorder secure data relative to the development of
some suitable plan of numbering.
Fire prevention Bulletin lio. 5, Pire Marshal Depart
ment, State of Oregon, was next read. After considerable disciission,
it was moved, seconded and carried that liay 1st, 2nd and grd be desig
nated as clean-up days; that the city offer the use of its truck for
the pui^ose of hauling away refuse which individual property oimers
might collect together during that time and pile up at convenient
place from which to ^ther and put into the truck. J^urther considera
tion (Sf the hauling of garbage as contemplated in Ordinance I3o. 157
was given. It appeared that pe imit had been issued to Ray Chanbers as
of February 18th, 1929, good for period of one year from date of issue.
Schedule of maximum charges were as follows:
Residences: 50^ per can on regular pickup trips of once a week
and $1.50 for each ^ecial load on demand.
Stores, restauiants and other business houses: §2.50 per load,
with two regular pickups per week and 1 additional
pickup if demanded.
Mr. Warren McWillis appeared before the Council as applicant as of
ficial garbage man. He stated that he was willing to file schedule
of charges similar to the schedule which -Mr. Chambers had submitted,
and assured the Council of regular service. Upon motion regularly
made, seconded and carried, Mr. McWillis was appointed with the re
quirement that he file bond of $250.00, guaranteeing faithful per
formance of his vrork.
Letter from Hancihett Bond Con^iany asking if the
City were interested in paying a Reedsport Bancroft isond due in 1936
in the amount of $500 st this time, was read. It was ordered that
the company he advised that the uouncil did not oont^plate taking
up this bond at the time, but would take them up in numerical order
T^en funds were available.
Letter and proposed resolutions from League of
Oregon uities, regarding general road fund levies were read and sub
mitted to oity Attorney for his reference ard later report-
Letter from W.ff. Williamson Wallace & Vaughan,,
Attorneys of San Francisco, dated March 3rd, enclosing a proposed
ordinance for granting franchise to natural Gas Coiporation, was
read but no action taken.
S'inancial reports from tlB City Treasurer and City
Eecorder were submitted and ordered filed. Gity Treasurer Oairns
called attention to a possibility of being permitted to take up
water bonds which are originally due Movember 1st, 1930 and which are
held by the State, at this time, thereby giving the City opportunity
to save some interest. He called attention to the fact that funds
were available to take up $7000 worth of bonds at this time and upon
motion regularly made, seconded and carried it was ordered that $7000
worth of City Water Bonds Tiftiich will be due Hovember 1st, 1930, be
called at this time, provided the state is willing to send them for
Some discussion followed regarding placing of in
surance on city truck and equipment. It was finally decided to place
$600 on Chevrolet truck and $200 on tractor-
The following bills were presented, Oked by the
S'inance Committee, and ordered paid;
City Water Fund
City Water Fund
Melville Johnson
p S Engllom
City Water Fund
City Water Fund
Gity Water Fnnd
City Water Fund
Gity Water Fund
City Water Fund
C C Clarke
W G Benson
Hoy G Gaims
Stanley D Ohapin
Frank Cox
John Bemhardt
Pete iJelson
M D Wallace
Chas iiansen
Ward Powell
Fred Sandberg
J L Gibbons
(Baird & Pittman
(G P Boyle)
(C G Landerking)
(Uoiman Smiley)
(J L Boen)
(D 0 Baird)
(L 0 Tichenor)
(V/alter Keating)
Harold Fiance $3
Guy Hattan 4
Arnold Farmer 3
Peoples W.C. H-E Corpl74
West Coast Tel Co 1
Gity Water Fund 5
State Ind Ac Cora. 15
Roy Agee, C Clerk 10
Reedsport Garage 11
Schroeder-Hildenbrand 12
R Machine & B Wks 1
Umpqua Mills & T Co 7
Umpqua Drug Go
W E Buck 19
Paul Bemhardt 24
Umpqua, Dredg.& C Co 27
Winchester Bay L Co
Harold France 5
City Water Fund(Owen) 6
Herman Smiley 9
Frank 1 Taylor 11
♦ 00
There being no further busine ss the meeting was
Minutes of the Regular May, 1930 Meeting of the
Common Council of the City of Reedsport, held on Monday,
May 5th, 1930 at 8:00 P. M.
Mayor Buck and Councilmen Bernharct, Foster, Sord,
iYeidner and <Vest were present. Absent, Councilman Lillebo.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and
Preliminary announcement of p6pulation for City of
Reedgport as of April 1st, 1930 showing 1161 as compared with 850 on
January Ist, 1920, was submitted by Joseph H. Koke, Supervisor of
Census# Some discussion followed as to possible omissions and it de
veloped that there were three or four known cases where names i^ad
been omitted. It was finally decided that acknowledgment of the pre
liminary announcement be made, but that letter from the Recorder's
office giving all names of those who might have been omitted from the
census be sent to the census supervisor.
Mrs. Angie Purkerson and Mr. J, C. Liehl as repre
sentatives from the fair Board and Chamber of Commerce, appeared be
fore the Coincil and asked for permit to hole Fair in the city, prob
ably the second week of September. They also requested that the
Council do certain grading on Rainbow Plaza and the lower part of
"H" Street, so that this ground or a part of it could be seeded and
thereby improve appearance of that particular district. They also
asked that in event that any outside carnival or private show was ob
tained for the Fair, that the license ordinarily charged would be
refunded or turned over to the Fair Board, All requests were granted
by action taken on the part of the Council, It was understood, how
ever, that the Fair Board would be responsible for cleaning up the
area used after the fair had been held.
Some discussion followed regarding the present con
dition of the plank road down along Rainbow Plaza, and it was finally
ordered that this be torn up to the walk and the street be graded.
Mr. Liehl made a further report on recent survey
conducted by C.C.Clarke, H.L.Chapin and himself, which showed ap
proximately 70 empty houses in the city. He urged that every possible
action be taken to induce or urge the employment of heads of families
in the various incustries. Mr. McCall of the tmpqua Mills & Timber
Company, and Councilman Vfeidner of the IVinchester Bay Lumber Company,
announced that statistical records of mill workers are being kept by
their respective firms, fend that.every encouragement possible is being
given and will be given to the employment of married men or heads of
City Recorder Chapin in conformity with action taken
at last regular meeting of the City Council, submitted a plan for
house-numbering as follows:
"Due to the fact that there is a duplication of names of streets
running north and south, from Schofield River east and Schofield
River west, Schofield River was to be designated as the zero or
dividing line between east and west for numbering houses facing
north and south; the first block up to First Street either way
to be numoered up to but not including 100, etc.
The extreme or southernmost street' to be the zero for numbering
houses facing east and west, and numbers to be built up at the
rate of 100 for each block, going north.
Houses or buildings facing south and facing west to use odd
numbers; north and east facings to use even numbers.
So far as possible each lot was to account for ten ntimbers."
After due consideration this plan was regularly adopted.
Some discussion followed regarding the necessity of posting street
signs with names of streets, ana it was indicated that these signs
should gradually be placed as fast as the city was financially able
to place them.
Resolution No, 83, which was a resolution abandon
ing the former railroad crossing at 'iVinchester Avenue in lieu of the
new crossing, was duly introdiced, and upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried, unanimously adopted, to-wit;
Resolution I^o. 35
WHEREAS the foll6wing described railroad crossing has
heretofore been designated as a railroad crossing for street and
highway purposes, within the corporate limits of thr City of
Reedsport, to-wit:
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying
and being In Section 35, ^Jownship 21 South, Range 12 West, W.M-,
County of Douglas, State of Oregon, being more particularly des
cribed as follov/s:
All of that portion of Winchester Avenue between the
easterly and westerly lines of the Southern Pacific Company's
right of way, lying southerly of the following described line;
Beginning at the point of intersection of the v/esterly line of
the Southern Pacific Comr.any's ri^t of way and 13ie prolongation
northeasterly of the northwesterly line of Block 100 of the City
of Reedsport, said northwesterly line of Block 100 also being the
southeasterly line of Winchester Avenue extending westerly of the
Southern Pacific Company's ri^t of way; thence Uorth 70°18' East
a distance of 117.14 feet to a point; thence easterly along the
arc of a curve concave to the South, having a radius of 286.5
feet and tangent at its point of beginning to said last mentioned
course, a distance of 195.23 feet to a point, which bears Uorth
86°49'10'* East a distance of 191.71 feet from the beginning of
said curve, in the easterly line of said right of vay of the
Southern Pacific Company and as shown enclosed within jsellow lines
on blueprint Portland Division Drawing P-7159 hereto attached and
made a part hereof.
I/VHEREAS upon petition of the City of Reedgport therefor,
the P-ubl3c Service Commission of the State of Oregon designated the
following described street crossing across the Southern Pacific
Tracks, in the incorporated limits of the City of Reedsport, in lieu
of said cros^g hereinabove designated, to-wit:
All that certain piece or parcel of land sitaate, lying and
being in Section 35, Township 21. South, Range 12 West, W*M.. County of
Douglas, State of Oregon, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the point of intersection of Uie westerly line of
the Southern Pacific Company's ri^t of way and the production north
easterly of the southerly line of Block 85 of said City of Reed^ort;
thenoe ^iorth 70oi8' East a distance of 220.80 feet to a point; thence
in a northeasterly direction on the arc of a curve concave to the left
having a radius of 246-SO feet, the long chord of said curve bears
Borth 45°18'30" East a distance of 208*28 feet to a point on the east
erly line of said Southern Pacific Company's right of way; thence in a
southerly direction along said easterly right of v/ay line on the arc
of a curve, concave to the left, having a radius of 996.28 feet, the
long chord of said curve bears South 12°05'10" V/est a distance of
286.34 feet to a point; thenoe in a westerly direction on the arc of
a curve concave to the left, having a radius of 246.50 feet, the long
chord of said curve bears Korth 86®49'10" West a distance of 191.71
feet to a point; thence South 70°18' West parallel to and 80 feet
southeasterly measured at ri^t angles to the first described course,
a distance of 117.14 feet to a point on the westerly line of the
Southern Pacific Company's ri^t of way; thence in a northerly dir
ection along said westerly ri^t of v/ay line on the arc of a curve,
concave to the ri^t, having a radius of 1296.28 feet, the long chord
of said curve bears Sorth 3o36'20" East a distance of 87.11 feet to the
point of beginning, containing an area of 0.79 of an acre, more or less,
as shown enclosed within r9d lines on blueprint Portland Division
Drawing P-7159, hereto attached and made a part heiBof.
vVHEREAS the Southern Pacific Company, the other interested ^
party, has heretofore submitted to the City of Reedsport, counter
parts of agreement covering the designation of the last above de
scribed crossing in the form of a grant from said Company to said
City, in consideration of the closing of the first above described
railroad crossing within the City, and abandonment of same for street
or highway purposes, and,
iffiEREAS it appears to the Common Council of the City of
Reedsport that said first hereinabove described railroad crossing
should be abandoned, and thasb said counterparts of agreement as
submitted should be executed;
hOli THEREFORE, it is resolved by the City of Reedsport
that the following described railroad crossing in the City of
Reedsport, to-witi
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in Section 35, Township 21 South, Hange 12 West, W.M-,
County of Douglas, State of Oregon, being more particularly des
cribed as follows:
All of that portion of Winchester Avenue between the
easterly and westerly lines of the southern Pacific Company's
right of way, lying southerly of the following described line;
Beginning at the point of intersection of the westerly line of
the Southern Pacific Company's ri^t of way and the prolongation
northeasterly of the northwesterly line of Block 100 of the City
of Reedsport, said northwesterly line of BlocZk 100 also being the
southeasterly line of V/inchester Avenue extending westerly of the
Southern Pacific ComT)any*s ri^t of v/ay; thence Horth TO^IS' East
a distance of 117-14'feet to a point; thence easterly along the
arc of a curve concave to the South, having a radius of 286.5
feet and tangent at its point of beginning to said' last raenticned
course, a distance of 195.23 feet to a point, T^ftiich bears Uorth
85°49'10>'^ East a distance of 191.71 feet from the beginning of
said curve, in the easterly line of said right of way of the
Southeni Pacific Company and as shown enclosed within yellow lines
on Blueprint Portland Division Drawing P-7159 hereto attached and
made a part hereof.
be and the same is hereby abandoned, vacated and closed as a
p-ublic railroad crossing for either street or highway or other
public purposes other than railroad purposes.
And it is further resolved by the City of Reedsport,
that its Mayor, Wf. R, Bi;ck, execute said duplicates of agreement
for and on behalf of said City, that same be attested by its
Recorder, Stanley L. Chapin, with the corporate seal of said
City attached thereto,
A t t P Q t •
Recor der.
Mayor Buck, Councilman /Veidner and Street Commission
er Clarke called attention especially to the serious hazard which
existed particularly to automobile traffic going to and from the
railroad station and as it entered the new highway. Attention was
called to the fact that the agreement between the Southern Pacific
Company and the city, relative to the abondonment of the old cross
ing required that that old crossing be closed to public use. It
appeared however, that this would entirely block the public to
access to the railroad station by road. Consequently, it was order
ed that the Recorder take the matter up with the Southern i^acific
Company, calling attention to the hazard which existed and asking
that the city be relieved of any liability. Also that it advise the
City Council what its plans for improvement of that roadway were, and
how soon they contemplated starting the improvement.
Tfe Light Committee called attention to the neces
sity of purchasing 10 Series sockets for street lights which were
quoted by Mr. Lanielson at o5^ apiece. Lpon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried, purchase of these sockets was authorized.
The Recorder referred to previous action taken by
the Council toward exchange of Lot 7 Block 77 for Lot 11 in Block 80.
• It appeared that the excess of taxes on Lot 7 Block 77 over Lot 11
; Block 80 was approximately ^500. Inasmuch as the party who was con
sidering moving the dwelling was to pay excess in taxes, it was sug-
. gested that this amount be ordered paid direct to the city. The
Council ai'thorized also, acceptance of interest to date only on as®ssments
on Lgt 11 Block 80.
Reports of Treasurer Cairns and ^ity Recorder sett
ing out receipts and^disbursements to date, current obligations and
funds on hand, were submitted and ordered filed. Attention was called
to bond interest coupons for bancroft bonds which were coming due,
and the consequent necessity for some definite plan compelling payment
of assessments. It was ordered that immediate action be taken on the
Listrict ho, 9 assessment collections and indicated that some further
definite plan for collection of other delinquent assessments should be
acted upon.
The Recorder was authorized to send deeds on Lot 3,
Block 80, Lot 5 Block 80, Lot 5 Block 82, Lot 17 Block 77, and Lot 1
Block 78, to County Clerk for recording.
The following bills were presented, OKed by the
Finance Committee, and ^pon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, were ordered paid:
Korman Smiley
S V Cochran
C M Lanielson
I N McGinnis
C A Lee
L 0 Hans en
E /!/ Stephens
fim. Chamberlain
Ed i^eil
J Eoen
Sam Holcomb
I D* McGinnis
City Water Fund
C C Clafke
Frank Cox
Stanley L, Chapin
Roy G Cairns
G Benson
I 0 0 F
John Bernhardt
M !• if'i/'allace
Chns. Hanserj
Harold France
'^ard Powell
Guy Hatton
Fred Sandberg
L E Rogers
•J L Gibbons
Arnold Farmer
Peoples fV C H-E Corp
Reeds port Garage
Reeds port Laundry
^ Machine & Boiler '^s
Frank L Taylor
Chapin Invt. Co.
Vnion Iron
bmpqua Mills & T Co
C ^ Landerking
// Mc/dllis
Claude Hatfield
Lmpqua Lredg. & C Co
47. oa-
A letter^ Ibrom the Umpqua Lredging and '-'onstruction
relative to old bill for gravel placed on vfest Railroad
wa?! next called to the attention of the Council. After
considerable discussion, upon motion of Councilman iVest, seconded
by Councilman ^eidner, the bill was referred to recorder Chapin,
authorizing final compromise settlement payment in the amount of
'•^'he City Recorder was authorized to make rental charges
as he might see fit for houses recently acquired through citjr fore
closure sales.
There being no further business, the meeting was
Minutes of the Regular Jxme, 1930 Meeting of the
Common Council of the Gity of Reedsport, held on Monday,
June End, 1930 at 8:00 P.M.
Present, Mayor Buck and Councilmen Bemhardt, V/eidner.
West, and Poster. Absent, Councilmen Lilleho and Pord.
and approved.
Oommun i cat ions
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read
Letter from Southern Pacific Company under date of
May 27th, stating that investigations into features with regard to
hazards ocoasioned through locating the crossing at V/inohester Avenue
adjacent to the station building, would be made very soon, and that
' the City would be advised as to what action will be taken in the mat-
1 ter.
Mr. Uno Leppanen, and Dr. Miller representing the
Moose Lodge, appeared before the Council for the purpose of assuring
the City officials that it was the intention of the Lodge to co
operate in every way possible to keep order at all dances given by
the Lodge. Recorder Chapin called attention to the fact that a
special committee consisting of Mr. Leppanen, ^r. Roy Richardson,
and Mr. George Davenport, had talked conditions over with him a few
days ago, and had volunteered their services as special deputies to
assist the City Marshal in keeping proper order. The Council ex
pressed its appreciation of 13ie attitude which the Moose Lodge had
taken and the Mayor appointed Mr. Leppanen, Mr. Richardson, and Mr.
Davenport as special deputies for this purpose.
Recorder Chapin and City Attorney Benson brought
up the matter of the suit of the Royal Indemnity Company versus City
of Reedsport, and urged that the City en5)loy Mr. D. L. Buckingham,
formerly City Engineer at the time of the city fill, to secure cer
tain data which appeared to be necessary in the city case. Upon
motion regularly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered that Mr.
Buckln'gham be employed for this purpose.
Considerable discussion followed regarding the lo
cation of "through streets" in the Gity of Reedsport and the need of
certain stop signs and other traffic signals. After due considerar
tion, Ordinance Uo. 209, which was an Ordinance repealing Ordinance
No. 194, an ordinance designating Winchester Avenue as a "through
street or arterial highway, providing a pemlty for infraction there
of, and declaring an emergency", was presented and read for the first
time. Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, said Ordin
ance Mo. ZOB was passed to the second reading and read for the second
time. Said Ordinance IJo* SOS' v/as thereupon passed to the third read
ing and read for the third time. Upon motion regularly made, second
ed and carried, Ordinance Ho. 20^ was put upon its final passage, and
adopted by the following vote: Ayes 4 i^ays 0.
Ordinance IJo. 20S, which is an ordinance designating
certain parts of Winchester Avenue and of "L" Street as "through
streets or arterial highways, providing a penalty for infraction here
of and declaring an emergency", was next presented and read for the
first time. Upo^ motion regularly made, seconded and carried, said
Ordinance Uo. 20*$ was passed to the second reading and read for the
second time. Said Ordinance ilo. 20S was thereupon passed to the third
reading and read for the third time. Upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried, Ordinance No. 20? was thereupon put upon its
final passage, and adopted by the folbwing vote: Ayes 4 IJays 0.
The Mayor thereupon approved both above said Ordinances IJos. 20^ and
3?he purchase of six stop signs and three central
buttons was authorized, upon motion regularly made, seconded and
Considerable discussion follov/ed as to meetingplace
for the City Council. Mayor Buck, Oouncilman V/eidner, and others,
spoke of the convenience and advantages to the public and to the
Gounoil of the hall and room in S'irst Bank Building, which was avail
able as a meeting place- After due consideration, upon motion regular
ly made, seconded and carried, it v/as ordered that the city change its
regular meeting place to the hall on the second floor of the Bank
Building, at a monthly rental of §10.00, beginning July 1st, 1930.
:?'inancial reports of Oxty Treasurer and City Recorder
were presented, and ordered filed*
The following bills were presented, OKed by the
Knance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and carria d,
were ordered paid:
Uorman Smiley
City Water Pund
City V/ater 5^ind
C 0 Clarke
Prank Cox
Stanley D. Chapin
V/ G Benson
Roy Gr Caims
John Bemhardt
Fred Sandberg
M D Wallace
H France
Guy Hat tan
Arnold Farmer
Ii j£ Hogera
Some discussion followed as to the advisability of
purchase of a new tractor for the city- The matter, however, was left
for the individual consideration of the Mayor and Councilmen.
$7.98« Iferd Po^^ell $3.00.
5.00. J L Gibbons 3.00-
3.46. K R Richards 2.00-
149.69. I.O.O.F- 15.00-
114.69. Peoples :/est Coast H-E Coip 172.50-
160.00- State Ind. Ac. Commission 12.62-
30.00. Harold France 7.97-
30.00' Tom E Lillebo -8.80.
10.00. S V" ^ochran .46*
3.00. Union Oil Company l.fflS-
3.00. Unipqua Mills & Timber Co. 5.81-
3.00. City Water F^d 3.50-
3.00, Paul Bemh>j.rdt 95.66-
3.00^ Graybar Electric Go. 21.00-
3.00. ?871.Q8
There being no further business, the meeting was ads
Ci?l?y Recorder
Minutes of Special Meeting of the Common Council
of the City of Reedsport held on Monday, June 23rd, 1930 at 8:00 P.M.
Pursuant to order of the Mayor, and notice regularly
given, special meeting of the Common Council of the City of Reedsport
was held at its offices in Reedsport on Monday, June 23rd, 1930 at 8:00
There were present Mayor Buck, and Councilmen Bernhardt,
Foster, Ford, and West. Absent, Councilmen Llllebo ajad \7eidner.
The meeting was called for the puipose of confiniiing
action of the Finance and Road & Street Committees and nembers of the
Council as a whole, in the purchase of a new "Caterpillar" Tractor
from the Miller-Sanford Tract6r Company of Eugene, for a total price
of #1165.00, with a credit of $165.00 allowed for trade-in value on
old Cleveland Tractor.
TTpon Motion regularly made, seconded, and unanimously
carried, th'3 payment of balance due in the amount of i^lOOO was authoriz
ed, with the arrangement that the amount be drawn flin the Water Operation
Fund and that warrant drawn in favor of the Water Operation Fund and
against Road and street Fnnd be issued, the warrant to be payable on or
before one year from date. ^
Invoice of Locke-Bailey Truck line in the amount of
>•00 for bringing .fractor from Eugene to Reedsport, was also author
ized and ordered paid. ^
There being no further business the meeting was ad-
Git^ ^corJe^^*'^^
Minutes of the Regular July, 1930 Meeting of the
Common Council of the Gity of Reedsport, held on i^^onday,
July 7th, 1930 at 8:00 P.M.
Mayor Buck and all Councilmen were present.
The minutes of the last regular meeting and Special
meeting of June 23rd were read and approved-
Communications: Letter dated June 30th, 1930, from Treasury Department,
btate of Oregon, addressed to City Treasurer, wat read. The
Idtter called for report of bonded and warirant indebtedness of the
Gity of Reedsport as of July 1st, 1930. '-^'he Recorder submitted com
pleted report for the information of the Council which was to be for
warded to the State Treaurer*s office.
' A copy of letter dated June 19th, 19.
Attorney A. L« Liljeqvist, i^IarshfieId, Oregon, was next read. This
letter was in the nature of report on Pill Districts in response to
request made on the part of the City at last regular meeting; the re
port to be used in connection with Case of the city with the Royal
Indemnity Company. Considerable discussion followed regarding general
status of this case and Attorney Benson explained at length the pres
ent situation. It was felt that request for information of this nature
should come direct from the Attorneys Dey, iiampson & -^^elson, vdio had
been retained by the city, rather than from Attomey Liljeqvist, vfco
it appeared, had been retained by Mr. Johnson in connection with this
case. Also it was suggested that inasmuch as Engineer Buckingham had
been requested by the City to compile certain data, the report which
he completed should be made direct to the Gity. Upon motion regularly
made, seconded and carried the City Recorder was directed to ask that
Engineer Buckingham address report direct to the City and also include
additional information as to dates of payments made by the City to
Inland Construction Company.
l^he regular monthly reports of City Treasurer and
City Recorder were submitted and ordered filed.
V/ater Commissioner Clarke recanmended that two
valves be installed in the main water line, one to be placed at y/inchester
Bay, and the other approximately halfway between V/inchester
Bay and the tunnel; that the roadway leading from Winchester Bay to
the lake be cleared; also that fire hydrant be placed at 4th St and
Winchester Avenue. Commissioner Clarke stated that the installation
of this fire hydrant v/as in aocordance with recommendation of the
Pire Department and that there was a fire hydrant on hand. After con
siderable discussion, upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
the recommendations of V/ater Commissioner Clarke were approved and
authorization for the installations made.
A lengthy discussion followed regarding serious
hazards to travelling public which existed in the vicinity of the
old and new roadway crossings near the railroad station. She Hecorder
referred to Correspondence previously authorized, particularly
letter under date of May 8th, addressed to Mr. E. L. -^ing, Superinten
dent, Southern Pacific Company, letter of May 23rd, and letter of May
27th, from Mr* ^ing, in which he stated that he Would investigate into
the features mentioned in letter of May 8th, and advise soon what ac
tion would be lElcen in the matter- It waa the opinion of the Council
that some definite action was necessary for the protection of the
travelling public as well as'^relieve the city of possible liability
in event of serious accident. Upon motion of Councilman V/ei^ner,
seconded by Councilman J'oster, and regularly carried, it was ordered
that the Western end of the foimer road crossing leading from Winches
ter Avenue to the railroad track, be blocked; that posts be placed
parallel with the Roosevelt Highway;. It was considered that such
action vvould to some extent eliminate certain hazards and at the same
time not block access to the station inasmuch as the entrsince from
the East would be left open.
Ordinance No. 209, an ordinance amending Ordinance
IJo. 185 of the ordinances of the City of Heedsport, relating to the
taxing, licensing and regulating of certain businesses, trades and
occupations within the corporate limits of the City of Reedsport, was
introduced and read for the first time. Upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the second reading
and read for the second time; thereupon it was duly ordered, upon
motion regularly made, seconded and carried, passed to the third read
ing and read for the third time. Said Ordinance I>lo. 209 was thereupon
put to its final passage and adopted by the following vote:
Ayes 6
Eays 0
Ordinance I^o. 209 was thereupon approved by the Mayor and declared
regularly adopted.
Recorder Chapin referred the verbal request of Mr.
I-.O. Hansen for grading of Seventh Street from "L" Street to
Street to the attention of the Council. After due consideration,
the matter was referred to the Street Committee for appropriate
A charge of $2.00 per hour was established as a
fair and equitable charge to the Grade School District -^105 for use
of the city tractor, the city furnishing operator, gas and oil. It
was tentatively decided that rate of ^S.OO per hour be established
in event of rental to private parties.
The purchase of 24 inside sleeves for 2^" fire
hose coupling was authorized.
The following bills were presented, OZed by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, were ordered paid:
Gus Wallace $4.49-
Bill Wallace 4.49.
City Water ?und (Heath) 1.99-
(a) Miller-Sanford Tractor Co.
(b) 1000.00-
Locke-Dailey Truck Line 20.00-
(a^ and Cb) authorized by special
meeting as of (^/23/1930.)
Harold !Prance 8.96-
Leonard Brown 19.95^
State of Oregon 1.00-
C 0 Clarke 149.70-
Prank Cox 114.70-
W G Benson 30.00-
Roy G Cairns 30.00-
Stanley D Chapin 150;00-
John Bernhardt 10.00
Bank Building 10.00'
Peoples V/ H Corp 178.60
State Ind. Ac. Cora. 14.32-
M D Wallace
Fred ^andberg
H Prance
G-giy Hat ton
Arnold Farmer
L E Rogers
Ward Powell
J L Gibbons
K R Richards
City Water Fund
County Clerk
Unqjqua Dredging & 0 Co
A Carlisle & Company
Reedsport Hardware Co
Paul Bernhardt
Winchester Bay Lbr Co.
Reedsport Garage
R Machine & Boiler V/ke
Mabel Kennedy
West Coast Tel. Co.
Geo. Bowman
lFn5)qua Drug Co
D L Buokin:gham
Port Ifeipqua Courier
Mrs. S* A* Weeks
J L Boen
There being no farther business the meeting was
0±^ coi^der
Minutes of Special Meeting of the Common Council
of the City of Heedsport held on Thursday, July 17th, 1930 at 1:00 P.M>
Pursuant to order of the Mayor and notice regularly
given, special meeting of the Common Council of the City of Heedsport
was held on Thursday, July 17th, 1930 at 1:00 P.M. for the purpose
of considering and passing resolution authorizing the sale of lot 11
Block 80, Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to Heedsport, Oregon.
There were present, Iifeiyor Buck and Councilmen
Bemhardt, Foster, Pord, V/eidner and Y/est. Absent, Councilman Lille bo.
City Recorder Cliapin informed the Council that deed
had been received from Benefit Savings & l-oan Association for Lot 7
Block 77, Amended Plat of Railroad Addition, as well as check in the
amount of $908.29. This was sent in exchange for the city's deed to
lot 11 in Block 80, Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to Heedsport.
The check included amount sufficient to pay assessments on Lot 11,
Block 80, and the excess in taxes existing at the present time on
Lot 7 in Block 77 over those existing against Lot 11 in Block 80.
Resolution Ifo. 84 was next passed, and upon motion
regularly made, seconded and carried, was unanimously adopted.
WHEHEAS, the City of Heedsport is the ounaer of Lot 11 in Block
80, of the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to the City of
Heed^ort, by virtue of foreclosure of City liens thereon, and
has, in addition secured quit-claim deed from Heedsport Realty
Company, a coiporation, owner of said property prior to said
foreclosure proceeding, and
WHEREAS, there has been effected a trade, whereby the said
City has secured from Benefit Savings & Loan Association, Lot
7 in Block 77 of said Amended Plat of Railroad Addition, to-
. gether with a certain sum of money to be paid to said City in
cash, details of which transaction more fully appear in the
correspondence of said City with said Asso ciaticm, in the
files of the City Recorder, said negotiations for said trade
having been heretofore authorized by the Common Coxincil of
said City, and
WHEREAS, it appears that said trade is in all respects ad
vantageous for said City,
That the Mayor and Recorder of said City, be and they are
hereby authorised to execute for and in behalf of said City
a V/arranty Deed, conveying to said Benefit Savings & Loan Associaticaa
said above described property free of all incumbrances
except taxes, upon receipt of the sum of $908.29 and adeed to
Lot 7 of Block 77, hereinabove mentioned.
Passed "b./ the Conifnon Council of the Oity of Reedsport this
17th day of July, 1930,
The deed from the Benefit Savings & Loan Associa
tion to City of Reedsport for Lot 7 in Block 77, Amended Plat of
Railroad Addition to Reedsport, was duly accepted.
City Re
There being no farther business the meeting was
Minutes of the Regular August, 1930 Meeting of
the Common Council, of the City of Reedsport, held on
Monday, August 4th, 1930 at 8:00 P»M.
There were present. Mayor Buck and Councilmen
Bernhardt, Ford, Foster, V/eidner and V/est. Absent, Councilman
Minutes of the last regular and intervening
special meetings were read and approved.
Mr. Jack Diehl representing the Pair Board, ap
peared before the Council and urged the cooperation of the city
in providing for additional electric lighting facilities for pur
poses of city and fair advertising. LIr. C. M. Danielson of the
Peoples West Coast Hydro-Slectric Corporation v;as present and stat
ed that the company would cooperate to every possible extent and
would provide a few electric streamers which they had available.
Mayor Buck suggested that the matter be referred to the Li^t Com
mittee and assured Mr. Diehl of the city's cooperation so far as
possible. Some discussion also followed regarding advisability of
widening the graded portion on Rainbow Plaza, but no definite action
was taken in this matter.
Mr. Edward Cornell asked the Council if it was the Intent
to charge license fee as provided under Ordinance Ko. 209, which
taxed, licensed and regulated certain businesses, trades and occupa
tions, for a miniature golf course v^ich he mth certain associates
contemplated establishing in Reedsport# After due consideration,
upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Council ruled
that there v/ould be no license fee charged in such case.
Mr. M. D. Wallace of the Reedsport Volunteer J'ire Depart
ment, asked for the Council's cooperation in the plan to provide
for an airport. The present plan contemplated certain clearing
and grading of that section of filled lard lying northward of the
school property, in Block 59. It appeared that most of this land
had been acquired by the City throu^ foreclosure of city liens.
Mr. \7allace stated that the plans of the Department would call for
use of the city grading equipment for a few evenings, and that the
firemen and other individuals v/ould give their time to the v;ork
gratis; that the prospective aii^ort would not be restricted to use i
of any particular planes or individuals, biit would be operated
entirely for the convenience and "benefit of the public and city*
Upon motion of Oouncilman V/eidner, seconded by Councilman 5'oster,
and unanimoualy carried, it was authorized that the Blocks 7, 37,
57, and 58, and the streets and alleys adjacent to those Blocks,
be set aside as a temporary municipal airport; that the city grad
ing eT|Uipraent and truck be made available, imder the supervision of
Street Commissioner Clarke, for such use as v/ould appear necessary
for conditioning the proposed airport, without ezpense to the
Volunteer Fire Department-
Some discussion follov/ed regarding the advisability of
purchase of an inexpensive chassis for mounting the chemical fire
carts. After due consideration, it was finally decided that an
appropriation of not to exceed |J50«00 be made fcxr the purpose of
this improvement.
Street Comrnissioner Clarke next brought up for considera
tion of the Council the urgent necessity of establishing certain
drains at various places, v;hich would be needed the approaching
rainy season in taking away the surface water from the streets and
flushing out the city sewer system. It was finally ordered that
drains be established as follows;
2 -
at the intersection of Holiday and ?/est Railroad Avenues,
at the intersection of Holiday and Eighth Avenues.
at the intersection of Rainbow Street and Eighth Avenue,
at "the intersection of Rainbow and West Railroad Avenues.
All of the above in Rainbow District Eo. 1.
at the intersection of the alleyj^ at Seventh Street, be
tween "H" and "L" Streets.
at "L" Street between Fifteenth and "H" Streets.
between "M" and "L" Streets at intersection of alley vjith
Fourteenth Street.
Letter of Southern Pacific Company under date of August
1st, relating to blocking of street at railroad statioi; was read
and ordered filed.
V/ater report dated July 18th, 1930 from Oregon State
Board of Health, was read, and ordered filed.
Water Commissioner Clarke reported on condition of the
main line, which he stated was in fairly good shape except for
some leakage at the collars.
The Light Com-nittee of the Council recommended the in
stallation of a light at Hatfield Avenue and Second Street.
Reports of the City Treasurer and City Recorder on
finances, were submitted and ordered filed.
The follovjing bills were presented, OEed by the Finance
Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
we re orde re d pa id:
C E Beauchamp $1.49'
City Water Fund 10.14*
A1 Gouley 27.93-
J. Woodward 31.92^
City Water Fund(Weaver) 3.99-
iT.oyd Levins 31.92"
A J Wilkinson 11.97-
James Brady 45.38-
Robert Jenkins 45.63-
C G Landerking 7.98-
L 0 Doan 33.66*
W V Ashborne 1.00>
0 C Clarke 149.69'
Frank Cox 114.69^
Roy G. Cairns 30.00"
Stanley D. Chapin 150.00-
W. G. Benson 30.00-
Bank Building 10.00*
John Benihardt
M D V/al lace
Fred Sandberg
Guy Hatton
Arnold Farmer
L B Rogers
Ward Powell
J L Gibbons
K R Richards
Chas. Hanson
State Ind. Accident
Peoples West Coast H
City V/ater Fund
Un^qua River Hav Co.
Roosevelt Service
Paul Bemhardt
Winchester Bay Lumbe Mills & T Co.
Com. 18.19
-E 171.00
r Co. 2.70
W. R. Buok |4#64
Federal Pipe & T Go44.44
Plumbers Supply Co153.80
Frank L Taylor iS.lBHoward-
Cooper Coip 16.67-
E IJIachine & B V/ks 11-41-
Eeedsport Garage 9.49-
Port UmpquB. Courier E .00
There "being no further "business the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of the Hegular September, 1930 Meeting of
the Common Council of liie City of Reedsport, held on
Tuesday, September 2nd, 1930 at 8:00 P.M.
There were present, Llayor Back and Councilmen
Bemhardt, Ford, Foster and West- Absent, Gouncilmsn Weidner and
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read
and approved.
Mr. Leonard Tolman and Mr. Carlson of Winchester
Bay, appeared before the Council and urged the reduction of the base
rate for water rent charged users at V/inohester Bay to the same rate
v;hich is applied to Heedsport water users. It was maintained that,
due to the fact of closer proximity to the source of supply, that
rate at V/inchester Bay should be at least the same as at Reedsport.
Mayor Buok explained at length the city's financial status in connec
tion with the ten yearS* operation of the v;ater system, and had the
City Recotder read a report in which it pointed out that there was an
approximate deficit of §27,000.00 in the ten years' operations, the
cost of V;h;ch had been bo me by general fund tax levies aadpaid by
the tax payers of the City of Reedsport. The report also pointed out
the fact that the city had a water bond obligation of (^155,000.00 in
addition to the fact that the main line v/as already eleven years old
and would be subject, very probably, to heavy maintenance costs in
the near future. Also, it appeared that the bond maturities with
interest and operating expense would exceed more than the anticipated
income from water rentals for the year 1931 and subsequent years. In
view of all these circumstances it was the unanimous opinion of the
Council that it was no more than fair that water users outside of the
City of Reedsport be clBrged a base rate in excess of Reedsport water
users. It was pointed out, also, that the City of Kewport charged Is"
times the base rate to water users outside of its city- limits. It
was further shown that Portland and other cities did this under cer
tain conditions. It was also stated thst there was no charge being
made for service for water hydrants installed at V/inchester Bay.
Mr. V/m. Schneider, Mrs. Pearl Rogers, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Williams, and Mrs. McBride, representing the various hotels in
Reedsport, appeared before the Council urging reduction in their^
respective water rates. The Council referred to the report submitted
for the information of Winchester Bay Water users, and indicated that
the same reasons applied for maintaining water rates as established
by the present ordinance. It was suggested that water rates could be
reduced somevjhat by the elimination of certain fixtures, but other
than that, it did not feel that a reduction was justified for the best
interests of the city and water users as a whole*
The following residents and taxpayers were appointed
to meet with the Ocuncil on Monday evening, September 29th at 8:00
P.M. to compile City of Reedsport "budget for the year 1931:
E.W. Franklin appointed by llayor Buck
Wm. Chamberlain
V/.A. Burdick
H.L. Gh^in
E.G. Dunn
K.R. Chapman
Lloyd Enapp
" Councilinan Foster
" " Ford
" " V/est
" " Earnhardt
" " V/eidner
" " liSilebo.
Attention of the Council was called to the fact
that v/ater lines serving residence of Edward Cornell and four other
houses in that vicinity, on Schofield iM.ghts district north of Win
chester Avenue, were too small to give sufficient pressure for ordin
ary use. After due consideration it was authorised that the Water
Commissioner be instructed to purchase and lay approximately 360*
of 2" galvanized pipe for serving the homes in that vicinity.
Recorder Chapin called attention to the necessity
of the city investigating and arranging for a new garbage dump loca
tion. Councilmen Bemhardt, Ford and Foster were appointed as a
special committee to look into this matter and report at next meet
The Council *s attention v;as called to the fact
that there had been a number of fire permits issued several years
ago v/ithout limit to time of use. Upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried, it was ordered that all fire permits issued
prior to January 1st, 1930 be revoked.
Some discussion followed regarding collection on
assessments and it was left to the Oity Recorder and City Treasurer
to continue the policy of collection as previously outlined.
The following bills were presented, OEed by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried^ were ordered paid:
X>. C. Doan $13,46
B. V/. Hatfield 3.49
H. S. Jones a/c 2.75
J. L. Boen 1.50
Mel Johnson 2*99
W. P. Harrison 8.99
City Vifater Fund 8.88
American Rubber Mfg Co 255.00
Frank L. Taylor 2.25
M. D. Wallace 3.00
Fred £3andberg 3.00
Guy Hatton 3.00
E. R. Richards 3.00
Arnold Farmer 5.00
V/ard Powell 2.00
CHas- iiansen 2^00
I. B. Rogers 4-00
J. L. Gibbons 5.00
Reedsport Garage 23.66
Chapin Investment Co. $5.80
V/est Coast Telephone Co. 3.93
Peoples Viest Coast H-E C 171.00^
Federal Pipe & Tank Co. 45.00
Paul Bemhardt 4.9C
Douglas Abstract Co. 5.00
V/. R. Buck .80
Umpqua Mills & Timber Co. 2.8£
Bank Building 10.00
lU S. Jones 4.75
W. G. Benson 30.00
State Ind. Ac. Commission 14.13
aiohn Bernhardt 10.00
Stanley D. Chapin 150.00
Frank Cox 114.. 69
C C Clarke 149.69
Roy G. Cairns 30.00
There being uo further business the meetii^ was adjourned
City order
Minutes of the 1931 Budget Committee Meeting, City
of Reedsport.
Pursuant to order of the Council and notice regularly giveij
meeting of the I93I Budget Cornraittee was'held in the City Hall, Bank
Building, Reedsport, Oregon on Monday, September 29th, 193^ at 8jOO
There were present. Mayor Buck, Councilmen Foster,
Ford, Weidner, and West; Coioraitteeraen W, Burdick, H, L, Chapin,
ii]. G. Dunn, Lloyd Knapp, and Karl R. 'Chapman. Absent, Councilmen
Bernliardt and Lillebo; Committeemen E. W. Franklin, and YiT. Chamber
lain. There were also present Recorder Stanley Chapin, Water and
Street Gommis::^ioner Cla.rke, City Attorney W. G, Benson, A. ¥. Burton,
J. A. Ellis, and Krs. Elmer Clark-
The Budget Comi2iittee proceeded at once to organize,
and upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, liayor Buck was
unanimously elected chairman, and City Recorder Chapin was elected
Due consideration was given to reports which had
been sent previously to all members of the Committee by the City Re
corder, showing in detail expenditures and receipts for the year 1929*
for the first half of the year 1930> and the Budget estimates for
1930. Items were considered separately as they appeared on the
Budget data sheets.
Some discussion developed regarding the advisability
of retaining a City Attorney and after due consideration it was de
cided that no allov/ance be made for city attorney salary as such for
the year 1931> that an item of $1000 be allowed for special legal
and engineering services.
Considerable discussion follov/ed regarding the
salary for City Recorder. It was first decided.that the salary be
established as heretofore paid; that is, $900 per year from the
General Fund and $900 per year from the Water Fund. There v/as a
later reconsideration of this item, however, at which time it was
decided to propose a yearly salary of $1200 divided equally as before
between the"^General and Water Funds, but with the allowance of $300
in each fund for special clerical v/ork in connection with that office.
In the discussion regarding the office of Recorder, it v^as the
unanimous recommendation of the Budget Goroiriittee that this office be
made an appointive rather than an elective office, and that the city
charter be aramended to this effect. The recommendation was also
extended to include similar action with regard to the office of city
Special allowance for lights was increased to
$2200 for the year and there was an additional item included in the
Budget for oiling of"streets.
The following proposed Budget for the year 193^
was finally adopted upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried:
Fire Chief ^120.00
Fire Department Members JOO.OO
Marshal I38O.OO
Recorder 600.00
Treasurer 360;00
Hall rent 120.00
Lights 2200.00
Electric Fixtures 100.00
Telephone and Telegraph 25*00
Office supplies and stamps 75-00
Publication and filing fees 175*00
(1931 Proposed Budget Contd.)
Fire apparatus and depart
ment operations §1000.00
Special engineering and
legal 1000.00
Sewer and drainarte JOO.OO
Miscellaneous and clerical 345.00
Refunding Bonds and interest 3^00.00
Warrant-Umpqua Highway right
of way purchase 2^0»00
TOTAL-GSiJERAL PUl© DISBURSE- ^ll850,00 ^^11,850.00
RECEIPTS from fines, licenses,
bank interest, miscellaneous
$10,850.00 $10,850.00
Bond Interest 93^0.00
Bonds maturing in 193^- IO50O.OO
Extension 4000.00
Repair and maintenance 2000.00
Salary-Water Coiiinissioner 1200.00
Salary-Recorder 6OO.OO
Office supplies IJO.OO
Miscellaneous and cleridal "^00.00
TOTAL WATER FUM) DISBURSEIvIEKTS |2805'0.00 fp28,050.00
Water rentals and connection
service 23050-00
Estimated cash on hand
12/31/1930 gooo.oo
TOTAL V/ATEK FUlffl RECEIPTS ^28050.00 28,0^0.00
BALA.I?rCE-WATER FUITO to be raised by taxation
Salary - Street Commissioner 6OO.OO
Road repair and maintenance 2000.00
Oiling ^00.00
Truck licenses and Road District Tax
by taxation
It was duly ordered that the Proposed Budget be
published in October 3^^ sind October lOth issues of the Port Umpqua
Courier, and that October 27th, 1930 at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hall,
Reedsport, Oregon, be designated'as the time and place for considea?-
ation of the estimates by the City Council of the City of Reedsport
with the taxpayers, when and where any taxpayers subject tottie tax
levy when made, may be heard in favor or against said taxes proposed
to be made.
There being no further business the meeting was
Attest Chairman
Minutes of the Regular October, 1930 Meeting of the
Common Council of the City of Heedsport held llonday, October
6th, 1930 at 8:00 P.I.I.
There were-present Mayor Buck, and Gouncilmen Bernhardt,
Pord, Foster and V/eidner. Absent Gouncilmen lillebo and West.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and
A letter from Gardiner Mill Company dated October
4th, requesting that the City cease using its present garbage dump
grounds, was read. The ^ecial committee consisting of Gouncilmen
Bernhardt, Ford and Foster, reported that in its opinion there was
a suitable location at the lower end of the Hinsdale ranch v/hich
might possibly be secured with comparatively little expense to the
city, and that the committee would investigate this location at once,
and confer with the owners with a view to securing a suitable site.
Deed for Lot 7, Block 77, Amended Plat of Railroad
Addition to Reedsport, Oregon, which was obtained from the Benefit
Savings & Loan Association, v/as 'accepted and ordered recorded.
It was regularly ordered by unanimous vote of the
Council that a city election'be held on Tuesday, November 4th, 1930
for the election of the following city officers:
1 Mayor
6 Gouncilmen
1 Recorder
1 Treasurer.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, it v®.s ordered that
the judges and cler^fcs of election who v/ere appointed by the Douglas
County court to act for the election to be held I^ovember 4th, 1930,
be the ones selected to act in similar capacities for the City of
Reedsport election to be held the same date. An allov-ance of $S.00
vra,s authorized to be paid eaoh person acting in the capacity of judge
or clerk at the time of elec'tion. It was also ordered that the City
procure two poll books for use in compiling permanent registration
records of City of Reedsport voters.
The City Recorder submitted report of receipts anddisbursements
for the month of September and for the period Januaiy
1st to September 20th, 1930; also a stateman"*^ of cash on hani under
the various city funds. Ee also reported receipt of §5,004.57 from
the County Treasurer for delini^uent taxes. Attention \^s called to
the fact that in order to pay street improvement bond interest coupons
falling due duilng the current month, it would be necessary to author
ize an approximate transfer of $2000 to this fund- The Recorder sub
mitted a written report on Bancroft assessment collections as of
August Slat, 1930, and called attention to ths serious condition con
fronting the city thereto. It w^ls noted that there were already
either foreclosed on or in the process of foreclosure, 202 lots with
assessm?snts totalling 552,568.98; Also that for some time the city
had been using principal v;hich had been collected to pay ";x)nd interest
coupons. Considerable discussion followed regc.rding the gereral policy
to be pursued, but no definite action vjas "fcaken other than gereral re
commendation that all possible be done to urge people to pay assess
ments a.s they were due.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and cariled, it
was ordered that a transfer of fiinds sufficient to pay current street •
improvement Bancroft Bond interest coupons, be made from the sewer
fund to the street xund-^
Commissioner Clarlie reported that the City Chevrolet
truck needed a general OTerhauling. He stated that d'LJe to certain
manufacturing defects, the Chevrolet Company offered to replace'certain
engine parts free of cost and that the only expense to the City
for necessary overhauling would be the labor cost which vra,s estimted
at :^35.S5. Upon notion, regularly made, seconded and carried, this
V70rk was authorized.
The following bills v/ere presented, OKed by the
Finance Committee and upon motion ref^ularly made, seconded and
carried, were ordered paid:
A Trankle 0 16.21' Paul Bernhardt fl95.19
W 0 Hatfield 28.93. West Coast Pov/er Co. 142.20
B W Hatfield 32.42- Burroughs Adding M Go. 5.00
G C Clarke 149.7a V/est Coast Tel Co. 3.20
Frank Cox 114.70« State Ind. Ao. Cormnissicn 15.78
Stanley D Chapin 150.00- Port Umpqua Courier 47.20
W G Benson 30.00. Plumbers Supply Company 95.17
Roy Oainrns 50.00- Reedsport Garage 18.78
Bank Building 10.00' Xocke-Dailey Truck Line 8.58
John Bernhardt 10.00' TJmpqua ..Mills & T Go. 9..20
U D V/allace 3.00' Reedsport Llachine & B V/ks 2.00
Sandberg 3.00- W G Hatfield 5.98
Guy Hatton 3.00. B ,W Hatfield 3.99
K R Richards S.OO' Sam Hoi comb 7.48
A Farmer 1.00- L C Doan 7.47
Chas. Hansen 2.00' City V/ater Fund 11.47
L E Rogers 2.00. J H Jenkims 7.48
J L Gibbons 3.00. E W Owen 7.48
Chapin Invt. Go. 36.00- G_P Boyle 2.99
City V/ater Fund 10.00-
There being no further business the meeting vbs
ad^eftSfHs-d-w continued to Ilonday, October 27th,1930 at 8:00 P.L.
y Iteoorde^r
Minutes of the Continued Meeting of tlie Common
Council of the City of Heedsport held Monday, October
27th, 1930 at 8:00 P.M.
Pursuant to notice of publication, and to order
of last meeting, continued meeting was held on L'onday, October 27,
1930 at 8:00 P.M. in the Council liall, Heed^ort, Oregon, for iiie
purpose of conducting a hearing on the proposed 1931 Budget for the
City of x^eedsport.
There were present Councilman Bernhardt, presid
ing, and Councilraen ?ord, Poster, '^Vest and "iVeidner. Tiiere v/ere
also present Budget Committeemen Dunn aad i'ranlclin, Water and otreet
Cormuissioner C. C. Clarice, City Attorney '.V. G. Benson, Recorder
Chapin, and I:rs. L. B. Clark.
ICr. Bernhardt stated the purpose of the meeting
'and asked if there were any recommendations or objections to the
proposed budget which v;as submitted for r eference of all present.
I'^r. Franklin recommended the reduction of treasurer's salary to
.i?120.00 a year, and upon his motion, seconded by Councilman Weidner,
and regularly carried, the Treasurer's salary was changed from
^5360.00 per year to ;pl20.00 per year. Upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried, the emergency fund was increased from ^2250
to v2490. There being no further recomiaendations or changes suggest
ed, the Budget as corrected was regularly adopted.
Thereupon, Ordinance Xlo. 210, ALT ORDIMICS LSVYIITG
1931, was submitted anc. read for the first time. Upon motion regular
ly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the second
rei>.ding and read for the second timet by title only. Upon.motion reg
ularly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the- third
reading, and read for tiie third time. Ordinance Ho- 210 was there
upon put to vote and adopted "by the follov/ing vote:
Ayes 4
ITays 0
It way thereupon approved "by Acting l.layor Paul Bernhardt.
adj ourned.
There being no further business the meeting was
A'litest: i-iayor
lylinutes of the Regular I^ovember, 1930 Ileeting of the
Goimnon Council of the City of Reedsport Held I'onday, ITovember
3rd, 1930 at 8:00 P.LI.
xhere v;ere prec^ent Llayor Buck and Councilmen ?ooter,
Ford, Lillebo, 7/est and V/eidner. Absent Councilman Bernliardt.
The minutes of the last regular and intervening
continued meetings were read and approved.
Gomtnunications: Letter from the west Coast Power Company dated
October 24th, was read. It explained in detail the reasons for
street light outage of September 16th, for which the Council liad
claimed a deduction of ;^28.80. lir. Danielson, district manager, ap
peared before tlie Council, malcing a brief statement as to the street
light /outage and assuring the Council that there was no negligence
on the part of tiie employees, llr.. Daniel son also explained the pres
ent status regarding the possibility for securing a standby service.
He stated that negotiations were still under way for effecting this
service with reasonably go-od chance for making some satisfactory, ar
rangement, providing the charges were reasonable. He stated tliat •
the records of the company showed a decrease of ::33600 in gross earn
ings during the first ten months of 1930 over the similar period of
1929. Under such conditions he said that the company did not feel
that it would be justified in incurring any appreciable additional
operating expense for standby service.
ilfter careful consideration, upon motion regularly
made, seconded and carried, tlrie Council authorized payment of tJ:ie
$28.80 previously deducted from the light bill.
Letter from Reedsport Meat Market v/ith protest
as to water rate charged Reedsport Meat l^rket as compared with the
Umpqua Cash I^rket, wao next considered. It appeared that the
monthly charge for Reedsport Meat Market was -AS. 00, vAiereas Unpqua
Cash Llarket's monthly charge v/as ^^>7.50. It was contended that ;^7.50
charged the other market was less than the published rates. It
a.ppeared, that according to the Cruinai:ice, ice machines betv/een one
and five ton capacity, were to be charged .ji57.50 per month in addi
tion to the meat market base rate of .i^7.50; that the ice machine
used at Reedsport Heat Ivliarket had been used for cormnercial purposes
in the manufacture of ice, whereas the smaller machine used at the
Uinpqua Cash llarke t had been used for refrigeration only. Upon motion
regularly made, seconded and carried, the V/ater Commissioner was in
structed to test the water flov/ of the^ two markets by use of meter
and report the results at next meeting.
Application of the Umpqua Llills <5: Timber Company
for pro rata reduction in rate on account of five days operation
instead of six days operation, was referred to the Council. Ai'ter
some discussion and consideration, this matter was referred to the
water Comiriittee for further investigation and report.
October 7th,
motion regularly made,
pointed as a conmiittee
otlier municipal bodies
prompts collection of
Letter from Reedsport ^Jiamber of Comrnerce dated
re^^ardinp; delinquent taxes, Vtras next read, and upon
seconded and carried, l5iayor Buclc v/as apof
one to meet v;ith lepresentatives from
to work out some practicable solution for
Application of the Americran Legion to hold dance
on Armistice night, ITovember 11th, until 1:00 P.M., was granted.
Request of the rieedsport i'ire Department to
discontinue the use of the fire siren as curfev; Y/as next referred
to the Qouncil, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and carriecj
such use of the siren was ordered discontinued.
The problem of new city garbage dump location
v/as next considered. Councilman x'ord reported that a location at
the lower end of the Hinsdale ranch which had been suggested at
last meeting, v/ould not be available. It was suggested that the
Committee continue to use every effort possible toward securing a
suitable place. The Recorder was also instructed to write to the
Cxarciiner llill Company, requesting an extension of time until the
City v/as able to secure a nev/ location.
Upon recommendation of Goimcilman Ford, Chairman
of the Li^t Committee, it was ordered that a street li^it be
placed back of the grade school.
bpecial attention of the Council was directed to
the provisions of the Charter, v/hich stated that ballots should be
placed in packages and the packages securely sealed, and the con
tents of the packages endorsed thereon, and the City Recorder was
directed to instruct the chairmen, judges and clerks of election
in connection v/ith these provisions.
The following bills were presented, OKed by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, were ordered paid:
W C Hatfield § 3. 49> Harvey Peterson 53. 00-
V/ C Hatfield 1. 49' istate Industrial Ac Cora 14. OSA
Trankle 5. 98. City 'i/ater Fund 5. GOC
C Clarke • 149. 69. City Water Fund(bheldon) 3. 99.
iTank Cox 114. 69- H L Boggs 4. 49.
Roy G- Cairns 30. 00- iVest Coast Power Co. 203. 30«
W G Benson 30. 00. Reedsport Garage 80. 42,
Stanley D Chapin • 150. 00- Umpqua llills & T Co. 8. 52v.
Bank Building 10. 00. Reedsport M & Boiler Wks 2. 4b^
John Bernlriardt 10. 00" Roy Agee 1. 00-
M D Wallace 4. 00. Umpqua Drug Co. 25-
Guy Hatton
i'red Sandberg
4. 00- West Coast Tel. Co. 2. 90-
4. 00. Umpqua Dredging & C Co 55. 00-
ji R Richards 4. 00- Frank L Taylor 11. 05.
A Farmer 1. 00- UmpQua Hiver ITav Co 15. 00.
L S Rogers 4. 00^
J L Gibbons 76 4- 00' #943.
L Patterson 3. 00.
The account due from, the Reedsport Building
Company in the amount of ^73.06 for relaying water line near
the Umpqua River water front, was ordered referred to the ^ity
There being no further business, the meeting
was continued until Priday, llovember 7th, 1930 at 8:00 P.M.
At i>est:
City Recorder
Minutes of the Continued Meeting of the Coimaon
Council of the City of Reedsport held Fridayi Hovember
2th at 8:00 P.M.
Pursuant to action "of last meeting, continued
meeting of the Coimnon Council of the City of Heedsport was held on
Friday,November 7th, 1930 at 8:00 P.M.
There were present, L'^yor Buck and Councilmen
Foster, Ford, "weidner and .Vest.
The official statement of ballots cast from JiJast
and west .^eedsport'Precincts in connection v/i th the City Election
of Hovember 4th, 1930, was ne^:t read, tabulation of which follows:
V/. R. Buck llayor 103 78 181
iil.H. Ford ' I^yor 55 63 118
Louis J, V/eidner Mayor 40 9 49
3tc:,nley I". Chapin Recorder 148 89 237
Frank llorris Recorder 49 59 108
Roy (x. Cairns Treasurer 178 127 305
lanley IL. Adams Councilman 142 ' 86 228
Arthur W. Burton Councilman 182 134 316
J. A. Ellis Councilman 165 120 285
Ralph L. Foster Councilman 182 134 316
Tom Lillebo Councilman 161 122 283
L. A. Reeves Councilman 151 118 269
C. H. V/est Councilman 138 109 247
Total City vote cast East Reedsport Precinct •• 152
West 198
Thereupon the following were declared elected: l5ayor H, Buck
* . Recorder, Stanley D, Chapin
Treasurer, Hoy Cl. Cairns
Councilmen, Arthur vV. Burton
Ralph L. Foster
Tom Lillebo
J. A. iiillis
L. A. Keeves
] C. ii. v/est.
The following bills were presented, OlCed by the
Finance Committee^ and upon motion regularly mde, seconded and
carried, were ordered paid:
Anna Douglas $2-00- Catherine Jones ^2 .00 •
Jane Ford 2.00. Edna. licCall 2 .00 •
Elsie Traylor 2.00. G-eneyieve Woodword 2 .00 •
I'^rgaret Cliapin 2.00 Alice Corrirme Dunn 2 .00
Agnes B. Lovelace 2.00, Lenore B. Clark 2 .00.
Ivlargaret kroner 2.00. '^lice Benson 2 .00.
llildred Harrison ki.OO* Pauline Billington 2 .00.
hazel "Bernliardt 2.00 . Sarah Bennett 2 .00-
Laura ^llis 2.00- l.-K, iicCiinnis 4 .99-
Juanita Reeves 2.00. J. A. Ellis 6 .00'
J. L. Dodson 2.00 . Rainbow Cafe
Frank llorris 2.00.
.34 H. L. Chapin 2.00- . vou
Delia Clarke 2.00-
/ The City Recorder and City Ilarshal called atten
tion to tlrie reported condition at aances held under special dance
permit issued to K. D. Wallace. The reports indicated that proper
At the estion oi Mayor F-uck, it was orcered that the GounciliTien-
elect be ir.vited to meet with the present Govncil at next meeting
of lecember 1st, for pijrpose of acquaintlr.^ themselves with the
present problems before the Coincil and City. i
That the Oity Treasurer of the City of Reedsport be and
he Is hereby directed to deposit all funds of the Oity of
ReedsDort to the account of said Oity in The Jirst Bank of
Reedsport, at Reedsport, Oregon; and he is farther instructed to
demand and secure collateral to be held by him as such Treas
urer, to an amount equal or greater than the funds on deposit
with such bank.
Adopted by the Oity Council this 5th day of December, 193£,
by the follov/ing vote: Aye 6 Hay 0.
Oity Recorder.
attention and management vi/as not being given, and it was ordered
that ttie Recorder write to llr. Wallace, calling hia attention to
the provisions of Ordinance ITo- 103, regarding the conduct and
responsibility of the licensee under such permits.
Some discussion follov/ed regarding advisability
of the city furnishing work to__certain worthy cases v/here there
was no employment available. It was finally decided that a wage
of .^^3.50 be estaolished, and that a limited amount of work be given
in the discretion of the mayor, street and water commissioner, and
the recorder, v^ere it was deemed advisable.
adj ourned."
There being no further business, the meeting was
City Reorder
Kinutes of the Regular Deceiaber, 1930 meeting
of the Cormnon Council of the City of Reedsport held
Bonday, December lat, 1930 at 6:00 P.M.
'i'here vuere present M^or Buck presiding, and
Councilmen iFoster, 5'ord, V/est and V/eidner. Councilman Lillebo
was present at the meeting during the latter part of the evening.
Absent, Councilman Bernhardt. There were also present Councilmenelect
Reeves and jilllis.
The minutes of the last regular and continued
meetings v;ere read and approved.
A letter from the Heeasport i^'ire Department ad
dressed to the Council, calling attention to a number of viola
tions of Ordinance ITo. 71 which regulates the storage of gasoline,
was read; and after due consideration, upon motion made, seconded,
and carried, it was ordered that the Chief of the Fire Department
make a check of the individiaal violators and report at next meet
The 5'ire Department also filed a report on what
as the Roth building on Lot 4, -Slock 49, Amended Plat of
Addition, calling attention -inos the fact that the building
has a stove, bedding, and litter in it, and
is known
is open. IS a serious
fire hazard." It was ordered that Comtnissioner Clarke remove the
stove and clean up' the' building so as" to lessen the existing hazard
to fire, pending the further disposition of the property.
'./ater Commissioner "Clarke submitted his report
on meter readings on the Umpqua Cash Ivlarket and Reedsport X.ieat illarket.
The' report ^lov/ed that the UmpqUa Cash Ivlarket consumed 10,790
cubic feet during the period Hovember" 14th to i^ovember 21st, and
that the Reedsport Lleat Ivlar/s t consumed 20,250 cubic feet during
the" period Hovember 21st to ITovember ^Sth. Inasmuch as the Umpqua
Cash I^arket meter reading included v/a'ter consumption for residen
tial use, it was evident that the Ree'dsport Lleat llarket yias a" mar
ket consumed- over twice as much v;ater as the Umpqua Cash liarket.
It was also noted that if both markets were metered the rates would
run approximately five times that of 'the existing rate charged. In
view of all the data submitted, it was decided that no change be
made in the existing rates, and that the Reedsport Lieat iiarket be
written to that effect, and that an outline of the findings be in40
eluded in the letter to them.
The claim of the Umpqua 10.11 s & Timber Company for pro
rata reduction in rate on account of five days operation was next
considered by the Council. Gouncilnian Lillebo, who had just conie
in to the meeting, recommended as Chairman of the Water Committee,
that no adjustiiient be made in view of the fact that the Ordinance
prescribed a base rate of $200 and that such a rate should be
charged in oraer to maintain the proper income for meeting obliga
tions of the city water system, 'i'he committee and the Council also
were of the opinion that no adjustment should be made in view of the
fact that the mill rates as they existed under the present ordin
ance were low in proportion to the probable amount of water consum
ed. ¥he Recorder v/as ordered to advise the Umpqua Hills Timber
Company of the decision of the Council in this riiatter._
Considerable discussion followed regarding the
financial status of tirie city with roepect to ti^e 3a,ncroft Bond
assessment collections. It was pointed out by,the City Recorder
and the Treasurer, that for some time it had been necesisary to
use principal and interest collected on assessments to i^ay tlie
interest coupons on the outstanding Bancroft Bonds as they cajae
due; that up till the present time there had been just about enough
money collected to i-ay these interest coupons, but at the present
time the street improvement fund v/as beginning to shov/ an actual
deficit. Although it was generally felt that the city had been
making as good a shovdng in this connection as possible, some con
cern was expressed as to the possible liability of the Council as
individuals in permitting this condition 1to continue. Umpon mo
tion of Councilman iToster, seconded by Councilman V/est, it was
ordered that Councilman './eidner and City Attorney Benson meet with
the ^tate Treasurer or Deputy otate Treasurer, for the purpose of
presenting the present situation regarding the Bancroft Bonds, and
requesting any suggestions and advice as to the best and proper
Some discussion follov/ed regaraing the advisa
bility of auditing the city books, but no definite action was taken
in this matter.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
it was ordered that the Street Commissioner arrange for the gravel
ling of 13th lij-treet between "H" and "L" btreets.
The financial reports were submitted by City
Treasurer and City Recorder, were duly accepted and ordered filed.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
^2000 of General Refunding Bonds which mature December 15th, and
accrued interest on the Refunding Bond Issue was authorized paid.
The following bills were presented, OKed by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly m.ade, seconded* and
carried, were ordered paid:
A P Anderson 49. B E Patterson Q3 .00.
Albert Butler 3. 49' Harvey Peterson 2 .00^
A u Thomas (Water 1'') 3. 28- West Coast Power Co. 177 .00-
H L Boggs 8. 72- State Ind. Ac. Com. 14 .58.
Cal Sheldon 5. 24- Frank L. Taylor 4 .15.
H L Boggs 6 > 98. V/est Coast Tel. Co. 1 .50-
C C Clarke 149. 70- Ge 0 Bowman 1 . 50-
Prank Cox 114. 70- R. lachine & Boiler vVks 1 .50 •
Stanley B Chapin 150. CO-. Consolidated Supply Co. 4 .22-
' Hoy C Cairns 30. 00- Reedsport Garage 26" .69-
W 30. 00 ^ Port Umpqua Courier 41 .40-
Bank Building 10. 00s Carl Keating 1 .30-
John Bernliardt 10. 00. •*^lbert Butler 17 .01.
Ja. V/allace 3 • 00^ City «^ater Fund 6 .00-
Gmy Hatton 3. 00- City v/ater Fund (Jones) 21 .46'
Fred Sandberg 3. 00- City \i -tund Kayne s-holcoEib 6 . 53.
iC H Richs.rds 3. 00^
'L 2) Rogers 3. 00. ^873. 44
J i. Oribbons 3, 00.
Payment of current interest coupons for streat
improyanent Bancroft SondSj v/as ordered delayed until report from
Councilman ./eidner and ^ity Attorney Benson could be obtained.
Upon motion regularly iriade, seconded and carried,
meeting v/as continued until ilonday, Deceiifoer Sth, 1930 at 8:00
1. ivi.
^ity Recorder
Minutes of the Continued Meeting of the Common
Council of the ^ity of Reedsport, lield Llonday, December
Sth, 1930 at 8:00 P.H.
There were present I;Iayor Buck presiding, and
Councilmen i^'oster, i'ord, Lillebo, v;est and v/eidner. Absent, Coun
cilman Bornliardt. I'here v/ere also present Couricilmen-elect Burton
and Reeves, './ater and otreet Commissioner Clarice, ^-^i ty Attorney
Benson, ^ity Treasiirer Cairns, Hecorder Stanley Cliapin, and V.r.
-2. Praiilslin and Edward Cornell.
V^mended answer of the City in the case of the
Hoyal Indemnity Company vs. City of Heedsport et al, was read by
Counciluian \veidner.
Councilman V/eidner reported on the results of a
of City Attorney Benson and himself to the State Treasurer's
, during v^ich conference they secured the following recornmendast:
Although a mistake to use principal collected from
assessments, in payment of bond interest coupons,
it appeared tlriat this was the common practice follow
ed in practically every city of this state, and it
seemed to be the only procedure to follow insofar as
the City of Reedsport was concerned for the time being.
2nd: Hecoimnended tl-iat no transfer oi funds other tiian from
General Fund be made in order to pay Bancroft interest
3rd: Recom.tended that the City maice every effort to pay
interest coupons as they corne due in order to avoid
default. It was sugge^ited that some remedial legis-
-lation benefitting cities which liad issued bancroft
oonds, and subsequently had been forced to foreclose
and take property, might be made; for instance, one
bill will provide for a postponement at least, of ac-'
tion on the part of the counties to enforce payment
of taxes on such land foreclosed, until it can be sold
or disposed of by the respective cities instituting
the foreclosure proceedings.
4th: Recommended that V/ater bonds be paid off monthly,
thereby affecting a saving in interest charges.
liayor Buck made a brief report of the results
of recent trip to Hoseburg with Chairmen of the School Boards,
regarding present tax situation, and stated that there would be
every possible cooperation given by the county in connection with
the collection of personal taxes.
After due consideration, upon motion by Gouncilnian
n'eidner, seconded by Councilirian Foster and regularly carried,
previous action of the council authorizing transfer from oev/er
i^'und to Street Improvernent Fund for the purpose of paying street
intere^-t coupons, was rescinded.
Upon motion of Councilman .Veidner, regularly sec
onded and carried, it was ordered tlmt the «Vinchester Bay Water Fund
be transferred to the -^eeial V/ater ^'und as of Deceraber 31st, 1930.
It -was further ordered, upon motion regularly niade,
seconded, and carried, that the City Treasurer, when funds were avail
able, be authorized to transfer -#500 bade to the water Fund from the
, Hoad and street Fund. I'his action was taicen to repay loan which was •
made to l^oad and otreet Pund from '..'inchester Bay V/ater Fund as of
I'larch 3rd, 1930.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
payment of ^250.00 from General Fund to ^^treet Iiiiprovement District
Ijo, 4 v/as authorized, in accordance with the provisions of V/arrant
7r4446 authorized at special meeting of i^eptember 10th, 19ia9, Upon
motion regularly made, seconded and carried, loan of .^1750 was author
ized from general Fund to the Street Improvement Interest Fuud.
Upon motion of Councilman "-/eidner, seconded by
Councilman Lillebo, and regularly carried, it was ordered to pay off
.;)3000 first'issue water bonds which were due Hoveiaber 1st, 1931. Con
siderable discussion followed regarding the advisability of authorizing
a city audit, and finally, upon motion of Councilman Lillebo, and
seconded and carried, the Finance Committee v/as •authorized to arrange
for an audit, the total cost of v/hich to the City was to be limited
to 5^350.00.
Mr. Franklin appeared before the Council and urged,
payment of former bill for gravel which he had presented at meeting
of i^ecember 4th, 1928, in the amount of #361.50, but which had been .
disallowed at that time. Lr. ^'ranklin contended that at the time
it had been his understanding tliat the City Council would not re
cognize any request for street improvement v/hich was in the nature
of new v/orlc, and on the basis of such a policy, he had undertaicen
personally to arrange financing for certain gravelling, T^articularly
along 15th street and also 14th and "II" btreets. He fui'ther stated
that the Council had refused payment of several gravel accounts at
that time.^but later^had authorized payment of two different accounts.
After considerable discussion and consideration. Councilman weidner
moved that the bill be disallov/ed. Ilotion was seconded by Councilman
ijoster, and upon the poll of the vote, as ordered by the liiayor, the
motion was lost as follows:
Councilman Lillebo - Ho
Foster - Yes
V/eidner - Yes
Ford - 17o
V/est - Ko
Ho further action was talcen in this matter, and the bill reinained on
the table for later consideration.
Bills of Councilman 'iVeidner and '-'ity Attorney Benson
for expenses for trip to Salem in the amounts of ^10^00 and .,p32.b0
respectively, were ordered paid. ' •/
Councilman './eidner further reported on visit v/i th
the Public bervice Commission , at which time he secured copy of
v/est Coast Power Company valiiations, and submitted a report for files
of the city. It was suggested that the ^ity write a letter to
secretary of the Fublic Service Commission, outlining the number of
service interruptions, the probable loss to consumers, with the view
to securing the Commissions recoromendations as to advisable action to
talce regarding standby service.
llaere being no further business the meeting was ad-
j ourned.
I Tii'irrfltfat
^ity Recorder
Minutes of the Regular January, 1931 Meeting
of the Common Council of the City of Reedsport held Mon
day, January 5th, 1931 at 8:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor Buck presiding, and
Councilmen Poster, Burton, West, Ellis, Reeves and Lillebo. In
addition, former Councilmen Ford and V/eidner were present.
Minutes of the last regular and continued meet
ings were read and approved.
The Mayor and Councilmen, City Treasurer and
City Recorder, having presented their. Certificates of Election,
and s-ubscribed to oath of office, were duly declared installed
in their respective offices.
The following committees were appointed by Mayor
Water and Sewer Committee - Lillebo and Burton
Finance " - Foster and Burton
Street " - Ellis and West
Light " - Reeves and West
Building " . - Burton and Ellis
Appointive officers were next nominated by the
Mayor as follows:
Fire Chief - - John Bernhardt
Water and Street Commissioner - C. C. Clarke
City Attorney - - - W. G. Benson
City Marshal - - - Walter Boak
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the nominations
of the Mayor were confirmed.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that salary of the Fire Chief be set at 110.00 per month; salary
of V/ater and Street Commissioner, ^125.00 per month; City Attorney,
$25.00 per month; City Marshal, $115.00 per month; City Treasurer,
$25.00 per month. In accordance with this action, it was regularly
moved, seconded and carried, that the City Attorney present Ordin
ances setting salaries as above carried, at next meeting.
It was moved, seconded and carried that premiums
on usual surety bonds of Treasurer, Recorder and Marshal be paid
when the respective bonds are filed.
Reports of the City Treasurer and City Recorder
for 1930 were read, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
were approved and ordered filed.
A general discussion followed as to using street
funds to pay water rents by employment of those unable to pay
water rents. It was finally moved, seconded and carried that the
Water Commissioner continue to employ labor on city street work,
using his best judgment as to persons employed.
Ralph L. Foster was nominated as President of
the Council, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the
nominations were ordered closed, and the Recorder instructed to
cast a unanimous ballot for Ralph L. Foster as President of the
The following bills were presented, OKed by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, were ordered paid:
Jake Rush $6
C H Hedges 8
V/ater Fund (Owen) 6
" " (Pitman-BeardsG^)l6
H L Boggs 1
C R Taylor 1
Water Fund-Labor a/cs 62
C C Clarke 149
Frank Cox 114
Stanley D Chapin 150
Roy Cairns 30
V/ G Benson 30
Jolin Bernhardt 10
Bank Building 10
VL D Wallace 4
Guy Hatton 4
Fred Sandberg 3
K R Richards
L E Rogers
J L Gibbons
L E Patterson
Harvey Peterson
West Coast Tel. Company
West Coast Pov^er Go.
State Industrial Ac.
Mrs H E Kennedy
Paul Bernhardt
City Water Fund
R Iilachine & Boiler Wks
League of Oregon Cities
Reedsport Garage
Port Umpqua Courier
C. 15
was adjourned.
There "being no further business the meeting
City Reo^rder
8:00 P.M.
Pursuant to the provisons of the City Charter,
regular annual meeting of the City Council was held on Tuesday,
January 13th, 1931 at 8^00 P.M.
There were present. Mayor Buck presiding, and
Councilmen Foster, Ellis, Reeves, West and Burton. Absent Coun
cilman Lillebo. There were also present City Attorney Benson,
Treasurer Cairns, Commissioner Clarke, Marshal Boak, Recorder
Chapin, and Edward Cornell, Resident Manager of the West Coast
Power Company.
Minutes of meeting of January 5th were read and
The Recorder reported that proper surety bonds
had been filed for Treasurer in the amount of $10,000, for Marsthali
in the amount of $1000, and Recorder in the amount of flOOO, in
accordance with the provisins of the City Charter.
Some discussion followed regarding the salary of
City Recorder, and it was finally set at $125.00 per month-
Ordinance Ho. 211, an ordinance fixing the
salaries of City Recorder, City Water and Street Commissioner,
City Mar'fehal, City Attorney, City Treasurer and City Fire Chief,
of the City of Reedsport, was next submitted and read for the
first time in its entirety. Upon motion regularly made, seconded
and carried, it was then passed to its second reading and read
for the second time by title only. Said Ordinance No. 211 was then
ordered laid upon the table until next regular meeting.
The annual report of the Fire Chief was read, and
upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried was ordered filed,
ihe report recommended the immediate purchase of four new high
pressur^ires for the truck, and upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, this purchase was authorized.
ri- •
l^rshal Boak spoke briefly about the condition
of the jail, and recornmended that some provision be made for
heating and drying it. After some discussion, the Mayor appoint
ed a committee consisting of Gouncilmen Burton, Ellis and Reeves,
and it was duly authorized that this committee arrange for some
more livable conditions at minimum expense.
Discussion of the existing dog license Ordinance
followed, with the final instructions that the ordinance be en
forced. Consideration of the existing dance hall ordinance de
veloped the recommendation that the City Attorney submit a re.i?'ised
ordinance vshich wars oonoidoygd would be more of a regulatory natuite
and would require only nominal license fees.
Recorder Chapin again called attention of the
Council to the immediate necessity of arranging for garbage dump
ground, and this matter was finally referred to the Recorder and
Water and Street Commissioner for investigation and report.
The following bills were presented, OKed by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, were ordered paid:
Reedsport Machine & Boil®r Wks |2.25
Frank L, Taylor 3.93
Chapin Invt. Company 60.00
Frank Cox 19.10
Umpqi©. River H"av. Co. f7.00
Harvey Peterson 1.00
Albert Butler 6.14
City WFund (Labor A/c)30.92
adj ourned.
There being no further business the meeting was
City Recorder
Minutes of the Regular February 1931 Meeting
of the Consnion Council of the City of Reedsport held
at City Hall on Monday, February 2nd, 1931 at 8:00 P.M.
There were present Mayor Buck presiding, Councilmen
Burton, Foster, Reevefe-i sKd V/est. Absent Councilmen Ellis
and Liliebo.
Minutes of the annual meeting held January 13th
were read and approved.
Applications for pool hall licenses submitted
by Johnson and Johnson and E, H. Ford were duly approved.
Letter from V/inchester Bay Lumber Company dated
January 15, 1931, permitting the use for dumping of garbage in a
deep gulch in the SWi of the Wi of Section 4, was read. This
permission was given under certain ^restrictions for upkeep and
liability, and was made revofcable by V/inchester Bay Liimber Company
by giving ten days written notice to the City to cease using it as
a dumping ground. After due consideration, it was finally moved,
seconded and carried that the offer be accepted, that the City Re
corder advise the Winchester Bay Lumber Company of this acceptance,
and that Water and Street Commissioner Clarke be instructed to pro
vide for repair of the road, construction of proper chute, and ar
range for other work necessary to the proper marking and upkeep of
this gulch as a city garbage and dump ground.
Communication dated January 31, 1931 from the
U. S. Engineers office of Portland, regarding permit for laying
a submerged water main in Schofield River at v7inchester Avenue, was
next read. In view of the fact thr.t it was not probable that the
City would make use of this permit, it was ordered that the same
* be relinquished and returned.
Letter from Prudential-Federal Union Savings &
Loan Associations regarding the R. E. Miller property on Lots 11
and 12, Block 4, Rainbov/ Addition to Reedsport, was next consider
ed. It was finally ordered that the company be^advised that the
City would relinquish the 10^ penalty and charge only 6% on de
linquent assessments in event that the company chose to redeem
this property; also that the ^f22.00 collected as rental, be credit
ed to the loan association in event of redemption.
Letter from the Leauge of Oregon Cities regarding
certain bills recommended by it for passage at the present legis
lature, was next brought to the attention of th e Council. Attorney
Benson read a brief report on each bill recommended, and also call
ed attention to Section B of Senate Bill ^17 regarding stream pollu
tion. After due consideration it was ordered that the Recorder
instruct Douglas County senator and representatives to support those
bills endorsed by the League of Oregon Cities, and to recommend an
amendment to the proposed Senate Bill #17, to the effect that stream
pollution regulation as proposed, do not apply to sections touched
by salt tidewater.
Ordinance ifo. 211, which was an ordinance fixing
the salary of City Recorder, City Water and Street Commissioner,
City Marshal, City Attorney, City Treasurer, and City Fire Chief,
was next ordered taken from the table and read for the third time.
It was thereupon put for final adoption and was adopted by the
following vote: Ayes 4
IJays 0
It was thereupon approved by the Mayor.
Ordinance 17o. 212, an Ordinance amending Ordin
ance IJo. 103 of the Ordinances of the City of Reedsport, relating
to the licensing of dance halls, was next submitted and read for the
first time. It was thereupon ordered passed to its second reading,
and read by title only. It was thereupon moved,seconded and carried
tiiat proposed Ordinance Uo. 212 be passed to the third reading and
read for the third time. Said Ordinance Ho. 212 v/as then adopted
by the following vote, Ayes 4, Hays 0, and duly approved by the
Considerable discussion follov/ed regarding the
heating of the jail, and the matter was finally left ☆ith the
special committee appointed at previous meeting.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, $2000
V#ater Bondn held by the State of Oregon v/ere ordered paid.
Financial reports of receipts and disbursements
for Janujiry, and fund balances,were submitted by the City Recorder,
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, said reports were
ordered filed, llie City Recorder announced that the audit of
the City books had been completed and final report would probably
be received within the next week or so.
The following bills were presented, CKed by the
J'inance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, were ordered paid:
C 0 Clarke ^124 .69 K. R. Richards $5.00
Walter Boak 99 .32 H. W. France 2.00
Stanley D. Chapin 125 .00 V/est Coast Power Co. 176.15
Roy G. Cairns 25 .00 Ellis Furniture Co. 4.00
Y/ G Benson 25 .00 State Industrial Ac.Com . 13.90
Bank Building 10 .00 West Coast Tel. Co. 1,50
John Bernhardt 10 .00 City Water Fund 9.32
G. E, Hattan 1 .00 Reedsport Garage 123.88
M. D. Wallace 5 .00 Uno liehto .76
5'red Sandberg 3 .00 City Water Fund (Thomas ) 6.50
J. L. Gibbons 5 .00 City Water Fund (Labor ) 27.92
L. E. Rogers 5 .00 $811.93
Harvey Peterson 3 .00
There being no further business the meeting
was adjourned.
Ii^Iay or
Cd/ty "Recorder.
Minutes of tiie Regular l&irch 1931 Meeting of
the Common Council of the City of Reedsport held at
City Hall on Monday, l^larch 2nd, 1931 at 8:00 P.M.
There v/ere present Llayor Buck xjresiding, and
Councilmen Ellis, Lillebo, Foster, Reeves, V/est and Burton. There
were also present Water and Street Commissioner Clarke, City At
torney Benson, City Treasurer Cairns; and City J-larshal Boak.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and
Letters from Senator Eddy and Representatives
-^J'isher and ITichols, regarding matters v/hicli had been taken up
with them in accordance v/ith instructions of last meeting, were
read. All of them assured the City that attention would be given
to the problems referred to, and particularly to the pending bill
regarding stream pollution.
A special committee firom the Fire I^epartment
consisting of Guy Kattan, Leo Rogers and M. D. Y/allace, appeared
before the Council, and submitted for its consideration the advisa
bility at this time of building a combination fire hall and jail.
Some suggestion was also macie as to the a,dvisability of acquiring
a new fire truck. The Council was keenly, appreciative of the will
ingness of the Fire department to contrib.ute its present fund and
cooperation for such a project, but under, the present circumstances
it felt that it was in no position to consider the project which
would require a substantial investment.
Mr. V/, A, Lovelace appeared before the Council
and urged that attention be given to the new legislation which
authorized the creation of power districts. It was suggested that
Reedsport take the initiative in filing on suitable power sites,
and that special investigation be made of tlie present status of
that site in the vicinity of Elkton, just above Smithes Ferry,
knov/n as the Big Bend area. After due consideration, upon motion
regularly made, seconded and carried, the City Attorney and Recorder
were instructed to report on thd provisions of the new power bill
and investigate the present filings if any, on the Smith's Ferry
pov/er site.
Street Commissioner Clarke called attention to
the dangerous condition of some of the sidewalks and urged that
some action be taken to relieve the City of possible liability
as a result of injury due to that condition. After a lengthy dis
cussion, it was finally ordered that the Street Committee investi
gate and submit a sidewalk ordinance to be presented for the con
sideration of the Council at next regular meeting.
Mr. Clarke also reported sale of certain old
water pipe to Mr- C. McC. Johnson, and a charge of 35^ per foot
for 8,V pipe and 25/ per foot for 4" pipe was authorized.
llie audit report submitted by l^r. J. T. Pasquill
of Portland, was submitted to the Council for its consideration,
and the Recorder read the auditor's comments and recommendations.
Acting on the recommendation that Recorder's
bond be increased to s^l0,000, this was authorized, upon motion
regularly made, seconded and carried. Also upon recomiriendation
of the auditor, public liability on the fire and Chevrolet trucks
was ordered increased to $20,000/^40,000 limits.
The auditor's adjustments were authorized as
Br. Cr.
CjSRSjRAli FUKD 433 02
Street Irnpr. Int.Fund 433.02
Bond Interest Coupons.
The following were charged
to Street Improvement Int.
in error-are chargeable to
General Fund:-
ir'r ra . -ix -- -J
12/22/27 #1652 288.68
12/28/27 1656 41.24
1/10/28 1697 103.10
General -^''und
The following v/ere taken out
of General Fu^d "before V/ater
Construction Fund was created,
but are chargeable to V.'ater
Construction:- »
2/8/27 Warrant 3050 i^ngineering 250..00
" " 3052 Fed.Pipe Co.
V/ater Fund
Fire truck purchased from
Heedsport Garage 8/5/29
'»arrant 4388 is chargeable
to General Fund.
• •50.00
V/ater Fund 332.40
9/6/25 '^^'arrant 4439 f or Fir e
Pump and Fittings is charge
able to General Fund.
Water Construction 33.45
V/ater Fund 33.45
9/11/29 "Warrant 4441, I'iaterial
and Supplies, chargeable to
V/ater Construction.
It appeared that the certain transfers made by the auditor show
ed a deficijgf of $1024.99 in the ^ater Construction Fund, and
upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, a transfer of
this amount from the v/ater Fund to the V/ater Construction Fund
to close the account, v/as authorized.
'•^"he resignation of Stanley D, Chapin as City
Recorder was submitted and upon motion regularly made, seconded
and carried, v/as duly accepted. In accordance Vvi th the provi
sions for filling vacancies of elective offices, the Council
proceeded to ballot^,to fill Vacancy in this office. Upon a
count of ballots , j^r. L. Chapin received six votes and was
thereupon declared elected to the office of City Recorder for
the balance of the unexpired term.
Dance hall license of the L.O.O.M., was ap-
Some discussion followed regarding the heati^
of the jail and consideration of a new jail building. In
view of the limited finances it was decided that the only thing
to do at this time v?as to make an me inexpensive « construction
for proper and necessary heating and a plan suggested by Llayor
Buck was finally adopted.
'•^'he follo7/ing bills v/ere presented, OKed by
th6 Finance Committee, and upon motion reguiarly made, seconded
and carried, were ordered paid:
City V/ater Fund
City V/ater Fund
C C Clarke
Stanley D. Chapin
V/. G, Benson
Roy G. Cairns
V/alter Soak
Bank Building
John Bemhardt
G. Kattan
M. •^. T/ailace
5'red bandberg
J. L. Gibbons
62. 81 L. S. Rogers a. 00
18. 86 Harvey Peterson 3. 00
124 . 72 K. R. Richards 3. 00
125. 00 H. V/. France 2. 00
25. 00 State ind. Ac. Com. 14. 47
25. 00 City ^//ater Fund 24. 52
114. 72 Frank L. Taylor 1. 00
10. 00 Port Umpqua Courier 5. 50
10, 00 R llachine <§: Boiler VV 3. 65
3. 00 West Coast Tel Co. 1. 50
3. 00 West Coast Pov/er Co 176. 12
2. 00 Federal Pipe & T Co 66. 94
3. 00
Reedsport 'jarage 21.25
Umpqua Dredging & C. 3.00
$ 858.06
I'inancial reports were subraitted by City Recorder
and City Treasurer.
There being no further business the meeting was
Xlity Rec/Srd_er
Jilinutes of the Regular A^ril 1931 Meeting of the
Corsmon Council of the City of Reedsport held at City Hall
on Hondayi April 6th, 1931 at 8:00
There v/ere present Iviayor Buolc presiding, and
Councilmen Burton, Foster, Lillebo and Reeves. Absent, Councilraen
Ellis and Test. There were also present V/ater and Street Commis
sioner Clarke,' City Attorney BensonCity Treasurer Cairns,
The minutes of the last meeting v/ere read and apl.'
iss Blanche Hibner appeared before ttie Council,
and called attention to the need of gravel in the front of her place
of business between 6th and 7th street on H. Street. After some
discussion this v/as referred to the Street Committee and Street
Commissioner, with pov/er to act.
l^r. Liatt Thompson asked permission to change the
front of his rS:'--taurant so as to improve the appearance and v/iden
out the front. . He was directed to have a plan of the proposed impi-
ovement drav/n, and present the same to the Building Committee
for its approval.
Captain Oscar V.'iren made request through City
Attorney and City Recorder, to have the privilege of building a
doclc and boathouse in Schofieid River opposite his own and S. \7.
Stephen&l residences. Permission was granted with understanding
that doclc would- be open to public and that all construction should
be done in a neat and workmanlike manner and the boathouse to be
A brief report v/as made by City Recorder on the
Smithes Ferry jower project on the Umpqua River and reference given
to report made by Department of tlrie Interior Biological Survey,
liVater Supply Paper ^636-F, a copy of which had been forv/arded on
request. Attorney Benson gave some of the provisions of the Pov/er
Bill passed at the last legislature, but reported thi-xt it v/ould
take some time and study to make anything like a full report.
After some discussion Councilman Burton suggested the v;hole power
question be referred to the Chaiiiber of Commerce with the request
that they communicate v/ith the chambers of commerce of other tovma
that might be interested in this power development, as v/ell as
granges and other bodies in different communities adjacent, to
find out v;hether they would be interested in some active r-lan of
development of such a project.
As both members .of the Street Committee were
absent, report on sidewalks called for at l£,st meeting, was post
poned till next meeting of the Council.
• It way regularly moved, seconded and carried
that the Director of the S. Coast and Geodetic Survey be asked
to furnish tlie metal tablet and establish a bench mark on same,
as per his offer of lilarch 24th.
After^ discussing the notice of the Coranionv/ealth
Conference to be held on University of Oregon Campus at Eugene
on April 16th and 17th, Councilman Burton was asked to represent
the City, v/hich he consented to dp, and the Kayor stated that he
would attend also if possible.
nV/aterCommissioner Clarke reported bad condition
existing in the tunnel leading from Clear. Lake, and also that
} there v/as much need of road improvement from V/inche^jter to the
S mouth of the tunnel, so that pipe could be transported over the
! road. Councilman Burton, v;ho had inve.^.tigated theoe conditions,
• reported that there was need of immediate action to improve same.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Water Com
missioner was directed to proceed with the work.
".7arren Ilcv/illis appeared before the Council,
and reported that his commission as garbage man v/ould expire on
Ai^ril 7th, 1931. Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
it was ordered th-.t his comruission be renev/ed for another year.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,
the Recorder was instructed to purchase tv^o pairs of handcuffs
and a supply of traffic cards for use of the City I^arshal. It
was also directed that the Recorder only let the handcuffs out
of his possession for use by the proper officers and in all cases
to take a receipt for them when taken from the office.
The resignation of Roy G. Cairns as City Treas
urer to take effect l:!iay 1st, 1931, was presented, and upon motion
dulymade, seconded and carried, was accepted. Thereupon, a
petition in favor of Charles Douglas to fill the position thus
vacated, v;a's presented to the Kayor and Council, and laid upon
the table for further action.
r.Iayor W. H. Buck then presented his resigna
tion as Ivlayor to take effect on or before I/Iay 4th, and read a
carefully prepared letter stating that it wa^.; impossible to attend
to his private business and at the same time attend to the many
exactions which the present clsarter demanded of a Mayor. He also
forcefully pressed the need of a number of changes in the charter,
and recommended that a committee be appointed to investigate and
report on the proposed changes. After some time spend in dis
cussion, it v;a3 regularly moved, seconded and carried, that such
a comiriittee be appointed. Thereupon, Lla^or Buck apx-'ointed
^ Councilmen Burton, Foster and Lillebo to serve on such committee,
and recomijiended that they meet with the following men, represent
ing the various organizations in the city, as follows:
W", P, Reed, Port of Uinpqua Commission.
^7^ H. Gordon I-IcCall, Union High School Di;=t. #11
l^elson Kogan, Grade School District ITo. 105
W. A. Surdick, Cliamber of Commerce
V/. A. Lovelace, Super Road District
'ii7, R. Buck and City Attorney Benson were also added to meet
v/ith the committee.
Ifeyor Buck v;as urged to withdraw his resigna
tion, but after stating that it would be impos.ible, the resigna
tion was duly accepted.
The follo^ving bills were presented, OKed by the
Finance Comraittee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, were ordered paid:
I"-'- ti-wf-'-•I • - - - HiA
City V/ater Fund $17. 67 City V/ater Fund TAO. 03
11 u t< 11. 75 Ifepqua Dredging 8c 0 Co. 7. 00
C C Clarve 124. 69 John Bernhardt 10. 00
Roy G. Cairns 25. 00 G. S. Katton 1. 00
V/alter Boaic 114. 69 Ii. D. V/allace 2. 00
H.IL. Chapin 125. 00 • J, L. Gibbons 3. 00
Bank Building 10. 00 L. Rogers 2. CO
'.?eL,t Coast Tel Co. 1. 50 Harvey Peterson 3. 00
"^est Coast Pov/er Co. 176. 00 K. R. Richards 3. 00
J. T. Pasquill 350. 00 a, France 3. 00
Paul Bernhardt 3. 70 L. Lasater 2. 00
Reedsport Garage C!
W • 60 lilllis Furniture Co. . 3. 70
Tom Lillebo 120. 50 Union Iron '<Vorks 42. 85
Frank L. Ta^^lor 6. 80 V/. G. Benson 25. 00
Frank L. Taylor 27. 85 City Water F^nd 5. 00
Chapin Inve;itrnent Co. 53. 96 .314. 36
State Ind. Ac. Com. 14. 07
was adjourned.
There being no further business the meeting
Ilay or
Ilinutes of the Regular , 1931 i.Ceeting of
Coa"".on Council of tlie City of P.eedsport held at
City Ifell on Tonday, Tay 4tli, 1931 at 8:00 P-K.
There \.ere- present I!ayor Buck presiding,
and Councilnien Ellis, Foster, Lillebo and i^seves, Councilman
Burton ap_.earin;;j later in the evening;. Absent Councali;ian West
There '.vere also present Street CIomi;5issioner Clarice, City
Attorney Benson, and Treasurer Roy Cairns.
and approved•
?he minutes of the last meeting r;ere road
Councilmn Sllis, Chairrnan of the Street
Comittee, reporting on sidewallcs, stated that under the pres
ent charter, there \7as very little th;;,t could be done in re
newing the present sid3v/al]<s.' A sidev/allc ordinance v/as dis
cussed, but no action v;ai taken.
irominations were then called for to fill
the unexpire^ terra of Hoy Cairns, as City Treasurer, resigned,
and the petition with 29 signatures in faTor of Charles P.
Oouglas presented tt last ine.ti.ig of the Council was mentioned.
Thereupon, Charles Douglas v;as no:-iinated for City Treasurer.
Tliere being tio fui-thcr nouinations, upon notion regularly niside,
seconded and carried, the nominations were closed, after"which
a ballot was tal:cn, shov/ing the following vote: Ayes 4
• ' S 0 •
C]iarles Douglas was thereupon declared elected to the office of
City Treasiu'er.
ITor-iinations were next called for I.:ayor, for
the_unexpired terju of ;7. R. Bucii, resigned; Ralph L. Foster warj
nominated. There being no furth^-r no::iinations, upon motion
regularly made, seconded and carried, the noininations were closed.
Tl'ie poll of vote was a s follows: Ayes 4
d, u_ly d- eclar'ed elected I'::-iyor. Hays 0, and Ralph Foster v/as
Tliereupon, Resolution ITo. 85 was presented,
and upon, motion duly r.iude, seconded and carried, wa2 unanimous
ly adopted, to-v/it:
r:^3olutioi: ito. 85
. V/iIiSHEA3, tl:e City of Heedsport. Ch^^rter provides tiiat
the. absencs of any elective officer, froin the City, for a
per.iod of thirty days, without the .consent of the Council,
shall create, a vacancy, and.
VuiXTS.A.3, C. '7e3t, a raen^/oer .of tho City Council of.
the 3ity of Heed:-j..or t, has been abs.ent fro::;', iiie City without
the. corn.ent of the Council, for more than thirty days, and
V/H3HEA3, it appear.-, tliat the physical and i.iental con.ditioh
of the said C. II. '.Vest_ is app.i-.reutly such tljat it y/ill
be j'^any months before ho will be able to the dutied
of his office,
7hE:?S7C^, i:: lo by TtU city of HiiaD^POHT.
that the office of Council:;ian of the City of Heed.jport v;hich
said office was lieretofore held by the said C. II. '.Vest,
pursuant to the provisions of the Oiarter of the City of
Heedaport, in such cases i.iade and provided, be and the saine
is liereby declared vacant.
Passed by the follov/in^^ vote: Aye: 5
Hay: 0
Atte£;t: L.
11. L. CxlAPIi:
L. J, ^eidnev was then nominated to fill the unexpired
t-?rra ci C. H. '..'est, as council.-.ian, v/hich office v:a:5 declared
vacant in Resolution ITo. 85. Tliere being no further noTLinationb,
upon motion resularly r:;ade, seconded and carried, the
noifiin-atioiLS wore closed. A ballot v.a^ ohen taken, as follov;s:
Ayes 5
ITays 0, and L. J. V/eidner v/a^ declared elected.
Councilnan Burton submitted a verbal report
of nieetin^ of the Coioi.ionv/ealth Conference of tiie League of
Cro2on Cities, at lilu^^ene, which lie had attended. I"r. Burton
stated that there were a nuiob^ir of sabjecta spoken of triat
!;u.ght be of interest to the City Council of Heedsport,
as well as to trie councils of ii,ll cities cf Oregon. Special
emphasis was placed on collect.:on of all delinquent payr;'ients
on city liens fro.'j savin^^s and loan companies. Aii interestin;^
dii;cus>iion wat; held on the City llanagor form of government,
anc. there v/ere several city njanagers from Oregon citie^i present,
who seomed ready to answer all questions conc'i^ruin^; saii.e. !"r.
Burton stated farth r that another meeting v/as to b e callcd in
the fall at a date to be decided on later, and as there were
many technic:-il subjects discussed, strongly advised that the
City Attorney be present as v/ell as other members of the City
Council. He advised that the University of Oregon had placed
its law library at the service of attorneys of cities belong
ing^ to the Lea^sue. Attorney Benson declared this was a great
benefit, as fev/ citie.'j had attorneys with extensive libraries.
I.Cr. Burton also stated that there v/as an cndo\72nent provided in
Hew York for*promotion purposes of leagues of American cities,
and tlii^it a resolution }*iad been ..dopted, asking that a portion
of this endowment be provided for use of the League of Oregon
^ • - - . - • --- ' •• "JnymlMMgi f 11
Upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried,
it v.'a& authorized -that a transfer of JlOOO "be made froiri the
General Fund to the Street Ii.ioroveiEient Interest 7und.
The follovvin-^ bills rcr-e presented, OKed "by the
^'inance Coini.iittee, and upon mojtion regularly iiado, fjeconded and
carried, v/ere ordered paid:
City u'ater Fund
C C Clarice
Hoy •j. Cairns
K 1 Ci-iapin
V/. -a. Benson
Banlc Building
ots.te. Ind. Ac. !
John 3erru:ardt
I'.- 35. Wallace
d. L, Gibbons
L. 2. Hogers.
Harvey i-etorson
IC. R. PcicUi-rds
1-1. W. Trance
L' Lasater
Roy Agee (1524.00
V/ei:t Coast Tel. Go. 1.50
Port U:i,^jqua Courier 6.50
A. Carlisle .2: Co. 5.67
•Vest Coast Power Co. 176.00
City, i.'ater- Fu^id 5.16
City './a.ter Fund 10.00
City V/ater Fund .:.4.90
P.eedsport Garage 20.87
R I^cliine C: Boiler ".Tics 11.6S
V/. ?L. 3i;.ck- 23.06
V/inchester Bay Lbr Co- 2.00
Umpqua Dredging- 2; C Co. 9.00
was adjourned.
Atter; t:
There bexiig no furthc^r business-, the riectinr'
-xV/ P.-^ccMier.
- .:~v or
- J
Minutes of the Regular June, 1931 Meeting of
the Common Council of the City of Heedaport held at
the City Hall on Monday, June 1st, 1931 at 8:00 P.M.
There were present Mayor Foster presiding, and
Counoilmen Ellis, lilleho. Reeves, and Weidner Counoiltaan Burton
appearing later in the evening. There were also present Street
Commissioner Clarke, and City Treasurer Chas. B'- Douglas.
The minutes of the last meeting v;ere read and
It v/as regularly moved, seconded and carried
that the sum of S853.68 be transferred from the General Fund to
the Street Improvement Interest snmd.
It was moved, seconded and carried that the ap
plication of W. H. Buck for special pemit to store gasoline on
dock be submitted to the Building Committee-.
Chairman Ellis of the Street Committee reported
on citS^ dock at foot of "1" Street, recommending that £" plank
be laid diagonally over the present planking.^ After some dis
cussion it was moved, sec ended, and duly carried that the street
Committee procead with the work as recommended.
it was regularly moved, seconded and carried,
that the City authorise the Fire Department to purchase a gas
mask to be used in conjunction with a second mask to be purchased
by the JJ'ire Department.
After considerable discussion concerning
salvaged material from vacant houses owned by the City, Councilmen
Ellis & Reeves were appointed a committee to evaluate said
material, and authoiized to proceed v/ith the sale of same.
City V/ater Commissioner Clarke reported that
there were unprotected open vent holes leading from the ttmnel
from Clear Lake, in connecti on with the city v;ater sy^em. ne
was authorised to take the necessary steps to protect same.
Councilman Halph Foster having taken the oath
of office as Mayor, his place on the Council was declared vacant,
RTifl the Council proceeded to fill the vacancy as authorized by
the Oity Charter. IJominations being called for, E. H. ij'ord was
placed in nomination. There being no further nominations, a
ballot vras taken and S. H. Ford received the unanimous ballot of all
the Councilmen present.
The fallowing bills were presented, OKed by
the Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded
and carried, were ordered paid;
City V/ater Fund $36.64
C. C. Claike 124.69
H. Chapin 1S5.00
\'I, Benson 25.00
Walter Boak 114 .69
Chas. JJ'. Douglas 25.00
Bank Building 10.00
West Coast Power Co. 176.00
V/est Coast Tel Co. 1.50
John liernhardt 10.00
J. X. Gibbons 3.00
I. E. Rogers 3.00
Harvey Peterson 3.00
Z. R. Richards 4.00
H. vY. France 3.00
L. Lasater 4.00
State Ind. Ac. Commission
Chapin Investment Company
Reed&port Machine & B V/orks
Chas. Douglas
''K S. Darley & Company
Po2rt Umpqua Courier
Reeds port Garage
Frank L. Taylor
Winchester Bay Lumber Co.
City Water Fund
City V/ater Fund
The following Kesolution which was adopted at a
duly called meeting of the League of Oregon Cities assembled at
EugeneOregon on Friday, Aprill7th, 1931, was on presentation adopted
by the Reedsport City Council;
Eugene, Oregon
April 17, 1931
WHEREAS, in the State of Oregon there is no public provision made for research in
problems of city and town government, and
WHEREAS, great amounts of money are involved in public works and administration of
one character or another involving matters of importance to the health, safety and wellbeing
of the population, and
WHEREAS, in consequence, great savings in money and greater efficiency in administration
of public affairs would certainly be accomplished if the administration of Oregon Cities and
towns were provided with expert service and advice, and by the provision of facilities for
research in municipal problems, and
WHEREAS, at the present time, sums of money are made available for research and service
to agriculture and business be it, therefore,
RESOLVED, that the League of Oregon Cities, through its regularly elected officers and
delegates, in convention assembled, this 17th day of April, 1931, in the City of Eugene, do
and does hereby petition the State Board of Higher Education of the State of Oregon that
it appropriate the sum of fifteen thousand dollars per year for the creation of a Bureau of
Municipal Research and Service in the School of Applied Social Science at the University of
Oregon at Eugene, Be it further
RESOLVED, that the Director of the Bureau of Municipal Research and Service, in addition
to carrying on research and giving consultation and advice to the administrators of Oregon
cities, shall act as secretary to the League of Oregon Cities, assuming all of the duties and
functions appertaining to that office. And be it further
RESOLVED, that the services and benefits of the Bureau of Municipal Research and Service
be made available to the administrators of all incorporated towns in the State of Oregon,
whether they be affiliated with the League of Oregon Cities or not.
Resolution adopted at a duly called meeting of the League, assembled at Eugene, Oregon,
Friday, April 17, 1931.
Signed, WM. M. BRIGGS, President
J. W. McINTURFF, Vice-President
J. L. FRANZEN, Secretary
Adopted by the City Council of
this day of
City Recorder.
Ralph L«Foater_
There being no further business the meeting was
Attest: 1
City Recorder
\ I ^ I
Minutes of the Regular July, 1931 meeting of
the Coiflraon Council of the City of Reedsport, held at
the City Hall on Monday, July 6th, 1931 at 8:00 P.M.
There were presenti Mayor Foster presiding,
and Councilmen Burton, Reeves, Sllis, Ford and V/eidner. Absent,
Councilinan Lilleho.
The minutes of the last regular meeting were
read and approved.
\ Motion was regularly made, seconded and carried
that $293.39 be transferred from the General Fund to the Street
Improvement Interest Fund.
. ^
k general discussion was entered into, concemi
ing the status of Bancroft Bonds of the City, after which motion
jf was made by Councilman Weidner, and duly seconded and carried,
\ that $127.09 be transferred from General Fund to Street Improvement
Interest Fund. It was thereupon moved by Councilman V/eidner,
and seconded and carried, that of .$1274.16, which had previously
been transferred from the General Fund to the Street Improvement
Fund, f974.74 be applied against V/arrant No. 4446.
Mayor Foster appointed the Finance Committee,
consisting of Councilmen \7eidner and Burton, and City Attorney
Benson, to act as a special committee to investigate the status
of the Bancroft Bond situation, and report upon same at next
ing comiaittees:
The,l;Iayor then appointed the following stand-
V/eidner and Burton.
Ford and Reeves.
Ellis and Ford.
Lillebo and Burton.
Building: Burton and Ellis.
A ballot v/as taken for election of the Presi
dent of the Council. As a result of the first ballot , Burton
received 2 votAs, Weidner 2 votes, and Ford 1 vote. Upon a
second ballot,^iVeidner received 3 votes. Burton 2, whereupon
Councilman V/eidner v/as declared elected as President of the
A discussion followed regarding proper rate
for water to be used by Firland Lumber Company mill. It was
decided to await the time of actual use of the water and the
Water Commissioner was then to make a report,upon which an
equitable rate could be fixed.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried,
that the City Truck be permitted to haul gravel at a charge of
fl.OO per yard for any amounts under 10 y^^ards; 75^ a yard for
10 yards or more.
Moti.on was made by Councilman Ellis, seconded
and carried, that theyiri'^'e'rsection of "L" and 14th Streets be
The following bills were presented, OKed by
the Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded
and carried, were ordered paid:
Hal Hoss $ 1.00 Bank Building §10,00
City V/ater Fund 149.21 ^'est Coast Pov/er Co. 176.00
C. C. Clarke 124.70 West Coast Tel. Co. 1.50
Chas. F, Douglas 25.00 State Ind. Ac. Com. 16.87
W. G. Benson 25.00 John Bernhardt 10.00
Walter Boak 114.70 J, L. Gibbons 4.00
H. L. Chapin 125,00 l. S. Rogers 2.00
H. Peterson $4.00 Reedsport Machine & Boiler Vi/ks . 50
K. R. Richards 4.00 Paul Bernhardt 2. 60
H. w. France 3.00 Frank L. Taylor 33. 61
L. Lasater 5.00 V/inchester Bay Lumber Co. 90. 50
M, • C, ]j/lurphy
Reedsport ^arage
11.09 $ 941. 28
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried, that
the fixed salaries of City officials be paid on the first day of
each month.
adj ourned.
'Therebeing no further business, the meeting was
ity Reco-fder.
Minutes of the Regular August, 1931 Meeting of
the Coinmon Council of the City of Reedsport held in
the City Hall on Monday* Aiogust 3rd, 1931 at 8:00 P.M.
There were present Jjlayor Foster presiding, and
Counciliaen 3llis, Ford, Reeves and V/eidner. Absent, Counoilmen
Lillebo and Burton.
Tiie minutes of the last regular meeting were
read and approved.
Chairman Y/eidner of the special committee on
bancroft bond situation, reported progress and asked for further
Councilman Weidner moved that the Sewer I^tere.
Coupons due on September 1st, 1931 in the amount^f §652.50, be
paid v/hen due; that V/ater Interest Coupons uT' .}3vB.00 due on Sept
ember 1st, be paid; also that "?57.83 be transferred from the
General Fund to ^^tr et ^aprovement ftiterest fund of District ITq. 7
due on August S'^th, same to be applied against T/arrant Ilo. 4446.
This motion wj-s regularly seconded and carried.
A general discussion then follov/ed concerning
plans of procedure to take care of delinquent assessments. Coun
cilman Sllis moved that in cases of all delinquent assessments
and interest that were more than two years delinquent, the proper
ty be foreclosed upon, unless the interest at least be paid up to
date before September 5th, 1931. The motion was duly seconded by
Councilman Weidner,and unanimously carried.
Upon motion of Councilman Ford, and regularly
seconded and carried, it was authorized that the City Recorder
secure bids for repairing roof on the City-warehouse building;
roof to have a first coat of heavy paint, then burlap, then a
filling coat on burlap, to be finished v/ith a coat of Gilsenite;
the maximum amount to be paid, -;^160.00.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried
th4t the sidewalk around the Johnson lots on the corner of 14th
and '"L" streets be torn up under direction of the Street Commis
.The follov/ing bills were presented, OKed by the
Finance Committee^/and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carx-ied, were ordered paid;
City Water Fund $ 84.18
C C Clarke 124.69
V/alter Boak 114.69
H. L. Ghapin 125.00
W G Benson 25.00
Claas F Douglas 25.00
John Bernhardt 10.00
Bank Building 10.00
Yifest Coast Power Co. 176.00
V/est Coast Tel. Co. ,1.50
J. L. Gibbons 3.00
L. E, Rogers 1.00
Harvey Peterson 3.00
K. H. Richards 2.00
H. W. France 3.00
M. ^. Iviurphy 1. 00
Lester Johnson 2.00
St. Industrial Ac. Com.15.80
American-La Prance 8c
Foamite Corporation 53.42
City V/ater Fund 11.00
City \%ter Fund 22.80
General Fire liquip.Co. 89.85
There being no further business the meeting was
Liay 0 r
nl Ci^ Recorder
Llinutes of Special fleeting of the Conixnon
Council of the City of Reedsport, held at
the City Hall on Thursday, August 20th, 1931 at
8:00 P.M.
Pursuant to order of the ICayor, and notice
regularly given, a special meeting of the Cormnon Council of
City of Reedsport was held on Thursday, August 20th, for
purpose of discussion nt^eded repairs on main water line,
khd repair of roof on city building, and any other matter that
might regularly come before the Council at this time.
% There were present Mayor Foster presiding,'
and Councilmen Burton, Ellis, Ford, Reeves and Weidner. Absent,
Councilman Lillebo.
the main water
thing would have to be done
pairs or rebuilding of line
of the situation, including
the special committee appointed
ation, was directed to endeavor to find
urer if there would be a v;ay devised of
Councilman Burton reported that portions of
line were in ver^^ poor condition and -that soraein
the near future in the way of re-
After a somev/hat lengthy discussion
possible means of financing same,
to investigate Bancroft Bond situout
from the State Treasrefinancing
the city water
It v;as moved by Councilman Ford that labor
credited to water accounts be paid at the rate of ^2.75 per day;
the ::.otion was regularly seconded and carried.
Motion was made by Councilmn lllis, and seconded
and carried, that roof on city building be fixed as reported by
CoTniTiissioner Clarke, ready for the roofing paper.
It was moved by Council^^n Burton and seconded
and carried, that traffic signs be installed on L and 14th Streets,
and manhole in alley on 14th St between H and L Streets, be raised
to conform v/ith a:rade of the street.
Tliere being no further busine^ the meetiiig v/as
Attest; Liayor
riecor aer
Minutes of the Regular,yeptember, 1931 Heeting
of the Coiniaon Council of the City of Reedsport held
at City Hall on Monday, September 8th, 1931 at 8:00
There were present Mayor Foster presiding, and
Councilmen V/eidner, Burton, Ellis, Ford and Reeves. Absent
Councilman Lillebo. There were also present, V/ater and titreet
Commissioner ClarJce, City "-^'reasurer Douglas, City Attorney Benson,
liarshal Boak, and others.
The minutes of the last regular and special
meetings were read and approved.
Communication from Attorney James Hope, repre
senting the Anderson Fish Company, asiiing for time pending neces
sary formalities in their company for payment on city assessment,
was read. It appearing that no money could be paid by the Anderson
Fish Company until such formalities were complied with, it v/as
regularly moved, seconded and carried, that 90 days be allowed them
for paying assessments.
Fire Chief Bernhardt presented a proposition of
the Fire Department for the purchase of a Stu.ta triple combination
500 Gallon Pumping Engine from Howe Fire Apparatus Company. After
some discussion of the matter, and the proposed means of paying
for this equipment, motion was made by Councilman Ford, and second
ed and carried, that the Finance Cojimittee in conjunct-i-on with
the Fire Chief formulate a proposal to the Howe Fire Apparatus Go.
on the following terms:
Stutz Pximper F.O.B. Reedsport for #3,300.00
to be paid for as follows:
Credit for Reedsport^s 2 hand drawn
chemicals $300.00
" " present pumper . 1000.00
Cash payment by Fire Department.. .. 350.00 1,650.00
Balance $1,650.*00
Balance due to be paid in four warrants drawn in the sum of
.|412.50 each, these warrants to run one, two, Ihree and f.our
years respectively, and to bear interest.
The members of the Fire Department further agreed to pay into the
City Treasury .';p200.00 each year for four years to apply on the
warrants for balance of payment on the Pumper.
City Attorney Benson reported, for the committee
appointed to confer with State Treasurer Holman concerning Ban
croft Bond situation and water bonds of the City of Reedsport.
He stated that after a conference with Treasurer 'Holman, they had
been directed to meet with a special committee which had been
appointed by Mr. Holman with a view to coping v/ith just such situ
ations as confronted the City of Reedsport in regard to bondsi
that he and Councilman V/eidner met with this committee on the follow
ing day, and were given a full opportunity to present conditions
at Reedsport; that they were courteously received, and patiently
listened to; that after a full hearing, they were told that it
would be necessary to exhaust all reasonable means of collecting
assessments due before any compromise could be made with bond
holders; and that they held out very little encouragement for in
creasing v/ater bonds for relaying parts of the present system.
ViT. Benson stated, however, that no definite proposition had been
submitted to the State Treasurer or the Committee in regard to the
water system situation.
A general discussion was entered into regarding
rep^rs and replacements of water mains. A proposal was made bV
Engineer Romig of the Beall Pipe & Tank Corporation, to furnish
2700 feet of 12 inch 10 gauge steel pipe including Dresser
Couplings, coated and wrapped f.o.'b. Keedsport, for _ .
it would take about 60 days to get delivery at this price.
^3170.00; fur the r,
Motion was made by Councilman V/eidner and duly
and carried, that the City Recorder get competitive bids
gauge steSl pipe from two or more different firms, same to be either
for cash or on 30 to 60 days time from date of delivery. Upon in
vestigation the City Recorder and Water Goimnis si oner were unable to
learn of any other firms tlrian the Beall Pipe & Tank Corporation on
the West coast that v/ere fabricating the required material.
It was regularly moved by Councilman Burton, and seconded
and carried, that the City purchase a new blade and cleats for the
City Tractor.
Motion was made by Councilman Ellis, and seconded and
carried, that Vir* L. 0. Tichenor be required to pay his delinquent
v/ater account, and if necessary, that his car or other property be
attached to collect for same.
Motion was made by Councilman Vfeidner, and duly seconded
and carried, that the same adjustment be made on the Ethel Weatherly
street assessment in District Ko. 2, as had been made on 1iie adjoin
ing property of Geo. Keating.
The following bills were presented, OKed by the Finance
on 12", 10
Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
were ordered paid:
W. G. Benson 125.00 H. W. France ^6 • 00
C, C. Clarke 124.69 L. La sate r 3.00
Walter Boa^ 114.69 M. C. Murphy 6.00
H. L. Chapin 125.00 Lester Johnson 7.00
Chas. F. Douglas 25.00 State Ind. Ac. Commission IS.SS
John -i^ernhardt 10.00 Reedsport Garage 29.38
City V/ater Fund 100.81 Umpqua Drug Company .25
City v/ater Fund 42.86 Burroughs Adding Ma. Co-. .25
Bank Building 10.00 S. A- ^'eeks 1.05
V/est Coast Tel. Co.- 1.50 Flax Manfg. Company 2.00
^ifest Coast Power Co. 176.00 R. E. Carlile 1.80
City >"iater Fund 7.00 Union Iron Works 12.25
J. L. Gibbons 4.00 Frank L. Taylor .45
L, E. Rogers 6.00 Paul Bernhardt 199.52
Harvey Peterson 2.00 Winchester Bay Lbr. Co. 28.12
K. R. Richards 3.00 Port Umpqua Courier 12.10
ipl ,102.54
Mayor Foster submitted his oral resignation as I'layor of
the City of -^eedsport.
The meeting was continued till Monday, September 21st,
1931 at 8:00 P.M.
Attest; Mayor
Minutes of Continued Meeting of the Comiiion
Council of the City of Reedsport, held on Monday,
September 21st, 1931 at 8:00 P.M., City Hall.
•Lhere were present, Mayor -t^'oster presiding, and
Councilmen Burton, Ford, Ellis, Liliebo, Reeves, and Weidner.
Absent, none.
IT"*:; .
Motion was regularly made "by Councilman Weidner,
seconded and carried, that the City proceed to foreclose on the
following list of property for delinquent assesauents:
A. B. Thomas: Weyt of Lot 9, and East -t of Lot 10, Block 46.
Russell J. Huhbard: Lot 2, Block 49, Less ITorth 50 feet; Lots
4 and 7, Block 74; Lots 1 and 6, -tilock 75; Lot
6, Block 76; Lots3 and 6, Block 77; Lot 13, Block
80, Lots 9 and 12, Block 82; Lots 8 and 10, Block
83; Lots 3, 4, 8 and 11, Block 84; Lots 7 and 10,
Block 85; Lot 1, Block 101; Lots 3 and 6, Block
102; Lots 3, 6 and 9, Block 103; Lot 5, Block 107.
Reedsport Realty Company: Lot 3, Block 49, less Uorth 50x100 feet.
Dagmer Greve: Lot 4, Block 49.
Reedsport Company: Lots 2 and 8, Block 74; Lot 8, Block 76.
1. E. staples: South i of Lot 2, Block 82.
Edna Benson: Lot 1, Block 104.
Rudplph Kaino: Lot 10, Block 107.
Gus Zeibig: East 4/5 of Lot 2, Block 109.
H. C. Eastland: Lot 1, Block 110.
Stanley D. Chapin: Lot 6, Block 110.
Bank of Florence, % Supt.of Banks (Chas. Slonecker): Lot 2, Block
J. E. Pickle Estate: Lot 12, Block 69.
C. E. West & Chapin Invt. Co.: Lot 2, Block 1, Rainbow #2.
Lot 3, 4, 5 and 6, Bloc 1, " "
Chapin Investment Company: Lot 8, Block 3, Rainbow ITo. 2.
Lot 1, Block 4,
S 100 ft. " 5, Block 4
Lotsl,2,3 , Block 5.
Lot 12,Block 6
R, H. Girard: Lot 2, Block 6, Rainbow liTo. 2.
J. J. MaArthur: Lot 6, Block 1, Rainbov?.
I. E. Staples: Lot 3, Block 2, Rainbow.
C. H. West: Lots 3 and 4, Block 4, Rainbow.
B, W. Hatfield: Lot 8, Block 6, Rainbow.
Percy Glasser: northeasterly 25x54 feet of Lot 14, Block 49.
Pete ISorin: Lot 14, Block 49, except easterly 50 x 54 feet.
1. E, staples; South ^ast -g- of Lot 8, Block 48.
John C. Diehl: Lot 3, Block 4, Ifeapqua Addition.
L. S. Weeks: Lot 4, Bjock 22.
J. E. Fickle Estate: Lot/ 1, iij Block 23.
Sarah Irene Lawrence: Lots 6 and 7, Block 36.
Fred Hoflich: Lots 4 and 5, Block 9.
F, W. Varrelmann: Lots 10 and 11, Block 27.
t.*' i
64 Robert Weir: Lot 12, Block 27.
C. W. Puckett: Lot 2, Block 35,
M. Gr. Y/ilson: Lot 4i Block 44.
The committee on proposition to purcl'iase Stutz Pumper
for the i'ire Department, reported that the Howe Fire Apparatus Com-pany
had accepted the offer from the committee; it was then moved by Council
man Vididner, and seconded and carried, that the equipment be purchased
as per the agreement set out in minutes of Sept. 8th, subjjiect to a
test by the State Rating Bureau, and approval of the Coromon Council.
The Finance Coimnittee presented the follovang Analysis of
Water System - Refinance proposal:
Cost of Repairing line from lake to
Tunnel and making reservoir out of
present tunnel - figures obtained from
Special Committee to do this work. $85,000*00
Present Bonds outstanding 144,000>00
$229,000.00 .
If can be refinanced at 4^i^-Yearly interest 9,160.00
30 year Bonds to be issued payable on principal
1st year 2,500.00
2nd year 2,500.00 •
Yearly for
28 years 8,000.00
On this basis 1st year wo-uld have to pay interest an,d principal
$ 11,660.00
On this basis 2nd year would have to pay interest and principal
I 11,660.00
For the 28 years after would iave to pay yearly on interest and
principal ^ 17,160.00
Of course after the bonds are started to be paid off the yearly
interest will drop.
Taking our present yearly revenues into consideration, which is
$ 19,200.00 on a 1600.00 per month average, deducting our present
average monthly expense of operation v/hich is ^3,000.00 per year,
we find v/e have 16,200.00 left to apply on interest and principal
which would leave us a sinking fund on the first two years of:'
^ 4,540.00 per year or for the 2 years | 9,080.00, and after the
1st two years bonds and interest are paid we v/ould Just come out
even on our system, but times are bound to change, and if our
revenue comes back to normal of ^24,000.00 a year revenue, we
will have ^ 3,840.00 a year over all expenses.
At present our yearly outgoing expense is $21,640.00 on our
present finance plan, so the above proposed plan is $4,480.00
a year less, so this would show that there would be no increased
water rates to our users, and in fact would give us a chance to
reduce rates, when things are again normal.
Finance Committee: L. J. Weidner,
A. W, Burton.
Councilman Ford, Chairman of Committee on Water
improvements, made the fo'llowing report:
Report of Special Committee on Repairing and Enlarging present
water system from the lake to present 12 inch main at Cochrans
Wrapped pipe 18 inch, 10 gauge $ 46,428.00
21,200 feet @ 2.19 foot
Intake 100 feet into lake 1,200.00
Carried is'orward ^ 47,628.00 05
Making present tunnel into
12 X 12 reservoir 500 feet long $ 10,500.00
Bulkhead both ends of tunnel
and plastering inside 10,000.00
8 valves for line 800*00
Cost to an including tunnel 68,928.00
Estimated cost relaying line from
tunnel to Cochrans store with
12 inch main 10,000.00
Driving piling to hold up new
line from lake to tunnel 6,000.00
$ 84,928.00
Total esticate of proposed
new iSork $ 85,000.00
Special Committee
Ed Ford,
L Reeves.
It was thereupon regularly moved, seconded and
carried that the committee get in touch with Kr. Fred Paulus,
of the State Treasurer's Office, and if possible make arrangements
for a visit by him to Reedsport, with a view to working out a
financial program to carry out tjje work as outlined in 1/Ir. -i^'ord^s
Motion was made by Councilman Burton, and second
ed and carried, that -such 12 inch 12 gauge pipe be purchased to
lay the length between the Schofield Bridge and Kernan comerl It
was regularly moved by Councilman V/eidner, seconded ana carried, that
this pipe be purchased from Beall Pipe & Tank Corporation, as per the
following quotation:
85 - 30 ft. lengths 12" O.D. 12 gauge pipe, 2550 ft.
© 80/ per ft. - - - #2040.00
3-30 ft. lengths same with spigot ring on one
end of each, 90 f,1j. Q per ft. - -- -- -- - 72.00
Special bridge connections, 61 ft. ^ QOji^ per ft. 48.80
All of the above to be fabricated, dipped and
wrapped according to our specifications which you have
on file.
2-6" branches for field welding, 12'^' long with
standard plate flange ^ $6.75 each -------- 13.50
2 - 12" elbows, labor charge only, ^4.50 each- - - - 9.00
3 - 2" taps for field welding, © 80/ each ------ 2.40
3 - Spigot ends on the above pipe Q $4.50 each - - - 13.50
80 - Dresser Couplers ^ $3.90 each ---------- 312.00
Total, f.o.b. our plant ----- ^2511.20
It was regularly moved, seconed and carried, that
the Resignation of R. L. -^'oster as Ma|?or be accepted. Thereupon,
the Council proceeded to ballot for M^or to succeed R. L. •'•'oster,
resigned, with the result that E. H. ^'ord was elected for the office
of Mayor.
•Lhe office of Councilman Ford being thereupon
automatically vacant, the Council proceeded to elect a successor,
and upon ballot, Helson Hogan was unanimously elected to the office
of Councilman.
Monday, September 28th, 1931 at 8:00 P.M. was
the date set for meeting with the 1932 Budget Committee for purpose
of compilinn; budget for 3932. Members of this Budget Committee in
addition to members of the City Council were selected as follows:
Roy. .Caiffnser by E. H. i^'ord
B. Borrevik tiy CouncilTFian Burton
Paul Bernhardt By « Ellis
Lloyd Knapp by u Lillebo
Edw. Cornell by n Reeves
R. B. Caswell by It V/ei dner
R. L. -t^oster by n Hogan
adj ourned.
There being no further business the meeting was
City of Heedsport.
Itlnutes of the 193<i Budget Committee Meeting,
Pursuant to order of the Council and notice regul
arly given^ meeting of the 1932 Budget Comjnittee was held in the
City Hall. Bank Building, Reedsport, Oregon on Mondayi September
28th, 1931 at 8:00 P.M.
There were preeent, F^yor Ford, Councilmen Weidner,
Lillebo, Hogan, and Reeves; Comm.itteemen Roy Gi Caims, Sdw. Cornell,
Paul Bernhardt, R. B, Caswell, and B. Borrevik. Absent, Councilmen
Biarton and Ellis; Coiniuitteemen Lloyd Knapp and R. L. i'oster. 'inhere
were also present Recorder H. L. Chapin, V/ater and btreet Commissioner
Clarice, City Attorney Benson, City Treasurer Douglas, and llrs. E. E.
The Budget Comjnittee proceeded at once to organize,
and upon motions regularly made, seconed and carried, Mayor ^^ord was
unanimously elected chairman, and Recorder Chapin elected secretary.
Due consideration was given to reports which had
been sent previously to all members of the Committee by the City Re
corder, showing in detail expenditures and receipts for the year 1930,
for the first half of the year 1931> and the Budget for 1930. Items
were considered separately as they appeared on the Budget data sheets.
There was some discussion in regard to the salary
of the City l^iarshal, and finally it was decided that this office
shoudlbe allowed ^1080.00 in the 1932 Budget.
Motion was made by Councilman Weidner, and regularly
seconded and carried, that the Secretary be instructed to secure the
1931 Assessed Valuation of the City of Reedsport.
following proposed Budget for the year 1932
Was adopted upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried:
Salarie s:
Attorney ^300.00
Pire Chief 120.00
i'ire Department Members 400100
lilarfehal 1080.00
Recorder 750.00
Treasurer 300,00
Hall Rent 120.00
Limits 2200.00
Dues and Subscriptions 10.00
Telephone and Telegraph 15.00
(1932 Proposed Budget Contd.) 0^
Office Supplies & Stamps #75.00
Publication & Piling J^'ees 150.00
Special Engineering and
Legal 500*00
Fire Apparatus and JJept.
Operations 350.00
Sewer and Drainage 250.00
Garbage Disposal 25.00
Jail expense & Police Sig. 25.00
Ins.,Bonds, and Ivlisc. 350.00
Refunding Bonds & Int. 2990.00
Warran t-ttopqua -tiigliway
Hight of way purchase 150.01
- BmSEMTS. . . .$10,160.01 |10,160.0l
RECEIPTS from fines, licenses,
"bank interest, miscellaneous 500.0^
BALAKCE-GEHERAL FUKD to he raised.... f 9,660.00 $9,660.00
by taxation
Bond Interest 8,670.00
Bonds maturing in 1932 10,500.00
Extension 250.00
Repair and llaintenance 2,000.00
Salary-Water Commissioner 1,000.00
Salary-Recorder 750.00
Office supplies 150.00
Misc. and clerical 25.00
TOTAL-Y/ATER FUND DISB $2^,345.00 2^,345.00
RECEIPTS: Water rentals
and connection serviee 22,000.00
Estimated Cash on hand
12/31/1931 1,345.00 22,345.00
BALAITCE-WATER FUM) to be raised by taxation none
Salary -street Commissioner 500,00
Road repair & maintenance 1000.00
TOTAL ROAD & ST FmD DISB. $1500.00 1,500.00
Truck licences and Road Dist. -i-ax 750.00
BACAITCE-RD & STREET FUND TO be raised $750.00 750.00
by taxation
E?.^ERGE1TCH FUND- 2,590.00
SIIIKIKG Finro 1,000.00
It was duly ordered tlriat the Proposed Budget
be published in the Port Iftnpqua Courier the required nuiriber of
times, by motion regularly made, seconded and carried, and that
November 2nd, 1931 at 8:00 P.M. at the City Hall, Reedsport,
Oregon, be desigante^ as the time and place for consideration
of the estiinate^ by the City Council of the ^-^ity of Reedsport
with the taxpayers, when and where any taxpayers subject to the
tax levy when made, may be heard in favor or against said taxes
proposed to be made.
-^here being no further business the meeting
was adjourned.
Attest; Chaiiman
Minutes of the Regular October, 1931 Keeting
of the Comnion Council of the City of Reedsport held
at-the City Hall on iionday, October 5th, 1931 at 8:00
There v;ere present L'tayor Ford presiding, and
Councilmen Burton, Ellis, -"eeves and Hogan. Absent, Councilman
Minutes of the last regular and continued
meetings were read and approved.
Conimunication from Beall Pipe & Tank Corpora
tion was read, which stated that pipe on hand could be used,
maJting early delivery of pipe possible.
Letter from Mr. Faulus, Deputy i^tate Treasurer,
stating that he could probably visit Reedsport on October 9th
and 10th, was next read.
Resignation of L. J, Weidner as Councilman,
was read and duly accepted.
v/ater Commissioner Clarke reported that a
valve v>?as needed for connection with lateral to schoolhouse.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried that this valve
be purchased.
Fire Chief John Bernharat reported that build
ing on Lot 4, of Block 49, was in a very dangerous condition,
and not only was a great fire hazard, but that there was danger
of the walls falling, with possible injury to any passerby. Mr.
Frank Horris also called attention to the dangerous condition
of this building, anc stated that the walls were a constant
menace to patJsers. Motion was made by Councilman Burton, and
regularly seconded and carried, that the City Llarshal at once ^
proceed to tear' down the walls of said building on this property. f
At this time the Mayor appointed Councilman
Hogan to serve on the Finance Committee, reserving other appoint
ments to a later date.
. Mayor Ford reported that vacant houses belong
ing to the City, from which windows and doors had been removed,
were^being used by children and vagrants for gatherings, this
condition creating a menace and fire hazard. It was regularly
moved, seconded and carried that the Street Comrnissioner use all
available lumber from sheds on these lots to board up the v/indov/s
and doors of these vacant buildings.
It was moved by Councilman Burton, regularly
seconded and carried, that the matter of refunding assessment
payments made by Artisans Life Association, be laid upon the
table until next meeting, for purposes of investigation. ITiis
refund had been requested by E. W. Franklin, owner of the prop
erty upon which the assessment payments had been made.
A general discussion followed in regard to the
present financial situation of the Uity of Heedhport, which ^ow
ed a shortage in the General Fund. It way inoved by Councilman
Burton, and regularly seconded and carried, that the City
Recorder write to County Judge Hamilton, to find if there was any
money for the City in the County Trea^iury, and if so, to have the
saine forv/arded to the City immediately. It was also regularly
moved, seconded and carried that ^400.00 be transferred from the
Road and street Fund to the General Fund.
There was some discussion in regard to cars
parking on highway betv/een Schofield Bridj^^e and Captain "v7iren*s
residence, particularly when there were football games in progress
on the school playgrounds. Motion was regularly made, seconded
and carried, that "no-parking" signs be posted at Schofield Bridge
and in front of Mr. Wiren*s residence.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried,
that btreet Commissioner Clarke be appointed Deputy City l^^arslial.
Ihe following bills v-rere presented, OKed by the
Finat'ice Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, were ordered paid:
St Imp.^ist #2
City Water Fund
W. G. Benson
C. C, Clarke
V/alter Boak
H. L. Chapin
Chas. F. Douglas
John Bernhardt
Bank Building
West Coast Power Co.
West Coast Tel. Co.
J, L. Gibbons
L. E. Rogers
Harvey Peterson
K. B. Richards
H. V/. France
L. Lasater
M. C. iiurphy
Lester Johnson
. D. Wal 1 ac e
btate Ind. Ac. Com.
of the Mayor.
^38.71 City Water i'und 9.,00
25.00 Burroughs Addir^ M Co. 5. OU
124.70 Port Umpqua Courier 55. 00
114.70 Pacific Stationerj^ &
125.00 Printing Company 3. 67
25.00 City Water Fund 5. 00
10.00 City Water -iJ'und 14. 71
10.00 vrf. G. Benson 42. 50
176.60 Oregon St. Highv/ay Com. 44. 50
1.50 Reedsport Garage 11. 37
6,00^ Howard Cooper Corp. 13. 80
6.00 R. Ivlachine & B. Works 6. 04
4.00 Ocean Dock Terminal &
6.00 Supply Company 2. 70
6.00 Frank L. Taylor 22. 83
3.00 #980. 37
The meeting was continued^, subject to the call
Minutes of the Regular I^overaber, 1931 Meeting
of the Common Council of the City of Reedaport held at
the City Hall on l^ondao.''* ITovember 2nd, 1931 at 8:00 p.m.
ih.ere were present, Mayor Pord presiding, Councilmen
Burton, Bllis»i"^eeYes, and hogan. Absent Councilman Lillebo.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and
approved. Kinutes of the 1932 Budget Committee Meeting were also
read and approved.
In accordance with published notice, public hear
ing was held on proposed 1932 Budget. Upon motion of Councilman
Burton, regularly seconded and carried, item in the proposed Budget
of V/arrant-Umpqua Highway Right of way purchase, was clianged from
•^150.01 to ;;f932.58. Motion was made by Councilman Hogan, and duly
seconded and carried, that the sum of ^410,00 be added to the
Bmergency Fund, increasing it to h^SOOU.OO. There being no further ^
objections from taxpayers, upoh motion regularly made, seconded and [
carried, the proposed Budget for 1932, with the changes as named
above, was duly adopted.
Thereupon, Ordinance Ho. 213, AH ORBIMTCE levy
ing a tas upon the property situate vathin the corporate limits of
the City of Heedsport, for all purposes, for the year 1932, in the
sum^^of ;|15,192.58, was submitted and read for the first time. upon
motion regularly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed
to the second reading, ana read for the second time, by title only.
Upon m,otion regularly made, seconded and carried, it v/as ordered
passed to the third reading, and read for the third time. thereupon
said Ordinance ITq. 213 was ordered put upon its final passage and
was adopted by the- following vote: ^
Ayes 4
ITays 0
It was thereupon approved by Mayor E. H. Ford..
After some di scussion. of the matter of returning
money advanced by Artisans Life Associa.tion on property owned by
B. ¥. Franklin, for street and sev/er assessments, it was regularly ^
moved, seconded and carried that the Recorder v^rite to the
Artisan's Life Association, asking them to return receipts for •
this payment; explaining reasons the First Bank of
Reedsport, upon which check for the am.ouffb of payment made was to
be deposited with the Bank to be forwarded to the Artisans Life
Mr, 0. H. Hinsdale appeared before the Council,
and reported that there was a congestion of fishing boats at the
private dock of the l&ipqua River Navigation Co., making it very
difficult for regular river boats to land with passengers and
irei^t; he asked the Council to take some action in conjunction
witl'i the Chamber of Commerce and Port of Utnpqua to build a munici
pal dock. After a discussion of the matter, it was regularly moved Mk
seconded and carried that the Chairman of the Street Committee M
meet with the Chamber of Commerce for the puroose of promotino- the '
building of such a dock. " |
It was regularly moved, by Councilman liogan,
seconded and carried, that the Fire Chief get fire siren m^oved
from its present location to the Bank Building, on the cheapest
bid he could obtain.
The motion v/as regularly made, seconded and
carried, that the door house on IT-J- of Lot 9 and Lot 10 of Block
4, Rainbow Addition ITo. 2, be dismantled.
Ma^or Ford called for ballots for the President
of the Council, v^iich resulted in the election of Councilman Burton, .
by the following vote: Burton 3
Ellis 1.
'The Council then proceeded to ballot for a
Councilman in place of L. J. V/eidner, resigned. Four ballots v/ere
cast for C. H. Bennett, upon which he was declared unaniraously elected.-
' _. I
The following bills \7e37e presented, OKed by
the Finance Coinraittee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded
and carried were ordered paid:
City iiVater Fund :(pl23. 14 H. France ^ 4. 00
W, (j, Benson 25. 00 L. Lasater 3.00
C. C. Clarke 124. 69 M. C. Murphy 4.00
Walter Boak 114. 69 Lester Johnson 4.00
H. L. Chapin 125. 00 M. D, Wallace 3.00
Chas. Douglas 25. 00 State Ind. Ac. Com. 20.71
John Bernhardt 10. 00 Geo. J3owman 2.00
Bank Building 10. 00 Rainbow Cafe 2.80
V/est Coast Pov/er Co . 176. 00 Chapin Invt. Co. 70.56
West '-^oast Tel. Co. 2. 70 Port Umpqua Courier 91.40
J. L. Gibbons 3. 00 Reedsport Garage 16.96
L. S. xiogers 4. 00 Dunham's 1.05
Harvey Peterson 3. 00 Crane Company 28.71
K. R. Richards 4. 00 Mill er- Sanford Tr. Co. 27.09
Total #1,029.50
was adjourned.
There being no further business the meeting
0 r
Minutes of Special 2;ieeting .of the Common
Council of the City of Heedsport, held, on Tliursday,
Hovember IJJ^th, 1931 at 7:30 P.I,';.
Pursuant to orcier of the L^yor and notice
regularly given, special meeting of the Cormuon Council of the
City of Reedsport way held at the City Hall on Thursday, llovember
12th, 1931 at 7:30 P.M. , for the purpose of making re
port of the trip to Salem to interview ilr. Paulus of the
State Treasurer*s Office, in regard to the Bancroft Bond situa
Tlriere were present Llayor Ford presiding, and
CounciliEen Burton, Sllis, Hogan, Reeves and Bennett. Absent
Councilman Lillebo.
llayor Ford stated that ilr. Paulus gave no
hope of securing any reduction on the principal amount of the
Bancroft Bonds, but thought that a refunaing issue might be
worked out with a lower rate of interest.
A general discussion v;as entered into concern
ing the T-ihole Bancroft Bond situation, and it appeared that it
woulc. be necessary for a thorough investigation to be made and
a definite plan formulated to present to the ytate Treasurer,
before anything further could be done.
There was further discussion in regard to lots
which had been taK.en over by the City formn payment of assess
ments. It was finally moved by Councilinau Burton, and regularly
seconded and carried, that a coriiinittee be api-'ointed to get in
formation concerning the remission of -taxes, by the County Court
on such lots, and ttiat this committee undertake to get such a
remission from the Douglas County Court. Mayor Ford appointed
Ccpuncilrcan Burton and Hogan and City Attorney Benson to serve
vvith the Mayor on this comjnittee.
'iliere being no further business, the meeting was
continued, subject to the call of the Ivlayor.
•Ml, ciecorder
;; . i
i '
Minutes of Continued Meeting of the Common Council
of the-City of -^^eedsport, held V/ednesday, iTovember 18th, 1931 .at
2:50 P-.M. "
Pursuant to action at last meeting and by order of
the li^Iayor, Continued meeting of the Coimnon Council of the City of
•^eeds^ort was held at the City Hall on V/ednesday, Ix'ovember 18th, 1931
at 2:30 P.M.
There v;ere present 32ayor Fora, and all couilcilmen
except Councilman Burton.
The purpose of the meeting v/as explained by llayor
Ford to be in connection with purchase of nev/ 500 gallon Stutz Fire
Pumper. i/Ir. Swinehart of the Kowe Fire Apparatus Company, v/as callea
upon to make report of the condition of the fire truck, and to outline
his proposal to the Council.
l'.Ir. Swinehart reported tliat the Stutz Puj^per had
failed the pressure test on account of defects in the transmission.
The proposal of ICr. Swinehart was that his company v/ould allow an
additional ^^600.00 on. the used Reedsport pumper; that the city issue
a check for ^100.00 to the Hov/e Fire Apparatus Company,, and order a
new transmission installed in the truck, and to run-a second under
writers test. In case that this testv/as not successful, the Howe
Fire Apparatus Company was to return the ;3100.00, as v/ell as the
cost of the transmission and repair parts, ana that the city woula
not be obligated in any v;ay to accept the pumyer.
It was. regularly moved by Councilman Ellis, and
seconded and carried, that the proposal subm.itted, with a one year
guarantee,by the Howe Fire Apparatus Comyany, be accepted.
There being no further business' the meeting was ad-
Llay 0 V
Minutes of the Regular December. 1931 Meeting
of the CoDBion Council of the City of Reedsport held
at the City Hall on Monday, December 7th, 1931 at
8:00 P.M.
There were present Mayor Ford presiding, and
Councilmen Burton, Bennett, Ellis, Hogan and Reeves. Absent
Councilman Lillebo.
Minutes of the last regular, special and con
tinued. meetings were read and approved, subject to correction
of date of special meeting.
Communication from the American Legion was read,
thanking the Council for extending time of Armistice Dance and
for Marshal BoaJi'S courtesy in keeping order.
Letter from the West Coast Telephone Company
asking for permit to open "L" Street for a conduit running from.
Lot 13 of Block 76 to their new quarters in the Bank Building,
was next read.' It was moved by Councilman Burton, regularly
seconded and carried, that the permit begranted, provided that
the street be placed back in its present condition.
Mayor Ford reported tiiat he and City Attorney
Benson made a trip to Marahfield in regard to acquiring title
clear of taxes on lots acquired by foreclosure for non-payment
of assessments; that there would be further work necessary con
cerning this matter in the future.
Councilman Reeves of the Li^t Committee re
ported that Dan V/right had asked for light on MStreet near its
intersection with 16th Street; also that there was great need
of a light at the underhead crossing on the continuation of H
Street. Motion was made by Councilman Hogan, regularly second
ed and carried, that the Light Committee make investigation_ and
report as to whether lights from practically deserted districts
could not be moved to the locations mentioned.
Mr. S. L. Tolman of Winchester Bay, appeared
before the Council and requested that either a standpipe or
hydrant be placed near his auto camp at V/inchester Bay; he
stated that he would be willing to bear a portion of the ex
pense of installing a permanent hydrant. The City Recorder was
instructed to get fiarther information'^equirements for reduced
rates on different sizes of pipe from the Oregon Insurance Rating
Bureau, and make report at next meeting.
Attention was called to request of Leo Rogers
of Commercial Hotel, to modify present water rate according to
rooms in use. After a discussion of the question, it was decided
to charge the regular base rate of ^2.80, ^1.80 for 2 toilets,
fl.80 for 2 baths, and 30^ each for the four rooms now in use,
or a total of $7.60; and further, that there be additional charge
of 30^ for each additional room used.
Mayor Ford reported that'at school zone had been
recommended by the Chamber of Commerce, and after discussion, it
was regularly moved, seconded and carried that a zone be estab
lished, with signs placed near the Catholic Church, Southern
Pacific Depot, and at the corner of L S^ireet and 8th avenue;
also that a "dangerous crossing" sign be placed near Cochran's
Store. The City Recorder was instructed to request the A.A.A.
Association to donate signs for this purpose, and when obtained,
that they be placed by the Street Commissioner at the points
City Treasurer Douglas reported that the Bank
was being put to considerable expense in returning coupons sent
for bancroft bond interest payments. It was regularly moved,
seconded and carried that the Bank be advised to turn in itemized
list of such expense to the City Treasurer for reimbursement.
IJIayor Ford reported the house on Lot 4,
Block 4, Rainbow Addition, to he a favorable location for
lodging deserving, needy tramps, giving them a chance to
sleep and clean up. After a discussion of the matter, it was
regularly moved, seconded and carried that this house be used
for this purpose, and that it be open for any in such need,
for a period not longer than three days at a time for any in
It was next reported that Charles Walls had
asked for permission to cut trees in 16th Street near Winches
ter Avenue for wood. A motion that he be permitted to cut these
trees, provided that stumps were cut down to level of ground and
all refuse disposed of, was regularly made, seconded and carried.
The City_Recorder called attention to dangerous
condition of a shed adjoining old laundry building, and was there
upon instructed to write to the ov/ners of this property, asking
them to remove the existing hazard.
Mayor Ford reported that the Bancroft Bond
situation was in a serious condition. He explained the result
of conference with I'Ir. Paulus and State Treasurer Holman, and
advised that some action be taken concerning the matter. It was
regularly moved by Councilman Hogan, seconded and carried, that
the l^ayor appoint a committee to act in conjunction with the City
Attorney and Recorder, in devising a plan to be presented to tiie
State Treasurer.
Motion made by Counciiman Hogan, secoiJed and
carried, to pay^Sgfunding Bonds of $2000, and interest, due Dec.
15th, 1931, was reconsidered and duly rescinded.
Mayor Ford next reported that there werE a large
number of water users unable to pay their monthly water rents;
also that the sidewalk on Rainbow Plaza was in a bad and dangerous
condition. He recommended that this walk be placed in (Condition
by using labor of delinquent water users; that the General Fund
be ciiarged for payment of this work, and credit given to laborers
on their water accounts. After a full discussion of the matter,
it was moved by Councilman Sllis, and regjiilarly seconded and carried,
that the Street Commissioner proceed to lay an eight-foot walk
from 14th Street to the Railroad track at 16th Street, according to
the recommendation of the Mayor.
It was regularly moved by Councilman Hogan,
seconded and carried, that the Street Committee make a survey of
H Street from 14th Street to its intersection with L Street,
and also the cross street from H Street to L Street,in front of
i^eedsport Garage, and make recommendations for improvement of
same at next meeting.
liajior Ford appointed the follov/ing Committees:
Light Committee
Street *"
Water »
Building "
Finance "
Reeves and Bennett.
Ellis and Bennett.
Lillebo and Burton.
Burtop and Lillebo.
Burton and Hogan
The following bills were presented, OKed by tiie
Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, were ordered paid:
City Water Fund 175. 37 State Industrial Ac. Com. 16.90
W. G. Eenson 25. 00 J. L. Gibbons 6.00
C. C. Clarke 124. 70 L. E. Rogers 5.00
V/alter Boak 114. 70 Harv^ Peterson 6.00
H. L. Chapin 125, 00 K. R. Richards 6.00
Chas. F. Douglas 25. 00 H. W. France 6.00
John Bernhardt 10. 00 L. Lasater 6.00
Bank Building 10. 00 M. C. Murphy 6.00
V/est Coast Power Co. 170. 20 Lester Johnson 6.00
v/est Coast Tel Co. 2. 15 M. D. Wallace 1.00
Port Umpqua Courier |18.00
l&ipqua Drug Company .45
Chapin Invt. Company 55.00.
Reedsport Garage 10.27
Schroeder-Hildenbrand 1.65
S, V. Cochran 1.10
City Water Fund 14.9 6
Frank L. Taylor
Paul Bernhardt
Reedsport M & B vVks
City Vifater Fund
$ 1,002.08
There being no further business the meetir^ was
Minutes of Special Meeting of the Consnon
Council of the City of Reedsport, held on Monday,
December 14th, 1931 at 1:00 P. M.
Pursuant to call of the mayor and notice
regularly given, special meeting of the Common Council of Ihe
City of -tieedsport was held at the City Hall on Monday, Decem
ber 14th, 1931 at 1:00 P.M., for the purpose of considering
payment of General Refunding Bonds due December ISth, 1931,
and any other necessary matters that might come before the
Council at that time.
There were present Mayor Ford presiding, and
Councilmen Bennett, Hogan, Lillsbo, Ellis and Reeves. Absent
Councilman Burton.
Afterndue consideration, it was moved by
Councilman Bennett, seconded, and unanimously carried, that
Refunding Bonds of $2000.00 due on December 15th, with interest
on same amounting to $550.00, be paid.
Motion was made by Councilman Hogan, seconded
and carried, that the Water Commissioner be authorized to call
for use of the fire truck in case of any emergency.
Councilman Lillebo offered the free use of
his sand pump for emergency work in repairing the pipe line.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
the Fire Chief was authorized to have the small house used for
storing hose carts torn down, and to store hose carts in the city
The motion was regularly made, seconded and
carried that a suitable screen be authorized,to be placed over
the suction hose on the fire pump.
Ihere being no further busineijs the meeting was
Ifey or
Minutes of the Regular January 1932 Meeting of the
'Common Council of the City of Reedsport held Monday
January,4th,1932 at 8.00 P.M.
There were present Tfeyor Ford presiding,and council
men,Bennett,Ellis,Hogan,Burton,& Reeves. Absent Lillebo.
There were also present City Attorney Benson, City Treasurer
Douglas,'Yater Conmiissioner Clarke,Pire chief Bernhardt and
llinutes of last regular and special meetings of the
council were read and approved as read.
City Treasurer Douglas reported that of the bonds
fo:^ $1,000.00 due December 15th had not been presented for pay
ment. The Mayor then called for Annual report of City Treasurer,
whiTih was read, and upon motion of councilman Burton,duly seconded ^
and carried the report was approved and ordered filed.
Ihe annual report of City Recorder was then read and
on motion duly carried was approved and orderd filed.
The Ci^y Recorder reported th at it would be necessary
to have 2i inch hose connections provided near Tolman .Ch>mp at
Winchester Bay to meet the rquirements of Oregon Insurance Rating
Bureau, in getting a reduction of rates. Water Commissioner Clarke
reported that it would require an investment of about |10 on the
City's part to add to what Mr.Tolman had agreed to furnish to pro
vide for the proposed hydrant . It was regularly moved and carried
that water commissioner Clarice be authorized to work in conjunction
with I'lr Tolman to make the proposed tap and stand pipe connection
for a Zi inch hose connection at a cost not to exceed i^lO to the
After a general discussion on moving and changing lights
for better service in the streets,it was regularly moved by Burton
seconded and carried that the Light Committee be authorized to
lov/er the light at the under railroad crossing and make other changes
at their discression.
After a:; general discussion on sidewalk at underhead cross:^
ing, it was moved by Ellis and regularly carried that street com
missioner be instructed build the walk on the plan he had outlined
to the committee.
City attorney Benson reported that the District Attorney
was to busy to make an appointment for discussion/ on Bancroft
Bond situation
Llr Unger reported that he had gone to considerable ex
pense in building garages on the Thomas lot now foreclosed on by
the city. His offer to rent same collect and pay the City .;pl.50
each for the ones actually rented was on motion duly accepted.
After a report by fire oj^^^^^oving siren,it was moved
by Hogan and regularly seconded/tJiax'"'^ire chief and light committee
be authorized to move same as quickly and cheaply as possible.
The following applications were then presented for the po
sition of City I^flarshall
L.C.Doan E.A.Riggs Floyd Miarple H.D.Butler
John Burt (Jeo. Ke ting and Eloyd Fowler
The Mayor suggested that a man for night watchman might be secured
for a less amount than what paid for a regular night Marshall, afsome
discussion it was moved by Hogan regularly seconded and carried
that a deputy night marshall be appointed until next meeting of the
council at #90 per month. The TJEayor appointed John Burt. Upon motion
duly carried the nomination was approved.
It was regularly moved and carried that ;fl,000.00 be paid
on the account of Beall Pipe & Tank Co.
The following Bills were presented OKed by the Finance
Conmattee; and upon motion regularly made ,seconded and car
ried,were ordered paid:
V/. (j.Benson 4 25 .00 Lester Johnson $ 3.00
\7alter Boak 114 .69 M.D.Wallace 2.00
H.L.Ghapin 125 .00 W.Coast Tel Go. 2.15
G.C. Clarice 124 .69 Tom Lillebo 11.10
Chas Douglas 25 .00 R.M.& Boiler V/orks 3.55
John Bernhardt 10 .00 U.D,& Construction Go 1.00
J.L.Gibbons 3 .00 Chapin Invt Co, 50.00
L.E.Rogers 3 .00 Koke-Chapman Co 1.65
Harvey Peterson 3 .00 Port Umpqua Courier 13.50
K.R.Richards 3 .00 Y/.C.Power Co. 176.00
H.W.France 3 .00 First Bank of Reedsport 10.00
L Lasater 3 .00 Reedsport Garage 11.15
I.:. C . Murphy 1 .00 Beall Pipe & Tank Co. 1000.00
S.Indus. Accident Com 20 .20 $1748.68
There being no further busines^i the meeting was
City Reorder
Minutes of Special Meeting of the Common
Council of the City of Reedsport, held on Tuesday,
January 19th, 1932 at 8:00 P. M.
Pursuant to call of the mayor and notice
regularly given, special meeting of the Common Council of the
City of Reedsport was held at the City Hall on Tuesday, January
19th, 1932 at 8:00 P. M., for the purpose of considering plans
for refunding of the present Bancroft bonds.
There were present Kayor Ford presiding,
and Councilmen Burton, Bennett, Ellis, Hogan and Reeves. Ab-y
sent Councilman Lillebo^
ff After a somewhat lengthy discussion of
plans for refunding the Bancroft bonds of the City, motion was
made, seconded and carried, that the City Recorder should draw
up a statement of proposed payments to be made on a thirty-year
refunding bond issue to cover the entire amount of Bancroft
bonds now outstanding against the City of Reedsport.
There being no further business, the meet
ing was continued to meet Monday, January 25th, 1932, at
8:00 P. M.
Mnutes Of
Continued meeting of the Common Counoll of the City of
Reedsport held in the Council Chamber Tuesday Evening Jan
uary 26th at 8:p.M.
There were present Mayor i'ord Presiding and Counoilmen.
Burton Bennett,311is,Iillebo and Reeves, Absent
Hogan. There vjaro also Present City Attorney Benson.
After further discussion of Bandoroft Bond Situation,
it was moved by Councilman Burton, regularly seconded and Carried
that the plan as outlined,copy of which is on file with the
City Recorder,be adopted; and further that this plan be sub
mitted to tfrwr Hr. Itaulus of the State Treasurers Office,with
the contingent possibility of getting helpful suggestions
from him concerning same*
Moved by Councilman Lillebo,regularly seconded and -
carried,that the City Attorney and City Recorder, take the
necessary action to retain the services of Teal v/infree,
McCulloch & Shuler Attorneys,of Portland, Oregon, in con
nection, with the proposed issue of City of Reedsport gen
eral obligation Bonds,with which to take up the present
existing Bandoroft Bonds.
The City Recorder reported that written permission
had been received from legal owners of old laundry building
on lot 8 block 48,to wreck and of same; it was regularly
moved and carried, that the Street Commissioner be authorized
to tear down and dispose of same-
There being no further business the meeting was
regularly adjourned.
Minutes of the Regular February, 1932 Meeting of
the Common Council of the City of Reedsport held at the City Hall
on Monday, February let, 1932 at 8:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor Ford presiding, and Councilmen
Burton, Bennett, Ellis, Hogan and Reeves, Absent Councilman
Lillebo. Also present City Attorney Benson, City Treasurer
Douglas and others. ^
Minutes of the last regular, special, and continued
meetings of the Council were then read. City Treasurer Douglas
stated that the minutes should be corrected to read that two bonds
were paid instead of one. The minutes were then approved as
Three applications for night watchman were then pre
sented and considered.
Copy of a letter by City Attorney Benson in reply to
V/. K. Terry was read and placed on file.
A letter from J. L. Fran2el^, Secretary of League of
Oregon Cities wat^ read asking for a representation from Reedsport
to the next meeting of the League to be held in Eugene, February
twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh. Councilman Burton spoke of the
importance of having members of the City Council and particularly
the City Attorney attend this meeting. After discussion it was
moved by Burton and regularly carried that City Attorney Benson
oe urged that all members of oft*heonCe otuoncailt-teantdtenandd iffurptohsesribtlhea. t it
The following telegram was then read: "V/ill arrive
to make pumper test morning of February 2nd", signed by W. F.
Vftiite of the Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau. The llayor asked
that all members of the Council watch for at least a part of
the time during this test.
The 15ayor then asked for a report from the Light Com
mittee concerning lowering the light at underhead crossing of
railroad and when it appeared that nothing had been done, the
I'layor called attention to the fact that good service depended on
each committee attending promptly to any duty that had been dele
gated to it by the Council, and asked that this Committee attend
to the lowering of the street light in question before the next
meeting of the Council.
The City Attorney reported that he had written to llr.
Paulus of the State Treasurer's office concerning the Bancroft
Bonds; submitting data and invi'ting suggestions; and asking for
an appointment in his office on 'v"/ednesday, February 3rd.
The City Recorder called attention to the fact that it
would' be necessary to transfer funds -from the Water Fund, to the
General and Road and Street Funds,- for proper distribution on
labor accounts of delinquent water users. It was moved by Burton
and regularly seconded and carried that ^^,72 be transferred from
the Water to the General Fund and |316.36 from the Water to the
Road and Street Fund.
It was moved by Burton, regularly seconded and carried
that Street Commissioner Clarke be authorized to sell garage doors
from wrecked dwelling at #3.00 each when same were selected by the
It was regularly moved and carried that the City Record
er be authorized to issue revocable permits to applicants v/ishing
to cultivate vacant lots owned by the City..,,
Moved by Burton, regularly seconded and carried that
the City Recorder call for bids on furnishing standard, 125 pounds
pressure, twelve inch valve, and that he be authorized to order
same from lowest responsible bidder.
The Hayor then appointed John Burt as night watchman
at a monthly salary of |60.00, which appointment was approved by
the Council.
The following bills were presented, OKed by the Finance
Committee, and upon motion regularly made seconded and carried,
were ordered paid:
C. C. Clarke $124.69 West Coast Power Co. ^176. 00
Charles Douglas 25.00 Port Uinpqua Courier 7. 00
John Burt 89,69 State Ind. Accidend Comm. 17. 83
H. L. Chapin 125.00 Members of Fire Dept 26. 00
W. G. Benson 25.00 Paul Bernhardt 16. 70
John Bernhardt 10.00 E. H. Ford 5. 75
Beall Pipe & Tank Corp. 288.01 Frank L. Taylor 14. 25
City of Reedsport 10.65 Tom Jacobs 5. 85
ist. Bank of Reedsport le.oo
Total - '- - $977. 42
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of special meeting of tlie Gonmion Council of tlie
City of Reedsportqsmet at tlie cal of tlie Mayor in the Council Chaiuiiers
(Tuesday February .9thi at 1:30 P.M.
The meeting was called for the purpose of considering re
taining the services of Attorneys in connection with issuing bonds
to replace the present Bandcroft Bonds.
There v/ere present Iiayor I'ord presiding and Councilmen
Burton,Bennett,Sllis,Hogan Reeves- Absent Lilleoo. The City
Attorney was also present.
City Attorney 3enson reported that he had consulted ,as
directed by the Council with with Attorney .; Shuler, of Teal Uinfree,
McCulloch and Shuler, concerning the proposed issue of bonds,and
recomraended th'^at they be retained at a probable total coat of ^300.00
for their entire work in connection with the bond issue. He stated
further that if $150.00 was advanced now, the balance of the fee ^
could be paid at a later date.
.^ter a full discussion of the matter, it was regularly
moved by Hogan, seconded and carried that a warrant be drawn on J
City Treasurer for ^150.00 as first payment on this fee. the balance
to be paid at a later date.
There being no further business the meeting was reg
ularly adjourned.
Attest A I
Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Common
Council of the City of Reedsport, held on Tuesday, Feb
ruary 16th, 193S at 1:30 P. M.
pusuaat to call of the may«fand notice regular
ly given, special meeting of the Corcmon Council of the City of
Reedsport was held at the City Hall on Tuesday, February 16th, 1932
at 1:30 P. M., for the purpose of considering bids for printing
1000 copies of the proposed letter to be sent to holders of Bancroft
Bonds, explaining the> proposed exchange of same for general obliga
tion bonds of the City.
There were present Mayor Pord presiding, and
Councilmen Burton, Bennett, Ellis, Hogan and Reeves. Also present
City Attorney Benson, Absent Councilman Lillebo.
After a discussion of the question on hand,
motion was made by Councilman Burton, seconded and carried that the
offer of the Port Umpqua Courier to do the work for ;>23.45, be
There being no further business, the meeting
was adjourned.
City Recorder
^ Mnutes of the regular March 1932 meeting of theCoramon
Ooujicil of the City of I?eedsport held at the City Hall on Monday
March, 7th, 1932 at 8:00 f.M.
There were present Mayor 5'ord,presiding, and Councilmen
Barton,Bennett,Ellis,Hogan and Reeves,absent Councilman Lillebo*
There were also presont City Attorney Benson,City Treasurer Douglas
Water & Street Commissioner Clarke and others.
The minutes of the last regular, and special meetings
of February 9th,and 15th were read and approved as read.
A number of letters concerning proposed refunding bond
issue,from bond holders, were reported by the City recorder as
having been received, and answered. The Ifeyor directed that thes®
be placed on file pending further action.
City attorney Benson,reported on many of the interesting
talks,papers read,and discussions on same,that took place at the
meeting of the League of Oregon Cities in Eugene S'ebruary 26th,
and cVth.Additional reports were given by Mayor Ford and City
Becorder Chapin,who also attended the meeting at Eugene. City
Attorney Benson also called attention of the Council to the fact
that another meeting of the'XeagueV will be called sometime in
December, to consider proposed legislation that may be of great
importance to all the cities of Oregon • Mr Benson also pointed
out that the next publication of the League would give an extend
ed report of the meeting,and of the subjects presented.
After a discussion on delinquent accounts of users of
City water, it was ?§g}jJiarly moved by Barton, seconded and unani
mously carried,that user who is delinquent,and is now working or
has an income be required to pay at least their regular monthly
rental each month,and in addition 10 fo of theirdelinquent account,
and further, that those who have no regular income or work will
be allowed to work out their delinquent accoxuats, provided this
work is done before April 15th, otheiTr/ise rale in Ordinance No.
198 for shutting off water is to be inforoed.
Councilman Hogan reported that Aurora Lodge A.F.& A.M
had secured a site for a Cemetry adjoining Coast Highway about
0 mile west of city limits, and that a portion of same was to be
immediately improved for use,and made a request of the Council
on behalf of Aurora Lodge for pennit to tap City Main and install
water pipes and openings for the purpose of using water in con
nection with such improvement,such installation to be made,with
no cost or liability on the part of the City of Reedsport. It was
regularly moved seconded and carried that a revocable permit be
granted and same be installed under the supervision;.." of the water
Mayor IN^rd reported that Slltcoos Spruce Company were
asking for a permit to install a cast iron burner for power
purposes on lot 2 block 49 Amended piat of Bailroad Addition
to Reedsport,Oregon,after a discussion over proper spark ar
resting devises to avoid possible fire hazard,it was regularly
moved seconded and carried that a revocable permit be granted
Siltcoos Spruce Company to install such a burner under the su
pervision of the fire Chief.
Glen Haggith asked permission of the Council, to continue
dance on the evening of March 19,to one O'clock in the morning
following. The dance to be for the benefit of Reedsport baseball
club.On motion regularly made,seconded and carried permission
was granted.
On motion regularly made seonded and carried the following
bills were allowed and ordered paid
C.C.Clarke $124.71 W.G.Benson §25.00
H.L.Chapin 125.00 Chas. Douglas S5.00
John Bart 69.71 John Bernhardt 10.00
V/est Coast Power Company fl77.50
Bank Building 10.00
State Industrial Ac,Com. 15.71
Port Ifopqua Courier 35.95
Y/.S.Barley & Company 1.53
W.G.Benson 45.00
Thos- JacoTss 1.00
Fir Grove service Station 3.00
City V/ater ?und 12.00
Reedsport I^Iachine & Boiler BO.18
Beall Pipe & Tank Co. 500.00
West Coast Tel. Coiii .$4.51
City ;/ater Fund 5.00
Fire Department 21.00
Clarence J.Cooley 10.00
S.E.Ford 36.72
Dunhams 1.15
S.V.Cochran 1.31
Reedsport Garage 184.36
Frank L.Taylor 76.96
Day Hampson & JNelaonl62.91
Total .,635.21
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned
A SPECIAL HEETIHG of the Common Council of the
City of Reedsport was held at the call of the Mayor
on Saturday, March 26th, 1932 at 10:00 A. M.
There were present, l^ayor Ford presiding, and
Councilmen Burton, Bennett, Ellis and -tteeves; absent Councilmen
hogan and Lillebo.
Itayor Ford reported that Mr. Ray Brown appeared
to be moving his stock of second-hand goods from Reedsport and
advised that some action be taken by the Council to collect
delinquent water rental-
It was regularly moved, seconded and earned
that tlie City Attorney be instructed to take immediate necessary
action to collect all due water rent.
was adj oumed •
There being nofurther business, the meeting
May or
M "Recorder.
Minutes of the regular April 1932 meeting of the Common Cotmcil
of the City of Reedsport,held at the City Hall,on Monday April 4th
1942 at 8:00 P.M.
There were present Mayor S'ord presiding, Counoilmen Burton, Bennett
Ellis,Hogan and Reeves,absent Xillebo. There were also present City
Attorney Benson,Treasurer Douglas,water & street commissioner Clark
and others.
The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read
and approved as read.
Report on progress made on the proposed refunding bonds was
given by Recorder and City Attorney. The M^yor advised that another
letter be written soon th those who were delaying in sending their
bonds to the State Treasurer.
The Mayor presented aopy of a letter from Ilajor Koontz regara^
to driving a dolphin and constructing a log hoist:permit asked for
by Siltcoos Spruce Go. Councilman Hogan pointed out that lot 2 bk.
-79 where proposed dolphin was to be placed was only 50 feet from
the present cG'tfi/z^^vboat landing, and that there was danger of log x- -
rafts tied up to dolphins there of swinging in front of the landing
and interfering with the landing of boats.after discussion it was
regularly moved seconded and carried that the City Attomy write to
Ma^or Eoontz,to the effect that the City had jlno.' objection to the
proposed construction,but advise that the Siltcoos Spruce Cpmpny's
attention should be called,preferably from his office, to the dan
ger of obstructing free handling of boats at the County Dock,and
that they be advised that every effort be made to keep said dock
free at all times for the uninterrupted handling of boats.
It ms regularly moved seconded and carried that the City
treasurer pay the $2,520.00 interest on water bonds on their due
date,LIay 1st, 1952.
It was reported by City Recorder that a quanty of flour be
ing distributed by the govemm ent to needy people,was expected in
the near future, by the local Red Cross, further that the local Asso
ciated Charities Board had been asked to take charge of distribu
tion of the flour, and they in turn had asked that the City Council
give some aid in their plan of distributigg this flour: after some
discussion, it was regularly moved seconded/rfist^SSI^City Recorder
and Street Commisioner be authorized to aid in this work.
It was regularly moved seconded abd carried that the bills
0 Zed by the finance Gomraittee be allov/ed and ordered paid, as
City'- V/atfey ?und $119.19
Charles Douglas 25.00
V/.G. Benson 25.00
John Burt 59.69
0 .C.Clarke 124.69
H.L.Chapin 125.00
John Bemhardt 10.00
City V/ater ^^ind .70
City V/ater Fund 8.00
Bank Building 10.00
-Vest Coast Power Co.
?ire Department
State Ind.Accdt Com.
league of Oregon Cities
Ghapin Investment Co.
^hell Oil Company
Reedsport Iclachine & B W.
Reedsport Garage
A. W. Burt ibn
Frank I.Taylor
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned
A SPECIAL I^STIITG of the Common Council of
the City of Reedsport v/aa lield at the City Hall on
Uonday, April 11th, 19Z>2 at 11:45 A.H. , at the call
of Acting-x;Iayor .A. Y/. Burton, for the purpose of
taking action in regard to request of the State
Highway Coimnission to place a ferr^' slip at the
junction of Raiijibow Plaza and the Unipqua River.
There were present, A. W. Burton, presiding,
and Councilmen L. A. Reeves, J. A. Ellis, and C. H, Bennett.
Absent, Ivlayor S. H. Ford, and Councilmen Hogan and Lillebo.
Acting-Ivlayor Burton stated the purpose of the
meeting as shown in the call. After a discussion of same, it
was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the State Highway
ComiTiission be granted a permit to place a ferry slip at the
Junction of Rainbow PlazQ and the Umpqua River.
There being no further business, the meeting was
adj ourned.
Attest: ) . Acting-IIayor
Minutes of the Regular llay, 1932 Lleeting of the
Common Council of the City of Reedsjort held at ^he City
Hall on Monday, May 2nd, 1932 at 8:00 P.M.
There v/ere present Mayor Ford presiding, and
Counoilmen iiurton, Bennett, Ellis, and Reeves. Absent, Councilman
lillebo. Councilman Hogan came in later.
The minutes of the last regular and special
meetings were read and approved.'
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
the permit for hauling garbage wa.s granted to V/arren I'cV/illis for
another year.
it w:vS regularly moved, seconded and carried
that the 3tuts i'ire Truck be accepted, anfl that the ij'ire Depart
ment be instructed to put same into active service; also that the
secretary of the i<'ire Department be instructed to request the
Howe ?ire Apparatus Company to replace the present battery in the
truck, as per their guarantee.
It was authorized, upon motion d^ly made, second
ed and carried, that Miss Anna Homme be allowed to have her v/ater
rent worked out that is novi due-
The Street Commissioner vra,s authorized to place
a fence around the water hole on Lot 13, of Block 49, by motion
made, seconded and carried.
it was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that none of the City equipment be loaned to any person or persons,
without permission of the Council.
The City Recorder was auti^orized upon motion
duly made, seconded and cariled, to write a letter to the V/est
Coast Power Company, proposing that the City take a minimum of
36 lights at .^2.50 each, with the privilege of taking additional
lights as circumstances may require.
it was regularly moved, seconded and carried,
that services of night watchman be discontinued until further notice.
The following bills were presented, OEed by
the Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, second'
ed and carried, v;ere ordered paid:
Oity Water l<^ind
Ghas. Douglas
\7. Gr. Benson
John Burt
0. G. Clarke
'h. L. Chap in
John Bemhardt
Bank Building
V/est Coast Power Co.
V/est Coast Tel. Co.
Fire Department
The meeting v;as then ordered continued until
Monday, Hay 23rd, 1952 at 8:00 P.1.1.
f?262.35 State ind. Ac. Commission l|517 .38
25.00 City Water Fund 5 .00
25.00 Reedsport Garage 23 .96
59.70 Heedsi ort ii. & Boiler Wks. 28 .74
124.70 Lee Grocery 1 .15
1S5.00 S. V. Cochran 1 .68
10.00 Union iron Works 13 .60
10.00 Frank L. Taylor 6 .00
178.10 Paul Bernhardt 1 .25
1.95 $94^ .64
Minutes of Continued Meeting of the Common
Council of the City of Reedsport, held Monday,
May 23rd, 1932 at 8:00 P.M.
Pursuant to action at last meeting and by
order of the Mayor, Continued Meeting of the Common Council
of the City of Heedsport was held at the City Hall on Monday,
May 23rd, 1932 at 8:00 P.M.
There were present. Mayor Ford presiding,
and Councilmen Bennett, Ellis, Hogan and Reeves, Councilman
Burton coming in later. Absent, Councilman Lillebo.
Motion was regularly made, seconded and
carried that $1425.00 be transferred from the General Fund
to the V/ater Fund, and it was thereupon regularly moved,
seconded and carried that the City Treasurer be authorized
to pay the water bonds due on June 1st of ^500.00, and
interest on same of $1065.00.
After a discussion concerning the collection
of water rents, motion was regularly made, seconded and carried
that beginning with June 1st, Ordinance Bo. 198 would be
strictly enforced. Motion was also duly passed that the City
Recorder send out notices immediately to all water users who
had not made a payment of at least the regular monthly ratd
during the month of May, notifying them that payment must
be made on or before the first of Juhe, or water would be
shut off on that date.
The Mayor called the attention of the Coun
cil to two proposed bills to be introduced into the Oregon
legislatui-e, effecting finances of the cities of Oregon, and
endorsed by the League of Oregon Cities. After a discussion,
it was daly moved, seconded and carried that the City Council
of Reedsport go on record as endorsing both bills, and copies
of same were ordered filed.
Motion was regularly made, seconded and carried that
a copy of the letter of supplementary agreement with Howe
Fire Apparatus Company, dated Hovember 18th, 1931, be forwarded
to them for their information in regard to the purchase of the
Stut2 Biamper. It was further suggested that their attention be
called to the fact that their representative, Mr. Swinehart,
proposed and dictated the supplemental agreement#
Councilman Hogan made report concerning the use of
men and city truck in placing gravel on the Masonic Cemetery,
calling attention to the fact ghat the men employed on this
work were owing the City for water, and that all payments made
on the work were to be credited to their accounts; further that
the price charged was enough to allov/ about $6.00 per day for
use of truck and wrk of the Water Commissioner.
There being no further business, the meeting was ad-
Minutes of the Regular June, 1932 Meeting of
the Common Council of the City of Heedsport held at
the City Hall on Monday, June 6th, 1932 at 8:00 P.M.
There were present. Mayor S'ord presiding, and
Councilman Burton, Bennett, Ellis, Hogan and Beeves. Absent,
Councilman Lillebo.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read
and approved.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried,
that a stfeet light be placed at the Oscar V/iren Comer.
Councilman Burton reported that Sngineer
Skelton of the State Highway Commission, had recommended that
the stop signs in center of 14th Street and on the northerly
side of "X" Street, be changed to read, '^Stop, excepting for
right hand turn." After some discussion, motion was duly made,
seconded and carried that the change be made as recommended by
Engineer Skelton, and that all parking on 14th Street north
of "L" Street be parallel to the curb.
Mayor Pord submitted application of V/. R.
Buck for permit to place a building for display of motor boats
on the northerly side of Rainbow Plaza near the ferry slip,
and for permission to move his floathousd to the city dock on
north side of the ferryslip. After a discussion, motion was
regularly made, seconded and carried that a committee of three,
of which the Mayor would be one, was to be appointed to investi
gate the plan and report at a later meeting. Other committeemen
appointed were Councilmen Burton and Hogan.
The motion was regularly made, seconded and
carried that the Street Commissioner be authorized to keep up
sidewalk repair and purchase necessary lumber for this purpose.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried,
that the Council go on record as opposed to the proposed
amendment to Article 11 of the State Constitution.
City Recorder Chapin reported that State
Forester Buck had written that it w^uld be necessary to have
a bill introduced in Congress to secufe exchange of lands for the
land in Clear Lake watershed. Motion was duly made, seconded
and carried that the City Attorney be instructed to take neces
sary action to get title to the lands in the Clear lake water
shed area*
Mayor Ford proposed that all the Council
go in a "body to exsunine the street lights, prepartory to mak
ing any changes of locations of same, and Thursday night;,
June 9th at 9:00 P*M. was set for this inspection.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that the treasurer be instructed to pay interest on ''eneral
Refunding Bonds on their due date.
The following bills were presented, OEed by
the Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, second
ed and carried, were ordered paid:
City V/ater Fund $207.54 Chapin Investment Co. P .57
W. G. Be ns on 26.00 Reedsport Garage 21 .32
C. C. Clarke 124.69 S. V. Cochran 7 .68
H. L. Chapin 125.00 West Coast Tel. Co. 1 .50
Chas. Douglas 25.00 City Water Fund 2 .50
John Bernhardt 10.00 R. Machine & Boiler W. .55
John Burt 5.97 Fire Department 37 .00
State Ind. Ac. Cora. 14.89 Frank L. Taylor 5 .45
Bank Building 10.00 vVilson Biimett 4 .50
V/est Coast Power Co. 90.00 TJno- ?^ehto 1 .16
City V/ater Fund 5.20
Chas . F. Douglas 1.80
The meeting was thereupon continued to me 6
at the call of the Mayor.
Minutes of Continued Meeting of the Common
Council of the City of Reedsport, held Thursday,
June 9th, at 10:00 P.M.
Pursuant to action at last meeting and by
order of the Mayor, Continued meeting of the Common Council
of the City of i'.eedsport was held at the Gity Hall on
Thursday, June 9th, 1922 at 10:00 P.M.
There were present. Mayor j^ord presiding,
and Councilmen Burton, Bennett, Reeves, Hogan and Ellis.
Absent Councilman Lillebo.
The committee appointed to investigate pro
posed building of W. R. Buck in Rainbow Plaza near the
ferry slip, stated that in their opinion the Council had no
authority to permit building on one of the streets of the City,
and therefore recommended that the application be rejected.
Motion was thereupon regularly made, seconded and carried,
that the application of vV. R. Buck be rejected.
It was then ordered by motion duly made,
seconded and carried, that the street light now back of
the grade school on Block 69, be moved to the corner of
Second and Hatfield Streets, and the light from the Odd
Fellov/s building be moved to corner of Second and Sheridan
streets on Schofield Heights.
There being no further business the meeting
was adjourned.
)H •^ ijecorder
Minutes of the regular July, 1932 Meeting
of the Common Council of the City of Reedsport held
at the City Kali on Tuesday, July 5th, 1932 at 8:00
There were present Llayor Ford presiding, and
Councilmen Bennett, Burton, Ellis, Hogan and Reeves. Absent,
Councilman Lillebo.
The minjites of the last regular meeting were
read and approved.
A letter from the West Coast Power Company
explaining why they were forced to build the North Bend line,
was read and ordered filed.
The Water Commissioner reported that a number
of water users were claiming that they were unable to pay the
regular water rates. After some discussion, it was regularly
moved, seconded and carried, that any citizen declaring himself
unable to pay rent be required to fill out sworn question
naire before the Recorder,that thereafter the applicant appear
before the Council and make personal request; each application
to be acted upon individually at regular or special meeting of
the Council, and if allowed that applicant appear on the first
of each month before the Recorder, to make a statement as to any
change in his financial condition.
After a discussion relative to the construc
tion of service stations within the fire limits, it was regular
ly liioved, seconded and carried that I/tr. W. ?. Kelly be granted
a permit to build a Class "C" Service Station on Lot 16, 31ock
77; and that Ilr. I^Iatt Thompson be permitted to build a Class "C
Auto carap on lots 6 and 7, Block 82.
Upon further request of l-Ir. Kelly to connect
with private sewer in Block 77, it was regularly moved, second
ed and cairied tliat he be granted permit to connect with such
A petition signed by various gasoline service
stations of the City, v/as submitted, asking that no curbstone
pumps be placed inside of property lines in the City. After due
consideration, the City Attorney v/as instructed to draw up an
Ordinance regulating same, to be presented at next meeting of the
After a discussion concerning the buiaidin:^ of
a boathouse by Mr. W. R. Buck on the north side of the ferry
slip, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried ohat a permit
be granted to Mr. Buck for the construction of a boathouse, the
permit to include such portion of the street end of Rainbow Plaza
under the jurisdiction of the City of Reedsport lying between the
pretjent southerly line of the Umpqua Creamery property and the
preoent ferry slip operated by the State of Oregon.
notion was regularly made, seconded and carried
that the Street Coianissioner be authorized to grade 3ast Railroad
Avenue from "L" Street to "H " Street; also the alley from 13th
to 14th Street in Block 76; also "M " Street from 15th to 16th
The following bills were presented, OKed by
the Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded
and carried, were ordered paid;
Hal S. Hoss
City Y/ater Pund
C C Clarke
W. G. Benson
Chas. i'. Douglas
H. L. Chapin
John Bernharat
Paul Bernhardt
$1. 00 Union Iron Works $9 .00
102. 39 Harbord-Rogers Co. .50
124. 70 Bank Building 10 • 00
25. 00 West Coast Pov;er Co. 90 .00
25. 00 West Coast Tel. Co. 2 .15
125. 00 Fire Department 30 .00
10. 00 State Ind.Accident Com. 15 .85
1. 20 City V/a"6er Fund 5 .00
Reedsport Crarage
Heedsport M & B Viks
Beall Pipe k Tank C.
Frank L. Taylor
5eo. Sowinan
Beall Pipe <8c Tank C.
was adjourned.
Tliere being no further business the meeting
Mnutes of Special Meeting of the Common
Council of the City of Reedsport held on Saturday,
July 16th, 1932 at 1:00 P.M.
Pursuant to call of. the Mayor and notice
regularly given, special meeting of -the Common Council of the
City of Reedsport was held at the City Hall on Saturday,
July 16th, 1932 at 1:00 PIM.
There were present I'.5ayor Pord presiding,
and Councilmen Burton, Bennett, Ellis, Hogan and Reeves.
Absent, Councilman Lillebo.
The meeting was called for the piu?pose of
consideration of balance due the Hovie Pire Apparatus Company
on 3tut2 Pire Pumper. After a full discussion of the mtter,
and carefully going over the agreement, it was regularly moved,
seconded and carried that four v/arrants be drawn for the pay
ment of balance of ^1464.48, as follows: Bach of the warrants
to bear date of July 16th, 1932, each in the sum of ^366.12,
the first payable July ISth, 1933,
the second " " " , 1934,
the third " " ® , 1935,
the fourth " « .i , X936,
each to bear interest at the rate of 6 percent. It was
ordered that the last mentioned warrant be placed in escrow
with the Pirst Bank of Heedsport for the period of one year,
as a guarantee for the mechanical condition of the Stutz
was adjourned.
There being no furoher business the meeting
!• lay 0 r
^^inutes of the Regular August, 1932 Meeting of
the Common Gounicl of the City of ^^eedsport, held at the
Oity Hall on ^"^onday, August 1st, 1932 at 8:00 P.M.
There v/ere present Mayor Ford presiding, and
OounciJjnen Burton, Bennett, Ellis, Hogan and Reeves. Absent, Coun
cilman liillebo.
Minutes of the last regular, continued and special
meetings, were read and approved.
A communication concerning decision on applying
improvement bonds in payment of improvement assessments in the City
of Astoria, was read, and discussion held in regard to receiving
such bonds in payment of assessments in the City of -^eedspprt. It '
was finally decided that no action was necessary, and that any person
who offered such bonds in payment of hi^ssessments, would be entirely
within his rights.
'^he applications of various delinquent water users
for remission of ^^ater rents, were then read and acted upon separate
ly. The applications of Miles Stephens, Bj^isbin, J. McGill,
Emory Roberts, and A, S, Heath of Winchester Bgy -.^ere approved.
The applications of A, M. Boggs, C. G. Landerking, and Hannah Hatfield
of -^eedsport, were approved. The applications of Geo. "ichols,
^ Jr., Sam ^olcomb and J. '^ampbell .of Heedsport were rejected, because
none of the three last named appeared before the Council as per in
Charles Douglas presented a sketch for the improve
ment of %inbow Plaza, stating the plan had originated in the Chamber
of Commerce. Afte^;- some discussion, it was decided that no action
would be taken by the Council without definite data dnd itemized
statement of amount necessary.
Ordinance No. 21%, amending Ordinance Ho. 78 relat
ing to the fire limits of the City of -^eedsport, was read for the
first time, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried was
passed to the second reading. Ordinance ^o. 213 was then read for
the second time, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, was
ordered tabled until nest meeting for further action.
-J^Ordinanee No. 215', an ordinance prohibitiria; tlie
w^n the City of Reedsport, "'as presented and read
for the first time. Motion was regularly made, seconded and carried
that Ordinance No. 214 be passed to the second reading, "hereupon
it was read for the second time, and tabled for further action at
next meeting.
The resignation of Tom I'illebo as Councifliman was
submitted and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, was
After some discussion, it wasdecided to delay
the election of Councilman in the place of Mr. -^illebo until the
following day.
Motion was regularly made, seconded and carried,
that the Treasurer by authorized to pay the interest due on the
third issue of ^ater bonds of $750.00 due September 1st, 1932.
The following bills were presented, OKed by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, ordered paid:
City H'ater Fund §100.01 'Reedsport Fire Ogpt. C. 0, Olarke 124.69 ^tate Ind. AC; °om. 13.71
Qv..haGs.. BFenDsoonuglas 2255..0000 teadspor Oarage^ ^ 564..0J0J
TV, ?n'no Umpqi:4 Kiver Nav. Co. 5.00
SSS . iS'.OO Benson
"est Coast Power Co. 90.00 - 1 628.59
lest Coast Tel. Co. 1.60
The City Heoorder reported that Mayor Ford hat asked
for data to "be prepai^ed oonoerning the need of repairs on the
\ water system, and certain figures had heen taken from the
Barr & GtLnnin^ham report which might "be useful in making formal
application to the Reconstruction finance Coiporation, to secure
money to retire present bond issues, and for estimated 4;>80,000
for new improvements.
The Hecorder also read letter directed to Mr# V/alter
Schultz, Manager of the Oregon Heconstruction Finance Corpora
tion, for information concerning procedure, and a reply to same,
that instructions had not yet been received from the national
Reconstiuction Finance Corporation; that as soon as these in
structions had been received, he would write further. It
appearing that no further action could be taken until the ad-
""•^ttional infoipaation was received, the matter was placed on
file^^r the time being.
The meeting was then continued until August
2nd, 1932 at 12:00 o'clock noon.
est: . /
Attests . / Ivlayor
Minutes of Continued Meeting of the Common
Council of the City of ^eedsport, held at the City
Hall on Tuesday, August 2nd, 1932 at 12;00 o'clock
There ^^re present l4ayor ^'ord presiding, and
Councilmen Surton, ^ennett, ^llis, Hogan and ^eeves.
The matter of election of Councilman to
succeed Councilman Lillebo, resigned, came regularly "before the
meeting. Mr. C. A, Lee and ^Ir. v;, A. Lovelace Trere nominated.
Upon ballot, C, A. Lee received four votes, V/, A. Lovelace, one
vote, Thereupon Ivlr. Lea "ras duly declared elected.
The regular September meeting coming on Labor
Bay, it was ordered by motion duly made, seconded and carried,
thrit the regular September meeting be held on Septem
ber 2na, 1932 at 8:00 P.M.
The City Recorder called'attention of the
Councilmen, that each must make a selection of a budget Committeeman,
at next regular meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was
Ifinutes of the Regular September, 1932 Meet
ing of the Cornrflon Council of the City of Heedaport,
held in the City Kail on Friday, September 2nd, 1932
at 8:00 P.11.
There were present Ife-yor Ford presiding, and
Councilmen Bennett, Burton, Sllis, Hogan, Lee and Reeves. Ab
sent none. Tliere v/ere also present, Attorney Benson, Water
Co;';:nis3ioner Clarke, and Treasurer Douglas.
Tlie minutes of the last regular and continued
meetings were read and approved, subject to correction of date ^
for September meeting to Friday, September 2nd, and the title of
Ordinance IIo. 215 to read as follows: "An ordinance prhibiting
the construction, installation and operation oi curb pumps v?ithin
the City of Reedsport."
Letter from Ilr. R. E. Koon, 'Engineer of Port
land, Oregon, under date of September 1st, was read. It stated
that Ilr. Koon had found definite information to the effect that
Reconstruction Finance Corporation^funds are not available for
.refinancing purposes. ... . , .
Letter from the R. F. C.,of Y/ashington, B. C.,
dated August 27, v;as next read. The letter stated that Ilr.
r/alter Shultz had referred the city's letter oo them, relative
to financing repairs and additions to the city v/ater system; the
letter enclosed full information and instructions regarding prop
er procedure in mailing the application.
Hotion was made by Gouncilmian Ullis, and sec
onded and carried, that a'sidewallv be built, beginning at the
"Bakery" corner, on II Street near 13th Avenue, continuing v/est
through the underhead crossing, thence across the street^and
past the West building, along West Railroac Avenue to L Street,
and continuing on to the schoolhouse.
Councilman Reeves of the Light Committee, re-•
ported that he and Mr. Spath had inspected all tlie lights in the
city recently. He felt that two lights v/ould be needed along
the proposed walk to the schoolhouse, and that oi'ie should be
pla'ced in Rainbow District in the vicinity of the 3us Johnson
propert|i. It was decided that no changes or additions would be
Tiiade until iTovember.
l!ayor Ford read a proposed Ordinance submitted
by the State Fire IJarshal for consideration, to regulate the
storage of gasoline in cities. The ordinance was laid upon the
table for further investigation.
Ordinance I'o. 214, amending Ordinance l;o. 78
relatiiig to the fire limits of the City of Heedsport, was takoi
from the table anf". read for the third time. It was then put upon
its final passage, upon iiiotion regularly made, seconded and
carried, and adopted by the following vote: Ayes 6
ITay s 0
Ordinance ITo. 215, prohibiting the construction,
installation and operation of curb .pumps within the City of Reeds
port, was taken from the table and read for the third time. It
was then put on its final passage, upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried, and adopted by the following vote: Ayes 6
ilay s 0
Ordinance IJo • 216, amending Ordinance Ko. 57,
relating to the roanner and fee for filing for elective offices,
was introduced and read for the first ti-e. Upon motion made,
seconded and carried, it was padded to the second reading and
read ior the second time. I'otion was made, seconded and carried
that Ordinance 15"o. 216 be passed to the third reading, and it was
read for the tiiird time, after which it v/as put upon its final
passage by motion made, seconded and carried, and adopted by the
following vote: Ayes 6
Hay s 0

report of John Bernhardt, Chief of the
Reedsport Fire Department was next read, in which he listed
properties in such a condition as to be considered fire hasards,
with recoiniiiendations for cleaning up or tearing down the various
places. I.Cotion was hiade by Councilman Kogan, duly seconded and
carried, that the City Rocorder "be instructed to write to owners
of the properties limited, asking then to reiiiedy the existing fire
I'.'otion v/as regularly rnade, seconded and carried
in conjunction
this instance to include the lfe.yor
It appeared tliat if the City were to go ahead
with its plans to secure R.F.C. funds to refinance the water
system, it would be necessary' to submit ccrtain plans and speci
fications of the woric, to the Corporation alon^ v/ith otiier data
required, and that it would be necessary to employ an engineer
for this work* The Council felt that it would certainly be
worth while the effort and probable expense in an attegipt to
secure the funds. It was suggested that perhpas some of the pipe
companies v/ould permit their enginer^rs to do this work free of
char-je, v/hereupon motion was iiiade by Councilman Burton, and sec
onded and carried, that the City Recorder be instructed to write
to different pipe companies, asking them if they could send an
engineer to i.'ake plans and specifications of work which has to
be done on the water systemic if the funds can be secured from the
I'.Totion 7/as regularly made, seconded and carried,
that $425.00 be transferred to the General Fund from the Water
Funi, which was part of an amount heretofore borrowed.
The following Budget Comiriitteemen were appointed
llayor Ford appointed
Councilman Bennett
" Burton
•• Ellis
" Hogan
" Lee
" Heeves
Roy 0. Cairns
R. B. Casv/ell
"v7. R. Buck
J. S. Connolly
Paul Berniiardt
J". L. Ijibbons
F. L. Taylor
Monday evening, September 26th, at 8;00 P.H.
at the City Kail was set as the time and place for the 1933
Budget Coiuaittee meeting.
The following bills were presented, 05Ced by
the Finance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded
and carried, were ordered paid:
Ci ty V/ater Fund 5128.08 Fire Department $84 .00
C. C . Clarke 124.69 State Ind. Ac. Com. 13 .44
Y/. G.. Benson 25.00 City V/ater Fund 6 .00
Clias . F. Douglas 25.00 Port Umpqua Courier 30 .50
H. L,. Cliapin 125.00 Reedsport Garage 37 .96
John Bernhardt 10.00 Frank L. Taylor 6 .25
Bank Bui iding 10.00 $ 717 .63
West Coast Power Co . 90.3-2
V/est Coast Tel. Co. 1.50
adJ ourned.
There being no fux-ther business the meeting was
Llay or
Minutes of Special Ueeting of the Common Council of
the City of Reedsport held on Thursday September .v9th,
1932 at 8:00 P.IJ.
Birsuant to call of the I.Iayor and notice regularly
given, special meeting of the Comm:,n Council of the City of
Reedsport was held at the City Hall on Thursday ie -tember 29th
1922 at 8:00 p.M,
There were Present I.Tayor i<tord presiding,-and Councilmen,
Barton Bennett, 311is, Hogan, lee and fieeves,none absent.
The Iluyor announced that the purpose of the meeting
was oonsideration of certain .'anendments to the City Charter
that had been previously mentioned at various times.The Council
then entered into a general discussion of each of the projosed
amet^ents. After which it was regularly moved seconded and
carried 'that the City Attorney be instructed to drav; up Amend
ments to the following designated Liections of the Charter as
same had been tentatively agreed to by the City Council here
Section 1^- Regard Holdover-Councilmen
" '/acancies of cdunoilmen
" Removal of appointive officers
bub Div. 4 * regard contracts
" 88 Directing Recorder to give monthly statemants
" 91 Treasurer " " "
" 92 City Attorney 'to be elector
" 94 Regard Sidewalks
" • 1-OOa '' Sewers
•The-re beiiig no further business it was regularly
moved seconded and carried that the Council Adiourn.
Pursuant to order of the City Council and notice regular
ly given, meeting of the 1933 Budget Committee was held in the City
Hall, Bank Building, Roedsport, Oregon on Monday* September 26th,
1932 at 8:00 P.M.
There were present Mayor Ford, Councilmen Burton, Ellis,
Hogan, Lee and Reeves; Committeemen Cairns, Buck, Bernhardt and
Taylor. Absent Councilman Bennett, and Committeemen Caswell, Connally
and Gibbons. There were also present City Recorder Chapin,
City Attorney Benson, City Treasurer Douglas, ^ater Commissioner
Clarke, Alice Plaep, an.d Messrs. Talcott, Penter and Franklin.
The Budget Committee proceeded at once to organize, and
upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried. Mayor Ford was
unanimously elected Chairman. Frank L. Taylor and H. L. Chapin
were nominated for secretary. Upon ballot, HlL. Chapin, receiving
the majority of votes cast, was duly elected secretary of the meet
Due consideration was given to reports which had been
sent previously to all members of the Committee by the City Recorder,
showing in detail, expenditures and receipts for the year 1931,
first half of year 1932, and the 1932 Budget.
Items were considered separately as they appeared on the
Budget data sheets. After considerable discussion concerning in
dividual items, a tentative budget was adopted.
It was later discovered that no provision had been made
for interest on the proposed refunding bonds that were planned to
oe used in taking up present Bancroft Improvement Bonds. Chairman
Ford called a second meeting of the Budget Committee to meet in the
City Hall on Thursday, September 29th, 1932 at 8:00 P.M.
There were present at this meeting, Chairman Ford presid
ing, and Councilmen Burton, Bennett, Bllis, Hogan and Reeves, and
Committeemen Cairns, Buck, Bernhardt and Gibbons. Secretary li. L.
. Chapin, City Attorney Benson, and Messrs. Franklin and Penter were
also present.
After considerable discussion concerning budgeting for
interest on proposed refunding tends, it was regularly moved, second
ed and carried that ^2,000 be put in the Budget for such interest.
After further discussion some claanges were made in the tentative
budget, whereupon the following proposed budget was adopted, upon
motion regularly made, seconded and carried:'
Salarie s:
Attorney $300.00
' Fire Chief 120.00
Fire Dept. Members 400.00
Recorder 600.00
Treasurer 270.00
Hall Rent 180.00
^i^ts 1100.00
Dues and Subscriptions 10.00
Audit 200.00
Telephone and Telegraph 10.00
Office Supplies and Stamps 50.00
Publication dsc Filing Fees 150.00
Election Expense 55.00
Special Engineering & Legal 500.00
Fire Apparatus &; Dept.
Operations 850.00
Sewer and Drainage 100.00
Jail Expense-Police Signal 25.00
Insurance, Bonds & Misc. 250.00
1933 Proposed Budget Contd
Interest on Refunding Bancroft
Bonds $2,000.00
Refunding Bonds & interest 2,990.00
Less Estimated General J'und
Receipts from fines, licenses,
"bank interest, misc
BALANCE - GEHERAL PUHH to t>e raised
by taxation
Bond Interest
Repair and Maintenance
Salary - Water Commissioner 1,000.00
Salary - Recorder 600.00
Office Rent 180.00
Office supplies 150.00
Mi seellaneous 25.00
Less Estimated Y/ater Fund
Receipts: Water rentals and
connection service 22,000.00
Estimated Cash balance on hand. 665.00 22,665.00
by taxation
Salary - St. Commissioner
Road repair, maintenance and
equipment. ...
TOTAL - Road «Sc St* Fund Disb.
Less Receipts from Truck
Licenses and Road Dist. Tax
raised by taxation
1,500.00 1,500.00
TOTAL - ALL FUNDS - To be raised by taxation $15,660.00
It was duly ordered that the proposed Budget be publidied
in the Port Umpqua Courier the required niunber of times, upon
motion regularly made, seconded and carried, and that November
7th, 1932 at 8:00 P.M., at the City Hall, Reedsport, Oregon be
designated as the time a.ndplace for consideration of the estima
ted by the City Council of the City of Reedsport, with the tax
payers, when and v/here any tax payers subject to the tax levy
when made, might be heard in favor or against said taxes proposed
to be made.
j Qurned.
There being no further business, the meeting was ad-
Minutes of the Regular October, 1932 Meeting
of the Conmion Council of the City of Reedsport, held
in the City Hall on Monday, October 3rd, 1932 at
8:00 P.M.
There were present, Mayor Ford presiding, and
Councilmen Bennett, Burton, Ellis, Lee, and Reeves, and Council-
•man hogan appearing later in the evening.
Minutes of the last regular and special meetings
•were read and approved.
After a discussion concerning the wreckage of
the Casino Building, it was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that the owner, E, v/. i'ranklin be ordered to clean up same. It
was aldo suggested that the street Commissioner offer the use of
the tractor for pulling over the walls of the burned building.
Street Commissioner Clarice reported that the
use of bicycles and scooters on narrow sidewalks and down-town
streets, was a danger to pedestrians. The City Attorney was
directed to draft an ordinance prohibiting the use of bicycles
and scooters on down-town streets.
Mayor Ford read a letter from the Secretary of
the League of Oregon Cities, calling attention to meeting to be
held in Eugene on October 12 and 13th, and asking that a delega
tion from Reedsport be present. A discussion followed, in which
it was brought out that a delegation should also go to Salem to
take up the matter of payments of City V/ater Bonds with the
State Treasurer, and also to go to Portland in connection with
Reedsport Improvement Bonds held by the Neighbors of Woodcraft.
It was thereupon regularly moved, seconded and carried that the
Mayor and City Attorney be appointed as this committee, to take
up the T,hree matters listed above.
Motion'Was.regularly made, seconded and carried
that election be held on Hovember 8th, 1932 for the election of
one Mayor, six Councilmen, one City Recorder, and One City Treas
City Recorder called attention to the fact
that It would be necessary to have an election board at the
General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 8th, to act for
the city. It was duly moved, seconded and carried that the
regular election board appointed by the County be authorised to
act for the City at this election.
A discussion followed, regarding the necessity
of having pipe on hand to care for any possible breaks that
might occur, and also that 350 feet of 2-inch pipe was needed to
replace some defective pipe now used. It was regularly moved,
seconded and carried, that the City Recorder call for bids on
100 feet of 12-inch wood pipe, with collars and couplings, and
350 feet of 2-inch galvanized pipe.
The attention of the Council was called to the
fact that Messrs. Bowman and York were asking for city water to
be used at their places outside of the city limits for irrigat
ing purposes. After some discussion, the question was referred
to the Water Committee.
Motion was duly made, seconded and carried
that the Recorder write to the Sheriff of Douglas County, ask
ing that City Marshal Clarke be appointed deputy sheriff, so
that he could act in cases of emergency outside of tlrie city.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that the 1933 Proposed Budget be authorised published in the
Port Umpqua Courier in the October 7th and 14th issues.
Upon motion regiiarly made, seconded and
carried,a transfer of $500.00 from the water fund to the General
Fund was authorized, to replace money previously borrowed.
Motion was regularly made, seconded and carfied,
that Mr. iP. A. TJnger be allowed to wreck the old paint shop,
provided that he clean up and dispose of all debris.
The following bills were presented, OKed by
the Finance Corninittee, and ordered paid;
City Water -iJ'und
C. C. Clarke
W. G. Benson
Chas. Douglas
H, L. Chapin
Jolin Bernhardt
Bank Building
West Coast Power Co.
West Coast Tel. Co.
St. Ind. Accident Com.

#237 • 67 Fire Department Members $59. 00
124. 70 City Water Fund 11. 20
25. 00 Burroughs Adding M. Co. 5. 00
25. 00 Dr. H. C. Sastland 4. 00
125. 00 S. V. Cochran 2. 07
10. 00 Winchester Bay Lbr. Co. 113. 73
10. 00 Reed sport G-arage «8. 34
90. 03 R. Machine & B. Works 6. 43
1. 50 Frank L. Taylor 30. 95
17. 01 $946. 63
There being no further J^usinessi the meetir^ was
Minutes of Special Meeting of the Coiumon Council
of the City of Reedsporti held on Wednesday, October
26th, 1932 at 1:15 P.M., City Hall» at the call of the
Mayor, for the purpose of authorizing payment of interest
on water bonds,due Hoveraber 1st, 1932.
There were present llayor Ford presiding, and
Councilmen Bennett, Burton, Ellis, Hogan, Lee and Reeves. Absent
llayor Ford reported that he had called at the
State Treasurers office, and that he had the assurance of the State
Treasurer, that if interest was paid, the principal could be de
ferred for one year, unless the City might be able to pay at an
earlier date.
Motion was tlien regularly made, seconded and
carried that the interest on $84,000, amounting to $2,520.00, be
authorized paid when due on ITovember 1st, 1932.
adj ourned.
There being no further business, the meeting was
Recordej .
Minutes of the Regular Uoveraber, 1932 Meeting
of the Common Council of the City of Reedsport, held
in the City Hall on Monday i November 7th, 1932 at
8:00 P.M.
There were present, Mayor Ford presiding, and
Councilinen Bennett, Ellis, Lee and -t^eeves. Absent, Councilmen
Burton and Hogan.
The minutes of the last regular and special
meetings were read and approved.
Comraunications: Communication was read from the State J-reasurer
confirming a moratorium of one year on payment of water bonds
held by the State.
City Attorney Benson read letter from Attorney
Guy Claire, concerning proposed legislation that was being dis
cussed for the cor:iing session of the state legislature. Mr.
Benson also gave an extended report of the meeting of the League
of Oregon Cities, calling special attention to the establishing
of a chair at the state university to specialize on municipal
Fire Chief Bernhardt called attention to the
need of a pipe connection with the river at points where the
pumper could be attached to same in emergency cases of fires
near the water front. After some discussion, the matter was re
ferred to the Water Committee, upon motion regularly made, second
ed and carried.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that the Treasurer be instructed to "pay interest due
on December 1st on water bonds.
Motion was regularly made, seconded and carried
that the City Attorney be instructed to dra-t an ordinance
concerning collateral covering all deposits in the bank.
In accordance with published notice, hearing
was held on proposed 1933 Budget. There being no objections
from tax payers, upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, the proposed Budget for 1933 was duly adopted.
Thereupon, Ordinance Ho. 217, AN ORDINAKCB
levying a tax upon the property situate v/ithin the corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport, for all purposes, for the
year 1933, in the sura of ^15,660.00, was submitted and read
for the first time. Upon motion made, seconded and carried,
it was ordered passed to the second reading and read for the
second time, by title only. Upon motion regularly made, second
ed and carried, it was ordered passe d to the third reading,
and read for the third time. Ordinance No. 217 was then ordered
put upon its final passage, and was adopted by the following
vote: Ayes 4
Nays 0
It was then approved by the Mayor.
The matter of establishing salaries of all
officers for the coming year was discussed, after v/hich the
City Attorney was directed to draw up an Ordinance covering
Ordinance No. 218, an ordinance fixing ^e
salaries of the officers of the City of Reedsport, was then
introduced and read for the first time. Upon motion regularly
made, seconded and carried, it was tuen passed to the second
reading and read for the second time. It was then read for
the third time, upon motion duly made, seconded and sarried.
Ordinance No. 218 was then ordered put upon its final passage,
and was adopted, by the following vote: Ayes 4
naye Q
Attention was then directed to Ordinance authorized
to be drafted by the City Attorney, at last regular meeting,
relative to rsgulating the use of bicycles and scooters on
downtown streets. It was regularly moved, seconded and carried,
that this be amended to cofer use on all streets in the City.
The City Recorder called attention to the fact that
an audit of the city books should be made at the end of the
current year, and he was then instructed to get proposals for
this work, to be presented at the next meeting.
The Council entered into a discussion concerning the
necessity of sidewalk from Schofield Bridge to 2nd Street on the
Heights, in which it was pointed out that there was no place
for pedestrians to travel on these two blocks except on the
highway. It was directed that this matter be referred to the
Street Commissioner for report at next meeting.
In the absence of the Finance Committee, the following
bills were presented, read to the entire Council, and ordered
paid, upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried:
City Water Fund
C. C. Clarke
W, (j. Benson
Chas. F, Douglas
•H. L, Chap in
John Bernhardt
Bank Building
West Coast Power Co.
West Coast Tel. Co.
State ind. Ac. Com.
Fire Department
City Water Fund
155. 83 Frank L. Taylor $2. 75
124. 69 R .Machine & Boiler V/ks 7. 11
25..00 Reedsport ^arage 17. 78
25..00 Roosevelt Service 2. 30
125. 00 Port l^npqua Courier 29. 20
10. 00 Koke-Chapman Co. • 35
10, 00 V/. G. Benson 55. 88
89. 00 Chapin Invt. Co. 66. 25
3. 00 Fred Yoder 1. 00
12. 38 John Bernhardt 2. 73
18. 00 F, J. Kernan 2. 00
5. 00 $ 690. 26
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourn-
I.Iay or
MI1TIJT3S of Special Meeting of the Common Coun
cil of the City of Reedsport, held in the City Hall
on November 10th, 1932 at 8:00 Pm.
Pursuant to call of the Mayor and notice reg
ularly given, special meeting of the Common Council of the City
of Reedsport was held in the City Hall, on Thursday, November 10,
1932 at 8:00 P.M, for the purpose of canvassing election returns,
and paying election bills.
There were prebent Mayor i'ord presiding, and
Councilmen Bennett, Burton, Sllis, Hogan, Lee and ^eeves; absent,
the official statement of ballots cast from
Sast and West -^eedsport Precincts in connection v/ith the City
Election of November 8th, 1932 was next read, tabulation of vs^ich
^ 1
Paul Bernhardt i5ayor 82 72 154
B. H. Ford Mayor 166 102 268
W. R. Buck Recorder 44 50 94
H. L, Chapin Recorder 112 48 160
J. L. Gibbons ReCO rder 95 77 172
Chas. F. Douglas Treasurer 135 86 221
Prank Korris Treasurer 107 85 192
L. C. Arthur Councilman 182 92 274
C. H. Bennett Councilman 174 108 282
A. W. Burton Councilman 226 155 381
Wayne C. Conger Coun oilman 117 82 199
J. A. Ellis Councilman 137 103 240
N. Hogan Councilman 185 127 312
C. A. Lee Coun oilman 135 114 249
W. A. Penter Councilman 187 128 315
L, A. Reeves Councilman 128 96 224
Alice Plaep Recorder 1 1
Total City Vote Cast East Heedsport Precinct
West Reedsport Precinct
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, the following were thereupon duly declared elected:
Mayor E. H. Pord
Recorder J. L. Gibbons
Treasurer Chas. P. Douglas
Councilmen L. C. Arthur,
C. E. Bennett,
A. V/. Burton,
IT. Hogan, ^
C. A. Lee,
W. A. Penter. '
The following ^bills were presented, OKed
by the Finance Coirjnittee, and upon motion regularly made, sec
onded and carried, were ordered paid:
Jane B. Ford 5^2. 00 V/ilhelmina C. Gay $2.00
Mildred Harrison 2.00 Alice R. Benson 2.00
Hazel Bernhardt 2.00 May E. Lowe 2.00
Agnes B. Lovelace 2.00 Lenore B. Ciafck;^ 2.00
Angie M. Purkerson 2.00 Anna L. l>ouglas 2.00
John S. Burt 2.00 Carmen Allen 2.00
Pearl Rogers 2.00 Amy M. Bennett 2.00
Laura S. Ellis 2.00 Juanita Pearson 2.00
Juanita Reeves 2.00 A, E. Simmons 1.00
Opal Bernhardt 2.00
Delia A. t-^larke 2.00 f 41.00
Alice P. Flanigan 2.00
After a discussion concerning street light
on the corner of 2nd and Lyons Street, which was reported not
burning, it was ordered removed to 2nd and Hatfield Streets,
upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried.
was adjourned.
There being no further business the meeting
May or
Minutes of the regular December, 1932 Useting
of the Common Council of the City of Heedsport,
held in the City Hall on Monday, December 5th-, 1932 at
8:00 P.LI.
There were present, Mayor ?ord presiding, and
Coujicilmen, Bennett, Uurton, Ellis, iiogan. Lee and Eeeves. Absent,
none •
The minutes of the last regular and special meeting
were read and approved.
Under communications, the ]?'ire Chief submitted a
report on the wreckage at Casino Hall, stating that it was a fire
menace as it is at present. The Recorder stated also, that Mr.
vVhite, inspector from the Hating iiureau, had pronounced it a de
cided menace in its present condition, when he was in Keedsport.
it was regularly moved, seconded and carried that the iJ'ire Chief
see that the wreckage was cleared up.
City itecorder Chapin reported that on a recent
visit to Portland, he succeeded in getting ^';'21,000 of Heedsport
Improvement Bonds and sent same to the State I'reasurer for deposit
for refunding purposes.
Two proposals for auditing the City of Heedsport
books for the years 1931 and 1938 were submitted. The first was
from Mr. • 'X'. Pasquill, last city auditor, who proposed to do the
work for iii;175.00 and nzpenses as a masimum charge. Mr. V/. H.
V/ann, Certified Accountant of Marshfield, made a proposal of doing
the entire work for yl^S.OO. It was regularly mo4ed, seconded and
carried that Mr. Wann's proposal be accepted, and that he be
authorized to audit the books.
uity Attorney iJenson called attention to the fact
than an ordinance should be acted upon, amending ordinance iJo. 17,
of the Ordinances of the City of Heedsport, relating to the
possession and sale of intoxicating liquor, said ordinance to
conform to present State and country regulations. Ordinance l^o.
219 was thereupon presented, and read for the first tine, upon
motion regularly made, seconded and carried, it was passed to the
second reading and read for the second time, by title only. It
was then duly ordered passed to the third reading and read for the
third time. Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried.
Ordinance l^o. 219 was then put upon its final passage and adopted
by the following vote: Ayes 6, Uays 0.
Hesolution I-io. 86 was presented, and upon motion
regularly made, seconded and carried was adopted, to-wit:
The l^'irst Jiank of Heedspirt was thereupon named
as depository for the coming year.
Some discussion followed regarding the best
places for laying pipe along the river so that the pumper could
be connected in cases of emergency, and water pumped from the
river. The V/ater Oommittee was directed to investigate and
report at the next me"feting.
A discussion v/as then entered into, concerning
the building of walk from Schofield iJridge to Second Street,
after which motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the
Street Committee make investigation too determine amount and cost
of all material necessary, and report at the ne:ct meeting.
The City Attorney reported that it would be
necessary for the Council to pass a resolution authorizing the
City Hecorder to accept bancroft bonds that were offered in pay
ment of assessmeitB. Hesolution 87 was then presented, and
upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried \vas ordered
aopted as follov/s, to-wit:
That all of the duly issued, valid and unpaid improvement
(Bancroft) "bonds and/or bond interest coupons thereto attached,
of the Glty of Reedsport are here'by declared to be legal tender
for the purj)0se of paying all or any part of the special assess
ment liens, and interest thereon, now owing and payable to the
City of Heedsport, on real property within said City, and the
officers of the City charged with the collection of such assess
ments are hereby authorized and empowered to accept such bonds
and interest coupons at the par value thereof, in payment of such
Passed by the City Council of the City of Reedsport this
5th day of December, 1932, by the following vote: Aye 5,
Hay 0.
Application of iJ'rank U- Bergen for license to
sell beer and i^ine in tlie City of ueedsport at such time as it
becomes legal to do so, was read, and laid upon the table for
future action-
Ordinance Ko. 220, an Ordinance prohibiting
the riding of bicycles or scooters upon the sidevjalks of the
city of iteedsport and providing a penalty, was presented, and
read for the first time, upon motion made, seconded and carried,
it was passed to the second reading and read for the second time
by title only. It was then duly ordered passed to the third
readinp and read for the third time. Upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried. Ordinance x^o. 220 was put upon its final
passage and adopted by the following vote: Ayes 5, Hays 0*
Motion was made, seconded and carried that
$500.00 which had previously been borrowed from the General Fund
by the Y/ater Fund, be transferred back to the General Fund.
The Mayor reported that a number of small
houses in Rainbow district should be either sold or wrecked.
After some discussion, it was regularly moved, seconded and
carried that Counciimen Burton and Hogan be appointed as a
committee to evaluate the houses and report at next meeting.
The City Itecorder reported that a number of
deeds had been drawn up, transferring property that the City
had bid in on account of delinquent assessments, and he was
thereupon ordered, by motion duly made, seconded and carfied, to
have the deeds recorded by the County Clerk.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that the Street Commissioner and Street Committee be authorized
to open up a gravel pit in the street at the copier of First
and Eatfield Streets, near the V/. G. Benson residence.
The following bills were presented, OKed by
the nnance Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded
and carried, were ordered paid:
C. C
W. G
H. L
V/e st
V/ater Fund $55.43
. Clarke 124.70
. Benson - 25.00
. F. Douglas 25.00
. Chap in 125.00
Bernhardt 10.00
Building 10.00
Coast Power Co. 94.13
Coast Tel. Co. 1.50
Departme nt 3 7 .00
I^d. Ac. Com. 12.06
City Water Fund 6.20
H. L. Chapin 3.49
Reedsport Garage 12.86
Paul Bernhardt 92.18
Federal Pipe & Tank Go. 101.27
Smith Freight Line 29.29
Heedsport U & B. Wks. 4.50
Union Iron V/orks ' 5.00
Hov/ard-Cooper Corporation 5.29
Total $ 778.00
There being no further business, the meeting
was adjourned. / / 'Y 0
Mayor '
•(V _
Atte st
Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Common
Council of the City of Heedsport held in the City Hall
at the Call of the Mayor, on Monday, December 12th,
1932 at 7:46 P.M., for the purpose of acting on pay
ment of General Refunding Bonds and interetit due on
December 15th, 1932.
There were present Mayor Ford presiding, and
Counoilraen Bennett, Burton, Ellis, Lee and iieeves. Absent,
, Councilman Hogan.
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried
that all interest due on General Itefunding Bonds on December 15,
1922 be paid, and two §500.00 bonds, or interest of ^405.00, and
^1000 in bonds.
There being no further business, the meeting was ^
Pursuant to the Provisions of the City Charter, re-jular annual
I-ieeting oi the City Council was held on Tuesday January 10th 1933
at 8:00 P.
There were present Llayor Ford presicing, and Gouncilmen Arthur,
Bennett, Burton, Hogan, Lee and Penter» also City Attorney TSenson,
Treasurer Chas Douglas, Conmiissioner C C Clarke and Recorder Gibbons.
Ab sent none.
Ijlinutei of the last regular meeting were read. Mayor Pord
called attention to the bid of llr V/ H V/ann to Audit the City boolcs
shovm in the L-iinutes as .^^133.00, the correct aiiiount being §123.00.
This was correctcd by order of the City Council. The minutes were
then acproved as corrected.
A ballot was taken for the election of Iresident, Burton re
ceived 4 votes and Hogan 2 votes, v/hereupon Councili::an Burton was
declared elected as President of the Council Tor the year 1933.
Ai- pointive of j icers were next nominated by the l^yor as
Pire Cheif John Bernliardt
City l^arshal and '/Vater and Street Coiiii'jiissioner C C Clarke
City Attorney V/ G Benson
The following coicfnittees were ^lopointed by Hayor Eord;
the first named of each coifjnittiee to be Chairman.
v/'ater and Sewer Coiiimittee Penter and Burton
Finance " Burdjon and Hogan
otreet " Kogan and Lee
Li:^ht^ " Bennett and Arthur
Building " Arthur and Lee
U,,on motion regularly iiade. seconded and carried the nominations
of the liiayor were affirmed.
The conunittee on appraisnient of City houses for sale or
wreciciiig advised they Y;ould report at the next regular meeting.
'iT'ie Recorder was instructed to write the Portland Fire Deptment
Salvage Coicpany and the Alaska Junk Corapany of Portland for
prices on second hand suction hose.
Report of the City Treasurer, City Recorder and Jire Cheif
for 1932 were read, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and
Carried were approved and ordered filed.
Recorder .-reported that proper Surety Bonds had been filed for
Treasurer'and Recorder, each amounting to $10,000.00 in accordance
with provisions of the City Charter.
Motion was regularly made, seconded and carried, that the "bill
of the Chapin Investiiient Company amounting to .f^lOO.OO for Bonds,
be laid on the table until Chapin could be interviewed.
Mayor i'ord gave a report on the Bonded indebtedness of the City
for the benefit of the new Councilman.
notion regularly ::iade, seconded ; nd carried, there should be
no copies of Delinquent water users made or given out to any
•^t w.'.s moved, seconded and carried, that v; cant City Lots be .
used for gardening by written permit, these permits revocable by
order of the City Council.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the City
Attorney was ordered to make amendiaent to Section 5 of Ordinance
ITo 190 as follows:
Ordinance Ho 221 amending Section 5 of Ordinance Ho 190. the
annual license fee shall be as fallows: Por each ®ool Hall and/Or
}-ool Hall and Card Room combined, the sura of Twenty Five Dollars
(025.00) per annum. Upon motion made, seconded and carried was
submitted aviC^ read for the first time. Upon motion inade, secoi.ded
and carried, it was ordered passed to the second reading and read
for tiie second time, by title only. Upon motion regularly made,
seconded -.nd carried, it was ordered passed to the third reading
and read for the third time. Ordinance Ho 221 was then ordered
put upon its ::'inal passage, and v;as adopted Tby the following
vote: Ayes 6 ITays 0. /
Eicense applications v.ere presented for a, proval as follows:
Rainbo'-.< Pool Hall
Umpqua Hotel
Welcome Hotel
Motion made, seconded and carried that iltiese licenses be
The following bills v;ere prese-uted, approved by the Finance
couiinittffie and upon motion duly made, ordered paid.
Ch'.pin Investment Co
Bank Building
Arthur* s Service i:>ta.
John Bernliardt
City ".Vater 7und
?ire Department L'embers
Thomas Jacobs ^2.40
Reediiport Garage 29.40
Reed sport l.Tachine cc B v7ks 9.85
Frank Taylor 3.05
V/Gst Coast Pov/er Co 90.00
'.7ost Coast Telephone Co l.l'O
Total :,ij2l3.65
x'here being no further busines^j, the meeting was
Adj ourned•
Minutes of a special meeting of the Oity Council of the
City of Reedsport held at the call of the Ifeyor on Friday
January 20th, 1933 at 8:00 P. IJ.
?hBiF0 v;ere present, Mayor 5'ord presiding^ and Gouncilmen
Arthur, Benr.ett, Burton, Hogan, lee and Penter.
It was moved, seconded and carried, that the Recorder
write the V/inchester Bay Lumber Comrany in regard to delinquent
water rent, to find out when same could be paid.
Motion regularly made, seconded and carried, instructing
the Recorder to accept School V/arrants for payment on delinquent,
water rent, no' money in change to be given.
Motion regularly made, seconded and carried, instructingthe
Gity Marahal to advise any one who has dumped garbage along
the highway near the dump ground, that same must be cleaned up
immediately, also there must be no more dumped along the highway.^
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of the regular February 1933 Meeting of the Gity
Goundil of the City of Reedsport held in the Gity Hall on
Monday, February 6th, 1935, at 8:00 P. M.
There were present. Mayor ?ord presiding, and Gouncilmen,
Arthur, Burton, Kogan, Tee and Tenter, Gouncilman Bennett
Minutes of the last regular and Special Meeting were read
and approved.
Motion made, seconded and carried, that a committee be
appointed to work in conjuction with the Gity Attorney in
drawing up Gity Ordinances for the year 1933.
Hesolutibn Ko. 88 was presented, and upon motion regularly
made, seconded and carried, was adopted, to-wit:
The Recorder was instructed to mail a copy of the Resolution
with a letter to. East Bay Municiple Utility District, 512-
6th dt' Oakland, Galif.
It was moved, seconded and carried, for a warrant to be
drawn in favor of the, league of Oregon Cities, in the amount
of $5.00 for defraying expenses of,the legislative Bureau, at
Salem, Oregon.
The Committee on appraisals of Gity ov^ned houses read their
report. Motion was then made, seconded and carried, that the
report be accepted, and same filed with the Gity Recorder.
It was moved, seconded and carried, that the City of
Heodspcrt, donate to the Masonic Cemetary Association, the
Barry house, situate on Xot 18 of Block 10 of Hainbow Addition
IJo. !'• 7he Gemetary Association to move the house from the
above described 3?remises.
The Street Committee v/ere instructed to meet with the
Port of Umpqua and M* R. Buck and interview them in regard' to
repairing the underhead crossing leading to their properties-
This committee to s- report of their interviev; at the next
regular meeting. This same Gonmittee were also instructed to
ask the Southern Pacific Go to fix the Railroad crossing on
I street.
Motion regularly made, seconded and carried, instructing
the Beccrder to write the Port of Umpqua and •/. R. Buck that
the ?ire Department would be unable to give service to their
properties west of the Railroad track as the underhead crossing
leading to same, being unsafe for ?ire Apparatus-
It was regularly moved, seconded and carried, that the
Treasurer be instructed to pay i|750.00 interest due on March
1st, Water Bonds, of the third issue-
Mayor Ford,.appointed Councilmen Penter, Burton and Hogan
-on the Ordinance committee for the year 1933.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, that the police
signal be discontinued and the V/est Coast Telephone Company
be notified of this order.
The folloiving bills were presented, approved by 'the
Finance Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried,
were ordered paid.
John Bernhardt 10 .00 J- I. Gibbons -•a 00 .00
Wallace Benson 25 .00 Hoy Agse, County Clerk 34 -80
C C Clarke 124 .69 State Ind Accid. Com 13 .00
City ',7ater 5^ind 15 .00 Reedsport Fire Dep*t 34 .00
City 'Water Fund 79 .21 Reed^-port Garage 11 .97
Chapin Investment Co 50 .00 Umpqua Dredge & Const. 4 .00
Chas F Douglas 22 .50 'Zest Coast Tele. Co 1 .50
First Bk of Heedsport 20 .00 West Coast pwr..Go 90 -64
league of Oregon Cities 5 .00 V/m v/ann 123 .00
^762 .31
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned.
R'-IGO :.iDr:
Minutes of the regular -.larch 1953 meeting of the City Council
of the City of Reedsport, held in the City Hall on Monday March 6th,
1935, at 8:00 P. M.
There were present, Mayor ITord presiding, and Gouncilmen, Arthur,
Bennett, Burton, Hogan, Lee and Tenter.
Minutes of the last,regular meeting were read and approved.
Motion Made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder
to advise any one inquiring about Bancroft Bonds, that to date
there has not been the required amount deposited with the State
The Report of the Ordinance Committee was laid over until the
next regular meeting.
Motion made, seconded and c^arried, that the Recorder be in
structed to accept scrip for water rent, also on all accounts.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder was in
structed to draw a wra.rrant for §1.00 payable to the Chamber of
Commerce far advei^Viking.
Motion made, seconded and carried, to sell lots 4 and 5 in
Block 9 City of Reedsport, to C C Clarke, all street assessments
and interest to be paid by Mr Clarke at time of sale.
Motion was then made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Recorder to pay the taxes amounting to $86.86 on Lots 4 and 5 in
Block 9 City of Reedsport and secure Tax Title to same. The Mayor
and Recorder were then instructed to execute Contract of Sale on
the above described proverty,i.o be signed by C C Clarke.
Uyon motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder vas in
structed to charge parent of taxes on Lots 4 and 5 of Block 9 City
of Reedsport, to the Street Improvement jUnd.
Motion vas made, seconded and carried, instructing the Light
Committee to advise the '..'est Coast Power Company th-t the City wishes
to reduce the Str-et Lighting Service to half time and to take effect
at the time ofjnotice.
The follovring bills were presented, approved by the Finance
Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered
W. a. B0'nson 25.00
Chas F Douglas £5.50
J L Gibbons 100.00
City Hater bMnd 10.95
City '7ater .?uiid 6.00
Port Umpoua Courier 28.00
Paul Bernhardt 2.25
Reedsport j'ire Dep't 27-00
TTnion Iron 'Vorks 15.50
Pirst Bank of Reedsport
C C Clarke
John Bernhardt
Reedsport Garage
Roosevelt Service station
Prank L Taylor 8
State Industrial Accid. ComlO
"est Coast Power Go 91
There being no farther business, the meeting waB adjourned.
llinutes of a special meettig of the City ,/Oouncil of the
City of Raedeport held at the call of the J.Iayor on Friday
March 17th, 1933 at 8:00 p. m.
Motion made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder
to write the State Treasurer asking him to hold the check-of
^760.00 until notified, as the 7irst Bank of Reedsport holds
present Bank Balance to withdrawal of sume.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder w-;s in
structed to to turn over all Foreign 'Bank Checks to the First
Bank of Reedsport, for collection.
Motion made, seconded and carried, instrudting the Recorder
to write M. V. V/ntson, General Hanager ^of the Vest Coast Power Go
that the City wishes to reduce the street lighting to half time
or from 6:00 P M to 1^:00 ? IX at fp45.00 per month.
There "being no further "business, the meeting was adjourned.
^ ^ i5G0?T)jJR
A. SPECIA.I MS"STING of the City Council of the City of
Reedsport was held at the City Hall March Slst, 1933 at 3:30
P M at the call of the Mayor, S H Ford, for the purpose of
considering and acting on the purchase by the City of $8000-00
of Water Bonds of said Gity, now held by the First Bank of
There were present,Mayor Eord presiding and Oouncilmen
Arthur, Bennett, Burton, Hogan, Lee and Penter.
Mayor Ford stated the purpose of the meeting as shown in
the call, after a discussion of the same, it was regularly
moved, seconded and carried,that $8000.00 of Water Bonds of
the City of Reedsport be bought from the First Bank of Reedsport
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Oity Council of the City
of Reedsport held at the call of the Mayor, on Friday March 31st
1933, at 8:00 P. M.
After a discussion concerning the beer ordinance, the Oity
Attorney was instructed to present an Ordinance at the next regular
meeting tn accordance to discussion had.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the City
Attorney to present an Amended Ordinance to Amended Ordinance No 100
reducing licenses for ^Tlire Trucks'' from ^lO.OO to 15.00 per year
and"Iight Delivery Cars" fannm ^^5.00 to ^2.50 per year.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Street Commissioner
was instructed to place signs on I Street and 14th Street ordering
parallel parking and 1 hour parking on the West side of L Street
between 14th and 15th Streets and 1 hour parking on both sides of
14th Street between I Street and G Street.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of the regular April 3rd 1933 meeting of the City Council
of the City of Reedsport, held in the City Hall on Monday April 3rd^
1933, at 8:00 P. M.
Motion made, seconded and carried, granting Warren McWillis
the City Garbage Contract from April 6th 1933 to April 6th 1934.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried. Ordinance
No. 228 an Ordinance licensing, taxing, regulating and restraining
the sale of beer and/or malt liquors and/or wines, providing a
penalty, repealing all ordinances and parts of ordinances in con
flict herewith, and declaring an emergency, was read for the first time.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the
second reading and read for the second time by title only. Upon
motion regularly made, sSconded and carried, it was ordered passed
to the third reading and read £or the third time. Ordinance ho
was then ordered put upon its final passage, and was adopted by the
following vote: Ayes 6 Hay Q
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, Ordinance
No. 223 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 180 of the Ordinances
of the City of Reedsport, relating to the licensing of Tracks, was
read for the Ttrst time. Upon motion made, seconded and carried,
it was ordered passed to the second reading and read for the second
time by title only. Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
it was ordered passed to the third reading and read for the third time.
Ordinance No. 223 was then ordered put upon its final passage, and
was adopted by the following vote: Ayes 6 Nay 0.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Bacordar
to Deposit all money on hand in a Special Account with the First
Bank of Reedsport*
WHERJEAS» by resolution of the City Cotmcil of the City of Reedsport,
THE FIRST BAMKl OiP REEDSPORT has been duly designated as a depository for
the funds of said City, and
WHEREAS♦ the said The First Banlc of Reedsport as such depository
set over to and pledged with this City certain bonds issued by said City
of the total face value of |8000*00. which said bonds are further described
as Water Bonds, Issuei being bonds numbered 18-S6-E7-28-29-47-48-49-
50-52-53-6S-55-56-68 §nd 58t of the par value of $500.00 each* and
WHEREiSf there is on deposit with said Bank, funds belonging to the
City of Reedsport in the sum of $ 15,316.71 and
WHIiEEASi said Bank is now being operated upon a restricted basis» under
order of the State Superintendent of Banks, restricting the withdrawal of
^eposLts to 5^ of such deposits, and
WHEREAS, it has been ascertained and declared by the officers of said
Bank, under advices from the State Supt. of Banks, that before said Bank
will be permitted to re-open for unrestricted withdrawals, those certain
bonds issued by the City of Reedsport and owned by aaid Bank, but pledged
as security for the funds of said City, must be eliminated, to the extent
of $8000.00 plus accrued interest, at their face value, and
WHEREAS, said Bank is the only Bank within the City of Reed^ort, and
it is represented that it has depositors in a number exceeding persons,
and unless^aid Bank can resume business on an unlimited withdrawal basis
this City will be without available funds with which to pay its bills
i and meet its financial obligations, and by reason thereof the peace, health
and safety of the City and the inhabitants thereof will be materially
and detrimentally affected, and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Reedsport has been informed and
advised that if it will purchase from said Bank the bonds above mentioned
to the extent of $8000*00 and accrued interest, face value, and off-set its
deposit to the amount thereof, it will permit the said Bank to operate upon
an unrestricted basis immediately,
That the City Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed ^
upon the conditions hereinafter named, to purchase from The First Bank of I
Reedsport, said above described Water Bonds, in the amount of $8000,00
, together with accrued interest thereon in the sum of ^145.00 , by delivery
to the said The First Bank of Reedsport his check upon the funds of said
City in said Bank's possession for said amount of money ($8145,00 ) at
such time as arrangements are made by said Bank for the payment of its
depositors in full, without restriction, and the said Treasurer so to act
when duly informed in writing by the State Supt. of Banks. '
Adopted by the following vote: Aye ^ Nay 0 this 21st
day of March* 1933.
II ?ord
State of Oregon (
County of Douglas)
City of Reed8port(
qualified certify tiat I am tile duly elected, lucia facorler I wf "ty of Eeedsport; that r. ^ -—1 j. ^iSTe in wy custody and under lay control the City of RILeLTfport! " th..t theinfoth^egrocicSords folfrusaei-d
City Hecoratr
Bated at Reeasport, Oregon, this 21st day of Harclx 1933.
"Upon motion regularly made, seconded,..and carried, the Recorder
was instructed to draw a warrant on the ^^engVstl Shind in the amount
of $350.00 drawing 6% interest, for the purpose of taking care of
General Fund Dishursments, this warrant to be carried by the Water
It was moved, seconded and carried, advising the Becorder to
write for more bids for printed Water Hotices.
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance
Connnittee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered
W. G. Benson $ 25.00 C F Douglas $ 22.50
West Coast Power Co 91.03 D L Buckingham 10.50
Arthur Service Station .95 Reedsport Fire Dept. 27.00
J 1 Gibbons 100.00 John Sernhardt 10.00
City Water Fund 17.79 State Ind. Accid. Com 22.64
C C Clarke 124.69 Reedsport Garage 11.82
First Bank of Reedsport 20.00
Motion was made^ seconded and carried, to continue the meeting
until April 7th 19^. -
Continued minutes of April 3rd 1933 meeting.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was ordered that a
contract be made with the American laFrance Foamite Qorporation for
buying 500ft. of Wax and Gum 2%- inch hose with coupolings. The City
of Reedsport is to have the benefit of any price reductions occuring
within four months after date of the contract.
W R Buck presented an application for a beer license, to sell
draft beer in the City of Reedsport as provided in subsection (C)
of Section 6 of Ordinance No 222.
It was moved, seconded and carried, that W. R. Buck's application
be accepted and he be granted a license.
Glen Haggith presented an application for a beer license, to
sell bottled beer to be dispensed on the premises as provided in
subsection (B) of Section 6 of Ordinance No. 222.
It was moved, seconded and carried, the Glen Haggith*s application
be accepted and he be granted a license.
TJno Xehto presented an application for a beer license, to sell
beer in original package only as provided in Subsection (A) of
Section 5 of Ordinance Ho. 222.
It was moved seconded and carried, that Uno Iehto*s application
be accepted and he be granted a license.
Roland- 'vTolstenhbime presented an application for a beer license,
to sell bottled beer to be dispensed on the premises, as provided in
subsection fB() of Section 6 of Ordinance No 222.
It was moved, seconded and carried, that Rolan Wolstenholme'a
application be accepted and he be granted a license.
Arch WMathewson presented an application for a beer license,
to sell bottled beer to be dispensed on the premises, ^s provided
in Subsection (B) of Section 6 of Ordinance No. 222.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, this application was
tabled ^or further investigation.
T B Johnson presented an application for a beer liconse,
to sell beer, !?he application not being fully filled out the
sme'was'tabled until completed.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried the meeting was continued.
Oontlnued mimites of April 3rd 1933 meeting.
Motion made, seconded and carried, to send a cornmittee
to Roseburg for the purpose of getting information in regard
to Eeoonstruction Finance Ponds for financing projects.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried. Mayor Pord and
Water Commissioner Clarke were appointed as a committee to
"be sent to Roseburg*
Motion made, seconded and carried, the "bid of the Columban
Press Inc. of Portlai^, Oregon for water notices, be accepted.
Upon motion made,seconded and carried, the meeting was
April 20th 1933^ continued minutes of April 3rd 1933
Motion made,seconded and carried, to offer the West
Coast Power Go teS.OO per month and the 70 Street Light Fixtures
for payment of twelve months light rent of 35 Street Lights,
from April 1st 1933 to April 1st 1934, the same number of
lights that are being rented at this time.
Motion made, seconded and carried, provided the Council's
offer in regard to street lights be rejected by the West Coast
Power Co, that the same be shut off May 1st 1933, providing
the City i® not financially able to pay for same.
acceptance of the
Upon motion made, seconded andcarried, the/^bid of the
Columban ^ress Inc. for the printing of 10,000 water notices,
was rescinded.
Motion made, seconded and carried, to accept the bid of
i|23.00 for printing 10,000 water notices, submitted by the
Port Umpqua Courier, be accepted.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was
Minutes of the regular May 1st 1933 meeting of the City
Council of the City of Reedsport, held in the City Hall on
Monday May 1st 1933.
Motion made, seconded and carried, authorizing the Water
Commissioner to get the necessary cedar for cribing water
line, tunnel.
•^on motion made, seconded and carried, it was ordered
that ^erle Rose be given permission to use the rear;end of
Lots 2 or 3 or both in Block 77 for a wood yard, at §5.00 per
lot a year, in advance, also to deposit $5.00 to guarantee the
cleaning up of lots when through with same.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, ordering the
graveling of the street on Ife-inbow Plaza between 14th and 15th
Streets. The V/ater Commissioner was ordered to take up a
subscription to defray expense of graveling.
Motion made, seconded and carried, the Water Committee
and the Ifi^ter Commissioner were instructed to inspect and
consideJr 4fcfc^''a4''?'isability of water line extensions as per
petition turne'd iif'by Lee Clements, and give a report at the
next meeting.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Water Commissioner to get permission from E W Franklin, to
pull down the building on Lots 1-2 and 3ast Half of 3 in Blocfc
51, and report to the Council.
The City Attorney was ordered to draw a resolution
authorizing the City Council to sell the Street Lighting
Fixtures to the West Coast Power Company for $500.00. ^This
sum to he paid by crediting the City $42.00 per month for
12 months on the City lighting bill.
Resolution Ho 90 was then presented, and upon motion
made, seconded and carried, was ordered adopted as follows,
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Treasurer to pay $860.00 interest on water bonds due the
Chase %tional Bank of New York, June 1st 1933.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,' the
Recorder was instructed to draw a warrant on the General i^ind
in the amount of $250.00 drawing 6% interest, for the purpose
of taking care of General Fund Disbursements, this warrant
to be carried by the water fund.
The following bills were presented, approved by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried,
were ordered paid.
John Bernhardt | 10.00 WG Benson f 25.00
City Water Fund 189.05 C 0 Clarke 124.70
City Water Fund 25.15 Ghas F Douglas 22.50
H'ir Grove Serv. Sta# 5.76 First Bank of Reedsport20.00
H-^edsport Garage 32.23 J ^ Gibbons 100.00
ReedsDort Fire Dep't 34.00 West Coast ^wr. Co 48.97
There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the City Council of the
City of Reedsport held at the call of the Mayor, on Tuesday
May 16th 1933, at 8:00 P. M.
Motion made, seconded and carried, authorizing the Mayor
and the City Attorney to interview the Governor and the State
Treasurer, in regard to projects contemplated by the City of
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
._,rw _. _
WHHaSAS, by letter dated the 26th day of April. 1933, the
' West Coast Power Oompany* represented by E. A. kartin, its
Divisional iUanager. Oregon Properties, offered to purchase the
present street lighting fixtures ovmed by the City of Keedsport.
at and for the agreed price of $500.00; and
VffiERiilAS, in said letter it is proposed that payment therefor
by said Company to said City be made by the allowance of a credit
-©f ^£.00 per month for a period of. 12-months*_i.figiiming AprirX,
1933. upon the city*s present average monthly bill of $87.50,
the balance of said monthly bill in the sum of #45.50 to be paid
by said city in cash or by v/arrant montly as the same shall become
due, and
V/HiiluMS. said V/est Coast Power Company has submitted a form
of contract covering the matter of furnishing lights for the
streets of said City, a copy of which contract is hereto attached,
Y/miMS. said contract appears fair and reasonable and it
appears to the advantage of said City that the same be entered
no// THillHiliJj'Ofti!;,
Vi' la KJiSO:ViiIu Bl Tillii Cl'i.'^ 01'' Ri!;KU-:iPOB'i';
'fhat the iuayor and City Kecorder of said City be and they are
hereby instructed and authorized to execute said Bill of Sale and
said Contract for Overhead Street lighting for and in behalf of
said City of Heedsport.
Adopted this /day of May. 1933* at a regular meeting of
the City Council of the City of Keedeport, by the following
vote: Aye ^5" » hay O
Minutes of a special meeting of the City Council of the
City of Reedsport held at the call of the Mayor, Wednesday
May 24th 1933-, at 2:00 P M.
After a discussion, motion was made,seconded and carried,
to present three pnrflrjects to the Reconstruction Advisory Board,
as follows:
1 Rehabilitation of present Miinicipal Y/ater System.
2» Construction of Mtmicipal Bock
3. Construction of City Hall
Also to show that the water system is the most essential of
the three projects.
'^pon.motion made, seconded and carried, the amount of
loan asked for the Water System Project, being |125,000*00,
for the Municipal Dock ^75,000.00 and the City Hall |l5,000.00.
There being no farther business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of.the regular June 1933 meeting Qf^the. City of
Co^ncilr^i the City of ReeQg)ort, held in the Gity Hall on
Monday June 5th 1933•
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the petition
presented by lee Clements, for extension of water line on
Wades J'lat, was laid on the table for the pressnt-
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
City Attorney to draw up a deed on Lots 1 and 2 and the Bast
10 ft of lot 3 in Block 51, railroad Addition to the City of
Reedsport and have John Bernhardt the 5^re Chief, present the
same to B W Franklin for his signature.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Recorder, that Coupons from Bancroft Bonds cannot be used to
pay water accounts, these can only be used to pay Street and
S&wer Assessments.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was passed that
a check for ^40.00 and a note for $30.00 drawing Qfo interest,
be accepted from VV R Buck for a seven months Beer license.
This note to be signed by W R Buck and Frank Bergen.
Motion regularly made, seconded and carried, instructing
the V/ater Commissioner to enforde the present V/ater Ordinance.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer was
instructed to pay the $465.50 interest on the Refunding Bonds,
when due.
Motion made,seconded and carried, the Recorder was in
structed to transfer ^100.00 from the General Fund to the Road
and Street Fund.
following "bills were presented, approved by the Finance
Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were
ordered paid.
City Water ^hind ^117.82
City Water I^nd 20.65
LeeSs Service Station 5.61
Reedpport Tow Boat Co 112.50
Ghapin Inv Co 2.12
Port Umpoua ^'ourier 23.00
Frank Taylor 2.75
v/est Coast Telephone Co 6.062
W G Benson 25.00
Chas F Douglas 22.50
Reedsport Garage
Reedsport Maoh. & B V/ks
Reedsport Pire Dept Mem
Albert Butler
West Coast Power Co
Roy Stark
State Ind. Accid. Com
C C Clarke
J Ii Gibbons
John Bernhardt
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
:ec order
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the City Council of the
City of Reedsport, held at the call of the Mayor, Tuesday
Jiine 20th, 1933, at 8:00 P. M.
There were present. Mayor Jord, Councilmen Burton, Hogan,
Penter, Arthur and Bennett, Xee Absent.
Resolution Ho 91 was then presented, and upon motion
made, seconded and carried, was oredered adopted as follows,
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Recorder to draw a Warrant on the City Water fund for SlOOO.OO
and credit the same to the Water Project Expense Ihind.
Upon motion made,•seconded and carried, Councilmen Burton,
Hogan and Bennett were appointed as a committee to act with the
Mayor on matters pertaining to the R. I*. C. loan.
Motion made, seconded and cariried, instructing the City
Attorney to take care of all publicity in regard to the R. P. 0,
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
EJi30IUTI0H m. ff
'That the iiayor of said Cityi liir. iil.H.X'ord» and/or the City
Recorder of said Cityi iiX« J»i-*G-ibho]is» b© and, ohey are hereby
authorized and directed to execute and deliver the application
of the City of Eeedsport to the i'ederal Administrator and/or
the Eeconstruction i^dvisory Board» together v^ith all exhibits
thereto* in the exact form in which said application ana exhibits
are submitted; and that said officers of said City, or either of
themi are hereby authorized and instructed to supply the J'ederal
Administrator and/or said Eeconstruction ^idvisory Board with any
and all other data and instniments which may be req.uested in
connection With said application.
Adopted at Special Meeting of the City Council of the City
of Eeedsport* regularly called and held this 20th day of
June, 1933. by the follov;ing vote: Aye » Kay .
That J. I. Gibbons, the duly elected, qualified and acting
City Eecorder of the City of Eeedsport. be and he is hereby
instructed and authorized to apply for a loan from the Eeconstruction
Finance Corporation or its successor, in the amount of $140,000.00.
for and on behalf of said City, for the purpose of reconstructing
and rehabilitating the water system of said City; and
BE IT FURTHER BESOIVED, that the said J.i.Gibbons be and he
is further authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the
Pederal Administrator, the Reconstruction Advisory Board, and/or the
appropriate governmental officer any and all data, exhibits and
instruments which may be proper or necessary In connection with
said application for said loan; and
BE IT FURTHER RBSOIVKD. that the City Council of the City of
Eeedsport does hereby approve said project, and that if such application
is tentatively approved by the Federal Emergency Administration of
Public Works, or other proper governmental officer or board, the
City Will forthwith call an election to authorize the issuance of
bonds in the sum of $100,000.00 or such other sum as shall be deemed
necessary to carry out the conditions of said application.
Adopted at Regular meetiiig of the City Council of tho Cit-rr
this 6th day of Julvt "htr +viei -p tt • vote: Aye 5, Kay, 0. ^ following
(ActingJ Mayor7
Minutes of the regular July 1933 meeting of the City Council
of the City of Heedsport, held in the Oity Hall on Wednesday July
5th 1933, at 8:0() P. M.
There were present, A. W. Burton, Acting Mayor, presiding,
Gouncilmen Hogan, Arthur, Penter, and Belmett, absent. Mayor Ford
and Councilman Xee.
Motion V'/as made, seconded and carried, instructing the City
Treasurer to deposit all "^nds in the First National Bank of
Gardiner, Oregon and he was further instructed to demand collateral
to an amount equal or grgater than the funds on deposit vdth such
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Treasurer to transfer all fands now in the Coos Bay National Bank
of Marshfield, Oregon, to the First National Bank of Gardiner,
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the City
Attoraey was instructed to draw up a contract "by and "between the
City of Heedsport and E 77 Franklin, giving the City Authority to
wreck all buildings and clean up the premises also the City to
aquire all good lumber from ai^ buildings wrecked, situate on
Lots 1 ft 2 and East half of 3 in Block 51, Railroad Addition,
Heedsport, Oregon.
It was moved, seconded and carried, instructing the City
Recorder to transfer by warrant, $300.00 from the General Fund
to the Road & Street Fund.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Water Cornmisf^ioner to buy material and repair the trestle at
Tunnel No 1. .
Upon motion regularly made, seconded ard carried, the City
Recorder was instructed tp sell Lot 2 in Block 33, Heedsport Oregon,
to William Andrews and iesue a deed for same, this lot being sold
for taxes' and Assessments.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried,it was deemed, advisable
th9,t a petition be circulated for the signatures of the Qualified
Siectors, asking their approval a loan ±"rom the Reconstruction
Finance Coiporation.
The following bills were present, approved by the Finance
Committee, and u:i^on motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered
City of Reedsport
City V.'ater Fuflii
'.7 G Benson
Roy Stark
Heedsport Garage
Koke-Chapman Co
Fire Dept Merab<-^rs Salaries
West Coast Power Co
3 V Cohijran
John Bernhardt
Frank Taylor
State Industrial Acci
Port sf Unpiiua Courie
J X Gibbons
Ghas F Douglas
C C Clarke
B 4.75
d 17.78
r 12.00
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Att e st: Mo.yor
Minutes of the regular ilugust 1933 meeting of the Gity
Council of the City of Hoedsport, held irj the City Hall on
Monday August 7th, 1933, at 8:00 P. M.
There were present, E H i)'ord. Mayor, presiding, Councilmen
Burton, Bennett, Arthur, Xee, Hogan and Penter.
Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and apporoved.
Motion v/as made, seconded ,and carried, accepting the
Bonds that the ij'irst National Bank of G-ardiner offered as
Upon motion made and passed, it was moved to send one
Delegate to the league of Oregon Cities meeting, which will he
called at some future date.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing
C C Clarke to make a survey of the houses on Lot 5 in Blk 1
and Lot 3 in Blk 3, to determine what the cost -ould he to
repair them as asked hy the tenants.
Upon motion made and passed, the Street Committee was'-
instructed to investigate the alley back of the Grade School
and estimate v;hat amount of gravel would he needed to surface it.
Upon on motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
Ordinance No. Z?A and Ordinance amemding Ordinance No. 222
of the Ordinances of the Gity of Reedsport, relating to the
Licensing and regulating the sale of heer and/or malt liquors
and wine, was read for the first time. I^on motion made,*
seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the second
reading, and read for the second time hy title only. Upon
motion regularly made, seconded and carried it was ordered
passed to the third reading and read for the third time.
Ofdinance No. 224 was then ordered put upon its final passage
and was adopted hy the following vote: Aye 6 Nay 0
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, T. B. Johnson's
application for a license to sell heer was accepted.
Motion v/as made, seconded and carried, instructing the
City Treasurer to pay to the State of Oregon $750.00, interest
due on th.e third issiie of water hondso
The Following Mils were presented, approved hy the
Finance Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried,
were ordered paid.
C C Clarke
John Bemhardt
W G Benson
Roosevelt Serv Sta.
Burtons Phannacy
Port Umpua Courier
State Ind. Accid. Com.
A N Woods
Lee's Serv. Sta«
Frank I' Taylor
T/inch. Bay Lhr Co
Uno l^ehto
West Coast Power Co
124 .69 J L Gibbons 100 .00
10 .00 Ghas F Douglas 22 .50
25 .00 City V/ater Fund 301 .94
1 .23 City Water ^Fund 29 .28
2 .25 Mrs J. L. ^ibbons 2 .50
5 .00 Elsie Dow . 2 .25
17 .08 John Burt 3 .00
12 .00 Reedsport Garage 43 .37
1 .41 Reeds; ort Mach & B V/ks 3 .14
1 .05 Fire Dept Members 25 .00
47 .50 W A Lwelace 4 .95
5 .18 E G Dunn 4 .95
49 .00 West Coast Tele. Co 3 .15
Roy Stark 4 .25
To&il J?5851 .67
There heing no further business, the meeting was adjourned
Minutes of a Si^Gcial Meeting of t^e City Council of
the City of Reedsport, held at the call of the Mayor,
Friday Auguat 11th, at 8:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor Pord, presiding, councilmen
Burton, Bennett, Arthur, lee and Penter, Councilman Hogan
being absent•
Resolution I^o. 95 was then presented, and upon motion
made, seconded and carried, was ordered adopted as follows,
fspom fo? t?io t^hSlcifct ^
?sfafeop tsyatosa of tho and
tho /itGiio of io tl«) otmos^ of titm
outistan'Sln,'^ mtaw bona© of Oity^ msd it iQ tlM tl-va
tSirotv^ Ito 'ihpQafSttSfj^ A^epayissMm^ «»d tiho ntsitjo Bond C«?a4ooio»fl
of Odi^^iain iS)mm of Wio p«5|»Qed loon, jxaffcloalaylsp in roforoaeo to
ins of tho proaont tionaoa doM th0
mild '^>opa2»feiont cM Bond CTOleflion Um q&^
fo^i ooHiiin oonditioKO }?ffoQoQmt to tho of of tsl!^ psropoootS
wmmm^ it %n mwrn M mc ct?T of iraOTOflS?.t
!• ^jat tho c£^y%0s» o£ OQld oity l«> aaemlod so as fco imfelioyiso
tho of f«ada fs«ri nio fod&ipsi <35vos^onfe fOp bho Tjucppooo of
oeoiariias teido to d&fm^ tli© ooot of iSho pits^oo^*
3® tho Citjr t1WQf!^i oliartoK* csaoncbosst viXl cs^onto a ecraission
to conoiot of tlirao wliooo i?* ^3%Xl bo to tr»l?o oomi^oto #1^2*^50
Of tho »afcoy plant, mpXo^ant of porffisno oonnootod thoEtj;?ithft dotomii^ation
of meoQ zo bo ohn^^^a ^toj? uooro^ po^oat of intesQot nnd pcrinolpna of
mtov bon^# inolxKlla^ t3io oolf licjal^atlna bonda to b® lomsa to tho
nonte m cnjoli obli ationo booomo tos jird p£^.«\blOd
3a llmt tho city t»iXl postait tho St^to IJond Cocfij^iooion to a
yooof!nond*it ion 00 to ot iooot ^wo of tho 2;®s^onsi to bo 03?i^];lri0i mocibosfo of tl^
watos? oonnioolone orrl fos* t1ii» i^i*i>ooo it 4o Qt!,3i^09t0d tl^at tho J5oa^ ComiooioB
nomo fmar or noro poroons &coop?^blo to Coianiooiotij txcsa tirbic^i jimbojp
the oity will cShoofio nt ioaot
4o 'Hiat ao ooott ao poooibl© tlu^ city pojr Wio rn^ot
FQOoipto or anyotlias* Pionloo cvwdlsiblo to^ tbo tJio tt&tQt bondo ol* tbct
olty now Tioia bt^ the ^tnto om in dofooXt*
5, tlio City 2ioM to a minimm tlio coot of tlio propoood ,
0» thoi^o ^ill bo m x^oaxxntdon of mtoo olv!iyr:^»cl uoosise iiitbout
rOTJWQl of tho r»tCitG Botvl Gorrnloolon.
7« 1?)at £0.1 rovmao of tlio xm^or oyotera «ia.l bo isood to iw
ifttoipoot ottd mturitioo of t!io bonds ncm outstcmdln^^ aftoj? j;m3wnt of csootts ..
0.^ nsintorv?Jioo firvl oporatioHft rafil to thQ jya^mt ot tlifii intoroat €«5d fa&fcoyitsieo
of t7io propoaol obll'pti<5no to /:pv(?mr;onto
Go Bvat If on aocoAint of chmr:p in ixiUmtHol Cbtsd oooncxaio 0^iidltiOt3a
jpooultitvj In a rotfectlon in roooipto fron tho vwitiOff isjfotea to looo tbfcft tbo
ooot of opomtlon raivl rrioS^ntoi^mo md mch on craount «ao wiXi neot iib0 intoT^oo^
m$, df s mrm M tjsss
lit s^fiotisa^ inoltkitfci' ^ wi^ to tsayf^w paposp^iltJ^o
td to
Oe fjlio \VGt<2S^ fiMts. viitk mil apfrt 0t5w
fuMa of tti0 ollt^?5, on^, 6M fchcgr will bs plaoiod in a Um :^23»X ocKWlty
to T>o Q,p?;Vj^vo<j ^ f)i3o otato lloM r<^.iiooiom
10^ tslio olfjy vtill m% oot O^t Its f<5r it©
in rao Fteti ai nooOssga^t^ ^mimt of t^o Sfca&o
Sana Ocmiaslon o? tlio treatms's? of %i^ of OKs^pn#
11. "Bm tlw cjot*S3?it4©@ tsf tM imin h©id 1)3? tlsa S^ato viiit !>0
Sish-ayran ;o4 oo «:«» to pomit Of of 12io ps^eaoatj m^es?
ufeillt? aobS of t^lio oit^r 0itv3iin Ci pos^od of nofe ^ osoof?'!
•niat tho pi?oaGnt mtos* tMSd iMobto»2r«3s0 o^ ttiso cS^fc^r 1sm?o priositjir
an to nsitwitjloo in ^t^tsnont of prinoii^s in saoh S'sfimaiiv; ploa m shall
1)0 a'^ntoa* 00 ai tlio cmo t)0 i3j4 inmsm%
poy^pscmiio on all ou^otianslisfc;^ o^>ll3«at^lofK5 of t?>j» oitiy eor utill^fesr^. ojr^^
tl^o eont'Tiplcfe^d te>to''7CRonl5a ^'Kei tho fMojpal locQ^ #^1 ^^?iVQ bocjdj cssidOi,
£1^1 bo on cm o(pa\iejr "baeiOft
13p. opor^tini;!: Gspsnoo Of m%m mt oawiood
^30C50»00 pe? WK* RO dbom Sn statocjoat fto* 1 of Boss? Oomin-jbma flssd
that ow«7 3?ocwjo?w^blo ^>^1 bot$o ^olloei^ paa?^ m mmmmn i
mnd ti5"5<!xt foi? tmfeojs" "bo ooHooi&ed m ]?w3x>w ^ poooSol^# /
13# forsfiote o^jtulifelons oyo in oontiociplatiott of tho /
pj^opoood l^oml IdgaEift tM? in tliO wnfe mm- Um IIJ. le^mam
Imx mt u aniimo^ to m%'(sill to fdiro/ptBfS oomiititmii mfe /
tMt ttio cfllii In mx? l?txt Sn^ foroo ond of£<K3ft cwm o? tm
cibovo om-norsitioa oonsUtlos^ cvo t<Jio oaty Comoil «secsm pJ?opoy JW .
noGOi3oas7» /
A.Tffl?5?^n a% Wi^alw osnSiBoeil KMjetiStajs of tho 5i6y Gouaill. iajis
ilth dsr/ ot AQ';?uot» I.9aS» tiy 6?50 f03UUWl»S vom %a S« JJafs 0»
J* X,« ;?S;bl)on®
<nml of Citisr
of Hooasiiost) I
I \
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Mayor and
Oity Attorney were instructed to got to Rosehurg and
get all tax data needed for the application of federal
loan,also to go to Portland tand meet Baar & Cunninham in
regard to the loan.
There "being no further "business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the City Council of
fbe City of Reedsport, held at the call oiP the Mayor,
Thursday, -August 24th 193?, at 7;80 P. M.
There were present, Mayor ^''orcl presiding, Coujici'Jmen
Burton, Hogan, Lee, Bennett, Penter and Arthur.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Treasurer to pay "52520.00 amount of interest due the State
of Oregon on "the Ii^t issue of V'/ater Bonds.
Upon motion made, seconded cind carried, ITerne l^ilDhe
were given a monthly water ra.te of |;-35.00 per month, this
amount to i^e paid to the City "loy Howard Hins dale.
It was moved, seconded and carried, ths-t the Mayor
appoint a committee to present the Citie's IPinancial stand
ing to the Advisory Board, 2l1so to invite Mr R. J. Hu"bbard
to attend this meeting.
It v/as moved, seconded and carried, that the City
accept check of •''UOO.OO from the Jirem.en to apply on the
Fire Truck and a vote of thanks be extended the Siremen.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, that any council
man and the City Attorney he paid :^3.00 per day over expenses
while out of the City on business pertaining to the loan
being applied for from the government or any City bLisiness.
, There b'^ing no further businees, the meeting was adjourned.
attest: ^ ^ - - Mayor
Minutes of the regular 3epteni"ber 1933 meeting of'".the Gity
Council of the City of Heedsport, held in the City Hall on
Monday September 11th 1933, at 8:00 B.
There, were prnppnt, Mayor E. ford, presiding, Counoilmen,
Arthur, Bennett, and Hpgan, Absent, Burton and Lee.
Motion made, seconded and carried, instructing the Hecorder
to contact the Postmaster, to find if, the Government has any
srecial system they use in numbering a City-
It was moved, seconded and carried, to accept the .?iremen
flheck for ^50 - 00 to apply on the Pire Truclc.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Recorder to interview Mr Coilins and Mr Chapin, in regard to
correspondence with Bancroft Bond holders to exchange Bancroft
^ Bonds for ^Vater Bonds*
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer was
I instructed to draw a check for ^389.92, this being the amount of
principle and interest due the Howe•Fire Apparatus Company on
• warrant No 5581.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instDructing the
Treasurer to draw a check for amount of interest due
on General Refunding Bond.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Gity Water
Commissioner was instructed to maJce any connections necessary
at any point between Clear Xake and the City for the use of
Civilian Gonservation Corps carap, that may be located withiii
convenient distance tc the water main, and further authorize
the free use of the water to said camps.
The following Budget Committee was appointed;
Mayor Ford appointed Geo I/ienkaemper
Councilman Burton " Stanley Cochran
" Bennett " H X Chapin-
" Hogan - , " , Hoy Cairns .
" Arthur " . Erank X Taylor
" Xee " Don V/right
" P33iter " Paul Bernhardt
Friday evening September 29th^ at 8:00 P. M- at the City
Hall, was set as the time and place for. the 1934 Budget Committee
meeting. .
The Finance Co-nmittee, was instructed to interview Mr Collins,
Deputy Bank Ex£miiner, in regard to School Warrants b-^ing exchanged
for School Bonds.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, allowing the Civilian
Gonservation Gorp camp at -^he Walker Place, the use of the City
^ Tractor and Grader, v;hen needed.
Upon motion m^ide, seconded and carried. Commissioner C C Clarke,
was instructed to repair the walk from'the business section to the
Depot, also to cut the brush along this walk and from the School
to the Sohofield bridge.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the City
Attorney to interview the Highway Commission in regard to building
a walk along the Highway from Schofield bridge to Co<jhran*s store.
Upon motion made, secoi^ded and ca'^ried, the Recorder was I
inptrrctr>d to advise Miss DeGnath of Winchester Bay, that the City
will aGcapt'a School warrant in advance for water used at her
residsnce for the school term.
The following "bills were, presented, approved "by the S^iiaanoe
Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered
Members ^>49 .00 City V/ater 5^ind f>.25 .34
Hoke-Chapman Co .80 West Coast Tele Co 7 .35
V/est Coast Pwr Co 49 .00 Chapin Inv. Co 2 .12
Crane Company 50 .73 5'irst Bk of Reedsport 80 .00
State Ind Aooid Com 1 • 95 Frank Taylor 15 .85
R='e dsport Garage 16 .25 H^edsrort Hach & B V/ks 1 .20
Xee's Serv. Sta. 1 .41 City V/ater Fund 38 .17
W G Benson 25 .00 Frank Norris 2 .00
Chas J' Douglas 22 .50 W A Burdick 10 .00
John Bernhardt 10 .00 Albert Butler 12.00
C 0 Clarke 124 .69 W G Benson 7 .50
J I Gibbons 100 .00 Baar & Cunningham 100 .00
Geo Beardsley 6 .00 Uno iehto 1 .18
^760 .04
There being no further business, the meeting wxs adjourned.
PursTiant to order of the City Council and notice regularly
given, meeting of the 19134 Budget Committee was held in the City
Hall, Bank Buildinf?, Reedsport, Oregon, on Friday, September .*39th,
1933 at 8 :00 Be
There were pres-^nt, M-iyor -^ord, Oouncilmen Arthiir, Burton,
Bennett, Tlognn and Xee,' Absent ?enter, and Corrraitteom-^n Cairns,
Wriglit, OoGhv?j], .Tv.ylor,, leinkaemper anci Bernhardt..'
There were also present, Recorder Gibbons, City Attor:oey Benson,
City Treasurer "Douf^l n.s and ^Vater Commicsioner Clarke.
The Budget Committeo proceeded at once to organize, and
upon motion regularly'' made, seconded and carried. Mayor Ford ^^'as
TJnanimonsl3'" elected Chairman nnd Gibbons was Quly elected
Secretary of the meeting.
Due consideration was given to reports ?;hich had been sent
previously to all members of tKe Committee by the Git?/ Recorder
showing in detail, expenditures and receipts for th^ year 1932,
first half of year 1933 and the 1933 Budget*
Items were considered separately as they appeared on the
Budget data sheets. After considerable, discussion concerning
individual items, a tenta^ve budget was adopted.
It was later discovered that the Budget was over the 6fo
limitation. Chairman Pord called a second meeting of the Budget
Committee to meet in the City Hall on Friday, October 6th, 1933
at 8:00 F. n.
There ^"ere rresent at this meetin;:. Chairman Ford presiding,
and Councilmi^n Burton, Bonnett, Arthur, Hogan and Willis, Council
man lee Absent and Co''^mittcemen Chapin, Bernhardt, Iein]:aem©er,
Taylor, Cochran and "YriP-ht, Connitteeman C'-iirns ^.7as absent.
There were also present Secretary Gibbons, City Attorney Benson,
and T'r W. H. "fenn. Auditor •f'or the City of Heedsport.
' .->•
•'i lVt I If 'I
ITr "hnn called att'^ntion to the Budget "beirig ever the &fo
limitation also gave the Oommittee advice on several matters
concerning the Budget^
Motion v.ns made, seconded and carried, to change the Budget
to meet the acquired liniitation, after which the Budget Oou^inittee
upon motion made, seco- ded and carried, referred the Budget to
the Council "'ith araendivients• There "beinf no further "business,
upon ;-notiqn made, seconded and carried, the Budget Committee
The changes were made in the tentative "budget, v/riereupon the
follo"'ing'proposed budget v;as adopted, upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried.
1954 :"r;o:^os^"D budg-^?
Fire Chief
?ire-Dept» Members
Treasurer *
Hall Kent ICO.OO
lights 1,100.00
Dues Subscriptions 10.00
Tele-hone & Telegraph 10.^0
Office Supplies Stamps 50.00
Publication & i?iling ?ees 150.00
Election Expense 55.00
Special Enginee?ing:'S:.Xegal ,^0.00
?ire Apparatus fe, Bepti
Operations 400.00
Sev/er Dr^-inage 100.00
Jail Sicpense 25.00
Insurance, Bonds & llisc. £50.00
"Rifundiri.? Bonds ^ Interest 2,935.00
TOTAI-General ?und Disburs.
Tess estimated "General 5Vnd
receipts from fines, licenses.
Bank Interest llisc.
BIXAHCE-Ceneral 5^lnd to "be
^YATET?'?i:!rD-'DIf3^'?E5^:.r!::T7S •
Bond Interest
Bonds '
Hep'iir ^ Mainten?-nce
S_.lary-"/a,ter Commissioner
S'^-l ary-I^ecorder
Office Supplies
Office Hent
raised by
T0T:\L-Water Fund Disburs. v£5,355.00
less estimated Water
?und receipts 22,000.00
Esti-.iated Cash on hand
12/7^ fZ'Z 1.355 .00
BMAI'C"S-^7ater i?\ind to be raised by
:^^7, 745.00
1^.7,245.00 1^7,245.00
!!^2, 000.00
Salary Street Gomnissioner
Road. Hepair, J%intf5naaGe ^
T0?AI-I^AD ^ ST'RT^'^T '"^jr^
T8SS estimated road street
fnncl reo^iv'ts, Truol: Xiconses
lead IDi strict Tax
BAlAi?QB-?toad ^ Street Fund to "be
raised "by taxation
^•1,500.00 •^'^1,500.00
750.00 750.00
:::3?Cr^roY mn) 4.£50.80
'OTM-A.IJ ?C ^113:53) BY TA'CilTIOZr- ^14.£45.20
It IT7-S duly ordered f^at the proposed Budget "be published
in the Port Umpqua Courier the required number of •^•imes, upon
motion regularly made, soconded and carried, and that IToveniber
5th, 1933 at 8:^0 P.It., at Gity Hall, Heeds' ort, Oregon, be
desienat'?;^. as the time and'place for consideration of the esti ated
by the OityjG'Ouncxl of the'City of Reedsport, with the taxpayers,
when and where any tax payer subject to the tax levy v/hen made,
might be heard in fa^or or'against said taxes proioosed to be made.
Thei^ being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
I^inutes of the regul-?-f'. October 1955 meeting of the City Council
of the City of Hoeds"oort, held in the City Hall on I.tonday, October
gnd, 1933, at 8:00 P. 11. '
There were present, l!ayor -^ord presiding, Counoilrnen Arthur,
Burton, Bennett, "^ogan h Lee, Gounciaimari Pentnr aljsent.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder
to draw a warrant dated September 16th, 1933 for -500.00, bearing 5^
interest, due in one year from date, in favor of th^. American la^'rance
^oamite Corp., in payment' of 500 ft. of 2-J- inch hose.
Tpon motion made, seconded and oarried, the Cit^?- V/ater Commissioner
and Recorder were instructed to work out a system for numbering the ^
Xots in the City. ^
It was moved, that the' set of ?.!unici})al Books sent for approval
from Bancroft-V/hitney & Cogipany, be purchased by contract, the same
to be paid f-rom^ the Y/ater Project Sxpense ?und.
The Treasurer advised the Council that on the 1st of November
there would be ^^2520.00 interest .due on the first Issue of Water
Bonds held by the State of Oregon, motion was made, seconded and • •'
carried, to pay the interest when due.
A check for ^44.95 was received from the I'iremen, the balance
duo for their 1933 payment on the ?ire Truck.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, accepting the resig
nation of Councilman V/. A. Penter.
Ilitr I
The matter of election of Goiincilinari to succeed Goiincilman
."Penter, resi^Ded, Cv.nie regularly before the meeting, Mr J. A. Sllis
was noininatod, upon '^Dallot was unanimously elected to fill the
The follo-'dng bills were presented, approved by the Finance
Committee, and -upon motio:n made. seconded and carried, ^vere ordered
G B-inson : 25..00 e d • p 0 rt ]?i re Dept. IT einb e r s 24 oOO
Chas F Douglas 23.50 State Industrial Accid. Com 9 .16
J ohn Be rnhardt lOoOO City Water Fund 4: .00
C C Clarl-e 124.70 City Vv'ater Fund • 68 .32
J X Gibbons 100o^O S A Weeks 1 .25
Bt; e d: -p0 rt Garage 22.73 West Coast Tele Co 1 ,85
The Crane Company 20.43 West Coast Power Go 49 oOO
H L Chapin 87 oil
TOTAL 6570
There being no further business, the meeting \7as adjourned
;\tt est •
Minutes of Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of
Keedsport, held in the Council Chambers, October 15th, 1933,
Sp-cio.!, meeting of the City Council of the City of Reedpport,
held this 16th, day of October, 1933, at the Coiincil Chamb^^rE? in
S3,id City. Present; Mayor 33- }.!« -^'ord presiding, Councilmen Arthiir,
Burton, Bennett, lee and Ellis, Councilman HogaH absent, also
pres'^'nt Recorder Jo I. Cribbonsc
Me 01 ing was called to order hj Mayo r I'^ord.
Resolution NOo 94 ^was introduced and read# After discussion
Councilman xee moved th--:.t the ??esolution be adoptedoas read.
Motion was seconded by Councilman Burton, up0n being j)ut to a vote
the Pesolution was unanimously adopted-
; . ' \
jrn j.-, —,,p..,p.,.^.^.,^ .j^,. n""'^ nT'T»"r p Ti rjniTi-ncir'p.
T'vvt :t. T. Cribbnv,,.,^ t-0 '111'! -'• el^ctr-d, qvs. 1ified 'iJ'd acting
e " "10 3 C •>••:•; '"• ^'" ••"' i"' '-• "i' H-': ••'d ••C)rt, be :iu '•'0 is •', 32'-r^h37 instti01d
\d n.vt>ori^:Gd to ; ly for -^i loj^n fvo:. t>'o T?edo---i "'ijji.qr""^nc'- '^d;n1nis-
\ ' ' '^"""
vrntlon "^liblic /orlcs, or its suco^oijf.^or, hi ti :o •••:'•--" u of ^?f3, "'^CQOO,
.'•-••• - f';0 .'laid City, for ti'ie pnrpoL^o of vooonstrvictinf:
.:.nd r-:v^biiit-tins~ ti - --..t-- ^;:;3t^>i.i of said Oi;:y; :r3d
"!'"• T "".1 'T"7"->'-!7-rr->.1, .1.1 ^ • T T -• (1 • •> i t
•• • •• •.-••' ^.J, 0 c-'id J. jjo ^^lobons oe .--air lie
; 1:3 furt'^nr aut^-oriisod --n^l 'irect^d to eiicecute ::ind deliver to the ^'ederal
.'Vdiuiziis'.'ly,!/0t').o '.^oooriustnioticn Advisory BociS-'d, o-nd/or tho s-ppro'-rriato
: governnentsil o^fioer any and all data, exhibits and instruments v^^ioh
i. may he ;-ro:-0:>- or ne^ecsnvv iv^ connection with said-application for said
loan; and
IZ-CL'ra), th-it tlio Oity council of the City of
/eedo-ort does hereby o.pprove s-iid project, .and that if such ap'-lication
'•^jj^is tentatively approved by the .Federal Emergency Adrainst rat ion of Pablic
fVorks, or oth -r proper officer or board, the Oity will
^/forth^'^ith call an election to authori:oe the issuance of bonds in the
A' Dollars
surn of ^^'iicty Thousandf ••.iGO, 000 o00) or fc:ach other mini ,as shall he
jdeerned necessary to os^tt}/ out the conditions of said applicationo
/ • '^dopted at a 8i;Gcial .Meeting:: of t'-o Oity Council of the Oity
' of^^eedsport this 16th day of October, 1933, by the follovdng vote:
I Aye 5 , N-.y 0
.S, II ?ord
There "being no furthe r business the meeting was adjoiirned.
T^:Uxi;t'v. cf ^7-^.c i'i.l of V'-lit;- '^oiii^cil cf
City of ^e3d:;T'.ort, ?ield in the Ooiiiicil Ohaiiih^ero, f^cto'''?r 31st,
• .
T\'.•? e A70T'^• j-retv? t, V%;or Ford presiding, Oohrjcdlmen
•Burton, Bennett, "^llli^ and Tsg, u-hoont Gouiicllrnen Arthtir and
Hog.?^n, prerj^nt. City ,\ttorney Benson and -Recorder Gihhons.
\ j^etition •7ith. 101 sirnern ^^^resented to the Council.
asl'inr thn.t a Boxinr: Oo-;irjiis3io:n he appointed for ^he Gity of
H'? e d?]" 0 rt.
Vftnr -a leijf^thy discussioji, rriotion ^^;as re^^iilarly mads,
3.-=!G r-idod and car^'ied, instrr-cting the KLiyor to appoint 5 memhers
to act as a Boxinn: GoLiraissioxi. The Mayor appointed the follo^'dng:
Z Taylor, C^lenn TTaC£:ith, 0 Dxaro and J Corcoran, the
isth nenher a Doctor ^'.dll he a"'"'"''Oii)ted hv the Mayor at a lat-^r date®
The a'^ovG co;nrnij:-^sion 1:3 a'-'f-cinted for one year.
There heing no fi'irt'"'='r business, the •".leetin^: '"'as adjourned.
}rao0 r'lor
"iniit^D f tii e Tc;:nlc!Lr T|ov=j:.ihor 1953 mp.etiii>r of th e City of
Heeds"-ort, held in the City "al 1 on I.Tonday Novamher 6th 19.?3, at
8;0n IT.
T' ere -.vore •••rosent. Mayor ^ort .'L-eaidinp', Oo mioilmen Bennett,
Burton, Arthur, "^Toffan, "Silis and Xee . .
!^t-s Harriett Ed'.^M.rds ap;''>oared h:-;fore the Council, requesting
fie City to order the light Pole in front of her Tlieater, noveO
ini.dde of the curh line, upon laotion made, seconded and carried,
t>e %ccrde-r was instructed to reque^:t the West Coast Pov/er Co.
to move f: e ] irht pole.
.In acooriV.ncs "dth puhl ir-5he d notice, Tiearin," ^/as held 011
pro-- os^rl 1954 Budget. The re ,he ini<^ no objections from tax payers,
upon otion re/rularl^,'' nade, seconded and carried, the p^roposed
hiidget for 10.^4 '^'as duly adopted.
Thereupon, Ordinance ^To. \'i OI^')ir\rOE levyiiig a t^ix upon
all proyert;^' "ituate in t'^e Cit^r of Hcod'-port for all pr.3:^.oces
for "0 '.r 10^^4 in the 3Ur.i of ^'14, r:45 .."^'O, Tfas riTihihitted and read
for t'-'.e firct ITj'on motion ratio, S3o:-nded '.nd carried, it
vr-s c rdered parsed to •'•"'••e sec.:: d reading .and reo-d fcr the S'^cond
tlr.-.e •*"»-" title only. Vx-On rxtio?*! '-er-'larly ;;vade, seconded and
carried, it v.;-s ordered ;:a-^-:?.ed tc f-e third rca'"'inr' and read fcr
'-cl tliie. r^rdi'VinGe No TCS ••• then oroerod ;-'r.t rvpon it.s
fin-1 pa/'sa^'e and vras adopted h" foilorrin.^ vote: .aye 6 ^%y 0 »
It v/as "'hoii approved hy.the Mayor.
Ordinance .t7o "^36 an ordinance a"ifr:c rising the acceptance h^j
f-.- lit"- of HRod-:--!ort of the he'-'etofore issued Improver.ient Bo-iids v'
and/or int'^rerit Couponc c" f e in the payment of speei-'-l
a*^:. j.'ic:it iiens ano./or xv th e rurc ha s e •f a:v
1 ''"rp*' ';vi 1 h'H' t-joT ^i"'*"'^ "tn r. +.' "1-vTha''^d
fiS27t tiiae- "^^pon notion repilrral^^ in.e-de, seconded and c':'rried, it
•"^a.-x'^d to t'^^.e second reacVinr and read for the second time
hy title only. "^^pcn .aotion re^':',l' riy laacle, seconded -^nd carried,
it i-y-^-'-'•o;'' " assed to the t-'ilrd roMdin^^, and read for f" 3 third
ti.':n, •'Crd^JTia^xe "0 ;jC6 \j-ir- th orriered put upon its final pa-ssaC'c,.
ci'o ^ is adppted' hr the fol lO'.virig vote: Ayes 6 TTays 0 .
It v/es then a-p'^i'oved h"- f^^e Hayor.
/ I
A "bear license aprlication wis preS'-^nt "by Itr. John B Gamde::,
urcn r.icti.cTi regularly r.ade, seconded and -carried, !.!r Gamden T7as
2rant(?d a licer^se to sell "beer.
!'r. V.'ni ?. "B^loyd alro 3/nd^ •v^-'r^liQ tlon for a beer
licor.'To, and U2_"'cri -.iotion nadc, se?cnd-3d and carried, '"as granted
a "beer license •
?Tr. 3- . f^orcoran representing the American'"legion, appear§d
before 1:>e Council, resting tTiat t"^o men reco:'.laendod by the
Xef^ion, be deputized for Police ^uty at the American Xesion i'^nce
to •'•'e held TJov^ber 11th- T.Tr Corcoaran's request T7as granted.
T!r H A "'etsold, appeared before the Oouncil v;ith a request
th-i-'; he and some of his neif^hbors be ^iven the iise of the City
Trucl: tc hat.1 gravel for.i^treet improvement in their district,
upon notion ::;ade, seco^'ded and carried, I'r Petzold^s request n'as
Tr Claude Halladay requested he be ^iven the rij^ht to cut
trees and burn all brush in the alley at -^he rear of his property,
upon r.v:\tlon^"'^,add^--seconded and carried, I.Ir Hallado.y "'as-giV'-n
" - ' ' ' * ~ permis.sion to ed^ar. .this grouM
^^otion '.Tis made, seconded and carried, inst'fucting the TIayor,
City Attorney and City Judge to interview? the C .2:'tains of the
t'vo Conservation C-mps in the vicinity of ?.Gedcport, in regard to the
conduct of the enlisted men.
Upon raotion made, seconded and carried, 'Vater Commissioner,
Clarlie '.vas instructed to evict any perr^on renting City ovnned .
ho:iS0S, that does not ray their house rent or water rent.
T'otion was made, seconded 3nd carried, allo\'dng P.ecorder
Gibbons tc act as Secretary of the City Boxing Ooiriniission.
Ordinance No. 2^.7 an Ordinance filing the salaries of officers
of the City of Heeds^-ort, \Yas then introduced and read for the ^
first time. Ur^on m'^tion re'mlarly made, seconded o^nd car^'ied it
was "t'heri pacsed tc t':e second reading •'-nd read •''cr the second time
"bj title only, and tabled for further action at '':?^e next regular
TJpon motion made, seconded and carried, Corrimissioner Clarlkie
was instructed to notify James Alexander that he must bring his
house rent up to date.
The matter of exchanp:ing School District Nq. 105 warrants for
School Bonds, was brought to'th.e attention of the Couni-;il, and
upon motion mac"®', , Sf^conded and carried, the necorder was instructed
to make this exchange with School District Ho. 105.
7he fol3jowing bills were presented, ap'^^'roved by the Finance
Co;:iraitt'^e, "^nd urion motion made, secc 1?.. a^'d carried, were ordered
T: ai-d.
City 'Vater ?und J^5.50
?rank ^ Baylor .-85
'7eet Co':-zt Tele Co '-.35
'^est Coast Power Co 49.00
I^eedir'^ort G?-rage 16..'M
Uno Xehto 1.41
Uno Xehto 4.59
State Ind. Accidi. Com 8.'27
Chas F l^ouglas
C 0 Clarke 1£4*69
^7 G Benson 25.00
Geo Beardsley ' 4.00
HeedC'^ort 5'ire Dept. •
Membe rs
if'irst 31i of Peedsgort
R^ed::--ort T!aQh ^oiler »lLr^.l3.95
Chapin Inv. i?o 4.64
City Vfater H^ind 40.22
City 'Vuter I?and 65-26
"Burrour'hs Adoing Ilach- Co 5-00
Jolm Bernhardt 10.00
J. X. Gibbons 100-00 •
Baar & Cunningham lZ?y»66
T0?.\L . e705.65
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: ''' YC' "R
Fdnutos of regrjar "^eGem'ber 19C5" meotin^ of the City
OfiVjycAl of t'-/3 Git:/ of^Heedc^port, held in the City Eall on ITonday
T)ec''"i'ber 4th, 197^, at 3:00 F- lH*
There "'ere present, ?.^a:;or ^'ord prerddinp, Coun^ilnen \rthur,
'^en!:ett, "burton, "^^llis, Ho^'-n "^-nd 7'3e.
The "tr-^et Oo.'::nitt-?e iiii^truoted 'o cjhecl: up the advisahility
of ^r^irli-r: 16th, street frora J. Street to the T^pq:.ia TTill Timber
Ooirip!=in7 p^roperty line. ...
The lifT'-t ocv.raittee ^."iS instructed to -adviEe the "^est Ooast
"^orei; Company, to change t'-e street li[;ht at the "/iren docl: to the
fir^-^t pole east of th.e doclc.
The Council instructed the Recorder that '.varrantK paid on
^•iter rent, co^i!-' used orly for delinquent vmter rent f^e sane
as prior instructions.
notion Tas made, seconded and carried, instructing: the Water
Oo .nissioner to install a """ydrant at the 0 C G G^np .Ho 927, f^e
c-CTip to r -^cr the hydrant and installation.
"^he "finance OoLunittee •"as instructed to inspect the hou^e
sitivate on Tot 10 in Block 4, Hainhc.'^ A.hdition and aet a price
.this i'-lace to he sold .for.
7por. nio'^'ion made, .^'e^oiided and r^assed, t'-,e I?ecorder "'a:;
instructed to transfer J'^I^OO.OO froa the ^oad otr'^et ^?und to the
0.^n9rn.l' ?und.
!!otion ^ made, seconded ar d carried, advicin^ t>e Gity
Treasurer's hooics he t-arned over to Mr. ^7. H. Wann for auditing.
TTotlon '"as made, t-i.econded a:'d ca'rried, declarinf^ the of-®ice
0"" the Gity Treasurer Vacant, -^"r rea^•on§ ^^i-ivn as outlined in the
M--'7or*E I'-^tter tD Gouncil as of "Oee'':'m"ber ^th, .
•^^por motion made, se-jj^ded and carried, J. I. (rihhor.G *7as
ap^'oint-^d Temporary Treasurer until vacamy of f^e ,Trea. virer*s
c/'fice Is filled.
•^^pon motion made, r:e-.o"-^ded "and carri'^d, f^e Gity -^eco.rder
i^^rtr^ict-'^d to "'rit^ a letter to f-^ ^irst Ihitional "Ban^ of
Gardiner, 'irlcinfT their a "'•Gepta"'ee o"® riT rna^ure O"' J. T. Gihhons
0'" Git-^ che:;li:s al;:'C "-ot to accent an-^ chechs sirred hp G. Dou.^lac
ar: Gity Treasurer.
rpv.e -"cl,] 0"*lnc hills -'rere present-^d, r'-y-roved ''y •'••'•e "^inance
'3c*V->itt=».e, on motion Made, Gecond-^i^ d cari'ied, -"ere ordered
••'aid- ^
Git y '•^:.ter ^ nd '78ot Coast ?o-7Gr Oo '•'4 9 .44
Gity "/ater d O •' # t X •Re :'d :r crt a .71
•^hio lehto 1
• r " G "Benson ;P5 .00
G 0 Glarhe ir/
X 'w - .70 -7o' n Bern'-ardt 10 .00
J J Si"^" ns 1 on .X Tort cf 17 .75
"^r nh T. J-aylcr .75 Tee er'- art 1 .IS
H^e vL . ^ . r U re "Hept. Ken. .':o .00 "Ban•; r:"- ''t-'T-.itney Go :.;o -00
q +
_l W -te Tnd. A OQ id. Gom. 10 .8r, Gity - ?und
• J.
: pi oQ 'r''^d.
of .a Special cf t-a ^itv Council, t^-e Cit -
o:" ^^edcport, held .un t^.-? City ^al 1 "Og—m'bor Ilth, l'2ZZ,
r.otio--: -'IS r:arlT, seoc--:-ief- inetr-.ictinr t'-e City
1ttorr,?7 to ."'O to -.nd intorvior; TTr T)^t??*s in rer-^rd to t^-^^
Siil-S :f City lots to V-ze St-t^ -^or Hi-h^.7^3- ;-j.i:-.oseG. "" -
It -'ap "ijTGd •-•nd pnss^d, instruoti-ji;^ t'-.e-City ?rsnciiror to,' b''['?. i:it?r'3bt f'.ne on t':9 B*):?ur]din^ Bond^ alao t\o int''^re;-;t jlue
031 .:r]d I-sTio of ^at?r Boiids.
T'r. W, H. 7-:r-'3 •rv'.lt City Trsacursr's* boolc;^ -vas
r-?ad xrd. a^copt'^d *"•- 3 Co:"n-jiltt2-
o-'1 :;ictior' mado, s?Gond'?d-1"-':''' oarriecj., f:? C'ty Attornar
•:''iS ir.ntruct^'l tj ;Tt '^.*^r-'e'r.orit th 3 T.Tght.e'''':. 'Vo Co.
for ri-ht of -7^7 fc r City Water Tine thj-cu-^': their -rorsrty.
Tvotio"!'' "^.<1(^0, S'3c'^.nd ?v''id • ao^ied, ' inntTTictlI^ii"^or '''^ord
to ---r-pp-it t^-e ar-rlic--i-':iGn ^or C I ^rndy, to 1-^e Corflri tt-e
..t ^ose'':iiry.
^I'.ere "or'inr no fti.rf-5r "biirlness, the meetirr --^d'ourned.
* 4.4. j. ,
lU .• 3ij \j l
hi. .7 or
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the City Gounoil of the City
of Heedsport, held in the City Hall December 30th, 1933.
This meeting was held for the purpose of drafting an Ordinance
Beer, Wine and Liquor Sales within the City of Heedsport, from
January 1st, 1934 until suoh time the Knox Bill "becomes a state
law. After a lengthy discussion, upon motion made and passed, it
was decided to lay this matter on the table until the next regular
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Re border
?i' A-'?f
Minutes of the regular January 1934 meeting of the Oity c.f
Qouncilrof the Oity of Reedsport, held in the Oity Hall on
Monday January 8th, 1934.
There were present. Mayor Ford presiding, Gouncilraen Arthur,
Bennett, Burton, Ellis, Hogan and Lee.
The Fire Chief's annual report was read and accepted.
A vote of thanks was given the Firemen for their work in the
past, year.
Motion was made, seconded amd carried, setting the salary
of the Oity Treasurer at $180.00 per year, to "be payable at
$15.00 per month, for balance of term.
Fpon motion made,and passed. Ordinance Ko 227 was read
for the third time. Ordinance No ^27 was then ordered put upon
its final passage and was adopted by the following vote Aye 6
Hay 0 It was then apparoved by the Mayor.
Ordinance No 228 AN ORDINANCE to provide for the regulation
and control of the manufacture of and traffic in alcoholic
beverages, to provide a system of licenses, to define certain
offenses and the punishment, thereof, repealing all Ordinances
and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith and declaring an
emergenoy, was submitted and read for the first time^ Upon
motion made, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the
second reading and read for the second time by title only.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was ordered read for
the third time. Ordinance Ko 228 was then ordered put upon
its final passage and was adopted by the following vote Aye 5
Hay 1 It was then approved by the Mayor.
Mr Benson reported on his interview with the Menasha
Wooden Ware Companies Agent, in regard to the right of way
for the Water line through their property. The Agent advised ''
that this matter would be taken up with the head office and
a reply given. Mr. Benson also reported on his trip to Salem
in regard to the right of way the State Highway Gommission ;
wishes to buy from the Oity of Heedsport. The State Highway
Commission did not make any definite proposition to date.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Council placed
a price of $4500.00 on the lots the State Highway Commission
wishes to purchase from the City.
A. W. Burton was unanimously elected as President of the
Counoil for the year 1934.
Appointive officers were next nominated by the Mayor as
foli'ows i'?:^
Fire Chief John Bernhardt
Marshal and Water & Street Com. 0 G Clarke
Attorney V/. G. Benson
The following committees were appointed by the Mayor,
the first named of each committee to be chairman.
Water ^ i»ewer Coromittees Ellis & Burton
Finance ^ Burton & Hogan
Street " Hogan & Lee
Light ^ Bennett & Arthur
Building " Arthur,& Lee
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the
nominations of the Mayor were affirmed.
The City Treasurer's report for the year 1933 was read
and upon motion made and passed, was accepted.
Motion was made, . seoonded and passed, to pay |2000.00
on General Refunding -^onds which are now due.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Recorder to write and ask the State Treasurer, if it would "be
satisfactory with the State for the City to trade the School
Warrants the Oity now holds as collateral for their deposit
with the ?irst Bank of Keedsport, for School Bonds.
The City received a letter from the State Treasurer asking
if the City would pass a resolution to assign the City of Heedsparrt^s
deposit with the First Bank of Reedsport, to secure interest
on Water Bonds held "by the State, for a period of eighteen months,
the time the City wishes to defer interest payments.
A motion was made, and passed, instructing the Recorder
to write the State Treasurer asking that such a contract he
drawn and presented to the Council for their inspection.
A CWA application for rehabilitation of the City water system
was presented and upon motion made, ^.seconded and passed, the
Mayor wa authorized to sign the application.
Motion was made, seconded and passgd, instructing the
Treasurer to pay the League of Oregon Cities,./the'yearly diSes of
The following bills were presented, approved "by the
Finance committee and upon motion made, seconded and carried,
were ordered paid.
City Water Fudd.
Oity Water Fund
Koke-Chapman Co
Chapin Inv. Co
Reedsport Garage
West oast Tele.
V/est Coast Power Co
Reedsport Iron Wks
Shell Oil Go
W. G Benson
C C Clarke
First Bank of Reedsport40.00
Bancroft-V/hitney "^o $10.00
First Kat'l Bk Gardiner 3.85
State Ind. Acoid. Com. 10.23
Uno Lehto 3.86
W. G. Benson 2.50
W. G Benson 11.00
Paul Bernhardt 1.95
Frank Taylor 9.32
Reedsport ^'ire Dept Mem. 25.00
John Bernhardt 10.00
J L Gibbons 100.00
R M McPhaill 3.35
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned
Attest: MAYOR
Minutes of a Special meeting of the City '-'ouncil, of the City
of Reedsport, held in the City Hall, Tuesday January 16th, 1934.
There were present. Mayor Ford presiding, Councilmen Arthur,
Burton, Ellis, Hogan and Lee, absent Councilman Bennett.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the Recorder
to draw up a contract with V. G. Balkema, xor use of Lots 13-14-16& 16
in Block 10, City of Reedsport, to be used for gardening.
Robin Reed*s letter was read in regard to a vacation rate on
water rent, the same was laid on the table uhtil a later meeting.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the purchasing committee
for the CWA Project wasK appointed, the following were appointed
on the committee. A* W. Burton and Nelson Hogan.
The purchasing committee wa& atithorized to purchas the
following tools:
8 saws 2 falling and 5 Bucking saws
36 shovels
12 picks
24 Gruhhoes
12 Peavies
9 Bru^h Hooks
24 azes
6 sledges 4 double face sledges and S splitting sledges
8 wedges 4 Falling wedges and 2 splitting wedges
1 Broad Axe
1 Grindstone
12 8" files
4 V/heelbarrows
,12 pick
6 Peayey-^,.
6 Brush Hook
7 Grubhoex
12 axe
5 sledge
12 saw
The following lioense applications were presented:
Vto Floyd Beer license, package store
T B Johnson BBMftfaSomrbottles to he consumed on
Glen Haggith Draft Beer premises*
Uno Lehto Beer License, package store
W R Buck Draft Beer
T B Johnson Pool Hall License
\Vm Floyd Hotel lioense
^ W Burton Liquor License
W A Burdick Liquor Lioense
Upon seperate raotions, seconded and passed, each of the above
applications were approved-
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of a special meeting of the City Oouncil, of the
City of Reedsport, held in the City Hall, Friday, Janizary 26th,
There were present Mayor E. H. Ford, Gouncilmen Arthur,
Bennett, Burton and Ellis, absent Hogan and Lee.
A. W. Burton and V/. A. Burdick, each presented an
application to the ^'ouncil for recommendation as Agent for
the State Xiquor Oommission, upon motion made, and passed,
the above named applicants were given the reccommendations.
J. B. Gainden*s application for a beer license was pre
sented and upon motion made and passed,was granted.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned
Minutes of the regular February 1934 meeting of the City
Oouncil of the City of Reedsport, held in the City Hall on
MondayiFebruary 5th, 1934.
^ There were present. Mayo Ford presiding, also Oouncilmen
Aruhur, Burton, Ellis, Hogan and Lee, absent Councilman Bennett
The Recorder was instructed to write ifey Catching of
Roseburg and J 0 MQAdams of Langlois, Oregon, in regard to
wrecking houses on theii* property.
A letter from Robin Reed was read, asking that a vacation
rate be given on his residence, upon motion made, seconded and
carried, the Council decided that the-full rate would have to
be paid.
Mr.^ Parker presented to the Council a proposition from
the St^t^e Hj>^way Commission for purchasing certain City lots
to be used'*foVNiighway purposes through the City. The High
way Commission offered 14109.29 for the lots to be pdid by
City of Reedsport Improvement Bonds. The City Attorney was
instructed to draw up a resolution in regard to the sale of
these lots, to the State Highway Commission.
Resolution No 95 was then presented and upon motion made
seconded and passed, was ordered adopted as follows, to-wit: '
e? R E S 0 L U 0? I 0 Jf >^6^ f i
WHEEIEAS> the Highway Gommission of the State of Oregon has
agreed to tender to the City of Reedsport. an Oregon municipal
corporation, the lieretofore issued and outstanding improvement
(Bancroft) bonds of said City, in payment for certain lots and
parts of lots which the said Highway Commission desires to pur
chase for right-of-way purposes within said City, said bonds.
with interest coupons thereto attached, to be equal, in face
value, to the assessments heretofore levied upon said lots and
parts of lots, now remaining unpaid, plus the interest upon said
assessments from the date of last payment of said interest, and
WHEOtffiAS. said offer, on the part of said Highway Commission
appears to the City Council of said City to be in all respects
fair and equitable.
t "
That the said City does hereby agree to accept said bonds,
together with the 1932 and 1933 interest coupons thereto attached,
in payment of the purchase price of certain lots and parts of
lots lying within the 1933 re-3a5ated right of way through said
city, of the Oregon Coast Highway, as the same appears upon the
State Highway Commission maps of said highway, said right-of-way
being across certain portion of the Imended Plat of Railroad Addn.,
Rainbow Addition, and Rainbow Addition Ho,2 to the City of Reeds
port, and involving 25 lots and parts of lots now owned by said
City by reason of the foreclosure of the liens for delinquent
assessments; said bonds with interest coupons thereto attached to
be in the total sum of not less than $4109.29-
Upon the tender of said bonds and interest coupons, the City
agrees to make, execute and deliver its bargain and sale deed.usual
in such circumstances, to said State Highway Commission, or the
State of Oregon.
BE IT FUBTHER EESOLTBDi that the deliYery of said deed or
deeds, upon the lender of said honds. is further conditioned upon
the express agreement» on the part of said State Highway Commission
that it will, in the construction of said highway, at the entire
cost and expense of said Commission, relocate, remove and replace
all public utilities such as man-holes, catch-basins, fire hydrants
etc. affected by said highway construction, in a manner adeg^uately
to serve the use for which said present utilities were intended,
and satisfactory to the City Council of said City; further, that
said Commission will construct adequate approaches to said highway

at the intersection of same with the in^roved streets of said City.
Adopted at regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of Keedsport, this 5th day of February, 1934.
The Building ""ommittee reported they had sold the house
on lot 10 in block 4 Ife-inhow Addition, known as the West house,
for $25.00 and the same to be wrecked.
Mr Earl Kelly presented an application for a beer license.
After some discussion the Council decided by a vote of 4 to 1 to
invetigate the applicant.
The JTollowing bills were presented, approved by the
Finance Gommittee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried,
were ordered paid.
John Bernhardt $ 10.00 Baar & Cunningham $171.74
C C iSiai-ke 124.69 ?irst Bank of Seedsport 20.00
J Ii Gribbons 100.00 Burton*s Pharmacy., 1.25
WOr Benson 25.00 Bancroft-Y/hitney *^0 10.00
Reedsport Mach & B. Y/ks 8.52 City Water i?und 5.71
Reedsport ^arage 83.27 West Coast PowBr Co^ 49.00
Paul Bernhardt 1.25 Winchester %y Lbr ^o 3.16
West oast Tele Co 3.61 John Bernhardt 6.46
State Industrial Accid Com 9.85 City V/ater ^'und 38.92
Shell Oil 8o 18.45 Reedsport ^'ire Dept 22.00
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the- City Council, of the
City of Reedsport, held in the City Hall, Tuesday, February 13th,
There were present. Mayor Pord presiding, Councilmen Arthur,
^Bennett, "^urton, Hogan, Ellis and Lee.
Motion was made, seconded and passed, to pay Harold ^-ewis
and Jimmie Clark, one half their salary until they are put on
the CWA payroll.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the
]?inance Sommittee were instructed to go to Salem and interview
the State Highway Commission in regard to securing the money
for paying assessments on the lots to be sold for Highway pur
The application of -^arl I-elly for a beer license-was
presented, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Council
decided not to grant any more licenses at this time as they
feel there are a sufficient number of dispensories.
, Motion was made, seconded and passed, instructing the Mayor
to write for prices on Wood and Steel v/ater pipe
,npon motin made, seconded and carried, H C McCrea was appoint
ed Olif' telEtice of term by Chi' •fblToWing• -votey ^ •
Aye 6 Nay ^ .
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Att est: Mayor
Minutes of the regular March 1934 meeting of the ^ity Council
of the ^ity of fieedsport, held in the City Hall on Monday March
5th, 1934.
There were present, Mayor E. gord, Oouncilmen Arthur, Bennett,
Burton, Ellis, Hogan and lee.
A letter from S*. C. Levins, requesting to "buy Lot 17 in Block 77
fronting 15th, and L. Street, for the payment of assessments, was
granted upon motion made and passed.
The Building Committee was instrudted to investigate the kind
of a building Mr. Levins could be allowed to build on Lot 17 in
Block 77, Railroad Addition.
The Recorder v;as instructed to Write, Ray Richards, requesting
that house and water rent be brought up to date.
Mr. T. B. Johnson and \V. R. Buck appeared before the Council
with State Retail beer license applications for investigation, upon
motion made, seconded and passed, both applications were endorsed.
Motion was made, seconded and passed, to purchase a bond for
the City Treasurer.
On March 1st, there was $750.00 of interest coupons due on
the 3rd Issue of Water Bonds, upon motion made, seconded and passed,
these coupons were ordered paid.
A motion was made, seconded and carried, to allow any citizen
wishing a street light near their property, to do so by paying the
Oity in advance for the cfearge made by the vVest Coast Power Co.
each month.
The purchasing Committee was ordered to purchase planks along
the water line, o^vned by the Baldridge Brothers.
Upon motion made, seconded and passed, it was decided to refund
the water bonds, subject to the findings of the Mayor, City Treasurer,
Recorder and the State Treasurer.
Motion was made seconded, and passed, authorizing the Mayor
and Recorder to sign a deed to A. W. Burton for the City lots to
be sold for State Highway purposes.
The following bills were -presented, approved by the B'inance
Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered
Bancroft-V/hitney Co
Reedsport Garage
V/est Coast Power Co
Shell Oil Go
City Water -cHind
City Water -^"Hind
A. W. Burton
Reedsport Mach. & B.
Oity Water ^und.
J- L. ^ibbons
Reedsnort Pire DeT)t.
CIC Clarkftc
John Bernhardt
1 10.00 Al Butler $ 7.50
14.49 West Coast Tiie Go . 4.90
49.00 C. A. Lee 4.29
18.45 Paul Bernhardt 18.65
Q.24 John Bernhardt 2.94
24.58 Uno Lehto 1.72
11.00 State Industrial Accid C 9.90
Y^ks 3.60 Nels Hogan
Burton*s Pharmacy
49.54 5.35
45.00 ITirst Bk of Reedsport 20.00
Members 41.00 J. L. ^ibbons 100.00
19.00 W G Benson 25.00
10.00 C 0 Clarke 124.72
Total ?J651.52
Attest; Mayor
1-1 -f -fai
Minutes of a Special Meettiig held in the City Hall, Friday
March 9tla, 1934.
There were present. Mayor -^^^ord, Councilmen Arthur, Bennett, Burton,
Ellis, Hogan 8r. Lee*
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was decided "by
unanimous vote of the Council to use Steel Pipe for the new water
line •
The purchasing committee were instructed to buy an engine
for the pile driver.
The County GWA Board requested the City of See'dsport to
pay ^7.80 per month tn Mr. Chase's Salary for six months, upon
motion made, seconded and carried, this request was granted.
This salary is to be paid by local contribution and guaranteed by
the City of Reedsport.
The Sealed'bids: f-artlSi": wrapped 8lieT»'^wat:e]?; .we':i:e"op®Stied .
and read aa follows:
Beall Pipe & Tank Corporation of Portland, Oregon- 12" -10
gauge Electric welded steel pipe, dipped in Pioneer Mineral Rubber, and
and wrapped with asbestos pipe wrapping, complete with one Pierce
coupler for each 30 foot length, J'll.l? per foot J'.O.B. Reedsport.
Crane Company of Portland, Oregon -12" -10 gauge V/elded Steel
Pipe, dipped in Pioneer Mineral Rubber, and wrapped with asbestos
pipe wrapping, complete with one courier for each 30 foot length,
|ll6.50 per hundred feet S'.O.B. Reed^ort.
Pure Iron Culvert Company, of Portland, Oregon, 12"' -10 gauge
Spiral Welded Pipe, dipped in asphaltum, and wrapped with asbestos,
in-40 ftotil^rngths, ifel.OB per foot ?.0.B. Reedsport. In 20 foot
lengths ^ol.l0 per fott, 5'.0.B. Reedsport, with one coppler for
each length-
After some discussion in regard to the bids, it was decided
to continue the meeting until Monday,March 12th, 1934, at 8:00 P.M.
Minutes of the continued meeting of Friday March 9th, 1934.
There were present, Mayor Ford, Councilmen Arthur, Bennett,
Burton, Ellis and Hogan, absent Councilman Lee.
T. B. Johnson presented a draft beer license, upon motion
made, seconded and carried, the license was granted.
Glen Haggith appeared before the Council with a State Liquor
license application for investigation, upon motion regularly made,
seconded and passed, a rec^ommendation was given.
The Mayor requested that a vote by ballot be taken on the
bids for water pipe. The vote was unanimous for the Pure Iron
Culvert Gompm|y*s bid. Motion was then made, seconded and passed,
to accept the low bid of the Pure Iron Culvert Company for 4000
to 18,000 feet of asbestos wrapped steel water pipe with fierce
couplers as per specifactions.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Building and Street Committee to draw up a plan for Fire Limits
within the City and present the same to the Council at the next
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of the regular Monday, April 2nd, 1934 meeting of
the City Gounoil of the ^ity of ^edsport, held in the City Hall.
There were present. Mayor Jord, Oounoilmen Arthur, Bennett,
Ellis and Hogan, absent Councilraen Lee and Burton.
The minutes of the last Special meeting were read and
approved with the following amendments; Motion was made, seconded
and carried, instructing the Mayor and Secorder to sign an agreement
with the Pure Iron Culvert Corporation to buy 5000 ft of 12" Steel
Upon motion seconded and passed, the City Attorney was
instructed to draw up an ordinance showing lot 1-2-3 and 17 in
Block 77 Hailroad Addition outside the fire limits.
The Building Committee was instructed to inspeot the Jail
and report what alterations they feel are necessary for the, safety
of prisoners held in same.
Warren MoWillis appeared before the Council, making appli
cation for th© garbage disposal contract for 1924, upon motion made,
seconded and carried, the application was granted.
Mr Haggith requested th© is e of the City tractor and grader
for one days work on the Ball Diamond, upon motion made, seconded
and carried the request was granted.
Motion was made, sconded and passed, authorizing the Mayor
to appoint a committee to meet withthe Chamber of Commerce Aeronautic^
committee in regard to a Municipal landing field.
Motion was made, seconded and passed, accepting check of
$24.56 from the S'iremen, balance of the 1934 payment on the Fire Truck.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Recorder to write the 5*irst '^''ational Bank of Gardiner advising thftt
the City Mil ra£ieel)t •^agreerhentttondisdoBtimSe''--roc©iv±ng interest
on their account and no service charge on checks or Bonds be charged,
also asking the Bank to acknowledge by letter this agreement.
Upon motion mdde, seconded and carried, the Treasurer was
instructed to pay Water Bond Uo 17 of the second issue.
J. B. Camden appeared before the council with a State
Liquor application for approval, upon motion made, seconded and
passed, the approval was given.
Mr. 0. A. Xee^s resignation was presented to the Council
and accepted, the Heaorder was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Lee
extending the appreciation of the council forhis services rendered,
this l&tter to be signed by the councilman.
S. J. Ely was nominated for councilman to fill the vacancy of
Mr. Lee, and upon balltt was unanimGUgJly elGcted.
Motion was made, seconded and parsed, instructing the V^ater
P^ommissioner to see Harold ^ev/is in regard to surveying right of way
through the Menasha Woodenware property, for the water line.
It was moved and passed, instmcting the Recorder to write
the League of Oregon Cities, asking for copies of ordinances outlined
by the league.
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance
Committee, and upon motion made, seconded andpo-ssed, were ordered
W. G. Benson $ 26.00 Heedsport -^'ire Dept ^^embers $ 37.00
Herb McCrea 15.00 State Ind. Aocid. Com. 11.65
C C Clark© 124.69 City V7ater Fund 138.74
John Bernhardt IC.OO Clarence Thornton 8.97
J X Gibbons 100.00 City "ater Fond 27.51
Reedsport Mach. & B Wks 13.42 Baar & Cunningham 17.55
Umpqua Drug Co.
A W" Burton
vVlnchester Bay Lbr.
Alaska Junk Go
Bancroft-V/h3,tney Co
A B Daljz & ^on^any
Tom Jacobs
Beedsport Crarag®
Bal dridge Borothe rs
l00*s Service Sta*
I 1.70 C C Clarke $ 7.00
16.00 ^'irst Bk of i?0odsport SO.00
6.00 West Coast Power Go 53.00
5.47 Poart Umpqua Courier 23.50
3.00 Frank X Taylor 15.05
10.00 Shell Oil 6.98
S2.75 S i^lover Company 102.00
35.48 John Bernhardt 12.48
33.51 I. 0 Arthur 64.70
150.00 Hoy Peterson 7.42
2.01 1st National Bafak 'jardiner500.00
Meeting continued until Wednesday April 4th, 1934 at 8:00 P. MMinutes
of continued meeting of Ajiril 2nd, 1934. ,,
Theare were present Mayor Fodrd, Counoilmen Arthur, Bennett,
Burton,' Ellis, Ely and Hogan.
There was a longlhiiy discussion in regard to offsetting the
deposit at the Pirst Bank of Reedsport for the Collateral now held
by the City of Reedsport. It was finely decided to wait until
they could hear from the State Treasurer in regard to the matter.
Motion was made, seconded and passed, to file claim with
the l^irst Bank of Reedi^ort for the deposit held in the bank since
it closed June 30th, 1933. . -
The building committee was instructed to check up on the • «
ware house and report the advisability of letting the Longshoreman
have the second story for meeting room.
The meeting was continued until a later date by call of the
Minutes of the continued meeting of April 2nd, 1934, held this
16th, day of-^pril 1934 in the fiity Hall.
There were present Mayor "^^ord, presiding, also Counsilmen
Arthur, Bennett, iJurton, Ellis and Ely, absent Councilman Hogan.
Ordinance No 229, an ordinance providing for a City Planning
Commission for the ^ity of ^eedsport was introduced and read for
the first time. Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
it was then passed to the second reading and read for the second
time by title only. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it
was then passed to the third reading and read for the third time
by title only. Ordinance No 229 was then ordered put upon its
final passage and was adopted by the following vote Aye 5 Hay 0 •
It was then approved by the Mayor.
Mayor "^ord then appointed the following persons to serve on
the Planning Conunission with the Mayor, '^ity Attorney and Acting
City Engineer:
?. L. TaySior
I. J. Weidner
K. J. Hubbard
Mrs. Wayne Conger
W. A. Burdick
W. A. I/Ovelace
Mrs. A* W. Burton
Upon motion made, and passed, the LongshoremanJis.Miacal Union
were given permission to use a room over the City IVarehouse for
their meetings, they in turn are to pay the City $2.00 per month
rent •
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder
to accept the value,placed on City owned houses, by the Finance
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the City Council, of the
City of Reedsport, held in the Gity Hall, Monday April 30th,
Mr J B Camden appeared before the Council applying for a
draft beer license, upon motion made, seconded and carried,
Mr* Camden*s application was approved by the following vote, 5 Nay Q)
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was decided
that all State Liquor License Invetigation blanks be accompanied
by City Beer License application.
After a lengthy discussion in regard to the water pipe
purchased from the Pure Iron Culvert Company, it was decided to
wait until the Salesman arrived and arrange ^-'ith him an adjustment
on the water pipe which i4 not up to specifications.
There^ beigg^ n^ fu^;^;her business, the meeting was a^jqi^ned.
Attest: LfV, ^
Minu'^s'of ^°?;^^ofal Meeting of the City Counci^'f'^of the
Gity of Beedsport, held in the '^ity Hall, Wednesday May 2nd,
There were present Mayor Ford presiding, Councilmen
Arth.ur-Bennett-Burton- Ely- Ellis and Hogan.
Fred -^""aulus. Deputy State Treasurer 'appeared before the '
Council in regard to the City of . Reedsport Deposit held in the
closed First Bank of Reedsport.
There was a lengthy discussion in regard to the advisability
of the Gity offsetting the deposit for the Collateral now held
by the City. It was finally decided that Mr -^^aulus contact
Mr Schramm, State Bank Examiner and make a satisfactory settle
ment between the First Bank of Reedsport and the City, if
possible. Mr. Paulus advised the Council he would let them
hear from him within a week as to the outcome of his interview
with Mr. Schramm.
Mr. Gibson of the Pure Iron Culvert Company appeared before
the Council in regard to the defective water pipe. Mr. Gibson
stated that his Company was willing to make any adjustment the
City desired. The Council instructed Mr. Gibson, they wished the
weld in the center of the 120 foot lengths, cut out and Pierce
Couplers furnished. Mr. Gibson agree# to do this with no expense
to the City.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of the regular Monday,May 7th, 1934 meeting of the
City Council, of the City of Reedsport, held in the City Hall.
There were present Mayor 5'ord presiding also Oouncilmen,
Arthur, Sennett, Burton, Ellis and Ely.
The Reo©arder was instructed to v/rite Tom Sorterion of
Leneve, Oregon, advising the Building on Lot 2 in Block 52
is a fire hazard and should be torn down.
John Bernhardt, S'ire Chief, appeared before the Council
and reccommended the building on Lot 3 in Block 3 Rainbow
Addition be torn dovra as it is in bad condition and a fire
TJnon motion made, seconded and carried, the council ,
authorized-^"^ f>30.00 be given the Firemen to defray expenses
of attending the S'iremens school at Corvallis.
Motion was made, seconded and passed, authorizing the [
Mayor and Citv Recorder to execute a deed on Lot 17 in Block • ^
77 Amended of.-Railroad lAddition in favor of "Villiarn
Harold Sohaffer.
Mr. Parker, fiepresentitive of the State Highaway Commission
appeared before the Council, advising, the State wishes to
build a Maintenance Shed 88 x 72 in the vicinity of Reedsport.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Mayor and Recorder
were authorized to enter into an agreement of option withthe
State Highway Commission to sell the balance of Block 57,
Ife-inbow Addition for $250-00, providing Bancroft Bonds can be
with this amo^int of money, sufficient to pay all City
Assessments with interest,on said Block.
Upon motion made, seconded and passSd, the Mayor and Recorder
were authorized to execute a deed on lot 11 in Block 4, Rainbow
Addition in favor of the World War Veterans State Aid Coinmission,
This property to be paid for by the State Highway Commission
with Bancroft Bonds.
The State Highway Commission wishes to use dirt from
Lot 8 in Block £0, Wades Plat, for Hi&:hway purposes. The Str-^-et
Committee was instructed to ascertain if this would be satisfactory
with adjacent property owners.
Upon motion made, seconded and passed, H,
appointed. City Engineer.
Lewis was
Upon motion made, seconded and passed, the Mayor, Recorder
and Councilman Burton were instructed to take the collateral
held by the City of Reedsport and go to Salem to interview the
State Treasurer and State Bank Examiner in regard to settlement of
the City Deposit with the J'irst Bank of Reedsport.
The Following bills were presented, approved by the i^inance
Committee, and upon motion made. seconded and carried. were
ordered paid.
Frank i ^aylor $ 27.52 V/est Coast Tele Go $ .85
Reedsport Fire Dept Mem. 37.00 Herb LlcCrea 15 .00
Uno I'ehto 3.12 J L Gibbons 100.00
E E Morgan 24.75 John Bernhardt 10 .00
Harold T.Lems 46.40 C 0 Clairke 124 .70
K S Jones ^ 44.15 V/ G Benson 25 .00
State Ind. AO'Cid. Com 11.08 City Water Fund 4 .78
City V/ater Fund 118.75 Umpqua Mill Co 10.00
Reedsport Garage 33.12 A N Woods 90 .00
Reedsport Maoh. B. 'iVks 113.52 Alaska Junk Co 29 .84
H L Chanin 25.00 W S Burnett 2 .12
V/est Coast Pow»r Co 91.00 Bancroft-V/hitney Go 10 .00
First Bk of Reedsport 20.00 Paul Bernhardt 8 .60
H W France 23-10 A B Osborjie Co 238 .00
S12B8 .00
The meeting was continued.
Minutes of CTontinued I'eoting of May 7th, 1934-
There were present Mayor -is'ord, presiding, also Oouncilraen
Arthur, Bennett, Burton, Ellis, Bly and Hogan.
Mr. Parker of the State Hlghv/ay Conmiasion, appeared "betffore
the Council asking that the balance of Block 57 be given to the
State for Maintenance Building site.
Mr. 3urton reported that he had talked v/ith the County tax
Collector and was advised that about ^lOOOwQO was delinquent in
taxes on the Balance of Block 57.
A motion was made, aaad passed, to lease to the State Highway
Commission for if^l.OO per month, balance of Block 57 Rainbow
Addition, Reedsport, Oregon, until such time as Douglas County
forecloses on said property for delinquent taxes.
Motion was made, seconded and passed, to give the State
Highway Commission, borrow, on lot 8 in block 20, and widen
1st, Street between 31o3l: 19 and SO, the full width of Street,
take the alley in Block 19 between 1st, street, west on alley to
City grade. Widen the present its full width along
blocks 19 and 23, and 20 and 21, also widen 1st, street between
21 and ZZ to full width,, all pro-erty situacte in the Original
Tov;nsite of Reedsport, Oregon.
There being no :^rther business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of a Special Meeting, held in the City Hall,
Monday, May 21st, 1934.
There were present Mayor Ford presiding, also Councilmen
Arthur, Bennett, Burton, Ell is,&Hogan, absent Councilman Sly. \
The Recorder was instructed to v/rite R. H. Pierce -and
have the Water Pipe couplers shipped also advise when he
could com® and oversee the instalation.
The council inspected the water rental books and discussed
the matter of delinquent water users. It was decided that any
delinquent user must arrange to take care of the account at once
also keep all current months rent paid in advance. The Recorder
was instructed to write all delinquent accounts and advise them
of the Council's action.
Motion was made and passed, instructing the City Attorney
to draw up an ordinance, stating that all o^raers of property
will pay Water Rents on J>liroperty ovmed by them, the first of
each month in advance.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
llinutes of a Speaial Meeting of the City Cornicil, of the
Oxty of Heedsport, held In the Oity Hall, 5'riday May 25th, 1934.
There v;ere present Mayor ^'ord, presiding also Gounoilmen
Arthur, Bennett, Burton, Sllis, Sly and Hogan.
An Agreement between the Oity of Heedsport and the
State Treasurer was read by Attorney Benson. This agreement
assigns the City of Reedsport Deposit with the ITirst Bank
of Reedeport, also the Collateral now held by the City, to
guarantee the deposit. The l^feyor and the Recorder had
previously been authorized to sign this agreement.
Resolution IIo 96 v/as read, after some discussion, the
City Attorney vjas instructed to attach the following clause;
IS FURTHER RSSOLTED by the City of Reedtjport that the ^ity
Treasurer be and he is hereby relieved from all further
liability under his bond as such Treasurer, for the care,
custody and safe-keeping of the collateral heretofore in his
hands in connedtion v;ith the deposit of the Oity in the
?irst Bank of Rned^-^ort. Resolution No 95 was then presented
and upon motion made, was .Bd6pted;;.by:.thedfOi lowing vote;
Aye 5 Nay 1.
Motion was made, seconded and passed by vote of the
Council Ayes 6 Nay 0, instructing the City Treasurer to
make demand by letter, that the -'irst Bank of Reedsport
pay the City of Reedsport the full amount of the deposit
now h*^ld by the First Bank of Reedsport.
Mr. Peters, DeT^uty Superintendent of Banks, presented
a letter of settlement by and between the ^^irst Bank of
Reedsport and the t^ity of Reedsport. The Council neither
rejected or accepted the settlement but ordered the Recorder
to forward the letter to S'red Paulus, Deputy State Treasurer.
There being no further business, the meetin.^ was adjourned
Minutes of the regular Monday Jxine 4th, 1934, meeting
of the City Council, of the City of Reedsport, held in the
City Hall at 8:00 P. M.
There v/ere present Mayor i?ord, presiding also Qouncilmen
Arthur, Bennett, Ellis, Sly and Hogan, Councilman Burton
The minutes of the last regular meeting and t-ie Special
Meetings were read and ariproved with an amendment to the
minutes of the regular meeting, showing the City Engineer is
not to draw any salary.
W. P. Xelly appeared before the Council, asking if a
permit be requir-^o for moving a building over the City streets.
Upon motion made, seconded and passed, Mr. Kelly was given
permission to move building and instructed to notify the
"street Committee what date he wished to move same.
A. Oomralttee from the Department asked to be allowed
a license to put on a carnival, forom the 26th, of June to the
30th. Itotion ^^-as made, seconded and carried, granting the
-firemen the lic^^nse.
Mr. J '-'I Lent appeared before the Qouncil, asking for terms
on buying lot 4 in Block 4, i^ainbow Addition. The Council
advised they would discuss the matter and advise Mr. Lent at
- a later date what terms could, be given.
Upon motion made, 'seconded and paE^ssd, the Council author
ized the Treasurer to- draw acheck aiid purchase a second hand
t la" ton Chevrolet Truck from the Reedsport Garage for the sum
- of ;:5281.12.
. to
?he Hecorder was instructed send x registered lettersfo
Tom Soterion and Hoy Catching asking for permission to wreck
the buildings on their property as the same are in a dilapidated
condition and also fire hazards*
Tt was reported the property of J Magill situate on
Lots 12 and 13 in Block lOV is not connected to the sewer
system. The Building Committee was instructed to inspect this
property and report back to the Council.
Upon motion made and passed, the Treasurer was instructed
to pay !^;545»00 of interest due on the second issue of water
bonds also $426.25 amount of in'^erest due on General Refunding
Motion v;as made, seconded and passed, making the S'irst
National Bank of Gardiner, depository for the Oity' of Reedsport
'lotion was made and passed, that beginning with the 4th,
day of June 1934, any person or persons giving a dance, must
police the building also the grounds adjacent to the building.
The Ilayor and Marshal to appoint the man for sneciaib duty.
A motion was made, seconded ^ind passed, authorizing the
City Attorney to draw up an amendment to Ordinance No 22%
this amen^dment to be an Emergency Clause. The amendment to
read, thvat rii dancing be alloived in Beer Parlors or any place
where beer is served. No music allowed in these places between
the hours of 12:00 Midnight and 6:00 A. M. The backs of all
booths not to be over 36 inches High from:"th6rfloor and windows
be kept clear that vision of the interior may \ye had from the
notion v/as made, seconded and passed, instructing the
Street Co-nmittee to have a sign placed at the City Dock,
advising the weight limit of the Dock S-J- tons. '
T&d' foilov/ing Resolution was present ed and reafl.
-• ••"-RSSGI-UTION M)" 9Y .
That the Mayor and '^ity Recorder of the City of Reedsport be
and they are hereby authorized execute Right-of-way agreements,
as prepared by t^^ Attorney, by and between the
City and the following parties:
Menasha Woodenware Co. John ICiernan Corporation
W. I? Beed Reedsport Company
'Vinchester Bay Lumber Co R. J. Hubbard
Adopted at regular meeting of the City Council this 4th, day
of June, 1934 by the following vote; Aye 5 Nay 0 • .
May 0 r
The following "bille were presented, approved "by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and passed
were ordered paid.
Gr. Benson
C 0 Clarl®
Herb I-IoOrea
j L G-ibbons
John Bernhardt
Arthur Service Station
State Ind Aocid. '^om
A W Barton
V/est Goast Pwr Go
Dorothy Gib^^ons
Gity V/ater ?und
Dou.3:las Abstract Go
Raedsport i'ire Dept iiiember
25.00 Port Umpqua Gourier 8-00
124.69 St'iniey Cochran 1.20
15.00 Gity Vater 5\ind 18-49
100.00 Heedaport Garage 21.68
10.00 s H ^"^ord 3.00
9.12 Y/ G Benson 3.00
12.54 IToke-Ghapman Go 6 18
14.80 Pure Iron Culvert Go 2500.00
91.00 Bancroft-./hitney Go 10-00
4.25 Elsie Dow 4.50
200.08 Uno Lehto 3.60
4.96 V/est Goast Tele Go 4.15
s 19.00 BeedsiDort Mach & B Wlcs 26.88
^^3, 241.12
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned
eoorde r.
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Gity Council, of the
Gity of Reedsport, held in the Gity Hall Mondgty Juno 18th, at
8:00 P. M.
m There were present Mayor -^J^ord, presiding, also 0ouncilmen
Arthur, Bennett, Burton, Ellis Ely, absent Councilman Hogan.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Water Go^nmissloner to hire four men at the follov/ing wage,
for construction work on the water pipe line. iTruck Driver
.50 per hour, 1 skilled hammer man for .70 per hr.,
1 skilled construction man at | .70 per hr-, and 1 Deck Hand
for Pile Driver at .60 per hr.
Motion was made, seconded and passed, appointing J. X.
Dodson as Ifif^ht Marshall at $50.00 per month.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjoumed.
Minutes of the regular Monday July 2nd, 19S4, meeting
the City -^ouncil of the" ^ity of Heedsport, held in the ^it;
at 8:00 P. M.
ty Hall
There v/is present Mayor ?ord presiding, also Oouncilmen •
Arthur, Burton," Ellis, Ely and Hogan, absent Gouncilmaja Bennett.
Itoy Catching advised the Oity Council that they have his
permission to wreck the house on his property in Heedsport.
Upon motion made, seconded and passed, the v/ater committee and
the Cit;/ Attorney wore authorized to draw up a nev-; ,/ater Cental
0rdi nan c e fo r the Gounc i1 *s in sp e c t i on.
notion was made, seconded and passed, instructing the City
Recorder to write the State Treasurer in regard to the settlement
"by and between the City of Heedsport and the First Bank of Heedsport
The ^ity wishes to paj/ in cash the difference between the amount
collected in cash from the Bank and that portion of the deposit
v/hich is water fund^'
Upon motion made and passed,
to pay SIOOO.OO on account to the
the City Treasurer was authorized
Pure Iron Culvert llfg. Co.
The iJecorder v>;as instructed to write the Southern Pacific H« R*
Go in regard to dock on their property near thn Standard Oil
Company Station, dock being in an unsafe condition. The
Recorder vvas also instructed to write the State Highway Commission
in regard to Sev/er connections being left open where houses were
moved from their property.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, to advance the i^iremen
•il'12.00 on their 1955 payment of the J'ire Truck, this to be returned
to the City at a later date.
Motion x'l/as made, sedonded and passed, instructing the Recorder
to insure Ghevr-'let r|- ton truck, the insurance to be for IPire and
public liability and property damage.
Mr. J. B. Camden appeared before the coundil asking permission
to move his beer parlor from its present (Location into the Odd
ii^ellows building. Upon motion made and passed the request v/as
IT7)on motion made, seconded and passed, the Recorder was in
structed to write the neighbors of V/oodcraft Order, asking them to
^end refunding bonds Nos. 18-21 and 22 to the i^irst i^ational Bank
of Gardiner for payment.
Ordinance No 230 an Ordinance amending Ordinance 0o 222 relating
to licensing and regulating the sale of beer, malt liquors and wines
declaring an j^mergency was presented. It was decided to take a
vote upon sections 18 and 19 of the ordinance. On section 18 the
vote was kyo 4 Way $ 6 On section 19 t:.e vote was Aye Sni Bat 0
The Ordinance was then introduced and read for "he first time. Upon
motion regularly made, seconded and carried, it was then passed to
the second reading and read by title only. Upon motion made, seconded
and carried it v/.^s then passed to the third reading and read for
the third time by title only. Ordinance Ho 250 was then ordered
put upon its final passage and was adopted by the following vote:
Aye 5 Hajr 0
The following bills v/ere presented, approved by. the Finance
Committee, and upon motion made and passed Avere ordered paid.
City V/ater .^"und $428 o80 Harry Marks ^o9 .06
City '"/ater Aind 8 .88 Bancroft 'Vhitney Go 12 .00
City '7ater Fund 119 .76 City 7ater Fund 59 .08
J I Gibbons 100 .00 Frank Taylor .50
Herb McCrea 15 .00 Heedsport Mach B Vvks 1 .85
G Benson P.15 .00 Roosevelt Serv. Sta. 9 .53
John 3o I'D har d t 10 .00 Reedsport Garage 57 .71
C 0 Cla: ke 124.70 J L Bodson 13 .30
First 3k of Reedsport 40 .00 Uno Lehto 5 .24
Umrviiia Trrug Go .45 •Vest Coast Pwr. Go 91

West Coast Tele Go ^ h 7.90 State Industrial Acoid. $15.40 1
ytato Industrial Ac.oid Gorn 29.31 Fare Dept Ivlerabers 53.00
N S Jones 13.80 Shell Oil Go 6.98
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of tho regular Monday August 6th, 1934, meeting of i
the City Oouneil, of the City of Reedsport, hold in the City Hall i
at 8:00 P.M.
There were present Mayor -^-'ord, presiding, also Oouncilmen
Arthur, Bennett, Burton and Ellis, absent Counoilmen Ely and Hogan.
' The Howe i/'ire Apparatus Go. advised that Warrant IJo 5583, due
July 16th, 1935 could "be paid v/ith a 3^? discount, amounting to $lti.30.
Upon motion made and passed the Gouncil authorised this warrant paid
at this time.
Motion was made, seconded and passed, instructing the Water
Commissioner to order from Paul Bernhardt, 1000 ft. of ^ inch water
pipe also H50 ft. of 3/4 inch pipe. Tho price quoted on the pipe
"being l';;-339.15 plus freight®
j?ire Chief, John Bomhardt appeared "before the Gouncil asking
that the building on Xot 5 in Block 48, Railroad Addition, wither
be repairod or wrecked, as same is a fire hazard. The Mayor instructed
tho Biiilding' Gomniittee to take this up mth the man in charge of
the property, who is Mr. K. S. GqHins.
F, T-. Triylor appe iired before the Council and asked permission
to build a Sheet Iron building 16 x 24 on the back of his property,
as.- storage space for hardware. Upon motion made and passed,
Mr. Taylo r's rc^ue st was gran ted.
Motion \ms made, seconded and passed, authorizing the ordering
of 3800 ft. of 12 inch wrai^ped spiral welded steel pipe, to finish
the first unit of the water lino.
Mr. Briggs,oGotmsel for the League of Oregon Cities, advised the
^'•ouncil that he believed it was possible to get a man fsjiom the
American Municipal Association, of Chicago, Illinois, to make a
•financial survey of the Gity of Koedsport, vi/ith no charge to the City.
Resolution Flo ^8' was then presented, and upon motion made,
seconded and passed, was ordered adopted as follows, to-Wit:
1^0 r-98'
Requesting of tl-je league of Oregon Cities that an effort Je mde to secure a financial survey of the City of Reedsport
through the American launicipal Association,
Section 1. That the city of Reedsport. through, its
Ms.yor and Council, request of j^h^? League of Oregon Cities, throiiRh
^•uf>oa-'ut of KiunicipaZ R'e'search and Service. Herman :s:ehrli,
Director, li-ugene, Oregon, that said Leag-ue endeavor to "orociire
for the city of Heedsport a financial survey, said survey to be
made by the American Municipal Association, of Chioago, Illinois•
Section 2, That said American Municipal Association be urged
to begin such survey at once, in as much t.s same is urgently needed
to enable the city of Reedsport to plan for an adjustment of its
financial obligations, both as to principal and in1;erest. and an
impartial viewpoint is desired.
Section 3. That it is understood that said survey is to be
paid for thru sources outside of the city of Reedsport, as said city
.wholly without funds to defray the e^cpenses of same.
ecorde r
It was moved, - seconded and passed, that the league of Oref^oii
Cities proceed v/lth the test case relative to refunding" the Water
Bonds of the City of Heedyport, puraaant to the procedure outlined
in Chapter 156, Oregon Laws, 1932, said test case to ""be withou^^
expense to tne Oity of Reedsport, ezco]>t for the nominal "pro rata
assessment to "l^e paid "by all interested Oities of Oregon.
•^Jpon motion made, secoridsd and carried, the Treasurer was :
instructed to exchange with the Chairman of School District ITo 105,
the School v/arrants amoiuiting to $4497.30 plus interest for School
Bonds. These "Bonds to be as early maturity as possible.
'^otion was made, secorded and carried, instructing the ^/ater
Commissioner to buy a ^iyst Aid Kit.
The following bills were presented, approved by the finance
Committee, and upon motion made and passed, were ordered paid.
Heedsport l^ire Dept. Mamebsrs ,^30 .00 City Water Fund J^SIO.IO
City v7ater .3hind 5 .55 City v^atsr I^^ind 14.68
E. H. ij^ord 3 .00- State Industrial Com. 54.05
Carl Keating 91 .77 Reedi'port Mach. 8c B V/ks 88.83
Chas B.^:^ird 105 .38 Kelly's Seivice 1.20
Martin Kennedy 1:38 .57 Prank Taylor 35.90
troo Moecl: 109 .00 0 0 Clarke i::4.69
Her I.IcCrea 15 .00 J L i>odson 49.69
J L Gibbons 100 .00 IJno lehto 6.74
? y/ Chase 15 .00 Pure Iron Culvert Mfg 1000.00
Arthur's Service Sta 15 .98 Tom Jacobs 2.39
Port of Umpoua 10 .00 Shell Oil Co 6.98
0 H Stookey 1 .40 V.'est Coast Power Co 91.00
Paul Bernhardt 10 .98 Harbord Rogers Co 4.41
Rsedsport Garage 87 .45 Milo M Pierson 140.00
ij'irst Brink of i^eds^'^ort ^^0 .00 John Bernhardt 10.00
W G Benson £5 .00 §i;,73U'.'r5
iVinch. Bay LutofeBr Co 15 .41
'i^he meeting was continued, subject to the call of the Mayor.
Minutes of continued meeting of August 6th, 1934, held in the
City hall this 15th, day of August,1934.
There were present. Mayor Ford, -presiding, also Councilmen,
Burton, Bennett, 311ig, Ely and "Hogan, 6.bsent Councilman Arthur.
Upon motion made, seconded and passed, the Water Commissioner
was instructed to hire two men at i .50 per hour to work on the
installation of the i^ter lin.e.
A Beer License Application, signed by A. X. Yates, was presented,
the Mayor appointed 31y, Burton and Hogan as an investigating
committee upon tJiis application.
The meeting v/as continued, subject to the call of the Mayor.
, Minutes of continued meeting of August.6th, 1934,held in the
City Hall this 17th, day of Auggat, 1934.
There were present Mayor •iJ'ord, presiding also Councilmen
Arthur, Bennett, Burton, Sly and Hogan, Councilman Ellis absent.
Matt Thompson asked that he be allowed to build an addition
to his cafe, the Council granted the request upon on the recommend
ation of the Building Committee.
Motion was m&&a, seconded and passed, that A* X« Yates be
granted a beer license.
Upon motion made, seconded and passed, the Mayor & City Recorder
were authorized to sell school bonds now held by the City.
The meeting was continiied, subject to the call of the Mayor#
Minutes of continued meeting of August 6th, 1934, held in the
City Hall this 21st, day of August, 1934.
There were present Mayor Pord, presiding also Gouncilmen
Arthur, Bennett, Burton, Ellis, Ely and Hogan.
Upon motion made, seconded an d passed, the Treasurer was
authorized to draw a cheolc for 0350*00 Taalonce due for attoiney
fees,to Dey,Sampson and Kelson for wervices in the Indemnity
Bonding Compajay case vs* Oity of Reedsport#
Motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the City
Attomey to write Dey, Hampson' & ilelson advising the City of Reedsport
would make settlement with the Indemnity Bonding Company if
same could "be settled for ^'inoO.OO or less.
Motion was made, seconded and passed, declaring an emergency,
That 3800 feet of water pipe must be received from the Pure Iron i
culvert Company, not later than September 21st^ 1934. The Recorder
was ordered to wire the Company of this motion-
The meeting was continued, subject to call of the Mayor.
Minutes of continued regular meeting of August 6th, 1934,
continued and held to this 27th, day of August, 1934.
Thwre were present. Mayor ?ord, also Gouncilmen Arthur,
Bennett, Burton, Ellis and Ely, Councilman Hogan absent.
ORDINANCE NO. 231, 4N ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance
and sale of refunding water bonds of the Oity of Reedsport in
the sum of .^140,500.00 pursuant to the authority of Chapter 156
Oregon Xaws 1933, prescribing the form, maturities and interest
rate of the bonds and the interest coupons, designating the bonds
to be so refunded, providing the manner of sale thereof, and
declaring an emergency, was submitted and read for the firbt
time. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered
passed to the second reading and read for the second time. TQ)0n
motion regularly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed
to the third reading and read for the third time.' Ordinance
No 231 was then ordered put upon its final passage, and was adopted
by the following vote: Aye 4 \
Nay 0 j
It was then approved by the Mayor.
A letter from Vancouver Barracks in regard to water for the
conservation camps, was read, and upon motion made, seconded and
passed, was' ordered tabled xmtil the next regular meeting.
The Mayor instructed the Building Committee to invetigate
and find what effect there would be on insurance rates if a
lunch wagon was allowed on any block within the Fire limits of
the City.
A motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Water Commissioner to make a hook up of the new water line at
the point of crossing the old line, then get further instructions
as to the route to follow.
The meeting was continued, subject to call of the Mayor.
Minutes of Continued Regular Meeting of August 6th, 1934,
of the City Council of the City of Heedsport, continued and held
to this S8th, day of August 1934.
Present, A. W. Burton, acting Mayor, also Oouncilmen Arthur,
Bllis, Ely and Hogan, absent Mayor Ford and Coiincilman Bennett.
A letter was presented hy the City Recorder of the City of
E^edsport, to the City Council, refusing to post Ordinanoe No 231,
or have same published, for the reason the same is in conflict
with section 2 of Article Z1 of the Constitution of Oregon and
Section 1-A of Article IV of the Constitution of Oregon. The
letter reads as follows:
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, this letter
was ordered, filed.
The Meeting was continued, subject to call of the Mayor.
There being no J^rfeher business the meeting was closed this
10th,, day of September, 1934.
Mayo r
Minutes of the regular Monday September 10th, 1934, meeting of
the City Goxmcil, of the City of Reedsport, held in the City
Hall at 8:00 ?. M.
There wero present Mayor Pord, presiding, also Oouncilmen'*'
Bennett, Burton, Ellis and Ely, absent Councilmen Arthur and
Motion was made, seconded and carried. Instructing the
Water Coirmissioner to check up on the Reedsport Conservation
Camp, as to the number of showers, sinks and faucets used in
the oamp.
A Beer License application signed by I. B, Holesapple,
was presented for Investigation. The Mayor appointed, Bennett,
Ellis and Ely as investigating Committee.
Upon motion made, seconded and oars-ie^., the City Attorney
was autViorlzod to draw up a Revocable Permit, granting the
Umpqua Navigation Company the right to erect and rrBintain a
stiff-leg for derrick piirposes on K Street adjacent to Block
79 of the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition, Reedsport, Oregon.
Mr. Frank Norris appeared before the Council, in regard
to expenses of the Library, asking if it would be possible for
the. City to Budget f>120.00 to ^150.00 for library expenses.
The Council advised they thought this could be done and would
take the matter up at the Budget Meeting to be held the S4th,
day of September.
Reedsport, Oregon, 8th 1934
To the Mayor and Council
of the City of Reedsport, Oregon,
On the 27thday of August 1934, the Council
passed Ordinance No, 2Z1 entitled, "An Ordinance
authorizing the issuance and sale of refunding water
bonds of the City of Reedsport in the suia of #140,500,00
pursuant to the authority of Chapter 156 Oregon Laws 1933,
prescribing the form, maturities and interest rate of the
bonds and the interest coupons, designating the bonds to
be so refunded, providing the manner of sale thereof, and
declaring an emergency," which ordinance was approved by
the Mayor on the 27thday of August 1934,
The said ordinance directs me to perform certain
mandatory duties. As Recorder, I am directed to post said
ordinance in three public places in accordance with the pro
visions of section 38 (4) of the charter of the City of
Reedsport, and directed to cause to be published a notice
inviting proposals for the purchase and sale of the re
funding water bonds authorized to be issued and sold by
said ordinance No, 231 ,
I hereby notify you that I refuse to perform
any of the mandatory duties imposed upon my by said
ordinance, I particularly refuse to post said ordinance
in three public places and make a return of such posting
and file the same, and I particularly refuse to prepare
and cause to be published a notice inviting proposals for
the purchase and sale of said water refunding bonds author
ized to be issued by said Ordinance No, 231 • I particularly
refuse to countersign the bonds or permit a facsimile of my
signature to be engraved on the coupons of said bonds.
My reasons for refusing to perform such mandatory
duties are as follows:
1, The.authority under which said ordinance is
purported to be enacted, namely. Chapter 156 Oregon Laws
1933, is in conflict with section 2 of Article XI of the
Constitution of Oregon, and section 1-a of Article IV of
the Constitution of Oregon,. The issuance and sale of
refunding bonds is entirely a local matter, purely
municipal, with which the people of the state at large
have no concern, and under the Constitution it is settled
that as to matters purely municipal, the legislature cannot
interfere by either general or special legislation,
% I
2. Under the Constitution of Oregon, the power
to issue refunding bonds must be conferred on the Council
by the charter#
3. While the legislature may grant general authority
to cities to issue and sell refunding water bonds matured,
or authority to refund unmatured water bonds with the
consent of the holders thereof, the cities can avail them
selves of that authority only by incorporating the power
granted by the legislature in their charters.
4. The charter of the City of Reedsport, Oregon,
does not confer upon the Council the power to issue and
sell the refunding water bonds provided by the Ordinance
Ho. S51 there is no implied power conferred on
the Council by the charter so to do.
5. l/Vhere the charter expressly provides that no
bonds shall be issued or sold by the Council unless approved
by a vote of the people at a general or special election at
which the question shall be submitted as other measures are
submitted under the initiative and referendum, the Council
is bound by that provision of the charter and the legis
lature cannot by a general statute authorize the Council
to issue and sell refunding bonds without a vote of the
people on the question, because the charter is supren^
over the statute. Chapter 156 Oregon Laws 1933 cannot
amend or supersede such a charter provision.
6. In the absence of any charter provision author
izing the Council to generally issue refunding bonds, the
legislature cannot by a general act authorize the Council
of a municipality to issue refunding bonds. Tlmt power
must be conferred by a direct vote of the people at a
general or special election at which the question shall
be submitted.
Upon motinn made, seconded and carried, the Water Conmlssioner
was instructed to contact parties ovming the City for water, ask
ing them to furnich material and labor to build a boat to be used
on Clear Lake at the intake of the '.7ater Pipe line.
Motion was made, seconded and oarris^, instructing the
Water Commissioner to interview the Winchester Bay Lumber Go
and the Captain of Boats coming into this harlaor, in regard to
paying for water used by the boats.
The Mayjir advised, at this time the Budget Cormittee
should be appointed.
The follo^^ng Budget Committee was appointed.
Mayor Pord
Councilman Bennett
" Arthur
Hoy Peterson
S. S. Smiley
H. H. Dehnhoff.
Hoy Henderson
B. W. Stephens
Honda Anderson
Wayne Conger
Monday evening, September S4th, at 8:00 P. 1.1. at the
City E'ill, was set as the time and place for the 1935 Budget
Committee Meeting.
The City Becorder was instructed to check up on all
pin games, operated in the City and have all ovmers and
lessees 1 appear pvt the City Hecorders office*
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, H. M. McCabe
was hired as night marshal at $85.00 per month. The Recorder
was instructed to have Mr. McCabe report for duty immediately.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, to giye^ll support
and co-operation of the City Council to the iocal Committee
of the Homestead Subsistency.
The following bills were presented, approved by the
I'inance Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and Carried,
were ordered paid.
City V/ater Ihind ^ 9.57 W. G. Benson $ 25.00
State Ind. Accid Com 75.64 Herb McCrea 15.00
Martin Kennedy 11.18 John Bernhardt 10.00
Ceo Moeck 11.18 C C Gla rke 124.69
Chas Baird 23.95 J L Gibbons 100.00
Carl ICeating 23.94 J. X. -^odson 49.69
Geo Sppe35iart 19.95 Eugene Jordon 11.97
City Water J\ind 183.40 Hoy Stark 1.90
Union Iron V/orks 4.75 H. ^^'ann 15.00
Milo Pierson 106.40 Shell Oil Co 74.60
Paul Bernhardt 280.47 Port Uinpqua Courier 9. 40
P. Y/. Chase 7.50 First Bk of Heedsport 80.00
Y/est Coast Pwr Go 91.00 Union Oil Go 12.47
Eeedsport Mach & B Co 34.50 Dunn's Store 2.95
Arthur's Serv. Station 23.40 A W Burton 3.00
J A Ellis 4.00 Reedsport Garage 89.44
First Bk of Reedsport 100.00 Pure Iron Culvert Go 1010.53
Maguire & Shields 75.00 Pire Dept Members 36.00
TOTAL ^2697.11
The meeting was continued subject to the call of the Mayor.
Upon motion regularl'y made, seconded and oarri^d, the
meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
minutes op TFE 1935' "UBffST COl'DIITT^.E MEl^TTNa,
Pursuant to order of the City Council and notice regularly
given, meeting of the 1935 Budget Co-imittee was held in the City
Hall, Bank Building, Reedsport, Oregon, on Monday, September 24th,
1934 at 8:00 B. M.
There were present, ?.^ayor Pord, Counoilmen Arthur, Bennett,
Sllis,' 31y, and Hogan, Councilman Burton absent^ also present
were Committeemen Smiley, Conger, Stevens and Dehnhoff, Committeemen
absent were Hoy Henderson, Roy '^eterson and Nonda Anderson#
Attorney Benson, "/ater Commissioner, Clarke and Recorder Gibbons
were present.
The bn.'-i^nt committee proceeded at once to organize, and upon
j morion regulatly made, seconded and carried, Mayor ITord was unan-
' imously Sleeted Chairman and Gibbons was duly elected Secretary of
the meeting.
Due consideration was given to reports v/hich had bnen sent
previously to all members of the Committee by the City Recorder,
showing in detail, expenditures and receipts for the years 1931,
1932 and 1933 also first half of year 1934 and the 1934 Budget.
Items were considered separately as they appeared on the
Budget data sheets. After considerable discussion concerning
individual items, a tentative Budget was adopted^ upon motion
regularly made, seconded and carried, as follows:
1935 Proposed Budget.
Attorney $ 300.00 ' .
Fire Chief 180.00
?ire Department TTembers 450.00
Marshal 1,200.00
Recorder 600.00
TreaS:Urer 180.00
Hall Rent 120.^0
Xights 1,100.00
Dues Subscriptions 15.00
library 150.00
Audit 100.00
Telephone & Telegraph 10.00
Office Supplies Sc Stamps 50.00
Publication & Filing Jees 150.00
Election Expense 55.00
SpeoiR-l Engineering Pc legal 500.00
IPire Apparatus 8n Dept. Operations 400.00
Sewer & Drainage 100.00
Jail Expense 25.00
Insurance,Bonds A Misc. 200.00
Refunding Bonds & Interest _ ^^52.50
Int. on Refunning Bancroft Bonds 3,090".C0
TOTM-G^inSMI ?ITrfD DIS^UHS. ^ll,SS7.S(5 Sia,B27»gO
less estimated General Fund
Receipts from fines, licenses
& Misce]laneous 3,615*00
by taxation § 8,212.50 f) 8,212.50
Bond Interest
Repairs & Maintenance
Salary-Water Commissioner
Sal ary-Recorder
Office Rent
Office Supplies & Stamps
T07a-^/\tEH ?UNt) BT3BTTRS.
Tess estimated water fund
Water rentals Oonnections
Estimated Cash Balance on
hand 13/31/S4
^ 8,430.00
^25,325.00 25,325.00
BA.TANCS-WA.T'^R Debt Service to
be raised by taxation
BA.L' WCB-'74TSR '^WD Operation Expense to
be raised by taxation
Salary-Street Commissioner 500.00
Road Repair, Maintenance &
Equipment 500.00
T0TA.X-R0/ID & STREET ?UIJD DISBHRS. $1,000.00 1,000.00
Xess estimated Road & Street
5^d Receipts: Truck Licenses
& Road Diet. Tax 750.00
BA.XANCS-BDAI) & STR:5ET j?^UT?3) to be
raised by taxation 250.00
?5;l, 800.00
It was duly ordered that the proposed Budget be published in
the Port Xl^pqua' Courier the .required number of times, upon motion
regularly made, seconded and carried, and that October 22nd, 1934
at 8:00 P. M. , at the ^ity Hall, Reedsport, Oregon, be designated
as the time and place for consideration of the estimated by the
City Council of the City of Reedsport, with the taxpayers, when
and where any tax payer subject to the tax levy when made, might
be heard in-favor or against said taxes proposed to be made.
Three being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of a Special Meeting held in the City Ife.ll, Reedsport
Oregon, this 24th, day of Spptember, 1934 at 10:00 P. M.
There were "present Mayor S'ord, Presiding, Councilmen Arthur,
Bennett, Ellis, Ely and Hogan, absent Councilman Burton.
The city Recorder was •frjritsi.the-Btate Iiiiiiuor
Commission in regard to X. B. Holesapple standing with the Xiquor
Upon motion regulatly made, seconded and carried, the City
Attorney was ordered to draw up an amendment to Beer Ordinance
No -oet; the Amemdment to read as follows: That no music other than
radios'of phonograph be allowed in any Beer Parlor, except "by.
Special pennission of the City Council.
There "being no further "business, the meeting was adjourned.
^ Mayo r
Minutes of a Special Meeting held in the City Hall, Reedsport,
Oregon, this 28th, day of September 1934 at 11:00 A. M.
• There were present Mayor Ford presid&gg, Councilmen Arthur,
Ely, Ellis and Hogan,absent Councilmen Burton and Bennett.
L. B. Holesapple Application for a draft beer license was
presented and upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
was granted.
A letter from Dey,Hampson &^elson in regard to settlement
between the Royal Indemnity Company and the City of Reedsport
was read. The Rogral Indemnity Comi:)Bny offering to settle for
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Attorney
was authorized to make an offer $1500.00 and if this could not
be done to settle for $1875.00. The Settlement to be $500.00
in Cash and the balance in V/arr^nt.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
.Mayo r
Minutes of the regular Monday October 1st, 1934, meeting, h&ld
in the City Hall,-^Reed^ort, Orep-on, at 8:00 3^. M.
There were present Mayor S'ord, Presiding also Councilmen
Arthur, Burton, Ellis & Ely, absent Coxincilmen Bennett & Hogan.
Mr Lienkaepper, appeared before the ^ouncil asking for the
use of the City Tractor for discing the football field. Upon motion
made, seconded and carried," the request was granted.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, a rate of !f^50.00 per month
was fixed for water used at the Reedsport Conservation Camp.
A motion was regularly made, seconded and carried, instructing
the Recorder that the regular residence rate be charged for water in
the Robin Reed Cabins.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder
to have Mr. Chapin renew the Insurance on the Fire truck and the
!%• ton Chevrolet Truck.
0RDINA.NCE NO. 232 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 222 of
the Ordinances of the City of Reedsport, relating to having and
regulating the sale of Beer and declaring an emergency. No licensed
dealer shall provide or permit any music in his place of business
other than that frunished by radio or phonograph, except by special
permission of the City Council^ was submitted and read for the first
time.' ITpon motion duly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered
passed to the second reading and read for the second time. Upon •
motion regularly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed
to the third reading and read for the third time by title only.
Ordinance Ho. 23S was then ordered put upon its final passage, and
was adorited by the following vote: Aye 4
Way 0
It was then approved by the Mayor.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer
was instructed to pay the ^500.00 warrant plus one years interest
as soon as warrant Ho 5868 is presented.
The following bills were presented, approved by the J'inance
Oommittee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered
J. I. Gibbons 100 .00 Paul Bemhardt 25 .45
C 0 Clarke 124 .70 J X Dodson 21 .57
W. G. Benson 25 .00 H M McCabe -.47 .99
John Bemhardt 10 .00 First Bk of Reedsport 20 .00
H 0 McOrea 15.00 Re e dsp o rt Garage 32 .53
Heedsporfrt Fire Dept Arthur's Service Sta. 4 .83
Members 42 .00 Reedsperrt Mach 19 .76
Port Uijipqua Courier 29 .70 West Coast Tole Go 1 .45
West Coast Pwr. Co 91 .00 Burroughs Adding Mach. Co 5 .00
Tommy Jacobs 26 .27 City Water Fond 221 .95
Frank X Taylor 17 .47 • State Industrial Accid 32 .45
Nelson Hogan - 21 .50 City Water Fund 4 .00
Royal Indemnity Co 1500.00 TOTAI ,439 .62
There being no further business, the meeting was Qdjoumed
Mayo r
A Special Meeting of the City Council was held in the City
Hall on Tuesday, October 2nd, 19S4, at 3:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor ^ord presiding also Gouncilmen
Arthur, Burton, Ellis, Ely and Hogan, Absent Councilman Bennett.
Resolution No 99 was presented, and upon motion made, seconded
and carried, was ordered adopted as follows:
ItiSOLUi'lOlI lie. .
WliiRMB. tho Bosal Inaoianlty Oocipaiiy. t. ooporaUont
plaintiff In thtit:oerbtiln tlw iilatilct GouiVji^ of
-the lTni1ic3 Jvtc.t^s-for tho Di tjuxdct of Ore^ons^'VGi'BiiL; tho
Gltv of HccSaportt ©t« al» aoicnuLirito. -Imsi m5o an oiUor
in coMT'XOi^ii^io Iri oVaO auijii ox ^1000.00 in i:;ll ywi'i^tloLieiit oj.
saia action/ r;itn projudicc. cinQ
i."iCTKAS» it ap-ooaru to the City ^oivnoil ol' tlio Cltir
of Ef-Qrisporto that imicl sottlemont v;llX "oe ioi' the lioct
intorcr.t':: of Vae City ;uiu 'ci^G iiiir.rdt: nti:. tVio/oof.
ix IS iU'iSOiiViiD M CH-:^ OP iijiiTia'OBa:,
IbPt tT-"« city 'irsaswrer of tho City of "bo
andi "ho 1« horeb;; caithoy 5scS t=nu ijn^tiMictofi to uis-ko^
ana (lellvor to tihe f^fdC Komi Ini.'o::mxty 4 '^5
of tho (Jit^f in tho •'^f vlSOO.OO» ii' i;.ouuxyaiG/it of
eaia tictlon» tho adivori? of seJ-f. ohcclc to i;c /ir.uuj.o^^^
tho xiriii i:^i :oooTi : ••••o :V>on. '••ttorno^a ^
CiV? -. uooi- lilio' execr-.tipji of yro;;er ct^P'-^lr-ti^.n W
for" uml dofcnci-vjotisi. u'.GttiW:^ t^i^i-ecaitiiiu oi
eettiomont casai/ro'iiisc-.
iao>»teu hv the Cit^r Coitooil ;f thi^3 Cit.7 of Koo -«:^ort
nt Ij ji^cij.ri i-iGcti'n.'- of-lxcC* or.O liol Ctld:.. ihi:; -02.
• Oouoiort XOM» by l>io f.:»llov:ir)r; veto: Ayo —_ }txv ^ •
motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder was
instructed to transfer ^51500.00 from the .Water Fund to the
General ITund for settlement of the Rojigcl Indemnity Suit, this
amount to be returned to the water fund as eoon as the General
JHind account will permit.
T,, B. Holesapple Pool Hall application was present and upon
motion made, seconded and carried,' was granted.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjouipned.
Minutes of a Special Meeting of the Oity Oo^'moil, held in the
^^ity Hall October C2nd, 1934 at 8:00 P. M.
'Th.sre were present, TTayor ?ord Presiding also Councilnen, Arthuy*
Burton, Sills, Ely and Kogan, Absent Councilman Bennett. Budget
Gommitteenien present were Gonger and Dehnhoff.
In accordance with published notice, hearing was held on proTOsed
1935 Budget. The !.Iayor informed the Council and the Budget Gommittee
that Mr, "^aulus, Deputy 3tate Treasurer, advised there be an item of
"Interest on Hefundirg Bancroft Bonds" incl^^ded in the Budget*
I^on motion TiEide, seconded ar^d carried, the Committee included $3090.00
for interest on Ifefunding Bancroft Bonds, also raised the total amoiint
of G-^neral 5Vnd Heceipts, the same amount, v7hic>i v/ould leave the total
amount of (reneral -'''und to be raised by taxation, the same as that
published •
Thereupon, Ordinance No. 233 All OHDINAIlOE levying a tax upon
all property situate in the Oity of Beadi^ort for all purposes for
the year 1935 in th^ sxm of fa5,305.70, v/as submitted and read for
the first time- lT]->on motion made, seconded and carried it wasEF
ordered passed to the second readini^ and read for the second time
by titl.e ohly. TTpon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,,
it was ordered passed to the third teading and read for the third
time. Ordinance No S33 vras then ordered nut upon its final nai^sage
and was adopted by the following vote: Aye_5 iJay 0 .
The natter of water rates for Gamp Heedf-port v;as discussed.
Some were in favor of charging §50.00 per month arid some S30.00. .
A Vote was then talBn and vas decided by a vote of 4 to 1 in favor
of J^'SO.OO per month. Upon motion made, seconded arid carried, the
rate was set at ^^130.00 per month.
A deed from the City of Heedsport to Gussie Boak covering
lot 1 in Block 3, Hfiinbov-; Addition 2, City of Reedsport was
presented to the Council. This deed was given in exchange for
all Assessments and City liens being paid by Gussie Boak. Upon
Motion made, seconded and carried, the Mayor and Oity Bscorder
were authorised to sign the deed.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, an agreement showing
settlement of the Royal Indemnity Company's suit against the Oity
of Heedsport was ordered, to bevsign^a.nb^3the':^Heoorder.
The City Attorney was ordered to draw up a permit bet^^een
S. H. Foster and the Oity of Heedsport, Mr. Foster to be charged
^^2.60 per month for the rent of the property.
There being no furf^e r business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: (/ np Mayor
r.-i. u , -tv152
TTinutes of S-^ecial of the Oommon Council of the City
of HgedRport, held in the City Hall on November 8th, 1934 at P.:^0 n
"i^rsuant to call of the Mayor and notice regularly given,
special meetinf? of the Council of the Oity of Heeds^ort was hild
in f^-.e City Fall, On Thursday , November 8th, 1954 at 2:30 P. M.
for e
•nur!:>ose of canvassing election returns, and paying election
There wero present Mayor Ford, presiding also Coun.-jilmen Arthur,
Be'^nett, Burton, Ely and Hogan absent Councilman Sllis.
The official statement of ballots cast from Bast arid '^est
Hnedf.nort precincts in connection with the City Slection of
Fovemher 6th, 1934 "Tas next read, tabulation of T^.ich follows:
B. H. ^ord Mayor 114 102 216
3. S» Smiley Hay0 r 104 70 174
J. X. "^ibbons ifecorder 137 98 235
H. C* UcCrea Recorder 81 70 151
TT. X- Chap in Treasurer 51 31 82
Catharine C Jones Ireasurer 89 83 172
Ceor.'^e A. I'cCulloch Treasurer 79 56 135
I. C. Arthure Councilman 154 110 264*"
A. V'. Burton Councilman 197 155 352-^
E J Corcoran Co,\n oilman 131. 115 246
J. A* Ellis Counc ilman .118 94 212
S. J. Ely Councilman 158 135 293*"
V. Hogan Councilman 158 131 289-
Cus Johnson Councilman 160 1E6 286
"fci 1,1 Schneider Councilman 134 105 240
Total City yote Cast - East Reedspo rt Precinct 174
r/est ' Heedsport Precinot 220
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the follo^ving
were thereupon duly declared elected:
Coun oilmen
E. H. Ford
J. Xt Cibbons
Catharine G. Jones
!• C Arthur
A. '7. Burton
E* J. CiDrcoran
3. J.
nelson Hogan
Gus Johnson
Tho follow,ving bills vrere •nresented, apriroved by the PinanC'
Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried
were ordered paid:
Frank Norris ^2.00 Anna Douglas $2.00
Hazel Bernhardt 2.'^0 Alice R Benson 2.00
Jane B :?'ord 2.00 ITarjorie Bennett 2.00
Angie II Purkerson 2.00 Carmen Allen 2.00
Agnes B Xovelace 2.00 X. B. Clark 2.00
Iaura Sllis 2.00 S 17 Stephens 2.00
Juanita "HeeveS' 2.00 Wilhelmina 0 Cay 2.00
Mildred Harrison 2.00 Yera Bydell 2.00
Opal Bernhardt 2.00 Tivian E^stland 2.00
Haurine ?rance 2.00 Delia A. Clarke 2.00
There being no further business, the meeting v;as adjourned
Attest Ilayor
!!inut9S of the regular Uonday ITovember 5th, 1934 meeting
held in the '^Ity Hall, BeedsTort, OrsPon, at 8:00 P. I'J
There were-present Mayor -^^ord presiding, also Ootuaoilmen
Arthur, . Bennett, Burton, Sllis, Ely and Hogan.
Mr. 'Jeidner a-^peared "before t^e Council and asked that
the Union High School District .Ho 11, "be given permission to
use the Oity tractor for raising a flaf? pole, upon motion made,
seconded and carried, the request was granted.
Mr. F. G. Hurray, foreman for Teufel Carlson, a^^peared
"before the Cov.ncil in regard to the ^"ater rate to he charged
on t^e bridge construction project. After sone disc\ission,
the motion was made, seconded and carried, setting a flat rate
of ^30.00 per month.
M. D. "/allace appeared before the Oouncil, asking that the
American legion h^ •^iven a permit to operate an Armistice
Dance on Saturday ^o.Temher 10th, until 1:00 A. M. motion was
made, seconded and carried granting this request.
Mr. ''-ailace also appeared for the Fire Department, asking
wh^t permission r/ould he given the Department in answering
?ire Alarm-calls at Qamp H^edsport. This matter -ras discussed
with lieut. Hall, Commander of the Camp and Xieut. Hall -
advised he would take this matter up with the State Fire
Mr. Taylor spoke to the Council in regard to getting
3SHA assistance for erecting a Civic Building, and stated that
he vroTild "be able to raise about -I^SO.OO from business houses
for the expense of sending a delegate to intez*view the 33R.I
Committee at Portland." Also asked atisistance from the Council,
upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Coiincil advised
there would be !^25»00 set aside to h'^lp defray the expense.
r-on motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the
Council endorsed the plan of the City Planning Commission for
a. Civic Building.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the Mayor
to appoint one or two members from the City Council to work
with the Subsistancy Homesteaders Committee.
, TTotion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the
TTayor to appoint a comm.ittee to work with the ^^.anning Commission.
After some discussion in regard to lights along the
High^/ay to Schofield River, a motion was made, seconded and
carried, instructing the light Company to turn on the light
opTiosite the Catholic Church.
!*"otion was made, seconded and carried, authorising the
Treasurer to have all Water Bond Coupons sent to the First Ha
National Bank of Gardiner, for collection, also transfer f'.lSS.OO
now held at the Chase National Bank of Hew York to the First
T^ational Bank of Gardiner.
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the
Treasurer was instructed to pay the Interest Coupons v/hich are
now due on the Second Issue of 7ater Bonds, as soon as same
are presented at the First National Bani of Gardiner, for
Sol lection.
notion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the
?!ayor to make a-Proclamation, declaring ITovemher 12th, 1934
a holliday.
The following hills were presented, a-nrroved "by the
finance Committee, and uron motion made, seconded and -carried,
were ordered r>aid«
Baker-'^•?ntress Co State Tnd. Aijcid Com . 36.33
First Bank of Heed;--port ^^0.00 City ^.7ater Fund 196.08
Frank 1^. Ta^rlor 38.98 HeedC'Ort Garage 67.56
'7. "^hase 15.00 '.'est Coast !P";r *^0 91.00
"/inchester "B-.y Ibr Co 21.74 Gitv "fater Fund 20.90
'Yest Coast Tele Co 7.84 Port limpqua Courier 11.35
Chapin Investment Cq 96.36 Roy Stark 9.90
^ ^ c. '*> i"^ ^ c* X jKJ ' o 3.S5 Reedir-^ort I'ach. P.: oiler 16.93
Nev; 3tut2 ^ire Appar. Co 13.27 J. I. i^odson 2.50
Heedsport Fire Dept. Mem. 24.00 I. iJ. LIcGinnis 2.50
F 0 McCrea 15.00 E A Riggs 2.50
C 0 Clarke 124.69 •,7ard Powell 2.50
J. X. Gibbons 100.00 ?.l, 069.57
John Bemhardt 10.00
?/. G Benson 25.00
F lil I,IcCabe 84.69
There heing no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest; Mayor
(/ 3eco rder
Minutes of t>0 r^cTular TTonday, Dec^mher Std, 1934, moetinnr
held In the City Fall at B:^n ?, tt.
There 'vere prej^^-'nt Vnyor 'i'ord, Presiding, also coTincilmen
\rthp.r,-Bojinett, Burton, miis and Hogan, Coun ulman Sly absent.
!!:;:/or J^^ord reported on his trip to Portl'.ind in regard to
getting lahor through the SSHA for constructing a Civic build
ing. T'r Ij'ord stated he "ras advised the labor can he obtained
froTi this source.
TTayor '5'ord ap'^'^oint^d A. "7. Burton a'nd N. Hogan as a Special
"BuiliHng Gon:n'iitt'^e to act vjith f-e Planning Co imission in regard
to fb 0 Civic Building. The Mayor also appointed J.. C. Arthur and
C. H. Bennett as a committee to act ^.vith the Komectead Subsistency
Hrs^Cray appeared before the Council asking that the Council
work ^^dth the County Health Board on control of health in th'^ City.
Upon motion made, second3d and carried, the Recorder v:as
instructed to writ-^ liffersnt cities in regard their ordinances
for health C'^rtificates for the disriensors of food.
Motion was rnad.0, ssoo^ided. and carried, antliorising the
City Attorney to dra^.7 iip an Ordiance demanding; that all Milk
BistriVatsrs re':'ir.:ter at t^e City Hecorder's office.
The Git" Treasurer ^.vas authorised to transfer $1500-00
from the General ?und to the v/ater feid which had been borroi^ed
froni the water fund at a former date.
The folloi.Ting bills ^vere presented, aprroved "by the Finance
Oorimittee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were
ardered naid:
C. G. Olariie
H» ^G# I'cOrea
0. Benson
H LI KlcOabe
J-o>'n Bornhardt
J. X. Gihhons
Torn Jacobs
'Test Coast Telephone
Heedsport ?ire D^pt.
K-"edrpcrt ''aohine &
Reedsport C^ara^e
I!^9lly*s Service St it
Paul Bemhardt
•^irst ?ank of Heedr--
124.70 "City V/ater 5Hind f^38.12
15.00 s A -^irgs IS.S'S
25.00 H H Ble-zett 7.62
84.70 City 'Vater ?und 37.25
10.00 Arthur* s Jiervice Station 1.72
100.00 TTno Xehto
Pure Iron Culvert L^fg. o
11,56 250.00
4.65 "Test Goast Pv/r O'q 91.00
1.25.00 J ohr\ Be mhia rdt 1.61
;11.97 ? V/ Chase 7.50
£7.47 Ioe*s Service Station 1.99
3.22 State Ind. Accid. Com. 35.68
130.04 V/inchester Bay ibr Co 15.41
20.00 <?S"T~ '199 .68
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned*
^^inut'13 of a 3vacl"il TTe-^^tin?? of f"e City Oc;u oil, hold in
th- City ^^-ill Decenber l?th, 19-4 at 8;00 P. !%
Th'?r'=i ^'i'ere r^resent I'ayor 7ord, prnciaing alco Oouhrjilnen
Arthur, Bennett, Burton, Sllis and !31y, abcont C.'un.'^il ian
Hogiin. There "'.vere alco pr.^cTrit Gouricilr.icn-el ect, Ocrc-oran and
The I-'ayor appointed W. G. B^rison, Oity attorney as temporary
The Mayor o'^-'^n?d the dlscusf:ion on the matt-^r of construction
of a Oivic Building. Several of Oourcilner e:j:preesed the
opirion that wovild favor the 3ruction of the building if
the Oit.-r I'.'ould not be obllyated financially for •'he payment of
mat'-^rial hills, "^rarlous quecti .uns of llahility ^vern dlsc-a-sed.
It "T-iQ duT'T- mov^d, seconded ar^d CT-rri ^d, "' '•at the City
Goun-^il /7o on r'-^cord as -^'iyorinrr the construction of the ^^ropOsed
!'^anici]--l building and the donation of Oity o-med lots, provided
t'lat the City, as a municipal Coiporatioji, shall not be liable
either ''or "^he pa;;nnent of back taxes, ao5e:^snent3, or any other
forni of continf?ent liability.
"he Co .rnlssioner r-?.port=>a. on w-itsr Projrjot.
t '"^iS inoT'^d, SGCOT'ifl.Td und c-j-rriod, thf- Rgcordar "be
Instrnot-.a to thR T^istriot ^orHut ^jupf^rvlsor, also
^onPiressman r--^latlvs to trade of ^orest l-nds "Ith TTenasha
'•Toodsn '^are Company, so as to ^rotsot "rateri^hed of Olsar 1^)3 .
R--^corder also instxoroted to -'rito to State Board o:" health
rnl-itive to rosslhle pollution of T-'ike by loe-:Tinf? o--eratiors.
Tt \Ta3 nioved, socc)rKl':^d ard car'riod, th it t"*"'© /ater 'voriraissio^er
be instnxct3d to yurohaso sufficient steel to lay traol: throui-h
tijmnal, ajV^aror^imately SCOO feet of track, together -vith nails,
.lumber and necessary fish plates etc, including arr^m^enjents for
.transportation of same to job, at not to exceed !'^i0*00 ton.
.for stnel. r , . - ' •
It v;as Tioved, se3::'nded and carried^ that J. !• Oibbons,
Oitr; I^3cor^'^r be .^ranted a leare Qf absence excendin{? f-e usual
t'"o rveek^s, on accoiznt 'f illness. . . • '
7]:ere belnr no furt'-er,. t'^e ::aeotin,'T adjourned.
'it' e'st:
A special meeting of the Oity Council by call of the I.tayor
^-as h^^ld in the Oity •""rill December ^7th, 1934 at 3:00 ?. LI*
. ?he*''--» -^re-^-nt TIayor J^ord, pr'^siuinr- also Oouncilmen
A.rt1iur, Burton, ^ilis and TSly, absent Go noi^tan Hogan
and Bennett.
\ppl ioati 0^-s for B'Ter Ticsnse of ?. B. Jo" n^on, T. 3. Hole^iapple
and '7. R. Bud: "-vere rea^, upon notion regularly made, seconded and
Oan'i'id, the ap""'] ic'.tions "'ej'e ordered ap" roved and tv^e !T:j.7or
anf^^ori 3ed to r^if?n ap^^^roval for City.
Tj-feere being no ""urther business, t^ie meeting was adjourned.
Attest :•
PITRStJA.nT to the provisions of the '^ity Charter, regular annual
Meeting of the City Council was held in the City Hall, Teusday,
January 8th, 1935.
There were present Mayor S^ord, presiding;- also Counoilmen
Arthur, Burton, Oorooran, Ely, Hogan and JOhnson.
The Reoorder reported that proper Surety Bonds had been filed
for Treasurer and Redordor, eaoh amounting to $5000*00 in aocordanoe
with provisions of the Gity Charter.
The Fire T)epartment Beport for the year 1934 was read and
upon motion made, seconded and carried, was accepted and the
Recorder instructed to file same, also write the S'ire Department
coTimending them on the service rendered*
A ballotlwasntafcpn^-for.ithe election Iof. President, Burton
received 4 votes and Hogan 2 votes, ^ereuron Councilman Burton
was declared elected as President of the Council for the year 1935.
The folloi.vlng committees were appointed by the Mayor;
Finance Committee r; ' Burton & Hbgan»
Light TT • T. ^ Corcoi^n.. . orj-n
Building " ; . . " Arthur & Johnson
Water & Sewer " Hogan-Burton-Coarcoran
Appointed Officers were next appfbinted by the Mayor as
Fire Chief John Bemhardt
Water & Street Commissioner 0. 0, Clarke
Gity Attorney W. Benson
Marshal H. M« McCabe
Upon motion regular^ made, seconded a^id carried,' the
nominations and appointments of the Mayor were affirmed.
Upon motion made, seconded and Sarried, f400.00 v;as
set as the amount to charge R. H. Pierce for the change over
of couplings on the water line. The Pure Iron Culvert Mfg. Co
to give the City of Reedsport credit for the $400.00.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Mayor to appoint a committee to meet with the State Treasurer
and make arrangements to refund the V/ater and Bancroft Bonds.
Reva Miller appeared before the Council, presenting a
Beer license application, upon motion made, seconded and carried,
the License was granted.
The Mayor instructed the Light Committee to get data in
regard to the loss to business places caused from poor electric
Mr. L. B. Kennedy appeared before the Council, asking if
the City would be able to assist in getting a room for the
Band to practice in. Mr. Kennedy was asked to find a suitable
location and then report to the Council and the same would be
given consideration at that time.
Report of the City Recorder for 1934 was read and upon
motion made, seconded and carried, was approved and ordered
The Water CommieeiOBer was instructed to have the City
Tractor overhaaldd.
The Heoorder was instructed to advise the Bond holders
of General Refunding Bonds now due, the same will be paid
as soon as money is available.
OrdinanoQ No 234, ^prdinaitice fixing the salaries of
the Oity Officers of the ^ity of Seedsport was then introduced
and read for the first time. Upon motion regularly made,
soonded and Carried, it was then passed to the second reading
and read by title only. It was then read for the third time
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried. Ordinance
No 234 was then ordered put upon its final passage and was
adopted by the following vote: Ayes 6 Nays 0*
The fol2iowing bills were presented, approved by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried,
were ordered paid.
Pure Iron Culvert Mfg Co $250.00
West Coast Power Go 93.00
First Bk Reedsport SO.00
Prank X. Taylor 4.73
S H ford 3.00
V/ A Gochran 3.00
.Arthur's Service Station 11.34
Reedsport Garage 20.18
Gochran Grocery 5.98
Reedsport Mach & -^oiler Wks 26.05
A W Mrton 2.20
l^rraers Auto Inter Ins. 13.86
State Ind. Aocid Oom. 39.68
league of 0ref?on Cities 15.00
John Earnhardt 10.00
West ^oast Tele $1
J. L. Gibbons 100
H C McGrea 15
W. G. Benson 25
C C Clarke 124
H M McGabe 84
Leeft Service Station 5
Paul Bernh^rdt
City Water B*und
H I Ghapin
P W Chase
City Water Fund
Reedsport Fire Dept
1st Nat'l Bank Gardiner
•' • • .3"
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
(T? r
Minutes of the regular Monday Febraery 4th, 1935, meeting
held in the Gity Hall at 8:00 P. M^
There were present Mayor Ford, presiding, Councilmen
Corcoran, Ely, Hogan and Johnson, absent Councilmen Arthur
and Burton.
M^yor 7ord reported on the trip to Sal em and Portland,
advising there is a bill before the Legislature in regard to
refunding Bonds, and the State Treasurer suggested it would
be best to wait to see what action was taken on this bill^
also reported, that the Committee called upon Mr. Palmer,
Supervisor of t^ie SSHA.. Mr. Palmer wrote a letter to the
SEPA Headquarters of Boseburg, advising that men should be
furnished each week for work on the Water Xine at Reedsport.
Mayor ?ord stated that ^r. Hogan and Mr. Burdick offered
to donate a portion of Block 81, Ifeilroad Addition, for a
Civic Building site, also that he had talked vdth the County
Court in respect to having the delinquent taxes remited to the
City, and was advised that this was very probable.
After some discussion in regard to this location "being suit
able, a motion was made, andose^oMed, and upon a poll of the
vote as ordered "by the Mayor," the motion oarried as follows, 3 Nay 0 «
The City Marshal asked that the Police signal light he
moved about 100 feet north and red light be place in same so
that it can be seen from Rainbow Plaza* The Mayor instructed
the light Committee to investigate this change and contact
the light and Telephone Oompamtes.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder was
instructed to yjvite Mr. Bronson, Engineer, advising that there
can be two experienced chainmen obtained here at Reedsport to
help with the survey of the Tunnel, also the Oity would like to
have this done at this time.
The Street Oornmittee was instructed to inspect the walks
from Schofield River to the Business l^istrict and have same
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Finance
Committee were instructed to sell the School Dist. No 105,
School Bonds that are now held by the City.
Motion was made, seconded and- carried, instructing the
Recorder to buy Bancroft Bonds with funds received from the
School Bonds.
The following bills were presented, approved by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and oarried,
were ordered paid*
0. C. Clarke ^124 .69 (?ort ISnpqua Courier $ 1 .50
Catherine G Jones 15 .00 Reedsport library 11 .00
John Bernhardt 15 .00's Service Station 5 .06
J L Gibbons 100 .00 Umpqua Nav Co 72 .90
W. G. Benson 25 .00 Raeds-nort Mach & B. Co 33 .35
H M McCabe 84 .69 Frank I Taylor 15 .90
First Nat*l Bk Gardiner 15 .00 3 A tihirtcliffe 1 .25
f V/ Chase 7 .50 Arthur's Service Sta. 60 .46
First Bk of Reedsport 20 .00 A W Burton 19 .00
E H Ford 9 .00 Nelson Hogan 9 .00
City Water Fund 11 .02 Pure Iron Culvert Co 250 .00
West Coast Tele Co 1 .50 Kelly's Service Sta. 6 .67
State Ind. Accid. Com 38 .38 Reedsport Tow Boat Co 28 .00
City Water Fund 39 .61 Fire Dept Members 23 .00
West Coast Pwr. Co
TJno Lehto
93 .00 Reeds"?":ort Garage 37 .47
2 .07 Totalpl,176 .OS
There being no further business," the meeting was adjourned
Minutes of the regular Waroh 4th, 1935 meeting, held in the
Oity hall on Monday at 8:00 P. 11.
There were present Mayor -'ord, .presiding, Councilmen, Arthur,
Barton, Corcoran, Sly, Hogan and Johnson.
Dr. H. B. Miller, appeared before the 'Council, advising the
ST5HA. requested that the City of Heedsport furnish some assistance
in maintaining a Band, upon motion made, seconded and carried,
the Council advised the 3ity w ^uld allow $2.50 per month for hall
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the '7ater Cornmissioner
was authorized to select a foreman for the tunnel work. The Com
missioner was also authorized to get prices on piling to complete
the trestle work.
Ordinance No 236, an Ordinaiice providing for registration of
all -rersons selling milk and cream within the City of Reedsport^
was introduced and read for the first time. Upon motion regularly
made, seconded and carried, it was then passed to the second read
ing and read for the second time by title ofaly. Upon motion regular
ly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the third
reading and read for the third time. Thereupon Ordinance flo 235
was ordered put upon its final passage and was adopted by the
follOT^ing vote: Aye 6 Nay 0 ♦
It was thereupon approved by Mayor E. H. Ford.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder was
authorized to pay $1260.45 at this time to the Pure Iron Culvefrt
Mfg. Go as payment on steel water pipe.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder
to write the Xibrary Association advising that when the City received
tax money, the Xibrary would receive their portion*
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Oity
Marshal to have a phone installed in his room.
The Following bills were pre
Corrmittee,. and upon motion made,
sented, approved by the Finance
seconded and carried, were ordered
State Tnd. Accid. Com. $38.88 Howard Henderson ? 9 .97
Kelly^s Service Station 5.29 H. M. Branson 62 .40
Reedsport Garage 70.70 '?est Coast Pov/er Co 93 .00
Schofield Auto Park 1.61 Gardiner !!ill Co 372 .40
Dey, Hampson & Helson 1.65 Xeague of Oregon Cities 15 .00
Alaska Junk Co 15.00 V/est Coast T^le Co 1 .50
P 'V Chase 7.50 Cochran Grocery 1 .89
Arthur Service Station 7.09 K R Richards 1 .06
^rank I. Taylor 57.94 Xees* •Service .'station 1 .84
City V/ater ;?und 101.59 Union Oil ^o 25 .58
City 'Vater Fund 11.14 Port Umpqua Courier 43 .75
Pure Iron Culvert Mfg Go 1260.45 Reedcport Firemen 28 .00
J L Gibbons 100.00 17 G Benson 25 .00
H M McCabe 84.72 Catharine G Jones 15 .00
Johh Bemhardt 15.00 C C Clarke 124.72
S:-2696 .67
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned
rI ^ RecCn^der.
I.IINITT:i1S -07 H^OITTAR Ist, 1935, n^37TKG 0? '^H"3 CI?Y
GOimOTI, TIT -^TTY Kkll OK LtOIJD4Y AT 8:00 p. M/
There ^ere present, Mayor ^ord presiding, also Councilmen,
Arthur, Burton, Corcoran, Sly, Hogan and Johnson.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder was
instructed to or^er. a Special Account for Hospital Dues and draw
a warrant on same when payments are due.
The Mayor gave a full report on the League of Oregon Cities,
convention, which was attended by the ITayor, Recorder and three
Councilmen. Mr. Ghapin Secretary of the Chamber of Ooinmerce
attended the convention and gave a very thorough report in regard
to the plans discussed with Chamber of OoinmercQ Secretaries.
ITr. McvVillis a^'peared'before the Goiuacil, applying for the
Garbage Contract, ther^ being no other a^^plications, upon motion
made, seconded and carried, T.Ir. MoV/illis was given the Contract
for the year 1935.
Mr. Spath, Manager of the 'Vest Coast Power Company, presented
a contract for furnishing stroet lighting. The Contract calls
for 35 lights to be furnished at .^^2.50 per light. After some
discussion, Mr. Spath was asked to contact his Company and find
if they vrould be willing to make the price $£.00 per light
if the City would use 50 lights. The contract was then laid upon
the table until such time as Mr. Spath could receive an answer
from his Company. Thereupon motion was made, seconded and carried,
authorizing the Mayor and Recorder to sign the contract, providing
the West Coast Power Company was willing to malce this change.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the 'Vater
Co-nmissioner to advise all delinquent water users they would either
have to pay or work out all delinquent water rent, otherwise the
water will be shut off.
The Mayor informed the Council, at this time there is a
balance due on water pire of $2000.00, also stated he wrote a
letter to the Pure Iron Culvert Manufacturing ^^ompany, stating
that it would be porsible at this time to ray the balance, providing
they would waive the interest. Upon motion made, seconded and
carried, the Recorder was instructed to draw a warrant for this
Amount on the water fund, after receiving a reply to the Mayor*s
Motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the Recorder
to order 10,000 window envelopes from the Port Umpqua Courier.
The 5'ollo-v7ing bills were rresented, a proved by the finance
Committee, and upon motion made. sedonded and carried, were ordered
C. C. Cla2"ke :!5124.69 0 H Bennett 11.76
G Benson 25.00 Stanley Cochran 3.81
H M McCabe 84.69 Shell Oil Company 5.93
Jo^^n Bemhardt 15.00 Howard Cqorer Corp. 10.60
CathariBa G Jones 15.00 Dr. E J ^orcoran 6.00
J I Gibbons 100.00 E H Pord 6.00
Y/est Coast Power Co 93.00 A V/ Burton 3.00
Coast Tel'3 Co 5.85 S J Ely 6.00
Lee Service Station 3.63 J L Gibbons 5.00
Zelly Service Station 1.38 R-^edsport •O'iremeni 39.00
^'rank Taylor 17.50 E A Aasen 165.00
0 R Stookey" \ 1.80 State Tnd. Accid Com. 37.90
Reedsport Garage 17.02 N S Jones 2.00
City v/ater ?und 57.89 City V.'ater Fund 27.99
Arthur Service Station 5.06 Pat Hennessey 16.00
:?irst Bk of Reedsport 40.00 Z R Richards 1.17
? V/ Chase 7.50 Dr. R. B. 'filler Sec*y 2.50
There being no further business. the meeting was adjourne^.
• "w
llinutes of a Special Iteeting held in the Oity Hall, Monday
April 29th, 1935, at 8:00 MThere
were prep.ent. Mayor 7ord, presiding, Oouncilrnon,
Burton, Corcoran, i^ly, Hogan and J"ohnson, ahsent Councilman
Arthur* Also Tr^^sent were memhers of the Planning Oonunission.
A letter from Mr. Heiman Eehrli, Executive Representatir^e
of the iea^^ue of Oref:on Cities, was read. This letter asked
the City to make application for any project they mif^ht have
along the State Highway, through the City, After considorahle
discTission, a -Tiotion was made, seconded and carried, aiithoriaing
the Mayor to a-nply r^or a sidewalk and curbing on both sides of
the highway from 15th, Street to the edge of the ^ity Ximits
and make said highway 80 feet wide. The walks and curbing to be
of concrete.
The matter of a wigwag signal and light at the railroad
crossing, wher e the highway cronses same, was discussed' and upon
motion made, seconded ar.d carried, it v;as decided to ask the
Southern Pacific Railroad Company to place signals at this
TTpon motion made, seconded-and carried, the City Attorney
was instructed to ?ile for '7ater Hights on lake Sdna, for the
City of Heed^sport.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned..
Attest: Mayor
Minutes of the regular Hay 7th, 1935, fleeting, held in
the City Hall on TTonday at 9:00 P. MThere
''ere present Mayor ?ord, presiding, also Councilmen
Arthur, Corcoran, Sly, Hogan and J^ohnson, absent Counciirnan
Mr. ir. H. Richards appeared before the Council in regard
to an order for powder, fuse and caps, to be used at the tunnel.
,\fter some discussion, amotion was made, seci;>nded and carried.
Instructing the V/ater Conmissioner to order one ton of Powder,
6000 ft. of fuse and 1000 caps.
7pon motion made, sedonded and ca/ried, the TTayor and
Heoorder were authorized to sign a Street Xight Contract with
the .Vest Coast ""^ower ^om"oany, for one year.
There was a general discussion in regard to renting or
purc'-^asing the Bank Building. Upon motion made, seconded and
carried, the Mayor and City Attorney were instructed to take
a trip to Salem and Portland, to take up the matter of refund
ing Bonds and in regard to an application for a Grant of
CoTornment money to complete the rehabilitation of the water
line, also contact the Artisans to find what amount they would
be willing to accept for their share of the Bank Building.
The need of a ii^ire Hydrant at Schofield Bridge was taken
up and upon a motion made, seconded and carried, the matter
was referred to the Water Commissioner and the 5^ire Chief.
A motion was made, se -.onded and carried, advising that
a oonmitte contact the merchants in regard to a Hand Bill
Motion was made, seconded aiid carried, authorizing a
V/arrant be dra"/n for AlOOO.OO as rayment of tvjo General
Refunding, Bonds now due.
>.• •'*
:Tb'0L'foIl'ov/ing 'bj.!is:^W0re-.'•.presentedj approved "byithe 5Unanoe
Co-^ir^iittee, and upon motion, made, seconded and carried, were
ordered paid.
H M McCabe 84.70 Reedjv, crt i^^ire I>ept Member's 26.00
John Bernhardt 15.00 City V/ater ITund 10.72
C C Clarke 124.70 Hardsocg Mfg Company 2.72
Catharine C Jones 15.00 Re 0 dsr\o rt Mach. & Boiler v/ks 67.90
G Benson 25.00 V/est Coast Tele Co 3.25
J L Gibbons 100.00 St:-indard Oil Co 22.68
Uno lehto- 3.45 F W Chase 7.50
Kelly vjervice Station 10.12 Harbord Rogers Co 1.55
Tee ;iervice Station 1.61 Ree dspo rt Gara^*0 26.12
State Ind. Aocid. Com 64.27 City Water Fund 473.76
West Coast Pwr. Go 93.00 Sanderson i:>afety ^o 6.65
First Bk of Reedsport 20.00 Hoivard- Hn^derson 4-00
Arthur Service Station 9.21 Do Ian & Serfling 2.75
Tom Jacobs 11.91 Pete Morin 149.76
Shell Oil Co 23.10 $1,406.43
There being no further "business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: c>
Hay0 r
ITinutes of a Special Meeting of the ^ity Council, held in
the Oity Hall, Tuesday Hay 21st, 1935 at 8:00 P,1T.
There were present Miyor -^'brd, presiding, also Gouncilmen
Arthur, "^-urton, Sly, TTogan and Johnson, absent Councilman
T-ayor 5^ord reported on his trip to Salem and Portland,
in regard to refunding Bonds. He advised the V7ater Bonds can
be refunded at 4;^ Interest for the first 10 years and 4-^ %
the follo'-'ing 5 years and at 4-i- ^ the last 5 years. Also
stated that he was advised hy the State Treasurer to refund
the Bancroft Bonds at 2fo intnrest, cancelling the past due
interest and m;al;ing the Bonds 20 year bonds. The Mayor also
that he had filed for the water rights on Lake Edna
Motion v/as made, seconded and carried, instructing the City
Attorney to draw up an Ordinance for refunding the \7ater and
Bancroft Bonds, Bonds to be callable.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Mayor and
Oity Attoniey were instructed to get all data 2-.ertaining to
the refunding of the Bonds and prosent the Ordinance for
i^^medi••lte passage..
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the l^ecorder
to write Mr. Branson, asking that he come to H^edsport and do
surveying at the tunnel.
Moi ion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Oity '7ater Commissioner to hire the necessary miin to work in
the tunnel until the next regu^lkr meeting, the wages to be
50^ per hour.
An A^^plication for a beer license was presented by
IJonda /Inderson, u]-;on motion made, seconded and carried, thR
application was granted.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried the meeting v/as
Attest: Mayo r
' Liiniites of the June Srd 1955, meoting held in
the Oity TIall on Ilonday at 8:00
'ihere were present Liuyor ?ord, presid.aing also Qounciluen
Arthur, Burton, Gorconm, 21y, Hogan and Johnson.
Mimitss of the lant Ifef^ular ineetin,^^ and Si Special meeting
were read and approved#
Ixesolution Wo 100 was presented and upon motion niade,
seccnd^d and carried, v/as ordered adopted as follows:
E. H. FORD, Mayfor H. C. McCREA, Treasurer
ClttQ of
JWm 3r(i, 1935.
YiBEBEAS. it has pleased Almighty God to
call from our midst our beloved and esteemed
friend and fellow citizen H. L. Chapin» and
WHEHKAS, H. 1. Chapin faithfully ^d loyally
served this city in numerous capacities,
particularly as Councilman and as City Recorder,
V/EEEEAS, it is with a feeling of irreparable
loss to the City and community, as well as to
ourselves as individuals, that we face the pros
pect of his absence from our comimmity ^d city
gatherings in which he took such an active
interest .and a constructive part,
That the Mayor,. Council and officials of this
City do hereby extend to the members of the
family of our departed friend, our most sincere
•and heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement.
That a copy of this Resolution be spread
upon the minutes of this City.
Adopted at regular meeting of the City
Council of the City of Reedsport, this ^
3rd day of June, 1935, by unanimous
vote. '
H. '-^ord
J. I. Gribb ons
Recorder .
ivir. Voygt and Miss (JosGpliine Yong attended the Council
meetin,^. Mr. Voygt is Manager and Mis Young, Gas worker for
the SSM of this district. There v;as a lengthy discussion
in regard to the rel&if situation. Mr. Voygt advised that
it was possible to get men from Goos County to work on the
Water Project and v^ould take the matter up immediately v/ith
the Coos County SEH/i office.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, t'lo City -Recorder
was instructed to collect :yl.50 per month from Ilr. J. A. Unger
on Gity garages he is now renting.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, to allow the
City Building on lot 3 in Block 2 Riinbow addition to he used
for church purposes, the City not to he liable for impix)vemnnts
or dama,^es to the building.
The I^ecorder v/as instructed to v/rite the Lenpold-Toel "e3i
P: Company in regard to prices on transist and levels.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, changing the City
Y/age scale from the present 4Si- cents per hour to 50 C'?nts
per hour.
Mr. L. B. Hennedy appeared
if the City has any lumber that
Mr. Ilennedy advised the
certs during the summer
before the Council, asking
might be used for a platform,
going to give open air consome
discussion the matter
Band is
was turned over to the Street Commissioner to clieck up and
find if there might be some lumber available.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing t]ie
City Treasure to pay the 2nd Issue Water Bond Interest now due.
The '^ollo'-'ing bills were presented, api^roved by t]:o finance
Gommittee, and upon motion made, secondod and carried, wore
o^t'dered -naid.
G. Benson
Catharine G,
K. M. McCabe
J ohn B0 rnhar dt
J. L. Gib')ons
G. C. Ol-.rko
Tom Jacobs
Gity "^ater
Gity '•-ater
'^est Coast
Git-/" •'Tater
Jon OS
Cf Bon son
•'•/est Coast
Uno lehto
T>owe r
Tele Co
Ti. B. Miller, Sec^y Band 2.50
?. V7. Cliase 7.50
i: H Pdchards 332.SO
Arthur Service Sta. 1.47
Lee Service I^ta. 3.00
IJeedsport Mach B '.ks 11.27
y- M Bran f:'.on 38.25
M:oUrice Celly 3.61
J A Ellis 4.00
Port Umpqua Courier 32.^0
j] H '.^ord 12.00
re T)Pi• • t i-Iomb ers 37.00
Shrank L Taylor 21.11
Ghell Oil Co 5.93
W" A Oochran
Mrs 3 :,!
A.lasl:a Junk Go
Hainbow Cafe
T'-t 31: of Hnedsport
3.15 Hoedsport Garage
1.68 Hov;ard Henderson
45.00 Tete Morin
1.40 H M Ho Gab6
20.00 State Ind. Accid. Com.
There being no further business, the riieeting v?as adjournsd.
Attest; ILA.Y0H
llinutes of a Special lleeting of the City Gounail of
ReedGport, held in the City Hall, Monday, June 17th, 1935,
at 8:00 P. M.
Pursuant to cal-1 of the Mayor and notice regularly given,
speoial meeting of the City Oounoil of the Gity -of I?eedsport,
was hold for the purpose of discussing the refunding of Bonds
and ap'.lication for grant of loan to rehabilitate the water
Thero were present Mayor ?ord, presiding, also Oouncilraen
Burton, Corcoran, 31y and Johnson, Absent Councilmen Arthur
and Hogan.
There 'vas a lefrthy discussion in regard to applications
for loans and grants from the y.JA as to wat'^r system, Oi^ic
Building and Stre.ets & Sidewalks. It was finely decided to
apply for a grant for t>e water system at this time.
Oouncilman Corcoran advised, the American Legion v;as
interested in maintaining a playground, providing the City
would set aside a certain location for same. Upon motion
made, seconded and carried, Xots 11-1^;-13 fc 14 in Block 82
Amended ;^lat of Hiilroad Addition, was given for this project.
The interest on General Refunding -^onds were due June,
15th, and upon motion made, secondBd and carried.
Treasurer was authorized to pay same
the City
A motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Street Commissioner to have Telephone Pole on comer of i4th,
street and Hainbow ^laza moved fr^m the extreme corner of
curb line^^ also round off cement curbing.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned
Attest: LIAYOH
l.Iinutes of the regular I.-onday ^uly 1st, 19r5, moeting,
h-eld in the Oity Hall at 8:00 P. LI.
There were -oresent I.!ayor 7ord, presiding, c.ainoilinen
Arthur, "HuTton,- tJorooran, 31y, Hogan and Johnson.
There was some discussion in regard to cutting concrete
oiirh and setting telephone pole baci: from extreme comer of
14th, Street and Bainhow ?laaa. It was finely decided to haye
the Recorder write I.Ir. Toole of the Highway Department and find
if the Highway Oomiaission v/ould he willing to -'iden pavement at
this inter-section.
A motion was made, seconded and carried, rescinding the
motion at last meeting in regard to cutting curh and settin.^
pole "bacli:.
TJr.on motion made, seconded and carried, tTie 'Vator Oommissionei
was instructed to hire one more man for work in the tunnel durthe
month of July.
The matter of application for grant was discussed and it v/as
finely decided that it would take §45,000.00 to finish the
water project, fpon motion made, seconded and carried, it was
deemed necessary to ask for a grant of §B0,250.00.
Hesolixtion Ho 101 was then presented and upon motion made,
secoTided and ca:-ried, was ordered adopted as follows:
It was also decid'^d to send l-.Iayor ?ord to ?ortland with
the appliCMtion for grant.
notion was made, seconded and carried, instructing-the
Gity Hec^rder, to aocopt Shhool Warrants from School Employees
for v;ater rent, also that J-:.mes Giehisch "be allowed to pay by
warrant for one year in advance.
The matter of distribution of hand bills within the City
Limits, was further discussed. The Ilayor appointed 3. J. Bj y,
to contact merchants as tp their interests in such an Ordinance.
?ire Ghief^ John Bernhardt, a^'peared before the Council,
advising that the firemen could pay §190.00 on the last ^myment
of the 7ire Truck and the balance of 5^^6.00 v;ould be paid when
the firemen could get same. Upon motion made, a econded and
carried, the Chief's proposal was accepted and t^.e City was to
call in the warrant ai'jd pay same in full.
City Attorney, Benson read the complaint of the County YS
Districts, upon motion made, seconded and carried, he was
instructed to answer the complaint, also ask for 5 years in
which to ^ay same.
notion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
City Treasurer to pay two General Hefun^ing Bonds now due.
Upon motion made, seconded nnd carried, the Xoaal legion
Post was ^iven tjie garage buildings on Lot 10 in Block 46,
Railroad Addition, for wreckihg and use the lumber for "^blic
play groimds.
The local legion Post asked that they be given the ri-ht
to either use Block IZ or Block 82, whichever they find most
suited for play ground purposes. Upon motion made, seconded
and carried,this request was granted.
A resolution authorizing the City of T^eodsport
to file an applioation to t^e tSaited states of Amerioa
throu^i th'^ federal Emergency Administration of "^blio
'f7orks f.r a grant to aid in financing
the construction of V/ater System *
and desif^natlnf: 3. H. ?ord and/or J. « Gihlions to furnish
such Infomation as t':e Government may "request. •
Be it resolved "by the Pity of Ijeedsport :
Section 1. That 3. H« ^ord and/ or J. I.. GihhJns, "be and they are
authorised to execute and file an aprlio.'ition on "behalf of
Oity of ^Reedraport to the TTnited "states of Amerioa for a grant to
aid in financing the construction of rehabilitation of municipal
'7ater system ^
Section C. That E. H. ?ord, fllayor] and/or Gibbons, f .Recorder],
be they are hereby authorized and ii-rect^ to furnish such infomation
as the United '>t^tes of Amerioa throiigh the Teder '.l rgency Adminis
tration of "^blic '"orks may reasonably request in connection vri-.h the
application v/hich is herein authorized to be filed#
T, J* " • 'Gibbons , t'e duly elected, qiialified and acting
Pity Recorder" of the Oit^z of ^eedgport do hereby certify
that T have nom;'--arnd th« attached copy of a renolution entitled
DT"-'' —"'TT'T ^ "-I* ^l"
• X'Z2?J0\ THIOUGH AimililSTn^TTOH
"IP" 10 '.vo^Jis A GRXHT Tn
and desigaating H. and/or J. T. Gibbons
to furnish such infoimation as the Government may
v/ith the original of such resolution on file in my office and that
the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution v/hich was
regularly adopted at a meeting of the Oity Co-Lincil of tlie
Pity of I^-edsport, duly held on the Ist"" "^y of July 19o5.
Bated this 5th day of July , 1955.
J I Gibbons
v/Ei^REAS 1 it has pleased Almighly God to remove
from our midst our esteemed fellow citizen V/arren
P. Reed, and
\'^HKEiKAS. t/arren P. Reed loyally and faithfully
served this city and community in many capacities,
particularly as iiayor of Reedsport for several termsi
V/HiSEAS. this City» named after a member of the
Reed family, and the inhabitants of the city, p'srticularly
those who had the pleasure of acquaintance
and friendship of our deceased friend» feel that the
we have suffered a personal loss in the untimely passing
of i^r. Reed.
I'i' Ii> RiSOLViJ) BY 'xHiS 01'2Y OP HKiilDSPOHE
'I'hat the ijayor. Council and official of this City
do hereby extend to the members of the family of our
departed friend, our most sincere and heartfelt sympathy
in their bereavement,
I'hat a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the
minites of this municipality,
Adopted at Regular i^eeting of the City
Council of the City of r^eedsport. this
5th day of x^ugust. 193i3.
The follo-'ing bills were presented, apT^roved by the 7 inancg
•"Committee, and u-on motion made,!seconded and carried, were ordered
G ^-n-on ^ 25.00 ?rai:k L Taylor £0.30
John 3emliardt 15.00 Lee Service Str-ition 1.84
Catharine G Jones 15.00 Hardsocg Mfg. Go S.SO
H !! "'cCabe 84.70 Tom Jacobs 21.25
C 0 Gl-rl:e 124.70 ? 7/ Chase 7.50
J X Gibbons IDOO.OO J^rners Automobile Tns Co 13.85
Port ^'^mpvqua Courier 5.75 j'irst Bank of Heedsport 20.00
Heedsf'^ort "?ire Dept. Hem . 52.00 •Vest ^oast Po'vor Co 95.08
State Ind:. A'^cid. Com 61.85 V/eGt Coas^t Tele Co 0 • 5
Tolly >iefvioe Station 4.62 I^oedsTiort 3oiler 2.75
Rned3poi't Garage 20.15 "^ete florin 149.70
E A Ohirtcliffe .40 City ter j\ind 109.72
Henry Todd 99.75 Geo. Thomas 99.75
n G Benson 4.00 City V/ater ?und 57.4 4
There heinc no further Imsinoss, the meeting v/as adjourned.
Minutes of the Regular August meeting, held on August 5th,
1935, in the Oity Hall at 8:00 p. M«
There were present, B# H« S'ord, presiding, also Oouncilmen.
Burton, Corcoran, Ely and Hogan, absent Gouncilmen, Arthur
and Johnson.
Resolution IJo 108 was presented and upon motion made,
seconded and carried, was ordered adopted as follows:
An Ordinance on distribution of hand bills was discussed
and upon motion made^ seconded and carried, was ordered laid
upon the table*
A motion was made, seconded and carried,' authorizing the
City Water Commissioner to hire the men needed for Tunnel work.
Murle Rose appeared before the Council with an application
for a Beer License Investigation, upon motion made, seconded
and carried, the application was approved.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
City Attorney to draw an Ordinance, establishing a 10 ft. curb
line on Winchester Ave. from the Railroad to the west line of
the City Limits.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
City Attorney to draw and Ordinance, establishing curb lines
on City Streets according to the Planning Commission's
re c omme dat ioti
The matter of set "back lines for residences was dis-
OTissed and by motion made, seconded and carried, was referred
back to the Planning Commission for further study.
The matter of zoning along the new highway from the
bridge to Schofield River was discussed, the City Attorney
asked that he be given time to get more data before drawing
an Ordinance.
There was some discussion in regard to obstructions
and building that are in City Streets and alleys. Upon motion
made, seconded and carried, the Street Commissioner was
instructed to contact all persons and" advise them,•these' will'on
have to be removed.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Mayor was
authorized to appoint an ambulance committee. 'J-he Llayor
appointed Hogan and A. W. Burton on this committee.
I'he i^ire Chief asked for an increase in the personal of
the iJ'ire Department of one or more men. Motion was made, seconded
and carried, granting this requwst.
Motinn was made seconded, and carried, authorizing the
City Recorder to have the B'^irst Aid Oar insured for Public
liability Sfi5,OOOiOG".and,'..05O^^OOO»OO and Property Damafee ?6000.00.
ihe following bills were presented, approved by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried,
were ordered paid*
G C Clarke ^24.69 Arthur Service Station $ 6.87
W Gr Benson 25.00 City '.Vater iJ^ind 86.77
John i3ernhardt 15.00 City Water S*und 29.13
Cathatine G. Jones 15.00 Reedsport iJ'ire Dept. Mem
West Coast Pwr Co
H i'A McCabe 84.69 93.00
J. L. i^ibbons 100.00 J. Jjm Gibbons 2.50
^ W Chase 7.50 Baar & Cunningham 29.66
ij'irst i3k of Reedsport 20.00 btate Ind. Accid. Com. 47.35
iiVank Taylor 308.65 Cafane & Company 72.50
E A Shirtcliffe 1.61 Union Oil uo 9.90
i'om Jacobs 1.50 West Coast Tele Co 5.05
Kelly Service Station 1.61 Lee Service Station 3.68
Iteedsport oarage 24.19, iij E 5*0rd 9.00
H M ScCabe 10.00 City sVater iiYind 429.07
Ethel Mohler Band Sec'y 2.50
There being no further business, the meeting was adjouraed.
Attest: Mayor
order. a
Minutes of the Regular September meeting, held on
September 9th, 1935, in the Oity Hall at 8:00 P« M.
There were present. Mayor Ford, presiding, also
Oounoilmen Arthur, Burton, CJorooran, Ely, Hogan and Johnson.
There was some discussion in regard to "he City Dock
\^ioh needs repairs. Howard Hinsdale has offered to surface
the property with gravel, providing the City would makS the
fill on his pDPtion of Dock which is 8 ft. by 30 ft. at the
same time the Oity filled their property# Upon motion made,
seconded and carried, the Street Commissioner was instructed
to advise Mr» Hinsdale, the oity would accept this agreement.
The Water Commissioner advised the Oity Oouncil, it would
be necessary to lay 400 ft. of 6 in. pipe and 1200 ft. of 2 in.
pipe, before the State Highway Commission makes the fill for
the Highway in Rainbow District. "Upon motion aade, seconded
and carried, ordered that this ^ipe be bought, also requested
the City Recorder to write and get prices on both wood and
steel pipe, also price on Oast Iron Gross.
At the last regular meeting, the u'ity Attorney was in
structed to draft an Ordinance establishing curb lines on
City streets. The City Attorney wished to get more information
and presented same at this meeting. After some discussion
the Attorney was instructed to draft this Ordinance and present
at the next meeting.
Ordinance I^o 236, an Ordinance authorizing the issuances
and sale of refunding Water Bonds of the Oity of Reedsport
in the sum of ^140,500.00, was submitted and read for the
first time^ Upon motion made, Seconded and carried, it was
passed to the second reading and read for the second time by
title only. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was
ordered passed to the third reading and read for the third time.
Ordinance l-o 236 was then ordered put upon its final passage
and was adopted by the following vote: Aye 5 Nay 0
It was then approved by the Mayor.
Mr. '/to. Schneider appeared before the Council with a.
petition, asking that a Street light be placed at the corner
of Winchester Avenue and 15th, street. Upon motion made,
secoiided and carried, the request was granted.
The matter of purchasing lots 2-3-4-5-6 and 9 Section 30,
Township 2'P. South, Range 12 West, from A. ±i. Haines, was dis
cussed and upon motion made, seconded and carried, an option
for !}?25.00 was taken upon this property.
The City Recorder was instructed to write the OCO head
quarters at Vancouver, Wash.also 0. J; Buck, Regional iJ'orsster,
at Portland, teging^tfietooThpletlon'of' the Smith River £toad,
as per request of the Reedsport Chamber of Commerce.
The matter of ^. pedestrian approach to the new Coast
Highway bridge was referred to the street Uommittee.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the i^ity Attorney
was instructed to draft an Ordinance, prohibiting peddling
on Rainbow Haza between 15th, Street and the iJ'erry Landing.
I'he £iayor advised at this time the Budget Committee
should he appointed.
'fhe following Budget Committee was appointed:
E* i'ord
Ii. 0. Arthur '
A. w. mrton
1). J. Corcoran
b. J. Kly
X^elson Hogan
tius iJ'» Johnson
Orville Spath
wonda Anderson
5. V. Ooohran
S. a. Smiley
Wm Schneider
ij'rank Taylor
W. A. Lovelace
Motion was made, seconded and carried, to continue the
meeting to Monday September 16th, 1935, at 8:00 P. M. in the
City Hall, for the 1936 ifudget Committee Ueeting.
I'he following bills were presented, approved by the
Finance Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried,
were ordered paid.
H. M. MoGabe i^ 84 .69 City Water Fund $500.83
John Bemhardt 15.00 E H S'ord 3.00
Catharine G. Jones 15.00 i^rank Korr$5 2.50
0. C. Clarke 184.69 State Ind. Aocid. Com 45.53
J. L. Gibbons 100 .00 5'irst Bk of Heedsport 20.00
jj^re Pept Members 27 .00 Dunn's Outfitting Cq 3.10
J li- Gibbons 3 .00 John Bernhardt 1.50
Mrs J Bemhardt 1 .00 West Coast Tele Go 5.30
Hardsocg Mfg Co 6 .40 Heedsport Mach & B Wks. 4.55
Arthur Service Station 5 .75 Uno lehto 4.14
Heedsport Garage 71 .83 Xee Serv. Station 1.84
City V/ater Shind 11 .65 S* W Chase 7.50
West Coast Pwr Go 93 .00 Guy Hatton 3.00
M D Wallace 1 .50 Tom Jacobs 10.00
Ethel Mohler,Band Sec'y 2 .50 W 6 Benson £5.00
t^on ,motion 3regalal?lyrmade;-iBecpnded andtGaxri^d, the
meeting was continued until Monday, September 16th, 1936, at
8«00 P. M.
Minutes of continued meeting of September '9th, 1935, held this
16th day of September 1935.
Pursuant'toj order'^of i;hB City, Counciln&tioe regularly
given, meeting of the 1936 Budget Committee v/as held in the
City Hall, Bank Building, Reedsport, Oregon, this 16th, day
of Septfflfflber, 1935 at 8:00 P.
'inhere v/ere present. Mayor ?ord, presiding, also Budget
Committee, Hogan, Arthur, Johnson, Sly, Corcoian, Xovelace,
Smiley, Taylor, Schneider and Spath, absent Burton, Anderson &
Cochran. Attorney Benson & Bscorder, Gibbons were present# also
Auditor V/ann.
The Budget Committee proceeded tt once to organize, and
upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried. Mayor Ford
was unanimously elected Chairman and S. S. Smiley was duly
elected Secretary of the meeting.
Due consideration was given to reports v;2aich had been
sent previously to all mambers of the Committee by the City
Recorder, shoiTing in detail expenditures and receipts for the
years 1932,1933,1934 and the first half of year 1935 a^ d tlB
1935 Budget.
Items were considered sepately as they appeared on the-
Budget data sheets* After considerable discussion and advise
from Auditor V/ann, Mr. Wann advised there were several matters
which he wished to bring before the Committee but would not
have the time the present evening, and asked if the meeting
could be continued to a later date* Upon motion made, seconded
and carried, it v/as ordered the meeting be continued until
V/ednesday at 8:00 P. M. September 18th, 1935.
Minutes of oontinued meeting of the Oity Council held
this 16th, day of September, 1935.
5^he matter of the purchase of lots 2-3-4-5-6 and 9
Section 30 Tov/nship 22, Range 12 was discussed. This is
a piece of land bordering the east side of Edna lake and
also extends on the north side including the outlet of
Clear lake into Sdna lalce. After a good deal of discussion
a motion was made, seconded and carried, Authorizing the
purchase of this a price of $1650.00 from
Bessie A. Halnes of Sllrton, Oregon. There had been an option
taken on this property for $25.00 and there was $366.45 of
past due taxes against the same. Upon motion made,' seconded
and carried. It ^wSs-deoided •the.\0i1;y:,'6f^^3e^dsport'^i)ayttlie5
taxes and the Recorder instructed to draw a warrant upon the
City Treasurer for the Bolance of ^1258.55 in favor of
Bessie A. Haines a^jon'^reoet^t-^fiftthtf execated.-deo^di cd
The following bids were presented for the printing of
281 Water Refunding Bonds with Coupons attached:
OooB Bay Harbor $168.60
Pacific Statinaiy & Printing 150.00
Portland Printing Company 150.00
Kiliam Printing Gomparp- 125.00
Eoke-Chapman Printing Co 124.00
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the bid of
Eoke Chapman which was the lowest, was accepted^ and this
Company to be authorized to do the work.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, to continue the
meeting to Wednesday, September 18th, 1935.
Budget meeting continued from pfpptember 16th, 1935.
There were present. Mayor 5'ord, presiding also Budget
Committee, Hogan, Johnson, Corcoran, Sly, Arthur, Smiley,
lovelace, Spath and Taylor, absent Burton, Schneider, Anderson
and Cochran. Attorney, Benson, V/ater Commissioner, Clarke,
City Treasurer, Jones and Hecorder Gibbons were present.
3l11: items were consideted Separately as they appeared
on the Budget data sheets. After considerable discussion
and instructions and advise of Auditor VJann, % inot'ibn tl^s'
seconded and. carried,- the Budget Gdnnnittee adopt the
^ollbmng fidget and tT^smit same to the tax levying body.
Ap-p rp-p riat i ons
Recorder "Salary
Treasurer Salary
Attorney Salary
Marshal Salary
^'ire Chief Salary
S'iremen Wages
Audit Pee
Office Expense
Jail Expense
Fire Department
Street lighting
Printing and Advertising
Hoads & Streets Salary of Oommissloner
Boads & Streets Mainten^ce & Sijuipt
Sewers & Drainage
Telephone & Telegraph
Dues & SulDscriptions
Bonds & Insurance
V/ate r
S'ines and licenses
Water Department Transfers
To Be raised "by Taxation
Bonds "Principal 2000.00
Bonds Interest 660.00
Bonds Interest 3090.00
Bonds Principal 7000.00
Bonds Interest 5620.00
Bonds Interest Past Due 4000.00
niKD 4485.20
533225 .2^0
15120 .20
$ 3S225.20
Motion was made, seconded and carried, to accept the
plan outlined "by Ur. Wann, the same to be used in future
It was duly ordered that the proposed Budget be published
in the Port Urapqua Courier the required number of times, upon
motion made, seconded and carried, and that October-21stf:i,
1935, at 8:00 P. M., at the Gity Hall, Reedsport, Oregon,
be designated as the time and place for consideration of the
estimated, by the Gity Oounoil of the Oity of Heedsport,
with the taxpayers, when and whese any tax payer subject to
the tax levy when made, might be heard in favor or against
said taxes proposed to be made#
, There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned,
Attest: ;i0yor
Recorde r.
Minutes of continued meetibg of September 16th, 1936.
Ordinance No 237 AB ORDIKANOS prohibiting peddling
within a certain area v;ithin the Oity of Reedsport, providing a p
"penalty and declaring an emergency^ was submitted and read for
the first time. ITpon motion made, seconded and carried, it
was ordered passed to the second reading and read for the
second time by title only. X^on motion regularly made, seconded
and carried, it was ordered passed to the third reading and
read for the third time. Ordinance ITo 837 was then ordered
put uppn its final passage and was adopted by the following
vote: Ayes 5 Hays 2
Mr Taylor appeared before the Souncil in regard to
some plan in financing the Bancroft delinquent bonds and
interest. There was a lengthy discussion and it v/as decided
to have the Recorder write to other cities that ere in the
same financial difficulties to find if they would be interested
in submitting some plan to the Government for financial aid.
The Gity Attorney advised there was to be a he-^^ring in
Salem, in regard to the West Coast Telephone Company, charges
of toll fees etc.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, advising the Council
would share the expense of the trip with the Chamber of
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of a Special Meeting, Held October 4th, 1935 in the
City Hal 3 at 8:00 P. M.
There were present. Mayor Ford, presiding, also Coujacilmen
Burton,' Corcoran, Ely, Hogan and Johnson, absent Counciman Arthur.
Frank Taylor appeared before the Council in regard to
getting a COC Camp located this ^vinter at the Reedsport Camp.
At present the GCC Officials feel that the rent asked for the
property is to much. After a lengthy *discussion it was decided
there was very little the Council could do about this matter.
Hesolution No 103 was presented, and upon motion made,
seconded and Carried, was ordered adppted as follows:
WKSHSAS, State Highway No 9 of the State of Oregon,' known
as the Oregon Coast Highway, is routed through the City of
Ifeedsport, Douglas County, Oregon,' a municipal corporation,
and the route officially adopted for said highv;ay by the State
Highway Commission traverses the following street or streets,
or avemxes, of said dity; to wit:
Helocation of Oregon Coast Highway and Winchester
Street. From north city limits of Reedsport to north end of
the bridge over Schofield Greek.
\VHSHSAS, the State Highway Gonimission of the State of
Oregon is desirdius of receiving Federal Aid for the impoPDvement
of said highway.
And, ^THS^AS, The Bureau of Public Roads of the Department
of Agriculture of the United States will not participate in the
construction of said highway until and unless the said City
of Reedsport will guarantee by resolution officially adopted
by fhe Council of said City, that no encroachments will be
permitted upon the right-of-way of said highway within the
corporate limits of said City, which will permanently obstruct
or interfere v;ith the free and convenient flow of traffic over
said highv;ay through said Gity; and will so regualte parking
of vehicles on said str^^ets or avenues traversed by said high
way that the free, convenient and safe flow of traffic shall
not be impeded; and agree not to impose unreasonable limitations
of speed upon said highvra.y, nor impose any regualtions of traffic
which will operate to discriminate against traffic upon said high
way by giving undue preference to traffic upon other intersect
ing streets or avenues.
NO?/ THSH3F0H3, IT IS H^RSBY RSSOIVSD by the Common Council
of the City of Reedsport, Douglas Coujity, Oregon, that no
encroachments will be peimitted on the streets or avenues
traversed by State Etghwa-j No. 9 of the State of Oregon, known
as the Oregon '^oast Highway, which will pemanently or unduly
interfere with the free and convenient flow of traffic along
said highway; and will so regulate the parking of vehicles
along said streets and avenues as not to impede the free, oon¥
venient and safe flow of traffic; and will not impose any
unreasonaMe^limitations of speed upon said highv;ay, nor
impose any reflation of traffic upon said highway which Hhall
unduly discriminate against traffic upon said highway "by giv
ing undue preference to traffic upon other intersecting streets
or avenues.
It "being understood that nothing in this resolution of
agreement by the Oity O'ouncil shall be construed sox as to
prevent or impair paroper police regulations and the enforcement
of all existing ordinances and regualtions respecting the use
of streets in said Oity, nor to prevent such temporary obstruct
ions to traffic as may be necessitated by the construction of
water or gas mains, sewers and other public improvements, or
to preclude the proper use of said highway for the placement
of telephon^or electric light poles or other public service
''^ssed by the Common Council of the Oity of Heedsport,
Douglas County, Oregon,this 4th day of October, 1935.
City Recorder
Thear©obeii3grtJO:i:.^1:t.her. buslneas, the meeting was adjourned
Attest: {[ ^ Mayor
(J City Recorder.
Minutes of regular,October 1935 meeting held on Monday,
Octoher 7th, 1935, at 8:00, P» M.
There were present Mayor Pord, presiding also Oouncilmen
Arthur, Burton, Corcoran, Sly, Hogan and Johnson.
A letter from the S'ire Chief was read, advising the
Council, the building known as the Sash & Door Factoly has
become a fire hazard and requested the same be condemned and
ord'^red torn down. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, _
the Hecorder was instructed to write the County Court and i
o^ffners of the property, (bHife" mustjbe :wrecked.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
IVater Commissioner to purchase the necessary steel rails
needed for completion of track through the tuiiiiel.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, an order to
advance wages f®ar men working in the tunnel from $4.00 per
day to §4*50 per day, this order to take effect October 1st,'
After inspecting a transit owned by Mr. Klinge, motion
was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Water Jv L'y.ic-n
Qcmmiissioner to make an offer of $75.00 if the instrument
was found to be in first class condition.
After some discussion in regard to selling lot 6 Block 1
Bainbow Addition, a motion was made, seconded and carried,
authorizing the Mayor and Oity Hecorder to execute a deed for
the property, providing the same is sold*
Motion was made, seconded and cartied, authorizing the
payment of $2000.00 on delinquent interest due on the first
and third issue of water bonds, held by the State.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Treasurer to transfer $500.00 from the Water :j*and to the
General Ij^ind.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Council
expressed the opinion that if part of the employees salaries
were raised they were in favor of raising all salaries.
Motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder was in
structed to renew policies on Chevrolet I7ork Truck, Fire Truck
and Ambulance.
l?pon motion made, seconded and carried, it was decided
to have an Engineer set a street grade from VTest Railroad Ave»
to the School property on X. Street.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Oity Attorney
was instructed to draw up an ordinance, setting license fee for
laundries add cleaning establishments, soliciting business,
where the work is done outside of the Gity. This ordinance to
be presented at the next meeting.
The following bills were presented, approved by the finance
committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were
ordered paid.
Baldridge Brothers 30.00
City V/ater S\ind 85.28
E R Richards 275.00
H 0 HcCrea 168.61
J I Gibbons 4.5 0
Mrs. John Bernhardt 1.00
Stanley Oochran 3.45
Reedsport Garage 18.93
H T Lewis 80.00
Port Umpqua Courier 7.55
First Bk of Reedsport £0.00
CJatharine G Jones 15.00
\7 G Benson 25.00
C C Clarke 124.70
Kelly Service Station 7.79
West Coast Tele Co 5.10
Ethel Mohler Band Sec'y 2.50
Henry Todd 99.75
Burroughs Adding ilach Co 5.00
E. H. iPord 13.87
City Water 5\ind 7.50
State Industrial Accid 38.84
R'-^edsport uUre Dept Mem .31.00
Prank Taylor 61.19
V/est Coast Power Co 93.00
Arthur Service Station 3.36
Tom Jacobs 1.47
Burton Phamacy 5.00
W. G Benson 10.70
John Bernhardt 15.00
H M McCabe 84.70
J I Gibbons 100.00
Shell Oil "^0 3.73
P V Chase 7.50
C E Riggs 99.75
Geo Thomas 99.75
This being the time-get for opening of bids for Bonds
under Section'5 of Ordinance Ko 236, for sale of water bonds and
it appearing that no bids have been received, motion was made,
sec onded and carried. Instructing the City treasurer to exchai-ge
the water fefunding bonds for the outstanding v/ater bonds,
originally issued by said City of Reedsport in the order of
their respective issue dates, numbers and maturities.
By order of the Mayor the meeting was continued.
Minutes of oontinued meeting of OetolDer 7th, 1935, held this
21st, day of October, 1935.
There were present, Mayor 7ord presiding, also Oouncilmen
Ely, Hogan, Johnson and Corcoran.
In accordance with published notice, hearing was held on
proposed 1936 Budget. The Mayor advised that Auditor TTann had
called his attention to an item of estimated receipts from taxes,
for the Boad & Street Itoid, had been ommitted. Mr. Vlann advised
this should be included. This item was entered upon the Budget.
The matter of raising salaries of employees was discussed.
It v;as suggested that if any v/ere raised, it should be for all
employees. A ballot was taken to find what the Council's opinion
was in this matter. The vote was Ayes 4 Kays 0 .
Thereupon Ordinance Ho S38 AK OPDIKANGS levying a tax upon
all property situate in the City of Heedsport for all purposes
for the year 1936 in the sum of $14,790.20, v'as submitted and
read for the first time, Upon motion made, seconded and carried,
it was-ordered passed to the second read for the second time
by title only, IJpon motion regularly made, seconded and carried,
it was ordered passed to the third reading and read for the third
time. Ordinance Uo 238 v;as then ordered put upon its final
passage and was adopted by the following vote : Aye 5 Hay 0 *
There was some discussion in regard to water rents. Upon
motion made, seconded and carried, the City Council ordered, that
beginning november 1st, 1935, delinquent water users will not be
allowed to work out their bills but must pay them in cash, also
beginning November 1st, 1935 as soon as water rents beco-ne past •
due the water mil be shut off.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned#
Attest: p
Minutes of regular November, 1935, meeting held on Monday
November 4th, 1935, at 8:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor ?ord, presiding, also Counc ilmen
Corcoran, Sly, Hogan and Johnson, absent Councilmen Arthur and
A letter fr-'om the State Treasurer in regard to $6000.00
of Improvembnt Bonds that might be purchased, was read and
upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Hecorder was
instructed to write the Bond Holder and offer to purchase the
bonds for 25 flat.
The lease from Vancouver Barracks for water to be used at
Reedsport CCC C?amp was submitted. The lease calls for a contract
from November 1st, 1935 to June 30th, 1940,at vSO.OO per month.
The City Charter does not allow the Council to make contracts
for over two years, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the '
Recorder was instructed to write the Quartemasters Headquarters
advising this and ask them to change the contract to conform
with the City Charter. Under this motion the Council also gave
the Mayor authority to sign the contract Yi^hen in proper form.
Toung's Bakery asked that a parking space "be rnarked off
in front of their business place for loading purposes, upon
motion made, seconded and carried, the Street 3ommissioner '
was instructed to have this place marked.
^e Mayor advised he had a contract for a Band Instructor
to be financed by vrpA I^^lnds, motion was made, seconded and
carried, authorizing the Mayor to sign this contract.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Mayor was
instructed to go to Hoseburg and contact the County Oourt in
regard to being given the Sash & Door Factory Building, for
wrecking same•
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Recorder
was instructed to issue shut off notices and give same to the
City Marshal, with instructions that any delinquent water user
will be given five days from time of notice to pay their rent,
providing they do not comply v/ith this order, the water will
be shut off.
The follov/ing bills were presented, approved by the Finance
Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were
ordered paid.
W G Benson
E M LIcGabe
C C? Clarke
John Bernhardt
Catharine G Jones
J X Cxibbons
Tom Jacobs
City V/ater ?und
3 S Smiley
K E Richards
C H Hammers ley
Maurice ^elly
H T Xe^ris
S A Higgs
Clarence Thornton
Henry Todd
Mrs Jo>m Bernhardt
Reedsnort J'iremen""
25 .00 Arthur Service Station 5 .79
84 .69 Heedsport Garage 30 .70
124.69 Roy istark 3 .30
15 .00 C H Bennett 9 .89
15 .00 Lee Service Station 3 90
100 .00 Port Umpqua courier £6 .25
24: .10 Uno I.ehto 5 .87
135 .63 'Winchester Bay Xbr Co 18 .65
.60 State Ind. Accid. Com 30 .22
.70 ",7est Coast Tele Co 5 60
1 .13 ? "/ Ohase 7 .50
2 .50 "Vest Coast Power Co 93 .00
12.00 Clayton Sornes 1 .00
3 .00 ?irst Bk of Reedsport 20 .00
3 .00 S A Riggs 80 .82
76 .33 Geo Thomas 67 .35
1 .00 J X Gibbons 1 .50
35 .00 Sthel Mohler Band Sec
2 .50
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: 0 Mayor
Minutes of regular DecemlDer, 1935, me-ating held on llonday
Decemljer 2nd, 1935, at 8:00 P. MThere
wre present Mayor ?ord, presiding, also Cotmcilmen
A.rthur, Burton, Sly, Hogan and Johnson, absent Oouncilnian
Coreor an.
I.Ir. T, B. Johnson, VI» R. Buck, Ifurle Hose and Konda Anderson
each -cresented an ar^plioation for Beer Parlor license, for invest
igation, After investigating, a motion was made, sedonded and
carried, a^iproving each application.
Ifpon motion made, seconded and carried, the Gity Treasurer
was instructed to pay the interest due on the new '7ater Refunding
Bonds when the coupons are presented.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the
City Treasurer to pay $.^000.00 to the State of Oregon on the
delinqu-nt water "bond interest.
Motion made, seconded and carried, accepting the
Douglas County proposition of removing the old water main,
(west of low gap) for one half of the pipe.
I.iotion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Recorder to contact the ^tate Highway Gommission and request
them to place a ciilvert under the highway in i^inbow District,
in which the water main can be laid.-
'i'here v/as some discussion in regard to an exclusive franchise
for pin ball games. I'he same was laid on the table until next
meeting, for further discussion.
i'he following bills were "-resented, approved by the iJ'inance
Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried. v/e re ordered
G. C.-Clarke 124.70 '^irst'Bk of Heedg)ort SO .00
H M lieCabe 84 .70 •/est Goast Power Co 95 .00
CFhhn Bernhardt 15 .00 State' Ind.Accid. Com. 19 .37
7 C Benson 25 .00 City V7ater Fund 28 .81
Catharine ff. Jones 15 .00 !.Trs Percy <ilasser 7 .98
J L Gihbons 100 .00 Heeds^-oort Oarage 53 .96
Eelly ^ervic Station 8 .40 Tom Jacobs 3 .25
Arthur Service Station 5 .17 Thurman Higgs 5 .48
Axel Kyllo 9 .97 Carl Dodson 22 .50
?rank X Taylor 9 .97 TJmpqua Ilav. Gompany 105 .00
S A Higgs 18 .45 Paul Bernhardt 326 .50
S H 5*0rd 3 .00 Prank llorris p .50
S V Cochran 3 .08 Lee bervioe Station 1 .03
H'^edsport Firemen 39 .00 R-^edsport Xibrary 35 .34
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayo r
(/ Recorder.
Minutes of regular January, 1936 meeting held on Monday
January 6th, 1936, at 8:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor Ford, presiding, also Oouncilmen
Arthur, Burton, Corooran, Ely, Hogan and Johnson.
Motion was made,seconded and carried, Instructing the
Hecorder to write Mr. W. Chase, Ifeemployment manager, advising
him, the City of Reedsport,would :discontinue the first of January,
the payment of $7.50 contribution to his salary#
The Mayor advised at this time the President of the Oounoil
should "be elected also appointments of committees and employees.
The following committees were appointed by the Mayor as
Finaaoe Committee Burton & Hogan
Xight " Ely & Corooran
Building " Arthur & Johnson
Water & Sewer '" Hogan-Burton & Oorcoran
Street Committee Ely & Arthur
Appointed officers were next appointed by the Mayor as
Attorney mW. G. Benson
Marshal H. M- McCabe
Water & Street Commissioner C. C. Clarke
J'ire Chief John Bemhardt
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the nominations
and appointments of the Mqiror were affirmed.
The Mayor read the Baoorder's Hnaiioe Report also a report
of the years activity.
The Mayor stated he felt the salaries of the City officials
should be reduced from the amoimt set in the budget, as the city
could not afford the raises that had been budgeted. His suggestion
for salaries were as follows:
Recorder $115.00 per month
Water Commissioner 135.00 n
Attorney 30.00 ft n
Llarshal 95.00 rf.
Fire Chief 15.00 If ff
Treasurer 17.50 »T ff
After some discussion, the Council felt the above amounts should
be the salaries. Thereupon Ordinance Ho £39, an Ordiaanee fixing
the salaries of the officers of the City of Reedsport and declaring
an emergency was read for the first time- Upon motion made,
seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the second reading
for the second time by title oiily. Upon motion regularly made,
seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the third reading
and read for the third time. Ordinance Ho 239 was then ordered
put upon its final passage and was adopted by the following vote:
Aye 6 Hay 0 ♦
It was thereupon approved by the Mayor.
The report from the Fire Department was read and upon motion
made, seconded and carried,' was accepted and ordered filed. The
Recorder was instructed to write a letter to the Firemen, commend
ing them on the efficiant service given in the past year.
Motion was made, seconded and carried,, instructing the
water commissioner to order 100 ft. of steel pipe, an 8'' valve
and necessary fittings for the pipe line under the hi^way in
Rainbow District. This pipe to be paid for by the State Highway
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Treasurer
was instructed to take up three of the Water Refunding Bonds
with interest amounting to ^1503.50 by the 15th of January.
The I'tayor advised that. Bell Cliff sm d Alice Forester
are contemplating buying the Olub Cafe Beer Parlor. Upon
motion made, seconded and oartied, the City Recorder was in
structed to sign the Investigation Application when presented*
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
City Treasurer to pay #1000»00 with interest on the General
Befonding Bonds now due.
Mr. Spath presented a contract by and between the West
Coast Power Company and the City of Reedsporfc, this contract
being for one year. Motion wqs made, seconded and carried,
instructing the Mayor and Recorder to sign the contract when
approved by the City Attorney#
Gommissioner Clarke advised there ara^^sseveral bad places
in the Streets which will have to be graveled,* Motion was
made, seconded and carried," instructing the Street Commieeioner
to buy the necessaiy gravel needed.
The matter of repairing the walk forom the bu^ness district
to the Depdt on Tj Street was discussed, this matter was referred
to the Street Committee and the Street Commissioner.
The following bills were presented, approved by the I'inai ce
Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were
ordered paid.
F. W. Chase
State industrial Acoid.
ifi A Riggs
West Coast Pwr. Co
Kelly Service Sta«
J L Gibbons
M D Wallace
Hardsocg Mfg Co
lee Service Sta»-
Reedsport Auto Park
City Water Fund
Farmers Auto Int-^r Ins.
First Bk of Reedsport
15 .00 Sh^^ll Oil Gompaay $ 4.5 8
13 .55 i'hurman Riggs 3.99
16 .95 West Coast Tele '-'o 5.95
95 .08 Koke-Chapman Co 132.00
2 .40 Mrs John Bernhardt 2.00
3 .00 Verne Collver 4.5 0
1 .50, Reedsport Fire Dept Mem 26.00
4 .20 Beedsi^ort Mach & B V^s 1.86
4 .51 Raedsport Garage 31.SO
.90 City V/ater Fund 27.92
9 .35 H 0 McCrea 50.00
13.85 First National Bank
20 .00 Gardiner 3.85
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
^trr- 'ir-i-'ii'- A LiSisL—
Minutes of the regular February 1936 meeting held in the City Hall Monday
February 3rd, 1936 at 8:00 P. M,
There were present, Mayor Ford, presiding, also councilmen, Arthur
Corcoran, Ely and Hogan, Councilmen absent w.ere Burton and Johnson.
A petition was presented by the following signers: H. Petzold,
A., L. Knutson, Madeline K. Hebbard, J. L. Andrews and 0. P. Sallng, asking
that the City demand the State Highway Commission to leave the drains and
sewers oT^'jn at the intersection of 8th, street and Rainbow, also that
closed drains be installed instead of open ditch. Motion was made,
seconded and carried, authorizing the petition be laid on the table and
the State highway Commission be requested to install clased dcains and
open the sewers.
The Mayor gave a report on the League of Oregon Cities meeting held
in Coquille, also of his meeting with the I!ayor and City Recorder of
TTewport, in regard to the refunding of Bancroft Bonds.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Mayor was authorized
to appoint a committee for the purpose of working out a plan to, refund
the Bancroft Bonds. The Committee appointed were, Corcoran, Hogan and
Arthur, the City Attorney and the City Recorder to work with this committee.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the City Treasurer
to pay -I^ISOO.OO with interest, per month on the water refunding bonds.
The matter of taxes that are due on Lots 2-3-4-5-6 and 9 in Section 30
Township 22, Range 12, amounting to ^366.45 was discussed, upon motion made,
seconded and carried, the City Treasurer was authorized to pay the taxes.
There was some discussion in regard to water meters being Installed
at all camp grounds. Itotion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Water Commissioner to buy four meters for this purpose.
The Council discussed the present water ordinance and felt this ordinance
should be revamped. The Mayor appointed Corcoran, Clarke, Benson, Gibbons
and hijjself as a committee to revise the ordinance and present same to the
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion made, seconded and carried,.were ordered paid.
C. C. Clarke 134.69 Frank L. Taylor. 57.92
W. G. Benson 30.00 M M Kelly 4.33
Catharine G. Jones 17.50 Geo Epperhart 3:^,91
H M McCabe 95.69 W. S. Burnett 27,93
John Bemhardt 15.00 J H Richards 34.41
J L Gibbons 115,00 Tfin Dewar 28,92
3 A Riggs 31,42 Lee Clements 9.60
City Water Fund 34.90 Fred Ingson .75
Reedsport Garage 25.85 Eee Service Station 9.03
Arthur Service Station 4.11 U?io Lehto 4.30
Commercial Abstract Co 8.50 W. A. Cochran £.00
State Ind. A'-cid. Com 16.76 City Water Fund 17.55
•^irst Bk of Reedsport 20.00 Pacific Typewriter Co 57.50
West Coast Tele Co 5.60 Mrs John Bernhardt .50
J L Gibbons 1,50 Reedsport "^ire Dept Members 28.00
Coos Bay Stationery Co 3.70 League of Orerton Cities 15.00
W H Wann 154.97 West Coast Power Co 95.56
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: ( Mayor
Minutes of the regular March meeting held in the Council Chambers, March 2nd,
1936, at 8:00 P M.
Tlie^*e were present llayor Ford presiding, also Councllmen Arthur, Burton,
Corcoran, Ely, Hogan and Johnson.
The Mayor advised the Coiincil, the league of Oregon Cities convention
will be held at Eugene on the 19th and 20th of March. Motion was made, seconded,
and carried, instructing the Mayor, City Attorney and the Recorder to attend
the Convention.
Mr Frank Taylor appeared before the Council In behalf of the Chamber
of Commerce, asking to have all license fees waived on amnsenients-arid stands,
to the Chamber of Commerce, in connection with the celebration of tiie Bridge
dedication. ¥pon motion made, seconded and carried, the re<iuest was granted.
Ordinance No 240, an ordinance amending ordinance No 198 of the ordinances
of the City of Reedsport relating to water rates and the -collection thereof,
was submitted and read for the first time. Upon motion made, seconded and
carried, it was ordered to the second reading and read for the second time
by title only. Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, it was
ordered passed to the third reading and read for the third time.
Ordinance No 240 vras then ordered imt upon its final passage and was adopted
by the following vote. Aye 6 Nay 0 » It was then approved by the Mayor.
The matter of zoning the city also adopting a building code was discussed.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder to order three
copies of the taiilding code.
The safeway store presented a beer license application for investigation.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Council approved the same.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Mayor was aitthorized tp
appoint a committee to contact the County Court in regard to redeeming lots
foreclosed by the County. The Mayor appointed the City attorney and himself
to contact the County CouUt.
The following bills were presented, approved by the finance committee,
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were order'-^d paid.
Tirst Bank of Heedsport 20.00 Reedsport Garage 128.24
League of Ore^^on Cities 15.00 State Ind. Accid Com 13 95
W. H. V/ann 154,97 City V/ater Fund 80.55
Coos Bay Hospital Assn. 33.00 Uno Lehto 4.92
Catharine G Jones 17.50 Tom Jacobs 18.24
John Bemhardt 15.00 L C Arthur - 2.44
H M McCabe Reedsport Mach & B V/ks 50.15
J L Gibbons 115.00 Roy Agee County Clerk 1,00
C C Clarke 134.71 Union Oil Co 8.91
W G Benson 30.00 7aul Bemhardt 11.50
Reedsport Auto Park 2.25 Kelly Sei-v-ice Station 2 88
Lee Service Station 3.69 City Water Fund 10.71
Fire De-^t Members 26.00 Umpqua Nav Co 157.50
Frank L Taylor 25.01 •«7est Coast Tele Co 2.85
Koke-Chapman Co 93.95 West Coast Power Co 95.00
Rainbow Ca^e 4.00 W H VJann- 32.50
There being no further business, the meeting w-^s adjourned.
Mnutes of a special meeting called by the Mayor this 11th, day of
March, 1936 at 7:30 ?. M,
Motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the Mayor to write
a letter to the State Highway Coirariission advising the city would not redeem
any of the lots the State Highway wishes to construct the X^qua Hi^way
on, through the city.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Q I Mayor
^ Minutes of a Special meeting called by the Mayor this 26th, day of
March, 1936 at 8:00 ?• M.
There were present Mayor Ford presiding, also Councilnien Arthur,
Burton, Ely and Hogan, absent Councilmen Corcoran £; Eohnson.
There'waa.a lengffc^'.;' discussion in re^^ard to refunding and refinancing
the past due Bancroft bonds. No :definite'plan was arrxs^d'^at but the
matter will be taken up further at the next regular meeting as some of
the Bond holders are expected to attend the meeting.
• A beer license-application of Beatrice Haitmiersley was presented for
investigation, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the application
was approved# •
There being no further business j the meeting was adjourned.
•Attest: ^ o
Record er.
Mnutes of the regular April 1936 meeting held in the City Hall this
6th day of Hpril, at 8:00 P. M.
There were present, Mayor ?ord presiding, also Councilmen, Arthur,
Burton, Corcoran, 31y, Hogan and Johnson.
Attorney Benson gave a report of the League of Oregon Cities Convention
which he attended at Eugene, Oregon.
Itp. Zilke representing a Bonding House, appeared before the Council
in a discussion regarding the Bancroft Bonds which are in default. It was
finally decided to have a committee from the Council meet with the Artisan's
and Neighbors of Woodcraft Directors and take up the matter of retiring
the Bonds.
Upon motion made, seconded and 0arri6d, it was ordered that a maximun
price of 30^ of the face value be paid for Bancroft Bonds.
The matter of vacating 3rd str-?et between the Coast Highway and
Winchester Ave. was ordered laid on the table until such time as
Mr. M. Thompson and the Catholic Church property owners have come to
a satisfactoiy agreement.
I-!r I.-c'.'i?lis anpeared before the Council, asking for a renewal of
hi& garbage.-contract. Motion was made, seconded and carried, granting
the contract.
The matter of zoning and adopting a "bnilding code for the City of
^eedsport was discussedi ^pon motion made, seconded and carried, it was
decided that the section of the Coast Highway between the TJmpqua bridge
and Schofield Bridge be zoned for business purposes 200 ft on either side
of the highway and that all improvements must be of $1000,00 to each
50 X 100 ft. these improvements to be approved by the City Council.
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance Conmittee,
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
Catharine G, Jones 17.50 Frank llorris 5.00
John Bemhardt 15.00 "Sllis Furniture Co 6.00
;V. G. Benson 30.00 Port Impqua Courier 4 10
H M ]^:cCabe 94.69 West Pwr Co 95.00
C C Clarke 124.69 Sun •''tinting Sc Publ. Cq 3.00
J L Gibbons 115.00 City Water Fund 34.40
3 H Ford 9.00 Reedsport Firemen 28.00
City Water Fund 5.89 State Ind. Accid. Com 14.64
Stanley Cochran 8.42 First Bk of Reedsport 20.00
West Coast Tele Co 10.20 A W Burton 6.40
Reedsport Garage 17.35 City j'ater Fund labor 95.72
Frank Taylor 20.34 W A Cochran 14.75
Arthur Service Station 56.91 Tom Jacobs 1^00
C R Halladay _ 20.00 M M Kelly 2.16
Johns-Manville o 220.28 Union Oil Co 6.59-
Koke Chapman Co 1.50 Reedsport Mach & B \7ks g3;08
Pioneer Hdw Co 7.50 Roy Stark 4.40
Reedsport Auto Park 1.44 V; R Buck 15.00
Goodyear Rubber & Asbestos Lee rJpperhart 3.39
Co 3.00 V/inch Bay Lbr Co 9.94
Paul Bemhardt 80.00 Pure Iron Culv. Mfg. Co 128.66
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Minutes of a Special Meeting called by the Mayor, held in the City
Hall, the 27th, day of April, 1936, at 8:00 P. M.
Mayor Ford reported on the trip made by the Finance Committee and
himself, to Salem and Portland, advising the Council, the B=-yic^oft Bonds
couia not be purchased for less than 35^ of the Face. Upon motion made,
seconded and cariled, this arrangement was approved.
Motion was made, seconded ard carried, instructing the City Attorney
to draw up an Ordin?^ce, showing the vacation of that pDirtion of 3rd street
between V/inchester Ave. and the Coast Highway, also instructing tte Hecorder
to publish notice of same the required number of times.
!7pon motion nade, seconded and carried, the Mayor was authorized to
appoint a comittee of three to meet with ?.!r. Peters, Receiver o-f the
First Bank of Reedsport, in regard to purchase of the Banks half of the
Bank Building#
The I'ayor advised the Hall Construction Company had discarded some
timbers and planking and same couid be bought for a small amount, motion
was made, seconded and ca^-ried, authorizing the Mayor to purchase same.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: I.Iayor
Minutes of the Regular May, 1936 meeting held in the City Hall the
4th day of May, 1936 at 8:00 P M.
There were present liayor Ford prsiding, also Council men Arthur,
Ely, Corcoran, Hogan and Johnson, absent Councilman Burton^
The matter of installing new water line to the Burdick residence was
discussed and upon motion made seconded and carried, the Water Commissioner
was instructed to lay this line#
. Motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the transfer of
$500.00 from the General fund to the Water ^'und, this money had been
borrowed from the '.Tater fund.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Treasurer to
pay the two delinquent General Refunding "onds and interest.
The matter of purchasing one-half interest in the Bank Building was
discussed, and upon motion made,:seconded and carried, it was decided to
continue negotiations with the Artisans.
Mr. Matt Thompson appeared before the 6ouncil in regard to taking
dirt from the sides of the highway west of the Schofield Bridge, motion
was made, seconded and carried, giving Mr. Thompson the right to use the
The City Marshal advised h© had been absent two days and iiad hired
E A Higgs to fill his place, and wished to know if the City would pay for
Riggs time. Upon motion made, seconded and carried the req^iest was
The following bills were presented, approved by the finance Coinuittee,
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
City Water Fudfl 71.80 City ".Vater 7und 11.70
ReedspDrt firemen 30.00 State Industrial Accid_^Com 13.38
•Reedsport Garage 17.63 S C Hall Construction ^o 108.45
First Bank of Reedsport 20.00 Lee Service Station 3.S3
Reedsp rt Auto Park 1.05 "TJno Lehto 6.46
Reedsport Mach & B \?ks 3,50 Standard Oil ^o 9 45
Koke-Chaponan Co 2.00 Kelly Service Station 5.42
Paul Bemhardt 96.60 Union Iron TJorks 10.00
Roy Stark 3.50 Git:, Water Fund 5.50
E A ^iggs 6.30 City Mater Fund Travel 28.80
Nelson Hogan 2.05 E H Ford 6.00
V/est Coast Power ^o 95.00 J L Gibbons 115.00
A iV Burton 16.00 C 0 Clarke 134.70
Coos Bay Stationery Co 6.35 John Bernhardt 15.00
Union Oil Cq 2.56 '.7 G Benson 30.00
Arthur Service Station 20.39 H M McCabe 94.70
West Coast Tele Co 3.45 Catharine G Jones 17.50
Total . ^1004.12
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
ilinutes of a Special Meeting called by the Mayor this 27th day of
llay, 1936; ;at 11:00 A. M.
There were present Mayor ^ord, presiding, also Counciltnen Arthur,
Ely, Corcoran, Ho^n and Johnson*
Mr. Parker of the Highway Commission ap-neared befor the Council,
in .reg&M to purchasing Lots 10 ffi 11 in Block 11 and Lots 1 & 2 in Block
4, Hainbow Addition to the City of Rsedsport. These lots to be used for
T?ight of way for the approach of the Highway to the Coast Hi^way*
Mr» Parker advised the State Hi^way Conmissioh would pay the City Assessments
which are now an indebtedness upon the above described lots. The amount
to be paid being $288.61.
Mr Parker also advised the State Highway Comission wished to pay
City assessments upon lot 5 in Block 4, Hainbov; Addition, Reedsport, Oregon,
the amount being $54.41
After some discussion, motion was made, seconded and carried, a^epting
Mr. Pa^kersfofferl-of $343.02..amount due on the above described property,
and instructed the City Attorney to draw up deeds on Lot 101 and 11 in Block
11, also on Lots 1 and 2 in j31ock 4. These deeds to be delivered to the
State Hi^way Commission.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned,
Hinutes of Regu?.lr June 1936, meeting held in the City Hall, June 1st, 1936,
at 8:00 P. I.I.
There v:ere present Mayor ?ord, presiding,, also Councilmen Arthur, Corcoran,
Sly, Ik)gan and Johnson.
Resolution No 103 was presented, and upon motion made, seconded and carried
was ordered adopted as follows;
OTiRS/tSJ it has pleased Almighty Ood to rsmove from our midst our beloved
and esteemed friedd and fellow citizen, Arthur. W, Burton, and
VJHERIL'iS, our departed friend has for many, years contributed a large share of
his ti®e and energies in loyal and devoted public service, particularly as a ,
City Councilman of the City of Reedsporb, and .
'.•illSRSAS, it is vdth a sense of irreparable loss that we contemplate his
absence from out future civic and coT^imunity gatherings, in TJhich he took such
an actilre interest and constructive part,
That the T.l-3yor, Council and Officials of the City of Reedsport do hereby
extend to'the family of our departed fellow tovrnsinnn our most sincere and
heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement,
AITD IT IS TT.JRTT',!?'^ RUr^OLTKD, that this Retilution b3 iipon the
minutes cf this municipality and that a copy hereof be transmitted to lirs
Arthur W. Burton.
Adopted at regualr meeting of the City Council of this ^ity of
Reedsport, by unanimous vote, this first day of June, 1936.
, • E H Ford
Attest? J L Gibbons Mayor
r $
I'vl Mr DeSousa, Engineer for th6 i^tate Highway Co'-imission, attended the
"Council meeting, advising the State Highway Commission were contemplating
buying city owned lots also would likely buy some private ovmed property
that was being foreclosed by the i^ounty, 'I;Ir» DeCousa asked the Council
if thsy would exercise their rights upon all this prope'^'ty. Upon motion
made, seconded and carried, the Coun<Sll advised they will exercise their
Statutory rights to redeem lot p\it up for resale at the minimum price*
fixed by the bounty, if requested by the Stite Highway Commission to do so,
T/'ith the understanding that the Hi^way Commission will re-imburse the City
to the amount necessary to redeem, tbs lots on the tSmpqua Hi^way rightof-
teiy and all of Block 57, Hainbow addition, "Reedsport, Oregon.
The Shell Oil Company, asked for peimission to install two tanks and
necessary pipes, advising they would buil'and install all equipment
according to the Str.te Fire Marshal's re-^uirements. i.Iotion was made,
seconded and carried, granting this re<iuest.
Mr# Parker fiepresentltive for the State Highway Commission, st"ted
the Coinmission i^ished t^ pay the ^Assessments against lot 4 in Block 74,
Bailroad Addition, to the City of Reedsport. IJotion was made, seconded
and carried, advising the. City would issue to the State Highs7ayr:Cor,imission
its deed for the above lot upon payiaent of ^24
Ordinance Ho S41vAn Ordinance vicating a portion of Third Street,
within the /imended Plat of Railroad Addition to the C^ty of Heedsport, - ~
Douglas County, Oregon, was presented airl read for the first time. Upon
moti©n mat^e, seconded and carried, it was nassed to the second reading
and read for the second time by title only. Motion was than regularly made
seconded and carried, and read for the third time. Ordinance Ho 241 was
then ordered put upon its final passage and was adopted by tlie following
vote: Aye 5 ITay 0.
Ordinance ^^o 242 An Ordinance Granting 5Vanchise for a period of 20
years to Oregon Pilchard "Co. Inc., an Oregon Corporation, to construct.
Maintain, operate, repaid*, rebuild, renew, replace, use and ^^njoy, lease
let, sell and dispose of a railroad track withiA the City of Heed-^port
for the purpose of transporting freight from points within the City of
Peedsport to a junction with tV.e railroad of the Southern Pacific Company,
within said City, Was introduced and read for the "irst time. Upon
motion made, seconded and carried, it was then passed to the second reading
and re'^.d for the second time by title only. The i^ayor advised the Ordinance
would have to be laid on th-3 table until the next meetin^'^.
Tom Jacobs appeared before t)\e Council asking pennission to use IBot 1
in Block "0, Railroad Addition for storing Boilers -md lumber. Upon motion
made, seconded and carried, the Council stated they v/ould take this under
advisem'.":nt with property owners.
T'otion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Treasure to
transfer -52100-00 f®rom the General ^'und to the V/gtor ?Vnd at this time,
for the use of paying water bonds and interest now due on the bonded
The matter of water rates for +he UmpQua TTavigation Company, w^s
discussed. The Company is using considerable water for washing gravel#
Upon irotion made, seconded ani carrifed, the Council set the water rate at
$40.00 per loonth while the plant is operating and any shut down over 30 days,
the rate ''^ould be :!^15.00 per month.
The Mayor advisnd he had a conference with the men that are constructing
a new saw mill in Heedsport, in regard to water rates, he advised the
Council f nt ^80.00 ;er month would be on the S'=\me b^isis charged other mills.
Up6n motion made, seconded and carried, the I-ftiyor's reccommendation was
The natter of electing a Councilman to fill the vacancy of -^he late
Arthur W. Burton was discussed. Mr. 51.'G. Dunn was nominated and elected
by a unanimouax vote.
Some discussion was had in regard to the purc'iiase of the half interest
in the Bank Building, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Mayor was
authorized to negotiate with the Received of the Firr.t Bank of ReedspoT-t and
the Ai?tisans for purchasing of the building at an amount of §3500.00.
The following "bills were presented, approved "by the 5'inanee
Corranittee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
City V/ater Fund :!?37.B7 Citj'- V/ater Fund ^9.P0
John Bernhardt '15.00 West Coast Power ^o 95.CO
H i: T-.:cC---:be ' 94.69 T?eedsport Firemen 39.00
"« Ct Benson 30.CO Burton Phamacy 15.40
Catharine C Jones 17.50 Port Courier 7.20
C C C3-rke 134.69 ',7est Coa-t Tele Co 1.50
J f- Gibbons 115.00 City Watr-^r Fund 4.G5
2 i-I Tordi 3.0C '^tate Ind Accid Com 13.14
"Pirct Bk of Heedsport =50.00 Peedsport G^ira'^s 49.12
Kelly "^ervice Station 6.97 Cochran 3.55
L C Arthur 3.83 Frank Taylor 166.05
Johns-Manville 10.00 5^93.1(5
The matter of Dock facilities for boats was discussed, motion was
made'ǤCQnde^ .and c^riQd,.^^ sy^pai^ting iiogan^nd, Arthur ,^s, .a,-C.c^ittee to
meet with' I'x, 'Taylor in'regard "to this'matter. ' ' '
The Application of Lyle ^ose for "beer License \7aa presented and upon
motion made, seconde'.l and carried, was granted,
Attest; There "being no further business, the meeting was Adjourned.
'jzd / I 'lYecorder
Minutes of\k Special meeting helled by the Mayor and h-^ld in the
City Hall this 2nd, day of ^une, 1956 at 1:30 P M.
Ordinance No 242 An Ordinr^nce granting a franchise to the Oregon
Pilchard Co. Inc., was presented for the third reading'and read for the
third time. Ordinance No 242 was then ordered put upon its final passage
and was adopted by the follov/ing vote 4 Tvay 0. It was then approved
by the M-iyor. ...
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Rscordor. I'iay6r
Minijes of a Speci^^l Meeting called by the ^layor this 25th day of
June, 1936,at 0:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor Ford presiding, also Councilmen, Arthur,
Corcoran, Sly, Dunn and Johnson, absent Councilman Hogan.
The matter.of purchasing an undivided half of the B-nk Building
was discussed and upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Treasurer
wns instructed to draw a check on the General Fund for $3100.00 the purchase
price of the Building.
An application for a beer licc"n?''=^ vr^s presented by ITurle Hose, motion
was made, seconded and carried, approving the ap-olication.
The City Couhcil discussed the City Street approaches to the new
highways boing built through the City. The Councils opinion is, these
approaches should be wider, also other changes should be made by the
otate Highway Coinmission. Flotion was nade, seconded and carried, instruct
ing the City Attorney to wire the Highway Coi'iiission* asking them to send
Ivlr. Collier to Beedsport to discuss this matter with the Street Committee.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of the regular July 1936 meetiag held in, the City Kail, Jfenday
July 6th, 1936 at fi:00 P M.
"There were present Mayor Ford presiding,* also Councilmen Aj*thur, ^lyi
"Dunn, Hogan and Johnson, absent Councilman Corcoran.
l\lr. Taylor appeared "before the Council in regard to "building a dock for
boat moorings. He advised the^e would be a tax revenue ^roin the Pilchard
fishing and the ?ish Coimission had advised this woulci be ^med over to the
City for building a dock. After some discussion, the ^-^ayor appointed a
committee consisting of three members of the Council, Arthur, lilly and Johnson,
to work with I^ir. Taylor procuring a site for the dock and drawing up plans
for sajie.
Ehe Iviayor advised the State Highway Cormission would give the old "Ferry
Slip to ^he City. Motion was made,seconded and carried, instructing the
T^eoorder to vrrite the State Highway Commission, the 7;ished to have the slip.
liT. Arthur reported on his intep^iew with Collier of the State
Highway Commission, in regard to street approaches and the building of walk
crossings and wallcs along the new highways.,
The matter of hiring an "^engineer to establish corners and grades in
Railroad Addition amd mke maps of the water system, was discussed and upon
motion made, seconded and carried, was authorized and the "Finance Committee
wcis instructed to oversee the work.
Ivlr. R^thing of. thsi, Pure Iron Culvert Ivlanufacturing Co, appeared before
the Council in regard to the contemplated purchase of water pipe. A Committee
consisting of Hogan and Dunn were appointed to deteimine how much pipe will
be needed and be allowed to purchase tha pipe.
The Timber Craft Shingle Corporation asked the Council what they would
require in the way of a bu^Tier, if a shingle mill was built. The Council
instructed the Recorder to advise the Company, whatever the Port of ^pqua
required, would be satisfactory.
The l»'ayor advised there ?.'ould have to be a president elected for the
Council and nominations v/ere in order. Nelson Hogan and ^ C Arthur were
nominated. A Ballot, was taken and Nelson Hogan was elected president to
fill the vacancy of the late A. W. "Durton.
The I^-ayor appointed 7,, G. Dunn to fill the vacancy on the 7/ater Committee
and the "Pinance Cornmittee. The ^'•'ayor ilso appointed Hogan, "Flly and Arthur
as abuilding canxraittee to take care of rentals and expenses on the building
being purchased at this time.
The matter of building a new jail was discussed,upon motion made, seconded
and carried, the matte"" was laid on the table with instructions to the coriUnittBe,
to get prises for building such as diagram presented to the Council, and report
at the next meeting. The Coiimittee on this matter, was the. Finance Committee.
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
Reedsport Fire Dept. I^^m. 34.00
"S H Ford 9.00
"Burton Pharmac}^ 10.00
Eoke Ohajnan ^o 4.00
Q-oal Bernhardt 1.05
F V/ Hall 4.00
H M T'cCabe 94.?0
C C Cl'jrke 134.70
J L ^ibbons 115.00
Catharine C Jones 17.50
John Bemhardt 15.00
\7 G Benson 30.00
Frank L Taylor .45
Frrjik ITqrris *10.00
City '7ater Fund 2. CO
V'est Coast Poorer Co 95.^0
Donald Hagerty 35.00
Farmers Auto Inter "^ch Ins 13.85
West Co^st Tele Co , 2.90
Reedsport Garage 10.12
City T^ater "^und 25.81
Arthur Servic -tation 4.50
State Tnd Accid Com 13.95
Stanley Cochran 3.27
Ton Jacobs . 9.80
Umpqua Drug ^o 1.50
Heedsport Auto Park
•peedsDort ITach & B I7ks
Shell Oil Co
5.87 City 'Tater "^nd
1.S5 Hoy Ct:^rk
5.77 Lee "^^inerl^art
There being no further business, the Treeting was adjourned.
Attest: ,aycr
liTinutGS of th'5 ^^-ular August 1936, nesting held in the City Hall
this 3rd d^y of August'; 1936, at 8:60 T',
There were present, Ivlayor TorC. •pretiflii^g, also Counciliaen, Artbir,
Corcoran, Dunn and Johnson, absent Councilmen Ely and Hogan.
The City Treasurer advised there ^rere miss in/? coupons on some of
the TmproYGBient Bonds which were sent to the City from Conrad, Bruce -Jc Co.
UfJon motion made, seconded and cnrried, the City /i-ttornsy was instructed
to write Conrad, Bruce and Company, re-iuestinr: they take care of these
coupon, provi^.inj^ the coupon are sent in for collection.
The Library Board anpesBed before Council, asking to rent rooms
in tlie City Buil^Lin^^ for Library purposes. The matter referred to
the Building Corriittee. The of rent beinr set at '^10.00 per month,
and the City to refund their portion of tlie rent.
' I.'r. Lovelace apneared before the Council, advisin-'T: the "Fair Board
had some money on hand and contemplated purchisin?? the lilast half of Lot
two in Block -ighty Tvjo for the "^eedsport Library, some to be de-^ded t~ the
City. The County iiad advised this property could be bought for ^100.00.
T.Tr. Lovelace asked if the cit^r p/ruld be willing to refund their portion
of the tax, which vould anonnt to something like '^50.00. ?^otion was mads
seconded and carried, grantin"^ this reoiBSt. .
The natter of purchasing Lots 13~14 anS 16 in Block 82 from the County
was discussed, Motion was mad§,seconded a'-id carried, authorizing this
property be purchased, providing it is agr'^eable '"ith th? absent Cou-ncilmen.
Tlie matt'=5r of retiring anl renting rooms in the City Buil'^ing ras
di3crssed an^' "-.pan motion made, seconded and carried, the Building Committee
was authorized to have full charge of the same.
?'otion BBde, seconded and.carried, appointing the City "Recorder as
Manager of the City Building.
The 3tree± Commissioner advised it vsould be necessary to hire a man
for saiistime to work steady as storm drains would hvave to be rebuilt and
considerable repairing done o-. the water mains, upon motion made, seconded
and c:£rried, the Conmissioner '.vfis hire a capable man for
this work at not over 5^00.'~0 per month.
iiotion was made, seconded and carried,
to transfer ^lOCO.OO from the '^ater to
balaiifce still due +he Oreneral "Pund of ^IICO.
instructing the Treasurer
he funeral I'Vnd, leaving a
and upon motion made, secon'Tod anc carried, were ordered paid.
C C Clarke ^134 .69 •Reedsport Firemar:': 40.00
J L O'ibbons 115.00 Dave ITonson 9.00
Catharine G Jones 17.50 State" Tnd Accid Con 15.72
Jolin Hernhardt 15 .00 TT T lewis 186.72
"{ G Benson 30.CC L Earey 79.80
H 1.1 McCabe 94.30 Jc-;':r-e Hoagland 31.92
./est Coast Pvir» Co 96.02 .7.:?. Harrison 17.00
Collins Brothers 49.60 Pee ds tort CJarage 62.2 6
•Pr-dLnk L Taylor 10.54 P^e Iron Culvert I'Ifg. ^o. 37.49
Arthur Service Station 1.13 Tom Jacobs • 4.30
•^eedsport !.!ach & Boiler Bks l.CC Lee Service Station 2.93
City of Heednport 14.20 City V/ater Fuyid 7^i . 5 D
Citj'- V/ater Fund 15.45 City '.Vater Fund 103.52
Cora Swatman B»0C $1206.69
There being no further business, the meeting y/as adjourned#
luinutes of a Specitil meeting h'-^ld in the City Hall, August 17th, 1936,
at 1:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor Ford, Presiding, also Counailjnen, Arthur,
Corcoran, 21y and Hogan, Absent Counciliaen Dunn and Johnson.
Resolution No 104, a Hesolution requested by the State Highway Coirmission
for the City of Beedaport's acc ptance of the Ferry Slip at fend of Baiabovr
Plaza, free of any expense to the City. The State Highway Co^r^isMon
agr'^eing to pull the piling between the Dolphins, was read. -n '
This "Resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Beedsport,
by unanimous Yote, this 17th day of August, 1936.
The matter of renting the Safety Deposit boxes was discusssd and
upon motion made, seconded and carried, the rental was set at $2.50 per
The Kayor advised he was going to Portland, and wished to purchase
chairs -"or the Council roo"-. Tpon motion made, r'^c^r.ded and carried,
the '-"yor was autho^i^ed to purchase the chairs if able to get them at
a reasonable a-rount.
Thsre being n.o further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: 2Jayor
an, .. ;
" Hinutes of the regular .September 1936, meeting held in the City Hall
September 5rd, 1936, at 8;00 P. lU
' There were present , Mayor 5*ord, presiding, ^niSo Councilmen Artlair,
Corcoran, 51y, Dunn, Hogan and Johnson. -
- l^pon motion made,seconded and carrie-d, the ''^eccrder v;as instructed
to ch'dnge the minutes of the previous nieeting to read as follows: The
Cii^ Treasure was instructed to -transfer «from tl^ water fund "'^lOOO.OO
whi-ch h-^d been borrowed from the General ^'und to p^ principle and
interest on T/ater Bonds and Coupons.
• A notice from the 'iTar Department office of a public hearing being
held at 'Reedsport in the Council rooms at* 9:50 k, V, Sept. 17th, 1936,
w2S' read, this meeting is in regard to flood control on the TJnpciua
T?iv-er and tributaries. After sone discussion, the Mayor advised he
would appoint a comuiitts-e from the Counnil, to attend this meeting.
3 G- Dunn and 7 G 3enson were appointed on this coiimittee.
The "Fire Chidf called attention to the J C KcAdrjLS building in
Rainbow district. This buil'ling is a fire hazard and in an unsanitary
condition and the Chi#f rocomnended it be torn down. T^pon notion riado,
seconded and carried, the "Recorder was instructed to vjrite l!r TvIcAdams
rsviuesting that he have tliis building torn down.
Motion aaa made, seconded and carried, instructing the Treasurer
to pay the past due interest in the amount of -|1395,91 due the 3tate of
Oregon on water bonds. This is the final payment on the interect
which the State allowed a moritoriura on.
There was some discussion in regard to the Reedsport Csmp,- water
rate, tlie -^ormer rate being $3C»00 per month and it was decided to leave
the rate as 'set. ;
The City Attorney was instructed to write the Oregon Boast Highway
Association in regard to preserving timber'in the :Clear Lake vratershed
and along the highways.
•.The Recor.der was instructed to wite the State Highway Commission
in regard to building a wall: from 2nd street to the Schofield Bridge.
This was promised by the Cormission at such time the street was widened.
The matter of sidewallcs rmd curbing on L Street between VTest Ttailroad a^d .6th Ave-. wSS discussed. Some of the Council were in favor of
6ft wallts "'being biiilt f'rom property line and 12 ft ciirbS:, and an ordinance
passed at once . There was some dissension in regard to "oansing an ^
ordinance at this time. The I-'ayor asked for a ballot on thn question
with the. result olSs^es 5 no 1. Thereupon the City Attorney was instructed
to draw up .an ordin^^iQe as outlined above.
The J'iayor read an agreeiTient made by the State Highway Commission by
and between the Highway cormission and the ^ity of Reedsport, allorring
the city to lay water line on the hi'ghway right-of-way. Upon motion
made, seconded and carried, the agreement was ordered sighed by the Mayor
and Counci Imen •
The llayor advised at this time the Budget Committee should be appointed.
The following budget committee was appointed.
ITayor E. H. ferd AT>pointed - Opville Spath
Councilman L. C. Arthur " Roy Henderson
E J Corcoran " S. Stevens
E. Dunn " Cecil Bennett
3, J". T^ly " Hark Dunham
Nelson Hogan " Roy Caims
Gus "P, Johnson " H. \'U Ivissling
'^he Mayor set the date of Sept. 14th, 1G36, at 8:00 P. V. in the
City Hall for the 1937 Budget CoTumittee '-.Meeting.
\ Beer lic;^nse applic-^.tion signed by Stanley Cochron, wns presented
and upon motion made, secondec^ ai^ carried, wis approved.
Upon motion made, seconded and caiTied, the Hecorder w-^.s instructed
to have H. C, IlcCrea to insure the Ambulance for 25 and 50,CCC0 "^ubiic
Liability and '^5000.00 Pro^ei-^y Damage*
The Tollowing bills vrere presented and approved by the finance
Committee and upon motion made, seconded and carried, ordered paid as
money ia available in the different funds to take care of same#
T^ank L Taylor :^31.84
•Test Co ist ?ower Oo 97.4 7
(reo I'arks SO.16
City of need5!port 7.10
'.'Tinchsf^tor Bay Lbr Co 19.P2
C '9. Halladay 5.00
K H %chards ,96
H I.i lIcQabe 6.79
15 H ?'ord 12.00
"Fr-^-nk TTorris 10.00
'7 0 Benson 30.CO
H Ivl ICcGabe 94.69
John Bernhardt 15.00
Catharine 0 Jones 17.50
C C Clarke 134.89
J L f^ibbons 115.00
Tom Jacobs 15.12
City ''ater ^und 38.10
City of "HeedRpEtrt 105.00
I'Ys ^a.yns ICp.yior 2.00
Vi'est Coast Tele Co 3.00
E A ^i^s 6.GO
State Industrial Accid. Coml6.79
City '"ater 7\md Labor 128,02
H C l.:cCrfia 82.61
Paramo-jn.t T^oof Co 221.50
*?oy Stark
T. k T»iggs
S S Siniley
Paul "Bernhardt
C Halladfiy h M D '"/a
3 A. '.veeks
V M K-^lly
Jolm Pyan
Uno lehto
Tlmpiua I^rug Cq
T?eedsport Auto Park
Shell Oil Company
'^er^'' Dailey
Kelly Service Str.tion
L L Kane
L C Arthur
Paedsport Garage
City VTater Fund
Cora Swatman-
"Dr H C S-stland
• ravi^ation
PeedsTX)rt 7i^r:en
Jesse Hoagland
L Bray
H T Lewis
The Crans ^omprany
'"her'^ being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: i•^,'•or
Pursuant to order of the City Council and notice regularly
given, meeting of the 1937 Budget Committee was held in the City
Hall, Bank Building, Reedsport, Oregon, on Monday, September 14th,
1936, at 8:00 P. M. ' "
There were present. Mayor Ford, Councilmen Arthur, Corcoran,
Ely, Hogan, Dunn and Johnson, also present were committeemen,
Bennett, Cairns, Dunham, Kissling, and Spath, Absent Committeemen
Henderson and Stevens. Attorney Benson, Recorder Gibbons and
Auditor Wann were present.
The Budget Ccromittee proceeded at once to organize, and upon
motion regularity mVd^, seconded and carried. Mayor Ford was unan
imously elected Chairman'and Roy Cairns elected Secretary of the
Due consideration was given to reports which had been sent
previously to all members of the Committee by the City Recorder,
showing in detail, expenditures j^nd receipts for the years 1933,
1934 and 1935 also first half of year 1936 and the 1936 Budget.
Items were considered separately as they appeared on the
Budget data sheets. After considerable discussion concerning
individual items, and'.instructions and advise of Auditor Wann,
a motion was made, seconded and carried, the Budget committee
adopted the following Budget and transmitted same to the tax
levying body.

Rec•rder Salary $ 600.00
Treasurer Salary 210.00
Attorney Salary 360.00
Marshal r Salary 1140.00
Fire Chief Salary 180.00
Firemens Wages 500.00
Audit Pee 125.00
Office Expense 150.00
Jail Expense 50.00
Fire Department Maintenance 350.00
Street Lighting . 1200.00
Printing S: Advertising 50.00
Roads & Streets-•-Commissioner Salary 420.00
Roads & Streets & Sevmr—Maintenance & Equipment 2000.00
Rentals 210.00
Telephone & Telegraph 10.00
Dues & Subscriptions 15.00
Elections 55.00
Library 150.00
Bonds & Insurance 200.00
Refimding Bonds Principal 2000.00
Refunding Bonds Interest 550.00
Bjnn croft Bonds Interest 3090.00
Water Bonds Principal 7000.00
Water Bonds Interest 5340.00
ELffiRGENCY FVWD 2850.00
. TOTAL §28,805'.0"0
Estimated taxes for Roads & Streets
Fines & Licenses
Water Department Transfers
It was duly ordered that the proposed Budget be published
on the 18th and 25th of September 1936, upon motion made, seconded
and Cgrried, and that Friday, October 9th, 1936, at 8:00 P. M.,
in the City Hall, Reedsport, Oregon be designated aS the time and
place for consideration of the estimated Budget, by the City Council
of the City of Reedsport, with the .taxpayers, when and v/here any tax
payer subject to.the tax levy when made, might be heard in favor or
against said taxes proposed to be made.
.There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of tbe regular October, 1936 meeti
October 5th, 1936 at 8:00 P M.
ng held in the City Hall,
T-here were present Mayor Ford Presiding»
Corcoran, Ely, Dunn, Ho^n and Johnson.
alBo Councilmen Arthur,
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Treasurer was instructed
to draw a check in favor of Douglas County for $101.00 for the purchase of
lot 7 in Block 49 amdui&ting to $1*00 epoA Lots 13-14 and 16 in Block 88 amounting
to $100.00*
There was considerable discussion in regard to purchasing grarel for street
repairs. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was decided to contact
Mr. Hinsdale in regard to prices and take the matter up at the meeting to be
held Octobfflr 9th.
The Mayor adyised that Mr. Slonacker wished to get about 1000 ft of the
old 12** water Bain that has been replaced with new steel pipe» Upon motion
made, seconded aod carried, it was decided that Mr* Sloaecker should give the
city 1/3 of all pipe remored.
Ordinance No 243, An Ordinance establishing the width of street, and
designating the width of Roadway, sidewalk and parkway, and establishing the
curb line of L Street from West Railroad Ave. to Sixth Street in the City of
Reedsport, was read for the first time. Upon motion made, seconded and carried,
it was passed to the second reading and read for the second time by title ohly.
The Mayor adrised the ordinance would hare to be laid on the table until the
next meeting.
The Mayor advised that % Zilka phoned him advising he had #4500.00 of
Improvement bonds that could be purchased for 45, upon motion made, seconded
and carried, the Council decided 35 was the most they would pay for these bonds.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Council appointed the same
board as the County appointed for the city election.
Matt Thompson asked peimission to build an addition to his cafe to be of
stucco the samex as the present building* Upon motion made, seconded ^d carried^
the request was granted*
The matter of haying a game roserre made of the Clear ^alce water shed was
discussed, upon motion made» seconded and carried, the City Attorney was in
structed to get in touch with the proper commission to find if this can be done.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Attirraey was instructed to
write a letter to the Mayor of Bandon, offering assistance from the City of
Heedsport, the letter to b© signed by Mayor Ford*
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion made. seconded and carried, were ordered paid*
W S Carlson 1 3*00 City Water Fund Fire Fitting $24*32
Jack Uager 11*25 H M McCabe 94.70
Edwards 3*45 Catharine G Jones 17.50
Oscar Weaver 6.50 W 0 Benson 30.00
Koloe-Chapman Co 40.00 John Bemhardt 15*00
Reedsport Firemsn 20*00 C C Clarke 134*70
West Coast Tele Co 1*50 J L Gibbons 115*00
J Ij Gibbons 2*00 Burrou^s Adding Mach* Co 5*00
Don Hagerty 42*00 lirs Cora Swatman e*oo
City of Reedsport 7*10 K R Richards 2*00
H J Lyster 8*00 Nels ^eterson 1*25
Collins Brothers 24*00 W P Harrison 6*00
Ellis Humiture Co 12*60 Reedsport Garage 15*88
E A Riggs 09.70 State Ind Accid Com 16*98
City of Reedsport 35*00 West Coast Power Co 97.98
Frank ^ Taylor 74.U Pure Iron Culvert Mfg Co 135*93
City Water Fund labor 56*80 L C Arthur 1*80
Roy Stark 12*74 Reedsport Auto Park 2.93
Lee Spperhart 2.65 W A Cochran 9*30
H C McCrea 94*00 City Water Ftmd 19*41
City Water Fund Labor 119.67 Uno Lehto 11.05
Kelly Service Station 4.68 Consolidated Supply Co 212.58
H T I^wis 149.70 Reedsport Mach & Boiler Wks 64.52
Paul Bemhardt 8*15 The Swepder Blue Print Co 6.31
H M McCabe 2.25 $JS87*90
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned#
Attest* /;
Minutes of a Special Meeting held in the City Hall, October 9th, 1936,
at 8:00 P. M.
There were present. Mayor Ford, vftlapj Coun^ilmen Arthur, Corcoran,
Ihinn, Johnson, and Ho^n, Absent Councilman Ely.
In accordance with published notice, hearing was held 6n the proposed 1937
budget. There being no objections from tax payers, upon motion fie^larly mde,
seconded and carried, the proposed budget for 1937 was duly adopted.
ThereuponOrdinance No 244 An Ordinance levying a tax upon all property
situate in the City of Reedsport for all purposes for the year 1937 in the
sum of #15,S15«00, was submitted and read for the first time# Upon motion
made, seconded and carried, it w^s ordered passed to the secoAd reading and
read for the second time by title only. Upon motion regualrly made, seconded
and carried, it was ordered passed to the third reading and read for the
third time* Ordinance No 244 was then ordered put ux>on its final passa^
and was %dopted by the following vote: Aye 5 Nay 0 . *
The Mayor advised there was enough money in the water !E\ind to pay off
two Water Bonds at this time. This would Mean a saving of interest on the
bonds. Upon notion made, seconded and carried, the City Treasurer was in
structed to draw a check and redeem two water bonds with interest*
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned*
Attest: Mayor
r iiit«'iirt'r
Minutes of the regualar NoTeoiber, 1936 meeting held in the City Hall,
November 2nd, 1936, at 8:00 P. M«
There nere present, Mayor ^ord presiding, also ^ouncilmen, Arthur,
Corcoa:*an, Bann,'Hpgan and Johisson, ^ouncllsian Ely Absents
The M^yor advised there will be a hearing held by the Public Utilities
Commission at Florence,- Ore^-on, Novonber 19th, at 10:00, A M, for the West
Soast Power Company on rates and to combine coast towns In one utility.
After considerable discussion, a motion was made, seconded and carried,
deciding the city ^ould be represented and shoi. iiecessl^Tr of service needed
at Reedsport, The City Attorney was instructed to attend the hearing•
The Treasurer advised, interest on the water bonds will be duB-.December
Istf Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Treasurer to
pay the interest in the amount of #2520*00 when due.
The Mayor informed the Council, a State Engineer h^ asked for dirt
to fill in on the rock walls of the cut on Bolon Island so that grass and
shrubbery can be planted* After scane discussion, the Mayor instructed the
Street Committee to contact property owners and report .back to the Council
before an answer be given to the State Highway department.
Ordinance No 243, an Ordinance establishing the width of street, side-'
walks and parkway on L Street from west Railroad Ave. to Sixth Street
was read for the Third time. Ordinance No 243 was then put upon its final
passage and adopted by the following vote Aye 4 Nay 1 » It was then
approved by the Mayor.
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion made, .seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
Glen Standifer 1.99 West Coast (^ele C© 1.50
John Bernhardt 15.00 Mrs John Bernhardt .50
W G Benson 30.00 Reedsport Firemen 21.00
J L Gibbons 115.00 S A 2.99
C C Clarke 134.69 Thorman Ri;^ 5.98
Catharine G 7onee 17.50 Port Uiipqua Courier 32.60
H M ^Cabe 94.69 Warren Waggoner 2.99
W A Lovelace 12.00 Clarence Thornton 2.99
Cora Swatman 8.00 City of Reedsport 7,10
State Ind Accid Com 15,83 H T Lewis 10.00
Reedsport Garage 38.01 City Water F^iniii 10.85
Frank ^ Taylor 49.19 West Coast Power ^o 100.27
City of Reedsport 35.00 Paul BemhaMt 51.60
W A Cochran 8.40 Dwaihe Imloh 23.94
Geo Marks 47.88 Clarence Doan 21.94
Reedsport Mach k. B Wks 46.26 M E McGuire 15.98
Uno Lehto 7.92 W B Brookhart 7.00
Geo Keating 4.00 E H Ford 1.13
Clarence Doan 12.00 L C Arthur 19.25
Uno lehto 3.82 Pure Iron Culvert Mfg Co 117.53
Tom Jacobs ' 52.73 Consolidated Supply Co 23.23
E A Riggs 89.69 $1319.97
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Minutes of Special Meeting of the Ci-j^ Council of the City of Reedsport,
held in the City Hall on November 6th, 1936 at 8:00 P. M,
Pursuant to call of the ISayor and notice regularly given Sjecial Meeting
of the Council of thd City of Reedsport was held In the City Hall, on Friday,
November 6th, 1936, at 8:00 P« M, for the purpose of cgmvassing election
returns, and paying election bills.
There were present. Mayor ^ord presiding, a3eo Councilmen Arthur, Dunn,
Hogan and Johnson, absent Councilmen Ely and Corcoran.
Th6 o-^icial statement of ballots east from East and West Reedsport
Precincts in connection with the ^Ity Election of Novenfcer 3rd, 1936, was
next read, tabulation of which follows:
E» H, I'ord
J L Gibbons
Eugene Goude
CathaMne G Jones
L. C. Arthur
C» H* Bennett
Berg Borrevik
E. G* Dunn
Nels Hogan
Gus F» Johnson
J* R» %sh
Mayor 229 208 437
Recorder 171 150 32.1.
Recorder 83 '67 150
Treasurer 239 202 441
Councilman 185 163 248
Councilman S19 188 407
Councilman 210 17S 382
Councilman 233 SOO : 433
Councilman 199 182' 381
Councilman 208 182 390.
Councilman 205 171 ' 376
Casi East Reedsport Precinct 227
West Reedsport Precinct 263
Total.. .. 490
Total City Vote Cast
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and caTriSd, the following
were the'reupon duly declared elected:
Mayor E. H. ford
Recorder J» L»
Treasurer Catharine Jones
Councilmen C. H. Bennett'
Berg Borrevik*
E G Dunn
Nelson Hogan
Gus» F. Johnson
J. R» Rush
The following bills were presented, approved by the finance Committee,
and upon morion regularjy made, secozuled and carried, were ordered paid.
Frank No!pris
Alys Hogan
Jane B. Ford
Agnes B. lovelace
Angie M. Purkerson
Laura S. Ellis
Jaunita Reeves'
Mildred Harrison
Elsie McCabe
Maurine France
$2.00 L. B. Kennedy $2.00
2.00 L. B. Clarke 2.00
2.00 Alice Benson 2.00
2.00 Mary ^avitt 2.00
2.00 A. Marjorie Bennett 2.00
2.00 Delia Clarke 2.00
2.00 W. W Stephens 2.00
2.00 Wilhemina Gay 2.00
2.00 Evangeline Smiley 2.00
2.00 Vera Rydell 2.00
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of the Regular December 1936 Council meeting held in the City Hall
December 7th, 1936, at 8rOO P. M.
There were present, Mayor Ford presiding, alsp Counciljnen Arthur, Corcoran,
Dunn, Bly and Hogan, Councilman Johnson absent.
Connnissioner Clarke advised he would need 500 lbs of stump powder to clear
right-of-way for the pipe line, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the
Council instructed Ifi?. Clarke to buy the powder.
There was some discussion in regard to water rates to be set for the
Reedsport Resettlement camp, upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was
decided to set the rate at ^0*00 per month, beginning October 1st to June
1st, 1937.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the light committee
to contact the West Coast Power Company and have them move all light poles
on Rainbow Plaza inside of curb line.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the City Treasurer
to pay Gfeneral Refunding Bonds Ho 31 and 33 with interest, which are now due.
The Mayor advised the Strong Box which is in the vault could be bought
for about $150.00 also the rooms now Occupied by Mr. Pe-t^T^ sre to-bedlet to
Dr. E. Mbrene. Mr. Peters has asked for other rooBis lanttl-hecls throu^
with the bank settlement. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the natter
was referred to the Mayor and City Recorder and given authority to act.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder was instructed to
have the City Treasurer and the Recorder's bonds renewed for tl*i year 1937.
The State Highway Commission sent a deed to be executed as I/>t 4 in
Blk 74, IBSlltoad' AaditieiiralBo lots 1-2-&S in 4 and Lots 10 & 11 in
Blk 11, Rainbow Addition, These lots are to bb:used for Highway purposes.
There is ^67.77 due the city iffor Stnset and Sewer Snprovements, which the
State Highway Coiiinisslon is paying. Upon motion made, seconded and carried,
the Mayor and Recorder were instructed to sign the deed.
The following Beer Licenses were presented for approval:
Stanley Cochran.
R Buck-Nonda Anderson- Club Cafe- T. B. Johnson-
After investigating the above business places, upon motion made, secDntted
and carried, the Recorder was instructed to approve the licenses. *
The matter of redecorating the two rooms which are to be rented to
Dr. E. Morene was discussed and referred to the Building Committee.
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance Committee
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
C C Clarke 134.70 Election Boards 40.00
J L Gibbons 115 .00 H T Lewis 3.99
H M McCabe 94.70 Loren Bray 1.99
Catharine G Jones 17.50 Ellis Furniture Co 75.50
John Bemhardt 15.00 Paul Bemhardt 147.30
V7. G Benson 30.00 Cily Water Fund (Labor)/ 55.48
Frank L Taylor 5.50 Swender Blue i'rint Co 1.20
V/est Coast Tele Co 16.90 \Vest Coast Pwr Co 101.26
Pure Iron Culvert Mfg Co 117.15 Consolidated Supply Co 25.85
City Water Fund 34.29 State Ind. Accid. Com 13.66
Reedsport Garage 56.08 H J Lyster 1.75
Donald Hagerty 70.00 City of Reedsport (Water) 7.10
Cora Swatman 8.00 City of Reedsport (Rent ) 35.00
Farmers Auto Ins. C© 13 .85 Roy Agee, County Cleik (Deeds ) 3.00
Port Itoipqua Courisr 17.50 Reedsport Firemen (Wages) 46.00
V/est Coast Tele Co 1.50 Koke Chapman Co .60
Kelly Service Station 4.73 Abel's Service Station 1.34
S H Ford 9.00 K R Richards 150.00
W A Cochran 1.00 Stanley Cochran 3.43
Lee Service Station 2.71 Reedsport Auto Paric 6.20
Arthur Service Station 1.35 $1487.11
There being no further business, the meeting was adjoume
Re carder Mayor
It appearing that Hesoluti'^ii No 105 was oiumited fmin the minutes nt
Deceniber 7th, 1936, the minutes are hereby correct to read, as follows:
Resolution No 105, w^s presented and read, IT IS RESOLYSD BY THE
Cirr OF RHEDSPOHT: That the Mayor and City Rec'^rder of the City nt
Heedsport be and they are hereby authnrized and instructed to execute
for and on behalf of said City, deed of conveyance unto the State of
Oregon, for the following described real property:
Lots One(l) Two (2) and Flve(5) in Block Four of
Rainbow Addition to the City of Heedsport#
Lot 5'our(4) in Block Seventy-four(74) of the Amended
Plat of Railroad Addition to the ^ity of Heedsport.
lots Ten(lO) and Elefven(ll) in Block Hleven(ll)
of Rainbow Addition to the ^ity of Heedsport.
All in Douglas County, Oregon.
Adopted at regularmeeting of the Common Council of the ^ity of
Heedsport, this 7th, day of December, 1936. by the fallowing vote:
Aye 4 Nay 0«
E. H. ^ord
AttestJ Mayor
J L Gibbons
Ifinutes nf the regular ^anuary 1937 meeting held in the City Hall
January 4th, 1937, at 8:00 P.
There were present Mayiyr Ford prestilng, Cnuncilmen, Bennett, Borrevik,
Dunn, Hogan, Johnson and Rush»
A Policy for Plate Glass coverage on the City Building was presented,
the Council and upon motion made, seconded and carried, was referred to
the Building Committee*
The Southern Pacific Railroad Company asked that letters be signed
by the City and miled to Senaters McNary and Steiwer and Representative
Mott, in regard to amending the Interstate Commerce act on Loi^ and short
hauls, upon motion made, seconded and carried, this matter was tabled
until further information can be obtained.
^ Aletter from the "^eague of ^regon ^ities in regardito the coming
legislative session, was read, and upon motion made, seconded and carried,
^;he Mayor, City Attorney and Recorder were instructed to contact the ^ague»
Two grade Resolutions establishing the grades for the Coast Highway
and the Ifepqxia Highway throu^ the ^ity of Reedsport, were presented and
upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Mayor and Recorder were instructed
to sign the resolutions as passed by the City Council* The Following are
Resolution No 106 and Resolution No 107
Resolution No 106
WHEREAS, State ^i^way No 9 of the State of ^regon, known as the
Oregon Coast Highway, is routed through the 6ity of Reedsport, Douglas County
^regnn, a municipal corporation, and route officially adopted for said highway
by the State ^ighway Commission traverses the following street or streets, or
avenues, or roads, of said city; to wit;
A relocation of the ^regon ^nast Highway and a part of Winchester
Street, Prom the north end of the Bridge over Schofield Creek to the
SoutH end of the Bridge over the Uppqua River
And, WliEREAS, the State Highway Commission of the ^tate of ^regon is
desirous of i»eceiving Federal Aid for the improvement of said Highway,
And, VJHEREAS, the State Highway Commission of the State of Oregon has
caused a survey to be made, and plans prepared for the improvement of the
State Highway traversing the street or streets, or avenues, or roads, as
described herein.
And, WHEREAS, if said proposed street improvement is carried out,
the work will be done pursuant to a grade or grades fixed and established
by the Highway Commission,
And, WHEREAS, the grade or grades and elevations to which the proposed
Improvement will be made are indicated upon the maps and plans prepared
for the p-pposed Improvement which are on file in the office of the Ore/?on
State Hi^way Commission, at Salem, Oregon, copies of which have been submitted
to the City for its record and for its approval, aaid grades being as follows,
to wit:
Description of center line grade: Beginning at grade elevation 14»0
at the north end of the bridge over Schofield Creek on ''inctwster Ave.,:
thence on a 200-ft. vertical grade curve to elevation 10»2 at engineers
station 501 plus 70»0; thence to elevation 10»2 at engineer's station
531 plus41»5; thence on a 600 ft vertical grade curve to elevation 16.8
at engineer's station 537 plus 40.0; thence to elevation 28.0 at the south
end of the Oregon ^oast Highway bridge over the tJmpqua ^iver.
And WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 88, Oregon ^ws 1931, it is required
that as a condition prdedent to the change of the grade of any such street
by the Commission, such grade change shall be consented by the City#
NOW IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the C„nmnn *^ouncil of the '^ity
of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon, that the grades established by the
State Highway Commission for the porposed improvement of the street or
streets or avenues, or roads, as described herein and which are traversed
by State ^ighway No 9 of the S-fcate of ^regon, known as the Oregon ^nast
Highway, the plans fo^ which proposed improvement are on file in the office
of the State %^way ^onanission at Salem, Oregon, and a copy or cSpies of which
are on file in the recordes of the city, said grades being as Follows, To wit:
Description of cnnter line gradeJ Beginning at ^ade elevation 14»0 at the
north end of the bridge over Schofield Creek on Winchester Avenue; thence
nn'^il.200-ft vertical grade curve to elevation 10.2 at engineer's station
501 plus 70.0 th mce to elevation 10.2 at engineer's station 531 plus 41.5; thence
on a 600-ft vertical grade curve to elevation 16.2 at engineer's station
537 plus 40.8; thence to elevation 28.0 at the nouth end of the i^regon Coast
Highway bridge over the ISnpqua ^^iver, and hereby aT^pr-'Ved, and consents is
hereby given to such change.
Passed by the Soitmoy Council of the ^ity of Reedsport, Douglas ^ounty,
Oregon, this 4th day of anuary, 1937
Be it further resolved, that all proceedings required by the Charter
relative to the change of an established street grade be observed and to
that end and for such purposed the Recorder is hereby directed to prepare
and submit to the ^ouncil all necessary proceedings.
E H Ford
Attest: Mayor
7. li. ibbons
REsonrrmN no io7
WHEREAS, State Hi^way No 45 of the S-fcate of Oregon, known as t:ij
t^qua Highway, is routed through the ^ity of Reedsport, Douglas ^ounty,
^regon, a municipal corporation, and the route officially adopted for said
highway by the State ^ghway Commission traverses the following street or
streets, or avenues or roads, of said city; to Wit;
A relocation of the Umpqua Highway, fonn the intersection of the
Oregon Coast Highway and the Umpqua Highway to an intersection with ^
street between 12th street and 13th street.
^d, WHEREAS, the State highway Commission of the ^tate of ^regon is
desirous of receivKing- Federal Aia fnr the Imporberaent of said highway.
And, VfiiEREAS, the St^ite Highway Commission of the ^tate of regon
has caused a survey to be made, and plans prepared for the imporvement of the
State highway yraversing the street or streets, or avenues, or roads, as
described herein,
And, WHEREAS, if said proposed street Improvement is carried out,
the work will be done pursuant to a grade or grades fixed and established
by the Highway Commission,
And, V7HEREA8, the grade or grades and elevations to tiilch the pro
posed improvement will be made are indicated upon the maps and plans prepared
(for the proposed improvement whic^i are on file in the office of the Oregon
State Hi^way Commission, at Salon, Oregon, copies of which have been
submitted to® the City for its record anf for its approval, said grades
being as follows? to Wit:
Description of center line gradel Beginning at grade elevation 16»0
at engineer's station S plus 03,3 at the intersection the Oregon Coast
Highway vdth the %pqua Highway; thence to grade elevation 12*0 at engineer's
station 5 plus 00; thence on a 600-ft, vertical grade curve t- elevation
10*2 at engineer's stati'^n 11 plus 00; thence to elevation ll«8e at engineer's
station 12 plus 20; thence on a 600-ft. vertical grade curve to elegation 14,0
at engineer's station 15 plus 20 at the center of the main line track of the
S» P. RR; thence continuing on a 600-ft, vertical grade curve to elevation
11.88 at engineer's station 18 plus 20; thence to elevation 9,31 at engineer's
station 19 plus 96.1; thence on a 200-ft. vertical grade curve to elevation
6.1 at engineer's station 21 pirns 52 at the intersection of the relocation
of the Umpqua Hi.rhway with L Street, between 12th Street and 13th Street.
And, WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 88, Cre.-on ^ws 1931, it is required
that as a condition precedent to the change of the grade of any such street
by the Commission, such grade change shall be consented to by the city.
NOW THSREFi^RE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the ^orainon Council of the ^ity
of Reedsport, -^ouglas ^ounty, Oregon, that the grades established by the
State Highway Commission for th> proposed improvement of the street or
streets, or avenues, or roads, as described herein and which are traversed
byi the State Hi^way No 45 of the State of ^regon, known as the Itopqua
Highway, the plans for which proposed imporvemsnt are on file in the office
of the State Highway ^onmission at Salem, i^regon and a copy or copies of
which are on file in the records of the city, aaid grades being as follows, to
Description of center line grade; Beginning at grade elevation 16.0
at engineer's station 3 plus 03.3 at the intersection of the Oregon Coast
highway with the Ifeipqua Highway; thence to grade elevation 12.0 at engineer's
station 5 plys 00; thence on a 600-ft. vertical grade curve to elevation 10.2
at engineer's station 11 plus 00; thence to elevation 11.B8 at engineer's
st.tion 12 plus 20; thence on a 600-ft. vertical grade curve to elevation
14.0 at engineer's st-ition 14 plus 20 at the center of the main line track of
the S.P. RR; thence continuing on a 600-ft vertical grade curve to elevation
11.88 at engineer's station 18 plus 20; thence to elevation 9.31 at engineer's
station 19 plus 96.1; thence on a 200-ft vertical grade curve to elevation 6.1
at engineer's station 21 plus 52 at the intersection of the relocation of
the Ita^ua Highway with ^ Street, between 12th, Street an^^ 13th, Street, are
hereby approved, and consent is hereby given to such change.
Passed by the '^ommon ^ouncil of the ^ity of Reedsport, Douglas ^ounty,
Oregon, this 4th day of anuary, 1937
Be it FDRTtl'SR RESOLVED, that all proceedings required by the ^barter
relative to the change of an established street grade be observed and to that
end and for such purpose the Recorder is hereby directed to prepare and submit
to the Council all necessary proceedings.
E H Ford
AttestV Mayor
J L tjfbbons
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder to
Correct the minutes of.December 7th, 1936 meeting to show Resolution No 105
as passed by the City '^ouncil
, Mr. Carpenter appeared before the Council, stating he contemplating
a ^^erhhants Patrol and wished to know if the ^ity ^r>uld Deputize him to
act in this service. After some discussion, the matter was laid on the
table until Carpenter presented further recommendations.
A petition signed by taxpayers asking that a street li^t be placed
on Union Ave., near the corner of 5th street, west of the Schofield ^iver,
was presented to the Council, upon motion made, secon-^ed and carried, this
matter was referred to the Light Committee and they to report to the Council
at the next regular meeting.
'"'''he ^^aynr advised at this time he would appoint committees for the
ensuing year and the first named wruld be chairman of the Committee,
Hogan & Dunn
Johnson & Rueh
Botarevik & Bennett
Bennett, Rush & Borrevik
Dunn, Hogan & Johnson
Finance Committee
Light Committf^se
Building "
Water & Sewer "
Street "
Building Committeee
for City Hall Hogun, Borrevik and Dunn
The following bills wore presented, approved by the finance Committee
and upon motion made, rfec^onded and carried, were ordered paid.
Reedsport Fire Dept 24.00 Pure Iron Culvert Tlfg. Co 123.45
Cora Swatman 8.00 City of Reedsport (Water) 7.10
7, 0 H-ns-n 30.00 V/est Coast Tele Co 3.50
•ffojBi. BeK^hardt,- -1? rk 15.00 Roy Agee, County Clerk • 1.00
H MMc'Cabe 94.69 Building Fund 35.00
C C Clarke 134.69 City Water Fund Labor 36.90
J L Gibbons 115.00 State Ind. Accid. C^m 13.76
Reedsport Garage 13.33 West Cnast wr Co 108.92
Reedsport Auto Park 10.00 Frank ^ Taylor 97.30
Arthur Service Nation 8.79 City VJater Fund 9.15
Pure Iron Culv. MFG Co 116.77 Geo Bowman 37.50
W G Benson 3.00 Catharine G Jones 17.50
Shell Oil Co 6.53 Standard Oil Co 4.28
L L Kfine S.S5 Lee Service Station 1.35
Tom Jacobs 21.10 Kelly Service Station 2.25
H C McCrea Bonds 50.00
# .^1147.11
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
' HJHSUANTv to the .t)^Ai)risioiis of t.he 'Ctty;(3taJrtQr;^ re^uiap-^anmJal
meeting of the City Council was held in tlie City Hall, Teusday, Jsoiuary,
12th, 1937.
There were present, Mayor Ford presiding, Councilmen, Bennett,
Borrevik, Dunn, Hogan, Johnson and Rush, also City Attorney ?/• G-. Benson,
City Treasurer, Catharine G Jones, City Recorder J» L. Gibbons, City
Marshal H, M. McCabe and Commissioner C C Clarke.
The Rec-^rder reported that proper Surety Bonds had been filed for
Treasurer and Rec'^rder, each amounting to $5000.00 in accordance with
provisions of the City Charter.
The Mayor advised at this time, a President should be elected for
the C.^uncil« Councilman Bennett nominated, Nelson Hog^ and a motion
was made, seconded and carried, closing the nominations and the Recorder
was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for 1^. Hogan as Bresident of
the Council for the year 1937.
The Mayor gave a report of the City Business for the year 1936,
also read reports fr'^m the Treasurer, Recorder, Fire ChKf and C(rymmissioner.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the reports from the various
departments were accepted and ordered put on file.
Mayor 5'ord called attention t'> the necessity of refunding the Bancroft
Bonds, after some discussion, motion was made, seconded and carried, instruct
ing the City ^fficiers to take the necessary steps to refund the bonds on a
tentative basis of SO year bonds with interest at 2^ for the first ten years,
^ for the next fi-ro years and 3^ for the last five yaars, and present same
to the Council at the next meeting#
Delinquent water rents were discussed and upon motion made. Seconded and
carried, instructions were given to shut water users off who have not paid
thier current month bill by the 15th of each month, also any delinquent
water rent must be paid at 10% per month. Any water users that may have
the water shut off, will pay a fee of $1.00 to the City Recorder before the
same will be turned on.
Motion was made,seconded and carried, instructing the City Attorney
to contact the League of Oregon Cities in regard to pin ball games and
slot machines, to find what proceedure other cities are useing for controling
the machines.
Aletter from the ^ague of nreg^n Cities was read, advising a meeting
will be held at Salem on Monday J'anuary 10th, t« contact cities on legislative
matters. The Mayor and City Attorney were Instructed to attend this meeting
also any Councilm«n that would be able to attend. Motion was made, second
ed and carried, instructing this C'-anmittee t-' find If possible hov; different
cities appoint and have jurisdiction over Special Police and Merchant patrols.
The ^ayor advised there is $1706.20 due Douglas County on overpaid taxes
to the City, during l/tr Sawyer's term of office and at this time there are
sufficient funds to retire this am-«unt, saving the city from paying interest
on same. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Treasurer was
authorized to pay this amount.
introduced and read for the first time. Upon motion made, seC'-'nded and
carried, it was ordered passed to the second reading and read by title
only. Motion was then made, seconded and carried, ordering it passed
to the third reading and read for the third time. Ordinance No 245
was then ordered put upon its final passage and was adopted by the
following Vote: Aye 6 Ngy 0 .
It was then appr-^ved by the Mayor.
The matter of installing more street lights were discussed, the
Council advised two lights on Schofield Heists, two in West Rairoad
and two in East Railroad districts and upon motion made, seconded and
carried, instructed the light Crmmlttee t'-' ascertain where they are most
needed and report back to the Council at the next meeting.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
/y/j^ AttestJ Mayor
' • .nif, . •.
Minutes of a Special meeting called "by the M-^y-^r this 16th, day of
January, 1937, helcl± in the City Hall at 1:00 P» M.
There were present May'^r Ford prsiding, C'^uncilmen Bennett, Borrevik,
Dunn,' H^gan and Rush, absent CAuncilraan J'^hns-«n.
Resoluti'^n No 106 was presented, and up'^n m^ti'-'n made, sec-^nded and
carried, was ordered adopted as follows:
Copy of this resolution is on file in the City Bec^rder's office#
ilotion was mqde, seconded and carried, instructing the representatives
of the City of Heodsp^rt, who will attend the eague of ^reg'>n Cities
meeting at Salem, '^regon, to g^ on record in fav'^r of revising the'Knox
Law regarding the distribution of license revenues and that cities announce
their future claim t'^ a distributi'-n of at least 10^ of the gross revenues
of the Idquor Control Commissinn, this distribution to be made as sor>n as
stnte finances will permit*
There being n'^ -^ther business, the meeting was adj'-»umed.
Attest: " (7 • Mayr.r j
Minutes of the February 1937, meeting held in the City Hall, lvl'-»nday
February 1st, 1937.
There were present, tb.yor Ford presiding, Coimcilraen, Bennett, Borre:^ilc,
Dunn, H'-^gan, Johnson and Rush,
The Li,ght Committee rep'-srted they had checked the different districts
and Would reommend Street lights be placed as follows:
1 Light near Guy Collins Hesidimce
1 Light on C'-'mer W^st of L» C» Doane Residence
1 Light near Gus Johnson Residence
1 Light near West Aprtments,
Also mnve the light fr'^m '.Vlnchester Ave at Corner of 7th street
to the Corner nf 7th and L Streets and m^ve light at Fen^ landing to
16th street ab'-»ut 200 feet south# Motion was made, seconded and carried,
to accept the Light Cr^nsnittee reconmendatlons*
The Street Committee rec-^mmended that 1000 yards '>f gravel be purchased
also a nan be hired t'^ work up'^n the streets. After s«me discussi-^n, m'^tion
wqs made, sec'-'nded and carried, all'-'Wing the Street C^nmittee to spend up
to $150»00 per m^nth -^n streets until such tine as it was decided advisable
to discontinue same.
The Recorder was Instructed t'^ make a full rep'^rt of receipts and
* disbursements nn the City Building, to Jamary 1st, 1937. The surplus to
be divided equally between the Artisans Life Associati'^n and the City.
The ReC'^rder tn draw a warrant up-tn the Treasurer and chefek be sent the
Artisans f-«r their share and the General Fund credited with the City's share
The May-^r gave a full ^ep'^rt "--f the League of Oregon Cities laseting
which was held at Salon, f^reif^-^n, ^n the 18th '^f January.
Up'^n m-^ti'-^n made, seconded and carried, the policy for Plate Glass
Coverage upon the City Building, was accepted*
Moti'Mi was made, sec-<nded and Carried, instructing the City Attnniey
tn write a letter t'-. Percy A, Webb, Sheriff, stating the C'->undil reC'^nraBnded
M. McCabe be appointed Deputy S^riff t^ fill the vacancy '>f the late
J. L. Dndson. The letter t'^ be signed by the liayor and City Council#
The matter vacations for full time employees of the city was
discussed an'^. r^-tionmade, sec'^nded and carried, each full time employee
was granted one • waek vacation and three Dayd sick leave, with p^, each year.
Mir^ Spath presented a reneal of the Street Light Contract, this contract
dated January 1st, 1937 and to extend for two years, After reading the
contract and discussing the same, motion was made, seC'^nded and carried,
instructing the Mayor and Recorder to sign the contracts
Y/illiam ^ ICallenius presented a Beer License for recoirmendation,
after investigation, motion was made, seconded and carried, granting the
request ♦
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance C-^mmittee,
and UT3on motion msde,seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
Don hagerty 70.00 City V/ater Fund (Labor) 23.93
City VJater Fund 29.09 City of Reedsport Water 7 10
Reedsport Dept anbers20.00 West C^ast Power Cn 107/98
State Ind Accid. ^om 13.49 •paramount Ro'^f 5.00
Pure Iron ^ulvert Mfg Co 116.40 C-^ra S?r4tman 8.00
League of- ^re^ron Cities, 25.00 H M McCabe 94.69
E H Ford 6.00 .T^hn Bernhardt 15 .00
Frank Norris 10.00 C C Clarice 134.69
Don Kagerty 70.00 J L Gibbons 115.00
7/est C^ast Tele Co 3.90 W G Benson 30.00
Building "Fund 35.00 Catharine G Jones 17.50
Uno Lehto 5.42 Reedsport Auto Park 1.58
C H Bennett 3.39 Arthur Service Station 3.61
L L Kane 2.00 Tom Jacobs 12.25
M M Kelly 2.92 Ward Powell 27.00
Roy Stark 5.35 V/ A 3.00
Reedsport Garage S4.65 H T Lgv^is 18.00
Frank Taylor 30.64 Paul Bernhardt 3.65
There being no further business, the neeting was adjourned*
Attest: Mayor
Minutes r>f the regiiiir March 1937 meeting held in the City Hall, Monday
March 1st, 1937 at 7:30 P M/
There were present, tDayor ^ord presiding, also C«uncilmen Bennett, ^orre^Ic,
Dunn, Johnson, and Rush, Councilman Hogan absent,
.The amount of the price t--^ be paid f^-r gravel was discusssd and the Mayor
advised he would take the matter up with Mr, Hinsdale,
The Iviayor advised he had taken up the matter -^f a street project with
Mr. Gray the TSPA project i^^ager and Mr gray advised it w/^uld be best t'^
present such an application at a later date.
The matter of building a Jail was discussed. The May'>r attsed he w^uld
find out what a small building would Cost and report it to the c-^uncil next
Mayor Ford infamned the Council that the 18th and 19th March- are
the dates '^f the League of Oregon Cities Annual meeting to be held in Eugene
and asked any of the Countilmen wh'^ C'^uld attend to advise him and he W'-.uld
malffi arrangements with the committee at Eugene,
Motion was made, sec-^ndeS and carried, appr^^ving the app'-'intment of
Walter Kallunki Sr as IMputy City Marshal at a salary of $50.00 per month
and H M McCabe, City Marshal salary at §75.00 per month.
The Standqpd "^il Company presented a contract f^vr Fuel oil at $ .06
per gallon at their docks in Reedsport, This contract t-^ be for four months,
Ifr. Borrevik advised sometime in May, Mr Hagerty would present a contract
from that date '^n, M'^tion was made, seconded and carried, instructing
the Mayor and City Recorder to sign the contract.
and upon motion m^de, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
West Coast Tele Co 11,07 Rainbow Cafe * 2.20
Reedsport Firemen'. 24,00 City Vii'ater TTund 55,84
Frank Taylor 28,85 Reedsport Garage 15.28
State Ind Accid Com 13,70 . West Coast Pwr Co 106,36
City of Heedsp'^rt (Rent) 35.00 Paul Bernhardt 2,25
Reedsport Radio Shop 4.00 Collins Br'^thers 30.00
Cora Swatimn 8,00 City rtf Reedsport (Water) 7,10
D J Hage^^ty FueJ Oil 70.00 A-rbhur Service Station 4,50
Tr«m Jac'>bs • 7.62 H T Lewis 8,00
Port IMpqua Courier 2,00 Pure Iron Culvert Mfg Co 116,02
Winchester Bay Lbr 6,24 Standard f^il Co 23 ,01
Lee ^ervice Nation 7,93 C H Bennett 9,22
Reedsp^Tt Auto Park 3.49 C C Clarke 134,73
J L Gibbons 115,00 John Bemhardt 15.00
H M McCabe 94.72 ^ G Bensnn 30.00
Catharine- G Jones 17,50 1008,62
There being no further business , the meeting wvs adj^urniid
Attest: Mayor
iilfri'ri I
?!lnutes of the regular April 1937 meeting, held in the City Hall April 5,
1937 at 7:30 P. U.
There were present May^^r "^ord presiding als'^ Councilmen Bennett, B^rrevik,
Dunn, J'lhns'^n and Tlush, Councilman Hngan absent. • -
Attorney Benson gave a report on the Lea^^e of nj-eg^n Cities Convention*
Vt, Mc\?lllis appeared before the Council asking for a renewal of the
Garbage Contract up-^n moti-n made, sec->nded and carried; the contract was ordered
Moti-^n was made, sec-nded and carried, ordering that all fixed Committees
have full authority on purchasee made for their departments als- -^n all ordering
•^f material,
T'he matter of purchasing 7/ater pipe to protect the city ^n the raise -^f
price was discussed and upon m'-tion made, sec-^nded and carried the I'ay^r was
authorized to arrange f-^r the purchase ^f the pipe •
Ordinance ff 246 an ordinance amending; ordinance § 221 and ordinance
reg ilating card r--rs and licensing same was presented and read foP the first
time, up-^n m-l i'^ii;3!iade, sec-^nded and carried it was passed to the second
reading and read by title .^nly, upon m-^ti^n made, sec-nded and carr.ied it was
passed to the third reading and read f^r -the third time. Ordinance jf 246 was
then "'rdered? put up'^n its final passage and was adopted by the following vote;
aye 5 nay 0.
The matter of hiring a man at -^3.00 per -day to work up-n the city streets
was discussed and up^n m->tion n^de, seconded and carried the street com!iissl''ner
was instructed to hire a man f'-^r this work#
The matter of foreclosing on city ^property for delinquent city liens
was discussed and r^iotion was made, sec-nded and carried instructing the mayrtr
to start the foreclosure proceedure*
and upon motion made, seconded and carried , were ordered paid.
ii7. G. Benson '^so.oo S H Ford 512.00
Catharine G, 7ones 17,50 City Tire Dept. Members 23-00
H McCabe 74.69 City "Reeiisport 45.05
T'>hn Bernhard't 15,00 rfapqua Drug Company 1,00
C C Clarke 134.69 J L Gibb-ns 7.00
J L Gibbons 115.00 Western. IThion .95
Y/alter ICallunkl Sr. 49.69 A L Gray 74.25
\7est Coast Poyzer Co, 109.31 Shell *^11 C-^npany 9,63
Cora Swatman 8,00 West Coast Tele Co, 3.02
TTmpciuq Hiver Nav. Col 178,50 •Prarik TTorris 5.00
D C Hag'^^rty 32.50 City of Heedsport 7.10
City 'stater ?und 41,40 Cit;'- ".Vater T\ind 13.55
State Ind. Accid. Com, 14.81 Port t^pQua Courier 3 #50
Heedsport Garage 26,46 Paul Bernhardt 6,90
Arthur's Service Station 7.52 Ton Jacobs 5,63
"anpqu^ Dock & Supply Co, .53 C H Halladay 2.00
Lee Service StQti->n 2.10 A Cochran 5.00
Kelly's Service Station 3,19 TTno lehto 5.79
Heedsport Auto Park 2.25 C H Bennett 55.11
Pure Iron Culvert tTfg. Co, 115.65 Stanley Cochran 5.64
There being no further business, the meeting was adj-^ximed*
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting held in-the City Hall, Monday, May 3rd»,
1937 at 7:30 P.M,
Present Mayor Ford presiding also Councilmen Bennett, Borrevick, Dunn, Johnson,
and Rush, absent Councilman Hogan.
Mayor Ford stated he had contacted the County Judge in regard to the purchase
of lots that have been foreclosed by the County and he believed these could be
purchased at a very nominal amount*
Motion was made, seconded and carried authorizing the Mayor to contact the
County Court and offer not in excess of $5*00 per lot for the property*
Mayor Ford advised the city of Toncalla has steel doors and gratings to install
in a jail and same can be purchased for $35.00. Motion was made, seconded and
carried, authorizing the purchase of this material.
Motions was made, seconded and carried instructing the City treasurer to
transfer flOOO.OO from the general fund to the water fundy for use in paying water
bond principal and interest.
Motion was mde, seconded and carried instructing the Treasurer to pay the
water bonds and interest when due June 1st. 1937.
The Mayor advised that Mr. Bowman has a floating dock that he will sell for
$5.00. This dock to be put in place at the old ferry slip that boats may be tied
Motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing purcMse of the dock*
Motion was made, seconded and carried authorizing the Recorder to purchase a
typewriter desk for the office, desk to cost $9.50.
Motion was made, seconded and carried advising all purchases are to be made
through the Recorder's office and commissioner, Clarke by requisition and books be
printed for this use.
Mr. L. B. Kennedy appeared before the Council asking if some assistance could
be ^vea in renting a hall for band practice. Motion was made, seconded and carried
advising the city would allow #12.00 for 3 months.
Motions was made,seconded and carried setting the water rate for the Pilchard
Plant at $30.00 per month when operating and $5.00 per month vacation rate.
upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
Opal Bernhardt #13.20 Fyr-Fyter Sales & Service . #8.13
IfinpQua River Nav. Co. 17.85 Donald Hagerty 65.00
L. C. Arthur 1.46 Frank Norris 10.00
E, H. Ford 9.00 V/est Coast Power Co. 107.59
West Coast Tele. Co. S.90 Cora Swatman 8.00
J. L. Gibbons 115.00 C. C, Clarke 134.70
H. M. McCabe 74.70 Walter Kallunki Sr. 49.70
John Bernhardt 15.00 W, G. Benson 30.00
Catharine G. Jones 17.50 State Ind. Accid. Com. 14.27
Umpqua Drug Company 2.95 City Water Fund 29.84
Ronald Hlley 14.94 Reedsport Garage 20.02
Frank L. Taylor 77.70 Reedsport Firemen 20.00
Reeds port Auto Paric 1.84 M. M. Kelly 2.30
H, T, Lewis 4.00 S. V. Cochran 2.00
Standard Oil Col 9.78 Shell Oil Co. 16.58
Sills Furniture Co. 3.50 Union Oil Co. 28.92
Herb Butler 2.00 Reedsport Machine & Bl. Wks. 4.27
Lee Service Station 2.76 Jacobs Machine Shop 3.75
City Water Fund 149.06
Being no further business, the meeting was adjounred.
Minutes of a special meeting held Monday May 24th, 1937 In the Citv
Hall at 7:30 P.M.
The mayor reported on his trip to Roseburg and Portland, advising the
City Council he had contacted the artisans and the Neighbors of Woodcraft
in regard to the $38,000,00 of Bancroft bonds they now hold.
The above named organizations offered to sell these bonds for 50^ of
the face values. After some discussion in regard to finances motion was
made, seconded and carried to purchase some and instructing the Finance
Committee and the mayor to contact the Gardiner Bank in regard to borrowing
a part of the necessary funds to purchase the bonds.
The mayor advised the council he had contacted the County Court in
regard to the purchase of foreclosed lots and was advised they should be
purchased for the amount the County had paid the State for taxes.
Attest: c:^ .
Minutes of the regular monthly flouncil meeting, h^ld June 7th, 1937,
In the City Hall at 7:30 P. M,
There were present Msyor Ford, presiding, also Ccuacilmen Bennett,
Borrevik, Dunn, Hogan, Johnson and Rush,
Mr. Lovelace appeared before the Council, presenting a Lower Umpqua
advertising folder which the Chamber of Ccsmnepce is having made, Mr.
Lovelace aekedtthat.-.the City assist in defraying a part of the cost.
The matter was discussed but no action taken,
MotiC'^i; was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder to
accept street & sewer assessments and interest at of total amount as
long as the City has Bancroft bonds available at that price#
Motion was made seconded and carried, accepting the 118 lots now owned
by Douglas County at a purchase price of $672,77, the City Treasurer being
instructed to send a check for same.
The Reedsport Resettlement Can5> water contract was presented, and
upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder was instucted to sign
the contract.
The matter of drawing up a bjcicle ordinance was discussed and a committee
consisting of Borrevik, Rush, Bennett and the City Attorney were instucted
to present an ordinance at the next regular meeting.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Water Comaiissioner
to purchase a second hand Mack Truck from Tom Jacobs, the same to be built
into a Gas locomotive for hauling water pipe,
A repreeentitive of the ^erican ^gion appeared before the Council
asking that the ^ity license on carnivals be waived, that the Legion might
make enough money on a carnival in the near future, to pay their balance due
on the Ambulance# Motion was made, seconded and ca^^ried, granting the request.
The Council were in favor of sending a committee to Salem, to contact the
State Highway Commission in regard to the Conmission retaining Winchester Ave,,
as a State Hi^way,
A new Hosptial contract was presented, and upon motion made, seconded and
carried, the Recorder was instructed to sign sane*
Motion was made, secongd and carried, instructing the Treasurer to pay
the interest on the General Refunding Bonds when the same is due.
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, ordered paid.
Umpqua Gravel Cq 12.50 E G Dunn .42
tJmpqua Courier 3.00 West Coast Tele Co 1.50
W. G. Benson 30.00 Umpqua Drug Co .65
J L Gihbons 115 ,00 W H Wann 129.60
C C Clark© 134 .69 W H Wann ^ 162.00
H M McCabe 74.69 E H Ford ' 9.00
Catharine G Jones 17.50 FTftTik Norris 10.00
John Bernhardt 15.00 City Water Fund 39.63
Walter Kallunki Sr. 49.69 Reedsport Firemen 36.00
Lee Service Station 4.92 Reed^ort Garage 66.31
City Water ^'und Labor 52 .33 Frank Taylor 3.57
City of Reeds port HaMr 35.00 West Coast Power Co 10B.43
City Water Fund 43 .ao C E Bennett 37.80
State Ind. Accid. ^om 18.50 Umpqua Dock 19.00
Paul Bernhardt 1.50 City of Reedsport Water 7.10
Cora Swatman 8.00 3 E Clark 1.15
Roy ^tark 1.65 Kelly Serv. Sta. 1.38
Tom Jacobs .50 Reedsport Auto Camp 1.84
Herb Butler 3. 00 Ronald Riley 4.42
Arthur Sta. 2.10 West Coest Tele C© 1.92
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Minutes of the re^iilar July 1937 Council meetting hold in the City Hall
Wednesday, July 7th 1937, at 8:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor ^ord, presiding, also Councilmen, Dunn, Ho^n,
Johnson and Ru»h, absent ^ouncilmen Bennett and Borrerik.
Ordinance No 247 an Ordinance providing for the registration, licensing,
operation and e<iuipment of bicycles within the city limits of the City of
Reedsport, Oregon, fixing a penalty for the violation thereof, repealing
all or'^lnances in conflict herewith and declaring an emergency was presented
find read'fortthd.first time, upon motion made, seconded &. carried, it was
passed to the second reading and read for the second time by title only,
upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was passed to the third reading,
and read for the third time. Ordinance TTo '247 was then ordered put upon its
final passage and was adopted by the folloTfing vote: aye 4 nay 6 •
Motion was made, seconded and carried, setting yearly license fee
for bicycles at $ .25 per year.
Upon motion carried, the Recorder—was instructed
to obtain bids on fe(5o. blcycle -license t^s. .
Motion was made seconded and carried, stating a donation of $25.00
to be given to the Chamber of Commerce for advertising folders.
Mr. Corcoran appeared before the City Council in regard to the City
setting aside certain ground for at park, to be improved for a playground
for children. Upon motion made, seconded and carried , the City attorney
was instructed to draw an Ordinance setting aside lots l-2~3-4-5- and 6 in
Block 73 Railroad Addition for park purposes.
The matter of setting prices on city owned property was discussed and
the Mayor appointed Dunn, Hogan and Borrevik as a committee to make the prices.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Mayor to contact
Mr* Wm Lowe in regard to accepting a Job as city street and waller Commissioners
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
Dr H C Eastlsnd 4,50
C C Clarke 134.70
J L Gibbcns 115.00
H M McCabe 74.70
Catharine 0 -Jones 17.50
Walter K^Uunki Sr 49.70
W G Benson 30.00
John Bernhardt 15.DC
Frank L Taylor 5.62
Lee Service Station 4.08
Reedsport Auto Park 1,15
Umpqua Navigation Co 19.40
Bancroft V/hitney Co 15.00
Famers Inter Ins. Exch 13.05
C ^ Bennett • 7.25
Cora Swatman 8.00
Heedsport Firemen 23.00
Opal Sernhardt 3.20
City of Heedsport 35.00
7/est Coast ' Power Co 103.50
State Ind. Accid. Com 15.98
Reedsport (^age 43.12
City Water Fund Misc. 10.70
City Water Fund • Labor 99.71
Fir Grove Auto Camp 4.89
M M Kelly 3,16
Tom Jacobs 65.00
Port Umpqua'Courier 6.50
West Coast TeierCQo 2.55
Paul Bernhardt 191.71
City of Heedsport 7,10
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Regular Monthly meeting of Aug ?nd, 1937 'Was continued until todnesday
August 4th, 1937 as there was not a quorum at the inseting.
Minutes of tlie regular August 1937 e-^uncil meeting held in the city hall
iVednesday, August 4th, 1937 at 8:00
There T^ere :Dresent T'ayor Ford presiding also cv0uncrf.lic.en "Dennett—Borrevick—
Dunn— Hogan—Johnson— and Hush.
The matter of curb lines an L street from 15th St. to 12th street was
discussed and upon motion Trade, seconded' and carried, it was decided to make them
30 ft. friTm center of street line and the snme hei^th as the curbs are on
14th St.
Motion made, seconded and carried,
a check for ?20.00 and mail same to- D, J
expense of repairing oil streets.
instructing "ttie city treasurer to draw
• Sage State Highway engineer to cover
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, a rate of 32.60 was set f ar water
rent for trailer camps during 1iie season.
Motion w<5S made seconded and carried instructing liie Recorder to renew
the fire insurance on the City Hall.
A fuel oil contract from Don Hagerty was presented furnishing oil at$.07
per gallon for one yeir* ?'otion was made, seconded and carried instructing th©
Recorder to sign the contract. ^
Two beer license applications vrere presented for investigation, Stanley
Cochran and the "^ir Grove Auto Camp. ?'otion wis made, seconded and carried
approving both licenses.
The matter of water rates at the "^eedsport Camp was discussed up'^n motion
made, seconded and carried the ''^ecor'^er was instructed to inform the "Forest Service
and that s meter will be installed for this service and the regular rates for
meters be charged.
Mayor Ford' tendered his resignation as Mayor for the City of Reedspon, on
account of a positi m he had been offered as City Hanager for the City of
La Grande- TTy^n motion made, seconded and carried the resi^ation "rras accepted.
Motion was itsade, seconded and carried , adopting a resolution congra%u5[ating
Mayor Ford on his ^pointment as City Manager of la Grande.
Upon motion made, seconded Etnd carried the council proceeded to nominate
a Mayor to fill the uneipired term of Mayor l^'ord.
tTelson Hogan was noininated and elected by the following vote. Aye 5 TTay 1
Motion was made, seconded and-carried allowing $20.00 a month for extra
help in the Recorder's office.
City attorney Benson asked tint his offices be calcimined, upon motion
made, seconded and carried the matter was referred to the Building CoiMiittee.
Councilman Hush requested a 60 days le:ive of absence beginning about the
29th of August, Motion made, seconded and carried allowing the leave.
The following Mils were presented,, approyed ty the Finance Connnitte©
jpon motion made, seconded and carried, v/ere prdered paid.
City of ^eedsport ^ 35.00 y/. G. Benson f 30.00
J, L, Gribbons' 115.00 H. r, T,!cCabe 74.69
John Bernhardt 15.00 C. C. Clarke 102.99
Catharine G. Jones 17.50 Frank Taylor 9.02
TJest Coast Tele.. Co. 2.75 Umpqua Drug Co. .45
«<est Coast Povrer Co. 10S.S6 IValter K^llunki Sr. 54.69
7»m. Lowe 53.82 Koke-Chapman CoJ 11.14
Cora Swatman • 8.00 City of I^eedsport 7.10
Dorothy Gibbons 4.CO H. L. Hiley 3.03 -
Fir Grove Auto Camp i.ei Standard f^ervice 4.14
W. A. Cochran 7.75 City vVater Fund 36.39
State Ind. Accid. Com» 13.14 Shell Oil Co. 6.68
•Reedsport Firmon 54,.00 Herb Butler 2.50
T?eedsport ^arage 41.28 $814.13 .
There Tseing uo further business the meeting was adjourned*
Mayor cf
Minutes of a special meeting called hy the M^cr, this 18th day of August,
1937, heldein the ^Ity Hall at 8:00 P M.
There were present Mayor Hogan, also CouncilmeG Bennett, Dunn, Borrevik,
Johnson and Rush.
The ^layor advised it was necessary to elect a c^^uncilman to f^ll the vacancy.
After some discussion, E J ^orcoran was nominated, and a motion was made, seconded
and carried, closing the nominations, A ballot was taken and E J Corcoran was
elected by the foll-^wing vote: .^ye 5 Nay 0, The T'ayor appointed Bennett ^d
Dunn to act as tellers.
The I^Tayor then advised it was necessary to elect a president f-^r the Council,
2 G Dunn was noninated and a motion was made, seconded and carried, closing the
nominations, A ballot was taken and S GDunn was elected president by the follow
ing bote Aye 5 Nay 0. The I^^ayor appointed Dunn aid Corcoran to act as tellers.
The M:iyor then appointed the following conmittes to serre the balance of
the term.
Finance Coumittee
Light "
Buildinr **
Water &, Sewer "
Street "
Building Comnitte for
City Hall
E G Dunn & S J Corcoran
Jvohnson Sc T^ush
Borrevik 5: Bennett
Bennett, T?ush & Borrevik
Dunn, Johnson 5; Bennett
Dunn, Borrevik & Corcoran
Up4n motion made, ^econded and carried, the Street Committee was instructed
to arrange and have the walk buJlt-ar'-und the City Hall.
The City Harshal was instructed tc check all streets entering hi^;way3
through 'Reedsport that d'^ not have stop signs and contact the State HighTray
Commission in r3gard to having signs placed at these intersections.
Ther being no Further business, the rceeting was adjourned.
M-y.Jr (y
' )
Mlnutss of the regular Council Meeting held September 8th, 1937
in the City Hall at 8:00 ?♦ M. " C
There were present Mayor Eog^, also Ccuncilmen Borrevik, Dunn,
Johnson, Corcoran, absent Councilmen Bennett and Hush#
The matter c-f insuring the ambulance f-^r'th-? next year was discussed
and 4J)on motion made,seconded and carried, it was decided not to insure
the ambulance and if agreeable to the American ^gion and the ^iremen
to have a committe arrange for sale of same,
A motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the ifeyor to
appoint a comMttee to arrange the sale of house and lot -on Lot 18 in
in Block 48, Railroad Addition. This committee of Dunn, Borrevik and
Corcoran are to set the price and terms of the contract#
Two bids on water pipe and fittings were submitted to the Council,
one bid from P-iul Eernharfit and one from the Consolidated Supply Co.
Earnhardt's bid was the lowest bid and upon motion made, seconded and
carried, Paul Bernhardt*s bid was accepted.
Conmissioner Clarke advise that Tom Jacobs had some 10,000 ft of
3 inch sScohd hand plank for sale that could be bought for a lump sian
wf ^75.00, IkiT. Clark also stated that the City needs the plank to
build road along the water line. Motion was made, seconded and carried,
instructing Ivh?. Clarke to purchase the plank.
The permit girantsfi-ubb Uittpqua ^la'lllon May ?th, 1928 to use the
South Portion of L Street and 16th street to pile lumber on is hereby
revoked by motion made, seconded and carried, also the street commissioner
is instructed to remove the planking on snme.
It was brought to the attention of the Council that the railroad
crossings in the City are hazardous, having improper lighting and no
signals, motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the City
Attorney to write the Southern Pacific Hallway Co. also the State
Highway Conaaiasion in regard to this matter, and ask that something
be done about the same.
A liquor license signed by Ward Powell was presented for investigation,
Motion was made, seconded and carried, approving the license.
The matter of licensing and regulating pin ball machines was dis
cussed but no action was taken. Upon Motion made, seconded and carried,
the Mayor advised he would appoint a committee of two to work with the
City Attorney on this matter and they to report back at the next meeting.
The Mayor advise he would name the committee later.
The Mayor advised that at this time the T^adg8t Comnlttee should
be appointed:
Tlie follo7:ing Budget Committee was appointed;
Mayor Nelson Hogan Appointed H V/ Kis sling
Councilman f^us F. Johnson " Hoy C-.irns
Bennett ** S. B. Stevens
B. Borrevik ** Paul Bernhardt
J H Push ** Verne Collver
"5 J Corcoran ** Matt Thompson
2 (a Dunn " Hussell Carlisle
Motion was made,seconded and carried, setting September 16th, 1937
at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall, f'-tr the 1937 Budget Committee meeting.
• -0 ,«
The follov/ing bills were presented, approved by the finance CoTnmlttee,
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, wer^ ordered paid.
Paul Bernhardt #300.00 Sari '.?eoks ?273.00
H McCsbe 74.69 T^orotby 20.00
^ 0- Benson 30,00 Karb'^rd-'Rogers Co 15,48
Cathnrlne 0 Jones 17.50 H M McCabe 2.77
John Bernhardt 15.00 T^eedsport Firemen 23,00
'.".'alter K-iirmki Sr 49,69 ;Veot Coist Tele Co 1.50
C C Clarke 134.49 ',7est Coast Po7/er Co 102.58
J 1 Gibbons 115.00 Port Upqua Courier 5.50
Fnipqua Drug •90 City of Heedsp'-^rt 35.00
City -V^ter Fund 92.25 Peed-p'^rt Garage 33.07
City vVater Fund 11.94 Frank L Taylor 6.25
.7 C Lovre 69.70 Umpqua N-vig^.-.tion 27.00
Pacific Typewriter C© 6.80 Standard Service 3.45
ClarJsAs Service 3.45 C P Ilalladay .50
C n Bennett 15.80 Peedrp-^rt .Vato Park 2.80
S S Smiley 3.91 Kelly Service 9.69
City of ^eedsport 7.10 Ellis Furniture Oq 15.30
Cora Sv.-atman 8,00 .Villiam Kalenius 2.76
Dunn Outfitting Store .23 Tom Jacobs 50.70
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Iuay<
T-1iri.TT3S OF THE 1937 BTTCin" CO-:?'ITTSi: inEETIITf?,
Pursuant, to order of the City Council and notice regularly given, ir.oeting
of the 1938 Budget Consiittee was held in the City Hall, Hv^eds::ort, Orec^^n, on
Teusday, Seixtmenber 28th, 1937, at tt;30 ?. lU
There v^ere preEsnt Mayor Hogan, Councilraen C H Bennet, B. Borrevilc, E CJ Dunn,
S J Corcoran, Gus 5* Johnson and J P Push, also present were' coirrniitteemen
H WKissling, ^oy Cairns, S B Stevens, Paul Bernhardt, Yerne Collver, MiV Thompson
and Hussell Carlisle. Attorney Benson, Hecor'sr Gibbons and Auditor Wann were
The Budget Coirjnittee proceeded at once to orgianize, and upon motion regularly
made, seconded and carried, H '.V Kissllng was unanimously elected Clmiiiiian and Hoy
Cairns elected Secretary of the meeting.
Due consideration was given reports which had been sent previously to all
members of the Committee by the City Recorder, showing in detail, exuendltures
and receipts for •::he ye::rs 1934, 1935 and 1936, also first half of year 1037 and
the budget for 1937. '
Items were considered separately as thay appc-ardd on the Budget data sheets.
After considerable discussion concerning individual items, and instructions and advise
of Auditor Tann, a motion r:?s in*:ide, seconded and carried, the Budrst Coimittee
adopted the follovrln.^ Budget and transmitted the same to the tax levying body.
1933 ?ROPO;:;3D BrDGCT.
T^ecoruer Salary
Extra office hel^
Treasurer Salary
Attorney Salary
Marshal Salary
Deputy ilarshal • Salary
•Pire Chief Salary
Firemen "iTages
Audit Fee
Office Expense
Jail Expense
?ire Department llaintenance
Street Lighting
"rinting £: Advertising
•Poads S: Streets Commissioner Salary
^oads Streets Extra Kelp for Commissioner
'^oads & Streets £: Sewer-!'aintenance of Equiprr-ent
Telephone & Telegraph
Dues Subscriptions
BonSs B-. Insurance
Nev/ Jail Constr-j.ction
Refunding Bonds
Refunding Bonds
Bancroft Bonds
Tater ^onds
7'ater Bonds
Emergency Fund
Estimate t^xes for Roads L Streets
Fines k Licenses
Franchise Tax
Invectigati-n liquor licenses & Hevenna"
City Hall Building ^und
VJater Department Transfers
There being no further business,* the Budget Committee laeetlng was
The Mayor called a Special Council meeting inmediately following
the "budget meeting.
Upon motion ma-de, seconded and carried, the dates of 5^iday October
1st, and Friday October 8th, 1937 was set for publication of the Budget,
also that Monday October S5th, 1937, was set as the date for the budget
r'r. IXinn advised thetVi'^fet Coast Power Company had asked for per
mission to rebuild a new light line along H Street, advising the Company
agreed to move all poles from in front of building entrances, after some
discussion, motion was made, seconded and^ carried, granting permission
to tlie West Cnast Power Compaijy to rebuild and make the changes on this
The matter of the railroad crossing on Winchester Ave. near the Depot
w^s discussed^ This crossing lislhazardoui; for the reason they did not
level the ground between the two railroad tracks. The City Rec-rder was
instructed to write the Southern Pacific Railroad Company in regard to
this crossing.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned*
Attest; i^y'ir
Minutes of the regular Council meeting held I!onday October, 4th, 1937
in th-e City Hall, at 8:80 P. M.
There r/ere present Llayor Kogun, Conineilmen Bennett, Borrevik, Dunn,
Johnson and Rush, absent Councilman Corcoran.
•A letter from the 'iinerican Legion was read, in regard to sale of the
Ambulance. The Legion is in favor of thS"'Sale-^and advised they wished their
portion of the returns refunded to them for use of building a comunity Hall,
The also advised they had appointed E J" Corcoran to act on the sale committee.
A motion was made, seconded and carried, accepting the I^gionfis reccommendaticn
alsot- app'-inting 2 G Dunn to serve on the sale committes, as representative
of the City.
Upon motion made, seconded add carried, the City Attorney was instructed
to write "3 S Morgan ''sking he vacate house on Lot 18 in Flock 43, Amended Plat
of Railrodd Addition to the City of Reedsport.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the City attorney
to print notice as follows: "City of Reedsport r;!!! not be responsible for
any labor or material bills upon lot 10 in Block 75, amen.-ied plat -f Rail
road Addition, City of Reedsport^ -
The street committee was Instructed to have speed limit signs installed
on L street from the Eighsh-oi to 8th street.
The officer-in cterge of"the Resdsport CCC camp ppeared bof-re the
Council in regard to water rates at the c^mp, after eonsiaerable discussion,
the Council set a rate of *30.00 per month on a yearly contrract basis, and
if contract is cancelled at any tl];Je the rate will revert back to a meter
rating. The Officer w::;3 asked to contact headciuarters and if .this arrange
ment is satisfactory to have a contract drav/n and presented at the next
Council meetinfr.
Upon motion made, seconded ;^nd carried, the ITayor ao-pointed a committee,
consisting of Dunn, Borrevik and Corcoran, to have plans made anrl estimate
of co^t on construction of a City Jail building and report back at the next
meeting. •
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
' ;..
The fcllo-,7ing bills :7ere presented, and approred by ths 'Finance Cananittee,
and upon motion made, seconded and cairied, were ordered paid.
State Ind. A.ccicl Com
Heedsport ^'iremen
E MMiCabe
John Bernliardt
Dorothy Gibbons'
J L Gibbons
C C Clarke
".7 G Benson
'.Valter Kalliinki Sr
K }!: Ivi'cEabe
Catharine G Jones
17H1 lowe
C H Ealladay
ITelson fiogan
City j'ater Fund Labor
Tom Jacobs
Herb Butler .
Standard Service
13.20 IJunnell & Sherrill
37.00 .vest Coast Power Co
1.27 E K Kyle
15.00 "'est Coast Tele Co
20.00 Cora Swatman
115.00 H J lystor
134.SO Umpqua Dock Oq
3C.00 '.Tinchester Bay Lbr Co
59.70 Burroughs Adding I.Iach Co
74.70 Bancroft V^hitney Co
17.50 Readsport Garage
39.70 City V^'ater I^xnd
3.25 City of !^eedsport
5.25 Pure Iron Culvert ^*fg Co
11.97 Arthur Service Station
75.00 Lee Service Station
2.00 C H ^ennett
There being no further business, the meeting v;as adjourned
Attest: .--y-r
Ivlinutes of a Special Meeting held Monday, October 25th, 1937 in the
City Hall at 8:00 P 11.
. There were present, acting Mayor Dunn, Councilman Bennett, Borrovik,
'Corcoijan", "iJoScMifenn and TKish, Absent I'aj'or Hogan, Also present were
'Copinittee-^^rlisle, Collver, and Stevens, absent Bemhardt, Eissling,
Cairns, Shd Thompson^
In accordance r;ith published hottcfe, heariar:; was hald on proposed
1938 Budget. The Treasurer appeared and asked that her salary be raised
ifter soFlS discussic-n, the Budget Coiiimittee recoinnended that ^7.50 be
allowed for extra help f-^r the Treasurer and this amount be used from
the Emergency fund. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, this
recommendation was acceptdS.
There being n-^ objections from Tax payers, upon motion rer-ularly
made, seconded and carried, the proposed budget for 1938 was duly adopted.
Thereupon, Ordinance V.o 24? AH 05DI!Ta!7CE levying a tax upon
all pronerty situate in the City of Heedsport for all purposes t'-'T tViS
year 1938 in the sum '-^f ^15,015.00, v/as submitted and re?.d f-r the first
time. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was -"rdered passed to the
second reading and read for the sec-nd time by title only. Upon motion
re-7ularly made, seconded and carried, it was -^rdored passed t'* the third
readir^ and read for the third time. Ordinance TTo 248 w^s thon ordered put
upon its final oassage and was adopted by the folloTTing vote; Aye 6 IT--y 0 .
It was then approved by the acting Wayor.
A contract from the Conservation Corps Camp at ^eedspoT-t was presented,
this contract for the .City of Beedspcrt to foimish. v/ater at ^530.00 per month
for one year. Upon motion made, seconded and car-»-ied, the Acting Miyor and
and Pecrdfir were instructed to sim the contract.
There being no further business, the r^^eting adjo-tc'n
Ldnutes of the Hegul^ir November Council meeting held on November 8th, 1037,
in the City Hall at 8:0C ?, II.
There were -aresent Mayor Hogan, al^^o C'-^uucilmea Bennett, Corcoran, Burm,
Johnson, Borrevik Sc Huiii.
A coiffinitte fro/Vi the ^ire Departirient appeared hef'^re trie Council in regard
tn tlB purcliase of a new fire truck. 'DponYiDgtion-.m^da;-•^econdeaa-'.^a
tBsjk'ayor iSpnoint^a coirmjlttee' cbiisiFtlng^bf j^Dunn End Bennett"-to wcrk \7lth the
Fire regard to pairchass.
City Att 'irnvjy Benson advised that Paul Schuttpolz was interesteu in
trading soii^e of his property for city owned property near Sdna lake, motion
vms iBde seconded and Ciir'f'ied, referriug the a committee consisting of
Corcoran, B<^rrevick and Benson to get in touch v;ith l.'ir ischuttpelz iind find what
kin.1 of a trade ha wishes to make also writs a letter t'> Charles 3 Stricklin,
St'ite* Engineer in regard to w"Tk that v;ill "be done at Edna I^e. ^ j
The matter ^f selling the warehouse situate on State owned property i
was discussed and referred to the huilding committee, a price of *100,00 was
set as sale price rf the building. .
I'.r* Bunn advised tl'^t a party had contacted him in regard to renting
the store building next tn the City office to be used as a bakery, this matter
was referred to the buildin/; conitiittee tr. find what difference it will make
in regard to insurance on the City Hall huil-^ing.
k comrcittee from the American legion a^jpeared bef-re the Council
asking permissi'-n to operate there Armistice dance until l:rC A 1^', up'^n
motion made, seconded and carried, thr3 request T/as granted.
The City L'arshal wac instructed to- get a requisition an^l show the
prisoners najae on sarB, for all me^ls purchased for city prisoners,
r.'otion was niade, soc-nded and carri'.id, authorizing the street
committee to investigate,-"graveling of streets in the City.
I'otion was made, aec-nded and carried, instructing the Bec^rder
to bill the State Highway Coiimissidn for 12 yards of gravel us d at corner
..Inci^ster ^ve and 2nd at. on Wades 5*1 at.
T.lotion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder
to have PL k PD insurance on the Fire Trucl: ani one of the City service
trucks increased to '5100,000.00 and *200,000.00 Public Liability, each.'
l-oti'^n was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Treasurer
to pay interest on water bonds December 1st, 1937.
T-yor n-^an tendered his resi.'^atir.n, and upon m^^tlon made, seconded
and ciirriud, the resignation v;as accepted.
I.'i'umediatsly nominations were call "^'-'r a I'yyor to fill the vacancy,
•S. 0. Dunr. was nominated -and up'^n m'^tion made, seconded and carried, it was
r'ov3d that n-^minations be closed. T'r. TXinn was unanim'^usly elected by the
folloulni* vote, \ye 5 *Tay 0. *
The ratt?r -f filling the vacancy of tho C.ouncll v;i-s in rr.'!?r,
up'^n motion msde, seconded and carried, "^Tels'^n Hogan ^Tas nominated, t'r. Hogan
advised he •.v'^uld decline ar.d would n'^t accopt t'he nominsiti'^n. Thereupon by \
moti'-'ri made, seconded ar^ carried, ^ Ste'^ens -as noml^cted. A^ter some discussion
brth motions f-r nominations svere withdrawn, the Council feeling it would be
best to contact someone before electing' them t'- the office of Counciibnan.
Tiie follo'.'.ing bills v.'ere presented, appr~'Ted "by tLe finance Coiijsittee,
and upon nation made, seconded and carried, were nrdered paid.
Paul Bernhardt 648.10 City Vn'ater l^uid Labor 85,26
City r>f Heedsport 14.20 "Reeds oort K'-'otors 6.e5
City 7ater Fund 12.95 Standard Service 3.?1
!^eedspo^t T'ach 5c B wks 14.92 Heedsport Garage 25.20
T)on ilagerty 70.00 Cora Swatman 8.00
Collins Brothers 100.00 Rainbow Cafe 5.55
T E Kendricks .80 S I A C 13.07
Reedsport 5'iremen Wages 25.00 City of Heedsport 35.00
Pure I'^g Co 316.05 n T Lev/is 4.00
Joe Abbott £.24 Walter Kallunki 3r 54.59
West Coast Pwr Co 103.98 Jolm Bernliardt 15. CO
<V H VMnn 24.75 H h IvIcCiibe 74.69
•Vest Coast Tele Co 3.30 iTm Lowe 89.70
Port rmpqua Courier 24.30 Dorothy Gibbons 20.00
Kelly-Pric Tnc 3.91 C 0 Clarke 134.69
Union Oil Co 4.60 Catharine G Jones 17.50
waiter Carlson 7,00 J L Gihbons 115.00
E E 7"ian 8.00 tf G Benson 30.00
H f.I InIcCabe 4.00 John Bernhardt 3.00
•Roy Stark 4.00 Frank Taylor ^ • V' •>'
Herb Butler 2.00 Arthur Service Sta, 15.25
Lee Service Sta. 4.37 H C K0Crea 112.56
"Frank L Taylor 91.70 ^;2562,52
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was continued
until llonday November 15th, 1937 at 8:00 P. M*
Ik'inutes of the continued regular November Sth, 1937 Council meeting,
held this 15th, day of No-romber, 1937, at 8:G0 P. In the City Hall.
There was present Mayor Dunn, also Councilmen Bennett, Corcoran,
Johnson, Rush and Borrevik.
The I'^'"or advised at this time there should be a Councilman nominated
and elected, llr. E B Stevens was nominated and upon motion made, seconded
and carrirrd, nominations were closed, 3 B Stevens was unanimously elected
by the followin^^- vote -'>.ye 6 !Tay 0.
The Mayor advised at this he would name the following connnittees
f'-r the balance the term:
Hinance Coiamitt e
tVater Sewer "
Building Coixmittee
Street Coinmittee
City Hall Bldg, "
Corcoran k Bon^vik
Johnson L Thish
Bennett, Hush and Stevens
^ush Sc Bennett
Johnson, Bennett &. Borrevik
Borrevik, Corcoran S: Stevens
The Mayor advised at this time that a :^resident of the Council sh^'uld
be elected, C H Beunett and 2 J Corcoran were nominated, thereup-^n a motion
was made, seconded ana carried, closing nominations. A ballot i?ras then cast
C H Bennett reccivdiig 4 votes and E J Corcoran 2 v^tes. C H Bennett was
then declared President of the Council for the balance '-•f tha tern.
There being no further business the meeting .vas adjourned.
Attest: i..ayor
Minutes of the regular Deceinter 1957 Council meetlr^ was held :Tnnday
Deceniber Sth, 1S37, In the -^Ity Hall at 8:00 P M*
There were present Mayor ^nn, also Councimen Bennett, BrrreTik, CorC'Tan,
Johnsnn and SteTens absent Councilman I^ush. *
The Kayor ap'^ointed Councilman Corcoran and Stevens jis a committee in regard
to codification of ordinances.
k contract the COG Ctimp TTo 228 f-^r water rent v;as presented
uD'^n m'^tion made, sec-^nQed and'car ried, tha •I'iay''^r and Hecrder were auth-^rized
to sign the contract f-^r a peri''*d iDaginninj-Oct'^er 1st, 1937 t" June SC'^h, 1S38,
with p-^'ivilege '~-f renewal to Deceirher 31st, -1938.
T^pnn mi'^tion inade, seconded mid ci-rried, the Treasurer Y;a3 instructed to
transfer ^SlCO.rC the J^iter Fund t- the OtiiBrL^l "Fund, this r:irn6y -.vr.s
"bcrr'^wed Tt'T: the CJea-ral Fund previ'^usly, •
Motim was made, sec-n3ed and carried, -instructing the Treasurer t"^ pay
^SOOOiOO principle 7aid ths inter-st due -n tho General T^efunding Bonds which
are due tlie 15th, of Decemher.
The llayor appointed I>'r. Borrevik. on the conar.ittee v.'ith ^•^r* ^orcrran and
the Fire Chief, f-r -purciiase --f a Fire Truck,
Upon motion maie, secrnded and carried; the Council authorized a drain
be inst illed mider Winchester at the La© Service St tion.
The Fire Chief appearsdil hef-re the Coujicil, reqarsting the Ftpe Department
be given permission to onerute the New Years Dance until 1:00 k i!, up^^n motion
made, seconded and ca^^ried^ the request r/as granted.
The iiVater Coiimissioner asked pemiission tr> sell the Stuir.p powder now on
hanii as he would n-^t lL.-;ve use f-^r it and the same vfill hec^.e useless, upon
moti-^n made, seconded and c<»rried, ths Cormissioner was auth-^rized t-' -sell the
The foll^vdng wine and beer licenses were presented f^r-investiguti-^n:
T B J-^hnaon, ifard Powell, V/. H. T^uck, Stanley T Cochr--in, Safeway Store emd
Nonda •.'inders'^n, upnn motion ir,ade, seconded and carried, they wore all appnrved.
The foil's/dag bills were presented, appr-^Yed by the Finance Committee,
and up-'n motion made sec-nded and carried, were irdered paid.
Arthur Service Station 3.26 Emerald Martin 15.05
n l-'\ rcCabe 2 .53 ..est Co .S+- Tele ^o 1.B5
John Bernhardt 15. CC D J Hagerty 36.40
waiter Kullunki 3r 4C.70 ..3£-t C-^aot PftT Co 106 .03
H " T.^cC^.be 7'i,70 stbiid-ird Service 2.07
./m Lowe 00.70 Shell Oil Co 6.60
Dorothy ^ibbr.ns 20.CO Il^vvard C.-«~.p3-' Corp 8.70
.i' C P.enson 30.CO •Rsedsp-^rt Firemen 50.00
C'ith'j.rine G Jones 17.5C City of Heedap-^rt 7.10
J 1 Gihb-^rss 115.CC Cora Swatran 8.00
C C Cl-.rke 134.70 r 0 Stanley 3.40
H C IvIcCrea 170.OS Bureau !^f lau^r 5.00
Frank L Taylor £0.50 lee Service Station 3.45
C H Bennett 17.55 St--.i£iley Oochran 14.05
St ind-r.rd Oil Cq 11.GO City Jater Fund 23 .94
City of Readsifrt 55. CO City "ater ^^und 6. 67
S I A C lo.04 Tniii Jacobs S.75
Umpqua Drug Cq 2.05 r!'je.h~p" -t /iUt'^ Park r.C7
Kelly Pi'ice Inc r.30 E k ShirtcliffD l.OC
Pure Iron Culvert ?.*fg Co 379.12 •;l523.73
There beins]: no further busine s, the mestin? w.s adj-MiTne^.
Ulmutas 9t s Sp»eial Meeting ef the City ^euacil •f the City •f Heedspert, held
at the eall af the Sfoyer, ea Tuesday, December 14th, 1937, at 8:00 P. U*
There were present, Uayer Damn alse C«uacllme& Bennett, Cerceran, Jehnsen,
Steyens & Rush absent CeunclMan Berrerlk.
The meeting wa& called te discuss and decide en the purchase ef a 7ire
The Eeirard Ceeper Cerperatlen, Pepresentatlre attended the meeting
and described the Seagrares 500 gallen pump and the bedy fer the truck and
all equfpnent that Is included*
Upea metlen made secended and carried, it was decided te purchase the
Seagrares pump frem the Reward Ceeper Cerperatlen* Alse autherlzlng thet
Ferd Ambulance be transfered te the Reward Ceeper Cerperatlen, the City
being allewed $600*00 f«r same*
Metlen was made, secended and carried, instructing the Firemen te
make a chelae ef tbe kind ef chassis te be purchased* Mr Bennett ef the
Ceuncll was appelnted te werk with the Firemen in making this mkmk selectien*
Metlen was made, secended and carried, racagnlzing the American ^eglen
equity ef $300.00 in the ambulance te be censidered after the Fira truck la
paid fer*
The Light Cemmlttee adrlsed there sheuld be twe mere street lights
installed, ene between the Scheel and E E Clark preperty and ene in
Halnbew District* Metlen was made, secended and carried, autherizing this
Metlen was made, secended and carried, instructing the Mayer te
appeint arcenanlttee te cenfer with peel hall and card reom eperaters in
regard te an erdinance cererlng same, their recemmendatlens te be giren
te the Council at the next meeting* Mr* Sterens and Rush were appeinted
en this cemmlttee*
Metlen was made, secended and carried, instructing the Recerder te
make a list ef all .^rftpB^tyia^wnerseirtif krft5dBllniuent em Imprerement
There being ne further business, the meeting was adjeumed*
Attest > {] / Mayer
Minutes •f the regular January 1938 Ceuneil feting, held en Menday, January
3rd, 1938 in the City Hall at 8:00 P M.
There were present Mayer Dunn presiding, alse Ceuncilmen, Bennett, Berrerik,
Cereeran, Jehnsen and Sterens, absent Ceuncllman Push.
After seme discussion in regard te Peel Hall and Card ^eem licenses, metien
was made, secend^drand carried, laying the Ordinance en the table until next
alse instructing the City Hecffirder te netify all eperaters te attend
the iseeting.
The fellewing Heselutien, Preriding fer Cedificatien ef Ordinances was
read, and upon metien made, secended and carried, was adepted:
WHEREAS, in the develepment ef the city ef Reedspert there hare been
enacted oTer a peried ef years many erdinances which, by reasenef the
passage ef time, are ebselete, er which, by reasen ef subsequent state
statutes and censtitutienal preyisiens, are new inralld, er which duplicate
er cenflict with prerieusly enacted erdinances, resulting in a cenfusien
ef city recerds; and
WHEREAS, it is the belief ef the cemmen ceuncil that a systematic
cempilatien ef the city's erdinances is beth desirable aod necessary se
that city officials and empleyes, as well as %tternsys and citizens, shall
at all times hare ready access te the existing ordinances of the city; and
WHEREAS, the preparation of an ordinance code inTolTlng^ the elimination
of all obsolete, inyalid, and conflicting ordinances and the classification
of all actire and valid ordinances is a technical and time-consuming task
beyemd the scipe of work of the present regular employes of the city; and
WHEREAS, the J-eague of Oregon Cities and the Bureau of Municipal
Research and Service of the Unirersity of Oregon, in their cooperatire
efforts to promote better municipal goTernment, have developed a procedure
for the compilation of ordinances; and
WHEREAS^ for the purpose ©f enabling cities to clarify their recerds
by preserving their active ordinances, eliminating and repealing obsilete,
conflicting, and void ordinances, properly indexing and cross-indexing
the active ordinances, collecting, compiling, and indexing the existing
eharters and amendments, the Bureau of Municipal Research and Service of
the University of Oregon has sponsored and received federal approval of
a Works Progress Administration project which will provide f©r the
employment of competent stenographic assistance in the preparation of a
permanent ordinance code for cities wishing to participate in this pro*
gram; and
WHEREAS, Under this project the typing and classification work
necessary in codifying and indexing the ordinances of the city of Peedsport
will be provided by W. P* A* and the only cost to the city will be that
for the legal and supervisory services and the supplies required; now, there
BE IT RESOLVED, that the city of Reedspert hereby authorizes and requests
the ^ague of Oregon Cities and the Bureau of Minicipal Research and Service
to codify the ordlnannes and charter of the city of Reedspert, furnishing
free to the city such services as are available under the W» P» A. project; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the city of Reedspert hereby aut'Korizes
payment to the league of Oregon ^ities a sum not to exceed $150»00 for
supervisory and legal services, including stationary, supplies, and an
ordinance record book required In the, preparation ofa^an ordinance »—•Jiwyiiiiift -r*
was mado, sec«&ded and carried, autheriziag $200*00 be paid fvem
tlie 1937 budget, for the new Tire Truck.
Metion was made, secended and carried, authorizing the purchase af a r«ad
•iling machine, this ameunt te be taken fram the 1937 budget*
The Mayar adyisei at this time a Presidant af ths ^auncil shauld be
elected and naminatlens were in arder* I1&* C H Bennett was naminated,
thereupan loatian was made, secanded and carried, clasing naminatians.
S ballat was prepared and the fallawing rate cast: C H Bennett 5 rates
and E J Ctrcaran 1 vate, Mr C H Bennett being elected far the ensuing year*
Matian was made,secanded and carried, instructing the Treasurer ta transfer
the Ambulance ^und amaunting ta $77*79 ta the General Fundt
^pan matian made, secanded and carried, the Treasurer was instructed ta
call twa water bands amaunting ta fl000*00 and retire same*
Tke fallawing bills were presented, appraTed by ths finance ^emmlttee,
and upan matian made., secanded and carried, were erdered paid*
Walter Kallunki Sr 49.60 Reedspart 2'iremen 42.00
Catharine G Janes 17.50 Kelly-Price Ino 1*15
JakB Bernhardt 15.00 Stanley ^achras 5.75
W Gr Bensan < . 30.00 ?ir Grare Auta Gamp 3.45
Darathy Gibbana 20 *00 Winch Bey Lbr ^a .73
'ttm Lawe 89.69 Arthur Serrice Statian 5.75
C C Clarke 134.69 Standard Serrice 4*37
J L Gibbana . 115.00 Harbard-Ragers .96
Part Umpqua Caurier 19*50 West Ca&at Tele ''a 2*20
Farmers Auta Ins* 17.60 E A Riggs 11*97
H M McCabe 1.26 D 7 Hagerty 70.00
City af Reedspert 7.10 Cara Swatman 8.00
West Caast Pwr C# 108*61 City af Reedspart 35.00
City Water ^nd 7*00 S I A C 13*65
Paul Bernhardt S5.00 Reedspart Garage 45.54
C H Bennett 16.60 Shell Oil Ca 9*63
Trai Jacabs 13.35 Ray Stark *55
Umpqua Deck & Sapfly 0. *68 Myraa McGuire 1.99
Pure Iran Culr* Bfg. c# 344*15
There being na further business, the meeting was adjourned^
Attest: Mayar
Minutes of the regular February, 1938, meeting held Itonday February 7th,
1938, in the City Hall at 8:00 P. M.
There were present, Mayor IHinn, Councilmitn Bennett, Corcoran, Johnson,
Rush and Steyens, absent Councilman Borrevik#
There was some discussion in regard to appointing a health officer.
It was decided to contact the local Doctors and find if thoy would serve.
Motion was n»de, seconded and carried, instructing the City Attorney
to attend the neart meeting "of the State Highway Commission and take up the
matter of the Commission redonsidering the retaining of L Street from the
intersection of the Umpqua Highway around by the depet to the Junction
of Winchester Aye* and the Coast Highway, as a State Highway.
Ordinance No 249 An Ordinance amending ordinance No 98, as amended
by ordinance No 190, as amended by ordinance No 2S1, as amended by
ordinance No 246, of the ordinances of the City of Reedsport, relating to
pool halls and card rooms, and declaring an emergency, was read for the
first time. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed
to the second reading by title only. Upon motion regularly made, seconded
and carried, it was ordered passed to the third reading and read for the
third time» Ordinance No 249 was then ordered put upon its final passage
and was adopted by the following vote: ^Aye 5 Nay 0 » It was then
approved by the Mayor*
The City Treasurer's annual report for the year. 1937 was read and
upon motion made, seconded and carried, was accepted*
The City Fire Chief's report was read and upon motion made, secondddd
and carried, was accepted*
The City Water cemmissioner's report was tead and the Commissioner
also made some reccommedations in his report, after considerable discussion
the Commissioner was instructed to make his recommedations separate from
his report*. Thereupon motion was made, Seconded and carried, accepting
the report•.
The Street Commissioner's ireport was toad and upon motion made, seconded
and carried, was accepted*
The City Recorder's reports were read and upon motion made, seconded and
carried, were accepted*
Ordinance No 250, an ordinance providing for the regulation and licf^nsing
portable shooting galleries, providing a penalty, and declaring an emei^ency,
was read for the first time* Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it wm
ordered passed to the second reading and read for the second time by title
only. Thereupon it was ordered passed to the third reading and read for the
third time* Ordinance No 250 was then ordered p|rt pon its final passage and
was adopted by the following vote Aye 5 Nay 0 * It was then approved by
the Mayor.
The City Treasure advised there was plenty of money in the Water Fund
to retire $1000.00 more of water bonds, thereupon motion was ir»de, seconded
and carried, instructing the Treasurer to call two more water bonds and pay
same with interest*
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion, made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid*
C H Bennett 116*42 Winchester Bay Lbr C# 2*05
Standard Servie 6*85 S S Smiley 5.06
Umpqua River Navigation Ct 24.40 Stanley Cochran 8*97
Keily Service 4*14 Roy Stark 2.S5
H 7 Lyster 5*00 Cora Swatman 8.00
D J Hagerty 70*00 City of Reedsport 7*10
West Coast Power Co 111.09 E G Dunn 3.70
E 0 Dunn 6*77, Reedsport Fisemen 31.00
The Swender Blue Print Co 1.41 Iftiipqua Drug Co 1.70
West Coast Tele Co 1.75 City Water Fund 7,00
League of Oregon Cities 11.78 W G Benson 3.00
City of Reedsport 35 .00 City V/ater F nd 8.10
Frank L Taylor 39*10 Reedsport Garage 61.18
1 C Arthur 34.44 Standard Oil Co 40.37
Lee Service Station 4.88 C H Bennett 34.80
Paul Bendele 1.26 Tom Jacobs 4.15
S I A 14.59 Pure Iron Culvert Mfg Co 346.42
Shell Oil Co 9.90 Iftnpqua Building Supply Co 19.20
Waller Kallunki Sr 49.69 City Water Fund (Labor) 67.56
C C Clarke 134.69 J F Lippencott 4.46
H M McCgbe 74.69 W C Lowe 89.69
J L Gibbons 115.00 W G Benson 50.00
Jehn Bernhardt 15.00 Catharine G Jones 17.50
Dorothy Gibbons 20.00 $1711.49
There being no further business. the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: May €07
Miautes of the regular March, 1938, Couadl meeting held Monday, March
7th, 1938, in the City Hall at 8:G0 P M.
There were present Mayer Dunn, presiding, alse Ceuncilmen, Bennett^
Berrevik, Corcoran, Johnson, Hush and Sterens*
The Water Commissioner advised he would need some valves for install
ation on the water line* Upon motion made Seconded and carried, he was
instructed to order twe 12" and ftne 8** valve#
Councilman SteveiLS advised he had contacted the two local Doctors in
regard to acting as City Health Officers but that both Doctors declined*
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the City Treasurer
to call :$1000»00 worth of water bonds and pay same with interest.
The American Legion organization asked the Council for two lots as the
Legion are planning to build a hall and conMunity building. They wished to
know what they would be charged for the lots. The Council was also advised that
It may be possible for Library quarters in the same building. Upon metion
made, seconded and carried, the City offered to trade lots 1 & S in Block 75
for the Library lot 16 in Block 82, providing the Lggion gives the library
quarters in the new building and the arrangement is satisfactory to the
Library Association.
Mr, Bernhardt, Fir# Chief, appeared before the Council, asking for a
City lot to errect a building to house the Fire Trucks. He advised the
Firemen would furnish all labor to construct the building and the Umpqua
Supply Company would furnish all material and charge the City $10»00 per
month until the building is paid for. This is the amount of rent the
City has to pay at present for storage of the Fire Trucks. Motion was made,
seconded and carried, instructing the City lot committee to confer with the
Fire Department as to what lot would be suitable. The Council will pay the
$10.00 per month up to $350.00.
The following bills were present, approvedl by tbs Fiasotco Cemmittee,
and upon motion n»de, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
Herb Butler
Pieneer Hardware Co
City of Heedsport
Frank. L Tayler
Heedsport Garage
Standard Oil C«
Standard Service
S S Smiley
IMpqua Navigation
Shell Oil C#
Bu.rton Pharmacy
Sera Swatman
W CLewe
C C Clarke
Derethy (^ibbeis
H M McCabe
Cath^^rine G J'eaes
2.00 Paul Bernhardt 1.50
3.75 Douglas Ceunty 5.47
17.50 STAG 14.33
25.58 City Wqter Fund Labor 87.76
34.09 C H Bennett 5.13
17.94 Associated DirisioB 27.28
7.13 Reedsport Firemen 46.00
S.30 Arthur Service Station 1.61
105.00 MM^lly 1.61
6.60 West Coast Tele Go 1.50
1.35 West Coast Power Co 111.86
8.00 City of Reedsport 7.10
89.73 J" L Gibbons 115.00
134.72 W G Bens on 30.00
20.00 Walter Kallunki Sr 49.72
74.72 John Bernharit 15.00
17.50 Donald Hagerty 70,00
There being ne further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Minutes of the regular April Council Meeting, held April 4th,
1938 in the City Hall at 8:P.M.
There were present Mayor Dunn, presiding, also Councllmen,
Bennett, Borrevlk, Corcoran, Johnson, Rush and Stevens.
The High School Senior class elected and appointed a complete
personal of city officials from their class who conducted the Council
meeting. The students were as follov;s:
Mayor Lester Thompson
Recorder Leona Decker
Treasurer Altheda Jackson
Water Comm. Edv/ard Marks
Street Comm. Dick Develbiss
Chief of Police Ted Tatro
Fire Chief Bob Baird
Counoilmen Bessie Spicer
Henry Wise
Vera Jane Babbitt
Jeanne Wagner
Victor Pajari
Corrine V/lgnes
A letter from the State College Laboratory in regard to an analysis
of the city water also amount it wo\ild cost, was read and upon Motion
made, seconded, and carried, it was decided that any of the city of
ficials who happened to be going to Corvallls should take a sample
of the water and make arrangements for an analysis with authority
to have same done*
A lease for the office space of the West Coast Power Company
was read. This lease to be for two years at $35, per month, but the
option for another two years and painting be struck out^ thereupon
motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the Mayor and Record
er to sign same.
A Representative of the American Legion appeared before the Coimcil
asking that a Deed for lots 1 and 2 in block 75 amended plat of Rail
road addition be given to the Legion, upon motion made, seconded and
carried, the Mayor and Recorder were authorized to execute the Deed.
The Jail Construction Committee reported the estimate for material
for a new jail would be $610. and the labor approxlmatley the same,
and it mi^t be necessary to borrow some money from the water fund
for the construction, motion was made, seconded and carried, giving
instructions to st^rt building the jail with the money now available
providing thespeclflcations are correct..
The Fire Chief asked that an ordinance which was drawn for
abatement of old buildings be passed, after considerable discussion a
motion was made, seconded and also carried , to have the ordinance
tabled until next meeting. More discussion on the matter of this motion
was with drawn.
Ordinance Mo. an ordinance for the prevention of dangerous
buildings and structures, defining the same providing for the piinlshment
for maintaining the same, providing, for the abatement and
removal thereof, and the charging of the. oat of such removal or abate
ment against the property, and declaring an emergency was read for
the first time. Motion was made, seconded and carried, ordering it
passed to the second reading by title only, and was read for the second
tljne. Motion was then made, seconded and carried, ordering it passed
to the third reading, and read for the third time. Motion was then
made, seconded and carried to adopt the ordinance and was adopted by
the following vote Aye 6 Hay 0« It was then approved by the Mayor»
Councilman Johnson asked that the local union be allowed a dance
License and to conduct dances until IjOO a«m« upon motion made, seconded
and carried, special permission to operate dances xintil 1:00 A#M« for
the next 30 days»
Mr. Johnson was instructed to contact Winchester Bay Lumber Co#
in regard to driving piling aroxmd the Sewer outlet on Schofield river
to protect the sewer pipe.
Mr» McWillis appeared before the Council asking that his Garbage
contract be renewed for another year, motion was made, seconded and
carried, granting this contract.
There has been considerable complaint in regard to people dump
ing garbage along the Highway and at entrance to Dump Ground. Curtis
Raynea a high school student offered to paint signs for posting dump
ground. Motion was made seconded and carried, offering a $>5.00 re
ward for information and conviction of any person for violating this
order, also a fine of flO.OO for conviction of same.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Treasure
to call two more water bonds and pay same with interest.
A committee consisting of Borrevik, Stevens and Rush were appointed
to investigate charging outside fish dealers for use. of city Docks.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, to build a sidewalk be
tween the City Hall and the New Fire House which includes the^ alley and
the Hubbard lat.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the property
committee, Bottevik and Corcoran, to decide upon a price for lot 17
in Block 77 amended plat of Railroad addition.
Commissioner Clark advised the Council that he would need to pur
chase some air valves and Gate Valves, Mr. Bennett chairman of the
water committee was Instructed to work with the commissioner in the
purchase of same.
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance
Committee, and upon motion made,, seconded and carried, were ordered paid
Matt Thompson 4.36 H.M. McCabe 3.80
West Coast Tele Co. 1.50 Reedsport Firemen 29.00
S S Smiley 3.68 Lee Epperhart 1.38
E E Clark 2.58 Fir Grove Auto Camp 3.22
L C Arthur 2.50 Kelly Service 2.30
Paul Bernhardt .75 City of Reedsport 7.10
Cora Swatman 8.00 D J Hagerty 70.00
State Industrial Acc. Com. 14.35 Frank L Tayler 3. 51
West Coast Power Co. 110.54 City Water Fund 71.30
Stanley V Cochran 5.06 City Water Fund 30.65
Reedsport Garage 13.82 C H Bennett 52.54 •
City of Reedsport 35.00 Pure Iron Culvert Hfg. Co. 342.52
Alaska Junk Co. 152.00 Tom Jacobs 6.00
W H Wann 105.00 Walter Kallunki Sr. 49.69
Dorothy Gibbons ao.oo Catharine G. Jones 17.50
I" L Gibbons 115.00 Hohn Bernhardt 15.00
C C Clarke 134.69 H M McCabe 74.69
W G Benson 30.00 W C Lowe 89.69
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of a Special Meeting held ia the City Hall Tuesday April 12th, 1938,
at 8:00 P M.
There were present, Mayor prsiding also ^ouacilmen Bennett, BorreTik,
Corcoraa, Johnson, Hush and Stevens.
The matter of foreelosure on lots in the City of Reedsport which thera linaireaftssossinents
past duo waBe brought up for discussion* The Recorder was in
structed t© send a list of property owners to the Commercial Ab8t*act Company
to have verified, '^hen this list is check and received, the same to be turned
over to the City Attorney and he to write each owner asking that they come in
and make arrangements to pay up all back assessments with interest.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder to write
the County Shertff getting the amount of taxes du® on Lot 17 in Block 77,
Amended plat of Railroad Addition, also the assessed Ireiluation of this lot
and what portion of the taxes are due the City of Reedsport.
The building of the new jail was discussed at some length as to dimensions
costs of material and labor. Mr. S A Weeks attended the meeting and advised
he would oversee the building of the Jail and also furnish all machinery
necessary at a charge of $1.00 per hour for his services. This was thou^t a
fair proposition and Mr. Weeks was instructed to take charge of the construction.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Minutes of a Special Meeting held in the City Hall, April 27th,
1938 at 8!00 P M.
There* were present Mayor Dunn prsiding, also councilmen Bennett, Borrevik,
Corcoran, Rush, Johnson and Stevens.
The Oregon Pilchard Company who are defunct owes the City of Reedsp'^rt
for delinquent water rent in the amount of $66.28, Mr D H Bates has charge
of paying all bills for the Company^ The request is made that bills be paid
56^ of original bill. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Recorder
was instructed t'^ sign the claim for the amoimt of $37.11.
The matter of lot 17 in block 77, sold to F C Levins who had not paid
taxes on same,should pay the city of Reedsport for amount of taxes they have
not received. The anount being $17.00. Motion was made, seconded and ca-"iried.
Instructing the Recorder to collect this amount from Mr. "^vins and have a
deed to the e±±y lot made out to Mr. Levins*
There was a lengthy discussion in regard to having the city water
analysed by the Oregon State College labratory. Motion was made, seconded
and carried, instructing that samples be sent and have fu^l analysis made of
the water.
The ^eague of Oregon Cities convention to be held in 5he Dalles
on May 2nd and 3rd was discussed and the following Council members and
€lfficers will attend. E G Dunn Mayor, W G Benson City Attorney, J L Gibbons
City Recoriier and Councilman Corcoran.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Mittutes of "the regular l^iay 1938 Couacil Meeting lielii Monday^ May, 9th,
1938, in the City Hall at 8:00 P J.U
There were present Mayor Dunn, presiding, also Councilmen Bennett,
Borrevik, Corcoran, Johasoa, Rush and Stevens#
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder was instructed
to write the Howard Cooper Corporation, asking that a new front propeller
•iiaft be sent for the new Fire Truck, before the truck will be accepted,
also the speedometer must be fixed.
The Treasurer advised that ^000.00 of water bonds and $2450»00 of
water bond interest will be due June 1st. Motion was made, seconded and
carried, instructing the Treasurer to pay same when due.
A contract by and between the COG Camp No 228 and the City of Reedsport
was presented, the" contract to be a continuation of the former contract
for water to be furnished by the city of Reedsport to Camp No 228 at $30.00
per month. Contract to run from July 1st, 1938 to June 30th, 1939. Motion
was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder to sign the Centract.
k contract by and between Donald Hagerty and the City of Reedsport
was presented, Bbiald'^Hagei?tyttof]£iziiii.iah.'f^ftlofflil--to the City at $ *07^
per gallon from July 1st, 1938 to June 30th, 1938. Motion was made, seconded
and carried instructing the Recorder to sign the contract*
Motion was made, seconded and carried, extending the permission to
the Local A F L Union to hold thiir dances until 1:00 X M, this permission
is for 60 days beginning May 4th, 1938.
Councilman Corcoran gave a report on the ^eague of 8regon Cities
convention which was held at 5h.e Dalles May 2nd, and 3rd.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the dates May 23rd, to May
28th, inclusive were set as clean up week.
Mgyor Dunn, Councilmen Bennett, Corcoran, Borrevik and Stevens
advised the Water Commissioner they would take a trip and view the water
line ard intake of the water system. The City has to make out a new
application for extension of the water project for another 18 moaths.
The Council also are presenting an application for a WPA project
on raising and widening streets, drainage and the building of cement
walks and curbs. The estimates to be figured on material and labor
and the application to be presented for approval at once.
The following bills were presented, approved by the finance Cemmitte,
and ordered paid.
Reedsport Firemen± 30.00 - City Water Fund Labor 107.75
Tom Jacobs 2.25 E J Corcoran 9.00
Umpqua Building & Sup C© 244.14 W Gr Benson 9.00
Reedsport Auto Park 1.84 E G Dunn 9.00
West Coast Tele Co 1.50 H M McCabe 74.70
IMpqua River Nav Co 92.40 Walter Kallunki Sr 49.70
T W Hall 2.00 ff C Lowe 89.70
S S Smiley 2.30 C C Clarke 134.70
L C Doane Labor 29.96 J L Gibbons 115.00
R C Raynes " 57.92 Catha-^ine CJ Jones 17.50
Sam Weeks " 61.92 John Bemhardt 15.00
Donald Hagerty 70.00 W G Benson 30.00
Umpqua Drug C© .50 Dorothy Gibbons 20.00
Cora Swatman 8.00 City of Reedsport 7.10
West Coast Pwr Co 110.84 Paul Bernhardt 272.47
Reedsport (Jarage 18.07 C H Bennett 146.34
Lee Service Station 2.65 Frank Taylor 33.04
City of Reedsport 35.00 City Water Fund 16.69
State Industrial Accid Com 22.25 Herb Butler 2.00
Pure ^ron Culvert Mfg Co 341.40 Port IMpqua Courier 18.25
Union Oil C® 9,63 Standard Oil C© 9.45
Alaska Junk Co 54.60 =^2385 .56
Motion was made, seconded and carried, continuing the meeting
the* call of the Mayor at a future date.
Mittutes of comtinued meetiag of May Qth, 1938, held this 25th day of May,
1938, at 8:00 P. M. in the Hall,
There were present tiayor Dunn, presiding, also Councilmem Bennett, Borretik,
Corcoran, Johnson, Hush and Stevens,
Mr. 0, P. Saling appeared before the Council asking pernission to use block
37, Rainbew Addition, ^eedsport, Oregon, for garden purposes After scaae discussion,
motion vas r^de, seconded and cairried, instructing the City Attorney to draw up a
permit for 1 yr. Mr Saling to pay #1.50 per month for water to be used on this
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Attorney was instructed to
call a Road District meeting at a future date for the purpose of voting and
lerying a tax for street purposes.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
. V
.r •
Minutes of the regilar Juae 1938 Council I'eeting held on Juae 6th 1936 ia
the City Hall at 8: P. M.
There were present Mayor "Dunn, presiding also councilmen Bennett, Borrevik,
Corcoran, Johnson, l^ush and Stevens.
Wm. Burnett appeared before the Council asking permission to use a purtion
of the street adjacent to Lot 3 in Blk. 45 Railroad additioa.
Motion was made seconded and carried, giving permission to Mr. Burnett
to use the described land revocable at any time by the ci^uncil.
The Recorder was instructed to find the cost of memorandams showing •
transfers of City property.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried the payment of the Fire truck
was ordered this amount being 52293.00 less 5$^^ discount.
The width of Sidewalks on H Street and 13th Ave. were discussed and upon
motion made, seconded and carried, it was decided all walks should be Ft.
wide with a 6 inch curb, iidewalk to be joined to curb making a 6 ft. walk.
The recorder was instruced to write the American Legion of this request.
Motion was made, seconded and carried instructing the City Treasurer
to transfer $1500.00 from the general fund to the wp.ter fund.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the city treasurer was instructed
to pay the general fund bond interest which is diie Juae 15th•
After some discussioji the council set the price of ^2.00 per hr. for the
use of the oiliag machine with man, the city to fuiaich the fuel*
Motion was made, seconded and carried, referring the matter of the sale
of lot, 2 in blk. 52 Hailroad addition.
Upon motion made, seconded -ind carried, the city recorder was given
1 weeks vacatioa for the year 1937 a^nd 1 week for 1938 v/ith pay. Also the
vacancy will be filled by R5rs. Grlbbons or Dorothy Gibbons at $20.00 per week.
The following bills were presented, approved by the 'F'inance Committee,
and ordered pa^d.
sVest Coast Tele. Co.
K. C. McCrea
M. UrcCabe
^^/alter Kalluaki Sr.
Dorothy Gibbons
V/, G. Bensoa
John Bemhardt
''7, C. Lowe
Catherine G. Jones
J. L, Gibbons
Commercial Abstract Co
T>eedsport Garage
Tracey Squip. Co.
l^pqua Bid. Supply Co.
H. M. lucCabe
S. T, Cochran
K. G, Dunn
Donald Hagerty
City of Heedsport
West Coast Power Co.
Cora Swatman
Roy Stark
$ 3.55 Urapqua Bldg. Supply Col 219.03
73.90 Frank Taylor 50.00
74.69 Umpqua "^ivfr Nav. Col 1.35
49.69 Sam Weeks 59.92
20.00 Frank Taylor 17.14
30.00 S. I. Acn. Com. 20.96
15.00 Peedsport Fire Dept. Mem. 30.00
89.70 D. C. T/az '^I'fice Equip. Co. 22.73
17.50 Pure Iron Culvert lifg. Co. 340.27
115.00 "^ort Umpqua Courier 10.25
8.00 C. ;!. Benaett 100.87
18.71 Tom Jacobs 2.51
4.93 City of ^eedspirt 35.00
10.00 Shell nil Co, 9.90
2.53 Artnur Service Station 2.45
1.61 Edwards Theatre 1.00
6.10 Umpqua Drug Co. .65
35.00 City V.'ater "Tund 88.76
7.10 Ore. .State Agri. College 25.00
111.42 City Vi'r^ter Fund 88.71
There being no further business, the iMcting wrs adjounned.
Reco3?der (y
Uiinites of the regualr July Council meeting beld on Monday, July
Utk, 1938, In the City kail at 8:00 P. M.
There were present li^yor ^nn, presiding, also eouncllmen Bennett,
Borreyik, Johnson, Rush and Steyeni, absent Councilman ^orcoran.
Motion was loede seconded and carried. Instructing the City Recorder
to sell City of Heedsport maps at #2«00 eack*
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder was Instructed
to order the Douglas Credit Bureau Bulletin to be sent the city each week,
the amount of this serriee being #12»00 per year*
Frank Norris, Secretary of the Chsmber of Commerce, appeared be fore
the Council, asking that the cards adTislng the public that all agents
be endorsed by the 6kamber of Commerce, be enclosed in the next water
statement notices, motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing tbe
Recorder to enclose the notices*
The County Court was given permission to fence in Block 84 Railroad
addition, including the Alley until such time as the alley may be needed
by the city.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried,the City Attorney was Instructed
to draw up an ordinance goTeming the keeping of bees within the City Limits,
this ordinance to be presented to the council for tkelr approyal at a later
Bpon motion made, seconded and carried, the ^ayor appointed a committee
of S B Steyens and Gus 7 Johnson to meet with the American Region to decide
upon 4 satisfactory price for the use of the oiling machine*
Commissioner Clarke, asked that lumber be purchased to coyer the water
pipe on the transmission line, he adyised it would take approzmltly 18 or
SO thousand feet of 2 z 8* Uotion was made, seconded and carried. Instruct
ing the CoiQXDlssioner to purchase the needed lumber on 90 day terms*
The Treasurer was instructed by motion made, seconded and carried, to
transfer $500.00 f»om the water fund to the general fund, this money being
borrowed from the general fund at an earlier date.
Tke following bill were presented, approved by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion made seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
H M UcCabe 1.26 Kelly Service 11.83
D L Buckingkan 12.12 S F Anderson 23.00
Ellis Furniture C© 11.00 Dunn Outfitting C© 6.25
Roy ^tark 2.50 Howard Cooper C© .89
Reedsport Firemen 48.00 John Bernhardt 15.00
J L trife^ons 40.00 Catharine 0 Jones 17.50
ttnpqua Building 10.00 Dorothy Gibbons 20.00
Uiiipqua Drug Co 1.75 W G Benson 30.00
West Coast Tele Co 2.75 C C Clarke 134.70
First Nat'l Bank 0€a»dinarl2.50 H M McCabe 74.70
Lee Service Station 1.15 Walter Kallunki Sr 4I9.70
Standard Service 1.15 J L Gibbons 115.00
Fir Grove Auto Camp 1.88 City of Reedsport Water 7.10
Cora Swatmmr 8.00 Donald Hager-ty 35.00
West Coast Power Co 109*85 Reedsport Garage 21.79
S I A C 14.08 W C Lowe 74.70
City of Reedsport 55.00 City Water ^und 18.00
C n Bennett 25.29 Standard Oil C© 17.82
City Water Fund Labor 77.80 L C Arthur 5.09
Paul Bernhnrdt 63.72 Frank L Taylor 23.24
Farmers Inter Ins Ezok 17.60 Pure Iron Culv Mfg Co 339.14
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest; ( Mayor
Minutes of a Special meeting called by the Mayor this 20th, day of ^uly»
1938,at 8:00 P M.
There were present, fiteyor Dunn, presiding also Councilmen Bennett, BorreTik,
Rush and Johnson, absent ^ouncilmen Corcoran and ^teTens*
The meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the housing and
fire protection, also assistance to outside communities if the need arldes*
Sevenl ^iresen and citizens were in attendance*
Hubbard adrised he was sure the Winchester Bay Hotel building could
be used for housing purposes if necessary.
The matter of taking the new Fire Truck outside of the City for fire
fighting was discussed and motion was made, seconded aod carried, giring the
Fire Chief instructions thettruck must not be used outside of the City.
After further discussion this motion was withdrawn#
There was further discussion in regard to the charge for use of fire
truck outside of the City limits* Upon motion made, seconded and carried,
the fee for use of fire truck outside city limits were set as follows:
#100*00 for call,and use for first 2 hours or fraction of hour and $25*00
for each hour after first 2 hours* These rates to be within the radius of
5 miles from City of Reedsport limits*
Mr Hubbard adTised sereral members of th« State Planning Conmiesion
will be in Reedsport Thursday June 21st, and will meet with the local
planning commission at 8:00 P M in the City Hallf he urged that all manbers
of the planing coomiission attend as well as
persons interested in the city,
the City ouncil and any other
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned*
Attest: Btoyor
Minutes of the regulAr August, 1938 meeting held In the City Hall
August 2nd, 1958, at 8:00 P M*
There were present, Mayor Dunn presiding, also Counellmen Bennett, Borrerlk,
Corcoran, Johnson, Rush and Sterens*
Mr Bennett adrised that Kerne & Kibbe had some used lumber at the Jetty
they wished to sell, "^his lumber is 3 z 8 and they ask $5*00 per Mpiled
along the roadway at the beach* After some discussion, motion was made, seconded
and carried, instructing the Ccnmalssloner to iaspect the limiber and if found
satisfactory, to purchase same*
% beer license application of L F Linn was presented for approral, the
usual fee accompanied the application* Motion was made, sedonded and carried,
approving the license and the Recorder instructed to sign same*
Attorney Benson adrised the present liability Insurance on the City Hall
property does not protect the City* Upon motion made seconded and carried,
the/'ity Attorney was instructed to hare the city protected with liability
insuran ce*
Motion was made, seconded and earried, instructing the City Treasurer
to transfer $1000*00 from the Water 5'und to the General ^und, this money
haying been borrowed from the General fund the month of June*
The matter of garbage disposal was discussed, at present it is picked up
twice a week* Motion was made, seconded and carrled,wlth instructions the
same each 48 hours*
John Weiss wlshesrtd buy 150 ft of used IS" Wood water pipe, upon motion
made seconded end carried, the council set a price of $ *25 per foot, same to
be paid at $10*00 per month*
Mr* William Hall and assistant fran the Leagae of Oregon ^ities, attended
the meeting, and gave proposals in regard to codifying the ordinances of the
City* The different ordinaces were checked separately and the representitiYes
giring adTlse in regard to repealing certain ordinances and the passing of
new ordinances. Ihey show that a good many of the ordinances were obsolete
and others conflicting* They adrised that it would take about one month
before the ordinances will be booked and sent down for approval by the Council*
The following bills were presented,approved by the finance Committee,
and upon motion made. seconded and carried, were ordered paid*
Port Ifejpqua Courier 5*25 Reedsport ^iremen 34.00
West Coast Tele Co 1.50 C C Clarke 134*70
Douglas Credit Bureau 12.00 J L Gibbons 115*00
Tracy Hliuipment ^o 3*29 H M ^cCabe 74 .70
E B Steven* 1*15 Walter Kallunkl Sr 49*70
Kelly "ervice 1*38 W C lowe 89*70
Cora Swatman 8*00 Dorothy ^^ibbons 20.00
City of Reedsport 7*10 W G Benson 30*00
West Coast Power C© 109*25 Catha^^ine G Jones 17*50
Frank Taylor 57*87 John Be-mhardt 15*00
City of Reedsport 35*00 Standard Oil Co 14*80
City **ater Fund 5*48 City Water ^'und 8*20
S I A C 12*88 W A Cochran 3*10
$866*55 Total
The meeting was(adjourned^to Thursday August 4th, 1938 at 8:00 P M*
Minutes of the continued August 1st, 1938, meeting, held this 4th,day
of August 1938, at 8:00 P M in the City Hall.
The Mayor advised the Catt was in need of repairs and after some dis
cussion it was decided to have the Motor overhauled at this time and the
Job be givwn to L C Arthur.
Coimcilman Corcoran who is chairman of a committee to get data on
different forms of Government for ^Ities gave a report of infomation
collected by his committee*
Mr Corcoran adrlsed the Managership form of ^oremment seemed to T9e
the most satisfactory to the different cities ke had contacted* After
making a full report of his findings, he reccomended this foim of goTemment
to the City Council and Citizens of Reeds port* He further asked that a
committee from the Council and also fron business men be appointed to get
further information and to decide if they favored this form of government*
There was a lengthy discussion on the subject and a great many different
views given. The Mayor appointed Stevens, Corcoran and Rush to serve on
the committee.
The Mayor also appointed a committee of Bennett, Borrevik and Johnson
as Charter amendment committee*
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned*
'VX' \/»
Attest: / n/) Mayor
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting held IleMesday, September 7th,
1938, at ?:30 P M, in the City Hall.
There were present Mayor ^nn, presiding, also Councilmen, Bennett,
Corcoran, Johnson, Hush and Stevens, Absent Councilman Borrevik.
The natter of collections of water rents were discussed and it was
decided to let the Water Committee settle an matters in regard to the
The chairman of the committee on City Government advised his committee
had nothing to offer at this time*
Mr* Hubbard and l!r Burdick of the Ctiamber of Commerce appeared before
the Council and discussed the matter of zoning the city and also asked that
an itmn of $100.00 be put into the next years budget to defray expenses of
the Planning commission. Mr Hubbard advised there ts a good deal of expense
in traveling and getting dfcta that will give the planning commission some
real assistance and ideas to be given to the City. Mr. Hubbard also asked
if SOUK,assistance could be given by theCouncil in regard to tax foreclosures
He stated he thought there could some relief be given through the State Tax
Commission. There was considerable discussion on these matters but no
definite action was taken*
The Mayor advised at this time the Budget Committee should be appointed;
The following budget Committee was appointed:
Mayor E G Dunn Appointed K R ^^ichai^s
Councilijian C H Bennett " Nelson Hogan
E J Corcoran "Bern Collver
Berg Borrevik
E B ^tevens M M Kelly
J H Rush S S Smiley
Gus F Johnson L C Arthur
Motion was made Seconded and carried, setting September 12th, 1938 at
8:00 P M. in the City Hall, for the 1939 Budget Coramitte© Meeting.
Mr E 0 Dunn asked permission to put an oil storage tank in street
on H street, this is for fuel oil. Motion was made, seconded and carried,
giving Mr. Dunn 'permission to install the tank.
The mayor advised, that H T Lewis wished to rent one room over the
city office and was willing to pay $5.00 per month rental, this matter
was referred to the building committee.
Wlie water commissioner asked the Council if they thought it advisable
to put in another thousand feet of water pipe, as the pipe this is to
replace is in a bad condition. This pipe he advised should be 16** pipe
as it is close to the 4nt^6 of the water system. After some discussion
the Council instructed the Recorder to Write for prices on a 1000 ft of
16" pipe after finding what this pipe will coattthey would be in a better
position to know if the city could go to the expense at this time.
The City Treasure advised there was sufficient funds on hand at this
time to retire two water bonds, motion was made, seconded and carried,
instructing the treasure to call in two bonds and pay same.
The following bills were presented approved by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion made , seconded and carried, ordered paid.
S Y Cochran 3.91 Walter Knllunki Sr. 49.70
B J ^orccran 7.00 Catharine C Jones 17.50
City of Marshfield .75 Dorothyj'Gibbons 20.00
West Coast Tele C© 1.50 H M McCabe 74.70
S F Anderson 3.00 W Gr Benson 30.00
Umpqua Building ^p. Co 20.00 John Bernhardt 15.00
H T lewis 3.00 C C Clarke 134.70
Reedsport Firemen 38.00 J L Gibbons 115.00
Reedsport Garage 8.56 W 0 Lowe 89.70
L C Arthur 50.85 D J Hager+y 37.50
Kelly ^erviee 1.99 Cora Swatman 8.00
City of Reedsport 7.10 West ^oast Pwer C© 106.84
ttapqua Drug Co 2.35 City Water ^und 10.1®
S I A C 10.57 Port Umpaua Courier 23.50
Ifeipqu^ Building Cq 18,70 City of ^eedsport 35 .00
Shell Oil '^o 29.20 Paul Bernhardt 5.80
Frank L Taylor 15.35 Fred Ingson 6.00
City Water ?und 1.99 Winchester Bay Lbr Co 95.99
Kern & Kibbe 98.02 C H Bennett 91,47
There being no further business the m-^eting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Pursuant, to order of the City Council and notice regularly given, meeting
of the 1939 Budget Comnittee was held in the City Hall, Reedoport, ^regon, on
Monday, September 12th, 1938, at 8:00 P. K*
There were present Mayor Dunn, Councilmen Bennett, Borrevik, Johnson,
Rush and Stevens, absent Councilman Corcoran, also present were committeemen
L. C Arthur, Vem Collver, MMKelly, Tom Lillibo and S S Smiley, Absent
Committeemen Nelson Hogan and K R ^ichards. Auditor WH Wann, Attorney
WG Benson, City Recorder J L Gibbons and Commissioner C C Clarke were present.
The Budget Committee proceeded at once to organize, and upon motion
made, seconded and carried, Tom lillibo was unanimously elected Chairman and
S S Smiley elected Secretary of the meeting.
Due consideration was given reports which had b'^en sent previously to all
members of the Committee by the City Recorder, showing in detail, expenditures
and receipts for the years 1935,1936,1937, also first half of year 1938 and
the Budget for 1939.
Items were considered separately as they appeared on the Budget data sheets.
After considerable discussion concerning individual items, and instructions and
advise of Auditor IVann, a motion was made, seconded and carried, the Budget
Committee prbpoSfedo the following Budget and transmitted the same to the tax
levying body;
Recorder Salary
Extira Office Help
Treasurer Salary
Attorney Salary
Marshal Salary
Deputy Marshal Salary
Fire Chief Salary
Firmen Wages
Audit Fee
Office Expense & Stamps
Jail Expense
Fire Department Maintenance
Street Lighting
Printing & Advertising
Roads &Streets Commissioner Salary
Roads &Streets Assistant Bommissioner Salary
Roads,Streets & Sewer, Miiintenance facayatyniwa*
Roads & Streets New Equipment
Telephone & Telegraph
^es &Subscriptions
"'^onds & Insurance
Redemption of prior Warrants
Refunding ^onds
Refuiinding Bonds
Bancroft Bonds
Water Bonds
Water Bonds
Emergency Fund
Estimate taxes for Roads & Streets
Fines & Licenses
Franchise Tax
Investigation Liquor Licenses & RevenuBs
City Hall Building Fumj
Safety Deposit Boxes
Sale of Property
Water Department Transfers
There being no further business, the Budget Committee meeting was
to oT^er"
"nr oraer ^ycrbttivy The Mayor called^ Special Council meeting.inmediet&ly following
the Budget meetingp pursuant to call previously given.
Upon motion made. Seconded and carried, the dates of Friday Septend)fr
16th, and FridaySeptembsrSSrd, 1938, was set fro publication of the
^dget, also th^t Tueaeday October 11th, 1938, at 8J00 P» M. in the City
Council Chambers as the time and place for the Budget hearing*
The City Attorney informed the Council that Mr. L 7 Linn had requested
hie 510.00 payment for investigation of a liquor license be retinmed as
he did not receive his license from the State, The Council feeling they
had made no investigation and they had approved an investigation #b± a
license the Liquor Commission does not issue passed by motion made,
seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder to return the investigation
fee to Mr, Linn.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of the Regular 0ei»ober council meeting held this 3rd day of
October, at 8:00 P Min the City Hall.
There were present Mayor Dunn, prsiding also Councilmen Bennett,
Borrevik, Corcoran, Johnson and Stevens, absent Councilman Rush.
Mr. Mything Representative of the Oregon Culvert and Pipe Co.
attended the meeting in regard to the purchase of 1000 ft of pipe
which the city is planning to purchase. Different kind of pipe was
discussed but no final decision was reached in regard to purchase of
The teague of Oregon Cities requested that a pjyment of ."JVS.OO
be made at this time to the codification of the City ordinances,
motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing payment of this
A fire on the pipe line trestle was discovered and put out by
I*ippencott, for these services the City Council authorized payment
of $20.00 be credited on Mr. Lippencott's water rent for these
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Council appointed
the same Judges and Clerks for the city election as the County
Clerk appointed for the general election, fees to be $2.00 per clerk
and Judge.
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance
Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered
J F Lippancott 26.00 H C McCrea 28.35
H C McCrea 13.97 H M McCabe 74.70
L C Arthur 1.38 W G Benson 30.00
League of Creron Cities 75.00 John Bemhardt 15.00
Winchester Bay Lbr Co 3.60 J L Gibbons 115.00
H M McCabe 2.53 C C Ciarlra 134.70
W H Wann 18.60 W C Lowe 89.70
West Coait Tele Co 1.50 Edith Gibbons 20.00
Umpqua Bldg. Sup Co 10.00 Walter Kallunki Sr 49.70
Burroughs Adding Mach Co 5.00 Catharine G Jones 17.50
Reedsport Firemen 35.00 Lee Service Station 1.15
Cora Swatman 8.00 City of Reedsport 7.10
D J Hagerty 55*50
West Coait Power Co 108.7S
City Water Fund 7.24
STAC 10,11
Kelly ServieB 1.15
Union Oil C© 10.07
S P Anderson
City of Heedsport
Port Umpqua Courier
Fred Ingson
Paul Bernhardt
Lon Nottage
The Meeting was continued until
at 8:00 P M in the City Hall»
the 11th, day of October, 1938,
Minutes of a continued meeting held this 11th, day of ^ctoher,
1938 in the City Hall at 8:00 P M.
There were present llayr.y Dunn, presiding, also Councilmen,
Bennett, Borrevik, Johnson and Stevens, absent Councilmen Corcoran
and ^^ush."
In accordance with publishec ndttce, hearing was held on proposed
1939 budget. There being no objections from Tax payers, upon motion
made, seconded and carried, the proposed budget was diliytadpp$ed»ra
•11 •••.In'
Thereupon, Ordinance No 251, Aii Ordinance levying a tax upon
all property situatfic in the City of ^eedsport for all purposes
for the year 1939 in the sum of ^515,315.00, was submitted and read
for the first time. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was
ordered passed to the second readinfr ^d'^rsad foi^the second time by
title only. Upon motion regularly made, seconded ancarried, it was
ordered passed tn the third reading and read for the third time by
title only. Ordinance Ho 251 was then ordered put upon its final
passage and was adopted by the following vote: Aye 4 Nay 0 »
It was then approved by the Mayor.
matter of pur&has^ng ,ax 100.0 -ft of .IC**. water, pipe was '
discussed and was the opinion of the Council that wood pipe
was most practical at this point of the water line. The Recorder
was instructed to write the National Tipk & Pipe Co asking for their
best cash price on 1000 ft of 16** untreated-coated wood stave pipe
wire wrapped for 100 to 150 foot head.
5iIri:Hiiisdale''appeared before the Council stating lie had a heavy
power grader he wished to sell, he described the machine and gave a
"price "of'^2500.QQj JiQ .-^Iso'advisea he would have the machine in
Reedsport before long aal would like the city to see the kind of work
it would do. The Council advised they would think the matter over
but were not willing to take any action on the matter at this time*
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Mlttutes of tie regular Council meeting told tills 7tk, iay of Notember,
1938 In the City Hall at •:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor Dunn prsldlng, also Councllmen Bennett, Borrerlk,
Johnson, Rush and Steyens, absent Councilman Corcoran.
•U Attorney Benson reported that Mr» Sch^elz had heen contacted In regard
te right-of-way across his property t® the lower end of Edna lake at this
sight the City of Heedsport wishes to Install a dam* Mr* Sch^elz adTlsed
It was agreeable with him to use a right-of-way across his property and
he was willing to assist the City In building the road*
It was duly mored, seconded and carried, that It Is and shall be the continued
policy of the City of Heedsport to preyent trespassing on any lands owned
by the City In the Tlclnlty of ^^e Edna and Clear Lake, except In such cases
where owners of adjacent property might, upon good cause shown, desire to
cross lands of the City, for specific purposes. It was further mored, seconded
and carried, that the City Mtomey be Instructed to prepare and submit to the
Council at its next regular meeting an Ordinance prohibiting trespassing and
otherwise regulating the use of lands owned by the City outside of the cor*
porate limits of the City*
Ansinsiqranee surrey of city owned property was made by a speclil
Insurance agent* This surrey was read to the Council and after sane discussion
it was tabled until a later date*
The purshase of 1000* of water pip* was discussed as there was a question
of buying steel or wood pipe* ^ Mythlng of the Oregon Iron & Pipe Company
attended the meeting* After a lengthy discussion, motion was n&de, seconded
and carried, deciding to purchase IS gauge steel pipe*
Mr* Hinidale offered the City use of his grader at the amount of #175*00
per month rental or at the Rate of $4*00 per hour he furnishing the gas and
repairs If rented by the hour* The Council did not feel that it would be
practical at this time to rent the machine but if araila^le at sane later
date they might consider one of the offers*
Two bids for installation of heating the jail were presented the Council,
•no from S F Anderson in the amount of $79*85 with the City furnishing the
radiators, and one from Paul Bernhardt in the amount of $75*00 furnishing
all pipe, fittings and radiators* ^r Bemhardt*8 bid being the lower of the
two, he was giren the contract*
The City Treasure adrised the Water Bond Interest will be due the 1st of
December, motion wns made,seconded and carried, authorizing the Treasure to
pay same when due*
Mr* Warren Waggonner who purchased property from the City la fieptbnber
1937 paid $100*00 at time of purchase and was to pay $25*00 per month *itJie--'
interest thereafter until full amount is paid, has failed to keep up his
monthly payments* Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Attorney
was instructed to write Mr* Waggonner informing him the Interest must be
brought up to date and monthly pajnnents made promptly or the city will bo
forced to ask % Waggonner to yacato the property*
The Coomlssioner, Mr* Clarke adrised that Cecil Austin wished to purchase
a shed situate on lot 10 In block 6 Rainbow district, and had offered $2*00
for aauB and would clean up the lot after wreckilig the building* The commissioner
also adTlsed Mr* John Peterson had built a garage on Lot 9 in block 6 Rainbow
this property later being owned by the City, Mr Peterson is willing to ps^
$5*00 for the buildftBS &°d remoxe same* Motion vas made, seconded and carried,
granting both of these requests*
The City Attorney adrised that Mr* Hoel had built a shelter on the City
Dock which he had leased from the City* and was willing to leare same on deck
for use of flsheimon* The Council adrlsed the City Attorney to hare Hr* Heel'
write a letter to the City Council that he would leare the shelter without
being re-lmbursed by the city for same*
The fellowlng ^llls wore presented, apppoTed by the Finance Cwmittee,
and upon motion madOi seconded and carried, were ordered paid*
State Industrial ^ccid Com* 11.97 E M McCabe 2 .05
Rainbow Dafe 10.35 City Water Fund
Herman Austin 3,00 Special Police 3.00
Catharine G Jones 17.50 Vest Coast Power C« 109.08
Walter Kallunki Sr 49.70 City of Reedsport 7.10
Edith Gibbons 20.00 Cora Swatman 8.00
H M McCabe 74.70 D J Hagerty 35.00
John Bernhardt 15.00 J H Richards 3.99
W G Benson 30.00 H M McCabe 1.27
W C Lowe 89.70 Standard Service »5.75
C C Clarke 134.70 Otto Newman 5.00
J L Gibbons 115.00 Port IMpqua Courier 7.75
Dunn Outfitting Co 7.00 S S Smiley 3.60
Reedsport Firemen 30.00 West Coast Tele C» 1.50
Eureka Fire Hose Dirision 156.80 ISnpqua Building Co1 10.00
MM^elly 5.57 Reedsport Garage 9*39
Arthur Service Station 20.50 C H Bennett 2.91
City "'ater Fund 7.39 IMpqua Drug Company *90
City of Reedsport 35.00 City Water Fund Labor 11*96
Lee Service Station 2.67 Frank L Taylor 5*72
City Water Fund C Doant 23.25 C C Clarke 5.00
D A Nottage 1.00 Staddsrd Oil Ce 9.45
E G IXinn 10.30 $1119.52
Upon motion made^ seconded and carried, the meeting was continued
until NoTember Bth, 1938 at 0:00 P
Minutes of the continued meeting of Noremher 7th, 1936, held this
9th, day of NoTember, 1938 in the Ciiy Hall at 0:00 P M#
There were present l^ayor Dunn presiding, also Councilmai Bennett,
Borrevik, Johnson, Pu^ aad SteTens, Councilman Corcoran absent*
The meetingiw^soBeiasfor the purpose of canyassing the elsction
returns and p^ing election bills.
The official statement of ballots cast from East and West Reedsport
Precincts in connection with the City Election of November 8th, 1938,
was next read, tabulation of which follows;
E. G. Dunn Mayor 228 173 401
J. L. Gibbons Recorder 180 142 322
John C Diehl Recorder 55 42 97
Llla Babbitt Treasurer 170 131 301
Elsie Dow Fuller Treasurer 54 47 101
Berg Borrevik Councilman 202 154 356
Gus F Johnson Councilman 208 145 353
M M Kelly Councilman 192 142 334
W A Lobelace Counc ilman 163 142 305
Dr. Edwin Morene Councilman 209 161 370
S S Smiley Councilman 210 172 382
E B Stevens Councilman 200 159 359
Total Vote Cast • East Beedsport Precinct
West Beedsport Precinct
Upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, the following
were therupon duly declared elected*
E G Dunn
J L Gibbons
Lila Babbitt
Berg Borrerik
Gus F Johnson
M M Kelly
Dr* Edwin Morene
S S Smiley
S B Stevens
The following ¥ills were presentoi, approved "ky the finance
Committee, and upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, were
ordered paid.
Prank Norris 1 2.00 Delia Clarice $2.00
Alys Hogan 2.00 Wilhelmina Gay 2.00
Angie M Lloyd 2.00 Vera Rydell 2.00
Elizabeth Lyster 2.00 Bonnie Ruck 2.00
Hazel Bemhardt 2.00 Evangeline Smiley 2.00
Laura Ellis 2.00 L B Clark 2.00
Juanita Beeves 2.00 Mary leavitt 2.00
Mildred Donovan 2.00 Alice Benson 2.00
Opal Bemhardt 2.00 A M Bennett 2.00
Elsie ^cCabe 2.00 Enma Conger 2.00
Mr. Stevens chairman of the committee for changes of the charter
to City Management advised the Council he did not feel the City was
ready for any changes in the fem ©f City Goveimment at this time but
would continue t© get data on sane if the Council wished him to. Upon
motion made, seconded and carried, Mr. Stevens was advised to &l8 com
mittee w^s discharged.
Ordinances submitted by the league of Cities #ere^checked
and discussed. Thereupon Ordinance No 1 An Ordinance to provide the k
carrying into effect in the Twm of Reedsport, Douglas County, Oregon,
the initiative and feferendum powers reserved to the legal voters of
Municipalities by section 1-a of article rV" of the constitution of the
State of regon, and to enact and amend their municipal charters reserved
to legal voters of cities and towns by section 2 of article XI of the
constitution of the State of Oregon, and providing for violation of the
act and repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith and declaring an
Ordinance No an ordinance fixing the time and place for holding
regular meetings of the coinmon council of 'he City of Reedsport, and provid
ing for the callinf* of special meetings of the same.
Ordinance No an ordinance fixing the salaries of the officiers of
the City of Reedsport, and declaring an emergency.
Ordinance No an ordinance fixing the official bonds of bhe Recorder
and the Treasurer of the City of Reedsport.
Ofdinance an ordinance providing for a water ccmmiissioner and
prescribes his duties.
Ordinance No an ordinance providing a method for candidates to file
for office and a filing fee for same.
Ordinance No an ordiance providing for the collection and dispos
ition of costs in all violations of the ordinances of ttie City of Reedsport.
Ordinance NO an ordinance adopting the State motor vehicle act by
reference regulating traffic upon the streets, alleys, and sidewalks within
the City of Reedsport, and providing penalties for its violation.
Ordinance No an ordinance relating to offenses against the public
peace, safety, morals and general welfare.
Ordinance No an ordinance prohibiting mionors from being upon the
streets of in public places during certain h-^urs, and providing for the enforce
ment of this ordinance.
Ordinance No an ordinance relating to fire prevention, providing
for the inspection of premises by the fire department, and establishing fire
Ordinance Ne an ordinance to establish fire limits; to prohibit
the construction removal, or improper repairing of combustible buildings
therein, to prevent the spreading of fires; to prohibit the erection or moving
or repairing of certain buildings within such limits; and to declare certaih
buildings nuisances and providing for the removal thereof, and to provide
punishment for th- violation* of this ordinance, anf for other purposes#
Ordinance No an ordinance to prohibit livestock and poultry
from running at large.
Ordinance No an ordinance regulating the running at large of dogs,
providing for the impounding or destruction of dogs, and providing penalties
for violations of this ordinance#
Ordinance No an ordinance to regulate the keeping of bees within
the City of Reedsport and providing a penalty for the ^liolation thereof.
Ordinance NO^r an ordinance prohibiting pigsties, slaughterhouses,
and tanneries, providing for the removal of animal carcasses; prohibiting the
maintenance of attractive nuisances, and providing penalties for the violation
Ordlsmce No an ordiance prohibiting unnecessary noises and providing
a penalty for the violation thereof.
Ordinance No an ordiance to compel sewer connections in the City of
Reedsport, compelling the use of sewere*, prohibiting the severing of s«wer
connections; and providing a pen-^.lty for tte violation of this ordinance#
Ordiance No ^an ordinance licensing, taxing and regulating certain
businesses, trades and occupations, and providing penalties for the violation
Ordinance No an ordinance declaring the practice of roing upon
private residential property by solicitors, peddlers, and transients vendors,
without request or invitation, to be a nuiiance, and providing penalties
for the violation thereof.
Ordinance No an ordinance providing for the licensing and regualtion
of pool halls, cardrooms, bowling alleys, and the like places of amusemonts
in the City of Reedsport, Oregon, and providing penalties for the violation
Ordinance No an ordinance licensing and regulating dancesx halls
in the City of Reedsport, Oregon, and providing penalties for the violation
Ordinance No an ordinance prohibiting music in beer parlors, other
than that furnished by radio or phonograph, and providing a penalty for the
violation thereof.
Ordinance No an ordinance adopting the national electrical code by
referring; retiring compliances therewith; enlarging the duties of the
Chief of the ^ire Department to include the inspection of electrical wiring,
and providing penalties for its violation.
Ordinance No an ordinancesproviding for a City Planning Commission
for the "^ity of Reedsport.
Ordiaance NO an ordinance, to repeal ordinances Nos. 2, 3, ft, 6, 8,
9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, E2, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 , 29,
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 4?, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48,
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72,
73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 96,
97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 0107, 111, 112, 117, 118, 124, 127, 132,
133, 134, 154, 163, 171, 181, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 197, 199, 200, 208,
209, 211, ?12, 214, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 227, 228, 229, 230,
232, 234, 239, 245, 246, and 249.
All ordinances were sataidttBdtfimdfrBaa fmcsthj? -filrai tlili?, Upon motion made,
seconded and carried, they were ordered passed to the second reading and
read for the second time by title only. Upon motion Tegal&r^ made, seconded
and carried, they were ordered passed to the third reading and read for the
third time* The above numbered ordinattesB was then ordered put upon their
final passage and was adopted by the following vote Ayp 5 Nay 0 .
They were then approved by the Mayor*
The committee on the r^ad to the Edna I^ike dam was instructed to get
right of way across Schuttpelz property which Mr. Schuttpelz advised
he would give to the City of Reedsport.
Upon motion made, secondeid and carried the Recorder was instructed to
write the insurance rating bureau asking that the City of Reedsport be
rerated, as the City now has added a new Fire truck and more new hose to
the fire equipment.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried the City attorney was instruct
ed to have an insurance policy taken out to cover the City $10^000* and
$20,000.00 Public Liability non owneradiip, for city officials and any one
using their cars for city purposes.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
T^ecorder. ^
Ulndtes of the regular Decenber, 1938, Council meeting held this
5th, day of December, 1938 at 8:00 P Min the City Hall.
There were present Mayor Dunn presiding, also Councilmen Beenett,
Borrevik, Corcoran, Johnson, Rush and ^tevens.
Beer and IfVine licenses were presented by W. R Buck, T B Johnson,
H. E. Cgirpbell, Ward PowiSll, Blenn Gilbert and the Safeway Store.
Upon motion made, seconded add carried, the applications were all approved
and the Recorder authorized to sign same.
The Mayor advised there is $2500.00 of Improvement Bonds at the
First National Bank, Gardiner, Oregon that can be purchased for 6lJ- flat.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder to draw
a warrant and purchase the bonds.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer was instructed
to sell $885.00 of Union High School No 11 bonds now held in the security
fund. The First National Bank of Gardiner offered to take the bonds at
par the city to clip the ioupons that are due in January 1939.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Treasurer was instructed
to pay the $500.00 warrant with IniArest, which tto First National Bank
of Gardiner now holds, also to transfer ;^175.00 frcm the water fund to
the General Fund if necessary, to fia^e this payment.
Motion regularly made, seconded and carried, authorizing the Treasurer
to pay $2000.00 General Refunding bonds and the interest due December 15th,
1938 if there is sufficient funds available at that time. If there is
not enough funds available to pay the $2000.00, ths Treasurer is to take
f1000.00 and the balance as soon as possible.
Mr» Borrevik reported the building on Lot S in Block 28, Wades Flat
owned by Nels Rydell is a fire hazard also a ceanping place for transients.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Fire Chief to notify
the owners to remove the building*
The Water Commissioner advised the Council he is in need of wood pipe
for repairing some of the distribution lines. It will take 200 ft of
different diameters and lengths* Motion was made, seconded and carried,
authorizing the Commissioner to purchase the necessary pipe.
Mr. Johnson of the Street Committee called attention of the Council
of some plaees on ninth street between L street and H Street which was
badly in need of repair. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the
matter was referred to the street committee.
Mr. John Peterson wishes to have the use of Lots 6 and 7 in Block 5,
Rainbow Addition and is willing to pay $1.50 per month water rent for
use of Ground. Motion was made, seconded and carried, granting the request
The following bills were present, approved by the finance Committee,
and upon motion regularly made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
West Coast Tele Co 2.70 City Water Fund Labor 262.33
TMpqua Building & Sup C© 10.00 J L Gibbons 115.00
Standard Service 1.15 Walter Kallunkl Sj. 49.70
S S Smiley 2.30 H M lilcCabe 74.70
Reedsport ^\re Dept ^mb. 33 .00 W G Benson 30,00
Service Station 1.61 W C Lowe 89.70
Paul Bernhardt 78.75 Edith Gibbons 20.00
First ational Bank Gardiner54.45 C C Clarke 134.70
West Coast °wr. Co 112.44 John BeTihardt 15.00
D J Hagerty 70.00 Catharine G Jones 17.50
Cora Swatman 8.00 T W Hall 10.00
City of Reedsport 7.10 City Water ^und Stamps 8.60
Arthur Service Station 32 .95 MM''elly 2.83
C H Bennett 8.80 Frank L Taylor 28.17
City of Reedsport 35.00 S I A C 15.16
W A Cochran 1.10 Standard Oil Cq 12.75
Shell Oil "^0 12.46 $1357.95
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Minutes of the regular January 1939 Council Meeting held this 10th,
day of January, 1939, in the City Hall at 8:00 P.
There were present, Mayor Dunn presiding, Councilmen Borretlk,Johnson
^elly, Morene, Stevens and Smiley, also City -Attorney, W. G. Benson, City
Recorder, J» L» Gibbons, City Treasurer, Lila Babbitt, Water Commissioner
C C Clarke, Assistant Commissioner, W# C» Lowe and Marshall H. M« McCabe*
The Mayor advised it would be necessary at this time to elect a
President ifif^-the .Cguncll^^fflirptlife^year# A ballot was cast, Gus F. Johnson
receiving 1 vote and E# B, Stevens 5 votes. B» Stevens was duly elected
president of the Council for the ensuing year.
Appointive officers were next appointed by the Mayor:
Fire Chief John Bernhardt
7/ater & Street Commissioner C. C. Clarke
Assistant Commissioner C» Lowe
Attorney W. G, Benson
City Ivlarshali H, M. McCabe
Deputy Marshal Walter Kallunki Sr.
The following standing 6ornmittees were appointed by the Mayor:
Finance COTmittee
B» S-tevens
Berg Borrevik
Light Committee
M, M. Kelly
Gus Johnson
Street Committee
Gus F. Johnson
S. S. Smiley
Edwin Morene
Water Ccfmmittee
3, S, Smiley
E« B* Stevens
Gus F. Johnson
Building Committee
Berg Borrevik
M, M. Kelly
E. B, Stevens
City Hall Bulling Committee
Ed Morene
S, Stevens
Upon motion mde, seconded and carried, the appointnents of the I^layor
were affirmed.
The Chamber of Commerce requested a committee from the Counc11 be
appointed to work with a committee from the Chamber on investigation and
securing data on the tax situation, also forming a lower Umpqua Tax league.
The Mayor appointed Borrevik and Stevens on this Committee.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, Instructing the Recorder to pay
^3.50 for water right permits on Edna and Clear Ial%.
Mr. Gilikson appeared before the Council requesting the matter of taxing
outside Laundry trucks. The matter was discussed and refe^^red to the City Attorney
and a committee consisting of S. S. Smiley and Ed. Morene, This comnittee was
Instructed to check up the matter of licensing bakery trucks selling and delivering
goods in the city.
Mr. Borrevlk advised the Council he had talked with Mrs, N. Burton in
regard to a Bus Stop Space on H Street. This matter was referred to the
Street Committee and Commitsioner Clarke.
The matter of moving the siren near to the Fire Hall w^s discussed and
referred to the Light Committee.
The Vilest Coast Telephone Company presented and agreement to the Council,
This was read. The Agreement asks that the City make no claim against the
Telephone Company for damage arising out of any default or neglect on the part
of the Telephone Company or its Employees in connection, with installation,
operation or maintenance of the switches of the Fire System or the Police Light
'-'ignal. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Mayor and Recorder were
instructed to 6tgn the agreement.
The annual reports for the year 1938 of the City Recorder, Water Commissioner,
and the Fire Chief were read and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were
accepted bnd the Recorder instructed to file same.
The following bills were presented, approved hy the Finance Committee,
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
W. H. Wann 10.27 Walter K^llunki Sr 49.50
H C McCrea 50.00 John Bernhardt 15.00
West Coast Tele Co 1.50 C C Clarke 134.70
lippqua Bldg. & Sup. Co 10.00 J. L. Gibbons 115.00
H M i^cCabe 2.95 H M McCabe 74.70
Geo Bowman 3.50 V/ G Benson 30.00
J W Stevens 2.69 ^dith Gibbons- 20.00
Reedsport Firemeni 45.00 W. C. Lowe 89.70
S 3 Smiely 2.30 Catharine G. Jones 17.50
West Coast Pwr Co 115.81 Umpqua River Nav. Co 37.19
D J Hagerty 70.00 . H C McCrea 30.99
Cora Swatman 8.00 City of Reedsport * 7 10
Umpqua Drug Co 1.25 City Water Fund 11.66
City 'iffater Fund 49.66 3 I A 0 ' 12.38
Paul Bemhardt 2.30 City of Reedsport 35.00
L C Arthur 16.45 Kelly Service 5.92
Reedsport Garage 37.94 Ore-'::on Culvert & Pipe C© 1929.24
National Pipe fic Tank '^o 121.13 Union Oil Co 9.90
A B Daley .78 C H Bennett 5.04
Umpqua Bldg. Sup C© 108.10 Frank L Taylor 4.56
Farmers Inter-Exch Ins o 15.60 Shell Oil Co 19.80
Chas E Stricklin, State Eng23.50 13455.61
There being no further business, upon motion made, seconded, and carried,
the meeting was adjourned.
Attest I/Iayor
U Recorder
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the City Council of
Heedsport, ^regon, was lield I.ionday February 6th, 19S9, in the City
Hall at 8: P. M.
There were present Mayor Dunn presiding, also Councilmen,
Borrevik, Johnson, Kelly, Morene, Smiley and Stevens,
^r. A. Burdick appeared as a representitive of the proposed
Taxpayers' league imd asked co-operation of the Council. Mr, Burdick
reported that his committee has secured the tax rolls and made copies
and this data would be placed on maps now br^ing made by W, H, ffalker.
^r/ Burdick also advised these maps would show ownership of lots
within the City Limits and the assesses valuation of sanB. Another
map will be made to show all property and improvements for zoning
and Crafting of a building code. Upon motion made, seconded and
carried, the Council went on recorder agreeing to give all financial
aid possible the proposed tax le:i.gue,
Mrs Wayne Conger, Ivirs Stanley Cochran and ^^ts Creo Padich, repre
senting the Parent Teachers Association requ^rsted apsistanee from the
Council to establish a public rest lToom» Upon motion made, seconded
and carried, the Council offered the old Library quarters with heat,
lights and partly furnished, providing ficane organization would furnish
a care taker the rooms.
The i^yor advised, ths V.'PA application for 517,000,00 project for
City Streets had bc^en approved and the funds are now available.
The ^^ire Chief requested the House on Lot 1 find 2 in Block 2
Halnbow Addition No 2, be condemned and tom down as the same has
become a fire hazard. Motion was made,seconded and carried, authorizing
this building be condemned.
A committee consisting of the ^ayor and Council will go to Salem
in regard to several msftters of improtance. This committee will attend
the hearing on the proposed legislation governing the diversion of
gasoline tax and commercial fishing on the Umpqua. Upon motion made
seconded and earried, the following resolution was adopted:
WKERSAS, there is now pending in the •'legislature of the State of
Oregon, a bill known as House Bill llo 152, providing for the distribution
to the cities of the State a portion of tiie highv/ay funds derived from
gasoline tax^s, and
WHEREAS, it appears to the City Council of the City of ^^eedsport,
that such proposed distribution of such funds is .-Just and equitable.
NOW THZ^E^'^R, IT IS T?ES'^L'^ni:T) TE': ny H2EDSP0HT,
That the terms and provisions of said House Bill No 152 be and
the same is hereby endorsed and approved, and
That the City Recorder of the City of Reedsport be an'l he is
hereby instructed to forward a copy of the Resolution to the Senator
and Representatives for Douglas County and to the Chairman of the
respective House and Senate Committees vefore whom the Said bill may
come for considesation.
Unanimously adopted at regular meeting of the Coty Council of the
City of Reedsport this 6th, day of February, 1939.
E G Dunn
Attest? Mayor
J. L. ^ibbons
A motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the City
Attorney to start suit to quiet title on city owned lots, providing,
the Legislature does not pass a bill in regard to clearing Tax Title
The City Attonney advise that Albert Boye has made application
to the City for space at the City wharf for anchoring a float house.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Council refused to grant
the request.
The '.Vest Coast Power Company presented an agreement ^'^r furnishing
street lights for two years. Motion was nBde, seconded and carried,
authorizing the ^ayor and Recorder to sign th9 agreement.
The Standard Oil Company presented a contract purchase of
gasoline to the City. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the
Council decided not to sign the contract.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was agreed to have the
city street department repair the r^-^ad past the Standard Oil warehouse
and the Southern -Pacific ??ailroad bridge.
lur. R. ^ch requested the $5.00 for investigation of his
wine license application be retruned as the State had refused him
a licence. Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
Recorder to return the fee of $5.00.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried,the Treasurer was instructed
to pay ^300.00 from the Bond Sinking ^und and apply same on Warrant
No 1110 held by the ^irst National Bank of Gardiner.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the City Hall Building
committee was authorized to purchase Fire extinguishers for the
second floor of the building.
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance
Conmittee, an'^ upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered
S I A C 14.00 Best Coast Power Co 117.37
L C Arthur 12.09 Standard Service 1.61
Stnaley Cochran 8.51 W H Wann 125 .00
Umpqua Buildtdg &. •^up 10.00 Harbord Rogers Co 1.83
eague of Oregon Cities SI.78 Walter ^^llunki Sr 59.70
E G Dunn 6.50 H iiicCabe 74.70
D J Eagerty 70.00 V/ G Benson 30.00
Cora Swatman 8.00 Lile Babbitt 17.50
City of Reedsport 7.10 John Bennhardt 15.00
S F Anderson 14 .00 Edith Gibtons 10.00
West Coast Tele Co 4.20 C C Clarke 134.70
Tom Jacobs 6.33 »V C Lowe 89.70
City of Reeds 'x)rt 35.00 J L ^ibbons 115.00
Reedsport Oarage 3.04 City .Vater Fund 169.04
Standard Oil Co 13.65 n IJ ^''elly 4.60
City Water Fund 8.00 Port Umpqua ^ourier 6.00
Reedsport Fi^e Dept Mem. 28.00 Baker Fentress Co 50.00
Winchester Bay l-br Co 5.60 ReedsDo -t Ivlach & B Wks 14.50
Reedspopt Auto PaMc 1.61 Uno leppanen 10.50
D A Nottage 2.50 |;1326,66
Ther being no furth r business. upon motion made, seconded and
carried the Meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Minutes of tlie regular^monthly meeting of the City Council of Reedsport,
held this 6th day of Jferch, 1939, in the City Hall at 8:00 P. TvU
There were present Mayor Dunn presiding, also Councilmen Borrevik, Kelly,
Morene, Johnson, Smiley and Stevens,
The matter of street improvements and walk and curh construction, was
discussed. The Commissioner was instructed to contact R5r, I'^ttson V/,P.A.
Engineer advising the City wishes to start the project .'.pril 6th, 1939.
It is estimated the v/aUcs and curbs will take about 4 yards •^'->r a 4 ft
walk and curb in front nf a 50 ft lot, with the n^teri~.l cnstinp appr6ximately
§6,00 per yd. A.ny one wishing this improvement will deposit ''^25.00 with^ the
City "Recorder f-^r each 50 ft. Should the actual cost be less th^n the estimate
a re^^und will be made the property ovmer,
Mr. Diehl appeared before the Council and asked about the possibility
of transforing cn^tain property in the city limits to outside nf the limits
for purpose of reducing taxes. He feels if this can be done it would be an
inducement for new industries. City Attorney Benson advised with the present
Bonded debt, it was his opinion that it would be impossible to have H^edsport
property set outside the city limits.
The Commissioner advised that Albert Boye float house anchored to the
City slip has not been removed. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the
Commissioner was instructed to have the float house moved at once also install
a substantial gate across the entrance to the slip.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, adopting a resolution in regard
to the contract with the V/est Coast Power Company,
Motion was made, seconded and carried authorizing the City Attorney to
draw up an Ordinance licensing laundries who pick up and deliver in the
City of Reedsport,
Lot 7 in Block 46, ^'onended Plat of Railroad Addition,had formerly been
priced at 5150,00. The Recorder advised a party wished to purchase the
property and had asked that the price be lowered. Upon motion made, seconded
and carried, the Council instructed the Recorder the price of ^150,00 for the
lot will not be changed.
The following bills were presented, apptroved by the ^'inance Committee
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
State Ind, Accid, Com, IE.75 M M Kelly 9.61
J L Gibbons 4,75 Douglas County 5.17
City Water Fund 64,29 Reeds-oort Fire Dept 27,00
Eureka "Fire Hose Div. 294,00 Standard Service 1,38
Dr. E Morene 10,00 Stand'^rd Oil Co 10,98
E G Dunn 15.90 S S Smiieye- 12.94
W G Benson 7,55 City Viater Fund 4.80
E B Stevens 9.50 Donald Hagerty 108,50
City of Reedsport 7.10 Cora Swatman 8,00
V7est Coast Power Co 117.11 H M McCabe 2,54
Umpqua Drug Co .35 League of Oper'-on Cities 131,49
Umpqua Building &•. Sup Co 10,00 V/est Coast Tele Co 1.50
C C Clarke 134.70 City of Reedsport 17.50
Lila Babbitt 17.50 Frank L Taylor 3.69
Edith Gibbons 20,00 Fir Grove Auto Camp 1.61
John Eernhardt 15,00 C H Bennett 12.33
¥/ C Lowe 89,70 Tom Jacobs 105.41
Walter Kallunki 49.70 Shell Oil Co 16.50
J L Gibbons 115.00 Harold T Lewis 10,C0
H M McCabe 74.70 City V/ater Fund 13,00
Dunham Food Shop 1,00 Lee Service Station 3.10
Reedsport Garage 15,04 Arthur Service Station 8.18
There being no further business, upon motion made, seconded and carried,
the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Minutes nf a. Sjjecial Council meeting held in the City Hall the 20th,
day of March, 1939,
There were present Mayor IXinn presiding, also eouncilmen Borrevik,
Kelly, Morene, Johnson, Smiley and Stevens.
The matter of purchasing a dump truck for the City was discussed,
JIp. Hin*dale iilrai offered a 1936 Dodge Dump truck t'^ the City for .^750,00.
The Council ites of the opinion this was more than the truck is worth and
upon motion made, seconded and carried, instructed the'.Cornrnissioner to
offer I«'^r* Hinsdale §600,00 for the truck, this offer not to be made until
after iVr. Ivelly's return from Portland where he is to look at trucks and
feet-prices.tu^e:. f;--! -•
The Council also checked up on where work will be done on city streets,
first. It will be advisable to start on Wade's Flat as It is higher ground
and will be more workable at the early part of the season.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of a Special Council ^eeting held in the City ^all.the 30th,
day of i-^rch, 1939 at 8:00 P, M.
The Council discussed collections and foreclosures of Street and Sewer
Improvement liens on lots, where the liens have become delinquent, also the
matter of securing a good title to lots now owned by the City.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the ^lyor and City attorney
were instructed to make a trip to Roseburg and chefek up on taxes that are
also delin'iuent and.get advice and information in regard to clearing up
titles on city owned property.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Mayor
Iviinutes nf the regular April 1939 Council I.Ieeting held on April Srd, 1939,
in the City Hall at 8:00 P M.
There were present Ivlayor Dunn presidins, also Councilmeii "Moren6" ,
Johnson, Smiley and Stevens, absent Borrevtk and ^elly.
T>Ir. llclver of the Comrierce M'^rtga^e Company appeared before the Council.
The HacGabb0^^owil^,the :6ity.]hall:-^diMt*:KcIvSr ib: ^bfejr
fcepissentative, He advised the Council thetlvlaccabees wished to sell their
half interest the price being i^'J'OOO.OO. The Council feels that this is more
than they would care to pay for the other half of the building. L-ir. Mdver
asked that the City name an amount they would sell their Interest for.
After a lengthy discussion the Council asked for more time to consider the
Mr. S. 2. ^ollins appeared bef^^re the Council asking that there were
three shacks situated on the street -^nd on lot .in Hmpqua Addition that were
a menace to the health of the city as they were not connected with the sewer
and very undesirable tenants lived in them. Upon motion made, seconded and
carTisd, the Iv^yor appointed Smiley, Kelly and Johnson as a committee to
investigate the condition of these buildings and report back to the Council.
Jtr Warren ^icWillis appeared bef-^re the Council asking that his garbage
contract be renewed for another year. Upon motion made, seconded and carried,
the contract was renewed.
The matter of redecolrating the vacant offices the Council "^oom and halls
on the second floor of the City Hall -also the City Hec^rder's office.
Mr Stevens stated using cold water paint the job w^uld cost approximately
5335,00 and with a better grad ^^f paint v/ould cnst around y439.C0. Motion
was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Building Comniittee to take
charge of the work and get the best prices posfsible.
The i'layor reported on his trip to Roseburg and stated the County Court
will come to Reedsport and" tal® up the matter of the ^ity and County aquiring
a gravel pit also in regard to the sale of foreclosed lots in the City
of Reedsport.
Iv2r. Baakey,y State Engineer contact Mayor Dunn in regard to the State
installing two flood lights at the railroad crossing on the State Highway
through Reedsport. The llayor advised the State wished to install these
lights and the ^ity to pay f-or the electricty. Motion was made, seconded,
and carried, instructing the Becorder to write the Stute Highway office ,
the City has no budget for this purpose and would be unable to pay for
the electricity.
The M:-yor stated there should be a clean up week for the City and
after some discussion it wus decided that ^^pril 14th,15th and 17th, be
designated aa the days fr^r the City trucks to be used in hauling all
rubbish which must be piled where the trucks can have access to them.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the ^'^yor appointed Dorrevik,
Morene and Stevens as a committee to contact all organizations and
prope-ty owners and cooperate in giving the City a real clean up»
City Water Cormnissioner Clarke reported the street in front of
the E V/ Stephens and Capt ^Iren residences was in danger as the bank
of tha Schofield river was caving off up to the roadbed. The matter
of preventing this damage was discussed.
The following bills were presented, approved by the finance Committee,
and upon motion mde, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
5Vank L Taylor 22.98
V/est Coast Power Co 114.51
City .Tater ^und 1.99
H 7 Donnerfeerg ' 4.50
S S Smiley 1.84
Vfest Coast Tele 2.35
Lee Service Station 2. ^3
L C "Raynes 3.00
Cily of Reedsport 7.10
Unger Radio Shop 17.45
Bora Swatnen 8.00
D J Hagerty 70.00
S I A C 11.70
Reedsport Firiawen 89.0iD
City Water ^und 48.50
H M MCcabe 74.70
'.V G Benson 30.00
C C Claris 134.70
Sdith Gibbons 20.00
V/alter Kallunki Sr 40.70
V/ C Lowe 89.70
John Earnhardt 15.00
J L Gibbons 115.00
Lila Babbit 17.50
City of ^eedspnrt
Stanley T Cochran
C H Bennett
Port ITmpqua Courier
City Water "Fund .
Standard Oil Co
17,50 Lon Tlottage
12.82 City 'Jater Fund
8,75 Tom Jacobs
25.00 L C Arthur
7.73 V/inchester Bay Lbr Co
9,45 E B Stevens
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned,
Attest: L^yor
The Begular Monthly Council meeting held the 1st day of 1939
in the City Council rooms at 8;00 P. M.
There were present Mayor Bunn presiding, also Councilmen Borrevik,
Kelly, Morene, Johnson, Smiley and Stevens,
The minutes of the last meeting were read and upon motion made,
seconded and carried, were accepted.
The city attorney advised the Maccabees who are half owner of the
City Hall wished to have an agreement drawn up to be signed hjx'i the
City of Reedsport and them. This agreement to be for the management
and operation of the building. Motion was made, seconded and carried,
instructing the Attorney to draw up the agreement and present same to
the Maccabees# Also to advise the Maccabees the ^ity is not now in
a position to accept the offer at the price requested.
An Ordinance providing for the licensing of laundry and dry clean
ing establishments soliciting and delivering within the city and doing
the laundry and dry cleaning outside the city, was introduced and read
for the first tixtAesecond times and laid on the table until the next meet
ing, The ordinance to affix a license of $7.50 per quarter.
Committee reports were given by the Light Committee, stating that
the City tashaving the use of two more street lights than the budget
provides for. The committee was instructed to reduce the number to
comply with the budget.
The Committee on housing advised they had checked up on cabins
on Winchester Ave. and found there were several residences in the same
condition as the cabins and the beleive it not advisable to take any
action at this time.
Upon request of the Planning Commission the Recorder was instructed
to write the league of Oregon Cities, asking the services of F. A.
Cuthbert of the University of C^egon Faculty to assist the Council and
Commission with the zoning of the City. The Council gateda vote of
thanks to the Commission for the maps and plans they have worked out
for the zoning.
A contract for Fuel Oil for furnace from D J Hagerty was presented,
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Recorder was instructed
to signs the contract.
The Recorder was instructed t© advise the Secretary of State
that the city would co-operate in traffic safetjrj'can^aign.
The City Treasurer advised the Council that the Annual water
bond payment would be due the Ist of June, also the semi annual
Interest. Motion Was made, seconded and carried, instructing the
treasurer to pay the bonds and interest when due.
The treasurer also advised It would be necessary to transfer
money from the General ^und to the Water fund to take care of Bond
and Interest payments The Council instructed tfe'transfer the necessary
A petition signed by property owners on Winchester Ave. between
twelth and 15th streets request a vacation of a 10 ft slrrip along the
south edge of Winchester Ave* was read* The matter was referred to
the street committee and to report back to the Council at the next
regular meeting*
The Following bills were presented, approved by the Finance
Cemmitteo» and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered
state Ind* -^ccid* Com* 13.22 Reedsport Garage 19.45
Reedsport Firemen 33*00 West Coast Pwr C© 113.40
West Coast Tele Co 3.13 H M McCabe 2.54
Umpqua Building & Sup Co 20*00 Rainbow Cafe 2.40
H M McCabd 74*70 Kelly Service 18.76
John Bemhardt 15*00 City of Reedsport 35 .00
Edith Gibbons 10.00 Standard Service 3.45
W G Benson 30.00 Reedsport Auto Par^, 12.42
Walter Kallunki 49.70 Fir Grove Auto Caiiq;> 4.53
Ula Babbitt 17.50 Standard Oil Co 3.24
J L Gibbons 115.00 Shell Oil C© 6.60
C C Clarice 134*70 Tom Jacobs ' 5*00
W C Lowe 09.70 S S Smiley 1*38
W A Cochran 1*40 C H Bennett 11.40
L C Arthur 50*98 Frank L Taylor 98*79
City of Reedsport 7.10 D J" Hagerty 70.00
Fred Yoder 12.00 Cora Swatman 8*00
Winchester Bay Lbr C© 8.60 City Water Fund 97.43
Oregon Culvert fic* Pipe Co 327.66 H T Lewis 50*00
Paul Bemhardt 75*34 Union Oil C© 9*35
• $1671*87
There being no further business, tbfe meeting was adjoitmed,
Minutes ef the regular mentlily meeting held this 5tk, day ef
June, 1939, in the City Hall at B:00 P M.
There* were present Mayor Bunn presiding, also Councilmen
Borreyik, Morene, Kelly, Johnson, Smiley and Sterens*
Mlnntea of. tke:;.last regular meeting were read and upon metien
made, seconded and carried, were approred as read.
City Attorney Benson reperted on the trip made by the Mayor
and himself, interriewing the State Highway commission in regard to
Highway Ne 38 within the city limits. The matter of moring hack the
City Hall and the Edwards theatre was discussed with the Ccnmniesion and
it was finally decided to make the Highway along 1- Street 58 ft wide
for three hlecks* This can he done by taking tw© feet off the curb
on the north side. In case at any time the City Hall or Edwards Theatre
should bum or for* any renson the buildings would hare to be re-built
the buildings would he mored hack ths desired ten feet, and ten feet of
the alley would be allowed the property owners. State Highway efficials
will he in Beedspnrt June 1939 at 10:00 A. M. to hold hearing in
regard te change in the hi^way route threU^ the city.
City Water C^nmiissioner Cl«tke asked that a yalye goyerning the
water pressure he purchased. Mr. Clarke adrised that the pressure ranged
from 30 lbs in the daytime to more than 70 lbs in the night. This causes
a strain on the water line. With use of the ralve it will keep the pressure
around 50 te 55 lbs at all times. Upon motion made, seconded ani carried,
Commissioner clarke was authorized te purchase the ralve.
H C Darby, Tax Collector appeared before the Council and asked
that the city and County agree on what they considered fair and equitable
prices for tax-revert lets, so they will compare with prices on private
owned lots. He recommended that a price range of frem $80.00 to 5l75»00
per lot depending on lo«ation of the lot. The matter of furnishing a
a merchantable title was als* discussed. A Quit claim deed from the former
owner in a good many cases can be obtained which will give the pmrchaser
a good tille. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Council approved
the plan as outlined by Mr. Darby.
The question of the Fire Department using the Fire apparatus
outside the city limits was discuss, and upon motion mado,seconded and carried,
the Fire Department was instructed that no city equipment cna he taken
er used outside the City Limits unless there is a fire district fermed and
money in the Treasure to pay for calls and use of Qqui;paent» with the
exception of the CCC Camp at the edge of the City limits.
The etition stgned by property owners along Winchester Ave.
asking that 10 ft of Winchester Ave he vacated was brought up for further
discussion. 7h6xCouncil: id general'aid; notofeel t^at this street should
he made w-any diffemnt lines and upon motion made, sadoiiddd and carried,
would not approve the vacation ef this portion of the street.
Ordinance No 877 An Ordinance to regulate and license solicitors
and agetts ^or laundries and dry-cleaninf located outside'^^ftthe corporate
limits of the City of Reedsport was read for the third time. Ordinance
No 277 was then put upon its final passage and adopted by the following
vote Aye 4 Nay 2 . It was then approved by the Mayor.
The City Treasurer advised there was $291.62 in the B§nd Sinking
Fund which could be used to pay on outstanding warrant No 1110, Motion
was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the Treasurer to pay this
amount to retire a portion of this warrant.
The City Treasurer also advised that there were enough funds
available in the General fund to pay $500.00 on Warrant No 903 which is
outstanding. This warrant was given in payment on Chevrolet Fire Truck.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, authorizing the Treasurer to pay
this amount on Warrant No 908.
The following ¥ill8 wore presented, approYod by the Finance
Committeo and upon motion made, .seconded and carried, were ordered paid*
West Coast ^wr Co 112.65 L C Arthur 38.16
Reedsport Garage 44.68 Frank Taylor 45.79
City Water Fund 23.25 S I A C 12.36
West Coast Tele Co 3.00 W G Benson 7.85
Sol PaTidson 1.00 First National Bk Gardiner 54.45
W C Lowe 89.70 Feedsport Firemen 79.00
C C Clarke 134.70 H C Iv^cCrea 50.75
J L Gibbms 115.00 Oregon Pipe & Culv Co 326.54
Walter Kallunki Sr 49,70 E G Dunn 8.00
H M McCabe 74.70 Un^qua Bldg. & Sup C« 12.98
John Bemhardt 15,00 S F Anderson 4.00
Edith Gibbons 20.00 City of Reedspirt 7.10
Lila Babbitt 17.50 Collins Brothers 335.00
W G Benson 30.00 D J Hagerty 35.00
Sterens Grocery 1.49 Cora Swatnian 8.00
S S Smiley 42.40 Umpqua NaT Co 127.80
Umpqua Nay Co 24.75 Fir Grove Auto C^p 1.58
Reodsport Auto Park 2.25 Lee Super Seryice Sta. 8.37
Tom Jacobs 4.63 Kelly Service Sta. 4.06
Pens Auto Serrice 2.10 City V/ater Fund Labor 49.60
City of Reedsport 35.00 Joe Finley 14.90
C H Bennett 14.39 Port ISnptjua Courier 17.50
Paul Bemhardt - U.69 Paul Bemhardt 20.46
Nat'l Tank !c Pipe Ce 162.50 $2301.27
Tkere being no further businesa, tbe meeting was adjourned*
Minutes of the regular July Council meeting held this Idth day of
July, 1939, in the City Hall at 0:00 P M.
There were present i^or Dunn presiding, also Councilujen, KSlly,
Morene, Smiley and Stevens, absent Councilmen Borrevik and Johnson.
Mayor Dunn reported that the Power Grader was being shipped by
Mr l*rank ^^ernan and same would be demonstrated about 1:30 P Mon
Tuesday July llth» ?,!r Kernan offered to sell the Grader for $800,00
Cash and take the City tractor as balance of payment for the grader*
Comirissioner 01arke advised the Council that it will cost
approximately $ .40 per Hnaa't foot for cement walk built by the VfPA'
At the present time there is about 100 ft, of walk laid ,
By motion made, seconded and cariied, tbs Commissioner and the
Street Conmiittee was instructed to inspeat all sidewalks in the city
and notify the owners to repair any that are in need of repair.
All walka that are in a dangerous condition the property owner
notified to replace with a new walk, if this is not doM the
Street Committee is authorized to blose the walk for public use or
up the old walk. Letters are to be sent the property owners
advising of this orders, the letters to be registered.
CounciLnan Starens brought up the matter of the Uinpqua Mill
property being turned over to Douglas County. He stated he thought
it would be advisable to contact the County ^ourt in regard to the
County holding the property for Industrial purposes and not for
speculation. Upon motion made, seconded add carried, tl^ Mayor
appointed Dr. Morene and Mr. Stevens as a committee to contact
the County Court. This cnmrrittee was also instructed to ask the
Court to appoint one of the doctors of Reedsport as Assistnlit
County Doctor for this end of the County, as there are a great
many cases where it is Impossible to get the County Doctor.
The zoning ordiaanee was discussed by the Council. The Ordinance
as proposed will divide the city into four districts, industrial,
business and first and second class residential, this does not reg
ulate the cost of buildings but regulates the use of buildings in the
different districts. Public hearings will be held on the proposed
ordinance before its passage.
The lots back of the City hall was ordered filled and seeded
to lawn.
The Following bills were presented, approved by the Finance
committee and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were oMerdd
City Water Fund 06.76 Umpqua Nav Co 476.60
Reeds p-rt Garage 10.79 L C Arthur 36.16
P:ju1 Bernhardt 67,e7n Oregon Culvert & Pipe Co 325.41
Iftnpqua Bldg. & Sup Co 10.00 Fai'iiers Auto Ins Co 17.60
Bancroft Whitney Co 15.00 S I A C 12.04
Reedsport Firemen 36.00 Stanley V Cochran 3.45
Lee Super Service 16.01 Harold T lewis 15.00
C H Bennett 4.50 V/alter Kallunki Sr 49.70
Tom Jacobs 25.12 T.'allace Benson 30.00
Standard Service 6.53 Edith Gibbons 20.00
S S Smilyy 2.25 Lila Babbitt 17.50
Cora Swatman 0.00 John Bernhardt 15.00
City of Reedsport 7.10 y/ C Lowe 89,70
D J Hagerty 35.00 C C 01arke 134.70
City Water Fund 17.00 J L Gibbons 115.00
City of Reedsport 17.50 Kelly Service 12.06
HM McCabe 74 .70 H U McCabe 3.74
Roy Agee County Clerk 1.00 E G Dunn 21.05
Koke Chapnan 1.37 West Coast T^le Co 4.60
Frank Taylor 26.25 West Coast Pwr Co 11J?.26
Ther being no further business, the meeti/g was^dj'^umed
r Recorder.
Minutes of the regular monthly Council Meeting held this 7th day of
August, 1939 at 8;00 P. M. in the -City Hall.
There were present Acting ^'^yor S» Stevens, Councilmen Borrevik, Johnson,
Kelly, Morene and Smiley, absent ^yor IXinn. ... . .
The matter of allov?ing property owners to purchase gravel frrm the city
tn build private walks was discussed, and upon moti'^n nsde, seconded and carried,
the Conunissioner was instructed n^t to sSll any-gravel.
I.Ir John Diehl appeared before the Council asking f'^r permission to plat
the acreage up'^n v?hich the lbs 'Jarrcn ^eed dwelling stands. "UpQn m'^ti'^n made,
seconded and carried, the request was granted.
Upon Eioti'^n, ssc^ndcd and ciirried, the psimit of ^^rs Harriet Edwards
to remodel residence and build garage, was granted.
Mr. Pens'^n Secretary'' "f the Planning Cocmissi'^n asked the Or-uncil to set
dates for hearing on the Zoning Ordinance. Upon motion made, seconded and
, carried, the 16th and IBth of ^>-ugust were the dates set and tjie planning
commission ordered tn teport back within 30 days.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the Street ^oiimiittee
to inspect sidewalks in the city, and to report to the City Recorder any walks
in bad condition. The recorder then to advise all owners whose walks are un
safe, to repair or Irebuild same.
Upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Comiaissioner was instructed to
purchase cedar lumber and repair water line trestle between the City limits and
tunnel No 2.
Motion was made, aecnnded and carried, instructing the Treasurer to transp
fer '1^300.00 from the water fund to the general fund if necessary to pay bills.
The Water Commissioner advised the Coast Fisheries hade not paid their
July water rent. Motion was u^de, seconded and carried, instructing the
Coiriinissioner to shut the water off If the bill is not paid by the 15th, of
The following bills were presented, approved by the Finance Conmiittee,
and upon motion made, seconded and carried, were ordered paid.
S I A C IS .14 Paul Bernhardt 164.18
i?ity Water Fund{Labor) 58.39 Reedsport Firemen 24.00
Umpqx^ Bldg & -^up 10.00 John Bernhardt 15.00
Dr E Morene 8.00 Lila Babbitt 17.50
H M LicCabe (Tele)* .1.26 iV G Benson 30.00
E B Stevens 1.96 Sdith Gibbons 20.00
West Coast Pwr Co • 109.58 C C Clarke 134.70
City of Reedsport • 7.10 vV C Lowe 89.70
Cora Swatman 8.00 H 11 McCabe 74.70
L C Arthur 21.92 •/alter Kallunki 49.70
Shell Oil Co 7.80 J L Gibbons 115.00
Joe Finley 1.13 Lee Super Service 6.64
Reedsport Auto Park 4.51 C H Bennett 3.00
Reedsport (Jarage ' 1.63 Frank Taylor 5.11
City Water Fund 11.65 City of Reedsport . 35.00
W A Cochran 2.00 Oregon Culvert fic Pipe Co 324.28
Bancroft .Vhitney Co 15.00 li I;I ^elly 18.73
Harbord-Roge rs 7.50 $1396/81
There being ao further business, the meeting was adjourned
Attest: Mayor
Pursuant, t* ©rder •f the City Ctwncll and n«tice regularly giTon, meeting
®f the 1940 Budget Cwnmittee was held in the City Hall, Reedsp»rt, reren,
Wsdoesday Sej^temher 6th, 1939, at 8:00 P* M*
The fallowing appear#* as budget memhera. Mayor Dunn, Dr, Ed Merene,
M. M. Kelly, S. S. Smiley, E. B. Steyens, Berg Borrerih, C5us F lehaien,
W. A. LsTelace, C. H, Bennett, Rey Cairns, Wm Uayd and Nelean He^an, Absent
Cammitteeman V, W. C#llTer. Auditar W. H. Wann, fiity Attorney, W, G. Bensen,
City Treasurer Ula Bahbitt, City Recorder J. L. Gibbans and Csmmisslsner
C. 0, Clarke were alsa present.
The Budget Cemmittee preceeded at ©nee ta arganlze, and up®n matlen
made, secended and carried, Roy Cairns was unanimously elected Chainnan and
W. A. liSTelace elected Secretary of the meeting*
Due Cansideration was giTen reports which had been sent previously
ta all members of the committee by ths City Recerder, showing in detail,
expenditures and receipts for the years 1936,1937,1938 and first half of
year 1939 and the Budget for 1939*
Items were coniidered separately as they appeared on the Budget data
sheets. After considerable discussion concerning individual items, and
instructions and advise of Auditor Wann, a motion was made, seconded and
carried, the Budget Committee prapased the following Budget and transmitted
the same to the tax levying body*
Recorder Sala^ 600*00
Extra Office ^elp 120.00
Treasurer Salary 210*00
Attarney Salary 360*00
Marshal Salary 900.00
Deputy Marshal Salary 600*00
Eire Chief Salary 180.00
Firemen Wage* 500.00
Audit Fee 125.00
Extra Audit Work 50*00
Office Expense 3c Stamps 125.00
Jail Expense 25.00
Fire Department Maintenance 400.00
Street Lighting 1250*00
Printing &• Advertising 50*00
Roads and Streets Commissioner Salary 420*00
Roads and Streets Extra ^Ip 500*00
Raads and Streets and Sewera-Maintenance af Equipaaent 1500*00
Raada and Streets Equipment 500*00
Rentals 210*00
Telephone & Telegraph 80*00
Dues & Subserlptions 30*00
Elections 50,00
Library 300*00
Bonds & Insurance 200*00
Redemption of prior warrants and Interest 1100*00
Refunding Bonds, Principal 8000*00
Refunding Bonds Interest 110*00
Bancroft Bonds 3000*00
Water Bonds, Princlpa}. 7000.00
Water Bonds, Interest 4500.00
Emergency Fund 1520*00
Bstimate taxes f*r Hsads & Struts
Fines & Lleenses
Water Department Transfers
Franchis Tax
Inresticatien Liquer Licenses and Rerenus
City Hall Building Fund
Preperty Salss
T7p«n metien made, seconded and carried the City Council set the dates
•f September 8th, and ISth, I939y?if«lr.^the publication of the Budget,
the same to ho published in the Port Uiq>qua Courier, Reedsport, Oregon.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned*
U Recorder.
Minutes of the regular nonthly meeting of the City (^ouncll,2B9ld
this 11th, Aay of September, 1939, at 8:00 P« M« in the City Hall.
There were present Mayor Dunn presiding, also Councllmen Borrerlk,
Iforene, Johnson, Kelly, Steyens and Similey*
)ifr* Benson appeared before the Council adrislng the Zoning Ordinance
drawn up by the Planning Commission was not ready to be submitted at this
ti^ as the same had been sent Bir» Cuthbert for his Inspection and he had
not passed on the same as yet* Mr* Benson asked that the Council extend
the time for this ordinance's presentation to the Council# Upon motion made,
seconded aAd carried, the time was extended to October 2nd, 1939.
Mr» Kelly adrised the Council that Pal Harrison had made a bid for
moTing the Siren from the Garage to the Pole back of the Fire hall, also to
furnish all wire and conduit necessary* Mr* Harrisons bid was ^30*00*
after some discussion Hbtion was made, seconded and carried, accepting the
bid of Mr. Harrison*
The matter of Float houses being serviced with water was brought
up by the Water Boardwa.1.®her present distribution is not satslfactory as
there is just one opening on each side of the Schofield bridge* There are
several float houses serviced from one connection# Some of the water users
apy their rent promptly and otherssare delinquent and with the present
system it is impossible to shut off the delinquent water users without
shutting the full systan off* A motion was made, seconded and carried,
ordering the Water Comnlss loner to ley 1 inch mains along the dike iOO ft
on either side of the Schofield bridge and install service connections tor
each float house. The charge for water rent to be the regular base rate of
#2*00 per month for each user.
Mr* Borrevik advised tl» Unlnn High School No 11 wishes to
purchase lots 7 and 8 in Block 89, Amended plat of Railroad Additida^
of Reedsport, ^regon* After some discussion the motion was made, seconded
qand carried, setting a price of $7*50 per lot and the City Attorney instructed
to amke out deed to be executed by the Mayor and Recorder.
^r. Stevens advised the Council the Chamber of Conmerce had discussed
the parking problem to some extent at their last regular meeting* and
wished him to bring the matter up beforS the Council* It was discussed
quite thorou^ly but no definite decision was arrived at, with one exception.
Motion was made seconded and carried, instructing the Commissioner to mark
off 20 ft* with yellow paint on the curfe and No parking sign in front of
the stairway entrance of the L Street building. This space to be kept
available for entrance to Doctors offices.
Motion was made, seconded and cartie^, Instructing the Recorder
to transfer from tho following budget funds, Jail Expense, #50.00, Street
Equipment #175.00, Bonds &Insurance #75.00 and Emergency Fund #200.00
making a total of #500.00* These amounts to be transfered into the Street
k Sewer %lntenance Budget Fund*
The Mayor brought up for discussion the advisability of the City
purchasing a suction pump to assist in repairing water line. A groat imny
times it takes from 4 to 5 men balling water from excavations while repairing
water lines. This is a slow proceedure. The matter of purchasing a pump
was referred to the Water Committee.
V. -
The following bills were presented^ approred by the Finance
Committee, and upon motion made, seconded and carried were ordered paid*
®C Clearke 134.70 West Coat Pwr Co 108.60
W C lowe 09.70 W G Benson 2*90
Edith Gibbons 20.00 Itoipqua Bldg & Sup Co 10.00
1 U ^Cabe 74.70 B C McCrea 16.76
Walter Kallunki Sr 49.70 Standard Oil Co .77
l41a Babbitt 17.50 Port Umpqua Courier 3.95
W G Benson 30.00 Burroughs Adding Mach Co 5.00
J L Gibbons 115.00 West Coast Tele Co 5.65
John Bernhardt 15*00 W K Wann 23.60
W A. Burdiek 19.65 Peedsport Firemen 24.00
Umpqua Bldg &: Sup Co 77.50 City of Peedsport 7.10
Cora Swatman e.oo B J Hagerty 35*00
Arthur Serr* 3ta 6 16 Finley Serr* Sta 4.96
Uinpqaa Bldg & Sup Co 15.75 IfSe Ser7ice Sta* 4.28
Winchester Bay Store 2.10 A C 12.08
City of Peedsport 35.00 City Water Fund 12.25
Frank Taylor 10.8C MM%lly 8.09
Peedsport Garage 26.31 regnn CulTort & Pipe Co 323.16
Paul Bernhardt 65.47 Zidell-Steinberg 20*00
City Water Fund 33.40 C H Bennett 2.75
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned*
Attest: Mayor
Minutes of the regular monthly Council meeting held this 2nd, day of
Potober, 1939 at SrOO P. M. in the City Hall»
There were present Mayor Dunn presiding also Councllnen Belly, Morene,
Johnson, Smiley, and Stevens, absent Councilman Borrevik*
Mr» Benson, secretary of the ^B&&|ng Commlssion^submltted 9 2Sonlng
Ordinance to the Council. The MaySr appointed a committee consisting of
Councilmen, Smiley, Kelly, Morene and Stevens to check the ordinance care
fully, also to contact residents of various zones and report back to the
Council prior to October 28th, at which time a public hearing will be held
by the Council in regard to adopting the ordinance# Public notice of the
proposed hearing was authorized to be published in the local newspaper*
A representAt Ive of the Zldell-Steinberg Comapany appeared before the
Council with an offer to sell the City pipe, valves and fittings now located >
on the Old Umpqua Mill property, the amount being $1000»00# The council
advised they would consider the offer and make the firm an offer within two
weeks« I
Mr» Chas W» Thacker recent purchaser of the Silver Moon Pool Hall
building applied for approval of a beer hall license* The requeest was
tentatively approved subject to investigation of consisting of ^lly,
Morene and Stevens*
The Request of Mb?* H» £• Campbell for permission to move his beer hall
frcm the S6&da Andecson building on 14th street to the Franklin building on
Rainbow Plaza, was laid on the table*
Police Chief H MMcCabe was granted a leave of absence to attend the
FBI School to be held at Eugene*
Upon motion made, seconded and carried the Mayor and Recorder were
authorized to signs a petition on behalf of the City for a vacation of
a portion of alley in Block 82 of Railroad Addition. The petition was
presented to the Council and upon motion made, seconded and carried,
publication of a notice of hearing of the vacation was authorized> the
hearing to be held on October 28th.
The City Recorder was instructed to write the County Budget Committee,
requesting that sufficient funds be allocated in the County Budget to
provide assistance to the State Tax Commission for revaluation for assessment
and taxation fturposes of Reedsport, Winchester Bayx**^ Scottsburg and
Gardiner which are the four western Douglas most needing this
service. Also request the County Court to permit the demolishing of
old residence on lot 1 Block 47, Railroad Addition* This property is
now owaad by the County through tax foreclosure.
The matter of purchasAAg a suction pump for use by the Water Commissioner,
when repairing water mains, was discussed. The matter was then referred to
the Water Ccmmittee*
The Recorder was instructed to write Grant McClellan of Myrtle Point,
Oregon, asking permission to demolish building on Lot 1 Block 49, Railroad ^
Addition, as this building is a serious fire hazard.
The Commissioner was instructed to secure electrical service in the |
110* being used as a warehouse and shop for machinery and equipment*
In accordance with published notice, hearing was held on the proposed
1940 Budget. There being no objections frcm Tax Payers, upon motion made
seconded and carried, the proposed budget was adopted.
Thereupon Ordinance No 279, An Ordinance Levying a tax upon all
property situate within the City of Reedsport, for all purposes, for the
year 1940, in the sum of # 14,765»00» was submitted and read for the first
time. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the
second reading, and read for the second time by title only* Upon motion
regularly made, seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the thir^
reading and read for the third time* Ordinance No 279 was then ordered
put upon its final passage and was adapted by the following Tote: aye 5
Nay 0 » ^t was then approved by the Mayor#
The following bills wer presented, approved by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion made. seconded and carried, were ordered paid<
West Coast ^owier Co 109.30 E B Stevens 3.00
Douglas Credit Bureau 1S*00 Post ttnpqua Courier 26.10
E G Dunn 8.00 City ®ater Fund ° 2*00
W C Lowe 89.70 MM''elly 6.36
Lila Babbitt 17*50 City of Reedsport 35.00
7 L Gibbons 115.00 City Water Fund 0*25
W G Benson 30.00 Umpqua Drug Co 2.05
C C Clarke 134*70 City of Reedsport 7*10
H M McCabe 74.70 Reedsport Auto Park 1*80
Bdith Gibbons 20.00 Lee Service Station 6.54
Walter Kallunki 49.70 Frank Taylor 12.50
Oregon Culvert Co 322.04 S I A C 14.60
Truck Insurance Exch 19.74 Reedsport Firemen 31.00
John Bernhardt 15*00 H CMcCrea 39.73
City Water Fund 30.41 Cora Swatman 8.00
There being no more business at this time, the iSeetlng was continued
until October 20th, 1939, at 8:00 P M*
The Continued regular Council meeting was held this day of
October, 1939, in the City Hall at 8:00 P. M.
There were present Mayor Dunn presiding, also Oouncilmen Borrevik,
Johnson, Morene, Smiley and Stevens, absent Councilman Kelly*
The Recroder Asked that & price be set on the portions of lot
11-12-13 and 14 in Block 5 as a party advised they might purchase the
property. Upon motion made, secended and carried, a price of llOO.OO
was set upon this property.
, The State Highway sent a deed for a small plot of ground fronting
State Highway on lot 10, in block 75 of the amended plat of Railroad
Addition, City of Reedsport for the City council to sign* Upon motion
made, seconded and cartled, the Mayor and City Recorder were authorized
to execute the deed.
Two hearings were held by the City Council, The first hearing
was in connection with a proposed vacation of a portion of the alley in
Block 82, amended plat of Railroad Addition; there being no objections
made or filed, the City attorney was Instructed to prepare and ordinance
to be submitted for adoption at the next regular meeting* The other
hearing was in connection with the proposed adoption of a zoning ordinance.
A petition was filed with the Recorder protesting the inclusion of a
portion of the city lying South of Winchester Avenue being as a first
class residential district* After some discussion the council felt
there might be some misunderstanding of the ordinance and upon motion
made, secondsd and carried, the Recorder was instructed to write the
persons signing the petition, asking them to meet with the Council
for further discussion of the matter. This meeting to be held at 7iOO
P. M. November 6th, in the City Hall. In the meantime the ordinance
WQS laid on the table and no action will be taken on the ordinance until
the next regular meeting in November*
Tt.o resolutions submitted by tbe State Highway Commission were
introduced and adopted, relative to street grade and traffic regulations
in connection with the proposed improVenfent by the State of L street
between twelfth and Fifteenth streets* The State advised the contract
for this improveinent will be let November 8nd, 1939»
Biayor Dunn advised that Mr, Chas Thacker had withdrawn his application
for beer license with the State and upon motion made, seconded and carried,
the Recorder was instructed to return the Fee of #5.00 paid by ^r." Thacker
for investigation of the license*
The City attorney advised there would have to be a trs^cing map made
of the portion of alley in Block 02, which is being vacated* Motion was
made, seconded and carried authorizing the City Attorney to have this
map made*
There being no further business, tliB meting was adjourned*
Attest; ; l Mayor
WHEREAS, the City of Reedeport has been requested to execute and
deliver to the State of Oregon, for highway purposes, a certain tract
or parcel of land, containing approximately 40 square feet, lying
in lot 10 Block 75 of the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to the
City of Reedeport, Douglas County, Oregon,
AND WHIREAS, the execution and deliveiry of said deed, for nominal
consideration, will be to the advantage of said City, in connection
with the proposed impTOvement of L street within said City,
Mayor and Recorder of said City be and liiey are hereby authorized to
execute and deliver said above described deed to the State of Oregon
in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLIAR.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Reedsport this 28th day
of October, 1939, by the following vote: Aye 5, Nay ()•

Minutes of the regulir monthly Council meeting, held this 6th, day
of No^mber, 1939, in the City Hall at 8:00 P. M»
There were present Acting i^ayor E. Stevens, Coimcilmen Borrevik,
Johnson, Morene, ^lly, and Smiley» Absent ^^yor Dunn*
The Council met at 7:00 P Mwith citizens to discuss the zoning
ordinance* The Ordinance was read by sections and discussed with the
citizens and the Council advised there would be no action taken on tho
ordinance until further meetings and discussion o
A letter ^omrthe Gomihferce^Moctgage^fksapan^^FLwaBcceadrtQ thecQouncil*
The letter stated the Mortgage Compai^ was willing to accept the Council's
offer of #5500.00 for the B&iccaboes half interest in the City Hall Building.
This to be paid at f60»00 per month at 5 per cent interest, no down payment*.
After Some discussion motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing
the Recorder to v.-rit'i thf? Oormerce Mortgage Company asking thej draw up
a contract and sehdiit totthe Council for execution*
An Ordinance vacating the northerly ten "feet of the alley in Block 02,
of the Amended plat of Railroad Addition to the City of Reedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon, was submitted to the Council -and upon motion made, seconded
and carried. Ordinance No 280 was read for the first time. Upon motion made |
seconded and carried, it was ordered passed to the second reading by title -
only and read for the second tlFie* Upon motion regularly made, seconded and
carried, it was ordered passed totthetthir^dtjpteding and read for the third •
time by title only* Ordinance No 280 was then ordered put upon its final
passage and was adopted by the following voter Aye 5 Nay 0 *
It was then approved by the Mayor*
Resolution No 5 was preeented and read:
WHHIREA.8, the City of' Reedsport has been revested to execute and deliver
to the State of for highway purposes, a certain tract or parcel of tc
land, containing approximately 40 square feet, lying in Lot 10 Block 75
of the Amended Plat of Railroad Addition to the City of Reedsport, Douglas
County, Oregon.
AND WHEREAS, the execution and delivery of said deed, for nominal consideration
will be to the advantage of said City, in connection with the proposed
improvemtat of L Street within said City,
and Recorder of said City be and they are hereby authorized to execute and
deliver said above described deed to the State of Oregon in Consideration
of the sum of One Dollar*
Adopted by the Gity Council of the City of Reedsport this 20th, day of
October, 1939, by the following vote Aye 9 Nay 0 *
E G Dunn
Attest: Mayor
J L Gibbons
The City Attorney advised the State Highway Commission wished the
city to pass an ordinance regulating parking on L street between 12th,
and 15th, streets* The Attorney advised the Council the city already
hba and ordinance to cover this and that he would advise the Highway
Commisi^lon of the existing ordinance*
The City Treasure advised the Council that interest on the Water
Bonds will be due December let, 1939 and upon motion made, seconded and
carried, the Treasure was instructed to pay the Water Bond Coupons when
The Following bills were presented, approved by the Finance ^ominittee,
and upon motion made, seconded and carriid, were ordered paid.
Port Umpqua Courier, 10.00 U1& Babbitt 1.50
H M McCabe 4.99 W P Harrison 30.00
Harry Tatrr 8*99 Umpqa Bldg. ^-p Co 20»00
Allen Sauer 6.97 Reedsport Fire Dept 22.00
A R Burling 2.99 W G Benson 30.00
West Coast Tele Co 1.70 John Bemhardt 15.00
Shell Oil Co 6.60 Edith Gibbons 20.00
Lee Service Station 9.87 Lila Babbitt 17.50
Edith Gibbons 23.00 C C Clarke 134.70
Riggs Service Station 4.55 ff C Lowe 89.70
J B Finley 1.02 H M McCabe , 74.70
Reedsport Garage 49.50 Walter KallunB 49.70
H T lewis 5.00 J L Gibbons 115.00
L 0 Arthur 23 .96 West Coast Pwr Co 110.98
S F Anderson 18.00 City of Reedsport 7.10
ifora Swatman 8.00 D J Hagerty 70.00
S I A C 12.97 Frank Taylor 5.05
Reedspdrt ^ach & B Wks 28.93 Kelly Service 28.68
City of Reedsport 35.00 S S Smiley 354.46
Paul Bemhardt 51.00 City Water Fund 24.93
E G Dunn 15.19 Oregon Culvert & Pipe Co 320.91
Umpqua Drug Co 3.25 $1867.39
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned,
Attest: Mayor
Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the City Council of the City of
Reedsport, ^veson, held this 4th, day of Decanber, 1939 in the city hall at
8:00 P. M.
There were present, Mayor Dunn presiding, also Councilmen, Borrevik,
Morene, Kelly, Johnson, Smiley and Stevens.
The minutes of the previous meeting was read and approved by motion made,
seconded and carried.
i^r. John Diehl appeared before the council adivisi-ng the Council there
are taxes against lot 12 in Block 59, amended plat of Railroad Addition, which
he had purchased from the City, Mr . asked that part of the money he gave
for the lot be refunded as he would have to pay the bounty the back taxes.
Mr. Diehl had paid the city |t50»00 for the lot. After some discussion the
Council made a motion which was seconded, and carried, to refund $40.00 of
the purchase price to Mr. Diehl.
Mr. MWThompson appeared before the Council asking that the portion
of the alley in block 92, Amended Plat of Railroad Addition be vaciited, the
rest of the alley has been used for Highway tnirposes. A motion was made,
seconded and carried, instructing the City Attorney to draw up an ordinance,
also have the publication of the vacation printed and present the ordinance
at the next regular meeting which will be held January 0th, 1940. The hearing
on the vacation will be held on this date.
Mr. E C Rowe appeared before the Council, advising that he and Mr. Waggoner
had purchased the Silver Moon Pool Hall and they had sent for their application
for beer license. Mr. Rowe asked the Council to approve the application at this
time. Motion was imde, seconded and carried, instructing the Recorder to sign
the application when presented by Mr. Rowe.
The City Attorney infonned the Council that it will be necessary to take
addition insurance on the City Hall Building as the Conanerce Mortgage Coii5>any,
fidced that $5500.00 of insurance be carried to cover the City's indebtedness
with them. The lifijirance Company advised they would carry #10,000.00 Insurance
on the Building. Motion wqs made, seconded and carried, instructing the City
Attorney to have two policies made, one for $5500.00 Qnd one for $4500.00.
The Mayor advised the Council is .^660.59 in the Bancroft Bond
sinking fund thnd the City has been unableMto getdany bonds for sometime.
This money could be borrowed and used to pay off 4hportion of the Fire Truck
warrant being carried at the bank. This would assist in cutting down the
aaoount of Interest on this warrant and be a saving to the city. Motion wqs
made, seconded and carried, instructing the City Treasure to draw an this
account and pay off part of the principle of the warrant.
The City Treasurer advised the Council that on the 15th, of December
$2000.00 principle and $110.00 Interest on the General Refunding bonds will
be due and it would be necessary to authorize payment of Same at this time.
Motion was made, seconded and carried, instructing the City Treasurer to
pay these bonds and interest when due.
The City Recorder advised the Council there were several options taken
on property and would like to know how long an option the Council would care
to give on any parcels of land. Motion was made,seconfldd and carried, instruct
ing the Recorder that 1 year option would be the length of time given on these.
• The following beer and wine applications for licenses were presented to
the Council, W. R. Buck, beer license, Ward Powell, Beer and wine license,
T. B. Johnson, Beer and wine license, Stanley Cochran, beer license, Safeway
Store Wine license, Reedsport Auto Park, Beer license. Fir Grove Auto Park,
beer license. Upon motion made, seconded and carried, all of the applications
were approved#
The City Attorney adrisedi that l&syHarrlet.jSdw^rds'wlahedsaridee^ tocdjhded
po^tion.^of i^lley;.in.Block;0S adjacent->to3jietoproper!fcy»a Q^d motion mad",
seconded and carried, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up a de«d,r'::'
which will deed a strip of land 10 feet in width adjacent to lots 3-4 and 5
in Block 8£ being the vacated portion of alley in said block to Harriet Edwards*
The matter of suits to quiet title to all property now owned by the City
and all property formerly owned by the City was discussed. The City attorney
iras instructed to get all necessary data at once in regard to this matter^
and start suits at once.
The Following bills were presented, approved by the Finance Committee,
and upon motion made, sedonded and carried, were ordered paid.
Heedsport Firemen 4fi.C0 West Coast Tele Co 3.10
H M McCabe 1.26 Tfeipqua Gilding ^o 10.00
Chappell & Young 7.65 S S .^rdiey 2.93
lee Super Service 15.17 Reedsport Auto Park 2.25
Heedsport Garage 23.55 Kelly Service 10.08
Penns Auto Service 1.35 L C Arthur 7.44
Standard Service 1.13 W C Lowe 89.70
West Coast Fwr Co 111.87 W G Benson 30.00
Frank Taylor 16.02 Lila Babbitt 17.50
City Water Fund 11.96 Walter Kallunki 49.70
Cora Swatman' 8.00 J L Gibbms 115.00
D J Hagerty 70.00 C C Clarke 134.70
City of Reedsport 7.10 Edith Gibbons 20.00
Umpqua Bldg & Sup Co 1.32 John Bernhardt 15.00
Reedsport i^ach & B ffks 50.83 City Water Fund 22.49
City of Reedsport 35.00 S I A C 12.14
City Water Fund .50 Oregon Culvert & Pipe Co 319.79
There being no further business, Motion was made, seconded and
carried, thecdieetin^hwas adjourned*
Attest: Mayor

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